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/tan/ - Board-tans


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File: ac01fec8276fc81⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,365x450,73:90,ac01fec8276fc81a169b8aecb8….jpg)

 No.268 [Open thread]

A tan for monarchists. Presenting Grace-chan.

All Power to Her Grace

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File: c6f8799ae229dd0⋯.png (368.43 KB,900x1000,9:10,graceandaureliafinished.png)

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File: 40e486d9638a1bf⋯.jpg (54.97 KB,406x473,406:473,GracexAurelia.jpg)

File: 7e4be65b1f7906a⋯.jpg (49.03 KB,405x470,81:94,GracexIntegralist_.jpg)

File: 9447cab391b24bb⋯.jpg (47.25 KB,405x470,81:94,GracexErika_.jpg)

File: ef93c44b6203937⋯.jpg (42.52 KB,405x470,81:94,GracexAlunya_.jpg)

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File: f3b73074740ecb9⋯.png (577.82 KB,1300x900,13:9,exerciseofroyalpower.PNG)

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File: d323e51da1a9e38⋯.png (357.64 KB,1536x2048,3:4,monarchy grace 15.png)

File: f56ca0d9b7c8277⋯.png (28.71 KB,245x448,35:64,monarchy grace 16.png)

File: b1d1175773f2df6⋯.png (413.89 KB,1177x1577,1177:1577,monarchy grace 17.png)

File: 4eed11af734199e⋯.png (3.6 MB,1553x2050,1553:2050,monarchy grace 18.png)

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File: ac01fec8276fc81⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,365x450,73:90,ac01fec8276fc81a169b8aecb8….jpg)

File: d1c037c25fba4b4⋯.jpg (45.79 KB,405x470,81:94,GracexErika_.jpg)

Restoring some lost images.

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File: 3a968d6e51f0006⋯.png (140.74 KB,564x649,564:649,texas-tan 1-3.png)

 No.290 [Open thread]

The thread for all Texas-chan material.

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File: bf258c424b56e1e⋯.png (3.45 MB,2464x4320,77:135,texas-tan 3-3.png)

File: f0cc68af5169613⋯.png (721.85 KB,1631x1240,1631:1240,texas-tan 2-2.png)

File: 882b7a5a786dcc9⋯.png (57.19 KB,640x640,1:1,texas-tan 8-2.png)

/texas/-tan, more commonly known as Texas-chan, is an adult female longhorn holstaur (a minotaur subspecies). She has white skin, blue eyes, and long blond hair freely falling in wild locks with some front bangs. Her body is tall and powerful, though not overly visibly muscular. For the most part, Texas-chan looks human, but she has long cow horns sprouting from her head, as well as brown-furred cow ears instead of human ears. She also sports a brown-furred tail with a tuft that is either equally brown, or blond like her head hair. However, unlike regular holstaurs, her legs and feet are completely human, and her colouration lacks the typical Holstein Friesian scheme. Like all other holstaurs, Texas-chan has an ample chest that doesn't seem to cause her any discomfort, but it's unclear whether or not she produces milk. Her outfit can vary, but usually she wears a brown cowboy hat featuring a gold Texas Lone Star on the ribbon, a blue lined jacket (with buttons, but always unbuttoned for obvious reasons) over a red sleeveless top (may just be a red sleeveless shirt that gets pulled up a bit too much), and either blue jeans with a brown belt and yellow buckle, or blue denim shorts, with yellowish brown knee high boots to finish it off.

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File: a17f75f76fa2b58⋯.png (640.94 KB,2262x2035,2262:2035,texas-tan 4.png)

File: c9bdd64e26b6f10⋯.png (307.54 KB,1358x1284,679:642,texas-tan 6.png)

File: 3efb8a199f86c38⋯.png (318.84 KB,1920x1080,16:9,texas-tan & leftypol aluny….png)

From what can be gleamed from the pictures, Texas-chan seems to be a cheerful person with a calm disposition. She's pretty mellow, getting fired up only rarely (like when displaying some home pride) and being slow to anger, though she can display annoyance.

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File: ce5b79e1f9b96e5⋯.png (1.16 MB,3086x3000,1543:1500,ita-tan & texas-tan 1-1.png)

File: 9c508fa668359ab⋯.png (81.89 KB,1401x1237,1401:1237,texas-tan & chupacabra.png)

File: 340bf1635b3040c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1335x1174,1335:1174,texas poli'ahu c347a829c78….png)

Texas-chan will on occasion hang out with other 8chan residents, but does not seem to have any regular acquaintances.

She was created around late May of 2015 by /monster/, as one of three prospective board-tans offered to /texas/ the board. The holstaur design won out quickly, and she has continued to enjoy lowkey but constant support both in- and outside /texas/ ever since.

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File: ef90edd815dabf5⋯.png (219.32 KB,2426x2354,1213:1177,texas-tan 12.png)

File: 27da319eadfcdde⋯.png (635.83 KB,1982x2024,991:1012,texas-tan 7.png)

File: 444962a8e5cb993⋯.png (31.72 KB,1299x1494,433:498,texas-tan 5-3.png)

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File: 55dded0c2dc7a2f⋯.png (1.03 MB,1478x1386,739:693,qu-tan 10.png)

 No.286 [Open thread]

This is the thread for all /quests/-tan discussion.

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File: e5742bb180bc666⋯.png (421.21 KB,900x1300,9:13,qu-tan 2.png)

File: 7c4e5153f6c30be⋯.png (1.66 MB,4500x4500,1:1,qu-tan 5-5.png)

File: 8560d10f12ede92⋯.png (106.07 KB,1000x1000,1:1,qu-tan 8.png)

/quests/-tan, formerly /qu/-tan, is an adult caucasian woman with long freeflowing white hair, a green left eye and a blue right eye. Her skin is pale white at best, and she bears a scar on her left cheek, probably from a weapon's cut. Except for her chest area, he has a lean build. /quests/-tan wears a (partially) buttoned longsleeved white shirt covered by a laced brown leather corset as well as plated armour on her shoulders, upper arms, and elbows. Around her neck she wears a d20 die as a symbol of her faith. She also has a leather belt to hold up her simple pants, and finishes off her outfit with heeled high boots.

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File: 8d9b745c2c87162⋯.png (667.37 KB,1800x2600,9:13,qu-tan 1.png)

File: ca271bc3c282d31⋯.png (149.54 KB,768x1024,3:4,qu-tan 4.png)

File: 0f9af881a936edc⋯.png (272.26 KB,898x944,449:472,qu-tan 6.png)

/quests/-tan is an adventuring paladin who worships the Random Number God, the "incomprehensible Deity of Chaos, Randomness, Dices, Numbers, Gambling, Choices, Questing and Trolling". This makes her alignment Chaotic, a fact that makes her highly unpopular with her fellow paladins. Or it would if she weren't already reviled for another, more important reason: she's undead.

Nobody knows what exactly happened to her in the past, and she will vehemently deny her condition (a meta reference to the board pretending to still be alive) to the point of flying into a violent rage if pressed on the matter. Related to this, she has an equally undying hatred for death and everything even vaguely relating to it, be it graveyards, scythes, hourglasses, or other undead beings of any kind.

Due to her condition, /quests/-tan is at all times slowly decomposing, which is clear to all but she'll blame on health problems, lack of exercise, or similar excuses. As it progresses, her skin will turn from white to grey to a rotten brown, and her hair will become increasingly unkempt, grizzled and decayed. Her left eye also has a nasty habit of falling out of its socket, and rotten limbs may fall off during intensive physical effort (luckily, /quests/-tan's become creepily adept at stitching herself back together - contrary to popular belief all her body parts are her original ones, including her eyes which are a natural case of heterochromia). However, undertaking and clearing quests given to her by the RNG will temporarily halt or even reverse her decay, the effect of which will be equivalent to the difficulty of the quest. Unfortunately, the quests as well as their rewards are completely random, meaning she can't plan when to undertake a hard quest in case of an emergency.

/quests/-tan is a solo adventurer, probably for obvious reasons. She does not appear to hang out with other people.

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File: b3254e27d64c0b9⋯.png (147.86 KB,534x598,267:299,qu-tan 3.png)

File: 075b9d5fbc1e855⋯.png (265.8 KB,1108x996,277:249,qu-tan 7.png)

File: a0a017a9f37786a⋯.png (860.87 KB,2074x3403,2074:3403,qu-tan 9-3.png)

She was created around mid-June 2016 on the board /qu/. Then-BO One-Eyed took the initiative to design her upon themself, and provided everything from her look to her backstory. Following the death of /qu/ and migration to /quests/ the board, /quests/-tan was brought along for the ride to continue serving as their mascot.

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File: e2a4c312b69ae76⋯.png (278.45 KB,975x891,325:297,baph 4-2.png)

 No.234 [Open thread]

Here's the thread for /baph/-tan.

Many of the pictures in this thread are explicit in nature. Viewer discretion is advised. Any future explicit picture submissions should also be spoilered.

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File: cf80c9485cbb32c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,140.56 KB,780x976,195:244,baph & christian.png)

File: 56058848a8f8315⋯.png (127.07 KB,583x407,53:37,baph 1.png)

File: 37c8aa2769ede34⋯.png (Spoiler Image,316.48 KB,556x821,556:821,baph.png)

She may have reinvented herself as an anime girl, but /baph/-tan is very much the Baphomet of occult tradition. Diving headfirst into her longstanding association with the Devil, /baph/-tan demands constant human sacrifices of her followers, which nowadays come in the form of brutal online harassment. As a creature of whim and chaos, she'll gladly rape, kill, or attempt to corrupt people as she likes, making her probably the most dangerous board-tan to interact with.

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File: ea3fd32c413f32c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,97.96 KB,300x300,1:1,baph approves.png)

File: f7331202b1bc632⋯.png (Spoiler Image,69.19 KB,600x600,1:1,baph 2.png)

File: 60112982d9107fe⋯.png (Spoiler Image,83.21 KB,800x600,4:3,baph 5.png)

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File: 1acb61b87ffc427⋯.png (Spoiler Image,750.37 KB,1293x1568,1293:1568,d3iJawb.png)

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File: f7331202b1bc632⋯.png (Spoiler Image,69.19 KB,600x600,1:1,baph 2.png)

File: 782fa1be53d328f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,397.11 KB,1500x1500,1:1,baph 3.png)

File: ea3fd32c413f32c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,97.96 KB,300x300,1:1,baph approves.png)

File: 37c8aa2769ede34⋯.png (Spoiler Image,316.48 KB,556x821,556:821,baph.png)

File: 1acb61b87ffc427⋯.png (Spoiler Image,750.37 KB,1293x1568,1293:1568,d3iJawb.png)

Big image restoration coming up. Probably going to do this in multiple parts given the sheer volume of eaten images.

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File: cf80c9485cbb32c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,140.56 KB,780x976,195:244,baph & christian.png)

File: 60112982d9107fe⋯.png (Spoiler Image,83.21 KB,800x600,4:3,baph 5.png)


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File: 020f16c72677af8⋯.png (91.93 KB,761x654,761:654,gondola.png)

 No.106 [Open thread]

Because /gondola/s existence technically makes Gondola a board-tan.

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File: 12367d656b27666⋯.webm (2.49 MB,854x480,427:240,gondola star gazing.webm)


As a guy who saw gondolas first being name, I want to add that it was created by an Italian poster, hence the name. I never considered it as a totally Finnish thing

The first stop outside of ylilauta was on Krautchan

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File: 0682dd5a75e3815⋯.png (322.03 KB,2000x1179,2000:1179,gondola 16.png)

File: 5389237255bd46f⋯.png (485.88 KB,1036x1200,259:300,gondola 18.png)

File: dc34e44c40110dc⋯.png (9.21 KB,255x191,255:191,gondola 32.png)

File: 063d04bfcf6c8cd⋯.png (150.63 KB,640x640,1:1,gondola drawing guidelines.png)

File: 0222793368d3575⋯.webm (2.34 MB,480x360,4:3,gondola lonely.webm)

Restoring lots of images and vids.

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File: 319c7cdc8a5ec84⋯.png (96.14 KB,744x1053,248:351,gondola mountaintop.png)

File: ab9a020c74a2eb3⋯.png (5.83 MB,3175x4110,635:822,gondola reflection.png)

File: 1c2d4ec08d1451b⋯.png (116.11 KB,680x986,20:29,gondola sea.png)

File: 12367d656b27666⋯.webm (2.49 MB,854x480,427:240,gondola star gazing.webm)

"Server took too long", not sure if the last batch went through. I'll try again tomorrow if I don't see them by then.

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File: ed4bc8764cc0d53⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB,640x360,16:9,gondola at the end of hist….mp4)

File: 2b078337dd045b3⋯.webm (1.37 MB,640x278,320:139,gondola cosmic.webm)

Actually no, I'll try again now. Maybe in smaller pieces to make it easier on 8kun.

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File: 2f8c0dd8da37338⋯.webm (3.84 MB,704x480,22:15,gondola beach.webm)

File: cc8a25eb72509e9⋯.png (882.35 KB,1625x1117,1625:1117,gondola cafe.png)

File: 5c8d1edd44e8b3b⋯.png (81.2 KB,624x960,13:20,gondola end.png)

That seems to work.

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File: 82ec0c4b9d9e977⋯.mp4 (14.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ren_at_Todd's_house.mp4)

File: 3e5fde8f0162905⋯.png (421.08 KB,640x360,16:9,1425482250073.png)

 No.266 [Open thread]

Thinking about a design, but I'm at a loss on what the mascot should look like.

Mind spitballing a few ideas?

I'm thinking of something between ren, and this little girl, someone who tries getting high and numbing themselves and is batshit

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I appreciate your enthusiasm. It's always great to see people invested enough in their communities to give them a mascot.

However, as mentioned in the sticky, /tan/ limits itself to the documenting of existing board-tans, and deliberately does not engage in proactively creating them for others. Board-tan creation should be an endeavour of the concerning boards themselves, not something we do only to then shove the end result onto them.

I'd advise you to go to /mental/ and make the same proposal there. Since you've already got a base to work off from, it should be easier for the other users to respond and start brainstorming.

Good luck with your project! I hope it's successful and shall be keeping an eye out.

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File: 56fd05db1ab11d5⋯.png (282.05 KB,3500x513,3500:513,request-tan hat.png)

 No.257 [Open thread]

A thread for the figures of the drawthreads.

The drawthread-tans are not board-tans themselves, but frequent the same circles, and can as such be seen as expanded cast. However, while they are most closely associated with /v/, they can appear on any board that allows for drawthreads. So, since they do not clearly belong to a single board, these characters will exceptionally be given a thread of their own.

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File: 4f20587b7f8b3a7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB,1000x1000,1:1,draw anchor 1.png)

File: 4fabe6449d3a3bc⋯.png (Spoiler Image,429.36 KB,1000x1000,1:1,draw anchor 2.png)

File: df7584975847d5c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,324.08 KB,1000x1000,1:1,draw anchor 3.png)

These days, Request-tan shares her duties with the Request and Delivery Anchors. As they're identical, it's unclear if these are two different anchors, or the same anchor performing dual duties. Usually the anchors are exactly that, but sometimes they become slightly anthropomorphised, possessing a metallic blue middle aged woman's naked body, except with rings for hands and feet, and with an upside down anchor for a head. These heads lack features, so the anchor(s) can't communicate verbally, but from their body language they appear to be sentient and somehow able to see and understand their environment.

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File: 5dd4e7730029b24⋯.png (565.92 KB,2057x1841,2057:1841,request-tan 3.png)

File: 724cf85ad459406⋯.png (209.5 KB,706x1000,353:500,request-tan 4.png)

File: c5c9e8703a8d66d⋯.png (171.92 KB,830x1000,83:100,request-tan 7.png)

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File: a3187bf885d5fa5⋯.png (Spoiler Image,533.86 KB,800x1131,800:1131,request-tan 5-1.png)

File: f854094819c51dd⋯.png (163.26 KB,884x903,884:903,trash-tan 3.png)

File: 650a62853b3520c⋯.png (173.1 KB,800x800,1:1,trash-tan 4-2.png)

File: 447215eeafb048c⋯.png (152.8 KB,799x639,799:639,drawthread scum 1.png)

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File: 4f20587b7f8b3a7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB,1000x1000,1:1,draw anchor 1.png)

File: 4fabe6449d3a3bc⋯.png (Spoiler Image,429.36 KB,1000x1000,1:1,draw anchor 2.png)

File: df7584975847d5c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,324.08 KB,1000x1000,1:1,draw anchor 3.png)

Restoring some images. Even if they appear invisible, they should be there if you click them. It's the spoiler image itself that's messing up.

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File: a3187bf885d5fa5⋯.png (533.86 KB,800x1131,800:1131,request-tan 5-1.png)

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File: 9641b3636705974⋯.png (736.26 KB,900x760,45:38,anon 80.png)

 No.250 [Open thread]

The not-face of the userbase, it's the thread for Anon!

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File: 43b7488efc6cb66⋯.png (37.06 KB,510x546,85:91,anon 6-1.png)

File: 22ff72d9dfc3f77⋯.png (1.29 MB,2560x1440,16:9,anon 33.png)

File: cf332050e0f7e96⋯.png (384.11 KB,1200x848,75:53,anon 114.png)

You know Anon well because, well, he's you! Anon represents the average 8chan user, which means his characterisation can be all over the place. Not that this is a contradiction: there are legions of anons, who all happen to look the same and be called Anon. This is also why Anon can be considered /b/'s board-tan: back on halfchan, it used to be customary for new arrivals to spend some time on /b/ (the "random" board, where anything could be discussed), so as to acclimatise them to the culture of the site. The practice died down over the years, even before the Exodus, and doesn't seem to be upheld on 8chan. Nevertheless, the imageboard maintains its own nature and culture, and Anon remains an expression of that.

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File: 4d5ae2cbfb7e68b⋯.png (473.04 KB,578x691,578:691,anon 3.png)

File: ad630e25456bd85⋯.png (198.01 KB,800x1280,5:8,n8 & your character here.png)

File: 39ccde926336695⋯.png (80 KB,600x600,1:1,pone 8chan 4-2.png)

While Anon represents the entire site's userbase, some boards see fit to adapt him or even design their own board-anons, with which they specifically identify their userbase. It can range from simple modifications like a full black suit with black tie and a trilby (/8lounge/) to developing a whole new design (like /fur/ with YCH - Your Character Here). In that sense, Anon is somewhat comparable to the Reddit alien, who tends to get board variants as well even though it represents the whole of the site. In Anon's case variants are the exception rather than the rule, however.

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File: b882c9d3b24f592⋯.png (127.52 KB,887x816,887:816,koreanon doodle 1.png)

File: d0aefce70aa68cb⋯.png (363.57 KB,1181x1339,1181:1339,mom anon.png)

File: a5d07afafd5a6e9⋯.png (497.22 KB,932x1222,466:611,blood anon.png)

Rarely, some users who remain anonymous but make notable contributions that fill a unique niche are granted nicknames by the community, all ending in "anon". Examples include, among others, Gookanon, who relayed frequent updates on the changing political landscape in South Korea, Momanon, who revealed herself as a mother frequenting 8chan, and Bloodanon, whose blood drawings unnerved many a /b/tard. Note that getting an -anon nickname can also be a result of infamy, and regardless of whether they're famous or notorious, getting fanart is exceedingly rare. While they are a part of the 8chan landscape, they are not board-tans, and it can even be argued if they count as anons since individuality flies in the face of the concept. They're probably best compared to local celebrities.

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File: da32d5e4376cd75⋯.png (653.54 KB,565x800,113:160,anon & kek.png)

File: 20385e2b60fb769⋯.png (111.34 KB,890x1209,890:1209,anon 22.png)

File: bcff9944bb0afe4⋯.png (116.94 KB,497x600,497:600,anon check 'em.png)

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File: e57d1058e3881e6⋯.png (285.73 KB,510x700,51:70,anon 108.png)

File: 1907050dd2a03b5⋯.png (159.96 KB,760x780,38:39,anon 134-5.png)

File: 944e895ed1fd411⋯.png (1.39 MB,2130x3180,71:106,anon_dot_exe.png)

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File: 781c1f119105fce⋯.png (194.5 KB,638x500,319:250,27chan bazukinha 5.png)

 No.230 [Open thread]

The Brazilian invasion continues with a thread for Bazukinha.

5 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 7722a1ce231e8ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,334.47 KB,750x1000,3:4,1500771650828.jpg)

File: b102a61c89521e9⋯.png (149.13 KB,400x609,400:609,1500774063675.png)

File: 928427424e733e8⋯.png (49.78 KB,265x310,53:62,1500774890931-0.png)

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File: 950878f5736199b⋯.png (46.77 KB,341x651,11:21,1500776162452.png)

File: 86827c1fac8a514⋯.png (232.37 KB,879x701,879:701,1500777719748-0.png)

File: 189ffef15c81991⋯.png (457.43 KB,981x1042,981:1042,1500804250682.png)

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File: 2370d0de1b024de⋯.png (1.7 KB,137x104,137:104,1500804672814.png)

File: d7bcd63dd81a0a9⋯.png (131.48 KB,587x504,587:504,1500835642435.png)

File: a1cece279cd466e⋯.jpg (339.29 KB,875x1000,7:8,1500848527402.jpg)

File: be50a3dbdcab81b⋯.png (288.77 KB,500x566,250:283,1500933997953.png)

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File: b90f2619d28acdc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB,2160x3216,45:67,IMG_20180519_061709_621.jpg)

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File: 7722a1ce231e8ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,334.47 KB,750x1000,3:4,1500771650828.jpg)

File: b90f2619d28acdc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB,2160x3216,45:67,IMG_20180519_061709_621.jpg)

Restoring some images. Even if you see nothing, they should be there if you click them (spoiler image is broken).

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File: 83d0d47e73dc980⋯.png (123.83 KB,500x500,1:1,hsg 4.png)

 No.238 [Open thread]

A thread for the board-tan of the Homestuck board.

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File: 04a845731bb7a28⋯.png (4.62 KB,281x474,281:474,hsg 6.png)

File: 5fed74c4b7d8943⋯.png (627.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,hsg 10.png)

File: 9d7e8f3df7353c6⋯.png (242.95 KB,600x600,1:1,hsg 1.png)

/homosuck/-tan, previously known as HSG and sometimes derisively referred to as Stucky, is a young white man, possibly even still a minor, with short wavy red hair, pale skin with freckles, and green eyes. He wears a green hoody in the same hue as greentext stories, and underneath a grey shirt with a green clover on it to refer to halfchan (the community originally came from halfchan and when it moved to 8chan none of /homosuck/-tan's design was altered - an older version was suggested, but it didn't stick). His pants are simple dark grey jeans, and his shoes can vary but are usually also kept simple.

/homosuck/-tan, then still HSG, was created years ago as a representation of the Homestuck fandom on halfchan: the Homestuck General threads on half/co/. Alongside personifications of the fandom on Tumblr, DeviantArt, and the Microsoft Paint Adventures Forum, he was part of a fan-created alternate universe called "Metastuck" in which the sites themselves partook in their own session of Sburb, the game featured in the Homestuck comic. After HSG threads got banned from half/co/ in 2014, the community eventually moved over to 8chan, where it continues to limp along even as Homestuck has ended for over a year.

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File: 0ee13b015b1ac44⋯.png (13.42 KB,449x1053,449:1053,hsg 5.png)

File: 577a47ce00eb1bd⋯.gif (56.57 KB,449x645,449:645,hsg 9.gif)

File: c4b9a0b79ea8cef⋯.png (133.26 KB,800x422,400:211,hsg & anon.png)

As a person, /homosuck/-tan can come across as a bit manic. Sometimes he's as chill as they come, sometimes (more likely) he's perpetually pissed off and ready to snap at a moment's notice. He enjoys antagonising people for the hell of it, making hurtful remarks and pointing out any instances of hypocrisy while declaring himself superior. To some extent, he doesn't like how isolated this leaves him, but he doesn't care enough to stop it that he'd try to change or restrain himself. In other words, /homosuck/-tan has a lot of characteristics typically found in the average anon, which isn't very surprising considering he was created to represent halfchan to an extent.

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File: f37865dc721b80c⋯.png (147.79 KB,719x656,719:656,hsg & tumblr.png)

File: 260f4905619e771⋯.png (165.3 KB,1024x576,16:9,co & hsg 1.png)

File: 61d221b037c461e⋯.png (200.56 KB,720x960,3:4,hsg 11.png)

/homosuck/-tan has few relationships in his life. While he used to hang out with MSPAF, Tumblr and DA, his feelings for them ranged from utter disgust to mild fondness (at best), and nowadays they've long since parted ways. Back on half/co/, he was essentially the unwanted redheaded stepchild (hence him being a ginger) and now that he's ascended from thread-tan to board-tan, the two boards are perfect strangers. /homosuck/-tan is also sometimes portrayed as being haunted by ghosts, a reference to empty "ghost posts" that would pop up in HSG back in the day, although neither party interacts with the other beyond being in their vicinity.

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File: fec535015f7881b⋯.png (2.57 KB,123x131,123:131,hsg roxykitten 1.png)

File: 1177f415b280081⋯.png (220.12 KB,700x596,175:149,hsg roxykitten 12.png)

File: 82264969cb9ea22⋯.png (57.24 KB,593x585,593:585,hsg roxykitten 4.png)

One notable aversion in /homosuck/-tan's otherwise solitary life is Roxykitten. She's a cloned infant catgirl version of Homestuck character Roxy Lalonde who /homosuck/-tan adopted for some reason despite his seemingly young age. Roxykitten is a caucasian catgirl with short white hair, but black-furred cat ears and a black cat tail. Her eyes are a simple black, and she wears a pink bow in her hair. Roxykitten dresses in either a violet shirt with a pink cat emblem, a purple skirt and pink shoes with purple socks, or a simple pink onesie with pink socks. Behaviorwise, she can vary from infantlike to catlike, which causes /homosuck/-tan no small deal of annoyance. But even so, he continues to care for her as any parent would.

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File: 5944f2b0a4510ed⋯.png (199 KB,900x409,900:409,hsg & roxykitten 1.png)

File: 980977ca6ca19f3⋯.png (116.27 KB,676x567,676:567,hsg roxykitten 11.png)

File: 153ba4e102c632e⋯.png (227.99 KB,600x1471,600:1471,hsg & roxykitten 5.png)

File: 76e289406250c2d⋯.png (322.74 KB,700x997,700:997,hsg & roxykitten 4.png)

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File: 1750e00fd07797c⋯.png (180.87 KB,800x907,800:907,hisparefugio 1-3.png)

 No.226 [Open thread]

In which we introduce the site's latest refugee.

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File: 4bb498295de4134⋯.png (257.02 KB,1000x960,25:24,hisparefugio 21.png)

File: 54f6912d1d8dcb9⋯.png (1.13 MB,1456x2207,1456:2207,hisparefugio 15-2.png)

File: 56caae743362f53⋯.png (288.98 KB,1500x1500,1:1,hisparefugio box 2-2.png)

In early April 2018, Spanish-speaking imageboard Hispachan was shut down without warning by its administrator Zeta. Some of its users set up a bunker here on 8chan, and decided to create a refugee-tan to commemorate the event. Although both were meant to be temporary, a declaration of Hispachan's indefinite hiatus was later announced, meaning they might stick around for a while.

/hisparefugio/-tan is a young latin girl with shoulderlength unkempt orange-brown hair partially kept in a sidebang with two red hairclips, and brown eyes. Her face is unwashed, with patches of dirt here and there and a cross bandage on her right cheek. Her seemingly only article of clothing is an oversized yellow sweater with orange accents around the collar and on the sleeves. The sweater is equally dirty, and frayed at the edges. /hisparefugio/-tan lives in a box and is never seen without it. The box is a standard brown cardboard box adorned with various drawings and messages depending on the artist. Recurring motifs include the board's name, 8chan's infinity symbol, a red and yellow (the colours of hispachan) HR logo to denote /hisparefugio/ the board, and various phrases mostly meant to defy Zeta like "Zeta la cagaste" ("Zeta fucked up") and "a prueba de agua" ("waterproof").

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File: 2129d2a4d403fba⋯.png (391.28 KB,889x660,889:660,hisparefugio 7-1.png)

File: c216cf83a3eb4d9⋯.png (47.22 KB,479x390,479:390,hisparefugio 20-2.png)

File: 4c58f36fb494cb9⋯.png (586.58 KB,1467x863,1467:863,hisparefugio 2.png)

Despite her less than ideal circumstances, /hisparefugio/-tan is a happy and optimistic person. She doesn't seem to mind her lack of resources or living situation, and is in fact quite at home in her little box, whose continued survival she confidently believes in.

/hisparefugio/-tan does not seem to interact with any Hispachan mascots or personalities besides Zeta, who is presented as jealous of /hisparefugio/ and continuously trying to hose down her box. Needless to say, there's bad blood between the two. /hisparefugio/-tan's enmity toward him does not extend towards his userbase, however, and she's happy to invite them in.

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File: 1a7cf844a197701⋯.png (399.11 KB,1000x1000,1:1,hisparefugio 8-6.png)

File: eda9da877b44308⋯.gif (646.69 KB,840x768,35:32,hisparefugio 13.gif)

File: a4cb702fe12482f⋯.png (384.91 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,hisparefugio 14-6.png)

File: b097e1ba3b51deb⋯.png (218.48 KB,712x372,178:93,hisparefugio 19.png)

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File: e97daafa6fd24a9⋯.png (93.53 KB,775x795,155:159,hisparefugio 11.png)

File: a2a47f8f8ddcb63⋯.png (2.12 MB,1502x1502,1:1,hisparefugio 16-2.png)

File: 7df4a6111e2bf42⋯.png (160.05 KB,700x708,175:177,hisparefugio 24-3.png)

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File: 421e0f1386af1d4⋯.png (633.08 KB,1322x819,1322:819,lippe putsch-chan 22-2.png)

 No.222 [Open thread]

The thread for Putsch-chan.

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File: 8ed3798f8803f10⋯.png (1.07 MB,2550x3509,2550:3509,lippe putsch-chan 21.png)

File: 860eb818496b475⋯.png (586.89 KB,1008x800,63:50,lippe putsch-chan 24.png)

File: 96a3fe810284582⋯.png (339.75 KB,1200x1200,1:1,lippe putsch-chan 1-3.png)

Putsch-chan is a young adult caucasian woman with short blond hair and blue eyes. She perpetually looks tired and angry, and always dresses in a standard German military uniform.

Putsch-chan is a rightwing extremist with all the expected associated beliefs, and as a German woman she's highly disillusioned with the current German leadership, particularly chancellor Merkel's refugee policy, to the point where she believes a violent coup would be the only way to "fix" the country at this point. As such, she's always inciting others to join her in the upcoming putsch (german for "coup") she intends to launch.

She was created sometime in late 2015 on /pol/'s "/deutschpol/" general, where its German members gathered. Putsch-chan has since also branched out to half/pol/, Krautchan, and her own 8chan board /lippe/, and continues to enjoy relative popularity all over.

Putsch-chan could be considered to be related to /pol/ and his expanded cast on account of her origins, although she typically doesn't associate with any of them. Instead, she can occasionally be seen hanging out with her friend AfD-chan.

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File: 97f92f46e29243d⋯.png (57.13 KB,600x884,150:221,lippe afd-chan 9.png)

File: bf1d265cb9e9fa3⋯.png (129.61 KB,1020x945,68:63,lippe afd-chan 2.png)

File: 7db99060a726026⋯.png (75.26 KB,1000x700,10:7,lippe afd-chan & deutscher….png)

AfD-chan is a young caucasian woman with shoulderlength blue hair kept partially free and partially in a sidetail (on top of wearing a red hairpin in the form of the AfD's logo arrow) and greyish blue eyes with round glasses. She wears a white buttoned shirt with a red tie, a light grey skirt, and white socks. Her shoes can vary in style and colour, but are most commonly depicted as black Mary Janes. She's sometimes also depicted wearing no shoes, going around in just her socks.

Unlike Putsch-chan, AfD-chan has not yet completely given up on democracy, and attempts to change the system from within by participating in politics and elections. Which is not to say she disagrees with Putsch-chan's views, she just has a different, less direct or violent way of going about it. She can also be fairly sassy toward her ideological opponents.

Putsch-chan was created sometime in 2016 by /pol/'s German contingent. Like her name and looks imply, she was created to be a personification of the German alt-right political party Alternative für Deutschland, as a means of creating and disseminating propaganda to earn them votes. To that end, she's seen with a German flag in many pictures, and she's also been shown hanging out on occasion with "Deutscher Michel", a much older figure who represented German nationalism back in the 19th century. The latter had always been depicted with a nightcap, which contemporary AfD-chan art reinterprets as meaning German nationalism needs to wake up already.

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File: 7b4c94e2837a2c4⋯.png (119.52 KB,600x849,200:283,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: 5677d77911c5b95⋯.png (642.34 KB,583x652,583:652,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: 00b856e18938c72⋯.png (251.92 KB,1200x939,400:313,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: ab32b22d80af9ea⋯.png (474.27 KB,1467x896,1467:896,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: 7a569b92ba6ffcd⋯.png (4.1 MB,1840x2527,1840:2527,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

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File: 6a325666bd4a584⋯.png (86.68 KB,800x848,50:53,55chan front page.png)

 No.210 [Open thread]

Because hosting one Brazilian imageboard's bunker wasn't enough, here's the thread for Favelito and 55-tan.

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File: a14404ab8464d11⋯.png (39.06 KB,248x310,4:5,favelito 1.png)

File: 83935375623f87c⋯.png (310.67 KB,770x731,770:731,favelito 3.png)

File: e93e10bf889f013⋯.png (12.98 KB,626x526,313:263,favelito 7.png)

Favelito is an adult biracial man with brown skin, brown eyes and black curly hair. He's mostly naked, wearing only a pair of green and yellow shorts and covering the lower half of his face with a bandana depicting the Brazilian flag. He carries a pistol in each hand, both of them engraved with the number 55, and usually kicks around a soccer ball.

As his name implies, he lives in one of the Brazilian favelas (slums), where he is involved in some sort of criminal practice, most likely to do with drugs. Despite his cartoonish appearance, he is a hardened criminal who won't show mercy to people opposing him. That said, he can also enjoy a nice game of futebol and so far hasn't been seen shooting people.

Favelito was a well-known face on Brazilian imageboard 55chan long before they made a bunker board on 8chan. The reason he embodies so many negative stereotypes about Brazil (soccer crazy, little regard for human rights, excessive gun violence) is because they didn't design him, but appropriated him from an Argentinian attempt to satirise the Brazilian lifestyle. 55chan took it in stride, slapped two number 55's on his pistols, and made him into a mascot.

Favelito hasn't been seen interacting with many others, but presumably has a neutral relationship with 55-tan. He also seems to have a onesided interest in the mascot of rival Brazilian imageboard BRchan, Kuruminha.

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File: a525cd685a1c6b4⋯.png (156.13 KB,295x348,295:348,55_Tan_2_by_CHDrevolution.png)

File: c9e06f34413d75e⋯.png (103.82 KB,1224x1312,153:164,55-tan 1.png)

File: a390735b09e0e46⋯.png (189.04 KB,446x400,223:200,kuruminha & 55-tan 3.png)

Although Favelito is the most well-known face associated with 55chan, some of its members feel he shouldn't be the mascot since they didn't make him. Luckily, as an alternative, there's also 55-tan.

55-tan is a young white girl around 8 to 10 years old. She has blue eyes and green hair worn in both twintails and with sidebangs held in place by green and yellow hairclips. Usually she wears a longsleeved green dress with a yellow vertical stripe running down the middle, emblazoned with the number 55. This dress will at times be just a bit too short to fully conceal her underwear. She also wears long white socks and green-and-yellow shoes.

55-tan was created in 2007 by 55chan's administration as an avatar to welcome newcomers on the homepage of the site, serving essentially as the Brazilian equivalent of Nano here. But despite being around for so long, she has little to no defined personality. It can be assumed her personality is that of a typical young girl.

At home, 55-tan has no friends, but she gets around. She's been seen hanging out with mascots of various Russian imageboards, and although they're theoretically rivals, 55-tan gets along very well with Kuruminha of BRchan.

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File: 29c64f53c38d4ca⋯.png (Spoiler Image,214.37 KB,1269x949,1269:949,favelito kuruminha 55-tan.png)

File: 19ccf5a008d8391⋯.png (15.46 KB,318x236,159:118,55-tan favelito kuruminha.png)

File: 6bca78c0d0162e3⋯.png (412.24 KB,800x800,1:1,55chan hits.png)

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File: 6a325666bd4a584⋯.png (86.68 KB,800x848,50:53,55chan front page.png)

File: c9e06f34413d75e⋯.png (103.82 KB,1224x1312,153:164,55-tan 1.png)

File: a14404ab8464d11⋯.png (39.06 KB,248x310,4:5,favelito 1.png)

File: 83935375623f87c⋯.png (310.67 KB,770x731,770:731,favelito 3.png)

File: e93e10bf889f013⋯.png (12.98 KB,626x526,313:263,favelito 7.png)

Restoring some images.

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File: a525cd685a1c6b4⋯.png (156.13 KB,295x348,295:348,55_Tan_2_by_CHDrevolution.png)

File: 6bca78c0d0162e3⋯.png (412.24 KB,800x800,1:1,55chan hits.png)

File: 19ccf5a008d8391⋯.png (15.46 KB,318x236,159:118,55-tan favelito kuruminha.png)

File: 29c64f53c38d4ca⋯.png (214.37 KB,1269x949,1269:949,favelito kuruminha 55-tan.png)


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File: 5848c7a4d778efd⋯.png (6.98 KB,381x381,1:1,sth edgehog 4.png)

 No.206 [Open thread]

Rolling around at the speed of sound (not), here's the thread for all Edgehog discussion.

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File: 5720927d4bd0f6c⋯.png (63.77 KB,1200x630,40:21,sth edgehog & other OCs.png)

File: 446bdf7299545f6⋯.png (7.09 KB,459x304,459:304,sth edgehog 2.png)

File: 0f7ce8c20b931fa⋯.png (7.21 KB,288x307,288:307,sth edgehog 3.png)

Edgehog deliberately and cheekily continues the proud fan tradition of claiming to be an original character, when in fact he's just a Sonic recolour. His skin is the blue-grey colour of the default Yotsuba B board theme. His eyes have no pupils or irises. He dresses in a dapper fashion, wearing a black sleeveless tuxedo with a white shirt underneath, a red bowtie and white gloves with black cuffs. Presumably most of these fashion choices are inspired by the popular image of the typical 8chan Anon.

As the name implies, Edgehog is (or at least tries to be) an edgy character. While he can go a bit further in this than Sonic on occasion, by imageboard standards he's still fairly tame. Don't tell him that, though. It will insult and embarass him. Underneath his boasting exterior he's got a soft side, one that seems to have a crush on Amy Rose, a Sonic character who likewise has a one-sided love for Sonic, creating a love triangle of which only Edgehog is aware.

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File: ea4f8afdfcee29d⋯.png (51.75 KB,988x1126,494:563,sth edgehog loss.png)

File: 119ebf5913a3b6c⋯.png (18.99 KB,797x490,797:490,v & sth edgehog.png)

File: e6579f069b730f5⋯.png (13.93 KB,1000x350,20:7,sth edgehog 7.png)

Edgehog has no expanded cast of his own and will interact with the canon Sonic cast when in need of one. He can also be found skulking around /v/, unsuccesfully trying to lure anons onto his dead board.

/sth/ recently got a new board owner who deleted every thread. Since Edgehog was also named after the previous BO, it is unclear if his status as /sth/'s board-tan currently remains.

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File: c4ed78f5346ef10⋯.png (475.02 KB,401x292,401:292,sth edgehog 1.png)

File: 333e9ffb01ff7bc⋯.png (15.7 KB,1001x396,91:36,sth edgehog 5.png)

File: ab92d7badaca397⋯.png (3.61 KB,257x284,257:284,sth edgehog 6.png)

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File: 446bdf7299545f6⋯.png (7.09 KB,459x304,459:304,sth edgehog 2.png)

File: 0f7ce8c20b931fa⋯.png (7.21 KB,288x307,288:307,sth edgehog 3.png)

File: 333e9ffb01ff7bc⋯.png (15.7 KB,1001x396,91:36,sth edgehog 5.png)

File: ab92d7badaca397⋯.png (3.61 KB,257x284,257:284,sth edgehog 6.png)

File: e6579f069b730f5⋯.png (13.93 KB,1000x350,20:7,sth edgehog 7.png)

The ride never ends.

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File: 5720927d4bd0f6c⋯.png (63.77 KB,1200x630,40:21,sth edgehog & other OCs.png)

File: 119ebf5913a3b6c⋯.png (18.99 KB,797x490,797:490,v & sth edgehog.png)

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File: d31476c4afd2753⋯.jpg (935.17 KB,2530x759,10:3,188841.jpg)

 No.191 [Open thread]

Why are you writing entire pharagraphs about board-tans' "lore"? Board-tans are memes, they don't have definitive lore.

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They don't have definitive lore, but they definitely have lore. And if said lore ever changes, the threads can always be updated to reflect that.

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