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/tan/ - Board-tans


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File: debb441aeb0d560⋯.png (3.24 MB,3870x7163,3870:7163,1427526978881-4.png)

 No.59 [Open thread]

This thread is for all discussion of Ebola-chan. Discussing other disease-tans in relation to Ebola-chan is also allowed, but because /cure/ is a separate board, we ask that all Cure-tan discussion be limited to its own thread.

4 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: a4c7f979c76de09⋯.png (71.03 KB,960x640,3:2,ebola-chan malaria-sama AI….png)

File: e2aa7d56375a486⋯.png (116.85 KB,900x600,3:2,rot.png)

File: a15283e10dcc6f9⋯.png (173.17 KB,776x1030,388:515,nurgle, isha, ebola-chan &….png)

In an expansion of the second interpretation or in a possible third one, the three sisters, alongside many other disease-tans like Malaria-sama, AIDS-san and Zika-chan among others, all serve under Mother Rot, a powerful force of decay overseeing her part of the cycle of life, as well as the many afterlives where the victims of her children end up. Yet another interpretation claims Ebola-chan to be a daughter of Warhammer 40000 chaos god Nurgle, although this one is probably the least serious of the bunch.

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File: c2611eb2e0cb73a⋯.png (150.02 KB,1200x1800,2:3,ebola-chan 4.png)

File: be8ebd7cbf23d4e⋯.png (2.06 MB,1500x2178,250:363,ebola-chan 8.png)

File: 1deeed3058478f1⋯.png (354.86 KB,800x800,1:1,ebola-chan 5.png)

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File: 8f62edd7d8724b8⋯.png (5.27 MB,2480x3676,620:919,1427521756744-1.png)

File: cb32516f681c2be⋯.png (219.38 KB,500x555,100:111,ebola-chan 1.png)

File: 6b679f04754d35b⋯.jpg (129.79 KB,924x924,1:1,1427518404864-2.jpg)

File: c35bac5a13a4e3a⋯.png (51.02 KB,640x480,4:3,filovirus sisters.png)




Reposting some lost images.

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File: 1deeed3058478f1⋯.png (354.86 KB,800x800,1:1,ebola-chan 5.png)


And another one.

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File: 0be0edc5a08f4a0⋯.png (692.34 KB,1223x1666,1223:1666,1427522949041-1.png)

Restoring a lost image.

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File: b2e56d390f25b08⋯.png (416.65 KB,1280x1600,4:5,x 2.png)

 No.44 [Open thread]

Discuss all /x/-tan-related content here.

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File: 9a440ecdc17488e⋯.png (12.03 KB,268x539,268:539,x 1-2.png)

File: 32e14e7d47843a2⋯.png (41.01 KB,390x700,39:70,x 3.png)

File: 4336e7f2b7de86d⋯.png (359.58 KB,1272x842,636:421,x 4.png)

/x/-tan is a young Caucasian woman with shoulderlength messy black hair. Her most notable feature is her left eye, which unlike her right (normal) eye has pitch black sclera and a bright red iris. It's also prone to bleeding occasionally.

/x/-tan wears a loose black dress with an alien skull motif, and a collar so large it reveals one bare shoulder and black bra strap. Below, she sports high rainbow-coloured socks and simple black shoes. In her hair, she wears a hairpiece depicting 8chan's green lemniscate over a stylised red flower.

/x/ has a great passion for all things occult and thereto related. It has led to her left eye becoming mysteriously altered, allowing her to see mystical beings and occurrences unknown to regular people.

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File: a1d2674a03ff27b⋯.png (52.72 KB,201x457,201:457,x 6.png)

File: 3a39b0fd4ed3a91⋯.png (131.09 KB,750x1000,3:4,x 9.png)

File: 79df13c46fc2dc7⋯.png (24.26 KB,669x564,223:188,x 11.png)

/x/-tan is shy, and her perceived weird nature can make it difficult for strangers to approach her. Broach any subject related to the paranormal however, and she can go on indefinitely. From actual occult topics like monsters, rituals and astral projection to subjects more aimed at entertainment like Lovecraft's books and the Friday the 13th movies (though be wary as /x/ might not always be able to keep reality and fiction fully separate) to harmless things like lucid dreaming or exploring abandoned houses, /x/ will always prove an impressive source of knowledge.

/x/-tan managed her board on halfchan before coming to 8chan. In doing so, she gave herself a slight makeover, donning shoes, the hairpin, a somewhat less revealing outfit, and most importantly a haircut symbolic of her starting anew.

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File: 80ec796c82b040c⋯.png (284.82 KB,1113x1801,1113:1801,x 7-1.png)

File: 1f876f0440c494a⋯.png (292.66 KB,1113x1801,1113:1801,x 7-2.png)

File: 79c8b4e38f7cc8b⋯.png (136.92 KB,412x1127,412:1127,x 15.png)

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File: f73f2c5b72ec06b⋯.png (66.97 KB,621x918,23:34,m 6.png)

 No.39 [Open thread]

Thread for all /m/-tan discussion.

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File: f1ce49d7eb7075d⋯.png (112.79 KB,368x468,92:117,m 3.png)

File: 30f0d900620ffdb⋯.png (56.73 KB,413x558,413:558,m 4.png)

File: df28898a558bb43⋯.png (22.66 KB,378x663,126:221,m 7.png)

/m/-tan is a robot who looks like a man in a robot suit. He appears fully covered in mostly white armor, with yellow and red accents on his helmet, right shoulderpad, short cape, etc.

/m/-tan is a remnant tan from the halfchan days, but as he was less damaged by the change in moderation leading up to the Exodus, he is far less damaged than some other legacy tans and opted for a simple dye job plastering the infinity logo on his chest, as opposed to a bigger redesign.

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File: a3fce9568131c2f⋯.png (19.79 KB,449x467,449:467,m 10.png)

File: 46d6db81eb56780⋯.png (525.23 KB,1364x1099,1364:1099,m 12.png)

File: b91fc3ec14eb9b6⋯.png (174.66 KB,1097x794,1097:794,m 13.png)

Little is known about /m/-tan's character, save his great love for all things mecha and his being a fervent ally of JUSTICE. He also has a pet toaster, because toasters are totally mecha.

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File: fc466bc3ae5b181⋯.png (424.32 KB,620x1074,310:537,manzer 1.png)

File: 07761af0e7fb77a⋯.png (529.68 KB,850x1040,85:104,m_tan_and_m_anzer_by_thekk….png)

When /m/ (the board) got to discussing whether they'd keep the old /m/-tan or design a new one, in the spirit of infinity they decided "why not both?". Thus /m/anzer was born, as a more Super Sentai-inspired tan compared to /m/-tan's Kamen Rider.

/m/anzer's design is busier compared to /m/-tan's, incorporating mainly red with lots of black, gold, and white accents. Over his ironically less armoured outfit he wears a white jacket, on his feet long black boots with gold kneecaps, and his forearms are adorned with golden spikes and wristbands. His helmet also has a sleeker design.

/m/anzer is said to be less skilled in hand-to-hand combat than /m/-tan. Speculation on his main weapon ranges from a laser gun to a giant mecha he pilots into battle.

Although /m/-tan enjoys more popularity due to his longer history, there is no consensus on which of the two tans is the "official" board-tan. It doesn't really seem to matter much either.

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File: fd6a10dfa328d09⋯.png (503.16 KB,850x1040,85:104,m & manzer alt colours.png)

File: e7a03749b916dec⋯.png (16.58 KB,592x213,592:213,m & manzer sprites 2.png)

/m/-tan and /m/anzer have dark counterparts, the obligatory bad guys to fight on their many adventures. No info exists on them beyond them probably being the stereotypical Saturday morning cartoon villains who come up with convoluted plans and always get thwarted by the heroes.

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File: 9758929ff45215a⋯.png (41.46 KB,524x880,131:220,tg 1.png)

File: 57571bcac7ccada⋯.png (775.19 KB,1936x1668,484:417,tg 2.png)

File: 0b08f09cad39c6f⋯.png (89.9 KB,1081x1416,1081:1416,tg 3.png)

 No.35 [Open thread]

Thread for all /tg/-tan related content.

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File: a33c4b1c86176ab⋯.png (556.77 KB,1000x1000,1:1,tg 4.png)

File: a8c7c601d4980d5⋯.png (122.13 KB,1952x1360,122:85,tg 5.png)

File: fc393bda54f403a⋯.png (155.96 KB,700x850,14:17,tg 6.png)

/tg/-tan is simply described as a "pimp lich". He's essentially a skeleton in a wide coat with fur trimming and an eerily flaming tophat. He also occasionally carries a staff with a glowing giant d20 on top, and a rulebook that likely contains more rules than its modest size would suggest.

Apart from his presumable love for traditional games as mostly evidenced by his accessories, very little is known about /tg/-tan. Early artwork suggests he's the former half/tg/-tan now transformed into an undead with far greater self esteem, but this information is not verified.

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File: 268f3f2cd648233⋯.png (55 KB,800x800,1:1,tg & apprentice 1.png)

File: b58ae3d60508d83⋯.png (218.27 KB,800x800,1:1,tg & apprentice 2.png)

File: 2d6b92e404b1c98⋯.png (60.8 KB,800x800,1:1,tg apprentice sable 1.png)

/tg/-tan also has an apprentice named Sable Topp. Whether he merely introduces her to the art of traditional gaming in a professional master-apprentice relationship, or if/how they're boning on the side is a matter of debate.

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File: 5051acfaa445ce5⋯.png (169.29 KB,1833x2261,1833:2261,tg 8.png)

File: e7bdc1b1ce48887⋯.png (197.13 KB,800x800,1:1,tg 9.png)

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File: b58ae3d60508d83⋯.png (218.27 KB,800x800,1:1,tg & apprentice 2.png)

File: e7bdc1b1ce48887⋯.png (197.13 KB,800x800,1:1,tg 9.png)

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File: a33c4b1c86176ab⋯.png (556.77 KB,1000x1000,1:1,tg 4.png)


Restoring a lost image.

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File: d1954133a9493fb⋯.png (1.15 MB,1522x795,1522:795,co tans 3.png)

File: ba6ebe20460e83a⋯.png (457.6 KB,1205x720,241:144,co tans 4.png)

File: 65eda74b3cbdd8a⋯.png (338.14 KB,980x784,5:4,co tans 1.png)

 No.22 [Open thread]

Thread for all /co/-tans.

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File: 11bcfa0c830a337⋯.png (85.31 KB,633x983,633:983,co tomoco 1.png)

File: 8213b69ff467bd4⋯.png (126.91 KB,1280x1024,5:4,co tomoco 2.png)

File: 16e75279d4f09f6⋯.png (84.52 KB,510x771,170:257,co tomoco 3.png)

Tomo/co/ is easily the board's most divisive tan. She's a young girl somewhere in her teens with short black hair. Her clothing varies, but she usually wears a blue vest with a black skirt. With only a domino mask, a /co/ emblem that seems spraypainted on her clothes, and an open disdain for comics, some question if she can even be considered a /co/-tan. But just as /co/ the board isn't always 100% limited to comics and cartoons, maybe so too can the tans be joined by someone who at first sight might not fully fit the bill.

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File: c78452a502141b3⋯.png (168.14 KB,800x800,1:1,co 2-1.png)

File: 4d957486ad31c5e⋯.png (133.09 KB,800x800,1:1,co 2-2.png)

File: 96ea47d6198fc8c⋯.png (174.81 KB,800x800,1:1,co 2-3.png)

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File: 0079674f6f80e4b⋯.png (586.06 KB,1047x774,349:258,co joker.png)

File: e57c11657223193⋯.png (134.66 KB,800x600,4:3,co vader.png)

File: 8204692be209ad4⋯.png (305.48 KB,2495x1577,2495:1577,co vs v.png)

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File: e9f184b1f3ae33b⋯.png (523.16 KB,1172x1066,586:533,co tans 2.png)

File: 410e392f98f39f9⋯.png (646.59 KB,1280x960,4:3,co tomoco 4-4.png)

File: 09747a6e08d801b⋯.png (258.82 KB,479x680,479:680,bos-co 9.png)

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File: 65eda74b3cbdd8a⋯.png (338.14 KB,980x784,5:4,co tans 1.png)

File: 8213b69ff467bd4⋯.png (126.91 KB,1280x1024,5:4,co tomoco 2.png)

Fixing some images.

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File: 2175b537af27857⋯.png (225.03 KB,612x792,17:22,v 5.png)

File: 70cb3f759bd9881⋯.png (212.47 KB,1484x1591,1484:1591,v 6.png)

File: f03cd56baf6ea1c⋯.png (497.83 KB,2000x2000,1:1,v & vr.png)

 No.15 [Open thread]

A thread for all /v/-tan related discussion. Dump your images, discuss interpretations, etc. The board seems to have adopted /vr/-tan as a secondary tan, so he's welcome in this thread too.

3 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: c74bdb4dc4a0345⋯.png (104.89 KB,432x492,36:41,v 23.png)

File: 43b7bad86866bcd⋯.png (205.72 KB,391x1017,391:1017,v 26.png)

File: 2261f42311f2600⋯.png (1.3 MB,2968x2180,742:545,v 36.png)

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File: 8da680bdcd635df⋯.png (633.74 KB,849x1200,283:400,v 38.png)

File: a455271c2ff39dc⋯.png (704.62 KB,3307x4677,3307:4677,v pondering.png)

File: b4fe3fc787e724d⋯.png (30.72 KB,800x600,4:3,v better off.png)

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File: 4a0722b27b9e56c⋯.png (133.44 KB,800x750,16:15,v adopts teagan 1.png)

File: c3e5acaf527d771⋯.png (74.13 KB,1000x947,1000:947,v E3 2016.png)

File: d79efc25b8d09e8⋯.png (251.06 KB,945x691,945:691,vr friday nigth.png)

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File: e484b2fb3e286e5⋯.png (124.28 KB,1000x503,1000:503,v 16.png)

File: a455271c2ff39dc⋯.png (704.62 KB,3307x4677,3307:4677,v pondering.png)

File: c3e5acaf527d771⋯.png (74.13 KB,1000x947,1000:947,v E3 2016.png)




Restoring some lost images.

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File: fc8bd51657c56cf⋯.png (29.53 KB,651x579,217:193,v 13.png)

Restoring a lost image.

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File: 1419469702728.jpg (3.99 MB,2550x3300,17:22,8c.jpg)

 No.8 [Open thread]

ITT: Original content
Here's my shitty piece of work that took 10 minutes
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File: 1421911585373.jpg (99.38 KB,800x800,1:1,The New Conrad.jpg)

That's a pretty good piece of artwork. Sorry this board's a zombie so other people can't enjoy it
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