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File: 421e0f1386af1d4⋯.png (633.08 KB,1322x819,1322:819,lippe putsch-chan 22-2.png)


The thread for Putsch-chan.

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File: 8ed3798f8803f10⋯.png (1.07 MB,2550x3509,2550:3509,lippe putsch-chan 21.png)

File: 860eb818496b475⋯.png (586.89 KB,1008x800,63:50,lippe putsch-chan 24.png)

File: 96a3fe810284582⋯.png (339.75 KB,1200x1200,1:1,lippe putsch-chan 1-3.png)

Putsch-chan is a young adult caucasian woman with short blond hair and blue eyes. She perpetually looks tired and angry, and always dresses in a standard German military uniform.

Putsch-chan is a rightwing extremist with all the expected associated beliefs, and as a German woman she's highly disillusioned with the current German leadership, particularly chancellor Merkel's refugee policy, to the point where she believes a violent coup would be the only way to "fix" the country at this point. As such, she's always inciting others to join her in the upcoming putsch (german for "coup") she intends to launch.

She was created sometime in late 2015 on /pol/'s "/deutschpol/" general, where its German members gathered. Putsch-chan has since also branched out to half/pol/, Krautchan, and her own 8chan board /lippe/, and continues to enjoy relative popularity all over.

Putsch-chan could be considered to be related to /pol/ and his expanded cast on account of her origins, although she typically doesn't associate with any of them. Instead, she can occasionally be seen hanging out with her friend AfD-chan.

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File: 97f92f46e29243d⋯.png (57.13 KB,600x884,150:221,lippe afd-chan 9.png)

File: bf1d265cb9e9fa3⋯.png (129.61 KB,1020x945,68:63,lippe afd-chan 2.png)

File: 7db99060a726026⋯.png (75.26 KB,1000x700,10:7,lippe afd-chan & deutscher….png)

AfD-chan is a young caucasian woman with shoulderlength blue hair kept partially free and partially in a sidetail (on top of wearing a red hairpin in the form of the AfD's logo arrow) and greyish blue eyes with round glasses. She wears a white buttoned shirt with a red tie, a light grey skirt, and white socks. Her shoes can vary in style and colour, but are most commonly depicted as black Mary Janes. She's sometimes also depicted wearing no shoes, going around in just her socks.

Unlike Putsch-chan, AfD-chan has not yet completely given up on democracy, and attempts to change the system from within by participating in politics and elections. Which is not to say she disagrees with Putsch-chan's views, she just has a different, less direct or violent way of going about it. She can also be fairly sassy toward her ideological opponents.

Putsch-chan was created sometime in 2016 by /pol/'s German contingent. Like her name and looks imply, she was created to be a personification of the German alt-right political party Alternative für Deutschland, as a means of creating and disseminating propaganda to earn them votes. To that end, she's seen with a German flag in many pictures, and she's also been shown hanging out on occasion with "Deutscher Michel", a much older figure who represented German nationalism back in the 19th century. The latter had always been depicted with a nightcap, which contemporary AfD-chan art reinterprets as meaning German nationalism needs to wake up already.

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File: 7b4c94e2837a2c4⋯.png (119.52 KB,600x849,200:283,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: 5677d77911c5b95⋯.png (642.34 KB,583x652,583:652,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: 00b856e18938c72⋯.png (251.92 KB,1200x939,400:313,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: ab32b22d80af9ea⋯.png (474.27 KB,1467x896,1467:896,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

File: 7a569b92ba6ffcd⋯.png (4.1 MB,1840x2527,1840:2527,lippe putsch-chan & afd-ch….png)

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