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3d0a61  No.9822413[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.02.2020

>>9821642 ————————————–——– What a coincidence! Nothing to see here. (Cap: >>9821794, >>9821952)

Wednesday 07.01.2020

>>9818091 ————————————–——– The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) (Cap: >>9818133, Embed: >>9818104)

>>9817794 ————————————–——– There was a time when our children recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with PRIDE.

>>9814775 ————————————–——– We stand together. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9814801)

>>9813912 ————————————–——– Biblical. (Cap: >>9813921, >>9814055)

>>9813070 ————————————–——– Worth repeating.

>>9812912 ————————————–——– Who is ActBlue? (Caps: >>9812938, >>9813001)

>>9811683 ————————————–——– Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE?

>>9811291 ————————————–——– [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control]

>>9810442 ————————————–——– Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? (Cap: >>9810513)

Tuesday 06.30.2020

>>9803002 ————————————–——– How do you prevent public embarrassment re: lack of crowd size? Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION? (Cap: >>9803026)

>>9801649 rt >>9801436 ————————— Fear not. Find peace through prayer. Biblical.

>>9801439 ————————————–——– Like clockwork. (Cap: >>9801445)

>>9801324 ————————————–——– Does a combination of prisoner release + 'mask' mandate(s) provide for a more dangerous environment to citizens? Cause and Effect. (Cap: >>9801418)

>>9800233 ————————————–——– Lone Warrior! (Cap: >>9800277)

>>9796768 ————————————–——– COVID-19[2] positive patients in MEXICO were quietly transferred [routed] to CA (Caps: >>9796799, >>9796826)

>>9795578 ————————————–——– Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow darkness to infiltrate and destroy.

>>9795415 ————————————–——– THESE are the times that try men's souls.

Monday 06.29.2020

>>9792365 ————————————–——– Loyalists_critical. Remember your oath. Remember your mission.

>>9791782 ————————————–——– Holy Trinity Sunday letter to Potus Pt 2 (Cap: >>9792890)

>>9791774 ————————————–——– Holy Trinity Sunday letter to Potus Pt 1 (Cap: >>9792890)

>>9791494 ————————————–——– THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE INSURGENCY IS REAL.

>>9791468 ————————————–——– DoD whistleblower coming? [D] PARTY [[F] PUPPET MASTER(S) (string pullers)] DEATH SPIRAL (Cap: >>9791488)

>>9790615 ————————————–——– Another Chinese special delivery? (Cap: >>9790631)

>>9790498 ————————————–——– When does COVID-19[2] MSDNC [fear] push end? Think 2020_P election +1.

Sunday 06.28.2020

>>9778955 ————————————–——– How do you circumvent? [controlled lines of comm [propaganda]] Backchannels are important. Knowledge is >power< (Cap: >>9778972)

>>9778683 ————————————–——–"Free thought" philosophical viewpoint formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

Fri 06.26.2020 >>9813995

Thu 06.25.2020 >>9792938

Wed 06.24.2020 >>9779580

Tue 06.23.2020 >>9779449

Mon 06.22.2020 >>9746851

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>6885294

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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55c17a  No.9822427



It's manipulating LOVE.


ex.crew.bots of the sinking shit ship~


>Seductive coercion is much more difficult to recognize and it is the most prevalent; It persuades rather than forces but can be much more powerful than force. It employs manipulation and control of information and authoritative endoreality based on shunning and inclusion.

Exactly like the manipulators here 🤣😂🤣



ChinAIDS TYBetrayer of trust


mr.phig|ment fairytail


(Aura)soap (White)shower ex.tavistock.lotion.bot gone


66bakers made in china



k.ings f.all c.rash Aunty Forgiveness


It's cringe watching a stale sthick like teh jews being rehashed beyond a dead horse.

c.orcs float away | Black Americans are Americans


status: 0

error: China/baker's network attack

status: 0

error: China/baker's network attack

status: 0

error: China/baker's network attack!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8394fc  No.9822429

File: 56f629a25ee933d⋯.jpg (597.94 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_701.jpg)

File: 7b8e166a28e2ad6⋯.jpg (735.38 KB, 1080x717, 360:239, IMG_702.jpg)

File: f56e03cd031bde5⋯.jpg (861.61 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_703.jpg)

You Imagine Release Anger unto God Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3d0a61  No.9822444

Global Announcements

>>9698938 Announcing a new resource for bakers and anons

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9821794 Late Q pb

>>9821854 Biden and DNC outraise Trump and RNC during blockbuster fundraising month (from Q post)

>>9821807 DIGG con't on Madeileine Stowe from The Last of the Mohicans (involved in Haiti)


>>9821857, >>9821917, >>9821965, >>9822009, >>9822089, Fauci digg thread con't

>>9822044, >>9822081 Fauci digg thread - anon comments

>>9821906, >>9821909, >>9821913 Resignations in the news 6/30/2020 & 7/1/2020

>>9821912, >>9821933 Mao’s March On Jacksonville: The Marxists Are Coming For The RNC 8-27-2020

>>9821933 Tom Burke on FRSO (Freedom Road Socialist Organization - vid)

>>9821985 Want to know where all those corporate donations for #BLM are going? Here's the list.

>>9822011 Is BLM a money-laundering scheme?

>>9821987 RT's account of Twitter removal of Trump post due to NYT complaint

>>9821993 Scavino Parler post

>>9821998 US Media Date 'Russian Bounties' 5 Years Back, Name 'Key Middleman' in 'Money Transfers' (Sputnik)

>>9821765, >>9821766, >>9820789 pb Last of the Mohicans theme - comments from patriots (pdf)

>>9822013 Genetically Engineered Cow Plasma Therapy for COVID-19 Will Be Tested on Humans (yuck)

>>9822033 AG Barr reveals 500+ domestic terrorist investigations are already underway (vid)

>>9822095 Covid-19 in S Africa: Another hard lockdown 'possible' as SA prepares for spike in deaths

>>9822100 Marine Corps Finds Serious Flaws in Fatal Crash Investigation

>>9822177 The Joint Staff on the decisive Battle of Gettysburg

>>9822210 Joe M's Covid911 with notes.

>>9822243 The CDC's list of studies on masks (not at all biased, i'm sure)

>>9822223 Protesters gather in front of Vancouver city attorneys’ homes to protest targeting of local bus owner

>>9822278 Nadler wins Democratic primary

>>9822362, >>9822386, >>9822382 Anon notes on Chart of Coercion of Prisoners

>>9822436 #12571


note-taker after ghost

>>9821014, >>9821228 Russian constitutional changes approved by 77,93% as 99,9 % of ballots counted - Election Commission

>>9821064, >>9821158 Florida Gov. DeSantis refuses to cave to pressure over COVID-19 spike, won't shut down Florida-theblaze

>>9821084 Shooting star seems to have exploded above Tokyo-mainichi

>>9821104 Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing FDA Paid for ‘Fresh and Never Frozen’ Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized Mice’ Creation

>>9821146 Federal Agents Charge Four Democrat Toledo City Council Members in Bribery Investigation-gatewaypundit

>>9821190, >>9821199 moar on Promontory: locations and founder info

baker pickup

>>9821300, >>9821381, >>9821472, >>9821565 Anon on keystone, HCQ & Fauci

>>9821446 Twitter removes Trump meme over copyright complaint from New York Times

>>9821542 The presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey issued a joint stmt Wed condemning "Israeli military attacks in Syria"

>>9821606 Turner's CNN is a symbol of the Confederacy (ha-ha-ha)

>>9821619 Power grab by China's Xi Jinping: President for life?

>>9821623 Women's soccer league on their knees

>>9821625 Verma: Democrats issued guidance that contradicted federal guidelines, causing the deaths of Elders

>>9821668 #12570


>>9820745 planefags

>>9820789 the theme from the Last of the Mohicans is based on Dougie Maclean's "The Gael". He also has another piece called…wait for it…READY FOR THE STORM.

>>9820764 Business Group Complains Trump’s H-1B Reform Is Boosting U.S. Graduates

>>9820726, >>9820752 “QAnon Sympathizer”

>>9820676 BA Commish on Possible Anthem Protests: We Have to Be True to Ourselves

>>9820645 Restaurant CEO Gives Away Salary and Bonus Worth $800K To Help Employees

>>9820586 Colorado Supreme Court rejects governor’s attempt to allow signature gathering for ballot initiatives by email, mail

>>9820475 Biden pulls together hundreds of lawyers as a bulwark against election trickery/from his basement abode in a lockdown unit

>>9820368 Chaos Erupts as Democrats Adopt GOP Motion to Restrict Chinese Access to American Infrastructure Projects

>>9820366, >>9820396, >>9820777, >>9820814 2015 Soros doc on Police Reform

>>9820331 POTUS Schedule for Thursday, July 2, 2020

>>9820263, >>9820298, >>9820515 Promontory diggz

>>9820212 Quiet retirement: Finnish Air Force reportedly ditches swastika logo

>>9820204 McConnell: I Hope Trump Doesn’t Veto NDAA over Base Name Issue

>>9820849 #12569


>>9820025 planefags

>>9820094 2015: Promontory Financial Group

>>9819733 Madeileine Stowe from The Last of the Mohicans was involved in Haiti…

>>9819720 David Clark resigns as health minister NZ

>>9819610 New HUD Rule Would Allow Single-Sex or Sex-Segregated Homeless Shelters To Turn Away Transgender People

>>9819603 Twitter removes meme from Trump tweet after The New York Times, which owns the rights to the photo, filed a complaint

>>9819506 Israel #Aerospace Industries prepares to lay off about 900 of its #employees, the company's CEO, Maj.-Gen. (Ret.) Nimrod Sheffer, announces his #resignation

>>9819475 Rachel Chandler and John Brennan At White House On Same Day 3/17/11

>>9819429, >>9819490 NBA Chief Adam Silver Hopes for ‘Mutual Respect’ Between American, Chinese Values

>>9820120 #12568

Previously Collected Notables

>>9817834 #12565, >>9818597 #12566. >>9819284 #12567

>>9815473 #12562, >>9816184 #12563, >>9817019 #12564

>>9813071 #12559, >>9813885 #12560, >>9814671 #12561

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3d0a61  No.9822448

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9820389 Meme Campaign Thread #3

>>9260794 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #13

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

GMTAnon - We are running out of space now. Please consolidate your work in some way. Thankyou.

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119-#121 >>>/comms/17717, >>>/comms/18151, >>9797864

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3d0a61  No.9822449

QPosts Archives

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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Other Tools

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

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* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Bypass WSJ "paywall" Grease/Tamper Monkey script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/377618-the-wall-street-journal-full-text-articles

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152, 58 >>9579253

* COVID Knowingly — mega.nz/folder/VNw33KwZ#4zmGWC7cmZIKhUgtN3JBbw

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* 2020-Jun — mega.nz/folder/8ZwVDKYQ#CFhZxu0GbWUmgk4vfNiRpg

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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55c17a  No.9822461

File: 9a6c33085527cac⋯.jpg (5.29 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Airplane_PictureUpd….jpg)

I've updated the central Qproof of Trumps AF1 flight, in 2017. To me, this constitutes undeniable evidence that Q is of the highest Security Clearance within Americas Intelligence Services.

This War is very real. You're already involved.

This proof strikes down a few main claims against the validity of Q, namely, that they do not originate from within Americas Intelligence Services as well as their continuity of Identity.

"Q was taken over / hijacked" simply isn't so.

I have a question for each of you: What does a Presence of Force look like within the Combat Domain of People/Culture?

In the Combat Domain of Space, we have Satellites.

In the Combat Domain of Cyber, we have Networks.

In the Combat Domain of Air, we have Planes.

In the Combat Domain of Ground, we have Tanks.

In the Combat Domain of Sea, we have Ships.

In the Combat Domain of People… what do we have?

Another Question: Are we at War?

Is there a War against a deeply entrenched network of people, bound by blackmail and malicious thirst for power/control?

Would this network have a hierarchy similar to a Shadow Government?

What assets do they own, that afflict the Combat Domain of People?

Are the hydra-like 'Main(lame)' stream medias singing the same tune?

Does that provide a combative advantage to their control over people?

Is control over that powerful of a spell, likely to disband without a fight?

Who would they be fighting against?

Are there those that swore an oath to defend The People, The Constitution, from enemies foreign and domestic?

What would their Presence of Force, in the Combat Domain of People, look like?

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3d0a61  No.9822464

File: 57c1b5cde487756⋯.png (454.66 KB, 626x610, 313:305, Marley_ghost_bake.png)



Baker is GHOST

Tanks anons for all your contributions.


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5ebfd0  No.9822468

previous bread.


My dad walked Norma Jean Baker to university High every morning until she dropped out and got married.

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ad534d  No.9822472

Watching “I’ll be gone in the Dark” starring Michelle McNamara(Patton Oswald’s late wife)

It’s an HBO series based on her crime blog/book that eventually leads to the arrest of the Golden State Killer.

She died of an overdose and had a heart condition, did she discover her husband was part of pedowood?

Any anon’s discussed this topic?

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71f783  No.9822485

File: c8853b2730f1e14⋯.png (91.22 KB, 288x300, 24:25, _R77D9HB.png)


sweet bakes ghosty

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226ae8  No.9822488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AADL- African American Defense League on Facebook book




We Must Place A Bounty On The Head Of Black-sliding / Back-sliding Candace Owens! There Comes A Time When We Must Deal With Our Own Judases, Turncoats, and Backstabbers! We Are Advancing In This Manner To Investigate Her Now Because She Is A Danger To The Black Community At Large. My Brothers and My Sisters This Black Demon Must Be Interrogated. This Black Evil Damsel Is Married To The Enemy and Is Indeed Doing Her Master's Will. This Slave Endorses White Racist Killings Against Black People!" Minister Mauricelm X

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0e10ee  No.9822493

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ty_easy_filters.png)

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a2796a  No.9822496

File: 3c2b15c5b6724bd⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 46zydp.jpg)

File: abd29d39be9e085⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 46z8rv.jpg)

Take them out now they are only a small percentage of the American people.

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ee6df7  No.9822498

File: 5a3d0ed79e70863⋯.jpg (187.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, reaper08.jpg)

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291a7a  No.9822500


interesting stuff for sure

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3d0a61  No.9822501


i'll see ghosty pepe in muh dreams



-baker out

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61016b  No.9822504

File: 3e7527d072c600e⋯.png (552.75 KB, 678x380, 339:190, h1.png)


thank you baker

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815db7  No.9822505

File: d6f847972086318⋯.png (445.33 KB, 1028x689, 1028:689, all_lives_dont_matter.png)

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8120e4  No.9822506

File: 8c7a6ed735b56d2⋯.png (102.74 KB, 812x608, 203:152, BindermanChartCoercion.png)

File: 79baae9a5e3112f⋯.png (125.86 KB, 813x606, 271:202, BindermanChartCoercion_Per….png)


thanks baker


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311e19  No.9822507

File: 3978d6406b1bba1⋯.png (207.93 KB, 1094x998, 547:499, gadsden.png)

Layered SVG for vinyl plotters, etc - free and opensource.


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e2841d  No.9822508


Don't let the bed bugs bite.

The Murder Hornets are bad enough.

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0c5c4a  No.9822509

File: 6f757272b5170b2⋯.jpg (13.09 KB, 320x180, 16:9, Glastonbury_2011_U2_Cannib….jpg)

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0e10ee  No.9822510

File: 731f0b845c9d2da⋯.png (110.89 KB, 713x590, 713:590, fauci_selling_drugs.png)

File: 50503fd0e60385a⋯.png (275.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06182020_….png)

File: b8a470dd58c131a⋯.png (267.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06182020_….png)

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432879  No.9822511


Do you think that Ray Chandler's novel, The Big Sleep was trying to tip us off to the whole sex trafficking, drugs and blackmail that was the core of the Hollywood film industry?

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a2796a  No.9822512

File: b08c8b97a10e037⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 540x462, 90:77, 46y7rp.jpg)

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1ee2d4  No.9822513

File: 047ad80de33bb0c⋯.jpg (180.1 KB, 801x797, 801:797, woman_patriot.jpg)


Austin Steinbart is now filming a documentary about his role as Q in the Q operation. It will appear on Hulu and Netflix. AnyQPharisees prepared to eat crow?

The King is Here!

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3ec34d  No.9822514

File: ef44e9f8e4fde52⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 716x346, 358:173, Thanks_Ron_Jim_and_team.jpg)

File: e8f4b0a6040270a⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 551x367, 551:367, AWAKENING_WORLD.jpg)


Some 445,000 years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in search of gold.

Splashing down in one of Earth's seas, they waded ashore and established Eridu, "Home in the Faraway." In time the initial settlement expanded to a full-fledged Mission Earthwith a Mission Control Center, a spaceport, mining operations, and even a way station on Mars.

Short of manpower, the astronauts employed genetic engineering to fashion Primitive Workers-Horno sapiens. The Deluge that catastrophically swept over the Earth required a fresh start; the astronauts became gods, granting Mankind civilization, teaching it to worship.

Then, about four thousand years ago, all that had been achieved unraveled in a nuclear calamity, brought about by the visitors to Earth in the course of their own rivalries and wars.

What had taken place on Earth, and especially the events since human history began, has been culled by Zecharia Sitchin, in his The Earth Chronicles Series, from the Bible, clay tablets, ancient myths, and archaeological discoveries. But what had preceded the events on Earth-what had taken place on the astronauts' own planet Nibiru that caused the space journeys, the need for gold, the creation of Man'

What emotions, rivalries, beliefs, morals (or the lack thereof) motivated the principal players in the celestial and space sagas? What were the relationships that caused mounting tensions on Nibiru and on Earth, what tensions arose between old and young, between those who had come from Nibiru and those born on Earth? And to what extent was what had happened determined by Destiny-a destiny whose record of past events holds the key to the future?

Would it not be auspicious were one of the key players, an eyewitness and one who could distinguish between Fate and Destiny, to record


for posterity the How and Where and When and Why of it all-the First Things and perhaps the Last Things'

But that is precisely what some of them did do; and foremost among them was the very leader who had commanded the first group of astronauts!

Scholars and theologians alike now recognize that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down millennia earlier in Mesopotamia, especially by the Sumerians. And they, in turn, clearly stated that they obtained their knowledge of past events-many from a time

before civilizations began, even before Mankind came to be-from the writings of the Anunnaki ("Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came")-the "gods" of antiquity.

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46c056  No.9822515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


there are so many bad thing happening everywhere, but this is one of the most telling videos for me.

When Cabal and DS fucked over Ukraine, and Normies protest in the streets hoping for better change and future, leaders of DS were in the front row.

They look at us as sheeps. Just look how NoName is proud while filming.

They always need to be in the first row. This is fucking movie for them.

So fucking sad that so many people always get outplayed.

Every fucking protest, movement are orchestrated. For decades.

Why do people always jump on those movement trains. Lost generations.

This is only hope for the world:

- Gun sales rising in 2020, especially among first time buyers


- Gun Sales Up 80 Percent in May 2020


- US citizens own 40% of all guns in world - more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined


As Gen.Flynn say:


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3ec34d  No.9822516


As a result of a century and a half of archaeological discoveries in the ruins of the ancient civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early texts have been found; the finds have also revealed the extent of missing texts-so-called lost books-which are either mentioned in discovered texts or are inferred from such texts, or that are known to have existed because they were cataloged in royal or temple libraries.

Sometimes the "secrets of the gods" were partly revealed in epic tales, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, that disclosed the debate among the gods that led to the decision to let Mankind perish in the Deluge, or in a text titled Atra Hasis, which recalled the mutiny of the Anunnaki who had toiled in the gold mines that led to the creation of Primitive Workers-Earthlings. From time to time the leaders of the astronauts themselves authored compositions: sometimes dictating the text to a chosen scribe, as the text called The Erra Epos, in which one of the two gods who had caused the nuclear calamity sought to shift the blame to his adversary; sometime the god acted as his own scribe, as is the case regarding the Book of the Secrets of Thoth (the Egyptian god of knowledge), which the god had secreted in a subterranean chamber.

When the Lord God Yahweh, according to the Bible, granted the Commandments to His chosen people, He at first inscribed in His own hand two stone tablets that He gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. When Moses threw down and broke that first set of tablets in response to the golden calf incident, the replacement set was written by Moses on the


tablets, on both their sides, when he stayed on the Mount forty days and forty nights recording the dictated words of the Lord.

Were it not for a tale recorded on papyrus from the time of the Egyptian king Khufu (Cheops) concerning the Book of the Secrets of Thoth, the existence of that book would have not become known. Were it not for the biblical narratives in Exodus and Deuteronomy, we would have never known about the divine tablets and their contents; all would have become part of the enigmatic body of "lost books" whose very existence would have never come to light. No less painful is the fact that in some instances we do know that certain texts had existed, but are in the dark regarding their contents. Such is the case regarding the Book of the Wars of Yahweh and the Book of Dasher ("Book of Righteousness"), which are specifically mentioned in the Bible. In at least two instances, the existence of olden books-earlier texts known to the biblical narrator-can be inferred. Chapter five of Genesis begins with the statement "This is the book of the Toledoth of Adam," the term Toledoth being usually translated as "generations" but more accurately meaning "historic or genealogical record." The other instance is in chapter six of Genesis, where the events concerning Noah and the Deluge begin with the words "These are the Toledoth of Noah." Indeed, partial versions of a book that became known as the Book of Adam and Eve have survived over the millennia in Armenian, Slavonic, Syriac, and

Ethiopic languages; and the Book of Enoch (one of the so-called Apocryphal books that were not included in the canonized Bible) contains segments that are considered by scholars to be fragments from a much earlier Book of Noah.

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3ec34d  No.9822518


An oft-quoted example of the extent of lost books is that of the famed Library of Alexandria in Egypt. Established by the general Ptolemy after Alexander's death in 323 B.C., it was said to have contained more than half a million "volumes"-books inscribed on a variety of materials (clay, stone, papyrus, parchment). That great library, where scholars gathered to study the accumulated knowledge, was burnt down and destroyed in wars that extended from 48 B.C. to the Arab conquest in A.D. 642. What has remained of its treasures is a translation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, and fragments retained in the writings of some of the library's resident scholars.


It is only thus that we know that the second king Ptolemy commissioned, circa 270 B.C., an Egyptian priest whom the Greeks called Manetho to compile the history and prehistory of Egypt. At first, Manetho wrote, only the gods reigned there, then demigods, and finally, circa 3100 B.C., Pharaonic dynasties began. The divine reigns, he wrote, began ten thousand years before the Flood and continued for thousands of years thereafter, the latter period having witnessed battles and wars among the gods.

In the Asiatic domains of Alexander, where reign fell into the hands of the general Seleucos and his successors, a similar effort to provide the Greek savants with a record of past events took place. A priest of the Babylonian god Marduk, Berossus, with access to libraries of clay tablets whose core was the temple library of Harran (now in southeastern Turkey), wrote down in three volumes a history of gods and men that began- 432,000 years before the Deluge, when the gods came to Earth from the heavens. Listing by name and reign durations the first ten commanders, Berossus reported that the first leader, dressed as a fish, waded ashore from the sea. He was the one who gave Mankind civilization; and his name, rendered in Greek, was Cannes.

Dovetailing in many details, both priests thus rendered accounts of gods of heaven who had come to Earth, of a time when gods alone reigned on Earth, and of the catastrophic Deluge. In the fragmentary bits and pieces retained (in other contemporary writings) from the three volumes, Berossus specifically reported the existence of writings from before the Great Flood-stone tablets that were hidden for safekeeping in an ancient city called Sippar, one of the original cities established by the ancient gods.

Though Sippar, as were other pre-Diluvial cities of the gods, was overwhelmed and obliterated by the Deluge, a reference to the pre-Diluvial writings surfaced in the annals of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (668-633 B.C.). When archaeologists, in the midnineteenth century, found the ancient Assyrian capital Nineveh-until then known only from the Old Testament-they discovered in the ruins of palace a library with the remains of some 25,000 inscribed clay tablets. An assiduous collector of "olden texts,"

Ashurbanipal boasted-in his annals, "The god of scribes has bestowed on me the gift of the knowledge of his art; I have been initiated into the secrets of writing; I can

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580c85  No.9822519

File: 1a439d8c183e526⋯.png (728.59 KB, 780x792, 65:66, On_Top_of_the_Whale.png)

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7bd74d  No.9822520


…This shit, again? fucking SNORE!

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ea2a3b  No.9822521

File: e0cead20868d3b0⋯.jpeg (163.07 KB, 600x1066, 300:533, e0cead20868d3b06a5ca4b6b8….jpeg)


Thanks "straight to tha d'oh, ghosted" baker.

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ee6df7  No.9822522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ec34d  No.9822523



even read the intricate tablets in Shumerian; I understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the days before the Flood."

It is now known that the Shumerian (or Sumerian) civilization had blossomed in what is now Iraq almost a millennium before the beginning of the Pharaonic age in Egypt, both to be followed later by the civilization of the Indus Valley in the Indian subcontinent. It is now also known that the Sumerians were the first to write down the annals and tales of gods and men, from which all other peoples, including the Hebrews, obtained the tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel; and of the wars and loves of the gods, as reflected in the writings and recollections of the Greeks, Hittites, Canaanites, Persians, and Indo-Europeans. As all these olden writings attest, their sources were even earlier texts-some found, many lost.

The volume of such early writings is staggering; not thousands but tens of thousands of clay tablets have been discovered in the ruins of the ancient Near East. Many deal with or record aspects of daily life, such as trade or workers' wages and nuptial contracts. Others, found mostly in palace libraries, constitute Royal Annals; still others, discovered in the ruins of temple libraries or of scribal schools, constitute a group of canonized texts, a secret literature, that were written down in the Sumerian language and then translated to Akkadian (the first Semitic language) and then other ancient languages. And even in those early writings-going back almost six thousand years-references are made to lost "books" (texts inscribed on stone tablets).

Among the incredible-to say fortunate does not fully convey the miracle-finds in the ruins of ancient cities and their libraries are clay prisms inscribed with the very information about the ten pre-Diluvial rulers and their 432,000 years' total reign to which Berossus had referred. Known as the Sumerian King Lists (and on display in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England), their several versions leave no doubt that their Sumerian compilers had access to some earlier common or canonized textual material. Coupled with other equally early texts, discovered in various states of preservation, they strongly suggest that the original recorder of the Arrival, as well as of preceding events and certainly of following events, had to be one of those leaders, a key participant, an eyewitness.

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b152d6  No.9822524

File: 948d5690a46160e⋯.png (548.83 KB, 535x648, 535:648, Screenshot_2020_07_02_The_….png)


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ee6df7  No.9822525

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a2796a  No.9822526

File: 0b4bd8cb46d39a1⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Muh_Dick.jpg)



Q doesn't have anything on the scoreboard so the storyline will definitely be boring.

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3ec34d  No.9822527



One who had been an eyewitness to all those events, indeed a key participant in them, was the leader who had splashed down with the first group of astronauts. At that time his epithet-name was E.A., "He Whose Home Is Water." He experienced the disappointment of having command of Earth Mission given to his half brother and rival EN.LIL ("Lord

of the Command"), a humiliation little mitigated by granting him the title EN.K1, "Lord of Earth." Relegated away from the cities of the gods and their spaceport in the E.DIN ("Eden") to supervise the mining of gold in the AB.ZU (southeastern Africa), it was Ea/Enki-a great scientist-who came across the hominids who inhabited those parts. And so when the Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutinied and said, "No more!" it was he who realized that the needed manpower could be obtained by jumping the gun on evolution through genetic engineering; and thus did the Adam (literally, "He of the Earth," Earthling) come into being. As a hybrid, the Adam could not procreate; the events echoed in the biblical tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden record the second genetic manipulation by Enki that added the extra chromosomal genes needed for sexual procreation. And when Mankind, proliferating, did not turn out the way it had been envisaged, it was he, Enki, who defied his brother Enlil's plan to let Mankind perish in the Deluge-the events whose hero has been called Noah in the Bible and Ziusudra in the earlier original Sumerian text.

The firstborn son of Anu, Nibiru's ruler, Ea/Enki was well versed in his planet's (Nibiru) and its inhabitants' past. An accomplished scientist, he bequeathed the most important aspects of the advanced knowledge of the Anunnaki especially to his two sons Marduk and Ningishzidda (who, as Egyptian gods, were known there as Ra and Thoth, respectively). But he also was instrumental in sharing with Mankind certain aspects of such advanced knowledge, by teaching to selected individuals the "secrets of the gods." In at least two instances, such initiates wrote down (as they were instructed to do) those divine teachings as Mankind's heritage. One, called Adapa and probably a son of Enki by a human female, is known to have written a book titled Writings Regarding Time-one of the earliest lost books. The other, called Enmeduranki, was in all probability the prototype of the biblical Enoch, the one who was taken up to heaven after he


had entrusted to his sons the book of divine secrets, and of which a version has possibly survived in the extrabiblical Book of Enoch.

Though the firstborn of Anu, he was not destined to be his father's successor on the throne of Nibiru. Complex rules of succession, which reflected the convoluted history of the Nibiruans, gave that privilege to Enki's half brother Enlil. In the effort to resolve the bitter conflict, both Enki and Enlil ended up on a mission to an alien planet-Earth-whose gold was needed to create a shield for preserving Nibiru's dwindling atmosphere. It was against that background, made even more complex by the presence on Earth of their half sister Ninharsag (the Chief Medical Officer of the Anunnaki), that Enki decided to defy Enlil's plan to have Mankind perish in the Deluge

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5b4852  No.9822528

File: 0ea283ce5be5d89⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 243x208, 243:208, 34512.jpg)

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8394fc  No.9822529

File: 07b08c679fb5b90⋯.jpg (870.87 KB, 1080x782, 540:391, IMG_704.jpg)

File: 81ef35443fcddd2⋯.jpg (674.79 KB, 1080x708, 90:59, IMG_705.jpg)

File: a39934109114e2d⋯.jpg (829.33 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, IMG_706.jpg)

You Imagine Gods Protection Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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3ec34d  No.9822530


The conflict carried on between the two half brothers' sons, even among their grandchildren; the fact that all of them, and especially those born on Earth, faced the loss of longevity that Nibiru's extended orbital period provided added personal agonies and sharpened ambitions. It all came to a climax in the last century of the third millennium B.C. when Marduk, Enki's firstborn by his official spouse, claimed that he and not Enlil's

firstborn son, Ninurta, should inherit the Earth. The bitter conflict that included a series of wars led in the end to the use of nuclear weapons; the ensuing though unintended result was the demise of the Sumerian civilization.

The initiation of chosen individuals into the "secrets of the gods" had marked the beginning of Priesthood, the lineages of mediators between the gods and the people, the transmitters of the Divine Words to the mortal Earthlings. Oracles-interpretations of divine utterances were commingled with the observation of the heavens for omens. And as Mankind was increasingly drawn to take sides in the godly conflicts, Prophecy began to play a role. Indeed, the term to denote such spokesmen of the gods who proclaimed what was to come, Nabih, was the epithet for Marduk's firstborn son, Nabu, who had tried, on behalf of his exiled father, to convince Mankind that the heavenly signs bespoke the coming supremacy of Marduk.

These developments sharpened the realization that one must distinguish between Fate and Destiny. The proclamations of Enlil, sometimes


even of Anu, that used to be unquestioned were now subjected to the scrutiny of the difference between NAM-a Destiny, like the planetary orbits, whose course had been determined and was unchangeable-and NAM.TAR, literally, a destiny that could be bent, broken, changedwhich was Fate. Reviewing and recalling the sequence of events, and the apparent parallelism between what had happened on Nibiru and what took place on Earth, Enki and Enlil began to ponder philosophically what indeed was destined and could not have been avoided, and what was just fated as a consequence of right or wrong decisions and free choice. The latter could not be predicted; the former could be foreseen-especially if all, as the planetary orbits, was cyclical; if what was shall again be, if the First Things shall also be the Last Things.

The climactic event of the nuclear desolation sharpened soul-searching among the leaders of the Anunnaki and raised the need to explain to the devastated human masses why it came to pass this way. Was it destined or was it just the result of an Anunnaki-made fate? Was anyone responsible, is there someone accountable?

In the Councils of the Anunnaki on the eve of the calamity, it was Enki who stood alone in opposition to the use of the forbidden weapon. It was thus important for Enki to explain to the suffering remnants hot, that turning point in the saga of extraterrestrials who had meant well but ended as destroyers had come to pass. And who but Ea/Enki, who was the first to come and an eyewitness to it all, was most qualified to tell the Pas, so that the Future could be divined? And the best way to tell it all was as a first-person report by Enki himself.

That he had recorded his autobiography is certain, for a long text (stretching over at least twelve tablets) discovered in the library

Just the beginning… but a good easy synopsis…Not hard to understand.

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d0aebf  No.9822532

I still want to know how much of the truth will come out publicly. We may know about a lot of things, but what about everyone else?

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177c02  No.9822533

File: 8c701d911faecf5⋯.jpg (126.89 KB, 602x1321, 602:1321, 123_1_21_.jpg)

File: 431b818a1b83847⋯.jpeg (856.85 KB, 1467x1200, 489:400, Resized_15936558329065555….jpeg)

File: 5330339bd731329⋯.png (341.91 KB, 722x426, 361:213, 15936558604239057959969005….png)

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0edfaa  No.9822534

File: 660367a0354de1d⋯.jpg (422.13 KB, 2076x1396, 519:349, _20200702_025716.JPG)

File: 95f0e6f161e894e⋯.jpg (184.7 KB, 1983x1048, 1983:1048, _20200702_031025.JPG)

File: c29307330ba4ab4⋯.png (137.58 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20200702_025924.png)

Ever hear of Legal Services Corporation?

Yeah, me neither, it's never been dug.

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is a publicly funded, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established by the United States Congress.

Obama appointed the current chair - John Levi

And who else is on the board?

Hillary Rodham (Clinton)

No wonder POTUS wanted to defund it, $593,000,000 funneled into it this year with an estimated $59 million dollar increase next year.

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1ee2d4  No.9822535

File: 9bc766fb2ef3588⋯.png (365.99 KB, 2022x781, 2022:781, sextups_confirms_Q.png)


Freemason dubs means you're a lying sack of shit.

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580c85  No.9822536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shaddap You Face!!

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5ebfd0  No.9822537


My dad married my Marilyn Monroe look alike trust fund mom. Mom lost her trust fund because of that

. Dad's Dad was wealthy but rejected his children when his mom cheated with his business partner.

So I come from two failed trust fund babies. I know all the secrets though like Tiffany Trump. For some reason we still get invited to the parties.

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f33d32  No.9822538


I'm beginning to wonder if the good guys are really going to win at all. I mean, with the Kung Flu and riots, would POTUS/Q really let the people have to go through all of that if they were really in control?

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671a41  No.9822539


It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.


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ffa7f1  No.9822540

File: 2564432d9ce4a54⋯.png (652.13 KB, 1099x720, 1099:720, ClipboardImage.png)

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06136e  No.9822541

>>9822387 (lb)

>Lady Just

"Do as I say or face the consecuences" Coumo.

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a2796a  No.9822542

File: fdd00f09e517ebe⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 571x408, 571:408, Flynn.jpg)

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46c056  No.9822543

File: 15f6540c6bc23d0⋯.mp4 (7.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Welcome_Back_General_Flynn….mp4)


its is hard for us from EU to somehow support you in these hard times, words are sometimes only way how to show support.

So if you are losing hope, please just listen to Gen.Flynn here, every word he say.

This is true Patriotism.

Stay strong.

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63f46b  No.9822544

File: a4a16050b314626⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 648x657, 72:73, actblue.jpg)

Memeber what else ActBlue did?

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1ee2d4  No.9822547

File: f59a66126171941⋯.jpg (101.75 KB, 1000x664, 125:83, vanilla_patriot.jpg)



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177c02  No.9822548

File: 471423420d43fd5⋯.png (223.94 KB, 1080x2069, 1080:2069, 15936569786125935172273488….png)

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1ee2d4  No.9822549

File: 589c4c12a72e1c6⋯.jpg (111.07 KB, 1046x560, 523:280, justice_loyalty_courage.jpg)


Dox Shill

Why you doxxing Q, you fucking jew?

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8e2fd5  No.9822550

File: ce0b4e093ee161f⋯.jpeg (977.63 KB, 1033x1020, 1033:1020, 029DB7A6_0BDC_48D9_97BE_2….jpeg)

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55c17a  No.9822551

Censorship extends beyond the ability to use words.

It may be as insidious as filling our beloved memes and symbols with subliminal gore.

As complex, as invading our dreams through the hivemind/Egregore, by flooding our board with demoralizing subliminals so we accept them as greater than ourselves.

The 'crew' -> Toiletboi/danlie/ex.bot/jooooos/wnb/doc/gyb/etc

Stop, read:

Environment 1: Imagine yourself in conversation with someone else who's willing to hear your side. You two are in a process of reconciliation that eventually leads to a shared objective Truth.

Stop, read:

Environment 2: Imagine yourself in conversation with someone else, while a third person is yelling at you both. The closer you get to a shared objective Truth, the more abrasive the third becomes. They yell not just random words but words with certain weights in our minds - weights that hook into your Fight, Flight, or Freeze center.


Question: Will one or both of you become defensive / protective against outside sources? You should, that's the entire point of our instincts, should we be in a situation that threatens our life.

Stop, read:

Their myriad of weighted words can be traced back to our anus, for they have figured out if they can associate their pressence with our anus we are denied a deep sense of safety.

Better yet, by associating themselves with natural processes (Like tooting, shitting) their system reinforces itself.

Without that sense of physical safety, the process of our conversations is turned into a slippery slope of defensiveness and outright combat.

We fight each other because our enemy has tricked our minds into a fear we're under constant physical threat.

Stop, read:

Deeper Questions (To ask yourself):

Will this impact the quality and quantity of my thoughts?

Will this strangle my actions?

Will this impair my ability to connect two different points?

Will this help or CENSOR my ability to reach a shared objective truth with the other?

Will this hinder my ability to absorb / digest information?

Taken further, is my ability to IDEN Fren or Foe eroded when my instincts are overloaded? Are we generally more open to being manipulated when our emotions / fears are running high? (Oil)

Does our enemy gaslight? Do they AstroTurf consensus / love / hate? (Fire)

Stop, read:

Does this give them control over us? Our behaviors / reactions? Our relationships?

Our unconscious expectations when sharing what we know? The defenses of others to hear it?

Do they fight to keep that control?

Stop, read:

Censorship is far more complex than simple filtering / not letting others speak.

In fact, those with insidious intentions will use their free speech to shut yours down.

To limit your very minds.

To censor your soul.

Stop, read:

On our boards, we are in Environment 2.

They have this system of censorship down to a science. This Matrix is what we will destroy.

The Great Awakening.

Stop, read:

Filtering & Image Blur is our second amendment.

It's our armed response against the intrusion of the enemies poison.

IDEN_Foe those that shame you out of it

Stop, read:

Now (You) know, and knowing is half the battle~


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b152d6  No.9822552

File: 0c153e772f54e5b⋯.png (32.86 KB, 535x299, 535:299, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Fort….png)

US Army CID announces one military suspect is deceased after taking his own life yesterday in Killeen, Texas, and a civilian suspect has been arrested by the Texas Rangers in connection with the disappearance of Pfc. Vanessa Guillen.


Suicide weekend incoming

Evil [darkness] has never been so exposed to light.

They can no longer hide in the shadows.

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ee6df7  No.9822553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55c17a  No.9822554

>Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death, lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him

This Truth would put 99% of people into hospitals.

Imagine a pool of water, enormous, that a small group of controllers manipulate with different chemicals and conditions.

We wade in and are trapped / entrained by its effects on our being. So much so that these effects become too much for our psyche to handle. At this point we "shut down" and let them inject a driver [car] in your being; A personality they create / program. A "better you" [advertised as such] that won't breakdown from their onslaught of manipulations.

You're still in there, a personality sitting as passenger, to a driver who's similar enough to be confused as friend.

You can tell by the distance you have between your intuition/instincts and what you act on day by day. The relentless drive to 'go along' is a rootkit / hook this programmed personality runs on. It's the preservative in the pool, to keep us from breaking down.

There are natural occurrences of these similar forces. A better you / your best self is a deep target we want to achieve. The relentless perseverance of our Souls is an immutable quality of our bring.

To keep their [Matrix] stable, they made it as mirrored to our natural configuration as possible. With one crucial difference: the driving personality is working towards goals that are not our own. The goals of the programmers.

Now replace pool with magnetic fields; inject with induce.

There's a leap to take here, an understanding of our reality that reveals the means to see how this is pragmatically implemented.

We are more ruled by the magnetic fields of our hearts, the earth, and the sun, than we are by the chemistry of these objects.

The driving force of life is electric current.

Our minds are receivers / antenna / translators.

Thus, to cast a wide pool they fabricate strong magnetic fields. They weaken our own magnetic fields. They push both extremes to solidify their leverage of control.

Countless trillions have been spent on controlling humanity. There are shadow projects that create agents/assets by wiping the personalities of willing participants [Think Jason Borune]. These are the programmers of our Matrix. They have highly tuned 'sight' into the 'hiveminds/centers of entrainments' and oversee the systems maintenance.

Bubbles of courage are dispersed

Beliefs are eroded.

Anger is redirected.

Love is forced.

They see our collective emotional landscapes [magnetic fields] as farms to tend.

Pull the undesirable weeds.

Prune the overgrowth.

Plant seeds of [their] objectives.

Water the plants that suite their masters.

If you think these methods are similar to stories about other shadow projects, you're correct.

This is the system of control that emerged from their previous studies.

Here's your Snowwhite kiss, Neo has awoken.

This is the Matrix [] we live in right now.

Pray to God whom is beyond their systems false messiah(s).

Trust your instincts to find your way out.

For Where We Go 1, We Go All.

This mission of escape is core to our surival.

You have a personal connection to the heartGODbeat of our existence. Touch it.

Warning: This is deep

For an illumination of this Looking Glass technology, see:


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aad495  No.9822555


I read that book earlier. It was ok. Doesn't go into as much detail as the stuff Tibetans wrote though.

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1ab90b  No.9822556

File: 95b7b021389a82b⋯.jpeg (988.18 KB, 697x1502, 697:1502, 96FC33C9_5B30_4D19_AA50_6….jpeg)

File: 06668d7285405f6⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1052x1417, 1052:1417, C9582E4B_6ACB_4CC0_8BE3_0….jpeg)


Like this with untold millions more.

2A all the way baby…

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815db7  No.9822557

File: c6248c11464b9b1⋯.png (575.49 KB, 793x835, 793:835, hateful_speech.png)


"Enjoy the show" is what Roths told his select audience who sat in the building next to the towers and had a front row seat to the show.

Q saying, "Enjoy the Show" is a direct threat to them that the tables have been turned.


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e78c0d  No.9822558

File: 11b35eb09a8d10b⋯.png (540.83 KB, 960x500, 48:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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aad495  No.9822559

File: 7224054b64f4e8e⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_20200630_200338_320.jpg)


>This Truth would put 99% of people into hospitals

This truth will be quite a shock for many here. There's much more.

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8e2fd5  No.9822560

File: 965fbdfa7de8562⋯.jpeg (46.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 503040D3_0FE0_4AC1_B2AA_B….jpeg)

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5da3e3  No.9822561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:19 into the video Trey Gowdy says he was with the President yesterday which would have been on the 30th of June……I wonder what that is all about?

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0e10ee  No.9822562

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46c056  No.9822563

File: daae9c7a6fb5a43⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 634x403, 634:403, rot.jpg)

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eec117  No.9822564


Thank you, EU Anon.

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3ec34d  No.9822565


It will filter out.. there's a destination to all of this… and it's pretty cool… there are things I see… but can't yet see how we get there… As I see more I can explain….this train has a destination… and it's a good one.

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31a777  No.9822566

File: 075de813319c7d4⋯.png (358.15 KB, 435x435, 1:1, MESHALBRINGHT.png)

Psalm 11:6-7

6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

7 For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.

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ddb55a  No.9822567

File: 2c495f03b06989b⋯.jpg (48.41 KB, 680x340, 2:1, EZxJEd9UMAA3KRi.jpg)

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ea2a3b  No.9822568

File: bb83275435e5caa⋯.png (735.37 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, bb83275435e5caa242385a9924….png)


Thanks fellow patriot. Have a blessed day over there.

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cc3f90  No.9822569

File: 4d00459c6668b18⋯.jpeg (325.68 KB, 750x723, 250:241, 88A9922A_0ACC_4318_B4FD_5….jpeg)

File: 7d8e6d4c926d714⋯.jpeg (348.91 KB, 750x688, 375:344, E37E7824_60A5_4233_80D0_0….jpeg)

File: b49cc40a91226b8⋯.jpeg (343.47 KB, 750x686, 375:343, F936F73F_D94F_46C9_9796_8….jpeg)

File: 1dd4e52492a8f83⋯.jpeg (339.56 KB, 750x686, 375:343, B01C5A09_5431_40E1_A95C_0….jpeg)

File: 1998170bd970b84⋯.jpeg (339.93 KB, 750x720, 25:24, A589F70F_C330_4EE6_B8C6_F….jpeg)

This is hilarious. Tries to rob them and it’s just 3 women and a baby. They went outside n locked him in there. He even tries to shoot the door open. Kek


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3ec34d  No.9822570


I'm a big fan of Tibetans… more the 12th than the 13th.

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48e4c3  No.9822571


Very few Anon watch TV,

Its called a program for a reason, Anon.

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54b575  No.9822572

File: 2dece52cc645268⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 972x542, 486:271, 2dece52cc6452681cd81556654….jpg)

File: 60ba1371faef32f⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2020x2020, 1:1, 60ba1371faef32f438671d0eb2….png)

File: db4c60c143e3a61⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 720x593, 720:593, 98004551_2333919156901105_….jpg)

File: 57a71fa9e0babaf⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 720x690, 24:23, 1591087802519.jpg)

Canada Anons are praying for POTUS and the Q team..


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5b0099  No.9822573


If you understand why they suddenly stopped with the "murder hornet" scam, then you've been paying attention to important details. Good for you!!!

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5b4852  No.9822574

File: 890b62451a82d27⋯.jpg (213.76 KB, 900x928, 225:232, 890b62451a82d27dbf8354b37d….jpg)

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8120e4  No.9822575


kek actblue it

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48e4c3  No.9822576


Fuck off Jew

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0e10ee  No.9822577

File: 0736b41f2b83574⋯.png (241.71 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06262020_….png)

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671a41  No.9822578

File: 46f9bc03d1c40d1⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1088x1076, 272:269, towers2.png)

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073f1f  No.9822579

File: 9ca1425ee7623a0⋯.pdf (14.75 MB, Sumerian_Mythology_A_Study.pdf)

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ee6df7  No.9822580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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17f665  No.9822581

File: 4f45d4d8148ab13⋯.png (452.04 KB, 750x421, 750:421, Screenshot_2020_07_02_The_….png)

File: 11a20d88d9a8beb⋯.png (386.27 KB, 826x2013, 826:2013, Screenshot_2020_07_02_The_….png)

RePost Heel of PB

The Praetorian Guard – U.S. Security Officials Decide Who Is Fit To Be President

The Praetorian Guard began as a small unit focused on providing security for the senior leaders of the Roman Republic and thereby protecting Rome from its enemies. As the Republic became an empire and the empire grew, the Praetorian Guard expanded and changed, taking on vast intelligence and security roles and acquiring enormous power. Ultimately, the Guard, which had been created to safeguard Rome from external threats came to wield huge political influence and to acquire the ability to install emperors of its own choosing. Men whose job it was to protect the state now took unto themselves the right to control it.

We may be witnessing the same phenomenon at play today in our own republic. Sometime in the final months of the Obama administration senior officials at the top of the intelligence and law enforcement communities, with the assistance of individuals inside and close to the campaign of Hillary Clinton, appear to have made a decision. They would not tolerate the rise of Donald Trump. He was unacceptable to them. He was not their choice. When an initial effort to smear candidate Donald Trump with false, salacious rumors of ties to Russia failed, the focus of the effort against him shifted and expanded. This was no longer a huge mudslinging operation. This was now a concerted effort to destroy a President and those around him. Just as the Praetorians ultimately decided they would only serve Emperors whom they chose, these men and women decided they would determine who would sit in the Oval Office. For the last three years, we have watched almost daily as the scope of this coup attempt has become ever clearer. This past week was no exception. A handful of recently declassified documents from within the FBI have shown us once again just how powerful and nefarious this effort was.



Seeing a P reference here…hmmm. Wondering if SES individuals would be part of this..Wasn't Strozk SES? What other Agencies would be part of this. We already know Brennan, Comey, McCabe, .. CIA, NSA, FBI

Something to Ponder..

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5da3e3  No.9822582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Taken from George on YouTube

Film date: 06/30/2020 ~ You are the first ones to see this! "God Bless the U.S.A." is one of America's most iconic songs, so we are thrilled to have been part of history in the brand new cover of this hit, featuring Lee Greenwood, Home Free, and the Singing Sergeants!

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50ac36  No.9822583

File: 8826e3e0fbaab0d⋯.png (525.68 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, pepesalute_lessratioactive.png)



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0e10ee  No.9822584

File: e0785beda7f5c94⋯.png (435.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_07012020_….png)

File: ffcae25a0078456⋯.png (104.76 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06312020_….png)

File: d5b7e61129cc370⋯.png (136.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06312020_….png)

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7ee1ca  No.9822585


>He even tries to shoot the door open.

In the Movies this always works…

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432879  No.9822587

File: e21800c82d66540⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e10ee  No.9822588

File: 9ca62cc8a5588fa⋯.png (689.43 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Thank_you_Q.png)

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f33d32  No.9822589


Well, what are the ends that you can see now, even if you don't know the path to there?

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815db7  No.9822590


>EU to somehow support you

The internet really fucked up their plans for this world. Almost seems like a, what is that a fissur-moment? where a certain evolutionary step in a species propels it from one form to the next? Could be the wrong word but that's the general idea.

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274444  No.9822591

File: e4d832f0156246c⋯.jpg (354.02 KB, 800x541, 800:541, bluez.jpg)

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5ebfd0  No.9822592


Evil people can be saved. I laid dying in the street

with a compound fracture , ruptured kidney and crushed ribs.

Jesus stood over me for 15 minutes while the ambulance went around and around unable to find me.

He didn't say a word but I got the message loud and clear. .

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5653ae  No.9822593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5da3e3  No.9822594


That's years old, still good, just old.

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999181  No.9822595

My tinnitus has gotten a lot worse these past few years to the point of not being able to bear it any further. Sorry if it ends.

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671a41  No.9822596

File: 0a38385104e253b⋯.jpg (75.08 KB, 640x492, 160:123, c6a.jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9822597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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073f1f  No.9822598

File: b419940c91ac50f⋯.pdf (7.82 MB, Cutting_Through_Spiritual_….pdf)

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815db7  No.9822599


based af!

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17f665  No.9822600


o7! Fantastic Thank you!

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7ee1ca  No.9822601


So what was the Hindenburg disaster really about? Got some material on that? I never seem to find anything plausible about the ‘accident’

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073f1f  No.9822602


Huge collection of Tibetan writings here:


Link goes to library genesis, a filesharing site. Doesn't work with google or apple browsers due to copywrite.

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5653ae  No.9822603


Has to do with who was invited and died. Kinda like the Titanic

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ee6df7  No.9822604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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432879  No.9822606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dougie MacLean

The Gael

From the premiere performance of Dougie MacLean's composition "The Search" at Perthshire Amber - The Dougie MacLean Festival 2007. You may recognise this as the fiddle tune from the film The Last of the Mohicans. Composed by Dougie Macean and published by Limetree Arts and Music (MCPS & PRS UK)

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22065a  No.9822608

What does it mean to say something is based?

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10adfc  No.9822609

File: 252adc30745e057⋯.png (371.04 KB, 612x346, 306:173, choice_chosen.png)

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3ec34d  No.9822610


Green meadow…shiney palace I've never seen… being inside… living with ancients that see all as their children…

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d9d372  No.9822611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b4852  No.9822612

File: 8a1c6cc78195d99⋯.png (220.67 KB, 855x481, 855:481, 1593228445894.png)



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7b1117  No.9822613


Freebase, crack cocaine, phrase was popularized by a rapper who was always cracked out.

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b152d6  No.9822614

File: 3222d3065266642⋯.jpg (274.45 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, tutchaur.jpg)

File: d43827825fc4dd6⋯.png (125.38 KB, 252x342, 14:19, Screenshot_2020_07_02_ptah….png)

File: 6060214bbe4fa8b⋯.png (474.37 KB, 430x342, 215:171, Screenshot_2020_07_02_ark_….png)

File: 5b44c9eae063e72⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, arkcov.jpg)

Tutankhamun Chair (throne)

Ptah chair

Egyptian art

Ark of the Covenant

"The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C."


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6eb78b  No.9822615

File: 1753508ba5325ab⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BLM_African_Jew_dancing_sm….mp4)

File: afa7dfa28b6ac96⋯.png (549.78 KB, 842x758, 421:379, BLM_African_Jew_tranny_dan….png)

BLM tranny dancing and yelling at police…

Most likely his father is black and mother jewish (like Obama).

These kind of people have completely lost their minds.

Brought to you by a combination of jewish communism and mindaltering hormone meds.

It's actually sad to watch how someone can exploit him/herself into such low selfrespect.

Unfortunately this is uncurable.



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3a3dba  No.9822616

File: fc8c19ce33001e5⋯.png (75.81 KB, 546x292, 273:146, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

Kek doing work on Half. Crazy digits.


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3f1f34  No.9822618

File: 51eed518b5e0a53⋯.jpg (271.27 KB, 1493x705, 1493:705, Zeppelin.JPG)



Hindenburg- Insurance scam

http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html search for Hindenburg

or paste mileswmathis.com/hind.pdf

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22065a  No.9822619



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3ec34d  No.9822620

File: 1cb33d4c3494661⋯.png (98.83 KB, 1080x437, 1080:437, NOT_ACCEPTABLE.png)


I'll try and look at it later…. where I am, I don't have good internet at present.

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3f1f34  No.9822622



based in reality

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1ab90b  No.9822623


Go lick your ass somewhere else fake cat!

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ee6df7  No.9822624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ea2a3b  No.9822626


Nice. Thanks.

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e9b537  No.9822627


> Legal Services Corporation

without doing any digging, this looks like a corporate version of "better call saul" where they funnel huge amounts of money into greasing the wheels of justice for certain criminal partners.

We know the rogue intels are actively engaged in controlling organized crime. I wonder if this is in fact a board of directors of organized crime, not just a legal assistance.

The fact that BHO and Michelle were put together by a member of this board, just like Hill and Bill were put together to run snow white through mena, makes me wonder if this is the case.

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5ebfd0  No.9822628


Sadly this evil is in the blood and I have children that are going through what I went through.

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3ab74b  No.9822630


I just read that some historians think Tut was murdered. Given that he was the son of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who introduced the worship of his "sun god" to ancient Egypt, I'm inclined to think Tut was probably ritually sacrificed.

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2362fd  No.9822631

File: 8ebbce20566fffa⋯.jpg (18.53 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)


Yw. This is the rapper, lil b.

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7bd74d  No.9822632

File: 084c35f2958e577⋯.png (86.39 KB, 513x292, 513:292, polaralignment.png)

File: 7a0f473143f1f9f⋯.jpg (115.83 KB, 541x800, 541:800, immanuel_velikovskyfreethi….jpg)

…Zecharia Sitchin is a total fraud. His 'translations' still rely upon the terrestrial, not the true celestial interpretation.

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8394fc  No.9822633

File: 3d285623266e074⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1080x705, 72:47, IMG_707.jpg)

File: 58df67acaa8b3a0⋯.jpg (1017.05 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_708.jpg)

File: f5659baf96e6739⋯.jpg (766.88 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, IMG_709.jpg)

You Imagine Release Fear Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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815db7  No.9822634


Inbreeding in Dogs May Cause These Problems

1. Physical Problems

Dogs that inbred are more likely to suffer from minor infections and flu to various other serious problems. They often have a lower immune system than the dogs that are genetically diverse. And due to their lower immune system, they are less able to fight off with viruses and infections.

2. Genetic Defects

Do you think your inbred dog will look and act the way you want? It might not. A purebred dog will grow up in another way and might look different than what you think and expect. They have different working behaviors. And can sometimes become the most adamant pet to deal with. Some of the behavioral traits in inbred dogs are:

High energy level


They have independent thinking and do what they want instead of what you want

Sometimes they chase, nip or grab things that are moving (like other animals, cars, cats or any other moving object)

They do have a trait of digging holes

They are more aggressive and suspicious towards strangers

Barking and even howling of things they are skeptical about

3. Personality Disorders

Research has shown that the dog that gets along with other dogs and is domesticated to live with humans is a good dog. But purebred dogs are temperamental and behave differently. They are aggressive and easily get irritated when being bothered. The characteristic of temperament of a dog depends on the genes it has, while other show this because of inbreeding. Inbred dogs usually are:

Impulsive: Inbred dogs are very impulsive; they run-off chasing vehicles and often gets lost or run-over on roads.

Fearful: These dogs are always wary of strangers and are very fearful. Some purebred dogs learn to trust their owner while aloof them.

Anxiety separation: Dogs facing personality disorders always want themselves surrounded by their owners. They want constant attention and affection from their owners.

Lack of affection: Dog owners always want that their dog loves them. But unfortunately, some inbred dogs never learn to trust and thus they keep themselves away from their owners. They don’t show any love and affection towards them.

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92a844  No.9822636

File: 2d6d74c19e14d45⋯.png (269.2 KB, 613x345, 613:345, DANSTORM.png)

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cc3f90  No.9822637

File: 53d4c0cc9cdeb9d⋯.jpeg (23.47 KB, 385x378, 55:54, 67DC8D94_4A06_4E06_A9E8_A….jpeg)


I had the same, exact thoughts. I’m DED!

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5b4852  No.9822638

File: 7fb63766d7b57f4⋯.png (813.43 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 7fb63766d7b57f4d2ed2eeac76….png)



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27be37  No.9822639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YouTuber visits the NY CHAZ on his ride home (CHAZ about 20 mins in)

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1052e2  No.9822640

File: d44875a13f95d9e⋯.png (84.19 KB, 255x190, 51:38, pepe_hes_right.png)

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ee6df7  No.9822641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good times, bad times

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330fee  No.9822642

File: 36efb2ebf5371bf⋯.pdf (2.93 MB, Massilia_Carthago_Sacrific….pdf)


No problem, no rush.

Here's a book based on the sacrifice tablets found at a temple to ba'al.

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7ee1ca  No.9822644


Danke anon.

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5da3e3  No.9822645


You have to remember that the internet which was the only part that was country owned was given away before Trump became President.

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3ec34d  No.9822646

File: 04d3604a786f147⋯.jpg (198.08 KB, 720x450, 8:5, WORLD_SWAMP.jpg)


And while I'm on that subject… Give that fucking country back to it's rightful owners.

Enough destroying cultures and forcing mass migration… Everyone has a home.


We can repair it in no time… and make everywhere heaven.

Paradise everywhere.

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5ebfd0  No.9822647


In-bread folks can't perform shows they just drool and master-bate.

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8120e4  No.9822648

File: e786bc0e59bbb63⋯.png (167.26 KB, 357x369, 119:123, keringbus.png)

File: 9f146e2687063fb⋯.png (179.78 KB, 300x400, 3:4, keringbus2.png)

File: 875e47a15282054⋯.png (32.6 KB, 158x189, 158:189, newnormies.png)

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3f1f34  No.9822649

File: 962bbbf08432763⋯.jpg (1022.08 KB, 2000x1564, 500:391, ZEP_Hindenburg_over_NYC_Ma….jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9822650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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815db7  No.9822651


So we aren't actually having conversations with people on the internet right now?

Or are you saying Australia doesn't exist?

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cc3f90  No.9822652

File: 24c5e5e2a4414be⋯.jpeg (202.99 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, A6A35983_28FB_4FBB_AF31_A….jpeg)

File: d97f8ffbca32a0f⋯.jpeg (225.96 KB, 2048x1400, 256:175, B91A23E8_9667_4549_91AB_8….jpeg)

File: 0ee87ebbcf4abc5⋯.jpeg (477.4 KB, 750x1123, 750:1123, 5B0D404D_F37C_455A_98EA_B….jpeg)

File: 9624254d4c06389⋯.jpeg (356.13 KB, 750x1015, 150:203, DB4CA6F5_1DB9_4F39_82C5_7….jpeg)

File: 2cf81003e196fd0⋯.jpeg (413.02 KB, 750x1213, 750:1213, 17AFE6E1_A217_425A_8E06_6….jpeg)


Oh..my bad. Def a good kek.

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7bd74d  No.9822653

File: 316ccc781c85459⋯.png (919.86 KB, 840x854, 60:61, Screenshot_2020_07_02_45_A….png)

…Much human history to rediscover. (site flags as malicious, for no good reason). https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2019/11/12/45-archetype-symbol-is-a-unified-approach-possible/

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91c967  No.9822654

File: 14354e80d49e8ff⋯.png (615.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6b801f146273b5faee86e16752….png)


he's a jew

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b152d6  No.9822655


I think they always use the same tactic

infiltration instead of invasion

Moses was delivered by a basket to the river (watch the water)

and introduced one of their own into the royal family

he would become king (like Obama)

and because they didn't succeed, they were robbed of their advanced technology (the ark of the covenant)

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54b575  No.9822656


Enjoy anons.

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5ebfd0  No.9822657


Is that even the same person?

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7bd74d  No.9822659


…Yeah, so?

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7ee1ca  No.9822660


You again…

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815db7  No.9822661

File: 1b4e9827895db00⋯.png (107.87 KB, 481x307, 481:307, eyes5.png)

File: e90613f5304d643⋯.png (220.27 KB, 680x486, 340:243, eyes4.png)

File: 9bf008c06415abe⋯.png (201.52 KB, 520x591, 520:591, eyes3.png)

File: c67e69ba7e0f2c3⋯.png (175.99 KB, 473x526, 473:526, eyes2.png)

File: d27d797a2fea896⋯.png (197.75 KB, 513x583, 513:583, eyes.png)

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33bedb  No.9822662

File: bc437112b2ed00d⋯.png (79.92 KB, 570x654, 95:109, jootube.PNG)


Learn to embed,faggot.

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54b575  No.9822663


i think so. 80% sure

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3dacfe  No.9822664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Amazing vid on the covid scam

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54b575  No.9822665


sry im a new fag

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5b4852  No.9822666

File: 2b84d7239f0bc67⋯.jpg (65.02 KB, 556x604, 139:151, 1593135316794.jpg)

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226ae8  No.9822669

File: 83b472aa9902e33⋯.png (963.95 KB, 842x758, 421:379, ClipboardImage.png)

Good lord…

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61016b  No.9822670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meme good!

Do moar!

Kinda gives me yellow sub feelz which was probably just satanic mkultra mind control cause can't have nothing! kek

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5b4852  No.9822671

File: 003df26f281c57e⋯.jpg (32.73 KB, 1246x116, 623:58, 003df26f281c57e3b86e77d913….jpg)

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eec117  No.9822672


This is what worrying about ending up in GITMO will do to one who is guilty of endless crimes.

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b152d6  No.9822673

File: 0ae6d933e24045f⋯.png (227.01 KB, 535x469, 535:469, Screenshot_2020_07_02_The_….png)

Jennifer Aniston urges fans to "wear a damn mask:" "It really shouldn't be a debate"



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5b4852  No.9822674

File: 24bc25725ce2c3c⋯.jpg (176.94 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1593133129474.jpg)

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54b575  No.9822675


shut the fuck up

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226ae8  No.9822676

File: 61cefa318efd437⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 619x386, 619:386, 9ce137cab2d266bb.jpg)


>…Yeah, so?

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33bedb  No.9822677


>sry im a new fag

Don't you dare apologise. Just lurk 'n lurn

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5b4852  No.9822678

File: fa53a37fd954118⋯.png (468.2 KB, 798x809, 798:809, 3rd.png)


Learn to embed you useless faggot boomer.

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54b575  No.9822679



shill right here.

Here to divide. Pathetic.

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7ee1ca  No.9822680

File: eaa2fef91c059b3⋯.jpeg (51.01 KB, 598x439, 598:439, D8E3BE7E_1971_459D_89FD_F….jpeg)



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dcc83b  No.9822681


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eec117  No.9822682


And Welcome, NewFag.

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5b4852  No.9822683

File: 2e656e4e987a0e5⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 680x365, 136:73, 1593133568277.jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9822684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3dacfe  No.9822685

Amazing vid on the covid scam>>9822673

The entertainment worker needs to watch the vid I posted

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54b575  No.9822686


That was my Canadian speaking kek.

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5b4852  No.9822687

File: fc44aac4e211df7⋯.jpg (3.29 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1592731370924.jpg)

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5ebfd0  No.9822688


Boomers love the mask because it hides their wrinkles.

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b152d6  No.9822689

File: 42b9103528b7eb7⋯.png (52.19 KB, 535x547, 535:547, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Sput….png)

Over 100 dead in Myanmar jade mine landslide as operation to rescue trapped workers underway


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226ae8  No.9822690

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ca3f1c  No.9822691


He looks like he’s been crying a lot

Not to mention looks old as shit

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2d4770  No.9822692

>>9814775 OB re Q4558

The new trade agreement between USA, CANADA, and MEXICO is now in effect – as of 1-JUL-2010. There is a part of the agreement that can trigger investigations into corruption - for example via the FBI and also Mexican national law enforcement.

Section 27.5 of the USMCA.

So, Canadians have asked America and Mexico to start criminal investigation into Canadian politicians on specific allegations.

What if Americans asked Canada and Mexico to do likewise for crimes in USA?

Can you see the chain reaction?

This is the crack in the fortress door.

In this particular instance, the crowd of 5 thousand symbolically walked from Parliament to the US Embassy to deliver the formal request for the FBI to investigate PM Trudeau's criminal behavior in the handling of the SNC-Lavalin case. He obstructed justice. It is an international case and not merely a Canadian "matter".

Can you begin to list the possibilities? Clinton Foundation, for starters.



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b152d6  No.9822693

File: 06096529d494c05⋯.png (52.14 KB, 535x513, 535:513, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Sput….png)

Iran nuclear spokesman confirms 'incident' near Natanz nuclear site


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7ee1ca  No.9822695


The eyes of a homo who took a lot up the ass.

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815db7  No.9822696


Truth is only divisive to those who lie.

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ca3f1c  No.9822697

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ee6df7  No.9822698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Truth is only divisive to those who lie.

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5ebfd0  No.9822699

Australian Anons are you just busting our balls with that accent?

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5b4852  No.9822700

File: 8c4cd19c1880e8e⋯.png (774.88 KB, 1042x663, 1042:663, 8c4.png)

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671a41  No.9822701


Look up the manager of The Beatles..

David Epstein… wait and he even looks like our man Jeffery!

Long historical lineage of people that want to fuck us over… Paul is dead

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274444  No.9822702

File: d08837dca7e62ad⋯.jpg (108.12 KB, 600x401, 600:401, cgm.jpg)

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54b575  No.9822703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada day anti-lock/censorship protests.

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ca3f1c  No.9822704


Nah cunt youre alright cobber

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3dacfe  No.9822705



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41a746  No.9822706


Add deviated septum from meth snorting to its probs.

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5ebfd0  No.9822707

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5b4852  No.9822708

File: 8a99f255a293bc2⋯.png (225.46 KB, 714x401, 714:401, 8a99f255a293bc27f8eb88ea8c….png)

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3dacfe  No.9822709

File: cc34ee5962b475a⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 1080x591, 360:197, justicepepe.jpg)

Dc rumors..DC rumors..


Thomas is 72 and Alito is 70 years old.

In addition, liberal justices Justices Stephen Breyer (81) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (87) are considered candidates for retirement.

Therefore, it is possible that whoever is president for the next four years could have the opportunity to make four Supreme Court appointments.

OMG imagine Trump appoints up to 4 supreme court justices!

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54b575  No.9822710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NYU Professor Glorifies Antifa Violence Against Police (Day of Rage, Decolonize this place)

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41a746  No.9822711

File: 719424c38fcd737⋯.png (64.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, bushvbush.png)

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5b4852  No.9822712

File: 72ceb334374116d⋯.jpg (20.76 KB, 248x232, 31:29, 1586992921647.jpg)

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3f1f34  No.9822713

File: 8b1c38446b4dfa2⋯.jpg (111.08 KB, 1024x696, 128:87, Zbigniew_Brzezinski.jpg)



> same clown "from LA who grew up with 50% jews" , who raps on about rubbish or god until late in the bread where he starts abusing Trump. Usually 30+ posts

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b152d6  No.9822714

File: 145134618df6713⋯.png (106.6 KB, 219x342, 73:114, Screenshot_2020_07_02_paul….png)

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3ec34d  No.9822715


If that's me you are asking…just reference a post and I'll know for sure.

Everyone has an accent… Aussies included… Mind you, I think we butchered it a bit, just to piss off the English…lol.

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7ec783  No.9822716

Laundering Funnels


U.S. taxpayers $$$ >> PP >> [D] party


Donors $$$ >> BLM >> [D] party

[D]-controlled cities and states:

Black poverty >> Black crime >> Black deaths in custody >> Riots:

Riots >> Destruction >> Rebuilding $$$ >> $$$ skimmed/rerouted to [D] party benefactors

Riots >> BLM fundraisers >> $$$ funnelled to [D] party

[And so riots >> Black communities destroyed >> Black poverty/crime >> Black deaths in custody >> Riots …]

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8120e4  No.9822717

File: f646ce31ef34944⋯.png (123.32 KB, 500x269, 500:269, dopeygatesgingermoundmonke….png)

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5ebfd0  No.9822718


It's all pops and whistles.

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ca3f1c  No.9822720


Need some dead horse m8?

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8900af  No.9822721

Q - Can’t sleep. Retired LE here and am having trouble going forward with the plan as I am watching officers losing their lives at huge uptick.

My son is now an officer and he has already lost one fellow officer and another forever paralyzed during lockdowns and now rioting. Has it come to the point that I don’t want anyone I know to be blue? It’s always been dangerous but now it’s gone beyond that. It’s like Police officers need to tell fellow Americans to fuck off, protect yourselves.

Sorry never thought I would feel this way toward Potus and you. It takes years for public opinion and trust to swerve. Many will die. Don’t even know what I want to say really. God bless.

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671a41  No.9822722


All the passengers were wealthy successful business-people. Among those who died are the inventor of the automatic tea-bag machine, some prominent journalists, higher ups for drug-manufacturers, advertising folk, executive for a seed company, food brokers, and an interesting passenger had connections to royals in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Speculation is it was done by China out of sabotage as well as the obvious insurance policy that paid out stupid amount over what the blimp was worth.

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5b4852  No.9822723

File: 883c0c1cb273dcd⋯.png (476.28 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 883c0c1cb273dcd8ec24e6101b….png)

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ee6df7  No.9822724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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91c967  No.9822725

File: 75deba683bc7e38⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 482x807, 482:807, 1575087568362.jpg)


Bad News:

Did I tell you one of my neighbors is back?

Lives right across from me. Has a Hate Has NO Home Sign up. Been like this for 4 years. He's a twat anyway. Three weeks ago he vanished. POOF! Gone. Whole family. Where go?

Vacation? (((Him)))? Now? Didn't see any sign of packing or loading car…

I had been hoping…but no (((he's))) back cocky as ever waving from his driveway. Awesome there he is… 'I hate you and I want your kids dead"…

Have a great 4th. Wave a flag. Say words.

We are convinced. Totally.

Good news is that there seems to be a neutral feeling cum-weak hostility towards western sham-wow democracies and their reason for existing growing across the west amongst younger folk and it has been un-reported for a long time probably because boomers cant handle such a rejection of all the crap they hold dear.

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5ebfd0  No.9822726


I get that! Same with American cowboy speak.

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b152d6  No.9822727

File: 1e77b9afd86f886⋯.jpg (27.91 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ghostfrog3.jpg)


Shut up and take my money

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815db7  No.9822728



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3ec34d  No.9822729


It's also a language we have perfected over here… to spot wankers….lmao

Aussie slang is very specific… you have to walk the walk to know how it's used…. the wrong inflection and "it's on"…lol.

You glow in so many ways.

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5ebfd0  No.9822730

>>9822723 Reported.

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26651b  No.9822731


Needed this!!

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34342a  No.9822732


Pretty sure we don’t!

My wrinkles are point of pride!

Every line is a tale of the Glory in my Life!

Haven’t put the cowards cover on once!

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5b4852  No.9822733

File: 4340c786e83ba1b⋯.jpeg (162.93 KB, 1080x882, 60:49, 4340c786e83ba1bd512bde3c3….jpeg)

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815db7  No.9822734

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5b4852  No.9822735

File: 4347543f4e87b5e⋯.png (127.13 KB, 412x438, 206:219, 1580115977629.png)

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26651b  No.9822737

File: c37b433b14cbb51⋯.png (1.38 MB, 678x916, 339:458, eyes_ready.PNG)

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20535e  No.9822738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No homo.

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5ebfd0  No.9822739


Are you Mickey Mouse? ?

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5b4852  No.9822740

File: f4568fc3dcfa117⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 974x544, 487:272, Hall_BB_01a73.jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9822741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want my

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3a3dba  No.9822742

File: ac13aed3420284e⋯.png (362.63 KB, 446x586, 223:293, _GodWins.png)



What is that imagine Anon?

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5ebfd0  No.9822743


I have no interest of having gay sex with you.

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b152d6  No.9822744

File: 8d414d6e526fd8d⋯.png (447.1 KB, 535x591, 535:591, Screenshot_2020_07_02_The_….png)

For years, far-right extremists were tolerated inside Germany’s most elite military unit. An underground bunker of explosives has woken the authorities to an alarming problem.


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54b575  No.9822745

File: 416dd227c9d9bb0⋯.jpg (118.21 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 416dd227c9d9bb0b4289dc0ece….jpg)

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5b4852  No.9822746

File: 79dd474e01d2ca3⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 412x416, 103:104, 79dd474e01d2ca3fb1645e5f8c….jpg)

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274444  No.9822747

File: 6e55df6fa088c3c⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 600x401, 600:401, ccgm.jpg)

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8394fc  No.9822748

File: 829a147118341c6⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, IMG_710.jpg)

File: 53ef5b79df3ef7c⋯.jpg (573.02 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_711.jpg)

File: 68232f67165694c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_712.jpg)

File: f998268a4eef322⋯.jpg (396.38 KB, 550x617, 550:617, IMG_713.jpg)

File: 00896a853de27d0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_714.jpg)

You Imagine Angels Guide Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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6bc367  No.9822749

I see that some of the people released from prison on account of Mr Bill Covid19 Gates Flu are with us this morning.

Ain't that cozy.

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09e7fc  No.9822750

"Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]]."

I've been wondering what the rankings are, [1-99]?

On twatter the whole mask faggotry is definitely in the top 3.

Face diapers

Russia bounty nonsense


Biden promotion

2nd wave/lockdowns needed

Universal healthcare

*BTW, fuck masks.

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6bc367  No.9822751


And now watch me turn him on.

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7ec783  No.9822752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Austin SteinLarp


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ee6df7  No.9822753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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893bf2  No.9822754


I know that feel anon

Mofo's in my town cancled

the 4th of July parades…

Absolutely no irony there..

Right? KEK

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26651b  No.9822755


war path eyes >> I call it

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6bc367  No.9822756



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5ebfd0  No.9822757

BLM are the ultimate racists there for Biden.

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893bf2  No.9822758


not really a mask

but a muzzle.

Just one more step

towards de-humanization.

Won't be long now

anon…Soon comes

the violence.

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34342a  No.9822759


What a waycist!

Fatherless negro thinks he’s got a message!

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5ebfd0  No.9822760


BLM are KKK.

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3f1f34  No.9822761

File: 1198acf24d407ea⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 604x402, 302:201, RUS_Putin_I_ll_drink_to_th….jpg)

Overwhelming support for Putin's constitution changes a wake-up call for Westerners who claim Russian system is bound to collapse

Putin gets the term limit changes he wanted


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46c056  No.9822763



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d8bdbd  No.9822764

File: 8780e5601573328⋯.png (517.3 KB, 2526x534, 421:89, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)



Even if a larp this thread is fucking wild.

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b152d6  No.9822765

File: 9844537d1494c0b⋯.png (8.9 KB, 393x392, 393:392, Screenshot_2020_07_02_QAno….png)


a pyramidal organization/scheme

1 at the Top

99 at the bottom

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3a3dba  No.9822766

File: a2f60f6d93bef7d⋯.png (268.37 KB, 568x514, 284:257, A2.png)


So glad he's back.

Sorta boring without him.

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ee6df7  No.9822767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well sheeeit, if its /x/ its gotta be true.

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432879  No.9822768

File: 7b60650fe09717d⋯.png (991.52 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Typical liberal. Complains but does nothing to fix the problem.

Say What? Five Ways Tumeric Can Prevent Hearing Loss!


6 Ways to Reduce Tinnitus or Ringing in The Ears


And then there is the best search engine for health issues…


And don't give any bullshit about technical jargon that you can't understand. WORK ON IT!!!

You have the whole Internet to teach you what you need to understand ANY medical research paper.

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5ebfd0  No.9822769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat party.

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c08397  No.9822770


couple years ago we figured HRC would be extradited to AUS or NZ via similar arrangement.

libs can't riot if it's another country arresting her.

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1052e2  No.9822771

File: 5d742050e7c921a⋯.png (702.84 KB, 1280x932, 320:233, sargeant_pepe_newfag.png)


Don't let 'em get you down, newfag.

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6a64b0  No.9822772

>>9821642 (LB)


>What a coincidence!

>Nothing to see here.


Fucking Fox, assholes.

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0e10ee  No.9822773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme)'


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3ec34d  No.9822774

File: a703ed4a2927c44⋯.jpg (146.69 KB, 764x468, 191:117, Putin_laughing.jpg)

File: 89afd50317b6ae6⋯.jpg (132.84 KB, 765x466, 765:466, PUTIN_S_LOVING_LIFE.jpg)

File: 0b28a7c064ee571⋯.jpg (142.25 KB, 811x533, 811:533, Putin_Blah.jpg)

File: 4d7e0603b5686aa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1423x732, 1423:732, Putin_luving_Trump.png)



Nice…Well done…She gets turbulent… but hey, what a ride….lmao ;-)

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3f1f34  No.9822775

File: 06f4656121e5cf9⋯.jpg (5.92 MB, 9922x5845, 9922:5845, Rome_.jpg)

File: 9eec9f050702d9b⋯.jpg (222.73 KB, 1500x906, 250:151, Rome_HBO_On_my_command_Leg….jpg)

File: 2f6c322c03ed4fe⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 1840x1463, 1840:1463, Roma_Plan.jpg)

File: 4cd8998b32ddc5d⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2000x1583, 2000:1583, Roman_Empire_125AD.png)

File: 15397b344886bd7⋯.jpg (143.87 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Rome_Legio_V_Macedonica_.jpg)

How Fake Is Roman Antiquity?

first of three revisionist articles


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0e10ee  No.9822776

File: 11be3d4aa4d293c⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Too_many_Anons.jpg)


welcome, nice to meet you

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b1f2b6  No.9822777

File: a00f9097911fdbd⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8681.JPG)


Prol creepypasta like a Jew too

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1052e2  No.9822778

File: f81b5b1fab31c94⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pepe_wallpaper_nazi_defeat.jpg)


A wallpaper anon made in remembrance…

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b1f2b6  No.9822779


You need to

Go clear

Ask a xenu Jew how

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0e10ee  No.9822780

File: 061ea397fe5c736⋯.png (183.39 KB, 791x793, 791:793, Anons_Lurking_Q_Listening.png)

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d8bdbd  No.9822781

File: 6b22e6055be9f88⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 635x542, 635:542, 1565536146406.jpg)


did you even get to the end of my post before replying you absolute faggot?

the "inb4 /x/ = larp" was implied you brainlet.

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ee6df7  No.9822782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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54b575  No.9822783

File: 1f540b8cc289ea6⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 960x874, 480:437, 103394293_1015880618492217….jpg)

File: 2e400b1b4c00d11⋯.jpg (149.66 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2009_China_Tiananmen_TankM….jpg)

File: 335b5d0f11f58e3⋯.jpg (512.33 KB, 1049x750, 1049:750, 335.jpg)

File: a7f520c17ea9796⋯.jpg (63.5 KB, 665x483, 95:69, 087a3b6d915797a41d5ff0aad6….jpg)


not at all lmao

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5b4852  No.9822784

File: 173b62eb79ac759⋯.jpg (225.37 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, hitler_anime.jpg)

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5ebfd0  No.9822785


No Democrat no KKK.

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d3f6c7  No.9822786


Rather odd how many hate on this guy without actually hearing what he talks about.

I have no idea if he’s larping or not, but what he said is intriguing.

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432879  No.9822787


There are far more important changes in there than the term limit changes. The Russian people are saying a RESOUNDING NO to the Cabal's New World Order.

Read the amendments here in English:


All persons holding public office in the Russian Federation, heads of federal state agencies, shall not be allowed to hold citizenship of a foreign state or to have a residency permit or other document enabling its holder to permanently reside in a foreign country, as well as open and hold accounts (deposits), or keep money and valuables in foreign banks located outside of the Russian Federation.

Pursuant to the Law, decisions taken by supranational bodies in keeping with the provisions of the Russian Federation’s international treaties shall not be enforced in the Russian Federation if they contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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54b575  No.9822788


i smell something fishy about him.

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ee6df7  No.9822789


Yeah I did.

But it fucked up my joke, moran.

But hey, thanks for keeping an eye on /x/ for us. So, what up on /gif/?

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3ec34d  No.9822790


Priceless…. well done Ben… always making me laugh.

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26651b  No.9822791

File: 061840d453b811e⋯.png (637.9 KB, 545x799, 545:799, Frederic.PNG)

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5ebfd0  No.9822792

So all the anti Jew Democrat shills that post here Hell awaits you. Satan don't use lube.

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b152d6  No.9822793

File: 421a53210e6080c⋯.jpg (166.93 KB, 1000x689, 1000:689, Eb51uO3UMAANR6_.jpg)

File: 99e6b745421753f⋯.jpg (215.4 KB, 1000x779, 1000:779, Eb51s7bUYAEXoUt.jpg)

A 1.50 Euro coin is minted in Lithuania to mark the #coronavirus outbreak


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3f1f34  No.9822794


>>9822787 Fair comment, good check

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20535e  No.9822795

File: f748561574bdbc9⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 350x350, 1:1, Millstone.jpg)

Better for [you].

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03c637  No.9822796

File: b7515ce2e7ca88f⋯.png (123.9 KB, 1152x414, 64:23, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

Anons catch it?

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5ebfd0  No.9822797


Amen let it be so.

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721a46  No.9822798


fuck off cunt. we're full

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7bd74d  No.9822799


…Yeah. Not exactly sending in their best, this early morning. They get the filter and this anon scrolls on.

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6bc367  No.9822800


Have heard so much about this guy over the months.

Never heard him speak yet and never went looking either. Seems superfluous and an just another entertainment offshoot of the Q franchise.

What's the most notable thing he's said that might change my mind?

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ee6df7  No.9822801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1052e2  No.9822803

File: 02980534557fb66⋯.png (465.13 KB, 864x666, 48:37, sam_elliott_concernfag.png)

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5ebfd0  No.9822804


$5 an hour don't attract the brightest bulbs.

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54b575  No.9822805

File: 100d54eca38de34⋯.jpg (77.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 100d54eca38de34a02d7944a4c….jpg)

File: 093c162e9219101⋯.jpeg (130.78 KB, 1280x700, 64:35, 093c162e9219101182ac1b957….jpeg)

File: 339f0d351159b2b⋯.jpg (75.96 KB, 680x428, 170:107, 339f0d351159b2ba3e6a080be4….jpg)

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b152d6  No.9822806

File: 493176cb464741e⋯.png (5.37 KB, 536x88, 67:11, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Hebr….png)

File: c2659f765c9b7af⋯.png (28.23 KB, 1227x281, 1227:281, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Edic….png)


2nd pic

think mirror



July 18 1290: By the Edict of Expulsion, King Edward I of England orders all Jews (at this time probably numbering around 2,000) to leave England by November 1 (All Saints' Day);[2] on the Hebrew calendar this is Tisha B'Av, a day that commemorates many calamities.


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465a3c  No.9822807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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671a41  No.9822808

Do you guys think Week 10 is going to be a fun one?

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5b4852  No.9822809

File: 3bbca725c9d8a04⋯.png (193.61 KB, 465x503, 465:503, 3bbca725c9d8a04f0ae802abb3….png)


Why haven't you offered Justin Trudeau a free helicopter ride?

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3ec34d  No.9822810


No one has time for racism anymore… Peace is the prize… Aussie is no different…. No one here shares that opinion unless you have been brain fucked by media.

Australia is a true melting pot of all cultures… A blessing to live in…. we got it all and I live my country with everyone in it.

You don't share the same sentiments on this, as I do.

I'm happy to see you disappear… It was always your choice..

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1052e2  No.9822811

File: 2e96f04662b13a9⋯.png (910.86 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, biden_cosby.png)

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5ebfd0  No.9822812

Q can you contact me. I can help you pro bono.

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54b575  No.9822813



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5b4852  No.9822814

File: 2d343220f7faf06⋯.jpg (9.13 KB, 306x164, 153:82, f1.jpg)


You wrote all that?

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ee6df7  No.9822815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b152d6  No.9822816

File: 992f0942270b9e8⋯.png (294.4 KB, 1227x796, 1227:796, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Tish….png)

File: 9b234fcdf85afb6⋯.png (6.87 KB, 497x144, 497:144, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Hebr….png)

Tisha B'Av

Tisha B'Av, lit. "the ninth of Av" is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon's Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.

Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and it is thus believed to be a day which is destined for tragedy.[2][3] Tisha B'Av falls in July or August in the Gregorian calendar.


>>9822793, >>9822806

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5b4852  No.9822817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6bc367  No.9822818


Week Ten is gonna be the most exciting week.

There'll be hints and movies from Dan all week and on the last hour of the last day. There it will be!

The countdown beginning fanfare to a new Ten week countdown!

My heart, it is a palpating.

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b152d6  No.9822819

File: d27621d2fed3283⋯.png (9.42 KB, 497x191, 497:191, Screenshot_2020_07_02_Hebr….png)


9th of Av, 5780 = Thu, 30 July 2020

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5ebfd0  No.9822820


Don't come to my door I'm gun shy.

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d3f6c7  No.9822821


IMHO, he nails a description of the character of deep state assholes, and people who would see freedom and the constitution dead. For that alone, I can tolerate his odd speaking tone and pace.

Very very odd the things he said, did, and said he did several months ago… that he’s not dead for spitting in the eye of freedom hating traitors… is even stranger.

If he is NOT who he says he is, and not enjoying the protections he claims he has… at least keep an eye on him for attacks that would come from simple jealousy for the attention he can garner. In the mean time, i can listen to his interesting take on things and give him the benefit of doubt.

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7ee1ca  No.9822822


Top kek.

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815db7  No.9822823


He's getting lazy as the story progresses

"I picked up a few teenager girls from the mall" >> stopped reading there.

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ee6df7  No.9822825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03c637  No.9822826

File: 14cf5714ebc3bbf⋯.png (391.79 KB, 446x616, 223:308, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

File: f1648ec4ffa97d1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1152x1162, 576:581, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

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26651b  No.9822827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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465a3c  No.9822828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bc367  No.9822829


Soros is standing behind him with three massive bonecruncher goons.

Yeah, he wrote all that.

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721a46  No.9822830

File: b16d90574e49ea2⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1600x948, 400:237, ClipboardImage.png)


My heart is palpating too

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63e22f  No.9822831

File: 7c2b0b29b4d254c⋯.png (79.46 KB, 744x953, 744:953, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5afebb4bbe1e550⋯.png (57.27 KB, 740x776, 185:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792b1227adffbf8⋯.png (247.17 KB, 601x897, 601:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8473b8d3e4f3e1c⋯.png (478.9 KB, 414x894, 69:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Pedophilia allegations Trending #1 on Twatter: Smash gamers Nairo and Tamim.

Exploding on Twatter RN, the Lid is being Ripped Open by young smash gamers who are telling their stories of being victimized by Pedophiles and some being paid to keep silent.

This story is playing out live now on Twatter. I wonder if DOJ or even Q is aware of this breaking story that will never be covered by DNCMSM.



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1052e2  No.9822832

File: 037b4871c715d0a⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2434x1440, 1217:720, trump_bat_2.png)

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b152d6  No.9822833

File: ba7969c7a9d3774⋯.png (393.47 KB, 535x466, 535:466, Screenshot_2020_07_02_The_….png)

Judge rules Wisconsin city's coronavirus restrictions violate state constitution


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3a3dba  No.9822834

File: caa17638a03aaaf⋯.mp4 (1 MB, 480x270, 16:9, pgc9MWBRA93Di36g.mp4)


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ee6df7  No.9822835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d57486  No.9822836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What fucking world is this!

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5ebfd0  No.9822837

I grew up in a 50% jewish city they are either geniuses or in-bread retards, the jew haters are stupid low IQ Democrats.

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828371  No.9822838

File: 895bf7a3b3a40cd⋯.png (121.03 KB, 250x345, 50:69, good_guy_dale_gribble_4913….png)

Twitter and Gavin Newsom are going down. And gonna take the rest of the cabal with them.

Apparently you can't call him a bitch or the worst lil bitch you've ever known without having being thrown into twitter jail and have your heart hurt from the violation of free speech and accuracy.

This is war, gentlemen….and gentlewomen. Fucking Total War.

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d57486  No.9822839


You aint Black so what does it fucking matter you stupid bitch.

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3f1f34  No.9822840

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e2aad0  No.9822841

File: d64bb47dad457b8⋯.png (115.81 KB, 456x1285, 456:1285, ClipboardImage.png)


Q - Is this the 'public' start of the last step to drain the swamp?

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ee6df7  No.9822842

File: 6d4575fb4fd748e⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 900x720, 5:4, reaper08b.jpg)


>What fucking world is this!

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5b4852  No.9822843


A world where this exact video gets millions of views on twitter a week ago.

The same world where an anon comes on pretending this is original.

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828371  No.9822844


She's awesome. Future GEOTUS.

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5ebfd0  No.9822845


I'd vote for Satan before I'd vote for Pence.

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8120e4  No.9822846

File: 2d27f26455158cd⋯.png (51.97 KB, 182x157, 182:157, aoc1.png)

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7bd74d  No.9822847


…You totally called it. Good to expose this shit.

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5b4852  No.9822848

File: 666bf48728e4083⋯.jpg (333.19 KB, 982x1024, 491:512, 666.jpg)




Faggot kike.

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1052e2  No.9822849

File: 12daaa5f18d14bd⋯.png (7.64 KB, 216x255, 72:85, stolen.png)

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1052e2  No.9822850

File: a8054771c1fae2c⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1738x2250, 869:1125, hitler_portrait_pepe_2.jpg)

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bd988a  No.9822851

File: 7068f1dc221cb1f⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 236x236, 1:1, Armour_of_God.jpg)

God's Will Be Done!

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b152d6  No.9822852

File: d9ce567cf486565⋯.png (817.74 KB, 712x475, 712:475, d9ce567cf486565caa10221e1a….png)


>9999999 to 10000000


shall we play a game?

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5ebfd0  No.9822853


The Jew haters hate me. Jesus is a jew.

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91c967  No.9822854

File: f304a74202f03bc⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 1125x1223, 1125:1223, 4a2267af83de66bca8f06693aa….jpg)

File: a1900011424edd6⋯.jpg (151 KB, 600x381, 200:127, 1574058457315.jpg)

File: 7694ea644e2376d⋯.jpg (179.57 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, 1574144757416.jpg)

File: 3ea799ad008a2a3⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1340, 54:67, 1574062341020.png)

File: fe4db6d98360a85⋯.png (1.08 MB, 902x1934, 451:967, JewLawyerSubversion_2_.png)

5th image -

one of anon's all-time favourites.

top drawer kikery.

take a bow rabbi i tip my flat cap.

nothing says subversion quite like this

absolutely fabulous KIKERY GONE WILD

what if…what if they were ALL…Thai Buddhist Monks?

Q should run a competition for examples of best kikery.

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1052e2  No.9822856

File: 48f2d44cff7685d⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 589x250, 589:250, helicopter_ride_for_obongo.gif)

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3a3dba  No.9822857

File: 3a3ee8f5721c9cc⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 687x503, 687:503, 0cc5fc3614607d08a918c30154….jpg)

File: 08fe99c04c28cd6⋯.png (401.85 KB, 712x592, 89:74, ILove_You_Both.png)

File: 891b186befe972d⋯.jpeg (419.04 KB, 1242x1855, 1242:1855, MyFavoriteMovie_8.jpeg)

File: 59ef3f3db17d0fb⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, Potus_and_wife.jpg)


Great smile!! Love this one.

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5ebfd0  No.9822858


Trust Jesus not the Antisemites.

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721a46  No.9822859

File: be857f410793910⋯.png (324.48 KB, 485x512, 485:512, ClipboardImage.png)


Cheers Anon, that was really good

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726986  No.9822860

Kinda makes you realize who the Democrat Party thinks their constituency is. They "off" old people in nursing homes by isolating them from family and making sure they are neglected and die on ventilators for "COVID", but release violent criminals to protect them from it!

Would "jury nullification" work if legit law enforcement (not vigilantes) happened to "get into it" with violent released criminals and some of them (violent released criminals) happened to "bite the bullet"? Who would ever convict a police officer for actually PROTECTING his or her community?

If police agreed not to use speeding tickets, etc. for revenue generation, they stopped assisting CPS "child confiscation and trafficking" and they did not enforce mask or vaccine "orders" I'd quite like the bunch. If they further scared the living shit out of actual violent felons I'd give them the money we save from dissolving teachers unions and homeschooling.

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5b4852  No.9822861

File: 00c12b11d0dc78d⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 947x1200, 947:1200, 1591078755830.jpg)

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815db7  No.9822862


The first evolution in classical music in 600 years went better than expected.

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6bc367  No.9822863



I want Kingpins.

The Top.

The political Top, the Intelligence Top. The trafficking Top. The bankrolling Top.

Children. Non-teen.

I won't be distracted by diversionary carrots left by perpetrators to soak up the topic.

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5b4852  No.9822864

File: 2c4b5f7f776aac1⋯.png (970.01 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good_times.png)

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3a3dba  No.9822865

File: cac5569afa5b36f⋯.png (963.82 KB, 937x810, 937:810, cac5569afa5b36f260cb6b1f0e….png)


Come on man, don't use "Blues Clues" to do this with. Say what you want, but have some respect for what little wholesome cultural touchstones we've had along the way.


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67313a  No.9822866


last week was indy & uk wrestlers. the anon niche bubbles are collapse

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8bdf43  No.9822868

File: cda168143eaad5c⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

sun's up. time for some morning exercise!

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3f1f34  No.9822869


that is a good example.

from memory, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network were drinking long and hard from public monies during the busing and housing of illegal immigrants, yes?

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1052e2  No.9822870

File: 083b467f3ce5af5⋯.jpg (983.6 KB, 1046x1440, 523:720, AOC_resurrection.jpg)

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5ebfd0  No.9822871


Antisemites cant get laid no matter how much they offer the AIDS riddled trans-sexual.

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ca3f1c  No.9822872


Probably what Cuomos got underneath his shirt

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726986  No.9822873

If Black lives really mattered, the Democrats would call for defunding Planned Parenthood not the police.

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070852  No.9822874

File: a33a804a7b89f35⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 720x895, 144:179, FB_IMG_1591648132788.jpg)

File: 462b4fba3d711ed⋯.png (28.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 573c3d7d6a244fcf2f74e1da17….png)

Morning Anons, hows everyone?

So about that tweet with the ray of light like the rapture, anyone else catch it as well because that was pretty cool for Canada day.. either my phone buggy, or just my google account but having hell of a time finding my usual finds..

Independence day might be actual aliens/old gods /Bluebeam upon us

Kinda exciting tbh

Stay safe, stay strong to all of us..

If it's WEG1WGA then those we are battling against , will be with us too in the end? So be humble and kind.. and true to thine own self .. were just getting started me thinks..

Alright might try to sleep again lol cheers

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1052e2  No.9822875


Thank you anon for this dose of lovely, lovely schadenfreude…

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5ebfd0  No.9822876


Jew haters are super transsexual perverts.

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f1819c  No.9822877


Sarcasm - The Lone Ranger was an outlaw.

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1052e2  No.9822878

File: 4ec22a41b849bc3⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 570x624, 95:104, turns_out_right.jpg)

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a8aa73  No.9822879

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5ebfd0  No.9822880

Jew haters are pedophiles.

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ee6df7  No.9822881

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

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a3584f  No.9822882


I have my own opinion about this War Castle series, just want to get a read from other Anons.

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432879  No.9822883

File: 4a9ab1640bfe729⋯.png (525.2 KB, 1072x800, 67:50, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)



If you want to watch this in the film, start watching at 1:04:30


No need for sound since it's a silent version from 1920.

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55d005  No.9822884


"in-bread retards"



You can't write that someone is retarded and have misspellings.

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5ebfd0  No.9822885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jew haters killed Jesus.

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726986  No.9822886

If Black lives really mattered Democrats wouldn't mandate 72+ childhood vaccine for them.

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74b910  No.9822887

File: 2dfbddee56051ef⋯.jpg (179.3 KB, 1000x736, 125:92, ChiefDanGeorge_Clint_Eastw….jpg)

File: d439a0aa71bd938⋯.png (122.48 KB, 400x229, 400:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43c23bb6c6acc01⋯.png (229.56 KB, 458x458, 1:1, Godsjudgment.png)

File: c4178affc460e5d⋯.png (441.69 KB, 935x1194, 935:1194, ChooseMAGA_GREATNESS_TOPke….png)

File: 05c8c83517033c1⋯.png (132.84 KB, 700x994, 50:71, SheFRESHsheExcitingDelicio….png)


>Anons catch it?

lQQd l_ike *LONE RANGER* {objects appear closer than reality}

The MOV_E ?


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432879  No.9822888

File: 16247977016cd96⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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828371  No.9822889

File: 86dce5ea235d84c⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 1097x272, 1097:272, 86dce5ea235d84cb72482c71cc….jpg)

File: 6b0b3c3b5cf933f⋯.jpg (89.73 KB, 1499x372, 1499:372, 6b0b3c3b5cf933ff7f5c5ed2c6….jpg)

File: 1944368d3de4dc8⋯.jpg (82.38 KB, 1440x380, 72:19, 1944368d3de4dc829a419b0f94….jpg)

Still not over this shit either.

I fucking hate niggers and how this world and culture could be lead to any kind of plausible plot like this to be cast and filmed.

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3a3dba  No.9822890


What do we have here Anon??

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91c967  No.9822891

File: 741e06905da3efd⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 1149x4826, 1149:4826, Screenshot_2020_04_08_Sett….jpg)

File: 9659d9954f32809⋯.jpg (4.86 KB, 436x113, 436:113, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Sett….jpg)

File: c0e7902f90550d4⋯.jpg (27.74 KB, 369x496, 369:496, EnoughIsEnough187LCHKabbal….jpg)

File: 190dcd9f6e0c260⋯.jpg (3.46 KB, 436x78, 218:39, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Sett….jpg)


this is super kikery

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ee6df7  No.9822892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5b4852  No.9822893

File: b49407efc6ceac2⋯.jpg (73.48 KB, 640x799, 640:799, 1591087584598.jpg)

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6bc367  No.9822894



Point it out for the low attention span masses.

Black Lives Matter

NOT according to Planned Parenthood

Black Lives Matter Less than Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood. Planning Black Extinction.

The topic needs memes

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1ee2d4  No.9822895

File: 9ad9c3acb986c00⋯.jpg (884.47 KB, 1128x2486, 564:1243, nigersaurus.jpg)


>If Black lives really mattered Democrats wouldn't mandate 72+ childhood vaccine for them.

They don't matter and let's hope Billy Boy uses his super vaccine on them. They are animals. They aren't human, they are a subset. If people just realized things like IQ and penchant for violence was genetic and we treated them as such race relations would be better.

They have no place in civilized society. If they did they'd have created one by now.

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d57486  No.9822897

File: efc610eb101ad11⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 600x778, 300:389, efc610eb101ad11caf090c220c….jpg)


What the hell I'll post it.

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55d005  No.9822899



Planning Black EXtinction

One Heartbeat at a Time

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1ee2d4  No.9822900


>Black Lives Matter Less than Planned Parenthood

>Planned Parenthood. Planning Black Extinction.

We need more Planned Parenthood locations, put them next to Popeye's and they won't get looted and burned down.

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3ec34d  No.9822901

File: 36c94b27f55d25d⋯.png (603.56 KB, 500x704, 125:176, All_shifts.png)

File: 4f43f63a3d81b54⋯.png (331.57 KB, 428x589, 428:589, Sword_from_God.png)

I pledged my loyalties on more than a few occasions… Once more..

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. WWG1WGA

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828371  No.9822903


Raz from Chaz's cinematic debut. It's a short movie about gang raping a white chick. That appears to be the entire storyline. Fucking disgusts me even at a fictional and business level. Regardless of anything, this bullshit still happened with handshakes all around I'm sure. I want the world back now.

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5da3e3  No.9822904


I just tried listening to him, I lasted 5 minutes, that's 4 minutes longer than I should have allowed myself.

That's the last time I'll watch any of his shit.

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815db7  No.9822905


Can you read Hebrew?

I've been working on some stuff I wanted to see if I could get a translation on.

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5ebfd0  No.9822906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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432879  No.9822907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now can you see the Kayfabe?

All that time you thought you were watching an NFL football game

And all you were watching,was a movie

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828371  No.9822908


Exactly. I'm not saying Jews aren't the problem either. I'm over the nigger and the nigger mentality. Black people are cool.

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d57486  No.9822909

File: f55e720c652e57c⋯.png (266.89 KB, 264x376, 33:47, GetSmartAgain1.png)

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f1819c  No.9822910


Funny how they don't give all the relevant parts of POTUS' comments (emphasis mine):

But the president reiterated that he did not think making face-coverings mandatory across the US was needed, because there are "many places in the country where people stay very long distance".

"If people feel good about it they should do it."


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cb21a9  No.9822911

File: bd3ad808947a220⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 400x479, 400:479, CatNaziSpell.jpg)


You had to know this day would come.

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d57486  No.9822912

File: ac68145ff875c37⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1470x2124, 245:354, Spy_who_shagged_me2.png)

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5ebfd0  No.9822913


I'm autistic. I see the big picture , details aren't my thing.

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55d005  No.9822914



This is funny AF

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d57486  No.9822915

File: f3e64c7dbe4ea0c⋯.png (171 KB, 440x220, 2:1, Trumped2.png)

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5da3e3  No.9822917


On the YouTube video you want to share, click SHARE just under the video, it will give you an embed link then put the link where you was shown by another Anon.

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8120e4  No.9822919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shall we play a game?


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5ebfd0  No.9822920

>>9822911Yup Jewish Jesus wins it It is over.

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ee6df7  No.9822921

File: 5cd619cdc40bac9⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, stel3.jpg)

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d9d372  No.9822922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The Wake Up"


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d57486  No.9822923

File: 42b7fd43fbb92f7⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1140x1222, 570:611, More_Than_Kept_Diakrisis1.png)

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bd988a  No.9822924

Satans biggest trick was keeping Jews from reading The New Testament. There will be eternal pain and suffering if they fall for it. Hopefully they figure it out before it's too late.

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ee6df7  No.9822925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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04f8b1  No.9822926

File: 5a5fe31ef68cd57⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 324x217, 324:217, ssder.jpg)

File: 9b391cb2cdcd65f⋯.jpg (78.77 KB, 620x464, 155:116, 462h43.jpg)

File: eee59b38b67b923⋯.jpg (95.44 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 3xfywp.jpg)

File: 95a35e416615d55⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 254x199, 254:199, llkiot.jpg)

File: e45a74e85541518⋯.jpg (14.02 KB, 242x208, 121:104, lokl.jpg)


Fraudci Sucks!

Infected yet asymptomatic people are of particular concern because the particles they breathe are predominantly bio-aerosols

Given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm (nano-meters)), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.

*One nano-meter is about as long as your fingernail grows in one second!

*A human hair is approximately 80,000- 100,000 nano-meters wide!

Oh, right…that bandana, cloth mask, surgical mask is going to be a big help to you!

Gee, what does an Actual Virologist Wear..and what procedures do they follow?

National Academies' Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats said that, because no studies have been done on the effectiveness of cloth masks in preventing transmission of coronavirus to others, it is impossible to assess their benefits, if any.

Committee members point out that research suggests that COVID-19 can spread via invisible droplets as small as 5 microns and by tiny bioaerosol particles as well as via visible respiratory droplets just by breathing.

Infected yet asymptomatic people are of particular concern because the particles they breathe are predominantly bioaerosols.

Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), who contributed to the paper along with Sundaresan Jayaraman, PhD, of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, said in his weekly CIDRAP podcast yesterday that, because aerosols likely play an important role in coronavirus transmission, cloth masks will do little, if anything, to limit spread of the disease.

Masks and respirators do not work.

There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.

The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.

We have to stop using flawed data and bad science to make decisions.

It's time we stopped allowing politics and fear to dictate science – science and data should dictate good politics and public policy instead.


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d57486  No.9822927

File: 2003252f570543f⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, First_Round_Pick_At_The_Ha….png)

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726986  No.9822928

I think the whole BLM thing is a 100% wonderful opportunity for the cause of true freedom. I don't believe that Americans are racist in general, in fact, quite the opposite. However, Biden era Democrats totally are racist. They want to segregate "people of color" in impoverished ghettos that they control with welfare payments and removal of black men (potential husbands and fathers).

My thought. How can we use this moment to utterly dismember the Democrat "plantation"? My first thought is to destroy Planned Parenthood and its funding, as Planned Parenthood is used to funnel money to Democrat campaigns and exterminates people of color preferentially. We already know that Planned Parenthood of Greater New York had significant controversy within its organization due to black employees providing evidence they were discriminated against based on their race. We also have the history of Planned Parenthood's ties to Margaret Sanger and her goal of eugenics against black people.

Why in my town were "Black Lives Matter" protestors arrested when they protested in front of Planned Parenthood (according to acquaintance with FB account)?! This is a totally legit place to protest if you cared about Blacks!

Ultimately, I want society to be "color blind", but until Democrats cannot use "race" to gin up support I think we ought to out them as the baby-killing, racially biased slave masters that they are. (At least the Joe Biden Democrats are, NJ's Jamel Holley and RFK, Jr are legit human rights advocates, imo)

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04f8b1  No.9822929

File: c00700c232aa8f5⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 250x202, 125:101, images.jpg)

File: 692072978c5fc00⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, imagesggbvfr.jpg)


Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy


Review of the Medical Literature

Here are key anchor points to the extensive scientific literature that establishes that wearing surgical masks and respirators (e.g., “N95”) does not reduce the risk of contracting a verified illness:

Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) “Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: A randomized controlled trial,” American Journal of Infection Control, Volume 37, Issue 5, 417 – 419. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19216002

N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.

Cowling, B. et al. (2010) “Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: A systematic review,” Epidemiology and Infection, 138(4), 449-456. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/epidemiology-and-infection/article/face-masks-to-prevent-transmission-of-influenza-virus-a-systematic- review/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05

None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H). See summary Tables 1 and 2 therein.

bin-Reza et al. (2012) “The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence,” Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 6(4), 257–267. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00307.x

“There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”

Smith, J.D. et al. (2016) “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks in protecting health care workers from acute respiratory infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” CMAJ Mar 2016 https://www.cmaj.ca/content/188/8/567

“We identified six clinical studies … . In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, (b) influenza-like illness, or (c) reported work-place absenteeism.”

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91c967  No.9822930

File: 23cf2f8cf183ecd⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1160x704, 145:88, 23cf2f8cf183ecd11554519283….png)

File: 60d163ea0417f9e⋯.jpg (128.02 KB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, 60d163ea0417f9e3c8d4804898….jpg)

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91c967  No.9822931



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ee6df7  No.9822932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bc367  No.9822933


Batman grew up watching Eastwood Movies.

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5ebfd0  No.9822934


I grew up with Eddie Van Halen's ex wife. She was not happy. She was not perky unless she was snorting cocaine.

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d57486  No.9822935

File: cb5154d928ad78a⋯.png (636.56 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 02.png)

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d57486  No.9822936

File: abdbdce4da7beb1⋯.png (588.67 KB, 704x622, 352:311, HillaryStormFirst.png)

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91c967  No.9822937

File: 61d0a33ce7e547b⋯.png (5.19 MB, 1592x4341, 1592:4341, 159312965698E7.png)


100+ every day

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5b4852  No.9822938

File: c7bbfd29aa2b81b⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 208x242, 104:121, 234d.jpg)

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7a4b8b  No.9822939


Hey fellas, NE1 know where Fall of Cabal 5 is watchable?

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5ebfd0  No.9822940


She is nothing like you see on tV.

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070852  No.9822941



Planned parenthood could also be like how Moses and Jesus were born from royal bloodline (king's like his virgin whores) and perhaps trying to stop a incarnation or fucking up the line… Kill all newborns just in case.. just like the old days…

That and child sacrifice and cannibalism for that andecrome

But I like the idea of annuaki breading withhumans only to realise we attained some of their power… Would kinda fuck up the the perfect slave if the slave Saw them as equals instead of gods

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04f8b1  No.9822942

File: 5fdb20e41415b95⋯.jpg (88.36 KB, 807x947, 807:947, djfhoo.jpg)

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3ec34d  No.9822943

File: 820b4e1df4f393f⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 454x249, 454:249, iT_S_A_SCAM.jpg)

File: c69b0dc67483cc6⋯.png (926.7 KB, 780x566, 390:283, DROPPING_LIKE_CANDY.png)

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB, 960x938, 480:469, helping_hindering.jpg)

File: e1efe8cb6ae7908⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 603x383, 603:383, VOTE_REPUBLIC.jpg)

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815db7  No.9822944

File: c3f9e9490d25e3d⋯.png (138.3 KB, 928x175, 928:175, quietly.png)


You see, I'm having a hard time making out what the line listed as "quietly"

Maybe one of the fine, honest jews here can led a hand and help a Christian fellow out?

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432879  No.9822945

File: 11a89e5ccf43c99⋯.png (189.1 KB, 1436x578, 718:289, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

File: 57c590a23ece8af⋯.png (266.89 KB, 1442x738, 721:369, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

Last of the Mohicans


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fc8639  No.9822946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d57486  No.9822947

File: c68b3aa2cc2241d⋯.png (580.91 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 01.png)

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2d4770  No.9822948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9822703, >>9822770, >>9822692



15:38 Corruption in Canada.

15:57 SNC-Lavalin.

16:50 Filed a lawful "Private Prosecution".

18:30 12 thumb drives of evidence.

19:00 Stonewalled at Ottawa Court House, stayed.

19:54 Today USMCA in effect.

Section 27 corruption must be addressed.

If not addressed, tarriffs can be used.

20:40 Justiceforcanada.ca

21:30 Selling babies through Children Services.

SNC-Lavalin and PM Trudeau

Workplace Safety Boards money laundering

23:55 These 3 items the focus of filed request

and 200pgs evidence for criminal

investigations by FBI

23:34 WWG1WGA

25:00 Doesn't like these Canadians are afraid of unmasking in crowds.

27:40 Walking to the deliver the documents.

34:30 Large peaceful rally.

39:40 WWG1WGA

41:45 At US Embassy.

54:20 Lock Him Up.

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5ebfd0  No.9822949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d9d372  No.9822950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





These are happy beats by the same name.

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5ebfd0  No.9822951


She's a blob without cocaine.

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6bc367  No.9822952


For this Crazy Nightmare Faux Reality time to end some major 'medical' players have to be either sacked, imprisoned or sacked and imprisoned.

This madness doesn't stop until the price of deception hurts - sharply, quickly

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ee6df7  No.9822953

File: 63f3bbac19d4405⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 728x410, 364:205, reaperNoGame.jpg)

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91c967  No.9822954

File: b4209c7a70cfc58⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1154x3509, 1154:3509, Screenshot_2020_06_27_Sexu….png)

File: d202d86d951bfc4⋯.png (204.52 KB, 1138x2469, 1138:2469, Screenshot_2020_06_27_Publ….png)

File: fb1cc4247f6a412⋯.png (287.49 KB, 1349x2466, 1349:2466, Screenshot_2020_06_27_Walt….png)

File: c9d9733095e0ecd⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1349x7791, 1349:7791, Screenshot_2020_06_27_How_….png)

File: a8b6c5153f91a56⋯.png (827.28 KB, 1349x4176, 1349:4176, Screenshot_2020_06_27_ADL_….png)

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d57486  No.9822955

File: ab00eae5f42d26e⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x254, 255:254, t_a2acbf8effc961001d2baaeb….jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9822956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ec34d  No.9822957


Could you explain to me… why those exact same words, aren't written in another language… in another religion… I found similarities all through them all.

Everyone seemed to have it at one point…. truth.

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432879  No.9822958

File: 84495eb3ad1f6fe⋯.png (1.43 MB, 850x995, 170:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1f05e776794921⋯.png (509.52 KB, 1120x1070, 112:107, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)


Last of the Mohicans???

What about Promontory Financial Group???

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5a171c  No.9822960

File: 542e1e04a6ed9db⋯.gif (375 KB, 220x165, 4:3, B163E2FD_0D75_4CF4_A69C_8E….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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8120e4  No.9822961

File: 8438dfd33828bc5⋯.png (409.73 KB, 417x745, 417:745, charged.png)

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815db7  No.9822962


>explain to me

The prayer is read quietly, in the morning and at night. Twice a day, every day.

I'm just curious what it says?

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6bc367  No.9822963


The creativity of the Human mind is limitless.

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8bdf43  No.9822964


so the FINALE is coming up?

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5ebfd0  No.9822965


Jews have more credibility than Christians.

I've hung out with the top. Christians are more money grubbing than jews.

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3ec34d  No.9822966


If you are plastering it … tell me… That I am curious.

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726986  No.9822967

The use of face masks will no longer be mandated anywhere if legit patriots use them for actions that threaten the Democrat establishment. How about this: Heavily masked patriots surround Planned Parenthood clinics peacefully calling for their closure? Remember the words of Maxine Waters calling for actions to disrupt the lives of conservatives? If that was not incitement, then how far legally and morally could patriots go to rid themselves of the Democrat machine?

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5b4852  No.9822968

File: cb17aba9a3ce10a⋯.jpg (115.06 KB, 716x1000, 179:250, 1592585281930.jpg)

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5b4852  No.9822969

File: 260c474ba4d33a6⋯.jpg (767.9 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, 260.jpg)

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6bc367  No.9822970


Which are you?

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815db7  No.9822971


There are no Christians

Only the deceivers and the deceived.

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ee6df7  No.9822972

File: f172185d85092d7⋯.png (342.35 KB, 676x427, 676:427, reaperOnTheMove.png)



Aint you here a tad early?

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5e9d6f  No.9822973


What’s the girl’s name??? Tania Katain or something. Wooof.

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91c967  No.9822974

File: b150a97dba562c3⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)

File: dbb243ce2da4805⋯.png (1.19 MB, 434x1640, 217:820, Ideological_Subversion.png)

File: 3f4e428d8813313⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1950x2002, 75:77, 3f4e428d88133133d855572f0d….png)

File: 2f8f995b27cc432⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2042x3547, 2042:3547, Screenshot_2020_06_30_Text….png)

File: d7befeea156a72e⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1237x2584, 1237:2584, BAMBOOZLER2346.png)


"Crimes of this nature are extremely rare"

100+ per day



for the sake of optics

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92a844  No.9822976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sharon is prolific.

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ee6df7  No.9822977




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5ebfd0  No.9822978


I asked the Bush's personal pilot. "The Bushes are evil right?" He said "Yes". I said"but its kinda fun to hang out with them right" He said "yes".

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5ec27a  No.9822979

File: 958899e9caddf95⋯.jpg (687.55 KB, 1470x1882, 735:941, 000a7e3a600014cd45a47ae8b5….jpg)

After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts I have set the limit to 300 new lines per post from 200. This should in theory allow for longer posts but I'm not seeing a setting for character limits. Could be that I'm tired and missed it but we will try this out for a bit and see how she goes.

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726986  No.9822980

If Black lives matter, why are leftist politicians, who claim to support BLM in bed with an "ethno-state" (China)?

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432879  No.9822981

File: 36312e835e0c178⋯.png (1.18 MB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)



multiple meanings… I am certain that Q was pointing us to the venture investment forms that the industry calls The Last Of The Mohicans

But I think there are other threads than need digging too, like James Fenimore Cooper

"Last of the Mohicans" Author Was a Critic of Party Politics


“…in a democracy, the delusion that would elsewhere be poured into the ears of the prince is poured into those of the people.”

As hard as it is to believe, after the 2016 presidential campaign, attempts to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate public opinion have become more intense and partisan since the election. Attacks, accusations, misrepresentations, leaks, innuendo, “gotcha” questions, ad hominem attacks and more follow one another on a fast-moving merry-go-round of political abuse.

While many decry this overheated partisanship, few have analyzed the issue better than James Fenimore Cooper, in The American Democrat, an 1838 primer on Americans’ political responsibilities, written in reaction to the political excesses of his era.

America’s first great writer recognized that “in a democracy, the delusion that would elsewhere be poured into the ears of the prince is poured into those of the people.” But he also saw that citizens needed the vigilance to see through those delusions, to keep our democracy consistent with liberty: “The elector who gives his vote, on any grounds, party or personal, to an unworthy candidate, violates a sacred public duty, and is unfit to be a freeman.” As we wade through the muck that will build into the 2018 and 2020 elections, Cooper’s analysis rings true today:

“In a democracy, as a matter of course, every effort is made to seize upon and create public opinion, which is, substantially, securing power.”

“Failing of the means of obtaining power more honestly, the fraudulent and ambitious find a motive to mislead, and even to corrupt the common sentiment, to attain their ends. This is the greatest and most pervading danger of all large democracies…We see the effects of this baneful influence in the openness and audacity with which men avow improper motives and improper acts, trusting to find support in a popular feeling.”

“The people are peculiarly exposed to become the dupes of demagogues and political schemers, most of the crimes of democracies arising from the faults and designs of men of this character.”

“Party misleads the public mind.”

“Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem to be true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of a nation to appear insignificant, and trifles of moment; in a word, the right the wrong and the wrong the right.”

“Party, by feeding the passions and exciting personal interests, overshadows truth, justice, patriotism and every other public virtue, completely reversing the order of a democracy by putting unworthy motives in the place of reason.”

“Party feeling…induces men to adopt in gross, the prejudices, notions and judgments of the particular faction to which they belong, often without examination, and generally without candor.”

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6bc367  No.9822982

A lot of meditative pauses in the sermon this morning.

My horse gets fidgety when he's tied up too long.

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3f1f34  No.9822983

>>9822979 Notable


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ee6df7  No.9822984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ec34d  No.9822985

File: 3018cbfb5046543⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 716x348, 179:87, Appreciated.jpg)

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fc8639  No.9822986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5ebfd0  No.9822987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3dacfe  No.9822988


what is that diveristy poitn? Grey eyes it's at least half white.

We need way more hard lessons like this. male cancel culture eat their own.

I am tired of us anons suffering the PAIN. I want them to have this pain, and a lot of it.

She needs to suck it up try losing your job to outsourcing when you are 54 and try getting a job after that.

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432879  No.9822989

File: b79c021e291ceac⋯.png (214.67 KB, 1116x828, 31:23, Punisher.png)


Wear dark glasses, black hats or bandanas on your head and print one of these and stick it on your mask…

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5da3e3  No.9822990


You need to have the right sort of mind, the left can't seem to grasp this.

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726986  No.9822991

Liberal hypocrisy much? Joe Biden LOVES China (remember sweetheart deal with the Communists there?) but his campaign is, according to evidence shared here, getting support from BLM. How much do "black lives" matter in Communist China? How many "black lives" are in China? How can Democrats support an "ethno-state" and still claim the moral high ground on race?

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990905  No.9822992

File: 8acc794c71c24c5⋯.jpg (211.09 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, Arabian_dromedary_camel.jpg)


Think mirror.

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5da3e3  No.9822993


You need to have the right sort of mind, the left can't seem to grasp this.

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ee6df7  No.9822994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Crossfire Hurricane

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5ebfd0  No.9822995


Mick Jagger is retarded and will be dead soon.

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1052e2  No.9822996


First time hearing this since like 1989,

Truly advanced faggotry.

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722338  No.9822997


Much respect to you, BO

Thank you. you are an unsung hero in these most difficult times

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990905  No.9822998


That sentence was pretty generic.

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e8b627  No.9822999

File: 01d4ea198256154⋯.png (10.33 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 01d4ea198256154f4c893ef3a4….png)

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7a665f  No.9823000

File: 358d658fb5b99dd⋯.png (355.82 KB, 550x690, 55:69, Biden_dontAlways.png)

Per request a few days ago.

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bd988a  No.9823001


Thank you.

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5ebfd0  No.9823002


Kieth Richards laughs.

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ee6df7  No.9823003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>First time hearing this since like 1989,

>Truly advanced faggotry.

Aint it though

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91c967  No.9823004


101,823 black on white in four years

0, white on black in the same four years

signs can be printed, t-shirts, mugs,




"What does that mean?" folks will ask.

"Oh this is the number of white american females raped by blacks versus the number of black females raped by whites between 2003 and 2006. It is an example of white supremacy."

"The zero also represents the number of politicians that want to address this preferring to talk about womans rights and stem opportunists.

So thats okay. Just collateral damage for the white I have a dream crew.

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8120e4  No.9823005

File: ba3c64c3c68dfb5⋯.png (378.5 KB, 708x411, 236:137, DIGITALSOLDIERS.png)




anyone still digging digital soldiers possible decode?

possible links to ternary logic?

possible links to WOPR from Wargames movie?




>>9796998 (WarGames 1983 — WOPR)


War Operation Plan Response (WOPR)

NORAD supercomputer known as WOPR, programmed to continuously run war simulations and learn over time

...WOPR stages a massive Soviet first strike with hundreds of missiles, submarines, and bombers. Believing the attack to be genuine, NORAD prepares to retaliate.

...Falken and David direct the computer to play tic-tac-toe against itself. This results in a long string of draws, forcing the computer to learn the concept of futility and no-win scenarios.

...Having discovered the concept of mutual assured destruction ("WINNER: NONE"), the computer tells Falken that it has concluded that nuclear war is "a strange game" in which "the only winning move is not to play." WOPR relinquishes control of NORAD and the missiles and offers to play "a nice game of chess."

movie clips:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aUHQKneAdw WarGames - WOPR

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsycWRQrc8 WarGames clip - WOPR described

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCWKZWieMSY Wargames 1983 - The voice of WOPR

online WOPR simulator:



Q post 568

19 Jan 2018


Shall we play a game?

How about a nice game of chess?


Double meaning.


Fake incoming missile alert [Defcon 1].

We know all.




Flynn decode

some(pb) for ternary logic




>>9772447, >>9772550 diggz on the digital soldiers grid



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1052e2  No.9823006


Worst rock n roll singer ever.

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432879  No.9823007


And have someone play this song on a loudspeaker when you do it…

===> >>9822984

Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden

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722338  No.9823008

File: ee810c2f981ce81⋯.png (465.27 KB, 837x998, 837:998, 5262663637.png)


digits witnessed ….for a worthy post to respect the BO

o7, anon

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a0012a  No.9823009


Speak for yourself….this shit =‘s kickass memories for some anons. Dayam…..

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42ab57  No.9823010

File: a15fe1990c6f3f0⋯.png (767.2 KB, 740x458, 370:229, w_n_b.png)


looks like we are still on ghost protocol??

morning baker check'n in. any anon grabbing notes or anything?

self confirmingunless another baker is on board and i missed it. no covfefe yet.

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d598d2  No.9823011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, thoughts on this video please.

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726986  No.9823012

The founders of the United States were predominantly of white European origin. However, as our nation grew we welcomed people from every demographic that valued freedom. Freedom of conscience and freedom to work for a better future for yourself and your family. That legacy is under assault from people who hypocritically call us "racist" and yet tolerate and wholeheartedly support many countries such as Israel and China who routinely discriminate based on religion and race. I personally am not anti-Jewish or anti-China, but anyone with the gall to call my country racist because we want sound immigration policies and because we want effective law enforcement is anti-America for sure and possibly guilty of treason. Nowhere on earth is diversity tolerated and embraced more than in the USA. Sadly, we have been too welcoming, allowing to flourish ideologies that, like vipers, grew to poison and harm us.

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828371  No.9823013

File: b1b66a1d5df5cb6⋯.gif (726.53 KB, 480x360, 4:3, giphy.gif)

File: f169eb0225e5dd2⋯.jpeg (19.21 KB, 480x470, 48:47, EbodsIPU4AAedWK.jpeg)

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5e9d6f  No.9823014


Unfortunate resemblance to Bruce Jenner

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7a665f  No.9823015


>Anons, thoughts on this video please.

Too low resolution and frame rate, and bad audio.

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1052e2  No.9823016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For that band and that era, this one aged pretty darn well.

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6959cf  No.9823017

File: b753630216cb4f9⋯.jpeg (353.27 KB, 1242x1807, 1242:1807, E3CBAA88_3230_45A7_8B40_F….jpeg)

Huh another Sullivan kid.

No One is above the law until they are.

John Paul Doerr III, 34, pleaded guilty to exploiting children through possessing and distributing a huge amount of sickening child pornography — some of which involved infants.

Considering the seriousness of the charges, Doerr was facing upwards of 250 years in a cage for the 45 felony counts against him.

However, Doerr happens to be the son of Butler County’s top judge, Thomas Doerr. Instead of going to jail for the rest of his life, as he should have, the judge’s son will not spend a single night behind bars.


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10ec58  No.9823018

File: 283e9f990926ef4⋯.png (26.96 KB, 187x185, 187:185, 283e9f990926ef4ce96746b6a2….png)

morning frens

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5ebfd0  No.9823019


Satan loved him.

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ee6df7  No.9823020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well sheeeit!

Sup fapjack?

You gonna give us some help with that discord server hanging over us?

Yeah I know whole buffalo…ok…

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1c00be  No.9823021

File: a2a53256847b223⋯.png (53.71 KB, 898x506, 449:253, levine_griffin.png)

File: de0705d02f3ed7e⋯.png (660.35 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Stuffitlevine.png)

Richard L. Levine, aka "Rachel" gets upset when someone calls him "Sir".

"IT'S MA'AM!!"

His friends called him Dick when he was young, now they call him Dickless.


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990905  No.9823022


Is this Merkel's troops?

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3f1f34  No.9823023

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3ec34d  No.9823024

File: 328c60e758a1565⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 399x508, 399:508, IMPENDING_DOOM.jpg)

File: 5e60bb5ebfadf2f⋯.jpg (131.93 KB, 885x516, 295:172, wiped_servers.jpg)

File: 040b0cd20e56953⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 1062x619, 1062:619, indictable_smug.jpg)

File: 06a8458a197412e⋯.jpg (151.75 KB, 1162x520, 581:260, SAFER.jpg)

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d598d2  No.9823025


I don't think he has a recording studio. I was looking for something of substance.

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94e008  No.9823026


IT is afraid. The goyims are awakening to their dream induced slavery. Oy vey, Pepe has more power than [they] anticipated, Pepe stronk.

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de6e7a  No.9823027


Most sentences are.

Here's another one as example:

Kiss my ass.


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a213b7  No.9823028


This brute in a skirt with a 5 o'clock shadow can't be too mad about being called "sir" if he isn't going to put in the effort to look like anything but a man in a blonde wig.

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ee6df7  No.9823029

File: 2bfe72131613493⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 640x377, 640:377, reaperWindQ.gif)


>morning baker check'n in. any anon grabbing notes or anything?


>self confirmingunless another baker is on board and i missed it. no covfefe yet.

Oh I'd guess not.


I'd help but my choices don't groove.

Love yua, no homo

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5a171c  No.9823030

No, 5:25 alarm during the week



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5ebfd0  No.9823031

Bruce Jenner begged me for sex in the 70's I rejected her.

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7cbad6  No.9823032

File: 7fbb33691a50a95⋯.jpg (142.16 KB, 830x482, 415:241, 32626.jpg)



>free helicopter ride

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825641  No.9823033

File: 9b285cbc405dc57⋯.png (92.21 KB, 711x800, 711:800, ClipboardImage.png)

Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Google CEOs to Testify to Congress: Report

The CEOs of Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Alphabet’s Google are expected to testify before a congressional committee probing antitrust issues, according to published reports late Wednesday.


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000000  No.9823034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rudy Guiliani – Common Sense | Ep. 49

Doctor Who Has 97%+ Survival Rate for COVID-19 Patients Urges America To Continue Reopening


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91c967  No.9823035

File: 3df5908d1d4c924⋯.png (307.62 KB, 793x394, 793:394, 3df5908d1d4c924da9bf7d3e22….png)

File: 3a188a0ab6706a5⋯.png (455.2 KB, 702x1258, 351:629, 3a188a0ab6706a5ada2ca0075a….png)

File: 3919aa0971ce034⋯.png (467.34 KB, 777x458, 777:458, 3919aa0971ce034ed6f14ea84e….png)

File: c1c19fec1edb004⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1237x2892, 1237:2892, bAMBOOZLED04Wpng.png)

File: cca1458f1570636⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1237x2726, 1237:2726, BAMBOOZLER22.png)




how many since 2016?

GO PATS! Welcome Cam Newton!

Keeping it real.

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de6e7a  No.9823036


Richards is pickled. He knows the truth of eternal life

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5ebfd0  No.9823037


He was a sniveling creep with no game.

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1052e2  No.9823038

File: 1b54e7239a76225⋯.png (569.1 KB, 735x865, 147:173, sleepy_justice.png)

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ee6df7  No.9823039

File: d8232e542a8feab⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 236x393, 236:393, reaper69.jpg)


I'm getting too old for this shit.

Hang on I gotta shoot the sun…

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5e9d6f  No.9823040


If i was in that room, I’d answer “okay sir”

I’m really done indulging these people’s dysphasia. They are sick, and should not be IN CHARGE of telling other people how to be healthy.

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990905  No.9823041


I fart in your general direction.

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7cbad6  No.9823042

File: fc508995de738ec⋯.jpeg (174.66 KB, 1080x775, 216:155, 36.jpeg)

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ee6df7  No.9823043

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, lemmy.jpg)


>Kiss my ass.

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94e008  No.9823044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Americana is lovely, here's some feels for you too Anon.

Love from the Old World, We're in this together.

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e2aad0  No.9823045

File: 502c3ccd26ab7fd⋯.png (153.72 KB, 475x962, 475:962, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f293b225a64482⋯.png (48.98 KB, 180x180, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Hina Alvi and Imran Awan who worked with the DNC entered a plea deal, left the country….did they?


Dated 2018 on the BrassBalls Website.

Public domain - pinterest account of Hina Alvi with pic of her and Imran looking a little heavier and older.

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faf2e5  No.9823047

File: 1945a42fe6965fb⋯.png (433.79 KB, 603x545, 603:545, house_blocks_afghan_troop_….PNG)


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de6afc  No.9823048


Exactly! All they focused on is his "all for masks" quote. They got what they wanted, because no one will take the time to find and listen to the whole segment. Trump "all for masks" will be pushed relentlessly in an effort to make his followers cave in on the mask issue.

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5ebfd0  No.9823049


He laughs at Mick Jaggers Satanism so dos 99% of the world.

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3ec34d  No.9823050


I STILL SEE YOU AS A 13 YR OLD…Somewhere something went wrong…

Are you sure you aren't just some stupid kid dicking around in his mothers basement…lol

You will never convince me otherwise.

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496e37  No.9823051


Yeah I've been playing around with it.

I did it one way taking pink as zero, red as 1 and maroon as 2,a trinary digits.

Breaking the pattern up into blocks of three trinary digits seems most logical (max 26).

So I did it that way first effort, then thought maybe the digit order should go from dark to light, kek. But I only got halfway through that. It was still yielding cryptic text.

I think there might be something to this though. My initial go breaking it up in to 6 trinary digits yield some Strangely correlated numbers.

Here is my working. The three digit conversion is done in my head, so there could be mistakes.







020121 111010 101112 110101

101011 010102 110101 111202

120110 121111 211121 101011

112010 111101 011112 010112

010111 111210 121011 111201

178 354 284 334

274 092 334 371

417 445 610 274

381 361 122 095

094 372 436 370

Three trinary digits, light to dark:

020 121 111 010 101 112 110 101

101 011 010 102 110 101 111 202

120 110 121 111 211 121 101 011

112 010 111 101 011 112 010 112

010 111 111 210 121 011 111 201

06-F 16-P 13-M 03-C 10-J 14-N 12-L 10-J

10-J 04-D 03-C 11-K 12-L 10-J 13-M 20-T

15-O 12-L 16-P 13-M 22-V 16-P 10-J 04-D

14-N 03-C 13-M 10-J 04-D 14-N 03-C 14-N

03-C 13-M 13-M 19-S 16-P 04-D 13-M 19-S






Three trinary digits, dark to light (incomplete):

202 101 111 212 121 110 112 121

121 211 212 120 112 121 111 020

102 112 101 111 011 101 121 211

110 212 111 121 211 110 212 110

212 111 111 012 101 211 111 021

20-T 10-J 13-M 23-W 16-P 12-L 14-N 16-P

16-P 22-V 23-W 15-O 14-N 16-P 13-M 06-F

11-K 14-N 10-J 13-M 04-D 10-J 16-P 22-V

12-L 23-W 13-M 16-P 22-V

Its easy to convert the trinary, the first column (right to left) its the ones, the second colum is the threes, the third column is the nines. It's just tedious, kek.

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91c967  No.9823052


yeah, re-open, we need to get rapes up

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3a3dba  No.9823053

File: 248512bdf1295d4⋯.png (195.8 KB, 497x410, 497:410, 248512bdf1295d41d8f8484a21….png)


Just do her.

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5ebfd0  No.9823054


All this for sex with underaged strangers and friends children.

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815db7  No.9823055


"How dare he end our wars!"

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ee6df7  No.9823056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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faf2e5  No.9823057

File: c6cdf30b605dc07⋯.png (358.78 KB, 969x524, 969:524, w_staffers_launch_pro_bide….PNG)

A new super PAC formed by hundreds of former campaign, administration, and political staffers from George W. Bush’s administration will work to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected, saying they are “dismayed and disappointed” by the Trump presidency.

The new group, 43 Alumni for Biden, announced their formation on Wednesday, saying their purpose is to “unite and mobilize a community of historically Republican voters who are dismayed and disappointed by the damage done to our nation.”


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828371  No.9823059

File: 0423620714021b6⋯.png (204.9 KB, 500x733, 500:733, roddy_piper_they_live_open….png)


God, is that you? It's me, anon.

We got reverse They Live in Cali.

The weirdos ID themselves by walking alone in the heat with shitty masks. And its maybe Thursday, July 2nd, and Gavin Newsom is going fucking down.

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726986  No.9823060

Why do Democrats want people to mask up? Isn't that something a certain organization, the KKK, used to do? Why do Democrats want to burn things down, including Christian representations? Isn't that something the KKK used to do, too? Except for the color of the robes what exactly, is different between the KKK and Antifa democrats? Why did two BLACK teenagers get gunned down in that Antifa "paradise" in Washington? Who are the white liberal Democrats (not the ones in the streets, the ones in the state houses) REALLY for? Why did the KKK and Antifa both find their "home" among the racist Democrat party? Who uses TERROR to get what they want? Is the KKK a domestic terrorist group? Is Antifa?

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5ebfd0  No.9823061


There is a special place in hell for Mick.

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04a81a  No.9823062

The Harvard street fighter dropped her knife.


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ee6df7  No.9823063

File: 5c01bf46ea0c994⋯.png (75.18 KB, 650x300, 13:6, fungus_gnat_up_close.png)

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35f539  No.9823064

A GLOBAL MAGNETIC ANOMALY: On June 23rd, Earth’s quiet magnetic field was unexpectedly disturbed by a wave of magnetism that rippled around much of the globe. There was no solar storm or geomagnetic storm to cause the disturbance. So what was it?


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5ebfd0  No.9823065


He's the British Biden.

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3a3dba  No.9823066

File: 8696034927432ab⋯.png (992.85 KB, 640x851, 640:851, Screen_Shot_2020_07_01_at_….png)

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faf2e5  No.9823067

File: e63db9cda9729f7⋯.png (28.08 KB, 1021x227, 1021:227, insurrection_act_powers_1.PNG)

File: 6cae1fa329b47ec⋯.png (286.04 KB, 670x472, 335:236, insurrection_act_powers_2.PNG)


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3ec34d  No.9823068


Pick a parasite… You are it…. good choice.

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a0012a  No.9823069


My impression here, already, is that he is touching the psychic realm in his sleep and finding the chaos layer that is being pushed REALLY hard right now by the occult.

He is swimming hard in duality. He is enmeshed in 3D and he isn’t making the point that HUMANITY gets to choose….INDIVIDUALLY…..which path it will follow.

Some people get stuck and bedazzled with the 2 choices, instead of just TRUSTING the everlasting arms and choosing Light.

If this Pastor were anon, and would stop entertaining both sides of the argument, he would quit having these dreams.

Same is true for anons.

God Wins is a choice…..


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8120e4  No.9823070


thx, o7

its hard to let this go unsolved

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1052e2  No.9823071

File: 44240d79a9d8143⋯.jpg (112.19 KB, 627x575, 627:575, night_pepe_cigar.jpg)


Satan loved that whole shitty band. That's how such a shitty band becomes culturally iconic.

Satan loved Bob Dylan too.

And the Beatles while we're at it.

Basically, fuck most of everything from Elvis onward. Most of it is satanic garbage.

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5ebfd0  No.9823072


Biden the first openly pedo to run for president.

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7bd74d  No.9823073

File: 6a2da7b710e324d⋯.jpg (283.92 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, SchumannJune24_2020.jpg)

File: 5fcfa3da5699d4d⋯.jpg (368.45 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, SchumannJune23_2020.jpg)

…This is what I have, for that time period. Otherwise, tracking this, daily.

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de6e7a  No.9823074


Two C/A, MKUltra, Satanic, FreeMasonery Alien Lizards from ChinoUSSR?


You need to read you Kissinger History Books, son! You've missed out - I say you've missed out on an education somewhere, boy.

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597357  No.9823075

File: 7a970f335561f97⋯.jpeg (276.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 412BCCAC_EC92_457A_92C7_2….jpeg)


Submit Your Thoughts on the Future of the Christopher Columbus Statue in Marconi Plaza

On July 22, the City will ask the Philadelphia Art Commission to approve removal of the statue from Marconi Plaza. Prior to making its presentation to the Commission, the City will allow for public input through written submissions.

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291bb3  No.9823076

File: 37cf42c497537da⋯.png (397.59 KB, 596x471, 596:471, ClipboardImage.png)

pb notable >>9822210 Joe M's Covid911 with notes.

god bless joe M


i always red pill with Plan to save the World.

joe has such a great skill in producing quality vids and has a smooth and confident, authoritative narration.

was locked out of twitter at close to 300k and started the attached account. i followed joe from around 50k to 270k or so before he went to Twatter jail.

i remember when he took time off on the old account and he posted a msg saying we have already won!


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828371  No.9823077


His heart isn't even into it. He's a pedophile for the irony.

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5ebfd0  No.9823078


Bob Dylan culturally appropriated Christian music to make money.

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d9d372  No.9823079

File: d4e417ac75cb62e⋯.jpeg (23.23 KB, 320x228, 80:57, TZCNN.jpeg)

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, GpaRire.gif)

File: 547497ec176d6ba⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 379x344, 379:344, Flair_We_Need_To_Talk.jpg)

File: 92b4d7fba15f3e7⋯.webm (281.52 KB, 250x432, 125:216, Gpa_Rire2.webm)

File: 63d58fa8454098b⋯.gif (847.38 KB, 320x180, 16:9, FuckYoCouch.gif)



Well it's all how its done. I know where I went wrong…. went calloused and then unleashed the 'crazy'.

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faf2e5  No.9823080

File: 4132eb60288d65e⋯.png (661.95 KB, 850x535, 170:107, fl_felons_voting_halt_1.PNG)

By The Associated Press

Published July 1, 2020 at 3:07pm

A federal appellate court has halted a lower court ruling that gave Florida felons the right to vote.

In May, a federal judge in Tallahassee ruled that Florida law can’t stop an estimated 774,000 felons from voting because they can’t pay back any legal fees and restitution they owe.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle called the law a “pay-to-vote system.”

But Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis immediately appealed that ruling to the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, requesting a stay of Hinkle’s ruling and a review of the case by the full appeals court.

The appellate court, in an order issued Wednesday, granted both requests. The court gave no timeline as to when it would hear the case.


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5ebfd0  No.9823081


I was best friends with his best friends.

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67313a  No.9823082

june 26, 2020


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has incorporated the White Rabbit technology into its industry standard, maximising its adoption by industry and other partners in their pursuit to build innovative solutions for world challenges

White Rabbit (WR) is a technology developed at CERN to provide the LHC accelerator chain with deterministic data transfer, sub-nanosecond accuracy and a synchronisation precision of a few picoseconds. First used in 2012, the technology has since then expanded its applications outside the field of particle physics and is now deployed in numerous scientific infrastructures worldwide. It has shown its innovative potential by being commercialised and introduced into different industries, including telecommunications, financial markets, smart grids, the space industry and quantum computing.

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faf2e5  No.9823083

File: 1cbfb95224bc435⋯.png (47.8 KB, 604x496, 151:124, gun_buyers_vote.PNG)


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1052e2  No.9823084

File: 61cf30b1fbbc598⋯.jpeg (132.46 KB, 903x900, 301:300, pepe_soon_pelosi.jpeg)

File: 60610e6d309739f⋯.jpeg (76.94 KB, 589x715, 589:715, pepe_soon_schiff.jpeg)


I sure as hell hope you're right, anon…

The world is all stocked up on crazy.

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3a3dba  No.9823085

File: b8315aeb356e60d⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 875x253, 875:253, Screen_Shot_2014_10_16_at_….jpg)


>Satan loved that whole shitty band. That's how such a shitty band becomes culturally iconic.

>Satan loved Bob Dylan too.

>And the Beatles while we're at it.

>Basically, fuck most of everything from Elvis onward. Most of it is satanic garbage.


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828371  No.9823086


I like Murder Most Foul. Sue me or fuck me.

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5ebfd0  No.9823087


He's a frightened child. On stage Satan controls him.

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ca3f1c  No.9823088

Whaddya guys usually do up this late?

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a213b7  No.9823089

File: a40698f59a6243b⋯.png (10.53 KB, 104x366, 52:183, ternary_alphabet.png)


Still at it? Maybe I'll take another crack at it.

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ee6df7  No.9823090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't you have some fapping to do?

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9580e4  No.9823091

File: e8b62fa20ccff62⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1999x1000, 1999:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

Got A MEME for you Q

to go with the last post


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3a3dba  No.9823092

File: a282bf36c41f45d⋯.jpg (57.24 KB, 377x374, 377:374, A1_4.jpg)


Working on saving the world.

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7cbad6  No.9823093



It would be interesting to match the magnetic wave (time & date) with the schumann resonance to see if their is any coincidences

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465a3c  No.9823094


Wheres the posts about stenography of the image? There was a hackthebox by ippsec where he checks literally everything but I cant find it.

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09d0ab  No.9823095



Well what the fuck

Is being done about it

Lunatics running the asylum

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d598d2  No.9823096


Interesting. Thank you.

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580c85  No.9823097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ebfd0  No.9823098


Satan was Gods worship leader.

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04a81a  No.9823099

The Genius of the Day Award is being handed out early today.

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts police detective who posted on social media a picture of her niece at a Black Lives Matter event holding a sign that suggested shooting police officers has been fired, according to a published report.



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ee6df7  No.9823100



>Submit Your Thoughts on the Future of the Christopher Columbus Statue in Marconi Plaza

Well I for one think we can't discuss a macaronni plaza!

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9c28ab  No.9823101

File: 2c1fb8f5ca07ca4⋯.jpeg (724.54 KB, 1159x1202, 1159:1202, 7FA7AC4D_1BE3_488C_8B17_5….jpeg)

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de6e7a  No.9823102


Removing Staues to placate a bunch of people who think we're all going to die from a plague virus because ice caps are melting in the Amazon?

Roald Dahl couldn't dream up this shit. But then he was probably busy doing other things in that garden shed.

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a0012a  No.9823103


Us Floridanons seem pretty good at organizing Trump parades out on the water…..there ain’t Biden flags on our boats, I can tell ya that much…..

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496e37  No.9823104


Yeah, I don't think it's coincidental that the width breaks up in to factors of three, or six, or eight, or four…

Also three colours, and the max being 26 in three trits, which is the number of letters in our alphabet.

And the previous jobs he has had kek.

I'll definitely go back to it when I am in a calmer head space. Or I'll see some anon crack it, which is even easier.

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828371  No.9823105

File: 68b8d7e056ae215⋯.png (690.46 KB, 623x498, 623:498, 68b8d7e056ae215183b8835686….png)

File: 8e3d5acd640cb57⋯.png (502.01 KB, 639x481, 639:481, 8e3d5acd640cb57a25bd621fd2….png)


Figure out how to end Gavin Jewsom. Don't even care if he's a Jew, he's a bitch and that's all you need to know.

That and save the world.

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3dacfe  No.9823106

Nascar has a TRUMP 2020 car!


NASCAR is heading to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It marks the first trip to Indiana during Independence Day weekend (Previously held at Daytona).

Mike Harmon Racing is feeling patriotic. Both of their NASCAR Xfinity Series entries will feature ‘Stand for the Flag’ on the machines.

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8bdf43  No.9823107

File: af3b25d7deb61ac⋯.png (618.45 KB, 950x577, 950:577, blmjoemoney.png)

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ee6df7  No.9823108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I know where I went wrong…. went calloused and then unleashed the 'crazy'.

We all done it. I never came back.

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815db7  No.9823109


> Original minus duplicate rows

12132121 32121321 21321213

31212312 12312123 12123121

12121121 21121211 21211212

> 1's as 1's

10100101 00101001 01001010

01010010 10010100 10100101

10101101 01101011 01011010

> 2's as 1's

01001010 01010010 10010100

00101001 01001010 01010010

01010010 10010100 10100101

> 3's as 1's

00010000 10000100 00100001

10000100 00100001 00001000

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5ebfd0  No.9823110


He was a sexual pervert angele who God neutered. Now can only control lefty retards.

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94e008  No.9823111


I took your Three trinary digits.

And tried some caesar cipher on it, rotating 15. I got this.








Only rotation that I could see any word. Might be nothing.

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7bd74d  No.9823112


…This has crossed my mind. Digging for any correlation and/or a live monitoring site.

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6959cf  No.9823113

File: d1dee1558a7f0ec⋯.jpeg (278.46 KB, 1242x1154, 621:577, 611B5839_4AE1_4C13_AA9E_6….jpeg)

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5ebfd0  No.9823114


Yup satan has no balls or claws.

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de6e7a  No.9823115


When it begins to look far too complicated, then the answer truly probably in the other direction.

Look with fully new eyes and think simple. The answer must be staring you in the face with stark simplicity.

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ca3f1c  No.9823116


Fucken kek, did not expect that

God I love this place

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ee6df7  No.9823117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Well what the fuck


>Is being done about it


>Lunatics running the asylum

Welcome home

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a0012a  No.9823118



The GA is a multi dimensional, paradigm shattering, Biblical Revolution…..

Not everyone will make it to the end. Pastors are not exempt from this clause

The second coming of Christ is in the individual Consciousness.


Cheers anon

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f2e514  No.9823119

File: 9f8e07a10d55f11⋯.jpeg (127.45 KB, 883x500, 883:500, DF77AA14_E885_4B9F_9A72_9….jpeg)



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a213b7  No.9823120

File: 7115176a4021192⋯.jpg (87.63 KB, 713x963, 713:963, ovaltine.jpg)


>factors of three, or six, or eight, or four

Yeah, on top of multiple possible groupings that all work, there's no way of telling which direction the pattern runs or if the result is a cryptogram. By the way, rot13 returns gibberish on the straight left to right 3 digit ternary interpretations.

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ee6df7  No.9823121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ec34d  No.9823122

File: 6a31647fc1904c2⋯.png (374.45 KB, 1012x720, 253:180, DINOSAUR_BRAIN.png)

File: 65b5c1086d197da⋯.jpg (161.12 KB, 958x528, 479:264, MOVE_OR_GET_MOWN.jpg)

File: 2cc6b2ee29b3e97⋯.png (367.96 KB, 500x417, 500:417, Time_for_the_roundup.png)

File: 5625c04760eef47⋯.jpg (92.88 KB, 720x439, 720:439, Nazi_s_going_down.jpg)


and on 44… Who the fuck can be bothered listening to your shit…. Projection little boi…. now run away…. find a quiet place in the middle of the road…. play with your pud…. I'll be along soon… Maggot.

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de6e7a  No.9823123


Just wait until Edward G and his gang turn up. Then we'll see - see!

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91c967  No.9823124

File: 0ba94ed7dfda722⋯.jpg (731.18 KB, 3040x1440, 19:9, 1593136585619.jpg)

File: 5add6110ba6e3d6⋯.png (875.01 KB, 834x1448, 417:724, Screenshot_2020_06_29_Inci….png)

File: a8bb697b9efccc9⋯.png (111.01 KB, 499x269, 499:269, FireShot_Screen_Capture_30….png)

File: d6345f3f8542f1a⋯.png (97.2 KB, 453x1622, 453:1622, 138799111025034.png)

File: ee54afb6c40d3a2⋯.png (131.2 KB, 600x829, 600:829, 1387991110250.png)


as expected

the first seeds of them shutting

down Massachusetts and

reversing course are

definitely being sowed

love it

schools want more money

showing a classroom 100% black

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5ebfd0  No.9823125

Lady Gaga laughs at Satan.

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09d0ab  No.9823126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


moar specificaly

scottish whom were

persecuted by the

english whom are

romanized celts

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3404e8  No.9823127


Welcome to the Vatican In Exile website. This website is under the authority of the Pope Michael, who is pope of the Catholic Church.

Over the last 60 years the Vatican drifted from the Catholic Faith and formed a new false religion we call the "Conciliar Church".

Learn More about the Vatican in Exile

Learn More about the Conciliar Church




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5ebfd0  No.9823128


Satan aint shit.

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ee6df7  No.9823129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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04a81a  No.9823130


Bob Dylan (not his real name of course) was hand picked and promoted for social engineering. Even the folk singers at the time thought he was a sub par talent. His latest song 'Murder Most Foul'? A response to the Kennedy offspring video and probable computer generated.

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5e9d6f  No.9823131


What he says, or how he says it? He is very strange, but can you help locate the WRONG things he says, wrong as in immoral, mean spirited, anti-freedom… un constitutional?

I could help hate, or even just ignore him, if you find some ugly things he’s said.

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b044b5  No.9823132

File: 596b7d481391e6f⋯.png (140.85 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2020_07_02_05_1….png)

gm anons…all quiet…for now…

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3a3dba  No.9823133

File: 8f5c348980e8530⋯.jpg (8.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 08c94b0db7a7ca6b94b78f37b2….jpg)


Hoping to post up home base in Florida here soon. I've never seen an ocean in my 43 years, and I'm hoping America keeps waking up so I can be relieved from my post and join you on on the water.

I know…Don't own a boat, be a friend with someone who has a boat. But after 4 decades of Rocky Mountain winters, boat and dock upkeep will be a cinch.

See you out there Anon!!

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ee6df7  No.9823134

File: 2e5452173bb02f4⋯.jpg (22.46 KB, 666x360, 37:20, Harkonnen.jpg)

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f2e514  No.9823135

File: 1339c5d3f8d41f2⋯.jpeg (98.66 KB, 883x500, 883:500, 5D7ED333_548B_4F59_B6BA_F….jpeg)



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de6e7a  No.9823136


Hold on a sec. That's probably the most interesting thing I've heard about Satan in 50 years.

Explains a Lot.

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91c967  No.9823137


nice try civ nat

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990905  No.9823138

File: bf37faef9585606⋯.png (933.89 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Pledge_Of_Allegiance.png)


I colored it in.

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070852  No.9823139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Digging a bit but need more cofve lol

Is Q or the one posting for Q perhaps a AI supercomputer simulating and trying to determine how to deal with us if we get out of hand ? Kinda like plagues Inc except someone is corrupt a whether the computer/AI or the player ..

There's a video game called soma with a similar scenario, and in its attempt to help humanity when we are hit with catastrophe, the AI creates monstrosities by keeping the dead alive ect live to preserve life..

Just something that popped in my head cuz the chess game in it against AI gets corrupt and doesn't allow any further play since the computer is going on overkill.

But I'll leave this slowwwww writing process and go back to digging, but here's some vid of Joe been weird creepy joe Lol no debates this election

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1c00be  No.9823140


I just got to thinking - Dr. Dickless Levine specialized in pediatrics, set up a eating disorder clinic for adolescents.

A trannie being around kids with mental health issues while he has his own mental health issues.

Does that raise red flags?

Is there anyone out there who was in his clinic? Can they speak to what he was doing back then?

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6959cf  No.9823141


Front Row seat right here.


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465a3c  No.9823142



If you use the simple ternary decoder and this cipher we may have something. I was just getting gibberish when decoding before but maybe because its this cipher.


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496e37  No.9823143


Did you try rot13? That's more standard, and old school.

Also, I think i did have the first one inverted, dark to light seems more.. fitting.

Speaking of keys though, it looks like it could be a key, or keys, split and convert to base64 maybe?

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5ebfd0  No.9823144


If Slow Train Coming didn't become a hit we were going to live on the same Texas ranch.

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94e008  No.9823145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A-1 Number One

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5ebfd0  No.9823146


I hung out with him in the 70's and 80's.

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828371  No.9823147


That's all I needed to hear to get to sleep tonight. Fuck Satan. I don't even feel bad.

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597357  No.9823148


There’s an old blogpost…lemme find it

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ee6df7  No.9823149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03c637  No.9823150

File: 3510e20bd85f27f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2270x1214, 1135:607, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

File: 219564f62e523f3⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1164x888, 97:74, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

The lone ranger (character) wears a mask over his eyes not his mouth.

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5a171c  No.9823151

Damn I was just gonna drop this


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5ebfd0  No.9823152


It's the same old shit . Drugs and sex with children.

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3dacfe  No.9823153


Butler County, PA — In the land of the free, there are two sets of justice systems — one for all those connected to that system, and one for everyone else. Time after time, we’ve seen police officers and politicians alike accused of terrible crimes and they escape with little to no jail. As the following case illustrates, even family members of the connected class are extended this privilege and escape accountability for even the most heinous of crimes.

John Paul Doerr III, 34, pleaded guilty to exploiting children through possessing and distributing a massive amount of child pornography — some of which involved infants. He was facing upwards of 250 years in a cage for the whopping 45 felony counts against him.

However, Doerr happens to be the son of Butler County’s top judge, Thomas Doerr. So, instead of going to jail for the rest of his life, as he should have, Doerr will not go to jail at all. Instead this child predator was sentenced to five years probation, six months house arrest and 15 years on the Megan’s Law registry. According to the sentencing judge, Timothy Creany, the house arrest will be lifted if Doerr gets a job.


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b044b5  No.9823154

File: 6b57adb8db89f43⋯.png (160.4 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2020_07_02_05_2….png)


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f2e514  No.9823155

File: 2bbb41c2011789a⋯.jpeg (102.22 KB, 883x500, 883:500, 78C07761_7731_41E2_9A5B_B….jpeg)

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ee6df7  No.9823156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What do you mean "we" white man?

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f2e514  No.9823157

File: f73b59db2991789⋯.jpeg (222.77 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, 6E2A729B_9C33_4FD9_B8A0_1….jpeg)

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de6e7a  No.9823158


Glad you survived the trip. Cause when he's tripping he's as unintelligible as Brando and Hopper rehearsing their lines for Apocalpse Now.

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6959cf  No.9823159



Testify again?

But Q runs them, no?

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5ebfd0  No.9823160


Who will take Retard Bidden's place?

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3ec34d  No.9823161


Here's a little more…

To Enki and his sons, to Marduk and his brothers, Satu word delivered:


The sole heir and Marduk's successor am I, of the Land of the Two Narrows I will be the master!

Before the Anunnaki's council Asta the claim refuted: With Asar's heir I am with child.

Among the river's bull rushes with the child she hid, the wrath of Satu she was avoiding;

Horon she called the boy, to be his father's avenger she raised him.

Satu by this was disconcerted; Shamgaz from ambitions did not retreat.

From Earth year to Earth year the lgigi and their offspring from the Landing Place spread,

Unto the borders of Tilmun, Ninharsag's sacred region, closer they moved.

To overrun the Place of the Celestial Chariots the Igigi and their Earthlings threatened.

In the dark-hued lands the child Horon by Earth's quick life cycles to a hero grew,

By his great-uncle Gibil was Horon adopted, by him was he trained and instructed.

For him Gibil winged sandals for soaring fashioned, to fly like a falcon he was able;

For him Gibil a divine harpoon made, its arrows bolts of missiles were.

In the highlands of the south did him Gibil the arts of metals and smithing teach.

The secret of a metal called iron Gibil to Horon revealed.

From it weapons Horon made, from loyal Earthlings an army he raised.

To challenge Satu and the Igigi northward, across land and river they marched.

When Horon and his Earthlings army the border of Tilmun, the Land of the Missiles, reached,


Satu to Horon words of challenge sent:

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597357  No.9823162

File: ebb7dca3e0aac37⋯.jpeg (73.49 KB, 713x411, 713:411, 20A58DC7_3DCA_4DA5_87E7_0….jpeg)



Within months of Richard Levine’s entry into adolescent medicine practice at Penn State-Hershey in 1996, he gave me a full physical exam. I was about fourteen, and I immediately knew that he was too goddamn weird to be looking at my junk. He had two or three residents or medical students shadowing him, all of them perfectly professional in their demeanor, which I realize in retrospect was no mean feat for young men under the tutelage of such a strange bird. The exam per se wasn’t inappropriate, let alone criminal, but Levine had the weirdest, most inappropriate bedside manner I can recall ever enduring from any clinician. All the intangibles that cannot be taught or legislated he managed to completely fuck up. It was a brief nightmare, but it was a nightmare nonetheless. Levine somehow had a good enough reputation among his colleagues in the area that my dad was referred to him by a nephrologist after my previous pediatrician told me that she’d leave me to my own wits on genital problems now that I was a big boy. Those weren’t her words, but that was her maturity level as a clinician. After Levine’s physical, however, I promptly told my dad that he had been a total creep and that I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing him again (or, more accurately, of him seeing me).


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35f539  No.9823163

File: 26680c1da2fd6de⋯.png (571.13 KB, 909x385, 909:385, ClipboardImage.png)




there are a few, dont know how to read

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a213b7  No.9823164


I was just thinking that I'd need to write a computer program to automate guesses, so you're probably right. But learning base 3 sure was fun.

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b044b5  No.9823165

File: 4b151ad3700f994⋯.png (252.51 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2020_07_02_05_2….png)


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3ec34d  No.9823166


Between us two alone is the conflict, let us one on one in contest meet!

In the skies above Tilmun Satu in his Whirlwind for combat Horon awaited.

When Horon toward him like a falcon skyward soared,

A poisoned dart at him Satu shot, like a scorpion's sting it Horon felled.

When Asta this saw, a cry to heaven she sent forth, for Ningishzidda she cried out

From his celestial boat Ningishzidda came down, to save the hero for his mother he came.

With magic powers Ningishzidda the poison to benevolent blood converted,

By morning was Horon healed, from the dead was he returned.

Then with a Fiery Pillar, like a heavenly fish with fins and a fiery tail,

Ningishzidda to Horon provided, its eyes from blue to red to blue their colors changed.

Toward the triumphant Satu Horon in the Fiery Pillar soared.

Far and wide each other they chased; fierce and deadly was the battle.

At first Horon's Fiery Pillar was hit, then with his harpoon Horon Satu smote.

To the ground Satu crashing down came; by Horon in tethers he was bound.

When before the council Horon with his captive uncle came,

They saw that he was blinded, his testicles squashed, like a discarded jar he stood.

Let Satu, blind and heirless, live! So did Asta to the council say.

To end his days as a mortal, among the Igigi, the council his fate determined.


Triumphant was Horon declared, the throne of his father to inherit;

On a metal tablet was the council's decision inscribed, in the Hall of Records they placed it.

In his abode Marduk with the decision was pleased; by what had happened he was sorrowed:

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580c85  No.9823167

File: 65edfe5b27ce831⋯.png (943.87 KB, 800x1133, 800:1133, 65edfe5b27ce83146586701f4f….png)

File: 6a63ba31e4c4dce⋯.png (214.62 KB, 527x264, 527:264, ekca1un22.png)


D —\

S —

D —

S —

D —

S —/

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faf2e5  No.9823168

File: 6555afb023b07ba⋯.png (198.62 KB, 554x311, 554:311, pepe_cool_shades.PNG)

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5ebfd0  No.9823169



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815db7  No.9823170



Tyrone Riley, Yvonne Harper, Garrick “Gary” Johnson, Larry Sykes and Keith Mitchell were charged with bribery and extortion

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d57486  No.9823171

File: eb02c37f43cb07e⋯.png (259.62 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, external_content_duckduckg….png)

Can we loose in November?

If yes then what.

This shit is real.

I've been here since 2018 and I'm now freaked.

Question Everything. Think for yourself, well my thinking is freaking me the fuck out.

If you have not been fluoridated then you probably should be too.

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42ab57  No.9823172

notables bun @ 650


Ghost grab

>>9823154 One-third of Toledo's City Council arrested on bribery, extortion charges

>>9823080 A federal appellate court has halted a lower court ruling that gave Florida felons the right to vote.

>>9823047 House committee votes to put roadblocks on President Trump’s ability to withdraw forces from Afghanistan

>>9823033 Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Google CEOs to Testify to Congress

>>9822833 Judge rules Wisconsin city's coronavirus restrictions violate state constitution

>>9822761 Overwhelming support for Putin's constitution changes a wake-up call for Westerners who claim Russian system is bound to collapse

>>9822693 Iran nuclear spokesman confirms 'incident' near Natanz nuclear site

>>9822689 Over 100 dead in Myanmar jade mine landslide as operation to rescue trapped workers underway

>>9822534, >>9822627 anon diggz on Legal Services Corporation


Baking in a bit

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35f539  No.9823173

File: 936b1a211d39311⋯.png (162.61 KB, 1050x629, 1050:629, ClipboardImage.png)

gold standard?

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8bdf43  No.9823174

File: 03211e075db270e⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 960x834, 160:139, EXCyMLUUcAAnfJR.jpg)


He must have seen this one.

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04a81a  No.9823175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Slow Train Coming

He was rewarded for all his hard work.


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3a3dba  No.9823176

File: 15dfd2995c3a344⋯.png (42.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1580457120410.png)

And the gods smiled.


^^Click that shit players^^

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a213b7  No.9823177


I don't think so, but there's still 3 more months before confirmation to figure it out if things go horribly wrong.

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5ebfd0  No.9823178


I wore a mask once I almost vomited.

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94e008  No.9823179

File: 983392c39d82e67⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 549x750, 183:250, Screenshot_5.jpg)


On the Caesar? yeah tried ROT13. All the way up to 25 a complete revolution back to A=A.

But I am looking more into this and thinking. Most of the shit I do are shoots in the dark.

We have the image, Anon showed RGB channels and that there might be a data blob in the right corner.

It's 3 stars.

3 horizontal lines.

I don't know dimensions of original image. Maybe we should get all the meta data gathered before.

I'm trying retarded shit like Enigma machine and simple stuff like

Michael Thomas Flynn, MTF

Donald John Trump, DJT

On the rotator wheels, usually shit comes to me I am literally taking a shit. Maybe should have some covfefe and get the stomach going, sit on the super bowl and think about it.

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04a81a  No.9823180


The Chief Commander? The world we can't see? The invisible enemy.

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ee6df7  No.9823181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;

Or close the wall up with our English dead.

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man

As modest stillness and humility:

But when the blast of war blows in our ears,

Then imitate the action of the tiger;

Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,

Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;

Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;

Let pry through the portage of the head

Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it

As fearfully as doth a galled rock

O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,

Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.

Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,

Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit

To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.

Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!

Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,

Have in these parts from morn till even fought

And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:

Dishonour not your mothers; now attest

That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.

Be copy now to men of grosser blood,

And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,

Whose limbs were made in England, show us here

The mettle of your pasture; let us swear

That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;

For there is none of you so mean and base,

That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,

Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:

Follow your spirit, and upon this charge

Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

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990905  No.9823182

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 66cf5083180dfa030063c29be8….png)

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3a3dba  No.9823183

File: 4c47f252bee9503⋯.jpg (104.84 KB, 750x891, 250:297, 364feb660234bfd5cb44a32ee3….jpg)

File: 2b18e1b2b7e4652⋯.jpg (97.83 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 11351215_10153327570434594….jpg)

File: 06f77fa4fe0e6a3⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 902x960, 451:480, 36994434_1854881697912456_….jpg)

File: 0564f6b1e8a1a23⋯.jpg (97.25 KB, 662x500, 331:250, DV7R0MFU8AAUVDR.jpg)


Not sure when or where this is from, but it made me laugh.

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04a81a  No.9823184


"I can't breathe!" wearing one.

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10ec58  No.9823185



Red Green Blue

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33bedb  No.9823186

File: 2b6bc67df6f4e6c⋯.png (240.08 KB, 400x327, 400:327, grammar_kitty_intensifies.png)



It's lose ffs.

Do you pronounce Grey Goose as Gray Gooze?

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47653c  No.9823187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

id sop every bit of juice out if this with speech references, memes and edited videos

theres no way to lose on this it fits to perfectly


orchestra: https://youtu.be/J8eDoJD2r_I

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35f539  No.9823188

An Arizona man has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after selling illegally manufactured ammunition to Stephen Paddock, the shooter who killed 59 people in Las Vegas in 2017, numerous sources reported.

Douglas Haig, 57, pleaded guilty in November to a federal charge of manufacturing ammunition without a license, according to KTNV. Haig admitted to selling illegal ammunition to Paddock, who opened fire on a crowd of 22,000 at the Route 91 Harvest music festival Oct. 1 and later shot himself in his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.


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ee6df7  No.9823189


>Do you pronounce Grey Goose as Gray Gooze?

Well that depends.

How drunk am I?

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5ebfd0  No.9823190

Bob Dylan pretended to be a christian for a decade.

Then he did a Victoria Secret add.

Because Satan pays better.

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33bedb  No.9823191

File: 5722eee514d0b59⋯.png (338.64 KB, 632x704, 79:88, shakespeare_to.png)

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a2c5c1  No.9823192


That was a thing of beauty. Thanks anon.

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1c00be  No.9823193


Archived it just in case.




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10ec58  No.9823194





7 Dec 2017 - 10:29:30 PM

For Green.



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496e37  No.9823195


That's the way to do it I reckon anon.

Throw everything you know at it, kek.

Speaking of originals though, I haven't actually seen the sauce of that image…. I wasn't paying attention when it first came around and I think I saw something that there was no sauce?

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47653c  No.9823196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


from the beyond a vision told me a great warrior would vomr


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ad6c2c  No.9823197


We need to do a mass coherent thought, dare I say meditation, to see if we can spike this thing on this board alone

Like focus on a single Pepe pic

Should show up on gcpdot as well

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2c83b4  No.9823198

HFS if this is winning, sure don't want to see what losing will look like.

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94e008  No.9823199


Sup' faggot? dude I am fucking retarded you have to spell it out better. We talking negative digits on the dial over here at my end.

5 : 5 more like 5 : -10

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3ec34d  No.9823200

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597357  No.9823201

File: c5beeafe806313c⋯.jpeg (120.27 KB, 523x700, 523:700, F8886BE9_7A6D_4710_91AC_3….jpeg)

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de6e7a  No.9823202


When the whole world has been destroyed and all life on it ended - trees, humans, fish, reptiles, media assholes; - when it's all done, the next sound will be Dylan tuning his guitar - already the perfect lyrics waiting in his head to describe what he just saw.

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6959cf  No.9823203


They know.

They have fo create chaos to keep it low?

The Schumann resonance may not only affect the earth, but it can also align or implement changes in human consciousness.

The Schumann resonance – It’s called the heartbeat of mother earth by some and the earth’s vibration by others – is actually a frequency. It’s the measurement of 7.83 Hz or the electromagnetic frequency of our planet, to be exact. This energy can increase or decrease at times, and many think it affects our consciousness. Is this true? Well, let’s take a look at the facts we know first.


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47653c  No.9823204

File: 8b37d12bfd1f231⋯.jpeg (307.32 KB, 640x821, 640:821, D5A3FA5F_9C71_4268_8014_E….jpeg)


wait right where you are

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de6e7a  No.9823205



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eeabda  No.9823206

File: 0bf623b8e13b6d4⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 500x488, 125:122, rrrryyu.jpg)

Nigga is what to America?

Hateful entitlements plantation.

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ee6df7  No.9823207

File: fd75361d95f8895⋯.png (34.56 KB, 255x254, 255:254, pepeNewFag02.png)


>Like focus on a single Pepe pic

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35f539  No.9823208


7.83 Hz is below our hearing range


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7a86b0  No.9823209

File: 110d8072534997d⋯.png (14.79 KB, 346x358, 173:179, HowToFilter.png)

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18d4d0  No.9823210

Things are changing in liberal Ausint, TX.

We've lived in our house for 2 decades & before this yr, folks were cordial, but not engaged. Most of my neighbors were liberal (no flags, Beto signs in '18). CHANGE IS HAPPENING Now, I look out my window & every house I can see (except one) has an American flag. That one house…. are brand new transplants from Cali, but they constantly compliment the "I got your back" vibe. American flags are popping up everywhere.

Interesting note: Only the home renters have BLM signs. Not a single home owner.

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33bedb  No.9823211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dylan is perfect in this clip.

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ff017c  No.9823212

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, hahahaha.png)

Mainstream Media Cites Dubious 'Study' Claiming Protests Didn't Contribute To COVID-19 Rebound

Filthy, lying hacks!


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94e008  No.9823213

File: 623f8918ca7f1cc⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 448x900, 112:225, 623f8918ca7f1cc682303d985c….jpg)


Samefaggot here, banned on Twatt because I am to racist or something.

So all I got what 8coon images, not original from tweet. Gave it a go anyways. But I do think we have gather to low/few meta data points to be able to figure it out by just brute autist force it.

The dots part, the third bar. The interdasting part to me is 120 bits.

It's a perfect 3 cols by 5 rows grid of 8 bits. So I am inclined it's binary.

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5da3e3  No.9823214


It's easy to make a video after the fact saying you seen this happening in a dream several months ago. How about making a video the day after you have the dream and see how that pans out.

Even when Nancy pants and her cronies came out with the articles of Impreachment on the 15th of Jan and all the media attention it got, I thought to myself, something else is going on here and this to take peoples eyes off the ball….President Trump never in a million years would be impeached on the evidence they never had. I'm very sure many others thought the same thing, it's easy to say that now, even though I thought it at the time. We all get feelings, visions.

Elections aren't for another 4 months, but most of us know Democrats can only win if they cheat. That don't mean we're talking to god, it just means we have the information needed to believe that.

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eeabda  No.9823215

File: 638aab3e625aab6⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 500x743, 500:743, DrudgeReport.jpg)

Blacks will always be America's toilet population.

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6eb78b  No.9823216


Swallow a bottle of sleeping pills then, Sayanim piece of shit.

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33bedb  No.9823217

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d57486  No.9823218

File: 057bbeef449abd7⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 400x376, 50:47, tears.jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9823219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f2e514  No.9823220


The Babylon Bee is pure gold. KEK!

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7a86b0  No.9823221

File: cfdfb2dfe64e893⋯.png (1.41 MB, 978x740, 489:370, Spam_Tastes_Better_When_fi….png)


30 posts of spam?

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d57486  No.9823222

File: 41932c8dfbfca2d⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 41932c8dfbfca2d79b515e5103….gif)

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eeabda  No.9823223

File: d0b805944aa536d⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 540x462, 90:77, 46y7dx.jpg)

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7bd74d  No.9823224

File: 061b3b7a1e0216a⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 980x.jpg)


…Sounds good, KEK! (Tired and need to head to bed.)

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5ebfd0  No.9823225


My wife lived with his pastor before we were married. My friend Keith Green used to play on Dylans albums and visa versa. That didn't end so well for Keith or his family. Didn't hurt Dylan at all.

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1f6f4f  No.9823226

Ask yourself. What happens if by whatever means necessary, Dems win in November?

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42ab57  No.9823227

final final bun for #12572

gotta hold yer laties.


Ghost grab

>>9823212 Mainstream Media Cites Dubious 'Study' Claiming Protests Didn't Contribute To COVID-19 Rebound

>>9823188 Arizona man has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after selling illegally manufactured ammunition to Stephen Paddock

>>9823154 One-third of Toledo's City Council arrested on bribery, extortion charges

>>9823080 A federal appellate court has halted a lower court ruling that gave Florida felons the right to vote.

>>9823047 House committee votes to put roadblocks on President Trump’s ability to withdraw forces from Afghanistan

>>9823033 Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Google CEOs to Testify to Congress

>>9822833 Judge rules Wisconsin city's coronavirus restrictions violate state constitution

>>9822761 Overwhelming support for Putin's constitution changes a wake-up call for Westerners who claim Russian system is bound to collapse

>>9822693 Iran nuclear spokesman confirms 'incident' near Natanz nuclear site

>>9822689 Over 100 dead in Myanmar jade mine landslide as operation to rescue trapped workers underway

>>9822534, >>9822627 anon diggz on Legal Services Corporation


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5ebfd0  No.9823228


Dylan is Satans friend.

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47653c  No.9823229


id work the music into rallies, mix with video images of critics and opponents being defeated

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5a171c  No.9823230


Been following for years, you can see the timeline of their sarc, especially recently

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94e008  No.9823231


Who let the grammar kitten in?

Engrish no muh first lang.

Too racist …

We have gathered too low amount of meta data points ..

Sorry for my English just fucking read between the lines and figure it out what I am trying communicate.

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6bf54e  No.9823232

File: 3e57e9d6087a255⋯.jpeg (112.22 KB, 1080x961, 1080:961, 1593648602.jpeg)

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35f539  No.9823233

File: b409d0e9f495dca⋯.png (73.75 KB, 438x536, 219:268, ClipboardImage.png)


found also

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455b8a  No.9823234

File: 975c7797ea48940⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 472x665, 472:665, Q_s_BOOM_week.jpg)

Nigga is America's Big Top Circus.

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610039  No.9823236

File: f7582e58c09ed9b⋯.png (118.38 KB, 540x348, 45:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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d57486  No.9823238

File: 2ac75edf47714c6⋯.png (564.48 KB, 700x466, 350:233, treasonous_basterds_movie_….png)

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ee6df7  No.9823240

File: f6bafc69440ef29⋯.jpg (1003.14 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, reaperBass.jpg)

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0d5a9a  No.9823242

File: 21d93a1b24f9e16⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


I cant watch even my old favs.

I know too much.

Ive seen too much.

(they) are too much


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33bedb  No.9823244

File: 0d0c86cff1ec54c⋯.png (377.42 KB, 610x310, 61:31, ingrish.png)

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6eb78b  No.9823245


Inbred, not in-bread… retard.

Difficulties with English when your mother language is hebrew..?

>I grew up in a 50% jewish city

Because you're one of them.

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94e008  No.9823246


Sorry grammar nazi, I read my post again. It's horrible, my brain is fucking fried. Keep on correcting spelling errors. You do you. We kinda need it more than ever.

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455b8a  No.9823248

File: d6db38898f5708f⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 500x440, 25:22, sban.jpg)


Whites love laughing at me he negroid.

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ee6df7  No.9823249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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32e5c3  No.9823250


sell lone ranger masks, with adult and kid sizes, black, red, white and pink.

l t people wear them to rallies

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03c637  No.9823251

File: 92d19aa4bd39a33⋯.png (1.04 MB, 614x1920, 307:960, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

File: c176c68e3a7aa0e⋯.png (966.37 KB, 868x2256, 217:564, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

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10ec58  No.9823252

File: 8df81704bfd0ac5⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 8df81704bfd0ac5427de4d393c….jpg)

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74b910  No.9823253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THE GAEL (from Last of the Mohicans)



•Sep 23, 2013



6.89K subscribers

The American Rogues (theamericanrogues.com) are a Celtic/World band from Canada and the United States ("American" refers to any of the countries of North, South, or Central America). This is an excerpt from their headlining concert with the United States Air Force Symphony at DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. on February 24, 2013. The Gael, from Last of the Mohicans, was written by Dougie MacLean, adapted by Trevor Jones, orchestrated by our friend Bob Thurston, conducted by Major Scott Guidry, and arranged by Lyric Todkill and Doug MacRae of the American Rogues. For more information please visit WWW.THEAMERICANROGUES.COM and look for us on Facebook as the American Rogues. info@theamericanrogues.com

>>9820789 /PB NOTABLE the theme from the Last of the Mohicans is based on Dougie Maclean's "The Gael". He also has another piece called…wait for it…READY FOR THE STORM.

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d57486  No.9823254

File: deffb7a663632dc⋯.png (546.81 KB, 768x614, 384:307, ZATF.png)

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91c967  No.9823255

File: bc41ed94267d3dc⋯.png (1.16 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd77775df35fa82⋯.png (626.36 KB, 387x585, 43:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 531bcad6e50f119⋯.png (694.99 KB, 599x395, 599:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7c676ed33cf704⋯.png (4.01 MB, 958x1464, 479:732, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bc1e76c1232172⋯.jpg (49.8 KB, 767x577, 767:577, 11bc26e23996bb4d6f9749b9af….jpg)

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33bedb  No.9823256

File: 204075facce8bc9⋯.jpg (292.82 KB, 451x771, 451:771, grammarnazi.jpg)


>Grammar kitties are always happy to serve and cast off the abuse as easily as a duck casts water off it's back.

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455b8a  No.9823257

File: 0cfb7e4c25f765f⋯.png (453.99 KB, 649x445, 649:445, 0cfb7e4c25f765fc88d2a1551b….png)

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35f539  No.9823258

File: b2d6a76496ce4b2⋯.png (49.72 KB, 1281x585, 427:195, ClipboardImage.png)




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5ebfd0  No.9823260

Bob Dylan is Lady Gaga.

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ee6df7  No.9823261

File: ca700f95a3ac1c2⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepeComfy05.jpg)

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eb9a0d  No.9823263



Years of racial extortion

Gets u coco cola groveling

Jesse Jackson’s Sons to Buy Beer Distributor


say what ya want

black folk know how to


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d57486  No.9823264

File: ad0b6b047b2ad4a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ZAH.png)

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91c967  No.9823265


cool morale killer

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455b8a  No.9823266

File: f1820061600a25d⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 500x367, 500:367, kkppuu.jpg)



Negro is so hilarious…

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d57486  No.9823267

File: 5ab7bf0202d3802⋯.jpg (42.06 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 4104860_v_for_vendetta32.jpg)

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da8433  No.9823268

Phil was here.

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d57486  No.9823269

File: fdeac4605c44469⋯.jpg (1016.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Pictures_of_v_for_vendetta.jpg)

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5ebfd0  No.9823270


They are both Satans spawn.

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3ec34d  No.9823271

File: ffd13e24e33d360⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 185x255, 37:51, seen_weird_shit.jpg)

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ee6df7  No.9823272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cat Scratch Fever

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00442b  No.9823273


>never seen an ocean

43 years is too long to wait, anon.

Start driving. Don't wait!

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5da3e3  No.9823274


I find it very strange that if he is part of the Q team that he didn't know the FBI was coming to his house.

No comms outside this board, did you forget about that?

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42ab57  No.9823275

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Moar Thursday Morn'n Bread Ahead





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7545b6  No.9823276


"wanna be famous? You gotta kill a band member"

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91c967  No.9823277

File: d75b09af84cf2f6⋯.png (53.22 KB, 205x239, 205:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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d57486  No.9823278

File: d3da0c3a50d11d3⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 400x204, 100:51, anigif_enhanced_buzz_30569….gif)

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455b8a  No.9823279

File: 72ede714f704281⋯.jpg (116.79 KB, 500x893, 500:893, 46tt6i.jpg)

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