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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

9a69aa  No.9002152[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 05.02.2020

>>9001934 ————————————–——– Never has this been attempted. Dark > LIGHT. (Cap: >>9001987)

>>9001878 ————————————–——– KNOWLEDGE IS POWER (Cap: >>9001963)

>>9001857 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001917)

>>9001835 ————————————–——– GOD WINS! (Cap: >>9001883)

>>9001818 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001854)

>>9001772 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001805)

>>9001729 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001777)

>>9001685 ————————————–——– Pic Related

>>9001534 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001628)

>>9001515 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001607)

>>9001495 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001587)

>>9001486 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001554)

>>9001462 rt >>9001438 -————————– Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>9001442 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001476)

>>9001296 ————————————–——– We, the PEOPLE! (Cap: >>9001317)

>>9001179 ————————————–——– You are trending WW 24/7/365 w/ censorship. Never in our history has this been attempted. (Cap: >>9001186)

>>9001075 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001099)

>>9000886 ————————————–——– They fear you [massive global reach]. You attack those you fear the most. For God and Country. (Cap:>>9000948)

>>9000728 ————————————–——– United We Stand. (Cap: >>9000752)

>>9000701 ————————————–——– Patriotism on the rise. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9000708)

>>9000629 ————————————–——– How do you prevent a war? (Cap: >>9000644)

>>9000343 ————————————–——– Spygate! (Cap: >>9000354)

Friday 05.01.2020

>>8989185 ————————————–——– DE FACTO STANDARD

>>8989094 ————————————–——– Why are influenza medications effective at treating COVID-19?

>>8988998 ————————————–——– Why are elderly more at risk to COVID-19? How many elderly die from influenza each year?

>>8988531 ————————————–——– Influenza death rate low v previous years? (Cap: >>8988593)

>>8983501 ————————————–——– The American Flag and 'To the Color' Bugle Call (Cap: >>8983518, >>8983611)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9a69aa  No.9002186

Thursday 04.30.2020

>>8982658 ————————————–——– Link to 'It's Time For Clapper To Resign' Article (Cap: >>8982824)

>>8982407 ————————————–——– One step at a time.

>>8982276 ————————————–——– Tweet from M3thods: Hussein: "My Muslim faith" (Cap: >>8982315 & Vid: >>8982314)

>>8982219 ————————————–——– Link to 'The MB Has Entered Our Government It's Called Obama' Article (Cap: >>8982275)

>>8982104 ————————————–——– Link to 'Tensions Flare In Senate Over MB Remarks' Article (Cap: >>8982130, >>8982131 )

>>8981997 ————————————–——– Tweet from Deep State Exposé (Vid: >>8982100)

>>8981960 ————————————–——– Link to Obama Iran Nuclear Deal Prisoner Release Article (Cap: >>8981983)

>>8981922 ————————————–——– Link to Imran Awan Hacking Scandal Article (Cap: >>8981952)

>>8981774 ————————————–——– Link to Valerie Jarrett's biography

>>8981703 ————————————–——– Image of Peter Strzok (Cap: >>8981882, >>8981924)

>>8981639 ————————————–——– Tweet from Lisa Page (Cap: >>8981687 )

>>8981568 ————————————–——– Tweet from Greg Kotseos: Obama as a Muslim image (Cap: >>8981623, >>8981679)

>>8981377 ————————————–——– Denied. Justice will be served. (Cap: >>8980829, >>8982433, >>8981080 )

>>8979236 ————————————–——– Trump Admin v2 - breaking911 twat POTUS 'open to Flynn back in his admin' (Cap: >>8979279 Vid: >>8979291)

>>8978612 ————————————–——– YOU MUST SHOW THEM.

>>8978508 ————————————–——– Control. (Cap: >>8978531)

>>8978413 rt >>8978368 -————————– MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY.

>>8978368 ————————————–——– Think SIGINT (Cap: >>8978385, )

>>8978142 ————————————–——– Control the narrative [control of you]. THE WAR IS REAL. (Cap: >>8978153)

>>8977653 ————————————–——– Vid of Pelosi on Reade vs Ford (Cap: >>8977672)

>>8977031 ————————————–——– In It Together pic

>>8976627 rt >>8976611 -————————– Error 'was' x2. On the move.

>>8976611 ————————————–——– WHO DID THEY PROVIDE COVER FOR?

>>8976400 rt >>8976305 -————————– Control of the population [sheep]? Control of the narrative?

>>8976284 ————————————–——– Define 'insurgency'. (Cap: >>8976321)

>>8975862 ————————————–——– When you are awake you are able to see clearly.


>>8975355 ————————————–——– Transparency brings accountability (Cap: >>8975368)

>>8975029 ————————————–——– Potus proclaims May 1, 2020, as Law Day, U.S.A. (Cap: >>8975052)

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>6885294

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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9a69aa  No.9002221

Global Announcements

>>8985756, >>8985951 CM has given us new small text. Other post has new formatting FAQ in graphic form

>>8979470 Just enabled a hotfix for the "Posted." bug. Let me know if it fixes the "Posted" bug for you or not. Please clear your javascript cache first so you have the newest version.

>>8986535 Codemonkey announces new standards on obscene loli

>>8971601 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8944644

>>8971620 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts


are NOT endorsements




>>9000721, >>9000834, >>9001117 planefaggin

>>9001293 PapaD twat New Crossfire Typhoon!

>>9001212 Coronavirus Death Counts Reported by Media Outpace Actual Deaths Reported Per CDC By Nearly 29,000

>>9001148 France extends health emergency until July 24 as Europe mulls lifting lockdown restrictions

>>9001016 2013 Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles

>>9000982 Joint Resolution

>>9000958, >>9000998 Q cap pdf

>>9000851 2009/2010 Politics and Corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO)

>>9000848 JFK whole speech

>>9000716 Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 July 1776, "Had a Declaration…"

>>9001428 #11521


>>9000145 Boats Ahoy

>>9000449, >>9000566, >>9000592 Planefaggin

>>9000542 syngenta/China diggz

>>9000452 Potus/Q 49 Delta

>>9000416, >>9000480 Another ex military turncoat deep state fool.

>>9000346 NY Flyover DIGG, waypoints 1 thru 4

>>9000296 Rep. Richard Komi Resigns After Graphic ‘Hurtful’ Tweet About Tara Reade and Biden

>>9000295 WarRoom Ops

>>9000281 Patriots out in Cocoa Beach, Fl today

>>9000277 Top Insider Sale/Buy reported week of April 26th-Proctor and Gamble/Immunomedics Inc


>>9000170 POTUS Readout on Call with Bolivian Interim President

>>9000166 Gallup: Trump surges to approval high, best ever OK from independents

>>9000117, >>9000528 State of Oregon, DHS is taking children from homes where a caregiver has COVID19.

>>9000000 Diggies [Obama] [9]

>>8999999 Diggies Psycho

>>8999959, >>8999972 Dims brainwashed on Biden

>>9000646 #11520

Previously Collected Notables

>>8999118 #11518, >>8999874 #11519

>>8996024 #11514, >>8996801 #11515, >>8997519 #11516, >>8998270 #11517

>>8993228 #11510, >>8993703 #11511, >>8994465 #11512, >>8995248 #11513

>>8989867 #11506, >>8990612 #11507, >>8991373 #11508, >>8992144 #11509

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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9a69aa  No.9002228

War Room

>>8758804 WARROOM #1 This Memes War ← go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 -- The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 -- Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 – Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 – Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #53 >>8947862

UK #13 >>8758105

Australia #7 >>7994433

Canada #6 >>8838303

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Romania >>8137179

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com -- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs - https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007: https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Q Graphics all in GMT #98 - #102 >>>/comms/10292, >>>/comms/10459, >>>/comms/11608, >>>/comms/12119, >>8991736

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9a69aa  No.9002233

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

55 >>8696213

Big Pharma — mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

2020-May ——— mega.nz/folder/ZIJQwS6S#gdnJOmSQqSpcxMi4E2TSsQ

Kung Flu ———— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

2020-Jan ——— mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

Space Force —— mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #12: >>>/comms/11733

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

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745fad  No.9002251

23 posts of Twitter users then BOOM WEEK AHEAD? Did I miscount? Now COMES THE Pain?

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eed026  No.9002252










Patriots have been patient not do let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that is …

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9a69aa  No.9002253

File: 53fa187b909accc⋯.png (481.13 KB, 795x529, 795:529, 53fa187b909accc531b11ddd4f….png)

File: 03564cca3ee38ff⋯.jpeg (40.68 KB, 320x228, 80:57, 03564cca3ee38ffc2d6b3422d….jpeg)



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a148b0  No.9002254

File: d10ba56ffce9aab⋯.webm (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1585290727419.webm)

Thank you baker! Crazy fast Bread!


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21d874  No.9002255

>>9002095 lb

off with their heads

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9aa31e  No.9002256

File: 1a06419122aadf6⋯.png (204.02 KB, 800x670, 80:67, 1435422182003.png)


thank you muh bakker

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4b415c  No.9002257

File: adf6a61f4bf3c4b⋯.jpg (446.2 KB, 1152x1728, 2:3, Jenna_Jameson_2008.jpg)


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f5a104  No.9002258

File: 8238b534cc7840b⋯.jpeg (92.47 KB, 828x607, 828:607, 9967FEE3_D5CE_45A4_B134_6….jpeg)


Top shelf bakes

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5cb653  No.9002259

File: 0af8652a2a621ad⋯.png (67.21 KB, 1726x434, 863:217, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)

File: d4b783c490be030⋯.png (423.57 KB, 390x1250, 39:125, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)

File: ecaa72306e61f77⋯.jpg (141.82 KB, 736x1045, 736:1045, ecaa72306e61f77fc86a22f164….jpg)

>>9002095 lb


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941a04  No.9002260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fake meat – that's ALSO a Gates agenda. So if you're wondering why the meat supply is being killed off right now, that could be it.

Who's giving the commands for the destruction of the meat supply? We really need to figure this out FAST!


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3b7d67  No.9002261

File: 1b310daa431b4e7⋯.jpeg (180.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7C177279_7BD8_4657_A66C_1….jpeg)

Boogaloo incoming.

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3ca4b2  No.9002262

I see IET & Preying Medic are fame-fagging!


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1f3c4b  No.9002263

File: a992f4ebc491882⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 800x514, 400:257, q_braveheart.jpg)


kick ass baker

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0b859b  No.9002264


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390030  No.9002265

File: 1f5afa5c53a8d58⋯.png (590.02 KB, 1489x858, 1489:858, FE.png)

File: 89e0fdc370a4917⋯.png (65.27 KB, 1814x868, 907:434, FE2.png)

I doubt most Canadians even Five Eyes exists or its purpose

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68c383  No.9002266

File: 26c143d0e29166b⋯.gif (22.34 KB, 240x135, 16:9, BoomWeek.gif)

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eed026  No.9002267











Patriots have been patient not to let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that is, literally.

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a620c7  No.9002268



Pandemic serves same purpose.


Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

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1120d0  No.9002269

File: e00556957728190⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Trish_Regan.jpg)

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cb27de  No.9002270

File: 155998510bcf9b6⋯.png (232.69 KB, 379x382, 379:382, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)


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089958  No.9002271

File: 5bc38adbd23c6ea⋯.png (7.49 KB, 604x231, 604:231, Capture.PNG)

>>9001957 (lb Q)

Anyone able to cap this tweet?

1st stated tweet was deleted.

Now states page doesn't exist.

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5c72c6  No.9002272


Similar to how We are far beyond the need for ‘proofs’ at this point… We are also past the point for year or two-deltas.

BOOM week ahead?

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091ce3  No.9002273

File: b60581407045e3a⋯.jpg (103.48 KB, 600x538, 300:269, haveaniceday.jpg)


Go, baker, go!

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bd1f81  No.9002274

File: 6e355c495d9b7b3⋯.png (522.89 KB, 779x550, 779:550, strongresponse.png)

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214cc6  No.9002275

File: b8aeed36c8ff840⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1500x1854, 250:309, Patriot_Unit.png)


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ebae94  No.9002276

File: c33b5631a00eebe⋯.jpg (18.98 KB, 386x391, 386:391, pepe_signs_it_loud.jpg)




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c8655f  No.9002277

File: 1a868e019e78b2b⋯.jpg (896.46 KB, 2317x1745, 2317:1745, tyb_teapie.jpg)


Thank you, baker!

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a356c0  No.9002278

File: 2956b4c2b7138f2⋯.png (1.32 MB, 665x771, 665:771, ClipboardImage.png)


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37bd0f  No.9002279

File: dd81b8b7ab78d9f⋯.jpg (9.55 KB, 209x219, 209:219, WuhanWhiteWabbit.jpg)

File: 072c637736fd4e3⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1200x1744, 75:109, THAN_Q.jpg)

File: 32c8e8da2261f15⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Kennedy1.jpg)

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d1db65  No.9002280

File: 3ceacb01a028bb6⋯.jpg (265.38 KB, 716x1024, 179:256, curling_anon_diggz_2.jpg)

ThanQ Baker… Great Job

ThanQ Anons on Assist

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74e23e  No.9002281

File: 07f6e6e2bf6e3f4⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB, 800x798, 400:399, 6B68DCA1_EEB0_404B_88C2_A….jpeg)


We landing one of our spacecraft

On the White House lawn right ?


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9bb2b7  No.9002283

File: 8cd5db219666805⋯.png (390.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_4_0502202….png)

File: 75e5d2d91eb6a5e⋯.png (140.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_4_0502202….png)

File: 1adf156f99e519a⋯.png (655.62 KB, 1458x937, 1458:937, Sealed_indictments_0502202….png)

File: 2420e787b89cb5c⋯.png (133.41 KB, 1171x828, 1171:828, Sealed_indictments_0502202….png)

File: c0ea51a9cf4f7be⋯.png (19.95 KB, 564x409, 564:409, gin_and_tonic_Quinine_1918.png)

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a966e9  No.9002284

Ty baker

Ty Q

Old navy vet..

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c6dddf  No.9002285

>>9002095 (lb


>Treason doesn't pay well in the end.


No datefagging bro.

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78e43e  No.9002286

Q- tired of being on the bench.

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919172  No.9002287

Is 5:5 May 5th? Boom day?

Thanks Anon from the last bread who posted this.

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85c222  No.9002288

Love Our Baker!!! God Bless You!

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c26436  No.9002289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gen. Flynn's Turkish Connection Part 2

Anons Eyes on!

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5d37f8  No.9002290

File: 6dde8754cdddfa8⋯.jpg (88.24 KB, 860x1063, 860:1063, 4.jpg)

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77473e  No.9002291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You leave anon alone, we are in his debt!

That's how it always begins, very small…

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ce9e99  No.9002292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Giving Sneakers to Homeless in Washington, D.C. During Coronavirus Lockdown Pandemic

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e0e065  No.9002293


>Fake meat – that's ALSO a Gates agenda.

fucks up the endocrine system.

turns your boys gay and your daughters lesbian.

don't let this crap shrink your sons' balls - brings suffering to your family for generations to come.

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a620c7  No.9002294


Cinco De PAIN

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68c383  No.9002295

File: 40741ca8fa9142b⋯.gif (828.38 KB, 320x180, 16:9, animBoom2.gif)


>>9002095 (lb)

shit, wrong gif

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8566df  No.9002296

Q is mexican?


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1a8ae3  No.9002297

Inb4 We are called shills for expecting something yuge this week.

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d5c792  No.9002298

Anons enjoy your Blue Balls …Q has left the Building …AGAIN !!

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6ea932  No.9002299

File: f751dd0cd186bec⋯.png (591.31 KB, 602x584, 301:292, Qbread.png)


thanks for keeping us in bread

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1f3c4b  No.9002300

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000000  No.9002301

>>9001975 lb

VERY german looking guy!!!!! ever heard of takiya

plus a muslim beard…..WELLL FUCKING DONE!!!!! Promoting Sandniggers!!!!!!AS NEW GERMAN PATRIOTS…..Well heil MERKEL





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4b415c  No.9002302

File: 6a4ac4f21a13454⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Phil_Schneider.jpg)

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851186  No.9002303

>>9001878 Q pb


Info is a raw resource, yes? Knowledge is processed info, including experience and analysis. Feedback loop essential to use of info.


Communications distributes power. Refines power. Enhances power.



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da3d93  No.9002304

File: 523d19988b11bbb⋯.jpeg (118.47 KB, 959x900, 959:900, 523d19988b11bbbdc2eae772e….jpeg)



Horry Chit man

you are solid

Breads be a flying

patriots in control

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812b0b  No.9002305

File: ffcc4a987151403⋯.jpeg (5.79 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, D04C5B67_8D1F_4C2F_88B3_5….jpeg)

Q !

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919172  No.9002306

File: 279b319226e2825⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3569x2534, 3569:2534, 279b319226e282557b81dd2164….jpg)


Thanks Baker. Loves of love from Q move fast and you're knocking it out like a pro.

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91482d  No.9002307

File: b97b079df58a380⋯.png (661.4 KB, 1854x1218, 309:203, boom_WEEK_ahead.png)

File: 1497b03f4325cc7⋯.png (26.33 KB, 386x450, 193:225, Screenshot_2020_04_28_QMAP….png)

File: 5722b683bb6a14d⋯.png (105.72 KB, 386x506, 193:253, Screenshot_2020_04_26_QMAP….png)



>Treason doesn't pay well in the end.




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926223  No.9002308

File: 2205c1998364ccd⋯.png (27.78 KB, 468x345, 156:115, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9002095 (pb)

Yeah, you've said this before, Q.

I'll believe it when I see actual, tangible results. Until then, I'm not even getting a fraction of my hopes up.

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adfdb2  No.9002309






To which are you –referring–?

THANKQfor direction us to the truth of our reality. What is the desired focus?

Q YOU AREremoving the OLD GAURD control

Q ARE YOUallowing freedom or is this misdirection?

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3c373d  No.9002310

BOOM WEEK AHEAD? BWA recording label? DREKA AND KEVIN GATES owners? http://www.officialbwa.com/

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390030  No.9002311


Top kek

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37bd0f  No.9002312

File: 4f39bacfc2e5a8d⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1275x1267, 1275:1267, THanQ_Bakes.jpg)


ThanQ Bakes!

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62d563  No.9002313

File: 511d94ce4140187⋯.jpeg (129.72 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1335DD2A_D6AA_450A_BE64_F….jpeg)

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0a77c1  No.9002314


Flynn op exposed as a conspiracy and then it's on. It will show a powerful cast of characters up to no good in many fields. The flood.

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d9f94d  No.9002315

File: db59190e442b878⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, IMG_5316.png)


mad props to baker

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f1ee41  No.9002316

Get this, while we were all celebrating our country's bicentennial and being super patriotic in 1976, John Brennan was voting for Gus Hall (Arvo Kustaa Halberg), candidate of the Communist party in the US.


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c077ed  No.9002317

File: d351316fd5faea9⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 553x503, 553:503, bombs_away_merry_christmas.jpg)

Not to be a whiny little bitch or anything, but these better be real fucking booms, Q.

Big ones.

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1f3c4b  No.9002318

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB, 761x652, 761:652, Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB, 758x421, 758:421, Q_26.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB, 758x474, 379:237, Q_32.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB, 748x612, 11:9, Q_43.png)

File: 6f0f3e39ca5b631⋯.png (10.48 KB, 835x618, 835:618, Q_55_5_5.png)

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ebae94  No.9002319

File: 62c15fbc9febc1a⋯.png (323.9 KB, 566x377, 566:377, POTUS_Space_MARINE_One.png)

File: 1546fd773ef4b30⋯.png (1.8 MB, 931x687, 931:687, POTUS_Space_Force_DD.PNG)

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eed026  No.9002320


Do it Q!!!!










Patriots have been patient not do let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that

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4ee570  No.9002321

File: 7b92ccb32b0eb0d⋯.png (507.07 KB, 1316x1116, 329:279, Sneaky_liar.png)

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919172  No.9002322


Kek - Cinco de Mayo

How fitting.

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3b7d67  No.9002323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8af615  No.9002324

File: be682c2e6fe9581⋯.jpg (8.54 KB, 371x201, 371:201, be682c2e6fe95819e28dd76fef….jpg)

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451c65  No.9002325

Phuqet … wifeanon and I are heading out to the range. STILL (in NC) can't sit down for a dinner, but CAN order the steel plate special.

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adfdb2  No.9002326






To which are you ..referring..?

THANKQfor direction us to the truth of our reality. What is the desired focus?

Q YOU AREremoving the OLD GAURD control

Q ARE YOUallowing freedom or is this misdirection?

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ecef5e  No.9002327

File: d65dffae90f7d14⋯.jpeg (192.71 KB, 1125x1727, 1125:1727, 9C97F2C9_95DC_4299_A3DC_E….jpeg)

File: 7f5321e49c5c3d5⋯.jpeg (346.83 KB, 714x1513, 42:89, B19788D7_FB5F_471D_8099_2….jpeg)

>>9002246 (/pb)


That would make this Moab a full one year Delta (don’t forget it’s a leap year)

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0b859b  No.9002328

File: 2a6114c4f82cc43⋯.png (926.52 KB, 624x498, 104:83, mexico.PNG)





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91482d  No.9002329




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aa61c5  No.9002330


Did they take the bait?

Oh well, moar evidence!

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eed026  No.9002331











Patriots have been patient not to let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that is

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6ea932  No.9002332

File: d0274712259bc66⋯.png (1.25 MB, 975x997, 975:997, cater.png)

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7a905f  No.9002333

File: e0ee0dabd0d52c2⋯.png (79.86 KB, 1272x310, 636:155, ClipboardImage.png)


Screen shot for posterity, just in case.

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91482d  No.9002334

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8bd75d  No.9002335


I wish I could upvote that…

0 major arrests = 0 public awareness

Slow justice, is no justice.

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214cc6  No.9002336

File: 283d50b9955272e⋯.jpg (190.21 KB, 1524x500, 381:125, AnonAutists.jpg)

File: c2e6bd6e16cd1be⋯.jpg (68.98 KB, 778x499, 778:499, AutistsAnons.jpg)

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3c373d  No.9002337

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262825  No.9002338

File: 04c943bf6051c71⋯.jpg (92.4 KB, 640x427, 640:427, KeK.jpg)

Anime pussies from Japan!

Rawdog them cunnies, nigger.


Q has jumped the Shark!

Fuck Fonzie.


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0f9ae6  No.9002339

File: cd95c0ec120cded⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 791x487, 791:487, 3x29pdd1.jpg)

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f5a104  No.9002340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q , if you are still lurking me and some of the other anons were wondering if maybe we could bring our axes and have a jam sesh after the “Great Awakening Ball”

We won’t break anything.

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318bee  No.9002341

File: 5fc736234f0ce13⋯.png (399.39 KB, 839x768, 839:768, pepe.png)


>Not enjoying the show

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95377d  No.9002342

File: b5d20a79dae4d81⋯.jpg (58.95 KB, 580x432, 145:108, MagaBread.jpg)


Tyb o7

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a620c7  No.9002343


The little stunt with armed protesters ( ACTORS ) at a state house haz spidey sense active.

They must do a FF, to get zee guns, or No NWO is possible

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3ca4b2  No.9002344

File: 2226b9c5407c8b9⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 800px_COLOURBOX3597969.jpg)

Do any anons have Non-CV family / loved ones in the hospital they can't visit?

I can't be the only one.

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5c01a8  No.9002345

File: ddb320ec6e65cc4⋯.jpg (141.52 KB, 1031x1034, 1031:1034, Screenshot_20200501_131316….jpg)

File: 15f8e6b4bd49d52⋯.jpg (23.69 KB, 879x279, 293:93, Screenshot_20200502_133949….jpg)


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f6bd09  No.9002346

File: 2a625d016e5643a⋯.png (843.84 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, spaceforce.png)



That would be an awesome statement of "don't fuck with us" to China.

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78d1a9  No.9002347

File: e67e5f330731b14⋯.png (10.67 KB, 547x172, 547:172, ClipboardImage.png)


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1e29c8  No.9002348



>>900152 Here is the new sealed case numbers graphic for April 166K

>>9001564 The Associated Press (AP) last year spiked exclusive story of Tara Reade alleging sexual assault by then-Sen. Biden

>>9001596 George Papadopoulos tweets

>>9001600 Fmr. Security for Rap Superstars and School Cop Charged with Raping Multiple Children

>>9001632 Multiple Instances Where Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Who Set Up Meeting with General Flynn at the White House, Lied and Lied

>>9001653 Candice Owen's and The real James Wood both suspended. TWAT

>>9001662 ‘Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target

>>9001686 Trump campaign releases brutal ad exposing Dem Party's double standard on believing women

>>9001741 New Mexico Governor Closes Roads to Coronavirus Hotspot

>>9001780 1 Houston police officer killed, 1 injured in copter crash

>>9001813 Out of Shadows translated

>>9001866 China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up

>>9001895 Far-Left Antifa Arrested for Plotting Armed Attack on French Police

>>9002014 POTUS call with Paraguay president

>>9002060 As Citizens Try To Scrape By During Pandemic, Dem Mayor Tries 32% Property Tax Hike

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a651d7  No.9002349

File: 224de3ca39f681e⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DZeqeGnU8AADgof.jpg)

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09b512  No.9002350

File: 31ae2b31284ff24⋯.jpeg (157.15 KB, 1200x789, 400:263, EFD27656_0AF0_435B_A82D_4….jpeg)


Shortbread for you.

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830cf8  No.9002351


Q, I knew there is a lot that is going on behind the scenes. Before people starts coming out of their homes and going back to work and other busy work, you think some super big BOOMS can take place. You have all our attention now while we still in shut down, we are digging, sharing, meme and praying. The deep state runs deep and I know it will take time.

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a651d7  No.9002352

File: ed041049a681d51⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 640x462, 320:231, DZeqoSSX0AArXXt.jpg)

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5cb653  No.9002353

File: 0062841fa761f61⋯.png (254.59 KB, 1428x1176, 17:14, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)


355 days between posts

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cc89f3  No.9002354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5bb55e  No.9002355

File: 29f44cb7a0a2baf⋯.png (630.34 KB, 801x801, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b415c  No.9002356

File: f063ad2bed74e61⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 450x450, 1:1, jmascisapproves.jpg)

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4ee570  No.9002357

File: 70435cde0b5c8db⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2660x1636, 665:409, FREE_INT.jpg)

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4aad6b  No.9002358

File: ca4b12b2d1d6e3d⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Warlocks.jpg)

File: 47b46a1aa2e9960⋯.jpg (332.56 KB, 1600x1195, 320:239, Wizards.JPG)

File: cf5cafdae30866b⋯.jpg (210.54 KB, 1803x222, 601:74, GITS_or_JDS.jpg)



Wizards & [WAR]locks.


Together We Win


|| "Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression." ||

Anons we must join TOGETHER to tell the TRUTH. WE are fighting a MONSTER of Darnkess who knows nothing but LIES.

You don’t fight darkness—bring the light, and darkness will disappear.

The Truth will illuminate the darkness, the light of truth always shines brightest in the dark.

No matter how dim a candle burns it will ALWAYS illuminate darkness. ( Read as: No matter how small your voice if you speak truth you will be heard.)

Thousands [Millions] of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be diminished. [TRUTH] never decreases by being shared.

Each one of us represents a single candle in the darkness of our world.

If you decided to wake up and shine your light by spreading truth rather than believing lies.

We welcome you fellow Anon! May Facts and Truth be the light to your way from darkness.

If you have come to troll, spam, or spread disinformation…


We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Amendment I (Bill of Rights)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

-We Will not be Silenced; -We Cannot be Silenced; -Our Voice will be Heard; -Your Lies are Whispers in the Wind, Compared to the Roar of our Resolve.

|| "Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression." ||

>>9001981 lb

The Road to Truth will be Painful.

But the rewards are undoubted.

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59d641  No.9002359

File: af72572eeaf731b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1440x798, 240:133, _Beverly_Eckert_HRC_Q_Proo….png)

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1120d0  No.9002360


Fatigue has definitely set in. If this is more disinfo, I might freak out.

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91482d  No.9002361

File: 1bef88385496e6c⋯.png (16.98 KB, 800x212, 200:53, Screenshot_2020_05_02_QMAP….png)


>Treason doesn't pay well in the end

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613b69  No.9002362

File: 9aeb9ea5db0ecd5⋯.jpeg (72.27 KB, 625x449, 625:449, Mask_v_Kiss_arse.jpeg)



Amen and AMEN

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214cc6  No.9002363

File: bdc66e660c4384e⋯.jpg (129.79 KB, 998x880, 499:440, HillVile.jpg)

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ad6dd2  No.9002364

File: 87b02fe5976f50a⋯.png (44.7 KB, 255x153, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9047ac52a807fa4⋯.png (11.73 KB, 348x771, 116:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65bf9e2f5eecace⋯.png (2.83 KB, 337x271, 337:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Papa D Tweet—-Focus on The Forest

Q 1007:




+ ++ +++



Soon to be Q PROOF?

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398fa0  No.9002365


Stay ready fam. I peeped that bullshit too.

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926223  No.9002366


Nope. Haven't been for a long, long time.

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a4ded6  No.9002367

File: 30ee18574340304⋯.png (239.26 KB, 1078x898, 539:449, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)


Learn to recognize the signs.

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37a358  No.9002368

Boom week # ? Whatevs

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000000  No.9002369


>It will show a powerful cast of characters up to no good in many fields.

It would be even better if it revealed an equally or more powerful cast of characters up to lots of good, in my opinion.

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2082bb  No.9002370

File: 78f03cd67c0002a⋯.png (191.3 KB, 500x653, 500:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d126711b684e83⋯.png (729.78 KB, 560x768, 35:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44e87db5250bfe6⋯.png (204.52 KB, 635x322, 635:322, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66576410f35b83e⋯.png (227.56 KB, 575x288, 575:288, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9001834 PB Take it back to reddit, worm.

>>>9001834 <–You know he is right →>9001801

Q says we have all the bases covered for the next election and we all here hope that is true.

But if the Demoncrat's would some how steal the election and get away with it there would be war in the streets.

Someone posted the attached election meme's yesterday and they make perfect sense based on what we all know on the board.

But in the end if by chance something should happen you will have to make the decision if you are a sheep or a sheep dog.

The decision will be yours kind of like the…..

RED or the BLUE pill.

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9aa31e  No.9002371

File: ab46976c1b2f776⋯.png (608.76 KB, 638x551, 22:19, 1473738453146.png)


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f1ee41  No.9002372


Q, can you make sure this one is in jail before they can put her in again?

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262825  No.9002373


Thanks for announcing, sugarbritches.

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2f63b8  No.9002374

[Chief Justice John Roberts]

May 5th

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6ea932  No.9002375

File: de6dbd0db97301e⋯.png (976.75 KB, 868x579, 868:579, cornn.png)

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53b0eb  No.9002376

File: ade80f852185f74⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1826x929, 1826:929, ClipboardImage.png)

I'll just leave this here…

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d9a580  No.9002377


I guess q i s realizing p’s are figuring it out with all that slop…wonder exactly how far after the election he/she just stops trying? Lmao if u have the power if you in control…any fukkin time u be delivering some arrests.

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1fd0a2  No.9002379

File: b234ba0028b748b⋯.png (8.98 KB, 439x139, 439:139, 3331.png)


May 2 2019


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c24c01  No.9002380


Like always, nothing will happen and then anons will just say it was necessary disinformation. By this time next week, 100% of the deep state criminals will still be un prosecuted. And all will still be talking just as much shit as always while laughing in our faces. It's really gotten old and Americans are only going to take so much. Without law and order, we don't have a country anymore.

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318bee  No.9002381


I know the feel, but it's never going to be what we want when we want.

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4ae5f5  No.9002382

File: d1c85a1482863db⋯.jpg (82.71 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 646471476_jpg_0.jpg)

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a651d7  No.9002383

File: 0efa29831c23709⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1114x916, 557:458, 0efa29831c23709dabacb06679….png)

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eaeddc  No.9002384

File: a624b464044c838⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1005x848, 1005:848, 0897129087436.png)

File: fb06fce5c943266⋯.png (1.05 MB, 892x801, 892:801, 89230982697543.png)

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33601f  No.9002387

File: b31186ef86d7659⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 677x399, 677:399, comfee_with_frenz.JPG)

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f5a104  No.9002388


Oh and we need tube amps, Fenders would be nice if you could swing it.

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eed026  No.9002389


Transform Anon!!!










Patriots have been patient not do let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that

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6d0be8  No.9002390


Right….disinfo is necessary blahblahblah

Not holding my breath but will welcome a little justice any time

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ecef5e  No.9002391

File: 7b0a76467a59a7f⋯.jpeg (162.55 KB, 1125x991, 1125:991, 25ECA7E3_6661_45AF_A87D_B….jpeg)

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a80c7f  No.9002392

Tech body. Anons… Are we going to take over Twitter tonight? Would be fun to get #Qanon trending worldwide.

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a651d7  No.9002394

File: 2bf5b46186def10⋯.png (331.95 KB, 733x564, 733:564, 2bf5b46186def107ff04d75edc….png)

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5cb653  No.9002395

File: b74661b7c92e0d4⋯.png (47.46 KB, 846x420, 141:70, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)

File: a849906062092d9⋯.png (307.18 KB, 2070x1256, 1035:628, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)


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398fa0  No.9002396

File: edc5db38be9d842⋯.gif (281.65 KB, 334x200, 167:100, 4D78F7F3_CC0F_4AF3_856F_A8….gif)



(You) two are cute, why don’t you go back together?

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1e29c8  No.9002397



>>9001522 Here is the new sealed case numbers graphic for April 166K

>>9001564 The Associated Press (AP) last year spiked exclusive story of Tara Reade alleging sexual assault by then-Sen. Biden

>>9001596 George Papadopoulos tweets

>>9001600 Fmr. Security for Rap Superstars and School Cop Charged with Raping Multiple Children

>>9001632 Multiple Instances Where Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Who Set Up Meeting with General Flynn at the White House, Lied and Lied

>>9001653 Candice Owen's and The real James Wood both suspended. TWAT

>>9001662 Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target

>>9001686 Trump campaign releases brutal ad exposing Dem Party's double standard on believing women

>>9001741 New Mexico Governor Closes Roads to Coronavirus Hotspot

>>9001780 1 Houston police officer killed, 1 injured in copter crash

>>9001813 Out of Shadows translated

>>9001866 China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up

>>9001895 Far-Left Antifa Arrested for Plotting Armed Attack on French Police

>>9002014 POTUS call with Paraguay president

>>9002060 As Citizens Try To Scrape By During Pandemic, Dem Mayor Tries 32% Property Tax Hike

Broken link fixed

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4a6cf7  No.9002398


"" How bout some pics from Camp David …""

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629e5c  No.9002399

File: 29b47f4e1b44653⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 1024x598, 512:299, 1588447668152.jpg)

I love all you patriots!

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a148b0  No.9002400

File: ac0444913e8f81e⋯.jpeg (190.74 KB, 1080x1260, 6:7, ac0444913e8f81e3aaeccf0da….jpeg)


Stop being a pussy.

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ae8f09  No.9002401

File: 6a9860760ffb8f0⋯.jpg (408.75 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 1_first_pic_related_Sutton….jpg)

File: 36398bf25f06db6⋯.jpg (526.64 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 2_second_pic_related_Sutto….jpg)

File: 473871588bf3c4e⋯.png (848.45 KB, 896x2008, 112:251, 473871588bf3c4e6bf7ec2bf28….png)



You will not take this seriously but I'll post it anyway.

Where We Go 1 We Go All, it means what it means.


Here some excerpts of the article for your own viewing pleasure. Please feel free to read the whole article if you find the following interesting:

Did a small scout team consisting of “Q” and his friends land on Earth during the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, then later begin broadcasting to the world? We can learn a lot from the Sutton Hall crop picture of August 17, 2017 which is now fully solved.

The extra-terrestrial man “Q” suggested in crops that he would “broadcast to the whole world” after he (supposedly) landed in August of 2017. Today more than one year later, we still do not see anyone named “Q” broadcasting, except on the “Q-anon” website! Could Q-anon be the same person as Quetzalcoatl?

Hardly any of the general public will take such concerns seriously because (1) they do not believe in UFOs or crop circles, and (2) they have no idea that the major E.T. crop artist calls himself “Q”. Nevertheless, if you the reader already know and understand points (1) and (2), then you should find this article very interesting indeed. Let us get started

’’Flying to Earth in a metaphorical “reed boat” on the day of a solar eclipse, then “broadcasting” to the whole world’’

This crop picture showed in one horizontal orientation the image of a “reed boat”, which seemed to be headed “nose-first” into the large schematic image of a “solar eclipse” (on the left). There our round Moon was passing in front of the Sun, so as to create a bright “crescent” shape: (first pic related)

Then in a vertical orientation, that Sutton Hall crop picture showed the image of a “radio broadcast tower” (on the right)

Did they plan to come down to Earth and begin broadcasting themselves? Why did they include in their field drawing the image of a solar eclipse, which would take place several days later on August 21?

We can see a similar Sumerian “reed boat” at the Concourse in Chatswood not far from here (shown in the lower centre of first pic related). It is part of elegant outdoor sculpture titled “Visiting Enki” (see http://dev.publicartworks.com.au/portfolio/wendy-mills-aus/). That is a good clue! We seem to be on the right track, and may just have to follow this “trail of breadcrumbs” a little further.

’’Their crop-drawn “broadcast tower” pointed toward the control tower for London Southend Airport: were they coming in to land?’’

Here is another useful bit of information: the lower base of that crop-drawn “broadcast tower” pointed toward the control tower for London Southend Airport, not far away: (second pic related)

Did this mean that they were ”coming in to land”, like for an ordinary airplane at an airport? Were some of those E.T. crop artists planning to land on Earth in their metaphorical “reed boat” spaceship, then begin broadcasting somehow to the world to announce their presence?

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ad6dd2  No.9002402


EO 4.4.2 Foreign influence of Media.

Red Shields?

April Showers.

May Flowers = Exposure/Awakening/ReBirth

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a651d7  No.9002403

File: 6ffe62f74900931⋯.jpg (181.02 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 6ffe62f74900931b4a758a5147….jpg)

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0b859b  No.9002404

the drip drip drip FLOOD is coming it's about to Break loose

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a69aee  No.9002405

File: 15b4418506e0907⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 420x445, 84:89, 1577137914.jpg)

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4b415c  No.9002406


you can use my dreamweaver….

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210dc8  No.9002407

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.png (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 8f4057f0687fe25000ddf37966….png)

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96b1a2  No.9002408


I quit following Q years ago, waited for him to deliver. With the election coming I think he will by November.

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da3d93  No.9002409


Narrative flip is their

bread and butter…

A couple of masked

antifa fake-triots should

do the trick.

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214cc6  No.9002410

File: 225070fe6b91ec6⋯.jpg (297.18 KB, 889x500, 889:500, TrekTrump3.jpg)

File: 328b1ee1a878551⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 500x357, 500:357, Win.jpg)

File: 0cd0b40536a30e4⋯.jpg (96.64 KB, 833x468, 833:468, Win3.jpg)

We're watching a movie…

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1e29c8  No.9002411

File: be1a38464d4dc75⋯.png (63.74 KB, 641x721, 641:721, ClipboardImage.png)

Amazon’s Bezos Warns Investors, We’re Spending Entire 2nd Quarter Profit Fighting Coronavirus: ‘You May Want Take A Seat’

On Thursday evening, the world’s richest man, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, warned investors that the entire second-quarter profit the company made would be spent in various ways to fight the effects of the coronavirus in America, asserting, “If you’re a shareowner in Amazon, you may want to take a seat, because we’re not thinking small.” Bezos explained that the company would make “investments in personal protective equipment, enhanced cleaning of our facilities, less efficient process paths that better allow for effective social distancing, higher wages for hourly teams, and hundreds of millions to develop our own COVID-19 testing capabilities.”

Since the coronavirus crisis emerged as it is the go-to online delivery service, Amazon’s shares have risen 34% so far in 2020, as MarketWatch reported, but although its sales totaled $75 billion in the first quarter, its profit declined. Bezos himself has made over $24 billion since the crisis began, according to Fortune, which left his net worth at $148.6 billion, according to Forbes.

Bezos’ statement to investors read, according to MarketWatch:

From online shopping to AWS to Prime Video and Fire TV, the current crisis is demonstrating the adaptability and durability of Amazon’s business as never before, but it’s also the hardest time we’ve ever faced. We are inspired by all the essential workers we see doing their jobs—nurses and doctors, grocery store cashiers, police officers, and our own extraordinary frontline employees. the service we provide has never been more critical, and the people doing the frontline work—our employees and all the contractors throughout our supply chain—are counting on us to keep them safe as they do that work. We’re not going to let them down. Providing for customers and protecting employees as this crisis continues for more months is going to take skill, humility, invention, and money.


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6d0be8  No.9002412


Right….disinfo is necessary blahblahblah

Not holding my breath but will welcome a little justice any time

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6ab44d  No.9002413


We May have to FORCE the Q.

May 4th, the question will be asked.

My bet is still on John Roberts.

And then May 5th….

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a651d7  No.9002414

File: 13b6789f46a6a21⋯.jpg (593.02 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, 13b6789f46a6a21c99abe6c6b1….jpg)

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df6f37  No.9002415

File: 5459291361a0d18⋯.jpg (106.86 KB, 540x675, 4:5, Capture.jpg)

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3beedb  No.9002416

"Big week ahead"

But stop with the date fagging and expectations anons.

Rather confusing. "Can't alter or tell them our moves"

"Big week ahead".

Although Q has said this before and the weeks didn't seem that big.

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ae8f09  No.9002417

File: 0ec51d009f6b60c⋯.jpg (267.86 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 3_third_pic_related_Sutton….jpg)

File: 7b854b0559ecf35⋯.jpg (430.39 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 4_fourth_pic_related_Sutto….jpg)


That is a nice theory, but we can’t really know for sure what this crop picture means, until we solve a cryptic “letter-symbol” code which was drawn within 17 of 21 rectangular “boxes” from its “reed boat” motif. “Q” is the 17th letter of our alphabet, while “21” was the day of a solar eclipse

Solving this visual puzzle using scissors, paper and glue: what does it say? (third pic related)

All we have to do is to print a detailed sketch of the crop picture on a large sheet of paper, then use scissors to cut all of its 17 filled “rectangular boxes” into small, separate pieces. Next we can explore by trial-and-error, how to arrange those 17 pieces in some fashion which might yield a sensible result

Just to the right of that small capital letter “Q” (in third pic related), we can see the distinctive F/J-shaped signature of Quetzalcoatl, which has been drawn in crops many times

Just above that blue letter “Q” and the artist’s F/J-shaped signature, we can see two more “boxes” which seem to show a small “serpent” headed from left to right, with an airplane-type of “antenna” curved to the left over his “head”. Perhaps that small “serpent” still was out in space, headed to Earth on August 17, 2017?

(still third pic related)At centre right, we can see another phrase (spread over four “boxes”) which reads “E.t.a. (tick-tock)” and has been labelled in green. “E.t.a.” is an abbreviation for “Estimated time of arrival”, like for the time of an airplane or spacecraft landing. A similar phrase of “ETA” was drawn in crops near a gun-practice range at Barbury Castle on July 20, 2016

Their “tick-tock” symbol resembles a “pendulum clock” which was drawn in crops near Cherhill on April 16, 2017 (see http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2017/cherhill/articles.html)

Finally at lower right, we can see another three rectangular “boxes”. They suggest a number “3” by means of three small white squares in the first box, followed by Morse code for a letter “I” (dot-dot) in the second box, and Morse code for a letter “K” (dash-dot-dash) in the third box. That unusual phrase of “3 IK” may refer to a certain date in the Mayan Tzolkin calendar, which took place four days later on August 21, 2017, and was the date of a total solar eclipse

’’Did Quetzal head for Earth with an E.t.a. of “3 IK” on August 21, 2017, with the plan of “broadcasting” to the whole world after he arrived?’’

On Q+

Carvings or sculptures of Quetzalcoatl as a “space traveller” from ancient Mayan times, and the image of a “plus” or “cross” shape on his aircraft

If you go to the British Museum in London, they have on display there (along with many other Mayan or Aztec artefacts) a beautiful piece of green jade, which was carved with an image of Quetzalcoatl from two-thousand years ago. We can see a photograph of this historical artwork in the upper-left-hand part of fourth pic related. Our friend Quetzal was being represented there as the “pilot” of an “aircraft” of some kind. If we look closely, we can see on the left-hand “nose” of his aircraft a small “plus” sign or “cross”, surrounded by four small circles

The mysterious “Q-anon”, who has been posting on the Internet since October 28, 2017, often signs his name as “Q+” or “Q+++”. We see now that this “+” symbol might be Christian in nature, and could have been used by Quetzalcoatl 2000 years ago.

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9a69aa  No.9002418


Saturday 05.02.2020

>>9002095 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD. Treason doesn't pay well in the end.

>>9002054 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!!

>>9002027 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!!

>>9002006 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!!

>>9001975 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!!

>>9001957 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!!

>>9001934 ————————————–——– Never has this been attempted. Dark > LIGHT. (Cap: >>9001987)

>>9001878 ————————————–——– KNOWLEDGE IS POWER (Cap: >>9001963)

>>9001857 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001917)

>>9001835 ————————————–——– GOD WINS! (Cap: >>9001883)

>>9001818 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001854)

>>9001772 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001805)

>>9001729 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001777)

>>9001685 ————————————–——– Pic Related

>>9001534 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001628)

>>9001515 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001607)

>>9001495 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001587)

>>9001486 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001554)

>>9001462 rt >>9001438 -————————– Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>9001442 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001476)

>>9001296 ————————————–——– We, the PEOPLE! (Cap: >>9001317)

>>9001179 ————————————–——– You are trending WW 24/7/365 w/ censorship. Never in our history has this been attempted. (Cap: >>9001186)

>>9001075 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9001099)

>>9000886 ————————————–——– They fear you [massive global reach]. You attack those you fear the most. For God and Country. (Cap:>>9000948)

>>9000728 ————————————–——– United We Stand. (Cap: >>9000752)

>>9000701 ————————————–——– Patriotism on the rise. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9000708)

>>9000629 ————————————–——– How do you prevent a war? (Cap: >>9000644)

>>9000343 ————————————–——– Spygate! (Cap: >>9000354)

Baker needs tweet caps yo!

Can someone scrape notes from LB?

D'oh, OSS, ya'll hear me?

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6ea932  No.9002419

File: c149bf8336eae81⋯.png (556.28 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ge.png)

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a620c7  No.9002420


Red Cross

Elizabeth Dole

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a3e54f  No.9002422

File: 14dee77a536fedd⋯.jpg (959.65 KB, 4000x1994, 2000:997, sessionsSoon.jpg)

>>9002333 auspicious trips

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1e29c8  No.9002423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you a green square or a red one? AI detects those defying social distancing


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59d641  No.9002424

File: abe10961bb36a75⋯.png (753.97 KB, 603x572, 603:572, tsunami_.png)

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b3fb97  No.9002425


where is he now? what was his real name? how old was he really?

who was he really working for?

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e07c7e  No.9002426


It's not just 0 arrests, we've also lost liberties faster than every before. Everything is getting worse, nothing has gotten better. You could've said the economy, but not anymore.

Judge them by their fruits, well I'm seeing nothing but rot.

Also, if you don't find these videos of people saying WWG1WGA creepy, something is wrong with you.

Read the Bible- God wins, but before that NWO takes control- one world government, currency and religion, all headed by the anti-Christ.

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ae8f09  No.9002427

File: 2979e39518bef5c⋯.jpg (178.76 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 5_fifth_pic_related_Sutton….jpg)

File: be12f5badcbf691⋯.jpg (233.46 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 6_sixth_pic_related_Sutton….jpg)


The ancient Mayans called him a “jester god”, and wore that same three-lobed jester’s hat in his fond memory. We can confirm easily that the modern-day Quetzalcoatl, when acting as a crop artist, is still a talented joker or jester:

For example, in a highly-comical crop picture shown at upper right (of fifth pic related), he is “thinking about grey aliens” while “smoking his pipe”

Appendix 4. Unexpected and convincing proof: who has the power to make planet Earth “ring like a bell” at the frequency 17 Hz of their letter-name “Q”?

“What happened on 11-11-2018?” someone asked “Q” on the Internet. ”Think waves world-wide [17]”, Q-anon replied on December 2, 2018. Those left-right brackets denote a “number inside”, like in the E.T. binary codes given to a military man C.J. near Atlanta in 2015.

What he means is that all of planet Earth rang unexpectedly like a “bell” with “waves world-wide”, at a single, pure frequency of 17 Hz on 11-11-2018. Our geologists have no explanation for it (see https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2018/11/strange-earthquake-waves-rippled-around-world-earth-geology/)

In other words, a “bell of freedom and liberty” rang at a monotone frequency of 17 Hertz (matching the alphabet letter “Q”) for 20 minutes, centred in the ocean off the east coast of Africa: (sixth pic related)

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edc08e  No.9002428

File: 17b111cd7a7aa54⋯.png (353.63 KB, 1242x1236, 207:206, CC0A785E_9E42_49FE_811A_47….png)


Gained 10% since last bread. It’s only a matter of time until the pussy hat brigade cries bots.

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5c01a8  No.9002429


yes, a friend of mine went into the hospital yesterday for emergency appendix surgery & they sent her husband home with their 2 children.


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ad5fe6  No.9002430

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, UNITED_WE_STAND.png)

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adfdb2  No.9002431

File: a1598f4801e8566⋯.png (884.85 KB, 765x486, 85:54, ClipboardImage.png)

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da3d93  No.9002432

File: 38a9a73b30304f7⋯.png (8.47 KB, 255x136, 15:8, 47e201bba5067f5954878aa524….png)


Old school

I member those feels

Q team has it all

Death to the NWO

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deec41  No.9002433

File: 6df7b4ec12d2c16⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1781x1549, 1781:1549, 6138CD6A_0B2A_4C7F_81FC_B….jpeg)


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2be9f9  No.9002434

File: af72b08f4894169⋯.png (552.25 KB, 622x630, 311:315, rchandlerwin.png)

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cc707b  No.9002435

File: 7c6942e26a31d8e⋯.png (28.04 KB, 596x270, 298:135, ClipboardImage.png)

I know, I know


But I couldn't resist

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3beedb  No.9002436


Theres no picture yet.. Q claims the picture will force the Q.

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ce4f8d  No.9002437

nothing like this has been attempted before ? that's why it will work

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4ae5f5  No.9002438

File: 60238b055922636⋯.jpg (136.04 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, 60238b055922636f13d2867131….jpg)

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a651d7  No.9002439

File: 9aede10923c4e2b⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 9aede10923c4e2bc415456da52….jpg)

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54d7ca  No.9002440

>>9001807 lb

>Why hasn't a single deep state traitor been criminally prosecuted yet?

Because Patriots are patient to make sure everything is done right in order to not let them get away with their commie shit for another 60+ years.

That's why.

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e0e065  No.9002441


from a previous dig:

"#5932305 at 2019-03-28 02:30:18 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7589: Reflections Are Important Edition

Reflecting upon the way Hussein attempted to decimate our military leadership and finally put 2 and 2 together about the purge of our officers and an assassination. In 2010 Obama began the purge using information in a profile piece on Gen. Stanley McChrystal published in Rolling Stone magazine and written by michael hastings. The article says Gen McChrystal used disparaging language about Hussein and Creepy Joe.

McChrystal is relieved of command and Hastings has an unfortunate and improbable accident. That's the chess they play.




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ae8f09  No.9002442

File: d14eddb10605c99⋯.jpg (418.33 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 7_seventh_pic_related_vieu….jpg)

File: 0c0675aa6b7e325⋯.jpg (514.07 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 8_eighth_pic_related_vieux….jpg)

File: 4567b52d1e99ef8⋯.jpg (527.45 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 9_ninth_pic_related_vieux_….jpg)

File: 118c4e54cd254c4⋯.png (22.24 KB, 700x525, 4:3, Q_first_tripcode_on_qresea….png)


Second article:


The Quetzalcoatl Headdress from 2009 (seventh pic related)

The first “Q-anon” trip-code

The login or trip-code which “Q-anon” used, when he first began posting anonymously on the Internet in late October of 2017 (author of the article is actually referring to the first 8chan Q tripcode on /qresearch/), looked like the mirror-image of “QVEZLTAwox!”. Those scrambled letters might suggest in turn a less-scrambled version as “QUETZAL vox!”, meaning the “voice of Quetzal!” in Latin. Trip-codes often feature slightly-scrambled English words. In 2015, our crop-artist friend drew in crops near Torino, Italy a binary-computer message which read “timeo ET ferentes!”, also in Latin.

Several symbols for “Q” or Quetzalcoatl, as the 17th letter of the alphabet, were drawn in crops near Wootton Wawen on August 8, 2017, then near Sutton Hall on August 17, 2017, in accord with the currently-popular practice of calling Q-anon by his coded number of “17”

Here are some more examples in seventh and nineth pic related

A large “Q” symbol with 17 “light rays” appeared near Wootton Wawen on August 8, 2017 (nineth pic related). The overall metaphor of this clever crop picture at Wootton Wawen was that some person “Q” may have come from the Pleiades (which shows a long “star trail”, resembling the long and narrow part of this crop picture with many “dots” as shown on the left), in order to lead us to a green and vibrant “Tree of Life” nearby, which is shown on the left-hand side as well:

(still nineth pic related, upper right segment) Seventeen segmented “light rays” were drawn around the centre of this crop picture, and surround what seems to be a large, capital letter “Q” at its base. They also match in number the 17th position of any letter “Q” in our alphabet

“Q-anon” began to post on the Internet just two months after these “Q” (17) crop pictures appeared

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b1dc8b  No.9002443

File: f8ba2ec047932a1⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, r0diQDeaNIsjuM7v.mp4)

from Chinas French embassy twatter account…

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747549  No.9002444

KEK. You just know that all these whiny little bitches crying about Q being too slow and not doing enough, are going to be like, "yeah man, I've been with Q all the way since the beginning, never doubted for a minute 'cause I'm just that cool," when the shit finally goes down and they get smacked in the face with reality.

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ae72a0  No.9002445

File: d335ac0a617ef94⋯.png (1.52 MB, 670x1023, 670:1023, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, baker.


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63e0cf  No.9002446


notabled a couple of breads ago. great minds think alike o7

>>9001016 (pb) 2013 Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles

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210dc8  No.9002447

File: 60ba1371faef32f⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2020x2020, 1:1, GODBLESSAMERICA.png)

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a651d7  No.9002448

File: 50ce9acfd539ea8⋯.png (860.59 KB, 691x689, 691:689, 50ce9acfd539ea8b7459132b6b….png)

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6ea932  No.9002449


not the sturdiest looking thing

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37a358  No.9002450

Let all the twitter fags feel the burn of another boom week…the no nothing do it Q fucks will revolt

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210dc8  No.9002451

File: 6ef8970ec0cfe53⋯.png (612.04 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, trump2020.png)

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000000  No.9002452

>>9001975 lb YOU ARE BEEING PLAYED!!!!!!




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9a69aa  No.9002453

Anons, there are moar Q's than one page so OK I use two pages till someone else takes them down, after a few days maybe?

Lemme know

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cc7b37  No.9002454

File: 4afd845717019eb⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 753x511, 753:511, 2C0B40C6_E0D8_4E31_8B4C_9….jpeg)

File: faff1bcc14df0a0⋯.jpeg (62.43 KB, 739x415, 739:415, 7EF7D9ED_FAB2_4066_A0E4_F….jpeg)

File: 008b30584e9683d⋯.jpeg (116.34 KB, 675x900, 3:4, BABE9A29_E8FC_491E_AEDF_D….jpeg)

File: b736890d259382f⋯.jpeg (149.08 KB, 1512x1080, 7:5, 22FAABBE_6099_4460_81F6_E….jpeg)

File: a96f9dfb932c823⋯.jpeg (447.62 KB, 1125x691, 1125:691, C3646A06_B616_4515_B4AD_5….jpeg)

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f5a104  No.9002455


Right on

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ae8f09  No.9002456

File: e6e639e26df64b2⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 412x226, 206:113, Mowing_Devil.jpg)

File: f36e3116d778227⋯.gif (17.29 KB, 300x311, 300:311, illustration_by_Robert_Plo….gif)

File: 703a13bf17b7783⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 405x271, 405:271, woven_crop1.jpg)

File: 15e5bc1e6063910⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 428x283, 428:283, woven_crop_2_bird_nest_pat….jpg)


A brief history of crop circles and their validity

http://www.davidpratt.info/cropcirc1.htm ‘’(site is very often not available, try at a later time if the link is not working)


When Doug and Dave claimed to have invented the crop circle phenomenon as a joke in 1978, they weren’t aware that almost 300 documented formations predated their alleged exploits. There are sporadic reports of crop circles being found in England throughout the 20th century. But reports actually go back several centuries earlier.

In 16th and 17th century folklore we find stories about fairies and elves seen dancing in the fields and leaving circles of trodden grass. The earliest representation of a crop circle occurs in a woodcut from 1678, which depicts the ‘Mowing Devil’ reaping a field of oats into a flattened circle. The story behind it is that a farmer refused to pay the amount asked by a particular reaper, muttering that he would rather the Devil took his oats. During the night strange sounds and lights were heard and seen, and the following morning the farmer found part of his crop lying in neat circles. (pic related ‘Mowing Devil’)

In 1686 a British scientist, Robert Plot, published a book entitled A Natural History of Staffordshire, which contained accounts of geometric areas of flattened plants found on both arable land and pastureland. He describes not only circles but also spirals and squares within rings, up to 150 feet across. He reports that the soil under them was much looser and drier than normal, and that a whitish, musty substance or hoar, ‘like that in mouldy bread’, was sometimes found on the plants. He hypothesized that the designs were created by lightning exploding from the clouds. In July 1880 the science journal Nature published a letter from a scientist who described finding multiple circular areas of flattened wheat on a farm in southern England. He suggested they were the result of ‘some cyclonic wind action’. (see pic related ‘illustration by Robert Plot’)

Characteristics of crop circles

In the best ‘authentic’ crop circles, the flattened plants tend to be largely undamaged (until visitors arrive!) and to continue growing, whereas in hoaxed circles the stalks are generally broken, crushed and often killed. The stalks of flattened vegetation in genuine formations are bent at angles of up to 90 degrees, and are often laid in a strikingly intricate and beautifully woven fashion.

Circular components of a design are usually swirled clockwise or anticlockwise from a centre point outwards. But instead of the swirl going round and round out from the centre in a tight spiral, as tends to be the case in man-made formations, it often flows widely outwards, sometimes in a distinct S-shape. Spirals are often made of thin strips, not 3-ft-wide swaths, as when planks or garden rollers are used. Where different flows merge, the plants tend to be plaited over and under one another, suggesting that all the plants have collapsed in opposing directions simultaneously. (see pic related ‘woven crop1’ and ‘woven crop 2 – bird nest pattern’)

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214cc6  No.9002457

File: 4d8c4877f999465⋯.png (316.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nowfag_2.png)

File: 9c2103480bc9b16⋯.png (410.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nowfag1.png)


Nowfags will steal valour.

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860717  No.9002458

A recent journey into my mind granted me the opportunity to witness a vision that showed me that God does in fact win! There is no amount of shilling, fake news or false flag attacks that can reverse the course we are now on. People are waking up in mass amounts. It's game over for this age in history. Thanks to the autists, patriots, Trump team, Q and God for changing the course of history!

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901a0f  No.9002459

File: d185b7e6f2bfd66⋯.png (432.35 KB, 873x885, 291:295, Selection_0467.png)


A research dossier compiled by the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance, that reportedly concludes China intentionally hid or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus pandemic, is consistent with U.S. findings about the origins of the outbreak so far, senior U.S. officials told Fox News on Saturday.

The 15-page document from the intelligence agencies of the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, was obtained by Australia's Saturday Telegraph newspaper and finds that China's secrecy amounted to an “assault on international transparency."


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4ee570  No.9002460

File: fb7c7e42051d6b7⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 381x225, 127:75, FILTER_THE_FUCKWITS.jpg)



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a651d7  No.9002461

File: 10f296c0febf74a⋯.jpg (287.9 KB, 712x540, 178:135, 10f296c0febf74af4700281461….jpg)

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000000  No.9002462





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d9f94d  No.9002463

File: dc730e389c0c581⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1920x1378, 960:689, Screen_Shot_2020_04_27_at_….png)


use the extra pages fo sho

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d5c792  No.9002464

File: a52f99ab2de2e1f⋯.jpeg (25.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, C35DF4A9_0250_45DB_A684_9….jpeg)

Q has been saying Booms and Next week for years …….

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83e400  No.9002465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just posted to YouTube

Matthew Whitaker | Full Address and Q&A | 21st February, 2020


1-hour • 500 views • May 2, 2020


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b3fb97  No.9002466


I would change the headline from 'has died' to 'has been reported to have died'.

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b7f2cb  No.9002467

File: 7a48f8c30cc29c7⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3zsi6q.jpg)

the most cynical union in all of history




the anti-christ

rosemary's baby

look, i think babies are great!

but if this particular baby were to be drowning in a pool…

I'd probably go try to calm my boyfriend's dog instead lmao

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df6f37  No.9002468

File: ab354a14d48b590⋯.png (3.28 KB, 417x66, 139:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Last bread. That's a pretty user count for posts. And the lurkers. Anon can only imagine. Would imagine Q and Ron know though.

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ae8f09  No.9002469

File: 3363353fa2d064c⋯.jpg (390.38 KB, 700x525, 4:3, White_Rabbit.jpg)


Finally, more reading (and viewing) material for those interested:





I'm not posting this for the present, I'm posting this for the future.

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a651d7  No.9002470

File: 81dff18a1f973ba⋯.jpeg (68.75 KB, 883x477, 883:477, 74a85ba2ea66511bb90883bc8….jpeg)

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4b415c  No.9002471

File: c6be9f2b2cd145c⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 306x324, 17:18, 3rd_Power_Dream_Weaver.jpg)

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c24c01  No.9002472


Once you figure out that it's nothing more than a re-election campaign, you can really start to appreciate the genius behind it. It kept a lot first time voters, like myself, supporting Trump for the sole purpose of thinking the deep state traitors would be rounded up. Without this hope, I would have gone back to being black pilled immediately. Now that we're 3 years into Trump and still not one criminal prosecution, I've lost hope. Won't bee fooled again. The New World Order was going to happen regardless. They always win.

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0b859b  No.9002473

File: de89f4c1ad748a4⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1117x1003, 1117:1003, Qpic212.PNG)

Thank you Q for all you do. God Bless you all and keep you safe.

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a620c7  No.9002474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



C . F. R. – it cant be stressed enough !

Based on official membership rosters, the following illustration depicts for the first time the extensive media network of the CFR and its two major international affiliate organizations: the Bilderberg Group (mainly covering the US and Europe) and the Trilateral Commission (covering North America, Europe and East Asia), both established by Council leaders to foster elite cooperation at the global level.


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3c92fd  No.9002475


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d311c5  No.9002476


Agree, go ahead and use extra pages

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398fa0  No.9002477



>Read the Bible- God wins, but before that NWO takes control- one world government, currency and religion, all headed by the anti-Christ.

Wtf do you think the last administration was?

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a651d7  No.9002478

File: 158cb96e93b7719⋯.jpg (74.11 KB, 572x629, 572:629, 158cb96e93b77199448f0c6b9b….jpg)

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ad6dd2  No.9002479


potus did EO to address

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fc36b2  No.9002480



May 9th is the 3rd Anniversary of Comey's firing. A nice day for an indictment, don't ya think?

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294d18  No.9002481

File: 6ea0231cb16ef57⋯.png (70.58 KB, 720x320, 9:4, Img_1588447508317.png)

File: c163b6b88092cf8⋯.png (473.68 KB, 1271x648, 1271:648, Img_1588368709098.png)

File: fd6ebdbc9846635⋯.png (227.1 KB, 1089x648, 121:72, fd6ebdbc9846635ac4829d6af5….png)

File: a1c589ef69ef7b3⋯.png (196.52 KB, 720x1244, 180:311, Cupace20200502153129.png)

File: 95f633b2e6ae8b6⋯.png (271.37 KB, 1241x636, 1241:636, Img_1586104001165.png)

777 Q

You fake ass MASONS are definitely all going to the same place.

MASONS love raping sick kids in children's hospitals.

My MASON uncle is in the hospital right now. Maybe I should pay him a visit.

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3beedb  No.9002482


God no. Ill never just accept anything. Not from man. Not from behind shadows. Hope for the best, assume the worst.

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59d641  No.9002483

File: ee7178534b33595⋯.png (794.27 KB, 1440x795, 96:53, _Eric_Trump_Boom_tweet_wit….png)

"Boom!!!" - Patriot Eric Trump, 2/27/19

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214cc6  No.9002484

File: 27cbf09e8240df2⋯.jpg (71.71 KB, 766x500, 383:250, Mattis6.jpg)

File: 81ddc9a4bd3e2ce⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 889x499, 889:499, Mattis3.jpg)

File: 05636fa21199f3e⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 889x499, 889:499, Mattis2.jpg)

When the metal meets the shill….

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6ea932  No.9002485


muh panic shoot

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398fa0  No.9002486


Used DPA too anon

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1e29c8  No.9002487

File: 21a151ace9d5359⋯.png (426.49 KB, 634x360, 317:180, ClipboardImage.png)

Insane Alex Jones Rant: “I’ll BBQ your ass flat. I will eat you. I’ll drink your blood. You understand that?”


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a651d7  No.9002488

File: 367beabc613b178⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 659x659, 1:1, 367beabc613b178bf9745589bc….jpg)

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685664  No.9002489



DO NOT CONSENT TO THAT – THEY COULD BE MAKING IMPORTANT HEALTH DECISIONS WITHOUT YOU. it's illegal if you are the legal caregiver or immediate family. they cannot keep you out. I would get a bulldozer if they didn't let me in

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eb4c20  No.9002490

well, if any anon was genius enough to build the map, we would know what 'ahead' means

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b3fb97  No.9002491

File: a81fad29aaa4b74⋯.jpg (381.65 KB, 1838x994, 919:497, HDY_ask_purple_text_006.jpg)

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000000  No.9002492





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fc36b2  No.9002493


Such a punchable face

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0f9ae6  No.9002494

File: 06a2809e895df67⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 690x358, 345:179, gateshated.jpg)

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a3e54f  No.9002495


sounds reasonable

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9bf92b  No.9002496


Hopium tolerance

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941a04  No.9002497


Yes, I saw that he's keeping the slaughter houses open. Are we protecting the animals and the meat supply for consumption?

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44d85d  No.9002498

File: 0968d84e13624fa⋯.png (642.25 KB, 593x756, 593:756, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39d33d30231d61c⋯.mp4 (144.13 KB, 320x568, 40:71, Q_linked_Hamburg_Patriot_5….mp4)




Tweet Cap for Baker

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e0e065  No.9002499




Brennan crops up repeatedly in digs on the Hastings/McChrystal saga.

Hastings sounds like a lefty who got upset about how Dems were building a surveillance state, esp one that targeted journalists.

Had Hastings lived longer and matured a little, he might have become an anon.

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eed026  No.9002500


Anon, the Board Volunteers would know. We used to ask back early 2018 when things where gaining momentum.

The number of lurkers at any given hour is probably north of 100,000 folks.

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a651d7  No.9002501

File: 635d8281a48daa7⋯.jpg (166.62 KB, 924x960, 77:80, 635d8281a48daa77a1612af956….jpg)

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37bd0f  No.9002502

File: 73c75891a6d9e62⋯.jpg (264.26 KB, 730x707, 730:707, man.jpg)



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c5f89d  No.9002503


nower rather than sooner or later

yes I am a proud now fag.

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9bb2b7  No.9002504


kek, a GOOD problem.

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8bd75d  No.9002505


AT least you are awake. Wait until you realize that the Jesuit order runs the Mason, illuminati, knights of malta, knights of columbus, templars, Islam, judiasm etc..Wait until you realize what the catholic church really believes..and then..take good look at this administration. You will see the top levels are completely full of jesuit schooled catholics. Even Trump was jesuit schooled.

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5d10e5  No.9002506

File: 952d718e9676c3e⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 717x519, 239:173, koQmKAVhx2.jpg)

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a620c7  No.9002507


i LIKE wearing a mask

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a013d1  No.9002508

File: 347c8bdee75d62c⋯.png (353.26 KB, 693x730, 693:730, obama_pepe_soon.png)

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e43e72  No.9002509

File: 3032c00219f539c⋯.png (280.17 KB, 1025x658, 1025:658, Screen_Shot_2020_04_26_at_….png)



great job under pressure!!!

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91482d  No.9002510

File: 31bb2ba734ff0ce⋯.png (624.12 KB, 1495x1299, 1495:1299, Screenshot_2020_05_02_Side….png)


Datefagging isn't bad, poor datefagging is, and predictionfagging tends to make yourself look stupid.

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214cc6  No.9002511

File: af3d0f06acc05a5⋯.jpg (65.23 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Shillshit.jpg)

File: 3feee1119ca0289⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 588x424, 147:106, Shills3.jpg)

File: c6ea19fa0b4a6f4⋯.jpg (177.32 KB, 887x499, 887:499, Shills_are_Alive.jpg)

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53f101  No.9002512

In the old days if the ruling class was a ti rent of the kind that have no love/support for the people. The locals would remove them, NO lengthy courts, Off with the heads/hang the high.

There was no remorse no quarter, and with out paws, did it, got it over with/done, Continued with life, New leaders, (government) and they,

LIVED HAPPY EVER AFTER. Until they had to do it again, And here we are again, Dooooing it again.

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a16bae  No.9002513

All the retweets WWG1WGA means "critical mass has arrived"? Big week ahead!?

Please! I start yelling at my dog… I don´t want that, but it happend… My sanity is under attack!

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23a5bb  No.9002514

Shills better work harder or no paycheck soon faggots

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93e321  No.9002515

File: 25772beabbbd3ca⋯.png (647.79 KB, 998x880, 499:440, hilliarybagoverhead.png)

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f5a104  No.9002516


Rock and Roll

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086905  No.9002517

File: ec90c2cd761a85f⋯.jpg (500.77 KB, 1600x1080, 40:27, DegradeMoralsGame.jpg)

>>9001738 pb

Something like this?

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2dc067  No.9002518

File: 4ff09c1e684134f⋯.jpg (152.37 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, 4ff09c1e684134f850ff114a28….jpg)

Flynn was the bandaid holding the dam back from breaking…. that bandaid has been pulled off.

Now we see the flood.

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1e29c8  No.9002519

File: 297dfa6cadaed27⋯.png (209.79 KB, 532x515, 532:515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e575807d96b5f96⋯.png (81.35 KB, 810x896, 405:448, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ede2cc356f3f3ed⋯.png (19.29 KB, 820x249, 820:249, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian State Television Pushes Conspiracy Theory Bill Gates Is Behind Coronavirus Pandemic

The conspiracy theory that Bill Gates is responsible for the coronavirus pandemic has been pushed on Russian state television, with the European Union warning that some state media outlets in Russia are trying to create confusion with bogus theories about

the virus.

The prime-time program Man and Law, which is broadcast on the country's Channel 1 network, ran a 15-minute segment in which Gates was described as a billionaire

sponsor of the World Health Organization (WHO) who sought to "reduce the population of the planet." Some 51% of Channel 1's shares are owned by representatives of the Russian state.

Radio Free Europe reported that the segment, broadcast on April 24, drew on a

number of controversial online sources including a homeopathy website, an anti-vaccination campaigner and a Canadian pro-life, site to smear Gates, who has pledged $250 million to develop a coronavirus vaccine.


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ebae94  No.9002520

File: 2b89521c20373e1⋯.png (208.08 KB, 1092x584, 273:146, Trio_of_Beechcraft_T_1A_Ja….PNG)

File: ab520f6cc2a6163⋯.png (1.02 MB, 840x511, 120:73, Beechcraft_T1A_Jayhawk.PNG)

File: ffb0718f4df9c96⋯.png (241.7 KB, 780x767, 60:59, pepe_ponders_left.PNG)

_93-029 _93-0632 _92-0360 Trio of USAF Beechcraft T-1A Jayhawk's out of Waco, TX TSTC Airport and heading to Laughlin AFB-Del Rio, TX

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e07c7e  No.9002521


Hussein sucked, but you seriously think he was the anti-Christ? Where's the mark of the beast? it's coming but not here yet. Did the Jews recognize him as their messiah? No.

Only the return of Christ ends the anti-Christ rule. You telling me Trump is Jesus Christ?

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37bd0f  No.9002522

File: 20dcf7a8c73010f⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 288x283, 288:283, WutSheSed.JPG)



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91482d  No.9002523


A wonderful day.

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c24c01  No.9002524


The plan has always been The New World Order and their plan is going according to plan.

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4b415c  No.9002525


so do the antifa…s

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9bb2b7  No.9002526

File: 6af4db2e59bd67c⋯.png (179.84 KB, 591x648, 197:216, to_the_Color_band_music_Ar….png)

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ab4aaf  No.9002527


Ek = ½mv2

Potential turns into Kinetic

The speed of Light is constant, Dark to Light

Should be an interesting week, BOOM to get to c maybe, c is the speed of light after all.

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c8655f  No.9002528


only found this in lb:

>>9002006 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9002170 )

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d311c5  No.9002529


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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9c2b8e  No.9002530

DeFacto Standard Successful Treatment for SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes:

Treatment Course: 5 Days

Treatment Medicines: Hydroxychloroquine - HCQ; Azithromycin - Z-Pak; Zinc - (gluconate or orotate)

Per Day:

HCQ - 200mgs twice a day

Z-Pak - 400mg once a day

Zinc - 220mg once a day

Minimum of 4 hours per day of direct or diffused sunlight - outdoors - and/or Solar equivalent lighting.

Estimated cost of medication: 20 USD (United States Dollars) for full 5 day course of treatment at cost of medications as of 2020.

Estimated cost of treatment from one doctor's appointment to obtain diagnosis and prescription: Unknown, but average costs for a 30 min or less appointment should be the amount to estimate and depends on location.

Estimated cost for sunlight, outdoors: Nil

Estimated success rate based on many clinical trials and actual lives saved ranges from a low of 91.6% to a high of 96.2%; and a 5-day treatment period to remove the virus from the body.



Cost of globalist scum proposed treatment that has a 30% success rate in "lessening Treatment time" - NOT removing the virus from the body: 1,000 USD per 50 mg, cost being paid by the American Taxpayer. Unknown amount of dosage required to lessen treatment time (with other medications/hospital stay…etc.), nor has there been any information published as to length of treatment with 'new' drug nor how the lessening of treatment time was calculated and/or by whom was the treatment time calculated…so still, many unknowns about the globalist scum's new 'fave.'

IF: 50mg twice a day for 5 days to just set an average for comparison, that's 500mg or 10,000 USD based on this estimate. When treatment regimen is released for the soros's pet fauci's new fave money-maker, it will be 10,000 USD x whatever they put up as the amount needed…or the amount they have pre-calculated should go to the private bank accounts of fauci, birx, their families and RRSP's and whether that is taken off the top or if it is after expenses for Gilead.

If the new DeFacto Standard Treatment to successfully eliminate the virus from the body was priced the same way an 'ineffective at removal but effective in lessening treatment time - 30% of the time' drug based on the published cost noted of 1,000 USD per 50mg: 24,800 USD.

So for comparison:

New DeFacto Standard - saves lives, costs 20 dollars US.

Globalist scum conjob - reduces treatment time, involves other drugs: 10,000 USD times whatever number strikes the fancy of the globalist scum.

Cost to American Taxpayer: Based on which of the two current options is accepted.

Last Key Point: Neither treatment option should be recommended, supported or backed by the federal government as far as any widespread demand for either treatment to be mandated to be stocked by any hospital, clinic, treatment center or other dispenser of medications/treatments.

Neither treatment may be entered into a new category of payments from the American Taxpayer; i.e. - must not be mandated as a product for which the Federal Government - thus the American Taxpayers, the owners of the nation AND the government, regardless what the globalist scum and their demonrat minions want - is responsible - including existing American Taxpayer dollars that go to existing government health programs, nor as a mandated 'reimbursement' that can be levied by Medical Insurance Companies against the American Taxpayer and Their government, nor that any American Citizen is required to take to the exclusion of other treatments. Any treatment must fall into existing categories of treatments and offered as an option among others - IF the patient and their physician feel it is a useful tool in the physician's responsibility to look after their patient/client and falls within the range of 'price acceptable' and 'treatment result expected' medications, then any approved treatment can be prescribed.







P.S. - Hope the families of every person that died in any state - red or blue - with a governor that did not allow - nay…DEMAND the immediate use of the HCQ/Azithromycin/Zinc treatment that has saved thousands of lives around the world already, to be used in their state; SUE THE FU*K OUT of that governor for negligence, malfeasance and an accessory after the fact in the death of their loved one! If states are going to sue China then the citizens of states now oppressed by tinpot dictators need to be able to sue their employees - the governors!

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b3fb97  No.9002531


had he not been a sppook and a created personality?

wait, no, that's just what I assume becuase all his pieces do not add up.

He was not who he pretended to be.

there was no death.

my conclusion.

no one ever produced a death certificate. His wife was seemingly un remorseful about it. the whole thing was fake. He was a fake.

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9b05b8  No.9002532


Try this


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44d85d  No.9002533


>>9002006 Q /pb


>>9002170 Tweet cap /pb

Tweet Cap for Baker

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bc69b6  No.9002534

File: bbcdc9d71976b11⋯.jpg (97.42 KB, 1080x480, 9:4, 20200502_135031.jpg)

File: 058ca535f89bdc1⋯.jpg (132.06 KB, 1052x775, 1052:775, 20200502_135153.jpg)


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1a8ae3  No.9002536

File: 7188ffcc5b76c72⋯.png (73.68 KB, 214x235, 214:235, ClipboardImage.png)

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a013d1  No.9002538

File: dfd3237e2a6b704⋯.png (455.61 KB, 623x719, 623:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa030b5dd3dc35d⋯.png (75.77 KB, 954x440, 477:220, ClipboardImage.png)

(important recast)

In the State of Oregon, DHS is taking children from homes where a caregiver has COVID19.

A person in Oregon who is symptomatic for COVID19 (and who doesn't want to risk DHS taking their child) would be wise to seek testing and/or treatment in a red state. This power grab is out of control.



Testing with the tainted CCP test kits:

"Federal investigators seized 100 coronavirus test kits being shipped from China to a Portland apartment complex, according to a federal search warrant. The coronavirus test kits were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and prohibited from entering the country."


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576cce  No.9002539


Have we ever seen Five Eyes acknowledgement by the media at all before today?

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a651d7  No.9002540

File: 793a6fe9761ae6a⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 748x499, 748:499, 793a6fe9761ae6a795375d10a9….jpg)

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59d641  No.9002541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da3d93  No.9002542

File: 1c2ca46002b3b89⋯.jpg (145.92 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2w4m9j.jpg)

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a720ee  No.9002543

>>9001685 (pb)

This article?


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685664  No.9002544



know an ex-SEAL (Admiral) who now works for him. Drank the kool aid. Guy was scared shitless when he started training. Now he works for this asshole. too bad

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210dc8  No.9002545

File: 65741147b4cdb39⋯.png (78.51 KB, 475x417, 475:417, Emmanuel.PNG)



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0752c8  No.9002546









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3f36dc  No.9002547

File: 5e15c047c433c99⋯.png (89.54 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9002095 Q PB

Q Date Fagging Hmmm

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c24c01  No.9002548


Trust the plan and do nothing while every known criminal satan worshipping traitor goes completely un prosecuted. What a fucking joke.

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23a5bb  No.9002549

MSS avenged soon Q?

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a651d7  No.9002550

File: 555ff0a71c14695⋯.jpg (79.54 KB, 532x500, 133:125, 555ff0a71c14695ac51af5e587….jpg)

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3b7d67  No.9002551


True, the videos are creepy to deep thinkers, but to common folk, they are inspiring. Different levels of thinkers need to be reached and activated.

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4ee570  No.9002552

File: ee1622e3cc13e8a⋯.jpg (86.41 KB, 900x506, 450:253, DIE_SHILL.jpg)

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dfbf4f  No.9002553

File: 8151064f0f74072⋯.jpeg (29.6 KB, 355x301, 355:301, PEPE_HEART.jpeg)


Love all ya patriots! nohom>>9002518

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a620c7  No.9002554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Buford T. Justice

" I gonna BBQ your ass in molassis ''

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f1ee41  No.9002555


Is this deep state trying to pin another false flag on 8kun? These people are sick!

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901248  No.9002556


The speed of light is not constant. Why do you think refraction happens when light passes from air into water.

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941a04  No.9002557


I mean, cattle are easy. Just leave them out on the range until they're needed. They're only threatened when they're not "social distancing." But the way chickens and pigs are raised is another matter. They're generally raised in confinement from conception to slaughter.

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000000  No.9002558


>>9001975 lb

EYES ON!!!!!!!!!!!!





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214cc6  No.9002559

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31e1e2  No.9002560

File: feb033fd0aa708a⋯.png (104.96 KB, 607x502, 607:502, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)

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44d85d  No.9002561

File: c82299e4e490e9d⋯.png (372.8 KB, 596x684, 149:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d145d6a827d7bc1⋯.mp4 (66.15 KB, 320x568, 40:71, Q_linked_Toronto_Patriot_5….mp4)


>>9002027 Q /pb


Tweet Cap for Baker

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f5a104  No.9002562


I dunno what that is

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747549  No.9002563


KEK. Sanctimonious Comey is, "outstanding," in his field.

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e07c7e  No.9002564


Yes, it certainly seems so. We're closer now than ever before and the surveillance state is about to go full-throttle in the name of a virus.

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a651d7  No.9002565

File: 3709ef741e960d4⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 3709ef741e960d48d7b1412447….png)

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a6cf51  No.9002566

File: 191dda0e808aa9c⋯.png (33.23 KB, 664x436, 166:109, Screenshot_20_.png)



DONE! Flipped! Nice Work Patriots!

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d1af1d  No.9002567

File: 06854f94efa3af6⋯.png (54.62 KB, 734x415, 734:415, 2024.png)

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3c92fd  No.9002568

File: d023f36e139ce5e⋯.mp4 (12.78 MB, 324x720, 9:20, _BILL_GATES_get_s_slaughte….mp4)


He's getting slaughtered on Instagram right now

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569fb5  No.9002569

File: 2202302fbf04308⋯.png (70.15 KB, 1250x984, 625:492, OneIf.png)

kek; I get the impression 5D-tactical has some Q followers prepping at their factories.

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0b859b  No.9002570



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96b1a2  No.9002571


>reddit spacing

Excellent way to disqualify everything you just posted.

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1db35f  No.9002572


>Shills better work harder

Probably best to hang back with the "shill" label, Sparky, until there is at least a single indictment

So far the "shills" have been right for over 2.5 years and you boomers have been wrong about everything

Cue the "Big Week Ahead"

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d311c5  No.9002573


>Trust the plan and do nothing while every known criminal satan worshipping traitor goes completely un prosecuted. What a fucking joke.

You have a better plan it seems….do share

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a651d7  No.9002574

File: 52011be3847c5c8⋯.jpeg (390.72 KB, 750x962, 375:481, 52011be3847c5c846548553b6….jpeg)

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78e43e  No.9002575


I hope there is a lottery on who gets to execute you for treason.

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606639  No.9002576

File: 684d39cb4676a84⋯.png (833.84 KB, 900x794, 450:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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adfdb2  No.9002577

File: b7f8f97787b015c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1198x681, 1198:681, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc707b  No.9002578


Poll deleted in 3,2,1,..

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6ab44d  No.9002579


obviously you're in the bloodline of a Mason. You get the rope too, rapist.

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000000  No.9002580



>>9001975 lb

EYES ON!!!!!!!!!!!!





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c8655f  No.9002581


fren, one is needed for >>9001957 too

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2ceb73  No.9002582

File: 87a6860aa250897⋯.png (133.57 KB, 349x453, 349:453, baker_babe_mil2.png)


Wow, baker. just wow. "Body too long" with a vengeance…..

but you were made to bake Q breads,


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c5f89d  No.9002583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to see some punishment. (and not of anons)

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a3e54f  No.9002584

File: 44e91ae6dea0a8f⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, yuriAbsolutelySubversive.jpg)


>Once you figure out that it's nothing more than a re-election campaign,

>They always win.


at worst Q is a campaign LARP to promote re-election

at best…

Vincit Omnia Veritas

and (you) know what that means for your kind

I'll pray for your soul's redemption

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ebae94  No.9002585

File: d0def62d74efb41⋯.png (461.38 KB, 615x649, 615:649, Q_drop_Leo_Redfish.PNG)


9002054 lb


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37a358  No.9002586

File: 7a5daf08d2b062e⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 255x228, 85:76, b219ad8c79e493d9297959c5f4….jpg)


your a virus

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d9f94d  No.9002587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some bread for the bred

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c24c01  No.9002588


There's nothing inspiring about people smiling about car stickers while satan worshipping traitors remain 100% free and un prosecuted. Americans continue to die while this bullshit hope porn keeps everyone on their fucking asses doing nothing.

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a651d7  No.9002590

File: 57163a8b3ea46f2⋯.png (612.02 KB, 862x637, 862:637, 57163a8b3ea46f27b1239aa709….png)

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b7f2cb  No.9002591

File: 7b066f163df0da0⋯.png (829.28 KB, 960x840, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb4c20  No.9002592




that report sounds like a tactical leak

>The 15-page document from the intelligence agencies of the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, was obtained by Australia's Saturday Telegraph newspaper and finds that China's secrecy amounted to an “assault on international transparency."


The Saturday Telegraph report includes a timeline of Chinese obfuscation. On Jan. 5, for example, Wuhan's Municipal Health Commission stopped releasing daily updates on the number of new cases and would not resume them for 13 days. On Jan. 10, Wang Guanga, a respiratory specialist at Peking University First Hospital who had been investigating the outbreak, said it was "under control" and largely a "mild condition." (Wang himself would disclose 12 days later that he had been infected with the virus.)

Two days later, on Jan. 12, a Shanghai professor's lab was closed down after it shared data on the virus' genetic sequence with the outside world. On Jan. 24, Chinese officials stopped the Wuhan Institute of Virology from sharing virus samples with a lab at the University of Texas.

Perhaps most damningly, the dossier states that Chinese authorities denied that the virus could be spread between humans until Jan. 20, "despite evidence of human-human transmission from early December."

The file is similarly unsparing about the World Health Organization (WHO), stating that it toed the Chinese line about human-to-human transmission despite the fact that "officials in Taiwan raised concerns as early as December 31, as did experts in Hong Kong on January 4.”

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adfdb2  No.9002593

File: be4c48ad7764ada⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1626x821, 1626:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Wrong pic! lol

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1e29c8  No.9002594

File: 73b9b32e1c8b7ae⋯.png (231.19 KB, 495x614, 495:614, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10362f012af11e0⋯.png (161.93 KB, 655x740, 131:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 890d6baffd1045b⋯.png (360.08 KB, 722x921, 722:921, ClipboardImage.png)

The FBI Is A Cesspit Of Corruption And Should Be Abolished.

Alternatively, such horrific examples could be made of the offenders here that the Bureau will be scared straight for a generation. But I think that’s even less likely than abolishing the Bureau.


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6a82b8  No.9002595


Where do you see a date?

Stop being a blind retard

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3beedb  No.9002596

One question that is bugging me. If this virus is nothing. Why not get in front of it and shut down the claims? This virus has shown that the cabal are still seeded deep in a lot of positions. And again…nothing is happening to them.

If this risks a war. Hurts our economy, puts millions out of work….how about introducing the evidence to the world and stop playing on a board? Its odd to claim to know so much and just keep allowing it to happen time and time again.

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a042c9  No.9002597

File: dbe2e5b6e7490d5⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 600x595, 120:119, 56c15f29d18cb24c.jpg)

For those that don't understand.

Trump just basically nationalized the meat production industry and the water distribution systems. Yes he is allowing he governors to implement it, but it is a high and monumental moment in the enactment of Martial Law.

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a148b0  No.9002598

File: 59a12b4045da63f⋯.jpg (68 KB, 851x745, 851:745, 1586988438019.jpg)


How is shitposting treason?

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9a69aa  No.9002599


>>9001564 The Associated Press (AP) last year spiked exclusive story of Tara Reade alleging sexual assault by then-Sen. Biden

>>9001596 George Papadopoulos tweets

>>9001600 Fmr. Security for Rap Superstars and School Cop Charged with Raping Multiple Children

>>9001632 Multiple Instances Where Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Who Set Up Meeting with General Flynn at the White House, Lied and Lied

>>9001653 Candice Owen's and The real James Wood both suspended. TWAT

>>9001662 ‘Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target

>>9001686 Trump campaign releases brutal ad exposing Dem Party's double standard on believing women

>>9001741 New Mexico Governor Closes Roads to Coronavirus Hotspot

>>9001780 1 Houston police officer killed, 1 injured in copter crash

>>9001813 Out of Shadows translated

>>9001866 China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up

>>9001895 Far-Left Antifa Arrested for Plotting Armed Attack on French Police

>>9002014 POTUS call with Paraguay president

>>9002060 As Citizens Try To Scrape By During Pandemic, Dem Mayor Tries 32% Property Tax Hike


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57d6f7  No.9002600

File: 1cc0ed0ef024ec6⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1600x800, 2:1, 75E7D8E8_B42C_4009_AC78_3C….png)



We, minutemen salute you!


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981024  No.9002601

File: 0c9ec4ec84173a2⋯.png (1.63 MB, 800x794, 400:397, Crystal_Space_Force_Kek_Fu….png)


>We landing one of our spacecraft

>On the White House lawn right ?

I believe we have the technical capabilities required to make that happen

Anything is possible with ]Meme Magic[

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000000  No.9002602


FUCKING YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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294d18  No.9002603

File: 7fd72e015dfadd9⋯.png (83.98 KB, 720x362, 360:181, Img_1588382885726.png)

File: 92fa0f6ac1b0b08⋯.png (103.68 KB, 667x384, 667:384, Img_1587597403361.png)

File: bcc35dc80f7e093⋯.png (243.17 KB, 720x688, 45:43, Img_1587667803453.png)

File: 1e64fd6ecf5b7b3⋯.png (263.88 KB, 720x922, 360:461, Img_1587737943976.png)

File: dd81fdbbbe9c5dc⋯.png (159.12 KB, 720x489, 240:163, Img_1588270352238.png)

Flynn is Masonic Garbage.

MASONS are being wiped off the planet right now.

That's what's going on with this virus.

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bfb880  No.9002604

File: 41d1081af8f9706⋯.jpg (282.92 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, q_baker_hat.jpg)


TY, baker.

In the history books.


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eed026  No.9002605











Patriots have been patient not to let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that

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a5bd79  No.9002606

File: b00ef5171242a6e⋯.png (464.15 KB, 1024x765, 1024:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df2111b6da16a9c⋯.png (273.12 KB, 473x598, 473:598, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c89956ec8d4eef0⋯.png (471.54 KB, 522x810, 29:45, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9001907 (pb)

Q-linked Article = [Hussein][McCrystal] et al - Activating American Wu Mao Insurgency

(Using their (2009) playbook.)

Initiative seeks to challenge Trump's online megaphone

The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president's claims on social media. It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country - in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.

3.4 million Paid Influencers online.

[CCP] Wu Maos = Communist Chinese "50 Cent" Army

Like Qresearch shills, except everywhere on the net.


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53c8fd  No.9002607



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2911b9  No.9002608

what is the reason the first corona case coincides with impeachment articles being transferred to senate?

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214cc6  No.9002609

File: 3fd079b27f27541⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Hills_red_text.jpg)

File: 7f4da0939a157ed⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7f4da0939a157ed6b3f60326d0….png)

File: f158599fd043af5⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 592x421, 592:421, Red_Text_6.jpg)

File: 58636be4a7944ea⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 663x500, 663:500, Red_Text_4.jpg)

File: fb0658ebb049519⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 255x175, 51:35, fb0658ebb049519346d0382f51….jpg)

Here we go again…

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bd1f81  No.9002610

File: 8ed15f73147aba7⋯.png (899.37 KB, 1200x875, 48:35, pinocchio.png)

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0752c8  No.9002611









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a651d7  No.9002612

File: 39378e9c46e9ecf⋯.jpg (573.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 39378e9c46e9ecf101265711e8….jpg)

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43e6b8  No.9002613

File: 13d029b74b5ad4c⋯.png (266.56 KB, 599x338, 599:338, Hillary_is_NOT_PRESIDENT.png)

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5db94f  No.9002614

File: 2bcf4332f6b6496⋯.jpg (101.85 KB, 597x693, 199:231, 8323_May_02_15_56.jpg)




Cap For Baker

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dfbf4f  No.9002615

File: 9a3975ee3fa4b39⋯.jpg (545.75 KB, 2361x1718, 2361:1718, TIBM.jpg)

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2082bb  No.9002616

File: 7e288d2ac882a73⋯.png (459.34 KB, 773x432, 773:432, ClipboardImage.png)

85 employees at Patrick Cudahy plant have tested positive for COVID-19

Facility will resume operations on Monday, May 4


Last updated on May 1st, 2020 at 09:32 pm

So far, 85 employees at the Patrick Cudahy plant in Cudahy have tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus, according to a city of Cudahy Health Department news release on Friday.

The dry sausage and bacon plant is owned by Virginia-based Smithfield Foods Inc., which agreed to acquire Patrick Cudahy Inc. in 1984. Smithfield in mid-April shut down the Cudahy plant temporarily saying a “small number” of employees there had tested positive for COVID-19. On Friday, the company said it will resume operations at the Cudahy plant on Monday, May 4.

The Cudahy Health Department said it worked in partnership with the Wisconsin National Guard, Smithfield Foods, the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1473 Union, the state Department of Health Services and the Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management to offer free COVID-19 testing to all employees at the plant, which has about 1,000 employees.

Between April 24-28, 503 employees at the plant were tested. The testing led to the discovery of 22 new positive COVID-19 cases. 31 test results are pending, the Cudahy Health Department said.

“Testing like this is prioritized from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and really what we’re trying to do is stop further spread of outbreaks of COVID-19,” said Cudahy health officer Katie Lepak. “Having testing of employees regardless of symptoms will help us quantify and reduce further spread of COVID-19 in both the staff (at the plant) and within the community. Testing also allows us to reach out to individuals who are positive to make sure they know how to protect themselves and their families, and know when to seek medical care. We appreciate Smithfield and the union for taking these steps to protect the health of their employees. Their cooperation with the public health investigation and initiative to install safety measures and temporarily close the plant helped to contain the spread of this virus, and likely prevented this from turning into a larger outbreak. Maintaining physical distance is as important on the job as it is when we’re shopping or doing other activities. Wearing gloves and masks, frequent handwashing, and covering coughs and sneezes are also simple ways we can prevent catching and spreading COVID-19. Social distancing is as important in the break room or parking lot as it is on the shop floor.”

Several meatpacking facilities in the United States have been sites of COVID-19 outbreaks, including JBS Packerland and American Foods Group plants in Green Bay.

Concerned about the nation’s meat supply chain, President Donald Trump this week signed an executive order under the Defense Production Act compelling meatpacking plans to remain in operation. Smithfield Foods issued an announcement this week expressing support for that move.

“The company is evaluating next steps to open its currently shuttered facilities and will make announcements when it is ready to resume operations in each location,” Smithfield Foods said in a news release.

On Friday, the company said it was working in a “constructive partnership” with its employees to address health and safety concerns at its meatpacking facilities.

“Media and other reports pitting the company against its employees are flat out wrong,” the company said in the statement. “There is no such division. The company and its team members all want the same thing, namely, to protect employee health and safety while also safeguarding America’s food supply.”

The company said it agrees with employee demands for 100% compliance with all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance; access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and handwashing stations; robust communication in multiple languages; generous paid leave policies, including full bonus eligibility; and priority access to voluntary COVID-19 testing.


Any Anon's think this was a deliberate move by the deep state?????????

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8a0ef1  No.9002617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Coup De’Tat looks a bit like this.

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91482d  No.9002618




We're watching a GREAT MOVIE, aren't we.

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44d85d  No.9002619

File: 61968cc9ac60bef⋯.png (578.12 KB, 598x563, 598:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffa7fc470df54c0⋯.mp4 (101.68 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Q_linked_Rio_patriot_5_2_2….mp4)


>>9002054 Q /pb


Tweet + Vid Cap for Baker

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cc707b  No.9002620


Coordinated attack

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d1db65  No.9002621

File: 95604f3aad2fe3e⋯.jpg (102.91 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Pres_Winning.jpg)

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df6f37  No.9002622

File: 955819da47c918f⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 600x450, 4:3, CatsThumbsUp.jpg)

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a4ded6  No.9002623

File: e64c1c8018c34a3⋯.png (83.52 KB, 570x570, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ca6ee9b8e8d083⋯.png (532.84 KB, 440x660, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 407bbcb70729933⋯.png (930.41 KB, 770x1000, 77:100, ClipboardImage.png)


May the Fourth be with you!

The photo is Charles Steinmetz, the genius of physics, beside an Swiss patent clerk who managed to learn a bit from all the wisdom that passed across his desk. But the Force was not with Einstein and he botched it all with his relativity theories which conveniently ignored much of the evidence.

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e43e72  No.9002624

File: 7f7a21a4f6fe703⋯.png (16.65 KB, 676x54, 338:27, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)


oh haii Patch Adams


yah yah we know,

we are sheep to you.

your reign is over soon.

>Trolling is Fun

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4ab469  No.9002625

>>8998641 PB

Ezekiel 33:33

When this comes to pass—for behold, it will come!—then shall they know, understand, and realize that a prophet has been among them.

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a620c7  No.9002626


all established under FEMA , Executive Order # 11490 , second GOV in waiting inside Mt. Weather , Bluemont Va.

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576cce  No.9002627


To distract.

It is their M.O.

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f6bd09  No.9002628

File: cc1237eba1cbe2f⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cc1237eba1cbe2f1d1e3f77385….jpg)



Fuck off illiterati.

Anons making new twitter accounts to replace locked ones happens all the time.

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4ee570  No.9002629

File: aa70bab8f93cf1e⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 576x350, 288:175, Truth_will_hurt.jpg)

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54d7ca  No.9002630

File: 1ade0139f4f8929⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, Full_sail.png)

>>9001685 qlb

>>9001776 lb



Let it be soon. Let it be soon.


Nice Patriotic get, in your response to Q.

Launch of this GreatAwakening was so smooth, it feels like it hasn't started. But it has.

We are already underway and will be under Full Sail soon. Thank you Q and Patriots!


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a651d7  No.9002631

File: 8673066fe660977⋯.png (554.78 KB, 620x414, 310:207, 8673066fe6609774baf0f6ddb2….png)

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1a8ae3  No.9002632

File: 3c0796681621e72⋯.png (94.5 KB, 217x232, 217:232, ClipboardImage.png)

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398fa0  No.9002633


>You telling me Trump is Jesus Christ?

I ain’t say all that. You can believe what you want.

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ebae94  No.9002634

File: 4ee4b2df2ebdcb8⋯.png (347.76 KB, 608x784, 38:49, Q_drop_Jared_Dean.PNG)


>>9002006 lb


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0b859b  No.9002635

File: f812bcc06e4fb7c⋯.png (272.61 KB, 495x390, 33:26, pepe372.PNG)


Yes don't send anymore Intel we have all we need now over.

Done in 30 good copy over.? 5x5

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ded6fb  No.9002637

All military leadership is CFR

Q is a military psyop to pacify true Patriots.

The military can act against sedition and treason at anytime. Martial law is not required.

But they dont and never have.

The military leadership has allowed it for decades.


Stop drinking the Qool-Aid.

You're being played Anons

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7af025  No.9002638

File: 2c5cb06a7f23ae1⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 900x380, 45:19, 2c5cb06a7f23ae1f68e3bdec2e….jpg)

Peace Power Spirit.

Peter Paul Strzok. Execute his treasonous ass!

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2ceb73  No.9002639



CORRECTION for dead link:

>>9000886 ————————————–——– They fear you [massive global reach]. You attack those you fear the most. For God and Country. (Cap: >>9000948)

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ad6dd2  No.9002640


ty anon.

also do not forget the predecessor to the CFR which is the RIIA of London. Royal Institute International Affairs, they likely feed orders to the CFR higher in the food change and less public.

Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner, NWO

Rhodes scholars was just one angle.

Quigley wrote about them in Tragedy and Hope.

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cd2092  No.9002641

File: c6d4debea8058cb⋯.jpeg (149.05 KB, 750x891, 250:297, 57F974B3_DF47_4737_B315_9….jpeg)

Only time this exact post was used was also 12 May 2019. Seems like we have two BOOM weeks coming up.

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a651d7  No.9002643

File: a70baf8bcbd3819⋯.png (500.58 KB, 858x640, 429:320, a70baf8bcbd381947cb993d4d6….png)

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eed026  No.9002644










Patriots have been patient not to let the Court of Public opinion oversee the "TruthForFlynn. Now we want, NO demand, the Rule of Law applied to McCabe with "adequate Justice for General Flynn, Patriots, et al

McCabe, et al ARE "dicks", small ones that is …..

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3b7d67  No.9002645


Obviously you missed the propaganda 101 class. These Q links and shout outs have the same effect as the posters of Ww2 motivating the population to the cause. Behind the scenes the real dance has begun.

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a042c9  No.9002646


yea the threat to governors is if you don't do as we say then we will enact FEMA to be your regional command.

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7a905f  No.9002647


The impeachment was a ruse, they knew it was going to succeed. They just wanted to further smear , distract, and obstruct. They waited for the "plandemic" to get a foot in the door before they wrapped up the shampeachment.

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dc626a  No.9002648


Why was NP sitting on the impeachment articles all that time?

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eb4c20  No.9002649


hillary looks to be in a prison cell

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adfdb2  No.9002650







To which are you referring ?

THANKQfor direction us to the truth of our reality. What is the desired focus?

Q YOU AREremoving the OLD GAURD control

Q ARE YOUallowing freedom or is this misdirection?

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9e426d  No.9002651


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2351f3  No.9002652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b495fb  No.9002653

File: ed9c7fe1702a1bb⋯.png (496.35 KB, 669x868, 669:868, PEDEIMP.png)


Pic related

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4aad6b  No.9002654

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, AMERICA.png)

File: ad787cd3ac99834⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 1178x749, 1178:749, Candle1_2_3_.jpg)

File: 2e23622499351f3⋯.png (562.57 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2e23622499351f3e14ca805d79….png)


Yes The SCUM will be washed away soon.

You are Patriots to us.

Maybe not (You) but the other (You)s are why we are HERE. ya Hear?


Those who know, Know. You Know. [C] doesn't know.

Those who see, See. You [C]. [C] doesn't [C]

Those who hear, Hear. You HERE. [C] doesn't hear.

WE can only succeed if, Only Justice is Blind.

Shine a light of Truth. The Light will help others see.

Together WE are strong. Divided WE are weak.

(((THEY))) want (You) divided

Stay Strong Patriots.

Together We Win!!


> You have very stonk frens

Anons Know No Equals.

Anons Are Unique.

Anons Are Fearless.

Anons Are Not the Same.

Anons Are United when Needed and That is Dangerous for (((them)))

IF only [C] could realize that They too, Can Have power.


This is your movie Anons.

Production has just begun… … … … … … ..

(You) are in Charge.

START Producing.


Only (You) can do what (You) do. We are with you, We trust you, Patriots United!




1.an person, company, or country Anon that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale for the Game.













2.an person Anon responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of making of a movie or broadcast or for staging a play, opera, etc.











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37a358  No.9002655


You'll be lucky to get 1

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ab4aaf  No.9002656


In Physics, albeit basic, it is, in a vacuum.

This is commonly understood, and the upper limit considering space and time.

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b7f2cb  No.9002657


16 personalities + 3-in-1

[19] will cease to exist

19 = S

Savior (Saviour if you're British)


17 (Q)

you killed God

and then He came back

and you tried to make Him neck Himself this time

Because all of you have the fear of God instilled in you

You vs. They

How about Me, Myself, and I (eye)

get ready, the show is just about to start, and this ride will never end

Have you been good?

Have I seen you try?

IDK, I run a very tight ship…

I gave My life for all of you once before…

now, all of you do it for me


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77a71b  No.9002658

Is Gen Flynn at camp david right now?

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941a04  No.9002659

File: bb2a97709c8f9fc⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 600x307, 600:307, refraction1.jpg)


Good point. That's also why sunbeams look like they're coming from a source much closer than 93 million miles away. Refraction happens in the atmosphere. If you've ever cleaned a pool, you've seen refraction. The pole in the photo is straight, but it appears to be bent due to refraction.

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a651d7  No.9002660

File: b541ce995c353ea⋯.png (734.9 KB, 955x632, 955:632, b541ce995c353ea4634dc1828f….png)

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1db35f  No.9002661


You are on a Boomer board, anon

Anyone who says that HRC has not been indicted is a shill and guilty of "treason"

Welcome to the stupidest generation in American history

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7a905f  No.9002662


*NOT* going to succeed

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210dc8  No.9002663


Just eat you fucking pop corn.

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bd1f81  No.9002664

File: fb2fd5f8c17725f⋯.png (217.06 KB, 593x332, 593:332, clown.png)

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1e29c8  No.9002665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MUST SEE: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

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a651d7  No.9002666

File: c0c5e9cce109ba5⋯.jpg (73.05 KB, 615x410, 3:2, c0c5e9cce109ba5f31bdbda8ae….jpg)

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ebae94  No.9002667


think you have them all.


>can't do vids very fast

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c24c01  No.9002668


There are satan worshipping traitors who are killing innocent people while we do absolutely nothing. A better plan would be to criminally prosecute them or kill them. Instead we get twitter links and Boom predictions for over two years. These our enemies of God and enemies of humanity. They deserve to die and our founding fathers would have handled this years ago. But keep trusting the current "plan" while we remain at zero criminal prosecutions and every historically red state turns blue due to mass non white immigration and voter fraud combined.

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0c16e9  No.9002669


He also joined May 2020…

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17a5ac  No.9002670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



George Soros

Jonathan Soros

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398fa0  No.9002671

File: 43e6e78f781d41a⋯.jpeg (27.14 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 36357B91_26B9_4775_9DE9_4….jpeg)


I believe you meant to say, “ I ain’t clicking that shit nigga”

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f5a104  No.9002672


Use their weapon to finish them, FOREVER.

Think about future generations never being subverted or perverted by piece of shit Deepstate traitors or inbred cannibal pedophile dirtbag cabAl miscreants.

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a620c7  No.9002673


Very good anon

Encapsulates Huxley book - BNW ' Revisited '

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6ec674  No.9002674


>Is 5:5 May 5th? Boom day?

Liberation day here in the netherlands 5 may is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_Day_(Netherlands)

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a651d7  No.9002675

File: 9dc6c0e19aa2293⋯.png (1.45 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, ed06e58d957e67799d625a92cc….png)

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919172  No.9002676

The weight of the world no longer rests on Anons because we're standing on top of the world, by design.

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54d7ca  No.9002677

File: 3773c460e43658b⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, We_are_all_Q_will_be_the_a….jpg)

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091ce3  No.9002678


Poor guy, having to shitpost with an old Apple ][.

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ad6dd2  No.9002679


perhaps it is so dirty

impossible to clean

Federal [GOV]> National Gov [Constitutional One]

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23a5bb  No.9002680

Companies and Colleges that sold us out to China, can we bulldoze them and then ship the bricks n shit back to China since China paid for it?

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cc7b37  No.9002681

File: 8e4a001b44dc247⋯.jpeg (379.75 KB, 763x1245, 763:1245, 74CF15C3_DD83_4FD3_9B96_2….jpeg)

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a3e54f  No.9002682


when you're boxing and along with the duck & weave you're feinting a blow you actually intend to land

after how many feints do you actually choose to land the blow?

does the blow never come?

or does it happen just after the opponent has assumed it will never come?

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df6f37  No.9002683

File: 936fda4bfa33c58⋯.png (225.8 KB, 429x413, 429:413, laughing_pepe.png)


He's back to saying dumb fucks. I love it when he says dumb fucks. kek

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77a71b  No.9002684


I am under a major fly route and have had nothing fly over at all for weeks. I like it. So quiet.

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d9f94d  No.9002685


deprivation of sausage

treason of the worst kind

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398fa0  No.9002686


She’s literally standing on some sort of covered porch/balcony. Cmon anon.

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a148b0  No.9002687

File: 2c4b5f7f776aac1⋯.png (970.01 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good_times.png)


So I can post memes praising Hillary and I'd get an X amount of (you's) because they just can't help themselves?

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0b859b  No.9002688

File: 6bbaae33eb941bd⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1845x660, 123:44, hillary7.PNG)

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bd1f81  No.9002690

File: 8ccc1be434db467⋯.png (673.98 KB, 754x447, 754:447, timetosac.png)

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11c32a  No.9002691

File: b9b2694cccae3f7⋯.png (642.89 KB, 1005x668, 1005:668, q4024_you_are_watching_a_m….png)

File: 0e217c9c03f9a12⋯.png (756.79 KB, 777x518, 3:2, q_day_917_horseshoe_bend_g….png)

File: 38f4e35d6298679⋯.png (478.58 KB, 777x437, 777:437, trump_presidency_day_1199.png)

File: a4f7905bc3c9fec⋯.png (142.08 KB, 822x613, 822:613, Day_Numbers_for_2020_2020_….png)

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a042c9  No.9002692

i gather someone led Q to bed and tucked him in?

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0752c8  No.9002693






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8e2ee8  No.9002694

File: 317c54fea4bc1c4⋯.png (529.69 KB, 1333x747, 1333:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd402e8fefdda86⋯.png (840.36 KB, 1053x755, 1053:755, ClipboardImage.png)

Article dated May 1, 2020

On April 16, authorities arrested 36-year-old Galen Wood, owner of Kitchen Table Games in Pinellas Park, FL for operating a “non-essential” business and violating a safer at home order.

Wood was charged with operating a non-essential business and traveling to operate a non-essential business.

The Capitolist reports – According to deputies, the 36-year-old business owner continued to operate his store that specializes the tabletop gaming after the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners issued the order late last month. Authorities say they were called to the business five times between April 3 and April 16, due to complaints and tips that the store was open and social distancing guidelines were not being followed.

Wood was issued a warning on each occasion, before deputies conducted a non-essential business compliance check at his store on April 16. Wood refused to close the store and was arrested shortly after.

Wood is the first Florida business owner to be arrested under such orders.

Watch:Sabatini, a Republican lawmaker and outspoken proponent of limited government, has been vocal throughout the coronavirus outbreak, calling for the state of Florida to reopen as more and more Floridians continue to file for unemployment. He maintains that stay-at-home orders are unlawful and illegal.

The Howey-in-the-Hills legislator, who also serves in the Army National Guard and is a graduate of the University of Florida’s Law School, says that Wood did nothing wrong and that his recent arrest is another example of the government infringing on people’s rights.

“I’m proud to be able to take this case — Mr. Wood did nothing wrong and yet suffered the consequences of unlawful government overreach,” Sabatini said.

Today, State Representative Anthony Sabatini announced on Twitter that the 6th District Circuit Court dropped their case against Galen Wood.

Sabatini, the firebrand conservative who represents House District 32, who took a quick break from his legislative duties to legally represent Galen Wood, the owner of Kitchen Table Games in Pinellas Park. FL.

According to Sabatini, the court’s decision makes it clear that there is NO valid legal authority for either the state or local emergency orders.



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a651d7  No.9002695

File: db54768aca2f21e⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 243x255, 81:85, db54768aca2f21e3462d544b27….jpg)

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1e29c8  No.9002696

File: 3ea2853fe12214f⋯.png (122.89 KB, 811x525, 811:525, ClipboardImage.png)

TYRANNY: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Extends Lockdown to JULY 6 Despite Ranking 40th on State Coronavirus List with 104 Deaths in State of 4 Million!

Several states reopened at least partially on Friday May 1st after the six-week-long Fauci lockdown.

But Democrat-led Oregon is not one of them.

Oregon, a state with 4.14 million residents did not reopen on Friday.

In fact, the liberal state is not reopening anytime soon.

Far Left Oregon Governor Kate Brown is extending the state’s lockdown until JULY 6th!



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4aad6b  No.9002697

File: 43de0d1cebe2bd2⋯.jpg (572.28 KB, 1000x1616, 125:202, 10_commandments.jpg)

Only the People can give themselves freedom

The Truth Will set You free.

Seek the Truth

Tell the Truth

Make it be known to all

Your voices matter

Facts Matter

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1a8ae3  No.9002698

File: 154031f12fb8a2b⋯.png (87.8 KB, 275x155, 55:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9f94d  No.9002699

File: 5a0a97ac5ded2ed⋯.png (5.65 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D4C6D366_03D5_47A7_80A3_D8….png)

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af5861  No.9002700


15 old house lane

chappaqua ny

her covered porch

their are two

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1b98c6  No.9002701


In 2004, Commander Stanley McChrystal appointed Flynn director of intelligence for the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in Iraq. Taking advantage of technological resources, Flynn mined cell phone data and utilized drones to infiltrate terrorist cells, and was credited with largely disrupting Al Qaeda activity in the area.

Returning stateside after three years, Flynn became director of intelligence for United States Central Command and then the Joint Staff. In 2009, after McChrystal took command of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, he again placed his old colleague in charge of intelligence. Flynn followed with a report that criticized American operations in the region, a move that rankled supervisors. https://www.biography.com/military-figure/michael-flynn

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1c3df7  No.9002703


beautiful man.

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aa61c5  No.9002704




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9e426d  No.9002705


>old Apple

Nope. Those are for kikes.


It might have been a firecracker.

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2ceb73  No.9002706


thx anon, great vid

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0f9ae6  No.9002707

File: 08d99ced229cd1f⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 666x364, 333:182, 3x1xxxbe.jpg)

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a651d7  No.9002708

File: d5ebaa568d005b4⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 500x336, 125:84, d5ebaa568d005b42a89adc31d6….jpg)

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4b415c  No.9002709

File: 2b7d9fa749da300⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, silsbythumbsup.jpg)

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9a69aa  No.9002710


Thanks fo do notes bruh


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40ddea  No.9002711

File: 6a0a1cd27c72429⋯.png (451.91 KB, 914x1280, 457:640, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember some of these people are the 4-6% irredeemable.

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3beedb  No.9002712


I wish some drops talked about the black cube, Saturn, the all seeing eye, satan, Antarctica, space …politics is such a basic 1st level. I'm glad it's being cleaned. But some here have more interest in God and truth.

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a4ded6  No.9002713

File: b5b7cf69f9b4720⋯.png (173.55 KB, 1080x680, 27:17, Screen_Shot_2020_05_02_at_….png)


We may not be able to block them on 8kun

But we can certainly ignore them

Vulgar language is a sure sign of aClown infil-TRAITOR.

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756d2e  No.9002714

May 4th is Star Wars day

They used Star Wars game comms

Great day for some BOOMS

That's some irony kek

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8e526a  No.9002715

Trusting the plan.

But have learned the expectations over these boom promises can get a lot of people depressed and frustrated.

This is a sucky time for more necessary disinformation.

Hoping for a real boom that we actually find out about.

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1db35f  No.9002716


Most definitely

But the only one really deserving of (you)s on here is Freddie

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f3391d  No.9002717


If it's a scam. Trump needs to make a speech now and we all go back to work tomorrow.

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91482d  No.9002719


>Remember some of these people are the 4-6% irredeemable.

Look at the picture on the account, he worships moloch.

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6a82b8  No.9002720

File: 5d667b745ea61c4⋯.png (473.66 KB, 635x580, 127:116, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_05….png)

FATAL PLANE CRASH Small plane crashed in the water near Honey Harbour, Georgian Bay. Sole occupant killed. The aircaft is submerged. Ontario Provincial Police on scene investigating.


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79c23a  No.9002721

File: 94b9b58e3339d32⋯.png (399.69 KB, 886x479, 886:479, _Bridge_into_Fog.png)



Who can you trust?

What can be done?

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a148b0  No.9002723

File: 36d880165aaedba⋯.png (1.47 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 36d880165aaedbad59b9f7f59b….png)



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df6f37  No.9002724


Sort of gives new meaning to the expression. This is not a game.

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981024  No.9002725


>what is the reason the first corona case coincides with impeachment articles being transferred to senate?


>Why was NP sitting on the impeachment articles all that time?

Knowing what you now know, go back and re-watch Pelosi's speech from January 14, where she talks about "transmitting" the articles of impeachment or whatever. She used some bizarre wording during the speech, and there are also videos out there, highlighting this very thing in relation to signalling about corona.

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613b69  No.9002726

File: c3412954775fb2d⋯.jpg (10.6 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Witch_Half_Whit.jpg)


Sure enuf, "Leader Witchmer" will Follow …

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44d85d  No.9002727

File: ff98f58f96822ef⋯.png (340.67 KB, 593x440, 593:440, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96360fc3e906df0⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 490x270, 49:27, DJT_Tweet_5_2_20.mp4)



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1a8ae3  No.9002728


I've come to terms with disclosure meaning disclosure of politcal crimes. That's all we'll get imho.

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c1082a  No.9002729

File: 65f6d457238ba82⋯.png (374.09 KB, 635x791, 635:791, hecantkeepgettingawaywitht….png)

File: b397261c4c33a0b⋯.png (152.19 KB, 695x505, 139:101, Screenshot_2020_05_02_Gab_….png)

This shit is so depressing…Old Anons will know.

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1e29c8  No.9002730

Inspector General: NATO Withholding Key Information on Taliban Attacks in Afghanistan

NATO data was one of the last metrics still being publicly offered

Trying to find proper metrics to gauge the Afghan War has been a challenge for awhile now. Analysts really muddle through with publicly offered information, and even people like the US Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) struggle, with officials preferring they not be too informed on the state of affairs.

SIGAR’s latest quarterly reported revealed how tough it has been, noting that one of the last sources of data, NATO’s stats on Taliban attacks, are now being withheld both from the public and from the SIGAR office.

Instead of proper numbers, NATO simply told SIGAR that the Taliban “increased attacks against Afghan forces to levels above seasonal norms” in March. This is, to reiterate, not being backed up by any hard data.

It’s also not clear if it is true, as previous comments from Afghanistan suggested that violence was, if higher than they’d hoped after the US-Taliban peace deal, still down markedly from the situation before the peace deal.


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d3d0ec  No.9002731

File: e1f2751bef3018c⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1609x1080, 1609:1080, 20200502_155545.png)

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3beedb  No.9002732


Fair point.

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ebae94  No.9002733

File: 4326d476bded283⋯.jpg (85.21 KB, 825x601, 825:601, pepe_salute_marine_style.jpg)


np, saw it late or on it earlier.

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eb4c20  No.9002734



I think she is sending some kind of comms, especially after her yesterday's twats about joining up and being a commander

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920cfd  No.9002735


Done in 30.

30 months Flynn possibly exonerated.

30 Q posts same day.

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210dc8  No.9002736


All the booms occur deep under water. Some never make ripples, others make it rain.

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398fa0  No.9002737

File: 41b9dd1670c040b⋯.jpeg (47.87 KB, 665x360, 133:72, B9A3828D_E41C_4980_95E0_6….jpeg)

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214cc6  No.9002738

File: 8a9db4ec110b877⋯.png (402.34 KB, 499x625, 499:625, behold_the_field_in_which_….png)

File: 482d6da1a7b1d1f⋯.jpg (16.16 KB, 310x163, 310:163, Fucks.jpg)

We're reaching levels of no fucks that shouldn't be possible.

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ad6dd2  No.9002739


he said there was a logistic problem in the supply chain, plenty of livestock, so he addressed whatever that was slaughterhouses maybe.

potus got on it pretty quick.

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b7f2cb  No.9002740


I fight for my freedom, first & foremost

I am not here to serve you all again

You are all here to serve me now

You all have enriched yourselves off of your false interpretations of my words

you all have enriched yourselves off of my death

now you all pay

I have come to collect

but maybe I am just that nice and forgiving…

I mean, after all, aren't I the good guy, and all of you are the bad ones?

having fought for love my whole life

true love

not the love you all seek to attain

false marriages

marriage for power

not because you appreciate beauty, truth, and simplicity

and I achieved it all by never firing a single shot

you break the rules, and you all lose

you have all mislead me

my own flock

oh boy, and here I was trying to save all of you

but I am merciful because I do have a conscience

or maybe not

fear e-God god dog Dog doge

maybe you do, maybe you don't

if you do, well maybe I might give you a free-pass

if you don't, well… maybe you will just burn forever

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d1db65  No.9002741

File: 0b72c19714a19a1⋯.jpg (164.15 KB, 960x638, 480:319, POTUS_restore.jpg)

File: 2edc3803d833485⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 900x477, 100:53, hussain_bars_1.jpg)

and Justice For All…

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0a77c1  No.9002742

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