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dc9d47  No.8890411[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 04.18.2020

>>8839415 ————————————–——– Two lamps pic, One if by land,Two if by sea, BE READY

Friday 04.17.2020

>>8833141 rt >>8833079 ————-—–——–– For God and Country, Brother (ex-mil)

>>8833085 ————————————–——– Harvested corn field (Cap: >>8833104)

>>8832975 ————————————–——– Greetings from Maryland, DC, Hawaii, and beyond. (Cap: >>8833034)

>>8830582 ————————————–——– American Flag

>>8830235 ————————————–——– We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. (Cap: >>8830315)

>>8825961 ————————————–——– TOGETHER WE WIN. (Cap + Vid: >>8825995 )

>>8825333 ————————————–——– (Renegade definition)

>>8825320 ————————————–——– (CHQ: Clear your mind. Heal. Q)

>>8825302 ————————————–——– (In reality they're not after me…) (Cap: >>8825362 )

>>8825294 ————————————–——– (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN POTUS tweet) (Cap: >>8825312 )

>>8825272 ————————————–——– Worth tracking. (Cap + Vid: >>8825576 )

Thursday 04.16.2020

>>8814841 ————————————–——– Clear your mind. Heal. (Cap: >>8814863)

>>8814424 ————————————–——– It will be your choice whether to know. (Cap: >>8814434)

>>8813885 ————————————–——– Who trained/supplied ISIS? Who destroyed ISIS? Knowledge is power. (Cap: >>8813915 vid)

>>8813023 ————————————–——– Think now.Start [15:40] [Knowingly] (Cap: >>8813071 vid)

Wednesday 04.15.2020

>>8802706 ————————————–——– …..and frogs to destroy them.

>>8802666 rt >>8802632 ————-—–——–– It does now, Patriot. Think 2020. Think of the World Awakening.

>>8802617 rt >>8802592 ————-—–——–– We are far beyond the need for proofs. Durham start. Q OP start. 5:5?

>>8802499 rt >>8802424 ————-—–——–– Do you think it was Paul Ryan's choice to step down? Sen. Flake's choice to step down? ……..

>>8802413 rt >>8802404 ————-—–——–– These people are pure evil. This is not about politics. You are ready.

>>8802359 rt >>8802315 ————-—–——–– Average people must be able to digest and accept [factually] events. We are ready [think Barr public].

>>8802279 rt >>8802274 ————-—–——–– Always

>>8802265 ————————————–——– Be informed. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. (Cap: >>8802280)

Tuesday 04.14.2020 >>8869477

Monday 04.13.2020 >>8869474

Sunday 04.12.2020 >>8869462

Saturday 04.11.2020 >>8815130

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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dc9d47  No.8890425

Global Announcements

>>8837282 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8853493

>>8824390 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>8788320 BO PSA: Shitstorm erupts on /v/, BO fills in the community on whats going on and precautions taken in case of emergency.

>>8810651 CM pushed a hotfix to address status: 0 error


are not endorsements


>>8889854 Anker Innovations Donates 1.8M Masks to Frontline Wkers & 1st REsponders WW

>>8889912 Moar on Perv Peter Nygard Sexual Allegations (Famous Fashion Weirdo)

>>8890013 How to Post on FB and Get Around 'Fact Check' Blocks

>>8890076 More Patriot Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce Gov's Lockdown Orders

>>8890177 Sara Carter: Senior FBI Officials Knew Steele Dossier was Bogus All Along

>>8890194 Resource: Here You Can Sign Up For Sec 8 & Low Income Housing Lists

>>8890097 Every corporate Covid-19 related Commercial is Exactly the Same

>>8890237 Polk County Wisconsin Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Extended 'Stay at Home' Order

>>8890317 U.S. Navy Twat: #NavyPartnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

>>8890376 #11380


>>8889525 Pelosi: Next Stimulus Will ‘Enable the American People to Vote by Mail’

>>8889326 Farmers can post on indeed.com to find AMERICAN workers

>>8889386 CDC Vaccine Co and Operation Paperclip: Connected?

>>8889373 Harvard, Princeton reject CV Funding, others say they'll keep funds

>>8889342 New Ben Garrison

>>8889258 Sycamore Partners back out of CV-stricken deal for Victoria's Secret

>>8889256 Breitbart report on the WHO / Gates Foundation / Wuhan Lab hack

>>8889185 Smollett's lawsuit alleging malicious prosecution tossed by judge

>>8889167 re lb GET >>8888888 POTUS / QR synchronicity

>>8889135 Proclamation Suspending Entry of Immigrants

>>8889642 #11379


>>8888376 planefaggin


>>8888492 WH: Earth Day

>>8888574, >>8888624 Rick Bright, Gates Foundation, DARPA diggz

>>8888656 Trian Fund Management sold Proctor and Gamble,: $499.33m-Apr20-22

>>8888888 Let's have a beer at the parade!

>>8889172 #11378

Previously Collected Notables

>>8887336 #11376, >>8888107 #11377

>>8884192 #11372, >>8884995 #11373, >>8885804 #11374, >>8886653 #11375

>>8881930 #11368, >>8882166 #11369, >>8882673 #11370, >>8885135 #11371

>>8881979 #11364, >>8882008 #11365, >>8881991 #11366, >>8881994 #11367

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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dc9d47  No.8890430

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8758804 This Memes War


Newfag Resource Guide

* 8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

* QResearch Welcome Page: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

* Pass the Test! Thread Ask q's, practice formatting >>6885294 , >>8695221

* How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

International Q Research Threads

Germany #51 >>8839115

UK #13 >>8758105

Australia #7 >>7994433

Canada #6 >>8838303

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Romania >>8137179

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007: https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 —— The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 —— Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 —— Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #98-#100 >>>/comms/10292, >>>/comms/10459, >>8848905

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dc9d47  No.8890436

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

55 >>8696213, 54 >>8406256

Current Focus → #VoterID

Kung Flu ———— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #10: >>>/comms/10510

Tips on Notables for Bakers: >>>/qrb/41931

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://youtu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc9d47  No.8890453

File: 67d9d8b081f8bff⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1242x887, 1242:887, POTUS_Fake_News.png)

File: 9f446cf70ac483c⋯.png (534.68 KB, 600x407, 600:407, Projection_101.png)



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6d610d  No.8890485

File: c16e8a353128d82⋯.png (251.43 KB, 800x1110, 80:111, Screenshot_2020_04_22_19_4….png)

tore the place up


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dce016  No.8890496

File: bb5c477a75781f0⋯.png (49.68 KB, 596x301, 596:301, ClipboardImage.png)

All last bread






ffs, lurk please


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6351ec  No.8890497

File: 92cab72e14efb60⋯.jpeg (53.07 KB, 828x454, 414:227, FB77EEDC_633E_49B1_BC34_3….jpeg)

File: b510ab376212e09⋯.jpeg (56.04 KB, 720x432, 5:3, D6C4BBC3_411B_4DCE_A34A_3….jpeg)

File: 9299fce9e02b05e⋯.jpeg (72.48 KB, 470x846, 5:9, 6C071C30_3703_4851_9FFB_B….jpeg)

File: 22d538894fa1226⋯.jpeg (39.83 KB, 480x303, 160:101, C27D5BCA_7530_465E_B26A_A….jpeg)


Did elaborate ceremony foreshadow coronavirus pandemic?



London 2012: Danny Boyle thrills audiences with inventive Olympics opening ceremony


Hannah Rothschild, 'Labour of Love' [on Boyle's debt to Film4], excerpt from the book Channel 4 at 25 (BFI, 2008)



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241d88  No.8890498

Be pretty cool if Tucker or Laura pushed Hannity about his blue lives matter punisher pin.

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241d88  No.8890499

>>8890498 again

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fa0c1a  No.8890500





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870c84  No.8890501


This is the best of time until the rest of time.

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6d72ef  No.8890502


>>8890450 lb


(ok he/Q+ let it happen with our freedoms too?)


Otherwise prove it wrong anons

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7c3f26  No.8890503

I gotta take a dump

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6d610d  No.8890504

File: d7131ddff566c2c⋯.png (321.27 KB, 800x516, 200:129, Screenshot_2020_04_22_19_5….png)



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a34b5b  No.8890505

File: 33917cfb4b6c23d⋯.png (173.76 KB, 728x455, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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587c24  No.8890506


Would be cool if Tucker smoked some dank and pondered just how many lies they have told us.

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886d72  No.8890507

>>8884461 PB

>I guess the Hate for @TheCollectiveQ is real here. Why the hate?


Buy this merch.

Buy our merch.

Heres a link to our store.

Go Q!

Here, buy this shirt.

Support "Q".

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0d75bc  No.8890508

File: d20b04ebdf9c400⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2345x1717, 2345:1717, fisheye.jpg)

File: a30216f4d0fe9b3⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2345x1717, 2345:1717, rotation.jpg)

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dce016  No.8890509




Thanks for an early post redditors.

See you next bread.

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52eb0d  No.8890510

File: bff8f2f8b94dd70⋯.png (351.73 KB, 1984x1135, 1984:1135, PEACE.png)

Comfy AF!

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ab439d  No.8890511

File: 4ec069eff8ac1b4⋯.png (390.98 KB, 302x359, 302:359, 4ec069eff8ac1b44f478e61b08….png)

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2279b1  No.8890512


Below is text from an email I received from a relative in England today.

I have tried to red pill said relative but had to back off because it was explained to me I was being led astray. This relative is elderly and well entrenched in the narrative.

I have decided to share this with anons to give a first hand experience of the mindset of those we are here to protect.

And yes… I feel like a total shit for posting something sent in confidence.

”So still in lock down and all sorts of stuff coming up on the TV about it. Some good, some not so good.

They are still trying to make sense of it all and still not really coming up with any answers.

One can only comply and stay indoors but sadly there are those stupid people who decided to go into the streets and demonstrate….What do they think they are doing? It's real, it's killing people, for Gods' sake, can't they see how dangerous it is to be so close to each other and being in the streets and infecting each other. It will take them to be dying in a hospital bed infect others before they realize what they have done?”

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4207c4  No.8890513

File: 8da4fbae53436e1⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1580672905339.jpg)

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b59465  No.8890514

File: 9c33843daa34f84⋯.jpg (258.5 KB, 1671x2048, 1671:2048, JQ3YZHF.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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7ddefc  No.8890515

File: c0885cf71179614⋯.png (253.94 KB, 523x523, 1:1, ZeroFear.png)

As Kirshna (the incarnation of Vishnu) said to his disciple, "I've already determined that you win. Now you only have to fight."

So fight and do not fear. And read the Bhagavad Gita. God wins.

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cfc8c6  No.8890516

File: 6457410eddbce5d⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 397x394, 397:394, TuckerSucks.JPG)


muh nigga

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585d77  No.8890517

File: f613fc4e5746dc7⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 3f8tffew4.jpg)

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8b7d88  No.8890518

File: 0461a068ee00368⋯.png (364.89 KB, 1280x1000, 32:25, 0461a068ee003681af3c9d15fb….png)


Check my Wheels. They are hotter than yours.

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4ef5fa  No.8890519

I'm fucking telling you anons. I can't find the drop. I would swear it was removed or qmap didn't archive it. I want to say summer 2018. Q called of this in a drop. Said before shit went down many anons would start doubting Potus and Q. Not exact quote but it said something very similar. I'm not a shill. I'm not nuts. I have 75% of these drops fucking memorized. It was a long drop. Talked about attacks growing against Potus which led to even we would doubt him. And here we are. I know what I read. I know it was dropped. I can't find it for shit and it would help alot of worried and frustrated anons right now.

They expected this. They knew part of the plan would color them in an odd and questionable light. Keep praying.

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870c84  No.8890520

File: 7d7175afba0f55c⋯.jpeg (374.94 KB, 750x932, 375:466, AD73616E_8A30_40CB_BA0A_C….jpeg)


Immunity armbands.

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f3d563  No.8890521

Q, why were women used to perform the harassment against me? I’m speaking about the false missile alert and that time the woman bragged about having access to my private comms. Rogue operatives?

Plausible deniability?

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776e9d  No.8890522


That tweet is from 2019

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609774  No.8890523

File: 5cc906b76fe2bd7⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1821x1456, 1821:1456, CASTLE_QUEBEC.png)

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083745  No.8890524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Ad Slams Out Of Touch Pelosi

>Jimmy Dore's commentary on [Nervous Nan] is worth the view

>Dore is redpilling scads of lefties

209,180 views • Apr 21, 2020


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7f7845  No.8890525

File: 084e80a5776394e⋯.jpeg (187.64 KB, 1200x657, 400:219, EC1C20F0_101A_449C_8502_D….jpeg)

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ba946f  No.8890526

File: f4f2685bfd43c49⋯.png (309.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepe_kek_badge.png)

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02ca80  No.8890527

File: 3579792ea59da9b⋯.png (66.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_akimbo_uzis.png)

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63e975  No.8890528

File: 65b7f2cb7828552⋯.png (287.79 KB, 801x429, 267:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0c4df  No.8890529

File: a4c6f0a8646a7a8⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 433x526, 433:526, tyb.jpg)

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edaddd  No.8890530

File: 61b4217b2e3a62e⋯.png (618.76 KB, 781x696, 781:696, ChoksondikTits.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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85f650  No.8890531


Not saying you're full of shit, but I don't remember such a drop.

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ae9a54  No.8890532


"perform the harassment"

Jeez, you'd think they could find an English-speaking shill somewhere…

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108abb  No.8890533

>>8890407 lb

bat code fake news

wut happened to concrete luv

cementing FFs

virus is affecting pee pee luvr and seth meyers jokes

sucking chris hayes msdnc suntanning arshehole – fake laughing SO FUCKING SAD Bad jokes from pedo hell

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cc1fcf  No.8890534

File: 8c452d8822b0b48⋯.png (510.36 KB, 1024x814, 512:407, 57315ED6_BC7A_48AB_8BDD_93….png)

File: dc2d705cc93cd48⋯.jpeg (120.78 KB, 1242x888, 207:148, 003B9B60_02DC_4662_9158_B….jpeg)

Guud luuk’n bred bakes. wnb is gonna shitpost a little in this fancy bred you got going. Great bakes to you tonight patriot.


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aa9c1d  No.8890535


We're merely prolonging the inevitable!

We will deal Lucifer a might blow with all of this, but do we believe that's it?? REALLY!!??


Peace and safety WILL be reached but only for a moment! Then the REAL battle begins! All of this was just a taste…

Absolutely YAHWEH WINS in the end! But LUCIFER hasn't even received full power back over the Earth yet!! It's still all spiritual! Just wait until he's here in the flesh!!



Watch for the DS(Iran) to drop a RUS nuke more likely than not on Mecca. Next move to try and pull us into WW3. Possibly even try to blame the U.S. for it?Desperation! Or Damascus. That would fulfill scripture as well! And lead in to the Ezekiel 38 was that everyone is watching for!! Just my forecast frenz


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609774  No.8890536

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Treason_Inferno_Dante_Mix_.mp4)

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519f4b  No.8890537

File: 8d4544e4ce71563⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1055x906, 1055:906, 8d4544e4ce71563e218dc8ad63….png)


o7 Fren

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9eebf2  No.8890538


"George" states all proceeds will and have gone to General Flynn Defence Fund. Why bag on them all the time? I don't get it.

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8b41e7  No.8890539

File: 1222190c8c619d8⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 655x591, 655:591, Ready_On_A_Ship.jpg)

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, Preparedness_levels_high.jpg)

As Mentioned Before…

we are on a ship.

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126ac8  No.8890540


>stupid people who decided to go into the streets and demonstrate…

THIS is how we kicked England's ass, right there.

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481749  No.8890541


>Otherwise prove it wrong anons



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88159a  No.8890542

File: 8513cfe0a6ad40d⋯.jpg (256.7 KB, 696x466, 348:233, i_do_what_bb119403dd.jpg)

File: ef22d4b6e6246bb⋯.jpg (417.14 KB, 800x599, 800:599, everyone_holding_one.jpg)

File: fc4da7880bfe7d7⋯.jpg (364.95 KB, 800x545, 160:109, we_paid_biden.jpg)

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4ef5fa  No.8890543


She mentioned the word chocolate a bunch. Is that code for anything?

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6d610d  No.8890544

here's where tornado hit

Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

Why does a small East Texas town called Onalaska have more than 1,000 registered aircraft - and no airport?

Author: Tanya Eiserer, Mark Smith

Published: 1:17 PM CST February 12, 2019

Updated: 10:30 PM CST February 14, 2019

ONALASKA, Texas — Onalaska, Texas, has a secret.

Nestled along the piney shores of an East Texas lake, Onalaska lacks an airport.

A WFAA review, however, has found more than 1,000 registered aircraft claiming an Onalaska address. That’s equivalent to one plane for every three Onalaska residents, which is more per capita than anywhere else in the country.

In fact, more planes are registered to Onalaska than the number of registered planes in entire cities such as Seattle, San Antonio, San Diego, or even New York.

Just as surprising, the aircraft are registered to only two Onalaska P.O. boxes. That’s because the aircraft owners do not live there. Not even close.

WFAA has learned Onalaska is ground zero for a practice that allows foreigners to anonymously register their planes, and one that critics say makes the United States an easy target for drug dealers, terrorists and other criminals seeking to register their planes.


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3e1d40  No.8890545

File: 6ba259be6723e10⋯.jpg (143.3 KB, 599x758, 599:758, 6ba259be6723e107630d97cee3….jpg)

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cb2e00  No.8890546


Sounds familiar to me.

I remember seeing either a drop or a response from Q like that.

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609774  No.8890547

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)

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4998dc  No.8890548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do you make of this ceremony?

Seems like the tree is planted for the children held in trafficking. Pardon for having missed this earlier if l did.

President Trump and First Lady Participates in a Tree Planting Ceremony


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126ac8  No.8890549

File: 2476abca0d9ee50⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 255x191, 255:191, hotwheels2.jpg)

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dce016  No.8890550


That's the point, anon.

Just because some clickbait site says something is breaking news doesn't mean it is.

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43d283  No.8890551

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, pepewtf1.jpg)

So Solomon back tracked on his indictment bullshit…When does Q admit he was just jerking

us around for the thousandth time?

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ba946f  No.8890552

File: a56b62b7a323c0a⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1199x598, 1199:598, nightshsift_f22_raptor.png)

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5b22b6  No.8890553

File: 9dc505f0196d298⋯.png (76.87 KB, 355x937, 355:937, Q_post_McKinsey.png)

File: 71c68067b6e4bce⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SEOImagePlaceholder.jpg)

>>8890458 pb

>>8890469 pb

Cuomo just gave them the contract to make a plan for reopening NY.

Also they have ties to China. So maybe a renewed dig regarding current events and McKinsey and company, Also to make relevant memes and graphics, to be spread on social media about this Company and it's connections.

Chelsea Clinton used to work for them ( one of her cushy jobs set up by her parents)

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7ddefc  No.8890554

File: 49a246e27ada1bf⋯.png (376 KB, 485x485, 1:1, magic_cure.png)

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708f66  No.8890555


anon really expected moar evil ice cream queen memes on piglosi

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fa0c1a  No.8890556







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122877  No.8890557

File: 74521061d69119e⋯.jpg (342.41 KB, 1080x1819, 1080:1819, Screenshot_20200422_175641….jpg)

>>8889854 (LB)


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f3d563  No.8890558


Da, comrade.

Anyway, Q knows what I’m on about.

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609774  No.8890559

File: 09a2e8ea20fdd54⋯.mp4 (14.37 MB, 480x270, 16:9, FREEDOM.mp4)

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02ca80  No.8890560

File: 90949875803839e⋯.png (220.15 KB, 347x480, 347:480, john_mcafee_freedom_mother….png)

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a34b5b  No.8890561


👑♥ 𝐟г𝑒đ𝐝𝔶 𝐖ᕼⓨ ᗩᖇε Ў𝔬U 𝓈o 𝐅𝓡ᵘ𝐒Ⓣ𝓡aŤєᵈ AᒪⓁ 𝐓ᕼ𝐄 т𝐈𝔪𝕖? ★☢

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dfa0ba  No.8890562

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7f7845  No.8890563


Doubt is healthy.

Think for yourself.

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dce016  No.8890564


Because it's absolute famefaggotry and they and those who push it claim they're the magazine when in reality they're some stupid news site from a twitterfag.

Fuck off.

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12185f  No.8890565

File: a7767e15eb113c5⋯.png (82.22 KB, 183x338, 183:338, anonspray_fltsourgrl.png)



Anons I V look forward to beers at thhe parade.

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4ef5fa  No.8890566


It was a really long drop. Lots of CAPS. Warning about attacks becoming greater on Potus. I know it happened. But I understand what you're saying. I don't think I'd believe me if I read it from someone else on here. I get it. No offense taken.

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d55440  No.8890567


Thanks baker.

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609774  No.8890568

File: cee28450c137f11⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 270x480, 9:16, JOIN_TOGETHER.mp4)

File: 9022b3ec573f9ac⋯.jpg (180.22 KB, 712x475, 712:475, Billy_Graham_1st_Amendment….jpg)

File: 3e81b24e5b861f5⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 600x497, 600:497, Billy_Graham_1st_Amendment….jpg)

File: 73c3d68d19107ed⋯.jpg (156.04 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Billy_Graham_1st_Amendment….jpg)

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d4e458  No.8890569


>>8889386 Digging

Fun dig. Traub immediately gets you to Plum Island and Lyme disease. I had heard Lyme disease was a bioweapon, but didn't know what it was made by Nazis.

Lindenberg confirmed the Warren Commission Report for Kennedy.

And on and on…

I knew OpClippy was bad, but this is just ridiculous.

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d7d201  No.8890570

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fa0c1a  No.8890571



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6cf73c  No.8890572

File: a47810ef154c8cb⋯.png (143.87 KB, 768x954, 128:159, QDrop3608.png)


Q Post 3608



20 Nov 2019

All assets [F + D] being deployed.

[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters].

Control of narrative = control of public opinion

Control of public opinion = power








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791535  No.8890573


I should hate that image, but I can't help liking it. Nicked….

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481749  No.8890574


>Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy


WFAA has learned Onalaska is ground zero for a practice that allows foreigners to anonymously register their planes, and one that critics say makes the United States an easy target for drug dealers, terrorists and other criminals seeking to register their planes.

Does POTUS care about our freedoms anymore? Dempanic rains in NWO prove it wrong

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7b2c28  No.8890575

File: 2d92cae7d82fb48⋯.png (400.44 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Hydroxychloroquine_Sulfate.png)


> It will take them to be dying in a hospital bed infect others before they realize what they have done?”

Or they could take HCL+Z and be over it in 12 hours, or so.

Anons do realize what they have done.

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ce6086  No.8890576


Sorry, shills being outsourced to Bangalore to Make India Great Again ok

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fbc6b8  No.8890577


has to be time-lapsed

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519f4b  No.8890578

File: 1d550df4ff0ba2b⋯.png (187.4 KB, 374x500, 187:250, d35c1ecb5020ede465bca46752….png)


You're the most supreme Faggot that Ever WAS. Congrats you imbecile, you win FIRST PRIZE

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5255b4  No.8890579

File: 74abd10cbddfce7⋯.png (840.13 KB, 955x754, 955:754, ClipboardImage.png)


"We'll blow them out of the water"

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ce447d  No.8890580

File: 7e7595dbc176410⋯.png (792.92 KB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20200422_193601….png)


Thanks bakes. We getting started early.

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ea0230  No.8890581



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756b55  No.8890582

File: bb7a604f74d090f⋯.png (931.18 KB, 1024x782, 512:391, ca2eed9a6fedfb1d63be12cc6b….png)

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4207c4  No.8890583

File: cc3dec3cb547554⋯.png (662.23 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1_80fHGPkO6Fli3BLpxcQO6g.png)


I'm tired of the fake "New Cold War" bullshit, sneaking suspicion US/RU government/military are best buddies behind the scenes. Not in a "OMG TRUMP IS PUTIN'S PUPPET" way, but in a "Look, we hate these baby-eating fuckers as much as you do" way. Fairly obvious at this stage and probably goes without saying, but anyone the media has tried so hard to destroy is probably being attacked because they're a threat to THEM, not us.

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ab439d  No.8890584

File: 69c0a5280d2c71b⋯.png (600.08 KB, 960x651, 320:217, 69c0a5280d2c71b51ed179ef12….png)

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108c42  No.8890585


This one stings…

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f68395  No.8890586

File: c4ec3ec6a1d18fb⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 1260x806, 630:403, RELAX_SOCIAL_DISTANCING.jpg)

File: e75fe5b3ba20799⋯.jpg (156.04 KB, 1000x660, 50:33, LIBERTY_OR_SAFETY.jpg)

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609774  No.8890587

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Power_Glory.mp4)


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7f7845  No.8890588



Or just shopped.

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43d283  No.8890589


We are ready

You are ready

Oops…that's not what I meant


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108abb  No.8890590

msdnc hayes going for juvenile fart sounds - not sho wuts going on, muhbe meyers is his butt owner and hes over actin his part.. ,, man hes gonna get gimped tonite – that wuz fucking bizare close to a madcow intro


good comedy over in enemy camp

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85f650  No.8890591


I for sure don't have the drops memorized. I could be wrong. Just saying I don't remember it.

Can't tell you how many times I thought Q had posted something and after searching and searching, couldn't find it. Keep looking!

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12185f  No.8890592

File: 80be72373e96aed⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1072x776, 134:97, FUCKURVAX.png)

File: ed16f1bd6b07e4b⋯.png (185.95 KB, 703x393, 703:393, livestream_soon_.png)

File: 6e7816760d59611⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 960x714, 160:119, idratherdiethx.jpg)

File: 9bf576cc51eaee1⋯.jpg (421.11 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ny_homeofcorona.jpg)

File: f077c393ef38092⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 720x691, 720:691, chinapulledajussiesmollet.jpg)

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708f66  No.8890593


second notable

this may be like flagging ships in other country to skirt laws ?

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7c844c  No.8890594

File: c50a0d40441d907⋯.png (420.86 KB, 474x323, 474:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Been digging on the Crotch referenced in the Breitbart article ( >>8889256 pb from notes), who outed halfchan & says the hackers of WHO/CDC/Gates fdn, email accounts are "Neo-nazis & white supremacists"

Interesting History - what I've found so far.

-Director of SITE Intelligence Group

-Jewish -Iraqi descent

-Father was executed in public by Saddam's regime for SPYING for Israel

-Escaped to Israel

-Became a member of Israeli Defense Force (IDF)

-Moved to DC when her husband was offered a job WITH THE NIH (1997).

-Has done work for the FBI, possible C_A, in counter terrorism.

-Hates right wingers.

-Most likely Mossad

Website of SITE:


("funded by various federal agencies and private groups")

Wiki page:




New Yorker article on her (slanted, but gives some background) :


BBC article on the hack:


Can't find the husband's name, but he specialized in endocrinology at NIH.

(his email acct might be on the list, if he still works there)

(re-post, came in too late lb)

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fe9a25  No.8890595

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59.74 KB, 362x294, 181:147, cookie_pepe.png)

Damn but it felt evil in that last bread…

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4ef5fa  No.8890596


You lie all the time. "Austin is Q". Your posts and tenacity actually make me believe even more. So thank you.

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2c5ef7  No.8890597

File: bedf2229680765f⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 385x530, 77:106, Green_hat.gif)

File: f30da3d0ad1222d⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 255x169, 255:169, Imma_steal_that.jpg)

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609774  No.8890598

File: 8b20b2f2452350f⋯.gif (18.62 KB, 246x228, 41:38, CNSS.gif)

File: ed671e6e5566ed6⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 600x400, 3:2, TOOTLIFEST_CLAS_1_99.jpg)

File: 960f4ce2e3057dd⋯.jpg (153.91 KB, 842x634, 421:317, TOOTLIFEST_NAZI.jpg)

File: e4d9b937c6913a0⋯.pdf (205.15 KB, NSTISSAM_INFOSEC_1_99_July….pdf)

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edaddd  No.8890599


Well, if they could remove the doubts about us and our children about being forcefully vaccinated and or marked with bio-id for banking, that would be very good.

It is the reason I would fight against this regardless of how many Berders are pawned.

I hope there is a drop about this.

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481749  No.8890600



Cuomo just gave them the contract to make a plan for The New World of China with Q+'s help anons…..prove it wrong

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ab439d  No.8890601


All good!

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e5e382  No.8890602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"They'll never know what it's like to get high, on sweet, sweet inspiration."

Michael Franks

(dedicated to the one who fights the bull)

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cb2e00  No.8890603


That's close but doesn't quite fit with what Anon and I remember, even if vaguely.

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dce016  No.8890604


Source: dude trust me

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a34b5b  No.8890605


Freddy… if Q lied why have you been programmed to try and demoralize us?

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108abb  No.8890606


u talk w maddcow at nite and cry each udders bladders to sleep – thats wut u meant..

thar fixed it for ya

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e4e9cd  No.8890607

File: 71d79716ecef7cf⋯.png (77.21 KB, 776x658, 388:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b475d652dd2eb4a⋯.png (47 KB, 589x601, 589:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3158979f62e367⋯.png (88.82 KB, 749x707, 107:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9525994447a4970⋯.png (346.66 KB, 764x701, 764:701, ClipboardImage.png)

Harvard, Princeton To Reject Coronavirus Funding As Other Ivy League Schools Say They Will Keep The Funds

The eight Ivy League schools were allocated a combined $61.7 million in federal coronavirus funding, despite controlling endowments with a combined value of over $140 billion as of 2019.

Harvard University and Princeton University announced Wednesday that they will not accept the taxpayer-funded money allocated to them through the CARES Act.

But Cornell and Brown Universities told the Daily Caller News Foundation they would be keeping their federal CARES funding.

Harvard and Princeton Universities announced Wednesday that they will not accept millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded coronavirus stimulus funding.

News that the Ivy League schools will not accept the funding came after the Daily Caller News Foundation reported Tuesday that the eight schools that make up the Ivy League were allocated a combined $61.7 million in funding from the CARES Act, despite controlling endowments with a combined value in 2019 of over $140 billion.

President Donald Trump singled out Harvard during a press conference Tuesday, noting that the school was set to receive millions in taxpayer funding despite controlling a $40 billion endowment, one of the largest college endowments in the world.

“Harvard’s going to pay back the money,” Trump said. “They have one of the largest endowments anywhere in the country, maybe in the world, I guess, and they’re going to pay back that money.”

Five Ivy League schools posted operational surpluses of over $200 million in 2019, according to their financial statements from that year.

Dartmouth College, which posted a more moderate operational surplus of $32.6 million in 2019, has not determined whether it will accept the $3.4 million in CARES Act funding it has been allocated, Associate Vice President for Communications Diana Lawrence told the DCNF on Wednesday.


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0a4b03  No.8890608

We were attacked, attacked.


Strong words from POTUS!

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e1e02f  No.8890609



USAC Prayer Corps on duty.

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7fa80d  No.8890610

File: 390f820d4d22661⋯.png (168.68 KB, 1308x1234, 654:617, rorate3to5.png)

File: ac34e35270d94ce⋯.png (2.49 MB, 4640x1586, 2320:793, 17deaths.png)

yes China new very Early:

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a46895  No.8890611

File: e355f950913ff55⋯.jpg (132 KB, 800x533, 800:533, FFS_Q.jpg)


Thanks, Boss!

Can we get a flag or some musak?

This movie is the tits.

You see all and hear all, so I know you hoarded the TP, Q!

Did you buy the last of the Charmin Aloe?

How feel it work on your prolapsed anus?

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9dd547  No.8890612

File: d2b9d85bf9b5c9b⋯.jpg (103.05 KB, 651x524, 651:524, DO_YOU_TRUST_THIS_GUY.jpg)

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609774  No.8890613

File: 154adc518d54afa⋯.pdf (835.36 KB, DOE_O_470_6_Technical_Secu….pdf)

File: 256d109777089ac⋯.pdf (675.13 KB, NSTISSAM_INFOSEC_2_00_Febr….pdf)

File: 574ca70bcc74db9⋯.pdf (2.05 MB, National_Security_Directiv….pdf)

>The Mystery of the Repeating Digits

Welcome to ==Clas 1-99== Digit All Soldiers













CNSS Secretariat (I01C)

National Security Agency

9800 Savage Road STE 6716

Ft. Meade, MD 20755-6716

(410) 854-6805 or ==TOLL FREE== at (888) NSTISSC

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da4c85  No.8890614


Yet here you are…

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4207c4  No.8890615


Undoubtedly. These cunts don't appear in public for any reason without a nefarious purpose behind it.

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8cd8a8  No.8890616

File: 7809a7e5a70c541⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 227x255, 227:255, getting_shilly_in_here.jpg)

some of muh normie ex-wives want to know about the gates hacks (like, is it true? )…and know cnn is a bust anymore, and all of a sudden…..all within two days…..wassup wiff dat? PA city-suburb types, one knowing an NG recently deployed ; dots connecting? eh….I will ask the if they saw the latest scarf lady's outfit and see what happens

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dd6e59  No.8890617

File: 162c50ee51679e9⋯.png (408.1 KB, 472x711, 472:711, austin.png)


>"Austin is Q"

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0edc69  No.8890618

File: 91d9bbfff40d134⋯.png (741.01 KB, 1240x698, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)


meet you there fren , skol!

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caa21c  No.8890619

seems like the roboshills have rotated their shitpost stock.

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4ef5fa  No.8890620


Thanks but that's not it. The drop was longer than that. And mentioned attacks would continue.

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886d72  No.8890621

File: 852cf53130fddad⋯.png (55.74 KB, 1083x766, 1083:766, ClipboardImage.png)


>"George" states all proceeds will and have gone to General Flynn Defence Fund

Dont care what people say, people will always make a profit in some way.

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2ed350  No.8890622

File: adf5f3ccf45dff9⋯.png (20.65 KB, 100x100, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f19e4431869ec9⋯.png (754.12 KB, 1200x425, 48:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60269c6d9e72f3a⋯.png (286.49 KB, 826x783, 826:783, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)


w/ added - [Schiff] Dis-Info Tweet - Maggie H Fake News Reference.

Here we go again.

Dr. Rick Bright = Another [Whistleblower Op]

(LawandCrime - Apr 22, 2020)

Another Whistleblower: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyers Are Representing Demoted Doctor Who ‘Resisted’ Hydroxychloroquine Push

It looks like President Donald Trump has a new whistleblower complaint controversy on his hands.

At the beginning of the week, Dr. Rick Bright was the director of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a key vaccine-related agency in the federal government’s fight against the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Yes, you read that right.

Rep'd by: (Katz, Marshall & Banks)





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caa21c  No.8890623


why are you talking to yourself

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dc9d47  No.8890624

File: c8b8e4c9d7a9c5b⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Here_I_am_2.mp4)

>>8890534 Thanks baker, shitpost away.

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ce447d  No.8890625

Got a feeling this Hannity gonna be gud.

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dfa0ba  No.8890626


Well then go do a search of the drops for that phrase ffs

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e1e02f  No.8890627

File: 9b2e52b0cf069a0⋯.jpg (170.43 KB, 828x814, 414:407, QCrumbsPrepareStorm_giftfo….jpg)


we are on a ship.

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0c45bb  No.8890628


No can’t remember such a drop.

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7fa80d  No.8890629


This paper is dated one day after they shut down a city of ll million people for a virus that had infected 571 people and had 17 deaths.

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603b2a  No.8890630


Post 537 says:

MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

But doesn't say that anons fall for it.

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4ef5fa  No.8890631


Like I said. I wouldn't believe me from your side either. Just putting it out there hoping someone has it or knows what I'm talking about.

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a34b5b  No.8890632


it's ebot

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cc1fcf  No.8890633

File: e73dd3c63f2080a⋯.png (621.8 KB, 733x709, 733:709, 057F8ED7_9787_41D4_97D8_78….png)


Can’t even give you credit for being original

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67bc46  No.8890634

File: 9b4b2b45c5ee812⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 696x562, 348:281, Screen_Shot_2020_04_17_at_….jpg)

A year after Notre Dame



Didnt see anyone, msm, anons, nor internet mentions of this 1 year mark on 4/15

Only people bitchin about their stimulus and muh coronah

Am i wrong?

But 4/20 ! And f'in earth day ffs


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585d77  No.8890635


Do a search for: Rita Katz fake videos.

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84d334  No.8890636

File: 2336ea848b02d33⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 255x128, 255:128, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83….jpeg)

File: 2a770a46053d546⋯.png (935.96 KB, 729x516, 243:172, 5478078012060364.png)

File: 2336ea848b02d33⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 2336ea848b02d337ec5da4241….jpeg)

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ba946f  No.8890637

File: 08a66cd042cc202⋯.jpg (118.14 KB, 1028x1172, 257:293, dudeness.jpg)

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481749  No.8890638


>seems like the roboshills have rotated their shitpost stock.

LOL ANONS watched FREEDOM LOST on PATRIOTS day PROVE IT WRONG….YOU Can't…reply only with proof you kow good old qproof

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caa21c  No.8890639


kek (i know)

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effa98  No.8890640




Nothing more enjoyable.

Now go take your meds.

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ce447d  No.8890641

Hannity now. Looking good.

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63e975  No.8890642


what if they all rat as part of the plan. How can this all not be coordinated at this point?

The shit that has come out on Russia and Comey and the whole corrupt FISA process…..crickets. nothing to see. Nancy Pelosi is dong interview stating the direct opposite that is being stated by the DOJ.

The DNC playbook is to accuse POTUS of everything they are doing. If the masses are stupid enough to believe it let us see in 1 month when every sanctuary city claims bankruptcy and blames the coronavirus on them mismanaging their states for the last 24 years.

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1218a5  No.8890643

File: a252bce286d35ef⋯.jpg (181.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, shia_hwndu.jpg)

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dce016  No.8890644


>I wouldn't believe me from your side either

Nice, so we agree. I don't remember it at all.

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fae81c  No.8890645


Sadly I have normie nurse relative who is terrified and angry at demonstrators and Trump even though her OWN HOSPITAL IS EMPTY. She believes media more than her own eyes! I don’t know how to red pill someone like that.

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7ddefc  No.8890646

File: 2455c7444616d31⋯.png (379.96 KB, 510x510, 1:1, PatriotsPrayerOfProtection….png)

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52eb0d  No.8890647

File: e8a7d13ff847272⋯.png (615.04 KB, 339x640, 339:640, e8a7d13ff847272bfd14ffdb5d….png)

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326b18  No.8890648



you need to prove it right. Burden of Proof is on you.

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caa21c  No.8890649


well that’s an easy filter

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da47b2  No.8890650

File: 03e97b3cf02ce93⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 2048x2018, 1024:1009, CB23B06A_109B_4C16_83BD_3….jpeg)

>>8890104 pb (me)

I posted about living on a reservation in South Dakota where masks are being e forced to go to the store. So my old roommate stopped by and he is full blood Lakota. He said the Rez is following China’s guidelines not the USA guidelines and he saw absolutely nothing wrong with that because it’s perdonal with them here to give into the federal government etc but whatever. I’m moving in a few months. So yes he said we are going by China’s guidelines and not the US govt guide lines n was perfectly ok and got irritated when I asked if he saw nothing wrong about that and I guess as long as they’re separate from USA then they’re fine. I’m due to move in 2 months. This place is literally the bifggest shithole in the country. He even served in the navy lol Shit is insane. Long story how I ended up here.

Thank you Good Anons. o7

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6351ec  No.8890651


Does the Coronavirus remind anyone else of that film 28 days later?


28 Days Later… by Danny Boyle , 2002 : Four weeks after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the UK, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary.

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9dd547  No.8890652

File: 21889fc6336c487⋯.jpg (105.99 KB, 660x526, 330:263, SUPER_DUMB_ASS.jpg)

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4207c4  No.8890653

File: 2ef2a274e49996f⋯.png (17.08 KB, 107x72, 107:72, 9856767.png)


Fucking called it. If anything IS coming, it's not happening until later in the year. Every single date since this began has been wrong. Every. Single. One. I think it's safe to say that most of them are wrong intentionally and the true timeline will never be publicly known for obvious strategic reasons.

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cc1fcf  No.8890654

File: 63e6fd87b3f4c6a⋯.jpeg (404.07 KB, 2048x1383, 2048:1383, A26E38AB_A1DB_4394_A571_F….jpeg)

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326b18  No.8890655



you need to prove it right. Burden of Proof is on you.

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6403f5  No.8890656

File: 8a07e66308515fd⋯.png (424.61 KB, 613x671, 613:671, Flk1.png)

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dfa0ba  No.8890657


Fuck him

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7b2c28  No.8890658


How long do they think they are going to hold our Republic under water?

Is the goal GDP-ZERO?

Or are they aiming for Negative GDP, like Oil prices?

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63e975  No.8890659


it reminds me more of Tango and Cash.

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776e9d  No.8890660


That is not where I got it. Someone else talked about it and so I looked it up. Also you saw where I typed 'Hmmmm'

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0c45bb  No.8890661


How many times have you been married? Gee

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51ac85  No.8890662

File: 253abd41368f0ee⋯.jpg (329.78 KB, 947x525, 947:525, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Kek! Wasn't aware we're retracing Sindbad's voyages around these dangerous waters.

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fae81c  No.8890663


Datefagging is to undermine the morale of the enemy. Anons need to beware friendly fire.

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85f650  No.8890664


Is he still wearing that faggot cia pin?

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dce016  No.8890665


Datefaggotry is almost never correct.


My point is it's not new.

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7c844c  No.8890666

File: da06a3b78e7d448⋯.png (88.71 KB, 825x761, 825:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Abigail Disney Slams Walt Disney Company over $1.5 Billion Executive Bonuses as It Furloughs Workers


Twatter link full thread:


She's pissed!

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609774  No.8890667

File: 84831d49dc51575⋯.png (841.09 KB, 1199x1200, 1199:1200, FRIDAY_13_FEB_2015.png)

File: e15693062ed8b50⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 300x199, 300:199, Scarlet_Kingsnake.jpg)

File: 1560bde2cdc107b⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 512x194, 256:97, Deadly_Coral_Snake_8_Kun.jpg)

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714a86  No.8890668

File: dc2e0422518c2a7⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 852x480, 71:40, f4ab8850b0cbca8266fa53c371….jpg)


good question

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9ef4d7  No.8890669

File: ce37b6e726c8453⋯.png (91.26 KB, 410x410, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f7845  No.8890670


“Cindy Lou WHO”

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108abb  No.8890671

u tink hannity will ask dennis miller if he has a spade hand bag? how about you hannity, you wanna confirm if you have one or not?

askin for meself

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1218a5  No.8890672

File: bb66fb20b9bbc17⋯.jpg (539.57 KB, 1024x843, 1024:843, shia_pet.jpg)

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0edc69  No.8890673


Earth Day is actually celebrating Lenin's Birthday

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ce447d  No.8890674

Hannity, "These people are sick."

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f68395  No.8890675


making your own stuff notable….KYS

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603b2a  No.8890676


These guys are in deep. No question.

They are the outsourced strategic planners that don't have to comply with FOIA requests.

Similar to Rand. Working on the dl.

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79309f  No.8890677


That's what I've been thinking. In fact, if not later this year but two years down the road.

The 2018 Q drops are happening now right?

Then why are we assuming that today's drops are about events going to take place now?? I think they're about events taking place in 2022.

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be05c1  No.8890678

Top vaccine expert says he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

A senior US government doctor who worked on the search for a coronavirus vaccine has claimed he was fired after resisting Donald Trump’s push to use the unproven drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, the New York Times reported on Wednesday.

Trump stops hyping hydroxychloroquine after study shows no benefit

Read more

Rick Bright was this week ousted as director of the US health department’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or Barda, and as the deputy assistant secretary for preparedness and response.

In a stunningly candid statement, Bright highlighted his refusal to embrace hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug relentlessly promoted by the president and Fox News despite a lack of scientific studies.

“Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit,” Bright said.

“While I am prepared to look at all options and to think ‘outside the box’ for effective treatments, I rightly resisted efforts to provide an unproven drug on demand to the American public.”

Asked about Bright at the White House coronavirus briefing on Wednesday, Trump said: “I never heard of him. If a guy says he was pushed out of a job, maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. You’d have to hear the other side. I don’t know who he is.”


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481749  No.8890679


Fucking mr. pig can't prove america's lost freedoms left and right now everyone gonna die of fake ass vaccine or be controlled in the NWO game seemingly won! PROVE OTHER MR. PIG….YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!

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13c2b6  No.8890680

File: dab1e1c8f28df37⋯.jpeg (63.58 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 1586795205.jpeg)

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708f66  No.8890681

Cabal owned intelligence and deep state department missed the fall of the Berlin Wall coming then assured the world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

( But we believe them nao ? )

China Expert: Covid-19 Probably “Deliberate Leak”; Could Be “Act of War”


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ea0230  No.8890682

File: c40d2299d63b9c6⋯.png (829.2 KB, 716x877, 716:877, Screenshot_2020_04_22_2_Re….png)

Sorry about the FB sauce but this isn't very subtle.


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83248f  No.8890683

File: 305cf3848ab25c2⋯.jpg (123.09 KB, 746x670, 373:335, Rita_Katz_Tweet_1.jpg)

File: d486b8d0eb92468⋯.jpg (103.2 KB, 745x543, 745:543, Rita_Katz_Tweet_2.jpg)

File: 40c171ae55e2040⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 739x342, 739:342, Rita_Katz_Tweet_3.jpg)

File: f30b416611bb0bf⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1425x1245, 95:83, SITE_Intelligence_Group_La….png)

On The Bill Gates Hack, Site Intel Group, Rita Katz, NoName and The Faked ISIS Videos

Rita Katz, disseminator of the fake ISIS beheading videos which terrorised the psyches of billions now has a new gig. Guess what it is.

Eyes on for her fake research being used by the MSM in 3…2…1…


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caa21c  No.8890684


nice sweater.

Question, how can they follow chinas lead? Do they have drones watching everyone? Cameras everywhere? Police arresting and disappearing random people?

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4ef5fa  No.8890685


I've done that. I've tried every term I can remember. The main problem is on qmap you put 3 words in and you get 8 pages ..7 that are unrelated. But I've tried. Thus why I said it makes me think it was removed or never archived or I'm not seeing it. Or I'm a deluded idiot. But I'd put down good money that drop was made. Thanks for trying. Didnt mean to offend.

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958054  No.8890686

File: 63418afb409797e⋯.png (349.55 KB, 602x845, 602:845, burnsville_minnesota_tax_d….png)


I mentioned it plenty but still haven't gotten my stimulus. Perhaps my priorities were backwards.

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126ac8  No.8890687


The Indian nation needs to be cleaned out, if for no other reason than what they are doing to their kids. Flee when you can and do it post haste. As I said before, noone asks whats going on out there, they dont tell and NO lawyer is gonna try and crack that nut.

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6e6401  No.8890688


dont push hard. ask questions about her own self interest. have they started cutting hours yet? have they cut staffing yet? have you heard any talk of them closing the hospital yet? how long do your think they can ride this out before they go under?

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e1e02f  No.8890689



So. It was an inside job.

Bruce Schneier famously wrote that the biggest risk to any cryptosystem is what he named a "purchase key" attack, in other words when an authorized person has been bribed or works for an enemy.


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083745  No.8890690

File: 73e6294cfe0ab40⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 20200421_DSC_0045.jpg)

File: c23a4172cae7119⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 1366x2000, 683:1000, 20200421_DSC_0033.jpg)

File: 4aca397990f80a1⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3102x1477, 3102:1477, 20200421_DSC_0039.jpg)

File: 5baee721b547b16⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2000x974, 1000:487, 20200421_DSC_0044.jpg)

File: 76f7c32dc11f946⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, 20200421_DSC_0043.jpg)

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683ff7  No.8890691

Our paths that cross better be a coincidence up here. If not… there is a threat in the building.

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dbe522  No.8890692

File: 64fab51c949cfff⋯.png (314.28 KB, 930x739, 930:739, trending.png)


twitter making fun of trump supporters

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0edc69  No.8890693



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776e9d  No.8890694


It did say posted 4-22-2020 which is today so was just asking. Seemed off to me also but then what do I know.

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7b2c28  No.8890695

File: 2edfa9747e2a68f⋯.png (638.65 KB, 992x614, 496:307, After_19_Days_at_Sea_Saili….png)


Here's a pic of the climate pirate while at sea.

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f68395  No.8890696


I stand with Mr. Pig

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ce447d  No.8890697


All three, as usual.

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708f66  No.8890698


And Mayday is in reference to …………..

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126ac8  No.8890699


Rez indians will rat out other rez indians to rez police. From there its all handled internally and will involve a buy-off of some nature and everything and anything is considered currency.

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be05c1  No.8890700

>>8890622 Another Whistleblower: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyers Are Representing Demoted Doctor Who ‘Resisted’ Hydroxychloroquine Push



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750250  No.8890701

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63e975  No.8890702


ask her about Disney MK Ultra the last 60 years on the US population. Then tell her to go dickfishing.

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0a4b03  No.8890703


Yes, and in the face of mounting clinical evidence that HCQ+Zinc+Zpack works a charm. Or even just HCQ + Azithromycin.

Amazing how [they] just don't want this cure to get out.

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588df5  No.8890704



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ad0a20  No.8890705


Don’t take mine

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44debd  No.8890706

File: 0c16eafbcca5055⋯.jpg (7.57 KB, 255x132, 85:44, Greta.jpg)

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67bc46  No.8890707


First image top right is DoE

Top clearance

Team leader

Less than 10

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08e6b3  No.8890708


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481749  No.8890709



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dc9d47  No.8890710

>>8890700 I believe is already in notables

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d01037  No.8890711

File: b7d61bedbfcb74a⋯.jpg (334.96 KB, 1181x1788, 1181:1788, 6c26a4fd5945f2553890b37574….jpg)


our gal?

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edaddd  No.8890712

File: fdeacf18c78d40d⋯.png (621.79 KB, 996x517, 996:517, Poolosi.png)


>I gotta take a dump

Here, have it:

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76608e  No.8890713

File: 82a20573de41cfd⋯.png (426.92 KB, 646x610, 323:305, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_04….png)

What the actual fuck

Today's #PhotoOfTheDay, "Blue Insularis 5," is by Chin Leong Teo.


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13c2b6  No.8890714

File: 0e4008c393e9668⋯.jpg (285.63 KB, 1000x1032, 125:129, 20191102_095305.jpg)

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10b132  No.8890715















































































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08e6b3  No.8890716


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9eebf2  No.8890717

Fuck you Bully anon.

You're a moron.

Attacking an anonymous group for raising money for Flynn.

That some serious commitment to stupidity.

Bet your faggot ass didn't even know they were raising money.

Who the hell would attack someone supporting Flynn.

Go back to where ever you came from. You're filth.

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caa21c  No.8890718


funny thing about that whole china issue, everything our media has accused North Korea of doing, we are finding out it’s actually china that does it.

Seriously, think about it.

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7b2c28  No.8890719

File: a0cdeeeeb729492⋯.png (827.4 KB, 721x1083, 721:1083, NY_Cuomo.png)

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85f650  No.8890720


Anon, the search engine on qmap sucks dick. Try qanon.pub instead.

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481749  No.8890721



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be05c1  No.8890722


>Then tell her to go dickfishing.

Suspect she's been dickfishing before

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2beb76  No.8890723




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0a2c16  No.8890724

File: 43079c43d25d111⋯.webm (6.57 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Role_of_Jesus_and_satan.webm)

Prayer from Greg Laurie (harvest church, the one POTUS linked to on Palmsundey) for everyone that wants to be saved.

"Lord Jesus,

I know that I´m a sinner,

but I know that you are the saviour

who died on the cross and shed your blood

for every sin I have ever commited.

I am sorry for my sin. I turn from it now.

I choose to follow Jesus from this night forward.

Thank you for loving me and accepting me and forgiving me.

In Jesus name I pray.


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cc1fcf  No.8890725



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603b2a  No.8890726


First I've heard of him but he SEEMS so talented.


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a9c589  No.8890727


I think every anon missed the part about AIR SHOWS. He must have said it 5 or more times… look to the skies SKY EVENT

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44debd  No.8890728

File: b84a39f777f499e⋯.png (24.42 KB, 886x220, 443:110, chinese.png)

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e1e02f  No.8890729

File: bda4906f0e530f6⋯.png (11.32 KB, 314x155, 314:155, 2020_04_22_21_12_45edt.png)


It appears that some new PDFs are in addition to the ones posted on April 12, 2020. Studying…

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5f82bd  No.8890730

File: f51ed874ff778d5⋯.jpg (93.08 KB, 1218x718, 609:359, IMG_20200422_210954_486.JPG)

File: e375476abbc6e66⋯.png (360.71 KB, 590x1132, 295:566, 1586394972_1.png)

File: 62ed9d20a1db002⋯.png (237.67 KB, 504x882, 4:7, 1586398403_1.png)

File: 2c1dc3f2086105f⋯.jpg (159.07 KB, 800x994, 400:497, IMG_20200420_174637_686.JPG)



Fuck off

You will fail like all the rest.

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0c45bb  No.8890731

File: fdfeefacf27396a⋯.jpeg (101.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6E81A96F_07A2_419B_A331_A….jpeg)


You remind me of the old guy with the address book looking for a name in the beginning of reservoir dogs. Anyone know what I mean?

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43d283  No.8890732


If Q thinks we are doing this shit for another 2 yrs

they are in for a surprise

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108abb  No.8890733

McCarthy is on to sumting

muhbe all congress / senate meetings ; negotiations ; law making sessions ; votes – ALL OF IT

happens live on TV and they can be at work in thar states – all VOTES LIVE and immediately accountable to thar constituents

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aa9c1d  No.8890734


I'd like to make a motion to refer to the "KUNG FLU" as "MUH FLU" for ALL of time frenz!

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326b18  No.8890735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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52eb0d  No.8890736

File: 25924777eb5b4b6⋯.png (293.92 KB, 535x640, 107:128, Screenshot_2020_04_22_The_….png)

A team from the National Security Council and the @IDF

tasked with fighting #coronavirus discussed an armed revolt scenario due to #Israel's deteriorating economic situation.


Israel for last

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7f7845  No.8890737

File: 8497e3d345fcf17⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2499x1668, 833:556, 32BA7A5F_183F_482E_AC33_4….jpeg)


That’s a crappy picture of this animal.

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4cac45  No.8890738

File: 7bec2de306a767f⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 538x398, 269:199, EvilBgone1.jpg)

File: 199516132646b78⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 634x951, 2:3, EvilBgone2.jpg)

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0a2c16  No.8890739

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to the wordwide deep state.

Shills are here in full force and apply all kind of tactics, most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule":

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some shilly try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills try to namefag to 'establish a trustworty character' (A, CTA, McT, …)

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(And in some breads it´s 70, 80, 90% shill posts.)

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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a34b5b  No.8890740

File: ea8450290a80639⋯.png (613.27 KB, 759x477, 253:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial

70 COVID-19 vaccines are in development around the world, WHO says

Three vaccines are now in clinical trials with over a dozen more expected in the coming weeks; Dr. Peter Hotez from the Baylor College of Medicine reacts.

Progress is being made toward a viable vaccine for the coronavirus, say researchers at a Philadelphia-based pharmaceutical company.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals along with the University of Pennsylvania’s research facility and the Wistar Institute, have been working on the vaccine as early as this past January. Originally reported by Fox News, the vaccine was fast-tracked into development after the Chinese government made the genome sequencing of COVID-19 public.

Nearly three months later, a crucial first phase of testing has begun. Researchers with Inovio say that they were able to design their vaccine in just three hours after receiving a sequence for the virus.

"We immediately started testing the vaccine in the laboratory. And we're quite confident about the results that we've seen," Dr. Kate Broderick, senior vice president, R&D at Inovio Pharmaceuticals, tells Fox News, adding that trials on human subjects began just last week. "We treated three people last week. But getting our vaccine into human beings is a huge step. But we did that in 83 days, which certainly in my career is absolutely an unprecedented level of speed."

While testing has begun, Broderick says there are still too many unknown variables associated with the virus and how it may affect the vaccine.

"In some patients, it looks like people who had the disease but now recovered have kind of these sort of low antibodies levels, but we don't know if that's a consistent result across everybody that's contracted the virus so far," she says. "So, we need to learn more about how the virus affects people and how people are affected by that infection before we can see too much about how that impacts vaccine design."

"What we don't know is that they contract the virus for a second time, which obviously would be very unlucky, but possible. Or is it just that they haven't fully recovered the first time around? So that's really what we're learning as we speak and as we move forward. And that's what kind of makes treating this virus very difficult because there's still so much we don't understand about it."

Approximately 40 people will be tested during the initial phase at locations in Kansas City and the University of Pennsylvania. Final results from the tests are expected by the summer.

"Phase one is supposed to be normal, healthy people. And in this case, they have not, as far as we know, they have not been infected with COVID-19," Dr. David Weiner, of the Wistar Institute, and one of the lead researchers working on the coronavirus vaccine, told Fox News. "The first study is really just safety and tolerability in relatively low-risk people just to make sure the vaccine by itself, how well it's tolerated by people. You're watching that very closely, so you can figure how many people you can give it to and whether there's going to be issues."


This part of the study would be followed by phase two, in which the at-risk population is tested.

"Phase two is really where you start to test out larger numbers and efficacy. And Inovio has already produced enough dosing for that several thousand doses in there because that process is so robust to get through that study as well. So, that's clearly on their radar."

Inovio recently received a $9 million grant from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations for the express purpose of speeding up the process of getting a vaccine to market. The process is tedious as researchers often have to start from scratch when there’s a new outbreak. But the pharmaceutical company, along with Dr. Weiner's team, has been using proprietary tech from past vaccination developments in which they used digital mapping of DNA sequences. Back in 2016, Inovio was able to get a Zika virus vaccine to market in seven months.

However, getting a corona vaccine to market may take longer.

"When it goes to expanded efficacy studies, which are called phase three, normally take a very, very long time," Dr. Weiner says. "That's why with vaccine development, all the proceeds normally take years to decades."

"So to get to a licensed vaccine, a vaccine that would be available like that, we're talking about a year and a half to two years. Well, that would be all the way through."

The doctor points out however, that doesn't necessarily mean that we won't see the vaccine being used much sooner. Dr. Wiener references the response to the Ebola outbreak.


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6994d7  No.8890741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tornado guided by white hats?

WFAA Investigates:

Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

Why does a small east Texas town called Onalaska have more than 1,000 registered aircraft and no airport?

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dce016  No.8890742


Go back to twitter and push your stupid website there.

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609774  No.8890743

File: 7753c0c9ca1c515⋯.jpeg (72.88 KB, 700x559, 700:559, 7753c0c9ca1c515001ddbd0f0….jpeg)


Well the Fact Hillary Clinton was selling "Safe Access" keys to Foreign Intelligence Rollong up our Assets and Smuggling Nuclear Weapons remains to be Seen…

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481749  No.8890744


>[they] just don't want this cure to get out.

Q and Q+ letting them get away with it…..PROVE IT WRONG if you can…YOU CAN'T

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39cac1  No.8890745


that wikileaks page (dump) is not new

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be05c1  No.8890746

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b222d0  No.8890747



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68973e  No.8890748


Biden under investigation for sexual assault.

You know what to do anons.

Its time to get back at the left for what they did to Kavanaugh.

Use the same hashtags the left used and throw it back at their faces. Expose the left’s hypocrisy. Shit like #BelieveAllWomen #BelieveWithoutEvidence #MeToo #BelieveWomen, etc.

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2b5952  No.8890749


No more voice voting. Everything recorded. Thomas Massie will love it.

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08e6b3  No.8890750


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708f66  No.8890751


CIA knows because they kept the receipts

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7c844c  No.8890752




This is fuckin good!

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4cac45  No.8890753

File: 7a186ceab655fc1⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 649x882, 649:882, ChetsWife.jpg)


He ain't classy!

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2e88dd  No.8890754

File: d15b39d0841b18e⋯.png (19.44 KB, 739x149, 739:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Comments on pic related are gold.

Documentary tells about green energy been a total scam and basically worse than fossil (fossil origin being a lie in itself)

The main takeaway is the population control (aka reduction) agenda.

Right in front of their faces

Still in denial

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a14b83  No.8890755


You forgot Weinstein

Fuck off red text fag

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0a4b03  No.8890756


I missed that bit. Wonder the connection?

Did get the part about 4th July parade, and adjusting for social distance.

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83248f  No.8890757

File: 694bb5b16ac3867⋯.jpg (375.22 KB, 1507x794, 1507:794, 7884_Apr_22_20_22.jpg)

File: cc649a7b76de053⋯.png (967.66 KB, 1424x1244, 356:311, 2.png)


Pic releated is the press release on Rita Katz and the SITE Intel Group's brand new service, Public Health and Bioterrorism.

It's in response to the hacks, or the 'attacks' as she terms them on WHO and the Bill Gates Foundations the other day, and the train derailment Alex Jones tried to blame on #Qanon.

If her fake ISIS beheading videos and propaganda are anything to go by, a quick look at the services (pic related) tells us what we can expect to see soon from Rita Katz.

Site Intel Group Press Release -


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0b0012  No.8890758


Oh cmon Anon…He knows you will…I mean if HRC had won everyone would be on house arrest, unemployed, broke and the Cabal would be running free still

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8cd8a8  No.8890759


that's not the point, and not taking applications anymore…..can you tell me anything about the gates hacks that is new within, …since the last few hours?

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060a7e  No.8890760

Amen and Amen


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6403f5  No.8890761

File: a84865278faf88a⋯.png (72.21 KB, 992x614, 496:307, gbl.png)




Heres a blank for anyone who wants it.

really good pooh face Gretter.

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44debd  No.8890762


Waterspout/Tornado off Tom's River NJ, Right over where the Q400 plane was drawing circles and Qs last week.

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750250  No.8890763

File: a4755f8e1006483⋯.jpeg (72.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, A0DDEF6D_CEB8_4363_B1A5_E….jpeg)

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02ca80  No.8890764


I never knew that was her until right now!

I dont know how, but I didnt.


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aa5d32  No.8890765

File: 6a0b91215e1c18a⋯.jpg (156.38 KB, 1563x737, 1563:737, 3_evergreen.jpg)

Patriot Anons

Possible theory from Ivanka tweet?????

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481749  No.8890767


>Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial


Now the NWO begins and Q/Q+ not saving peoples freedom's stolen from them everyday almost no freedom left…..PROVE IT WRONG

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b8440b  No.8890768

File: 4cab1f29e0f0b78⋯.jpeg (73.2 KB, 500x514, 250:257, download.jpeg)

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126ac8  No.8890769


>Seriously, think about it.

And everything the Dems are accusing POTUS of doing THEY are doing….

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3f3e07  No.8890770

inthematrixxx picture gives me the creeps anons

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776e9d  No.8890771

File: 54927439f905fbc⋯.png (29.27 KB, 630x340, 63:34, 4_21_2020_D2_Can_the_coron….PNG)

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cb2e00  No.8890772

File: 5041c021163b745⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bbf3088c5a13c2aefd694d8398….jpg)


That left a mark.

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0a2c16  No.8890773


God bless you, anon.

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683ff7  No.8890774

I find it odd the persistent hatred towards POTUS.

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6e0148  No.8890775

File: 7bda0177a4743db⋯.mp4 (161.95 KB, 640x326, 320:163, BLOOD.mp4)

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7b2c28  No.8890776

File: bb01f340aff36ae⋯.jpg (23.24 KB, 571x457, 571:457, Winning.jpg)

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dce016  No.8890777


Your graphics and "theories" are nonsense, always.

But some newfag or Linda will nominate it for notable.

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02ca80  No.8890778


They think they're slick with comms.

We see them.

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9dd547  No.8890779

File: cced9775bfa08fd⋯.jpg (107.7 KB, 673x521, 673:521, JUST_4_YOU.jpg)

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6e6401  No.8890780

File: ca72941d952aa2c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 987x658, 3:2, Screenshot_2020_04_22_at_9….png)

Last night and tonight. enjoy a nice sky event seeing how no one needs to get up for work…


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0a7bb4  No.8890781

File: eaa0ba32a30b9e8⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 606x663, 202:221, tumor.jpg)

File: a46608dfc5c27f7⋯.png (212.76 KB, 500x759, 500:759, Fuck_Jesus.png)

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5cdfee  No.8890782

>>8889435. Pb

Just stop watching. I have. It was the same thing over and over with fake numbers and msm idiots. Maybe helping wake some ppl up? Don’t know. Only really fixed and set minds haven’t figured it out.

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a9c589  No.8890783


No kek I had to shut it down the reporters were pissing me off

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8d168d  No.8890784


china wanted killary

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3cced1  No.8890785


lies so much his face is krooked.

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bbfcce  No.8890786

File: f9f7b7b2915a474⋯.png (3.06 MB, 2313x1316, 2313:1316, 391CFEFB_1B1A_4A59_8A9D_6C….png)

File: 61748c68b4b0c28⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2376x1350, 44:25, E0A9F036_6D04_4CDE_96FD_95….png)

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2beb76  No.8890787




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326b18  No.8890788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This Shill who constantly attacks Bakers and calls them "CLOWN BAKER" is

the Same Shill who constantly posts the ==NEWFAGS, LURKERS,==

fake Virtue Dictating post.

This Shill has been attacking BO and Baker since 2018, in the Exact Same Way.

Year after year, Month after Month, Day after day, Bread after Bread.

April 4, 2020 Sat.

Night Baker OUTED this shill by showing that the CLOWN BAKER and NEWFAGS, LURKERS, shill posted these 2 posts on the same ID in the Same Bread'''.

Baker's Post No. 8681787

04/04/20 (Sat) 02:14:35 130868 (40)  No.8681787

Baker showed that these 2 Posts are by the same Shill:

No. 868176504/04/20 (Sat) 02:10:14 22c843 (13)  No.8681765


No. 868177604/04/20 (Sat) 02:12:33 22c843 (13)  No.8681776

baker is CLOWN BAKER Post

This shill is a Phony.

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750250  No.8890789


Representatives. Representation. Logical.

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cbbd82  No.8890790

Ya' know, I've seen enough T&A to last a lifetime. I don't even notice it anymore. Same with gore porn, dick picks, infant pics. I just don't give a shit. Fucking shills have blown their wad and have nothing left but empty spasms. Fucking liberating, actually.

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481749  No.8890791


>I find it odd the persistent hatred towards POTUS.


POTUS allows it bc FAUCI winning more than all america combine!

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4cac45  No.8890792

File: f2b86eeb553e3ae⋯.png (868.27 KB, 729x1724, 729:1724, liveoperationinchina.PNG)

File: 11eeb8919031340⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 1017x490, 1017:490, ChInA.jpg)

File: 6862054a01cc527⋯.jpg (487.67 KB, 1200x1436, 300:359, POTUSpepeWindow.jpg)

Soon we will know.

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683ff7  No.8890793


That’s a bad sign. Plant?

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711863  No.8890794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a34b5b  No.8890795


Freddy answer my question. If Q is failing why have you been programmed to demoralize us?

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43738e  No.8890796

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB, 355x313, 355:313, KEK_bby.png)

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b222d0  No.8890797


Follow the wives.


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dbe87a  No.8890798


Holy shit I was just thinking about this a few weeks ago looking through done centuries twitter and snapchats and they were all playing the piano. I think I even posted

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108abb  No.8890799

sppooopppy signs

-vultures flying over the COMFORT

wut gives –

hunters follow vultures cause it draws curiosity from all forms of animals and makes for easy marks

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481749  No.8890800


dumb fuck PIG….prove it the this BOARD assfuck…oh wait YOU CAN'T bc your a dumb fucking PIG

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0d3b77  No.8890801


There are thousands of private runways. No ticket counters. No TSA.

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0a7bb4  No.8890802

File: 1c7575899c11d17⋯.jpg (342.01 KB, 988x989, 988:989, 1585997427868.jpg)

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30e321  No.8890803

File: cc40646c4f748a6⋯.png (137.98 KB, 622x899, 622:899, 500_women_scientists.png)

here's a little rabbit hole I went down

several posts on this




500 Women Scientists

500 Women Scientists is a non-profit group dedicated to making science open, inclusive, and accessible. To achieve this mission, they work to increase scientific literacy through public engagement, advocate for science and equity, and provide self-identifying women with the tools and support they need to reach their full potential. The organization began with an open letter in November 2016 and was officially recognized as a 501(c)3 in May 2018

500 Women Scientists launched with an open letter signed by 500 women scientists after the United States 2016 presidential election. The letter pledged to speak out not only against policies that go against scientific evidence, but also against inequality, sexism, xenophobia, and other forms of discrimination against marginalized communities. Within two months, the pledge received over fifteen thousand signatures from women and allies in 109 countries.

In concert with the 2017 Women's March, women scientists and supporters who signed the pledge organized themselves into groups to march together. The local marches became the basis for forming local chapters, or "Pods", where local women scientists meet regularly. Pods function both as a support system and as a vehicle to focus on and organize around issues that resonate in their own communities, in line with 500 Women Scientists core mission and values

Request a Woman Scientist

To increase representation of women on conference panels and in high-profile science journalism stories, 500 Women Scientists launched a Request a Woman Scientist database for self-identifying women with expertise in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) fields. The database currently contains over 6,000 women in 104 countries

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7b2c28  No.8890804


He also forgot the Honorable Jon Corzine.

oh?, wait!…nm.

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6efa55  No.8890805

File: 671f2547c718a27⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1270x894, 635:447, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

Nolte: Chris Cuomo Knew He Had COVID-19, Still Risked Infecting Others by Violating Quarantine

In all of America, I know of only one person — one — who knew he was infected with the coronavirus, who knew he was contagious, and who still risked infecting others by violating his quarantine… And that person is CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

If you go to CNNLOL right now, or any other establishment media outlet, you are more likely than not to witness elite and gainfully-employed “journalists” raging against everyday Americans who are out protesting their state’s draconian lockdown orders. And I use the word “draconian” deliberately. Regardless of the media spin, I’m not seeing anyone protesting social distancing or even the idea of a lockdown. What they are protesting is what they reasonably see as overreach and favoritism, is a punitive one-size-fits-all alarmism that treats rural counties in no danger of crashing their health care systems like those urban areas that are.


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8d168d  No.8890806



who, killary? her and thousands of others

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588df5  No.8890807



==notable== Rita Katz is setting up the next Schiff scam, formerly the only person who could "find" the ISIS videos and gave them focus/publicity

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5c7004  No.8890808


>Otherwise prove it wrong anons

Tell you what. Prove you're a patriotic first.

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a14b83  No.8890809


You are Brian Stelter

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dbe87a  No.8890810


*some *celebrities

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683ff7  No.8890811


Couldn’t have possibly gotten any closer than that. Honey pot is suspect too

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43d283  No.8890812

File: 502073c289851f3⋯.png (11.58 KB, 255x251, 255:251, pepethink.png)


That evil bitch would have turned this

country into that living hell…..heyyyyy..wait a minute

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ce447d  No.8890813


Very dasting

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dc9d47  No.8890814

@3 Check these anons




are not endorsements


>>8890485, >>8890504 Texas Tornado Today

>>8890557 Anker Chinese Electronics Brand Owned by Anker Innovations, re >>8889854 (LB)

>>8890544, >>8890741 Foreign Ownership of Thousands of U.S. Aircraft Cloaked in Secrecy (Site of TX Tornado Today)

>>8890548 President Trump and First Lady Participates in a Tree Planting Ceremony

>>8890553 Cuomo Just Gave McKinsey & Co the Contract to Make a Plan for Reopening NY

>>8890678 Top vaccine expert says he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

>>8890704, >>8890594, >>8890757 DIGG: Rita Katz, Bill Gates Hack

>>8890740 Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial

>>8890736 Israel: NSC & IDF Fight Coronavirus, Discussed Armed Revolt Scenario w/Deteriorating Economic Situation


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714a86  No.8890815

File: 7d0d7d6b29773e3⋯.png (459.64 KB, 901x848, 17:16, Screenshot_2020_02_27_Why_….png)


has she been crying?

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cbbd82  No.8890816


Fucking "PHANTOMS". Kek.

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704e89  No.8890817

>>8887914 (pb)

Fuck yeah!

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4cac45  No.8890818

File: 6cb4eb855ce5092⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB, 576x324, 16:9, SayNoToBillGates.mp4)



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b59465  No.8890819

File: 86a84b72662993d⋯.png (130.28 KB, 474x202, 237:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Are shills self-aware of what they are doing here?

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43738e  No.8890820

File: ece350b12e3cb0f⋯.png (62.57 KB, 401x323, 401:323, traitors_fear_trumps_chin.png)


lookin good baker o7

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85f650  No.8890821


More than likely some tax or financial benefit for registering there. Move on.

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b222d0  No.8890822


Once I get out and about I buying and taking with breakfast. Could be the the miracle cure. The fountain of youth.

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47835b  No.8890823

File: 7d0b88032967745⋯.jpg (153.19 KB, 900x700, 9:7, Evil_Be_Gone.jpg)

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b11181  No.8890824

File: 7f21a1bcd24f068⋯.png (24.6 KB, 454x71, 454:71, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

File: 0d90d91c63139c6⋯.png (168.86 KB, 562x738, 281:369, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

File: ac8918ccd9a3203⋯.png (265.3 KB, 525x754, 525:754, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

File: 89d6c2264701d00⋯.png (311.8 KB, 588x746, 294:373, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

Do not poke Bear with Stick.

LawFags: Doesn't this CODE (Not Law) only apply to public SERVANTS?


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0a7bb4  No.8890825

File: fbabe4f7060264a⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1586152438650.webm)

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326b18  No.8890826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*1. RUSSIA 1917

>'''Bolshevik Jews With Fake "Christian" Names Killed the Christian Tsar Nicholas II and Family.

The Brutal "Communist" Regime Killed 100 Million White Russian Christians.'''

Sauce: https://www.wsj.com/articles/100-years-of-communismand-100-million-dead-1510011810

*2. CHINA 1949 Communist Revolution

Mao Tse Tung funded by Rothschild Agents: Solomon Adler, Israel Epstein (in charge of China's propaganda), Frank Coe (Rothschild owned IMF), Sidney Shapiro (Mao's Minister of Appropriations).

Sauce: http://themillenniumreport.com/2019/07/communist-china-was-created-by-jewish-infiltrators-working-for-the-international-banking-cartel/

>Brutal "Communist" Regime Mass Murder - Killed 65 Million Chinese Christians

Sauce: https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/the-legacy-mao-zedong-mass-murder

The Jews Who Fought With Mao - Jakob Rosenfeld

Sauce: https://www.haaretz.com/the-jews-who-fought-with-mao-1.5272071

>One Child Policy - Forced Abortions

>China Now Has 30 Million More Men Than Women - 30 Million Bachelors With No Brides

Sauce: https://www.npr.org/2016/02/01/465124337/how-chinas-one-child-policy-led-to-forced-abortions-30-million-bachelors

*3. USA 1913 Illegal Creation Of The Jewish-Owned Federal Reserve To Replace The Constitutional US Treasury

Stole the Power to Create Money from the US Treasury

>Stole 96% of the Value of the US Dollar From We The People through "Inflation"

>Turned US Government Into Debt Slave of The  Privately Owned Federal Reserve  Top-Secret-Identity Bankers

Paid Corrupt Politicians To Send American Soldiers To Die In Wars For Israel

Sauce: https://www.thebalance.com/who-owns-the-federal-reserve-3305974

*4. BRITAIN 1917 Balfour Declaration - Middle East

>British Government Gave Lord Rothschild A Small Piece of Land in Palestine To Create The State of Israel. Gateway To The Greater Israel Project, To Steal All Lands and Resources in The Middle East

Sauce: https://www.history.com/topics/middle-east/balfour-declaration

>Judaism = Marxism = Communism = Globalism 

100 Years of Global  Destruction: Russia, China, USA, Middle East, Europe

>The Mass Rape of European Christian Women, Destruction of Christian Europe through Replacement "Migration" of black Africans and Middle East Muslims.

Arise Goyim (Cattle), Have You HAD ENOUGH of Jewish Subversion?

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24caa6  No.8890827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Takaway: The virus is a tool to shut down economy and usher in new green economy. Shitstorm headed our way.

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ce447d  No.8890828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yup. Look'n good so far, bakes.

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fbc6b8  No.8890829


we need a regex learning tool with plenty of examples

some might be:





and a discussion as to will it work for the name field and/or in the body text.

This would help us help ourselves.

Thank you

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dc9d47  No.8890830

>>8890820 Thanks for checking

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83248f  No.8890831

File: 847ef1be2b85d68⋯.jpg (159.72 KB, 863x776, 863:776, Logical_Indian.jpg)



Rita Katz and her 2 man company @SiteIntelGroup, were the SOLE DISSEMINATORS of the ISIS fake beheading videos to the MSM.

Katz claimed she got her info before even other ISIS groups through her ‘listening abilities’ on ISIS message boards.

The Pentagon were also caught having paid a UK PR company $540million to produce fake terrorist videos.


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000000  No.8890832


What's actually in it?

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baffc4  No.8890833


At this point? Who's gonna stop them?

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481749  No.8890834


baker, notable

this bear gets it…do somethig Q/Q+ before american lose last of freedoms

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b70b6e  No.8890835


harp harp harp.

you are so 1999.

grow up grasshopper. you bore me.

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683ff7  No.8890836


Center for Online Adiction?

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b222d0  No.8890837


Nice to see young people catching on to this cretin. He likes needles. We'll give him a needle.

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7b2c28  No.8890838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Not the same Rita, not as lovely.

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588df5  No.8890839



moar Rita Katz

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dc9d47  No.8890840

>>8890828 Thank you

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3e1d40  No.8890842


WHO is back to climate change now, pandemic isn't panning out for them, US cut off funds, this is now obsolete

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44debd  No.8890843

File: c0c4c764143080b⋯.png (363.68 KB, 579x341, 579:341, SpamMuhJoo.png)

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7d1c7f  No.8890844

10$ says QR becomes like TikTok with various celebs going LOOK AT ME SUPPORTING Q

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0a7bb4  No.8890846

File: 8a964a6c0b5fb13⋯.png (124.66 KB, 500x463, 500:463, this_is_your_fault_turn_in….png)

File: 1222be7c158363a⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 252x200, 63:50, kick.jpg)

File: fc3e7747808bb7d⋯.jpg (166.36 KB, 618x538, 309:269, crying_618x538.jpg)

File: 73066315e7814e7⋯.jpg (315.98 KB, 1200x891, 400:297, a40.jpg)

File: d70dd04ae2027e8⋯.jpg (419.95 KB, 764x600, 191:150, d70.jpg)

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63e975  No.8890847



i'll take $100 that don't happen

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5b22b6  No.8890848

File: 10475c9a42394b7⋯.png (389.24 KB, 764x854, 382:427, Pelosi_will_hold_out_for_v….png)

Democrats will demand mail-in voting measures in next economic relief package, says



“No matter what the president says, it cannot be denied."


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52eb0d  No.8890849

File: 3521743ebc2c1d7⋯.png (372.05 KB, 535x691, 535:691, Screenshot_2020_04_22_U_S_….png)

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

#Soldiers learn these values in detail, and live them every day in everything they do — whether they’re on the job or off.


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3e1d40  No.8890850


nice diggies

famefaggin will kill them

though Freddy does well as a pretender

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24caa6  No.8890851


$540 million to make a few videos!?!?!?!? I'd do it for $18 million!!!

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13c2b6  No.8890852

File: d8e76607cbc1e06⋯.jpeg (110.79 KB, 1080x615, 72:41, 1565393056.jpeg)

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4cac45  No.8890853


Or just put your big girl panties on.

We do not censor.

Censorship is for leftie retards.

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2b5952  No.8890854


Third grade must be challenging for you.

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060a7e  No.8890855


Beat me to it

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7b2c28  No.8890856

File: b65b0cba5db345f⋯.png (99.68 KB, 189x486, 7:18, Reliable_Sources.png)


> Brian Stelter

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43738e  No.8890857

File: 4f58d2372edc708⋯.png (48.63 KB, 626x675, 626:675, 4f58d2372edc7089734844b7e6….png)


a pleasure, as always o7

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083745  No.8890858

File: 8225e17857e5e88⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 20200421_DSC_0032.jpg)

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f8aa3c  No.8890859


You don’t have them all saved outside Qmap?

I do…screenshots of every single one. I’ll go peruse mine and see if it’s there. I don’t remember this particular post but then again, I don’t even remember how long we’ve been here

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fb1d9a  No.8890860


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ea0230  No.8890861


Hell of a dig there anon.

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5f82bd  No.8890862

File: 1fd9719c5ca1242⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 800x1028, 200:257, IMG_20190130_120815_400.JPG)


You had your 15 minutes.


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585d77  No.8890863


I think she was also involved with the Bin Laden videos.

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84d334  No.8890864

File: 24e531c4f32c646⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1008x1156, 252:289, 53120987643.png)

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44debd  No.8890865


It's not a meme fuckwit.

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a34b5b  No.8890866

File: 5943091ac1189be⋯.png (11.26 KB, 255x163, 255:163, prince.png)












So this is the new shill tactic…. demoralize and act like you are frustrated. We need a name from this kind of shill tactic.

I dub this tactic


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886d72  No.8890867


Or it could be a fucking tornado being as it in Tornado Alley in Tornado Season.

Just guessing tho.

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7563ce  No.8890868

File: dbb7b0f6959ffb7⋯.jpg (242.96 KB, 1890x763, 270:109, savehouston.JPG)


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2b5952  No.8890869

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0a7bb4  No.8890870

File: 0b4908320bd7e4b⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1800x1223, 1800:1223, 0b4908320bd7e4be6db1865e30….png)

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be05c1  No.8890871

File: a69a59ee6b1d42c⋯.png (14.33 KB, 400x126, 200:63, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

Anons, is this a pedo sign?

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0b0012  No.8890872

File: 8b755bd2ed2ce11⋯.png (424.08 KB, 586x1112, 293:556, ClipboardImage.png)


BETO says Protests are fake, paid for


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481749  No.8890873

File: 14b5cb4cb94783e⋯.png (831.34 KB, 1890x763, 270:109, ClipboardImage.png)



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f0c4df  No.8890874

File: d5c1ff8a8088019⋯.jpg (611.22 KB, 2850x1884, 475:314, NS5.jpg)


we b lurkin

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13c2b6  No.8890875

File: 2f54c75fd6265d2⋯.jpeg (181.46 KB, 1440x880, 18:11, 1539702332.jpeg)

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060a7e  No.8890876


Muslim woman driver license photo?


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4cac45  No.8890877

File: 272b8e722e07225⋯.jpg (66.39 KB, 687x418, 687:418, BirxRedPill.jpg)

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122877  No.8890878

File: 6b050c474b74278⋯.jpg (229.56 KB, 1080x1611, 120:179, Screenshot_20200422_182726….jpg)

Europa the last battle


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750250  No.8890879


Bexar County, San Antonio, TX as well

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24caa6  No.8890880


Old story – 05 Oct 2016

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f4aadd  No.8890881


Interesting that your 4th image of the ceremony features a gigantic infant in a hospital bed. The 3rd image is a truly sinister character.

These people are sick and want to make everyone else sick.

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708f66  No.8890882


Also in 1950, Dr. Joseph Stokes of the University of Pennsylvania deliberately infected 200 female prisoners with viral hepatitis.

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, for research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.

From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.

]In 1952, Chester M. Southam, a Sloan-Kettering Institute researcher, injected live cancer cells, known as HeLa cells, into prisoners at the Ohio State Penitentiary and cancer patients. Also at Sloan-Kettering, 300 healthy women were injected with live cancer cells without being told. The doctors stated that they knew at the time that it might cause cancer


tip of the iceberg

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9d22a4  No.8890883


There you go man

Keep as cool as you can

For it riles them to believe

Thay you perceive the web (they) weave

Keep on thinking friend 🤔👈

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0edc69  No.8890884

File: 664a403f7eea4e1⋯.jpg (84.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

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dce016  No.8890885




Baker, for what it's worth, I don't think this specific post has been in notables, and this one has more sauce to it.

>>8890622 Another Whistleblower: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyers Are Representing Demoted Doctor Who ‘Resisted’ Hydroxychloroquine Push

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a46895  No.8890886

File: fc50fbb9afc206a⋯.jpg (115.32 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Wake_Up_Q.jpg)

Ronny Jackson rawdogs the Anime Pussies from Japan!

Why don't you?

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5f82bd  No.8890887

File: a25b67d8d8d7c96⋯.jpg (305.51 KB, 832x557, 832:557, IMG_20200420_175855_614.JPG)


Jfkjr will make you feel better.

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83248f  No.8890888

File: ffc1476640fa0db⋯.jpg (112.77 KB, 822x797, 822:797, Fox_News.jpg)

File: 0311692d90bbc8f⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 825x1200, 11:16, EWN3OVdWkAIEthf.jpg)




Rita Katz provides the ultimate in psychological Fake News terror and should be investigated for her role in terrorising billions of people through the dissemination of fake ISIS videos and other misinformation.

Now she’s resurfacing, ready to do it again with COIVID-19.



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ea0230  No.8890889


Yeah, everyone grabs the popcorn to ride out the storm and sticks a message on the tin.

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43d283  No.8890890


just a few people playing in the park

trust the plan

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f9c2fa  No.8890891

File: d22debaefdecfb6⋯.png (125.39 KB, 501x822, 167:274, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

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84bc5d  No.8890892

File: 994b66b5cd58eea⋯.jpg (292.27 KB, 660x515, 132:103, You_Doodle_2020_04_23T01_2….JPG)

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683ff7  No.8890894


Shills can play the game. Some of us haven’t even started playing yet… we were just having fun. Now it’s game time.

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a14b83  No.8890895

Serious question,posed by E.

Can we save the republic?

I imagine Q team and Trump are pondering this right how.

Hard to imagine they didn't know what was coming. Basically anything under the sun the deep state could use short of open warfare would be uaed to try and stop Trump.

Hard telling if it is even possible for man(Q,POTUS and freedom lovers) to be able to drain the swamp.

This quiet civil war could go on for a very long time. No one wins.

Let's ask God to stop it,or let's ask God to give us a sign that we should stop it.

I prefer option one,but if it takes us,and open fighting, i will answer the call.

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e1e02f  No.8890896

File: b69e154b9802423⋯.png (381.2 KB, 1115x333, 1115:333, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon gets that harmless Kingsnake and deadly Coral Snake markings resemble one another but when inspected closely they are easy to distinguish using the rhyme in >>8890613

Anon sees the image name

Deadly Coral Snake 8 Kun

and wonders about that.

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6e6401  No.8890897


this is one active lab made part of good old Quinine. natural Quinine bark is available over the counter and has multiple similar active compounds. When the lab made stuff fails they still fall back to the natural stuff when treating malaria.

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d0cc16  No.8890898


Pelosi > POTUS

He is cucked.

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30e321  No.8890900



3 years ago — https://archive.is/OxoRi

April 2020 — https://archive.is/wip/8QdQa


500 QUEER SCIENTISTS — @500queersci — a new visibility campaign for LGBTQ+ people

and their allies working in STEM and STEM-supporting jobs


scientists and health professionals to communicate complex topics in clear, vivid, and engaging

ways; leading to improved understanding by the public, media, patients, elected officials, and

others outside of their own discipline. The Center was formally established in 2009 with support

from Stony Brook University

AKIDEMIC LIFE — @aKIDemicLife — Our mission is to provide you with solutions: to help

you plan a successful academic career, reduce stress at work, and enjoy your family more.

CIENCIA PUERTO RICO — @CienciaPR — a nonprofit organization composed of scientists,

professionals, students and citizens committed to the advancement of science in Puerto Rico

EARTH SCIENCE WOMEN’S NETWORK — @eswntweets — a grassroots, non-profit,

member driven organization with the mission to build a resilient community that lifts all

women and moves the geosciences forward.

ELPHA — @joinelpha — Elpha is the place for women in tech to talk candidly online. Whether

you work at a tech company or tech is an important part of your work in another field,

consider joining! Elpha is a private community centered around a daily feed of member-

generated conversations on personal and professional topics. Elpha contributes knowledge,

resources and career opportunities, all through the female lens.

EXPLORING BY THE SEAT OF YOUR PANTS — @EBTSOYP — aims to inspire the next

generation of scientists, explorers and conservationists by bringing science, exploration,

adventure, and conservation for free into classrooms through virtual speakers and field trips

with leading experts across the globe. Since starting in September 2015 they have run over

1,000 live events and connected hundreds of thousands of students to scientists and explorers in

over 75 countries

GUERILLA SCIENCE — @GuerillaScience — Guerilla Science creates events and installations

for festivals, museums, galleries, and other cultural partners. They are committed to connecting

people with science in new ways, and producing live experiences that entertain, inspire,

challenge and amaze.

IMAGINE SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL — @imaginescience — Celebrating art and science

through film. Imagine Science Films is a non-profit organization in existence since 2008

committed to promoting a high-level dialogue between scientists and filmmakers. The festival

cultivates an appreciation of science through events, but also serves as an international resource

and active network for those who want to communicate the scientific realities of to public



Inspiring Girls Now In Technology Evolution (IGNITE) works to create opportunities to spark

girls’ excitement about technology careers and inspire them to new possibilities. Self-identifying

girls and non-binary students in grades K-12, and college from all backgrounds interact with

professional women in technology careers during the school day. Working with teachers,

IGNITE increases girls and non-binary students interest and participation in science and

technology by organizing workshops, panels, and field trips.

IT’S FREEZING IN LA! — @itsfreezinginla — a new, independent magazine with a fresh

perspective on climate change. Too often, environmental discussion is polarised into one of two

categories: the remote, technical language of science, or the hotheaded outrage of activism. This

magazine finds the middle ground, inviting writers and illustrators from a variety of fields to

give us their take on how climate change will affect — and is affecting — society

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b59465  No.8890901

File: 6d572fe60be5047⋯.gif (462.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, panic.gif)

The desperation is becoming hilarious to me.

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5b22b6  No.8890902



some sauce for Coumo picking McKinsey

Cuomo’s Handpicked Consulting Firm Has A Shady Past With China

The Mid-atlantic states have tapped McKinsey and Company to assist in reopening efforts, but its ties to China are troubling.

The consortium of Mid-atlantic states led by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, which is creating a plan to reopen their economies, has hired consulting firm McKinsey and Company to help with their efforts. As the New York Post reported last week, officials close to the process say the McKinsey-aided plan is an attempt to thwart Trump’s efforts at quick reopening, one official called it “Trump-proof.” But McKinsey is very close to another part of this story too, the nation that brought us the coronavirus, China.

A brutal expose in the New York Times from 2018 showed a deeply troubling relationship between McKinsey and Communist state-owned companies in China. Some of the projects they worked on, including a set of artificial islands in the South China Sea are at direct odds with stated American policy goals.

In 2018, the consulting firm held a corporate retreat in Western China just a few scant miles from the sites of concentration camps where the Communist government imprisons upwards of a million Uyghur Muslims. This humanitarian crisis was no secret at the time. As the McKinsey executives took camel ride selfies, the world knew that an entire ethnic minority was being systematically erased just down the road.

McKinsey’s excuse is the same as every company that kow tows to the communist regime in China, that it’s easier to fix China’s humanitarian problems from the inside. That is unadulterated neoliberal hokum, which has been proven wrong over, and over, and over. Making China more wealthy has not made China more free, it has only made it more powerful. Now it is using that power to challenge American interests and to spread deadly lies about a pandemic it created.

McKinsey’s close ties to China should give us some pause considering the power that Cuomo’s Mid-atlantic band of governors are prepared to give it. Much of the firm’s work will be modeling testing and testing result patterns, which means they will be gathering and generating a remarkable amount of valuable data. These states are also looking at potential tracing programs meant to isolate infected individuals.

These kinds of invasive practices walk a fine line in regard to civil liberties. Maybe a consulting firm that is comfortable looking the other way at literal concentration camps is not the best choice to assist in efforts to contain a virus while respecting the rights of American citizens. We also might consider the wisdom of handing so much information to a company with its hands so deeply and snugly in Communist China’s pockets.

Even before the outbreak of the Wuhan virus pandemic we were seeing troubling signs of China’s emerging power in our society and culture. From Hollywood movies removing images of Taiwanese flags to the NBA falling all over itself not to embarrass China over its brutal Hong Kong crackdowns, the communist regime was exerting a clear influence.

Massive government actions like the coronavirus virus response can be a windfall for companies like McKinsey, it’s like the consulting Olympics. We saw how patronage can play a role in all this in Michigan, where Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had to do an embarrassing backtrack, revoking a consulting contract that was given to an extremely pro-Democrat firm.


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467936  No.8890903

File: dd9342e9cb56741⋯.png (500.9 KB, 390x492, 65:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59b86cdd3efd2b4⋯.png (5.67 KB, 412x95, 412:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Q, will you buy me this?

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d7d201  No.8890904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Toots survived Gitmo..what cha crying about Freddy

Toot, Toot, Tootsie! - Al Jolson

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f0c4df  No.8890905

File: be1902f93c9aa42⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 172x255, 172:255, hold.jpg)

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585d77  No.8890906


That must be absolutely miserable. The humidity in Houston is outrageous.

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266ff8  No.8890907

File: 6c19e368d74d021⋯.png (1.74 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


motion carried

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108abb  No.8890908


54 deaths (half of those probably had scheduled pick ups already with the grim reaper)

and this trannie uses PLENARY power to order and fine CA residents like they are voted officials making laws, voting and passing into law

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30e321  No.8890909


LUNA PRODUCTIONS — is the Emmy award winning documentary multi-media enterprise

run by Gary Weimberg and Catherine Ryan. 500WS and Luna productions partnered in a

fundraising campaign for the award-winning PBS documentary “My Love Affair with the

Brain: The Life and Science of Dr. Marian Diamond” that tells the story of a powerful and

empowering teacher and scientist, a scientific pioneer, a role model particularly for women in

science, and of a woman who faced many struggles at a time when very few women did

science. Part scientific story and part biography, women in science glow with pride after

watching this film – called the Diamond Effect

MASSIVE SCIENCE CONSORTIUM — @massivesci — is dedicated to helping scientists share

stories about their work and lives in pursuit of a more informed, rational, and curious society.

The Massive Science Consortium is open to any STEM researcher who wants to improve their

storytelling, tell their science stories to new audiences, and support and encourage their like

minded peers. The community of scientists is over 250 strong, fiercely intelligent, and deeply


MOTHERS IN SCIENCE — @mothersinsci — a non-profit organisation created to respond to

the urgent need for a safe space where mothers in STEM could find support and share their

experiences coping in a work environment that traditionally doesn’t accommodate for people

with a family.


wants to improve the scientific basis of environmental policy and decision-making.

NCSE works collectively with its community and engages scientists, educators, policymakers,

business leaders, and officials at all levels of government to strengthen the role and increase the

use of science in policy-making. There are numerous ways to get involved with NCSE,

including their youth focused program EnvironMentors which is quickly spreading across the


NATIONAL GIRLS COLLABORATIVE PROJECT (NGCP) — @ngcproject — is a network of

over 36,000 girl-serving STEM programs committed to informing and encouraging girls to

pursue careers in STEM. The NGCP has the goal of creating the tipping point for gender equity

in STEM through maximizing access to shared resources and strengthening the capacity of

existing and evolving projects by sharing exemplary practice research, models, and outcomes

SKYPE A SCIENTIST — @SkypeScientist — a non-profit organization that matches scientists

with classrooms around the world. They provide students with the opportunity to get to know a

“real scientist”. More than 7,000 scientists have signed-up to talk to over 21,000 classrooms

around the world and teachers can choose the type of scientist that will fit their classroom.


AMERICANS IN SCIENCE (SACNAS) — @sacnas — a nonprofit, inclusive organization

dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college

students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in

STEM. Their vision is focused on achieving true diversity in STEM, so that the field (including

leadership positions) reflects the demographics of the population.

UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS — @UCSUSA — a national nonprofit organization

founded 50 years ago by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

who sought to use the power of science to address global problems and improve people’s lives.

— to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.

CONCOLOR RESEARCH — https://www.concolorresearch.com/ — Concolor Research

conducts research, evaluation, and design in service of creating relevant, empowering, and

delightful experiences for all people. They are committed to being empathetically curious about

people and their experiences while being obsessed with the systems and contexts where people

live and work.

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52eb0d  No.8890910

File: b19df0634940535⋯.png (83.6 KB, 535x540, 107:108, Screenshot_2020_04_22_U_S_….png)

File: 40938b1396975bd⋯.png (110.96 KB, 505x284, 505:284, Screenshot_2020_04_22_U_S_….png)

Ultimate Sacrifice

On this date in 2004, Cpl. Jason Dunham passed away after saving the lives of his fellow Marines eight days earlier while fighting insurgents in Iraq.



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9d6ff1  No.8890911


TRUTH. I haven't even wanted to THINK what this anon is saying.

God help us.

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5665f6  No.8890912

China made Drones and Communist China spying on 22 states with drones working with local government to spy on social distanceing

data give back to Communist China

Chinese drones should be banned and local governmebt should not be spying on all americans

huge fines not weaering masks and socla distancing mayors and governernors working with China

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5b22b6  No.8890913


oops Cuomo, typo kek

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baffc4  No.8890914


Doesn't look like Reba.

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10b132  No.8890915
















































































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153170  No.8890916

File: 5af4ab1e0bd3118⋯.jpg (292.4 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1_million_protest_in_Hong_….jpg)


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8d168d  No.8890917


if you were a true ets devotee youd know that he ascended to the pleidian multiverse after his first account tanked

i have to wonder, what are you still doing on this plane of existence?

did you not get the memo?

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f02949  No.8890918


>Imagine being this retarded

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10b132  No.8890920
















































































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b222d0  No.8890921


That's what he thinks? He's spent the last 8 years explaining why he's really not a convicted felon for Financial fraud. I read all the court documents like everyone else did. And so sorry. You committed crime. Were you treated unfairly. Absolutely. But you lied and continued to do so. + the biggie. No absolution for the millions of dollars lost for the people that naively followed you.

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481749  No.8890922


Did you comply with the loss of freedoms, wear your mast and gloves, while local gov fucks you in the ass?

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b11181  No.8890923

File: c7000b5b13421fe⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1042x760, 521:380, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)


Bears can smell [fear]

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a34b5b  No.8890924


agreed… most anons are ignoring

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f8be82  No.8890925

File: 6ce426317ba61a2⋯.png (17.08 KB, 465x260, 93:52, RK.png)



Nothing to see here.

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5665f6  No.8890926


why are politicians working with Commusit China

spying with chinese drones

5 eyes not enough ?

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0edc69  No.8890927


Who's your daddy?

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cbbd82  No.8890928



>our gal?

Reba? Oh yeah. Best line in the movie: "I guess we can't criticize their lifestyle anymore". Kek>>8890711

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31d1a9  No.8890929


Chocolate is male prostitutes

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714a86  No.8890930

File: fadd8f1e9ac3dd3⋯.jpg (333.33 KB, 495x288, 55:32, 7c5e2c108600f2919923054737….jpg)



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24caa6  No.8890931


They're not just going to lay down and go to sleep.

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ec1d14  No.8890932


Different and somewhat competing branches of the cabal/illuminati from what anon can tell.

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a65389  No.8890933

Y’all…..Vidant Medical Center and all of their satellite hospitals in Eastern NC has had a major layoff/furlough/hours/salary reduction. They are even slashing 401k contributions by 50%. All PRN staff has been fired. My spouse is an RN and their hours have been cut to 31 a week. The hospital census is SO LOW they are losing money. I’ll post some sauce later on tonight. But the sauce I post won’t have all these details because the executives aren’t telling the media the truth.

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0a0cfb  No.8890934



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708f66  No.8890935


NYT does not do brutal exposes unless its disinfo

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d7d201  No.8890936

File: 1ccac2990411c75⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 808x455, 808:455, Capture.JPG)

Trump signs order halting immigration to the US to ensure Americans will be ‘first in line for jobs’

Citing the need to preserve healthcare resources and ensure the more than 22 million Americans made unemployed by coronavirus response will be taken care of, US President Donald Trump has suspended most forms of immigration.

The 60-day moratorium, that can be extended if needed, bars entry to the US to anyone outside the US who doesn’t have a valid immigrant visa or other valid document that would grant them admission, beginning a minute before midnight on Thursday, April 23.

President @realDonaldTrump just signed a proclamation temporarily suspending immigration into the United States.This will ensure unemployed Americans will be FIRST in line for jobs as our economy re-opens and preserve our healthcare resources for American patients.

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 22, 2020

Trump justified the measure by citing the record unemployment claims due to the lockdown measures imposed to curb the Covid-19 pandemic, and noting that without such an intervention the US “faces a potentially protracted economic recovery with persistently high unemployment if labor supply outpaces labor demand.”

The order carves out a number of exemptions. Notably, it does not apply to anyone who is a permanent US resident (“green card” holder), spouses of US citizens, under-21 children of US citizens, or members of the US armed forces and their spouses or children.


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62d3a5  No.8890937


Note the .ch domain. Cross-reference with https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-36428799


Some potentially unrelated history: http://allempires.com/article/index.php?q=conquest_helvetii

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2bf047  No.8890938

File: 4ae4c164489a2e6⋯.jpg (90.76 KB, 600x300, 2:1, flag1.jpg)

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684dce  No.8890939

File: 9c044fc728491a5⋯.png (31.73 KB, 527x295, 527:295, Fitton_re_POTUS_EO_Gutted_….PNG)

Tom Fitton

BREAKING: @realDonaldTrump executive order restricting workers that take American jobs gutted because some WH officials worried about @Apple: @TuckerCarlson.


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5c7004  No.8890940


>That expert getting fired re hcq

POTUS said during presser he doesn't know anything about it, i would wait til tomorrow to see what the real story is (it's the UK-Guardian, not always known for their high journalistic stds). Bongino's wait-48-hrs rule.

If you do keep in, may added this one? Or just add this one alone?

>>8890622 Another Whistleblower: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyers Are Representing Demoted Doctor Who ‘Resisted’ Hydroxychloroquine Push

Might give a sense of what's REALLY going on?

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be05c1  No.8890941



All I keep hearing is



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fbc6b8  No.8890942


get a clue

censorship means they cant speak

that is NOT what filtering does

they can post their scat all they want. I am not required to look at it.

I am changing channels from CNN to FOX

Get a grip on the 1st Amendment

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b11181  No.8890943


Never In Vain

WRWY Marines

Semper Fi

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ad0a20  No.8890944

If they cancelled the plan,

Would we be told?

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7f7845  No.8890945

How bad things become in this nation will depend entirely on Trump and Q-Team. There is no pandemic. Hospitals would be filled with sick people, and they just aren’t. Don’t become distracted about who it is doing this to America.

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481749  No.8890946

File: 31058856c4ccba6⋯.png (727.16 KB, 1549x819, 1549:819, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon you cannot prove america has not lost massive freedoms we will never get back due to this demanic!

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8d168d  No.8890947

File: 61b63605b1127d2⋯.png (241.02 KB, 450x253, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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a77241  No.8890948

File: b4aaf74c57d40e4⋯.png (63.65 KB, 600x480, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d8289  No.8890949

File: 8fb46da0fc62838⋯.jpeg (698.29 KB, 1032x1379, 1032:1379, B30A694A_D3D2_4FA2_BA10_7….jpeg)

Why is Donald Trump enabling the swamp?

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083745  No.8890950

File: 63af5786a58f3dd⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, KTNV_Ch_13_1995_Donald_Tru….mp4)

POTUS & Ivana | 1995

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30e321  No.8890951

File: 015d614c9423136⋯.png (147.62 KB, 570x1183, 570:1183, STEM_meanings.png)




Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, including Computer Science


In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it's more important than ever that our

nation's youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of

information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. These are the

kinds of skills that students develop in science, technology, engineering and math—disciplines

collectively known as STEM. If we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and

workers have the ability to understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and

tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, building students'

skills, content knowledge, and fluency in STEM fields is essential. We must also make sure that,

no matter where children live, they have access to quality learning environments. A child's zip

code should not determine their STEM fluency.


(lists the many countries where STEM projects exist —

2.1 Africa

2.2 Australia

2.3 Canada

2.4 China

2.5 Europe

2.6 France

2.7 Hong Kong

2.8 India

2.9 Philippines

2.10 Qatar

2.11 Singapore

2.12 Thailand

2.13 Turkey

2.14 United States

2.15 Vietnam


The focus on increasing participation in STEM fields has attracted criticism. In the 2014 article

"The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage" in The Atlantic, demographer Michael S.

Teitelbaum criticized the efforts of the U.S. government to increase the number of STEM

graduates, saying that, among studies on the subject, "No one has been able to find any

evidence indicating current widespread labor market shortages or hiring difficulties in science

and engineering occupations that require bachelor's degrees or higher", and that "Most studies

report that real wages in many—but not all—science and engineering occupations have been

flat or slow-growing, and unemployment as high or higher than in many comparably-skilled

occupations." Teitelbaum also wrote that the then-current national fixation on increasing STEM

participation paralleled previous U.S. government efforts since World War II to increase the

number of scientists and engineers, all of which he stated ultimately ended up in "mass layoffs,

hiring freezes, and funding cuts"; including one driven by the Space Race of the late 1950s and

1960s, which he wrote led to "a bust of serious magnitude in the 1970s."[95]

IEEE Spectrum contributing editor Robert N. Charette echoed these sentiments in the 2013

article "The STEM Crisis Is a Myth", also noting that there was a "mismatch between earning a

STEM degree and having a STEM job" in the United States, with only around ¼ of STEM

graduates working in STEM fields, while less than half of workers in STEM fields have a STEM


Economics writer Ben Casselman, in a 2014 study of post-graduation earnings for

FiveThirtyEight, wrote that, based on the data, science should not be grouped with the other

three STEM categories, because, while the other three generally result in high-paying jobs,

"many sciences, particularly the life sciences, pay below the overall median for recent college



How much money is spent on STEM education?

Annual federal appropriations for STEM education are typically in the range of $2.8 billion to

$3.4 billion.Jun 12, 2018




How do you get stem funding?

What are the best STEM grants? Read on for resources, grant writing tips, and funding

opportunities to get your hands on money for your classroom or program!

Companies are more likely to respond if their employees are invested.

Focus on Underrepresented Groups. …

Partner with Other Agencies. …

Focus on Outcomes.




(lots of money out there and corporations that give it out –

list is alphabetized for easy searching)

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7b2c28  No.8890952

File: 77d09e20dd0fc96⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 600x618, 100:103, stupid_burns.jpg)


>Democrats will demand mail-in voting measures in next economic relief package

Where you have to put an envelope inside the envelope to make it "secure"?

But you still have to check the box of which party you are voting for with your signature on the outside?

So what was the point of having curtains at voting booths all those years then?.

Their stupid knows no end.

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708f66  No.8890953



this is why we cant have nice things

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fae81c  No.8890954


Save screenshots for glorious I Told You Sos.

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0b0012  No.8890955


How does an Executive Order get "gutted"???

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588df5  No.8890956



EO was gutted

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02ca80  No.8890957

File: 7c33b2d73beb781⋯.jpg (214.34 KB, 632x940, 158:235, we_honor_those_who_fought_….jpg)

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43738e  No.8890958

File: 07c2cef9c754399⋯.jpg (139.35 KB, 640x345, 128:69, alex_jones_FAGGING.jpg)

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76608e  No.8890959


Like those Drones over Colorado

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f02949  No.8890960


Whose basement is this nigger in?

His mom’s?

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2a5640  No.8890961


Q Drop 1711 maybe



26 Jul 2018 - 12:44:26 PM


What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?

Known beforehand?


Think logically.

Could Sessions publicly challenge [RR] w/o creating a dilemma?

What events would immediately transpire if Sessions challenged [RR]?

Would it immediately demonstrate that Sessions must be aware of key Mueller facts?

Facts (or failure of duty) that he cannot possibly ‘know’ if recused?

Facts (a case) he is suppose to be recused from?

Think logically.

One challenge to [RR] would immediately trigger attacks to remove Sessions given his clear involvement in receiving information re: a case he is fully recused from.

Who does Huber [directly] report to?

Is it normal [RR] is side-stepped re: Huber CoC?

Why is this important?

Why did Sessions recuse?

Is the LEFT attacking Sessions?

What advantage(s) exist based on this setup?

POTUS publicly expresses his anger re: his recusal?

Do you believe POTUS would allow a complete takeover of his DOJ if nothing was being done behind the scenes to hold people accountable?

When POTUS states “the swamp is being drained” do you believe it?

When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?

Do you believe POTUS would allow Sessions & [RR] to run HIS DOJ if something wasn’t being done to his liking?


Clickbait derails logical thought.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Mueller investigating POTUS’ Tweets for obstruction?

You have a front row seat.

Enjoy the show.


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326b18  No.8890962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You Jews hate Gentiles.

as you well know.

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c8904e  No.8890963



Lucifer is the good guy

YWHA is Satan

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5c7004  No.8890964

File: 43386b88cf2638b⋯.png (38.84 KB, 259x194, 259:194, night_shift_after_5_am_LET….png)


shitposting fun? time for a nap. even moar fun.


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ef71b1  No.8890965

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13c2b6  No.8890966

File: bbecf56c7178913⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 630x347, 630:347, 6871963_110166962639.jpg)

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fbc6b8  No.8890967


new text

my husband was a turkey baster this long

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5b22b6  No.8890968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Kids in the Hall How to Survive a Grizzly Bear Attack

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d7d201  No.8890969

Using our money to lie to us and spread disinformation….As per usual

Axios qualifies for PPP loan

Axios is among the small businesses that qualified for a PPP loan to protect existing jobs and help weather the coronavirus crisis.

Why it matters: We are in the somewhat unique position of being both a media company, which covers government and business, and a job-creating small business with a national presence. So we wanted to be fully transparent about our thinking.

We have taken a financial hit like other small businesses. Our physical event business is gone until the crisis subsides, and some ad buyers are pulling back to measure the economic fallout. The media, broadly speaking, is getting crushed by the economic fallout. The good news is that demand for our trusted journalism is stronger than ever.

Our plan: We qualified for just shy of $5 million. Along with quick moves we made early in the crisis to reduce non-personnel expenses, this loan ensures we can avoid layoffs and pay cuts for our almost 200-person staff for the rest of the year, regardless of how much the overall economy deteriorates.


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6aeb98  No.8890970


The undereducation of society in recent years has let to ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear. The fear of ignorant people is contagious.

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9824d0  No.8890971

File: cd0064ded33356b⋯.png (356.77 KB, 472x519, 472:519, twerqereq.PNG)

@SpecialTactics_ teams find a way.

>"Here’s one of our teams treating and packaging a simulated patient during a mass casualty scenario as part of a training exercise."

"Even in the world’s most remote environments, our @SpecialTactics_ teams find a way. Here’s one of our teams treating and packaging a simulated patient during a mass casualty scenario as part of a training exercise. #readyAF


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a14b83  No.8890972


I read. A lot.

I do not follow anyone.

I do not have a twat account.

i read many accounts on the web. Including Q.

Want to go over all the Q disinformation you all believe would happen?

I didn't think so junior.

You better go. Hannity is on. Wouldn't want to miss any Sarah Carter disinformation

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0039ab  No.8890973


Possibly says 1950

White House was reconstructed in that time period and maybe the wood and copper removed was used as a recycle into these shovels.

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0edc69  No.8890974



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5665f6  No.8890975

File: b6bf44ae3ac3140⋯.png (510.4 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, hydroxySchiff.png)

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12185f  No.8890976

File: c7f347e1f6a730d⋯.jpg (212.48 KB, 670x367, 670:367, ns_toast.jpg)

ns fux

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588df5  No.8890977


deep state faggot

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6aeb98  No.8890978

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714a86  No.8890979

File: 34c161f073c3396⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1628x1228, 407:307, 1200px_1_SS_Panzer_Divisio….png)


^^^^^100% kikey boss mode mega jew




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83248f  No.8890980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





The ‘making’ of the fake ISIS videos were leaked by Ukranian hackers claiming they'd hacked John McCain NoName's phone during a visit by him there. The video showed the terrror movies being created in a film studio.

Rita Katz and The Site Intel Group claimed they found them on ISIS message boards and, the MSM terrorised the world with them.

Video Embed: Staged ‪ISIS‬ Execution Video Leaked By ‪Hackers‬


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ec1fd6  No.8890981

File: 72862d671e625ea⋯.png (485.82 KB, 741x494, 3:2, Screenshot_2020_04_22_Mitc….png)

File: ba80581da85ac38⋯.png (69.92 KB, 500x405, 100:81, Screenshot_2020_04_22_Mitc….png)

File: aef801db6e5b943⋯.png (17.63 KB, 500x264, 125:66, Screenshot_2020_04_22_Mitc….png)

File: ddf8c9a9007b466⋯.png (55.8 KB, 917x306, 917:306, Screenshot_2020_04_22_Mitc….png)

Mitch McConnell Says Struggling States Should File For Bankruptcy

Over the past month, the economic shutdown resulting from the coronavirus pandemic - which as we hear every day was "nobody's fault" just to make sure there are no unpleasant mentions of moral hazard during the biggest bailout in history… has emerged as the perfect excuse for anyone and everyone in need of additional funds or a full-blown bailout to come begging for some generosity. Unfortunately for insolvent US states, they may be too late to get a piece of the bailout pie because as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, said Wednesday, he is open to allowing states to declare bankruptcy - rather than sending governors more federal money to deal with their own ballooning deficits. Because after $10 trillion in fiscal and monetary funds was allocated to bailout mostly America's rich in just the past month, somehow states don't quite cut it. McConnell made the comments on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" amid a growing chorus of state governors imploring the federal government for urgent fiscal help and congressional Democrats seeking to work with the Trump administration to provide it. McConnell, instead, said he "would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route," an option that is not currently available to them - as he called for a "pause" in such aid from Washington. "I mean, we all represent states. We all have governors regardless of party who would love to have free money," McConnell said in response to a question on what the federal government should do to help states in tricky financial situations. "And that’s why I said yesterday we’re going to push the pause button here, because I think this whole business of additional assistance for state and local governments need[s] to be thoroughly evaluated."

McConnell also said that many states are struggling with funding pensions or similar programs, saying "[t]here's not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations." And yet, when it comes to corporations, that's precisely what the Republican side is doing, so who gets to decide where the line is drawn. After Hewett weighed in, criticizing liberal states that racked up significant liabilities, McConnell said he favored letting states declare bankruptcy, as local governments are allowed to. "Yeah, I would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route. It saves some cities," McConnell said. "And there’s no good reason for it not to be available." McConnell's comments come one day after the Senate advanced an interim stimulus package to restock funds in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and address a handful of other priorities. He initially sought to have the bill include only funding for the PPP but Democrats held up the legislation until they could extract concessions from the majority leader. Though McConnell ceded to some of their requests, he kept funding for state governments out of the bill, which is expected to see a vote in the House of Representatives on Thursday.

Democrats, predictably, were not happy: "Democrats are disappointed that the Administration has not agreed to more funding for state, tribal, and local governments on the front lines of this crisis who desperately need an infusion of funds to pay the essential workers who keep us safe," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, said in a joint statement Tuesday, quoted by Fox News. "However, we are pleased that the President has committed to addressing this critical priority in CARES 2 and will work with urgency to see that this commitment is fulfilled," they continued, indicating that the president was on their side of the issue rather than McConnell's.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said in his daily coronavirus briefing Monday that Trump told him "he's going to work very hard" to secure funding for states in what Pelosi referred to as CARES 2, another massive stimulus bill that many in Congress, along with Trump, hope to pass once legislators return to Washington, D.C., on May 4. We have to have state funding," Cuomo said Wednesday. "The states have a role basically in a deficit situation. And we need funding from Washington." It's unclear whether fiscal concerns, though, could lead some in Congress to reconsider the scope of any additional aid packages. Governors have been calling for federal help for over a week. Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, the chairman of the National Governors Association, issued a statement on April 11 pleading with Congress to appropriate $500 billion for state governments as they deal with the economic and fiscal consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.


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7b2c28  No.8890982


>>Imagine being this retarded

I cannot, tried once, but it's just not in my DNA.

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f9c2fa  No.8890983



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6994d7  No.8890984

File: 16db696dfabbfe6⋯.png (59.04 KB, 909x386, 909:386, Capture_2020_04_22_07_28_4….png)

File: fb494b4180c52e1⋯.png (86 KB, 627x654, 209:218, Capture_2020_04_22_18_27_0….png)

File: 8d778d139cbe64d⋯.png (492.58 KB, 1426x589, 46:19, Capture_2020_04_22_07_27_2….png)

File: 14c9fcca4563398⋯.png (623.8 KB, 1370x483, 1370:483, Capture_2020_04_22_07_44_5….png)

File: 458e5c1260cc4a6⋯.png (953.17 KB, 1438x726, 719:363, Capture_2020_04_22_07_35_3….png)

Just adding to the "Y" head pile.

Jesus never denied Satan when he pointed to cities of the world and said to Jesus that all of that belonged to him.

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dce016  No.8890985


Stop larpling here faggot. No one cares twitterfag.

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8d168d  No.8890986


someone said last night its not technically yahwee

he like died or something and Yaldabaoth has been larping as him since

but basically yes

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d7d201  No.8890987

File: 5e431f9ed47c661⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 735x420, 7:4, Capture.JPG)

Heavily-armed Russian submarine heads to Syria

The Black Sea Fleet’s Project 636.3 diesel-electric submarine Rostov-on-Don will soon rejoin the Russian Navy’s permanent Mediterranean task force, a source in the defense industry told TASS on Wednesday.

“The submarine has been prepared for its long-distance deployment to the Mediterranean Sea. It will begin in coming days,” the source said.

The source did not specify whether the submarine Rostov-on-Don would replace the same-type sub Krasnodar currently on its deployment in the Russian Navy’s Mediterranean Squadron or would join the task force.

Normally, two of the Black Sea Fleet’s six Project 636.3 submarines are deployed in the Mediterranean Squadron. Their deployment lasts an average of 18 months, while the crews are rotated every three months. From the previous pair, the submarine Stary Oskol left the Mediterranean Squadron for repairs at the Kronshtadt Marine Plant (part of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation) while the Krasnodar is still staying in the Mediterranean Sea.

The submarine Krasnodar was earlier expected to follow the same-type sub Stay Oskol and sail to the Kronshtadt Marine Plant for repairs.


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30e321  No.8890988



The group was founded in San Francisco on 4 June 2018, by Lauren Esposito, an arachnology

professor at the California Academy of Sciences and

Sean Vidal Edgerton, a science illustrator and evolutionary virologist at the Academy;

In the press release announcing its foundation, the organization referenced, as part of its

motivation, a 2016 paper in the Journal of Homosexuality that found that, in 2013, more than

40% of respondents to a survey who identified as LGBTQ+ had not revealed that they were to

their colleagues. The campaign was inspired by the group 500 Women Scientists; the two

groups are separate, but consider themselves to be "informally partnered". At launch, the site

contained 50 scientists' stories; within a week this had reached 250, and by 26th June there were

550. The first stories were all written in English.

In June 2019, they held an event with publisher Elsevier to mark World Pride. The site had over

900 profiles by July 2019; in that month, the group was involved in organizing the second


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aa5d32  No.8890989

File: 7157199acc1da99⋯.jpg (96.56 KB, 648x934, 324:467, HPOU.jpg)


Patriot Anon

From the Houston Police Officers Union


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fae81c  No.8890990



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4cac45  No.8890991


The left can't meme.

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2817ef  No.8890992

File: 892bbead8ecf331⋯.jpeg (289.24 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 629ABFEC_FF40_4543_9E9C_4….jpeg)

Fix.t for anon in last bread.

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481749  No.8890993


Baker, Notable

@SpecialTactics_ teams find a way to ARREST HILLARY and restore AMERICAN FREEDOMS lost from DEMPANIC.

Oh wait….keep waiting…..keep on waiting…………………

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8d168d  No.8890994


nice projection dipshit

if youre gonna larp as ets, you might as well know the fucking canon

but whatever, keep shadowboxing with yourself, its hilarious to watch

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7c0876  No.8890995


I sware I remember a drop that addressed "listening posts" and "you'd be surprised how many people use them still".

Basically before Nelly Ohr and her fucking ham radio.

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266ff8  No.8890996


good job girls

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750250  No.8890997


Duck Apple and faggots like Tim Cook.

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9dd547  No.8890998

File: 964dd26986a001b⋯.jpg (104.12 KB, 694x519, 694:519, LOW_LEVEL_CABAL.jpg)

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a65389  No.8890999


Sauce: https://wcti12.com/news/local/vidant-health-shift-and-salary-reductions-furloughs

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12185f  No.8891000

File: e2cb6f42a95cd3b⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 500x726, 250:363, 3xjjcz.jpg)

File: 1a3865618435273⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 1014x500, 507:250, 3x9nfd.jpg)

File: 1495ee0de60409b⋯.png (385.97 KB, 500x490, 50:49, 1brianPLS.png)

File: 8775a96d3e719e8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1082x613, 1082:613, violiningintensifies.png)

File: 0ce4250d72ef291⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1200x962, 600:481, billgates_marina_eatthepai….png)

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683ff7  No.8891001

You have to have heard my question. I have moxie like Warriors of Old. “Is one of the 160k sealed indictments for you?”

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714a86  No.8891002

File: 98d8755fa0f763c⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 408x272, 3:2, 3_wa.jpg)


We stand with you America!

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2bf047  No.8891003


not putting Americans first. it's putting foreigners first.

Job offshored to foreign contractors, I'm made broke because our political leaders WILL NOT FIGHT FOR AMERICAN WORKERS. It's arms out an palms up while their dick ass fucks the little guy.

Who exactly are these "white house officials"? sure wish they would come and talk to anons.

If apple doesnt like it they can sell their fucking phones someplace else.

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a14b83  No.8891004


You clearly cannot read or comprehend plain English.

I do not have a twat account.

return to reddit and Fakebook idiot

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24caa6  No.8891005


Had no clue. I've been watching his interviews for a year or so and I never got around to looking into his past.

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326b18  No.8891006


For how many years did your Daddy sodomize you?

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71cfd5  No.8891007

All this is stressful AF. We live in a multi-generational house, so we are fine (lots of income), but our neighbors (extended neighbors) arent doing well at all. We have food reserves that we may need to hand out soon. (They dont know we have a 6 month supply we've built over yrs)

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fff8ab  No.8891008

File: f0759b5771072b7⋯.jpg (247.93 KB, 1600x1151, 1600:1151, bill_of_rights.jpg)


this goes both ways. if your a business and refuse entry because no mask or a police officer who responds good luck in civil court. youll be outta business in lawsuits. your placing patrons into groupings, decrimination and violation of rights.

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9d6ff1  No.8891009


We're merely prolonging the inevitable!

We will deal Lucifer a might blow with all of this, but do we believe that's it?? REALLY!!??


Peace and safety WILL be reached but only for a moment! Then the REAL battle begins! All of this was just a taste…

Absolutely YAHWEH WINS in the end! But LUCIFER hasn't even received full power back over the Earth yet!! It's still all spiritual! Just wait until he's here in the flesh!!



Watch for the DS(Iran) to drop a RUS nuke more likely than not on Mecca. Next move to try and pull us into WW3. Possibly even try to blame the U.S. for it?Desperation! Or Damascus. That would fulfill scripture as well! And lead in to the Ezekiel 38 was that everyone is watching for!! Just my forecast frenz



Y'all listening?

We're doing the right thing. POTUS is awesome and I pray for him daily; but, what is coming has been prophesied in scripture.

Yes, God wins. And, in the near future, we win too. But make no mistake; the real battle between good and evil has yet to take place.

God sustain us.

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83248f  No.8891010

File: 8f6e5fbccc22583⋯.jpg (78.95 KB, 762x853, 762:853, Yemen_Press.jpg)






Rita Katz was born into a Jewish family in Basra, Iraq in 1963. Her father was accused and hanged in Iraq for spying for Israel.

Its alleged that @SiteIntelGroup and @RitaKatz are Mossad operations.


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43738e  No.8891011

File: 9297cb0723c637c⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 400x225, 16:9, MOARPOPCOOOOOOOOARN.gif)

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fbc6b8  No.8891012

File: 90e8d731d37279a⋯.jpg (312.67 KB, 1920x1371, 640:457, gorila_vestica_1.jpg)

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7b2c28  No.8891013

File: 8aa8a95b5b8edab⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 550x459, 550:459, Geo_Wash_doing_Patriot_Shi….jpg)


The US Military…

Saviors of Humanity.


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dce016  No.8891014


You've been doing this for months, you're the only person who posts your stupid twitter larp here, and not one anon gives a fuck.

Kill yourself.

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8147df  No.8891015



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722670  No.8891016


[Impossible to Defend]

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326b18  No.8891017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a34b5b  No.8891018

File: 0e90c793b22b3da⋯.png (531.89 KB, 1132x622, 566:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Director of key federal vaccine agency says his departure was retaliation

(CNN)The director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine says he was abruptly dismissed from his post in part because he resisted efforts to widen the availability of a coronavirus treatment pushed by President Donald Trump.

Dr. Rick Bright had led BARDA, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, since 2016 until Tuesday, when was reassigned to a narrower position. He also announced he will file a whistleblower complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general.

"I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the Covid-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit," Bright said in a lengthy statement issued Wednesday. "I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science – not politics or cronyism – has to lead the way."

He cited "clashes with political leadership" as a reason for his sidelining, as well as his resistance to "efforts to fund potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections."

Bright clashed directly with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Bob Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, two people familiar with the situation told CNN. A senior HHS official denied Bright and Azar clashed.

One source said the "political leadership" Bright referred to in his statement is Azar.

Bright previously did not respond to repeated requests for comment on his departure by CNN. The Department of Health and Human Services did not immediately respond to CNN's request for comment on Bright's statement.

Bright said he "limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit."

Trump repeatedly promoted that therapeutic treatment for coronavirus, touting its possible effects at White House briefings as recently as April 13.

Asked to weigh in on Bright's departure at Wednesday's press briefing, the President claimed he hadn't heard of him.

"I've never heard of him. When did this happen?" Trump asked, then added, "I never heard of him. Guy says he was pushed out of a job, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't."

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed Bright's move in a statement to CNN Tuesday and said he will now lead a new government project: a public-private partnership on vaccine development and treatment.

"On April 17, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a new public-private partnership – the Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) partnership – to accelerate the development of COVID-19 vaccine and treatment options. At the same time, given the simultaneous importance of accelerating the development of diagnostic tests for COVID-19, Dr. Rick Bright will transfer the skills he has applied as Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to the National Institutes of Health, as part of a bold plan to accelerate the development and deployment of novel point-of-care testing platforms," the HHS statement said.

Bright had been with the agency as its influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division director since 2010 before he was tapped to lead it in late 2016.

BARDA is a small, but powerful agency with remarkable purchasing power. Though little-known, it is especially critical during a pandemic, which is why Bright's abrupt departure surprised his colleagues.

Bright was removed from his position but is not resigning, the source familiar said. He said Wednesday he will request that the HHS inspector general "investigate the manner in which this administration has politicized the work of BARDA and has pressured me and other conscientious scientists to fund companies with political connections as well as efforts that lack scientific merit."

He has not yet filed the request, according to the source, but intends to do so in the next day or so.

His lawyers said in the statement that that they will request a stay of the termination and that Bright "be permitted to remain in his position" pending the investigation's findings.


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585d77  No.8891019


I saw that segment, and President Trump must have this re-written. It cannot be signed as it is now. Tim Cook can go to hell.

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12185f  No.8891020


no i missed it

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63e975  No.8891021


how much dick does zerohedge suck? I think it is Madonna level dicksucking going on, and add in George Clooney to def cover it.

Why not ask why states go bankrupt? Bad management perhaps?

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5c7004  No.8891022

>>8890933, >>8890999 Anon on spouseanon RN's loss of hours due to too few hospital patients

nom notable

thanks anon, appreciate your firsthand account.

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0b0012  No.8891023


Common Sense… Bravo

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f0c4df  No.8891024

File: 0f2043063d93ab3⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 255x169, 255:169, Freedom_son.jpg)

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603b2a  No.8891025

File: bc131813da042ca⋯.jpg (226.74 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, mildog.jpg)


Thank you Cpl. Jason Dunham.

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606656  No.8891026



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13c2b6  No.8891027

File: 1db8b7beb92593e⋯.jpg (228.98 KB, 1020x471, 340:157, 20200422_203905.jpg)

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1cb5d8  No.8891028

File: 16dd19c1eb58d9e⋯.jpg (228.51 KB, 800x1091, 800:1091, 800px_Fourth_grade_hero.jpg)

“I have not yet begun to fight!”

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a14b83  No.8891029


How is asking a question, whoever it is from,larping?

I see.

You don't know the meaning of larp.

Never mind.

I see you have none.

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aa9c1d  No.8891030


Negative! It's YHWH! It's the name I choose to use for God Almighty!

Semantics….. Only take away from TRUTH

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03cf4e  No.8891031

File: e31bf60d55b39ff⋯.png (35.3 KB, 787x221, 787:221, Screenshot_2020_04_22_at_9….png)

1917 - US is brought into WWI because of Germany's unrestricted use of submarines? Does this tie into Hunt for Red October? What was the thread a year or so back about the submarines. Then there is G Maxwell and her sub license. Just trying to figure out the 1917 importance because the Spanish Flu pandemic was 1918.

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0a7bb4  No.8891032

File: d6083453ef7452a⋯.jpg (378.92 KB, 687x563, 687:563, 0a55e8d93fb5c26a.jpg)

File: 45c1e29b90b8ca8⋯.jpg (163.54 KB, 875x582, 875:582, 45c.jpg)

File: 386852dd98c3e44⋯.jpg (183.44 KB, 851x608, 851:608, 63ce95012ad6122b282aecaa8e….jpg)

File: f3788b295fa5e0c⋯.jpg (462.67 KB, 1600x1266, 800:633, f37.jpg)

File: d6f0fe87c88d5cf⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1200x962, 600:481, d6f.jpg)

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71cfd5  No.8891033


FYI…..learn to hunt. Get a feeezer

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714a86  No.8891034

File: c2e61ce21e89d9f⋯.jpg (214.98 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 745269f6d5f75cb51da33db1fc….jpg)

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886d72  No.8891035


Sell a t-shirt with that on it.

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e1e02f  No.8891036

File: e7eed902bd1775c⋯.png (128.52 KB, 769x995, 769:995, 2020_04_22_21_34_02edt.png)


I took a look at 1st PDF.

"U.S. Department of Energy


Washington, D.C.

DOE O 470.6

Approved: 09-02-2015





a. This order implements the Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Security

Program (TSP). This program represents the convergence of two distinct

disciplines: Counterintelligence (CI) and Security Countermeasures. The

elements of the TSP are driven by national level, interagency programs that are

codified in various laws, Executive Orders, national polices and directives.

b. The DOE TSP includes the following elements: …

and noted that it specifically applied to

the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)

and that it pertains to joint Navy/DOE Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program.

Overall it is an order pertaining to securing national security classified systems, facilities and data and it superceded a prior order.

It was signed by Deputy Secretary of Energy ELIZABETH SHERWOOD-RANDALL.

It includes a 1-page insert on p.14 pertaining to the responsibilities of contractors.

At the end it contains a very long appendix listing other related documents.

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12185f  No.8891037

File: f558efe21fc32ed⋯.png (91.34 KB, 538x475, 538:475, notableAF.png)



not a table af


love ur werk

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8d168d  No.8891038


youre as absolutely retarded as your twatter larp

holy shit

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84d334  No.8891039



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83248f  No.8891040

File: d91b4db1da109e1⋯.png (226.9 KB, 738x673, 738:673, d91b4db1da109e1c706b1a266d….png)

>>8890683, >>8890757, >>8890831, >>8890888, >>8890980 Bill Gates Hack, Site Intel Group, Rita Katz, NoName and The Faked ISIS Videos

Moar next bread

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fbc6b8  No.8891041

File: 8e5000e545a17df⋯.jpg (119.73 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Hey_hater.jpg)

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79309f  No.8891042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Team Trump Online with Corey Lewandowski!

With: Matt Gaetz and Elise Stefanik!

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d7d201  No.8891044

File: 138cb938a35e01f⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 631x475, 631:475, Capture.JPG)

Nolte: Chris Cuomo Knew He Had COVID-19, Still Risked Infecting Others by Violating Quarantine

In all of America, I know of only one person — one — who knew he was infected with the coronavirus, who knew he was contagious, and who still risked infecting others by violating his quarantine… And that person is CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

If you go to CNNLOL right now, or any other establishment media outlet, you are more likely than not to witness elite and gainfully-employed “journalists” raging against everyday Americans who are out protesting their state’s draconian lockdown orders. And I use the word “draconian” deliberately. Regardless of the media spin, I’m not seeing anyone protesting social distancing or even the idea of a lockdown. What they are protesting is what they reasonably see as overreach and favoritism, is a punitive one-size-fits-all alarmism that treats rural counties in no danger of crashing their health care systems like those urban areas that are.

But of course, the very same fake news media that demand we sympathize with rioters, looters, and left-wing terrorists like Antifa, are treating these peaceful protesters, and even those who dare take a walk on the beach, as serial killers. But here’s the truth and the bitter irony…

I know of not one protester, I know of not one American who has knowingly been out and about risking infecting others with the coronavirus… I mean, other than Chris Cuomo — who just happens to be one of the elite media’s very own.

What kind of sociopath who knows he’s infected still violates quarantine?

What kind of fake news network knows Chris Cuomo violated his quarantine but still shamelessly spreads the propaganda he never did — going so far as to stage a fake news event based on the shameless lie he has been no place other than his basement due to his lonely and heroic selflessness?

And what kind of sociopathic media as a whole play along, pretend this is okay, or dismiss it in the way NBC News media “reporter” Dylan Byers just did:


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5665f6  No.8891045

File: 6d4080fe59225e1⋯.png (623.2 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, HydroxyCompeitiorRockafell….png)


Rockafella foundation against Hydroxy

univ of chicago

2 scientist on cnn push forced testing and vacines

rockafella foundation can force test 30 million per week … test whole population and using forced vaccines

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dc9d47  No.8891046

@545 Check these anons




are not endorsements


>>8890485, >>8890504 Texas Tornado Today

>>8890557 Anker Chinese Electronics Brand Owned by Anker Innovations, re >>8889854 (LB)

>>8890544, >>8890741 Foreign Ownership of Thousands of U.S. Aircraft Cloaked in Secrecy (Site of TX Tornado Today)

>>8890548 President Trump and First Lady Participates in a Tree Planting Ceremony

>>8890553, >>8890902 Cuomo Just Gave McKinsey & Co the Contract to Make a Plan for Reopening NY

>>8890678, >>8891018 Top vaccine expert says he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

>>8890704, >>8890594, >>8890683 >>8890757, >>8890831, >>8891010 DIGG: Rita Katz, Bill Gates Hack

>>8890740 Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial

>>8890736 Israel: NSC & IDF Fight Coronavirus, Discussed Armed Revolt Scenario w/Deteriorating Economic Situation

>>8890824 Humbolt County, CA Order to Wear Masks: Doesn't this CODE (Not Law) Only Apply to Public SERVANTS?

>>8890849 U.S. Army Twat: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage…

>>8890622 Is Dr. Rick Bright = Another [Whistleblower Op]?

>>8890910 Ultimate Sacrifice: On This Date 2004, Cpl. Jason Dunham Passed Away After Saving Lives of Fellow Marines

>>8890939 Tom Fitton: PDJT EO Gutted, Some WH Officials Worried About Apple

>>8890971 AFSOC @SpecialTactics Twat: _ teams find a way

>>8890981 Mitch McConnell Says Struggling States Should File For Bankruptcy

>>8890987 Heavily-armed Russian submarine heads to Syria

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a14b83  No.8891047


I did not post a larp,or a twat.

I posted a question.

Answer or dont.

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5c7004  No.8891048


CNN hit piece - same topic as above.

'''someone from alt media needs to investigate–OAN, Breitbart, Epoch–because this story absolutely SMELLS.

only suitable if marked HIT PIECE and as an ANON DIG, imo.

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481749  No.8891049


Baker, Notable

Cocain Mitch McConnell Says Struggling States Should File For Bankruptcy

More Dempanic WINNING congrats Q for doing nothing silent running eh!

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9dd547  No.8891050

File: 60a3c9bbcddf0f4⋯.jpg (102.27 KB, 646x509, 646:509, DEMORALIZE_FAG_NAME.jpg)

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3dc163  No.8891051





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326b18  No.8891052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Then give us back our $38 BILLION Dollars, Israel!

MOSSAD does not stand with America, and you know it!

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48dd97  No.8891053

File: c029234320ca8f5⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 474x266, 237:133, c029234320ca8f503a063109d8….jpg)

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bc7313  No.8891054

If AOC quit congress and did porn instead, she would make billions. just sayin.

ditto Kyrsten Sinema

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d0cc16  No.8891055


congrats you know how to internet

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ba946f  No.8891056

File: c3b7ca614025d1b⋯.png (112.44 KB, 1150x591, 1150:591, MAGIC11_and_NINJA91_C_560_….PNG)

File: 0ca02ee7a43241b⋯.png (228.05 KB, 312x390, 4:5, magic_ninjas.PNG)

Some Magic Ninja's over Okinawa

MAGIC11 and NINJA91 C-560's

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683ff7  No.8891057


Go back and listen. Can’t be that hard

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fae81c  No.8891058


Everything they say means the exact opposite. He was fired for being a corrupt stooge of globalists who tried to kill Americans by denying them access to the real cures.

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52eb0d  No.8891059

File: 3a35b45376eca02⋯.png (359.34 KB, 535x651, 535:651, Screenshot_2020_04_22_NCSC….png)

#OTD in 2008, former US Army engineer Ben-Ami Kadish was arrested for spying for Israel. He later admitted providing US military secrets in the early 1980s to the same Israeli handler who had received classified information from notorious American spy Jonathan Pollard.




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481749  No.8891060


Qproof faggot

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588df5  No.8891061

File: 34caf4259b32d93⋯.png (412.03 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 17analystpatch.png)


good work, anon

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d2fe15  No.8891062


I read his 14 year old son now tests positive.

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f9ed16  No.8891063

What a waste of 2 1/2 years of my life.

Shit is going to explode and the team does not care.

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f0c4df  No.8891065

File: 0f3903ed2a73f0f⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 900x506, 450:253, milk_tea_fu_be_strong.jpg)

File: 565f23715eb5082⋯.png (390.33 KB, 600x450, 4:3, get_after_it.png)

File: 985cb3edad1c67e⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 705x796, 705:796, hong_kong_warning.jpg)

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ae9a54  No.8891066



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722670  No.8891067

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8d168d  No.8891068


i have a job and get paid a hell of a lot moar than that

who are you talking to?

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baffc4  No.8891069


First, who's E? Secondly. No, the Republic is lost. Waited to long to engage. The cabal is so powerful now that there is no stopping them. The idea of Q was an attractive one but there is much doubt that I have now that Patriots are in control. I see zero evidence of this. Barr/Durham can prosecute til the cows come home. Trump/Russian collusion fiasco is child's play compare to what they've launch this time. POTUS is doing some things that are really surprising and the spending and printing of money is out of control. Sadly, what hope I had for this OP is dwindling by the day. It is going to get much worse and at some point plan z will be the last option available. Don't know how or when but this, I am convinced. The Frankfurt Professors told US what they were going to do. They were right.

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886d72  No.8891070

File: 02e45ac76bfee64⋯.png (150.9 KB, 274x294, 137:147, ClipboardImage.png)


You're as bad as the butterfly-building anon.


Confirmed. Orville is on team-Q!

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43d283  No.8891071


it originally included sending our beaners to death camps

I hear Ivanka got her panties twisted about it

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3dc163  No.8891072



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dce016  No.8891073


ZH has actually been good at the chinese virus coverage and investigations.

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a65389  No.8891074


Want to add spouse anon works in the Emergency Department

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481749  No.8891075



Very Fiiting!!!

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4cac45  No.8891076


Backflip. Video it.

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088a8a  No.8891077


What about the end of Enoch? 1000 years of peace.

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714a86  No.8891078

File: 7eceb7ec575023d⋯.png (520.05 KB, 1257x1091, 1257:1091, Screenshot_2019_05_08_Q_Re….png)


clap clap clap

top meme

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1218a5  No.8891079

File: 510355ec9a9a312⋯.jpg (278.37 KB, 713x713, 1:1, greta_the_sausage_girl.jpg)

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83248f  No.8891080

File: 253e2c70b036f95⋯.jpg (628.12 KB, 1462x1039, 1462:1039, 253e2c70b036f95b068047198e….jpg)


Thanks anon

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ba946f  No.8891081

File: 2eba326b687640b⋯.png (15.04 KB, 600x580, 30:29, pepe_laughs_hard.png)


>how much dick does zerohedge suck?

get over it douchebag. Did tyler steal your girlfriend?

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fbc6b8  No.8891082

File: caa5a5dcd16de75⋯.jpg (104.17 KB, 888x499, 888:499, am_I_right_3lhc46.jpg)

File: 254ec66cda62cfe⋯.jpg (117.17 KB, 888x499, 888:499, buttinsky_sean_hannity_3lh….jpg)

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88159a  No.8891083



"I got caught trying to steer money to the globalists and now I am going to hang.

Please save my worthless skin CNN."

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481749  No.8891084



baker, notable

MORE WINNING Q…come back from silent running!!

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a14b83  No.8891085


I see the intelligence level of Q research has a combined total of Nancy Pelosis toe.

Sad to see it has fallen so far

Maybe that is why Q rarely posts,and mainly reposts useless slogans.

Like the MSM,Q must repeat endlessly to get you idiots thinking.

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5665f6  No.8891086


univ chicago pushing hydroxy

without z pack and zinc sulfate ?

rockafella foundation to lessen the effect of hydroxy

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d2fe15  No.8891087


Oh ye of little faith. Until Q says "throw in the towel" .. I will choose to believe we've got this. The best movies are the most suspenseful.

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d7d201  No.8891088

File: 4ad1e653bc456c4⋯.jpg (96.62 KB, 778x441, 778:441, Capture.JPG)

Sick: France Calls On Apple And Google To DITCH Privacy Protections

Governments of the world are spreading a net of total surveillance to track every human plus everything they do. This is a fulfillment of original Technocracy requirements from the 1930s. France is perfectly clear: it wants ALL the personal data, NOW. ⁃ TN Editor

France has become the first country in the world to openly call on Silicon Valley tech giants to remove privacy protections during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, in order to introduce a “sovereign European health solution” that would track the movements of citizens.

The French government is aiming to unveil a contact tracing app by May 11th, when the country is expected to ease national lockdown measures that were introduced in March.

France and the European Union as a whole have come out in favour of a centralised approach to the tracking of citizens, in which data would be stored in government servers and monitored by state health services.

Currently, Apple’s operating system would prevent such an approach, as its Bluetooth function prohibits constant background tracking if the data is to be moved off the device. France claims that this privacy protection would prevent the government from developing its contact tracing app.


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5c7004  No.8891089


>firsthand acct of spouseanon working in hospital

anon said it could not be verified with sauce–which of course it won't be. i often notable anon opinions however if they sound plausible and provide ideas for further diggs as long as they are clearly marked as opinions.

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f0c4df  No.8891090

File: 7b8afacf7144df8⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 665x480, 133:96, pray_dig_meme.jpg)

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dc9d47  No.8891091

@585 Check these anons




are not endorsements


>>8890485, >>8890504 Texas Tornado Today

>>8890557 Anker Chinese Electronics Brand Owned by Anker Innovations, re >>8889854 (LB)

>>8890544, >>8890741 Foreign Ownership of Thousands of U.S. Aircraft Cloaked in Secrecy (Site of TX Tornado Today)

>>8890548 President Trump and First Lady Participates in a Tree Planting Ceremony

>>8890553, >>8890902 Cuomo Just Gave McKinsey & Co the Contract to Make a Plan for Reopening NY

>>8890678, Top vaccine expert says he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

>>8890704, >>8890594, >>8890683 >>8890757, >>8890831, >>8891010 DIGG: Rita Katz, Bill Gates Hack

>>8890740 Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial

>>8890736 Israel: NSC & IDF Fight Coronavirus, Discussed Armed Revolt Scenario w/Deteriorating Economic Situation

>>8890824 Humbolt County, CA Order to Wear Masks: Doesn't this CODE (Not Law) Only Apply to Public SERVANTS?

>>8890849 U.S. Army Twat: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage…

>>8890622, >>8891018 Is Dr. Rick Bright = Another [Whistleblower Op]?

>>8890910 Ultimate Sacrifice: On This Date 2004, Cpl. Jason Dunham Passed Away After Saving Lives of Fellow Marines

>>8890939 Tom Fitton: PDJT EO Gutted, Some WH Officials Worried About Apple

>>8890971 AFSOC @SpecialTactics Twat: _ teams find a way

>>8890981 Mitch McConnell Says Struggling States Should File For Bankruptcy

>>8890987 Heavily-armed Russian submarine heads to Syria

>>8891059 NCSC Twat: #OTD in 2008, former US Army engineer Ben-Ami Kadish was arrested for spying for Israel.

>>8891056 Planefag Report


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0edc69  No.8891092



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87347d  No.8891093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck Yeah!

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606656  No.8891094


No, you are right anon. I will give up


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2bf047  No.8891095


a tornado doesn't stop the loop hole that allows the registration of planes. The planes are not stored in Onalaska.

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3da1f9  No.8891096


Hmm… why are they talking about THIS right now?

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8d168d  No.8891097


so you'll be leaving then?


odd how you stay like herpes

get those decodes faggot, keep playing pied piper for the boomers, good little goona

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0c5777  No.8891098

File: 4dbcf139457856e⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Physical_Wounds_Heal.jpg)


Appears to be working. Just ask your Question CCNfag.

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bc7313  No.8891099


omfg he interrupted POTUS, so no, there is literally no one that he will not interrupt.

STFU for 2 seconds hannity

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4cac45  No.8891100

File: f981428fb77ccbe⋯.jpg (205.2 KB, 1302x609, 62:29, Renegade.jpg)

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48dd97  No.8891101

File: c3da0f3e8f65802⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 850x400, 17:8, c3da0f3e8f65802758b5707673….jpg)

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0edc69  No.8891102

Hannity wearing Q flag AND Pain pins

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f02949  No.8891103


> 2 1/2 years

That’s it?

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481749  No.8891104


>Q says "throw in the towel"

baker, notable

Q/Q+ lost AMERICA's FREEDOMs…can it ever be won back???

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588df5  No.8891105


missing a comma between one of those rita katz notables but good otherwise

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43738e  No.8891106

File: 0daaea0d1bcacab⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 400x213, 400:213, goodbaduglyandthecat.gif)


It's gotten obvious that the shills are calling notable on poop to reduce the effectiveness of publicly available script tools. this anon is glad they don't use fancy stuff..

how bout "shit seller"? that's a good name for them, too

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5665f6  No.8891107

File: 6dd000079e93e06⋯.png (481.69 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, hydroxymustbeprescribed_wi….png)

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aa9c1d  No.8891108


Enoch's 1000 yrs = Revelation's 1000 yrs. Christ's millennial reign before the FINAL JUDGEMENT

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baffc4  No.8891109


Yea, it's aggravating but Sean is a Patriot and I love him. no homo. He's good guy and he's keeping up the good fight. Just wish he/US had some help.

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fff8ab  No.8891110


Kind of like cuomo and rest of these fools, your oath belongs to constitution, not to your beliefs, just because its turned mostly corrupt, doesnt make your actions legal. if i was these idiots i would open immediately. viruses are not alive and require a carrier. the plan looks to have been forced prematurely , which has exposed the most brazen of the idiots. these people should take notice they are violating us federal code USC 2381 opening thereself up to treason charges in multiple counts multiple times. the likely outcome will become quick military tribunal and swift death by firing squad.

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f0c4df  No.8891111

File: 4095fca80a92f38⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 640x363, 640:363, APPEAL_TO_HEAVEN.jpg)

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d0cc16  No.8891112

I wonder if Bill Barr and John Durham really know what's going on in the world right now because they sure don't project a tremendous sense of urgency

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88159a  No.8891113

File: bda4a74972415e3⋯.jpg (60.61 KB, 566x441, 566:441, 3xgmst.jpg)

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7b2c28  No.8891115




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e37cf2  No.8891116

>>8890054 LB

>Programming! Just like anything else they feed to the sheep hoping the sheep will buy it.

That's why the CDC Director was pushing vaccines today.

Some doctor was on Tucker tonight pushing flu vaccines & pneumonia vaccines HARD.

They're not going to have the CoVid vax ready, so this could be the next delivery system.

Watch for a hard push in September to get everyone sick in time for November elections.

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ef71b1  No.8891117

File: 4c5feaad2f50764⋯.jpg (244.48 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)

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fae81c  No.8891118

File: ae59af3dc108190⋯.jpeg (425.08 KB, 763x695, 763:695, C476081D_019D_4515_AA7B_8….jpeg)

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9dd547  No.8891119

File: 337c1f26aa3c444⋯.jpg (104.79 KB, 621x514, 621:514, SUPER_LOW_LEVEL_CABAL_WITH….jpg)

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481749  No.8891120


>Hannity wearing Q flag AND Pain pins


wearing pins bring arrest for killary

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6e2480  No.8891121

File: 9f31f97a5fca37e⋯.jpeg (357.65 KB, 1242x1527, 414:509, 36EDF5DA_B933_44E4_82B0_0….jpeg)


Meh, how about $750,000.00 fine?

Even Bankers don't get fines like that!


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1bbe6d  No.8891122

File: a3aa3092209907e⋯.jpeg (249.1 KB, 862x828, 431:414, 69FE4ED8_2C30_4F07_AEE2_F….jpeg)

I wonder where [they] are hiding

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e4e9cd  No.8891123


Wonder why?

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704e89  No.8891124

File: 65fed90cf2ff400⋯.jpg (4.17 KB, 118x255, 118:255, PAIN_SKULL_png.jpg)

DS, feeling The Pain, yet? Get ready to feel a lot, lot more!

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b222d0  No.8891125


As bad as you think it is. It has been much worse.

You should seek it all out and then you'll rejoice.

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6994d7  No.8891126

File: 0013ef41c34ac74⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 480x477, 160:159, 1570486621920.jpg)


Put this in your notes also. it is slow in the county where that muslim couple shotup that government building while they where having a get together. People afraid of going to the hospital, don't want the beer virus.

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9849eb  No.8891127

File: 6b1aacb4efce232⋯.png (750.8 KB, 683x664, 683:664, semper_fi_a6.png)

File: dfe85aa6a65aaaa⋯.png (876.49 KB, 1600x1048, 200:131, redhead63_Car_Q_Heal.png)

File: 22a1bdb06535f62⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1225x864, 1225:864, F35_NS_Q_Kick.png)

File: 81376c263694062⋯.png (2.16 MB, 910x1179, 910:1179, Lightening_Q_NS_Neon.png)




Evenin' Night Shifters !

Semper Fi & OORah

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7b2c28  No.8891128

File: 3b4c4c3da48d014⋯.png (75.28 KB, 429x300, 143:100, Liberal_polls.png)

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8cd8a8  No.8891129


it is won already….just got to put the chess pieces in place ….it has to be done correctly as to leave no wiggle room

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326b18  No.8891130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you love the Enemy because you are the Enemy.

which means that you hate Americans.

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a34b5b  No.8891131




agreed… CNN is propaganda, so we know damn well there is an agenda behind this piece

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43d283  No.8891132


ZH went full feartard

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dc9d47  No.8891133

@630 Check these anons




are not endorsements


>>8890485, >>8890504 Texas Tornado Today

>>8890557 Anker Chinese Electronics Brand Owned by Anker Innovations, re >>8889854 (LB)

>>8890544, >>8890741 Foreign Ownership of Thousands of U.S. Aircraft Cloaked in Secrecy (Site of TX Tornado Today)

>>8890548 President Trump and First Lady Participates in a Tree Planting Ceremony

>>8890553, >>8890902 Cuomo Just Gave McKinsey & Co the Contract to Make a Plan for Reopening NY

>>8890678, Top vaccine expert says he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

>>8890704, >>8890594, >>8890683, >>8890757, >>8890831, >>8891010 DIGG: Rita Katz, Bill Gates Hack

>>8890740 Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial

>>8890736 Israel: NSC & IDF Fight Coronavirus, Discussed Armed Revolt Scenario w/Deteriorating Economic Situation

>>8890824 Humbolt County, CA Order to Wear Masks: Doesn't this CODE (Not Law) Only Apply to Public SERVANTS?

>>8890849 U.S. Army Twat: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage…

>>8890622, >>8891018 Is Dr. Rick Bright = Another [Whistleblower Op]?

>>8890910 Ultimate Sacrifice: On This Date 2004, Cpl. Jason Dunham Passed Away After Saving Lives of Fellow Marines

>>8890939 Tom Fitton: PDJT EO Gutted, Some WH Officials Worried About Apple

>>8890971 AFSOC @SpecialTactics Twat: _ teams find a way

>>8890981 Mitch McConnell Says Struggling States Should File For Bankruptcy

>>8890987 Heavily-armed Russian submarine heads to Syria

>>8891059 NCSC Twat: #OTD in 2008, former US Army engineer Ben-Ami Kadish was arrested for spying for Israel

>>8891088 Sick: France Calls On Apple And Google To DITCH Privacy Protections

>>8891056 Planefag Report


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85f650  No.8891134


I gotta disagree with you there. I used to check ZH all throughout the day, and I began to see way too many COVID fear porn articles and subtle attacks on how POTUS is handling it. I quite visiting drudge for the same reason a year ago, and now I rarely visit ZH as well.

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f627c1  No.8891135

File: f758dfac1c7e390⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6da876c067faa9⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 364d43c2b175940⋯.png (242.2 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I did a new twist on popcorn tonight

Popped that shit in left over bacon fat!

Then poured powdered chicken bouillon on it

Then added some craft Parmesan cheese

Damn good!

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0d75bc  No.8891136

File: 902464fa06f61cb⋯.jpg (988.94 KB, 3072x2050, 1536:1025, nsready.jpg)

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481749  No.8891137


>Meh, how about $750,000.00 fine?


>Even Bankers don't get fines like that!



baker, notable

More Dempanic WINNING

Where is Q in all this?…crickets!!

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714a86  No.8891138

File: c11a1481c4a0aa8⋯.jpg (249.38 KB, 450x605, 90:121, starspangledbanner.jpg)

File: f670f5a9cd0fc27⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 320x204, 80:51, phrygiandeptarmy.jpg)

File: eeb4320ceb06e5d⋯.png (299.17 KB, 448x424, 56:53, eeb4320ceb06e5d86cf9e50636….png)

File: 341cb4065b9c9f0⋯.png (14.33 KB, 426x99, 142:33, Screenshot_2019_05_08_the_….png)

File: bfccbf89cea88e1⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, imWages.jpg)



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fbc6b8  No.8891139


yep, Trump definitely said its now liberalism first

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9ef4d7  No.8891140

File: ee8d5dbb8d51c9c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 934x575, 934:575, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b9f90  No.8891141


They left zinc out and intentionally killed their patients. I cant even imagine that level of evil … but there it is.

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886d72  No.8891142

File: f5eedde38505178⋯.png (163.15 KB, 410x358, 205:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86ac3fdc6afd70b⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1897x1221, 1897:1221, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF is this shit.

Dudes trying to pull ass off of a Q account.


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a14b83  No.8891143


E is a Twitter account i read at times.

Interesting , and Q like.

Some claim it is Ezra Cohen Watnik. Who knows.

The republic has been dead.

It cannot be restored.

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2bf047  No.8891144


why does anyone need a plan to reopen. One day ahead start doing subway maint and do garbage collection, get the cops and the FDNY returned to work then say you can come back to work.

No plan needed.

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d0cc16  No.8891145

File: e6907365f0c8bca⋯.png (381.29 KB, 594x334, 297:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, brain freeze - that's about it.

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dce016  No.8891146


>Q flag

It's still not a Q flag, for the 17,000th time.



They've always posted a lot of fear porn.

They got banned from twitter for covering it though.

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886d72  No.8891147


Thats fire, anon.

Will use.

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f4aadd  No.8891148


So what is your own response to your friend?

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266ff8  No.8891149

File: 174829a5e5a4825⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 980x551, 980:551, dualcitizen.jpg)

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606656  No.8891150



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a14b83  No.8891151



I am always here.

As i said. I read. A lot.

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5665f6  No.8891152



rigged VA study

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7c0876  No.8891153


Wheres the fucking sauce? An official document, court record, whatever.

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9d6ff1  No.8891154

Saw the news crawler on RIGHT SIDE BROADCASTING NETWORK….was quoting GRETA THUNBERG as saying we need to "battle the Coronavirus and GLOBAL WARMING" together.

Greta Thunberg?!? Who the hell cares what that adolescent child has to say???

Why was it being broadcast on RSBN???

This SHIT is out of control.

Network people LOOK AT ME. STOP THE BULLSHIT. Greta Thunberg is NOT NEWS.

Greta Thunberg needs to be released from her handlers and be allowed TO LIVE A LIFE AS A NORMAL TEENAGE KID IN PEACE.

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088a8a  No.8891155



Winning is possible if we transition out of the drivers seat and let God drive. Pray. God wins. We are the just the helpers.

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b222d0  No.8891156


Apokalypsis is a Greek word that means “something uncovered.” “Apocalypse” actually refers to the uncovering. Remind you of anything?

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e1e02f  No.8891157

File: 8abb3922c5c4fce⋯.png (122.27 KB, 681x912, 227:304, 2020_04_22_21_42_52edt.png)

File: 3a1b057043efb9d⋯.png (368.96 KB, 689x936, 53:72, 2020_04_22_21_49_30edt.png)

File: 4417db45d3d2d11⋯.png (855.52 KB, 1335x906, 445:302, 2020_04_22_21_49_42edt.png)


PDF #2 is unclassified "Advisory Memorandum for the Strategy for Using the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) for the Evaluation of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Security Enabled Information Technology Products" dated 8 Feb 2000 signed by LTG Michael Hayden.

In other words how the military should go about evaluating 3rd party information technology products re: security etc.

PDF #3 is an 11-page unclassified "National Security Directive 42" dated 4/5/1990 about security national security information processing systems from interception, unauthorized access, and technical exploitation, etc.

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0edc69  No.8891158




Ggive me the fuckin'flu then give me the treatment. Golden.

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9dd547  No.8891159

File: 2887ed622f3d99e⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 540x536, 135:134, PUGSLY.jpg)

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02ca80  No.8891160

File: ca7ed41473bb8b6⋯.jpg (485.14 KB, 1980x1080, 11:6, night_shift_24.jpg)

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9849eb  No.8891161


That's a keeper !

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63e975  No.8891162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


totally. read their financial reports. follow it up with some Schiff while you are at it. They are selling a spin. same as every other "news" site. Chuck Polancheck, the guy who created Tyler Durden is a massive Mo. I'll stick to economists and thinktanks and form my own opinions based on all the shit they say.

Usury is dead. Production or Bust. Go three degrees from Alex Jones and you might find a GREAT MAN who loved the USA and what it stands for.


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baffc4  No.8891163


Q could drop on projectdcomms if that was the case. No, I think they've all been thrown for a loop with this latest assault. Not holding my breath.

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5c7004  No.8891164


same as uk guardian - same story

but it's in there. wish we would wait.


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7f7845  No.8891165


Faith in the works and words of men ?


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10c5cb  No.8891166


what if you don't have any ID and speak Spanish? Fine? or Free Shit?

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326b18  No.8891167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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fbc6b8  No.8891168


world love to tell him to his face "you are not the show, your great guests are - act that way"

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0efc05  No.8891169


no one is fucking sick

nothing but lies!!!

fucking bullshit everywhere we look

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d2fe15  No.8891170


You left off the word UNTIL in the quote .. that makes it out of context.

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8d168d  No.8891171


seems to me like you talk moar than you read

but im not a secret agent pledian ninja from nibiru so what would i know


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ba946f  No.8891172

File: d9d90ee61c27ca1⋯.png (8.27 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, nightshift_power_shift_f_3….png)

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f1ef16  No.8891173

What a deep joke I love it DM.

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48dd97  No.8891174


Needs a MAGA hat.

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481749  No.8891175


Half country didn't get a check, it was A SCAM.


Vaccines NEXT–safe you say ha!

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f4aadd  No.8891176

File: 42ecf7ad48392d2⋯.jpg (80.63 KB, 379x383, 379:383, 1473095244087.jpg)

File: 5d66d895ff6dc03⋯.png (118.43 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1473016326548.png)

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714a86  No.8891177

File: 624168dd49350f8⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 736x737, 736:737, cbe6048f9a1d676320e28717c2….jpg)

File: b0d182d4bf5c8d4⋯.png (47.16 KB, 1200x1454, 600:727, 1200px_1_SS_Panzer_Divisio….png)




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baffc4  No.8891179


Free Shit. You know this anon.

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eedc83  No.8891181


E is ex NSA and acts a bit like a self important zealot.

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2bf047  No.8891182


getting tired of the tyranny of the surveillance state. What is the cure or the fix short of wearing theater prognostics for the rest of my life.

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fae81c  No.8891183

File: 14a28ee901426a1⋯.jpeg (788.19 KB, 1155x1127, 165:161, 8113E072_2CA5_40A1_8026_4….jpeg)



Gonna make dis a meme, tanks.

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6e6401  No.8891184



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5c7004  No.8891185


>>rigged VA study problems

story was in notes earlier today sometime

but nevers hurts to repeat

media pushes all the fake story so hard.

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0edc69  No.8891186

File: 693f1c6b5b33782⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 3648x2432, 3:2, 693f1c6b5b337820bd2fadbd87….jpg)


corn for to be cut

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5665f6  No.8891187

File: 78e7d0925363f5d⋯.png (613.95 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, HCQQZinc.png)

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63e975  No.8891188


their majority is not represented by their leadership. They ain's got POTUS. Only we have POTUS. and




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f627c1  No.8891189


Butter and salt too FYI - cant not have the basics in there too!

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55b1de  No.8891190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Breaking

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02f80c  No.8891191


yea he does that alot

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f8be82  No.8891193

SITE tracks the online activity of white supremacist and jihadist groups, and said the information circulated online on Sunday and Monday. It hasn't verified whether the credentials are genuine.

Rita Katz, SITE's executive director, said "Neo-Nazis and white supremacists" published the information "aggressively" across various online platforms.


Kek, get me off this fucking clown world.

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b222d0  No.8891194


>LTG Michael Hayden.

Snowdens mentor. Is his girlfriend still keeping him entertained with the stripper poll?

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ba946f  No.8891195


you give them way too much credit. The rest of your post is useless garbage. like your opinion.

Keep on your crusade though. It is entertaining.

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cbf841  No.8891196


More good people are going to blow there fucking heads off with a gun then got the fucking sniffles from this stupid bullshit…

what can we be waiting for??

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7b2c28  No.8891197

File: 1f11c0f23752cfd⋯.jpg (73.05 KB, 360x526, 180:263, qisforquantumGreatAwakenin….jpg)

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609774  No.8891199


[C]See S//S[D]


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f8fa63  No.8891200



Many have that….

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43d283  No.8891201


only 2 possible explanations

The world actually DID end in 2012 and we are all in Hell, or

We are living in a simulation and our creator started smoking weed

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7c0876  No.8891203


Haven't seen it and already know it's not a Q flag. Fuck off.

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bc7313  No.8891204


chickypigcow corms

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f4aadd  No.8891205


It seems your subversive posting betrays your true alliance to a foreign country that is not America.

Verdict: Rejected.

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6e2480  No.8891206


Get of of Jail card for real criminals.

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481749  No.8891207


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290e09  No.8891208


America’s taxpayers funded the purchase of cats from Chinese “wet markets” for medical research over the past 15 years, sustaining the very institutions that are now blamed for spreading the coronavirus in Wuhan. Researchers at the U.S. Agriculture Department paid for dozens of animals, then had them killed and fed their tongues, brains and other parts to other cats as part of medical studies, according to the White Coat Waste Project, which exposed the controversial work in a report last year. The Trump administration ended the cat projects in the wake of the report, and the 14 surviving kittens were adopted out.


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63e975  No.8891210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i am confused. thank you.

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a14b83  No.8891211


Q has been done

I noticed during Bush W,and especially during Obama, that Overtons window was the way we would end the republic.

One more egregious crime and loss of freedom after the next.


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b78957  No.8891212


Imagine how lame your life is when you sit on a board with

dumb fucks

someone who is garbage

and shit

and this is what this guy does with his life. day after day this is it. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE

wow talk about a dumb fuck

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714a86  No.8891213

File: 78797e797cedfe2⋯.png (66.87 KB, 167x250, 167:250, 1587002723300.png)

File: d0b65bf78ca685c⋯.jpg (70.83 KB, 650x632, 325:316, 2npulww32yn21.jpg)

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e1e02f  No.8891214

File: f2105047ff7e916⋯.png (140.23 KB, 1063x956, 1063:956, 2020_04_22_21_52_30edt.png)

File: ebfb2cd54c8274c⋯.png (75.45 KB, 722x767, 722:767, 2020_04_22_21_54_54edt.png)


The springer link is a 2006conference paper "Access Control Requirements for Preventing Insider Threats" by Joon S. Park and Joseph Giordano.

The flashcards link


helps a person learn 474 terms pertaining to the implementation of national security policy.

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02ca80  No.8891215



Unexpected, but very cool

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ec1d14  No.8891216


Sometimes it's genuine. Anon has been there. The team knows.


Have you figured out that AI can't read your work so you don't get interrupted? Curious. Also, Mr. Pig has a green and a blue eye.

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7b2c28  No.8891217


>They left zinc out and intentionally killed their patients. I cant even imagine that level of evil … but there it is.


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a34b5b  No.8891218


For me it is pretty clear that they are going to come up with a virus vaccine before the HCQ trials are ready.

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9dd547  No.8891219

File: de50330d7ce38c0⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 683x507, 683:507, MOUSE.jpg)

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f0c4df  No.8891220

File: 488b024df96e190⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 934x486, 467:243, NS4.jpg)

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10c5cb  No.8891222


Zerohedge has been infiltrated. It's not the same. Its mostly concern troll articles now.

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ba946f  No.8891223

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0039ab  No.8891224



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f1ef16  No.8891225


Keep thinking

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bc7313  No.8891227


also kingsnakes are fkin huge! corals are tiny lil fellas that have to chew on you to inject venom. kingsnakes eat rats and other more assholey snakes.

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f4aadd  No.8891228


False dichotomy. You should know by now that there are never only 2 options.

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48dd97  No.8891229

File: f10afb8f6ea8dbe⋯.png (371.85 KB, 528x524, 132:131, Screen_Shot_2020_03_19_at_….png)


I heard fauxi say something today like you cant just leap frog to different phases …

>yes, yes we can.

they know how important our froggy minds are

and how powerful they are together…

leaping to different phases of the timeline

we level up all the minds when we do this.

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0a7bb4  No.8891230

File: fb17aab875ee906⋯.jpeg (141.5 KB, 822x960, 137:160, fb17aab875ee9064e44f9f1dc….jpeg)

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92f364  No.8891231


Judge Dora the Explorer, built a field hospital as well, at currently 17 million(yep, 17) of taxpayers money. Dora says that the Federal gov will pay for 75% of cost of unused facility , the rest , Harris Co taxpayers will eat. The stink in Houston is large & needs to be fumigated…

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a34b5b  No.8891232

Anons keep calm… while the shills try to get everyone worked up

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886d72  No.8891233

File: 7db75ff4d9ddcec⋯.jpg (36.98 KB, 321x475, 321:475, Cosmic_Serpent_DNA.jpg)

File: ef7c01b27948a8b⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 516x676, 129:169, Dust_DNA.jpg)

File: 7542d58e613b197⋯.png (580.6 KB, 884x799, 52:47, Logos_Serpent_Tail_DNA_Gen….png)


"This we'll defend"

Gee, I wonder what they meant?

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52b12f  No.8891234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q is for Quarantine

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cbf841  No.8891236


I would place my bets on both of them options being more likely then this reality we are living in.

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481749  No.8891237



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baffc4  No.8891238


Only thing left, most important thing left but Anon, God gave us free will. It's what we do with that free will that determines victors. This may, in the end, be up to US.Give me liberty or give me death comes to mind. o7

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be05c1  No.8891239


POTUS keeps saying vaccines 'can take a year or more, gotta be sure they're safe'

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278aa7  No.8891242

Why is it 4 am talking points? Where do the talking points come from? Which location?

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ec1d14  No.8891243

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat_pepe.png)

HCQ and zpak are how one treats parasites.

Why does it work on the China virus?

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fff8ab  No.8891244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b0012  No.8891245


So Male - Female and…….?

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fbc6b8  No.8891246


doesn't matter if we don't take it

We'll have herd immunity and they will have…who knows what will be in the vaccines

and I suppose any diddling at the dna level would not have to reported on the label or instructions?

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603b2a  No.8891247

File: 9d896f455bea195⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1078x792, 49:36, NightShip.png)

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b222d0  No.8891248


One thing is for sure. All countries have great patriots. Like minded. Then of course they all have the aggravating son of a bitch bad apples. They suck. They fight dirty.

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63e975  No.8891250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


his name was tony

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5c7004  No.8891251


they may not be able to, since vaxxes are hard to develop. maybe you're thinking they already have one? would be very suspicious, since everyone knows it takes a long time to develop, if at all. feel like praying all the time, most powerful thing to do when so many other avenues are closed. Blessings, friend. We shall win.

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8cd8a8  No.8891252

File: 2afc56f40a80326⋯.jpeg (14.2 KB, 200x255, 40:51, lifestyle.jpeg)

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2bf047  No.8891253



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eedc83  No.8891255


People can be controlled. Free will isn’t necessarily a universal given for humans.

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326b18  No.8891256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Grans Smith reported in December 2018 that Gallup, the US government’s go-to for polling, is known to have falsified survey results for years, including in its measurement of support for Israel.

>Known to have FALSIFIED survey results for years…. its measurement of support for Israel

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/gallup-admits-israeli-vs-palestinian-polls-misleading/

*331 Million Americans in Population

*98% of American Citizens are NON-Jewish



And the Jewish Owned and Fronted MSM Media and Hollywood.

Jews Telling non-Jew Americans That Zionist Jews & Israel Are "our Greatest Ally" which is Total Bullshit

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/poll-americans-arent-zionists-democratic-republican-party-platforms/

Is this why Jews Attacking Anons Here are AFRAID To Use The Word "JEWS", "ZIONISTS" "ISRAELIS" AND "MOSSAD"?

Instead they DISGUISE their real name "Jew" with Phony Made Up:


>muh nazi

>"muh anti-semitism"

>muh division

=muh Jewish Gaslighting Bullshit

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f627c1  No.8891257


Nice consider it officially named!

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55b1de  No.8891259

File: 3c6d123c8c853da⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 1566x880, 783:440, 150714_weiss_iran_syria_te….jpg)


Shut that shit up

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7c9979  No.8891260



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5665f6  No.8891261

File: cc05b640b608087⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, utubeBanningAnythingNegati….png)


utube is banning any negative mention of WHO and or China x22 moves WHO content on bitchute

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7b2c28  No.8891262

File: dbe5b2185b49ce5⋯.png (1015.78 KB, 960x685, 192:137, pepe_onsen.png)

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ba946f  No.8891263


your name is linda

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dc9d47  No.8891264

File: 923c6c34ac06d7e⋯.png (329.18 KB, 714x602, 51:43, Baker_Fresh_Bread_2.png)






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