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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

d332d9  No.8887324[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 04.18.2020

>>8839415 ————————————–——– Two lamps pic, One if by land,Two if by sea, BE READY

Friday 04.17.2020

>>8833141 rt >>8833079 ————-—–——–– For God and Country, Brother (ex-mil)

>>8833085 ————————————–——– Harvested corn field (Cap: >>8833104)

>>8832975 ————————————–——– Greetings from Maryland, DC, Hawaii, and beyond. (Cap: >>8833034)

>>8830582 ————————————–——– American Flag

>>8830235 ————————————–——– We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. (Cap: >>8830315)

>>8825961 ————————————–——– TOGETHER WE WIN. (Cap + Vid: >>8825995 )

>>8825333 ————————————–——– (Renegade definition)

>>8825320 ————————————–——– (CHQ: Clear your mind. Heal. Q)

>>8825302 ————————————–——– (In reality they're not after me…) (Cap: >>8825362 )

>>8825294 ————————————–——– (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN POTUS tweet) (Cap: >>8825312 )

>>8825272 ————————————–——– Worth tracking. (Cap + Vid: >>8825576 )

Thursday 04.16.2020

>>8814841 ————————————–——– Clear your mind. Heal. (Cap: >>8814863)

>>8814424 ————————————–——– It will be your choice whether to know. (Cap: >>8814434)

>>8813885 ————————————–——– Who trained/supplied ISIS? Who destroyed ISIS? Knowledge is power. (Cap: >>8813915 vid)

>>8813023 ————————————–——– Think now.Start [15:40] [Knowingly] (Cap: >>8813071 vid)

Wednesday 04.15.2020

>>8802706 ————————————–——– …..and frogs to destroy them.

>>8802666 rt >>8802632 ————-—–——–– It does now, Patriot. Think 2020. Think of the World Awakening.

>>8802617 rt >>8802592 ————-—–——–– We are far beyond the need for proofs. Durham start. Q OP start. 5:5?

>>8802499 rt >>8802424 ————-—–——–– Do you think it was Paul Ryan's choice to step down? Sen. Flake's choice to step down? ……..

>>8802413 rt >>8802404 ————-—–——–– These people are pure evil. This is not about politics. You are ready.

>>8802359 rt >>8802315 ————-—–——–– Average people must be able to digest and accept [factually] events. We are ready [think Barr public].

>>8802279 rt >>8802274 ————-—–——–– Always

>>8802265 ————————————–——– Be informed. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. (Cap: >>8802280)

Tuesday 04.14.2020 >>8869477

Monday 04.13.2020 >>8869474

Sunday 04.12.2020 >>8869462

Saturday 04.11.2020 >>8815130

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d332d9  No.8887349

Global Announcements

>>8837282 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8853493

>>8824390 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>8788320 BO PSA: Shitstorm erupts on /v/, BO fills in the community on whats going on and precautions taken in case of emergency.

>>8810651 CM pushed a hotfix to address status: 0 error


are not endorsements


>>8886804, >>8886832, >>8887175, >>8887208, >>8887283 PF updates

>>8887191 Potus: I will be having a White House Press Conference today at 5:45 P.M.[eastern] Thank you!

>>8886988 Official New York policy encouraged infectious COVID-19 patients to be sent back to nursing homes

>>8886985, >>8887049 Look whos representing Bright.

>>8886902, >>8887058 Rebuke of the AP pseudo-study used by the MSM to discredit HCQ, by team of Pr. Raoult

>>8886896, >>8886923 Just in time but not enough to steal the narrative from presser

>>8886863 NFL Star Pat Tillman Killed in Afghanistan 16 Years Ago Today

>>8886852 Troubled oil ETF again shuffles holdings amid market mayhem

>>8886842, >>8886959 Donna Shalala, lone Democrat overseeing $500B virus fund, didn’t disclose 2019 stock sales

>>8886807 Tree-Sun = Treason

>>8886787 Harvard Backs Down: University Says It Will Not Take Coronavirus Aid

>>8886755 Interesting interview with Mitch McConnell discussing states being able to declare bankruptcy

>>8886737, >>8886857 Protests banned at capitol, on state property in California

>>8886695 @USNavy Cleaning our #USNavy ships to be.

>>8886666 digits confirm Brennan getting dragged

>>8887336 #11376


>>8885863, >>8885888, >>8885899, >>8885983, >>8886031, >>8886253, >>8886276, >>8886363 PF updates

>>8886542 wikileaks pdf bun

>>8886418 Pompeo Says Iran Needs to Be Held Accountable for Launch of Military Satellite

>>8886344 David Rodriguez and Mike Smith from #OutOfShadows

>>8886272 Solomon walking back his claim that indictments would occur this week.

>>8886254 Acting DNI Ric Grenell Pens Scathing Response to Adam Schiff’s April 7 Letter

>>8886216 Praising government-to-be, Pompeo says West Bank annexation is up to Israel

>>8886178, >>8886186 Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Retinopathy

>>8886079 Saudi Arabia may re-route tankers if U.S. imposes crude import ban

>>8886062 U.N. Secretary-General Says Climate Change Devastation Will Be 'Many Times Greater' Than Pandemic/Back to scamming for funds

>>8886051 Playground to Sandbox to Motocross Cali style

>>8886031 Pentagon seeks $76 million next year to start replacing Offutt-based 'Doomsday' jets

>>8886026, >>8886498, >>8886507 CUOMO mini DIG

>>8886025 Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Court Orders Maryland to Release Complete Voter Registration Records

>>8886013 Peter Nygard accusers increased FIVE-FOLD to 46

>>8885926, >>8885980 Director of U.S. agency key to vaccine development leaves role suddenly amid coronavirus pandemic

>>8885913 Chelsea wanted Hillary to "expand the mission" for the USNS Comfort while it was in HAITI after the 2010 earthquake…

>>8885883, >>8886024, >>8886067 Florida Coordinating Reopening With 5 Other States, Governor Says

>>8885882 anon bun

>>8886653 #11375

Previously Collected Notables

>>8884192 #11372, >>8884995 #11373, >>8885804 #11374

>>8881930 #11368, >>8882166 #11369, >>8882673 #11370, >>8885135 #11371

>>8881979 #11364, >>8882008 #11365, >>8881991 #11366, >>8881994 #11367

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d332d9  No.8887351

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8758804 This Memes War


Newfag Resource Guide

* 8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

* QResearch Welcome Page: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

* Pass the Test! Thread Ask q's, practice formatting >>6885294 , >>8695221

* How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

International Q Research Threads

Germany #51 >>8839115

UK #13 >>8758105

Australia #7 >>7994433

Canada #6 >>8838303

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Romania >>8137179

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007: https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 —— The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 —— Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 —— Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #98-#100 >>>/comms/10292, >>>/comms/10459, >>8848905

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d332d9  No.8887355

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

55 >>8696213, 54 >>8406256

Current Focus → #VoterID

Kung Flu ———— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #10: >>>/comms/10510

Tips on Notables for Bakers: >>>/qrb/41931

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://youtu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e692  No.8887371

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)

File: ecacab05e78ac67⋯.jpg (302.84 KB, 652x1038, 326:519, AFLB_GodWins.jpg)

Beast mode: Gains nearby



Lots of odd words and images that seem connected in some obscure yet precise way.

If you saw a word and an object next to each other, would that word bring up a memory of that object?

How about if you saw it a thousand times?

If you saw an emotional word next to an object, would you feel that emotion if you saw that object?

How about if you saw it a thousand times?

Define an 'abusive relationship'.

Are we subject to demoralization?

How many times have you seen/heard/smelt 'shit'?

Would we have consumed the produced excrement of manipulators?

Think about what position that puts one in.

Would one in that position have healthy reasoning?

You've seen others who justify their enslavement / abuse.

Are fish capable of seeing the water they swim through?

Do they flood us with poison?

Are the words/images of that flood, loaded with malicious associations?

"The mind has no firewall"

You must understand how information enters our minds, and percolates through them, to understand how they're poisoning it now:

Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.

Beliefs themselves are a web of emotions and Will.

Could contact with their poison sway us to a different experience?

Could this sway be stronger than we want to admit?

Would this effectively censor our Awakening + Free Speech? The ability to join two points together? To discus our own unique experience?

They accomplish this by conditioning our minds with repetitions of what they want us to experience, which obscures and scatters the phrases we use. They have had a 24/7/365 pressence on our boards.

Would this lesson the impact that our cultural expressions has on us?

Reducing the depth that information is absorbed?

Interfere with memory formation? Fracture beliefs [webs of emotions]?

Ex: t<rust> the | flan |

We know this to be "Trust the Plan" yet those who view our board, who see glimpses of the images and/or words that 'eBot' posts will have their unconscious minds conditioned to experience 'rust' [Decay] the 'flan' [sweet custard - Consume].

This turns the phrase an entire 180 from the emotional excitement that there is an active progression of events unfolding in a coordinated display, to, an order to actively aid in the decay of a sought after treat; To demoralize others who haven't been quelled.

Our unconscious impressions are the code they 'program', we experience what they want us to.

They have their own 'Reptilian language' [Network of loaded words that our nervous system responds to, created by the subliminal content they inject into our daily experience].

They turned us into their agents, to do their bidding. MKUltra deployed on you, the one reading.

Another example is the 'LotR' word theme.

The one 'ring' to rule them all is our anus. They have twisted the journey to 'mordor' into a rape experience, and use that continuous flood to whip us up into a highly emotional state, where we're easier to 'program' with the aforementioned example.

They use this flood to censor us who are critical against their narrative.

This is Information Warfare.

'Wetware' hacking.

There is an insidiously calculated system behind each word deployed through 'eBot'.

They waste not a picture to shape your experience.

What other areas of our movement do they slip into?

Are memes potent challengers to their narrative?

Would they let one meme spread without injecting their subliminal control into it?

Would it be convenient if there was a central repository they had control over, to make sure none escape their poison?

How about archiving?

How about the thread creation?

What leverage/power exists in selecting what is 'important'

Do they know their network of unconscious manipulation will push majority away?

Is it in their interest to control 'collection sites'?

What area of our culture, of our experience here, would they ignore?


Here we are surrounded by their poison, yet God is in our Hearts.

Enough is enough.

Keep your untainted memes safe.

Instincts uncover target

Heal your mind, unplug from their network of control.

[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))
/* Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over */
.post-image {
opacity: .8; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
Regain your mind from the abusers.

Generate actionable insights.

Strengthen our Awakening.

Where We Go 1, We Go All.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d332d9  No.8887376

File: c6423f230b08b31⋯.png (413.57 KB, 319x588, 319:588, c6423f230b08b31ae5cda654d0….png)

File: 3060bd8a7bd74cb⋯.png (1.47 MB, 3963x3021, 1321:1007, 3060bd8a7bd74cbe87ed8646db….png)

File: 4d112555cd9955e⋯.png (430.47 KB, 625x400, 25:16, 4d112555cd9955e81369ff8d74….png)



Baker can continue or defer

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e692  No.8887381







Ctrl-F d0608c

Looks like the 'facts about Jews' spammer is dictating so "sincerely" the direction of the baking process.

You're right, post history is a bitch 🤣😂🤣

Infact, we can take this one step further and see that this poster is on very friendly terms with each Baker who posts here.

They know who this is.

Judging from the spurts of activity, we can see they jump on at around the same time to discuss things that already seemed agreed on.

So what other means of communication are you all using outside of this?

Bakers Union 2.0~

>The (4)[jewhate] spell was broken a while ago anon.

>this stream is less active, so the babysitter is present more often. but the talking points will be tailored to this stream's content.

>>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Is our thread creation safe?

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25e692  No.8887394


You know this information is valuable, speak up.

>>8819011 Game Theory & What winning looks like

>>8819018 Trump Made Vaccines Great Again!

[CHINA DOESN'T WANT YOU VACCINATED/HCQ'D [With what *Trump* may suggest. He swore an oath to protect you] AGAINST THEIR VIRUS OR THE NEXT ONE THEY PLAN TO RELEASE - Trump expanded the effective range of NEW vaccines]

Open question: What's the Baker(s) excuse for not adding these this time? We know you're abusive "honey"… The cops have been called, we're taking the children away before you hit them again.

>>8783869 (last thread)

(You) See what I mean?

'Barf bags' are a "higher priority" for valuable insights than an executive order and a very common phrase Q uses being explained in an easy to digest format.

Reject their release valve staged show.

Chinabaker and crew exposed now more than ever 🤔🤔🤔

Yes an executive order relating to the discussions at hand is an extremely valuable inaight.

Yes, an easy to understand introduction to Game Theory facilitates understanding a recent Q post about it.

What other excuses do you have?

You're running out 🤣😂🤣

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921e1f  No.8887402


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5c40ae  No.8887408

Did POTUS just reference a spacecraft attack on the US in today's tweet?

Here's some food for thought…

Fact - 2018 US Navy releases videos of space craft (confirming existence). Pilots even [locked] on it. Q CONFIRMED "not alone" (didnt confirm "aliens", just "not alone" in universe).

Fact - 2019 US Navy deploys LASERS on some of the US Fleet

Fact - 2020 US Navy holds press brifieng with POTUS, to DEPLOY Naval Task Force to "the south" and threatening incoming "cartels". VERY UNUSUAL show of military force for "drugs" and "traffickers".

Fact - 2020 VP speaks at Air Force Academy graduation (SPACE FORCE recruits are highlighted in the visit).

Related Fact - US Military stopped engaging spacecraft in the 50's due to the enemy craft speed and evasive superiority (can't be hit & penetrated with conventional missiles).

Related Fact - Primary weapon that is speculated to bring down spacecraft is most likely a laser (due to speed and power).

Related Fact - The "South" ie: Antarctica is major military base for DS spacecraft (ie: space "ships")

Related Fact - Iran is one of the DS/Clowns Black Site countries. Their assets & military tech are not those of Iran but of the DS.

Related Fact - POTUS does not make "accidental" errors on Twitter. Grammar and spelling errors or incoinsistencies are INTENTIONAL.

TODAYS FACT - POTUS tweet that he authorizes "Shoot down" of Irans "ships".

TODAYS FACT - You don't "shoot down" ships. You shoot down aircraft.

TODAYS FACT - Iran typically harrases US fleet with "boats" not "ships".

TODAYS FACT - Only aircraft referred to as a "ship" is a "Space Ship".

CONCLUSION OF FACTS - Is the US Naval Fleet really defending the continental US from a "southern" threat of Space SHIPS from Antarctica? "Iran" and "Cartels" is merely cover language?

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f53c16  No.8887410


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f53c16  No.8887415





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79a0f4  No.8887416

File: 27ec63b6b6e0544⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 560x700, 4:5, blonde.jpg)

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f53c16  No.8887418

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5506d2  No.8887421


LOL, who let you out of the attic?

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50bb5f  No.8887422

File: 0ebc7c0738f6c60⋯.png (726.55 KB, 975x2619, 325:873, Influenza_as_a_bioweapon.png)

From the beginning I have often thought that maybe Covid-19 was really an exercise to open our eyes to the possibility that the Flu is and has been a bioweapon to reduce population and bring about the early demise of the elderly.

Have you noticed how brainwashed we are to "write-off" the elderly? How long has it been that the very mention of the "elderly" brings instance anxiety and overwhelming feelings of sympathy? Why? When did getting old become such a negative? In fact other cultures cherish their elderly unlike Americans. (For example who leaves their parents in a nursing home when they are at home already?)

Influenza as a bioweapon


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b70840  No.8887424

File: fb685072df823e0⋯.jpg (512.47 KB, 919x698, 919:698, Meme_paint.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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f53c16  No.8887425

File: 0473af4cd73d25f⋯.jpg (286.76 KB, 800x890, 80:89, IMG_4661.JPG)


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79a0f4  No.8887427


I'd suck on her corn log.

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788e89  No.8887428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1cd691  No.8887429

File: 82216f7d96d8184⋯.png (197.71 KB, 917x454, 917:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f677dba2873b199⋯.png (37.49 KB, 955x454, 955:454, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci & Shalala = buds


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d9911b  No.8887430

File: 55180bd3cb00d74⋯.png (562.38 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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f53c16  No.8887433




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7b3b4d  No.8887437

File: 4347543f4e87b5e⋯.png (127.13 KB, 412x438, 206:219, 1580115977629.png)

File: 2e7dae39b25875b⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2e7dae39b25875bfc0e3e715d4….jpg)

File: 86d4a8ade5b46ba⋯.png (784.41 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1581503050417.png)

File: 5a5712ad6892092⋯.png (1.07 MB, 997x850, 997:850, 5a5712ad6892092eac6e62f6b6….png)

File: 094ab310276d1fc⋯.gif (496.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1cb.gif)

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40c45c  No.8887439

File: f04bc075efc2415⋯.jpeg (40.18 KB, 687x388, 687:388, e34fa190b979d25e2c1260fbc….jpeg)

So many Jesus slides here and on X.

Give it a rest you schizos.

It's over.


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1cd691  No.8887440

File: 9b90d3aa129f26b⋯.png (654.35 KB, 696x522, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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858075  No.8887441

File: 43fc4a5fd6d02b6⋯.png (925.49 KB, 687x733, 687:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f1d0cb1432f87e⋯.png (606.77 KB, 671x851, 671:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a2e51279969999⋯.png (24.93 KB, 681x285, 227:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f744cb03e250960⋯.png (128.85 KB, 533x501, 533:501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40ccb0ef3a79b26⋯.png (61.11 KB, 675x712, 675:712, ClipboardImage.png)

Horrific truck crash on Melbourne highway leaves four police officers dead, cops hunt runaway witness

Detectives are hunting a Porsche driver who fled the scene of a horrific crash that killed four police officers in Melbourne.

Police are hunting a Porsche driver who fled the scene where four police officers were killed after a truck crashed into them during a roadside stop.

The accident happened on the Eastern Freeway, near Chandler Highway in Melbourne, about 5.40pm Wednesday after two officers pulled over the Porsche 911 for speeding.

The officers then decided to impound the Porsche.

Two more officers arrived in an unmarked car for backup, not long before a large, refrigerated semi-trailer crashed into all four of them, leaving behind a scene of “utter carnage” and making “considerable contact” with the Porsche.

The truck was from a commercial chicken poultry business in Melbourne.

The victims are two male constables, one female senior constable and one male senior constable. It is believed one of the officers was new to the force, while the others were more “seasoned and experienced”.

The male truck driver was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

One of the cars was left trapped under the truck.

At least 16 emergency services vehicles were at the scene.

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said they did not believe the driver of the Porsche was injured and he decided to flee the scene on foot. He said the Porsche had been driving at excessive speed on the freeway which caused police to pull him over and it wasn’t unusual to impound a vehicle under that offence.

His identity and whereabouts are unknown.

He said if the driver was watching his press conference: “I strongly suggest that he get himself down to the nearest police station.”

It is not yet known whether the truck crashed into the officers on the eastern freeway intentionally. The driver is in hospital under police guard and police expect him to be there “for some time”.

Blood samples will been taken to test for alcohol or drug use.

Commissioner Ashton said it was believed the truck driver suffered a medical episode at the scene and after the crash.

“We don’t know at this stage what caused him to drive the truck into our police members,” he said.

“We just don’t know. The truck has also made considerable contact with the Porsche.

“This is a real tragedy and so tonight will be spent notifying loved ones of our four officers.

“A very tragic night indeed we're having to respond to.”


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faec44  No.8887445

File: c836c3315204435⋯.jpg (13.36 KB, 243x225, 27:25, tinfoiltoots.jpg)

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712688  No.8887446

It's time …draw the curtain back !

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788e89  No.8887447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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496973  No.8887448

File: 259e891078bcdb8⋯.png (17.01 KB, 206x155, 206:155, moloch_155.png)


Nice name and logo AOL.

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d332d9  No.8887449


that is the qoolest piece of imagination I ever nik'd

tyvm for it

keep laughing

KEK is strong and guud

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79a0f4  No.8887451


Corn Log was a bad doodoo.

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d9911b  No.8887452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daily Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

Sheduled start 17:45hrs Eastern.

The White House:



US Department of State:




Fox News:


Fox 10 Phoenix:


Global News:


The Sun:


The Guardian:


USA Today (embedded - open mic):


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16cbe4  No.8887453

File: 00fa8c8ce01d26a⋯.png (730.18 KB, 720x714, 120:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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f53c16  No.8887454



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0c4c48  No.8887457

File: fbaf454c0763768⋯.png (335.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, MrMuhJooShow.png)

File: fbaf454c0763768⋯.png (335.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, MrMuhJooShow.png)

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858075  No.8887459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goodbye Second Amendment: Biden Surrogate Says the Candidate Would Shut Down Gun Shops During Pandemic

Fred Guttenberg is an anti-gun, pro-gun control control hysteric. He's also a surrogate for Joe Biden, appearing on numerous TV and radio shows representing the candidate's views on the issues.

At a virtual town hall on gun violence sponsored by Students for Biden, Guttenberg made the observation that if it were up to Joe Biden, gun shops would be shuttered during the pandemic.

Washington Free Beacon:

Guttenberg told the audience at a virtual town hall Monday that Trump was killing Americans by allowing gun stores to remain open, pointing to federal guidelines that labeled gun businesses "essential."

"This decision by this administration is going to lead to additional people dying in this country," Guttenberg said. "Joe Biden would not have called these essential businesses in the middle of a pandemic. It's that simple. And so shame on the politicians who allowed this to happen. Shame on the businesses who are using this pandemic as a business sales opportunity."

Why does Guttenberg have a burr in his saddle about gun stores being open during the pandemic? Well, let's start with the fact that he's a grieving father who lost his daughter in the Parkland school shooting, so any gun being sold at any time is an evil thing.

But Guttenberg started throwing stuff up against the wall to see if something stuck.

Guttenberg went on to say that gun stores are contributing to the pandemic and selling to people who are not legally allowed to buy or own firearms, though he did not offer evidence of either claim.

"You have crowds showing up around these gun stores not only spreading coronavirus, but they're buying weapons, or they're buying ammunition," he said. "And many of them are prohibited purchasers of weapons, or they already have the weapon, and now they're running out and buying the ammunition to use it."

Huh? Mr. Guttenberg didn't bother trying to prove those wild allegations because he knows he couldn't. But his audience is made up of a bunch of teenagers who don't know any better so he gets away with it.

For the record, the Free Beacon explained.

Gun stores and all federally licensed dealers are required to run federal background checks on all gun sales they conduct. Those checks are designed to ensure that licensed dealers do not sell firearms to people prohibited from having them under federal and state law. Despite Guttenberg's claim, there has been no evidence that gun stores—which have remained open in most states—are a significant source of new infections. Many that have remained open adopted social distancing and sanitation practices similar to other "essential" businesses. Everytown, where Guttenberg is a member of its Survivors Network, did not respond to request for comment.

I sympathize with Guttenberg as I'm sure most do regarding the loss of his daughter. But his anger is misdirected. Preventing people from protecting themselves is not the answer, nor is tearing up the Constitution.

Buying a gun in this pandemic is akin to buying homeowner's insurance. Your chances of needing it are slim, but it's nice to have anyway. In truth, people don't need a reason to buy a gun. Nor should it ever be up to people like Mr. Guttenberg to be giving permission to own one.


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d332d9  No.8887460





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788e89  No.8887461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f53c16  No.8887462



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5dc5ae  No.8887463

File: ee1bff6fe40fd41⋯.png (347.59 KB, 462x549, 154:183, B1826E75_8ACB_4E55_8B5B_47….png)

File: 1e278dc47ee86c0⋯.png (412.66 KB, 998x611, 998:611, BAFA693D_36D8_4F62_BD08_B6….png)

Two scoops?

How about a full fuckin’ fridge you piker!

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97c812  No.8887464

File: c60c812538d612a⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 594x707, 594:707, virus.JPG)

Twatter troll tries to prove Trump wrong by sharing clip of HUSSEIN talking about possible illness "like the spanish flu" that shows up "5 years from now".

5 years, 1 month later on December 31, 2019 COVID HITS - first case in China declared December 29, 2019.


Video: https://twitter.com/CoolPerfection/status/1252222555487903748

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f53c16  No.8887465





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08e7f3  No.8887466

File: 6e7816760d59611⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 960x714, 160:119, 1587417413568.jpg)

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5506d2  No.8887467


NOOO Trust the plan! Keep the buttplug in!

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c78b85  No.8887468


kek… pushin out the boundaries of free thinkerers

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22756a  No.8887469

File: 5ac53fcaa2a2f6f⋯.jpg (11.67 KB, 221x255, 13:15, 5b4bdb5764c49db4f3ee142c57….jpg)

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858075  No.8887470

Did anyone check out the wikileaks dump?

Was it legit or just old stuff

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efa1db  No.8887472

File: 60eb3d5b20c41c7⋯.png (194.1 KB, 1593x909, 177:101, PolkCounty.png)

Polk County WI Sheriff refuses to enforce extended 'stay at home' order


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79a0f4  No.8887473

File: c5dca01386e8622⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 197x255, 197:255, huffer.jpg)

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e63086  No.8887474



freedom of assembly btfo

have any of you figured out we are under martial law yet?

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43d1a0  No.8887475

File: db679955219a8d2⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 450px_Juan_Mann.jpg)


Thank you, baker.

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7b3b4d  No.8887476

File: 06ceb9642dade61⋯.jpg (167.32 KB, 2048x1187, 2048:1187, key1.jpg)

File: 10f6692387fd3b8⋯.jpg (261.48 KB, 2048x1179, 2048:1179, key2.jpg)

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f53c16  No.8887477

File: 6deb684ba27e3d7⋯.jpg (185.1 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_3576.JPG)


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d0cff9  No.8887478

File: 5d4d9e2c76fb973⋯.jpeg (150.04 KB, 700x466, 350:233, BBBA6673_D2D2_4772_A7C9_0….jpeg)

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d332d9  No.8887479



saves range fees

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5506d2  No.8887480


Who cares? Lol. It will end up like pizzagate.

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858075  No.8887481

Nuclear war still on the cards, Moscow warns, as Covid-19 only worsens battle for global dominance

Covid-19 hasn't united the world. On the contrary, it has gravely increased the risk of largescale conflicts, with major players trying to use the crisis to strengthen their hands, Russia's deputy foreign minister has said.

The struggle for international dominance was sharply intensifying even before the pandemic began, Sergey Ryabkov believes, but "unfortunately, the coronavirus couldn't defuse this process, on the contrary, it only amplified and accelerated it."

Ryabkov delivered a report on the future of Russian foreign policy at TASS news agency's HQ in Moscow.

The divisions that may result in major – potentially global – international conflicts, splits between leading powers, are deepening. The threat of a nuclear war has not been eliminated.

With key arms treaties being abandoned and the influence of international bodies like the UN declining, "military force is playing an increasingly important role in international relations," the deputy FM acknowledged. Top players must work together to come up with a diplomatic response to this challenge if they want to avoid the worst-case scenario, he added.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in December in China's Wuhan, the highly contagious disease has spread around the globe, causing more than 175,000 deaths, grinding the world's major economies to a halt and wreaking havoc on the financial markets.


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8a6eee  No.8887482

File: 5fc5d0eff252676⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 431x522, 431:522, cozy_jewish_pepe.jpg)


Yea.They got their emergency funding. And don't care about social distancing while doing so.

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788e89  No.8887483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1cd691  No.8887484

File: 2cc1758ec139e1a⋯.png (896.45 KB, 1267x1772, 1267:1772, ClipboardImage.png)



Shalala: 'I take full responsibility' for failure to disclose stock sales

Rep. Donna Shalala (D-Fla.) says in a new interview that she and she alone bears responsibility for a failure to report several stock trades she made after winning office in 2018.

Speaking with CBS Miami, the Florida Democrat said that she knew of a law requiring her to report any stock trades within 45 days of making them, but missed the deadlines for filing her reports.

“Look, I knew what the law was,” she said. “I missed the deadlines. And I have to take responsibility, personal responsibility for doing that. No one else is responsible except for me.”

“It was my mistake and I take full responsibility,” Shalala added.

The congresswoman said in the interview that she sold several stocks shortly after being elected to Congress in 2018 in order to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest once she took office.

“I did file my disclosure report, so everybody knew what my holdings are,” said the congresswoman, adding: “They didn’t know I was unloading the entire portfolio so I could put everything into mutual [funds] basically to avoid any conflict of interest.”

Shalala said that she notified the House Ethics Committee when she realized her mistake, and was prepared to accept any fine or reprimand the committee levies.

“Whatever they think is appropriate,” she said. “Whether it’s a financial penalty or anything else. I’m really sorry I missed those deadlines in the process of trying to do the right thing.”

Each transaction that Shalala made that was not reported within 45 days could be subject to up to $200 in fines under the STOCK Act.


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9b2ecd  No.8887485

File: 22718bf3d498e08⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 255x189, 85:63, Chief_Cocksucker_png.jpg)

File: 0448bd63e22dadb⋯.png (143.94 KB, 958x626, 479:313, Noose_1.png)

>>8885926 (pb)

Sorry Cocksucker, but too late for that now! You get a rope, Fauci, You get a rope, Pelosi, you get a rope, Schiff, you get a rope, Hussein, and Hillary, you get a rope! Everybody gets a rope who "knowingly" committed TREASON against WE the PEOPLE of the United States of America!

excerpt from STAT article:

"None of the sources articulated the reason for Bright’s departure, though several mentioned recent chafing between Bright and Bob Kadlec, the current HHS assistant secretary for preparedness and response."

Biography: Robert Kadlec, M.D., MTM&H, M.S.,


Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Dr. Robert Kadlec is the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)

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2cc799  No.8887486

File: 081db9f9af07c9c⋯.jpg (15.05 KB, 221x255, 13:15, love_this_post.jpg)

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80a036  No.8887487

File: 790f85da1971505⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 255x254, 255:254, qptrskhdoiush.jpg)

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7b6ecb  No.8887488


Part of our engineered lives. They keep us just healthy enough to work until we retire. Once the slaves retire and start taking out of the system they’ve spent the entire lives paying into, the DS wants them dead fast. That’s not the slaves money. That money is for them.

Corporate life is like elementary school. They change the name of Assemblies to All-Hands, but it’s the same. You sit in rows and your direct supervisor is your home room teacher. Our engineered lives. American slaves to be used up and then killed off.

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b70840  No.8887489

File: 869edf40f33428b⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 3569x2555, 3569:2555, Loadsa_memes.jpg)

File: 279b319226e2825⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3569x2534, 3569:2534, Loadsa_Pepe.jpg)

File: 5e88ab83e083c84⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 3345x3155, 669:631, Artist_Pepe.jpg)


TY bakerer man.

This is the one on the canvas.

And a couple Pepe ones.

>It's like a disease I have, da memes.


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c5f281  No.8887490

File: 1f5c4d44ef00b42⋯.jpg (447.16 KB, 2048x1408, 16:11, EJXW0Z9X0AEiaSU.jpg)

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f53c16  No.8887491









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85cf07  No.8887492



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557dea  No.8887493

File: 96e49a31d3777a8⋯.jpg (77.13 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 3dv5ie9o.jpg)

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5506d2  No.8887494



That'll show em!

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85cf07  No.8887495


nm just slow net

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8aad13  No.8887496

If Face Masks Are Mandatory, Then It’s Time to End Mask Patents

Governments are set to make mask wearing mandatory in many places. Yet some companies are committed to limiting supply and charging monopoly prices thanks to government-created patents

President Trump is convening with governors to reopen the economy, which will likely mean some sort of compulsory face mask order. Now is the time to seriously consider scrapping the patents on masks such as the N95.

Government at all levels has severely overreacted to the COVID-19 pandemic, but at long last there is political will to at least pretend as though there should be some return to normalcy. That, of course, doesn’t mean partisan politics is being set aside.

The governors of Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island, all Democrats, have announced that they are forming a “regional advisory council” to come up with a plan to reopen their economies. The same thing is being tried by West Coast Democratic governors in California, Oregon, and Washington.

However, the ultimate action taken will be a centralized one, Trump assures us, tweeting, “a decision…will be made shortly!”

The clampdown on economic and civil liberties will be restructured, almost certainly with more relief to the former than the latter. One likely compromise that any new national or regional policy will adopt is the condition that increased commerce requires mandatory mask wearing.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who polls evenly with Joe Biden as Democrats’ top presidential pick, has ordered employers of operating businesses to supply employees with masks.


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058020  No.8887497

File: 0d9961669f16640⋯.pdf (4.14 MB, US8252284.pdf)

>>8887284 lb

US Patent number >>8252284

High affinity, anti-human IgE antibodies

The invention relates to high affinity human monoclonal antibodies, particularly those directed against isotypic determinants of immunoglobulin E (IgE), as well as direct equivalents and derivatives of these antibodies. These antibodies bind to their respective target with an affinity at least 100 fold greater than the original parent antibody. These antibodies are useful for diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of disease.

Patent PDF is attached

School shootings are not the only things that come from Sandy Hook, CT

Funny how a shooting in Nova Scotia led me to this

NSO cell-derived transfectoma: a-1gE CL5A 28B11

So why was this number on the RCMP police car?

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f53c16  No.8887498





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fbf9d9  No.8887499

File: 73b2e22bdf1308d⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 400x560, 5:7, 878AD2FF_B206_4BC7_9C07_A4….gif)

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f65c8a  No.8887500

File: c6d3632a611f934⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 572x417, 572:417, flotus_majestickwennnn.jpg)

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8aad13  No.8887501


Even as 3M admits that it can’t supply enough N95 masks at the current demand, the company has yet to release its patents royalty-free, even temporarily, to other market producers. Effectively, the multinational conglomerate stands behind the force of government to protect its monopoly.

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2e8ad0  No.8887502

File: 5510c8c6e9239d8⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, spas.jpg)

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d332d9  No.8887504

File: cd924a1d5b47b2a⋯.gif (159.07 KB, 400x598, 200:299, cd924a1d5b47b2a6c63182d397….gif)

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e3c188  No.8887505



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fa2116  No.8887506

File: 181dd5f362e2e60⋯.jpg (48.07 KB, 736x589, 736:589, c74e2571a6c77d8419cc2cc168….jpg)

File: ec3a89f1ad5f23e⋯.png (361.83 KB, 674x889, 674:889, Img_1587409472436.png)

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abd7fa  No.8887507

File: 78eb6f0f683cb67⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, q_baker_from_marine_fren.png)



killin' it

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2cc799  No.8887508

Within next TWO BREADS!!


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d0cff9  No.8887510


>Third-Rate politician

First Rate CUNT

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fbaa07  No.8887511

File: 97b61a7da6adc66⋯.png (203.98 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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70f966  No.8887512


during those 93 days of darkness i thought about how much I missed you.

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5506d2  No.8887513


Wear your face condom pleb!!!

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788e89  No.8887514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why Do Jews DISGUISE the word "JEW"?


Jewish PsyOp?


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79a0f4  No.8887515


You faggots better have something epic prepared.

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7b3b4d  No.8887516

File: 8bc6dd4c697654e⋯.jpg (164.95 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 8bc6dd4c697654e64567acf734….jpg)

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2ecaa0  No.8887517

File: 51a0c2b0083b65d⋯.jpeg (463.82 KB, 700x1122, 350:561, DA6D7507_4AEE_490B_9659_A….jpeg)

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594899  No.8887518


Maybe, but people who have fruit and nut trees are not as "food insecure" as those who do not.

food for thought

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d332d9  No.8887519



hold my place yo's

bakin n sheitz

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65061a  No.8887520

File: 4f8362710b6a482⋯.png (228.83 KB, 330x350, 33:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca726e174a4a045⋯.png (1.31 MB, 934x520, 467:260, ClipboardImage.png)

I heard if the garbage disposal is

leaking on the bottom, it's time to


Was wondering if y'all thought that maybe

FlexTape would be a good temporary

fix until there's no more lockdown since

I don't wanna have to deal with the

landlord having to come in with his

plumber to replace it?

Unless, of course, your brilliant minds

have a completely out-of-the-box

temp/permanent solution, which

would be awesome, as well!


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44124c  No.8887521

File: d97f0a664cdb82f⋯.png (7.65 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 20414435_33FB_43FD_A8CB_D2….png)

Nervous Nancy taking Fashion-As-A-Signaling-Method-Tips from Dr Ganular-Birx

-Help’ I’m out of chocolate cream cream!

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abd7fa  No.8887522

File: c02caf4ecd32622⋯.png (628.15 KB, 787x674, 787:674, POTUS_this_shit_again.PNG)

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058020  No.8887523


Recombinant Mouse Anti-IL17F Antibody scFv Fragment (28B11) (CAT#: HPAB-0968WJ-S(P))

This product is a mouse antibody scFv fragment targeting human IL17F. This antibody scFv fragment can recognize IL-17F and/or the heterodimeric IL-17A/IL-17F complex, but do not recognize IL-17A.


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0c4c48  No.8887524


I'm not a Jew.

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d0cff9  No.8887525

File: 1b3143ca0f7ab7d⋯.jpeg (24.42 KB, 165x115, 33:23, 4F492197_4C9C_4289_B71C_6….jpeg)



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2cc799  No.8887526

File: 64eae1c78ef6627⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 656x1199, 656:1199, EH2oeWdWoAELiGR.jpg)

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d6775c  No.8887527

File: 01b9a6dd4f56e23⋯.jpg (278.83 KB, 1079x736, 1079:736, nvax.jpg)


NORAVAX, INC - BARDA - Bill Gates - Dr. Rick Bright- connected?

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f53c16  No.8887528



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f65c8a  No.8887529


tahts a shill

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c5f281  No.8887530

File: 8d98fbca3782019⋯.mp4 (9.34 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 1K5QbNvAjRzpTyLH.mp4)

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7e09f2  No.8887531

File: 50d5836a65a9f59⋯.jpg (117.26 KB, 678x528, 113:88, TRIIGERED_SQUIRREL_NUTS.jpg)

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2cc799  No.8887532

File: 1b2c72b96760f22⋯.jpg (10.79 KB, 190x255, 38:51, Here_we_go.jpg)

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d6775c  No.8887533




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f53c16  No.8887534



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d166c4  No.8887535

File: 8a5ca94e0b71835⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 725x829, 725:829, 8a5ca94e0b718355ec73eb2019….jpg)

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c78b85  No.8887537


chinaman def gonna try to take that one for good luck

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c929e4  No.8887539

File: 365cb3b050b6db7⋯.jpeg (78.64 KB, 784x1020, 196:255, 1587309640.jpeg)

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d332d9  No.8887540


got the set yo

thanqs very much

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22756a  No.8887541

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2cc799  No.8887542

File: c4f69d5888771e2⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 255x166, 255:166, freedom_and_shit.jpg)


You think it happens during "muhcorona" press conference?

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07df53  No.8887544

File: a67590d3d394de0⋯.png (355.4 KB, 1188x812, 297:203, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

File: 740248dd0e92975⋯.png (604.51 KB, 1176x800, 147:100, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

>>8887284 (lb)

aborted fetus cells and humanized mice fer vaccines, well, that's just fucken insane!!!!

Humanized Mice for Live-Attenuated Vaccine Research: From Unmet Potential to New Promises


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788e89  No.8887545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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496973  No.8887546

File: bce310a694ffc96⋯.png (115.49 KB, 449x497, 449:497, Untitled_1.png)

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0c4c48  No.8887547

File: b67cc204d6c18bd⋯.png (272.77 KB, 419x767, 419:767, Sanitizer.png)

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8a6eee  No.8887548

File: 5b1744412284deb⋯.jpg (139.76 KB, 782x780, 391:390, KAPLAN_MUH_ALL_SPAMFAG_CAT.jpg)


We know your keyword count researches, based on your own spamming, to please Kaplan from media matters.

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66d361  No.8887549

PG&E'S Top Exec To End Short Stint at Beleaguered Utility

BERKELEY, Calif. - PG&E Corp. CEO Bill Johnson will step down from his job just 14 months after the nation’s largest utility hired him.

The announcement Wednesday that the 66-year-old Johnson will retire June 30 comes as PG&E tries to push through its plan to emerge from bankruptcy.

The bankruptcy was triggered by billions of dollars in losses from deadly wildfires ignited by its decaying electrical equipment.

California officials had been pressuring PG&E to oust its entire board, including Johnson. But his departure was not part of its bankruptcy plan.

Johnson's departure leaves PG&E looking for another CEO to improve its shoddy safety record.


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f65c8a  No.8887551

File: 0461a068ee00368⋯.png (364.89 KB, 1280x1000, 32:25, pepe_gosk8.png)



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f53c16  No.8887552






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d0cff9  No.8887553

File: 0160a7bac1b22ba⋯.jpeg (84.5 KB, 857x500, 857:500, 9B425975_AAB4_4625_B841_C….jpeg)


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2e8ad0  No.8887555

File: abf81654c3e9010⋯.jpg (56.23 KB, 500x534, 250:267, DS1.jpg)

File: 0eb1666257700bd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.42 KB, 500x504, 125:126, DS2.jpg)

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3af704  No.8887556

File: d3b8d510baf2b81⋯.png (450.92 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020_04_22_16_2….png)

I saw the mention of China's response to Missouri's lawsuit over coronavirus. I hope China gets mad enough to leave! Foreign and corporate interests overrule local farmers in Missouri. They bring in large 'confined animal feeding operations' (CAFOs) which produce more waste than entire human cities! They destroy the environment as well as people's quality of life. Pic related.

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f53c16  No.8887557



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2cc799  No.8887558

File: edeef3c921a2a3d⋯.jpg (13.03 KB, 255x170, 3:2, escorting_death.jpg)


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9c2f06  No.8887559

you gay homos who go spouting off with zerohedge bullshit like Q drops:

the idea was the PPP would invigorate small banks, not the TBTF ones.

crikey, geniuses.

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278ccb  No.8887560


next bread so probably

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08e7f3  No.8887561

File: db9a6f66c6a53d5⋯.png (603.63 KB, 1779x1056, 593:352, ClipboardImage.png)

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e63086  No.8887562


why does don allow it do you think?

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858075  No.8887563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Weapons Expert Mark Steele: 5G Is A Weapons System Designed To Kill

Mark Steele, an engineer. inventor, patent writer, chief technology officer and weapons systems expert, has been highlighting the dangers of a secret 5G rollout by Gateshead Council where residents are complaining of increased illness and Cancer in the affected area. There’s enough evidence to conclude the new smart 5G arrays on the top of new LED lampposts emit Class 1 Radiation frequencies and should be treated as a danger to the public. He also won the first case against those who tried to shut him down for speaking out against it back in 2018. He joins me in this episode to explain that 5G is not about faster internet, but something much more sinister.


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f65c8a  No.8887564

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d332d9  No.8887565


we in herre

gon be guud

Potus gon kick they ass

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7b3b4d  No.8887566

File: 483b10cb4645823⋯.jpg (106.21 KB, 655x692, 655:692, 483b10cb464582387c9aeaf0c5….jpg)

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f53c16  No.8887567



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d6775c  No.8887568


It is really hard to believe that the left admire Anderson Cooper…he is so ignorant and incompetent.

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058020  No.8887569

File: 0ce53b6a012c3ff⋯.pdf (742.21 KB, liber777.pdf)

For an essay on the significance of the number, see Crowley, 777, 42–43. According to Crowley, seven is a number of “peculiar importance and sanctity” but also “a most evil number whose perfection is impossible to attack.” For Crowley’s ties to German Theosophical groups contemporary with the Thule Society, see Webb, Occult Establishment, 61. The significance of the number seven has also been much discussed in connection with Hitler’s membership number in the German Workers’ Party. Confusion continues to hang over this question. According to a 1940 letter from Anton Drexler, Hitler joined the DAP as member 555 but later changed his membership card to indicate that he was number seven, which could suggest that the rising führer attached significance to the number. But in a 1941 letter DAP’s first secretary, Michael Lotter, recalled that Hitler was the seventh member of the Political Workers’ Circle, the leadership component of the party most directly connected with the Thule Society. Kershaw, Hubris, 127, citing Bavarian Haupstaatsarchiv, Abt. V, P 3071, Slg. Personen, Anton Drexler, and Institute fuer Zeitgeschichte, Munich, Fa 88/Fasz. 78, Fol. 11–12. Writers with an occult perspective have noted the recurrence of the number seven in connection with the Nazi movement by pointing to Hitler’s confinement in cell no. 7 at Landsberg, and after his sentencing at Nuremberg, Rudolf Hess became prisoner no. 7 at Berlin’s Span-dau prison.

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7bade9  No.8887570


mayor for the win…

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875988  No.8887571

File: a4a46f703beb505⋯.png (669.14 KB, 413x776, 413:776, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbe0b2  No.8887572

File: a39478de7f9713f⋯.png (7.66 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4bc980788915fc27e8cf6f4b8e….png)


Now we've turned kun into the DIY channel!

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2e964c  No.8887574

File: a6e002750d826d5⋯.png (723.53 KB, 664x819, 664:819, 08172743280107264375301264….png)

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557dea  No.8887575

File: d01061780832134⋯.jpg (98.73 KB, 800x769, 800:769, ZLHW4HTGZNB5JPW5GH2Y5VQEUY.jpg)

"Not even a pandemic and a widespread lockdown could stop these suspected sexual predators from trying to exploit children. In an undercover sting dubbed “Operation COVID Crackdown,” police in Virginia busted 30 perverts who were taking advantage of children’s increased online presence in recent weeks to try to set up sexual encounters with them, authorities announced Tuesday.

The men, ages 20 to 74, used different online platforms to engage in sexually explicit conversations and solicit sex from people they thought were minors, according to the Fairfax County Police Department, which set up the operation earlier this month."


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1cd691  No.8887576

File: 04ef197ae80fce0⋯.png (639.97 KB, 1903x917, 1903:917, ClipboardImage.png)

Las Vegas mayor doubles down on push to reopen casinos, says it's not her job to do it safely: 'They better figure it out'


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55bbbc  No.8887577


i mean, its been far worse

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959a80  No.8887578

File: 226eada0b79a13e⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 226eada0b79a13e3333ce719a6….jpg)


United States citizens will never have power over the government.

United States citizens were/are created by the government, 14th Amendment.

Maxim of Law: That which one creates, one controls.

Only We, the People have power over the government.

We, the People delegated power to the government to provide 19 enumerated services.

A United States citizen is not one of We, the People.

One's political status means everything. United States citizen vs. American state national, Virginian, Texan, Californian, etc.

United States citizens are considered property/franchises of the United States, Inc.

That's why the "government" corporations (federal/state/local) trample the rights of United States citizens.

"Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity"", Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773

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0615e8  No.8887579



Amazing ANONS are still thinking in a BOX.

It's no wonder no one has unpacked THE LOOKING GLASS drops yet.

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c929e4  No.8887580

File: 41593575c763d64⋯.jpeg (83.85 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1583674735.jpeg)

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788e89  No.8887581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4f048b  No.8887582

File: 895f31b8442ed74⋯.jpg (75.98 KB, 769x324, 769:324, what_are_these_3_things.jpg)

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70f966  No.8887583


i think it's a paid advertisment

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a2bd41  No.8887584

File: c0ad4fa4969c52c⋯.png (161.22 KB, 1059x853, 1059:853, french_research.png)

File: 68750dc1d798c3a⋯.png (449.87 KB, 991x661, 991:661, visit_research_1.png)

File: afa3090b3566606⋯.png (675.92 KB, 1023x687, 341:229, visit_research_2.png)

File: 01093a4f8bf3ff6⋯.png (590.36 KB, 1031x691, 1031:691, visit_research_3.png)

File: 67579633fdbef0c⋯.png (627.02 KB, 1017x679, 1017:679, visit_research_4.png)

Gautret et al. Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin successful as a treatment of COVID‐19


1Azithromycinand ciprofloxacin have a chloroquine-like effect onrespiratory epithelial cellsJens F. Poschet1, ElizabethA.Perkett2,3, Graham S. Timmins4#and Vojo Deretic1,5#Departmentsof 1Molecular Genetics and Microbiology 2Pediatricsand 3 Internal Medicine, 4Pharmaceutical Sciences, and5Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism Center of Biomedical Research Excellence, University of New Mexico Health Science Center# Co-corresponding author

AbstractThere isinterest in the use of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine (CQ/HCQ) and azithromycin(AZT)in COVID-19 therapy. Employingcystic fibrosis respiratory epithelial cells, herewe show that drugs AZTandciprofloxacin(CPX)act as acidotropic lipophilic weak bases and conferin vitro effectson intracellular organellessimilarto the effects of CQ. These seemingly disparate FDA-approved antimicrobialsdisplay a common property of modulating pH of endosomes and trans-Golgi network.We believe this may in part help understandthe potentially beneficial effects of CQ/HCQ and AZT in COVID-19, and that the present considerations of HCQ and AZT for clinicaltrials should be extended to CPX.


Despite its small sample size our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin.

4 Please cite this work as Gautret et al. (2020) Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID‐19: results of an open‐label non‐randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents – In Press 17 March 2020 – DOI : 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105949


Some real research here, excellent quality work. And these fine health workers in France know plenny about HCQ:

A recent paper reported an inhibitor effect of remdesivir (a new antiviral drug) and chloroquine (an old antimalarial drug) on the growth of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, [8] and an early clinical trial conducted in COVID-19 Chinese patients, showed that chloroquine had a significant effect, both in terms of clinical outcome and viral clearance, when comparing to controls groups [9,10]. Chinese experts recommend that patients diagnosed as mild, moderate and severe cases of COVID-19 pneumonia and without contraindications to chloroquine, be treated with 500 mg chloroquine twice a day for ten days [11]. Hydroxychloroquine (an analogue of chloroquine) has been demonstrated to have an anti-SARS-CoV activity in vitro [12]. Hydroxychloroquine clinical safety profile is better than that of chloroquine (during long-term use) and allows higher daily dose [13] and has fewer concerns about drug-drug interactions [14]. Our team has a very comprehensive experience in successfully treating patients with chronic diseases due to intracellular bacteria (Q fever due to Coxiella burnetii and Whipple’s disease due to Tropheryma whipplei) with long-term hydroxychloroquine treatment (600 mg/day for 12 to 18 months) since more than 20 years.[15,16] We therefore started to conduct a clinical trial aiming at assessing the effect of hydroxychloroquine on SARS-CoV-2-infected patients after approval by the French Ministry of Health. In this report we describe our early results, focusing on virological data in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine as compared to a control group.

Also, note in the table, the "time between onset of symptoms and treatment start".

- How much better would it be if done faster than 6 days??

- How many days for the VA study??

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7bade9  No.8887585

File: 4536457d413df3a⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, millerfuggg.jpg)

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c8e9f3  No.8887586

File: 3458cfbc609125d⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, OVNI_sur_la_Lune_2020_03_2….mp4)


Regardless of the true meaning behind the tweet, we ARE surrounded by spaceships.

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c268dc  No.8887587

File: cd16c003fdffc9c⋯.png (671.11 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, 9746877653765765476576547.png)

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c64b51  No.8887588

File: df79d3569cd149a⋯.png (596.77 KB, 908x832, 227:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a94eb0ebd7cd75⋯.png (96.72 KB, 680x764, 170:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ccd7309a919c90⋯.png (38.57 KB, 689x272, 689:272, ClipboardImage.png)

Georgia Democrat announces resignation days after endorsing Trump


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f53c16  No.8887589















































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8a6eee  No.8887590

File: 04e5122cb36fd64⋯.jpg (90.1 KB, 499x575, 499:575, kaplan_buddy_x356.jpg)

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d6775c  No.8887591


can you get the part where he calls her ignorant and takes off his glasses and rubs his face…so dramatic

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9c2f06  No.8887593

File: 3a45634094efd37⋯.png (265.11 KB, 596x640, 149:160, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)



happy /qr/coincidences

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fbf9d9  No.8887594

File: 7d6bd15f4c98e56⋯.jpeg (92.64 KB, 1080x1049, 1080:1049, 5CA570E4_DB71_4423_BF3B_C….jpeg)

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c8e9f3  No.8887595

File: 473871588bf3c4e⋯.png (848.45 KB, 896x2008, 112:251, 5f1f6063af6206d78a94dc133d….png)



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e63086  No.8887596


if [we] had the keys, none of this shit would be occurring… so that is bullshit.

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d332d9  No.8887597


peaceful pepe



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2cc799  No.8887598

File: a594741789b8259⋯.png (78.51 KB, 381x774, 127:258, FROGS_OF_WAR.png)

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c8eb8d  No.8887599


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3af704  No.8887600


Abominable research done by people who don't think human life (or animal, for that matter) is worthy of respect.

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4690a9  No.8887601

File: 5dd722dd0ef3aae⋯.jpg (122.96 KB, 587x613, 587:613, 244eb9939f8df5f0be59c2482f….jpg)


Amazing work, feel honored to be a part of the collection.

On a side note, haven't seen the anon who used to use the Continue meme around for a while.

Please do tho, continue..

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f53c16  No.8887602















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788e89  No.8887603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Media Matters hasn't been relevant since 2016 Election.

Also Brock is pro AIPAC. dumbass

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231367  No.8887604

File: b861ab50b578ec7⋯.png (377.5 KB, 1024x646, 512:323, _04_22_05_30_55.png)

File: b50fd5d39bf37a5⋯.png (593.09 KB, 1019x718, 1019:718, _04_22_05_32_03.png)

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e9c2fd  No.8887605

File: 6b37fe27cb6295f⋯.png (577.77 KB, 413x600, 413:600, ClipboardImage.png)

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858075  No.8887606

File: 9be374a36a4aaab⋯.png (148.78 KB, 772x462, 386:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2baab901dadcd8⋯.png (203.29 KB, 823x913, 823:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3573294bb9f62e8⋯.png (238.18 KB, 801x927, 89:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e51063432136e8⋯.png (699.13 KB, 785x882, 785:882, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c514516af21cd71⋯.png (76.29 KB, 829x835, 829:835, ClipboardImage.png)

BOMBSHELL: Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections

Before Bayer acquired Monsanto, the GMO giant had a reputation for faking the science and either bribing or threatening journalists to run stories touting its fake science, usually to claim GMOs were safe or that glyphosate was harmless.

Monsanto would fund its own slanted studies — often by bribing universities with grant money — then pay off scientists to slap their names on these ghostwritten science papers. Once the fake science got published, Monsanto would lean on journalists in Forbes.com and other publications to write up fake news glorifying their fake science.

Now, the Wall Street Journal is doing much the same thing with Stanford researchers, faking the science about covid-19 in order to deceive America, falsely claiming the coronavirus has already infected 55 times more people than currently believed, concluding that the case fatality rate is therefore very low.

We’ve tracked the authors of the WSJ articles and tied them to Stanford University and its pro-China “economic forum” activities that appear to be designed to destabilize the United States with communist-run disinformation attacks surrounding the coronavirus. Keep reading for the full details…

In one recent article, the WSJ claims the fatality rate is nearly as low as the regular flu (0.1%). That article is touting the findings of Stanford researchers who published a highly-publicized paper that (falsely) claimed as many as 81,000 people in Santa Clara county were already infected with coronavirus.

The paper was bogus. It relied on faulty test kits made in China that produce huge numbers of false positives. As we’ve already described in a detailed Natural News article, it turns out that the test likely had 13 false positives for every 1 “true” positive, rendering the study conclusions pointless. Even worse, the study subjects self-selected to participate in the study, and many obviously did so because they believed they had covid-19 symptoms and wanted to get free testing. Thus, the study wasn’t even a “representative” (randomized) population sample to begin with.

But the Wall Street Journal touted the study as a kind of bombshell, seemingly celebrating the good news that the coronavirus was no worse than the flu — an oft-repeated mantra among pandemic denialists who insist the virus is largely a hoax. According to the WSJ, the Stanford study was legitimate, and it used as “representative” sample for testing (which is a lie).

There’s just one huge, glaring problem with all this:

The author of the WSJ article is also a co-author on the fake science paper.

His name is Andrew Bogan, and he’s listed right in the authors section of the paper itself.

Title: COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California

Authors: Eran Bendavid, Bianca Mulaney, Neeraj Sood, Soleil Shah, Emilia Ling, Rebecca Bromley-Dulfano, Cara Lai, Zoe Weissberg, Rodrigo Saavedra, James Tedrow, Dona Tversky, Andrew Bogan, Thomas Kupiec, Daniel Eichner, Ribhav Gupta, John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya



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8027ce  No.8887607

File: 98897409a025f1e⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 320x180, 16:9, F15454BA_C14E_412D_A080_04….gif)

Qewtards BTFO

Trump was asked THE Q UESTION

Trump just said “Qew is fake news” at his live presser/mini ralky.


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7e09f2  No.8887609

File: adad17581481697⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 592x646, 296:323, CAT_BAT_RAT.jpg)

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fbaa07  No.8887610


Niceeee KEK

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9fe802  No.8887611

File: 5b728a1a8b477cd⋯.png (80.14 KB, 362x193, 362:193, framing.png)


>NSO cell-derived transfectoma: a-1gE CL5A


>So why was this number on the RCMP police car?

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278ccb  No.8887612



>no wonder no one has unpacked THE LOOKING GLASS drops yet.

welcome, newfags, this was discussed years ago

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8a6eee  No.8887613

File: 5e202376a0449ed⋯.jpg (122.8 KB, 743x747, 743:747, KAPLAN_MUH_ALL_SPAMFAG.jpg)

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a2bd41  No.8887614

File: abe119d4554b8b8⋯.png (191.14 KB, 670x696, 335:348, longisland_hcq.png)


Good link, reformatting for you anon:

Long Island doctor tries new twist on hydroxychloroquine for elderly COVID-19 patients

A New York doctor hopes to help his elderly COVID-19 patients with a treatment plan inspired by the success tentatively being reported with hydroxychloroquine — and which he says shows promising results.

Dr. Mohammud Alam, an infectious disease specialist affiliated with Plainview Hospital, said 81 percent of infected covid patients he treated at three Long Island nursing homes recovered from the contagion.

“In this crisis, I realized I had to do something,” Alam said. ”I realized if this was my dad, what would I do? And I would do anything I could to help.”

Alam said he decided he could not apply the touted combination of the antimalarial hydroxychloroquine and antibiotic azithromycin because the side effects could be potentially fatal for his high-risk patients, many of whom had underlying heart issues.

“I knew I could not jeopardize these patients,” Alam said.

“We know from the FDA that azithromycin can cause fatal arrhythmia and abnormal heart failure that can lead to death,” Alam said.

His patients were under long-term acute care and had comorbidities such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive heart failure.

The FDA has warnings that azithromycin “can cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart that may lead to a potentially fatal irregular heart rhythm.”

So instead, Alam replaced azithromycin with another decades-old antibiotic that doesn’t pose any known risks to the heart.

“Doxycycline is an anti-inflammatory with properties similar to azithromycin but without the safety concerns and without cardiac toxicity,” he said.

“So I decided why not choose that?” added Alam, a board-certified internist, who shared the results of an observational report consisting of 47 patients he treated.

”With the [limited]resources we have at the nursing home, we took a deep breath and realized we need to do something,” Alam said.

Alam is not the only one to begin using doxycycline in the fight against COVID-19.

Henry Ford Health System has started using combinations of the three drugs because of apparently fewer side effects, published reports state.

Alam began treating his patients, 45 of whom had tested positive for the coronavirus after they developed a high fever, shortness of breath and cough.

He received permission from their families before starting them on the medications, which have not yet undergone randomized controlled trials.

“The majority had clinical improvement,” said Alam. “We had very good outcomes.”

Alam said that 38 of 47 patients treated returned to their baseline and their symptoms resolved. Seven of the patients were transferred to a hospital and two died.

There was no control group in the study so Alam acknowledged more studies are needed to evaluate his protocol’s effectiveness.

Alam noted that an 87-year-old woman with hypertension and coronary issues beat the virus. “Her daughter was so thankful that I didn’t need to transfer her to a hospital.”

“At the end of the day we feel like we sent fewer patients to the hospitals, we saved ICU beds and we saved some of the ventilators at the hospital,“ Alam said.

One health expert said using the decades-old doxycycline, which has been studied since the 1960s, is a plausible alternative to azithromycin.

“Since we’re talking about the elderly being the most vulnerable, or people with underlying conditions, there is a theoretical benefit of doxycycline over azithromycin because doxycycline is not associated with cardiovascular disease,” said Dr. Sten H. Vermund, the dean of the Yale School of Public Health.

Vermund also cautioned a clinical trial is necessary and also noted that two patients did pass away.


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c64b51  No.8887615

File: 4e75760eb5d49b4⋯.png (427.08 KB, 604x732, 151:183, ClipboardImage.png)

No she didn't go there yet again.

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788e89  No.8887616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c78b85  No.8887618


Death happens. "Acceptable Rate" is a thang.

If the rate is low enough to be acceptable then weez good to go for bidness.

Death Rate less than Type A flu virus.

Hell yeah!

People die in cars.

People die in planes.

We still drive and fly.

Get back to work !

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3ac08e  No.8887619

File: b6617ac28d8857a⋯.jpeg (488.86 KB, 813x1085, 813:1085, D026990B_99C4_4234_AD8C_0….jpeg)

Their twat acc. deleted today.

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a2bd41  No.8887620


KEK, the CopyPasta produced Reddit spacing, ah well…

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f53c16  No.8887621

File: 6f93a5edb5261f9⋯.jpg (662.3 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_6723.JPG)

File: 322503dd86c8e07⋯.jpg (213.15 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, IMG_6729.JPG)

File: de28a4a37a42bcc⋯.jpg (637.88 KB, 2011x1200, 2011:1200, IMG_6747.JPG)

File: 2cb2e12fba6ea44⋯.jpg (182.14 KB, 1088x1168, 68:73, IMG_6802.JPG)












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9c2f06  No.8887622


the memes must be kept

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d166c4  No.8887623

File: e98092875d8c3ed⋯.jpg (83.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, e98092875d8c3edd00b0c08015….jpg)


Maintenance anon here. Nope and nope. Once the housing is breached(very cheap), it needs replacing. If you're cheap, put a bowl under and dump periodically.

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244c40  No.8887624

File: a18f32a682192b8⋯.png (498.87 KB, 742x1075, 742:1075, thruaglassdarlklj.png)

>>8887384 pb

That's untrue . you're being obtuse.

they knew they disobeyed and did wrong that's why they were ashamed afterward.

They created evil by doing wrong.


they were warned.

Ur talking nonsense

"Why did the tree exist?"

Probably to give fruit.

It's a metaphor. They are talking about human sacrifice.

>>8887432 pb

>>8887450 pb

Why did the choice for evil exist.

Because living beings are not computational machines and are not programmed like robots?

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c8e9f3  No.8887625


Discussed but not answered in good capacity. More like swept under the rug.

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66d361  No.8887626

Appeals Court Rules Arkansas Can Ban Abortions, Protect Unborn Babies

rkansas is one of several states that included elective abortions in its restrictions on non-essential medical procedures during the pandemic. Earlier this spring, the state Department of Health ordered a halt to procedures “that can be safely postponed” except for instances to prevent the death, permanent physical damage or disease advancement of a patient. State leaders included the killing of unborn babies in abortions in their order.

However, the Little Rock Family Planning Services abortion facility and the American Civil Liberties Union sued the state.

Previously, U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker, an Obama appointee who has a steady history of siding with the abortion industry, ruled against Arkansas health officials’ efforts to stop the spread of the virus by restricting abortions.

But today, a three-judge panel from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decided to let the State of Arkansas restrict surgical abortions while a lawsuit against the state progresses. The ruling removes a restraining order U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker in Little Rock had imposed on the state.


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2cfd3d  No.8887627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<<< I know this board loves "George"

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79a0f4  No.8887628

File: 706d1df7679c3be⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 2233e5e534973d7dfa22be61b2….jpg)

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d9911b  No.8887629

File: cdcc179090bd2ee⋯.png (629.59 KB, 844x462, 422:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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08e7f3  No.8887630

File: f8c0231e52ec7e0⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 498x337, 498:337, 1586298543754.gif)

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594899  No.8887631


Did you forget to post Lenin with that comment?

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abd7fa  No.8887633

File: 6f3263491ff0006⋯.png (278.71 KB, 1146x632, 573:316, R1778_G5_from_Detroit_Metr….PNG)

File: e4225493ab39561⋯.png (235.33 KB, 1045x548, 1045:548, GRZLY39_C_560_departed_Mir….PNG)

R1778 G5 departed Detroit Metro after a lengthy stay, inbound from JBA and returning to

CBP216 Q9 Guardian Drone on it's eastern leg now turning south

GRZLY39 C-560 departed Miramar after a stop at Bakersfield prior

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858075  No.8887634

File: 40c398a405e2fc5⋯.png (286.82 KB, 451x656, 11:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42142cbcc54faa2⋯.png (96.64 KB, 814x880, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aa077ce4659834⋯.png (58.37 KB, 820x660, 41:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30061fa845a9b60⋯.png (407.28 KB, 821x909, 821:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d7e934f717d4e6⋯.png (53.15 KB, 820x879, 820:879, ClipboardImage.png)


Believe it or not, two more Stanford authors also wrote stories for the Wall Street Journal that claimed the coronavirus was no worse than the flu

But the WSJ fake science scam doesn’t end here. It turns out that two more WSJ writers were also co-authors of the science paper, and one was the lead author!

Their names are Eran Bendavid and Jay Bhattacharya, and they are Stanford researchers who abused their academic positions to produce bad science and then mislead the American public with the most insanely dishonest fake news reporting we’ve seen yet.

In addition to being co-authors of the bad science paper linked above, they’re also the authors, it turns out, of this March 24th article in the Wall Street Journal entitled: Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?

In that article, they argue the covid-19 fatality rate is “too high by orders of magnitude.” That means it’s at least 100 times lower than what is believed, which would put the coronavirus death rate below the case fatality rate for the seasonal flu. It’s the old, “It’s no worse than the flu” narrative, now being pushed through the Wall Street Journal by the very same dishonest scientists who co-authored the paper which used bad antibody test kits and bad math to try to claim the same thing.


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da08ea  No.8887635


she is such an honorable politician taking responsibility like that

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2cc799  No.8887636

File: c80fb2de8b83fe8⋯.png (770.01 KB, 1213x1105, 1213:1105, A_wut.png)


Ha 7777777, I memeber!

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7b3b4d  No.8887637

File: 6a3905cde94c9fc⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1204x794, 602:397, 6a3905cde94c9fc24e2a6503a1….png)

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1cd691  No.8887638

File: 4d45d58ef59ab8c⋯.png (557.63 KB, 1903x954, 1903:954, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's when all 50 states plan to reopen after coronavirus restrictions


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23b373  No.8887639


Yes caught that

>TODAYS FACT - POTUS tweet that he authorizes "Shoot down" of Irans "ships".

>TODAYS FACT - You don't "shoot down" ships. You shoot down aircraft.

and noted that it was weird language w/r/t ships and presumably meaningful.

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9fe802  No.8887640

File: e65115e2e5cb981⋯.png (67.32 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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f2838e  No.8887641

File: 39ff30039291b66⋯.png (479.13 KB, 585x1075, 117:215, shekel_lube.png)

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594899  No.8887642

>>8887626 Appeals Court Rules Arkansas Can Ban Abortions, Protect Unborn Babies


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776118  No.8887643

File: dc37563ceb3cabe⋯.png (468.01 KB, 1235x1383, 1235:1383, Red_Line_Qmap_glitch.png)

Don't know if noted yet, but there is a weird glitch on qmap when tweets are turned on. The only tweet showing for today is the one that looks like the red carpet.

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788e89  No.8887644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 Jews With A Plan


Lieber was paid $1.5 Million Dollars, plus $50,000.00 per month.

Received a prestigious Award from Israel.

*Developed a BioElectric Nanotech that can enter human cells with 2 way communication that can respond to 5G.

President Trump called President Xi to tell him personally that he had Dr. Lieber Arrested.

This is moar significant than most people realize. Not the arrest itself, but the fact that POTUS requested to speak to Xi to tell him about it.

April 6, 2020:FBI Arrests Dr. Charles Lieber for Selling Covid-19 to China?https://www.dailyustimes.com/fbi-arrests-charles-lieber-for-selling-the-covid-19-to-china/


He would make Hundreds of $Billions of Dollars.

Mark of the Beast. You can't travel without a Vaccine Certificate.


Wuxi Pharmatech Also Has many American Laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota…

*Is this how Coronavirus was sprinkled spread all over the US?

*Soros may be a front for the Rothschilds.

I think it will come out that Dr. CHARLES LIEBER created the Wuhan Corona virus, and developed the Bioelectric Nanotech that enters human cells to respond to 5G. 

Both have the Same Symptoms, so 5G deaths can be falsely blamed on the Flu-like Coronavirus.

*That's why POTUS called Xi to personally tell him about (((Dr. Lieber)))s arrest. It's a Big Deal Arrest.

(1949 Rothschild Jews Funded and Advised the Marxist Communist Takeover of China)

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f65c8a  No.8887645


when does it start and dont tell me that eastern or western bullshit i wanna know if its in 5 mins or an hour and 5 mins because im retarded okay

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2f3fc3  No.8887646


Shoot down Musk's Starlink satellites.

Remember Musk's Dragon capsule came down and the DEFCON alarm went off on Hawaii april 13th, 2018?

I don't think they are really satellites.

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9c2f06  No.8887647


i think i see a poem here

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1cd691  No.8887648


she's really sorry

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83e2bd  No.8887649


That’s a good fake.

How was it done?

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d0cff9  No.8887650

File: 8918d7dcc5668af⋯.jpeg (61.54 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 645C7BF8_A768_4790_B19D_D….jpeg)

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397ec3  No.8887651


6 minutes from your timestamp.

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46da5c  No.8887652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video.

Love her.

Hope she's being protected. She's already been to jail. This is some scary sheeet.

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d6775c  No.8887653


notable - 30 child sex predators busted in VA

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991d9c  No.8887654


>So why was this number on the RCMP police car?


Woman who survived deadliest U.S. mass shooting relives her nightmare in rural N.S.

Tonya and Kevin Dort of Masstown, N.S., survived a mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017.



He was 'hunted' by the Portapique gunman and survived. His brother didn't

Clinton Ellison hid in the woods as a gunman rampaged through Portapique, N.S.


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f53c16  No.8887655

File: 655e1fcae04b830⋯.jpg (262.51 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, IMG_4780.JPG)

File: 8b3dca790f56c43⋯.jpg (180.38 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_4799.JPG)

File: b2466aede2bf980⋯.jpg (270.96 KB, 1022x1024, 511:512, IMG_4948.JPG)

File: 558d7876fed6467⋯.jpg (673.16 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5708.JPG)













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c64b51  No.8887656


Sorry now that she got busted.

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9c2f06  No.8887657


whatever the fuck that means.

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07df53  No.8887658

File: 2d83c906788b793⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1132x952, 283:238, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)


it's not nice to post images that shopped faggot!


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7b3b4d  No.8887659

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c5f281  No.8887660

File: 2f33f3e320db70f⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3pS0DcXDZxPsCjTG.mp4)

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496973  No.8887661

File: e5e92aeac9b9da2⋯.png (76.58 KB, 240x253, 240:253, Untitled_6.png)

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b70840  No.8887662

File: 00d5fbf6c1906ee⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 3553x2550, 209:150, Awakening.jpg)


Ty Anon.

Did one moar for Great Awakening anon.

Ya know, for posterity.

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2411ce  No.8887664


Kinda sounds like Israel.


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9c2f06  No.8887665


what sucks is that my hair's starting to look alot like that cuz muh fucking lockdown

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e63086  No.8887666

File: fad61acce7986f0⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 500x240, 25:12, c5c40700_cd5a_498b_80dd_46….jpg)


wut do?

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d6775c  No.8887667


>Here's when all 50 states plan to reopen after coronavirus restrictions

notable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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9fe802  No.8887668




A nurse who fought for PPE was killed in Nova Scotia. Her family is carrying on the fight

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7b3b4d  No.8887669

File: 0b4908320bd7e4b⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1800x1223, 1800:1223, 0b4908320bd7e4be6db1865e30….png)

File: 665aef564fecc13⋯.jpg (874.36 KB, 1050x852, 175:142, 8a4.jpg)

File: 6ec402cbde93bf9⋯.jpg (193.14 KB, 894x712, 447:356, 6ec402cbde93bf9dae59591623….jpg)

File: 96f5a9b77cf382f⋯.jpg (181.05 KB, 1046x746, 523:373, 4omim167htp21.jpg)

File: ba8097b725cb7cb⋯.jpg (669.7 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, f62.jpg)

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9c2f06  No.8887670



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c8e9f3  No.8887672


Don't know really. Maybe it's legit.

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278ccb  No.8887673


>More like swept under the rug

you're so high you don't even know where you are, we don't sweep things under the rug here

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4da420  No.8887674

File: f5b3d0915e2dc51⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 699x662, 699:662, fuck_off.jpg)


But hates namefags.

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fbf9d9  No.8887675

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, 6C2B5FDE_93AD_4DFD_99BD_A1….gif)

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55bbbc  No.8887676


yep, vikings were crypto jews

you figured it out

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858075  No.8887677

File: b562f1e540f0fdd⋯.png (329.19 KB, 483x566, 483:566, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fe76e09f5c0e7e⋯.png (366.25 KB, 632x785, 632:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d892de48394222⋯.png (28.86 KB, 648x479, 648:479, ClipboardImage.png)

A Texas judge just ordered all county residents to wear masks in public or face fines, jail time. But law enforcement is punching back hard.

Not having it


A Texas judge in Harris County issued an order Wednesday demanding that all county residents wear masks in public or face a fine and possible jail time.

The new rules, which require adults and children age 10 and over to cover their nose and mouth when venturing outside the home, were ordered by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. The rules will go into effect Monday and last for 30 days (or May 27), according to a report by the Houston Chronicle.

The report notes that residents do not need to purchase N95 masks to be in compliance, but that acceptable coverings include homemade masks, scarfs, bandanas, or handkerchiefs.

Violators of the new mask rules could face a harsh penalty, including a fine of up to $1,000 and a maximum of 180 days in jail.

Houston law enforcement isn't having it

In response to the ruling Wednesday, the unions representing Houston police officers and Harris County deputies shot back saying their officers do not intend to enforce the new mandate.

"The citizens of Harris County are working hard together through this pandemic and do not need the added stress and fear of being fined or arrested for failing to wear a mask/face covering they may not have," said David Cuevas, president of the Harris County Deputies Organization, in a statement.

Houston Police Officers Union President Joe Gamaldi called the order "draconian." He added that the union has reached out to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office "seeking an opinion on the legality of imposing a criminal penalty/fine for anyone not wearing a mask in public."

In the meantime, Gamaldi said, officers have been reminded that they have "discretion" in such matters.


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efa1db  No.8887678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing

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594899  No.8887679


Fresh Botox?

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582451  No.8887680

From voat. Really interesting


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397ec3  No.8887681


That is NOT Nancy Pelosi.

On another note, Terry Bradshaw just choked on his own spit on live TV on Fox's The Five.


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f53c16  No.8887682






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d6775c  No.8887683


Freezer Queen

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7b3b4d  No.8887684

File: b7037525dcabdb6⋯.png (252.11 KB, 686x526, 343:263, 1580824791687.png)

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abd7fa  No.8887685

File: 8d7b4ab4112af28⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 385x346, 385:346, comic_memes.jpg)

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f65c8a  No.8887686

File: 3612990a35a4465⋯.png (300.44 KB, 454x434, 227:217, flotus_alldafeelz.PNG)


me 2 kek, good times!

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788e89  No.8887687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Soooo desperate.


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b70840  No.8887688

File: 351ddc350dea944⋯.jpg (311.53 KB, 1936x1216, 121:76, All_for_a_larp.jpg)


>the memes must be kept

Dubs confirm.

History Books.


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f53c16  No.8887689





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8cc702  No.8887690

>>8887634 Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections

>>8887606 Stanford authors also wrote stories for the Wall Street Journal that claimed the coronavirus was no worse than the flu


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43d1a0  No.8887691

File: 8e41d7a4a762b9a⋯.jpeg (89.12 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 8e41d7a4a762b9adc6afbc0e8….jpeg)



>Was wondering if y'all thought that maybe

>FlexTape would be a good temporary

>fix until there's no more lockdown since

>I don't wanna have to deal with the

>landlord having to come in with his

>plumber to replace it?

Use the other sink…or just be a functional human being and replace it yourself.

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d2a0b0  No.8887692

File: 0c20223bb61cf30⋯.png (398.21 KB, 772x786, 386:393, China_censorship_online_ga….png)

File: d4c104577b21a30⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, China_censorship_games_cor….mp4)

#Gravitas | Online games are now facing censorship in China.

Chinese censors are forbidding online interactions between foreigners and gamers in China.


tells you why.


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4690a9  No.8887693

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB, 671x537, 671:537, 119299b906f0e8e8333dd0744e….jpg)


Kek, haven't seen that one yet. Breddy dank.

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582451  No.8887694

File: 1eb6d0f3e222a58⋯.jpeg (269.5 KB, 2069x1211, 2069:1211, FCA097F5_3D68_4B3B_9D40_B….jpeg)

Probably started here and is already notable but many don’t read notables. Pic related.

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23b373  No.8887695


>>8887452 Daily Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing - 17:45 Eastern (links for various video streams)

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46da5c  No.8887696



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9b2ecd  No.8887697

File: adbd06d65d07167⋯.jpg (64.23 KB, 500x546, 250:273, A_MSM_Crimes_againt_Humani….jpg)

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231367  No.8887698


"Governors are beginning to announce timelines for relaxing strict measures taken to mitigate the coronavirus. Many states are dropping stay-at-home orders beginning May 1, while several states have not yet announced an end to restrictions.

At the federal level, President Trump last week issued guidelines “that will allow governors to take a phased and deliberate approach to reopening their individual states.”

“Governors will be empowered to tailor an approach that meets the diverse circumstances of their own states,” Trump said. “And some states will be able to open up sooner than others.”

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9fe802  No.8887700

File: f537f643f1fc078⋯.gif (8.97 MB, 308x401, 308:401, cooper.gif)

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5506d2  No.8887701


Because he's compromised. Always was, always will be. Look how the Deep State plan proceeds completely unimpeded, while we're here trying to pick out typos from tweets. Really? REALLY?!

Think about it.

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c5f281  No.8887702

File: b9a8c58974445b5⋯.png (33.28 KB, 1530x306, 5:1, Screenshot_2020_04_22_McCo….png)

File: b19024201af2e86⋯.png (796.39 KB, 1340x3701, 1340:3701, Screenshot_2020_04_22_McCo….png)

McConnell says GOP will confirm Trump court picks through pandemic


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7d7bc1  No.8887703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Will watch on White House yt feed


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2cc799  No.8887704

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d6775c  No.8887705


that is nice

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788e89  No.8887706



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f53c16  No.8887707




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c8e9f3  No.8887708


We just don't discuss it because it's too 40k+ for the current state of hivemind.

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dbf15a  No.8887710

File: 82289ea1b2981f3⋯.jpg (857.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 675b9d5.jpg)

Looking for some panic, that everyone talks about but not really finding any.

Let's take a quick and easy tally shall we:

Kimmel doing his show…seems pretty happy and relaxed

Chrissy Teigen and fag hubby just bought another $5 million mansion

Tom hanks…doesn't seem to be sweatin' it to badly.

Politicians still politicking…nothing really going on there.

That muslim chick in Minnesota…nope. She seems to be still subverting Americans

Ocasia…nope. She is still doing the commie thing.

How about Biden? nope. He's stumbling around still rich and running for Prez.

How about Obama's? No siree. They're living pretty good in their 15 mill mansion in the hamptons.

Any musicians at all sweating it out over their illuminati shit? nope…just saw a big online show about fucking over america concert

Facts seem to be pointing the other way right now.

Let's take a look.

American's losing their rights…yup

Everyone locked down…yup

Surveillance state growing by leaps and bounds…yup

Food supply starting to feel pressure with meat plants closing..yuppers

Anyone of importance arrested yet for any kind of corruption, bribes or commie behaviour…um, nope

Any kind of MSM change…uh, nope

Some gun grabbing legislation getting passed…um yup

Whistleblowers getting wacked…uh you betcha.

I guess we're just going to push this shit out till [next week] or [soon].

I guess so.

It's a little too easy to shill this shit isn't it? Wonder why that is..and this is without any real effort.

NOTHING ON THE BOARD BITCHES but we're winning something though right? lol

But yeah ass….

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1cd691  No.8887711

File: 7d8dea86502b54f⋯.png (90.25 KB, 836x883, 836:883, ClipboardImage.png)

“People are talking”

Here’s what some prominent individuals have had to say about Dr. Tony Fauci ’62:

“Tony Fauci is one of the great scientists of this world, and I treated him accordingly.”—Donna E. Shalala, secretary of Health and Human Services during the Clinton administration

“I’ve never seen a time when Dr. Fauci came before a committee of Congress where he has not left the panel better informed and more impressed by his credentials and his commitment to finding an end to this terrible scourge.”—U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a member of the House Appropriations Committee

“He’s got more history yet to make, and he will. At this point in time, I certainly think he’s the greatest science administrator, combining both scientific leadership as well as science, that I have ever seen.”—Dr. Robert Gallo, AIDS researcher and co-discoverer of HIV

“Tony has a great skill for taking complex medical issues and boiling them down to simple kernels of information.”—Clifford Lane, clinical director of NIAID

When asked who his personal heroes were at the October 1988 presidential debate, George Bush replied, “I think of Dr. Fauci. You’ve probably never heard of him. He’s a very fine researcher—a top doctor at the National Institutes of Health—working hard, doing something about research on this disease of AIDS.”


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379fa3  No.8887712

File: 101e9804fc9d748⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1024x415, 1024:415, ClipboardImage.png)

Scientists Built a Device That Generates Electricity 'Out of Thin Air'

"We are literally making electricity out of thin air," said electrical engineer Jun Yao from the University of Massachusetts Amherst back in February. "The Air-gen generates clean energy 24/7."

The claim may sound like an overstatement, but a recent study by Yao and his team describes how the air-powered generator can indeed create electricity with nothing but the presence of air around it. It's all thanks to the electrically conductive protein nanowires produced by Geobacter (G. sulfurreducens, in this instance).

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2cc799  No.8887713

File: c5971e9ea332e60⋯.mp4 (241.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Awar.mp4)

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058020  No.8887714

File: 8a5e644035898f7⋯.png (238.11 KB, 313x499, 313:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5471348951dd7c⋯.png (300.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d64786d6c9a90c7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)



Hammer in Hebrew

As in Judas "the Hammer" who led the Hammer revolt (Maccabean Revolt) using guerilla warfare tactics. This is the reason for the Jewish holiday of Hannukah.

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c78b85  No.8887715


Craigslist ad for plastic used-up sex robot made in China.

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4f5945  No.8887716

File: 9fc8275c9ef5303⋯.png (10.37 KB, 398x555, 398:555, ClipboardImage.png)


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7b3b4d  No.8887717

File: 390d73445d6a8bb⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1580193173216.jpg)

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f53c16  No.8887718




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f65c8a  No.8887719

File: f11840ca3b52c24⋯.jpg (373.17 KB, 507x659, 507:659, meme_makers_go_hard_bitch.jpg)


a sight to behold, ty.

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fbf9d9  No.8887720

File: 4d691899a29fc29⋯.jpeg (269.39 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 3CBA612E_FBBF_472D_84F4_2….jpeg)

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278ccb  No.8887721


no, Q doesn't discuss it, we discuss everything here, I reiterate, welcome, newfag

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66d361  No.8887722

Cuomo to quarantine protesters: 'Go take a job as an essential worker'

Cuomo said that anyone struggling to get through clogged phone lines to collect unemployment would get every dollar they’re entitled to, and he insisted that jobs were available for anyone who couldn’t subsist solely on government assistance.

“You want to go to work, go take a job as an essential worker,” he said. “Do it tomorrow. … You can get a job as an essential worker.”


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4f5945  No.8887723

File: d6d88bb808c2e6f⋯.png (108.9 KB, 359x1616, 359:1616, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't forget the Details!

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9b2ecd  No.8887724


Not Fuckwit Newsom in California! He's doubling down to attempt and "run out the clock" for the 2020 Presidential Election, in a vain attempt to get Mail In Voting for All! Traitor!

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fbfb66  No.8887725

File: 0a4641415227b0d⋯.jpeg (783.25 KB, 1890x1157, 1890:1157, A3FF9EB0_F1E3_49B1_994C_C….jpeg)

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dc8602  No.8887726

File: 696fff5ff8ca0ac⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1176x3067, 1176:3067, usahackers.png)


their website is active


the updates they posted go to the suspended twitter account

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d6775c  No.8887727

File: 98d5d995ff13995⋯.jpg (137.54 KB, 1118x684, 559:342, anderson_rubs_face.jpg)



he is such a baby…on live TV

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9c2f06  No.8887728

File: ed16f1bd6b07e4b⋯.png (185.95 KB, 703x393, 703:393, Screen_Shot_2020_04_16_at_….png)

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32e236  No.8887729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d9911b  No.8887730

File: 06d44c86e0b278a⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 243x255, 81:85, ww_pelosi.jpg)

File: 5494df26e4f5b74⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 209x255, 209:255, ww_1.jpg)

File: f08c5a90c9ce238⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ww_yb.jpg)

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66d361  No.8887731


dry pasta, need sauce

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3af704  No.8887732

File: eaa82aeff4aa8f4⋯.png (216.06 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020_04_22_16_4….png)

Just saw the post mentioning Emergent Biosolutions and I thougjt of this man Fuad El-Hibri. When Q started talking about MB infiltration at high levels I wondered specifically about this man. Its been sanitized b ut his Wikipedia page,if I recall correctly, suggested he knew he was the obkect of some.curiosity due to his vaccine involvement. I think I first found his name when I read the book "Vaccine A".

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4f5945  No.8887734

File: fc05d944e6a268e⋯.png (7.05 KB, 382x488, 191:244, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Red Cross in consideration for ex-WHO $?

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f65c8a  No.8887735


svd as idratherdiethx

topkek anon

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b70840  No.8887736

File: 40768881b2b7739⋯.jpg (486.17 KB, 739x646, 739:646, Meme_Maker_2.jpg)


>Breddy dank.


TY anon.

>There will be a set of 6.

Two moar to come with other memes.

For da records.


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a8ad09  No.8887737

File: 6b67f2cb1f37636⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 375x155, 75:31, DoneIn30days.jpg)

>>8886980 (PB)

We've seen this date/time carrot before.

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08e7f3  No.8887738

File: 01585583eda59ad⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 720x709, 720:709, 01585583eda59ad17e3cdcbf0c….jpg)

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c4431b  No.8887739



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d6775c  No.8887740


>Cuomo to quarantine protesters: 'Go take a job as an essential worker'


i would like to see him say that to his base on welfare

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abd7fa  No.8887741

File: 36c30956eabcb12⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, lulu_lemon_fromer_ceo_foun….jpg)

File: 992dfe7bc488590⋯.png (555.15 KB, 368x581, 368:581, yoga_pants_hmmmmm.PNG)

LuLu Lemon former CEO and founder sold: $30m-Apr 20


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5897e0  No.8887742


The eagle is landing

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9fe802  No.8887743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do it

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000000  No.8887744



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a3fba2  No.8887745

File: f6016ce847d7fa4⋯.jpeg (117.8 KB, 666x500, 333:250, download_2019_07_23T20032….jpeg)

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2cc799  No.8887746

File: eb0f6cd7c79008a⋯.png (138.32 KB, 1260x685, 252:137, aaaa1.png)

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dbf15a  No.8887747


Good comeback! You got me you sure did there!

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d332d9  No.8887748

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1cd691  No.8887749

File: fe1c2d413169762⋯.png (837.39 KB, 1020x3461, 1020:3461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03ccabb6943cb6b⋯.png (283.13 KB, 1903x954, 1903:954, ClipboardImage.png)

The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation


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496973  No.8887750


Fear porn vs hope porn.

His is hope porn.

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c5f281  No.8887751

File: 0e741b021d504cb⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 719x412, 719:412, 0e741b021d504cb4032dae5cd8….jpg)


Also he touch his face ..what a clown

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379fa3  No.8887752

File: adedfd1fe722e9f⋯.png (403.93 KB, 1024x415, 1024:415, ClipboardImage.png)

Doctors Have Reported The First Known Case of a Person Who Urinates Alcohol

Who cares that the bars are closed! Investigate this!

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7c9565  No.8887753

File: 9c9f75f05467537⋯.png (167.15 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 90C1FE28_C0A1_4209_BAB2_A3….png)


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cbfe28  No.8887754

>>8886849 (pb)

Oh shit! Obummer with an AK. What's he wearing?


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0c4c48  No.8887755

File: 63f2cf7c7e9a361⋯.png (830.29 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, Stink.png)

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6ea438  No.8887756

File: d173b3bc22f58c1⋯.jpeg (63.9 KB, 760x540, 38:27, D74EE7D3_8D4B_4298_9531_E….jpeg)


Dub dubs don’t lie!

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ab7d8a  No.8887757

File: 75a53c42605aa0d⋯.jpg (476.93 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, logo_world_health_organiza….jpg)

File: 0fb80d4b7699589⋯.png (60.32 KB, 846x742, 423:371, who_emblem_rgb.png)

WHO Logo Has Forked Tongue

WHO logo is interdasting with 13 leaves, earth map, snake etc. but Anon only just today noticed the forked tongue.

Then Anon found this:

Psalm 140:3

They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent's; the poison of vipers is on their lips.

Seems to fit.

From the WHO website:

WHO's emblem was chosen by the First World Health Assembly in 1948. The emblem consists of the United Nations symbol surmounted by a staff with a snake coiling round it.

The staff with the snake has long been a symbol of medicine and the medical profession. It originates from the story of Asclepius, who was revered by the ancient Greeks as a god of healing and whose cult involved the use of snakes. (Asclepius, incidentally, was so successful at saving lives that, the legend goes, Hades the god of the underworld complained about him to the supreme god Zeus who, fearing that the healer might make humans immortal, killed Asclepius with a thunderbolt.



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d9911b  No.8887758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When POTUS feels like it.

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4b41af  No.8887759


Ask Judy Mikovits for her opinion.

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9c2f06  No.8887760

File: 6d85fe610100999⋯.png (119.08 KB, 390x602, 195:301, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)


muh Oxford

muh Mikulski (D)

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08e7f3  No.8887761

File: a320a6283e6079b⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1585508722033.gif)

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30a6c6  No.8887762

File: 29408435484ea5f⋯.png (174.57 KB, 554x320, 277:160, Screenshot_2020_04_22_at_4….png)

Remember that time John Solomon said we

would get indictments this week, then he said he never said that?

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34722d  No.8887763


Theyll be ded

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4da420  No.8887764


Taking getting pissed to a whole new level.

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50bb5f  No.8887765


>From the beginning I have often thought that maybe Covid-19 was really an exercise to open our eyes to the possibility that the Flu is and has been a bioweapon to reduce population and bring about the early demise of the elderly.

>Have you noticed how brainwashed we are to "write-off" the elderly? How long has it been that the very mention of the "elderly" brings instance anxiety and overwhelming feelings of sympathy? Why? When did getting old become such a negative? In fact other cultures cherish their elderly unlike Americans. (For example who leaves their parents in a nursing home when they are at home already?)

>Influenza as a bioweapon


Imagine if you lost your grandfather to a bioweapon in 1918 of the Spanish Flu. Would you work to avenge your grandfather?

Frederick Trump - patriarch of the Trump Family


The family story of his death is that "on May 29, 1918, while walking with his son Fred, Trump suddenly felt extremely sick and was rushed to bed. The next day, he was dead. What was first diagnosed as pneumonia turned out to be one of the early cases of the Spanish flu, which caused millions of deaths around the world.[3]:116


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c8e9f3  No.8887766


s-sorry i a-apologize

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11be3c  No.8887767

File: ead3c021f7cd895⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1440x714, 240:119, E_Jean_Carroll_vs_Popeye.png)

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62b442  No.8887768

File: bc030ff1b1d3329⋯.jpeg (104.31 KB, 505x680, 101:136, EWA061xWoAEhd1P.jpeg)


Now that's what I call a superpower.

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333643  No.8887769


>>>8887634 Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections


>>>8887606 Stanford authors also wrote stories for the Wall Street Journal that claimed the coronavirus was no worse than the flu




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2ecaa0  No.8887770

File: 90b9795f290359e⋯.jpeg (140.35 KB, 625x515, 125:103, D87376B0_FB10_4DEE_9EDA_D….jpeg)

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dbf15a  No.8887771

File: 34469e8ded53992⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 243x255, 81:85, Good_effort.jpg)


oooh, another good effort there! This is how I pictured you doing your best effort trying to do your comeback

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555a9c  No.8887772

File: 9f28aac2e8df540⋯.png (194.03 KB, 368x365, 368:365, jusspiss.png)


Must be Jussie's fren

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f65c8a  No.8887773

File: ffd91b7c8a2b352⋯.jpg (65.58 KB, 634x420, 317:210, enjoyingtheshow.jpg)

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9c2f06  No.8887774

File: 0c7b1424bda3524⋯.png (292.24 KB, 534x708, 89:118, dreamyard_state.png)

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2af265  No.8887775


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b70840  No.8887776

File: 5d2a765b806f5e9⋯.jpg (416.81 KB, 724x1007, 724:1007, Meme_Magic.jpg)


Ty Anon.

>I made dat one too, Kek.

I like your filename.


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8a6eee  No.8887777

File: b1a3e5e5929a0f8⋯.jpg (178.51 KB, 585x636, 195:212, hillbag_qanon_MEDIA_MATTER….jpg)


Dubs confirms

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66d361  No.8887778


Solomon shouldn't DateFag

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4690a9  No.8887779

File: 8f7e2768765569a⋯.jpg (120.06 KB, 560x643, 560:643, a1fca31ba2057bb53c9180ad00….jpg)

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abd7fa  No.8887780


literally taking the piss. Impressive

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9c2f06  No.8887781

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231367  No.8887782


Shit or orbiting the moon.

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9a03b6  No.8887783


About the only thing that would shock me at this point is if any arrests actually occur…

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4b41af  No.8887784


It would be nice to have truth instead

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594899  No.8887785

File: 7fc5c401091a0bb⋯.png (405.93 KB, 1498x711, 1498:711, clowns.png)

File: a08a5c87bf4658f⋯.png (614.46 KB, 800x500, 8:5, u_no_like_fudposts.png)

Desperation level = 80%

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397ec3  No.8887786


Pharmacistfag here.

Here's a list of some of the drugs that can cause long QT syndrome- it's very, very long, and as you can see, millions of us take one or more of them every single day with no problem.

This whole "heart" problem thing is being inflated to ridiculous proportions. It's a rare side effect. All drugs have side effects.


Alfuzosin (Uroxatral®)


Apomorphine (Apokyn®)

Arformoterol (Brovana®)

Bitter orange

Chloroquine (Aralen®)

Certain anesthetics

Certain antibiotics, including:

Azithromycin (Zithromax®)

Ciprofloxacin (Cipro®, Cipro XR®)

Clarithromycin (Biaxin®, Biaxin XL®)

Erythromycin (Ery-Tab®)

Gemifloxacin (Factive®)

Levofloxacin (Levaquin®)

Mefloquine (Lariam®)

Moxifloxacin (Avelox®)

Norfloxacin (Noroxin®)

Ofloxacin (Floxin®)

Telithromycin (Ketek®)

Troleandomycin (Tao®)

Certain arrhythmia medications, including:

Amiodarone (Cordarone®)

Disopyramide (Norpace®, Norpace CR®)

Dofetilide (Tikosyn®)

Dronedarone (Multaq®)

Flecainide (Tambocor®)

Ibutilide (Corvert®)

Procainamide (Procanbid®)

Propafenone (Rythmol®)


Sotalol (Betapace®)

Certain cancer medications, including:

Crizotinib (Xalkori®)

Dasatinib (Sprycel®)

Eribulin (Halaven™)

Lapatinib (Tykerb®)

Nilotinib (Tasigna®)

Pazopanib (Votrient™)

Sunitinib (Sutent®)

Vandetanib (Caprelsa®)

Vorinostat (Zolinza®)

Certain nausea and vomiting medications, including:

Dolasetron (Anzemet®)

Droperidol (Inapsine®)

Granisetron (Kytril®, Sancuso®)

Ondansetron (Zofran®, Zuplenz™)

Palonosetron (Aloxi®)

Prochlorperazine (Compazine®)

Certain phenothiazine or antipsychotic medications, including:

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine®)

Clozapine (Clozaril®, FazaClo®)

Fluphenazine (Prolixin®)

Haloperidol (Haldol®)

Iloperidone (Fanapt™)

Olanzapine (Zyprexa®, Symbyax®)

Paliperidone (Invega®)

Perphenazine (Trilafon®)

Pimozide (Orap®)

Prochlorperazine (Compazine®)

Quetiapine (Seroquel®) or quetiapine XR (Seroquel XR®)

Risperidone (Risperdal®)

Trifluoperazine (Stelazine®)

Thioridazine (Mellaril®)

Ziprasidone (Geodon®)

Citalopram (Celexa®)


Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril®, Fexmid™)


Formoterol (Foradil®, Perforomist™, Symbicort®)

Indacaterol maleate (Arcapta™)

Lapatinib (Tykerb®)

Lipo 6™


Lopinavir and ritonavir (Kaletra®)

Maprotiline (Ludiomil®)

Methadone (Dolophine®, Diskets®, Methadose®)

Octreotide (Sandostatin®)

Quetiapine (Seroquel®) or quetiapine XR (Seroquel XR®)

Pentamidine (NebuPent®, Pentam®)


Ranolazine (Ranexa®)

Saquinavir (Invirase®)

Solifenacin (VESIcare®)

Tacrolimus (Prograf®)

Tetrabenazine (Xenazine®)

Tolterodine (Detrol®, Detrol LA)

Trazodone (Desyrel®) or trazodone ER (Oleptro™)

Tricyclic antidepressants, including:

Amitriptyline (Elavil®)

Amoxapine (Asendin®)

Clomipramine (Anafranil®)

Desipramine (Norpramin®)

Doxepin (Sinequan®, Silenor®)

Imipramine (Tofranil®, Tofranil PM®)

Maprotiline (Ludiomil®)

Nortriptyline (Pamelor®)

Protriptyline (Vivactil®)

Trimipramine (Surmontil®)

Vardenafil (Levitra®, Staxyn™).

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c5f281  No.8887787

File: 354d2ad5429bac7⋯.png (247.12 KB, 598x692, 299:346, Screenshot_2020_04_22_Sara….png)

File: c7306ce88646ac6⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 1280x582, 640:291, pVrLccZ5VwtrkHvk.mp4)

Birds- eye view

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66d361  No.8887788


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23b373  No.8887789

File: f589ef1963bd38a⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 755x505, 151:101, AndersonCooperHoneyBooBoo.jpg)

File: 6da601e6830d46f⋯.jpg (97.06 KB, 563x1005, 563:1005, anderson_cooper_the_early_….jpg)

File: c4d5c977093e900⋯.jpg (204.1 KB, 730x551, 730:551, LiarAndersonCooperFakeNews….jpg)

File: 395caa9f9f4c822⋯.jpg (111.89 KB, 481x479, 481:479, Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 316d0db666b4afa⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3812x2539, 3812:2539, Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

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092e84  No.8887790

File: 69e03329fb20f84⋯.png (210.68 KB, 720x923, 720:923, Img_1587592187329.png)

File: 1d6df5a7ef3d129⋯.png (247.39 KB, 720x903, 240:301, Img_1587592297858.png)

File: 20ce5a2f7744f30⋯.png (151.83 KB, 720x670, 72:67, Img_1587592207493.png)

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379fa3  No.8887791

Iranians Claim Drinking Fresh Camel Urine Cures Coronavirus

You HAVE to wonder how they discovered this…


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5506d2  No.8887792


Lays down the country, bowing before the shit virus that they knew of from 2018, at least, as Q has said.

Such avenging, much pain (for us), WOW!

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9b2ecd  No.8887793

Any meme anons that can recommend the best program for enlarging existing photos for memes? I've been using paint.net some of the time, and Paint3D some of the time, with inconsistent results. Plus, on the board, there's a limit for MB size.

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6ea438  No.8887794


“Piss drunk”?

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555a9c  No.8887795

File: 93327cde99da4d4⋯.png (100.79 KB, 429x281, 429:281, giraffe.png)


Trips & quads chekk't

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dbf15a  No.8887796


[next week] [soon] x infinity

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9c2f06  No.8887797



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66d361  No.8887798

>>8887777 ←—————————————

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2411ce  No.8887799



So Thor slayed the crypto-Jews.

Must have been fun.

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333643  No.8887800



Cuomo to quarantine protesters: 'Go take a job as an essential worker'

WTF? He just met with Trump…hmmm this treasonous beyond fucked up Q.

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058020  No.8887801


Harvesting energy from the environment offers the promise of clean power for self-sustained systems1,2. Known technologies—such as solar cells, thermoelectric devices and mechanical generators—have specific environmental requirements that restrict where they can be deployed and limit their potential for continuous energy production3,4,5. The ubiquity of atmospheric moisture offers an alternative. However, existing moisture-based energy-harvesting technologies can produce only intermittent, brief (shorter than 50 seconds) bursts of power in the ambient environment, owing to the lack of a sustained conversion mechanism6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Here we show that thin-film devices made from nanometre-scale protein wires harvested from the microbe Geobacter sulfurreducens can generate continuous electric power in the ambient environment. The devices produce a sustained voltage of around 0.5 volts across a 7-micrometre-thick film, with a current density of around 17 microamperes per square centimetre. We find the driving force behind this energy generation to be a self-maintained moisture gradient that forms within the film when the film is exposed to the humidity that is naturally present in air. Connecting several devices linearly scales up the voltage and current to power electronics. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of a continuous energy-harvesting strategy that is less restricted by location or environmental conditions than other sustainable approaches.


The ubiquity of atmospheric moisture has generated interest in developing moisture-based energy-harvesting technologies6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14. In one strategy, the moisture gradients near sources of liquid water drive microfluidic or nanofluidic water transport in thin films in order to induce charge transport for electric output6,7,8,9,10,13. However, this approach is limited to environments in which there is a liquid water source, and may be difficult to scale up. Alternatively, ambient humidity can generate a vertical gradient of ionized mobile charge (for example, of H+ ions) in carbon materials engineered with a heterogenous vertical distribution of hydroxyl groups11,12. But the power output of ambient-humidity-driven devices has so far produced only brief (shorter than 50-s) bursts of current (of around 0.9 µA cm−2, or a power density of about 30 µW cm−3) before the device voltage collapses12. Re-establishing the voltage (to around 0.2 V, or about 20 V cm−1) through self-recharging takes more than 100 s. Thus, the charging time greatly exceeds the duration of power output.

Here, we fabricated an electric generator from a thin film of protein nanowires that produces continuous current for at least 20 h before self-recharging, with a more than two orders of magnitude improvement in power density (to roughly 4 mW cm−3) compared with previous energy-harvesting technologies that rely on ambient, atmospheric moisture. The device consists of a thin (roughly 7-µm) film of protein nanowires deposited on a gold electrode (with an area of around 25 mm2) patterned on glass (Fig. 1a). The protein nanowires are electrically conductive, and are sheared from the microorganism G. sulfurreducens15,16,17. A smaller gold electrode (of around 1 mm2) is placed on top of the nanowire film (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1).

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557dea  No.8887802

File: 95188cc2da72ad3⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 657x364, 657:364, cfghf.jpg)

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875988  No.8887803

File: 24c313d08639de4⋯.png (331.81 KB, 376x518, 188:259, tillman_q_flag.png)

Semper Paratus soldier. O7


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f61180  No.8887804


Have you been eating paint chips again?

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b70840  No.8887805

File: bef7dbb82922d6d⋯.jpg (283.56 KB, 856x539, 856:539, AK.jpg)

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83e2bd  No.8887806


Does it have to be fresh?

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6e3301  No.8887807



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2cc799  No.8887808

File: 2775855029305da⋯.png (179.55 KB, 499x279, 499:279, angry_poor_noises.png)



You need to go back!

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9c2f06  No.8887809

File: 3b556b90109beea⋯.png (226.32 KB, 586x325, 586:325, quads.png)

File: 5de6bd159713999⋯.png (236.34 KB, 585x324, 65:36, trips.png)

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d9911b  No.8887810

File: d8969d5fd681399⋯.png (195.68 KB, 597x418, 597:418, Potus_point2.png)

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dc8602  No.8887811

File: aa8a816d4c069bb⋯.jpg (152.33 KB, 1086x1369, 1086:1369, dws.jpg)

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30a6c6  No.8887813


please explain how I'm wrong, cunt

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333643  No.8887814



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2e964c  No.8887815

File: cae3054ebe0fa1e⋯.png (823.56 KB, 891x866, 891:866, 54087921378634.png)

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2ecaa0  No.8887816

File: d8d23fbfecd12ca⋯.jpeg (228.84 KB, 828x1096, 207:274, 036CBE3E_50FC_4E30_BC9E_A….jpeg)

File: 98c2f27bbbed6de⋯.jpeg (41.89 KB, 738x212, 369:106, 68C1924F_DFF2_4E6E_88ED_0….jpeg)

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dbf15a  No.8887817


Yeah, quads are about as results based as this Q shit is so far.

>>but muh digits!

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2cc799  No.8887818

File: dada1ee54bab73d⋯.jpeg (740.29 KB, 1074x1083, 358:361, Bald_Eagle.jpeg)


No older than 3 mins, says Pitt!!


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da08ea  No.8887819


Why does the cabal build dumbs and tunnels?

its for the children.

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f88fc2  No.8887820


That buffet of ass is exceptional.

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2a8123  No.8887821

POST /refactor-post.php HTTP/1.1

Host: 8kun.top

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 777


Error: 507 (refactor not found) (Neanderthal)

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c5f281  No.8887822

File: 5ce979407ffcfe8⋯.jpg (218.98 KB, 2400x1340, 120:67, EKQLpvJX0AEzyLk.jpg)

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2411ce  No.8887823

File: a61d9b0d4cee733⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 498x350, 249:175, tenor_2_.gif)

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c78b85  No.8887824


running a datefag play has always resulted in a sack for big yards

we just gotta ground & pound them with the steady run game

relentless positive yards lead to first down, lead to touchdowns, lead to victory

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abd7fa  No.8887825

File: 6ba76cfd7e5dea7⋯.png (834.05 KB, 906x656, 453:328, winthorpe_chek_t.PNG)

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4b41af  No.8887826


Does the camel need to piss alcohol for this to work or nah?

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7c9565  No.8887827

File: c1a728c088989a0⋯.png (571.03 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 2ADA844D_4304_4F19_AA8A_78….png)


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da53f5  No.8887828

File: 591ac3560694bd7⋯.png (864.32 KB, 545x537, 545:537, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbc9f1114029f06⋯.png (305.07 KB, 541x386, 541:386, ClipboardImage.png)


I love this. Locals get creative when tyrants attack.

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55bbbc  No.8887829

i guess sarcasm is hard on the internet

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2411ce  No.8887831



How weird would it be if my ID = P ?

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b83c78  No.8887832

File: b10e007d2060cdd⋯.png (468.69 KB, 581x993, 581:993, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Q…. Pretty good advice don't ya think?



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b70840  No.8887833

File: b047b5595b833d3⋯.jpg (567.48 KB, 1100x734, 550:367, Alexmovie.jpg)


>Cheer up anon

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9c2f06  No.8887834



coincidence? [kek]

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1d49da  No.8887835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Talk to me

What are you doing

What are you thinking right now

Set me free

I'm just a prisoner to you

And time goes by

I'm still waiting forever and a day but

I thought I saw you yesterday

I thought those words

I heard you say

When I look at the sunrise

Sunlight melts my fears away

When you're living this feeling

Don't ever let it go

(ever let it go)

When I'm under the starlight

It feels right

The thought is on my mind

I'll set you free

(I'll set you free)

I'll set you free

Look at me

What are you thinking

Tell me what you're seeing

Let me go

If there's nothing you believe

And time goes by

I'm still waiting forever

and a day but

I thought I saw you yesterday

I thought those words

I heard you say

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9b2ecd  No.8887836


Yes anon. they drink it directly from the source!

But the real good stuff is the recycled stuff through a human, next!

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bc1865  No.8887837


DS wants them dead as soon as they can squeeze out all the money they can in pharmaceutical, medical & nursing home costs.

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dbf15a  No.8887838


Yeah but you're not even in the same stadium as the game anymore. Not sure if you can use this analogy.

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d337bc  No.8887839

File: c3fa398ec0b9732⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 605x454, 605:454, YouSld.jpg)


<Get an Elephant.

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5897e0  No.8887840


ok Knute - lets win this one for the Gipper

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e63086  No.8887841

File: 701360e0ab86140⋯.jpg (239.08 KB, 1080x520, 27:13, 20200422_165703.jpg)


>>8887384 #

>"Why did the tree exist?"

Because The Great Mystery is God making a Family for HimSelf.

there is so much delusion… the fact of God's Great Work has been diluted by doctrine et al.

the fall of adam leads directly to The Lamb leads directly to blood adoption.

it is all right in front of you.

one has to simply accept that The Father did it ALL ON PURPOSE.

a fact whose implications most christians cannot easily contemplate cuz "muh programming".

God is Love… this is true.

God creates all that is… also true.

God is in control.

<one does not simply rebel against The Most High.


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b447c2  No.8887842

File: f31c28ac067f63c⋯.png (256.53 KB, 476x248, 119:62, ClipboardImage.png)

California Announces If Crisis Hits, They Have A Point System To Decide Who Survives

The California Department of Public Health has now decided that if a “worst-case scenario” arises from the coronavirus, younger people and health care workers “vital to the acute care response” would be prioritized over others.

The 38-page document by the California Department of Public Health starts with a letter from Dr. Sonia Angell, director of the California Department of Public Health, in which she states of the guidelines: The guidelines state: “The ethical justification for incorporating the life-cycle principle is that it is a valuable goal to give individuals equal opportunity to pass through the stages of life — childhood, young adulthood, middle age, and old age. The justification for this principle does not rely on considerations of one’s intrinsic worth or social utility. Rather, younger individuals receive priority because they have had the least opportunity to live through life’s stages.”


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9c2f06  No.8887843


yeah sure it does

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83e2bd  No.8887844



Drunken camels are meaner than Toots on a bender I reckon.

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f88fc2  No.8887845


We were 1st and 10 at the 50 over a year ago (last March). We've taken plenty of sacks since then.

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8d4901  No.8887846



maybe you did not notice.

but you took a clown post to the notables.

>>8886807 (lb) Tree-Sun = Treason

this clown has been namefagging as "A" many times now. he tries to establish a 'known and trustworthy' characher to shill with later.

namefagging clowns are never notable.

please remove.

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092e84  No.8887847

File: 0bb7e91ce161d31⋯.png (236.86 KB, 720x498, 120:83, Cupace20200422175755.png)

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333643  No.8887848




Harvard Backs Down: University Says It Will Not Take Coronavirus Aid

Harvard University said it will not take the $8.6 million in aid with was granted as part of the U.S. government’s efforts to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus lockdown, reversing itself and bending to U.S. President Donald Trump who said Tuesday that the university should not take the money.

“Harvard is going to pay back the money and they shouldn’t be taking it,” Trump said Tuesday at a White House press briefing.

Harvard said Tuesday that it planned to keep the money, promising to use it for student financial assistance but not for institutional costs.

On Wednesday, the university reversed itself. Harvard has an endowment worth nearly $41 billion, a fund so large that some have described it as “a hedge fund disguised as a university.”

1/5 Harvard will not accept funds from the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund. Like most colleges & universities, Harvard has been allocated funds as part of the CARES Act. Harvard did not apply for this support, nor has it requested, received or accessed the funds

— Harvard University (@Harvard) April 22, 2020

3/5 As a result of this, and the evolving guidance being issued around use of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, Harvard has decided not to seek or accept the funds allocated to it by statute.

— Harvard University (@Harvard) April 22, 2020

5/5 We remain fully committed to providing the financial support that we have promised our students. Read our full statement: https://t.co/2DDXJgb3ln

— Harvard University (@Harvard) April 22, 2020

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4ad0db  No.8887849


>in b4 urine is hand sanitizer

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4c1ca5  No.8887850

File: 2d522cebce912d2⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, gettyimages_693840674_2048….jpg)

File: 66b82ea62217b86⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, gettyimages_693444090_2048….jpg)

File: b49ae96a7b999d6⋯.jpg (676.78 KB, 1024x545, 1024:545, KerryIranianConnection.jpg)

File: 11fc0a78696185e⋯.jpg (204.34 KB, 1024x555, 1024:555, SorosClinton.jpg)

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a0b36a  No.8887851

Virginia gym owner files suit to halt Northam’s executive order closing nonessential businesses.

More businesses should follow suit.


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b09873  No.8887852


mark my words, a shill will get the 8s

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9c2f06  No.8887853


death panels? pshaw!

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2af265  No.8887854

File: 4b28175db6d809d⋯.png (691.18 KB, 2559x1440, 853:480, 1587528554269.png)



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b2bcea  No.8887855

File: 42488ce08ab0501⋯.jpg (238.75 KB, 843x482, 843:482, mika.jpg)

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7b3b4d  No.8887856

File: 5882ddc50c95113⋯.png (461.18 KB, 752x426, 376:213, 5882ddc50c951138183266f300….png)


It's a response to your picture you useless faggot.

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4f5945  No.8887857

>>8886272 Solomon walking back his claim that indictments would occur this week.

Wonder if ammo was expended?

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2411ce  No.8887858

File: d1a6bd5a52c40f5⋯.jpg (678.26 KB, 3040x1440, 19:9, Screenshot_20200415_180504….jpg)

Numbers are neat.

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9b2ecd  No.8887859


True enough, so please take action and neck yourself, immediately!

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22d34a  No.8887860

File: 6c1241642c522bc⋯.jpeg (65.15 KB, 711x535, 711:535, 15005779_E7BE_4505_925D_1….jpeg)

Digits coming soon.

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d332d9  No.8887861


most appreciative of you stepping up to put a kaibosh on bullshit

lots of wannabe docs in here


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2cc799  No.8887862

File: 0f2043063d93ab3⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 255x169, 255:169, Freedom_son.jpg)


We shall see!

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9c2f06  No.8887863

The Race to the Eights has begun.

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8cc702  No.8887864


Awesome digits

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30a6c6  No.8887865


I'm getting pretty tired of the center stepping

on my foot and fumbling the handoff as I fall on my face

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c78b85  No.8887866


No one playing The Game gets a pass

Watch your clock

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f61180  No.8887867

File: a5564028dc11dae⋯.png (56.33 KB, 655x381, 655:381, gotime.png)

Six o'clock can be very dangerous…..

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43d1a0  No.8887868

Anon pondering how the urinating alcohol thing works…

Guessing either something in the kidneys that lets them filter it out, or diabetic with yeast infection in bladder. Probably the latter.

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812b89  No.8887869

File: f8b9cd045b65ca3⋯.png (877.1 KB, 819x914, 819:914, 1_KOMO_re_Inslee_Sued_re_S….PNG)

File: e68a9fd8d5a9d7f⋯.png (65.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2_KOMO_re_Inslee_Sued_re_S….PNG)

GOP gubernatorial candidate sues Inslee over stay-home order


OLYMPIA, Wash. - A Republican candidate for governor has sued Gov. Jay Inslee in federal court, claiming that Inslee's statewide stay-home ban amid the pandemic is a clear violation of First Amendment rights guaranteeing freedom of speech and religion.

The candidate, Joshua Freed, filed the suit Tuesday in U.S. District Court. It seeks a restraining order or injunction that would prohibit the enforcement of Inslee's order against religious gatherings.

The suit also seeks a judgment from the court declaring that Inslee's order violates the U.S. Constitution's free speech, right to assemble and due process clauses.

According to the lawsuit, Inslee's stay-home order carves out broad exemptions for 162 types of commercial and recreational activities, including cannabis retailers, but expressly prohibits religious gatherings of two or more people.

The lawsuit says the ban on religious gatherings applies "whether it is indoors or outdoors, whether it is on private property or whether the participants employ social distancing, hygiene or other efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19."

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66d361  No.8887870


>should follow suit.

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9c2f06  No.8887871


Thread title,



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2cc799  No.8887872

File: 07d0c6faa627496⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 255x128, 255:128, loosing.jpg)

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b09873  No.8887873


What I really would love is a Q post in that place

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75d1bd  No.8887874







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4b41af  No.8887875


Sober camels are like HRC speaking to Donna Brazile. Wouldn’t want to meet a drunk one in a dark alley. Or a camel either.

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2411ce  No.8887876

File: f9ce55e72c851d1⋯.jpg (214.5 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 10010b9d84480b3e03bb8eaa37….jpg)


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07df53  No.8887877

File: 20ff9b57c32b3c8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 990x658, 495:329, Screen_Shot_2020_04_22_at_….png)

those w/drug overdoses would have been shit out of luck, as well as everyone else, just amazing!

New York Released - Then Retracted - A New Policy Asking Paramedics To Just Let Patients Without A Pulse Die

April, 22, 2020

Imagine a scenario where, for whatever reason, your pulse stopped - say because of a sudden cardiac incident or another of the myriad medical maladies that can arise without warning - anywhere in NYC. Then, imagine that the paramedics called to the scene were discouraged from performing any kind of life-saving maneuver to revive you for fear that they might be exposed to the coronavirus.


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2cc799  No.8887878

File: 94d97929117f3ec⋯.png (346.45 KB, 989x586, 989:586, REEE.png)


Do you even Google?

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7411cc  No.8887879

File: c7680b87e34979c⋯.jpg (584.94 KB, 803x1024, 803:1024, damoclesQ_D5.jpg)

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8d4901  No.8887880




please be so kind as to confirm you removed this clown post.

>>8886807 (lb) Tree-Sun = Treason

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6d0ddb  No.8887881

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90a410  No.8887882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:34 -The Subtle Art of Taking Advantage of a Crisis

Jake Tran

Apr 22 2020

Ru Ru Remon

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2411ce  No.8887883

File: 1f8752823d3a6e2⋯.jpg (188.22 KB, 1129x847, 1129:847, hey.jpg)

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d332d9  No.8887884



>>8887633 planefaggin

>>8887441 Horrific truck crash on Melbourne highway leaves four police officers dead, cops hunt runaway witness

>>8887497, >>8887523 High affinity, anti-human IgE antibodies pdf

>>8887575 “Operation COVID Crackdown,” police in Virginia busted 30 perverts who were taking advantage of children’s increased online presence in recent weeks

>>8887576 Las Vegas mayor doubles down on push to reopen casinos, says it's not her job to do it safely: 'They better figure it out'

>>8887606, >>8887634 Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers

>>8887619, >>8887726 USA Hackers twat acct deleted today

>>8887626 Appeals Court Rules Arkansas Can Ban Abortions, Protect Unborn Babies

>>8887722 Cuomo to quarantine protesters: 'Go take a job as an essential worker'

>>8887741 LuLu Lemon former CEO and founder sold: $30m-Apr 20

>>8887777 trip quad confirms

>>8887787 Birds- eye view

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30a6c6  No.8887885


He was sick of Digenova getting all the attention.

He wanted to be a tick tock fag too

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6e3301  No.8887886


Does it look to you like they can get out of ammo? This will never end

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d166c4  No.8887887

File: 7eaa93babd0b89a⋯.jpg (225.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7eaa93babd0b89a5f81041d70e….jpg)

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abd7fa  No.8887888

File: bda98e4f0cc3401⋯.png (187.85 KB, 447x306, 149:102, caps_lock_red_text.PNG)

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2cc799  No.8887889

File: a1472f374c38ef5⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 316x339, 316:339, Kekkety.jpg)


Like minds, Anon. Nearly typed that myself!

However, it is, what is shall be, what it is..

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717c7f  No.8887890

>>8885633 PB

To the blockchain fag from a few breads ago. If you are still here, honest question about how i fear things will go down after reading a little bit about potential.

First, I agree it could change everything and has big potential for doing many things better.

The question i have is how do you verify and protect your auth for your BC ID? Some combo of existing biometric + PIN/2FA? Private key? Secure token? Physical token (implant)? Would we be able to forego authentication completely?

As you know, poor security practices lead to hacks, so I don't know how to best store the ID/auth pairing for a BC user.

While digging for an admittedly quick answer to how user auth can be managed, near the top of the list was id2020.org. (DuckDuckgo blockchain user ID).

If that is the path that blockchain tech is taking us, I don't want to be a part of it. There will be a time where this is nearly inevitable, and I hope that never sees the light of day whilst I or my family still draw breath.

Yes, i could still be biased against it do to the fear of starvation due to rejecting an implant. But how does one secure that portion of BC, when you know that the general public is a fucking mess WRT security… There is no way I will submit to that and damn myself.


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2af265  No.8887891

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594899  No.8887892

>>8887842 California Announces If Crisis Hits, They Have A Point System To Decide Who Survives


There's no need for anything in the link after the ? - it is all there to track you. Also including a date is helpful for bakers :)

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5f2035  No.8887893

File: 1bcd8a9b2aeec12⋯.png (409.43 KB, 463x613, 463:613, dws.png)

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43d1a0  No.8887894

File: 303be91b687ee9f⋯.png (512.37 KB, 444x644, 111:161, FREDDY_MONA_LISA.png)


>The Race to the Eights has begun.


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e89d24  No.8887896


who has control of the media?

does this hurt deep state?

q, tells us think logically

sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one

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4f048b  No.8887897

File: 71b6d8fd484c732⋯.jpg (121.33 KB, 750x500, 3:2, liar_deceptive_pro_death_a….jpg)

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93e466  No.8887898


interdasting indeed.

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9b0338  No.8887899

POTUS'' press conferences are getting later in the day. Does this signify a countdown to something?

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8d4901  No.8887900

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to the wordwide deep state.

Shills are here in full force and apply all kind of tactics, most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule":

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some shilly try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills try to namefag to 'establish a trustworty charachter' (A, CTA, McT, …)

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(And in some breads it´s 70, 80, 90% shill posts.)

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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75d1bd  No.8887901



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9eed4e  No.8887902


Memeing children is a clown move.

Anons don't meme kids.

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30a6c6  No.8887903



What was the "ammo" this time? Tricking Nancy into showing off her ice cream collection?

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f61180  No.8887904


Triggered much?….muh muh …kek. Ok I will play. Moves and counter moves now do you understand? Of course you don't you are a fucking paint chip eating shill.

Good stuff….

Arguing with anons is like trying to fight beach erosion with a tennis racket. Haven't you learned shill?

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69176a  No.8887905

File: 6ccfbc61d4fd36b⋯.png (809.75 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, grammarkatbiolg.png)

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2cc799  No.8887906

File: 8ea210a28423066⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 3ca9b5fe51bde3c173745c61b9….jpg)

>>8887889 (me)


"It is, what it shall be, what it was!!"

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379fa3  No.8887907


SO sorry. Here's the zsauce:


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2f3fc3  No.8887908


The lyrics of what Carcass song is that?

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4da420  No.8887909

File: 534436c47bca3a1⋯.jpg (74.78 KB, 467x419, 467:419, Request_Denied.jpg)

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2411ce  No.8887910

File: 2637b9d1f608534⋯.gif (186.81 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, photo0.gif)


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000000  No.8887911


Check' em

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75d1bd  No.8887912

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c5f281  No.8887913

File: 2e7441d030ab7a9⋯.jpg (126.61 KB, 1316x789, 1316:789, 2e7441d030ab7a92c6d028dc81….jpg)


sauce for >>8887787


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e32fba  No.8887914

File: 5bde9362555ab60⋯.png (70.54 KB, 467x452, 467:452, AndersonKnew.png)

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b10ce6  No.8887915


I remember when the Olean Times Herald was a REAL newspaper. Kek!

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6e3301  No.8887916

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e058dc  No.8887917

File: e30d9c776e06393⋯.png (877.23 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 8010.png)

File: 9d6ca445933298a⋯.png (880.84 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 80210.png)

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7b3b4d  No.8887918

File: 0b092ff2b4c222f⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 788x985, 4:5, 7b68fd6eeba7c44fc7f59d6548….jpg)

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732ffd  No.8887919

File: b8249c89b86536d⋯.jpg (225.16 KB, 899x1000, 899:1000, IMG_250.jpg)

File: 4cf768e681c9d7c⋯.jpg (185.03 KB, 620x465, 4:3, IMG_251.jpg)

File: 8ee49af88ed3f9f⋯.jpg (580.77 KB, 1363x1023, 1363:1023, IMG_248.jpg)

File: 175cb77e0340f25⋯.jpg (154.97 KB, 500x641, 500:641, IMG_249.jpg)

File: a5638dea813f310⋯.jpg (175.09 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_246.jpg)

Roll Chaotic Good.

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God cleans the depths of our minds.

We pray God renews our vitality.

We pray God awakens the Sword of our Truth.

We pray God exposes our enemies impersonations.

Bless our Clean Vessel with God's Graces.

May our enemies sink on their own rotting ship.

Amen 😇😘😇

May these angels protect our dreams; our families.

Relax now, you are safe with God.

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30e68b  No.8887920

It would be amazing if Q got the 8s

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5a5be3  No.8887921


I think it might be next bread

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7411cc  No.8887922

File: ff1192fc46252fb⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 720x799, 720:799, trump_Q.jpg)

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788e89  No.8887923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Language Fail: ESL

2.Media Matters is in bed with AIPAC.

Nobody talks about Brock anymore.

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