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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

fe12e9  No.4554282

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 12/22/18

>>4433511 ————————————–——– Research for yourself

>>4432768 ————————————–——– TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.

Friday 12/21/18

>>4409412 ————————————–——– What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?

>>4408964 ————————————–——– Anons can play this game all day long.

Thursday 12/20/18

>>4401036 ————————————–——– History will not repeat itself this time

>>4400956 ————————————–——– Notice a pattern?

>>4393668 ————————————–——– ALICE & MAD HATTER. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4393450 ————————————–——– The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392683 rt >>4392645 -————————– Old news. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392646 ————————————–——– You have the keystone. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392356 ————————————–——– Completed this week.

>>4392305 ————————————–——– Anons know why.

>>4392219 ————————————–——– None left by choice.

Wednesday 12/19/18

Compiled here: >>4451195

Q & A

Thursday 12/13/18

Compiled here: >>4430511

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

fe12e9  No.4554291


are not endorsements


>>4517617, >>4544243 BO: Censorship shills BTFO'd, New Year Message

>>4521281 BV: New Current Events thread

>>4514861 BV: All future official board comms will use Tripcode

>>4461248 BO: /QResearch/ posts per hour stats indicate WAY more of us than you'd think


>>4554224 Zuckerberg Funds Wireless Mind Control Using "Game-Changing" Brain Implant

>>4554135 Some older 451s deltas aka 751s

>>4553788 Potential new Alzheimer's treatment marrying MRI and Ultrasound technologies

>>4554029 , >>4554049, >>4554042 Hong Kong holds 'Yellow Umbrella' protest

>>4554012 Dig into 'Y' and TripAdvisor

>>4553956 Pelosi strikes back with a tweet

>>4553678 German police: Man intentionally drove into crowd, injured 4

>>4553666 POTUS tweets with timestam 7:51

>>4553637 Giuliani defends Assange’s decision to publish Hillary campaign emails

>>4553600 POTUS invites leaders from both parties to a meeting about the wall tomorrow

>>4554267 #5808

#5807 Baker change

>>4553371 State Law Requires Mandatory Flu Vaccines for All Kids Ages 2 to 4

>>4553334 FF averted in Vidor/Seguin Texas?

>>4553262 Trump fires back at McChrystal: 'Known for big, dumb mouth'

>>4553159 , >>4553484 New comms from POTUS tweets? Are repeats significant?

>>4553125 , >>4553208 Trump: Jan 2019 as Month Committed to Abolish Human Trafficking

>>4553113 New POTUS tweet: "Let's make a deal?"

>>4553106 , >>4553054, >>4553343, >>4553372 Marine shot and killed at Marine Barracks Washington

>>4552895 Dig into ycombinator.com

>>4552843 , >>4552859 Melania's tweet: Is COME[Y] the missing 'Y'?

>>4553517 #5807

#5806 new baker

>>4552602 Chinese Gene-Editing Experiment Loses Track of Patients, Alarms Inventors

>>4552598 Brazil's new president tough on crime: shoot to kill

>>4552586 Hong Kong: Thousands March against Chinese Political Repression

>>4552572 Zuck Resolves More Facebook Political Censorship

>>4552507 Giuliani defends Assange's decision to publish Hillary campaign emails

>>4552459 Fed employee union sues Trump admin over shutdown

>>4552405 Pompeo: US committed to 'protection of Israel' despite Syria withdrawal

>>4552387 US, Israel leave UNESCO over pro-Palestine bias

>>4552107 Some anons think DJT 4:51 timestamp is notable re: penal code for arson

>>4552355 NY's Black Caucus Charity Raised $500K for Underprivileged Youth Scholarship; Blew 100% on Limos, Luxury, & Party; Gave no Scholarships

>>4552350 Worse Than Obsolete: NATO Creates Enemies

>>4552335 Largest rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea (what about Japan's? - that's so yesterday)

>>4552344 FLOTUS tweet missing 'Y'

>>4552212, >>4552233, >>4552247 Google & CIA team up to shred even more of our privacy; lots of links to dig

>>4552157 Bolsonaro takes office promising to sweep away crime and corruption

>>4552147 Brennan "witch hunt" against perceived hostile journalists when Hastings was killed

>>4552080 Ashanti Alert Act became law; provides alerts for missing adults, may help fight human trafficking, MS-13, ritual killing

>>4554022 Pelosi losing it – too many forgets


>>4551254 Adrenochrome effects

>>4551278 17 / 77 / 7 Tweet Delta = July 1777

>>4551446 DJT Tweet's CAPS letters have interesting SUM

>>4551553 3 DJT tweets in 2 days with 4:51 timestamp

Previously Collected Notables

>>4549664 #5802, >>4550396 #5803, >>4551164 #5804

>>4547367 #5799, >>4548109 #5800, >>4548909 #5801

>>4546611 #5798, >>4545839 #5797, >>4545071 #5796

>>4542752 #5793, >>4543518 #5794, >>4544301 #5795

>>4540373 #5790, >>4541272 #5791, >>4541998 #5792

>>4538141 #5787, >>4538944 #5788, >>4539717 #5789

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

fe12e9  No.4554294

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>4437980

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

fe12e9  No.4554296

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

37 >>4359646, 36 >>4113363

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 36,000+ memes & infographs with keyword searchable filenames

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922

fe12e9  No.4554308

File: f14d5a96afc14d9⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 459x664, 459:664, f14d5a96afc14d91e9b94787db….jpg)

#5809 Dough


Baker requests handoff

Anyone out there?

366710  No.4554341

File: 4688a8836934908⋯.jpg (135.84 KB, 500x445, 100:89, Face palm.jpg)

>>4552885 (pb)

Oh ffs, what a reach…. That's a seraph, go look at some medieval and renaissance paintings if you don't believe me

ea16c1  No.4554348


can bake

handoff accepted

9e7a8d  No.4554353

File: 5eb58a10926f644⋯.jpg (181.13 KB, 841x814, 841:814, Dv2hScLWkAAhsSE.jpg)

Brazil Anons

any out there following Q?

How about some Brazilian Q's.. lets see the love

0bce2d  No.4554355

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

33710f  No.4554356

File: 378c27117c0fe37⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1380x2683, 1380:2683, heather.png)

File: a211b485dc909c1⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1432x5272, 179:659, 2.png)

File: 78df74b434d3854⋯.png (473.97 KB, 801x1158, 267:386, 6.png)

File: cbc23152e1addcd⋯.png (527.39 KB, 812x565, 812:565, 5.png)

When will Steven Spielberg be sent to prison for his crimes?

0bce2d  No.4554363

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

d24fbe  No.4554376

File: cc9e6000887027c⋯.png (240.8 KB, 561x318, 187:106, Beef Jerky time.png)

9e7a8d  No.4554380

File: c6e0e0a40750752⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 636x191, 636:191, Screenshot 2019-01-01_15-4….jpg)

640dad  No.4554381

>>4554118 lb

wanna know why they are doing this… Attacks will increase, because when he starts arresting the fucks like Obama and Clinton, they can claim he is trying to become a dictator. That is exactly what they are setting up.

b1bfe5  No.4554388

File: ed7506e950192bd⋯.jpeg (64.52 KB, 1125x253, 1125:253, D379950B-F8B4-4D70-A4D8-5….jpeg)


These people are sick, don’t let them escape justice Q and Q+

0bce2d  No.4554390


When will bots stop trying to create fake 4chan here, a stunningly stupid thing? We can't answer these questions right now, but sooner or later, all will be right.

How does that make you feel bot? Try to think.


451f87  No.4554394

What's the scoop on darkoverlord? I'm assuming autists have addressed in the past.

4c3ef0  No.4554395

File: 0e893c377c433f0⋯.jpg (178.3 KB, 1104x748, 276:187, blessthebakerevangeline.jpg)

ea2ac0  No.4554396


daniel is a loser

ff1814  No.4554397

>>4554384 lb

stop posting.

99cb69  No.4554398

File: 0c4d75dfebcdb85⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Faceberg.jpg)

>>4552572 (pb)

Thinking about Faceberg, twatter, social media ""content management"" (censorship)

Here's what gets me.

I can understand (but oppose) a small, cash hungry outfit bending the knee to advertisers re: content censorship in order to make money.

Don't like it, think it's a shit way for an American company to act, but I understand it that motivation.

Then there's Faceberg.

Millions of users, millions of eyeballs. Advertisers WANT access to all those eyeballs.

Facebook is in a position of strength.

As the Stud Ducks of Nerd Hill, they are in a position, when advertisors say "hey clamp down on the X, Y and Z" to respond

"Nope, 1st amendment. you don't like it, tough shit. you want access to our user feed for your product/service? Deal with it, we're not censoring shit. Users have ample tools to filter things they don't like and that's good enough."

But they don't do that.

Have they even realized this? Has it even occurred to them?

Are they, those making these decisions, legitimately evil, misguided/ignorant, or just stupid?

d4b25a  No.4554399


That is a pretty weak argument against the wall.

You have about 3500 paved airports and about 1000 large ports in the US. If you want to get out you won't have an issue, wall or not.

d24fbe  No.4554400

Ebot particularly saucy today.

967676  No.4554401

File: 444d923e3624ccf⋯.jpg (71.06 KB, 611x370, 611:370, sch mouth.jpg)

File: 1fa2cf64bb4aa1b⋯.jpg (187.91 KB, 781x546, 781:546, SchPeldemands.jpg)


While President @realDonaldTrump drags the nation into Week Two of the #TrumpShutdown and sits in the White House and tweets, without offering any plan that can pass both chambers of Congress, Democrats are taking action to lead our country out of this mess.


98a9d0  No.4554402

File: fc1f7cb558653e3⋯.png (13.27 KB, 504x230, 252:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2ee9b6ce0410fb⋯.png (17.8 KB, 502x271, 502:271, ClipboardImage.png)

House Democrats Settle On Strategy To Reopen Government, Deny Funding For Wall

House Democrats have decided how they are going to proceed in their attempts to reopen the government when they take control of the House Thursday, according to the Washington Post.

Democrats plan to pass a stopgap spending bill to fund the Homeland Security Department through Feb. 8. The legislation would continue existing levels of border funding without giving President Trump the new wall money he is seeking.

It is the same bill that the Senate passed unanimously the week before Christmas — before Trump decided he wasn’t going to support it, leading to the partial government shutdown that began Dec. 22. -WaPo

Six additional bills will also be rolled out to reopen federal agencies which have been closed for more than a week, resulting in the furlough of hundreds of thousands of federal employees.

The House Democrats' plan would fully fund the agencies in question until September 30.

As the Post notes, it is unknown how the Senate - which remains under Republican control - will respond, however we're fairly certain it's DOA per President Trump's promise to veto any legislation that does not contain the $5 billion he seeks in funding for a wall on the southern US border.

To that end, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office said that the Senate won't send President Trump a bill he won't sign. In other words, whatever the House Dems cook up is DOA unless it has funding for the wall.


9e7a8d  No.4554403

File: 803885b77b072e2⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 631x193, 631:193, Screenshot 2019-01-01_15-4….jpg)


0d6dfb  No.4554404

File: a45e0429b317ed7⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 480x360, 4:3, giphy.gif)

33710f  No.4554405


Stfu kike, you are the first person i filter every thread. Spamming your shitty same AI images every thread.

Seems like you got triggered by my Spielberg outing… hiding something jew?

ea2ac0  No.4554406



366710  No.4554407


On the catalog we used to have a dedicated thread for Brazilians, wonder what happened to it? I guess prolly it got buried somewhere in the archives because of disuse

ab8295  No.4554408

File: fad96012234c660⋯.jpg (119.89 KB, 1037x589, 1037:589, IMG_20190101_154619.jpg)

January 3rd, 2019

fe12e9  No.4554409


New baker confirmed

Thank you, baker. Godspeed.

a93661  No.4554410

File: b496db7f94639c9⋯.jpeg (127.45 KB, 750x628, 375:314, E12CBB6C-A697-4584-988C-5….jpeg)

++++Q we need a drop anything will be fine+++++

2307f0  No.4554411

>>4554343 (pb)

>AC drunk NYE

10 Gracie Square. Former home to GV, Obummer (during college years) and interestingly Mme Chiang Kai Shek. Old dig

8d6d48  No.4554412

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

9409ca  No.4554413


Ummmm… only kikes filter and tell others to filter shit.

ea16c1  No.4554414



should be plenty of bakes on muh hash

b1bfe5  No.4554415


Now do one with Fauxcahontas and beer

ea16c1  No.4554416



ea2ac0  No.4554417


neck yourself immediately

22e61f  No.4554418

File: 5869b7cb7e79af4⋯.jpg (773.82 KB, 2085x2398, 2085:2398, 20190101_134530_Film2-1.jpg)

Meanwhile….Southern Indiana thanks POTUS!….amiright?

98a9d0  No.4554419


Facefuck was lifelog which is a clown run data mining operation to control the public.

33710f  No.4554420


>1 post by this ID

hes a known spambot you faggot. he fills the thread up with like 30 images within the first 10 posts all the time.

9e7a8d  No.4554421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Minibus bursts in flames killing three in Russian city where house collapsed (VIDEO)

A tragedy has struck twice the city of Magnitogorsk in the Russian Urals. A minibus turned into inferno killing three people less than two days after a house collapsed killing nine with over 30 still missing,

The video shows a column of fire engulfing the vehicle. Several loud claps that sound like an explosion are also heard.


1972fd  No.4554422

File: a25c13bc3185c1b⋯.jpeg (497.53 KB, 750x947, 750:947, 104491A7-A921-45B7-A9C0-A….jpeg)

>>4554297 (lb)

At 41 million abortion is now the leading cause of death in America.

People, even Christian women and men are fucking like rabbits and and having abortions.

Some on this board are pro- life some are not.

There are deeper issues leading to the astronomic abortion rates.

Maybe talk about some of those.

Talking about the same old stuff from a 40 year old argument is endless and unproductive.

Really what you are saying is for Americans to stop fornicating and society valuing women being a mom over careers and a cost of living conducive to having large families.

Not seeing it.

There are better avenues and places to take up this fight than qresearch.

ff1814  No.4554423


ah, no.

9409ca  No.4554424


Still over 3.00 in NY

bb8bfd  No.4554425



Ready at your Command Sir 777

6b0bae  No.4554426

File: 4153def0cfa36d2⋯.png (851.93 KB, 794x794, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I dont know how.

0a6629  No.4554427


$1.78 in Texas right now

ea16c1  No.4554428

91ca04  No.4554429

File: a0d3cd5c5d1ba0a⋯.jpg (417.74 KB, 1920x2500, 96:125, chickwithback.jpg)

thx baker.

b1bfe5  No.4554430


With all the saved gas money u can hit the bonefish right next door

d24fbe  No.4554431

File: c3d4e7cb2eca6f8⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 225x225, 1:1, concernfagging.jpg)

e943e4  No.4554432

File: 8161ca37839f28e⋯.jpg (212.88 KB, 707x509, 707:509, 9b913a57a5c9883277d25dfca0….jpg)

9409ca  No.4554433


Yes… Newfag.

2307f0  No.4554434


Wrong. Filtering saved brain drain. Enjoy wasting your time and noodle.

abfe71  No.4554435


There's an uncomfortable middle ground between evil and stupid named "bought off."

Jury is still a bit out on where zuck fits in that spectrum, but I tend to think about half way between bought off and evil.

a973b7  No.4554436


1.80 in Kentucky

5245e5  No.4554437

if an open border is a national security issue, then there is (and has been) no excuse for delaying the use of military force to obtain security

1bf320  No.4554438

File: f41db918a17d666⋯.jpeg (131.93 KB, 588x478, 294:239, Screenshot_2018-12-30-15-….jpeg)

File: 534cd2b4e17eb59⋯.jpeg (127.29 KB, 554x466, 277:233, Screenshot_2018-12-30-15-….jpeg)


I'm suspecting that signatures are decoding keys.

Watch the video how it works. Would be appreciated some help in digging this. Could be code message also in POTUS' tw. And there are Q markers that can be part of the key to decode.


NSA is also suggesting this on tw (pic related)

ea2ac0  No.4554439


dogg boy loves ass huh

loves peanut butter and daniel too huh

33710f  No.4554440


>calls other newfags

>cant recognize the regular AI spambots

98a9d0  No.4554442

Bolsonaro Vows to 'Rebuild' Brazil, Tackle Corruption, End Discrimination

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday in his inauguration speech vowed to tackle corruption and implement structural reforms in Brazil.

“We have a unique opportunity to rebuild the country. Today, we have set a difficult task for Brazil to begin a new chapter in history when the country will become strong … We will carry out structural reforms that will be important for ensuring the sustainability of public finances. We need to open our markets to international trade,” Bolsonaro said, as quoted by the lower house press service.

The Brazilian new leader also promised to eradicate discrimination in the Latin American country.

Bolsonaro, who represents the right-wing Social Liberal Party, was sworn in as Brazil’s president at a ceremony earlier on Tuesday. He has secured a four-year presidential term by winning the October election.

Bolsonaro is reportedly known for his populist rhetoric. He has spoken in favor of paying women less, loosening guns control and called US President Donald Trump his inspiration. On foreign policy, Bolsonaro has echoed the US president’s views, promising to move the embassy in Israel to disputed Jerusalem and shut the Palestinian representative office in Brazil.


ff1814  No.4554443




d7c82e  No.4554444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Wilcock Predicts 2019 The Year Of Military Tribunals Coming Up in 2019

1972fd  No.4554445

File: 66306d0a45f8b87⋯.png (36.75 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 23C12DFE-810E-457D-8B5A-90….png)

9409ca  No.4554446


Censorship is for communists and faggots. Which are you?

ae41dc  No.4554447

File: 38cad6dbe7ad7cd⋯.png (58.31 KB, 635x392, 635:392, ds.png)

Hey Q, can you tell these cock suckers about nano technology and about how Assange warned of an Intelligent Evil Dust before he was taken off comms? That'd be great, thanks.

abc889  No.4554448

File: d59facd1ea59fe1⋯.jpg (207.29 KB, 1867x633, 1867:633, CAL024 1 Jan 19 2045.jpg)

File: bcd6941a08ddf1d⋯.jpg (238.17 KB, 1025x969, 1025:969, CAL0924 Taipei Ontario CA ….jpg)

China Airlines 'military' flight headed to Ontario, CA.

62fcda  No.4554449

File: 2cd198515497b5d⋯.jpg (181.01 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, MainCopy-1200x795.jpg)

White House invites Hill leaders to briefing on border security

President Donald Trump invited congressional leaders from each chamber to a White House briefing on border security Wednesday as the partial government shutdown wore on over funding for a border wall, with Trump tweeting: “Let’s make a deal?”

The briefing would happen the day before the Democrats take control of the House, but the exact agenda wasn’t immediately clear, according to a person with knowledge of the briefing who was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The invite comes after House Democrats released their plan to re-open the government without approving money for a border wall — unveiling two bills to fund shuttered government agencies and put hundreds of thousands of federal workers back on the job. They planned to pass them as soon as the new Congress convened Thursday.

Trump spent the weekend saying that Democrats should return to Washington to negotiate, firing off Twitter taunts. He then revised his aides’ comments to state that he really still wants to build a border wall. And last week, he blamed House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi for the impasse that led to the shutdown.

On Tuesday morning, after tweeting a New Year’s message to “EVERYONE INCLUDING THE HATERS AND THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA,” Trump tweeted, “The Democrats, much as I suspected, have allocated no money for a new Wall. So imaginative! The problem is, without a Wall there can be no real Border Security.”

But he seemed to shift tactics later in the day, appealing to Pelosi, who is expected to take over as speaker when the new Congress convenes.

“Border Security and the Wall ‘thing’ and Shutdown is not where Nancy Pelosi wanted to start her tenure as Speaker! Let’s make a deal?” he tweeted.

Whether the Republican-led Senate, under Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, would consider the Democratic bills — or if Trump would sign either into law — was unclear. McConnell spokesman Donald Stewart said Senate Republicans would not take action without Trump’s backing.

“It’s simple: The Senate is not going to send something to the president that he won’t sign,” Stewart said.

Even if only symbolic, the passage of the bills in the House would put fresh pressure on the president. At the same time, administration officials said Trump was in no rush for a resolution to the impasse.

Trump believes he has public opinion on his side and, at very least, his base of supporters behind him, the officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

White House officials, including the departing chief of staff, had indicated that Trump’s signature campaign pledge to build the wall would not be fulfilled as advertised. Chief of staff John Kelly told the Los Angeles Times in an interview published Sunday that Trump abandoned the notion of “a solid concrete wall early on in the administration.”

The Democratic package to end the shutdown would include one bill to temporarily fund the Department of Homeland Security at current levels — with $1.3 billion for border security, far less than the $5 billion Trump has said he wants for the wall — through Feb. 8 as talks continued.

It would also include another measure to fund the departments of Agriculture, Interior, Housing and Urban Development and others closed by the partial shutdown. It would provide money through the remainder of the fiscal year, to Sept. 30.

Democrats under Pelosi were all but certain to swiftly approve the package in two separate votes Thursday. They would take place after the election of a new House speaker, a contest Pelosi was expected to win as leader of the new House majority.

The White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment on the House proposal. Republican senators left for the holidays refusing to vote on any bills until all sides, including Trump, were in agreement. The lawmakers were frustrated that Trump had dismissed their earlier legislation.

The president has not said he would veto the Democratic legislation, if the bills were to land on his desk. But a prolonged crisis could hobble House Democrats’ ability to proceed with their agenda, which included investigations of the president and oversight of his administration, including Russian interference in the election.


ea2ac0  No.4554450


tie him to the railroad next to the other goblins while the zombies march back to moriarty to return ginsberg to the uranium mine

15f2b0  No.4554451


Link to original post in bread and ask baker or BO to help.

98a9d0  No.4554452

File: 3fb4f32bbc0908f⋯.png (412.38 KB, 566x355, 566:355, ClipboardImage.png)

5245e5  No.4554453


>Bolsonaro Vows to 'Rebuild' Brazil, Tackle Corruption, End Discrimination

Bolsonaro should be pronounced "Balls"onaro

bc3a9a  No.4554454


Right around $2.00 in Michigan,

7099b7  No.4554455

File: 28b7634fbaff70a⋯.png (472.94 KB, 820x1063, 820:1063, c71c59c864f196797af49f218e….png)


Digits confirm DW is riding Q's coattails.

ff1814  No.4554456


granny's on a rampage

she doesn't like it when you disagree

826079  No.4554457


I love you! People LITERALLY think Brazil's national language is Spanish.

I also endorse your idea.

726df6  No.4554458

muh jew shills on duty.

Backed up by mason BO.


Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, global Freemasons newtork, other masonic orders, Killary&Hussein&Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

65f984  No.4554459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PROOF: SHILLS Harassing Anons re: Zionist Crimes ARE JEWS IN TEL AVIV!

*A few days ago, I had written a post for the JQ Thread, about how the Zionist shills harassing anons re: the JQ were not American because of Incorrect Syntax belying a foreign speaker.(I've noticed other weird word usage from the Z shills)

I had two 8chan Tabs open and posted it on the Q research bread because I thought the other bread was closed. Forgot that it was JQ bread, which is open.

So then I re-posted it in the JQ bread.

*Within Minutes a Zionist shill attacked me, claiming that I'm a bot for the posts being on 2 Threads. Gloating that it "exposed a bot", acting as if posting on both the Qresearch and the JQ boards IS A CRIME. Feeling smugly hateful, the faggot venomously wrote:

"you shills are fucked"

*What? just because I accidentally posted on 2 Threads?

*Meanwhile, these JIDF/Unit 8200 Israeli Shills copypasta the Same whiny Bullshit over and over and over and over shitting up every Bread….. so I check the JQ thread last night, and the faggotshill had posted over and over, Counting & Listing The Number of DIFFERENT Posts that I had written on there (as if writing Different posts is also A CRIME). See the JIDF/MOS Shill Post here:


1. On Top is a side-by-side Screenshots - show:

(Thu) 03:07:55 and (Thu) 03:16:27 - a 9 minute delta.

2. Lower down, a Link shows my same post, the Jewfaggot wrote this:

"a bot was exposed here:

this post:


was generated here less then a minute after it was generated on qresearch.

it was generated on this bread in qresearch:


see attached screenshots and check the timestamps."


* So I chekked the timestamps on the screenshots and the link image, and noticed that one showed a FOREIGN Time Zone.

(Wed) 20:16:27

7 HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE In The Screenshots and the Link Image

New York (me) To Tel Aviv Time Difference is Exactly 7 HOURS

These Israeli faggotshills shitting on Patriotanons ARE IN ISRAEL !!!


If you want to see the JIDF/MOSSAD shill Rage, head over to the JQ Thread.

p.s. Their hatred and vitriol has Inspired me to post everything I write on BOTH boards from now on.

Q had dropped awhile back that 5,000 new people join the Q Movement Each Day, so lots of new people find this board.

*Yesterday, since the Jewish Israeli shills are Counting that they've "seen it 3 times" as if it's A CRIME against the Jews to post any Truth about them, while they spam the same attack 6 million times here, I will post this again so that maybe new eyes will see it because not everyone reads every bread 24/7.

Also because it bothers them to be OUTED as Foreigners attacking Americans' Free Speech.

Isn't it Odd that these Israeli shills never kvetch about how many times the same bewbs and anal sex porn is posted here?

Time Zone Sauce: http://www.timebie.com/timezone/telavivnewyork.php

5fe0b8  No.4554460

Did anyone else notice that Chrissy Tiegen started talking about the steaming at 13:45? Thought that was interesting. 13 and 9 are black arts numbers. 4 plus five equals nine.

a93661  No.4554461

++++nicest thing anyone has ever said to me +++++

c416bf  No.4554462

Ringing in the New yEAR

abc889  No.4554463


Next week children, David will prove that water is wet, show us hot to nail Jello to the ceiling and tell us how bears go to the toilet in wooded areas.

5b6173  No.4554464

File: 907cd372a6d13f1⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Refuses to resign.jpg)

26821e  No.4554465

File: 5e2a7cdba82adc7⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, why.jpg)

2018 no arrest?

2019 no help/pro t


I will forgot them all and Q?


91ca04  No.4554466


hopi elder said this may be fun.

ea2ac0  No.4554467

82e1e5  No.4554468

File: abca772e7292791⋯.png (326.43 KB, 1125x1480, 225:296, hny2.png)

File: 49a449948a5803a⋯.png (156.66 KB, 1082x720, 541:360, hny1.PNG)


re: spoopy chinese milflights

POTUS today tweeted simply "Happy New Year" so i went looking up HNY

turns out it's two airports used by chinese mil..one has been used..one is the new one..seemingly..

i just saw at the end of last bread planefag reporting spoopy chinese flights…soooo

yeah..you got it..

4ac5cf  No.4554469

>>4553512 (PB)

Life begins at conception. Prevent conception and you've made your point. But once conception occurs, the life has crossed the line between "potential" and "actual". The essence of Satan is the selfish, the egotistical. You are of Satan. Know this: God wins.

>>4553518 (PB)

You mistake discipline for abuse. There is a difference. I raised two sons on a total of three swats, delivered to their fully clothed bottoms and followed by a compassionate explanation of how what they had done had hurt me (drilling a hole in the sidewall of my tire which kept me from getting a much-needed day of work) and them. I pointed out all the things I let them do and that anything that was forbidden was forbidden for a reason and, if they asked, I would explain the reason. But that whether something was forbidden or not was done for the love or our family and whether they agreed or not, it was not negotiable.

>>4552953 (PB)

You look at that picture and that's all you see? Geez … this is going to be a LOOONG war.

>>4552828 (PB)

He has been deeper in debt than you will ever be and is deeply hated by a never ending throng of loonies … many of whom sit in positions of prestige, power and money. NEVER count the money in another man's pocket. Count your own and deal with that reality as you see fit. Turn to those you love and build those relationships … what he has built he has built and they belong to him. If you have no family, make one.

>>4553372 (PB)

Is CNN outsourcing their writing to Pakistan?

>>4553341 (PB)

You missed the Chinese military coming into the west coast.

>>4553334 (PB)

NOT an AUTOMATIC pistol. SEMI-AUTOMATIC. That shit won't make the flowers grow, so don't spread it around, eh?

2bc3df  No.4554470

start off 2019 fresh and dont forget to steam your pussies anons

a973b7  No.4554471

The Most District: Which district has the most U.S.-born residents? Kentucky's 5th


46a428  No.4554472

File: 73960a7fc1ee5da⋯.jpeg (61.21 KB, 425x221, 25:13, 5156D0BD-61DD-4E53-B8D0-9….jpeg)

5b6173  No.4554473

File: 2c7b5438a29661c⋯.jpg (160 KB, 1000x531, 1000:531, Try harder michael.jpg)

93c815  No.4554474

File: a9f521fe01688e3⋯.png (45.92 KB, 915x229, 915:229, ClipboardImage.png)

0a6629  No.4554475


Well last bread granny actually thought I was Q and told me I'm going to jail. So…..consider the source. Granny ain't right in her lil' silver noggin

9409ca  No.4554476


No… You kikes never filter me. JIDF is paying you to shill against me. So, you can't filter me, can you, faggot?

Kek… This is worse than being a telemarketer for you.

6b0bae  No.4554477



Baker / BO

Can you please help?

9c906a  No.4554478

File: 09c91153ea1a9cb⋯.png (680.51 KB, 823x803, 823:803, Mansion Spacey is at.png)

File: ed6b05d6e833caf⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 8022326-6545041-image-a-12….jpg)

File: f0e3c5fa61cfd05⋯.jpg (99.07 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 8022384-6545041-image-a-13….jpg)

REVEALED: The $6MILLION Baltimore mansion where Kevin Spacey and his manager are hiding out ahead of the actor's sexual assault trial

Kevin Spacey is hiding out in a waterfront mansion in Baltimore that is owned by his manager and constant companion Evan Lowenstein

Tax records show that the home was purchased by Clear Toaster LLC for $5.65 million after being listed at $6.25 million

DailyMail.com photographed Spacey outside the residence over the weekend after spotting him watching himself on television

The pier home is over 9,000 square-feet and offers five levels, six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, and three half-baths

The residence also features an elevator, sauna, home theater, multiple verandas, rooftop terrace overlooking the Inner Harbor and four-car garage

This is the $6 million Baltimore mansion where Kevin Spacey has been hiding out as he awaits his arraignment on sexual assault charges next week in Nantucket.

It was purchased by his manager and constant companion Evan Lowenstein in 2017, when Spacey was still set to appear on the sixth season of House of Cards.

Tax records show that the home was purchased by Clear Toaster LLC for $5.65 million after being listed at $6.25 million.

The home boosts a number of luxuries and offers a secluded hideaway for Spacey, with few neighbors as the prices in the area have tumbled to record lows in recent months.

DailyMail.com photographed Spacey outside the residence over the weekend, one were after the actor recorded a bizarre video about his comeback in the kitchen.


33710f  No.4554479


>1 post by this ID

>standard JIDF pasta

>"muh jew"

>"Dont look at israel"

>"Dont listen to those who tell you its the jews"

Can you kikes be any more obvious

d24fbe  No.4554480

Gas in SO cal

Between $3.03 and upwards of $4.79 at the beach if you are dumb and want to pay that

e104b0  No.4554481

File: 941f472876760a7⋯.png (766.18 KB, 720x456, 30:19, theEUisDead.png)

ea2ac0  No.4554482


omg tranny drama

d8af0a  No.4554483

File: 1855756139b629e⋯.jpg (10.88 KB, 255x234, 85:78, peoplepower.jpg)

Thinking about the conditions required for military tribunals…

first is a bit thin… Namely Antifa and domestic disturbances. A few fucktards wearing masks is annoying, but not really enough.

Therefore it almost certainly has to be the second reason, namely working for a foreign government.

And through the Steele dossier we basically know that is the UK. Which as a UK subject I find shameful…

So what else might point towards this other than Steele's woefully inadequate dossier? Well I can more than make a case for it… Misuse of fvey would likely result in having aspects of intel sharing removed.. And Treason May's government acts like they are deaf, blind and dumb.

The civil service itself is staffed almost exclusively by cucks, and MI6 is merely a part of the civil service. Meet a few of them and you're left more with an impression of a cuckly Johnny English than James Bond. Also the foreign Office decided to expand it's embassies in the EU… Which is a strange thing to do when we are leaving and you'd expect them to be opening up and expanding in the rest of ther world. Embassies allow humint spoying though… Hence might be necessary if other sources had been cut off.

Last but not least it would have been Boris Johnson in charge of MI6, as he was foreign secretary. Hence Trump's strange interview with the Sun newspaper when he visited the UK, where he said BJ would make an excellent PM, sounds increasingly like a pisstake. May of course is an arch feminist hence would have been predisposed to getting her sister elected across the pond. Basically he was merely smacking May across the chops with his cock the day before he was going to meet her… force her to eat crow and bend the knee sort of thing.

Hence I suspect there is a lot more to come out about very senior politicians in the UK meddling in the election.. Think the number of resignations from the Cabinet is up to about 30 under May with many being… odd. May trying to turn leaving the EU into further entabgling us in their half baked military structures and plans looks like panic. But if relations with the US are weak then it would make some sort of sense…

100ad1  No.4554484

File: 0b1d9129a8f8895⋯.png (114.07 KB, 902x425, 902:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e3e1428f5ab59e⋯.png (58.78 KB, 311x914, 311:914, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4554224 (lb)

Zuck/FB neuro implants and Building 8

27e35f  No.4554485


Sorting individuals into groups is what assholes do. We know what you are.

7fddf8  No.4554486



Was that the

>blue team

that checked in here earlier this morning?

ff1814  No.4554487


>You mistake discipline for abuse.

No, I don't.

Your excuses are asinine and telling.

215abf  No.4554488

File: f4b9edd124e1b84⋯.png (202.14 KB, 551x483, 551:483, ClipboardImage.png)



0d6dfb  No.4554489

File: 1cbf91c5a7832b3⋯.gif (906.08 KB, 372x391, 372:391, 6d4ee39b01ec73a71a381bafc3….gif)

6b0bae  No.4554490


The rest think they speak "Brazilian" in Brazil.

abc889  No.4554491


Is Captain Obvious Jewish? Hmm….

e943e4  No.4554492


Muh Protection

6a9865  No.4554493

I get it anons. I've researched it and found the answer.

We hate THEM because they're not US and we KILL Them until they agree with us.

That's the whole game. The more religions with a knife, the faster you should run. There is ONE TRUTH hidden in the universe.

People will kill, for the truth, they will lie for it, they will steel it


726df6  No.4554494


Trump waited in WH for the damn Dems.

Whily Chuck and Nancy did some nice holiday…

9409ca  No.4554495


How many times do you get called "kike" and/or "faggot" in one hour? See if your supervisor will keep track. For shits and giggles.

1bf320  No.4554496


Made some confusion, this post was meant as an answer on this:


60410a  No.4554497

You thought there would be arrests in 2017

You thought there would be arrests in 2018

You thought there would be arrests in 2019

See you guys in 2020.

0b7ef7  No.4554498

File: 77a3690fd0c5b4a⋯.jpg (130.3 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, marc-lamont-hill-sigil-sat….jpg)

Pic included to support mems. The black guy is Marc Lamont Hill.

>>4552833 (pb)

>>4553546 (pb) This was the sigil that black guy had a tattoo on his forearm of…well a modified version made into a heart. He was a fired reporter, I think.

Hmmm…Satanist who worked for CNN. Coincidence?

9e7a8d  No.4554499

File: 72091e1edc93865⋯.jpg (80.52 KB, 667x538, 667:538, Screenshot 2019-01-01_15-5….jpg)

According to Znak, traces of hexogen were found at the blast site. The alleged terrorists were killed in the van explosion Tuesday night


d24fbe  No.4554500


The alfalfa fields of Pomona

Send planes!

0c985e  No.4554501


Could you fly out on 9/11? How will you leave when they close the border? Do yo have a passport yet, you cant even go to Canada or Mexico without one now…that means over 90% of Americans already can not leave the country legally.

ea2ac0  No.4554502


the western ass is too big

and dogg boy got molested by it's aunt for soros

daniel too

b751d4  No.4554503

File: 38bd602476dd8c2⋯.png (457.83 KB, 1024x491, 1024:491, reptilian overlords.png)


fuck off cabal-only/ruling families/freemasons/etc shill, if you don't take down the reptilians you solve nothing

15f2b0  No.4554504


An interesting video during summer olympics showed some criminals in the slums who don't want to be involved in criminal lifestyle but have no jobs available to support their families. Ending corruption could help turn around such poor communities.

2bc3df  No.4554505

File: 8d2e44a35bf70f8⋯.png (525.4 KB, 803x768, 803:768, 8d2e44a35bf70f85da58ea3133….png)

>> 4554458

Typical low iq israeli shill

Like a turtle with head buried in sand. Dumbass thing thinks we cant see his big green ass.

c8678e  No.4554506

>>4553956 (pb)

need to humiliate Pelosi and Schumer with facts.. decimate any perception of them being "for the people"

0d6dfb  No.4554507

File: 47005d0c7cd5f09⋯.jpg (232.22 KB, 619x425, 619:425, filter2.JPG)

8d6d48  No.4554508

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

6a9865  No.4554509

Because of this, I have weeks to live.

4ac5cf  No.4554510

File: 4ddb0a9ce9656db⋯.png (377.27 KB, 1374x749, 1374:749, Screenshot from 2019-01-01….png)

File: 11f04794b9ba77f⋯.png (366.76 KB, 1378x752, 689:376, Screenshot from 2019-01-01….png)

China preparing to land in San Diego?

826079  No.4554511

File: ee155145ec2a3e9⋯.png (105.39 KB, 500x498, 250:249, c3.png)

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1503396029227.jpg)


I'm sure this dude knows all about!

5f7b27  No.4554512


he is too angry for Hopi I am leaning towards Apache for his profile

8d6d48  No.4554513

9409ca  No.4554514


>Sorting individuals into groups is what assholes do. We know what you are.

An asshole??? Kek…

Awwww, you're so cute. All anti-meanie and stuff. Fucking adorable.

abc889  No.4554515

File: 56f95a450537ba5⋯.png (545.09 KB, 720x456, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

826079  No.4554516

cdef83  No.4554517


they don't take kindly to furriners there…darkies, either…

1a3d82  No.4554518

File: 85d82a4ffdebc8f⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 577x517, 577:517, iu (3).jpg)

ea16c1  No.4554519


i know right

i was the anon who did FOBON a couple breads ago

f6b546  No.4554520

File: e6899f0a3551719⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 255x249, 85:83, d5fa918a438fe0970c13d0f3f5….jpg)

6a9865  No.4554521


we're going to find your synogoge.

98a9d0  No.4554522


As long as globalist companies are stealing all the wealth and natural resources nothing will change.

0bd0c7  No.4554523


Doesn't sound like a rampage to me. Get your dictionary out and look it up

ff1814  No.4554524

File: 2a77ddc3ccf3721⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 475x725, 19:29, 1543993561.jpg)


another one

thanks for outing yourself faggot

215abf  No.4554525

File: 120c76f9e4b6331⋯.png (374.89 KB, 610x470, 61:47, ClipboardImage.png)

abc889  No.4554526


Landing at Ontario International, CA.

c246f5  No.4554527

File: 26202c6d2f964db⋯.jpg (134.78 KB, 810x960, 27:32, ben-affleck-tattoo-main-81….jpg)

Keep an eye on Ben Affleck

Might just be some sperg dream I had, or could be my subconscious doing some autism.

Dreamt about Affleck's tattoo, how the fakenews media was highlighting it in their NYE special, and flashes of the the C_A's Phoenix Program with an activation against POTUS.


3e86ea  No.4554528


Registration is Taiwan, not PRC.

726df6  No.4554529


Newshill, at the beginning of the bread, the post numbers are obviously low…topkek

Since the midterms muh jew shills work in overtime and attack nearly every bread.

Some obvious, many blended in ones.

For reference, look up older breads, where the word jew shows maybe 5 times, not 150 times….like now…

There is no 'the jews'.

There are only single persons.

8 million jews live in israel.

You can't possibly think all are cabal members.

I am sure that many many of the upper part of society are cabal. (Like worldwide!)

And I am aware that many cabal members are jews.

However, there are also many non jewish bad actors. Many, worldwide.

Simplified 'oh fuck, its all the jews' is just not based on any facts and just not true.

It does two things:

1 - it hides the non jewish cabal members (folks from thinktanks, politicians, actors, MSM folks worldwide, …)

2 - it gives the Q movement and especially this board the look of a bunch of non-autists that are not digging for facts, but pushing their simple and obviously wrong opinions.

You must have realized that one of the MSM weapons is to blame POTUS and all his followers as nazis.

Imo the ones pushing non fact based info, by copy pasta in every bread, are 95% shills.

Anons are not that stupid and not that blind for facts.

Only shills have an interest to hide some actors and blame innocent ones.

Is hussein a bad guy? Is he moslem, from kenya?

Is jared kushner a good guy? Is he a jew and right now destroying cabal?

It is not as simple as shills would like it to be.

Think for yourself.

4c7be9  No.4554530

File: 50f4e12481890df⋯.png (120.08 KB, 235x335, 47:67, ClipboardImage.png)

On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, the White House holds State of the Union address.


e104b0  No.4554531

62fcda  No.4554532

File: 16d68c9e32b4fe5⋯.png (255.4 KB, 630x758, 315:379, ccf.png)

33710f  No.4554533



JIDF shills will tell you not to think for yourselves. They will tell you to not listen to anyone who says anything negative about Jews. They will tell you to avoid looking in Israel's direction.

They will never ever counter any argument against the Jews. They will simply pretend that these arguments don't exist and call you a "muh jew" shill.



fe12e9  No.4554534


I can help you anon.

Let me know the title and the description you want for your bread, and post an image you'd like for the thread pic. I'll make it for you.

ea2ac0  No.4554535


that's a dude

8e1b6f  No.4554536

File: 192bc607eda03bf⋯.png (3.58 MB, 1440x1781, 1440:1781, 2018-08-20_01-41-40 copy.png)

Thank You Baker

d7e4a1  No.4554537

File: 90dde864bc42c5a⋯.jpeg (56.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 75C95686-F10C-4A83-8ECA-1….jpeg)

b1bfe5  No.4554538


Save the suspense and end it now

5245e5  No.4554539


>On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, the White House holds State of the Union address.

Tip top.

15b169  No.4554540

File: f58d95d43567fb3⋯.png (549.87 KB, 595x358, 595:358, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons ready?

ea16c1  No.4554542


baker here

how many anons wanna go Portugese and represent Q brasil in a thread


826079  No.4554543

File: 0ba95a792df4454⋯.png (16.54 KB, 394x422, 197:211, Q post 1781.png)

File: e0c8811683aa130⋯.png (141.42 KB, 498x634, 249:317, 916.png)


Explain this!

ed9ac4  No.4554544

File: 592a1501ae14de9⋯.jpg (413.63 KB, 1202x1231, 1202:1231, Zukerberg.jpg)

File: 1a40ebdbace1e9a⋯.jpg (119.11 KB, 689x601, 689:601, Narrative.jpg)

File: 73c0a0168e1bfa8⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1612x822, 806:411, FB-Lifelog.png)

51666d  No.4554545

File: ad80a4077bc0466⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1541x2270, 1541:2270, SwampFailiingOldGuardMuel….jpeg)

15f2b0  No.4554546


they are stealing POTUS campaign promises/talking points – "working #for the people"

the only people they work for is themselves

76e385  No.4554547

File: 8c5ada06e6cd135⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 588x607, 588:607, IMG_20181123_213522_516.JPG)

9f60a4  No.4554548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Big Tech is at it again trying to kill free speech and free thought by forcing users to link their in game accounts to Twitch to combat "vitriol…hate speech and banned emotes (pepe has been banned from Blizzard Twitch chats since Hillary complained it was a white supremacist meme)"

As obvious as the midday sun, this is a ploy to coerce people to only say what is "PC" and "SJW friendly" or have their accounts banned.

5b6173  No.4554549

File: 0e4d7248598d3f1⋯.jpg (200.24 KB, 788x556, 197:139, Trump arrests traffickers.jpg)

No arrests?

b751d4  No.4554550

File: 45cec5a9b0772aa⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 475x725, 19:29, laura bush reptilian.jpg)


found the original

e943e4  No.4554551




ea2ac0  No.4554552


designer insults and trannys

and talmud feltchers of drumpf

dcbb3b  No.4554553

What are we "missing". The shutdown feels like a distraction. POTUS can end it all with DECLAS, but what hasn't he?

b7f222  No.4554554


No… Wait another year.

0b7ef7  No.4554555

Hillary to Graduate MI.T.

Who else is on the list to be graduated?

d29d2a  No.4554556

trip dubs! dayum!



15f2b0  No.4554557


another ugly wannabe

93c815  No.4554558


who the fuck cleans that monstrosity?

a973b7  No.4554559

File: c9de83a3f0581a0⋯.jpg (31.12 KB, 700x420, 5:3, trump.jpg)

Trump Proclaims Jan 2019 as Month Committed to Abolish Human Trafficking

In one of President Donald Trump’s final actions of 2018, he proclaimed January as “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.”

In a lengthy proclamation issued on Dec. 31, Trump said that it’s not enough to merely denounce such horrific assaults, instead, we must “actively work to prevent and end this barbaric exploitation of innocent victims.”

“Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery,” the proclamation stated. “We are morally obligated to confront and defeat the abhorrent practice of human trafficking, and I am keeping my pledge to take aggressive action.”

Such crimes are often described as an everyday problem hidden in plain sight. Data from a landmark Global Slavery Index report in July last year found that 1 in 800 people in the United States lives in modern slavery. The phrase is a broad term used to describe victims of forced labor, sexual exploitation or servitude, and forced marriages, among other abuses.

Trump has made combating human trafficking a focal point of his administration over the past two years. In February 2018, he signed an executive order to dismantle transnational criminal organizations that traffic and exploit people. In January 2018, Trump signed a similar declaration for the month.

In the Dec. 31 proclamation, he linked stopping human trafficking to building a border wall: “I have made it a top priority to fully secure our Nation’s Southwest border, including through the continued construction of a physical wall, so that we can stop human trafficking and stem the flow of deadly drugs and criminals into our country.”

In April 2018 Trump signed into law a bill dubbed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017.” The act makes it easier to take legal action against individuals who use websites to facilitate sex trafficking, while also aiding victims to fight back against websites that profit from their exploitation.


b1bfe5  No.4554560


It can’t, it’s a kike

9f3060  No.4554561

>>4554292 (lb)

>doesn't contradict the fact that this is a psyop

Q Methodology

for the Scientific Study of Human Subjectivity


ff1814  No.4554562


fucking deja vu anon

ab8295  No.4554563

File: 292eeb4a9f0f610⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 864x884, 216:221, _20181206_212552.JPG)

e381a1  No.4554564


should be sauteed and served over rice.

4ff2cb  No.4554565


It's not anywhere close to being the new year anon, don't let the catholic pagan church and their centuries of indoctrination fool you. New Year's and Christmas are pagan holidays. I know the truth hurts, but we are still being programmed.

70acb4  No.4554566

File: 5cc3704d2ab8ece⋯.png (669.59 KB, 794x794, 1:1, brasil.png)





can edit description if necessary

ea16c1  No.4554567


if you would be interested in duplicating your posts to current events i would promote the bundle in notables

similar how that one clockfag gets his clocfag re-read crumbs up and running and is now in all notables, up to you

the idea is we want anons to go to these sites and not sit on our page, our page is so good theyll stay here for the humor knowing you will dig the posts for them, might as well make the current events thread your sauce

my $0.02

82c0b8  No.4554568

New shill strategy

Spam David Wilcock with attempt discredit ET involvement and push conspiracy spell.

We are actually fighting for disclosure.

They have thrived on secrecy, keeping us dumb, and ignorant

With secrecy they have power. Conspiracy label created to prevent us from questioning [above 40k]

916c18  No.4554569

File: 8871a407a9d8ccb⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 320x240, 4:3, surrounded.jpg)

726df6  No.4554570


Oldpic, fake.

But not gay.

8e1b6f  No.4554571

File: 59f2aa7b3943c8b⋯.png (519.38 KB, 363x549, 121:183, 2019-01-01_16-00-25.png)



33710f  No.4554572


>You can't possibly think all are cabal members.


Israel is fucked and Bibi is gonna hang from guantanamo bay

80842d  No.4554573

File: ee66d3059d084a0⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ee66d3059d084a0eff32b701b1….jpg)

The Civil war is coming and social media will be the catalyst

bc3a9a  No.4554574


I agree, what are we missing?

766425  No.4554575


They're in the business of feeding data to the Clowns, not the business of making money.

It's a SPYOP!

ae41dc  No.4554576

File: f2ca2feef7644cc⋯.jpeg (539.73 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B52PrecisionBombs.jpeg)


and yet if you think it's all bullshit, here you are.

you're a fan, bitch.

ea16c1  No.4554577


will add to notables

e30d27  No.4554578

File: 469abf69bd34671⋯.jpeg (18.97 KB, 255x122, 255:122, D8D672F2-3A49-4CDF-A366-8….jpeg)


Something Positive!

Armor Up anons for 2019 has just begun.

826079  No.4554579

File: 9b1cf3317c238da⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 750x740, 75:74, CrJ5SlyXYAA4MHW.jpg)

File: 2c6cc194038566f⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 400x322, 200:161, ISIS = JEWS.jpg)

0d6dfb  No.4554580

File: 5e3dad74a39fcd6⋯.jpg (138.78 KB, 1081x720, 1081:720, market down.jpg)

4d731b  No.4554581


around 2.30-2.50 in Eastern PA.

3aa4c6  No.4554582

a0bce1  No.4554583

File: a6a5aef34ff273f⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 557x585, 557:585, NINTCHDBPICT000459078377.jpg)

File: a4114c25ab6f7c9⋯.jpg (19.45 KB, 276x257, 276:257, tpizza.JPG)



15f2b0  No.4554585


If it wasn't for the Catholic Church you would be a pagan slave.

726df6  No.4554586


MOS/C_A is run by global elites, worldwide masonic luciferian cabal.

Not every jew in israel is involved, obviously.

Why else wpuld they protest in yellow vests too.

ff1814  No.4554587


I can't say no

4c7be9  No.4554588

because, you never show your hand until you win

almost there


b65fe8  No.4554589

File: 6b271b380e5dd9b⋯.png (49.67 KB, 1441x397, 1441:397, 1 Peter 5-5.PNG)

5:5 I know means something else however it is striking how it CAN apply to here:

215abf  No.4554590

File: a33de56fec94bcd⋯.png (469.32 KB, 478x616, 239:308, ClipboardImage.png)



bc3a9a  No.4554591


Oh I know they slam DW all the time, I know better though. The hgarder they slam something the more I know the target is being honest.

4ff2cb  No.4554593


If it wasn't for the Catholic church, people would be closer to God, the Catholic Church was founded by pagans.

99cb69  No.4554594


know all this, and the lifelog spook thing.

thinking of the mindset that these people have.

it just seems utterly foreign/alien.

ed9ac4  No.4554595


You would need a baker who speaks Brazilian and Portuguese. As well as the baker being politically aware enough to know all the players in the country.

It's a nice idea, but will die a death.

How long did the french research board keep going?

f8a63f  No.4554596


TWIT/MEME GWAR!!!! flood TWAT with links to the new board. Get them in the light. Want my seat at Carnival saved!!!!

93c815  No.4554597


I think we are "missing" the new Congress that begins in 2 days…. Let's see if they all show up….

d82c24  No.4554598

File: 2751fe74ba1e5e8⋯.png (448.31 KB, 484x388, 121:97, NICE.png)


Reports have to be objective bro

b1bfe5  No.4554599


Can confirm

abc889  No.4554600

File: 5008a70238c337d⋯.png (93.71 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 201d7b1c5bb3d3c⋯.png (402.41 KB, 500x369, 500:369, ClipboardImage.png)

0d6dfb  No.4554601


Time is a human construct. There are no days, months, years. It's all complete bullshit.

ea16c1  No.4554603


>>4554449 POTUS invites congressional leaders from each chamber to WH on Wed

>>4554566 Q Research Brasil just popped up on the threads

>>4554559 National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (also on DHS.org)

a0bce1  No.4554604

File: 8082a5609c765ab⋯.jpg (33.57 KB, 1050x207, 350:69, look.JPG)



98a9d0  No.4554605


Fuck current events. STOP trying to divide the movement!

NEWS and DIGS is what bakers supposed to collect.


We are building the narrative. Notables are supposed to be a quick way to catch up on digs and wtf is going on WW.

Been here 14 months and now all of a sudden some BV and bakers want to divide the movement.



4ac5cf  No.4554606


My kind of pin-up girl. Are those Timberland boots she's wearing? ;-))

15f2b0  No.4554607


It was founded by Jesus himself.

b7f222  No.4554608



Better being a catholic slave?

6b0bae  No.4554609



Thanks so much anon, this is awesome.

Here is the description in Portuguese:

Bem vindo a Q Research em Português

Consideramos estas verdades como evidentes: que todos os homens são criados iguais; que eles são dotados pelo Criador com certos direitos inalienáveis; que entre estes estão a vida, a liberdade e a busca da felicidade.

Somos pesquisadores que lidam com informações de código aberto, argumentos fundamentados e memes fracos. Nós batalhamos apenas na esfera das idéias e idéias. Nós não precisamos nem toleramos o uso da força em nosso trabalho aqui.

99cb69  No.4554610


but thanks for the info

416786  No.4554611


Retarded anon is retarded.

c40d2a  No.4554612

File: 367270a34910367⋯.gif (145.68 KB, 400x290, 40:29, fags.gif)

Be sure to catch next breads episode. Same shit posts, same shit time.

f8a63f  No.4554613


dont look like TayTay's face?!?!

ea2ac0  No.4554614

>>4554488 post op

>>4554511 tranny

>>4554518 cross dresser

>>4554525 tranny

>>4554530 faggot

>>4554547 tranny

>>4554559 faggot bullshit from loser bot

>>4554566 muhsatan egregore of brazil

>>4554571 pedovore pornography

>>4554572 panic fagging

>>4554580 murderer preterm

>>4554583 succubus

>>4554590 tranny

766425  No.4554615


I've always felt the Birth Control pill led to the complete disintegration of civilized society. This solidifies my belief.

0d6dfb  No.4554616


Joke's on you. None of it is real!

4c7be9  No.4554617

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.



a0bce1  No.4554618

File: 9f06f75670deb8b⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 255x170, 3:2, watch.jpg)

9c906a  No.4554619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

idiots like this, should be charged with child endangerment, kek

Making their young children play bird box,

which is basically dumbasses running around with blindfolds on.

7099b7  No.4554620

File: 3feced9959b6260⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 345x336, 115:112, 559f3b13ed5c7caede55cc68c4….jpg)

416786  No.4554621

File: 07d7f2bff6044d6⋯.png (80.84 KB, 665x499, 665:499, letthatsinkin.png)


So is money.

826079  No.4554622


14 months?


b751d4  No.4554623

File: 8c533b65307a398⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1546029095914.gif)

d354d3  No.4554624

File: 5b8366d4ae94409⋯.pdf (203.9 KB, HOLOHOAX THIEFS WON'T STOP.pdf)

YIDDs Stealing thru Fiction

abc889  No.4554625

File: ba1a28f5516fac0⋯.jpg (596.72 KB, 1911x927, 637:309, CAL024 Ontario CA 1 Jan 19….jpg)

CAL 024 landed at Ontario, CA.

bc3a9a  No.4554626


That is probably it. See who shows up especially on the Senate side, if they arrest 12 bad actors, then they can "Push" the funding through with 53 votes.

dcbb3b  No.4554627


There still must be evidence somewhere of what's really happening.

15b169  No.4554628

File: a9821224f304adf⋯.png (462.97 KB, 656x393, 656:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 499fc5347397714⋯.png (201.15 KB, 297x272, 297:272, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons still ready?

7aaea5  No.4554629


S instead we're Catholic debt and guilt slaves drowning in hypocrisy and debt.

dd3a6f  No.4554630

File: f01a1042f80f146⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1930x2776, 965:1388, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck off

He is an actor

Fake and Gay AF

215abf  No.4554631

File: 4a17076fec9560f⋯.png (337.13 KB, 478x614, 239:307, ClipboardImage.png)

6b0bae  No.4554632


French board is still chugging along.

ea16c1  No.4554633



it takes side threads weeks/months to need a 2nd bread

ed9ac4  No.4554634


That's a stretch.

Unlike her cunt.

6a9865  No.4554635

Ok, so far no JEW has explained why they HATE non-Jews.

Now let is learn why we hat the JEWS

(only intelligent arguments accepted)


9c906a  No.4554636



0bd0c7  No.4554637



Religion is a human construct.

No one is better than any other because it is based on the ideas of man, not God.

b1bfe5  No.4554638

File: e1052e961105d25⋯.png (622.72 KB, 800x597, 800:597, C7AE956B-FA94-4EAB-B6FC-1A….png)

100ad1  No.4554639

File: b2792f93d51586b⋯.png (305.47 KB, 1213x715, 1213:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83f0f2023c6a06⋯.png (665.93 KB, 773x810, 773:810, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6468de4cbfdf601⋯.png (71.31 KB, 758x560, 379:280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ace948bc1ecdce5⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1400x1050, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese American Heritage Foundation Float Disabled by Small Fire, Disrupting Rose Parade Route



15f2b0  No.4554640


Yes, the writings of Catholic theologians are the basis for the US Constitution. St. Thomas Aquinas and Robert Bellarmine. Jefferson used the writings of Bellarmine (who based his writings on Aquinas) to draft the Declaration of Independence.

5b6173  No.4554641

File: ea06d269117e8cc⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 863x397, 863:397, will get tougher.jpg)

7aaea5  No.4554642


Born Ready and Woke.

abc889  No.4554643

File: 94efdf19fcb8eac⋯.png (145.83 KB, 259x310, 259:310, ClipboardImage.png)

b751d4  No.4554644

File: ca7db45e9eb78d4⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 500x300, 5:3, commando gear up.gif)

e943e4  No.4554645


nah, i'm gonna take a nap.

d24fbe  No.4554646


It is a scheduled flight and registered as arrival at Ont.

Had and in/out about a week ago. The military call is not normal. Ont airport is a glorified regional arrival.

Its no such but functions mainly as CONUS

0d6dfb  No.4554647


The shit I took 20 minutes was definitely real. Until you consider we exist only in a world of vibrations and that it probably wasnt really "real". Sure stunk tho.

98a9d0  No.4554648

File: 732bce982bd03f2⋯.png (51.08 KB, 844x506, 422:253, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm the shill?

Show me your (you) bitch!

3aa4c6  No.4554649


Christ was NOT a Christian.

70acb4  No.4554650


Perfect anon, will edit description for you.

here's your dough: https://pastebin.com/imc3W2wV

dd3a90  No.4554651


The Roman Catholic Church is the control structure put in place to succeed the Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire killed pagans.

766425  No.4554652


My dream includes them walking into the room, POTUS hands out folders. Each looks inside to find all their crimes on a list, complete with photos.

POTUS would then say, "Happy Fucking New Year's bitches. It's Declas time."

One can dream…

eeb304  No.4554653


It will look as the same as Hitler. Hitler destroyed the Media as well as all those who opposed him. The Left will push the Narrative as such.

abc889  No.4554654


This is the same plane that went to Gatwick over Christmas. 'Military' is not normal.

6a9865  No.4554655


(Will only respond to reason)


b751d4  No.4554656

File: 177b87840a0d957⋯.jpg (1015.17 KB, 991x1419, 991:1419, you had me at braaaap.jpg)

8e6274  No.4554657

GUYS/GALS… Do not forget the green socks at the grammies this month

26821e  No.4554658


270ad7  No.4554659


Remember the shills will only attack what is dangerous to them. When you see relentless attack on a subject. That is usually a good sign that the Jew is freaked out about it.

93c815  No.4554660



POTUS is in no hurry… he is following a plan… I have no doubts that everything is right on schedule… to bad the shills on this board make it seem like anons don't know this

0d6dfb  No.4554661

File: 3f9132f23c4f8a9⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 760x506, 380:253, termite.jpg)

4d8816  No.4554662


I guess the priests took the "Let the children come to me" part way too far

59a2f0  No.4554663

File: 0ad469b4cea0f47⋯.jpg (50.97 KB, 600x431, 600:431, movie.jpg)

File: d54a94de22fe48d⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 5220x2910, 174:97, moviereels.jpg)

>>4553732 LAST BREAD


Now we know why Trump was asked 17 years ago to run… it took them that long to work out all the possible combinations of what each and every number/letter/combinations/timestamps/military tweets/trump tweets/Qposts/gematria/anagram/abbreviations/etc could all stand for.

I sure hope someone is documenting all this for a future movie. Cuz it will be a BLOCKBUSTER!

766425  No.4554664


Moar like "Muh Mossad".

826079  No.4554665


6 million in 6 years?

1 million a year?

2700 a day?

Fighting against Russia?

Isn't there laws in parts of Europe denying the holocaust is illegal?

e30d27  No.4554666


The Talmud for Jews

Koran for Islam

Same book same Hate

That’s your answer now go away

99cb69  No.4554667


reminds me - how much are they subsidized?

I know google was/is.

iirc there are things they're not allowed to do (the platform vs media comp thing) like edit content or the funding gets cut - though no one in congress can be bothered to take any action, probably due to being straight up owned by them.

726df6  No.4554668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9409ca  No.4554669


Wait… So… You have dreams about Ben Afflecks tattoos?

That's the gayest-shit I've ever heard, dawg.

ea2ac0  No.4554670


bunch of faggots that are ignorant of their pasts

15f2b0  No.4554671


not so, God has revealed Himself to us by becoming man

man without God is a beast lost in hedonism and death culture – post Christian Europe and soon to be post Christian USA is clear evidence

b751d4  No.4554672


do i gotta get off the couch?

5fe0b8  No.4554673


[1] The words of Jeremias the son of Helcias, of the priests that were in Anathoth, in the land of Benjamin. [2] The word of the Lord which came to him in the days of Josias the son of Amon king of Juda, in the thirteenth year of his reign. [3] And which came to him in the days of Joakim the son of Josias king of Juda, unto the end of the eleventh year of Sedecias the son of Josias king of Juda, even unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive, in the fifth month. [4] And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: [5] Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations.

ff1814  No.4554674


now that's just fucking cringe worthy

9409ca  No.4554676


Crucify yourself, you fucking kike.

ea2ac0  No.4554677


kill trump

bc3a9a  No.4554678


Kek the Shills are my entertainment.

097354  No.4554680

File: 1c6e1d11e1b53d2⋯.png (1.23 MB, 750x932, 375:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2de1ef658a826bf⋯.png (222.34 KB, 1200x603, 400:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c51d157c4fce34⋯.png (420.51 KB, 770x433, 770:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Did Trudeau assist in the attempt to assassinate Trump?



0d6dfb  No.4554681

File: 78e8667446c6190⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1508457348_sal.jpg)

215abf  No.4554682

File: cad8d98818cd3ed⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 474x333, 158:111, dt1.JPG)


1st Day of 2019 ..

Trump's still yer President


33710f  No.4554683


The Talmud says the Jews cannot be safe until the sons of the Amalek are dead, because according to their religious text, a descendant of the Amalek is supposed to bring about the destruction of the Jewish people.

Descendants of Amalek are those with blonde hair/blue eyes, according to Jewish folklore. The ones whom Hitler called "Aryan".

That is why they hate Trump and white people and want to genocide them.


6a9865  No.4554684


Don't leave

f29094  No.4554685

File: d53f6a5e6ca9462⋯.png (972.57 KB, 1108x800, 277:200, ClipboardImage.png)

b751d4  No.4554686


that's not gonna work here, schlomo

93c815  No.4554687

ea2ac0  No.4554688


jesus got eaten by mueller after starting islam and haveong a long artistic career in the balkans

dcbb3b  No.4554689


I would love for your dream to come true!!

b7f222  No.4554690


1. No… A slave is a slave. I'd like to be free thank you.

Isn't that what we are fighting for?

2. So what? Catholic principles != Catholic church.

726df6  No.4554691

Presidential Message on Hanukkah

Dec 2nd 2018

Melania and I send our warmest greetings to our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States, in Israel, and around the world celebrating Hanukkah.

For eight nights, Jewish families and friends will come together to engage in the lighting of the menorah.  This special tradition started more than 2,000 years ago during the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which followed a trying period when Jews were persecuted for practicing their faith.

Unfortunately, Jews today continue to face many different forms of violence, hatred, and bigotry around the globe.  We remember all those from the Tree of Life—Or L’Simcha Congregation—whose lives were tragically taken in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past October.  As one Nation, we pledge our continued love and support for the victims, their families, and the community, and we pray that the victims’ families find some measure of peace and comfort during this holiday season.

Over the coming days, may the warming glow of each candle on the menorah help fill homes and hearts with love and happiness.  Together, we reaffirm the truth that light will always break through the darkness.  We send our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Hanukkah.


100ad1  No.4554692

File: 7b6e1018d24a35b⋯.png (147.14 KB, 687x885, 229:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11705451449720f⋯.png (182.9 KB, 688x884, 172:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 223c7b0b125122c⋯.png (170.44 KB, 688x886, 344:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21e5d46be248fb0⋯.png (173.49 KB, 694x876, 347:438, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a5bb36f57043d2⋯.png (157.27 KB, 705x838, 705:838, ClipboardImage.png)

Firm Led by Google Veterans Uses A.I. to ‘Nudge’ Workers Toward Happiness


4ff2cb  No.4554693


According to the biblical calender, the first month of the year starts when barley is light green in color and the first new moon is present. So New Years would be in spring.

The first day of any month is when the new moon shows its first crescent and then the sabbath falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the month. And they can vary from being 29 to 30 days long.

ea2ac0  No.4554694


how bout a restraining order on the murderer

41647c  No.4554696


God creates the human in the image of God self


The human creates God in the image of the human itself

oh, the irony…

416786  No.4554697

File: 3b2b82ca9eaea3e⋯.png (279.28 KB, 1063x1600, 1063:1600, raisedhands.png)


>Those that scream the loudest…

726df6  No.4554698


>>4275482 pb

Q calling out Freemasons again.

>masonic pillars in video (sketch, pillar with cube at bottom, ball on top)

>pillars have both a loop (possible meaning: masonry owned, strangled…)

>pepe chef pointing at right pillar, symbolising 'strenght' and 'rising of god'

>two empty 'mason jars' (possible meaning: masonry lost / no masons in Q team)

87cc82  No.4554699

Chinese American Heritage Foundation Float Disabled by Small Fire, Disrupting Rose Parade Route

A float malfunction caused a traffic jam at the Rose Parade on Tuesday morning.

The Chinese American Heritage Foundation’s train float was disabled by a small fire and was towed for the rest of the Rose Parade route, according to Cheryl Moody, a commander for the Pasadena Police Department.

The float, which depicted the moment when two locomotives met face to face upon completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, was wreathed in smoke near where the parade began on Orange Grove Boulevard. A tow truck tried, and failed, to pull the 95-foot float onto a side street.

Several floats and bands were backed up behind the disabled float. Spectators, believing the parade to be over, began spilling onto the parade route. A band tried navigating around the stranded float and ran into the crowd milling about the route.



15f2b0  No.4554700


actually the image posted supports my assertion – hedonism

dd3a6f  No.4554701

File: 103421398f46643⋯.png (514.79 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


reminds me of pic related

ea16c1  No.4554702


you have got to be the single most retarded person on here


keep posting your






keep it up

such autist

much skill

4d731b  No.4554703


Pretty crazy digits. I just had a though and scrolled up to find your reply.. my thought was… "Crazy to think in 1999 it was .99/ gal


b751d4  No.4554704


>not realizing many shills are simply anons bored of waiting for arrests and ragebaiting from bread to bread

ab8295  No.4554705

File: ad417fab51f0f78⋯.jpg (304.07 KB, 1440x1766, 720:883, _20190101_160913.JPG)

d6922a  No.4554706

File: 113cfb9e0f3cadf⋯.jpeg (68.37 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 32FB5092-607F-4AB1-A3A2-7….jpeg)

4ff2cb  No.4554707


Yeah, the time we know and accept today is a human construct.

52e076  No.4554708


GTFO attention whore! For someone who supposely has (you's) – you sure don't know a damn thing about the anon concept.

bc3a9a  No.4554709


That is so true, the harder they attack the harder I laugh, cause I know what they are doing,. fighting a losing battle

0c985e  No.4554710


one shot, one kill…go out like a hero

ed9ac4  No.4554711


Money and power.

Simple as that.

Always about the money.

You don't get their mindset, because you are not like them.

Cognitive dissonance.

How can people be so bad/Evil?

They are.

215abf  No.4554712

File: e9db7fb4d2a14b3⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 368x497, 368:497, HRCWTCH.JPG)


NP Agree 100% She is EVIL!

ea2ac0  No.4554713

golems are made of crap and clay

driedels are made of crap and caly

3aa4c6  No.4554714


Maybe his Deep State Handlers did, but Not Trudeau himself. He too fucking stupid.

a0bce1  No.4554716

File: 1e89416f4233cb1⋯.jpg (137.29 KB, 849x731, 849:731, 911hak.JPG)

File: 1f2268d6b316022⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 794x425, 794:425, Overlord.JPG)

On Monday, New Year’s Eve, a hacker group announced it had breached a law firm handling cases related to the September 11 attacks, and threatened to publicly release a large cache of related internal files unless their ransom demands were met.

The news is the latest public extortion attempt from the group known as The Dark Overlord, which has previously targeted a production studio working for Netflix, as well as a host of medical centres and private businesses across the United States. The announcement also signals a slight evolution in The Dark Overlord’s strategy, which has expanded on leveraging the media to exert pressure on victims, to now distributing its threats and stolen data in a wider fashion.

In its announcement published on Pastebin, The Dark Overlord points to several different insurers and legal firms, claiming specifically that it hacked Hiscox Syndicates Ltd, Lloyds of London, and Silverstein Properties.

“Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London are some of the biggest insurers on the planet insuring everything from the smallest policies to some of the largest policies on the planet, and who even insured structures such as the World Trade Centers,” the announcement reads.

It is unclear what exact files the group has stolen, but it is trying to capitalize on conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks.

“We'll be providing many answers about 9.11 conspiracies through our 18.000 secret documents leak,” the group tweeted on Monday…..more to read…..



c416bf  No.4554717


Takes time to see ironically

9409ca  No.4554718


EXCEPT FOR THE HOLOCAUST… DO NOT research that on your own. You need Jewish-assistance to… uhm… er… properly process the propagan…er, I mean… Nazis-bad, Jews-good, Donate-money.

5fe0b8  No.4554719


And Martin Luther King used the writings of both Augustine and Aquinas as the basis for the civil rights act and movement.

51666d  No.4554720

File: 0001d5976036a7a⋯.jpeg (156.06 KB, 580x882, 290:441, SwampEvilPoster.jpeg)

62fcda  No.4554721

File: 8e5c1a612e72f24⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 580x430, 58:43, 1cab52ff764525f6912607c7de….jpg)

6a9865  No.4554722


Bring me e30d27

He is the smartest among you

4ac5cf  No.4554723


Adam was never a fetus.

1a3d82  No.4554724

File: 9c346c4f32a65ac⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 490x410, 49:41, iu (8).jpg)

4c7be9  No.4554725

You will never be free without Christ


93c815  No.4554726


Interesting digits…

Have you ever read either the Talmud or the Koran?

826079  No.4554728

File: 6a4da465111288a⋯.png (789.58 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good times.png)


Now it's a (you) (dick) size competition?

Last time I checked 14 months isn't Oct 2017.

"been here 14 months."

That's what I called YOU out on.

Cry more to the BO about the bakers.

4d8816  No.4554729


love and hate are both obsessions, i don't hate jews.

parasites should not be hated, but removed methodically and then forgotten


>The likelihood of a parasitic infection will increase with a weakened immune system

>The key to removing parasites is to (…) facilitate a hostile environment for them rather than a hospitable one.

ff5d32  No.4554730

File: e6a540ea3d2004e⋯.png (484.16 KB, 720x1112, 90:139, 20190101_150858.png)

File: 78ca570da87fd85⋯.png (420.06 KB, 720x1118, 360:559, 20190101_150840.png)

File: 057fc3de19f85c8⋯.png (474.08 KB, 720x1116, 20:31, 20190101_150820.png)

Didn't know this was a thing.

Spirit cooking clothes.

Hide yo kids!

ed9ac4  No.4554731


Not new.

Just pointing out the practicalities anon.

ea16c1  No.4554732


see what i mean?

this guy FAPS




726df6  No.4554733

Mason BO shilling again.

One of the shill bakers made this bread:

>>4366117 Q Research General #5565: Let (((Us))) Vet Your Bakers, Goy! Edition

<obvious muh jew shilling, glowing

I asked BO to act or say something:

>>4366975 pb (me)

BOs reply

>>4366988 pb (BO)

>>4367143 pb (me)

>>4367462 pb (me)

After that, no more reply by BO.

But many muh jew shills attacked me, of course.

Why would BO do that?

Yes, bc


Here is why:

>>4527320 lb

Anons, this is our board. Call out shilly bakers, make BO act.

b751d4  No.4554734



gas yourself

99cb69  No.4554735



Keep an eye on my house while I'm out, k bros? thanks


Not as cool as you think you are. You're like flares and an obvious hairpiece at a disco in 2018


die skinned in a flaming litter box you lying baby killing arsonist murdering fucks.

51666d  No.4554736

File: cd3927c5b21cb01⋯.jpg (194.51 KB, 914x656, 457:328, AhhCovfefe.jpg)

File: 0c7af50159d7836⋯.png (186 KB, 625x417, 625:417, CovfefeFeelz.png)

File: dba227133b6c011⋯.jpg (142.76 KB, 457x544, 457:544, Comfy.jpg)

File: af45af7192a871d⋯.jpg (272.82 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Comfygreen.jpg)

File: 8af56ab495c2fad⋯.png (162.6 KB, 633x419, 633:419, ComfyMAGA.png)


Get comfy - stay comfy.

15b169  No.4554737

File: c75fa59a856c66a⋯.png (237.31 KB, 828x380, 207:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73dcd635a66cfa7⋯.png (811.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons willing?

15f2b0  No.4554738


there is more than a single planting and harvest season in Israel

82e1e5  No.4554739

File: c90a186f4745b0a⋯.png (199.08 KB, 485x512, 485:512, 11.png)


germanfag here..got me kekkin..love your accent anon..

ea16c1  No.4554740









bc3a9a  No.4554741


We have no need to go out and shed blood, we are not the ones violating all that is right and just, only the evil want to shed blood to sooth their keepers.

ea2ac0  No.4554743

File: 3500d14b2cf1915⋯.jpeg (162.15 KB, 960x960, 1:1, CDFM9790.jpeg)

christfagging pedovores is prol the lowest form of fake jew

8e1b6f  No.4554744

File: a7aa53d76fd20b0⋯.png (497.57 KB, 487x647, 487:647, 2018-12-28_10-46-08 2.png)

826079  No.4554745




0bd0c7  No.4554746


That argument holds no water with me.

I simply do not believe that story or any other relating to origins.

Again, I say that religion and all affiliated writings are manmade. Written in an attempt to explain why we are here, and how and why we are here.

4ff2cb  No.4554747


So you're part of a movement that talks about getting rid of Satanic elites, who sacrifice children etc. And you think it's all made up nonsense? Jesus warned about this stuff and you still scoff at it?

097354  No.4554748

File: d85bce501d28560⋯.png (137.76 KB, 600x334, 300:167, ClipboardImage.png)

ed9ac4  No.4554749


It is?

I stand corrected anon.

abc889  No.4554750


Danke sehr! :)

1a3d82  No.4554751

File: a50e830fddc1478⋯.jpg (127 KB, 592x600, 74:75, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

65f984  No.4554752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Israelis Claim That All Patriots Are Beepity Boop Bots

Dec.27, 2018 "Former" MOSSAD Director Tamir Pardo claims that "thousands of Russian cyber bots" were used to elect Donald Trump to the White House.

Sauce: https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/ex-director-of-the-mossad-trump-was-russia-s-candidate-for-the-presidency-yJS1N8pV7kKgavdu6Td8fA/

After 2 Yeeears of the Zionist Jew Owned Fake News MSM having tried to overthrow a duly elected President by continually claiming "Russian bots, Russian bots", (((they're))) again Doubling Down, Tripling Down, Quadrupling Down on this grossly overused Lie. It's because they literally have NOTHING Else.

Jews Have Only 1 Talking Point

The JIDF/Unit 8200 drones spew this same BOT BOT BOT lie as an Ad Hominem attack on Patriot truthanons on 8chan who post any Evidence of Zionist Jewish Organized Crimes against Americans, and Jewish Crimes against Humanity.

Let's see - these Israeli shills know that we're Human Beings and our Great Awakening is the very definition of the word Organic……. but they have Only 1 Talking Point, so now they claim that we're the "human operator" of a bot.

That's like saying that using your fingers to type out a post on a computer makes you a bot. cause computer is a machine. which makes Israeli shills bots too.

What Is An Oxymoron?

Israeli Shills paid to harass American truthanons here Fail to see how amusing their desperate flailing oxymorons are.

My Current Personal Favorite is "automatic"

When you defend against these Jewish shills attacks, they now call it "automatic" shillbot. It's ironic because they attack every post Within Minutes, and post Exactly the same copypasta over and over and over and over and over. Just like a … wait for it…. bot.

My favorite last month was being called "snip pasta" but they stopped using "snip pasta" when I kekked at them because there's no such term used by Americans. However, these Jewish shills still use the inappropriate "snips", and other tell-tale signs that they're Israelis. Google Translate is the worst, isn't it?

c63828  No.4554753


Certainly complicit. We all saw how mouthy he was after Trump left the G7.

d7c82e  No.4554754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

70acb4  No.4554755

File: f165573d636013a⋯.png (883.73 KB, 999x2242, 999:2242, bill-gates-nuclear-venture….png)

Bill Gates’ Nuclear Venture Hits Snag Amid U.S. Restrictions On China Deals

TerraPower LLC, a nuclear energy venture chaired by Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates, is seeking a new partner for early-stage trials of its technology after new U.S. rules forced it to abandon an agreement with China, company officials told the Wall Street Journal.

TerraPower reached an agreement with state-owned China National Nuclear Corp in 2017 to build an experimental nuclear reactor south of Beijing. But Gates wrote in an essay published late last week that TerraPower is unlikley to follow through on its plans in the face of new U.S. restrictions on technology deals with China.

The Bellevue, Washington-based company is now unsure which country it will work with to conduct trials of its technology, which is designed to use depleted uranium as fuel for nuclear reactors in a bid to improve safety and costs, company officials told the Journal.

“We’re regrouping,” Chief Executive Chris Levesque told the Journal in an interview. “Maybe we can find another partner.”

The U.S. Department of Energy in October announced new restrictions on nuclear deals with China, in keeping with a broader plan by the Trump administration to limit China’s ability to access U.S-made technologies it considers to be of strategic importance.

6a9865  No.4554756


You are not smart enough to SPEAK for your people.

e30d27 is such a man and can bring peace

d6922a  No.4554757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Figure eight +

80842d  No.4554758


No memes how bout a video

fe12e9  No.4554759


Who do you suggest the bakers and BO are being paid by, if they're 'comped'?

We the people?

1a09b2  No.4554760

File: 208e660d4bbfd6e⋯.jpg (236.84 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, crbvman.jpg)

I am of the opinion that Mueller is what is holding up DECLAS. His "investigation" is their last bullet and POTUS is waiting for it to be spent.

I suggest a campaign of digging and meming about Meuller crimes. His covering of Child Rape and Islamic Terrorist Crimes, etc.

Here is a video containing some of her testimony regarding Hastert and some Chicago Pedos and Pervs:


Maybe, since we know we will be labeled as Russian Bots, we could do something like #IamHumanMuellerIsNot

maybe a bit long, but definitely open to change


259adf  No.4554761


when it's semite on semite violence it's called judenhass

0d6dfb  No.4554762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d24fbe  No.4554764


Day before the Gatwick one

Joked it was flake being dropped off and then he showed up on tv hours later.

Where was the late show or whatever it was filmed that day?

No idea and don't care.

766425  No.4554765


There doesn't have to be martial law for military tribunals.

097354  No.4554766

File: 6b969f2a82169de⋯.png (623.86 KB, 735x632, 735:632, ClipboardImage.png)

b9f59e  No.4554767

Bread title reeks of desperation.

Well over a year in and not a single clear victory for Q.

The loses are enormous.

There will be no arrests, Q is far to weak.

Couldn’t even handle Rosenstein

5f7b27  No.4554768

File: 2ba3801d797a523⋯.png (639.02 KB, 709x636, 709:636, you fucker more yous.png)


No digs just "news stories" or is it articles? fm

b751d4  No.4554769

File: 6f29564da3b43d2⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, Talmud, Yebhamoth 11b.png)

File: 7e036248e98587b⋯.png (666.7 KB, 1973x896, 1973:896, Talmud, Sanhedrin 59a, mur….png)

File: 1d32ecf46fc3e68⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, Talmud, Sanhedrin 54b.png)

File: 8af148c77a6d772⋯.png (590.93 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, Talmud, Baba Kamma 113a, j….png)

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, Talmud, Abodah Zara 26b, e….png)



93c815  No.4554770


Good Point.

I don't think the fact that the soul doesn't enter the body until the breath of life has anything to do with abortion, btw….

82e1e5  No.4554771


gern geschehen.

1a09b2  No.4554772


Sorry…her=Sibel Edmonds

b7f222  No.4554773



When you put it like that i totally see what you mean.

How could i be so blind…

As to not believe that some dead guy is my only path to freedom solely because one of many of those types of books says it.

I repent i repent.

c8678e  No.4554774


they are playing the same cards as they always do… obstruct, blame, and project… they have no goal outside of power and control… lie after lie after lie… say one thing, do another… need to make some blatant examples and ruin whatever attempts they may try to appeal/connect with…

80842d  No.4554775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fauk forgot video

9e7a8d  No.4554776

File: e727b75e6773551⋯.jpg (163.32 KB, 1200x1033, 1200:1033, Dv2p_fjX4AA3LxS.jpg)

File: 7f7c29e68083536⋯.jpg (177.51 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Dv2qAqDX0AA0WH0.jpg)

259adf  No.4554777


and only one could throw a curve ball

b1bfe5  No.4554778

ea16c1  No.4554779


fucking matt drudge this guy

1bf320  No.4554780

File: cac178d056fee31⋯.jpeg (150.75 KB, 559x695, 559:695, Screenshot_2019-01-01-21-….jpeg)


Sorry, have tech probs to reply at a post on an other bread

097354  No.4554781

File: e2e655c84ea4285⋯.png (639.28 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

33710f  No.4554782

File: 28965cab3c1b8c1⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 2384x2378, 1192:1189, 1545879234382.jpg)

File: b1c8acd7a111d2e⋯.jpg (146.9 KB, 737x664, 737:664, C-L44o6XkAAPsZP.jpg)

0b7ef7  No.4554783



It all leads back to the Illuminati.

What are the goals of the Illuminati?

Eliminate God and have you give your obedience to the State.

Free Speech, Gun Rights, are Constitutional rights based on the Bible.

America is a Christian nation legally as determined by SCOTUS in 1850's.


ALL EVIL, Opposing God.

9e7a8d  No.4554784

File: b2323545525fac0⋯.jpg (107.03 KB, 661x545, 661:545, Screenshot 2019-01-01_16-1….jpg)


09e049  No.4554785


>Fuck current events. STOP trying to divide the movement!

You know we started a Muslim Brotherhood thread because it's too big for general and it's thrived, nobody there is crying about a 'split movement'. If anything it's stronger because the relevant information is in the right spot for all to read.

abc889  No.4554786


It was the first plane to land after the airport re-opened following the drone fiasco - coinkydink?

dcbb3b  No.4554787

File: 68cff5410023087⋯.png (116.06 KB, 720x672, 15:14, NH 20190101_131204.png)

What's THIS??

New Twitter rules for outgoing Administration officials? Funny, I don't recall LL or others deleting their Twitter.

0d6dfb  No.4554788


The realization that 2018 passes and no Q habbenings.


766425  No.4554789


I'd like to know that as well.

Q said POTUS pretty much dismantled the C_A. So why is this FB shit still happening?

0c985e  No.4554790


I get tired of all the BS…what "people" are they working for? their own families? the illegal aliens? their political party? the members of their secret society? I know for sure they never mean the "average America CITIZEN"

ce6469  No.4554791

File: 8b09b1ac1bd3305⋯.jpg (934.69 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, Teigen.jpg)

70acb4  No.4554792

File: fe698dfdeef4fab⋯.png (1006.46 KB, 987x2074, 987:2074, Andrew Cuomo Pardons 22 Il….png)

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Pardons 22 Illegals to Prevent Their Deportation



b751d4  No.4554793


gas yourself kike

d8af0a  No.4554794


No but there are conditions on them… Only the collusion of a foreign power seems to fit.

6a9865  No.4554795

e30d27 is among you.

He is the WISEST among you.

Let him speak.

4c2fe6  No.4554796

anons - i posted anti prolife and some anons are triggered esp because they are biblfags - so here is the summayr of why they are wrong and shows the bible does NOT prohibit abortion


Genesis 2:7 King James Version (KJV)

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.


Numbers 5:11-22 King James Version (KJV)

11 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

12 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,

13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled…

21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The Lord make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;

22 And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.


Exodus 21:22 King James Version (KJV)

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

NOTE - pro -lifers cite this very same scripture for the opposite position - most scholars support the traditional and long established conclusion noted above - however, some do argue aganst this - their conclusions are questions - but see this article for full discussion:



Matthew 5:17 King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Here is a link to an essay why the Bible does not prohibit abortion: http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/bible.shtml

OK so now here are Pro lifers arguments for their position - rebuttal


9e3b76  No.4554797

U.S. military deletes, apologizes for New Year's Eve bomb tweet

“#TimesSquare tradition rings in the #NewYear by dropping the big ball…if ever needed, we are #ready to drop something much, much bigger,” the tweet read.

Accompanying the message was a video of American stealth fighter jets dropping 30,000-pound bombs on targets at a test range.


aa222c  No.4554798

File: 5e5a87cf0c3f0d2⋯.jpeg (30.89 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 835B5C0A-6E25-4A31-B4E3-7….jpeg)

4c2fe6  No.4554799



Fetus are called "babies" in scripture:

“The babies jostled each other within her.” (Genesis 25:22)

Sorry but this is just a misleading translation - in Hebrew the word "baby" comes from the root word that means "nursing." Furthermore this verse symbolizes (or prophecizes) the future conflict between the two lines of Isaac (hebrew) and Esau (arab) resulting from the battle over Isaac's birthrights. it is not intended to be read literally.

And here - "As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.(Luke 1:41) - Again this is clearly not intended to be read literally - the "baby" (translation misleading) did not leap - it is just a honor and manner of saying that your child (Mary) will be greater than mine (Elizabeth) And that was certainly true.

However, the most quoted scripture in support of the the pro life position is Jeremiah, which refers to God knowing and honoring the fruits of his mother's womb:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

Of course this says nothing at all about when life begins or abortion - it only makes clear that God knew the future and fate of that Prophet BEFORE he even was formed in the womb - not after.

And this Psalm:

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb…Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13,16) Again this only states that Gos knows all and creates all - it says nothing about when life begins or abortion.

Same case for these scriptures:

This is what the Lord says—He who made you, who formed you in the womb. (Isaiah 44:2)

“Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One form us both within our mothers?” (Job 31:15)

And of course the Ten Commandments - "thous shall not murder" is the correct translation but pro- lifers say "Thou shalt not kill" = clearly wrong since killing is condoned in the bible in war, for pusnishment, in self defense etc and is NOT murder.


Full Question

My friend contends that the Bible can't be used to argue against abortion because nowhere in the Bible does it state that abortion is wrong and that life begins at conception. How do I respond?


Though we don’t find the word abortion mentioned in any biblical text, we can deduce from Scripture, not to mention natural law, reason, Church teaching, and patristic witness that abortion is intrinsically evil.


9409ca  No.4554800


BASED, non Jew-porn Baker-girl. Love it, anon.

7fddf8  No.4554801



726df6  No.4554802


BO and CM are not paid, but owned by their masonic oath.

99cb69  No.4554803


State Department's rules, not twatter's

65f984  No.4554804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck Given: 0

9409ca  No.4554805

87cc82  No.4554806


The year being based on the movement of the sun makes the most sense though.

The year starts as the days start getting longer and end when they get shorter

abc889  No.4554807


Steamed kippers? I ordered smoked…

416786  No.4554808

File: d4ce9e1759f6867⋯.png (246.34 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_glasses.png)

8e1b6f  No.4554809

File: e626848bee3b642⋯.png (56.64 KB, 252x165, 84:55, 2018-12-02_10-30-25.png)

File: 6d50808db4c8c0d⋯.png (72 KB, 253x229, 253:229, 2018-12-17_10-45-13 copy 2.png)

e30d27  No.4554810


Enough of each to desern the Evil

95912a  No.4554811

another year of nothing happening

Q = trump's campaign manager

74222c  No.4554812


It's Mossad's self-loathing.

9409ca  No.4554813


"Disinformation is necessary" - Q

d24fbe  No.4554814

File: 39d51434b2a5388⋯.png (869.5 KB, 911x609, 911:609, RR Drinks on me one day.png)

6a9865  No.4554816


I will come for you when I am done here and I will bring great SHIT upon you and you FAGGOT family. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME WORK

5b6173  No.4554817

Meme request:

"MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal…" - Trump

93c815  No.4554818


AIanon… you know a lot about the Bible and other philosophies… how do you "feel" about killing?

bc3a9a  No.4554819


Another setup? to prove more fuckery? By the Obumer admin?

33710f  No.4554820

File: b9ef1297595f79c⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 640x359, 640:359, 1546319178071.gif)

99f926  No.4554821

File: c94f994ac844b25⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1200x3020, 60:151, baker.instructions.jpg)

File: 2284383a5c94d76⋯.png (49.22 KB, 589x192, 589:192, Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at ….png)


Relevant news (current events) can be notable.

cdef83  No.4554822

File: a183ec494925638⋯.jpeg (12.07 KB, 255x239, 255:239, a09bbbf6a48c17800e58481aa….jpeg)

the stench of shills is strong in this bread

4c7be9  No.4554823

the muhjew and the muhcatholic shills are of course

muhmasons… same folks that have always hated both groups…

BTW Roman Catholic isn't the original Catholic… Maronite Catholics were.

26f704  No.4554824


DISCERN faggot

726df6  No.4554825

Jim Watkins (8chan owner, living in pizza paradise Phillipines, assumed to be C_A) and his son Ronald Watkins (CODEMONKEY Ron, wearing eye of ra shirt) are MASONS.

They are owned by masonry and have to follow cabal agenda and support shills.


>>4527320 lb

bab66a  No.4554826

File: 5d19cca0e8e7453⋯.jpg (93.35 KB, 720x720, 1:1, RH-crest.jpg)

a0bce1  No.4554827

File: 37db806cfd0e7fe⋯.jpg (199.16 KB, 1144x822, 572:411, Media Surveillance.JPG)

A series of research projects, patent filings, and policy changes indicate that the Pentagon wants to use social media surveillance to quell domestic insurrection and rebellion.

The United States government is accelerating efforts to monitor social media to preempt major anti-government protests in the US, according to scientific research, official government documents, and patent filings reviewed by Motherboard. The social media posts of American citizens who don’t like President Donald Trump are the focus of the latest US military-funded research. The research, funded by the US Army and co-authored by a researcher based at the West Point Military Academy, is part of a wider effort by the Trump administration to consolidate the US military’s role and influence on domestic intelligence.

The vast scale of this effort is reflected in a number of government social media surveillance patents granted this year, which relate to a spy program that the Trump administration outsourced to a private company last year. Experts interviewed by Motherboard say that the Pentagon’s new technology research may have played a role in amendments this April to the Joint Chiefs of Staff homeland defense doctrine, which widen the Pentagon’s role in providing intelligence for domestic “emergencies,” including an “insurrection.”…..more to read…..


33710f  No.4554828

File: 71dc393cc3194f2⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 850x446, 425:223, 1483621443990.jpg)

65f354  No.4554829

Q ruined this place with niggers with nigger you can never have anything nice they ruin everything just like chrissy tiegan

5b6173  No.4554830

2018 was glorious!

Thank you, Anons!

Have a great 2019!

2eaf34  No.4554831

File: e92c0afb83fbdaa⋯.png (138.08 KB, 482x355, 482:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bce85b9ed30e09⋯.png (134.14 KB, 453x328, 453:328, ClipboardImage.png)


Are these caps coming from the same manufacturing company?

aa222c  No.4554832


After their pardon…still illegally here…deported…

0d6dfb  No.4554833

File: daaee31343a7f0e⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 800x456, 100:57, e7eb42bae9278ee63e486365ee….jpg)


Yummy down on this

7fddf8  No.4554834

Presidential Message on Hanukkah

Dec 2nd 2018

Melania and I

send our warmest greetings to our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States, in Israel, and around the world celebrating Hanukkah.

For eight nights, Jewish families and friends will come together to engage in the lighting of the menorah. This special tradition started more than 2,000 years ago during the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which followed a trying period when Jews were persecuted for practicing their faith.

Unfortunately, Jews today continue to face many different forms of violence, hatred, and bigotry around the globe. We remember all those from the Tree of Life—Or L’Simcha Congregation—whose lives were tragically taken in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past October. As one Nation, we pledge our continued love and support for the victims, their families, and the community, and we pray that the victims’ families find some measure of peace and comfort during this holiday season.

Over the coming days, may the warming glow of each candle on the menorah help fill homes and hearts with love and happiness. Together, we reaffirm the truth that light will always break through the darkness. We send our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Hanukkah.


bfbfe4  No.4554835

File: 9b8193c4279dbff⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ick.jpg)


nasty flavor of, too, anon

d24fbe  No.4554836

9e3b76  No.4554837

File: aabb917f1315e9b⋯.png (131.64 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Probe Sends Pictures Of A Tiny Planet 4 Billion Miles From The Sun

NASA's New Horizons probe successfully conducted the farthest-ever fly-by of an object in space when it sped past Ultima Thule in the first minutes of 2019.

b751d4  No.4554838

File: 6374fc7dccd73ab⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 623x627, 623:627, 1535833764279.jpg)


rowdy bunch in here tonight

fight me

1a3d82  No.4554839

File: 1473f1ba5176924⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 376x306, 188:153, jewhole.jpg)

8e1b6f  No.4554841

File: 36492558cf55ec5⋯.png (82.56 KB, 286x238, 143:119, 2018-09-09_23-35-25.png)

a0bce1  No.4554842


securing evidence?

ae41dc  No.4554843

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, 9ceabe4db0f1569f9314623447….jpg)

File: 261037c01c69827⋯.jpg (128.33 KB, 803x1024, 803:1024, 0661152e766f03dab87c315c8d….jpg)

It's never the kikes, goys. It's always (((whitey)))

Quick! now censor whitey!

9409ca  No.4554844


Hate? Hate's got nothing to do with it…

It's human-nature to evade or kill those who are trying to kill you. I never really liked running.

ed9ac4  No.4554845



766425  No.4554846

File: 6a84b96ca3d0bf7⋯.png (227.99 KB, 1296x1004, 324:251, Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at ….png)

Kanye's back in the political saddle.

And of course, the first comment proves him 100% correct by calling him an Uncle Tom.


ea2ac0  No.4554847

File: 96d28a2305915e9⋯.jpg (101.96 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3223.JPG)

File: 4f08fdd01f29190⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, IMG_3235.JPG)

File: 96103cd4f781956⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2992x2992, 1:1, IMG_3242.JPG)

bbdb48  No.4554848


I'd hate to see this guy in the middle of a DEW attack.

51666d  No.4554849

File: 3749a9bd13df466⋯.jpeg (178.42 KB, 630x1023, 210:341, DemiseSwampThingPoster.jpeg)

3e1684  No.4554850


so you are admitting there are circumstances americans will need to flee the country en mass?

and that mexico will welcome them with open arms as opposed to say, shooting them down like yankee-dog gringos?

that the dems/rino strawman "electronic" wall cant actually stop people like, say, a REAL wall?

e9b46c  No.4554851

File: be404875e22f70b⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Cheers, Anons.jpg)

Happy New Year, Faggots.

9e3b76  No.4554852




0c985e  No.4554853


The Pope sit at the top of the pyramid and reports to the chair, the throne of satan.

26821e  No.4554854

Is this Q shit real?

Who knows .

Just like MSM worm hook line ?


i just dont know any more………………..

98a9d0  No.4554855











Thanks guy's for all the support, justified. Lame af thing to post on my part. Just frustrated with the endless attacks and watching the evil cunts continue unabated. Slapping myself too.

93c815  No.4554856


It isn't supposed to happen quite yet… the set up is not complete yet. duh..

220416  No.4554857


As a Jew I do not hate non-jews. I married a non-jew and and my kids and grandkids have all been baptised as a Christians.

7fddf8  No.4554858

File: f5bce22ffb6dabd⋯.png (402.62 KB, 474x527, 474:527, youyouyou.png)

804342  No.4554859

File: 370cc02c00fa44d⋯.png (978.38 KB, 1203x799, 1203:799, 54e3ff9c778c982bdf1c2ef77f….png)

9409ca  No.4554860


Shut up, you wanna-be, LARPing, newfag, faggot. You reek of normie.

15f2b0  No.4554861


like attracts like

ce6469  No.4554862

File: 493c90d34a4399d⋯.jpg (921.27 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, sorryeverybody.jpg)

33710f  No.4554863

File: de1cb8ee705df4c⋯.jpg (154.79 KB, 1200x619, 1200:619, C3MSO2WWAAACdUf.jpg)

a0bce1  No.4554864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good dig anon

5b6173  No.4554866

File: fa44b86261defa1⋯.jpg (347.84 KB, 1168x903, 1168:903, George Soros 18 billion ch….jpg)

File: 9b31a4ebff9d51e⋯.jpg (239.88 KB, 1061x734, 1061:734, Podesta Group.jpg)

File: 2abb85cbad20105⋯.jpg (244.36 KB, 642x706, 321:353, List of reporters colluded….jpg)

File: 069a06474fa0aee⋯.jpg (143.79 KB, 745x603, 745:603, Elizabeth Holmes indicted.jpg)

916c18  No.4554867

File: d06104a1ce4112e⋯.jpg (23.83 KB, 948x711, 4:3, child.jpg)

d25e5c  No.4554868

>>4554224 (re fuckerberg and his brain implant)

Remember that pillow he was sitting on??

The pillow his handler shoad away so fast?

Fuckerberg HIMSELF is a zombie with a brain implant.

I'm betting beer for everyone on it.

Happy fucking New Year.

ea2ac0  No.4554870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

51529e  No.4554871

Roth’s about to feel the wrath of EO 13818?


“PG&E Could Face Murder Charges in Fire”

“A court filing from Becerra's office states that Pacific Gas and Electric Co. is potentially facing prosecution for murder, manslaughter or lesser offenses, such as a misdemeanor negligence charge, depending on the severity of its role, if any, in the fire. Investigators are determining if reckless operation of power equipment sparked the fire.

The utility already faces historic financial liability if its equipment contributed to the blaze. The incident was apparently reported to the utility minutes before the wildfire started, but PG&E could still have to pay billions of dollars under California law, even if officials determine it wasn't negligent.

The most recent filings are purely advisory, and county district attorneys would most likely file any criminal charges, according to the Bee. The opinion was filed late Friday to a federal judge overseeing a separate criminal case involving a deadly PG&E natural gas pipeline explosion in 2010. In that case, the utility was convicted of violating federal pipeline safety laws, and the judge requested Becerra's opinion on whether any wildfires constitute a probation violation.”

ea16c1  No.4554872


if we did it his way, got all the big news sites here, everyone would like us better than drudge because of our humor and memery, we would have eyes on more than drudge, its dangerous

097354  No.4554874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

18caf0  No.4554875

File: 54fae49cbbe87ed⋯.png (25.02 KB, 749x230, 749:230, ClipboardImage.png)

dd3a6f  No.4554876

File: 438d9e6823930e1⋯.jpg (450.87 KB, 1089x1241, 1089:1241, brave_iSiVQMANs8.jpg)


We get it

You love the cock

Go play with it elsewhere

2eaf34  No.4554877

File: ca4485a2c25095e⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Sarah_Grow_a_sack_or_GTFO.png)

65f984  No.4554878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>There is no 'the jews'.

Which means that


416786  No.4554879

File: 06265a52c737390⋯.png (169.3 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, jooqyou.png)

215abf  No.4554881

File: 6b37f36f2ab6e8c⋯.png (559.07 KB, 576x608, 18:19, ClipboardImage.png)



6a9865  No.4554882


Look below and above this anon.

This anon's heart is pure and wise.

Listen to them

He will guide you.

5b6173  No.4554883

Glorious events in 2018

1. Child trafficking arrests in one year more than all of BHO's combined in 8 years. Very telling….

2. Trump visits troops.

3. NoName no more.

4. timberpuppy no more, "GHWB [187]?", Barbara Bush 'On 4/17 ("For Q") no less. Announced at 8:06 (86'd)'.

5. Justice Kav

5b. Justice Gorsuch

6. Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.

7. Honk heard round the World.

8. 53-47

9. Wall going up, some parts already up.

10. msm fakenews more and more obvious.

11. Anons #2

12. Hillary is still not POTUS

13. North Korea

14. Used the daniel lotion (much PRAYers)

15. Huge arrests in Medicare/aid fraud which ties into opiates- plugged holes where billions of our money was being defrauded by pharmacies/medical practitioners.

16. Syria.

17. Trade deals

18. GDP

19. record unemployment (employment?)

20. Cleveland Browns winning football games (hmmm) (Most unbelievable item on list. kek)

21. China stocks -25%, German stocks -20%, Mexican stocks -15%, French stocks -12%,

London stocks -12%, Canadian stocks -11%, Nasdaq -4%, 2018 sucked less for us.

22. POTUS absolutely crushing the media shills in all press conferences

23. Soros is an asshole

24. shill like cucklord proving Q 24/7.

25. millions spent by shillblue protecting status quo, anons making sure that doesn't happen.

26. Elizibeth Warren dna test

27. Trump rallies "USA! USA! USA!" "LOCK HER UP!"

28. Cleaning house.

29. Omarosa caught recording.

30. CEOs retiring.

31. Politicians not running next term.

32. Q crumbs

33. Symbols will be their downfall.

34. The Economy/Jobs

35. FLOTUS visits Troops, last 1st Lady Visit Combat Troops 1969.

36. Record number of RINO departures

37. FBI/DOJ resignations/firings

38. Isis got fucked. No moar ISIS (not in any meaningful way at least).

39. Big Mike was outclassed by combat boots

40. Weinstein arrested

41. Cosby convicted.

42. Graham yells at the dems, 'Boy you all want power. God, I hope you never get it.'

43. Avenatii in flames.

44. No good dem candidates

45. Trump

46. NXIVM arrests (leads right to HRC), Mack arrested

47. 2018 WAS THE YEAR OF UNDENIABLE PROOFS! [QPROOF] Password = 17, hat

48. IG report

49. False alarm Hawaii. Maybe add the missile stuff in Washington state too, when POTUS was heading to NK?

50. Clinton Foundation losing donations

51. Fire at HRC house

52. Trump DECLAS FISA, still no word from RR, if RR dirty, Mueller dirty.

53. Comey fired. (That was 2017, but his many outbursts this year were glorious.)

54. McCabe fired, no pension.

55. What else, you ask. Plenty, that we are not privy to. Gitmo prepared & staffed (including justice people), along with stateside prisons prepared as well. Who knows how many dregs are already taken in, with the major arrests looming.

56. More truth to the Normies waking up.

57. Job #'s Highest in decades!

60. Unemployment Lowest in decades!

61. Overall Consumer Confidence is at an all time High!

62. Antifa guy getting KTFO and Punch-catching guy, both awesome

63. $18,442,635 of $1.0B goal Raised by 304,568 people in 14 days (Since you made list, increase $8k)

64. Riots against globalism, France.

65. Kevin Spacy, James Gunn exposed, Spacey Delivers Pizza to the press outside his house. Pizzagate is REAL

66. satanism in gov more exposed

67. Avenatti email by journalist Michael J Morrison

68. Great list Anon. How about the worlds largest sex trafficking ring being brought to it's knees and shut down, with it's leaders arrested??

69. Globalism got ruined in 2018. 2019 we finish the job

70. Trump rallies abounded to record crowds.

71. Thousands of seal indictments

72. RBG on the ropes

73. msm constant attacks on QAnon, all for a LARP.

74. NAFTA deal with Mexico/Canada

75. Putin and POTUS in Helsinki, soccer ball activated

76. The new U.S. embassy in Israel is set to officially open in Jerusalem on Monday (May 14, 2018)

77. What about stopping those government slush funds funded by pentalities / fines against a corps / individuals which subsequently give to activists organizations organizations. Remember Indian Warren was mad about Trump kicking some government leader out and replacing it with a Rule of Law type person?

78. Melania's "I really don't care" jacket.

79. Trump Tweets (retwt: when do the trials begin graphic)

80. Nikki Haley 'we will remember this vote' UN.

81. Trump meets the Queen

82. Trump makes demands UN, pay your bills or we out.

83. End Iran deal

84. Trump calls out obama cash drop

85. Vets - Choice Law

86. Tl;dr but muh "envelopes"?

87. Memes reaching critical mass

What else?

4c7be9  No.4554884

not in physics


916c18  No.4554885


Serously wtf is this shit. That's crossing WAY over the line and is pretty much CP.

93c815  No.4554886


And… you see no evil in the Christian bible?

62fcda  No.4554887

File: bd8571f462d5597⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 300x180, 5:3, zeiglerredhots-300x180.jpg)

Consumer Alert: Zeigler Recalling Nearly 12,000 Pounds of Meat Products

The USDA has announced that Selma-based R. L. Zeigler Company is recalling approximately 11,664 pounds of ready-to-eat poultry and meat sausage products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically metal.

The Red Hot chicken and pork sausage items were produced on Nov. 29, 2018. The following products are subject to recall:

24-oz. plastic packages containing approximately 9 links of “ZEIGLER A TRADITION OF GREAT TASTE RED HOTS” with a “Use By Jan 24 19” date

24-oz. plastic packages containing approximately 9 links of “EXTRA HOT ZEIGLER A TRADITION OF GREAT TASTE RED HOTS” with a “Use By Jan 24 19” date.

The products subject to recall bear establishment number “EST. P-9156S” inside the USDA mark of inspection. These items were shipped to retail locations nationwide.

The problem was discovered after the USDA says Zeigler got consumer complaints on Dec. 13 and 27, 2018. The firm investigated to determine the nature of the complaints and notified the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) on Dec. 29, 2018.

There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products, according to the USDA.

FSIS is concerned that some product may be in consumers’ refrigerators or frozen and in consumers’ freezers. Consumers who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase.

FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers. When available, the retail distribution list(s) will be posted on the FSIS website at www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls.

Consumers with questions about the recall can contact Jeff Berry at R. L. Zeigler Co., Inc. at (334) 410-9845.


b751d4  No.4554889

File: 8c62f02ea18ef72⋯.gif (415.41 KB, 480x238, 240:119, 1538090533727.gif)

98a9d0  No.4554890


I wondered if noname had one too, hence the scar removing it possibly

726df6  No.4554891

Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry


>When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.

>Lucifer, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!

>First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me…I command and adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty living God, and by the power of Emanuel, His only Son…



826079  No.4554892

File: c2eb529b4863fc8⋯.png (25.46 KB, 673x314, 673:314, ass3.png)

File: e3dd2f4e1667ece⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 236x234, 118:117, Love PEPE.jpg)


Let's make it even!


9e86c3  No.4554893


Christianity wasn’t around at the time of Jesus. Confirmed.

5b6173  No.4554894


Nothing happened?

26821e  No.4554895


>ok memmes are for kids .I WHANT FACTS…………

39b80d  No.4554896



Gitmo. IRC Hoggs clown family from his district. Buhbye

ed9ac4  No.4554899


He won the belt in a donut eating contest?

3ee311  No.4554900

JASON Society is one of the highest degrees above the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key in the Illuminati. In other words, it is a higher level of initiation.


4ff2cb  No.4554901


Book of Enoch states when angels fell and before the times of Noah, they taught human women how to remove their children and abortion techniques.


Astrology, Astronomy, Metal Working, Makeup, and many other things were taught to us by fallen angels and those things were not meant for humans to learn. They corrupted us with knowledge, and corrupted our DNA by having sex with us and creating a race of giants.

These are where we get legends of Giants from all over the world, and you can see giant megalithic buildings and pyramids everywhere. They were wiped out in the flood but the DNA carried over with the wives of Noah's sons. There are thousands of newspaper clippings of people finding the remains and the SMITHSONIAN is mentioned in a majority of those articles, they took them and hid the evidence.

You want to know why GOD was pissed off, you want to know why the flood happened? Well there you go.

And think about this, these are what people considered "GODS" and these gods ate people and animals, before the flood we were commanded to only eat fruit. After the flood God permitted us to eat meat. WHY?

Why are these elites eating people, why do they worship these old gods, what are they keeping hidden underground?

65f354  No.4554902


ea16c1  No.4554903


>>4554449 POTUS invites congressional leaders from each chamber to WH on Wed

>>4554566 Q Research Brasil just popped up on the threads

>>4554559 National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (also on DHS.org)

>>4554784, >>4554776 Kansas in Brazil

>>4554448, >>4554625 planefagging


>>4554785 threads and breads, thoughts and knowledge

e30d27  No.4554904


Obama wants all tweets and FB post deleted from his all the people in his administration.

So no one can use it against him.

Pure scumbag

6a9865  No.4554905



Your family starts now.

0d6dfb  No.4554906

File: d0447302986ae74⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 400x500, 4:5, 547ed88141177c86a68d79f1fc….gif)

5874c3  No.4554907

File: 046b01a09fcc239⋯.png (102.17 KB, 1520x415, 304:83, Screenshot_2019-01-01 Mike….png)

TIL that the Koch Bros and Bain Capital invested in Sec Pompeo's business he started. Swampy.

e6ad31  No.4554908

File: 87ab1dbb38917e6⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 720x450, 8:5, Herzel.jpg)

Shilling Jew makes no sense. Fears anuther shoah reading notables and calls baker shill. Says BO is silent because he's a Mason. But how does that connect to the fact that Jews control Masons? You loose kike!

9e7a8d  No.4554909

File: f8969f6ddcd24fd⋯.jpeg (68.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 800.jpeg)

AP Exclusive: Vatican letter undermines US cardinal on abuse

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican blocked U.S. bishops from taking measures to address the clergy sex abuse scandal because U.S. church leaders didn’t discuss the legally problematic proposals with the Holy See enough beforehand, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

The Nov. 11 letter from the Vatican’s Cardinal Marc Ouellet provides the primary reason that Rome balked at the measures that were to be voted on by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at its Nov. 12-14 meeting. The blocked vote stunned abuse survivors and other Catholics who were demanding action from U.S. bishops to address clergy sex abuse and cover-up.

Ouellet’s letter undermines the version of events provided by the conference president, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo. It could also provide fodder for questions during a spiritual retreat of U.S. bishops, dedicated to the abuse crisis, that opens Wednesday in Chicago.

They may want to know why, as Ouellet noted in the letter, the draft proposals only arrived at the Vatican on Nov. 8, four days before the U.S. bishops’ meeting began. While the Vatican is known for its slow pace, even the speediest bureaucracy would have found it difficult to review and sign off on sensitive legal documents in that time.

“Considering the nature and scope of the documents being proposed by the (conference), I believe it would have been beneficial to have allowed for more time to consult with this and other congregations with competence over the ministry and discipline of bishops,” Ouellet wrote to DiNardo.

Such back-and-forth, he wrote, would have allowed the documents to “properly mature.”

The main goal of the U.S. bishops’ fall meeting had been to approve a code of conduct for bishops and create a lay-led commission to receive complaints against them. The measures were a crisis response to the scandal over ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a once-senior American cleric who is now accused of molesting minors and adults, and new revelations of old sex abuse cases in Pennsylvania.

DiNardo stunned the bishops when he opened the assembly Nov. 12 by announcing that “at the insistence of the Holy See” the bishops would not be voting on the measures after all. He said the Vatican wanted them to delay a vote until after Pope Francis hosts a global summit in February on preventing sex abuse by priests.

While DiNardo blamed the Vatican, the letter from Ouellet suggests that the Vatican thought DiNardo had tried to pull a fast one by intentionally withholding legally problematic texts until the last minute.

It is not surprising that Rome wanted a say in crafting the text, given the Holy See has exclusive authority to investigate and discipline problem bishops.

“While fully aware that a bishops’ conference enjoys a rightful autonomy … to discuss and eventually approve measures that are within the conference’s powers, the conference’s work must always be integrated within the hierarchical structure and universal law of the church,” Ouellet wrote.

In a statement Tuesday to AP, DiNardo characterized the dispute as a misunderstanding. He said he assumed the Vatican would have had a chance to “review and offer adjustments” to the measures after the U.S. bishops approved them, not before. He insisted that U.S. bishops were not trying to appropriate Vatican powers for themselves.

“It is now clear there were different expectations on the bishops conference’s part and Rome’s part that may have affected the understanding of these proposals,” DiNardo said in a statement. “From our perspective, they were designed to stop short of where the authority of the Holy See began.”

The U.S. strategy, it seems, was to avoid drawn-out negotiations before the vote so the U.S. bishops could present the Vatican with documents after the fact.

Legally speaking, the U.S. bishops didn’t need Vatican approval prior to the vote. But since the Holy See would have to approve the proposals afterward for them to become binding, consultation on the text was necessary and strategically wise to do so beforehand, said Nicholas Cafardi, a U.S. canon lawyer.

DiNardo, in his statement to the AP, said he had shared the “content and direction” of the proposals with multiple Vatican offices in October and drafted the final text after encountering no opposition.

“We had not planned, nor had the Holy See made a request, to share the texts prior to the body of bishops having had an opportunity to amend them,” he said.

During a Nov. 12 press conference, DiNardo was asked when the Vatican was actually consulted about the measures. He replied the texts were finalized Oct. 30 and that the delay in finishing them might have been a problem.


ab8295  No.4554910

File: b8ad7f99893da8e⋯.jpg (361.63 KB, 2363x1106, 2363:1106, _20190101_162152.JPG)


Samantha Power did it too. worth a dig?

26f704  No.4554911


NO. You obviously don't have a fucking clue. Are you a pedo? CP asshole.

Get a fucking life.

9409ca  No.4554912


Fucking disgusting… You probably fucked up that poor woman's genetic-linage horribly beyond recognition, with that genetic dumpster-fire DNA you have. Sad…

Is she Black, White, Asian, what?

82c0b8  No.4554913

Preparing for another letdown

How can we turn the negative energy created from anticipation fatigue into something positive?

Dumb question maybe, but can we develop a patriot controlled parallel twatter. I know patent laws are prob an issue, however a moderated PG rated forum or social media site would go a long way for breaking in normies.

What can we do as a group if we don’t get results soon? The yellow vests was a positive net effect.

We cannot continue to allow them to carry the narrative. The only TV news source in US which doesn’t seem compromised is OAN. How can we build OAN further?

There really is no valid excuse for this being strung out this long. If there is. Communicate it to us.

The stage is not set?

My only fear is that most will not act until on the precipice. The 9-5 work schedule, soccer practice, TV, devices….as such a collective grip over us.

How do we eliminate tech which has a negative impact on human development?


4ff2cb  No.4554914


Tribe of Dan

9c1c3c  No.4554915

>>4554356 not enough swastikas.

anons will think you're a shill

726df6  No.4554916

>>4369272 pb POTUS TWEET

>my job is to fight for ALL citizens,

>even those who have made mistakes.

>provide hope and a second chance, to those who earn it.


Take this chance.

270ad7  No.4554917


The Jew will show you who they fear by their level of attack. Watch and be wise.

e30d27  No.4554918


Think Shutdown.

Only Mueller is allowed to operate

215abf  No.4554919

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedItttt.JPG)

afb239  No.4554920

File: 954d54bf1974a63⋯.png (1000.88 KB, 1242x1116, 69:62, Screen-Shot-2018-12-31-at-….png)

File: 37da08f18ef0057⋯.png (929.68 KB, 1324x1078, 662:539, Screen-Shot-2018-12-31-at-….png)


Some of her winning tweets.


f29094  No.4554921

>>4553666 lb

I called this shit last night. Twitter is showing the correct timelapse, but if you click on a tweet, it's 3 hours off. It was showing the CivMilAir account update for Pompeo at 9:03 pm 12/30 when in fact it was 12:03 am 1/1.

Twitter is trying to fuck with the clock! Pay attention faggots.

ea2ac0  No.4554922

File: b11c50bf5f6ba99⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 640x853, 640:853, doorknob.jpg)

4da0d0  No.4554923


Poor old yeezy, he's not the brightest guy but I believe his heart is in the right place.

Rogan is a bought and paid-for shill.

d7c82e  No.4554924

If we all push, 2019 will see final victory against the Khazarian mafia

Many signs indicate that 2019 will be a breakthrough year in the battle against the satan-worshiping Khazarian mafia. Not only have mass arrests begun, but the mass-murdering part of the pharmacidical/medical establishment is finally being taken out as well. Another obvious sign it is no longer business as usual comes from the fact that the U.S. military is being withdrawn from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. And this time the U.S. government shutdown may actually result in formal bankruptcy procedures against the illegal corporate government that has occupied Washington, D.C. since 1871.

Let’s start with the U.S. military withdrawals, since they mark one of the biggest changes seen since the end of World War II when the perpetual war economy of the U.S. military-industrial complex began. Pentagon sources say U.S. President Donald Trump’s Christmas Day visit to Iraq portends a pull-out from that country. This follows withdrawal announcements from Afghanistan and Syria, as well as a ceasefire in Yemen. We also note that almost all of the U.S. carrier groups are now at rest in their home ports.

Even more dramatically, the sources say, “Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan’s mission will be [to bring out in public view the] space force, bring troops home, release extraterrestrial and suppressed technology, close overseas bases, beat swords into plowshares and cut waste, while building a more lethal military.” This means peace on earth and goodwill to all in a very real sense this holiday season.

The Pentagon sources also say the long U.S. government shutdown “makes it easy to arrest Deep-Staters embedded in the government.” Furthermore, the first senior official to be publicly tried in “Nuremburg 2.0 will be ….

f0b808  No.4554925


You’re ok m8

916c18  No.4554926


You're the one posting half naked children you sick fuck! GTFO with that bullshit. That's not acceptable here.

15f2b0  No.4554927


their faces look stressed

82e1e5  No.4554928


fake and gay..

d6922a  No.4554929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

629c39  No.4554930


Still waiting for our pelican frens

26821e  No.4554931

ALL THE TITS HERE is click bait.

go 2 jail……………………..

33710f  No.4554932


There is 1 swastica on the /pol/ logo. I didn't make the memes/infographics. Those are old memes from the pizzagate/pedogate times. Resharing for exposure

7aaea5  No.4554933


I'm pretty sure it was the election of @POTUS, fren. The cascading #YellowVest revolution is just the magic trick "glass of water" instantaneously turning yellow. This is no longer a cold to hot civil war in the U.S., it is a WW revolution which began with the election of @POTUS. This is truly like the ending of the movie "V for Vendetta" but on a global scale. Next comes the universal, collective consciousness where we ditch this set of "training wheels" called the Internet and communicate telepathically. In addition to all the other psi marvels which await. However, we will not succeed (as the multi-verse would not allow it unless we all move from lives "of self" to those "of service". IOWs, make it a daily mission to give and receive as much unconditional love as possible while ditching the nagging ego at every turn.

26f704  No.4554934


I didn't post it, asshat. Get off the meth.

31d385  No.4554936





91ca04  No.4554937

File: 23d65cda29ae492⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 500x375, 4:3, b116711c7a9a5d8d12e6abc4a7….jpg)


your grenade is inert.

everything else looks ok.

e30d27  No.4554938


Auto correct spell faggot

f29094  No.4554939

File: f2750b464e3afa2⋯.png (490.37 KB, 700x446, 350:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 411053365202433⋯.png (553.35 KB, 720x471, 240:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2470c29e0790983⋯.png (318.21 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b7271444e4431f⋯.png (689.56 KB, 858x536, 429:268, ClipboardImage.png)

98a9d0  No.4554940

File: 484b9b935551311⋯.png (924.26 KB, 1249x567, 1249:567, ClipboardImage.png)

766425  No.4554941


>that mexico will welcome them with open arms as opposed to say, shooting them down like yankee-dog gringos?


Whoever thinks a wall keeps Americans from fleeing also must be of the belief that you'd be welcome to skip across the border and make yourself at home in Mexico.

Hint: You're not.

62fcda  No.4554942

File: ed8a3044605b6c7⋯.gif (6.44 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 0eeafecac30da91f798d897813….gif)


it's so annoying because it was so nice early in the morning when they were all still passed out from their partying last night.

Then around 1 pm it turned to crap.

4c7be9  No.4554943


have thought the same, but nah


f0b808  No.4554944

File: 45d548c4a8fb455⋯.jpeg (337.69 KB, 707x773, 707:773, A457899F-6EC0-4F8B-858C-4….jpeg)

d24fbe  No.4554945

File: 2c3369d0646b7e2⋯.jpg (141.82 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, KW Sneer.jpg)

49ccac  No.4554946


You need to learn the meaning of the word "Ecclesia", anon.


While Jesus didn't use greek, the earliest surviving records do, and the word chosen was "ecclesia." Which has a meaning different from a state-like construct.

The Romans destroyed early Christianity. Among Jesus' followers, Paul was the one who took the teachings to the Gentiles - and was actually considered something of a loon by the others for doing so. Christians, as we know them, were more of Paul's creation and were something of a separatist cult.

Many communities and churches that developed from Paul's teachings were looted and destroyed by the Romans, when there was a curious and sudden change of heart.

The Romans declared Christianity the official religion, convened the Council of Nicaea to ordain a standard of book, and incorporated the state architecture of Rome into the Church for what would become Catholicism.

The Pope replaced the Emperor. The Pharisee and the Councils were replaced by Cardinals/Bishops.

The reason Revelations was written, and the reason it was structured as it was is due to many of those being used on the Council of Nicaea being scholars and wise to the antagonistic nature of empires.

I am simplifying the story and compressing the time scale, but much of what we know as Christianity was a product of the Romans subversion of Paul's attempts to spread the teachings of a Jewish reformer to non-Jewish communities. This is where the whole "Christ died for your sins" concept came from - many religions understand sacrifice - it was a common practice throughout many portions of the world and made the role of Jesus significant to those outside of Jewish society.

8e1b6f  No.4554947

File: 4095f4f4b669747⋯.png (296.2 KB, 493x371, 493:371, 2019-01-01_16-22-30.png)

File: d463046f5c2ee98⋯.png (278.79 KB, 487x366, 487:366, 2019-01-01_16-23-05.png)

1d12d3  No.4554948

File: d62e800c2704e91⋯.gif (505.8 KB, 500x246, 250:123, Pepe Double 9s.gif)


Kek, locked and loaded Anon

bc3a9a  No.4554949


It be happening, slowly steadily, we are winning, You can add all the lawsuits to protect our water, MI, NY and many other states against 3m and other companies.

6be9b3  No.4554950


For anyone interested in reconciliation, the Amalek thing is a major problem. Some jews will just NEVER stop hating whites and trying to kill them. How do you solve a problem like that? Serious question that needs to be dealt with if this matter is to ever be resolved.

629c39  No.4554951



Sometimes it's OK to DOUBT THE PLAN!

6a9865  No.4554952


What "House" will you be recognized by?

ea2ac0  No.4554953


secret service is offering a free necking program with certified doorknobs

65f354  No.4554954


26f704  No.4554955


Sure - just can't admit you're a fucking retard

82c0b8  No.4554956


This is the truth

And many whistleblowers have confirmed nanobots are what is being sprayed on us

Think artificial microorganism which can be activated via external signal.

1bda12  No.4554957

File: 3fed515a7002a64⋯.png (69.49 KB, 906x414, 151:69, Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at ….png)


"follow the owl & y head around the world"

f0b808  No.4554958


The 17 coincidences, has anyone made a list?

26d2b2  No.4554959

File: 7a69ca510554c4d⋯.png (361.75 KB, 608x607, 608:607, bolsonaro.PNG)


766425  No.4554960


Yep. Without POTUS fighting the NWO, vocalizing his beliefs to a global audience, I don't think the other countries would have realized they had another option.

916c18  No.4554961


Defending it is just as bad you sick pedo.

70acb4  No.4554962

File: 085300e4d8a09c4⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1100x4768, 275:1192, Jan 2019 as Month Committe….png)

Trump Proclaims Jan 2019 as Month Committed to Abolish Human Trafficking


6b0bae  No.4554963


Cross post it. Get the new board moving.


1a3d82  No.4554964


Interesting sneer- grey hat playing out his role?

9409ca  No.4554965

File: c3641f01f0d8318⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 512x307, 512:307, 947974-ChXi-Pyt_lO0lahz.jpg)

41469f  No.4554966

File: a03aa24f7c91c94⋯.png (5.56 KB, 302x153, 302:153, FireShot Capture 65 - Wiki….png)

0c985e  No.4554967


the wall is not the fight, we either take back the country for the "citizens" or we dont. I dont care about no stinking wall. Guns, prison and deportation will stop them from coming. Eliminating welfare, housing, free education, and free healthcare will stop them from coming. A wall will only make them take a detour. This is not the end all fight POTUS seems to think it is. The wall is a nothing burger.

26f704  No.4554968


omg get lost granny. you're a fucking clown.

e21556  No.4554969

File: c37ddf207d91bcf⋯.jpeg (473.13 KB, 1125x1174, 1125:1174, E7791F97-10A1-44C6-BD1A-8….jpeg)

Been out and didn’t see President Bolsonaro’s response to POTUS during that bread. World powers are realigning

0d6dfb  No.4554970


He likes fish sticks.

26821e  No.4554971


love u

f0b808  No.4554972


your mom also drinks semen

6a9865  No.4554973


In the name of Allah the one true GOD what name will you reign under?

Give no name and your family will be doomed in your lifetime.

9409ca  No.4554974


No he's not… Fucking softee.

9e7a8d  No.4554975

File: 8d70f088ef05cb8⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 640x719, 640:719, Screenshot 2019-01-01_16-2….jpg)

File: c167cc8584d42d0⋯.jpg (265.29 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, Dv2wD1GWwAABqUJ (1).jpg)

4c7be9  No.4554976

(((they))) trying to get under your skin cause they got nothing left but poison words and empty skulls


bc3a9a  No.4554977

File: a635b7636359234⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Magic Sword - Memories In ….mp4)

ea2ac0  No.4554978

File: c46e73882076302⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 642x476, 321:238, megustaalice.jpg)

640dad  No.4554979


well at least he is red pilling the normies. SO WHAT.

There are lots of people who follow him. the more normies that know the better so WHO GIVES A FUCK. shut up about it.

4c2fe6  No.4554980


i trust the book of enoch and other gnostic scriptures too as well as the canon bible

they all describe a similar event as you mention

but in my view these interactions were as described in the sumerian tablets - entirely consistent with enoch and all scripture

i do not believe in an anthropomorhic god anon

i believe in THE ALL which we can call God and is the ultimate imtelligence and energy and well, the ALL

evil in this world is also explained in the gnostic gospels

good news - evil lost

future unlocks the truth

baefbf  No.4554981

I hope everyone can appreciate the fact that The Plan has been in the making since the days of JFK and the "big picture" with good people fighting the Cabal goes even further than that, a year or two here and there is a literal drop in the ocean.

We stand at a large precipice, and the mountain is huuuge.

ea16c1  No.4554982


>>4554449 POTUS invites congressional leaders from each chamber to WH on Wed

>>4554566 Q Research Brasil just popped up on the threads

>>4554559 National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (also on DHS.org)

>>4554871 PG&E could face murder charges (also on sacramento bee)

>>4554784, >>4554776 Kansas in Brazil

>>4554448, >>4554625, >>4554510 planefagging


>>4554785 threads and breads, thoughts and knowledge

f29094  No.4554983


Go for it. The last BR threads totally died months ago. I'm not investing there until it gets a true Portuguese-speaking audience.

766425  No.4554985


It says Twitter Lite. Sauce or GTFO.

15f2b0  No.4554986


allah = lucifer – the most proud, the plotter, the capricious

ae41dc  No.4554987


I think it had something to do with those observatories being closed around the world. Maybe those were the remotes. Posted a few sauces the other night showing all kinds of shit about how they have nanobots that can release drugs in your system and actually 'build' different systems in your body/mind. Can literally control thoughts.

>People are grown as Crops

>Those who will Reject


a0bce1  No.4554988

File: 345075eef363478⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, nono.jpg)

28893f  No.4554989


Copypasta kike muhjooshill shill on duty

Backed up by IP hopping JIDF shills


Look here → "The Cabal," "The Globalists," "The Bankers," "The 1%," "The Ruling Families" etc

Do NOT look here → The fact that all of the aforementioned groups are overwhelmingly Jewish, the fact that talking about this subject in certain countries gets you JAILED, the fact that you can make statements about any demographic group OTHER THAN Jews on here without resistance.

(((They))) want you DIVIDED.

How many (((coincidences))) before it becomes statistically impossible?

945d02  No.4554990

File: 1e36f19237ac4ed⋯.jpeg (74.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1e36f19237ac4ed4e3e0e14de….jpeg)

cdef83  No.4554991

0dcc59  No.4554992

File: 2cd1898ed2c9a8f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1244x873, 1244:873, q-clock.png)

File: 3990374885e703f⋯.png (41.38 KB, 1029x402, 343:134, search.png)

File: 996ec1ce291c14c⋯.png (58.53 KB, 980x332, 245:83, Nav.png)

>>4550855 (pb)

hope this helps.


ea2ac0  No.4554994


i sure hope stephen miller gets some anderson ccoper time before the taco meat grinder

70acb4  No.4554995

File: 24d4b49a7ff0dc9⋯.png (70.81 KB, 712x519, 712:519, nikki.png)

Due to State Dept rules that were changed by the outgoing administration

I have had to clear my personal Twitter account that I have had for years. The followers, the history, the pictures, and all other content. Please refollow and retweet this to your friends. Here’s to 2019!

WHY did Obummer's DoS change Twatter rules? When? wtf guise


e30d27  No.4554996


The question was “why do Jews (and Muslims) hate non-Jews (and non-Muslims)

They both Hate Christians. Share a common ground.

c8678e  No.4554997


just have to make the news with some indisputable evidence who's message cannot be misconstrued. breakdown/force MSM.. or Emergency Broadcast.

60410a  No.4554998


So why is Trump allowing govt shutdown for American taxpayer money to PAY for the wall?? Not Mexico. Americans.

b751d4  No.4554999

9e86c3  No.4555001


This needed to be worldwide. Trump kicked it off and out loud. His in your face voice is necessary.

bd8c5f  No.4555002


Nickelodeon (and many others) ratings pass CNN

f55eb3  No.4555003

File: 62c1ea621d5847c⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 914x514, 457:257, 11edb4f5bc2295b1f0d070ca1c….jpg)

0bd0c7  No.4555004

It's funny that they call Kanye Uncle Tom when he is the one who has stepped off the plantation.

f0b808  No.4555005


The primary value in erecting the Wall is symbolic of OUR taking back control from our enemies.

564362  No.4555006

File: 77c894d49903d2a⋯.jpeg (284.01 KB, 750x610, 75:61, D791D153-8B27-408B-ADFD-1….jpeg)

File: 5cab96c1361f160⋯.jpeg (421.63 KB, 750x813, 250:271, DCB3B303-61CA-48C7-AC79-8….jpeg)

DJT tweet “General” emphasis (McChrystal)

Career should have ended re: Pat Tillman death cover-up and Silver Medal scandal

Should not have retained 4-star status in retirement


f29094  No.4555007



9c1c3c  No.4555008


Looks like he dried himself with EC Comics.

d24fbe  No.4555009

File: 741196880730e87⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 634x769, 634:769, KW Phone.jpg)

Hold up….calling don again.

bc3a9a  No.4555010


I bet you would "care" about the wall if you lived near the border and had illegals trespassing on your property. It is part of our sovereignty as a nation. to protect the border.

65f984  No.4555011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Desperate Zionist Jew Shill: "Donald Trump Loves Israel"

Zionist/Israeli Shill bots post this one flimsy straw all the time, thinking that this will Suppress the Rage that American Patriots feel over seeing the Mountain of Evidence of Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans. These Zionist maggots are sorely mistaken.

Donald J. Trump attended the New York Military Academy for 4 Years. He graduated in 1964.

*Guess what is in the Curriculum of a Military Academy?

The Art Of War by Sun Tzu

"If I'm elected, you'll find out…….

Who Did 9/11

d6922a  No.4555012

File: e34ce0d5ab2bbe8⋯.jpeg (35.63 KB, 220x336, 55:84, 0ED7E5C1-D1BD-432E-BECA-0….jpeg)


Sucks eggs

dd3a6f  No.4555013

File: f8b61bd87a077b0⋯.png (558.53 KB, 973x614, 973:614, GreenCloud.png)


Haha here add some stank

ea2ac0  No.4555014

File: 828142009879c6b⋯.gif (724.61 KB, 245x183, 245:183, tumblr_mdaykaH9hk1qc3nxxo1….gif)

0350d5  No.4555015


Missing "d" in @realDonaldTrump?

91ca04  No.4555016


a real wall or a financial wall.

its not about the wall, its about tax $.

52e076  No.4555017

File: ec9fad49c1f727f⋯.png (3.53 KB, 246x205, 6:5, pepe in corner.png)

4c7be9  No.4555018

that line of thinking got you dirt in you're grave. God is Spirit and Flesh and through Him we have been graced with a chance for Eternal salvation


1fca7f  No.4555019

File: 6eaee34f9d4f315⋯.png (20.17 KB, 588x131, 588:131, ClipboardImage.png)

766425  No.4555021


Caravan busted as org by Soros.

38acf4  No.4555022


e30d27  No.4555023

File: 7570f045e309267⋯.jpeg (25.62 KB, 248x255, 248:255, EF1DE95B-E680-4694-AF88-F….jpeg)

File: 68d70aff3ff261a⋯.jpeg (21.22 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 94292F24-DEC1-4BDE-89B1-1….jpeg)

31e0aa  No.4555025


that's true, anon.

many such cases.

bfbfe4  No.4555026


I think McC and Brennan will go down in tandem.

945d02  No.4555027


So your all in for breast cancer! Dig that!

May be some bible Quotes?

6acb0a  No.4555028

File: 750a5bc6d41befa⋯.png (1.17 MB, 724x729, 724:729, Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at ….png)


>follow the owl & y head around the world

I believe Q meant this quasi literally. To be clear about what I mean, I believe that Q wants us to look carefully at Google Earth to spot their symbolism and the compounds where they conduct their work and dig into those places and those who administer their business at those locations.

7f2c2e  No.4555030

2019 HRC guilty of crimes against humanity

4c2fe6  No.4555031


>Paul's attempts to spread the teachings of a Jewish reformer to non-Jewish communities.

yes and what he did to accomplish that did not require any modification by the romans

it was so well done in fact they canonized paul in the NT

big lie it was

b751d4  No.4555032




grannyposting is becoming a problem

6a9865  No.4555033





4e058e  No.4555034

File: b6d44b5beb8dca5⋯.png (146.87 KB, 285x287, 285:287, RIP_GWHB.png)

ea2ac0  No.4555035


queer larps

766425  No.4555036

File: ca1cc8bb180a211⋯.png (31.09 KB, 657x651, 219:217, grinningpepe.png)

d82c24  No.4555038


Why not use the word "previous" instead of "outgoing"?

e381a1  No.4555039

File: cc3063a851cc3fc⋯.png (319.76 KB, 1280x857, 1280:857, zeros.png)

WTF with all the blanks on ADSB?

ea2ac0  No.4555040

File: 29fcc1173472548⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, b246951c29ae83b02e0dbdc368….jpg)

4d731b  No.4555041

Post #4555000 get deleted?


3ee311  No.4555042

File: 31edefa4d6b8f33⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 700x394, 350:197, vatican196_01.jpg)

File: 0fe5a4715c85f66⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 600x444, 50:37, vatican196_02.jpg)

In Brief

The Facts:

High ranking Vatican official Cardinal George Pell has been convicted on 5 counts of child sexual abuse.

Reflect On:

Why are we made to idolize and look up to such institutions like the Vatican, the Pope, celebrities, presidents and politicians? Why are they always portrayed one way, but actively engaging in clandestine unethical behavior? Why are they 'leaders'?

How long have activists been creating awareness around ritualistic child abuse within the Vatican and its Catholic Churches spread throughout the world?

How many times have officials from this domain been accused?

How many times have they been convicted?

How many more high ranking people from within the Vatican have to come forward for this type of activity to stop?


It's not just the Vatican, but this issue bleeds down from the top…

For example, here's the story about a recent case that re-opened in Florida concerning billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his friend Prince Andrew of the Royal Family.

Hillary Clinton has been associated with crimes against children, and has been called out also for her (and Bill's) connection to Epstein, in order to "engage in sex with minors."

You can read more about that here.

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican196.htm#Bill and Hillary Clinton Engage in Sex with Minors - Says ex-US Department of State Official

dcbb3b  No.4555043



Confirmed by Charlie Kirk https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1080214974683930627

726df6  No.4555044


Shill, the "how many coinkidinks" is meant to proove Q by the many many proofs.

Try harder

They want you DIVIDED.











4ff2cb  No.4555045


If it weren't for this board I would've never found God.

In truth, we don't know what god looks like. However, I find the description of Cherubs to be really telling. Satan before his fall, was a cherub. They weren't cute little babies with wings.

Also, even in Greek Mythology the "Gods" had a hierarchy. Take that into account it is easy for me to believe there is one god that rules above the others, because he created them too. They were like unruly children who try to have authority over their parents and that is why they were put into eternal time out.

bd8c5f  No.4555046


Federal Grand Jury to hear Evidence of WTC Demolition

4c2fe6  No.4555047


yes i know the doctrines anon

studied and believed them most of my life

not any more

there is even better news if you want it

b751d4  No.4555048

File: d8732f4f5e6f801⋯.jpg (66.95 KB, 540x534, 90:89, 1544094248645.jpg)

quality bantz in here tonight, boys

keep it up

766425  No.4555050




9409ca  No.4555051


Roger that, Neo-Nazi, Stormtrooping, Panzer-Riding, Blitzkreigers with shaved-heads and all that, who look exactly like Hollywood Nazi-characterizations, read you loud and clear.

We are totally not average everyday Americans, who you would never suspect.

1a3d82  No.4555052

File: 24f17efb9fe1318⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 272x281, 272:281, iur (2).jpg)

CP shills projecting their sickness upon this board

5f7b27  No.4555053


let me check for you, ok comrade?


1bda12  No.4555054


makes sense to me. just adding to original thought w tripadvisor - "follow around the world" seems like it fits. more reason to think this is relevant.

bbdb48  No.4555055


Stare deeply into your navel. The answers to the universe are there.

57d51d  No.4555056


Plenty of YouTube clips of white soyboys admonishing blacks for wearing maga hats

726df6  No.4555057

51666d  No.4555058

File: f5c214a45a0ef9d⋯.jpg (196.3 KB, 1070x810, 107:81, MexicanImmigLaw.jpg)

File: d847f86e2add658⋯.jpg (150.47 KB, 750x529, 750:529, MexicoImmigrationLaws.jpg)

File: c3aca4aa1d69d8e⋯.jpg (89.62 KB, 609x799, 609:799, MexicoImmigrationLaws2.jpg)

File: 7a86ffdb5ab8580⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 474x289, 474:289, DACADemsOpenBordersMS13.jpg)

b751d4  No.4555059


source on this?

9ff27b  No.4555060

File: af00cdb7d32876b⋯.jpeg (86.51 KB, 640x960, 2:3, C431A1C7-9E18-4C53-B5B3-F….jpeg)


Could be in different forum.

24c18d  No.4555061


President Trump pardoned Dwight and Stephen Hammond, the Oregon ranchers whose imprisonment was the straw that broke the Patriot's back and led to the Bundy et all stand UP at the Malheur Refuge, which ended up with the MURDER of LaVoy Finicum.

God Bless POTUS for doing that.


3ddb6f  No.4555062

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)


They always project.

Israel admits they use AI to silence and harass people for their speech.

ea2ac0  No.4555063

File: 823c83e39d94384⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 13.74 KB, 250x250, 1:1, drumpflarprehabilitation.jpg)

945d02  No.4555064


Id pay to see that in an MRI!

629c39  No.4555065

To truly appreciate the taste of feral Toots, you need to bleed, brine and bake a cat.

Side dishes and dipping sauce add local influences to such a sustainable meal.

6a9865  No.4555066








1a09b2  No.4555067

File: 49db17a837fd221⋯.jpg (134.58 KB, 706x388, 353:194, MuellerBG.jpg)

File: 761c76849179105⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 678x159, 226:53, MuellerGohmert.jpg)

28893f  No.4555068

File: 98bcaad9661aceb⋯.mp4 (1018.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, coincidence.mp4)


Yes, the only "coincidences" that should be connected are the ones related to Q posts, all others are just that: coincidences. Pay no attention, goy!

4c2fe6  No.4555069


well you are onto something very true and very important anon

"as above so below"

reality is infinitely layered

we only see some layers

but always

"as above so below"

ea2ac0  No.4555070


stfu scientologist

4d731b  No.4555071


Thats odd. Wasn't/not showing up on my end.

e739f5  No.4555072

$3.25 in wa state, nobody gives a fuck about washington compost we get to fund all the climate change now, they just spend weed money to fight the federal gov from Freeing us


95b130  No.4555073


Is she following a rule that maybe someone else didn’t? What, exactly, is the rule?

efb676  No.4555074



The blurry image looks so…… phallic. They can render a perfectly clear Ultra-hidef pic of their Pluto flyby at 3 billion miles, but a blurry ass pic at 4 billion?


4ff2cb  No.4555075


My naval is proof of god. However, Adam and Eve were the first and not born from flesh…would they have had a naval?

Just a suggestion anon, read or listen to the book of adam and eve. It's not canon, but the gaps it fills are extraordinary.

9e86c3  No.4555076



God is the collective higher power within us all and all things with energy- the higher frequency. But I also believe we weren’t meant to put it (God) InTo words.

5b6173  No.4555077


Nothing happened?

83. End Iran deal

84. Trump calls out obama cash drop

85. Vets - Choice Law

86. Tl;dr but muh "envelopes"?

87. Memes reaching critical mass

88. It be happening, slowly steadily, we are winning, You can add all the lawsuits to protect our water, MI, NY and many other states against 3m and other companies.

89. Caravan busted as org by Soros

90. Nickelodeon (and many others) ratings pass CNN

91. Federal Grand Jury to hear Evidence of WTC Demolition

92. President Trump pardoned Dwight and Stephen Hammond, the Oregon ranchers whose imprisonment was the straw that broke the Patriot's back and led to the Bundy et all stand UP at the Malheur Refuge, which ended up with the MURDER of LaVoy Finicum.

65f984  No.4555078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You Jews In Israel Just Can't Say The Word ZIONIST

22116e  No.4555079


Tell him he should go to jew neighborhoods and film that shit.

World will see (((them))) for what they are.

Whenever you ready, Mr. Kanye West. So long as we live to fight another day, we can always make it hurt for (((them))).

734b3c  No.4555080


I wonder if that is some kind of DS fuggery to distract us?

61440b  No.4555081


Because it's probably on another thread.

7fddf8  No.4555082

Shills and half-woke tards


Presidential Message on Hanukkah

Dec 2nd 2018

Melania and I

send our warmest greetings to our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States, in Israel, and around the world celebrating Hanukkah.

For eight nights, Jewish families and friends will come together to engage in the lighting of the menorah. This special tradition started more than 2,000 years ago during the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which followed a trying period when Jews were persecuted for practicing their faith.

Unfortunately, Jews today continue to face many different forms of violence, hatred, and bigotry around the globe. We remember all those from the Tree of Life—Or L’Simcha Congregation—whose lives were tragically taken in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past October. As one Nation, we pledge our continued love and support for the victims, their families, and the community, and we pray that the victims’ families find some measure of peace and comfort during this holiday season.

Over the coming days, may the warming glow of each candle on the menorah help fill homes and hearts with love and happiness. Together, we reaffirm the truth that light will always break through the darkness. We send our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Hanukkah.



440b57  No.4555083


especially granny.

9e7a8d  No.4555084

File: b069096eab430ff⋯.jpg (193.74 KB, 637x936, 49:72, Screenshot 2019-01-01_16-3….jpg)

File: 6eaeff04991d1c1⋯.jpg (226.61 KB, 619x1050, 619:1050, Screenshot 2019-01-01_16-3….jpg)

File: b84fb3fefbebd24⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 605x514, 605:514, Screenshot 2019-01-01_16-3….jpg)


3349ae  No.4555085

There are so many Jews involved that it is very important to make this look as thought Jews are not being targeted.

How do you accomplish that?

d24fbe  No.4555086

File: e82c96337531e3c⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 474x265, 474:265, Yeah.jpg)

ea2ac0  No.4555087

File: 7fe4892827362ff⋯.png (823.87 KB, 1125x900, 5:4, full.png)

33710f  No.4555088

File: 5c017c064fd9136⋯.jpg (156.55 KB, 1200x619, 1200:619, C3MSO2WWAAACdUf.jpg)



dcbb3b  No.4555089


I caught that too. I looked up the State Dept. Social media rules and the last edits were 8/2017. Something is strange here.

726df6  No.4555090


<kike goy kike, rabbi rabbi, kike

Glow on, shill.

bbdb48  No.4555091


Your pontifications are of vacuous gruel.

dd3a6f  No.4555092

File: 961c32e9742b3e5⋯.png (805.29 KB, 894x3102, 149:517, ClipboardImage.png)


FYI feed

ea16c1  No.4555093


this all started because i was promoting you

promoting your shot to have the curr events thread and get your yous

you rejected it and showed us why you rejected it

we are all frens here

consider what you could have if you work with

to each baker their own, but i cringe to add big name sites for just news, gotta be tons of anons screaming at me, or super Q and POTUS related

629c39  No.4555094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e76bdb  No.4555095



82e1e5  No.4555096




how ab out a nice TITS OR GTFO??

ba8527  No.4555097

File: fbea579a9910ce0⋯.jpg (67.28 KB, 400x625, 16:25, KingDavidPlayingthe Harp.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 67:

The Nations Called to Praise God

A Psalm. A Song.

67 May God be gracious to us and bless us

and make his face to shine upon us, Selah

2 that thy way may be known upon earth,

thy saving power among all nations.

3 Let the peoples praise thee, O God;

let all the peoples praise thee!

4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,

for thou dost judge the peoples with equity

and guide the nations upon earth. Selah

5 Let the peoples praise thee, O God;

let all the peoples praise thee!

6 The earth has yielded its increase;

God, our God, has blessed us.

7 God has blessed us;

let all the ends of the earth fear him!

9ff27b  No.4555098


Does it beep when it backs up?

5f7b27  No.4555099


ok, listen up, post numbers are spread over the entire board,it's in another thread

6a9865  No.4555100





abc889  No.4555101


Spurious anomalies on ADS-B. They are glitches and can be ignored.

61440b  No.4555102


If you click on it, you go to the Clockwork Orange thread.

bd8c5f  No.4555103



916c18  No.4555104

File: 0641f1e7591cdf8⋯.png (121.09 KB, 258x244, 129:122, pepe_lol.png)

d0582f  No.4555105

File: 2611edc9976c891⋯.png (15.72 KB, 580x122, 290:61, Selection_755.png)

3da87e  No.4555106

File: 20e9d72138e8e8b⋯.png (251.83 KB, 778x408, 389:204, ClipboardImage.png)


It's 9lb) anon…

7fddf8  No.4555107


(You) have so much moar to learn, little grasshoppa.

4ff2cb  No.4555108


And why is that?

afb239  No.4555109


All posts in all threads in qresearch are tied to the same sequential number alignment. Meaning a post if posted somewhere else will still line up with the numbers here, but not be here.

33710f  No.4555110

File: d59c91eaca56cf9⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 376x395, 376:395, dr-joseph-goebbels-about-t….jpg)


Scared, Jew?

Pic related is you right now and in every single thread. Do you do anything else besides defend Jews?

0bd460  No.4555111


Yup classic attempt at a guilt trip. Using Q's phrases against anons.


And here you are to fuel the fire with repeated bot-like posts.

Like clockwork.


What are your New Years resolutions anons?

bc3a9a  No.4555112


desperation breeds stupidity, the more they show it the faster they will go down for their crimes.

b751d4  No.4555113

8e1b6f  No.4555114

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope.png)

File: d60f8156215b50c⋯.png (539.14 KB, 485x558, 485:558, 2019-01-01_16-38-06.png)

d354d3  No.4555115

File: 4db6ff700269613⋯.pdf (939.05 KB, HudsonLostTradition.pdf)


Torah is not Talmud

0350d5  No.4555116

File: af602685f69714d⋯.png (31.06 KB, 1294x273, 1294:273, ClipboardImage.png)


>They weren't cute little babies with wings.

Yup, those are actually Putti:


7f2c2e  No.4555117

Radical juice

99f926  No.4555118




6a9865  No.4555119






c5b143  No.4555120

File: 6a22c63397a6c30⋯.jpg (871.93 KB, 1804x2438, 902:1219, 2016 Election by Race and ….jpg)


Still the reality…

640dad  No.4555121



NSA has it all. won't matter.

it has been being documented all along. there has been a plan in place….

afb239  No.4555122


>What are your New Years resolutions anons?

To do moar q reasearch

d0582f  No.4555123

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)


>Like clockwork.

33710f  No.4555124

File: 7dcbcb17309e865⋯.jpg (121.57 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1523108421801.jpg)


Says the kike.

5f7b27  No.4555125


They don't want flyboys with hangovers screwing up multi million dollar aircraft?

0bd0c7  No.4555126


Why are you here?

33710f  No.4555127


Its always the same pasta too. The same JIDF shills use the same shit.

c8678e  No.4555128


money moves in a lot of places… in effect, what we save in some areas( new trade agreements) will pay in our benefit… is it a fence or a wall??… whats the budget??… after it is built, what costs will we incur??… who ends up winning??

b751d4  No.4555129


peel my fatass off the couch, but i think my skin has grown into the cushions =/

38acf4  No.4555130



4c7be9  No.4555131

you mad bro?


28893f  No.4555132


>Easily triggered by slang words pertaining to Jews

>Silence when racial or ethnic slurs like "nigger," "faggot," "goatfucker," "gook," etc are mentioned.

Strange, I figured that would be "divisionfagging."

5b6173  No.4555133


Work harder to bring down ds.

33710f  No.4555134


I guarantee I was here long before you, jew.

945d02  No.4555135


True that!

bd8c5f  No.4555136


US hostages released (NK and Turkey)

POTUS calls big pharma to tell them to drop prices. They immediately do.

41647c  No.4555137


>What are your New Years resolutions anons?

To stop with new years resolutions.

e30d27  No.4555138



There 2 Jews

Talmud and Torah

22116e  No.4555139


Not too hard to tell the difference between genuinely pissed off Patriots that want to fuck over kikes vs (((shills))) trying to derail and IP hop.

(((their syntaxes))) glow, glow glow.

39b80d  No.4555140


Monsanto/Bayer getting sued and losing massive settlement in one case with 100's pending and stock losing almost 50% of its share price. Thought by merging with Bayer it would save them now both Nazi companies are going down.

5f7b27  No.4555141


spend less time here and more time on living a life!!!

82e1e5  No.4555142


if you think about it..she scrapped the whole account..it's still the old one..right?

it would've been verified back then..ALSO NOTE..what department tells you to get rid of everything social media..fishy smell..

9ff27b  No.4555143


Nice doubtrips, BO.

Resolution same as always. See if I can annoy the wife enough to get the silent treatment.

bd8c5f  No.4555144

remains of our soldiers back from NK

6acc6e  No.4555145

File: 02040df7b25fcde⋯.png (47.94 KB, 663x482, 663:482, ClipboardImage.png)


not fake

not gay

ed9ac4  No.4555146


Push all of them into the ovens to be sure?

9409ca  No.4555147

Before DINK'S "Green Mind", there was… "KEK COMMANDO"!!! Enjoy.

726df6  No.4555148

Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel

I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish faith and tradition. It's important that we have a president who feels the same way. For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve, and families in Jewish tradition. My administration will stand side by side with the Jewish people and Israel's leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis. Together, we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again.


0b7ef7  No.4555149

File: 89d6f1cc6c0bb99⋯.jpg (7 MB, 4200x2800, 3:2, points-out.jpg)


>Chek'd (You)self trips

MI.T. = MI = Military, T = Tribunal

(Everyone is off drinking while shils run amok, so callin out my own trips.)

766425  No.4555150

File: 326b36897c74aac⋯.png (176.59 KB, 1284x566, 642:283, Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at ….png)

BWI again. Is this the favored airport of the cabal?


abc889  No.4555151


To stop with the superstition mind control shit.

9409ca  No.4555152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b751d4  No.4555154




15b169  No.4555155

File: fb0f13cdf45af25⋯.png (1.23 MB, 792x600, 33:25, ClipboardImage.png)

65f984  No.4555156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do You Have Any Doubt As To Why You Jews Have Been Kicked Out Of Every Country That You Have Infested?

Keep Reminding Us All Here Because The World Is Watching This.

ea2ac0  No.4555157

File: fca050ea8a66808⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, large.jpg)

3ddb6f  No.4555158

File: b30a3fb80bb56d3⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 960x702, 160:117, Spurdo_coincidence.jpg)

File: feb76fed6957105⋯.jpg (192.44 KB, 973x673, 973:673, Jews_Nepotism_1_2.jpg)

File: 64d404bf641e1a3⋯.jpg (845 KB, 834x2023, 834:2023, Jews_Nepotism_2_Nobel.jpg)

File: 0c8f4192ee5f98d⋯.png (99.68 KB, 657x967, 657:967, Jews_Nepotism_2_Lorne_Mich….png)

File: 4dc858d8ba72bdd⋯.png (726.55 KB, 669x1819, 669:1819, 3_Jewish_Nepotism_1.png)


Henlo fellow anouns :DDD

Am here do dell you dat dere are no "teh jus" :DD

Dere is only singel berson! :DDDD

8 gorillion jus (no skin on benis) live in shitsraele :DDD

Ids simbly nod bossible dat all pedo globalibsts hab da cut benis and big nose :DDDD

But a lotsa cut benis in teh pedo globalibst cabal! (on all of teh flat glob) :DDD

Yes, yes, I gnow that lotsa globa-pedo hab teh big nose :DDDDDDD

But not all teh big nose put teh benis in teh small beboles :DDD

Simblyfried "oh fug, its all teh cut benis" is nod vact based, nod drue :DDDD

Ob gourse, only big nose JBIF (juich benis inderned forze) maek strawman argubents like dis, but pelease no nodice dat :DDDD

Teh stawman agubent dat nobode bakes (expebt JBIF benis lobers :DDD ) does teh 2 bings:

One – It a maeks ful skin benis globa-bedos sneky :D

Du – gibes teh U bovemend bad asbect off smoll assburger lebels :DD

You hab nodiced by nao dat teh faek news long noses say dat orange man bad and all followers of orange bad man are teh nabbis :DDDD

In teh obinion of me teh nabbis are here, and they copy teh pasta to txill :DD

Anouns are nod redarded and gan see wad habbens (they are nod Steby Wonders) :DDD

Only teh txills want to hide teh globa-pedos and blame teh dindus :DDDDD

Ids teh obongo breddy bad? Ids teh obongo towael head from teh keina? :DD

Ids teh gared gushner teh breddy guud? Ids teh gared a gut benis and maeking adag on teh pedo-globas? :DDD

Ids nod as dimple as txills would laig :DDDDD

Thing four yourselb! Bud blease dond nodice all teh cut benis nebodism, all teh cut benis inderesd grups, all the cut benis edno-cendrism and all the benis that goes indo anus on del-abib :DDDD

1a3d82  No.4555159

File: 0d39f4a098703db⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 389x397, 389:397, practice 145.jpg)

215abf  No.4555160

File: 67b867ebf82116d⋯.png (831.53 KB, 873x538, 873:538, ClipboardImage.png)

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