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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

19dd96  No.4541266

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 12/22/18

>>4433511 ————————————–——– Research for yourself

>>4432768 ————————————–——– TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.

Friday 12/21/18

>>4409412 ————————————–——– What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?

>>4408964 ————————————–——– Anons can play this game all day long.

Thursday 12/20/18

>>4401036 ————————————–——– History will not repeat itself this time

>>4400956 ————————————–——– Notice a pattern?

>>4393668 ————————————–——– ALICE & MAD HATTER. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4393450 ————————————–——– The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392683 rt >>4392645 -————————– Old news. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392646 ————————————–——– You have the keystone. ( Cap: >>4393888 )

>>4392356 ————————————–——– Completed this week.

>>4392305 ————————————–——– Anons know why.

>>4392219 ————————————–——– None left by choice.

Wednesday 12/19/18

Compiled here: >>4451195

Q & A

Thursday 12/13/18

Compiled here: >>4430511

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

19dd96  No.4541279


are not endorsements


>>4517617 BO: Censorship shills BTFO

>>4521281 BV: A 'Current Events' thread has been created

>>4514861 BV: All future official board communications will be done with Tripcode

>>4461248 BO on /QResearch/ posts per hour (PPH) stats: Be reminded that there are WAY more of us than you might think


>>4541016 Kim Jong-un says North Korea takes lead in building peace trend on Korean Peninsula.

>>4540933, >>4540842 POTUS trolling Pocahontas. (video)

>>4540975 Israel's Channel 10: Mattis blocks sales of F16s to Israel before resigning. (unconfirmed)

>>4540770 Vehicular terror attack in Japan.

>>4540675 DJT Tweet: HAPPY NEW YEAR! (video)

>>4540656 CNN covers the deleted Strategic Command tweet.

>>4541272 #5791


>>4540309 BBC News reporter at the Victoria Station heard segments of Manchester attacker shouting “Allah” followed by something. Motives unclear.

>>4540233 Tom Fitton: The Clinton campaign generated the Trump/Russia collusion narrative.

>>4540146 Barry's recent Tweets have very odd references.

>>4539999, >>4540029 God Bless President Trump and Keep him Safe

>>4539981 Sarah Carter calls out John Brennan and asks POTUS for declass in an epic Twitter rant.

>>4539905, >>4539912 Vatican spokesman and his deputy abruptly resign indicating that something has become 'professionally untenable'.

>>4540373 #5790

#5789 Baker Change

>>4539010, >>4539016, >>4539032, >>4539032 Michael Avenatti Triggered Over Email Sent to Him Says ‘Go Fuck Yourself’

>>4539012 B2 Stealth Bomber will kick of Rose Parade


>>4539050, >>4539274 Pocahontas 2020 announcement video

>>4539058 Qanon still in the MSM's minds

>>4539071 An anon's list of glorious events in 2018

>>4539093 Chad Pergram Tweet

>>4539161 Why did Chief Justice Roberts intervene in Mueller investigation?

>>4539178 Syria Update

>>4539223 Facebook Suspends Accounts Referring To Cop-Killer As An "Illegal Immigrant"

>>4539407, >>4539482, >>4539536 MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election

>>4539717 #5789

5788 Baker Change

>>4538243 U.S. Pacific Fleet Tweet: Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group returned home this April.

>>4538372 POTUS 2 tweets, zero delta, last zero was 12/18/2018

>>4538364 ISPs current outage map

>>4538486, >>4538540 flashback POTUS tweet/vid from NYE 2015

>>4538564 3,367 regulations in one year... is the LOWEST since records kept (1970s)

>>4538708, >>4538843 Stratcom twat, 'Watch to the End'

>>4538791 Dana White, Chief pantagon spokesperson, resigning

>>4538306, >>4538783 this years ball and prior years dig

>>4538944 #5788

Previously Collected Notables

>>4538141 #5787,

>>4535834 #5784, >>4536624 #5785, >>4537326 #5786

>>4533550 #5781, >>4534327 #5782, >>4535384 #5783

>>4531204 #5778, >>4532019 #5779, >>4532747 #5780

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

19dd96  No.4541282

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>4437980

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

19dd96  No.4541283

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

37 >>4359646, 36 >>4113363

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 36,000+ memes & infographs with keyword searchable filenames

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922

19dd96  No.4541296

File: be2ae037b1f1f84⋯.jpg (78.94 KB, 1600x669, 1600:669, DJTjr.jpg)



93a9c1  No.4541299

File: b512c2f945c9435⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 287x191, 287:191, 1546231128425.gif)

Happy new year!


415eaf  No.4541320

File: fb5046195014987⋯.png (39.64 KB, 639x362, 639:362, ClipboardImage.png)


Repost, since it was late last bread


5deb91  No.4541321

File: 1ee053546e36da7⋯.jpg (388.79 KB, 1814x1209, 1814:1209, 1535432522681.jpg)

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!

4:40 PM - 31 Dec 2018

3c0fc4  No.4541322

File: c392627d3e34ec7⋯.png (122.67 KB, 704x725, 704:725, 20190101_004128.png)

2e1cd5  No.4541323

File: 7c396b4269ccc42⋯.png (60.05 KB, 771x271, 771:271, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

75ac4d  No.4541324

File: ef3be22bbe4b351⋯.jpg (89.6 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, DvyMvHCV4AAa42I (1).jpg)

70be96  No.4541326

File: 7acb2bff1bacdc2⋯.jpg (393.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, failahontas.jpg)

6c2575  No.4541327

File: 9f621630f5c3ac1⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, TRTSWVSS.png)

3bad11  No.4541328

File: 4dcb5c7dbe85bd7⋯.png (393.37 KB, 662x466, 331:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bdf8c52fd0d8a1⋯.png (87.91 KB, 661x492, 661:492, ClipboardImage.png)


Quite clear, Faggot

Don't call me kiddo, you pedo Faggot

41fd77  No.4541329

File: 13823cc4684fe68⋯.png (448.69 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 2018-12-06_7-00-05.png)


c9d006  No.4541330

I am truly sorry

b41732  No.4541331

File: 9e71886af947d04⋯.png (12.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, baker.png)


<- I really ain't returning this meme, kek

796f45  No.4541332

File: dcb8dc29294a553⋯.jpg (111.45 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, NEBVvtIUDD8oFG_1_b.0.jpg)

4 hours 17 minutes and counting…

To reduce the risk of Termination or for those who do not wish to take part in the Purge, please proceed to a Certified Community Safe House or Bunker, stay inside until 9 am EST Jan 01 2019.

Just kidding… or are we?

44e089  No.4541333

File: 805cccc1392e539⋯.jpg (306.34 KB, 1967x1178, 1967:1178, _20181231_194149.JPG)

ed844c  No.4541334

File: 02db931e5cebfed⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 960x594, 160:99, Bring it on.jpg)

93a9c1  No.4541335


You are.

29b4d9  No.4541336

File: 30c5362d517d27d⋯.jpg (155.29 KB, 597x538, 597:538, arrestmeq.jpg)


Thank you Baker.

5deb91  No.4541337

c9d006  No.4541338

just light sphere. But not good for you.

5c27e4  No.4541339


You are because nothing that awesome will ever happen

22557f  No.4541341

File: 8b681551105215b⋯.png (59.7 KB, 232x300, 58:75, Matthew-Torah-Large-232x30….png)

96b726  No.4541342



b41732  No.4541343

File: 73e01757edaceb0⋯.png (8.34 KB, 156x255, 52:85, smyou.png)

ed62ec  No.4541344

File: 088686d79d9e527⋯.jpg (33.38 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, IMG_6951.JPG)

File: 0ad6e57e2b5eed2⋯.jpg (800.95 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, IMG_6952.JPG)

File: c7eb78ba06c9a02⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 600x424, 75:53, IMG_6953.JPG)

File: fb042aaab1210c5⋯.png (379.71 KB, 500x492, 125:123, IMG_6954.PNG)

Which beard should GEOTUS sport in the New a Year?

0e4454  No.4541345

Hmmm it's 1844 CST and local TV station just did a 30 second EAS test. It's a mandatory random test. Just so happens to be now…

f0b641  No.4541346

Dig on the Fleur de Lis

Not just a symbol or the French monarchy

Traces back to ancient Egypt

Blue Lily, a sacred flower

fc813c  No.4541347

File: abf5f4cab82970f⋯.png (778.12 KB, 1418x915, 1418:915, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4541313 (lb)

[3] [3]



fdd010  No.4541349


Fuck Off Acosta!

41fd77  No.4541350

File: 021d36017b6533e⋯.jpg (19.68 KB, 464x211, 464:211, 2018-12-08_21-29-41.jpg)


3bad11  No.4541351


The two pillars you faggots like to mount.

So ghey

8f3285  No.4541353

File: 977fa83f285f32d⋯.png (146.27 KB, 574x300, 287:150, 911119Mirror.png)

>>4541111 (LB) was an Eminem YouTube video.

1:19:11 in length. 11911

Tomorrow is Tuesday, 1/01/19

Remember.. Tuesday, 9/11/01

If that's not a sign of "Habbenings Tomorrow" (which starts at 12:01am)… then why do I even both checking for quads?

ELEVEN friggin ELEVEN!!!!

f0b641  No.4541354


Definitely #1

4b114e  No.4541355

File: 4025f5aca05e39c⋯.png (330.14 KB, 600x517, 600:517, 72ce69a6bf76c1c808fe3e355b….png)

1d5935  No.4541356

licking turds for jesus

larping drumpf for pedocucks

tongue in corhole for salvation


/shitty sex/ parties of the rothschilds

5470db  No.4541357


The first one. That looks nice.

ed844c  No.4541358

File: 88e88f9a1073ee3⋯.gif (861.39 KB, 499x377, 499:377, Napalm drop.gif)

a12b64  No.4541359


If ur truly sorry and expect to change ur f8, u need to kys on a livefeed and post the link here for us to watch…

only then, will you be shown mercy when u crossover.

That goes for all u faggots.

471cd2  No.4541360

File: 91de4a4fb0536b6⋯.png (396.92 KB, 1198x673, 1198:673, ClipboardImage.png)

41fd77  No.4541361

File: 421c37aed8ee64e⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 633x360, 211:120, 2018-12-23_11-31-05.jpg)


9c354a  No.4541362



is #3 the connor mcgreggor?

22557f  No.4541363

File: baa6623625fb088⋯.jpeg (52.13 KB, 750x528, 125:88, 414471f09cfa4032acae1a4e6….jpeg)


You forgot about the Middle one.

29b4d9  No.4541364


Beards are for muzzies.

529082  No.4541365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

great music for reading, posting, researching, kekking…ect

787429  No.4541366

File: 9ccc738036d51df⋯.jpg (156.4 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ew.jpg)

ad4c2a  No.4541367

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 1024x1118, 512:559, PepeDigDayNight.jpg)

c9d006  No.4541368

File: 0e36a81b40824a8⋯.jpg (4.72 KB, 259x194, 259:194, pepe.jpg)


hon why the hell did you reset?

6009ae  No.4541369


no, please no.

Is this how 2018 was glorious?

Anons, call me a shill. I am so disappointed right now.

"mexico is paying for the wall."

That's like me stealing something at the grocery store and saying that the price of stolen good is the cost they would pay to learn they need to upgrade their security.

292854  No.4541370

File: 66355e38b948916⋯.png (58.3 KB, 613x349, 613:349, twitter_com_realDonaldTrum….png)


4b114e  No.4541371

Where did all the drunk anons go

27529a  No.4541372


Gonna be honest anon I have a bad feeling about tonight. So many people gathering to small compacted areas. Fucking terrorist or FF wet dream.

Be careful out there tonight all.

ad4c2a  No.4541373

8f3285  No.4541374

File: 99d769d560189d6⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 465x621, 155:207, trump superman beard time.jpg)

93a9c1  No.4541375


All they need to do is recognize everything as a projection of mind.

f37cc1  No.4541376


it's a tie between 1 and 4. Very distinguished

577cda  No.4541377


She drunk already kek

f35e1a  No.4541378

File: b61151cf58122af⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 315x360, 7:8, Pickle Pindar.jpg)

File: 7a6fd42a0c3a61c⋯.png (4.12 MB, 4500x3750, 6:5, Sorosnopes.png)

Last bread we covered the best memes, but memefags know not all memes are created equal..

Toss out some of your worst attempts from the last year, or ones that you really had hoped would catch on and didn't, or just plain horrible after all.

To know strength, we must conquer our weakest points.

50e0ba  No.4541379

File: e97b2f2af1ab7b8⋯.jpeg (685.13 KB, 1242x1281, 414:427, F9E68DF5-2407-463C-ADE0-6….jpeg)

TRANSLATION: Enjoy yourselves tonight because starting tomorrow y’all are really really [RR] fucked! KEK


200807  No.4541380

I am two and a half bottles down of a 2005 Chianti

Anybody got some fava beans?

2885cf  No.4541381

File: f82fb11ba0b6aa7⋯.png (317.43 KB, 456x516, 38:43, lynnderothalpha.png)

529082  No.4541382

File: 9e0e8da41c98d7a⋯.png (131.12 KB, 643x740, 643:740, 9e0e8da41c98d7ac9378aaed32….png)

c9d006  No.4541383


you will see.,

4be767  No.4541384

I would sleep with Julia Banderas sitting on my face

89fbd9  No.4541385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave Janda interview with SGT Report, 12/30/18.

Regarding the Bush funeral envelopes:

17:25 - Start

22:40 - The envelopes contained a list of coming attractions.

23:05 - Their lack of twitter activity is a direct correlation to what occurred at the funeral.

23:30 - 25:20 - The Bush's note was different. An indication that Pence could no longer be considered an insurance policy.


41fd77  No.4541386

File: 938489033831857⋯.png (211.15 KB, 474x273, 158:91, 37155e7434537fb68089f792fb….png)


6009ae  No.4541387


"hon" is something my waitress would say to me before she shows me her tits and refills my coffee.

2e1cd5  No.4541388

File: b2b9d5b3f58f5fb⋯.png (30.84 KB, 649x137, 649:137, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)


Anyone heard of AAMEC Inc?

Can't find much on cursory search.

ed6dfa  No.4541389

93a9c1  No.4541390


>an entire glass of whiskey

She drink hard

b39b0d  No.4541391

When someone comes in and says “anons ready?” Why do you assume it is Q it could be someone playing with you

76fcdb  No.4541392


You guys are blowing my mind on the regular. Is this real life? How many humans, how many bots… How many would it take to do all this?!

29b4d9  No.4541393

File: 778e9224fec1015⋯.jpg (130.82 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, rottenchild9.jpg)

File: 145341ea4b56dd4⋯.jpg (199.51 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, rottenchild8.jpg)

File: 2939cfa6dc03c7f⋯.jpg (142.12 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, rottenchild7.jpg)

File: d24c28e9e05a387⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 1020x578, 30:17, rottenchild6.jpg)

3bad11  No.4541394

File: 86067407beb1fd5⋯.png (1.44 MB, 938x707, 134:101, ClipboardImage.png)

fbb9da  No.4541395


I'm getting there. Maybe by midnight.

4b114e  No.4541396


She needs a beard too

c9d006  No.4541397



c51a0e  No.4541398

File: 825aca3a9602f60⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1937x1470, 1937:1470, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4541153 (lb)

An update including the best edits of last year

a1fb6c  No.4541399

when was the last POTUS sighting?

2885cf  No.4541400

File: 37f794565d1294a⋯.jpg (150.45 KB, 634x764, 317:382, natroth1.jpg)

5c27e4  No.4541401


Trump's Happy New Year video was 11 seconds

e37879  No.4541402

File: 9e7b51a10ba310a⋯.png (227.13 KB, 485x465, 97:93, 2018-12-31_19-44-28.png)

da07b9  No.4541403


Part of that trade deal is the ability to lower taxes and raise wages to Mexicans in Mexico so they don't border jump. Unlike NAFTA that drove wages in Mexico down, and took our businesses.

ed844c  No.4541404

File: bc164741c44f656⋯.jpg (20.64 KB, 474x632, 3:4, Take a drink.jpg)

87eb6b  No.4541405

File: a3dba965ec85027⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1927x1087, 1927:1087, flotuspotuspepenoice.png)


right here fren!

70be96  No.4541406


It's only a flesh wound.

200807  No.4541407


This is what we do.

We see what others don't.

We think what others don't.

We say what others won't.

We are anon.

You are here for a reason.

22557f  No.4541408



Brown Eye of Providence!


821c85  No.4541409

>>4540975 pb

>>4540981 pb

>>4541021 pb

>>4541029 pb

>>4541272 pb

pb notable - needs a fix in the description

Mattis blocked the israeli f-16 sale to croatia.

14105a  No.4541410

File: 8fe62f84d918478⋯.png (246 KB, 899x766, 899:766, ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian Facing Death Penalty For Drug Smuggling As China Orders Retrial

A Chinese court has ordered a retrial for a Canadian national accused of smuggling "an enormous amount of drugs" into the Communist nation, arguing that his initial sentence of 15 years imprisonment followed by immediate deportation was too light.

The sentence, which had not been previously reported, was apparently handed down on Nov. 20. But at a hearing on Saturday, the Canadian citizen, Robert Schellenberg, prosecutors accused him of playing a key role in a major drug smuggling operation and argued that his sentence was far too light, according to Reuters.

The Associated Press reported that few details about Schellenberg's case have been released.

Robert Lloyd Schellenberg was tried in 2016 but his case has been publicized by the Chinese press following the Dec. 1 arrest of the chief financial officer of tech giant Huawei on U.S. charges related to trading with Iran.

Drug offenses are typically punished severely in China, and drug smuggling offenses are often met with the death penalty - as in the case of a British national who was put to death in 2009 for smuggling more than 4,000 grams of heroin into the country. The initial sentence was handed down by the high court in Dalian, the top court in the northeastern province of Laioning.


2c32e8  No.4541411

File: a4df428ba946157⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1300x900, 13:9, #fly toots fly.png)

529082  No.4541412

File: ae0b39f3cc37517⋯.jpg (8.89 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ae0b39f3cc37517d31caa41446….jpg)



532efb  No.4541413

File: 4515a47e5f548be⋯.png (1006.56 KB, 1941x1440, 647:480, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4541260 (lb)

Thanks anon

577cda  No.4541414



1b5933  No.4541415

File: fa79f7a05b0d78b⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 609x502, 609:502, epoca.JPG)

b98c28  No.4541416

File: b96c3d5503eb3ba⋯.png (82.45 KB, 582x500, 291:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d6d71faf32eceb⋯.png (29.01 KB, 574x295, 574:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 831afb39ac75ed9⋯.png (19.65 KB, 568x196, 142:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c5f913efdae271⋯.png (205.4 KB, 390x390, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

I've been catching up with CDAN.

Enty was on fire on Sunday, pics related.

Pic 1: Rose McGowan, a figurehead of the #MeToo movement, is a (serial?) harasser of women, and she/the movement are suggested as being controlled opposition to distract from pedogate with the assistance of the M_M. The blind involves video from a phone. Brings to mind:

>We love phones!

Pic 2: Angelina Jolie into Voodoo confirmed.

Pic 3: No autopsy performed on AB's body before swift disposal by French authorities.

Happy New Year, Anons.

fc813c  No.4541418



Web Browser

ShareX (ScreenCap)

Cup of coffee


c9d006  No.4541419

200807  No.4541420

Over under on number of days RBG lives

I got under 30

14105a  No.4541421



ed844c  No.4541422

File: 1aa376c31504774⋯.jpg (123.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, No Boss...BOSS!.jpg)


add this

21ca50  No.4541423

What are the odds?

Don't here from many high profile people on social media since after GHWB funeral. Then MSM and social media started asking where the hell are these people and magically, they all started tweeting. I do not believe these tweets are being sent by the original people. Not one bit.

ad4c2a  No.4541424

File: fea152ca4443268⋯.jpg (408.55 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, PepeDigDayNight2.jpg)

f46462  No.4541425

File: 138fedc1cacfff8⋯.jpeg (429.43 KB, 1417x1701, 1417:1701, meme.pepe.not.concerned.jpeg)


Hang in there, anon. So much goodness happening. Timelines change. 2019 will bring justice.

29b4d9  No.4541426

File: de1768d1a4c6637⋯.jpg (131.84 KB, 1024x529, 1024:529, rottenchild5.jpg)

File: 1aa2b9974b90671⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rottenchild4.jpg)

File: afc8aa12b3d1136⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 994x740, 497:370, rottenchild3.jpg)

File: 744e45777a8027d⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, rottenchild2.jpg)

File: c6cc5c5a52dcd2c⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1031x683, 1031:683, rottenchild1.jpg)


Every dog has his day!

ae4795  No.4541427


Not if you keep spelling her name wrong, you won't

fbb9da  No.4541428


Dubs wills it!

fdd010  No.4541429







You fell for the slide.

Wake up!

4be767  No.4541430


one autist

0bf2af  No.4541431

File: 3b339c3d722cd80⋯.jpg (251.59 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, 14bdbd209151533a4c5e0a8a89….jpg)

Thank You Baker

5c983a  No.4541432

File: f48c793ff24fbac⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1546135294537.jpg)

ed844c  No.4541433

File: d9c82ab4ca0538b⋯.jpg (197.81 KB, 600x425, 24:17, How is Mortimer doing.jpg)

70be96  No.4541434

File: 316cf8dccfc8772⋯.png (335.84 KB, 1940x618, 970:309, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)


Brand new. Probably a shell corp to take dirty foreign money for EW.


ed62ec  No.4541435

File: 590e9374e787eba⋯.gif (446.58 KB, 500x250, 2:1, IMG_7492.GIF)

4be767  No.4541436


sheeeit, Julie

200807  No.4541437


I worked with Rose. She is a fucking lush whore.

a1fb6c  No.4541438

577cda  No.4541439

File: 1b0b360fadfad85⋯.jpeg (170.13 KB, 1396x1394, 698:697, 5C5A8C63-2A21-4C9B-935F-2….jpeg)


Get this boopity boop shit the fuck out of here

3bad11  No.4541440


Top kek!

6c7282  No.4541441

File: e2a034b3b30315b⋯.gif (929 KB, 600x312, 25:13, fireworks-happy-new-year-2….gif)

Have a great one Anon's.

19ca4c  No.4541443

File: fd9f3904cb9397b⋯.png (480.54 KB, 836x627, 4:3, 678b3bc498865fba72637c947b….png)

Well anons i wasnt sure how to celebrate the new years then it hit me what better way than to pour a glass of scotch and fuck with JIDF on 8chan

*heads to kitchen*

50e0ba  No.4541444



c9d006  No.4541445

af0662  No.4541446

I can't wait until the words I hear after the start of the New Year,

It's Habbening!

fbb9da  No.4541447


She will be pronounced dead by or on the 3rd, I believe she is dead already like GHWB was.

75ac4d  No.4541448

File: 421aa623b51868f⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 641x368, 641:368, Screenshot 2018-12-31_19-5….jpg)

8f3285  No.4541449



Want to spice up graphic even moar?



638f76  No.4541450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


***Remember – THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS !!!

That's why everything they shill here on Qresearch and the JQ boards are ANTI-AMERICAN. Its also why (((they))) keep claiming that "people in Israel approve of Trump" as if that's supposed to impress us. Jewish Supremacy attitude.

*Note- if Israel gave US $38 BILLION Dollars, and 70 years of $$$, F-16 Fighter jets, and American Soldiers to die in Bloody Wars for Israel, etc., we might approve of you too.

(((they))) have Saturated The Sheeple's Minds with their term "anti-Semitism" —

We Need To REPLACE Their Bullshit Term With The Correct Term: "Anti-American"

*Jews in Israel Attacking American anons here who post Evidence of Zionist Jewish Crimes against Americans are


dcbdc1  No.4541451


Looks like cancer claimed the wrong person.

b5ed05  No.4541452

File: 67419779a8a007d⋯.png (127.85 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Daniel Seiple.png)

File: fe27a8e76398413⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 300x227, 300:227, e-team elevator.jpg)

File: ad6c1b76775f128⋯.jpg (309.57 KB, 650x433, 650:433, E-TEAM.jpg)

File: 5f7d0196e1e03be⋯.png (683.51 KB, 650x488, 325:244, e-team.png)

File: 495d60cf065d888⋯.png (161.05 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Franziska Lamprecht Hajoe ….png)

2caad6  No.4541453


Janda is a DOLT

ed844c  No.4541454

File: efa4474e754a3d6⋯.jpg (114.46 KB, 1125x800, 45:32, No Boss Boss.JPG)


wrong one..this is what I wanted to post

c59a62  No.4541455


That is blasphemous. Your perversion is sin.

50e0ba  No.4541456

File: 6db45bd7a14c9bb⋯.jpeg (578.93 KB, 1242x1208, 621:604, 570CB93D-EB2B-4B07-9681-3….jpeg)


87eb6b  No.4541457

File: 62750d91eead5f1⋯.jpg (702.7 KB, 2994x1867, 2994:1867, punisherKEK.jpg)


ahhhh anon! I know exactly how you feel. Im still amazed on the regular.

fuken love u frens!!!

ty for making me smarter, quicker, and tougher. and also moar understanding and vulnerable at the same time, somehow.

what a time to be alive!

a732af  No.4541458

File: 156b82cd316e5c5⋯.jpg (119.86 KB, 1150x769, 1150:769, pepe_hillary_boom.jpg)

oh my god ooooooo it is hitting me like a ton of bricks….

Obamas Tweet…. Suicide,

these fuckers "suicide" themselves…

They are not dead, they have bodies, or people like coroners, sheriffs etc to cover for them, declare them dead, maybe take some fake pics etc, fake autopsy etc. (if any, maybe just documentation) but we know that there are people in place for decades who do this for the cabal.

They are going to fake their deaths…

and they will all escape just like the Nazi's did

But if they are caught… and they will be either

secretly put to death with a secret Tribunal OR

it will be public Tribunal and death… or prison, (should be death)

but this is the Suicides….

sorry if i am late on the uptake and someone already said this.

86f82a  No.4541459


I like you, anon. Kek… Exactly. That would be awesome

796f45  No.4541460

File: 1a44c0f12ba6d77⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 960x804, 80:67, 46458032_1128504280643173_….jpg)


I love this man

I trust the plan

but let's be real here please :D

14105a  No.4541461

File: fdf95a473ade219⋯.png (54.53 KB, 774x779, 774:779, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8249fe12826f004⋯.png (54.4 KB, 729x746, 729:746, ClipboardImage.png)

Abortion Killed 42 Million People In 2018

"Each of those 42 million abortions represents a living human being"

While the Left frets about the inhumanity of President Trump's immigration policy and the cruelty of ICE, let it be known that 42 million people died from abortions in 2018.

According to LifeNews, data compiled by Worldometers shows 42 million abortions occurred worldwide in 2018. Those numbers exceed deaths related to cancer, HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents, and suicide.

Woldometers collects its data from governments and other reputable organizations to compile its data. The sources for the abortion stats were provided by:

Sexual and reproductive health - World Health Organization (WHO)

Shah, I.; Ahman, E. (December 2009). "Unsafe abortion: global and regional incidence, trends, consequences, and challenges" (Pdf). Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 31 (12): 1149–58. PMID 20085681

The total number of abortions worldwide stands just 17 million people below the total number of general deaths worldwide (59 million), which does not factor abortion into its statistic. That means the correct total number of deaths worldwide in 2018 stands closer to 101 million. Those who would accuse pro-lifers of drastically over-inflating the numbers or wrongfully equating abortions with death fundamentally deny science. LifeNews explained it best:


821c85  No.4541462


And the source is Venezuelan alt news website.

a12b64  No.4541463


I already see u dumb fuck. thats the point.

U think this is some sort of fucking game faggot?? Do u know what ur up against?

Ur rabbis didnt prepare u for what comes post flesh. Ur fucked.

a95075  No.4541464

File: 34aff7de85fe022⋯.jpg (286.24 KB, 1101x734, 3:2, 1537382843299.jpg)

22557f  No.4541465

File: f95d0a47ea59909⋯.jpg (56.22 KB, 610x732, 5:6, 49723892_10156565749006253….jpg)

b41732  No.4541466


kek has rewarded your magnanimosity with digits

you still ain't gettin that meme back

ebc438  No.4541467


Lurk Moar.

01a05f  No.4541468


Lots of reveals around this time of year

da2b10  No.4541469

File: f823e660a948097⋯.png (196.47 KB, 356x376, 89:94, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)



41bd44  No.4541470


Rancid bet, because they’ll just keep her in dead justice storage until its expedient to do the reveal.

af0662  No.4541471


Naw she's working out, in that Mortuary!

441c96  No.4541472


Fake News

Sean's losing it.

ad4c2a  No.4541473


Beards are muzzie

0bf2af  No.4541474

File: 26b9a91e5232a55⋯.jpeg (16.57 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 1ecf3672f3683add766ef7cba….jpeg)

dd124a  No.4541475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

19ca4c  No.4541476

File: 7c2ca9553954e04⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 475x475, 1:1, jew.jpg)



we told you a couple breads ago that calling them JEWS sums it up just fine. These are jews we are dealing with here. aminotrite:?

4be767  No.4541477


what are mustaches for?

0daf71  No.4541478


If we told you that we'd have to kill you. So, don't tempt us.

22557f  No.4541479


so most governments on earth?

8f3285  No.4541480

File: 591708d678fe139⋯.png (153.41 KB, 474x406, 237:203, NationalPopcornDay.png)

6dc0ce  No.4541481

File: 742ee7e86660d2e⋯.jpeg (558.4 KB, 2048x1233, 2048:1233, 861CDF08-B264-4716-9041-1….jpeg)

87eb6b  No.4541482

821c85  No.4541483

File: 5d9c067937ecf8b⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 094.jpg)

File: fc5af221e4c6214⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 4da2886f06faa3d8860dc60974….jpg)

8bdc51  No.4541484


I think you mean Don't Ducking Drive.

Opportunity missed.

a732af  No.4541485


whats going on? with sean, i don't have a tv

5a5442  No.4541486

File: 9f36ac58a5ba214⋯.png (24.48 KB, 1078x1182, 539:591, DON'T TRUST THEM!.png)

ed6dfa  No.4541487


Due to existing aid relations between the United States and Israel, the latter is required to notify and seek permission from Washington prior to selling any fighter jets to a third party.

Practically, the F-16 deal with Croatia is dead and we don’t think it is possible to get an agreement that will reconcile the U.S. conditions and the Croatian demands in the tender,” the official stated, adding that the rejection has embarrassed Israel, who is now required “to apologize to Croatia for the deal falling apart.”


"adding that the rejection has embarrassed Israel"

659b25  No.4541488

File: 43dc501a77acfa6⋯.png (61.92 KB, 176x173, 176:173, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

How to recognize a non-white neighborhood

7e24ba  No.4541489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Since when you listen POTUS so hard ??????????

I'm listening eM since 2001, never saw Trump fighting for justice, and now, what??????????

Is actully real, that?????????????

Fisa is free??????????????????????????????????????????

Go suck a dick!!!!!!!!!

prepare to make him pedo!!!!!!!!!!!!


ed844c  No.4541490

File: f1d143be3ec5e38⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 736x1117, 736:1117, Bombs away baby.jpg)

fc813c  No.4541491

File: a925494b20ad308⋯.jpg (98.31 KB, 1000x883, 1000:883, Reallywtfdudepepe.jpg)

fbb9da  No.4541492

File: 589d6cb0420f398⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 1407x193, 1407:193, RBG dies.JPG)



I screwed up on the RR thing though, I meant it to be BK.

b39b0d  No.4541493

d3f8cc  No.4541494

File: a506b48bc0eda1f⋯.jpg (208.13 KB, 876x760, 219:190, Nasime.jpg)

Happy New Year to Nasime

we shouldn't forget her either

not really a meme, but awesome

Pepe wins, doesn't pepe win best meme?

5a5f37  No.4541495

File: 939410d35770d76⋯.png (144.78 KB, 1573x322, 1573:322, QMirrorAnswerYes.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



22557f  No.4541496


that was fowl.

c9d006  No.4541497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't take shit.

ebc438  No.4541498

File: ff5cf91bdb848c0⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 704x500, 176:125, handsupkid.jpg)

19ca4c  No.4541499



he cant change now

hes practically a symbol at this point

f37cc1  No.4541500


Somewhere I can finally use what the good Lord gave me brains for… The day job sucks.

Plus, I love you Faggots. You're all family to me.

Amazing time to be alive really.

be1266  No.4541501


I will take the over for $1000

577cda  No.4541502


Shit, I stole it from you I’m kekkin muh sides away over here

0d4f7e  No.4541503


Full beard is Classic Americana.

POTUS with a clean shaven head and full stache & beard is a good look to me

293304  No.4541504

File: 32f1fd51183fada⋯.png (90.64 KB, 720x783, 80:87, 20181231_195240.png)

Habbening!! Bibi on suicide watch?

Reported in Motherboard:

"In its announcement published on Pastebin, The Dark Overlord points to several different insurers and legal firms, claiming specifically that it hacked Hiscox Syndicates Ltd, Lloyds of London, and Silverstein Properties."

“Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London are some of the biggest insurers on the planet insuring everything from the smallest policies to some of the largest policies on the planet, and who even insured structures such as the World Trade Centers,” the announcement reads.

It is unclear what exact files the group has stolen, but it is trying to capitalize on conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks.

“We'll be providing many answers about 9.11 conspiracies through our 18.000 secret documents leak,” the group tweeted on Monday."

"On Monday, New Year’s Eve, a hacker group announced it had breached a law firm handling cases related to the September 11 attacks, and threatened to publicly release a large cache of related internal files unless their ransom demands were met."


5a5f37  No.4541505

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

668bb1  No.4541506

File: 04153d609efcf90⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 377x376, 377:376, MasonicGOAT.JPG)

File: 3f368d91353018e⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 426x374, 213:187, MasonicGoatRiders.JPG)

File: 746862e240fcf82⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 361x230, 361:230, MasonicGoatRidersII.JPG)

File: 5ca997f0627f6bd⋯.jpg (30.07 KB, 311x273, 311:273, MasonicGoatRidersIII.JPG)

File: 0a3cb6a61e48449⋯.jpg (21.66 KB, 323x203, 323:203, MasonicGoatRidersIV.JPG)

200807  No.4541507

File: 1da871ae07ac207⋯.png (165.23 KB, 468x314, 234:157, ClipboardImage.png)

ed6dfa  No.4541508



according to an Axio report.

a95075  No.4541509

File: 8c533b65307a398⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1522448374987.gif)

a732af  No.4541510


does not surprise me about Jolie, she seems like a wierdo…

29b4d9  No.4541511

File: 71a51afdb18c4a5⋯.jpg (171.86 KB, 1024x1139, 1024:1139, ghwb.jpg)

cf67eb  No.4541512

File: 2c1e87659329569⋯.png (689.26 KB, 796x529, 796:529, ClipboardImage.png)

John Brennan's New Year message to Republicans: Dump Trump

Former CIA Director John Brennan has a New Year's prediction: 2019 is about to usher in more political and legal problems for in President Trump. "It is my sincere hope that the forthcoming exposure of your malfeasance & corruption will convince enough Republicans to abandon you in 2019. We have had enough of your whining from the White House. We need an actual leader—our Nation’s future is at stake," Brennan tweeted Monday.

Trump and Brennan have repeatedly clashed since the former real estate magnate and reality TV star was elected in 2016. Brennan, now an MSNBC pundit, in particular has criticized Trump's foreign and national security polices as they pertain to Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Israel. "It is abnormal for us to speak out as critically and as vocally as we have, but these are abnormal times and he is an abnormal president. He's an aberration and not in a good way," Brennan said in June during a segment on his network. "As former national security officials and nonpartisans, we are very, very concerned that what we're seeing here is something that we have seen in other countries around the globe, which really led to the degradation of democratic principles as well as the standards of governance. That should not be happening here, this is the United States of America."

Tensions between the pair came to a head in August when the White House pulled Brennan's security clearance over his "erratic behavior." Brennan's comments come as Trump's lead personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani reiterated his calls for special counsel Robert Mueller to complete his federal Russia investigation. "My ultimatum is put up or shut up, Bob. I mean, you know, what do you have? There are those of us who believe you don’t have anything on collusion. And by the way, if you did, it’s not a crime, so what the heck are you doing?" Giuliani told Fox News over the weekend.

Brennan served as CIA director from March 2013 to January 2017 under former President Barack Obama, prior to which he was Obama's national security adviser from 2009 to 2013. He was also acting director of the National Counterterrorism Center from 2004 to 2005 during the George W. Bush administration. In addition, Brennan worked as a CIA analyst under the George H.W. Bush presidency and gave former President Bill Clinton his daily intelligence briefing.


dd124a  No.4541513

File: 720bfffda855904⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 400x411, 400:411, MI0003389043.jpg)



Try Bother & Sister!

Oh yeah

Don't Ducking Drive!

821c85  No.4541514

File: fb0d6179cf57d43⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a4d5490136326e45373d223f25….jpg)


Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, sreformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]

8bdc51  No.4541515


Don't be such a chicken.

3bad11  No.4541516


I done my lurking.

But I did it here instead of kiddy playgrounds like you mason faggits

fc813c  No.4541517




I thought it said NATIONAL PORN DAY

My bad

821c3c  No.4541518

File: 33ae0b60c25103c⋯.png (9.19 KB, 458x237, 458:237, 10daysSHUTDOWN.png)

10 days of darkness.


f46462  No.4541519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

796f45  No.4541520

File: 077d3b7797fbeab⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 480x524, 120:131, 077d3b7797fbeab0345f18aef5….jpg)


Qporn superstar!

8f3285  No.4541521

File: 4c843156c540b38⋯.png (251.94 KB, 991x597, 991:597, 55 years 55 days time and ….png)

File: fcb12ad1236cd69⋯.jpg (138.82 KB, 878x1200, 439:600, 221051-john-f-kennedy-jr j….jpg)

File: 629285a920d57b6⋯.png (244.61 KB, 992x591, 992:591, 71699 thru 11619 19 5 year….png)

File: 5df063ecdc55156⋯.png (236.39 KB, 987x590, 987:590, 11619 is 55 years 55 days ….png)

File: 5ad60df4a63a6d8⋯.jpeg (389.84 KB, 750x549, 250:183, 195000000 4 chan Q is rea….jpeg)




1/16/19 … 1/19/19 … interdasting lookin'

086875  No.4541522


Freddy and Ebot said #2

668bb1  No.4541523

File: 3a937433e20ea24⋯.jpg (108.47 KB, 655x500, 131:100, Shriers.jpg)

File: 98b7f9e273e71e1⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 379x257, 379:257, ShrinerClowns.JPG)

File: f678a770e9a76fb⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 478x367, 478:367, ShrinersClownsII.JPG)

File: 5529efa6728804a⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 489x378, 163:126, ShrinersClownsIII.JPG)

File: 266cd80646e3c02⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 653x438, 653:438, Skeletons.JPG)


Goat fucking clowns, those Masons are.

14105a  No.4541524

File: fbf87cc17e09f71⋯.png (818.58 KB, 761x545, 761:545, ClipboardImage.png)

Over Two Dozen Former Campaign Workers For Bernie Sanders Write Letter Describing ‘Dangerous’ Culture Of ‘Sexual Violence’ In 2016

A number of alumni from Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign wrote a letter in hopes of having a meeting with the Vermont senator and his closest advisers in order to discuss rampant “sexual violence and harassment” employees faced during the last Democratic primary.

The letter, obtained by Politico, features the signatures of over two dozen women and men who say a “dangerous dynamic” existed during the last campaign.

“We request that Jeff Weaver, Caryn Compton, Ari Rabin-Havt, Arianna Jones, Shannon Jackson, and any other relevant staff who may have input in the creation of a ‘gold-standard’ harassment policy, be present to make sure that our discussion is collaborative and results in tangible next steps we can be proud to stand in support of,” the letter reads.

The names of the individuals behind the letter have not been released but were described by Politico as ranging “from field organizers to some of the top officials on the 2016 campaign.”

Sanders’ campaign committee, Friends of Bernie Sanders, released a statement to Politico in response to the letter, saying “harassment of any kind is intolerable.”

“We always welcome hearing the experiences and views of our former staff. We also value their right to come to us in a private way so their confidences and privacy are respected. And we will honor this principle with respect to this private letter,” Friends of Bernie Sanders said.


e37879  No.4541525

File: 02508cc967f102c⋯.png (314.94 KB, 486x468, 27:26, 2018-12-26_08-50-45 copy.png)

ed844c  No.4541526

File: 1186046c9979b6c⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 600x343, 600:343, Firefox.jpg)


chek'd and o7

5a5442  No.4541527

File: 6baf26d39bf186a⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 221x229, 221:229, 6baf26d39bf186a7333a01d532….jpg)

174691  No.4541528




and MOUTHS !!

f88a0b  No.4541529


Cause of death smoking


a732af  No.4541530


and brennen is not president and he is a TRAITOR who needs a noose around his neck

f35e1a  No.4541531


was this supposed to be a response to muh post about the worst memes of the year? I'll link it there regardless. >>4541378

along with any other of your failed Media campaign to find a necromancer for JFK jr, i presume.

c9d006  No.4541532

til i heard a lick like this

2caad6  No.4541533



529082  No.4541534



"being cute as always.."

fa5eeb  No.4541535

I thought I have seen everything, but an Eminem slide on the Q research board? Must already be drunk….

af6811  No.4541536

File: 8156681a13e7dc7⋯.png (415.23 KB, 530x635, 106:127, POTUS.png)


I like, but prefer this.

200807  No.4541537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guys -


19ca4c  No.4541538

File: d2d51790293f37f⋯.jpg (449.19 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, libel.jpg)


ahhh yes avi, appeal to authority and suddenly your crimes vanish like smoke


c6b102  No.4541539


didnt know her, but seems like a waste if talent

6dc0ce  No.4541540

File: 5b625a8b8b4e523⋯.jpeg (87.92 KB, 430x679, 430:679, ADF727FE-B57A-4478-8FB0-7….jpeg)

File: 66f9c3545ee9dc0⋯.jpeg (114.98 KB, 900x599, 900:599, 72E99A8B-ACC4-4551-9B5D-2….jpeg)

2885cf  No.4541541

File: 86e4352d90071c0⋯.gif (211.82 KB, 501x585, 167:195, judaismgif.gif)

532efb  No.4541542

File: 879d6c8e6881d09⋯.png (925.51 KB, 713x1071, 713:1071, ClipboardImage.png)


This for sure

7e24ba  No.4541543





free energy

jfk hidden again, POTUS????????????????????????????????

SO YOUY HATE AMERICANS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

9d6c39  No.4541544

File: 368eb5cb8b01465⋯.jpeg (23.29 KB, 250x255, 50:51, lb7a7fb389dc0167944b46959….jpeg)


Lurk moar and LB faggot!

c9d006  No.4541545

I don't want to but I will

a95075  No.4541546

File: dfb5efd1767b177⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1546084503243.gif)

5c983a  No.4541547

File: 419d26d9454b711⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1541523103097.jpg)

ed844c  No.4541548

File: da90e77eed1691f⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 550x454, 275:227, oops.jpg)

dfc853  No.4541549


TY for this overview

f3885b  No.4541550

File: 4488baaef2d723e⋯.jpg (175.88 KB, 1207x897, 1207:897, crashintheparty.JPG)

seems relevant to repost

b5ed05  No.4541551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b797aa  No.4541552


i've wanted to see him hang THE MOST, moar than her in fact… this man is scum

bd9f3a  No.4541553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e39a85  No.4541554


Does anyone have the Pepe POTUS meme that says my shithole is not deplorable?

5a5442  No.4541555

File: 88c7d34b9c6f4f5⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 497x611, 497:611, 88c7d34b9c6f4f5c2c149cc2cb….jpg)

File: f06dba31c18b1fc⋯.png (611.09 KB, 477x829, 477:829, Jews 911.png)

ed62ec  No.4541556



I love this man

I trust the plan

but let's be real here please :D

I like it! He looks BADASS!

577cda  No.4541557



ebc438  No.4541558


To be fair anon, the Romans crucified tens of thousands of people. Nothing in this suggests it was Jesus, and you know it. I don't see a crown of thorns.

3bad11  No.4541559

File: 64d259ec582824c⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 670x510, 67:51, python Mason.jpg)


Top Kek!

22d668  No.4541560

Boxwood green. I know him

22557f  No.4541561


why not?

You more into cocks or something?

c9d006  No.4541562

File: 00a911ce7dbcb12⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 640x457, 640:457, 00a911ce7dbcb12be6d11ea446….jpg)

M shut down if you don't get it you are stupid.

8bdc51  No.4541563


"Good" Jews give birth to "bad" Jews every single day.

They need to go home to Israel. All of them.

Or not, but if not there will eventually be a physical conflict. Same goes for blacks and anyone else who won't assimilate into American (white) culture.

e572d2  No.4541564

File: c3d16c535797c56⋯.png (75.11 KB, 642x432, 107:72, Brennan.png)


Mockingbird Brennan and their Media right on Que

41bd44  No.4541565



293304  No.4541566


They admitted to being hacked dipshit.


“Hiscox recently learned of an information security incident affecting a specialist law firm in the US that provided advice to Hiscox or its policyholders on some of its US commercial liability insurance claims. The incident involved illegal access to information stored on the law firm’s server, which may have included information relating to up to 1,500 of Hiscox’s US-based commercial insurance policyholders,” that earlier announcement reads."

c560d3  No.4541567

File: 776ea8e4db5a51c⋯.png (275.61 KB, 500x654, 250:327, ca102f8e8017f4307929e89674….png)

be1266  No.4541568

File: 4d4b78ee0527421⋯.jpg (77.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ambulance idiot.jpg)


nice one dufus

4be767  No.4541569

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, thisshit.jpeg)


close filename

that faggot can't let that shill tactic/slide go

f46462  No.4541570

File: 5628188561f5da7⋯.jpeg (165.41 KB, 500x750, 2:3, pointing.sailor.jpeg)



5a5f37  No.4541571


Get out your calculator and do the odds.

7e24ba  No.4541572




















KEPT HIDDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











f60408  No.4541573

>>4541318 LB

>We sound like lunatics to our families

That is an over generalization and can only be specific to your own situation. Jesus left his family out of what he was doing, and told em to go away when they saw him gathering followers. I don't tell my family anything. I just talk to people i can glean have an ability to glork what i might be talking about. They are here and there sometimes, then i talk. I don't try and convince everyone around me something habbening. Then you sound like Chicken Little Sky is Falling. Don't do that.

ccf4ac  No.4541574

File: 35488a47a577a05⋯.png (665.91 KB, 743x1247, 743:1247, ClipboardImage.png)

821c3c  No.4541575

File: 4094768ce1f3c15⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 750x563, 750:563, DvbR6QcV4AMBDi_.jpg)

From dark to LIGHT.

fdd010  No.4541576

b41732  No.4541577


Whatever. I ain't givin' it back, and I'm posting it FIRST, so the author/legal owner can either beat me to it or kiss my ass.

HNY, anon

5c983a  No.4541578


It's got that serious look anon.

fbc8a4  No.4541579

File: cde8470df5147c8⋯.jpg (583.36 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Happy Q Year 2019.jpg)

File: e4791155b797e58⋯.png (2.64 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Happy Q Year 2019 Alpha.png)

Happy Q Year 2019 .jpg & Alpha .png Files

Lots more New Years Q's @ >>2730380

638f76  No.4541580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which ones On your List are the ZIONISTS?

898345  No.4541581

File: b80bbe6c6213a84⋯.png (939.2 KB, 733x746, 733:746, ldrr3.PNG)

ebc438  No.4541582


Who's a Mason anon? Who are you mad at?

22557f  No.4541583




Well we at least still have Z, VQC and…


766f8a  No.4541584

File: 3418c91736525c3⋯.png (23.14 KB, 463x205, 463:205, ClipboardImage.png)



821c85  No.4541585

File: 3b951d3e7c7b4d5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1415x1946, 1415:1946, 2018_9_13_20_14_43.png)

File: 83c6a9cbbbd8ead⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1391x2230, 1391:2230, 2018_9_13_20_12_36.png)

File: b74c4e2dfd64308⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1472x2672, 92:167, 2018_9_13_20_13_51.png)

File: f25a81a34abcc66⋯.jpeg (19.26 KB, 500x341, 500:341, 07090c8804e5b0c5bcc43e19e….jpeg)


Kys faggot.

Reminder - hitler related q crumbs.

Q post #154

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

>WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

>Fantasy land.

>Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









8bdc51  No.4541586


I'm no turkey.

5a5f37  No.4541587



What were the odds you came up with?

2caad6  No.4541588


OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH & he is the one that Has it right Eva Braun ??? when you pull yourself out of your primordial morass get back to me

87eb6b  No.4541589

File: ba40b907863b629⋯.jpg (61.93 KB, 318x405, 106:135, magicswordpainiscoming.jpg)

19ca4c  No.4541590

File: f6d45cdf7a89a96⋯.png (20.37 KB, 394x422, 197:211, Its the jews.PNG)

File: a12086236637fc2⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 310x319, 310:319, jewremphan.jpg)

File: d62737f2f236079⋯.png (877.88 KB, 1568x817, 1568:817, kikes love moloch.PNG)

File: a6fd5b466856055⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1404x934, 702:467, libel2.png)

File: 7554cdab2a244ce⋯.jpg (40.95 KB, 480x549, 160:183, mossad pretending to be is….jpg)

all connections lead back to jews

all connections lead back to israel

all connections lead back to zionism

ad4c2a  No.4541591

File: 4ba1339cfacc6b4⋯.jpg (181.75 KB, 821x547, 821:547, DeplorablesUnited.jpg)

File: b23e06c74051f24⋯.jpg (255.45 KB, 849x792, 283:264, Trump:CovfefeDeplorableDre….jpg)

File: 1b281601f0440db⋯.jpeg (260.43 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, DeplorablesWantedPoster.jpeg)

File: ea0f3636710c40e⋯.jpg (645.76 KB, 800x242, 400:121, DEPLORABLE_DREGS.jpg)

File: e478d58bb331239⋯.jpg (160.08 KB, 580x684, 145:171, DeplorablesSupportTrump.jpg)

529082  No.4541592

File: 2a360c6f3a2c9a3⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 982a31cc01c4c1a417da276079….jpg)

0e4454  No.4541593

File: 359f758ae169104⋯.png (28.23 KB, 597x277, 597:277, 8dad425d6d10f68efd37f10f18….png)


Setting the stage to declare congress in recess.

937b19  No.4541594

>>4540975 (last)

Strange, it should be reinstated. If we're leaving, let Israel do the job. But of course Muzzie shills (is there any other kind of Muzzie?) will say different.

2caad6  No.4541595


Welcome to a week ago

787429  No.4541597


Firefox… I liked the quick engine start to get out of the hanger before the doors closed.

fd20e6  No.4541598

Haven't been on for a bit, but wanted to come on and wish the "Band of Anons," Bakers, Researchers, Posters, Decoders, Board Owner and every other anon fager a prosperous and happy 2019.

22d668  No.4541599


William Munny. Where did he go

8e182c  No.4541600

Q+ Pls tweet 'dark days are now behind us' once you are ready to publicize the light.

af0662  No.4541601

File: 24428dd9398e6ef⋯.png (240.74 KB, 238x694, 119:347, NOOSE.png)


Here, for you Johnny boy!

fbb9da  No.4541602


He must have been locked and loaded for his trip to Gitmo!!

ccf4ac  No.4541603

File: 79a636fe21af792⋯.png (26.92 KB, 368x414, 8:9, ClipboardImage.png)

c9d006  No.4541604


not your normal shit

2885cf  No.4541606

File: f2e9aa91ebbe807⋯.png (228.47 KB, 760x378, 380:189, ClipboardImage.png)

ccf4ac  No.4541607

File: 74210362c8c1854⋯.png (42.95 KB, 796x295, 796:295, ClipboardImage.png)

577cda  No.4541608


Leave me the fuck alone nigga, go peddle that shit on someone else

821c3c  No.4541609


Just a reminder.

70be96  No.4541610

File: 1852dfac2e7175a⋯.jpg (150.98 KB, 1533x1080, 511:360, zzpotus.jpg)

200807  No.4541611

File: b647932e6b387a1⋯.png (468.94 KB, 1211x491, 1211:491, ClipboardImage.png)

goldfags - please comment

844fdc  No.4541612

File: be404875e22f70b⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Cheers, Anons.jpg)


You're the best Q artist anon. A Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours.

4be767  No.4541613

File: c83605e7f19fdc9⋯.png (239.13 KB, 735x370, 147:74, btfoRfaggots.png)



gtfo shill, it's completely erroneous, and has been for the two weeks you've been spamming it like a faggot

9d6c39  No.4541614

File: 64f8086e5e6b15c⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 672x480, 7:5, hahaSimpsons-nelson-ha-ha-.jpg)

532efb  No.4541615


>"mexico is paying for the wall."

You thought they would bring a trillion pesos…

They are paying for the wall .

Never ever suspected it would be them writing a check that would make zero sense

Hell just send back all the illegals the savings to us would pay for an extra 30ft high wall

5a5f37  No.4541616


Ah, so Q&A would be A&Q in a MIRROR. Thanks. You are very smart, anon.

7e24ba  No.4541617



ed62ec  No.4541618

File: 943b03965f83302⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 185x272, 185:272, IMG_7493.JPG)

da2b10  No.4541619


Thanks, anon! Just what I was looking for. Happy Q Year!!

441c96  No.4541620


I was talking about the SGT report.

This Dave Janda character is a joke.

Good decision on the TV.

I haven't turned mine on since the summer :)

b39b0d  No.4541621


Don’t make me contact the FBI again I don’t take any threats lightly

6dc0ce  No.4541622

File: 913643e11eb0ed2⋯.jpeg (161.31 KB, 701x1200, 701:1200, E5EBE20D-90B5-4973-AB49-6….jpeg)

File: 8c5586fdb63ec0d⋯.jpeg (88.27 KB, 680x679, 680:679, 35187DEE-FF3E-42BD-AE3D-4….jpeg)

File: 1da0b3079787e1b⋯.jpeg (136.13 KB, 711x900, 79:100, EC878604-36F4-4BCD-A075-B….jpeg)

fc813c  No.4541623


From time of OP to correction 4 minutes

240 seconds


787429  No.4541624

File: 9e978f62de97668⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 356x460, 89:115, 9e978f62de97668cb6341764c3….jpg)

14105a  No.4541625

File: 2b7e9b396dcc95e⋯.png (9.08 KB, 535x113, 535:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30f401bfa1042f7⋯.png (315.34 KB, 634x781, 634:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd2cd801010d666⋯.png (442.26 KB, 611x828, 611:828, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2381278fcb1d2bf⋯.png (46.99 KB, 622x494, 311:247, ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Norris Criticizes California’s ‘Lax Immigration Laws’ After Officer’s Death

Chuck Norris, martial artist and star of the popular television series “Walker, Texas Ranger,” took issue with the Golden State’s “lax immigration laws” after the recent death of a California police officer.

The actor noted that an illegal immigrant, Gustavo Perez Arriaga, killed Cpl. Ronil Singh of the Newman Police Department the day after Christmas, in an article titled “How Many More California Cops Could Die?” on Dec. 30 in his weekly column on the news website, WND.

“Tragically, Singh is another innocent victim in a long line of murders by illegals in the Golden State where borders are porous and returned deportations are plentiful,” wrote Norris.


0daf71  No.4541626


No. That always makes someone look like a dickhead. Kek

fbb9da  No.4541627


He must have paid some skeletons off with his kid in the cemetery.

293304  No.4541628



Shills freaking out.

f88a0b  No.4541629


Oh yes

Anons are responsible for admitting they believe there is DS and traitors in the higher levels of government. Also not cheering for SJW is smth they should hide, otherwise its their fault, right?

And, yes, we should send our families away

Like Jesus

5a5f37  No.4541631


When are you going to do the odds?

796f45  No.4541632

File: eceb8420278d13b⋯.png (16.09 KB, 255x216, 85:72, VIKING PEPE.png)

File: 3e08421b17b14e6⋯.gif (14.61 KB, 255x201, 85:67, WIZ1.gif)



Do it! :D

Year of the Beard!

659b25  No.4541633


It's a sale from Israel to Croatia. Mattis may have been blocking sale of F-16s to clowns.

22557f  No.4541634

File: 22ef842a25ed71c⋯.png (43.07 KB, 600x700, 6:7, i-cannot-keep-calm-because….png)


Oh wait, scratch that.

VQC committed sudoku and burned his trips.


you mean U+ ?

Cuz that's Tesla 369 stuff/"RR!"

f8cc4c  No.4541635

File: 4152ca728715177⋯.png (331.81 KB, 839x724, 839:724, Screenshot 2018-12-31 at 6….png)


It's real…happened early December


805c79  No.4541636

c9d006  No.4541637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


please DS fuck with me

21ca50  No.4541638


I second that anon-tion.

ebc438  No.4541639


<Beards are for muzzies.

I used to be all jelly about dudes who could grow beards, then my nutz dropped and I was able to grow one too.

Sorry about your luck young lady.

a732af  No.4541640

File: 0305f2aab369cfb⋯.png (580.22 KB, 2188x1670, 1094:835, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)



a Blood Moon/Super Moon/ WOLF MOON

Just sayin




yes it is

078e2e  No.4541641

File: bf1caf981baffaf⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, bf1caf981baffafbcefed1405e….png)

So the Mossad has finally publically admitted that they LOST the narrative by breaking out the jew hate?

…Because the only way [they] think they can control this place is by making it look bad?

Dear Mossad: Do you idiots live in a fucking vacuum?

When it didn't work the first time last year, what made you think it will work now that we've survived your worst, for a year??

KEK. You should all be fired.

532efb  No.4541642


Maybe after Patriots pay for the wall we can start a new one for MAGA 2020.

Imagine the tears.

a95075  No.4541643

File: 341a73740b75376⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 341x376, 341:376, diane feinstein.gif)

4be767  No.4541644


Directly after you kill yourself, I promise

pics or it didn't happen

f35e1a  No.4541645

File: 2235469cccb3df2⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 640x480, 4:3, nospoon.jpg)


oh shit, you mossad faggots are really pissed about that aren't you..

<Yawwnnnnnn so muh sleepy meme

Gonna keep some eyes peeled.

200807  No.4541646

File: 5e089c7ba11f78a⋯.png (138.13 KB, 297x314, 297:314, ClipboardImage.png)


Call him. He is waiting to save you - filthy WalMartAnon.

22079b  No.4541647

Happy new year frens.

Im spending the night with anons this year

fd20e6  No.4541648

File: 5afacd356b5e2c5⋯.png (568.12 KB, 998x925, 998:925, 5afacd356b5e2c54e747c35370….png)


Posted before I added pic

5a5f37  No.4541649


What are the odds? Get your dusty little calculator.

6dc0ce  No.4541650

File: ec61bd82c8407ef⋯.jpeg (94.15 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 9C76AF96-D14A-4C8B-8C00-5….jpeg)

a12b64  No.4541651

File: 8ba524aaad8a9ba⋯.jpeg (29.31 KB, 640x457, 640:457, FE418CAF-9F8E-40E7-843D-D….jpeg)


Boom at the crossing faggot.

Im just posted up, hanging off the tree, laughing my ass off.

The cross at the crossing. The final episode. Everyone gets circumsized 2gether. U ready to have ur hood ripped off and expose the dick head u are??

80e3b5  No.4541652


Agreed. 100%

5a5f37  No.4541653


The odds, please.

5a5442  No.4541654

File: 267ad910e72f9e8⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 600x315, 40:21, addtext_com_MjAwMzQwMTUwMw.jpg)

ed62ec  No.4541655

File: c24ab0f57f2c3df⋯.jpg (63.12 KB, 640x473, 640:473, IMG_8055.JPG)


>Freddy and Ebot said #2

f46462  No.4541656


she is pretty.

290741  No.4541657

File: 5f33fa7a86b80ec⋯.png (326.96 KB, 695x831, 695:831, Screenshot_2019-01-01 Remy….png)

New Year Fire Scheveningen (The Netherlands) out of control


2885cf  No.4541658

File: e204b80257882c7⋯.jpg (22.21 KB, 300x246, 50:41, humabye.jpg)

c9d006  No.4541659

yup DS I will notice :)


441c96  No.4541660


If his skull looks that good, he should do it TOMORROW.

I suspect it doesn't.

6dc0ce  No.4541661

File: 62724106a2b5bab⋯.jpeg (42.83 KB, 679x391, 679:391, F89578F6-06D1-4C72-9796-9….jpeg)

f4a85a  No.4541662

File: 383dac8ff7481c2⋯.png (777.74 KB, 512x768, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

b39b0d  No.4541663


Ha he is one of yours not mine

713108  No.4541664


Nota fuckin ble

1d5935  No.4541665

File: be757e35de26578⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 373x357, 373:357, FJIC3677.jpeg)

796f45  No.4541666

File: 91317e4ccb39290⋯.png (14.61 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 0 POINT.png)

File: 6942c10f0f2129c⋯.png (9.41 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0 MEPEPE.png)

File: 2b52120e8c0b940⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 673x654, 673:654, 0 PEPE spice.jpg)

File: 24d7b1b1e8c4d94⋯.jpg (90.74 KB, 642x378, 107:63, 0 NAC.jpg)

File: 1d77f41b63c9941⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 960x864, 10:9, 47580336_2306807749391517_….jpg)


you aint comfy huh "anon"? :D

70be96  No.4541667



Chuck Norris kicks Sanctuary State in the nads!

f60408  No.4541668


Fault is your own, not mine. I am just saying play it by ear, thats all. don't send people away, but don't drag them where they aren't ready to go.

b41732  No.4541669

I wonder how Rob Zombie spends New Years

19ca4c  No.4541670

File: 29f86f439cb633a⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 29f86f439cb633aebd3972b62a….jpg)


Honestly, the biggest sucker of ALL is the jew PAYING the jews that are here trying to cover up for jews. They've done such a horrible, predictable job. I would want a fucking refund but then again I'm not an idiot.

fbb9da  No.4541671


Burning sand??

50e0ba  No.4541672

File: 10b1c061f481deb⋯.jpeg (83.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, D7A131B1-00B2-4705-A533-6….jpeg)

Thank you baker

805c79  No.4541673



His tunnel digging company is helping Q?

4be767  No.4541674

File: 863ab7cf2c06c73⋯.png (729.99 KB, 600x633, 200:211, btfoFEjr.png)


how does it feel you shills caused Q to btfo you twice?

I genuinely hope you kill yourself

70be96  No.4541675

File: 96ef4d6c4104355⋯.jpg (88.61 KB, 716x547, 716:547, noname2.jpg)

File: 13b8c2895b5c58c⋯.jpg (76.19 KB, 716x547, 716:547, nonamemoloch.jpg)

441c96  No.4541676

200807  No.4541677

Anyone think Q posts tonight or after midnight?

cadd41  No.4541678

File: e8832f87fa5392e⋯.jpg (517.3 KB, 933x1029, 311:343, ultima.jpg)


53a789  No.4541679

File: 9e60221cc2f34a4⋯.jpg (168.52 KB, 1252x912, 313:228, 229 Freedom.jpg)

Just a thought

Using The Video, Time & Date

Thinking Q drop 229

b5ed05  No.4541680

File: 729d2d80bcb333e⋯.png (827.95 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


a95075  No.4541681

File: 30d90f204af4cb6⋯.png (219.63 KB, 490x600, 49:60, chuck norris thumbs up.png)

f88a0b  No.4541682


My family cheered when BHO got a Nobel Peace Price

You prolly dont get it

c9d006  No.4541683


sad you are just a moron not DS - i do not want to destroy you

638f76  No.4541684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



078e2e  No.4541685

File: 9122249dc21b941⋯.png (18.03 KB, 255x199, 255:199, very_triggered_JIDF.png)

fa96d5  No.4541686

>>4540656 lb

Who capped this tweet?

fd20e6  No.4541687


What a fukin piece of trash. That demon needs to be tortured then murdered. Fukin faggot.

821c85  No.4541688

File: 7c8c7f517480412⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 8f69de802aadad16d16654f84d….jpg)

File: 29bd18b8aa6401a⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 740x531, 740:531, 29bd18b8aa6401a3b9dfeeb7b2….jpg)








Freddy is about to have many new robo friends.

Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, sreformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]

a732af  No.4541689


oh, yeah its hard to know who to trust in the media

50e0ba  No.4541690

File: 6db45bd7a14c9bb⋯.jpeg (578.93 KB, 1242x1208, 621:604, 1F4FCB7C-C688-4F1D-BAEE-2….jpeg)

File: cbf718a8fc2673a⋯.jpeg (588.33 KB, 1242x1193, 1242:1193, F1F3FA8C-BA43-46CF-9066-0….jpeg)


805c79  No.4541691

Manchester Victoria stabbing: Eyewitness claims attacker shouted 'Allah


679cd6  No.4541692

File: 3f77c4d81d980a3⋯.png (63.88 KB, 788x458, 394:229, Capture.PNG)

c51a0e  No.4541693

File: cb01409d8884d91⋯.jpg (127.77 KB, 671x768, 671:768, NasimeVogue.jpg)

File: af528a8046b86b6⋯.png (3.27 MB, 1555x1307, 1555:1307, NasimAghdamdontletyourmeme….png)

713108  No.4541694

29b4d9  No.4541695


My balls dropped 40 years ago, before your Mom got pregnant off a public toilet seat.

35b7b0  No.4541696

File: 39237fa57adb613⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 1470x828, 245:138, 02_ap18031500449354.jpg)

This'll get the witches and warlocks all worked up…

(((▪ Rare 'super blood Moon' eclipse to put on stunning display in January▪)))

Stargazers will witness a trifecta of lunar events in the New Year — a total lunar eclipse, a super blood Moon and a "Wolf Moon," a nickname for a full Moon that appears in the middle of winter.

Stargazers will witness a trifecta of lunar events in the New Year — a total lunar eclipse, a super blood Moon and a "Wolf Moon," a nickname for a full Moon that appears in the middle of winter.

"A total lunar eclipse can happen only when the Sun, Earth and Moon are perfectly lined up — anything less than perfection creates a partial lunar eclipse or no eclipse at all," Space.com explains.

You won't want to miss it. Earth won't experience another total lunar eclipse, which occurs when the entire Moon enters Earth’s shadow, until May 2021, NASA estimates….cont.


290741  No.4541697

File: fbcd27b7fe63c2d⋯.jpg (213.14 KB, 1280x841, 1280:841, DvyYv__X4AA9aye.jpg large.jpg)


Towers of wood

672fe1  No.4541698

File: fe9b004a37bee86⋯.png (640.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, muh_red_car.png)

796f45  No.4541699

File: 1bf13cce590f8b3⋯.png (558.8 KB, 850x567, 850:567, e9c244bf629126eba3064133b9….png)

dcbdc1  No.4541700

File: be8fb1c41dedab3⋯.png (363.49 KB, 475x457, 475:457, 9e053abdb04b897e4a223957ce….png)

cf67eb  No.4541701

File: 7a5f4a91b7e8373⋯.png (629.51 KB, 830x319, 830:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican Spokesman Resigns Abruptly Amid Preparation For 2019 Fallout From Sex Abuse Crisis

The Vatican spokesman and his deputy resigned Monday to the surprise of the Vatican communication team amid preparations for Pope Francis’ summit on sex abuse. Francis accepted the resignations of Vatican spokesman Greg Burke and his deputy Paloma Garcia Ovejero, effective Jan. 1, despite facing continued fallout from the Catholic Church’s global sex abuse crisis. The timing of the resignations sparked concerns that there may be problems with Francis’ efforts to overhaul Vatican bureaucracy, throwing the church into further tumult as Francis prepares for an important February summit on sex abuse with the presidents of bishops conferences from around the world. “What’s more, given the standard rule of crisis communications that you don’t leave in the middle of the storm, but ride it out, to lose both the Vatican’s top press hands (both quite devout) in mid-scandal appears to signal that something has become professionally untenable,” tweeted Catholic commentator and writer Rocco Palmo.

Paolo Ruffini, head of Vatican communication, also noted that Francis will need a strong communication team to weather the continuing controversy over what sex abuse survivors, advocates and Catholic lay-faithful see as his failure to adequately address sex abuse and cover-up allegations in the church, including allegations against himself. “The year ahead is full of important appointments that will require maximum communications efforts,” Ruffini said, according to The Associated Press. The approaching summit on sex abuse is imbued with grave importance for the church, not only because of its subject matter, but also because the Vatican ordered the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to hold off on approving and implementing new protocols to hold bishops accountable for committing or failing to report sex abuse. Vatican officials asked the bishops to wait until they had attended the summit to act on any potential sex abuse reforms. Despite leaving prior to the summit, Burke wrote on social media that he believed his departure was in the best interest of Francis’ papacy and the church. “At this time of transition in Vatican communications, we think it’s best the Holy Father is completely free to assemble a new team,” Burke tweeted. “New Year, New Adventures.” Francis named Alessandro Gisotti, a veteran of the Vatican’s communication team, as Burke’s interim replacement.


41fd77  No.4541702

File: fde2e912d2be00d⋯.jpg (52.93 KB, 497x500, 497:500, STUBBS.jpg)






e86475  No.4541703

Can you feel it anons?

2019 is creeping across the ocean heading our way!!

5a5f37  No.4541705

File: e9e7129b737fe3d⋯.jpg (8.97 KB, 300x165, 20:11, Angryelfanon.jpg)


You are an angry anon. kek

fbb9da  No.4541706



87eb6b  No.4541707

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, hugpepe.jpg)


TY FREN! savd as FUK

0518e3  No.4541708

File: 4c627e82ed02c0d⋯.png (924.45 KB, 1196x896, 299:224, D039051B-BF6F-47EB-B962-73….png)

c61e4a  No.4541709



You know the rules. Tits or GTFO.

f8cc4c  No.4541710

File: 30cdf859822d933⋯.png (24.06 KB, 666x183, 222:61, Screenshot 2018-12-29 at 1….png)

fbc8a4  No.4541711

File: 5b9bd82be606a52⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2178x2560, 1089:1280, Whiskey Neat Q.jpg)


Anon I wish you and yours a Happy, Heathy and Q Boomin' New Year

ebc438  No.4541712


I look like that too.

Underneath this insulation. Just keeping the muscles warm.

5a5442  No.4541713

File: f23ec7f37045c70⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 540x405, 4:3, NEED ATTENTION!.jpg)

File: a510fb25c7768d2⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 307x387, 307:387, 7b3k2.jpg)

File: 5a6bdbeddeddf96⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 619x406, 619:406, Wmvb7d7d-WT_dAe0g03o9-L4Wq….jpg)


No argument. Keep saying the same over and over.

2e1cd5  No.4541714


Ah, thank you. Even if some donations are legit, the fund will be abused – count on it.

9d6c39  No.4541715


Walls Wheels


Wizards & Warlocks

5a5f37  No.4541716

File: 2e9f7044218982f⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 413x450, 413:450, 20pctopac.jpg)

File: 5211f7f2b672238⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 416x448, 13:14, 30pctopac.jpg)

File: 4df2300ea407e73⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 418x448, 209:224, 60pctopac.jpg)

File: 59b643a95b81604⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 411x444, 137:148, 80pctopac.jpg)

22557f  No.4541717

File: d125344d658cbe0⋯.png (3.28 MB, 3443x5063, 3443:5063, d125344d658cbe0bef83ae428b….png)


I love how someone tried to misrepresent as this, but in a single trangle.

f46462  No.4541718

File: 7bf9cf26059d0e8⋯.jpeg (77.76 KB, 675x450, 3:2, meme.kim.comfy.jpeg)

41fd77  No.4541719

File: 2e5c0df59ab60b8⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2e5c0df59ab60b8d0c13257d9e….jpg)


70be96  No.4541720

File: f6bd72b8fe0bb6a⋯.jpg (157.6 KB, 1533x1080, 511:360, mustacherides.jpg)

5a5f37  No.4541721

File: 5ab63c1a05247d1⋯.png (490.56 KB, 1055x418, 1055:418, Carolynbksplitsvariableopa….png)

File: 8a03e787c38d554⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 511x583, 511:583, carolynbksplit62pctopac.jpg)

File: 43c72290b617751⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 499x616, 499:616, Carolynbksplitnoopacity.jpg)

File: 573fdd9834a5c86⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 502x628, 251:314, carolynbksplit30s50s.jpg)

3bad11  No.4541722


Seems pertinent

70bc22  No.4541723

File: a3eefe1f1add453⋯.png (49.32 KB, 654x370, 327:185, POTUS 12-31-18 4 40 pm PS….PNG)

File: b34406e9e81f595⋯.png (48.53 KB, 647x368, 647:368, POTUS 12-31-18 4 51 pm PS….PNG)

File: 6cde51ead2693f4⋯.png (50.56 KB, 638x371, 638:371, POTUS 12-31-18 5 05 pm PS….PNG)

New POTUS Tweets







d9971d  No.4541724

File: 57153a81670efce⋯.jpg (748.66 KB, 1262x1109, 1262:1109, oct-28-2017-v4.jpg)


Correcting minor error in last night's graphic from notables. Motorcade arrival time at WH should be 3:53 pm, not 3:59 pm (that was when press pool made the report). Does not affect substance or conclusion, Q 1 was dropped during motorcade.

6dc0ce  No.4541725

File: 5bad357eb375c5a⋯.jpeg (197.07 KB, 817x1222, 817:1222, CE43D7A6-1130-4A43-A3A8-D….jpeg)

File: f2d2bf9dba64939⋯.jpeg (113.8 KB, 1096x431, 1096:431, 279C59F9-7948-4A21-8FE9-F….jpeg)

70be96  No.4541726

File: 423cb1c1b227531⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3768x4240, 471:530, jfkslide.jpg)

c9d006  No.4541727




simple spiral golden mean

2885cf  No.4541728

File: 7a1d0e5acc4e573⋯.png (338.25 KB, 643x355, 643:355, JIDFtard2.png)

ebc438  No.4541729


Dad??? We've never met, but you seem to know everything about me. Where have you been?

87eb6b  No.4541730


now were getting somewhere

50e0ba  No.4541731

File: 74301adb1581a39⋯.jpeg (615.15 KB, 1242x1193, 1242:1193, 50BD7438-6806-4C43-A677-A….jpeg)


Walls Wheels. WW - World Wide

0e4454  No.4541732


Also extends the window of opportunity to arrest any congresscritter while they're at home, not working or enroute to office.

821c85  No.4541733



They are shareblue. Mos wont waste resources on this low level crap. Even the bots were probably designed by a 16 year old software kid.

Just look at this crap:


41bd44  No.4541734


Did you ever ask them what contribution he had made when it was awarded?

fc813c  No.4541735

File: 78ad5d783d91165⋯.png (480.2 KB, 1028x601, 1028:601, pEPE-Inderesting.png)

22dc79  No.4541736

File: 07c3ed42df340de⋯.png (1.65 MB, 996x1200, 83:100, ClipboardImage.png)

strange time on the clock

Trump Charlotte

Verified account


6m6 minutes ago


Wishing all of our wonderful members and their families a Happy New Year! #happynewyear2019 #newyearseve #cheers 🥂

f35e1a  No.4541737

File: 95293b75d18a644⋯.png (452.72 KB, 837x714, 279:238, Silverstein.png)


Baker Notable, if not already.

>Silverstein Properties

hooo boy.

70be96  No.4541738


Johns Hopkins stopped doing the surgeries for a long time because it made things worse for people.

5a5f37  No.4541739


Odds, please. kek

87220d  No.4541740

5a2f62  No.4541741


THIS is the look of a man NOT to be messed with.

6dc0ce  No.4541742

File: dff2ebe8819657f⋯.jpeg (118.29 KB, 1040x740, 52:37, C7A44328-1625-4DEA-B65A-2….jpeg)

b5ed05  No.4541743

File: db1fd44f789b91f⋯.mp4 (9.56 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Wow Scheveningen.mp4)

659b25  No.4541745

File: 16849347ddcba6d⋯.png (532.44 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ec61bd82c8407efce9702c74b2….png)


Ready for shitposting.

fdd010  No.4541746




3bad11  No.4541747







f4a85a  No.4541748

File: 07bd815f7e20c40⋯.png (1.09 MB, 648x788, 162:197, ClipboardImage.png)

c51a0e  No.4541749

File: 698045f60ae49b2⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 941x723, 941:723, humaabedinnpizza.jpg)

File: 5381c487fe7015c⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, humaabedinnude.jpg)


no it isn't

98732a  No.4541750


Oh brudder. Here wee gooooo.

805c79  No.4541751

Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White to step down

BY MORGAN CHALFANT - 12/31/18 03:55 PM EST


529082  No.4541752

File: c6baaf4315e19c4⋯.png (176.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, c6b.png)

292854  No.4541753

This article contains a list of key dossier points and finds no public evidence to support any of them.


4be767  No.4541754


reported for spam

bef2c3  No.4541755


Facebook Suspends Accounts Referring To Cop-Killer As An "Illegal Immigrant"

can we say …"unlawful migrant" and not get boinked?

c9d006  No.4541756

wishing all patriots a sphere of light

all others come at me.

ebc438  No.4541757


I thought Gitmas was Toots' "rough time"??

Sounds like your cat has moar problems than you do Freddy.

Glad to see the new Freddy though, looks good on you m8.

2caad6  No.4541758


Eva Eva Eva ! you know Adolf wants it in the ass for New Years

292854  No.4541759

File: c0061743ee9ad55⋯.png (168.09 KB, 597x581, 597:581, twitter_com_almostjingo_st….png)


fa96d5  No.4541760


It was today on @US_Stratcom

fc813c  No.4541761


TMI anon

792fcb  No.4541762


Fuck that

Tired of Coming Soon BS

If/When they actually drop the materials then it's Notable

695d35  No.4541763

File: 185d617da3d0a56⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 381x257, 381:257, iydkk,.JPG)

5a5f37  No.4541764

File: dd5d7445ede3e3c⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 300x328, 75:82, theChanPolice.jpg)

70bc22  No.4541765

File: 2f7d1095ed472d5⋯.png (48.79 KB, 646x380, 17:10, POTUS 12-31-18 4 51 am PS….PNG)

File: d9ec223bbbce263⋯.png (49.26 KB, 635x372, 635:372, POTUS 12-31-18 4 51 pm PS….PNG)


POTUS Tweets

4 51 am PST

4 51 pm PST

3bad11  No.4541766


I'd never seen a pic of the JIDF


668bb1  No.4541767

File: 8bb73df3e66daa5⋯.jpg (44 KB, 458x349, 458:349, MasonicButtFuckers.JPG)

File: 7f21a45b646db0e⋯.jpg (41.49 KB, 430x338, 215:169, MasonicButtFuckersII.JPG)

File: 1e50eb19c2569b1⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 301x198, 301:198, MasonicButtFuckersIII.JPG)

File: f3c26cfe0441ed7⋯.jpg (32.83 KB, 285x350, 57:70, MasonicButtFuckersIV.JPG)

File: 6fcea73a6e13667⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 222x358, 111:179, MasonicButtFuckersV.JPG)

b5ed05  No.4541768

File: 285314e2c62fd9c⋯.jpeg (126.97 KB, 1179x1285, 1179:1285, filterID.jpeg)

File: 85bce9462bc26cf⋯.jpeg (278.02 KB, 1179x1285, 1179:1285, filterID2.jpeg)

5a5f37  No.4541769

File: a32f62402ffc519⋯.png (48.7 KB, 633x528, 211:176, VKstillpreppedandready.png)

File: 32e6fc60a1525b7⋯.png (33.65 KB, 633x344, 633:344, VKhappysunday.png)

File: 83af5ced79e421c⋯.png (42.96 KB, 636x387, 212:129, Realranon3daypurge.png)

File: 9b16cd73575e493⋯.png (6.65 KB, 456x185, 456:185, The Start.png)

200807  No.4541770


i want to see huma's tits

e30e86  No.4541771


Burning man on roids!

293304  No.4541772



“Hiscox recently learned of an information security incident affecting a specialist law firm in the US that provided advice to Hiscox or its policyholders on some of its US commercial liability insurance claims. The incident involved illegal access to information stored on the law firm’s server, which may have included information relating to up to 1,500 of Hiscox’s US-based commercial insurance policyholders,” that earlier announcement reads."

b16d19  No.4541773

Notable Baker

>>4541504 Rumor that 9/11 related documents hacked from Insurance Offices will be released "tomorrow"


f60408  No.4541774


My Brother and Sister Love BHO too. My sister apologized to me for talking bad about trump. only my elderly mother gets it more than them.

either way Its not my job to enlighten them. Someone else can do that. I focus outside of my family. Only thing i might not get is being married, cause i am single. Just play it by ear. Don't rock your boat for no reason.

41bd44  No.4541775


Stick that upside down in a bucket.

532efb  No.4541777

File: 38636e209a440f6⋯.png (308.73 KB, 962x1402, 481:701, ClipboardImage.png)

f88a0b  No.4541778


Again you dont get it

Love and peace to you and btw i am not the anon you responded to

They do not understand logic

Only feels

So when you say its our fault or it should be done differently

You prolly didnt experience what we do on everyday basis

fcdb26  No.4541779

>>4540413 (pb)

>>4539861 (pb)

>>4540686 (pb)

So it took you 4 hours to find some unrelated dirt on them 4 years old…

Okay, so if THIS is proof that everyone in Salvation Army is also 'bad,' (which it isn't) then:

That other good guy we've been defending, Freedom Caucus Rep. Jim Jordan (a key Trump ally) was guilty by association when the media tried to smear him because of abuse that happened (by others) when he coached a wrestling team in Ohio?

You've got a lot to learn about mainstream media smear attempts, don't you?

Also, your original allegation was that they were connected (because of the shield logo) to the Rothschilds, followed by the idea that they are cannibals, and blood drinkers because they follow a tradition known as Comunion, (instituted by Christ Himself, involving bread and wine.)

^^^^^ I still consider your original comment associating a very common shield emblem from a Christian organisation with an evil Pseudo-Jewish World Banking organisation to be spurious, and lacking a source of any kind.

Also, painting Christian Communion as a "Cannibalistic Ritual" is beyond the pale, and still an EPIC FAIL, (even if some disgusting pedophile abuser fooled his employers at the Salvation Army.)

You've got nothing to support your original allegation, even though you hunted for 4 hours.

Anons are better than this, and anyone who knows anything can tell that you are grasping at straws here.

Show me how a Christian religious organisation is connected to a Jewish Banking Cartel, and then explain your nasty slander of ALL churches by calling Communion Cannibalism.

6dc0ce  No.4541780


Yes I do. The Army is full of whack jobs.

0518e3  No.4541781


Nice! Thanks again for your Qs

Happy New Year!

0ac809  No.4541782

>>4540640 LB

How is it possible to have a great awakening

with no actual proof?

Proof time Q

37c1df  No.4541783

File: 11431aa997219db⋯.jpg (121.47 KB, 681x950, 681:950, sirPepe.jpg)


Lotsa wheels lately.



c9d006  No.4541784

mirrors - luck no angel right?

a95075  No.4541785

File: 2d4fd2cc4354d52⋯.png (453.02 KB, 1111x395, 1111:395, WW.png)

f37cc1  No.4541786

File: 4f891c7354b9d51⋯.jpg (96.28 KB, 812x807, 812:807, Bellevue Pepe.JPG)


Bellevue huh? That's unfortunate...

821c85  No.4541787

File: df8dc07aaf654dd⋯.jpeg (159.23 KB, 972x798, 162:133, df8dc07aaf654ddd9eac7a143….jpeg)



>says no arguments. Brings no arguments

Cute shill projection.

Argument 1: it is not about race/religion

>They want you DIVIDED.





Argument 2:

Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, reformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]

787429  No.4541788

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 72770ef33dbd40dade27b775f8….jpg)


WW Happy New Year POTUS. Enjoy.

We have your esoteric covered.

0daf71  No.4541789


You're retarded.

5a5f37  No.4541790

File: 6f0ef0c7e9fd038⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 940x1060, 47:53, John-F.-Kennedy-Jr.-940x10….jpg)

File: e3fa75fb3a1aded⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1165x778, 1165:778, e3fkla75f.png)

70be96  No.4541791


Already dead. They'll haul out her carcass when they need a swing vote.

5a5442  No.4541792

File: 435f7ac16ff2a53⋯.png (1.01 MB, 780x680, 39:34, 435f7ac16ff2a531655962c3be….png)

File: d7194eaf6b285ac⋯.jpg (16.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)



664ec9  No.4541793

File: 58492fbb08580be⋯.jpg (121.12 KB, 564x211, 564:211, Tweet.jpg)

Lots of relevant markers in the POTUS latest Tweet data (refer attached).

23 = NowComesTheP@in



And POTUS NY Video … exactly 11 seconds.

Almost like we are Building up to something Big …

Remember we are watching a movie

First Build up the suspense … to breaking point

Then Drop the Hammer when most Impact

Like maybe 11-ish US EST on NYE

Remember most will be awake - and all eyes are watching - cause its NYE

As Q said


What a wonderful day!"

Just remember Q didn't stipulate AM or PM !

dfc853  No.4541794

File: 55f33038a52f94b⋯.png (344.67 KB, 576x344, 72:43, gitmos.png)

File: f97237f913026d9⋯.png (376.48 KB, 612x427, 612:427, gitmo.png)

File: 103dd7b5bbd9142⋯.png (285.04 KB, 612x408, 3:2, hill_year.png)

7b84b5  No.4541795

File: cdb480799ed32ed⋯.gif (61.62 KB, 375x290, 75:58, Happy Birthday Trump Jr.gif)

6dc0ce  No.4541796

File: f7727b7f99ba42a⋯.jpeg (55.73 KB, 754x461, 754:461, 9DFED482-25CF-4E06-A64F-F….jpeg)

292854  No.4541797

File: 747bf076f8258d2⋯.png (260.44 KB, 609x633, 203:211, twitter_com_DawsonSField_s….png)


ed62ec  No.4541798

File: eafb0a7a4e38fa2⋯.gif (10.84 MB, 500x282, 250:141, IMG_8233.GIF)

6c2575  No.4541799

File: ca06a364dbf45a8⋯.png (975.72 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, image.png)

796f45  No.4541800

File: 3f172a2ab61f104⋯.jpg (35.73 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 1iq23l.jpg)

File: 5a05b1c662e272c⋯.png (340.55 KB, 700x463, 700:463, 5a05b1c662e272c0142befca40….png)


It is probably the best skull!

You haven't been paying enough attention as it just keeps getting better and better around here :D

638f76  No.4541801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dolts Gotta DOLT

Another Israeli Non-sensical phrase

Pretends to blend in as an American "anon", they just can't learn American colloquialisms.

a95075  No.4541802

File: 5d8db0703624020⋯.gif (437.67 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 1546173246782.gif)

dfc853  No.4541803


Maybe Jan 4 if they want to pull a D5 for D(4?) Day

66ecc1  No.4541804

File: da6ebc5de89cba3⋯.png (367.42 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D9722405-0085-447A-98DB-4E….png)

File: 5eec57f3af0f842⋯.png (279.2 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D6180DE2-BF2A-48CA-8C4C-F7….png)

File: e7828547782f5d0⋯.png (379.23 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F9F2A951-AD60-4DAD-ACF7-F9….png)

NYT signaling to stop Pocahontas from running against Beta O’Pork?

529082  No.4541805

File: feaffb132e1836c⋯.png (46.18 KB, 520x332, 130:83, feaffb132e1836c821b2b0ae00….png)

766f8a  No.4541806



>a Blood Moon/Super Moon/ WOLF MOON

State of the Union 1/22/19

1d5935  No.4541807

File: f864d53f8821561⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, 320x320, 1:1, FEFV9361.jpg)

8f3285  No.4541809

File: 485aebc897d38d2⋯.png (147.57 KB, 446x414, 223:207, JFK we choose not because ….png)


Tweeted at 7:20… mirror of 27 (J10+F6+K11=27)

"Haha" is "8181"… mirror of two 18's. 18th letter=R. Two 18's (18+18) is 36. 36 comes after #35.

#35 POTUS was JFK.

Just sayin'

cf67eb  No.4541810

File: 54dca6b55eda5a9⋯.png (593.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a246ad58cc7e2f1⋯.png (32.53 KB, 659x497, 659:497, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea: The U.S. Envies Our ‘Flower Garden of Human Love’

North Korea’s state media has wrapped up 2018 with yet another tirade against the United States, this time condemning Washington’s rebuke of the dire state of human rights in the communist country and insisting that any criticism is the product of the envy Americans feel at the “flower garden of human love” in North Korea. The statements, reproduced by the South Korean news agency Yonhap, came from an alleged “North Korean human rights association,” which condemned the United States in remarks published by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). “Does the U.S. not want to get over with the old conventions, prejudices and hostile ideas even now when the Singapore North Korea-U.S. joint summit agreement has been declared?” the association allegedly demanded to know, asking, “Point out if there is a flower garden of human love like our republic on the planet.”

The United States, the KCNA piece went on to claim, is seeking to “wipe out the most superior place for the people in the world and the utopia envied by humankind by toppling our socialist system.” Any criticism against North Korea for decades of human rights abuses against its people constitute “an act of political terrorism,” according to the piece.

Many human rights researchers consider North Korea the world’s worst state violator of human rights. The nation is governed as a dynastic communist dictatorship where dissent is harshly punished, typically with internment in labor camps. A suspected dissident and their entire families, sometimes for up to three generations, can suffer internment if suspected of political disagreements with the regime in any way. Other crimes such as being illegally in possession of entertainment from outside North Korea or a Bible can result in internment or public execution. Beatings, rape, killings, and forced abortions are common in North Korea’s camps, researchers have repeatedly found, citing the testimonies of survivors. This has not stopped North Korea from condemning the United States for using international venues such as the United Nations to expose the regime’s abuses. Last week, Uriminzokkiri, a state media outlet, accused Washington of “fabricate[ing] human rights performance of those countries incurring its displeasure and mislead[ing] the public.” “The wicked intention of the U.S. and its followers in getting vocal about the non-existent ‘human rights issue’ of the DPRK [North Korea] is to broaden the scope of the sanctions and pressure and escalate them,” the outlet proclaimed.

Uriminzokkiri continued its claims that North Korea, one of the world’s most impoverished countries, would “continue” to advance towards socialist victory in a piece published Monday. “This year has witnessed sharper conflict and confrontation among big powers for supremacy and ever more undisguised and arbitrary practices of the imperialists to reverse the global trend towards independence, but they failed to shift the main trend of the times towards independence,” the article declared. “The more undisguised the imperialists’ strong-arm and arbitrary practices and interference in internal affairs of other countries, the stronger the international opposition to it.” Rodong Sinmun, the official state newspaper, also declared 2018 a “historic year” for the country without specifically mentioning dictator Kim Jong-un’s first-ever meeting with an American president. Instead, Rodong Sinmun applauded Kim for his various travels abroad – to China, South Korea, and Singapore – and congratulated the world on having received his visits.


a9f8a5  No.4541811


Announced on May 5th?

5a5f37  No.4541812

File: 4bbea56ddb37a1c⋯.png (947.43 KB, 750x612, 125:102, JFKjrRFKjrwithunknownkidsf….png)

File: 799b8de222bd789⋯.png (423.78 KB, 599x446, 599:446, JFKjrRFKTweet7_16_18.png)

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)

What else happened on July 16?

6009ae  No.4541813


thanks anon. just really down about this with "2018 will be glorious" reverberating in my ears and haunting me like a missed opportunity at true love.

f4a85a  No.4541814

File: 63a86da663dd9d7⋯.png (314.53 KB, 304x476, 76:119, ClipboardImage.png)

70be96  No.4541815


Who is this and why do we care?

8742cc  No.4541816

File: c7bdb231c84b254⋯.png (534.56 KB, 500x574, 250:287, index.png)

22557f  No.4541818

File: 0ed089257d55f8d⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 3443x5063, 3443:5063, IseewhatYouseebutthat'snot….jpg)

22dc79  No.4541819


Ezekials wheel?

f80ece  No.4541820


And hung like New Year's Eve!

796f45  No.4541821

File: 6e1459843912d13⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 92f06968ba33705e256354c927….jpg)


12:00:21 because we like mirrors :D

44e089  No.4541822

File: de54e9ae239eabe⋯.jpg (169.92 KB, 1440x1401, 480:467, _20181231_201019.JPG)

It's a verb. That means, 'do it'.

bef2c3  No.4541823

File: 9f1354b6ab154d5⋯.jpg (186.43 KB, 526x640, 263:320, muh new year.jpg)

try to wake everyone around you this year…otherwise…

821c85  No.4541824

File: 73a9799bc86e35e⋯.jpeg (10.48 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ea81ee38f50db207412846056….jpeg)


Yeah. I also think q posts that crush shill fake abd gay naratives are funny.

898345  No.4541825

File: 585fdde6b8394d7⋯.png (446.13 KB, 482x736, 241:368, telaviv8.PNG)

File: 5f33deab378cc38⋯.png (11.21 KB, 255x146, 255:146, merchgassed.png)

File: 5b51f23ebf595b8⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 323x277, 323:277, merchkike2.jpg)

File: f4cb52791b15dee⋯.png (131.54 KB, 731x600, 731:600, merchbrainlet.png)

File: 2ab7b03556c3922⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 960x400, 12:5, merchkike.jpg)

>> 4541514

>Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, sreformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]


6dc0ce  No.4541826


What is your point sweet pea?

2885cf  No.4541827

File: 231d74de7e0ce48⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 227x222, 227:222, nasimhand.jpg)


I don't filter anything.

c9d006  No.4541828

File: 93a6f4abb489090⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 225x225, 1:1, strangeattractor.jpg)

if you have chance high priest or priestest - but I already shut that down - that was a battle - he was good.

8742cc  No.4541829

File: eacb4ac293b7e04⋯.jpg (28.26 KB, 640x424, 80:53, 49126913_2393847667355895_….jpg)

ebc438  No.4541830


Same guy doxxed a check LB. My guess, angry girlfriend posting this.

Poor guy, a degree in "arts and letters" tho….bwahahaha

e30e86  No.4541831

File: 65886ff9cacf0d1⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 503x350, 503:350, -down-syndrome-.jpg)


415eaf  No.4541832


That's the magic trick right there isn't it?

292854  No.4541833

File: 625e4e4331394e5⋯.png (135.93 KB, 577x601, 577:601, twitter_com_almostjingo_st….png)


14105a  No.4541834

File: 6005019d4927fbb⋯.png (10.03 KB, 522x137, 522:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7456acf98254e7⋯.png (266.28 KB, 543x413, 543:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3422e9525e9fa16⋯.png (34.38 KB, 657x434, 657:434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 039e9fb63098e25⋯.png (30.35 KB, 646x336, 323:168, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c072e302ca7e222⋯.png (118.7 KB, 704x611, 704:611, ClipboardImage.png)

US Stratcom Tweets, Deletes Violent New Year's Eve Greeting

The United States Strategic Command (Stratcom) ‒ a nuclear-capable branch of the US military ‒ tweeted an ominous video message on the eve of 2019 that seemed to threaten to bomb Times Square, sending Twitter into one final frenzy before the brain boggler that was 2018 finally culminates.

The tweet was deleted hours later but can still be viewed here. Stratcom offered an apology after taking it down, tweeting "Our previous NYE tweet was in poor taste & does not reflect our values. We apologize. We are dedicated to the security of America & allies."

In the tweet, Stratcom noted the traditional way of seeing out the year with the dropping of a massive ball in Times Square, New York. The "tradition rings in the #NewYear by dropping the big ball…if ever needed, we are #ready to drop something much, much bigger," Stratcom said, encouraging Twitter users to watch the video attached to the tweet "to the end!"

"#PeaceIsOurProfession," the tweet proclaims.



bef2c3  No.4541835

File: 0e186dead4c9835⋯.jpg (135.02 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Your Memes are too Dank.jpg)

844fdc  No.4541837

File: 5d68cd93d26ef61⋯.jpeg (6.19 KB, 278x174, 139:87, Yawn.jpeg)

I'm gonna get a puppy just like this one and I'm gonna name him Q.

a12b64  No.4541838


seriously tho, sucking the shit out of a dog’s ass 3x a day for eternity…. is it really worth it for u?

kys soon. Its already past midnight in tel aviv.

fc813c  No.4541839

File: df3f170d712741b⋯.png (116.62 KB, 878x526, 439:263, ClipboardImage.png)



First thing to come to my mind

c9d006  No.4541840



e37879  No.4541841

File: ff49baded50b7d4⋯.png (108.88 KB, 479x318, 479:318, 2018-12-31_10-41-11.png)

6aa37f  No.4541842

File: 10a454df9e548ae⋯.jpeg (287.13 KB, 1125x844, 1125:844, E53F468F-E0A5-4516-BC43-E….jpeg)

668bb1  No.4541843

File: df21bd13e712616⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 444x285, 148:95, Mattis Black Eye.JPG)

File: 148a8132775e7f7⋯.jpg (85.42 KB, 790x552, 395:276, Mattis Clapper.JPG)

File: c7c224317897e30⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 576x451, 576:451, Mattis Confirmation.JPG)

File: 60eba1c5bd6e3fb⋯.jpg (62.92 KB, 532x539, 76:77, Mattis Durbin.JPG)

File: 92de9d1aa2b8523⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 581x555, 581:555, Mattis HSAC.JPG)

21f177  No.4541844

File: f978e0b01d8ac92⋯.jpg (90.95 KB, 826x396, 413:198, FeverWhatADivisionfag.JPG)


>So the Mossad has finally publically admitted that they LOST the narrative by breaking out the jew hate?

lmao the only way (((you))) can malign our truth bombs against you is to character-assassinate the messenger (ad hominem)

And since we've done a such a good job showing that all your other names are fake & gay (antisemitic, racist, xenophobic, "divisionfag," ""mason"),

the only namecalling that has the power of truth behind it is the real enemy: Jews

Jews calling goyim JEWS in order to get other goyim not to trust them. Fucking hilarious.

You little weasels are persistent, I'll give ya that.



a8a8b2  No.4541845


Isn't that what happens to child victims of sexual abuse?

1d5935  No.4541846

File: 656a9f5fcc05600⋯.jpeg (115.26 KB, 1067x1500, 1067:1500, AJER9794.jpeg)

20cbd9  No.4541847

Where's our Happy New Year Q?


75ac4d  No.4541848

File: a07535b3ba19392⋯.jpg (129.57 KB, 652x683, 652:683, Screenshot 2018-12-31_20-1….jpg)

File: 64014b0e5894b57⋯.jpg (158.22 KB, 1150x767, 1150:767, DvyVoKLW0AEFMT6.jpg)

File: 8508b622f552890⋯.jpg (145.57 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DvyVoqDW0AAN7e6.jpg)

8f3285  No.4541849


This should be about the most interesting "most boring month of the year" ever!

14105a  No.4541850

File: 63461d52d3f910a⋯.png (104.23 KB, 531x383, 531:383, ClipboardImage.png)

821c85  No.4541851

File: 7c8c7f517480412⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 8f69de802aadad16d16654f84d….jpg)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)


It doesnt get any faker then this roboshit.


Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, sreformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]

>They want you DIVIDED.





21ca50  No.4541852

would memeFag(s) come up with the top ten kek memes of 2018?

Thanks - in advance.

c39486  No.4541853


They probably got a $100M grant to determine what you and I already knew

22557f  No.4541854


part of it.

there's an expression within but not the entirety.

c9d006  No.4541855


kid - chill

75ac4d  No.4541856

File: 98aa36c8953fd8d⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 320x568, 40:71, NXr_BHsze5wYkMn0.mp4)



529082  No.4541857

File: 8aded79d564b0e1⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 640x507, 640:507, 9328bf183e37dc25fb4ba501c2….jpg)


here all night!!

ed844c  No.4541858

File: 36b7f3aa22e246a⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 450x284, 225:142, First one BM.jpg)


Hard to believe this is how that started. Went to the 2nd one on Baker Beach.

2caad6  No.4541859


& losers who blame everybody else but the person in the mirror for there worthless piss ant of a life

f77ab8  No.4541860

I am in and out, hearing various talk.

Any conf on HRC having been indicted?

Lots of buzz on the wire.

ty anons.

8742cc  No.4541861

File: 41b95318b697056⋯.png (843.61 KB, 1280x1120, 8:7, 528213c723d8388c3ac40bfeef….png)

File: 9bba8fe328f4b58⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 1025x557, 1025:557, 41843187_168367917377583_5….jpg)

File: 7a263733688d1a2⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 894x960, 149:160, 44936459_313923696106828_3….jpg)

File: 8e607d83998944f⋯.png (606.25 KB, 500x504, 125:126, indedlex.png)

File: b85ead7022a6842⋯.png (120.16 KB, 500x523, 500:523, index.ghkopng.png)

fd20e6  No.4541862


I like Sean but Dave Janda and that other guy, I don't know if to believe them. Greg Hunter.

Another one out only to make money is the Truth Unsealed guy. David Zublick? Or some shit like that.

cf67eb  No.4541863


Indeed..exactly where my mind went reading this.

ebc438  No.4541864

File: c52f62d4a80e7f6⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, sideways.jpg)


Thuh fuk is half of that shit on the upper receiver?

dfc853  No.4541865

File: 88fd6de244903e8⋯.png (467.12 KB, 430x467, 430:467, 8ch_newyear.png)


Happy New Year

290741  No.4541866


Dutch city of Scheveningen fireworks display has gone out of control and covered the entire town with sparks and ash.



5a5f37  No.4541867


It is also a noun.

796f45  No.4541868

File: 5b2e060072f673c⋯.jpg (140.16 KB, 1267x685, 1267:685, QANON 8 KILL BOX SPARTA1.jpg)


If I was POTUS ancient greek king anger interpreter…

give them nothing!

take from them everything!

? :D

976b65  No.4541869


I doni't go out with dudes

3bad11  No.4541870


Strawman pilpul shit from you cunt

SA in Aus is evil

Want a connection to Jew bankers - I posted the articles about them fucking kids.

It didn't take 4 hours, it was the same fucking bred you dumb cunt.

I said nothing about cannibalism, you dumb cunt.

174691  No.4541871

File: ebd89697aaa350d⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 246x205, 6:5, p.jpg)

To The Even MORE Glorious Future ~


8c9160  No.4541872

pb ..God Bless President Trump and Keep him Safe…

especially after the new congress takes control… remember who will be 3rd in line to be president… NP…

ad4c2a  No.4541873

File: 7690edebaef6c79⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 736x1004, 184:251, QCrumbsChoiceWillAlwaysBeY….jpg)

File: 97d7ff49e4c794a⋯.jpg (241.01 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, QCrumbsDoNotForce-TruthWil….jpg)

File: 729f776557e7f97⋯.jpg (331.62 KB, 894x671, 894:671, QCrumbsDoNotForce-TruthWil….jpg)

File: 782f8b7e4489070⋯.jpg (229.9 KB, 788x1045, 788:1045, QCrumbsDoNotForce-TruthWil….jpg)

File: d0aaf0e94782db0⋯.jpg (454.67 KB, 979x784, 979:784, QCrumbsDoNotForce-TruthWil….jpg)



Do not force those not yet ready.

The FAKE NEWS narrative (make-believe) has been ingrained for a long time.

Do not isolate yourself within your own family.

Dark to Light.


Impossible to DEFEND.

Impossible to IGNORE.

Stay Strong.

You are NOT ALONE.

Patriots ALL.


14105a  No.4541874

Ephesians 4:22-24

To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

ed844c  No.4541875

File: 359709f310caed4⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 600x363, 200:121, Nice shooting.jpg)

078e2e  No.4541876


You seem more psychologically distressed about me shitting on mossad than I am.

Guess I hit a nerve on you and your wasted digits, kike.

Because you are a kike, Mossad only hires kikes.

f4a85a  No.4541877

File: 57fa3f38c579922⋯.png (584.12 KB, 472x628, 118:157, ClipboardImage.png)

f37cc1  No.4541878


Man.. you shouldn't be doxing yourself like this. What's your end game here.

Living on the edge? Maybe you need to check back into Bellevue.

f864e8  No.4541879

File: a7252d8b5ec5700⋯.png (290.77 KB, 690x377, 690:377, ClipboardImage.png)

c9d006  No.4541880


no the pattern inside is not UFT

that is divine.

796f45  No.4541881

File: aa78034ba6d1f16⋯.jpg (12.85 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 761911a07a0799087cc762a423….jpg)


but its muh joos! :D

074c38  No.4541882

File: 128f32c4b03ec60⋯.jpeg (17.46 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 4cef1ac4f455cb49b47b6e6d0….jpeg)



Found this tonight in meme bank..

Happy New Year frens

f8cc4c  No.4541883

File: 8e323a0da0e507a⋯.jpg (210.91 KB, 720x773, 720:773, e31ba1fc79874b971d42f88ff0….jpg)


vid clip is here


c02d76  No.4541884

>>4541749 Dig Deeper

66ecc1  No.4541885

70be96  No.4541886

File: a39e9f9ebad5213⋯.jpg (183.13 KB, 1533x1080, 511:360, Cigar.jpg)

4be767  No.4541887

File: bcae1b020e32c8a⋯.gif (204.08 KB, 404x416, 101:104, 1545868319862.gif)


<spends new years eve being the closest thing to the JIDF we have on this board


<spends new years even spamming the same fake and gay shit the faggot has been spamming for months

>anons kicking it here discussing/shitposting, others out have a good time

what I'd expect

b5e609  No.4541888

File: 9970ea9da15f32f⋯.jpeg (50.77 KB, 408x550, 204:275, 4C66432F-1949-4BFD-9F93-E….jpeg)

f864e8  No.4541889


Dan Bongino

Verified account


12m12 minutes ago


If I don’t catch you all later have a healthy & happy New Year. Thank you so very much for everything you’ve done for me & my family. A special thanks to our military men & women who can’t be home tonight because they’re putting themselves on the frontlines for us. God bless you.

0daf71  No.4541890


Thats some fucked up shit for you to be posting. Kys.

f72d12  No.4541891




Keith Lowey is a CPA and name partner in a CPA firm in Foxboro, MA. (Verdolino & Lowey P.C)


Mary Jo Schindler (Bailey) is listed as working in the same firm.


Didn't take the time to search for Thomas Bailey, but he's likely Schindler's husband.

441c96  No.4541892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kansas City faggots?

b41732  No.4541893

I sense an incoming plot twist to our movies tonight, anons.

e572d2  No.4541894


Wish they'd would stop threatening and just do it god dammit

f80ece  No.4541895

File: b31df290fb28de7⋯.png (192.98 KB, 914x559, 914:559, drudge report cnn.png)

Last year at this time we were watching CNN take bong hits

c9d006  No.4541896

The inside pattern is warped.

ad4c2a  No.4541897


No can do. We have some 36,000 memes. I never rated or ranked them. Just select topical memes when appropriate. Impossible to rank or rate.

b39b0d  No.4541898

Beware of the sock puppet shills that love to raise your expectations to unrealistic levels and then take advantage of the resulting disappointment

e30e86  No.4541899

File: 2e9100504e16cbe⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 320x320, 1:1, 2e9100504e16cbec68d4af2064….gif)

1d5935  No.4541900

File: 9798f8a4fe1e157⋯.jpg (242.76 KB, 1152x1152, 1:1, IMG_0085.JPG)

75ac4d  No.4541901

File: b5030b4f571944a⋯.jpg (98.16 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, DvyZpZAWoAAKXY6 (1).jpg)

871be4  No.4541902

Happy New Years anons!

May 2019 be more *publicly* glorious with truth and disclosure than the glorious but "media brainwashed normie" hidden they don't believe it 2018 because orange man bad.

Waiting or my Xmas presents-

End the Fed


Public trials and executions

Bounty on illegals.

No more anchor babies

make it so!

bf3566  No.4541903


There are beautiful anon!

Much respect and graditude

821c85  No.4541904






(((Your))) (((fakeness))) (((will))) (((be))) (((your))) (((downfall)))


>They want you DIVIDED.




Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, reformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]

c413f0  No.4541906

File: bbed74a1766d03d⋯.png (244.38 KB, 1554x969, 518:323, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

Juanita Broaddrick tweet wishing for justice for the Clintons in 2019.


44e089  No.4541907


fukken saved

ebc438  No.4541908


Really like Danny "Bag o donuts" Bongino. Just started listening to his podcast. Highly recommend anons.

1d5935  No.4541909

File: 6939548da0d6818⋯.jpeg (46.82 KB, 324x487, 324:487, BOXG0674.jpeg)

b16d19  No.4541910

File: c6a4a62d4df179c⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2118x1655, 2118:1655, watchthewater.jpg)


Right two close friends

"Obama was our best President ever"

I hated Obama since before he was inaugurated, knew he was a liar and a fraud. I did not pay attention to what they believed. Now with the Trump Hate there is no ignoring it.

Yes, those criminals destroy friendships and family - then try to blame it on President Trump.

A few of my siblings, who were in trouble and needed my support were alienated from me by means of the blanket Network News Propaganda.

I wonder if I'll get back my family and friends when this is over.

? Truly the Mainstream information sources creates a cult.

7e24ba  No.4541912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm eM 4 ever,

Hidden truth?

Fvck you, Trump!

5a5f37  No.4541913

File: 5b4cc9a9d7497fe⋯.png (1.16 MB, 886x553, 886:553, Rbehindu.png)

File: 7a64164373ac1c2⋯.png (398.39 KB, 563x567, 563:567, JFKJr12_29_18.png)

File: 3e60e3e445f3212⋯.png (349.15 KB, 666x709, 666:709, BeanieMan.png)

File: 0ab390cd4491244⋯.jpg (157.01 KB, 750x527, 750:527, gallery-1470170942-gettyim….jpg)

e30e86  No.4541914

File: 62ab693091e300e⋯.gif (2.07 MB, 416x336, 26:21, 62ab693091e300e94e287bb1a9….gif)


50e0ba  No.4541915

File: a393fc68306e86e⋯.jpeg (459.84 KB, 1097x1554, 1097:1554, 7D8DBF41-3B5F-411C-AD59-B….jpeg)


Can provide pecs.

fdd010  No.4541916

File: 15871f83c2cebe1⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 654x343, 654:343, shillsareposting.jpg)

Everything is as it should be.

You will have to atone for your sins.

PAIN is coming.

1d5935  No.4541917

File: 46c4391e3a6e34c⋯.jpeg (96.76 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, EMZV4723.jpeg)

02101d  No.4541918


Glad you got that removed.

f864e8  No.4541919



go back 2 weeks and listen to them all..

5a5442  No.4541920

File: 9b1cf3317c238da⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 750x740, 75:74, CrJ5SlyXYAA4MHW.jpg)





c413f0  No.4541921

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

1d5935  No.4541922

File: 068a1fc0342d894⋯.png (415.99 KB, 680x904, 85:113, EGVJ3997.png)

f4c5be  No.4541923

File: 0c05fa2463213df⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 620x351, 620:351, brandy lee.jpg)

File: 4960a69e2fd1b3b⋯.jpg (93.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, brandy lee 2.jpg)

File: d30981401f6e92a⋯.jpg (118.62 KB, 1000x1520, 25:38, brandy lee book.jpg)

File: 0fb16ce1f51100b⋯.png (813.69 KB, 1393x911, 1393:911, warren 25th amendment.png)

Is this Elizabeth Warren’s Psychiatrist?

Yale Professor and ‘Psychiatrist’ Brandy Lee met with Congressional lawmakers — 11 Ds and 1R— on December 5th and 6th 2017 to discuss President Trump’s mental health.

It seems like the idea was to try and launch a reason for invoking the 25th amendment (President too crazy to be Prez law) based on the “prestigious” title of this Yale Professor. She even edited a book called ‘’’The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump’’' a collection of accounts from 27 “Mental Health Experts and Psychiatrists” who assess the President. Without ever being in contact with the President mind you. Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, former president for the American Psychiatric Association, said that the book is “not a serious, scholarly, civic-minded work, but simply tawdry, indulgent, fatuous tabloid psychiatry.” But hey, the rubes will eat shit if we call it fine dining right?

How does Warren fit in?

She was out calling for the 25th amendment in September 2018. Still can’t find which Congressional members were in that meeting with Brandy Lee but wouldn’t be surprised to see those who screamed most about the the 25th took part in that group huddle.






200807  No.4541925

File: b1eeb6d3c840e0a⋯.png (52.69 KB, 149x179, 149:179, ClipboardImage.png)

b5e609  No.4541926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e1cd5  No.4541927


>he's likely Schindler's husband

Agreed, as found on cursory ppl search

293304  No.4541928

File: 8bb99b9489b4b17⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 313x141, 313:141, 8bb99b9489b4b1707402f1a041….gif)


Me too. Let's hope they dont pay up so they start releasing the decryption keys.

1d5935  No.4541929

File: 856eedc4af42270⋯.jpeg (46.33 KB, 590x236, 5:2, IHMA7783.jpeg)

976b65  No.4541930

Interdasting that POTUS is holed-up at the WH and all our carriers are at home ports while he's shitposting all day while everybody's on vacation. Classic troll MFer. God bless him

22079b  No.4541931

File: 3328cc6c6937440⋯.png (42.04 KB, 1024x183, 1024:183, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

Interesting question..

22557f  No.4541932

"A man with a Plan brought Storm of Logic"

Trumpnado… on Gutfeld…


174691  No.4541933


When did Christ EVER command average pleebs to eat him weekly? That was a moment for him and HIS peeps. Not to be mocked by people like you to gain favor. You can suck on all the wafers in the world, but your nasty ass engaging/communication style will never absorb one bit of Christs love thru asinine ritual.

c9d006  No.4541934


hi asshole you figured out how to be cogent yest?

ccf4ac  No.4541935

File: ae173871aeca71b⋯.png (704.95 KB, 1040x740, 52:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Happy New Year Q. Be safe. WWG1WGA

074c38  No.4541936

File: 555ed4d58fecffa⋯.png (89.5 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 1963facaa22658ffd219065c99….png)


With ya anon! Happy New Year!

f4cfb1  No.4541937

File: 24931933945efb9⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1000x541, 1000:541, Untitled.png)

f4a85a  No.4541938

File: 2cceec01a7941a4⋯.png (70.22 KB, 492x657, 164:219, ClipboardImage.png)

6dc0ce  No.4541939


Dude, are you trying to be renditioned to red pill island?

200807  No.4541940


That cohiba tastes like pussy - she likes pussy

796f45  No.4541941

File: dbac9505c51ceb3⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 450x800, 9:16, 57b95ca1-dff7-4c21-b306-38….jpg)



Gotta love it when a Plan comes together perfectly…

1d5935  No.4541942

File: 80d87613644feb1⋯.jpg (89 KB, 700x933, 700:933, IMG_0152.JPG)

50e0ba  No.4541943

File: 23585e59a68aa1e⋯.jpeg (351.84 KB, 1010x873, 1010:873, E4D92A34-7CA5-4EE3-B1C4-5….jpeg)

ebc438  No.4541944


That's about when I started ackthually. Maybe shortly after Turkey day. He's a good dude. Love Joe's "WOAH" too anon.

66fc3b  No.4541945

File: 2aa40e16117101c⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, flintstones-shriners.jpg)

5a5f37  No.4541946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Facial profile comparison with Fusca.

dfc853  No.4541947


>large amounts of soil have been imported


1d5935  No.4541948

File: 541cefea2abbafe⋯.jpeg (55.55 KB, 735x641, 735:641, CZYK7120.jpeg)

821c85  No.4541949


Free speech faggot. It is important for me to counter the shill fakeness here. Your tactics will always fail because your fakeness is your downfall.

41bd44  No.4541950


From Monica’s snatch

20cbd9  No.4541951

File: fa7664a1a2a028d⋯.gif (450.03 KB, 354x354, 1:1, 4-Jolly-Boob-Gifs.gif)

File: 7f39dc0ec5f82e6⋯.gif (355.26 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 11681961.gif)

File: 3a69a5033219e6d⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 268x375, 268:375, 14918419.gif)

File: c5ad79e11b46873⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 300x480, 5:8, 18121347.gif)

c9d006  No.4541952


feeling are a bitch you ready?

14105a  No.4541953

File: 222c88b17a04d2e⋯.png (19.56 KB, 388x375, 388:375, ClipboardImage.png)

1d5935  No.4541954

File: ebfb1c6485caa08⋯.jpeg (505.79 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, DMMI6212.jpeg)

ebc438  No.4541955


I would lift weights in my spare time, but those things are fukin heavy.

3bad11  No.4541956


Shill or just retarded?

22dc79  No.4541957


The Last Supper?

22557f  No.4541958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Start at 5 minutes in.


>"A man with a Plan brought Storm of Logic"

>Trumpnado… on Gutfeld…


It's from the 29th, but I totally missed it til now.

2e1cd5  No.4541959

File: c7de4e3cb275ea7⋯.png (74.65 KB, 833x260, 833:260, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)


The gal who may not even be licensed?

796f45  No.4541960

File: 7620cc01f01de60⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 566cd2dfbead809a3c3095e3e0….jpg)

638f76  No.4541961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You kept spamming

there are no 'the jews'

Which means that


f72d12  No.4541962



Lowey's been connected to Warren since at least 2012.

Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren creates leadership PAC – 'PAC for a Level Playing Field'

Updated Dec 24, 2012; Posted Dec 24, 2012



Warren on Thursday filed papers with the Federal Election Commission to form the “PAC for a Level Playing Field.”

The treasurer of the PAC is listed as Keith Lowey, a certified public accountant and principal at the CPA and financial consulting firm Verdolino & Lowey. The PAC is registered at Lowey’s business address in Foxborough. The name of the PAC comes from Warren’s mantra on the campaign trail, that she wants to “level the playing field” for working families.

A leadership PAC is a common tool used by members of Congress to raise money for their party and for other candidates.

75ac4d  No.4541963

File: 7bf9acfc49a1c64⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 652x822, 326:411, Screenshot 2018-12-31_20-2….jpg)

File: 594f961855e5a57⋯.mp4 (662.82 KB, 320x320, 1:1, MsLNp2ngKsKZ9Kpv.mp4)


8742cc  No.4541964


so you've been getting progressively more stupid

660340  No.4541965


ae4795  No.4541966


EMERGY. Build the damn thing and save money and effort everywhere else like a chain reaction.

1d5935  No.4541967

File: ca3c1e373ef43c3⋯.jpeg (61.7 KB, 590x288, 295:144, DWEC1579.jpeg)

c9d006  No.4541968


I choose not to shut you down.


0e8de8  No.4541969

We have the cures

But arnt releasing them for optics

Wow Q must not love us enough

a12b64  No.4541970


this isn’t a game faggot. u shills we all be dealt with proper after u shed the flesh. Theres a place for everyone.

You’ve been warned. Daddy’s home and he’s not happy whats happened on his farm.

fcdb26  No.4541971



So you can't answer the question about your own allegation, huh?

Sorry, some church lady must have given you a dirty look when you were 4, still learning to walk over in Australia, but show me why that gives you the right to link an entire group of christians with the Rothschilds?

Thus far, you've failed.

21f177  No.4541972

File: cd4738684dfcd13⋯.jpg (85.52 KB, 809x462, 809:462, EnjoyingBoardAnyway.JPG)


>You seem more psychologically distressed…

And here we have you kikes' all-time fave character-assassination technique – PATHOLOGIZATION OF THE DEFENSE RESPONSE – demonstrated beautifully here, thank you.

If we goy want you meddling nation-wreckers out of our lives, we're either stupid, crazy or evil.

But "crazy" most of all, right?

Conspiratards maybe?

>Because you are a kike, Mossad only hires kikes.

And what kind of lesson in kikery would we have if it didn't finish with a bit o' the ole projection, eh?

Not a kike, and not distressed

/comfy af

6f6e49  No.4541973

File: b9ba805e02bf2a9⋯.png (15.99 KB, 234x215, 234:215, ClipboardImage.png)

6dc0ce  No.4541974

File: ec61bd82c8407ef⋯.jpeg (94.15 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, E4ABC99A-E4D2-4295-B101-C….jpeg)

File: e9d11974f07cc98⋯.jpeg (222.84 KB, 830x900, 83:90, 0F26703C-CE57-4770-AC02-C….jpeg)

450258  No.4541975


Ruby cute?

356273  No.4541976


It is Fake, there is no date on the diploma !!!

5a5f37  No.4541977


You are both shill and retarded shill. kek

557769  No.4541978


If they've got something and all they are after is money, they'll get it and we'll never hear about it.

1d5935  No.4541979

File: 94d89e0ed624158⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 1075x1512, 1075:1512, IMG_0273.JPG)

4be767  No.4541980


you spam shit a gorillion times you pathetic faggot

go fuck yourself, I hope you and the other shills have a horrible new year

898345  No.4541981

File: 47c37904aa1d6d7⋯.png (1.01 MB, 818x611, 818:611, earthwormjohn.PNG)

a13b9a  No.4541982

Psyops are not fucking cool…I thought Q would have influenced the Media a bit more…why are they still so blatantly acting like faggots

f864e8  No.4541983

File: a41ac8809955c99⋯.png (473.86 KB, 689x529, 689:529, ClipboardImage.png)


>Elizabeth Warren’s Psychiatrist

c02d76  No.4541984

Anons have evolved into an unstoppable force. Fire at will!

41fd77  No.4541985

File: 2437b47d5e51f6f⋯.png (189.67 KB, 381x508, 3:4, DOX_TEH_TOOTS.png)






ed844c  No.4541986

File: 372f7317fc1474a⋯.png (492.11 KB, 1200x857, 1200:857, SUPPER'S READY.png)

c9d006  No.4541987


watch - M

ccf4ac  No.4541988

File: d147cef122bd8e3⋯.png (26.62 KB, 846x115, 846:115, ClipboardImage.png)

75ac4d  No.4541989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5a5442  No.4541990

File: 2ab7b03556c3922⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 960x400, 12:5, there is no jew.jpg)



He's a filthy fucking kike.


f60408  No.4541991

File: 0ee7da4a70e68b2⋯.jpg (81.57 KB, 482x572, 241:286, 20ca.jpg)


It is a cult, and yes cults do damage,

I hope and pray we all have our friendships back one day.

e37879  No.4541992

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope copy.png)


Crisis is going to stop them?

The demonic Jesuit leader himself?

fbc8a4  No.4541993

File: f895cf3e5f47f01⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 3300x5100, 11:17, QBandOfAnons.jpg)

14105a  No.4541994

Chomsky: Trump’s ‘Passion’ for Destroying ‘Prospects for Organized Human Life’ Worse than Hitler



9dccaf  No.4541995


That library thingie under the Sphinx.

e86475  No.4541996


Such as?

1d5935  No.4541997


stfu tranny

19dd96  No.4541998


>>4541883 Video clip from Strategic Command's stealth bomber Tweet.

>>4541753 Washington Times debunks key dossier points.

>>4541765 DJT Wall Tweets exactly 12 hours apart.

>>4541353 1/01/19 = 09/11/01 (Mirrored dates)

>>4541323 AFP: Kim Jong Un says he's willing to meet US President Trump at any time.


ed844c  No.4541999

File: c353fe9d975569e⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 620x323, 620:323, toots owned bitch.jpg)

66fc3b  No.4542000

File: 813dffe9b66c419⋯.jpg (295.15 KB, 1078x515, 1078:515, shit.jpg)

0e8de8  No.4542001


Especially Q

c9d006  No.4542002


if you could you would have sent em - you can't

821c85  No.4542004

File: 2050bac6d48cab4⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 596x447, 4:3, ozw9qua.jpg)

1d5935  No.4542005

File: 0ba5dd654631278⋯.jpeg (55.65 KB, 590x262, 295:131, DSZH1934.jpeg)

ebc438  No.4542006


<Free speech faggot.

It is indeed. Your 12 posts about NOTHING confirm your theory Einstein.

200807  No.4542009




dfc853  No.4542011


too small to read

8f3285  No.4542012

File: 1552f6abee7d1c4⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 400x302, 200:151, JFKJR car.JPG)

File: 609c9634340dffc⋯.jpg (201.66 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, JFKJR as Steven Crowder.JPG)

File: d95f79ca40f6e31⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 500x625, 4:5, JFKjrIhaveSECRETyoullFINDo….jpg)

File: 068ddd8697145e5⋯.png (851.88 KB, 634x642, 317:321, John John JFKJR pepe marin….png)

1d5935  No.4542013

File: b45568ddd7a4b2d⋯.jpg (128.52 KB, 940x788, 235:197, IMG_0017.JPG)

d8a62e  No.4542014



4147b2  No.4542015


Wheel of time. "Always".

c9d006  No.4542016


but dear i love you.

can we talk?

a9f8a5  No.4542017


Who would even want to be around that many faggots? I prefer to just chill here on our ship.

163fec  No.4542018

File: f67b3d27a558068⋯.png (29.57 KB, 451x151, 451:151, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

8ch = agora

ab2067  No.4542019


Just checked. Freddy is still not taking his medication.

450258  No.4542021


Escape to Antarctica?

871be4  No.4542022

File: 50daa8cbb84a89c⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 642x360, 107:60, hawtbakers3.jpg)

thank you baker!

ccf4ac  No.4542023

File: 1fd3c79df2bfb3d⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 960x830, 96:83, 1515279967083.jpg)

c9d006  No.4542025


pawn to E2

14105a  No.4542026



049247  No.4542027


Hee Ben Ded

Long time

Long long time joe

1d5935  No.4542028

File: a06d4427f8f5782⋯.jpg (74.6 KB, 639x630, 71:70, IMG_0331.JPG)

and what terrible things did they do to africa to create the stupid easter bunny anywasy

4abc99  No.4542029


I don't like what the Jews have done to my country. Considering that "shill fakeness" is why you're losing.

695d35  No.4542030

File: 29cf73b5941720c⋯.jpg (84.63 KB, 764x420, 191:105, 49bc180.jpg)

4e6f8c  No.4542031



8f3285  No.4542032


"Trust yourself"

"Think for yourself."

I do.

I did.

He's not.

b39b0d  No.4542033


Q has said that disinformation is necessary so it’s only our own fault for expecting specific results at a certain time. That pain is meant for the enemy. We should be patient and focus on things that we know you is really happening before our eyes.

5a5442  No.4542035

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1503396029227.jpg)

a12b64  No.4542036


I need not send anyone because everyone is sent to me.

7e24ba  No.4542037


Yoooooooooooo, criminalsssssssssssss

That you want all ETs secret, so that your crimes never come to the light!!!!!!

So that your tech, for example, that is at least 100 years ahead, keep secret, while we pay a lot for shit, when big tech is in criminals hands, and take advantage of people!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You disgust me, harbages, and you will suck a dick soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ed844c  No.4542038

File: f5c25b5e60d2fcc⋯.gif (4.15 MB, 669x398, 669:398, Mic drop 2.gif)

668bb1  No.4542039

File: 2be2343d36e1bfa⋯.jpg (102.08 KB, 969x536, 969:536, WJCAward.jpg)

a95075  No.4542040


the encrypted insurance files. i bought a goddamn NAS for this shit, yet still no decryp keys/passwords

1d5935  No.4542042

File: a06bb31e67d71db⋯.jpeg (86.68 KB, 630x420, 3:2, FKZS1002.jpeg)

ebc438  No.4542043


FYI Fred, if you're ever doxxed, there will be half a dozen "hitters" nearby to keep you safe.

You're an idiot shill… but you're OUR idiot shill.

0e8de8  No.4542044


Use logic anon

Why would the media cover a 4 chan psyop / larp

They only cover controlled ops

They ignore actual threats

Q is one of them and is a way to find new toys to play with

Fuck you Q you jewish piece of shit

f60408  No.4542047


Yes, So Nice, SAVED!!!!


f88a0b  No.4542048



Want my October surprise even late

c9d006  No.4542049


please dude or gal don't please

I don't want this.

don't ,,,,,

1d5935  No.4542050

File: 724f4789a4d1502⋯.jpeg (75.97 KB, 850x400, 17:8, FORV1522.jpeg)

4147b2  No.4542051


Library of Alexandria

The Vatican's

821c85  No.4542052

File: 4e8e89dd72ef628⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 24b5301144e3b98286dc494e02….jpg)


>nothing to say other than keywprds out of the shareblue muhjew manual

I see youre playing the retarded angle to perfection.

22557f  No.4542053

File: f1d0f74f888fff1⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 5583x5063, 5583:5063, InterdastingWhat1Iteration….jpg)




The core principle of the Golden Phi appears in play, but the limits have been… redefined… shall we say?

It's sure is purty how it lines up like it do.

41fd77  No.4542055

File: 00753be725baa63⋯.jpg (27.5 KB, 219x255, 73:85, TOOTSYOU.jpg)



75ac4d  No.4542056

File: 6f6bfda1954d0c6⋯.jpg (155.44 KB, 665x1107, 665:1107, Screenshot 2018-12-31_20-3….jpg)

File: 843ffeef4e8b04b⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 360x360, 1:1, k_4RcAvXsLKBzvCd.mp4)


1d5935  No.4542057

File: 93f741958ebe90c⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 236x275, 236:275, IMG_0004.JPG)

200807  No.4542060


Listen Dixie

He is fucking dead

22079b  No.4542061


i have been thirsty for those insurance files for a long time too

ebc438  No.4542062


o7 faggot cat.

f80ece  No.4542063


What a loaded question

ccf4ac  No.4542064

File: 8237dae8da95f42⋯.png (645.32 KB, 739x594, 739:594, 1515285004301.png)

4be767  No.4542065

File: 3eb96ef8fa434b8⋯.jpg (47 KB, 602x481, 602:481, 1545111141939.jpg)


668bb1  No.4542066

File: d51784d3323fdfe⋯.jpg (71.89 KB, 637x595, 91:85, Mattis Israel Syria.JPG)

File: 5e2df0fda3a3b6a⋯.jpg (63.9 KB, 574x438, 287:219, Mattis Israel.JPG)

File: ca2fbbae219895f⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 571x554, 571:554, Mattis McCain.JPG)

File: 3b0a4e374b5484a⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 587x522, 587:522, Mattis Scorned.jpg)

File: 994fe5ff9a34a3b⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 511x494, 511:494, Mattis Tillerson.JPG)

f4c5be  No.4542067

File: 7a41124607e4aae⋯.jpg (47.28 KB, 634x357, 634:357, not sure.jpg)

c9d006  No.4542068


yes and no relative and fractal.

6f6e49  No.4542069

File: a609a09399eab46⋯.png (463.35 KB, 677x380, 677:380, ClipboardImage.png)

e37879  No.4542070

File: 9afc91433786b76⋯.png (444.73 KB, 657x375, 219:125, 2018-12-31_20-29-26.png)


Vatican archives.

“50 miles [80km] of shelving and documents dating back to the eighth century”

f4a85a  No.4542071

File: 98bc60b3fb7f948⋯.png (194.97 KB, 1317x1103, 1317:1103, ClipboardImage.png)


e4b8d3  No.4542072


It's obviously an Elizabeth Warren reference - Wig Wam!


796f45  No.4542073

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB, 668x854, 334:427, 9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)


so if we eradicate all catholics and jews won't be no problem? :D

a95075  No.4542075

File: 0a9b7fe39a63b7a⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 350x310, 35:31, 1544382326508.gif)


what is 8ch

b41732  No.4542077


I dunno, anon, but CINC is swinging that bat the last few hours. Q should likely be here before ball drop

1d5935  No.4542078

File: 6d7c14a4c1d49d7⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0190.JPG)

shit outdoors

898345  No.4542079

File: db1deb611fd5329⋯.png (580.47 KB, 1724x482, 862:241, jews2.PNG)

File: b4e32bf60b709b9⋯.png (495.74 KB, 1784x555, 1784:555, jews1.PNG)

File: ef91ee8da44b756⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1248x712, 156:89, jewsoyvey'd.PNG)

File: 1cf7e7067878a5d⋯.jpeg (15.97 KB, 166x255, 166:255, jewscalp.jpeg)

File: ae07735ccc518e4⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 893x884, 893:884, jewfinch.jpg)

>> 4541787

<Look here [muhjew] don't look here [occult ruling families, china, reformist sjw "jews" vs other jews]

Fuck You SuperKike

Spamming fuckingjew pedohomo kikeshill

976b65  No.4542080


Check it out. This guy thinks everything posted by "Q" is the gospel

5a5442  No.4542081


Maybe you should pay more attention to the bread, faggot.




078e2e  No.4542082


> 21f177

operator. You are not very good at blending in, or projecting.

You attacked me, for posting a meme. → >>4541844

So you can take your own shit and eat it.

Just the idea that you've fixated on me for posting that one meme which is negative towards Mossad, tells me I stuck a nerve in you.

Good day. Feel free to keep attacking me, it only proves my point.

ed844c  No.4542083

File: 155df278adbd824⋯.gif (312.04 KB, 500x282, 250:141, You right this second.gif)


Fuck you freddy!

a732af  No.4542085


I'm sure they had a plan b, apparently the Nazis, hitler etc. had one, he ended up in Argentina…. didn't Bush get a place in Paraguay? even so, the cabal has had plenty of time to build themselves a place to go probably many places… underground bunkers, DUMBS, all sorts of stuff. I think this could get bad before it gets good… Its just that the JFK Jr thing has me thinking… if HE could fake his death then so can they, what if we find out he is alive, then it makes the case that they can do it too

a9f8a5  No.4542086


"Quit" bahahahahaha

This is part of the movie… I still trust General until shown otherwise.

19dd96  No.4542087

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

c9d006  No.4542088

did the highest priest disappear?

074c38  No.4542090

File: 8d580acf0213d64⋯.jpeg (12.57 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef27….jpeg)


I worked on this & never got Schiitt anywhere with Ruby Cute but have been waiting..maybe soon to surface

796f45  No.4542091

File: 1820e2b788364fc⋯.jpeg (146.35 KB, 807x446, 807:446, 1820e2b788364fce37cb40bf7….jpeg)


news bot triggered? :D

0daf71  No.4542092

Obama -not a jew

Clintons - not jews

Podestas - not jews

Loretta L - not a jew

Comey - not a jew

Brennen - not a jew

I could go on, but you get the idea.

200807  No.4542093

File: 334569a97e4d584⋯.png (18.87 KB, 130x125, 26:25, ClipboardImage.png)


fdd010  No.4542094

File: 3369b07da9a0734⋯.png (174.71 KB, 304x380, 4:5, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Rain….png)


You are SO shit…You could write for the Salon.

I don't even have the energy to give you a creative reply.

You bore me.

1d5935  No.4542096

File: 5d7061a0c3fee78⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0099.JPG)

8742cc  No.4542097


no one died, only bodies…

and a fetus is not a person, only a potential person

e30e86  No.4542105

File: b502ece4e08c0fe⋯.jpg (98.69 KB, 825x463, 825:463, 1tgmdj.jpg)

cf67eb  No.4542107

>>4541998 Baker…please check this


North Korea: The U.S. Envies Our ‘Flower Garden of Human Love’

>>4541842 Q post Slave Gardens

77ab51  No.4542110

File: 9bfe514faee2482⋯.jpeg (638.03 KB, 1544x1371, 1544:1371, 0FF7211C-F21F-4B72-8E6A-5….jpeg)

Syrian Pres tells Iraq “A-Ok to fire at will to take out ISIS. Reports 30 ISIS terrorists taken out today.

695d35  No.4542112

File: 26e6a9803f6e15b⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 480x548, 120:137, FuscaRubyCute.jpg)

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