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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

f0efc8  No.3990312

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs ->>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.20.18

>>3980392 rt >>3980302 -————————– Think D5.

>>3980302 ————————————–——– People are nervous.

>>3979646 ————————————–——– Item used when walking a dog?

>>3978509 ————————————–——– Attacks on WHITAKER will only intensify

>>3978190 ————————————–——– [D]ec 5

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/462 ——————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )

>>>/patriotsfight/461 ——————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/460 ——————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/459 ——————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/458 ——————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/457 ——————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/456 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/455 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/454 ——————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )

>>>/patriotsfight/453 ——————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/452 ——————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/451 ——————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Friday 11.09.18

Compiled here: >>3889516

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f0efc8  No.3990333


are not endorsements


>>3989673 Oldest living Pearl Harbor veteran has passed away at the age of 106

>>3990113 Hussein back to "community organizer" status: foodbankin' it in Chicago

>>3990107 Planefags report all quiet above CONUS tonight

>>3990087 Moar of AusAnon's unique numerical analysis of Q drops

>>3990129, >>3990157, >>3990163 Government rejected Boston bomber Tsarnaev’s cooperation offer

>>3990149 Dem challenger concedes to incumbent Woodall in Georgia's 7th District

>>3989900, >>3989907 Coldest Thanksgiving in decades for Northeast/Midwest US

>>3989892 U.S. Setting Up Observation Posts on Syria-Turkey Border

>>3989873 Steve Bannon speaking at the Oxford Union last week

>>3989796 Apple kicked Verizon-owned Tumblr out from the App Store for CP

>>3989695 Bibi wishes us a happy Tday, grateful for our "extraordinary friendship"

>>3989642 FB's censorship double standard: child-bride auction goes unnoticed

>>3989630, >>3989757, >>3989660 Is Mueller Investigating Russian Oligarch Deripaska?

>>3990277 #5076


>>3989378 Dems won popular vote in House races by margin not seen since Watergate.

>>3989343 Khashoggi didn’t have a US passport or Green Card.

>>3989205 Abu Dhabi fund sues Goldman as 1MDB-inspired client exodus begins.

>>3989158 Trump easily defeats potential GOP rivals in hypothetical primary matchups.

>>3989119 President Donald J. Trump announces intent to nominate and appoint individuals to key administration posts.

>>3989100 Huber testimony on Dec 5 will be public.

>>3989090 Welcome to dictatorship? What lies behind France's controversial 'fake news' law.

>>3989087 Reddit's Alexis Ohanian leads Series A funding round for autonomous retail technology start-up.

>>3989067, >>3989068, >>3989076 DJT Tweet: "You just can't win with the Fake News Media..."

>>3989005 Italian cops destroy ‘mafia’ homes.

>>3988980 Goldman Sachs downgraded by Morgan Stanley until Malaysian 1MDB scandal is ‘resolved’.

>>3988904, >>3988906 DJT Tweet: "...Whatever happened to Global Warming?"

>>3988868 Western weapons, equipment and instructors flood ukraine in sign of further tensions with Russia.

>>3988865 Qproof of MI6 connection/mentioning in FISA, Qdrop from July 2018.

>>3989499 #5075


>>3988663 Trumpy Bear: "I am the storm!"

>>3988547 Hackers erase 6,500 sites from Dark Web host.

>>3988463 MJA and other related acts (court martial) take effect on Jan. 1, 2019.

>>3988095, >>3988252, >>3988316 MI6 ask POTUS to not publish docs re: Mueller probe.

>>3988283 ICE removes 5 fugitives wanted in El Salvador for various crimes including aggravated murder.

>>3988241 US to build outposts along Syria-Turkey border, Mattis says.

>>3988225, >>3988280 Danske Bank laundromat whistle-blower says complex web of big banks involved, Deutsche Bank moved $150b through U.S. unit.

>>3988138 More New Jersey house fire details.

>>3988117 Razor wire to keep out migrant caravan is most visible result of $210M military deployment.

>>3988113 Avenatti's charges referred for misdemeanor filing consideration.

>>3988103 Meadows plans to ask Huber several questions regarding the investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

>>3988075 Head of Russian military intelligence GRU dead 'after long and serious illness'.

>>3988736 #5074

Previously Collected Notables

>>3987326 #5072, >>3987995 #5073

>>3984883 #5069, >>3985667 #5070, >>3986484 #5071

>>3982542 #5066, >>3983134 #5067, >>3984083 #5068

>>3980329 #5063, >>3981096 #5064, >>3981848 #5065

>>3978065 #5060, >>3978811 #5061, >>3979561 #5062

>>3975725 #5057, >>3976499 #5058, >>3977254 #5059

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f0efc8  No.3990337

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>93735 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>3882220

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f0efc8  No.3990338

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

5a26d4  No.3990339

File: 939d8298c24fed5⋯.png (33.26 KB, 390x233, 390:233, screenshot.png)


prob count the chans in this blackout

54daa2  No.3990345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stop The Zionist Cabal Mind Warp Tricks


This is the most powerful weapon they use against Americans if we so much as dare to speak about (((their))) Organized Criminal activity, especially if you show Evidence. If accused of this NPC groupthink "horrible" label, it could cost you your career, your friends. Such is its power which they smugly deploy like a Gatling gun against PC American Goyim cowering in fear, walking on eggshells. Afraid to use the words Jews and Crimes in the same sentence. ooooh "anti-Semitic".

Zionists Successfully Negating our First Amendment

Censorship of the Truth about Khazarian Zionist Organized Crimes from their private OWNERSHIP of our Federal Reserve Bank money system to their paid puppet Israel-first US Senators betraying the American people…. and now they're ramping up to make it Illegal to criticize Israel. That's Power, my Frens.

(((They))) have used this bullshit term "anti-Semitic" to make most Americans cower in fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic", for (((they))) will get you fired from your job because (((they))) own your company or most of the Corporate stock.

(((they))) have American politicians, Hollywood whores, (((their))) wholly owned 24/7 MSM megalith all screaming Loudly - brainwashing America that any TRUTH you reveal about (((their))) egregious Crimes against Humanity will get you in big trouble = "anti-Semitic".

Slick Manipulation

Every few years, Hollywood trots out a movie about the Holocaust, which Always gets an Oscar Award because Holocaust. Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, Life Is Beautiful, The Pianist, Inglorious Basterds, etc. etc. This is calculated to sanctify their Victimhood, which means that even if you were never a guard at Auschwitz, nor even German, if you dare to call out any crime committed by any member of the Zionist Cabal - you're the same as Hitler. yeah same, you "anti-Semite"!

*Patriots, Anons, Frens - we need to NPC the shit out of their best weapon against us: the term "anti-Semitic". Let's brainstorm and cut the power out of their manufactured "taboo" of speaking Truth to Power about their parasitic damage to We the People.

***We need to make the term "anti-Semitic" the laughing stock NPC phrase of the World !!! Remember [their] Panic and massive censoring of the NPC hilarity. Neutering their bullshit works! This term is our new "deplorables".

Let's Mirror (((their))) most successful bullying weapon against Christians and Patriots, "anti-Semitic" into (((their))) personal NPC nightmare! Let's pull the guts out of this weasel term and turn it into a limp noodle! Especially now that their Zionist Shills are using "anti-Semitic" to smear the Qanon Movement. Look how they are Spamming this board with the False Gaslight that showing Evidence of Zionist Cabal Crimes against Americans somehow "divides" us is obviously made by an [Israeli Shill]… when the Truth UNITES Us! These JIDF Israeli Shills forget that we Americans are NOT Israeli. We are America First, not Israeli First so there is no "division" in educating Americans about who our Enemies are.

"anti-Semitic" label suppresses Truth - Let's KILL this bullshit term

*"anti-Semitic" = NPC Zionist Shill*

*NPC Zionist Shill = "anti-Semitic"**

A white person can be fired for calling a black person "nigger". Imagine the day when a Jew can be fired for calling you "anti-Semitic".

Imagine if Americans did not cower and self-censor for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic" and turned it back on (((them))) so that they wouldn't dare to call Truth tellers "anti-Semitic" ever again. nor discredit the Q Movement as they are now desperately attempting to prevent the asleep masses from finding out the Truth about Zionist Crimes against America.

f0efc8  No.3990352

File: 0947e02a6286ded⋯.jpg (383.34 KB, 581x600, 581:600, TrumpFearNotSt.Libty.jpg)

current dough


b78d9a  No.3990356

File: 96fbed969bd731f⋯.jpg (301.61 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_532.jpg)

patriots pray!

b398ad  No.3990365

File: c27a122b589c648⋯.jpeg (436.9 KB, 2113x1470, 2113:1470, B3751F5C-140F-4B73-AF2C-4….jpeg)


fd31a9  No.3990373

File: 8dba793d8083f5b⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 830x467, 830:467, 1542853500310.jpg)

f9608c  No.3990383

File: 0cd67cdeab48381⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 510x384, 85:64, NS_cows.jpg)

tyb, night shift in da house

ab1df6  No.3990384

HAPPY THANKSGIVING ANONS!!!! I am off to bed 5 AM alarm for Thanksgiving cooking for shutins

308418  No.3990385


Are you fucking moronic?

You need to read everything that is out there as a kid. How else can you fucking become an amazing autist and connect dots if you dont have a fucking amazingly wide spread of knowledge.

Kike off.

c99528  No.3990386

File: 322786b26e3ba08⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1974x1456, 141:104, ClipboardImage.png)


dac758  No.3990387

File: 27fbc120fddf602⋯.jpg (150.71 KB, 1157x882, 1157:882, qproof-correlation-between….jpg)

Q has stated there are timestamp correlations between tweets and Q-Posts.

It is important that we, anons, review timestamps and dates, for whatever value we can glean from them.

Q's timestamps in the latest 3 Qdrops reinforces this message.

ff3b0a  No.3990389

File: fe37153c80ba1ec⋯.png (643.67 KB, 650x768, 325:384, night-shift-pepe.png)

38eb87  No.3990390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump and his Kabbalah teacher?

5bd0a3  No.3990391





3e6184  No.3990392

File: f2311e3276c1674⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 300x100, 3:1, bread-headers-1.jpg)

File: 5c618e8d9b22fc0⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 300x100, 3:1, bread-headers-2.jpg)

File: bac103f3daa0c9c⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 300x100, 3:1, bread-headers-3.jpg)

File: baf89e2b59625e5⋯.jpg (31.31 KB, 300x100, 3:1, bread-headers-4.jpg)

File: b29efa2111ba709⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 300x100, 3:1, bread-headers-5.jpg)

for bakers use

6dd737  No.3990393

File: ed70158e78b0602⋯.jpg (96.34 KB, 969x1024, 969:1024, JFK-and-Jackie-969x1024.jpg)

>Hidden Love Affairs and Dark Secrets JFK Tried to Keep From Americans During His Presidency

>It’s common knowledge that John F. Kennedy had skeletons in his closet while he resided at the White House. Family tragedies, health issues, and substance abuse dominated parts of Kennedy’s seemingly public life. (And yes, there were many cheating scandals, too.) Here’s a look at the hidden love affairs (page 10) and other dark secrets JFK tried to keep from the country during his presidency.


there are no coincidences why they've been writing up JFK stories lately

263b7a  No.3990394

>>3990371 lb

How am I making shit up if I provided the sauce you were too lazy to listen to?

Fuck off.

3e6184  No.3990395

File: d26623525106db9⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 300x100, 3:1, bread-headers-6.jpg)

f39c50  No.3990396

File: 940d2c7566b0cb3⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 300x308, 75:77, arc2pt.jpg)


You realize I will crush you right?

Show your saves.

22af4b  No.3990397

Don't know if this potential fuckery has been posted yet.

Health Officer Issues Hazard Advisory Warning Against Habitation of Destroyed Property

Wednesday, November 21, 2018/Categories: News and Announcements

Dr. Andy Miller, Butte County Health Officer, has issued a hazard advisory strongly suggesting no habitation of destroyed property until property is declared clear of hazardous waste and structural ash and debris by Butte County Environmental Health. There is evidence from recent fires in California that homes and property destroyed by fire contain high and concerning levels of heavy metals, lead, mercury, dioxin, arsenic, and other carcinogens. Some property may have the presence of radio-active materials. Exposure to hazardous substances may lead to acute and chronic health effects, and may cause long-term public health and environmental impacts.

As areas affected by the fire with destroyed homes and property are opened to residents, residents will have limited access to visit property to collect recognizable belongings and mementoes that may have survived the fire. Residents should review the Health and Safety Precaution for Re-entry packet, which will be distributed at controlled re-entry checkpoints.

The County is working with State and Federal partners who will assess each property for hazardous waste and remove those materials from each property. This process will take time. There is no estimate as to how long it will take to assess and remove hazardous materials from each property at this time. After the property has been cleared of hazardous waste, the property owner can sign-up for a State debris removal program at no cost to the property owner.


f87fb7  No.3990398


Happy Thanksgiving Anon!

682b41  No.3990399

Do any Anons know if the bottom of the rabbit hole has been reached and if so, where I could find a summary? Please, no "lurk moar," or "re-read crumbs" responses. Not looking for pity, but don't know how much longer my worn-out body can hang on. Got a letter from the government's Rare Diseases/Disorders department several years ago. Have two rare autoimmune disorders which make it extremely difficult to stay awake, meaning I try to read all the breads, but miss so much. How ironic the gov sends me a letter, when it is the cabal-infested gov that caused these problems.

Also, is anyone experiencing "time stutters/shifts?" It happens to me quite often and now my daughter is receiving phone calls from me that I did NOT make. There's no record on her phone that a call from me was even made, nor received. Said it was def me speaking and she thought I'd died and was trying to speak to her from beyond. Really scared her. I sure hope other Anons are experiencing something similar b/c I'd hate to think I was going crazy on top of all the other medical issues.

Not meaning to slide, but would sure like to know as much truth as possible before passing. I love all you Anons!!!

a99779  No.3990400

So dems won the house overwhelmingly


Or uncontrolled voter fraud???

f956aa  No.3990401

File: a583e2f2cbf7c7d⋯.png (761.79 KB, 660x716, 165:179, DoD 11-21-18 1 pm PST.PNG)

File: 9892d2787298c39⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1175x788, 1175:788, DoD 11-21-18 1 pm PST pic.PNG)

Coming through!


f87fb7  No.3990402


Suicide weekend? Weekend does start now.

a3c177  No.3990403

File: 47d28f8dfe1b5d6⋯.png (86.38 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


More Sauce for DECEMBER 5 date


Report: U.S. Attorney John Huber Expected To Testify to House Oversight Subcommittee December 5th…

Interesting report from The Hill today quoting an interview with Representative Mark Meadows. According to the report U.S. Attorney John Huber is expected to testify to the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Reform about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

(Via The Hill) Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said Tuesday that House Republicans plan to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the prosecutor appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation.

e0cfd5  No.3990405

Brtifag here anons. I know it has been pointed out, but I humbly request that my fellow anons comment incessantly onto the Daily Telegraph comments section. This is already getting massive traction as you can see thus far. Red pill as much as you see it, socratic Q esque questions etc. Get us Britfags to think "Cor Blimey Guvnah, they only bloody went and spied on that orange geezer"

https:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/11/21/exc-mi6-battling-donald-trump-release-classified-russia-probe/

Thanks anons.

94a48f  No.3990406

File: 6b968e43597700f⋯.png (227.36 KB, 383x338, 383:338, 2018-11-01_06-12-38 copy.png)

File: 38a44656418710a⋯.png (278.89 KB, 506x392, 253:196, 2018-11-01_06-13-14 copy.png)

3990358 LB

38eb87  No.3990407


Basically Satan has been fucking us forever and everything is upside down here in this dimension. Satan is very active and very powerful and very good at stalking us in ways we can't prove, using both mundane and supernatural resources.

3e6184  No.3990408

In 1914 war broke out between (Great Britain, France & Russia) and (Germany, Austria-Hungary & Turkey).

Germany won within 2 years with it's superior technology, which was the catalyst for the war in the first instance, and offered peace on 'status quo ante' basis.

The Zionists in Germany went to England and told them they would win the war for them by involving America on the condition that they are awarded Palestine after they won. England accepted. The Jews drew up the Balfour Declaration - a cryptic language document outlining this agreement. At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, 117 Jews representing the Zionists attended and Germany discovered what had happened.

Up 'til that point, Germany had welcomed Jews into their homeland from Russia (where they had been ousted after a communist uprising) and thrived, both in business and personally. As a result of this sellout, resentment grew within Germany. Political prisoners were imprisoned and a lot of them were Jews by nature of their involvement in the sellout. Whilst the Germans never physically harmed a Jew, they discriminated against them heavily and they were shunned. The Jews, however, owned Germany, just like they own the USA, it's media and economy.

In July 1933, Jews from around the world met in Amsterdam and as a result sent an ultimatum to Germany: Fire Hitler and install every Jew back into his former position. Germany said no. Mr Samuel Untermyer returned to the USA and made a radio broadcast on CBS declaring Holy War against Germany using starvation and boycotts. As a result, everything 'Made in Germany' was poisoned. The boycott worked and Germany managed until 1938 when a Jew walked into the German Embassy and shot a German official which was when the tone changed.

The rest we pretty much know because the Jewish owned media has explained it to us.

f44f4f  No.3990409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3990381 (lb)

If anything it was drones, remotely operated.

No plane hit the Pentagon, no plane crashed in PA.

>>3990358 (lb)

Kalergi Plan. Agenda 21/2030.

Normies FAnons don't get it. Or they do, yet (((they're))) subverting moar goys.

For the faggot (lb) who auto-replied "nope" before doing ANY research on info I posted, you are the type of cancer that infects these boards & the masses. KYS.

There's a Reason they call Chris Bollyn 'the man who solved 9/11'.

BTFO, kindly.

c276df  No.3990410

File: a9c139c496b6b7b⋯.jpg (142.29 KB, 1776x1881, 592:627, sleepy-pepe.jpg)


Sleep well and have a nice Thanksgiving!!

6dd737  No.3990411


There was an article a day or two ago that Florida Congress race had about 30,000 more votes than the senate race

b78d9a  No.3990412

File: af1c4979aa61ecc⋯.jpg (988.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_547.jpg)

patriots laugh!!

37b8d6  No.3990413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12928a  No.3990414

File: a9acd6484e38d48⋯.jpg (74.47 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ghwb.jpg)

f39c50  No.3990415

File: f31fe6c33524a82⋯.jpg (585.67 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Mark Twain fooled.jpg)

I not only crush you because I can think quantum and ground level but because you try to fuck with me and i have been here since Vegas

So go ahead - fuck with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000cb  No.3990416

File: fbd2f52fa640e0d⋯.png (44.82 KB, 792x700, 198:175, highestkekinganon.png)

This bread feels like it suddenly got comfy.

c33388  No.3990417

File: 376d5174a3e0f50⋯.jpg (165.83 KB, 1145x652, 1145:652, Place-holders.JPG)

File: 534d010adac1cc9⋯.jpg (161.61 KB, 1127x670, 1127:670, Sedition PH1.JPG)

File: 6707179974c50c5⋯.jpg (127.43 KB, 995x660, 199:132, Treason PH1.JPG)

File: 524521065e11817⋯.jpg (132.29 KB, 1082x648, 541:324, Treason PH2.JPG)


54daa2  No.3990418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2,000 Years of USURY

From Babylonian Times to 2018:

*Highest Credit Card Interest Rate:

36% First Premier Bank

29.99% Total Visa

*Average Credit Card Interest Rate:

19.88% with good credit rating

22.41% with fair credit rating

*Brought To You By The Same Money Changers*

Sauce: https://wallethub.com/edu/average-credit-card-interest-rate/50841/

8f650f  No.3990419

Suitcase nukes…delivered by planes that hit the Twin Towers?

c99528  No.3990420

File: 05a6a7bcf0f894e⋯.png (158.29 KB, 1356x706, 678:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60368f177507d4e⋯.png (507.24 KB, 2486x1302, 1243:651, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17faed4fcb0cd28⋯.png (137.63 KB, 2488x368, 311:46, ClipboardImage.png)

22af4b  No.3990421

File: ca5dafb4bc73495⋯.jpg (167.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ns2.jpg)

843d41  No.3990423

File: 26ce35002ca12d4⋯.jpg (1008.8 KB, 2537x1807, 2537:1807, pyramid tek.jpg)


>>3989385 (pb)

>If you flip their logo you get two pyramids with antennae and a lightning bolt between them…signalling. It's coming..


There is a lot of compartmentalized advanced technology being developed where pyramid geometry is an important factor.

a99779  No.3990424


Whom can we trust?

I guess nobody

Especially in the world of politics

b78d9a  No.3990425

File: f0573e195cd11dd⋯.jpg (745.53 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, IMG_752.jpg)

patriots win!!!

8156c0  No.3990426

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)



6c8fc4  No.3990427

File: a8aacb914a62c4a⋯.jpeg (544.83 KB, 1537x2046, 1537:2046, 1069E58A-35A5-4850-9F91-4….jpeg)

File: 1adb23c2ab9ee46⋯.jpeg (623.9 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, 6C7DCDE0-F99B-411A-A72B-3….jpeg)

File: e4cbd28a21fd690⋯.jpeg (888.13 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, B0DDA02A-EA8F-49DF-96FA-B….jpeg)

Night Shift in the house!

2000cb  No.3990429

3dd6db  No.3990430

File: ea490bd00588af8⋯.png (262.99 KB, 500x397, 500:397, ClipboardImage.png)

c20812  No.3990431

Whitaker can be approved for an additional 210 days.


210 + 210 = …?? 420

2x2 (4) 10 ( 2x10) 20



f9608c  No.3990432

File: 133a5ffd2a72a3b⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, pokey.jpg)


so very comfy

58689a  No.3990433

File: bcdc7ca76ffe6d9⋯.jpg (25.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jesus0.jpg)

File: 8da777c89351765⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 727x500, 727:500, BandOfFaggots.jpg)

File: 8532660ba0f2eed⋯.jpg (62.69 KB, 768x766, 384:383, KiddoHitler.jpg)

File: e4f0d7c890d493e⋯.jpg (181.42 KB, 1024x878, 512:439, SocialistHitler.jpg)

File: c891000c839ce92⋯.jpg (261.24 KB, 1767x741, 31:13, Myth.jpg)

faebec  No.3990434


no go ahead. your theory, not mine.

you prove it.

mini nukes were the cause.

b32ffc  No.3990435

Former Librarian of Congress James Billington dead at 89

Billington's family, including wife Marjorie, confirmed he died Tuesday due to complications from pneumonia.

Billington served as librarian of Congress from 1987 to 2015 after he was appointed by former President Ronald Reagan. He had previously been a history professor at Harvard and Princeton universities.

Billington's achievements include doubling the size of the library's traditional analog collections, acquiring the only copy of the 1507 Waldseemuller world map, obtaining Marquis de Lafayette’s papers, and reconstructing former President Thomas Jefferson’s original library.

His tenure, however, was not without controversy. When he retired, effective Jan. 1, 2016, his leadership had been investigated a number of times by government watchdogs over complaints regarding several managerial and technological failures.


The controversies caught my eye so moar digging ensued leading to….(cont)

89b15d  No.3990436

File: 65130e52e84d8c1⋯.jpg (416.86 KB, 1175x788, 1175:788, maneuvering.jpg)

b32ffc  No.3990437


(cont)…MOAR information about the role of Librarian of Congress - hint, Obama wanted him gone and put in one of his own.

The Librarian is in charge of overseeing the Library of Congress, managing congressional relations, appointing staff—including the Poet Laureate—and supervising administrative work related to budgetary concerns, legal services, communications, and events.

The Librarian of Congress has broad responsibilities around copyright, extending to electronic resources and fair use provisions outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The Librarian determines whether particular works are subject to DMCA prohibitions regarding technological access protection.

From its creation until 2015, the post of the Librarian was not subject to term limits and allowed incumbents to maintain a lifetime appointment once confirmed. Most Librarians of Congress have served until death or retirement. There were only 13 Librarians of Congress in the more than two centuries from 1802 to 2015, and the Library "enjoyed a continuity of atmosphere and of policy that is rare in national institutions.

In 2015, Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed into law the "Librarian of Congress Succession Modernization Act of 2015" which put a 10-year term limit on the position with an option for reappointment. The legislation was seen as a critique of Librarian James H. Billington's unwillingness to hire a permanent Chief Information Officer to effectively manage and update the Library's Information Technology.

On July 13, 2016, the US Senate confirmed Carla Hayden as the librarian by a vote of 74–18 and she was sworn in on September 14, 2016.


38eb87  No.3990438


Trust Kek. Trust WWG1WGA. It's all we got.

1e403b  No.3990439


This is the county where they decided NOT to send the Emergency texts to people.

ff3b0a  No.3990440


>, where I could find a summary?


f87fb7  No.3990441


Trust yourself Anon

f39c50  No.3990442

two more renews then back to stuff

083777  No.3990443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Go Uncle Buck Whittaker….Gnaw off that wart infested cesspool they call Washington!

a4a546  No.3990444

File: 7d705e5c51e0e81⋯.jpg (115.95 KB, 919x523, 919:523, 3KU57MBTXNEDVDGYNXZLUDU3DA.jpg)

f306ea  No.3990445



I hope our 'shill guard' works better than the 'cone of silence' did for Max

e4662d  No.3990447


heart goes out to you anon. Im not sure you really want to see the bottom of this hole. Its beyond what anyone with a conscience should really see. Should you happen to pass away (which you wont, I will it). All truths are likely available.

d66cf6  No.3990448

>American Troops at Border Won’t Have Guns, Mattis Says

>Mr. Mattis mentioned one possible instance in which troops might act: defending a border agent who was hit by a rock, and detaining the migrant who threw it. But asked whether such a situation might call for the American soldier to be armed, the defense secretary unequivocally said it would not.

“No,” he said. “Not with a firearm.”


Maybe notable.

This is a bullshit and purely political decision.

The kind that get our people killed. Remember Lebanon early 80s.

308418  No.3990449


If any people could make you root for the savage Roman Legions it is the Jews.

They had it coming and they got just what they deserved.

0fd952  No.3990450


Again, CAPS in tweet interesting:


Wanna Play Hillary, Busy, World Wide Hometown News Release

f0e809  No.3990451

File: f6e5f5a9123d524⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 177x285, 59:95, cc78e6edf10d325cdb54690d62….jpg)

faebec  No.3990452

File: 13f946c4e32b98d⋯.png (64.91 KB, 660x262, 330:131, Screenshot_2018-11-21 Q Re….png)


well spotted anon.

56e0cb  No.3990453

File: 181b5eeb506540e⋯.jpeg (545.12 KB, 810x1215, 2:3, D5Comfy3.jpeg)

6c31c7  No.3990454

File: c46341d259eb5f6⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 628x202, 314:101, BadHareDay.jpg)


>Do any Anons know if the bottom of the rabbit hole has been reached and if so, where I could find a summary?

You don't want to go to the bottom.

2000cb  No.3990455


Trust God. Trust Yourself.

Frankly, both are the same thing, at the end of the day…

f39c50  No.3990456


rage leaving -

he ran.

6c8fc4  No.3990457

File: e0d68c401735d64⋯.jpeg (73.7 KB, 750x459, 250:153, D3D9F0FE-C385-43C2-9499-C….jpeg)

To all the normies, stuck on 911, the answer you seek is this missle. Its also considered a plane. This here hit the tower.

82028e  No.3990458

>>3990386 Angelica Cob-Baehler, Music Industry Executive Responsible For Katy Perry, Dies At 47



5c47df  No.3990459

File: 5d1691d227f8039⋯.jpg (177.18 KB, 1034x907, 1034:907, 3.JPG)

File: 609163d01f15ea0⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 773x639, 773:639, 4.JPG)

Landmine casualties high for third consecutive year despite record funding, latest monitor reports


86d1de  No.3990460

File: 789d40baeeb909f⋯.jpeg (25.74 KB, 300x411, 100:137, bbBRNT13.jpeg)

Þakka þér bakari

f87fb7  No.3990461



c4c96f  No.3990462

univ of Chicago bough land around obama pres library

univ of Chicago → Rockafella → friends of family -→ politicains

bought real estate around pres library !!!!

slush funds

politicians making profit

Sealed indictments wait !!!

Renegade library real estate bonaza for corrupt polticians

f39c50  No.3990463

any questions on quantum or dimensions?

38eb87  No.3990464

c4c96f  No.3990465


loop capital making money off politicians

ff3b0a  No.3990466

File: 6213c61661b9bdd⋯.jpg (192.11 KB, 785x1047, 785:1047, 26761c9511dcd38d5955a93119….jpg)

58689a  No.3990467

File: 9cd4bcd5a432480⋯.png (64.55 KB, 522x836, 261:418, WTDUP.png)

File: 6945308a06b934a⋯.png (71.25 KB, 461x869, 461:869, WTDUP2.png)

File: fd1161681d57af6⋯.png (64.74 KB, 466x863, 466:863, WTDUP3.png)

File: 7d7eaadd1460172⋯.png (69.62 KB, 468x869, 468:869, WTDUP4.png)

File: ea9f8d09bf60734⋯.png (13.4 KB, 504x153, 56:17, WTDUP5.png)

>>No plane hit the Pentagon, no plane crashed in PA.

If you believe that than there should not be resistance in understanding that there were no planes anywhere on 9/11. It was CGI from a compliant jew media.


2d4486  No.3990468

File: 9ce4ad0c9d82663⋯.png (88.65 KB, 1403x182, 1403:182, maggie haberman wiki.PNG)

File: 5ad91e7696b63c7⋯.png (45.79 KB, 782x435, 782:435, adrian spies obit 1.PNG)

File: 8b411bcbce75f7b⋯.png (16.96 KB, 798x258, 133:43, adrian spies obit 2.PNG)


Maggie Haberman's mother, Nancy Spies Haberman is the daughter of Adrian Spies, a famous Hollywood tv writer.



a3c177  No.3990469


Anyone even baking anymore? or is this just shill central? Real Sauce and it gets ignored.


35aa9d  No.3990470


For thousands of years the same line of elite have been buy, selling, raping, killing and eating children to get high and extend their lives.

dd160b  No.3990471

Haiti will come up again


830764  No.3990472

File: 58ec557538c1206⋯.jpg (293.18 KB, 1032x774, 4:3, ChangeMyWae.jpg)

86beb4  No.3990473


The time portal in Antarctica must be acting up again. Or something. Whatever it is, there is some truth to types of strange happenings you speak of. I don't know for certain what their nature is.

Now being completely serious, I do not believe we have reached the bottom of the rabbit hole yet. Remember, "The Truth would put 99% in the hospital." The choice to know will be yours. The choice has always been yours.

99227d  No.3990474


Have you seen the bottom?

823a76  No.3990475

File: 7118b37046e5a05⋯.jpg (241.58 KB, 867x578, 3:2, pepe heavy shillin.jpg)



bae36e  No.3990476


That story is growing longer legs by the minute

Looks like some greedy old washed-up posh UK spies got too arrogant

They got a spanking coming to 'em

82028e  No.3990477

File: 6ed54775bb44e7a⋯.jpg (16.82 KB, 247x255, 247:255, c46250ec099b0485a45da8b22d….jpg)


Comfy AF, Anon.

f39c50  No.3990478

you all know if you point out something I will admit it

Just like i admit after denying aether - i have found it Higgs Field.

be8155  No.3990479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nigel Farage on Trump's handling of Saudi Arabia

d617f7  No.3990480

We lost the house intentionally, so that we couldn't get immigration reform passed, so that we would have an excuse to flood the border with razor wire, troops, and contribute to the sense of chaos.

We could have won easily just by disclosing some information. "[D]ec 5" confirms that we never intended to do disclose. We knew nothing would ever happen until at least December. We mislead you many times along the way so that you would grow impatient and angry.

This is why POTUS didn't rally for the house.

He didn't want it.

We want chaos.

We want martial law.

Thank you for helping us install a dictator, while making you think we're bringing back freedom.

We said 2018 would be glorious, but we never said for whom.


3b63ef  No.3990481

File: 2f3cb8c50f2edeb⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 529x468, 529:468, 22_15-43-55.jpg)

Tom Fitton gets it

e4662d  No.3990482


you a physicist?

c900ba  No.3990483

File: 5899cf08ae3daac⋯.png (417.29 KB, 439x483, 439:483, fucken.PNG)

f0efc8  No.3990484

>>3990339, >>3990345

Plz wait for the dough post AND fill previous bread before posting to new. Otherwise anons might think you're just a bunch of niggers and filter you.

>>3990365, >>3990383, >>3990460

Ty anons, (verði þér að góðu)

>>3990407, >>3990433

All true. Truth will out.

abf4c8  No.3990485

File: 6145dd7b9d5e6ab⋯.png (1.27 MB, 801x600, 267:200, ClipboardImage.png)

db6cbd  No.3990486

File: d22f7c7af978db5⋯.png (424.48 KB, 520x794, 260:397, 61da42b53cddebdffdacdf68a1….png)

0d2c7f  No.3990487

Muh that hole was melted with a DEW. >>3990401

4ee232  No.3990488

File: e5c1bb6a5bab5b3⋯.png (352.26 KB, 509x453, 509:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Let's Hope it is happening tomorrow.

Q Clock stops on 55th Anniversary of JFK Assassination.

b623b6  No.3990489

File: 62fc934f58580ac⋯.png (950.88 KB, 745x500, 149:100, F807D2FE-42CA-497E-8634-12….png)

a5c76f  No.3990490

File: 462510714ee70ef⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 617x432, 617:432, a30ee0e328c021ee17439d95ee….jpg)


Charles Bluhdorn

Operation Northwoods


Friends of Bill

Last names that sound like "fuck you" in Italian

Billionaires south of 23 Degrees

Anyone you know who has a "friend" or "relative" that's a freemason

58689a  No.3990491

File: 93eb7a678184970⋯.png (573.96 KB, 483x765, 161:255, PlaneHugging2.png)

File: 364099c729cc49f⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 763x585, 763:585, planehugging.jpg)

f39c50  No.3990492


No amateur. have an advanced degree but not in that.

d617f7  No.3990493


We're going to tell Huber to say "I can't discuss an ongoing investigation" over and over on D5, because I love getting you guys excited and humiliating you.

Remember that cure for cancer I told you about? Same idea …

Soon … kek.


3b63ef  No.3990494

File: fdcf37f14bc6696⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 845x559, 65:43, 22_12-26-18.jpg)

823a76  No.3990495

File: 67957b391e474f6⋯.jpg (160.92 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, pepe princess-leia 04 myan….jpg)

File: 946d69da9d32d32⋯.jpg (125.03 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, pepe princess-leia R2D2 04….jpg)

File: 71075857745da3d⋯.jpg (172.95 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pepe valkyrie be worthy.jpg)

File: 9c808868a4a52f8⋯.png (788.32 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, pepe uncle sam you.png)

"What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet".

What's in a name?

Those that are called Anon by any other name would be as resolute.

What one is called by others doesn't matter so much. Hold fast to what one IS. That "is", for many here, is being able to see. See through the lies that others tell. See through the lies weakness tempts ones self with. See into that self, and be able to appreciate, understand, and nurture…

This anon imagines it thusly; Some waters are cloudy, murky and dark, while others are crystal, clear and bright. Cabal programming is largly an agent of cloudy, murky darkness in the mind. Critical thought, striving to rid the mind of logical fallicies gives agency to a crystal, clear and bright mind. When one can't see into the water one is submerged within every bump and brush felt can trigger panic. When one can see clear to the white limestone sand bottom 120 ft down, well, there are no surprises. Just exploration.

This anon imagines it thusly; One is 130 ft tall, standing in 120 ft of water, observing the distance, or examining the goings on within the mind beneath the surface. The mind, in this, is a biome. An environment for ideas to live within. With a crystal, clear and bright mind, one can go anywhere in that vast ocean, the subconscous, to appreciate, understand, and nurture. Some things boring, but vital. Other things beautiful, important for that alone. All of it available, one just has to go there in mind.

When one tends to the oceanic garden of ideas that is the mind, outside poison/influence/confusion is easy to spot. When one tends after ones integrity with a fierce devotion to self honesty, the right thing is all too plain to see. How can one not do the right thing when one sees it? Regardless of cost. What does one call another that perseveres in spite of incredible adversity?

An Hero. Not that one could tell that based on the Cabalist definitions they give to the word/concept. They've been trying to abort even the IDEA of an hero. Shit, "try hard" is a pejorative with the sheep. How they must have hated Arete. That ancient Greek idea of pursuing life with an eye always on excellence. Striving to be everything that one is cabable of. Yeah, they don't like that much.

One might suggest that we need much more of that in the world. One might even suggest that we need more heroes. Why not be ones OWN hero? Be the hero of ones own story? Pursue what is right, with excellence as a parralel goal, regardless of cost, in spite of incredible adversity…

Sounds a bit like the anons. With the shills/clowns/etc. playing the role of anti-hero. Hats off to the anti-heroes. They are manning the guns even as the ship goes down (it's never too late to do the right thing). Be ones own hero. I think FLOTUS nails it with, "be Best".

Being able to see gives challange and purpose to life. Anons have embraced this, and put it to work. This is why the community was chosen to help free us all. A blessing or a curse, being unable to look away from the lies is the point.

Our founding fathers did not turn away either. Patriots looked at this long list of wrongs and stood firm, resolute, in their resistance to them. They were ignored (and in turn ignored the cries of the tyrants).They were mocked (and mocked in return, but with panache). They were fought (and they fought, with more honor, character and resolve), and then they won.

Good wins. The founders would have had a chuckle at the antics of Pepe. Yankee Doodle anyone? Americans are from stellar shitposting stock. Making fun of liars, cheats and tyrants is in our DNA. More and more Americans are awakening to that spirit everyday.

(Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) should know that there is no escape. Too many are awake. Too many see. There is no going back.



are myhero.

What's in a name, My'Anon? Be Best.

Free America.

Free the World.

We have much to be thankful for, Patriots.


dd8786  No.3990496


Nice work, anon. We'll see how many are actually held accountable.

a99779  No.3990497


You are becoming a philosopher

82028e  No.3990498

>>3990435, >>3990437 Former Librarian of Congress James Billington dead at 89


0f2c7b  No.3990499

>>3990399 (Checked)

As Q has said, it all comes down to a battle of good vs. evil. It has been going on since Biblical times and likely much longer that that. For millennia, the world has been run by occult secret societies who worship the evil. And now, finally, for the first time in a very long time, we have a fighting chance of stopping them.

>Also, is anyone experiencing "time stutters/shifts?"

Things started getting weirder for me in 2016 and it has only increased in intensity. This past month was a doozy.

Best wishes, Anon.

37b8d6  No.3990500

File: c9aed9e4f7b36a9⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x801, 160:89, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)


teen vogue..gross

d617f7  No.3990501


Watch the news.

They will escalate (upon our orders). "Hope requires action." (Obama).

We will escalate in response. "They'd better hope we don't fight back." (POTUS; paraphrased).

There will be violence, because we want violence to justify military presence.

We've told you the military is necessary to preserve your freedom.

We lied. The military is necessary for the final step in the New World Order plan.

2018 WILL be glorious, but probably not for you.

Tick tock.


b35ab1  No.3990503


fucking PELICANS are back

f87fb7  No.3990504


I have wondered why 99%. Has to be World Wide. Also has to be around religion.

587e8c  No.3990505

File: 12527e2849f2315⋯.png (25.67 KB, 194x194, 1:1, 12527e2849f23156a0b68d821d….png)


>muh DEWs

b51c75  No.3990506


UPDATED: LFO singer Devin Lima died early Wednesday morning after a year-long battle with stage 4 cancer, LFO’s publicist confirmed to Variety. He was 41.https://variety.com/2018/music/news/devin-lima-dead-dies-lfo-1203034421/

In same Pic.

b32ffc  No.3990507



308418  No.3990508


So the plans we all thought we saw were fake and put in at the source at the TV stations? Total fakery?

I could believe it. The fuckery on that day is enormous.

I really want to know what happened to the plane passengers. Sacrificed at Offut Airforce base in a Satanic cermony? Shipped to Israel for a ceremony?

85df61  No.3990509

>nice digits


<you left out 'feline AIDS'

a99779  No.3990510


Dude died of very old age

f39c50  No.3990511

Fake Q you are getting spaz = i do that in geometry chill.

f9608c  No.3990512

File: 595128050861071⋯.jpg (132.81 KB, 700x955, 140:191, Italian16cFireplace.jpg)


super comfy

abf4c8  No.3990513


It has been discussed. We all understand the ramifications. Wait and see WTH habbens.

56e0cb  No.3990514

File: 0570dfadc73f0d0⋯.jpg (500.35 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, SingComfy2.jpg)

File: c72953b804ce824⋯.png (136.43 KB, 440x429, 40:39, ComfyMAGAnight.png)

File: dd81f1a819fe6c9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1014x754, 39:29, FLOTUS PepeMarine1comfy.png)

4ee232  No.3990515

File: 8e634fd9db4e26c⋯.png (749.71 KB, 720x1355, 144:271, ClipboardImage.png)

If this is real, then Mark Zuckerberg has a clone AND so does Hillary Clinton.

71b375  No.3990516

File: 94f7c26a1be9502⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 960x637, 960:637, 15219373_10207312655800221….jpg)

File: 633cc8ed804b5d2⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 599x451, 599:451, 10407688_10202909705289210….jpg)

File: bd5d39b2169b83c⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 315x315, 1:1, 46494455_10212400915403531….jpg)

File: 7e59ca820ffbd0a⋯.jpg (59.57 KB, 750x555, 50:37, 10394570_10202878845997747….jpg)

File: 5c6f6485aec70d6⋯.jpeg (238.85 KB, 942x1200, 157:200, 5c6f6485aec70d6d7ba039e87….jpeg)

Hope all of you & your loved ones….have has a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!! Take Great Care & Safe Travels! Gobble Gobble

And a special Thank-you to all those men and women serving in our Military that can not be home with their loved ones.

Also a huge hug to my friends and family that can not be with their loved one too, for some reason or another!

55712d  No.3990517


Finally. Some truth drops from Q

8156c0  No.3990518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So super comfee….

ee2b45  No.3990519


This makes Farage look deep state.

Is he doing an MbS fakeout?

e4662d  No.3990520


No I dont believe I have. AS an IT admin Ive spent much time doing research on the deepweb trying to keep an eye on the latest viruses etc. seen enough to last me a lifetime. It gets very sickening. Not really interested in seeing the bottom. I dont think you want to either my fren. Stay positive, love your little girl, and KEEP FIGHTING YOUR FIGHT!!!

3b63ef  No.3990521

File: 56ef7f40305a9bf⋯.jpg (38.12 KB, 525x402, 175:134, 22_15-48-50.jpg)


Michelle Wolf Butthurt

587e8c  No.3990522

File: 4375ae6996220e7⋯.png (236.7 KB, 768x1054, 384:527, Quagmire.png)

dbfeff  No.3990523

File: ed4f807ef59f4bf⋯.jpg (32.39 KB, 500x352, 125:88, an-angels-prayers-13440917….jpg)

May the creator hear our words of gratitude

May our prayers fly on swift wings to the creators ears

May we be blessed by our creators grace & benevolence

Allow us victory over evil & darkness with the light of your wisdom oh great and mighty GOD.

As we enjoy the fruits of our labors bless those less fortunate and those who walk through darkness in order to shine your righteous light!

Thank you & praise be to you all mighty GOD!


6dd737  No.3990524


She still isn't funny

719bb9  No.3990525

File: b3bcb52c7e4ac63⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x171, 85:57, cat-barrel.jpg)

8be59b  No.3990526

File: 1d04147b24da1a9⋯.jpg (190.17 KB, 815x1500, 163:300, 1d04147b24da1a904972e3e4f2….jpg)


>Are you fucking moronic?

Hat tip anon. Although a part of me kind of wishes I was as naive and unsullied as he is. Being a deep digger scars the soul a bit.

Reading Lolita doesn't make you a pedo. Watching eyes wide shut doesn't make you a pedo. Fucking a kid in the ass makes you pedo. It's quite fucking simple.

faebec  No.3990527

File: d837bb9b56df982⋯.jpg (224.35 KB, 1492x1741, 1492:1741, d837bb9b56df9823802c1e0c0a….jpg)

File: 8ae754ff601573b⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 720x890, 72:89, 8ae754ff601573b5f95c7572eb….jpg)

File: 217ff791c317b8f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1157x862, 1157:862, acddf18dc6ce3e6f3437d9c351….png)

File: f7d2c9e955e0976⋯.png (262.31 KB, 720x616, 90:77, c8029cafe716ad89e7932a0090….png)

File: fffebd111d21cc4⋯.png (168.74 KB, 837x914, 837:914, fffebd111d21cc472da3475e0f….png)


that last bit there anon….from "until" to "changed".

Could you point me to some further reading?

ff3b0a  No.3990528

File: a440e63d5a13746⋯.jpg (256.96 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, fdaea94009fa63a8c3a23c8fcb….jpg)


Just an overview of probable and some possible connections

abf4c8  No.3990529


Your photoshop skills suck

b32ffc  No.3990530


Did you read what Obama did and why?

d7f757  No.3990531


Nice. Just what I needed.

ba00ff  No.3990532

It’s definitely happening…



c276df  No.3990533

File: 39839743ce17809⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 540x540, 1:1, IMG_6117.JPG)


MAGA Comfy even? 8)

81c4f8  No.3990534

Lurkers, Time to step up to the front line.

e4662d  No.3990535


Id support her if she killed herself.

6994bf  No.3990536


100% real. Don't think just one- MULTIPLE; and don't leave out Podesta.

58689a  No.3990537


No flights. No passengers. Just CGI on tape delay or pre fabricated. The day was crystal clear. "TV" footage features all types of clowdy bullshit "live" shots.

Not millions of people on the streets.

Tons of buildings in the way.

Most watched on TV anyway.

Why wouldn't you?

Bombs explode.

First unexpectantly.

Second while everyone is focused on the top of first tower. Not expecting any more bombs.

Second bomb goes off on south side while everyone is on the north side looking at the hole in the top.

All the confusion. Nobody says they saw the "plane" they are saying they saw the bomb. Then everyboday says its a plane. Nobody saw shit.

To say otherwise on that day would make a normal human being go insane and doubt the entirety of existence.

f39c50  No.3990538

Standard Theory is valid - well on the bubble 4 d reality we can measure. But it is like measuring the iron filings in a magnetic field.

f0efc8  No.3990539


Sounds like you have a handle on what it takes to bake. Would you like to take oven this bread or wait till next?

f0e809  No.3990540

File: 105eadc73a9532e⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 39ede3110e8fc05a24a01f84ec….jpg)

c99528  No.3990541

File: 70b50883c01eefc⋯.png (178 KB, 424x297, 424:297, ClipboardImage.png)



154215  No.3990542


Boy the (((media))) sure did fall in love with this

gun runner scumbag

d7f757  No.3990543


Been kind of a big news week. Stuff is bubbling just below the surface.

8f650f  No.3990544

How do some incredibly dumb people receive degrees in law and medicine?

c99528  No.3990545


she's so fugly

6dd737  No.3990546


I thought the Clinton Foundation was down around that figure after she lost. Explains the tour tour though.

2000cb  No.3990547


>Not really interested in seeing the bottom

Seeing the bottom would likely require a person to break some laws.

I'm not talking about scrolling listings or even clicking links and entering sites.

Seeing the bottom means you do an initiation. Because the bottom.. Is the bottom for a reason :)

54daa2  No.3990548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Criticism of Israel is Illegal in South Carolina

The South Carolina Senate has recently passed legislation that changes the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel.(April 2018)

(((they))) are aggressively Censoring Americans - think how Vicious this is against Americans, and how deeply corrupt our politicians really are. They are now attempting to pass this in Congress, 45 corrupt Senate traitors.


Once the Cabal mass arrests start habbening, and the Truth about

Who Did 9/11

is Officially revealed to the World Watching, this anti-American outrageous law in So. Carolina will be thrown down the toilet where it belongs. The Zionist Cabal Traitors will be executed.

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/landmark-bill-restricting-criticism-of-israel-sneaks-through-south-carolina-senate/

19139d  No.3990549

File: 074470c1bff7207⋯.jpeg (53.17 KB, 1080x740, 54:37, 1541342588.jpeg)

751104  No.3990550

File: 6a581a7d1c8ac0d⋯.jpeg (165.03 KB, 614x319, 614:319, 19104874-86B2-44FD-AC1F-5….jpeg)

File: 928b0b49252736c⋯.jpeg (415.79 KB, 750x949, 750:949, A6FAC687-486D-4E79-B74B-D….jpeg)

Looks like the attacks on Whitaker are starting to intensify. Also looks like Maggie might be feeling a little heat since her Q Debut! WWG1WGA! Hi Gen Flynn, God bless!


bf2e65  No.3990551


>Modern "Jews" are mostly Eastern European

>Palestinians are Semitic

>Israel murders Palestinians and systematically pushes them out of their homeland

>Jews are anti-Semitic

882542  No.3990552

Q, happy thanksgiving…a bit early.

Looking forward to the conversations about to be spurred around dinnertables across America.

Say the word.

God bless, sir. God bless, anons.


c99528  No.3990553


just you wait, things are about to get really crazy

f39c50  No.3990554

File: 76ebd60a78d3951⋯.png (119.29 KB, 1280x762, 640:381, colorfield.png)


you are right they do but my geometry skills and spiro shit do not.

719bb9  No.3990555


>How do some incredibly dumb people receive degrees in law and medicine?

some people are great at passing exams but are complete fuckups IRL

4435af  No.3990556

File: 8e50ef56b1eb525⋯.png (408.27 KB, 794x570, 397:285, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)

4804e6  No.3990557

File: 13298c31d4d89dc⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1628x970, 814:485, 369067896569873734.png)

0aac44  No.3990558

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

dd160b  No.3990559

A community in the central Logar province of Afghanistan has awarded the ‘Bravery’ Medal to the US President Trump for his recent stance against Pakistan.


e4662d  No.3990560



agreed. and like I say Ive spent time in New York. Pretty fucking hard to fake a plane crashing into a building with thousands of people watching from below. I agree 911 was an inside job, but the idea that there wasnt even any planes is pretty far out there IMHO.

308418  No.3990561


Yeah. I am certain it involves the Jewish religion being a psyop the whole time. Twisting much lies with truths. Abraham talking to Satan. Moses having horns. Jews sacrificing countless people in Palestine always claiming victim status.

Catholic Religion taking Christ's message and spinning it into a slave religion. Constantine being a Satanist and faking his conversion for power.

The Jews creating Islam to destroy the Christians. After all they say Christ is in hell boiling in shit or sperm.

The Jews sending a mission to Khazar because they knew the Khazarians already were criminal no good fucks and they converted the King to Satanism and enslaved the rest of the Khazars and turned their whole grifter tribe into a rabid mission to kill every christian they could get their hands on.

The Jews lying about Eve just to divide and conquer humanity by setting women against men. To remove the feminine from the Trinity and make humanity unbalanced. The Jew rules by making their victims unbalanced. Nothing unbalances like cutting the tips of your boys penises off and treating your women like the enemy. Writing countless jew stories about killing the women. Sophies choice is a Jew allegory about removing women from the trinity. They always chose men. The Jew worships a faggot trannie god. Baphomet.

b502dd  No.3990562


Now you are recycling old posts.

You really do suck at this

6dd737  No.3990563

File: 291243692df2e7b⋯.png (55.93 KB, 636x366, 106:61, KingIdiot.png)

587e8c  No.3990564

File: 62db4b948d7b0dd⋯.png (373.83 KB, 920x730, 92:73, spankies alpha.png)


>How do some incredibly dumb people receive degrees in law and medicine?

Affirmative action

0f2c7b  No.3990565

File: d444dd37da4ec29⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 551x558, 551:558, Checked.jpg)

c0e533  No.3990566


Wonder how long the total process is?

f87fb7  No.3990567


KEK! (wiping soda off monitor)

5c47df  No.3990568


CF has been in the shithole for a long time now. I'm seeing old news come up as "new" news… they're panicking. Are we really reliving Jan 2017 all over again with Ivanka's emails? It's not even new news.

b623b6  No.3990569

File: 888b9a67b73a6ea⋯.jpeg (167.72 KB, 745x500, 149:100, 6810FEFD-B109-428E-9A3F-0….jpeg)

86beb4  No.3990570


Many things manifested will become hidden

And what is hidden manifest

f39c50  No.3990571

File: 6f27e14b55363d4⋯.png (567.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6f27e14b55363d47f1ad79c2c4….png)

Standard theory is study of the iron filings it does give a clue about the field. The field of :So we have:

1. EM field pretty well defined

2. Color Field - seems related to strong Nuclear force

3. Higgs Field - seems to be related to Mass and Gravity

4. _ Field - that will be related to weak nuclear force.

is the thing.

b35ab1  No.3990572




pelican shit, i called it out and it posts MOAR… bot pelican shill

c99528  No.3990573

File: 1a87ff127c58d5d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c43bbe9c48898ac⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1199x800, 1199:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81858302b32091e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2532x1258, 1266:629, ClipboardImage.png)



a5c76f  No.3990574

File: 4053f1ed2dc46b0⋯.png (286.61 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Messages Image(1636892617).png)



86d1de  No.3990575


I like looking at these Rube Goldbergesque things when I'm very stoned.

0f33b3  No.3990576


Judge not lest thee be judged

a39d89  No.3990577

File: 85beb47b51128ee⋯.png (190.18 KB, 1083x467, 1083:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Thanksgiving Anons!

Happy Thanksgiving Q!

Happy Thanksgiving POTUS & FLOTUS!

God Bless You One & All.

Here is a fantastic read that I highly recommend. Enjoy. Share. Reflect. Give Thanks and Glory to GOD!!!


ee2b45  No.3990578


Is Stephen King a massive pedo?

Its pretty much the only thing that would explain his books and recent comments.

e4662d  No.3990579


off topic, but what is it with women talking out of the side of their mouth like this cunt does. I had a GF that did that. Drives me up the fukin wall. Is that some kind of gangster trend or something?

6a8517  No.3990580

File: 38ab1f3dbf6cc72⋯.png (18.03 KB, 627x113, 627:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Pansies will stay home.

Good time for a STORM.

9e0561  No.3990581

File: 45ff04cbf55cb55⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, busterscruggs1.0.jpg)


Well Generally Speaking!

Seein' an Old Nag Like that on the

Dust Trail… Well I wouldn't have the Heart to let

The Tired Beast Suffer any longer!

I put out of her & (our) Misery!

Ah Cool Cool Water!

154215  No.3990582


Imagine if this was your Uncle Steve and you

had to hang out with him tomorrow

f08402  No.3990583

>>3989380 (pb)

>>question of whether the Rothschild's family took over or if the Holy Roman Empire bloodlines just took a backseat and let the court jew's go front and center.

We believe they merged via marriage at some point. We can definitely find proof that the photo that we all circulate of the Rothchilds with the animal heads and the female in the white dress - that one. She is of papal bloodlines.

I'll have find the dig on that from last year.

But agree with you on all the other.

This goes way back. Another Anon and I IRL and we are trying to find the 'what' that links them. We turned up on Merovigian kinds (ala Davinci Code fame) but IRL became the Knights Templar.

This stuff goes way way back. I was digging as far back as Constantine last week.

a9ed6e  No.3990584


Much more likely the planes were radio controlled like the one in Washington recently

b502dd  No.3990585


hi ya leafie.

how’s toots?

37b8d6  No.3990586

File: cc4de218476b83f⋯.jpg (434.31 KB, 1484x2226, 2:3, KingStephen.CreditShaneLeo….jpg)

6dd737  No.3990587


There would be more than Turkey served for dinner kek

d617f7  No.3990588





Ah, cupcake, if only they were so boring that you could ignore them, instead of drawing attention to them.

Maybe fap to some more hentai porn so the big kids can chat?


5efd95  No.3990589

File: 754ad340e71ddb7⋯.jpg (391.22 KB, 706x845, 706:845, gathering the storm wwg1wg….jpg)

58689a  No.3990590





2000cb  No.3990591

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Don't forget peanutboy Carter..

86beb4  No.3990592


They were the Bauers before they were the Roths.

cdcb1c  No.3990593


If the December 5 happening turns out to be a nothingburger you can be sure that the main topic of 2019 will be impeachment, from everyone with a public platform.

And POTUS will be impeached.

c0e533  No.3990594

File: 024bb88e1cd39bd⋯.jpg (154.1 KB, 692x775, 692:775, stephen king i fuck childr….jpg)


Oh Stephen, just STFU you glowing nigger

719bb9  No.3990595


had to stop thinking about the whole 911 thing. can't discuss it with anybody without starting an argument, even here

c872bf  No.3990596


Is she a dude?

c0e533  No.3990597


He is in bed with (them)

f39c50  No.3990598

all I see is agendas not interaction

d617f7  No.3990599


Hey spelled "inpeach" incorrectly.


751104  No.3990600

File: adf7b28cd60848a⋯.jpeg (122.38 KB, 1242x725, 1242:725, 619DF422-0302-4780-B1ED-3….jpeg)


He likes Weiner

043b07  No.3990601

File: 7c1e2046ae038bb⋯.jpg (308.69 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, American Pride.jpg)

File: 5e3275b5a60c10c⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 840x420, 2:1, o7.jpg)

World Markets very quiet for a change

86beb4  No.3990602


Not without the Senate, CIA Nigger.

2a234c  No.3990603

File: 7c28ead976582d4⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 849x560, 849:560, stephenking.jpg)

19139d  No.3990604

File: aa7e0484af1b6f0⋯.jpeg (105.54 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, 1542855498.jpeg)

6b73f3  No.3990605

>>3980302. Comey, McCabe, Strozk; Lynch

0c3735  No.3990606


no he won't. how could you believe that unless you are intentionally spreading doubt. how the fuck could they actually pull of an impeachment?

628590  No.3990607


Herman Hesse wrote in his philosophical novel Siddhartha, "I can think. I can wait. I can fast.". Sometimes I do, but sometimes, with great preponderance, I act, and when I do, I act efficiently, swiftly and cleanly. Sometimes I don't.

My extended family was destroyed by the NY mafia and their jew "accountants".

I was in the garage with my father in my PJ jumper, terrible 2s.The two hitters came in. Father told me "Leave. Now". Never saw him again.


I grew up the white minority in catholic foster care. One day I was counted off with 2 girls, probably 2 and 5. The 5 yo had a mouth on her like a whore. She told me the priest liked to suck little boy's dick and he was looking at me. As the priest went around with a clipbboard taking notes about us, she watched over me and the little girl and made a ruckus, took point when he came near. A nun was present whose expresion was allarmed. She brought the Mother Superior and was brow beaten before me.

The pedo grabbed the 5 yo at our scheduled nap-time that day. The 2 yo clung to me and cried on my baby face. I didn't know what to do. I was afraid too. Afterward I saw the nun crying. Then we were all shuffled around, put on busses to other holes.

I never saw the 5 yo again. I never saw the priest again.

As a foster child I faced every threat of violence you read of in the papes. The Paperclip who ran the PD made sure of it. I was jacked up for money and things but I was threatened with or kidnapped for rape, I fought back. Only legal weapons made it possible.

Measure my anger interms of what I'm going to to do to you.

So far, so good.

Ethnocide is genocide. Self defense is defined in the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution of the united States is a plan to implement the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is this nation's founding charter. The Constitution could be changed, but look back to 1991-3 when ammending the Coonstitution to explicitly include the internet as a 1A protected medium was considered by Harvard law. Breifly, these lawfags concluded that given the current climate if they opened the Constitution to ammend it on this point they would have to allow any other POS scum changes, so it wasn't possible to do so without suiciding the nation.

Think about that until you get it. It is easier to understand now.

Read Jefferson.

6dd737  No.3990608


He also got his tenses wrong. "Wanted".

a9ed6e  No.3990609


I'm thinking the committee of 300 was the coming together of the Royals and the international bankers.


Not sure if it was King George I or II

George II was crowned that year

e57658  No.3990610

Maybe we need to remind people like Stephen King who they really are. Who is he anyways? Some guy from hollywood?

c0e533  No.3990611

File: fdaec815ae57448⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 976x723, 976:723, the stand trump 4.jpg)

719bb9  No.3990612


your books suck and you've always been a weerdo so gtfo asshole

86beb4  No.3990613


Pedophile shit bag.

4435af  No.3990614

File: 9a67032ecc02eb0⋯.png (245.99 KB, 458x396, 229:198, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)


My fear as well. We are running out of time.

6dd737  No.3990615


No wonder they are so bitter

a2f9a4  No.3990616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ok faggots, you need to watch this

Saudi Arabia has a FUCK TON of oil under their asses.

You think that oil prices are cheap now?

Wait until the Saudi companies go public and have to disclose the reports on how much they oil are sitting on…

Haha, energy is going to be fine in the next decades, after all we have tons of oil, electric cars exist since the fucking 1850 and nuclear fuel is so plenty that we could just use that shit for centuries at the current rate of consumption growth.

Add to that the info that anon posted about the tesla tower which allows transmission of electricity thru the air, stick some solar energy farms in space and just wifi that shit over here via Tesla tech.

And if there is cheap energy, THERE IS EVERYTHING ELSE.

<The future is ours frens.

8be59b  No.3990617

File: 295941b5c173a8e⋯.png (667.58 KB, 1025x813, 1025:813, Conducting Dark Energy.png)


Yes anon. I have been through something similar. I feel like I'm literally processing dark energy at times like a big vacuum. Time slips are common as is psychic stuff. Like I'm 48 hours ahead of real life. Weird shit. Could be Satan, could be quantum? Could be all. Who the fuck knows. Be strong. Passing some energy now.

e4662d  No.3990618


you have absolutely no argument from me fren. Im just sayin Ive seen all that I need to see. I just want justice to win and to stop as much as possible. The things humans are capable of doing to each other is mind beyond tragic. I know evil will never be completely eradicated. But we sure as hell can try.

f39c50  No.3990619

when everyone's agenda blocks anyone else s we are Democrats.

bae36e  No.3990620


Imma tell you something about Stephen King

Good friend's parents used to live next door to the Kings in Maine during the summers

He was in a BAD wreck, got hit by a car while biking

Took forever to recover. Not sure he's the same as he was before.

Does he have some DBT causing his angry tweets?


Not making excuses for him, just throwing that history out there.

154215  No.3990621


Trump was sexting a 15 yr old?

Who knew?

fefd14  No.3990622

File: 82814679fd3b6e2⋯.png (1.42 MB, 952x535, 952:535, Screenshot_2018-11-21 Para….png)



faebec  No.3990623

File: 3545d122cb48011⋯.png (215.89 KB, 537x657, 179:219, 3545d122cb4801197ee7bfd694….png)

File: cabf832ef9fbff9⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1180x1730, 118:173, cabf832ef9fbff91d6e59f4691….png)

File: a26454b064549d6⋯.png (399.96 KB, 556x456, 139:114, 6933.png)

File: 100bc0db1fc3b30⋯.png (587.33 KB, 1342x789, 1342:789, 100bc0db1fc3b305c6f65b366d….png)

File: 63f665647cd8fc8⋯.png (208.11 KB, 389x494, 389:494, 63f665647cd8fc80f684829f19….png)


someone tried the kinder

gentler version of "shut it down"

again last night in response

pizza-gate type material. sad. so sad.


100-0 the Antisemitism Awareness

Act passed the U.S. Senate anon.

in two days. that's the contempt

they have for us.

100-0. 100%. Rick Scott has been

pushing this like mad. Good old S.C.

they sold us all out and are still selling

0d2c7f  No.3990624

Right. We had it pretty well figurwed a long time ago and then some Paytriots had to come up with new angles to make money and suddenly they were vaporized in an instant with DEW or some other fucked up theory. >>3990595

b502dd  No.3990625


you forgot who are tonight huh.

lol freddy, lol

957e53  No.3990626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For all Anons who ain't got nobody for TurkeyDay. A little DaveTV

58689a  No.3990627

File: b9c2580811be17f⋯.jpg (30.35 KB, 640x416, 20:13, 911Shanksville.jpg)


Much more likely NO

How did the planes go seemlessly through…


You know? The foot+ concrete horizontal things that people had to walk on and carry all the weight of everything in the building?

Hmmm. Didn't think of that did you?

2a234c  No.3990628

File: f5726ef506e49bc⋯.jpg (331.01 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ct-give-president-donald-t….jpg)

0f2c7b  No.3990629


I don't care for Miles Mathis these days, but there's an excellent paper on paper on his website outlining the reasons why Stephen King is probably a spook. Comes from a military intelligence family, weird numerology, and other fuckery.


2000cb  No.3990630

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Shadilay, anon :)

d7f757  No.3990631


The enemy is exhausted, depleted, and broke. Makes it a lot easier to finish them off now.

6dd737  No.3990632


I remember that accident. Sounds like a round about way of saying Liberalism is a mental disorder

cdcb1c  No.3990633


>conversations about to be spurred around dinnertables across America.

Retarded idea, anon.

Many of us tried it last year.

Now friends and relatives think we are fucked in the head.

Q drops are not for red pilling because most of them are false.

f39c50  No.3990634

Thus when you will not listen you are a liberal

5c47df  No.3990635

File: cb11c0bc4677422⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 931x809, 931:809, 3.JPG)

File: e43f80d55efa3f1⋯.jpg (128.47 KB, 808x868, 202:217, 4.JPG)

File: ce6f0801a2a8f57⋯.jpg (96.01 KB, 726x750, 121:125, 5.JPG)

Anons… the true panic is apparent by the re-hashing of the Ivanka emails - they have NOTHING, and KNOW that they're screwed. The email story is over a year old!


56e0cb  No.3990636


You should not respond to fake Q.

You know, don't you, that's a shill who puts letter Q + Q's tripcode into the Name field.

a2f9a4  No.3990638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video that another anon posted about sending energy from here to there via Tesla towers.

Do you realize what it means?


Holy shit, once the predatory cabal is terminated, the world as we know it will END, in the good sense!

043b07  No.3990639

File: 0d545fa28692aec⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 450x600, 3:4, gigabong.jpg)

c0e533  No.3990640


I think they use normie accident excuses for when they need to be cloned, tweeked, or given the Eye of Ra.

619219  No.3990641

Secret Pizza Party-Is It A Pedophile Grooming Book? - YouTube


Ppl are sick!

86beb4  No.3990642


Nobody would tweet that (even if they believed it) unless they were ordered to. It's sad that they are all slaves.

d617f7  No.3990643


Freddy is some obnoxious red text dude.

I'm obnoxious hard-truth caustic fake Q.

Why do people try to guess who's who on an anonymous board, and badly at that. My vocabulary and syntax is much better…

Almost as funny as when the extremely low IQ Anons call me a bot.


bb8ca1  No.3990644


Oh yeah, (((they))) are scared they have been pushing hard and projecting. It's quite entertaining, and maybe it's just me, but (((they))) are EXTREMELY blatant lately. The Cabal…


c6ec98  No.3990645

KEK its so cold right now rl

Bet this will be the last bit of cold traitors will feel ever, before they greet the fires of hell after they are all executed.

a4a546  No.3990646

File: 3de1fe0dc161aa1⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 586x503, 586:503, rr.jpg)

436ca3  No.3990647


The most bat shit crazy yet probable thing I read was that we are dealing with advanced negatively oriented ETs who used a hyper smart AI that looks like a giant black cube that is inside Saturn and built the moon as a relay station.

6fc87e  No.3990648

[Chief Justice John Roberts] ?

He has to be a huge blockade in the Supreme Court.

Just came out against Trump too, first time.

86d1de  No.3990649


>Hey spelled "inpeach" incorrectly.

OMG You spelt he incorrectly

5b8f5f  No.3990650

File: f718bed8140b1ee⋯.png (110.24 KB, 276x253, 12:11, Capturegmhug - Copy.PNG)

File: 49d7b199f55df9c⋯.png (491.36 KB, 674x397, 674:397, trump1 - Copy.PNG)

File: 2b18cbb0e90c43b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1053x546, 27:14, trump1a - Copy.PNG)

File: de5c5ff4ffcd535⋯.png (919.41 KB, 822x524, 411:262, trump2 - Copy.PNG)

Dear President Trump.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful that you are our President.

You have given everything and placed it on the line. EVERYTHING!

I will be forever grateful for what you have done for us and our country.

You are a great man. Please don't give up or become discouraged because we are with you and will stand with you to the last. We are always here for you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Your friend,


4435af  No.3990651


I pray everyday that you are right, anon.

30235e  No.3990652


Steven King is clearly in "the Club" with Robert DeNiro, Oprah, Tom Hanks, Celine Dion, Richard Branson who are all "friends" (followers?) with Marina Abramovich. Spawn of Cain assholes that want to keep the DARK but know Trump is trying to bring the LIGHT.

c99528  No.3990653

File: ec5c890237c3785⋯.png (872.52 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ccd137c6dbf4b⋯.png (496.76 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38cff566168bb1d⋯.png (59.76 KB, 1162x286, 581:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3312f0c1559c132⋯.png (225.97 KB, 1262x848, 631:424, ClipboardImage.png)


follow the stars

ec0130  No.3990654

File: b5fb873a547f093⋯.jpeg (754.81 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 96D452CC-55A0-424A-813F-E….jpeg)


“Recently declassified documents show that the former CIA director and former director of national intelligence approved illegal spying on Congress and then classified their crime. They need to face punishment…”

“…Brennan and Clapper classified the notification. It was like a taunt. “Sure, I’m spying on Congress, which is illegal. But it’s classified, so what are you going to do about it?”

“..it’s my own opinion that John Brennan belongs in prison. He has flouted U.S. national security laws with impunity for years. That’s unacceptable. In these declassified notifications, he’s confessing to hacking into the Senate’s computer system. That’s a violation of a whole host of laws, from illegal use of a government computer to wire fraud to espionage. There ought to be a price to pay for it, especially in light of the fact that Brennan was the leading force behind the prosecutions of eight national security whistleblowers during the Obama administration, almost three times the number of whistleblowers charged under the Espionage Act by all previous presidents combined.

Second, it’s a crime, a felony, to overclassify government information. Most Americans have no idea that that’s the case. Of course, nobody has ever been charged with it. But it’s a serious problem, and it’s antithetical to transparency.  The CIA Inspector General said of the notifications, “I could see no reason to withhold declassification of these documents. They contained no information that could be construed as sources and methods.” That’s an admission that the notifications were improperly classified in the first place.”

Grassley added,

“There is a strong public interest in (the notifications’s) content.  I do not believe they need to be classified at all, and they should be released in their entirety.”


“Operation Thin Thread”

“As a pioneer of the now-defunct ‘Thin Thread’ program, which upheld the privacy of US citizens, Binney broke away from the NSA after witnessing the erosion of privacy rights under the banner of national security. Wiebe, equally disgusted by the NSA’s blatant disregard for the rule of law, left his post in protest against the indiscriminate violations unfolding outside the view of the American public.”


f39c50  No.3990655

Yawn trees

98a9cf  No.3990656

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)

attention on deck comped baker at it again

As was evident, the last 7 breads were under attack by the muhjew topic with some muh fake q topic. The pasta spambot was shitting 40+ pasta per bread and now we have the muh hitler is a good guy "baker" again:


Lovely… As if q didnt tell us anything about this puppet…

89bdad  No.3990657

File: b28d42ca51bd2c3⋯.jpeg (44.39 KB, 400x306, 200:153, 7218EFF7-3D29-4C50-8EB2-F….jpeg)

d617f7  No.3990658


That's actually pretty funny.


d66cf6  No.3990659

File: da1f123b580d938⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 1525992324496.jpg)


I really think this might be notable.

stupid decisions like this usually lead to "happenings"

c0e533  No.3990660


The Transformers story lays it out almost the same way.

Gee, wonder where they got that idea.

a4a546  No.3990661


Follow the yellow rose

a9ed6e  No.3990662


Hollywood is the projection arm of the cabal. MSM is the propaganda arm, social media is the vigilante forced narrative and reinforced Marxist culture.

2d4486  No.3990663





7e21b1  No.3990664

File: 6b64ea8211ba65f⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2n1qll.jpg)

File: e557844731eb138⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 634x530, 317:265, Trump-Maxwell.jpg)

File: 64face06f141d2a⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 800x530, 80:53, where-we-goy-5b44be (2018-….jpg)

File: 148b6a1ef33e278⋯.jpg (44.88 KB, 482x512, 241:256, 2m1fn9.jpg)

a2f9a4  No.3990665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And with cheap as fuck energy we can produce massive amounts of food, which means CHEAP food, then we can SPECIALIZE people even more, which means SPACE COLONIZATION IS POSSIBLE IN OUR MOTHER FUCKING LIFE TIME.

Shit, I am beyond myself rn, all warm and fuzzy and shit.

fefd14  No.3990666

File: ee6009f0dbd234b⋯.png (489.81 KB, 850x731, 50:43, Screenshot_2018-11-21 ALL ….png)


f39c50  No.3990667

I am not sure they are not looking at fallen leaves.


2a234c  No.3990668

File: e6b15101df6847a⋯.jpg (138.78 KB, 1148x746, 574:373, 24e6f94bc98835957ab6419378….jpg)


i'm getting the munchies…just by looking…

b502dd  No.3990669

File: ce9bf0e2bbf444e⋯.jpeg (412.17 KB, 1107x1448, 1107:1448, 92C500F7-5EA1-46A2-AAAF-A….jpeg)

c6ec98  No.3990670


> muh happenings must happen on this day or else

shill detected.

3510a1  No.3990671

Looking for an old thread containing a few posts of mine and some responses.

How do I do that?

154215  No.3990672


Clearly…the question is…do they all get away with it?

86beb4  No.3990673


Yep, he a disciple/slave/minion of Abramovich. Like all the rest.

043b07  No.3990674

File: 5a497c12a11ae23⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 700x403, 700:403, From the start freddy...FR….jpg)

d617f7 (7)

Not even worth my time


a9ed6e  No.3990675


Sounds crazy, but possible

5f0ee3  No.3990676

File: 775c3e6321cdf81⋯.png (638.21 KB, 5000x1085, 1000:217, Nike-Prop_Vs_Reality.png)

=NIKE Propaganda Vs Share Price Hahaha==

e4662d  No.3990677


the physics of momentum. If you have a 395,000 pound boeing 767 traveling at around 500 miles per hour, its actually surprising the planes didnt go straight through the buildings.

7e21b1  No.3990678

File: b92a7c8dc62ac5c⋯.jpg (68.4 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Borowitz-Ted-Cruz-Converti….jpg)

File: 5591d04a6a64962⋯.jpg (117.9 KB, 821x499, 821:499, 2hfrlt.jpg)

38eb87  No.3990679


Sounds so crazy but feels to true

0f2c7b  No.3990680


Maybe we should look into Chief Justice Rehnquist's sudden and untimely death.

083089  No.3990681





Reminder that whether real or not, if ages are to be the same. The subject would have to give sample within 10ish years for them to look the same age.

You couldn’t have started cloning (HRC ex) 20 years ago.

cdcb1c  No.3990682


All it takes for impeachment is 51 percent of the house to vote for it.

That's it.

Bulletin: Dems have way more than 51 percent.

They could impeach DJT before January is over.

Learn more government, anon.

c99528  No.3990683

File: cdd5adc6ec74e23⋯.png (293.86 KB, 1252x1296, 313:324, ClipboardImage.png)

719bb9  No.3990684


enter your full name in the search field

f39c50  No.3990685

most fallen leaves are brown

d76735  No.3990687

File: ed06dbda7363640⋯.jpg (272.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ed06dbda73636406c4debdcddd….jpg)

>>3967754 (LB)

If brains were energy, she wouldn't have enough power to move a hot wheel around a cheerio.

d617f7  No.3990688


Awww, punkin, but you're still barking at your tail. That's sad :'(.


2000cb  No.3990689

File: 93f301d28596ada⋯.png (149.22 KB, 500x580, 25:29, 9C73W0B.png)

File: d76ab399df48b27⋯.png (631.35 KB, 1018x557, 1018:557, 6043c31be36bfba9fe0b0572fa….png)


Old pics, but relevent to this post of yours.

Trump is the real deal. God bless and protect him and his family, and his Patriots and theirs as well this holiday.

c276df  No.3990690

File: 0cf5fbfb44555de⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 500x748, 125:187, NS Antennae Cat.jpg)

083089  No.3990691



Stop questioning the details.

7e21b1  No.3990692

File: d7ec9d9daccbdd2⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 300x300, 1:1, cutcamera.jpg)

File: e557844731eb138⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 634x530, 317:265, Trump-Maxwell.jpg)

File: 2c438d076857ca3⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 728x500, 182:125, 2gdgfh.jpg)

4435af  No.3990693


Disintegrated upon impact. No big question here.Chunks went flying out the other side of the towers.

ff3b0a  No.3990694


I don't like this map, it is filled with hypothesis. And almost not connecting organisations like the other maps

51c013  No.3990695

File: 41f0e68f3e3887d⋯.png (57.31 KB, 707x455, 101:65, ecb.png)

Working for an hour on POTUS decode. HELP!

There's something here!


GWB ERASED LL COR (correspondence?)

But that leaves an extra "C".

[With a possible "W" in Whatever]

What say you, Anons?

3b63ef  No.3990696

File: bd70f3a65c50229⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 527x262, 527:262, 22_16-06-19.jpg)

Sally Yates in Panic

587e8c  No.3990697

File: f1d19d02a894e8b⋯.png (216.34 KB, 463x432, 463:432, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)

4ee232  No.3990698

These are really informative and not long - maybe good Thanksgiving Day entertainment, unless you watch football, which I stopped after kneeling bs.

See “The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations” (Israel’s Clandestine Operations in London)


The Lobby P2: The Training Session – Al Jazeera Investigations


The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope – Al Jazeera Investigations


f39c50  No.3990699

wtf I just tried to do geometry - WTF happened?

7d1244  No.3990700


Thought it was full name + social?

86beb4  No.3990701


This is basically the plot of every Jap RPG I played as a kid. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was "something like that"

9e0561  No.3990702

File: 4ab9b9aa5cd12c5⋯.jpg (1022.72 KB, 3037x2026, 3037:2026, 578546876.jpg)


Happy Thanksgiving America!


82028e  No.3990703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This motherfucker….

Anyone see the trailer for the new Pet Semetary movie?

=Symbolism will be their downfall==

f44f4f  No.3990704


Holy fuck, do you need me to wipe your ass for you too?

Literally 2 seconds of searching showed me these links..




How new are you exactly?

d617f7  No.3990705





e4662d  No.3990706


fucking dedication right there.

bd98e1  No.3990707

File: 17d3843c2c9a0de⋯.jpeg (71.61 KB, 656x369, 16:9, 73BFDE0F-B7B8-4638-831D-1….jpeg)

Speaking of cold. The alpine regions in Australia got about 10cm in the last couple days, and expect another 50cm before Friday. Almost 2 months out of season and a bit over a week away from calendar summer.

It’s coming.


c0e533  No.3990708


I personally think that its much more perfected than we know.

fefd14  No.3990711

File: 4c90bfdfa69cddb⋯.png (329.98 KB, 947x630, 947:630, Screenshot_2018-11-21 Here….png)


5916c6  No.3990712


awesome digits….

2000cb  No.3990713


unknown. Much of our history has been occluded, and most of the technological advances acheived in that time withheld, for money.

Nevermind Alexandria. We'll stick to just modern history ;)

5b3020  No.3990714


He's lost as a goose.

0532a0  No.3990715


>I'm obnoxious hard-truth caustic fake Q.

minus the hard truth + cynical + pessimistic + faithless = real stupid, real asshole

0aac44  No.3990716


Hmm died 2 years ago

a4a546  No.3990717

File: 42c8c8a79733372⋯.jpg (32.91 KB, 586x503, 586:503, rr.jpg)

685249  No.3990718


You don't think Cassini was studying the rings do you? kek

It was trying to home in on whatever is in Saturn and when they 'crashed' it into Saturn it was actually a dive bombing with a hydrogen nuke to try and take it out, or force a war. This is WAY bigger than folks are ready for..

b32ffc  No.3990719

File: 901d05a452c6545⋯.jpg (16.29 KB, 255x254, 255:254, potus_wonagain.jpg)

China Paying for Trump Tariffs – Not U.S.

Free trade economists’ claims for months that the United States would be crippled by President Trump’s tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese products have been debunked by new research that shows it is China paying for the tariffs, not the U.S.

The free trade apparatus of Wall Street, Washington, DC, and the big business lobby repeatedly claimed over the course of the last year that Trump’s 25 percent tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods would hurt the U.S. and American consumers.

Research by EconPol Europe reveals that the vast majority, 20.5 percent of the 25 percent tariff is being paid by China while only 4.5 percent is being paid by the U.S.

The research notes that the tariffs will have the intended economic nationalist impact that Trump — and his loyal advisers Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro — were hoping for in that they will reduce the U.S.-China trade deficit by 17 percent and cut down the number of Chinese imports in the U.S.

The findings are a direct contradiction of the free trade brain trust. For example, Forbes claimed in September that Trump’s tariffs on China would hurt the U.S. more than China.

Likewise, the Associated Press in July highlighted “experts” who said Trump’s tariffs would hurt American workers and the U.S. rather than China.

Likewise, the governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney claimed in June that the tariffs on China would hurt the U.S. going as far as to say a trade war with China would reduce U.S. GDP.

Free trader Dan Hutcheson of VLSI Research Inc. told MarketWatch last month that Trump’s tariffs would hurt U.S. tech conglomerates’ billion dollar profits.


86beb4  No.3990720


Paging Dr. Tesla…

82028e  No.3990721

File: 1a94c6251e9d267⋯.png (817.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.png)

File: 3f20231a542c349⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2.png)

File: 98f3ce84843d171⋯.png (494.83 KB, 1904x989, 1904:989, 3.png)

File: 1fa5814c20db2e5⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1908x996, 159:83, 4.png)

File: ae4b8e35a83f338⋯.png (566.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5.png)



Symbolism will be their downfall.

Screenshots from the Pet Semetary trailer:

c0e533  No.3990722



True dat!

154215  No.3990723


The question should be, How did the planes completely enter the buildings without even slowing down and not one piece of the plane getting ripped off…yet the in the 300 ft of building

come to a complete stop

3510a1  No.3990724


Ok, well ty for telling me how you guys sort em.

Now, I think someone here has a hunch what I am looking for.

Thread # or a number range would suffice.

f39c50  No.3990725


Why the fuck are we being attacked by morons?

6fc87e  No.3990726

File: a4beb9e905bbdfc⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1053x712, 1053:712, TRUMPCHILD.png)




5c8546  No.3990727


how was that stop date created with the creation of the clock?

b5271b  No.3990728


2/3 vote of Senate to Impeach.

It will never happen.

f21ed0  No.3990729

a9ed6e  No.3990730

The only thing that really scares me is the possibility that advanced AI holds all the nuclear codes and has a end of days scenario that we are tip toeing around. Meaning that the cabal has a last ditch fuck everything destroy the world rather than give up power scenario in place. Hopefully the Weiner laptop or some other Intel has that figured out.

Maybe the DNC server is still running because of it? Man, who knows.

a2f9a4  No.3990731

File: 22867258fa18047⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zionists_are_not_patriots.mp4)


Shut up traitor :)

Reminder that zionists are always traitors.

Notable part of the video, at 26 seconds:

“The State Department definition claims that stating that a particular Jewish person has more loyalty to the state of Israel than they do to their own Country is necessarily an example of antisemitism, where the truth is that is one of the fundamental premises of Zionism, and if you go back and look at the statement, say of, Theodor Herzl who really wrote what is considered the founding text of Zionism, he argued very clearly that Jews are one people and therefor is useless for them to be Patriots to the Countries in which they reside, so there is times where a statement like that gets contained in the definition of the State Department, where it actually undermines the founding premises of Zionism itself.”

So basically, zionism is a cancer in the West that has no place in any self respecting Country outside of Israel. Also note that Theodor Herzl was in the Rothschild and Warburg (FED founders) inner circle, and that the Rothschild were the main force behind the creation of Israel.

A jew might choose to be patriotic to their nation and not claim the Israeli citizenship.

Jews should not be persecuted for being of the jewish race.

That being said, all jewish group power is going to end, so all jews can be treated as individuals in the face of the law.

The dems are fucked (vote fraud), then the corrupt reps are fucked, then the zionist lobby is fucked, then we can unfuck shit at an astounding rate.

Its going to be very entertaining once the dems are nuked to shit politically, to have the FBI flow from the analysis of Clinton Foundation to the Israeli lobby. That's when the real fun starts.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


At the end of the day, the zionist cabal doesn't give a shit about neither jews nor goys.

They just make the plays they think they need to make to get as much power as possible.

f39c50  No.3990732

File: 7389f4031aae2d1⋯.png (101.55 KB, 1280x787, 1280:787, quarkantiquarkhorizion1.png)

File: 5780ec280843b41⋯.png (39.73 KB, 1280x776, 160:97, chromodynamicwaverotateZ.png)

File: ac79ecc83846a99⋯.png (196.81 KB, 1280x773, 1280:773, Quarkgluonwave.png)

File: 76ebd60a78d3951⋯.png (119.29 KB, 1280x762, 640:381, colorfield.png)

d617f7  No.3990733


So angry and defensive.

We like it when Anons are angry and defensive.

Embrace your rage, Anon.

Your rage is necessary for my plan.


587e8c  No.3990734

File: 4c6eb031d3c0157⋯.png (22.21 KB, 285x143, 285:143, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)

Is anyone watching this?

64cdd4  No.3990735

File: fc5af221e4c6214⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 4da2886f06faa3d8860dc60974….jpg)

823a76  No.3990736

File: e62c32688c225db⋯.jpg (336.88 KB, 1200x888, 50:37, pepe Revolutionary War Bat….jpg)

File: ab88f50547ea2ce⋯.jpg (230.78 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, pepe revolutionary battle ….jpg)

File: 1995fcedc8bf2bd⋯.jpg (439 KB, 1473x982, 3:2, pepe revolutionary Battleo….jpg)



6dd737  No.3990737

File: dbbbeb2c153a6a4⋯.png (143.53 KB, 600x500, 6:5, TPJj15Q.png)


Math error

b0b77e  No.3990738


Hang in there anon. We are all in the same boat (patience-wise) and would love to speed up the timetable. All I know is as pissed and irritated as we can be waiting sometimes, there are anons just like US working in the inside now to fix things and bring JUSTICE. I can imagine they are highly motivated.

6286b8  No.3990739

File: be8ea81e538c587⋯.png (774.67 KB, 895x547, 895:547, GasolinePr.png)

File: 8dbd0b91a36a4fe⋯.png (726.64 KB, 1020x541, 1020:541, weosirs1ga.png)

File: 8a237fc6b3bc157⋯.png (295.74 KB, 429x547, 429:547, wwg145.png)


VERY Thankful for Anons and even more grateful to all who have made our Historic corner of the Internet possible.

God Bless & Keep Our POTUS Safe, and God Bless You All.

cdcb1c  No.3990740


You are too ignorant to be posting here you dumb piece of shit.

House impeaches.

Senate convicts.

You are a disgrace to carbon-based life and need to die, now.

a4a546  No.3990741


Disintegration upon impact. Most of it, anyway.

a31e67  No.3990742


maybe its a brutal blasting (attack) that (could) shatters (destroys) ALL RECORDS

b502dd  No.3990743

Fake Q.

Show your titties?

asking for a fren

a4a44f  No.3990744

File: bc79007a9639700⋯.png (21.27 KB, 446x66, 223:33, ClipboardImage.png)

There is no easy way to differentiate between the two groups of Jews in conversation or board posts so when you curse the Jews you are automatically accused of attacking the sweet innocent docile group.

For the future I introduce 2 names for the 2 groups. The Jewzharians; for the criminal cabal, and the Jewsens, for Gods Chosen.

If we use these two names in the future everyone will always know which group you are referring to when you have discussions of the Jews and there will be no more misunderstandings.

We will all start to get along.

Reveation 2:9

a86597  No.3990745

File: 7a2106f492df6e3⋯.png (189.9 KB, 348x432, 29:36, pepclump.png)


wouldn't it be sad if the red hair hump/lump

that was so popular and still pops up on

occasion was actually hers?

…sorry guise, that thought should have never

escaped the skull that protects what used

to be a brain before I arrived here.

Regardless, Happy TG to all you awesome anons! Much love…no homo

19139d  No.3990746

File: 5f904fd731d6536⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, DWpWHSQX4AMAh7-.jpeg)


a2f9a4  No.3990747

File: 0ce754a68e15dc0⋯.jpg (260.14 KB, 1675x1405, 335:281, 1_The_Lobby_Part_2_Campaig….jpg)

File: 3016f5af6749530⋯.jpg (372.24 KB, 1681x1875, 1681:1875, 2_The_Lobby_Part_2_Straw_D….jpg)

File: c05cd34598ccab4⋯.jpg (490.8 KB, 1678x2350, 839:1175, 3_The_Lobby_Part_2_Buying_….jpg)

File: bbff365c9cd00b7⋯.jpg (479.47 KB, 1200x2350, 24:47, 4_The_Lobby_Part_1_The_Isr….jpg)

File: 8caa0651eb7730b⋯.jpg (296.72 KB, 1200x1347, 400:449, 5_The_Lobby_Part_1_BDS_and….jpg)


That's the UK documentary.

Here is the USA documentary on AIPAC:


Part 1:












c0e533  No.3990748


This would be my line of thinking as well.


08ad32  No.3990749


you can search all breads here. try using a ohrase u remember typing.


a9ed6e  No.3990750

I really wish I could get back to the place where bots were dropping amazing crumbs but I feel I messed something up. I hope I didn't mess up the timeline…

86beb4  No.3990751


OK good, impeach without a chance to convict. They can spin their wheels if they really want to.

Don't get mad, CIA Nigger.

f39c50  No.3990752

bring it anons - you may make me think better

22af4b  No.3990753


Glad you caught the pedo spiral on the tree. Indoctrination is the purpose of this movie. The bastards really have no fear of exposure any more, or else anons have just been so red pilled on this stuff it is obvious to us.

083544  No.3990754

I wonder if we are going to get a Q Palm Tree photo this week??

c9abae  No.3990755


You are nothing but a coward.

Keyboard cowboy with a small penis

and pimple issues.

7d1244  No.3990756


Damnit the chan reader I am using doesn't do the bolding etc. You get me every time until I read it. Phonefagging sucks

8be59b  No.3990757

File: 12512f002e6d0f0⋯.jpg (296.72 KB, 1280x755, 256:151, 1280px-Sabazios_hand.jpg)


Yes. It's always been around I suspect. Here's another small puzzle piece.

6fc87e  No.3990758


Record Snowball? (D5?)

6dd737  No.3990759

File: 9ffa134144ca887⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 256x196, 64:49, MAth.jpg)


Damn it wrong post number


Math Error

82028e  No.3990760

File: ffc6f97b54b23b6⋯.png (251.54 KB, 562x440, 281:220, 9e044a3eb4c00885274963c46c….png)

File: 2c4b721ebfe46c7⋯.jpg (344.21 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 1a670504126366f870af74a733….jpg)


o7, Anon.

154215  No.3990761


The nose entered the building at 500 mph

and the tail entered at 500 mph. Impossible

f21ed0  No.3990762


suck a dick faggot

youre going in the oven for sure now

38eb87  No.3990763


Google the term Erev Rav. It's all been laid out for thousands of years. Jews know there are bad jews.

a39d89  No.3990765


could also be a way to send an electrical current through the ground to a smart meter attached to a home which would then incinerate entire neighborhoods.

a9ed6e  No.3990766


It fits good work

d76735  No.3990767


ONCE FISA goes public, the house will explode in panic and nothing will happen.

FISA brings down the house…

fefd14  No.3990768

File: 689547ad8468b6d⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 564x521, 564:521, 46447521_390414288197865_7….jpg)

64f7e4  No.3990769

File: 9ea99143b2749d8⋯.png (502.95 KB, 810x546, 135:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Hatch Act investigation could be ahead for acting Attorney General Whitaker

An independent federal agency is looking into donations made earlier this year to acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker's 2014 Senate campaign, according to a new report. Such contributions might violate the Hatch Act, which limits the ways federal government employees can engage in political activity.

CNN reported that four contributors donated a total of $8,800 to Whitaker's Senate campaign committee in January and February, while Whitaker was chief of staff at the Department of Justice. The campaign committee still owes nearly $50,000 to Whitaker himself from his unsuccessful attempt at one of Iowa's Senate seats. Nonprofit watchdog organization American Oversight announced Wednesday it had submitted complaints related to Whitaker's financial disclosure forms to the Office of Special Counsel, alleging potential violations of the Hatch Act and to the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Justice’s Ethics Office, alleging a failure to disclose. The organization states the contributions were the first activity by Whitaker's campaign in several years. A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN the office had received the complaint and said a case file has been opened. Neither the Justice Department nor Whitaker commented to the network.


f39c50  No.3990770

is there in an echo here


intelllll igeenceee


e4662d  No.3990771


yup. converted to pure energy. but still the fuel was burned up in seconds. the whole theory that the fuel went down the elevator shafts and blew up the lobby is pretty laughable though.

a2c460  No.3990772

File: d67a808c1a32d7b⋯.jpg (188.95 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, unvax.jpg)

f0e809  No.3990773

File: d74ed58a2a73d05⋯.gif (1003.78 KB, 290x308, 145:154, 58029.gif)

c0e533  No.3990774


There is so much information and disinformation strewn throughout the internet though, and a lot of things deep, deep down the rabbit hole that we cannot verify for ourselves.

f08402  No.3990775

File: 711bf90ac9edbf4⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 500x293, 500:293, the_illuminati_elite_organ….jpg)


Here's some interesting things on the Committe of 300.


I also believe there is another layer above this - from some digs from last year. Committee of 12? Let me see if I can locate it.

a5c76f  No.3990776

Similar to above lack of digging,

"Hersh’s massive Gulf & Western exposé was published in the Times in 1977 — 13,000 words long, in three parts, revealing a private labyrinth of corporate fraud, abuse, tax avoidance schemes, and mobbed-up malfeasance. And yet — in spite of all the pre-publication hype, THE STORY LANDED WITH A WHIMPER."



e55d36  No.3990777


Easy, they will own the house by almost 40 votes give or take depending on how many more seats they steal. They could lose about 20 dems voting no on impeachment and still do it. Impeachment != Removal from office.

ec0130  No.3990778

File: 5730f03d8e8f246⋯.jpeg (326.22 KB, 798x640, 399:320, B98207AC-13E1-4F72-BAF7-A….jpeg)




“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control…”

“…For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match…”


308418  No.3990779


It might be why the Star Wars franchise keeps blowing up the Moon. Three different times they blew up the Moon…..oh I mean the Death Star. KEK. It is an insane theory but is it crazier than Hillary Clinton riping the face off a black girl and putting the skin over her own face to scare the girl more so she produces more adrenochrome so Huma and Hillary can drink the kids blood?

We live in crazy times. Nothing seems impossible anymore.

bf75c4  No.3990780

Are Anons following the Allison Mack developments?

0c3735  No.3990781

File: 49d3e84d3e27ec9⋯.png (56.39 KB, 1586x227, 1586:227, impeachment.PNG)


sure. the house can "impeach" him but what then. see highlighted sentence in pic

6c8fc4  No.3990782


A fucking missle & it is called a plane too. No other planes. Read the bread.

This is what hit & everyone was watching tv.

2d4486  No.3990783



823a76  No.3990784

File: f418105a9443c95⋯.jpg (145.69 KB, 599x823, 599:823, pepe pin up airforce 08.jpg)

d6755d  No.3990785

On November 11, 1620, passengers of the Mayflower wrote and signed The Mayflower Compact.


19139d  No.3990786


never gets old.

6dd737  No.3990787


Wish they'd attack Hillary and crew like this

4a7bb7  No.3990788


He could be impeached but it takes 3/4 of the senate to remove. Billy boy was impeached and served out his term.

07490d  No.3990789


Convicts for what?

Oh that's right they are trump-haters.

Don't have to have a reason, just follow the hater crowd,

Not happening.

Even Pelosi backed off.

d617f7  No.3990790


Another Qtifa!

Welcome to purple haired cuckledom angry, ineffective, wee lad.

We like angry impotent people.

The desperation is so useful …


a2f9a4  No.3990791

File: 54083c1c82f9771⋯.png (290.45 KB, 451x400, 451:400, Apu_in_space.png)


Good point.

When cabal is kill, then we use that shit to PROSPER.


86d1de  No.3990792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rube Goldberg device

b502dd  No.3990793

File: ea92a88a5a858b7⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1223x1208, 1223:1208, 5B8521F1-C002-41F3-9D46-1….jpeg)

Make sure it’s dead before getting chummie with it.

c6ec98  No.3990794

File: 7c4ca43cf73b944⋯.png (80.09 KB, 170x255, 2:3, youglow.png)


You really need to try to lessen your glow, shill.

4435af  No.3990795


You really need to smoke more. Physics is definitely not your wheelhouse.

38eb87  No.3990796



bae36e  No.3990797

File: df99a1883ef24f9⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Binney.jpg)

19139d  No.3990798


water is wet caps fag.

f21ed0  No.3990799

File: e7c7a1933573760⋯.jpg (10.46 KB, 238x255, 14:15, liberty.JPG)

a4a546  No.3990800


Not really… Think about it, those planes are light weight aluminium. Jet fuel on fire, dropping floor by floor, heat rising, sucking in cool air from the bottom. It basically creates a blast furnace.

f39c50  No.3990801

so fucking bored with 45 feet view

16329b  No.3990802


It said "Squanto lied "

a9ed6e  No.3990803


Intelligence is an illusion

Gifts are from God

f0efc8  No.3990804


Excellent summary. Would note if sauced.

>>3990485, >>3990486

ty anons


Thanks for looking out anon


Thanks to God you survived with your wits about you. You are not alone. Many of us survived horrors to be here, now, to lend our fire-honed determination to this fight.

6a8517  No.3990805


It's all BS, trying to scare Whitaker into doing nothing.

2ead5a  No.3990806


Um, you are actually dead wrong, friend.

Impeachment happens in the House of Representatives. Senate role is only after impeachment to convict.

Winning the House was a pretty big deal as far as impeachment goes. Dems can impeach any time they want. No Senate needed.

ad9545  No.3990807

Proud Boys founder calls it quits after FBI labels them 'extremist'

The founder of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, has said he is quitting the group "in all capacities" and "forever" a day after the FBI designated it "extremist." McInnes blamed Democrats and the media for vilifying the group.

"I am officially disassociating myself from the Proud Boys, in all capacities, forever. I quit," McInnes announced on Wednesday in a newly-released YouTube video


574597  No.3990808

File: ee63ccb3246d6ca⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 727x500, 727:500, ee63ccb3246d6ca94147df84ed….jpg)


Now dis is comfy with family frens..

f444f7  No.3990809


Welcome to my tomorrow

c276df  No.3990810

File: af12cee37fabe71⋯.gif (11.86 KB, 250x236, 125:118, ola_ice_cream_logo_2522.gif)

File: 3c3896cc328eafa⋯.png (893.46 KB, 1091x1200, 1091:1200, Meanwhile @Twitter Symboli….png)


Icecream, Twitter. It's hidden in plain sight for those that do not know. Sheep no more.

154215  No.3990811

File: e89fa83e854d820⋯.png (197.17 KB, 339x442, 339:442, Screenshot 2018-11-13 at 8….png)


Billy, you have no idea how impeachment works

d7f757  No.3990812

File: cf2c84b4964cf77⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1549, 1242:1549, cf2c84b4964cf77e61d6f4bf6….jpeg)


They definitely won't try to impeachment if Pelosi really does need POTUS to whip Speaker votes for her.

b0b77e  No.3990813


Kek! I was literally just thinking that.

308418  No.3990814


Anyone know if Steven King is a Jew? He has such a ugly face that something is weird going on in his genes. Maybe some Jew type or a bad admixture going on?

122631  No.3990815

File: eb7bf6acd3a4751⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Wolf.png)

0d6582  No.3990816


sauce it

wonder what those who call me a kike shill think now? kek


58689a  No.3990817



Wrong. Wrong.




This guy gets it.


This guy gets it.

Newton's 3rd law of motion is?

Any action is met with an equal and opposite REACTION.

Which means effectively….

If I placed an aluminum plane on a batting tee and swung a TWIN TOWER at it like a baseball bat, what would happen? Would the plane destroy the building/bat? Or would the plane be destroyed? The answer is obvious.




This guy gets it.

19139d  No.3990818



e4662d  No.3990819


velocity X mass = momentum

Ive seen a video of a giant ocean liner crash into a dock. It was only traveling at 5 mph. yet it just kept coming and coming. nothing could stop it until it literally went up on the ground.

f39c50  No.3990820


what is E value?

then pi

the multiple and answer.

f7650b  No.3990821

File: 59cce1abe9737a6⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 770x1000, 77:100, my-amateur-wife-5760.jpg)

Thank you baker

2110bc  No.3990822


Not sure if I could give even fewer fucks than I already don't give about this particular story.

6dd737  No.3990823

File: 4481388b38fd274⋯.gif (861.87 KB, 720x404, 180:101, MoonNuke.gif)


They already did

16329b  No.3990824

File: 6892172d48c9a58⋯.jpg (322.79 KB, 1344x896, 3:2, IMG_3704.JPG)


Like digging for gold with Rico guidelines

d2b2b4  No.3990825


Maybe trolling them: declassing ALL RECORDS.

d617f7  No.3990826


Because "no deals" was disinformation.


2fe91a  No.3990827

File: d251191bcd63bc2⋯.jpg (53.4 KB, 427x398, 427:398, greatestmiofourtime.jpg)

We all play our part.

4ee232  No.3990828


Wish I knew that and who originally created the clock?

c0e533  No.3990829

File: fd7fecbdd8f1f63⋯.png (574.14 KB, 1024x434, 512:217, ClipboardImage.png)


They destroyed the Moon in H.G. Wells The Time Traveler also.

5b3020  No.3990830

Impeach shills hollerin about impeachment

6a8517  No.3990831



Only males? Horror to the liberals these days.

86d1de  No.3990832


No really. Didn't need that.

043062  No.3990833

File: 4f928c6f7c6c590⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, midnighttodawnwhandsrawvid….png)


Here is a time stamp confirmation from today.

Kind of a big one.

Nice and simple.

5:50 as tomorrow (11/22) was discussed by ClockFags before Daylight Savings Time adjustment.

DoD posted this time marker on the day we moved the clocks.

POTUS retweeted a 5:50 am timestamp today.

5:50 is TOMORROW.

07490d  No.3990834

File: f274709888282f2⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, predictiveprogramming.mp4)


except cameras caught lasers shooting down from the sky. I wonder what they were shot from?

19139d  No.3990835

File: b0320f6fd03fb96⋯.gif (917.51 KB, 240x228, 20:19, uAqzwSa.gif)

f44f4f  No.3990836

File: 5332b0b5c3d09ba⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 429x507, 11:13, 41039201_10156622801083050….jpg)

File: 107639c81f5d15f⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 606x720, 101:120, 41458857_10156631796393050….jpg)


JFC, you literally just posted an oxymoron.

Steel is massively moar dense than aluminum.

I don't give a shit if the planes were traveling Mach 3, no WAY they could penetrate INCHES THICK steel.

I work with metal daily, I think I may know a thing or two.

Search my first post in this bread.

Also, E-Team.

Israeli Art Students.

If a mere bird can collapse the entire front nose, surely a building made of thick ass steel wouldn't stop it?

86beb4  No.3990837


Which would accomplish nothing… which is actually the best case scenario with a D house.

f21ed0  No.3990838


(22) posts already

rambles off something about intelligence illegibly

ff3b0a  No.3990839

File: 4418fe0aa0dae82⋯.png (462.63 KB, 586x577, 586:577, pepe-spank-trump-smile.png)

58689a  No.3990840


I have seen planes absolutely shredded by landing in the ocean. Water destroys planes.

Now you are trying to tell me that concrete and steel doesn't? GTFOH

6c8fc4  No.3990841


No plane, no jet fuel

a9ed6e  No.3990842


I had a theory (((IT))) could not distinguish between a plane and a missile. The drop about Facebook not reading memes correctly lead me to that.

b32ffc  No.3990843

>3990802 (Bot post)

>It said "Squanto lied "

ok, that was pretty funny

ae65f4  No.3990844

File: 553a97e5e728cb4⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 940x383, 940:383, 55b508183dbf496fe3f74a999f….jpg)


That's an interdasting cane..

e7386a  No.3990845

File: 98103f96a9ae54f⋯.jpg (413.9 KB, 1350x1350, 1:1, 49 mirror of 01.jpg)

File: 639a12c4de1fad9⋯.jpg (812.98 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 01 mirror of 49.jpg)

File: 33ab7360a64a3f0⋯.jpg (509.87 KB, 1796x1200, 449:300, 19 mirror of 31.jpg)

File: baad99096f483a1⋯.jpg (482.47 KB, 1800x1177, 1800:1177, 50 mirror of 00.jpg)

File: c60df46c682223e⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2695x1800, 539:360, 00 mirror of 50.jpg)


Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

{Figure it out - I've got nothing}

Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

Systematic weaking of the US.


The pipeline.

CA is special.

Public will learn.

Buckle up.

MSM overdrive.

Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :19

Pic 3

SIG sent [WH position]?

WH position [rapid] changes.

Rudy met w/ Mueller today.

End of POTUS investigation?

Stage set?

Welcome to the WH.

Ready for tomorrow?

Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 4

{Figure it out - I've got nothing}

Tomorrow's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror

Pic 5

Rig for silent.


On the clock.

Border state - coincidence?

Operators on standby.


Close to door.


c9abae  No.3990846


Kek! Too late there cowboy.

I've been watching you in these breads with

your garbage, using Q as your cloak.

Your (((color))) is showing.

f87fb7  No.3990847


Happy Thanksgiving Anon!

5916c6  No.3990848

File: a30b2dd96c3a311⋯.png (429.76 KB, 1112x528, 139:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43df9dd3baa316e⋯.png (318.66 KB, 1081x380, 1081:380, ClipboardImage.png)

f39c50  No.3990849


24 - multiply E by pi

dd8786  No.3990850



>A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN the office had received the complaint and said a case file has been opened.


c0e533  No.3990851

File: 8a9a43a95cb1453⋯.png (1.28 MB, 630x1200, 21:40, ClipboardImage.png)



Oops, I meant The Time Machine.

Also, in this film, Nazi's live on the Moon

56e0cb  No.3990852


This one gets my vote.

e7859b  No.3990853

File: 816cebcff7dd939⋯.png (246.19 KB, 540x517, 540:517, make (1).png)

0321e2  No.3990855

File: 866383c9ba84b97⋯.png (268.3 KB, 435x720, 29:48, Me_Hit_That.png)

fefd14  No.3990856


Satan exists only as a thought form by those that believe in its existence… it would have no power if no one gave it any

16329b  No.3990857

File: 22cc92d418f6e5b⋯.jpg (212.56 KB, 800x1212, 200:303, IMG_3681.JPG)




a9ed6e  No.3990858


1.6 is the only Devine proportion

b32ffc  No.3990859


It's merely a flesh wound

d7f757  No.3990860


Who let Sam Hyde in??

9e0561  No.3990861

File: da2904d8ae5644b⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 700x500, 7:5, The-Ballad-Of-Buster-Scrug….jpg)


Son, I'm sure as shootin' that you have,

Well, No Idea what you are mumblin'


58689a  No.3990862


Exactly. Watch 9/11 Taboo.

If cars can not go through concrete and steel?

Than planes can't either. It's crash physics.

Newton's 3rd law of motion.


957e53  No.3990863


Oh My Fuck! Ouchies!! Always put one behind the ear..

a4a546  No.3990864


I don't think you've ever gotten anything in your life if you think otherwise. It's really simple physics. Velocity x mass = >resistance.

f3cf65  No.3990865

File: 77562ca8fd61d4e⋯.png (491.37 KB, 500x700, 5:7, e45a8a800b30d5977a9979572c….png)


WTF IS THAT? Here have some actual beautiful bewbs and beautiful face.

19139d  No.3990866

File: 0d3123d541cb6e9⋯.gif (615.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 20181114_122217.gif)


58689a  No.3990867

3417cf  No.3990868

File: 6dbb8c926cd4013⋯.png (45.7 KB, 720x376, 90:47, 20181121_211839.png)

Divinity Dubs

Right on time

fcde5b  No.3990869

File: 6748a8b72f7f4bb⋯.jpeg (157.89 KB, 750x522, 125:87, 5DCAFC94-9E04-44BC-A704-B….jpeg)

Just Q it!

39a92e  No.3990870

File: 0aa7dead8fc63ef⋯.png (224.29 KB, 1000x425, 40:17, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)



Air Canada


Squawk 7500

4ee232  No.3990871


Or ((they)) took sample from Hillary when she was much younger to begin process in case she died there would be a replacement for her presidency.

8be59b  No.3990872


Current dig, amongst many. HG Wells. Open Conspiracy.


c276df  No.3990873

File: 6692f81347bc44c⋯.jpeg (45.53 KB, 600x574, 300:287, Trump Win for You.jpeg)


Bless you anon and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

f0e809  No.3990874

File: 75aa26ead140c5e⋯.png (6.77 KB, 399x391, 399:391, 1505934908846.png)

7391db  No.3990875

File: 00f081279f07e88⋯.jpg (109.62 KB, 415x788, 415:788, 00f081279f07e88e99d4920bc7….jpg)




dd8786  No.3990876


Bah, didn't mean to tag you with that Wut. But yeah, something huge.

94a48f  No.3990877

File: 38fddb209ba4624⋯.png (442.82 KB, 918x267, 306:89, 2018-11-21_22-19-58.png)


The guilty dog barks the loudest?


6279a5  No.3990878


(((They’re))) farming babies and the slaves /us/ are all working…

0d2c7f  No.3990879

Most of the fuel went right on through to create a giant fireball on the outside. >>3990771

e55d36  No.3990880


Pretty sure you are the clueless anon. Constitution is quite clear on this.


>>The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

6994bf  No.3990881

f39c50  No.3990882


1.6 is derivative of Pi - proof.

a9ed6e  No.3990883


Fuck you man now that shit is in my temp files

58689a  No.3990884


Go drive your car into a wall at "I DONT CARE HOW FAST" and report back to us your findings.


628590  No.3990885

If as we are told imperialist zionist scum will in 12 years genocide every goy who can kick their asses, How do they plan to survive do after 2030?

cf8d1e  No.3990886


All but the most psycho liberals will leave the Dem party if they waste 2 years on impeachment.

0aac44  No.3990887

File: d75a898fe35b93f⋯.png (987.39 KB, 1178x1059, 1178:1059, dec_5_Stealth_huber.png)

b25bb5  No.3990888

Dear Q

Spygate isn't going to be the only criminal act that comes to light when the flood gates open, is it? Everyone needs to know about the many crime spree atrocities under Obama, 9-11, CF & Cabal child trafficking/murder/torture/rape. The WORLD must know the truth. The normies have to be shocked so that they can believe, see the connections, realize how they were/are only sheep to these monsters that were ruling our country and world.

God Bless.

86beb4  No.3990889


395,000 pound boeing 767 traveling at around 500 miles per hour, its actually surprising it didn't fly straight through your partner's asshole.

fce535  No.3990890



the man obviously has skeletons

the car wreck, in hindsight, was perhaps not an accident and was Cabal saying "stay in line"

Stephen King *literally* believes that Oswald acted alone, and wrote books about it…you can see now how post-JFK-Vietnam-Nixon American Culture became what it was in the 1980s, so corporate-centered…b/c people like King who are 'rabid anti-conspiracists' are promoted upwards and become "intellectuals" of the culture. many such cases. SAD!

a4a546  No.3990891

File: df892b135f8d577⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 960x720, 4:3, df892b135f8d57786d41895eb5….mp4)

c276df  No.3990892

File: 901edb1d9f1402d⋯.jpeg (104.48 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, Avenatti HIT THAT.jpeg)


Praise kek I'm not the baker this night shift.

9302b4  No.3990893


has no one thought that this might be mk-ultra effery?? trying to mess with you and / or your daughter? Just a thought.

fefd14  No.3990894


(you) slut for attention with one operational neuron

6c8fc4  No.3990895

File: 3a80b3c68a439e0⋯.jpeg (97.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 696C1D3F-DAB6-491E-9212-C….jpeg)

File: 90b60a4ee08935e⋯.jpeg (154.25 KB, 1000x893, 1000:893, 929A6EFB-C4E2-4F7F-973D-E….jpeg)

1fe842  No.3990896


I disagree, all that social media will not go dark. Keep in mind the POTUS can use the Emergency B-cast system.

If they want to dark it all, (((they))) obviously forgot some ppl do not have "TV" anymore, but ROKU. I also get Siruis radio on my roku. There is conservative TV on Roku.

Ppl also have email, and there is comment fields to media, assuming all net isn't shut down. Not to mention good old fashioned RADIO, so tune to AM. Shutting down radio is a whole different ball of wax compared to internet. So dust off that old transistor am/FM sitting the garage and make sure it works and has batteries in case (((they))) decide to cut the grid. Have a Happy Turkey day folks. Luv u all..

07490d  No.3990897

File: f9b7d2ebf9bbd1b⋯.mp4 (12.97 MB, 320x240, 4:3, CNN Fake Footage Blasted W….mp4)

f3cf65  No.3990898

File: 212433a391f15d6⋯.png (134.81 KB, 411x294, 137:98, YESS.png)

dd785a  No.3990899

So I was sitting here thinking about the parade tomorrow, and the parade we were suppose to have. Then I thought hmm what better way to hide a special parade? inside another parade.

Now it has come to my attention it may be cancelled due to a record cold. Could this cold also be "manufactured" like the other weathers we have seen? I assume so.

This makes me wonder who DOESNT want this parade now? That's a lot of money lost. So who would have something to gain by that?

a9ed6e  No.3990900


It takes 2 to tango

When one isn't enough, two is the answer

66ee9b  No.3990901


that has to be one of the most irrelevant clockfag graphics ever made, that crumb isn't even relevant to the DoD tweet, nor is 5:50 = 5:5; 5:50 = 1:10

you just picked a random 5:5 crumb

its graphics like that which make me think the clock is ridiculous

19139d  No.3990902



154215  No.3990903


You said removal from office, faggot.

The House can't do that…..EVERYONE knows this

56e338  No.3990904

File: 9aed5c991c69827⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1400x1542, 700:771, 4F608F8F-1B67-48CB-A912-2….jpeg)

f44f4f  No.3990905


Marked it down, thanks Anon.

Have seen quite enough to get a clear picture of those responsible & reasons why though.

Red-pilling is a bitch.

Especially on Holohoax shit.


b0b77e  No.3990906


Sometimes it's just pointless to even try w certain people. I've learned that once again, our American edumacation system has failed epically. This time specifically wrt Physics.

0d6582  No.3990907


moon landing

fake footage but we really went there

hot potato! kek

7d1244  No.3990908

Haven't seen this posted yet. Phonefagging and embed not working. President having lunch via teleconference with military


94a48f  No.3990909

File: f597c27d689f09e⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1407x2168, 1407:2168, 2018-11-21_22-05-10.png)


Happy Thanksgiving.

Maybe his last on the outside?


f0efc8  No.3990910

Notes so far


>>3990719 Free Trade Economists Fail: China Paying for Trump Tariffs – Not U.S.

>>3990635 Jared/Ivanka emails story is a year old

>>3990550 Maggie H twats (desperately) Whitaker investigated for Hatch Act violations

>>3990548 Your free speech, goyim. Give it to me. Criticizing Israel illegal in NC

>>3990468 Nepotism Nation: MSM's Maggie Haberman is daughter of Hollywood TV Writer

>>3990448 American Troops at Border Won’t Have Guns, Mattis Says

>>3990435, >>3990437 Former Librarian of Congress Billington dies rly old, 'dasting anyway?

>>3990397, >>3990439 Moar Cali Fire Fuggery, Warnings v. habitation of 'destroyed property'

>>3990393 Gossip rag smears JFK for "dark secrets" as a serial cheater. Why now tho?

>>3990386 Angelica Cob-Baehler, Music Industry Executive Responsible For Katy Perry, Dies At 47


>youre going in the oven for sure now

pretty much. just can't help themselves can they?

a9ed6e  No.3990911


I've seen windows just like these recently

89bdad  No.3990912



58689a  No.3990913


Hey I mean…

They flew through five walls at the PGON and completely disintegrated and evaporated in PA in the ground so why not?


f08402  No.3990914


Venetian Black Nobility


However, there are tie-ins here to the same topic:

Nathan Rothschild’s financing of Britain resulted in the defeat of Rome’s enemy Napoleon, (as well as being the source of his wealth and influence). Since Gregory XVI conferred a Papal decoration on Kalman Rothschild for loaning the Vatican five million pounds in a period of difficulty, the Rothschilds have been the fiscal agents of the Vatican. With Vatican interests at heart, the Rothschilds extended their financial and political dominion in the United States. The Vatican’s interest in the US was clearly revealed in the secret 1822 Treaty of Verona between Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia whereby the Jesuit Order pledged itself as the price of reinstatement to destroy “the works of Satan” it had established in setting-up, by revolution, representative governments such as the republics and “democracies” of France and the USA, replacing them with the only form of government approved by the church, rule by “divine right”, as declared by the Vatican (Daniel 2:42-43; Revelation 17:12-13).

This entire page is VERY interesting

778236  No.3990915

File: 45295c700695a34⋯.png (618.27 KB, 900x827, 900:827, keepjimout.png)

16329b  No.3990916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



19139d  No.3990917

e4662d  No.3990918


what are you trying to say the planes were supposed to bounce off? or bend in half? or come to a complete stop?

Mass X velocity = momentum that equation gets pretty powerful The aluminum you refer too isnt the aluminum foil you cover your turkey with. Thats some thick fucking shit. And I believe its cast aluminum.

At any rate my point is how could the planes be faked? Anyone in here from new york? Perhaps you can step in and help these poor souls out.

7a6d06  No.3990919

File: 3a4f6fd454ff356⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 3a4f6fd454ff3560f78808c775….jpg)


Gave him some attention

b32ffc  No.3990920


Not to mention the fires, mass shootings, election fraud, fake wars,

and on

and on

and on.

f39c50  No.3990921

File: 553a945e2bc460d⋯.png (87.86 KB, 1280x935, 256:187, correctedmath.png)


yup that is me :) You can do this any time you want.

86d1de  No.3990922


>If I placed an aluminum plane on a batting tee and swung a TWIN TOWER at it like a baseball bat, what would happen? Would the plane destroy the building/bat? Or would the plane be destroyed? The answer is obvious.

Cars don't vaporize when they hit glass storefronts.

51c013  No.3990923

File: 208284a69bc433d⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 255x144, 85:48, Qstorm.jpg)


Math error? As in one too many 'C's'?

POTUS doesn't make mistakes tho.

Still- it does get ya:


George W Bush Erased Loretta Lynch Correspondence

I like it- prolly not right tho.

Find it hard to believe POTUS is taking time out to give us a weather report.

86beb4  No.3990924


Yes a plane did hit the pentagon, I'll give you that.

0d6582  No.3990925


that shit is like every bit of 5 minutes ago scro

4435af  No.3990926

File: abe916dd3bde17e⋯.png (558.29 KB, 844x580, 211:145, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)


You people are as bad as chemtrailers. God help us.

843d41  No.3990927

File: 98c68b7c7cfdc69⋯.jpg (132.27 KB, 925x619, 925:619, pg7e statement.jpg)


>could also be a way to send an electrical current through the ground to a smart meter attached to a home which would then incinerate entire neighborhoods.

or maybe someone has been sabotaging the existing power grid to bankrupt it and justify moving to a wireless microgrid system where much of the existing "wire systems" will be obsolete?


Camp Fire

On November 8, 2018, a wildfire began near the city of Paradise, Butte County, California (the “Camp Fire”), located in the service territory of the Utility. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s (“Cal Fire”) Camp Fire Incident Report dated November 13, 2018, 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time (the “incident report”), indicated that the Camp Fire had consumed 125,000 acres and was 30% contained. Cal Fire estimates in the incident report that the Camp Fire will be fully contained on November 30, 2018. In the incident report, Cal Fire reported 42 fatalities. The incident report also indicates the following: structures threatened, 15,500; single residences destroyed, 6,522; single residences damaged, 75; multiple residences destroyed, 85; commercial structures destroyed, 260; commercial structures damaged, 32; and other minor structures destroyed, 772.

The cause of the Camp Fire is under investigation. On November 8, 2018, the Utility submitted an electric incident report to the California Public Utilities Commission (the “CPUC”) indicating that “on November 8, 2018 at approximately 0615 hours, PG&E experienced an outage on the Caribou-Palermo 115 kV Transmission line in Butte County. In the afternoon of November 8, PG&E observed by aerial patrol damage to a transmission tower on the Caribou-Palermo 115 kV Transmission line, approximately one mile north-east of the town of Pulga, in the area of the Camp Fire. This information is preliminary.” Also on November 8, 2018, acting governor Gavin Newsom issued an emergency proclamation for Butte County, due to the effect of the Camp Fire.

As previously reported, during the third quarter of 2018, PG&E Corporation and the Utility renewed their liability insurance coverage for wildfire events in an aggregate amount of approximately $1.4 billion for the period from August 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019. For more information about wildfire insurance and risks associated with wildfires, see PG&E Corporation and the Utility’s quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2018.

While the cause of the Camp Fire is still under investigation, if the Utility’s equipment is determined to be the cause, the Utility could be subject to significant liability in excess of insurance coverage that would be expected to have a material impact on PG&E Corporation’s and the Utility’s financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, and cash flows.

ba54c3  No.3990928


Bread shifting assshole shill, fuck off. You’re a damn plague.

a4a546  No.3990929


Funny how you say "Us" you're almost always alienated to yourself. It "US" that filter you, like this. This is why no one likes you or wants you here.

56e0cb  No.3990930

File: b3bceb759e48e49⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ComfyQCookies.jpg)

38dd3f  No.3990931


There are a lot of ignoramuses here when it comes to US govt.

Many anons will not be going to work for the Q team any time soon, that much we know.

0d2c7f  No.3990932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paytriots needed new angles on 911 to keep making money so they came up with all the different and stupid theories to explain it like DEW vaporised the buildings in just a few seconds etc. The outside girders were cut part way down the building with thermite (quiet) then the inside girders were cut much lower down (probably in a couple places) with explosives that many heard, to start the building falling. The inside girders acted like a stem to guide the top of the building and make it fall straight down through and not topple over. Its difficult to bring down a tall slim structure symetricaly enough to keep it from falling sideways. Once the legs are cut out from any building and it begins to fall, they keep falling and no more charges are even necessary. Momentum and gravity takes over. Jewtube has many vids of buildings being demolished and after one has watched enough of them it's obvious how it works.

The planes (whether radio guided or not) were just the excuse for the buildings demise and to claim terrorism and start a war.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYUYya6bPGw >>3990895



9006a2  No.3990933


Your brain has a lisp

ff3b0a  No.3990934

File: e31fcb4bd9551bc⋯.jpg (148.33 KB, 1207x797, 1207:797, hogg-npc-guns-bad.jpg)

7a6d06  No.3990935

File: 895de1d53868ab2⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 236x338, 118:169, 785a044f1c8951f30a9e3d4255….jpg)


>Praise kek I'm not the baker this night shift.


Eye bleach

fefd14  No.3990936


nope.. DEW's… watch the collapse.. the towers turn to dust, where was the huge pile of steel beams and concrete chunks that should have been left if it were controlled demolition???

e55d36  No.3990937


Learn to read and comprehend what you are responding to. If you don't understand != notation, don't make an fool of yourself and respond.

>>Impeachment != Removal from office.

!= -> Means does not equal

2d4486  No.3990938



6dd737  No.3990939


>Math error? As in one too many 'C's'?

>POTUS doesn't make mistakes tho.

I wasn't referring to Trump with the math mistake


d2b2b4  No.3990940







b0b77e  No.3990941


Great view of just how narrow those STEEL window frames were.

188676  No.3990942


Thank you for finally saying something, we were all wondering when you'd step in and solve the problem.

58689a  No.3990943


That is what these JIDF are trying to do right now.

Trying to drudge up 9/11 and Boston Smoke Bomb rabbit holes.


There was no holocaust

Hitler was right

Removing the jews from media and banking solved the countries problems

Doesn't mean you have to be a nazi

It just means that we are going to never get anywhere unless these lies are destroyed so we can get on with out lives

6c8fc4  No.3990945


Planes were faked with cgi! Gtfo iif you cant research.

4ee232  No.3990946

File: 3be064da7bc6012⋯.png (186.64 KB, 648x742, 324:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1468cc8f4847619⋯.png (442.57 KB, 675x582, 225:194, ClipboardImage.png)

We’re Paying Jewish Tax on Foods With Symbols U or K.

I went to the store today and it’s hard to find a can or carton of anything that doesn’t have the U.

9a8486  No.3990947


Speak for yourself.

Oh, you were, sorry.

c72b84  No.3990948


BC was impeached by the House. Was he removed? Might want to check how things work.

7a6d06  No.3990949

File: 68bf8c0e1de70c4⋯.png (301.88 KB, 955x937, 955:937, ClipboardImage.png)



7bc464  No.3990950

File: fb8880de3507c2e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x871, 1200:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95293b75d18a644⋯.png (452.72 KB, 837x714, 279:238, Silverstein.png)


>1st picrelated.

Remember when the Empire State Building turned into a blast furnace and fell down, after it got hit by an airplane?


2nd pic related.

e4662d  No.3990951


Dream on freak.

2640c7  No.3990952


Praying helps immensely. These “people” gaslight and suck our negative energy as fuel.

86beb4  No.3990953


I'll sum up 9/11 in one word. Bush.

Next subject please…

2000cb  No.3990954

Here's my theory on 9/11:

Remember that plane that went ayyy lmao into the ground, full of explosives?

Okay. Now:

Was there baggage in the 9/11 planes?

…Or explosives?

Occam's razor. What's the simplest explanation that fits the known facts? That's probably what happened.

Did "plane shaped objects" slide into buildings?

Was there footage of a fire?

Was there footage of explosions?

Was there footage of explosions after? ie- when the buildings were set into motion?

Nevermind Silverstein and his foot in mouth admission with wtc7… WTC7 was wired to be pulled waaay before 9/11… It takes days to wire explosives for a demo.

56e0cb  No.3990955



What's going to be released, anon?

What's going to be DECLAS?


Credit to >>3990825

587e8c  No.3990956

File: f2592ff674372bb⋯.png (273.15 KB, 750x522, 125:87, 6748a8b72f7f4bb4dea72ce2d4….png)

Pasta version

122631  No.3990957

File: f5c6c0b9d0ed988⋯.png (2.41 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, ATWW.png)

686cf5  No.3990958


== notable? ==Idea of destination?>>3990870

d76735  No.3990959

File: 6bf09aedd3fef92⋯.png (901.6 KB, 1592x838, 796:419, mattis-authority.PNG)


Trump Gives Jim Mattis Authority to Broaden Troop Border Activities

It's on MADDOG is going to go full chopper, "chopper sick balls.."

19139d  No.3990960


Not sure if this one is real. Thought I read the explosions and flash were added. If not then how could this not be conclusive proof.

16329b  No.3990961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2000cb  No.3990962


>Remember that plane that went ayyy lmao into the ground, full of explosives?

to be specific, the plane this summer.

fce535  No.3990963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






1999 movie executive produced by WHO?

58689a  No.3990964

File: 5d7107677705300⋯.jpg (87.89 KB, 600x497, 600:497, 9a56afe7119876f66fb5093c63….jpg)


Good comeback faggot.

f39c50  No.3990965

am I wrong for calling out all these fucking morons that have no autism?

86beb4  No.3990966


The "why" is more important that the "what."

Even the guy stocking shelves at Walmart knows it was an inside job.

45ab9c  No.3990967


Lol at someone involved in this actually taking these pictures. Absolutely blinding arrogance, they really thought it would never come to light.

e4662d  No.3990968


lmao. but there where thousands if not tens of thousands of people watching and even photographing the whole thing. Were they watching tv too?

94a48f  No.3990969

File: 50d1e4ecd7bca06⋯.png (108.96 KB, 202x253, 202:253, 2018-11-10_12-19-43 copy 4.png)



More of them.


859143  No.3990970

File: d778093ab6f3bd7⋯.mp4 (902.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 911 zoom cuts.mp4)

BB dropped this weird camera edits at time stamps :09 and :11

f87fb7  No.3990971


Big Pic Anon was the one posting Judy Silvermans account info the other night.

a39d89  No.3990972


interesting angle

043062  No.3990973

File: c3aa6cfbc164937⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, JFKQClockStartEndMirror.png)


Correct information but why are you're clock hands at :48 marker? Is a little confusing.

5c8546  No.3990974


1 of many existing digs on author.


4ee232  No.3990975


Are there any Jewish anons out there who understand this? Are these Kosher? Does that mean these foods are ok for Jewish consumption i.e., doesn't contain human flesh or byproducts?

ff3b0a  No.3990976

File: 4e2898cfe62a53b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 877x591, 877:591, hoggwash-love-god.png)

c0e533  No.3990977


Time to get some actual humans in there

f4dd7c  No.3990978

File: 5a9e9b96a935a61⋯.png (1.25 KB, 155x29, 155:29, ClipboardImage.png)


First Marker?

58689a  No.3990979


Who controlled this "footage"?


That is a problem for your "theory"

0d6582  No.3990980


screw it, I like (you) no homo

9a8486  No.3990981


Now you're just getting plain silly. Stop, she had a good point in the towers becoming a blast furnace. If you look at the smoke and fire in pictures, you can clearly see that's what's happening. I think anyone with an IQ above 7th grade can understand that. Next you'll be comparing the Hindenburg.

f0efc8  No.3990982


Anon sums it up right here.

188676  No.3990983


Not wrong, per se, just a dumb kikeish nigger who can't contribute anything of value on their own.

19139d  No.3990984


Explains a lot

51c013  No.3990985


I like it, but what of the GW?

POTUS doesn't give general weather reports so think there's a code there.

b32ffc  No.3990986


>While the cause of the Camp Fire is still under investigation, if the Utility’s equipment is determined to be the cause, the Utility could be subject to significant liability in excess of insurance coverage that would be expected to have a material impact on PG&E Corporation’s and the Utility’s financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, and cash flows.

So the CA taxpayer is on the hook thanks to Jerry Brown.

HOWEVER, this is all null and void if there is found to be intentional CRIMINAL liability.

Q, please tell us you've got the best non-comped investigators on this.

faebec  No.3990987

File: baf0b2e3d3cbba4⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2800x7240, 70:181, baf0b2e3d3cbba49811da3304c….png)


it was jews with dews.

and you know that.

which is why you are here.

can't you just go back to chemtrails aren't real,

or pizzagate is fake news or something?

is it the john Roberts thing or the DEW fires in

CA set you off tonight? what is it? 11 & 22 = 33?

any anons cut this up and do something with it?

64f7e4  No.3990988


Exactly, Sounds like a narrative change.

b623b6  No.3990989


Probability high. Thank you.

fce535  No.3990990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1978 movie produced by WHO?

4ee232  No.3990991


I don't know - I found this on posts today.

fefd14  No.3990992


check out video of the "planes" that hit the twin towers… flat military grey, no markings

16329b  No.3990993

File: 1dae2eb96600f72⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2250x2850, 15:19, IMG_3766.JPG)


Bring back the dubs room for cossa Nostra big baller

b398ad  No.3990994


God Dam someone feed her and drag her ass to rehab

c6ec98  No.3990995

Shills aresliding hard

> mh theory on 9/11

> muh joos

> muh hitler wasnt bad

> muh holohoax


c0e533  No.3990996

File: 6a78d4898b56641⋯.png (188.86 KB, 500x473, 500:473, frog eyes on.png)


I seent it.

Nice catch.

a9ed6e  No.3990997


No question in my mind the buildings were rigged for implosion, building 7 was all the proofs I needed. Flight 93 wasn't even a good cover up, I didn't need a YouTube video for that one, just common sense.

0d6582  No.3990998


I am prepared to be Judged, now what?

122631  No.3990999


Ok you have convinced us all 9/11 was an inside job… now what?

2000cb  No.3991000


I know. It was more to get the plebes thinking about the ridiculousness of the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Because the why is wrapped up in what that report covered up.

cf8d1e  No.3991001


TPTB try to have you believe they wired WTC7 to blow in a matter of hours. and bring it down perfectly!

f44f4f  No.3991002

File: 0d3c22a1af70817⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 598x385, 598:385, Bg9c42KCYAADaN6.jpg)

File: 53ae1fd132e2b98⋯.png (181.38 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ever-wondered-why-schools-….png)

File: 68d04f88829d5ee⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 653x328, 653:328, image040.jpg)

File: e454e91c2d4aeb7⋯.jpg (50.48 KB, 540x544, 135:136, CognitiveDissonance.jpg)


The cognitive dissonance is strong af fren.

I actually made a post elsewhere, yesterday, closely related to what you wrote.

>Seems pointless

My post..

>I've realized there is no use in trying to "wake people up" anymore.

>Cognitive Dissonance is too real. They need an "authoritative figure" to tell them what they believe.

>Back to the Shadows.

A fren replied with..

> Even if you only wake one, it is all worth it! Just think about the thousands of seeds planted because of you. One day they will grow, and ppl with look back and say, it was because of that guy. :) Keep the faith!! #WWG1WGA


Yea, it's crazy..I know all their tricks yet still can't break through to some.

Same old 'leftists-speak' from MAGA's towards me.

Still waiting to see how this all plays out in Jan-Feb.

9a8486  No.3991003

hardly any shills here for the better part of the day, then BAM they're as thick as flies on Freddy.

5896ae  No.3991004

File: 42d512c187aabf0⋯.jpg (409.7 KB, 1307x1813, 1307:1813, IMG_20181121_222815.jpg)

154215  No.3991005


you're an imbecile

8d9fe4  No.3991006


Yea I am experiencing a time shift muh self. I cheated on my wife a year ago and took pictures then deleted shortly after. WELL I didn't know that the google photos automatically saves all photos to the cloud. So yea my past shifted my ass in the dog house again

f39c50  No.3991007

it is basic asses if you cant do quantum chromodymaics or able to find any angle with two points of reference don't fucking mess with me.

Ohh and that is just the clue. :)

6dd737  No.3991008

File: 99c48b818768e0d⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, gallery_xlarge.jpg)


> PG&E

>Sep. 21, 2018

>PG&E customers will pay some wildfire costs under bill signed by Brown

>Under the bill Brown signed, PG&E will be able use a state-authorized bond to pay for the more than 200 lawsuits filed against the company over last year’s fires.


e9b264  No.3991009

File: 91d8cdf46f45a88⋯.jpg (82.45 KB, 506x500, 253:250, digits.jpg)

478fa7  No.3991010

7a6d06  No.3991011

File: aad699246b1c51e⋯.png (474.43 KB, 924x1072, 231:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65290ddc3da6879⋯.png (555.82 KB, 813x1455, 271:485, ClipboardImage.png)



0d6582  No.3991012


Happy Thanksgiving, Rush kek

But how did you back Bush back when?

I member kek

6c8fc4  No.3991013

Search E-Team 911 >>3990963

ed89c8  No.3991014

>>3990998 Here Comes the judge, here comes the judge!

dd8786  No.3991015


Demand for recusal in 3, 2, 1 …

58689a  No.3991016


Buildings fucking exploded.

To claim otherwise is to purposely lie.

If buildings exploded.

Then the planes didn't do it.

Which means that there were no planes.

Because no planes were at the PGON of PA.

For all you Occam's Razor assholes you do a pretty shitty job in applying it.

66ee9b  No.3991017



an anon made it, and you know they just added dates right?

0aac44  No.3991018

File: d9b61f9bdc56a3f⋯.png (134.72 KB, 559x654, 559:654, q_back.png)

e4662d  No.3991019


and your posts are more relevant how again?

f3cf65  No.3991021

File: 692c67b5cdeb6cc⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 611f6e3d89ae687c18a8fea054….jpg)


KEK you made me GOL (giggle out loud)

2000cb  No.3991022


See this → >>3991000

Discussion about everything concerning this is good, because that report is a complete fabrication, based on all available footage, not just what the media aired.

39a92e  No.3991023


All records


Ecuador (EC)

f21ed0  No.3991024

File: 4331cf95b5df4d9⋯.jpg (19.3 KB, 255x217, 255:217, time to maga 2.jpg)

31 59

fefd14  No.3991025


the cabal thought they could get away with anything, so the planning and execution had many flaws

e87014  No.3991026


Are you retarded? You add nothing here! Is this just a shill and I got roped in?

6c8fc4  No.3991027


Thank u

6dd737  No.3991028


I did'n know nuffin'

4ee232  No.3991029


How do we know it wasn't Q team posting as an anon?

86beb4  No.3991030


HRC didn't know about that either apparently.

64f7e4  No.3991031

58689a  No.3991032


It is actually called the "B thing"

But let me stand out of the way of you experts.

c72b84  No.3991033


Than what, your 15 of nothing?

66ee9b  No.3991034


>Is this just a shill

nope, IMG_anon is a fren of the board

c0e533  No.3991035


This is my theory of where the clock came from.

58689a  No.3991036


They got away with it. Period.

1fe842  No.3991037


I haven't experienced anything like time stutters or fake calls. I am sleeping alot more, but I never remember dreams. I do get lots of robo calls telling me local cops are going to arrest me and call the IRS immediately, but it happens twice a day and no cops ever show up because it's a scam. No synchronicity, no Mandela, no aliens. I'd say I'm comfy is not impatient and frustrated as all fuck.

1c677c  No.3991038


Are these people dying or just going to Paradise?

66ee9b  No.3991039



the clock is a gift from God, lurk moar

6cc1e1  No.3991040

File: 242342c16da6557⋯.png (17.54 KB, 753x232, 753:232, ClipboardImage.png)

Dec 5 Declas?

The judge set Dec. 5 as the date by which the parties should jointly file — under seal — a list of every sealed document, testimony or other information filed in the case. They must say whether they oppose unsealing it, and, in a rebuke to their prolific wordiness, ordered the lawyers, per document, to say why in four sentences or less. The judge underlined the word “short.”

There have been at least 48 sealed entries on the court docket just since Sept. 25, and scores of sealed and/or redacted documents since the pre-trial jockeying began in early 2017.


51c013  No.3991041


I can buy that and makes sense but doesn't use all the capital letters. j/s

b623b6  No.3991042


That where real estate/ with vast water purchased?

f21ed0  No.3991043

File: 175bc363cf9d284⋯.png (416.64 KB, 1054x852, 527:426, 59 31.png)

478fa7  No.3991044

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, hard ass pepe.png)

faebec  No.3991045

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f2832….jpg)

fefd14  No.3991046

File: bf5a8ef02e7dc2f⋯.png (850.47 KB, 666x500, 333:250, rgrhhj.png)

16329b  No.3991047

File: 9f57734b0f3fb81⋯.jpg (103.35 KB, 615x705, 41:47, IMG_3794.JPG)

c72b84  No.3991048


It’s a faggot that likes Sesame Street. BO BTFO within days of 1st posts.

f3cf65  No.3991049


He's a MotivationBewbFag anon. Keep it up MBF

c0e533  No.3991050


I was here when it was created, blow me

5c47df  No.3991051

File: 8d0b3ffc33b25cb⋯.jpg (185.34 KB, 900x838, 450:419, 3.JPG)

File: beaf194490ef0d3⋯.jpg (182.48 KB, 816x859, 816:859, 4.JPG)

DeVos reinstates for-profit college watchdog cut under Obama


574597  No.3991052

File: 5065687735ed38e⋯.jpeg (7.06 KB, 255x187, 15:11, c8d78f13bc20607466a550708….jpeg)

8f990c  No.3991053


That's a dude holding his wangdoodle towards his cake hole!

ff3b0a  No.3991054

File: bb26ee47cb7a73c⋯.jpg (219.93 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, gallows-hillbag-cover.jpg)


Not gonna happen. Period

a9ed6e  No.3991055


I think your close, but don't realize who the Jews really are, by that I mean the Tribe of Judea

Think of it this way, evil hides itself several layers deep and also projects opposite of itself multiple times.

If the Jews as we know them today were the top of the Cabal you would never know it and they certainly wouldn't be all over your television and movies. You really need to expand the possibilities and dive into the illusion to try and piece together an accurate picture.

I'm still working on it myself.

e87014  No.3991056


Ughhhhh…. he needs to lose the stupid phrases. It’s just embarrassing.

3f87db  No.3991057

File: a2338fbec5de4a6⋯.png (985.33 KB, 1440x2880, 1:2, Screenshot_20181121-203420.png)

US authorizes to authorize use of lethal force at border… Semi click bait but still Notable


c6ec98  No.3991058

File: e9698d8d7604903⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 255x128, 255:128, clownshill.jpeg)

16329b  No.3991059

File: c994ac84c4912a8⋯.jpg (91.14 KB, 1920x1088, 30:17, IMG_3776.JPG)

685bc3  No.3991060


Hate to tell you, but the media has you snowballed and controlled. Plane parts were found in all the places, but the areas were closed off and forensic teams tagged and removed all the plane parts, loading them on trucks where they were taken to hangers and warehouses in an attempt to reconstruct as much as possible and examine the evidence for clues. THEN the press was allowed in. They have the pictures. They know. They enjoy watching you be led out to pasture with the other sheep, screaming no planes! They really couldn't ask for more.

86beb4  No.3991061


It was actually my idea. I started that 111 day shit a long time ago during one of Q's absences because we were all getting a little restless and looking for missed connections.. It's now complex beyond my understanding tho. I hope it helps more than it hurts. True story.

0d2c7f  No.3991062

Right ,DEW vaporized them in only a few moments. Smoking bad rope. >>3990936

f39c50  No.3991063

are the shills and bots gone now? if not regroup on me - attack

478fa7  No.3991064

File: 23fafbb7e483d27⋯.jpg (16.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, blow me.jpg)

6c8fc4  No.3991065

File: 545bb8a24f602ed⋯.jpeg (56.22 KB, 288x423, 32:47, 880EBE1F-3DB8-4F3D-8A3A-6….jpeg)

fce535  No.3991066

File: 88930f5c112a9dc⋯.jpg (4.41 MB, 1044x8700, 3:25, mason_trayvon1.jpg)


7db6f2  No.3991067


Then i guess he's all out of reasons to refrain from using that pen to declassify any and all dirt on Obama, Hillary, the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and also their foreign counterparts.

Sounds good to me.

083777  No.3991068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


911 fags, watch this dismantling of what happened to ALL the bldgs, they dustified!

cc6dfa  No.3991069

File: 147f2d97e3c48ff⋯.jpeg (165.95 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 2A8E4F64-25CA-4977-80EF-7….jpeg)


Trump is going to a war zone and celebrate Thanksgiving with the troops.

e41a6c  No.3991070


hey, whats up lying faggot

58689a  No.3991071


All "amateur" footage was produced by vast majority jewish professional media types.

Any real footage is I suspect the many many many clips where the "second impact" is suspiciously CUT OUT of the video.

Is that really so hard to get your head around?

Or did you not do the research?

Not being a dick. You might be younger than me.

But we dug the shit out of this for ten years are were left with no other conclusion other than no planes and video fakery and media involvement.

End of story.

3aef1f  No.3991072

File: 2f257f3c2b934be⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1236x982, 618:491, laughhero.png)


It's at :08 , :11 , and the tail end of :19 going on :20

Very weird.

He's laying out the date for the next attack.

8be59b  No.3991073

File: 37a53489b269dd9⋯.jpg (925.98 KB, 499x278, 499:278, FGXWqOA.jpg)


Yeah. I really don't want to get into any of the modern stuff as I'm pretty sure were already in the end game and I don't want to get shot. Twitter code was weak. Really obvious like the green leaf.

122631  No.3991074


Trump told them "If you throw a rock I'll consider it a firearm." KEK!

86d1de  No.3991075


Don't blame the chimp! It was Darth Cheney whut dun it.

f0efc8  No.3991076


>>3991057 White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

>>3990870 Planefaggin' Air Canada Squawk 7500

>>3990719 Free Trade Economists Fail: China Paying for Trump Tariffs – Not U.S.

>>3990635 Jared/Ivanka emails story is a year old

>>3990550 Maggie H twats (desperately) Whitaker investigated for Hatch Act violations

>>3990548 Your free speech, goyim. Give it to me. Criticizing Israel illegal in NC

>>3990468 Nepotism Nation: MSM's Maggie Haberman is daughter of Hollywood TV Writer

>>3990448 American Troops at Border Won’t Have Guns, Mattis Says

>>3990435, >>3990437 Former Librarian of Congress Billington dies rly old, 'dasting anyway?

>>3990397, >>3990439 Moar Cali Fire Fuggery, Warnings v. habitation of 'destroyed property'

>>3990393 Gossip rag smears JFK for "dark secrets" as a serial cheater. Why now tho?

>>3990386 Angelica Cob-Baehler, Music Industry Executive Responsible For Katy Perry, Dies At 47

5cdc78  No.3991077


The House is powerless. Look back to all the Rep led hearings into BHO and his gang of criminals. NOTHING. Literally not one thing came from any of them.

9b1705  No.3991078

File: a29b005e33d6e7f⋯.png (106.47 KB, 656x1632, 41:102, Q-trump-vote.png)

>>3984161 pb

Anons crushed it


c0e533  No.3991079


Moral booster of a lifetime, if so

0d2c7f  No.3991080

That's what happens to concrete that falls a thousand feet. >>3991068

5c47df  No.3991081

File: e9cfebe655d969b⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 765x904, 765:904, 3.JPG)

Boston Bomber offered to help prosecutors & plead guilty to avoid death penalty.


f39c50  No.3991082

well then can be get back to figuring out the universe?

f21ed0  No.3991083


Q hit 3 posts last night with the 59 second stamp on it

one of their 54-47 posts it has a :31 minute :13 second stamp - nods to mirror

31 and 59 is a vertical mirror as shown in the pic

56e338  No.3991084

File: f663fc0dad56152⋯.jpeg (201.6 KB, 1112x939, 1112:939, 314A644A-F52B-4B3C-AA57-C….jpeg)

e4662d  No.3991085


Your a funny girl there super researcher. by all means if you can prove to me that the tens of thousands of people watching below were somehow tricked into seeing planes when there were none. By all means go for it. Im ready to hear that one.

funny shit

f22c28  No.3991086


sesamestreetanon was back around january

66ee9b  No.3991088


not a fagfag, so no

but so was I

<Q made it as an anon

just sounds like a ridiculous creation myth


meh, probably right


doesn't bother me much at all to be honest

823a76  No.3991089

File: b955ba40cc7cbda⋯.jpg (379.09 KB, 1200x886, 600:443, pepe whites of their eyes ….jpg)

File: 7d3fe4dfa4e3b70⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1200x870, 40:29, pepe battle of cowpens dig….png)

File: 22ea6ee2df94038⋯.png (454.29 KB, 600x351, 200:117, pepe snail 04 buckle up.jp….png)

File: 1d8df22779ff5ea⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pepe snail charge.jpg)



4435af  No.3991090

File: 7ef234b2e4bc5b5⋯.png (200.94 KB, 474x306, 79:51, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)


So- anyone with a narrative that differs from your bullshit is instantly a jew? Thats the best you got to prove your point? Very low IQ response.

154215  No.3991091


The concrete turns white hot and melts cars?


51c013  No.3991092

File: b27b87fa56a8cd2⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2544x1342, 1272:671, pepe pose.png)


NICE! But- Ecuador? What do we know about Ecaudor?

Seems like one of the few countries that hasn't been implicated deeply in this crap! Kek

7db6f2  No.3991093

File: c88b0ac5484f8c9⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 350x355, 70:71, RXib9ba.gif)


Ebot, use this one. Better.

e4662d  No.3991094


damn straight!!

faebec  No.3991095


there were explosions anon but the buildings did not explode.

neither did they melt, nor did they "collapse"…they…turned to dust.


c72b84  No.3991096


Then same shill. Had seasame shit in the hash BO posted.

f39c50  No.3991097

There is a base patter n with symmetry breaks that create mass and charge and our bubble we perceive

c0e533  No.3991098


Q team, meaning MI, not Q himself.

They post shit all the time if youre paying attention.

8d9fe4  No.3991099



It was worth it. I made sure to promise i would never do it again and handed her the servers

19139d  No.3991100


but it is the Jews. Just so you know

0d2c7f  No.3991101

Yeah, DEW can turn a gorillion tons of concrete white hot in a few seconds. buy a brain. >>3991091

2000cb  No.3991102


Just the idea that you attacked me the way you did, shows that you are afraid of the topic.

End of story.

MY boss at the time tha tit happened stopped everyone from working and made us all watch 9/11 that day.

We all saw a lot of shit that made us alll distrust the narrative.

Fuck you, operator.

2f7c1f  No.3991103


Nabokov hated pedos. Lolita is ANTI pedo.

66ee9b  No.3991104

File: f08c259e5f5b8cc⋯.png (314.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, muhhelper.png)

d76735  No.3991105


How about that? Robert De Niro

0aac44  No.3991106

File: f3cc237906404fe⋯.jpeg (478.72 KB, 800x1056, 25:33, hill_009a.jpeg)

File: e84f7c8e2de39f1⋯.jpeg (143.7 KB, 768x1152, 2:3, hill_00011a.jpeg)

File: 8ace75f96bba8bb⋯.jpeg (700.49 KB, 1471x2098, 1471:2098, hill_007a.jpeg)

3aef1f  No.3991107

File: e15e583e1c5a0c5⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 600x678, 100:113, princechase.jpg)

a9ed6e  No.3991108


That's awesome you come forward with that because I felt it was plausible but didn't know where the idea came from.

I had the idea that drop 1331 was the end of act one and we were going to work our way back to drop 1 and it would corrolate with 2662 being the final Q drop for the map. It was my mirror concept. Lol

f21ed0  No.3991109


>>>3990393 Gossip rag smears JFK for "dark secrets" as a serial cheater. Why now tho?

because tomorrow 11/22 ?

685249  No.3991110


Dude. With estrotits… this is wrong on a lot of levels. Glad to see Anons repulsed. This is faggotry..

930d54  No.3991111

File: 5539a0fc0ce1904⋯.png (279.31 KB, 409x374, 409:374, baberuth.png)

843d41  No.3991112


good shit right there

faebec  No.3991113


anon, you are a lying stupid (((fake))) newfag

peddle your shit over on comped reddit

fefd14  No.3991114

File: 08304f6bd58e5dd⋯.jpg (190.68 KB, 2007x1148, 2007:1148, 08304f6bd58e5ddb382e2e6198….jpg)

3aef1f  No.3991115

File: d5bddbff8794dd7⋯.webm (278.74 KB, 400x400, 1:1, itburns.webm)

51c013  No.3991116

File: a06cfea6258f948⋯.jpg (383.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 911 dust.jpg)


Tens of thousands below?

C'mon, bruh!

f3cf65  No.3991117


She's pretty. Who dat?

685bc3  No.3991118

File: 254862f97d6dfed⋯.png (135.57 KB, 480x356, 120:89, 254862f97d6dfed02044fc4a2c….png)

7224f0  No.3991120



f0e809  No.3991121

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 1542419496969.gif)

2a234c  No.3991123

File: 7a77a3d5936c7a7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 983x983, 1:1, 7a77a3d5936c7a73bcaeed75c8….png)

8be59b  No.3991124

File: 42b9a9ef1046b86⋯.jpg (78.43 KB, 640x648, 80:81, contemporarykurdistanmap20….jpg)


I 'member

f44f4f  No.3991125

Any memefags or Anons have a cool ass drunk pepe meme?

Too lazy and droned to look.

Appreciation in advance.

3aef1f  No.3991127


Double trouble

sweet digits

685bc3  No.3991128

File: 20dfcdab08f1c33⋯.jpg (9.27 KB, 255x142, 255:142, 20dfcdab08f1c331a34df5be4a….jpg)

f39c50  No.3991130

File: 7535b343e158c07⋯.jpg (19.53 KB, 232x255, 232:255, 39e43e3ee9053d731f3409d9ce….jpg)

We as a large community with smarts can do this.

Someone will find the pattern of each quark and then someone will figure out where in the orbit of that quark it is then someone will figure the boundary condition etc etc.

4435af  No.3991131

File: 475eb0102da2ceb⋯.png (218.95 KB, 348x364, 87:91, Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at ….png)


Ohhhh nooo. It's butthurt.

6c8fc4  No.3991132


BS the concrete turned to dust!

16329b  No.3991133


Kys nigger

86beb4  No.3991134

File: ea6ed812b764b61⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Wind the clock.jpg)


Here's my screen cap from when it came about…

39a92e  No.3991135

File: 79d69088ac2c47a⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, breaking-news-popcorn.jpg)


Praying Medic youtube has good summaries. Can also just listen, without the extra effort of keeping eyes open. Have red-pilled family via those.

I am also rare-disease-anon & trying to hang on until some arrests etc. This anon is right


very concrete (kek) fight between good vs evil right now.

58689a  No.3991136

>>made us all watch 9/11 that day



Stupid fucking retard.

You think you were the only one that stopped what they were doing and watched the psyop?


You are not special and 9/11 and the death ritual mini holohoax it was does not BELONG TO YOU.

e4662d  No.3991137


exactly. surely there is a new yorker in here. those guys watched that shit right above their heads. I see no way how you could trick what had to be tens of thousands of people right below it. Christ right downtown in Manhattan! There couldn't have been less than 10K people watching it live easily.

faebec  No.3991138

File: 28198ac2ae1677f⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1472x1104, 4:3, ChemtrailKike.jpg)


you really are stupid. q said you were.

f0e809  No.3991139

File: ed95a53ff6a061b⋯.jpg (411.65 KB, 904x1129, 904:1129, 2072436-butthurt.jpg)

e41a6c  No.3991140

Klan B Komfy 2 nite

685bc3  No.3991141

File: 79d7586cb6699ac⋯.jpg (125.72 KB, 847x960, 847:960, f893c02cce63bd15ec376fb40e….jpg)

f44f4f  No.3991142


Trip dubs, idegaf if ebot..shit made me kek.

f0efc8  No.3991143

File: 38cc71feab10923⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 255x170, 3:2, BakingPicWithAnonModificat….jpg)

fresh bread




fresh bread

Yo shills:

Don't like the lil guy ridin' the pepperoni saucer?

STFU up next bread.

You leave us alone, we leave you alone.


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