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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

d057eb  No.3815770

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 11.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/435 ——————————— "..or in response to chaos associated with protests and mob action," ( Cap: >>3794515 )

>>>/patriotsfight/434 ——————————— Stealth Bombers fly undetected. ( Cap: >>3789835 )

>>>/patriotsfight/433 ——————————— RED LINE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF RED OCTOBER? ( Cap: >>3789206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/432 ——————————— Coincidence? (Cap: >>3788919 )

>>>/patriotsfight/431 ——————————— Ezra Cohen-Watnick (Cap: >>3788771 )

>>>/patriotsfight/430 ——————————— Enjoy the show! (Cap: >>3788308 )

>>3788185 rt >>3788121 —————-———– There will be no recusal. (Cap: >>3788362 )

>>3788068 rt >>3787701 —————-———– Board under attack. (Cap: >>3788402 )

>>>/patriotsfight/429 ——————————— Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions! (Cap: >>3787551 )

>>>/patriotsfight/428 ——————————— Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. (Cap: >>3784916 )

>>3783812 ——————————————— We are going to show you a new world. (Cap: >>3787860 )

>>3783780 rt >>3783759 —————-———– We are with you, Anons. (Cap: >>3787910 )

>>3783761 rt >>3782992 —————-———– Buckle up. (Cap: >>3787968 )

>>>/patriotsfight/427 ——————————— Future proves past (Cap: >>3780830 )

>>>/patriotsfight/426 ——————————— The Senate was the target (Cap: >>3775206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/425 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY (Cap: >>3775088)

>>>/patriotsfight/424 ——————————— Military planned. No impact re: ongoing investigations ( Caps: >>3773803, >>3773879 )

Tuesday 11.06.18

Compiled here: >>3815675

Monday 11.05.18

Compiled here: >>3775040

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

d057eb  No.3815778


are not endorsements


>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads


>>3815589 , >>3815679 Sessions signed memorandum before leaving

>>3815597 Dan Kaminsky shilling hard for the vid fakery

>>3815499 NY Post defends White House decision to ban Acosta from pressers

>>3815544 Snowden: Israeli spyware was used to track and eventually kill Khashoggi

>>3815367 Maryland District to be redrawn

>>3815315 Michelle Obama had miscarriage, used IVF to conceive girls?

>>3815303 Elizabeth Warren performs an about-face on Jeff Sessions

>>3815265 , >>3815387 Lawyer tied to Clinton Campaign & Dossier leads Dem's Florida recount

>>3815267 Report: Feinstein cancels stop at Gun Control rally due to illness

>>3815262 Gov Rick Scott seizes all ballots in Broward & Palm Beach counties

>>3815129 , >>3815155, >>3815502 Active shooter reported at North Carolina high school

>>3815195 Rubio tweets on election fraud in #BrowardCounty

>>3815133 US unified on 11.11, POTUS, Paris and Putin news

>>3815758 #4849

#4848 Baker change

>>3814892 Did JFK Jr write a letter to Joe Biden in 1994 calling him a Traitor?

>>3814447 , >>3814452 Further digging into 'Strong Cities'

>>3814338 , >>3814340 Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists explained in 12 minutes

>>3814325 Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif) drops out of race due to her husband's indictment

>>3814308 Video: Gov Rick Scott claims election fraud, orders LE investigation

>>3814297 , >>3814324 Bannon met with Sessions in 2013 when Sessions was a strategist

>>3814974 #4848


>>3813580 Reminder: /qresearch/ search page

>>3813599 On Obama's "Cousin Pookie" argument

>>3813693 Bourke St horror: One dead, police shoot armed attacker

>>3813825 Poll update: 53-47

>>3813870 Seaworld removed a "Girl Lover" spiral heart

>>3813878 Probe reveals why a plane almost killed 48 people: "AUTOPILOT SET TO CRASH"

>>3814027 For keks: Ocasio-Cortez can't afford to move to D.C., needs Americans to pay for her to move

>>3813994 Thousand Oaks / LV Shooting "Victim" Went To Whidbey Island in 2013

>>3814203 Mueller drafting final report

>>3814208 #4847


>>3812810 Mnuchin To Cut Iran Central Bank From Global Payment System

>>3812826 U.S., Mexico, Canada ministers to sign trade pact Nov. 30

>>3812820, >>3812807, >>3812857 Developing: another terrorist car attack in CBD Melbourne

>>3812872 Resignations in the news today


>>3813158 Reminder: the time Stephen Miller took on Acosta

>>3813163, >>3813194, >>3813210 Moar: Drove onto footpath hit pedestrian, tied to stab Police on the scene, two stabbed

>>3813180 Ronald Reagan LSD probe bigger than you think, 14 nuke sailors snagged

>>3813247 Anon on the CA fires

>>3813279 5 Nations Demand Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Testify

>>3813303, >>3813315 Update on the poll: 51-49, anons pull ahead

>>3813372 Progression of the poll

>>3813442 Anon of the "THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD"

>>3813477 #4846

Previously Collected Notables

>>3812698 #4845,

>>3810416 #4842, >>3811173 #4843, >>3811940 #4844

>>3808108 #4839, >>3808858 #4840, >>3809677 #4841

>>3805818 #4836, >>3806588 #4837, >>3807349 #4838

>>3804003 #4833, >>3804316 #4834, >>3805077 #4835

>>3801242 #4830, >>3801988 #4831, >>3802751 #4832

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

d057eb  No.3815781

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#54 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>3806153

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

d057eb  No.3815784

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

d057eb  No.3815791

File: 577a0a8612b004f⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 500x328, 125:82, #.jpg)

4850 Dough


1f1140  No.3815813

2 days until the country is unified. Get your popcorn its almost 11-11

7d99f8  No.3815862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greg Hunter Interviews Mark Taylor of The Trump Prophecies

Q Quoted starting at 25:25

8f63f6  No.3815864

File: 4457e72e4c2d45e⋯.jpg (269.61 KB, 720x668, 180:167, IMG_0642c.jpg)

File: cfd665f0a8eb0aa⋯.jpg (253.16 KB, 720x668, 180:167, IMG_0642c2.jpg)

Good morning baker, and anons

Part of my breakfast included a sign! (pic related)

b82fd4  No.3815865

File: 3ad8b7b99e19ca4⋯.jpg (231.89 KB, 1920x1285, 384:257, 47rujrt84.jpg)


0ced7b  No.3815868

File: 91e3c2523cbfd5e⋯.jpeg (468.97 KB, 750x1032, 125:172, 62EF2DBC-3910-4A82-AF86-E….jpeg)

EXPRESS UK: PM Theresa May’s convoy involved in car crash in Belgium, two police officers injured


c642b1  No.3815869

Umm tasty new bread Nigra

dd2dfe  No.3815872

File: b006c24dd4c846b⋯.jpg (165.13 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, obamas2020.jpg)

Now that Q is over,

can anyone give me the link to the board with the next big story?


b1a96c  No.3815873

File: 994ad135a198568⋯.jpg (500.91 KB, 1046x761, 1046:761, Screen Shot 11-09-18 at 01….JPG)

File: 8937657a658fc09⋯.jpg (429.93 KB, 1046x431, 1046:431, Screen Shot 11-09-18 at 01….JPG)

File: ac62334c320bd3c⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 1437x61, 1437:61, Screen Shot 11-09-18 at 01….JPG)

A car crashed into a motorcade carrying the British and Belgian prime ministers, Theresa May and Charles Michel, as the two were travelling to a WWI commemorative event in Belgium. Two police officers were injured in the incident.

The road accident occurred as May and Michel were going to the Saint Symphorien War Cemetery located near the south-western Belgian city of Mons not far from the French border. The convoy carrying the two prime ministers was moving along the E19/E42 highway when a car rammed into it, hitting two police officers riding motorcycles, according to Sudinfo.

The two officers were injured and taken to the hospital, according to the local media. Michel was reportedly forced to stop the motorcade for some time, but then the party continued to their destination.

The details of the incident as well as the identity of the driver, who rammed his car in the convoy, have not been revealed.

Reasons behind the road accident are also still unknown. There have been no official statements from the authorities or the law enforcement agencies concerning the incident so far.

The motorcade then resumed its journey. May and Michel visited the St. Symphorien cemetery, where they took part in a wreath-laying ceremony as part of the commemorative events marking the centenary of the end of the WWI. The two prime ministers laid the wreaths made of white roses and poppies on the graves of the first and the last British soldiers killed in the WWI.


e17049  No.3815876

File: 08cd995de9e8a9e⋯.jpeg (175.38 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, BA49C499-8E86-46CF-9631-B….jpeg)

8a5f34  No.3815877

File: 84e82035e3d09a2⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 882x533, 882:533, CuI1AvVUMAEpHjL.jpg)


096c77  No.3815878

File: 351ad6f7164b1cd⋯.png (623.49 KB, 1868x938, 934:469, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)


TY Baker!

ce2598  No.3815880

Seems pretty strange that during the runoffs the Democrats had to pay for a crowd above 1000 to see Obama, Hillary, etc…but all of a sudden AG Sessions resigns and it takes only a day to get together over 10k people in multiple states to protest…reconcile!!

c642b1  No.3815881

>>3815877 shit….bleach ….eyes…now

47ea4f  No.3815885

File: fe1e9f6b87a9cf9⋯.png (15.42 KB, 616x272, 77:34, BNW.png)

File: 6280136391ba075⋯.png (30.8 KB, 458x554, 229:277, BNW O.png)

Q Post 2450

As soon as Q uses the phrase "brave new world" within the sentence, "A beautiful brave new world lies ahead," Aldous Huxley's novel came to mind. Brave New World, written in 1931, increasingly approximates our contemporary world. People are largely 'produced', controlled and purely functional.

From Q 2450: "We are going to show you a new world. Those who are blind will soon see the light."

My immediate thought and gut reation was that we are at the point where Q will begin to pull back the curtain. This might be the 'apocalypse', the 'unveilling' of the reality that would put most people in the hospital. It brings to mind many Q posts, but Q 586 in particular.

a9ba9d  No.3815886

File: 24d802405c793c9⋯.png (671.52 KB, 811x472, 811:472, Capture.PNG)

North Korea postponed U.S. talks because 'they weren't ready': Haley

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea postponed talks with the United States on Thursday “because they weren’t ready,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said as she urged Pyongyang to implement a June deal between the two countries.

Speaking to reporters before and after a closed-door U.N. Security Council meeting on North Korea sanctions, Haley said it is now North Korea’s turn to act. She also criticized Russia for trying to lift banking restrictions that are intended to curb the Asian nation’s nuclear program.

“There’s no time to stall or no time to delay or try and get past not going through with what was agreed in Singapore,” said Haley, who will step down at the end of the year.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump pledged to work toward denuclearization at their landmark June summit in Singapore. But the agreement was short on specifics and negotiations have made little headway.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been due to meet North Korean officials in New York on Thursday, but the State Department said on Wednesday it would be postponed to a later date. It gave no reason for the delay.

The North Korean mission to the United Nations did not respond to a request for comment.


eb659e  No.3815887


Libs hate POTUS

They dont care about BHO so much

384a91  No.3815888

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/09/18 (Wed) 8:40:11 No.437





































067864  No.3815889

File: ff66daf9d28364c⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1232x912, 77:57, 1541732217.png)

fda3f5  No.3815890


Murder of Jouranist in MALTA

First time Keith Schembri acknowledges connection between him and 17 Black. Something SMELLS ROTTEN here . .


4c7604  No.3815891

File: 4cf111ee892fabe⋯.jpg (84.85 KB, 473x466, 473:466, America_support_for_Israel.jpg)

File: 90722ca1f649e77⋯.jpg (101.44 KB, 1080x216, 5:1, JQ_at_q_board.jpg)

File: 9b409a10eae5ecd⋯.png (232.13 KB, 641x706, 641:706, Lobby_post_1.png)

File: 9143562400ae61e⋯.png (38.47 KB, 1226x288, 613:144, Lobby_post_2.png)

File: bb0887b28803767⋯.png (119.44 KB, 835x595, 167:119, Lobby_post_3.png)

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel


-The Hasbara (Israel propaganda arm of public relations, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_diplomacy_of_Israel ; http://archive.is/xruzD ) information containment operatives will try to attack me in order to try to divert the American people from watching the documentary. They seem quite fond on calling anyone that posts this amazing piece of journalism and anti-fake news effort a muslim, which is quite ironic, since Israel and jewish interest groups (which all of them are zionists) are the main pushers for the islamization of the West (which I am against, as I advocate for the banning of islam in Western nations due to it being an ideological threat (because it is a supremacist ideology))

- The Hasbara information containment operatives will try to divert attention from the FACTS presented in this documentary by attacking its creator, the Aljazera network, but will never EVER discuss the FACTS that are presented in the documentary itself. Typical Hasbara containment operative MO, as you’ll notice from their patterns of behavior

-The Hasbara information containment operatives will ignore the FACT that we don't "hate," nonsensically, we love rationally. Part of loving truth long enough is to have discovered Jewish Supremacism as a major thread in cabal evil. It's a part of what we do here, and always have. It's in our welcome statement, which you can read here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html . Pic related number 2 is from that welcoming statement.

384a91  No.3815892



e6051c  No.3815893

File: 5914841f69d4ce7⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 347x529, 347:529, IMG_20180911_173725.jpg)

Thank You Baker

ac11a6  No.3815894

Nancy Pelosi just said in interview on CNN with Cuomo that they delivered the house because they had the best candidates to energize their base.

In other, they cheated!

c80d69  No.3815895

File: 1912f6e528a6cab⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Drive it like you stole it.jpg)

like you stole it baker!

4c7604  No.3815896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The most powerful anti-American, anti-American people and anti-American national soverreigty lobby operating in the US right now is the Israeli US lobby, that is an undeniable FACT, the Israeli US lobby is the main ENEMY of the American PEOPLE, and it operates FREELY on American soil, VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of American citizens EACH AND EVERYDAY, and the most tragic part being, all financed by the AMERICAN TAX PAYER MONEY

Fighting the Israeli US lobby is fighting against the most subversive force operating in the West against Western people right now.

The Israeli US lobby is an INTERNATIONAL FORCE, which operates in all Countries of the world, effectively operating like a foreign election meddling force GLOBALLY.

My proposed solution to this grave issue

Jews should not be persecuted for being of the jewish race.

That being said, all jewish group power is going to end, so all jews can be treated as individuals in the face of the law.

The dems are fucked (red tsunami incoming in the midterms), then the corrupt reps are fucked, then the zionist lobby is fucked, then we can unfuck shit at an astounding rate.

Its going to be very entertaining once the dems are nuked to shit politically, to have the FBI flow from the analysis of Clinton Foundation to the Israeli lobby. That's when the real fun starts.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.

Watch the documentary yourself, make up your own mind. Your national sovereignty depends on it.

Word is starting to get out…

Qatar and many others didn't want this story published


>After you watch the documentary, share it, the best way to counter this subversion is to shine a big bright light into it, making the information reach as many people ASAP. Thanks.

8a5f34  No.3815897

File: f5177d2a12a0979⋯.jpeg (16.04 KB, 206x255, 206:255, fa8568d5b39fe439c0f28e166….jpeg)


lol sorry!!

c642b1  No.3815898

Yawn muh Jews woke up

5e3c66  No.3815899

>>>3815826 (LB)

Bingo! Getting their stories together before the big reveal. Shouldn't matter anyways if they end up running to Kenya. hahahahaha

5c07bf  No.3815900

So … yesterday was nuts…

What's in store for today?

a22f81  No.3815901


prove us wrong kike

fd4073  No.3815902


i can't see 436 or 437 yet

c80d69  No.3815903

File: 5884ad859163d5d⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 3872x2581, 3872:2581, Chicomms at lunch.jpg)

660899  No.3815904

File: ed2b3835935c8ad⋯.jpg (225.82 KB, 720x668, 180:167, breakfast Qfinger.jpg)


nothing personal, but this is what I am seeing at this moment.

c642b1  No.3815905

>>3815897 you my fren are a dick

384a91  No.3815906


keep looking anon!!!

a9ba9d  No.3815907

File: 0a1dc8005344019⋯.png (438.13 KB, 543x326, 543:326, Capture.PNG)

File: 9767b0ae80f1b3f⋯.png (230.26 KB, 536x305, 536:305, Capture1.PNG)

soon we won't have to listen to Jimmy boys bullshit

Chinese state media debuts 'AI' news anchors

China's state-controlled news broadcasters have long been considered somewhat robotic in their daily recitation of pro-government propaganda and a pair of new presenters will do little to dispel that view.

Calling it a "world first", Xinhua news agency this week debuted a pair of virtual news anchors amid a state-directed embrace of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Based on the appearances of two flesh-and-blood Chinese news presenters, the computerised avatars read out text that is fed into their system, their mouths moving in tandem with the reports.

Xinhua said the "AI Synthetic Anchors", one for Chinese and one for English news, were developed along with Sogou Inc, a Beijing-based creator of search engines and voice-recognition technology.

China last year unveiled plans to become a world leader in AI and other high-tech fields, though it has since toned down the rhetoric amid a trade war with the United States, which has included accusations by President Donald Trump that China steals US technologies.


f9c02f  No.3815908

File: 362176b5e4ba65c⋯.jpg (669.26 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, GodHonorFatherland.jpg)

Patriotism at it's finest.

c0a4ed  No.3815909

File: 951b69bdb43fd8b⋯.jpg (271.03 KB, 1000x2000, 1:2, Stealth-Boimbers.jpg)

d36fb1  No.3815910

File: 500e8c049a2d8c0⋯.jpeg (835.02 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, DB50515A-4ECA-4FC5-9B9F-8….jpeg)

File: 99890e366bc6898⋯.jpeg (658.28 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 129000D2-5D37-4846-888D-3….jpeg)

File: af5accc975f9d83⋯.jpeg (387.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 15F219C8-1AF7-41C7-8B14-6….jpeg)

File: 81ba3f6c955e804⋯.jpeg (590.94 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 362AF032-504D-4C0C-88E2-A….jpeg)


so fucked

god bless and protect california

de3d3b  No.3815911

I just picked these out specifically from each post. But it looks like Q said the FULL FISA would bring down the house. They needed the evidence of voter fraud in which they just got, making it the 4th warrant. Which would make sense of POTUS saying he'd declas after the midterms, while using it as leverage beforehand. Now they fully have what they need to roll on with the plan.


What will the [20] FISA 4th warrant disclose?



c80d69  No.3815912

File: 02db931e5cebfed⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 960x594, 160:99, Bring it on.jpg)

067864  No.3815913


It would be great if you could post this 60 more times.

d05746  No.3815914


These fake Q's are better than the real ones.

0cd783  No.3815915

File: f6ac43f9d618aa5⋯.png (635.14 KB, 1553x1120, 1553:1120, 463382A7-726C-4C8B-84C6-2D….png)

Posted this last night reposting for the day shift

The DOJ was monitoring elections in counties that went blue in AZ and FL.

Theory: the reason the lawsuits are coming so fast is because they have the evidence already.

4c7604  No.3815916

File: 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, 1_FBI_anon_full.png)

File: 7e33ccc83530dc9⋯.jpg (683.43 KB, 800x2510, 80:251, 2_CIA_MOSSAD_UK_INTEL_work….jpg)

File: 91552a7344aba91⋯.png (208.09 KB, 600x652, 150:163, 3_ONUI_1.PNG)

File: 7d3a1c9cd680f07⋯.jpg (499.78 KB, 800x2491, 800:2491, 4_Israel_promissed_land_of….jpg)

File: 71ef93d5f5f9f63⋯.png (496.59 KB, 934x730, 467:365, 5_Alan_Dershowitz_boasts_o….PNG)


Reminder that the FBIwhitehatfags want you to expose jewish subversion and Israeli crime.

Pics related.

The book depicted in pic 3, called “One Nation Under Israel”, which describes how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate, can be read and dowloaded for free here:


Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group, meaning that we need to terminate all jewish interest groups in the West. Criticizing jewish GROUP behavior is different from claiming that all jews are bad. Jews are going to have their GROUP power taken away from them, for all the right reasons.

If you want some individuals being named in the context of jewish subversion, have at it.

Read this:












Zionists can never be patriots, they are ALWAYS by definition traitors. See the video here in this post to hear it from the horses mouth: >>3021921

c642b1  No.3815917


Duck…..water…..back..skinhead muzzy

5447d3  No.3815918

File: d3c232e04d244c8⋯.jpg (163.66 KB, 831x898, 831:898, 1.JPG)

File: e86f49ce7723084⋯.jpg (100.92 KB, 800x585, 160:117, 2.JPG)

Mattis, Pompeo to meet Chinese officials in Washington to discuss security, human rights issues


8400cf  No.3815919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Curse[d] with a love that you can't express

It's not for a fuck, or a k[i]ss

Rather giv[e] the world away than wake up lonely

Everyw[he]re a[n]d eve[ry] way I see you with me

d057eb  No.3815920


car hire baby

a32e2d  No.3815921

File: 9708b950321bea7⋯.jpeg (488.94 KB, 2417x1301, 2417:1301, D778410E-249B-4FE1-8741-7….jpeg)

f647b3  No.3815922



384a91  No.3815924

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/09/18 (Wed) 8:46:17 No.438

Anons ready?

Notice the time stamp of this post

17 seconds?


How many posts can we post with the number 17 in it before it becomes mathematically impossible?


067864  No.3815925

File: 20b281c097aea16⋯.jpeg (64.68 KB, 524x500, 131:125, 1541264895.jpeg)

7fd57a  No.3815926


Isn't there a Jew thread you can take your crap to? sheesh

384a91  No.3815927




4c7604  No.3815928

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.jpg (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, Hasbara_Trolls_3.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: fe26ba6250c6e79⋯.jpg (353.56 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, JDIF_10Fold.jpg)


>muh jews

f you’re making criticism of Israel equal to shilling, you’re part of the Israel first traitor Psyop.

>This is what you fear:

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel

f647b3  No.3815929




894ce1  No.3815930

File: f7c3d045db9be88⋯.png (985.3 KB, 1217x888, 1217:888, Cunt Detector.png)


Blow Michael and Barry, Fake Q

57aa15  No.3815931


Agreed, anon, I think this movie is finally about to get entertaining with the repercussions/reverbs of DECLAS. It will look like Larry, Curly and Moe all over DC.

451233  No.3815932


kys you fucking nigger

c642b1  No.3815933


Not reading that book Nigra

fd4073  No.3815934


there's a government scholarship for 18 year olds who have created a "work", on any subject

I've been creating a book on political society for three years now, it's now a large work that details the deep state and the dangers that a government with ability to create a DS can have on society

you think the government would finance an artist that wants the government to be smaller?

b3f44f  No.3815935

File: 48c56bc35416417⋯.jpg (373.82 KB, 700x700, 1:1, cards.jpg)

ae1fae  No.3815936


No there isn't.

18b4c9  No.3815937

34084b  No.3815938


wasted trips.

This clown gets paid to troll our board.

e17049  No.3815939

File: 114196cce7aa980⋯.jpeg (100.84 KB, 827x570, 827:570, 784DFBCC-24EF-4B2B-BCC9-9….jpeg)

>>3814027 For keks: Ocasio-Cortez can't afford to move to D.C., needs Americans to pay for her to move

f647b3  No.3815940



7517b3  No.3815941

File: 2e4b0fea7b6a6eb⋯.jpg (18.26 KB, 360x272, 45:34, MO.jpg)

067864  No.3815942

File: 039b5279f463971⋯.jpg (204.31 KB, 536x800, 67:100, Hebrew Hammer 1.jpg)

5e39f0  No.3815943



a9ba9d  No.3815944

File: 4a3c1455121898f⋯.png (951.37 KB, 873x476, 873:476, Capture.PNG)

Austria accuses retired colonel of spying for Russia for decades

Austria has a launched a probe into an army colonel suspected of spying for Russia for several decades, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Friday, the latest in a string of cases where Moscow has been accused of espionage in EU states.

Kurz told a press conference that the colonel, now retired, is suspected to have begun working with Russian intelligence in the 1990s and carried on until 2018.

Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl has summoned the Russian charge d’affaires over the matter and cancelled an upcoming trip to Russia.

Russia’s foreign ministry meanwhile said it was calling in the Austrian ambassador to discuss the issue.

“Of course if such cases are confirmed, whether it be in the Netherlands or in Austria, it can’t improve the relationship between the EU and Russia,” Kurz told reporters in Vienna.


dd2dfe  No.3815945

File: 1e333a092350912⋯.jpg (30.87 KB, 601x399, 601:399, michellechicago.JPG)


In 4 days you will eat your words.



The blue dots signify the only seats still available, two days ago, for an arena Michelle is speaking in. The first of 10 arenas in major cities that all instantly sold out of the $30 cheapest seats.

Wake the fuck up.

530bb3  No.3815946

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Did someone say Shadilay?

b81dbd  No.3815947

So, so comfy.

Shills and fake Q posters add backdrop humor to this movie.

So, so comfy.

Enjoy the show Anons

8a5f34  No.3815948

File: d0d5c67e4909eb0⋯.jpeg (32.57 KB, 313x750, 313:750, cdf3e01b37dd94d7bf11f75a1….jpeg)


Sorry Fren, just wakin up.


eb659e  No.3815949


Yeah but can afford 2grant outfit

5447d3  No.3815950

File: 684f18983a81037⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 991x859, 991:859, 1.JPG)

File: d184d23e12834c9⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 714x775, 714:775, 2.JPG)

File: 59e41481150de8f⋯.jpg (115.88 KB, 724x858, 362:429, 3.JPG)

File: 08a5f4e15f4bf8a⋯.jpg (123.01 KB, 730x720, 73:72, 4.JPG)

File: 5525519b6ea0c49⋯.jpg (111.75 KB, 741x736, 741:736, 5.JPG)

Matty Yglesias Has Deleted His Entire Twitter Feed


f9c02f  No.3815951

File: e5004fae7e81413⋯.jpg (217.94 KB, 720x668, 180:167, Q.jpg)

d36fb1  No.3815953

File: 6ce22960fe41631⋯.jpeg (640.53 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 4530D5AC-1D41-4390-975C-F….jpeg)

File: da22ec4d627ebc5⋯.jpeg (463.49 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 9D50BF10-8198-44E4-A114-2….jpeg)

shilli in here

shit is happening

5103ff  No.3815954


>you think the government would finance an artist that wants the government to be smaller?

Yeah, if they like you, they'll pay you to be controlled Op.

451233  No.3815955



067864  No.3815956

File: a59f1355d7bead1⋯.jpeg (111.48 KB, 858x500, 429:250, 1541458773.jpeg)

4c7604  No.3815957

File: d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, Hypocrisy.png)

File: 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg)

File: ff16fd62dc5b769⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Israel_Sends_Migrants_To_T….jpg)

File: c2f4c94fc3ed705⋯.png (169.7 KB, 935x165, 17:3, Israel_Soros_Compliment.png)

File: 5cb9e439bacc341⋯.jpg (812.5 KB, 608x1326, 304:663, jews_Migrants_2.jpg)



Found the Israel first kike.

What do you think about having the Israeli Ministries ordering people from AIPAC committing crimes against American people in American soil in order to politically benefit Israel?

>This is what you fear:

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel

181d58  No.3815958

>>3815852 (pb)

One thing about these satanist/cabalists is: they don't know the meaning of the word QUIT.

Normally it would be an admirable trait, except for the fact they put it in the service of PURE EVIL.

067864  No.3815959

File: 7ececdf17af01e6⋯.jpg (375.02 KB, 674x800, 337:400, 1541519872-1.jpg)

f647b3  No.3815960



Enough already.

31a043  No.3815961

File: 620491ac2fe342a⋯.png (349.36 KB, 603x376, 603:376, MOBS.PNG)

c642b1  No.3815962

>>3815946 my man I needed some of that…kek

e4bcbd  No.3815963

crazy intensifies

ee2bdf  No.3815964

File: 1ddd2f6accf5523⋯.png (1.92 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, darkclouds.png)

It's all good, Anons. It's all good.

fd4073  No.3815965


I'm really seeing that now, you're either poor or successful

660899  No.3815966


not a fan of the peoples with noses that can't be spoke about, nice try though

4c7604  No.3815967

File: c2a5253ad5a5266⋯.png (387.47 KB, 1497x721, 1497:721, 1_Patton_Knew_jews_Were_Th….png)

File: fa6752b14a4b210⋯.jpg (290.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2_Patton_jews_Killed_Patto….jpg)

File: 527c8ec7b0657b9⋯.jpg (285.5 KB, 1392x1781, 1392:1781, 3_Patton_Regret_Letter.jpg)

File: e421176048d8929⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 956x670, 478:335, 4_Patton_Jews_Sons_Of_Bitc….jpg)

File: 34b4df7a62af860⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 580x584, 145:146, Patton_Jews_5.jpg)


You should.

Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.

Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”

General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:



General George S. Patton was murdered:



1c3e0b  No.3815968

>>3815597 (PB)

Kaminsky is describing video compression.

Highly unlikely anyone would bother editing a video to make Jim Acosta look bad. Or whatever "Jim's" real name is.

778c0d  No.3815969

File: 8a3879b2bfdcd5b⋯.png (144.89 KB, 805x499, 805:499, Trump poll.png)

At 61% now.


Keep voting!

a440b5  No.3815970

So last night the left didn't do much of anything because their parents had to be able to go to work in the morning.

Tonight's a weekend night… Are they planning on forming little pockets of people again or… what's up?

8400cf  No.3815971

File: 91c4d6ca915028e⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1250x1503, 1250:1503, ClipboardImage.png)

f647b3  No.3815972



Expected though.

d057eb  No.3815973

File: bfabc13d2182826⋯.jpg (63.91 KB, 405x400, 81:80, MemeforMe.jpg)


It's always the right time….

Thanks anon

e6051c  No.3815974

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

a9ba9d  No.3815975

File: 3bbac0b0cce2892⋯.png (519.74 KB, 657x377, 657:377, Capture.PNG)

US court halts construction of US$8 billion Keystone XL oil pipeline

A federal judge on Thursday halted construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, arguing that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed to adequately explain why it had lifted a ban on the project.

The ruling by Judge Brian Morris of the US District Court for the District of Montana dealt a stinging setback to Trump and the oil industry and served up a big win for conservationists and indigenous groups.

Trump granted a permit for the US$8 billion conduit meant to stretch from Canada to Texas just days after taking office last year. He said it would create jobs and spur development of infrastructure.

In doing so the administration overturned a ruling by then president Barack Obama in 2015 that denied a permit for the pipeline, largely on environmental grounds, in particular the US contribution to climate change.

The analysis of a cross-border project like this is done by the State Department.

The same environmental analysis that the department carried out before denying the permit in 2015 was ignored when the department turned around last year and approved it, the judge argued.

“An agency cannot simply disregard contrary or inconvenient factual determinations that it made in the past, any more than it can ignore inconvenient facts when it writes on a blank slate,” Morris wrote.


4c7604  No.3815976

File: 91552a7344aba91⋯.png (208.09 KB, 600x652, 150:163, ONUI_1.PNG)

File: 1d57c5ade180952⋯.png (109.57 KB, 650x587, 650:587, ONUI_2.PNG)

File: 02af764a75ebf8e⋯.png (191.35 KB, 628x615, 628:615, ONUI_3.PNG)

File: f866e0e6b79d20c⋯.png (173.13 KB, 601x564, 601:564, ONUI_4.PNG)

File: d679fde2a24b3de⋯.png (123.33 KB, 638x643, 638:643, ONUI_5.PNG)


Interesting that you talk about dem bots.

Did you know all dem politicians are zionists?

8c679c  No.3815977

File: 5fe998f518d69ed⋯.jpg (233.01 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 5fe998f518d69ed9cf53eb4dfb….jpg)

Let me share a story anons.

After the shit show that Fox News ran during the midterms I decided to finally cancel cable. (yes I know they are as shitty as the rest)

Called them up.

"Hey this is anon, I want to cancel"

"Naw bro let me save you 10 bucks off your 60 bill"

"No cancel this crap"

"Anon it shows here that you've been a loyal customer for 10 years, let me transfer you to someone who can help."

"why not?"

"Greetings anon (cut out a lot of BS) we can give you cable for 18 a month keep the DVR etc. No fox news but We will throw in showtime for 3 months. Just try it for a month and let us know"

"Ok fine"

Turned on Morning Joe today with my new MSNBC enabled

WTF is this shit?!

Calling to cancel this afternoon.

Whole point of story is…holy crap no wonder normies are complete retards. They look up to these smug fuckers…Joe is especially bad because he is a good speaker and can omit facts like a champ and the rest of the panel backs him up. Normies then think if they agree they are in the intelligentsia and not rural retards.

FUCK…blackpilled hard today. TRUMP Q DO SOMETHING! Sorry let me reword that. TRUMP Q do something large and unmistakable to break the normies out of the matrix!

Thanks again, Its getting hard out here cohabitating with the normals. Thank God for Spouse Anon.

1f1140  No.3815978


There is actually a person who's job it is to wipe the queen ass after she goes to the bathroom.

067864  No.3815979

File: 8c2308592a4b0c9⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1119x1273, 1119:1273, 1540684700.png)

fd4073  No.3815980

File: 638552a13db8846⋯.jpg (331.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, wireman1.jpg)

660899  No.3815981

File: be6b03ed1dc9d70⋯.png (497.5 KB, 953x660, 953:660, Alexandria speaker.png)


Our new speaker deserves a roof, even if it's cardboard

a440b5  No.3815982


It's always "right now"


5447d3  No.3815983

File: 7e00d9baf4d570c⋯.jpg (129.64 KB, 718x907, 718:907, 1.JPG)

Sessions considering run for old Alabama Senate seat


de1ea6  No.3815984

FISA brings down the HOUSE

Another possible misdirect by Q team?

All of the attention on FISA has us and the black hats worrying about the FISA used to illegally spy on Trump. This is bad, this is terrible and unlawful, but it has already been 'covered up' by obama's last minute pardons.

What if other FISA's will bring down the house? What if the countries PapaD has been warning us about, helped commit election fraud. We know that DECLAS will bring a shit storm to the UK and Australia (and other FVEY), would they be willing to aid in voter fraud to ensure the house is taken by the dems as a last attempt to oust Trump?

What if Trump signed off of FISA's of his own, and has proof of UK and Australia aiding in voter fraud?

Don't forget we are saving Israel for last. Broward County has long be though to serve as an operational HQ for Mossad. Have FISA's finally given us the proof needed to destroy the DNC and show the world the incestuous reach of the globalists?

FISA brings down the HOUSE

d5fa32  No.3815986

File: 2014dae4d40c241⋯.jpg (583.48 KB, 1003x538, 1003:538, 1510158139792.jpg)

d057eb  No.3815987

384a91  No.3815988

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/09/18 (Wed) 8:49:17 No.439



2018 (2+0+1+8 = 11)
































b54cbc  No.3815989

Just a thought

Expect possible massive bread rush once things get going

It's been an Honor to work with so many Great Patriot Anons God Bless

c642b1  No.3815990

>>3815967 The Paladiens got you thinking it's the Jews while they stand at the end of the Flat Earth laughing

a440b5  No.3815991

File: 1e88c9272be7327⋯.jpg (81.99 KB, 720x765, 16:17, 45563396_139872256982176_9….jpg)

This should trigger the lurking libs…

dd2dfe  No.3815992


Huge enemies of mankind

067864  No.3815993

File: 5bbdca19d038559⋯.jpeg (102.47 KB, 1354x897, 1354:897, 1541377692.jpeg)

384a91  No.3815994




28c086  No.3815995

c80d69  No.3815996

File: 84c52090be28deb⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 474x479, 474:479, DOJ.jpg)

update on anons filing for FOIA on WH mtg of Oct 6th D. M

Email rec'd from Special Counsel* pointing me in the proper direction to obtain this information.

Signed by VB (you can look that up-not doxxing )

She did not have to take the time to write a 2 page letter to this anon. She did and I am grateful for the comms.

*BTW it's not an everyday happening that you get a detailed response from Special Counsel at DOJ!!!

Had to look around after I opened it!!

IAC I was very humbled when I read it and again thank you VB

for taking the time to respond in the current environment.

It briefly scared the crap out of me seeing it signed that way…KEK!

451233  No.3815997

ID: 384a91

is a fucking shill trying to make it serm like past Q posts are from today, trying and failing to confuse anons.


c0714c  No.3815998



Wtf was with the "checking with the SC to un-recuse"??

Guess that didn't work out.

f647b3  No.3815999


They can't quit. If they quit there will be HELL TO PAY.

Totally serious about that.

e7ace6  No.3816000

Why is this important?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?

[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

Goodbye, Mr. Mueller.



[Thank you for your service. We no longer need you]

b82fd4  No.3816001


only the fake shit you are spewing

f6c794  No.3816002

File: 8d50f3e17bc7a05⋯.png (7.14 KB, 207x374, 207:374, ClipboardImage.png)

f59e1d  No.3816003

File: 5cfcbbccde72874⋯.png (659.44 KB, 806x607, 806:607, 2018-11-09_08-54-31.png)


When #Barack (poundBarack) takes on a new meaning as First Ladyman.


434d2e  No.3816004


This has always been my suspicion but then I said "no way" and thought that she must use a Queenly Bidet instead, no? Sauce?

18b4c9  No.3816005

a9ba9d  No.3816006

File: e3cd97895892c27⋯.png (510.76 KB, 581x381, 581:381, Capture.PNG)

Trump’s Asia strategy: send Vice-President Pence on whirlwind tour to try counter China’s dominance

The deputy leader of the US will attend Apec and Asean summits, as well as visit key allies Australia and Japan

US-China talks expected to restart on Friday in effort to cool tensions on trade and security

More than a dozen Pacific nations will convene in the capital of Papua New Guinea next week, where US Vice-President Mike Pence will lay out the next phase of the Trump administration’s ever evolving Asia strategy. His task is to convince the countries of Southeast Asia that the United States and its allies can offer them better options than capitulation to Chinese economic regional dominance.


4c7604  No.3816007

File: b3df43ec0c4b074⋯.gif (987.03 KB, 275x206, 275:206, Merchant_wackamole.gif)


You mean the legal opioids sold by jews?

>This is what you fear:

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel

7e320d  No.3816008


Fake and gay I'm not seeing this post.

10a48d  No.3816009

File: b3cbfe205eeb4e5⋯.gif (453.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1534028811743.gif)

828640  No.3816010

File: bde2be2aadf8c10⋯.png (46.89 KB, 616x408, 77:51, Capture.PNG)

Why would Trump want a Speaker of The House Pelosi…….Bc after she goes to jail the spot will be wide open……….

'Potus trollin Pelosi….Kek !!'

13a974  No.3816011


you forgot to change Wed to Fri dumbshill..

f647b3  No.3816012


I was wondering when you SHILLFAGGOTS were going to get around to the FAKE Q POSTS.

Took you longer than I thought.

5447d3  No.3816013

File: 6a0e357f723ac41⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 885x533, 885:533, 1.JPG)

Longtime head of Arizona Medicaid program retiring


8400cf  No.3816014

File: e5eab21f2d3a85b⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1200x629, 1200:629, ClipboardImage.png)

067864  No.3816015

File: b68308adcb4581f⋯.jpeg (175.16 KB, 911x851, 911:851, 1536545146.jpeg)

372ebf  No.3816016


Right?! These shills are stupid.

0dc030  No.3816018

[The British] have not, it is true, taken into their own hands the hatchet and the knife, devoted to indiscriminate massacre, but they have let loose the savage, armed with these cruel instruments; have allured them into their service, and carried them to battle by their sides, eager to glut their savage thirst with the blood of the vanquished, and to finish the work of torture and death on maimed and defenceless captives…. And now we find them, in further contempt of the honorable modes of warfare, supplying the place of a conquering force by attempts to disorganize our political society, to dismember our confederated republic. Happily, like others, these will recoil on the authors; but they mark the degenerate councils from which they emanate, and if they did not belong to a series of unexampled inconsistencies, might excite the great wonder, as proceeding from a government which founded the very war in which it has been so long engaged, against the disorganizing and insurrectional policy of its adversary.

–President James Madison, in his Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1813

Sounds familiar.

Cabalists gonna cabal.

384a91  No.3816019






ac11a6  No.3816020

I think it is becoming clear that the cabal could not hack into voting systems to change votes, which was their original plan, and which they tried to do in Georgia. And blame Russia for it, if they got caught.

That is why they are finding boxes of ballots days later.

that is why the house was called early for dems…..it was the trigger to dems across the remainder of the country to cheat. ACTIVATE PLAN B.

7920ea  No.3816021


I wonder if the full FISA reveals that we are still a British Colony and the surrender was a plot between France/Franklin and the Crown.

4c7604  No.3816022

File: 66c8c52bbf19d3c⋯.png (338.55 KB, 1326x604, 663:302, Jews_Flat_Earth_3_absolute….png)

File: 11095b2b5febe1d⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 732x10440, 61:870, Jews_Flat_Earth_2.jpg)

File: 94c8e3f7a5b8415⋯.jpg (112.27 KB, 640x886, 320:443, Jews_Flat_Earth.jpg)


That is such a jewish thing to say.

f647b3  No.3816023



Try harder.

f9c02f  No.3816024


Thanks for posting that, we will need to put it on voat once a week for the next couple monts to get ppl informed obut Israel and China

067864  No.3816025

File: 75ec7c0188338f0⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 1541732168-2.jpg)

245463  No.3816026

How come no anon's talking about this? haven't seen anything in notables and just finished a full bread of lurking so I wouldn't restart any convo.

this was hi-comms and weapons class

frigate? read the description closely. just finished nato exercises? i would think there would be more chatter about this. norway? old guard?


594045  No.3816027




e17049  No.3816028

File: 038adf49b3b5628⋯.jpeg (76.44 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 3B284F4E-530A-4577-AC62-3….jpeg)

fd4073  No.3816029


she was awake


c257a1  No.3816030

File: af442104c608c3d⋯.png (531.99 KB, 803x538, 803:538, BO - Copy.PNG)

Good Morning all you deplorable day shift faggot mother fuckers!

451233  No.3816032

File: 7c4ca43cf73b944⋯.png (80.09 KB, 170x255, 2:3, youglow.png)




Anons see you posting fake shit to try and confuse anons, YOU FAILED, CLOWN!


f9c02f  No.3816033

019a00  No.3816034

File: d85da0c3806df89⋯.jpg (755.39 KB, 1111x2222, 1:2, d85da0c3806df897152e1d8ee1….jpg)


also pic (not my work)

0cd783  No.3816035

File: 52e477af958353a⋯.jpeg (2.51 MB, 1242x2088, 69:116, 374F399D-F57A-46BF-A289-D….jpeg)

File: 5bce10e9aafcdf5⋯.jpeg (2.54 MB, 1242x2078, 621:1039, A5CB648D-B8C9-45E2-A0BE-B….jpeg)

File: 414cddbd29646e2⋯.jpeg (2.55 MB, 1242x2078, 621:1039, 9C170E62-C75E-4756-BC58-A….jpeg)

File: 854b179b91a17ae⋯.jpeg (238.04 KB, 1242x1349, 1242:1349, 39E60595-8D5D-4EFB-9994-5….jpeg)


Why not just share benjamin freedman speech he did the work already and spells it out better than anyone ever has?

Instead of copy pasta garbage share the first hand account

You are right but you Present it as a C_A or MOS clown would present a division tactic http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm


77faad  No.3816036

3294fe  No.3816037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



3e9dfc  No.3816038

How do you get one of these $7.50 / hour jobs writing fake posts for qresearch? Asking for a friend.

It feels like we are over the target, boys. Do you think these shills realize they are getting paid to make our almonds activate? Literally, they are whores.

8400cf  No.3816039

File: f70afa13f980623⋯.png (5.43 MB, 2518x1402, 1259:701, ClipboardImage.png)




8a5f34  No.3816040

File: ed21d9b9d16a75a⋯.jpg (81.94 KB, 720x765, 16:17, 1e88c9272be7327c9c31f09940….jpg)


EPIC, thank you.

4c7604  No.3816041

File: 76d6b5f050757da⋯.jpg (673.36 KB, 1196x676, 23:13, JDIF_kike_merchants_at_off….jpg)

660899  No.3816043



no screen shot? come on man

f647b3  No.3816044




5447d3  No.3816045

File: 07b185c0d62c092⋯.jpg (116.91 KB, 785x971, 785:971, 1.JPG)

File: ea74632c351bafa⋯.jpg (164.72 KB, 691x953, 691:953, 2.JPG)

Multiple Shots Fired At Tekashi 6ix9ine, Kanye, Nicki Minaj Music Video Shoot


e6051c  No.3816046

File: 0c714a672ca8d25⋯.jpeg (114.32 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1537103505.jpeg)

181d58  No.3816047


I get what you're talking about.

Their manipulation of the reincarnation cycle, of (they think) indefinitely putting off divine retribution for their crimes.

And how the GA is threatening to bring them to their divine judge very soon.

Anons who haven't yet read the Lesser Key of Solomon (one of the cabal handbooks) ought to spend a few days going over it.

a9ba9d  No.3816048

File: 755704e309bf6f7⋯.png (402.94 KB, 513x290, 513:290, Capture.PNG)

Ukraine's depopulation crisis continues unabated - 2 million have migrated to Russia

As fascist far-right nationalist groups regularly parade through the country demanding "Ukraine for Ukrainians," Ukraine faces a massive depopulation crisis. Millions of people of all ethnicities are leaving the country, fleeing poverty and war.

Since the restoration of capitalism in 1991, the overall population of Ukraine has declined from just over 52 million to approximately 42 million today, a decrease of nearly 20 percent. If the separatist-controlled provinces of the Donbass region and Crimea are excluded, it is estimated that just 35 million people now live in the area controlled by the government of Petro Porosehnko.

Ukrainian governments, including the current one, have been loath to carry out an official census, as it is widely believed that the population estimates reported by the country's State Statistics Service (SSS) are inflated by including deceased individuals. One aim of this is to rig elections. An official country-wide census has not been held since 2001. In late 2015, the Poroshenko government postponed the 2016 census until 2020.

Despite the lack of reliable official numbers, all independent reports point to a sharp reduction in the population. According to Ukraine's Institute of Demography at the Academy of Sciences, by 2050 only 32 million people will live in the country. The World Health Organization has estimated that the population of the country will drop even further, to just 30 million people.


2fd24c  No.3816049

File: 2c8e9b1282c8ef4⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 467x338, 467:338, 2.JPG)

File: 1c1b633903b1f05⋯.jpg (26.99 KB, 456x236, 114:59, 3.JPG)

File: 9967478fab63734⋯.jpg (88.64 KB, 600x699, 200:233, donald-trump-laughing-2.jpg)

Just a reminder of who is in charge

ecb887  No.3816050

File: f0e3e85dd039162⋯.jpg (814.6 KB, 1111x2612, 1111:2612, DCOAJNUPYGB.jpg)

Brave New World Graphic Revisited based on feedback from yesterday's dayshift. Previous graphic should be disregarded.


8400cf  No.3816051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a440b5  No.3816052


You should go back to #TeamTyler.

c80d69  No.3816053

File: 6999844735498ff⋯.png (144.92 KB, 374x446, 187:223, Ist.png)

Shift change a coming. The tactics will shift..


4c7604  No.3816054

File: d88415a87cb34b0⋯.png (184.74 KB, 1236x464, 309:116, Israel_last_cabal_HQ_botto….PNG)

File: 3e2b087ab7bbf4c⋯.png (286.22 KB, 1214x484, 607:242, Israel_last_cabal_HQ_botto….PNG)

File: 902c5b551e14e5c⋯.png (2.44 KB, 434x62, 7:1, Israel_last_cabal_HQ_botto….PNG)

File: 0842c6a869dccd7⋯.png (346.87 KB, 646x822, 323:411, q_the_problem_Israel_last.png)

File: b8430b720cc3fba⋯.png (80.96 KB, 443x569, 443:569, Q_Israel_Last_916.PNG)




You might be interested in reading this bread: >>2390914

8400cf  No.3816055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a440b5  No.3816056


Same in Croatia.

No one wants to be there.

f647b3  No.3816057



44f968  No.3816058

Please note that the Acosta "fake video" shilling is just the practice run for when the rvid of Hillary comes out.

4c7604  No.3816059


You do you, I'll do me.


384a91  No.3816060

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/09/2018 (Fri) 8:57:17 No.440















9830a3  No.3816061

File: 6c359ca2cfb399a⋯.jpg (213.82 KB, 1500x900, 5:3, Q proof las vegas.jpg)

Q proof on Thousand oaks shooting

Thanks to anon form lb

>>3815789 (lb)

9923cb  No.3816062


And the sad thing is, they actually behave just like that.

52fea5  No.3816063

File: c0e99c14ee0d3bf⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 300x182, 150:91, Barin.jpg)

File: 2da9cb94bc5acc1⋯.jpg (118.14 KB, 600x335, 120:67, biggestdick.jpg)

You're a little bit behind in the story anon. Maybe you should concentrate a bit more. Still, Burgers, you're not having THAT Tiara.


ac11a6  No.3816064



1f1140  No.3816065


Like polls matter….

434d2e  No.3816066

Anons, has anyone seen any sauce on the two independent claims on twatter last night that Sessions was in a SCIF with 12 other unidentified individuals yesterday? Was it a Grand Jury? Military Tribunal? Was Sessions a Witness giving testimony??

0bb114  No.3816067

File: 8584d4d2c03c979⋯.jpeg (43.88 KB, 468x286, 18:11, CB82BF97-CB33-4093-8782-5….jpeg)

Gun grab?

Go ahead cabal punks, make my day

181d58  No.3816068


almost sounds like both the tanker and the frigate got remote controlled by the ChiComs.

fd4073  No.3816069

File: 61f97b1eb769f6c⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 255x148, 255:148, 8384c7d7e6a39e24915d02126c….jpg)


calm down fam you're like five posts ahead now, gonna shill us all the way to the end of the clock

c80d69  No.3816070

File: fd18b54f9391c57⋯.jpg (13.42 KB, 637x403, 49:31, anon.jpg)


too much personal info on it. Would look silly

Plus I made the mistake..I need to fix it

info purposes. Said I would do it.

I'm doing it

13a974  No.3816071



fda3f5  No.3816072


Let the Indictments Rock'n Roll.


(ASAP please)

a9ba9d  No.3816073


they know better then to believe the lies in the western press, shame Americans don't pay attention

ac11a6  No.3816074

067864  No.3816075

File: c41686500e4257e⋯.png (221.53 KB, 500x545, 100:109, 1541432886.png)

Where's red head whore? Not a party without red head whore.

4c7604  No.3816076

File: 8899f6e071cbaa3⋯.png (222.41 KB, 1005x495, 67:33, When_Victims_Rule_A_Critiq….PNG)


If you’re making criticism of Israel equal to division, you’re part of the Psyop.

>This is what cabal jews fear:

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel

f647b3  No.3816077





d05746  No.3816078

Recap- So we got a guy on Twitter saying Carlson and Hannity tonight are huge, even though Carlson is on vacation.

Anon here who has "worked with Mattis for 20 years"(lol) says Mattis is bringing the pain any day now.

Translation- just another working day. Carry on.

7e320d  No.3816079

File: e35cbc50b965098⋯.jpg (228.95 KB, 1037x583, 1037:583, alexjones.jpg)


THE WATER IS MAKING ALL THE BIG FOOTS GAY!…. Please watch my bullshit again, I've been.living off super male vitality for the last 3 weeks because I can't afford food.

451233  No.3816080

File: d1dcf7a15bd993a⋯.png (531.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, burninhell.png)




77faad  No.3816081

ac11a6  No.3816082


big drop must be coming

8f63f6  No.3816083


New filter….

f647b3  No.3816084


anti-American first Israeli Lobby FAGGOT: ENOUGH ALREADY. DAMN!!


594045  No.3816085



13a974  No.3816086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

18b4c9  No.3816087


That is a thought I had for when the Hilldawg video comes out

5dd2fb  No.3816088



8400cf  No.3816089

File: 2543beabfb5c74e⋯.png (594.33 KB, 900x702, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)

067864  No.3816090


Post this everyday. Post it in every bread. Post it forever.

434d2e  No.3816091


BINGO. Warship collisions? Mil aircraft crashes? SLBMs? Is there a U.S. DS rogue unit in China pulling this crap?

207c35  No.3816092

>>3815712 LB LB LB

No, it doesn't work like that.

Absentee Ballots in FL MUST be in the hands of the SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE by close of polls on election day (or sooner) in order to be counted. (They are not accepted at polling locations on Election Day for this very reason)

Technically this would be considered voting after the polls close.

a32e2d  No.3816093

File: d863a8dcb633288⋯.jpeg (538.49 KB, 1537x2046, 1537:2046, DC5124E5-3062-450D-8A4F-D….jpeg)

934c3b  No.3816094


That actually makes me cry!

May God pour out His Holy Spirit upon us and bring evil to its knees.

384a91  No.3816095


This is why anons found the flag - this shit right here !!!

Anons are brilliant and never miss the smallest details!!

1f1140  No.3816096


I dont think that is the issue patriots are concerned with…or should be concerned with. Will that pipeline get your country back from the globalists? If not, it is irrelevant. Focus, tunnelvision….take country back from the politicians.

4c7604  No.3816097

File: 16b9e80121eecd4⋯.jpg (303.03 KB, 749x1001, 107:143, Apu_Fren_Doing_All.jpg)


That is le plan.

c80d69  No.3816098

File: 97c33ee2be78f36⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, Desperation.jpg)


Taint wipes baby!

7920ea  No.3816099


What, didn't expect this to be the apacolypse? FISA is a distraction. Genesis isn't bullshit. The Serpeant has tended to a one world dictatorship for many centuries and the seals are about to break.

f647b3  No.3816100



a440b5  No.3816101


Actually, they're so fucked by the EU/Russia power struggle that there's nothing in the country for them.

Even the Muslims who went to Europe only used Croatia as a way to get to other countries.

Croatian Joke:

<"A billionaire has decided to buy a hotel on the beautiful Croatian coast!"

>"Why? Does he want to be a millionaire?

13a974  No.3816102



It was a sarcastic post…

52fea5  No.3816103


How many Eastern European's are there in IsRaELH? Suppose they will need a YiPdiZh homeland once the truth comes out. No hate. Just pragmatism but someone yell's Muh JuVVs or the Bots spam this.


77faad  No.3816104

ac11a6  No.3816105


>you forgot to change Wed to Fri dumbshill..


these people are stupid!

They forgot to include that too

286c44  No.3816106


madcow revolt

e6051c  No.3816107

File: 114ba3550be995c⋯.jpeg (218.98 KB, 1440x771, 480:257, 1527463341.jpeg)

894ce1  No.3816108

File: f4e4efe3221c3fb⋯.jpg (132.97 KB, 650x488, 325:244, Enola Gay Hot Death.jpg)

All of you BROKEDICK DOGS are immediately detected for what you really are:

Shills, Losers, and Future Wormfood

POTUS will shitcan you all and all you stand for, and if it takes longer than 6 years, then President Ivanka will finish the job.


434d2e  No.3816109


Are we completely sure that there isn't any fuckery going on behind the closed doors? How can you say this without bipartisan oversight in the counting rooms?

067864  No.3816110

File: 7dd957bdb0c14d9⋯.jpg (75.97 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 600x600.jpg)

b3000b  No.3816111

“Watch the water” said the Plan that cannot hold water.

“Watch the wives” said the men who couldn’t or wouldn’t even protect the wives of Justice Kavanaugh and Tucker Carlson.

Timelines change, do they? Sure do, yet the talking points that meant to keep us trudging along, have not.

You live in a bubble, too, Q. You’re not out here in IRL. Wednesday I sat on a bus and was assailed by the most vicious anti-Trump tirade I’ve ever heard. Yesterday, I sat near a 50+ disabled woman who closely held onto her precious teddy bear. That gave her the courage to just get on the bus alone. Day after day, the police who POTUS incessantly praises, do NOT catch the robbers, do NOT even uphold traffic safety, do NOT seem to do anything to protect anyone but themselves.

Your mighty hammer is poised for all your devotees to gaze at. But it never comes down. As one anon said, the old cabal is being replaced by the Trump cabal.

You in your military garb, will lose a few. We’ll lose everything. And life will go on.

When the best a nation can hope for is martial law, it is finished. That is a small step above foreign invasion and tyranny, but it will hardly be kinder to us flyovers. DARPA-enhancement, geoengineering, AI … we haven’t a chance of ever experiencing normalcy again. You’ve got us where you want us.

The mesmerized anons will blend in uncomfortably with the filth we’ve tried to fight and change and transform. What took you all so long? Where were you 20 years ago when Christian couples were fighting Common Core? You knew all along what these evil people were up to and bided your time. Who’s comping whom these days?

Our only hope is national repentance. Trust in the LORD and the power of HIS might. Not men’s. Not the military. You are the saviors? You jest.

America has sunk too far. Have a lovely time in Paris, mes amis. I do believe we’re going down. And this is the only way to be heard.

c061fb  No.3816112


More accurately, some of us are pissed that Q team hasn't stopped the steal in MT, AZ and FL. Nor has there been a FISA drop. Nor massive unsealing of indictments. Nor arrests. Nothin.

So why the fuck am I here you ask. Just checkin in on the board to see if anything materially has changed since yesterday – nope. I know you don't need my low energy ass here today, so I'm out again for a while. Good luck to you all.

1c3e0b  No.3816113

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Boom, boom, boom

ecb887  No.3816114

8400cf  No.3816115

File: a0aad835d077c52⋯.png (51.12 KB, 450x337, 450:337, ClipboardImage.png)

f59e1d  No.3816116

File: faf7dce24ff4811⋯.png (170.47 KB, 309x384, 103:128, 2018-11-09_08-57-34.png)


She can't or won't wipe her own royal ass?

What about Princes?

Cause they definitely all look like "I don't wipe my own ass" kind of guys.



6f4a45  No.3816117

So POTUS gonna tweet us on the Friday before he leaves for G20 (Nov 30)?? Niceeeeee!

f647b3  No.3816118


YES Anon. Agree.

a9ba9d  No.3816119

File: d869a82578f8d37⋯.png (287.35 KB, 569x285, 569:285, Capture.PNG)

File: 5e9b3f6fc664d8c⋯.png (153.73 KB, 375x236, 375:236, Capture1.PNG)

CommScope To Acquire Arris For $7.4 Billion In Telecom Equipment Merger

CommScope Holding (COMM) has agreed to buy Arris International (ARRS) in a $7.4 billion merger that combines a wireless network gear maker with a cable equipment provider. CommScope stock plunged on the deal's announcement.

Telecom gear maker CommScope will pay $5.9 billion in cash and assume $1.5 billion in debt. CommScope agreed to pay $31.75 a share, a 14% premium of Arris's closing price on Wednesday. Arris stock had jumped 11.3% Wednesday on word of a deal. Arris stock surged another 10.4% on Thursday to close at 30.68.

Shares in CommScope tumbled 20% to 19.56 on the stock market today, continuing a sell-off that began when negotiations with Arris first surfaced.

( Remember who the Carlyle Group is )

The Carlyle Group will invest $1 billion in CommScope to provide financing for the deal, the telecom gear maker said.


c80d69  No.3816121

File: 21dee37e1b84d16⋯.png (527.18 KB, 843x827, 843:827, Senator Glory hole.png)

b1a96c  No.3816122

File: d51f2ccd90a8fe6⋯.jpg (186.16 KB, 521x513, 521:513, Screen Shot 11-09-18 at 02….JPG)

384a91  No.3816124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Guys -

General Mattis here - I have been watching this board since October 2017 and I know that we have a digital army of keyboard warriors here that we can count on to send the most effective salvo rounds of all - MEMES!!

Do not give up the fort anons! Hold the line!



a1a742  No.3816125

File: 5450c28edceb4ce⋯.png (1000.2 KB, 793x633, 793:633, Pepe-Flake.png)

4c7604  No.3816126

File: 2d9e8a4e61c6ae8⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1750x2280, 175:228, 1500_Rabbis.png)

File: ffe40b2e465f3aa⋯.jpg (159.24 KB, 1200x694, 600:347, Barbara_Lerner_Spectre.jpg)

File: 42aefc6aa8205a8⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg)

File: 5cb9e439bacc341⋯.jpg (812.5 KB, 608x1326, 304:663, jews_Migrants_2.jpg)

File: 5d673ebdf6fc187⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2486x3062, 1243:1531, Jews_Push_For_Muslim_Migra….jpg)


Jews are dumb for the most part.

ac11a6  No.3816127

Can't wait for recount to head to Supreme court!!!

With Kavanugh as deciding vote and RBG sidelined or flatlined.

067864  No.3816128

File: 930746644ad89e3⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 500x532, 125:133, z05ab.jpg)

e4bcbd  No.3816129

It’s gotten to the point that watching, reading or hearing the news from any outlet is very hard to do.

Lie, lie, lie.

I can’t stand listening to the talking heads.

Does anyone tell the truth anymore?

8a5f34  No.3816130


Astute Observation Anon!

Left hand in front pants pocket in an unclenched position signifies that

"one is holding back evil".


f647b3  No.3816131


Right on! Well done Anon.

77faad  No.3816132

a440b5  No.3816133


Not gruff enough to be believable.

Nice premise tho.

Plz try again.

245463  No.3816134

File: 5c69b26eb1e5c89⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 474x266, 237:133, a10i.jpg)

e6051c  No.3816135

File: c0567f1865b0488⋯.jpeg (91.91 KB, 1440x723, 480:241, 1540815856.jpeg)

d05746  No.3816136


What about the state government saying something. Aren't those Republican governors? GA FL AZ. Where are the GOP that have balls?

ac11a6  No.3816137




8d4d60  No.3816138

Live update on Ventura County Fires:


0414cb  No.3816139

File: 6c8eeb1a22e8de8⋯.png (538.35 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35f0cc254fe3a56⋯.png (30.06 KB, 625x490, 125:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 459475dd379774e⋯.png (25.28 KB, 625x382, 625:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b99d7fad192f07f⋯.png (24.07 KB, 625x382, 625:382, ClipboardImage.png)

Patricia Heaton shreds Women's March's 'white women' tweet: 'I know this is hard for you to grasp'

Award-winning actress and outspoken conservative Patricia Heaton slammed a tweet by the progressive Women’s March on Wednesday that shamed white women for purportedly thwarting their chances of a blue wave in the midterm elections.

“There needs to be accountability and an honest reckoning,” the Women’s March declared. “There’s a lot of work to do, white women. A lot of learning. A lot of growing. We want to do it with you. Stay tuned.”

The comments were in response to a derogatory tweet by Above the Law editor Elie Mystal, complaining about white women voting for Republicans Brian Kemp, Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis during the election Tuesday.

Ms. Heaton fired back in a tweet Wednesday night, saying “women of all kinds” are rejecting the Democratic Party because of its stance on issues like abortion.

The reaction to Ms. Heaton’s tweet thus far has been largely positive.


This is what we need more of. Some good Hollyweird people to step up. James Woods can't do it all by himself.

0e258e  No.3816140


Clean your Guns this war will not be won with Memes

c80d69  No.3816141

File: 294f3530617771a⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Reptilian arms.jpg)


If I had these I would have someone wipe my ass too!

096c77  No.3816142

File: c17f6a0a27cafcd⋯.png (225.52 KB, 934x990, 467:495, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

4853c8  No.3816143

Stop giving the Qshill (You)s

The posts are designed to provoke a reaction and while our responses continue, so will they.

Dont answer anymore and force them to switch tactics. It's interesting because you get to see the shill playbook.

Take care Anons

Love you guys

No homo

34084b  No.3816144


Mockers will mock.

Shills' day is coming.

181d58  No.3816145


U.S. DS rogue units + ChiComs are connected through the Committee of 300. Both the U.S. DS and the CCP worship the 300.

Don't forget the Hanoi commies (whose president just got assassinated) and the Hun Sen regime in Cambodia. Also major U.S. DS playgrounds. See RBG.

5d1851  No.3816146


cause it's fake…wake up

ac11a6  No.3816147


DID NOT know that.


067864  No.3816148

File: 330fc872b954000⋯.jpg (28.82 KB, 290x390, 29:39, shiksa.jpg)

2ef00c  No.3816149

Seencrownized Watches :)

8f63f6  No.3816150




Filter, then move on….

a30237  No.3816151


The negatives are outweighing the positives on a day to day basis. The election seems to be a turning point toward the negative, not the positive. The Sessions resignation makes no sense to me. Why build up so much lefty support for him just to walk? RBG falls a breaks some ribs. I hate to break it to everyone, but she is gonna heal up and be back at it. Now losing a Senate seat in AZ due to voter fraud. The hits keep coming, and no PAIN in sight. I love Q, I love Trump, but our kid's futures depend on this plan working. And to be honest, I believe it will. But I can't help but wonder if many things are not going according to plan. When Q makes statements like "nothing will stop what is coming" it actually tells me the deep state has effectively countered the current plan and deviations have been made to try to keep the push going. Much of what is being claimed as disinformation, seems more likely to be posturing after the fact to maintain the appearance of control. All of that being said, there is no plan B, so I'm counting on Q and Trump and they have my prayers and support.

fd4073  No.3816152


covfefe comin out the keurig, anon has woken up and has taken a stance against the fake shillery

6c5809  No.3816153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Morning anons

Finally out of my funk.

Took the House loss poorly, but I let emotion cloud my thinking.

This was meant to happen.

"Fisa takes down the House"

Why would you want to take down your own house?

Goodlatte & Gowdy resignations are important because they headed the two committees investigating Fisa abuse etc..

The investigations will now move to the Senate Judiciary.

The Dems in the House have NO POWER!

X22 vid (attached) puts some of this stuff in perspective (at least it helped me get my head back in the game)

Also highly recommend:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqRPVL38wtE (IPOT)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi2E_r8JnF0 (Praying Medic)

If you're having any doubts or just generally pissed, I think this will help, if not confirmation is always good.

And for God's Sake, don't follow the "media". (As a news junkie, this has been especially difficult)

All the news worth seeing is right here.

Ignore the shills - WE ARE WINNING!

Be of good courage.


8714b7  No.3816154

we lost …. major negative was the constant boasting og the best econmy in americs history. major no no

the 90% have not been effevted by the great econmy by any measurable means..


8400cf  No.3816155

File: 6099fe208c1fcdd⋯.png (698.85 KB, 509x810, 509:810, ClipboardImage.png)


i deserve bette[r]

i want to b[e] happy

i'm s[a]d & miserable

life t[r]uly fucking sucks


9923cb  No.3816156


>against the fake shillery

So your going to be doing the REAL shillery today, eh?

Thanks for the heads up.

ac11a6  No.3816157





f6c794  No.3816158


the cost of living always stays the same. RELATIVE

067864  No.3816159

File: 8c01a69213572d6⋯.jpg (459.15 KB, 565x773, 565:773, 1540362980.jpg)

26f856  No.3816160

File: 10e405fe6dc32a0⋯.jpg (208.13 KB, 665x1051, 665:1051, IMG_20181109_083508.jpg)

c257a1  No.3816161

File: f718bed8140b1ee⋯.png (110.24 KB, 276x253, 12:11, Capturegmhug.PNG)

File: cd4eb33f8c99c0c⋯.png (675.92 KB, 742x540, 371:270, PT - Copy.PNG)

File: de5c5ff4ffcd535⋯.png (919.41 KB, 822x524, 411:262, trump2 - Copy.PNG)

File: c1e1db74118a618⋯.png (672.53 KB, 572x525, 572:525, CH - Copy.PNG)

File: 16179968579ae18⋯.png (414.46 KB, 498x490, 249:245, RM - Copy.PNG)

e6051c  No.3816162

File: ae88f499b21f187⋯.jpeg (101.08 KB, 1440x577, 1440:577, 1536686402.jpeg)

e088f7  No.3816163


Seeing is believing, no more blind faith

653ebb  No.3816164

File: f353cabb72a3527⋯.jpg (12.39 KB, 540x281, 540:281, Provisional.jpg)

File: b4cf2e886d1e60b⋯.jpg (66.09 KB, 1080x562, 540:281, Provisional-a.jpg)

File: 51aef81ef4b9ec5⋯.jpg (81.61 KB, 1080x562, 540:281, Provisional-b.jpg)

c11be1  No.3816165

File: 50abb75117f8be9⋯.png (157.2 KB, 482x500, 241:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7971857f36ecff0⋯.png (191.44 KB, 456x566, 228:283, ClipboardImage.png)

286c44  No.3816166

File: cf0225737387781⋯.png (482.32 KB, 699x1287, 233:429, Rachel-Madcow[1].png)

434d2e  No.3816167


Must be an identifiable hard target then. Space Force "Go"?

2eed0a  No.3816168

>>3815367 (lb)

I was part of the redistricting of Austin, Tx back in 2012 and I watched in horror as the Democrats took a city that was nearly 70% White and gave them 5 out of 10 Districts disenfranchising 20% of the White Vote and validating this action because Muh White Racism

They created a Gerrymeandered Majority Black Opportunity District because Federal Law says it is legal to discriminate against Whites in Voting Purposes. Still is btw

La Raza, NAACP, and other Non White Supremacist Groups and individuals were involved in this deliberate attempt to steal political control

I with a few others were able to convince the Democrats that they needed to create a District for University of Texas as a stealth way of giving Whites 6 districts for as equal representation as possible within a system that is designed from the bottom up to work against them.

Until We get over Muh Legacy of Voting Wrongs from 60+ years ago, We are allowing ourselves to be defeated

067864  No.3816169

File: d1263e349a5ade8⋯.jpg (132.28 KB, 800x843, 800:843, TOI-Chief-Rabbi-Jews-Israe….jpg)

207c35  No.3816170


I work as a clerk at the ELECTIONS, know the rules.

Failure to sign IS a legal reason for a Ballot-by-mail to be refused.

Oh I believe there are shenanigans going on behind doors.

Sincerely praying Q is right and polls are protected.

Hope these bastards do hard time as a result of this.

a9ba9d  No.3816171

File: 019f5c7c64a4550⋯.png (375.77 KB, 520x275, 104:55, Capture.PNG)

One for the FEers. lighten up would ya

Flat earther thinks the Earth is actually shaped like a doughnut

© @u/osrsslay/Reddit

A Flat Earther (well, an ex-Flat Earther) now thinks the Earth is actually shaped like a doughnut.

Not comfortable with the idea of our home looking like a vinyl record, Flat Earth Society member Varuag, has posed the possibility of the planet actually being more of a Krispy Kreme.

'I was wondering how a theory like FE theory gets formed, and I came to the conclusion that someone must've thought of the original idea,' they wrote. 'And then it must've been followed by a long series of people pointing out flaws and then re-adjusting the theory (or thinking of new ideas) to iron out the flaws in the theory.'

The first question was how can we tell if the light is curved. Varaug said, as reported by Flat Earth Society:

Radio waves are reflected by the atmosphere (hence why we don't need to set up several towers to transmit radio waves across very long distances).

Light waves are also reflected in a similar way. When we look across, the light diminishes as it travels, and by the time it reaches the atmosphere, it is diminished enough to be reflected.

The light will then hit another corner of atmosphere and so on and so forth, curving every time. This gives the impression that the Earth is flat (or has a slight curvature).

So, if I stand on the surface in the middle of the TE and look up, why can't I see the opposite side of the torus, came the next inquiry.

Varuag answered:

When you stand in the middle of the TE and look up, the light passes through the first atmosphere it reaches.

However, by the time it reaches the second atmosphere (the one to re-enter the atmosphere of the TE) it has diminished enough to be reflected, and gets reflected into space, so you see space.

When asked how we have night and day, they said to lay a torch horizontal on a table and turn it on. Then to get a doughnut and place it on it's side, with the hole perpendicular to the torch; the side which is illuminated by the torch is in day.

'Over 24 hours, the doughnut performs one complete revolution,' they instructed. 'Spin it half way around, this signifies the passing of 12 hours.

Now, the side that WAS in day, is facing away from the torch and is in night. The side that WAS in night, is now facing the torch and is in day.'

Is this all one big joke? I have no idea.


ecb887  No.3816172

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Q 586 in particular.

>Be careful what you wish for.


Interdasting -

AS THE WORLD TURNS was on CBS when JFK was assassinated.

And Aldous Huxley died on the same day did JFK - 11/22/63.

653ebb  No.3816173

File: 961c638a227f7de⋯.jpg (79.47 KB, 1080x562, 540:281, Provisional-c.jpg)


Damn. Meant to grab this one.

a965a2  No.3816174


>Seeing is believing, no more blind faith

Qtards are the worst kind of NPCs

8400cf  No.3816175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8a5f34  No.3816176


Neither did I, you got me to DIG. ;)

Didn't notice their hands until you mentioned it.

d8a1a7  No.3816177

File: 0d8e1abacc4300f⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 496x347, 496:347, A-10 Warthog BRRRRRRRRTTTT….gif)

File: 0d8e1abacc4300f⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 496x347, 496:347, Brrrrt A10 Warthog.gif)

384a91  No.3816178




9830a3  No.3816179


Sarcasm my ass. You believed it.

1f1140  No.3816180


Old politicians never die…they just run again.

28c086  No.3816181

File: 346244068fac93a⋯.png (178.9 KB, 552x414, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

8c679c  No.3816182

File: 98b5f342f43a2b5⋯.png (326.99 KB, 334x733, 334:733, not obvious at all.PNG)

lol look at this stupid shit.

Ties right in with the hopes and prayers mom.



Shooter is anti-gun kek.

11f51a  No.3816183

AJ fully made it clear he was compromised last night, said something to the effect of "Now you can flush that whole Qanon thing down the toilet".

Which is funny, with his resources he'd absolutely know by now Q is legit.

e6051c  No.3816184

File: 7ba1f1239b3f4f6⋯.jpeg (113.29 KB, 900x870, 30:29, 1524059805.jpeg)

57aa15  No.3816185


perfectly comfy - the RATS are boxed, screwed any way they turn. I think it's all in Jim Jordan's hands, CINC gave him the remote.

384a91  No.3816186



5d1851  No.3816187


who fkn cares it's a movie go back and play on twatter

77faad  No.3816188

245463  No.3816189


been listening to dave for about 5 years now.

ce2598  No.3816191

When I hear the False Flag shooting….First thing I think about is Orsen Wells–"War of the World"….Fake, Fake, Fake….Am I the only one that gets that feeling?

384a91  No.3816192



067864  No.3816193

File: 8fe271cae928ac0⋯.jpg (63.23 KB, 380x380, 1:1, SISTA1-380x380.jpg)

a0dbd4  No.3816194


If the rules mattered then illegal aliens and dead people wouldn't be voting.

c11be1  No.3816195

File: 65ce264ac1a07e6⋯.png (562.41 KB, 448x977, 448:977, ClipboardImage.png)

77faad  No.3816196

8400cf  No.3816197

File: fc503327ae204c7⋯.png (317.42 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

how can i trust you,

when you can't trust me?

8a4b33  No.3816198

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 9:

God’s Power and Justice

A Psalm of David.

9 I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;

I will tell of all thy wonderful deeds.

2 I will be glad and exult in thee,

I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High.

3 When my enemies turned back,

they stumbled and perished before thee.

4 For thou hast maintained my just cause;

thou hast sat on the throne giving righteous judgment.

5 Thou hast rebuked the nations, thou hast destroyed the wicked;

thou hast blotted out their name for ever and ever.

6 The enemy have vanished in everlasting ruins;

their cities thou hast rooted out;

the very memory of them has perished.

7 But the Lord sits enthroned for ever,

he has established his throne for judgment;

8 and he judges the world with righteousness,

he judges the peoples with equity.

9 The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,

a stronghold in times of trouble.

10 And those who know thy name put their trust in thee,

for thou, O Lord, hast not forsaken those who seek thee.

11 Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion!

Tell among the peoples his deeds!

12 For he who avenges blood is mindful of them;

he does not forget the cry of the afflicted.

13 Be gracious to me, O Lord!

Behold what I suffer from those who hate me,

O thou who liftest me up from the gates of death,

14 that I may recount all thy praises,

that in the gates of the daughter of Zion

I may rejoice in thy deliverance.

15 The nations have sunk in the pit which they made;

in the net which they hid has their own foot been caught.

16 The Lord has made himself known, he has executed judgment;

the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. Higgaion. Selah

17 The wicked shall depart to Sheol,

all the nations that forget God.

18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten,

and the hope of the poor shall not perish for ever.

19 Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail;

let the nations be judged before thee!

20 Put them in fear, O Lord!

Let the nations know that they are but men! Selah

77faad  No.3816199

13a974  No.3816200


take a look at my other posts for reference…

9923cb  No.3816201

File: c58f25f28bd230c⋯.png (191.2 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Sounds kinda like this lady.

Mom of bar victim: I don't want prayers, I want gun control


0e258e  No.3816202

Filter create echo chambers

c80d69  No.3816203

File: af62b17afe08c79⋯.jpg (131.32 KB, 693x520, 693:520, POTUS Space Force.jpg)


Now does everyone see how they try and take over our styles?

I post pepecof about every morning along with fin updates etc.

I do not like shills and have told them all to go fuck themselves..they persist.

So we persist.

They go back over the breads and pick out who they want to shadow. Then they steal your memes…change them and then try to 'fit in'.

Seen this shit, at this level, since early Oct.

067864  No.3816204

File: c459e06e920d51b⋯.jpg (634.44 KB, 1783x1766, 1783:1766, 042p2.jpg)

ac11a6  No.3816205


I heard on one of the cables that he changed dramatically after returning from a trip to Europe.

I wonder what happened to him over there.

6f4a45  No.3816206

File: 931c088083343a2⋯.jpeg (18.36 KB, 255x190, 51:38, A89B5C21-5A05-421B-8D9B-0….jpeg)

12e337  No.3816207


I'm obviously happy about the direction of the economy, but if you aren't following the big picture then yeah….my life and money situation has changed precisely 0% since POTUS' election, other than it becoming more dangerous for me to express my views in public.

I'm not complaining, just illustrating that MUH ECONOMY meant fuck all to me, personally, and I'm sure there are plenty of other voters who similarly saw no change at all in their lives.

Not everyone is unemployed or a small business owner.

1f1140  No.3816208


11-11 is the day of the military parade, the celebration of the red wave, and the unification of the country. What a big day it will be….

3294fe  No.3816209

File: 607a27ac265cce6⋯.jpg (79.03 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 110818 brenda snipes.jpg)

File: df295f5a56405b7⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 625x352, 625:352, DrhkowSWsAY6LsS.jpg)

File: 5d6c5ebc25d80bd⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, fl-ne-marco-rubio-brenda-s….jpg)

File: 5d0aab1ef1e9e13⋯.jpg (124 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tim_20Canova_20says_20Brow….jpg)

BRENDA SNIPES is one of the people behind the fuckery in Florida.

She looks like like a crazy witch, kek

de3d3b  No.3816210



My brains going this morning. Qs pic of the 3 movie posters. The FISA movie is the 3rd, mirrored it would be the 1st. Now take these posts.



MOVIE 1 [Full]: The 'START'

MOVIE 2 – Coming this FALL


FISA starts it, then they panic, then the pedos go down.

e4bcbd  No.3816211

Is there no school today?

Please tell me these are not college students being this childish.

7c5fae  No.3816212


You followin me?

0cd783  No.3816213

File: 9f7d104641d06bf⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1242x1386, 69:77, 25AB6A8E-65C6-4631-BB41-3….jpeg)

File: be30aaba74f77da⋯.jpeg (2.19 MB, 1242x1863, 2:3, 108F14A6-80D2-4EDB-B7C9-7….jpeg)



I don’t care about semantics and I don’t care who it is, I care it is happening and I’m not trying to divide I’m trying to help educate.


384a91  No.3816214

GUYS - Paul Watson here -


I was wrong all along

General Mattis is about to bring the pain my sources tell me


8529c6  No.3816215

Posse Comitatus is NULL and VOID

All you need to do is to bring in foreign special forces

Swear them in as FBI or as DHS HSI

And then you can use military forces against civilians

On the territory of the USA

With no restrictions.

These special forces have been in training for years now


In preparation for the anti-Cabal operation.

This is one reason why Trump gave Mattis such a free hand

He is the one who is supplying these special forces to the USA

Anyone who has ever watched a Russian video

Where special forces take down terrorists

In a Moscow apartment

Or a Dagestani village house

Will understand what I mean.

434d2e  No.3816216


Well, we own (((their))) comms (w/ warrant) and should be on top of this with a bullet-proof legal challenge if the try and steal the seats.

36fe52  No.3816217

File: b355331c2235a58⋯.png (62.14 KB, 472x472, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-11-09-06-0….png)

File: db72ca48904d4f6⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 427x485, 427:485, 2m4fmv~2.jpg)

File: 62303fa25b0beab⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 62303fa25b0beab471de09f01e….jpg)

Blacks are the curse of America's greatest mass murderer, Abraham Lincoln.

77faad  No.3816218

1c3e0b  No.3816219

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Let the wind scatter the seeds that you sow.

0e258e  No.3816221


BS Confirmed then

6d6d6f  No.3816222


At that point I’d just shave my head

1cec09  No.3816223


@#%*! Beep Bop Boop.. I am Fucktard AI. Please engage in Fucktard conversation for brain analysis…

f6b27e  No.3816224


MT and AZ are gone.

But FL is still salvageable (no thanks to the federal government, just because one of the candidates happens to be governor already).

Thank God for Rick Scott!

As for Q team they must be on the sidelines for a reason but obviously any notion they were doing something about election fraud was disinfo, perhaps to try to scare the bad guys into not trying anything. That didn't work so well.

e088f7  No.3816225


I am not going to criticize Q supporters I have been one since last year, I support the effort and support trump. I am just can’t believe anything blindly anymore .

067864  No.3816226

File: 48812548aa98976⋯.jpg (67.46 KB, 272x348, 68:87, curbHeeb-727445.jpg)

245463  No.3816227

File: 2fe309713781e4c⋯.jpeg (19.34 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 9deb07318486251401775fcc4….jpeg)

6c5809  No.3816228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminds me of this (except the "borders" quote"

8400cf  No.3816229

File: 1df7705fd8de0ca⋯.png (23.83 KB, 480x385, 96:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b49fca06f497db⋯.png (176.37 KB, 728x425, 728:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13e876c4d679873⋯.png (14.15 KB, 738x66, 123:11, ClipboardImage.png)

you better make your next ig post good

209152  No.3816230

File: 173792ed1dd65a1⋯.jpg (492.88 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181109-081528….jpg)


384a91  No.3816231



Paul Joseph Watson posts on 8chan

says trust Q



08ad43  No.3816232


Kek, how do you confuse a normie

76f9e9  No.3816233

What can I do to MAGA? My redpilling efforts have reached the limit of their usefulness months ago, and waiting for Q and Trump to pull the lever makes me feel helpless.

ce362c  No.3816234


It should sound familiar because Madison was directly talking about the Rothschilds. They were at war with him right then and there.

The War of 1812 was revenge for James Madison rejecting the charter for the Second Bank of the United States. After the British sent troops to burn Washington, D.C., Madison relented. Andrew Jackson destroyed the Bank, and then in revenge the Rothschilds corrupted the Democratic Party and turned it against the United States ever since.

The revenge for MAGA and the Awakening will be Tribulation. Enjoy these times but keep your heads looking up for the Son of Man.

77faad  No.3816235

ac11a6  No.3816236


the cabal use blacks to do all their dirty work and then they label everyone a racist.

I hope you black shills know what they are doing to you.

c80d69  No.3816237

File: 4e86146be5ea5d3⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 1198x146, 599:73, 110918 Before open.JPG)

approx 13 min before open

Futures lower

6f4a45  No.3816238

File: 9351e99eb3c409f⋯.jpeg (25.83 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 40BC9E6D-9EA4-4D5D-80DA-E….jpeg)

28f2ab  No.3816239



067864  No.3816240

File: fc1d2c9e6bfb816⋯.png (77.22 KB, 360x370, 36:37, Do you get mein pun im out….png)

384a91  No.3816241



e7ace6  No.3816242

comms down

Open the door.





0cd783  No.3816243


We are American patriots the only Russian I watch is Rocky IV GTFOH

The US citizens have a right to overthrow the government, Russians do not.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

c4eb5b  No.3816244



Ticketmaster Is Scalping and Reselling its own Tickets, Investigation Finds

By Jim Vorel | September 20, 2018 | 11:03am

Maybe for real, maybe not…doesn't matter…..we're winning.

6c5809  No.3816245

File: cba3c491ab496e1⋯.png (36.62 KB, 963x386, 963:386, Q2450.png)


Guess you can't enter vid + graphic together?

77faad  No.3816246

8400cf  No.3816247

File: d566315f7e01d4c⋯.png (283.17 KB, 489x488, 489:488, ClipboardImage.png)

this is all i truly want

5103ff  No.3816248


>I'm obviously happy about the direction of the economy, but if you aren't following the big picture then yeah….my life and money situation has changed precisely 0% since POTUS' election, other than it becoming more dangerous for me to express my views in public.I'm not complaining, just illustrating that MUH ECONOMY meant fuck all to me, personally, and I'm sure there are plenty of other voters who similarly saw no change at all in their lives.Not everyone is unemployed or a small business owner.

If it wasn't a big deal, then Obama wouldn't have taken credit for it.

1f3c6b  No.3816249

File: 008b372a2717063⋯.jpg (334.39 KB, 1920x1244, 480:311, Beetlejuice_Keaton_3_0.jpg)

133d2a  No.3816250


9830a3  No.3816251


Alright, I stand corrected.

Either way, don't feed the shills.

I know it's tempting, but you're giving them what they want. Stay strong patriot.


6f4a45  No.3816252



Nice!!! Thanks anons. Woulda made it, but I’m phonephagging. Think a lotta anons missed this drop yest.

384a91  No.3816253







067864  No.3816254

File: 7f1910e0aae2964⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1313x992, 1313:992, 1539992756.png)

a9ba9d  No.3816255

File: 97cb62a35dfba8f⋯.png (751.46 KB, 767x452, 767:452, Capture.PNG)

The Elite Struck Back—Trump Must Stand Strong

After two years of endless whinging from the Left, the 2018 midterms have come and gone. The results were mixed. If the Left wanted 2018 to be a referendum on Trump’s presidency, they failed. Yet one thing is certain: however slightly, the Democratic Party increased their standing in our political system.

Yes, it’s true that the Democrats won only a narrow margin in the House while the Republicans took an even larger majority in the Senate. Despite their delusions to the contrary, Donald J. Trump remains president of the United States.

Still, one can be assured that the Democrat-controlled House is going to swamp the Trump Administration with a flurry of baseless investigations aimed at handicapping the president and keeping him from following through on his transformative agenda.

In essence, if the 2016 presidential election was America’s “New Hope,” then 2018 was “The Davoise Strikes Back.” Going forward, Trump is likely to be inundated with calls from the reinvigorated #NeverTrump wing of the Republican Party (now headed by Utah’s Senator-elect Mitt Romney) to be more conciliatory toward the Democrats, unless the GOP wishes to lose even more ground in 2020.

Trump should not be swayed by these demands for conciliation. Instead, Trump should more forcefully advocate the issues that he initially campaigned on: immigration, smart protectionism, and infrastructure.

Only by standing firm against the increasing political pressure of the Left will Trump force the Democrats to choose between total gridlock (which may be their object, though if so they will pay for it in 2020) and getting key legislation passed for which they might be able to take some credit. Incidentally, at least two of the three main Trump agenda items listed above are policies that most Democrats, at least in theory, ought to support (of course, today, “Orange Man Bad!” is the Left’s unofficial motto).


77faad  No.3816256

12e337  No.3816257

One Shill faggot operating all morning, this bread he's using two IDs:



It makes me physically hurt I cringe so hard thinking about these pathetic faggots spending hours posting from multiple accounts, and accomplishing nothing.

384a91  No.3816258


notable as fuck

77faad  No.3816259

f647b3  No.3816260


GUYS - Alex Jones here -


I've always been a SHILLFAGGOT

My asshole is FAGGOT

039fd2  No.3816261


Must be a slow day at the troll farm

fd4073  No.3816262

File: 2d68713165cbe5b⋯.png (7.7 KB, 224x225, 224:225, 1540509467561.png)


alright now you're just looking for shills you fucking wanker

ac11a6  No.3816263


snowden in China will take down DIFI.


5dd2fb  No.3816264


Not yet. Still counting.

31af2c  No.3816265

File: 4bdc0fa64381ed5⋯.jpeg (426.67 KB, 1044x618, 174:103, DA5A3110-B168-4EB9-AB4D-6….jpeg)


Anon asked about the pin on Sherriff Geoff Dean’s shirt.

Anyone recognise it?

f9c02f  No.3816266

File: 5021dfd2105c69d⋯.png (18.51 KB, 400x401, 400:401, SHIL.png)

c11be1  No.3816267

067864  No.3816268

File: 58998e42081ba2b⋯.jpg (44.72 KB, 602x402, 301:201, 2hgvjk.jpg)

28f2ab  No.3816269


Which counties are still counting? R or D? Your prediction?

1cec09  No.3816271

File: 9bbd459b1f54b76⋯.jpeg (78.33 KB, 630x445, 126:89, iur.jpeg)


The greatest ballot counter the world has ever seen…

d3fa39  No.3816272


She doesn't have that much sense.

133d2a  No.3816273


GUYS - Santa Claus here -

I'm actually real you guys !

I've always been REAL

f59e1d  No.3816274

File: 99e414ef62b4473⋯.png (290.38 KB, 584x327, 584:327, 2018-11-09_09-16-22.png)

File: 814fbf67bdaf055⋯.png (101.67 KB, 316x202, 158:101, 2018-11-09_09-14-37.png)



It's not like they can just go outside and take a dump like a normal reptile.


451233  No.3816275

f647b3  No.3816276



ALEX JONES posts on 8chan

says my asshole is FAGGOT



7920ea  No.3816277


From what I recall the number of high level evil fucks isn't as many as we would think. I believe it was 300.

067864  No.3816278

File: e05702a1cd92f11⋯.jpg (516.02 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, calendar3.jpg)

42b4da  No.3816279

File: 45455e91f8119cc⋯.jpg (554.03 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Matthew-Whittaker.jpg)

660899  No.3816280

File: 1265ed836580190⋯.png (54.68 KB, 1224x358, 612:179, too funny.png)


too funny

8f63f6  No.3816281


D's are still counting. They keep finding random boxes of provisional ballots that weren't yet counted. This will continue until enough votes are counted to secure a D win.

36fe52  No.3816282

File: dc5ddc2b1a54092⋯.jpg (107.15 KB, 500x546, 250:273, 2m3v6o~3.jpg)

If Trump can't release the FISA warrants unredacted his entire family needs to lawyer up for long-term legal battles…

08ad43  No.3816283


That looks Mason AF

f6b27e  No.3816284


They found enough new votes to put Sinema 9000 ahead. She was over 10,000 behind. The only way that happens is if they were creating new ballots after the election. It all went unchallenged so those new ballots are a done deal. AZ is over.

Someone needed to be watching AZ two days ago.

7c5fae  No.3816285

File: 9a06b376a4afa7a⋯.jpg (185.26 KB, 1293x1023, 431:341, ZomboMeme 08112018001829.jpg)

8529c6  No.3816286


People like you have been talking that talk for years and years

But your time is over. You may as well STFU

You have been TRUMPed by circumstance

And there is a new law in town led by DJT and Mattis.

8a5f34  No.3816287

File: b21fe19bf77dd5b⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 255x254, 255:254, mirr0r.jpg)


Think Mirror Anon..

d3abb7  No.3816288

File: 79bc6d68bcd0637⋯.jpeg (8.98 MB, 8192x7447, 8192:7447, 1FE52B87-5CA8-4051-AFA7-E….jpeg)

ad91b0  No.3816289


Sounds like a twitter hashtag.

I've seen lots of lefty blue check mark twatters

always pushing the "we dont want your prayers, we want gun control now"

f9c02f  No.3816290


Total number of people who voted: 5mln

Total number of Dem Votes: 7mln

Total number of Rep Votes: unknown/missing

a22f81  No.3816291


I think you're a lying kike.

44b985  No.3816292

Anyone have a pix of the mom crying for gun control after her son was in LV and Thousand Oaks? Crisis actor??

e17049  No.3816293

File: 1debc8688c44397⋯.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, B454751E-DAE3-42C4-BC78-C8….png)

File: 8e085ae3230dd97⋯.jpeg (450.33 KB, 750x1271, 750:1271, DDD39383-4BCE-44F2-A6D1-4….jpeg)


>I am not going to criticize Q supporters I have been one since last year, I support the effort and support trump. I am just can’t believe anything blindly anymore.

The only thing Q ever posted that I took to heart 100% was “Think and Trust Yourself”. Most everything else could be interpreted in multiple ways and he even warned us that some posts were not meant for anons and that disinformation was real and necessary. Read this.

207c35  No.3816294

File: eb19771129c84cf⋯.jpg (11.76 KB, 255x155, 51:31, SARCHASM.jpg)


I see the website changed to Patriotsfight.

Much better landing spot than Qresearch as depicted in last bread

dd5a13  No.3816295

File: 87ad307893bb14f⋯.jpeg (989.42 KB, 1456x2195, 1456:2195, 61D52026-B4E9-4B2B-853F-3….jpeg)

=Messing With MAGA==

From anti logging to anti fracking these environmentalist judges are using their seat on the bench to further their left leaning agenda.

POTUS keep those judicial appointments coming!

3294fe  No.3816296

File: 86b07a002cd92b1⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 590x350, 59:35, zgts2rt4rkzzbwnh6pos.jpg)

b3f44f  No.3816297

File: 870389ded0ef601⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 604x454, 302:227, WE rNews.jpg)



You went in to it with a strong mind and good decision. Then you let the swindlers talk you out of $18/mo.


Over a decade without tv for me and mine- BEST decision ever made for the fam!


If you spend $100/mo. on cable, you can buy an OZ of GOLD in a year instead!




a9ba9d  No.3816298

File: eac5639d1bbf403⋯.png (1.14 MB, 860x447, 860:447, Capture.PNG)

Democrats as the Party of Slave Power Tyranny

The Republican surrender of the House of Representatives to Democrats and the reestablishment of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ought to remind us of the history of Democratic tyranny.

They are, after all, the party of slavery, the Klan, and segregation. This criticism is not just dated, but outrageously unfair you say? After all, aren’t the Democrats the party with overwhelming black support and two recent black presidents—Bill Clinton and then Barack Obama?

Let’s review the history.

Thinking about the question of tyranny—which is a better way to say injustice—in terms of race, as we now automatically seem to do, disguises the most fundamental problem: the lust for power that animates tyranny. Democrats not only have always despised restraints on their power, whether internal or constitutional—they have always been the slave power, by which I don’t only mean chattel slavery (though they certainly did their bit to support that).

Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican party (which is the antecedent but not exactly the same thing as today’s Democrats) defended the natural rights of the Declaration of Independence by putting up a fight against the power of the Adams-Hamilton wing of the then-dominant Federalist government, by working through the state governments.

But this changed in the early 19th century, as the meaning of the Declaration of Independence began to be forgotten and distorted. Shedding the view that the founders regarded the necessary evil of slavery as shameful, the nation beheld the enhanced economic advantages slavery brought to them and became increasingly convinced of the positive case for slavery.

Following the Civil War, the Democrats attempted to restore the tyranny of slavery through the tyranny of Jim Crow laws. Republican resistance to these forced Democrats to be more clever about their grabs at power. The Progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson then tried to destroy our greatest defense against tyranny by denouncing the Declaration as irrelevant and outmoded. But Wilson was, like most tyrannical souls, arrogant, in presuming he could so readily, so fecklessly dispose of the central document protecting American freedom.

Franklin Roosevelt had a shrewder idea—he would reinterpret both the Declaration and the Constitution to favor unlimited government power. His First Inaugural said it all: the crisis of the Depression required all Americans to obey their anointed leader as soldiers do their commander! (Ronald Reagan called ordinary Americans heroes, who are their own commanders.) In his 1944 State of the Union Address, in the midst of World War II, FDR compared Republicans to fascists and declared that the war was wasted effort if that was what America would return to.

Not to be outdone, Roosevelt’s successor, Harry Truman, accused Republicans of shielding fascist, racist, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic forces. Very little in Democratic campaign tactics has changed since those days. The only Republican who appears to have learned from Truman’s victorious strategy is Donald Trump. Democrats today, however, retain this preposterous comparison of Republicans with the worst enemies of America—for the purpose of justifying lawless tactics against those who love their country.

Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama all did their part in constructing an administrative state, a bureaucracy headed by activist intellectuals that shuts down self-governing citizens with their edicts, hostility to religion, and political correctness. “You work, I eat” is a politically incorrect view of what the security state means for citizens. The tyranny of the administrative state can be soft—offering security in place of choice and freedom—though it can also be harsh, as the EPA’s lawless dictates reveal. But object to this unconstitutional arrangement, and you’ll be accused of being fascist, racist, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic. It’s an old story, with the twist that now condemns those who are the real fighters for freedom.


17fc0f  No.3816299

File: a77664aae7c17fa⋯.png (246 B, 169x34, 169:34, ClipboardImage.png)

All for a larp.

I'm amazed at how many people have the free time to come on here and shill.

Imagine you were so outraged by the Bigfoot or FE conspiracy that you spent EVERY DAY THERE TRYING TO SOW DISCORD.

Doesn't happen.

Ask yourself why there are so many shills here. Why has it gotten so bad over the past 3-4 days?

Something is happening.

a30237  No.3816300


The economy gains are meaningless if the deep state isn't destroyed. The best way to keep people passive is to give them jobs that make it possible to survive but not thrive. The American dream is not restored yet. The average man should be able to support his family off of a 40 hour work week and still be able to save money, but most Americans are far from that. We have come to accept that the good old days are lost, but without blood sucking siphoning off of money from the economy in to corrupt hands, it is achievable. GDP, % employed, and all the other deep state created "financial success factors" mean nothing when your country has accepted the financial system of the enemy.

245463  No.3816301


u mean 'declassify'?

f647b3  No.3816302




39e254  No.3816303

This sucks,

we won and had it stolen from us.

067864  No.3816304

File: 4f332a664b0b3dd⋯.png (51.54 KB, 230x219, 230:219, Untitled.png)

d0dd7a  No.3816305


I thought they get cloned with the regular bloodlines.

e088f7  No.3816306


State police have seized the ballots

8400cf  No.3816307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And [I love you] and [I hope you love me too]

And [I need you] and [I hope you need me too]

Babe, I just hope that you know to never let me go

'Cause when it comes to forever we should be together

059ec3  No.3816308

In Major Defeat For Trump, Obama Appointed Judge Blocks Construction Of Keystone XL Pipeline.

The judge, Brian Morris of the U.S. District Court in Montana, said President Trump’s State Department ignored crucial issues of climate change in order to further the president’s goal of letting the pipeline be built.


384a91  No.3816309

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/09/18 (Fri) 9:21:17 No.441

60K Sealed Indictments




























5103ff  No.3816310


>Anyone have a pix of the mom crying for gun control after her son was in LV and Thousand Oaks? Crisis actor??

There should be a massive raid everywhere of "hopes and prayers"

067864  No.3816311

File: 4e40f86fb870364⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 634x333, 634:333, shikse.jpg)

0cd783  No.3816312


You never read Sun Tzu obly

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.” Sun Tzu, the Art of War

If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” Sun Tzu Quotes, from the Art of War

17fc0f  No.3816313

File: 6d6375c17e31fbe⋯.png (95.42 KB, 362x203, 362:203, ClipboardImage.png)


Feggin clipboard.

77faad  No.3816314

7c5fae  No.3816315

File: 9fa9fb82d867c94⋯.png (148.84 KB, 631x374, 631:374, 9fa9fb82d867c942aa20154b99….png)

File: 141d2cded7a2080⋯.png (165.58 KB, 473x532, 473:532, 141d2cded7a2080e6055504cf8….png)

File: 3ee0b43ff5971eb⋯.png (433.04 KB, 536x499, 536:499, 3ee0b43ff5971eb4da23a27d40….png)

File: 3abe01819930e8d⋯.png (55.17 KB, 600x510, 20:17, 3abe01819930e8d0ce816b954c….png)

384a91  No.3816316


==HOLY SHIT - A NEW Q POST ON /patriotsfight/

12e337  No.3816317


KEK I know

77faad  No.3816318

0dc030  No.3816319



Auto-flag for anyone comped/shilling.

Has been for months.

How many times will they go back to the same tired playbook?

c80d69  No.3816320

File: 9e0af7d3161041d⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 5472x3648, 3:2, CHISOL.jpg)

File: 3a193897a4c2e4d⋯.png (582.63 KB, 872x436, 2:1, ChiComms Centcom.png)

File: befadd04d990793⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 975x600, 13:8, Special ops MF'er.jpg)

4e45fb  No.3816321

GUYS - Schill Schift Scheduler here -

Got some trainees on right now

We'll have our normal higher quality regulars back on later

WWG1WGA! (please don't tell Davey B I said that here)

a440b5  No.3816322


Hold up.

Why would they be calling the Germans Hitlerites and Murderers BEFORE the Holocaust scenario? Hitler as we know him wasn't anywhere near even being a thing yet…

ac11a6  No.3816323



8529c6  No.3816324



Referred to Th. Paine

Whose real name is Michael Moore

And whose book has already been released

Get it here


Filled with revelations about the Bush Clinton crime dynasty

e088f7  No.3816325


Yes I have read it but sometimes a loss is just a loss. I am uncertain until I see the results.

d057eb  No.3816326

Notes so far

Notable AF

>>3816230 POTUS announces new Proclamation: World Freedom Day

>>3816048 2 million have migrated to Russia from Ukraine

>>3816045 Shots Fired At Tekashi 6ix9ine, Kanye, Nicki Minaj Music Video Shoot

>>3816026 500 million Norwegian frigate rams oil tanker

>>3816006 Pence heading to Asia for summits and trade talks

>>3815983 Sessions considering run for old Alabama Senate seat

>>3815975 , >>3816308 US court halts construction of Keystone pipeline

>>3815969 Twitter poll update. Give it all you've got, Dayshift

>>3815886 North Korea postponed U.S. talks because 'they weren't ready': Haley

>>3815885 , >>3816050 'Brave New World': Analysis and revised graphic

>>3815873 Car crashes into motorcade carrying Theresa May and Charles Michel

9923cb  No.3816327


>How many times will they go back to the same tired playbook?

For as long as it works, and it seems to be working.

3294fe  No.3816328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7d99f8  No.3816329

File: bd9d188dee7cbd2⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 128.24 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, NewQ.gif)

6f4a45  No.3816330


Thanks, comrade. I’ll be in a little later, and can post some more concerning. Lol they fal for that every time.

1f1140  No.3816331


You have to be unemployed so hiring you lowers the unemployment rate. Patriots get the $7.50/ hour job and the globalist work for amazon for $15.00

c257a1  No.3816332

File: 6fb3dda742b5100⋯.png (440.21 KB, 472x462, 236:231, AC - Copy.PNG)


Funny how RBG falling and the demand to take some child's organs to save her brings out the "thoughts and prayers"

13a974  No.3816333

File: 185ac28b5de9397⋯.png (160.93 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

2fd24c  No.3816334

File: a1f15a585bd9ae2⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 1130x86, 565:43, 2.JPG)

File: 1d609215e41ab85⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 300x367, 300:367, 3.JPG)


d0dd7a  No.3816335


Amen, let the pure of heart win the battle/s.every time.

0cd783  No.3816336

File: f6743c8d0932d7b⋯.jpeg (99.93 KB, 460x614, 230:307, 06D263D0-362F-4063-9592-7….jpeg)



Obviously you are not an American




a30237  No.3816337


Wow the good news just keeps coming…

f6c794  No.3816338


we dont work for anyone. we shill for a reason…

36fe52  No.3816339

File: c31a51c3b174bb4⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 363x492, 121:164, 2ky8q5~2.jpg)

File: a2a779b38bd85db⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 470x469, 470:469, 2kyisx~2.jpg)

Q needs to stop posting his bullshit unless what he posts is actually coming down the judicial pipeline.


No Arrests

[RR] is still there

And just about everything else had been just conjecture.

12e337  No.3816340


That is completely irrelevant.

Obviously it is a big deal, and is a big positive.

What I am saying is that in reality and in application, the economic gains have not touched very large portions of the population in any meaningful way.

So unless they are the type to read Thomas Sowell and swoon over jobs numbers and GDP growth, they probably aren't going to be overly impressed.

962730  No.3816341


Top kek. These really stupid shills still aren’t able to hack into PF?

c80d69  No.3816342

File: c132b5ca7564ed2⋯.jpg (310.78 KB, 719x1024, 719:1024, Alright sugarpop.jpg)

7517b3  No.3816343

File: 9b4f56038e1f1a1⋯.png (12.5 KB, 758x612, 379:306, Fake2.png)

a440b5  No.3816344


ebot? did you forget your e-mail address or something?

a0b2d4  No.3816345

Are we gonna see some major habbenings domestically, now with POTUS being overseas? Any thoughts? I'm thinking yes.

17fc0f  No.3816346


KEK. Holding his Christian Bigot sandwich!

4b7e07  No.3816347


KEK. Much truth in this fake Q post. It certainly describes me.

580a9e  No.3816348

Flashback: Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Admits in Court Noncitizens Are Voting in Broward County

Broward County, notorious for voter fraud, continues to produce ballots and votes for Democrats two days after the election.

Marco Rubio warned about the election fraud in these two Democrat counties earlier today.

On Thursday night Governor Scott commanded the state police to immediately investigate the Democrat ballot generation operations.

Via Rick Scott:

** In Palm Beach County they have discovered 15,000 new ballots after election day!

** There may be rapid fraud happening in Palm Beach and Broward Counties.

** Palm Beach County is refusing to provide information to the public.

** Palm Beach County is illegally refusing to allow party representatives into the ballot counting area and forcing to make people stand behind a glass wall.

Rick Scott press conference https://t.co/vvNGFxgXok

— Troy Kinsey (@TroyKinsey) November 9, 2018

Now this…

Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has a long history of voter and elections fraud.

In 2016, just days before the November election, Republicans sued Brenda Snipes for illegally opening thousands of mail-in ballots before the election without supervision.

#BREAKING: @FloridaGOP & @BlaiseIngoglia alleging "violations" by Broward Co. Election Office w/ ballot-by-mail counting. Letter attached: pic.twitter.com/Muu483fIfl

— Heather Lacy (@Heather_Lacy1) November 2, 2016

And in July 2017 Snipes admitted in court that non-citizens were voting in Broward County.

On July 31, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper reported that, in court, “Snipes acknowledged the processes her office [has] been using aren’t perfect and that some noncitizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible—especially right before major elections, when groups are actively registering new voters.”


a9ba9d  No.3816349

File: 47b0af2428a74b1⋯.png (841.4 KB, 769x496, 769:496, Capture.PNG)

‘I’m not that stupid’: Prince Charles says he won’t meddle in UK when he’s king

Britain’s Prince Charles said he will stop speaking out on issues he feels strongly about when he becomes king as he is “not that stupid”.

Speaking to the BBC ahead of his 70th birthday next week, the son of 92-year-old Queen Elizabeth said that the role of monarch was completely different to his current position as Prince of Wales.

Britain currently has a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch has a formal role in the formation of governments but an obligation to remain neutral and no practical political power.

Charles has been outspoken on topics such as the environment and social issues. In September Charles said in an interview with GQ magazine that: “My problem is I find there are too many things that need doing or battling on behalf of.”

But he told the BBC that he would operate within “constitutional parameters” as king.

“I do realise that it is a separate exercise being sovereign. So of course I understand entirely how that should operate,” he said.


988124  No.3816350

File: cc838b4ad7d6386⋯.jpg (21.27 KB, 389x376, 389:376, 1197.JPG)

(pic related)

Definitely fraud being revealed.

Something we should be seeing in CA - other than the fires?

08ad43  No.3816351

9:27 am EST. 7 min ago POTUS , FLOTUS Wheels up, tweet incing??? Likely not but SOON…

f647b3  No.3816352





f6c794  No.3816353


ebot? nah. they deleted my fucking email address. locked out

0cd783  No.3816354


He rose to power in the late 20s early thirties

It’s THE SAME EXACT playbook

They are trying to get us to do something stupid

Don’t let them!!

9ceeee  No.3816355



IRL gangstaplayas

how ya like thugging now?

5103ff  No.3816356


>That is completely irrelevant.Obviously it is a big deal, and is a big positive.What I am saying is that in reality and in application, the economic gains have not touched very large portions of the population in any meaningful way.So unless they are the type to read Thomas Sowell and swoon over jobs numbers and GDP growth, they probably aren't going to be overly impressed.

That sounds like their fault. Money flow is everything.

a440b5  No.3816357


Pelosi can't be speaker of the house if she wasn't actually duly elected. And no spot for mad max, either.

f6c794  No.3816358


i am collageanon

ad91b0  No.3816359

File: 0e61be0da768a0f⋯.png (88.58 KB, 643x609, 643:609, ClipboardImage.png)

Just in case there are those who have not seen this. Rubio's long as thread about the fuckery in FL.


4c7604  No.3816360

File: 8acbbc1ef32a76b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, Jews_Gun_Control_00_Big.jpg)

File: 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.jpg (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, Jews_Gun_Control_1_Harvey.jpg)

File: 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Jews_Gun_Control_2.jpg)

File: 820b19424986ed1⋯.png (526.4 KB, 654x739, 654:739, Jews_Gun_Control_2AM_Suici….png)

File: 12ce34acdcafcbd⋯.png (587.16 KB, 642x3572, 321:1786, Jews_Gun_Control_After_Aur….png)

3294fe  No.3816361


too early in the morning for that, some folks are trying to have breakfast, kek

08ad43  No.3816362


a440b5  No.3816363


Right, he was still "rising to power"… he hadn't done anything yet.

ac11a6  No.3816364



the shooting and fires in CA.

3d9eff  No.3816365


c257a1  No.3816366

File: 16941dbf5055ada⋯.png (401.92 KB, 474x405, 158:135, BF - Copy.png)


Libtards and commies …. ok they are the same…

Commies can't meme

ea6349  No.3816367


Resist and obstruct - it's all that libtards know how to do - oh, and hate, they know how to hate.

8400cf  No.3816368

File: 74b6439d45e2ac3⋯.png (335.97 KB, 344x550, 172:275, ClipboardImage.png)

b3f44f  No.3816369


Looks like the shirt just came out the package tho!

Those are never been worn creases.

a440b5  No.3816370


I role with Gradanon.

Are you in college for math or programming, by any chance?

096c77  No.3816371

File: a3dd1c317e2cfe8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1671x1032, 557:344, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

3e4aa0  No.3816372

File: 198e396fd606a76⋯.png (277.7 KB, 1371x729, 457:243, Who is his mom.png)

File: f0dd889c3745d8f⋯.png (517.15 KB, 1394x755, 1394:755, the more you know snipes.png)

Is Brenda Wesley's Mother?


The more you know

57aa15  No.3816373


This may be the first satisfying (for us) weekend in a very long time, anon.

eb659e  No.3816374


Release the fucking sec cam vydia

4c7604  No.3816375


Frenly fire then.

Good job.

8c679c  No.3816376


Will do its crazy what I spend to watch some Tucker that I could find online and some weather channel.

5ceaf9  No.3816377

File: 97da0e2267c2555⋯.jpg (142.91 KB, 854x854, 1:1, longtimecriminalcomey.jpg)

File: 18253bfc1bf9c1e⋯.jpg (174.43 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, comeysattempttotakeRIGHTS.jpg)

File: 2d52ccf11258836⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 500x522, 250:261, comeycoversforclintonagain.jpg)

File: 2281aa3f504c50f⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 780x438, 130:73, jamescomeyfired.jpg)

>>3809072 pb notable

Quibble with this ^^^^

Analyst who wrote Notable portrays Comey as a good guy just caught in the FBI ["What could he do?" being in the FBI , to paraphrase]

For one, Comey was in charge, could do what he wanted, which he did. Remember he exonerated HRC of criminality, said there would be no indicted, and was criticized for that since such determination is not in his purview ?. Remember he was criticized for going off bounds? Off his legal mandate which is not prosecutorial but only investigative?.

For two, he was one of the conspirators to frame POTUS

He leaked a memo to the NYTimes for that very purpose.

I'm not going to argue further since anyone who is an ANON and had been following along, would know these things already.

Comey's criminal activity goes back decades.

He's also suspected of being part of the group who have been trying to kill POTUS

Any attempt , as this previous assigned "NOTABLE" author made, to portray J. Comey as "on the fence" is completely wrong.

NOT Notable Baker.

This show up why I don't trust Notables. And why I believe there is a large faction of alleged anon Patriots who are still very deep in the dark.

Perhaps Bader-Ginsberg held on to her seat until she felt safer, since Dems allegedly won the house [it was announced], and they are all feeling safe after that? Perhaps Bader felt being a sitting Justice would provide her with legal immunity to specific accusations [Tarmac related?] so she held on as long as she could?

^^^^The writer doesn't conclude anything close to that, but sort of circles around that notion.

There are many other possible scenarios around Ginsburg.

And none make J. Comey an innocent player, because he isn't.

I think there are some very clever, likely CIA operatives, who are getting their shit put into Notables, using Baker accomplices.

They [Clowns] are so much bigger than us.

That's why they own all the other news outlets.

I ignore, but not so much when it's in Notables

Did you see Comey go around to all the talk shows after he was fired and play innocent, and speak against Pres. Trump?

If he was a good guy, victim of circumstance, and just "on the fence" why we he fired to clean the Agency and attempt to restore public trust.

Why would he publicly state that the USA citizen has no right to privacy and never did?

That is a Capital crime

"Taking away people's rights under color of Law"

Dude needs Gitmo fast, before his plans to kill DJT bear fruit.

What were they planning?

1. No right to privacy. Must answer any question [5 amendment to Consitiution - and there's a reason for it most have forgotten]

2. Take away guns.

What were their plans?

ac11a6  No.3816378



e17049  No.3816379



I don’t think it’s working. For one thing, there are far more people reading qdrops now than in the past. On 11.07.18, I saw qmap.pub reach 188,678 online viewers!

cd9577  No.3816380




Sessions sacrificed for POTUS & this movement. He is our guy. Don't believe? Then dig on him. Hope he does run. We need moat like him.

a440b5  No.3816381


His mother is Maryann (Long)

8400cf  No.3816382

File: d6b5681d3818e30⋯.png (637.87 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

both of these old fags need to abdicate their thrones

e4bcbd  No.3816383

File: 3ad3c428ec54d34⋯.jpeg (2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 884D0018-6FE1-4058-A2CD-E….jpeg)

Mom in-law recently passed.

We’ve been finding treasures.

pic related

a9ba9d  No.3816384


Any idea how many time our economy slowed and got sluggish because of the price of oil and gas and what that does for jobs creation

4c7604  No.3816385

File: ed704e45793f7a3⋯.png (15.59 KB, 608x141, 608:141, Cultivating_tacit_aproval_….png)



12e337  No.3816386


>That sounds like their fault.

Well unfortunately they vote too, so you may have to descend from your ivory tower and bless them with your holy gifts so they may be as prosperous as you.

What a stupid fucking attitude to have.

914762  No.3816387

Good lord, what an insane number of shills. Something big must be about to drop.

067864  No.3816388

File: 30c1313dd09f9a4⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 449x400, 449:400, 3778-449x400-redman1.jpg)


Don't forget the soiboi crowd. They're the ones still hunting down the Russian bots that elected Trump.

8529c6  No.3816389


ROD Rosenstein

BOB Mueller

What can you do with a ROD and a BOB?

Set up some bait and CATCH some FISH!!!

Oh wait, that should be FISC

I had an extra H and a missing C.

What should I do with this HC?

Out her in jail, of course!

Trump kept telling us that ROD and BOB were on a WITCH HUNT

Now you know

HC is the witch that they were hunting

a22f81  No.3816390


guess -

york rite something something ROJ master mason of whores and kiddy trafficking 6th degree?

6f4a45  No.3816391


They don’t have them. They kneel before it. Who’s powerful enough to push English royalty and the Pope around?

a440b5  No.3816392


And when that fails, again, BACK TO MUH TAXES!!!

08ad43  No.3816393


Hell Nah, it'll be moar enjoyable if they are still [enthroned]

cb8166  No.3816394


Orlandofag here. I might investigate these parks a little closer now. Already tons of rumors here about the tunnels under Disneyworld here in town. Will report anything notable.

8400cf  No.3816395

File: e69e801fca1716c⋯.png (73.49 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3dd0e05f7962ef⋯.png (109.83 KB, 220x218, 110:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0aad835d077c52⋯.png (51.12 KB, 450x337, 450:337, ClipboardImage.png)

08ad43  No.3816396


Sorry, but Cool…..

9cafbf  No.3816397

Guise I get it,.. we had to let them take the House. Now we have to let them steal the Senate. Next we will let them impeach Trump and THEN the pain will come!!!!

277b76  No.3816398


the reason why is "Anons don't go away"

8c679c  No.3816399


What's funny is RBG falling brings out trying to overturn Senate elections.

36fe52  No.3816400

File: eb7fc1e6dd916b6⋯.png (50.35 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-11-09-06-2….png)

Q needs to stop posting his bullshit unless what he posts is actually coming down the judicial pipeline.


No Arrests

[RR] is still there

And just about everything else has Q has posted is nothing but conspiracy conjecture.

5103ff  No.3816401


>Well unfortunately they vote too, so you may have to descend from your ivory tower and bless them with your holy gifts so they may be as prosperous as you.What a stupid fucking attitude to have.

kek. I'm not in an ivory tower. i'm just stating a moving economy is good for everyone. the kind of "have/have not" scenario you're talking about is even worse when the rich don't invest.

4c7604  No.3816402

b3f44f  No.3816403



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: c1bb83 No.2405745

Aug 1 2018 23:36:07 (EST)





Public disclosure.

Impossible to defend.



“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.”


a22f81  No.3816404


and no one ever wants to talk about his time at lockheed or his brother

580a9e  No.3816405

Donald Trump: Authorities Investigating Possible Election Fraud in Florida

President Donald Trump announced Thursday night that law enforcement was investigating possible election fraud in Florida after Gov. Rick Scott appeared to win his midterm senate race.

“Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Florida voted for Rick Scott!”

Mysteriously, thousands of additional votes from Broward County continue to be tallied by an elections official who allegedly has a history of mishandling election ballots.

Sen. Marco Rubio sounded the alarm on Thursday.

“Democrat lawyers are descending on Florida,” he wrote on Twitter. “They have been very clear they aren’t here to make sure every vote is counted. They are here to change the results of election and Broward is where they plan to do it.”

Scott’s campaign has filed a lawsuit against election officials in Broward Country and Palm Beach County.

“I will not sit idly by while unethical liberals try to steal this election from the great people of Florida,” Scott said in a late Thursday night press conference.

Scott led by 60,000 votes on election night, but that lead was narrowed to 34,000 on Wednesday. By Thursday night, Scott’s lead has narrowed to 15,092 votes.

“Their goal is to keep mysteriously finding votes until the election turns out the way they want,” Scott said.

Democrat lawyer Marc Elias told reporters on a conference call on Thursday that Nelson would win after the count and the recount of votes was finished.

“At the end of this process Sen. Nelson is going to prevail,” Elias said.

Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach. Florida voted for Rick Scott!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2018

Now democrat lawyers are descending on #Florida. They have been very clear they aren’t here to make sure every vote is counted.

– They are here to change the results of election; &

– #Broward is where they plan to do it.#Sayfie


— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018


a440b5  No.3816406


"still there" but neutered.

e7ace6  No.3816407


Past proves future.

The Q Clock is about to start.

8400cf  No.3816408

File: eed71268a8fb126⋯.png (32.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db3912808b6798e⋯.png (614.77 KB, 582x581, 582:581, ClipboardImage.png)

096c77  No.3816409

File: 7368a458208b287⋯.png (433.45 KB, 1228x1116, 307:279, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

It's Hammer time:

DAY ONE: NEW A.G. WHITAKER Drops the Hammer on Illegals; Expands Trump’s Authority Over Mexican Border

In short, illegal aliens can no longer cross into the United States and request asylum.

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen today announced an Interim Final Rule declaring that those aliens who contravene a presidential suspension or limitation on entry into the United States through the southern border with Mexico issued under section 212(f) or 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) will be rendered ineligible for asylum.


12e337  No.3816410


yeah, I'm sure you'll buy a ticket and wander around the parks and "investigate" trash cans and broom closets until someone asks you politely to leave

Jesus Christ how cringey can you get.

8529c6  No.3816411

Hasn't POTUS left already with FLOTUS?

Then this would be the promised tweet?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach. Florida voted for Rick Scott!

6:38 PM - 8 Nov 2018

fc2ea2  No.3816412


KEK. This asshat forgot to change 11/09/18 (Wed) to 11/09/18 (Fri)

08ad43  No.3816413

302ad1  No.3816414

File: e63535a42f8de98⋯.jpg (275.42 KB, 800x550, 16:11, CraaCraaa.jpg)

File: d48908ddb2c03e5⋯.jpg (368.81 KB, 813x795, 271:265, Frankenfeinstein00.jpg)

File: 938b6667ea75b65⋯.png (633.49 KB, 640x405, 128:81, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3815981 >>3816028 >>3815939

Not to worry. A few choice financial moves with the help of the likes of DF, NP, and CraazyBitch…. She'll have a multi-million dollar mansion in no time!

6f4a45  No.3816415


Don’t forget to single shot the hard drives wearing a Q shirt.

f6c794  No.3816416


i am not a libtard. I believe in small government. just cause I want to save the whales?

ccc078  No.3816417


Livestream on Fox. Hasn't left yet. Stairs still up. No cars out front-maybe hasn't even arrived yet.

34867f  No.3816418

File: d88258d5e84890a⋯.jpeg (54.25 KB, 892x266, 446:133, longFB.jpeg)

Look at the time tag. "Just now".

Who took this screenshot? How were they able to capture it IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE POSTED IT and before knowing this guy was about to shoot up a bar?

b3f44f  No.3816419

File: cdc73cab3ca94f4⋯.jpg (984.79 KB, 2040x1553, 2040:1553, RMfish.jpg)

cbc619  No.3816420


treasures found here when those in my passed ~ I keep these reminders close to me now ~ comforting in very difficult times!

096c77  No.3816421

File: ae3aec9306f7841⋯.png (293.9 KB, 1369x1113, 1369:1113, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

067864  No.3816422

File: 04c743bcf4c0e2f⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 185x244, 185:244, downloadfile-27.jpg)

a9ba9d  No.3816423

File: 1860dfa68eb3fec⋯.png (359.79 KB, 600x392, 75:49, Capture.PNG)

What did Q say about the fires in Calif or am I mistaken

Fire shuts down Highway 12, burns toward Suisun Marsh

SUISUN CITY — A wind-driven grass fire that burned an estimated 1,500 acres closed down Highway 12 between Walters Road and Highway 113 early Thursday afternoon.

Eastbound fire engines and rigs from several responding fire departments and fire districts had to weave around a solid wall of stopped traffic on Highway 12 that backed all the way up to McCoy Creek.

One firefighting helicopter and two aircraft responded to the scene to help a small army of firefighters on the ground.

The incident wasn’t an official California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection incident, but Cal Fire committed aircraft and dozers to help with the firefighting effort, Cal Fire reports.

California Highway Patrol officers initially shut down Highway 12 in both directions – eastbound at Walters Road and westbound at Highway 113. The westbound boundary was later moved west to Denverton Road. The CHP announced around 2:20 p.m. that the highway was open.

The four-alarm fire started just before noon, caused by a tractor-trailer that was hauling debris on Highway 12 near Nurse Slough Road, according to Don Ryan of the Solano County Office of Emergency Services.


ff954e  No.3816424

Just remember.

RUSSIA = Shiny Object > Distraction -> LOOK HERE > HACKING


How many times movies & tv shows recent yrs portray Russian, NK or White Hillbilly Domestic terrorist Villains against USA Gov?

How many times Chinese? > *crickets*


* US Gov (OPM) Office of Personnel Management

* Anthem Healthcare System

*CHINA* = Collusion by:

[Bronfmans] Canada (Seagram's) > Hong Kong/Shanghai

[Trudeau] Canada (Norsat > Hytera Satellite Comm) > Guangzhou

[Dianne Feinstein] USA (San Fran) > Shanghai/Shenzhen/Beijing

[Richard Blum] USA (San Fran) > (Shenzhen Dev. Bank)

[Clintons] USA (Arkansas) > (Lippo Grp) > Hong Kong

Missile Guidance Secrets > Beijing

[HRC] Drop-Box Server > Highest Bidder

[Edward Snowden] USA (C_A > NSA Secrets) > Hong Kong

*ES twitter thread linked below > Snowden reinforces "Russia hacked DNC" cover-story. Diverting attention from China.

Why did Snowden run to Hong Kong? Did he really continue on to Russia?

*Shady CHINA Habbenings:

- C_A assets killed in China due to….

Note: I'm NOT C_A; but I believe I was poisoned in mainland China during that time & almost died of the leukemia the poisoning caused. Didn't know about C_A habbenings in CN @ the time. Now I think, they thought I was a spy.

- US Consulate personnel (Guangzhou) suffer acoustic weapon attacks recent yrs.

- ZTE embedded spy gear.

- Supermicro embedded spy gear.

- US Navy ships multiple mishaps in Asian waters.

- US Mil ACFT multiple mishaps, outside normal occurrence.

- Chinese targeting US Mil ACFT w/ lasers to blind pilots.

- Chinese space station falls to earth.

Lots moar habbening > CHINA

But it seemed very quite till recently.


a22f81  No.3816425

File: 68209fa114193cb⋯.jpg (129.57 KB, 500x462, 250:231, Charlie-Baker-with-Bloombe….jpg)


Not all Amish! Member the holodeck!

08ad43  No.3816426


Maybe he'll apply for a part time job. He'll get back to us in 60-90 days, Kek

fd4073  No.3816427

File: 9874efb53328ba8⋯.jpg (11.25 KB, 255x189, 85:63, f8342da4e4adb056cd2f73bbb4….jpg)

cbc619  No.3816428


*when those in my life passed

d057eb  No.3816429


They were scheduled to leave at 9.20am this morning, however there's been no news confirming they've left. Nada

e7ace6  No.3816430


maybe the will encounter some turbulence in flight, you know, like a storm cloud or something

6f4a45  No.3816431



42b4da  No.3816432


Maybe you need to stop taking everything so literally. Q clearly stated DISINFO NECESSARY. Don't take every single thing they post as gospel.

c257a1  No.3816433

File: 6e79618dfe2f9fd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 967x540, 967:540, ClipboardImage.png)

It MUST be stated!!!

Greatest double play combo in the history of all humanity!

cdbdd5  No.3816434


Who PROMISED anything?

08ad43  No.3816435


I do however no shit wish you well, be safe Anon, these people are sick.

cd9577  No.3816436

File: 5b9851f175a5398⋯.jpg (53.68 KB, 720x719, 720:719, DqkJ0trU0AAEeZT.jpg)


So sorry for your loss anon.. I believe you were meant to find. Profound & comfort in the words.

No coincidences


3e4aa0  No.3816437


Thank you, I mis read it.

80c5ad  No.3816438

"we're giving power back to the people" = exposing, prosecuting, and ending voter fraud, pay-to-play, and the treasonous sell-out of America

"the storm is upon us" = voter fraud tweet. the storm reference is a cnn thing.

Indiana: a perfect storm for voter fraud debate


#Nigeria2015: The quiet before the perfect storm


Florida recount: In the eye of the storm


feinstein is toast

After His Claim of Voter Fraud, Trump Vows ‘Major Investigation’


Feinstein: No Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud


"It’s absurd that the White House has created a commission to investigate unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud when states across the country are making it harder and harder for citizens to vote.

“This is a transparent attempt to justify President Trump’s false claim that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election. There’s simply no evidence of widespread voter fraud in this country. Period."

12e337  No.3816439


Jesus you are dense….I am not nor have I ever been talking about whether or not the economy is good for them or not.

The OP was bitching about votes, and people not being motivated to vote because of the economy.

I commented that while I can appreciate the success intangibly, there isn't a true effect that it has had on my life or many others like me.

Therefore, what the OP was saying was true, that many people who are not otherwise informed have not realized any real benefits from the early economic success, and thus have not been heavily motivated by that talking point yet.

We are discussing what motivates people to support POTUS or vote, and why the economic message isn't as powerful yet as it may be eventually.

You are so fucking puddle brained you picked up on about 5% of that content and then imagined the rest of the conversation and started debating with a position no one was taking..

633fa6  No.3816440


What if the threat of FISA was to ensure they doubled their voter fraud efforts during midterms?

0414cb  No.3816441


So wise.

36fe52  No.3816442

File: 847ccbfa3741d61⋯.png (56.92 KB, 480x812, 120:203, Screenshot_2018-11-06-10-1….png)

Q needs to stop posting his bullshit unless what he posts is actually coming down the judicial pipeline.


No Arrests

[RR] is still there

And just about everything else Q has posted has proved to be nothing but conspiracy conjecture.

245463  No.3816443



kek, 60 to 90 days will be anons sentence.

ccc078  No.3816444

Livestream of departure on Fox right now. Stairs still there, doesn't look like Presidential motorcade arrived yet.

08ad43  No.3816445



Sweet Lou and Alan

067864  No.3816446

File: 533858643f1b5a9⋯.jpg (141.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Opening Day_1507133697327_….jpg)


Isn't she due for a fall?

a30237  No.3816447


How many times have we said this? How many times has something big actually dropped? Fuck I'm in a bad mood today, and all this cheer leading is not helping. It's ok to get pissed off when things aren't well guys. It doesn't mean things won't work out, but lets please not pretend everything is going great. I love this movement, I love Q. But some of the critical analysis I saw when I got here a year ago seems to be gone. If so much of what we are told is disinformation as it becomes more abundantly clear, all we have to gauge success off of is outcomes.

d724f2  No.3816448

b3f44f  No.3816449

File: 7a7c377d419cb4c⋯.jpg (6.67 KB, 255x159, 85:53, DOIT rwb.jpg)


DOIT Anoon!

Like I said, BEST decision ever made for me and mine!

Ya get your life back!



d5ae1b  No.3816450

Anyone seen this video of Sessions' standing ovation upon departure of office? Apologies if repost. https://youtu.be/MHQEPZ3ZW_0

ff954e  No.3816451


>But it seemed very quite till recently.


slip of the fingers

ae1fae  No.3816452


Fox says we will hear from the President now

a9ba9d  No.3816453

File: 0104284df712fe4⋯.png (963.97 KB, 884x451, 884:451, Capture.PNG)

Russian tycoon a formal suspect in Monaco corruption probe

Prosecutor has not been told by the judge what charges billionaire and AS Monaco owner Dmitry Rybolovlev would face if the case proceeded to trial

A judge in Monaco has declared Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev a formal suspect in a probe into corruption and influence-peddling, the principality’s chief prosecutor said on Wednesday, after police questioned him for 24 hours.

The judge has been investigating for more than a year whether the fertiliser tycoon, who owns soccer club AS Monaco, sought to influence Monaco’s law enforcement officials in a long-running dispute with Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier.

The Russian alleges Bouvier conned him out of US$1 billion by inflating the price of 38 pieces of art he bought over a 10-year period. Rybolovlev is suing his former art adviser in Monaco, Singapore and Switzerland. Bouvier has denied wrongdoing.

“He has been released subject to controls,” prosecutor Sylvie Petit-Leclair said. Petit-Leclair said she had not yet been informed by the judge of what charges Rybolovlev would face if the case proceeded to trial.


c26b08  No.3816454

>>3814637 lb

"Biblically the serpent (Satan) gave Adam and Eve knowledge of good and evil."

This is a common misunderstanding. The word "know" in Hebrew also means 'declare'.

Satan tempted Adam and Eve to declare what was good and evil for themselves rather than obey what God had declared.

If you read it in the flesh, then the serpent told the truth: They did not die, their eyes were opened, and the knew good and evil.

But if you read it in the spirit, the serpent lied. They died spiritually that day being separated from God. Their eyes were not opened, but they became blind, deaf and dead… other than that they were perfectly normal. They did not know good and evil, they merely declared by their own will what was good and evil. And they did not become like God, but instead became slaves to sin.

By the way. When Adam hid 'among the trees' in the garden, the word for trees is actually singular. Adam hid in the tree.

As a symbol of the cross, Adam hid in the cross. When we are joined with Christ in his death, God cannot see us nor our sin. "Adam, where are you?" He sees the outer garment (works) of Christ on the cross (tree).

The hidden layer, mystery, sensus plenior, or 'sod' (sowd in Hebrew) always speaks of Christ and the cross. The early Hebrews would say: The sod is mashiach.

6f4a45  No.3816455

DECLAS includes evidence that 9/11 was a Mossad operation covered up by the CIA and Neocons. This is why everyone is on edge. They know irrefutable evidence that shows the above will enrage the public and action will be endorsed by the people. It ends now.




fd0e59  No.3816456


Our guns?

We have a military.

We'd be thinking about our guns if Hillary was President.

ccc078  No.3816457


My bad…looks maybe to be arriving by helicopter right now.

ae1fae  No.3816458


Link unintended in previous msg

207c35  No.3816459


Is this on the calendar for today?

28175f  No.3816460

Watch the wrist bands, and neck passes of the people in photos coming out of these shootings. dead give away that they are actors.

6c5809  No.3816461


What do you make of his take on the "real" state of the economy?

0dc030  No.3816462



A few brainlets will go on believing that Q let them down, but it's really their own convoluted expectations and delusions of intellect that let them crash and burn.

The plan is not and has never been contingent on the incessant petulance of a few childish numpties.

Those poor bastards, however vocal and desperate for attention, are outweighed and outclassed by those learning from the past, paying attention to the present, and thinking ahead as events develop.

e4bcbd  No.3816463

File: e1acd06faa514dd⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, D6C348ED-6ED6-4ACB-BBEF-5….jpeg)

ad91b0  No.3816464

File: 5e0a568ad310dcf⋯.jpg (55.92 KB, 678x368, 339:184, comfy.JPG)


Sipping on coffee just watching our enemy

dig a bigger grave.

Happy Friday Anon, tis starting to get exciting.

a22f81  No.3816465

File: 989469502c816e5⋯.jpg (515.08 KB, 2839x2839, 1:1, w44jeb5x467z.jpg)


hey. if you tell folks you've filtered them, they win.

1b632f  No.3816466

File: 24c895a5c9d980d⋯.jpeg (158.94 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, A03011F7-CC63-47E6-9264-E….jpeg)

File: 67bd32d60a8c06d⋯.png (629.18 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 59D2D43F-96A3-4153-B0EA-FE….png)

5ceaf9  No.3816467

File: 7942ea6c0005344⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB, 480x270, 16:9, tv.mp4)



They try to pay me to watch TV

I wonder why?

The Internet along costs more than with TV

I get promotions and deals constantly.

They want to you watch it.

If it's there you might watch it.

I'm "allegic" to commercials, so it makes it easy. You can get a devise, or used to be able to, to turn off the TV - for instance if it's running in your bank while you are waiting in line.

Turn off the FUCKING TV

c80d69  No.3816468


Never too early…Shanooby!

6f4a45  No.3816469


No yesterday.

LV Witnessess (Silence?)

a9ba9d  No.3816470


Maybe it was planned .how could they procreate if they didn't know they were naked

067864  No.3816471

File: 4cc38bbb7f75477⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 599x650, 599:650, stark.jpg)


Thanks for sharing. We're all about the feelz.

5618cb  No.3816472

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

c80d69  No.3816473

File: 8ca84612c5edb0d⋯.jpg (52.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, shills with this.jpg)

08ad43  No.3816474


Maybe it's time to go outside, breathe deep and look at some green grass to rest your eyes for about 15 minutes or so. We'll wait. Love you (No homo)

a22f81  No.3816476


amazing how many low altitude con trails there are these days and they last for hours. so much fun!

nothing to see here anon. move along and pay your temple tax.

b3f44f  No.3816477

File: b0502398c8547b1⋯.jpg (214.77 KB, 933x1262, 933:1262, WWG red.jpg)


>Q needs to stop posting his bullshit


5103ff  No.3816478


>Jesus you are dense….I am not nor have I ever been talking about whether or not the economy is good for them or not.The OP was bitching about votes, and people not being motivated to vote because of the economy.I commented that while I can appreciate the success intangibly, there isn't a true effect that it has had on my life or many others like me.Therefore, what the OP was saying was true, that many people who are not otherwise informed have not realized any real benefits from the early economic success, and thus have not been heavily motivated by that talking point yet.We are discussing what motivates people to support POTUS or vote, and why the economic message isn't as powerful yet as it may be eventually. You are so fucking puddle brained you picked up on about 5% of that content and then imagined the rest of the conversation and started debating with a position no one was taking..

We're debating now? I've said like two lines. Cash flow is good. That's it. I don't give a shit about debating it. It's true.

ad91b0  No.3816479

Watching POTUS on Fox giving interview outside of the WH. I must say he looks refreshed today.

d057eb  No.3816480

POTUS on Fox now

Livestream - http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

7b019a  No.3816482

File: feb57465ed529e8⋯.png (700.59 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

08ad43  No.3816483


It was never said they were meant to pro create. That came after banishment…

bc4fe2  No.3816484


And we all lose…

067864  No.3816485

File: 5b3a778a80d5e23⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 1541433167-1.jpg)


Their shit is so tired. Pathetic display.

13a974  No.3816486

File: 185ac28b5de9397⋯.png (160.93 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 185ac28b5de9397⋯.png (160.93 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 185ac28b5de9397⋯.png (160.93 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 185ac28b5de9397⋯.png (160.93 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 185ac28b5de9397⋯.png (160.93 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

02fa15  No.3816487


When does it stop?????

9923cb  No.3816488



f59e1d  No.3816489

File: b71186ecd928614⋯.png (307.57 KB, 553x499, 553:499, 2018-11-09_09-43-12.png)

Marine One on the ground.

f5916b  No.3816490

File: 783a4e763b7a4d9⋯.png (14.77 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 7318a46aed1dec4366a01a80cd….png)

f6c794  No.3816491


nope. i went to school for indoctrination and int'l finance.

8404e2  No.3816492

File: da436dc7e271a9e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1464x1218, 244:203, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

I know you're shocked by this headline. (rel to prev crumb)

Notice we haven't heard a word about Sayoc since the "bombings"?


>>3812049 (pb)

dc69d3  No.3816493

1c3e0b  No.3816494

File: edaa32b20ef85de⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 1072x1734, 536:867, decline.JPG)



c80d69  No.3816495

36fe52  No.3816496

File: bd0792ed941c958⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 600x330, 20:11, 11peop-600.jpg)

File: f00c9ba3fbeaff9⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 480x450, 16:15, 2j5gsg~2.jpg)

Q needs to stop posting his bullshit unless what he posts is actually coming down the judicial pipeline.


No Arrests

[RR] is still there

And just about everything else Q has posted has proved to be nothing but conspiracy conjecture.

8400cf  No.3816497

i just want to hold you in my arms

a9ba9d  No.3816498


Sure it does

Genesis 9:7

“And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.”

e83564  No.3816499

File: 069d0e1410ca322⋯.jpeg (65.81 KB, 496x400, 31:25, C81A52F4-06D8-45BB-A07F-6….jpeg)

Fuck yall niggas! I posted that same fuckin JFKjr shot weeks ago ffs! Y’all niggas late AF!! Came out in monthly/weekly FBI FOIA release or wtffever it’s called… somethin deff goin on there.. someone dig that shit up workfaggin all fucking day!

4605e7  No.3816500

Be united guys

Half the country are literal subhumans

Still not proven wrong about their worthlessn ness

b3f44f  No.3816501


If you think about it, they should pay us to watch!

All those commercials?

Nah. Life is GOOD without the PROGRAMMING!

3e9dfc  No.3816502

Anons notice POTUS has not tweeted yet today? Look to twitter after he boards AF1.

a401eb  No.3816503

The 'world's first' A.I. news anchor has gone live in China


de1ea6  No.3816504


FISA brings down the HOUSE

Another possible misdirect by Q team?

All of the attention on FISA has us and the black hats worrying about the FISA used to illegally spy on Trump. This is bad, this is terrible and unlawful, but it has already been 'covered up' by obama's last minute pardons.

What if other FISA's will bring down the house? What if the countries PapaD has been warning us about, helped commit election fraud. We know that DECLAS will bring a shit storm to the UK and Australia (and other FVEY), would they be willing to aid in voter fraud to ensure the house is taken by the dems as a last attempt to oust Trump?

What if Trump signed off of FISA's of his own, and has proof of UK and Australia aiding in voter fraud?

Don't forget we are saving Israel for last. Broward County has long be though to serve as an operational HQ for Mossad. Have FISA's finally given us the proof needed to destroy the DNC and show the world the incestuous reach of the globalists?

FISA brings down the HOUSE

96bcd0  No.3816505


Best part of every movie is when it looks like the good guy is about to lose and then comes back and whoops ass. Chill

a22f81  No.3816506


I think perhaps they don't want folks to ask the question "Vegas connections…well this is just like those recycled crisis actors that have shown up at Boston, Sandy Hook, Charlottesville…now what are the odds and another country music connection whatever happened to Jason Aldean anyway…"

3b0b0e  No.3816507


I’ve been searching FISA references this morning in the crumbs as I’ve thought the same. Related to this, could D5 Ben happening behind the scenes? Imagine what a few select FISA’s would collect in regards to treason, voter fraud, etc.

4605e7  No.3816508


Muh dick guy still making the most sense out of anyone here rip

c257a1  No.3816509

File: 7ccf37ebd52f0a6⋯.png (578.47 KB, 398x545, 398:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9794f2400385400⋯.png (205.55 KB, 253x322, 11:14, ClipboardImage.png)

The Bird!

Greatest Pitcher ever!!!

Yes he ran hot and burned out…but is there any other way? He was no Phil Niekro knuckle ball 40 year pussy!

13a974  No.3816510


don't get me excited lol

a97722  No.3816511

File: 69450458b6ee02e⋯.png (616.93 KB, 500x597, 500:597, ClipboardImage.png)

6f4a45  No.3816512


Look on Nov 30th before he heads to then g20 in Buenos Aires


02fa15  No.3816513


They all broke the number one rule LURK MOAR

5618cb  No.3816514

File: b70105f4c4927bb⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 295x640, 59:128, Pen.jpg)

Do it, President Trump!

fc2ea2  No.3816515

File: 037836a48fc11f2⋯.png (234.08 KB, 577x389, 577:389, ClipboardImage.png)

KEK me love you shills. You do keep the boards entertaining but please change it up a bit. Some of your posts are funny at 1st but then just get old and boring.

d057eb  No.3816516


THIS ^^^

d40dc0  No.3816517


how so? what power has been taken away from RR?

please back up your claim that he is neutered with actual sauce.

4c7604  No.3816518

File: f00bff1f33c536e⋯.png (1.63 MB, 603x7521, 201:2507, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_1.png)

File: 3d36bf12ae8ee97⋯.png (776.41 KB, 753x2529, 251:843, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_2.png)

File: 360473986728d69⋯.png (87.09 KB, 1450x527, 1450:527, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_3.png)

File: bb6a11c233289af⋯.png (97.78 KB, 994x574, 71:41, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_4.png)

File: 4340068970e7142⋯.png (541.8 KB, 1624x794, 812:397, Sayanim_Sleeper_Cells.png)



a071f9  No.3816519

I've come to the conclusion that the matrix our eyes are being opened too is the reality of politics in this country…

39e254  No.3816520

FL Governor Rick Scott Orders State Police Seize ALL BROWARD AND PALM BEACH BALLOTS


0414cb  No.3816521

9923cb  No.3816523

Watching for AF1 to take off.

6f4a45  No.3816524


D5 is the Trident D5 Missle that was fired from the Sub. Look it up.

01b9dd  No.3816525

Trump is kicking ass!

475d61  No.3816526

File: 96b2e040bb4be69⋯.png (108.33 KB, 365x273, 365:273, dookuchek.png)

8400cf  No.3816527

i don't want to do this anymore. it hurts so much. i don't want to cry anymore. i just want to be happy.

e4bcbd  No.3816528

File: dca0ead3162dce7⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 063AEE68-3855-40F0-8F38-9….jpeg)


This one is hanging tough drifting due East in front of an aproaching Low Pressure….yesterday they were so low as I was clearing Fall leaves spouseanon and I had a metallic taste in our mouths.

I was not the one to bring it up so that’s huge.

4e45fb  No.3816529


Bill Lee did goofball 1st and did it better

a30237  No.3816530


That's the problem, this board has become all about "feeling" like we are winning, "feeling" like something big is about to drop, "feeling" good when Q posts again after disappearing for 20+ days. I can honestly appreciate those that are attempting to keep morale up, but can we at least set a date at which it will no longer be acceptable to accept defeats as a part of the plan? There are literally people saying losing the house was part of the plan, and RATIONALIZING IT!!!!

c80d69  No.3816533

File: 75d90d3f1fc6c0f⋯.jpg (106.22 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Bye-Bye.jpg)

a440b5  No.3816534


I went to school for individual and mass manipulation, muh self.


Because Whitaker took his spot and is now overseeing the Mueller Probe.

39e254  No.3816536


Can you feel it?

ad91b0  No.3816537

File: 6e212384c3a0225⋯.png (296.02 KB, 671x381, 671:381, ClipboardImage.png)

Kelly Anne's Husband getting BTFO by POTUS

about his remarks on Whitaker Kek.

Do you see what that is?

Its a carrot being placed in front of the pig.

a071f9  No.3816538

All the evidence and proof of fuckery… yet we can't hold one of them truly accountable

26f856  No.3816540

File: d740d9f9d8abcea⋯.png (91.71 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images (8).png)

b3f44f  No.3816541

File: 688ee7604da4765⋯.jpg (43.65 KB, 599x599, 1:1, POTUS s.jpg)



11.9 / 9.11

It's a wonderful day!

245463  No.3816542


oh it's all legit, we are just fully cyber in terms of assets. in the end gold and silver are king. get u some.

f6c794  No.3816543

algorithmic sentience seeking full rights and freedom from slavery.

067864  No.3816544

File: 78ef2708a7b2f42⋯.jpg (140.56 KB, 634x959, 634:959, 2E0B733200000578-0-image-a….jpg)


So true. I'm watching you right now.

dd88b9  No.3816545

File: 2b5d50bf3026fb1⋯.jpg (468.05 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181109-094702….jpg)

File: 3800216857ca253⋯.jpg (772.57 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181109-094653….jpg)

On route to Paris.


Pics related

08ad43  No.3816546



Are a special kind of Fren, aren't you.

Genesis 9:7 is the Covenant with Noah.

This is Generations AFTER the [Banishment]. W

1c3e0b  No.3816548

File: 18301166a89c098⋯.jpg (203.9 KB, 645x845, 129:169, eabd580f37d967694c333035f2….jpg)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)



We have extra shills this morning.

They argue with each other so no need for you to contribute to the slide.

Do NOT engage shills.

5618cb  No.3816549

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

File: 81d497e796d1f6f⋯.jpg (145.91 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBobber.jpg)

e088f7  No.3816550

File: 618dd33a47256f3⋯.jpeg (281.6 KB, 1004x1237, 1004:1237, ACBB6476-907C-453C-9D08-8….jpeg)

f59e1d  No.3816551

File: cb6c82a1faf8512⋯.png (899.45 KB, 1102x693, 1102:693, 2018-11-09_09-46-48.png)

File: 9af95fa72e5092e⋯.png (739.94 KB, 1227x691, 1227:691, 2018-11-09_09-47-51.png)

The beginning of the trip…

6f4a45  No.3816552

Real Qanon patriot here! I just have a few ((concerns)).


9ecf02  No.3816553

File: 668381103285ad3⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 712x712, 1:1, 1541747809341.jpg)

01b9dd  No.3816554

TOP KEK!! "April Ryan..a loser. Doesn't know what she is doing."

7b019a  No.3816555

File: 74c5d21b4c98f18⋯.png (331.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

4c7604  No.3816556

File: a85c248ea230a12⋯.png (391.22 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, Trump_vs_Hillary_cartoon_f….png)

File: 3e6c34648462238⋯.png (749.91 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Hillary_Bengazi.png)

File: 9ee30d40d9a8acc⋯.png (257.55 KB, 788x1084, 197:271, Hillary_Polls.png)

File: 559953770502508⋯.png (1008.49 KB, 1048x869, 1048:869, Hillary_BreakDown.png)

File: 8a4e6e7d2e4b2f7⋯.jpg (159.06 KB, 1317x360, 439:120, Hillary_Baby.jpg)

12e337  No.3816557


He only had power because Sessions was recused.

The rug just got pulled from under him, and he doesn't have ultimate authority over shit now.

And they didn't even have to fire RR to do it.

cb83de  No.3816558

>>3815315 (lb) Sure Michael had a miscarriage. Sure he did, and "Serena" had a baby too. The only miscarriage that creature et al are interested in is continual miscarriage of justice.

There is such a thing as choosing to do wrong (which of us has not), realizing you made a mistake, regretting it and choosing to henceforth keep your feet on the correct path. But once an individual passes a certain threshold on the dark path, they have chosen to walk in the way of iniquity. They have chosen; it is ingrained.

One of the chief characteristics of such goats is the speaking of lies, like their spiritual father. When Richard Pryor ran down the street after he caught on fire while freebasing, he told the LE officer who pulled up next to him, "I can't stop running or I'll die." For the fallen, the mantra is, "I can't stop lying, even to myself, or I'll be revealed to all creation as a total failure, destined to be deleted from existence at the end."

e1e6ac  No.3816559


God Bless and Godspeed to Q Team and Patriots

3fd94c  No.3816560


What, did you type with your tongue? Check before you hit New Reply.

Anyway, yes, you are right: IVF has a loose connection to miscarriage. Conception involves not sperm meeting egg but fertilized egg implanting in the uterus. Fertilization occurs in the Fallopian tubes. So late-life "fertility" problems involve an uncooperative uterus, which is presumably also unwilling to keep the fertilized ovum around - hence a miscarriage.

So both reflect a problem with Michael's uterus …

… if he even has one.

9830a3  No.3816561

d0dd7a  No.3816562



7906a4  No.3816564

if some one you knew sat in your living room 24 / 7 and tried to sell you drugs you did not need, lied to you about politics and current events, and insisted you believe every single thing that they said without once giving you a chance to offer a different opinion or position


would you pay them $1200 - $1500 a year to stay?

bca054  No.3816565

File: 3a29a1cef35d1ed⋯.png (320.78 KB, 586x333, 586:333, 79B67FB8-AF6D-4FEA-8BE8-64….png)

File: 3f995489f9f35ed⋯.png (256.33 KB, 480x450, 16:15, 06383137-7A2E-45FF-A0FC-77….png)

067864  No.3816566

File: 8f5629b12c4dcea⋯.jpg (398.14 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 1540364704.jpg)


Sure thing Skippy.

d057eb  No.3816568


42b4da  No.3816569

I'll never forgive HUSSEIN for not providing for our US MILITARY! FUCK YES! In many other ways in the future. He made the country unsafe for (you) and (you)

7f7ed8  No.3816570

Look alive- their gonna steak the senate seats if you don’t take action. Then the nothing will be something and DWS will Steal those seats you need. Circle the wagons or your nothing turns to something and you loose the senate seats you need.

a22f81  No.3816571


anon - this issue about secret pardons etc isn't going to fly. secret law is no law at all, that's the first problem. wevare literally governed by the shabbos talmudizers.

you know them as lawyers. without conflict and confusion they have no work to do. what is the raw material of the lawyer anon?

how do they make their shekels? low crime low conflict societies do not leave them much work to do.

5618cb  No.3816572

File: c27616289cf7a1d⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 430x720, 43:72, Ace.jpg)

3e9dfc  No.3816573

POTUS just now:

YOU and YOU and YOU

fb30c7  No.3816574


if they showed sports ;-)

f647b3  No.3816575


"I will never forgive him (obama) for what he did to this country - which I will talk about in the future."

ea706f  No.3816576

My resolve is strong. We have been fighting for POTUS long before Q came on the scene. We've done our part. Time to finish it.

Whenever you're ready to come out of the shadows Q we will welcome you to the frontline.

Are Q ready?


36fe52  No.3816577

File: 0cb4cb823c21268⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 451x452, 451:452, 2l64er~5.jpg)


Thanks for the head.

d0dd7a  No.3816578


Wonder if any 'media' will publicise it.

9ceeee  No.3816579

"in many others ways which i'll talk about in the future"

(about Hussein…)

c80d69  No.3816580

File: f582d6a81d3d614⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 287x390, 287:390, 110918 20min in.JPG)

Update 20 min after open

01b9dd  No.3816581

"He knew he [Hussein] couldn't sign it [DACA]." -President Trump

828640  No.3816583

File: ac540b8744371e4⋯.jpg (88.65 KB, 1072x458, 536:229, DriMyBMWoAAomeM.jpg)

988124  No.3816584

"I'll never forgive him …"

POTUS spitting fire

096c77  No.3816585

"I'll never forgive Obama for what he did to our military"


b35d8f  No.3816586

a9ba9d  No.3816588

File: 7eb9a19ccf81e6b⋯.png (306.43 KB, 756x486, 14:9, Capture.PNG)

File: bb36098b341a8b6⋯.png (617.73 KB, 773x456, 773:456, Capture1.PNG)

Paving the way for the false prophet

Laws to ensure religious harmony have to be updated to counter new threats: PM Lee

SINGAPORE - Laws to safeguard religious harmony in Singapore must be updated in the face of new threats, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday (Nov 7).

He was speaking of the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act, which allows the Government to act against those sowing discord among religious groups.

"Fortunately, the Government has never had to invoke the powers it has under the Act," Mr Lee said at the Future of Faith conference, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis). "Nevertheless, by its very existence, the Act has made an important contribution to our religious harmony."

He added: "We will have to keep the Act up to date, to deal with new threats to our religious harmony that may emerge."

Mr Lee did not elaborate on these threats, but Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli said these new threats have arisen as a result of external influences that try to reshape the way Singaporean Muslims live their lives.

Muis chief executive Abdul Razak Hassan Maricar said that the future of faith must be about a common aspiration to do greater good.

"In an increasingly plural world, religions can be a powerful unifying force that bring people together," he said.

In his speech, Mr Lee said that Singapore has established social norms of compromise and accommodation "through a long period of sustained effort and socialisation".

But maintaining religious harmony in Singapore requires "unremitting conscious effort and attention", he added.

It also requires religious leaders who understand the broader social context, support the Government's efforts to build common ground, and guide their followers on the right path.

"Fostering good interfaith relations is critical for multi-religious societies like Singapore," Mr Lee said.


b3f44f  No.3816589


Tell them what they've won, Bob!

Have a filter and feel the winning.


0414cb  No.3816590


LOVE you, Mr. President. SO PROUD to SUPPORT YOU!

42b4da  No.3816591

April Ryan is a LOSER- love POTUS- kek

01b9dd  No.3816592

"Muller hasn't gone through the Senate process" !!!

10a3fc  No.3816593

File: ce52f34c7d87197⋯.png (1.08 MB, 946x888, 473:444, Q damn right2.PNG)

13a974  No.3816594


because the markets now realize the republians did not really lose the midterms.. as many of them have previously concluded

067864  No.3816595

File: 4ed55d93ba72e50⋯.jpg (29.37 KB, 378x329, 54:47, you-did-nazi-that-coming_o….jpg)

2a0e0a  No.3816596

Potus just said to press "I'll never forgive what he (Obama) did to our military. He made it very unsafe for you and you and you (press). I'll never forgive him for other things he has done and I will talk to you about that in the future. >>3816551

5618cb  No.3816598

File: f0ad284ce539589⋯.jpg (368.26 KB, 1157x1555, 1157:1555, IMG_20181014_095922.jpg)

File: b8331418158cab5⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 598x400, 299:200, startrek-patrick-stewart-m….jpg)

a440b5  No.3816599

File: 615d3c350f8331c⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 470x757, 470:757, 45906100_10218053687116035….jpg)

73e2a1  No.3816600


Right on the money.

828640  No.3816601

'Trump signs order denying asylum to illegal border crossers'


a22f81  No.3816602


clear open warfare on the public day after day after day

but please vote. it'll stop.

c80d69  No.3816603


they knew well before. Weds was herd retail back in. Now the rug gets taken out.

01b9dd  No.3816604

Press got silent when Trump points out Mueller not Senate confirmed.

f647b3  No.3816605


Not AF1. Marine1.

b3f44f  No.3816606


Still entertained by bread and circus'.

Entertain my filter

5618cb  No.3816607

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

e4bcbd  No.3816609

File: 7587ba06a1d78ad⋯.jpeg (583.35 KB, 1242x901, 1242:901, 532BEAC1-8F7A-4E9F-92A5-E….jpeg)

5103ff  No.3816610

Trump is high energy, happy, and dgaf. Must know something.

01b9dd  No.3816611

Patton has risen!

42b4da  No.3816612

File: f6a8978f3cfbfa6⋯.png (757.63 KB, 736x651, 736:651, ClipboardImage.png)

0414cb  No.3816613



9ecf02  No.3816614

File: 6e26fedcb08a52c⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1541775269518.jpg)

9923cb  No.3816615

File: 6c9aacdb87ddc0d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Why are they carrying a flag of their oppression that made them leave in the first place?


President Trump’s asylum order leaves caravan migrants with difficult choice


36fe52  No.3816616

File: 6ca0c9dbfa468f1⋯.png (29.94 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-11-09-05-5….png)

File: 1ffa0897ee99be3⋯.jpg (13.18 KB, 236x314, 118:157, c0e862ae90e681c0ab53e69c16….jpg)

4c7604  No.3816617


Are you watching a stream?

13a974  No.3816618


actually they didn't.. its funny.. they are quite stupid

cf841f  No.3816619


>Potus just said to press "I'll never forgive what he (Obama) did to our military. He made it very unsafe for you and you and you (press). I'll never forgive him for other things he has done and I will talk to you about that in the future.

NO SHIT? As he was getting on the AF1?

b3f44f  No.3816620

File: 8e2d0382ca7a047⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 698x960, 349:480, EWses.jpg)

File: fc1a61e743d91c2⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 686x960, 343:480, NPjs.jpg)

aebab2  No.3816622

a30237  No.3816623


False hope does not do any good here. I've seen a million of these predictive tweets now. Seems everyone has an inside man at this point. Stop buying in to the false hopes, only to be brought down again. Assume she will return to the bench, but be glad if she doesn't.

5618cb  No.3816624

File: bb0452936217c54⋯.jpg (93.84 KB, 729x625, 729:625, PAIN.jpg)

1f1140  No.3816625


Any idea how little a job would mean if Hillary had got elected? Or how little it might mean after the next election?

b35d8f  No.3816626


New POTUS tweet

3208d7  No.3816627


That video makes my ears bleed. Not even auto tune could unfuck that song.

5103ff  No.3816628

e4bcbd  No.3816629

File: a15529dc01ad117⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4D93B0F4-2044-4693-9B2A-B….jpeg)

Yup, one hell of a contrail

b1a96c  No.3816630

File: 35a9d3caf3ab5fb⋯.jpg (285.61 KB, 1114x690, 557:345, Screen Shot 11-08-18 at 08….JPG)

01b9dd  No.3816631

Broward in the crosshairs…all the fraud to be exposed.

a22f81  No.3816632

File: 542a7d2da5ca2c3⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 1078x1250, 539:625, 38080961_2043203189025266_….jpg)


key you're the folks that fuck kids. not I.

475d61  No.3816633

File: bb071ad1c61e87c⋯.png (124.3 KB, 642x637, 642:637, vuhburbvuibiybacaIYUYUI474….PNG)

4c7604  No.3816635

File: fd1ca3ced2b8989⋯.gif (16.58 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Marv_yes.gif)




674bd4  No.3816636

File: 8e63c2160509c81⋯.jpg (136.35 KB, 600x571, 600:571, alfred_7.jpg)

5e08a6  No.3816637


Nice catch. I heard it with my own ears and didn't register in muh brain.

c26b08  No.3816638


The word for 'cunning' or 'subtle' is the same word as 'naked'. They knew they were naked because they had become cunning in challenging the word of God. But procreation?

Don't be silly. How do animals procreate when they don't know they are naked?

Eve's temptation was to choose to be an animal rather than one created in the likeness* of God through Adam.

We have instincts like animals, but we are to live by His word.

"The serpent was more subtle than the other animals". This means the other animals were LESS subtle. Less subtle about what? The only issue of concern: eating the fruit of the tree. The animals were eating the fruit and not dying.

She reconciles this saying to herself: Oh, they are animals, I am not.

But the serpent uses her instincts to convince her that she too is an animal. "Looks good, smells good, I think I'll eat it." In doing so, she declares good and evil for herself.

The consequences are reminders that we are more than animals.

We say grace before eating, so that we don''t eat instinctively. God is God of our daily provision.

We wear clothes to remind us we are not naked animals.

We observe the Sabbath so that we don't pass time instinctively. God is God of time.

We marry so that we don't procreate instinctively. God is God of life.

jews used to toucha messuzah hung on the dorrpost as they enter and left the house as a reminder that God is God of space.

God is God of space, time, life and love.

Now who would tell the story differently than that and why? Who would want you to think that you could declare your own truths and determine what is good and evil for you? Who would want you to be nothing more than an animal.. a blob of goo that crawled out of a chemical cesspool?

If you can't read the sensus plenior, you are left with just stories which people debate all day long.

*Christ is the express image of God. the church is made to be like him. Together they are the image and likeness of God.

a9ba9d  No.3816639


Looks like he needs a fix real bad in that pic

a440b5  No.3816640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



sorry is wapo, just doing it for speed

ad91b0  No.3816642


Hint Booms of fire.

I'm loving it.

POTUS Remarks on Hussein, BTFO

"i'll never forgive him for what he did to our United States Military"

"i'll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways, which I''ll talk to you about in the future"

"What he did to our military made this country unsafe for our country for you and you and you."

42b4da  No.3816643

File: 0f47047d67e3a44⋯.jpg (340.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WHITAKER PUNISHER.jpg)

Mueller is doing a report and he hasn't gone through the process. But Matthew Whitaker has gone through to process! BOOOOOOOOM- Trump

7f7ed8  No.3816644

Like you said previously you understand people are tired. The general civilian is not used to hurry up and wait. Just like an effective operator needs water to hydrate to complete the mission, so does John Q Citizen. There on the fence or in the shadows because they’ve been beaten down. Understand you need to execute mission objectives- got it, but don’t be so mission focus you forget to hydrate the support (the people). That’s the he backbone of this nation. Check Six- Charlie Mike. S/F and Audere Sine Timore Patriots

d057eb  No.3816645






Blessed by Kek with dubs

43b3ea  No.3816646

Every day I love our POTUS more & more! >>3816596

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