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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

7bd462  No.3800532

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 11.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/435 ——————————— "..or in response to chaos associated with protests and mob action," ( Cap: >>3794515 )

>>>/patriotsfight/434 ——————————— Stealth Bombers fly undetected. ( Cap: >>3789835 )

>>>/patriotsfight/433 ——————————— RED LINE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF RED OCTOBER? ( Cap: >>3789206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/432 ——————————— Coincidence? (Cap: >>3788919 )

>>>/patriotsfight/431 ——————————— Ezra Cohen-Watnick (Cap: >>3788771 )

>>>/patriotsfight/430 ——————————— Enjoy the show! (Cap: >>3788308 )

>>3788185 rt >>3788121 —————-———– There will be no recusal. (Cap: >>3788362 )

>>3788068 rt >>3787701 —————-———– Board under attack. (Cap: >>3788402 )

>>>/patriotsfight/429 ——————————— Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions! (Cap: >>3787551 )

>>>/patriotsfight/428 ——————————— Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. (Cap: >>3784916 )

>>3783812 ——————————————— We are going to show you a new world. (Cap: >>3787860 )

>>3783780 rt >>3783759 —————-———– We are with you, Anons. (Cap: >>3787910 )

>>3783761 rt >>3782992 —————-———– Buckle up. (Cap: >>3787968 )

>>>/patriotsfight/427 ——————————— Future proves past (Cap: >>3780830 )

>>>/patriotsfight/426 ——————————— The Senate was the target (Cap: >>3775206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/425 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY (Cap: >>3775088)

>>>/patriotsfight/424 ——————————— Military planned. No impact re: ongoing investigations ( Caps: >>3773803, >>3773879 )

Tuesday 11.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/423 ——————————— The world is changing. ( Cap: >>3762922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/422 ——————————— History is being made. ( Cap: >>3762692 )

>>>/patriotsfight/421 ——————————— Together We Win. ( Cap: >>3762382 )

>>>/patriotsfight/420 ——————————— GodisLove.jpg ( Cap: >>3761313 )

>>>/patriotsfight/419 ——————————— @Breaking911: "tech difficulties" Houston ( Cap: >>3759403 )

>>>/patriotsfight/418 ——————————— Q in the sky: @StaceyDash( Cap: >>3759195 )

>>>/patriotsfight/417 ——————————— VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! JUSTICE COMING. ( Cap: >>3759170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/416 ——————————— This is about preserving our REPUBLIC. THIS IS ABOUT SAVING AMERICA. ( Cap: >>3755153 )

>>3754365 ——————————————— VOTE! & MEME!

>>3754269 rt >>3754247 —————-———– The world will follow. Think Merkel.

>>3754220 rt >>3754138 —————-———– He has no choice now but to remain in the light.

>>3754088 rt >>3754053 —————-———– We are grateful.

>>>/patriotsfight/415 ——————————— It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours (Cap: >>3753655 )

>>>/patriotsfight/414 ——————————— Eyes On, Patriots! History books (Caps: >>3753346 )

>>>/patriotsfight/413 ——————————— DECLAS coming (Caps: >>3753120, >>3753209 )

Monday 11.05.18

Compiled here: >>3775040

Sunday 11.04.18

Compiled here: >>3759334

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7bd462  No.3800542


are not endorsements


>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads


>>3799874 Off-duty officers may have been protecting LV shooter witnesses during CA shooting

>>3799887 Former US Congressman sentenced to 10 years in prison for fraud, tax, and election crimes

>>3799912 CNN gaslighting: now accusing WH of posting doctored video of Acosta accosting WH staffer

>>3800122 ; >>3800325 Dig on Ventura County (CA shooting) sheriff

>>3800147 Israeli police recommend bribery charges against Netanyahu after German sale of submarines

>>3800239 Moar digging on Biden/Vance/Ritch

>>3800256 US Army internal docs say migrant caravan likely to dissipate

>>3800273 Former NY AG Schneiderman won’t face charges from abuse allegations

>>3800298 MSNPC’s Maddow helping to organize street protests for today

>>3800412 On Ezra Cohen-Watnick’s dismissal from the NSC

>>3800492 #4829


>>3799113 China calling for agreement on Asian free-trade deal

>>3799131 CA shooting: bar was holding “College Country Night”; shooter possibly targeting Trump supporters

>>3799148 FL Dem calling for volunteers to “perfect” rejected absentee ballots (re-post from last night)

>>3799180 ; >>3799459 CA shooter identified: David Ian Long

>>3799243 Man dead after car bomb explosion in Canada

>>3799279 ; >>3799324 MedFag on the RBG situation and possible overall condition (speculation)

>>3799319 Nadler starting the gun control spin for the Dems, calls for “immediate legislation”

>>3799373 Vegas shooting connection to Thousand Oaks

>>3799375 Peru ex-police chief arrested in alleged baby trafficking ring

>>3799584 Recap of mob action at Tucker Carlson’s home last night

>>3799619 Moar digging on Biden/Vance/Ritch - connection to Kissinger and Carlucci

>>3799674 Clockfags on RBG

>>3799694 Brian Kemp resigning as Georgia’s Sec. of State

>>3799732 #4828


>>3798391 ; >>3798577 ; >>3798853 Moar digging on Biden/Vance/Ritch

>>3798329 ; >>3798332 ; >>3798340 ; >>3798345 ; >>3798349 ; >>3798353 Anon’s overview of the plan (analysis/speculation) (Compilation: >>3799163 , bread #4828)

>>3798376 President Eisenhower and posse comitatus

>>3798459 ; >>3798530 ; >>3798777 Warren, Pelosi, and Nadler doing a 180 on Sessions after firing

>>3798514 Italy removes time constraints on criminal prosecution trials

>>3798534 Denholm to replace Musk as chair at Tesla

>>3798633 Ginsburg fell and broke three ribs last night, currently hospitalized

>>3798802 On the Senate and Judiciary Appointments (analysis/speculation)

>>3798968 #4827

Previously Collected Notables

>>3796697 #4824, >>3797470 #4825, >>3798201 #4826

>>3794399 #4821, >>3795173 #4822, >>3795941 #4823

>>3792083 #4818, >>3792846 #4819, >>3793602 #4820

>>3789768 #4815, >>3790587 #4816, >>3791343 #4817

>>3787363 #4812, >>3788006 #4813, >>3788891 #4814

>>3785912 #4810, >>3786597 #4811, >>3787363 #4812

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7bd462  No.3800546

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#54 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>3789916

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

7bd462  No.3800547

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

7bd462  No.3800559

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Departing Kitchen

Ghost handoff now in effect.

BO/BV's have been notified.

Anons, please volunteer to bake.

fc8363  No.3800577

Lots of JewTube sauce with Acting AG going back 2 years!


08ad7f  No.3800602

File: 3bed2ddc4693b2d⋯.png (111.59 KB, 648x1000, 81:125, Kin_Eyeofprovidence.PNG)

File: 07bee8551513657⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kin_Moloch3.png)

When Hollywood goes full Moloch in their movies…. So sad normies don't know what they are getting shoved in their face. Fucking pedo religion

f52c16  No.3800611

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Got it DB. Have a great day friend.

7e423e  No.3800612

File: 166d17125a2e43c⋯.jpg (41.65 KB, 600x780, 10:13, 329_1000.jpg)


b5ca4f  No.3800613

File: e86e3c9dde5b17c⋯.jpg (75.28 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 47949ri6785548.jpg)


5cdf17  No.3800614

File: 1a7bd1e7e0bab20⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 536x925, 536:925, i.jpg)


1 Corinthians 13:2-7

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

2 Corinthians 6:6-10

iN puri+y, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.


f823f6  No.3800615

I'd bet real money that RBG shat herself in addition to breaking ribs.

50127b  No.3800616

File: d5b1a1d41814ef6⋯.png (376.74 KB, 490x531, 490:531, ClipboardImage.png)

3c013c  No.3800617

Dear Diary,

It's just not fair.

2ef142  No.3800618

File: 6eae3be7a5e8d47⋯.jpg (834.7 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181108-103148….jpg)


c11d68  No.3800619

File: 0b6de40d4a6b5d4⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 533x461, 533:461, unconfirmeducitysextraffic….JPG)




I am seeing chatter on my Fakebook about 30 kids being found in University City, Missouri behind a domino's. Of course the fella who posted the status doesnt provide sauce.


272b6f  No.3800620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When the good guys send a message.

6cf79b  No.3800621

File: 0410061c817403c⋯.jpeg (21.73 KB, 628x419, 628:419, whitakerINchargeNOW.jpeg)

File: b98295f49109e7f⋯.jpg (212.46 KB, 1843x1156, 1843:1156, whitakerRELEASE.jpg)

File: 02f116da7fb0161⋯.jpg (213.5 KB, 1942x636, 971:318, whitakerPAPERS.JPG)

c0fa5a  No.3800622

File: 1110d3a78e31ab9⋯.jpg (1005.84 KB, 782x1111, 782:1111, leclaircestmoi.jpg)

File: a2dff60fa227d27⋯.png (219.6 KB, 401x582, 401:582, FreeGraham.png)

File: 044c327cf9af1fd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, SBTS.png)

File: 37fa913201760fd⋯.png (946.91 KB, 617x881, 617:881, prayer.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

74174f  No.3800623

Don't have it on the tip of my lungs, but didn't Q say that disinformation was "sometimes" necessary? Don't recall who the intended disinfo target was…them or me..

Drive on driver..

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPZ8VjjPgXE

4d64b9  No.3800624


Are we sure it wasn't just a bloated, decomposing corpse deflating?

69d5ae  No.3800625

File: 7ce5dff5adaed71⋯.jpg (114.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, froganon.jpg)


i love that bra….

c0d849  No.3800626

File: 9d91df3042aeeeb⋯.jpeg (154.05 KB, 1774x460, 887:230, DCB4AF64-EE55-415E-9DA0-9….jpeg)

reposting from last bread

LG is up in here

842058  No.3800627

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6E7E8257-6B02-4EC7-9547-05….png)

Would love to see Q post this as a response to the "Borderline" shooting

c5caa3  No.3800628

>>3800360 lb

Adam made a mistake with this one and took his Rib back plus interest

498f3a  No.3800629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

karate chopping Jim

770fd1  No.3800630

File: 696c738a33a2683⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 600x800, 3:4, happyboobs.jpg)

mornin' baker

ebad00  No.3800631

File: 6be6440c3f0d002⋯.jpeg (139.01 KB, 800x500, 8:5, BE5FFA27-F48B-48DB-AA25-7….jpeg)

File: 0ec688c2f16f5dd⋯.jpeg (99.39 KB, 502x754, 251:377, AF177D23-6D6A-40A7-A3D4-A….jpeg)

File: da72aad8e84469f⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 225x350, 9:14, 193E021E-36EE-4810-85F9-D0….gif)

File: 1b793519257972b⋯.jpeg (127.43 KB, 500x667, 500:667, EA690BC4-B544-4B82-8DF6-0….jpeg)

Workfagging, just stopping by to see what is going on share some bewbs. Getting cold out.. those left maniacs will be frozen libtard freaks as this progresses.

Does greyman/woman do extreme temps or temps outside their mom’s basement temps? Maybe a thing.. kek. Enjoy the day anons, will be on later.

36e070  No.3800632


The globalist definition of peace is selling out their country to a global dictatorship.

b019f4  No.3800633

Erma Gewd u guys bake so fast i cant keep up !

d27fdb  No.3800634

Ezra Cohen-Watnick

In April 2018, he rejoined the Trump administration in the Department of Justice, advising Attorney General Sessions on counterterrorism and counterintelligence.


4068c0  No.3800635

File: c8456b0761345ab⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 960x720, 4:3, LG da man.jpg)

>>3800544 lb

not mine…

You make them I use them

cfa757  No.3800636

File: 814c3439470ad55⋯.jpg (148.65 KB, 2001x1140, 667:380, 814c3439470ad5579fab7ecd9c….jpg)



5 Dec 2017 - 1:01:30 PM

Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)

Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info



becfac  No.3800637

Watch the UK

020514  No.3800638

File: b283d4054a8855d⋯.jpg (227.79 KB, 1513x1061, 1513:1061, ian long.jpg)


>>3800400 (lb)

>I am seeing David Ian Long in most reports


His name is Ian David Long

He was a "Doorkicker"

His email was "doorkickero3@aol.com"

from article:

"The sheriff described Long as irate, irrational, and said he might have been suffering from PTSD from his military background. "

Urban dictionary: Doorkicker

An Infantry soldier who goes from house to house kicking down doors and storming entrances



f09108  No.3800639

File: 533fe297b50f068⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 318x180, 53:30, Terrence K. Williams on Tw….mp4)

>>3800575 (lb)

Obama has heckler removed from WH.

Video Archived

21607d  No.3800640









































I'm beginning to think Q is a LARPer or Mossad psyop.

d25866  No.3800641

File: c398548652ddd33⋯.gif (868.33 KB, 500x266, 250:133, buttonbike.gif)

So, is everyone still expecting PAIN?

Is everyone still ready for arrests?

After the Sessions flop, are we still trusting Wray?

Just curious as to what we are officially allowed to believe at this point, 12 months in … without being labeled a shill or Mossad, that is.

3e202f  No.3800642


>It'll happen when the weather cools

c0fa5a  No.3800643

File: 044c327cf9af1fd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, SBTS.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

File: 973d6585bfb3958⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 354x246, 59:41, yelloh.jpg)

File: 9beeb928288e95a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1245x911, 1245:911, resist.png)

File: 9b13656e0fa9208⋯.png (331.67 KB, 1852x851, 1852:851, furckbt.png)


Thank [yo]u bak[er].

a4a141  No.3800644


Q is a LARPer or Mossad psyop.

What now?

3f55a0  No.3800645


Watch CA

c0fa5a  No.3800646


HUMANS– volunteer.

The system thrives on HUMAN passivity.

88c613  No.3800647

File: c1cf16fbb5e7eb7⋯.png (132.84 KB, 1458x641, 1458:641, 63eb6bc7-a2ca-be3a-128c-55….png)

Quite a few planned electrical outages in San Diego for today and tomorrow.

edae54  No.3800648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

08b6c8  No.3800649

File: 2686425ef2ee5a7⋯.png (272.93 KB, 507x271, 507:271, 562.PNG)


b68c58  No.3800650

File: 800ef43c557a40f⋯.png (140.42 KB, 207x366, 69:122, FDFF7D9F-DD0D-465A-9FFD-60….png)

𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨 "𝐉𝐢𝐦" 𝐀𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰!!!

93eeb5  No.3800651

File: f35cd090ca567f0⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

12516b  No.3800652

File: ce2cc6596458c16⋯.png (1.22 MB, 850x773, 850:773, 1540932638.png)

83812c  No.3800653

File: 64f972043fcc441⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 620x387, 620:387, PicsArt_11-08-02.03.21.jpg)

245024  No.3800654

File: 73ac88ae4905b9b⋯.jpeg (110.47 KB, 1072x796, 268:199, laughkidllama.jpeg)

File: 1ef7b1334191706⋯.png (885.45 KB, 1752x1158, 292:193, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: a726c76d5c35fea⋯.jpg (102.95 KB, 918x1200, 153:200, barshooter?.jpg)

>>3800472 lb

>>3800513 lb

>>3799776 lbop

>>3800532 op

Where is the narrative from and where is it going?

6397a3  No.3800655

File: 1805025a455ca38⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 500x731, 500:731, ButHerFace.jpg)

4341c4  No.3800656

>>3800508 (Las bred)


79faac  No.3800657


These are called SHILLCAPS.

Try harder.

d25866  No.3800658


>What now?

Just look to and trust Trump. Trump has always kept his promises.

Contrast that to this shitshow …

d27fdb  No.3800659



Add to NOTABLES #4829 >>3800412

3eedf8  No.3800660


(You) posted in all red

It must be true

120c44  No.3800661


Fake as fuck.


c70809  No.3800662

File: aa19ca49e732566⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 619x557, 619:557, DumbFKs.jpg)


Seems you lost your mind

765036  No.3800663


Skies were orange again last night, just about the same as when the Thomas Fire started.

c0fa5a  No.3800664

File: c18c4ce71fd18f6⋯.png (125.36 KB, 569x555, 569:555, fla.png)

File: 5af3efb58d02178⋯.png (230.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, gnbs.png)

File: 57171896426eda0⋯.png (537.57 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ThankYouAndGodspeed.png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)

File: 846a66ecc862ffa⋯.png (767.43 KB, 578x850, 17:25, GeneralPepe.png)


Shh, no sweetie. You are just tired. Sleep now.

928663  No.3800665

CNN is legit trying to convince people that the video of Acosta pushing the interns arm away was doctored by the white house to fool people.

69d5ae  No.3800666


my expectations are low ever since Q posted "the world is watching".

however, i hold a firm belief that i want to ride 2nd seat with the gal in your pic…

ccebef  No.3800667

File: d17a62414bb9390⋯.png (63.04 KB, 602x344, 7:4, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

Ahah. This is why Nadler is all up our backsides now.

NADLER HANDLED THE DOSSIER. Will dig a bit more, but I had definitely lost sight of the significance. Only clue was to remember "those who scream the loudest," and recognize that Nadler's name felt new in the news cycles.

603d73  No.3800668

File: 533c9eb6c22b375⋯.png (181.71 KB, 420x315, 4:3, 9D8034FD-2FC6-4902-8AA2-AE….png)

File: 5c8dbf6b97dd97e⋯.png (181.97 KB, 420x315, 4:3, D62A3A8D-702A-4B31-B870-B6….png)


23f764  No.3800669


Became availabe Nov 6th.

Just a coincidence.

79faac  No.3800670


Yes, PAIN on the way. Some (no name) have already felt it.


b68c58  No.3800671

File: 3abf7911e0fa1b6⋯.png (704.92 KB, 490x673, 490:673, 8DA2897C-E259-4365-84D1-8A….png)

cf876a  No.3800672

File: ddf7b6da873ae5b⋯.png (317.96 KB, 960x924, 80:77, a7425928567ec72b9038030eb9….png)

4d64b9  No.3800673


Ah, I see the latest shooting is a psyop to tell the NPCs to be distrustful of the military/vets.

bbaf8d  No.3800674


uh…. prrrrrrobably the VA, as a combat door-to-door vet, anon?

12516b  No.3800675

File: 039b5279f463971⋯.jpg (204.31 KB, 536x800, 67:100, Hebrew Hammer 1.jpg)

c11d68  No.3800676


Did you see I said unconfirmed 3x?

f7f825  No.3800677

File: 71565ad4693ebe4⋯.png (991.04 KB, 936x660, 78:55, ClipboardImage.png)

fae6c8  No.3800678


Well she has mine.

28eae5  No.3800679

File: b0f1dd227870d01⋯.jpeg (282.85 KB, 725x826, 725:826, 7C3DE56F-C5B0-4F7E-AA3E-3….jpeg)

he did have a psych doc. gotta find out who it was.

927282  No.3800680

File: be4e882b643a5aa⋯.png (1.13 MB, 596x929, 596:929, expos-truu-crime.PNG)

File: 05f2c921f6c10e8⋯.png (530.22 KB, 891x561, 27:17, decl.PNG)

File: 313c07251c94b22⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1252x689, 1252:689, ready4history.PNG)

69d5ae  No.3800681

File: 43da4b2f303fbbf⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1560x877, 1560:877, naddathehutt.png)


Nadler is a hutt

120c44  No.3800682


That’s for the dairy anon. Those r some huge hangers.

c0fa5a  No.3800683

File: 15a3213865a6a2b⋯.png (994.57 KB, 999x796, 999:796, Thank-You-All.png)

File: af054b9eaf95614⋯.png (450.32 KB, 999x661, 999:661, NOTBEND.png)

File: 62103c060dd35a2⋯.png (720.8 KB, 934x664, 467:332, notbackdown.png)

File: d26b7ae1b95cbc4⋯.png (967.51 KB, 889x999, 889:999, SNWHIT.png)

File: 856025214de5216⋯.png (310.63 KB, 792x674, 396:337, JSTCWHIT.png)

ed962f  No.3800684

File: 6148cb58c762c37⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, 1000oakpic.jpg)

What's this ???

names a different shooter


f900cc  No.3800685

THIS JUST IN: CBS News has learned former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is being considered to replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.


JUST FUCKING NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

020514  No.3800686

File: 1395ac5effbb56d⋯.jpg (121.5 KB, 1022x574, 73:41, 11_8 MESSAGE TO CLOWNSV2.jpg)




272b6f  No.3800687


Some kind of magic.

12516b  No.3800688

File: 145a64281cc3f25⋯.jpg (938.56 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, renegadejewcontest.jpg)

4068c0  No.3800689

File: a5d15960ddb8381⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 1500x997, 1500:997, Watching.jpg)

ccebef  No.3800690


NADLER also wrote the Nunes rebuttal memo.

DECLAS incoming?

598c84  No.3800691

File: da2bd341a675273⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 506x500, 253:250, 2m1j41.jpg)




077c8e  No.3800692

File: 85fae1674767702⋯.jpg (19.59 KB, 307x225, 307:225, attentionwhore.JPG)

93eeb5  No.3800693

File: 567918392afbbb9⋯.png (190.87 KB, 392x394, 196:197, ClipboardImage.png)

cfa757  No.3800694

File: 70e4321a10de1d6⋯.png (618.01 KB, 1078x666, 539:333, corruption4.png)

aa9115  No.3800695

File: 0d88cbb0d1b71bb⋯.jpg (114.23 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DrcGAQPU8AADlO_.jpg)




c0fa5a  No.3800696

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 2f3a5c18ad59f5f⋯.png (200.39 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC24.png)

File: 96361d8dcbd060e⋯.png (211.16 KB, 522x458, 261:229, pc18.png)

File: d86e39fb7e2af04⋯.png (265.72 KB, 522x458, 261:229, pc16.png)

File: 1aefdf71ab1351d⋯.png (171.07 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC13.png)

4f2108  No.3800697


according to who? anons need to stop watching msm

6e42a5  No.3800698


dude. THAT guy?!?

928663  No.3800699

Christie as AG, really?? Come on!

12516b  No.3800700

File: fd72840ebcc9cc3⋯.jpg (155.83 KB, 534x594, 89:99, 25lbgl.jpg)

899314  No.3800701

File: c7f57291c9ab086⋯.jpeg (646.13 KB, 1242x1753, 1242:1753, 7562AEBD-9699-44B4-80E3-A….jpeg)



They chose one of the safest cities in America for this false flag operation.

927282  No.3800702

File: 44ed0db6719983e⋯.jpg (73.26 KB, 434x600, 217:300, 1979-08-0004.jpg)

File: 67576045526bdfd⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 412x600, 103:150, 1979-10-0004.jpg)

File: 9c6be4103940baa⋯.jpg (84.69 KB, 467x600, 467:600, 1979-12-0005.jpg)


c70809  No.3800703

File: 6c7912848d29283⋯.png (329.77 KB, 447x300, 149:100, Capture.PNG)

This is for all you FKwit socialist, move to Venezuelan they got plenty of room

Venezuelan migrant exodus hits 3 million: U.N.

GENEVA (Reuters) - Three million Venezuelans have fled economic and political crisis in their homeland, most since 2015, the United Nations said on Thursday.

The exodus, driven by violence, hyperinflation and shortages of food and medicines, amounts to around one in 12 of the population.

It has accelerated in the past six months, said William Spindler of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which appealed for greater international efforts to ease the strain on the country's neighbors.

U.N. data in September showed 2.6 million had fled.

"The main increases continue to be reported in Colombia and Peru," Spindler said.

Colombia is sheltering 1 million Venezuelans. Some 3,000 more arrive each day, and the Bogota government says 4 million could be living there by 2021, costing it nearly $9 billion.

Oil-rich Venezuela has sunk into crisis under Socialist President Nicolas Maduro, who has damaged the economy through state interventions while clamping down on political opponents.

He has dismissed the migration figures as "fake news" meant to justify foreign intervention in Venezuela's affairs.


c5caa3  No.3800704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This shit looks fake to me. Must be a shirt shortage in CA..men w/o shirts. Women with blankets. WTF

Shirtless guy telling "camera guy" to go….citizen paramedics as usual.

No horror to see.

10b84d  No.3800705


Nadler is not a Senator my friend.

9f393f  No.3800706

File: 437085a36b1ee5b⋯.png (750.59 KB, 999x534, 333:178, buthate.png)

File: dce8bf2a889d469⋯.png (393.28 KB, 1024x593, 1024:593, theawanS.png)

f52c16  No.3800707


Yep. I'm sure that's one of the reasons he was chosen.

fc8363  No.3800708



Hey fuckwits. Quit bewbing and sucking off the baker and each other and get back to research. We need more forward progress instead of 700+ posts of bullshit

9eb5dc  No.3800709


We still trust Sessions

d35a7a  No.3800710

>>3800576 lb

All good in the hood…

899314  No.3800711

File: 93cc1e31634afee⋯.jpeg (16.11 KB, 229x220, 229:220, C91D55ED-34A0-46B3-A9B2-B….jpeg)

c0fa5a  No.3800712

File: 7237a2296787eab⋯.png (813.36 KB, 1111x740, 1111:740, vaxxerbill.png)

File: 66e9dfc55fc9b7d⋯.png (325.58 KB, 1111x645, 1111:645, WEL.png)

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

File: 3c684ece1d72c1a⋯.mp4 (479.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, seethingghoul.mp4)

File: 283039969e39231⋯.png (860.09 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, HAPPY-CAMPAIGN-O'BAMA.png)

2ef142  No.3800713

File: 556d2bff1961fb3⋯.jpg (579.75 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181108-104033….jpg)

File: 3d27510dafecb88⋯.jpg (53.72 KB, 480x640, 3:4, IMG_20181108_104027.jpg)

12516b  No.3800714

File: bd0246af2b63c19⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 272x350, 136:175, full.jpg)

edae54  No.3800715


Police scanner link from last night said description was muslim like.

04fb0e  No.3800716



FBIanon from 7/2/16:

Q: Would a Trump presidency better for shit like this ? I assume that he would allow you to prosecute her?

A: If Trump wins, Hillary will be prosecuted. I have heard rumors Christie will be his AG, and Michael Flynn will be his VP pick.

cfa757  No.3800717

Anons need to monitor local police and fire today!



f6791b  No.3800718

Was the Declas leaked to be tonight ? The Dems got wind and planned massive protests to Change Narrative ?

48185a  No.3800719


Blame Lincoln for that railroad too

d25866  No.3800720


Fuck that crooked fat ass.

No Christie !

f09108  No.3800721

File: 6c87b765e2c3e0c⋯.jpg (211.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, einstein.jpg)

File: 46dc1a2390ccbfb⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 700x350, 2:1, einstein4.jpg)

File: 086f4b604d76139⋯.jpg (168.8 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, hawking.jpg)

File: a43a258d457dada⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, tyson.png)

9e0948  No.3800722

>>3800122 (lb)

This shooting was a "payback" to POTUS & Q for taking our RBG!

Do any Anons know if something similar happened right after or right before we found out NoName "died"? I'm at work & cant dig right now but I seem to remember something happening during that time.

4068c0  No.3800723

File: 331e5b5194e68c8⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Her name is RIO.jpg)

a95211  No.3800724

File: db5ebd98fdadcea⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 589bb4406e09a868148b4921-7….jpg)


A flop it calls this.

Ha ha ha ha

ef6fb4  No.3800725


useless fucking post. filtered

88c613  No.3800726


>he did have a psych doc. gotta find out who it was.

Dig for connection to County of Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services.

cf876a  No.3800727

File: a1f8fcddc3e2100⋯.jpg (696.76 KB, 1875x2697, 625:899, a1f8fcddc3e2100e9cebd4c1ca….jpg)


I'm wondering if Sessions was Plan B in case they lost the House and Senate after midterms, but since POTUS rallied his ass off and got extra Senate seats instead, he's able to go on the offensive instead of taking a slower defensive route.

The next few weeks are definitely going to be interesting for sure.

12516b  No.3800728

File: cef754cbd88c0d3⋯.jpg (65.74 KB, 491x437, 491:437, 068pd13epylm.jpg)

5e3f59  No.3800729


Smog makes for pretty sunsets. Kek.

d853e9  No.3800730

I work the phone lines at Mental Health/APS/A&D/etc for a couple of counties in Northern California. Do you know how many people are "known to LE"? Hundreds. We do "welfare checks" all the time. Rarely do they amount to anything, because if they do, then there's work involved. Besides, there are few resources to deal with all of these people. Personally, I think we should use those FEMA camps for different problems. There are only three: Danger to self, Danger to others, and Grave Disability (meaning they cannot get food/shelter/clothing for themselves). Generally speaking, they are "treated" for a couple of days then released back into the public. It's like the system is designed to perpetuate the problem and maintain job security for all those involved in "taking care" of this population. No real help is actually offered. Just my two cents.

c5caa3  No.3800731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you kidding me….how may times does it happen….Vegas survivors at the 1000 oaks shooting….what are the odds?

Convenient reminders

7fe745  No.3800732

File: fecd159c1177ec0⋯.png (850.45 KB, 1897x522, 1897:522, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8817ad333497381⋯.png (80.79 KB, 1219x1208, 1219:1208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48ab6558868d318⋯.png (59.4 KB, 1643x593, 1643:593, ClipboardImage.png)

More on Ventura County….About the Soroptimists

1 of ..


f7f825  No.3800733


If I cross my eyes she is 3D

0798f6  No.3800734

File: dfb8db2254437e1⋯.png (595.6 KB, 628x323, 628:323, 1_JDC_Christie.png)




c0fa5a  No.3800735

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

077c8e  No.3800736

>>3800699 POTUS always brings in a few and people throw a fit. What if it's Huber? He has been in charge of the sealed indictments but located in Utah. AG puts him in DC and the man to prosecute

98424e  No.3800737

File: 7d7c0a316a7686d⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 255x254, 255:254, fuckyousoros.jpg)




9980a1  No.3800738



899314  No.3800739

File: a30491926f0c733⋯.jpeg (90.85 KB, 1214x849, 1214:849, E69ED9EC-4791-4108-86E5-8….jpeg)


ILLIMINATI 11 dubs while checking a 00.


2ef142  No.3800740


Noice watches..

4d64b9  No.3800741


I wouldn't mind. Christie's a good attack dog.

8b80b7  No.3800742

File: 26815d582c3dd95⋯.jpg (3.47 KB, 318x159, 2:1, index91.jpg)

File: 64e6f4e63263b04⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 280x180, 14:9, index92.jpg)

Miller might have some of that or better too much of that Habsburg DNA, no?

Oh, minus the hair.

d96991  No.3800743

f the GOP analyze this past election and look at the losses in the House, they will find a substantial blame for losing so many seats lies with Paul Ryan. He left far too many seats completely uncontested, he didn't bother finding candidates to run. He didn't spend the time nurturing new candidates and he didn't apply the massive war chest at his disposal to GOP candidates until a few days before voting. Ryan gave the GOP a big FU on his way out the door. This guy and his buddy Mittens Romney need to pay a price. These two ass wipes are Deep State tools to their very bones. We as America loving citizens owe Obama gratitude for beating John McCain and Mitt Romney. If either of those two won, like most great armies we would have been routed by the enemy from within. Q said over and over that Sessions is one of the good guys, guess Trump didn't see it that way.

770fd1  No.3800744


it's the fuckin' pollution that makes the fuckin' sunsets so fuckin' beautiful.

e5bae0  No.3800745

I can cover you in empty embrace

I can show you a way

But I am no example to live by

Emulating a cheap drug

One warned not to take

It makes you feel lone and the high is weak







I can't make sense of the world

Because the world does not make sense

Aw, hell

I can't even make sense of myself

So tell the world

Trials by fire

Scars that last in our sleep

Before you fuckin know it

They'll put ads in our dreams

We laughed when Orwell wrote it

While we all became sheep

And just before you notice

We're all live on their streams

And the people applaud

I'm appalled by the people

And the people applaud

I'm appalled by the people

I can't make sense of the world

Because the world does not make sense

Aw, hell

I can't even make sense of myself

So tell the world

I can't scream for you

I can't scream for myself

We are in the silence of our future

Going back to somewhere else

Their mouths died

Like insects flying free in the winter

Looking for a sun that is not rising here

Emulating a cheap drug

One warned not to take

It makes you feel lone and the high is weak







088e2d  No.3800746


Excellent, thank you.

d25866  No.3800747


$20 a piece in Times Square.

I had one in college.

It actually worked for 5 years and kept decent time … I got lucky. Most crap out after 3 months.

ccebef  No.3800748


Ah. As the screenshot shows, it was old research. Post number is there.


Must be bad research. Will keep digging.

cfa757  No.3800749

File: 2870dff7acd33f3⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c06e0e89c0f1510dc8137e79c7….jpg)

Calif. Anons may go dark today.

They are warning us of power outages!

ca0edb  No.3800750

File: 99a57491e922d1e⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 489x616, 489:616, FB_IMG_1533304884882.jpg)

8a267e  No.3800751

File: 0416389e5f15e33⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1344300281567.jpg)


w/e if it sets the dems hair on fire i'll allow it

12516b  No.3800752

File: e97819810f1a1d3⋯.jpg (79.65 KB, 640x482, 320:241, HitlerJFKcommonalityMeme.jpg)

120c44  No.3800753




Seeing reports that a MASSIVE trafficking network involving US State Department Tunnels and staff has been shut down in Nicaragua. 5 Tons of Cocaine also discovered. DEA still clearing the scene.

c0fa5a  No.3800754

File: 561f8779adaab64⋯.png (203.37 KB, 893x914, 893:914, warming.png)

File: d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png)

File: 702f6768cb141b3⋯.png (311.54 KB, 1212x437, 1212:437, uponus.png)

File: d76f6b6bea4a839⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1111x2327, 1111:2327, GEARZSPINNIN.png)

File: 1e6d7cc96970644⋯.png (382.15 KB, 610x395, 122:79, soonkitty.png)

6e3816  No.3800755


>>what are the odds

Mathematically impossible

c403ed  No.3800756


imo, POTUS needs to step up the battle against fake news,and ban cnn totally especially after cnn's public reply,

They have no respect, and a privilege to be at press conference is not a right, its a privilege, give the extra revoked pass to a youtube reporter of truth to make a statement

Take the MSM fake news awakening to the next level

allow them to report (for now in the media) but they need to ask the other news media what what happened and what was said, and use the other medias camera men footage for clips

Basically, turn CNN into just another youtube news channel, youtubers do not get to take there own camera and ask questions and need to use other peoples clips, its time CNN is brought down to public access freedom of speech and nothing more without any favoritism in like being invited to press releases,

79faac  No.3800757


I just can't see Trump making that mistake.

Maybe Christie's visit is for optics? I would guess nothing more than that.

927282  No.3800758

File: 95628422d0064a5⋯.png (185.42 KB, 602x597, 602:597, 1f548eca2f66f0c3f7cb867ec9….png)

fae6c8  No.3800759



I wants to has one for each hand.

God save the Queens as it were.

48185a  No.3800760

File: fd9fed701a336ab⋯.jpg (235.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_3596.JPG)

Ludo is mossad

598c84  No.3800761

File: c4d861da9ada4b9⋯.jpg (457.69 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, c4d861da9ada4b90b121139862….jpg)

File: a4115cb3176174a⋯.jpg (269.47 KB, 655x380, 131:76, a4115cb3176174a959b84d5bf0….jpg)

File: e6c16c9feba5ea8⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 2jk5ke.jpg)

File: 6964e03a6fc290e⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 500x501, 500:501, Diane Feinstein Evil deep ….jpg)

a4a141  No.3800762

File: 0a22f2a2da5f43d⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 480x578, 240:289, 0a22f2a2da5f43d656b86285dd….jpg)

I have to say, I don't want to, but I'll.

Sometimes I come here to troll and pretend that im a zionist shill.

But deep down I love you all to death. (no homo…unless you are a very pretty young blonde boy)

f52c16  No.3800763


>>3800713 POTUS schedule and Kavanaugh ceremony schedule.

>>3800701 Thousand Oaks one of the safest cities in America.

>>3800679 Shooter reportedly had a mental health specialist.

>>3800667 Nadler tied to dossier?

>>3800638 Ian David Long dig.

>>3800634 Ezra Cohen-Watnick advised Sessions on counter-terrorism and counterintelligence.

69d5ae  No.3800764

File: 7490d1460570ef0⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 500x747, 500:747, bewbsuked.jpg)


in ye olden tymes…

back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth….

that was called a "mantrap", Anon…

this is a 'night excursion vehicle' (pic)

12516b  No.3800765

File: 3b5439866912d31⋯.jpg (37.32 KB, 460x300, 23:15, sarah-silverman-mobile.jpg)

84fdd8  No.3800766


I'd say it's more indicative of inbreeding than any royal bloodline, and jews are often inbred

246968  No.3800767

File: 732124a2a901862⋯.jpg (217.24 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, d3845a896f36c3aa1591bc8476….jpg)

Here ya go.

698bdf  No.3800768




Stinky stink stinky…

245024  No.3800769

File: 7eed5a44cab5ff8⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1362x1048, 681:524, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)


Then there's this douche

44adce  No.3800770

File: 7b5453953760af8⋯.png (1.4 MB, 939x657, 313:219, ClipboardImage.png)

c70809  No.3800771

File: 8a946a09d8b8db0⋯.png (433.99 KB, 644x361, 644:361, Capture.PNG)

Why is the press trying to erase GOP congressional winner Young Kim from all the 'Year of the Woman' hoopla?

By Monica Showalter

The Associated Press reports that as of yesterday at 12:05 p.m., and with 100% of the ballots counted, Kim beat her competitor, Gil Cisneros, 51.3% to 48.7%, taking 76,956 votes to her opponent's 73,077. The New York Times reports the same. That pretty well gave CBS time to include her in.

Nope, no coverage. As the Stalinists did it, she's a "non-person."


CBS News last night went all in for the identity politics advocacy, highlighting the numbers of women elected to the new incoming House, which was won by the Democrats. The idea of course was to paint Republicans by implication as racist and sexist, and promote Democrats as the only party of 'inclusion.'

It's drivel - and with CBS's exclusion of Southern California's first Korean-American congresswoman, Young Kim, it was obviously a selectively edited report.

Young's problem, see, is that she's a Republican who defeated a Democrat, and that doesn't quite fit the "narrative." So despite being the first Korean-American congresswoman, she got left out of the story.

bbaf8d  No.3800772


NO Steve is not a fuckin' Hapsburg


899314  No.3800773

File: 78ae952312062bd⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 500x347, 500:347, 293C091A-3756-403A-B601-CB….gif)



74174f  No.3800774

File: afa8baeeb82637b⋯.jpg (104.36 KB, 670x664, 335:332, rbgdick.JPG)

File: 8c2794b783021b0⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 923x507, 71:39, ruthginsbreg2.JPG)

Get well Ruthie..

5e3f59  No.3800775


Its true.

765036  No.3800776



Ventura had multiple calls in the past. They were never able to take him in on a hold because of Cali Law, even if someone is in a manic state they cannot take them in on a hold unless they've already hurt themselves or someone else. He lived in and was most likely treated in Ventura County, not LA.

ccebef  No.3800777

I see the confusion. He's the ranking Dem on the HOUSE judiciary committee.


e14578  No.3800778

File: 4bf213bf50bc9dd⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x1313, 1200:1313, 76182766-FDAC-4797-8B1C-D1….png)


Was their last name Ford, by any chance. Hmm.

e65b8c  No.3800779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To reiterate

Fuck Fox … and fuck that little cunt Ari… listen to this shit? GAME OVER, Fox… was only a mater of time… we were just using [[[you]]] anyway

120c44  No.3800780


Lmao. The media is retarded

48185a  No.3800781

File: 0c2721e28d7897a⋯.jpg (96.32 KB, 498x501, 166:167, IMG_3496.JPG)

19ee05  No.3800782


Q, listen to us…..NO CHRIS CHRISTIE!

fae6c8  No.3800783

File: 46d0e0e85d217c8⋯.png (249.66 KB, 680x638, 340:319, C3F20DFF-A0F8-44FE-9AD9-FB….png)

480655  No.3800784


Oh dear GOD! THAT LOSER? HE makes Sloppy Steve look like Dapper Dan. This is a smokescreen. No way would POTUS consider that lout.

7b6ca9  No.3800785

Martial Law Flag

"Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.

We have to check on US flag → YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides.

69d5ae  No.3800786

File: 3c7a1d79783f5b2⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 640x432, 40:27, waiting.jpg)


i am so tired of that one.

tbh, it is starting to look like another disinfo tool

16bac1  No.3800787

Patriots, as you go on digging and researching, don't forget to love and be loved. Tomorrow is never promised. Just going through the feels today to be honest, but ya'll need to hear you are loved and there are people out there who appreciate you for all you do.

Take care of yourselves.

b68c58  No.3800789

Ⓝⓞⓦ ⓚⓝⓞⓦⓝ ⓐⓢ ⓐ Ⓑⓞⓞⓑⓨ Ⓣⓡⓐⓟ⨀⨀ >>3800764

>that was called a "mantrap", Anon…

29babc  No.3800790

File: 736075776e9ae53⋯.jpg (116 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Any nibbles nope catch any….JPG)

File: 9095440e1511877⋯.jpg (102.63 KB, 576x384, 3:2, SCOTUS 2019.JPG)

File: 1bbecfac402bb40⋯.jpg (109.83 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 2019 and liberal programme….JPG)

File: d19c6a8fa3907b0⋯.png (711.67 KB, 1201x676, 1201:676, d19c6.png)

File: 941e96797094e07⋯.jpg (128.24 KB, 792x548, 198:137, 45.jpg)

d25866  No.3800791

File: 36e0efb0ef648a5⋯.jpg (58.56 KB, 810x539, 810:539, santa.jpg)


>Quit bewbing and sucking off the baker and each other and get back to research.

Are you the board nanny?

79faac  No.3800792

File: 66db3b59892062d⋯.png (65.65 KB, 204x247, 204:247, image.png)

Not gonna happen.

a4a141  No.3800793




8b80b7  No.3800794


sure, everyone who disagrees is a shill, bot.

Isnt that exactly what a shill, bot would say?

How about think for yourself, no good?

ebad00  No.3800795




Kek.. was just saying hey 😉. But yeah grand tetons!

44f9bd  No.3800796

File: 0d01d33ee9e480c⋯.jpeg (188.59 KB, 750x420, 25:14, D8CB4C7E-E2C3-4CE8-AB7F-6….jpeg)

9d7797  No.3800797

File: 0d9d8236bd3c0af⋯.jpg (18.06 KB, 204x255, 4:5, cafiresamericaburning.jpg)

Moar CA fires in Trump Country - Coincidence?

Camp Fire burning in Butte County explodes in size, all of Paradise under evacuation


c0fa5a  No.3800798

File: 7318a46aed1dec4⋯.png (389.28 KB, 875x871, 875:871, FAKE.png)

File: ef63f776e8f3ad9⋯.png (312.11 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, themallis.png)

48185a  No.3800799

File: f24c0c88c014bda⋯.jpg (219.56 KB, 751x1062, 751:1062, IMG_3593.JPG)

102cec  No.3800800

File: c049348dfb78cdd⋯.png (51.96 KB, 255x143, 255:143, image.png)


We are ready to replace Acosta

& we'll bring our own mikes!

(pic related)

106a20  No.3800801


It's 60's and drizzly in the whole state, FFS.

6397a3  No.3800802


He's about 2/3 way to the full onset of

Estrogen Induced Mouth Agape Fake Smile

88c613  No.3800803


>He lived in and was most likely treated in Ventura County, not LA.

As a child?

562df5  No.3800804


Watch CA- Camp Fire Evacuations after the fire/wind warnings yesterday- there is no wind today.

89d489  No.3800805

File: 9f7488dcaf476bd⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 768x432, 16:9, muhredlines.gif)

12516b  No.3800806

File: f47e17239dbd81b⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 318x452, 159:226, 13613096.jpg)

aa9115  No.3800807

File: f521375af1df68a⋯.jpg (25.98 KB, 691x432, 691:432, 1541618236.jpg)

File: e4b2b36603d2ce5⋯.jpeg (166.19 KB, 800x543, 800:543, e4b2b36603d2ce5362a810f5b….jpeg)


and NONE of this all matter w/o our basic foundation:

Founding Documents, paid for in blood, sweat, tears, & prayers

088e2d  No.3800808

File: f4fa556cc163ecb⋯.jpg (125.24 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Sessions Whitaker.jpg)

File: 0848ebc6d690b12⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 914x671, 914:671, obstuctionist.jpg)

File: 87da6687bd80487⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Digital Soldiers.jpg)


You made it funnier.

c77648  No.3800809

>>3800578 (lb)

Thanks for the correction on Nixon.

ad88b1  No.3800810


It’s to attack the last Bastions of European- American culture. If you can’t be safe as a White Person at a Country Bar, you aren’t safe anywhere, which is the reality they want to create so we beg for a Full on Police State

The Las Vegas attack was one of this first as it shot up a Country concert. These types of violent acts do not plaque White Communities which is part of the reason for the push of Diversity into Whitte areas to artificially increase the Crime rates.

Mayberry was real and it has been stolen from us

2eae1f  No.3800811

File: 1cef2e13d23814a⋯.png (436.57 KB, 734x678, 367:339, antifa.png)

6e3816  No.3800812


On the other hand what if Chris will actually listen to POTUS . That guy wont recuse himself for anyone or anything he dosn't care

f7f825  No.3800813


>University City, Missouri



As summer rolled to a close and students flocked back to Columbia for the new school year, a rumor took hold on social media. It went like this:

Human traffickers were stalking women on Interstate 70. Trafficking organizations were sending out mysterious text messages incognito. Traffickers were prowling gas stations. Nowhere was safe.

None of it was true, according to a joint statement from Columbia and MU police on Aug. 15.

d96991  No.3800814


first words should be

If the GOP…

fae6c8  No.3800815

File: e468e88f6750605⋯.jpeg (42.14 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 236C5DB1-A9FC-4D75-986F-B….jpeg)

899314  No.3800816

File: 809215effa87c8a⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1235x1284, 1235:1284, 8C07707B-FE07-4A68-A4D4-29….png)

10b84d  No.3800817


Good thing Q gave us this handy tip. Any eyes on freemasons yet?

0f1d5a  No.3800818



In all seriousness if Christie get that job (He wont) It is time for guillotine…. All included Rand D no exception.


d25866  No.3800819

File: 201fc013a9e9392⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 962x725, 962:725, antifa and dog.jpg)



Oh, no … please don't filter me!

I'll do anything … just please don't filter me!


f52c16  No.3800820


That was very thoughtful anon, thank you. I hope your feels are good today. Godspeed.

9cc5ef  No.3800821

File: afc0e00252bd92a⋯.png (99.37 KB, 194x260, 97:130, ClipboardImage.png)


You people consider yourself "woke" yet continue to keep falling for Fake News?

ccebef  No.3800822




for clarification.

Nadler ranking Democrat on HOUSE judiciary committe.


120c44  No.3800823


Fox was never good, newfag. Look who owns Fox. The OWNER of Fox, and the producers. Look at the stories they DONT cover. It’s FAKE AS FUCK. As FAKE as MSNBC, if u think otherwise, your still really new here. There are some personalities on that are prob /our guys/ but they can’t say the truth and have to ignore others.

fcf302  No.3800824


And the CAPSLOCK makes it even moar true.

e1bcf9  No.3800825

File: 69de1c0937b57bd⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 759x422, 759:422, Be Best.jpg)


4c60c2  No.3800826

Question for autistanons.

Any archived dig on:

Proximity; Time and/or Place, of Mass Shooting/Terror Event to Big Breaking News?

Just in the last 3 yrs DJT has been the focus as candidate then POTUS?

Any pattern analyzers map the idea of "Clusters/Clumps" of "Tragic" Events in close proximity to "Damaging" news or habbenings for The Cabal?

Q often mentions = Coincidences & Mathematical Possibility

c0d849  No.3800827


he must have had a VA doc

9c7a81  No.3800828

File: f0c6acb38158d90⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 728x567, 104:81, 1011-trump-kanye-tmz-water….jpg)

does anyone have the clip from yesterday with trump talking about not defending the border from invaders?well thats how it was interpreted he said much violence would ensue so we wont be doing that,that meaning defending the border..its damn sad times we lose the house and illegals get a free pass guarded by the us military as refugees. sad times muh muh make america great!

dffbc2  No.3800829

File: 493e2a7c6693e41⋯.png (239.29 KB, 564x452, 141:113, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

They will be cutting peoples power off


fae6c8  No.3800830

File: 2d40d84b675badc⋯.jpeg (17.93 KB, 255x192, 85:64, B34C629F-BB34-4417-94D3-F….jpeg)

File: 7fc3428e07b8a64⋯.jpeg (20.96 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 89D1169F-EC63-4ACE-A313-3….jpeg)

File: bec93d89b273d51⋯.jpeg (17.61 KB, 255x135, 17:9, D04DD5A1-97F5-42FA-B299-4….jpeg)


Beep boop

4d64b9  No.3800831


Valid points, anon… agree fully.

79faac  No.3800832

File: 1ddc7229721ed87⋯.png (1.12 MB, 999x1500, 333:500, image.png)

2ef142  No.3800833


It isnt assult becsuse he didnt grab her. He used the edge of his hand to push her arm down. Jimmy did his homework. "Looks like" defensive move. We know better though. Hack "journalist" doesnt like being told no..

f52c16  No.3800834

I really don't think Trump is going to give it to Chris Crispy.

The guy has been a public relations train wreck with this beach stunts.

928a11  No.3800835

File: f3eeadacb9dfac9⋯.jpg (394.79 KB, 1071x1508, 1071:1508, Screenshot_20181108-084311….jpg)


keep an eye on ur smart meters.. .


928663  No.3800836

File: ec6c9804747b062⋯.png (551.1 KB, 710x304, 355:152, Capture.PNG)

A preview of SCOTUS minus RGB.

8b80b7  No.3800837

WTF? Happened to freedom?

What is this filterfagging all about, commie-fascism much?

79faac  No.3800839

File: 38e1a5e0b1f3d2c⋯.png (265.06 KB, 475x356, 475:356, image.png)

b68c58  No.3800840

File: e65922306ec4abc⋯.png (141.58 KB, 256x345, 256:345, Screenshot_2018-09-11 Matt….png)

File: 429a27e4687db08⋯.png (91.58 KB, 640x303, 640:303, 03035FD3-2756-4B61-A517-83….png)

𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙, 𝙄 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙩, 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 >>3800798

29843d  No.3800841


If so, POTUS and Q are fucking retarded. They just lost re-election. Florida will never be red again with felons voting. The results showed there never was any voter fraud, or trump did nothing about it. There will never be arrests or disclosures. Nothing will happen in 3 days on 11/11. Q has been proven to be Trumps propaganda arm. Q is always full of shit. Guess what that says about Trump.

69d5ae  No.3800842

File: 98f03898ea7b5f3⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 540x810, 2:3, big gunz.jpg)


have friends in Bogota.

most any Venezuelan with relatives or friends in Colombia has hot footed it out of their country.

can't get food, currency craziness, full oligarch government - it is where the globalists want us to go so they can "save" us.

glad our country has (pic related)

245024  No.3800843

File: 101cd780242015f⋯.png (161.58 KB, 1734x442, 51:13, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: e0e5d441a8104bd⋯.png (394.45 KB, 2652x1070, 1326:535, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: a726c76d5c35fea⋯.jpg (102.95 KB, 918x1200, 153:200, barshooter?.jpg)

File: 614544e6df342e5⋯.jpg (203.5 KB, 597x1178, 597:1178, pepemand.jpg)


RBG is a slide.

Jordan is a slide.

Sorry if I'm shitting all over the plan Q.

c0fa5a  No.3800844

File: 606451f79e3bb05⋯.png (1.23 MB, 822x999, 274:333, TAKEAWAYDISBOBBLE.png)

File: 7d38d2ca341877c⋯.png (203.26 KB, 316x446, 158:223, f.png)

File: 9f4df006554934b⋯.jpg (479.52 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, YOUFAIL.jpg)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)


Bots can not think for themselves, nor think at all. You, on the other hand, are posting a stock post that I have seen posted over and over and over again in response to callings out of bots.

Can you explain for anons what thinking is like for you b[ot]anon?

Thanks and good luck!

f52c16  No.3800845

>>3800829 Cutting power to residents in Souther Ca. to cut down on the risk of brush fires.

928663  No.3800846

File: 8c4cc4d4b4ed722⋯.jpg (8.87 KB, 223x226, 223:226, PHREEDOM.jpg)

120c44  No.3800847


Lmao newfag. Just like Romney being considered.

79faac  No.3800848

File: 61fc4ea000fdcb9⋯.png (63.76 KB, 284x177, 284:177, image.png)

a4a141  No.3800849

File: 04ccb02839881b7⋯.png (540.72 KB, 740x422, 370:211, sessions.png)


Your point?

ebad00  No.3800850

File: bb414c323ba052b⋯.jpeg (23.22 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 84F8F2AB-DCBF-4BC0-A784-F….jpeg)


Holy suction cup nipples batman

3e202f  No.3800851


Me either, it's just to put MSM in a frenzy

12516b  No.3800852

File: 930756f96c2b558⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 404x640, 101:160, sarah-silverman-poster.jpg)

df5d04  No.3800853


Ask RBG about PAIN

0b0bd4  No.3800854

Nobody is ever going to jail but the the joke is on lynn cuz all the money in the world cant fix her noodle dinosaur freak arms lmao

Imagine being that ugly and rich

dbcf22  No.3800855

NO, Just Fuck NO! to Chris Christie….Just Another SWAMP Creature….

69d5ae  No.3800856

File: dd8c987ffc40b05⋯.png (205.73 KB, 1146x480, 191:80, gatekpr2.png)

c77648  No.3800857

File: 46141e02d4768a4⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 659693a0e772791b58537d2214….jpg)

b59305  No.3800858


Conservative watchdog group accuses Democrats of illegally coordinating through voter data firm


A new conservative watchdog group filed a complaint this week with the Federal Election Commission against the private voter data firm Catalist and dozens of Democratic party and candidate committees, accusing them of operating “an illegal coordination scheme” that has allowed Democrats to instantly sync their voter information with that of independent groups.

The Washington-based Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust also alleged that Catalist – whose president is Harold Ickes, a longtime Democratic strategist and ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton – provides its data to candidates and parties below market rate, effectively making illegal in-kind contributions.

FACT’s executive director, Matthew G. Whitaker, said Catalist and its Democratic allies “have operated outside of the law” and called on the FEC to investigate.

>>Matthew G. Whitaker, said Catalist and its Democratic allies “have operated outside of the law” and called on the FEC to investigate.

“I expect that they will take this seriously and get some answers,” said Whitaker, a former U.S. attorney in Iowa who ran for the U.S. Senate there last year as a Republican.

Amy Weiss, a spokeswoman for Catalist, said in a statement that the complaint was “a politically-motivated filing without merit.”

It is common for parties and outside organizations to exchange voter lists. But Democratic party committees and allied interest groups do not conduct such exchanges close to an election, according to people familiar with the transactions. That’s because conveying non-public material related to a campaign’s activities through a common vendor could violate coordination rules.

In its complaint, FACT challenged that notion, citing passages in Sasha Issenberg's 2012 book "The Victory Lab" that described how Catalist enabled "seamless links" between President Obama's 2008 campaign and activist groups on the left.

9ebf91  No.3800859

What are the odds of Q hitting 2500 posts on bread 5000

aa9115  No.3800860



saw last bread

df5d04  No.3800861


Slap a wrap on and still fuck her for glory.

d35a7a  No.3800862


Most accurate watch I ever owned was a fake Rolex from a street vendor in Tong Du Chon, Rep. of Korea…later learned it was a Seiko movement. Should've kept it… story of my life… kek

48185a  No.3800863

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, 65C51C61-F90F-4594-8C84-70….png)

File: 7bda802d2e9c40b⋯.jpg (190.01 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2397.JPG)

File: 8daab0622dedff1⋯.jpg (48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_2398.JPG)

Thank you axolotols for sacrificing yourselfs for a statesmanship funeral after the USA bought that space program from Yugoslavia

9d7797  No.3800864


Evacuations require LEO all hands on deck.


Thin available resources to deal with possible "Red Line" riots today in nearby cities?

598c84  No.3800865



fuck that

also if they did do that, they would ruin lunch for everyone in the department of justice building

( There would be no lunch for anyone, because he would sneak into the break room and consume nonstop)

Then he would close down the building so his family can have a rooftop picnics. kek

dffbc2  No.3800866

You guys remember Christopher Wray defended Christie during Bridgegate, right?

79faac  No.3800867

File: c100524b352eee6⋯.png (356.76 KB, 568x379, 568:379, image.png)

Yes, we see you.

cfa757  No.3800868

File: 9a126f25b965338⋯.png (173.15 KB, 1078x531, 1078:531, butte fire.png)

FIRE in Calif. Evacuating hospital.

Prayers to all!

928663  No.3800869


d25866  No.3800870

File: 287c5d21dfb20c9⋯.gif (354.83 KB, 499x358, 499:358, moveit.gif)

19ee05  No.3800871


Fucking ZACTLY!

9bf951  No.3800872

File: 824de097dbeac6a⋯.png (211.84 KB, 878x842, 439:421, ClipboardImage.png)

sow as just doing some checking to see whether i could correlate CA fire warnings to house seats and this showed up


all the colored in districts are not decided , some leaning Dems , some leaning R , but 38 toss ups

29babc  No.3800873

File: 736075776e9ae53⋯.jpg (116 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Any nibbles nope catch any….JPG)

File: 9095440e1511877⋯.jpg (102.63 KB, 576x384, 3:2, SCOTUS 2019.JPG)

File: 1bbecfac402bb40⋯.jpg (109.83 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 2019 and liberal programme….JPG)

File: d19c6a8fa3907b0⋯.png (711.67 KB, 1201x676, 1201:676, d19c6.png)

File: f63befe3b133740⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 425x408, 25:24, 61X9lDzESIL._SX425_.jpg)

Go back to your parents basement and take your red crayons with you!

8ce4a3  No.3800874


Mitt Romney was in the whitehouse for the Secretary of State Job too….Wont happen

8b80b7  No.3800875


Opposite of what you do.

Not telling people what to do is a start, no?

Think for yourself, no good in commie fascism, yes?

0b0bd4  No.3800876


Trust the plan goy

Pay no attention to anything that goes against it

Including losing elections and (((chris christie)))

3eedf8  No.3800877


>>glad our country has (pic related)

Big beautiful bewbs?

08b6c8  No.3800878



10b84d  No.3800879


Why are they shirtless?

I'm trying to think of a logical reason other than not wanting to get your shirt bloody, but still, seems unlikely you would be attached to material things, like a shirt, given the circumstances.

ebad00  No.3800880


I still want to bang the hell outta her. Turn that blue ass red! Kek.

dffbc2  No.3800881


I know….but still

edc085  No.3800882

File: ccd7dfb67664350⋯.png (855.05 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ccd7dfb67664350ea24dbfbf82….png)


^^^^^^ this .

7e423e  No.3800883


It's a bait-and-switch. They're fucking with the Democrats - who will prepare for Chris and then get TG. My call.

bfb9dc  No.3800884

File: c6d4139a3ee97c3⋯.png (2.15 MB, 816x918, 8:9, A stockpile of nuclear fue….png)

Moar digging on Ritch.

World Nuclear Association director general John Ritch; also former US ambassador to the IAEA.


c0fa5a  No.3800885


Do you consider bots people?

2b23bd  No.3800886

I trust the Plan. I believe there are alot of things being done behind the scenes, esp wrt China. I believe one of the strategies to defang China will be to pivot to India, including giving them favorable trading status. It is a win win because India had the tech capability without the commie f*kery. Bought INDL on the dip, holding to wait & see. India will also help GEOTUS bringing Big Pharma to heel, very important.

79faac  No.3800887

File: 01998c02d26c980⋯.png (235.54 KB, 530x298, 265:149, image.png)

16af21  No.3800888



4d7507  No.3800889


just fyi, that post was most likely referring to saint louis, not columbia

"University City (colloquially, U City) is an inner-city suburb of St. Louis in the state of Missouri."

79bfc9  No.3800890

File: c4e6a42af6fbcac⋯.jpeg (116.04 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1540747341.jpeg)

7e5103  No.3800891


You MUST post sauce with a quote from someone, otherwise anons might infer that someone simply made it up. Please, a little bit of sauce.

45301a  No.3800892


was it a gay dance party?

a4a141  No.3800893


"Dont put your dick in crazy." - sun tzu

10b84d  No.3800894


And ass is all you going to get with her, cause she has a dick. Or so anons have led me to believe.

7fe745  No.3800895

File: 0850db59e19fe32⋯.png (157.21 KB, 1173x1071, 23:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ca710ac9ba16d6⋯.png (71.74 KB, 1146x693, 382:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78e275a20899e1f⋯.png (122.1 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)




0d5a3b  No.3800896


So what if they get another sniff sniff up close and dangle a juicy carrot before they yank the string

> think Dina Habib Powell

0caf1a  No.3800897

File: 1cc06ffc4d28a55⋯.png (846.46 KB, 1098x732, 3:2, digital min flynn1.png)

File: bf8df3756c50fd4⋯.png (898.34 KB, 1092x728, 3:2, digital min flynn2.png)

File: 1f38d1e54b304a5⋯.jpg (335.98 KB, 1200x888, 50:37, pepe Revolutionary War Bat….jpg)

File: 677fadc7290fbd0⋯.jpg (298.25 KB, 1500x815, 300:163, pepe fallout 4 spaceforce ….jpg)

File: 14e38c89cb8ecda⋯.jpg (71.76 KB, 511x361, 511:361, pepe pin up 06 01.jpg)

They call those working here helping to dig, meme and pray "information terrorists"…

Our forefathers were also "information terrorists" with the pamphlets and the like.

They had a better, more accurate, description of their contribution to Freedom, though.


Patriots, ready at a moments notice to answer the call.

Soldiers, at least, get paid for their labors.

Only folks here getting paid are the shills, clowns and paytriots.

Why are we letting others label what we do here? Who and what we are?

4c730d  No.3800898


He was talking about needing the wall, as opposed to a line of military lining the border. That situation would lead to violence.

aa9115  No.3800899


You're saying 38 positions still NOT Called for?

f52c16  No.3800900


I know it's from 2015 but I'm going to put it in the notables.

I've suspected that Google/FB/Twitter do the same thing. Give ads for free or at a discounted rate which would be an "in-kind contribution" as the article states.

5d7a46  No.3800901


She has bad jewbs

765036  No.3800902


At least the last few years, I can't find any med history, still looking.

057404  No.3800903


Ever notice that almost anyone with large numbers of followers that’s ProTrump was purged from social media pre election?

Yet the largest “Q decoders” on the internet are rarely, if ever banned. Just a very few suspended here and there for limited time (for optics) and always for violating “rules” unrelated to Q shilling.

That’s really all you need to know.

59c090  No.3800904


How does she not fall over?

ae97cb  No.3800905


it's the closest, readily available and disposable piece of cloth around.

not saying the event is real or fake, but men using their shirts to help victims in an emergency is easy to understand

7e5103  No.3800906




4 Apr 2018 - 4:09:08 PM


Gateway Bridge Project.

$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore.

$3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel.

$400k Chris Christie - Mary Pat US.


Omnibus Bill.

The gift that keeps on giving.


ebad00  No.3800907

File: 319cb9aabd40cc1⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 84292673-4E95-4E36-9ECE-38….png)

File: f1c458b41fad369⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 21CFAD71-F401-4E73-BCD3-27….png)

File: d9ba0c1538f6636⋯.png (616.97 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 18CC54E6-D3AB-4BEB-BCD0-CB….png)

File: ac24bd43d25b84a⋯.png (3.69 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7CF3742C-49B1-4F58-A422-3B….png)

File: 204143199f80eed⋯.png (494.76 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FBD61605-2136-4D15-8DC4-5B….png)


Meuller Writing Final Report “Muh-Russian-election” hoax done ranned out of clock

8b80b7  No.3800908


I consider people who would ask such a moronic question as "surreal" to put it mildly.

16bac1  No.3800909


May god bless you. ♥

88c613  No.3800910

No PACER Federal court records hit for David Ian Long.

603d73  No.3800911

File: fabc4aa24d5658a⋯.png (64.62 KB, 420x315, 4:3, EC62398B-7CE4-4331-BC4B-8B….png)

Interesting to note

Check the kid in the Reagan + Bush shirt

Picture set up to subliminally suggest that there is a link to the incident and republicans. Notice of course he is unhurt while the visible ethnic is under cover

c0fa5a  No.3800912

File: cf5441030ffb284⋯.png (140.79 KB, 282x352, 141:176, BidenMTP.png)

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, DNIBN.png)

File: b411322423c04bb⋯.png (372.77 KB, 555x622, 555:622, BidenXMAS.png)

File: 4aa5a398c05f1a5⋯.png (428.96 KB, 600x828, 50:69, BIBRM.png)

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)

4d7507  No.3800913

File: 22fd61f45ebd0c7⋯.png (605.49 KB, 600x700, 6:7, yes.png)

a4cfe9  No.3800914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b5ca4f  No.3800915

File: ad334a6167f18b7⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 500x749, 500:749, bringpain.jpg)

51e629  No.3800916


I mean if you responded to me with that picture I'd probably ignore you as well.

48185a  No.3800917

File: d7e3aa0ab184596⋯.jpg (319.45 KB, 1344x896, 3:2, IMG_3239.JPG)

File: cbbfa2fb9b1b793⋯.png (888.92 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_3243.PNG)

File: 26053f5765096fe⋯.jpeg (283.38 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, CC443180-7D12-4145-835E-7….jpeg)

d25866  No.3800918


Jugears is lucky he didn't get eaten.

0486a5  No.3800919

File: 1777e6398d5a845⋯.jpg (84.46 KB, 738x1024, 369:512, 1540906812759.jpg)


He could be talking about the "Q" source for the bible. I wonder if any of the biblefags have even considered this possibility in relation to the "Q" team name?

Q is our source, after all.

4c82d2  No.3800920

File: e5e8cfa01ce2cb3⋯.jpg (387.92 KB, 1333x833, 1333:833, ren_rbg.jpg)


12516b  No.3800921

File: 771dbc45fcd7253⋯.jpg (149.19 KB, 309x400, 309:400, g_and_c_cover_400.jpg)

2ef142  No.3800922


So the used FF tp take him out too. SMH.. wow

df5d04  No.3800923


Not if he were a victim.

c70809  No.3800924

File: e3017199e72cb9b⋯.png (137.04 KB, 738x484, 369:242, Capture.PNG)

State Department cable shows exposure of Lockheed bribes threatened NATO’s stability

TOP SECRET cable in the Kissinger archives shows alarm over Church Committee revelations that could have led to Netherlands withdrawing from NATO - or even restructuring their government

A State Department cable in the Central Intelligence Agency’s Kissinger archive claims that pending revelations from the Church Committee would rock the Netherlands, potentially forcing it to leave NATO. Even more drastically, the memo warned that this scandal could lead to “the restructuring of the Dutch political system.”

Though the memo doesn’t specify what the allegations are, they likely relate to one of Lockheed’s bribery scandals. According to a Washington Post article from 1977, the Lockheed scandals were “first revealed in testimony before the Senate subcommittee on multinational corporations in the summer of 1975.” The same article explains that “Prince Bernhard was stripped of his jobs in the armed forces and forced to relinquish business connections after a Dutch inquiry concluded he had sought payments from Lockheed.” (Bernhard, coincidentally, was the co-founder for the infamous Bilderberg Group.) According to an article preserved in CIA’s archives, the Agency was aware not only aware of the payoffs, but “Lockheed representatives participated in briefings with the CIA in various embassies.”


f52c16  No.3800925


Kek my bad anon. I will type out the title of a notable in my text box. Sometimes I accidentally hit post.

79faac  No.3800926


Did I just get a (You)???

f52c16  No.3800927


>>3800858 Conservative watchdog group accuses Democrats of illegally coordinating through voter data firm.

>>3800829 Cutting power to residents in Southern Ca. to cut down on the risk of brush fires.

>>3800713 POTUS schedule and Kavanaugh ceremony schedule.

>>3800701 Thousand Oaks one of the safest cities in America.

>>3800679 Shooter reportedly had a mental health specialist.

>>3800667 Nadler tied to dossier?

>>3800638 Ian David Long dig.

>>3800634 Ezra Cohen-Watnick advised Sessions on counter-terrorism and counterintelligence.

9ebf91  No.3800928

File: f1acf1477504843⋯.png (217.87 KB, 406x470, 203:235, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 821d9c264ec4630⋯.png (290.24 KB, 524x400, 131:100, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: b09f3f8b4d100fe⋯.png (267.19 KB, 452x720, 113:180, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)



this stories FUCKED

c5caa3  No.3800929



Yeah and the women have blankets…I don't think it's that cold in CA….all bullshit.

They want you to think they made tournequets with their shirts probably…crisis actors.

928663  No.3800930



16af21  No.3800931

RBG in the hospital.. die bitch die.

b3cc64  No.3800932

Acting AG Matthew Whitaker Could Absolutely Foil Robert Mueller’s Backup Plans

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has an easy way to frustrate ongoing federal investigations into President Donald Trump and his business empire–simply telling by his underlings to back off.

The Southern District of New York (SDNY) has long been considered one of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s parachutes, so to speak, because of their traditional independence from the Department of Justice and relevant jurisdictional authority over several Trump properties, business and associates. Essentially, many of the SDNY’s investigations as of late have effectively functioned as a form of ancillary or parallel authority to Mueller’s own Russia probe.

Pace Law’s Mimi Rocah, herself a former federal prosecutor with the SDNY, explained the potential danger inherent in Whitaker’s ascension on Twitter.

“This is potentially as bad firing Mueller,” she wrote. “[Trump is] accomplishing what he wants in a more stealth way (so gives him & his allies cover). AND he has put someone in place who has oversight of all investigations not just Russia – including SDNY & [Eastern District of Virginia] investigations.”


fae6c8  No.3800933

File: 2236c05e22eb071⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 8CC7F4C1-E999-4647-996F-D….jpeg)

File: 65be7f9ff09a274⋯.jpeg (35.11 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 472A577D-75AE-462D-8963-C….jpeg)


Saras Silverman is heck a nasty bruh.

There be monsters in dem hills and valleys

of “I dont know doc”variety.

a5d778  No.3800934


Can confirm windy as fuck in the north area. Sunny dry and windy as fuck.

5e3f59  No.3800935


Why dont you two faggots go get a private room and you can fantasize and jack off all you want.

69d5ae  No.3800936

File: c5917e0030b1f29⋯.jpg (188.46 KB, 550x400, 11:8, frogpomp.jpg)


if Christie is made AG, then this board is not what Anons think it is…

0486a5  No.3800937

File: 7b2c59ceb47e9bb⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 510x330, 17:11, Awesome baby.jpg)


>Meuller Writing Final Report “Muh-Russian-election” hoax done ranned out of clock

c0d849  No.3800938


please add the LG post from last bread

got several nominations

4cad63  No.3800939

RBG Hospitalized


246968  No.3800940


We have.

Bible Q.

Star Trek Q.

Can be anything really.

6cf79b  No.3800941

File: 1869e3a0d6b409a⋯.jpg (218.46 KB, 1952x1116, 488:279, whitakerTAKESlead.JPG)


Impeccable timing Mr. Mueller

d25866  No.3800942


>glad our country has (pic related)

But surely Venezuelans have big tits too, no?

c5caa3  No.3800943

42b793  No.3800944

File: af78c744e54a9ff⋯.png (127.53 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Screenshot (8).png)

Reposting for visibility

Anon posted at end of last bread

Possible Notable

0b0bd4  No.3800945


That and jim watkins has wizard browls rofl

603d73  No.3800946


The visual implies he is not

Subliminal vs reality

dffbc2  No.3800947


no worries, fren

636ddd  No.3800948

File: 94208d3dc97541c⋯.jpg (553.08 KB, 1035x800, 207:160, hillary-gaslighting-rgb-be….jpg)

File: 185be2b9ee9efee⋯.png (106.05 KB, 510x325, 102:65, gaslighting-with-quotes-e1….png)

>>3799912 CNN gaslighting: now accusing WH of posting doctored video of Acosta accosting WH staffer

765036  No.3800949


Yeah not adding up at all. Anons are right, we have to start with his mental health care.

7ebf14  No.3800950


kek, no sir…wish it was though

9c7a81  No.3800951


yes defending the border would be violent because they are goddamn INVADERS!

bbaf8d  No.3800952


You could look on ebay for recently sold Reagan/Bush shirts. People don't have those just laying around. A crisis actor manager might have bought it.

6397a3  No.3800953



It's also a lefty hangout - has been for decades.

If that newsflash is Fake&Gay

They still get bonus points for using a plausible location for said activity

562df5  No.3800954


Not much wind, yet we've got a forest fire

598c84  No.3800955

File: 482871225f9484b⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 170703_wn_benitez5_16x9_99….jpg)

File: b9e8bcadd454f0b⋯.jpg (139.84 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 2m1l74.jpg)

File: e73b37ed670a9cf⋯.png (78.97 KB, 229x312, 229:312, christie-closed-beach-extr….png)

50127b  No.3800956


Fake as FUCK!

Like the news crew would already be there with cameras rolling while the guy is still shooting up the place.

390d97  No.3800957

File: 49726bbb37f5680⋯.png (367.39 KB, 731x523, 731:523, q.PNG)

59c090  No.3800958


Which one's on top?

020514  No.3800959

File: 32a59b42a417cc6⋯.jpg (661.14 KB, 1547x1561, 221:223, CC as AG HELL FUCKING NO.jpg)


>CBS News has learned former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is being considered to replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.


>JUST FUCKING NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>dude. THAT guy?!?


>Fuck that crooked fat ass.

>No Christie !



>I just can't see Trump making that mistake.

>Maybe Christie's visit is for optics? I would guess nothing more than that.




Hiring Chris Christie as Attorney General would be the dumbest waste of political capital in presidential history

79faac  No.3800960


The board is what EXACTLY what we know it to be.

In fact, I think Q is here now…

df5d04  No.3800961


Also, if he's assisting it would put a good spin on it.

So negative.

9bf951  No.3800962


check'd , and it is more like 113 that are not called. that's what this site says anyway


175 confirmed D

149 confirmed R

15 Likely D

15 Leaning D

38 Toss-ups

25 Leans R

20 Likely R

10b84d  No.3800963

File: e1a8e259b353eb4⋯.gif (996.92 KB, 500x198, 250:99, can you dig it.gif)


Makes since.

I can dig it.

Thanks for the logical response.

9ebf91  No.3800964


AUS too?

fae6c8  No.3800965

File: c6e773eb1401b12⋯.jpeg (42.9 KB, 948x257, 948:257, 310B7C0C-B0A1-4C09-9426-D….jpeg)

File: bc5801c19188b39⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 164x285, 164:285, A4AA53C1-3071-415C-B1ED-F2….gif)


Are you going to be there too?

Bring a hot friend and a sammich.

08b6c8  No.3800966

File: 6391c416d6a1231⋯.png (107.71 KB, 493x326, 493:326, 564.PNG)

0486a5  No.3800967


Gotcha. The closest thing I've done as far as biblefagging here is compare this whole scenario to the Preterist being "mostly" correct, and post-tribulationalists being wrong. But you're right, lol. Could be anything.

390d97  No.3800968

File: 23a186eaa1a8565⋯.png (20.03 KB, 734x144, 367:72, q.PNG)

0d5a3b  No.3800969

Illinois swamp creature Kinzinger shilling on Fox Business

> anons don't forget (you) and Moustafa Mouaz. BYE dude!

aa9115  No.3800970


Nadler is HOUSE, not senate!

9d7797  No.3800971


>This is potentially as bad firing Mueller,” she wrote. “[Trump is] accomplishing what he wants in a more stealth way


f7f825  No.3800972



^^^Couldn't stop after posting

Wondering how many tried

432bf7  No.3800973

79bfc9  No.3800974

File: e874aa45851645e⋯.jpeg (133.26 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1541073548.jpeg)

File: c382a1fbd121004⋯.jpeg (137.59 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1541074041.jpeg)

File: ec32934fbe7c01d⋯.jpeg (128.41 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1541075327.jpeg)

File: 2cecf455834d9b2⋯.jpeg (162.04 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1541075660.jpeg)

38d14b  No.3800975

File: 639eff1df33ce0b⋯.jpg (535.95 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181108-085323….jpg)


Can't crop and post without doxxing

93eeb5  No.3800976

File: 1df2c1ac544a289⋯.png (360.32 KB, 596x381, 596:381, ClipboardImage.png)

4d64b9  No.3800977


Taking a page out of the EU school of voting: If you don't get the result you want, just hold another vote after doing some gaslighting.

d2075f  No.3800978



7e423e  No.3800979


Relax. He's trolling.

d25866  No.3800980


>Ask RBG about PAIN

So, you're saying Q team pushed the old bat down to break her ribs, and that fulfills Q's PAIN?

5e3f59  No.3800981


You obviously dont live in SoCal. Yes, it's warm during the day, but thiz time of year it cools off to 60s at night. Jacket or sweater westher for some.

057404  No.3800982


Yeah “Trust Wray” while he completes the deepstate coverup.

The clown was brought in by none other than RR himself, used to work with all of these treasonous bastards at DOJ during Bush era.


ebad00  No.3800983

File: c54a003a3073c66⋯.png (311.45 KB, 1048x620, 262:155, 9DDA6266-9666-4E3E-87EE-34….png)

File: 7fcb6694677345d⋯.jpeg (147.9 KB, 634x405, 634:405, B2998C5D-B399-48A6-A98A-F….jpeg)

File: dbd524e5af89119⋯.jpeg (52.22 KB, 662x500, 331:250, C5BFF726-028A-4E15-B13B-A….jpeg)


In a perfect world she would be a crazy fuck is really what i was meaning. So sad she has to be dem-ented. Oh well.

636ddd  No.3800984

File: 5ffe87b4fa10c82⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, 1541525777.jpg)

48185a  No.3800985

Oh the conjecture swine

c70809  No.3800986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This has got to be one of Bridges Q was talking about

ROBIN TROWER - Bridge Of Sighs (1974 UK TV Appearance) ~ HIGH QUALITY HQ ~

7b6ca9  No.3800987



636ddd  No.3800988

File: c9ae9c1059c439f⋯.png (425.37 KB, 719x1280, 719:1280, IMG_32971.png)

4c730d  No.3800990


He’s not saying he won’t defend the border, just that he wants to avoid that confrontational situation. Why do think they were putting up razor wire?

f52c16  No.3800991



636ddd  No.3800992

File: 0d7b5e9aac981b0⋯.png (131.46 KB, 500x441, 500:441, 0d7b5e9aac981b04196e36486b….png)

8a267e  No.3800993


White House gardener seen leaving white house, must be on short list for AG.

these dicks are just going crazy that they don't get them juicy leaks anymore.

12516b  No.3800994

File: 16b5ee5a34192c0⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 600x906, 100:151, 1499665_10152116261434444_….jpg)

b3cc64  No.3800995


>Foil Robert Mueller’s Backup Plans

what 'backup plans' does Mueller require.

59c090  No.3800996


Political Heavyweight?

636ddd  No.3800997

File: 7bd65ceafd4b255⋯.png (371.69 KB, 670x670, 1:1, d6478909d684505af863ddd4f8….png)

0f6d74  No.3800998


Could easily be a cover story. Just like NoName's cancer.

9d840d  No.3800999


Closet gun grabber signed ( very quietly ) a law in 2013 to use federal no fly lists to screen NJ buyers. Secret list, no way to challenge any mistakes. Copied by Murphy in CT.

0d5a3b  No.3801000

File: ad96b16c5ed9597⋯.jpeg (625.53 KB, 1242x1034, 621:517, 13E7A06B-FD77-4E37-9649-F….jpeg)

File: 80c17071a07da83⋯.png (42 KB, 633x607, 633:607, 1152EB11-F716-48D9-8046-80….png)


You need these too to make your case

ebad00  No.3801001


Dubs be yeeest.. helps raise the bread

48185a  No.3801002

File: 70007c0c5f99dbf⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 720x531, 80:59, IMG_1277.JPG)

File: 814b73dcf2392c3⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 371x280, 53:40, IMG_1281.JPG)

File: 8357db481c6182f⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 975x477, 325:159, IMG_1304.JPG)

f2fe12  No.3801003


PTSD= Pelosi Triggered Suicidal Distraction ???

636ddd  No.3801004

File: 005bcbbb9003847⋯.jpg (122.9 KB, 862x830, 431:415, 005bcbbb9003847fe9a289e8a4….jpg)

51d804  No.3801005


You just got a copypasta of Q

79bfc9  No.3801006

File: 94f7fd1e67d1ada⋯.jpg (151.77 KB, 1028x476, 257:119, Wink-Wink.jpg)

50e5a9  No.3801007


they deleted the false report

d35a7a  No.3801008

File: cc64617a4b3529f⋯.png (20.53 KB, 720x644, 180:161, cc64617a4b3529f3a6891aaedc….png)


I've usually filtered you by now, but have to admit you got me kek'ing on this…

BTW, I really needed it. REALLY bad day today… so thanks if you're human. Carry on if you're bottin'..

31aecb  No.3801009


Jewess rodeo:

Put dick in crazy

Whisper "I love POTUS" in her ear

Try to hold on for 8 seconds

9ebf91  No.3801010


wow this is proof then its actors

0d1ebb  No.3801011

File: 11df0f3267984ea⋯.jpg (830.25 KB, 1360x2093, 1360:2093, Screenshot_20181108-095732….jpg)

d2075f  No.3801012


Ridiculous, she looked ready to fall over at each State of the Union or swearing in ceremony she attended. Narcoleptic.

289faf  No.3801013


vetanon here. The VA doctors hand out pysch meds like candy.

9f393f  No.3801014

File: 158ca1b5939eeaf⋯.png (257.56 KB, 999x550, 999:550, fauxcnn.png)

File: 4490a076689746d⋯.png (490.31 KB, 1008x557, 1008:557, noriskmb.png)

File: f243fac93513647⋯.png (665.82 KB, 988x572, 19:11, shhann.png)


This. Hannity & Dobbs should have bailed long ago.

Chris Farell of Judicial Watch is banned from both Faux channels for telling Lou Dobbs Soros has something to do with funding caravans because CNN deemed it "insensitive & Anti-Semitic". They also pulled GOP caravan AD.

8ce4a3  No.3801015


Wouldnt it be ironic if this guy were connected to Ford?

Not disinfo just waxing

c0fa5a  No.3801016

File: f1d5713b3d86693⋯.jpg (285.08 KB, 999x660, 333:220, kali.jpg)


It has been prophecied, IMO [pic related]

322c9c  No.3801017

File: 0fe253e691b4794⋯.jpeg (31.82 KB, 500x262, 250:131, image.jpeg)


From the article:


Donald Trump has installed a crony to oversee the special counsel’s Trump-Russia investigation, crossing a red line set to protect the investigation. By replacing Rod Rosenstein with just-named Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker as special counsel Robert Mueller’s boss on the investigation, Trump has undercut the independence of the investigation. Whitaker has publicly outlined strategies to stifle the investigation and cannot be allowed to remain in charge of it. The Nobody Is Above the Law network demands that Whitaker immediately commit not to assume supervision of the investigation. Our hundreds of response events are being launched to demonstrate the public demand for action to correct this injustice. We will update this page as the situation develops.

The truth is that the left was holding back during the run up to the midterm elections because they didn’t want to turn any potential voters against their candidates. Now that the midterm elections are over, they are free to do whatever they want.

cd1d6a  No.3801018


Are they cabal backup plans in case Mueller is working for the good guys?

246968  No.3801019


If you have any specific questions I'll run it by the anonWife - she's the expert in that subject - although I have to listen to it for weeks again before I can filter it down to english.

928663  No.3801020

Got to go for now. Be back later.

Take care Q.

9ebf91  No.3801021



do you guys think these are all the same guy?

fc8363  No.3801022


No but board after board is filled with garbage and good information is missed. We already have enough clowns/bots/shills trying to derail.

b59305  No.3801023


It is an old article but I like to do that. If a new name comes up that we don't know much about. I do what I call an old dig on them. I filter the search results for anything before Trump was President.

ef6fb4  No.3801024

File: 75f5514a2fef2ef⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 840x442, 420:221, 1541582534-4.jpg)

high noon


dark to light

Pray for our President

& our great country, anons


c70809  No.3801025

File: 95ce80ea288f874⋯.png (743.07 KB, 704x394, 352:197, Capture.PNG)

Suspected Maoist rebels kill five ahead of Chhattisgarh polls

The third such attack in two weeks comes a day before Prime Minister Modi addresses an election rally in the state.

Raipur, Chhattisgarh - Suspected Maoist rebels in India have killed five people, including a paramilitary soldier, in a restive central Indian state that goes to polls this month.

Police said two Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) soldiers were also wounded when an explosive device tore through a CISF bus near Bacheli in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district on Thursday.

It was the third such attack in two weeks and came a day before Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses an election rally in the state.

In the previous two attacks, four paramilitary soldiers, two policemen and one television cameraman were killed.


df7a1d  No.3801026

File: daaf42c7b61d379⋯.png (261.75 KB, 923x583, 923:583, sleepers.png)







to share with those still asleep on this issue


ba0e47  No.3801027


SDNY - Weiner country - laptop a'comin'?

fae6c8  No.3801028


Yeah I seen her on some random PBS documentary where they had her all apple pie and conservative looking.

I liked her for like 45 seconds then I snapped out of it.

3eedf8  No.3801029

Hey clockfags

How does Q post saying "down she goes" line up with RBG fall?

a0b04d  No.3801030

RGB ribs….

I work with a lot of geriatric ladies rehabbing from injuries and disease. The ribs aren't life-threatening. What strikes me is that she fell hard enough to break the ribs. If an ol lady has had one fall, she's had ten or more falls where they didn't injure themselves to warrant a trip to the ER. Sure she might get some tissue damage or put herself at greater risk for pneumonia but she'll be fine for now. The second thing that I can say is that she won't be able to keep up a busy schedule. Broken ribs will greatly limit what a healthy person can do, Torso movement is painful and you naturally breath shallow with broken ribs, less oxygen, less energy.

Good luck keeping up the pace RGB, you sick old bitch.

7fe745  No.3801031


I am not sure he isn't part of it, he decided not to run for re-election…in Jan of this year..which was a surprise to most. I'll post article.. but anyway in the notables last bread, you can see what civic activities he's connected to.

79faac  No.3801032


Ok, seriously. Can someone please tell me; did I just get a (You) from Q?

8ec71c  No.3801033


Sounds like a cover story to explain why he’s there. DJT is a law&order guy - won’t appoint Christie?

What other reasons could he be there?

f7f825  No.3801034




Think it is more about displaying to everyone the narrative

Example 1. Trump FIRED Sessions - No Sessions resigned

Example 2. Acosta Acostered a girl, No he was just a rude ass

Double standard

928663  No.3801035


5d7a46  No.3801036


Good point…..why would an honest, non-partisan

investigation need a "plan" , much-less a "back-up plan" ?

48185a  No.3801037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White supremacy

Caused the Native American genocide

b019f4  No.3801038

File: af390403bc282fa⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 600x553, 600:553, emhance.jpg)


He may be able to dig it, but can he zoom in and enhance ??

f52c16  No.3801039


Good catch, I missed that it was an anon edit.

0b0bd4  No.3801040


Gotta finish destroying evidence so our roth overlords can keep oppressing the goyim

ca0edb  No.3801041

28eae5  No.3801042


im not able to find the emails on wikileaks sote. says they released them but theres no searchable database of them?

whats up with the fuckery?


50127b  No.3801043



how about the hat?

"Pretty Good at Bad Decisions"

aa9115  No.3801044


I think you're looking at projected prior to election.

This is how they have it at :


0486a5  No.3801045


Dude, I can run for AG, too. Doesn't mean Imma gonna get it. I will tell you this, though, if nominated, there will be more redheads employed at the DOJ.

Just saying.

79bfc9  No.3801046

File: fd977b0ae551184⋯.jpeg (168.74 KB, 1440x664, 180:83, 1531450771.jpeg)

f52c16  No.3801047


Repost this bread please.

a4a141  No.3801048

File: 5e78eec73ee10bb⋯.jpg (16.93 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 5e78eec73ee10bbf99b071cb3f….jpg)


NO! No you dumb ass!

d40fd2  No.3801049


SEEEEEEEEEE the desperation…

741c51  No.3801050

>>3799912 CNN gaslighting: now accusing WH of posting doctored video of Acosta accosting WH staffer


We all knew they would start accusing us of posting doctored videos and doctored images or deep fakes…projecting their own tricks onto us…well here we go. That train's never late nigga

b0e344  No.3801051

0b0bd4  No.3801052


State of Q research

Christie christie the worlds biggest jew neocon

Talking about prison reform

I cant believe i follow this shit jesus

ebad00  No.3801053


Damn! I dabted a few jewis chicks. One was sweeter than honey. Reminds me of her

9c7a81  No.3801054


>▶ a thousand feet of razor wire is easily crossed after a few bodies fall on the wire the people just walk over them

bbaf8d  No.3801055


kek always kills me

31aecb  No.3801056

File: 745e5b05b7c09a8⋯.png (111.17 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, IMG_2405.PNG)

Is RGB's hospitalization cover for her arrest?

3204c8  No.3801057

Prince Philip broke a rib before Harry & Megan’s wedding

48185a  No.3801058


After that 114,000,000 native America genocide

All this Jewish soyboy nazi genocide seems lame

Feel free to prostrate yourself in the synagogue of Satan for the old "Mossad" psyop of goolag that killed 30 million

In fact the only blood debt greater is mao's unreported 200 million genocide

So have confidence knowing that Jew baiting idolatry is what caused this usery for tsipraism oil Econ

And the scientologists are truly backpeddling the $4 trillion spent post challenger explosion




Quaralling hobbits on a compd board to Romanceing the spongebob squarepants for Gestapi engineered muhjooskikeshillin Vader Rex soylent orange fake Abraham to spite the Muslim brotherhood while spiteing the justice of children fagOTUS batter With artificial premises and a tax evasion fake narrative Cause peanut butter sex slaves have homo rage from gematria induced Scientology Passive aggressive Satan worship for tsipraism oil lizards of the U.K. To distract from the cursed trillion dollar cocaine dilution hogg cult of pedogate That runs Hollywood with the Mossad curse of goolag but the apocrypha of the Talmud queers zerubabble biltmore BBQ got micheal Jackson killed And now that we all know what rosensteins asshole did to quantitative easements with Julian ASSangel perhaps some real zersetzung can shitpost homoerotic zombie ordeals for white supremacy And fexas false idolatry that's greasing the Koch bros tranny cucking finger cuff privatized water scam that blew deep water horizon with underwriters





Professional tranny help





White supremacy




d2075f  No.3801059


Why were Vegas witnesses killed? Why were the three Americans who foiled a terror attack on a French train mysteriously involved in later attacks and mass shootings?

69d5ae  No.3801060

File: 2a37f0ed0736c4c⋯.png (173.97 KB, 750x750, 1:1, bldrpoint.png)


trips of truth Anon.

Christie as AG is like turd in punchbowl IMO.

unless POTUS has shit to keep him under his thumb.

but even then, he is an evil slippery eel.

79faac  No.3801061


Ok, anon. Damn.

12516b  No.3801062

File: 4cc38bbb7f75477⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 599x650, 599:650, stark.jpg)

9bfac1  No.3801063

File: d1a4cdd19f73f1a⋯.png (666.98 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8FBB752E-C03B-4C85-BA4E-A1….png)


a0b04d  No.3801064


ha! RBG not RGB,

1ac436  No.3801065


No, but (you) got a KEK from (me).

88c613  No.3801066


>Why were Vegas witnesses killed? Why were the three Americans who foiled a terror attack on a French train mysteriously involved in later attacks and mass shootings?

Ask Seal Team 6.

a30c76  No.3801067

File: 6169c59d8de19b1⋯.jpg (23.31 KB, 284x178, 142:89, 2m1m6y.jpg)

fcf302  No.3801068



CC: I'll never fit in those cells in GITMO.

POTUS: Don't worry about it, we'll build you a nice aquarium. You know, like Shamu had.

102cec  No.3801069



Why? Does he want a nicer room?

9961a2  No.3801070


Rumors abound…would need sauce

But it's being said on twitter she's not coming bacl

54ccfd  No.3801071


The MediaBuzz guy on Fox just said the same thing. Doctored video that came from InfoWars.

e65b8c  No.3801072


far far from a newfag… hence "to reiterate"… slow your roll

7b6ca9  No.3801073


Kris Kobach → AG

The conservative Kansas secretary of state who lost his bid for governor Tuesday could end up winning the AG sweepstakes. The Trump ally headed the president’s now-disbanded voter fraud commission. Kobach has said he turned down opportunities to serve in the Trump administration to run for governor. Contacted by the Kansas City Star on Wednesday, Kobach offered “no comment.”

But his campaign manager, J.R. Claeys, said “it’s definitely a possibility.” While cautioning that he hasn’t had any conversations with Kobach about becoming attorney general, Claeys said, “It does make complete sense.” But according to Joe diGenova, an informal Trump legal adviser who nearly joined the president’s personal legal team earlier this year, Kobach isn’t “ready to take over a job like that,”

7fe745  No.3801074

>>3800732 More on Ventura County….About the Soroptimists



Baker these go with Geoff Dean Dig

fae6c8  No.3801075

File: c182e9f11b95774⋯.jpeg (70.18 KB, 500x776, 125:194, E5A3D23C-32ED-41F7-82FF-3….jpeg)

ef6fb4  No.3801076


She will be dead in a week

a4a141  No.3801077

File: eeef607de788cae⋯.jpg (102.1 KB, 550x550, 1:1, front-doors.jpg)


Here a nice door. Walk yourself out.

86f091  No.3801078

File: 4a48a92c5402cbc⋯.gif (881.31 KB, 200x232, 25:29, retard.gif)


go take your ritalin, spurge

79bfc9  No.3801079

File: d77ec08b9201525⋯.gif (952.7 KB, 250x272, 125:136, tenor.gif)

f52c16  No.3801080



My ribs are fine thank you.

bbaf8d  No.3801081


Yep, starting to smell the cast of this movie. Hogg's probably in this fuckery somehow, too

df5d04  No.3801082


She going to get fat.

04fb0e  No.3801083


Looking like yesterday may have been the day the media died

7e423e  No.3801084


Not a bad call. I still want TG, though.

79faac  No.3801085


Good enough

ba0e47  No.3801086

File: 60ef2897e5724eb⋯.png (117.26 KB, 918x527, 54:31, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

There is all this talk about the new AG and Clovis’ relationship. Clovis was my supervisor for a couple months until I reported directly to the top. The camp SHUT DOWN any proposed trip/engagement with Russia numerous times. Even Sam’s judgment on the Russia topic changed.




8aa037  No.3801087


In any of the recent pics they hide the edge of the flag so you can't tell if it's there or not. Last I saw it, it was military.

ccebef  No.3801088

File: d5664e028bd429b⋯.png (35.79 KB, 673x135, 673:135, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

Nadler on list with dual citizens with Israel.

Y'all can do this shit yourselves, you know.



8cd9a6  No.3801089


What do you think disqualifies Chris Christie from this position, bridgegate? Honest question.

5a6290  No.3801090

You fags haven't figured it out yet?

RBG was waiting to be told when to fake this injury.

Q owns this traitor, her slip and fall is how she exits stage left.

4b8d1f  No.3801091

File: e73c12a4922e895⋯.png (36.48 KB, 459x423, 51:47, MadMaxine.PNG)

Does anyone have a source for the claim of Maxines cash assests in access of 6mil?

I know, I'm a idiot for asking, should lurk moar yada yada yada.

Just looking for a little help from my friends…

0bc979  No.3801092


A brand new t-shirt

2ef142  No.3801093

File: ec9482adacbc0be⋯.jpg (964.79 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181108-110143….jpg)

File: 5e057856df5dc9c⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181108-110154….jpg)

File: e502d846e031eb8⋯.jpg (701.97 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181108-110202….jpg)


North of Broward county

6cf79b  No.3801094

File: 0f86563ef4315e5⋯.png (588.11 KB, 745x498, 745:498, RBGrib.png)

a4a141  No.3801095


Sorry…but this is 8chan, I have to behave like that for the street credits.

9c7a81  No.3801096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this song will pass the time during the preapocolypse

7fe745  No.3801097


This is very interesting..Pawn maybe?

9bf951  No.3801098


checked (again) , and you're right , it was the polls section i was looking at , ty

f52c16  No.3801099


>>3800895 is in the notables.

12516b  No.3801100

File: 0017f92ed84c38e⋯.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1657x1668, 1657:1668, 1540339589.jpeg)

0a0f3a  No.3801101



7356d1  No.3801102




72fed5  No.3801103

does anyone else feel like CNN accusing White House of publishing a doctored version of the Acosta video is a test balloon for the argument the HRC video will be doctored too.

8dbf2a  No.3801104


Yes, Gaslighting while (((their))) Ministry of Truth is frantically trying to "Zapruderize" the real footage by splicing out the "karate chop".

2f2826  No.3801105

Tick Tock



#Goodbye Rod

fae6c8  No.3801106

File: 43ca7c29c539651⋯.jpeg (170.86 KB, 736x1102, 368:551, C09CD478-50DD-4992-B50A-3….jpeg)


Nuttin wong wiff a liddle thicknass!


5e3f59  No.3801107


Fuck off. 100% speculation on your part.

69d5ae  No.3801108

File: 34023c05e75d699⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 696x365, 696:365, hillary-clinton-angry.jpg)



dual citizen congress critter lists all over the interwebz.

b0e344  No.3801109


conditioning the sheeple for it

a4cfe9  No.3801110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'"A Secret You Were Never Told | ==CAIN== Means "CYAN", The First Blue Blood'"

0f6d74  No.3801111

The black girl talking about people breaking bar stools against the window to get out, is totally acting. Just saw clip again and she is a horrible actor.

86b0b7  No.3801112


Deep state final throws trying to send POTUS a message that they still have allies in the military if he chooses martial law?

A MARINE… shoots up TRUMP supporters…. at a bar called BORDERLINE.

It's always a message.

d2075f  No.3801113


Except for all the eyewitnesses.

7e423e  No.3801114


Nah, they objected because it originated from AJ and InfoWars. They want him thoroughly nonpersonned.

48185a  No.3801115

File: 36f427789a1d046⋯.jpg (200.21 KB, 560x560, 1:1, IMG_0904.JPG)

The back hoe took over the world and no one noticed

7fe745  No.3801116


Okay, sorry for bothering you, I'll go back to digging…

cf876a  No.3801117

File: 38004150a380ab0⋯.png (326.38 KB, 600x584, 75:73, 38004150a380ab0ce5a4ba7c9d….png)



259681  No.3801118

File: 568f30c77a63551⋯.gif (979.59 KB, 245x182, 35:26, giphy (40).gif)


"The owls are not what the seem." ~ Twin Peaks

David Lynch alluded to it all in the original airing of the Twin Peaks in the 90s. Even used creepy music from a pedo documentary throughout the series.

057404  No.3801119


POTUS has this one shot to save his presidency and the nation.

He’d better not pull another Wray here.

Pray he doesn’t follow the “great advice” he gets from his WH advisers or clowns like Rosenstein, et al.

We need Joe DiGenova or someone from Freedom/Judicial Watch!

df5d04  No.3801120


…until she turns 40 and that little thickness turns out being a massive thickness where you have to roll her around in flour just to find the wetspot.

12516b  No.3801121

File: 78ef2708a7b2f42⋯.jpg (140.56 KB, 634x959, 634:959, 2E0B733200000578-0-image-a….jpg)

a30c76  No.3801122

File: 61af56cd7258499⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 184x274, 92:137, rbg-rip.jpg)

562df5  No.3801123

Did HRC visit RBG last night and give her a kick?

020514  No.3801124


>uh…. prrrrrrobably the VA, as a combat door-to-door vet, anon?

Good guess. On a personal note, my is wife is a WQKE mental health nurse practitioner and she had a troubling experience with one young ex-military vet with PTSD. He was not her patient, but a colleagues. As I recall, he was known as a "cleaner" when active in Afghanistan. He was turned away from the VA and ultimately from the private practice where my wife works for being rude and angry towards everyone and not following medical advice. He wrote a threatening letter to the private practice afterwards and had everyone on edge for weeks because he seemed like the kinda of broken guy that could just lose it one day and kill a bunch of people. It is a SAD thing what WAR does to people.

b0e344  No.3801126



and they think he didn't know that, and gives a fuck?

ccebef  No.3801127

File: e79c2d0a17c6fed⋯.png (101.14 KB, 785x215, 157:43, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

Nadler at Clinton's surprise Bday party.

(Wasn't there Q about this?)



10b84d  No.3801128


it's a gif

d2075f  No.3801129


One of their muslim sleepers in the military.

69d5ae  No.3801130

File: 2ab411cd168590d⋯.png (283.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, caphindsite.png)


that and his stealth 2A gun shit…

but we got no voice in appointments.

POTUS picked Bolton - wtf?

what a fucken ride…

9ebf91  No.3801131

File: feff7583ddb5d60⋯.png (248.42 KB, 496x708, 124:177, teslaaus.png)

a4a141  No.3801132

File: 63d42f17facf4dd⋯.jpg (32 KB, 600x480, 5:4, Triple_Facepalm.jpg)

0a0f3a  No.3801134


Wish it would come out that she lied. I have relatives who insist kavanaugh raped her. Will not listen to reason. Like a brick wall

d3854f  No.3801135

File: dfce70a692fc7d6⋯.jpg (156.87 KB, 656x674, 328:337, freestuff.jpg)

9bb7e5  No.3801136

File: e852bd38fbea67e⋯.jpg (329.35 KB, 399x911, 399:911, 12233.jpg)

Jeff Sessions was too close to Trump so it was impossible for him to declass things or do any other bold moves. You know things are about to heat up when nationwide protests are planned "to support Sessions and Mueller investigation) They know new AG will forcefully declass at any given time now and their plan was already predicted by Q on his post back in june. Declass collapses the house of cards and martial law is being temporarily activated to take control of soros paid crowds nice and easy before they can do a damn thing. Once FISA declass happens, many sealed indictments will be unsealed and massive raids will start againts mid level dems. Controlling senate was the key in all of this and now the plan is ready to move onto more visible side of phase(See Q's >>3783761 "While we had a senate majority on paper, in reality, we never did, nor could we count on bringing investigations to that body until it was safely in our full control")

7e423e  No.3801137


I don't think she'll last that long. I think she was holding on hoping for a change in the Senate that didn't come.

873df1  No.3801138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This video disqualifies Chris Christie from being AG

he would need to RECUSE himself from anything related to Clinton

Fuck this fake news shit. it will not be Christie

f52c16  No.3801139


You're not bothering me at all anon. Good work.

If I added the notable to the wrong area let me know.

245024  No.3801140

File: 285a6ba0149e68f⋯.png (225.63 KB, 1206x878, 603:439, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

Or could be a 7 minute head start

4d64b9  No.3801141


I'd imagine if anything, HRC would visit RBG to wrap her in bubble wrap.

296204  No.3801143

File: 2c85513d9ba06d0⋯.gif (3.8 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1535262869008.gif)

7fe745  No.3801144


This guy is creepy..for sure.

df5d04  No.3801145


Wasn't there something about videos can be faked now?

4d64b9  No.3801146


I'd imagine if anything, HRC would visit RBG to wrap her in bubble wrap.>>3801123

55b18b  No.3801148

Calling it now.

The "protests" will be a CIA color revolution (purple) ala Maidan in Ukraine : the pantifags et al will be fired on by "right wing racist white supremacist extremist Trump worshiping" snipers.

Meanwhile, a disturbed "Qanon" nutjob will ram a vehicle of some description, I suspect red paintjob, into a crowd of purple haired freaks.

And you will see the Fake News losers wearing purple ties and accessories as they breathlessly blame Trump for everything.

5d7a46  No.3801149


Yes….speculation or theories of any kind

are strictly forbidden on the chans….kys

f7f825  No.3801150


>What if it's Huber?

Pondered this yesterday

-Think it is possible though not seeing upside since

as an independent in Utah no DC fuckery to deal with.

-Whoever is picked is likely to be a flamethrower to dim snowflakes.

Who would make them melt down on epic scale?

31aecb  No.3801151

File: 86a42d8581a88e5⋯.jpg (63.55 KB, 640x645, 128:129, IMG_1964.JPG)


Go back to Reddit with your fat acceptance crap.

5ec8ba  No.3801152

File: 32b06568a78c6eb⋯.png (38.37 KB, 569x224, 569:224, Screenshot 2018-11-08 at 1….png)

File: 9327e8be83a0098⋯.png (46.11 KB, 570x489, 190:163, Screenshot 2018-11-08 at 1….png)

File: 493d45ccf451f6c⋯.png (34.79 KB, 569x279, 569:279, Screenshot 2018-11-08 at 1….png)

File: 4a1a635cfc29665⋯.png (107.35 KB, 576x826, 288:413, Screenshot 2018-11-08 at 1….png)

fcf302  No.3801153

File: f9ea29ceab08c22⋯.png (106 KB, 800x584, 100:73, inyougo.png)


Right this way!

b6cdf0  No.3801154


It was a "country night" correct? I would assume I would see more conservative types there.

d726ce  No.3801155

File: f01ef6388cfb164⋯.png (119.61 KB, 742x430, 371:215, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: e39f01973e7c893⋯.png (319.19 KB, 691x953, 691:953, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: f203f44ba0eff4d⋯.png (233.52 KB, 538x771, 538:771, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

U.S. Cyber Command Shares Malware via VirusTotal.

Bringing dark into the light.

02b39c  No.3801156

Thoughts on TRDJ+ on Twatter being W.H.I?

51d804  No.3801157

File: 006cb8cb831a682⋯.png (877.77 KB, 800x805, 160:161, ClipboardImage.png)

289faf  No.3801158

File: ef2b929e2dfeafc⋯.png (243.08 KB, 489x265, 489:265, ClipboardImage.png)


Ask him…

d2075f  No.3801159


Feeling someone up is not a rape, but a sexual assault. Plus K is innocent.

2ef142  No.3801160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stacey Abrams fuckery

16bac1  No.3801161


Just watched the Disney Nutcracker Film, it was a nice and whimsical thing just for the holidays until I remembered nothing is innocent anymore. Nothing but OWLs and MICE and decaying childhood dreams. Bleh!

877d54  No.3801162


Laura Ingraham FOX introduced the idea last night

e2afff  No.3801163

File: 68ed313086c3877⋯.jpg (122.59 KB, 693x529, 693:529, tolamap.jpg)

CA shooting at Borderline Bar along the 101 freeway in Thousand Oaks, Los Angeles County. All night live news coverage since it began. I listened to radio coverage until midnight, shut the radio off and slept soundly. This morning, the violence porn coverage continued. Here's a live radio feed signal for the 24 hour Los Angeles news radio station, CBS affiliate KNX 1070 AM.


48185a  No.3801164

File: 2b3497aed3ef84c⋯.jpg (428.71 KB, 748x748, 1:1, IMG_0919.JPG)

File: 3dd2b739e1a704a⋯.jpg (93.01 KB, 1440x1308, 120:109, IMG_1612.JPG)


Why does African chocolate have to do with islams birth and Ishtar and bunnies

2f2826  No.3801165


If that doesn’t work, use a set of blueprints

50127b  No.3801166



Cover story for her exit.

We are watching a movie.

c6afdb  No.3801167

File: a01e620c8109f0b⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 527x236, 527:236, a01e620c8109f0b2a43055c3c7….jpg)

Anon added info.


Add to 3800412 Notable

Ezra–In April 2018, he rejoined the Trump administration in the Department of Justice, advising Attorney General Sessions on counterterrorism and counterintelligence.


ba0e47  No.3801168

File: 06a9c810cd19433⋯.png (62.67 KB, 929x394, 929:394, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: a73163d6b474132⋯.png (146.3 KB, 898x496, 449:248, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 32f185a83e996d4⋯.png (143.46 KB, 610x599, 610:599, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

Looks like it

George Papadopoulos added,

responding to Dan Bongino:

Could Papadopoulos Blow the Russia Hoax Wide Open?

twats = cst.





b12d33  No.3801169

File: dbf59424fe6f18b⋯.jpg (254.18 KB, 722x809, 722:809, Declass.jpg)

It's happening


c5b589  No.3801170

File: 82b56f508d1600a⋯.jpeg (530.21 KB, 1537x2046, 1537:2046, BC76D05C-B54E-438D-92EF-3….jpeg)

Dorr kickers dont carry glocks. Ask any real door kicker. Oh he was a Marine. Ok any Devil Dogs wanna speak up?

Would you carry a glock to a situation like this?

Oh and why would a Sargent rush in without back up? What was the other officers doing inside? Oh it was a drag show. They were pre optified.

12516b  No.3801171

File: 1af52331aa704a3⋯.jpeg (125.74 KB, 600x800, 3:4, jewverine.jpeg)

f900cc  No.3801172

Sarah Blazonis @SarahBlazonis

Lead recount lawyer for @SenBillNelson's campaign, @marceelias, took part in a conference call with reporters this morning. He said he thinks it's a virtual certainty that #Nelson will come close enough to @ScottforFlorida in vote totals to trigger a hand recount. @BN9


Marc Elias Marc Elias! I know that name from, somewhere ! hahahahaha

9ebf91  No.3801173

whats going on behind the scenes, the AG is obviously to grab media attention, what is the other hands doing?

f59112  No.3801174


I like it. Who wrote that?

3809c4  No.3801175


I call bull shit Anon.

At age 24 I had one cracked rib , ONE

with in a week I had bronchitis. Due to pain, not taking in deep breaths infection starts to grow in the lungs. She is 85 and weak, she has 3 BROKEN ribs. They are keeping her in the hospital not because of the ribs but because the HIGHLY LIKELY scare of infection.

Rand Paul had broken ribs and got pneumonia 3 times because of them. Its a done deal RBG is 85, already very weak, she will most likely not bounce back.

322c9c  No.3801176

File: 0fe253e691b4794⋯.jpeg (31.82 KB, 500x262, 250:131, image.jpeg)

File: 2314bed9394d1ac⋯.jpeg (100.65 KB, 1984x306, 992:153, image.jpeg)

Left' Organizes "Response Events" In 900 Cities To Protest Firing Of Jeff Sessions


765036  No.3801177


None of the witnesses are acting like they just witnessed 13 people get killed. I mean shock makes people act weird but they aren't freaked out at all.

5e3f59  No.3801178


You miss my point.

All an anon has to do is say "IMO".

That covers it. Otherwise you look stupid.

dbcf22  No.3801179


>Jeff Sessions was too close to Trump so it was impossible for him to declass things or do any other bold moves. You know things are about to heat up when nationwide protests are planned "to support Sessions and Mueller investigation)

These 2 sentences contradict one another….

Sessions was NOT close to Trump which is why the left is planning to protest his firing….

So he Could/Should have done the DeClass……..

Probably just More Misdirection to keep us off balance…….

752390  No.3801180

39 UNCONTESTED Dem Reps in '18 midterm!!!


b44f40  No.3801181



9d840d  No.3801182


What if I told you …

MSM wants to spread division among us !

Christie story is LARP

69d5ae  No.3801183

File: baa051256036c45⋯.jpg (216.59 KB, 964x1080, 241:270, fainting.jpg)



Anons repeating and spurging on Christie.

so maybe now everyone in media is talking the same thing…



b0e344  No.3801184


Stories about how "bad people" can now do "deepfakes" turned up in the news once every month or so since last year. Even though nobody has been doing it.

d2075f  No.3801185


you need to grow up Are you going to browbeat your spouse when she gets fat carrying your child?

08ad7f  No.3801186

File: 07bee8551513657⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kin_Moloch3.png)

When Hollywood goes full Moloch….

7e5103  No.3801187

File: c02a9393fab8539⋯.jpg (296.93 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, QCrumbsImagineSize.jpg)

f52c16  No.3801188


Anon if you'd like a notable added please repost it this bread.

Unless there's a big mistake I generally don't mess with previous buns. Cheers.

a4a141  No.3801189

File: 526be483e4feab2⋯.jpg (410.65 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, 3570982_15_o.jpg)


How can you say no to dis!?

48185a  No.3801190

File: 8e657797d434789⋯.png (140.41 KB, 500x786, 250:393, IMG_2577.PNG)

File: 35cdab3321681a7⋯.png (165.67 KB, 500x672, 125:168, IMG_2780.PNG)

File: 4f71e1b1ea23224⋯.jpg (242.78 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2829.JPG)

File: 07bc4448037f0ca⋯.jpeg (58.76 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, 209CA069-6200-4407-B601-0….jpeg)

f900cc  No.3801191



no DOLT sometimes they are numbed by it

79bfc9  No.3801192

File: e67ce5aa832e2f1⋯.jpeg (161.26 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1535593589.jpeg)

2ef142  No.3801193


She stood up for Kavanaugh.. that was the signal that she is now owned imo

f9b0fc  No.3801194

File: 18ffccc1cf4c2c7⋯.jpeg (472.56 KB, 1125x1611, 125:179, 2E22043A-0B2C-44D4-9684-B….jpeg)

POTUS Message to Veterans.

8a267e  No.3801195


but it wasn't a firing and Jeff was totally fine with it…

the left needs a victim

df5d04  No.3801196

File: bd4cc52d0aa2b99⋯.png (85.88 KB, 348x196, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)


Former Kavanaugh colleague among group being considered to replace Sessions as AG: reportshttps://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-kavanaugh-colleague-among-group-being-considered-to-replace-sessions-as-ag-reports

0486a5  No.3801197


Not intending to slide (sorry baker). There was a discussion on night shift a while back and basically I ended up theorizing that Preterists have actually been right (or more right than the mid and post tribulation theories), and the Q movement is more than just a "military op" for the US/World. It's way more complicated.

I believe that the enemy's "image", as described in Revelation, has been in the temple (the wrong one) for a long time, and we've been living in the tribulation. Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem declares it the capital in the eyes of the world, and it will come under attack. I'm so rusty on my scripture, but there's a blurb about someone helping Israel before the Lord gets involved permanently.

Long short, it appears as though what Q is doing is fulfilling a prophecy. Like, "The End Times Prophecy", if you want to look at it that way. You'd have to consider, however, that just about everything we think we know about all world religions, including Christianity, isn't quite what we think it is.

Cool stuff to ponder over some drinks, old maps, and an open mind.

df7a1d  No.3801198

File: 52144d757f722ac⋯.png (126.47 KB, 408x517, 408:517, ClipboardImage.png)


>The VA doctors hand out pysch meds like candy.




770fd1  No.3801199

File: 13b4ec04a61ee20⋯.jpg (289.78 KB, 720x1974, 120:329, midwestmangler.jpg)



4d64b9  No.3801200


Am I the only one who thinks they might be spread too thin if they're trying it in all these different places? Remember the "riots" of last November where only a couple dozen people showed up in the largest of major cities?

4c730d  No.3801201

File: d185b091fe500c2⋯.png (620.16 KB, 1600x674, 800:337, 725F9DF9-24DA-4FFF-B322-6F….png)


C’mon, anon. Use logic. We all want our border secured, but no one wants to see bloodshed. What would you suggest? Pic related.

cac6a4  No.3801202


"Zoomed-In" now counts as "doctored".

But only for this video. Wow.

245024  No.3801203

File: 5fb185e828d7142⋯.jpg (111 KB, 1421x1429, 1421:1429, facepalm.jpg)


who deleted what false report?

16bac1  No.3801204

File: d2b0d07e66c82a7⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 508x960, 127:240, 45613772_10213036702419686….jpg)

It's about to be 2.0 baby, saw a bald eagle on my way home this morning and have a good feeling about today!

23f764  No.3801205

File: 0972a27b243e0d8⋯.jpeg (597.33 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ACA7CD13-0B9A-45A1-8E0B-B….jpeg)

Alive and well in the Northeast

bdb842  No.3801206


Right, she said this last night on Hannity.

POTUS also previously stated in interview with Laura Ingram before the midterms he would declass after the election. So we are just waiting…

599d76  No.3801207

Hey, Q. Birthday tomorrow. How about a DECLASS release for oldanon?

69d5ae  No.3801208

File: 4478e625b98fab0⋯.png (319.6 KB, 640x432, 40:27, waiting.png)



POTUS said it yesterday.

insert 40 lb. sigh here

752390  No.3801209

Anyone know how many C_A candidates won?

b44f40  No.3801210

File: c0069a09180ac14⋯.png (832.23 KB, 900x635, 180:127, a335fb61508f6b5f98409ec35a….png)


He's way to insensitive. Here he isn't even helping POTUS!

d2075f  No.3801211


Wow, talk about a giveaway.

b5e07a  No.3801212

File: c761cc8c9ad4ddb⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1.jpg)

File: 2063d8428183004⋯.jpg (116.02 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 2.jpg)

Preparation for Large Scale Combat Operations dominates discussion at FORSCOM G1 Manning Conference https://www.dvidshub.net/news/299212/preparation-large-scale-combat-operations-dominates-discussion-forscom-g1-manning-conference

51d804  No.3801213


"If we make each circle REALLY big it'll look like there's SOOOO many of us that they'll be just as scared as we are!"

088e2d  No.3801214

File: 9f707b46ea133d2⋯.jpg (110.29 KB, 813x680, 813:680, wikileaks Qaddafis gold.jpg)

File: 70b95abe0a8b0ef⋯.jpg (130.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FISA night shift.jpg)

File: fa1bf7c08f7bef5⋯.jpg (107.09 KB, 800x574, 400:287, keep walking forward.jpg)


Thank you.

08b6c8  No.3801215


I pondered that or DS was behind it too split the SC

ae97cb  No.3801216


less catherding

moar criticalthinking, anon.

you're just wasting posts&focus

50127b  No.3801217


nobody shot anybody.

faker than fake.


873fb4  No.3801218

6cf79b  No.3801219

File: 9fcb0e71c3a763d⋯.png (98.75 KB, 537x464, 537:464, fisa45.png)

File: 9ae135786f0cbe8⋯.jpg (174.71 KB, 1440x1970, 144:197, fisasignatuses.JPG)

9b3946  No.3801220


FUck your birthday ANON

f52c16  No.3801221


Anon can you provide a link?

077c8e  No.3801222


that's a creepy coincidence

526109  No.3801223


Will be very close to your prediction if not to a T

0d5a3b  No.3801224


Im not going to their site today but check that your filters are cleared. Have read some of the Brennan releases before.

9bfac1  No.3801225

File: 5d07eec1f20e05b⋯.jpeg (513.33 KB, 1210x1483, 1210:1483, DEA447C0-CF13-42C1-9B19-2….jpeg)

They are so stupid

60787e  No.3801226


Originally Sceduled for Jan. 2019


b5ca4f  No.3801227

File: d61eb5225295ded⋯.jpg (104.32 KB, 884x1200, 221:300, kk1.jpg)

b13685  No.3801228


does anyone have sauce on this actually going to happen or is it just hysteria?

245024  No.3801229

File: 415479011ce6621⋯.jpg (286.5 KB, 1505x2048, 1505:2048, watered.jpg)

9b3946  No.3801230

69d5ae  No.3801231

File: dc646d1d5bdb690⋯.png (270.42 KB, 900x574, 450:287, wtfover.png)

16bac1  No.3801232


Happy Birthday Anon, hoping it's a good one. Take it easy!

c77648  No.3801233

File: 39fa0bdc8f8e44c⋯.png (9.56 KB, 158x255, 158:255, ca8e27876c6352a4a3b8a0c735….png)

d2075f  No.3801234


Way to divide.

562df5  No.3801235


FOX is fake news

9958b9  No.3801236

File: 2da3d2e2cdb8769⋯.jpeg (45.61 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5D94619A-6160-428F-B681-9….jpeg)

48185a  No.3801237

DOgg boy has too lick prison snatch to get out of hell fyi

7e423e  No.3801238


Never seen the Left so tore up over someone they consider an anti-weed racist getting fired.

9d7797  No.3801239


Beware of false flags (like a California Fire with mandatory evacuations) to spread LEO too thin to police these riots.

e36163  No.3801240

>>3784066 (PB)

If you have high PSA numbers, make a tea of "trametes versicolor" (Turkey Tail mushroom) and sip a couple cups.

Done. I was at 14 and have been in the low normal range ever since.

What life-saving cure are YOU withholding?

We really DO know more than we know.

>>3784126 (PB)

Jury nullification applies only to the particular charges of an individual case. We have juries because we trust the wisdom of the group as superior to that of the individual. The group may look at the particular circumstances and say "Yes, he violated the law BUT either the law is an unjust law OR that this violation was justified by the particular circumstances attending to it. Was the man speeding? Yes he was. Is the fact that his wife was bleeding to death a mitigating factor that the officer should have given priority to over the speeding infraction? Yes it was and we find the defendant not guilty.

You seem to have lost track of something: the purpose of the law is not higher than the purpose of justice. Justice toward people is always a higher goal than blind adherence to the law. The law is but a guideline and not an inviolable line in the sand.


I really think that Acosta's press pass should be pulled on camera after one of these tantrums.


As Q pointed out quite a while ago, if the Dems don't see a path to power – if they despair utterly, they will simply start a war and destroy the country.

>>3784296 (PB)

NC just added voter ID to its State Constitution. I think we're ready to take it to the top. >>3784309 (PB)

Do you think that these photo shoots constitute a close personal relationship? DJT Jr. was in my town a few days ago and taking selfies with person after person – almost none of whom even gave their first names much less had anything memorable to say. He DID sign my wife's Constitution and seemed impressed that he was asked to. So he might remember her for a couple days. But that's the extent of it.

>>3784394 (PB)

"Ummm … 'cause you no longer have press credentials? Just a guess."

>>3784363 (PB)

What you do, you do in your own name backed by none of us. Go from this place alone, you are not one of us.

>>3784369 (PB)

Sounds like Flake should go home and study the fine art of keeping his damned mouth shut and his head down.

>>3784409 (PB)

Acosta appears to have been near the head of the line of "media assets removed". Certainly there are more to come.

>>3784466 (PB)

>They act as though the entire listening audience is comprised of toxic leftist/liberal/socialist/communistic democrats!

That fairly describes THEIR listening audience. I keep hoping for an awakening outside of our walls but the conundrum there is that once someone wakes up, they come to this side of the room.

0486a5  No.3801241

File: 354378913848586⋯.jpg (636.54 KB, 2500x1765, 500:353, I dont want to go on the c….JPG)

File: 083f0d057082c96⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 220x165, 4:3, rgb.jpg)



OK, now we need RBG memes in actual RGB.

f52c16  No.3801242


>>3801212 Preparation for Large Scale Combat Operations dominates discussion at FORSCOM G1 Manning Conference.

>>3801168 Could PapaD blow the Russia Hoax wide open?

>>3801155 U.S. Cyber Command Shares Malware via VirusTotal.

>>3801140 POTUS schedule update/fix. Kek.

>>3801127 Nadler at HRC's surprise birthday party?

>>3801093 Cell phone fraud scheme defendant pleads guilty.

>>3800968 Lindsey Gram and Christie seen leaving WH. On short list for AG.

>>3800924 State Department cable shows exposure of Lockheed bribes threatened NATO’s stability.

>>3800895, >>3800991 Ventura County involved in human trafficking?

>>3800907 Mueller has begun writing "final report."

>>3800858 Conservative watchdog group accuses Democrats of illegally coordinating through voter data firm.

>>3800829 Cutting power to residents in Southern Ca. to cut down on the risk of brush fires.

>>3800713 POTUS schedule and Kavanaugh ceremony schedule.

>>3800701 Thousand Oaks one of the safest cities in America.

>>3800679 Shooter reportedly had a mental health specialist.

>>3800638 Ian David Long dig.

>>3800634 Ezra Cohen-Watnick advised Sessions on counter-terrorism and counterintelligence.

3809c4  No.3801243

File: 8ea0345c1e47fab⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 190x265, 38:53, kkijyt_LI.jpg)

d2075f  No.3801244


Why are you posting voyeur shots?

d35a7a  No.3801245

File: ff23b6dfe95a7c4⋯.png (862.43 KB, 1379x918, 1379:918, Creation of Adam Not.png)

File: 13bb36b60493345⋯.jpg (554.94 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, Creation of Adam.jpg)

bdb842  No.3801246


The biggest fucked up one in VA.

Spanberger CLOWN won over POTUS endorsed Dave Brat. Sad shit. Hope her ass some how gets dismantled in the FISA declass house cleaning.

Insertion of CLOWNS into elections.

e745a5  No.3801247


Power just went down in MI for me about 45 min ago so I fired up the genny.

cf876a  No.3801248

File: 528248cc2f48f26⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 300x300, 1:1, ab379555c350d32e2f6e091d2e….gif)


I've had good drops on mine.

120c44  No.3801249


Kekekkekekek. Those are fucking hilarious

72bac2  No.3801250


well at least he didn't have to go buy new kneepads…..

c70809  No.3801251

File: aaf1628370266b5⋯.png (459.77 KB, 865x455, 173:91, Capture.PNG)

The 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month—100 Years Ago

The First World War ended 100 years ago this month on November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. Nearly 20 million people had perished since the war began on July 28, 1914.

In early 1918, it looked as if the Central Powers—Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire—would win.

Czarist Russia gave up in December 1917. Tens of thousands of German and Austrian soldiers were freed to redeploy to the Western Front and finish off the exhausted French and British armies.

The late-entering United States did not declare war on Germany and Austria-Hungary until April 1917. Six months later, America had still not begun to deploy troops in any great number.

Then, suddenly, everything changed. By summer 1918, hordes of American soldiers began arriving in France in unimaginable numbers of up to 10,000 doughboys a day. Anglo-American convoys began devastating German submarines. The German high command’s tactical blunders stalled the German offensives of spring 1918—the last chance before growing Allied numbers overran German lines.

Nonetheless, World War I strangely ended with an armistice—with German troops still well inside France and Belgium. Revolution was brewing in German cities back home.

The three major Allied victors squabbled over peace terms. America’s idealist president, Woodrow Wilson, opposed an Allied invasion of German and Austria to occupy both countries and enforce their surrenders.

By the time the formal Versailles Peace Conference began in January 1919, millions of soldiers had gone home. German politicians and veterans were already blaming their capitulation on “stab-in-the-back” traitors and spreading the lie that their armies lost only because they ran out of supplies while on the verge of victory in enemy territory.

The Allied victors were in disarray. Wilson was idolized when he arrived in France for peace talks in December 1918—and was hated for being self-righteous when he left six months later.

The Treaty of Versailles proved a disaster, at once too harsh and too soft. Its terms were far less punitive than those the victorious Allies would later dictate to Germany after World War II. Earlier, Germany itself had demanded tougher concessions from a defeated France in 1871 and Russia in 1918.

In the end, the Allies proved unforgiving to a defeated Germany in the abstract but not tough enough in the concrete.

One ironic result was that the victorious but exhausted Allies announced to the world that they never wished to go to war again. Meanwhile, the defeated and humiliated Germans seemed all too eager to fight again soon to overturn the verdict of 1918.

The consequence was a far bloodier war that followed just two decades later. Eventually, “the war to end all wars” was rebranded “World War I” after World War II engulfed the planet and wiped out some 60 million lives.


10b84d  No.3801252



RBG being no named makes sense to me also. BUT got a couple problems with itm if it is indeed true.

The ability to secretly imprison/try/execute a judge, an arbiter of right and wrong in a society, a guardian of its foundations, even if RBG wasn't these things, is a slippery slope.

Already, with no name, seemed sort of against the law (he was sitting U.S. senator), but I can get it and stomach it. But a judge (even if corrupt) being whisked away to a secret prison, hidden from the public, doesn't really sound like the USA i grew up believing in (again, discounting reality, and all the secret torture prisons set up around the world by the CIA).

d726ce  No.3801253

File: e9f2652abebeffc⋯.png (342.33 KB, 716x842, 358:421, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

German police raid BlackRock offices

BlackRock controls trillions of dollars of assets and has now been caught up in the monumental cum-ex tax scandal. The investment fund's involvement has particular significance for the German government.

What is BlackRock? It is a vast investment management organization that oversees more than $6.4 trillion (€5.6 trillion) in assets — putting it on par with the WORLD'S THIRD LARGEST GDP.


60787e  No.3801254

File: d35b003d9c35d09⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 26E1CB7F-2A9E-40E0-937E-7….jpeg)

d2075f  No.3801255


They know the pain is near.

9b3946  No.3801256


Not dividing you are ANON your birthday is meaningless my birthday is meaningless. Stop being selfish.

79bfc9  No.3801257

File: 076cd5a12699ef8⋯.jpeg (42.1 KB, 1080x749, 1080:749, 1541615296.jpeg)

7356d1  No.3801258


You lost me at "We all want…."

ide does not want that. That is whywe are in this war.

678843  No.3801259



Fuck everybody's birthday.

df5d04  No.3801260

562df5 is a idiot.

Doesn't understand the concept of 'fair and balanced' so tries to discredit them.

50127b  No.3801261


Patriots in FULL CONTROL.

All of this is timed.

Imagine liberals heads this morning.

First Sessions gone and now RBG sidelined with 3 broken ribs. They know what is coming next.

BREAKING NEWS…RBG announces retirement from the Supreme Court giving President Trump his 3rd SC nomination in less than two years!

The salt will be plentiful my friend.

a1a506  No.3801262

File: 29e624b23000416⋯.png (256 KB, 750x464, 375:232, Pelosi-Ryan.png)


>39 UNCONTESTED Dem Reps in '18 midterm!!!


>Wow, talk about a giveaway.

ba0e47  No.3801263

File: a213ecc51b18b55⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1374x916, 3:2, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at ….png)

a4a141  No.3801264

File: 702ca66afcfde8f⋯.jpg (116.97 KB, 293x453, 293:453, 3d92e8e0362f31d11f2af24a2d….jpg)

088e2d  No.3801265

File: fc7517e7493b908⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 700x367, 700:367, whisper fisa.jpg)

72ef58  No.3801266

Who thinks this Ginsberg fall is legit? I think someone encouraged her fall. Remember that other Jew Supreme Court Judge had her arm broken this year? I think WE are sending them messages.

edc085  No.3801267

File: 5fe998f518d69ed⋯.jpg (233.01 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 583448602cbe954fb8b4561414….jpg)

74174f  No.3801268

File: 761394c5f9d63f2⋯.jpg (119.36 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, leakyd.JPG)


Mebbe so I don no

9b3946  No.3801269


Exactly. Not what this place is for, celebrating grandpas fucking birthday.

7b6ca9  No.3801271



e2afff  No.3801272

Insert "Never Go Full Moloch" Sgt with cigar meme.

e5bae0  No.3801273


I did. :)

7e3b42  No.3801274


McMasters' loyalty lie with the prior presidential administration. honestly I'm just being lazy and not wanting to dig up original sauce but I know it was covered thoroughly phora. by Breitbart. back when bannon was still in the administration it was thought by people at Breitbart paying attention 2 affairs at Pennsylvania avenue that McMasters was one team to oversee a purge of Trump loyalists on the sly from within. it was also purported by same source that McMasters was likely the source or at least had tacit knowledge of leaks from the administration when it was being all civ like. e.g. connections to susan Rice. finally what Obama administration carryovers remained that McMasters was aware of received protection from scrutiny on his watch. in short McMasters was totally on inside saboteur before most of us that were aware of fisa matters.

fcf302  No.3801275

File: 0830c554dd29139⋯.png (82.67 KB, 710x473, 710:473, potusohface.png)

60787e  No.3801276

I don’t believe they would arrest an 84 yo

7ebf14  No.3801277


Toppest of keks

72bac2  No.3801278


there was no fall, it's just a story.

31aecb  No.3801279

File: ae48f1475a79fde⋯.jpg (71.41 KB, 615x923, 615:923, IMG_2440.JPG)


I'd have to grow up to Paul Bunyan size to carry a "healthy at any size" advocate.

7e423e  No.3801280


It's gonna be a total bust as an astroturf move. Left is demoralized, despite taking the House. Sessions. Now RBG. They're busy eating their feelings, not arming themselves. We'll see a few hundred paid antifa geeks, a few spectators, and that will be it.

cf876a  No.3801281

File: 7b28c064f789e7d⋯.jpg (117.98 KB, 960x830, 96:83, 0a5qrf8zqvq11.jpg)


Prepping for Jan?

7b6ca9  No.3801282



48185a  No.3801283

File: d48ce30453bf743⋯.jpg (193.17 KB, 560x560, 1:1, IMG_0908.JPG)

File: f56773270b0a790⋯.png (111.8 KB, 294x228, 49:38, IMG_1810.PNG)

File: 4be713175c3b18d⋯.jpg (54.48 KB, 499x568, 499:568, IMG_1875.JPG)

Let's dig them a fresh hole on cursed land and grow corn

9d840d  No.3801284

Psychological and torture experiments – U.S. government research

Truth serumIn studies running from 1947 to 1953, which were known as Project Chatter, the U.S. Navy began identifying and testing truth serums, which they hoped could be used during interrogations of Soviet spies. Some of the chemicals tested on human subjects included mescaline and the anticholinergic drug scopolamine.

The purpose of the project was outlined in a memo dated January 1952 that stated, "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?" The project studied the use of hypnosis, forced morphine addiction and subsequent forced withdrawal, and the use of other chemicals, among other methods, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects.[


245024  No.3801285

File: 9e119782336e07e⋯.png (320.89 KB, 435x532, 435:532, eagle.png)


Rolling with the A-list shills this bread.

You people are stupid.

Go bite a nail.

cfa757  No.3801286


Entire town of Paradise under evacuation.

All available resources being sent to scene!



e36163  No.3801287


>The law is but a guideline and not an inviolable line in the sand.

Any other perspective comes from "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and is not acceptable in my house.

7fe745  No.3801288

File: 829bd7d9cdb3673⋯.png (159.07 KB, 814x912, 407:456, ClipboardImage.png)

Geoff Dean

This omits his connection to the Presidents Council on the American Red Cross


8b80b7  No.3801289

File: afa8b69022f5e19⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2l7hkd.jpg)

File: 1c99ea002532755⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2lgh48.jpg)


Fatty is nagging lika nagger again.

Same old.

Free beer tomorrow!

d2075f  No.3801290


Sorry, building team cohesion is important.

72bac2  No.3801291

File: 06eda58b757a5af⋯.png (139.33 KB, 1347x672, 449:224, ClipboardImage.png)

79bfc9  No.3801292


Great meme

ba0e47  No.3801293

File: 1f7271ad5ed74e9⋯.png (789.4 KB, 1377x1103, 1377:1103, 1f7271ad5ed74e9400f44a991b….png)

7e5103  No.3801295

>>3801124 Personally witnessed a vet lose it during a theater showing of Platoon. Big scene, he was ready to fight 5 ushers. The man's wife LOVED him. She stood with him, not wanting him to have trouble. Everyone in that auditorium understood, and everyone was patient and compassionate. He calmed down and she got him out after a few minutes.

e71aa5  No.3801296


happy birthday old fag.


umm! let's see. division is beneficial to who? hmmmm.

5e3f59  No.3801297




Are you kidding me? I'm not the posting bullshjt based upon bullshit.

I prefer to let things play out a bit before posting running in conspiracy circles.

0798f6  No.3801299

File: 1220533308dd01b⋯.png (657.92 KB, 400x560, 5:7, PepeCakek.png)

12516b  No.3801301

File: bf77235c3af403b⋯.jpg (105.05 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, CqjuIltXYAEwHIr.jpg)

a95211  No.3801303


Everyone gets one Birthday!

The day you arrive on Earth!

After that, Just another Day of Glory!

e5bae0  No.3801304



10b84d  No.3801305

File: ce92b240f2e3548⋯.jpg (77.05 KB, 634x513, 634:513, 37FB59E100000578-0-image-a….jpg)


Say what?!?!?!

69d5ae  No.3801306

File: f90f5c990924193⋯.jpg (402.86 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, notable.jpg)


notable BOOMAGE hier backer!

a4cfe9  No.3801307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'"Why does the Pope speak through the mouth of a Serpent in his Audience Hall?'"

9c7a81  No.3801308


no more


the spurgeon general is a stupid nigger no qualifications

c6afdb  No.3801309


Understand. It's fine as is. tyb

4e32ab  No.3801310

File: 0d5de92098161be⋯.jpg (17.97 KB, 573x79, 573:79, joe m rbg 11 8 18.JPG)



aadceb  No.3801311

File: 35fdee0419618bf⋯.png (28.34 KB, 572x500, 143:125, 44B733C7-BDF1-4157-8FD3-6B….png)

File: 969541f60860085⋯.jpeg (105.13 KB, 1023x539, 93:49, 5D6B1674-EB31-4540-9A83-B….jpeg)

My favorite Q post and my new favorite Q meme.

0d11de  No.3801313


major major beneficiary of Obama's last minute Sallie Mae guarantees.


21b507  No.3801315

File: b4d52673800e9ff⋯.jpeg (48.41 KB, 464x558, 232:279, 7245.jpeg)

Liddle Jim

8dbf2a  No.3801316


BINGO. Just another crumb to support their narrative. The problem is that it is impossible with a simple fixed straight on camera angle of a seated fixed character, it is impossible to hide the very subtle nuances which the human eye picks up to tell actual from doctored. Now imagine two or more people interacting and moving about in a 3-dimensional space while talking. If they can't sell the former, the latter will NEVER pass the smell test. The psyop is merely creating the NARRATIVE that it IS possible. Hillary started this well over a year ago in an interview where she dropped the story that "the Russians are said to have a doctored video of me…" Planting the seeds of doubt.

c43aae  No.3801317

File: ef4b194ab31dba1⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 1100x732, 275:183, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


They should ask Dirty Harry.

c70809  No.3801319

File: 20d354405b0acc6⋯.png (504.57 KB, 831x518, 831:518, Capture.PNG)


BlackRock Offices Raided in German Tax Probe

Investigation into historical trades has already embroiled several other firms and banks

FRANKFURT—German prosecutors searched the Munich offices of BlackRock Inc. BLK +0.07% drawing the world’s largest asset manager into a long running criminal tax-fraud investigation that has already embroiled several other financial firms.

The probe centers on historical so-called cum/ex transactions which are trades executed during the handful of days before and after scheduled dividend-payment dates.

A spokesman for BlackRock said the company was “fully cooperating with a continuing investigation relating to cum/ex transactions in the period 2007-2011.” A person familiar with the investigation said BlackRock, whose offices were raided Tuesday, hasn’t been accused of tax fraud.

Cum/ex transactions typically involve banks, brokerage firms, hedge funds and wealthy individuals entering into agreements to buy, borrow and sell shares during a brief window of time around a dividend payout. The carefully coordinated timing of the transactions has allowed many parties to claim a refund for taxes paid on the dividends.


ccebef  No.3801321

File: 7f4384a557a88af⋯.png (50.52 KB, 1102x273, 1102:273, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

WIll look in a few:

Nadler RE Osama BL $50 m bounty.

FOIA reading room.

Image 404'd


873fb4  No.3801322

0486a5  No.3801323


This is a


Sara Carter: Trump considering Declas of "key" Russia Investigation Documents

0cb67f  No.3801324


Way to be a dick, dick

08b6c8  No.3801325

File: 48099d6d5ba35d2⋯.png (273.05 KB, 412x321, 412:321, 540.PNG)


In that case! kek

48185a  No.3801326

File: 0e7433193b52323⋯.png (852.21 KB, 1460x884, 365:221, IMG_2957.PNG)

File: 200aa06932d0137⋯.jpg (187.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_2960.JPG)

File: ce43d5b9c64f3f1⋯.jpg (431.86 KB, 1024x1233, 1024:1233, IMG_2979.JPG)

Why did Karl Marx survive the cia assassinations of the Alamo

11efe3  No.3801327

File: 59c29c8e2ba8847⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, rbddeathclock.png)

Just dropping this as a blank.


Back on the CLOCK.

"Here to stay."

No, you're not.

cf876a  No.3801328

File: d989fef06dcf5c7⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, d989fef06dcf5c781d8a9f9408….png)


On the other hand…

2eae1f  No.3801329

File: e2107b2f6221c6f⋯.png (199.86 KB, 705x936, 235:312, blackroch_vanguard.png)

File: b8d0a861f6586c5⋯.png (267.1 KB, 698x933, 698:933, blackroch_vanguard2.png)

File: 7a01f4d27cd4d14⋯.png (232.55 KB, 707x868, 101:124, blackroch_vanguard3.png)

ae97cb  No.3801331


just sayin you might mean well but are wasting your time (and ours) anon

don't fear chaos

5e3f59  No.3801332

5d7a46  No.3801333


> exit stage left

Joe M either just posted that theory here or

an anon stole it

d2075f  No.3801335


Happy Birthday oldanon. WWG1WGA!

a1a506  No.3801336

File: 68d3f299a7784a1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 811x499, 811:499, Acosta Brake In.png)


>Liddle Jim

1a9e06  No.3801337


NO sauce cause I’m phonefagging but flags behing NP yesterday for sure had gold fringe…during her speech when she was in pink dress!

08ad7f  No.3801338

File: 8dfd783c9a6ad2b⋯.png (304.53 KB, 635x377, 635:377, 293ba0dd2f50b9bb7e8eabcc1d….png)


still waiting….

7fe745  No.3801339

File: 7699aab64f6bf6c⋯.png (140.45 KB, 780x358, 390:179, ClipboardImage.png)


Sheriff, Undersheriff Leaving Ventura County

Sun, 01/7/2018

Ventura County will soon have a new sheriff in town. After 40 years with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff Geoff Dean has decided to retire. “After much heartfelt thought, introspection and family deliberation, I have decided not to seek reelection as your sheriff. It was not an easy decision—I love my job, the people I work with and the community I serve,” said Dean.

Normally, the county’s undersheriff might be next in line. But in his statement, Dean announced that his right-hand man Gary Pentis, a 39-year department veteran, was also leaving in the fall.

Dean has served as Ventura County’s sheriff since 2011. He suffered a heart attack in 2013 and retirement is something he said he’s been considering for a while.


a9eef8  No.3801341

File: d553d19ecc2096a⋯.png (265.28 KB, 577x984, 577:984, dream.png)

I keep having dreams about these shootings hours before they happen.

f28e31  No.3801343



Phonefagging so cant meme it but q post 540 has a [09] which on the clock lines up with 11/11 the big day down she goes!

10b84d  No.3801344


It's the in secret part that bugs me.

If we execute mofos, the public should know.

69d5ae  No.3801345


just don't call it in or the guys in white outfits with nets will come after you…

f7f825  No.3801346

File: 9bc634661cb1012⋯.png (81.01 KB, 1394x553, 1394:553, ClipboardImage.png)



23f764  No.3801347


Can you smell it?

This Military Op is genius unequalled.

Ain’t seen nuthin yet folks, buckle up, clean your gear.

Never know what one may need.

2ef142  No.3801349

Anyone have a fox news stream link ?

765036  No.3801350




cf876a  No.3801352


I mean, she could be getting hauled off to Utah for a "public" trial, I just used Gitmo as a catch-all term.

480655  No.3801353



Paradise in Lancaster County, PA????

120c44  No.3801354


From 2025 here, can confirm. This anon is a modern seer of great understanding. Heed his words.

2b8302  No.3801355


>Don't recall who the intended disinfo target was…them or me..

Both, anon.

I stated earlier that both [RR] and Sessions were place holders for optics until the mid terms, and meme fodder for we anons to further reinforce the disinfo being deployed against them.

We've been used, anon and very cleverly played and manipulated.

And before anyone starts chimping out, did I say I didn't trust the plan?

No, just starting to understand it better.

239a90  No.3801356


Not really. He's been "considering" that for many months now.

93eeb5  No.3801357

File: 11e095c676be5aa⋯.png (160.84 KB, 220x348, 55:87, ClipboardImage.png)

29babc  No.3801358

File: 9095440e1511877⋯.jpg (102.63 KB, 576x384, 3:2, SCOTUS 2019.JPG)

File: 736075776e9ae53⋯.jpg (116 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Any nibbles nope catch any….JPG)

File: 8d8b1b1e0b03315⋯.jpg (113.9 KB, 408x528, 17:22, red crayon libatard tantru….JPG)

48185a  No.3801359

File: 9809579036eb551⋯.png (1.5 MB, 941x798, 941:798, IMG_2863.PNG)

File: 927d1b4c6f9f2c9⋯.jpg (236.96 KB, 755x1059, 755:1059, IMG_2945.JPG)

File: d74b1af0f886da6⋯.jpeg (302.85 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 82360C0C-3D8B-4803-AB1C-1….jpeg)

File: d38ca353637fc61⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 1440x1266, 240:211, IMG_3149.JPG)

File: 3a8c21ecca862cd⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 457x300, 457:300, F5BC7F90-A7B4-473C-B301-B….jpeg)


It seems the Satan swine whom betrayed the sickle of communism deserve a finale with a hammer

43e989  No.3801361


I thought POTUS already issued an EO for this to be done??

a4a141  No.3801362



009f1f  No.3801363

Nancy made a great deal. She is the dems Judas and because of it, she will wield a lot of power as a POTUS ally.

0d11de  No.3801364


anyone know what a search engine is?

7e423e  No.3801365


Between this and the end of Mueller, this should be an interesting month.

5e3f59  No.3801366


About half of what I see here is a waste of time.

So, don't hang that on me.

I savor well thought.

End of my posts on this subject.

55b18b  No.3801367


all porn is voyeur

79faac  No.3801368

File: d96b34c95a178be⋯.png (231.58 KB, 475x356, 475:356, image.png)

b5e07a  No.3801369

File: 714132940a8ead3⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 480x464, 30:29, 45043771_10205457629955627….jpg)

df5d04  No.3801370

Who has that list of C_A ops that were in this election?

How many of them got elected?

9961a2  No.3801373


The left can't meme

2ef142  No.3801374


Ya…. i know what that is ffs.. get off yur high horse douche

51d804  No.3801375


Underrated meme

9d840d  No.3801376


Narrative = OMG noplace is safe , must ban guns

a5d778  No.3801377


Where were you with the MegaMillions numbers prick?

bdb842  No.3801378



Exactly. This is nothing new.

We are just waiting.

Not notable.

df5d04  No.3801379


She's got a pretty smile too!

120c44  No.3801380


>>end of Mueller.

Yup we’re in the last 18 months of the investigation, anons!

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