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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

562bac  No.3535058

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

562bac  No.3535067


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

#4483 Baker Change

>>3534366, >>3534447, >>3534459, >>3534683, >>3534841, >>3534851, >>3535001 On the "migrant" caravan

>>3534321 Gulf County Emergency Operations Center: Folks are in greatest need of…

>>3534373 Pompeo Tweet: "Cooperation to stem illegal immigration into the U.S…."

>>3534380 Castro (D-TX): Kushner had journalist murdered.

>>3534391 Saudi King Salman reportedly intervening to ease tensions after Khashoggi’s disappearance

>>3534402 Sex trafficking arrest in Chicago

>>3534464, >>3534467 KHASHOGGI ALIVE?

>>3534548, >>3534659, >>3534737, >>3534780 Khashoggi connected to Rizvi Traverse Mangement

>>3534573 Mysterious space object landed in California related to Iridium satellites

>>3534664 Alabama Supreme Court rules unborn baby 'a person'

>>3534697, >>3534739 Former Navy commander sentenced on bribery charges

>>3534729 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3534731, >>3534753 Old NYT Article with Khashoggi holding an AK

>>3534828 Fmr Top FBI Official: Rosenstein was “Serious” About Secret Trump Recording

>>3534852 Anon on getting around Twitter censorship

>>3535041 Planefag Update Bun

>>3535047 #4483


>>3534056 Sherrod Brown faces new abuse allegations.

>>3534105 Halloween billboard hijacked to target Maxine Waters

>>3534113 Syria update.

>>3534091 GS's infamous 60 minutes interview.

>>3534007 Donald J. Trump just signed The America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018.

>>3533955 The Justice Department indicted a Russian woman for meddling in the 2018 midterms–and she’s not even in U.S. custody.

>>3533942, >>3533980 JJ, MG and MM talk about Rosenstein's shady behavior.

>>3533937 Sessions: "Whole of government effort to take down drug cartel..."

>>3533812, >>3533887 Children are being saved every day.

>>3533682 People yelling at Pelosi in Miami.

>>3533676 Pompeo: "Wide range" of US responses if Saudis culpable...

>>3533651 Toronto hospital preps assisted suicide for children.

>>3533625, >>3533987 "SgtMaj Canley at Marine Barracks Washington to present his Medal of Honor flag..."

>>3533618, >>3533628 US and South Korea cancel military exercises as they work to improve relations with North Korea.

>>3534237 #4482


>>3533418 Russian space boss ‘temporarily’ taken off sanction list so he can visit US.

>>3533353 Russian national charged with interfering in U.S. political system.

>>3533239, >>3533258 DJT Tweet: Jobs not mobs!

>>3533183 Islamic communist and former CIA director weights in on Khashoggi.

>>3533166 Judge dismisses remaining charges against Paul Manafort.

>>3533084 Trump to jump into Western water wars ahead of midterms.

>>3533108 Cleveland-Cliffs CEO slams Goldman Sachs analyst on earnings call.

>>3533005 Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for Bloomberg to retract Chinese spy chip report."

>>3532940 Migrants tear down border gate and rush toward Mexican border bridge.

>>3532920 John Bolton tweet: "Heading to Moscow tomorrow..."

>>3532889 Judge drops some charges against former Trump campaign manager Manafort in Virginia bank fraud case.

>>3532855 GOP will protect Black men from false accusations by White women.

>>3532833 Mysterious space object identified.

>>3532827, >>3532838 Huber activated: indictments for ricin mail.

>>3533481 #4481

Previously Collected Notables

>>3531904 #4478, >>3531954 #4479, >>3532707 #4480

>>3528884 #4475, >>3529672 #4476, >>3531908 #4477

>>3526523 #4472, >>3527338 #4473, >>3528091 #4474

>>3524197 #4469, >>3524974 #4470, >>3525972 #4471

>>3522243 #4466, >>3522997 #4467, >>3523441 #4468

>>3519589 #4463, >>3520379 #4464, >>3521142 #4465

>>3517263 #4460, >>3518027 #4461, >>3518845 #4462

>>3514943 #4457, >>3515707 #4458, >>3519337 #4459

>>3512558 #4454, >>3513394 #4455, >>3514152 #4456

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

562bac  No.3535068

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

562bac  No.3535071

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

562bac  No.3535072



b13c40  No.3535124


fd9353  No.3535135

Good evening, Anons.

Great work, Baker.

Here on standby for the rally and can bake as needed.

25ea76  No.3535136

File: 0fb0601af094bfa⋯.png (539.15 KB, 500x417, 500:417, ClipboardImage.png)

87a0a1  No.3535137

File: 2b9fdffd886e5be⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 317x432, 317:432, 1427390111323.jpg)

If I win it big tonight on the lotto, i'll pledge 5m of the money to our FB veteran who got censored.

5cfdec  No.3535138

File: c206e642ac0b147⋯.jpg (11.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gross girl.jpg)

7d6049  No.3535139

File: 3346386363f1f35⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Jobs not Mobs.jpg)

File: 6ccda4a2a8fb1f9⋯.png (1.75 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Jobs not Mobs Q Alpha.png)

Jobs not Mobs Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files.

2164d0  No.3535140

File: 1992f692da86de0⋯.png (144.5 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

850984  No.3535141

File: fc63c47d92af44d⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1017x626, 1017:626, Screenshot_313.png)

e4e492  No.3535142

File: dc646d1d5bdb690⋯.png (270.42 KB, 900x574, 450:287, wtfover.png)

058b2f  No.3535143

>>3535063 (lb)

never post your gender here.

eca408  No.3535144



3e3c1b  No.3535145


js test

562bac  No.3535146


ok sounds good, was just taking it until another baker arrives

I can bake this one if you want, or you can take it now, which ever works for you

but I can either way relieve you after the rally for the start of the night shift

5cfdec  No.3535147

File: a0fd5cd27685534⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 495x489, 165:163, draggin.jpg)

5abff0  No.3535148

File: 57ad607c9a80f10⋯.jpg (288.06 KB, 1000x1204, 250:301, Kek compels you.jpg)

If anons win mega lottery. They should give to POTUS for the wall.

Kek Wills It.

112342  No.3535149

File: 0269b2ce6089845⋯.png (25.79 KB, 957x197, 957:197, AQ44.PNG)


Russian Trolls Adopted Republican Talking Points On Voter Fraud

Here we go again.

e4e492  No.3535150



muh gender fluid…

ba953c  No.3535151

TY BAKER!!!!!!!!!!!

>>3534091 (pb)

This video is notable AF

So far Soros has:

Not denied crashing multiple countries' economies.

Invested TWO BILLION DOLLARS in Russia.

Pumped tons of money into Haiti

Looked MEGA fucking creepy at some kids in Haiti.


I'm only fucking 7 minutes in holy shit.

Why is my head exploding? This is literally the Cabal's guy moving chess pieces around the board. The Ukraine shitshow from a few years back was so obviously CIA fuckery, but now knowing that literally the military has direct ties to Soros…Kaboom.

He fucking tanked Russia, so Russia would NEED to accept any help they could get, and he can get his fucking grubby hands all over a ton of shit with little-to-no oversight because they're in too much of a panic to care that much about people who are trying to "help" them.

He never denies his evil, he doesn't even justify it, he is continually trying to trick you into thinking that maybe he's not being evil now (spoiler: he's always being evil)

Wow. This is the classic "in your face you're fucking stupid" disclosure. Wow wow wo wow.

He just admitted to not registering in the US because it's more convenient than having to submit to regulations, but has been "pro regulations" this whole time.

eca408  No.3535152


Maybe a pic of 2 people dragging HRC up a staircase would be in order here.

d9dc27  No.3535153

File: d4e3d484bc5f2b3⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 685x425, 137:85, weed prince and crown prin….jpg)

Crown Prince vs Scum Prince

Can't trust either, but I gotta go with Crown Prince

e7c05f  No.3535154

File: 981760ee706701c⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, african-american_voter_101….jpg)

Alabama House candidate says 55,000 voters in her district have been disqualified

A Democratic congressional candidate in Alabama is claiming that thousands of voters in her district have been removed from active voter lists.

Mallory Hagan, a former Miss America, is running to represent Alabama's 3rd Congressional District, said Thursday that more than 55,000 voters have been disqualified or labeled inactive since February 2017, according to numbers her campaign obtained and reported by The Associated Press.

Hagan is not accusing the state of any malfeasance, but said the figure is worrisome to her campaign.

She is vying to unseat 16-year incumbent Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) in November's midterm election.


ad0aa6  No.3535155

Thank you very much baker!

Thanks to every anon contributing!


5cfdec  No.3535156

File: 492200a0b53c65c⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 211x239, 211:239, wall bonds.jpg)


I'd invest in a fuckload of bonds, but I want a small ROI.

3f2559  No.3535157

File: 380ffc528175485⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 483x570, 161:190, 10-19-NPC4.jpg)

was reading through the last bread

the "its the jews!" people are funny to me

not to say they are not to blame

but to only talk about the jews to me is very telling

i mean, its not just "the jews" that have been influenced by evil

is it?

then why the sole focus?

cuz they are the bankers? the "fake jews"/zionists

evil exists and persists with or without them

does it not?

not about one set of people

its about ridding the world of evil

regardless of the vessel it taints

so expose them, thats good

but NAME THE NAMES (ones not already known and exposed) dont just sit here and say

"the jews, always the jews"


please tell us, because i havent done much diggin

in a while and ill have some free time tonight

let me know :)

1ffe1e  No.3535158

File: 5b4db3e7865e639⋯.jpg (425.06 KB, 1873x775, 1873:775, AF2 ROME12 19 oct 18 2258.jpg)

AF2 is headed back to Washington, flanked by an E-6B Mercury TACAMO plane.

fb2f73  No.3535159

File: efb36f9c699a66f⋯.jpg (161.01 KB, 479x656, 479:656, dayshift.jpg)

b13c40  No.3535160


Super Saiyan Simba?

ad0aa6  No.3535161


Thanks, will watch!

850984  No.3535162

File: 30e0926486bfe2c⋯.png (155.96 KB, 399x300, 133:100, Screenshot_107.png)

5cfdec  No.3535163


Yeah, I tried to find a decent picture but I was in a hurry.

Plus, HRC is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Suggestions/better quality shoops welcome.

d9dc27  No.3535164

File: fccefe198685f62⋯.jpg (24.48 KB, 875x492, 875:492, how desperate is weed prin….jpg)


but will weed prince take a shot at dad now that he is almost caught?

56c823  No.3535165


What's MAGA worth to you, Anon?

2ac718  No.3535166


LOL You mean you can't identify as what you want here? jk

eca408  No.3535167


The cleansing of the rolls has begun, and it is marvelous in our sight.

f1c5a5  No.3535168

>>3535127 l.b.

Only because I dont know your mother's name.

I do, however, know more than you'll ever dream of knowing.

96c854  No.3535169

File: f6eabdc737d8c52⋯.png (320.92 KB, 640x553, 640:553, IMG_2651.PNG)

eca408  No.3535170


Clown tactic to smear us all as anti-semetic.

3ab92a  No.3535171

File: 7705877299cd03d⋯.png (53.67 KB, 653x279, 653:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85917531c860613⋯.png (20.05 KB, 751x63, 751:63, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3535094 LB

Erm yes. Read, use your brain, or back to schilling.


academic.oup = academi coup

This is how they are communicating about the migrant caravan. Read it for yourself.



22a2e7  No.3535172

How's everyone today??

fd9353  No.3535173


Sweet deal.

Go ahead and take this one, and I can pick up in the next bread.

That actually gives me time to square away some things here at home.

Plus, having backup right away after the rally would be perfect.

Sounds like a plan, if that works for you.

9d8a5d  No.3535174

Trolls on here saying MbS is cabal…..sure thing.

that is why the cabal tried to kill hilm in vegas

as Q says, try harder!

eca408  No.3535175


Woke baby is woke

ba953c  No.3535176







If you are bored because slow Q day just fucking watch the video. Trump told you to. This shit is fucking juicy af.

"George Soros is Donald Trump without the humility" lololol

850984  No.3535177

File: 5de076ffb2a7187⋯.png (503.49 KB, 644x398, 322:199, Screenshot_67.png)

b84b52  No.3535178

File: 93533628f47ae6a⋯.png (8.68 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 640F5B10-7B04-45C0-AE1D-F4….png)

File: 0ffb6df7f1c56ca⋯.jpg (13.05 KB, 590x378, 295:189, IMG_5667.JPG)

File: edbc0753f16ef13⋯.jpeg (395.2 KB, 936x936, 1:1, BF208B2D-F630-4A68-86B6-7….jpeg)

File: 4f2d42a8b1fa94e⋯.jpeg (79.29 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, FC11937A-87B7-4C30-AFB7-A….jpeg)

File: 4881d96d608ec35⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_5703.JPG)

bf17d4  No.3535179

File: 122912e8ee86971⋯.jpg (93.52 KB, 835x561, 835:561, JAcomet.jpg)

File: d0124d07d9c0b51⋯.jpg (361.03 KB, 710x710, 1:1, PHRO.jpg)

File: 9183a5b749d90ec⋯.jpg (103.69 KB, 985x767, 985:767, JA roth.jpg)

>>3535066 pb

Alefantis IS a Rothschild!

Pic related

5cfdec  No.3535180


The wall will bring unprecedented wealth to the country, and I can provide thousands of jobs by investing in my company.

Like I said, I would be willing to loan a fortune to the government for a small rate of return.

e4e492  No.3535181

File: 84c37dd7f23fde2⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 568x304, 71:38, abynrml.jpg)

887643  No.3535182

File: b4233c90515c1b4⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1500x1334, 750:667, SHILL-CLOCK.png)

Time is running out. Shilling here should have red-pilled you by now. Collect your belongings and make for the exit. We totally know how you feel.

436f5a  No.3535183


The fact that (((you))) niggers are doing this bad of a job to try and take over npc meme (just like how you keep trying to make "muhjooshill" a thing) tells the world all we need to know about your kind.

jews - fucking themselves up the ass since 2000 BC.

eca408  No.3535184


She's toying with a 2020 run. Really hope that news gets out.

459f0d  No.3535185

File: 7949a9b29a3ac36⋯.png (113.34 KB, 393x304, 393:304, ! ! ! ! ! 5;5 space ghost.png)

File: a3fe11ec26daa19⋯.png (214.92 KB, 616x529, 616:529, WG1WGA Q.png)


Nice digits

ad0aa6  No.3535186


Good post anon.

b13c40  No.3535187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

562bac  No.3535188


understood, thanks

b83b62  No.3535189


Would love Q sauce on this.

Have always wondered what really happened. She was reporting on the Hussein Brigades (ISIS) convoying from Iraqi and Syrian battlefields into Turkey. Also was reporting on the oil convoys going from Iraq's Northern fields into Turkey to Erdogan's brother and then being sold to Israel. Some say she was about to expose that ISIS oil was being sold to Israel.

fb2f73  No.3535190


I'm not understanding here…"disqualified or labeled inactive since Feb 2017"…ok…If you are registered to vote why would this "disqualify" you from mid-terms?

eca408  No.3535191


Bees sleep at night, no? Eclipse makes them think it's night?

394c7e  No.3535192

File: 6532570045449bf⋯.png (94.3 KB, 505x145, 101:29, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)

Latest OS update added something interesting to my dock…

850984  No.3535193

File: ca8f77262a066a6⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1545x966, 515:322, Screenshot_245.png)

5d911d  No.3535194

File: 01a948c169b11f4⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, James Alefantis Rothschild.jpg)


Yes, James Alefantis IS a Rothschild.

712476  No.3535195


Sumo never looked so good.

56c823  No.3535196


She know's its hopeless but she's angling for political cover, imo

e4e492  No.3535197


so, iNews?

32ce07  No.3535198

File: 29e1116fefaf771⋯.jpeg (1004.39 KB, 860x1186, 430:593, C3FF724B-DE4F-4E59-B349-0….jpeg)


Everyone loves a good roll cleansing! Kek

b14982  No.3535199

File: f799e2e82f96dcd⋯.png (379.77 KB, 600x340, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

repost for anon because late last bread and because kek gave trips


Who murdered Serena Shim in Turkey?

if anyone is lookin for somethin to dig on

because trips


9c814e  No.3535200


Still waiting for it to start……

966956  No.3535201

File: 71d6664fb59767d⋯.png (85.55 KB, 899x473, 899:473, cnnmemepanic.png)

File: 01eb527c8765f44⋯.png (97.82 KB, 500x404, 125:101, obiwanpepe.png)

HAHAHAHA, CNN panicking hard core over memes!! They didn't learn their lesson when Hillary tried to kill Pepe.

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/10/18/health/internet-memes-obesity-intl/index.html

e4e492  No.3535202


did you click that shit nigga?

d30bce  No.3535203


What is the significance of the orb looking objects?

d9ae20  No.3535204

'Shift Has Hit the Fan': Cavuto Warns Trump of Dangers of Habitually 'Shifting Blame'

Neil: Past presidents have accepted responsibility and benefited.



56bfe9  No.3535205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

436f5a  No.3535206


#1 no body gives a shit whether someone calls us 'racists', just like 'anti semitic'. Both made up words.

#2 niggers spics chinks kikes sandnigger etc etc all have a reason. so do we. We chart our own path and nobody who is a Patriot gives two shit what somebody else calls em.

#3 (((you))) clearly give a lot of shits what someone says under these circumstances and your support is conditional upon west doing what you want.

#4 above all are the reason why you are OUR enemy, pawn of the globalists.

There is a reason why (((you))) all glow. jews and cabal pawns can't shut the fuck up and once they speak, they glow.

b13c40  No.3535207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I guess this is the Dragon Ball-Lion King crossover bread.

33c979  No.3535208


ISIS oil tanker convoy’s to Erdogan son oil tankers.

f106d8  No.3535209

File: 2ffa8a866a926e7⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 791x422, 791:422, Trump.JPG)

Trump Orders Military To Border To Stop U.N. Invasion

eca408  No.3535210


Feb. 2017, the cleaning of the rolls began. Since then, x number of phony voters have been removed from the rolls.

b14982  No.3535211


Ebot, why do you want to be chappie, why dont you want to %beYourself%

d9ae20  No.3535212


errrrrr Cavuto not cuomo

850984  No.3535213

File: 2e50131b846d2e1⋯.png (160.78 KB, 436x539, 436:539, Lindsaypepe.png)


These people are incredibly short!

046e08  No.3535214

File: dcd591bfe7deef6⋯.jpg (622.73 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, BUILDWALLVSALLOWALL.jpg)

0bc909  No.3535215

File: df83053e472e637⋯.jpg (567.71 KB, 2753x2521, 2753:2521, deardiary1.jpg)

09cbd3  No.3535216


When reality has become so much of a cartoon you feel the need to emulate it.

bf6663  No.3535217


Go to 1:40.

When the fence breaks they chant "Si Se Puede." Why am I the only person who is quite clear who the community organizer of all this is?

ad0aa6  No.3535218


Ok, sauce?

ffb5f8  No.3535219



(((THEY))) need their excuse…

287a46  No.3535220

Current Deep State plan with the Guatemalan invasion:

- If migrants get into US (((they))) can better cheat mid term elections

- If military guns down migrants (((they))) will push for mass revolt against literally hitler.

Trump working with Mexico b/c he needs a third party to intercept the migrant missile.

b14982  No.3535221


(that wasnt supposed to be linked to my last post)

fb2f73  No.3535222


ok…so if you are legit American…then you ok. right?

96dc08  No.3535223

File: 58b5060c7236a33⋯.jpg (512.37 KB, 1522x1155, 1522:1155, jobs-not-mobs-scott-adams-….jpg)

Scott Adams BUSTED.

Scott Adams claimed that that the phrase “jobs not mobs,” which he suggested on Twitter six days before, would be catchy — though he adds that Republicans had not yet used it.

Literally minutes later, President Donald Trump tells a rally in Montana: “Democrats produce mobs. Republicans produce jobs.” The president tweets soon afterwards: “#JobsNotMobs.”


Here is a screencap of a part of my meme harddrive, proving that i had a "jobs not mobs" meme on my harddrive 1 day before Scott Adams his claim. (even more memes but 1 is enough as proof)

Can also validate this by looking how old the "jobs not mobs" memes are that are detected by google image search

Conclusion: he tried to fool people after seeing a catchy meme …feel free to ask him why

Sauce: https://www.breitbart.com/midterm-election/2018/10/19/exclusive-scott-adams-predicts-greatest-turnout-by-republicans-maybe-ever-in-midterms/

96c854  No.3535224

File: 9c636c05cc827ce⋯.png (304.95 KB, 1125x989, 1125:989, IMG_2288.PNG)

fad82b  No.3535225


So Russia thought that voter fraud is criminal just like patriots of every political persuasion?

First headline I've seen praising Russian trolls.

b13c40  No.3535226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf6663  No.3535227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Obama's well funded civilian army is here. At the Mexican border.

eca408  No.3535228


Some Turk.

“Turkey has been labeled by Reporters Without Borders as the largest prison for journalists, so I am a bit frightened about what they might use against me… I’m hoping that nothing is going to happen, that it’s going to blow over. I would assume that they are going to take me in for questioning, and the next hope is that my lawyer is good enough to get me out as soon as possible.”

Two days later, Press TV announced her death, stating:

“Serena was killed in a reported car accident when she was returning from a report scene in the city of Suruch in Turkey’s Urfa province. She was going back to her hotel in Urfa when their car collided with a heavy vehicle.”

850984  No.3535229


Hey! New catch phrase for POTUS to steal!


d30bce  No.3535230


HRC would not give him the time of day if he weren't. She worships this man. For Pizza? …right.

d42aa1  No.3535231

This illegal invader business is seriously stressing me out

This will bankrupt us if it continues

14d919  No.3535232



Will someone get this ass clown a board so they can continue repeating these SAME DAMN POSTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN??


Do you think this person is special for typing in a few letters?? WHY do idiots keep falling for this?? Or is it just one great big pack of shills working in tandem?? WHO THE FUCK CARES??

eca408  No.3535233


Suck it with your Non_NSA tech, clown faggots.

8e9ff6  No.3535234



Shared this to my website and also tweeted for you. Fellow Floridan feels your pain. Hope this helps

56c823  No.3535235


You could imagine a number reasons. Maybe they died. Maybe they moved out of state. Some states require you to participate every so often. The article says there's no indication of fuggery.

ad0aa6  No.3535236



WTF, checked image, he IS A ROTHSCHILDS!!

850984  No.3535237

File: eb10a02c1040e63⋯.png (534.14 KB, 622x638, 311:319, MouazTweet - Copy.png)

9f1801  No.3535238

Early voting was amazing today!!! The lines moved steadily and as I was leaving there were 4 people coming in!!! Awesome!! (E TN)

bf17d4  No.3535239



Very first Qpost!


Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

Another reason for the central American chaos?

Again, gonna nominate my own.


bf6663  No.3535240


I do not take this as an act of war from Central America. It is an act of war from the far left in this country. I know who did this in Central America in the seventies. It was the communists.

b13c40  No.3535241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Holy KEK I love the Japanese.

99ccec  No.3535242

File: cbb345db5c7535b⋯.png (170.24 KB, 730x418, 365:209, MMBPO.png)

File: be3373523db6c55⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, getoutofhere.jpg)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

"Orange man"

Now the fake shit is getting outright disrespectful. Idiots.

eca408  No.3535244


Not if you didn't register properly, with a qualifying address, timely, no. There are requirements. There should be more requirements. Many, many more requirements.

112342  No.3535245

File: 82eae50f56fc451⋯.png (25.12 KB, 600x200, 3:1, AQ55.PNG)

Saudi Arabia confirms Khashoggi killed in Istanbul consulate; top Saudi intelligence official fired


3f2559  No.3535246

File: 71ea6a4b9e73b6c⋯.jpg (82.3 KB, 483x485, 483:485, 10-19-NPC5.jpg)

responses are also very telling btw lol

i never called anyone anything

just posed some simple questions

based on something i noticed

if you took it personally/offence

so be it

thats not me :)

peace and love to all good souls


96c854  No.3535247

File: 6403da5597d9407⋯.png (391.46 KB, 666x500, 333:250, IMG_0414.PNG)

f953b1  No.3535248

File: 1e70e0d705748f0⋯.png (870.93 KB, 718x528, 359:264, DAYSHIFT1015.PNG)

385ab2  No.3535249

File: 52266e9f6133daf⋯.jpg (75.97 KB, 674x669, 674:669, Dp5w9RRWwAAXyLf.jpg)


eca408  No.3535250


Remember Q praising us for being selfless?

eca408  No.3535251


Legit choked up right now.

e4e492  No.3535252



awesum af.

bf5b7a  No.3535253


The migrants aren't going to be able to influence the midterms per se. The plan is to create a media clusterfuck at the border right at election time. Trump is put in a lose-lose situation. If he allows them in he looks weak. If he stops them with the military he looks like a cruel dictator.

Fortunately, he outsmarted them by having Mexico stop the caravan at their border. Now with the footage of the Honduran horde storming the fences, money being passed out, etc. He's won again.

Deepstate outmaneuvered once again.

b83b62  No.3535254


Most likely, and what many have confirmed her final story was going to be about.

I always wondered if she had the Israel connection too though(easily proven now). You may be right. She would have been a target attempting to expose either.

bf17d4  No.3535255

File: 11b92b0274a0420⋯.png (743.56 KB, 2048x2014, 1024:1007, hrcRUN.png)

Fuk Forgot the pic sauce, re-post



Very first Qpost!


Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

Another reason for the Central American chaos?

Again, gonna nominate my own.


12e04e  No.3535256

File: ad042f78fff6ed9⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, luisvidegaraymikepompeo-ca….jpg)

Pompeo & Videgaray

Showing The Last administration what

Real Diplomacy Is.

Luis Had nothing Good to Say about Hussein, HRC, & Heinz 57


99ccec  No.3535257

File: fdfcf802bdc9c47⋯.png (275.07 KB, 1111x978, 1111:978, itsafunnymemeweanonslove.png)


The NPC meme is so funny that we anons are unrealistically obsessed with it, but it is real because the meme is so funny we can't stop posting it and keking at it. kek

878316  No.3535258

eca408  No.3535259


Yeah, and a pedo.

96c854  No.3535260


It’s powerful.

850984  No.3535261

File: 2608f3ce587113d⋯.png (834.03 KB, 747x633, 249:211, JapTrump.png)

18ddfd  No.3535262

Nigel Farage kills it tonight.

I'm Shocked both side of the aisle have come together to fight for us Brits and our Independence from the EU.

USA it will be like this soon in the house for you too, i thought this was impossible for this to happen but it bloody has

I still can't wait for black hats here to get exposed WWG1WGA


9a31fe  No.3535263


You maybe im selfish as fuck how do i stop

56bfe9  No.3535264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

436f5a  No.3535265


vast majority of latin america has no soverignty. their elites are all in (((their))) pocket and are dependent upon globalist elite providing them money and protection against 'unwashed masses'.

meanwhile, fucking 'losing side' people are either suffering silently, or are victimized by these useful idiot punk population that is now paid off to travel up and cause trouble. Anyone with two braincells to rub together can see what kind of project this, fuck being in central america.

b13c40  No.3535266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's a meme-y-er version

ffb5f8  No.3535267


“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

― Jim Elliot

f953b1  No.3535268


Old news, we found that out on pol

25ea76  No.3535269

File: b57395d4ea3d3e8⋯.gif (5.36 MB, 382x554, 191:277, YALLDNTVESHILLED.gif)

File: 793141357367926⋯.png (794.11 KB, 864x1019, 864:1019, yall'n'd't.png)

>>3535170 MegaJew

>>3535157 1st tag team shill reply

>>3535186 2nd tag team shill reply

Don't fall for it Newfags, these 3 are all on the same MOS team Q warned us about; they are JIDF shills & have been here doing this for 355 days. If Jews were innocent, would they bother? This is, after all, according to their MSM colleagues, all just a conspiracy theory & a LARP..

7fae97  No.3535270

Look what the idiots are saying

𝔸𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕁𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕝 𝕂𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕘𝕘𝕚

‏ @La_Avion_

Replying to @SocialPowerOne1

Republican operatives paid leaders in Honduras to start this caravan so it can be used against Democrats & get out the GOP vote November 6th, the timing is perfect to destroy Democrats. Dirty low down Republicans, just like the fake communist that donate $ to Democrats.

9c814e  No.3535271

File: 71f7cddf6d315d7⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1226x1770, 613:885, ClipboardImage.png)

UN report on Zero Hedge

eca408  No.3535272


Close. Vatican.

bf17d4  No.3535273


ThanQ Anon! Forgot about that one!

Files gettin' pretty big these days! Kek!

728317  No.3535274


Your cult leader Q even called out the Jews, and you still can't accept it.

058b2f  No.3535275

Fentanyl smuggled from China is killing thousands of Americans

The Zheng drug trafficking organization was hardly clandestine. The Shanghai-based network sold synthetic narcotics, including deadly fentanyl, on websites posted in 35 languages, from Arabic and English to Icelandic and Uzbek.

The Chinese syndicate bragged that its laboratory could “synthesize nearly any” drug and that it churned out 16 tons of illicit chemicals a month. The group was so adept at smuggling, and so brazen in its marketing, that it offered a money-back guarantee to buyers if its goods were seized by U.S. or other customs agents.


bf5b7a  No.3535276

File: 427fd7694f87f95⋯.png (156.14 KB, 375x293, 375:293, cracksmoking.png)

7189ae  No.3535277

File: 7184eb9f8959dd7⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 263x300, 263:300, Screenshot 2018-10-19_15-1….jpg)

Another aspect that leads me to believe the person was not matched is Q says… NO FACIAL HAIR… / Obama admin

Do we have the guy yet?

57195d  No.3535278


Are you a bee trying to communicate with the caravan?

eca408  No.3535279


Love it! "Resistance is Futile"

eadba6  No.3535280

File: de7c48e1b872d78⋯.jpg (164.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2888cf825473cd1d716f94a379….jpg)

thats 3 down…more to follow

e4e492  No.3535281

File: 278938d477fb525⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 350x309, 350:309, bewbs4.jpg)


taking care of these will help with your selfishness…

42cdf5  No.3535282


Good work patriot!! No way in hell they're swinging the Volunteer state!

728317  No.3535283


Q's really in a bind now. Lol

eca408  No.3535284


2 MS-13 clowns directed by DWS found dead shortly thereafter.

b13c40  No.3535285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fad82b  No.3535286


You assume that Trump loses if he sends the military to the border. I disagree.

In fact, it's a win for him all around. The dems are stupid.

8ef19f  No.3535287

"How do you start a war?"

They are trying anons.

Stand strong.

562bac  No.3535288


<muh cult

9391d1  No.3535289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you power a house with a ShakeWeight?

eca408  No.3535290


Stop being so awesome.

bf17d4  No.3535291


Anon- that's my Notable- my tweet decode.

a2c8f5  No.3535292

File: c53e38c83a6d6f7⋯.jpg (524.41 KB, 1124x863, 1124:863, 3DA87EB1-98AB-46F0-9C03-F1….jpg)

ad0aa6  No.3535293





Pizza Gate's James Alefantis is a Rothschild Leak


96c854  No.3535294


I accept our cult leader called out your called leaders, yes. Your point?

b84b52  No.3535295



3a636e  No.3535296

Globalism - 101 , Mexico will call on United Nations over Illegal Caravan.


bdbf9e  No.3535297

File: ec635303253c73d⋯.png (35.88 KB, 872x400, 109:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f412490fda63727⋯.png (1.04 MB, 880x897, 880:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61f9c37fce03e1e⋯.png (297.5 KB, 809x918, 809:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3f57fc4eac3904⋯.png (33.88 KB, 797x304, 797:304, ClipboardImage.png)

JA suing Ecuador.


56c823  No.3535298


Sauds don';t have their new HW, yet, so this is probably part of Tyler's weekend fear porn blast.

ffb5f8  No.3535300


Rahm Emanuel…was floated and seems viable

eca408  No.3535301


Perspective enhancing as well. Got some dust in my eyes.

96dc08  No.3535302


I didn't even make the meme, most time just scraping and sharing on memehubs where regulars come who refire to twatter, and fb

Just pointing out that Scott Adams did an illusion trick, trying to make him look good or so

d9ae20  No.3535303

File: 72c4c0e145a59ca⋯.png (511.57 KB, 833x772, 833:772, Q CUOMO STATEMENT TRUMP LO….PNG)



fad82b  No.3535304


The only reason she would run again is in hopes she would not be investigated/charged as a candidate.

728317  No.3535305


Keep making memes, i'm sure that will stop it! LMFAO

ad0aa6  No.3535306



19af6b  No.3535307

Clintons stadium tour? WTF anons. It HAS to be a money laundering scheme. Local unions and Dems shovel out sponsorships and buy ticket blocks to hand out for FREE so they can get a few hundred people to show. Clintons pocket cash (what they need cash? Already filthy rich?) does not make sense. Why are they doing this? Who is getting paid?

f91ab6  No.3535309

We already went through the Rothschilds months ago…

6b1151  No.3535310

File: 23f4b69f1675b74⋯.jpg (241.11 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 7jJuuOU.jpg)




Its funny how all this shareblue trash took a bite of the bait.

1. Yes they want us to look nazi.

2. They want to spam and slide.

3. They are fake and gay.


>"Even you prophet q".

Then why are you here clown?

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

Are the people of France to blame?

Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

Rise of the people.


Not understood?


>“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”


7189ae  No.3535311


i'll facial ana to see if even plausible brb

bf17d4  No.3535312


Since ya wanna be all sassy and all, might you alert others that the post you lin to is from another bread?

It's only courteous, faggot.

USE (pb) of (LB) after your link PLEASE.

245bd2  No.3535313


and why do we care exactly? seems like there are more important things going on. unless i'm missing something about the importance of who first memed jobsnotmobs

728317  No.3535314


English please.

2ae411  No.3535315


What if October surprise is revealing evidence against 9/11 perpetrators, including HRC?

Absolutely unrecoverable. Democrat party permanently destroyed.

204fb5  No.3535316

File: dc0a88650392301⋯.jpeg (898.18 KB, 1125x1306, 1125:1306, 0E291C2D-1827-496C-BF91-E….jpeg)

Israeli Star Of David on Migrant Caravan vehicle in Guatemala.

b84b52  No.3535317

File: eb755ebde8009a7⋯.jpeg (25.9 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 66895B11-A8D4-44BB-BE49-E….jpeg)

File: 25dd88ab83fbbd6⋯.jpeg (21.69 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 46F631F8-D5ED-44F8-B73B-5….jpeg)

File: 6ae20e764060f2b⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5627.PNG)

File: edbc0753f16ef13⋯.jpeg (395.2 KB, 936x936, 1:1, BF208B2D-F630-4A68-86B6-7….jpeg)

File: f8cb1513732c46c⋯.jpeg (25.5 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 1EB128CF-2C84-436F-BD9E-9….jpeg)

77fb6c  No.3535318

File: 5fd68d8e8c54864⋯.png (333.8 KB, 758x1434, 379:717, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)

At 5:34 of this video POTUS hands Devin Nunes the pen he used to sign the WATER memorandum. Reminded me of the follow the pen posts. Along with "watch the water" it seems interesting.


77c776  No.3535319

File: 4d7904c6db81235⋯.jpg (199.32 KB, 1313x678, 1313:678, CASTRO.jpg)


>>3534380 (LB)

>>3534380 Castro (D-TX): Kushner had journalist murdered.

CASTRO of the most dangerous swamps creatures in DC.

JC was almost chosen to be Hillary's VP, he sits on the House Intelligence Committee, and he and his brother are closet anti-white racists who are part of the covert Viva La Raza (Brown and Blacks unite) movement to dissolve the southern border and retake parts of the US. The more that you know…

"Makes Barack Obama look like Ronald Reagan."


bf6663  No.3535320


No, that is utterly ridiculous. I was there then. I remember. The communists hate the Catholic church. They were killing priests and raping nuns. Do not be foolish. They are killing priests now in Mexico.

eadba6  No.3535321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eca408  No.3535322


Q has posted that the D's are over.

ad0aa6  No.3535323



257878  No.3535324

IMPORTANT: The 10 days of darkness is not fulfill until 9:42PM. If no post within 24H of then we can assume 20 days minimum!

e4e492  No.3535325

File: 3529749f67e251f⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, lafminions.jpg)



so this is what they got?


#walkaway going to become a tsunami…

5cfdec  No.3535326


Who paid them? Follow the money.

d9dc27  No.3535327

c16505  No.3535328


This is gonna get good, y'all.

96c854  No.3535329


Trolling us will start it though? Kek. >>3535310

Nigger you judge everyone in here every bread. Get off your high horse.

4e02f1  No.3535330

File: 52742ee871c0700⋯.jpg (163.65 KB, 648x903, 216:301, 1a.JPG)

File: 2f16f5acbf577c4⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 597x905, 597:905, 2.JPG)

File: 326212a6224068a⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 610x865, 122:173, 2a.JPG)

File: 36b47d94600e04c⋯.jpg (74.67 KB, 597x441, 199:147, 6.JPG)

Small plane makes emergency landing on I-8 near 2nd Street in El Cajon


728317  No.3535331


There is no October surprise, Q's given up the Larp, it's over.

b84b52  No.3535332

File: 2faef15d209348a⋯.png (4.63 KB, 295x171, 295:171, ED468288-C366-4263-BA11-9A….png)

File: a42be71f87f5ee7⋯.png (9.97 KB, 255x115, 51:23, 84D0FF07-AE4C-49A2-928B-EC….png)

File: 84243d5fa316f8d⋯.png (14.98 KB, 255x160, 51:32, 499D660E-D487-4DC4-B5E8-AC….png)

File: 4f2d426ed32ba8d⋯.jpeg (4.22 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 4FCCBEAB-1A2C-4933-8299-5….jpeg)

File: 62b907abe653b43⋯.jpeg (4.35 KB, 276x183, 92:61, 9AF8E7E4-4C86-4CB0-9D76-D….jpeg)


9c814e  No.3535333

File: b39a0d371a4e985⋯.png (988.98 KB, 1228x1842, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

96dc08  No.3535334


Well, he tried to debunk Q anons before with a faulty presentation.

So Mr. Scott is on a watch list

c92e5a  No.3535335


Running out of time for October Surprise. Voting is well underway.

436f5a  No.3535336

File: 4fc7a9f0cb871a8⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 720x563, 720:563, malcolmxjew.jpg)


it's fucking hillarious watching these kikes trying to pretend they are in any kind of role lol

Ready to get raped like a good jewish bitch again, mossad?

0e8e05  No.3535337


(Ecclesiastes 5:10) He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.

245bd2  No.3535338

q silence + crazy ass caravan + crazy ass SA story + midterms approaching = the time has come. 2018 will be glorious

bf17d4  No.3535339

File: 19bc851ef4ddd8d⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 375x523, 375:523, Adrenochrome.jpg)

File: fe11f95699b838c⋯.png (296.76 KB, 401x560, 401:560, CFcard.png)


Your serious with this only reason?


2ffbac  No.3535340


That's called PROJECTION Cuomo.

f8dcb2  No.3535341


I'm sure as a lawyer you have omniscient visibility into the the investigations which are taking place, appropriately out of the public view.


You have nothing to offer but boobs…lol

562bac  No.3535343

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3535154 Alabama House candidate says 55,000 voters in her district have been disqualified

>>3535201 CommieNewsNetwork wants to "scrutinize memes"

>>3535245 BREAKING: Saudi Arabia confirms Khashoggi killed in Istanbul consulate; top Saudi intelligence official fired

>>3535297 JA suing Ecuador

Planefag Updates:



so this would be, what, the 5th "10 days of darkness"?

reread december crumbs

56bfe9  No.3535344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0ec47  No.3535345



8ec2e1  No.3535346

File: c28ff5343c805a4⋯.jpg (133.61 KB, 776x500, 194:125, 2kin3a.jpg)

eca408  No.3535347


1) current pope is a communist;

2) peasants are catholics;

3) Vatican hates the US;

4) Vatican plan to destroy the US by moving catholic peasants into the open border US and draining all capital via open social welfare programs started in 1964 with Ted Kennedy, also a catholic.

There is no difference between communism and the Vatican that a quick papal bull can't overcome.

d30bce  No.3535348


So in tracking the pictures that you posted of this Mothership, was that the Mothership in 2017 and not SpaceX? Was it a precursor as to how humans would react?

728317  No.3535349


I love when you faggots get so triggered that you can't make sense.

058b2f  No.3535350

(beginning to believe the Sinemas and Betos are /ours/)

Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Attacked ‘Bullshit’ Stay-At-Home Moms For ‘Leeching Off Their Husbands’

'These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they're choosing to live that life.'

Democratic Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema, of Arizona, once described stay-at-home moms as leeches in a 2006 interview.


b84b52  No.3535351

File: 34fd01884a9f511⋯.jpg (29.06 KB, 259x194, 259:194, IMG_5720.JPG)

1. There are extraterrestrials. They are beings of pure spirit; angels and demons, who have souls (quantum) but [some] do not inhabit physical bodies.

2. The Cabal (Illuminati in basic terms) has "priests" who summon specific ETs (demons) and allow them to temporarily possess their body. While possessed they speak or write, dance or perform to followers of the cult (pop culture), and in return, they are allowed to experience the pleasures of the body for a time. Orgiastic bisexual sex, torture and killing of sacrificial victims, Drinking blood, and screaming and screeching. Great fun for the ETs on holiday in humanland.

3. Satanist is a pale word that doesn't even begin to describe what these people are up to.

4. The possession part, has a technical name. It is called "channeling". "Angels" do it too.

5. Angel is a Greek word meaning messenger because angels are messengers of God. Prophets used to channel messages from angels. Yes, this means that the Prophets in the Bible were "possessed" at the time the messages were received.

6. The "channel" exists regardless of whether or not you are possessed. Any person can communicate directly to "God", internally. The voice of God is like a still, small voice within. Usually, you hear nothing, but when you quiet the mind in a prayerful state, the thoughts come to you. Essentially we are all god speaking through our collective consciousness.

7. Creativity is a form of speaking with God,

8. The muse of the artist is, simply speaking, that voice of God within. The reason artists feel that a muse is female is because God is essentially female if you can describe such an expansive being in such a restricted and limited way.

9. A female mammal creates a new creature out of the substance of her own body. This is why God is often perceived as female. She created the Universe and All That Is out of the substance of her own being. Our souls are fragments of her. This is why Jesus referred to us as the sons of God. In his language and cultural context he was trying to express that fundamental connection that EVERY person has with God. Even the most evil ones. Even the most deluded.

10. The scale of life and the Universe is incredibly huge. Expand your thinking. There is no death, no destruction. Everything is. By following the arrow of time, it changes and transforms, but always, it is.

1949da  No.3535352

File: 42e2a9d1bc667e2⋯.jpeg (418.55 KB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 32DEC31A-8FA3-445A-B9C1-E….jpeg)

It’s time for Q to close out 10 days of Darkness.

70d197  No.3535353

File: 0ba50e1ad464018⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 578b8a429fede9aca9bac1f0ca….jpg)

96c854  No.3535354


Jews are amazing people. I look forward to becoming one. Amazing people. When someone asks me about a perfect race, without thought, I immediately recognize the Jews for such. Our cult leader has never said anything bad about these amazing people. Ever.

b83b62  No.3535355


everyone here should have known the answer to this.

5dfe57  No.3535356

File: f113427054cff12⋯.jpg (75.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2kin6g.jpg)

e4e492  No.3535357

File: 537e118712cd591⋯.png (362.05 KB, 750x445, 150:89, yod3.png)


if offering boobs they are

accepting them you should be

6b1151  No.3535358

File: 83c6a9cbbbd8ead⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1391x2230, 1391:2230, 2018_9_13_20_12_36.png)

File: b74c4e2dfd64308⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1472x2672, 92:167, 2018_9_13_20_13_51.png)

File: 3b951d3e7c7b4d5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1415x1946, 1415:1946, 2018_9_13_20_14_43.png)

File: f25a81a34abcc66⋯.jpeg (19.26 KB, 500x341, 500:341, 07090c8804e5b0c5bcc43e19e….jpeg)


>q is your cult leader

Our "cult leader" called your cult leader a cabal puppet.

Q post #154

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

>WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

>Fantasy land.

>Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









54dfce  No.3535359

the border caravan is the attention whore of the week.

what happened to



Flood, pictures, chats, movies?

Weiner Laptop files?

shall all this realy wait until after midterms?

Podesta and Alefantis still walking free…

9735e3  No.3535360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CFR - Greenspan's new book is rewriting history. Touts 1920s economy suffered 'serpents' of debt and nationalism (i.e. America First, Anti-immigration policy) @11:40


a442f4  No.3535361

See the chaos today? That's the enemy fighting back. The first victories are going to see easy pretty soon. Once they are in a corner, there will be nothing for them to gain by holding anything back.

Keep your eyes peeled and your ears on 10. A little paranoia is a good idea right about now.

2164d0  No.3535362

File: 88e60b3a5a0a5fd⋯.png (1.43 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4484-1.png)

b397df  No.3535363


I'm pretty sure Bill Mitchell was the first I saw say it. Someone posted his tweet saying it here and then an anon said hey this is good, someone meme this. And off it went.

5cfdec  No.3535364


Don't stop, just consider your contributions of creativity to be an investment into your (our) selfish future of greatness.

b84b52  No.3535365

File: b6059586dc277da⋯.png (63.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 803A7567-FA0E-40A7-9217-4D….png)

File: 894e8eaa6bb0a42⋯.jpeg (10.76 KB, 196x257, 196:257, D2B0822F-4235-42E0-826E-F….jpeg)

File: ac8f86e1742161b⋯.jpg (74.23 KB, 752x440, 94:55, IMG_5268.JPG)

File: b7de1c155c9296c⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 1150x1150, 1:1, IMG_5324.JPG)

File: 2d4e60faabef80d⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_5325.JPG)




1c2693  No.3535366

File: f36f51d2ddb98c5⋯.png (113.92 KB, 358x290, 179:145, Capture.PNG)

File: f7d4f0ffbbebfe1⋯.png (41.53 KB, 235x223, 235:223, Capture1.PNG)

File: 6d26cd979f8591f⋯.png (166.06 KB, 205x308, 205:308, Capture2.PNG)


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States periodically intervened militarily in Latin American nations to protect its interests, particularly the commercial interests of the American business community. After the Roosevelt Corollary of 1904, whenever the United States felt its debts were not being repaid in a prompt fashion, its citizens' business interests were being threatened, or its access to natural resources were being impeded, military intervention or threats were often used to coerce the respective government into compliance. This made many Latin Americans wary of U.S. presence in their region and subsequently hostilities grew towards the United States.

The Good Neighbor Policy terminated the U.S. Marines occupation of Nicaragua in 1933 and occupation of Haiti in 1934, led to the annulment of the Platt Amendment by the Treaty of Relations with Cuba in 1934, and the negotiation of compensation for Mexico's nationalization of foreign-owned oil assets in 1938.

The United States Maritime Commission contracted Moore-McCormack Lines to operate a "Good Neighbor fleet"[7] of ten cargo ships and three recently laid-up ocean liners between the United States and South America.[8] The passenger liners were the recently defunct Panama Pacific Line's SS California, Virginia and Pennsylvania.[9] Moore-McCormack had them refurbished and renamed them SS Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina for their new route between New York and Buenos Aires via Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Montevideo.[8][10]

The policy sought to redefine the way Americans perceived Latin Americans, while at the same time maintaining hemispheric unity. In order to accomplish this, Roosevelt created the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA) in August 1940 and appointed Nelson Rockefeller to head the organization. The OCIAA was essentially a propaganda tool used by the United States to define Latin American society, as they perceived it. One division within the OCIAA, the Motion Picture Division, was headed by John Hay Whitney, with the main intent to abolish preexisting stereotypes of Latin Americans that were prevalent throughout American society.[11] Whitney was convinced of "the power that Hollywood films could exert in the two-pronged campaign to win the hearts and minds of Latin Americans and to convince Americans of the benefits of Pan-American friendship."[12] In order to accomplish this, Whitney urged film studios to hire Latin Americans and to produce movies that placed Latin America in a favorable light. Further, he urged filmmakers to refrain from producing movies that perpetuated negative stereotypes. Historically, Latin Americans were lackadaisically portrayed as lazy, backwards and suspicious.[13] One film star who emerged then was Carmen Miranda. Used as a product to promote positive hemispheric relations, her films, including The Gang's All Here, explicitly promoted the Good Neighbor policy. Also, the policy's cultural impact included the launch of CBS Radio's Viva América and Hello Americans programs and the Walt Disney films Saludos Amigos (1942) and The Three Caballeros (1944)


9e8dd5  No.3535367

File: 330fc872b954000⋯.jpg (28.82 KB, 290x390, 29:39, shiksa.jpg)

fad82b  No.3535368



You are very persuasive with this brilliant observation. Here's one for you. Bite me.

bf17d4  No.3535369

File: 46b16bcc0177bbb⋯.jpg (18.86 KB, 255x213, 85:71, Au Ag.jpg)


Kek! That said, there's more upward potential for profit HOLDING silver at this juncture.

Actually less silver in the ground than gold and silver is VERY cheap here!

850984  No.3535370

File: 376a91b38d8086a⋯.png (509.62 KB, 548x702, 274:351, Screenshot_264.png)

bf6663  No.3535371


The pope is not a communist. The Vatican does not hate the US. Utter nonsense all of that.

The communists hate the Catholic Church.

c0314a  No.3535372

"They did not have a lot of money, they did not have a lot of luxury, but they all had one thing in common, they loved their families, they loved their country and they loved their God. These courageous patriots did not shed their blood, sweat and tears so that we could sit at home while others try to erase their legacy and destroy our proud and great America heritage. For the sake of our freedom and for the sake of our children, we are going to work, we are going to fight and we are going to win win win.

We will not bend, we will not break, we will never give in , we will never give up, we will never back down, we will never surrender and we will always fight on to victory.

Because we are American and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. We are one people, we are one family, and we are one glorious nation under God, and together we will make America wealthy again, we will make American strong again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America Great again."


c16505  No.3535373


Texasanons know this!! His stint as mayor nearly ruined my hometown.

db150e  No.3535374



>Stanislav Lunev.


>Payback for today.





Mass Murderers with the greatest kill count in this planet's history. Criticism them gets you called anti-semitic, their crimes are not taught in schools.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

But then again we have Iran/China/Black Nobility and others in this digital age of blackmail and surveillance.

Thinking Matrix, Neo did not defeat the Machine World. Just helped the Machine beat Agent Smith who grew wild and destructive once learning there were two sets of rules. One for the murderers and one for the sheep.

Bolsheviks, Communism(protection by government or disguised in religion) are THE enemy. Get down to brass tax it is just a bunch of pedophiles blackmailing other despots to keep their protection racket going.

10d3ce  No.3535375

Kashoggi - dead or alive

So far there's been no proof that Kashoggi is still alive.

A terrible photo has been published on a German page showing his cut face. This looks real.

(in the comments)

37a1dd  No.3535376


Jeff Diehl actually has a chance to beat Pocahauntus in MA Senate race. We did it with Scott Brown winning the dead Ted Kennedy seat. Brown then got corrupted in DC by McShame. I'm thinking we can demoralized enough Dem and Independent voters to get them to stay home on voting day. I think if anybody knows a way to tell everyone supporting the Trump agenda to pick up the phone and have some fun, if legal. We should all call as many random Boston phone #s as possible and just say; "WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO. Liz Warren is a Shameless Fake Indian that stole a job from a minority at Harvard!" And then hang up and call more.

6b1151  No.3535377

File: d2a0702e702bdd6⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 6222f8dbe5de0f592add187fb3….jpg)


Gtfo faggot. Anons bring light not darkness.

14d919  No.3535378

File: 30b23931c99066c⋯.png (58.64 KB, 182x282, 91:141, Screenshot-2018-3-25 Roths….png)


You tell me…

245bd2  No.3535379


digits of doom. in the name of anagrams. 3535353 = gnimocni airetsyh ssam

96dc08  No.3535380


Can you sauce the date of that?

That would be another layer of proof

eca408  No.3535381


Point is that the security you think you will have by possessing an abundance of gold or silver will always elude you.

593ac9  No.3535382

File: 6508e8ac8104573⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 180x174, 30:29, 1280829828_kangaroo-lickin….gif)

33c979  No.3535383

For the 10,000th time.

Q never said

10 day (((of))) darkness

10d3ce  No.3535384


sorry, the source:


bf17d4  No.3535385


Ya reap what ya sow,


b64459  No.3535386

File: db711a3bb23b7a0⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 7173976d77e01bdc30ab0a71c8….jpg)

436f5a  No.3535388

File: dc1fd613e1653fc⋯.png (240.75 KB, 667x752, 667:752, pepeturnstables.png)


>hops IP

>re uses same shit posts

this dumb fucking (((bitch))) KEK

b84b52  No.3535389

File: 667f4e4b7a0b630⋯.png (618.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5374.PNG)

File: e92381c89916bcf⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_5489.JPG)

File: d2eaa191b3b16d8⋯.jpg (98.22 KB, 800x724, 200:181, IMG_5556.JPG)

File: dd95497a42e3bcc⋯.jpeg (125.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 87E29B7D-5EDD-4989-966C-7….jpeg)

File: fb09e3fb8615d2b⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 883AAB1B-9593-48D7-8979-2….jpeg)

728317  No.3535390


So he called Trump a cult leader? What drop was that???

058b2f  No.3535391

Obamacare website suffers breach, 75,000 people have information compromised

Information from 75,000 people who use the federal government's Obamacare website was hacked earlier this week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported Friday.

Staff at the agency, known as CMS, said in a statement that they noticed "anomalous activity" in a part of the healthcare.gov site that allows agents and brokers to connect people with health insurance. The agency did not say who was responsible for the hack, but said it had followed protocol by notifying federal law enforcement officials.

The number of people affected represents a small fraction of the roughly 9 million people who enroll in the system, but CMS called the breach "unacceptable."


a442f4  No.3535392


>Podesta and Alefantis still walking free…

Not on my street.

eca408  No.3535393


1) the pope is a communist.

2) the Vatican has hated the US since 1776, and the UK since 1215

3) If the pope told you tomorrow that all communists were now your catholic brothers, because a Marian appearance said so, what would you do?

4e02f1  No.3535394

File: 6fd1a4b2acce028⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 856x408, 107:51, 1a.JPG)

File: 641950ebad02424⋯.jpg (40.39 KB, 492x337, 492:337, 2.JPG)

Pilot killed in single engine plane crash identified (Holt, FL)


3e4ba2  No.3535395

File: c8a32f8f01b1dff⋯.png (507.41 KB, 672x1024, 21:32, 67C197CA-8E19-492A-A063-53….png)

halloween costume ordered, thanks to this anon for the fantastic idea

a82c4b  No.3535396


Txanon concurs CAstros pos’s.

112342  No.3535397

File: 4ec81612045b95c⋯.png (32.6 KB, 1072x235, 1072:235, AQ56.PNG)



Jack Dorsey complains about 'unfairness' in San Francisco homeless tax on corporations

1949da  No.3535398

File: b68933fef7f2695⋯.jpeg (311.64 KB, 1721x1668, 1721:1668, 0AC3A476-2CE4-4267-857D-F….jpeg)

5cfdec  No.3535399


STFU…the Vatican and the Pope love one thing….POWER.

eca408  No.3535400


The fact that the Turks said they showed Kansas everything they had and Kansas said he saw and heard nothing is quite telling.

3f2559  No.3535402

i must give you props BO, BVs and anons

not too long ago this board was a shilltown

and i understand its a fine line between free expression

and someone being intentionally disruptive/hateful

i dont envy you BO lol

but as i said, im impressed you all have done so well

in defining that line in regards to this bakery

sorry, dont ususally "kiss ass" but

respect due patriots

thank you for your service



6b1151  No.3535404

File: 8341618226f77a9⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 255x249, 85:83, d72815887915a8591aaa42247f….jpg)



Good posts are worth reposting, faggot clown.

9a31fe  No.3535405


Idc if your real or not whats your explantion for the small object that blew up elons rocket

4ecb64  No.3535406

File: 2fb3fa2ca2be5d6⋯.jpg (101.59 KB, 760x428, 190:107, NPC-AOC-1.jpg)

e4e492  No.3535407

File: bd7a44b10bb3370⋯.png (361.6 KB, 750x445, 150:89, yod2.png)


rapid transit bewbs those are

for long journeys they are comfy

57ccda  No.3535408


We may side with Palestine this time…

3ad575  No.3535409


DS expending ammunition

DS expending ammunition

DS expending ammunition

DS expending ammunition

DS expending ammunition

DS expending ammunition

a7e90b  No.3535410

Sick freaks in Toronto want to offer assisted suicide to kids under 18 without parents consent.


1949da  No.3535411


What did he say, acolyte ?

77c6ba  No.3535412


Where the hell are they going to the bathroom at stuck on a bridge?

722cd4  No.3535413


Thanks anon.

058b2f  No.3535414

Reuters Top News

Reuters Top News




Replying to


MORE: Saudi Arabia says a fight broke out between Khashoggi and people who met him in the consulate and led to his death

bf6663  No.3535415


That is utterly absurd. Anyway, you are too ignorant of history to waste time on.

9a31fe  No.3535416


And clowns will build you up to tear you down

9c814e  No.3535417


>We may side with Palestine this time…

You might….I never will

12e04e  No.3535418

File: 0877cf176515f9b⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 533x342, 533:342, 2012-12-20-Frank_Zappa_Apo….jpg)


Do We, the People Truly understand

The Magnitude of this STOOPID

Statement by the Dirty Eye Ty?

It Means

We, are WINNG!

112342  No.3535419

File: 5e2370f7c4b5122⋯.png (32.23 KB, 1229x237, 1229:237, AQ57.PNG)


107,000 purged from Georgia voter rolls for not voting in past elections: report

b84b52  No.3535420

File: 6b55b421184c5fe⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5153.PNG)

File: d670ed616af2e87⋯.jpg (246.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5239.JPG)

File: d54b35a40e1b97c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5300.PNG)

File: b1ef9c084915a10⋯.png (282.64 KB, 764x1569, 764:1569, IMG_5340.PNG)

File: 06fb826ebcfb924⋯.jpeg (10.95 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 3F4E90CE-01DF-4BAF-AF21-D….jpeg)

ef2848  No.3535421

File: 9fb45323c98cb44⋯.jpg (278.87 KB, 735x1103, 735:1103, EagleFlagAmerica.jpg)


YEP YEP ! I second that Anon…. Thank you !

bf17d4  No.3535422


Yes. Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's, give to GOD what is GOD's

But right now, in this world of dog-eat-dog survival, gotta stack em!


(What Would POTUS do?)

b83b62  No.3535423


Study "Nimrod". He created a cult that jews and many other races and tribes joined. It centers around the duality of God and doing as thou wilt. Go figure giving people earthly metaphysical power and telling people that they are a god and that the only sin is denying your desires draws a following. Unfortunately for them it's Lucifer's lie and we will all be held to account.

db150e  No.3535424


Clown journalist fighting and not just reporting

Sounds legit

33c979  No.3535425


10 days.


5cfdec  No.3535426


Grab a bag of Cheetos to go along with it.

eca408  No.3535427


Open sewer to left and right.

a82c4b  No.3535428


Native lifelong San Antonian. Concur

70d197  No.3535429

File: d4b767e1a0e4035⋯.jpg (66.69 KB, 392x392, 1:1, a04a40a451421e0704a005c161….jpg)

d30bce  No.3535430


I listened to the broadcast last night. If this were known today, would this be why millions would be hospitalized?

1949da  No.3535431


Jack is a heartless fucking monster.

436f5a  No.3535432


at this point, I think even if POTUS orders fire at will at the border and we pile up 4000 bodies, good many latinos would even say 'awesome job'.

NOBODY wants anything to d with these entitled criminal shits other than A: kicked back to where they came from B: killed.

4bc406  No.3535433

>>3535004 (Last bread)

Winning a lottery merely magnifies who the person is/was in the first place. That's why so many winners are broke and depressed within ten years after winning.

Self-made millionaires WORK toward wealth. They're rarely destitute and/or down-in-the-mouth because the walk slowly up a ladder of success.

459f0d  No.3535434

File: 2fb31aa1f3eee90⋯.png (75.45 KB, 684x287, 684:287, ClipboardImage.png)

8f937a  No.3535435

257878  No.3535436


4/10/20 days of darkness is fundamental Q

b397df  No.3535437


I did a search on his Twitter account and didn't find him saying it at all. Maybe it was Scott Adams and I thought it was Bill Mitchell for some reason.

e4e492  No.3535438


really liken your plan B anon

452e72  No.3535439


…and AFTER "shutdown".

57ccda  No.3535440


Black folks were supposed to find out about Haiti before the election. Already shifting hard to POTUS, that could be the thing that locks it.

b84b52  No.3535441

File: fd1f0d9aaf57e12⋯.jpg (259.76 KB, 983x1679, 983:1679, IMG_5039.JPG)

File: 3dfae3f8cb11e57⋯.jpg (199.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_5044.JPG)

File: dae6e54c2547539⋯.jpg (228.82 KB, 739x960, 739:960, IMG_5059.JPG)

File: c68bb739047a2ed⋯.jpeg (16.68 KB, 268x188, 67:47, 1262B603-514C-46E3-BF82-E….jpeg)

File: a8a98d7fe523436⋯.jpg (244.87 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_5204.JPG)

db150e  No.3535442

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Whatever happened to Glenn Beck?

3a636e  No.3535444

Understanding The Big Racket

Massive illegal immigration is supported by both sides of the professional political machine. There are few issues more unifying for the K-Street purchased voices of DC politicians than keeping the borders open and the influx of illegal aliens as high as possible.The U.S. Chamber of Commerce pays politicians to keep this system in place.


ec789e  No.3535445

File: 2f61e247bf11f24⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 500x427, 500:427, 2gypp6~2.jpg)

File: af92474ab40671f⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 2hq3ss~7.jpg)

eca408  No.3535446


Not surprised those dates mean nothing to you. I note you ducked the question.

Pope declares tomorrow ex cathedra that Mary appeared to him and declared that we are all God's children, and that all hostility between any group, especially catholics and communists, must cease immediately. You are now brothers.

What will you do?

728317  No.3535447


You said Q called my leader a cult leader, so where did Q call Trump that, what drop?

593ac9  No.3535448

File: 378149745d47dac⋯.png (525.75 KB, 1000x415, 200:83, download.png)


This looks real too. Not slamming you. Fuck if I know the truth about it. Just saying it wouldn't be hard to fake for either side.

0b31bf  No.3535449

File: 633fbf134614a3b⋯.png (270.92 KB, 720x660, 12:11, Alert_Chip_Kill.png)



3f2559  No.3535450


soon as you typed/said "your cult"

you gave yourself away

you should study the art of subtlty

and if you didnt know

it is the opposite of what you do

but hey, keep tryin champ

you'll get there (hell)

3a50a5  No.3535452

The cabal is running all the Ufos, all the exotic Tech. Monitoring us, controling weather. We need some alien help.

850984  No.3535453

File: 70acc3a829f0306⋯.png (367.14 KB, 470x334, 235:167, simongirl.png)

887643  No.3535454

File: 6b326d2e17187cc⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1334x1500, 667:750, dear-diary.png)

b84b52  No.3535455



562bac  No.3535456


I see you shitting up 4pol you nigger

e4e492  No.3535457


see that cheese over there?

it slid off his cracker…

5cfdec  No.3535458


But that's the thing. What is Caesar's? By what rule? By what right?

6b1151  No.3535459

File: be4c0c2f2403259⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (3).jpeg)

be7105  No.3535460

File: 7d22f67e4ce0892⋯.jpg (669.28 KB, 1049x700, 1049:700, bitch.jpg)

77c6ba  No.3535461


It originated here on the 12th.

I know for a fact because I was involved in it.

dc3cbb  No.3535462

File: 0f51d923b76cbb6⋯.jpeg (34.52 KB, 400x317, 400:317, D39B1F52-E790-4F4D-A968-2….jpeg)

bf6663  No.3535463


Stop tempting me to call you names.

5e57d7  No.3535464

File: 89f12583d2a2471⋯.jpg (96.07 KB, 735x490, 3:2, _49epu1wh04g.jpg)




56c823  No.3535465


Kek I've done it off a bridge before but it could be a problem for the other sex.

9c814e  No.3535466

File: af125c8b8492bf6⋯.png (748.53 KB, 1848x1916, 462:479, ClipboardImage.png)

10d3ce  No.3535467


then it must have been a pretty similar body.

112342  No.3535468

File: ebbbdaeb2b7aa3a⋯.png (32.72 KB, 1199x293, 1199:293, AQ58.PNG)


Obama to campaign for Dems in Wisconsin

Guess we can count on winning Wisconsin.

436f5a  No.3535469

File: 279c79b14f44f1e⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 255x169, 255:169, ropeawaits.jpg)



>muh hate

>muh slipping in a pill to BO and BV after pissing off anons to make noise

>tag teaming this obviously

(((You))) niggers are STUPID.

eca408  No.3535470


Wrong verse. Right verse: "You fool. Tonight your soul is required of you; where then will your riches go?"

66f41a  No.3535471


We should march to the border also, to defend that mofo.

d30bce  No.3535472


De Beers…Diamonds…largest scam.

14d919  No.3535473

File: b81943e512ebeb9⋯.jpg (93.96 KB, 576x380, 144:95, Hal_Shills_be_Like.jpg)

File: 4bf085d5cbb7c81⋯.png (509.14 KB, 609x319, 21:11, Screenshot_2018-10-11 osam….png)




33c979  No.3535474


Post the link. He never said (((of)))

4e02f1  No.3535475

File: 865218ad1a91910⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 691x844, 691:844, 1a.JPG)

File: 6f655589ee0186b⋯.jpg (118.31 KB, 684x690, 114:115, 2.JPG)

File: 7acc0182abea0d0⋯.jpg (156.31 KB, 705x907, 705:907, 2a.JPG)

File: 0da7d58bc28083f⋯.jpg (26.95 KB, 677x119, 677:119, 6.JPG)

Southwest plane diverted after man allegedly touches female passenger, threatens flight attendant


f09d55  No.3535476

File: 7d43e587eea1a47⋯.png (159.56 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20181019-172504.png)

ab9161  No.3535477


[Big next week]

9e8dd5  No.3535478

File: 1af52331aa704a3⋯.jpeg (125.74 KB, 600x800, 3:4, jewverine.jpeg)

ad0aa6  No.3535479



f8dcb2  No.3535480


They need cash because their assets have been frozen. Watch the show.

d42aa1  No.3535481


Isn’t the other Castro the one who helped Obama implement section 8 housing vouchers in upscale neighborhoods?

They are massive sonsabitches

3e8b5f  No.3535482

The Caravans have swelled into 5 Caravans of around 10,000 each.

1 of the Caravans is said to have 25,000 people in it.

55k+ Coming to our Borders

bf6663  No.3535483


This is a very scary moment for me. There are communists is this country just waiting for their moment. And these will be their soldiers.

77c776  No.3535484

File: c4f97b787939e63⋯.png (399.01 KB, 618x800, 309:400, castro.png)


>CASTRO of the most dangerous swamps creatures in DC.


>Texasanons know this!! His stint as mayor nearly ruined my hometown.


>Native lifelong San Antonian. Concur


>Txanon concurs CAstros pos’s.


eca408  No.3535485


Nimrod = Sun God = basis for all pagan father gods.

Semiramis, his wife = "Mother of God" (Tammuz) and "Queen of Heaven".

Tammuz, their son = miraculously raised from the dead after sun beam impregnated "Mother of God" from dead "Sun God".

Mystery Babylon, the basis for all pagan religions, is live and well as expressed in Roman Catholicism.

14d919  No.3535486


Look into their various mining assets around the globe.. Very important industry…

3ad575  No.3535487

File: e2f3f35c9bf16f2⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C6670097-8497-4EBB-B085-35….png)

File: 65b2ac653662b10⋯.png (425.11 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 60D9DFEC-7EE8-45B4-BFD1-92….png)



019314  No.3535488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump Signs a Presidential Memorandum

56c823  No.3535489


There's a Nimrod thread for that. Nimrod's always a slide here.

593ac9  No.3535490

7189ae  No.3535491


just trying to find him man, continue thinking im a shill and ill be finding him

who was that guy from turkey

728317  No.3535492


Yet you still responded…

These people are stupid ^^^

452e72  No.3535493


I was agreeing with you, dude, and adding the timing of the event, per Q.

bf17d4  No.3535494

File: 0ac5c069996d034⋯.png (519.14 KB, 725x603, 725:603, 111.png)


Vancoover 1937




5a4a96  No.3535495


Scott Adams did you the favor of bringing it to the Trump families attention. Don Jr. follows Adams closely.

If I do have a question for Adams it certainly won't be about this

10d3ce  No.3535496


we will have to wait and see

b64459  No.3535497


I am not seeing the progress, I am seeing May fuck up Brexit and divide the country more than ever. 2 muslims in high positions of power like the london Mayor.

058b2f  No.3535498


looking for sauce

33c979  No.3535499


TY. My bad

9c814e  No.3535500

File: d4892491c1ff8ae⋯.png (787.07 KB, 1548x936, 43:26, ClipboardImage.png)

Propaganda is legal in America…..shame

9735e3  No.3535501

File: 4c0ffffb6e3df12⋯.png (59.97 KB, 255x153, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Greenspan rewriting history while attacking POTUS policy.


d42aa1  No.3535502


No fucking way….sauce?

d3602c  No.3535503


Yep he sure did. SAtx anon. Theses twins are commie af

112342  No.3535504

File: 5e56b19ea116195⋯.png (37.6 KB, 612x301, 612:301, AQ66.PNG)

MORE: Saudi State TV is reporting journalist Jamal Khashoggi died following a fight in the Saudi Consulate, 18 Saudi nationals have been arrested in connection with his death and two Generals have been fired


1949da  No.3535505


It is amazing the press gets us to focus on this one worthless journalist, it’s an October dirty trick imo.

a2c8f5  No.3535506

File: 13e0e01de853401⋯.jpg (133.39 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 1hk2ip.jpg)

ad0aa6  No.3535507


Q #1751

>Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

>The World is Here.


>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

>Peace through strength.


>They want you DIVIDED.











>>3354377 pb


>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days...

Simplifiying and dividing muhjew shilling is not working. Anons see it.


593ac9  No.3535508


A crumb wouldn't hurt either. But I digress

56bfe9  No.3535509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f2559  No.3535510


i really like that second one

bf6663  No.3535511


Turn off Mike Savage. He creates retards. He has no idea how HUD works or what the programs are.

eca408  No.3535512


All I have done is presented you with some extra time to come up with your response, when that happens.

When, not if.

As I am an heretic to the Whore of Babylon, known to you as the Roman Catholic Church, feel free to call me an heretic.

5cfdec  No.3535513


Scott is fucking hilarious, and will actually engage with you if you make a clever comment on his twitter - unlike most "celebrities" who think we are simply their passive audience.

ec789e  No.3535514

File: 2b0c4a4626fbc9c⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 2k2k4j~2.jpg)

File: 84a1e2c6d075211⋯.png (20.66 KB, 409x180, 409:180, Screenshot_2018-10-17-15-5….png)

f106d8  No.3535515

In campus speech, David Hogg says U.S. is stolen land, justifies illegal immigration, of course calls for gun control at UMass Dartmouth.

b13c40  No.3535516



"A fight."

728317  No.3535517


Nice to see you support Satan.

77c6ba  No.3535518


Wrong. It was created here, idea and memes.

I tweeted the hell our of it, and I always hit blue check /our/guys really hard to get it out there.

Bill Mitchell got it from our memes on the 12th.

850984  No.3535519

File: c882b0f1b4b1b3f⋯.png (1.15 MB, 946x623, 946:623, Screenshot_345.png)


Jews make me laugh.

96dc08  No.3535520



Q told us to expose fake maga's …Scott Adams his false claim that he infuenced the phrase/meme falls under that category.

b83b62  No.3535521


Throwing shade at the 60k ft view? New is showing.

a82c4b  No.3535522


Yep Juan Julian. Who knows. HUD secretary. Known for an agency that launders and is pilfered by/for cronies.

058b2f  No.3535523

Saudi Arabia admits journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed, says it was after a ‘fight’


bf17d4  No.3535524


This is why we wait.


MUST control/possess the Narrative!

(((They))) are blowin their wad!

eca408  No.3535525


Not sure if Kansas even saw anything; he denied hearing any audio tape iirc. Chopped up bodies of Arabs are chopped up bodies of Arabs; it would be difficult even on a good surveillance system to make an id.

1949da  No.3535526

File: 4c5dff5051c7b43⋯.jpeg (890.95 KB, 1211x1355, 1211:1355, 3299304E-1029-4110-9AB4-B….jpeg)


Undocumented shopper.

Interesting digits.

112342  No.3535527

File: 81734abc1aebb18⋯.png (46.13 KB, 589x426, 589:426, AQ68.PNG)

I'm gonna crack open a beer for Seth Rich tonight.


3a50a5  No.3535528


What about the guy With the headphones and bonecutter?

bf6663  No.3535529


And what part of "I do not want to waste my time on someone that ignorant of history" did you not understand?

c92e5a  No.3535530

Why was Khashoggi being questioned?

14d919  No.3535531

File: 5dc74c19f57f398⋯.png (149.6 KB, 444x590, 222:295, Screenshot-2018-6-17 Q(24).png)

File: 8ef931cefb2cf5a⋯.png (283.21 KB, 1117x652, 1117:652, Screenshot-2018-6-17 The F….png)



Either you follow Q or your a…

If you don't know then maybe you should go reread some crumbs and do some digging

1c2693  No.3535532

File: 8ada0a73458d4e6⋯.png (1000.33 KB, 838x561, 838:561, Capture.PNG)

2c1826  No.3535533

File: 1082356e3c83108⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 750x420, 25:14, Squirrel.jpg)

3f2559  No.3535534


LOL that is awesome

and if anyone says "what do you mean orange man bad?"

just start yelling "RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!" at them till they walk/run away

f77934  No.3535535


he said Darnkess=Hell on earth

f106d8  No.3535536

File: b4b2b0bc897d454⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 297x326, 297:326, fulgy jkid.JPG)


me too

5abff0  No.3535537

File: 9865a1140a6408d⋯.jpg (470.08 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Remember.jpg)


Jeez it's not hard.


>search 'dark'

>Award yourself gold star for research.

850984  No.3535538

File: 72dc26a81f828f1⋯.png (728.31 KB, 448x637, 64:91, Screenshot_97.png)






eca408  No.3535539


I can tell the dude was not super good looking. If the dude was super good looking, this would not be news, but the start of a Mile High Club story.

d42aa1  No.3535540


Never listened to Savage

It was an issue where I live in Texas….they had a pilot program that would allow section 8 recipients to rent in upper class neighborhoods

5748c0  No.3535541


Not Native (SA)TX military transplant – I got here as fast as I could. HATE these TWINS.

56c823  No.3535542


I was the first to propose n=nimnuts. I won't debate my view here but its hyper-dimensional.

96c854  No.3535543


Lock her fucking up!

9e8dd5  No.3535544

File: e05702a1cd92f11⋯.jpg (516.02 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, calendar3.jpg)

07e9e3  No.3535545

File: f9597f6ef1b23da⋯.png (113.1 KB, 267x263, 267:263, Hmmm Pepe.png)


I remember that post IRT.

562bac  No.3535546

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3535154 Alabama House candidate says 55,000 voters in her district have been disqualified

>>3535201 CommieNewsNetwork wants to "scrutinize memes"

>>3535245, >>3535487, >>3535504, >>3535523 BREAKING: Saudi Arabia confirms Khashoggi killed in Istanbul consulate; top Saudi intelligence official fired

>>3535297 JA suing Ecuador

>>3535360 CFR through Greenspan's new book is rewriting history, blames nationalism

>>3535391 Obamacare website suffers breach, 75,000 people have information compromised

>>3535394 Pilot killed in single engine plane crash identified (Holt, FL)

>>3535419 107,000 purged from Georgia voter rolls for not voting in past elections: report

Planefag Updates:



I think he had gotten leaked info on SA's fight against the cabal (purge/crackdown/etc)

e7c05f  No.3535547

File: d568497122339ec⋯.jpg (26.98 KB, 640x360, 16:9, tufts_suzanne-hud2018.jpg)

HUD official quits amid Interior Department watchdog controversy

A top political official at the Department of Housing and Urban Development resigned Friday after HUD Secretary Ben Carson said she was slated to be the Interior Department’s top watchdog, apparently by mistake.

HUD spokesman Raffi Williams said late Friday that Suzanne Israel Tufts, HUD’s assistant secretary for administration, “has offered her resignation and it has been accepted.”

Carson told his staff a week ago that Tufts would leave to become Interior’s acting inspector general on a temporary basis, as first reported by The Hill. The announcement alarmed Democrats and conservationists, who felt that an ally to President Trump would be unable to provide unbiased oversight of Interior and its secretary, Ryan Zinke, who is the subject of numerous investigations by the watchdog office.

Tufts would have replaced Mary Kendall, the deputy inspector general and top official in the watchdog office, as its most senior employee.

Interior said on Thursday that Carson’s email was “false information,” and Tufts was never offered a job at the Interior Department.

“Ms. Tufts is not employed by the Department and no decision was ever made to move her to Interior,” Interior spokeswoman Heather Swift said in a Thursday statement. “HUD sent out an email that had false information in it.”

HUD said Friday that Carson’s announcement that Tufts would move to Interior was due to “a recent miscommunication at the staff level.”

Williams did not immediately answer a question about Tufts’s plans after HUD. Tufts, a lawyer who previously helped train attorneys to work for Trump’s campaign, was in a Senate-confirmed position.

Deputy Interior Secretary David Bernhardt told the Washington Post that the Trump administration is looking for someone to nominate as Interior’s inspector general, a job that’s been vacant for almost a decade.


Any idea what's going on here?

3ef4bd  No.3535548


Who gives a fuck? What's the point in smearing an excellent team member over something so insignificant?

eca408  No.3535549


That's like a Thursday to us now.

185f03  No.3535550

File: c968d89009e6202⋯.png (658.84 KB, 1664x1664, 1:1, floodcnn.png)

Expanded flood clock.

Lots of KEKs.

Thanks to the Anon for the spotting on the missed markers.

5cfdec  No.3535551


He wanted to play a game.


7189ae  No.3535552


i agree. so it is him. I was on here earlier with people sayin it just says track history not certainly him

a2c8f5  No.3535553

File: 378bd6b35f22d3c⋯.jpg (243.71 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1h8mku.jpg)

bf17d4  No.3535554



And what of the vid of him leaving said Consulate?



d24e97  No.3535555

this looks YUGE!!!

Federal Judge Releases Benghazi Evidence – Hillary Goes Into Complete Panic.


e6a9ad  No.3535556


Maybe a more "mob-like" pic for the D side? Like them swarming the G/M gate?

Very nice.

257878  No.3535557


IF we are going to reread what is best source. Is there someplace that explains each of the crumbs to best of our understanding?

593ac9  No.3535558

File: 4a95991b42b90b4⋯.gif (956.86 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mB_BM7.gif)

850984  No.3535559


Didn't Anons come to a conclusion that the PHOTOGRAPHER was the one that Q was talking about without facial hair and such?

d3602c  No.3535560


Thanks for your service anon! WE love our military here!

56bfe9  No.3535561


I have no doubt I’ve been thoroughly background checked. They even know I peed in my snowsuit when I was four. It’s all good.

d42aa1  No.3535562


I love that Juan Williams kid is a major Republican.

bf6663  No.3535563


Most people have no idea how those programs work. They have always been able to use a housing choice voucher in any neighborhood. Nothing new. The only thing Obama did was try to get people out of housing projects, which are not section 8, so he could sell the prime property to his rich friends. Obama was a rich man's president.

eca408  No.3535564


Last time they gave a shit was when the Daniel Pearl beheading tape came out.

d30bce  No.3535565


Eagle, Tiger, Dragon

Bird, Cat, Lizard

I'm confused. Can you please explain?

1949da  No.3535566

File: dc8b38451072382⋯.jpeg (859.45 KB, 1472x1089, 1472:1089, DBD7E240-2A29-4647-BBC9-6….jpeg)

I think Q has been on an epic bender.

5abff0  No.3535568

File: 7b175ecc3aecad8⋯.jpg (125.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Carefull.jpg)


Qmap is as good a source as any.

Understanding is up to you.

eca408  No.3535569


The part where you said you were no longer going to reply.

9883cf  No.3535570

File: 0430e6a8cdbbb79⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 2kio7v.jpg)

436f5a  No.3535571




They are now reporting kashoggi died from a fist fight.

At this point saudis are just fucking trolling the (((msm))) lol

45a51d  No.3535572

File: bb0e4b1920d40b3⋯.png (54.71 KB, 568x921, 568:921, Voter Fraud.PNG)


> thousands of voters in her district have been removed from active voter lists.

I'm beginning to think that the Trump team has been busy busy busy since taking office on cleaning up voter registration nationwide. Every day there's some new revelation about voter fraud, over registration, illegal's voting etc.

If this is indeed the case, this would be the greatest quiet victory campaign in modern history, taking away the perennial democrat advantage of bogus votes.

9a31fe  No.3535573


Jesus said we are little g gods

Part of the whole

Any part trying to be as much as the whole is delusional

2c1826  No.3535574


Obama was a coastal rich man's…..

eca408  No.3535575


He was going in to get some bullshit documentation of his divorce so he could marry a honey pot he met in May.

a3db07  No.3535576


34 post? uhh shut the fuck up faggot, this isnt a chat room.

562bac  No.3535577

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, pepethefuck?.jpg)

ec789e  No.3535578

File: 2d223244390ebc4⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 480x652, 120:163, 2kifc9~2.jpg)

File: e014beb0ee58376⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 540x360, 3:2, The Gong Show - Gene Gene ….mp4)

File: f00c9ba3fbeaff9⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 480x450, 16:15, 2j5gsg~2.jpg)

bf17d4  No.3535579

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 17.jpg)


NOT wrong verse.

ALL bibles are different depending on your religion.

And that's a problem, isn't it?

Mark 12:17 Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him.

NOTE: 12:17 - 2+1=(3) 17's!

ef51fc  No.3535580

File: 2df38728862d2ea⋯.png (7.93 KB, 443x155, 443:155, 11-11-18 Parade.PNG)


Just some thoughts……..

NOVEMBER 11, 2018

1. VETERANS DAY PARADES (which allows for the military to be mobilized throughout the country with the support of the public)

2. ……then declare MARTIAL LAW to keep the public safe from riots by ANTIFA and other similar groups

3. ……then the many ARRESTS and TRIALS (military vs criminal) of Deep State bad actors can become public

4. Military keep the PUBLIC SAFE while the TRUTH is revealed

9e8dd5  No.3535581

File: 54af2bb56fdcc72⋯.jpg (39.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, a15.jpg)

77c6ba  No.3535582


Scott Adams thinks Q is idiotic.

9c814e  No.3535584

File: 84379905b969387⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1270x1290, 127:129, ClipboardImage.png)

850984  No.3535585


Tell Q team that.

56c823  No.3535586


Why don't you ask him, Anon? Come back and tell us what he says.

7ac68d  No.3535587

San Jose Diocese Names 15 Clergy Accused of Child Sexual Abuse, But Critics Say the List Falls Short


The San Jose Diocese released the names Thursday of 15 clergy who have been credibly accused of sexually abusing children.

“I express my deepest apologies for the actions of those who were in positions of authority and who violated that sacred trust by abusing children,” the San Jose Bishop Patrick McGrath said in a statement Thursday. “The sexual abuse of children and young people is an appalling crime and a sin.”

Ten of the clergy on the list are deceased. The remaining five have been permanently banned from the ministry, according to the diocese.

The release of names comes amid renewed scrutiny of the Roman Catholic Church's long-running sexual abuse scandals sparked by a recent Pennsylvania grand jury report.

The report was released in August and is considered to be one of the most comprehensive investigations of church sexual abuse in the U.S. The Pennsylvania grand jury found that allegations went back some 70 years and called out more than 300 priests, some of whom are now at the highest levels of leadership.

In response, dioceses across California have made an effort to reassure parishioners that the church is taking proactive measures. Earlier this month, the Diocese of San Bernardino, which is east of Los Angeles, released the names of 34 priests who have been credibly accused of child sexual abuse. The bishop of the Diocese of Oakland, Michael C. Barber, wrote in a blog post he will follow suit within about 45 days.

McGrath had announced his plans to disclose the names in August. The release of those names followed four listening sessions McGrath held with parishioners throughout the diocese.

Published in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, the list includes where each priest worked, the allegations made against them and when the claims were reported to the diocese. The dates on the reports range from 1976 to 2018. For several of the priests listed, there were multiple allegations over extended periods of time.

"We have attempted to make this list as accurate and complete as possible," McGrath said in the statement. An independent audit of priest personnel files will start next month, he added.

bf6663  No.3535588


Exactly. Some housing projects are on land that could be converted in pricy and extremely desireable condo properties. Many housing projects were built near the shore for those who worked at the ports.

a82c4b  No.3535589


Attempt at embarrassing Carson, again and modus operandi toward previous HUD Secretary that was not dem lib.

4bc406  No.3535590


Coulda sworn that bush, cheney and rumsfeld (no caps on purpose) were republicans.

c133d9  No.3535591

Anybody have the screencap handy of al waleed attacking Potus? Mine is on sparky

2ae411  No.3535592

File: 78cad5814583610⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 487x363, 487:363, TrumpThumbsUp.jpg)



dem digits anon

5df1f7  No.3535593

File: 6ec090815e07fc1⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 678x347, 678:347, iran-executes-clinton-spy.jpg)

Shahram Amiri Executed by Iran, Sen. Tom Cotton Cites Clinton E-Mail Leak


this was a nothing too see here story.

5748c0  No.3535594


That's why we made it home after retirement – Much love and appreciation from community.

0869f1  No.3535595

File: 713f93815fc2f38⋯.png (331.51 KB, 500x609, 500:609, P&LMadafakas.png)

I am here too, was gonna offer to bake - but I see y'all have it covered.

I will get some baking time in this weekend to warm me up for the Houston Rally!!

9735e3  No.3535596



Their being give a Mexican wait at the border.


b84b52  No.3535597

File: 627f079da3a00c2⋯.jpg (219.06 KB, 2048x1556, 512:389, IMG_5095.JPG)

File: 0470fbf3ca0acfd⋯.jpeg (13.87 KB, 193x261, 193:261, D00CE5B5-8099-425D-B63D-D….jpeg)

File: c68bb739047a2ed⋯.jpeg (16.68 KB, 268x188, 67:47, 1262B603-514C-46E3-BF82-E….jpeg)

File: f8c1abe37519f01⋯.png (9.11 KB, 224x225, 224:225, F1B06081-A650-4937-99EE-7E….png)

File: 2949667ba2f604e⋯.jpeg (5.79 KB, 259x194, 259:194, A234E86A-88F8-4ECE-97B9-C….jpeg)


Holy cross (trinity) explained:

Left hand path

Avian = Bird = service to others = left brain = women are from Venus = divine feminine = Christ

(Angel - King)

Right hand path

Reptilian = Snake = service to self = right brain = men are from mars divine masculine = Anti-Christ

(Demon- Dragon)

Middle path

Lyran = Lion = Middle = service to others through service to self = third eye = divine being = Avatar Christ Consciousness

(God - Man)

There is no religion higher than TRUTH.

9fb200  No.3535598

File: 1fd63e4e9153419⋯.jpeg (64.82 KB, 448x300, 112:75, EC2BE012-CCA9-4F70-84A4-2….jpeg)



Valeri Jarret

45a51d  No.3535599

File: 92186321661a5d0⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 400x264, 50:33, China Wall.jpg)

112342  No.3535600

File: 017324130796f62⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Question 2.jpg)


Exactly. All these stories to cover up is my theory.

3ef4bd  No.3535601


Another issue Sessions has his thumb up his ass on. Same for Congress. Unfuckingreal that no attempt has been made to pass Voter ID legislation while we have both the House and Senate.

83536b  No.3535602


I have the flu with bronchitis and you just make me laugh.. or something that resembles a laugh. kekekekek

9e8dd5  No.3535603

File: a090e4f8041e3b8⋯.jpg (434.73 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, C2PrmD-XgAAfGRh.jpg)

a6c699  No.3535604


Other sauce & some more details:


b83b62  No.3535605

as gods

c00396  No.3535606


Honduras is about as pro-US a country as exists south of our southern border. The Honduran part of this caravan from the Northern Triangle nations is being organized by Soros NGOs and the hard left led by former President (and Chavez protege) Manuel Zelaya.

Honduras has relaxed border arrangements with Guatemala under its customs compact - the Hondurans only need to show their identity cards to cross.

Anon who said: “it’s the communists,” was spot on.

046e08  No.3535607


I like it! Thanks

9f1801  No.3535608


The poll workers were all excited, too, that they were so busy!!

b84b52  No.3535609


(100) They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, “The Roman Emperor’s people demand taxes from us.” He said to them, “Give the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor. Give God what belongs to God.”

(108) Jesus said, “Whoever drinks from my mouth shall become like me. I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to that person.”

Gospel of Thomas


Q source

The holy grail

436f5a  No.3535610


taking away bogus votes = at least 5-6 million less nation wide dem votes.

take away black vote?

Dems are FUCKED.

ffb5f8  No.3535611

File: a0583242c14729b⋯.jpg (170.29 KB, 1001x688, 1001:688, feinstein moscone milk.JPG)

Feinstein became Mayor of San Fran after the Moscone-Milk murders in 1978.

Interesting sauce how she became Mayor.

Pic is interesting too:

Gina Moscone, wife of slain San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, puts her head on shoulder of Mayor Dianne Feinstein as they shared Feinstein's election victory Tuesday.



9c814e  No.3535612

File: 29a06c0a857a83f⋯.png (995.13 KB, 1198x1608, 599:804, ClipboardImage.png)

bf17d4  No.3535613

File: c61bbd307460c91⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, 11 11 11 p.jpg)

File: 0ac5c069996d034⋯.png (519.14 KB, 725x603, 725:603, 111.png)




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229

Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.




November 11, 2018

11/11/11 (2+0+1+8=11)

Movie: 11 11 11 (pic related)

Jack and Melissa are frightened by their son's bizarre and violent behavior; they soon learn that he is the gateway to the Apocalypse, and it will happen on his birthday, 11-11-11.


Jeremiah 11:11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them.


Wind the clock 111 days


b64459  No.3535614


The Midterms is going to bring about Antifa on a scale never seen before, stage is set.

ad0aa6  No.3535615



Seriously, that him?

Someone please post side by side.


c013a9  No.3535616

File: 1d9637fdc06377b⋯.jpg (378.81 KB, 900x1044, 25:29, 668786f54657488ea95859da7a….jpg)

File: 8488c67c6875c0f⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 6f087a8614e32cd88687ff0965….jpg)

dc83b7  No.3535617

Q is gone. Not forever, but his last post is letting us know their timeline is all screwed up. Swamp is fighting back. Midterms are for real. If they go well, things are back on.

9e8dd5  No.3535618

File: f58cd4b5792b166⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 403x403, 1:1, babyjew.jpg)

45a51d  No.3535619

File: c22de88d9209e12⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 255x167, 255:167, Steal that.jpg)


Hey anon, I gave you credit first thing this morning! "We are the news". Kek, great meme byw. Congrats, stolen by POTUS.

b8c97b  No.3535620

Friday evening shill agenda / attack DOJ

33 posts last bread





b83b62  No.3535621


Have a theory that the chimeras we always see depicted are a result of fallen angel dna being capable of reproducing with the animal world as well as humans.

56bfe9  No.3535622


This whole thing has been for a movie promo?

99ccac  No.3535623

File: b92514ed3a2d086⋯.jpeg (60.7 KB, 750x391, 750:391, 09CE8E25-47AC-4D69-AF2B-A….jpeg)

File: 4f36731ae2a6957⋯.jpeg (174.31 KB, 620x932, 155:233, 52AFEE99-44EA-487F-839E-6….jpeg)

File: b1d0cfe5ddad4e8⋯.jpeg (63.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1D14720A-749A-4400-BA39-5….jpeg)

File: 5bbeeec93b6f55b⋯.jpeg (122.85 KB, 854x854, 1:1, DEC9AF2F-1030-455D-8E5C-9….jpeg)

850984  No.3535624


() () () () () ()

019314  No.3535625

File: 72594f8afa00475⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 235x255, 47:51, De_moley_pepe_point.jpg)

3ef4bd  No.3535626


But since free-shitters have the same voting rights, we will eventually either let them take our nation fro us or we will have a civil war. NO OTHER POSSIBLE OUTCOME.

9dacb1  No.3535627

File: 7e5e38af3d0d30d⋯.jpg (477.96 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs101.jpg)

File: 506c150a78b423a⋯.jpg (415.59 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs102.jpg)

File: 7a02047ee246615⋯.jpg (319.56 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs103.jpg)

File: a5424ad83530fea⋯.jpg (321.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs104.jpg)

046e08  No.3535628

File: 8e7fc1f8e002717⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4800x2800, 12:7, ICE MEME.jpg)

I need better copy for this…my thought was to DETER illegals from even showing up to vote for fear of ICE…

I welcome any wittier captions…


dc5f3c  No.3535629


Two generals have been fired.

Just 'fired'?

74107c  No.3535630

File: b52f25da9af3163⋯.png (221.58 KB, 1198x314, 599:157, patriot.png)

77c6ba  No.3535631


"Excellent team member"? He made a video talking about how stupid Q is,

and said it as all bullshit, making fun of Q 'followers'.

He fits into the category with Posobiec, Corsi, etc.

ad0aa6  No.3535632



CIA directorLeon Panetta, former Clinton White House chief of staff and director of the Office of Management and Budget, has been chosen to head the CIA. Panetta, who has no intelligence experience, was an unexpected pick by Obama.


81b4b5  No.3535633

File: e3304eac73cbfcf⋯.png (401.13 KB, 641x625, 641:625, ClipboardImage.png)


9dacb1  No.3535634

File: 79c3a9a82670fd6⋯.jpg (215.97 KB, 1024x889, 1024:889, JobsNotMobs105.jpg)

File: b2c8d35b4bb170e⋯.jpg (439.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs106.jpg)

File: dd33e11ccb8c43c⋯.jpg (376.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs107.jpg)

File: 835bc1baa0a1002⋯.jpg (496.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, JobsNotMobs108.jpg)

a6c699  No.3535635


Now of course the Saudis would have to answer where the body is ….

a82c4b  No.3535636


This. Is. The. Battle.

74107c  No.3535637

File: 9f4d84d113dde0a⋯.png (158.03 KB, 900x348, 75:29, GEO_WASH.png)

9c814e  No.3535638


>Midterms are for real. If they go well, things are back on.

So what happens if they don't go well?????

Is everything at the whim of what happens….

I continue to think that if they had Declassed and ended Mueller invest with no wrongdoing by POTUS the libs would have run away……

e7c05f  No.3535639

File: a0f9c9fe5b15127⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 600x300, 2:1, obama-trump-inaugration-60….jpg)

Obama to campaign for Dems in Wisconsin

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin made the announcement on Friday, saying that Obama will campaign for gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers (D) and incumbent Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), as well Democrats up and down the ballot, during an event on Oct. 26.

The party's announcement did not include details on where the campaign event would take place.

His visit to Wisconsin will come just two days after President Trump is slated to a rally in Mosinee, Wis., to campaign for Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.).


a442f4  No.3535640


They are only outmaneuvered if Mexico actually DOES stop them. At the border, the Federales stood and watched. So far, not so good.

b83b62  No.3535641


Wow they had the shriners kid peddling for dollars earlier than I thought. I swear that kid on the commercials is 32.

112342  No.3535642

File: 3898b706fe6c649⋯.png (354.63 KB, 598x633, 598:633, AQ1.PNG)

Saudi King Salman orders formation of ministerial committee lead by the crown prince to restructure the general intelligence agency


eca408  No.3535644


Again, wrong verse. That's about taxes, not security by hoarding wealth.

9e8dd5  No.3535645

File: d83c2f9e48d91db⋯.jpg (486.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 1537882189.jpg)

bfcef3  No.3535646


When you hold all the cards you don't have to be in any hurry to play them.

df8f7a  No.3535648


He was lured there.

This was his second trip to Embassy to get documents needed to marry fiancé.

Who is probably part of this whole setup.

Why was he there for so long before the MOB of 15 showed up?

Documents my ass, he may have thought he was getting documents…

c16505  No.3535649


This seems important, y'all.

ad0aa6  No.3535650


Optics enables moves for potus.

56c823  No.3535651


The judge hasn't made a ruling, yet. But, he's pissed.

c5f8c4  No.3535652

>>3535146, >>3535173

Hiya bakers

I'm also around on backup in case needed.

>That actually gives me time to square away some things here at home.

If next baker not ready by next bread & you need to go baker, I can always fill in a bit and then pass it to him when he's ready. Will need to be afk a half hour sometime btwn 4:30 and 6, but otherwise will be a'lurkin' and able to bake if needed till 12a ET.

fad82b  No.3535654


The difference in crowd size will be monumental.

96dc08  No.3535655


I don't twatter.

Scraping from twatter and sharing on memehubs where many regulars come who refire on fb and twitter is far more effective.

Feel free to share it directly with him

14d919  No.3535656

File: 19d60abcee03fcc⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 607x341, 607:341, HRC_Is_It_Working.jpg)


>Have a theory that the chimeras

Really!? Let's all just post the craziest shit we can think of on one board and call it "research"…

5748c0  No.3535657


and arrested

45a51d  No.3535658

File: 67fb824011759e5⋯.png (853.21 KB, 777x437, 777:437, Hillary Bus.png)



Only 11 more days. What's the clock got to say about 10/30/2018?

850984  No.3535659

File: 1f51cc18e91964d⋯.png (401.62 KB, 642x457, 642:457, Screenshot_249.png)


1. In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.

2. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

4. Master of the Day of Judgment.

5. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help.

6. Guide us to the straight path.

7. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided.

56c823  No.3535660

562bac  No.3535661



awesome, thanks bakers

436f5a  No.3535662


KICK out illegals and anchor baby types (20 million +)

BAN islam and sharia law, begin deportation of muslim pop

Dissolve AIPAC and SPLC/ADL, place HW under watch and arrest 70% of it.

Go through LA/CHICAGO/NYC/DENVER/SLC/SF/SEATTLE with a fucking flamethrower and burn out every last corrupt jew and globalist pawns.

eca408  No.3535663


aka Iranian operative

b84b52  No.3535664


Orion empire

Lyran empire

Lyran = cat

Pink skin Elves = hairless cat (nords)

f91607  No.3535665

File: 86ea115d2681af6⋯.jpeg (361.49 KB, 1024x817, 1024:817, 66A8ED0F-10E8-4E26-8B0A-E….jpeg)


That depends upon one’s definition of LARP…

Pic related.

174331  No.3535666

File: 0a27181b3afd187⋯.jpeg (420.06 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, 5AE80333-1D83-4A0F-9111-D….jpeg)

File: 9605704fa73f617⋯.jpeg (420.31 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, 18C30A76-69F6-49D4-9C1D-6….jpeg)

File: 884ecfb0a5b2690⋯.jpeg (426.37 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, E9C053F1-4CDE-4B2A-AEC7-1….jpeg)

d30bce  No.3535667


Thank you!

a82c4b  No.3535668


All hail King Jesus! Amen.

d9ae20  No.3535669

File: 6ccbbb5348edee7⋯.png (532 KB, 1078x850, 539:425, Q WIKILEAKS TO TAKE CLINTO….PNG)



Baker this article likely already in a bread, I wanted to comment it gets me so excited and I just can't hide it……. only 2 days away😁

9c814e  No.3535670

File: 3dfd4d065cf99cf⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1170x1848, 195:308, ClipboardImage.png)

thank you george soros and all the globalists

c92e5a  No.3535671


Who wanted him dead and why?

e04566  No.3535672


I do agree, anon! They are a great people! Far superior to every other group of people throughout history. They were actually chosen and blessed by G-d. They’re absolutely amazing resilience through the worst tragedy in the history of the world, reminds us, we must never forget the tragedy of the Holocaust and that rampant and baseless anti-semitism must be stopped! The Jews are a fantastic people with a rich cultural and religious history, that can not be overstated. Plus, they always look out for each other.

bf6663  No.3535673


All of that is misinformation. It had nothing to do with twinkies. It was because of Leo Ryan.

680905  No.3535674

File: 53b5761457d565e⋯.jpg (213.65 KB, 500x400, 5:4, see beyond the shadows.jpg)

b8c97b  No.3535675


>Remember Q praising us for being selfless?

Scott Adams should learn not to steal ideas from others and claim them as his own [for money no doubt]

436f5a  No.3535676


this from a king that supposedly want to 'replace' his crown prince.

(((msm))) loses again. the 'driving wedge' gambit has become a bit too obvious.

593ac9  No.3535677

File: fb634037dc69a11⋯.jpeg (118.18 KB, 1440x959, 1440:959, 1538828826.jpeg)

2dd469  No.3535678

File: 9d574f1788c61f5⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 672x372, 56:31, 67146d0ed4d6c9ddcd358d5628….jpg)


Never underestimate the power of boobs.

Red Wave.

d42aa1  No.3535679


Now this is a plan, anon

fd9353  No.3535680




The kitchen is well-staffed.

Awesome - couldn't ask for a better rally turnout!

bf17d4  No.3535681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eminence Front- It's a put-on!

Damn the 70's rocked!

They were telling us all along!

3ef4bd  No.3535682


That only kicks the can down the road, my fren.

a3db07  No.3535683

File: 505494a683a713d⋯.jpg (92.04 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Dl9CrxxUUAA5dyV.jpg)

25ea76  No.3535684

File: e20ee88aded436e⋯.png (364.78 KB, 505x575, 101:115, ewwwboy.PNG)

12e04e  No.3535685

File: 0227f0de1456eea⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, crop-640x360-000.jpg)

019314  No.3535686

File: b2534fb2f685c27⋯.gif (825.58 KB, 250x264, 125:132, boobs_shirt_pull.gif)

9dacb1  No.3535687


It's just not even worth mentioning.

Nobody owns a hashtag.

Nobody gets "credit" for thinking of a hashtag or slogan.

It simply doesn't matter where it came from or who had it first.

Spending a single second longer debating about this is a stupid waste of time.

You could be spending that time meming….. digging….twatting…. praying….

e04566  No.3535688


Burden of proof anon, learn what it is.

b8c97b  No.3535689


> Don Jr. follows Adams closely.

Jr also RT Mossod often

It's a ploy to make sure the Fake MAGA's vote

They'll be exposed after midterms

eca408  No.3535690


They don't give a shit about that. They already have a wedge issue to try to use against Trump/Mexico.

e4e492  No.3535691

File: d0fc4146b5a0fde⋯.jpg (114.52 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, bewbslake.jpg)

File: cf971d8945ec5ce⋯.jpg (86 KB, 500x676, 125:169, bewbsb.jpg)

593ac9  No.3535692


Nice timing there Anon. WTF

ccce98  No.3535693

File: 391aee3bf39aa29⋯.png (204.95 KB, 660x851, 660:851, 2018-10-19_18-44-52.png)

File: 42513425190dc0c⋯.png (367.91 KB, 646x1144, 323:572, 2018-10-19_18-45-48.png)

File: e45b5934f171e63⋯.png (443.4 KB, 649x1138, 649:1138, 2018-10-19_18-46-26.png)

eca408  No.3535694


Oooh, a committee. Almost as good as a blue ribbon panel!

9e0a8f  No.3535695


cue "Low Rider"

112342  No.3535696

File: 1e507035b4764cb⋯.png (824.28 KB, 998x1117, 998:1117, AResearch.png)


Anyone else have the Q drop,

"MOS stand down"

"Media Assets removed"?

I can't find it in Patriots Fight or Qmap.

What if this whole Kashoggi thing is Q?

56c823  No.3535697


Kek Nor do I. Maybe some other Anon will.

84fce5  No.3535698

File: 5d9a3f73dfc92b1⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 218x255, 218:255, blindmindopeneye.jpg)

Q Knows What Anons Want

Q knows what Anons want to see

It's the same thing that he want to see.

After the "Big Blow Up" and Q posted his response, I'd guess he's not coming back until "It" happens. I wouldn't.

I'd also suggest that when he said the "Swamp is fighting back" meant that not everything is going exactly as planned at this point.

So here we stand now in the gap.

Either believe or do not believe.

For every PROOF, Q has left us with a DISPROOF

Plausible deniability is necessary

Either way Anons

It's time for us to get back into the mix and fight onward. We are close, too close to give up.

Push towards a win in November!

Get out and do something.

Make a Meme and send it.

Pick a meme target and bomb!


We are sooooo close!

7e931f  No.3535699

File: 8586958e045f177⋯.png (227.82 KB, 527x860, 527:860, Screenshot_2018-10-19 Stev….png)

Hey Anons…something kinda crazy just happened. Starting up a new twatter acct (anon of course) after the old one got banned. I have 3 followers…but I posted something in POTUS' feed and included was the pic of POTUS pointing at VIP Anon + #WWG1WGA, and Steven Rogers followed me. Kinda cool, right?

35e726  No.3535700

File: 46bba3e66d1d86c⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1777, 1242:1777, 4D75B9F6-A2EF-4EAE-A086-0….jpeg)


c5f8c4  No.3535701

File: 98c38da63bffc62⋯.jpeg (12.83 KB, 212x255, 212:255, IsraelHiddenHandAllWarsJe….jpeg)


It's a start, & the right things to tackle first.

a82c4b  No.3535702

File: 047a3952907620d⋯.png (11.32 KB, 419x159, 419:159, 29080281-EBD5-40E0-B9A5-B7….png)

e4e492  No.3535703



i like 'em swaying in the breeze…

593ac9  No.3535704

File: e3b2477f27659dc⋯.jpeg (112.03 KB, 1440x813, 480:271, 1531262539.jpeg)

c00396  No.3535705


That’s a saw subject right now

04be3d  No.3535706


Theory: The real reason for the youtube shutdown to implement this shadow ban policy?

There need to be immediate reprecussions against big tech executives for censorship.

2dd469  No.3535707


A bender . . . of Justice!

70d197  No.3535708

File: 2b9a69e851b327e⋯.jpg (392.63 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….jpg)

641803  No.3535709

File: 8b79fc1b342256b⋯.jpeg (301.83 KB, 1176x1175, 1176:1175, 33121CFD-45DA-4E4C-81C1-D….jpeg)

File: 0e8f5bf8af38f27⋯.jpeg (251.56 KB, 1171x785, 1171:785, 2C9B4164-6DED-4DCE-9716-2….jpeg)

eca408  No.3535710


Clowns, to drive a wedge between POTUS and SA, and try to regain clown control over the bloody wonderland.

b8c97b  No.3535711


>It's just not even worth mentioning.

Sure it is

Scott Adams appears to be a thief

ba5dc2  No.3535712

File: ee5f04bdb571a73⋯.png (220.95 KB, 605x457, 605:457, ClipboardImage.png)

5e5fb3  No.3535713

File: 9520d30e5654d9b⋯.png (134.46 KB, 1210x576, 605:288, ClipboardImage.png)

Theory -

The Russian collusion story is failing miserably.

The deep state are great at projecting.

Saudi / DJT collusion is the new narrative to hide the Clinton bribes and scandals.


a3db07  No.3535714

File: 60f84bdac1c36ce⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, DnbdB_0UwAAkd9g.jpg)

f77934  No.3535715


popcicle stick with two water balloons tied to it

0005bb  No.3535716


did we just trick CNN into asking their slaves to think for themselves?

16db2c  No.3535717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't know how to do it but can someone put the gray meme guy over the faces of these leftist?

Or this one


7189ae  No.3535718

File: 7fa6ae7780a8773⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 545x282, 545:282, Screenshot 2018-10-19_15-4….jpg)

5dfe57  No.3535719



That anon was posting their butthurt famewhoring last night too. Get over it or go back to fakebook and get your fakefame over there. We're busy here and don't need you shitting up the bread.

84fce5  No.3535720


Much is and has always been removed.

850984  No.3535721

File: 2ceedcda97f4e03⋯.png (722.03 KB, 440x633, 440:633, Isus.png)



John 13:34-35 New International Version (NIV)

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

112342  No.3535722



70d197  No.3535723

File: 2218e8c65f93be6⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 306x356, 153:178, 265bedbd53b7d1163b1a088302….jpg)

562bac  No.3535724

File: 91ac6cb490ffeca⋯.png (314.51 KB, 430x556, 215:278, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b89d0ed56553646⋯.png (305.22 KB, 430x556, 215:278, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7e8541bb3b587d⋯.png (301 KB, 430x556, 215:278, ClipboardImage.png)


I did last night

593ac9  No.3535725


Pete the pedo. Ruined the who for me

bf5b7a  No.3535726


Different nose, different ears. Nope.

12e04e  No.3535727

File: 98071786f443a66⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, videoplayback.mp4)


OK Cheese Heads.

Give Hussein a Verbal What's For!

I said Verbal!

e7c05f  No.3535728

File: a5b5a3e77efd5b7⋯.png (12.02 KB, 255x167, 255:167, pepe_moon.png)

Space Force to be the Topic of Next National Space Council Meeting

WASHINGTON — The status of proposals to create a separate branch of the U.S. military devoted to space will be the subject of the next meeting of the National Space Council on Oct. 23.

Vice President Mike Pence, in an Oct. 12 tweet, said that the interagency group will discuss "progress made and next steps" on the formation of a Space Force, a plan formally announced by President Trump at the council's last meeting in June.

The president "has rightly called for the creation of a 6th branch of the Armed Forces to advance US dominance in space," Pence wrote. "#SpaceForce is an idea whose time has come. On 10/23, the National Space Council will meet [at National Defense University] to discuss progress made & next steps to implement POTUS' vision."


8cb964  No.3535729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This gentleman being interviewed on Right Side Broadcasting Network prior to the rally just dropped major red pills about the black community and how Democrats are enslaving blacks.

b64459  No.3535730


Thank God, a real possible Happening!

0005bb  No.3535731

f09d55  No.3535732

Where is khashoggis body?

16db2c  No.3535733


I meant the moving one with the sound showing how they were being programed. What you did was great also.

7a4cb8  No.3535734

File: 62769d00f0a00f2⋯.jpeg (513.5 KB, 750x936, 125:156, E46FAE2A-A065-4778-A389-7….jpeg)


Like this?

e04566  No.3535736


Look who the prosecutors are.

70d197  No.3535737

File: b3310103d773f3a⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 836x636, 209:159, P1050239.jpg)

3a50a5  No.3535738


This must be one of the most entertaining murder ever

e4e492  No.3535739



i do know what i like anon.

96dc08  No.3535740


Would be fun to see his reaction. When a real sportsman he admits he tried to pull an illusion trick.

After all, most of his livestreams are about teaching people to recognise certain MSM illusion tricks.

7189ae  No.3535741


agree, who else no facial hair

not shilling here

or explain the no facial hair comment to me

did Q mean make the person uir finding have no facial hair and then compare….

a82c4b  No.3535742


Who shot JR?

782f01  No.3535743


any one else super laggy?

3e8b5f  No.3535744



b98fc3  No.3535745

File: 33a1e4581fc5f7c⋯.jpg (38.9 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 1507687906351.jpg)

getting this off my chest

a colleague in Montana told me about a bizarre house. It was build around 5 years ago on a private lake with a private airstrip. Separate guest/staff house. Owned/started by Canadians and ownership before completion changed to Americans. She might have said Canadian/Asians I am foggy. The house has no bedrooms and has almost all glass floor-to-ceiling facing lake. No bedrooms. The bottom floor has an alter with cages surrounding it. The cages have drains. She say the place when it started, and no one was there, then later when complete. She wouldn't tell me what lake it was, so this really sounds like a LARP. It really has troubled me. I'll check to bread for traffic on this post later. Cages, alter, no bedrooms, private lake/airstrip. Scary shit.

3e6a1c  No.3535746

File: bcc1124d0e6be7c⋯.jpg (27.04 KB, 468x334, 234:167, article-1322108-0BB037F300….jpg)

bf17d4  No.3535747

File: 6f1bdca66abde1f⋯.png (79.6 KB, 628x657, 628:657, SETH all.png)

File: 150a3dec9664ae6⋯.png (269.85 KB, 401x560, 401:560, Seth.png)


No, no ,no. Seth was ALIVE and expected to survive when he arrived at hospital.

5e5fb3  No.3535748

File: c2fe1f98666203a⋯.png (130.14 KB, 1242x642, 207:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Q for the crumbs. You have prepared us well.

e7c05f  No.3535749

>>3535642 Saudi King Salman orders formation of ministerial committee lead by the crown prince to restructure the general intelligence agency


5b9743  No.3535750


They should just say it was cremated.

12e04e  No.3535751


She'll be Tuckin' Those in her Jeans

Soon Enough!

9fb200  No.3535752

File: 0873c71b30f4ca9⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E65089CC-30BA-41F2-A9B6-3….jpeg)

File: 5a427ab5bdfe865⋯.jpeg (141.36 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 60B30CFE-A89E-47B5-8C5F-5….jpeg)


This feels like a Mose moment in setting God’s People Free.

The DS in trying everything to stop it.

In the end, God’s People leave with much of the Egyptian wealth.

51213d  No.3535753










BO, please ban me. I am a shill who is trying to shit up the bread. Ban me before I start posting bomb schematics and child porn.

a6c699  No.3535754


What you're describing is the consequences of an error (probably) MBS made, by acting so uncontrolled and killing this guy in embassy. Now the Saudis try damage control, but the damage is done and the clowns jump on it.

9e8dd5  No.3535755

File: 78ef2708a7b2f42⋯.jpg (140.56 KB, 634x959, 634:959, 2E0B733200000578-0-image-a….jpg)

562bac  No.3535756

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>3535154 Alabama House candidate says 55,000 voters in her district have been disqualified

>>3535158 AF2 is headed back to Washington

>>3535201 CommieNewsNetwork wants to "scrutinize memes"

>>3535245, >>3535487, >>3535504, >>3535523 BREAKING: SA confirms Khashoggi killed in consulate; top SA intelligence official fired

>>3535297 JA suing Ecuador

>>3535360 CFR through Greenspan's new book is rewriting history, blames nationalism

>>3535391 Obamacare website suffers breach, 75,000 people have information compromised

>>3535394 Pilot killed in single engine plane crash identified (Holt, FL)

>>3535419 107,000 purged from Georgia voter rolls for not voting in past elections: report

>>3535587 San Jose Diocese Names 15 Clergy Accused of Child Sexual Abuse

>>3535642 Saudi King Salman orders formation of ministerial committee lead by MBS to restructure the general intelligence agency

>>3535728 Space Force to be the Topic of Next National Space Council Meeting


I gotcha, I can't do that, credit to the memefags that can

would need to learn how

850984  No.3535757

Didn't YouTube get shutdown the other day because they needed to scrub all videos, because somebody dressed in military attire posted a video stating that something was going to hit the moon?

48f105  No.3535758

File: 97a73b6c967ebca⋯.jpeg (924.77 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, fullsizeoutput_16bf.jpeg)

Baker Baker!!

Something fucky habbening in Alaska. I'm on the east coast right now, just go0t the hometown news alert on my phone (KTVA Anchorage) that Gov. Walker not seeking re-election. THIS just after Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott resigned the other day and his replacement was named.

Cabal going down in AK? I sure hope so! No sauce besides screen cap of the alert right now. I checked on DDG and the news is too new still. Maybe in a few minutes.

dc5f3c  No.3535759

File: e9a2bc682f6679c⋯.png (249.39 KB, 609x679, 87:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody read the latest Russian troll indictment?

My read is that this was an effort that kicked into high gear AFTER the election, to create Russian interference 'evidence' for team Mueller to find.

It's part of the coverup.


923d87  No.3535760



Show me where WIKILEAKS or Assange said it, and I'll be excited, until then, it's likely FAKE NEWS.

7189ae  No.3535761


thtas a young panetta?

385ab2  No.3535762

File: 651dc011a581df8⋯.jpeg (73.02 KB, 700x386, 350:193, E1C1F555-0532-4CF0-9C60-2….jpeg)

84fce5  No.3535763

File: 6c11e0ddef5406c⋯.gif (500.66 KB, 500x316, 125:79, thechair.gif)


Would be glorious indeed.

Media will black him out though

He'd have to rely on Chans to make it happen.

f29113  No.3535764



Jim Jones skeletons in the closet

046e08  No.3535765

File: 528b9b63fe2c53b⋯.jpg (785.5 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, BUILDWALLVSALLOWALL.jpg)

eca408  No.3535766




e4e492  No.3535767


no way.

i'll help her with those…

ebf7df  No.3535768

File: ac56ee8bf6791e4⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 534x712, 3:4, TESTICLE.jpg)

5e5fb3  No.3535769

File: f9ff8159ae642fb⋯.png (820.68 KB, 1202x1432, 601:716, ClipboardImage.png)


dc5f3c  No.3535770


Like Trump, Salman has to destroy his own 'CIA'

8cb964  No.3535771

File: fbf920c0ac27b43⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1440x817, 1440:817, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)


Sorry. Pic now related. I meant this dude. Dwayne was his name. Crushed it.

850984  No.3535772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

77c6ba  No.3535773

Kasshoggi - why is no one talking about the fact that he wasn't a "journalist" (which was just a cover job),

and that he was actually cabal and operated a weapons-running ring???

3ef4bd  No.3535774



2dd469  No.3535775


It's what I do, Anon.

ffb5f8  No.3535776

File: 30d1d31b66cdafa⋯.jpg (34.87 KB, 286x619, 286:619, feinstein rose.JPG)



722cd4  No.3535777


Ban yourself, faggot.

1949da  No.3535778


Declassify already

9e8dd5  No.3535779

File: 16b5ee5a34192c0⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 600x906, 100:151, 1499665_10152116261434444_….jpg)

25ea76  No.3535780

File: 29195e80f0ced65⋯.png (177.47 KB, 771x770, 771:770, hoggpointer.png)


>Knee nipple nipple knee

eca408  No.3535781


Clowns are not divided by patriotism to any country; all clowns are clowns. They prey on their own countries. And each other's countries. On us.

d55b7b  No.3535782


Oh hell yea. There are places in the desert without water. Water was rationed just last month. That shit gets old.

77c776  No.3535783

File: ecda8b514e8a539⋯.png (204.69 KB, 1041x833, 1041:833, ClipboardImage.png)


>>Federal Judge Releases Benghazi Evidence – Hillary Goes Into Complete Panic



6b4c0b  No.3535784

File: dc5858e1f9eda09⋯.jpeg (151.21 KB, 719x924, 719:924, DD02EF93-11B1-4919-99DD-A….jpeg)

850984  No.3535785


Eyes are on, Anon.

Thanks for posting.

73f827  No.3535786


David Bowie - Cat People (From Serious (Sirius) Moonlight Tour)


5e57d7  No.3535787

File: 517b4d54704ba85⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 600x338, 300:169, f1f2dcb092046919dd0233b130….jpg)

863c1d  No.3535788

File: f6ec995e052a896⋯.jpeg (50.09 KB, 618x417, 206:139, f6ec995e052a896c8f6b63448….jpeg)

File: 8165432987f03a9⋯.png (27.14 KB, 174x210, 29:35, 20181012_233329.png)

046e08  No.3535789


Thanks…Team Effort!

e4e492  No.3535790

File: 3194dd1bc23e44b⋯.jpg (248.16 KB, 561x582, 187:194, bewbpendus.jpg)

File: 45f1ac9e501c05f⋯.jpg (177.46 KB, 491x456, 491:456, bewbs2b.jpg)

48f105  No.3535792

File: 98ebec280d65fad⋯.png (2.66 MB, 2532x1270, 1266:635, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)


Here is some sauce:


8cb964  No.3535793

File: dfb01e5f6e09bb0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1439x960, 1439:960, meme.q.vip.pointing.png)


Trips confirm it, shill is a faggot.

9dacb1  No.3535794


Anon makes thousands upon thousands of memes for QResearch.

Anon's memes make their way out into the world.

Anon doesn't care who forwards them.

Anon doesn't care if someone else claims to have made them.

Anon doesn't care if these memes are altered.

The only thing Anon cares about is helping /ourguys/ achieve victory.

No ego in the game.

That's what it means to be anon.

If you don't want to be anon that's fine, but people who don't want to be anon don't belong here.

If you need credit for your work, go get a job doing commercial art and collect a paycheck for it. Anons are volunteering thousands of hours and expecting nothing in return except for our country's return to a Constitutional republic and righting of the wrongs that the cabal has done.

112342  No.3535795



84fce5  No.3535796


LOL - Boomer

850984  No.3535797

File: 1dbb1cda0354a3b⋯.png (283.1 KB, 469x710, 469:710, Screenshot_280.png)

b83b62  No.3535798


or dropped in the ocean

e04566  No.3535800


Those beefers are serious. Bless you anon.

dc5f3c  No.3535801



Exactly, but you are missing the point.

It all seems sloppy and targeted towards boosting the Russian narrative and convincing those in DC.

I've always assumed these Russian troll farms were going to tie back to DNC/HRC eventually.

bf17d4  No.3535802


Agree- can't stand the WHO myself, but this song ROCKED and totally applicable here!

Then there was that whole Cincinnati trampling event… knew some of those folks.

adb78a  No.3535803


>shall all this realy wait until after midterms?

Let's see…

Q first posted 356 days ago.

The election is in 18 days.

Based on the time we've waited so far, another 5% doesn't seem unreasonable.

b6fc49  No.3535804



Ban this shitposting shill kike faggot. He keeps shitting up the bread. Why do you allow this fuckery to go on? Get rid of me.

e6a9ad  No.3535805



a82c4b  No.3535806



Nein! Buster. Never watched it.

9e8dd5  No.3535808

File: 958311144d48941⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 515x588, 515:588, Ron_Jeremy,_Stormy_Daniels….jpg)

0b0dee  No.3535810

File: f65f2d2737f4ec4⋯.jpeg (671.03 KB, 1242x1619, 1242:1619, 25DAFE36-B783-4F75-AE3A-0….jpeg)

File: d3581312a054b5e⋯.jpeg (614.18 KB, 1242x1666, 621:833, B78BE1F1-3817-4CA2-B689-A….jpeg)

File: ce723fd73f10b16⋯.jpeg (529.39 KB, 1242x1280, 621:640, 4F5A520D-A578-404F-B927-B….jpeg)


The bronfmans were Canadians and that sounds like an NXIVM sex slave house.

b13c40  No.3535811


Hi, I do commercial art and am quite the faggot.

If you know anyone hiring to make dank memes for a fringe, far right, possibly dangerous conspiracy theory, you let me know.

So far the NSA and Brad Parscale haven't taken me up on my offer.

b83b62  No.3535812


New one to me, dude behind O looks fake.

b6fc49  No.3535813

File: 8a22bf9efd9d1c4⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 580x551, 20:19, crzy2.JPG)

File: 2a7bac405c1d0a9⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 527x607, 527:607, wtfq.JPG)

File: 22ebbd87ff08988⋯.jpg (10.46 KB, 225x263, 225:263, download (14).jpg)


Are you ready for arrests? Are you ready to be a part of history? Are you ready for arrests and "Booms"? DECLAS! Big week! …wait…false alarm. no declas, but Rosenstein is gonna be subponead and fired for sure! Wait…what the hell do you mean he got promoted? Ok…well who cares. There is still the HRC vid coming , right?…no? How about the Hussein in muslim garb shooting at an American flag vid??? No? Well…Soros is in Gitmo, right? No? WTF? Its ok. Mass arrests and sealed indictments are coming up! Wait, what? What do you mean the sealed indictments are MS-13 members and anons? You dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Shut the fuck up and TRUST THE PLAN! Wait…WE are the plan? Ok..I guess…ugh…WTF?

Q, what is up with the plan?!

Where are you?

What happened to DECLAS = bye bye Rosenstein?

Your plan sucks Q.

You are a proven LARP.


019314  No.3535814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




e4e492  No.3535815


now that's quite the shit sammich

1c2693  No.3535816


sure because only people on YouTube would have the video or could see the moon when it happened ,,right?

9c814e  No.3535817



Old news…more like, pop

b6fc49  No.3535818



562bac  No.3535819


>>3535154 Alabama House candidate says 55,000 voters in her district have been disqualified

>>3535158 AF2 is headed back to Washington

>>3535201 CommieNewsNetwork wants to "scrutinize memes"

>>3535245, >>3535487, >>3535504, >>3535523 BREAKING: SA confirms Khashoggi killed in consulate; top SA intelligence official fired

>>3535297 JA suing Ecuador

>>3535360 CFR through Greenspan's new book is rewriting history, blames nationalism

>>3535391 Obamacare website suffers breach, 75,000 people have information compromised

>>3535394 Pilot killed in single engine plane crash identified (Holt, FL)

>>3535419 107,000 purged from Georgia voter rolls for not voting in past elections: report

>>3535587 San Jose Diocese Names 15 Clergy Accused of Child Sexual Abuse

>>3535642 Saudi King Salman orders formation of ministerial committee lead by MBS to restructure the general intelligence agency

>>3535728 Space Force to be the Topic of Next National Space Council Meeting

14729e  No.3535820

File: 079b50440b3d7a7⋯.png (519.49 KB, 928x523, 928:523, Saboed.png)

593ac9  No.3535821


Wait. We don't get royalties for our memes????

Fuuuuck me

e04566  No.3535822




Flat chests detected.

7189ae  No.3535823


Siddiqi… does he satisfy criteria for Q post,,, or am i misinterpreting…. do i keep going or what ?

b64459  No.3535824

MORE: Saudi State TV is reporting journalist Jamal Khashoggi died following a fight in the Saudi Consulate, 18 Saudi nationals have been arrested in connection with his death and two Generals have been fired - SKY

Cabal clean up, or swamp filling again?

c013a9  No.3535825


Alright SG VF… I've finally decided to go back over your confusing little corpus of shitpostings…and I do mean shitpostings. It's become abundantly clear that you're a narcissistic 'prophet syndrome' self absorbed mashup of New Age, ancient, biblical, apocryphal, and contemporary spirituality. Fine. Go find a street corner.

You don't preface anything with any qualifiers to describe your arrival at these definitive statements of your own convictions as fact. And spout you do…you're an endless fountain of your personal spirit stew ladled out for the notion that someone is actually holding you up as some kind of expert. If they do, you two deserve each other.

Sort of like Manson or Koresh and their followers. Where some self absorbed (namefag) preacher manages to attract the uncritical NPC and create a dark feedback loop.

You see, a lot of what you're talking is actually known to some here…through personal metaphysical experiences…a great many in fact, and when it's manifestly obvious that you are completely delusional, the rest of your rants get filed in the same swirling receptacle.

Filter ID+ name fag..

b6fc49  No.3535826


You are fucking pathetic. Ban me.

e4e492  No.3535827

File: fa513ed0e9aca35⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 300x479, 300:479, bewbsbig.jpg)

81b4b5  No.3535828

File: 8fdd1d5fcf84cd1⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Mad Maxine.mp4)

Mad Maxine

"I will take Trump out tonight"


45a51d  No.3535829

File: d6211a620b0ca95⋯.png (960.96 KB, 860x673, 860:673, Frog Eating Scorpion.PNG)

84fce5  No.3535830


David Bowie = Golden Dawn Magician

f7b321  No.3535831

File: 5778dc75e52db2a⋯.jpeg (528.24 KB, 1242x1710, 69:95, 71854212-17E2-4711-B2FD-D….jpeg)

File: e963a31fade5eb5⋯.jpeg (434.09 KB, 1224x1807, 1224:1807, EAE07DFF-0BF7-441A-9B38-C….jpeg)

File: 694e9b1c1f4a63a⋯.jpeg (558.37 KB, 1242x1871, 1242:1871, 95E6832C-DF0E-4560-B5D9-2….jpeg)

File: dc314731ad5ab54⋯.jpeg (487.44 KB, 1241x1697, 1241:1697, DF3964B2-49D7-4E1D-8ED7-2….jpeg)

File: 12e283ddaa78bcf⋯.jpeg (451.59 KB, 1241x1638, 1241:1638, 50D9B76D-5FB3-48E3-94E3-2….jpeg)

@realdonaldtrump: “When referring to the USA, I will always capitalize the word Country!”


POTUS does appear to capitalize the word Country in posts where he exhibits PRIDE IN THE USA… when he is critical or referencing things that need changed he typically does not capitalize the word country.

Psychological difference in the use of capitalization noted.

56c823  No.3535832

>>3535718 - fail

>>3535728 - KEK hope they release minutes

562bac  No.3535834


b6fc49  No.3535835

I am going to post child porn and bomb schematics unless BO bands me.

b64459  No.3535836


Where did you find these pics?

e04566  No.3535837



9d9ea9  No.3535838


Conspired with his brother to sell emails to WL, but who's splitting hairs, right? One of those deals where a shady deal ended up helping to save the Republic. Still drink-worthy.

9dacb1  No.3535839

>>3534573 To my eye, the metal object looks too good to have gone through reentry.

97b1ef  No.3535840

File: b18eda6c2ca8a99⋯.png (110.78 KB, 427x513, 427:513, ruktdnsbv.png)

887643  No.3535841

mustache guy is Nasim's father.

research history.

112342  No.3535844

File: f178a3d88f719e4⋯.png (31.89 KB, 604x315, 604:315, AQ4.PNG)

Graham weighs in on Kashoggi

To say that I am skeptical of the new Saudi narrative about Mr. Khashoggi is an understatement.


863c1d  No.3535845

5e5fb3  No.3535847

File: 0a165b9cc6e24ee⋯.png (1017.65 KB, 1216x1106, 608:553, ClipboardImage.png)

How convenient - he was killed in a "fight" in the consulate.

"Arrests" have been made.

b8c97b  No.3535849


If Adams lied about Mobs not Jobs, what else does he lie about?

He's a liar and a thief

Did he steal ideas from the chans during the election too?


ad0aa6  No.3535850




The CIA Comes Calling for Arab-American Help

By Bobby Ghosh / Dearborn Thursday, Sept. 17, 2009


33c979  No.3535851


Enjoy the next 50 years in prison

2dd469  No.3535852


You do realize that this board is monitored by like a dozen intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, as well as some unstable personalities, don't you?

9c814e  No.3535853


>I am going to post child porn and bomb schematics

>unless BO bands me.

ok you've been banded

9e8dd5  No.3535854

File: 4d0d3ae84751863⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 300x180, 5:3, downloadfile-2.jpg)

56c823  No.3535855


Rings hollow without noname chirping in

8cb964  No.3535856

File: 6a658ace9d69924⋯.jpeg (17.19 KB, 220x229, 220:229, npc.angry.i.am.jpeg)

45b7e1  No.3535857


It’s getting fucky over there.

Grab your dicks

e9dfa6  No.3535858


Heard that story too

who knows if its true

they said the same thing about oil then magically they found a shit ton of it

d9ae20  No.3535859

File: a456f8987806d15⋯.png (721.25 KB, 864x766, 432:383, Q JUSTICE CHARGES RUSSIANS.PNG)


a7841b  No.3535860


Who is that in the blue shirt with the face blocked out?

7189ae  No.3535861

File: 63434aa63f9614f⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 191x264, 191:264, Screenshot 2018-10-10_20-3….jpg)

File: 572ab90a49ae5a5⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 190x199, 190:199, obamaapt-190.jpg)

File: 13b8b1ad8b7f85a⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 190x321, 190:321, youngobama-190.jpg)

File: 4b30c67eb03cd8e⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 439x253, 439:253, Screenshot 2018-10-10_19-1….jpg)

there was a point i thought i was the two on the side by side…. not anymroe

b6fc49  No.3535862


Yes, that is why I need to be banned. I can't stop myself. I am dangerous. Where is Q to save the day?!

84fce5  No.3535863


Bring it.

Let's see if you end up like the last guy

863c1d  No.3535864

i wish i knew…

Grabbed them most likely on the chans…

..and all the sudden my phone goes crazy again

9dacb1  No.3535866


I have suggested swapping the left and right side of this type of meme.

Why? Eye reads from left to right.

Movement should be leave the left side and entering the right side.

Leaving the dems and entering the repubs.

It would add a small subliminal touch emphasizing the message.

Otherwise, fantastic meme and I love this entire series!

7bd20c  No.3535867

When do we start fighting the real fight. We work 6 ms out of the Year 4 taxes! Yet,no one is fighting this fight!! Both sides are victims to their leaders rhetoric. Want to be truly red pilled? Step back and see both sides are of the same coin. They’re all lying to u 4 ur money

Slavery NEVER ended. It was modified to include your wife, your children, your children’s children, the indegenious ppl, every race, etc. we work over 60% of the year for taxes - everything is taxed! Where does the money really go? 28 TRILLION MISSING from pentagon since 1998

Not one person from the GOP or DNC is calling this out. Why? Bc it’s all a scam for money. Like the carbon tax! We ARE under the yoke of slavery - DEBT, CONSUMPTION, work, education, rules, fines, fees, liscenses, permits! U were told by ur govt that u can’t exist without them

Wake up. The biggest story (aside from Jesus) on the planet should be - What happened to the 28 trillion dollars missing from the American tax payers? Who has it? Our deficit is 21 trillion dollars. Do you understand our deficit is LESS than the money missing from the pentagon?

So why isn’t anyone talking about it? Really think about this!!! Because both sides are still sucking us dry! In every form and fashion. Taxes, work, fines, fees, consumption, mortgages, loans, credit cards, debt, education, etc. the list goes on. I think the real red pill is noticing that that both sides are gaming us and it’s all theater to keeping us distracted. Why aren’t we asking the real questions anymore? We used to ask these questions and fight these fights. Even the tea party was fought over a 2% Tea tax.

Instead we are too busy fighting each other. Our fight isn’t with each other - flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the leaders, the ones still deceiving us.

In this instance, Follow the money!

b6fc49  No.3535868




4e033b  No.3535869


they want you to ask for it so then they can say people on q boards are begging for cp and bomb building tips. theyve used this dumbshit tactic before. it's so stupid

9dacb1  No.3535870


I don't care.

b83b62  No.3535871


Anon comes off like Strzok kek. Little nInny.

863c1d  No.3535872

7189ae  No.3535873


good info was obtained on that man

fd9353  No.3535874

File: b386bd2b1b9d1de⋯.jpeg (27.88 KB, 700x483, 100:69, pathetic.jpeg)

<ID b6fc49

b6fc49  No.3535875


That faggot should be banned.

77c6ba  No.3535876


FFS I don't understand the massive attention this corrupt shit Khashoggi is getting.

He operated a fucking weapons ring.

"Journalist" was just a cover to travel around and talk with many of his cabal members.

Shit, people die everyday everywhere - why the massive attention anons?????????

d9ae20  No.3535877

File: 07d2ffd9165ce1c⋯.png (104.27 KB, 743x795, 743:795, Q SAUDI INVETIGATION.PNG)

Saudi prince MBS put in charge of intel purge following Khashoggi death

Published time: 19 Oct, 2018 22:50

Edited time: 19 Oct, 2018 23:01


14d919  No.3535878

File: b6223574aa7d526⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 464x380, 116:95, QRKQ_Count_em_5_5.jpg)

File: 5b8f9e6ecd05ab6⋯.jpg (87.58 KB, 616x346, 308:173, BIG_55_Q.jpg)


Very Big!!

Think I heard a certain someone mention this specific source on another certain someone show last night… :)

45b7e1  No.3535879


Punch yourself in the fucking mouth and recover.

9d9ea9  No.3535880

File: 7d3d31ef8f0ac92⋯.gif (676.22 KB, 500x212, 125:53, 7d3d31ef8f0ac928b02548d228….gif)



Do you even know where you are, stupid?

4e033b  No.3535881


just leave fuckface. no one cares. you lose

84fce5  No.3535882

File: bbda080099f5a94⋯.png (29.12 KB, 415x354, 415:354, Golan_Heights_Map.png)

e04566  No.3535883





Butthurt anons detected.

ca35f4  No.3535884

File: ca8e672b19c34e9⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 481x641, 481:641, wings of the same bird.JPG)

b13c40  No.3535885

File: 9623f17f79bf58f⋯.jpg (70.75 KB, 735x490, 3:2, 8ec74315322136420dae342fb8….jpg)

File: 3e374c5a9229adb⋯.jpg (87.01 KB, 608x592, 38:37, 3b7a7c2fa70b408c3d58fb1135….jpg)

File: bb7ba8bc8f23d40⋯.jpg (90.52 KB, 605x595, 121:119, 580ce7e3565b1015c6d9cdda77….jpg)

File: 8f24d166d247e8f⋯.jpg (122.27 KB, 602x597, 602:597, 227a29428559774882787496a8….jpg)

850984  No.3535886

I voted today…


I used to be a moderate Republican open to perhaps the "better" choices…but with all the bullshit the DEMS have pulled this year…FUCK EM! I voted STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN! Just looked for REPUBLICAN PARTY on the ballot and voted it all the way!



10d3ce  No.3535887


look on this site:


b6fc49  No.3535888


NO. Come get me.

b8c97b  No.3535889


You don't have to care

Word will spread rapidlyScott Adams claimed something that was not his

He will be exposed as the thief and liar he is too all

ccce98  No.3535890

File: e7e65ff2601d109⋯.png (669.37 KB, 1307x1044, 1307:1044, 2018-10-19_19-04-18.png)


We all have a role to play.


Besides, it's fun!


b83b62  No.3535891

5dfe57  No.3535892


You are a NO GO at this station, anon

562bac  No.3535893










I don't get it, did I miss something?

wtf is with the 'ban me' faggot?

oh well

Requesting the handoff next bread

56c823  No.3535894

>>3535867 - new? we have to have these squabbles to work things out. You either get use to it or go back.

77c6ba  No.3535895


Adams is another Posobiec, Corsi, Stranahan, etc. shitting on Q.

7189ae  No.3535896


u think it is Siddiqi for sure… explain the NO FACIAL HAIR TO ME… and we are all good

b6fc49  No.3535897


I like cheese pizza.




9c814e  No.3535898


>Shit, people die everyday everywhere - why the massive attention anons?????????

Because it is just another thing they are trying to hang around POTUS…"His support of (supposed) dictators" I am aghast /s

850984  No.3535899




Thank you, ANon!

d55b7b  No.3535900

eyewitness report… Black Hawks over Albuquerque, NM about 2 hours ago, flying west.

no sauce

1c2693  No.3535901


Thats because they only allow us to argue over the social issues never the financial

d9ae20  No.3535902



70744f  No.3535903

File: de151d45729c20e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2544x2552, 318:319, Alaska Q.png)


AK anon. Dems can't afford to be divided in an Alaskan race. They'll lose.

Begich screwed this state as Mayor of Anchorage and then a blue senator until Sullivan beat him out.

We are still mourning Ted Stevens. Thank you F_I

3e4ba2  No.3535904


who gives a shit what story they make up.

I bet he isn’t dead anyway, but it’s more convenient to just say he’s dead and make up an excuse for it.

He is cabal SHIT, that’s for sure

84fce5  No.3535907

File: a6605366f6c153b⋯.jpg (96 KB, 830x1000, 83:100, masteryoda.jpg)

Anons should dig on Judges!

These elected Judges are often Cabal Judges and we should out them on here

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