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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

0217b7  No.3289978

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 10.01.18

>>3285957 rt >>3285666 -————————– Allow us to carry this heavy burden.

>>3285534 rt >>3285327 -————————– Amen, brother.

>>3285210 rt >>3285173 -————————– God bless you, Patriot.

>>3285147 rt >>3284952 -————————– Solid confirmation of POTUS on Q team

>>3284797 rt >>3284775 -————————– Trump normally tweets when he is going. Today he didn't.

>>3284672 rt >>3283955 -————————– Today, for the 1st time, we IDEN where we would be

>>>/patriotsfight/316 ——————————— Reagan - Peace Through Strength ( Cap: >>3284011, >>3284017 )

>>>/patriotsfight/315 ——————————— Heading to TN now. ( Cap: >>3282882, >>3285464 )

>>3282338 rt >>3282114 -————————– Think WHY.

>>3281997 rt >>3281924 -————————– We made it public.

>>>/patriotsfight/314 ——————————— Standard deviation? ( Cap: >>3282171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/313 ——————————— [Quick History Lesson] ( Cap: >>3281645, >>3285459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/312 ——————————— VIP PATRIOTS! ( Cap: >>3281006 )

Sunday 09.30.18

>>>/patriotsfight/311 ——————————— STAY TUNED AND WATCH! ( Cap: >>3267571 )

>>>/patriotsfight/310 ——————————— Define 'Subversion' ( Cap: >>3267228 )

Saturday 09.29.18

>>>/patriotsfight/309 ——————————— Splash1-X. ( Cap: >>3252120, >>3257016, >>3257245 )

>>>/patriotsfight/308 ——————————— HUMANITY IS AT STAKE. DROP THE MEMES. VOTE THEM ALL OUT. ( Cap: >>3252200 )

>>>/patriotsfight/307 ——————————— WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. ( Cap: >>3250449, >>3250471, >>3250575 )

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 ——————————— POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -————————– RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 ————————————–——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 -————————– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0217b7  No.3289988


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3289400 Resignations in the news today

>>3289450 Passenger’s body found in Pacific lagoon after report of no deaths.

>>3289518 Update on car explosion in PA

>>3289639 EPA advances plan to weaken Obama-era mercury pollution rule to help coal plants

>>3289658 Liberals lose Quebec election

>>3289730 Q-DICTIONARY

>>3289738 Fu Xuedong is China's Edward Snowden

>>3289892 Recap of the ex-boyfriend of Julie Swetnick's interview on FOX

>>3289970 #4167

#4166 (Baker Change)

>>3288536 Tweet: Roger Stone already appeared before Mueller's grand jury

>>3288543 Lindsey Graham Tells Hannity: NBC Has ‘Been a Co-Conspirator in the Destruction of Kavanaugh’

>>3288576 The RED CROSS needs Money!

>>3288631, >>3288703 ACLU is spending more than $1 million in TV ads comparing Kavanaugh to Bill Clinton, Cosby

>>3288637 Archived videos give a view of Brett Kavanaugh's friend Mark Judge

>>3288970 Story of CBF in a car wreck while on "a substance" (Archived)

>>3289183 #4166


>>3287848 AmerisourceBergen Corporation Agrees to Pay $625 Million

>>3287974 Kavanaugh confirmation process Side-By-Side

>>3288012 DTjr Trolling Alyssa Milano on twitter over Kanye West

>>3288078 Trump administration to deny visas to unmarried same sex partners of diplomats.

>>3288086 Dig on parent company of major porn sites

>>3288300 TX breaks voter registration record ahead of midterms.

>>3288359 5G rolling out today in select cities

>>3288418 #4165


>>3287005 35 Days until midterm elections.

>>3287021 Elizabeth Warren 'threatening' tweet to POTUS re: November 6th election.

>>3287060, >>3287031, >>3287087 Articles on plane fuckery.

>>3287111 Quorum rules dig.

(Notable corrected and removed)

>>3287193 Good graphic for newfags.

>>3287210 AirKek

>>3287071, >>3287250 Tide foundation digs

>>3287318 Netanyahu: 'Ridiculous' to Suggest Israel Linked to Ahvaz Attack in Iran

>>3287375 Schumer praises POTUS on new trade deal

>>3287461 Phil Hayes is retiring from WYMT

>>3287262, >>3287574 Twitter has pedo symbolism

>>3287694 #4164


>>3286307 Update on JFK airplane fire emergency

>>3286447 ; >>3286685 New DJT: stream and photographs of TN rally

>>3286464 Sen. McConnell badgered by anti-Kavanaugh activists

>>3286512 On the significance of Q as a WH operation (commentary)

>>3286693 Crowd size estimates at TN rally

>>3286720 Summary update of resignations, indictments, and arrests

>>3286841 #4163


(Rally bake)

>>3285496 Two simultaneous Delta emergencies at JFK

>>3285553 Sen. Hatch tells FBI to report immediately if anyone tries to delay the Kavanaugh investigation.

>>3285688 The other 3 letter Network Airs Swetnick Interview without Corroboration of Claims

>>3286019 Office of Dianne Feinstein response to Rachel Mitchell

>>3286142 #4162

Previously Collected Notables

>>3283819 #4159, >>3284597 #4160, >>3285352 #4161

>>3281499 #4156, >>3282250 #4157, >>3283047 #4158

>>3279186 #4153, >>3279934 #4154, >>3280695 #4155

>>3277060 #4150, >>3277688 #4151, >>3278449 #4152

>>3274494 #4147, >>3275266 #4148, >>3276042 #4149

>>3272199 #4144, >>3272956 #4145 >>3273730 #4146

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0217b7  No.3289992

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3286669, >>3286713

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0217b7  No.3289993

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Archive of Notable Posts (Searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 4111: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

0217b7  No.3289995




2nd request

1030e3  No.3290001

I am the word of God!

Christ_will_iam twitter

c94444  No.3290024

File: 529754ef33ac271⋯.png (334.79 KB, 677x729, 677:729, 1538452818804.png)

c94444  No.3290032


So what? Everyone else is, too.

34b925  No.3290034

File: 2442fe42ed51f16⋯.jpg (632.17 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, IMG_120.jpg)


c94444  No.3290054

File: 30e34e4b347c144⋯.jpg (74.1 KB, 696x959, 696:959, 1538449073106.jpg)

46779b  No.3290060

File: a9281064b30a4d0⋯.jpeg (477.29 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 587D2074-6428-4592-B181-4….jpeg)

8fe973  No.3290065


Your head looks really f'd up

55037d  No.3290066


(((I wonder who could be behind this)))

0217b7  No.3290067


will monitor, going to wait for other sauce anon

keep on this

a04c8e  No.3290068

explosion at Las Vegas memorial site…anyone got sauce yet…just came over twat like a flash

de9ad0  No.3290069

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB, 464x276, 116:69, ba7431d9e3b5b9687ffb94636d….gif)

4b8192  No.3290070





If the government were banished from influencing and funding education (as it should be), this loser would be out of a job.

26f15a  No.3290071

>>3290063 last

(((You know who))) that comment was directed at.

Don't be dense. No friendly fire here dude.

816611  No.3290072

File: 8d0474c9236d435⋯.jpeg (68.1 KB, 1094x364, 547:182, Doed2kGXoAAcJ6F.jpg-large.jpeg)

efbfd4  No.3290073




52487e  No.3290074

>>3290069 NO BEWBS!

19933e  No.3290075

File: d5a443a2233206f⋯.jpg (94.59 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 0a77114346c29ae66aa90880d6….jpg)





Ostie que je vous aime!!!

08d864  No.3290076

File: 5e62041e4a0a649⋯.jpeg (221.74 KB, 1125x1272, 375:424, 0BBCFFEB-4C00-44B3-9A54-1….jpeg)


Anon posted this last bread.

>>3289923 (lb)

79a422  No.3290077

File: dadbe0320ce5c88⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 696378F7-E0EE-4CAB-B111-A2….png)

File: 19fbd0cebf9bee0⋯.jpeg (884.59 KB, 1125x2203, 1125:2203, 382E3082-0065-4873-BE07-D….jpeg)

Twatter can suck my homotus. Straight up liars now.

Sure as fuck do NOT follow who they say I do. 😡

fcd8e5  No.3290078

File: e51c56292948b22⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 945x679, 135:97, 1a.JPG)

File: 1fbd307618f4469⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 666x389, 666:389, 2.JPG)

File: 8d413f74c19eaef⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 668x381, 668:381, 2a.JPG)

File: 11333834aa62e0b⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 655x216, 655:216, 6.JPG)

Tesco Bank to pay £16.4million fine following cyber fraud attack


de9ad0  No.3290079


Can you spare a pair?

796d21  No.3290080

File: 320c4973b8caffa⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1497, 414:499, 1C0FAF0F-B4FA-4287-AF33-9….jpeg)

4db379  No.3290081


I have no idea wtf that even is

26f15a  No.3290082


She must be one of those jewish fascist nazis!

Right Dinesh?

Right Jonah?

778e19  No.3290083

File: 09fa41806f0e2ff⋯.png (74.8 KB, 609x475, 609:475, Screenshot 2018-10-01 at 1….png)

e767e1  No.3290084

>>3290011 (lb)

Thank you. You have no idea how people saying "could care less" makes my fukin eye twitch. They are retarded.

efbfd4  No.3290085


listen live


3573a7  No.3290086

File: f38f85c44df0121⋯.jpg (1004.33 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181002-003126….jpg)


974ae1  No.3290087

File: 37e2384ef8e85ba⋯.jpg (409.63 KB, 1242x1460, 621:730, comey_soon.jpg)


digits confirm we can't be stopped.




4db379  No.3290088


Are we north or south. pretty shitty boob job

9462d5  No.3290089

File: 69a3504e49ae2f9⋯.jpg (162.41 KB, 900x675, 4:3, kav cold.jpg)

2b0ad5  No.3290090


That's what you call a "pipe dream."

56862a  No.3290092


They could care less, but they dont even care enough to care less.

fb2f12  No.3290093


Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.

Think WHY.

Justice K NEVER named.

[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].

FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.

Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.

Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.

Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.

Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.

FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.

[RR] involved?


Are you going to go after these people and prosecute them or not?

Is he getting confirmed or not?

The dems sure seem to be fighting hard this week. They seem to think they have a shot at stopping him. If you don't come through on this one Q, a lot of people are going to sit out the midterms. Not saying they should, just being honest.

19933e  No.3290094

File: 8c527c8c6f2a6d5⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 3e48eb940e501b24d22730bbc1….jpg)

cda637  No.3290095

File: 53800272106ff26⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 1158x660, 193:110, 1538258314354.jpg)

0b26c9  No.3290096


I thought it was incorrect useage of the ((( ))).

282684  No.3290097

File: 3cb062a149e68a2⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 669x309, 223:103, PompeoWellDrainedStaffNoBa….JPG)

>>3289674 lb

>night shift is the best time to try your first bake

Can confirm

>>3289983 lb

Agreed on all counts.

>>3289724 lb

Night P&L, is CB. Sleep well.

>"Can You Feel the Love Tonight?"

Q's posts got me in the feels tonight, it's true.

Okay, I gotta hit the sack.

G'night anons.

3c22b8  No.3290098

File: 15f1198b1d3e3c8⋯.png (116.37 KB, 1970x244, 985:122, Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at ….png)

>>3289535 LB


Let's heap burning coals on his head, anons. Let us truly take the high road. Blessings, all. One way or the other, the end comes soon.

185151  No.3290099

File: 87c14dc3fcf3af6⋯.mp4 (493.1 KB, 320x640, 1:2, G3RMcUUxoqGZcSwZ.mp4)

Anyone remember when the water pipe burst at Mandalay Bay. Always wanted to know if this was watch the water related.

26ffc6  No.3290100

>>3290042 (lb)

>red cross blood drive

for a las vegas memorial?

I saw it a few breads ago

52487e  No.3290101

>>3290079 No! Mommy won't let me keep dirty pictures on the computer-but, let's me look!

8f0d55  No.3290102





1c0ab4  No.3290103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


By cia peanut butter babel

If Ian mckellan figured out the appropriate venue

The aflb peanut butter fest on Feinstein and Ginsberg with a follow up crap in Lynn's mouth would probably reverse over twenty years of macabre ass licking the cia had committed

f367ff  No.3290104


That's her.

fcd8e5  No.3290105

File: 2b7c3c742b96497⋯.jpg (79.4 KB, 803x672, 803:672, 1a.JPG)

File: 00b273bc85e45f8⋯.jpg (75.26 KB, 419x858, 419:858, 2.JPG)

File: 4a0f472bdd52461⋯.jpg (104.33 KB, 416x910, 16:35, 2a.JPG)

File: f16cd46a7c7f873⋯.jpg (85.84 KB, 415x822, 415:822, 6.JPG)

Federal prosecutors likely to mention Sean Miller, Deandre Ayton, others in fraud trial


279326  No.3290106

>>3289974 (prev)

>The were prepared for a military coup, would have been very costly but essential to save the Union.


>If they were prepared for that, then there surely are contingency plans on their contingency plans.

Every time I read that Q post I get chills!

FOREVER in their debt for what "they were prepared to do" to save our country, the world, humanity itself... from these sick, evil bastards!

4db379  No.3290107

File: a1243edd2285f00⋯.png (319.47 KB, 832x788, 208:197, Pepe-Treats for Shills.png)


I wanted to give you a "They divide/We unite" meme but fuck it.

You're an asshole

354286  No.3290108


Well well…..interesting indeed!

519a7b  No.3290109

File: dc4cd2287f72758⋯.png (128.66 KB, 1360x886, 680:443, ClipboardImage.png)


778b72  No.3290110


The guy in the red hat behind her was at other rallies as well….hmmmm

4bade7  No.3290111

File: 54a83c95b24d4a5⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 127x122, 127:122, 1495684699746scd1.jpg)


needs investigating

0217b7  No.3290112




take it to reddit Rtards

6df1e9  No.3290113

File: c889b61c461cc65⋯.jpg (84.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ! ! ! ! ! 55a.jpg)

67350f  No.3290114

File: 83db50bb57aecf7⋯.png (5.52 MB, 3025x1854, 3025:1854, cbfsmiling.png)

Through half of just the Rachel Mitchell testimony. Bitch sure does smile a lot. Good night anons

1c0ab4  No.3290115

File: 170496ef70b0533⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3159.JPG)

ebe02b  No.3290116

i run and i run fast

i run faster than these stupid idiots can ever run

(we always win going slow}

think chess to checkers

i think this is how they are winning the game!

3f7072  No.3290117

File: 91b17a45d0f55d0⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 965x1202, 965:1202, HRA3.jpg)


water related is over. Gen Flynn twitter backround. End.

56862a  No.3290118

File: c13284f9c9b0a50⋯.jpg (61.76 KB, 520x330, 52:33, dubbadigits.jpg)

c9193d  No.3290119

File: 2e0a047d1ae2104⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 670x462, 335:231, best_seller_james_woods.jpg)



One more time Please.

I'm sorry.

Not a severe Case!

26f15a  No.3290120

>>329011 last

You want a homework assignment?

(Warning this will never end)

Disect black people using common expressions and butchering them into incoherence…

Example: "When people as soon shit"


b5355e  No.3290121


I just got on. Give me a few minutes and I'll take the bake.

BO/BV pre-handoff check please

I will report this reply for baker check after posting (comment made to prevent multiple reports)

e767e1  No.3290122


Firework @ the homeless shelter. Metro police say trashcan fire. No injuries. Fox5 tweeting.

4db379  No.3290123

File: 8ad32447bffe6bd⋯.png (379.19 KB, 405x400, 81:80, (you).PNG)



3aeffc  No.3290124

File: 2ed4e972e6eaa2f⋯.png (399.48 KB, 875x345, 175:69, lafs.png)

19933e  No.3290125

File: e766ff281f6c708⋯.png (150.79 KB, 1357x892, 1357:892, 1b8009781a2794b58d5ebd2bf4….png)


Fuck off faggot

103e90  No.3290126

File: a8b8566ac9fe1d3⋯.png (407.16 KB, 786x842, 393:421, Swetnick.png)

In an interview with NBC aired Monday, Swetnick walked back her accusations of both the drugging and the raping, saying only that she had seen Kavanaugh near punch containers she believed to be spiked.


67afe1  No.3290127

NOISE: A "loud bang" was investigated in downtown Las Vegas near Charleston and 4th Street. LVFR said it appears to be a trash can fire. Metro Police said it was likely from a firework. There is no fire, no one was injured, and no damages were reported.


07927e  No.3290128


Maybe the therapist is someone she shared her house with.

0217b7  No.3290129


understood, thank you baker

handoff confirmed?

(essentially, just reply to this post when you want to confirm)

0c2dd4  No.3290130

File: c1e12412b14a7b6⋯.mp4 (398.9 KB, 480x366, 80:61, danceparty.mp4)


Yikes I forgot Janet Reno even existed. Tranny before it was cool.

1030e3  No.3290131


Read revelations..

185151  No.3290132


Maybe so but this was back in June.

8135d1  No.3290133

File: 30f0bfa9f12d6ce⋯.png (86.15 KB, 310x163, 310:163, image.png)

When Q has said you are watching a movie I started to watch every James Bond movie ever made. You could just watch the last one, Spectre, and get this gist of it. So much that went on in those movies plots had to be written by some insider Tom Clancy types. How else did they know about Spectre in the old James Bond Movies. Remember the plot of the whole series is going after Spectre which is a real George Soros based operation. In a sense we ARE watching a movie.

e1d7ce  No.3290134

File: 36c4fe7e21bff79⋯.png (74.41 KB, 500x337, 500:337, donald-trump-will-never-be….png)


The last fateful words of Janet Reno!

karma is a bitch.

26f15a  No.3290135


It always means j++s to me.

How did I…

Forget it who cares…

b24a74  No.3290136



Do you know why this was changed on 4136? 4135 had it as all red.








26ffc6  No.3290137



thanks to anon last bread..

possible link to Q today

>Think NYC bomber 'fireworks' hours prior.

354286  No.3290138


WTF?? Surprised but not surprised.

0217b7  No.3290139


lurk moar dumbass newfaggot

take your Rfaggotry to reddit where it belongs

972cbc  No.3290140


Shane Bauer, CIA operative. Passport please?

ea6cea  No.3290141

>>3289660 (LB)

Haley is only still there because Trump doesn't give 2 shits about the UN.

88d361  No.3290142

File: 3fbe5381c8cdbeb⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 769x763, 769:763, canadian-patriots_-a-truth….jpg)

>>3289677 (LB)


59dea1  No.3290143

File: 4bb91ed08bc5271⋯.png (6.1 KB, 487x202, 487:202, 47.png)

File: 6650c6af30012aa⋯.png (609.3 KB, 1542x1058, 771:529, two shirts.png)

519a7b  No.3290144

File: f12e236db098390⋯.png (281.23 KB, 800x530, 80:53, ClipboardImage.png)

19933e  No.3290145


Fuck off shill.

6df1e9  No.3290146


There's 22 Chapters, wanna be a bit more specific?

de9ad0  No.3290147

File: 2ad21b2ac9edf8a⋯.jpeg (71.72 KB, 1000x685, 200:137, 2287992772c6dabb2d5b8da58….jpeg)

1c0ab4  No.3290148


James wood is gonna have to be Ian mckellens side bitch on the double oval peanut butter rimjob with the Ginsberg squat shart in Lynn's mouth.

07927e  No.3290149


Dr Ford pulled this stuff. "Believed he was going to try and rape me," "accidentally kill me"

"Believed" is such an evil word when making an accusation. Basically admitting that you have no evidence.

These people need to pay.

3aeffc  No.3290150

File: af95195a7ab845a⋯.png (272.09 KB, 307x405, 307:405, alient.PNG)


Aliens confirmed

56862a  No.3290151


Welp, argument over. Anon just tossed down the "shill" card.

0217b7  No.3290152


not sure why anon

you can see in notables I got in #4166, and used the last bakers dough

changing back and will give the incoming baker an updated dough, thanks anon

c6cc94  No.3290153


9/11 was an actual criminal mastermind op. The real James Bond failed us.

816611  No.3290154


KEK and she died the day he won!!! (After midnight of Election Day of the 6th)

861508  No.3290155

#4164 [ >>3287246 ]


59dea1  No.3290157

File: 75dba5ebacd3fb9⋯.png (310.94 KB, 592x364, 148:91, 48.png)

File: 543ceef3bf9a421⋯.png (219.98 KB, 630x365, 126:73, mkultra kristine.png)

342bfd  No.3290158


KEK!!!! lolol

1c0ab4  No.3290160

File: 3a8c21ecca862cd⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 457x300, 457:300, F5BC7F90-A7B4-473C-B301-B….jpeg)

56862a  No.3290161


Someone needs to draw a picture of that mental image.

0217b7  No.3290163


I just baked this bread Rshill

JFK jr was 187'd by HRC and is resting in peace


519a7b  No.3290164

File: 87095f32b23c1d4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

26ffc6  No.3290165

972cbc  No.3290166


Swear to God, I went to school with a chick who looked JUST like that.

5796ca  No.3290168

File: c7afad8e7d740c8⋯.jpg (252.65 KB, 384x576, 2:3, swamp rats in DC presents ….JPG)

File: 2e714c6a212cd9f⋯.jpg (241.72 KB, 384x576, 2:3, FISA CONSPIRACY PYSCHOS St….JPG)

File: 950680b710ae765⋯.jpg (52.37 KB, 882x606, 147:101, 42803647_1445414932259206_….jpg)

File: a1eea7614daed66⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 574x640, 287:320, 42812302_1778516542264960_….jpg)

File: c2e2f4226d9097f⋯.png (367.03 KB, 815x575, 163:115, 42723495_1777906748992606_….png)

Red October Special Presentation

Thru Nov. 6th


52487e  No.3290169

>>3290141 Want's the waterfront for a casino! Gonna call it 'Q''s'"

75f298  No.3290170


Clown town down for the coun-t

dcd5d0  No.3290171

File: 4a4439aa0646c3f⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 3379EE52-00B9-4675-97D6-06….png)

File: a8737e29a63a414⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 1D4C45F7-6069-4C3F-9B28-2C….png)

The missing grenades. Machine gun from the military. Recent explosions…

perhaps this is a warning of what Q was talking about in NY. 32 grenades are still out there somewhere…



816611  No.3290173

File: e90b224d0a6b150⋯.png (722.67 KB, 1433x671, 1433:671, Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at ….png)

Almost 1/2 million for Kav.

4071fe  No.3290174



de152e  No.3290175


Maybe she was the first to realize what was coming and decided to exit before the rest.

88d361  No.3290177

File: ae18a91f501bd5f⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 255x143, 255:143, beezos_dick.jpg)

342bfd  No.3290178


Def comms hidden in that picture… Wish i had the tools the MI and NSA had. Just run it through whatever system… boom. No "cracking" except the ones done by computers. Pretty easy

efbfd4  No.3290179

File: fbb4bc3bbb3a8f7⋯.png (971.22 KB, 1083x1200, 361:400, ClipboardImage.png)

e676d7  No.3290180

File: 201650903430a7b⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 800x500, 8:5, nightshift.jpg)

519a7b  No.3290181

File: 72960903dea609f⋯.png (144.95 KB, 550x413, 550:413, ClipboardImage.png)

1904a6  No.3290182

@almostjingo reporting new batch of HRC emails just posted today


Realizing you don't need old media anymore is pretty sweet

56862a  No.3290183

File: e1e51b98670dd1b⋯.jpg (438.93 KB, 1500x938, 750:469, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

1c0ab4  No.3290184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Leave that candy in his oval

5e7a27  No.3290185



4bade7  No.3290186

File: 6ad58ef2194fafa⋯.jpeg (6.75 KB, 298x169, 298:169, sc4.jpeg)


I did not

185151  No.3290187

File: cf37c45e3cdcdef⋯.png (25.68 KB, 730x237, 730:237, fitton.PNG)

Can POTUS actually defund universities? should start happening, getting ridiculous.


7cb135  No.3290188

File: c8a322bef05fe0f⋯.jpeg (279.13 KB, 1242x618, 207:103, 40BDC75F-ABC9-4C29-8998-E….jpeg)

File: e64178eb6df8f2c⋯.jpeg (412.74 KB, 1235x1045, 13:11, 74BAD8E0-60C7-4A49-BAE9-1….jpeg)

Watching the waves/water



5796ca  No.3290189

File: c4a5d0a8e37e808⋯.jpg (99.6 KB, 637x472, 637:472, c4a5d0a8e37e808e91ff825092….jpg)

File: 7916ec928c761cf⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 599x322, 599:322, 7916ec928c761cfde70f51eaad….jpg)

File: 37a65ed18de445c⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 800x545, 160:109, SOON.jpg)

File: f85d9febe1d3db7⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 958x960, 479:480, 42855831_1445439228923443_….jpg)

File: 24a2c02fff4847e⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 528x408, 22:17, Jfk walk away.JPG)

974ae1  No.3290190

File: e3f75cae9c81065⋯.png (885.59 KB, 877x758, 877:758, ClipboardImage.png)


>preworkout cake


e08b65  No.3290191

File: b4a49d585a903a1⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 91166678327650267237314754….png)

75f298  No.3290192


I #believeher. Such a strong powerful woman. She had more courage than a gorillion Navy SEALs. Testify, sistah!!!

1030e3  No.3290193

Q is

Whipper Johnson

Mobster cop

You like al capone and hitler?

So many fooled and tricked by evil..

You follow satan?

Biggest liars of all time..

Sheeps to the slaughter are Q followers..

Check the dates with

Whipper johnson fb post

And Q post

These are men that hate god and think they are better..

They murderers


And much worse

Be warned

44df69  No.3290194


Decided, or was she #NoNamed ?

59dea1  No.3290196


That's to FN funny!

e676d7  No.3290197

File: c4b18b76296db43⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, retard.jpg)

c9193d  No.3290198

File: 0877cf176515f9b⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 533x342, 533:342, 2012-12-20-Frank_Zappa_Apo….jpg)


So,. You have experience in this Realm do you



44df69  No.3290199

File: 07b29c8d313f92a⋯.png (100.35 KB, 323x492, 323:492, kys.png)

b24a74  No.3290200


Thank you. The paragraph just above it was changed as well, but before this. These two sections seem to like to get screwed with quite a bit.

d51ca2  No.3290201


Re-watch the Nolan Batman films with the same eyes…I'm half of a mind that the Nolan Batman films were made as a recruitment tool to recruit Trump…

Check out JAY DYER's work…he finds Deep State/Esoteric meaning in Hollywood films

4071fe  No.3290202



572bbd  No.3290203


I wonder what Mr. Shane Bauer is hiding…..?

19933e  No.3290204


I know who you are. Same scenario as last night. You even named a bread after it.

I am here and will STAY here. I AM wanted, and needed here, dumbass.

We agree to disagree. Carry on.

5796ca  No.3290205

File: 2d8209850baf410⋯.jpg (183.37 KB, 528x816, 11:17, govt and dnc corruption wa….JPG)

File: 3f066181eb25268⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 576x384, 3:2, empty dem stage for americ….JPG)

File: 9490a7fda3675b0⋯.jpg (245.34 KB, 816x528, 17:11, dem destroy everything the….JPG)

File: 297697498472fcf⋯.jpg (140.02 KB, 528x408, 22:17, Jason Crashes Antifa Camp ….JPG)

4bade7  No.3290206

File: 4ab252b07404d5c⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1496790249784s.jpg)

we are getting shilly

key word


1c0ab4  No.3290207


See if Weinstein will poop in your mouth too so you feel included

802eb4  No.3290208

File: 347cbd730faab38⋯.jpg (201.88 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, download (6).jpg)


'Like sitting on an electric chair': Mueller grand jury grills Roger Stone associate Credico

26f15a  No.3290209


We like Hitler.


972cbc  No.3290210


And my sister married her brother. He was normal.

de9024  No.3290211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






0217b7  No.3290212


>JFK jr was 187'd by HRC and is resting in peace

Q already BTFO'd you faggot once

go back to reddit shillfaggot

1904a6  No.3290213

Didn't think it was possible to hate the ACLU more than I used to. Level unlocked.


‏Verified account @ACLU

10h10 hours ago

NEW: When we said we're going to use the full force of the ACLU to stop Brett Kavanaugh, we meant it.

We're spending more than $1 million to run ads like this in Nebraska, Colorado, West Virginia, and Alaska

2b0ad5  No.3290214

Lindsey must have known something, remember back in 2013 when he said this:

"I believe that if we get Syria wrong, within six months-and you can quote me on this-there will be a war between Iran and Israel over their nuclear program."

Then he said, this conflict will come home to Charleston, SC. "It won't come to America on top of a missle, it'll come in the belly of a ship in the Charleston or New York Harbor."

2b6e37  No.3290215

File: 7b4895f56f4d6c7⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 593x211, 593:211, Q 325453.jpg)

>>3289900 (pb)

This one?


342474  No.3290216

Evil is death. The outward visible expression of death is darkness. We all start there, many are still blind because they haven’t gone out and come into Light. We need to follow that pillar of fire by night, the golden candlestick. And this darkness will pass in all, it will die off. It’s called the second death…it’s when the death in us dies. Welcome to the baptism of fire, and of the Holy Spirit.

e1d7ce  No.3290217


No, she died suddenly.

That statement was made just days before she died. Hell…we all laughed like hell, because that is where the bitch is now.

1030e3  No.3290218


Evil you admit it then sick

279326  No.3290219

File: 47a1a2ed6e5475a⋯.jpg (82.01 KB, 414x512, 207:256, Nadler .jpg)

File: 876db4c1a05f49f⋯.png (528.31 KB, 618x410, 309:205, Nadler.png)



That POS Nadler has been in office since 1993!

IF Dimms regain the House in Nov. Low IQ Mad Maxine will be CHAIRWOMAN OF THE BANKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS!

Can you freaking imagine? smdh

52487e  No.3290220

File: 7d05af023133714⋯.jpg (169.83 KB, 1046x1000, 523:500, clowngirlfriend.jpg)

File: 07daf3546508c04⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 255x250, 51:50, buthurt.jpg)

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

3f7072  No.3290221

File: 0bf227bc5b9e076⋯.png (106.42 KB, 229x255, 229:255, ClipboardImage.png)


just went to 20 year high school reunion. I is almost a "chad" some girl was staring at me for like 20 to 30 min. I noticed. Not recognized her. Went up and said "hey, what's up?" she went on to say that she remembered I had a crush on her in 2nd grade. <<<<<

Very stange stories about how she cant believe I don't remember. bla bla bla.

I am glad I don't have aspirations to be anything other than what I am.

This shit is not out of possibility.

07927e  No.3290222


How many brothers does your sister have anon?

a9ede4  No.3290223


She did Roe vs Wade. Talked about getting rid of brown babies. Helped that along at Waco. She knew a lot.

56862a  No.3290224

File: 7527342c22d2a9e⋯.jpeg (75.73 KB, 205x275, 41:55, e87295f66be547bf75ce6fe7c….jpeg)

1c0ab4  No.3290225



It's old rigging

Who would of thunk they would still be tossing peanut butter almost thirty years later

0b26c9  No.3290226


Speak for yourself, asshole.

de152e  No.3290227


Since it was before the Dec EO I think she might have made the decision. Or more likely she was literally scared to death.

0217b7  No.3290228


can assure you I didn't change anything

and I handed to two bakers before the bread it changed it

but its fixed, thanks anon

7cb135  No.3290229

File: 27ab67c339e6287⋯.jpeg (320.54 KB, 1242x761, 1242:761, 6B811C88-C332-4A09-80D7-4….jpeg)

File: 79239b4ac31d2d7⋯.jpeg (531.2 KB, 1242x1458, 23:27, 5B680CBE-83DD-4476-85A7-4….jpeg)

File: 16a0700a3679ef8⋯.jpeg (386.43 KB, 1242x894, 207:149, CB1678FB-68C0-4421-BFFB-2….jpeg)



26f15a  No.3290230


The Holohoax was a hoax.

I admit it was a hoax.

Yes indeed jew.

0c2dd4  No.3290231

File: 8864fa95dfeebd1⋯.jpeg (32.52 KB, 600x606, 100:101, d85b890a1e906da0c378340d0….jpeg)

be291a  No.3290232


Not her.

19933e  No.3290233


Oh really? Where's your sauce on that?

5796ca  No.3290234

File: c4eccf52c9a032c⋯.jpg (498.7 KB, 1270x712, 635:356, c4eccf52c9a032ce63749b54e0….jpg)

972238  No.3290235


Someone who uses that is attempting to get out of a defamation suit. It’s harder to sue someone for opinion or honest belief. Only the individual knows for certain whether they believed it or not, so it’s a common defense.

1030e3  No.3290236


Spoken like true evil…

Whipper johnson

Is Q

ebe02b  No.3290237

who is ]JW[


4071fe  No.3290238



4a57ad  No.3290239

>>3289426 PB

its the shills, shitting up the boards.

Yes many cabal members portray themselves as being Jewish.

Evil people infiltrated all religions.

People should be judged by their actions, not race or religion.

Many evil cabal people hide behind the Jewish religion, like the evil pope hides behind being catholic, when they are all satanists who really love moloch, and are pretending to be a part of a religion.

It is a costume to them. They all wear costumes, hiding their true intentions.

Many wear costumes and pretend to be good people running good charities.

One thing i think the people in the evil cabal have in common, is they are all actors.

Acting like they are good, acting like they are smart, acting like they really care about children.

Which is why Hollywood was their creation, and a place to hone their lying skills and the craft of bullshit.

It is something that i imagine would be a essential part of their childhood training.

All children and cabal members are coached on how to act like a normal human with feelings( pretend they care) How to maintain your profile/job/career, and fool how people look upon you.

So besides learning their stupid evil religion and cult crap, they also learn how to hide among us, and probably how to manipulate people, etc

They infiltrate many religions so they can control and destroy it's meaning from the inside, or pervert it's intentions.

I don't care if they are Christian,Jewish, atheist, Budda, Hindu Muslim.

if they commit crimes and are evil, then they should serve their much deserved justice.

c04cee  No.3290240

File: 115e26e2fd1149f⋯.png (83.44 KB, 965x774, 965:774, Capture.PNG)

File: 8e6cf0b58cdaf87⋯.png (52.54 KB, 937x503, 937:503, CaptureQ.PNG)

Q, is this the reconciliation?

75f298  No.3290241


Kekkekekkkek. Violent Janet exit left stage

26f15a  No.3290242


I speak for MILLIONS.


That is for sure.

Eat shit loser.

dbec9c  No.3290243


Judicial Watch

802eb4  No.3290244


Mueller's team is interested in Stone because of his outreach to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, whose organization released emails during the 2016 presidential campaign that U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hackers stole from the personal account of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.


e676d7  No.3290245

File: 1866a85fda0dfc3⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, yourpoint.jpg)

519a7b  No.3290246

File: b8c4d2ddd2a8da9⋯.png (228.68 KB, 452x543, 452:543, ClipboardImage.png)

4db379  No.3290247

File: 3e580cc2d268698⋯.png (20.36 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Clowns in America.png)


You SJW's are so obvious

dbec9c  No.3290248

Can we vote yet?

0a18d3  No.3290249


Same with "accidentally kill me".

If challenged: What, I didn't think he was going to actually /intentionally/ kill me.

abf60b  No.3290250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1 Oct 2018 - 3:42:31 PM



We made it public.

Operation closed and cleaned.

Coincidence post drop?

Coincidence No Name [exact 30]?

Coincidence Sen. Graham activated?

In the end, you will be 'shocked' to learn what you've 'essentially' witnessed.

Think NYC bomber 'fireworks' hours prior.



Raw footage of the explosion at Port Authority bus terminal in New York City Dec. 11, 2017. 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, a Bangladeshi national, who lived in Brooklyn and was inspired by ISIS, has been identified as the New York City bomber

0b26c9  No.3290251


KYS now.

3f7072  No.3290252


no. I am not that elderly. but. The human. mind is very different. from 1. 2. another. Obsession is a fragrance. Also a life sentence.

9462d5  No.3290253

File: 186a375b84c762c⋯.jpg (45.24 KB, 468x306, 26:17, hiterarious.jpg)

c9193d  No.3290254

File: 87d23d10d260e16⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 236x314, 118:157, 7466d3d22ce9f80da154cfd791….jpg)


Are (((you))) certain?

Did I?

Think Deeper anon!

26f15a  No.3290255


Not quite there jew.

1c0ab4  No.3290256


Stfu tard

Did you run out of crack cocaine

dbec9c  No.3290257

*Vote on Kavanaugh

ebe02b  No.3290258


NO a name

0217b7  No.3290259

File: 13da06f130e64ac⋯.png (27.19 KB, 415x215, 83:43, ClipboardImage.png)



<I don't want to accept my faggotry is shilling because I'm a fucking dumbass

the west Pa man is not JFK jr because JFK jr is dead, and is not the "Rlarp"

now gtfo and go back to reddit useless Rshills

1030e3  No.3290260


You like Trump for my ideas fool!

You like thieves and mobsters..

Wait till you see the real plans and how they help more then just the rich..


972cbc  No.3290261



07927e  No.3290262


What is happening in this country is sad, scary, and crazy. Mobacracy via MSM and Social Media has convicted someone because of an unverifiable accusation.

Really think the Democrats jumped the shark this time. There is no going back from this.

e676d7  No.3290263


mah bad…. original pic was blank. you get a KEK

26f15a  No.3290264


Cut your dick off.


8135d1  No.3290265

File: 020aac4cd5b4302⋯.png (58.97 KB, 275x183, 275:183, image.png)


The whole plot of the James Bond movie Spectre was about destroying the "Nine Eyes". Sounds REAL familiar. How in the hell did they know about it back then??? I'll be looking into the much needed replies anons. Thanks.

8ed0e0  No.3290266

5796ca  No.3290267

File: 1baf6e533f34669⋯.jpg (192.86 KB, 576x384, 3:2, SHILLS of PLENTY box one s….JPG)

File: 8fda2cd6fa5c739⋯.jpg (170.91 KB, 576x384, 3:2, [[[ SOON ]]].JPG)

File: 37a65ed18de445c⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 800x545, 160:109, SOON.jpg)

I can't wait for the Military Tribunals to begin!!!

3d2858  No.3290268


They must be total idiots to run an ad in West Virginia.

f367ff  No.3290269

Graham and Gingrich on Fox tonight seem to be prepping people for the Judge K vote to fail and POTUS re nominate him before the mid terms. Both hinted to it. If that's the plan, I'm not digging it.

4071fe  No.3290270


everyone knows jfk jr was murdered.

1030e3  No.3290271


Projection of you favorite drug??

We see whats on your mind or lack of..

Whipper johnson is Q

519a7b  No.3290272

File: 9807fa20cda276a⋯.png (119.01 KB, 900x280, 45:14, ClipboardImage.png)

07927e  No.3290273

File: ecd6893c5467876⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 425x498, 425:498, NGZ5i1a.jpg)

0b26c9  No.3290274


Why you tired of me fucking you up?

802eb4  No.3290275


9ee2f3  No.3290276

File: dd01fbdf234fb16⋯.png (335.85 KB, 1313x701, 1313:701, supreme-court-started-4-4-….png)

File: 4a84f8ec8023363⋯.png (738.2 KB, 1205x707, 1205:707, SC-returns.png)

gonna be a lot of 4-4 deadlocks

not sure what to make of the frog debate

slightly biased by pepe

4db379  No.3290277

File: 171c31a30264ae4⋯.jpg (21.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Finger in Fire and Fury.jpg)


WTF? irish/danish/german with some native american thrown in



3aeffc  No.3290278

File: 2aec828a197914e⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, pepe_pointing.png)


Agreed. It's a pack of 4 low paid shills doing their worst to make us look like pro Nazi white supremacists. Anyone condemning an entire group for any reason is a bigot or worse.

53c8b5  No.3290279

File: c1f06cfdce3ef2a⋯.png (209.03 KB, 466x450, 233:225, ClipboardImage.png)

Checking in for night watch fellas

1c0ab4  No.3290280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We will make aflb a proud homo before his wedding day to walrus josh dogg boy

b24a74  No.3290281


Was not accusing at all. Just noticed it because of the other change recently. Thank you.

19933e  No.3290282

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, alien-thisiswhy.jpg)


That's your evidence?


adedd7  No.3290283


how bout expecially. effing……..

1904a6  No.3290284

File: 869d96e18f325bb⋯.jpg (873.64 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, PepeCongregation.jpg)

Earlier tonight, oldtimer Newt Gingrich was saying that he'd been hearing from a lot of conservatives, and that he'd never seen them as angry as they are now.

Everybody see the video of the line to get into the rally in Tennessee that POTUS tweeted? Haha libs and shills, you're going to get a historic bloodbath next month.

839dd6  No.3290285

File: 7de202ff693e981⋯.jpeg (46.19 KB, 300x360, 5:6, 096E0FB9-9D9E-4C05-A6EC-2….jpeg)

e676d7  No.3290286


kek… your pic was blank until I replied. North-south… not east-west.

Get it right hippie!!

dbec9c  No.3290287

File: cbf96a711296be8⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DRAIN IT.jpg)

"Drain it!"

0c6a8b  No.3290288

Yay!!! It's Red October!!!!


Thank you!

1b61ec  No.3290289

File: fecd6b9e9878669⋯.jpg (36.12 KB, 317x503, 317:503, c72717d2703e2ffba8502e811c….jpg)

26f15a  No.3290290


Riiight. You just love animosity towards your tribe…

Uh huh…

What other revealing tells do you have for us to savor?

4071fe  No.3290291



adedd7  No.3290292


valentimes day. see ya.

53c8b5  No.3290293

Q can you send a meme one day?

3c22b8  No.3290294


Hear! Hear! And fire the faculty and replace with people with a SWORN ALLEGIANCE to the Constitution of the United States! And imprison the curriculum makers and the deans and provosts and presidents. And while you're at it, the heads of the Secret Societies and Fraternities.

de9ad0  No.3290295

File: 6cfcd8156b5cfe2⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 540x360, 3:2, 6cfcd8156b5cfe292d1b0d6774….mp4)

5ae9eb  No.3290296

File: f438d22b32a3a25⋯.png (33.92 KB, 647x267, 647:267, BSexton re Charges 10-1-18.PNG)


067bfc  No.3290297

File: aa33ed648f65c83⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 662x800, 331:400, jeblel.jpg)

File: 182a7a23dd747b4⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 662x800, 331:400, jebbushdumb.jpg)

796d21  No.3290298

File: a2a196e9f124236⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 608x477, 608:477, 1w33or.jpg)

44df69  No.3290299



I know who/what she was.

Think "Heart attacks can be deadly."


Treason, Sedition, Crimes against Humanity; still a thing before EO.

Think Kavanaugh + Graham hearing re Bodies of Law.

3f7072  No.3290300


my brian hurtz

ebe02b  No.3290301


he kicks ASS and runs the money for a HUGH program close to the POTUS's heart!

3b8808  No.3290302


Awesome Anon! Thank you!

519a7b  No.3290303

File: f217702788b5047⋯.png (165.51 KB, 1202x902, 601:451, ClipboardImage.png)

52487e  No.3290304

File: 24d95ba3378b92e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 311x311, 1:1, Jew here!.jpg)

>>3290260 Are you jew here or just mos-sad!

העורלה הזאת יודעת מי את! ללא שם: יש כריך בייקון!

לא תישא עדות שקר! לכי לבנות את המקדש שלך!

f2720f  No.3290305


At this point, that better be the case or there will be problems.

0b26c9  No.3290306


You have no idea that you are speaking with the most gentile of gentiles.

26f15a  No.3290307


I would like America to not become Brazil.


Did you have a question in there?

Or did you think that USA becoming a brown shit-hole was a winning argument?

3f7072  No.3290308


not the favorite son

e676d7  No.3290309

File: 7adfaec9b9dfd49⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 500x316, 125:79, likebutton.jpg)

1030e3  No.3290310


My grandfather fought in the war..

But who knows I was not there..

All I know is the ideas of what are recognized as nazism

Is Q

And trump stole my ideas

They are not his..

You have been fooled..

You think you are sooo superior!

How do you feel with real truth?


972cbc  No.3290311


Could of.

19f7a9  No.3290312

File: 89aba161eebdf03⋯.png (190.19 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 89aba161eebdf0378462b5f131….png)


Jews have killed hundreds of millions more than Hitler. The jew are the real sick fucks.

a9ede4  No.3290313


They knew what was coming down the pike before we did. She was an insider who would have been clued in. There might have been the beginnings of legal action against the perps even then. She knew too much and might have been considered a potential problem.

Another thing is as these people age, there's a concern senility might cause them to blab. I think that's what happened with Obama's ma or grandma, can't remember which. Only a very few will make it into full-blown dementia, the ones with a full-time in-the-know staff.

0217b7  No.3290314


are you even following what I've been saying?


I know one of you fucking shills are going to do something crazy to that man and blame it on Q, like all the other FFs to blame Q

just like all the fucking shills like you say your deluded bullshit has something to do with Q

<ddeerrrr JFK jr who is dead is Q

you are not associated with Q or the Great Awakening, you only discredit it

gtfo already shill

49a4d6  No.3290315


Vegas anon here. Phonefagging. It hs been quiet.

53c8b5  No.3290316

Yo night fags, can someone explain to me about Q's "heading to TN now" post?

4db379  No.3290317

File: 063ce7235994a4b⋯.png (610.75 KB, 552x549, 184:183, Graham Activated.PNG)


I'm going to have to take that, too.

7cb135  No.3290318

File: e5146630b080fcc⋯.jpeg (269.22 KB, 1242x797, 1242:797, 19133769-214B-469C-80E8-4….jpeg)

File: 05f0c74435d7957⋯.jpeg (422.74 KB, 1242x1069, 1242:1069, DE7BE7AB-D26B-4855-809A-E….jpeg)

Whatever next?

Sauce won’t paste sorry

75f298  No.3290319


Big James Bond fan here. Stop making them and this board much much gayer than they both are actually starting to get. Your asshole is completely faggot, this post has had anons actually switch sides to shareblue because of the absolute cringe factor in your post. For the love of reddit, lurkmoar, and please re-read all 3000+ breads before posting again, newfriend.

4d93fe  No.3290320


Pretty much this

839dd6  No.3290321

File: 789a0a22eb6f1d7⋯.jpeg (50.27 KB, 400x478, 200:239, 3DC21536-178D-48E6-A19E-8….jpeg)

067bfc  No.3290322

File: 5022bf2c1590b8f⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 612x345, 204:115, SRAANHRT1.jpg)

4bade7  No.3290323

File: c07bc04ae07cde5⋯.jpg (3.72 KB, 250x136, 125:68, 1496436017884s.jpg)


>Where the fuk is the like button??

adedd7  No.3290324


ah god. you guyses posts are too much.

e23aa0  No.3290325

File: 63b8389179d0617⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1389x666, 463:222, ClipboardImage.png)


En tout cas, Pierre Falardeau, le grand crisse de mongol, avec ses grosses bottines, était allumé en tabarnak.

Il détestait les Libéraux, ces ostie de trous de cul sales qui sont a peu près pareils aux Clintons, c'est pour ça qu'il avait le charactère de Débill Clinton dans Elvis Gratton 2, Le Miracle à Memphis. Je le manques tellement..

e676d7  No.3290326


maybe he's heading to Tennessee ??


1c0ab4  No.3290327


It's a testicle eating schumer Talmud queer

de9ad0  No.3290328


>Vegas anon here. Phonefagging. It hs been quiet.

because all the bad dudes in SA that were involved in the shooting have been dealt with already

44df69  No.3290329

File: 246e89ea640f422⋯.png (15.87 KB, 474x354, 79:59, facepalm1.png)


>makes me cut myself.

I was just telling you to get it right.

dbec9c  No.3290330

It is awfully shilly for night crew. Big day tomorrow?

53c8b5  No.3290331


go be a cunt somewhere else

26f15a  No.3290332

File: c8e0f3982a22beb⋯.jpg (63.92 KB, 620x466, 310:233, Joker3.jpg)


Too Easy.

e578d2  No.3290333

File: 983cb37f264d8f6⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 666x543, 222:181, IMG_7583.JPG)

3f7072  No.3290334


or the tanning booth. but….

e767e1  No.3290335


Does this not make the lion gay too?

53c8b5  No.3290336


anons say this every day haha

1030e3  No.3290338


All jews huh??


Your are a nazi

And uninformed

No one race or religion is all bad fool!

I can tell you my plans given to me by God were stolen by Trump

And Q

Whipper johnson

Wake you follow the many headed beast satan

d246e7  No.3290339

Don't knock fireworks

de152e  No.3290340


Ya I remember when Hussein’s grandmother died. Even msm back then thought it was strange he didn’t seem affected by it. So why do they keep Hillary and Bill around? Half the time he looks like a fish gaping.

5796ca  No.3290341

File: c087581be6c2180⋯.jpg (139.53 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Justice Brett Kavanaugh Wi….jpg)

File: ca0687983920d4c⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 507x421, 507:421, ca0687983920d4c8ed49072cf0….jpg)

File: 4712fae7c1a424a⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 960x784, 60:49, 38155475_1870172369703139_….jpg)

7cb135  No.3290342



9beb84  No.3290343


You can call me Bill, Débill

esti de tabarnak a soir j'ai rie une bonne shot

3aeffc  No.3290344


Trump typically posts "heading to <place>" before a rally. This time he did not. Rather Q posted "we are headed to TN". This was to represent that POTUS is part of, or very close to, the Q team.

adedd7  No.3290345


please clap

52487e  No.3290346

>>3290317 Still looks like a RUMP RANGER!

e676d7  No.3290347


Ahhh… you're just mad cus you're dumb.

Tomorrow will be a new day kiddo!!

519a7b  No.3290348


yes, but the cow is much gayer

53c8b5  No.3290349



7cb135  No.3290350

9baa17  No.3290351

Maybe canceled because Justice Kavanaugh will be busy; it’s just the way they are spinning it. >>3290187

75f298  No.3290352


Brazilians are white.


4bade7  No.3290353

File: 87859c3a7de8b8c⋯.jpg (2.91 KB, 125x123, 125:123, 1495837000155s.jpg)

796d21  No.3290354

File: 64bf93599ae1ec2⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 221x228, 221:228, 64bf93599ae1ec26128e33629f….jpg)

c9193d  No.3290355

File: 816c379994d0530⋯.png (112.83 KB, 500x484, 125:121, Bryan_Ferry_(Roxy_Music)_-….png)


Only (((you)))


It's bot thunk!

53c8b5  No.3290356


>I'm so smart I post on 8ch!

56862a  No.3290357


Cause they got dirt on lots of people and dont want it to come out.

26f15a  No.3290358

File: 38bb173226f1cf6⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Joker11.jpg)

File: a2602f7ea7d6806⋯.jpg (80 KB, 682x400, 341:200, Joker8.jpg)

File: 92b0dba44cb2724⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 309x162, 103:54, Joker10.jpg)

File: 98daf51a7117cc2⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 500x924, 125:231, Joker1.jpg)

File: 0759f5edfa35f22⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 206x342, 103:171, Joker5.jpg)

4071fe  No.3290359


yup. you said he was murdered.

abf60b  No.3290360


Charge a few of these false accusation fuckers and that will send gofundmes to levels never seen before.

067bfc  No.3290361

File: c7cbbb09bb064c7⋯.gif (669.73 KB, 244x130, 122:65, laughinggif.gif)


>please clap

7cb135  No.3290362



4a57ad  No.3290363

File: 02d092873dc3654⋯.png (74.17 KB, 812x1028, 203:257, 76f7d219fab306972051b10f41….png)



Trump always tweets heading to __

when heading to a rally.

Today Q posted heading to Tenn, and Trump did not.

a57b5e  No.3290364


Whether K is voted up or down, the political delicacy of the situation will have passed and there will be no further reason to hold back the declass. People will have ample reason to go to the polls either way.

53c8b5  No.3290365


old meme, still checks out kek

279326  No.3290366

File: 7a01edd71b97c5f⋯.png (865.37 KB, 694x822, 347:411, Nadler-Waters hell.png)



Can you freaking imagine Nadler & Mad Max in charge of Oversight and Banking? FFS

vote, Vote, VOTE in November!!!!

If THAT is not enough to get people out to vote, I don't know what would be!

519a7b  No.3290367

File: c4c3483bad4e46d⋯.png (178.31 KB, 580x427, 580:427, ClipboardImage.png)

dbec9c  No.3290368

Does Kavanaugh not have any neighbors that call the cop on the people destroying his house?

c07d74  No.3290369

File: bf200ced315618d⋯.png (46.04 KB, 662x770, 331:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d35094bd56167f⋯.png (42.68 KB, 656x650, 328:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b51024da7831b09⋯.png (10.93 KB, 649x152, 649:152, ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris Presents Letter Claiming Kavanaugh & Friend Repeatedly Raped ‘Jane Doe’ in Car

The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh last Wednesday regarding a letter delivered to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) in which an anonymous woman claims she was repeatedly raped by the judge without providing any details to investigate.

According to committee transcripts released Sunday, the accuser, who signed the mysterious letter as “Jane Doe,” alleges Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times” after giving her a lift home from a party — making no attempt to claim a time or place for the lurid story.

The accuser claims Kavanaugh groped her, slapped her, and force her to perform sexual acts. “They forced me to go into the backseat and took 2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off 3 two blocks from my home,” the accuser wrote, claiming the pair told her, “No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl.”

The letter, marked with the word “urgent,” did not include a return address, nor did it offer clues regarding the accuser’s background. “A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me” if I reveal the incident, the accuser wrote, prompting observers to speculate the sender could be a minority.

The accusation was met with a vehement denial from Kavanaugh, who characterized the allegation as nothing short of “ridiculous.”

“Nothing ever – anything like that, nothing,” the Supreme Court nominee told senators concerning the accusation. “I mean, that’s – the whole thing is just a crock, farce, wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”


8a8670  No.3290370


Reminder that the ACLU was founded by a communist for the sole purpose of undermining the US by pushing our freedom to absurdity, and then implementing a dictatorship.

53c8b5  No.3290371

so if kavanaugh doesnt get in do we all just go home?

2bf098  No.3290372

File: e11fedfe43424cd⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 666x617, 666:617, BO-MO-RED.jpg)

>>3289870 l.b.


0217b7  No.3290373

File: 2ebfdeb4fa50ae5⋯.png (8.7 MB, 4907x2572, 4907:2572, onthewaysidebyside.png)






just finished this up

POTUS always says on my way to where his rally is

He didn't , Q DID THIS TIME

you'll notice from my graphic POTUS always follows up with a thanks you, did this time too

pretty cool thing they set up actually

0a18d3  No.3290374


And more significantly, POTUS did NOT post that.

("Here, Q, why don't you post that this time and give the anons something to talk about?")

e676d7  No.3290375


I'm smart bc my mom says I am fuker!!

07927e  No.3290376



gofundme would be an accomplice, no?

26f15a  No.3290377


Except for the ones that are not white.

Cool story nigger.

519a7b  No.3290378

File: a0aad835d077c52⋯.png (51.12 KB, 450x337, 450:337, ClipboardImage.png)

716338  No.3290379


Not his house.

da6309  No.3290380

File: b90a1e4424cdb35⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 387x695, 387:695, benrush.jpg)

File: 5be1b9a1f096df7⋯.jpg (111.88 KB, 393x698, 393:698, changeface.jpg)

File: b8b6aa1fcba2bb3⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 397x727, 397:727, powerjaws.jpg)

52487e  No.3290381

File: e1cf819fa44f662⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, HALFNHALF.jpg)

e391ee  No.3290382

File: 1468eb48e1c821a⋯.png (16.52 KB, 634x247, 634:247, Screenshot_2018-10-01 Shan….png)


Clown nigger down. Shoulda kept his cover instead of swinging his dick everywhere like a monkey.

dbec9c  No.3290383


Thank you.

9ba322  No.3290384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Trump Says Muslim Immigrant Ban Needed"

0217b7  No.3290385


you know those shills think JFK JR is some guy from PA and is Q right?

75f298  No.3290386


>>is pissed they describe the movement like a cult

>>won’t post sauce to let anons read it and think for themselves

Your argument, sir!! It’s been completely destroyed!

4071fe  No.3290387



1030e3  No.3290388


Russian mob is here

Nazism is here

Chicago mob

Curropt police that call them selves the punishers



You want to be on their side??

No one said be on the side of the evil cabal

Or any other group of evil

Stop being fooled!!

They all work together to


To pull you away from GOD, me

Better wake up!!

Stop looking foolish!

3f7072  No.3290389


he might mean that the ones that are high society are from European decent. but im not certain

79a422  No.3290390

File: d1f1190925d5f64⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 02D8ADAC-8996-4A65-B51E-C9….png)


Nextdoor is the place for fireworksfags

dbec9c  No.3290391


That's not a word

df412b  No.3290392

File: 2502c3d32834cb3⋯.jpeg (36.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 29253599-E7C5-41C4-9506-A….jpeg)

Jared Cohen

44df69  No.3290393


Libtards got nothin'!

b7a9c7  No.3290394

File: 4b5b943700f08d5⋯.png (100.14 KB, 500x442, 250:221, america-fuck-yeah-quickmem….png)

File: a869877dc6be25b⋯.png (89.98 KB, 500x397, 500:397, america-fuck-yeah-memes-co….png)

File: 59b8ec5592befc9⋯.png (439.55 KB, 624x468, 4:3, 525.png)

File: 6de67d3bb4bd2e8⋯.jpg (29.12 KB, 500x400, 5:4, america-fuck_20yeah.jpg)

>>3285957 (pb)

>Allow us to carry this heavy burden.

You may as well use all that anti-gravitic technology for something.

**And while you're at it, how's about you SMS the cure for cancer to that guy? It might cheer him up some while he waits around for the bionic legs.

Any day now. Trust The Plan.**

75f298  No.3290396


Irregardless, your a total moran.

4d93fe  No.3290397

File: 99693b2613eca64⋯.gif (3.78 MB, 356x356, 1:1, 6c1b2caea3b90bbf5a745697c9….gif)

974ae1  No.3290398


did he do something wrong?

0b26c9  No.3290399


No such word. Irregardless.

3573a7  No.3290400

File: 05b4e6398bee2ac⋯.jpg (130.2 KB, 483x666, 161:222, Screenshot_20181002-002815….jpg)

Another fun picture from the Tennessee rally tonight, courtesy of potus's Twitter. Wonder who these guys are looking at, it sure not the stage.

e23aa0  No.3290401

File: 83ebe6a0403e119⋯.png (923.9 KB, 670x789, 670:789, ClipboardImage.png)

5796ca  No.3290402

File: 28c76afc84f11c0⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 40198860_10211877323154052….jpg)

File: fc7cc1ab640a125⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB, 470x705, 2:3, fc7cc1ab640a125d47c8d9be9….jpeg)

File: 3947cf114fab6b5⋯.png (63.31 KB, 500x479, 500:479, rot in hell pedo parasite.png)

File: 0f788f5a76b582a⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 576x384, 3:2, google noose os.JPG)

File: a19ed1dd72a15bf⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 576x384, 3:2, pedodeathpenalty.jpg)

4071fe  No.3290403


yea been watching them try so (not) hard for a while now.

75f298  No.3290404

19933e  No.3290405

File: d08c33caeac6009⋯.png (140.48 KB, 1108x526, 554:263, shill response.png)




Hey fucker, I see you responded but with my nifty little JS I can no longer see your (15++) posts. Love how that works.

Being imaginative I worked around it to see how you responded to me. Sigh

You divulged yourself as a $14.50 shill. Is it really worth it?

Karma's a bitch. You will soon find out.

Tables are turned asshole. Felz good man!

e676d7  No.3290406

File: 1bc36f9ce84d50f⋯.jpg (128.49 KB, 970x545, 194:109, sad porg.jpg)


you said the "N" word…

1c0ab4  No.3290407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

abf60b  No.3290408

File: 0afb83c8e1727a1⋯.png (432.36 KB, 610x309, 610:309, good jews.png)

56862a  No.3290409

File: d5246897875fa9b⋯.jpg (35.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pol.jpg)

This fucking place got boring as shit.

067bfc  No.3290410

File: 86a2bc1da847ec6⋯.png (16.06 KB, 170x255, 2:3, bobdobbs.png)


>Stop looking foolish!

Nah, I'm good. kek

c07d74  No.3290411

File: 00b80c730d2af35⋯.png (682.48 KB, 523x613, 523:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84d49b8fa17b4fd⋯.png (14.38 KB, 501x251, 501:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Father of Parkland Victim to Alyssa Milano: Quit Blaming NRA for My Daughter’s Death

Andrew Pollack, father of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting victim Meadow Pollack, wants Alyssa Milano to learn her facts and quit blaming the NRA for the February 14, 2018, shooting.

Blaming the NRA for the Parkland school shooting was immediately in vogue once news of the horrific incident was reported. Alyssa Milano took numerous opportunities to call out the NRA in the months after the shooting, including the run-up to the August 4, 2018, “March on NRA” event in Fairfax, Virginia:

Milano is also a member of the No Rifle Association Initiative, an organization launched to defeat the NRA.

On October 1, Pollack sent a tweet with the intent of letting Milano know the NRA has no blame in his daughter’s death:

On April 30, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Pollack filed a wrongful death lawsuit against former Broward County deputy Scot Peterson.

Breitbart News reported that surveillance video from outside the specific classroom building in which the attack occurred appears to show Peterson standing there while the shooting took place inside. Broward County Sheriff Scott Isreal said Peterson arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s Building 12 roughly 90 seconds after the attack began and allegedly waited outside until the attack ended some four and a half minutes later.


26f15a  No.3290412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Spoiler Alert

They are all niggers

839dd6  No.3290413

File: 616339ba7c2c154⋯.jpeg (61.29 KB, 470x353, 470:353, A5B02911-DA45-46D7-85EE-8….jpeg)

1030e3  No.3290414


No I would win in a fight trust me..

Against anyone..

2bf098  No.3290415

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.jpg (275.08 KB, 496x489, 496:489, LV-

Always remember.

0b26c9  No.3290416


No, you're the total moron.

1d9bff  No.3290417


I will say this again, there is fuckery going on with this crash. 1. Do you see a runway less that 500 feet away?

2. Earlier article mentioned that all passengers and crew were accounted for and taken to hospital.

3. US Navy participation in rescue was announced later. Do you see any US Navy boats in the picture?

4. Flightradar24 track shows aircraft ascending to 40,000' (short trip for that) and track stops mid-flight.

Sauce in previous bread.

4071fe  No.3290418


we know. that's why we posted it. goes with other words and phrases which do not exist. i mean, supposably i could of cared less.

9beb84  No.3290419



get the fuck back to reddit faggot

we don't reply to shills here.

e676d7  No.3290420



810880  No.3290421



Ian Fleming served in British Naval Intelligence during WWII, he worked in the newspaper business managing foreign correspondents post-war, his father was a member of parliament, his family's wealth came from banking.

1030e3  No.3290422


No you are evil

26f15a  No.3290423


"N"ot White

4bade7  No.3290424

File: 79b8f0f7a94dcf3⋯.jpeg (15.42 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 2e688d5fced0842513ebed43c….jpeg)


regardless you fucking retard

regardless is a word

irregarless should show up in spellchek

0a18d3  No.3290425


I can't believe this is the only one that triggered anons.

75f298  No.3290426


“Racist” is the N-word for white people

1c0ab4  No.3290427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0b26c9  No.3290428

839dd6  No.3290429


19f7a9  No.3290430


I'm past any ideology, I just see facts as they are. Nazism is an ideology I don't follow and that I do not agree with. Judaism is a religion of subversion, perversion and control, just as any other extremist ideology. If you see it with a 40,000ft view, Islam is not that different from Zionism, but Islam requires a high % of muslim population in order to subvert, Zionism requires only a small % of jews in order to subvert via control in the highest aspects of a society.

>I can tell you my plans given to me by God were stolen by Trump

You are delusional. Go have your head checked.

fb2f12  No.3290431


The K confirmation and subsequent investigations will do far more to energize the base than the declas. Without the K confirmation much of the base will get frustrated and stay home. Why vote if having both houses and the presidency cant get a boy scout like Kav confirmed? The declas is stuff Trump supporters have already known for a long time, and it will be too esoteric for armchair independents to grasp. And the media will bury it. No, Kav confirmation is crucial. Q said we had it. If he doesn't come through bad things will happen.

b7a9c7  No.3290432




>That's not a word


The absolute state of /qresearch/.

dbec9c  No.3290433

Do dems not understand that they have already lost? They are acting like they think there is anything they can do to stop what is happening to them.

4a57ad  No.3290434

File: ee6b0cd6714ff1b⋯.jpg (119.87 KB, 500x625, 4:5, These people are sick, The….jpg)

File: 17130ecda610e64⋯.jpg (127.56 KB, 500x625, 4:5, These people are sick, The….jpg)

File: 34aab90fa780225⋯.jpg (119.19 KB, 500x625, 4:5, These people are sick, The….jpg)

File: debc49b3f49f489⋯.jpg (135.23 KB, 500x625, 4:5, These people are Sick, The….jpg)

4071fe  No.3290435


haha! oh if i would of known now what i knew then

0217b7  No.3290436


Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3290060, >>3290073, >>3290076 BREAKING: Explosion at Las Vegas memorial site reported

>>3290173 Almost 1/2 million dollars in Justice K's GoFundMe

>>3290171 Missing grenades and a machine gun from a military base

>>3290229 Tupac Alive?

>>3290411 Father of Parkland Victim to Alyssa Milano: Quit Blaming NRA for My Daughter’s Death


2310d1  No.3290437


aint nobody got time fo dat

19933e  No.3290438


I feel sorry for ya.

Not really

44df69  No.3290439

File: 3b2b82ca9eaea3e⋯.png (279.28 KB, 1063x1600, 1063:1600, raisedhands.png)

067bfc  No.3290440

File: ffa170e38de70b4⋯.png (341.86 KB, 692x452, 173:113, jewsplaining.PNG)


>No you are evil

how could (((you))) possibly know that? from a few random posts on an imageboard?

sounds like <pic related

4a57ad  No.3290441

File: 110524e847de28f⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 500x625, 4:5, These people are sick, The….jpg)

File: 0b0158388332f49⋯.jpg (99.83 KB, 500x625, 4:5, These people are sick, The….jpg)

File: 148a3400c0e0933⋯.jpg (131.16 KB, 800x500, 8:5, These people are sick, the….jpg)

4d93fe  No.3290442


trannies can fight? thats a new one

a57b5e  No.3290443


It's the Daily Star. So it MUST be true. /sarcasm

0217b7  No.3290444



muh post count



839dd6  No.3290445


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little faggot? I'll have you know I am the HIGHEST RANKING ANON here. I graduated top of my class in 8-Chan Memetic Warfare School, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Facebook and Twitter, and I have over 300 confirmed "Likes" and/or "Shares". I am trained in gorilla-kitchen warfare and I'm the top Baker in all of the armed forces around the world. You are nothing to me but just another doughboy. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Anons across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed meme warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Meme Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

3aeffc  No.3290446

File: 18f1d13eebcce2f⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, unnamed(5).jpg)


Nice try. You use quotes but he never says "Muslim ban". Do you work for CNN?

He called for a ban of "areas of the world where there is proven history of terrorism against United States and its allies". These areas happen to be majority Muslim, but the fact is he did not ask for a ban on all Muslim countries. There were quite a few still open for travel.

0c2dd4  No.3290447

File: 3ca7b52e9e10b2f⋯.jpg (62.27 KB, 400x428, 100:107, iDressedMyselfTodayLel.jpg)

b5355e  No.3290448



Handoff Confirmed

Got your notables into the original dough. No need for an updated dough. I was catching up on notables and some IRL stuff.

I never saw BO/BV check, but I'm usually here around this time…

4071fe  No.3290449


we got your back baker as always

1b61ec  No.3290450

File: ebad3752b3dacc2⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 513x322, 513:322, the_grammar_gun_by_industr….jpg)

e767e1  No.3290451


I ain't got "NO" time for that.

1030e3  No.3290452


No I speak the truth I sent the plans to trump

Border wall in 2015 twitter

Tax plan a week after he stated no other plans

When he thought there were several options availble when he would take office..

I can go on all day

On all the plans he has had..

Not his



You are lied to

And misinformed sheep

Following trump a head of the dragon satan

5e7a27  No.3290453

We need some what happened to the RUSSIAN COLLUSION?!?!! memes

ebe02b  No.3290454


look at posts and dig.

simple stuff here fren…go DIG

I like this one too:


a0cf27  No.3290455

File: cbe5a435c518b10⋯.jpg (135.16 KB, 1000x483, 1000:483, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….jpg)

Not a planefag but TEAM 17 looks interesting.

4071fe  No.3290456

de152e  No.3290457


Kinda like thrashing around in the middle of the ocean with sharks circling around.

7c83d9  No.3290458

File: 347484afe066f72⋯.png (910.91 KB, 2091x3347, 2091:3347, Reverse-Text-Testing-for M….png)

REGARDING – Q No. 308 — Post 2297

Here's a simple way to use as "Short term" fix for MEMEs to

"POSSIBLY" beat Twtr Character Recognition (OCR)…

Tested with Acrobat Pro 9 OCR …

Acrobat allowed "Select" of Reversed Text - and COPY

but the Paste into MS Word 2016 - Failed to show any WORDS!

All "reverse" Text Effect / Properties are in Graphic along with Testing results.

May work as Short Term "fix" while it Confuses OCR and

gives 3 lines of Readable Shadow!

Using a MIRROR approach w / SHADOW to trick Twtr and DeepState "Shadow" Gov!!!

f5f6f1  No.3290459

Anyone hear of Aug Tellez or have an opinion on him?

75f298  No.3290460


Anyone that says that is ALWAYS a weak pathetic faggot.


3087c2  No.3290461


Lindsey Graham already talking about possibility of Kav not being confirmed…

He said if that happens, Trump needs to re-nominate Kav and then let voters decide.

7cb135  No.3290462


Sorry anon I copied but it wouldn’t paste for some reason. Look up the dailystar Uk

067bfc  No.3290463

File: 9ae4bb1bf1f770a⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, pepecameljoe.jpg)


>muh post count

what about it? seems normal to me. kek

5796ca  No.3290464

File: cf41e7c9166f125⋯.jpg (223.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, cf41e7c9166f1257b034ea819a….jpg)

File: ca059bfc3e0299b⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 900x750, 6:5, 02995d05250.jpg)

File: 0fa7def74eb96ea⋯.jpg (85.79 KB, 960x539, 960:539, 40361916_10211888922964040….jpg)

File: 18701d7d1d4d18a⋯.jpg (100.35 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 40164722_10211877274832844….jpg)

File: 6aaee7314ce8a67⋯.jpg (149.05 KB, 408x528, 17:22, the world is watching enjo….JPG)

d0eb6a  No.3290465

Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Net4TruthUSA 156 - Deep State tries Wetwork on POTUS in White House - see CORRECTION in description


1030e3  No.3290467


Based on how you respond..

Thats how..

Be good and kind

Its not to late

I hope

26f15a  No.3290468


How dare you say ALL JEWS and not MOST JEWS!!!

>>you see how the jews lie yet?

e676d7  No.3290469


hey fuktard… stop hitting the "enter" button every time you have a new thought kiddo. Reads like shit newfag.

9ba322  No.3290470


good lord shills are fucking stupid tonight.

6b9301  No.3290471

It's Red October

That means the Storm is upon us

Anons did you see the White House earlier

Red Castle

This will be a week to remember

8883b7  No.3290472


I Kekked tears

26ffc6  No.3290473



802eb4  No.3290474


you are now. good eye!

e08b65  No.3290475

File: dd0ad0e6de5353a⋯.png (794.92 KB, 1552x639, 1552:639, 23897327065417932689681580….png)

File: fd518e938761731⋯.png (748.19 KB, 1553x634, 1553:634, 45878700168932013278936982….png)

File: 551200fc72ea6ac⋯.png (780.6 KB, 1559x634, 1559:634, 66000000783212109517892896….png)

185151  No.3290476


And this is probably all from normal citizens. Where Fords is probably partly from citizens and mostly glowing faggots.

75f298  No.3290478


Kek thought that was another anon. I read it as “I won’t paste sauce”. Sorry anon, plz no bully

4bade7  No.3290479

File: 37ad5291bc6c698⋯.jpg (2.43 KB, 90x125, 18:25, 1496427835001s.jpg)


you saged a post?

A reddit post at that


5796ca  No.3290480

File: 8da5211b9d69f68⋯.jpg (120.81 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Red October Donald Trump I….JPG)

eee39b  No.3290481


Dat ain't no word.

9ba322  No.3290482


it's the name of the video you dumbfuck. read.

4071fe  No.3290483


the crown jewel is a preposition followed by "he and I" hussein always did that illiterate shit. "I" is so overly important to these people they can't even correctly use "me" in proper sentence structure.

1030e3  No.3290484


Never lost a fight and I have been in plenty

Defending myself and family/friends

Ill post a video soon

Better ask somebody

e23aa0  No.3290485

File: 494e8a99d157a16⋯.jpg (153.34 KB, 730x792, 365:396, pizza1.jpg)


He only named the 7 countries that Hilldawg & No Name fuckulated for oil, gold and Greater Israel.

1b61ec  No.3290486

File: c5daa7a1b640019⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 749x590, 749:590, iur (1).jpg)

75f298  No.3290487


Kek thought that was another anon. I read it as “I won’t paste sauce”. Sorry anon, plz no bully

c41dd8  No.3290488



Live From Las Vegas | Mandalay Bay Foundation Room

Live streamer talking and currently there are some police cars.

1030e3  No.3290489


You have bench 545lbs

On hammer strength

3 sets


59dea1  No.3290490

File: 4bb91ed08bc5271⋯.png (6.1 KB, 487x202, 487:202, 47.png)

File: a5bd17ae8aca89f⋯.png (680.33 KB, 2057x1041, 2057:1041, Assymetric Q shirt smuggli….png)

44df69  No.3290491

File: 8a09ab1ce7d7201⋯.png (369.94 KB, 623x318, 623:318, fuckoff.png)


It's a reddit homo.


Hey reddit homo, pic related.

3aeffc  No.3290492


I'm a shill? Nice projection shill.

You're the idiot posting that Trump called for a Muslim ban while attempting to attribute an exact quote. Even posting Youtube video that doesn't corroborate your retarded position.

Why don't you collect your minimum wage for shilling and GTFO.

75f298  No.3290493


Very cool, you must be sooper tuff

e676d7  No.3290494


Tip your waitress, I'll be here all week.

067bfc  No.3290495

File: 71f1cff75ef8732⋯.png (520.4 KB, 467x600, 467:600, pepeblacksmirth.png)

>>3290433 chekek'd

>Do dems not understand that they have already lost? They are acting like they think there is anything they can do to stop what is happening to them.

Delay, delay, delay…that's all they can do.

Panic fer sher.

Oddly enough we're here to mock them the whole way thru. KEK!

6b9301  No.3290496

What in the world was Rosenstein thinking

He has officially lost his mind

How does he not know that Q team put him in the killbox months ago

Jeff Flake must be a moron too

You don't fuck with Q team and live to tell the tale

495fa7  No.3290497

File: 428988c3a53c13c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1028x1932, 257:483, Q-POSTS-comparing-me-to-Re….png)

from Rally in TN

Q+ Posts

>youtube video → Reagan - Peace Through Strength

2 HOURS (and 2 minutes) LATER

POTUS mentions REGAN in TN at rally

>'They were always comparing me to Ronald Reagan'

c41dd8  No.3290498


Also, a lot of talking and some music in the background currently.

2e80f3  No.3290499

As crazy as it sounds, Tupac alive in Cuba better explains Kanye flipping for Trump after a meet up and given proof of life rather than Kanye just flipping for Trump. Nobody has really understood Kanye flipping. I'll keep that suggestion open.

8135d1  No.3290500

File: 5212f51055568fe⋯.png (157.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, image.png)


You sound really nervous. Is it the 9 eyes/ FVYE connection you don't like?

0217b7  No.3290501


well take this: https://pastebin.com/WyVtsA2w

see: >>3290136

it was made not-red a few bread back and I just changed it back

HANDOFF CONFIRMED, thanks baker, pretty tired now


5:5 anon

I swear, since the altMSM and MSM think Q has something to do with their shilling, if they do something to that normal guy from PA, we get blamed

so I call them out when I can (kek thought I was off duty and shitposted a bit too much)

but could care less really


when I'm tired, I shitpost/bantz

and I'm tired

3f642e  No.3290502

File: 3453b2344480270⋯.jpeg (798.69 KB, 1242x1214, 621:607, B5863D71-1B5A-4681-942A-8….jpeg)

adedd7  No.3290503


Look at POTUS backing up Kav today. These are MEN. I often say 'when men were men'. Well, think we have our Men back.

b873fe  No.3290504

File: a6d4add37fc90b0⋯.png (340.74 KB, 621x672, 207:224, ClipboardImage.png)


5ae9eb  No.3290505


>Lindsey Graham already talking about possibility of Kav not being confirmed…

That is the glass half empty interpretation

He was very assured and I read his comments as more of a warning to the cabal

As in, hahahahahahahaah

You lose no matter what

2310d1  No.3290506





974ae1  No.3290507

File: 4c824cd421c0b55⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1226x1071, 1226:1071, ClipboardImage.png)

anons, thinking about remodeling my kitchen. any good suggestions? kind of on a budget though.

d51ca2  No.3290508

File: 6417392676810f7⋯.png (125.37 KB, 632x367, 632:367, mask.png)

dbec9c  No.3290509

As much as this entertaining as this crazy pre-midterms/SC Justice phase has been I am sooooo ready for midterms to be over so the real show can get back on track.

1030e3  No.3290510


I out think you

Dont be jealous..

Thats why they steal billions of ideas from me..

Fools and sheep dont get it yet..

Its like speaking to brain washed non thinkers

I have proof

139e33  No.3290511


Noice but would you please make the file size smaller, it's huge.

01d272  No.3290512


The Ray Liotta one is my fav

3aeffc  No.3290513


LOL. Who cares if it's the name of the video imbecile. If you are going to source it then you should know what it even says. Do you have an agenda or just 0 critical thinking skills?

Also, good job replying to my post twice to make it look like you have a friend.

08d864  No.3290514


Anyone vs. Always.

Both absolute.

Both suspect.

26f15a  No.3290515

Anybody starting to see how the jews argue?

Anybody starting to see that they describe anything and everything critical of jews and only jews as "EVIL"?

Keep in mind you may be against BUSH or CLINTON or whatever…


What a tough nut to crack right?

01d272  No.3290517

File: e6bfb9e6c7ab78f⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 483x700, 69:100, redhead-women.jpg)

44df69  No.3290518


>"I" is so overly important to these people



4071fe  No.3290519


we stand at the ready

75f298  No.3290520


No just the fagging up of James Bond. He was never meant to have such gay posts written about him.

Sauce: I am Ian Fleming’s son.

52487e  No.3290521

>>3290507 Win the lottery!

Ask Q for the numbers!

9ba322  No.3290522

File: a52324587b506bf⋯.png (208.3 KB, 469x452, 469:452, a52324587b506bf4b15a6a50b8….png)



>it's the name of the video you dumbfuck. read.

3087c2  No.3290523



I took it more that Kav will be on the court before this is over.

dbec9c  No.3290524


You have a lot of ladles.

e08b65  No.3290525

File: 63124fa332a5982⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 21987450908575687432327873….png)

File: 06ba9ff7d2593bb⋯.png (1.39 MB, 940x823, 940:823, 12326392703657901706334325….png)

4071fe  No.3290526


bingo. that projection is tantamount to that need for symbolism

a57b5e  No.3290527


He'll be there Monday.

e767e1  No.3290528


A grammar war. They should just go back to posting tits.

4db379  No.3290529

File: 6693862d58cbd25⋯.jpg (81.31 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 5 by 5 Alien Style.jpg)


Seriously. Some linguists, most likely w tits, are trying to drag the board down.

STFU and get back to work patriots!

9462d5  No.3290530

File: 6be5f0f2d266d37⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 302x303, 302:303, sour puss kid.jpg)

e676d7  No.3290531


your front hole has been compromised faggot

9ba322  No.3290532


filtered shill.

5796ca  No.3290533

File: 52840c3d2871d71⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 30741101_10211063808816702….jpg)

File: d04a97228f99c47⋯.jpg (90.45 KB, 528x408, 22:17, elmo knive.JPG)

File: fc121ef1301ab70⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 528x408, 22:17, oscar scrap metal.JPG)

File: e1b04384016441b⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 528x408, 22:17, kermit and fully auto mati….JPG)

File: 4a1a1e58731152a⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 528x408, 22:17, shock and awww thats fucki….JPG)

26f15a  No.3290534


Found the nervous jew not on the Q team.

Hi Jew!

46b5b0  No.3290535


We'd be happy to remember if someone would tell everyone WTF actually happened!!!!

de9024  No.3290536


My grandfather was in the war too.

Pilot and bombardier.

He warned me of the insidious, liberal lie of socialism

1030e3  No.3290537


ONly when I have to be..

I dont like it though


Some only want to listen when you have to explain things this way


Open your ears listen with you brain

Or be sheep

You love trump he stole my ideas

Made $$$

And only used parts for self greed and fame

Or to help his rich friends

Thats what you want!?

Be a fool then

26ffc6  No.3290538

File: d148e5fd6947264⋯.png (93.81 KB, 380x214, 190:107, 49b9ff57d29aa980f5e302874d….png)

8de33f  No.3290539

File: b88e9b8966e1103⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1024x685, 1024:685, b88e9b8966e110325314032480….png)

c9193d  No.3290540

File: 46d0edeaacc61c2⋯.gif (1011.57 KB, 500x655, 100:131, tumblr_msh60tTLLo1qap9uuo1….gif)


The Sub-Genius



902d06  No.3290541


I'm thinking of a scene in Pulp Fiction as I go left to right…

0b26c9  No.3290542


So, only fems care about language and grammar?

52487e  No.3290543

>>3290531 It's freddy's retard brother!

e767e1  No.3290544


Jesus wept, spoiler that shit you fucker.

e676d7  No.3290545


you're a fukin douchebag.

d51ca2  No.3290546

File: 4167b4f9634bf88⋯.jpg (955.31 KB, 4378x3011, 4378:3011, gettyimages-542467514-1466….jpg)



seems like a nice enough guy

d0eb6a  No.3290547


It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month….Pink


47ec3a  No.3290548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guise, listen to these lyrics… really talking about our movement. We ARE someone to hate, to these douchbags. I love this band. We ARE hunting demons, after all…

1030e3  No.3290549


Thats the best you got sheep?

Why not really help all people

Or are you the rich mans


0c2dd4  No.3290550


You live in a Tijuana abortion clinic?

6b9301  No.3290551

Anons did you see the White House earlier

It was completely lit with Red lights because it's officially Red October

Anons this is the moment we've all been preparing for

The Democrats are finished

01d272  No.3290552

File: 41324572511965e⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 183x275, 183:275, redhead-women2.jpg)


Different strokes for different…fuck it.

You'd nail either one of them.

d7cc80  No.3290553

One by one they will fall. The Deep State will be no more

3aeffc  No.3290554


I see, you're not a shill. You are anti-Trump without being able to explain your position or give credible evidence to your argument. I'm sorry you were let down in our public school system K-12, if you even made it that far.

c41dd8  No.3290555


There is a human chain around where the mass shooting happened..hmm

59dea1  No.3290556



Who let the school teacher in?


fags suck!

2bf098  No.3290557

File: ce5c908a5e86218⋯.png (69.82 KB, 498x364, 249:182, BO-9.11.18.png)


Well played, White House.

4d93fe  No.3290558


3 cheers

839dd6  No.3290559

File: 655340ec3bd7105⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB, 654x337, 654:337, D9CE91C3-0A1F-45B5-ABD7-D….jpeg)

b873fe  No.3290560


I thought it was fun didn't you?

a57b5e  No.3290561



Whoever knew hog manure was so flammable?

75f298  No.3290562



e08b65  No.3290563

File: 8a49cce7c8daa46⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21783784204707646486873187….png)

File: 98be5c0ba3966b8⋯.png (1.49 MB, 942x834, 157:139, 32037654069133542231343789….png)

File: 63124fa332a5982⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 21987450908575687432327873….png)

4db379  No.3290564

File: bcc0a0e26b4e03f⋯.png (368.78 KB, 641x390, 641:390, Don't Make me Beat You.PNG)


On qresearch? YES BITCH

26f15a  No.3290565


Cool story.

You spent your entire life promoting it.

Equality. Anti Racism. Etc

Your grandfather probably raped a german girl.

Sorry but that is probably the truth.

Otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation.




46b5b0  No.3290566


I'm still wonder how in the fuck anyone was supposed to believe the Ford who showed up to testify was either A) "a brilliant professor" or B) a professor at all.

e676d7  No.3290568


I'm going to fuk you in every hole GOD GAVE YOU you little fuking faggot. Come to where I live, I FUKIN DARE YOU

75f298  No.3290570


Second gayest post on this board. After the James Bond poster.

4b8192  No.3290571

File: 5b9d03c5417439f⋯.png (276.87 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 4d48a211.png)

839dd6  No.3290572

File: c6c4f3acc962d97⋯.jpeg (98.98 KB, 960x954, 160:159, 516F7576-917D-41EA-A846-3….jpeg)

974ae1  No.3290573


not exactly as it once was, but close to the border river. my new fishing rod is on the counter.

very happy.

902d06  No.3290574

File: 231e931ac21e45b⋯.png (135.1 KB, 798x561, 266:187, Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at ….png)

File: 2bba59fc4b38397⋯.png (474.38 KB, 473x628, 473:628, Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at ….png)

Dems staying classy

Staffer for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate is FIRED for old tweet calling for the president's execution and wearing an anti-Trump shirt

Manny Orozco-Ballestas has been fired from his role as youth outreach staffer for Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who is running for Florida governor

He was hired less than two weeks ago but has come under fire for old posts

His tweets from 2012 and 2013 reveal derogatory messages towards women

In 2013 he tweeted Trump saying: 'You need to be executed'

Last year he posed in a sweater depicting the 2016 electoral map, where blue states were deemed 'USA' and red states were called 'Dumbf***istan'

By Saturday his Twitter account was deleted and his termination announced

Orozco-Ballestas released a statement apologizing for actions


2e80f3  No.3290575

I don't think fusca looks like jk, match fusca with Tupac and see how it looks.

4071fe  No.3290577


putting all pizzagate events leading up to Q drops on an interactive timeline but i do have time to break for a little fellowship and edification fren. we all do this from time to time. please give some bod where warranted.

5796ca  No.3290578

File: c31eace7e16a41c⋯.jpg (166.79 KB, 384x576, 2:3, gab elmo spy.JPG)

File: 2d9158c61b7d553⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 37075462_10211583337684599….jpg)

1030e3  No.3290579


Maybe stop generalizing

And think of people as individuals

Parties dont make good or bad

Race or religion dont make good or bad

We can all be good and kind

We can all build heaven together here!

You dont believe that??

I have the real plans

Or let satan and his heads steal and enslave worse then it already is

You like biff I see

19933e  No.3290580


Nose is totally different.

8599bf  No.3290581

File: ac8410fa8d04f74⋯.png (595.71 KB, 596x805, 596:805, callmeanazi.png)

File: 963e6a6310df204⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1348x2760, 337:690, propaganda.png)

File: 5b080ff20b3d4d5⋯.jpeg (208.67 KB, 750x750, 1:1, holohoax.jpeg)

File: 7477157b8bc099a⋯.jpg (368.02 KB, 942x750, 157:125, muhdeathcamps.jpg)

File: 317d529a7902a4d⋯.jpg (268.1 KB, 1521x777, 507:259, muh6million.jpg)

e08b65  No.3290582

File: 6722baa30d2b62e⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1690x932, 845:466, 10649789692783637859008219….png)

File: 76560db87e7b334⋯.png (1.04 MB, 654x865, 654:865, 33917801981209684019864328….png)

4b8192  No.3290583

File: f46ef93d0cc9c8b⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 642x523, 642:523, Dio4YNXWkAIJvrP.jpg)

File: 1d9becc617f00e0⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 694x521, 694:521, 05ykyq5wl3k11.jpg)

1c0ab4  No.3290584


Columbus brought a 500 year genocide on the native Americans killing 114,000,000

75f298  No.3290585


Facial recognition program giving me a 95% match. Who dis?

26f15a  No.3290586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





fb2f12  No.3290588


Yes I know. If that happens it will be a massive failure and will fuck the midterms and beyond. If Kav isn't confirmed it will be Trump's biggest failure. This is a turning point in the country. If shit like this works with no consequence this time, it will never end. And as I mentioned, people will stay home in November.

4db379  No.3290589

File: 428ec3e8906be41⋯.png (53.37 KB, 774x531, 86:59, Get Tough-It Takes Time.PNG)


you are excused anon and thank you for your service

56862a  No.3290590


Turn the ladles to the left.

4b8192  No.3290591


"Vincent Fucsa." "From PA."

0b26c9  No.3290592


So, you are proud of your ignorance. You don't like our attempts to help? Use your filter button, Bubba.

26ffc6  No.3290594

File: d95f79ca40f6e31⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 899a7eb7b70e0a85a19026b76d….jpg)

1030e3  No.3290595


You are a chump

You make me laugh

Ill defend myself and take you in seconds if you ever came after me..

And I dont just talk like u

I have been in more fights then you have seen on tv

e676d7  No.3290596



279326  No.3290597


>anons, thinking about remodeling my kitchen. any good suggestions? kind of on a budget though.

Have you lost your fucking mind, dickweed?

This isn't a HGTV board, you lame asshole!

8de33f  No.3290598

File: 81a48b8433efefd⋯.jpg (331.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 81a48b8433efefd2d6f87d4506….jpg)


Never nail fatties. If they won't take care of their own body, how can you trust them to take care of a child, a house, or even a car?

No fat sympathy here, anon. If you want feelz, fuck off back to rebbit.

4071fe  No.3290599


wrong. trump has not failed and he isn't going to fail. your words belie your agenda tho, which is a huge fail.

5ae9eb  No.3290600

File: 7f403c205cc253b⋯.png (33.92 KB, 658x303, 658:303, Prather re Kavanaugh 10-1-….PNG)

46b5b0  No.3290601


I would love to believe.

067bfc  No.3290602

File: 1d727a52430edc8⋯.png (74.5 KB, 489x499, 489:499, pepecool.png)


This is not just an academic exercise…and we are not dealing with abstractions.

These are serious men conducting serious business.

I'd join up if I wasn't too old…as it is, I must improve myself daily and make my memes, thereby MAGA'ing.

e578d2  No.3290603


We fight and make sure POTUS hangs on to both houses.

c9193d  No.3290604

File: 62303fa25b0beab⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 5a81cbc2d030729f008b457d-7….jpg)


20 + posts to tell U.S.


Sorry son, but you lost before you could throw!

1030e3  No.3290605


Step out if the closet based on your projecting threats btw..

adedd7  No.3290606

Swetnick saying she thinks Kav was standing around the punch bowl. 36 years ago. and the reporter egging her on wtf? these people need to die. and that's not a threat. but wish they would die.

e08b65  No.3290607

File: ffdc99b6b560ac0⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 318732243624800374222.png)

File: 08b308d51e6fbaa⋯.png (1.28 MB, 752x770, 376:385, 12074303456342091098743132….png)

26ffc6  No.3290608

File: 1e0c829f36b48ac⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 1e0c829f36b48acf4ed5e2799d….jpg)

File: bb06572a8d284be⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 268x284, 67:71, 6e6f9544eea029bc4f4a3dd759….jpg)

e676d7  No.3290609



4db379  No.3290610

File: 112ac7d490e1fd4⋯.png (389.19 KB, 499x321, 499:321, Facebook User Lost.PNG)


See a shill. Call a shill.

3aeffc  No.3290611

Well, boys. Looks like we got a bunch of antifa-wanna be shills trying to shit up the bread. If only one of them could articulate their argument with legitimate facts instead or re-posting mockingbird talking points.

4b8192  No.3290612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You agree with this match-up then, right?

52487e  No.3290613

>>3290595 Don't know, seems he has been fighting intelligence for years!

8883b7  No.3290614

File: 15c053299fb135d⋯.jpeg (23.26 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 787B6D19-5374-423C-B018-2….jpeg)


Die breadshitter faggot!

6b9301  No.3290615

The Presidential Alert is set for wednesday

Be ready Anons

Q said Red October

It's go time

fb2f12  No.3290616


Ugh. Anyone who isn't constantly cheerleading and actually wants to talk about reality has an agenda. It's all so tiresome. And I didn't say he failed. I said if he fails. We will know this week.

1c0ab4  No.3290617

File: da3fd33a7a8440f⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1865.JPG)

dbec9c  No.3290618


Judge Kav will be confirmed and they will start saying we should abolish the SC.

56862a  No.3290619

File: a84955485c12816⋯.png (116.47 KB, 299x322, 13:14, ap18047740256871.png)

598c63  No.3290620

Just for a laugh, Can you imagine if Trumps EBS tomorrow was a RickRoll when you opened it? Can you imagine the reactions of people? KEK!

0217b7  No.3290621








why don't you go to reddit?

seriously, it has nothing to do with Q and you shill here and get called out by anons all day

or go make your own board, its not hard

but you continue to discredit Q, its pathetic

01d272  No.3290622

File: 85d64e41bc09845⋯.jpg (5.62 KB, 183x275, 183:275, redhead-women3.jpg)


Why do I want to trust them to take care of a child, a house, or even a car? Facials not feelz. Oprah callin for ya brah

1c0ab4  No.3290623

File: e7f179b154d8939⋯.png (133.76 KB, 500x654, 250:327, IMG_2263.PNG)

4b8192  No.3290624


It is wonderous. I recommend it.

3aeffc  No.3290625


Striking resemblance. Also, how does the lady on the right keep getting near front row at the rallies? VIP treatment?

342bfd  No.3290626



Mile High Broadcasting is back… Angel… just keep it below 30 posts, though

279326  No.3290627


fucking idiot shill!


1c0ab4  No.3290628

File: 58f5d714fe6f8a7⋯.png (113.87 KB, 500x522, 250:261, IMG_1862.PNG)

26ffc6  No.3290629



b7a9c7  No.3290630


I'll be honest

wtf is an 'ice thrower'?

0b26c9  No.3290631


I think you get off on looking at mangled and dead children.

e676d7  No.3290632


You realize we're going to find you and kill you right??

c07d74  No.3290633

Brett Kavanaugh Will Not Return To Teaching At Harvard

Embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will not be returning to his teaching position at Harvard Law School in January.

According to Judge Kavanaugh’s biographical page says on the United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit website. he has taught full-term courses on Separation of Powers at Harvard Law School (each year from 2008 to 2015), and on the Supreme Court at Harvard Law School (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018).

The Crimson reports that according to an email administrators sent to Law students Monday evening, Associate Dean and Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs Catherine Claypoole wrote:

"Today, Judge Kavanaugh indicated that he can no longer commit to teaching his course in January Term 2019, so the course will not be offered."

The allegations that have roiled Kavanaugh's confirmation process, spurred students on the Law School's campus to call for Harvard to bar him from teaching pending a "full and fair investigation" of his alleged sexual misconduct.

It is unclear whether this decision is normal practice for a SCOTUS nominee at this stage of the process (i.e. pre-confirmation) or if this is a mutually-agreed separation from Harvard, reflecting what Judge Kavanaugh angrily exclaimed during the latest hearing that his family name "has been totally and permanently destroyed" and his prior life is now "ruined."


f367ff  No.3290634


We've got some Kumite shit going on here.

2b0ad5  No.3290635


Creases coming off of nose are longer on the ralley guy.

9ba322  No.3290636

File: 1d9692ccf5bc3f9⋯.jpg (344.07 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, IMG_20181002_011841.jpg)

File: 276460173e8ffaa⋯.jpg (727.36 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181002-011829….jpg)

File: 8628f643c07f2a9⋯.jpg (734.28 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181002-011944….jpg)

4b8192  No.3290637


Die bitch.

52487e  No.3290638

>>3290609 Don't DOX ur self anon, use the filter!

abf60b  No.3290639

File: 7e1fd16fbad0468⋯.gif (1015.58 KB, 500x311, 500:311, comment_L843z7EZK0V4XM7fdT….gif)

File: d7fc51f67369638⋯.gif (934.23 KB, 340x255, 4:3, ef4dff1ed55b04b49d9c93af6b….gif)

File: dbc4a9cb9335457⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 386x390, 193:195, erotic-gif-deleted-2867477.gif)

File: d977730d75a69c9⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 400x239, 400:239, proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif)

File: 6d76f97705932e0⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 400x298, 200:149, proxy.duckduddckgo.com.gif)

Belated thanks to the Baker

839dd6  No.3290640

File: 7a2a24fefbd81f8⋯.jpeg (57.6 KB, 400x373, 400:373, 5542800C-8893-48A2-90E7-A….jpeg)

File: dfae634c600eaa0⋯.jpeg (56.87 KB, 485x363, 485:363, 930BD903-8CC2-4AE8-9AFC-8….jpeg)

File: 89fe8769caf1ed0⋯.jpeg (99.99 KB, 396x658, 198:329, C229BC92-62F4-428B-89DF-0….jpeg)

1c0ab4  No.3290641

File: 7f21cf696a63907⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 427x701, 427:701, IMG_1475.JPG)

8ff466  No.3290642


He didn't say "R, if you mean JFK, Jr. is dead. There is only Q." He denounced the idea of "R", and said there is only Q. Doesn't mean JFK Jr. can't be alive and a part of Q.

5796ca  No.3290643

File: 154bc95eaf6fecf⋯.jpg (70.06 KB, 765x568, 765:568, love it.jpg)

342bfd  No.3290644


He should send out the pics of Hussein with the AK47

4071fe  No.3290645


you said it'd be his "biggest" failure. that means, there were "other, less big" failures by comparison. we're on to you, you know.

1030e3  No.3290646


You cant handle the truth?

About your idols being


No the first time it has been said or proven either

Just not on the level

You must hate your false idol

Stole sooo much of my plans

For his own fame and greed


You have been played by satan himself..

Sick now you are nazi propaganda machine


de9024  No.3290647


Stop projecting, you brought it up.

For me, this is the first time the story was told.

He died with German shrapnel in his leg, years later…

3aeffc  No.3290648

File: 4ea34e7dbb1ff2d⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 800x450, 16:9, icegren.jpg)


Someone who throws ice. They are literally calling him out for an incident where he threw some ice. How much is this investigation costing us again?

4b8192  No.3290649


No thanks. You are the shill. Present your counter argument or gtfo, shitstain.

5ae9eb  No.3290650


>I'll be honest

>wtf is an 'ice thrower'?

NYT had a story earlier that Kavanaugh was in a bar brawl at Yale

Bar brawl aka threw ice cubes

adedd7  No.3290651


poor PJ and Squee and Mark. Somehow I think all of them and FBI had a good laugh.

26f15a  No.3290652


Such a shame that we and (humanity) will never receive the truth. Such a fucking shame. All will be covered up for one reason, Jews.

c07d74  No.3290653


Can one kill ebot?

e676d7  No.3290654


I'll be the guy wearing the T-shirt saying "Told ya so kiddo"

067bfc  No.3290655


>You agree with this match-up then, right?

That looks JUST like JFK, Jr.

That is JFK, Jr., no doubt.

Someone needs to get the word out that JFK, Jr. is still alive.


b25490  No.3290656


Red Carpet treatment

e08b65  No.3290657

File: 485a57f6aa31134⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 12987640367464798745197832….png)

File: d83bf907f9ac929⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1422x840, 237:140, 821756801328907540-4345389….png)

f367ff  No.3290658


That would be some matrix shit.

4071fe  No.3290659


wanna dance. i got your card right here. #goodbye

0217b7  No.3290660




gtfo shills

you dumb faggots are pathetic

I guess Q needs to do it again


do you even know what these shills are talking about?

<obviously not

1c0ab4  No.3290661

They might be posting dated photos of their murder victims FYI

974ae1  No.3290662

File: 854574bfa3477bd⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1227x1069, 1227:1069, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks fren. i got kicked off the last reddit thread so i thought i'd join this one.

cooking up some tendies and getting comfy.

d7cc80  No.3290663

One by one they will fall. The Deep State will be no more.

8de33f  No.3290664

File: 71fe8785fc6ddd9⋯.png (773.36 KB, 639x854, 639:854, a2174f06072c622165d2e61a15….png)


POTUS married a model. He wouldn't touch that fatty with a ten foot pole.

139e33  No.3290665


pallet wall with open shelves using pipe fittings.

with some ikea rail system below them.

0b26c9  No.3290666


He's dead, bro. Get over it.

1030e3  No.3290667


It would not be a dance you would try and it would be over..

Seen it done it

I dont talk

4b8192  No.3290668


There are at least two, if not three different people appearing as "Vincent Fusca."

d51ca2  No.3290669





i'm not too familiar with the Fusca is JFK Jr canon

whatre the theories on where he's been successfully hiding at for 20 years?

9beb84  No.3290670


fkn kek

dbec9c  No.3290671


This slide will end badly.

1c0ab4  No.3290672


THAts a threat online

4b8192  No.3290673


What are you digging that is so sublime?

d246e7  No.3290674


That's the type of shit I report.

e08b65  No.3290675

File: f3c4f5cb040d754⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 32787832980459054787632764….png)

File: 50f9f6541af58ad⋯.png (408.46 KB, 1669x893, 1669:893, 34784378138989320365631636….png)

7f7daf  No.3290676


Um. no plan by the Lord was given to you.

I can say that 100%;

See… I actually do speak to the Lord of Hosts.

His message to you is you are deceived.

The Lords words are never used for distraction.

And your words are all distraction.

Proof in case you really still believe you can take on the Lord.


07927e  No.3290677


I agree about this being a turning point. DiFi needs to take much of the blame. They could have kept all of it behind closed doors until it was resolved. Truth is they want this fought in the court of public opinion where justice and fairness does not matter. I think this is bigger than most people realize. Kav gets confirmed people will go nuts and could see rioting. They believe the emotions the MSM tells them to have.

Like you said too, if there are no consequences for the accusers, MSM, twitter, etc. for this then it will just happen again. At this moment you can officially kiss the United States of America goodbye. The Left has to be stopped and held accountable. This isn't like the shit shows in the past; this is the line in the sand.

44df69  No.3290678


Last pic related.

I'll call them fagGots, instead.

93b702  No.3290679

File: 701b1bc59b5acae⋯.jpg (132.6 KB, 473x602, 11:14, Angry red.jpg)

ee328b  No.3290680

During Potus rally tonight he spoke of EARNED MEDIA.

Earned Media is W-O-M (Word of Mouth). We are his earned media, His WOM. His Organic media.

A Nielsen study in 2013 found that earned media (also described in the report as word-of-mouth) is the most trusted source of information in all countries it surveyed worldwide,[16] and is the channel most likely to stimulate the consumer to action. Other authorities make the distinction between online and offline earned media/word-of-mouth, and have shown that offline word-of-mouth has been found to be more effective than online word-of-mouth.

Both traditional earned media (publicity and press events) and social earned media (social network and blogs) have been found to increase sales, with social earned media having the greatest impact. [17]

In mid 2016, an Indian tea company (TE-A-ME) has delivered 6,000 tea bags[6] to Donald Trump and launched a video content on YouTube.[7] and Facebook.[8] The video campaign become an award-winning content marketing case study and received various awards including most creative PR stunt[9] in Southeast Asia after receiving earned media values like 52000+ organic video shares, 152000+ engagements in online communities, 3.1M video view in first 72-hour and hundreds of traditional publication mentions (including Mashable, Independent[10]Quartz,[11] Indian Express,[12] Buzzfeed,[13] Adage,[14] Campaign[15]) across 80+ countries.


6b9301  No.3290681


That is a great idea Anon

Q team has it all

Not only do they have the raw 5:5 HRC video

But the picture of Hussein holding a Kalashnikov in tribal attire will be the end of the Democrats

d7cc80  No.3290682

Red October

4db379  No.3290683

File: 9278cd9316c10a2⋯.png (458.18 KB, 582x585, 194:195, About to Roll.PNG)


Can't stand grammar natzi's so I had a little fun. Sorry if I got heavy handed. You rock sister.

Caught a shil though. :)

4866f7  No.3290684


Get behind me Satan!

e23aa0  No.3290685

File: 3c0425519ff5de2⋯.png (683.15 KB, 748x649, 68:59, ClipboardImage.png)

46b5b0  No.3290686


That's my question. Why take this long, especially after 9/11, for POTUS or Jr to step forward earlier? I see the resemblance but don't even recall how we came to this being a possibility??

dbec9c  No.3290687

Go home, shills. Go home.

1c0ab4  No.3290688

File: 40a0dc7f43cb9a2⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_0969.JPG)

974ae1  No.3290689

File: 97c83b05d414b01⋯.png (1014.82 KB, 796x973, 796:973, ClipboardImage.png)

c04cee  No.3290690

File: 148979526f4622b⋯.gif (735.9 KB, 738x780, 123:130, NeonGIF.gif)

Q is creating a self-sustaining and inherently expansionary Hive Mind with an AWESOME gift, it can convert the errors in the world's information space to some truths at least, which is exposing how fraudulent and clearly sinister the the narratives we have SEEN (amazing grace) from the likes of DaNang Blumenthal's and Leakin' Feinstein (sorry) are in these clearly shifting goalposts of theirs, oh….

What if the rapidly shifting goalposts we're seeing from the Demokkkrats is a speeding up of a sequence of them, like a step by step shifting towards a goal, no matter how evil they are revealing themselves and being revealed…through a pre-planned narrative shift and intellectual shift, reconstruction of the population step by step until plunging into the insanity of trying to tell us are guilty until proven innocent of gang rape accusations?

If it is a horror all sped up like that, does it make it any less if a horror if it was slowed down over many, many, many years?

Crumbs make bread.

Bread is a symbol.

If they have the gall to do this to a supreme court nominee of Judge K's calibre (HE KEPT DIARY/CALENDARS FOR YEARS, INCLUDING THE SUMMER OF 1982)…

I don't even have to see the rest of the resume…any person who has that stratospheric of an organized mind at work, that alone I would vote y.

There will be songs written about these events for long long time.

4b8192  No.3290691


I would say, that is for us to come up with. Have at it. I'll get back to you with mine.

e676d7  No.3290692

We conservatives have accepted your liberal tyranny as a mere "plaything" until now.

Those days are soon over. You kids will soon find out who runs this place. Run. Run fast you little pukes.

01d272  No.3290693

File: 25bf167d908bf3a⋯.jpg (119.22 KB, 827x1079, 827:1079, redhead-women4.jpg)


Is there a carpet? kek

a04c8e  No.3290694


you know the rules…tits or gtfo

26ffc6  No.3290695




a11b07  No.3290697

File: 7ab53b8e50beea5⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 922x400, 461:200, Screenshot_20181002-011912….jpg)

Was No name executed for [TREASON] /ordering NYC Bomber?

1c0ab4  No.3290698

File: c05258b9032431e⋯.jpg (104.88 KB, 960x952, 120:119, IMG_0978.JPG)

067bfc  No.3290699

File: e07278d7e467d10⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 240x135, 16:9, watchiken.gif)


>They might be posting dated photos of their murder victims FYI

4071fe  No.3290700

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Q the music..

2e1e99  No.3290701

Go Q and Go PotUS/GeotUS! From NZ with love.

26f15a  No.3290702


Listen Jew…

You have gotten so angry you are attacking regular Trump supporters…

When in reality you really want to go after me…

But you are too angry that you jews are losing control over white people and the larger population in general…

You are lashing out at somebody that isn't even saying anything controversial…

I have. I will always do that.




So fight with who you want to fight.

839dd6  No.3290703

File: 84a1f05cbac2303⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 438x280, 219:140, EF8EAABF-2C14-4399-B81C-03….gif)

0b26c9  No.3290704


Yep, I count at least 4 of them shitting up the bread.

dbec9c  No.3290705



Going down hill fast

8599bf  No.3290706

File: 7f8275c5f847fed⋯.jpg (429.97 KB, 1871x1025, 1871:1025, 1535925251463.jpg)


The upcoming youth are learning the truth!

c07d74  No.3290707


Lurk moar

0ab2ed  No.3290708

File: a6779c039ac2146⋯.png (49.29 KB, 787x882, 787:882, we r Q.png)

nite Patriots ! Your All in my thoughts & prayers !


1030e3  No.3290709


I have seen creation..

This is no joke..

I speak truth

ANd I have the facts to back it up

Not to mention video, chat logs, word saves


Be a fool dont believe..

Follow the orangish red guy with crazy horn hair from the bible called satan

You have been warned

c4809b  No.3290710


if there was ever a narrative switch that would be the mother of all narrative switches. But if there was a time to do it, it would be now

4b8192  No.3290711


This is the "gtfo, shill" …shill. You can ignore him everybody. He's a Special Ed. dropout.

974ae1  No.3290712

File: 1e33536f739505b⋯.gif (3.8 MB, 656x368, 41:23, thisisfine.gif)

c9193d  No.3290713

File: 9090403f51a111e⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 612x380, 153:95, image.jpg)


You are sure of yourself?



0217b7  No.3290714



Q's crumbs

something you retarded cunts seem to not know exist

your dumb shit was called out months ago

you see the innocent guy from PA again, and you faggots come out of hiding

as anons told you fucking idiots months ago, gtfo and take your shit somewhere else

e676d7  No.3290715



fcd8e5  No.3290716

File: 3472d8a62de5ddf⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 797x639, 797:639, 1a.JPG)

State High Court Seeks to Fill Seats of 2 Retiring Justices


1c0ab4  No.3290717

File: a6c8472d5dc8bbd⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 975x568, 975:568, IMG_1707.JPG)


4071fe  No.3290718

7cb135  No.3290719


Love you Anon nohomo

a57b5e  No.3290720


That meme says to me, "All of the crushing pressure/weight of the nation is on 1."

Not quite.

c07d74  No.3290721

File: cb157370e0ecd82⋯.png (1002.68 KB, 520x798, 260:399, ClipboardImage.png)

cd9fec  No.3290723


you hate the nigger, but for what?

what did the nigger do?

well the nigger is not another person,

the nigger is you.

52487e  No.3290724

File: 07daf3546508c04⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 255x250, 51:50, buthurt.jpg)

File: aa201eb2dccdb46⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 518x310, 259:155, Cameltime.jpg)

File: 4e1b415723311a1⋯.jpeg (55.61 KB, 485x359, 485:359, A-hole.jpeg)

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

File: 7b52cb784830fcf⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2991x1836, 997:612, MUDDERTRUCKER (2).jpg)

93b702  No.3290725

File: 6e98041f011ece4⋯.jpg (125.77 KB, 1021x580, 1021:580, downloadfile-15.jpg)

7341a5  No.3290726

I'm starting to get doubts.

Will Kavanaugh be confirmed, or not?

4b8192  No.3290727


Convincing his wife is one huge thing. Picking the best time for DJT to be assured of presidency would be another.

b5355e  No.3290728


>>3290060, >>3290073, >>3290076 BREAKING: Explosion at Las Vegas memorial site reported

>>3290173 Almost 1/2 million dollars in Justice K's GoFundMe

>>3290171 Missing grenades and a machine gun from a military base

>>3290229, >>3290443 Tupac Alive? It's the Daily Star, so it must be true /s

>>3290411 Father of Parkland Victim to Alyssa Milano: Quit Blaming NRA for My Daughter’s Death

(Notables below this line from new baker)

>>3290502 Twat suggests CBF could "create artificial situations" thru self-hypnosis

>>3290633 Kav quitting Harvard teaching post

1c0ab4  No.3290729


The serial killers maintained tranny collection and murder victim photos

And they are using the same routines here

139e33  No.3290730

File: 872dffa95e19420⋯.png (459.79 KB, 475x712, 475:712, ClipboardImage.png)


or literally pallets

26ffc6  No.3290731

File: a91f64d6abed9a8⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 858x449, 858:449, a91f64d6abed9a8021c484e5e5….jpg)

07927e  No.3290732


My mom's name is Julie Swetnick. She was never in a train.

d246e7  No.3290733

Democrats are fucking history.

2e80f3  No.3290735

Trump will withdraw kav, always been the plan. Kav was GOP pick. He did hrc a huge favor only nailing bc with Lewinski. It was glass ceiling gold stand by your man woman's vote lock, but it didn't work, she lost. DS want kav on SC as hrc puppet to coordinate with leftist Bo judges for appearances. When trump says the left destroy this good man and it will be hard to get judges to come forward to submit themselves to the process he really means the GOP and DS should stop suggesting judges because he won't fall for it and they will be destroyed. No way in he'll he approves kav, never was going to. Just like the judge he backed in special election against Bannon and ivankas pick, he was purposely backing the loser.

974ae1  No.3290736

File: 166e5e7a2b5e7aa⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1219x1184, 1219:1184, ClipboardImage.png)


i like that idea


01d272  No.3290738

Herpes monorail maybe


44df69  No.3290739

File: 0c87b28148bcc07⋯.png (92.37 KB, 904x692, 226:173, kekpath.png)

150+ UIDs @ 1:30AM on a Tuesday morning.


Shills galore!



1c0ab4  No.3290740

File: 1e2327033be2150⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 322x315, 46:45, IMG_1851.JPG)

They really express that TRUTH OPINION

In plain sight

2c4681  No.3290741

File: ec84c29071697bd⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, StupidTraitor.jpg)

Saw this for the first time and thought it was funny as fuck. Its a legit endorsement and a hilarious meme at the same time.

It didn't really age so well.


f367ff  No.3290742


He will be confirmed, not necessarily on this go around though.

5796ca  No.3290743

File: 5ef6e0f807136af⋯.jpg (176.17 KB, 576x384, 3:2, mossad and hamas shills to….JPG)

File: 19bf7cd3f55e8b2⋯.jpg (199.21 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Meet Miss Cyclops at goat ….JPG)

File: 6ceb37feaf37740⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 306x601, 306:601, 1413845416357_wps_8_Ajay_R….jpg)

File: e4411bfc06e1cdc⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 400x727, 400:727, SWIMSUIT HILLARY.jpg)

File: 7c76a4f722b6cac⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 236x286, 118:143, 907b3297debc4a2a654d5fce08….jpg)

And for those mossad shills…some babes just for you

4b8192  No.3290744


You have to learn to read and write past a 1st grade level to be here, little tyke. Come back in 10 years or so when you can understand a few things.

dbec9c  No.3290745

File: 729cd295050e7c2⋯.jpg (81.03 KB, 768x575, 768:575, checked.jpg)

4db379  No.3290746


Bubba? As in Bill Clinton the rapist?

46b5b0  No.3290747

Did anyone really think we'd be here a year later with no answers on Vegas? I mean, besides Q drop type answers. Unreal.

6ad037  No.3290748


Gasoline…and a match.

dbec9c  No.3290749



88d361  No.3290750

File: 541a4a8b0798fac⋯.jpg (158.34 KB, 729x1096, 729:1096, baker21.jpg)


A point in every direction is the same as no point at all…….

1c0ab4  No.3290751

File: b4e09c21ae85d16⋯.jpg (239.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_3177.JPG)

e70118  No.3290752


A simple request for us, from Mr. Graham.


4b8192  No.3290753


That's what she told you…. OK.

358ba6  No.3290754

File: f3fe92c18288d2e⋯.png (1.68 MB, 810x1210, 81:121, pepe meme.PNG)

6b9301  No.3290755

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein

Rosestein and Flake were involved in a payment in full

Both of them are complete idiots

Q made it clear that Rosenstein is in the killbox yet he conspired against POTUS anyway

These people are stupid because Q team has it all

1030e3  No.3290756


I am not jewish

But there is nothing wrong with jews

Race or religion do not make some one evil

I am attacking NO one

I am staring facts and defending myself

Sorry you fear the truth

You have been lied to by false idols

I say vote for real good and kind people not party

Dont be divided by fake propaganda

Trump has pics with clinton

At the golf course with playboy bunnies hookers

Both married atm

They are all part of the beast

Break away from their games

Get it!?

You are brain washed and wish me to be something I am not

What i am is the savior

The one

That came up with plans you have only started to hear given by God

I am Jesus

I am the word of God

This is no laarp

I dont want fame, greed, or worship

I am here to save us..

185151  No.3290757


Yep, and this was some pretty stressful bait. But bait, none the less.

0b26c9  No.3290758


No, as in someone who is proud of their ignorance.

2e80f3  No.3290759



Watch and learn

3aeffc  No.3290760

File: 4921f4a41684409⋯.jpg (110.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, leftiststearsareyummy.jpg)

Can't wait for Kavanaugh's vote and nomination tomorrow. Hope everyone has stocked up on popcorn and water for when the leftists finally lose all sense of reality. Pic related.

defc62  No.3290761



In political terms Earned Media doesn't mean what you say it means.

Earned Media is the newer term for Free Media, and it's basically stories in the media about your candidate. And they changed it from free to earned to impress upon political consultants that you have to work to get that media you want. Yes, the media is technically free, but, since you have to work to get it, it's actually earned, from your work.

01d272  No.3290762

File: c13b838a4eebf97⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 194x259, 194:259, redhead-women7.jpg)

f7ebd2  No.3290763



5796ca  No.3290764

File: d6f14b1c4858329⋯.jpg (271.63 KB, 576x384, 3:2, lucky you shill dead eye d….JPG)

26f15a  No.3290766


No hate but no reason to want niggers around your family. No? BTW

I could hate them if I wanted and there is nothing you could do to stop it anyway.

But the bottom line is I prefer not to be around niggers. I don't have to or want to harm them in any way.

Why do you jews require that we must be living together but you and only you have the right to live exclusively amongst jews and not palestinians?

That seems very dishonest how you jews do that.


Stop trying to flood our countries with muslims while you protect your borders in fucking israel.


No comprende?

Expect to continue losing the infowar online.

Alex is not going to help you.

We destroyed him a decade ago.

Good luck KIKES

0217b7  No.3290767



seriously, did you mean kike or is that a word you usually use in arguements?

your faggotry is unwanted here, and you know that, you just stay to shill

and anons will be here to call your attempts out

4071fe  No.3290768


no one wants your moldy black pills here no one wants your ascended master bullshit. no one here is going to side with you against 45 and no one here is going to trust your word against God's clear anointing.

1c0ab4  No.3290769

File: b021fd1dd42444d⋯.jpg (185.7 KB, 747x747, 1:1, IMG_3144.JPG)

0b26c9  No.3290770


Flake is weak and comped.

1904a6  No.3290771


I don't care if Lindsay's gay, he's been Super Saiyan lately


What he does on his own time is his own business

6a81af  No.3290772



4a2a49  No.3290774


I unsubscribed to TEN youtube channels I've never fucking heard of today.

53c8b5  No.3290775

Can we force bible fags to make their own threads pls

e676d7  No.3290776



b5355e  No.3290777

Bakerfication Commencified.

b67585  No.3290778

File: 927e5ce559d7e74⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 1678x714, 839:357, Capture.JPG)

File: 744d1beb612fe73⋯.jpg (145 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 744d1beb612fe731c24d487d7a….jpg)

Can a Photoshop Meme fag make a Predator vs Alien/Dianne Feinstein vs Lisa Murkowski Meme?????

3573a7  No.3290779

Hey brothers, so I don't get in trouble for posting tonight. Anyone got any thoughts on this post from Q?

(_v_f_) ?

fb2f12  No.3290780


Yes exactly. And this is about momentum. We get him confirmed, the left riots and acts like nuts. It will convert more people to the right and get them out to vote. Starting official criminal investigations into the false accusations and difi will also serve as huge motivation. There is a reason MSM constantly puts out polls showing us losing. It is scientifically proven that when a group feels they are winning, they are more motivated to keep going, and to vote. Especially when they see the vile nature of the enemy on full display. Trump's supporters need a win here. We get Kav in, and everything that follows from that will be golden and will power us right to and through the midterms. It will be huge, and the media and the lunatics in the street will help us by displaying their insanity. Then the declas can seal the deal. The public also forms opinions largely based on who is wining. People like to side with winners. If Kav gets through, people will be more likely to think it was just than if he gets rejected. For the moron sheep, a downvote means he was probably guilty in their minds. And others will just get disillusioned by one more RINO congress betrayal and will sit it out.

This vote is potentially the biggest potential public swing for Trump since he was elected. They can't fuck this one up.

efbfd4  No.3290781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LV live.

de0ec9  No.3290782

File: cd7235570ac13ef⋯.png (808.24 KB, 1644x931, 1644:931, 13289794365637920096153782.png)

2310d1  No.3290783


IT's called love and acceptance.

4071fe  No.3290784


so you want Q to make his own, additional thread? sure you do, divisionfag. of course.

7341a5  No.3290785


I promise you, I'm not trying to bait anyone. I was genuinely not sure.

44df69  No.3290786


>You are brain washed and wish me to be something I am not

>What i am is the savior

>The one

>That came up with plans you have only started to hear given by God

>I am Jesus

>I am the word of God

>This is no laarp

Your blasphemy moves you to the front of the line at the gates of Hell.

5796ca  No.3290788

File: 419497e6f3eb9de⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 528x816, 11:17, Fishing is fun ice.JPG)

File: 789d99ada13fb00⋯.jpg (147.39 KB, 408x528, 17:22, fishing is fun yecch it ca….JPG)

4b8192  No.3290789


Doonbeg, Ireland

98fe0b  No.3290790


You mean Q?

26f15a  No.3290791

File: 8ad5bd15f4e5a3a⋯.png (18 KB, 479x239, 479:239, KavanaughJews1.png)

File: 1f67aef23c7db6a⋯.png (586.13 KB, 500x850, 10:17, KavanaughJews2.png)

File: c3a9a07c9f5dfb2⋯.png (914.04 KB, 499x949, 499:949, KavanaughJews3.png)


There is something wrong with jews regarding Kavanaugh

3573a7  No.3290792

Forgive me I meant this comment to Q's post, not from Q


7c42fa  No.3290794

pb >>3287736


Patriots are about FREEDOM. 5G is not.

067bfc  No.3290795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>She was never in a train.

1c0ab4  No.3290797

File: 096ed9ce6014ee6⋯.jpg (627.38 KB, 2560x1915, 512:383, IMG_3176.JPG)

0b26c9  No.3290798


Why the fuck are they celebrating?

de9024  No.3290800

File: 5a108d77bd79ce3⋯.jpeg (74.25 KB, 710x960, 71:96, 3B0F1E7B-B73E-40EB-9626-4….jpeg)

File: c58f89771332b47⋯.jpeg (129.57 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ABAD5889-2E1F-4A9B-AFF0-0….jpeg)

01d272  No.3290801

File: f4c9b267378ff74⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 500x720, 25:36, redhead-women5.jpg)

185151  No.3290802


Kek, I mean the process. The whole thing was bait to get an FBI investigation to show that theyre a bunch of lying fucks.

dd3ae7  No.3290803

File: eb0580cf2d859e3⋯.jpg (203.12 KB, 1679x1079, 1679:1079, 13486873323.JPG)


Looking good, Renegade

26f15a  No.3290804

File: a86d1f5aa540660⋯.png (565.81 KB, 508x865, 508:865, KavanaughJews4.png)

File: 7d8f1d912127cd1⋯.png (376.7 KB, 499x848, 499:848, KavanaughJews5.png)

File: 9058dfba29c6286⋯.png (389.79 KB, 312x946, 156:473, KavanaughJews6.png)



Not looking good.

Most high profile political story.

One about lies and treachery.

Jews behind every shadow.


73b4aa  No.3290805


someanon stated that murks head is actually the size of an apple, like microcephalic

ff5818  No.3290806


Quite a few varieties would nurish for the 12 or so hrs until liver failure sets in

e676d7  No.3290807


be more specific and we'll help ya.

Q never said (_v_f_) so you'll have to let us know what int ha fuk yo re talkin about

efbfd4  No.3290808


cops just busted this guy for live streaming

4db379  No.3290809

File: 950d7871483566e⋯.png (90.02 KB, 272x188, 68:47, Head in the Snow.png)


Lady you have no idea who you are speaking to and unlike Brett Kavanaugh, I don't have to defend myself to anonymous slander.

stfu and find the door.

26ffc6  No.3290810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1030e3  No.3290811


You dont listen I trusted Trump with the

Plans I gave him

So you just said what I stated!!

I called them angels

Trusted for over a year he would tell all who gave him these

Ideas of all kinds

Lucifer is a fallen angel


Meat heads and fools hard heads

Cant understand?

You hate to be wrong?

Foolish beyond words

Jesus is god

The word of god from revelations is God..

Get it

93b702  No.3290812

File: 1c66d4427a63b8a⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 570x450, 19:15, 2ia97ib.jpg)

4b8192  No.3290813


You are old school. The new guard is here, specialfag. And they are ACTUALLY smart.

26f15a  No.3290814


Just a desperate fork tongued jew

e676d7  No.3290815



dcd5d0  No.3290816

File: 2728ec9e606b543⋯.png (493.15 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 98816547-16F9-4C31-BCAA-65….png)

File: 6fb36dc77220623⋯.png (654.04 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, E4CF3DFA-9917-4CF7-98D9-2B….png)

File: ea486a1a62b578f⋯.png (4.43 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, ADA5E488-29E3-42B5-AE92-08….png)


Awww… u love the meme I made!

Anyways… here’s some interesting sauce on CBF. I found her co-worker/partner. It shows she’s has two employed. Here’s the other lady at the office.

4071fe  No.3290817


>Trusted for over a year he would tell all who gave him these

you're a divisionist famefag, we got it. no need to continue to demonstrate the painfully obvious.

01d272  No.3290818

File: 65f6d8ce60b8501⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 544x820, 136:205, redhead-women6.jpg)

Best for last

When you want to go out in style


f3d005  No.3290819


Yeah, Anons need another crossing of the Delaware.

ce99f1  No.3290820


It's confirmed, she's one of us.

She's wrapped her maga hat in tin foil.

6a81af  No.3290821


If he does before midterms, heads up for “IMPEACH TRUMP, IMPEACH KAVANAUGH” signage. Barf, but will blow over. So catty.

2e80f3  No.3290822

Stay tuned and watch

Translation, what I've told is disinformation, be ready for the changes.

Kav will be withdrawn by Trump before midterms

4b8192  No.3290823

File: 0c33884fba3cdf5⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 37342110_2115146702058548_….jpg)

7d01b2  No.3290824


watch american assassin

based on vince flynn books.

bfc485  No.3290825


m1 and m2 are 20 cm apart.

Gravitational Force is 8.90e-9

Masses combined value is 5.5kg

What is m1 and m2

Quadratic gives me 4.72 and .84 but its not right apparently.

Need in < 20 min

Ty fags.

b5355e  No.3290828

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #4169 Bakers Ignore All-Red-Text Replies Edition




07927e  No.3290829

Well said desu.


4b8192  No.3290830

File: 855adecd97ae9ef⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 500x489, 500:489, MMHMretard.jpg)

a0cf27  No.3290831

File: 578b8a429fede9a⋯.jpg (307.47 KB, 1282x1624, 641:812, DJT Alert Blank.jpg)

File: f7dec6c0de2aa47⋯.jpg (224.72 KB, 1000x1267, 1000:1267, DJT Alert.jpg)


Durnnit. I wanted to get to sleep at a semi-normal time. Kek.

9ba322  No.3290832


looks like a fucking cook house.

0217b7  No.3290833





you faggots failed

its hilarious to see your boomer-tiered shilling here still

just know, you're a fundamentally unwanted here and are known as shills by all who seriously contribute to the Great Awakening


93b702  No.3290835

File: 31b50a02c15cad1⋯.jpg (525.63 KB, 857x1024, 857:1024, 5062986167_9ed6d4de0a_b.jpg)

4b8192  No.3290836

File: d8cc81ef1752e13⋯.png (469.45 KB, 424x588, 106:147, VinceFuscaWVrally.png)

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