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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

b9ba7f  No.3251951

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.




We support attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We think the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed arguments.

We neither need nor condone the use of force or violence in our work here.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 09.29.18

>>>/patriotsfight/307 ——————————— WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. ( Cap: >>3250449, >>3250471, >>3250575 )

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 ——————————— POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -————————– RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 ————————————–——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 -————————– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b9ba7f  No.3251956


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3251212 Compilation of Q drops mentioning Red October. (Image)

>>3251365, >>3251390 DNC's attempt to bring MA state charges against Kavanaugh fails.

>>3251381 Democrats seek to import 5X the number of foreign refugees to the U.S.

>>3251391 Discrepancy with Dr. Ford's known remodel date.

>>3251701 Dr. Ford's home is very expensive.

>>3251392 Inauguration Day speech duration: 17 minutes.

>>3251359 Possible identity of Maxine Water's staffer that was doxxing conservative Senators.

>>3251758 Dr. Ford's Standford bio page was altered 10 days before hearing.

>>3251933 #4118


>>3250516 Anon's theory: Q/Trump's Plan to Win the Midterms

>>3250522, >>3250674 Transcript of Q's linked video from [1:02:40 - 1:03:35]

>>3250616 Is Christine Ford a Doctor? — There Are NO RECORDS to Prove This in State of California Database

>>3250688 Top Lawyer Deletes Twitter Account After Telling Sarah Sanders To "Rot In Hell"

>>3250694 Last Person Senator Jeff Flake Called Before Asking for Another Week of Supreme Insanity was DAG Rod Rosenstein

>>3250721, >>3250857, >>3251063 mp4 of the video Q linked to [1:02:40 - 1:03:35]

>>3250832 Kavanaugh’s Ex-Girlfriend Erupts on ‘Offensive and Absurd’ New Allegations

>>3251108 Christine Ford - CA Board Of Behavioral Sciences

>>3251121 #4117


>>3249763 Q posts showing under Emergency Alert System search term on Twitter photos

>>3249836 Jeff Flake was a foreign lobbyist who worked for a uranium mining firm with ties to Iran

>>3249873, >>3250019 Digz on CBF's family

>>3250129 Tweet: News Reports are now naming this Feinstein staffer as the Ford letter leaker, Heather Sawyer

>>3250147 Graphic: Number of Child Exploitation arrests SURGING

>>3250169 Dick Van Dyke (not dead) Just Left $59 Million To Trump Foundation

>>3249989, >>3250140, >>3250217 How to prove CBF is full of shit

>>3250357 #4116

#4115 Baker Change

>>3248928, >>3248942 Blasey Ford's best friend to tell FBI she has no knowledge of Kavanaugh or party.

>>3249009 Flake plans to support Kavanaugh after FBI investigates ‘unless they turn up something’

>>3249176 Sauce for digz on CBF

>>3249265 Digz on Debra Ramirez

>>3249284 U.S. pulls diplomats from Iraqi city, citing threats from Iran

>>3249349 CBF's Testimony Regarding Two Front Doors IS Consistent To When Her House Was Permitted

>>3249433 Resignations Begin After Google’s ‘Project Dragonfly’ Censorship Program Revealed

>>3249536 New Zealand billionaire bunkers

>>3249574 #4115

Previously Collected Notables

>>3247399 #4112, >>3248098 #4113, >>3248878 #4114

>>3245025 #4109, >>3245710 #4110, >>3246562 #4111

>>3242673 #4106, >>3243421 #4107, >>3244192 #4108

>>3240355 #4103, >>3241126 #4104, >>3241887 #4105

>>3238114 #4100, >>3241997 #4101, >>3239578 #4102

>>3235753 #4097, >>3236551 #4098, >>3237337 #4099

>>3233508 #4094, >>3234273 #4095, >>3234974 #4096,

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b9ba7f  No.3251959

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3240618

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b9ba7f  No.3251965

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

dc31c9  No.3251977

File: 728b0b9df0c7123⋯.jpg (370.18 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_095.jpg)

b9ba7f  No.3251985

File: 39f26045c70a872⋯.png (250.29 KB, 500x341, 500:341, popcorn7.png)



First page is missing new Q. Fixed for next bread. Cheers!

1ac943  No.3251989









af9d43  No.3251991

File: c5d46a27c650f54⋯.jpg (183.5 KB, 753x1024, 753:1024, ameriaca calling.jpg)


dc31c9  No.3251993

dc31c9  No.3251994

File: 1f6e3d4aae5fa05⋯.jpg (329.91 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, IMG_222.jpg)

39836e  No.3251995

>>3251980 lb

But at long distances the .22 is much more deadly... in your shoulder and out your knee.

b60511  No.3251996

Words, Phrases and People to Ponder for the day:

1. Khazar

2. Zion

3. Nazi

4. Khazar Zion Mafia (think Jewish,…think Rothschild)

5. Albert Pike's 3 Wars

6. Illuminati Goals

7. 45 Communistic Goals to bring down America (same

as above)

8 The Georgia Guidestones

9. The Kalergi Plan (working pretty good in Europe right now)

10. Benjamin Freedman (himself a Zion exposing his own for

crimes against humanity, fomenting wars and plotting to rule the


11. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (fyi- Henry Ford

paid out of his pocket to have 500,000 copies made and

distributed across America in the 1920's. He believed every

American should know what the Zion Jews were up to).

12. That's it for starters to enlighten a few of you on who runs

things around here and why. Not going to end this one on

13 because that would be just too weird.

would be just too weird.

1ac943  No.3251997

Thank you Baker. Nice job on the quick bake.

4611c7  No.3251998

Q is telling us that now is the meme war time and if we don't act now we will all be censored without the ability.

10902b  No.3251999

Sep 29 2018


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.308 📁

Sep 29 2018 15:04:05 (EST)

TWITTER has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].

GOOG - FB will follow.



Welcome to the POLICE STATE.














this is exactly what France did to get macron elected. They silenced the internet so that no more Le Penn info could get out.

fff405  No.3252000


it's our civic duty, just like it was Ford's satanic duty to smear Kavanaugh for the cabal. WE MUST VOTE. JFC, anon.

c6a700  No.3252001

File: 0ab10176c02081f⋯.png (138.88 KB, 655x511, 655:511, Senate Judiciary re Clerks….PNG)

File: 5338458b6150207⋯.png (182.72 KB, 647x552, 647:552, Senate Judiciary re Studen….PNG)

File: 9886ee0f3b48274⋯.png (111.82 KB, 639x658, 639:658, Senate Judiciary re BB Coa….PNG)

File: a1ab21182225719⋯.png (134.63 KB, 652x632, 163:158, Senate Judiciary re Law Cl….PNG)

File: 41df9c7ece8a37f⋯.png (15.76 KB, 697x294, 697:294, Q PF 308 9-29-18.PNG)

Anons with twitter please go to Senate Judiciary and share their tweets

There are articles from today and yesterday as well

In light of Q's latest / lets "blanket" twitter with good stories and information regarding Judge Kavanaugh before the blackkout


Bread 4100





4ab015  No.3252002

What's funny (or not) is that all these lunatic "protestors" threatening to riot with guns, are going to do so in MAJOR cities. Who lives in those cities?


They'll shoot each other, riot, and burn down their own homes while true Patriots sit at home with their AK's aimed at the front door.

a0ef01  No.3252003

>>3246798 (PB)

Starting with just a (possibly spoofed) IP address, how do we know that Kathleen Sengstock is responsible for doxxing the Senators? I don't mind making someones life a living hell IF I can be certain of the target.

>>3247260 With all due deference and as much as I despise Meghan McCain, her moment of grief over the coffin of her Dad, whom she likely knows did NOT die of cancer, is not suitable for humor. Her grief seems real. Allow her this dignity.

af9d43  No.3252004

File: 98639e3ee49bffc⋯.jpg (869.67 KB, 2200x3308, 550:827, wwg1wgabrit.jpg)


5bb8a8  No.3252005


Wouldn't releasing evidence/proof of their crimes to the public just end all this shit?

I think the PEOPLE are motivated to help you drain the swamp in November, but we really need some more solid information soon.

257138  No.3252006

File: 89cf0c7dac2e341⋯.jpg (90.56 KB, 900x400, 9:4, 9092018131458.jpg)

a47400  No.3252007

>>3251626 (lb)

They drank Molson beer, and it was Canada Day.

b9ba7f  No.3252008


All good bud it happens to the best of us.

261fa1  No.3252009

File: ce26c8376848e87⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 2898x1449, 2:1, comeSeeOurShills.jpg)

File: b8dc40f7ed5ce44⋯.jpg (690.91 KB, 1474x811, 1474:811, smh.jpg)

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

Transcript of


[1:02:40 - 1:03:35]

In addition to making misleading statements which is a pattern with judge Kavanaugh.

He accused the democratic senators of coordinating a plot to sabotage his nomination.

Clearly he was speaking to an audience of one: President Trump

A nominee for the supreme court so rattled that he would buy into a vast conspiracy theory is astounding and dangerous.

Let’s not forget his exact word, judge Kavanaugh said and I quote "this whole two week effort" .. he said "has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with apparent pent up anger of our president Trump and our 2016 election. Fear that had been unfairly stoked about my judicial record; revenge on behalf of the clintons, and millions of dollars of money from outside left-wing opposition groups."

a94b73  No.3252010

File: e283926bd48bc69⋯.jpg (35.24 KB, 442x587, 442:587, boner.jpg)

df2af2  No.3252011

File: c069db852d0acfe⋯.png (230.88 KB, 514x503, 514:503, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___POTU….png)

180e54  No.3252012

File: f87fcdf532dc129⋯.png (109.87 KB, 243x205, 243:205, f87fcdf532dc129f34d6c750e8….png)

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, 3e340e9eee823c0db072d8f2dc….png)

File: 2be4134fd8d2b19⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2be4134fd8d2b19d30a859651a….jpg)

Wew Isee it now, its really quite disheartening to know the truth and see people close to you being manipulated by the cabal scum. But I'm to blame too, don't have the smarts to convince them of the tuth, or really the empathy to discuss and subtly show them the way.

Even so, I'll stay here, learning as much as I can to clarify, and soothe, when inevitably shtf - and maybe I can help more then…

And of course, meanwhile, keep taking all the opportunities to push a little further those who are already waking up

Don't give up! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! We're almost there.



bddbd7  No.3252013

File: c2ed84b2b41d7d6⋯.jpeg (10.05 KB, 162x255, 54:85, Cash me outside den, how ….jpeg)

1ac943  No.3252014


>this is exactly what France did to get macron elected. They silenced the internet so that no more Le Penn info could get out.


fff405  No.3252015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Malcolm X on Liberals

55cb44  No.3252016

>>3251987 (lb)

This anon gets it.

d01f20  No.3252017

DC McAllister

‏Verified account @McAllisterDen

Christine Blasey Ford was a classmate of mine at UNC. We graduated in 1988. I want to ask Christine if she remembers partying at Trolls, drinking at He’s Not Here. Hooking up with guys at Henderson Street. Eating at Time Out. Remember those days, Christine? Tell us about them.

1510e2  No.3252018

ANY MEMES WE DROP will be in vain if social medias' AI meme detection works. I've planned for it. Would like to see Q address it.

44099e  No.3252019

these CIA operations are giving bad optics.

it would have looked better with independent council for ford..

and no fund me account. it shows a motive why she would lie.

1. for money

2. to show support for the dem party with activist council.


673112  No.3252020

Guys… is life imitating art?

Fear of Flying is a 1973 novel by Erica Jong which became famously controversial for its portrayal of female sexuality and figured in the development of second-wave feminism.

The novel is written in the first person: narrated by its protagonist, Isadora Zelda White Stollerman Wing, a 29-year-old poet who has published two books of poetry. On a trip to Vienna with her second husband, Isadora decides to indulge her sexual fantasies with another man. Its tone may be considered conversational or informal. The story's American narrator is struggling to find her place in the world of academia, feminist scholarship, and in the literary world as a whole. The narrator is a female author of erotic poetry, which she publishes without fully realizing how much attention she will attract from both critics and writers of alarming fan letters.

The book resonated with women who felt stuck in unfulfilled marriages,[1] and it has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.

Isadora Wing is a Jewish journalist from New York City’s Upper West Side. We meet her on a plane flight to Vienna for the first psychoanalyst’s conference since analysts were driven out during the Holocaust. She is surrounded by analysts, many of them her own from over the years, and her husband Bennett (also an analyst, naturally): "There were 117 psychoanalysts on the Pan Am flight to Vienna and I'd been treated by at least six of them" (page 5).[2] Her fear of flying, both literally and metaphorically referring to a fear of freeing herself from the shackles of traditional male companionship, she associates with recent articles about plane hijackings and terrorist attacks. She also associates fear and loathing with Germany, her destination, because she and her husband were stationed in Heidelberg and she struggled both to fit in and to wrestle with the hatred and danger she felt being a Jew in post-Holocaust Germany.

Freudians perhaps inevitably have their own ideas about the symbolism of an airplane in the formation of the unconscious and the sexual psyche, and this contrast provides narrative suspense. What did the six psychiatrists make of the narrator's fears? Did she tell them? What will they say in Vienna if she mentions her nervous emotions? These questions are not really explicitly stated, but they may well occur to a reader's mind. The narrator, meanwhile, occupies her mind with many questions, plans, mental rough drafts and reminiscences as her journey unfolds, including the "zipless fuck," a major motif in the story that haunts the narrator throughout.

Upon arriving, Isadora meets English Langian analyst Adrian Goodlove. She is immediately hooked. Despite his gruff attitude and dirty sandals, he seems to provide what she desires but doesn’t find in her own marriage - energy, excitement, desire, danger. They begin a poorly-veiled secret affair, dancing and kissing rather openly at conference events, staying out nights, spending days by German pools. Adrian is wild and awakens things in Isadora she believed to be lost in the everydayness of her marriage, despite the fact that he is a rotten lay and often impotent.


8c8368  No.3252021


Why isn't POTUS on Gab, Minds & Bitchute yet?

a84bdc  No.3252022

File: cc69a81f44b269b⋯.jpg (217.84 KB, 1242x1848, 207:308, DoPZ4e2VsAAVNtr orig.jpg)


176219  No.3252023

I just registered online to vote…and I will

a94b73  No.3252024


Summer vacation

53c8ca  No.3252025

File: 3129a0a91553c39⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 1435773789072.jpg)






>Operation "Drop The Meme's"

>Operation "Drop The Meme's"

>Operation "Drop The Meme's"

>Operation "Drop The Meme's"

you have it all

call the leftards conspiriacy idiots

call the leftards tinfoiled idiots

call the laftards all you can think off

you got the meme's

<<<<<<<You have to understand: leftards went over the line, now in the wild open>>>>>>>>>

they know jackshit how this meme war is to fight

these leftards can only control the information

but they can't control pure chaos

meme war is chaos pure

we are chaos

we control the meme's

praise kek


a2fc0a  No.3252026

Q, you are losing us…

c89bb2  No.3252027

>>3251942 (lb)

Do you saw this before?

68a498  No.3252028

So basically soros has laid down his read line.

Shut it down or we loose and I pull my money?

624ee4  No.3252029


Q, EXPOSE them and the MEME's will come. DECLAS is 100x more powerful than meme's. Help us out!

23c76d  No.3252030

File: d7a40449193376b⋯.jpg (592.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Tardicus.jpg)

>>3251988 lb

Hey baby how's it bouncing


>>3251835 lb

>>3251990 lb

Why is Tardicus standing? He doesn't play football.

1ac943  No.3252031



df2af2  No.3252032


VERY sloppy

d01f20  No.3252033

Jennifer Jacobs

‏Verified account @JenniferJJacobs

Jennifer Jacobs Retweeted DC McAllister

A person who knew both Kavanaugh and Ford in high school tells me:

“This FBI mini investigation is going to uncover some fairly unpleasant things about the witnesses. I hope that stuff stays private.”

Friends from back then aren’t talking with one another about it — too toxic.

9c9b77  No.3252034






98265a  No.3252035

Suggestion for Bread #4120…


e926ae  No.3252036

File: b8e4d2f0a044a5a⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 1055x610, 211:122, 94ff8d50edd85582af59bd492c….jpg)


Britfag stealing your image.. thanks

39836e  No.3252037


It's because both sides of the isle are acting out a play… and the end result isn't what you think it is gonna be.

f60e4a  No.3252038


261fa1  No.3252039

File: 523664d47f6a446⋯.jpg (679.84 KB, 1428x1126, 714:563, Q-Of-The-Lake_PAIN.jpg)

File: fccbbf1a925f0c0⋯.jpg (586.41 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, WelcomeJusticeK.jpg)

File: e7fdb4a0653a6ef⋯.jpg (460.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClintonTies_Twitter.jpg)

File: 77f8cd87dd23f62⋯.jpg (260.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, wretchedC_A.jpg)

OC memes

c2e4fd  No.3252040

File: 135100330d6ac80⋯.png (55.51 KB, 790x442, 395:221, Goodlatte1.png)

File: ce416f7a129d2f7⋯.png (69.69 KB, 784x466, 392:233, Goodlatte2.png)

As part of our joint investigation into decisions made by DOJ in 2016, today I subpoenaed Glenn Simpson to appear for a deposition.

We’ve also invited James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Stuart Evans, Richard Scott, Sally Moyer, and Mike Kortan as witnesses. Will subpoena them if necessary.



2e820b  No.3252041

File: 63360af7e1839af⋯.jpeg (115.06 KB, 1504x272, 94:17, C9954CFA-8013-4B8C-A0A2-4….jpeg)

File: 857ba8248087579⋯.jpeg (88.36 KB, 1514x274, 757:137, DCDC9515-DFBF-4A6C-BEB8-7….jpeg)

File: 22eb315877e3e0a⋯.jpeg (255.28 KB, 1434x1687, 1434:1687, 1767BCB2-B463-43B8-A411-A….jpeg)

Ford’s one Go Fund me Page shut off donations.

As long as the gifts are below 14K each no tax is paid.

b60511  No.3252042

Words, Phrases and People to Ponder for the day:

1. Khazar

2. Zion

3. Nazi

4. Khazar Zion Mafia (think Jewish,…think Rothschild)

5. Albert Pike's 3 Wars

6. Illuminati Goals

7. 45 Communistic Goals to bring down America (same

as above)

8 The Georgia Guidestones

9. The Kalergi Plan (working pretty good in Europe right now)

10. Benjamin Freedman (himself a Zion exposing his own for

crimes against humanity, fomenting wars and plotting to rule the


11. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (fyi- Henry Ford

paid out of his pocket to have 500,000 copies made and

distributed across America in the 1920's. He believed every

American should know what the Zion Jews were up to).

12. That's it for starters to enlighten a few of you on who runs

things around here and why. Not going to end this one on

13 because that would be just too weird.

1ac943  No.3252043

File: 6330c51c2075d8d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Q.png)





2edb0b  No.3252044

File: eb1bc9816eeae45⋯.png (614.44 KB, 510x1078, 255:539, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: e505217fa9510f4⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1032x1080, 43:45, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

Alyssa Milano. Invited by Dianne Feinstein.


8c25d1  No.3252045

File: 5c9db7d29673b8a⋯.jpeg (67.45 KB, 724x478, 362:239, 9C8D2986-717A-41AE-BDA3-F….jpeg)

3e1041  No.3252046

>>3251936 (LB)







bae686  No.3252047

File: cbf1b9dbca77039⋯.png (453.37 KB, 846x846, 1:1, mirror markers 02-03 D2L.png)

File: f74e33825d79f92⋯.png (283.62 KB, 1024x528, 64:33, Qclock - we certainly do h….png)

:55 second clip

im sure anons have noted the duration is :55 and the actual cut by an edit would probably span a bit wider leading one to believe the 5:5 message

its not a clockfag but i did mirror it on the clock

i think the :55 aka 5:5 is ya we hear you bitch, bring it on

but it looks nice on the clock

also attached is a top of the hour Q proof using duration

7fa79b  No.3252048

Why is it okay to put Kavanaugh under a microscope.

But all we know about Ford is that she works at Palo Alto University as a Pyschology professor.

I want everything in her!

I want an FBI investigation of her!

Where were her friends in the back to support her?

Have any of her students made a statement of how she was as a teacher?

Why do all of these people always have a blank history online?

She has published papers on Google but any codefag at Google could put her name on some articles in a matter of minutes.

Why is someone we know so little about "credible" but someone we know everything about a liar?

Why isn't the media talking about her possible ties to the CIA?

Why do these people always have parents that were in government?

This is absolutely insane in my opinion!

230672  No.3252049

Red October

Red October

Red October

a9936a  No.3252050


>>3251375 PB

In summary, those activities which courts have held defraud the United States under 18 U.S.C. § 371 affect the government in at least one of three ways:

[cited in JM 9-42.001]

They cheat the government out of money or property;

They interfere or obstruct legitimate Government activity; or

They make wrongful use of a governmental instrumentality.

8ddc58  No.3252051

File: e3eae8878c99055⋯.jpg (65.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-24.jpg)

After Abraham Lincoln was re-elected in 1864 on the promise of banishing slavery, he was sent a long letter congratulating him on his achievements. The author of that letter? None other than Karl Marx. The letter began by stating “if resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.” Marx later described Lincoln in glowing terms as a “a man neither to be browbeaten by adversity nor intoxicated by success.”

1ac943  No.3252052

No "Splash", Q. Bad things seem to be happening when things are "Splash"ing.

8a320b  No.3252053


Q's back

23c76d  No.3252054


The dems don't care how many lives they ruin as long as it's not theirs.

3842d5  No.3252055

>>3251960 lb

Yep, I see.

BLACKOUTS are on the clock for future comms and happenings!

36b460  No.3252056

>>3251980 lb

Is shooting cabal moar times a bad thing?

8c25d1  No.3252057

File: b11e17041371abf⋯.jpeg (155.46 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, 6583AB60-8CB9-4A21-B75E-4….jpeg)

400685  No.3252058

File: 600e4aad26425f6⋯.png (50.36 KB, 490x332, 245:166, ClipboardImage.png)


9e62d3  No.3252059


I suggest that as soon as the DOJ starts taking actions against the deep state crooks, that all Qtists immediately enter the fray and destroy all libtards in every way possible across all web platforms and irl especially. Be ruthless. Off with their heads.

55cb44  No.3252060


Yes. This is some flat bullshit. Following from the beginning and about to just #WalkAway

af4602  No.3252062

File: 48a2e04c5587570⋯.jpg (272.61 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, kavanaugh beer.jpg)


Or at least I am (hiccup).

2115e9  No.3252063

File: c37f40d0b75aa45⋯.png (146.16 KB, 1120x628, 280:157, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)


4611c7  No.3252064

does anyone think we could skirt a censorship by using gifs. Make the beginning a Christmas present to unwrap unveiling the meme we wanted to show? If so, I don't mind spending time learning to make gifs . I'll leave it up to hivemind if y'all think it would work

39836e  No.3252065


looks like an ouroboros on her right wrist.

631537  No.3252066

File: 57abd9034b3475f⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 255x252, 85:84, pepe_wait_what.jpg)

>>TWITTER has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].<<

BLOCKED this morning… only my Followers can see.

My Kavanaugh support is undesirable.


10902b  No.3252067


I have no idea.

fff405  No.3252068

File: c74be70ef214e5e⋯.png (385.86 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

new q





photo name ALERTBAHWx71_Z9

a64d66  No.3252069

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef278….jpg)


What are we looking at, Q? Somebody running?

af47a8  No.3252070



They cut Malia "0bama" out of the music video! Too many eyes!

Anyone have a backup?

0d0923  No.3252071


WHO gave the green light? And hell's bells, POTUS was just going to have a little chat with us directly next Wednesday! (I don't have a cell phone, tho. I'll watch the water!)

bae686  No.3252072


hit us with some Lincoln Vampire Hunter, E

39836e  No.3252073


Fuck off Q

530a06  No.3252074

File: 1c5a559c2d9e1c9⋯.png (47.62 KB, 1416x614, 708:307, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: a71b10f265fb23d⋯.png (1 MB, 1186x892, 593:446, plane interior.png)

2edb0b  No.3252075


And don't forget to wear red in October.

d565d9  No.3252076

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 0f9cb70946b71c2a6326cc2f46….jpg)

c2e4fd  No.3252077


Trust the plan. The FBI investigation was most likely planned all along, and part of the plan. Lets assume white hats (and FBI) have all the goods, and Ford/Feinstein will be exposed

d6229a  No.3252078

File: 50bc0b6778c1e9f⋯.png (812.55 KB, 693x440, 63:40, ClipboardImage.png)


All Syria Should Be Cleared of Terrorists, Foreign Presence - Foreign Minister UNGA

"The situation on the ground has become more secure and stable, and the battle against terrorism is almost over. We are committed to continuing the holy battle until we clear the entire territory of Syria of terrorist groups and illegal foreign presence," Muallem said at the annual General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly. "Governments [of some countries] formed an illegal international coalition led by the United States under the pretext of fighting terrorism in Syria. It became clear that the goals of the coalition fully coincide with the goals of terrorist groups that wreak havoc, death and destruction in their path," the Syrian minister said. "Western countries dispose of scenarios and accusations prepared in advance in order to justify aggression against Syria," Muallem noted. "The Syrian authorities continue restoring areas destroyed by terrorists. Currently, all conditions have been created for the voluntary return of Syrian refugees to the country," he said, addressing the UN General Assembly.


Syrian Army Foils Several Infiltration Attempts To Its Positions In Northern Hama

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) foiled an infiltration attempt by militants south of the opposition-held town of al-Lataminah in the northern Hama countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The state-run news agency said that the militants were trying to sneak into some positions of the SAA in the region.

Later, the SAA detected and attacked a group of militants, which was planting IEDs and mines on a road west of the village of al-Jbaisat. As a result of attack, several militants were killed and injured, which forced the rest of them to abandon their mission and to withdraw back to their positions.


Army fixes its points in depth of Toloul al-Safa in Sweida, kills many of Daesh terrorists

SANA reporter said that the army units in cooperation with supporting forces established control over the area of Qabr al-Sheikh Hussein after fierce clashes with the terrorists.

Many of the terrorists including snipers were killed by the army fires according to the source.

The army units discovered amounts of ammunition and weapons in the liberated areas.


US-Backed Forces Advance Around Hajin, ISIS Strikes Back In Al-Baghuz

US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) advanced 600m in the vicinity of the town of Hajin, in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside, and imposed control of 8 new positions following heavy clashes with ISIS fighters, according to the SDF media center.

On the same day, US-led coalition warplanes carried out 9 airstrikes on ISIS positions north of the town of al-Baghuz al-Fawqani and inside Hajin. These actions resulted in the death of 8 ISIS fighters and the destruction of four vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) of the terrorist group.


Syrian Foreign Ministry: Terrorists Must Leave Idlib

“Yes, we are satisfied with the situation,” he said. “Humanitarian corridors are functioning, but, regrettably, terrorists do not give civilians a possibility to leave Idlib.”

“Terrorists must leave Idlib, the governorate should not be in the hands of foreigners,” he stressed. “I don’t know whether terrorists are already leaving it. I hope the process have started.”


S-300 System Delivery To Syria Already Started: Lavrov

The delivery has been started already. And as President Putin said, after that incident […] the measures which we will take will be devoted to ensure 100 percent safety and security of our men in Syria,” Lavrov said at a press conference following his speech at the UN General Assembly in New York on September 28.


Syria signs Code of Conduct to Achieve a Terrorism-Free World

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari signed that political declaration on behalf of the government of the Syrian Arab Republic along with representatives of more than one hundred UN member states.


958d30  No.3252079

File: 7ac5875c1b5f429⋯.jpeg (340.31 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 787 Business Class.jpeg)


United Airlines 787 Business Class

dce03a  No.3252080


When executing a plan as little variables as possible. If he gets censored its not like he will have millions of followers the next day on whatever platform he moves to.

Also, if he moves now its Trump supports Nazi platform, they will still do that anyways, but he has the cover of the talking heads saying he wouldn't have to move if Twitter didn't ban political speech he didn't like and that is the topic instead.

And also reach. Twitter is where its at right now.

b6c346  No.3252081

You fucked w/ fuckers, and now ask for happiness?

Firts asf for forgiveness, for killing that you din't understood.

23c76d  No.3252082


Swampy things

1ac943  No.3252083

That aint AF1. Who's plane?

4c30cc  No.3252084

File: 4a9ae6dfe1d45cc⋯.jpeg (66.55 KB, 768x431, 768:431, image.jpeg)

File: 107082acdf4a74c⋯.png (4 KB, 477x143, 477:143, DoJmBQtV4AA1z58.jpg-header.png)

File: 86b84102e70a0cb⋯.png (4.05 KB, 478x144, 239:72, image.jpeg-header.png)

Found a version of this image that may be a pixelknot image.

The original image from https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DoJjUrPUcAATUQD.jpg is not a pixelknot and has a standard JFIF header.

Did a reverse image search looking for other sites using that image, and I found a version that has an abnormal header very close to that of a pixelknot header (1 byte off) in this newsday article from 2016 about a Killory fundraiser:

https:// www.newsday.com/long-island/hillary-clinton-holds-33-400-a-head-hamptons-fundraiser-1.12238672

(direct image link: https:// cdn.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.12238881.1472525321!/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/landscape_768/image.jpeg)

For a pixelknot header, we expect:

First 6 bytes to be: ff d8 ff db 00 84

Also the 4 bytes starting at 0x88 should be: ff c0 00 11

The header in the modified image is only off by the 5th byte which is a 43 instead of 84.

Have tried the f5.jar with numerous password guesses (strings from that article, Evergreen, Eagle, Renegade, etc.), but haven't gotten lucky. Did anyone ever figure out a way to brute force pixelknot?

fff405  No.3252085

File: 4d980ddc2a1c4e2⋯.png (313.23 KB, 491x337, 491:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Q, alert for Bahrain Airport?

Bahrain International Airport (IATA: BAH, ICAO: OBBI) (Arabic: ‎, maṭār al-Baḥrayn al-dwalī) is the international airport of Bahrain, located in Muharraq, an island about 7 km (4.3 mi) northeast of the capital Manama. It serves as the hub for the national carrier Gulf Air.

2527ee  No.3252086

File: e59d33384aaf7f5⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 576x282, 96:47, twatter.JPG)


b9517b  No.3252087

File: b2c69cb046dedd5⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 533x462, 533:462, trump tower lightning star….jpg)

File: 9b343f2342c0fa9⋯.jpg (222.29 KB, 1000x565, 200:113, make it rain q.jpg)

File: cc7e85f62e2a849⋯.png (578.73 KB, 797x672, 797:672, trump lets dance.png)

File: 3e4085955dcd740⋯.jpg (306.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, patriots fight.jpg)

a5649f  No.3252088


First Class cabin on a Delta jet for an international or transcontinental flight ("Delta One")

1ac943  No.3252089



581c3e  No.3252090

File: da9dd1cc7380ebf⋯.jpg (16.9 KB, 300x378, 50:63, aeba389611b260a72b9ae79014….jpg)

af9d43  No.3252091

File: 6d9262b9832d986⋯.jpg (184.19 KB, 753x1024, 753:1024, america calling.jpg)


Found a typo.


af6f45  No.3252092

File: 39b03cc2c6068c8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, 39b03cc2c6068c8d92abab7288….png)

File: e7ee4e9741ab34d⋯.jpeg (181.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e7ee4e9741ab34dfd0c26bf14….jpeg)

File: 009344ecf376058⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 379x267, 379:267, 1535765120955.gif)




1510e2  No.3252093


Yes, but that was months ago. Enemy's software has improved, and we need PROVING grounds to test our anti-AI memes. Faggot.

33e89d  No.3252094

lol basic judicial tenets of western civilization threatened and the answer is drop some memes lol. wew, thats a 21st century digital fluff response to the very question of the survival of our society. go home and f off. im closing this vm for now. shove your meme up your fucking ass. pissed me the fuck off right now. twitter fingers

3842d5  No.3252095

File: 07fdd96dd02f098⋯.png (69.51 KB, 709x286, 709:286, SPLASHH.png)

f60e4a  No.3252096

File: d1d12876c4aeb6b⋯.png (8.71 KB, 713x309, 713:309, ClipboardImage.png)


c2e4fd  No.3252097

I want to see Feinstein exposed next week, and her step down effective immediately

a510ca  No.3252098

File: f56c0cb608e04f9⋯.jpg (97.22 KB, 1094x800, 547:400, eyes004-the-outer-limits-t….jpg)



cfb25e  No.3252099

File: 14d5af4834b5181⋯.png (527.98 KB, 1718x1400, 859:700, More-Effective-Memes.png)


Calling somebody an idiot is not a useful approach. They will just delete the tweet/email/message if it offends them.

Instead, you have to get inside their shoes and present your points from THEIR points of view.

"It was my party but now I have to walk away because they no longer represent my values."

"I supported them, but now I am ashamed of what I see and I must walk away"

d6229a  No.3252100

Russia Is Ready To Provide Iraq With Syria-like Military Assistance

Russia is ready to provide Iraq with military assistance similar that it has ptovided to Syria, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Special Presidential Envoy for the Middle East and North Africa Mikhail Bogdanov stated on September 28.

According to him, the key point is the political will of Iraqi leadership to approve this assistance.

The diplomat called Iraq one of Russia’s main partners in the Middle East adding that the bilateral dialogue between Moscow and Baghdad is marked by trust.

“Our countries are bound by traditions of strong friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation. Iraq is one of Russia’s main partners in the Middle East. The sides have achieved a high level cooperation between ministries and departments. Russia and Iraq act as close partners. Of course, an important component of our bilateral relations is a rich and trustworthy political dialogue,” he said at the Iraqi embassy in Moscow.

Bogdanov also praised the technical cooperation between Iraq and Russia.


1ac943  No.3252101




39b5be  No.3252102

File: 804b9abbbaafeef⋯.jpg (315.56 KB, 749x1001, 107:143, 804b9abbbaafeef00d14e758c3….jpg)

File: 628f91eae5dd34a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 411x600, 137:200, Are You.jpg)

1c2569  No.3252103


Destination TFC

Taormina Harbour airport (Taormina)

Country: Italy

ISO country code: IT

City: Taormina

Airport name: Taormina Harbour

IATA code: TFC


Time zone: +1.0 GMT

fff405  No.3252104

Taormina Harbour airport (Taormina)

Country: Italy

ISO country code: IT

City: Taormina

Airport name: Taormina Harbour

IATA code: TFC


Time zone: +1.0 GMT

Plane going from Bahrain to Italy?

a84bdc  No.3252105


4d08f9  No.3252106


Stolen. Love this Brit Anon.

39b5be  No.3252107

File: 47ccad56e1a2bf7⋯.jpg (461.91 KB, 761x1024, 761:1024, Columbia Blank.jpg)

File: 22904f86b1e423a⋯.jpg (605.24 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Defend.jpg)

File: 75c8aab2945663d⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 500x645, 100:129, DefendUS.jpg)

2660e5  No.3252108

File: f2dda8944d3a939⋯.png (62.38 KB, 336x228, 28:19, Slave#?.png)


Tattoo rotated

fff405  No.3252109


ayoooo same time, same thoughts. whats good hive mind.

35fa96  No.3252110

File: 0c84e40622a4f20⋯.jpg (259.05 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1e2e4287f0ba371f305f01d266….jpg)

File: 480740ff272f322⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, state.PNG)

File: f38a7ecb3589c49⋯.png (861 KB, 851x501, 851:501, 7th_floor.png)

File: e21c7083d4d3ef5⋯.png (639.59 KB, 1006x657, 1006:657, notrothschild.png)

File: d9ca77e586092ef⋯.png (437.52 KB, 677x448, 677:448, lawyer_up.PNG)

d6229a  No.3252111




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

dce03a  No.3252112


2 D's on the CA ballot in Nov for Senate. She wins, Cox wins, she resigns, R Senator is the replacement.

39836e  No.3252113


Fuck you Q

d08697  No.3252114

File: 1a3d65630b64ccc⋯.jpeg (658.72 KB, 3117x3117, 1:1, AD5A996E-D8C3-4892-B573-D….jpeg)

9/28 Q:

"Hollywood puppets"

9/27 Brett Kavanaugh: "Orchestrated political hit."

9/26 Trump: "Schumer & Co. are laughing, how they fooled you all."

9/21 Chuck Grassley: "Orchestra and Schumer is the conductor."

9/21 Q:

"The music is about to stop."

1c6271  No.3252115

Who all's been blocked by Twitter?

James Woods.

Thomas Wictor?

Alex Jones, too.

Who else am i missing?

95aeb5  No.3252116

>>3249965 (lb)

>There has to be a FISA on ChiFi. As soon as Ford contacted her, boom.

Chinese Spy Driver. Do you think FISA, maybe?

39b5be  No.3252117

File: af8325e1fa3bd59⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 250x335, 50:67, DontCrowDig.jpg)

File: 4785955e8732609⋯.jpg (640.32 KB, 1200x1867, 1200:1867, Stand_Firm_Lion_Artist_Tom….jpg)

File: e1ee7245c4dad30⋯.jpg (487.17 KB, 1200x1660, 60:83, Uncle Sam.jpg)

07ea9c  No.3252118

File: c1f852eaa9d359b⋯.png (633.22 KB, 574x766, 287:383, 2018-05-04_02-37-48 copy 2.png)

File: 6889bf5ed9e4da8⋯.png (132.65 KB, 334x382, 167:191, 2018-09-29_08-04-30.png)

File: 5ce01832de601f5⋯.png (914.19 KB, 788x526, 394:263, 2018-09-29_16-12-46.png)

File: 3878740ecc434a3⋯.png (338.69 KB, 431x370, 431:370, 2018-09-29_16-14-38.png)

9e62d3  No.3252119


Let's see something SERIOUS done about vote fraud before Q starts whinging on about voting. Fuck. Worry about the SCOTUS vote.

c3bee5  No.3252120

File: cf2e53ac79fac8f⋯.png (53.92 KB, 636x392, 159:98, ClipboardImage.png)

EDT cap


23c76d  No.3252121


And it's quite empty

0efacc  No.3252122

File: d9676462d61eb0b⋯.png (25.69 KB, 461x393, 461:393, Q (54).png)

>>3251246 (lb)

>>3251966 (lb)

On October 17, 1989, Northern California was rocked by a 6.9 earthquake that became known as the Loma Prieta Earthquake. Its epicenter was located on a section of the San Andreas Fault and caused heavy damaged to Santa Cruz County, the San Francisco Bay Area and Oakland. This was the first earthquake in the United States to have been televised live since it happened as Game3 of the 1989 World Series was about to begin.


New Q

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.309

Sep 29 2018 15:16:44 (EST)







8da05d  No.3252123

File: c091946c49859ce⋯.png (22.58 KB, 940x398, 470:199, 9-29-18 b.png)


275012  No.3252124

POTUS can drive the narrative bigly tonight.

I would expect some fireworks…

4ab015  No.3252125

Do you asshats not know how to determine a real Q drop from a shill?? FFS

cdf800  No.3252126


BAH is Bahrain airport

9666cd  No.3252127

Plane about to be shot down? Splash 1-X?

302756  No.3252128


glad you got it- it's gone now

116636  No.3252129


Splash1-X Looks like we have another missile running loose.

AIRG_patrol_HIGH /Air Guidance Patrol HIGH…

Anything else Faggots?

2b2c5e  No.3252130

File: 01872796df9174a⋯.png (165.64 KB, 474x455, 474:455, ClipboardImage.png)


the only thing worse than the 12 year old faggots who post tits every bread like it their duty, is the 13 year old faggots who have to post the same reaction every single bread like its their duty.

53c8ca  No.3252131


Operation "drop the memes" is a go

timing is perfect

we all need to focus now

3842d5  No.3252132

File: e482a343bc8a28a⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1813x851, 49:23, Splashhh.png)

df2af2  No.3252133

File: 9f131c666dd4011⋯.png (39.5 KB, 554x380, 277:190, ClipboardImage.png)


>ANY MEMES WE DROP will be in vain if social medias' AI meme detection works. I've planned for it. Would like to see Q address it.

Q already addressed this. Regardless of what social media companies have said via MSM, their doesn't work as well as the NSA's does, and that's IF it works at all. Those MSM articles were scare tactics to try & discourage EXACTLY what we're doing now,flooding the feeds. They depend on posts being reported by users for review. Don't let them fool you.

10902b  No.3252134


whoever controls Jack! I believe soros pretty much has all social media bases covered.

210c2f  No.3252135


309 too yo

1ac943  No.3252136




8ba4ff  No.3252137

TFC is an airport in Italy.


624ee4  No.3252138

Q, exposure of (they)re crimes are all we'd need for red wave. MEME's won't do shit. We are censored. DECLAS!!!!

6a36fb  No.3252139

File: f837ede84c1200c⋯.jpeg (367.78 KB, 1460x696, 365:174, BEB449E3-B2E4-47F6-9DB6-A….jpeg)

9e62d3  No.3252140


Really. What bullshit. Purge the fucking voting rolls or stfu about voting.

d08697  No.3252141

File: 1d3f9a486c8433c⋯.jpeg (98.81 KB, 1053x839, 1053:839, F514D626-E993-4CD7-AF56-D….jpeg)

File: 211f3719b3044f2⋯.jpeg (714.88 KB, 1125x1749, 375:583, 0AA2132B-BB57-45E8-9D8D-8….jpeg)


The truth is right in front of you.

8c25d1  No.3252142

File: 017388a00d2c989⋯.jpeg (327.03 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 4D8E7DC7-B2BC-481E-B8BD-5….jpeg)

Red October

e40d39  No.3252143

File: 2a442617db66658⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 656x418, 328:209, iu (1).jpg)

c3bee5  No.3252144


Deleted already, guise.

ca6802  No.3252145

File: 28ba598819e0860⋯.jpeg (213.54 KB, 640x987, 640:987, 06460C65-AEBD-47C0-985A-F….jpeg)

4d0e22  No.3252146

File: 2acfd261f9606ce⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


b60511  No.3252147


Hollywood creeks me out! Hard to watch anything anymore unless it's old John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies.

d6229a  No.3252148

File: 8a6c7c9a15f0122⋯.png (848.92 KB, 739x472, 739:472, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump invited to visit Russia - Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that President Putin also has received an invitation from President Trump to visit the United States

UNITED NATIONS, September 29. /TASS/. US President Donald Trump has been invited to visit Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"President [of Russia Vladimir] Putin has received an invitation from President Trump [to visit the United States]. President Trump has received an invitation to visit Russia as well," he told a news conference after his participation in the high-level debates at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

"When everyone is ready and when possible dates are suggested, we will be able to decide," he said.

Earlier, when asked by TASS on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, Trump said he was looking forward another meeting with the Russia leader but no date has been appointed so far.

The two leaders had their first full-format meeting in the Finnish capital city Helsinki on July 16.



533574  No.3252149



chrissy's trip home? I'm stumped

af6f45  No.3252150

File: b836be560275dcb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 861x354, 287:118, Untitled picture.png)

TFC ??

39b5be  No.3252151

File: bb07e6df451982a⋯.jpg (135.56 KB, 600x892, 150:223, DIG ON FOR VICTORY.jpg)

File: d77e21f8516ea0d⋯.jpg (78.52 KB, 500x363, 500:363, Dig Together.jpg)

File: 2b3dfcc74d553fc⋯.jpg (344.82 KB, 1200x1780, 60:89, DMP.jpg)

1510e2  No.3252153


Bahrain is where HRC has always been rumored to run to - no extradition.

03a300  No.3252154


2efc22  No.3252155

File: 328b7be69bbf28f⋯.png (100.07 KB, 978x581, 978:581, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: 0e03fad21bc4e7e⋯.png (110.77 KB, 1086x648, 181:108, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)


Air Force Central Adjudication Facility

b9517b  No.3252156

File: 07e8d287b7265a5⋯.jpg (191.23 KB, 960x720, 4:3, a democrat delicacy.jpg)

39836e  No.3252157

Gawd it's official.. Q is a fag.

f3c3e7  No.3252158

POTUS should just close his @realDonaldTrump account all together.

aad3ac  No.3252159


Where did you get this? 308

I swear I’ve read this before In a Previous Q post

4611c7  No.3252160

File: 78c44c7b1076bf5⋯.jpg (76.82 KB, 1870x919, 1870:919, bigQ.JPG)


this is the largest I could blow it up to

f58b8c  No.3252161


A demoncrat and two rino traitors walk out of a bar…

673112  No.3252162

a03252  No.3252163

File: 95b302644d00f93⋯.png (30.99 KB, 1200x1647, 400:549, Elections He's With Us.png)

File: 7e89e9d69da1c12⋯.png (112.81 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Democrat Donkey Dead.png)

4c4058  No.3252164

PF 308 and 309 scrubbed

3a82c5  No.3252165

File: 4fde046a53f25d8⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1404x1392, 117:116, FFFlake.png)


Wonder what they got on him.

2edb0b  No.3252167

File: 25a769eebcf86a0⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 4000x2250, 16:9, Ом_мани_падме_хуң.jpg)

8c8baf  No.3252168

File: e57bafe9a5f6ab0⋯.jpg (65.8 KB, 774x158, 387:79, TFC.jpg)

File: d58823d0230d396⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 759x421, 759:421, TFC2.jpg)

destination TFC?


3e1041  No.3252169


ah, fitting. A penissile.

5e936f  No.3252170

File: 1cf0996e2f39075⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 660x493, 660:493, Q 2297.JPG)

File: ed48672db25b095⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 676x465, 676:465, Q 2298.JPG)


Q 2297 / 2298 Deleted.

Anyone grab the pic??

d6229a  No.3252171

1,566 Pounds of Heroin Found in Iranian Trucks Entering EU from Turkey

SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) – Bulgarian customs officials say they have seized 712 kilograms (1,566 pounds) of heroin found in two Iranian trucks entering Bulgaria from Turkey.

Officials on Saturday valued the record heroin haul at 23 million euros ($27 million).

The drugs were found in two Iran-registered trucks at the Kapitan Andreevo checkpoint on the Turkish border. They were carrying construction materials and were bound for Austria.

Haskovo regional prosecutor Ivan Stoyanov said the heroin was hidden in sealed bags stashed between the officially declared goods.

The two drivers, both Iranian citizens, were detained and could face up to 20 years in jail if convicted on drug trafficking charges.


23c76d  No.3252172


Use https://www.prepostseo.com/reverse-image-search

It's better

a874eb  No.3252173

File: 0609b6a33228ab9⋯.png (16.07 KB, 454x440, 227:220, 1_x.png)

1_X seems to have stood for POTUS' Twitter phone in the past.

7fa79b  No.3252174

TFC, Italian airport?

cf11cd  No.3252175

Thomas Wictor just got banned from twitter. Can't you do anything about this Q? Why isn't Trump giving stirring speeches about everyone banned from youtube and twitter? Why is he not talking about the techs spying on everyone and stealing their data?

4d0e22  No.3252176

File: 623e5cf16473e04⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1440x829, 1440:829, ClipboardImage.png)

10902b  No.3252177


I was was wondering about that but!!

My theory is that they have all the voting bases covered to detect the slightest abnormality in voting. They will then be able to trace everything to source and nail them red handed.

63ef3c  No.3252178



When the going gets tough the weak soybois go running back to their master George Soros.

Run as fast as you can.

1c6271  No.3252179

File: 7a20d5c47e25b49⋯.png (38.87 KB, 485x313, 485:313, AQ4.PNG)


Q deleted 308. Anyone caught the picture?

bdf864  No.3252180

f60e4a  No.3252181

File: ff53948feb3a58d⋯.png (11.68 KB, 708x302, 354:151, ClipboardImage.png)

0efacc  No.3252182

File: 8b8e69e2d0180c9⋯.jpg (39.48 KB, 722x608, 19:16, Anon IS PROJECTING.jpg)


ASK AGAIN as you look into the mirror *asshat faggot*

116636  No.3252183



Check in Zulu time - First Class… ?

958d30  No.3252184

File: 7045e84ac68adb7⋯.jpeg (156.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, United 787.jpeg)



It's a United 787.. TV's are off, so it's likely on the ground… waiting to emplane? The blanket package is peeking up from the seat in Q's pic..

a47400  No.3252185

File: 660ab3e6430ceae⋯.jpg (239.18 KB, 1051x1200, 1051:1200, 97c3b264c7280c37beadd34581….jpg)


673112  No.3252186

8f53cc  No.3252187

File: aeb00cc50651cb2⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2izzjx.jpg)

File: 4007691f1c052f1⋯.jpg (127.32 KB, 500x947, 500:947, 2izzph.jpg)

File: c0cea2652049cb1⋯.jpg (87.97 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2j0000.jpg)

i noticed this last night when making a graham tendies meme,

look at how he has his legs crossed, and the unusual position of his foot being turned in close to his leg.


cf11cd  No.3252188

Readying the memes seems a little hollow when the techs are preventing their spread.

2c6427  No.3252189


Does your team have the Ft Huachuca sister "mirror"?

39836e  No.3252190

This whole Q thing is to instigate America into a civil war.

a510ca  No.3252191

File: b2d16f4a8136e4e⋯.png (15.47 KB, 444x497, 444:497, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Q.png)

File: 7a69032e6149e1c⋯.png (13.47 KB, 444x639, 148:213, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Q(2).png)

File: 340bdde941fb608⋯.png (10.72 KB, 444x243, 148:81, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Q(1).png)



8ba4ff  No.3252192

There is a flight 381 to Italy


a874eb  No.3252193

23c76d  No.3252194


Qatar Airways


8da05d  No.3252195


>309 too yo

308 & 309 already deleted

d6229a  No.3252196

File: 1942bcb20a1a864⋯.png (1.01 MB, 898x639, 898:639, ClipboardImage.png)

Jury: Jehovah's Witnesses must pay $35M to abuse survivor

HELENA, Mont. – The Jehovah's Witnesses must pay $35 million to a woman who says the church's national organization ordered Montana clergy members not to report her sexual abuse as a child at the hands of a congregation member, a jury ruled in a verdict.

A judge must review the penalty, and the Jehovah's Witnesses' national organization — Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York — plans to appeal.

Still, the 21-year-old woman's attorneys say Wednesday's verdict sends a message to the church to report child abuse to outside authorities.

"Hopefully that message is loud enough that this will cause the organization to change its priorities in a way that they will begin prioritizing the safety of children so that other children aren't abused in the future," attorney Neil Smith said Thursday.

The Office of Public Information at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses responded to the verdict with an unsigned statement.

"Jehovah's Witnesses abhor child abuse and strive to protect children from such acts. Watchtower is pursuing appellate review," it said.

The Montana case is one of dozens that have been filed nationwide over the past decade alleging Jehovah's Witnesses mismanaged or covered up the sexual abuse of children.

The case that prompted Wednesday's ruling involved two women, now 32 and 21, who allege a family member sexually abused them and a third family member in Thompson Falls in the 1990s and 2000s.

The women say they reported the abuse to church elders, who handled the matter internally after consulting with the national organization.

The elders expelled the abuser from the congregation in 2004 then reinstated him the next year, the lawsuit states, and the abuse of the girl who is now 21 continued.

The lawsuit claimed the local and national Jehovah's Witnesses organizations were negligent and violated a Montana law that requires them to report abuse to outside authorities.

"Their national headquarters, called Watchtower, they control when and if anyone within their organization reports child abuse," Smith said. "Watchtower instructed everyone involved that they were not to report the matter to authorities."

Attorneys for the Jehovah's Witnesses said in court filings that Montana law exempts elders from reporting "internal ecclesiastical proceedings on a congregation member's serious sin."

The church also contended that the national organization isn't liable for the actions by Thompson Falls elders, and that too much time has passed for the women to sue.

The jury awarded the 21-year-old woman $4 million for her injuries, plus $30 million in punitive damages against Watchtower and $1 million in punitive damages against the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, another Jehovah's Witness corporation that communicates with congregations across the U.S.

The monetary award must be reviewed by the trial judge and could be reduced. A Montana law caps punitive damage awards at 3 percent of a company's net worth or $10 million, whichever is less. A legal challenge to that law is pending before the Montana Supreme Court.

The jury dismissed claims that the church should have reported the second woman's abuse by the same congregation member. Jurors concluded church elders did not receive notice of the 32-year-old woman's abuse in 1998 as she said they did, and therefore did not have a duty to tell authorities.

The third family member who claimed abuse was not a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

The Associated Press generally does not name people who say they are a victim of a sex crime.


3e1041  No.3252197


>Q 2297 / 2298 Deleted.

No, but we can take that as a confirm that they know we saw their post → >>3252046

07ea9c  No.3252198

File: ffdc212f27533ea⋯.png (210.49 KB, 500x421, 500:421, 2018-09-29_08-34-43.png)

File: f42ac2c8183f7ae⋯.png (432.87 KB, 555x630, 37:42, 2018-09-29_07-59-52.png)

c6f1c3  No.3252199

Twitter POTUS Blackout:

Since Twitter will censor all conservative/ patriot voices, then time for POTUS set up White House type ‘twitter’.

“Call of the Eagle?”

Post on White House site and invite voters to get a direct email or text with each posting thus bypass twitter.

b9ba7f  No.3252200

File: e22cc707fb63c4c⋯.png (46.86 KB, 953x408, 953:408, ClipboardImage.png)

ab5cb3  No.3252201



891d58  No.3252202


In the RED…they're going to drop the stock market and try to scare people with the pressure on their retirement portfolios…the ultimate leverage to get people to vote against their own good. Don't fall for it…even if they put up a good fight to challenge the various buffers the administration has put in place. Buy Buy Buy! Hold the floor! Fight Fight Fight!

9666cd  No.3252203

File: 3a2ab9191395888⋯.png (150.18 KB, 1416x629, 1416:629, ClipboardImage.png)

5e936f  No.3252204


Who grabbed the Q pic??

b12bc5  No.3252205


The scraping sites got both.

1ac943  No.3252206

File: 5f05787e242a905⋯.png (26.13 KB, 349x289, 349:289, Capture.PNG)

If anyone would know how this all works with censorship right now it is going to be Q. Follow the instructions given about memes or shut up and lurk.

3b3e3f  No.3252207

File: 5afab684acb9e35⋯.png (147.19 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0812.PNG)

Christine Fords Classmate posts epic Tweet to calling Ford out!!

(I'm phonefagging so can't link direct to her tweet)

10902b  No.3252208


no, but I thought it might depict them as they are headed to the rally!

19706a  No.3252209


i got the submitted pic

257138  No.3252210

File: a96a9b2f4cc9699⋯.jpg (262.8 KB, 1067x1117, 1067:1117, Screenshot_20180929-131701….jpg)

File: d5a74c809ae80de⋯.png (195 KB, 777x777, 1:1, memeing.png)

battles stations!!!

deploy the MEMES!!!

6c53bd  No.3252211


Is it as hard as steel?

bb0df5  No.3252212


Didn't linsdey Graham serve in that dept?

1c53aa  No.3252213


im the originator of that image and its been less than a week from the time i first posted, which means youre less than a week old

does that make you a fetusfaggot? maybe a zygotefaggot?

8c25d1  No.3252214

File: 1ce4265d088e56c⋯.jpeg (987.28 KB, 1567x2300, 1567:2300, 79763839-A8FC-4B87-87AE-B….jpeg)

Red October?

23c76d  No.3252215

File: 9ada9d287ee8327⋯.jpg (32.27 KB, 700x484, 175:121, Qatar Airways A320 Busines….jpg)


Forgot image

a510ca  No.3252216

File: b07301505784b98⋯.png (60.86 KB, 1349x632, 1349:632, Screenshot_2018-09-29 [Fut….png)

210c2f  No.3252217


fug, i had it too but I don't normally do the cap stuff…

63ef3c  No.3252218


Chop the head off and the body goes limp.

0e37d6  No.3252219

File: 21f08c91ff1971f⋯.png (3.71 KB, 118x255, 118:255, afcaf108fd46717a073223feea….png)

39836e  No.3252220


If they have proof of this why the fuck aren't they initiating the break up of Goog, FB, and Twatter?

bddbd7  No.3252221

File: a18a57902e3e7e8⋯.jpg (60.26 KB, 756x627, 252:209, Q 308 - 309.JPG)

9e62d3  No.3252222


Blame Trump. Q just makes internet posts.

1c6271  No.3252223



1ac943  No.3252224

Stay safe Operators. Get em!

3a82c5  No.3252225

File: 038dc6a9a166ab0⋯.jpg (256.23 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4Justice.jpg)

File: e7f26c8e157e062⋯.jpg (187.61 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4light.jpg)

File: 1a60c11cb64ee70⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4October.jpg)

File: d03bf182643ca5c⋯.jpg (167.01 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, Ready4Show.jpg)

File: 159a1ae803f0daf⋯.jpg (147.89 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, Ready4ShowT.jpg)

9345aa  No.3252226

File: d913ce71028b40b⋯.png (257.82 KB, 465x584, 465:584, meme.trump.fuck.you.png)



Fuck you shillfags. Next comes the PAIN.

019070  No.3252227


Previous bread…..you fucking piece of shit nigger…die mother fucker

fecff4  No.3252228



All the vampire familiars have glyphs tattooed on the back of their neck to show which Family owns them.

958d30  No.3252229

File: 6330c51c2075d8d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, AlertBAHWx71_Z.png)

File: d1d71effff6ff48⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, archive that shit, nigga.jpg)

810667  No.3252230

File: 2fc08c25f2d2b84⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 7-11.jpg)



Another one of Marx’s most famous quotes is that history repeats itself “first as tragedy, then as farce.” This quote appears in the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and refers to the tragic fate of Napoleon I of France and the succession of his farcical nephew, Napoleon III.

9c4b9f  No.3252231


Air Guard ANG…Fighter Interceptors..National Defense scramble birds..

3f6623  No.3252232

I have a question about TWIT.

Like many here, I have amassed many thousands of followers on twit since the Fake News Awards. I consistently drop memes. Have moved away from text tweets - just memes.

However, no matter how many more blocks of 1K followers I add, I still only get like 1 or 2 likes/RTs - just like I did when I only had a few hundred followers.

This is statistical nonsense. Twit has been censoring us for months. There is some algorithm already in place that is controls what people see - even if you are just using memes. I think they probably already have lists of Patriots. If you are on the list, you are censored.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

60bc68  No.3252233

>>3252074 Maybe a signal that the DEMS

are going to 187 their patsy-witness for full

Effect on Kavenaugh! PLANE CRASH?

0a73ae  No.3252234


Someone @me some memes to spread…

f5c570  No.3252235


Targeting a commercial airliner?

02d773  No.3252236


qmap.pub captured it

c3bee5  No.3252237

File: d6b92c4315d32a8⋯.png (504.13 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


The aggregators got it.

cfb25e  No.3252238

File: c7a079c255ae4c7⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 1123x232, 1123:232, WalkawayAlpha3.jpg)


Here, apply this to our existing memes pointing out liberal hypocrisy from THEIR point of view.


d6229a  No.3252239

File: 90f8119f9b2cefc⋯.png (315.21 KB, 508x481, 508:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de6256f09b8ac34⋯.png (28.38 KB, 659x585, 659:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2d3655aabc48ed⋯.png (302.37 KB, 656x873, 656:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1d9fe9f4b705c3⋯.png (16.09 KB, 654x341, 654:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Erdogan Opens Mega Mosque Funded by Turkish Govt in Cologne, Germany

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to open one of Europe’s largest mosques in Cologne on Saturday as he wraps up a controversial visit to Germany, with police deploying in force amid planned protests.

The inauguration will be the closing event of Erdogan’s three-day state visit, aimed at repairing frayed ties with Berlin after two years of tensions.

In talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday, both leaders signalled their interest in a cautious rapprochement, but Merkel stressed that “deep differences” remained on civil rights and other issues.

Some 10,000 Erdogan critics are expected to take to the streets in Cologne, protesting everything from Turkey’s record on human rights and press freedom to its treatment of minority Kurds.

Erdogan supporters meanwhile will gather at the Cologne Central Mosque, an imposing dome-shaped building next to the shadowy, Turkish-controlled Ditib organisation.

Cologne police said they were bracing for one of their biggest ever deployments, and that a maximum of 5,000 people would be allowed to attend the opening ceremony for safety reasons.

On its Facebook page, the Cologne branch of Ditib said it wanted the ceremony to be a “beautiful” example of both communities coming together, and asked attendees to refrain from bringing political banners or shouting slogans.

Both Cologne mayor Henriette Reker and the state’s premier Armin Laschet pulled out of attending the opening as criticism of Erdogan’s visit grew.

The snubs echo the lukewarm welcome the Turkish leader received the previous evening at a state dinner hosted by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, which was boycotted by several opposition politicians.

Merkel also skipped the banquet.


9e2b3c  No.3252240


what if you dont have a twitter or facebook or any social media account? i only post here and nowhere else

d08697  No.3252241

File: 6fea69157199728⋯.webm (2.67 MB, 404x720, 101:180, 1538101398693.webm)



10902b  No.3252242


WAIT! I did have it opened.. large in a separate tag! I got it.

19706a  No.3252243


ty anon

302756  No.3252244


I was concerned because I tried to copy it for my files and my tab closed instead—

when I returned it was gone


f9b213  No.3252245

TWAT given the "green light." By whom? Who REALLY controls twatter??


210c2f  No.3252246


Yeah, great. Now, wtf does it mean?

a03252  No.3252247

File: 9a06713188f7d28⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 1254x704, 57:32, #WalkAway Just Do It.jpg)

File: 23f59d49e6758e3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2500x2832, 625:708, #WalkAway Sheer Power.png)

1ac943  No.3252248


Meme war now!

2c6427  No.3252249



d6229a  No.3252250

File: 4be3a6e49e8a0c1⋯.png (301.07 KB, 733x830, 733:830, ClipboardImage.png)


b6c346  No.3252251

You want outside the planet??

Is a joke, right??

Please tell me this is a joke!!!!!!!!

Ask forgiveness to those you hurt.

COS…… THOSE THAT YOU HURT, MAY ASK for justice too, and God will be in a dificulty.

Is it????

like this:

I hurt a person, that person may pray to God for justie, and you pray to God for forgiveness. You may put God into dificulty!!!!!!!!!!!!

So let's not put God into dificulty, and do the right thing yourself.

230672  No.3252252

Q has been shouting Red October for days now, almost in every post.

What is that all about?

2298f7  No.3252253

File: 2c9f72506ea7100⋯.png (672.44 KB, 653x4277, 653:4277, 2018-09-29_15-46-09.png)

File: a5ca6e10a04d0a3⋯.png (811.47 KB, 1017x4779, 113:531, 2018-09-29_15-52-37.png)

File: 7f17e48733c14ad⋯.png (509.4 KB, 1066x2575, 1066:2575, 2018-09-29_15-54-27.png)

>>3249018 lb

Guise, this is one of the turning points of our time! The inventor of the Web is totally reinventing it. And, they're looking for geeks to help.


09.29.18 12:01 am

Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web

With an ambitious decentralized platform, the father of the web hopes it’s game on for corporate tech giants like Facebook and Google.

By Katrina Brooker 5 minute Read

Last week, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, asked me to come and see a project he has been working on almost as long as the web itself. …

“The intent is world domination,” Berners-Lee says with a wry smile. The British-born scientist is known for his dry sense of humor. But in this case, he is not joking.

This week, Berners-Lee will launch Inrupt, a startup that he has been building, in stealth mode, for the past nine months. Backed by Glasswing Ventures, its mission is to turbocharge a broader movement afoot, among developers around the world, to decentralize the web and take back power from the forces that have profited from centralizing it. In other words, it’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon. For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control their own data and the internet remains free and open. But for Berners-Lee, the time for dreaming is over.

… Ever since revelations emerged that Facebook had allowed people’s data to be misused by political operatives, Berners-Lee has felt an imperative to get this digital idyll into the real world. … The company will be the first major commercial venture built off of Solid, a decentralized web platform he and others at MIT have spent years building. …

The app, using Solid’s decentralized technology, allows Berners-Lee to access all of his data seamlessly–his calendar, his music library, videos, chat, research. It’s like a mashup of Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, Spotify, and WhatsApp.

The difference here is that, on Solid, all the information is under his control. Every bit of data he creates or adds on Solid exists within a Solid pod–which is an acronym for personal online data store. These pods are what give Solid users control over their applications and information on the web. Anyone using the platform will get a Solid identity and Solid pod. This is how people, Berners-Lee says, will take back the power of the web from corporations.

For example, one idea Berners-Lee is currently working on is a way to create a decentralized version of Alexa, Amazon’s increasingly ubiquitous digital assistant. He calls it Charlie. Unlike with Alexa, on Charlie people would own all their data. That means they could trust Charlie with, for example, health records, children’s school events, or financial records. That is the kind of machine Berners-Lee hopes will spring up all over Solid to flip the power dynamics of the web from corporation to individuals. …

Berners-Lee believes Solid will resonate with the global community of developers, hackers, and internet activists who bristle over corporate and government control of the web. … Circumventing government spies or corporate overlords may be the initial lure of Solid, but the bigger draw will be something even more appealing to hackers: freedom. In the centralized web, data is kept in silos–controlled by the companies that build them, like Facebook and Google. In the decentralized web, there are no silos.

Starting this week, developers around the world will be able to start building their own decentralized apps with tools through the Inrupt site. …

“What’s great about having a startup versus a research group is things get done,” he says. … For now, the company consists of Berners-Lee; his partner John Bruce, who built Resilient, a security platform bought by IBM; a handful of on-staff developers contracted to work on the project; and a community of volunteer coders.

Later this fall, Berners-Lee plans to start looking for more venture funding and grow his team. The aim, for now, is not to make billions of dollars. The man who gave the web away for free has never been motivated by money. Still, his plans could impact billion-dollar business models that profit off of control over data. It’s not likely that the big powers of the web will give up control without a fight.

[more at website]

More details at (pix related):



d872c9  No.3252254

Ready the memes!

Right after Q mentions that Google, twitter et al will totally black us out.

Great plan Q.

Patriots in control?

We knew they would do this.

We knew they would fight back.

These people are not so stupid.

We must vote again, to save the plan and the Republic, as always, because the plan is on the verge of failure.

Do you want to know why the plan is crumbling?

Because the cabal found out that your disinformation is bluffing. No arrests and no consequences emboldened them.

Comey, McCabe fired, sure. Others as well, big deal. They have become more wealthy through gofundme. They will beat their cases.

Huber has many indictments, probably most for marajuana.

Sessions is sleeping.

Kaptian K got derailed by an obvious liar, or maybe he try to rape her, who knows. Trump should have nominated barret anyway, not a Bush acolyte.

Patriots are in control, and we are the patriots that need to save the Republic, again.

I wonder, if we win this time, will we actually know and be seen as winning. Because the last 3 or 4 times we won, we didn't win. The cabal is still in control.

8c25d1  No.3252255

File: 88411d02e1d3f33⋯.jpeg (544.51 KB, 1226x1716, 613:858, 449879F5-94C9-483D-96F0-7….jpeg)

3842d5  No.3252256

File: 342d265c6f29993⋯.png (3.45 MB, 1813x846, 1813:846, splashhh2.png)

55cb44  No.3252257


Suck a dick you fat neckbeard.

Shill yourself with a thousand dildos.

10902b  No.3252258


now how do I share it without giving away my comp. info?

64991c  No.3252259

Check this out.

Christine Margaret Blasey is a co-author of a book titled, "How Many Subjects? Statistical Power Analysis in Research."

Ask yourself: Does this sound like something that the person you saw on TV the other day could write? The person on TV acted like an airhead, had a little girl voice, had no idea how much her attorneys were getting paid (or if they were), had no idea if the polygraph was video recorded, didn't know if the poly was given on the day of her grandma's funeral, etc. Could that person write this high-level intellectual book?

The description says: "With increased emphasis on helping readers understand the context in which power calculations are done, this Second Edition introduces a simple technique of statistical power analysis that allows researchers to compute approximate sample sizes and power for a wide range of research designs. Because the same technique is used with only slight modifications for different statistical tests, researchers can then easily compare the sample sizes required by different designs and tests to make cost-effective decisions in planning a study. These comparisons demonstrate important principles of design, measurement, and analysis that are rarely discussed in courses or textbooks, making this book a valuable instructional resource as well as a must-have guide for frequent reference."

Read the contents, the reviews, and the features. Reconcile with the person you saw on TV.


Something is very fucky here. She is the only person on the faculty at Palo Alto University that has no photo and no bio.


And that was not recently scrubbed. Archive shows that her profile has been empty since it was first found in 2014.

Anything about her online prior to her testimony is either scrubbed or never there. Reminds of Peter Strzok, who had exactly 2 photos online prior to his public testimony.

958d30  No.3252260



It's not Qatar. Q's pic doesn't have the red rail on the seats..

df2af2  No.3252261




c89bb2  No.3252262


Neo-Ottoman empire when?

84abbe  No.3252263


when this all breaks, you help those around you to understand

1ac943  No.3252264


Reread crumbs RE; Pelosi and @Jack.

36b460  No.3252265

File: 0fc5194a6943387⋯.jpeg (93.95 KB, 800x755, 160:151, 0fc5194a69433877fd194f8b2….jpeg)

File: ab4df0ec8df40ea⋯.jpg (64.82 KB, 533x751, 533:751, ab4df0ec8df40eae635373aba7….jpg)

File: cc68da315f899af⋯.jpg (188.54 KB, 640x623, 640:623, 148648.jpg)

File: 63bfa35bc16326b⋯.jpeg (68.1 KB, 741x552, 247:184, ad4acedc695a72380534024ad….jpeg)

File: 2fcc881a3e7f03e⋯.png (439.63 KB, 800x768, 25:24, 2fcc881a3e7f03e0aac92859db….png)

2c6427  No.3252266


I keep asking Q

Sister Ft Huachuca site?

c1a0ac  No.3252267

File: 2a50f8312bc85aa⋯.png (135.73 KB, 618x362, 309:181, pf305))pic noise.PNG)


just noticed this

bottom left corner of the cap

in post >>>/patriotsfight/305

b9ba7f  No.3252268


Mid term optics.

"Republicans are trying to censor us right before the mid terms!"

"They're afraid of the truth!"

"Do you FEEL censored? It's just a 'vast right wing conspiracy'!"

b2ea25  No.3252269


Marked for her Master!

2efc22  No.3252270

File: c066fabcaa4cb71⋯.png (414.69 KB, 828x961, 828:961, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: ebec78bb0d60dfb⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 777x437, 777:437, A321-Business-Class-1-777x….jpg)


this it?



3a82c5  No.3252271

File: a616abfea7e4263⋯.jpg (184.61 KB, 492x761, 492:761, CONJOB.jpg)

File: d1fe10cf71aafd7⋯.jpg (349.86 KB, 1208x934, 604:467, BecomeHunted.jpg)

File: 7835dce5ff05ec5⋯.jpg (196.53 KB, 1024x753, 1024:753, Panic.jpg)

a510ca  No.3252272




something to do with another missile

1c6271  No.3252273


UAE? Affiliates?

019070  No.3252274


You are a fucking retard

c2bc8b  No.3252275

File: 4bc9973a46b6aea⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_3315.JPG)

File: 767248aff0b8fb1⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_3316.JPG)

1ac943  No.3252276



Assuming anon saying Bahrain was correct.

41300a  No.3252277


Our job is publicity. If we even etch into the minds of viewers a little bit of info, when shtf, they'll link back to Q instead of jumping to the conclusion the MSM puts in their minds or that Don is something awful.

f59331  No.3252278


British Airways?

624ee4  No.3252279

Q, if you think MEME's are the answer to winning the mid-terms, we are all fucked. Stop concealing the secrets from the people. YOU HAVE MORE THAN WE KNOW!

4ab015  No.3252280

TWITTER has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].

GOOG - FB will follow.



Welcome to the POLICE STATE.














*Rogue employee-they'll claim "accident" when they censor all conservative ideas like the time "an employee" deleted POTUS twitter

e04325  No.3252281

You'd think that for people that are apparently criminal traitors to our nation that we wouldn't just have to 'vote them all out' and that they'd get dragged out in handcuffs.

2e820b  No.3252282


Q deleted 308 & 309

a47400  No.3252283

File: be2d92b4351c18f⋯.png (53.24 KB, 400x390, 40:39, bd49acec9fb63c6a9ed65bfe13….png)


2660e5  No.3252284


Dunno, maybe something, maybe nothing.

Maybe a stylized 'b' 351 or 'W' 51.

May just be a shitty tattoo in a language she doesn't speak.

257138  No.3252285

Senate Leader Mcconnell confirms Kavenaugh…Nice clip to spread.


5087ad  No.3252286

It is a consolidation of power. What Stalin did to Lennon and what Trotsky did to the people.

36b460  No.3252287

Ford flying away?

9c4b9f  No.3252288


It's Buddhist..so, no

10902b  No.3252289

DUH i guess I don't have to..maybe:


23c76d  No.3252290


It's an Airbus either way

3842d5  No.3252292


That is not exactly it…scroll up. I just dropped a pic…it is UNITED though!@

a93f1a  No.3252293

File: 2fd26493c294488⋯.mp4 (688.74 KB, 472x248, 59:31, qrs.mp4)


5e936f  No.3252294

File: 24815cb0c61ecb0⋯.jpeg (125.22 KB, 1152x865, 1152:865, 1538252315.jpeg)


try to crop old pics next time, anon

5087ad  No.3252295


e8b8eb  No.3252296

File: 0c1717c571fd8fe⋯.jpg (150.28 KB, 735x852, 245:284, Address.jpg)

3e1041  No.3252297


The person that took that is sittnig in one of the seats.

3a82c5  No.3252298

File: d048a1d098d1e08⋯.png (722.66 KB, 550x770, 5:7, DOitQSM.png)

File: 40047667ce8a4e2⋯.png (427.65 KB, 550x770, 5:7, DOitQSM1.png)

File: b2d667bb9eacb05⋯.png (624.82 KB, 550x770, 5:7, DOitQSM2.png)

673112  No.3252299


AirG is a huge Canadian app.

e04325  No.3252300


even if you have those accounts if you post anything pro Trump/America, etc you end up shadow banned, censored or just outright banned very quickly it seems

0b2e4f  No.3252301


So no posting hash tags then since they can be tracked? I put memes into peoples posts that show thousands of replies and not say a word with no hash tags

cf11cd  No.3252302


Then you are fucking useless. Just kidding. Try and get friends and family to vote. If you cant do that, then see previous.

4ab015  No.3252303


I still see them

c2dd9e  No.3252304

Zlín Z.381

Two-seat primary trainer aircraft, powered by a 105 hp (78 kW) Walter Minor piston engine. Czech Air Force designation C-106.

210c2f  No.3252305


break out the magnifying glasses?

3842d5  No.3252307




United Transcontinental BUsiness class I think.

be3826  No.3252308

why does Q delete so many posts

0efacc  No.3252309


So most people go to TWATTER to get their daily news.

ANON'S have done a FANTASTIC job on saucy NOTABLES.

I get my news HERE FIRST. ALWAYS now.

We are pre-prepared with VOAT GRV for normies + boomers + others.


Anons knew this was coming.


No matter LEFT or RIGHT.

WHY? Becuase at the end of the day.

Either way…


Q Unit *activated* = DEPLOY MEMES

caf7ee  No.3252310


Just got deleted as I tried to open it on PF.

df2af2  No.3252311

File: 6bbc91d1b0a2336⋯.png (558.81 KB, 671x1882, 671:1882, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you miss it? Deleted now

0d0923  No.3252313


No, its on qanon.app. Q post 2298.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.309 📁

Sep 29 2018 15:16:44 (EST)

AlertBAHWx71_Z9.png ⬇





Guess this won't embed the picture, tho.

3a82c5  No.3252314

File: bf69655e684bd09⋯.png (216.18 KB, 236x472, 1:2, SailorMoonMAGA.png)

File: f487542456b88b4⋯.png (200.77 KB, 236x472, 1:2, Unredacted.png)

File: 2e77bf449cca81e⋯.png (98.15 KB, 236x472, 1:2, UnredactedF.png)

File: d9592c014aff02a⋯.png (195.71 KB, 236x472, 1:2, UnredactedFI.png)

68a498  No.3252315



yea it is hard to see it all as winning.

5cd409  No.3252316

File: 18d7784583dafa2⋯.jpg (98.33 KB, 648x666, 36:37, kavbb.JPG)


Next week they are going to accuse him of pedophilia. Watch. These people are evil.

39836e  No.3252317


I'm sick of this shit… This generation can be emotionally scarred… it will only last less than 100 years… tell people the truth… We are stronger than you fucking think. I'm pretty much done sitting here and watching this hope/fear porn a long with all the vile shit I have to accidentally see while here. It's not worth it.

4eaead  No.3252318

Q — I went to a church breakfast and a friend’s birthday party today. Everyone is talking about Trump and Kavanaugh. They ALL support Kavanaugh and LOVE Trump. This is in NY/NJ. If we can be winning here. We can win EVERYWHERE!

10902b  No.3252319


That is what the link is

61d231  No.3252320

File: d02a59d0854f68c⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 590x350, 59:35, SausageServlet-8-405805.jpg)


Britfag, make your own Nigel Farage Pepe. Preferrably the one where he holds a pint.


Prepare for what? Shootin' war? Riots and bloodshed? Being banned from the interwebs?

8ba4ff  No.3252321

File: 83b446fab758113⋯.jpg (632.55 KB, 1439x1835, 1439:1835, Screenshot_20180929-153013….jpg)


This is a flight from Tel Aviv to Milan


a510ca  No.3252322

File: 923988a679e650c⋯.png (63.65 KB, 1349x632, 1349:632, Screenshot_2018-09-29 [Fut….png)

aad3ac  No.3252323


Red October


Have Faith

0fab4d  No.3252324

File: 027f801b9135676⋯.png (45.07 KB, 628x590, 314:295, 42e773b9-00a5-47eb-bca3-01….png)


BHA = Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation


c89bb2  No.3252325


Russian cosmism

3e1041  No.3252326

Where are the planefags.

0e7aac  No.3252327

File: 82f36120899f065⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1577x975, 1577:975, Marx-Jesus2.jpg)


One of Marx’s most famous phrases is that “religion […] is the opium of the people.” This much-quoted statement, paraphrased from the introduction of Marx’s 1844 work Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, forms part of a larger critique of capitalist society. Marx’s basic argument is that religion had a social function much like opium, insofar as it eases the pain of suffering people, while reducing people’s ability to actually confront the oppressive nature of the institutions within which they found themselves.

39b5be  No.3252328

File: 5fc4c5f152ed5e3⋯.jpeg (74.39 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Grassley Chuck.jpeg)

8936aa  No.3252330


Because he likes the dramatic effect.

958d30  No.3252331

File: 37bf1e722d304e8⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1517284696645.jpg)


It's a Boeing 787.

44099e  No.3252332

Understand. get out the vote.

what about the people we cant vote out.

Osama, Kerry, out there undermining what we voted for.

CFR is still running shit, Media is Bullshit.

Military industrial Complex running shit,

Soros Trojan Horse groups running shit.

673112  No.3252333


Haha… love it.. the fury is beautiful. Confirms the number.

a47400  No.3252334


>In the RED…they're going to drop the stock market and try to scare people with the pressure on their retirement portfolios


0fab4d  No.3252335


oops, BAH not BHA

4b74d6  No.3252336

So they censor and block our memes, as the President gets the opportunity to bypass with the emergency messaging….

f59331  No.3252337

File: e3a900c22e8aef4⋯.jpeg (90.62 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 6C4F5A63-701D-40E4-82EC-D….jpeg)

Looks like British airways first class


9e62d3  No.3252338


I believe a replacement must be from the same party.

84ec20  No.3252339

File: 156e98d4f88e899⋯.png (514.17 KB, 605x757, 605:757, feinstein11BEIJING2.png)

File: 3fd4953cb499bdd⋯.png (223.63 KB, 336x373, 336:373, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3251835 lb

10:06 Feinstein confused af.

well played, sir...well played. KEK!

e8b8eb  No.3252340


He mods himself.

6c53bd  No.3252341


Just going to toss these things out and see if what other anons make of them:




fff405  No.3252342


didn't Snowden work at Booze Allen?

same with Comey?

1ac943  No.3252343

File: 11ba28859a3fed5⋯.png (371.57 KB, 964x684, 241:171, Capture.PNG)



4ab015  No.3252344


This is a photo from the web. Which means Q didn't take it. So is this airline targeted?

9217f2  No.3252345





af47a8  No.3252346



Also edited from the YouTube video!

Found something that showed she sang "and I'm right there" for the first one. Not the only deletion.


1:41? 1:42?

718ed7  No.3252347



e926ae  No.3252348


KEK.. I think your right

41300a  No.3252349


Been seeing it online. They are running in droves to the Republican party and are voting in Donnie, some of them still find him repugnant, but they will do ANYTHING to get away from the Kavanaugh fiasco. kek

5087ad  No.3252351


Bolshleviak not Russian.

a90425  No.3252352


TFC = Taormina Harbour airport (Taormina)


https:// airports-list.com/airport/tfc

2d14a2  No.3252353

Council is much dirtier than you think. U-1. Clintons… Dig MOAR


f9b213  No.3252354

You are correct.


d6229a  No.3252355

File: b420ba047bb06bb⋯.png (657.66 KB, 717x403, 717:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cde6b924ce387a⋯.png (56.11 KB, 734x757, 734:757, ClipboardImage.png)

Flake defends call for Kavanaugh delay: 'We're coming apart at the seams'

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., on Friday defended his controversial decision to demand a delay in the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, saying he wanted to protect the credibility of America’s institutions.

“Two institutions, really,” he told The Atlantic. “One, the Supreme Court is the lone institution where most Americans still have some faith. And then the U.S. Senate as an institution—we’re coming apart at the seams. There’s no currency, no market for reaching across the aisle. It just makes it so difficult.”

Flake dramatically made the call for a one week delay, so that an FBI investigation could be carried out into sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh, at the final moments of a meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier Friday.

While Flake voted to recommend Kavanaugh’s nomination, he also made the call for a limited investigation, throwing a proposed timetable that would have seen Kavanaugh confirmed Tuesday into turmoil.

Democrats had repeatedly called for an FBI probe, but Republicans had dismissed it as unnecessary and said Democrats were just looking for ways to delay the confirmation until after the midterm elections.

Kavanaugh testified Thursday about allegations made against him, shortly after Christine Blasey Ford testified about an alleged assault by Kavanaugh in 1982 when they were both at high school. Kavanaugh has emphatically denied all allegations against him.

Republicans agreed to Flake’s demand, which puts the vote to confirm Kavanaugh by at least a week.



3a82c5  No.3252356

File: fa774e0eb5f04d0⋯.jpg (406.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow.jpg)

File: c7ed66901592b86⋯.jpg (179.44 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow2.jpg)

File: 115ee4b765ee3b5⋯.jpg (241.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow3.jpg)

File: 6edb8449c3fe138⋯.jpg (700.33 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow4.jpg)

File: 6674ee619c64e58⋯.jpg (407.69 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow5.jpg)

c3823b  No.3252357

File: ab3c8077a060584⋯.png (461.69 KB, 725x992, 725:992, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df4b7ee2d7d1800⋯.png (561.7 KB, 861x892, 861:892, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaks Begin FBI Contacts Accuser Deborah Ramirez

(Via Washington Post) The FBI has begun contacting people as part of an additional background investigation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, including a second woman who alleges that the Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted her, according to people familiar with the unfolding investigation.

Sauce #1: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/09/29/leaks-begin-fbi-contacts-accuser-deborah-ramirez/

FBI reaches out to second woman who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct

"The FBI has begun contacting people as part of an additional background investigation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, including a second woman who alleges that the Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted her, according to people familiar with the unfolding investigation.

The bureau has reached out to Deborah Ramirez, a Yale University classmate of Kavanaugh’s who alleges that he shoved his genitals in her face at a party where she had been drinking and become disoriented, her attorney said Saturday."

Sauce #2: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-reaches-out-to-second-woman-who-has-accused-brett-kavanaugh-of-sexual-misconduct/2018/09/29/365f959c-c3f8-11e8-8f06-009b39c3f6dd_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0e94ab5a0bd3


e8b8eb  No.3252358

10902b  No.3252359




4ab015  No.3252360


It's still showing on Q's private board and I've refreshed the page

a874eb  No.3252361

File: e389a5170111b2f⋯.png (2.02 MB, 591x444, 197:148, plane_edited.png)

Edited version. Thought I might be able to get some detail outside the windows by turning the highlights down but they were too blown out.

23c76d  No.3252362

File: 95e430880eebd80⋯.png (1.1 MB, 591x449, 591:449, afcaf108fd46717a073223feea….png)

File: 5aacb775b64e505⋯.jpg (576.58 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, IMG_5773.jpg)


Or it could United’s Business First product on the 787 Dreamliner.


Same dot under windows

39b5be  No.3252363

File: 009fec4553613b1⋯.jpg (92.06 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 426.JPG)

3842d5  No.3252364


Airport destination is Bahrain? Or is that the airport the plane is going to?

9345aa  No.3252365

File: 843a66b5e7c65bd⋯.png (79.77 KB, 1038x398, 519:199, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)


Z381 is a genetic haplogroup related to the Bourbon Kings.

Bourbon Kings of France and Emperours of Constantinople

Currently we have one Courtenay of a French ancestor testing Y-DNA with the Project.

Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Reginald de Courtenay (who went to England in 1152) married to Peter, son of Louis VI of France and took the surname de Courtenay. Their son became the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay. This line of Courtenays in France included several additional Emperors of Constantinople and continued as French nobles up through at least the early 1700’s.

The haplogroup for this group is R1b – Z381

References for the study of this DNA is:

House of Bourbon belonged to Y-haplogroup R1b1b2a1a1b* (R-Z381*)

Lost kings: DNA fails to solve history mysteries


d872c9  No.3252366


Baby steps for sure, and easily reversed. But progress. Just not the huge obvious progress implied.

8a320b  No.3252367


We have it mate:


b9ba7f  No.3252368


Not everyone thinks like anons. For better or worse you have to try a different and softer approach for some. Patience is difficult sometimes.

39836e  No.3252369

For the first time in my life I'm actually contemplating moving out of country.

019070  No.3252370


No pedo bullshit kike

af47a8  No.3252371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the Access fluff piece, at time 0:42

21daea  No.3252372

8f53cc  No.3252373

here is a link to airport& pilot abbreviations they use


f60e4a  No.3252374

File: f3026a501358fff⋯.png (11.86 KB, 724x311, 724:311, ClipboardImage.png)


227c18  No.3252375

File: f685eec5001ab13⋯.png (75.65 KB, 856x560, 107:70, talkingtous.png)


Q is talking to us. Look at the numbers here, read the message.

Check out RED OCTOBER on the past clocks.

We really do have it all.

215a10  No.3252376

File: b41765b880b8018⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, Q operation kavanaugh grap….png)

Kavanaugh is another swamp critter, maybe a good guy, likes his beer, loves his family, but come on he worked for jr Bush, had to have inside knowledge of 911, anons theory was DJT nominated him to have ALL his records unsealed and able to be entered into evidence, it's looking likely that's the plan. K has swamp dirt all over him, if not 911 blood. And he's kind of a dork. he gets my sympathy for the dorkness but this is WAR. all swamp critters are fair game to be used and abused. Hate the sin, love the sinner or some such shit I dunno. There's gotta be better choices for the SCOTUS.

0e7aac  No.3252377



possibly a commie love child born in texas

c89bb2  No.3252378



df2af2  No.3252379


I use hashtags VERY sparingly. has less reach with single posts, yet staying relatively under the radar.

Make a thread using hashtags sparingly, the reach is better. In replies of accounts w/ many followers, meme w/o hastags, the reach is best. you're right about that one

3842d5  No.3252380


Yes, that's it.

4ab015  No.3252381





Does this mean the air force stopped the downing of an airliner? The missile splashed down?

55ce29  No.3252382


Somebody's going to the canary islands? TFC?

10902b  No.3252383


ands where are you going to go that isn't worse off?

3b3e3f  No.3252384

File: 7440be4540d001f⋯.png (150.13 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0814.PNG)


ccdaaf  No.3252385



2efc22  No.3252386

File: ebec78bb0d60dfb⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 777x437, 777:437, A321-Business-Class-1-777x….jpg)


yeah - no dot on the airbus (A321)

274a7b  No.3252387

File: 358e05d6af0f183⋯.png (47.53 KB, 580x146, 290:73, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

e04325  No.3252388


>Ready the memes!


>Right after Q mentions that Google, twitter et al will totally black us out.

That's the part they really gets me. Most of us are already banned or silenced anyway. And you'd think that for traitorous criminals them going down wouldn't be dependent on 'voting them all out' and instead would be forcibly removing them

019070  No.3252389


No rooms or pussies GTFO…NOW FAGG

d6229a  No.3252390

File: 6083cdcc63ddee9⋯.png (807.79 KB, 849x563, 849:563, ClipboardImage.png)

In Kavanaugh Battle, are Ford’s Lawyers Representing Her, or the Democrats?

Professor Christine Blasey Ford – who has accused Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her some 36 years ago – may well have been betrayed and victimized by her own attorneys, who are Democratic activists with a record of fierce opposition to President Trump.

As a result, the attorneys ostensibly representing Ford may have breached their client’s trust and violated their ethical responsibility to act in her best interests. They may instead be motivated primarily by a desire to block President Trump’s appointment of a conservative justice to the nation’s highest court. An investigation of their conduct is warranted to determine if this is the case.

Are these the kind of attorneys who are interested in protecting their client’s best interests or are they more interested in advancing their own partisan anti-Trump agenda?

Kavanaugh has strongly denied Ford’s claim that he groped her, tried unsuccessfully to take off her clothes, and covered her mouth to stop her from screaming when the two were high school students. “I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone,” he told the Senate Judiciary Committee at his confirmation hearing Thursday.

Not a single person or piece of evidence has corroborated Ford’s claim.

The Judiciary Committee sent Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate on an 11-10 party-line vote Friday, with all Republicans supporting him and all Democrats opposed. The Senate will take up the nomination after the FBI completes a “supplemental” investigation of the allegations against Kavanaugh that was ordered Friday by President Trump.

As Fox News reported this week, Ford’s legal team is composed of Democratic lawyers, donors, and operatives.

Attorney Debra S. Katz has been a vocal protester at anti-Trump rallies and was quoted as saying: “We are going to resist. We will not be silenced.” Her partner in a Washington law firm, Lisa J. Banks, is also active in Democratic politics.

WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham: Kavanaugh’s True Defender

And last weekend attorney Michael Bromwich joined Katz and Banks on Ford’s legal team. He represents disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired after clashing with the Trump administration over the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton and Russia investigations.

Are these the kind of attorneys who are interested in protecting their client’s best interests or are they more interested in advancing their own partisan anti-Trump agenda?


8c25d1  No.3252391

File: f042178cd81b07f⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB, 707x499, 707:499, 9EF98B6B-BEDE-485D-BAAC-7….jpeg)

063176  No.3252392


Kav smells so swampy (Skull & Bones / GHWB)

I am sure Q and POTUS know - so, what's the plan?

f59331  No.3252393


This photo is from a blog about London to Oakland.

Correction. Not first class. Business class

3e1041  No.3252394


dubs confirm. Flake flaked.

68a498  No.3252395

Well I am going to vote for the first time in my life and over 50

Not convinced it will be counted.

c1a0ac  No.3252396


new potus tweet on stolen valor Blum


Senator Richard Blumenthal must talk about his fraudulent service in Vietnam, where for 12 years he told the people of Connecticut, as their Attorney General, that he was a great Marine War Hero. Talked about his many battles of near death, but was never in Vietnam. Total Phony!

3842d5  No.3252397






United Transcontinental Business Class

3a82c5  No.3252399

File: d768b2069bbee8d⋯.png (995.22 KB, 1055x593, 1055:593, JupiterQ.png)

d0f87d  No.3252400

File: ce46c2681614729⋯.mp4 (13.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, all gone.mp4)

There is a possible scenario where Ford is a CIA operative as suggested by ties that have been uncovered, and is being used by Gina et al as one more plant to set up the cabal to trace even more of their webs of corruption and complicity. But after generating all those revealing emails, phone calls, and proof of crimes, how can they be introduced as evidence and revealed to the public before or after BK is sworn in? In comes the FBI, where aside from some lingering stench, the bad guys are “all gone.” Trust Wray.

c6a700  No.3252401

File: e465e9d5f8b6695⋯.png (363.9 KB, 667x654, 667:654, Twitchy re Flake 60 Mins 9….PNG)

File: c8baffdd4f5d053⋯.png (325.05 KB, 500x757, 500:757, Twitchy 1 re Flake 60 Mins….PNG)

File: b287efdf600d3ed⋯.png (341.79 KB, 482x761, 482:761, Twitchy 2 re Flake 60 Mins….PNG)

‘What a joke’! Jeff Flake & Chris Coons share 60 Minutes spotlight to talk about Kavanaugh ‘compromise,’ eye rolls ensue



[Partial snip of article]

530a06  No.3252402

File: a7347287fc7ed35⋯.png (221.21 KB, 916x938, 458:469, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: e244f82df6881b5⋯.png (17.38 KB, 410x118, 205:59, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)



[A]utists [E]ngaged?

Adam Ebbin

Adelaide C. Eckardt

Anthony Edgecomb

Al Edwards

Al Eisenberg

Affie Ellis

Allen V. Evans

Adriano Espaillat

Anna Eshoo

1ac943  No.3252403


Splash= missile down.

Still working on the context.

5e936f  No.3252404

File: 316873d98a34ddd⋯.png (112.82 KB, 295x295, 1:1, AlyssaMeToo.png)

>>3252237 TY, mate


She's so righteous, so she sends regards.

cf11cd  No.3252405

9c4b9f  No.3252406


Reverse Image Search…No Joy

Tin Eye…No Joy


Read as Air National Guard, Combat Air Patrol, High Trail Overwatch

0d0923  No.3252407


Post #1, Oct. 28, 2017:

"HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities."

HRC going nowhere.

508f9a  No.3252408

File: 929c5bb2c3b1062⋯.jpeg (272.39 KB, 750x720, 25:24, 8FA5DCC4-80A5-4CA1-932D-7….jpeg)

8c25d1  No.3252409

File: 4c45328d8794242⋯.jpeg (89.47 KB, 486x551, 486:551, 96DC76EA-A4FC-46DE-877A-B….jpeg)

f60e4a  No.3252410



39836e  No.3252411


Maybe a buddhist monastery.

Would be amazing to actually be surrounded by sanity.

d6229a  No.3252412


POTUS leading the fight back. LEARN FIGHT.

df2af2  No.3252413


I can't download the pic any longer, presumed it was deleted before i refreshed…archived page just in case and now i'll refresh

d2afe0  No.3252414



For one reason and one reason only.


Once an area is majority non white you are done. Doesn't even require a majority actually.


b5ce2e  No.3252415


See the 60's

0e7aac  No.3252416

File: 1fb93ebd584944a⋯.jpg (210.83 KB, 2000x1124, 500:281, img-3.jpg)

One of Marx’s favorite bon-mots was to quote his mother, who once said: “I wish you could make some capital rather than just writing about it.” Seems like a pretty universal wish for mothers across the globe.

4ab015  No.3252417


What type of plane is it? The big new one Q pictured?

891d58  No.3252418

File: 8ade758d3b8da24⋯.png (423.41 KB, 640x384, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

c0909d  No.3252419

File: 40a40c425f10e3c⋯.png (658.07 KB, 423x634, 423:634, ClipboardImage.png)

Constantly going uphill is excruciating.

f59331  No.3252420


Congratulations on 100% battery. Thanks for POTUS tweet.

0232d3  No.3252421


Or was intercepted/caught while trying to do so, hence 'Splash' codeword, used by fighter pilots to indicate a downed air-to-air target.

2638ca  No.3252422


I got shadow banned a couple years ago. somebody put me on a block list because I made fun of Steve Shives and I've been fucked ever since

0efacc  No.3252423



Q: Is yoga a fad?

A: It is easy to see why yoga is perceived as a fad. In recent years, its popularity in the West has surged with everyone from athletes to corporate types to celebrities catching the yoga bug.

She's gotta enough of shit to creep on. Her tattoos are not. Dig elsewhere IMO.

c3bee5  No.3252424

File: ce0bdeab04376cc⋯.png (4.4 KB, 193x544, 193:544, ClipboardImage.png)



Watch your phones, anons…ya never know…


Good spot, anon, wth is it?

03a300  No.3252425


Maybe POTUS' phone took a bath

3842d5  No.3252426


Was waiting for that one!


a9936a  No.3252427

Red October could be communists' 'last hurrah' —military official

Published September 28, 2018 5:31pm


The 'Red October' plot which supposedly seeks to oust President Rodrigo Duterte could be the "last hurrah" of communist rebels, a ranking military official said Friday, as he sought to downplay the insurgents' strength.

"Iyong NPA (New Peoples' Army), paubos na 'yan. That is why Joma Sison is worried," said Brig. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr., the Armed Forces' deputy chief of staff for operations, at a news forum.

Still, Parlade said the NPA — the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines — is still a threat.

"To say that they are not a threat, I don't think so. It only takes one, two or three NPA [members] to sabotage a rally. We cannot really discount them, say that they are not a threat," he said.

Red October refers to supposed efforts to unseat Duterte by the communists, allegedly with the help of legitimate opposition groups as well as farmers, laborers and fisherfolks.

Sison is the founder of the National Democratic Front (NDF), the umbrella organization of all communist groups in the country.


another (((RED OCTOBER)))

116636  No.3252428


Good chance of it…. could be WHO is on that plane…

1ac943  No.3252429

I have to leave.

Stay safe Q team and Operators. You are doing historic work.

God bless.

b5ce2e  No.3252430



71093f  No.3252431


Exactly. Why TF would fake news all of a sudden start telling the truth? They wouldn't. But they would most certainly LIE about being able to filter and censor the very weapon that is doing the most damage: the MEME. Remember how this all works; their need for SYMBOLISM will be their DOWNFALL. THEY can't fight the MEME, because THEY'RE the ones who made it so POWERFUL.

1ce8e3  No.3252432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Need some help finding banned books.

Bill Cooper mentions the Baconian cipher in his Mystery Babylon series after 43:30. Supposedly used by Christopher Columbus to conceal a hidden meaning in text. (Think Twitter)


There are books that I can’t locate without making a “free” account. Can anyone help me find these books?

Helen Fouché Gaines, Cryptanalysis: a Study of Ciphers and Their Solutions (1989)

Christopher Columbus, a Greek Nobleman: A Disquisition Concerning the Origin and Early Life of the Great Discoverer and a Refutation of the Charges Against Him which Have Appeared in Certain Recent Publications by Seraphim G. Canoutas

Bacon, Francis (1605). The Proficience and Advancement of Learning Divine and Humane.

Bacon, Francis (1640). Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning. Translated by Wats, Gilbert. Oxford University.

There’s a clock cipher used by Masons (good luck finding any info on this. I have located a possible key as “144” but have no clue how to use it.)

60bc68  No.3252433

>>3252250 I'm not even Black, and this PISSES ME OFF!

46f8a6  No.3252434



400685  No.3252435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mk ultra

a874eb  No.3252436


Slightly different though. There's a gap between the screens in the pic you added where there's no gap between them in Q's version. Nothing major though.

71093f  No.3252437

File: 4e96d2e158106e2⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 511x500, 511:500, KavMatrix2.jpg)

9666cd  No.3252438

Is potus flying?

ccdaaf  No.3252439


This is the q quote referred to


[1:02:40 - 1:03:35]

39836e  No.3252440


Spoken like a true pussy.

7a424f  No.3252441


Sooo. the accusing party, all demorats, hire one of their OWN polygraph experts(debatable) to do a test that as Justice K. mentioned isn't admissible as evidence? the foxes guarding the hen house maybe?

c37297  No.3252442

File: bc1e9b84225baa1⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 502x502, 1:1, 1518461690814.gif)

274a7b  No.3252443

File: 5fb99a2c4098846⋯.png (10.27 KB, 187x25, 187:25, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)


cfb25e  No.3252444

File: 92775c49a59bed5⋯.jpg (229.18 KB, 1242x618, 207:103, WalkawayDemsLibsMob.jpg)

File: 77df4cdceeae24e⋯.jpg (226.47 KB, 1024x775, 1024:775, WalkawayLibsDemsFreakingOv….jpg)

File: 29c94e88dc3329d⋯.jpg (370.13 KB, 960x1156, 240:289, WalkawayWhoopiMoveCanada.jpg)

File: 792c006058187ea⋯.jpg (120.72 KB, 501x526, 501:526, WalkawayWhoStoleSocialSecu….jpg)

f0bc17  No.3252445


No loss. Scoot on out

a47400  No.3252446



8c25d1  No.3252447

File: 592450d1a026bef⋯.jpeg (591.25 KB, 1257x858, 419:286, 2E18FA55-BE1A-4204-B1CB-D….jpeg)

f60e4a  No.3252448



e8b8eb  No.3252449

File: 93c18ff8ebef2c8⋯.png (173.57 KB, 593x493, 593:493, Screenshot_2018-09-29_21-3….png)

File: 0f8582edb00f756⋯.png (71.16 KB, 589x477, 589:477, Screenshot_2018-09-29_21-3….png)


df2af2  No.3252450

File: e8c2d9b84dcebfc⋯.png (105.43 KB, 1410x546, 235:91, ClipboardImage.png)



opened second browser instead, it's deleted. May still be in your cache

d6229a  No.3252451

Former Massachusetts Democrat Senator Awaiting Corruption Trial Found Dead

The body of former Massachusetts senator Brian A. Joyce was discovered by his wife in their home on Thursday.

According to a statement by the Bristol County District Attorney’s office, the former assistant majority leader was found dead in his Wesport, Massachusetts, home. Joyce did not seek re-election in 2016, after he was charged with corruption which included taking approximately $1 million in bribes, and even leveraging his influence to help a Dunkin’ Donuts store owner in exchange for free coffee.

‘‘People in public life need to respect the offices they hold,” Republican Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said at the time. “And that means not using them for personal gain, and if the feds believe there’s enough there to justify an indictment then the investigation needs to be thorough and move forward accordingly,’’

“Brian Joyce represented over 100,000 Massachusetts citizens in the state Legislature,” said then-acting U.S. Attorney William Weinreb when Joyce faced the expansive 102-page indictment. “He had a duty to serve them honestly. And he violated that duty by accepting bribes and kickbacks in exchange for his official action.” Joyce was free on a $250,000 bond, and no trial date had yet been set. He had pled not guilty to all charges.

Joyce had been involved in a car accident on Wednesday, but it is currently unknown whether it was a contributing factor in his death. St. Louis police have, for now, ruled out any foul play.


e40d39  No.3252452



8603d0  No.3252453

File: 637ce4b28ebbc4a⋯.jpeg (522.81 KB, 2349x1408, 2349:1408, CA88D8C7-2098-4413-A93C-2….jpeg)


Theosophy. It’s the overarching brand of the Universal Religionists.

2b2c5e  No.3252454


from the bottom up it looks like water, sandy beach, some greenery and a building in the backround.

f3c3e7  No.3252455

File: 842e1235f291a3b⋯.jpg (190.69 KB, 952x520, 119:65, q_hand.jpg)

10902b  No.3252456


to a rally

581c3e  No.3252457

File: 7f69c1dcbd4ffde⋯.jpg (151.77 KB, 1440x927, 160:103, IMG_20180910_114747.jpg)

274a7b  No.3252458

File: f43dbfa4aa15f17⋯.png (50.37 KB, 614x221, 614:221, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

9c4b9f  No.3252459


Actually figured ChiFi would get a recall to PRC safe house ex-fil and disappear after getting burned in the Q pix…maybe at 85 she's too old to give a shit.

8c25d1  No.3252460

I was raped at a party. Should I go back?

23c76d  No.3252461

File: 8cab636c997d6f5⋯.jpg (67.52 KB, 594x384, 99:64, United Airlines Highlights….jpg)

c6a700  No.3252463


>Kav smells so swampy (Skull & Bones / GHWB)

>I am sure Q and POTUS know - so, what's the plan?

Anons are you going to let this cabal shill get away with saying garbage like this or are going to fight for Judge Kavanaugh?


b9517b  No.3252464

File: 17d0e14052adf64⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 920x660, 46:33, richard blumenthal stolen ….jpg)

b59d55  No.3252465

Which memes are we using. There are so many. I am ready but lord I dont want to use the wrong ones.

0e7aac  No.3252466

File: 4cb233d44975691⋯.jpg (84.66 KB, 1080x1205, 216:241, neolibtardspaceballslogic.jpg)

General Sherman Tree located in Sequoia National Park in California is, by volume, the largest-known living single stem tree in the world. The tree used to go by the name of the Karl Marx tree. It was named after the German Giant because of its location within an American utopian socialist community founded in the park in 1886.

891d58  No.3252467




An attack on the financial/economic system is terrorism and treason. Death Penalty.

2e820b  No.3252468


I’m hoping the voting is done under the National Guard.

400685  No.3252469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b4bc1b  No.3252470

File: f38b9cdb740a853⋯.jpg (483.65 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Alt.jpg)

File: 9e10288883d5f6f⋯.png (579.83 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Alt Alpha.png)

File: d5e56aa5008c400⋯.jpg (570.34 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Alt 1.jpg)

File: d77394d19e8c01c⋯.png (815.24 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Alt 1 Alpha.png)

As Requested

Sorry it took me so long to get these out. Had to find the inspiration.

Angel Q Alt & Angel Q Alt 1 .jpg & Alpha .png Files

1a80ea  No.3252471


>Q, you are losing us…

Let's clarify what is happening, anon.

Of all the missed deadlines and booms that never boomed, the mid term elections is actually going to be a happening.

Got that? In about 5 weeks we have the first real happening since October 28 of last year.

Whatever Q team does vs what they promise, whether this October is a nothingburger. Whether there are indictments:

If POTUS wins the mid-terms by the GOP holding the House of Representatives, then nobody will give a single shit whether there were booms or arrests.

This election will determine the future of the Trump presidency.

If he wins, he can spend the next 6 years making history. If he loses, he will be impeached and all of this is over.

Where that leaves us is if we trust DJT, we should quit complaining and watch the next 5 weeks play out.

All he needs to do is win in November.

If POTUS has a plan to win, just because we do not understand it, does not mean we should abandon him or abandon hope.

f60e4a  No.3252472



d28dee  No.3252473


Most def

274a7b  No.3252474


AT LEAST 10 more times.

a9936a  No.3252475


By knowing simple relevant laws.

Learn what being on the offensive is, aka

Mattis - 1 year ahead now.

39836e  No.3252476

For one all you religion fags… If you believe the Bible… We and up in a tyranny for awhile. The satanists win. For awhile.

3842d5  No.3252477

File: 82bfaf0b7d69acc⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1613x913, 1613:913, splshh.png)



c3823b  No.3252478

File: 64f13e937b1a851⋯.png (111.64 KB, 1300x711, 1300:711, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bbc91d1b0a2336⋯.png (558.81 KB, 671x1882, 671:1882, ClipboardImage.png)


ALERT BAH - Booze Allen Hamilton - IMAGE FILE NAME

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation (BAH)

NYSE - NYSE Delayed Price. Currency in USD


4611c7  No.3252479

File: 83f8e6033e6f23f⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 463x132, 463:132, justice.JPG)

did Mconnell say the senate was in recess until 3 pm monday? those exact words? Did he say recess? It requires senate to be in recess for 3 days before POTUS has the power to appoint K as SC Justice, Q edited his post to say Justice K

019070  No.3252480



a92f67  No.3252481


Also tea-leafed

b62bac  No.3252482


Lookin more like Wednesday is the start of martial law.

6a1bd7  No.3252483

File: 2ad1fdb5d087c0f⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 401x993, 401:993, Q2298.jpg)

File: 52eb892d80355b7⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 647x94, 647:94, ALERT BAH W.jpg)



ea9e49  No.3252484


It's a deconstructed Creeper from Minecraft! You broke the code!

e40d39  No.3252485


and the underlying philosophy of Waldorf Education

2298f7  No.3252486

>>3248748 lb

>>3248759 lb

What will The Music Modernization Act mean for people posting audio or video links on 8-chan? Need a lawfag to interpret the situation for us. The actual text of the MMA is at:


Note: the summary that can be accessed from the above link covers the production of electricity from advanced nuclear power facilities and must have been accidentally pasted in to the MMA website.

796ade  No.3252487


It's an OM sign. From Sanskrit. the oldest known language. If you guise are going to dig (on a useless Hwood skank no less), at least get your facts straight.

a408c6  No.3252488

File: b7910dba9e8aa8b⋯.png (591.4 KB, 1191x795, 397:265, DropThisMeme!.png)

9e62d3  No.3252489


Impossible because Bye@Jack was removed by Q six months ago.

f5c570  No.3252490

UAL143 is a 787 near the west coast right now. Phonefagging. Anyone pull it and screenshot?

5087ad  No.3252491


Russia is not communist, those in power brought communism with them. After they removed the non communism leaders. See history for repetition of said play book.

8ba4ff  No.3252492

File: 4129af76b3e1e4e⋯.jpg (643.67 KB, 1438x1834, 719:917, 20180929_153948.jpg)


There is a TFC Airport


There is also a flight 381 from Tel Aviv to Italy

c1a0ac  No.3252493


> wth is it?

not sure, could just be some background caught with the cap.

but compared to how much stegfags and codefags analyzed the flag pics, and the black bars for signals and embedded messages, seem that would be something to look into.

but it could easily/justifiably be seen as a slide, personally i don't think there's much there, but felt worth pointing out

21daea  No.3252494

File: 25198ed8a4a0f1a⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 466x266, 233:133, 1.JPG)


958d30  No.3252495

File: 2055dd52ca4ca4a⋯.png (63.35 KB, 334x318, 167:159, start.png)




It's a windows start button., was solved yesterday.

39b5be  No.3252496

File: 3dcdc2d8d79c929⋯.png (330.38 KB, 609x388, 609:388, CG phone blank.png)

Chuck Grassley phone blank

f60e4a  No.3252497


39836e  No.3252498

So you fucks should stop masturbating to this hope porn.. The devil wins until Christ's return.

ca6802  No.3252499



Eyes involved

f460f8  No.3252500

Avenatti got arrested according to this breaking news report

is this for real?


c892d8  No.3252501

File: f8b3633370e2725⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 909x449, 909:449, 308309qdrops.jpg)


Here ya go

a874eb  No.3252502


>Booz Allen Hamilton

>Information technology consulting company

>Headquarters: McLean, VA

5afa39  No.3252503


Larry Schweikart

Name Redacted/Howard Finch

3842d5  No.3252504



Double meaning?

Booz Allen Hamilton/Bahrain?

9345aa  No.3252505

File: 398f62baf2bb957⋯.png (2.3 KB, 85x228, 85:228, hum.png)



Sanskrit Seed Syllable HUM.

In his Ungi gi Kukai makes hūṃ a cipher for understanding the Truth. The various aspects take in all Truths, all teachings, all practices, and all attainments. It summarises the two basic false views of nihilism and eternalism, and shows them to be false. The Truth of things is that they are neither real nor unreal, these categories do not apply – this is a restatement of the Buddha’s fundamental insight into the nature of phenomena, couched in the language of the Madhyamika.

Pronounced /hũː/ (IPA)

How to write the hūṃ seed syllable in Siddhaṃ.


c0909d  No.3252506

File: 7ab5d8d3857f647⋯.png (1.56 MB, 950x628, 475:314, ClipboardImage.png)


Dig on Safari

a92f67  No.3252507


Isn’t that what we ARE currently living in?

1c6271  No.3252508

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, ALurk.png)

Not from me but makes sense.

Every day longer the Kavanaugh saga goes on is one less day democrat Senators have to campaign for re-election. Also every day longer it goes on it fires up the GOP base more.

a47400  No.3252509


October has a high possibility for rioting.

b1cbd4  No.3252510


kys shill

02544d  No.3252511

File: 211b06b69dc6ff6⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1403x399, 1403:399, bnxvcnbxcvbcx.png)


Looks like were gonna need more covfefe

bdf864  No.3252512

File: be1a2570b430035⋯.png (38.9 KB, 1722x534, 287:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66403cd465dea73⋯.png (25.47 KB, 1716x418, 78:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Somebody say Bahrain?


a47400  No.3252513


It's vaporware.

0e7aac  No.3252514

File: 3ae9cc92a16a6cd⋯.png (741.76 KB, 1172x898, 586:449, freetrade.png)

An American Civil War Union General once plotted to kill Karl Marx for being too conservative. Yeah, you read that one right! August Willich was a Prussian-born revolutionary communist who was a co-leader of the anti-Marx group of the League of Communists during the 1840s. Out of political animosity, Willich publically insulted Marx as a means to goading him into a duel where Willich planned to kill young Karl. Marx declined to duel and it never happened. Willich later emigrated to the United States and joined the Union Army where he fought in the Civil War as a General.

39836e  No.3252515


No we don't have a dictator.. yet.

4b74d6  No.3252516

put some memes in here for peeps to steal and rt

c1a0ac  No.3252518

>>3252493 , >>3252495 , >>3252424 , >>3252267

ah there we go, thanks

6d018b  No.3252519


no trip, not real. dumbass.

a93f1a  No.3252520



God Bless POTUS a great leader, in the top 5 ever !!!

However he is not a one man show

POTUS requires reliable expert help on every level…

I see your Communications experts

I see your MI experts

I see your Economic experts

All playing their parts impeccably

However I do not see a Political Science / legal… expert capable enough of the visionary and epic moves being made here……..

Who's your secret weapon ???

After much consideration there is only one person that comes to my mind…

Carpe' Diem……my friend…..Redeem the day !!!

c6a700  No.3252521

File: 99d3a63a50996dc⋯.png (623.38 KB, 509x509, 1:1, Dems 2018 Judge Kavanaugh ….PNG)

File: e7dec8f118f1ada⋯.png (1.45 MB, 750x751, 750:751, Dems 2018.PNG)

a84bdc  No.3252522

FAKE AS FUCK same site that did dick van dyke story

1c53aa  No.3252523

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)


only 1 source?

d8ea37  No.3252524

If this is British airways then could it mean Assange is enroute or allready US >>3252237

259049  No.3252525

File: 74023e057172e9d⋯.png (9.46 MB, 2560x2108, 640:527, FirstMemeAttempt.png)

My first try, don't know why I waited so long to try

39836e  No.3252526


At least not one that has finally stepped out of the shadows.

d6229a  No.3252527

File: e11dac401a3eca7⋯.png (914.68 KB, 766x475, 766:475, ClipboardImage.png)

a03252  No.3252528


Beautiful anon.

3842d5  No.3252529


This is NOTABLE.


d28dee  No.3252530


Nobody is doubting dat. We would do it with ir without Q. Real patriots here already voted DJT. In general elections. Q didnt have to promise booms for that, imho

We were duped by false promise to do what we would do anyway, heh

What else should i say

fac407  No.3252531


Air National Guard on high alert

5e936f  No.3252532

File: d7d40e5a8f94850⋯.jpg (13.38 KB, 284x133, 284:133, Q 2298 filename Pic.JPG)

File: 1ca8adc4805aad6⋯.png (448.64 KB, 591x442, 591:442, 1538252856.png)

23c76d  No.3252533

File: a9770273af04ec8⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 275x183, 275:183, United 787 Business Class.jpg)


In this image the tv screens match up. Must be arranged differently by class section

Looks nice and comfy

b5ce2e  No.3252534


Arab Nato.

68a498  No.3252535

Sad part

at work half the staff or more knows K is a serial rapest and have no idea there is absolutely no evidence or supporting info - all they know is the accusations and media hype. This is our culture.

39b5be  No.3252536

File: c552d1274f44f22⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 600x404, 150:101, c552d1274f44f222688d25cde7….jpg)

File: ae6502f37346fcf⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 480x319, 480:319, d35e60edf76ecfd21686ed8cd3….jpg)

32fcac  No.3252537

Many many memes ready to go in meme threads 30 and 31.

e41c63  No.3252538


Taormina Airport IATA Code: TFC

f60e4a  No.3252539



60bc68  No.3252540

>>3252308 Not Everyone Will Want To KNOW!

39b5be  No.3252541

File: 0b5b32500a7c86b⋯.jpg (194.84 KB, 818x1227, 2:3, DEMOCRATS DON'T MIND CRIME….jpg)

File: 9e8987565607d44⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 800x619, 800:619, DEMOCRATS DON'T MIND CRIME.jpg)

File: d79d4b30d30a9ac⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, deMS-13 blank.jpg)

File: 1bf46a89adeade2⋯.jpg (116.43 KB, 500x750, 2:3, deMS-13.jpg)

3e1041  No.3252542


Those fuckers

e41c63  No.3252543


I forgot to put Italy !!

39836e  No.3252544

Don't misunderstand… America does have a Shadow King… and he is still King.

a2934d  No.3252545

File: 8f6be06c2180cb5⋯.jpg (209.61 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1538252334814m.jpg)

4ab015  No.3252546


Nice catch

a84bdc  No.3252547


6277bd  No.3252548


"All ingredients readily available in any large Democrat run city in the US."

019070  No.3252549


Keyboard warrior. Your fat ass won’t get out of your mommas basement to do shit unless a new faggot video game is released, then you might stand in line in hopes of possible simulation pussy, cause your limp dick couldn’t get laid in a morgue.

66e9c8  No.3252550

File: c876e58624b06f5⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 698x865, 698:865, q delta.JPG)

ca6802  No.3252551


Dems worked diligently for Red wave this wk

3842d5  No.3252552


Yep. I think that's what Q is getting at.

We are looking at meetings with Bahrain?

Bahrain is OPEC?

39b5be  No.3252553

File: 7f6b4974df0867c⋯.jpg (131.09 KB, 550x828, 275:414, China Hillary.jpg)

File: dc10d25c7fbbc8d⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 600x454, 300:227, YFW Hillary.jpg)

e40d39  No.3252554

File: 5341c322c34a4fb⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 633x727, 633:727, iur.jpg)

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, trump-rally-facebookJumbo ….jpg)

File: a02ea6f55fa7875⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 295x235, 59:47, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

File: ae4211b79b5670f⋯.jpg (199.69 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

ea9e49  No.3252555


I preferred the deconstructed Creeper from Minecraft theory. But that's because it's mine…

2638ca  No.3252556


file size is too big but good 1st attempt

0b2e4f  No.3252557

File: 183feca64093a0c⋯.png (76.63 KB, 812x636, 203:159, 9-29-2918 16 Assignment o….PNG)


Q told us a long ago they might go down. What better way to wake up more people?

Trump can always use Obama's own EO against them.

Executive Order 13618, signed July 6, 2012 by President Obama. “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions”

This executive order grants the President absolute control over all U.S. media, including internet tech giants (social media), news networks and news websites. It specifically names:

…communications that support Continuity of Government; Federal, State, local, territorial, and tribal emergency preparedness and response communications; non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration…


df2af2  No.3252558


Theories are in this very bread. Scroll around

0fab4d  No.3252559

File: 3a4c697fb8aaff1⋯.png (379.75 KB, 712x721, 712:721, 86a55814-908a-4ea6-a8c9-67….png)

Leaks Begin – FBI Contacts Accuser Deborah Ramirez…

Yesterday CTH noted/predicted the strategy by the political opposition to Brett Kavanaugh would become evident with leaks from corrupt officials inside the FBI to their ideological allies in the media. In part, this strategy (create media narratives) was the reason for Debra Katz, attorney for Ms. Blasey-Ford, to hire Michael Bromwich.

As attorney Katz noted yesterday, the investigation is only one “step in the process” of destroying Judge Kavanaugh, their use of the media is another critical step.

Corrupt elements within the DOJ and FBI have a vested self and ideological interest in supporting attacks against supreme court nominee Kavanaugh. Less than 18 hours later, those corrupt FBI officials begin leaking information to the Washington Post.

(Via Washington Post) The FBI has begun contacting people as part of an additional background investigation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, including a second woman who alleges that the Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted her, according to people familiar with the unfolding investigation.

The bureau has reached out to Deborah Ramirez, a Yale University classmate of Kavanaugh’s who alleges that he shoved his genitals in her face at a party where she had been drinking and become disoriented, her attorney said Saturday.

“She has agreed to cooperate with their investigation,” Ramirez attorney John Clune said in a statement. “Out of respect for the integrity of the process, we will have no further comment at this time.” (read more)


706628  No.3252560

File: 39e087db153d762⋯.jpg (210.41 KB, 706x487, 706:487, 20180929_164138.jpg)

0e7aac  No.3252561

File: 428d288bdbcced8⋯.jpeg (651.26 KB, 813x1153, 813:1153, meinmilkshake.jpeg)

Marx’s most famous work, the Communist Manifesto, was published in 1848 with Friedrich Engels credited as a co-author. The Manifesto, which was originally published as a 23-page pamphlet, describes and analyzes capitalism as a political and economic system and ultimately predicts its overthrow by an organized working class. The Manifesto famously ends with the declaration that “working men of all countries, unite!”

7a424f  No.3252562


no kidding… in recess, the president has authority to appoint SC justices I have researched. the president can recess BOTH houses of congress.

39836e  No.3252563


You don't know a fucking thing about me cunt. Your ignorant words don't do a damn thing.

4ab015  No.3252564


the website says these are only for transcontinental flights- East Coast US to West Coast. Not international

39b5be  No.3252565

File: e33dd8fd58879ab⋯.jpg (241.76 KB, 865x968, 865:968, dem.jpg)

e8b8eb  No.3252566


The Justice Kavanaugh as Neo would be a good start.

8603d0  No.3252567

File: 4eb5d7e6b792a74⋯.jpeg (495.2 KB, 1653x1976, 87:104, CC174C63-B8BD-4C64-A812-9….jpeg)


>at least get your facts straight.


257138  No.3252568

File: c3d1a6e0505ad8d⋯.jpg (250.04 KB, 1080x1049, 1080:1049, Screenshot_20180929-133952….jpg)


Alert BAH Wx 71_Z9

or BAHW ?

what's the title mean? AlertBAHWx71_Z9

plane flight Wx going to Bahamas?

idk.. lol I'm eating at restaurant while doing this kek

2efc22  No.3252569

File: d081b3e876e9ff8⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1537x849, 1537:849, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: da75245392259c7⋯.png (466.92 KB, 729x730, 729:730, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: 5073db3b6df1095⋯.png (457.16 KB, 725x580, 5:4, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: 463b7189dfbf02a⋯.png (427.09 KB, 735x595, 21:17, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)




d6229a  No.3252570

File: d6bb5f38e609bc4⋯.png (698.35 KB, 713x428, 713:428, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a19703699eab9⋯.png (49.8 KB, 738x801, 82:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb113266cfcbaa5⋯.png (44.2 KB, 746x694, 373:347, ClipboardImage.png)

In Yemen and Beyond, U.S. Arms Manufacturers Are Abetting Crimes against Humanity

Our leading weapons dealers have developed a business model that feeds on war, terrorism, chaos, political instability, and human rights violations.

The Saudi bombing of a school bus in Yemen on August 9, 2018 killed 44 children and wounded many more. The attack struck a nerve in the U.S., confronting the American public with the wanton brutality of the Saudi-led war on Yemen. When CNN revealed that the bomb used in the airstrike was made by U.S. weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin, the horror of the atrocity hit even closer to home for many Americans.

But the killing and maiming of civilians with U.S.-made weapons in war zones around the world is an all too regular occurrence. U.S. forces are directly responsible for largely uncounted civilian casualties in all America’s wars, and the United States is also the world’s leading arms exporter.

Pope Francis has publicly blamed the “industry of death” for fueling a “piecemeal World War III.” The U.S. military-industrial complex wields precisely the “unwarranted influence” over U.S. foreign policy that President Eisenhower warned Americans against in his farewell address in 1961.

The U.S. wars on Afghanistan and Iraq and the “global war on terror” served as cover for a huge increase in U.S. military spending. Between 1998 and 2010, the U.S. spent $1.3 trillion on its wars, but even more, $1.8 trillion, to buy new warplanes, warships, and weapons, most of which were unrelated to the wars it was fighting.

Five U.S. companies — Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Dynamics — dominate the global arms business, raking in $140 billion in weapons sales in 2017, and export sales make up a growing share of their business, about $35 billion in 2017.


9c4b9f  No.3252571


Splash is a shootdown…could be either.

Check_in_Z any ideas on Z? Zimbabwe? In the news a lot lately…

[des_TFC]381 ? Tango Foxtrot Charlie…in killbox… Flight numbers, zip code, area code…cities with those initials…?

32fcac  No.3252572


3842d5  No.3252573


it doesn't look like Bahrain is an OPEC country.

a718a0  No.3252574

File: b189f74db4189ca⋯.png (52.15 KB, 649x131, 649:131, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)



Nsa Bahrain is naval I don't know if that matters my friend is stationed there Shady I think either Q team operates there or black hats its where allaha can't see so I'm told


3b3e3f  No.3252575


Cause for coms from POTUS directly to your cell phone! This is why the EMS message to cell phones is being tested!

19b8f4  No.3252576

File: 0f193e550ad2844⋯.png (493.04 KB, 765x430, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)


f60e4a  No.3252577



ca43fa  No.3252578


She was a "party girl" iow a drunken whore. What REALLY happened is she went upstairs at some party with 2 dudes. Instead of being sex godess, they laughed AT her, they ridiculed her, they rejected her.

THAT is the laughter that is seared into her mind.

THAT is why she ran out of the house, leaving her female friend behind.

When counsel asked her what her most prominent memory of that event was, she answered the "laughter"

In the age of "proud sluts" she should just own her past and be a proud slut, not ruin a man who has worked hard his entire life and who is, unlike her, respectable.

55cb44  No.3252579

File: 744f48211a49b0d⋯.jpg (24.56 KB, 475x476, 475:476, aerghaewy4y.JPG)


Yes real, dumb ass.

9e62d3  No.3252580

b60511  No.3252581

File: 63b73fdca92f7f9⋯.jpg (399.39 KB, 2361x1158, 787:386, Trump tells Obama,.... (1).jpg)

259049  No.3252582

File: 056e04c0996e454⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1280x1054, 640:527, FirstMemeAttempt2.png)

b9ba7f  No.3252583



.live spoof site.

cf11cd  No.3252584


Yes. It's all getting very tiresome. But as I said yesterday, we are about to find out once and for all if Q is full of shit or not. Q has stated that K will be confirmed, that there is a red majority that is huge once voter fraud is eliminated, and there will be a red wave or tsunami, and then after that, on the first few days after the midterms crazy things will happen (11/11). These are clear predictions. Will it happen or not? We will have our answers. Either way, just vote. Even if Q is full of shit, we have come a long way with Trump and this SCOTUS bid likely made it possible for us to win the midterms.

bae686  No.3252585

File: ea159bf2890977f⋯.png (915.53 KB, 919x720, 919:720, concernfags.png)

f59331  No.3252586


Z could mean Zulu time. Check in using Zulu time maybe.

5e936f  No.3252587

File: 6b23ff59f558848⋯.jpg (164.63 KB, 1023x763, 1023:763, VoterID Al Milano.JPG)

File: e19735b9edadf90⋯.jpeg (202.82 KB, 499x545, 499:545, 1534894430-1.jpeg)

File: 1204a6600732ec9⋯.png (634.26 KB, 535x674, 535:674, 1538173142.png)

File: fbb64472afbac68⋯.jpg (26.4 KB, 395x497, 395:497, DoIcybjVAAAa6_j.jpg)

c892d8  No.3252588


M W H P - Extra CAP letters

b60511  No.3252589

File: 6b6f1bb0272cbdb⋯.png (252.48 KB, 383x292, 383:292, Men on film yea Trump!.PNG)

019070  No.3252590


You fat fucking loser!

582a6a  No.3252591

File: 86365d21ba8aee6⋯.jpg (357.61 KB, 1080x1001, 1080:1001, 1538253617536.jpg)

c0a482  No.3252592

File: d55b6e00f912985⋯.png (579.4 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, FE8ED246-91DE-4800-8A1C-2E….png)

File: ba319eddf13606d⋯.png (105.06 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 14A06346-A727-41A5-8413-CD….png)

Cabal trying to legitimize celebs kidnapping refugee children while also planting seeds of doubt about child trafficking rumors online


32fcac  No.3252593



asking due to Meme #31 thread is full. No where to post memes.

958d30  No.3252594

File: 3cbec7a38b3e243⋯.jpeg (90.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BA 787.jpeg)

File: 7045e84ac68adb7⋯.jpeg (156.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, United 787.jpeg)

File: 6330c51c2075d8d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, AlertBAHWx71_Z.png)


It's not british airways, they have an entirely different layout..

The plane is a Boeing 787 with a United Airlines livery..

(picrelated is British Airways 787 business left, vs United business right, vs Q far right)

39836e  No.3252595

You cannot stop the anti christ from coming…. you cannot stop the satanists from world domination… Only Christ can… You cannot change the prophecy….

fb2d03  No.3252596

Alert British Airways

1a80ea  No.3252597


Those of us who where at /pol/ last October and have not bailed yet, do not take the "booms" seriously at all. If we did we would be on blood pressure meds.

Personally, I DO expect this October will be a nothingburger in terms of what everyone here is expecting.

No boom. Nothing glorious. Total nothingburger. And that is ok as long as DJT keeps winning.

But as you suggest, I have not the least fucking idea what Q is really doing with us.

f028f1  No.3252598

Were we not supposed to get an IG report on voter fraud by now?

f60e4a  No.3252599

File: b22976f60a12f38⋯.png (11.74 KB, 712x302, 356:151, ClipboardImage.png)



98f68b  No.3252600


Flight Z381 destination TFC, Taomino Italy?

9345aa  No.3252601

File: 9fa779934c92665⋯.png (177.43 KB, 1264x654, 632:327, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)



AirG Patrol Software

Software that automatically filters all user generated content pre-publication, including contact details and profanity.

· Monitoring tools that can be used by live human monitors as a secondary filter for all content (pre-publication or post-publication), including contact details, profanity, and all profile photos.

· A programmable ban from service component that automatically bans offending users from the service and enables human monitors to impose a manual ban, on a username or handset level.


420417  No.3252602


good idea anon!

633b73  No.3252603

File: a89115d478fb9bd⋯.png (219.19 KB, 1129x844, 1129:844, Kavanaugh_hearing_Transcri….png)

>>3251923 lb

CBF is a slippery devil. While Feinstein didn't recommend an attorney, her staff did, so she's not lying about that.

206ee2  No.3252604

File: fbb5a020f140f78⋯.jpeg (113.13 KB, 1024x792, 128:99, 9ded917b71edc289c910b1bf5….jpeg)


They live

ce7a65  No.3252605


And that leads right into the Lucuis Trust (Formerly Lucifer Publishing Company). Full circle to Satanism.

223c80  No.3252606

File: 3c93ba19532903c⋯.jpg (21.28 KB, 655x234, 655:234, Flake-short.jpg)

>>3251230 (lb)


Yep, definitely appears that Dems thought they were going to get a chance to vote on an 'amendment' & get a final gotcha for the weekend's news shows.

Grassley also said he would advocate for the position he (Flake) took, but he can't control that.

Flake's face when he said "short ... and limited in scope".

df2af2  No.3252607



The beautiful IRONY

89e771  No.3252608


Fake AND gay. Read it. Does it even look real? Has an article below it saying Nike is filing for bankruptcy because of Kaepernick.

4ab015  No.3252609


A missile launched from sub near Bahamas?

a03252  No.3252610


Bahrain War?

0230c1  No.3252611

File: b147aed9498df04⋯.jpg (27.28 KB, 607x396, 607:396, Look7.jpg)

b9ba7f  No.3252612

File: 2563ef646bf6bf2⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 1200x632, 150:79, pepeandwojack.jpg)

a47400  No.3252613


"compromise" is a signal to the other cabalists that their operation is


c3bee5  No.3252614

File: 6c81bee3d358d47⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 320x275, 64:55, 6c81bee3d358d4734cd6ab1441….jpg)


Kek, missed that, thanks.


Ooooh…but would he even fly civilian?


Man, what the hell even happened to Phoebe Halliwell, huh? Kek!

706628  No.3252615


well you can take that negative bullshit on back to /pol/ then fag.

2638ca  No.3252616


better - try one around 1 MB in size - should still look good and load quicker

23c76d  No.3252617

File: 79bec9f1b49703a⋯.jpg (69.74 KB, 830x554, 415:277, Each BusinessFirst seat ha….jpg)


United makes them for other markets


019070  No.3252618


You are a fat piece of shit ….FACT

39836e  No.3252619

IF you think the Prophesy can be changed… then you truly have no faith in God.

891d58  No.3252620


Clockwork Orange[S]

203528  No.3252621


Made my day. needed it thxfor posting.

3842d5  No.3252622

File: 12131ff86382c26⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1890x942, 315:157, Screenshot_159.png)


68a498  No.3252623

Politcs BS

stop this shit. Q T? I am done with this shit - destroying people on either side when innocent is wrong

Done - prosecdute those doing it!

4ab015  No.3252624


ty anon

ea9e49  No.3252626


Of course we can. We already did. He's just still trying to catch up to that fact.

2527ee  No.3252627





60bc68  No.3252628

>>3252355 Funny- how did a wack-a-doo get on a members and staff Elevator?

9c4b9f  No.3252629


Zulu..roger that

1a80ea  No.3252630



Excellent summary, anon.

02544d  No.3252631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

they flew someone in to do the polygraph on the day of her grandmothers funeral


source at 42:23

ab6f35  No.3252632


ECW is Q

39836e  No.3252633


Actually no.. I'm not fat.

You are just like the fucking libs… probably are a lib.

f58b8c  No.3252634

File: 657ea6f0d1d11d5⋯.png (61.05 KB, 601x514, 601:514, ClipboardImage.png)


Patriots praying for POTUS!!! :>

1ce8e3  No.3252635


Yep. Lucuis (Lucis?) publishing in between these two names too.

f60e4a  No.3252636



11a847  No.3252637

File: 74303653521e497⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 450x338, 225:169, meghan-mccain-twitter.jpg)


I like happy Meghan having a giggle about all those kids her mom killed.

2115e9  No.3252638


POTUS taking different plane to the rally tonight?

ca6802  No.3252639

53501e  No.3252640


>There is also a flight 381 from (((Tel Aviv))) to Italy

Every. Single. Time..

f9b213  No.3252641

We are Q


3842d5  No.3252642

File: 9c8564ab7600c6f⋯.png (71.49 KB, 344x346, 172:173, Screenshot_160.png)

bddbd7  No.3252643


Check_in_Z = Check in MZ. as in Zuckerberg

8936aa  No.3252644



Because he likes the dramatic effect.>Ready the memes!

>Right after Q mentions that Google, twitter et al will totally black us out.

>Great plan Q.


Q must think, we are idiots. Maybe we are.

c6a700  No.3252645

File: 9c127e3fcf73bea⋯.png (34.46 KB, 654x266, 327:133, Crowley re Flake and RR 9-….PNG)


Flake is NOT /ourguy/

d56d99  No.3252646


is notation for weather data from airports.

TX71 would be a heliport in Ft. Worth.



0e7aac  No.3252647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


39836e  No.3252648


That is ignorant. God has a plan and you think you can change it.

b9ba7f  No.3252649


>>3252001 Tweet/Re-tweet Senate Judiciary.

>>3252078 Syria update.

>>3252079, >>3252362, >>3252386, >>3252477 Anons debate the identity of the aircraft in Q's photo.

>>3252044 Alyssa Milano's tattoos. Part of the club?

>>3252239 Erdogan opens mega mosque funded by Turkish Govt. in Cologne, Germany.

>>3252261, >>3252085 Q drop's file name referencing Bahrain Airport?

>>3252478 BAH = Booz Allen Hamilton?

>>3252491 TFC from Q's stringer also an airport.

>>3252458 Rally tonight! Live @ 7pm ET.

>>3252494 New DJT Tweet.

>>3252512 Bahrain involved with "Arab NATO" and putting diplomatic pressure on Iran.

>>3252559 FBI contacts accuser Deborah Ramirez.

>>3252401 Flake and Coons talk about Kavanaugh "compromise" on 60 minutes.

>>3252634 POTUS back at WH.

32fcac  No.3252650


way cool anon

b60511  No.3252651

File: 0ea84451a9d4cdb⋯.png (102.42 KB, 298x300, 149:150, Tuco noose.png)

This is how Dianne Feinstein and Hillary feel about now.

8603d0  No.3252652


Blavatsky gets you Alice Bailey gets you Manly P. gets you to today.

2e71a7  No.3252653

File: cbcb9dc78c7f2f4⋯.jpg (224.65 KB, 932x855, 932:855, newweb.jpg)

I think this is what I've been waiting for

I hope it works


a874eb  No.3252654

Initially when I saw Z I thought of Zulu time. The image name had Z9 in it. 12 minutes till 9 PM Zulu time.

1510e2  No.3252655


Just sayin, be flexible in case the large white lettering memes are detected. Have a plan B. Geesh.

23c76d  No.3252656


It'll all come eventually

3d14dd  No.3252657


Anon Wick is a controlled op and a tool.

get redpilled.

0d2df2  No.3252658


Wanna bet the "I was raped" girl was a cabal sex slave raped by Swamp Creature Flake when she was underage? Direct threat.

d872c9  No.3252659


For 30 years, I have never failed to vote. I have been in on the plan long before there was a plan.

I have never voted leftist, ever. I recognized very early that they were evil.

19706a  No.3252660


is someone doing a runner?

22e020  No.3252661

Bank records.

Red October.


1a80ea  No.3252663

File: da9182509ad7484⋯.jpg (224.78 KB, 942x752, 471:376, you.jpg)


Go suck another cock newfag.

3e1041  No.3252664


>But as you suggest, I have not the least fucking idea what Q is really doing with us.

It's a good movie.

The only thing that is real and that counts is whether or not you are a satanic pedophile traitor or not, in my mind. And God bless Patriots.

And maybe we find out who Q is one day, but finding out now isn't part of the movie yet ;)

261fa1  No.3252665

File: 208722cddf64555⋯.jpg (789.67 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, KavanaughDef.jpg)


f1689f  No.3252666

File: 246cc20aeed15a6⋯.png (13.94 KB, 936x397, 936:397, Qpeatie.png)

This Q post got me thinking very specifically about the phrase Rogue (Definitely no shade of red) Employee.

Where had I heard that recently in relation to Q research?

I couldn't place it so did a DDG search and the first legitimate hit jogged my memory - Musk - Tesla.


So, is Musk trying to clear out rogue elements in Tesla and, by inference, Space -X?

Was Q pointing to this?

The next legitimate hit I found on DDG was this one with which I'm sure we are all quite familiar:

Was Q pointing at this, or both or neither?

What do anons think?


20fabb  No.3252667

A question. Has anyone considered whether the investigation into K will be used to uncover serious dirt/corruption.

Something that occurs to me is that just because the deep state fears K doesn't mean that he's clean or that an investigation into this won't lead other places…

BTW Q has NOT said specifically that K will be confirmed. What he has said could be interpreted several different ways…

19b8f4  No.3252668




we are fucket faggot

e40d39  No.3252670

File: 84501f9db32cba5⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 9e64a4a61c333fc2d5780cebaa….jpg)

File: 027d0cc91e06006⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 404x453, 404:453, P1030700.jpg)

2115e9  No.3252671

File: 98a192e285e3b21⋯.jpg (235.75 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, berniekathleen.jpg)

a2fc0a  No.3252673


This may be the first year that your vote counts

b1cbd4  No.3252674


Fearmongering shill…kys

d6229a  No.3252675

ea9e49  No.3252677


No sir. Not trying to change anything. Just saying that a lot of us already worked that plan. Read the Bible. God wins.

cf11cd  No.3252678


Yes, the Q phenomenon is insane. He has had lots of nothingburgers, lots of bullshit, but we keep coming back. I honestly don't understand it from any angle. The psyop angle- doesn't seem to have worked that well to discredit thus far, the LARP angle- way too complex and well researched for even a team of armchair guys, and the Trump team angle- why so many false predictions, why so much bullshit? And yet Q goes on. Whatever it is, it is fucking genius.

1c53aa  No.3252679

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, bd03036a493a9e71693c39dc1f….gif)

c0fd54  No.3252680

In case Facebook and Twitter go down, you can always go back to e mails; and chain letter emails. Keep the file size of digital memes low so that they will e mail easily.

Posters, (fly posted at night), in gardens, windows and businesses.

Bumper stickers.

T shirts.

Business size cards left by telephones, bus shelters, public places, reception desks, left in taxis and hotel rooms, in rest rooms, waiting rooms; anywhere you can get away with it.

Work in teams, not individually if it is necessary for protection..

Find a printer and crowdsource the cost or approach the candidate for funds.

c32a2c  No.3252681

Any fags witness a woman enjoy or start a fight between two guys? They have done this my whole lifetime. The Left is filled with these types.


f60e4a  No.3252682



5087ad  No.3252683


>>3252491 wrong one.

>>3252492 you meant this one.

0e7aac  No.3252684

File: c97e5140db0490e⋯.jpg (997.66 KB, 2040x2040, 1:1, TAKETHEDICK.jpg)

File: c62eb258559ea97⋯.jpg (207.79 KB, 800x988, 200:247, THERESA.jpg)

File: 0d4ea35fa9e365d⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 1013x679, 1013:679, treefifth.jpg)

0230c1  No.3252685


You know that @Snowden worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, right?

9c4b9f  No.3252686


^^^ THIS BAH is Bahrain…

Didn't CF transferred a shit ton of money here?

f57737  No.3252687


He is on Vaca make a new thread, you don't need him

cb17b1  No.3252688



55cb44  No.3252689

File: 64f2c6f216f98bf⋯.jpg (131.95 KB, 597x775, 597:775, se5ke56ke4de5yd6j63s.JPG)

23c76d  No.3252690


Yur welcome. I should say they operate them in other markets. Boeing makes them to order I gather.

aad3ac  No.3252691


308 Was about to Twitter and Facebook and Google Censoringeverybody just like France did Before the election

fff405  No.3252692



ce7a65  No.3252693


Yeah. Heavily associated with the UN. It looks to me like Theosophy ("The New Age") was going to be the one world religion to trick gullible fools into opening themselves up for full demonic possession.

d28dee  No.3252694


Pol sweetie was a olace where Q came to us. Negative or realistic? I would rather swallow inconvenient truth than be in a cognitive dissonance state. But you are free to think for yourself

b6221e  No.3252695


I get the impression that Flake wishes he was between a rock and a hard place instead of where he is now.

bdf864  No.3252696


Wow. Things that make you go hmmmm.

796ade  No.3252697


>>3252044 Alyssa Milano's tattoos. Part of the club?

This IS NOT A Notable. It's sanskit. A language older than Christianity and Hebrew.

You need more proof that Milano is comped than her everyday actions??

This just shows a lack of education of the part of the board members.

4ab015  No.3252698


Or some underage chick he banged a while back. Would explain his terror-filled face

257138  No.3252699


I didnt c this txt.






39836e  No.3252700


Yes he does.. but only after a third of all life is destroyed.

6178bf  No.3252701

File: 2a4327653300c4e⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 500x313, 500:313, shitpost.jpg)



trying to use biblebait to stir anons.

3842d5  No.3252702



Are we diggin?


223c80  No.3252703


Personally find it more helpful to see current events in shades of gray, but YMMV.

206ee2  No.3252705


Yes, we're not norms

a9936a  No.3252706


Yes and No

Listen to the words with the advantage we know as projection. The knowledge we have collected and relevant lies - and again projection. Legal definitions.

fff405  No.3252707


I mean, our Commander-in-Chief would know who has and hasn't served…EVER. You know…it's pretty easy for him to know these things.

44099e  No.3252708

Been digging,

on if the Three Kavanaugh accusers know each other.?

or is this a waist of time.

68a498  No.3252709

I am the normie autist.

most have left - they do not have my attention span.

But getting mad at this point - others just bored.

I am not a follower - I am not a disciple.

This loss is not acceptable.

206ee2  No.3252711



df2af2  No.3252712



ALWAYS have a plan, anon, always.

0e7aac  No.3252713

File: 15388fb46da4f43⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1663x2122, 1663:2122, HIGHESTRANKINGDRINKINGBUDD….jpg)

File: 1e205c549865b90⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 480x322, 240:161, JACKELOPEFOUNDONLINE.jpg)

File: 9ad96c65b4da724⋯.jpeg (207.98 KB, 1002x1407, 334:469, nonazibread.jpeg)

not even rosenstiens gerbil

d6c5de  No.3252714

File: 1264ad55c53eca7⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 700x462, 50:33, Sharticus.jpg)

1ea5d7  No.3252715

What’s the chance that Ford is pissed that Kav wouldn’t fuck her?

019070  No.3252716


But none the less… a piece of shit.. thanks for playing, go back and cry to mommy..this place is not for you limp dick.

bdf864  No.3252717



c3823b  No.3252718

063176  No.3252719


thanQs. that's what I thought..

There must be a reason to get him in - knowing he is a swamp creature.

And could be able to get his old friend GHWB to justice?

0e7aac  No.3252720

File: 519a71a18dd83ed⋯.gif (279.28 KB, 640x639, 640:639, moondog.gif)

b24330  No.3252721

File: d34b81c4be8952e⋯.png (690.57 KB, 1981x1167, 1981:1167, Q-Clock Oct03 Ten Days.png)


October 3rd - October 13 = Ten Days.


12/7 - 12/17 clock timeline

10 & [10]

2e71a7  No.3252722


Nice theory! just sick enough.

3842d5  No.3252723

File: e543a53664a58f5⋯.png (782.72 KB, 1092x975, 28:25, Screenshot_161.png)




c6a700  No.3252724


>BTW Q has NOT said specifically that K will be confirmed. What he has said could be interpreted several different ways…

I understood precisely what Q meant when he changed his post from Judge Kavanaugh to Justice Kavanaugh

326f61  No.3252725

File: b0c400e827865d9⋯.jpg (99.94 KB, 756x607, 756:607, IMG_0180.JPG)

Daily reminder this anon told you months ago that Kav the cocksucking Bush brown-noser was not GEOTUS' real first choice.

Trump somehow knew Kav the checked pants country club silver spoon in mouth milquetoast republicrat was not destined for the bench.

now, prepare yourself for a nominee who can only be described as " Anne Coulter in a black robe". (the rape allegations will be slightly less believable…)

I'll be yer new Que WITH ACTUAL ACCURATE PROGNOSTICATION when the dust settles, BO please note the device ID IP

68a498  No.3252726

Awan loss was not acceptable.

f60e4a  No.3252727



39836e  No.3252729


Not fearmongering… Just telling it like it is… because as much as I wish these people can be stopped.. They can't be. Not until the chosen time.

ea9e49  No.3252731


And if I am in that third, then I did what was neccesary to secure the future for the innocent. I'm not afraid, Anon. Of anything.

bae686  No.3252732

File: 13e6ccd73110c16⋯.png (540.74 KB, 897x574, 897:574, team autist fuck yeah.png)

35e79b  No.3252733

did anyone cap the



116636  No.3252734

File: a7266acab3c94d4⋯.jpg (8.52 KB, 255x189, 85:63, Hmmmmmm.jpg)

e40d39  No.3252735


She probably threw her drunk self at him and he was the gentleman who took her home after he gently rejected her. The uproarious laughter was all in her head.

400685  No.3252736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

high ranking military generals and NASA astronots mk ultra glitching.

0e7aac  No.3252737

File: a430e4e82b1a3e2⋯.jpg (680.95 KB, 1600x909, 1600:909, chockingckicken.jpg)

File: 9303276b97af1e7⋯.jpeg (284.75 KB, 600x648, 25:27, dubsdubs.jpeg)

File: f59c190075d2102⋯.jpg (893.11 KB, 1293x742, 1293:742, fisadeclass.jpg)

39836e  No.3252738


Piss off… Don't even know why I'm talking with a child.

f1689f  No.3252739


Damn, the devil's trips.

Does this mean my post is retarded?

7731f6  No.3252740

File: fa10e115d20a120⋯.jpg (269.01 KB, 1280x841, 1280:841, Q33.jpg)

6d018b  No.3252741

File: f6d8878c6eb8758⋯.jpg (17.11 KB, 474x269, 474:269, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)

1b4a95  No.3252743

File: f3a7289d9dcb07b⋯.png (100.33 KB, 1120x628, 280:157, 569270EF-A3F0-4EF6-9882-1B….png)

19706a  No.3252744


the movie was about a high-up military official taking secret technology to the enemy

39836e  No.3252745



1ce8e3  No.3252746


Check the top post in the new bread and help me if you can please! Trying to locate some banned books recommended by Bill Cooper and otherwise relevant.

e40d39  No.3252747


just cursed

1a80ea  No.3252748


The Awan saga cannot be over yet.

Just like Mandalay Bay cannot be over.

Neither makes any sense unless Jeff Sessions has a massive sword waiting to be unleashed.

2115e9  No.3252750


For you is to only <scroll up>

f0bc17  No.3252751

706628  No.3252752


filtered shill.

3842d5  No.3252753

File: 85aff532ee930fd⋯.png (800.32 KB, 747x551, 747:551, Screenshot_226.png)

1c53aa  No.3252754


go be a zionist faggot somewhere else

589780  No.3252755


>Anne Coulter in a black robe

So a retarded horse-faced fake conservative?

c4a73c  No.3252756

File: 2818ad55021a76e⋯.png (6.37 KB, 444x123, 148:41, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Q.png)

File: bd7625064e8207b⋯.png (111.52 KB, 444x498, 74:83, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Q(1).png)


Let (THEM) Panic…Drop them bombs

b9ba7f  No.3252757

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

f60e4a  No.3252758



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