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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f1711524dc6d8514a697fc1bfc….jpg)

9eff29  No.3233524

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




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Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 --------------------------------- POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -————————– RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 ————————————–——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 -————————– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

9eff29  No.3233532


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3232840 Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter

>>3232851 Military Plane Crashes in South Carolina

>>3232836 is that Ford's lawyer with HRC?

>>3232966 [RR] agrees to meet with GOP lawmakers to discuss 'wire' report

>>3233032 Hollywood urges "no vote" on Kavanaugh over "Misogyny & Abuse"

>>3233074 Tech Billionaire's Remorse: "I sold my users' privacy"

>>3233088 Facebook loses personal information of 50 million of its users, >>3233455

>>3233050 [RR] didn't get the Federal Appeals court back in 2007, because of "lack of experience" re; >>3232056

>>3233210 (9/27) Major Terror Plot Foiled in The Netherlands: 7 Muslim Men Arrested

>>3233247 EAS playbook

>>3233249 Pack of Mental Patients "energetically" protest Kavanaugh Confirmation

>>3233508 #4094


>>3232056 Potentially Interesting information. Needs verification!

>>3232057 Half-/pol/ discovers fallacies in Ford's Testimony

>>3232068 10/03: Stack up and get comfy

>>3232116 Feinstein's China ties already mentioned in 1997

>>3232131 Senate Bill proposed, calling for more AI involvement in Big Government

>>3232219 The False Testimony Generates Big Bucks for Ford

>>3232222 House votes to extend individual tax cuts

>>3232239 Patton Oswalt (Vocal Anti-Trump Celebrity), accused of sexual assault after wife died

>>3232333 Meanwhile, in the house: Bill to battle opioid epidemic overwhelmingly passes the House

>>3232381 Keep Google & Facebook AWAY from our children!

>>3232692 How Instagram's Algorithms are fueling America's Drug Crisis

>>3232758 #4093


>>3231978 Live stream of Senate Judiciary Committee Votes on Judge (Go Kav Go!)

>>3231960 Now THIS is a side-by-side: Ford & Strzok's identical facial expressions

>>3231814 Tesla shares plunge after SEC charges Musk with fraud

>>3231572 2014 article where Feinsteins references being "The Great Satan"

>>3231459 Falthse! ThSnopeths Weighths in On the Katzths/HRC Photo

>>3231991 #4092


>>3230983, >>3231027 Feinstein contradicted herself re: release of Ford's letter

>>3230850 Article: Did US Bankers Attempt a Coup of Russia? Yeltsin/CV/MI6 history

>>3230822 CBS's Major Garrett runs PRO-Trump story re: "long-lasting legacy"

>>3230787 Infiltrated: Sen Sheldon Whitehouse's dad Charles is CIA & Skull&Bones

>>3230729 A Party in Search of a Crime: Dems already talking Kav impeachment

>>3230754 SpreadsheetAnon Update, incl new zipped files of all Q's posts

>>3230610, >>3230816, >>3230811, >>3230934, >>3230995 Graham @ Sept. Kav hearing, & future?

>>3230586, >>3230540 The Indelible, Uproarious Leahy references Alice in Wonderland lots

>>3230526 Meanwhile in the House: Nunes' Intel votes to release Russia transcripts

>>3231942 #4091

Previously Collected Notables

>>3230478 #4090

>>3228119 #4087, >>3228889 #4088, >>3229663 #4089

>>3225768 #4084, >>3226533 #4085, >>3227320 #4086

>>3223695 #4081, >>3224271 #4082, >>3225005 #4083

>>3221158 #4078, >>3222956 #4079, >>3222715 #4080

>>3218869 #4075, >>3219647 #4076, >>3220404 #4077

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

9eff29  No.3233534

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3229293

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

9eff29  No.3233536

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

9eff29  No.3233541



c2036c  No.3233551

File: 7bb45f040810977⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 723x503, 723:503, tyb133.jpg)

File: fc87b557f35dbd5⋯.png (343.42 KB, 666x494, 333:247, oath.PNG)


5c1c01  No.3233564

Q, Are 'Protections' in place for midterms against fraud and hopefully any and all future elections? RE: Q 306

64a2f4  No.3233573

File: e8069d2e7d5553c⋯.jpg (464.26 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_092.jpg)

d7c2fe  No.3233574

File: ee8a74deb83a5c9⋯.png (604.49 KB, 1204x908, 301:227, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)


TY BakerAnon!

d59396  No.3233575

>>3232877 (pb)

Gray's Inn

Lincoln's Inn

Middle Temple

Inner Temple

All BAR guilds of the City of London.

da4fbd  No.3233576

File: 41c89f3d3525975⋯.png (149.04 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 1538152056833.png)

Antifa planning attacks openly on twatter

3dfc32  No.3233577


Nice Post Anon

ff9114  No.3233579

>>3232898 lb

3 minutes after Q posts, Grassley says Booker's been talking for 17 minutes and there's 3 other people who want to speak?

c54dcc  No.3233580

File: 6d700e36ac0a27a⋯.jpg (185.29 KB, 650x870, 65:87, pepe_trump_matrix.jpg)

221e2b  No.3233581

File: 316673933161c31⋯.jpg (128.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, UPS-What-Can-Brown-Do-For-….jpg)


870a0d  No.3233582


It's rare quality that causes that kind of behavior. It's called 'goodness."

0d3668  No.3233583


Ben Sasse can we trust him, seems to hanging with the enemy

838415  No.3233584

diane feinstein—-jew

richard blumenthal—-jew

chuck schumer—-jew

debra katz—-jew

michael bromwich—-jew

If joos are only 2% of the population, why are they the majority of the people involved in the Kavanaugh set up?

Probably just a coincidence.

73d78e  No.3233585


Thats fucking retard… you can be found on twitter… are they so retarded ?

993c67  No.3233586

Anyone got the live feed? (5 minutes to go)

33c640  No.3233587

File: 6ab57f944623838⋯.png (428.28 KB, 987x703, 987:703, rockefeller.png)

cheney is gunning for him

pun intended

56e531  No.3233588

Okay, bitches.. it's time.. justify your expense to the taxpayers for two seconds, you fucks.

07b307  No.3233589

File: 77ed55d7cf0fb68⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1457x795, 1457:795, 77ed55d7cf0fb68e471d451b44….png)

File: 90f0e664df1de7b⋯.jpeg (120.05 KB, 1242x1158, 207:193, 90f0e664df1de7b81f488f9b4….jpeg)

TOP KEK from last bread.

39479c  No.3233590

They are saying on Fox, that Flake might flake out. The dems have him cornered in a side room.

0cb5f6  No.3233591

File: c4e1038cc119593⋯.png (735.43 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171213_Deep….png)



so fraid

6a8e2d  No.3233592

File: a8af8d6b5040a8c⋯.jpg (4.69 KB, 118x255, 118:255, Feinstein Q 297.jpg)

File: 2647fc15b4865b5⋯.jpg (126.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump Limo 2.jpg)

File: a6f7b0ab6e2e973⋯.jpg (105.23 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Trump Limo.jpg)

>>3233236 (lb)

Submission for Q proofs.

Pic one from Q 297

Pics 2 and 3 stock photos of the "Beast", the presidential limo. Tint comes from blast proof glass.

58068e  No.3233593


Investigate what? Every witness said it didn't happen. The "victim" can't say when or where. Can't say how she got there or home.

But yes, let's have an investigation. Let's investigate why she said her two front doors were because of Kavanaugh in 2012, but the building permit is dated 2008. Let's investigate her C-A father and brother. Let's investigate her fear of flying. Let's investigate her "hacked" emails she sent out saying it all was a lie. Let's investigate the others who came forward and claimed responsibility. In the meantime, put Kavanaugh on the bench.

d7c2fe  No.3233594


>Move amongst the people like a fish swims in the sea.


a9133f  No.3233595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fec888  No.3233596

They are saying the Dems are trying to flip Flake.

238fc4  No.3233597

File: fff79c48e3b1be9⋯.jpg (622.42 KB, 1600x1997, 1600:1997, fff79c48e3b1be900aba35a7d2….jpg)


71959d  No.3233598

File: 37b8027cb325469⋯.jpg (134.87 KB, 1068x709, 1068:709, khuk77774.JPG)


blend in like a gorilla

c2036c  No.3233599

File: 8673651dd990836⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1021x633, 1021:633, frenz7.PNG)

File: bcdfcf7b26c235f⋯.png (541.29 KB, 697x523, 697:523, oath4.PNG)

File: 79a4e51b9baebe9⋯.png (447.35 KB, 532x385, 76:55, punisher.PNG)

0fadee  No.3233600

File: 4fcc3fa84ce7444⋯.png (276.64 KB, 639x365, 639:365, DontCallMeShirley.png)

ce105f  No.3233601

File: 038dc6a9a166ab0⋯.jpg (256.23 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4Justice.jpg)

File: e7f26c8e157e062⋯.jpg (187.61 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4light.jpg)

File: 1a60c11cb64ee70⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4October.jpg)

File: d03bf182643ca5c⋯.jpg (167.01 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, Ready4Show.jpg)

File: 159a1ae803f0daf⋯.jpg (147.89 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, Ready4ShowT.jpg)

8989d7  No.3233602

Sasse better stick with us

3dfc32  No.3233603

File: d437eff9b801b29⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1012x633, 1012:633, 1537270736016.png)

a9133f  No.3233604


make a graphic

119f31  No.3233605

Actual, principled conservative here. I've supported Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2015, and I was beyond impressed with his decision to nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. With that said, I take all matters relevant to sexual assault very seriously. I have a daughter, and I believe it is our duty – no, our universal moral imperative – to hear out all women who have allegedly been sexually assaulted – including Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine B. Ford – loudly, clearly, and as transparently as possible. We must also allow the Senate to conduct a thorough investigations of what are seemingly credible allegations of sexual assault. Remoteness shouldn't play much of a part in our considerations. Let me remind you that this isn't a partisan issue. Sexual assault harms everyone. Given my strong principles, I can even come to acknowledge the reasonableness with which Senators Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer speak.Thus, I support a delay in the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Once he is cleared, I think the Senate should confirm him. And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

33c640  No.3233606

File: 9366867b03f610f⋯.jpg (196.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rocky goi.jpg)

cheney is jealous as fuck

695e11  No.3233607

House Intel Committee Votes To Release 53 Trump-Russia Transcripts

The House Intelligence Committee on Friday voted to release 53 transcripts related to the panel's Trump-Russia investigation, reports The Hill, "teeing up a massive document dump ahead of the November midterm elections."

The transcripts will include testimony from several current and former key members of Trump's orbit, including Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump Jr., Roger Stone and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

Also included will be interviews with former Obama administration officials such as former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper as well as former deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

The transcripts — 53 in total — will not immediately be released but will now go to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for a classification review, which could take days or weeks to complete.

The documents are poised to revive discussion about the House panel’s Russia investigation, which dramatically broke down into partisan infighting and culminated in Republicans moving to end the probe in a party-line vote last March. Democrats have accused the GOP leaders of ending the probe prematurely. -The Hill

House GOP released a report on their findings in April which found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


270870  No.3233608

The stakes have never been higher for the rats

Hold the line

We will prevail

1bae4e  No.3233609

File: c67f91ee83dc84e⋯.jpeg (95.09 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 3C1CDE3F-E567-4210-9A9F-1….jpeg)

6193dc  No.3233610

File: b8888dc9f84ffb2⋯.jpg (94.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, power_to_the_people_2_1200….jpg)

4c4408  No.3233611

File: 37243278942e811⋯.jpeg (79.75 KB, 798x511, 114:73, AB5C6B40-32EC-4123-8AD0-A….jpeg)

File: b559c0a17e4d8d9⋯.jpeg (376.26 KB, 1781x1053, 137:81, ABBCEBA2-9F6C-4821-BC0A-C….jpeg)


Believe BlaseyFord was giving us one of her programmed CIA/MKU

TRIGGER words.

Indelible (Latin) = ‘Do not delete’

Hippocampus (Greek) = ‘Horse-sea monster’ a reference to the mammalian/ reptile shaped BRAIN organ that governs Memory /Emotion Encodes.

Memory can be erased (delible) and replaced thru ECT (electrocovulsive therapy) and/ or drugs (nor-/epinephrine/ adrenalin). Shell shock is example of memory erased by trauma but not replaced via high blood levels of adrenaline. Recall BlaseyFord story of being ECT-like hooked up in the Hotel room on trauma day of grandma’s FUNERAL. During the Hearing she has momentary Trance freezes.

BlaseyFord told us that doppelgänger Garrett was a “Air-quote” boyfriend/ BF. Bring up a party sex trauma memory, of which BlaseyFord probably has a whole library full, and insert new memory of the other doppelgänger Kavanaugh who she never meet but appears like Garrett the BF. Inform BlaseyFord to keep new programmed memory “indelible in the hippocampus”.

The CIA MKUltras are believed programmed using:

ALICE in Wonderland - “Walrus/ Caterpillar” are terms related to hippocampus. See Walrus below. Caterpillar was a drug false memory inducer. “Who are You?”

WIZARD of Oz - “Hippo/ Horse of a different (doppelgänger) color”

BEATLES - “I am the WALRUS” use of rime/ music to entrain the brain. Alice ‘Walrus’ was a con-man that mesmerized the oysters into becoming “assaulted” as his food.

4c81a4  No.3233612


Hang the Bastard(s)

93d344  No.3233613


Spot ON!!!

266b69  No.3233614



Makes the USSS's and Military Police's jobs easier.

There is no place for traitors or seditionists, or terrorists, in the United States.

1fa708  No.3233615

File: f6f9f4f45f57743⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 375x500, 3:4, wondertub.jpg)


35abdc  No.3233616


They're the majority population of everything that's destroying our society. Just a cohencidence.

c2036c  No.3233617

File: d743148739e2cce⋯.png (139.22 KB, 282x392, 141:196, oath2.PNG)

File: 6fd58f016fb4285⋯.png (331.62 KB, 614x367, 614:367, revolut.PNG)

File: 293bdc466d55bf9⋯.png (297.91 KB, 326x382, 163:191, voote.PNG)

74bdb9  No.3233618



07b307  No.3233619


I know that…but the white hats didn't told him that his nomination was secure? I fell like Q talk more with us than with their on.

25013e  No.3233620


Do these people think they are invisible? Should be no-knock warrants being issued right now.

57d721  No.3233621


oy vey stop noticing, it's very shilly, divisive and antisemitic!

f93b9b  No.3233622

>>3233388 (pb)

BAKER! Possibly found some sauce for notable 2 breads ago. It was late in the run, apologies.

d74fdc  No.3233623


Pretty sure this would be a good weekend for a trip to the mountains, away from this crap because you KNOW there's gonna be some fools who pull shit in the urban areas.

8989d7  No.3233624


4c81a4  No.3233625

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Sorry, thought I had embedded. Enjoy!

4067b3  No.3233626

POWER TO THE PEOPLE >>>>> $LTC as the means of exchange


Get it trending

a9133f  No.3233627


……………. repost it

870a0d  No.3233628


Booker reminds me of kids I knew growing up that were half Jewish.

28f8c8  No.3233629


We need to mop these faggots up. Enemy combatant status. Extreme prejudice.

56e531  No.3233630


1:30, or 1:35.. or you know, whenever. NBD

859b2b  No.3233631

>>3233249 pb

Soros will still pay you cucks, win or lose...so go home and get a job now.

I hear Craigslist has postings for crisis actors.

d7c2fe  No.3233632

File: 14120cc0c056210⋯.png (199.8 KB, 1013x451, 1013:451, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

a69e99  No.3233633

File: 96709f86ecfa16d⋯.jpeg (68.4 KB, 522x500, 261:250, F39D85ED-40E0-4C0A-9A74-6….jpeg)

b563cd  No.3233634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That Yugoslavian space program was twenty years old. U.K. Oil lizards joined the CIA . Harry overtested a gasket . Feinsteins pedovore necromancy cocaine coup of the gestapi was threatened by Milk lack of interest in cannibalism. And the judas fehgel Roth got uniformed officers at the border after seven day pedovore cocaine benders in Mexico. All within six weeks of a forced shuttle launch for political spectacle .

fcd65c  No.3233635

File: 7a26aa793fc65e8⋯.jpg (187.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, VoteStandUpAmericanValues4.jpg)

cfdc8c  No.3233636


>Actual, principled conservative here.


33c640  No.3233637


loved and respected her

shame there no other good black role models

c1e1db  No.3233638

File: 27251895fb6ddb0⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 732x977, 732:977, fordliar.jpg)

File: 4d7dfb0c8de1146⋯.png (234.22 KB, 759x401, 759:401, yesvotegraham.png)


Everybody was watching it, listening, and crying.

The fools who don't know why there was crying didn't follow the story and watch K's testimony.

You have to go to the primary sources and not rely upon second hand stories.



8897eb  No.3233640

>>3233499 lb

>Cory Booker "We Should Listen to Women"

While they Totally IGNORE the women who said it didn't happen and that Kavanaugh wouldn't do that...Amazing they only believe the women who say what they want them to say

b08c1c  No.3233641

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At risk of doxxing myself via metadata, I needed to share this.


It's over my house right now.

It hasn't moved in about thirty minutes.

FWIW, I also feel a migraine coming on.


0a276f  No.3233642


Not in this case..Dims playing games & this is not a game..

fcd65c  No.3233643

>>3233577 During the pre-vote recess, the traitorous pimp dems are all preparing their "Oh what a travesty it all is" speeches. You know, the kind of lying, self righteous drivel put out by defeated, cursed weasels.

6827b1  No.3233644

Is Flake flaking out?

3dfc32  No.3233645

File: d95632d6a64264c⋯.png (296.38 KB, 576x242, 288:121, 1537277784451.png)

cc2c8f  No.3233646



b563cd  No.3233647


Stfu dyke

7640f5  No.3233648


Got anymore

fec888  No.3233649

Hey Q - this week is "SKY IS FALLING" WEEK - whats next week?

0657cb  No.3233650


these are great, good job

3a8cd2  No.3233651

File: 592c9bebdf34491⋯.jpg (148.62 KB, 749x751, 749:751, 592c9bebdf3449181ec0d373de….jpg)



04769f  No.3233652


> And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

Lib-brainwashed (conservatrive) more like. If you were truly a principled comservative you would have the discernment to distinguish between truth and politically motivated lies.

4c81a4  No.3233653


Nice try. I see they started hiring college graduate shills. Well, eloquent bullshit is still bullshit, sorry.

ff4721  No.3233654

File: 3e39187bce5a6c6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1134x2010, 189:335, technocracy.png)

File: 8ece13e868018ce⋯.pdf (1.57 MB, Tecnocracy_Plan.pdf)

File: 73ed2e247e5ad03⋯.pdf (254.87 KB, IntroductionToTechnocracy-….pdf)

>>3233517 lb


Wondering what that is?

29b110  No.3233655


ne seri nindža

695e11  No.3233656

File: e9f02aaf336ec6b⋯.png (416.95 KB, 535x570, 107:114, ClipboardImage.png)

Rees-Mogg: ‘Public Policy Discriminates Against the Family and Encourages Its Breakdown’

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Tory Party’s star backbench Brexiteer, believes public policy is undermining the family, in part because it is an obstacle to state power.

The Roman Catholic conservative, who has six children himself notes that “Official statistics show that only two-thirds of British children live with both parents until the age of 14, compared with the OECD average of 84 per cent” in an article for the Daily Mail.

“Such a figure is one of the worst in the Western world. Inevitably, there’s an effect on mental health, with more than half of the cases that arise being linked to family problems.

“According to the Centre for Social Justice, seven out of ten criminals come from broken homes. Also, single-parent families are twice as likely to live in poverty,” he adds, risking some controversy — as politicians who point out the negative statistics associated with non-traditional families are typically mischaracterised as “attacking” and denigrating the efforts of single mothers, in particular.

“Not all statistical relationships show cause and effect, but it is hard to argue against these stark figures which, I am convinced, are, to an extent, the fault of the State,” insists Rees-Mogg.

“The fact is that there is an inherent tension between the Family and the State,” the Somerset MP argues.

“Those who favour the collective know that its most powerful opponent is the family, which will guard its interests against the authoritarian centre.

“In Scotland, the SNP” — the EU loyalist, left-wing ‘nationalist’ party which runs Scotland’s devolved government — “shows how real this tension is through its plan to have a state-appointed adult to monitor every child.”

Rees-Mogg highlights a number of issues within the tax and welfare system which encourage couples to either mislead the authorities about their relationship status or not form traditional households in the first place, as single persons enjoy more a more lucrative benefits regime.

The MP suggests that while “It is not the role of the Government to tell people how to live their lives… it is reasonable to help people lead the lives they want to lead,” and that more people would try to form families if it were not financially disincentivised.

He stops short of suggesting that the Personal Allowance should be made fully transferable within single-breadwinner families, however, as pro-family social conservatives have long advocated.

Currently, the Marriage Allowance allows spouses to transfer a mere £1,190 of their unused Personal Allowance to their partners, subject to conditions.


b41050  No.3233657


Fuck off shill … the investigation was yesterday … no evidence presented . No time no place. Go back and suck on Brockys tit why don’t you.

36fc45  No.3233658

File: 30a6a96b2aaa8fd⋯.jpg (103.33 KB, 500x659, 500:659, EnjoyingTheShow..jpg)


"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

da4fbd  No.3233659

File: 26f7393595776a5⋯.png (197.03 KB, 768x546, 128:91, 1538152306869.png)

ca5b82  No.3233660


STOP NOTICING. This is Hate Speech at the worst. Full blown anti-semitism at best.

8a356e  No.3233661

File: 0983aa8213e6da9⋯.jpg (14.79 KB, 255x225, 17:15, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg)

>>3233512 (lb)

Optics you absolute retard. If he comes off as a genuinely great and innocent guy, it'll be better contrasted against the lunatics on the Democrat/Ford side.

Use your brain and lurk more before posting.

d7c2fe  No.3233662

File: f34a5caee0fe6f8⋯.jpg (121.04 KB, 594x714, 99:119, f34a5caee0fe6f84728d0bfd6d….jpg)

File: fafff15f3ae5888⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images copy 4.jpg)

6d7b99  No.3233663

>>3233055 last bread

All these buildings need a remodel.

All signs of cabal removed.

8989d7  No.3233664

Oh shit coons talking to flake

and whitehouse talking to sasse

bd6229  No.3233665

File: e58050920992201⋯.jpeg (481.17 KB, 1242x1977, 414:659, E66A6438-A801-4E7D-8695-D….jpeg)

Another plane crash in South Carolina this one was mentioned yesterday.


Indian Rocks Beach man among 2 people killed in South Carolina plane crash

The co-pilot was identified as 66-year-old Stephen George Fox, of Indian Rocks, Florida.



The Greenville News


5:51 AM EDT September 28, 2018


5:59 AM EDT September 28, 2018

A pilot and co-pilot have died in the crash of a mid-sized jet that tried to land Thursday afternoon at the Greenville Downtown Airport but ran off the runway and split in two, causing a fuel leak that emergency crews rushed to contain.

The reason for the crash was unclear.

The Coroner's Office said the plane overshot the runway, with the fuselage breaking at the cabin after the jet crashed on Tower Drive. Witnesses said the plane appeared to land without a problem until it overshot the runway and barreled down a steep embankment.

“We all saw it land, and for some reason it did not stop," airport director Joe Frasher said.

The co-pilot was identified as 66-year-old Stephen George Fox, of Indian Rocks, Florida. The pilot was a 49-year-old man whose name hadn't been released as of late Thursday. The Coroner's Office hadn't been able to notify his next of kin.

The passengers were a married man and woman. They are in critical condition at the hospital, Greenville Fire Department spokesman Tristan Johnson said.

4871db  No.3233666

are the demonrats not going to vote, do we have a quorum?

653749  No.3233667

Flake is going to Flake on the vote. Watch.

This makes me sick.

e4535a  No.3233668


Crushed by the sky week

b5100e  No.3233669

The planned alien invasion began LONG ago here in the US, UK, AUS, and Europe. It’s no conspiracy! We were told it was immigration but we were tricked. So what was the Trojan horse? The American hearts. Look at Cali and what’s going on in Minnesota! It couldn’t be anymore obvious.

They said this was a conspiracy - planned alien invasion! 👽👽

ff9114  No.3233670


Fuck, who taught Booker how to use 8ch?

73d78e  No.3233671

File: 67e3e0638c21cca⋯.jpg (26.58 KB, 474x711, 2:3, b.jpg)

78677b  No.3233672

File: 44d88e2a27c1105⋯.png (310.02 KB, 1053x974, 1053:974, 20180928_193631.png)


found dis on /pol




85f878  No.3233673

File: b8c90a7717dc702⋯.png (565.85 KB, 860x655, 172:131, freedomssexually.png)

8989d7  No.3233674

wtf do we do if we dont get the votes

57d721  No.3233675

File: f7838b7790db3e6⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 500x376, 125:94, Snrub.jpg)


"Hello fellow conservatives, my principles tell me caving to the Dems is the right thing to do in this situation"

Kek, no (you)s for the "principled conservative" shills.

7640f5  No.3233676


Keep your shit together

6193dc  No.3233677

File: f4379df5584c161⋯.jpg (204.39 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, f4379df5584c1613d3e23ce212….jpg)


nooo…here's some TRUTH though.

5c0ded  No.3233678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The session is being help open pending the fall of the gavel.

Rs are running out the clock, Dems walked out.

There was an electric vibe in the room both sides of the isle voices were shaky for at least 10 or 15 minutes before Booker ran his mouth and then walked out, prompting the walkout of all but the last dem dude to speak who was totally hung out to dry , not knowing his colleagues were going to leave. He got all sweaty an freaked out and the camera stayed on him a long time..after the others walked..

Cray cray

Grassley interrupted Booker to tell him he'd been going on for 17 minutes.

Somebody meme some gansta shit on these faces or something

I got to watch history go down, that was cool.

838415  No.3233679


Me too. Almost included him as a "useful idiot" as lenin would call him.

5e7c66  No.3233680

I've made a lot of jokes about Ford and her sequelae'd hippocampus and stuff, but being serious for a moment… Life can be horrible, and people are victimized all the damn time, men and women. We are sometimes attacked emotionally or physically, abused, bullied, and treated wrongly in various levels of severity from mild to horrific. However, if something bad happens to you, you have to fight back. Sometimes that means standing up for yourself right then and there. Other times it means you have to report it and if you let it go by unchallenged for 36 years - and you have no proper memory of the event whatsoever and there is no evidence or corroboration whatsoever - then you have to fight back in a different way by healing and moving on with your life and doing so does not make you weak. However, you should not be believed just because you say something happened. You need evidence, period. You need evidence because the accused are innocent until PROVEN GUILTY BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. The accused doesn't even need to mount an impassioned defense. In fact, they don't have to say a damn word! These are universal human rights that we have fought for thousands of years to be recognized. You don't get to destroy someones life by unsubstantiated allegations. Time to put on your big girl pants.

517986  No.3233681


The 'Synagogue of Satan' is not just a fantasy…

a40fe9  No.3233682


>and I believe it is our duty – no, our universal moral imperative –

<is this how you blend in brock? am i doing it right?

fuck off faggot

d7055f  No.3233683

File: 892e0ca2b69c248⋯.jpg (5.52 KB, 127x216, 127:216, katz.jpg)


Same face. How? Prescription drugs? Drugs?

c9596a  No.3233684

Flake is comped. He knows what's coming if he renegs

bc4367  No.3233685

File: d458407f030cb8d⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 833x594, 833:594, Nextrad.jpg)

you just figured that out right now?

gonna take longer with them

0845b9  No.3233686

Crap. This better not be NoName's huddle with the Democrats part two.

07b307  No.3233687

File: aba4dfdccaf46bf⋯.jpg (14.92 KB, 280x425, 56:85, 280x425.jpg)

c22f8a  No.3233688

File: 855c61606926044⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1440x2079, 160:231, Screenshot_20180928-103310….jpg)

File: 809dacdcf566283⋯.jpg (356.11 KB, 1440x1173, 480:391, Screenshot_20180928-103642….jpg)

Midterm 'E'

7pm 'E'

b51daf  No.3233689


maybe you could upload it to Hooktube and supply the link.

5114dc  No.3233690

Why are they making the suspense worse by putting Flakes vote into question?? This is driving me crazy!!

238fc4  No.3233691


No. Simple as that. If Feinstein had knowledge of Ford's accusations in July, she had a DUTY to bring these serious charges forward immediately. The FACT that there is ZERO evidence to support Dr. Ford's charges is why this scenario was used as a last ditch effort to derail the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. It should have been the first effort to throw questions upon his fitness to serve the bench. Not the last. I could continue this debate further if you wish, but my opinion is that your opinion holds no water. None.

0cb5f6  No.3233692





godpseed Dansk frenz

d59396  No.3233693


No delay, shill. The Trump train just ran you over.

3dfc32  No.3233694

arrggghhhhhh I HATE FLAKE !!!!! Theres alot of Desert out hear in Az Q!!!

7640f5  No.3233695


Even better!

ff9114  No.3233696


Symbol was Co-opted by Nazi scum

Not advocating to reclaim it, but it wasn't originally bad

a89ec0  No.3233697


Go fuck yourself.

5c1967  No.3233698

File: ff5574c1485c1b3⋯.jpeg (20.24 KB, 278x181, 278:181, meme.hills.alive.faggots.….jpeg)


Go back to huffpo faggot.

425a9c  No.3233699

File: 39bf3652c0384c1⋯.png (317.75 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180928-123413.png)

Alice in Wonderland


221e2b  No.3233700

File: fc723a951991506⋯.jpg (168.85 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, kek-wills-it.jpg)


Interesting digit/message confirm.. KEK wills it.

d58b53  No.3233701


Trust the plan dammit. POTUS already told you Kavanaugh is in no matter what.

Got make some fucking popcorn worry wart.

4c0be6  No.3233702

File: 1ee437af3fa739f⋯.jpeg (97.5 KB, 1092x766, 546:383, shs eye.jpeg)

e78ef0  No.3233703

11 Maryland lawmakers ask police to investigate Kavanaugh case.

if alleged victims support investigating


b563cd  No.3233704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FEYMan got cornered by the universe for that fucking Oring harry tested for the cia cocaine bandits and the gestapi death misers

6fb6d4  No.3233705


Not much need for principles as long as your (((friends))) maintain a stranglehold on the public discourse. Just voice your hypocrisies loudly, and the media will amplify. No worries about being called out on it, either.

Good enough to carry the day when everything else is rigged, too.

3feb4c  No.3233706

File: c00edd36c2101d6⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 360x540, 2:3, c00edd36c2101d699eef0b59f6….gif)


The south welcomes them and we WILL find them out if they mean ill-will towards us. Also, it would be behoove them to know we have caves to hide bodies in and we're not afraid to use them either.

f06d82  No.3233707

File: 583e34eef3da4dc⋯.png (5.93 MB, 1918x1079, 1918:1079, capture_378_28092018_09544….png)

"Go ask Alice…"

afe8fb  No.3233708


First week of RED OCTOBER

93d344  No.3233709


That's just what I've been thinking

f93b9b  No.3233710

>>3232056 (prior bread)


This notable about JUDGE Rosenstein lacked sauce and this could be some:


bbecd0  No.3233711


there is NOTHING happy about that smile.

lotta pain tho

346dc5  No.3233712

File: 3e2a940bb9f45b1⋯.png (56.65 KB, 500x589, 500:589, very.png)



58068e  No.3233713

File: 4d7dfb0c8de1146⋯.png (234.22 KB, 759x401, 759:401, 4d7dfb0c8de1146886841f1409….png)

LG reminds me of the nerd who always got his ass kicked in school coming bac to the reunion a millionaire tech CEO with a supermodel wife.

d7c2fe  No.3233714

File: 2bf805de510d135⋯.png (86.23 KB, 934x437, 934:437, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

MORE: Facebook's Zuckerberg says working with FBI on data security incident - Reuters


346dc5  No.3233715

File: b80cfb5a66fda36⋯.jpg (205.97 KB, 600x756, 50:63, Foxhole.jpg)

File: 5586e555c3e2e0e⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 750x958, 375:479, NSA Dont Talk.jpg)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, Shut Up.jpg)

d0da1c  No.3233716

File: 50038cb34b35aaa⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 489x302, 489:302, pray.jpg)

Praying for them all.

c4f034  No.3233717



c22f8a  No.3233718


1000% Agree!

8a356e  No.3233719

File: 3a37048fe15252c⋯.jpg (10.69 KB, 255x210, 17:14, d0d63b2f78f116bad9e8e9ee26….jpg)


Eat my ass, you're even more unbelievable than that skank, Ford.

0ac57c  No.3233720


Dems always have dead people voting…

I wonder how NoName will vote on JUSTICE K?


011337  No.3233721

File: a2e7a804a2c137b⋯.png (697.46 KB, 994x886, 497:443, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

I lol'd IRL

266b69  No.3233722


Those ones never watched the Reagan speech.

We can't afford compromise.

It's just a fancy word for surrender.

6fb6d4  No.3233723

Okay guys, who's watching the stream? Where are all the members right now?

870a0d  No.3233724


Even Q can't predict the future with 100% precision. I think Q would agree, things can happen - things can change. Q, like any great leader speaks belief into us. That is how things happen. Our collective belief combined with our collective action and determination make our plans and success virtual certainties. KAV is no exception; he like the rest of us had to fight.

d59396  No.3233725



Sorry Schlomo. The goyim know.

8989d7  No.3233726


9eff29  No.3233727


Tnx anon,

I already added it to the notables!

c3d3a9  No.3233728

File: 79888a14f2c9563⋯.gif (42.17 KB, 215x232, 215:232, cat-okay.gif)

ff4721  No.3233729


Fact is that the Senate deliberations and their investigations


They do not show all the cards that they have, for various reasons including that witnesses have asked for confidentiality.

They also have the resources of the FBI and ICE/HSI and private investigators available to them.

You don't know what they know

And you don't know what they have looked at.

If you paid attention to the public testimony you would have heard

Numerous references to these other sources.

The Senate is doing a far more thorough investigation outside of the hearings

Than you or anyone else realises

And they are at liberty to investigate any of the witnesses as well

18d27e  No.3233730


So FB is officially working with the FBI now?

ff9114  No.3233731


1ff611  No.3233732


These statements should not be dismissed. They are on the fringe, yes, but their intent is to elicit an equal and opposite response from right-leaning folks. Ordo ab chao (Freemasonic/mystery babylon methodology)

2e8255  No.3233733


It actually doesn't matter what you want, now does it. I am too a rape victim from when I was a teenager & I can tell you this is all BULLSHIT & a hit to take out Kavanaugh & if you can't see that then you are one blind idiot!


13e4f0  No.3233734

All Demofags boycotting vote…

8989d7  No.3233735

we gonna have a damn mccain moment here i feel it

78677b  No.3233736


Another sauce


764375  No.3233737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d02a01  No.3233738


DID to move at all?

6d7b99  No.3233739


Then the Dems should have called the FBI for that investigation back over the summer. They chose not to. And therein lies (pun intended) the problem.

acc7ec  No.3233740


Why did Q come to pol

Its not because its every last jew

Its because a very large part of the cabal is "jewish"

ff9114  No.3233741

Q, please tell Grassley to say "PANIC" in a sentence.

a40fe9  No.3233742


>a hindu symbol means baad

youre brainwashed as fuck

011337  No.3233743


hurricane in arizona this tuesday, btw

f93b9b  No.3233744


Thanks Anon, feel like the new guy in the kitchen. All thumbs and no help…

695e11  No.3233745

File: dd66950b1f280af⋯.png (355.63 KB, 516x446, 258:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f1208c34623607⋯.png (478.58 KB, 826x622, 413:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0360bb6bd32599⋯.png (907.59 KB, 821x609, 821:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ef6eb783708bf5⋯.png (505.92 KB, 844x797, 844:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb9a5dd0489e3ea⋯.png (202.31 KB, 818x472, 409:236, ClipboardImage.png)

Pictionary diplomacy: Bibi's passion for presentations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu has once displayed his passion for presentations, showcasing some funky flashcards at the United Nations to (yet again) drive home his fears of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

The Israeli leader simultaneously lambasted Iran for its alleged disregard for the nuclear deal and its regional aggression across various proxy wars, using his preferred weapon of choice - cardboard printouts. To ward off any negative feedback to said printouts, he also stated that any criticism or skepticism aimed at Israel is simply anti-Semitic.


c1e1db  No.3233746

File: e1da171d98707a8⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 191x255, 191:255, feinsteinkavanaugh.jpg)

da4fbd  No.3233747

File: b44763157f0980c⋯.png (61.61 KB, 596x636, 149:159, 1538156129226.png)

a4fe88  No.3233748


Q will never name the Jew. They will let us do that. Q will just arrest the criminally guilty and allow the sheer volume of Jews to speak for itself.

Depending upon people to have a moment where they say "wow thats a lot of fucking Jews." And they will redpill themselves.

13e4f0  No.3233749


Demofags on strike.

d7c2fe  No.3233750

File: d17c8cb4fcd273b⋯.png (377.3 KB, 822x787, 822:787, Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at ….png)

ce105f  No.3233751


Thank you Anon. Truth and Justice will win!

119f31  No.3233752










Holy crap, relax guys… its just a meme/copypasta from /pol. i wasnt serious

c388c8  No.3233753

god damn i'm getting impatient

5e7c66  No.3233754


They aren't credible allegations. She cannot recall important details and her stated witnesses do not recall and refute her allegations. No investigative body - be it the FBI, the Senate committee, or Maryland detectives would be able to work with a prosecutor to bring this to trial let alone even get a warrant for an arrest. Don't take my word for it, take the word of a SEASONED, IMPARTIAL, HIGHLY DECORATED prosecutor working in the Special Victims Division of Maricopa County in Arizona.

83a501  No.3233755

File: d9af13717ee4b59⋯.jpg (65.69 KB, 503x638, 503:638, SingleWhiteGuy.JPG)

33c640  No.3233756

File: 90a8f9243988cad⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, g1.jpg)

File: 7029ab35cc84aea⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 558x371, 558:371, il reggisole.jpg)

File: ef5795e1e99368a⋯.jpg (110.41 KB, 700x638, 350:319, Marcus Aurelius.jpg)

7640f5  No.3233757


Holy shit STFU. Damn. Quit being a pussy and just see what happens before you piss yourself

a47cc6  No.3233758


Your muh holocaust or muh antisemitism doesn’t work here

ddba6a  No.3233759

File: b41765b880b8018⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, q7.png)

ff9114  No.3233760


If you ask them they'd say they're getting gangrapped by Kavanaugh

8989d7  No.3233761


I hope you are right! Sorry for being such a concernfag right now!

d59396  No.3233762



da4fbd  No.3233763


>Q will never name the Jew. They will let us do that. Q will just arrest the criminally guilty and allow the sheer volume of Jews to speak for itself.

Nice ID. I think you're right.

ceacad  No.3233764

Manchin will switch parties. Done deal.

79e6e2  No.3233765


011337  No.3233766



cf8d40  No.3233767

Are they gonna vote, or what? Get it over with, already!

25013e  No.3233768


Grassley back in chair- had been out of room.

ca5b82  No.3233769

Heads up.

VERY long

VERY detailed

Program on NPR last night detailing deepfakes and how they are the future of fake news (audio/video). Funny enough they kept using Obama as an example.

They are pushing harder re: deepfakes

Even talked about social media companies needing to monitor and remove deepfake “fake news” immediately to stop spread of disinformation and media illiteracy (aka real videos and audio harmful to Dems)

0845b9  No.3233770

"Corneredin a side room"

WTF, can those idiots not put both arms up and shove their way out?

Christ, my granny could get out from behind a bunch of liberals

Try that shit with me and your kneecap will never be the same again the rest of your life

a40fe9  No.3233771






a89ec0  No.3233772


The incident took place. The two men present came forward.

Because this damaged woman is a clown leftist activist, she added Brett to the story.

6fb6d4  No.3233773

File: 20fe2ee326042c2⋯.jpg (66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Kavanaugh-Awoken.jpg)

22901b  No.3233774

File: c0aca83c7381aa2⋯.jpeg (172.36 KB, 949x949, 1:1, 53811068-6E07-45EB-8A49-D….jpeg)


Let me school you in rape, gang rape and sexual assault. She claims to have PTSD. That means you are reliving something over and over. You don’t forget those details. The only thing I would give her a pass on was the exact date. You don’t forget the rest, I promise even if you were drinking. She’s full of shit. I am a woman and I have been gang raped when i was drunk yet i remember all of it. I knew she was lying immediately because she couldn’t remember anything. Don’t forget this little bit of logic, If you have PTSD, you remember. She’s full of shit. I hope she is held accountable. They are setting a dangerous precedent which is why he needs to be confirmed ASAP to send a message. False accusations will not be tolerated.

e78ef0  No.3233775

File: 70f1dffc3adf071⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Twitter.mp4)

NYT’s Maggie Haberman slams Dianne Feinstein’s handling of Dr. Ford’s letter

5e633b  No.3233776


"move amoung the people like a fish" is one of the more retarder Chairman Mao quotes.

It suggest there is (other they want you to think) there is Chinese influence involved.

Expect more carfentanil, bad steel and crap movies if that is the case.

f45751  No.3233777


Facebook IS the FBI

6adc5d  No.3233778

Live: Senate Judiciary Committee holds vote on Kavanaugh


011337  No.3233779



b563cd  No.3233780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's talk about the fabled "stable genius" retrovirus from the gestapi coup eugenics program. It was spread in vaccines and caused a spectrum of disorders like autism and obesity. American human lab rats for funny Feinstein caca coup cocaine.

221e2b  No.3233781

File: 47bcb05ac378634⋯.png (408.47 KB, 720x803, 720:803, 03fa122f23bff4c6eeb22f67cc….png)


Nice try. She's lying.

b08c1c  No.3233782


Still there.

a4fe88  No.3233784


Trump probably wants Flake executed in the first wave so he wont let him vote for Kav. We get the votes regardless.

695e11  No.3233785

File: e32aabb719cf08b⋯.png (433.04 KB, 902x765, 902:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2ae2f2572b06fd⋯.png (369.48 KB, 903x767, 903:767, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 880b5ba21283329⋯.png (20.67 KB, 903x177, 301:59, ClipboardImage.png)

How Instagram's Algorithms Are Fueling America's Drug Crisis

Earlier this week, The Washington Post published a report about people attempting to sell drugs on Instagram illicitly. The photo-sharing platform, which is owned and operated by Facebook, acknowledged the problem and pledged to do more, but its engineers are struggling to control its algorithms, which deliver personalized drug-related media content aimed directly at users who show interest in drugs.


bc4367  No.3233786

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

Showing the dems all the files on them.

"You've got mail…from FBI"

3dfc32  No.3233787

Face Book+ Instagram = FBI

bd6229  No.3233788


Too funny.

8989d7  No.3233789


Okay Okay!

35abdc  No.3233790


Q can't name the Jew because unfortunately a majority of American conservatives are Christian Zionists. He has to play this carefully.

517986  No.3233791


Stop going to that therapist!

a69e99  No.3233792

File: a5919e84c38c239⋯.jpeg (39.49 KB, 260x347, 260:347, 31262E5C-BF38-4331-BDDC-2….jpeg)

73d78e  No.3233793

File: 6e288894dcc9f10⋯.jpg (142.94 KB, 600x1065, 40:71, skill.jpg)

243822  No.3233794


God, these people are stupid! Don't they realize that everything they say and do on "social media" is logged. Don't they realize that the government knows who they are by what ISP number they're posting from? The idjits are probably doing most of their shit on their iPhones which makes them oh so trackable…just like a tracking collar on a Caribou.

43542c  No.3233795

File: 9cd45ffacb9a37f⋯.png (977.43 KB, 958x539, 958:539, ClipboardImage.png)


Feels like some fuckery going on here… Hardly any Senators there (including R's), yet chairman waits…

7e8e44  No.3233796


its racist

266b69  No.3233797



Viscerally I agree with you.


Because yes, [they] cheat, but they are also good at legalism.

Or would you prefer to be raped again?

7ad9a0  No.3233798


C Span link for the upcoming vote.


5e633b  No.3233799


DJT at battlestations.

5c1967  No.3233800

Free speech board motherfucker. Go back.

1f0a8a  No.3233801


probably in the basement doing a blood ritual to satan in hopes of some last super move to save their asses

838415  No.3233802



We seem to finally reaching a consensus here on 8chan. The Great Awakening is HERE!!!

859b2b  No.3233803


Facebook Bureau of Investigation.

New name, same game

9eff29  No.3233804


Faggots are not respecting my bread title if they don't hurry up

39479c  No.3233805

Grassly looks perturbed , just left the room to see wtf is going on, kek

d7c2fe  No.3233806

File: 7cddc4dd3e378a2⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1112x1113, 1112:1113, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

7e8e44  No.3233807

Is the actual vote happening tomorrow?

a47cc6  No.3233808

Fox trying to dramatize the delay

a40fe9  No.3233809

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, bd03036a493a9e71693c39dc1f….gif)

c652a9  No.3233810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f45751  No.3233811



d58b53  No.3233812



Good one.

6fb6d4  No.3233813



Seriously, though, perhaps they'll pull a stunt since they know they're going to lose the vote anyway?

If they just don't show up, Grassley eventually runs it without them? Maybe that buys them another 30 minutes to continue breathing and scheming?

3a8cd2  No.3233814

File: c5e7a088924d76d⋯.jpg (359.22 KB, 1024x675, 1024:675, catfish.jpg)

File: a1d8b6ff3ecfafe⋯.jpg (412.56 KB, 1024x616, 128:77, coyotes.jpg)

how we do in this neck of the woods

b563cd  No.3233815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ebot thinks a legal notice in the paper is responsible

0e3a76  No.3233816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trouble diverted by the Secret Service at Montana Rally


The 3 people highlighted in this video are not the only threats.

There are at least 6 more EVIL people in this camera shot:

Rosy Cheeks Girl, to her left, Granny Glasses, and to her left, Black Hat Red Shirt Guy

Behind Rosy Cheeks Girl, Little Girl, to her left, LTBlue Dress Shirt Guy, to his left, BnW Print Lady.

@8:37 Rosy Cheeks Girl hands something off to a guy. Gun?

Secret Service in place, move evidence out of vicinity?

Rosy Cheeks Girl keeps ducking behind those infront of her, fidgety, managing position, her stuffs.

Rosy Cheeks has head on swivel, checking viewpoints/angle assesments.

The Rosy Cheeks Crew are using signage and the American Flag to camoflage activities and hand offs. Gun?

Also, see this video for a better view of complete activities:

Vid2 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHm-dbFlzaY

c139f2  No.3233817

File: 3353d4c749c7292⋯.png (285.87 KB, 666x509, 666:509, merchanmario.PNG)

File: befe5678910d15c⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 248x255, 248:255, merchstuffoven.jpg)

File: de9f3c6c8a4bac0⋯.png (607.52 KB, 556x761, 556:761, merch4.PNG)

File: 0c3debe23e1517c⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, merch2.jpg)


We ended up on full chan that has a distinctive feature in its posting code:

We can name (((Them)))

Let that sink in


Because we name (((IT))) & call (((IT))) out here


4871db  No.3233818

The Fall of the Gavel ffs

ca5b82  No.3233819


Likely, cover for Facebook execs to cooperate with Facebook re: crimes (not hacking)

39479c  No.3233820

Think graham is lurking here while waiting, kek

ac65f7  No.3233821


You're either a) a shill or b) full of shit or c) really stupid.

Either way, gtfo.

d25ab9  No.3233822

File: 6a5d3842936d483⋯.png (344.69 KB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2018-09-28-12-45-….png)


Yes! Been there, done that. Men serving life sentences. You don't forget. Only thing I don't remember is what happened after they choked me out

33c640  No.3233823

File: ae35667396e9a45⋯.jpg (267.67 KB, 1754x1239, 1754:1239, bull shark.jpg)


they are eating each other

stay away

57d721  No.3233824


Dems raping and sacrificing a child for one last shot at winning this battle, probably.

13b531  No.3233825

File: 78f3525b63ddc9b⋯.jpg (463.48 KB, 1162x585, 1162:585, borking001.jpg)

0845b9  No.3233826

Bret Baier just said that he'd seen Grassley go over to the closet or wherever it is that Dems are waterboarding Flake to see what's going on

6827b1  No.3233827

File: a772ffe174b13e4⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 491x247, 491:247, 1.JPG)

better not come to this

43542c  No.3233828


Next thing you know, someone will pull the fire alarm in the bathroom to delay voting…

9ad6b3  No.3233829


Can you imagine the shit being promised and threatened and the amount of BJ's going on right now behind closed doors to prevent this vote to proceed? Must be epic.

0b22cd  No.3233830


Not a well regulated militia, they playing with fire.

d1058a  No.3233831

File: d1dcf7a15bd993a⋯.png (531.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, burninhell.png)



5c0ded  No.3233832

File: 82f2137ee5906f4⋯.jpeg (9.3 KB, 259x194, 259:194, boomfolk.jpeg)


Yeah and then Drudge had DEMS WALK OUT headline, but dropped for a Flakier one.

Something big is up. Senators were shaken.

5114dc  No.3233833

Is this the actual vote or just a recommendation??

d0da1c  No.3233834


switched to space force news stream…no chris wallace.

05fab9  No.3233835

Lindsay Graham is using a flip phone

5c1967  No.3233836

File: 93f0dcb6efde432⋯.jpeg (44.91 KB, 800x450, 16:9, meme.kek.shit.post.jpeg)

cc2c8f  No.3233837

d59396  No.3233838


>a moment where they say "wow thats a lot of fucking Jews." And they will redpill themselves.

This. It's like defusing a bomb. If you openly point it out in public, they and their mason and evangelical pets will jump all over you. No, you just sit back and watch the show.

39479c  No.3233839

here we go, they just came back to their seats

25013e  No.3233840


MSNBC- 'Serious conversation going on as to calling for FBI investigation."

cfdc8c  No.3233841

They are all on their phones checking qresearch before the vote.

fa2cb5  No.3233842

Watching CNN feed. Good grief these drama monsters have issues.

Get the idea that Flake will be exposed no matter his decision. Both sides know.

Falling on his sword for an R vote may end up being his greatest honor. Anons will need to remember to thank him.

c388c8  No.3233843


they'll have more than one phone

3e71b2  No.3233844


What kind of example are we setting for our sons? My daughters are learning if you get attacked you report it and I will fight and support you, waiting a lifetime makes your allegations look fake. >>3233397

b025c6  No.3233845

how much do you want to bet that something nasty will come out about Flake shortly if he votes for K

7640f5  No.3233846


Yes it’s true. Hasn’t happened like that in over a 100 years or so but it can go down like that

d31751  No.3233847

File: 820c4dd039e5a66⋯.jpg (72.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, INTERGALACTIC1.jpg)

File: 8a4cea90b58b75f⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 543x543, 1:1, INTERGALACTIC2.jpg)

meme fodder

0657cb  No.3233848

File: 3cc8d0552fc18de⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, dayofdays3.jpg)

7e8e46  No.3233849


I was going to post this vid. Hivemind

c1e1db  No.3233850

File: 8ce775dd19bd8ce⋯.png (175.5 KB, 351x532, 351:532, bribesauce.png)


I was thinking they might kill themselves en masse. We'd have a suicide afternoon?

If a Dem isn't present for the vote, what does that do?

39479c  No.3233851

d7c2fe  No.3233852


>They are all on their phones checking qresearch before the vote.

In that case:

KYS faggots!

a40fe9  No.3233853


>jews arent the most racist race to ever exist

>jews dont want to enslave non jews

>"racism" isnt a concept coined and pushed by jews

kek stay brainwashed faggot

201a7e  No.3233854

File: 6b36351a76c93cd⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1400x850, 28:17, AcostaVictim.png)


Time to feed.

6fb6d4  No.3233855


It's correct, though. Reporting him out of committee is just a formality.

4cf80b  No.3233856

File: a0a0038eba7a7ac⋯.png (67.89 KB, 191x177, 191:177, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

0e3a76  No.3233857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also, see this video for a better view of complete activities:

Vid2 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHm-dbFlzaY

The following are my observations about possible bad actors attempting EVIL @ or near POTUS during the Montana Rally. If you plan on attending a Rally it is important for those who may not be aware to watch this video and learn about what things to look for. It is great that you want to come out and support POTUS, but you should be aware of what goes on around you. Danger was present. While POTUS may be EVILs target, EVIL will not hesitate to go through you in its attempt to get to POTUS.

Q has said POTUS is very well protected but you should be vigilant, "Those in attendance - be vigilant tonight. See something, Say something. Q." You must be vigilant for your own safety.

Identify body language, general energy, eyes intention (where do the eyes look? What emotions are present?), hand/arm movements, breathing (breathing pattern changes indicate emotion changes).

For instance, Plaid Shirt Guy, at moments, had an intense stare at a single location on an individual (POTUS), a one pointed focus, like staring at a small dot on the wall. This type of focusing the intention is not normal in a general setting, but is normal for people who send items to a target (darts is a good analogy), and is why USSS removed him. He was the most likely individual to be a shooter based on his eye intention.

1. vid2 = @00:26 Notice Rosy Cheeks looks off to distant individual/s, her right, nods /yes/, note the focused eye contact.

2. Vid2 = @00:52-01:03 Something is handed off to Rosy Cheeks Girl coming from LTBlue Dress Shirt and BnW Print Lady. Whatever it is is important enough for Black Hat Red Shirt Guy to manage Granny Glasses signage to a lower position to assist cover for handoff. Gun?

American Flag is now being used as cover for second staqe, preparing the weapon, and maybe stage 3, possible further movement, handoff? Gun? Possibly to Plaid Shirt Guy. The American Flag as camoflage might have continued to cover weapon during its usage.

3. vid2 = @3:26 Rosy Cheeks Girl wipes nose with American Flag. Very disrespectful.

4. vid2 = @4:21 Little Girl picks nose and wipes it on the American Flag.

5. vid2 = @4:25 Rosy Cheeks Girl again in conversation with distant individual to her right appears to be answering a question. By the way, Blackshirt MAGA Hat Girl in front is looking at the same person.

Rosy Cheeks responds with sign language, "Behind", where hand placement indicates direction.

(Rosy Cheeks be speaking Spooky Clown language.)

6. vid2 = @5:05-5:18 Granny Flower Shirt Glasses speaks to Rosy Cheeks Girl telling her that she is being watched by USSS. Rosy Cheeks stops, looks around, and then replies, "Why."

7. vid2 = @5:39- Little Girl moves down one level assisting Rosy Cheeks. Plaid Shirt Guy, under cover of communicating with Black Shirt Maga Hat Girl turns to Rosy Cheeks and Little Girl. Prep for possible Stage 2 Handoff?

Plaid Shirt guy head is now on swivel, checking viewpoints/angles.

Plaid Shirt Guy is looking to his right at distant individual, Looking for possible Coordination/Go Signal?

When Matt Rosendale mentions "Second Amendment", Plaid Shirt Guy intensely stares directly at Trump.

8. vid2 = @11:49 "Asshole…" is being chanted, Rosy Cheeks is joining in, making hand into trumpet shape. Black Shirt MAGA Hat looks towards chanters and smiles.

9. vid2 = @21:00 When Trump states "I beat the Bush Dynasty", Granny Flower shirt Glasses mouths the word 'Asshole'. Granny Glasses, a Bush Supporter? Part of the Bush Clown Army?

10. vid2 = @26:42 Granny Glasses whispers to Rosy Cheeks, "The President, keep him in the small sights.". Rosy Cheeks responds, "That's what I'm doing. Yes." Granny Glasses continues, "You'll die." Rosy Cheeks turns to her and says, "You think."

ac65f7  No.3233858



517986  No.3233859


>people to have a moment where they say "wow thats a lot of fucking Jews." And they will redpill themselves.


3dfc32  No.3233860

Once Shit starts coming out, people will love Trump even more; thus making it easier to expose the Zionist. Christians are not to blame, the bible tells us to love the Jews; Not criminals.

Dark to Light

5c1967  No.3233861

File: 236d8fc45cfc7c7⋯.jpeg (29.4 KB, 397x400, 397:400, meme.kek.dog.laughing.jpeg)


guise guise relax… keked out loud

8f5d34  No.3233862

File: 48145548135839d⋯.png (970.98 KB, 1432x850, 716:425, ihdlp.png)

c2036c  No.3233863

File: e64e96b37ebd701⋯.png (544.2 KB, 935x492, 935:492, ClipboardImage.png)

checking /qresearch/ for new Q I bet

8764a6  No.3233864


he died didnt he?

b65087  No.3233865


McLovin went hardcore.

c388c8  No.3233866

so, they're threatening Flake

068f4d  No.3233867

Why so many foreigners in the senate hearing?

8989d7  No.3233868


WTF kind of question is that? Easy anon.

33c640  No.3233869

File: e72ebb90d3994e0⋯.jpg (36.58 KB, 474x315, 158:105, comfyy.jpg)

88f6bf  No.3233870

I cant WAIT for POTUS would drop the unredacted FISA docs.

79e6e2  No.3233871


senators need to respect the fuckken bread

b025c6  No.3233872



Senate going into session at 2pm

Would be funny if McConnel made that the first order of business for today.

af0ebb  No.3233873

File: 9d35ca91586af2f⋯.png (345.39 KB, 525x535, 105:107, ClipboardImage.png)


we had actual sauce on that news like 5 breads ago anon. way to keep up clown chan. well done.

83a501  No.3233874

File: efac132e81b5d9c⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 685x652, 685:652, ShittyMemesStillPlagueLeft.JPG)

It looks like they had a committee vote

and decided this would be the lefty meme of the day

d8cd2e  No.3233875

File: 8454ca46c8dfbfa⋯.png (119.8 KB, 601x501, 601:501, 98763149871.png)

heh heh T-trust Grassley right?

2e40f2  No.3233876

Great, another Arizona faggot is about to fuck us over.

57d721  No.3233877


There might need to be some hints dropped for the more obtuse observers, but you may be right.

bd6229  No.3233878


Burner phone?

859b2b  No.3233879


nobody got raped. Go to the fucking police…don't wait 36 yrs…there's a start.

5e7c66  No.3233880


a vote now for leaving committee with or without recommendation and then goes to floor almost immediately where we see lots of bullshit and clown games over the weekend and then a filibuster vote break and then a straight up or down vote for confirmation

57cdde  No.3233881

Dems trying to flip Flake

31addb  No.3233882


Correct. A lot of people can't comprehend the degree to which collective consciousness matters. Collective belief becomes a collective thing… good or bad.

0845b9  No.3233883

Baier "They are hotboxing Senator Flake"

Every Democrat is in there

This is bullshit

ca0dc1  No.3233884


Uhhh, nope, I don’t believe you either.

25013e  No.3233885

Durbin does not look happy. His threats must be ignored.

397179  No.3233886

Is Klobuchar is offering to vote for Kavanaugh if they will delay a week? Even with her 'lead' in polls, there is more uncertainty to her future as a MN Senator than she is letting on.

d7c2fe  No.3233887

File: bbbfaf16220f8d3⋯.png (191.83 KB, 492x424, 123:106, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: b0141b2d953f663⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1405x779, 1405:779, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

163052  No.3233888

File: 73080fbc415222e⋯.jpg (850.82 KB, 1591x1252, 1591:1252, 73080fbc415222e23f9c3a7855….jpg)

73d78e  No.3233889

Anyone about this statement : Jesus was not a jew ?

6fb6d4  No.3233890



960685  No.3233891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e78ef0  No.3233892

Sen. Flake's commie handlers won't let him vote his conscience, trying to hide him in room to delay the vote.

695e11  No.3233893

File: 97d7af4a6ecbe1c⋯.png (961.02 KB, 819x536, 819:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 712c4ebf4b4450e⋯.png (221.83 KB, 827x458, 827:458, ClipboardImage.png)

‘We were poor kids, we didn’t understand’: RT sheds light on casual child abuse by shamanic cult

Under the guise of being “holy men, whose power is stolen by women” Indonesian shamans abuse dozens of boys each, often swapping victims between each other – in a tradition that persists in disregard of the law.

The waroks of East Java are world-renowned for their traditional masked dance, Reog Ponorogo, but in fact play a central role in rural communities as healers, advisors and elders.

Beyond that, they are known for another practice that was an official part of their role that is less commonly advertised today – taking on a boy servant, a gemblak, aged between 7 and 15, who caters to his master’s every whim.

“Once you gain the magic power and knowledge, should you become fond of a female being, your power shall dwindle or be gone. To prevent this from happening we prefer the masculine love of a gemblak,” says Saadi, a warok, who currently has a pre-teen boy, Kadam, living in his house, who shows the crew his room, right next to his master’s from which he can be called at any time of day or night.

“As a compensation a warok gets an assistant – a beloved assistant. Why is he beloved? Because it’s a boy who understands a warok without words, they complete each other perfectly,” says Jemarin, a warok from West Java.

The practice predates the spread of Islam, and Dirman, a former gemblak who now speaks out against the tradition, never questioned it at the time.

“I didn’t understand it. I just went with the man I was told to go with, and did everything I was told. So I was just like most kids, and I took it casually,” he tells RT. “Since we were children, really young ones at that, we didn’t view physical involvement with the warok as something unusual. We simply slept with him.”

But who would agree to give away their children to a strange man, however respected in the community? And allow the waroks a 2-year contract that would give them complete control over their child?

“All gemblak boys came from poor families. These contracts were great financial help that was gladly accepted. After all, the parents were giving up a child of theirs because their life was so hard that they could hardly feed all of their kids,” says Dirman.


a47cc6  No.3233894

Democrats are quickly trying to sacrifice a goat to moloch for good luck

a7342f  No.3233895

Feinstein having cold feet. Wonder if she is trying to make a deal.

9e1e18  No.3233896


I live in Copenhagen and was actually on a train at the time.

It was crazy.

Everyone was confused. Even the staff. All trains got reordered, cancelled or delayed.

5c1967  No.3233897



267361  No.3233898

Here we go, MSNBC calling Kavanaugh and POTUS a liar.

b563cd  No.3233899

File: 1e2327033be2150⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 322x315, 46:45, IMG_1851.JPG)

File: da3fd33a7a8440f⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1865.JPG)

Still swimming in rosensteins asshole for evangelicals

That's muhsatan

9ffca4  No.3233900

These discussions should be out in open. Fuck this bullshit!!!

32f408  No.3233901




Good stuff

18d27e  No.3233902


Yeah, this is where the “backroom deals” are made. We’re watching it in real time.

12c5e3  No.3233903


>>3232840 (lb)


Taken together Q could be suggesting the cabal will attempt to instigate armed revolution next month. If so look for a return of Antifa and BLM to the news.

33c640  No.3233904

File: 6edf75cbff08177⋯.jpg (149.12 KB, 800x533, 800:533, cat phone.jpg)

luv this one

9ad6b3  No.3233905

File: 49e3199d378353c⋯.jpg (106.07 KB, 572x554, 286:277, Godspeed.jpg)

56e531  No.3233906


Getting on to 2:00 already.. 1:30 my ass.

5114dc  No.3233907


Thanx anon!

13b531  No.3233908

$17 says Flake comes back in with a black eye.

07b307  No.3233909


Jesus was a Jew…not a Zionist.

d7c2fe  No.3233910

File: 975ad25bbe33693⋯.png (607.24 KB, 934x709, 934:709, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

0cb5f6  No.3233911



because beers = sex predators, right. ok.


acc7ec  No.3233912


Most jews today are not real jews

We are all (the non satanics) actual jews

Israel is gods kingdom

Not the country tho

Not yet

0e3a76  No.3233913



11. vid2 = @30:20 Granny Glasses whispers to Rosy Cheeks. Rosy Cheeks responds, "For them?" Then making a Devil face, sticking her tongue out, scowling.

12. vid2 = @33:26 Rosy Cheeks, talking to Little Girl says, "Don't drop it OK. I have a feeling I'm going to need it soon." Is the Little Girl holding something important? Gun?

13. vid2 = @35:46 Rosy Cheeks wipes her nose with the American Flag and picks her nose wiping her fingers on the American Flag.

14. vid2 = @37:14 Rosy Cheeks is doing something with her right arm, then she turns and whispers to Granny Glasses, "Chambers Live (or set)." With that statement Granny Glasses picks up her phone to text.

15. vid2 = @37:21 Q, What is Granny Glasses texting? To whom is she texting?

16. vid2 = @37:27 Little Girl has something placed in her dress by Rosy Cheeks, Little Girl says, "Emma, You want me to hold on to this thing?" Rosy Cheeks nods yes.

17. vid2 = @37:49 Granny Glasses having stopped texting asks Rosy Cheeks to read the texts. She replies, "Yes." Not satisfied with that answer Granny Glasses tells her "To the camera". Rosy Cheeks complying mouths, "I'd totally fuck you." This made Granny Glasses very happy, as if to say "There you have it."


Is Granny Glasses texting Biden or Comey? She appears to be addressing the camera afterwards.

What VIPs were watching Live Stream, Biden, Comey?

What important people were on POTUS left side? From the left side comes directions.

What people were on the POTUS right side? On POTUS right, agitators were staged to created a diversion.

18. vid2 = @39:39 Granny Glasses gets Rosy Cheeks attention. Rosy Cheeks looks to her left in the distance and says, "O.K.". Rosy Cheeks then stares into the camera and says, "Emma chooses to die." or "Emma chooses Satan." At that statement Granny Glasses is all smiles to the camera, her head wagging slightly.

19. vid2 = @40:16 Granny Glasses reacting to someone important in the crowd, off left distant, whispers to Rosy Cheeks,"Emma…with your eyes…go ahead and choose him." Rosy Cheeks, not reacting fast enough causes Granny Glasses to repeat the order, "Just choose him." Rosy Cheeks now stares aside, smiling coyly at someone important.

20. vid2 = @44:23 Granny Glasses alerts Rosy Cheeks to USSS eyes on her. Rosy Cheeks responds, "Whatever…They actually saw nothing." Granny Glasses talks to her identifying location and direction of the eyes on Rosy Cheeks. Rosy Cheeks looks at the eyes and says, "Oh shit." She turns to Granny Glasses and says, "I didn't see them."

0845b9  No.3233914

If a bunch of thugs started pressuring me, it would just make me ice-cold locked into what I was going to do before


cab1dc  No.3233915



d4f0db  No.3233916

39479c  No.3233917

Dems want the FBI to probe the guy with addiction problems, that basically almost ruined his life.

Hmm maybe because those people are the easiest to manipulate, pay off, set up.

f06d82  No.3233918

File: 216723b9602fa86⋯.png (5.88 MB, 1916x1071, 1916:1071, capture_486_28092018_10282….png)

Solid gold?

ff4721  No.3233919


It's because the Cabal bloodlines have divided up various tasks into Ministries. Each ministry is owned by a particular one of the clans. Politics falls into a Ministry )I believe it is the Ministry of Entertainment) that happens to be owned by a Jewish bloodline. Not the Rothschilds who are the Ministry of Finance. Sometimes when people dig into it, they uncover a clan of cousins related to Greenberg, and this may be the clan, or it may simply be a branch of the clan. In any case, not enough digging has yet been done to draw a full map.

I have not yet seen a dig that connects all the Hollywood moguls who are all cousins in one clan. If we could get that dig done, likely we would find one or two links to the Greenbergs. Beyond that there is the media industry, and then there is politics

If you think it is a stretch to call politics a branch of the entertainment industry, then think of it this way. Is the FakeNews media entertainment? Most of you will realize that since it is not journalism, yes it is entertainment and distraction. At that point, understanding what a narrative is, you might begin to realize that politics is also entertainment and distraction, because the real decision making is elsewhere.

04769f  No.3233920


>Baier "They are hotboxing Senator Flake"


>Every Democrat is in there


>This is bullshit

That's what happens to unprincipled, fence-sitting compromisers. VOTE FLAKE OUT - he's not worthy of his office.

05fab9  No.3233921


i figure he probably learned his lesson with smart phones already.

859b2b  No.3233922


She's a reptilian…always has cold feet.

acc7ec  No.3233924


With a name like that alien lizards is looking more and more likely every day

f914bd  No.3233925

File: 63a0613d939c12d⋯.png (234.28 KB, 950x812, 475:406, ClipboardImage.png)

PATRIOTS are in control.

ADULTS are in charge.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

a7342f  No.3233926


Feinstein on the phone with POTUS begging not to unredact the files.

8897eb  No.3233927


Obama the gay muslim is the anti-Christ …..

b563cd  No.3233928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Slighting the child is displacing the child

High up in the fake Abraham cult

They eat other kids too

595187  No.3233929


There is a lot to unravel between semitics and semantics

5c1967  No.3233930


You know the rules.

22901b  No.3233931


I believe you are spot on anon!

39479c  No.3233932

Grassly is counting

c388c8  No.3233933

File: 77041a17f9703aa⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 900x760, 45:38, 77041a17f9703aa71188137508….gif)

bc4367  No.3233934

File: ab1dcd55ee32f6e⋯.jpg (325.64 KB, 4926x2500, 2463:1250, You should really vote now.jpg)

File: 98f42808b05de52⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 701x526, 701:526, Huddling up.jpg)

"You've got Mail!!!!"

d7c2fe  No.3233935

File: 9f5f4ba84992260⋯.png (115.19 KB, 906x462, 151:77, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)


It is being reported that @KamalaHarris @CoryBooker and other Democrat Senators may be pressing @JeffFlake thru some type of threat. If Senator Flake is being threatened or blackmailed he should contact the @FBI and publicize the effort.


5e7c66  No.3233936

theres nothing more to investigate, they've been given wise guidance by the female prosecutor, a really damn good subject matter expert, that this crap would never be enough to bring an arrest, charges or a trial.

695e11  No.3233937

File: 813d869863bad70⋯.png (226.06 KB, 802x415, 802:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffff9e52238c545⋯.png (59.38 KB, 833x854, 119:122, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 884af840d393479⋯.png (66.5 KB, 828x905, 828:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 616ace6b42594f0⋯.png (6.84 KB, 828x141, 276:47, ClipboardImage.png)

Reddit Now “Quarantining” Users Who Question 9/11—Direct Users to Gov’t Site Instead

Reddit has taken it upon themselves to "quarantine" users who question the government's official story on 9/11 and are redirecting users to the highly tainted government investigation.

A highly popular subreddit devoted to posting information which proposed information outside the official narrative to 9/11 has been “Quarantined” by the Reddit Administrators. The community has effectively been cut off from the rest of the platform and anyone who wishes to view its contents are forced to go through a checkpoint while being redirected to a government website.

On Thursday, the subreddit r/911truth was placed under a Reddit Quarantine. The Reddit Administrators claimed that the subreddit posts misinformation and then directed people seeking information on 9/11 to the official government website.

It may contain a high degree of misinformation. If you are seeking historic information about the September 11 attacks, please visit the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (https://www.9-11commission.gov/).


37ea14  No.3233938


73d78e  No.3233939


Yeah right but some claims that the actual jew tried to put Jesus as a jew in the modern bible to avoid antisemitism, trying to find some source.

1bae4e  No.3233940

Quorum call

266b69  No.3233941


It's a real and serious question. I am not fucking around.

If Kavanaugh is barred from ascending to the bench, it is because [they] want to keep raping ALL of us.

Just the act of them attempting it should tell everyone something.

Make not mistake about the intent of my question.

40b0b1  No.3233942

File: 930f803bedabf6f⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 301x470, 301:470, clownDrunk.jpg)

File: a486f2531825e3c⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 240x240, 1:1, STFU.jpg)

File: 50cd06e14a7328e⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 255x120, 17:8, UneedToGoBackGand.jpg)


If my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon

938d2f  No.3233943

hey Kav, we're struggling to get the votes

do you think we can get some of them tears again?


a47cc6  No.3233944



39479c  No.3233945

Here comes flakey flake

d59396  No.3233946


Your sayanim hasabra doesn't work.

8989d7  No.3233947

Oh fuck he is flaking

c995bf  No.3233948

Flake to speak now

0a276f  No.3233949


Whoa..should have put a spoiler on that one..now I'm scared af

6827b1  No.3233950


cfe6e3  No.3233951

Red October = U2>>>October>>>Scarlet (Red)>>>Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice…?????

bef7e2  No.3233952

omg flake better not flake out

83a501  No.3233953

Fall of the Gavel!

That has to mean something right?

db99c6  No.3233954

File: 499ff443d8ccac2⋯.jpg (238.94 KB, 1024x518, 512:259, StrSht.jpg)

33c640  No.3233955

File: 86744f54c5c0e5c⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, $100.jpg)

File: c0e5f18de6191fb⋯.jpg (11.53 KB, 156x200, 39:50, angle brenda.jpg)

File: feb49c179d6b6d0⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 193x300, 193:300, leaf boi.jpg)

859b2b  No.3233956

File: c25160d3d64d246⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 485x340, 97:68, booker.jpg)

cab899  No.3233957


cab1dc  No.3233958

File: c049671b70f5720⋯.png (595.2 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Something like this

b764ef  No.3233959

Flake will commit FUCKERY.

7f32e9  No.3233960


2d014a  No.3233961



39479c  No.3233962

they got to him

333941  No.3233963

Flake is flaking Out.

8989d7  No.3233964

I knew it I knew it

d1058a  No.3233965


look at grahms side eye he is giving hatch, kek

a0e8f2  No.3233966

Flake gonna Flake out…

knew it.

what a shame.

c388c8  No.3233967

File: 71ad6423f820916⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 228x320, 57:80, 1508857209787.jpg)

ca0dc1  No.3233968

Flakey should nervous as fuck!

da4fbd  No.3233969

File: 4d3f9638bb65dc9⋯.png (761.94 KB, 931x598, 931:598, 1538154630044.png)

6d7b99  No.3233970


517986  No.3233971


>I was thinking they might kill themselves en masse.

Be patient. 21 days.

a7342f  No.3233972

0845b9  No.3233973

Grassley saying they need to make sure they have a quorum

WTF Flake is going to speak?

Point of personal privilege

bef7e2  No.3233974


OMG WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0e44da  No.3233976



>>3233759 Operation Kavanaugh Info Graphic for saving.

(another home run, Anon. TY)

5edb69  No.3233977

c995bf  No.3233978

He;s gonna say no

Mother fucker

25013e  No.3233979

Flake must expose the threats.

e049d9  No.3233980


That came from CNN, so fear not.

fa460c  No.3233981


6728c8  No.3233982


“Kavanaugh will be confirmed regardless”

6fb6d4  No.3233983


56e531  No.3233984

Oh, you bitch

6827b1  No.3233985

so he'll vote yes….but wants FBI to still investigate

36fc45  No.3233986

File: 16b01eb8f4ac472⋯.jpg (142.22 KB, 760x1205, 152:241, Kav.jpg)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

ca0dc1  No.3233987



fucking autocorrect

b025c6  No.3233988



who the hell are you?

0845b9  No.3233989


d0b94b  No.3233990

fucking cock sucker flake

8f24e1  No.3233991


f45751  No.3233992




a47cc6  No.3233993


You must be fucking kidding

5e7c66  No.3233994

does anyone know what the number for quorum is on the committee? Do they ALL have to be there? Or can some dickheads be absent

43542c  No.3233995

Flake requesting to delay floor vote 1 week.

2d014a  No.3233996



238fc4  No.3233997

Wanna throw us a bone on Flake Q? The leverage against him is strong on both sides, but I think we should give him a bit of a nudge.

2e8255  No.3233998



bb9572  No.3233999



c652a9  No.3234000


I know anon… I'm not sure what got me, the cartoon shirt, pussy hat, thick rimmed glasses, lack of muscles, or witty chant

Dude is scary af

6d7b99  No.3234001

Grassley- And thank you senator flake, at this time we will take the vote…..

8764a6  No.3234002


Anon, that could be a planet. there are times you can see those during the day. I have seen it. Most likely venus/mars or jupiter

8164dc  No.3234003


Flake flaking out

58068e  No.3234004


Flake just flaked.

60a828  No.3234005

Grassley will shoot him down

da1770  No.3234006


c388c8  No.3234007


39479c  No.3234008

kiss his ass off to GITMO, no deals

Gave you a chance to retire, not go to GITMO, and you just shit all over it.

d0da1c  No.3234009

Flake is a PUSSY

25013e  No.3234010

Flake appears terrified.

312ceb  No.3234011

Flake flakes.

What a fucking asshole.

fdd93b  No.3234012


Eh… I don't think Clarence Thomas is *that* old…

04769f  No.3234013


79e6e2  No.3234014

God damn that faggot flake

7af61b  No.3234015


yup i fukken knew it!!!!

a89ec0  No.3234016


Q is not predicting the future. Q is outlining the plan. And so far the plan has been outstanding. I see no reason to not enjoy the show, and I see no reason to start believing in coincidences. The thing that propelled Flake, Corker and Ryan out of public life still exists, and if it propelled them out of public life, it will propel them to do the right thing here.

fd4578  No.3234017

They went to Flake and begged for their LIVES!

2a1984  No.3234018

Fuck this…

8de826  No.3234019

Sen Joe Manchin (D) will say yes and vote for Kavanaugh

Q confirm?

a21cc6  No.3234020

What a surprise, flake flaked out. I doubt it will matter, just means grassely will have to go through the nuclear option.

a0e8f2  No.3234021


cfdc8c  No.3234022

What the What????

0657cb  No.3234023

File: 3157201e060a307⋯.jpg (666.17 KB, 3840x2400, 8:5, traitors.jpg)

6fb6d4  No.3234024

McConnell needs to squeeze this guy's balls

0cb5f6  No.3234025



d34613  No.3234026


Flake will vote it out today, but will oppose on the full senate, unless the FBI is given an opportunity up to one week delay.

da4fbd  No.3234027

File: 23ed143c44616e3⋯.png (36.59 KB, 613x273, 613:273, 1538156897945.png)

13b531  No.3234028

File: 5fe6b3b70ec2b16⋯.jpg (58.43 KB, 553x741, 553:741, threat.jpg)

What did anons expect?

c0480a  No.3234029

File: b49ff3db9591942⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 828x828, 1:1, b49.gif)


f695ea  No.3234030

Flake investigation by FBI without evidence !!!!

Flake delayed for 1 week !!!!


342980  No.3234031


676647  No.3234032

File: b5f562137b8e389⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 422x743, 422:743, Communism-Talmudic-Judaism.jpg)

File: 38617b0344e7c15⋯.jpg (160.27 KB, 734x681, 734:681, AntisemitismPunishableByDe….jpg)

File: e1fabde76ae3295⋯.jpg (100.98 KB, 710x502, 355:251, CommunismISJudiasmMeme-1.jpg)

13e4f0  No.3234033

Flake living up to his name. Flaking out in real time. Holy fuck. What did they threaten him with?

5348ae  No.3234034

He looks like he has shitting himself

2e40f2  No.3234035

That Goddamn Arizona faggot is fucking us right now!

2d014a  No.3234036

NO! Absolutely NOT!

0845b9  No.3234037


Hell yeah, they probably just told him his wife and parents and children are going to have fatal car accidents if he doesn't flake

ff9114  No.3234038


c1e1db  No.3234039

File: 6a267796599bfa9⋯.png (832 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, buckleupbuttercup.png)


This is what I am charting.

Potential for violence.

Friendship will end up to rule the day.

Friendship and creativity.

Emotions of the public deeply engaged

The delays of the moment plus the powerful energies for change and "distrubance of the status quo" i.e. taking down the Cabal.

Could lead to something violent.


Security should come first right now so that correct management and actions can become the historic / famous moment

33c640  No.3234040

File: a2562a780dddeee⋯.jpg (807.49 KB, 776x994, 388:497, gesu.jpg)

all of their coordinates are logged

c139f2  No.3234041

File: 5bf1955ce59d1ce⋯.png (577.57 KB, 538x500, 269:250, ClipboardImage.png)

8b5a37  No.3234042

File: c0ae440f607665e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 810x643, 810:643, Untitled picture.png)

What a slimey fuckface

31fda9  No.3234043

File: c4b8074f6ac9497⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 700x888, 175:222, 138a3ab81efb949ad4ed8741ad….jpg)


You are an idiot, but thank you, sincerely, for making it obvious. I will take this more seriously when she decides to bring actual charges for the alleged crime.

Guilty until proven innocent.

>I've been here since the beginning, but…

>I trust the plan, but…

>I voted for Trump, but…

5e7c66  No.3234044

they don't have to follow that lol, mcconnell will just say fuck you and call a vote

b563cd  No.3234045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ketchup is a vegeatable to public school kids

d4dcd3  No.3234046

Execute Flake at this point WTF

333941  No.3234047

Holy fuck.

ddba6a  No.3234048


you posted at an interesting timestamp.

79d56a  No.3234049

BS. Shitshow! That’s what this is

8989d7  No.3234050

Mccain Moment

Arizona Fucked us again

25013e  No.3234051

Feinstein in total panic.

e049d9  No.3234052

1 week is what they want NOW, but guaranteed they will say:

a week's not enough

next week!


ec10ef  No.3234053


no more delays

6fb6d4  No.3234054

Who gives a shit what the Democrats endorse

88f6bf  No.3234055


a89ec0  No.3234056


You mean, on top of the other 6 FBI investigations into anything and anyone having any contact at any time with Kavanaugh.

a4fe88  No.3234057


This fag never has to worry about getting laid by a woman.

c388c8  No.3234058


163052  No.3234059

File: 0607cbc1797929f⋯.jpg (364.99 KB, 790x960, 79:96, tedbw1.jpg)

holy fuck.

Flake just fucked us.

0bee37  No.3234060


37ea14  No.3234061


Power to the People Amen. TYVM Q+

1ccf1e  No.3234062

he said yes guys

e47b2b  No.3234063

I predicted this yesterday and not one (you)

a47cc6  No.3234064

This fucking corrupt bunch of people

ec10ef  No.3234065

Someone asked, What are we voting on?

Here we go . ..

ff9114  No.3234066

someone needs to punch his nose back into position

6fc87f  No.3234067

This is where the sayings "don't be such a Flake" and "he's so Flakey" came from.

Time Travel is real.

b08c1c  No.3234068


Not a planet.

It's in front of clouds/'chemtrail mist'.

Wasn't there this morning.

06bb70  No.3234069

Graham's face says it all.

5edb69  No.3234070

It is done.

159633  No.3234071


psyop. Real organizations wouldn't be publicized.

13e4f0  No.3234072


ca0dc1  No.3234073

B. O O M.

39479c  No.3234074

see that middle finger grassly used on his cheek

a89ec0  No.3234075


>Why did Q come to pol

Needed mememakers by bypass non no such agency filters to get message to populace.

79e6e2  No.3234076

Total fucking bastard. No fucking delays. No FBI.

342980  No.3234077


7f32e9  No.3234078


a74700  No.3234079


You know what's great about 8chan? We don't have to follow your rules.

ff4721  No.3234080


Israel for last

Is nothing to do with Jews

And everything to do with the bloodline

Who created Israel and who use it as a curtain

Behind which the Wizard of Oz is hiding

And what city is this Wizard in?

The Emerald City.

What color is that?


What else is Green?


And which bloodline controls the money?


However they are hiding more inside Israel than just control of money.

It is a kind of central nexus

And that is why it is dealt with last.

Jews are our friends

Israelis support Trump

The Cabal is our enemy

The Pope is not a Jew

The Catholic Church is not Jewish

SMOM is not Jewish

The black nobility of Italy is not Jewish

The royal families of Europe are not Jewish

But they are all part of the pagan Cabal.

bef7e2  No.3234081

My stomach hurts I think Im getting an ulcer

6d7b99  No.3234082

K passed 11-10

bc4367  No.3234083

sorry AZanons but some of you walked into a voting booth and checked the box next to "Flake".

c139f2  No.3234084

File: 05844f305efc493⋯.png (1.81 MB, 902x789, 902:789, difi2.PNG)

Chifi's desperation palpable

346dc5  No.3234085


c995bf  No.3234086

Kamala's face…

22901b  No.3234087

File: a9bfb7eb6433aab⋯.png (233.38 KB, 521x565, 521:565, D5C316A3-3DAE-4DAD-BAE2-71….png)

342980  No.3234088


57d721  No.3234089


Fart jokes too!

8164dc  No.3234090


Someone has something on flake. Clowns.

a0dc0a  No.3234091

Did Flake accidentally vote Aye on Kav thinking it was his motion???

323813  No.3234092

(Bread #4094)


Well, what do you expect? Look at this platform that is being used, where women don't exist, only they do, only they have to be naked, at their most vulnerable, and they can't say anything. While the men here can make all kinds of obnoxious remarks about those women's bodies, their lifestyles, their beliefs.

The fact there is the expectation for huge network trafficking here, with the expectation that traffic will be exposed to all this speaks to an agenda designed to twist people's minds. Twisted behaviors and values with a patriotic veneer.

342980  No.3234094

AYE!!!!!!!!!!! wooooo

28f8c8  No.3234095

File: 11f0b92db567e71⋯.jpg (116.01 KB, 648x612, 18:17, Calm down.jpg)


7af61b  No.3234096

praying for a testicle drop…

c2036c  No.3234097

File: 66b9b405487db62⋯.png (960.14 KB, 846x604, 423:302, activate.PNG)

File: 4c52f67fd918980⋯.png (894.84 KB, 782x510, 23:15, revoluti.PNG)

File: aee77b6fc604be6⋯.png (434.85 KB, 889x783, 889:783, spaceforce-music.PNG)


ddb954  No.3234098


FLAKE is flaking. Committee VOTE completed,

5556fd  No.3234099


0657cb  No.3234100

File: 0354629614b1be2⋯.jpg (401.47 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, power.jpg)

da1770  No.3234101

This is CRAZY!

bd6229  No.3234102



I heard him say aye.

b563cd  No.3234103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They made the crow to haunt ebot

BUT it had a sister with tits

3a8cd2  No.3234104

File: 3b5de34c487c23f⋯.jpg (26.02 KB, 354x404, 177:202, buffjesus.jpg)

boom shaka laka

07b307  No.3234105


RELAX! You are watching a movie. ;)

6fb6d4  No.3234106


33c640  No.3234107

File: 02d5364dea7bf16⋯.jpg (80.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, truth.jpg)

File: 4e3e279abc02993⋯.png (58.91 KB, 693x410, 693:410, bergoglio.png)

if they fail to confirm /ourguy/

we will have to do our duty

starting with ousting anti-pope bergoglio

79d56a  No.3234108


I’m wondering that too!

d7c2fe  No.3234109

File: 92beab10de6a0e1⋯.png (658.98 KB, 944x733, 944:733, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)


10 NAY

e2b641  No.3234110

Recognized and advanced nominee to the floor.. Getting closer and closer by the minute.. right in their libtard stupid faces.. I might need to go get more popcorn!!

c2e348  No.3234111

7ccfb8  No.3234112

He looks nervous. (Flake)

5e7c66  No.3234113

It's to the floor, now its up to MCCONNELL


333941  No.3234114

Flake just gave them their sound bite for today.

57d721  No.3234115


He's stepping down this year, so I just hope a MAGA conservative is taking his place.

4cf80b  No.3234116

Flake is playing his part Trust the Plan

266b69  No.3234117


And this is even besides the fact that [they] are calculating the use of these types of allegation,….

Which cheapens the idea of a sexual misconduct allegation as a whole, because these fuckers are on the record as being fake as fuck.

This is a horrific day for our country, for things to come to this. Absolutely disgusting.

a89ec0  No.3234118


Which is why I said to go fuck yourself. So, go fuck yourself.

7ad9a0  No.3234119


Flake looks like he's about to puke.

ec10ef  No.3234120

They never f'g give up

8b5a37  No.3234121

File: f7a96fc114750aa⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 480x480, 1:1, f7a96fc114750aa0874a3ef860….jpg)

They should all be strung up

0e3a76  No.3234122





21. vid2 = @46:31 Rosy Cheeks is staring at someone in the distance. Granny Glasses turns to Rosy Cheeks telling her some new information. (Granny Glasses isn't texting so she is either using an ear piece speaker or is seeing sign language signals.) Rosy Cheeks responds to this new info with a wide tight smile and continues to repeat this information for the distant someone. "Ohh, comes inside me and holds me. I'd like that to."

This is the point at which the USSS enters the shot and removes Plaid Shirt Guy.

22. vid2 = @48:27 Rosy Cheeks is Alerted by Grey Shirt Braclet Guy to move object out of the area. Rosy Cheeks sits low reaching for object, then @48:44 stands, reaching behind Granny Glasses with item in her left hand. @48:54 Rosy Cheeks stretches further to ensure Gray Shirt Braclet Guy takes the object. @48:56-48:57 You can see Grey Shirt Guy having received the object, secures it in his pants pocket or belt line. Shortly after he dumps object to Black Hat Red Shirt Guy who inturn gives it back to Rosy Cheeks. There are still two opportunities available to handoff the object to.

23. vid2 = @49:13 Rosy Cheeks is staring at the Lady who replaced Plaid Shirt Guy. She again reaches behind Granny Glasses and receives an object from Black Hat Red Shirt. Is this the same object or a different object?

Second group gets removed and Rosy Cheeks is very upset, worried.

24. vid2 = @57:23 The third woman moves in to replace Red. Rosy Cheeks upset questions Granny Glasses. Rosy Cheeks body language is emphatic, demanding answers. Granny Glasses replies "Emma, you haven't been spotted yet. If you had been spotted you would go to."

25. vid2 = @58:48 Rosy Cheeks wipes her nose with the American Flag then picks her nose and wipes it on the American Flag.

26. vid2 = @59:11 Granny Glasses whispers to Rosy Cheeks, "Not long." A pause, then, "Beware, you will be the only fool who dies tonight."

From vid2 you should be able to identify at least 12 bad actors within the camera shot alone. It is obvious there is coordination through Rosy Cheeks handler Granny Glasses. There are teams scanning for USSS and informing Granny Glasses of any threats to Rosy Cheeks activity.

Q, They were well prepared, having multiple bad actors pre-planned. 3 Shooters + 12 man shooter support team + Many Distractors.

Who is "Emma"?

Was "Emma" a trafficking victim or Was "Emma" family to the bad actors (Granny Glasses, LtBlue Shirt)?

Was "Emma" just a clown asset?

Why is Granny Glasses protective of "Emma's" role, using Rosy Cheeks, but keeping "Emma" one layer behind final action?

While "Emma" was compliant most times it appeared as if there were word triggers which caused her to produce altered physical and expressive presentations, much like turning on a switch and turning off a switch. The activity was similar at moments to stage hypnosis.

"Emma" appears disappointed she can't fulfill her role in the plan once her team mates have been removed.

4fbc44  No.3234123


allegations of sexual assault have been used as a weapon and you would allow for a total shit show. I don't believe women and have set a higher bar because of all these false accusations that I have seen. What you suggest makes young men not protective of women and disengage from society. that is the world your stupidity has created for your daughter. Congrats

c4f034  No.3234124

FUCK NO!!!!!

307ea5  No.3234125

File: d1dc30d51efb4a2⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, We-Are-Winning-2.jpg)

File: 19e485be98d0656⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, Women-for-Justice-Kavanaug….jpg)

File: d98cfc822768afb⋯.jpg (259.45 KB, 600x786, 100:131, Women-for-Justice-Kavanaug….jpg)

File: 29fd3a4fc0a66dd⋯.jpg (280.59 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Women-for-Justice-Kavanaug….jpg)


ec10ef  No.3234126

One Week = NEVER

a0dc0a  No.3234127

File: e442f5671d8e511⋯.png (451.66 KB, 500x624, 125:156, Lindsey Activated.png)

bd6229  No.3234128

2a1984  No.3234129

Actually you kow what..

This may actually be good news.

IF the FBI can go trough it and say NOT HAPPENED before the entire country.. He is confirmed.

As now it is still in the "Maybe" thing.

FBI will make it confirmed FAKE CASE and a possible collusion.

This may be the best thing ever.

8989d7  No.3234130


6372dd  No.3234132

File: 5a9caf981fb3fdf⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 320x213, 320:213, IMG_20180928_134654_723.JPG)

File: bf956fbf330cd29⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 299x432, 299:432, IMG_20180928_134727_427.JPG)

File: 4332a7cbf1032a5⋯.jpg (143.16 KB, 1030x622, 515:311, IMG_20180928_134801_037.JPG)

So walkaway is now trademarked? Can't have Interlopers stealing our $. Ford>>as expected.

bc4367  No.3234133


if they were here when it was much hotter…

771108  No.3234134

Did the dems get bamboozled?


57d721  No.3234135


Flake would be, at least temporarily, a hero if he notified the FBI of threats.

0845b9  No.3234136


One week delay, my ass

The way Democrats work is they ALWAYS DEMAND MORE


Okay well this time


Well alright just this once


Geez, alright


You're never satisfied


c36e69  No.3234137


5e7c66  No.3234138

See, it's up to Mitch McConnell.

TRUST MITCH MCCONNELL??????????????????????????????

88f6bf  No.3234139


56e531  No.3234140

a0dc0a  No.3234141


0657cb  No.3234142

File: b55c7a0808d6c92⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 1012x655, 1012:655, ww.jpg)


good, makes "no deals" easier

f695ea  No.3234143

FBI investigating when Fords witnesses say never happened !!!

Flake a traitor !!!

da1770  No.3234144



33c640  No.3234145

File: be107ff92844fb6⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 410x600, 41:60, fake.jpg)

this is an existential moment for the jesuit order

if they continue their fuckery

they shall turn to dust

243822  No.3234146


Spare me your concern troll bullshit. You are transparent as glass. Every woman I know (including the ones who have actually been sexually assaulted) saw right through Chrissy's lies. She, and her "#metoo" ilk, are the BIGGEST problem facing women who have actually been assaulted. Why? Because people see these "womyn" crawling out of the woodwork to claim they were assaulted to "virtue signal" and to try to make some cash when they were actually WILLING participants.

In this case this lying sack of shit is being paid HANDSOMLY for her efforts by George Soros and the Democratic party. She is essentially whoring herself out to them.The only ones buying her BS are leftards with an agenda like you.

7c9131  No.3234147


9/11 truth will do the trick

159633  No.3234148

"Muh corrupt FBI should investigate"

da4fbd  No.3234149

File: b28e4bd15dae353⋯.jpg (107.29 KB, 430x862, 215:431, 1538157002215.jpg)

f0ab63  No.3234150


Thank GOD he's done after this year.

c995bf  No.3234151

notice all the PURPLE in that room?

95f53f  No.3234152

It is my understanding, that I don't understand a damn thing happening.

What are voting on?

LOL morons

b025c6  No.3234153


K has been confirmed out of committee Flake is saying he will vote no in the entire Senate unless the FBI does a comprehensive investigation, delaying by a week.

18d27e  No.3234154

d59396  No.3234155


Can I make money off death threats too?

I'll call then in myself, like these ones do.

a0e8f2  No.3234156

File: 5d4b0081a11383a⋯.png (456.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

4cf80b  No.3234157






307ea5  No.3234158

File: f4f493d1337b4c4⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Bless-this-Bread--14.jpg)

Thank you, Baker.

a74700  No.3234159


I was also just diagnosed with ulcers . This constant "next week…next week…next week…" drip is making me crazy. I tried to walk away for a while, but once you know what we know that's impossible to do.

f695ea  No.3234160


6 fbi invesitgations !!!!'

another ?

83a501  No.3234161

Kav just passed committee

11-10 Done Deal!

Flake is just saying he may vote NO on floor if it's too soon

Flip a Dim and Flake won't matter…

ff9114  No.3234162


Now they'll try to delay the floor vote

f89d04  No.3234163

Dem apply pressure, and suddenly the right folds??? WTF??

d7b872  No.3234164


LG just said it too. MMc owes them nothing. It’s to the floor. Done.

d8575a  No.3234165

Sorry - don't think this is part of the plan :(

79d56a  No.3234166

What’s wrong with flakes head! They just beatbox him in back room?

c652a9  No.3234167

Flake actually pulled threw. They were trying hard to intimidate him..

Cornering him, protesting him

Dam never thought I would see Flake hold up.

But he does seem like he is positioning himself to vote no on the floor. "I vote yes to progress the vote to the floor"

06bb70  No.3234168

11 yay

10 nay

Ah ha ha ha!

8989d7  No.3234169


Thank you anon!

b563cd  No.3234170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If CIA peanut butter Econ got (you) trapped in rosensteins asshole sucking asparagus farts from a straw with a lemming , try the jelly

bc4367  No.3234171


good catch

8b5a37  No.3234172

File: 9160dc283735529⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 540x743, 540:743, tumblr_pfmp5lTJnt1sftx66_5….jpg)

5114dc  No.3234173

Do they even understand what an investigation is? You first need something to investigate and there is nothing. Stop saying this is for us!!!

74bdb9  No.3234174




5e7c66  No.3234175

McConnell can say F that and call the vote anyway and even if Flake votes No it means nothing, as theres other yes's like Manchin. If even all D's and Flake vote NO then Pence can still tie break the 50/50

0845b9  No.3234176

They told Flake he "might" be in a plane crash

31fda9  No.3234177

Flake needs to get THROAT FUCKED with a rusty barbed wire wrapped bad dragon. FUCK HIM.

159633  No.3234178


Filter worthy. stupid shillfag

6fb6d4  No.3234179

(((Very important)))

d8cd2e  No.3234180

This is fucking bullshit.

5348ae  No.3234181


The Right didn't Fold you Fucking DOLT ! Flake did

0e44da  No.3234182

File: 774c226cc6355d3⋯.png (576.04 KB, 748x745, 748:745, ClipboardImage.png)

07b307  No.3234183



Everything is under control.

312ceb  No.3234184

They had better avoid airplanes, hottubs and door knobs over the next week.

I hope this is part of the plan. What a shit show.

No one is safe until this is finalized.

f695ea  No.3234185


dems had all day to ask questions !!!!!!

go forward !!!

bd6229  No.3234186


Hmmmm they love to do that I have also seen the women wear white. Their symbolism will be their downfall.

4e43f9  No.3234187

File: 18d11c34ca2aa40⋯.png (111.17 KB, 513x493, 513:493, ClipboardImage.png)


>Flip a Dim and Flake won't matter…

5e7c66  No.3234188


4b680c  No.3234189

Holy crap. This is just ludicrous. And there goes Coons again. Damnit when will everyone wake up to Coons relationship with Rehoboth and Biden

d59396  No.3234190


Montgomery County Sheriff is the one to investigate, if anything. FBI is federal only.

1ccf1e  No.3234191

mcconnell will not side with dems anyways its going to floor

58068e  No.3234192


And then next week it'll be we need to investigate CPL's client's claims.

56e531  No.3234193


me three.. slow motion train wreck

333941  No.3234194


Sorry to hear that.

I think we’re all tired.

bef7e2  No.3234195

File: 986163833421755⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 291x332, 291:332, ladifytr.JPG)



I've been here from SA round up.

Im just an anxietyAnon

Pardon me

98d0df  No.3234196


a40fe9  No.3234197

File: 6d572fe60be5047⋯.gif (462.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, panic1.gif)

9e4dbc  No.3234198

McConnell in control now.

36a910  No.3234199


And during that next investigation ANOTHER allegation will appear that will also need to be "fully investigated." The shit show will never end.

ec10ef  No.3234200

No, this is about DELAY

1c2740  No.3234201

its a fffffffucking freak show.. delay another week..

bd6229  No.3234202


I Hope you r right.

771108  No.3234203

Got to love those AZ Senators.


25013e  No.3234204

They know they face prison and or execution. Nothing short of that would get this kind of reaction from these state criminals.

56320f  No.3234205

Flake is fucking us

307ea5  No.3234206

File: 392e16e97a6d88f⋯.jpg (604.28 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Panic-in-DC-1.jpg)

File: 77ea00548e5176d⋯.jpg (678.73 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, RatPanick.jpg)

1a66ae  No.3234207

3 more accusers will come out this week and they'll all want a month each

17bb7c  No.3234208

Q - tell us that Flake isn't going to be able to stall things. Judge K needs to be voted on tomorrow and confirmed.

c54dcc  No.3234209

File: ca4670e2885f214⋯.jpg (97.92 KB, 313x448, 313:448, xxx.jpg)


good work. can see her holding a camera in the Hillary photo that's been getting around.

4138de  No.3234210


6fb6d4  No.3234211


It's going to be even harder to flip them out of the bullshit "1 week FBI" frame, though

5e633b  No.3234212

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)

File: 676a503d9f3c0f3⋯.pdf (83.08 KB, Russia's Reflexive Control….pdf)

File: 7d5b6d0dd32a885⋯.jpg (147.25 KB, 500x346, 250:173, death_and_south-east_of_uk….jpg)

File: 6ca65a24615c335⋯.png (219.67 KB, 800x889, 800:889, figure2.png)

>>3233605 >>3233763 >>3233766 >>3233773 >>3233779 >>3233790 >>3233796 >>3233838 >>3233859 >>3233877 >>3233931

Do NOT reply to shills.

They enjoy talking to each other.

Newfags…this is NOT a chatroom.



aa8c9b  No.3234213


da4fbd  No.3234214

File: 14527a82f8b8e71⋯.png (184.7 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1538157042696.png)

5e7c66  No.3234215


even that don't matter - TIE BREAKER IS WITH PENCE

8897eb  No.3234216


>Flip a Dim and Flake won't matter…

Collins and Murkowsky can still flip…and probably will…..

Flake the flake matters

c1e1db  No.3234217



Can you get a screen shot?

a47cc6  No.3234218


Yeah something like this. He looks like he shit his pants

57d721  No.3234219



Give an inch, they demand light years.

bd6229  No.3234220



a89ec0  No.3234221



b563cd  No.3234222

File: 677bc30cb2e0c01⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 294x171, 98:57, IMG_2111.JPG)

File: 5c3534c970a3a16⋯.jpg (141.2 KB, 396x594, 2:3, IMG_1708.JPG)

a69e99  No.3234223

File: 6d64a99cf2ff59c⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 4065x3049, 4065:3049, D44EB69D-006B-4AD7-BE5A-B….jpeg)

13e4f0  No.3234224


Seriously. Turn it off if your ulcer is gonna blow. Jeez

b2e6a8  No.3234225


Still here for a hand off when you're ready.

70d41d  No.3234226

>Think logically.

>How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

>Who has everything?

>Methods which info collected/ obtained?

>Admissible in the court of law?

30627c  No.3234227


He always votes WITH the constitution!

ca0dc1  No.3234228

FLAKE was scared shitless when he came back in and spoke. His voice was shaking, words jumbled, red face, etc. They just threatened him win something.


Best part was he didn’t dumb down his statement enough & ChiFi was confused as hell.


0845b9  No.3234229

Damn these people for not sticking to Robert's Rules of Order.

This is just mayhem.

I've seen PTA meetings that were run more intelligently.

da1770  No.3234230


I have always liked Manchin. I know that isn't a popular opinion, but it's mine. I think he is a moderate and will vote the will of his constituents.

f89d04  No.3234231


Hey Keyboard Warrior!! They indicated that it was MORE Senators than Flake who felt that way!

3dfc32  No.3234232

File: 0a38fac848fd38a⋯.png (640.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1538157588896.png)

f0ab63  No.3234233



d59396  No.3234234


Ask Trump for protection.

79d56a  No.3234235

Flake turns wedontsayhisname …who’s shocked? Ironically AZ….border wall comes to mind

ec10ef  No.3234236

This was a done deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flake has to go.

d34613  No.3234237


Exactly. All the debate in committee is now pointless. Flake will vote NO on advancing the nominee if that vote is taken before Flake is happy with FBI effort, and he will vote Yea if the vote is taken after Flake is happy with FBI effort.

c388c8  No.3234238

okay, not what do we ahve to wait on?

do we just wait until monday, to where to rest of the senate votes?

7af61b  No.3234239


It now has to be debated between McConnel and Schumer.

a0e8f2  No.3234240

Flake can't even give a straight answer, he's appeasing to both sides in his answer. What a piece of shit.

8b5a37  No.3234241

File: 2a6864279551053⋯.png (369.94 KB, 417x525, 139:175, Untitled picture_7.png)

Put Jeff flake next to them

70d41d  No.3234242

>Think logically.

>How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

>Who has everything?

>Methods which info collected/ obtained?

>Admissible in the court of law?

95f53f  No.3234243

Muh corrupt FIB

Muh delay

Muh understanding

13e4f0  No.3234244

"We need a week to conjure up a couple more vicsims and coach them properly."

39479c  No.3234245

Wray is in Charge of the FBI, TRUST WRAY

c28bc3  No.3234246


He wasn't threatened. Flake broadcast his intention to vote yes, which means, what will you give me to change my mind. Traitor.

a89ec0  No.3234247


Right up there with Mao's "fly like a sparrow".

3ffd3c  No.3234248



Time to NAIL THEM!!!

28f8c8  No.3234249


Trust the fucking plan.

He is a scared puppy at this point looking for his forever home.

9eff29  No.3234250


Great! will be asking for handoff next bread~

f914bd  No.3234251

File: 1715dbfe13dfdde⋯.png (13.42 KB, 556x82, 278:41, ClipboardImage.png)


UID hex confirms

b764ef  No.3234252

this fuckin lying fuck..

he should hang.

159633  No.3234253


very likely

3c1cf5  No.3234254


He should have that nose rebroken and straightened, it’s doing a distracting Left turn

bfe179  No.3234255

So. Bromwich became Blasey Ford’s attorney and suddenly allllll the Dems want an FbI investigation. Bromwich was DOJ IG under Clinton. What turd burger did they PLANT about Kav in the FBI during the Clinton Investigation that Bromwich would know (where the body was buried)

Noticed last week that the IG website for those years was updated this month. I was pretty young during Clintons administration and don’t know where to look.

ca0dc1  No.3234256



Now he’s gonna go directly to WH for FBI request?

Ploooot twist.

06bb70  No.3234257


I'm so confused, he voted yes, what did he do that I missed? Just got back on.

5e7c66  No.3234258

Q needs to let us know whether to trust Mitch McConnell or not

bb9572  No.3234259

C-SPAN live feed just flipped over to the Senate floor…. WTF!!!!!

33c640  No.3234260

File: 1ecabaa108d2a15⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 331x500, 331:500, dwarf olsen.jpg)

5348ae  No.3234261


>>3234231 Hey Dickbag only Takes Flake to fuck it up

6827b1  No.3234262


Feinstein is a fucking idiot….didn't even know they already voted


ec10ef  No.3234263

DELAY is why this country is being ripped apart

333941  No.3234264

They should of had a babysitter with Flake during the break.

834616  No.3234265


Flake is not running for Reelection, this is why he voted NO

a9133f  No.3234266

McConnell isn't doing that shit

6d7b99  No.3234267


McConnell stated earlier that he was inclined to keep the Senate in session over the weekend.

b025c6  No.3234268

these photogs are assholes

0cb5f6  No.3234269

"Mr Chairman, maybe we should all just start aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll over from the beggining, youknow, to be sure. Oh, and ask the FBI to do things. Then start again."

342980  No.3234270


0bee37  No.3234271

Grassley: Because of the two hour rule, we're adjourning.

Feinstein: WHAT!?!

a0dc0a  No.3234272

DiFi freaking: gentleman's agreement

9eff29  No.3234273


>>3233607 House Intel Committee Votes To Release 53 Trump-Russia Transcripts

>>3233656 UK Report: Dismantling The Nuclear Family

>>3233672 Denmark on Lockdown: bridges connecting Denmark to Sweden closed. 3 man in Black Volvo wanted; >>3233736

>>3233759 Operation Kavanaugh Info Graphic

>>3233937 Reddit continues censoring People who question 9/11

>>3234109 Judge K passed, 11-10; >>3234026 Anon insight?

a7342f  No.3234274


When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing no one.

fa2cb5  No.3234275

bd6229  No.3234276


Purple equals satanic cabal?

d34613  No.3234277

Flake also said one week MAX. For all we know, FBI could get this done by tomorrow, to Flake's satisfaction.

a68702  No.3234278

My laptop almost just went through my new tv.

73d78e  No.3234279

Im not a burger and i dont understand shit, why the fuck they didnt vote ffs

2d014a  No.3234280


country not being ripped apart, the idiot senators are being rent assunder

4cc1de  No.3234281


b91f9c  No.3234282

The only FBI investigation Dems want is one that goes on forever and keeps Kavanaugh out.

bef7e2  No.3234283

Q has some shit on McConnel and his daughter

We know they have been verrrrryyyy bad,

they bend to save themselves!

8164dc  No.3234284

Wtf just happened? Gentlemen and women's agreement? Sounds shady.

b563cd  No.3234285

File: 33a258d9019ea9f⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 443x332, 443:332, IMG_2256.JPG)

Asparagus farts

2fe77f  No.3234286

Q said to trust Grassly!

Well done!

b54cef  No.3234287


Truth - 11:10 - Kavanaugh out of committee.

f695ea  No.3234288

Declassify FLAKE!!!

bc4367  No.3234289

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)


slightly after for me on this topic. USENET from the start. Glad for the break…aren't you?

9e1e18  No.3234290

Dafuq just happened? 2 hour rule??

18d27e  No.3234292

File: c3b59c27c49b486⋯.jpeg (279.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9CF9507F-00CE-4CA1-9998-F….jpeg)


Damn right. Vote now! Release the FISA now!

ec10ef  No.3234293

What's the 2 hour rule???

266b69  No.3234294



There it is

e049d9  No.3234295

Adjourned biches!


7f730c  No.3234296

& Grassley is a Doddering old fool, who had no fucking clue what was going on until it was too late

c36e69  No.3234297

None of this matters,


They have no ability to demand an investigation or to delay the floor vote in this session.

7e19a3  No.3234298


Investigation being done in the background?

8f24e1  No.3234299

File: 3ba00e6d0a2e293⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 474x266, 237:133, blown up.jpg)

4cc1de  No.3234300

File: dbd3e1ad2dd92bb⋯.png (297.96 KB, 1242x1582, 621:791, IMG_6695.PNG)

d7c2fe  No.3234301

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, cc2aa7017a0d67052ec7daf171….jpg)

File: f3c76104e0c5eac⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 466x430, 233:215, static1.squarespace.jpg)

a4fe88  No.3234302


Trump wants Flake executed in the first wave. He wont let Flake vote for Kav. We win this some other way. Dont worry.

da1770  No.3234303

d7b872  No.3234304


He voted yes

4cf80b  No.3234305


79d56a  No.3234306


Lol don’t trust Mitch that’s a given to any anon who’s been paying attention

2cd10c  No.3234307


Kavanaugh's done?


Democrats got a victory prior to mid terms. This is a big deal.

Democrats play hardball, Republicans play softball. It's been this way for decades.

If a Republican knows he is Charlie Brown, and Democrats are Lucy and will keep pulling the ball away, and someone says "Here's a million bucks if you keep being Charlie Brown," then no wonder the Republican takes the cash and goes back to sucking more cocks.

Which is basically what Republicans do.

If POTUS understood this fact, maybe he knew the Kavanaugh nomination was going to be a crap shoot anyway. In that case POTUS may have miscalculated by sitting on whatever evidence he may have.

If POTUS did not realize how much cock even the best Republicans are sucking, he surely understands it now.

Lesson learned.

333941  No.3234308


He voted yes.

a0e8f2  No.3234309


meanwhile, more accusers come out of the woodwork. delay, delay, delay, obstructionists. I fucking hate them all.

43542c  No.3234310


Yeah, WTF is right!!

"Continue watching online…" That's where I WAS watching you bastards. Now I'm missing it.

c2e348  No.3234311


fcf1dd  No.3234312

Trust Grassley, because of the 2 hour rule we are adjorned

3dfc32  No.3234313


Im aware, still would like to see traitors get their just desserts anon

5e7c66  No.3234314


He's already scheduled it to begin immediately

056496  No.3234315

Wait a minute, they did vote on Kavanaugh already, right?

1f0625  No.3234316

Q tell trump if we HAVE to do a FBI investigation into Judge K then we MUST have a FBI investigation into the leaks of ford's name to the media.

It only seems fair……

1a66ae  No.3234317

They had their fucking chance to investigate and they wanted to wait until the final hour. They got just what they watned

74bdb9  No.3234318

McConnell is legit, I think.

2fe77f  No.3234319


He didn't vote no.

33c640  No.3234320

File: e9338c3bd90a631⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 300x300, 1:1, da brommer.jpg)

File: 44f6021a273b609⋯.jpg (136.06 KB, 736x1041, 736:1041, brenny.jpg)

File: 383ca5877dbd1a6⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 178x200, 89:100, pointy.jpg)

8b39c3  No.3234321

Sorry to interrupt all you shitposters, fuking live T.V. posting, chatterers, and all around bread shitters.

This could be something that deserves notice.

Yesterday, who gave shots across the bow of the Dems and DS? Lindsey Graham.


Yesterday, two Republican Senators were doxxed. One was Lindsey Graham.


Where is Lindsey Graham from? South Carolina.


Yesterday, where did a private jet crash? South Carolina.


Today, where did a Military F-35 crash? South Carolina.


Let's keep an eye on more Lindsey Graham fuckeryishness.

Resume bread shitting

TY Baker

c883d4  No.3234322


72 hour discussion on the floor.

Final vote will be TUESDAY

ddb954  No.3234323

File: a34dc9bc263fb69⋯.png (530.6 KB, 857x646, 857:646, BarbKinney Final 3.png)



That Kinney.

0845b9  No.3234324


She's 85 and in normal life she'd be in assisted living playing shuffleboard

My mother's 84 and she doesn't even know what day it is most of the time

f89d04  No.3234325


You kiss your mother with that mouth, Douchebag? GTFO, faggot!

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