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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

70652a  No.3210531

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 ——————————— https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 -————————– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 -————————– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 -————————– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 -————————– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 -————————– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 -————————– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 ——————————— Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 ——————————— FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 ——————————— MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 ——————————— THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 ——————————— Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 -————————– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 ——————————— We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 ——————————— FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 ——————————— Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 ——————————— ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 ——————————— Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 -————————– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 ——————————— Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 -————————– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 -————————– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 ——————————— 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

70652a  No.3210536


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3199641, >>3200846 How to access the 404'd breads

>>3187364 List of Breads 404'd

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3209891 ; >>3210217 ; >>3210266 ; >>3210366 ; >>3210469 More CBF callouts

>>3210297 Judicial Watch’s Fitton present at hearing

>>3210355 Italy’s PM slams Macron for claiming Italy is in crisis with EU over migration policy

>>3210391 Breakdown of Avenatti’s most recent bullshit

>>3210489 #4064


>>3209148 Ginsburg praises the PoundMeToo movement before hearing

>>3209337 Video of Shirley Jackson-Lee handing off material to lying bitch’s lawyer

>>3209600 ; >>3209606 ; >>3209641 More CBF inconsistencies and bullshit

>>3209720 #4063


>>3208349 ; >>3208366 ; >>3208645 Surreptitious handoff during hearing

>>3208403 First-ever F-35B airstrike conducted

>>3208527 Delta Airlines implementing facial recognition tech in Atlanta

>>3208533 Judicial Watch gunning for Cory Booker

>>3208538 Dems smiling and laughing before rape testimony

>>3208732 More inconsistencies in CBF story

>>3208887 Increase in construction at Microsoft HQ

>>3208967 #4062

#4061 Baker Change

>>3207880 ; >>3208304 Inconsistencies in CBF story

>>3208116 Possible pushback of RR/POTUS meeting

>>3208225 #4061


>>3206947 Gates, Bezos, Branson invest through fund in CarbonCure

>>3207187, >>3207239, >>3207275 Explanation why Ford's Yearbooks were scrubbed

>>3207494 #4060


>>3206104 Executives are selling off their companies' stock at a record pace

>>3206133 US Economy grew at 4.2% in 2nd Quarter

>>3206166 Kamala Harris blankets FB with anti-Kav ads

>>3206107 Deep digs into Avenatti connecting shady Saudis & Swiss

>>3206759 Russia + 6 hold air defense exercises

>>3206992 #4059 (Bun in #4060)


>>3205478, >>3205585 Free Stream of Kav Hearings, ETA 10am EDT

>>3205408 A GENTLE PLEA FOR NEWFAGS: Why "lb" signalling off-bread links matters

>>3205636 Dept of Public Util to do statewide safety review of gas distrib sys (Massachusetts)

>>3205491 Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to Sen. Judiciary

>>3205469, >>3205499 Some diggs on Feinstein & her 3 spousal units

>>3205466 ZOMGGG!! Sky-Is-Falling MSM news story compilation

>>3205441 We Law and Order Now: HMA fraud settlement doesn't end ex-CEO legal woes

>>3205424, >>3205451, >>3205635 8chan banned in China/Russia/Italy, Ital-voater's take

>>3205411 Senior EU lawmaker urges cyber, data audit of Facebook

>>3205363 NASA plugs "next moon landing": Is Space Force Getting a Space Fort?

>>3205356 West Virginia to allow smartphone voting, raising srs security concerns

>>3205333 Wambulance Called: Bronfman wants more freedom after Nxivm house arrest

>>3205310, >>3205353, >>3205364, >>3205405 AIRKEK: 2-planes/I-Nemo/F-RAFQ, US Army

>>3205381 Planefag cadet report

>>3207178 #4058 (Bun in #4060)

Previously Collected Notables

>>3205238 #4057

>>3202876 #4054, >>3203655 #4055, >>3204455 #4056

>>3200554 #4051, >>3201322 #4052, >>3202096 #4053

>>3198207 #4048, >>3198998 #4049, >>3199802 #4050

>>3195873 #4045, >>3196692 #4046, >>3197487 #4047

>>3193493 #4042, >>3194318 #4043, >>3195127 #4044

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

70652a  No.3210543

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

70652a  No.3210545

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

70652a  No.3210553

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



5a9c22  No.3210604

Don't know if this has been posted previously.

"QAnon fan" arrested for threatening massacre at YouTube headquarters.


297b12  No.3210612

Just now listening to Ford's opening statement.

She states that she locked herself in a bathroom and waited for Kav and Judge to go down the "narrow stairway", and then she said that they were "pinballing against the walls on their way down".

How the fuck did she know this? HOW did she know they were drunkenly banging against walls as they went down? Could she HEAR their soft fleshy shoulders banging against the walls?

That was an attempt to paint them as sloppy drunks, but she could not have POSSIBLY known they did this without watching them… and yet she claims she was locked in the bathroom at the time…

Doesn't fit…

f5548e  No.3210618

File: 25ba766eb359453⋯.jpg (368.56 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DoHFZaZXsAAX-ww.jpg_large.jpg)

>>3210599 (PB)


c14e53  No.3210621

File: 7b175c185a0e1e8⋯.jpeg (111.41 KB, 917x499, 917:499, AA0AEFF8-08CA-439B-933F-6….jpeg)

File: 1416456a45569f3⋯.jpeg (119.39 KB, 917x499, 917:499, E3EB8BE0-DA46-47E1-AA80-7….jpeg)

5cee58  No.3210624

File: 275b74ac3e370e5⋯.png (358.62 KB, 550x367, 550:367, ClipboardImage.png)

c608b2  No.3210625

File: e52d3176396f1a9⋯.png (396.24 KB, 1053x611, 81:47, ClipboardImage.png)

A YouTuber who racked up hundreds of thousands of views pushing extreme conspiracy theories like QAnon, Pizzagate, and Flat Eartherism was arrested last week for allegedly threatening to massacre YouTube employees.

William Douglas, 35, was charged with cyberstalking and making threats after he was cuffed last Thursday by the FBI. The feds traced a series of death threats he made via social media back to his rural Oregon home, according to a criminal complaint. The threats came from a series of social media profiles where he ranted about fringe-right conspiracy theories and claimed YouTube was censoring him. In a still-live tweet from August, Douglas promoted a video promoting Nasim Aghdam, a YouTuber who opened fire on the company’s headquarters in April over the belief that her videos weren’t getting enough views.

In hundreds of videos, totalling hundreds of thousands of views, Douglas ranted about the New World Order, reptilians, government mind control, and Flat Earth theory. Recent videos also focused on right-wing conspiracies including QAnon, a ridiculous theory that falsely claims President Donald Trump is not actually under investigation, but that he is in fact investigating virtually every prominent Democrat and Hollywood figure for Satanic child sex-trafficking.

He even named his WiFi network after a related conspiracy theory.

The blog Contemptor previously noted that shortly into one of his QAnon videos, a message popped onto Douglas’s screen: “Connected to Wi-Fi network #investigatepizzagate”. That suggests Douglas named his home Wi-Fi network after the conspiracy theory that falsely claims Clinton allies are conducting child sex trafficking in the basement of a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant.

But despite racking up more than 400,000 views on his videos in fewer than two years, Douglas claimed YouTube was censoring him.



0e8ff0  No.3210626


FF. Fucking called it, anons. Watch for more today.

663b7e  No.3210627

To show how far she had to "walk" home


e6d67d  No.3210628

Leaked memos from the Bush era showing Schumer, Durbin, Leahey conspiring with radical leftist groups to block any appointees, with extra hatred toward latino nominees.



2fdff2  No.3210629


nazi fuckers!

62b8fd  No.3210630


This and the Sheila Jackson Lee Look at what I am doing Live on CSPAN is disregarable as fuckery.. "IMHO" god bless

6f3071  No.3210631

File: 49b112d454f9c35⋯.jpeg (513.48 KB, 1242x668, 621:334, 219F87E6-0F00-4109-8836-B….jpeg)

70652a  No.3210632

Baker Offering Handoff

Any Anons that wish to bake are welcome to volunteer.

Offer will be rescinded @400 if no one volunteers.

BV's, please be advised.

c3d187  No.3210633

Yemen Government Ends UN Rights Experts' Mandate Over Scathing Report

The Yemeni cabinet on Thursday announced the end of the mandate in the country of the UN human rights agency's group of experts over its criticism of violence by its allies, as reported by Al Jazeera news channel.

"The mandate of the UN Human Rights Council’s group of experts will be discontinued," the cabinet said in a statement, cited by Al Jazeera news channel.

Yemen's internationally-recognized government accused the experts of pro-rebel bias and attempts to politicize humanitarian crisis in the country, hit by five years of civil war.

The monitoring group published a 41-page report in August, accusing the government’s Gulf allies of being behind most civilian casualties. It said the Saudi coalition made little effort to minimize civilian deaths, launching airstrikes at residential areas, weddings, and clinics.


dfd72b  No.3210635

File: 210b85c26d2ada3⋯.png (342.17 KB, 546x345, 182:115, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

Follow the wives.

c31608  No.3210636

File: 1f2385c4ab0c4b4⋯.jpg (115.67 KB, 620x349, 620:349, Kav.jpg)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

d3390e  No.3210637

File: 77e2f81cd925b8a⋯.jpg (85.75 KB, 730x648, 365:324, brokejungle.jpg)

ec026c  No.3210638

>>3210220 (pb)

Someone who won’t be comped by mason blood oaths too.

183c74  No.3210639

File: 7583b7305844b11⋯.png (270.15 KB, 800x449, 800:449, Ford.png)

Jesus these phone calls on C-span. All females so far.

Thought C-span was different but guess I'm wrong. The deep state is deep in everything.

12155c  No.3210640

>>3210620 (pb)

How did she even find someone to drive her home since she had just run out into the street?

9606b1  No.3210641


First person she would have called is her MOM. Unless she was so fucked up and had been busted whoring around before.

c6c739  No.3210642

File: 6ecbbceda4dcf7c⋯.png (372.78 KB, 504x362, 252:181, beachfriends.png)

Beach Friends

f5548e  No.3210643



dea60d  No.3210644

During the break, is that Ford's male attorney having a gaggle in a room filled with microphones and cameras?

af8bc6  No.3210645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, today's hearing on Capitol Hill was yet another infernal dumpster fire for the Swamp.


76c450  No.3210646

>>3209863 l.b

Perjury is a separate formal charge made after there is some persuasive evidence of lying under oath.

6cdb4e  No.3210647

File: 333ad4461498b1f⋯.jpg (383.75 KB, 1280x356, 320:89, PetCir.jpg)

Panem et Circenses


3807ad  No.3210648

File: c43a88773b2dc98⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1666x938, 119:67, smiling 6.png)

File: 1ece905a6da8c83⋯.png (1004.76 KB, 1191x775, 1191:775, looking left 3.png)

File: 8f269bac5450607⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1360x1433, 1360:1433, lawyer mic.png)

File: 0043e40a05ca389⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1838x795, 1838:795, lawyer blasey ford 3.png)

63dbf8  No.3210649

Kavanaugh vote is tomorrow, correct?

aee06b  No.3210650

File: 84ff12fcdbd8b0c⋯.jpg (167.12 KB, 1671x627, 557:209, !inprogress2.jpg)

just sayin'

57671e  No.3210651

File: a250d8b5a178645⋯.png (181.66 KB, 863x851, 863:851, Q RUTH BADER GINSBERG.PNG)

File: 9be7f666c830691⋯.png (59.57 KB, 730x822, 365:411, Q RUTH BADER GINSBERG2.PNG)

File: 558b2c8245fd02f⋯.png (61.96 KB, 757x736, 757:736, Q RUTH BADER GINSBERG3.PNG)

File: b5044512d1795ee⋯.png (58.14 KB, 760x797, 760:797, Q RUTH BADER GINSBERG4.PNG)

File: 17f1183f99b738e⋯.png (21.86 KB, 665x423, 665:423, Q RUTH BADER GINSBERG5.PNG)

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Abortion Is About Getting Rid Of Undesirables

Friday, July 10, 2009 Posted by Shattered Paradigm



0e8ff0  No.3210652


The committee wouldn't have fit in her house, even using both front doors, b/c goog-interz were busy de-googing her stuff n' eating her tendies.

1e925d  No.3210653

File: 972e870ee833ec0⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Memes31.jpg)


Can you help me bring back Memes31 which I baked yesterday in anticipation of need?

I used


and got Thread Does Not Exist.

Here is the graphic for Memes31.

If you want to keep the blank one that somebody else baked because my Memes31 404'd today, here is the graphic for it.



5c3ce3  No.3210654

File: 4fa5d7bc6a86911⋯.gif (917.46 KB, 497x280, 71:40, karlhole.gif)

>>3210058 lb

>>3210081 ..

>>3210091 ..

>>3210097 ..

>>3210165 ..

>>3210185 ..

>>3210197 ..

>>3210454 lb

3edbf3  No.3210655

I can see it now:



70e1f4  No.3210657


Who is that?

6ec69d  No.3210658

Why has Google Maps and Streetview

And the Bing aerial view and streetview

Been blocked or deleted for an area in Rehobeth Beach, DE

In which the home of Dawn Ford is located at

20 Branchwood Dr", Rehoboth Beach, DE

Doesn't this sound like something the CIA would do

To an area where they have safe houses or agents living?

Note at the very beginning of Ford's testimony

SHe wanted to ask a question of the man beside her

So she wrote it on a piece of paper

Just like a CIA agent who knows they could be under surveillance

And their lips could be read.

8a0799  No.3210659


You're focusing on a stupid detail.

I can think of dozens of houses I've been in where I could be in an upstairs bathroom with the door closed, and there would be a 0% anyone could walk up or down the stairs without me knowing, even doing so normally.

If they were bouncing up and down and smashing into walls, even more so.

Mitchell, being more intelligent than you, wisely accepted the more reasonable part of the story (hearing them bounce down the stairs) and focused on the much less plausible details (that she somehow knew they were talking, even though she couldn't hear them).

c14e53  No.3210660


She would have told her best friend.

63dbf8  No.3210661

File: 5f57a016dea6c3d⋯.png (331.65 KB, 533x533, 1:1, 1.PNG)

File: db2aaf0ad7e81d3⋯.png (316.39 KB, 534x535, 534:535, 2.PNG)

File: 0cd670df27a99f8⋯.png (325.05 KB, 531x535, 531:535, 3.PNG)

ae20fa  No.3210662


>Jesus these phone calls on C-span. All females so far.

>Thought C-span was different but guess I'm wrong. The deep state is deep in everything.

The current one literally said "Friend's brother assaulted me… Never told anyone but my husband because I'd never want to harm the family… Gives PII on a fucking C-SPAN hotline to the entire universe…"

Some of these calls are bullshit.

76c450  No.3210663


Did youtube shut down Q's youtube channel? lol

f0274b  No.3210664

File: 7530c8c48b0276e⋯.png (887.74 KB, 665x749, 95:107, ClipboardImage.png)

3c8c40  No.3210665

>>3210599last bread

Distance from any one of those homes or club to her home. She didn't walk.

e6d67d  No.3210666


Any anons ever hear of this guy before? See his vids?

183c74  No.3210667


Supposedly. Let's see what these weak spined Republicans pull.

cdc21f  No.3210668

Ford said she took the polygraph on the day of a funeral.

"Determine if the person to be tested is/would be reasonably well-rested and reasonably healthy. We cannot test someone who has not had sufficient sleep the night before, someone who is emotionally upset, someone who is ill or injured, someone who is in pain, someone who is distressed, someone who smells of alcohol, and a female who is pregnant. If a person is found to be unsuitable for testing, the polygraph session will be terminated and the appointment would have to be paid for in full."


571de9  No.3210669







a70cba  No.3210670




739098  No.3210671

This SCOTUS media frenzy is Patriots in control?

Lying about FISA declassification is Patriots in control?

Witch Hunt some 18 months strong is Patriots in control?

5c3ce3  No.3210673

File: ecda18e0a685990⋯.jpg (13.97 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Nasim-Aghdam.jpg)

c31608  No.3210674

File: 30a6a96b2aaa8fd⋯.jpg (103.33 KB, 500x659, 500:659, EnjoyingTheShow..jpg)


Nobody is buying what you are selling!



0e8ff0  No.3210676


oh kekkkk

3519d4  No.3210677


I don’t remember our original Nasimfag being a flat earther, do you? This one must be a different one.

85594e  No.3210678

File: 9ed7d595029799a⋯.png (53.38 KB, 204x234, 34:39, test.png)


The guy carries a witness badge – any way to get something like a list of witnesses for this hearing?

d4940e  No.3210679

File: a4a7b5ed04d3597⋯.png (216.74 KB, 660x632, 165:158, Hannity Tweet re POTUS RR ….PNG)

File: dadf4e103500846⋯.png (14.12 KB, 462x247, 462:247, Hannity re POTUS RR Mtg De….PNG)

DEVELOPING: President Trump Delays Rosenstein Meeting ‘Until Next Week’


dc3982  No.3210680


but the radio was up full blast and no one turned it down at the gathering that wasn't really a party but might turn into a party later that night

a60ecb  No.3210681

Kavanaugh Accuser's hair is unusual…


9faeca  No.3210682

Knowing how our ads on here tend to line up with something said in the previous bread, I'm going to wager this "Diana on Twitch" is going to go one way or another linked to this Youtube shooter.

"Twitch", "Shooter", and "Diana".

Just need to solve "Diana". A little too esay to just be the girl presented. Probably photoshop bait.

3807ad  No.3210683

File: 0b17a9a13cec0bd⋯.png (971.86 KB, 1046x905, 1046:905, head shot 4.png)

File: 52c7cf8c5b87fa1⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1635x1407, 545:469, hands up.png)

File: 7531969df0dfbe6⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1643x1328, 1643:1328, crazy eyes.png)

File: f5458739dd84f0d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1004x1098, 502:549, dumb face.png)

c608b2  No.3210684


Just the committee vote, then it goes to full Senate

c82dc4  No.3210685


I agree - we need post-birth abortion!

RBG is our first candidate.

92af72  No.3210686

Watching the Kav/Ford hearing. My two cents:

So everyone gets groped as a teenager at some point…. what make this an assault.

She is very believable from a snowflake POV.

b5713e  No.3210687

She was asking for it and it was charity.

The expert option of a world class gang banger

8c6803  No.3210688

File: 96a0694ee1ad42a⋯.jpg (419.38 KB, 1200x1487, 1200:1487, St Michael Prayer.jpg)

c997b2  No.3210689


Interns in the other room (ages old trick)

dea60d  No.3210690


answer my own question-no.

d53cb5  No.3210691

As the highest ranking Anon i'd just like to say if you have something important to post do it past post 20 and before 725.

Otherwise I won't read it.

And you all know how important it is that I read it.

bac5a2  No.3210692

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's Amy Schumer guys. Wake the fuck up.

21c73a  No.3210693

File: 0043e40a05ca389⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1838x795, 1838:795, 0043e40a05ca389db5ff9214d7….png)

Best Possible First Question after the lunch break

Dr. Ford, what did you just have for lunch?

40d1e4  No.3210694

R = Reply

I = Image

P = ?????

046c98  No.3210695

I cannot search OLD BREAD, but I swear that since Ford's name was made public, there was at least one POST here showing that Ford was involved with teaching/studying polygraph tests at some point in her career…. was snip of paper she wrote/published? maybe I'm mistaken. Can someone with skills look in old bread? thx in advance

2dfd42  No.3210696

File: 6ad98a0dc3b5b0c⋯.jpg (375.33 KB, 1224x1728, 17:24, 1989.09.01 - Karin and Mir….jpg)

BO/CM, whatever you guys did to speed up the board when many anons are here has clearly not worked. What is the next step to fix this lag/freeze problem?

(TYx2 for you two)

b83eeb  No.3210697

Her voice really annoys me. Usually, when women have a voice like that, it is because they have a short torso. It is usually petite women. She does not look so petite to me.

b26462  No.3210698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what's in your envelope?

3b5f5a  No.3210699

File: d0c6eb4ab002322⋯.jpg (357.79 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, IMG_081.jpg)

3cc0d3  No.3210700

"Indelible in the hippocampus"

she's fucking nuts

1f21b5  No.3210701

File: 890a189959dcbf2⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 617x434, 617:434, russell-ford-1.jpg)

File: 313b471d011b73c⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 588x500, 147:125, russell-ford-2.jpg)

File: 8da508699f79af9⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 558x444, 93:74, baldy.jpg)

File: 1da837afc4c45c2⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 813x444, 271:148, baldy-kiss.jpg)

>>3210224 (l.b.)




can't vouch for the sauce, but this is supposedly her husband.

doesn't look at all like Mr. Groper in the chamber to me.

looking for earlier grabs now.


b6c8f7  No.3210702

https ://www. thedailybeast.com/qanon-fan-arrested-for-threatening-massacre-at-youtube-headquarters

False Flag.

Attacks will intensify.

8fc9a3  No.3210703


I came here to post this. WTF. That can NOT be Legal, right?!


40d1e4  No.3210704


oh page nvm…

a94275  No.3210706

c3d187  No.3210707


Cock 3 ways!

a9290e  No.3210708

File: 3249fad0d254ea4⋯.jpg (165.46 KB, 1332x500, 333:125, mkuntrahoad.jpg)

d3390e  No.3210709

File: 79e4ca1f770722e⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 639x778, 639:778, kim.jpg)


Well fuck

There goes the neighborhood.

b5713e  No.3210710


We will never know.

Dat vid went bye bye

2c7fac  No.3210712


this cannot be stressed enough

416225  No.3210713

>>3210470 (lb)

This is a huge problem. Basically media declaring open season on men. The legacy media needs to die ASAP. As of right now, if you just want to destroy a male find someone to make an accusation that cannot be verified and they are ruined for life with no recourse.

Lets see how this plays out, but can't say I'm happy with what I'm hearing outside of the Congressional hearing (I know it's propaganda). Its quite clear she is a liar when you listen yourself and bypass the legacy media. I hope Trump has something ready to spring that makes them all eat shit.

bd4a2e  No.3210714

File: a042b69d9e363a0⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1316x692, 329:173, capture_494_27092018_09565….png)

Lazing CBF…

398549  No.3210715

File: 06ac444bedd0990⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 3002x1501, 2:1, comeWIN.jpg)

File: d4193ebb2fc1a77⋯.jpg (714.74 KB, 1476x812, 369:203, yetanothermask.jpg)

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

13e0d7  No.3210716

File: d80d5f2544138ce⋯.jpg (18.91 KB, 396x372, 33:31, images-5.jpg)

fd8aee  No.3210717


I think Mitchel is going to come back and identify where these boys lived to show they were 7 plus miles away from the Country Club. The only thing I don't know is who the 4th boy is and where he lived because that is being insinuated to be the house

2fdff2  No.3210718

8a7470  No.3210719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3210599 bread of previous

Chevy chase --> Bill Murry --> Caddyshack -->BOOM BOOM BOOM

1b3f7c  No.3210720


2 Cokes, 2 coffees, and one DeerInTheHeadlights.

c14e53  No.3210721


I like her hair.

283bd2  No.3210722


Anon, you can hear someone bouncing off the walls.

I've heard it.

6c7e51  No.3210723

They're 8 minutes late

8c6803  No.3210724

Every single caller into CSPAN has been a raped/molested woman.

f9006f  No.3210726


I was just about to ask about this too

Thanks for being on top of it memebaker

abc61a  No.3210727

File: a8a77de26c9a84b⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 500x286, 250:143, 16.JPG)

f5a548  No.3210728

File: 0693ac53a871575⋯.png (330.22 KB, 736x404, 184:101, fbiii.png)

hey alphabet agencies watching us -

PLEASE someone in the hearing ask what that lady passed to the lawyer. and she had another one in hand still.

and her look and behavior suggested she thinks she got away with the pass.

most gracious and humble thanks:


3b517f  No.3210729


They actually acted on that. Look up Miguel Estrada. Completely detailed his nomination to the DC Circuit.

f02ee0  No.3210730


Sounds like a…


0a4eb0  No.3210731


McCain was.

dd50ad  No.3210732


I don't think so, the teeth don't match.

140f16  No.3210733


That's hitting my head. I raised kids in that time. In a fairly up-mobile area. NO girl would have spoiled her rep walking that far.

NO WAY. Not in that era. Not gonna happen.

76c450  No.3210735


Did Q send him a pm on his Q Secret Squirrel Decoder Ring? Mine said,

"Submarine Mission on after Kav."

7e17d5  No.3210736



68658b  No.3210737

ok, coining it now: SURVIVOR PRIVILEGE.

live woman right now on CSPAN crying about her violent assault as if no one on earth ever lived any worse hardship.

8fc9a3  No.3210738

File: d89f7d4545f464f⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 255x239, 255:239, 1538068242004.gif)

b5713e  No.3210739

This is a major setback for a woman’s right to gang bang

83f485  No.3210740


Can I just chime in to say this hearing is utter bullshit?! Fox news stating her emotional state lends credibility to her story. I can actually produce real full-on tears in recounting, step-by-step, my harrowing tale of out the garbage this morning…. even though my husband took out the garbage this morning. She was smiling & chatting moments before the scared little shakey voiced girl emerged to tell her pathetic story. This is a kick in the crotch to any woman who's actually been sexually assaulted

6ec69d  No.3210741


IT's the same as the spurious details in her testimony

Of things like a certain memory being burned into the hippocampus

And use of terms like sequelae.

And she makes a fuss about having a second front door in her Palo Alto home

And says this is a strange thing (it's not)

And it must be because of her trauma

But later she correctly states

That it is because they rent out part of the house

It is probably an illegal duplex

Where the division between the two halves is maintained

By having an internal door that is always locked

Except when a city council inspector is visiting because of complaints by the neighbors

That it is an illegal duplex.

13e0d7  No.3210742

With how weird this planet is aliens sounds like the normal thing rofl

183c74  No.3210743


I get a lot of Clapper results in reverse image search kek

Could be a relative

70e1f4  No.3210744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tons of duping delight in this testimony.

f0274b  No.3210745

File: b4af7a513c515ca⋯.png (562.35 KB, 674x668, 337:334, nASSim.PNG)


CALLED THIS A LONG FUKKEN TIME AGO, FREN. The useful idiots still posting her ugly face here are shills trying to discredit our work. SHE IS NO HERO!!

8df5f3  No.3210746

Notice how all MSM is using all female anchors for this livestream coverage. God forbid a man have an opinion on this…

df48b5  No.3210747


I'm one of the more serious anons. Think we shoudn't post unless contributing etc. but the Nasim memes get me every time kek. Am I the only one?

a4296c  No.3210748

File: 6653643af18656b⋯.jpg (106.9 KB, 536x821, 536:821, pjsfwow5too11.jpg)

bce32b  No.3210749

this movie is getting old.

d53cb5  No.3210750

File: 070be5fbc51885c⋯.png (349.84 KB, 480x600, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

d8c1af  No.3210751

File: 7de95e4808aef2a⋯.png (44.14 KB, 610x341, 610:341, AQ21.PNG)

Ford's polygraph expert has been a subcontractor of the Democrat law firm representing Ford in DC.

c80839  No.3210752


Your either gay or your female….tits. Its a rule. I didnt make it. The Marines did.

627c02  No.3210753

(((Blumenthal))) has got to be slimiest motherfucker on the planet, let alone the Senate

a4296c  No.3210754

File: f97a16f9d888038⋯.jpg (27.76 KB, 540x251, 540:251, 1433793.jpg)

0e8ff0  No.3210755


Only highest ranking anons received these msgs.

3075b5  No.3210757


If Kavanaugh is blocked it should be clear to anyone that POTUS and co are getting their asses kicked and all Q followers will soon be in prison camps.

9e1e98  No.3210758



dc3982  No.3210759

>Claims the "gathering" wasn't really a party

>Also claims there was loud music playing

Who plays loud music at a "not party" gathering?

c14e53  No.3210760


It’s a long one.

68658b  No.3210761


> This is a kick in the crotch to any woman who's actually been sexually assaulted

that part is so maddening.


d4940e  No.3210762

File: f8e0acf446971a7⋯.png (53.99 KB, 663x529, 663:529, SDavis re Ford Atty Sancti….PNG)

91c1eb  No.3210763

File: 2b5da471be0023d⋯.png (509.99 KB, 500x546, 250:273, ClipboardImage.png)

f5548e  No.3210764




Seriously though it's like NasimFag was comforting now I'm concerned. This doesn't bode well.

b5713e  No.3210765


So Pretty

140f16  No.3210766


The other thing going on that that time was The Pill passed out by mommies. Freely. Just so girlies could do that without "consequences."

49e800  No.3210767

Regarding the cell phone… one thing that's possible is that this woman was assaulted, but later in life and she's projecting onto high school. Might explain her issues in college, but no issues in HS.

a6bd05  No.3210768

First analogue cell phones introduced in the US in October 1983. Likely expensive and not handed out to teenagers.

1c19f3  No.3210769


Those who praise it are the same who praise antifa

183c74  No.3210770



40d1e4  No.3210771


Her third eye must have been opened!

76c450  No.3210772


NavySealThreatFag killed most of them.

aee06b  No.3210773

File: ffdb4dbba9aa406⋯.png (60.2 KB, 370x228, 185:114, !survivor1.png)




They are (pic related)


932574  No.3210774

File: f9b4cd439814519⋯.jpg (210.54 KB, 1242x666, 69:37, 1538069145629.jpg)

d99ee5  No.3210775

File: ef2066438fad8ae⋯.jpeg (39.07 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 4F8955A9-DE4A-459B-9362-A….jpeg)

6e885b  No.3210776

Her hair does seem big enough to hide a earpiece

12155c  No.3210777

9085d1  No.3210778

File: 07139e524cb45b8⋯.gif (151.36 KB, 500x327, 500:327, 1455320230178.gif)


then fuck off to netflix faggot, might be more your speed

8c9400  No.3210779


There are no stupid details. But keep being an asshole. It's funny.

17d6bd  No.3210780

Steve Bannon is running Q

No sauce other than General Flynn's recent citizen journalist comments

Justice for Andrew Breitbart


c67433  No.3210781

Last person you would call would be mom.


96c5fc  No.3210782


get used to it…kek

183c74  No.3210783


I was so drunk on one beer I can't remember all the details

e6d67d  No.3210784


That was only in the bedroom where she was raped, in the living room the music wasn't loud.

No kegger I been to in the 80s didn't have loud music blasting in the living room, and some had bands in the back yard FFS.

8a7470  No.3210785

File: 95593ee7c240011⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whatTheEverLovingFuck.jpg)


And she may have had a ride, but doesn't remember. The person who picked her up didn't ask what was wrong, never followed up with her or Ford's parents (15 year old girl wandering around and needing a ride), and never contacted her again.

9fecbc  No.3210786

Tie goes to the victim. People are terrified of public speaking. Where's the Moab? Where's the gorsuch letter? As if now this is a Dem win.

ef5541  No.3210787




Its all in the details. Like she said it was an incredibly narrow stairway and yet they had room to pin ball down the stairs

And who's house was this anyway?

25543e  No.3210788



GF said the same phrase @ lunch a bit ago = post-partum abortion…

70e1f4  No.3210789


No tears. The whites of her eyes even stay perfectly white. At a bear minimum there should be redness and swelling.

5c3ce3  No.3210791

File: 73991915ad1b97b⋯.png (183.53 KB, 800x387, 800:387, nasimyou1.PNG)


<pic related


>Think we shoudn't post unless contributing etc

"Contributions" take many forms. kek

9085d1  No.3210792

File: feb200a1ffcd451⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 260x146, 130:73, 1431801798614.gif)

a6cde1  No.3210793


Congrats. You’re really starting to WAKE UP now.

aa6ebb  No.3210794


I get it, but you DO REALIZE that Chevy Chase, Maryland IS the elite suburb of DC…?

76c450  No.3210795


So how is she alive?

4721dc  No.3210796

File: d06e9655e3782d6⋯.mp4 (2 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 7pkI6sW7UM0q5l5X.mp4)

a42656  No.3210797

The purpose of this K hearing is to present a case so preposterous that the even the dull normies begin to think or to question MSM's presentation of reality.

c3d187  No.3210798

File: be70fc8389dbe83⋯.png (626.46 KB, 738x392, 369:196, ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu claiming Iran has another secret nuke site, live at UN

f9006f  No.3210799

File: bd956ebd89ad1fd⋯.png (292.3 KB, 992x415, 992:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84cecc18745748e⋯.png (222.69 KB, 534x401, 534:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Does this not look like the same person to anyone else?

8a7470  No.3210800


GTFO shill!

c14e53  No.3210801

File: 7d02bdc2a0bb4fe⋯.jpeg (103.64 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 28EB64B6-0635-4137-8445-0….jpeg)

c67433  No.3210802


she wasn't raped. felt up is all

183c74  No.3210803



f53d35  No.3210804

File: 979536ee63a6aa3⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 416x311, 416:311, dennis.gif)

f3fab2  No.3210805


Guise, they are ALL comp'ed. QNN! WE are the news now. The 4th Estate has failed us. Fox is no different.

2f00b0  No.3210806


>this movie is getting old.

It's not for everyone.

f03c64  No.3210808


Two front doors…great catch Anon.

1e925d  No.3210809

File: 214c68ce079e962⋯.jpg (300.35 KB, 964x771, 964:771, SimpleFarmerMAGA.jpg)


Now I can't find the meta bread to talk with Bo/BV. Hopefully they will see my 2 Reports.


Please add Memes31 >>3210251 to your dough.

We'll try to get it cleaned up. It's usable although not pretty :-)

70e1f4  No.3210810

c997b2  No.3210811


Vagina confirms

bac5a2  No.3210812

File: 16e25fd418bb6cb⋯.jpg (92.89 KB, 634x787, 634:787, 40127CA400000578-0-image-m….jpg)

File: a2756d4d56666eb⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1020x1246, 510:623, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)


Same teeth

13e0d7  No.3210813


Are they less faggy than this planet

If so

Bring em on

283bd2  No.3210814


She has not said she was raped.

a42656  No.3210815



34581c  No.3210816



"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." Matt. 18:19

I formally state here. I agree with you.

1f21b5  No.3210817

File: c27ddbd7fc3d285⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 542x327, 542:327, sheila-baby.jpg)

>>3209337 (pb)


stupid is as stupid does

she actually thought no one caught that

8fc9a3  No.3210818



I hope someone asks about it!!

That bitch is shady as fuck too.

85594e  No.3210819


Thought so too – there is a similarity. Has the same ratface – but not quite Clapper, me thinks.

Not her husband Russell Ford either


a6bd05  No.3210820

Ford looks like Stifler’s mom.

91c1eb  No.3210821

File: 514601b2981f44a⋯.png (596.22 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Dude Stop!.png)

ef5541  No.3210822


tears tickle then nose and run down the back of the throat causing reflexive swallowing and holding of breath to try to prevent tears.

She's fake crying

6c7e51  No.3210823


Gen Flynn said that in 2016.

c72a70  No.3210824



As in,

You're either in grade school and can't spell,


You're retarded and should lurk moar and post less….

83f485  No.3210825

File: 8bd6e829bb61243⋯.png (199.25 KB, 439x344, 439:344, Screenshot_2018-09-27-13-2….png)


Ask & ye shall receive 😜

368cc3  No.3210826

File: c44dccafbc41774⋯.png (9.17 KB, 588x170, 294:85, ClipboardImage.png)


bd4a2e  No.3210827

File: 24eb19dd8e04e57⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1318x691, 1318:691, capture_495_27092018_09565….png)


CBF takes another laze, look closely at her (((smile)))

276200  No.3210828



That was the most telling moment so far. All three - CFB and both lawyers panicked at that question and lawyer to right grabbed microphone. Even so, CFB still replied - did she say enough to drop her lawyers in it?

a94275  No.3210829


Except they only show edited biased parts on tv, as they always do

917f9a  No.3210830

You are FAILING. Dr. Ford has been nothing but tough and straightforward

Bye bye kavanaugh, bye bye Trump SC

c3d187  No.3210831

File: 5e5829924495435⋯.png (540.36 KB, 622x399, 622:399, ClipboardImage.png)



That's convincing!

9085d1  No.3210832

File: 93451aad3aaa1d5⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 1571x543, 1571:543, eb665b28ec35bfcec68524eb86….jpg)


its not

627c02  No.3210833


GOP has to blow this fucker open:

1) Be sympathetic to Ford, say something terrible happened to her, but she's mistaken about Kavanaugh

2) Bring out the two guys who believe they were the ones who had the incident with Ford

3) Utterly eviscerate the Democrats for having created this entire situation through their shameless political calculations and rank dishonesty

1088f8  No.3210834



Normies just celebrate a survivor

They have no doubt she is credible

We have to stop wishful thinking and get back to reality

12155c  No.3210835


She had her hair darkened to not look so dingy

e156e5  No.3210836

>>3210510 pb

>>3210488 pb

>>3210527 pb

They use fake photos for their operatives

Or they needed to hire a lookalike for the hearing

The FBI is in charge of vetting someone's background. And they don't do their job.

Half of Congress could be under false names.


Age is wrong. That lady is not 50. Did someone check her ID before she went in there?

>>3210611 pb

>>3210622 pb

Langley always writes crappy narratives.

Notice how "she" couldn't properly forge a letter either. They must miss Strozk

d49d1b  No.3210837

File: c1056a0eff6eead⋯.png (1.17 MB, 786x632, 393:316, if-you-strike-me-down.png)

d55fcd  No.3210838


very good!

6ec69d  No.3210839


One of the side effects of MK Ultra programming

Is that the person can 100% pass lie detector testing

Their ego is broken into multiple personas

One persona can commit crimes

And then be parked in the background

While another persona has control

And 100% honestly replies to polygraph test questions

This persona can state that they were NOT in the location of the crime

And did NOT commit the crime

And since they are telling the truth

They 100% pass the test as telling the truth.

This Research Psychologist from Stanford

Is likely engaged in creating and maintaining

MK Ultra slaves.

And her patchy credentials and past

Is a sign of a CIA agent working under cover.

6ab38d  No.3210840


need a Serena Coaching meme

2fdff2  No.3210841


they didn't even conceal the teeth

4838ae  No.3210842



Slimey motherfuckka

8a7470  No.3210843


Yes, my memory is foggy to but I am sure that post raped me. As to not being able to do the research, learn or head to VOAT.

a9290e  No.3210844

File: fa3e551293fbac7⋯.png (806.51 KB, 960x550, 96:55, f5458739dd84f0d080eb699a77….png)


she's scary looking

1e925d  No.3210845


BO wants me to re-bake.

>>3210790 ob

As you wish.

Memebaking right now.....

0f29c5  No.3210846

Live feed?

a973a9  No.3210847

Before and after the beach party

f5548e  No.3210849



2dfd42  No.3210850

File: 8fecdfb6dca2127⋯.jpg (11.03 KB, 300x240, 5:4, 8fecdfb6dca212754c798f9b13….jpg)

486e3a  No.3210851

File: e8f31a0722bc281⋯.jpeg (145.98 KB, 1000x865, 200:173, D9276CFA-81B7-4DC5-8299-3….jpeg)

9085d1  No.3210852

5f8dbf  No.3210853

File: 6e1c54fa896c9b4⋯.jpg (95.39 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 2iv7fd.jpg)

a55dbf  No.3210854


Wife of Brett?

c80839  No.3210855


You are new or no fun at all.

2719c5  No.3210856


Wheres the Acme bomb pic.?

63dbf8  No.3210857

File: 395f977ed87c13b⋯.png (238.43 KB, 509x489, 509:489, Capture.PNG)


7ed439  No.3210858

Call your Congressional Representative and ask for an investigation of Sheila Jackson Lee's hand off

Switch board: 202-224-3121

283bd2  No.3210859


So, you cant bounce around a narrow stairwell?

C'mon. Let's be intellectually honest here.

bae22c  No.3210860

Take a look at this article written by CBF in Dec 2005 following 9/11 victims and how they managed.

The one thing that stuck out was that over time after a traumatic event was Spiritual Growth.

Compare the 2 and what I find in her testimony is not one mention of Faith.

She studied trauma victims and compares hers and theirs and as she was not raped, the only thing I would understand is fear of being held down and never being with a man alone and more aware of her environment and choices.

She can remember 36 years ago but not the last 8 weeks. HMMMMM

CBF research study sauce to above mentioned 9/11



All papers she co authored:

https:// www.researchgate.net/profile/Christine_Blasey

b5713e  No.3210861

File: 47f4c2f0eba7bb4⋯.jpeg (34.48 KB, 362x263, 362:263, F799A59C-DFE0-44B0-B1F7-3….jpeg)

8a7480  No.3210862

File: a8d658ba9f02f33⋯.jpg (208.48 KB, 1500x1159, 1500:1159, boom.jpg)

2f00b0  No.3210864


It would be clear that some of those "unthinkable" measures Q alluded to in his first posts should be on the table.

217739  No.3210865

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey exposed for ties to Big Pharma abortion pill maker… effort to derail Kavanaugh is plot to protect abortion industry profits

(Natural News) Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, who claims — without any evidence — that Kavanaugh inappropriately touched her at a drunken party while in high school, turns out to have ties to an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Corcept Therapeutics. This discovery brings to light an obvious conflict of interest in Blasey’s story, revealing that she works for a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug, whose profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.

Corcept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.

https ://www.naturalnews.com/2018-09-20-kavanaugh-accuser-christine-blasey-exposed-for-ties-to-big-pharma-abortion-pill-maker.html#

a91f9a  No.3210866

Why the fuck is this shit show allowed? She should be in jail, not at hearing. Bullshit.

3cc9da  No.3210867


It is though.

25543e  No.3210868


GF quote @ lunch watching the shitshow: "So this shitshow is about a guy copping a feel in fucken high school? Fuck the whole bunch of these congress assholes. No wonder they never do anything but make dumb as fuck laws."

9afcf2  No.3210869

What a fraud this woman is. Coached. She's not there to purely tell the story as a real vicim would. She is there only for the impact of it for the cause (the resistance).

8cd744  No.3210870


passing notes is perfectly legal and what attorneys/clients usually do

76c450  No.3210871


0 of 10 anons would grope.

dfd72b  No.3210872


Prepare for war.

b5c84e  No.3210873


I love that show. New season just started too :)

8a7480  No.3210874

File: 16ec3bd566abcaa⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 653x600, 653:600, bush_ball.jpg)

217739  No.3210875


Child sacrifice ? Abortion ?

Is she in the cult ?

30361f  No.3210876





470c88  No.3210877



Femanaon here, I’ve been assaulted badly and I’ve been groped, the latter is a big nothing and anyone who is this emotional, without tears, is malingering. There is no question in my mind that she knows she’s lying, this is not a case of mistaken identity.

ee0591  No.3210878

File: 711ad6e7a426a0e⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 1538069399450.jpg)

917f9a  No.3210879


Bye bye GOP

f9006f  No.3210880

File: cda94bceff74ae1⋯.png (239.82 KB, 306x420, 51:70, ClipboardImage.png)


And one more

b0aee8  No.3210881


Interdasting. Not the article, because I’m giving that website a (you), but the fact that you are the 1st post after dough WITH that website. Now, who would be behind this post and that threat? Hmm. And just one post. See if this gets you to post again.


Patriot -

Reminder: Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon'



If (((they))) do it at a rally, they’ll damn sure do it at YT, fits their MO nicely.

2fdff2  No.3210882


you didn't think damascus would turn itself to rubble, right?

3c8c40  No.3210883


For those of us who are unfamiliar and don't walk in that world…what does that mean, exactly?

Is the Polygrapher supposed to be an unbiased, unfam-with-case-person?

8fc9a3  No.3210884


Thank you!!

61c828  No.3210885

File: 685dbb2fdecfcb8⋯.png (238.89 KB, 728x348, 182:87, jghgjhgjh.PNG)

File: 4df8f6d2b9727f0⋯.jpg (81.12 KB, 934x324, 467:162, DoHhSqLXoAAVTZO.jpg)


f5548e  No.3210886


if anything i've been tremendously disappointed in how similar they DO look

309325  No.3210887

Q, CPS is still holding children hostage.

Doesn't POTUS care about the American children stolen from their families?

When will he acknowledge and return them?

Yes, we want to save ALL the children, but what about AMERICAN children stolen in broad daylight by our own government agency, denying them and their parents their constitutional rights?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, help us rescue our children, President Trump!

"You Will Never Be Ignored Again" ~President Trump

2f00b0  No.3210888


One yeast infection talking about another.

4d0344  No.3210889

So Trump did hint that there are circumstances under which he could change his mind about Kavanaugh. I wonder what kind of political currency this would buy him if indeed after all her testimony is heard, he retracts his support of Kavanaugh. Would the dems be able to go against his next (female) nominee at ALL at that point without looking like whiny political hacks? (worst than they already do)

ef1936  No.3210890


Don't forget Schiff

bedcde  No.3210891

Are they on lunch? I overslept

9085d1  No.3210892


>jawlines grow after puberty

it isnt

ea505e  No.3210893


We must be over fucking target.

3742c6  No.3210894

Fox news sayin some protester cunt comes up to graham and says "I WAS RAPED!" he says "i'm sorry, call the cops" KEK!

76c450  No.3210895


If you dunk her in a pond and she floats, it means she's a witch, burn her.

b0aee8  No.3210896


Not giving. Phonefagging goof didn’t proof.

217739  No.3210897


If Kavanaugh were to be confirmed on the U.S. Supreme Court and be part of a decision that overturns Roe vs. Wade, it would make the prescribing of Corcept’s drug for abortion illegal, directly impacting the bottom line profits of the company for which Christine Blasey works.

See this Medscape explanation of how this abortion pill works, where it explains the drug is “Indicated for the medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy through 70 days gestation in combination with misoprostol.”

bce32b  No.3210898


If they let her derail the confirmation, they deserve it.

132e55  No.3210899

File: 1f2839a4ec285f2⋯.png (736.69 KB, 854x570, 427:285, ClipboardImage.png)



wtf is an atomic warehouse ?

or atomic archive ?

6c7e51  No.3210900


Yep. Now 16 minutes late

2c7fac  No.3210901

File: 973f587bea38eae⋯.jpg (289.18 KB, 432x1440, 3:10, dedication_eagles.jpg)

File: 973f587bea38eae⋯.jpg (289.18 KB, 432x1440, 3:10, dedication_eagles.jpg)

File: 02c7b0cf3fe80e6⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 743x449, 743:449, 10commandmentskav.jpg)

File: 1192896705b2851⋯.jpg (227.57 KB, 942x492, 157:82, MICHAEL (2).jpg)

917f9a  No.3210902

And after Dems regain the House in November?

Bye bye Trump!

a0dd8b  No.3210903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7f72d7  No.3210904


>>3210488 (lb)

I mentioned that upper row of teeth like 4 breads ago. Good to see my mind wasn't tricking me. Thanks.

70e1f4  No.3210905


I have known for 6 years now how completely out of touch politicians and the media are with the general public. It is hilarious how they don't realize we all know this bitch is lying like a rug. KEK

bedcde  No.3210906


Thx fren

368cc3  No.3210907

File: 95cb2dab24a52d4⋯.png (394.49 KB, 698x453, 698:453, what do you do here.png)

953335  No.3210908

Dr Ford did not give therapist notes to WaPo. Her lawyers emailed them in advance

631403  No.3210909


It's only 51. A mere three years older than Melania.

8fc9a3  No.3210910


It's a Senator passing a note to the lawyer dip shit

0d0b79  No.3210911


fucking transtesticle

d9e2db  No.3210912


You need to take a civics class.

486e3a  No.3210913

File: cc5109bd71123d7⋯.jpeg (35.83 KB, 480x653, 480:653, 713E6241-B2AD-4338-93E5-F….jpeg)


Here. Hold this.

b20c68  No.3210914

File: 2345c389f2814ff⋯.png (403.88 KB, 918x541, 918:541, ClipboardImage.png)

76c450  No.3210915


I'm asking St. Michael to slash and burn all evildoers in all branches of US govt.

bce32b  No.3210916


muh optics, right?

b0aee8  No.3210917


Been over it imo, signs they are taking their last gasps.

e156e5  No.3210918


Everything is blurred on a small screen.

People with large screens may see the difference.

The whole "Sandy Hook" deal was broke open, not from people who caught the fraudulence of the fake narrative, but by those who saw the slleged family members on TV and knew they couldn't have just suffered the loss of a child.

The neighbor who supposedly took some children in, didn't help.

85594e  No.3210919

File: 672024108255e41⋯.png (337.8 KB, 622x454, 311:227, Baldy_Witness.png)

Baldy seems to be a witness of some capacity … (attached pic in case someone has a higher res stream & can read the badge)


63dbf8  No.3210920

File: 982689ae91e5432⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 750x750, 1:1, DoHbxzYX0Ao0a3P.jpg)

NOT the plane POTUS is on today. A newly painted one coming to Andrews AFB via the Potomac River.

2c7fac  No.3210921

File: 615d30a17ac53c3⋯.jpg (175.43 KB, 576x720, 4:5, KristinaFaggot.jpg)

2719c5  No.3210922


OK anons , lets war game the spin.

Dems. will cry no fair , no vote.

Rinos will waffle and waver….. ( under C.F.R. instruction )

What moves the needle ?

8ff302  No.3210924


Guess that gives me time to make breakfast then.

What's the hold up, Grassley hates people that are late.

ee0591  No.3210925

File: 9a837a826ac4fd1⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1538069539423.jpg)

d3390e  No.3210926

File: 47bec19f26aed98⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 318x237, 106:79, afroninja.gif)

Looks like her family had a shit ton more money than his.

f03c64  No.3210927

File: 7668aba91a4928a⋯.jpg (138.24 KB, 950x500, 19:10, FordAvenattiGerbil.jpg)

8a7470  No.3210928


Yes, twas but a joke to get the boom booms only.

9faeca  No.3210929



f9006f  No.3210930



Can Mattis take this one out back and horse whip it?

1b3f7c  No.3210932

File: 0ab278bfd457e79⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1517x1099, 1517:1099, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

917f9a  No.3210933

Dr. Ford is a true American patriot. Much more than any of you weak faggots

f090d5  No.3210934


If Trump pulls the Kavanaugh nomination it will be the biggest Democrat triumph since 2012 and they will scream with joy and exaltation for the next 6 weeks.

Not only will they not thank Trump for any reasonableness on his part, they will barnstorm the country promising to impeach him if they win the House.

Take that to the bank. The only win for Trump out of this is Kavanaugh on the SC. Otherwise he loses.

3807ad  No.3210935

File: 480064e6b775c5c⋯.png (251.59 KB, 461x511, 461:511, black guy 1.png)

File: 6149d26b41e7bb1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1280x911, 1280:911, dissapointed 2.png)

File: 1c327523f3c4f80⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1522x900, 761:450, lawyer 6.png)

File: 08b292ad29751cd⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1621x1419, 1621:1419, papers.png)

8a0799  No.3210936


They wouldn't have to worry about going against anyone.

If that happened, Rs will lose the midterms and won't have the votes to confirm anyone.

953335  No.3210937


Watch the water

a462ce  No.3210938


But Israel has illegal nuclear weapons at Dimona too. They will not let inspectors in. Destroy both sites.

917f9a  No.3210939

You are LOSING

dfd72b  No.3210940


The war won't be in Syria any more.

f5ca91  No.3210941

always next week nov 11 coming fast

I think most people are pissed at this garbage you have to be a criminal to vote for dems at this point, remember all your sources of info are looking at prison if he gets in so ya>>3210679

a0dd8b  No.3210942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a55dbf  No.3210943


That’s not gonna age well…

e647ab  No.3210944

File: 7324a0b60463659⋯.jpeg (225.84 KB, 750x605, 150:121, 8848A133-2AC4-4436-942E-C….jpeg)

2fdff2  No.3210945


if only there was an easier way to transport it

ae20fa  No.3210946

File: f5a320d230410f3⋯.png (935.94 KB, 670x1007, 670:1007, f5a320d230410f353ec838571f….png)


This pisses me the fuck off. I get it, but still…


Makes sense.


c-span doesn't delete things. It will all be there. All you have to do is go to the c-span feed (after this is finished), and "make a clip" with the scissor icon. Works quite well, actually. You'll just have to dredge through it to find where Sheila does the handoff.


This, and:


I am seriously doubting even that happened. She cannot recall shit without her script. Her lawyers have already panicked a few times, and there's a lot of back/forth depending on the questions that were asked earlier. Couldn't even remember if she gave a poly on the day of or before her own grandmother's funeral?

That's something you DON'T FORGET. But she can vividly recall getting grouped 36 years ago in a drunken haze?

She's. Fucking. Lying.

b10ece  No.3210947


How Stressful the POLY? only 2 Questions!

Former FBI agent who conducted polygraph on Christine Blasey Ford says he only asked two questions


8fc9a3  No.3210948


Dr. Donna!

a10574  No.3210949

File: 43620cbba3d7272⋯.png (93.05 KB, 711x481, 711:481, daymwut.png)

217739  No.3210950


http ://www.corcept.com/publications.html

Mifepristone reduces weight gain and improves metabolic abnormalities associated with risperidone treatment in normal men. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Dec;18(12):2295-300. doi: 10.1038/oby.2010.51. Epub 2010 Mar 25. Gross C, Blasey CM, Roe RL, Belanoff JK. View the PubMed Abstract

many more papers

f0274b  No.3210951

File: f236cb275eb2468⋯.png (193.28 KB, 402x569, 402:569, pepeknife.png)



<"Contributions" take many forms. kek

Case in point, always inappropriate use of "kek" to be 'Anon, just like you'

Not sure if retarded shill or necromancing retarded shill on Brock payroll

bedcde  No.3210952


That's something you don't see everyday

5c3ce3  No.3210953

File: 3de685d458e279b⋯.jpg (363.78 KB, 1200x400, 3:1, sjlhillary.jpg)


>It's a Senator passing a note

no, it's not.

7dbe4d  No.3210954


Me too, Femanon. I left that all behind me years ago. I WILL say this circus is triggering for me and it pisses me off that those of us who TRULY experienced assault are being put through the pain all over again by this bitch's theatrics. This should never happen.l

c80839  No.3210955


Why would you ever put a plane on a boat? Why not fix it where ever it is and fly the fucker around? This has got to be fake.

76c450  No.3210956


Top Cuck.

3075b5  No.3210957


They'll just paint him as a tin pot dictator, the UK could have kept the colonies by force if they had committed the resources but you need to win hearts and minds. If the looney can win this with only allegations and zero evidence they will succeed at winning hearts and minds.

e647ab  No.3210958

File: 88a98b3cff0c9d1⋯.jpeg (161.71 KB, 750x481, 750:481, 36D9CFE1-ADFE-4231-AAC7-8….jpeg)

183c74  No.3210959


Not seeing the guy on their lawfirm profile


2f00b0  No.3210960


Why allowed?

Because we tolerate bullshit, ad infinitum.

Hell, we celebrate it.

3737d3  No.3210961


Are you a Cooper Cougar?

a4296c  No.3210962

File: 55ea2b0d1cd51c9⋯.jpg (6.41 KB, 250x250, 1:1, pepe14.jpg)


If that's the case, why are you here shilling?

b78ff6  No.3210963

if this lady cant remember who drove her to the party or how she got home. thats enough to discredt all of this.. this will not do.. she knows she was at one perticular place then at the house.. she was not under diress going there. and the person who took her there was she there or just dropped her off…

b9a91e  No.3210964

Why are Democrats pushing so hard for an FBI investigation into Kavanaugh given that he already had 6 background checks?

Because it's a two-fer for Democrats:

1) They get to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation and possibly completely negate it.

2) They get to kick and screm impeachment for Trump should he in any way try to intervene in the investigation, even if it drags on and on and on, delaying filling the SC seat. Firing RR would then be called interfering with the Mueller investigation and the Kavanaugh investigation and fuel their call for impeachment.

0ae935  No.3210965

f9006f  No.3210966


Fucking cool

b83eeb  No.3210967


They had her go to a professional for her dye job.

560fc8  No.3210968


WMD someone call Colin Powell

1088f8  No.3210969


I agree but thats my point also. Those who can see already see. Those who cant will not. Anon was saying the hearing is to open notmies eyes. I dont think so. Its to piss of those who see and demonstrate who is still in charge

b557dd  No.3210970

File: 042fef111e24685⋯.gif (843.69 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 042fef111e2468537952b853c2….gif)



3742c6  No.3210971

And like clockwork at a perfect time to report it: https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-fan-arrested-for-threatening-massacre-at-youtube-headquarters

c3d187  No.3210972


Hypocrisy off the charts with this fucker

1c19f3  No.3210973

File: bf7b005bccdd679⋯.png (926.93 KB, 799x799, 1:1, Jaws_(Richard_Kiel)_-_Prof….png)

ef5541  No.3210974

So she said she bumped into Ford weeks later and he was embarrassed and avoided eye contact and yet she was obviously not as she said "Hello".

Yet she was emotionally scarred by the supposed event? So close to the event why wasn't she the one avoiding contact?

368cc3  No.3210975


We play chess not checkers.

67605f  No.3210976

File: 157eb50a10d9d24⋯.png (427.79 KB, 674x385, 674:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ef13130d106f1b⋯.png (442.28 KB, 669x386, 669:386, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1d9610e6cbb44b⋯.png (11.55 KB, 411x280, 411:280, ClipboardImage.png)

Grassley's extra security detail.

081291  No.3210977

File: 7b596ac1de806ee⋯.jpg (102.34 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 4BB63F9E00000578-5674503-i….jpg)




He sure does like his props.

a3b7f4  No.3210978


Talking to yourself, eh?

d2d39f  No.3210979

File: 40f61214a66ebe5⋯.jpg (46.78 KB, 534x356, 3:2, ford_beach.jpg)

This lady sounds retarded.

She remember it was Kavanaugh 100% but can't remember who took her to the party or who drove her home. Funny how the only names she remembers are boys….

She also has no clue who paid for her polygraph…. What?!

8a0799  No.3210980


Wow, what an idiot.

Boy is his face gonna be red when he finds out we have had a deal with Iran preventing them from having nukes this whole time, so obviously this couldn't be true.

76c450  No.3210981

953335  No.3210982

Fords suck

9fecbc  No.3210983

This is a Dem win. The echo chamber that is 8 chan doesn't fucking matter.

217739  No.3210984


Mifepristone reduces weight gain and improves metabolic abnormalities associated with risperidone treatment in normal men.


Antipsychotic medications are associated with significant weight gain, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and increased cardiovascular risk. The objective of this study was to determine whether mifepristone, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, could prevent risperidone-induced weight gain. Using a 2:2:1 randomization scheme, 76 lean, healthy men (BMI 18-23 kg/m(2)) age 18-40 years were randomized to risperidone (n = 30), risperidone plus mifepristone (n = 30) or mifepristone (n = 16) daily for 28 days in an institutional setting. Subjects were provided food ad libitum. Body weight was measured daily. Metabolic measures were taken at study onset, midpoint, and end. Analyses of covariance indicated that the group receiving risperidone plus placebo gained significantly more weight (P < 0.001) and exhibited a significantly greater increase in waist circumference (P < 0.05) than the group receiving risperidone plus mifepristone. Significant differences were also observed for metabolic measures including fasting insulin (P < 0.001) and triglyceride levels (P < 0.05). Mifepristone attenuated increases in weight and reduced the metabolic changes induced by risperidone use, replicating results from a prior study of olanzapine-induced weight gain. These findings suggest mechanistic involvement of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the weight and cardiometabolic side effects of antipsychotic medications. Future research should continue to test the potential of glucocorticoid antagonists to alleviate the deleterious side effects associated with use of antipsychotic medications.

https ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Obesity+%28Silver+Spring%2C+Md.%29%22%5BJour%5D+AND+18%5Bvolume%5D+AND+2295%5Bpage%5D+AND+2010%5Bpdat%5D&cmd=detailssearch

8fc9a3  No.3210985

File: 1d76c3ec609964e⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 064aacace6683f53af20ccefbf….jpg)

7f72d7  No.3210986


Have you seen how big the lady in courtrooms ears are compared to old photos? They covered them pretty good with her hair for trial.

0a4eb0  No.3210987


Pilot on vacay? Intern running logistics? Someone said "I bet you can't get it there without the planefags following it." Seriously wtf?

1e925d  No.3210988

File: 972e870ee833ec0⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Memes31.jpg)

File: 72fb549d3a23a0c⋯.jpeg (33.91 KB, 500x488, 125:122, Meme Farmer.jpeg)



A replacement Memes31 has been baked.


Memeanons please bookmark it.


Please add Memes31 >>3210931 to the dough

Sorry for the confusion caused by the board's cache sync 404 problem.

c7d409  No.3210989


They wouldn't do a payoff like this. It'd be a note containing some information or some kind of tactic to use.

71c777  No.3210990

File: 3be1dac399bbce0⋯.jpg (27.41 KB, 540x222, 90:37, mitchell-answers.jpg)

d3390e  No.3210991

File: 0091b628051e39d⋯.png (177.46 KB, 609x303, 203:101, laughstrozk.png)


It's the israeli's , they access by tunnel

92af72  No.3210992


All these PEDOPHILE congress assholes

and… I thought she was afraid to fly… she mentions flying recently..

b557dd  No.3210993

File: 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 7ff07f4df01dee6087aad83fef….jpg)



560fc8  No.3210995

File: f3f6c9f7fec83b3⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x167, 255:167, f3f6c9f7fec83b396d32677a61….png)

f9006f  No.3210996


That doesnt explain the inconsistencies in her face though

f0a91d  No.3210997

Kin of disappointing that Sen Wangdoodle will not be heard today

6cdb4e  No.3210998

File: 69a90802eed871a⋯.jpg (453.29 KB, 833x1547, 7:13, BlasCrTr.jpg)


ThQ for pic

<pic rel

308ca9  No.3210999

File: 1da167547c9fe15⋯.png (18.18 KB, 850x275, 34:11, 92718 10yt.PNG)


3807ad  No.3211000

6dbf3c  No.3211001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hearing is live again.

63dbf8  No.3211002


LOL no one took your bait. Loser.

ee0591  No.3211003


7dbe4d  No.3211004


I thought the same. She said "hello" to him. Would you say hello to someone who attempted to rape you?

6f3071  No.3211005


hahahaha…. dude…. that's too funny cus it makes you feel bad laughing about it.

953335  No.3211006

She's all coked up

c99c7b  No.3211007

File: 32008ba172e8d59⋯.png (305.89 KB, 764x380, 191:95, Ihitblaseyford.png)

0d0b79  No.3211008


that's a fucking TRANNY, look it up

6faaf6  No.3211009


She flew everywhere SHE wanted to go.

What a fraud.

3a1e27  No.3211011


Well, I’m certainly not gonna follow low-quality posts like yours. If you have something to say, then say it. Otherwise, go back to sucking off David Brock

297b12  No.3211012

Direct question: What was the atmosphere like at the gathering?

Her immediate answer was a fucking talking point, but delivered after a good long pause, because she was trying to come up with a lie.

"Mr. Judge and Mr. Kavanaugh were extremely inebriated…"

d49d1b  No.3211014

File: 8ef6cad922c89f4⋯.png (300.29 KB, 500x654, 250:327, cacb80db8b1052e8b75c88d5f7….png)

6ec69d  No.3211015

File: 670f928e9852fc7⋯.png (547.72 KB, 756x500, 189:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99e472696a0fe04⋯.png (355.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f8e0e766a115b0⋯.png (749.51 KB, 970x582, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9afb0aa3f40cd6f⋯.png (995.23 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3210488 lb

How does the sunglasses picture compare with Hillary?

e7cc7c  No.3211016


what also floats on water…. churches, a bridge, very small rocks….. a duck

8cd744  No.3211017


still isn't illegal, cocksucker

8ff302  No.3211018

They are starting to fill in to the room you guys, they should be starting again any second.

f9006f  No.3211019


Got it, thanks!

Comin' in hot

7e0933  No.3211020

File: 30e49675895baa0⋯.png (689.39 KB, 1426x978, 713:489, swetnick.png)

f5548e  No.3211021



3a2c7b  No.3211022

File: 0053327f7c3b083⋯.jpg (93.99 KB, 611x500, 611:500, FeinstainAndMurkowski.jpg)

I hope Murkowski or any other Republican senators don't mysteriously die before the vote…

c997b2  No.3211023


No context…nice one anon

4f1924  No.3211024

File: b76202f3d3d4157⋯.png (39.36 KB, 670x365, 134:73, SDavis re Graham 9-27-18.PNG)

Lindsey Graham to us: “I’m looking for corroboration - this is not an emotional decision. This is a factual decision… unless something new comes forward, you have just an emotional accusation and emotional denial - without corroboration.”

c80839  No.3211025


You Jew here?

b5c84e  No.3211027


Nah, we just appear weak when we are at our strongest.

3742c6  No.3211028

I thought today was glorious, I pray to god there is an ace up the sleeve or we're fucked

e6d67d  No.3211029


The Democrats and commies could not destroy the Constuttiion as long as we followed the ten simple rules on how to be a good human being.

Now the Government is the arbiter of what's right and wrong, and if you're conservative, your're wrong.

af5158  No.3211030

File: 082d77a69f1f9db⋯.jpg (56.1 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1530558014099.jpg)


This lady - you know her day job is getting statements from actual sex crime victims. People who have had the most vile shit imaginable happen to them -

for their sakes - the people of this world who know true horror - I hope she absolutely eviscerates Dr. Ford -

OMG I got dog piled and felt up - Im so tramautized

Give me a fucking break

217739  No.3211031


Ford paper does not know who drove her to the party or who drove her from the party ?

Seems she knows alot about side effects of antipsychotic medications.

e156e5  No.3211032


People have adapted to the fake. So they think fake is real.

One reseacher who died a few years ago remarked that they have to make it fake now, because if they are shown the real - it will look fake to them

"As the World Turns"

"Days of our Lives"

5b1be9  No.3211033


This was brought up back in 2013

Syria may hold uranium stash, Western and Israeli experts say


The former Israeli official said rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who now control a crescent of suburbs on the outskirts of the capital, may get hold of the stockpile and make its existence public.

“Then it would put paid to the Syrians’ claims that they never had a reactor in the first place,” he said.

Another possibility was that Syria, “knowing the material is no longer secured, could ship it out to Iran, which is certainly in need of more uranium for its own nuclear plans,” the former Israeli official, who declined to be named, added.

But a veteran Israeli intelligence analyst who now works as a government adviser said the figure of 50 metric tons of uranium cited by the Financial Times was “not at all familiar to me”.


ae20fa  No.3211034



It would be hilarious if someone got her one that said Have a Coke with "DICK"

2f00b0  No.3211035


If what you say is true, the country is lost already.

b26462  No.3211036

File: e4e08f8141f776f⋯.png (178.82 KB, 570x180, 19:6, yup-same-style.png)

bd4a2e  No.3211037

File: 3bf4633fccfa23e⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1315x692, 1315:692, capture_487_27092018_09502….png)

Is Mitchell buying?

Are sleepy Americans buying?

No fucking way, Kav for the win.

70652a  No.3211038


Offer For Handoff Rescinded

Will open offer again next bread.

Anons, feel free to volunteer then!



Added to dough.

dedfba  No.3211039

File: 9bbe3dc10eba3d3⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 640x850, 64:85, 2ro49tACHQXIXRtJF2PAz6T-dp….jpg)

Any EUanons who has a legit source for firearms? Protection only of course. ThanQ patriots.

183c74  No.3211040

File: 9ecf73ba704b288⋯.jpg (8.05 KB, 302x167, 302:167, Katz.jpg)

Holocaust Survivors Led Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Debra Katz To Advocacy

She’s a vocal opponent of President Trump.

Katz has a connection to another of Kavanaugh’s accuser, Julie Swetnick.

Swetnick was involved in a dispute about a decade ago with her former employer, New York Life Insurance Co., over a sexual-harassment complaint she filed, the Wall Street Journal reported. She was represented by Katz, Marshall & Banks in Washington. The company reached a financial settlement, according to people familiar with the case.


6935c5  No.3211041


Neither. I just don't like anons shitting higher than their ass is while not even being able to spell. Js

facc49  No.3211042


>Polygraphs And Dead Grandmothers Edition


f5548e  No.3211043


1b3f7c  No.3211044

File: 73146bb463c2b66⋯.png (843.99 KB, 1379x795, 1379:795, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

f03c64  No.3211045

File: ae65a100448077f⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 749x499, 749:499, SwetnickCantGetRaped.jpg)

4f1924  No.3211046

File: b1d5400acb18d37⋯.png (673.37 KB, 598x802, 299:401, Judge Kavanaugh Hold the L….PNG)

3742c6  No.3211047

and now the worst of the worst dem shit bags get their turn, can't image what a faggot booker will be for this

aa6ebb  No.3211048

Hawaii Bitch is LOATHESOME

817c70  No.3211049


Our Father, who art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom

And the power

And the glory

Forever and ever


3737d3  No.3211050



Ashley Estes, wife of Brett Kavanaugh.

Cooper Cougar, Abilene, TX.

1f21b5  No.3211051

File: 513321ffb1b0051⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 688x412, 172:103, sheila-dianne.jpg)


Sheila with Feinstein and some blonde from the audience before the hearing.

a91f9a  No.3211052

I think Q should think about PATRIOTS patience

This liberal bullshit is starting to be sick as fuck

And dangerous, they are starting to lose barriers in all kinds of attacks

183c74  No.3211053

Oh here we go this in not a legal proceeding and complaining about the prosecutor being there

1e925d  No.3211054


Sorry I called you BO, @BV. Kek.

af5158  No.3211055

File: 6be07d4c6adb50a⋯.jpg (16.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, swan.jpg)

I thought this was the court of credibility Hirono!

9e2d84  No.3211056

I strongly dislike the senator from Hawaii. Bitch.

76c450  No.3211057


I havent watched any of this bullshit. Bring Kav to a floor vote and start arresting demonicrats. Let's get real.

660d9c  No.3211058


Not to mention showing us that the country club was in Chevy Chase.

We're watching her Caddyshack memory per anon last bread.

>>3210058 (lb)

6f3071  No.3211059

Here we go… (((Their))) new plan is beat up the prosecutor cus she's btfo of Ford…. this is great.

1088f8  No.3211060


Is she late 80s? To be a holocaust survivor

ef5541  No.3211061


drink some water for crying out loud

283bd2  No.3211062


It's fucked up that a polygraph would be taken on the day of her grandmother's funeral. Her emotional state could not have been good.

The problem we have, is that something happened so long ago and her recollection is poor on many issues.

I'm not sure she's lying, but confused on some things.

b5c84e  No.3211063


Amen brother.

b91513  No.3211064


He's the assclown who said that the burden is on Kavanaugh to prove that he is innocent.

e156e5  No.3211065


Likely a security reason.

No one has access to it, but the super-vetted.

They really want to kill him; no joke

2f00b0  No.3211066


Works only if your opponent is playing chess.

If your opponent is playing checkers, you damn well better be playing the same game, only better.

cdc21f  No.3211067

Imagine the media commentary during future trials of the cabal.

a42656  No.3211068

File: a841ed206a7e698⋯.png (409.18 KB, 809x453, 809:453, 96fa9f11f6c326eb7e3c63cf68….png)


Yes. A bunch of self serving R & D shills with a couple of exceptions. People who watch since JFK's assassination while traitors robbed the country and the very best of them hand wringing and the worst filling their pockets and selling out constituents and country, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

8fc9a3  No.3211069


Seriously. They keep getting younger & younger

e6d67d  No.3211070

9fecbc  No.3211071


What planet are you on? Dems needed to be fully exposed today. Instead they are getting away with the same shit. I want real change and justice u can shove your stupid memes up your ass. Normie's don't research shit. Where's the fucking gorsuch letter?

3b517f  No.3211072

Am I hallucinating or did Crazy Mazie just ask Ford if it's political and Ford says no while looking down with a huge grin on her face? Good God.

183c74  No.3211073

Wait did Hirono just state "You're not here to testify"? Then wtf are we doing?

217739  No.3211074


Christine Blasey scrubs her internet history to eliminate evidence of hazy, drunken sex parties documented in her high school yearbook

Christine Blasey Ford, whose middle name is Margaret, is known as “Blasey CM” on the science papers she’s published with Corcept Therapeutics.

Before going public with her baseless accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey scrubbed her internet history, removing her Linked In pages and even managing to have her entire high school year book completely removed from the internet. (Natural News has now posted the recovered yearbook files at this link – PDF.) As InfoWars reports, the high school yearbook of Christine Blasey is full of accounts of wild, drunken sex parties attended by Blasey and others:

6c7e51  No.3211075


She is one of the worst without a doubt

b4a262  No.3211076

Personal sacrifices… like TONS of gofundme cash?

5b1be9  No.3211077

5f3f3d  No.3211078

File: dd21a96e5651923⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1838x795, 1838:795, FOGGY.png)

c65376  No.3211079


Drop her in a shark tank

c46336  No.3211080


Not about patriots. Its all about normies that are still asleep. If this dosen't wake them, the will wake soon (tm).

85594e  No.3211081


Since he is a witness, and has that MKU handler Clapper ratface, my thought was he might be one of the therapists she "consulted" – don't know.

Tried to pair his pic in an image search w/ psychology – but no results for that either.

3e42b4  No.3211082

File: fb11f3755182549⋯.png (151.54 KB, 474x265, 474:265, 2018-09-27_10-13-04.png)

953335  No.3211083

The HI senator has opened the 'is she political' box. Thanks.

dfd72b  No.3211084


Fuck off retard.

I am your father now.

760c2c  No.3211085



God…This lady is AWFUL. She said "Peripheral" as "perry-a-full".

Fuckers can't even read and speak.

17eb3a  No.3211086

WTF is going on here? You might be asking yourselves this question. I think the facts will come out during Kavs testimony. They are gonna let this cunt have her say and get all the media believing her. Then BOOM. Unleash everything in the Kav hearing later today. Thats just this faggots opinion so if you disagree thats fine. They want to be sympathetic to her and let this crazy cunt have her say cuz muhhh meee toooooooooo.

979c7d  No.3211087

File: d4bad1ca09c5a43⋯.png (407.91 KB, 666x583, 666:583, trust grassley.png)

File: d4bad1ca09c5a43⋯.png (407.91 KB, 666x583, 666:583, trust grassley - Copy.png)

3c8c40  No.3211088


I was on that flight

8a7470  No.3211089


It's something Freddy Benson spews regularly, FFS

76c450  No.3211090


The war hero is actually questioning Kav's credibi lity.

0bf5da  No.3211091

is this cunt serious?

138874  No.3211092


It doesn't have one….that's actually a man.


Look it up.

His name is Justin.

5b5010  No.3211093

92af72  No.3211094


and why would POTUS have any responsibility to interfere? Total SHITSHOW….

a4296c  No.3211095

Hawaiian cunt is projecting BIGLY!

dedfba  No.3211096

File: 62fd63116285bda⋯.jpeg (11.87 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf8….jpeg)


I've got a legit source for cratons of cigarettes if anyone is in need, not sure if only EU shipping though.

Payment is only in BTC.

All for one, one for all.


Still looking for a source in EU who can help with firearms btw.

God bless.

51a78e  No.3211097

The girl in the back appears to be suffering a stroke.

0d0b79  No.3211098


vocal fry uptalk is hard af on your vocal cords. might as well be growling death metal vocals on your throat

3cc0d3  No.3211099


her shit's all retarded

a0dd8b  No.3211100


FRIENDS OF MAZIE HIRONO, wonder who bought this lady

918982  No.3211101

Is this the president on trial here?? Jesus.

183c74  No.3211102


He just bitch slapped Sen Hirono

b83eeb  No.3211103


The president admits on tape assaulting women? That is a flat out lie.

760c2c  No.3211104

File: 9e9742eca53b362⋯.png (344.05 KB, 467x453, 467:453, 9e9742eca53b362c4231050e80….png)

"The President assaults women."

cf65d8  No.3211105

While everyone is watching the Hawaiian Hag. Can’t stand that woman. Any news on RR while I’ve been workfagging all day?

c3d187  No.3211106

File: ca346d15bb07e66⋯.png (12.86 KB, 492x181, 492:181, ClipboardImage.png)

217739  No.3211107



97 pages of pics

Is that Ford dressed up as a bunny?

11b6e8  No.3211108

That coke bottle on Ford’s desk though!!!

b5713e  No.3211110



Finally. Another true autist

Obvious from day one

b78ff6  No.3211111

Hirono has just said the prosecutor don't understand her job. That is stupid..

9e2d84  No.3211112


Exactly. Look at the kangaroo courts they set up on campuses across the country.

They want the same thing in the Federal justice system. Assume the person is guilty if you don't like them.

138874  No.3211113


Heads up, that's a 'trans woman' lesbian who basically is a predator….date 'her' or you're a bigot so basically he peer pressure rapes women.

c3d187  No.3211114

WTF has this got to do with this hearing bitch

28be44  No.3211115


Holy shit, wtf is up with that twitching of her face???

f9006f  No.3211116

File: ab552801ac91220⋯.jpg (377.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, mazie hirono we all know w….jpg)

dd7eb3  No.3211117


I never have

63dbf8  No.3211118


They probably realized that this is as close to having the President on trial as they are going to get. (which is not close at all.)

a973a9  No.3211119

File: 82b0282c6b0f217⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 528x438, 88:73, hands-on-fire.jpg)

Here it is: the Trump bashing now

8c9400  No.3211120


Should be motherfucker.

3cc0d3  No.3211121


it's just a tic!

she said

ee0591  No.3211122



8a7470  No.3211123

File: 2751f504c3b2baf⋯.jpg (6.75 KB, 255x143, 255:143, blackHat.jpg)

b557dd  No.3211124


Anyone can be a whore, whore.

f53d35  No.3211125


lmao… desperate fanfiction accounts of awkward groping, disappeared as soon as POTUS said he'd sue for defamation. Really activates my almonds.

11b6e8  No.3211126


Seriously, what slander!

9085d1  No.3211127

File: ecd83d207ea64f8⋯.jpg (163.32 KB, 1359x567, 151:63, cbf2.jpg)

File: 26a7389b234187e⋯.png (717.67 KB, 1359x567, 151:63, cbf.png)

any1 see what im getting at?

398549  No.3211128

Holy fuck this is disgusting to hear.

91c1eb  No.3211129

File: 2d84f3ec289cc28⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 650x975, 2:3, alisa verner.jpg)

File: 10958300e1af2be⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 675x900, 3:4, antje-traue-nude-photos-2.jpg)

File: 020c25175d76566⋯.jpg (126.56 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, B rings.jpg)

Things are to serious. Have some bewbs.

85594e  No.3211130


Sorry, saw the comment too late, but would cautiously agree.


283bd2  No.3211131


Grab em by the pussy is the reference.

138874  No.3211132


it's a man….


Riley is a fake name.

Has a penis.

760c2c  No.3211133

File: c7fc32aef257b8f⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 286x246, 143:123, c7fc32aef257b8f221a6c3925a….jpg)

a873a5  No.3211134

File: 6ec730fa4734f1a⋯.png (277.04 KB, 677x984, 677:984, ClipboardImage.png)

c80839  No.3211135

Back to this Jew SJW faggotry? Fuck you dike.

a10574  No.3211136

File: ef8b3a517266372⋯.png (323.38 KB, 499x348, 499:348, ClipboardImage.png)

How did she get her social media scrubbed before hand?

Well we know now she used to host "Google Interns"

She scratched their back, and they scratched hers.

2bc64c  No.3211137

Ford's husband didnt come with her

She came with her beach friends….really

51a78e  No.3211138


She's signalling in morse code with the left half of her face.

f53d35  No.3211139

File: e123c9538f4b22b⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 300x242, 150:121, check em.gif)


Quints confirm!

2421a3  No.3211140



f090d5  No.3211141


It is being shown on every station including Spanish language with interpretation. They REALLY want the public to see this.

That means the play here is solely to build public support for "not rushing to fill the most important seat in the land" and allowing for further investigation.

Democrats only need to stall for a couple more days, and if 1 or 2 Republicans on the committee are feeling public pressure, that will probably be enough.

Unless something major happens this afternoon, beginning at dinner time tonight there will be a MOAB of liberal frenzy telling the public to rise up and call these senators.

Something big needs to happen this afternoon or Kavanaugh is probably finished. That is how it looks from here.

d7a722  No.3211142

QAnon Fan Arrested for Threatening Massacre at YouTube Headquarters (Obviously not a real Q supporter)

Getting traction on plebbit right now. Deep state right on time.



2eecc5  No.3211143

File: c2425221931a8a4⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 512x512, 1:1, snuffy.jpg)

183c74  No.3211144

Sen Hirono – Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa muh victimhood

ef5541  No.3211145


naw she acting

that's why you have to listen to the little details. The little unnecessary inconsistencies in even her accounts of recent events and implausibilities show she's lying and disingenuous.

Coming into this I was willing to believe she was merely confused but her testimony had squashed that

a55dbf  No.3211146


Impossible, the JCPOA prevents that. :)

1cad90  No.3211147


POTUS postponed so not to interfere with Kav hearing.

1911d1  No.3211148

File: 4b4480269200e5d⋯.jpg (50.66 KB, 374x377, 374:377, changingstories.JPG)

132e55  No.3211149


buy a crossbow, a bow, nice blade, print a 3d gun, use working tools like a nail gun, get creative.

many ways to not show up on the radar

a3b7f4  No.3211150


Husband held hostage?

dfd72b  No.3211151

I don't trust Israel cause they're Jews.

But I don't trust Iran cause they're muslims.

What's the solution anons.

b83eeb  No.3211152


He never said he DID that. He said he could.

a4296c  No.3211153


5f3f3d  No.3211154

File: 6237628a848d980⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1004x1098, 502:549, BRAIN TIRED.png)

b91513  No.3211155


Maybe we should apply that same standard to Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Obama, etc. and see how much they like it then.

d15a52  No.3211156

Grassley: What the fuck is a Mahalo?"

7fe396  No.3211157


Thank You

7a2724  No.3211158


Agreed. The president said the exact opposite. He was commenting on women's behavior in front of men whom they think can benefit them.

b5713e  No.3211159



I see it!

She is Bubbles sister!

Holy fuck.


68658b  No.3211160

good god.

it's ok, hawaiians, we know you're not all as bad as Hirono, but holyfuckingdamn is that embarrassing

f5548e  No.3211161



276200  No.3211162


>Exactly. Look at the kangaroo courts they set up on campuses across the country.



You can't keep your job as a public servant if you don't agree with the lib-left narrative. Been going on for years now.

183c74  No.3211163

9e2d84  No.3211164


I don't see how anyone can look at these Democratic Senators and not see how over the top their act is. It just reeks of dishonesty.

2bc64c  No.3211165

He couldnt figure out which door was the front door


12733f  No.3211167

File: 4c159de051e1df5⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 219x255, 73:85, a565ecbabf4fc82d060bcb1ad1….jpg)


This Anon get it all

This is what they do

This is why Q said most will end up in the hospital

The level of control and illusion they have used on us is beyond most comprehension

0d1082  No.3211168


Please misspell brain to Brian.

2f00b0  No.3211169


men get yeast infections too

abd765  No.3211170

File: cdf5ddfcff78a1a⋯.png (869.23 KB, 1317x691, 1317:691, Rachel_Activated.png)

5c81ce  No.3211171

File: 20db0a3af07c0fc⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 217x255, 217:255, d3d857f1858676ca3cddfd741f….jpg)

63dbf8  No.3211172

File: b2a16f6811d588c⋯.png (303.75 KB, 445x289, 445:289, BEACH PEOPLE.png)


Muh beach friends.

ae20fa  No.3211173

File: 18bdea07229fe09⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, portait-de-rouse-starsbour….jpg)


With a smirk. That answer none of us could come up with earlier, but, ya know, we had to think about it over lunch because we couldn't recall earlier whether that routine fact was the right one to state.

a10574  No.3211174

File: 0fc9d2f71b630a8⋯.png (146.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, be7d114fcd21d4bd77d2e819e8….png)

416225  No.3211175


This. This is the hill to die on here. If this succeeds we are so fucked. We know how this ends, we have seen what has happened on college campuses.

d15a52  No.3211176

Several "Go Fuck Me" sites.


2cd14a  No.3211177


I work with a Hawaiian and am told they slurp up cnn

dd7eb3  No.3211178

She acts like a middle school student

8c9400  No.3211179

Hawaii! You need to get your shit together. That woman is stupid.

9fecbc  No.3211180

Declas last week? Nope.

RR out? Nope.

Ford looks like a moron? Yep. Doesn't matter though BC people will sympathize.

Everyone gets nervous speaking in public.

4d0344  No.3211181

I really hate this bitch. Listening to her makes me so….GRRR

b5c84e  No.3211182

File: 73d08b34602001b⋯.png (206.36 KB, 592x540, 148:135, Screenshot_2018-09-27_18-4….png)


3cc0d3  No.3211183

she just lied about the gofund me bit

she is being paid

who is donating to her?

a3b7f4  No.3211184


Isn't she the one that want's men to "just shut up"?

283bd2  No.3211185


We shall see how this shakes out.

183c74  No.3211186


Yup this is all circus so the dems can herp derp some more to the public in the Kavanaugh confirmation

I have a gofundme I so smart I don't know how to collect to funds from it.

0d0b79  No.3211187


now ur IP hopping. When I filter you once I expect to see you gone motherfucker.

b83eeb  No.3211188


I am not buying the sweet, little lost girl act of this woman, at all. That is not the face of a sweet, shy woman.

1f21b5  No.3211189


Nice grab. Someone somewhere could make a positive ID from that one. Can't read the badge either.


Note both Blasey and the lawyer have the same expression on their face. Baldy's got some sway for sure.

217739  No.3211190


Ford going to parties as a bunny ?

97 pics and content - natural news

4838ae  No.3211191

File: b2434889a385c50⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, 257x167, 257:167, e9095d066e46da6d50ec5700a3….jpg)

has her voice got even more childlike since recess ?

12733f  No.3211192

Doesn't know who paid for polygraph, knows that Go Fund Me is for security detail.

43c391  No.3211193

File: b370e0041651dee⋯.jpg (460.81 KB, 978x978, 1:1, 20180927_100925.jpg)

File: 9fa1877d68c3e68⋯.jpg (292.08 KB, 903x955, 903:955, Screenshot_20180927-110734.jpg)

File: a9576b6cfa63b4e⋯.jpg (322.9 KB, 978x871, 978:871, Screenshot_20180927-110905.jpg)

File: 9ad4f1f4ad5b1ad⋯.jpg (107.88 KB, 1003x302, 1003:302, Screenshot_20180927-110321.jpg)

Leland Ingram Keyser loss of consciousness is often integral part of the party…… High School Yearbook so traumatized theze girls became party animals and so many connections

760c2c  No.3211194


Agree. The Game IS…

Set 'em up and then knock 'em down.

17eb3a  No.3211195

Both lawyers jews?

9e2d84  No.3211196


They could never live up to the standard/justice system they set for other people.

8a7470  No.3211197

File: feff5e2db97ccec⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 474x315, 158:105, blackHat4.jpg)

2f00b0  No.3211198


We are being tormented.

13e0d7  No.3211199


Everythings about the nomries

They are in control not the cabal

183c74  No.3211200


Sound more sympathetic is the new op of the day

11b6e8  No.3211201


Kek, infiltrate with Presbyterians

9faeca  No.3211202

"Her lawyers have paid for her polygraph."

>Thanks for taking an hour to answer

"As is routine…"

"…as is routine."

Yes, sure. You'd have thought she'd have known that, no? And, again, as far as I'm aware, polygraphs aren't accepted as verifiable evidence in a court of law as they are easily fooled and capable of being wildly unpredictable.

Why would her "lawyers" bother to pay for that? "As is routine".

a42656  No.3211203

File: e8cfc4a0714f99f⋯.jpg (74.53 KB, 1085x740, 217:148, ts5.jpg)


Offering to sell firearms on NSA's board. You are a genius .

notable ( NSA only)

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.

7e0933  No.3211204



Dude Ashley is way up in Residents are served by schools in the Montgomery County Public Schools.

Residents are zoned to Rosemary Hills Elementary School (PreK-2), Chevy Chase Elementary School (3-6), Westland Middle School, and Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School.

Kavanaugh wife connection to Swetnicks????


incorporated cities

cf65d8  No.3211205


Thank you Anon

af5158  No.3211207

File: aa5be0419a97712⋯.png (101.83 KB, 666x879, 222:293, aa5be0419a97712923373e0ce0….png)

d525d3  No.3211208


Riley J. Dennis is nuttier than any squirrel shit.

17eb3a  No.3211209


Thank you fellow faggot! I think this will be glorious later today. I took off from work to watch… i mean took off from fapping all day.

dd7eb3  No.3211210

She knew she was to be in front of the Senate and she has no notes about anything to refer too?

92af72  No.3211211

Asked wifeanon if anyone ever groped her or anything like that. She said she was publicly groped on a playground at school in 5th grade, she saw several exposed penises in her teenage years, and… guess what?

she barely remembers it. Happens all the time in hormonal teenagers.

76c450  No.3211212


Normies believe whatever the tv tells them to believe period

416225  No.3211213


I have pulled down the full list of all the donors and amounts. I can upload to pastebin in a bit.

f9006f  No.3211214

File: d35da86d771bde2⋯.jpg (160.69 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, christine blasey ford if i….jpg)

d15a52  No.3211215

Wow. She is a dumb ass blonde.

9e2d84  No.3211216


I'll buy that she's nervous testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary but it seems like she was coached. Too bad they couldn't do something about her vocal fry.

4d0344  No.3211217


It's always that same Hawaii chick…she irritates me even more than lithpy Blumenthal does, if that's possible

bb198e  No.3211218

File: e7300c4347e028a⋯.png (150.09 KB, 435x249, 145:83, meetoo.png)

2f00b0  No.3211219


But we don't have OJ trial time for all this to play out.

cfe152  No.3211220



This is Cabal Justice

Coming to a Country Near You

We were to be next

Stacked Courts

Rigged Prosecutions

No Justice for Dissenters


a42656  No.3211221

File: 9d520229ad0144a⋯.jpg (206.94 KB, 1259x1092, 1259:1092, Train.JPG)

Cut out of the yearbook.

af6706  No.3211222

Not inciting violence, but if this shit pulls the plug on our Winning, then I am ready to revolt! I have had enough of the evil democrats! They WILL NOT be safe to go in public!

183c74  No.3211223

What do you mean did someone speak on my behalf? What's that? kek

1b3f7c  No.3211224

File: af1ea4f3d920004⋯.png (1 MB, 1329x747, 443:249, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

029f40  No.3211225

Why is that one lady getting to ask all the questions lol

9e2d84  No.3211226


I believe you more than you could know.

dfd72b  No.3211227


Kek, it seems like good people are a rare group in this world.

d15a52  No.3211228

Mic leak: "I don't understand."

c14e53  No.3211229

File: 0aeeafcee666a23⋯.jpeg (96.39 KB, 824x500, 206:125, 26D45DB6-537F-49EC-B70E-9….jpeg)

183c74  No.3211230

The lawyer just cut off her mic

9085d1  No.3211231


bro she has 124394 degrees!

f5548e  No.3211232


Scared little girl. Just got out without the structured questioning.

"I don't know…" MUTE

140f16  No.3211233


My granddaughter was date raped. Not groped. Raped.

She was hesitant to tell her parents. She told me.

When girls are assaulted by a peer, and this is important, they tell someone. BK had no authority over her at that time. Social, legal, job wise. Nothing. They were peers.

Why the silence? Why greet Judge later as a friend?

This smells.

2eecc5  No.3211234

I do not understand. boo hoo. I am a PHD but muh memory is worthless. MK is gonna start glitching. Pretty poor beta kitten programming. They don't train their best.

3cc0d3  No.3211235


hard to believe she's not confined to a convalescent home.

2bc64c  No.3211236


Whoa…youre kidding, right?

081291  No.3211237

I have to wonder what psychotropic/prescription drugs this Ford is on right now.

5b5010  No.3211238

File: 947a52e411f4ce0⋯.png (403.35 KB, 592x439, 592:439, ClipboardImage.png)

c3d187  No.3211239


Trips of truth! But don't let this emotionally trigger you. Violence is (((their))) plan.

9085d1  No.3211240

File: 0cd86e62d597a38⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 268x268, 1:1, 0cd86e62d597a38082fa71ca29….gif)

d9e2db  No.3211241


Is this real?

4900df  No.3211242


Chris w snapped my bra in 4th grade. Maybe I should make his life hell….. (kek)

2cdd71  No.3211243



6ec69d  No.3211244


Dems making a big fuss about FBI investigations

Have they never heard

Of the Department of Homeland Security's


HSI does serious investigations into domestic security threats

83ea9f  No.3211245


Exactly, but we are only seeing one hand in the card game right now

6faaf6  No.3211246

She doesn't understand the most simple questions

183c74  No.3211247


To think she's out in the world "helping" people with their mental problems with her psychology degree,

4d757f  No.3211248

letter go boom boom on DiFi

9e2d84  No.3211249


>special type of stupid

68658b  No.3211250



07869f  No.3211251

File: 59edd62cf7d680b⋯.jpg (47.66 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2iv78e~2.jpg)

File: 751d8f2b41c17d5⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2iuxht~2.jpg)

File: 2318be52044fc17⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2iuzt7~2.jpg)

Blasey is lying through her teeth….

2bc64c  No.3211252

She's losing it now….that Xanax she had for lunch isn't helping

2d1045  No.3211253



8c2e52  No.3211254

Fucking normies and TV are saying she was fucking perfect!

3e1b8a  No.3211255


Damn…that makes me sad

bbc161  No.3211256

Oh here we go…

9955a2  No.3211257

"i dont understand"

>im just a timid little girl

>tee hee hee

fucking gross

a973a9  No.3211258

File: c5daa7a1b640019⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 749x590, 749:590, iur (1).jpg)


I'm not so sure we're out of the woods yet

e647ab  No.3211259


That’s what I’m saying! She can not be a doctor!

760c2c  No.3211260

File: 0c804e7d6bf0d2b⋯.jpg (64.71 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, 378F7549-A3B3-4BBD-97EB-07….jpg)


Yeah, the good stuff comes this afternoon and tomorrow. Just gotta enjoy the show. KEK!!

d15a52  No.3211261

File: 3c48bd66e6270ed⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 316x384, 79:96, jenga.jpg)

Fucking Jenga

917f9a  No.3211262

Republicans asking her about FLYING?



dedfba  No.3211263

File: 425342bcd816fdf⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 483x303, 161:101, callthecabalidx643zrf.jpg)


I am sure they don't mind a patriot to own a Glock (example) for protection.

Not violence related.

Same goes with cigarettes.

Just thinking we can progress by helping one another on the board who might be in need of help, regarding whatever.

We are one. And we should share knowledge, wisdom, and a helping hand towards all our brothers and sisters.

But I get your point I do.

A little bit of wishful thinking perhaps? Be well anon.

d812df  No.3211264

good golly her voice is excruciating

70652a  No.3211265

Notables Bun


>>3210604 “QAnon fan” arrested for threatening massacre at Youtube HQ

>>3210633 Yemen gov’t end UN rights experts’ mandate due to scathing report

>>3210727 ; >>3210751 ; >>3210762 ; >>3210885 ; >>3210947 More CBF callouts

>>3210798 ; >>3210857 UNGA: Bibi claiming Iran has another secret nuke site

>>3210944 Terrorist attack foiled in the Netherlands

76c450  No.3211266


I turned it off after 5 mins. Like I really want to know what some crooked lying cunt like Marie Harf thinks about what some other crooked lying cunt says.

Let's have a floor vote on Kav.

7c1f36  No.3211267

Amazon training videos coach Whole Foods staff on how to discourage unions

c14e53  No.3211268


Agree. In the least she would have told her best friend.

7c1f36  No.3211269

File: 9b6380b505cf269⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 584x819, 584:819, 1a.JPG)

File: ca472ecf0939795⋯.jpg (140.72 KB, 589x871, 589:871, 2.JPG)

File: 1ce2f66b846ef39⋯.jpg (139.4 KB, 584x733, 584:733, 2a.JPG)



d15a52  No.3211270

Spartacus to the rescue!!!

Here I am to save the daaaaaay!!!

9afcf2  No.3211271

I just want to remind everyone I'M SPARTICUS!

f5548e  No.3211272



4838ae  No.3211273

oh BOOKER the ***ker

1b3f7c  No.3211274

is Booker speaking?

af6706  No.3211275


They will be met with ten times the force if it comes to that!

86e7a6  No.3211276

Argh god her vocal fucking fry is getting worse and worse. Croaking her way like a 3 year old through this to garner sympathy.

9085d1  No.3211277

this is a professor

and people want to say college is full of smart people

this woman is fucking retarded

183c74  No.3211278

Here we go again This is not a court case. Spartacus!

0d0b79  No.3211279

either they have a justice gorsuch fakeout letter or this is the biggest fucking fail questioning ever

2cd14a  No.3211280

Oh god booker. Spartacus

76c450  No.3211281

e156e5  No.3211282


To re-emphasze what I wanted to express:

There were many people - who were not logical by texual evidence who understood people and understood by watching the TV , they were being lied to.

Thousands were woken by Sandy Hook

A mother I know told me

"If this happened to my child I would be at the school demanding an explantion" etc ["parents" weren't allowed to see bodies], Some people just know it's false.

She got it thourhg the [il]logic of the narrative.

Some just couldn't accept the bad acting.

Could happen here too, no matter the "official story"

9faeca  No.3211283


Ironic thing is no psychiatrist would actually give her a pass on mental stability with all this cringe-inducing meekness and pearl-clutching like she's afraid and unknowing of the big, bag outside world.

Imagine being a student of this woman.

b4a262  No.3211284

Booker, all your holes are faggot.

c3d187  No.3211285


68658b  No.3211286

File: c9bb071c5df32cb⋯.png (259.5 KB, 777x796, 777:796, CB.png)

File: 2088f514cae5b4f⋯.png (279.72 KB, 777x796, 777:796, CCCBBBep.png)

File: f26f5fc47f21fb3⋯.png (276.35 KB, 777x796, 777:796, CCCBBBepp.png)

File: 1d1c323d9d128f7⋯.png (307.16 KB, 777x796, 777:796, CCCBBBeppin.png)

File: bd89bf9a274d659⋯.png (452.74 KB, 777x796, 777:796, CCCBBB.png)


spartacus' turn

7b2886  No.3211287



1st Pic can't be real. It's a meme on its own.

ca529a  No.3211288

File: b5dc33c6d9cd32a⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 500x353, 500:353, 2idspj.jpg)

6faaf6  No.3211289

Lyin' Booker up at plate.

37db77  No.3211290

Prosecutor chick is on to her and Ford knows it.

4f9c1d  No.3211291


What's this from, anon? Legit yearbook photo?

304d75  No.3211292

cory booker is gonna start crying

may even get his first period

760c2c  No.3211293

File: df3287398302ddc⋯.png (91.32 KB, 417x329, 417:329, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

2 different worlds.

5f3f3d  No.3211294


not if you are on mute…


917f9a  No.3211295

All you people can whine about is her voice?



bbc161  No.3211296

I might break my TV when Haris comes on

63dbf8  No.3211297


For the Rs?

She was selected as an outside prosecutor who specializes in sexual assault allegations to do all of the questioning on behalf of the Rs. Keeps Rs from having to get baited in to asking questions or saying something that gets them into trouble with Midterms so close.

Also saves them from getting sucked into the 'white men don't believe the victim' crap.

1e925d  No.3211298

>>3211127 Looks like a possum crawled up under the chin and attached itself to the throat.

f9006f  No.3211299

File: 6972d88fccac741⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1280x806, 640:403, brett kavanaugh im the kav….png)

9e2d84  No.3211300


Now that's some vintage meme magic.

61c828  No.3211301

spartabitch..starts to cry in 3. 2, 1…

276200  No.3211302


>She doesn't understand the most simple questions

She understand them alright. She just doesn't know how to answer them without going off script. That's why she looks to her lawyers. She's pleading with them to tell her what to say - or not say. Hallmark of a liar.

4900df  No.3211303


*hits mute*

918982  No.3211304

My wife's a blonde and isn't even this stupid.

17eb3a  No.3211305

Hey Q team. I hope you guys realize we need at least 1 public arrest before midterms.

7fe396  No.3211306

File: 1c769da3df3964f⋯.jpg (299.47 KB, 932x840, 233:210, 20180927_125010.jpg)

c608b2  No.3211307


As do her attorneys

8fc9a3  No.3211308

File: 607968033287758⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 502x267, 502:267, 607968033287758408d2a6e934….jpg)

416225  No.3211309


Yeah saved by the bell. She had Ford on the ropes.

6faaf6  No.3211310


She is on to her, but I don't think Ford knows what day it is.

a42656  No.3211311


Nien. Satire. should have indicated.

Meme fodder.

b91513  No.3211313





It's a meme image. Reverse search it.

9d50ec  No.3211314

This is weird. I found a blog page about the Vanderbilt Swim school. There is an entry titled, A BETTER US Q 1000 Q WE CAN CREATE. Clink on the link and get a 404 message.


4d757f  No.3211315

someone is in trouble for releasing the letter

dd50ad  No.3211316

Was KAV on the POTUS list?

6c7e51  No.3211318

At least we don't have to listen to Guam today

0bf5da  No.3211319

What The Fuck is this prosecutor doing?

if she wasn't gotten her on perjury yet, she's failed miserably

honest opinion, no idea why she specifically was selected

why not Zina or someone else???

7e0933  No.3211320


hey man thats a low blow

f2faa7  No.3211321

File: 7fc7fa73749d8f0⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 1527567984.jpg)

Difi started this.

4068a2  No.3211322

The prosecutor has Ford all set up for the gotcha.

a9290e  No.3211323

File: d1f23a94745cf4d⋯.gif (3.8 MB, 640x424, 80:53, d1f23a94745cf4dd81f73adbca….gif)

abc61a  No.3211325


Need memefag to put Ford with the beachball beach friend with something witty, her thanking the ball for advice or something!!!

Please, please please

d1be39  No.3211326

File: 659ed33ca67afb1⋯.jpg (76.53 KB, 650x360, 65:36, cory-booker-rnc-0.jpg)

4cbd41  No.3211327


holy fucking shit that's gay

09836b  No.3211329

File: 51d411196ae75ab⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 601x493, 601:493, 29ba2628911cb24ef9806c2ac3….jpg)


Those teeth tho…

9afcf2  No.3211330


Just one more thing: Filter.

0bf5da  No.3211331




af5158  No.3211332

File: a08e603813d6e90⋯.jpg (14.12 KB, 255x196, 255:196, 5de217e7a69606f3a70fd84bc8….jpg)

91c1eb  No.3211333

File: 545799b2966cab9⋯.png (370.96 KB, 600x320, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck this guy!

d15a52  No.3211334

We have a very supportive Beach Friends community!

5d91ea  No.3211335

Her lawyer gets MAD when she takes off her glasses. He glared at her, she quickly put them back on, and then he rolled his eyes

3737d3  No.3211336

File: f48a257eb72847b⋯.png (297.95 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

057b5f  No.3211337

BAKER NOTABLE? - CBF Admitted having "Google Interns" use the "Second Front Door of her home". For what??

Okay anons, we've all seen the allegations that CBF may be the director of Stanford's undergraduate clown internship (recruitment like Anderson Cooper) but so far nobody is touching that prospect with a ten-foot pole. But then when she was asked about the "second front door" of her house, she blurted out that this door was used by "the Google interns"!!!! Before she could get the next word out ChiFi nervously interrupted her to stop her from elaborating! What is going on at her house? There are allegations that this woman is involved with the clown mind control work (MK- Ultra) at Stanford (thin sauce by Sucha Flail) but could she be involved with training Google employees to employee these techniques or mine for suitable candidates? After all, we know that a subject's background is of prime importance when selecting candidates and Google would be the Motherload. We need to dig here and hopefully some GOP Senator will ask a follow up here.

1b3f7c  No.3211338

File: 309fd90f8134819⋯.png (792.42 KB, 1356x615, 452:205, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

dd7eb3  No.3211339

Has anyone ever seen or heard what these 'threats' were? Proof or just is the Dems claiming threats with no proof?

416225  No.3211340

Anyone keeping track? How many more minutes does she have to question Ford?

a973a9  No.3211341

File: e55243d51ab5786⋯.jpg (22.52 KB, 286x181, 286:181, iu (3).jpg)


It's excruciating how they are coddling her

2f00b0  No.3211342

On election night, 2016, things started out poorly. I got discouraged.

I went outside and lit up a cigar.

I looked up at the stars and said a prayer.

God, we've had a long season of evil. We need a season of good now. Please.

When I went back in, things had dramatically turned around. And it was all uphill from there.

I need to step away from this for awhile.

183c74  No.3211343

File: 45173d0cabbdb55⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 275x183, 275:183, CB.jpg)

Corey - Ford you've had some nasty threats against you.

Yeah let's see if you bring that up to Kanavaugh who's kids were threatened

a55dbf  No.3211344


I second that

3cc0d3  No.3211345

dark elements?


that word triggered her tears

217739  No.3211346


Now the truth comes out: Blasey is a paid researcher for an abortion pill company with a lot to lose if Kavanaugh is confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court

85594e  No.3211347

Booker bitch wanna call her a hero of women. LOL

8857c1  No.3211348

7fe396  No.3211349

f5548e  No.3211350


7b2886  No.3211351

File: 7740dcbda6f1d85⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1000x1371, 1000:1371, theDstare.png)

File: dee9a4deafdf40a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, deathstaretrump1.png)

b4a262  No.3211352

Booker is a "dark element."

5f3f3d  No.3211353

File: d1ab8b53495051e⋯.jpg (121.63 KB, 974x667, 974:667, d1ab8b53495051e968c998e109….jpg)

77ee2c  No.3211355

5c3ce3  No.3211356

File: 98b2180d07ac115⋯.png (12.52 KB, 227x212, 227:212, pepemaad.png)


>My wife's a blonde and isn't even this stupid.


wifeanon here is getting pissed listening to all this.

12733f  No.3211357

Fucks sake, if anyone else "thanks" her for doing this I'ma take out a can of whoop ass!

9955a2  No.3211358



real academics are working

or shitposting

f9006f  No.3211359


Nose too

2bc64c  No.3211360


Kek….everything is so bizarre now I almost believed it was in the yearbook

9085d1  No.3211361


mitchell is destroying ford, and people saying mitchell needs to be more aggressive are retarded

a6bd05  No.3211362

Did Ford really say used her cell phone to call for a ride?

ae20fa  No.3211363

God dammit, why in the ever living FUCK is Booker Spartacunt on my monitor again? Why can't this piece of shit just disappear?

e647ab  No.3211364

Does anyone know why Dems hate men so much?

f5548e  No.3211365

953335  No.3211366

File: 0eda2d806934b73⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, image679166x[1].jpg)


3742c6  No.3211367


you suck at shilling, if no republicans are convinced this is credible, he still gets confirmed dipshit, try harder faggot,

d1be39  No.3211368

File: b43f1e165120077⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1398x993, 466:331, b43f1e1651200776be55f1359e….png)

37db77  No.3211369


Ford isnt as stupid as she is acting.

42e8d0  No.3211370

I want to use one word to describe you being here today…Perjury.

9e2d84  No.3211371

File: deb9bed397c9b64⋯.png (204.25 KB, 280x261, 280:261, warriorspear.PNG)

f0a91d  No.3211372

Cory is going to break her

a3b7f4  No.3211373

File: 654723298db9624⋯.jpg (105.81 KB, 768x576, 4:3, gaslight1_edited-2.jpg)

[ID: 917f9a]

Funniest faggot in this bread

5aab76  No.3211374

File: 0759e67db4dad6c⋯.jpg (15.7 KB, 270x293, 270:293, Cory Booger.jpg)


Is he gonna cry?

f090d5  No.3211375


Q is probably as pissed off about all of this as we are.

1b3f7c  No.3211376

File: 1f9c26f497a0bc6⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images copy 3.jpg)

File: 57647fab46928b9⋯.jpg (89.33 KB, 877x720, 877:720, 9b8634bbd750ced8a941700d1f….jpg)

File: 27dcf38d7d6f64a⋯.png (561.35 KB, 879x533, 879:533, Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at ….png)

e395b0  No.3211377

File: ce03ed2b2afd560⋯.png (630.78 KB, 377x607, 377:607, ClipboardImage.png)

Democratic required reading.

70652a  No.3211378

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






76c450  No.3211379

File: d3f4224f706f9e4⋯.jpg (95.13 KB, 750x500, 3:2, dickpaintermeme.jpg)

3edbf3  No.3211380


WITCHCRAFT…will fall.

JUSTICE…will succeed.

d5adb1  No.3211381

Booker is such an idiot. He's rattling his own witness.

3737d3  No.3211382

File: b1b1e1df0d3bee7⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1936x1936, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d55fcd  No.3211383


Correy booger

>dark elements


183c74  No.3211384

Political speech after political speech. Jesus what a circus. Stick to the damn specifics and this would have been over hours ago.

b91513  No.3211385

File: 10ceab76c49fd00⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, Hill ugh.jpg)

<"Shit! Did he say 'servers'?"

4838ae  No.3211386

THESE PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES … this is unbearable .. Can't wait for BK …

2fdff2  No.3211387



dc3982  No.3211388


Seriously. It's "gag me with a spoon" gross

cd1b75  No.3211389

File: 3b3ef941d11f4f5⋯.jpg (138.16 KB, 1246x918, 623:459, Capture.JPG)

Another Large Spectrum Outage Takes Out Home Phone, Cable and Internet

Another Large outage has hit Spectrum. This outage has taken out Home Phone, Cable and Internet in the 25 states it services. You can find updated info at the link below.


c3d187  No.3211390

c80839  No.3211391

File: 397e3292a124ce2⋯.jpeg (5.66 KB, 285x177, 95:59, download (56).jpeg)



5b5010  No.3211392

>feeling our own

Yes Booker, your supporter are about to feel a lot of pain

68658b  No.3211393


be glad you're not hearing him

it's beyond insane

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