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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

82a57d  No.3198211

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3165055 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 ——————————— https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 -————————– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 -————————– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 -————————– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 -————————– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 -————————– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 -————————– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 ——————————— Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 ——————————— FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 ——————————— MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 ——————————— THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 ——————————— Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 -————————– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 ——————————— We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 ——————————— FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 ——————————— Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 ——————————— ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 ——————————— Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 -————————– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 ——————————— Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 -————————– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 -————————– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 ——————————— 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

82a57d  No.3198216


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----


>>3187364 List of Breads 404'd

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3198182 Swedish advertising watchdog: Distracted boyfriend meme is sexist

>>3198175 Judge Frances Hill, 'an advocate for children,' retiring this year

>>3197997 "Speed": Atorney General James Speed and the Lincoln-conspiracy trial

>>3197942 POTUS Press Conference: "It's a game that they're playing. It's a con game."

>>3197856 Clockfag Update: Re-read crumbs

>>3197827 Joy Reid sued for defamation after targeting a Trump supporter

>>3197657 , >>3197693 Q's 'Speed' references and a theory

>>3197627 , >>3197615 Larry Flynt offering $1M for dirt on Starr's team including Kavanaugh

>>3197612 Sara Carter: Australian Gov Gives No Comment on Trump Campaign Spying Accusations

>>3198207 #4048

#4047 (Baker change)

>>3197372 Excerpts from Swetnick's resumé: Physics, lasers, cancer & heart research

>>3197334 60 Classmates of Kavanaugh Sign Letter Saying They Have Never Met Julie Swetnick

>>3196853 Teacher Fired for Not Giving Students Partial Credit For Work They Never Did

>>3197239 , >>3197407 Planned Parenthood 1969 memo showing manifesto

>>3197159 , >>3197189 10 Ways Big Tech Can Shift Millions of Votes in the Elections—Without Anyone Knowing

>>3197069 Papadopoulos thanks Gowdy for inviting him to testify before congress

>>3196951 , >>3196970, >>3197216, >>3197226 Text of opening statement from Dr Ford

>>3196790 Conneaut Councilman resigns after being charged for felony sexual misconduct

>>3196802 POTUS Rally Saturday / 7 pm

>>3196795 DNC candidate for California governor appears in school textbook as a "champion for people's rights."

>>3196878 Ukrainian diplomat describes how Clinton operatives sought dirt on Trump

>>3196892 US Military conducts bomber flights over disputed South China Sea

>>3196909 Rahm chooses to not run for a 3rd term

>>3197487 #4047


>>3196019 Lindsey Graham calls BS.

>>3196049, >>3196103 Anons looking to develop a tenuous Blasey/Strzok connection into a direct one.

>>3196207 Daimler CEO Zetsche resigns.

>>3196223 Kavanaugh accuser refuses to speak to Congress.

>>3196253 Payseur genetics laboratory.

>>3196254 New Q Proof Graphic.

>>3196212, >>3196418 Julie Swetnick was sued for domestic violence and defamation according to court documents.

>>3196053 Swetnick's behavior not consistent with her past.

>>3196353 China doesn't like fair trade.

>>3196457 Hirono doubles down on presumption of guilt.

>>3196576 DJT tweets and retweets.

>>3196607 Mexican Army seizes 950 lbs of Meth and Fentanyl bound for US.

>>3196620 NXIVM doctor who branded sex slaves still recruiting members into group she founded.

>>3196692 #4046

Previously Collected Notables

>>3195873 #4045,

>>3193493 #4042, >>3194318 #4043, >>3195127 #4044

>>3191162 #4039, >>3191940 #4040, >>3192706 #4041

>>3188860 #4036, >>3189675 #4037, >>3190424 #4038

>>3186478 #4033, >>3187257 #4034, >>3188077 #4035

>>3184162 #4030, >>3184943 #4031, >>3185714 #4032

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

82a57d  No.3198220

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

82a57d  No.3198228

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

82a57d  No.3198237

File: be385ac69e5a397⋯.jpeg (237.18 KB, 512x512, 1:1, be385ac69e5a39751cb6bb1c8….jpeg)



Patriots for the World !

02c43d  No.3198265

File: 288cd8fe4c0300b⋯.png (576.32 KB, 2270x938, 1135:469, sky is falling.png)

The SKY is Falling and the Obama Marxist coup

b5a4c2  No.3198280

File: 573f2f028da9fe1⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 635x437, 635:437, trump m1.jpg)

File: 0fb411d666627f3⋯.jpg (80.32 KB, 635x424, 635:424, trump pre3.jpg)

7020ba  No.3198302

File: f1f502766d3a69a⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 2994x1497, 2:1, EasierAndEasier.jpg)

File: 433002f566a281d⋯.jpg (658.84 KB, 1476x812, 369:203, TryHarder.jpg)

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

4636be  No.3198315

File: 81ef2e7d39fabe3⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2050x1218, 1025:609, Bless-this-Bread-5.jpg)


TY Patriots!


56dd6d  No.3198325

Is Freddy baking this one?

6baa76  No.3198331

File: d5d8fdd9b58576d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1266x4227, 422:1409, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Sena….png)

4th accuser up to bat

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee is inquiring about at least one additional allegation of misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a letter obtained by NBC News and multiple people familiar with the process.

Republican Senate investigators asked Kavanaugh about the new complaint, NBC News has learned, during a phone call on Tuesday between Kavanaugh and committee staff. Sources told NBC News that Kavanaugh denied the allegation in the letter during the call and a spokesman for the committee declined to comment.

A Republican aide on the committee said the conversation took place shortly after noon. While Republican staff posed questions to Kavanaugh, their Democratic counterparts were also on the call but did not ask any questions.

According to an anonymous complaint sent to Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, Kavanaugh physically assaulted a woman he socialized with in the Washington, D.C., area in 1998 while he was inebriated.

82a57d  No.3198332


Freddy's baked anon

be56b0  No.3198333

File: 4b6ffb420bd53f7⋯.jpg (105.52 KB, 1042x693, 1042:693, Dm7xbUEV4AA5mia.jpg_large.jpg)

f0a867  No.3198334

File: 9bbe3dc10eba3d3⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 640x850, 64:85, 2ro49tACHQXIXRtJF2PAz6T-dp….jpg)

File: 0e68d470e54f5b5⋯.jpg (226.59 KB, 1200x1610, 120:161, qRRBkMk.jpg)


thanQ baker!

45879a  No.3198335

fa9572  No.3198336


Holy crap...can slide the board back to ALIENS!!!!!

26e401  No.3198337

File: 40abc178ef90159⋯.jpg (88.35 KB, 500x546, 250:273, grassley.jpg)

thanks baker, keep up the good fight frens! wwg1wga!

3f1042  No.3198338

File: 60a6248a94cf378⋯.png (375.48 KB, 500x504, 125:126, ClipboardImage.png)

683fb4  No.3198339

Aliens are real, deal with it!!

8578da  No.3198340

>>3198304 pb

pipe down, sport. yer in over yer head already.

4636be  No.3198341

File: 9a99f080ff79003⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, 9a99f080ff79003caed70c27d0….jpg)


Love that Yoda!

39c3b9  No.3198342


>"Tomorrow is going to be a VERY important day"

55668e  No.3198343

File: 30ddac1ca896dfb⋯.jpg (250.82 KB, 687x750, 229:250, RR wearing a wire.jpg)

8c1923  No.3198344

File: b9f575788da9393⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 883x914, 883:914, 1a.JPG)

File: 60abd9aa6ddf362⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 710x315, 142:63, 2.JPG)

Western ND Republican lawmaker to resign, citing lack of 'zeal'


c69a60  No.3198345

>>3198299 lb

How about another anonymous person's answer? Will that suffice? Aliens exist.

7f91db  No.3198346


I'd watch the news that day.

76922e  No.3198347

File: 3159500c2beea39⋯.jpg (965.6 KB, 1280x1918, 640:959, IMG_064.jpg)


8578da  No.3198348


And the proof of that is….?

45879a  No.3198349

File: 284ca805a81ed37⋯.jpeg (169.8 KB, 1440x1200, 6:5, 1537476288.jpeg)

34c434  No.3198351

>>3198305 (lb)

Apparently you have problems understanding language.

The word was never used. The question was "Are we alone?" Q said No.

If you think that automatically equates to aliens, that's your leap in logic.

6f5310  No.3198353

>>3198310 <<

>That speech was more for them then it was for us.

He did adress many if not most of the journalists very personally, with comments on their career, etc.

Also particularly striking was when he again pointed out, in a very underlined way, how major MSM outlets would endorse him... something with the way he put that out again didn't sound like his other answers, i found. Your take would explain it well

040490  No.3198354


Yoda yowza.! Nice.

2b4f77  No.3198355


+ rally the day after the EBS test?!

39c3b9  No.3198356


And Friday! Me too.

8736c0  No.3198357


*yawn* Only physical assault this time.

4636be  No.3198358

File: 92fcfa35495a465⋯.jpg (128.06 KB, 520x347, 520:347, Are-You-Awake-Trinity.jpg)

f3a59a  No.3198359









683fb4  No.3198360

Wow, you guys are on it today but I still love you all!!

eae75a  No.3198361

>>3198162 last bread

I hired on a guy once for a transit trip. Three guys came up to the Wheelhouse all freaked out because he was setting up a shrine to sat*n in his rack.

He stayed on the beach when we threw the lines.

0078ae  No.3198362

CNN is reporting that a US Senator is suing Trump to stop vote of Friday.

e40686  No.3198363

File: 49ca127e12d8bcf⋯.gif (576.67 KB, 450x286, 225:143, GRASSLEY!.gif)

293929  No.3198364

>>3198306 lb

i have seen something up there moving about. looks like cigar shapes, fully lit up. looked like they was driving from star to star.

they would sit awhile, you couldn't see them as they blended in with the star. then they would take off again from that star and move to what looks like the next one. very strange. i seen like 50 doing this.

e46524  No.3198365


Pray tell faggot. What else could it mean. Let me hear your "Logic"

6577b2  No.3198366


In the classified govt documents or in your own research or even experience with ETs that not everyone will believe you had if you make the effort

93b665  No.3198367

File: a9c034796e5c50d⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 500x666, 250:333, 2it7an_LI.jpg)

Feen-steen aint got time fo dat

e5392a  No.3198368

Any anon have patriotsfight 295 screen grab? Link 404 in bread. ThanQ

8578da  No.3198369


MY leap in logic? LOL!


- O -


my – MY! – "leap in logic"!!!!!!

dbca57  No.3198370


With the vastness of space, the probability that aliens Don't exist is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%

76922e  No.3198371

File: a895f373d2b08ec⋯.jpg (144.27 KB, 550x706, 275:353, IMG_063.jpg)

ty patriots!

00e54b  No.3198372

File: 9fe82b1e0963c66⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 720x480, 3:2, IMG_0770.JPG)

I feel like maybe they won't be releasing the results of this polygraph test.

9702c1  No.3198373


Arent they also working all weekend too?

f3a59a  No.3198374



683fb4  No.3198375

Q, do aliens from outer space exist?

d49f8b  No.3198376

Dems trying to use Trump’s presser as evidence to push 25th Amendment.

295989  No.3198377

File: e2074e0fc217539⋯.jpg (42.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2fbnsw.jpg)

0078ae  No.3198378

File: 73474efcd04f51e⋯.png (237.7 KB, 691x456, 691:456, merkely.PNG)

3f6a61  No.3198379


youre dumbass believes 2 years of evidence that the elite are satanic pedophiles but wont look at literally a mountain of evidence stretching thousands of years that ET's exist lmao

e46524  No.3198380


yeah but some people's brains wouldn't fit in a thimble.

deddbe  No.3198381

File: d066b95f56e525f⋯.jpg (110.5 KB, 751x611, 751:611, POTUS un msm kav 9 26 18.JPG)

for posterity…[Pic Related]


350a48  No.3198382

File: 973dbb69e6c550a⋯.png (983.82 KB, 1530x642, 255:107, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 18c296048480675⋯.png (71.35 KB, 1118x864, 559:432, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)


ONLY 3 PICS COME UP…that is it.

and yes i meant to use all caps

bf64ca  No.3198383

File: 544fa4f88e83645⋯.jpg (36.27 KB, 600x509, 600:509, 1451362881282.jpg)

11c422  No.3198384

No bathroom downstairs?

040490  No.3198385



6efe58  No.3198386


It could mean the Divine Being (Almighty God).

It could mean humans residing elsewhere.

It could mean other life forms that we would not consider sentient, like fungi or bacteria.

It could even mean aliens.

But it certainly does not CONCLUSIVELY and UNEQUIVOCALLY mean aliens.

c69a60  No.3198387


Dude in a wig.

7f91db  No.3198388


during the presser, POTUS said, "I don't know if they're going to vote Monday or Saturday or whatever" in a passing comment

6f5310  No.3198389


saw one 2/3 breads back, sorry no direct link, shame it didn't make the dough/notables

8c1923  No.3198390

File: 7bb72ffe85989c4⋯.jpg (99.12 KB, 785x881, 785:881, 1a.JPG)

File: 57e19361a76fe72⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 751x489, 751:489, 2.JPG)

Plateau SSG, Commissioner Resign


dbca57  No.3198391


kek! Also true

f3a59a  No.3198392







e46524  No.3198393


Anything that is from another planet is in essence alien… no matter if it is bacteria or anything else.

39c3b9  No.3198394


I am praying Friday is THE END. Maybe you know more than me. Please enlighten me.

34c434  No.3198395


The fact that you can't imagine what else it could be means your judgement is clouded by small thinking.

Fact is, I have no idea what else it could mean - but i'm not going to go out on a limb and start making assumptions based on what I think i know.

Figure it out.

653a4c  No.3198396


aliens are as real as Q being in control is

figure out what i mean by that

034f6a  No.3198397

AntiFa Loser Bitches need snitches for the top hole and the front pole, but not the backhole, lolol

e46524  No.3198398


or froma comet… anything.

3f6a61  No.3198399


maybe you missed the "Consider the vastness of space" part?

4a8ba7  No.3198400

File: 06d56a94825f6af⋯.png (6.49 MB, 2013x2183, 2013:2183, 2018-09-26_18-57-02.png)



3f1042  No.3198401

File: 2dadc449f14c4b2⋯.png (124.68 KB, 212x254, 106:127, ClipboardImage.png)

2b56e5  No.3198402


Acknowledged, pbanon

fe38c0  No.3198403

File: 0b8fdef0bd89709⋯.png (360.52 KB, 588x466, 294:233, Screenshot_2018-09-26 ( ) ….png)

Re-post from lb

Family friend calls radio show says Julie Swetnick has psychological issues and drug problems

Audio recording


2b4f77  No.3198404


End of what, nowfag?

e46524  No.3198405


Anything from off planet is alien… period.

e5392a  No.3198406


It’s there but link is 404. ThanQ anon. Been offline for days.

653a4c  No.3198407


you seen the orbs of light ?

no idea what those are but they exist

3e99a4  No.3198408

File: b0ed84ad3b61459⋯.png (31.63 KB, 530x220, 53:22, 295.png)

39c3b9  No.3198409


POTUS said he don't know. I thought they vote on Friday. I hope so!

d49f8b  No.3198410

File: 44fc78a7a7ad6a1⋯.jpeg (246.25 KB, 1226x557, 1226:557, D110C761-567C-4EBB-ABED-0….jpeg)



070049  No.3198411

I guess the PLAYBOOK says

Pull the 50 Accusers

they can't ALL be lying

(no real sauce though) routine.

eae75a  No.3198412


Scroll down


6efe58  No.3198413

File: 5158c7206ad0696⋯.jpg (229.1 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogether1000.jpg)

File: 427c4d7f67c76ce⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogetherFree….jpg)

File: ded6f743308b476⋯.jpg (311.17 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogether54.jpg)

File: 5bf6426ec841998⋯.jpg (328.79 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogether53.jpg)

File: 8957e0bdd3d29f6⋯.jpg (279.25 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogether7.jpg)

034f6a  No.3198414


ur mom is alien, she probed me an hour ago

34c434  No.3198415


I made no claims aside from stating the facts, pure and simple.

Never. Said. Aliens.

Am I wrong?

3f6a61  No.3198416


all of those things exist

0078ae  No.3198417

POTUS has fake news believing that he is open to considering pulling K.

4002cf  No.3198418



653a4c  No.3198419


>It could mean other life forms that we would not consider sentient, like fungi or bacteria.


e5392a  No.3198420


Many thanqs anon!

1af8f6  No.3198421

File: d171e09541631af⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 259x194, 259:194, seth.jpg)


Also. confine the msg to the T shirt, which I did not do a good job with here, but AI cannot scan T shirt messages especially if you break them up.

39c3b9  No.3198422



2e14a3  No.3198423

Anyone else here looooove when POTUS calls out and trolls an entire room full of CIA officers (reporter is their cover) and says “we got a lotta fake news here!” He knows exactly which ones are covert assets.

e46524  No.3198424


Good I hope she gave you a revelation.

8b03ae  No.3198425


Are we even paying attention to these anymore? Ffs this is the psychology of desperation on full display.

293929  No.3198426


i do not know what they was.

man made ships. idk.

they was bright, was a clear night.

d1c534  No.3198427

File: 8110a8ffc48595a⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, pepegalactic.jpg)

>>3198223 (lb)


Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.

So the only other thing that comes to mind is God/Satan/Angles/Demons.

Does that mean the government KNOWS this?

That just seems so unlikely to me but the fact that so many powerful people legitimately worship Satan gives this theory more weight.

They find out Satan is real and made a deal? Would this be why they so fervently believe Satan gives them their power and wealth? What about God? Why would they make that deal?

Something that stuck with me from that "Rothschild AMA" is the fact he kept alluding to a "deal" and "humanity is being harvested" and "pain is delicious" and "if you tasted it you would make the same deal" and "we're all being judged."

These lines fits very well with Q's drop about being farmed like the Matrix ("gee, where did they get that idea?") and that the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. I feel like there's an idea or a concept just on the tip of my mind but I can't grasp it. I have a few theories but none of them make complete sense. I too crave some 40,000 ft drops.

1af8f6  No.3198428


LB shit LB sorry

bba1bc  No.3198429

File: 15bda1b75ff94d5⋯.png (23.24 KB, 591x152, 591:152, Screenshot_2018-09-27_00-0….png)

File: 5ba0527c09872f3⋯.png (40.19 KB, 592x231, 592:231, Screenshot_2018-09-27_00-0….png)

File: 069d9b17ccc971b⋯.png (297.5 KB, 642x582, 107:97, Screenshot_2018-09-27_00-0….png)


65e78d  No.3198430

File: 48e8beef193ee31⋯.jpg (104.93 KB, 543x859, 543:859, 295 Q.JPG)

f3a59a  No.3198431




















2e14a3  No.3198433


>>makes another baseless accusation


Your worse than the Dems.

34c434  No.3198434


>Anything from off planet is alien… period.



How are you still having trouble with this?

034f6a  No.3198435

>>3198369 Your obvious use of Hyperbole and exaggeration is evidence of a lack of rationality and inability to use LOGIC

fa9572  No.3198436

File: 24782eb0e263bb1⋯.jpg (164.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, BTFOGREENBALLS.jpg)

50a560  No.3198437


Dims are done! Listen to this from a callin radio show in Boston this morning

Just listened to a phone call that the brother of one of her friends made to a radio station in Boston. Interesting, his sister called he a whack job. Here it is:


d7f39e  No.3198438

File: 6821bbdb526db4d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1275x640, 255:128, ClipboardImage.png)


these are your aliens

e46524  No.3198439


Yeah because God is highest class… bacteria is highest class… right there is only one thing that would be highest class. Don't listen tot he dumbfucks.

d49f8b  No.3198440

File: a2cb0dbfe9c5510⋯.jpeg (286.27 KB, 1218x565, 1218:565, 06340FDB-5A11-4C06-886A-B….jpeg)


Bots strike.

aac3be  No.3198441



1befd7  No.3198442

Boomers getting smackdown left n right on QRV, they can't handle the JQ lmao.

6f5310  No.3198443



that poor old beaten up


034f6a  No.3198444

>>3198438 sparks of divinity I tellsya, ;-)

c69a60  No.3198445


They pulling a Cosby on this poor man.

6577b2  No.3198446

File: 6e036e9dd031a36⋯.jpg (180.06 KB, 960x760, 24:19, expand your thinking.jpg)


Muh load test!

ce5bb8  No.3198447

File: f225b13f5803779⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, SaveTheWorld.jpg)



Luke 8:17

For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to Light.

They are going down, PANIC.

653a4c  No.3198448


i saw a literal orb of light

couldve been a ship but was weird as fuck lol

e46524  No.3198449


Anon also says bacteria would be highest classification.

1262c2  No.3198450

Q answer about aliens question is such a great crumb because it can literally be read either way - confirm or deny aliens with same statement.

Q took advantage of the multipart nature of the question and gave an answer of obscured ambiguity.

65e78d  No.3198451


Sorry, wrong anon


see above

2b1672  No.3198452


Tfw the new racism is “all old white guys look alike”

9702c1  No.3198453


Not for long.

time to take it all back

39c3b9  No.3198454

This was posted on last bread. This 7 years old girl can sing.


7-Year-Old Girl’s National Anthem Blows Crowd Away at the MLS Game

050cb2  No.3198455

Can somebody let me know the process tomorrow…

1) Will the folks on the committee be in there and be able to ask questions or just this lady from Arizona? If just the lady, did the committee get to submit the questions to her that they want answered? What is the time limit for each question?

2) Does Brett go immediately after her? Who asks him his questions? Was committee able to submit their questions for him?

034f6a  No.3198456


i pulled a Cosby on your mom

6baa76  No.3198457


I believe in vril girls, can you hook a brother up?

34c434  No.3198458


I'm fully aware of what was said.

But the word "Alien" was never used.

I - for one - believe that there is plenty of life zipping around out there. Is it alien? I have no idea. Not going to make the assumption.

e40686  No.3198459

File: baab524fe87fdf5⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pointing God.jpg)

8b257c  No.3198460


>trusting frank

but kek i agree with him. there are old civilzations that believe aliens colonized here, this planet is an experiment, like the first episode of south park :]

82a57d  No.3198461



Putting that in notes makes us no better than them, right?

d1c534  No.3198462


You have to take a step back and realize: Trump absolutely made the right pick in Kavanaugh.

The Dems/MSM want you to believe this guy is a Bill Clinton.

6efe58  No.3198463

>>3198364 Who is the loudest? Ms. Hawaii, Hirono, is a consistent brayer. And embarrassingly stupid as well. Will be surprised and very disappointed if her name is not on one of those sealed indictments.

293929  No.3198464

File: 1df7a64cfc89db0⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 295x199, 295:199, 1111.jpg)

File: 774152d12ca56b9⋯.jpg (241.02 KB, 360x1080, 1:3, 333TODAY.jpg)

File: 13ab1577a9943d1⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 509x343, 509:343, 13ab1577a9943d18396d36dcfc….jpg)

146396  No.3198465


love the emphasis on "far more recent." Translation: "shit, the 30-something-year-old accuations aren't swaying people, better make up one more recent, but still far enough back that we can be vague on the details!"

1befd7  No.3198466

Fucking aliens dropped jews on our planet to fuck with us.

fa9572  No.3198467

File: aa4cfd0c4027515⋯.jpg (154.26 KB, 730x1024, 365:512, butclowns.jpg)



Tired now…keep digging Anons.

See you tomorrow!

653a4c  No.3198468


go read that ama

read up on things like lymes disease

schuman frequencies

toxoplas etc

and the locations of mason lodges abortion clinics hospitals


on the map

now add it up

3f6a61  No.3198469


if its classified the government knows about it

also all of those things existing doesnt contradict each other

6577b2  No.3198470


Which is why we use the term "extraterrestrials" for lifeforms that are not native to Earth.

350a48  No.3198471

File: 5b13e7fed93f657⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2510x1808, 1255:904, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)


note the one and only existing photo that is floating around. see the pixels around the eyes and mouth, those are photoshopped from a different lower res photo than the face. this only one photo of this person is not even real i don't think

76922e  No.3198472

File: 9d829f1fc492e91⋯.jpg (243.31 KB, 600x750, 4:5, IMG_062.jpg)

e40686  No.3198473

File: b2615ff862cb569⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 500x166, 250:83, 004a71d53f7f63f411b2b73e16….jpg)

c69a60  No.3198474


Poor (you).

55668e  No.3198475




I introduced the ayos into the convo last bread, bitching about Kavanagh. As soon as I clicked reply, I knew some shil was going to take my shit to create a board slide.

That is the hardest art about this place. Any vent of frustration, and some of them can be good for the health of the board, is immediately seized upon by shills.

I've seen it so many times. An anon will say an opinion "against" Q. Those are big quotation marks by the way. And boom some MOSSAD/CIA nigger will jump all over it to sew discord and bread slide.

Fucking shills.

Never thought I could hate a group of people, but shills, man do I fucking hate those motherfuckers.

baaf17  No.3198476


See Post #2, Oct. 28:

In part: "POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics."

Q has always told us that POTUS cannot be perceived as going after his political opponents. Obvious reasons.

8b03ae  No.3198477

Reposting from late last bread.

EXCLUSIVE: Woman Who Partied with Georgetown Prep Football Team Disputes Gang Rape Allegations

The latest allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh the day before Christine Blasey Ford is scheduled to testify have thrown another grenade into the confirmation process. Significant holes have already been demonstrated in the accusations made by Julie Swetnick that Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were present at parties where she says she witnessed excessive drinking and drugging of girls at parties where "gang" or "train" rapes occurred. Swetnick claims to have repeatedly witnessed such events at multiple parties before she eventually became a victim herself.

In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these “gang” or “train” rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. Shortly after the incident, I shared what had transpired with at least two other people. During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me. I believe I was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.”

Lisa Miller, who graduated in 1981 from Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, a private Roman Catholic college-preparatory school for girls, spoke to PJ Media about the new allegations from Julie Swetnick. According to Miller, such activity described by Swetnick did not happen. She said such activities would have been widely known.

“In 1981, I attended parties with football players from Georgetown Prep,” Miller says. She acknowledges that underage drinking occurred at these parties. “NEVER did I witness behavior that Julie Swetnick describe, ever.”

In the interest of full disclosure, Lisa Miller and I are friends on Facebook, though we do not know each other personally. Miller is also a Tea Party activist and organizer of Tea Party Washington D.C., but says she didn't support Brett Kavanaugh's nomination because "he doesn't always rule to limit governments overreach like metadata collection." But the new allegations were "so outrageous I had to speak up." Even now she says, "I'd prefer a more rule of law, constitutionalist who isn't so concerned with bad law being protected by stare decisis. But NOT at the expense of his reputation."


b98ef8  No.3198478

So many resignations today. UN speech powerful, poignant and direct. Pressure on China with a public declaration of attempted meddling in our elections, past and future. Talks of a deal with Palestine/Israel down the road.

We are winning bigly. Big happenings everywhere.

The plan is fucking awesome!

bba1bc  No.3198479


Yup this is exposing them big time! They went too far this time!

146396  No.3198480


TBF I think any pick would've gotten the same treatment. BK may have been the one most willing to take the slings and arrows.

6f5310  No.3198481


> it can literally be read either way


amazing to see so many anons absolutely convinced either way…

45879a  No.3198482


Fucking A

15bc4b  No.3198483

File: 6809e41b3cdc3b5⋯.png (821.24 KB, 872x607, 872:607, chriscoonthefamilypimp.png)

00e54b  No.3198484


I like the Phaeton hypothesis.

We were once a great civilization from the planet Phaeton but blew it up and crash landed on earth on Antarctica.

The remains of what once was our home planet Phaeton is now the astroid belt.

Not that I believe it, but I like it.

0078ae  No.3198485

now we got a jealous mom .

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee is inquiring about at least one additional allegation of misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a letter obtained by NBC News and multiple people familiar with the process.

Republican Senate investigators asked Kavanaugh about the new complaint, NBC News has learned, during a phone call on Tuesday between Kavanaugh and committee staff. Sources told NBC News that Kavanaugh denied the allegation in the letter during the call and a spokesman for the committee declined to comment.

A Republican aide on the committee said the conversation took place shortly after noon. While Republican staff posed questions to Kavanaugh, their Democratic counterparts were also on the call but did not ask any questions.

According to an anonymous complaint sent to Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, Kavanaugh physically assaulted a woman he socialized with in the Washington, D.C., area in 1998 while he was inebriated.

The sender of the complaint described an evening involving her own daughter, Kavanaugh and several friends in 1998.

“When they left the bar (under the influence of alcohol) they were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh, shoved her friend up against the wall very aggressively and sexually.”

“There were at least four witnesses including my daughter.” The writer of the letter provided no names but said the alleged victim was still traumatized and had decided to remain anonymous herself.

A Democratic source said the minority wasn’t satisfied by the Republicans’ questions about the incident during the call, calling them cursory, and believed it should be investigated more deeply.

NBC News reached out to the White House for comment.

Kavanaugh, a federal judge who was nominated to the Supreme Court on July 9, has staunchly denied public allegations from three women alleging sexual misconduct.

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump said he could consider withdrawing Kavanaugh’s nomination if he “thought he was guilty of something like this.” Earlier Trump said the public accusations against Kavanaugh were false.


c69a60  No.3198486

Getting hard to post again..

e46524  No.3198487


His mom has aids…

293929  No.3198488


she needs some steak, baked tators, salads, rolls, the whole 9

eeb4dc  No.3198489

File: 11cd5f68f12ce1a⋯.png (205.56 KB, 218x344, 109:172, Kavanaughs Russian Wife.PNG)


>4th accuser up to bat

When do they trot out his Russian wife? Hell, he's got to be a bigamist too!

aac3be  No.3198490


being sarcastic, not trusting, have a coke and a smile and relax anon

820fe8  No.3198491

File: 173a0b8413ebb2a⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ayy.jpg)

Shills asking about aliens like it wasn't disinfo to stress test the board in preparation for the normie invasion…WEW

476170  No.3198492


Salsa on the Larry Flynt offer of a $1 million dollars for evidence of others involved in the Lewinsky investigation who were also having extramarital affairs etc.

da998a  No.3198493


All you have seen of space is what you have been spoon fed by the C_A.

fe38c0  No.3198494


How so? Have you listened to it? I don't care if it's not included in notables. I put it here so anons can listen to it and decide for themselves. I've seen anons go on about a lot less.

9380d8  No.3198495

Plot twist: He thought he was in line for the bathroom. Was really pissed when he waited all that time to find a naked woman in a bedroom.

1fe399  No.3198496


anonymous source

"the writer of the letter mentioned no names but said the alleged victim was still traumatized and had decided to remain anonymous"

>from a third party , literally hearsay

release the name bitches , let anons do their thing

also of note: "The woman, Julie Swetnick, did not name Kavanaugh as the assailant"

a3cca9  No.3198497


We're in this predicament because many years ago there was a jew spaceship made of chinese steel.

6baa76  No.3198498


It's a show, enjoy

39c3b9  No.3198499


What is his problem. I have to filter every time. so annoying.

2e14a3  No.3198500


Because all the other ones were easy as shit to disprove. They had to go anonymous this time.

1ce16c  No.3198501

File: f61e65bfae16ad8⋯.png (441.52 KB, 581x614, 581:614, AQ1.PNG)

Kavanaugh Facing New Accusation of Physical Assault: Report


b87b9e  No.3198502

Be me

Confused sexually.

Hang out with creepy porn lawyer drinking a lot.

Decide to mount him and force him to pleasure me.

Watch him go into a mental slide and become creepy porn lawyer.

Feeling guilty about what I did to the country.

715b60  No.3198503

File: 8d6128be537025e⋯.jpg (146.51 KB, 837x580, 837:580, GIMP DIST.JPG)

>>3198236 (lb)

Gimp is your friend. Captcha-style. Pic related.

19f16c  No.3198504

File: 96f2f7fac297bcd⋯.jpeg (330.2 KB, 793x549, 13:9, 96f2f7fac297bcd1ecd791a40….jpeg)


Are we alone was coupled WITH Roswell.

You damn well know EXACTLY what was implied by the question, as does Q.

So you and people with your mindset on this subject need to grow up. QUICK.

Just because extraterrestrials don't fit YOUR existing narrative, doesn't mean shit.

Many of us need to be ready to unlearn and proceed to learn the truth, not just with ET's, but with everything, as we've seen already.

On a further note, intelligent life outside of Earth DOES NOT mean God doesn't exist.

If you think, in ALL of these star systems, in ALL of these galaxies, that other intelligent life can't exist…

Then you are being a hypocrite and putting a cap on God's ability to create.

3f6a61  No.3198505


thats why you call it extra terrestrial, anything from outside our atmosphere is ET

539d76  No.3198506

File: 0c526f1c33c9d20⋯.jpg (172.14 KB, 600x947, 600:947, 784807.jpg)


Where is the PUNISHMENT, Q?


False accusers being paid $$ to delay/stall/ruin….PUNISHMENT.

Voter fraud……PUNISHMENT.


Fake/False News………..PUNISHMENT.


34c434  No.3198507


I can't hate em. I'm just confused about why they do it.

4002cf  No.3198509


Fair enough Anon, that’s why I included the question mark.

eae75a  No.3198510

If the MSM would learn to just “talk” with President Trump they could learn so much.

The agenda to force the answer, their answer with yelling and hounding is so tedious to listen too.

I don’t know how POTUS does it!

Bless the man…

83d503  No.3198511


I have the strong feeling, that we won’t see a vote this week

7020ba  No.3198512

File: d4193ebb2fc1a77⋯.jpg (714.74 KB, 1476x812, 369:203, Womp.jpg)

6efe58  No.3198513


Consider the vastness of space.

Those who think Q might be referring to God when answering "no" to "are we alone?" will think of the vastness of space in a different way.

Psalm 19

'''The heavens declare the glory of God,

and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.'''

Day to day pours out speech,

and night to night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are there words,

whose voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out through all the earth,

and their words to the end of the world.

Romans chapter 1

For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.

We believe that viewing the natural world, God's creation, reveals much about God's nature as the Creator of all.

We do not rule out aliens, nor do we find unequivocal support for aliens in Q's statement. We do find support for our faith in God, in Q's statement.

293929  No.3198514


the madness!!!!

momma momma we all crazy now

deddbe  No.3198515

File: cc2072ec9e8ca41⋯.jpg (110.46 KB, 752x612, 188:153, POTUS un msm kav 9 26 18.JPG)


i'm a moron…date corrected

d7f39e  No.3198516


will their last resort be to find someone to call him a pedophile?

c69a60  No.3198517


or maybe is dead?

e46524  No.3198518


Not only that but there are infinite universes that flow in a river. Derka derka derp derp.

1f598d  No.3198519

File: d28d0ef46c03b55⋯.jpeg (363.33 KB, 1125x1753, 1125:1753, CE79F342-C178-49AD-98C5-6….jpeg)

File: 050ade51aa133d6⋯.jpeg (372 KB, 1125x1287, 125:143, E40ABD99-ADE6-4389-9F03-4….jpeg)

File: 371b372685b7163⋯.jpeg (356.42 KB, 1125x842, 1125:842, 34CF2207-4A4D-4688-B03F-3….jpeg)

File: 276e7b247fb2b43⋯.jpeg (185.88 KB, 1121x964, 1121:964, 7B6B9DE7-65CB-49D2-A516-E….jpeg)

File: 45bf85627d1c227⋯.png (4.33 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CF56F630-3C17-46E0-8A28-5F….png)

>>3196049 [PB]

Re: connecting Christine Blasey to Peter Strzok.

Asserting a direct connection is one thing.

Establishing it is another.

It would be useful to establish it, yes.

So far there is only the most tenuous of connections.

1. A Thomas Blasey has been iden as working for Exelis/ ITT from 2001 to 2015.

But has it been confirmed that this is a relative of Christine Blasey Ford? Sauce?

==Not confirmation but more anecdotal== Tom Blasey attended Landon School 1977-1984 located in Bethesda, MD. Guess which school is the brother school of Holton-Arms? ==Landon== This does not tie them as immediate relatives (bro/sis) but quite probable they are relatives. Too many Coinqidinks

fa9572  No.3198520


Genesis 1:26

0078ae  No.3198521


It is from a mother of a woman.


aac3be  No.3198522


anon5 says theres a blockade because of the femin virus

00e54b  No.3198523


It was a foul, and he the ref allowed the other player a free throw. He paid his debt.

8c6ed2  No.3198524

File: 16d82131a92751f⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 516x712, 129:178, ComeyDoody.jpg)

File: 9be369f0e16d7db⋯.jpg (96.51 KB, 516x712, 129:178, ComeyDoodyMess.jpg)

1ce16c  No.3198525


Kavanaugh Facing New Anonymous Accusation of Physical Assault

Yet another allegation is being brought against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh–this time regarding physical assault. The Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating.

According to NBC News, an ‘anonymous complaint sent to Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado [alleged] Kavanaugh physically assaulted a woman he socialized with in the Washington, D.C., area in 1998 while he was inebriated.’

“When they left the bar (under the influence of alcohol) they were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh, shoved her friend up against the wall very aggressively and sexually. […] There were at least four witnesses including my daughter.”

Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegations in a phone call to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the report said.

f3a59a  No.3198526








ebfe15  No.3198527

File: 2d1514b860b3442⋯.png (832.05 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

The false testimony provided by Professor Ford tomorrow will permanently impair the future testimonies of real female assault victims by setting a precedent perpetrated by the Left and their MSM co-horts. They will paint every victim as a greater potential liar, with even fewer real victims being willing to come forward.

4405d3  No.3198528

Something tells me POTUS and Q team may have secret recordings of the Dem meetings where they are laughing about the CON GAME they are perpetrating on America.

6f5310  No.3198529


thank for your service and sacrifice.

it shall not be in vain.



c0d820  No.3198530

Had a horrifying realization today that they keep bringing out more and more 'accusers' because once this is all over they will probably fabricate tell-all books to go along with the whole sham to get every possible penny out of the gullible public.

715b60  No.3198531

File: 8c75a59981215a7⋯.png (390.7 KB, 989x535, 989:535, Creepy Porn Lawyer Whores ….png)



Surprise surprise.

55668e  No.3198533


Money talks.


BTW not calling out the anons who commented in referenced posts shills.


832093  No.3198534


Ever seen a squirrel? The Bible didn't mention them, either.

2e14a3  No.3198535


They are CIA assets. Reporter is their cover. Lurk moar. They don’t want to understand, they want propaganda.

da998a  No.3198536


Stormy, please be advised there are no deals for you. You are worn and torn and ready for recycling. KYS

5b824b  No.3198537

File: 4afc216d7568693⋯.jpg (31.86 KB, 350x314, 175:157, download (12).jpg)

45879a  No.3198539


Been there done that.

653a4c  No.3198540


no bad deed unrewarded anon


dd55c7  No.3198541

File: 98f7572e6fd2bac⋯.jpg (191.66 KB, 500x700, 5:7, favors.jpg)

lb pic…thanks

d9da63  No.3198542


Feinstein is now the little girl who cried wolf. No one believes her any more.

3f6a61  No.3198543


go to the middle of the desert and look up

>CIA projects holograms of space in our atmosphere for 10,000+ years


2b4f77  No.3198544

File: a50d7e39d787f83⋯.png (35.47 KB, 594x130, 297:65, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 11a912a3a6b9760⋯.png (28.02 KB, 593x121, 593:121, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 0d163a40cd0451a⋯.png (22.24 KB, 600x93, 200:31, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: ca6d5d3155696c2⋯.png (451.66 KB, 841x445, 841:445, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)


Lefty's gonna Left.

34f5d1  No.3198545

Dems saying this is not a criminal Court therefore the presumption of innocence is not the standard. Our Legislative body who makes the law is not subjected to follow the norms of the law when listening to legal arguments? That is not circular that is figure 8!

71d56b  No.3198546




When I was young and trying to decide if I believed in aliens, I used to think that Earth was most likely used as a penal colony for more highly advanced civilizations. (That helped me explain how humans could be so cruel and evil.)

293929  No.3198547


not to mention she is breaking one of Gods 10 LAWS!

e40686  No.3198548

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, cat nails.gif)

9efb4a  No.3198549

File: dfd5690bce2c660⋯.png (63.2 KB, 530x387, 530:387, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Oh shit…As if we needed any more confirmation that tomorrow is going to be THE game changing day. KEK!!


f1fe71  No.3198550

File: b1489c59b9a5b9c⋯.png (420.01 KB, 687x750, 229:250, rosenstein_if_anyone_asks_….png)


that's really top kek anon - laughed my ass off…. cleaned it up a little for ( yo u)

45879a  No.3198551


Top Kek

8b03ae  No.3198552


A 7 year-old Asian girl butchering the National Anthem. Listen to the "artistic liberty" she took with "O'er the land of the free (and my windows break) and the home of the brave!"

eae75a  No.3198553


lurk your own ass faggot

293929  No.3198554


DO U HAVE THE BLANK? any other anons?

77b53e  No.3198555

File: 035bbb8fcb45d69⋯.png (527.24 KB, 374x499, 374:499, ClipboardImage.png)



Add this to the forth one for time lapse effect… kek!

4bd41f  No.3198556


An 'analyst' on MSNBC said there are problems with it legally and it is a big nothing. And he seems to be no fan of Trump.

9702c1  No.3198557


While we have this topic open, somebody posted a quote from Albert Pike, I believe, a while back that stuck with me..

"Build slowly, conquer swiftly"

And last night I heard a quote from The War Of The Worlds book/movies…

"Slowly but surely, they drew their plans against us."

Kinda interesting.

1ce16c  No.3198558




That's how long it took for the Soros funding to come thru


Will dig into it.

705d17  No.3198559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SerialBrain2 - Panic in DC & the Maestro's Allegro Prt2 Trump's tweets decoded - Rosenstein atomized

War Drummer Official


its all about rosenstein and the messages POTUS is sending to him 'by the number' that LL is spilling beans, lots of great stuff. Helps this gettingoldanon whose brain isn't what it used to be, of course I never smoke pot before i retired, put together exactly what our president is letting us know what his messages to RR and S&B are.

bba1bc  No.3198560


GOD bless him and his family, they really are taking one for the team. Some anons here should hang their heads in shame at their behavior and attitude. They have given nothing to the cause in comparison to this man and his family.

39c3b9  No.3198561


Thank God for Trump. We have gone too far and God intervened to save us all.

a4bc68  No.3198562



A) shekels


B) Kekels

561b50  No.3198563

File: 56fb727514d2051⋯.png (413.1 KB, 800x350, 16:7, 0F348AEC-B5A7-4722-96FA-6B….png)

File: f056fe5c7be1ec2⋯.png (716.15 KB, 790x395, 2:1, 423B8CE8-871D-4483-A2FC-4A….png)

File: e696939eea5a8b7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 900x603, 100:67, 5B15E45F-F65E-4953-B921-F2….png)

I’m so excited for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

539d76  No.3198564


Thank you, Freddy. Now go do the Rope Thing and if you fail at that, try the No Breathing Thing. Best!

ad4cfd  No.3198565


Roswell + 72 days


4a8ba7  No.3198567

File: 37e9fb030023488⋯.png (182.49 KB, 239x481, 239:481, 2018-09-26_19-14-15.png)

File: 4e7747271de6576⋯.png (1.3 MB, 901x891, 901:891, 2018-09-26_19-13-43.png)



050cb2  No.3198568




f689e1  No.3198569

how many more senators are going to go on live tv displaying that they do not understand how justice works in this country on a fundamental level? guilty until proven innocent?

016bdb  No.3198570


“Previously found responsible for defamation”

65e78d  No.3198571


LOL Check out Wahington's raised left hand. See if you can make your hand do that.

e30bad  No.3198572

File: 36d5a245bc5bb40⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 1173x644, 51:28, PullinTrain.JPG)

Just got here. I'm sure there must be millions of train pullin memes by now, but here's some meme batter.

1702dc  No.3198573

File: a6a0f2240ae2f2f⋯.jpg (371.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Malea_Emma.jpg)



f3a59a  No.3198574




According to the criminal complaint filed in this case, Douglas started making threats online on August 23, 2018, using the alias LiamXmaiLRevolutionX. The criminal complaint alleges that Douglas posted a series of tweets that included language such as, “I would kill the 100 YouTube employees,” “you want a bigger mass casualty aka shooting let’s see what I can do,” and “return my channel you low life Sholes before someone else comes and shoots more of your employees.” On September 17, 2018, LiamXmaiLRevolutionX posted a message to @SusanWojcicki: “Susan I'm coming for you today #pray.” Susan Wojcicki is the CEO of YouTube.











293929  No.3198575


i like serial brain

82a57d  No.3198576


"Family friend" could be anyone, it's an anonymous source, the same as "a source close to ….. who wished not to be named" bs.

That's their tactics and we're better than that. Much better.

0078ae  No.3198577

File: 176c82e6676697f⋯.png (40.87 KB, 687x419, 687:419, 4thvictim.PNG)



they are going the other way in age.

this is an older liar

dd954d  No.3198579

File: a91b9f9c0580b8e⋯.gif (745.59 KB, 400x226, 200:113, You glow.gif)

eae75a  No.3198580


Read this part again asslick

The agenda to force the answer, their answer with yelling and hounding is so tedious to listen too.

34c434  No.3198581


>Just because extraterrestrials don't fit YOUR existing narrative, doesn't mean shit.

It actually does fit my narrative, faggot.

But i'm not going to claim Q said something he didn't say. He may have implied it, but that's very different from stating it plainly.

The fact that you automatically jumped to the conclusion that I don't believe in alien life is proof enough that you are a small-minded person. You can't seem to fathom abstract thought.

57324e  No.3198582


Ford goes first, then K. Here's the hearing schedule / details:


6efe58  No.3198583


We live with 'em (the shills)

while despising them for their craven antics.

I'm OK with we drop the topic for now.

Hoping for clarity eventually.

ef3e0e  No.3198584


Odd sheet of paper, Dr. Ford wrote her claim on.

Who might keep a supply of paper like this with the wide left margin--attorneys.


d1c534  No.3198586


I like your take on it. I've always found the deliberate nature of our universe as one of the greatest proofs of God.


9702c1  No.3198587


They gave her a nickname too.

Tiny and Mighty I think

00e54b  No.3198588

File: 952dd4dcff91470⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 600x307, 600:307, phaeton2.jpg)

3d0c68  No.3198589


The world is here!!!!!

Yes. The leaders of the whole world are here….in N.Y….currently….. United Nations in NEW YORK!

Holly shit. Another Q proof.

0fc9b2  No.3198590



f1fe71  No.3198591

File: d209b85a99d4057⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2825x1562, 2825:1562, Comey_Doody_Puppeteer_Pupp….png)


top kek

0078ae  No.3198592


what does being shoved 'sexually" mean?

c523ed  No.3198593

File: 0e1e2a4431c30dd⋯.jpeg (530.19 KB, 1229x1850, 1229:1850, 2E4EDA7D-2816-4500-9854-5….jpeg)

6ec2d2  No.3198594

File: 843aa120c3aab8a⋯.png (151.35 KB, 582x285, 194:95, Screenshot (1373).png)

File: 07628bf11710da6⋯.png (190.64 KB, 588x286, 294:143, Screenshot (1374).png)


Possibly a little better screenshots

cdd1b1  No.3198595


Never saw the Rothschilds sweat this hard. Really enjoying it.

77b53e  No.3198596


Let's just not fall for a FF UFO crap, that's all.

39c3b9  No.3198597


Hey, what's Asian had to do with anything??? She is 7.

070049  No.3198598


>Kavanaugh Facing New Accusation of Physical Assault: Report

And more and more…

It's not the quality of each specific Fake&Gay

It's the quantity that says the Fake&Gay is what matters

Too many Fake&Gay made-up stories about Kav tells us that there just has to be something there

Great plan ya got there, Mockingbirds.

b87b9e  No.3198599

Grassley let this happen by not having the vote this past Monday. It's going to keep getting worse. He gave the Dems footing.


2e14a3  No.3198600


You missed the short bus again, sweety.

293929  No.3198601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2 live crew - hey we want some pussy


8c6ed2  No.3198602

File: ea6a7e1d2cf23f7⋯.jpg (152.29 KB, 1086x867, 362:289, AvenettiAttentionWHore.jpg)

53dddb  No.3198603


Extraterrestrials and aliens

4a8ba7  No.3198604

File: d298fd6b67304c8⋯.png (246.98 KB, 446x357, 446:357, 2018-07-04_07-06-43 copy.png)

File: 0b3778e1aad0815⋯.png (464.92 KB, 499x410, 499:410, 2018-07-09_01-48-24 copy 2.png)

94126c  No.3198605


Have we actually "heard" from any of Kavanaugh's accusers? No public appearances? Just photos and people speaking on their behalf?

Isn't that a bit suspicious?

34f5d1  No.3198606

anons proficient in photoshop………. we need a meme template for linguistic gymnastics. A tongue doing the uneven parallel bars or something. These crazy dems need to be called out for their crap!

1702dc  No.3198607

File: dc401d91182002a⋯.jpg (385.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, The_True_FaceofAmerica Bul….jpg)


Don't forget these boys…America at it's best

0078ae  No.3198608


did K grab her by the pussy?

7f91db  No.3198610


elaborate on "apache"



6f5310  No.3198611


give a warning when linking off-thread

>>3198018 <<

77b53e  No.3198612

File: c33d73fe32d9239⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 375x383, 375:383, attention_whore.JPG)

50a560  No.3198613


Just listened to a phone call that the brother of one of her friends made to a radio station in Boston. Interesting, his sister called her a whack job. Here it is:


6efe58  No.3198614

>>3198471 That would explain why this avatar of "something" would not be available to testify. However…to the 4-6%, it makes no difference if this entity actually has flesh.

e62e3d  No.3198615


Absolutely! They've reached critical mass. How can a normies keep up? They want confusion, they want us divided, they want riots.

ff5d8b  No.3198616



f3a59a  No.3198617




7ffdb9  No.3198618

File: 84d538017c36490⋯.jpg (126.96 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 710FBsRiAfL._SL1500_.jpg)



e4731c  No.3198619

>>3196049, >>3196103

> Anons looking to develop a tenuous Blasey/Strzok connection...

[PS] = FBI counter intel chief, correct?

Originally, what role was FBI created to play?

Historically, what was FBI actually engaged in?

Historically, what has FBI been most notorious for?

What is counter intel?

Have other countries had similar organizations?

Would the German SS and E. German STAZI have filled these roles?

Anons ever confirm that [PS] was also on [C-eye-A] payroll?

What role would a [C-eye-A] and [FB-eye] collaboration fill?

Refer to other similar orgs, how extensive might such an operation be?

Refer to other similar orgs, would civilian orgs or individuals be involved?

Would the true extent of such a collaboration ever be known?

Have any (semi-)occult orgs ever engaged in domestic surveillance?

Would it be unreasonable to assume coordination with Feds?

Would it be unreasonable to assume any member of a (semi-)occult org can be called-on/activated to engage in deepstate-operations?

Did Q ever call out the [Masons]?

Did Q ever refer to a [CIA] tweet that described them as relying on the service of men & women from throughout all sectors of industry, at all levels?

How then might [PS] and that whore be "connected"?

040490  No.3198620


how many is that now?

dba788  No.3198621

Just saw Biden butt boy Chris coons of DE. Boy oh boy. Martha tried to get him to admit his statement the other day was crap. I know this guy. He is not the person I knew in 2000. Q, I've said it before, this guy is so bought and paid for. He wants to be President. Trust me. He makes me want to poke my eye out with a bic pen!!! ARGHHHH

82a57d  No.3198622


>Kavanaugh Facing New Accusation of Physical Assault: Report

Anyone have good sauce for this?

cdd1b1  No.3198623


Daily Reminder that no man, ever, suddenly quits his position to spend more time with his family.

00e54b  No.3198624

File: 329565b0e6f4642⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 360x239, 360:239, CB3ch.gif)

4bd41f  No.3198625


I wish he would declassify, expose, and have them escorted out in an upcoming press conference. They have no business operating as 'covert news', and the normies would be stunned.

a84001  No.3198626


HOOAH???? Stepped in that once…it was NASTY

You meant


5366bc  No.3198627

Judging from my own emotions watching the growing shit show surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation and also knowing the leftists are literally unhinged I am growing more concerned of the unrest that is coming soon. This getting getting to be like throwing nitroglycerin on a fire. We all might get burned. I know Q says its all a movie and we have been told to enjoy the show but I dno't see how any of this ends well for the ordinary citizen when the shit hits the fan.

f3a59a  No.3198629





eae75a  No.3198630


shoulda known

19f16c  No.3198631


What is EVER stated PLAINLY here??? What a faggot, shut up and learn something.

2e14a3  No.3198632


The whole thing is. Every one involves positions that are common CIA covers too. That’s the most suspicious.

45879a  No.3198633

0078ae  No.3198634



293929  No.3198635


masons motto

order out of chaos

problem, reaction, solution

653a4c  No.3198636


anon only 30-40% of the country actually cares about this

the rest dont give a shit

as long as they have fortnite and mcdonalds

f1b9d1  No.3198637


Look, God created other beings besides us. Now, what name or label you choose to put on those other beings is nothing more than an exercise in semantics. Whatever you choose to call them does not change their intrinsic nature. The actual nature of those beings is open to debate, it doesn't matter what you call them.

A rose by any other name.

989584  No.3198638


Thanks for pointing that out, anon.

e1bf8d  No.3198639


And you can do better..

e46524  No.3198640


Let Rome burn.

c5e7d6  No.3198641

File: 97732c5c1802c45⋯.png (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 352c98491fcd4f2922e80dbaee….png)


save as…ALL… thanks fren

2a88bc  No.3198642





e9a16b  No.3198643


THIS, was gonna post but your graphic is dope!

carry on anon!

77b53e  No.3198644


Oh they're a riot all right… They are doing whatever they can before the DECLAS is done…

1ce16c  No.3198645


You're not wrong. Shotgun theory, Something will hit.

6e7721  No.3198646

File: d3dc40726f5d332⋯.jpg (48.79 KB, 890x671, 890:671, gas prices vs traffic grow….jpg)

File: fb5d52fa517b8c7⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 890x665, 178:133, US highway traffic.jpg)

File: 44e1cc854b218ec⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 890x665, 178:133, traffic volume SA.jpg)

File: 64e6ac5e0175d99⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 890x658, 445:329, gasoline supplied rtrs.jpg)

Ignore the headline and think about this for a moment. Economy is growing, paychecks are growing with less taxes, raises are bigger this year. Why would gas consumption continue on a downward trend since mid 2016 as seen on the graphs?

Fewer and fewer illegals immigrants are driving on the roads. That is at least my hypothesis.

The volume of traffic on U.S. highways has stopped growing, alongside gasoline consumption, as rising prices are starting to curb driving behavior, a new analysis by Reuters' energy analyst John Kemp shows. Traffic volumes in July were 0.3% lower than a year earlier, after seasonal adjustments, the latest Federal Highway Administration data showed.

Traffic growth has been negative in two months so far this year, the first readings sub-zero prints since the start of 2014. Meanwhile volumes were up by less than 0.3% in the three months from May to July compared with the same period a year earlier, down from annual growth of 2-3% throughout 2015 and 2016.


806f1e  No.3198647


Just whatever he meant by it, it's got the highest level of classification and 'wuhoh' factor.

1fe399  No.3198648


scroll up , don't know if i'd call it good


cdd1b1  No.3198649


It does not immediately hit people that when we talk about God, about angels, and about demons, we are talking about alien beings.

073b42  No.3198650


must watch to remain calm thank you

f3a59a  No.3198651


293929  No.3198652


i seen that on video when it happened, so damn funny

050cb2  No.3198653


Supreme Court possibilities if Romney wins election

By Bill Mears, CNN Supreme Court Producer

Updated 12:33 PM ET, Tue October 2, 2012


Judge Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit

Born 1965. Began his job May 2006 in a court that has seen several of its former members make the jump to the Supreme Court. A former top official in the George W. Bush White House. His nomination to a federal appeals court for the D.C. circuit was held up for three years by Democrats. Senators Patrick Leahy and Richard Durbin later accused Kavanaugh of misleading the Judiciary Committee during his confirmation over whether he helped formulate policy on the detention and questioning of accused terrorists held overseas by the U.S. military. He is relatively young and considered one of the brightest conservative legal minds. He co-authored the Starr Report investigation of President Bill Clinton and clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy and conservative appeals court Judge Alex Kozinski.

fa9572  No.3198654

File: 638d4f9024926c6⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 743x1104, 743:1104, avenetish.jpg)

File: ce6d1d09559d1c7⋯.png (513.31 KB, 655x372, 655:372, reality.png)


Even myself!

9da030  No.3198655

56dd6d  No.3198656


You Baking?

8b03ae  No.3198657


Indeed it is and it's quite entertaining. This is like watching a group of certified retards throw bone dry noodles against a wall, watching them break, and repeat.

d7f39e  No.3198658


this anon is right you know

30-40% may be too high imo

287480  No.3198659


Reeks of rat panic. If Kavanaugh really was this serial sex deviant he'd been barred years ago ffs

040490  No.3198660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh, it's being shoved while listening to "Sexual Healing" by Marvin Gaye.

1ce16c  No.3198661


4 by my count.

653a4c  No.3198662


tf my captcha said apache 2 hours ago

e9a398  No.3198663

File: 27858e067725f87⋯.png (339.61 KB, 500x383, 500:383, grave.png)

This faggots gonna get it. Kek.

15bc4b  No.3198664

File: c80d6ae68c8c499⋯.png (478.61 KB, 374x499, 374:499, 035bbb8fcb45d6935288b6acff….png)

4a8ba7  No.3198665

File: e35d47d6f40c775⋯.png (244.26 KB, 372x381, 124:127, 2018-09-26_19-21-51.png)

705d17  No.3198666


if they're being violent, they are not affiliated with this Q or these Qanons.

If you google 'Q' you will find many many references from long before this one. Research it maybe they're from one of those q's

3d0c68  No.3198667


And if thats the case. Q and friends knew that SCOTUS pick would be judge K, and Q knew that Ford would come forward.and Q knew that it would be, to the fucken DAY, when the united nations was here in the USA…. Wow…. I already teusted the plan 100. But NIW, I'm at 200%

Get em Q, you magnificent masters, you amazing patriot!

God i love everything about this!!! Fuck yeah!

39c3b9  No.3198668


Yes. He should worry at least 200 NFL players kneel during national anthem.

e30bad  No.3198669


I almost forgot about them.

"… but sum call it da traiiinn"

7c47e6  No.3198670

File: b99a6754bfddf36⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 720x864, 5:6, keithmilburry.jpg)

This guy has posted to Twit about knowing Swetnick in the 80s and her drug problems etc.

tweet sauce: https://twitter.com/MilburyKeith/status/1045064678223826945

f1fe71  No.3198671

File: df4908a8611f794⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 960x960, 1:1, see_penis.jpg)

464df2  No.3198672


The original vote was supposed to take place last Thursday.

Many thanks to Chuck Grassley for this shitshow.

Fucking pussy.

eae75a  No.3198673


The bullshit is piling up so fast you need wings to stay above it

d1ef6c  No.3198674

Aliens exist.

I've seen them. Along with 3 generations of my family. It was at the Lake of The Ozarks in the late 80's. The mass sighting even made the news.

100 ft above us, There were 3 cigar shaped craft, one above the other, smoke billowing around them. They stopped and the smoke cleared and you could see those Gray Alien fucker staring at us like they were on a sight seeing tour. Then the smoke enveloped them again as they started moving.

Whatever they are, they exist. And they are here.

You faggots who say otherwise can kys

a3cca9  No.3198675

File: 9d155c6f87d51fb⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1272x1674, 212:279, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)


First [[[RR]]].

Now [[[TRUDEAU]]]

9da030  No.3198676

6:51 PM — Avenatti, sounding very stable:

NEW: @MichaelAvenatti responds to Trump press conference:

"I am thoroughly enjoying living in your head rent-free, Donald Trump"


— TheBeat w/Ari Melber (@TheBeatWithAri) September 26, 2018

f3a59a  No.3198677



cdd1b1  No.3198678


All of those would be aliens.

1ce16c  No.3198679


It's more of a Quantity over Quality. Throw shit, see what sticks.

653a4c  No.3198680


good let them feel it for once

dd55c7  No.3198682

File: 7d1f0e8ff2383b4⋯.jpeg (11.57 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 4ff0589d605c15ff56ea16af5….jpeg)

82a57d  No.3198683



Kek, thx anon

bba1bc  No.3198684


Yeah we need to stop this shit of praising every fucking body. Did you listen to her? She can't fucking sing! Fuck all this PC nonsense guise. Grow a set.

2c8c18  No.3198685

File: 4d97468ad2a785b⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 1305x727, 1305:727, penceryan2016.jpg)


Dr. P has said nothing about Q and as far as I've seen Q says much less about AJ than anons who may or may not be cabal representatives trying to "divide".

If you read the earlier posts you'll see that the concern was related to a sequence of events ie. major changes in presentation via youtube, that occurred after Dr. P's posts named Pence & Bolton involvement in the recent attempted coup.

I don't really trust Pence and when it "walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck it is most probably a duck..." ie. the Pence comment is related to the changes that I am worried about.

I haven't forgotten about Pence's earlier plans either.

Happy to sign as a "concerngfag" if appropriate.

eae75a  No.3198686

3707a8  No.3198687

File: 4418fe0aa0dae82⋯.png (462.63 KB, 586x577, 586:577, Spankies are best.png)

Fresh memes. Get your fresh memes right here!

5be060  No.3198688


Do you understand the significance of this filing? And what releasing the documents means?

Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley has filed an injunction to stop the Kavanaugh vote



c69a60  No.3198689

I see what dems are doing. Bring a 4th accuser to light so when Ford doesn't show tomorrow they can say they got 3 others that needs "investigation" and that they can't vote for him just yet. It's now come to a case of vote or die.

293929  No.3198690


me and my homies like to play this game, we call it amtrak but some call it the train

we always line up in a single file line and take our turn at waxing girls behind

f3a59a  No.3198691




7f91db  No.3198692


God Himself has a hand in it, anon.

da5c0b  No.3198693

I wonder how long Avanetti has know or represented Swetnick. Would be strange if he has been acquainted for a while…

45879a  No.3198694

File: bb34b49c9c68f4c⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 400x299, 400:299, twilight_zone.jpg)

34f5d1  No.3198695

I am making a prediction! Feinstein/Katz have another letter written BEFORE July 30 from Christine Blasey Ford and will not turn it over claiming work product doctrine as their response to discovery inquiry

50a560  No.3198696


Check out the link and LISTEN, accuser no. 3 is a whack

Just listened to a phone call that the brother of one of her friends made to a radio station in Boston. Interesting, his sister called he a whack job. Here it is:


baaf17  No.3198697


But the absurdity of it all even has libs disgusted. Dems did go too far. The soros saurons will riot and they'll be squashed quickly. I think most folks have had enough of the millies and their uncivil behavior. That's the wisdom of having let this go this long. At least, I hope so. This has too many repercussions for men and women's relationships. Me2, Title 9, etc., have left us with total confusion. Has to stop.

578132  No.3198698


"Humiliation porn"


c523ed  No.3198699

File: 465ce163e00997a⋯.jpeg (555.16 KB, 1242x1932, 9:14, DBDCFC16-9A4D-4F1B-9AF3-3….jpeg)

0078ae  No.3198700

File: f60acf38ac4fe1f⋯.png (537.31 KB, 1483x707, 1483:707, newk.PNG)


an anonymous daughter of a anonymous woman

070049  No.3198701


>Shotgun theory, Something will hit.


When you're shooting into the woods

They got nothing but playing the hey look at the total number card

They're shooting at the barn if you ask me

040490  No.3198702


Think they all got together at Starbucks and compared notes?

53dddb  No.3198703


no it isn't

350a48  No.3198704



i don't think she exists

1befd7  No.3198705

according to aliens, Q is an "insider" of psyops.

293929  No.3198706


she is my favorite

no offense potus but she is fine as frogs hairs

3d0c68  No.3198707


Indeed, he does!!!

6efe58  No.3198708

File: 98b4d723df52009⋯.jpg (237.04 KB, 993x662, 3:2, PlannedParenthoodFeedBabyt….jpg)


Whooooa! Good one.

8b03ae  No.3198709


Not even close. She nailed it until the end. That's a huge peeve of mine.

2f40b9  No.3198710


Newbeez are worried. They look to you. Please give them comfort. Us Anons/Patriots are working very hard to help. Patriots all. Kavanaugh must be placed by Monday.

(not concern fag…just speaking for those that need their voice heard)

ad4ba8  No.3198711


Damn, gotta pop another bag of popcorn..

e87d62  No.3198712

File: 6ad6572beeda875⋯.gif (287.31 KB, 260x137, 260:137, 1537851861.gif)

7ffdb9  No.3198713


>your graphic is dope!

Kek. It's from the link.

But thanks!

539d76  No.3198714


You need help. Go tie your shoes & hold your breath. If you can't do those simple tasks, go ask your mom for help.

You are an unstable person that needs a knock on the door for a 'wellness check'. You are a threat to yourself and anyone around you.

e9a16b  No.3198715

File: 56b143704219a4b⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 3175x4763, 3175:4763, bill-cosby-book-bio-02-sex….jpg)

File: be4c0aafe25c8b7⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 3175x4763, 3175:4763, bill-cosby-book-bio-01-sex….jpg)

because truth

a4bc68  No.3198716

File: 11f0b92db567e71⋯.jpg (116.01 KB, 648x612, 18:17, Calm down.jpg)

2b4f77  No.3198717


Anon, no one in my life except Trump supporters even knows what a Kavanaugh is. Most people don't have time to sit around and comb through information in news to see whats going on. Don't worry.

15bc4b  No.3198718

File: 3c6e99cbf29b679⋯.jpg (172.32 KB, 743x1104, 743:1104, 638d4f9024926c6738e3ab5d0d….jpg)

f3a59a  No.3198719






ef3e0e  No.3198720


I think the best parts of the press conference were when POTUS talked about important things and said he could not give details because they had to be kept secret for now. Real reporters would be after those details like bloodhounds on the hunt. But even Roberts and Brett Baier on FOX scurried over everything significant to slather over the K accusations.

Sad that even FOX doesn't care about real journalism. Too much work required maybe or changed management wants them tethered in the MSM corral.

2b56e5  No.3198721

File: 019a35bd3c6b2e9⋯.jpeg (75.75 KB, 750x366, 125:61, C51E2D6D-81B1-41CB-8834-B….jpeg)

f2cb96  No.3198722

File: 3d80beb6f04fd3b⋯.jpg (318.68 KB, 1292x1449, 1292:1449, 318b43b1aaab46b13871f7364f….jpg)

f57b88  No.3198723

File: 0cbda403c7132b3⋯.jpg (296.16 KB, 1056x592, 66:37, HironoAniFarm.jpg)

Caught her with her eyes closed.



8f1e8c  No.3198724

File: 182b0b96f2f055d⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 500x614, 250:307, top kek ita.jpg)

e5392a  No.3198725


“Blurgle griggle shnizzlet.” The amount of desperation bullshit is too damn high

8b03ae  No.3198726


The overwhelming stench of desperation is what makes it entertaining. My heart hurts for BK and his family.

cdd1b1  No.3198727


…and anyone who says they did, lies.

986d14  No.3198728



653a4c  No.3198729



the cabal is right about the majority of people

they suck just as much as the cabal does

well almost

the cabal still needs to die tho

9da030  No.3198730

This destroys everyone and every entity involved in the claims about Kavanaugh.

2a88bc  No.3198731


They do that thing w/ ur backhole like they did Whitley and Kenny?

1ce16c  No.3198732


No. DiFi had sat on one person for weeks while someone moved behind the scenes. CPL has a phone, too

f3a59a  No.3198733



293929  No.3198734


oh gawd thats terrible

bad bad anon


ebfe15  No.3198735

File: 444e8b1967912af⋯.png (7.85 MB, 3810x2876, 1905:1438, ClipboardImage.png)

Breaking News!!

Time-traveler and wild teen Brett Kavanaugh now accused of playing with matches near Lakehurst NJ in 1937 …developing

77b53e  No.3198736

File: 3ed046c0485db8a⋯.png (6.95 KB, 540x305, 108:61, ClipboardImage.png)



You're funny anon. You conveniently leave out the appended context…


"Are we alone ?"

"Roswell ?"


423e36  No.3198737

File: 9741fde2bf713f5⋯.jpg (332.13 KB, 912x764, 228:191, HRC-Kek.jpg)


>The Dems/MSM want you to believe this guy is a Bill Clinton.

39c3b9  No.3198738

It looks like you're the minority.

c69a60  No.3198739


Q, this nigger doesn't speak for all of us.

d1c534  No.3198740


That's a good point. No reason to expect the Democrats to like any of Trump's other picks.

45879a  No.3198741

File: 4922d44cf604123⋯.jpeg (249.87 KB, 1440x1091, 1440:1091, 1538004411.jpeg)

0078ae  No.3198742


The whole cosby thing was a prelude setup

9bc898  No.3198743

File: 38fcb1b53c6eb66⋯.png (295.19 KB, 691x667, 691:667, 20180927_002345.png)

File: 44c992944f92721⋯.png (114.6 KB, 683x853, 683:853, 20180927_002409.png)

File: 67a565b9c506bf8⋯.png (708.84 KB, 720x851, 720:851, 20180927_002455.png)

File: 956dc28b5cb6c9e⋯.png (916.32 KB, 720x834, 120:139, 20180927_002435.png)

BO looks rough…hides teeth. Kek !


34c434  No.3198744


>What a faggot, shut up and learn something.

I would encourage you to do the same.

Let me lay it out for you with a scenario that isn't all too implausible.

A missile is intercepted over the united states. It is brought down and no one is hurt.

20 minutes later, Q posts "Interception"

There is plenty we can assume about this statement - but the fact is, all that was said was a single word with no context.

We can all assume Qteam was responsible, but we can not no for sure. Maybe they were just witness to it. Maybe it was their rocket to begin with, and blackhats brought it down. It could be anything - we have no idea.

But to jump to conclusions without concrete evidence makes you an idiot.

Even if Q said straight up "Aliens exist and they are running around in the White House." I have no way of believing it unless I'm there to witness it with my own eyes. All I know 100% for certain is that Q said what he said. That is all.

Remember when Q said disinfo was necessary? Remember that? In my mind, that means I have to take EVERYTHING that is said with a grain of salt. I may have my own believes or hopes of outcome - but I'll never say for certain that something IS unless I can verify it myself.

1ce16c  No.3198746


Found out my air popper draws too much juice and trips a breaker. Gonna get fat cooking 'corn in oil!

e40686  No.3198747

File: 476c6f53b58de97⋯.jpg (84.31 KB, 666x500, 333:250, rolledeyes.jpg)

6e7721  No.3198748

Lying is bad.

Time to be tougher and harsher on these supposed "victims" of Brett Kavanaugh Mr. Hyde side.

77b53e  No.3198749


Oh hales NO

0e64dd  No.3198750

File: 94721f74c9c1864⋯.jpeg (36.65 KB, 500x693, 500:693, 6259.jpeg)

File: 9997c30ba5f4e8b⋯.jpeg (58.91 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 6251.jpeg)

Memes that spouseanon shared today.

1f598d  No.3198751

File: 6f306af81190a63⋯.jpeg (204.09 KB, 1122x847, 102:77, AB5033C5-C665-4FE4-B887-A….jpeg)

File: 29cad3f8d0e24ed⋯.jpeg (944.85 KB, 1122x2208, 187:368, 1320C0B1-3A94-4306-864D-7….jpeg)


Some things can’t be made up.. forgot to translate the Latin which is Holton-Arm’s motto.

The School’s motto is Inveniam viam aut faciam or “I will find a way or make one.”

A special 2020 Biden campaign.. phonefagging so a faggot PS LOL

0215b7  No.3198752


Trump doesn't control the Senate's schedule. Not in this case.

0496ff  No.3198753



12fbeb  No.3198754

File: fd4966ee82eec97⋯.png (771.16 KB, 1080x1265, 216:253, Screenshot_20180926-192732….png)

What a headline lol

2b56e5  No.3198755


Fukken saved

040490  No.3198756


He said as much during the conference. Said even if he'd chosen a woman their reaction would be the same.

f3a59a  No.3198757



456393  No.3198758

File: 6cbb79263d65dd3⋯.png (68.4 KB, 190x253, 190:253, dood.png)

f2cb96  No.3198759

File: 6bee698597c8f98⋯.jpg (65.81 KB, 518x399, 74:57, Scary_Eyes_Wallpapers_70 (….jpg)

7f91db  No.3198760

can we please get kato kaelin to testify?

5dd4ce  No.3198761


That sure doesn't like like Hussein. And no allah ring.

7193b5  No.3198762



Great find Anon!

b648d2  No.3198763


You've seen something, no doubt. Are they from space, or interdimensional? Are they 'aliens' or fallen angels.. No-one doubts your actual experience. The question is were they here all along, or are they from space? My guess is interdimensional, here all along, and described in the bible.

295989  No.3198764

File: 9eed3e09cebdac2⋯.jpg (95.28 KB, 719x481, 719:481, brennantreason.jpg)

eae75a  No.3198765

sweetie, you still here?

2b56e5  No.3198766

File: 65604ca64a62f52⋯.jpeg (28.69 KB, 300x161, 300:161, 8A013565-590C-4B6F-B4A6-9….jpeg)


Trust Grassley nigga

33e627  No.3198767

File: 4b02b4b0d80dc0d⋯.png (122.71 KB, 255x188, 255:188, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3198182 last bread

look. in reality this meme IS sexist.

it is calling men both stupid, loose moraled and blind. he is with one woman and checking out virtually the same woman. do you get it?

820fe8  No.3198768

File: 10877f69c7990e9⋯.png (231.73 KB, 408x405, 136:135, 10877f69c7990e9a6aee87ce34….png)

Ayys in the common sense are FAKE & GAY. WTF part do they even play in all this very HUMAN fuckery then? What are their gains?

e62e3d  No.3198769

Just think

Anons, Kavanaugh, this whole time a serial rapists having past six #FBI evaluations and all his friends and family had not a clue. The Demorats are the new FBI..hows it all going to end?

e9a398  No.3198770

Kavanaugh better not pussy out.

45879a  No.3198771


Tom Jones?? Only on 8 chan!!

9efb4a  No.3198772


THIS!! Mockery is a huge weapon right now. A lineup of Meme's where Kav is being blamed for EVERYTHING, the HIndenburg, The Titanic, JFK…Would be gold. KEK!! I wish I had the skills.

ca1f23  No.3198773

File: f2152d0cae41712⋯.png (330.34 KB, 540x667, 540:667, ClipboardImage.png)

db6c28  No.3198774

File: 53549efb75891e2⋯.png (13 KB, 480x295, 96:59, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Q Re….png)


27/9 or 9/27

3x3x3 & 333.

9/27/18 or 27/9/18

27 div. 3 = 9; 9 div. 3 = 3.

9 div. 3 = 3.

18 div. 3 = 6; 6 div. 3 = 2.


333 and 332 Angle Inlet?

333 Trumps 332?


1befd7  No.3198775


yeah but the aliens who talked about Q are really us from the future.

77b53e  No.3198776


Nice meme mister!

f3a59a  No.3198777

da998a  No.3198778


let me guess,you think you don't suck right? you kinda do with the whole psuedo poetry thing. Who sucks and who needs to die. who decides?

293929  No.3198779

File: 6e964724df5f09b⋯.jpg (375.43 KB, 1600x1568, 50:49, honey.jpg)

39c3b9  No.3198780

e5392a  No.3198781


They will all hang together. Surely. So be it.

09941b  No.3198782


They have it all.

4bd41f  No.3198783

Chris Matthews describing Kavanaugh's prepared testimony as a 'limited, modified, hangout'. When you 'admit everything except for criminality'.

5f6882  No.3198784

File: 8933413cb0b3585⋯.png (43.05 KB, 686x356, 343:178, Grassly.png)

File: aae5007d1e28022⋯.png (539.04 KB, 562x632, 281:316, grassly bern what.png)

File: e0c20b0e9b4df86⋯.jpg (205.01 KB, 1199x1060, 1199:1060, bern.jpg)

File: fed9843548ca2a1⋯.png (23.93 KB, 525x199, 525:199, grass.png)

Bernie Sanders stops to listen to Chairman Grassley update reporters..



pardon if some else noticed

9f8bc5  No.3198785

File: becbb7a566935fc⋯.jpg (145.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1390420923573.jpg)

8f1e8c  No.3198786


Trying to signal in the cavalry.

456393  No.3198787


why is she next to an old motorola modem?

293929  No.3198788


do u have the full size one? this is thumb

8b03ae  No.3198789


Where are the Wayne Newton and Paul Anka memes?

0e64dd  No.3198790

Have people signed the stand with kavanaugh petition that president Trump asked by tomorrow at 9am? Got an alert through text and donated $25 to boot. Time to throw some money at them to fight the fight.

1ec95f  No.3198791

File: 4efaf9c0fdde586⋯.jpg (188.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, djtpc.jpg)

4b9a3a  No.3198792



e9a398  No.3198793


Got a link?

da998a  No.3198794


What if they are living under us? Hey, look up there…

ebfe15  No.3198795

How many phony cunt accusers are we up to now?

Grassley's going to need a fuckin' spreadsheet.

653a4c  No.3198796


no kill me too

as long as we all die

at least i admit i fucking suck

the normies think theyre all hot shit

d1c534  No.3198797


I missed that part. I was going to bring up Amy as devil's advocate but Trump is probably right. It might not be sexual assault allegations but it would be something else.

1befd7  No.3198798

High empathy plus lies tend to diminish the individuated soul.

This is the purpose of the disinfo campaign here.

45879a  No.3198799

File: 7491ee6491d406d⋯.jpeg (166.63 KB, 1440x1037, 1440:1037, 1537890522.jpeg)

2e14a3  No.3198800


I’ll give you a clue.

After confirmation, sex crimes will be exposed with irrefutable evidence implicating a LARGE number of swamp congressmen and they will have no recourse after pushing such flimsy allegations for so long and so hard.

Sexual allegations will be the cover in which they leave. (Paraphrase:Q)

e5392a  No.3198801


Top Kek Truth

f3a59a  No.3198802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6f5310  No.3198803


Quite amazing indeed.

More people should be nominated to the SC, it would help the D's crimefighting superpowers do even moar good for all

9da030  No.3198804

File: 0509814b1499479⋯.png (62.02 KB, 805x604, 805:604, ClipboardImage.png)

Who Is Julie Swetnick, The Avenatti Client Accusing Kavanaugh Of Attending Gang Rape Parties?

Little is known about Julie Swetnick, the woman who came forward on Wednesday to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school.

Swetnick, who is being represented by Michael Avenatti, claims that Kavanaugh spiked drinks at parties where women were gang-raped.

Kavanaugh vehemently denies the claims.

Julie Swetnick, a 55-year-old IT professional living in Washington, D.C., leveled serious allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Wednesday, a day before the Senate Judiciary Committee is poised to hear testimony from the judge and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, another woman accusing him of sexual misdeeds when he was in high school.

In a declaration released by her attorney, Michael Avenatti, Swetnick alleged that Kavanaugh and a friend spiked girls’ drinks with alcohol during parties in the early 1980s. She also suggested the conservative judge was present during gang rapes, which allegedly took place in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.

Swetnick claimed that Kavanaugh was at one party in 1982 where she was gang raped, though she does not accuse him of taking part in the attack.

Of particular note in Swetnick’s declaration is the age difference between she and Kavanaugh. Swetnick said the events described in her declaration occurred between 1981 and 1983, when she was between 18 and 21 years old. Kavanaugh would have been between 15 and 18 years old at the time.

She graduated from Gaithersburg High School in 1980, according to Swetnick’s resume. She was born in December 1962, according to publicly available records. Kavanaugh was born in February 1965 and graduated from Georgetown Prep School in 1983. (RELATED: Woman Repped By Avenatti Claims Kavanaugh Attended Gang-Rape Parties)

Swetnick’s eleventh-hour emergence has come under scrutiny, as has her representation by Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, the porn star who claims to have had an affair with President Donald Trump. (RELATED: Kavanaugh Responds To Accuser Represented By Avenatti)

In her own complaint against Kavanaugh, Blasey Ford alleged that Mark Judge, a longtime friend of Kavanaugh’s, was present when Kavanaugh attempted to rape her during a house party in the summer of 1982. Ford claimed that Kavanaugh and Judge trapped her in a bedroom, and that Kavanaugh forced himself on her and attempted to remove her clothes.

Both Kavanaugh and Judge have denied that the incident occurred. A college classmate of Kavanaugh’s has also come forward to claim that he thrust his penis in her face at a party when they both attended Yale. Before coming forward, the accuser, Deborah Ramirez, told friends that she was not entirely certain that Kavanaugh was the person who exposed himself to her.

Swetnick’s allegations are vague on details and specifics, though she claimed that unnamed eyewitnesses will back up her claims.

She alleged that she attended more than 10 house parties with Kavanaugh and Judge. During the gatherings, Swetnick says she witnessed Kavanaugh “drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking ‘No’ for an answer.” She alleged that the conduct “included the fondling and grabbing of girls without their consent” and that Kavanaugh was “abusive and physically aggressive” towards girls.

She alleged that Kavanaugh and Judge would spike drinks at parties in order to lower victims’ defenses.

“I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”

Swetnick further claimed that “in approximately 1982,” she was the victim of a gang rape at a party where Kavanaugh and Judge were present. Swetnick would have been 19 or 20 years old at the time, while Kavanaugh would have been 16 or 17.


89ba11  No.3198805

File: a33aeda85504172⋯.jpg (771.47 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, quiet-riot-56be7e8ee3849.jpg)

55668e  No.3198806



Q got me into photoshop.

Still on a very beginner's level.

dd55c7  No.3198807

File: c7f8e0d613c2752⋯.jpg (199.72 KB, 500x700, 5:7, would-be.jpg)

7cba35  No.3198808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump's EXTREMELY Heated Press Conference 9-26-18

3d0c68  No.3198809


Dont argue with shills … Let them spin in circles.kek

Enjoy the show. Pass the popcorn , brother.

b2cf01  No.3198810

File: 8bac73331a28213⋯.jpeg (13.57 KB, 255x233, 255:233, 35df0c879da376295ce9d19ee….jpeg)

da998a  No.3198811

>>3198796 no kill anon. love

8f1e8c  No.3198812


at least use logic if you're gonna post here.

If we have off-book programs, why keep them secret? What's so "horrifying" about empty space or being on the moon?

16a9a6  No.3198813


To what? Clarify.

040490  No.3198814



0e64dd  No.3198815

File: 32b666c10c31c79⋯.jpg (331.29 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180926-193239….jpg)


Talking to myself to add a link go hit it up


653a4c  No.3198816


maybe if the whole world did it then yeah

all you get when you love is pain

whats the point

464df2  No.3198817



You can trust Grassley, if you want to.

I don't.

He's a pussy, at best.

He's a swamp cunt trying to thwart Trump, at worse.

2e14a3  No.3198818


*quaalude set up

0ccc0e  No.3198819


WTF - he looks a million years old

cdd1b1  No.3198820


Not at all. These are the times that try men's souls.

82a57d  No.3198821

Notes so far

I'm torn on including the first one or not, as it includes an anonymous caller. What do you all think? Yea or nea?

>>3198696 , >>3198670 Friends of Swetnick allege drug and mental health issues (one anon)

>>3198634 Kavanaugh Facing New Accusation of Physical Assault: Report

>>3198477 Woman Who Partied with Georgetown Prep Football Team Disputes Gang Rape Allegations

>>3198378 , >>3198362 Senator Merkley sues POTUS and Rep leaders over Kavanaugh process

6baa76  No.3198822


An Apache squaw was raped by Kavanaugh?

77b53e  No.3198823


[THEY] will be tried speedily and bigly by tribunal… His presence will have zero effect…

0e64dd  No.3198824


Added but here it's again


4a8ba7  No.3198825

File: 4e2c3d688d608b6⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1676x1044, 419:261, 2018-09-26_19-30-53.png)

e9a398  No.3198826



715b60  No.3198827

File: 6f3d523d657c954⋯.jpeg (9.85 KB, 210x161, 30:23, fukken saVed.jpeg)

cdd1b1  No.3198828


This would probably be an excellent opportunity to admit that I have absolutely no idea how to accomplish that. But I won't link another thread until I do.

3707a8  No.3198829

File: 5502f53363bf8a9⋯.jpeg (33.59 KB, 600x613, 600:613, 5502f53363bf8a980cc79b984….jpeg)


Spread this shit

cf9a78  No.3198830

I think it should be noted that in about half an hour if anons would tune in to the COMET tv station, there is an interesting horror movie from 1982 on.

8c6ed2  No.3198831

File: 4ff0589d605c15f⋯.jpeg (290.33 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FeinsteinMurkowsi.jpeg)

0496ff  No.3198832

File: cef650dfa6fcc3a⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 4248x2832, 3:2, F-35_Kekistan_Top_Kek2.jpg)



ebfe15  No.3198834

So where are the memes of…

Kavanaugh in the Grassy Knoll?

Kavanaugh in a Jap Zero bombing Pearl Harbor?

Kavanaugh starting the Battle of Hastings?

Kavanaaugh with the Manson Family?

eeb4dc  No.3198835

File: 87d94b0dbfb9879⋯.jpg (142.5 KB, 910x500, 91:50, Train meme.jpg)

0078ae  No.3198836


a prelude to a DS DA using a doctored tape to convict

db6c28  No.3198837

File: 774d2176fe8f439⋯.gif (464.94 KB, 303x193, 303:193, 34911c61d423d0c23ccc1276b5….gif)

6552c1  No.3198838

Looks like Deborah Ramirez isn't going to get $400,000. She's already been swept away.

0e64dd  No.3198839


Are you sending me out into the meme fields? Kek

3d0c68  No.3198840


You do realize that this is Qresearch, right?

Q said, trust Grassley…

Are you saying you dont trust Q?

And if so, maybe you should GTFO, shill

bba1bc  No.3198842


But but but it's a polygraph modem thingy.

1af8f6  No.3198843


But Donna B signaled she had 'jewish family'. What sort of RAT internecine kristallnacht did we witness there? Katz chick went all-out chek'in Brazille.

bf64ca  No.3198844

File: a4946733eb2f91e⋯.jpg (66.2 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1511498216404.jpg)


level up!! nice. before you know it you will be highest ranking. kek wills it.

f2c12c  No.3198845


Acquired & twaated instantaneously.


96fd2c  No.3198846

File: 22008997ed4e734⋯.png (106.13 KB, 191x255, 191:255, EshRWkm.jpg.png)

0496ff  No.3198847

File: 97166b7b7f45a7a⋯.jpg (330.03 KB, 1292x1449, 1292:1449, Custom_Image_2609201816345….jpg)

6577b2  No.3198848


relax, we'll get to that

9702c1  No.3198849

I have an idea.

We all have our own personal theories of what the end might have in store for us as far as disclosure goes and a lot of us never really get to share them because of everything else going on around us.

So, maybe tonight if night bread is slow, like it sometimes it, we can all take a chance and voice what our theories are.

1f598d  No.3198850

File: c9881582daa19ff⋯.jpeg (260.45 KB, 1122x1264, 561:632, A1F3CF97-337C-4839-B137-E….jpeg)


ThanQ sir.. cropped the biden2020.. still shit quality.. fitting for the two shits in it

c523ed  No.3198852

File: 8b2ecc64c1c2b15⋯.jpeg (385.97 KB, 1242x2011, 1242:2011, C895CDEF-4405-46C0-A4BE-D….jpeg)

7c47e6  No.3198853


I would add the call since the host of the show is going to send it to Drudge asap

2b56e5  No.3198854

File: 0658d71ce1e7497⋯.jpeg (256.91 KB, 668x1100, 167:275, 67051B41-FDB7-48F4-8BDB-0….jpeg)


Dub dubs confirm this anon knows.

Once Kav gets in, every swamp creature that even thought of what’s underneath his secretary’s skirt will be toast

3707a8  No.3198855


Savin' that shit for night shift when everyone says they're going to bed.

6f5310  No.3198856

File: 555e29cb0b794e5⋯.jpg (120.49 KB, 904x948, 226:237, fill the bern.jpg)


<fill the bern

eae75a  No.3198857

I’m gonna get fucking stoned.

Wrecked even.

Fuck rolling, where’s my pipe?

59da61  No.3198858


Thanks, homo…thanks a lot

Damn gays always ruining everything

1ce16c  No.3198859

File: 2c739e9f1600607⋯.png (42.53 KB, 592x330, 296:165, AQ2.PNG)


Can we get Twitterfags to retweet this?


77b53e  No.3198860


Definitely needs a small thought caption with (Muh Pudding pop…)

6552c1  No.3198861


That is all that was available in the prop room?

33e627  No.3198862




60s- cosby is a huge hit, we had his comedy records when I was a kid

80s-cosby is a huge hit in the 80's with his tv show with successful family dynamics, black family.

90s-00s-cosby is giving speeches about how black americans need to get of their knees and butts and do something about the evil taking over their lives. he starts gaining some traction while other balck leaders are still bemoaning the evil of the white man….

and the hammer drops.

nt saying he is innocent, i dont know. but he is persecuted for having the balls to spread far and wide the very message they are trying to bury.

ef3e0e  No.3198864


Yes. We voted in POTUS the fighter but instead we get turn the other cheek 7x70 times Grassley .

8f1e8c  No.3198865


It's the "if you attack her, then you're attacking your handlers(you know who they are)" call.

293929  No.3198866

File: cb91319dd2f2d3e⋯.jpg (412.8 KB, 840x794, 420:397, ACDCq3.jpg)


i wondered where u was…

good to c u anon

050cb2  No.3198867


Awesome Thanks Anon!

8c1923  No.3198868

File: 44936769ba5fede⋯.jpg (117.21 KB, 866x832, 433:416, 1a.JPG)

File: 94571052f67eb22⋯.jpg (152.35 KB, 837x623, 837:623, 2.JPG)

Michigan Nurses Association, AFSCME Local 1176 call for DCHS CEO to resign


da3971  No.3198869

On Julie Swetnick's MYLife profile I couldn't help but notice the large warning symbol and the written warning she has had bankruptcies and liens against her.

She'd make a very easy mark if she was offered cash incentives from the DEMS to come forward as a victim.

I think her bank records need to be pulled to see if she has been the recipient of any large amounts of cash and investigations into where it came from and dates.

This reeks of cash for comment.

464df2  No.3198870

File: 89c33c25086cf03⋯.jpg (632.71 KB, 2334x1521, 778:507, sheep.jpg)


Fuck off, sheep.

I'll trust who I want and stay here and post if I want.

16a9a6  No.3198871


This post wrong on more than one level. Asshat.

0c99e7  No.3198872

File: 81f33edbbe24a4a⋯.jpeg (339.23 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2D3DDCF6-4A20-49C6-85E7-E….jpeg)

Had to share. I have no explanation for this occurring. Kek.

d08356  No.3198873

>>3198767 Sweden used to be full of manly men, and they knew who they were. Still some, and they are emerging. But for the gutless NWO wussies who insist on destroying the culture and nation, there should be nothing but the highest contempt & loathing.

476170  No.3198874

The mother of a woman who was there. Not the woman who was … whatever it was. So she's disconnected to the 3rd degree. And she wants to remain anonymous.Hahahahahahaha

a448ee  No.3198876


He is in his late 55's isn't he? and he was president for 8 yrs. that takes a lot out of a person.

the one I have seen recently not look ravaged after office is bush. but then, he didn't really do much in office. did he?

b5a4c2  No.3198877

File: d47bbe4fd962006⋯.png (229.88 KB, 407x331, 407:331, kush2.PNG)

File: 4f0864687a14a5c⋯.png (275.08 KB, 462x349, 462:349, kush.PNG)

sees the camera on him

but goes ahead anyways


48f151  No.3198878


Anon5 is right about a scary amount of things.

What continues to make the guy peculiar, however, is his demonization of Q and the movement.

Also, him never going past, "think about the timing of Q popping up" is too mundane to draw my interest.

I like some of the things he's spoken about - his "drunk friend passed out on the couch" thing, his feminvirus (people think of "virus" as being way too literal, and the guy always uses double meanings) theory, to what he mentions about space

either way, frank got pretty boring to me.

he took way too long to be organized for someone that "uses an AI more powerful than that of DOE", has STILL remained way too vague about things, and doesn't really seem like he's all that competent considering all of the problems he's relaying to us, despite being able to fix literally none of them.

287480  No.3198879


Best worded meme on that pic yet..nice job anon

e30bad  No.3198880



55668e  No.3198881



That is awesome. Really high level stuff.

Curious, what's the best way to improve?

I.E. best sources for tutorials or in other words, how can I be like you?

Thanks Anon.

82fd87  No.3198882

File: 15859ece65bda00⋯.jpg (249.01 KB, 894x894, 1:1, pepe blue psych catalog.jpg)


Like if it ever actually happened she would know who he was at the time.


39c3b9  No.3198883


It's spreading.

7c47e6  No.3198884


I have it and the radio call both out, its moving from my followers pretty quickly

49da9b  No.3198885

Swetnick sure has a CIA type resume

0e64dd  No.3198887


Couldn't resist with the Nancy Pelosi mention lol

d5f407  No.3198888

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 0f9cb70946b71c2a6326cc2f46….jpg)

a448ee  No.3198889


jeeze that is suppose to be late 50's not late 55's KEK

71d56b  No.3198890


I signed it earlier, and shared the link in a morning bread.

7d91d2  No.3198891


I don't believe that.

More psy - op

56dd6d  No.3198892

Just wait, tomorrow's lawyer is going to pull out a porno mag with Chrissy in it.


9702c1  No.3198893


Havent seen this one before.

Very cool, anon

da998a  No.3198894


the point is that we all need love, everyone. love comes in all shapes anon, love the food you eat and it's better for you. love whether you get love back.

50a560  No.3198895


Maryland Circuit Courts entered a judgment of $62,821.03 against defendant Julie Swetnick on Oct. 2, 2015, as part of a lien filed by the Comptroller of Maryland in Annapolis, yet her attorney Avenatti maintains she holds "active clearances" with US Mint and IRS

dd55c7  No.3198896

f2cb96  No.3198897

File: 6258a775c2a6ca8⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 583x451, 53:41, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….jpg)

File: a1359dd6ded32c3⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 490x322, 35:23, iur.jpg)

d5f407  No.3198898

File: 2bf5b46186def10⋯.png (331.95 KB, 733x564, 733:564, 2bf5b46186def107ff04d75edc….png)

426b01  No.3198899

He maybe raped me, too.

I was walking down a dark alleyway by myself at 3:00 AM, and out from behind a trash can walked this handsome billionaire werewolf (Kavanagh btw). His strong, masculine hand pinned me to the wall, and he said, "What are you doing out here, little one?"

"I-I, I was just trying to go home."

"No, you're not going home tonight," he husked.

Before I could reply, his mouth engulfed mine in a savage kiss. He bit down hard on my soft lips, causing them to bleed profusely.

"Mmm, I love the taste of GIRL-BLOOD!!!" he snarled as he threw me into the trash cans. A man peaked out of his apartment window to check on the noise, and for a moment I thought he was going to help, but he only gave the billionaire werewolf a thumbs up. My rapist returned the gesture in a demonstration of absolute male supremacy.

I could tell you all the rest, but yes, I WAS MAYBE raped! And no, this isn't rare and it isn't my fault. This happens to women everywhere and it's time you stop blaming maybe rape victims for being raped just because you enjoy seeing beautiful women like me in pain.

1f598d  No.3198900

File: f152547be99bc4f⋯.png (353.69 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 02C39BBC-EED8-41C1-AA82-EC….png)


Same here..

c69a60  No.3198902


I did't follow the recent rape case but the 50 or whatever women accusers before were all over the place with inconsistencies. It would not shock me if he was completely innocent.

3d65eb  No.3198903

File: 38cae982e568435⋯.png (8.7 KB, 459x135, 17:5, 503.PNG)

Kek. Kav petition is getting 503. Lets do this. FOR KAV!

1ce16c  No.3198904


I did the MyLife thing on all the accusers. They ALL have liens/foreclosures listed but can't corroborate because i'd have to pay to see

293929  No.3198905


back story?

8f1e8c  No.3198906


Nope, he was the sacrificial lamb like any celeb who "gets out of line".

He was definitely fed to wolves for going against the narrative.

What it did inadvertently do is Redpill alot of people on "following the stars"?

Same with Matt Lauer - the other "America's Dad"

637602  No.3198907

File: ae4fa8e53700312⋯.jpeg (99.36 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, DCBA4E16-3076-4B3C-BB38-7….jpeg)

8511d7  No.3198908


Looks like he's having to replace the andrenochrome with meth after the supply ran dry.

48f151  No.3198909

4857fe  No.3198910

File: d17ca978570f06e⋯.png (75.61 KB, 741x366, 247:122, ClipboardImage.png)

Faggot is at it again. Does he know something we don't? "What's ahead" - That sounds worrisome.


c5e7d6  No.3198911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is from an astrologer who is pro POTUS and follows Q!

Wednesday, September 26 - Thursday, September 27, 2016


Today the Sun is discharging one of our favorite symbols, 04 Libra, “a group of young people or people young at heart (italics mine) sit in spiritual communion around a campfire.”

(It seems more appropriate to write the report as the Sun is setting, so we take a diversion from the regular way I write the Oracle Report.)

As we “sit around a campfire” tonight, we talk about how the day brought the themes of independence, rebels, and collaborations to life. We talk about how firebrand, trailblazing, pioneering energy dominated the day and what is transpiring from it. This is what happens when the energetic of 04 Libra, “a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire,” is in effect.

A deeper discussion ensues about the next two days, Thursday and Friday, as dramatic changes will occur and things will come from out of the blue. We know to expect the unexpected. We note that:

1 - THE MOON MOVES INTO TAURUS Thursday, September 27 at 3:16 am ET/7:16 am UT, and beginning to make conjunction with Uranus. This is why Thursday will be so dramatic.

Uranus brings rapid, shocking changes. Uranus is like lightning unleashed. Doubling the force, the Moon and Uranus will make conjunction at 02 Taurus and the Sabian symbol energetic of “an electrical storm.”

I think I hear some thunder in the background already.

2 - WE UNDERSTAND THAT WHEN URANUS IS ACTIVATED, things are set on their proper course — a course aligned with the highest and best for everyone. We know that sometimes this is not visible when the changes first happen, especially if they are the result of an accident. Rates of accidents are higher when Uranus is activated (take special care driving and with electrical devices/water). Still, silver linings eventually come from things that seem negative at the time they happen.

3 - WE REMEMBER THAT URANUS IS AT 01 TAURUS, which means it is in tight conjunction with a special place in the sky. This is the location in the sky where the planet Chiron was located when it was discovered.

Chiron brings Renaissance. But it does not come easily. Deep experiences of life, many of which challenge the heart and will, are what bring about the “gold” of Chiron. This special place in the sky where Chiron was discovered is the degree of 04 Taurus and the accompanying Sabian symbol energetic of “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.'“

The “electrical storm” is in process of bringing a rainbow. It is clear that a bridge to a better future is upon us.

5 - WE ARE AWARE OF THE TENDENCIES for anger, aggression, and depression, as well as initiative, motivation, and excitement that is in effect Thursday with the Sun making a trine with Mars.

Mars is thisclose to the Black Moon and some people are not responding well to it, projecting their shadow side (and its vitriol and ugliest side) on the outside. Derangement easily ensues under this astrological aspect.

We take the high road, and aim for truth, as always.

Now, who has the marshmallows? It’s time for smores.


d5f407  No.3198912

File: 02d8f5c2460accd⋯.png (1.12 MB, 835x602, 835:602, 02d8f5c2460accd7fe14ba8b0d….png)

ef3e0e  No.3198913


Donna B lost her moral compass under HRC. May have found it again.

dfb80e  No.3198914

File: dc4e9e53124853f⋯.png (44.48 KB, 649x360, 649:360, Avenatti to POTUS 9-26-18.PNG)

Trump is a moron.

And I am thoroughly enjoying living rent free in his head.


77b53e  No.3198915


At WH.gov?

bf64ca  No.3198916

File: a6fc555648abbca⋯.png (133.48 KB, 634x292, 317:146, ClipboardImage.png)


20 Tweets By Senator Chuck Grassley That Will Make You Say, "WHAT?!"


e5392a  No.3198917


Even npr getting beaten at their own game on Kavanaugh issue…kitchen is hot!

db6c28  No.3198919

File: 5c7cc4ebaae9b47⋯.png (1.08 MB, 864x723, 288:241, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Q Re….png)

File: 7f321cbff7875ad⋯.png (58.88 KB, 640x525, 128:105, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Magg….png)

File: c16709c44c74c58⋯.png (458.02 KB, 900x1096, 225:274, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Q Re….png)

e9a398  No.3198920



fa04b0  No.3198921


What phone is that

d5f407  No.3198922

File: 878dcc00ca4208b⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 603x500, 603:500, 878dcc00ca4208be820d76d659….jpg)

6baa76  No.3198923


yeah I know but it rhymes, so it's cool.

989584  No.3198924


Anon, here is a new dedicated chat bread:

>>2089271 (anon bantz bread)

0370db  No.3198925




That’s not a picture of a 55 year old woman.

6c946c  No.3198926

There will be a new accusation every day until he is confirmed or not, not sure it was wise to allow this to go this long. Maybe Grassley has a trick or two but this is spiraling out of control fast. .

4636be  No.3198927

The Kavanaugh situation is a wonderful example of Q's principle of: "Don't interfere with your enemy while they're hanging themselves".

Once it is proved beyond doubt that these accusations are entirely fabricated for political profit, the Dem's will have lost the female vote for good. The women on the left who are up in arms against Kavanaugh right now, when they find out the Dem's used false rape accusations as a political weapon, they will never forgive them. Never.

So I suspect this may all be part of The Plan to make the enemies of The People reveal their true faces and bring about their own destruction. Enjoy the Show, frenz - and to Justice Kavanaugh and his family: Thank you for your courage! We are with you!

edf2b2  No.3198928

File: 431b88e0a79d5a9⋯.png (103.77 KB, 886x532, 443:266, apache.png)


Apache server?

aa5054  No.3198929


Far more recent?? It's 20 years FFS!!

1ce16c  No.3198930




Let's see if we can get this guy on Breitbart and Fox!

d74ad2  No.3198931


Why would the discovery of fungi be classified at the highest level?

Make no mistake about it. They want this info kept hidden. See that’s how they have been able to take over so many aspects of our planet…


The evidence is undeniable

We are prey

They think of us as sheep

1bb1fe  No.3198932

File: 6095f0053fc8c74⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Ford Lie detector.jpg)



d5f407  No.3198933

File: c9a6400bfc17969⋯.png (236.95 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 832fac8eedfec3136d7b4f46a9….png)

e5392a  No.3198934


Aaahhhh…textbook example of ‘projection’!

19f16c  No.3198935


I'm not saying for certain either way, I offered a thought to someone who appeared to be denying it flat out, rather than taking it into consideration.

But it seemed like you were attacking other anon for thinking so.

And again, Are we alone was coupled with Roswell. We know what was implied.

Disinfo or not, my argument is to take in all considerations, which appears to be what you're implying now. Didn't seem that way before, hence my argument. We've seen plenty of people here not even considering it.

653a4c  No.3198936


making the mistake of thinking that dem voters think on the same level as you

they dont care

because their voters are 100% ok with the tactics

they do it in their irl lives too

e9a398  No.3198937


This. The backfire will demolish the dems.

bf64ca  No.3198938

File: 5b72a5e71737e5f⋯.png (420.39 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, a31e446ac4100d647c5cd45509….png)

82fd87  No.3198939

File: 2d888a0a6f0d309⋯.jpg (150.2 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, jew every time.jpg)

File: 43865b6525c46fc⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 499x583, 499:583, jew kike no like.jpg)

705d17  No.3198940


scenes run thru my mind….. wouldn't it be hilarious IF all of them were working for Trump, his agenda to expose, last minute they all #WalkAway 'sorry wrong guy' leaving the salivating, drooling, grunting like pigs, dems & never Trumpers left to look at the empty trough


ebfe15  No.3198941

By this time tomorrow evening we will have witnessed the political implosion of the entire Democratic Party.

Please be sure to wear Safety Glasses tomorrow.

8df21c  No.3198942

Damnit Q! Get in the game, man!!!

6baa76  No.3198943


ummmm your 110 days behind

0e64dd  No.3198944

File: ee4f1bbe636cb44⋯.jpg (81.72 KB, 700x512, 175:128, Digits.jpg)


Good deal.

34f5d1  No.3198945

POTUS said women are incensed about this and he is right! Save your TITS OR GTFO I hear ya and not showing my tits and not getting the fuck out. You're stuck with me! I want a full investigation! I want charges filed. If that means I lose Judge Kavenaugh as a Judge then so be it! I want a full investigation done because I want these women prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This has become bigger than Kavenaugh. These women need to face prison time as a deterrent to others not to ever pull this crap again. I also want all Politicians who knew or should have known prosecuted!

653a4c  No.3198946

f2cb96  No.3198947

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, trump-rally-facebookJumbo ….jpg)

95e39b  No.3198948

Need “Very very very large….. Ah Brain” memes stat. I want that shit as my ringtone.

3f6a61  No.3198949



>speaking of, where is the wire thats supposed to be from one of her fingers? lmao

293929  No.3198950


a scary but cool message?

maybe Q is saluting you?

15bc4b  No.3198951

File: 7abe272777b1990⋯.jpg (344.99 KB, 904x948, 226:237, 555e29cb0b794e5e8da45eeac6….jpg)

7c47e6  No.3198952


Nice find anon, its moving out there now

eae75a  No.3198953

File: 95107a9a1719c20⋯.jpeg (723.47 KB, 2048x2029, 2048:2029, 405A63BB-856B-4263-8F8C-1….jpeg)

89ba11  No.3198954


>i wondered where u was…

>good to c u anon

likewise fren…been fishin' lately? kek

60de56  No.3198955


FISA release will crush all this right quick!

48f151  No.3198956

File: cb5bb517a56efb8⋯.jpg (14.12 KB, 306x295, 306:295, 1509485734904.jpg)

82a57d  No.3198957


If you can repost next bread with link n all I'll add to the top.

1f598d  No.3198958


Looks like the new Q Ops phone by Siri.. Siri is a nice clue

deddbe  No.3198959

File: 43209d8734ba662⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 506x332, 253:166, un may macron 9 26 18.JPG)

sensing meme worthy

d5f407  No.3198960

File: 39378e9c46e9ecf⋯.jpg (573.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 39378e9c46e9ecf101265711e8….jpg)

94126c  No.3198961


Isn't Blasey Ford a jew too?

295989  No.3198962


Yes anon but he makes a good meme. Don't forget Brennan was director of the clowns. A shining example of letting the wrong people govern the USA. We take no shit no more

3d0c68  No.3198964


Yeah we know, shill. All of you glow like a mother fucker. Shills, clowns, paytriots, ebot, fungus brad, Freddy, R , gorefags, concernfag, lowIQfags ( that's you)and so on…they come here scream about shit that contradict everything were fighting for. Trying to divide us, confuse us, and derail /our/ train…. Not gonna work… But, whatever pays your bills i guess….

8b03ae  No.3198965


Conspiring to fuck over and actually fucking over over every man, woman, and child in the US, hell, on Earth, is a very stressful job.

6c946c  No.3198966


I hope so but the problem is the left hates trump so much they will believe the accusations even if there is concrete proof they are false

637602  No.3198967

File: 38a8a0f3d981ead⋯.jpeg (30.51 KB, 296x302, 148:151, C62236CF-47A0-4046-B7AC-0….jpeg)

e9a398  No.3198968


Will do.

8bad2b  No.3198969



It's a motto of the United States Marine Corps.

"Always faithful" or "always loyal".

b17b27  No.3198970

File: 479717e62d017a2⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 540x636, 45:53, unite.jpg)


Wonderful. I love the united message, WW.


0193ce  No.3198971


Why would the Roswell incident have highest classification if it was a weather ballon?

ef3e0e  No.3198972


Lets see if we can get this guy armed guards or into witness protection now.

0ccc0e  No.3198973


He didn't follow the playbook

Rumor was that he was in talks to buy NBC

Uppity and all that you know - can't happen

Need to keep 'em down

6577b2  No.3198974


Occam's Razor cures mental gymnastics.

Let him run his course.

There is more than one type of extraterrestrial. As the kind anon in the UFO #3 bread pointed out, most "abduction" experiences are positive.

Check this out.


50365e  No.3198975




da3971  No.3198976



So the play here is Find women who went to school with K, are in financial trouble and offer them a wad of cash to come forward as victims.

ae589b  No.3198977

File: f4305964d5534de⋯.jpg (41.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1538005196285.jpg)

39c3b9  No.3198978


They are out of touch so they will get burned at the end.

7f91db  No.3198979



>when you've been struck by the USMC trade deal

>okay it may just be the USM deal

77b53e  No.3198981


Looks swaggy anon?

4857fe  No.3198982


This is why there will be so many that can't be saved. Suicide weekend for politicians. Suicide year for normie libs.

82fd87  No.3198983


Last I checked Trump was President.


e87d62  No.3198984

File: f4dd87fbe29e9ab⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 603x618, 201:206, 1537811143.jpg)

9702c1  No.3198985


I got 5 on it

d5f407  No.3198986

File: b20c61e2c99adde⋯.png (395.61 KB, 748x498, 374:249, b8bb243514a2bfd5028a8adfa4….png)

55668e  No.3198987



d08356  No.3198988


ThankQ radioanon.

65e78d  No.3198989


Worrisome? LMFAO

4b9a3a  No.3198990


Julies father is Martin Stewnick who worked at NASA and also on the Manhattan Project.

He is connected to Bronfman Family and Peter Munk through the Canadian Jewish Association and they are also complicit in Uranium 1 and that is why the two Billionaires were killed via Quaaludes because they had ties to U1 - before they could blow the lid they were shut up - and we see Peter Munk got nonamed as we see.

So now we have Julie Stewnick bringing forth into the normiesphere the gang rapes and drug abuse yada yada and now it either seems to be going in two directions.

1)Kavanaugh is good

2) Kavanaugh is bad.

So lets start with the Good theory - POTUS seems to back him up, the allegations thus far have been retarded and it seems Kavanaugh archives his calenders.

So now Kavanaugh is bad theory - the allegations seem pretty odd, so this theory doesn't have much credence so review things Trump said today in the media press conf.

1)If I hired a female I would say the same…….

2)Kavanaugh could be good or bad - I have yet to hear the statement

3)Woman are better then men but we are yet to learn that - now he has said that in the past too, I can't remember when but he has.

So that brings in Amy Barrett - another runner up.

Could this mean now a third option, regardless of Kavanaugh being good or bad but rather Kavanaugh is taking all the slings and arrows - changing and prepping normie view with the gang rape, drug abuse etc, meanwhile Kavaugh will go somewhere else in the Law world in innocence, or he will succumb to his past guilty it makes no difference because Amy will magically appear in the SC seat, without taking ANY damage at all, and is on /ourteam/

We know in Q post 1287 he says "Not confirming SC is on /team/."

Again, what to think of Kavanaugh?

But what to think about Grassley?

The Q clock today as we seen confirms Grassley both mirrored dates, 27/9 with the security upgrade, almost a full 1 year Q proof.

How do you legally introduce evidence?

A movie?

Putting that aside, these allegations nonetheless bring into question the following:

a)Uranium 1

b)Billionaire Murders



e)The SC seat

f)The HAMMER from SC?


cd56c3  No.3198991

File: 3a8cc464bba0c67⋯.jpg (68.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pres.jpg)

f3a59a  No.3198992

File: 20eb2592ef815e8⋯.png (651.46 KB, 680x1200, 17:30, ClipboardImage.png)









48f151  No.3198993



that poor guy.

94126c  No.3198994


Same gains we get from animals that we're superior to

293929  No.3198995


haven't had time, i need to make time in next few weeks. i miss just chillin by the river.

f3b63c  No.3198996

File: 0ccde619e1532d1⋯.png (227.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ap,550x550,12x12,1,transpa….png)

d5f407  No.3198997

File: b6b38360cf02d8d⋯.png (818.09 KB, 926x633, 926:633, b6b38360cf02d8d2e9fe2196ae….png)

82a57d  No.3198998


>>3198859 Call to re-tweet re Swetnick

>>3198804 Daily Caller Swetnick article notes the differences in ages

>>3198696 , >>3198670 Friends of Swetnick allege drug and mental health issues (one anon)

>>3198634 Kavanaugh Facing New Accusation of Physical Assault: Report

>>3198477 Woman Who Partied with Georgetown Prep Football Team Disputes Gang Rape Allegations

>>3198378 , >>3198362 Senator Merkley sues POTUS and Rep leaders over Kavanaugh process

Caps replaced -

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

6ee262  No.3198999


He was laughing and saying ominous things before the train derailment full of congressmen earlier this year. He will get his shit pushed in again, don't count on anything he says to come to pass.

f3a59a  No.3199000



4636be  No.3199001


Your statement is completely false, without merit, defeatist, and divisive. Cabalthink at its finest.

What are you doing here exactly?

0d8364  No.3199002

While a boy and in Synagogue my shoe lace was untied so this man leaned over and tied my shoe as he did he leaned inwards and kissed my gentiles. I think it was Chuck Schuemer.

39c3b9  No.3199003


Yes sir. Bless you.

76e178  No.3199005


OY VEY!! Edit it!!

baaf17  No.3199006


Just looking at the Q posts from the last couple weeks. Q only alludes to the Kav situation once - with trust Grassley. It's like this doesn't even matter. It's just an obsession for us and everybody else, but not Q or POTUS. I'm surprised Q hasn't brought up the budget again. But trying to kek the mind of Q…

0e64dd  No.3199007


It's donaldjtrump.com btw. Thanks for helping me get word out tonight. We Q'ed it. Oops.

05c061  No.3199008


I was just watching Trump's post UN press conference. What gravitas. Every thing has changed down to his personality. The Donald is nowhere to be seen.

Acosta asked a question (I'd imagine he'd been primed) and Potus is going to switch it back on CNN. The one who's begging to testify is going to drop her goods.

What was that about state secrets?

By hell in a handcart, I'll be watching tomorrow

d08356  No.3199010

File: ee721742a2fccca⋯.jpg (153.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUniteFreedom.jpg)

File: b53863bf27a1ec5⋯.jpg (447.64 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity3.jpg)

File: b07601b593f1840⋯.jpg (266.07 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity10.jpg)

File: 38229362409c2b6⋯.jpg (327.86 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity100.jpg)

File: 7a5f46fed5ef281⋯.jpg (396.31 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity102.jpg)

34c434  No.3199011



I just pushed back at the the assumption that the existence of extraterrestrial life somehow shatters my worldview.

Not the case in the slightest. I'm a believer.

And we can infer plenty from that statement - but to come out and say - without reservation - that aliens exist because Q said so, is flat out retarded.

I would 100% agree that that is the implication - but implication is miles from a concrete claim.

aa5054  No.3199013


Maybe it was how I was raised, but seeing this and the lack of respect from a few reporters today, when is it EVER ok to talk about the President of the United States like this?

1ce16c  No.3199014


Even if they have a drug history.

James Carville once made a comment about, "Dragging a $100 dollar bill thru a trailer park"

6577b2  No.3199015

File: 2c8e493d99e9f63⋯.png (610.58 KB, 904x1024, 113:128, scrabble.png)


Glad you like it, here's a Q post salad

e5392a  No.3199017


All the while the plan remains on track as liberal faketriots self-immolate. Q team watching waiting calculating and cackling!

cf5747  No.3199018

File: 988b8df6d2a5c7a⋯.png (294.59 KB, 420x579, 140:193, Feinstein.png)

d5f407  No.3199020

File: 9dc6c0e19aa2293⋯.png (1.45 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, ed06e58d957e67799d625a92cc….png)

4a8ba7  No.3199021

File: 2d44e03f5ec8933⋯.png (68.75 KB, 218x289, 218:289, 2018-09-26_19-45-37.png)


That look you get when you realize the grim reaper is right behind you…

4b9a3a  No.3199022


and what do these line up with?

The Early Q Posts.

Start the clock.

8c752d  No.3199023

File: 0c4f87caef420d7⋯.png (67.29 KB, 230x230, 1:1, 1537996826010.png)

653a4c  No.3199024


no its not "cabal think"

at least 40% of the people around me wouldnt care if trump dropped child rape

8f1e8c  No.3199025

File: 17d9e42010bcefd⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 700x343, 100:49, cslmyourtits.gif)


That's great. Now use all this emotion and direct it at your congressman, senators, post on your social media your outrage.

This is a research forum. Calm them, then show them or gtfo.

0193ce  No.3199026

File: ee6198d7b50b39a⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 659x913, 659:913, 1123.jpg)

3707a8  No.3199027


Needs to be memed

56dd6d  No.3199028

File: 18ff207a328d3ec⋯.jpg (355.52 KB, 778x1024, 389:512, tumblr_luu09mNKrn1qav3uso1….jpg)

Remember the CB codes when the internet blows up

d9bf6a  No.3199029

History was made today. World peace began. That speech sparked nations across the world. Dark to light.

Acknowledgement. Saying the unsaid. Absolutely amazing. That speech should be on Blu-ray and available to purchase on iTunes. What a time to be alive!

Thank you President Trump! Thank you Q! Most of all, thank you God!

55668e  No.3199030


Need this anon.

Thank you so much.

3d0c68  No.3199031


By far!

The best, most loved and cherished, smartest, most kind, dedicated, hardest working president in the history of ever!!!!

f2cb96  No.3199032

File: bcfde796b75ee85⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 470x371, 470:371, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….jpg)

16a9a6  No.3199033



Who is that Dianne has cornered? Ke

d5f407  No.3199034

File: 83a1f2edd325e6b⋯.png (622.52 KB, 847x474, 847:474, 83a1f2edd325e6b058a122243c….png)

ff5d8b  No.3199035


Fuck your tone deaf ears

t. musician

9702c1  No.3199036

File: 9c9a7d428a6b46e⋯.jpg (178.58 KB, 1066x1006, 533:503, trump your favorite presid….jpg)

39b411  No.3199037

We are getting close to the pedo allegation..

well the FBI did 6 background check's.

the FBI got to be saying America is stupid.

0a1b73  No.3199039

Look at the “recent members” to the left for Gaithersburg High yearbook.


b5a4c2  No.3199041


trump press conference

its already a gif

1ce16c  No.3199042


I'll look for that Carville quote after i eat.

293929  No.3199043


who is frankenstein talking to?

d08356  No.3199044


Q did not specifically say "Roswell has the highest classification".

You are at liberty to infer who or what has the highest classification – maybe the topic of "are we alone", maybe the Roswell incident, maybe the person speaking to us (Q), etc. Q uses a stateless grammar that is indeterminate and usually requires considering multiple possibilities of what it could mean,

f3a59a  No.3199045



e9a398  No.3199047


Fuckin Avenatti is $10m in the hole aswell. Literally whoring themselves out.

19f16c  No.3199048


I think we agree more than we actually disagree then anon.

You're still a faggot. lol kidding.

4bd41f  No.3199049


Fair chance Avenatti will be living rent-free very soon. Courtesy of the Bureau Of Prisons.

607ad8  No.3199050

File: 7fda33f7b65780a⋯.png (1.53 MB, 882x780, 147:130, 12738947389207643932758498….png)

File: b4a109365c68872⋯.png (1.15 MB, 711x696, 237:232, 36547218936718926548798654….png)

File: 0f436e8aa89f636⋯.png (627.83 KB, 504x627, 168:209, 32786236432898646345098797….png)

trifecta of anon favorites

1dc300  No.3199051

>>3198945 Since we’re stuck with you, can I get a cold beer and a sammmich?

9da030  No.3199052

File: 00c3253b6cf43a1⋯.png (71.91 KB, 575x463, 575:463, ClipboardImage.png)



82fd87  No.3199053


It's a new low, though Presidents have always taken jabs.

The left blame it all on Trump, but they are the lowest of all (projection). They act like the world has fallen apart in the last two years…

Just wait for the next 6.

Truth will put 99% in hospital (was that the figure?)

c1b8d1  No.3199055


…… and then there's the smell…..

d5f407  No.3199056

File: 7a2c934651756b9⋯.png (744.48 KB, 607x592, 607:592, 7a2c934651756b9891ffd7aefe….png)

4a8ba7  No.3199057

File: 58ca9de715ece8c⋯.png (90.75 KB, 251x169, 251:169, 2018-09-26_01-10-10.png)

File: 35a49c8b6aa46db⋯.png (133.99 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 2018-09-25_01-36-23.png)

File: bfd3bccb9e1b5d6⋯.gif (8.05 MB, 640x359, 640:359, Flag and Eagle3.gif)

File: 48211f42cb06d10⋯.png (89.89 KB, 254x193, 254:193, 2018-09-22_16-50-07 copy.png)

e5392a  No.3199059


Much better

ThanQ anon

49da9b  No.3199060

Did Avanti pay the accuser directly what political or nonprofits would he use?

76e178  No.3199061


Maybe one the (((FBI))) start using pedo allegations.. that's when Q/Potus will strike with the REAL allegations

2aa7b9  No.3199062


that part where he said something like "what's going on is greater than people know"

705d17  No.3199063


I just read an article I believe posted to a twitter acct of a woman who has been charged and sentenced for wrongly & falsely accusing a man of rape, may have been highschool or college football star.

So it is happening & will get enforced with greater concern for innocent ppl having their character assassinated by disgruntled whatever.

f3a59a  No.3199064

File: 337c3317404bcac⋯.png (824.46 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> stateless grammar

6f5310  No.3199065

File: 99baef852c6eff2⋯.png (241.68 KB, 622x359, 622:359, all of them witches.png)

ff5d8b  No.3199066


Fuck your tone deaf ears, or get the wax out

t. musician

d7f39e  No.3199067

does any anon have a pic of Brett K's calandar?

could you share please?

I need to check something out

6552c1  No.3199068


Lisa Murkowski. RINO senator.

d5f407  No.3199069

File: 7fb807c134905b2⋯.jpg (104.8 KB, 1114x978, 557:489, 7fb807c134905b217b804c8d65….jpg)

db6c28  No.3199070


look into is navy career

6baa76  No.3199071


perfect time to throw them under the bus

They did 6 background checks and none of these allegations came up? What are they doing over there? Framing the President

aa5054  No.3199073

d08356  No.3199074

>>3198911 Whether there is validity to astrology is a moot point. What matters is that "they" believe in it and plan events around it. Ergo, our side must constantly take this into consideration when looking at the position on the board.

82fd87  No.3199077

File: 61657d5ab4133ab⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 750x763, 750:763, hrc witch.jpg)

File: 48acc63cbc61994⋯.jpg (104.75 KB, 900x980, 45:49, 111111 - Copy.jpg)

1ce16c  No.3199078



Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find.

January 1996; thought to be a reference to Paula Jones and her charge that President Clinton had sexually assaulted her, but Carville insisted he meant Gennifer Flowers

febe77  No.3199079

File: 7dde1c5f8f15515⋯.jpeg (265.26 KB, 1242x2103, 414:701, 071FC083-71D8-4085-A09C-5….jpeg)

File: 62b24221117a459⋯.jpeg (302.28 KB, 1242x1960, 621:980, A2566D92-492C-4A26-B13D-1….jpeg)

So, yesterday this Julie chick was a white Jew. Today, she’s a black agnostic? Ya can’t make this shit up!

da998a  No.3199080


Don't know, but tommorow is going to be yuge. I get the feeling it's a setup beyond compare and all the cabal are chomping at the bit. all in a line, ready to be arrested.

fc628b  No.3199081

Feel a Q post coming. Hello Q!

16a9a6  No.3199082


Jesus Christ. Could you suck dick any harder?

34c434  No.3199085

File: 90dc976643420e3⋯.jpg (176.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Forgive.jpg)

94126c  No.3199086

No public appearances by Kavanaugh accusers? No crocodile tears for news interview to really sell the accusation? Do these women even exist?

I'll bet anything Ford doesn't show up tomorrow, or ever.

deddbe  No.3199087

File: 2a244caa0ec0577⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 418x294, 209:147, #hetoo 9 22 18.JPG)

cf5747  No.3199088


Sen Lisa Murkowski


4857fe  No.3199089



82a57d  No.3199091

File: c3542ceacd0b4f3⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 619x411, 619:411, c3542ceacd0b4f3842c2ecb432….jpg)

a3cca9  No.3199093

File: 8165f0c5212b885⋯.jpg (229.23 KB, 1118x1118, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….jpg)

cebcb8  No.3199094

Seems to me that Q is likely thinking his Anons have been doing a fairly good job at staying focused and fighting and digging the past couple days and nights while so much is happening and he hasn't been in position to comment. Although it does seem like some NOTABLES are slipping by unnoticed because many of us are not reading as much and just posting things quickly before the bread is gone due to them seeming to get to 751 very fast the past few weeks.

4636be  No.3199095


What you are seeing is not people who don't care. You are seeing people who have been manipulated into fear and rage, and they cannot see their own behavior. It's terrifying to watch. They are blind and irrational. They honestly do not understand that they are acting with hate because they are under mind control.

But they most certainly care, and once they have woken, they will be fighting at our side. Stay strong, fren. I'm sorry you are surrounded by this hatred right now. Love you.

8f1e8c  No.3199096


Oh, I'm not saying he wasn't comp'ed af.

I'm saying he got out of line of the narrative.

He was pulling shit 90% of other celebs have pulled. He got singled out for a reason.

3d0c68  No.3199097


You disagree?

34f5d1  No.3199098


you sir have six posts in this bread and not a single one of them has advanced the research you claim to honor. You flapped your gums with opinion . Opinions are like assholes and you sir are an asshole.

1af8f6  No.3199104


I'm sure @jack did kek

ff5d8b  No.3199105


>his Anons

We're not owned, thank you very much

baaf17  No.3199109


Looks like CSpan will be covering the hearing tomorrow.

e9a398  No.3199110

File: 76ffd332aefc109⋯.jpg (77.15 KB, 640x368, 40:23, plant_my_seed.jpg)

fe1919  No.3199111

File: 57dfadf75acef75⋯.png (872.89 KB, 1790x994, 895:497, cbvbbbcbbccc.png)

17 intelligent ladies say Kavanaugh has weapons of mass destruction

747b20  No.3199112


If that was the Howie Carr Show (guessing it was), it will get a lot of play in New England. That kind of stuff is right in his wheelhouse.

The one problem I see is that it doesn't match up well with her career accomplishments, if what's being reported about them is accurate.

4a8ba7  No.3199116

File: c1f852eaa9d359b⋯.png (633.22 KB, 574x766, 287:383, 2018-05-04_02-37-48 copy 2.png)

File: ed29b9e0f1a0c03⋯.png (213.41 KB, 479x543, 479:543, 2018-09-25_01-32-34.png)

db6c28  No.3199117

6f5310  No.3199119


oh, just you add something after the post number.

usually (lb), or (pb), or <<, or the full (last bread), etc

b17b27  No.3199122


Agreed anon.

Additionally, some of us are combining Q's response with other sources for our confirmation.

At this point, anything else is mathematically impossible.

cdd1b1  No.3199124


Thank you!

09941b  No.3199125


What a crock of shit

76ac5f  No.3199126


Body language says not happening

20984e  No.3199129


Can't let him have the nuclear Roes!

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