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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f1711524dc6d8514a697fc1bfc….jpg)

a57f8e  No.3206019

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 ——————————— https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 -————————– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 -————————– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 -————————– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 -————————– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 -————————– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 -————————– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 ——————————— Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 ——————————— FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 ——————————— MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 ——————————— THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 ——————————— Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 -————————– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 ——————————— We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 ——————————— FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 ——————————— Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 ——————————— ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 ——————————— Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 -————————– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 ——————————— Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 -————————– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 -————————– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 ——————————— 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a57f8e  No.3206020


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3199641, >>3200846 How to access the 404'd breads

>>3187364 List of Breads 404'd

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3205478, >>3205585 Free Stream of Kav Hearings, ETA 10am EDT

>>3205408 A GENTLE PLEA FOR NEWFAGS: Why "lb" signalling off-bread links matters

>>3205636 Dept of Public Util to do statewide safety review of gas distrib sys (Massachusetts)

>>3205491 Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to Sen. Judiciary

>>3205469, >>3205499 Some diggs on Feinstein & her 3 spousal units

>>3205466 ZOMGGG!! Sky-Is-Falling MSM news story compilation

>>3205441 We Law and Order Now: HMA fraud settlement doesn't end ex-CEO legal woes

>>3205424, >>3205451, >>3205635 8chan banned in China/Russia/Italy, Ital-voater's take

>>3205411 Senior EU lawmaker urges cyber, data audit of Facebook

>>3205363 NASA plugs "next moon landing": Is Space Force Getting a Space Fort?

>>3205356 West Virginia to allow smartphone voting, raising srs security concerns

>>3205333 Wambulance Called: Bronfman wants more freedom after Nxivm house arrest

>>3205310, >>3205353, >>3205364, >>3205405 AIRKEK: 2-planes/I-Nemo/F-RAFQ, US Army

>>3205381 Planefag cadet report


>>3204880 Link for CS-an Kav hearings later today

>>3205056 Jews 150 to 231 times over-represented on Trumps Fake News Award list

>>3205146, >>3205158 lel, Coupla dudes just came fwd as Blasey Ford party rapists

Baker change

>>3204531 POTUS says Dems would vote down George Washington

>>3204540 Goog, MS, and Alibaba to build AR glasses for US Army

>>3204541 FB, Goog, Amaz, Apple, and MS are technology oligarchy

>>3204546 To the Moon and Beyond! NASA plans to revisit by late 2020s

>>3204561, >>3204595 Mueller gets help in Genius Bar, Twatter comments

>>3204981, >>3205037 Anons believe Mueller above was photo op or message of some type

>>3204563 POTUS delays [RR] meeting due to Kav hearing

>>3204599 New Editor-in-chief at Wikileaks is Kristinn Hrafnsson

>>3204610, >>3204636 China calls on US to improve military ties amid tensions

>>3204613 Bezos space startup to supply engines for ULA's Vulcan rocket

>>3204678 Amazon now going to Alexa entire houses

>>3204701 Avenatti's accounts frozen by bankruptcy judge for not making agreed payments

>>3204851 Soros group Demand Justice out to poison Kav's nomination

>>3204896 Link to Text of Kav accuser's opening statement

>>3204913 Grassley has police escort at the Capitol

>>3205006 CDC Dep Director says suicides up in US

>>3205238 #4057


>>3203837, >>3203907 Email showing HRC is behind the Kavanaugh Smear Campaign

>>3204033 Pope explains why pedo rape is OK in the Cath Church or something

>>3204042 Cabal's David Brock writes article warning about Kav. Panic in DC

>>3204173 US and Turkey progress on US Pastor release

>>3204244, >>3204274, >>3204275 Huma Abedin, Muslim Brotherhood, and HRC

>>3204280 UK's May in Trade Talks with POTUS

>>3204294 Dem affirms that Kav is opposed because POTUS wants him

>>3204321, >>3204334, >>3204338 Ellison, DNC, Anti-semitism, Muslim Brotherhood and Israel

>>3204352 HRC to campaign for Gillum in FL

>>3204363 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4062 breads archived

>>3204372 Bill C rape accuser to make Capitol Hill appearance in support of Kav

>>3204381 Blue-checkless Kurt Russell destroys the left in one twat

>>3204413 Taiwan to get F16 parts. PRC not happy

>>3204455 #4056

Previously Collected Notables

>>3202876 #4054, >>3203655 #4055

>>3200554 #4051, >>3201322 #4052, >>3202096 #4053

>>3198207 #4048, >>3198998 #4049, >>3199802 #4050

>>3195873 #4045, >>3196692 #4046, >>3197487 #4047

>>3193493 #4042, >>3194318 #4043, >>3195127 #4044

>>3191162 #4039, >>3191940 #4040, >>3192706 #4041

>>3188860 #4036, >>3189675 #4037, >>3190424 #4038

>>3186478 #4033, >>3187257 #4034, >>3188077 #4035

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

a57f8e  No.3206023

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a57f8e  No.3206026

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

a57f8e  No.3206033



3d5896  No.3206053

What's the over/under on CBF being a crisis actor?

a57f8e  No.3206058

File: af248c2d200c141⋯.jpg (236.41 KB, 730x410, 73:41, five-cent-john-f-kennedy-e….jpg)

Also apparently this fire is some Mason shit. I didn't know that, but screw those guys it's ours now.

I got it from this JFK stamp.

6d1df3  No.3206062

Fucking Fox News talking heads are talking major shit

eef0de  No.3206065

File: 7cf057cbf713a7d⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 883x907, 883:907, 1a.JPG)

File: 760517e8f63cf3e⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 617x250, 617:250, 2.JPG)

Samsung Electronics chairman indicted on charges of union sabotage


c5d5f1  No.3206069

File: df2bc1aa70e7ae1⋯.jpg (18.82 KB, 483x288, 161:96, 2018-09-27 13:51:42Z.jpg)

RR called LL 4 times in the past 11 days

(prior to Sept 11th)

What is the legal means for /ourguys/ knowing this?

1. Monitoring LL

2. Monitoring RR

3. LL confessed it

4. RR confessed it

What is Q's purpose in giving this info?

a. To inform anons

b. To scare RR

c. To scare LL

d. To make us aware of an ongoing surveillance

0d6039  No.3206072

File: 0f421804d3894c9⋯.jpeg (550.99 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 9C950D38-D71D-46A1-85D1-0….jpeg)

eb62f3  No.3206073

File: e7ca986973d8306⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1381x2111, 1381:2111, 3C9B8991-0D95-4305-8C91-A….jpeg)

82e96c  No.3206074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61b32d  No.3206075

File: 1f2385c4ab0c4b4⋯.jpg (115.67 KB, 620x349, 620:349, Kav.jpg)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

3d5896  No.3206076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If big, true and notable


Yeah I had to switch to the Fox News livestream on YouTube. Related:

008743  No.3206077


They are part of the MockingBird Media,

We have been tricked by their label

of being more of a "Conservative"

News Channel, just fuckery all around.

We know. Soon though it will change.

34ab84  No.3206078

File: fff79c48e3b1be9⋯.jpg (622.42 KB, 1600x1997, 1600:1997, fff79c48e3b1be900aba35a7d2….jpg)

Have some tits, because they are the only relevant information on this board.

0d3f9f  No.3206079

Who is the guy right behind the lying bitches chair? Nervous AF.

af5807  No.3206080

File: 143e37e8739df93⋯.jpg (336.95 KB, 911x670, 911:670, 01 (1).jpg)


Yes initiates of the flame

533a2c  No.3206081




2f1a5e  No.3206082

Anyone picking up on the protesters in the room. They look like they're dressed for bowling night.

4140ec  No.3206083

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 35:

Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies

A Psalm of David.

35 Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me;

fight against those who fight against me!

2 Take hold of shield and buckler,

and rise for my help!

3 Draw the spear and javelin

against my pursuers!

Say to my soul,

“I am your deliverance!”

4 Let them be put to shame and dishonor

who seek after my life!

Let them be turned back and confounded

who devise evil against me!

5 Let them be like chaff before the wind,

with the angel of the Lord driving them on!

6 Let their way be dark and slippery,

with the angel of the Lord pursuing them!

7 For without cause they hid their net for me;

without cause they dug a pit for my life.

8 Let ruin come upon them unawares!

And let the net which they hid ensnare them;

let them fall therein to ruin!

9 Then my soul shall rejoice in the Lord,

exulting in his deliverance.

10 All my bones shall say,

“O Lord, who is like thee,

thou who deliverest the weak

from him who is too strong for him,

the weak and needy from him who despoils him?”

11 Malicious witnesses rise up;

they ask me of things that I know not.

12 They requite me evil for good;

my soul is forlorn.

13 But I, when they were sick—

I wore sackcloth,

I afflicted myself with fasting.

I prayed with head bowed on my bosom,

14 as though I grieved for my friend or my brother;

I went about as one who laments his mother,

bowed down and in mourning.

15 But at my stumbling they gathered in glee,

they gathered together against me;

cripples whom I knew not

slandered me without ceasing;

16 they impiously mocked more and more,

gnashing at me with their teeth.

17 How long, O Lord, wilt thou look on?

Rescue me from their ravages,

my life from the lions!

18 Then I will thank thee in the great congregation;

in the mighty throng I will praise thee.

19 Let not those rejoice over me

who are wrongfully my foes,

and let not those wink the eye

who hate me without cause.

20 For they do not speak peace,

but against those who are quiet in the land

they conceive words of deceit.

21 They open wide their mouths against me;

they say, “Aha, Aha!

our eyes have seen it!”

22 Thou hast seen, O Lord; be not silent!

O Lord, be not far from me!

23 Bestir thyself, and awake for my right,

for my cause, my God and my Lord!

24 Vindicate me, O Lord, my God, according to thy righteousness;

and let them not rejoice over me!

25 Let them not say to themselves,

“Aha, we have our heart’s desire!”

Let them not say, “We have swallowed him up.”

26 Let them be put to shame and confusion altogether

who rejoice at my calamity!

Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor

who magnify themselves against me!

27 Let those who desire my vindication

shout for joy and be glad,

and say evermore,

“Great is the Lord,

who delights in the welfare of his servant!”

28 Then my tongue shall tell of thy righteousness

and of thy praise all the day long.

82e96c  No.3206084

File: ea1d170ea2104e4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1125x1011, 375:337, ClipboardImage.png)

c2c2e9  No.3206085

Mockingbird 4am stories on the moon started today. This is one example. Google "moon", select news, and see mockingbird in action.


Full Moon Monday, that has passed.

Also, a discovered star..




Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.


77a8bd  No.3206086

File: 0a537a462006d9e⋯.gif (485.59 KB, 238x155, 238:155, roll eyes.gif)


Ah yes, seeing through obvious lies is "misogyny."

b4700e  No.3206087

File: cd0e0dcb4e59bda⋯.jpg (232.55 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Untitled.jpg)

34ab84  No.3206088


Learn to play the game.

This is a fucked up game and I want no part of it.

Kavanaugh deep state or patriot? When will we know? Q sure as hell won't tell us. But we are watching a movie, or political theater with actors not acting very well. If you can't see by now this is all bullshit, you are blind. The Kavanaugh episode is a distraction, as usual, and there will be another distraction to take our attention away from what we should be focused on and that is the elimination of the deep state.

If any of you have paid attention to the Bush and Obama years, the cabal this very often. One scandal to distract from the previous one.

Examples of this are,9/10/01, Rumsfeld tells world we have 2.3 trillion missing. Next day we know what happens. War with anyone we could find helps distract for the rest of Bush's terms.

Example 2. Throughout the Obama years, we went from fast and furious, to IRS targeting, to Solyndra, to Bengazi, to Iran pallets of cash, and on and on. The Trump years are no different.

The one common theme? No one is going to jail.

Happy times. Enjoy the show, because that is what this is. I bet many of you can predict the next distraction. FF in Syria? Global economic disaster? Those are my guesses.


5b43d5  No.3206089

File: fe657b840f8c4c7⋯.png (305.36 KB, 470x483, 470:483, herro radiez.png)

File: db2e5ee258cb06c⋯.png (76.92 KB, 987x331, 987:331, latin alphabet.png)

File: ce363532eec8e3c⋯.gif (606.29 KB, 384x270, 64:45, f bang.gif)

588a3b  No.3206090

Who will showboat first before Grassley can even get a word in? Hummer Harris or Sparticus? My money on Sparticus coz she beat him out at the confirmation hearing.

2451c8  No.3206091

>>3206051 lb

Check this out


Check this out

900f8d  No.3206092


Are you still here awaiting a handoff? I am the baker you took the bake from earlier.

Handoff Confirmed?

c02166  No.3206093

File: 3981104f1072132⋯.jpeg (410.42 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, D254C7E8-5A5E-40AB-BD7B-F….jpeg)

File: 41181d7fe15725f⋯.jpeg (530.17 KB, 1798x1352, 899:676, 2017698E-0DEF-4394-9F9F-F….jpeg)

File: 2257dac4df28f8a⋯.jpeg (430.98 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 5223C51C-2CB9-445B-8C5B-B….jpeg)

File: 3f807cac8bfebd9⋯.jpeg (479.11 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7632C5BF-20A1-4FE3-8048-9….jpeg)

File: 4328bafe1eb3431⋯.jpeg (311.38 KB, 1133x940, 1133:940, E58EC3EC-C1FA-424D-902A-1….jpeg)


Thank you baker

This bread shall be epic

fec54a  No.3206094

File: c486317301c9db9⋯.gif (4.5 MB, 464x464, 1:1, DB14E44F-509A-41C2-80EE-FA….gif)

XLNT thread on Why Kavenaugh? Military Tribunals, POTUS Executive Powers/Privilege etc


4a8952  No.3206095

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

9c6e86  No.3206096

File: 35b8ccf5e9e7892⋯.png (206.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Seriously.png)

What a sham it all has become. Embarrassing, really

aa2f2c  No.3206097

File: 51dda26e09c58cd⋯.jpg (188.81 KB, 1242x1690, 621:845, 1528854450050.jpg)

File: 7caa652beec6145⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 470x313, 470:313, 1530289593998.jpg)

File: 35fd0a0ac8d32d3⋯.png (286.98 KB, 648x647, 648:647, 1535554189485.png)

File: d1e1dad7fab42c4⋯.png (237.34 KB, 510x583, 510:583, Blame the whites.png)

File: 1c6790ce25c2da9⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 506x720, 253:360, f4edd-anti-racistdictionar….jpg)

4140ec  No.3206098

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

900f8d  No.3206099

6e4157  No.3206100


where can i find a non deep state livestream? I can't listen to the bullshit

fcdf38  No.3206101

File: 93e2a0ac20a6294⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

I hope the dude who actually assaulted Ford is brought into the hearing, and then Grassley asks him to wag his dick in Ramirez's face.

[Grassley] Ms. Ramirez…do you recognize this penis?

a57f8e  No.3206103


All their memes are now belong to us. Spoils of War.


Do it up Baker.

6d1df3  No.3206104

Executives are selling off their company's stock at a record pace


(((they))) are trying to crash the market before mid-terms so (((they))) can blame Trump and score political points.

2451c8  No.3206105



9f5487  No.3206106



b6eeed  No.3206107

File: b7190a7d66de874⋯.png (500.48 KB, 818x462, 409:231, autismpepe.png)

File: aa97ebe166c205f⋯.png (235.99 KB, 1364x994, 682:497, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

Trump: Hey Anons maybe you should dig into Avenettis History!

Anons: o7

Michael Avanetti - The worlds talentless Porn Lawyer with a Shifty Background.


1)Defrauding a Senior of a 12M House

Elderly mans name was : MR GARY PRIMM

>Elderly man in Newport Beach 2016-2017: Entered escrow to purchase this mans home, produced a forged and heavily redacted document a day before the escrow was to close which derailed it completely.

>Avenatti squats at this house for more then a year, meanwhile the old man had cancer - expecting the old man to die and take over the house.

>Avenatti also had ties to the Swiss mystery company that all of a sudden brought charges onto the old man that Avenatti was squatting on. [1]

2)Tax Evasion

>Avenatti didn’t pay taxes for three years in spite of making $30 million. This was uncovered by the courts who stated he acted with “malice, fraud and oppression”.

3)Stiffing his employees and WIFE kek

>Wife files for divorce

>Employees have the following to say:

4)Spygate involvement VIA Saudi Prince!

>Avenatti raced on a team with the Prince’s son and the Prince is connected to one of the suspected FBI spies. This may have been the relationship that deep state most wanted to cover up about Avenatti. [3]

>Avenatti also has ties to Saudi Prince Turki al Faisal. Avenatti and the Prince’s son raced together in some major car races. [2]

Now in addition the Saudi Prince was a big donor to the Clinton Foundation (note it’s illegal to accept donations from foreigners in a political campaign in the US.

Mufsud is one of three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. Intelligence who appears to have targeted.

Musfud - Riyadh - Saudi Prince Turki al Faisal - Avenatti - Deep State


Who is this mysterious SWISS company?

>The Swiss company was allegedly claiming to have lent a prior owner of the home $10 million. Barnes sources the case number for the Swiss company being: 30-2016-00872019-CU-BC-CJC.

The swiss company:




Maseco is a private wealth management company headquartered in Lugano, Switzerland. It has been in existence for approximately 13 years, since 2003, and conducts business with high net worth individuals in the areas of, among other things, the purchase and sale of foreign real estate and the issuance of mortgages and loans.




Court case sauce:


So it goes like this:

There was a guy named ROBERT J. HERBERT and he in 2006 got a loan from Maseco for 10 million.

Maseco then repeatedly tried to contact Herbert at his last known address which found later that Herbert sold the house to Mr Gary Primm right after taking the 10M loan.

It was also determined that the property had been subsequently resisted for sale by Primm, then removed from the market and MAY HAVE BEEN IN ESCROW AS NO TRANSFER DOCUMENTS WERE ON FILE.

How did Maseco know of the Escrow?

Escrow Definition:

>a bond, deed, or other document kept in the custody of a third party, taking effect only when a specified condition has been fulfilled.

Was Maseco the Third Party for Avenatti and Primm?

Did Maseco hold the Court up long enough for Primm to die and Avenatti swat and secure the 12M house?

Something isn’t adding up here folks.


[ 1 ]http://joehoft.com/porn-star-lawyer-avenatti-accused-by-courts-of-acting-with-malice-fraud-and-oppression-suddenly-disappears-from-cnn/

[ 2 ] https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/995676966069067776

[ 3 ]https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/former-porn-star-lawyer-michael-avenatti-connected-to-anti-trump-fbi-spies-in-uk/

8dc071  No.3206108

File: 73ed690b8126513⋯.png (49.42 KB, 693x393, 231:131, Screenshot_2018-09-27 Pres….png)

Friendly reminder that your rights as a human being are about to be put on trial today in America

c2c2e9  No.3206109

File: 0a2cafdc57e852e⋯.jpg (8.57 KB, 200x147, 200:147, download (4).jpg)

6e4157  No.3206110


They prob know the Fed Res is about to tank the economy on purpose

c02166  No.3206111

File: 5ff0181e8a5017c⋯.jpeg (590.81 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 445CC3EC-7074-4A7B-BEDB-3….jpeg)


Good eye

34b32d  No.3206112

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 750x500, 3:2, KAVANAUGH 1.jpg)

008743  No.3206113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Right Side Broadcasting.

Pro America, Pro POTUS

Pro MAGA, They are the new media

c5cb62  No.3206114



900f8d  No.3206115


New Baker Confirmed

The exact same IRL happened to me yesterday, so I figured I had to step up today. Call it my penance bake.

6e4157  No.3206116

06a810  No.3206117

>>3205976 (pb)

The Debt is, and always was, a "Rich Man's Trick". As are all Fiat Economy's. The Rothschilds, et al, have plundered the World for Centuries and have been behind every major conflict profiting on both sides. Think civil forfeiture. Think reparations. All (((their))) gold are ours and the other subjugated Peoples. Now think Zero Point Energy.

fb3511  No.3206118

What Blasey Ford is claiming that happened to her is no joke.

If this does turn out to be some big elaborate lie or mistaken identity

then Christine Blasey Ford and the Democrats will have done more harm

to women’s rights and #Metoo than anyone would have thought possible

b990ff  No.3206119


blackout necessary?



5b43d5  No.3206120

File: bbc373497c6ae0d⋯.png (215.98 KB, 660x572, 15:13, PE.png)

856d44  No.3206121


You are awake! Glad I’m not the only one. WTC attacks were 17 minutes apart. 17 years later it’s time for 9/11 part 2 and the Economist cover from the 80s that showed one world currency in 2018. Its all planned and you’re all sheep being led to the slaughter. But, enjoy the show.

fcdf38  No.3206122

File: fbd333f8dbbc551⋯.png (364.72 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)

The hearings will end with two results:

1) Brett Kavanaugh leaves as the next Supreme Court Justice.

2) Christine Blasey Ford leaves as the same lying cunt she entered.

66a6cc  No.3206123


The reason they named the new global currency The Phoenix - scheduled to debut next month - is they were going to crash and burn the fuck out of every national currency, probably starting last Jan, had she won.

af4266  No.3206124

Attention on deck.

Memes at the ready.

Lock on target.

Fire at will.

c02166  No.3206125

File: 6acb8c782a9df07⋯.jpeg (442.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 9F460DBD-9B32-4C09-A770-3….jpeg)


If God is with us, who can be against us?

aa2f2c  No.3206126

File: ed428fe5131a30e⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 573x430, 573:430, 1525150797614.jpg)

File: 7c94e01c6dab709⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 625x910, 125:182, 1526260333369.jpg)

File: 47e13378b6568a0⋯.png (749.92 KB, 774x809, 774:809, 1526407624029 (1).png)

File: 54c58e668a5bc35⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 480x500, 24:25, 1536070529893.jpg)

File: dfe514257abadb9⋯.png (77.74 KB, 701x668, 701:668, 1536099182247.png)


eww, she's all naked and stuff, 2/10, would not bang

any murdoch mudoch fans out tonight?


b4700e  No.3206127


#MeToo will be DONE after this shit show

4140ec  No.3206128

File: d4b2e06b854e798⋯.png (66.65 KB, 432x641, 432:641, ClipboardImage.png)

Chaplet Prayer for Saint Michael the Archangel

The chaplet begins with the invocation on the medal. Then say one Our Father and three Hail Marys after each of the nine salutations in honor of the nine Choir of Angels as follows

Invocation on the Medal

O God, come to my assistance! O Lord, make haste to help me! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

First Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Seraphim, may it please God to make us worthy to receive into our hearts the fire of his perfect charity. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Second Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Cherubim, may God in his good pleasure, grant us grace to abandon the ways of sin, and follow the path of Christian perfection. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Third Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the sacred Choir of Thrones, may it please God to infuse into our hearts the spirit of true and sincere humility. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Fourth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of the Dominations, may it please God to grant us grace to have dominion over our senses, and to correct our depraved passions. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Fifth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of the Powers, may God vouchsafe to keep our souls from the wiles and temptations of the devil. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Sixth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the admirable heavenly Choir of the Virtues, may it please God to keep us from falling into temptation, and may He deliver us from evil. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Seventh Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Principalities, may it please God to fill our souls with the spirit of true and sincere obedience. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Eighth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Archangels, may it please God to grant us the gift of perseverance in the faith, and in all good works, that we may be thereby enabled to attain the glory of paradise. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Ninth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of all the Angels, may God vouchsafe to grant us their guardianship through this mortal life, and after death a happy entrance into the everlasting glory of heaven. Amen

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Say an Our Fathers on each of the four large concluding beads:

The first one to St. Michael,

The second one to St. Gabriel,

The third one to St. Raphael,

The fourth one to our Guardian Angel.

End this Chaplet with the following Anthem and prayer.


Michael, glorious prince, chief and champion of the heavenly Host, guardian of the souls of men, conqueror of the rebel angels, steward of the palace of God under Jesus Christ, our worthy leader, endowed with superhuman excellence and virtues: vouchsafe to free us all from every ill, who with full confidence have recourse to thee; and by thy incomparable protection enable us to make progress every day in the faithful service of our God. V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ. R. That we may be made worthy of his promises.


Almighty and Eternal God, who is thine own marvelous goodness and pity didst, for the common salvation of man, choose the glorious Archangel Michael to be the prince of the Church: make us worthy, we pray Thee, to be delivered by his beneficent protection from all our enemies, that, at the hour of our death, none of them may approach to harm us; rather do Thou vouchsafe unto us that by the same Archangel Michael, we may be introduced into the presence of thy most high and divine majesty. Through the merits of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

c2c2e9  No.3206129


That's not true. It's been guilty until proven innocent in this country for many, many years now.

95cf43  No.3206130


I'd watch the news that day.

81edee  No.3206131

File: ec7c35f35a288bb⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 635x422, 635:422, LETS GET READY TO TESTIFY.jpg)


7318eb  No.3206132

File: 7e87b764d8dfe3b⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a18.jpg)

89bbbe  No.3206133

File: 268816a4d20c281⋯.jpeg (108.15 KB, 750x331, 750:331, D83E7A39-621F-40A5-93C4-8….jpeg)

2e071d  No.3206134

McCallam just said the after today, the vote will take 5 days???

40bdb6  No.3206135


Panic selling. They’re trying to save all they can. Anybody looking to go to sales right now?

9f7f36  No.3206136

>>3205848 (lb)

>>3206030 (lb)

>Just so you know, mifepristone doesn’t CAUSE abortions. It dilated the cervix.

>I'm pro-life, but I'm not going to spread false info.

So "Abortion-As-A-Secondary-Effect" is a pro-life position now?? Those are some world-class ethical gymnastics right there!!

"As to our drowning victim...It wasn't the water in her lungs that killed her, you see...it was the resultant lack of oxygen in her blood wherein the cause lies." - No One, Ever.

fcdf38  No.3206137

File: ebf305ff2cd9312⋯.png (238.16 KB, 352x425, 352:425, ClipboardImage.png)

Bets are she enters the hearings totally shit-faced drunk.

af0460  No.3206138

File: be36c824e04221e⋯.png (120.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Any guesses who Chucky picked to be the first Senator to interrupt the proceedings today?

My $'s on Hawaiian lady.

949b40  No.3206139

File: 6ac88a613b0e60f⋯.jpeg (26.42 KB, 512x288, 16:9, images (73).jpeg)

File: 15acf2758874cba⋯.jpeg (57.71 KB, 322x457, 322:457, images (74).jpeg)

File: 64e66c22b451915⋯.jpeg (16.35 KB, 451x326, 451:326, images (75).jpeg)

File: 1f764a9cdc4f429⋯.png (82.87 KB, 494x298, 247:149, unnamed (2).png)

File: 59554ae6ea81263⋯.jpeg (7.76 KB, 276x183, 92:61, images (76).jpeg)


CIVANO (ARIZONA; The No-Name State)


3d5896  No.3206140


Thank you for that better crop of the Feinstein makeout session

74ea02  No.3206141

File: dcd4525547e19d1⋯.jpg (385 KB, 800x800, 1:1, initial ‘Q’ – archangel Mi….jpg)

Quid gloriaris in malitia, qui potens es in iniquitate? Why do you glory in malice, you who are mighty in iniquity?

Psalms, chapter 52

For the leader. A maskil of David,

when Doeg the Edomite entered and reported to Saul, saying to him: “David has entered the house of Ahimelech.”


Why do you glory in what is evil, you who are mighty by the mercy of God?

All day long

you are thinking up intrigues;

your tongue is like a sharpened razor,

you worker of deceit.

You love evil more than good,

lying rather than saying what is right.


You love all the words that create confusion,

you deceitful tongue.


God too will strike you down forever,

he will lay hold of you and pluck you from your tent,

uproot you from the land of the living.


The righteous will see and they will fear;

but they will laugh at him:

“Behold the man! He did not take God as his refuge,

but he trusted in the abundance of his wealth,

and grew powerful through his wickedness.”


But I, like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God,

I trust in God’s mercy forever and ever.

I will thank you forever

for what you have done.

I will put my hope in your name—for it is good,

—in the presence of those devoted to you.

34ab84  No.3206142


Duh. A deal was made and we knew it from the moment we learned Kavanaugh covered up vince foster, was a Bush guy, and "investigated" the Clintons yet somehow miraculously couldn't get a prosecution. Cabal 101. Trump is too. Have fun

89bbbe  No.3206143

File: 542f47ac6227f8e⋯.jpeg (105.23 KB, 768x783, 256:261, E3824A09-7270-4719-85D0-3….jpeg)

Am I the only one who is beyond excited to watch this utter shitshow? Want to see the hidden cards Kav has

c2c2e9  No.3206144


I'll take the compliment from triple digits. TY

c02166  No.3206145



(While phonefagging!)

ac4798  No.3206146

File: 500cf3ecc861af0⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 2224x1226, 1112:613, FEFB266C-FFA9-4316-B209-A….jpeg)

Who’s ready for some False Testimony! Eternal hellfire and damnation at the ready!

fcdf38  No.3206147

File: b6a616aa1676983⋯.png (1.86 MB, 771x843, 257:281, capture_441_27092018_07010….png)

8dc071  No.3206148


Yeah Hillary had one hell of a time proving herself innocent didn't she.

d4bd2e  No.3206149


do you guys really not know the difference between the judiciary committee giving approval/no approval and having a nominee exit the committee vs a full vote on the senate floor? the guy hasn't even left committee yet ffs

eea17c  No.3206150


Roth, 16 = P

Trump, 17 = Q

Food for thought

3e9608  No.3206151

File: f9698f3ef997242⋯.jpg (117.57 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SO EXITE.jpg)


>Am I the only one who is beyond excited to watch this utter shitshow?


a997d4  No.3206152


Part of me wonders if that is not the end goal here. Think about it — in that room today there will be people on both sides of the aisle for whom '#metoo' claims could be made - legitimate claims. What better way to take that whole movement down and protect themselves than in a setting where no one can go to jail…fully in the public eye so that everyone can watch this thing unravel.

c2c2e9  No.3206153



a424ea  No.3206154

Kavanaugh hearing, RR meeting .. feels like the cabal is being kept busy today and something else is happening behind the scenes

81edee  No.3206155

File: 9aaa41dbbbacbdd⋯.jpeg (11 KB, 274x184, 137:92, popcorn hoodie.jpeg)


You are not alone.

5b43d5  No.3206156

File: 524eaf34eedafd9⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 10 08.jpg)

File: 3c29c46fd33c938⋯.png (22.08 KB, 300x250, 6:5, go flava.png)

File: 7a7f0557ff66894⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 461x594, 461:594, yeahh boyyy.jpg)

7318eb  No.3206157

File: 180895da15343b2⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 702x468, 3:2, 1510161774124.jpg)

f5af5c  No.3206158


I've seen that purple Civano logo shitposted by bots in between muh dick memes, was that just a random occurrence? made it seem like the civano thing could be a plant or a dupe, raven with the boylover logo for an eye is pretty damn provocative

32807c  No.3206159

File: 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 4b6bca5c00d321022b2717eeef….gif)


same, upgrade to the gif fren

6455b5  No.3206160

File: 7fb807c134905b2⋯.jpg (104.8 KB, 1114x978, 557:489, greatesthabbening.jpg)


Its gon b gud anon

Remember GEOTUS said yesterday

"Tomorrow will be a very important day in the HISTORY of the United States"

eef0de  No.3206161

File: 1a0ed72b21a588e⋯.jpg (27.94 KB, 829x189, 829:189, 1a.JPG)

File: f8415451481a5bb⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 536x293, 536:293, 2.JPG)

File: 9e20c9904d1dba5⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 539x250, 539:250, 2a.JPG)

File: 210c1791b3b95ab⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 592x915, 592:915, 6.JPG)

Buy Like Bezos: Here Are Some Companies Amazon's CEO Invests His Billions In


89bbbe  No.3206162


Couldn’t agree more fren!

6e4157  No.3206163


Something to do with POTUS order allowing confiscation of assets of those convicted in military tribunals?

5760f2  No.3206164

File: 1b8a6dc3844f9e6⋯.png (400.14 KB, 465x584, 465:584, 1b8a6dc3844f9e6cf468b03951….png)

So how mad would/could POTUS be if Kavanaugh decides SCOTUS is not the job he wants? Because of personal attacks by the media, accusations made by women from years ago, and the Libtards who believe them. Kavanaugh has a soft side and showed it on the FOX interview… will he cave after todays questioning? If POTUS' "first pick" drops, POTUS can then go on the warpath, firing every last enemy of his MAGA movement. POTUS' vengeance will be justified… especially when the accusers/media become proven liars soon after. POTUS could then easily appoint his "second pick" for SCOTUS… and if the Libtards/Media accuse/fight the second choice, nobody would believe them due to what they did to Kavanaugh. They are getting played into discrediting themselves.

5a44b0  No.3206165

File: 04002b22dd07b58⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 678x356, 339:178, cbf hung.jpg)

File: 3b8b0332ad716f6⋯.jpg (20.74 KB, 352x466, 176:233, swet yearbook train.jpg)


They need some of those disposable toilet seat covers for these accusers chairs.

6d1df3  No.3206166

Sen. Kamala Harris Blankets Facebook With Anti-Kavanaugh Ads

The California Democrat's campaign has posted some 3,600 different Facebook ads about him, according to the social media site’s ad archive.

No other senator appears to be doing as much Kavanaugh-related advertising on Facebook.


e3f405  No.3206167

I've always preferred the CSPAN links for watching these but their video quality is awful today.

Guess I'll watch on a Youtube stream until it gets better.

9ab243  No.3206168


take a moment to look up the confirmation process and you won't look so ignorant.

3d5896  No.3206169


Saw one in Chicago I forgot to write down the name shit

c2c2e9  No.3206170


Obviously you don't understand the game.

dc2700  No.3206171

File: 62daf6805d90e03⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 600x338, 300:169, drifting.gif)

5d3d18  No.3206172

Blasey director of Biostatistic for Corcept Therapeutics that produced RU-486 death pill or Mifepristone has coauthored articles about this pill


4a8952  No.3206173

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

eaa44e  No.3206174

dont know if i wanna watch, im gonna get pissed off at these libral dems, ill probably end up flipping the fuck out

40bdb6  No.3206175


This is such bullshit it burns my ass. Guilty until proven innocent. Shit like this could kick off a really bad civil war

fcd02d  No.3206176

File: 1a71ccac7104fbf⋯.png (153.79 KB, 1375x822, 1375:822, presser.PNG)

Yesterday POTUS dropped a bombshell about China messing with the 2018 elections.

CNN does not even mention it.

Makes you wonder…


c5d5f1  No.3206177

>>3206075 Today is actually the first day of the "Kavanaugh Impeachment Hearing."

Our demonically crazed opponents are maniacally clinging to the only piece of driftwood they can find out there in the deep blue sea. To wit, they are praying for a miracle blue wave, followed by throwing BK out so the SC can't block their evil agenda. They will fail on all counts, eternally disgracing themselves in the process.

69563b  No.3206178

File: 82579a8568788b4⋯.png (430.4 KB, 774x434, 387:217, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

7318eb  No.3206179

File: d84508bfe2bbc53⋯.jpeg (14.92 KB, 205x255, 41:51, a1.jpeg)

3d5896  No.3206180

These fucking clowns trying to selfie fuckers

06a810  No.3206181


8dc071  No.3206182


Just throwing down some of the writing on the maze walls; Don't care if the players pay attention to it or not.

6d1df3  No.3206183

File: 6ea9b3d1303740c⋯.png (299.52 KB, 928x418, 464:209, www_drudgereport_com.png)

89bbbe  No.3206184

File: bf5871b5cbdc094⋯.jpeg (251.96 KB, 750x643, 750:643, 3B2DB1C6-93C8-4631-AB19-F….jpeg)

32807c  No.3206185

its supposed to start at 10 AM EST?

f15ef3  No.3206186

Got my covfefe and ready for the court scene in this movie. Comfy as fuck.

04408f  No.3206187

File: b36236a281eee57⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djt55friday.png)

>>3204913 (OB)

Posted this when it was discussed earlier.

On the clock. For tomorrow (because I assume he will still have it for the actual vote).

ef8ce4  No.3206188


are we paying for that?

b1e910  No.3206189

File: 9ae16d80f69da32⋯.png (942.18 KB, 748x508, 187:127, popcorn-truck.PNG)

File: 0bd1f57ef8dfb30⋯.png (4.78 KB, 188x268, 47:67, 0bd1f57ef8dfb30445fe815303….png)


aa2f2c  No.3206190

File: 435a88efacee421⋯.gif (430.74 KB, 400x560, 5:7, 1516541110976.gif)

File: 3c64551e6ba66bb⋯.png (56.62 KB, 309x433, 309:433, 1519496887874.png)

File: d40ec5efd9ea6ac⋯.png (107.75 KB, 940x300, 47:15, 1533906349212.png)

File: 9a3f934330a1acc⋯.png (308.51 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1534046444059.png)

File: cb9c2b5b763ba73⋯.jpg (328.33 KB, 792x1018, 396:509, 1534271874865.jpg)



why did we let them vote?


B A S E D A U S T R O L P I T H I C U S!


13dde5  No.3206191

Michael Avenatti raped me. Prove me wrong.

7fa730  No.3206193

Ford appears much older than the circulating picture.

6e4157  No.3206194

File: 2bd6135906001f3⋯.png (144.17 KB, 880x824, 110:103, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

fcdf38  No.3206195

She looks nuts!! OMG!!

ac4798  No.3206196

File: 6c6e069cc774451⋯.jpeg (211.4 KB, 1383x1409, 1383:1409, 9D89CEC7-951F-469A-8A86-9….jpeg)

89bbbe  No.3206197

File: a05cb91c923caf6⋯.jpeg (268.51 KB, 750x669, 250:223, AA95B29E-B8D4-45F3-A881-2….jpeg)

81edee  No.3206198

File: 2856c66ad434a73⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 564x378, 94:63, buckle up.jpg)

Here we go.

Strap in bitches!

b84ff5  No.3206199

File: f951baa6fcc6eb6⋯.png (264.05 KB, 559x544, 559:544, ClipboardImage.png)


morning BV, thanks for baking

morning anons, lets do this shit

ea0099  No.3206200

File: a424d533918962d⋯.png (296.65 KB, 579x465, 193:155, 2018-09-27_09-52-39.png)


(last bread)

34ab84  No.3206201


Have been awake a long long time. But I take issue with you in this regard. What would you have any of us do? Start a war? March on Washington? We can do nothing but vote and try to influence people. It isn't working. Enjoy the freak show. Anons blame boomers, but are just as easily fooled.

fcdf38  No.3206202

File: b991af399223e2b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 771x843, 257:281, capture_443_27092018_07043….png)

6455b5  No.3206203


Honestly I think POTUS wouldn't be mad. He knows this is war and he understands what the family is being put through.

I'm not particularly crazy about Kavanaugh, but we CANNOT let these tactics just totally derail government. Once this cat is out of the bag, there is no putting it back. Both sides will use this shit for every confirmation,vote,election ect

95cf43  No.3206204

Wait. That's a dude!

7736cd  No.3206205

Ford is in her seat!

And so it begins….

0d3f9f  No.3206206


Right after the committee confirm Mitch can call for a floor vote ANYTIME

28f9de  No.3206207

File: bb617ae5f8ae3ca⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 494x484, 247:242, Pepe Tearing eyes out.jpg)


>Anyone picking up on the protesters in the room.

Why in hell would protesters be allowed into that room? Who is in charge of the "guest list"? As if this isn't enough of a circus.

bfa49c  No.3206208

File: 937e84d56ef28a3⋯.jpg (21 KB, 223x255, 223:255, MeullerAAPL.jpg)

A different interpretation of the Mueller picture from the Apple Store Genius Bar. In the picture, Mueller is working with a genius. Get it. He is signaling that he is working with /ourgenius/, POTUS. It really is a WITCH hunt.

It may, or may not, also have something to do with Georgetown, the Kav confirmation, and the like.

b84ff5  No.3206209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ac4798  No.3206210

Can someone post livestream with sound

1d4dbc  No.3206211

Well the bitch is there

2e071d  No.3206212

Ten days darkness imo has yet to be realized. We did have 10 days of no Q but many other instances of no Q when nothing was mentioned. Ten days pointed to Q vaca does not seem correct. Ten days darkness much more likely in the new fews day.

If grocery/gas/medication run is in order, get 'er done

719e63  No.3206213

File: 382d58a1b2d81c4⋯.gif (4.98 MB, 648x264, 27:11, andhere we go.gif)

def76d  No.3206214

Wait, the vote is tomorrow (Friday), not today right?

6e4157  No.3206215

If she testifies under oath, she is SO SCREWED.

aaa311  No.3206216


She looks scared shitless

b84ff5  No.3206217

File: 8467a249a98412a⋯.png (79.92 KB, 418x293, 418:293, ClipboardImage.png)



fcdf38  No.3206218

She's already about to crack!!

Look in her eyes!!!

06a810  No.3206219


Nope but between those glasses and her hair she might as well be wearing a mask.

e3f405  No.3206220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CSPAN Youtube stream is 1080p and looks great.


77692e  No.3206221

Weird shit is going on in Europe

https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-26/belgium-faces-winter-blackouts-as-aging-nuclear-plants-falter

fec54a  No.3206222



7736cd  No.3206223



c21381  No.3206224

she showed up ,and she is real hhhmmm,

3d5896  No.3206225





ef8ce4  No.3206226


I understood that Dr. Ford asked for a smaller environment.

1d4dbc  No.3206227


She knows she's lying

900f8d  No.3206228


Committee vote tomorrow, unless changed. Announced two days ago due to need for three day prior notice. All per Grassley statements.

8b8cf7  No.3206229


I am surprised she showed if this tweet is true.


7fa730  No.3206230


Deer meets headlights.

32807c  No.3206231

is that the same woman?

8d27d9  No.3206232


my god find something else to post you broken record.

40bdb6  No.3206233

I wonder if the “good” doctor needed a mild sedative to calm her tits for the circus show.

206518  No.3206234

File: 3cc0bad20f286fa⋯.jpg (639.51 KB, 1473x1405, 1473:1405, ITS A VERY BIG MOMENT FOR ….jpg)


>>3205956 (lb)

>Kavanaugh will not get in if this is a real push for a free world



Few here would dismiss the high probability that Kavanaugh was involved with (or covering up) some shady Bush (pun intended) crimes.

But, that is a totally separate question which has no bearing on what happens today. If we let mob rule decide this man's fate based on no credible evidence (mere bogus clown allegations), then the country is finished. It would set a president that would undermine 2000 years of jurisprudence. Let that sink in...

POTUS nailed yesterday in his answer to the last question. The world is watching...

28ea95  No.3206235

OMG she is playing the pitiful card good

eb62f3  No.3206236

Reminder of 2,200 people falsely accused and later exonerated of sexual assaults


a25b52  No.3206237


She cracked the same fucking grin as Strozk

6e4157  No.3206238


Age 55 my ass. She's Chelsea Handler's sister. Rode hard and put away wet.

b84ff5  No.3206239

File: 3d85d23ea898964⋯.png (2.49 MB, 5145x2671, 5145:2671, ForNewfags.png)


number 3

1f6a59  No.3206240


Yes she does. Terrified.

def76d  No.3206241


Thanks anon! Lets get our boy confirmed so we can get the DECLAS

719e63  No.3206242

File: 7d8db4ad021aa36⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 556x521, 556:521, oh shit.JPG)

73cbff  No.3206243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox 10 Phoenix livestream

f78974  No.3206244


Could be anyone. She doesn't look like her pictures previously.

c2c2e9  No.3206245


10 days of darnkess comes at shutdown. It was directly asked and answered by Q

5b43d5  No.3206246

File: 9eecb88f993d65e⋯.jpg (928.12 KB, 3000x2308, 750:577, hot sauce.jpg)

would you like hot sauce

missus blaaaazeee

ac9823  No.3206247

File: 698f7d658df7ce2⋯.jpeg (156.76 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, 61C4CBB6-56D0-463C-B835-F….jpeg)

File: 0af880c129bde32⋯.jpeg (156.5 KB, 1184x653, 1184:653, 206EACE4-370F-4960-95EE-6….jpeg)

File: 30ba735714847ef⋯.png (737.03 KB, 512x512, 1:1, C6ADCF1C-7682-4DD3-BCE3-D9….png)

This is exciting!

Stay calm frens

0bc41e  No.3206248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm shocked she showed up.

c2aea8  No.3206249

File: 5a6acdd1b8e6d4f⋯.png (323.23 KB, 351x406, 351:406, ClipboardImage.png)

She looks scared!

b990ff  No.3206250


Trump suggested yesterday at his presser that he MAY postpone/delay the RR meeting… did that happen?

Either way, it will be interesting to see/hear the outcome of th meeting whenever it does occur.

95cf43  No.3206251

File: 792e42538f02cba⋯.png (963.26 KB, 1059x594, 353:198, man.png)

6e4157  No.3206253


How do we know if Kav has disclosed all the crimes of the Bush admin and cabal that he knew of and/or documented all the wrong doings and turned them over a long time ago?

7736cd  No.3206254


Hung over and terrified.. Does she know what perjury means?

c41629  No.3206255


No sunglasses today?

32807c  No.3206256

File: 0cd86e62d597a38⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 268x268, 1:1, 0cd86e62d597a38082fa71ca29….gif)

bcf45e  No.3206257


she looks MK'd as fuck

af5807  No.3206258


Ayyy its a civano. We don't ask no questions just get dem giddas. Its a good school ran by some fellas over at the lodge.

5a44b0  No.3206259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have we reached the lowest trough in politics at this point?

d4bd2e  No.3206260


True, and I believe he did advise that they will be keeping the senate in session over the weekend

5b43d5  No.3206261


that turkey neck has seen more pipe than a plumber

df8f9b  No.3206262


This is Kav standing up for all men and for our historical and god given right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law - not a court of public opinion.

This right here is the democrats showing that they wish to do away with the rule of law in our country. This is a banana republic in the works, socialism, stalinism, zoaist, and nazi tactics in play. Where will it end? When will you finally say enough? Will it be the public castration of all men? Only women allowed into leadership positions? Re-education camps and demasculation?

Being a man is not a crime in and of itself. But smearing someone based upon their gender is a crime. Defamation of character, and Equal Rights violations. That is what the Dems are promoting right now.

fcdf38  No.3206263

Crazy eyes!!! Swallowing hard…

1d4dbc  No.3206264


She should be

6d1df3  No.3206265


He's waiting until after this hearing before he meets with RR

98bba9  No.3206266

File: d5ed41fe2416eb9⋯.png (648.86 KB, 853x478, 853:478, a-dyke-a-fat-chick-and-a-c….png)

9f7f36  No.3206267


Because she's about to commit perjury.

4a8952  No.3206268

File: cd4fc1b5b3092b5⋯.jpeg (63.76 KB, 900x597, 300:199, 1538057294.jpeg)

8d27d9  No.3206269


Stuff like this is ALWAYS on youtube

def76d  No.3206270

File: 079b3c7261b1109⋯.jpg (56.14 KB, 533x499, 533:499, 2iumrk.jpg)

File: 7d8db4ad021aa36⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 556x521, 556:521, 7d8db4ad021aa368346ee7358b….jpg)

b6eeed  No.3206271


In September 2015, Mr. Avenatti and his spouse struck a cope with on line casino mogul Gary Primm to purchase his mansion for $15.75 million with out a mortgage, in response to Mr. Primm’s court docket filings. The couple moved in late that 12 months after making a deposit of $1 million and agreeing to month-to-month funds totaling $900,000 towards the acquisition value. The sale was supposed to shut with a fee of the steadiness on August 31, 2016, Mr. Primm’s filings mentioned.

Two days earlier than Mr. Avenatti’s last fee of just about $14 million was due, an anonymously owned firm registered in Switzerland as Maseco SA filed discover of a lawsuit in Orange County, Calif., towards the property, alleging {that a} earlier proprietor, Robert Herbert, had simply defaulted on a decade-old $10 million mortgage.

With the lawsuit muddying what had seemed to be the house’s clear title, Mr. Avenatti backed away from the acquisition. Mr. Primm then sued Mr. Avenatti and his spouse and spent months attempting to evict the couple. In court docket papers, Mr. Primm mentioned his cope with Mr. Avenatti had been sabotaged by an “excessive diploma of fraud perpetrated on the court docket and former proprietor Herbert.”

Mr. Herbert mentioned in court docket papers that mortgage declare was a forgery. In Might 2017, after Maseco failed to look for a deposition or its trial date, a choose threw the lawsuit out.

Attorneys representing Maseco—together with Mr. Baker, the identical lawyer Eagan Avenatti retained in its arbitration dispute with Mr. Frank, and Sean Macias, a buddy of Mr. Avenatti’s—mentioned Maseco’s declare was legitimate.


850535  No.3206272


fucking archons lmao

fec54a  No.3206273


MEDICANONS: What drugs most likely wud someone take in this case to keep themselves calm?

0d3f9f  No.3206274


Going back n forth with the same dilemma, but I'm hoping for a YUGE smackdown from the reps. I'll probably mute the dem shit.

32807c  No.3206275


thats what i was thinking

73cbff  No.3206276


"ima victum" look

6e4157  No.3206277


Kav is 2 yrs older and looks a decade and a half younger.

That's what living a "good" life will do to you vs. being a deep state POS.

008743  No.3206278


I wouldn't 100% WOULD NOT!

Looks like a man in a blazer

with a bit of retarded Mk-Ultra

slapped across its face with a side of

foreskin neck.

8d27d9  No.3206279

2771ad  No.3206280



In court, it still is innocent until proven guilty. What the left has done is make the real trial actually happen in the court of public opinion. When you own the media, you can make everyone guilty before their day in court.

5760f2  No.3206281


Maybe he wouldn't be REALLY mad… but if he was, everyone would understand. Because it will be proven that the FAKE NEWS and Libtards try to ruin everything… even when they know it's wrong.

34b32d  No.3206282


Thanks anon. Means a lot to this newfag to the meme war.

c2c2e9  No.3206283

File: 98ef25c24cf94e4⋯.png (28.09 KB, 999x654, 333:218, 98ef25c24cf94e47d642fa9733….png)

fde086  No.3206284

she looks FREAKED out\, here eyes bouncing all around and ANXIETY as she tries to breathe- perjury all on her face

c5d5f1  No.3206285

File: 647b7746ba60d9f⋯.jpg (198.27 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, PopcornDine.jpg)


Enjoy the show

d6e99d  No.3206286



Almost lowest point. But not yet.

5b43d5  No.3206287

File: 07380cc0d398c35⋯.jpg (125.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dt2.jpg)

will she down him on live tv

3543f1  No.3206288

We’re about to see perjury today…..

They have it all…better be honest or jail time!

c7f670  No.3206289


She is freaking out. Facial expression says it all.

9f7f36  No.3206290


The brunette is kinda cute…needs a chin, tho.

5a44b0  No.3206291


Gobble Gobble.

Why would anyone put themselves through this over being groped. (allegedly). Crazy fucking bitch and cunt handlers

6e4157  No.3206292


Pharmfag here- xanax, ativan, any benzo basically.

7f0542  No.3206293

File: 9c47888d405c209⋯.jpeg (523.88 KB, 1535x2048, 1535:2048, 4918D083-3803-4C7A-A11E-A….jpeg)

File: 2252218ce8d1a50⋯.jpeg (333.74 KB, 1535x1212, 1535:1212, C48522CD-D478-4409-885F-E….jpeg)

File: d224f59b01b9d72⋯.jpeg (696.43 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 708F7CC2-949E-4968-B4CB-D….jpeg)

File: 3a0a75450e6ace1⋯.jpeg (809.61 KB, 1499x1025, 1499:1025, 69B49C03-61E5-4F1B-B79D-2….jpeg)

Hey all, lurker here, I found the EmmyFag.

Michael Moriarty.

Golden Globe winner (pre 2011 when the trophy bases changed)

Emmy Award winner.

Starred in 1982 movie “Q” with ritual references.

Is a conservative, and if you look up his twitter page there are many links to a website called Enter Stage Right with ramblings about Hillary and Trump.

I’ll just leave this all here for you seasoned anons.

Cheers from Australia!

aa2f2c  No.3206294

File: 5ca53ca146288c0⋯.png (355.95 KB, 661x705, 661:705, 1510782388423.png)

File: c7dff7290f97ec4⋯.png (93.91 KB, 1354x889, 1354:889, 1517467559608.png)

File: 3a448364ea2a210⋯.jpg (85.6 KB, 548x638, 274:319, 1534665584762.jpg)

File: b49f7a413b1750d⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 540x617, 540:617, 1534665607327.jpg)

File: d4be72ce2b3634e⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 1018x637, 1018:637, 1534667263392.jpg)


Is that a man?

9171ee  No.3206295

Fuck the speeches. Get to the questions.

def76d  No.3206296

File: 1321070e1454909⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 533x499, 533:499, 2iumvx.jpg)

1d4dbc  No.3206297

As a survivor my teen aged grand child is calling her a LIAR!

fcdf38  No.3206298

Her eyes are all over the place!! WTF

Like a cat chasing a laser pointer.

1f6a59  No.3206299


Xanax, Ativan

3463ef  No.3206300


How the hell did Milano get to show her face today? Oh yeah, forgot ..she's tied to H'wood cabal

8dc071  No.3206301

File: 8de56029948a668⋯.png (965.08 KB, 1016x564, 254:141, Screenshot_2018-09-27 Judg….png)

cb8fcc  No.3206302

This should be Kavinaugh's first line: "I've never seen nor met this person in my life."

95cf43  No.3206303


Depends on what she's already on.

If nothing, then they gave her a valium.

If she's on brain meds already, they gave her clonazepam.

6d1df3  No.3206304


R's have evidence Dr. Ford is lying and she's going to see for the first time in a few minutes.

4bb6c1  No.3206305


not medic - but xanax or propranolol. My bet is the second. Xanax can make you slur words and such.

f36760  No.3206306


she is blind, can't ID anyone

fcdf38  No.3206307

You can tell her Lithium is wearing off.

0d3f9f  No.3206308


Have heard the same about the weekend. I think the vote will be tomorrow.

caf4d1  No.3206309

Chi Di

Getting BITCH SLAPPED and enjoying it.

fec54a  No.3206310


That’s what I thought plus body language analysis needed!

a22a28  No.3206311


They'll spin it as rape trauma. This is gonna be a shit show

bcf45e  No.3206312

File: 674fdbcca3c6fd9⋯.png (189.15 KB, 300x265, 60:53, ClipboardImage.png)

3463ef  No.3206313

eb62f3  No.3206314


Let’s hope she gets dragged out in zip ties.

def76d  No.3206315


I'm with you on that one anon. She is going to get some questions she is not expecting

32807c  No.3206316


>a woman that looks similar means she is real!!!

id bet that isnt the same woman

40bdb6  No.3206317

It looks like she took a page out of Hillary’s playbook with eyeglasses

c2c2e9  No.3206318


Just to get this straight.

Anons bitch Kav is guilty until proven innocent.

Same Anons jump on accusers and claim guilt out of them before hearing testimony.

sums up this board the last 2 months

bd3e83  No.3206319


Xanax, klonopin for anxiety. Musicians and people with an essential tremor (like me) take propranolol to stop the tremors when performing or doing anything in public where the tremor is visible.

aaa311  No.3206320


Always room to go lower while the Clintons are still alive. We may climb out the pit after the hangings. That will shock some sense into people for about 1 generation if we are lucky.

2e071d  No.3206321

Whore looks terrified. Good!

28f9de  No.3206322

File: ce1c3ac5d33bece⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Pepe's plan B.jpg)


>Executives are selling off their company's stock at a record pace

I thought "insider" trading was verboten. Two sets of rules? One for them, one for the rest of us? When do they drop the hammer on these shysters?

400c4d  No.3206323

She's pretty >>3206242

e3f405  No.3206324

File: 06bf7038b6576b1⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 400x320, 5:4, 14596680[1].jpg)

Those glasses

136633  No.3206325

File: db8da45898eb2ef⋯.png (21.62 KB, 547x433, 547:433, ClipboardImage.png)

i took a quick peek at RSBN feed and first thing i saw was a glowing Corey Booger. its sorta like groundhogs day or some shit. an omen. im not gonna sit through grandstanding blackmailed CIAniggers just to catch a crumb. i do believe there may be a reveal. but not even GEOTUS is gonna suck me into politicks this balls deep. keep me posted my glorious anons.

850535  No.3206326

any bets on whether absolutely nothing will happen today

dc2700  No.3206327

The day feminism died.

ac4798  No.3206328

File: c7297b99bcdfd0a⋯.jpeg (270.96 KB, 1792x1668, 448:417, 6F365034-110B-4C90-83DE-7….jpeg)

3463ef  No.3206329

f1d1e2  No.3206330

I’m willing to bet she is being blackmailed and threatened into testifying

bcf45e  No.3206331

File: e25b60ff386c347⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 204x255, 4:5, niggerabuywdevfyewvf.jpg)


shut up idiot

40bdb6  No.3206332


You can fuck right off you divisive of piece of shit.

aa2f2c  No.3206333

File: 4fbb0bba8dcc6ae⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 852x700, 213:175, 1534408030358.jpg)

File: 2169c36b61d70b0⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 396x558, 22:31, 1537119992499.jpg)

File: 2ba6025a3e9a573⋯.jpg (109.7 KB, 675x1024, 675:1024, 1537480068261.jpg)

File: 9a35986d17521cd⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 633x1024, 633:1024, 1537480624148.jpg)

File: 95c15e052b5643b⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 1033x405, 1033:405, IMG_1822.jpg)


a fifth of gin

8d27d9  No.3206334

She is probably thinking she is a soldier doing battle for the rothschilds and cia! KEKEK.

They are laughing at her for being such a good little fool.

11867d  No.3206335


It looks like she might be wearing some type of smart glasses/ computer-enhanced lenses

32807c  No.3206336


thats a dude in a wig kek

e3f405  No.3206337


Would explain the "afraid to fly on a plane" thing

b4700e  No.3206338



c2c2e9  No.3206339


Now she'll be a double, a clone, blah blah.

caf4d1  No.3206340



fcdf38  No.3206341

She looks like Molly Shannon on Xanax.

89bbbe  No.3206342

File: 3926c734de0fe60⋯.jpeg (298.62 KB, 750x723, 250:241, 3D901C16-1FCD-4979-A653-3….jpeg)

900f8d  No.3206343

File: 97b764fa358ccfc⋯.png (158.22 KB, 735x683, 735:683, HowtoNotable.png)


>>3206104 Executives are selling off their company's stock at a record pace

>>3206133 US Economy grew at 4.2% in 2nd Quarter

>>3206166 Kamala Harris blankets FB with anti-Kav ads

Anons, if you see a notable, please announce per the pic (Pic related).

34ab84  No.3206344

How many incorrect predictions will we see today? All of them. Many predicted a no show. That's just the beginning. She is there as a pawn to make Kavanaugh look good? Or bad? We shall see.

4bb6c1  No.3206345


Someone has something on her, that's for certain.

Who the fuck cares so much about one appointment to the Supreme Court? (Besides the Clintons, that is.)

ac4798  No.3206346


You are truly the highest ranking faggot

30fc98  No.3206347


Stick your dick in a meat grinder, you will feel better..

98511d  No.3206348



c41629  No.3206349

When Grassley said "under penalty of felony…" She looked down immediately(the only time).

6fdb5a  No.3206350

File: a793802e3bfb739⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 556x521, 556:521, 7d8db4ad021aa368346ee7358b….jpg)

Marie Harf is getting a glimpse of the future

32ce9c  No.3206351


except for the fact our digs led to some…at the very least circumstantial odd things that are much more substantial than anything this bitch has

fec54a  No.3206352


That’s what is sad doesn’t she know ((they)) are using her???

97dad5  No.3206353


They want as many people to watch that as possible.

Popcorn at the ready

5b43d5  No.3206354

File: 5978e06027d15ba⋯.jpg (101.16 KB, 736x499, 736:499, conky.jpg)

no worries

the kav is better than patrick swayze

c2c2e9  No.3206355


Fair point.

3463ef  No.3206356


Nah, all part of the Dem cabal scared to die..paid off bigly!

c1ee34  No.3206357

File: 14ac162b4b214bb⋯.jpg (24.33 KB, 474x482, 237:241, drford.jpg)

She looks nervous.

50b790  No.3206358

There's no WAY that's the same woman.

Anyone have the photos handy?

2e071d  No.3206359

She's pale. Lips are pale. Pre-medicated to precipitate a believeable 'pass out' ?

ea0099  No.3206360

File: fb11f3755182549⋯.png (151.54 KB, 474x265, 474:265, 2018-09-27_10-13-04.png)

9a395c  No.3206361


you got it, Anon!

5760f2  No.3206362


Already in her gen pop blues. Wonder if she's got jellys on too?

caf4d1  No.3206363

File: 3f38fd6ee070e23⋯.png (93.49 KB, 255x237, 85:79, ClipboardImage.png)




You wouldn't want to fuck her front hole anyway.

9c6e86  No.3206364

How can we trust Grassley when he can't even keep the story straight? kek

008743  No.3206365


I'll bet that nothing happens today.

I bet we sit through this bull shit

and the Dems say she is creditable and the Republicans say her story is not.

There will be no change besides getting this

over with , with no change to public view and or congress etc opinion.

Its a shit show and I hate all of it

73cbff  No.3206366


add a beta blocker too

c7f670  No.3206367

File: a2a0900ab36adac⋯.png (3.9 MB, 2372x1335, 2372:1335, ClipboardImage.png)


aa2f2c  No.3206368

File: fb61e07ae48adb3⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 600x772, 150:193, 1517269103821.jpg)

File: ac6839e695dfa12⋯.png (490.87 KB, 540x614, 270:307, 1518093163922.png)

File: 5c6d2ec825397ca⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 600x469, 600:469, 1518418577533.jpg)

File: 969c86839e27864⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 455x455, 1:1, 1519355310369-pol.jpg)

File: be3f20afc088506⋯.png (636.52 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 1534284674049.png)


why do none of even the freindly news mention that making false allegations without proof is defamation/libel/slander?

6d1df3  No.3206369

File: 2672d335dd2b973⋯.gif (3.92 MB, 480x320, 3:2, 23846d23-be89-4ae7-940d-18….gif)

Christine Blasey Ford remembered two more witnesses during her polygraph

15abc9  No.3206370

dis bitch scared shitless right now

kav hearing live (Link is for CBS instead of Fox bc of CC as i am currently workfagging)


4a3feb  No.3206371


Don't you know that we're all "crazy conspiracy nuts". Nobody exists. Earth flat. Aliens spray me with clouds.

There's a pattern.

8d27d9  No.3206372

Grassley is ripping her up before she opens her mouth! way to go!

3463ef  No.3206373

95cf43  No.3206374

File: d6ce0871d95c9cf⋯.png (365.21 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

4bb6c1  No.3206375


And then there's this:


b94c0b  No.3206376

File: f0a963b51b255cf⋯.png (26.26 KB, 99x160, 99:160, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)


she looks like she's gonna hurl.

206518  No.3206377


>MEDICANONS: What drugs most likely wud someone take in this case to keep themselves calm?

benzos, propranolol, and maybe an opiate (10 mg oxy) to top it off

cb8fcc  No.3206378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CNN gives "live" interview at same time as MSNBC h/t Mark Dice.

af0460  No.3206379

File: a93e4eb51ccdc81⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 607x336, 607:336, creepy.jpg)

who dis?

bd3e83  No.3206380


I've learned to never make predictions. Kick my feet up and enjoy the show.

36750f  No.3206381

>>3205729 (lb)

FWIW, the problem with the horizon "proof" is that you can only see a certain distance, say 25m. You see that 25m in a curve, not in a flat line, i.e., if the coastline were straight, you're not seeing 25m offshore at every point; you're seeing 25m from your point of origin. When you trace that curve on a globe you get... a straight line.

d2a775  No.3206382

OMG!!! What have I done?!?!?

She’s freaking the fuck out!

eb62f3  No.3206383

File: ff72bdf3ac9454c⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1292x1280, 323:320, 8B80CB35-BCC5-4AAE-BC2A-2….jpeg)


AWESOME. She’s going to live tweet hearing.

56e3ef  No.3206384

8d27d9  No.3206385


that doesn't look like the same woman except for the neck.

c2c2e9  No.3206386


Yet ignore those digs on Kavanaugh's fuckery, right?

fde086  No.3206387


you can see the PANIC attack creeping in

3d5896  No.3206388


shut up and get on your knees


I've been pondering what mix of benzos and muscle relaxers they must have cooked up for this


Just why even to go as far

c2aea8  No.3206389

File: bdb8a23bcf253f0⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 404x376, 101:94, Oh Shit.jpg)

acc772  No.3206390


She's going to lose.

Grassley quoting Biden. kek.

4bb6c1  No.3206391

File: 5760095770a44be⋯.png (260.56 KB, 499x499, 1:1, aarrrgh pepe.png)

Here's my question:

Would the left go after ANY nominee this way? Obviously not. Gorsuch wasn't this much trouble.

Why is Kavanaugh such a threat?

5b43d5  No.3206392

File: 3bfe7c087330500⋯.jpg (514.01 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, wigger.jpg)



this bitch is 100% fake news

6e4157  No.3206393

Same person….

0b971a  No.3206394

File: 119e21cf7ccca2c⋯.png (206.6 KB, 489x434, 489:434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 216dbffb2a43845⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1221x4795, 1221:4795, ClipboardImage.png)

What you need to know about the newest Cold Boot exploit


dc2700  No.3206395

This chick is toast.

5c5717  No.3206396


Ford is crapping her pants right now. I cant believe she actually showed up.

1714dd  No.3206397

she's gonna flip, she's terrified

caf4d1  No.3206398

File: 68d57ef56b049b2⋯.png (93.53 KB, 255x237, 85:79, ClipboardImage.png)

I sure hope she is enjoying her 15 seconds of fame…it will be her last hoorah

def76d  No.3206399

File: 6375d36b7c341c9⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 2iunia.jpg)


Thanks anon

48260a  No.3206400

WTF…. I hope Grassley has a smoking gun to shoot all this down because he can barely get through his opening statement……

c5d5f1  No.3206401

>>3206242 Looks like a man to me. Does Blasey even exist?

1d4dbc  No.3206402

She's freaking out cause she knows shes lied and now she has to go through with her lie or her life is over she just does know her life and crediability are over any way!

c426fe  No.3206403



She's set herself up for perjury.

6e4157  No.3206404

File: eb665b28ec35bfc⋯.jpg (89.88 KB, 1571x543, 1571:543, Christine-Blasey-Ford.jpg)

Fuck! Didn't attach photo.

She's the same person.

9b7d20  No.3206405

Revelation 16:

10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.


Trump is the 5th angel and has poured out his vial upon the deep state. They blaspheme God and persist in treachery with transparent lies to bear false witness against good and Godly men (Kavanaugh). They have been given time to repent and turn away from sin (Why does “the plan” take so long). And they repented not, and Jesus wept for them.

Anons need only have patience and watch the movie. And, like Christ, pray for those who would persecute you.

ba83b7  No.3206406

File: 5f36c745945be3c⋯.png (294.23 KB, 403x301, 403:301, ClipboardImage.png)

NEEEEXXXXXT Question Mr. Kavanaugh!

1f6a59  No.3206407


Yup. This can help with "flushing" of the face and neck.

136633  No.3206408


hive mind

the question is what else has been going on since we were directed where to think

b4700e  No.3206410


better than being 187ed by Hillary's thugs

e75d0b  No.3206411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“A very, very important day in the history of our country.” POTUS at UN Press Conference regarding today.

1:40:53 mark

c5d5f1  No.3206412

File: fcf93281ff62cad⋯.png (482.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, GoodbyeRosenstein2.png)

File: 2d831477dca69f3⋯.jpg (85.69 KB, 602x302, 301:151, GoodbyeRosenstein3.jpg)

File: 3db7a5ffe0f4230⋯.jpg (121.29 KB, 704x551, 704:551, RRpickle.jpg)


I woke up knowing I had to post that.

2771ad  No.3206413


Schumer fucks kids, he is guilty

f2c4d1  No.3206414


Trey Gowdy's dyke doppleganger?

40bdb6  No.3206415

Ford is freaking out. Just look at her face.

b84ff5  No.3206416


the dude on the left

88908c  No.3206417

File: 426acad2d6da41d⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 2iuni2.jpg)

8dc071  No.3206418


because darth vader is up on the chopping block not soon after.

5c5717  No.3206419


Husband kekking at this one!

89bbbe  No.3206420


Something is wrong with this woman. Look at her facial expressions

b990ff  No.3206421


Def does not look like same woman.

Hair color is totally diff.

Then it was blonder

Now it is light brown with roots.

28ea95  No.3206422


bcf45e  No.3206423

File: 3790e1c28cf5580⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1368x768, 57:32, ClipboardImage.png)

a251a1  No.3206424


I can hardly stand to look at her. I see Soros instead of her.

f78974  No.3206425


She will still end up dead shortly. Probably a scarf involved.

84500b  No.3206426


Her husband maybe, sorta looks like the pics

06a810  No.3206427

WOW! Did you catch it anons? CSPAN slowly shifted ChiFi out of the frame!!

1d4dbc  No.3206428


credibility typo

6e4157  No.3206429

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da07….jpg)

60a516  No.3206430

FUCKING GRASSLEY can barely read

50b790  No.3206431


It's not her. Her shape of face is absolutely nothing like the face shape of the woman in the photos we've seen.

b84ff5  No.3206432

File: dfeecb0f0c99380⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1160x1125, 232:225, fienstein.png)




aaa311  No.3206433


Drink beer all day and she will be sexy this afternoon.

ccf8c0  No.3206434

File: 8595694e30ee772⋯.png (199.58 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

(pb) re: National Grid - previously noted contracts in NY and MA. Apparently, also in Me, NJ and NH. These contracts include prisons, SSA, military and IRS facilities. Understanding that these buildings require gas services, why use a foreign contractor rather than a US company?

caf4d1  No.3206435


She sure is a wigger. A psychotic one in that.

a8f114  No.3206436


He’s horrible at reading out loud.

It’s embarrassing.

c02166  No.3206437

File: a9fd24d186c87ef⋯.jpeg (319.13 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, A0694D61-3B18-4C2C-973F-4….jpeg)

06a526  No.3206438

File: 50c8dab8be18561⋯.png (288.7 KB, 536x288, 67:36, ClipboardImage.png)

Is that the same chick?

b84ff5  No.3206439

File: 26febc4e537f0c9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1334x722, 667:361, wut.png)

742f9e  No.3206440

This CB Ford looks like a fucking badly wrinkled Tranny.

74ea02  No.3206441

File: e151ccbd902bd5e⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 800x450, 16:9, FIGHT FIGHT.jpg)


no conscience / shame

72ad65  No.3206442


I am the same age as her. Smoker and history of heavy drinking. She looks ten years older then me. Holy Crap, this women is aging horribly.

95cf43  No.3206443

Ford's voice:

-10 octaves lower than expected?

+10 octaves higher than expected?

50b790  No.3206444


Look at the jawline, it's nothing even similar.

3d5896  No.3206445


reminding us all you can put lipstick on a hog

still a pig


5b43d5  No.3206446

File: 4b10f55cc5e2395⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 634x578, 317:289, lois lang.jpg)

she is the daughter of lois lang

n. deak's killer

blasey deak lang

3463ef  No.3206447


What is that was your gram

98511d  No.3206448

File: 38cbf1912dcae00⋯.gif (803.33 KB, 229x263, 229:263, 38cbf1912dcae00230818fe12a….gif)

900b65  No.3206449

Fox News is live now.

11 minutes ago ·

Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual misconduct allegations.


3cb569  No.3206450


Yea it's brutal

aa2f2c  No.3206451

File: f640cefcf704044⋯.png (199.98 KB, 1087x979, 1087:979, 1528572514882.png)

File: 6c8989427602054⋯.png (945.81 KB, 1783x1525, 1783:1525, 1531322718748.png)

File: 543a49fab178869⋯.jpg (339.9 KB, 1952x1378, 976:689, 1531376122985.jpg)

File: cf7df3d34a4b1ac⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 1374x1226, 687:613, 1535999262294.jpg)

File: 47b13bd7e5c5a98⋯.jpg (193.6 KB, 823x1024, 823:1024, 1537610024126.jpg)


how long was she dragged for?

f15ef3  No.3206452

File: a5030184e84c237⋯.jpeg (55.57 KB, 480x667, 480:667, FBCCA282-F6DA-4B11-8BDD-6….jpeg)

Eye bleach to counter fords skuzzy face

32ce9c  No.3206453

File: a0dc2ce634c4e44⋯.jpg (74.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

66a6cc  No.3206454


Anybody collecting Sociopathic traits on her?

5c5717  No.3206455

Ford is going to pull out the tears. Its all they have left.

a22a28  No.3206456

She's breathing so heavily

84500b  No.3206457


Disrespectful to CBF, no? Their yelling might traumatize her moar

89bbbe  No.3206458

File: 80484b7ad50fa00⋯.jpeg (453.65 KB, 750x1017, 250:339, 2E84AE76-BE50-4578-91FB-4….jpeg)


aaa311  No.3206459


I don't know but I bet shes an angry lesbo.

32807c  No.3206460


no one has pointed out to me the wire from the bitches finger, how are they monitoring vitals? shit is fake, planting evidence is hard without CIA expertise.. lol

def76d  No.3206461

File: c059b6bbe54e7c0⋯.png (201.27 KB, 348x408, 29:34, 5a6acdd1b8e6d4f5799f0cd6b4….png)

2880e7  No.3206462


the face only a mother could love

28f9de  No.3206463

File: 09bd4b2d3ce9f82⋯.jpg (964.34 KB, 2863x1830, 2863:1830, Epic Destruction.jpg)


>That will shock some sense into people for about 1 generation if we are lucky.

Bullshit. The destruction of these people has to be so violent and horrific that it will be spoken of over campfires in hushed tones in awe for 10,000 years. Nothing less. pic related

edc55d  No.3206464

Fellow Brothers and Sisters:


06a526  No.3206465

wtf is a B. I. report?

880452  No.3206466

Ford's glasses look like they are fogging up. She doesn't have control of her breathing. Her atty's look upset and questions haven't begun.

850535  No.3206467


they dont give a shit about any of us

the roths at least

minions get treated just like goyim

expendable cattle

206518  No.3206468


if we are lucky, she will start an ugly fad among the women of radical left and then their reproduction rate will drop to zero.

ae5201  No.3206469

File: 344a585ea388c8c⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 2i4j04.jpg)

File: 13936974d526e9d⋯.jpg (60.35 KB, 789x460, 789:460, 2iuj23.jpg)

File: c6f92c5b9b2335d⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 577x500, 577:500, 2iuj44.jpg)

9a395c  No.3206470

File: 23e69d807fa5546⋯.png (674.42 KB, 607x807, 607:807, ClipboardImage.png)

This woman is a good mascot for the Democrat party, lame and nobody to push it any more.

ba83b7  No.3206471


>She's breathing so heavily

A Xanax moment

32ce9c  No.3206472


caf4d1  No.3206473


1000% correct kek, she wasted her life with smoking and heavy drinking.

4a8952  No.3206474


Thank you anon

1d4dbc  No.3206475

Fieinstein makes me ill have to mute her!

c21381  No.3206476


yes this is just to piss people off at the dems

0e0e55  No.3206477

GRASSLEY sounds like he learned how to TALK just YESTERDAY… ugh.

55405f  No.3206478

I trust Grassley, but FFS, this is painful to listen to him struggling to fucking read a statement.

Like listening to a 2nd grade class learning to read aloud.

b29cbd  No.3206479

File: 3ef5601173457f6⋯.png (352.95 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Can I get a Witness…?

8d27d9  No.3206480

does someone have facial recognition software? I would really like to see the two photos compared. the lie detector photo and of this hearing.

f78974  No.3206481


He couldn't read the F.

5a44b0  No.3206482


Rock on Garth




TFW you realize you're too old for an abortion

edc55d  No.3206483



ac4798  No.3206484


I am become death, the destroyer of men

caf4d1  No.3206485

CHI DI lying like the kike she is.

c426fe  No.3206486

c41629  No.3206487

File: 2bd2ba538b81a4e⋯.jpg (184.9 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, girls-with-glasses-p4-6.jpg)

3615cb  No.3206488

File: b56386ce67b132c⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 330x166, 165:83, GROSS.gif)

This woman is litearlly un-rapeable… Gross

1f6a59  No.3206489


They do look a little foggy, don't they?

55405f  No.3206490



Timestamp confirms.


b4700e  No.3206491

File: ba3c98be107f579⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 1045x749, 1045:749, Untitled.jpg)

17532a  No.3206492

oh here comes the agenda. bring out the violins

28ea95  No.3206493

Grassley and Feinstein not buddies anymore

6e4157  No.3206494

Fucking DiFi, so full of shite. I want to throat punch her blood drinking, murdering ass.

1d4dbc  No.3206495

Just got nails done and keep making typos grrrrr

d2a599  No.3206496

Blah -Blah - Blahsey Ford is freaking out.


ac4798  No.3206497


The man does not read well

34ab84  No.3206498

File: bf80dd08c973e94⋯.jpeg (18.16 KB, 236x328, 59:82, 10efffa37ab488d906f676ca0….jpeg)

Breaking! The only important information you will see today.


880452  No.3206499

How much are we betting team Ford is going to invoke that private-room request?

c7f670  No.3206500

I can't wait until Ford finally speaks and her crackling, shaky voice betrays her lie.

aa2f2c  No.3206501

File: 49cd7d06ce65e90⋯.jpg (14.3 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1519312161656.jpg)

File: 878c992955c20a5⋯.jpg (91.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1520067798404.jpg)

File: b5e7e361af5825d⋯.jpg (35.47 KB, 369x387, 41:43, 1527701566920.jpg)

File: b25a3148fc35153⋯.gif (223.53 KB, 336x468, 28:39, 1533778878881.gif)

File: 59a1a8f036d8e96⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 570x487, 570:487, 1534051450719.jpg)

Is Feinstein the one who sold out to Chinese spies?

a667c6  No.3206502

Wait, did this bitch actually show up?

5c5717  No.3206503


LOL now you cant see my fear.

880452  No.3206504


Had to mute her.

c5d5f1  No.3206505

>>3206490 Fake gravitas detected in the quavery old voice of Hag Feinstein as she begins her demonic screed.

95cf43  No.3206506

Wow Grassley w/ bitchslap already

69563b  No.3206507

8d27d9  No.3206508


give it a break. adrenaline in everyone is running super high right now. the statement was VERY strong

5b43d5  No.3206509

File: d5371e5ae9eaad1⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 178x240, 89:120, deak.jpg)

what wuz blasey rel. to n. deak

why was c. schumer sitting at n. deak's desk when the NYPD arrived

6e4157  No.3206510

HA! Grassley burns DiFi.


b927ad  No.3206511

wouldn't surprise me


9a395c  No.3206512

File: 37a55392850f405⋯.jpg (122.73 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 37a55392850f405b856b80be35….jpg)


nonsense, that is the same lady. You've been at this too long, Anon. Seen too many Hillary shenanigans. This is not a body double.

c2c2e9  No.3206513


Good to know someone here can stay objective. Maybe I'm wrong. But fuck, everyone jumps to conclusions rapidly. (RR) Monday didn't teach anyone to wait and get all the details? Of course not. Just assume and then like always, when it doesnt go their way, they'll cry to Q and bitch they told their family and friends something different and look like idiots now. Rinse, repeat next set of events.

9171ee  No.3206514

File: 3f7db65ac61a99e⋯.png (731.46 KB, 1016x629, 1016:629, ClipboardImage.png)

Dyke detector triggered

Dyke detector triggered

Dyke detector triggered

edc55d  No.3206515


You should have heard me praying…..her wanna-be god can help her now….CONFUSION LIAR ETC is his name….

149d92  No.3206516

Ford is wearing Google Glass and has an earpiece in

This shit is rigged as fuck

b6eeed  No.3206517


if I was in a room full of pedos who I knew full well did what they did I wouldn't read well either kek

b9485c  No.3206518

1714dd  No.3206519

good god that head back eyes wide open shit is crazy, she may pass out!

6455b5  No.3206520


Yep had a chinky spy for 10 years on her staff

55405f  No.3206521

File: 2ddeff16c15dbd7⋯.jpeg (12.79 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 4c1f167942522192290147720….jpeg)


Understandable if you know what's unavoidably coming…

6e4157  No.3206522



fe2339  No.3206523

File: 7483824bfa8950e⋯.jpeg (196.85 KB, 1324x289, 1324:289, DA1A8852-E096-4FF4-9E13-F….jpeg)

She’s changed her story…

719e63  No.3206524


cf54d1  No.3206525


Shockingly yes!

1d4dbc  No.3206526


Notice how she keeps swallowing? Thats fear!

06a526  No.3206527

You 'were' a wife.

That's right - husband headed for the hills!

def76d  No.3206528

File: a25df1b6c43f7bf⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 533x499, 533:499, 2iuo7r.jpg)

c2aea8  No.3206529

Fucking Feinstein is trying to use Ford's resume to establish Ford's credibility.

9c6e86  No.3206530

"I know it's hard.." but the money is worth it. -Sith Lord Feinstein

b29cbd  No.3206531


Glasses can't fix stupid. They don't help turkey neck either.

4a8952  No.3206532

File: 4a3999978ff13d7⋯.jpeg (13.33 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 4c1ed340889c4e8a3e97cfa66….jpeg)

6e4157  No.3206533



7318eb  No.3206534


<strong style="color: red;">Some text</strong> NOTABLE <strong style="color: red;">Some text</strong>

0bc41e  No.3206535

File: 5a22fcd82a68f5a⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 600x428, 150:107, zat0420uaro11.jpg)

2880e7  No.3206536


shes almost out of water and they havent even started, kek

cf54d1  No.3206537


Hope they rip her testimony apart!

e4d0d0  No.3206538

File: 5ece2e8cf1de149⋯.png (812.49 KB, 1359x567, 151:63, ford vs ford.png)

What do you think anons?

24262d  No.3206539

File: 8eb44208b5386d2⋯.png (359.84 KB, 703x348, 703:348, ClipboardImage.png)

84054f  No.3206540

File: 3645f11a4f52932⋯.png (628.51 KB, 1052x956, 263:239, Q-Clock Sept27 Grassley po….png)


>Grassley has police escort at the Capitol

On the Q-Clock

Chuck Grassley Protected by Police Escort

September 27th, :54min marker on the Clock.

72ad65  No.3206541

Feinstein is showing why we needed a private interviewer. She is turning this into a SJW thing.

28ea95  No.3206542



0d3f9f  No.3206543


They had to help her into her chair like she was a 90 year old lady. Bitch looks drugged up. Pupils are pin pricks.

bcf45e  No.3206544

thats a long ass pencil

b6eeed  No.3206545



metoo movement

who is that connected to i wonder

74ea02  No.3206546

File: 2b365150715c0b4⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 600x400, 3:2, James Brown.jpg)

34b32d  No.3206547

File: d07b3fa70edfa92⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 533x499, 533:499, bob m.jpg)

a6e021  No.3206548


Umm, no. Selling shares as an insider is not wrong. They just have special rules to follow and must disclose their sales to the SEC.

Insider selling share does not equal "insider trading"

c21381  No.3206549


I might have to turn it off I'm not sure i can stomach this garbage

bd8edc  No.3206551

File: ace3c5666e1dec1⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 400x227, 400:227, giphy (4).gif)

File: bcefd8e7c883730⋯.png (207.86 KB, 404x376, 101:94, ClipboardImage.png)

6e4157  No.3206552


1 in 3 women are NOT FUCKING sexually assaulted.

c41629  No.3206553

Say what you want about Grassley, but he handles pressure extremely well. He never snaps. He calculates.

c426fe  No.3206554

File: 51fff29c182a37c⋯.jpg (45.2 KB, 311x311, 1:1, you_must_be_new_here.jpg)

2e071d  No.3206555

442e1c  No.3206556

She looks like she's about to puke!

3615cb  No.3206557

File: 9c8146ab3a9cb6d⋯.jpg (365.01 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, 1527911263231.jpg)


c2aea8  No.3206558

File: 651ef6f571a7e84⋯.png (711.21 KB, 591x702, 197:234, ClipboardImage.png)

Ford is studying her notes.

32807c  No.3206559

you heard it here first lads, the amount of degrees you have correlates with how truthful you are!!

1ed277  No.3206560


Not informed. The full Senate will vote over the weekend, and Kavanaugh will be seated Monday morning, October 1st for the new Supreme Court session.

b6eeed  No.3206561


forehead sweat from nervousness. things are heating up hahahaha

d2a599  No.3206562



0b971a  No.3206563


sad but reality :/

5c5717  No.3206564


5a44b0  No.3206565

File: 04002b22dd07b58⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 678x356, 339:178, cbf hung.jpg)

0bc41e  No.3206566


Groped=Sexually Assaulted, these days

ff4e94  No.3206567

My eyes was like.. WTF is that? is that a DUDE?

That my gents.. have to be the manliest genderchange in the history of olympics.

cf54d1  No.3206568

Anita Hill. Here we go….

6e4157  No.3206569


same nose. same woman, IMO

a37b22  No.3206570



b927ad  No.3206571



fe2339  No.3206572


No way that’s the same person

4118f9  No.3206573

Like a CIA agent

Christine Ford writes on a piece of paper

Rather than speaking to the man beside her

Because she does not want her lips to be read.

1d4dbc  No.3206574


I think this therapy shit was to save a marriage and was made up so hubby would feel sorry for her.

be9b25  No.3206575



4e437c  No.3206576

File: e65dea8e9aa60da⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 806x730, 403:365, fein11.JPG)



6455b5  No.3206577


how quickly does she age?

Looks like she had some help from meth

da6238  No.3206578

File: f6cff9b9b07fe5b⋯.jpg (73.2 KB, 640x751, 640:751, 1537970494-1.jpg)

aa2f2c  No.3206579

File: 1047ebcc6d1e1da⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 200x155, 40:31, 1380934566746.gif)

File: 500cd6571d8e12b⋯.png (196.47 KB, 899x1000, 899:1000, 1489948448047.png)

File: f53b4828da9e172⋯.jpg (87.51 KB, 1024x295, 1024:295, 1490246471705.jpg)

File: 9eb8842a8c2e67e⋯.jpg (124.16 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 1492908858669.jpg)

File: 62e9314d43ccdbc⋯.jpg (42.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1496094631004.jpg)


that's a man ,baby

b84ff5  No.3206580

File: 1b289a91a0d9311⋯.png (599.33 KB, 721x406, 103:58, ClipboardImage.png)

f36760  No.3206581


gravity is real, confirmed

e75d0b  No.3206582


Commence covfefe spit

caf4d1  No.3206583

Has the Gras made her take the oath so she can perjure herself.

c41629  No.3206584

Blasey isn't listening to DiFi's open.

e4d0d0  No.3206585

Why is it that Kavanaugh and Trump (etc) only fuck ugly liberal chicks it seems?

2e071d  No.3206586


You're the ignorant one. Its been said repeatedly the full house vote will occur Friday or this weekend.

af0460  No.3206587


>>3206107 Deep digs into Avenatti connecting shady Saudis & Swiss

Quality work, anon. Mike's not going to be too happy about this dig.

55405f  No.3206588

Muh guilty…


This FEMALE LAWYER is going to fuck them over.

9ab243  No.3206589


another poster ignorant of the confirmation process.

9a395c  No.3206590


unless she has an identical twin, I believe so. Not everyone agrees with me, I'm sure, someone posted a threepic further up the bread.

8d27d9  No.3206591


Brutal but I wonder how she got preggers in the first place, hating men so much.

750cd4  No.3206592


Space force news on utoob has no talkingheads.

6b9433  No.3206593

Feinstein: on & on & ON….


1714dd  No.3206594

96a84a  No.3206595


And they wonder why most don't take them serious. What a ridiculous statement.

ea0099  No.3206596

File: 11da6feb4f7edca⋯.png (279.65 KB, 441x616, 63:88, 2018-09-27_10-24-28.png)

d2a599  No.3206597

Diane Feinstein is a leacherous hag.

CV's are IRRELEVANT. How Anita Hill looked back in the day, IS IRRELEVANT.


28f9de  No.3206598

File: 5c40e8e1889c4b9⋯.jpg (182.15 KB, 615x586, 615:586, Pepe Isis.jpg)


Look at that crone leaning in. I'd love to see Grassley just backhand that bitch out of her chair.

e4d0d0  No.3206599


tell that to a flat earther

ac4798  No.3206600

File: 93bddcb6b66a139⋯.jpeg (255.13 KB, 1743x1669, 1743:1669, 7FCCAB34-49AB-48D3-8238-F….jpeg)

fbb685  No.3206601




party on Wayne?!

c41629  No.3206602


The whole time DiFi is speaking.

5a44b0  No.3206603

Ford has Impressive CV according to DF

Kavanaugh's CV apparently not good enough for credibility

cb8fcc  No.3206604

Now it's about the entire country being anti-fem. Go back to the 60's you old gasbag.

008743  No.3206605


I think all the men and young teenage boys

who have been falsely accused of sexual assault

should have a march.

Can you imagine? The left would lose their heads!. But there are 1000,s of men who have become victims of this War On Men shit that the left has created.

50b790  No.3206606


How old was she sunglassed and how old now?

32807c  No.3206607


>jaw lines grow with age

not the same

28ea95  No.3206608

I wonder if she will ask for closed session if questions get tough.

c426fe  No.3206609

Oh my….. So much blathering and bullshit.

def76d  No.3206610

File: 746c622c7c69d16⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 533x499, 533:499, 2iuok0.jpg)

9ab243  No.3206611


No. The judiciary committee is set to vote tomorrow. The full senate on Tuesday.

866155  No.3206612


You are wrong, the committee votes tomorrow, full SENATE vote on monday

880452  No.3206613


Can anons remember the last woman we saw testify somewhere who had pinprick eyes? Sorry foggy memory, but it was a big TV interview and people afterwards were screencappping her pupils etc. Was it the lady accusing Moore???

8baf07  No.3206614


if they were smart some form of cannabis oil.

b6eeed  No.3206615

File: f291ffd98faacee⋯.png (796.95 KB, 1430x1126, 715:563, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

40bdb6  No.3206616


My emotions are black when it comes to this woman. She can’t be voted out of office soon enough. All these pieces of shit have to go!

96a84a  No.3206617

Bathroom break coming in 10min if he keeps sucking down the Xanax laced water.

8373c5  No.3206618

File: 21b2acfbffd8c62⋯.png (797.95 KB, 999x799, 999:799, 21b2acfbffd8c62ed0249eb1c3….png)

ed6dc6  No.3206619

Why is a Chinese spy speaking?

6e4157  No.3206620

File: e75a4008a2e22e0⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 255x231, 85:77, throatpunch.jpg)

89bbbe  No.3206621


It’s ain’t 1991 anymore bitch! New sheriff in town. Now STFU

97dad5  No.3206622


yeah - it's hilarious

b84ff5  No.3206623


it is possible for a vote over the weekend anon

if they vote friday out of committee, its possible to evoke cloture and plausibly vote saturday/sunday

it'd break the "3 day rule" formality, but if Mitch wants to, he could try

3615cb  No.3206624

File: 2a457901ca34491⋯.jpg (400.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1538058332625.jpg)



1f6a59  No.3206625


I think it's the same woman. Depending on when the sunglasses pic was taken, she just looks older and more weathered now.

4e437c  No.3206626


In 1872…..

5b43d5  No.3206627

File: 8ca00410bec044e⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 300x300, 1:1, badass bill.jpg)

i hit it first!

5a44b0  No.3206628


They don't get it. Not their jurisdiction

750cd4  No.3206629


that's a q proof now. Future proved the past.

e4d0d0  No.3206630


Yeah, I think she's the same but my GOD I was shocked to see how horribly she aged. Especially since she's the same age as BK and BK is a good looking guy still (no homo)

a997d4  No.3206631



fcd02d  No.3206632

Can she ID his penis?

Anyone remember the movie Porky's?

55405f  No.3206633

Tactic of the D's


72ad65  No.3206634

Feinstein is flat out lying.

d2a775  No.3206635


It’s an OLD picture of her. How old is this bitch? She looks older than someone in their fifties.

8dc071  No.3206636

>Investigated in 1991 by fbi

>still no prosecution

>must be true

t. feignstein

2a468a  No.3206637


Yeah…DiFi needs to go to GITMO. Today.

On and on and on about 1991…I loathe her.

0525e4  No.3206638

2-faced Feinsteen.

edc55d  No.3206639


(Are we sure she's a senator?)

8d27d9  No.3206640


compare it to the lie detector photo.

900f8d  No.3206641


Background investigation. Also there are special background investigations.

fcdf38  No.3206642

That's like her fifth glass of water. Must be the meds.

She'll probably ask to pee soon and then escape in a cab and never be heard from again.

e4d0d0  No.3206643


Weathered? It looks like she tried to stop Hurricane Florence all by herself

15abc9  No.3206644

File: be06a3b7e787ad9⋯.png (921.09 KB, 1280x984, 160:123, Untitled.png)

Closed Captioning is funny

lazy Ford

24262d  No.3206645

I'd give my right arm if Grassley would stand up, announce his retirement, backhand Feinstein (breaking her nose), scream "Attica!" and run out of the chamber.

cb8fcc  No.3206646

"I will keep my comments brief but I'll still talk for an hour…blah blah blah"

97dad5  No.3206647


she has aboluteley no idea

96a84a  No.3206648


I represent sex abuse victims so I'm going to show you my cleavage.

aa2f2c  No.3206649

File: e010de0467cad3c⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 700x456, 175:114, 0jORL6y.jpg)

File: d8ff2d131784729⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 500x617, 500:617, 1d0.png.jpg)

File: f789f28636146ff⋯.jpg (86.73 KB, 1024x814, 512:407, 1525504728562m.jpg)

File: 17bc15a15e818e0⋯.png (113.65 KB, 730x600, 73:60, 1526834226174.png)

File: 68056c75981a4b2⋯.jpg (70.08 KB, 694x960, 347:480, 1534665108026.jpg)


oh dear, very droll, chekkked though

442e1c  No.3206650


Today is going to be a challenge to those of us who are particular about what we allow in our ear holes! Lies and propaganda need a filter.

e4d0d0  No.3206651


be my guest

89bbbe  No.3206652

Where the fuck has see been for the last 2 weeks?!

ac4798  No.3206653


She hired her Chinese spy around 1991

def76d  No.3206654

File: 836b6e1b25d8fed⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 2iuosr.jpg)

edc55d  No.3206655

File: 4dbc9f619851954⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 567x567, 1:1, DnbWMPcUwAAYcEB.jpg)

5b43d5  No.3206656

File: 0acd9f956701f02⋯.jpg (488.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1st.jpg)

that weak ass nigga kav was at the back of the line

drip drip

9a395c  No.3206657


hmmmm I'm developing a conspiracy theory about single posts that have nothing to say about nothing . . .


72ad65  No.3206658

55405f  No.3206659


Water is as cloudy as her glasses.

d4bd2e  No.3206660

File: fe0108db0dffee3⋯.jpg (12.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 7785935a0580292.jpg)

the ole vodka in water bottle trick

28ea95  No.3206661

My tax dollars better not be paying for her damn attorneys, or her trek across the US!

0525e4  No.3206662

double-standard DemocRats. How abominable.

c426fe  No.3206663

This is the USA bitch! The burden of proof is always on the accuser.

fcd02d  No.3206664


She is a Chinese asset.

fbb685  No.3206665

File: fb009153ed2d1d6⋯.png (218.35 KB, 298x406, 149:203, poohthinks39.png)

She hasn't even been asked a question yet and is already getting her Water Poured for her… you know just in case she gets thirsty. Sad what the Democrats are doing to this woman and this Highly Qualified Judge

b29cbd  No.3206666

File: b36f4bf492dd3e4⋯.jpg (103.79 KB, 1155x496, 1155:496, Blasey World.jpg)

Party time, excellent, etc., etc.

b84ff5  No.3206667


so a crumb doesn't have to be posted on the day that lines up with an event, it can be the timestamp that lines up with that event?

and it can be seconds or minutes?

33df2a  No.3206668

I wish I could fast forward this.

a997d4  No.3206669


Weird. I see ZERO resemblance here to the woman who is on television now.

7be4de  No.3206670


Replace and destroy all your old electronics?

b927ad  No.3206671

I saw it hanging out in the mens restroom


6455b5  No.3206672

File: 4c2ca1a39bad902⋯.png (657.71 KB, 462x462, 1:1, farage.png)

File: 581d22b21924536⋯.png (274.74 KB, 477x454, 477:454, 2scoops.png)

7351a1  No.3206673


Think just propranolol

Maybe a tiny dose of ativan, like 0.25 mg

They cant risk having her look high or slurring speech.

A decent sized dose of propranolol will keep her BP and heart rate down but makes people a bit hot, so maybe flushing.

t. pharmacistanon

32807c  No.3206674


look at the jawline, not the same

c469a2  No.3206675

File: 937c720082b660c⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1501588443290cine_algunosh….jpg)


I come from the future to bring you a picture of our prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, in action questioning Ford.

6e4157  No.3206676



b29cbd  No.3206677


Whoo! Quads!!

9a395c  No.3206678

74ea02  No.3206679

File: 487bd26e3103a3b⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 627x429, 19:13, clocks_back.jpg)



TU clockfags

ed6dc6  No.3206680

This is war, folks. Both sides are firing their cannons, and we are watching from the hillsides.

It's beautiful to behold.

9171ee  No.3206681


Fake and gay

55405f  No.3206683

File: 709cb302b290a49⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 8c7973195d7691af3c0f76b626….jpg)


Digits confirm…

1f6a59  No.3206684


1714dd  No.3206685

File: a9f9be66e644b99⋯.jpeg (13.08 KB, 255x252, 85:84, a9976e5327dbc6482b7b9c9e4….jpeg)

c5d5f1  No.3206686

>>3206585 I'm saying that big mass of floppy hair, really inappropriate, is to cover as much face & upper body as possible to try and hide that this ain't Blasey. Wild how far they will go when cornered.

09d880  No.3206687

Presidential EBS Test Scheduled for Friday Oct 3 at 2:18 pm

sauce: https://freepressonline.com/Content/Top-Scrolling-Area/Top-Scrolling-Area/Article/Wireless-Emergency-Alert-Test-to-Be-Sent-October-3-at-2-18-p-m-/126/724/61079

28ea95  No.3206688

omg she is crying

880452  No.3206689


I love Grassley looking over DiFi's shoulder at her statement–Shut up, Mrs. Mao, I can read this faster silently.

5a44b0  No.3206690



She needs attention for sure. The only thing worse for these type women than sexual assault is not getting enough attention.

706629  No.3206691


It's hard to even fake being this stupid.

ac4798  No.3206692

2e071d  No.3206693


You were just proven wrong in the opening statement. Full house may happen over the weekend.

f267c9  No.3206694

Dianne Feinstein is truly a rotten cunt.

a454e3  No.3206695


Gorsuch replacing Scalia didn't change the balance.

Kavanaugh would be the tie breaking vote providing a 5-4 conservative advantage.

fcd02d  No.3206696

The movie is a Comedy?

c5d5f1  No.3206697


Feinstein decries the "rush to judgment"

Projection much?

bfde68  No.3206698

I had to leave the room, Feinstein's annoying as fuck. She wouldn't know the meaning of evidence if some proving she and her husband have been ripping this country off for decades was rubbed in her face.

7736cd  No.3206699

Real tears? Or Fake?

ef0295  No.3206700


Beautiful, my ass. It’s totally disgusting.

fcdf38  No.3206701

Meds are kicking in.

Nervous breakdown in 1..2..3

7351a1  No.3206702


She trying to tear up

aa2f2c  No.3206703

File: 2540d7e58536a3e⋯.jpg (219.57 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, 1510399660474.jpg)

File: 1804047dd78fcdc⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 510x684, 85:114, 1513147036953.jpg)

File: 62f619fe08f7db7⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 400x387, 400:387, 1518033687029.jpg)

File: c6570a7e597a939⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 750x620, 75:62, 1534729262345.jpg)

File: b34067f26bad729⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 960x648, 40:27, 1534760746044.jpg)



e3f405  No.3206704


10/3 = Wednesday

dc2700  No.3206705

File: 99a0455db943552⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 612x432, 17:12, 0013.jpg)

97dad5  No.3206706


my God bless her

b29cbd  No.3206707

File: cee8b14b167f15a⋯.jpg (108.45 KB, 1155x496, 1155:496, Blasey vs Wayne.jpg)

Meme batter

09d880  No.3206708


Sorry, Wednesday Oct 3.

880452  No.3206709


Wait, I had it muted. What did DiFi say to make her cry??

9b52c6  No.3206710


wtf does she get to discuss allegations from other women who never came forward themselves

1ed277  No.3206711


>Misspelling "kike"

4e437c  No.3206712


f36760  No.3206713

Diane is cracking her,

97dad5  No.3206714


Whoops - may

c2c2e9  No.3206715


Please explain Vince Foster then, oh wise anon.

a997d4  No.3206716

Who wrote this preachy speech? It's horrible. But you know, somewhere there's a staffer sitting there thinking, "THAT'LL show em!"

5c5717  No.3206717


3d5896  No.3206718


Can confirm

b84ff5  No.3206719

File: e1d60452672a94c⋯.png (672.73 KB, 820x1128, 205:282, ClipboardImage.png)



no it isn't

e02d64  No.3206720


This is looking more and more like MKUltra victims being made to do this today. It all seems a bit off.

13dde5  No.3206721

So, if Patriots are in control, why are we letting Kavanaugh be put through this?

ea0099  No.3206722

File: 04c280573720422⋯.png (458.38 KB, 500x496, 125:124, 2018-09-27_10-29-40.png)


Need adrenochrome… soon!

d4a0f4  No.3206723

die five will hang from a rope for her fucking trees and she is a fucking rat she is a fucking cunt she is a fucking disgrace to the world she will hang from a rope for her fucking treason. do you hear me? she is over. her life is over. she will die by the us military.

8dc071  No.3206724

Is Feinstein putting fords accusations out there herself so that ford can't be prosecuted for lying under oath?

28ea95  No.3206725


She was just mentioning about the other accusations

cf54d1  No.3206726

Can we please shut this bitch up?

ac4798  No.3206727


Ford is not going to make it very far in this hearing

8d27d9  No.3206728

aawww, she's gonna start crying now! waaaaaa

55405f  No.3206729

Terrible opening remarks concluding…

Republican Slasher time is beckoning…

D granstand opportunities to follow.

aba21a  No.3206730

>>3199290 (PB)

This is a gross miscarriage of justice. This is a death sentence for Mr. Cosby.

6e4157  No.3206731


I wonder if Grassley will play the recordings of DiFi, Schumer, et al laughing about all these lies behind closed doors.

8373c5  No.3206732

File: 821b112a5d5b149⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 496x690, 248:345, 821b112a5d5b14984db924eac1….jpg)

d4a0f4  No.3206733

d2a599  No.3206734

Blah - Blah - Blahsey Ford is having a full out panic attack

72ad65  No.3206735

These victims need to file a police report before anything else happens. What a circus.

Any bets on when Feinstein will shut-up?

2a468a  No.3206736


This is worse than watching Anderson Cooper or Cuomo.

def76d  No.3206737

File: d2490bd7ac6e9a0⋯.jpg (153.05 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, pjimage (3).jpg)

b29cbd  No.3206738

File: f663c1e854cf3cb⋯.png (128.38 KB, 214x317, 214:317, ClipboardImage.png)

You know you're a cute little… erm…..


7318eb  No.3206739


f51d68  No.3206740


Sheep need to be fed.

ff4e94  No.3206741

File: 733217fe0dda8a5⋯.jpg (203.73 KB, 1213x685, 1213:685, kek.jpg)

For everyone

c41629  No.3206742

Feinstein's mistake: She is speaking for the camera, not in a way that will comfort the perjurer who is about to speak.

fcd02d  No.3206743

Bets on who will pull out the dildo as exhibit one?

1714dd  No.3206744

nails on a chalkboard

f15ef3  No.3206745

Bitch is cracking y’all

186068  No.3206746

Looking for a popcorn vendor

ae5201  No.3206747

File: 5b208cc574dad4e⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 680x408, 5:3, 2iup7z.jpg)

cb8fcc  No.3206748

"Then today, just a minute ago, right back here in the Senate chambers, little Suzi Who got donkey punched by that grinch perv Kavenaugh."

55405f  No.3206749



Not a sign of courage….

A sign of regret.

Why did I choose to do this?

aa2f2c  No.3206750


Why scream "Attica"? The rest would be awesome though

fcdf38  No.3206751

She's fuckin' bawling already.

Total batshit…Shitshow inbound!

9b52c6  No.3206752

Is somebody having a panic attack?

ff4e94  No.3206754


Dang bro we on the same freq ;)

b84ff5  No.3206755



and there are countless other sauces

>inb4 I don't like that sauce

caf4d1  No.3206756


I sure hope you are dropping the dime on this bitch today and the others too.

Then drop the dime on they Demoncratic clowns doing the questioning.

419474  No.3206757

American Thinker - have not seen this yet.

SCOTUS is not about abortion , its about GUNS.


97dad5  No.3206758

She not thinking of Kavanaugh, she's thinking of how it went down. She was there

ba382c  No.3206759

File: 2be88a9e3f2977c⋯.png (2.66 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 18A3BD89-8DFA-483E-8845-12….png)

Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan agreed to work on a unified Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) air defense system in 1995. Separate Russian-Belarussian and Russian-Kazakh joint air defense systems are already in place.


3615cb  No.3206760


Hi schlomo

ed6dc6  No.3206761


Chris, is that a man?

bfde68  No.3206762


So everyone can see that cheap tricks are all the Democrats are about.

60a516  No.3206763


red text has to be the only thing in a line=

0f77af  No.3206764

Something I haven't heard brought up yet: With all these accusations against BK, The ONLY THING Dems are trying to do is keep him off the SC. They haven't called for impeachment of him as a Federal Judge.

64c430  No.3206765

File: 8d5aa85f54e8553⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 236x173, 236:173, 1537974649254.gif)

She is seconds away from a panic attack…

bcf45e  No.3206766

File: 0644fa87ceec5a1⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 255x170, 3:2, arkek.jpg)

b84ff5  No.3206767


see: >>3206239

number 4

c2f852  No.3206768


to me, she looks like she is on librium or some other tranquilizer.

she is there, the fear is there, but it's far away from reality.

af0460  No.3206769

File: 830e14b81515c8e⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 599x399, 599:399, creepy2.jpg)






hard to tell, but what's that under/behind the ear?

definitely not an earring.

880452  No.3206770


That woman is going to have a panic attack. She should, but I'm also enraged by how all these fuckers are using her. Yes, she's a fully willing participant, but it's hard not to feel a little pity. I hate those two demons on either side of her more than I hate her right now.

cb8fcc  No.3206771

I hope she just tips over.

a997d4  No.3206772


What a sham. She is pulling in everything she can to cast doubt. I expected no less, but it is still ridiculous

4bb6c1  No.3206773


Yes, the flushing explains the glasses fogging up.

84054f  No.3206774


>and it can be seconds or minutes?

Minutes? Yes.

Seconds? Not sure. Posting markers on the second is not safe to do because of lags on the site. But maybe Q can do it…

So, dates, mirror dates and minute markers (also mirrored).

917144  No.3206775


Alyssa Milano

>Attending a congressional hearing about sexual assault allegations with her tits hanging out and her bright read guest badge strategically placed for people to notice how she stuffed her old saggy feeders into a push up bra for attention. but "muh misogyny"

0 class.

b990ff  No.3206776

File: 5ece2e8cf1de149⋯.png (812.49 KB, 1359x567, 151:63, ford vs ford.png)

File: 2672d335dd2b973⋯.gif (3.92 MB, 480x320, 3:2, CBFLIETEST.gif)


b84ff5  No.3206777


f36760  No.3206778


Take this to a practice thread


5c5717  No.3206779

File: 832b726f26bc42b⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 624x351, 16:9, POTUS M1 LIFT OFF FROM NY.jpg)

POTUS on his way home.

6e4157  No.3206780

DiFi actually said "It's about integrity."

I'm in the Twilight Zone with Kav.

c21381  No.3206781


she wants DIFI to shut up its not helping her nerves lol

7318eb  No.3206782



40bdb6  No.3206783

I love the way Feinstein is coaching Ford by basically giving a testimony before the testimony

1714dd  No.3206784


c426fe  No.3206785

File: e6ef4140f9f9f8d⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 352x400, 22:25, 1286662117426.jpg)

c2c2e9  No.3206786

File: 39bd48bf6b60b4b⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 39bd48bf6b60b4b9f64bee12b7….gif)


Get it right anon, kek. ;)

5c5717  No.3206787


78431d  No.3206788

File: 8468b63c00172d0⋯.gif (4.59 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 98C6CF2E-702A-41EA-8EBF-CA….gif)

f267c9  No.3206789

File: c5ce6a5b2adaf48⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 567x425, 567:425, blind.jpg)

492f52  No.3206790

I swear this fuckin lying witch is going to make me need a drink already.

3d5896  No.3206791


186068  No.3206792


It’s an earring faggot.

b990ff  No.3206793

File: 66bc05195bd1608⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 255x213, 85:71, nailsonablackboard.jpg)

06a526  No.3206794

When we need directed energy weaponry!

Finesteen bitch needs to be arkencided.

aa2f2c  No.3206795

File: a939780ea3a51f3⋯.png (66.6 KB, 689x795, 13:15, 1530862797815.png)

File: 252bc6d2abaa59d⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 819x827, 819:827, 1532165639276.jpg)

File: 3ccb3c88c542d1d⋯.jpg (93.39 KB, 570x960, 19:32, 1534666083160.jpg)

File: 71f5ccc71237cf7⋯.png (36.12 KB, 821x869, 821:869, 1535217338119.png)

File: f4e5262f9206509⋯.jpg (67.81 KB, 651x1024, 651:1024, 1535922355661m.jpg)


something like that, also the mirror of it on the Q clock, personally I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but there is a Qclock thread where they explain it, check the catalog

8373c5  No.3206796


266e5d  No.3206797

a997d4  No.3206798

Ha! She keeps trying but she can't quite get the tears flowing

b84ff5  No.3206799


ok, not a clockfag, but I try to understand it

I've seen anons use the seconds marker the same way

def76d  No.3206800


I know I laughed at that.a like 20 seconds apart, intelligent minds think alike :D

1714dd  No.3206801

mary catherine gallagher?

d2a599  No.3206802

blah - blah - blahsey ford does not VERBALLY swear-in. interdasting.

bcf45e  No.3206803

stupid squeaky voice, reeeeeeee

fcd02d  No.3206804


These people are afforded great comfy lives and must do what they are told when needed.

When the Goffather calls on you…

492f52  No.3206805


I was praying for self emulsion just a minute ago.

0d7405  No.3206806

who the fuck asks for caffeine?

aaa311  No.3206807

RUSH was so right when he said "politics is show business for ugly people

55405f  No.3206808

File: 036c7330136c65c⋯.jpeg (329.73 KB, 1280x1580, 64:79, iu-17.jpeg)

Apologies to the Baker.

Today is going to be rough.

If Q posts… HOLY FUCK will the bread fly.

Thanks in advance.

54a2ab  No.3206809


Gowdy's tranny brother?

cf54d1  No.3206810

Mouse voice

def76d  No.3206811

File: bdf124dc49eca6a⋯.jpg (171.59 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, pjimage (4).jpg)

c2c2e9  No.3206812


cool story bro.

33df2a  No.3206813

Caffeine? Her heart should be racing.

Pre planned break.

6455b5  No.3206814

File: 11c827e62280320⋯.png (324.7 KB, 666x581, 666:581, shitpost2.png)

07240b  No.3206816


She looks like she wants tp puke.

f2c4d1  No.3206817

She anticipates needing some caffeine…

Drink a Red Bull bitch.

6e4157  No.3206818


It's about Military Tribunals.

The DS is LITERALLY fighting for their lives.

293293  No.3206819

Let the games begin!

b6eeed  No.3206820


6e729e  No.3206822

File: 9efdcb4922a43da⋯.png (372.36 KB, 622x436, 311:218, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)


Lawyer, Witness, Lawyer

no one looks confident

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