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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

ef035f  No.3146950

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 —————–—————- https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 ——————-——– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 ——————-——– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 ——————-——– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 ——————-——– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 ——————-——– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 ——————-——– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 —————–—————- Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 —————–—————- FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 —————–—————- MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 —————–—————- PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 —————–—————- PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127816 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 —————–—————- PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 —————–—————- THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 —————–—————- The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 —————–—————- Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 ——————-——– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 —————–—————- We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 —————–—————- FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 —————–—————- ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 —————–—————- Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 ——————-——– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 —————–—————- Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 ——————-——– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 ——————-——– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 —————–—————- 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Monday 09.17.18

Compiled here: >>3093355

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ef035f  No.3146954


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3146271, >>3146295 Gowdy: No National Security Risk In Classified Russia Docs; DOJ Stonewalling Over Brennan, FBI Embarassment (and video)


>>3146342 White House Statement on Kavanaugh

>>3146237 Anon on a BIG WEEK AHEAD

>>3146358, >>3146667 Clinton Admin fuckery with White House Phone system

>>3146389, >>3146393 Lawyer representing Kavanaugh accuser once attended protest rally against Trump and promised to 'fight back', 'we are going to resist'

>>3146424 Christine Ford's friend, who denied being at party or knowing Judge K., was married to CNN analyst Bob Beckel

>>3146445 The Most Important Election in 222 Years

>>3146454 Tweet: 4 official letters from the 4 people who deny the K accusation serve as sworn testimony

>>3146366 Graphic: Lawyer who represented McCabe is the newest attorney for Kavanaugh's accuser

>>3146411 "Trump At War", full new movie by Bannon


>>3146651 The Last Pope? Revisiting the Prophecy of St. Malachy

>>3146669 Hayabusa-2: Japan's rovers ready for touchdown on asteroid

>>3146720 UK may ban “secret” Facebook groups

>>3146752, >>3146900 "Lifelong Friend" Of Kavanaugh Accuser Denies Attending Party Where Alleged Sexual Assault Occurred

>>3146762 Elizabeth Warren Fundraises Off Christine Blasey Ford Story

>>3146725 A shooting happened right at the intersection in one of Q's picture

>>3146942 #3982


>>3145469, >>3145528 Top contributor to Beto: J Street

>>3145480 Moar Ford fuckery

>>3145527 Democrats opposed to Pelosi lack challenger to topple her

>>3145530 Christine Blasey Ford's Female Witness Doesn't Remember Anything

>>3145569 Source: Billionaire Carlos Slim trying to buy off Emiliano Salinas’ indictment via Clinton

>>3145614 [Pope] quips "I am the devil" next to John Paul

>>3145661 Trump's Great Wall of Tariffs

>>3145667 British Government Afraid Trump Will Expose Fuckery by Releasing Carter Page Surveillance Docs

>>3145767, >>3145817 Habbenings QCalendars from January to August

>>3145778, >>3145611 Tweets: 4 people mentioned by Ford deny any party happened including a lifelong friend of hers

>>3146057 Third witness denies Ford's story – in writing

>>3146106 A local grocery store was the scene of a human trafficking bust in Charlotte this week.

>>3146151 #3981

#3980 Baker Change

>>3144670 Criminal justice college professors allegedly sold drugs, ‘pimped’ out students

>>3144717 Columbus Board of Education member has resigned

>>3144746, >>3144936 The one US attorney Sessions and POTUS did NOT replace

>>3144752 Great Awakening Magazine Volume 55

>>3144816 Comcast outbids Fox with $39 billion offer for Sky in auction

>>3144820 Tweets: NYT Admits Trump is Right About No Evidence of Russian Collusion

>>3144879 Anon's theory on "MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP"

>>3144906 Texas Municipal Police Association is "Appalled" at Beta O'Rourke

>>3144971 Callsign: IAM3176

>>3144913, >>3145031 Moar on Blasley promoting abortion pills

>>3145299 Correction: Flake will NOT be voting "present"

>>3145270 Anon's theory: [Reddit Replacement] = [RR]

>>3145359 PlaneFag Updates

>>3145379 #3980


>>3144496 Instagram's new TV service recommended videos of potential child abuse

>>3144181 , >>3144437, >>3144495 Dig on Ravi Karkara, sacked UN Gender & Youth Official

>>3144392 Katz caught on camera: "We are going to resist"

>>3144259 Recap: Qs Drops on Vegas

>>3144144 "Music is about to stop" and Chuck Grassley's tweet; connected?

>>3143994 Orrin Hatch: ‘We are no closer to hearing from Dr. Ford’

>>3143937 Trump admin seeks to limit access to US for those requiring public assistance

>>3144597 #3979

Previously Collected Notables

>>3143050 #3976, >>3143037 #3977, >>3143827 #3978

>>3139989 #3973, >>3140711 #3974, >>3141511 #3975

>>3137601 #3970, >>3138415 #3971, >>3131293 #3972

>>3135335 #3967, >>3136110 #3968, >>3136886 #3969

>>3132953 #3964, >>3133726 #3965, >>3134579 #3966

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

ef035f  No.3146958

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496 , >>3142955

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ef035f  No.3146962

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

ef035f  No.3146969




[post link] [description of notable]



Thread For DECLAS and FISA Memes: >>2956097

Memes30: >>3038190

Side by Sides: >>93735

Q: The Basics v.1.0 (SPREAD IT): >>3087072

605434  No.3146982

File: 66914b5ab0d7043⋯.jpeg (86.96 KB, 536x428, 134:107, 53183C6E-F96A-46C0-921C-7….jpeg)

From half a click out…

75df0d  No.3146986

File: 23106c72c7f1aba⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 2986x1493, 2:1, milkshake.jpg)

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

File: 4cb2493b2290869⋯.jpg (813.29 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, FISAKEY.jpg)

05563b  No.3146988

California banned plastic straws today at restaurants. I remember when I was a kid my grandparents had a ton of paper straws, like wax coated hard paper. They should just bring those back.

7b7759  No.3146995

Got my new Ham in the mail——

Sadly on the beach and can’t use it until we get home

But I have ears now

4a7a50  No.3146998

File: af672676b4314a8⋯.jpg (219.17 KB, 600x786, 100:131, Bless-this-Bread-3.jpg)


a9b3fc  No.3147009


California should just fall into the ocean already.

e3ffb8  No.3147010

JUST IN: 60+ People Have Been Shot This Week In Chicago, At Least 7 Fatally. There Have Been 409 Homicides In The City In 2018


047382  No.3147011

File: 8ea713921b7bb0f⋯.png (283.03 KB, 500x333, 500:333, antartica.png)

Wow… I just realized something. Q got a Saturday off. NO posts today. Way to go Q. I hope you guys have a great down at some strip-club or sunny beach or whatever it is you do on the weekend. Bring on the aliens! Lets get this show on the road. And, you know Q, What the actual fuck is going on in Antarctica? Its Hollow earth huh?

605434  No.3147020

File: 4115953a4d1c0c7⋯.jpeg (90.85 KB, 536x428, 134:107, 1B92A2D3-6C3B-4685-A428-1….jpeg)

2974cb  No.3147032

File: 518f7448ab7077d⋯.png (778.16 KB, 631x731, 631:731, DoD 9-22-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 5fd745a336ec8e3⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1156x775, 1156:775, DoD 9-22-18 9 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Now, THAT’S a gun!


4a7a50  No.3147035

File: 9a937260a85d04b⋯.jpg (94.33 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Meme-Wars.jpg)

File: 21fc6891d8678c3⋯.jpg (342.69 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Join-Meme-Army.jpg)

File: 6efe68fc080abf2⋯.jpg (626.82 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, RedPill-Strike-Team.jpg)

File: 1fba5c9a64574df⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 344x346, 172:173, Badge5.jpg)

File: db31209034abc52⋯.jpg (300.08 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Q-Needs-You.jpg)

ATTENTION LURKERS: Q Army, Mimetic Warfare Division, is RECRUITING

Yes, you too can fight in the epic meme wars of The Great Awakening! You're officially invited. Here's how:

1. Choose memes from one of our meme libraries:

Memes 30: >>3038190

FISA Meme Thread: >>2956097

Our mega library: searchable, browsable and totally normie-friendly, with tens of thousands of memes to choose from! https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

2. Share your memes (they're yours now!) with people any way you can.

3. Celebrate! You're now officially part of the RedPill Strike Team of The Great Awakening. Thank you for helping to Make Everything Great Again!

4ca1c2  No.3147039


they be scrubbin info out here. was tryna read about RR, his beginnings, I know when he first served in the Tax Division of the DOJ was when he first helped out Clinton, do we have the sauce on why he was picked though? Warton and Harvard Law, is Ivy League where the crop comes from? here's the archive of that bio btw


76dfd7  No.3147040

File: c6ee1ad335930bf⋯.jpg (445.72 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_770.jpg)


05563b  No.3147041


Don't you need a big ass antennae on top of your house to use those?

1783b3  No.3147045

File: 168d8d2bbf223be⋯.jpg (223.42 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, ab0681cbeaf73c043cf176aa24….jpg)

Have serious question, anons:

Should we reach out to Q and CodeMonkey to ask about hotlinking pics directly to Voat?

Since they don't host pictures, everything posted there gets hosted on third party servers (most of which are probably comped)

I know the general rule is never to link to 8chan, but from a security standpoint it seems like the best thing to do.

0a61f5  No.3147046


Congrats hamfag!

5ad508  No.3147048

File: 69638d2d98771ed⋯.jpg (119.06 KB, 586x768, 293:384, DeNiro_Pimpin.jpg)

Someone had a special order?

It's fast and dirty…but it works

94d7fa  No.3147051

File: 4fa0cc8d13359d5⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 443x640, 443:640, 1537667256041_153766729534….jpg)

Q, when is this all gonna be oger?

4ca1c2  No.3147052


look at where the clock ends

4ca1c2  No.3147053


who knows though

0a61f5  No.3147054

File: b501d005f87c9ab⋯.jpg (103.19 KB, 970x620, 97:62, .jpg)


That's no gun. THIS is a GUN.

bb7aed  No.3147055

>>3147022 (lb)

This carries the weight of am affidavit. It is a Federal crime to lie to a judicial committee. These people denying their involvement would be violating Under 18 U.S.C § 1001. I am sure this is why they responded through attorneys.

0cf6c1  No.3147056

File: c9a4b57aac51961⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1175x661, 1175:661, Screenshot_2018-09-23 Kava….png)

File: 0cd410cabbe0a4d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1175x661, 1175:661, Screenshot_2018-09-23 Kava….png)

File: d5b21e6988d1726⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1175x661, 1175:661, Screenshot_2018-09-23 Kava….png)

File: d5b21e6988d1726⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1175x661, 1175:661, Screenshot_2018-09-23 Kava….png)

She is very handsome

a50a70  No.3147057


Politicians are the problem. God willing, Trump will change California. Good people live at California.

28daa3  No.3147058

>>3147017 pb

>>3147025 pb

Nobody willing tonrisk jail for Ford.

Her story is fake, her motive$ are clear.

Ford is Qucked!

7b7759  No.3147059


Along that Note:

The kids at the school ; many many simply bled out

Need to teach ALL


To “Stop the Bleed”

Do Not Worry about losing a limb tie a belt or anything above the bleed in a traumatic situation and the stuff the wound with anything you have and apply as much pressure as you can! Period.

Studies prove loss of limbs are NOT due to cutting off blood supply it is bc of injuries.

Teach everyone you know to STOP THE BLEED ANYWAY NECESSARY!!

It saves lives!

caca33  No.3147060

File: c846237977ecac4⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 124x137, 124:137, dankyouveddymuch.jpg)


032188  No.3147061

File: 07d4753a91bef4f⋯.png (320.54 KB, 735x722, 735:722, slurp.png)

>>3146933 (last bread)

3f8d92  No.3147062

File: ecde801af751f95⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1030x5759, 1030:5759, Screenshot_201sss8-08-17 A….png)


I think Boston College, or it may have been BU, banned them…Friday? HUGE news.

3b55f9  No.3147063

So if this Blasey-Ford chick is proven to be a liar, does she bring down Kavanaugh and the so'called '#metoo' movement in one fell swoop? Because it seems to me like that would be a win/win for these guys

912a4c  No.3147064

File: b2882f06b3c3cab⋯.jpg (222.24 KB, 1053x1523, 1053:1523, AD65D5B.jpg)


f962a0  No.3147065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c2f05a  No.3147066


Low freq bands need big antennae, but the handy talkies hit repeaters like cop radios, and can use networks.

I like the big antenna tho.

bc2684  No.3147067

File: 2359bce0b8643d3⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 187x350, 187:350, Bewbies 4 Research.jpg)

caf61b  No.3147068

File: 3016afd45757926⋯.jpeg (428.3 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, BOAsmall.jpeg)

c6c01b  No.3147069


Link outside, but please please drop images here. Us archiveanons are doing so real time and will republish "missing" stuff on request. I have 300k/600k (1/2) of all images from this board personally. In case it's needed later…

76dfd7  No.3147070

File: e205f7170cec92b⋯.jpg (825.38 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, IMG_775.jpg)

ty patriots!

0cf6c1  No.3147071


My neighbor strung his through out his oak tree

caca33  No.3147072

File: 15ace276371763a⋯.png (358.18 KB, 295x295, 1:1, eye bleach.png)

2d1126  No.3147073

Fuck Voat, if your not getting shekels, don’t give them out, why support Goat Fuckers?

b3b44c  No.3147074

File: f109a9f06dd79e5⋯.png (313.05 KB, 500x344, 125:86, qtruth.png)

File: 87b4eebcb3c229e⋯.png (77.06 KB, 615x614, 615:614, qtruth2.png)

Deep state eating its own tail with the Q op.

Pretending to go after the deep state.

The alien & moon BS revealed.

Faith is in God not men.

Lessons to learn.

One Day..

caca33  No.3147075

>>3147064 BOOBIES!

605434  No.3147076

File: 6be72eb17f04afb⋯.jpeg (80.42 KB, 288x366, 48:61, 28B1177B-E589-4557-A70C-0….jpeg)

95f063  No.3147077

Therapist: Notes say 4 boys attacked her.

Ford: No, she's wrong. 4 boys were there.

Today: 3 boys and 1 girl were there.

Shady much?

caf61b  No.3147078

File: e812815c4fe661c⋯.jpeg (538.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, bewbs.jpeg)

ba9e44  No.3147079

YOU have no idea the power against you.


YOU held back on us

listen FUCKER

!) X!) to the TENTH POWER has been held FROM YOU

figure that math…

that is what has been held from you… DS

YOU will not, cannot, and DO NOT survive this…



e5c687  No.3147080

File: ed87d132a7a7447⋯.jpg (117.02 KB, 600x777, 200:259, FeelsGuyAsDriveMeme.jpg)

>>3146969, >>3146646 lb

>majority of the space force will be NON-mil (I assume)

I don't doubt you'll get your position, AstroBaker.

I just want to say a sincere thank you

for all the fine baking you've done these past weeks.

It's been hard for me to leave night shift,

feels better knowing you're still here.


946620  No.3147081

File: bd97cdf1e7c9810⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Blasey ford.jpg)

4a7a50  No.3147082

File: c62dfff3712ef69⋯.jpg (172.07 KB, 856x836, 214:209, c62dfff3712ef69b72359c9faf….jpg)

File: 09025c2024edd4b⋯.jpg (304.32 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Your-Country-Needs-You.jpg)

c2f05a  No.3147083

File: 6bff837462d4fa9⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 438x306, 73:51, Pepetater2.jpg)



010bab  No.3147084

File: ed608369baaa956⋯.jpeg (327.25 KB, 750x771, 250:257, DA17E493-3B60-4FC2-B69A-9….jpeg)


Someone say guns?

032188  No.3147085

File: 1da5490c101bd8c⋯.png (327.07 KB, 737x725, 737:725, tasteslikechai.png)

f962a0  No.3147086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1ddbff  No.3147088

Japanese Hayabashi2 asteroid lander live control


4b9731  No.3147089

File: 181e9345e5d3020⋯.png (927.78 KB, 1004x734, 502:367, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)

File: a183d2666eb2a7a⋯.png (320.85 KB, 1202x338, 601:169, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)

File: caff6d3571968aa⋯.png (428.89 KB, 1193x367, 1193:367, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)

41a2e0  No.3147091

So, in line with the idea that the truth will put people in the hospital, here's a reaction to a video Laura Loomer posted . . .


76dfd7  No.3147092

File: 5c2030e2e5397e2⋯.jpg (826.5 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, IMG_780.jpg)

a50a70  No.3147093


I don't understand the Q and the Voat thing. I dislike Voat and I stopped going there.

caca33  No.3147094


e07783  No.3147095


well always faith in god

never trust someone else as much as god

it goes in this order


because he is your lord and saviour


because you cant have a stable society without a nation

and then family

3bee3d  No.3147096

File: 1b6cda75b31630e⋯.jpg (567.1 KB, 1958x1200, 979:600, 069ddc632618e4baa7637d3b8d….jpg)

File: a7316d4287a2685⋯.png (232.47 KB, 574x555, 574:555, pepe-sheep-no-more.png)


I want to see Democrats vote against him THEN. And they WILL. KEK!! They dead.

ecca33  No.3147097

Trump Lawyer Giuliani: US Sanctions May Lead to ‘Successful Revolution’ in Iran

The US president’s personal lawyer said that the US sanctions on Iran could lead to the the overthrow of the Iranian government.

Speaking in his own capacity at a hotel in Times Square this Saturday, Giuliani noted, contrasting to the US administration official position, that the current implementation of the economic sanctions could lead to a “successful revolution” and change of the Iranian government, Reuters reported.

“I don't know when we're going to overthrow them,” he said at an Iran Uprising Summit held by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities which opposes Iran policies, “It could be in a few days, months, a couple of years. But it's going to happen.”

Giuliani also suggested that the US sanctions are proved effective, noting that “The [Iranian] currency is going to nothing… these are the kinds of conditions that lead to successful revolution,” echoing his own words to the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran, where he said that Trump’s policy would “suffocate Iran's ayatollahs.”

The US State Department told Reuters that Giuliani does not speak for the administration on Iran. Earlier in August Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton said that the US wants a massive change of Iran government’s behavior, noting, however that “regime change” in Iran was not the aim of the American policy.

Trump re-introduced sanctions on Iran after pulling out of the JCPOA, commonly referred to as "the nuclear deal," in May this year, saying that the sanctions would not only make Iran end its nuclear program but also halt militancy in the Middle East.

Tehran replied that it had been complying with the 2015 nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic, the US, and five major world powers. A quarterly report by the UN atomic watchdog released in August confirmed that Iran still remained within the main restrictions of 2015 agreement.


256898  No.3147098


She's a walking yeast infection.

What d'ya expect?

cfa334  No.3147099

File: e88c838fd334082⋯.jpg (168.68 KB, 1080x1348, 270:337, 26851;lkjdnd.jpg)

Thank you baker!

4f0e43  No.3147100


please do not malign chai.

chai is life, chai is love.

t. chai lover curryfag

5ad508  No.3147101

File: c4f8dba71ff4a0f⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 201x255, 67:85, c4f8dba71ff4a0f8a8f7f66107….jpg)

6ab495  No.3147102

Thank you Bannon for Trump@War.

This video will get Trump elected - when George Soros appears, special interest in background.

Trump@war - when George Soros appears, special interest in background.

Q - Special place for George Soros


97e4e4  No.3147104

File: 890fb16ba8b4fb4⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 460x431, 460:431, 2018-08-10_0-22-02.jpg)



Reposting… put a bit into this one.

'night, night shift.

2ddf51  No.3147105

File: 83eaf04d850edde⋯.png (533.9 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, AC1363F5-B108-44B7-A033-13….png)

No meeting Monday. Just checked.


256b8c  No.3147107

File: cada2a6b4e22fd0⋯.jpeg (324.08 KB, 1125x1441, 1125:1441, 867715AE-08C5-4F3D-B8A3-C….jpeg)

It unraveling.

8df1e7  No.3147108



f962a0  No.3147109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c6c01b  No.3147110


Speaking of which. POTUS seems awful quiet today. Also, Monday will be 5th full day NOT at WH. Wondering if that's significant somehow…

bb7aed  No.3147111

File: 6f3d8f0670d34b6⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 780x440, 39:22, light.jpg)


ecca33  No.3147112

File: 0654946472a3c8f⋯.png (452.99 KB, 647x506, 647:506, ClipboardImage.png)

'Behind closed doors, they're begging for help': The pro-euthanasia doctors risking jail-time to end suffering - as one admits to helping more than 300 terminal patients die

A pro-euthanasia doctor is risking serious jail time by sharing her story

Dr Alida Lancee says she hastened the death of a terminal woman in 2016

After a two-year investigation, a board said she did not induce an early death

She now says they've been investigating the wrong patient, re-opening the case

Other doctors are supporting her, one admitting he helped 300 patients die

Australian doctors are risking long-term jail-time after admitting they're inducing early deaths for terminally ill patients.

West Australian based GP Alida Lancee has been under investigation for more than two years after she said she hastened the death of an elderly woman dying from emphysema.

In July, Dr Lancee was cleared by a board of authorities, who said she provided appropriate care to the patient and did not bring about an early death.

But on Sunday, Dr Lancee says they've been looking at the wrong patient, and will re-open the case by identifying the real one on Channel Nine's 60 Minutes.



3bee3d  No.3147113

File: 9cdb05f2e3f7c72⋯.jpg (22.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c353-68ed-435c-ab7d-e0e207….jpg)


Sleep well Anon. I will give this a looksee.

800fa3  No.3147114


It would work, technically.

But many admins don't like it. Some even get creatively nasty. So you're right to ask CM if its cool.

One problem you will have is that images are deleted after the page(s) where they're posted fall of their respective catalogs.

0052cf  No.3147115

File: 39b03cc2c6068c8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, pepe223p.png)

1783b3  No.3147116


Tried to buy a $1500 tool from a California company. Was complete clusterfuck and got worst customer service I can remember in the last few decades. After a month of backorder extensions (with no comms from them), I asked them to cancel and refund my credit card. Nope, they promised a check in 2-3 weeks, which showed up in about six weeks. They absolutely didn't give a fuck and refused to return calls.

Screw CA. I'm boycotting companies from there until they get their act together.

caca33  No.3147117


2974cb  No.3147118

File: 31ecb97ad1f33eb⋯.png (55.71 KB, 651x548, 651:548, Mitchell re Kavanaugh Vote….PNG)



By generously agreeing to Thursday (knowing he had the 3rd witness and she would not testify), did Grassley seal the Democrat's fate?

0a61f5  No.3147119

File: 42bac4042e90136⋯.jpg (9.09 KB, 198x225, 22:25, Stupid.jpg)

256898  No.3147120


She looks like the last person I'd want to see coming out of surgery.

ef035f  No.3147121


learned from the best bakers

getting better and better with every bake

hope you're feeling better

not quite sure who is taking graveyard lately, but we still have a well oiled machine

thanks fren

1783b3  No.3147122

File: ee5b9d876340a82⋯.jpg (216.73 KB, 800x988, 200:247, ee5b9d876340a822406ff8f96e….jpg)


>One problem you will have is that images are deleted after the page(s) where they're posted fall of their respective catalogs.

Gud point.

4f0e43  No.3147123


this is the first thing that makes america great.

please teach responsible gun use to each and everyone of your kids.

ecca33  No.3147124

File: 0f3d6d2e8fa3403⋯.png (564.35 KB, 898x783, 898:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 736eb85ac2318b7⋯.png (430.03 KB, 906x811, 906:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c83ae9287b6f92c⋯.png (21.33 KB, 915x167, 915:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Libya Urges United Nations To Take "Concrete Action" To Halt Chaos In Tripoli

More than seven years after NATO launched a regime change war in Libya on the side of anti-Gaddafi rebels, the West is again being asked to intervene as the country further descends into civil war.

Except this time it's the internationally recognized government since installed in Tripoli that is at war with itself, and the death toll from inter-factional fighting since August has now reached over 100 and is growing as street battles in Tripoli suburbs rage, causing leaders to urge the United Nations to act.


9eadf6  No.3147125

File: 749be0b1aa386a3⋯.png (440.92 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 16E753DB-9B18-48A9-93ED-97….png)


032188  No.3147126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck you filter faggot.


HRC maligned the chai. Don't shoot the messenger.

80edc8  No.3147127

Steven Miller got roasted on SNL. What a lousy show. Said he looked like a roach. Steve can stare at the camera and still be funnier than these clowns.

4b9731  No.3147128


FFS. They are "working out details throughout Sunday".


caca33  No.3147129

>>3147122 WOW, Talk about product placement! NATURES OWN!

ec36ba  No.3147130

File: 562fcbb9dc075cb⋯.jpg (92.77 KB, 580x398, 290:199, iu (27).jpg)

4f0e43  No.3147131


>HRC maligned the chai.

and she will get hers, don't worry.

it's not the gun that kills, it's the person.

don't malign the gun, don't malign the chai.

d7f1aa  No.3147132

File: 2784667c53e85a1⋯.png (270.19 KB, 500x550, 10:11, wehateyouforotherreasons.png)


How come you aren't on voat putting together your moron army for your board?

7b7759  No.3147133

Anon got me posting—

There is a “Stop the Bleed” campaign going on if more kids from Sandy Hook did not bleed out they would have lived.

Many from the Las Vegas mass shooting Lived bc many people/ bystanders we medical and ex- military and they knew to “Stop the Bleed”

Anons- share this info

Many victims die because they do simply bleed out when things Can be done in the field to help them until EMS arrives or until they get to a hospital-

Stop the bleed— take your shirt off

Rip it in strips— make a belt of it stuff it in the wound — apply all your weight in pressure until help arrives. Do not worry about infection- if they are dead - infection won’t matter.

Spread the word

“Stop the Bleed”

Any way possible

c6c01b  No.3147134


Judas Goat. Another goddamn goat. Hook. Line. Sinker. Kek!

All for ensuring midterms. No matter what happens potus can always nominate others.

605434  No.3147135

File: 8ae163835275381⋯.jpeg (83.43 KB, 500x562, 250:281, 72C539D8-61E2-46C5-A1B5-F….jpeg)

2a248e  No.3147136

File: 8c7973595b0b769⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1513458153637.jpg)


Considering the context of the article, that's not something you'd have to worry about…

9ca90c  No.3147137

File: 169a3c7596fc8d9⋯.png (1003.36 KB, 1628x908, 407:227, woods_tweet_1.jpg_(JPEG_Im….png)

James Woods is suspended from twitter.

What would happen if Twitter's speech code was the US's. Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal would have been burned. Instead, the Luciferian class use it as an instruction manual.

caf61b  No.3147138

File: f879cc56b9ef8d9⋯.jpeg (985.36 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, thestorm.jpeg)


Thank You

3b10ab  No.3147139

where da brains at

c8a913  No.3147140


Only when they can totally control the narrative do shootings make the national news.

256898  No.3147142


Didn't say I wuz worried…just didn't want to see that face. Just a comment.

c2f05a  No.3147143


>more kids from Sandy Hook did not bleed out they would have lived.

Sandy hook was an entirely staged hoax.

(lots of anons will chime in on that if doubted)

But you have a good point about bleeding.

-Carry on.

1a5c57  No.3147144

File: 7ce5dff5adaed71⋯.jpg (114.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, froganon.jpg)

3b55f9  No.3147145


Looks to me like he did. HOWEVER —- I do believe that if this is how it plays out, then this is how it was meant to play out. IF Q is not the biggest LARP/troll in the history of LARPs and trolls, then DECLAS brings down the house, they have it all, and this is just another part of the show.

It would make sense, with Kavanaugh's Bush ties, that he would be put forward with no desire for him to actually be confirmed just to allow all of this to play out.

But man, that is a LOT of stuff to swallow in order to keep believing that 'we are in control'. Not saying that I am giving up, but phew.

3bee3d  No.3147146

File: 0cf5fbfb44555de⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 0cf5fbfb44555de139fba3bfcf….jpg)


100%. I had a Minister friend and his posse who came unglued on me early this week over this. The Left is desperate and frothing at the mouth, and the projecting perverts would just LOVE for the "Good Christian White Man" story to flip to "White Trump Rapist Male" with their bullshit, they were rabid everywhere.

I merely stated that we should wait and not try The Judge in the court of public opinion and man, I got told I defended rapists, and that my love for Trump was blinding me, etc.

They are going to die on this hill. NOBODY can defend this. What a story POTUS scripted up here. Now, get Kav confirmed with the left whimpering and bowing the knee and then BOMBS AWAY to a complete ROUTE on November 6th.

a50a70  No.3147148

I am sorry that happened to you. It could be just that company. I ordered from CA. I don't recall having any problems.

4f0e43  No.3147149


gone to bed already. it's after midnight eastern


>highest ranking

>gets only a dub

yeah, you are buddy. not.

28daa3  No.3147150


Every meal POTUS takes is a meeting.

He only sleeps few hours.

He has done so much in 2 years, both inside US and WW - noone would have ever thought possible.


(MSM of course criticises 'golf playing', nnot seeing, that he even works more and on the more important things when in Bedminster!)

He has got such tremendous power and strenght, while always being approchable and kind.


5b259d  No.3147151


typical Publix shopper in naples FL

ef035f  No.3147152



its been that way since the 21st

if no deal is reached by tomorrow, the committee vote will be on monday, per many sauces, one:

Grassley panel scraps Kavanaugh hearing, warns committee will vote without deal


6c6107  No.3147153


I think Prof. Ford may be in serious risk of being bumped off by the D’s. If she actually testifies, she will probably be evicerated. But if they knock her off, they can blame the pro-K camp, claiming that they feared what she would say.

912a4c  No.3147154


Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration.

The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"),[1] due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease and kúru itself means "trembling".[2] It is also known as the "laughing sickness" due to the pathologic bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease. It is now widely accepted that kuru was transmitted among members of the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea via funerary cannibalism.

c68dff  No.3147155

File: 9f3df5aa0c70d79⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1242x1634, 621:817, 9F815314-FDA7-446C-A4EF-3….jpeg)

File: 876a714af30519b⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, F36656C6-07C8-4B13-B5ED-C….jpeg)

This is crazy! These cock suckers are going over one after the other. They just made an X right over my head.

Clean Air my ass!

This pisses me off to no end!!!

pics related

c2f05a  No.3147156


You mean PUBIX shopper in NIPPLES florida?


76fcc2  No.3147157

File: 10e4cf1583d9e22⋯.png (114.09 KB, 540x430, 54:43, 1513990337355.png)

940a95  No.3147158

[This "Snake" is now being drawn through the Americas and in the United States of America, it is been partially identified as the "Counsel on Foreign Relations" (C.F.R.) and the "TriLateral Commission

256898  No.3147159


HRC could make that happen. Be like child's play.

62741c  No.3147160

Look kid neighbors I not mad please will you baptize me coins still there

d7f1aa  No.3147161

File: abd934778db24aa⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1c7398175f53a115b77a44d482….jpg)

bb7aed  No.3147162


That is why she doesn't want to take flight #187 to DC.

caca33  No.3147163

File: 74370e5f3f35157⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 996x607, 996:607, BestPOTUS.jpg)

4f0e43  No.3147164


oy vey

shut it down

a50a70  No.3147165

5ad508  No.3147166

File: def8564b6316b78⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 438x306, 73:51, 6bff837462d4fa9f3e9876ed6f….jpg)


"Pepe Tater Tot"

570470  No.3147167

File: 6e2533889ed1f8c⋯.jpeg (10.85 KB, 255x228, 85:76, qeipntqinp4946.jpeg)

comfy nightshift is comfy anons

2d1126  No.3147168

File: 3371b2622f83ebe⋯.jpeg (367.14 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, 083DB923-AA48-42F4-B305-9….jpeg)

Thank you Voat fags, I allmost gave up on this site… again…

I posted this 👽

62741c  No.3147169


Please is that # real for the place to help me

256898  No.3147170


Or travel on US 187….

0a4678  No.3147171


I watched Gutfield tonight. It was the funniest thing I've seen on TV in years.

He had some dumbass gay puppet going on about FAUX NEEEEWS. You probably would have had to see it.

3b10ab  No.3147173


hewwo fren

4cc33d  No.3147174


D5 ?


2a248e  No.3147175

File: 8196620caadf517⋯.jpg (229.61 KB, 700x695, 140:139, Space Course.jpg)


The most clandestine work happens on the lush secluded fields of the golf course.

d96c60  No.3147176

File: 102273377fb547c⋯.jpg (708.91 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, NITESHIFT.jpg)


>>3145610 (lb)

>The Night Shift Commodores. I like it.

thanks to all the nite shift anons

here is another

11e9eb  No.3147177


Patriots in control. So, must be healthy right?

c2f05a  No.3147178


DAMN Brilliant anon! KEK!


d7f1aa  No.3147180

File: d696e73e6e78500⋯.png (183.08 KB, 500x642, 250:321, trumpmoon.png)

256898  No.3147181

File: f127865df10218c⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 228x221, 228:221, US187.jpg)

608e4b  No.3147182

File: 68bedf115b2e0b7⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 513x640, 513:640, 152367.jpg)


4f0e43  No.3147183


>patriots in control

depends if D state or R state

and even then…

natural is healthy.

anything man-made is just a tool.

3b10ab  No.3147184


y u gotta call a homie out like that

caca33  No.3147185

File: a618605e5bccaee⋯.png (479.41 KB, 960x638, 480:319, spaceforce.png)

256b8c  No.3147186

File: 8ef3380bbc584c0⋯.gif (3.6 MB, 445x250, 89:50, CF42FC57-9973-45B1-AC5A-21….gif)


Thank you POTUS!

c68dff  No.3147187

File: 357d74c4d582988⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1637, 1242:1637, 04A5C1ED-0394-4FF3-A6E9-E….jpeg)


Healthy my ass. Again they went over. Thing casts a shadow from the Moon.

996400  No.3147188


I was afraid her lawyer's letter the other day was leading up to this.

Either she is suicided and it is "because all the stress that the evil Rs are subjecting her to".

Or she is knocked off and "death threats/fears for her safety" is vindicated.

Either way she is a martyr.

67f8ff  No.3147189


shoulda told him to shut his fookin mouth and bitch slap his ass

1a5c57  No.3147190


don't be mean.

was jk.

or I will post a word scramble again…

7c0696  No.3147191


bb guns

I'm serious. The Daisey spring type are ok for the youngest.

.177 caliber air rifles are great for learning marksmanship

the high quality expensive .177 pellet guns are even useful for hunting small game.

the best thing about giving a kid a bb gun is that it teaches gun safety and alerts adults if a child has a problem.

caca33  No.3147192

76fcc2  No.3147193

File: 4e8ce052b61b3ad⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, 4e8ce052b61b3ad0447b6db51e….jpg)

4f0e43  No.3147195


was jk myself.


yes. perfect.

d8e49f  No.3147196



Lying to Congressional committees has almost become protocol. Ditto snubbing subpoenas and doc requests.

Those dogs got not teef.

Clapper and Brennan lied like the fucking devil and nothing came of it. Why would this gash care? She’s got the best attorneys that Soros’s money can buy.

34540f  No.3147197

File: 7f7dd4167381f4b⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 231x325, 231:325, Screenshot 2018-09-22_22-2….jpg)

File: b578770b6c7742e⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 3858524328_3b2677f0bd_z.jpg)

80edc8  No.3147198


You light for a living?

db5a05  No.3147199

File: d8b92b38ff7b5a6⋯.png (92.74 KB, 586x482, 293:241, Screenshot (1353).png)

File: c53bc84c5f74246⋯.png (110.02 KB, 586x579, 586:579, Screenshot (1354).png)

File: 2050978546355ae⋯.png (54.12 KB, 585x258, 195:86, Screenshot (1355).png)

File: 44b0b1723a21b23⋯.png (108.95 KB, 578x530, 289:265, Screenshot (1356).png)

Popadopoulos on Twatter..

There is more..

94e812  No.3147200

File: 48085c9d48d728d⋯.jpg (289.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, cali_beta_2.jpg)

File: 628802042e14413⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, cali_beta_1.jpg)

File: bbb167f30185edf⋯.jpg (280.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, cali_beta_3.jpg)

File: 0fa9e119d9916f2⋯.jpg (260.13 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, bluewave.jpg)

22937e  No.3147201

>>3140515 (pb)

>>3146295 (pb)

Ford demands "fair and impartial" treatment after her team plays games, stalls, and delays for an impossible to disprove negative.

Ok, Katz. The only way to determine the validity of the allegation is to OBJECTIVELY weigh the credibility of the witnesses.

Complainant Ford:

1) waited 36 years to make a vague allegation ONLY AFTER Kavanaugh was a SCOTUS nominee

2) whose story has changed

3) who cannot name time or place

4) of an unwanted touching over the clothes and mouth

5) who allegedly "passed" an inadmissible lie-detector test only confirming her statement was accurate, not that it was true

6) who claims discomfort in enclosed spaces yet teaches for a living

7) who destroys evidence of her publicly available opinions and motives in advance of her allegations


8) who refuses any and all accommodations to timely cooperate with Senate Judiciary Committee while flanked by a high-power politically motivated expensive legal team

Respondent Kavanaugh:

1) denies any and all allegations

2) has been vetted as a Judicial officer since 2006

3) has no known similar complaints, civil or criminal


4) cannot prove a negative

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, you are charged with weighing the credibility of the witnesses in this case. You may recall their testimonies and manner in which the testimony was given. You are empowered to use your common sense when determining who you believe is more credible. The complainant has the burden of proof in this case. Is Complainant Ford a credible witness?


c2f05a  No.3147202


.17hmr is the most accurate round I have ever shot.

Kid friendly also. (bolt single- low -no- recoil)

7&8yr old grandkids are a crack shot with it.

(I got 2 of them so they shoot together)

fba6af  No.3147203

Did some lurking on voat.

Normies seem happy.

Reads like the Israelites coming to the land of milk of honey.

3bee3d  No.3147204

File: dd383280d290fa4⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 2000x2064, 125:129, 6caefa624fa0a4090d86308693….jpg)


I'm like 17 breads behind. THIS is why I don't eat, sleep, or leave the house. I miss WAY too much. Even on slow days. And there are to be no slow days here very soon.

bb7aed  No.3147205


They get away with it for sure. But Ms. Fords friend does not have that elite status. She would be taking the risk on her own.

c6c01b  No.3147206

File: 7a6b82277bf5742⋯.png (463.06 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5F0E3F07-85AE-47B3-A740-C1….png)

File: 734339e507fef50⋯.png (459.61 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4D7C0F4D-E5A4-4FF8-AD85-F4….png)

File: be8c2423b2944de⋯.png (413.27 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 37D7EEFA-E8C0-43DF-948A-F8….png)

WH statement on kav fuckery:


256898  No.3147207



Tons of 'em would take it, then.

c68dff  No.3147208


It’s stacking cord wood tonight. Pass after pass after pass. I count at least 7 different jets.

032188  No.3147209


did you know Lewis & Clark traveled with an air rifle?

"The Girandoni air rifle was an airgun designed by Tyrolian inventor Bartholomäus Girandoni circa 1779. The weapon was also known as the Windbüchse ("wind rifle" in German). One of the rifle's more famous associations is its use on the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore and map the western part of North America in the early 1800s."



d1fd0a  No.3147210


not anymore, he's not

f962a0  No.3147211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d7f1aa  No.3147212


I am sure that all of the goy are jerking off all over themselves capitulating to the jew and telling them how great they are.

Good times.

f962a0  No.3147213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ff420d  No.3147214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time to go watch a movie…



Click to watch Trailer


fox news promotional with Bannon interview:


"how you doin' Bannon?!"

Right before that she should have checked Steve in the nutsack! kek

c2f05a  No.3147215


Planefags will track if you give general area.

(not a planefag, but they lurk)

d74eff  No.3147216

File: eb9b85ac4b35b92⋯.jpeg (59.39 KB, 750x500, 3:2, BFECCFF8-CA60-49C7-9844-8….jpeg)

912a4c  No.3147217


Could a cure be spread the same way as the illness?

52aa61  No.3147218


Thanks for taking on the recon mission anon

bfe2f8  No.3147219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes anon…

5ad508  No.3147220

File: 1246dd4f9b1d1bb⋯.jpg (326.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, USA_President_not_World.jpg)

67f8ff  No.3147221


i started off thinking this guy was some scrub but hes cool af actually. he doesn't give a fuck at all. badass dude

f962a0  No.3147223


ef035f  No.3147224



3bee3d  No.3147225

File: 1b6cda75b31630e⋯.jpg (567.1 KB, 1958x1200, 979:600, 069ddc632618e4baa7637d3b8d….jpg)


THIS is exactly what I have missed out on. Anon, I am going to have gun training at my Academy, you would say this is the place to go for 7+ year olds? I LOVE The look of them. KEK!!

032188  No.3147226


tack driver.

I have a CZ .17

great little rifle

c5b75e  No.3147227

File: 6178096835b333b⋯.png (720.31 KB, 860x1474, 430:737, GuiltGrid.png)

Welcome to GUILT GRID.

Military Tribunal Scorecard.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One score for each crime.

One side measures "blackmail".

Other side measures "violence".

Ex 1: Podesta willingly kills a kid.

10 points for willingness.

10 points for violence.

10 x 10 = 100

That's a Perfect Score = Death.

You get the idea.

Empathetic, but ruthless.

Non-violent allows for deductions.

Blackmail allows for deductions.

Only if you play your role.

Like your life depends on it.

You are watching a movie.

Ahead of schedule.

Under budget.


940a95  No.3147228

Force and Make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.

22937e  No.3147229


Not if you like your license. However, if you bid for the swamp, legal ethics don't count for anything.

ba9e44  No.3147230

fun stuff right there.

THESE are asking you QUESTIONS

now what?

YOU lost at FUCK!

deal with that and surrender.

or DIE… for good.


3bee3d  No.3147231

File: db55a7a75d6ee28⋯.png (1020.52 KB, 746x723, 746:723, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at ….png)


Bombs Away!!!!

b522e0  No.3147232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Solar observatories all down all at once AT THE EXACT SAME TIME?

Nothing to see here.

The official story for the NM was child pron..

What are they hiding?

Cabal using these observatories for comms?

WTF Anons?

34540f  No.3147233

File: 5c4a71eecfb8d68⋯.jpg (238.14 KB, 787x1038, 787:1038, Screenshot 2018-09-22_22-2….jpg)


is this real?

Heart attack >>>

I thought it was propofol and an incompetent anesthesiologist who had to urinate

52aa61  No.3147234

File: 307b4d5b8929c75⋯.png (5.27 KB, 669x89, 669:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c33d73fe32d9239⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 375x383, 375:383, attention_whore.JPG)


256898  No.3147235


dats me point, and me ain't talking about me head.

2ddf51  No.3147237

File: b05f547b0018fab⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 761B9109-D006-49DB-812B-5A….png)


Another anon had posted that the meeting was still on and I was clarifying it to show that it was still canceled.

Thank you.

28daa3  No.3147238





WH was wiretapped and you don't really know who to trust wuth so much personnel.

Golf Club is just perfect….and….was largly renovated some years ago

f962a0  No.3147239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4a9f4f  No.3147240


Idiocracy. In the 80s they probably had more straws up their noses than the sea turtles

db7604  No.3147241

Checkmate. Cabal wins. They always do. Fuck Grassley. Fuck Q.

05563b  No.3147242


Not at long range, you need a .30-06 minimum for long range, and preferably a 300 weatherby magnum or larger magnum.

04352d  No.3147243

Hey newfags!!!!

There is no such thing as an upvote..

Id tell you to go back, but …you homeless… So, lurk moar, faggots

4f0e43  No.3147244


the cameraman was an idiot. smh.

97a7bf  No.3147245

File: 0ef24660db0e466⋯.png (616.13 KB, 1920x1043, 1920:1043, ClipboardImage.png)

Some Army peeps headed home.

f962a0  No.3147246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c68dff  No.3147247


They can’t track them.

52aa61  No.3147248

File: 5e215f6a5df98f1⋯.jpg (121.79 KB, 1491x967, 1491:967, GO_Back.JPG)

e3444f  No.3147249


Driver you missed my stop. Ima get off here…

ef035f  No.3147250

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3147089 POTUS schedule for tomorrow

>>3147097 Trump Lawyer Giuliani: US Sanctions May Lead to ‘Successful Revolution’ in Iran

>>3147124 Libya Urges United Nations To Take "Concrete Action" To Halt Chaos In Tripoli

>>3147201 Anon's breakdown of the allegations: NO CRIMINAL OR CIVIL LAWYER WOULD TOUCH THIS CASE


gotcha, this can change in a second, we got to keep our eyes on it

I don't think she will testify, libtards will foam at the mouth, normal americans will shrug and carry on

3bee3d  No.3147251

File: 5d0409a07c0b100⋯.png (371.15 KB, 770x400, 77:40, 2f1ba9caef4232f01204ee98c0….png)

File: 0f02e1aff0e1a23⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 184x181, 184:181, 167587953.jpg)

File: 4cf1c0ae65fff12⋯.jpg (461.29 KB, 4928x3264, 77:51, ba69c4a16640c149757d0a8dec….jpg)

File: f5f7fdc3fc6e96a⋯.png (211.26 KB, 547x548, 547:548, Screen Shot 2018-06-10 at ….png)


Saved and treasured. Thank You Anon. I can't make any of this stuff. A total Honor.

ff420d  No.3147252

File: 222b9f994dcd431⋯.jpg (193.08 KB, 1197x592, 1197:592, pepe soon.jpg)


up against the wall!

Q section 1 article 7 states specifically that 4-6% will not make it!





256898  No.3147253


u talks so tough

so smarty

me thinks u shuld run things

over there

5ef921  No.3147254

File: 1b4240eb7d1733f⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Lq19hY00447.jpg)

the thought caught me funny, so just for keks

2974cb  No.3147255

File: 1b34651d6816829⋯.png (121.12 KB, 596x889, 596:889, Thorp re Kaeser Letter 9-2….PNG)

File: 6c9524e45c639aa⋯.png (144.18 KB, 654x825, 218:275, Thorp re Kaeser Letter 9-2….PNG)

File: 09ca84486d44053⋯.png (8.7 KB, 409x181, 409:181, Q 2262 Narrative Change.PNG)

Thorp is NBC

Anons have noticed that the likes of CNN and NBC are reporting that Fords statements are not corroborated, yes??

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.290 📁

Sep 21 2018 18:09:15 (EST)






db7604  No.3147256


Cult much?

28daa3  No.3147257


Wow, hadn't seen yet.

Amazing gif!

Thank you for sharing!

0bd3c4  No.3147258


Can’t tell if shill or just mentally challenged.

6c6107  No.3147259


Don’t worry about the tits, just GTFO

0fed01  No.3147260

File: f21af190a974228⋯.jpg (2.6 KB, 126x90, 7:5, e5f48b74fbd92ed3d0322d18b4….jpg)

f962a0  No.3147261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9dfe7e  No.3147262


<upvotes this>

52aa61  No.3147263

c2f05a  No.3147264


check into ballistics of the 17hmr round.

Very fast true traj.

Long distance is spot on.

It's great for varmints, cabal, or turning off cameras at long distances.

2a248e  No.3147265

File: 9054a54600a5f4d⋯.png (294.98 KB, 800x820, 40:41, Back To Voat.png)


No, they've got a new home, they've just gotta get used to it.

13cb5c  No.3147266

File: 47ce61dfebb8a19⋯.jpg (129.49 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2ijb13.jpg)

2ddf51  No.3147267


Last bread, anon. I was clarifying. CTFO.

e07783  No.3147268

File: 50d0b0bf8cde909⋯.jpg (23.63 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 9dc0437df38a919054b0a73d35….jpg)


65889f  No.3147269



Maybe Grassley knows what he's doing.

db7604  No.3147270


Muh. Trust Sessions. Muh trust the plan. Muh go fuck yourself

97a7bf  No.3147271


^^^^^ This soooo much.

256898  No.3147272


It ain't what's said, it's who says it.

7c0696  No.3147273


>Healthy my ass.

I don't know exactly how healthy your ass is but if your body is like your mind I'll wager a fair amount it's not good.

First off dear chem-trail slide anon, can you explain the atmospheric conditions under which your breath is visible? Is it just temperature? Or is more involved?

So what makes you certain you know a con-trail from a 'chem-trail' ??

Secondly just exactly what 'unhealthy' compound or chemical do you suppose is being distributed? Where in the fuel supply chain for the airlines is it being inserted? Or is it loaded into tanks and actually sprayed? In which case again what is being sprayed and where is the supply chain and where is it loaded onto the aircraft?

Remember this needs to be well sauced.

>mfw troll score 1/10 got me to reply

c2f05a  No.3147274


and dipped in teflon… wow results…

Drills plate steel cleanly.

84357f  No.3147275

File: e788b159f0447e6⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 9-22-MATHEMATICAL PROBABIL….jpg)

File: 3fcdc159bd1ca33⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 600x556, 150:139, 9-22-NEVER TOO OLD.jpg)

File: a00e2ee21431c55⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 9-22-FREEDOM RINGS.jpg)

File: 1d4bbfc6b28598a⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 600x671, 600:671, 9-22-TWO MALES AND A COMPU….jpg)

File: 13f085dd44018b7⋯.jpg (86.45 KB, 600x784, 75:98, 9-22-HAMMER TIME.jpg)

2974cb  No.3147276

File: 0f23eb90bc18e16⋯.png (70.06 KB, 869x246, 869:246, Grassley Orchestra Music S….PNG)

e3ffb8  No.3147277


Bled out, that's a new one.

I haven't seen this theory before, what else can you tell us?

d96c60  No.3147278

File: 4f9547290f43d0d⋯.jpg (154.56 KB, 863x617, 863:617, CS thank you for visiting ….jpg)

Thank you for visiting the WH

3a6ad6  No.3147279


I thought for sure another witness would show up this weekend to back her but it's not looking like this is the going to be the case. Even if she is bumped off, unless SCOTUS K arranged it, he's still going to be sworn in Monday if no deal.

05563b  No.3147280


I saw them at the gun store but they are basically high powered pellet guns, 0 stopping power.

61c395  No.3147281

Jack…We Need You !!! ASAP !!!!

ccdaf4  No.3147282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Anons and Patriots. Sorry not digging, still healing up. Thanx frens for all you do. Stay Comfy and Safe.

db7604  No.3147283


A true believer. I like your dedication to the cult

256898  No.3147284


muh muh muff diving.

4b9731  No.3147285


The meeting is NOT canceled. It is postponed,

and that will soon change when Grassley changes it after "details" are worked out or denied.

We should know tomorrow.

c5b75e  No.3147286

File: 4556ada37346259⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1800x1286, 900:643, QProof-Riots-EMS.png)

Q proof (from early 2017).

Q says expect organized riots.

- Check. 900 planned.

Q says expect EMS alerts.

- Check. October 3, 2018.

Q says expect National Guard.

- Check. Hurricane Florence.

Trump speaks at UN Sep 26, 2018.

Kavanuagh confirmed by Oct 1, 2018.

Can't wait for Red October.

ANTIFA infiltrated already.

UNRIGGED elections already.

52aa61  No.3147287

File: cfa016a72760f7d⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 951x998, 951:998, biker-bernie.JPG)

0fed01  No.3147288


If you want to upvote a post, just press ctr-F4

2ddf51  No.3147289

File: d620813082d3b6f⋯.jpeg (217.12 KB, 1125x990, 25:22, 5FB51C6F-3316-48E3-A105-4….jpeg)

>>3147105 proof.

b068b9  No.3147290

File: 45c3a123a699323⋯.jpg (205.7 KB, 1383x305, 1383:305, qmusicstopgrassley.jpg)

13cb5c  No.3147291

File: f2b519a4bc6a89f⋯.jpg (132.31 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2ijb4z.jpg)

1a5c57  No.3147292

File: 2ca7fc9f81b7deb⋯.jpg (80.77 KB, 490x622, 245:311, bewbsox.jpg)

File: a1e80d71e2343b0⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 640x677, 640:677, bewbsred.jpg)

gnite bewbs…

04352d  No.3147293

>>3147262 i hope you get the shits while stuck in traffic.


It's temporary housing.kek

2275f3  No.3147294

File: 3bac44e09dbc34b⋯.png (506.26 KB, 816x501, 272:167, parallaxpunch.PNG)


Cabal is naked now, no more hiding in the shadows, the light will reveal all. You won't be able to walk down the street, any street

e07783  No.3147295


what am i looking at ?

3a6ad6  No.3147296

b3b44c  No.3147297


Yes, God the Father is our Lord and Savior, and Him alone.

I'm sounding the alarm that this Q op is a deception. I believed in it too, but not anymore. The Deep State is basically "faking its own death," and Trump/Q are part of the plan. My mind has been blown realizing how wicked this plot is; a very sophisticated "show," as Q puts it… Do you really think a billionaire is an "outsider?" He's mingled with them all his life. Do you really trust MI/NSA who are part and parcel of the MIC and have always been ruled by evil forces? Did they all suddenly turn into doves when Trump came in? Oh, but it's the white hats, right..? BS! White hats vs black hats is an illusion. You don't get into those positions without being compromised.

You don't have to believe me now, as long as you'll remember to have faith in God alone when you see see the truth of what I said. The Day of the Lord will come, and we can only rely on God to survive it. Everything else will fall apart. No MAGA on God's agenda… You've been warned.


Peace, and God bless!

9dfe7e  No.3147298


>upvotes this with suspicion

4968de  No.3147300


Hearing postponed.

Meeting (vote) still scheduled.

1d6ddd  No.3147301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c2f05a  No.3147302


it blows thru nearly anything. (a vault door tested)

At the long distance it is useful, stopping power is irrelevant with a target hole clean thru it- it's gonna grind to a halt before it gets to you…Whatever it is.

0fed01  No.3147303

File: 8edb7695dab9faf⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1496282005167.jpg)

3bee3d  No.3147304

File: 36cb9dd83c58690⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 858x759, 26:23, 36cb9dd83c5869027fa09ccf7a….jpg)


Yeah…That's a fascinating graphic. And you're right. It's OVER.

3b10ab  No.3147305

need a futuretech thread

ff420d  No.3147306


>>3039849 If this link works, is one theory but I am crazy so there is that...

9dfe7e  No.3147307



lol i love trolling "anons". Act like you've met trolls before night crew. Tighten up those ranks

301b39  No.3147308

File: 4acbdc2c22478e7⋯.png (5.91 KB, 200x175, 8:7, 200px-Hyperbolic_functions….png)

did anyone figure out if a proton actually fits any black hole conditions - i got caught up in another project.

c6efec  No.3147309

File: 00129d971a83ae5⋯.jpeg (225.31 KB, 750x736, 375:368, 86C9D7EB-E83A-4572-946D-1….jpeg)

File: 085e54f505d4cb5⋯.jpeg (115.51 KB, 591x634, 591:634, A41ADA32-6164-47A4-B06D-4….jpeg)


She USED to avidly follow Q & USED to provide good research, WTF???

‪@ElemiFuentes ‬

e07783  No.3147310


we will see

even if it is

God uses everything

even the evil ones

this many people working for good is unstoppable

if this is a psyop they fucked up

db5a05  No.3147311

File: 7934f0d31e85dd9⋯.png (109.54 KB, 583x558, 583:558, Screenshot (1357).png)

File: e611d57dc99c920⋯.png (107 KB, 584x539, 584:539, Screenshot (1358).png)

File: fb012c0123e9cbe⋯.png (51.02 KB, 583x248, 583:248, Screenshot (1359).png)

File: 19e18dbf010351c⋯.png (112.75 KB, 592x535, 592:535, Screenshot (1360).png)

Popadopoulos Tweets

0bd3c4  No.3147312


Then track them yourself or stop wasting bread. Get a flight tracker app on the phone you took the pics with. See how many planes you actually can’t track.

ef035f  No.3147313


see: >>2518070

its a part of it

256b8c  No.3147314


You are very welcome.

52aa61  No.3147315

File: 92fb044b59ca297⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1228.JPG)

File: 1ac4692812488a2⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1230.JPG)

back-to-back on fux today

c2f05a  No.3147316


one of many guns I have, but it is my fav for long range shots.

4cc33d  No.3147317


Hehehehe. Added twatlinksauce



e3ffb8  No.3147318


Agreed, one of my favorite stories.

Hope this one comes to complete Light.

1d6ddd  No.3147319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




05563b  No.3147320


Ill have to look into it more closely then, but the round is so small and light, cant see much use for it at the price point. Compared to a .22lr the ammunition is very expensive, for no real world difference.

db7604  No.3147321

Muh, Kavanaugh delayed is part of the clam.

ff420d  No.3147322

File: 3c995b7a88ab847⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 255x212, 255:212, 684247a0e0f2b26eb47f8cd2d8….jpg)


i meant to add the following meme = [i] suck

caf61b  No.3147323

File: eaadd337c71b722⋯.jpeg (707.37 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, redband.jpeg)

Goodnight Anons

e07783  No.3147324

it is tho

505388  No.3147325

File: 99fd4c3e4d95b11⋯.jpeg (25.87 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 59BB3DCF-A58A-43FC-8DF5-7….jpeg)


good stuff

sounds about right

ec36ba  No.3147326

File: 425184d3caa8e84⋯.jpg (156.59 KB, 766x1158, 383:579, iur (1).jpg)

3bee3d  No.3147327

File: 48ed957b8aa3199⋯.jpg (88.68 KB, 494x541, 494:541, 48ed957b8aa3199448449e6e84….jpg)


Sleep Well Anon!!

3cde8a  No.3147328


I hope POTUS and FLOTUS have a few minutes of downtime in their OWN home.

1c555c  No.3147329

Thanks to the Anon that posted Trump At War in the last bread. Just finished watching it, very well done.

1d6ddd  No.3147330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




e3444f  No.3147331

File: 5180f603df401d2⋯.gif (93.61 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 18C9132F-CFCC-41DE-9688-B4….gif)

0fed01  No.3147332

File: d7b049d4bf584ac⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshiftbye.jpg)

I can't put this thing out

0a4678  No.3147333


You can put this as a Q proof.

c2f05a  No.3147334


Its far more accurate and higher velocity than 22.

I got shitloads of 22's mags, lr, and the works.

NOTHING comes close to the 17.

They built the bullet first, then built a gun around it. It's that "good".

d74eff  No.3147335


Thousand yard stare

0d5b7f  No.3147336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did you know

What people are saying

About Donald Trump?

In Their Own Words

804a29  No.3147337


eewww! A guy with tits. Gross!

3bee3d  No.3147338

File: 83da75da8d3c489⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 500x486, 250:243, 1529050200608.gif)


LOVE This!! TY Anon.

This would be one if AiAnon did his magic on it, It would come out Fire as well. Stellar work. KEK!!

d7f1aa  No.3147339

Black holes (in space) don't exist.

So the answer is: It depends.

2ddf51  No.3147340



c68dff  No.3147341


Not going to spar with you.

We both know you’re either a liar or an idiot.

I’m going to go with liar.

A deepstate liar at that.

There’s your (((u))) enjoy it…

3bee3d  No.3147342

7c0696  No.3147343


yes and they also had several barrels of Watney's Red Barrel Ale along.

Napoleon had an entire regiment of air-riflers

04352d  No.3147344


It was a joke back atchu. Hence on why i wished for you to shit yourself instead of wishing for you to trip on a doorknob…. Damn…. You need to go to your temporary housing..bo built you one.grab your suitcases and boxes and shooooo.

1d6ddd  No.3147345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



996400  No.3147346


C'mon now, quit trolling the VOATers.

It's obviously CTRL-W, for "wonderful post".

28daa3  No.3147347


POTUS and Q team have everything.

Now with [LL] talking and shining light, many more birds will start singing.

The Kavenaugh confirmation will happen (if not, which is veeeeery unlikely imo, also THAT is part of the plan!).

The stupid and fake show Dems and MSM make, wakes up more people, respectively gives US more material to meme and share.

Trust the plan and enjoy the show.

d96c60  No.3147348



>Saved and treasured. Thank You Anon. I can't make any of this stuff. A total Honor.

Your welcome. Its a true collaborative effort. The anons really do all this, I just capture the experience and put into a collage.

ba9e44  No.3147349



look, and NEVER KNOW…


some ass who talks to God is known.


that is on record.

now find anything about ME…


032188  No.3147350


I sent that to the 5 liberals that I care about and asked them to watch it with an open mind and without interruption and then tell me if they still hate Trump. Maybe it will open their eyes.

db7604  No.3147351



Blue wave, here we go. Trump is cabal bitch. Always has been. You think they leave elections to chance? Ask about Trump getting money from the Rothschilds

b3b44c  No.3147352


Absolutely, God uses everything.

When the good people working in this endeavor realize they were betrayed, or that it doesn't go anywhere, then they will have no choice but to turn to God, Who they should have been focusing on wholeheartedly.

That will then be the REAL GREAT AWAKENING, and why I believe God is allowing this deception to happen.

301b39  No.3147353

Because if the proton does fit the Schwartschild condition in any way it completely changes physics.

3bee3d  No.3147354

File: 4f48ccc0f76d914⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 255x206, 255:206, f915e59ebaef9ac5c93044d993….jpg)


Get Better Anon!!

Shadilay & God Bless!!

9dfe7e  No.3147355

File: 15388fb46da4f43⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1663x2122, 1663:2122, howibecomehighanon.jpg)

e3444f  No.3147356

0fed01  No.3147357

File: 1cb4b5ac17cd778⋯.jpeg (6.95 KB, 259x194, 259:194, scotty.jpeg)


Aye, it is.

ccdaf4  No.3147358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mainstreaming the 25th


db5a05  No.3147359

File: 04a58f74ffb6250⋯.png (105.26 KB, 587x538, 587:538, Screenshot (1361).png)

File: df0604f55fd6561⋯.png (56.54 KB, 580x279, 580:279, Screenshot (1362).png)



Popadopoulos tweets

0d5b7f  No.3147360

File: d6d994ddbadf6ff⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6928f1d8585b814⋯.png (212.06 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the KEY POINT that most amateurs miss. I think most military officers understand this, especially those with combat experience. It bears repeating

If you act too soon for total victory, there will surely be another force that rises up to challenge you.

So all the whiners and complainers and defeatists are fools,

because they cannot see the long game,

probably have no experience ever playing chess,

and don't really understand that winning battles can lose you the war.

That's what happened to the USA in WWII

We won all the battles on the Western Front

But in the end, the Nazis won the war

Infiltrated the USA

Took control of the CIA and many institutions

And damn near destroyed the country

4cc33d  No.3147361

File: b0370a2f83e0426⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)


PS lawyer is a beauty too, former Hussein pick:

" Jan. 18, 2017

One of the Obama administration’s few remaining Wall Street enforcers is stepping down. Aitan Goelman, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s enforcement division, announced his departure on Wednesday during a broad exodus of prosecutors and regulators in the Obama administration’s final days."


ecca33  No.3147362


Notable AF

Well said Anon!

+ 4 alleged witnesses including one of the accusers friends say they weren't there?

1d6ddd  No.3147363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fba6af  No.3147364


One of the interdasting things about the Voat chats is there is a lot of muh jooing. Some shills some true patriots tying to get to the truth. Either way, the subject matter of conversations happening right now on voat were never possible on reddit due to its heavy censorship on "isms"

Taboo is possible for them now and they like it. There also seems to be sense of shared experience over the proverbial losing of a home and waking through the 8chan desert. HAHA!

Alright I'll shut up and lurk here now.

605434  No.3147365

File: 144a464fbd4fbd6⋯.jpeg (98.86 KB, 500x714, 250:357, 5A1499AE-3A66-4747-B26E-A….jpeg)

28daa3  No.3147366



Is it maybe Jack Posobiec?

The one faking chatlogs with microdick?

db7604  No.3147367


You are on a research board. Look that shit up idiot

caca33  No.3147369

>>3147315 YEAH YOU POSTED THIS EARLIER! Your paying attention to the MIRAGE-they want you to see! you need to look in the weeds where they are generating the mirage from!

a09965  No.3147370

File: 8a546521103e813⋯.jpeg (940.29 KB, 1242x1956, 207:326, C49E600C-5777-47E0-B378-6….jpeg)

File: 61fda754a451d2d⋯.jpeg (436.53 KB, 1242x999, 46:37, AB0E4140-5DFB-4011-9CE9-A….jpeg)

What world do they live in?

8d5bea  No.3147371

>>3147242 7.62x54r

>>3147352 unless you are agnostic.

a73554  No.3147372


Electric universe

0a4678  No.3147373




9dfe7e  No.3147374


You're legit talking to a crazy person right now.

Not internet "crazy". Like mental institution, allowed on the computer for 2 hours a day, crazy.

IOW. Stop

301b39  No.3147375


on a horse with no name ?

d23887  No.3147376


ok kid

1d6ddd  No.3147377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d6d1a9  No.3147378


anon, are they there after 20 minutes? whats the dispersal pattern? gotta be careful for the ones that are gone quick or dont expand like a blanket. there is weather that will condense water vapor thats how clouds form… not saying anything one way or the other, just sayin

2ddf51  No.3147379

This is bringing a lot of MSM attention to the Dems& their actions. Add the fact that they’re talking about additional witnesses, this is going to blow up in their face – which is exactly what we want to red pill the public. Twitter is blowing up over this!

Well played. Well played.

04352d  No.3147380


Keep it up. You're funny and might be able to stay

ed44e4  No.3147381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take a look inside a Chem plane.

ba9e44  No.3147383


no actually it's IMPORTANT… per the Lord.

Lions don't eat ME is even less than relevant.

that is not my life.

4 kings…

VERY important there isa no info…



7c0696  No.3147384


>Not going to spar with you.

I won't insult your intelligence by assuming you actually believe what you just posted.

You don't have a leg to stand on with your claim so you present no evidence. You couldn't explain the atmospheric conditions necessary for microscopic nucleation of water droplets if your life depended on it.

A picture of a cloudy evening with a contrail isn't proof of anyone trying to poison you and you know it.

Your lack of actual refutation of my point was all the proof anyone needs to know just what your agenda is.

besides your post is projection at it's finest. How much do they pay you to do this?

a50a70  No.3147385


I will never understand why God allow children to suffer by pedo.

ecca33  No.3147386

File: 84b6049c75d124c⋯.png (143.75 KB, 493x677, 493:677, ClipboardImage.png)

Lawyer for Blasey Ford Releases Statement Saying It Doesn’t Matter That Friend Named as Attending Kavanaugh Party Doesn’t Remember

In the latest chapter of, “As the Senate Spins on Christine Blasey Ford’s Finger”, Debra Katz, lead attorney for Blasey Ford dismissed a statement from her lifelong friend claiming not only to not remember the alleged high school party where Blasey Ford claims she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh, but stating she has never been at a party or gathering with Kavanaugh.

Katz’s statement, given to NBC News, came in response to a statement by an attorney for Leland Keyser to the Senate Judiciary Committee that said:

Dear Ms. Mehler:

Ms. Leland Keyser has engaged me in the limited capacity to address your request for information in the email below. Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.

Ms. Keyser hopes this information is helpful to your investigation.

I am avaiable (sic) for any further questions you may have.


Howard J. Walsh III, Esq.

Walsh told CNN Keyser is a “lifelong friend of Ford’s”.

Katz replied in a statement issued to NBC News:

As Dr. Ford has said, she did not share her story publicly or with anyone for years following the incident with Judge Kavanaugh. It’s not surprising that Ms Keyser has no recollection of the evening as they did not discuss it. It’s also unremarkable that Ms. Keyser does not remember attending a specific gathering 30 years ago at which nothing of consequence happened to her. Dr. Ford of course will never forget this gathering because of what happened to her there.”

The statements were posted to Twitter by NBC’s Frank Thorp V.

Keyser spoke with the Washington Post Saturday, saying she believes her friend Dr. Ford.

As negotiations continued, Leland Keyser, a woman Ford told The Washington Post was present at the party where she alleges Kavanaugh assaulted her, came forward to say she had “no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present,” according to an email her lawyer sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee, obtained by The Post. In a brief interview at her home in Silver Spring, Keyser said that she was close friends with Ford and that she believes Ford’s allegation.

Before her name became public, Ford told The Post she did not think Keyser would remember the party because nothing remarkable had happened there, as far as Keyser was aware. Ford has said she did not tell anyone about the alleged assault until 2012.

Kerri Kupec, a White House spokeswoman, was quoted by the Post summing up the lack of corroborating witnesses for Blasey Ford’s claim.

“One week ago, Dr. Christine Ford claimed she was assaulted at a house party attended by four others,” Kupec said in a statement. “Since then, all four of these individuals have provided statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee denying any knowledge of the incident or even having attended such a party.”

The alleged witness/participants who have each denied being at the party described by Blasey Ford are: Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, PJ Smyth and Leland Ingham Keyser. (Keyser was married for about ten years to Bob Beckel)


This is going to be an epic meltdown! WOW

0d5b7f  No.3147387

File: 3b045e8095c73e3⋯.png (397.98 KB, 500x394, 250:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48fa8500d745a61⋯.png (234.8 KB, 624x285, 208:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Obscured By Clouds



04352d  No.3147388

File: 2788224057205d0⋯.gif (16.79 KB, 255x245, 51:49, ba773bfb088f121b83fa2cfecb….gif)

d8e49f  No.3147389



Don’t most Aussies count Downer as a giant Gin blossomed lush?

It’s interdasting to see George flexing his nuts here, though. He does appear afraid.

4c29c3  No.3147390


In denial? Psychopath?

caca33  No.3147391

>>3147381 They are spewing us with beer Kegs?

4b9731  No.3147392

File: 59fc8dbb939c189⋯.png (203.85 KB, 1170x696, 195:116, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)

Alana Steward (Rod's ex) is our female James Woods.

Both are fighting from the shit hole of Hollywood, and don't have many allies there.


4267a6  No.3147393

File: b89f940c05d3274⋯.png (3.74 MB, 4784x4064, 299:254, Cabal_29_LU_17_07_18.png)

File: d73b927e2a69a63⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 586x668, 293:334, Balfour_Declaration_1917.jpg)

File: 1cf7e3716e95532⋯.png (38.28 KB, 891x281, 891:281, Rothschild_Israel_Knesset.PNG)

File: 01add1ac34db737⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1839x1477, 1839:1477, Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_1.jpg)

File: 73ab41c97677ace⋯.jpg (293.04 KB, 492x934, 246:467, Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_2.jpg)


The zionists won the war.

And they infiltrated the USA way before WW2.

FED was founded in 1913.

NAACP was founded in 1909.

OSS/CIA was always a zionist/Rothschild intelligence arm.

Pics related.

c2f05a  No.3147394


Barrels look like whiskey woods…

They can circle overhead and spray Jack @ me all day long!!!


804a29  No.3147395


If we knew the answer to all your questions, then we could start working on stopping it, couldn't we? One thing for sure; everybody knows that contrails dissipate in a short period of time…alway have, always will, regardless of atmospheric conditions….if they ain't dissipating, them's chemtrails.

e3444f  No.3147396

File: f98c1e08074ca5d⋯.jpeg (45.24 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 16674C95-DA1F-451B-9B3C-F….jpeg)


Anon you’d be suprised at what I know although I don’t know everything. You have no idea what I think about anything.

Chill out I’m simply in love with the view you posted.

I’ve witnessed views like that personally and hope to again.

Why are you here?

012b19  No.3147397

File: 36207361dbf0446⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2ij72s.jpg)

4b9731  No.3147398


**typo Stewart

301b39  No.3147399


black holes - in space are connection points. Unstable tensors between dimensions. If they were stable ones like all the ones that just bend space we would not see them.

4267a6  No.3147401

File: 963e6a6310df204⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1348x2760, 337:690, Slander_Against_Hitler_Jew….png)


And btw, Hitler was a great man.

3c533b  No.3147402


12 volt car battery and an old ambulance siren will have them coming out of the woodwork in no time…

3a6ad6  No.3147403


You can't be president while in GITMO

3c533b  No.3147405

File: 853078c76c04741⋯.jpg (189.99 KB, 640x1095, 128:219, CTA right now.jpg)


it's just jack and microdick larping, they are out of ideas

4f0e43  No.3147406


>stupid enough to become a rothschild minion


pick one

d1a055  No.3147407


ccaeb5  No.3147408

Forgive me anons. What is the number of the last Obama executive order that talked about declass? Phone fagging here.

a50a70  No.3147409

5c3737  No.3147410

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Spielberg’s Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie

"The Holocaust was a hoax. By law, in many countries it is forbidden to research or doubt the Holocaust by law. If it was true, why are they afraid you find out THAT truth? I think we all know the answer."

880af3  No.3147411


As Dr. Ford has said, she did not share her story publicly or with anyone for years following the incident with Judge Kavanaugh. It’s not surprising that Ms Keyser has no recollection of the evening as they did not discuss it. It’s also unremarkable that Ms. Keyser does not remember attending a specific gathering 30 years ago at which nothing of consequence happened to her. Dr. Ford of course will never forget this gathering because of what happened to her there.”

If Ford left the party, hence leaving Ms Keyser alone with a group of boys….. Keyser would remember that party.

3bee3d  No.3147412

File: e6528c5bc34b40b⋯.jpg (429 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, american-flag-2260839_1280.jpg)




786c24  No.3147413

All you Autists know why Israel is last right? It's this letter from JFK to Ben Gurion to denuclearize Dimona. In 1963 Ben Gurion suddenly resign and shortly after that the assassination of JFK. Ben Gurion called the hit.

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I welcome your letter of May 12 and am giving it careful study.

Meanwhile, I have received from Ambassador Barbour a report of his conversation with you on May 14 regarding the arrangements for visiting the Dimona reactor. I should like to add some personal comments on that subject.

I am sure you will agree that there is no more urgent business for the whole world than the control of nuclear weapons. We both recognized this when we talked together two years ago, and I emphasized it again when I met with Mrs. Meir just after Christmas. The dangers in the proliferation of national nuclear weapons systems are so obvious that I am sure I need not repeat them here.

It is because of our preoccupation with this problem that my Government has sought to arrange with you for periodic visits to Dimona. When we spoke together in May 1961 you said that we might make whatever use we wished of the information resulting from the first visit of American scientists to Dimona and that you would agree to further visits by neutrals as well. I had assumed from Mrs. Meir's comment that there would be no problem between us on this.

We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop a nuclear weapons capability - with all the consequences this would hold. But the problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East. Development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost certainly lead other larger countries, that have so far refrained from such development, to feel that they must follow suit.

As I made clear in my press conference of May 8, we have a deep commitment to the security of Israel. In addition this country supports Israel in a wide variety of other ways which are well known to both of us. [4-1/2 lines of source text not declassified]

I can well appreciate your concern for developments in the UAR. But I see no present or imminent nuclear threat to Israel from there. I am assured that our intelligence on this question is good and that the Egyptians do not presently have any installation comparable to Dimona, nor any facilities potentially capable of nuclear weapons production. But, of course, if you have information that would support a contrary conclusion, I should like to receive it from you through Ambassador Barbour. We have the capacity to check it.

I trust this message will convey the sense of urgency and the perspective in which I view your Government's early assent to the proposal first put to you by Ambassador Barbour on April 2.


John F. Kennedy

e1c7e5  No.3147414

File: 7a1b42cc5b545b1⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2100x1397, 2100:1397, US_Navy_101210-N-7676W-099….jpg)



4cc33d  No.3147415


don't be a knob. clearly you're not seeing them daily like some of us are. even internationally.

daily. you notice.

012b19  No.3147416


His dog loved him and thought he was the greatest most bestest person ever!

e3444f  No.3147417


Because of free will. Its the contract. The rules. We chose to come here.

We are in hell.

The path out of here isnt easy.

04352d  No.3147418


You know what? Fuck it! Lets make HiLLLary the president of gitmo…for fucks sake, maybe she'll stfu .


33f0fa  No.3147419

File: f2d308138407fb8⋯.jpg (299.04 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Sources familiar.jpg)

FAM - I'm still digging Fritz Springmeier. Any old school anons already dug direct ties between him and Rush? Springmeier is talking about Mark Dutro and I recall Rush in the 90's talking about Dutros Bigahli.

db7604  No.3147420


Red pill. We win. Blue pill. Communism and death of freedom. Black pill. Trump owned by Soros and Rothschilds, end of everything. We are headed for black pill.

3b55f9  No.3147421


That was two years ago, and they still can't admit they're total failures. That low IQ problem is an ass-kicker, isn't it

47fa73  No.3147422


ef035f  No.3147423



<its muh last straw fellow anons

055236  No.3147424


By “Dr.” Blasey Ford: she accuses a future Supreme Court Justice of assault at a party that the 4 witnesses she named said ‘never happened’.

She got all the Movie ‘star’ MeToos to chime in, all the MSM 4AM Gannett mockingbirds to sing and all the Democrat Congress (Plus so well-named Sen Flake) to cheerlead her fantasy rape.

What happens to #MeToo movement now?

4267a6  No.3147425

File: 18d75caec578033⋯.png (637.95 KB, 868x765, 868:765, Jew_vote_donors_cut_suppor….png)


Why do you say he was a Rothschild minion?

Because he took their money and tried to go their own way, like Trump did with the big zionist jewish donors of his?

Pics related.

885729  No.3147426

File: e71b07d33dc16ff⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1637x1510, 1637:1510, 189.PNG)

WOW You got to read this

https:/ /aim4truth.org/2018/09/05/organization-and-communication-structure-of-the-swamp-uncovered/

1c3f53  No.3147427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c6efec  No.3147428



e07783  No.3147429





i dont know why these people do this

they will be stopped tho

it only goes on because they take hostages

0fed01  No.3147430

File: fe98f9a91025895⋯.jpeg (6.02 KB, 200x252, 50:63, sh6.jpeg)


An excellent deduction

4b9731  No.3147431

File: 88c2e6706baa21b⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Board Shills Piss Someone ….jpg)

d7f1aa  No.3147432


They don't fucking exist.

The equation that supposedly proves their existence actually denies their existence.

More jew "science" to keep the goy chasing after nothing.

Same thing with "dark matter."

It is all bullshit based upon bullshit.

3a6ad6  No.3147433


I just watched this on YT today. Crazy shit.

3b10ab  No.3147434


what's BS?

94e812  No.3147435

File: 3c858e2965c2084⋯.jpg (267.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nov6-lightitup.jpg)

c6efec  No.3147436

File: b64c4613e91c8ee⋯.jpeg (88.31 KB, 620x307, 620:307, 96158C5D-4E8D-4D8D-AFF9-4….jpeg)

4267a6  No.3147437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's all good fun, but people really need to up their knowledge about wtf was going on in Germany before and after WW1 and WW2.

6c6107  No.3147438

File: de0d9e3fe239a09⋯.jpeg (73.91 KB, 450x328, 225:164, BB19BD07-DE0B-4AB6-B89F-5….jpeg)

File: f7125ce8becef39⋯.jpeg (801.44 KB, 1175x795, 235:159, C3FBF4A2-B9DE-4643-8BCC-9….jpeg)


He’s a mincing poof … often portrayed by cartoonists as wearing fishnet stockings

ef035f  No.3147439

File: 4ff95d4b3a72234⋯.png (1.93 MB, 3440x1431, 3440:1431, CommsSidebyside2.png)


get that bullshit outta here newfag

no one needs AIM for anything

4968de  No.3147441


official lawyer statement says '30 yrs'…

She was 21…

4f0e43  No.3147442


israeli nukes is but one part of it.

they are the head honchos of the world's child trafficking racket

which ties perfectly to drug running,

which ties perfectly to gun running

then there's the global war machinery,

and artificial political uprisings in which in millions of innocent people have died.

the israeli star of david points to all the bad things israel is the kingpin of.

ef035f  No.3147443

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3147089 POTUS schedule for tomorrow

>>3147097 Trump Lawyer Giuliani: US Sanctions May Lead to ‘Successful Revolution’ in Iran

>>3147124 Libya Urges United Nations To Take "Concrete Action" To Halt Chaos In Tripoli

>>3147201 Anon's breakdown of the allegations: NO CRIMINAL OR CIVIL LAWYER WOULD TOUCH THIS CASE

>>3147199, >>3147311, >>3147317, >>3147359 Papadop Tweets

>>3147386 Lawyer for Blasey Ford Releases Statement Saying It Doesn’t Matter That Friend Named as Attending Kavanaugh Party Doesn’t Remember

8b9d1a  No.3147444

Just watched CABIN IN THE WOODS again

Wow…. Just a movie eh?

db7604  No.3147445


Times up. Checkmate. Cabal wins. Again, as always.

ea5133  No.3147446


Kek! Saved. I'd love to know if that was real. Doesn't matter I know that's how most of these asshats feel anyway

d21f82  No.3147447

File: 8e526e50179bed0⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, YerMindizMushMan.jpg)


Ball Sack.

God, don't you know anything?

e07783  No.3147448


more truth in movies than you think

reality is crazy

it really is

c7752a  No.3147449

File: 77a51ab79e1a85a⋯.jpeg (54.57 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 73.jpeg)

5a4e3f  No.3147450


Publix subs…mmmmm

61c395  No.3147451


We are All….very proud of you Jack…Daddy is happy, very happy. Job well done Son. Bring it home……………….We Love You !!!!!!!

caca33  No.3147452

>>3147442 BRUH SAUCE?

012b19  No.3147453


You mean like how Hitler was fighting the same people we're fighting now, until they took over?

a30858  No.3147454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I will have my revenge


2a248e  No.3147455

File: 92946268820fe10⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 450x300, 3:2, Suitcase Pelican.jpg)


>muh CIAim honeypot site

bye bye pelican.

301b39  No.3147456

lets try this theory on for a moment.

Elon Musk Tesla into space was our modern day Montauck. The ship went up and with in hours it was announced it was in the asteroid belt; and then by morning redefined. What would that mean if it was? It would mean space time shift like Philadelphia experiment but in space.

3a6ad6  No.3147457


I'm sure she will try! But unfortunately she will have past presidents to compete with KEK!

c2f05a  No.3147458


You checking out? 73's? or ham humor?


4f0e43  No.3147459



can be willing or otherwise.

can be smarter than the master and outplay them

basic difference between hitler and trump - hitler did whatever rothschild meant him to do, even if hitler thought he was doing what only he himself wanted to do.

trump is actually doing what trump himself wants to do (or guided by nsa/military)

a436c3  No.3147460

File: 41bc8f8a61546f4⋯.jpg (63 KB, 749x424, 749:424, cfc92103569bb8e1da5b12f642….jpg)

04352d  No.3147461


21 and in high school?

She is the special kind of doctor, huh? Kek

Short bus riding doctor!


fe72ac  No.3147462


Yeah, I saw that movie when it came out, and I immediately told my brother who has written books on the subject of gods of the old testament. I freaked out and decided never to watch it again. Also, I wondered how the zeitgeist (and hollywood non-Christians) ever even be thinking about that stuff (same with This Is The End).

Never thought we'd be living it. Actually, wait, I did. That's why I didn't want to watch it again. - hollywoodanon

2ddf51  No.3147463

When Hillary goes to GITMO, They need to Upgradeher cell with all of President Trump’s rally speeches playing over a loudspeaker.

33f0fa  No.3147464

Why is nobody talking about Springmeier or hardly Cooper at all? They spoke of the wave (phase) we are battling now and we're not discussing them?

"You posted so much shit."

570470  No.3147465

File: 425342bcd816fdf⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 483x303, 161:101, callthecabalidx643zrf.jpg)


lmao, its the same here but I am only semi-lurking now need to get with the fl0w whats on the table my frend

and no slow days soon indeed

33f0fa  No.3147466

Autists activate!

d21f82  No.3147467


I guess you weren't here for the whole aim thing then.

7c0696  No.3147468


>Stop the Bleed

it's called a tourniquet

learn it

seriously old school, but effective if used properly!

4f0e43  No.3147469



>what's the last year of qresearch been like?

too late for you to lurk newfag.

you have to go back.

0fed01  No.3147470


night bread best bread

3a6ad6  No.3147471


And they put her in charge of crazy people? Or made people crazy…hmmmm?

04352d  No.3147472


Fuck…you're right. And you, you're always right…

Poor hill, she's never good enough

df6d37  No.3147473


Again with that article. Are they trying to give us a hint about something?

ec36ba  No.3147474

File: 3cb049fa1e19349⋯.jpg (168.02 KB, 1027x856, 1027:856, iu (8).jpg)

0d5b7f  No.3147475


Do you mean Marc Dutroux

The Belgian?

05563b  No.3147476


Even if Trump were cabal, we needed someone to speak up for us. Fuck it if hes a cabal, at least he didn't demonize us like most of the last presidents. He raised our morale when we needed it, now we are energized again with positive energy for our future and negative energy for our foes.

28daa3  No.3147477


Brother Freddy,

let us practice the ritual again now,

stop talking shit to anons!

My dick is not gonna suck itself!

e07783  No.3147478



you should be afraid cabal

for what is about to happen

will end you forever

e3444f  No.3147479

File: 8412ea3608b02cb⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 80A02C9A-6147-4323-A789-9….jpeg)


The cabal as you call it. There are no less than 10 cabals.

They are playing a dangerous game. Americans who are the military, most powerful on the planet, are about fed up.

The game American government plays pandering to the left for 8 years then to the right for eight years is becoming fake and gay and the country is divided.

I am recquired by the very Christian principals you proclaim to pray for and allow President Trump and those still good in our government the same chance at repentance and forgiveness I have been given.

Whether they do the right thing or not is under the auspices of free will.

I trust God.

But I’m praying for our President and country.

3bee3d  No.3147480

File: 86ccf5fff84e548⋯.jpg (37.34 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 86ccf5fff84e548371fe3c2e74….jpg)


This was great. TY Anon!!

3e8d3d  No.3147481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GAMECHANGER! Russian MoD Reveals New Evidence On Malaysia Air Investigation


786c24  No.3147482


Remember the Oval office prayer about JFK. This is also about Retribution for the assassination. I am aware of the evil deeds of the Israelis but they are the ones that killed JFK.

04352d  No.3147483


Keep fucking around , anon, and we might figure out she was the crazy doc for some MKultra peeps.kek

4cc33d  No.3147484

Bait, in fishnets.

You can't make this shit up.

Like fkn Jilly Cooper wrote it :D

db7604  No.3147485


Are you fucking stupid? Don't answer. You did that already

804a29  No.3147486


Trump ain't no cabal bitch, you asshole. He doesn't have to be; he's self-reliant. He's richer than most cabal bitches.

Besides that, you think your blue cabal bitch is gonna be better?

You're such an obvious shill, I'm ashamed of myself for responding. I'm now gonna go spank myself for being so foolish.

e77a26  No.3147487

where can i view the great awakenings MAGAzine?

5c3737  No.3147488


I just wonder what God might think of you going out of your way to use his image as a way to remove hope from his people, to discourage action being taken to protect children and stop their trafficking, murder and torture.

I just wonder.

But ofcourse you know it all. You've spoken directly to him and he has informed you that America just cannot have hope. In fact, any sign of hope or good deeds or awakening is to immediately be interpreted as a signal of impending horrible doom.

God have mercy on YOU my friend. Look in the mirror.

1783b3  No.3147489


Voat is a learning experience in racism and anti-semitism. Both are verboten in the PC culture, but do have some benefits (like not being murdered by avoiding Detroit, and having the choice to boycott Israel without losing contracts to the state)

b4d515  No.3147490

So, are we supposed to go to the new page and forget about 8Chan (except Patriot Fight)?

4f0e43  No.3147491


of course

there more than 6 points in the star of david, lol.

ed750b  No.3147492


Thanks for the info about 17hmr. I've never considered that caliber. I'll check it out

e16c8b  No.3147493


lol. Dead pelican

5ad508  No.3147495

File: 7f3df4b55649634⋯.jpg (196.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UK_Aus_in_shitter.jpg)

0fed01  No.3147496

File: cbaa4455835b0c6⋯.jpg (2.46 KB, 125x120, 25:24, 1495684699746s.jpg)


Just like you, Jeff. Longest intro in history. LOL

301b39  No.3147497

ohh well I guess I am the only one that caught that Mandela moment that involved a Tesla.

4267a6  No.3147498


>hitler did whatever rothschild meant him to do

Hitler avoided war as much as he could, but he failed.

The global influence of the zioinsts was too much for him to be able to counter.

Fortunately, we have the internet now and the whitehats have our back and allow us to communicate here without hard censorship (soft censorship/shilling is a fact of life anywhere including here, not a problem thou).


They always had the control.

Hitler managed to push back for a while, but their global influence was just too much.

e3444f  No.3147499


Top Kek

e3ffb8  No.3147500

File: a1ee3cdd235cf89⋯.jpg (10.46 KB, 255x143, 255:143, SATAN.jpg)

7a1fdb  No.3147501



A second domestic violence accuser says, ‘Ellison is a man on a quest for power and national prominence. A man with deep ties to some pretty scary people. I feared for my life.’

MINNEAPOLIS – A 911 log supports accusations from a second woman accusing Minnesota Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison of domestic violence. Over the weekend a woman named Karen Monahan accused Ellison, who is currently a candidate for Attorney General of Minnesota, of physical and verbal abuse. The allegations were posted on Twitter by Monahan, and also posted on Facebook by her son Austin Monahan, in a post that has now gone viral."

e07783  No.3147502



never stop hoping


fear is what they want

im not entirely sure what they are

but they feed off our fear

we are in some form of the matrix

f8c301  No.3147503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, well, well…

Image how UNSURPRISED I am!

Ford Advisor Ricki Seidman Revealed Plot To Take Down Brett Kavanaugh In July Call

65889f  No.3147504


Yes all discussion is moved to voat.

1ddbff  No.3147505

File: f5a752e03c989c7⋯.jpeg (604.68 KB, 1024x556, 256:139, 5CEA20A0-5890-460A-BA53-7….jpeg)

c2f05a  No.3147506

File: e62ab1f45bad074⋯.png (742.61 KB, 576x795, 192:265, Bluewave!.png)


Practice your "blue wave"

(Pic related)

You are going to need it…

1c3f53  No.3147507


came across these, been listening in but think we're too far, if anyone else down here got more watts:










ccaeb5  No.3147508

File: d1e34fb077d5e00⋯.jpeg (47.77 KB, 770x446, 385:223, 45A02660-3DE7-4995-A801-1….jpeg)

c6efec  No.3147509


SOON! like super soon!

f3acfa  No.3147510

File: cb09ec3ec51e25c⋯.jpg (67.22 KB, 361x300, 361:300, client_PART_1473126926685_….jpg)

bd1af6  No.3147511

File: 1a2b8aac1a0aa0c⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180923-WA0000.jpg)

Finally was able to watch.

Yeah, seems like 2 fish outta water.

One is checking on his comrade.

Testing the system.

Who can get close enough to throw a hardened plastic knife at our bosses head? Or a plastic gun?

Many rallies to come.

They are biding their time.


a1bade  No.3147512

File: c5f2f38fe86603a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1030x687, 1030:687, kavanaugh girls.png)

made me cry watching these women stand up for good.


caca33  No.3147513

File: c9bceb06316e53a⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 255x169, 255:169, Stoopid.jpg)

>>3147469 That's not sauce! That s opinion! Learn the difference! You havent't been here a year! you smell new fagg! Oldies wouldn't shill on a opinion!

a50a70  No.3147514


Let Q release the video or what ever Q team have. They have it all. Let the media and socialist politicians explain why they are defending these evil pedos. Suffering of children need to stop today. How can you continue to let children torture, raped, and killed if you have the evidence.

4a7a50  No.3147515

File: c33f04f3ffb6c2b⋯.jpg (259.16 KB, 595x473, 595:473, Abouttochange.jpg)

File: e7d443d3ca2a10c⋯.jpg (256.39 KB, 595x473, 595:473, Wormholedeep.jpg)

84357f  No.3147516

File: a6df7fc2c4f16fb⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 600x494, 300:247, 9-22-PROMISES KEPT.jpg)

File: ccb60113e1c015d⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9-22-FUCK YOU HUSSEIN.jpg)

File: 96024a60ca955e6⋯.jpg (41.01 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 9-22-EVIL BWITCH.jpg)

File: 32d0f854de82f6e⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 9-22-DEMS CRAZY FUCKERS.jpg)

File: 4045ee44212c4a0⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9-22-YOUR END COMES SOON.jpg)

4f0e43  No.3147517


trump's, and his jew son in law's chabad-lubavitch connections had me worried when Q started, but now i think trump might just turn out to be the real deal.

but we'll know for sure by the time christmas rolls in, won't we?

a436c3  No.3147518


>accepts clownm0uth for cocksucking.

Bro.. anona don't let anons get get cocksucked by clowns… just no…

880af3  No.3147519


Seems even the lawyer can't keep straight on her story… She said she was 15 and he was 17

7c0696  No.3147520


>everybody knows that contrails dissipate in a short period of time…alway have, always will, regardless

and what is the time limit?

do some disappear almost instantly?

do some linger for longer?

at what point is it lingering too long? and thus as you say indicates chemical additives.

I've been watching the sky for over half a century anon, and there have been contrails from jets the whole time. I have seen nothing new as far as how long some linger and how quickly others disappear.

If you have some hard data please share

5c3737  No.3147522


anti-semitism is simply a weaponised term that means "anyone who dares criticize a jewish person or ideology"

Unfortunately for people like you, you're just going to have to get used to it. You've left a horrible trail of destruction and deception behind you, and the world kind of sees that now.

When you do not control the ban hammer thanks to corrupt mods, it's interesting how the tone of the discussion changes isn't it???

Freedom of speech is a bitch my friend.

a73554  No.3147523

File: ecb31f3f069699c⋯.jpg (222.15 KB, 719x1152, 719:1152, Screenshot_20180922-235743….jpg)



I agree they don't exist in the sense that they are gravity based eating everything that comes near them. The center of the universe is some unknown power, but most likely an electric and plasma based energy.

1ddbff  No.3147525

File: 0fc753cced49d2c⋯.jpeg (608.41 KB, 900x1743, 300:581, 2A67D34F-F0A1-46E4-B45D-D….jpeg)

e07783  No.3147526


purification coming

dark to light

ccaeb5  No.3147527

Maybe Vegas was because they knew they were fucked when trump was elected so they had to pay their dues. Sick.

db7604  No.3147528


Ask about Trump donation t Clinton foundation. Lon frOm soros. Loan from Rothschilds.

Look at Trump strategy. Jewish, with Jewish people in cabinet. And you all fell for it. How fake gay. You all make boomers smart.

2196be  No.3147529

File: f106ccec8411d9c⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 885x516, 295:172, state_of_union_08098_c0-15….jpg)


Well done.

605434  No.3147530

File: 5183352604e75af⋯.jpeg (49.54 KB, 381x304, 381:304, 9FF19575-583C-4BD3-922D-6….jpeg)


3b10ab  No.3147531


vamps going down

1c3f53  No.3147532


aka Epstein's island.

3bee3d  No.3147533

File: 4bf086b9c1ed66c⋯.png (38.63 KB, 468x217, 468:217, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)


LOL!! Catching up on things like this. WE NEED a Ben & Jerrys Meme with THIS being the "Official Flavor of the DNC."

Fucking Anons. KEK!!

e07783  No.3147534

anons notice how the negative energy posted here weakens every day

the voices grow more fearful

they are losing

and they know it

b4d515  No.3147535



0fed01  No.3147536


black holes are stinky, hairy, and do not suck shit

c6efec  No.3147537

>>314739Found Q 2nd wk of Nov researching what really happened in Vegas

e07783  No.3147538



was a honor to do this with all of you

even tho i shit posted half the time

i love all of you

ef035f  No.3147539


>The center of the universe is some unknown power, but most likely an electric and plasma based energy.

hate to break it to you, there is no "center"

a09965  No.3147540

File: 8121dc1b6360594⋯.jpeg (362.08 KB, 1242x1346, 621:673, 704C814A-7EA7-4D60-8AC6-F….jpeg)

a756f4  No.3147541

File: f5f8cc2df8e28a3⋯.jpg (77.59 KB, 800x428, 200:107, MGS2-Solid-Snake-Pass-the-….jpg)

301b39  No.3147542


plasma requires matter just so you know - most of space has none. Electric is field based and exists everywhere even without matter, but in the area where there is no matter EM is just potential and kinda "passing through".

3a6ad6  No.3147543


It's coming and it does suck. T's have to be crossed and ALL I's dotted, perfection has to be taken into account so these people never see the light of day ever again…

256b8c  No.3147544

File: 4491765844593a7⋯.jpeg (17.9 KB, 255x133, 255:133, 0318CC34-64D9-4B5B-82EC-B….jpeg)

WHY has no one talked about what they were talking about when [RR] “joked” about POTUS? Not one reporter has mentioned the context of the so called joke or the conversation that was talking place at the time.

2196be  No.3147545


Oh yes. Need this shit. Saved!

1ddbff  No.3147546

File: c4fb9f9b2ad3ea0⋯.jpeg (432.72 KB, 1200x915, 80:61, B94A14F6-0BF4-4066-A91D-A….jpeg)

Do your laundry

3b10ab  No.3147547


same it's been real. a long, long trek, but worth it o7

4f0e43  No.3147548


>Hitler avoided war as much as he could, but he failed.


meaning (((they))) got what they wanted - Germany in a yet another World War.

hitler wasn't smart enough to diffuse tension towards not-war.

trump successfully stopped a potentially history altering korean war - major difference between trump and hitler.


you are right

and wrong, rabbi.

but enjoy those 0.2 shekels.

804a29  No.3147549


I don't have the Jew obsession that you seem to have. I look at Trump's accomplishments compared to the promises he made during the campaign and they line up very well; almost perfectly. The upcoming Christmas has nothing to do with anything. He has already proven himself as a president that is totally aligned with American people.

7a1fdb  No.3147550


You base this in what % of what we can measure?

db7604  No.3147551


Hope porn. Que Q.

d7f1aa  No.3147552

Out of curiosity, I went over to the voat site.

There are lots of people red pilling the normies about the jews. God bless them all.

The jews and their enablers are going crazy.

Seems a lot of old-time voaters are chiming in. KEK.

0a4678  No.3147553

File: 3b401603b2eb648⋯.png (95.65 KB, 300x782, 150:391, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)



5ad508  No.3147554

File: 9987f35ebaf3c88⋯.jpg (318.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TRAITORS_COMETOCROSS.jpg)


>But I’ve been around lurking a long time Anon

Then you would have known NOT to put anything in the "name field".

c2f05a  No.3147555


>electric and plasma

Nailed it…

Stars are not gas. (our sun has a surface remember). But they are solid planets.

Larger ones will ignite first, "shorting out" the electricity causing a really big fucking spark.

Saturn used to glow (the golden age of saturn it is called). It still "luminates" a bit to this day. And if you see the video nasa took of it, the south and north pole auroras are in sync, meaning it is an externally applied effect.

0fed01  No.3147556


other side of the wall


1ddbff  No.3147557

File: 9d64c26cde64449⋯.jpeg (337.31 KB, 800x1907, 800:1907, F22D41D7-F88C-4D72-A709-A….jpeg)

Roll out the red carpet

33f0fa  No.3147558


New Video by old school Woke!

Fritz Springmeier, Pizza Gate, Reddit shutdown, vaccines, autists, colonizing planets, bloodlines, Alternative 3, his prison time & survival, military bunkers, Illuminati bunkers, murders with no investigation, Podesta art, Bohemian Grove, etc 2.75 hours tl;dr but worth it newbies..


3bee3d  No.3147559

File: 470f88a9b3d766a⋯.png (983.71 KB, 1029x789, 343:263, Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at ….png)


Clean Sweep in the elections. It's already over. Amazing.

c68dff  No.3147560

File: fec45b8e15d869f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, A48995CB-2112-411F-942F-31….png)

File: 4ecf9f2d56d1be4⋯.jpeg (448.9 KB, 1242x711, 138:79, DD606C8B-C41C-492F-8943-6….jpeg)


Thank Q!

These are they ones I have watched through my spotting scope.

pics related

afa2b0  No.3147561

File: ee820664a52d853⋯.png (229.13 KB, 523x483, 523:483, Mind Bleach.png)

e3ffb8  No.3147562


Gravity - The Filler word used in science.

ef035f  No.3147563


thats so stupid shit anon

you're right, stars aren't gas, they're plasma ffs

flat erfffff!!!

db7604  No.3147564


Believe the media now do you? Oh my, everything is rosy. MuH jobs. Muh immigration down. All news from same source. Duh

caca33  No.3147565

File: ed06dbda7363640⋯.jpg (272.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Youafool!.jpg)

>>3147548 Sauce or shut up! Stupidity is like a new suit;

some people just grab what's on the rack and that's fine for them,

some people go to all the trouble to have it fitted for them!

I am going to say; Yours Fits!

3b10ab  No.3147566

what will fame be like once all the power hungry are gone?

1ddbff  No.3147567

File: 317f15410935391⋯.jpeg (94.99 KB, 625x619, 625:619, DAEB7454-F5F8-4B13-A0D4-D….jpeg)

1783b3  No.3147568


Found a goat, and you're absolutely correct. The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) literally translates to not being able to criticize jews.

Racism was weaponised in (((Communist))) Russia, and seems to have reached it's peak in 2016.

301b39  No.3147569


Based on basic physics and well more advance physics. A plasma is a hyper excitation of particles and in a vacuum of space there is no particles to excite - kind of like the space between the proton and electron - there is nothing there but field.


db7604  No.3147570


Kys boomer

c2f05a  No.3147571


Plasma (once formed from an anode/cathode) can operate in vacuum - if matter is required it must be able to come from anode or cathode.

4a9f4f  No.3147572


Judge Jeanine on Fox Saturday night pointed out Ford interned in Hawaii- despite claiming fear of flying to DC. “ Did she surf to Hawaii?” - JJ

ed750b  No.3147573


I have a one-pump daisy BB gun from the 50's with peep sights that I inherited. Extremely accurate. One time I used it to kill a black racer snake that got into my outdoor enclosure.From outside the enclosure, I shot through a 1/4"x1/4" square in the hardware cloth and hit the snake in the head.

e07783  No.3147574


hopefully just people who are good at what they do

like artists


and are humble

1ddbff  No.3147575

File: cad3196b46c9bdb⋯.jpeg (95.05 KB, 930x584, 465:292, 2D034F6F-8473-484C-80A1-D….jpeg)

ef035f  No.3147576


nice to see you're using the link I gave you

41a2e0  No.3147577


Actually ditto for those kids in Florida; police prevented EMS from entering the building for a ridiculous length of time, several probably would have survived otherwise.

dfb62e  No.3147578

File: 9d711fb4781f1bd⋯.jpeg (21.18 KB, 332x443, 332:443, images (50).jpeg)

What a fucking faggot.

0fed01  No.3147579


get a bios upgrade, bot

4f0e43  No.3147580


>Jew obsession


by your logic Trump has the Democrat obsession then, doesn't he?

look, trump's accomplishments are tremendous, and applaudable by any standards. Of course much is still left wanted, but that is why i said about waiting for a few more months.

if we ae to take Q at face value, all this would seem to have finished by the time november ends.

so, in my opinion, hoping for a deep state free christmas seems logical.

3bee3d  No.3147581

File: 661f0836d887439⋯.png (277.51 KB, 476x815, 476:815, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

Honest Question Anons…Is HONEST Polygamy, NOT grooming little kids and that shit, but being married to more than one adult, protected by The Constitution?? Is Marriage??

52aa61  No.3147582

File: cfa016a72760f7d⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 951x998, 951:998, biker-bernie.JPG)

File: d40d8fea652abbd⋯.jpg (46.97 KB, 629x492, 629:492, Capture.JPG)

File: 20fc7139302f64a⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1189x758, 1189:758, nodeals.JPG)

File: fb7b2a16bb0f373⋯.jpg (100.14 KB, 1013x679, 1013:679, kavenagh-.JPG)

File: 20fc7139302f64a⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1189x758, 1189:758, nodeals.JPG)

nite fags luv yah idiots

323035  No.3147583


Looks like an MK ultra controlled puppet

0b0d47  No.3147584

File: 5a3cd8f0a420b5d⋯.png (938.79 KB, 1748x2292, 437:573, Exactly[30].png)


Posted on August 27

+ 30 days

= September 26

September 26 = Trump Chair the UN Security Council meeting

>unsure of where Gen. Flynn fits into this , but i'm sure it'll reveal itself

22937e  No.3147585


kek, oh no, she's so impressive, she swam.

1ddbff  No.3147586

File: 73393e06cf3c708⋯.jpeg (192.11 KB, 900x554, 450:277, BEB6425D-D3A8-4FC8-862B-2….jpeg)

1783b3  No.3147587

File: 0849428511f7578⋯.jpg (124.44 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 0849428511f7578bc8a21ee11a….jpg)


Is fun to watch. Lots of false beliefs challenged.

2974cb  No.3147588

File: 27458f9832cd6b9⋯.png (681.78 KB, 650x892, 325:446, Doggie Squats 9-17-18.PNG)


c2f05a  No.3147589


JJ must be lurking here…

940a95  No.3147590

These institutions have divided up among themselves all the functions of government - administrative, legislative, executive, wherefore they have come to operate as do the organs in the human body. If we injure one part in the machinery of State, the State falls sick, like a human body, and … will die.

This sounds like the Play Book All Along. and Trump is Fucking it up, You wont find the Zion Cabal Plan in the News. its in Books.

4cc33d  No.3147591




8242ee  No.3147592


Me thinks its tucking

67f8ff  No.3147593

File: d5262a7a270a9c5⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1222460527547.jpg)

theres no martiality to life anymore. No fear, no ability to step back and realize that the natural order of things should be respected. This is all because capital punishment disappeared for some reason. Everything is sanitary, everything is part of some paper form, some bureaucracy. In the old days, if you dared do some bullshit against society you got your fucking neck snapped. You got necked in the town square and the shit dribbled out your fucking asshole and down your leg. Now, it's just fucking cock stroking bullshit. Fuck this shit. Eat your goddamn peas nigger. This isn't progress, it's fucking failure. Fuck your 21st century. Fuck you ID's and biometrics and cards and papers nigger. Fuck you and your automobile. Go take a shit.

22937e  No.3147594


Very true, but looking only at the two witnesses, she does not hold up well.

db7604  No.3147595


Next im a shill and a jew and may as well say a Russian. You're an idiot

301b39  No.3147596


change it to force

force is equal to a tensor in higher level physics - the trick is to make all forces or tensors interchangeable or equal.

605434  No.3147597

File: 11e6759be373bae⋯.jpeg (33.42 KB, 300x300, 1:1, E8AE017C-E79F-477F-9F1E-4….jpeg)

Gen Pop for the pedos!

ba9e44  No.3147598

there are times when sick is cured.

thesec are in vet.

not a typo…


there are THESE here in the USA…


it's over… relax…

MOVIE anons


a50a70  No.3147599


A must. Trump and Q give me hope and this is our last chance. We will know in November.

d1a055  No.3147600




you are right

I am a disgusting piece of shit. I should not be here but Share Blue is paying me well. I belong in GITMO more than anyone. I would suck your dick now but have Michelle O`s dick in my mouth at the moment. I promise you will not see this username tomorrow. Night shift is best shift.

Quit replying to the shills and they will go away

0fed01  No.3147601


yes, all of the above + demoncrap

721c05  No.3147602

File: e5330668bcb6d31⋯.png (160.65 KB, 720x1022, 360:511, 20180923_001052.png)


d6d1a9  No.3147603


did you type this before or after you donned the latex and proceeded to fuck blowup orca

032188  No.3147604

File: 8416c8d46a90fad⋯.png (1009.04 KB, 750x991, 750:991, ClipboardImage.png)

fe72ac  No.3147605


Hopefully, this new Great Awakening will lead to a restoration of the Gospel, and not the Finney-inspired, anxious-bench stuff that has clouded American Evangelicalism ever since. Some good stuff came from BOTH Great Awakenings, but a good study on the effects of the thinning of the Reformed Gospel can be seen in Stephen Prothero's "RELIGIOUS LITERACY: What Every American Needs to Know - And Doesn't". Great book (by a nominal Anglican, btw) that basically says Americans lost our religious literacy when we lost our Reformed Theology. Take a look. You might find it interesting. Slide over.

5ad508  No.3147606


Boogie Board!

1ddbff  No.3147607

File: ab1357060515179⋯.jpeg (327.78 KB, 800x640, 5:4, 30839580-9C7E-486B-92B9-7….jpeg)


e07783  No.3147608


man reality is way weirder than fiction

52aa61  No.3147609

File: c33d73fe32d9239⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 375x383, 375:383, attention_whore.JPG)



4f0e43  No.3147610


triggered, rabbi?



wouldn't go to the trouble of spoon feeding you, and possibly end up telling you what part of the internet to wipe clean, even if my life depended on it.

qresearch knows whatsup.

67f8ff  No.3147612


thats my dad in the pic

2a248e  No.3147613

File: 76f7f479b0a6e9c⋯.png (126.78 KB, 1153x823, 1153:823, 1517777914640.png)


Is that a picture of McNoName?

28daa3  No.3147614


From 4 to 6 % growth, due to severe popcorn demand.

ed44e4  No.3147615

I do have one question. Many hollyweird say they believe in "god" and never say Jesus. Has Trump ever said Jesus name? honest question no shill.

032188  No.3147616



tough crowd.

1ddbff  No.3147617

File: fdd399d8ed5d85c⋯.jpeg (304.64 KB, 800x640, 5:4, F6A36945-7CE3-46F3-BBAC-2….jpeg)

d7f1aa  No.3147618


I have to say that I am a little shocked. The stuff that they are discussing there is pretty high level red pill, only without the fancy graphics we have here.

I think that because Voat is not a "chan" the idiots have completely let their guards down, and are being subjected to some hardcore truth.


804a29  No.3147619


No, you fool. I get my news from the horse's mouth. President Donald J. Trump, himself. He tells me in his tweets and at his rallys; He tells me what the truth is. And, I see it in everyday living.

So, let me ask you. You don't trust MSM (and I understand that completely) and you don't trust POTUS, nor Q-team…so where do you get your news? Where do you get your info? Dream it up in your self-deluded narrative, perhaps?

3b10ab  No.3147620


as if killing someone like that wasn't anti-social

4267a6  No.3147621


>hitler wasn't smart enough to diffuse tension towards not-war

How could he do it, with the global influence of the zionists in the media and finance around the world?

It was impossible.

>trump successfully stopped a potentially history altering korean war - major difference between trump and hitler

Trump is not just Trump. He is certainly the man for the job, but he is not working alone, and he is in a different context to what Hitler faced (mainly, internet, a way around the jewish fake news without having to boot them in a authoritarian fashion).

Apples and oranges in the win/fail aspect, but both are just as great as man capable of putting it all on the line for their people and what is right.

301b39  No.3147622


That is not plasma that is field

Plasma is the hyper-excitation of particles, like the dog or cat with a laser pointer.

e07783  No.3147623


not sure but the "god" they believe in

is not the real god

444532  No.3147624


I think the afraid of flying thing is a drama queen insinuation that Ford fears being taken out in a plane crash by people who want to stop her from testifying.

People who believe her rape story just because will believe anything else just because, so might as well get your money's worth milking this bullshit from their point of view.

0a4678  No.3147625


Here's something for the MuhJoos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_L._Salomon

a09965  No.3147626

File: 10b38d56d1a512c⋯.jpeg (208.3 KB, 1242x652, 621:326, 02ECB697-F059-4C35-BE5F-9….jpeg)



301b39  No.3147627


That dude is smart as fuck

ed44e4  No.3147628


I know that's why I want to know what "god" trump is referring to. :/

288513  No.3147629


She’s got a fly on her right arm. YUCK.

4a9f4f  No.3147631


Definitely. I fell off my chair when she joked RR probably wired Amarosa.

a30858  No.3147632

File: bcf5f830bbfde96⋯.jpg (42.68 KB, 315x600, 21:40, 2bzyw9.jpg)


Think Musical Chairs

What happens when the music stops?

The olive branch was extended

(you) refused and continued to play the game.

Who does the POTUS answer too?


Here comes the pain



1ddbff  No.3147633

File: 599cd0a37bf7ba2⋯.jpeg (40.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 79A08674-2E47-4822-A740-A….jpeg)

d6d1a9  No.3147634


oh shit, my bad, your moms a killer

804a29  No.3147635


oops, above post was meant to be in response to below post


3bee3d  No.3147636

File: 3b46ec4c8955664⋯.jpg (128.3 KB, 733x1124, 733:1124, 3b46ec4c8955664108043f5b30….jpg)

Will one of you Anons who has the ability to do so, please cap this post from a PREVIOUS BREAD if you get a moment please.


0d5b7f  No.3147637

>i just wish at some point he pulls the bandaid off and lets us know, i guess the slow roll is to let us get used to the depth and breadth of what is about to be released? Much Bigger sounds incredibly ominous, and I think we already are getting the picture.

The facts of the situation are ominous.

They are INCREDIBLY ominous.

If people were told what the Great Awakening means

Without first going through the process of discovery

That redpilling with Socratic questions gives to them,

Then 95% would end up in the hospital.

The truth is

That we can no longer trust anyone to rule us


To play the game of politics

To discuss things with others

And to make the HARD decisions.

We have to GROW UP

Because Momma Bird is about to kick us out of the nest.

For many this is too TERRIFYING to contemplate.

They just want their mommy and a nice warm titty to suck on.

c8a913  No.3147638


One of her classmates was making statements just the other day saying everyone knew about what happened, and that it was all over the school. How is that possible when Ford didn't share her story with anyone for years? This has been one of their sloppiest operations yet.

e3ffb8  No.3147639


I have come to realize many follow a false God.

ec36ba  No.3147640

File: 7e0d001df6595e5⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 576x366, 96:61, 42-38636854 (1).jpg)

b3b44c  No.3147641


There are no physical aliens. No one went to the moon. There is no secret 'space' program. There are classified propulsion systems, but none can leave the atmosphere, nor can any conventional means. Earth is definitely a sphere, but the flat earth people are correct about the space fraud, and that the universe is geocentric.

When Q stated that we are not alone, and suggested that "reality" is among the highest levels of classification, he played right into the hands of the New Age BS movement. Much of the information about aliens is put out by CIA disinfo, and the rest according to people's own delusions or "astral experiences." Mind you, the New Age movement was fostered and promulgated by occultists, and aliens are one of the major themes in many of those belief systems. If aliens really existed, there would be no reason to hide it, nor could it stay a secret. By keeping it a "secret" or rumor, it never has to face genuine public scrutiny. To neither confirm nor deny keeps the lie alive.

When Q stated that the moon landings happened, he became a NASA (Not A Space Agency) apologist. He then implied that it may have been accomplished by secret technology. That still means they lied to us, and also means they're hiding the goods… Whether you believe we never went to the moon, or that they did but not in the way we were told, THEY LIED. Q doesn't seem to be concerned with telling us the real truth.

The secret space program also ties into the alien beliefs. Many people think we got this alleged technology from aliens. They think our destiny is in the stars. All of these lines of thinking lead away from the purpose of God's creation of this world. If you read Genesis closely, all of the luminaries (sun, moon, stars, etc) were created for light upon the earth! We are the center of His creation, the apple of His eye, and thinking that we can just go planet hopping on a space plane and hang out with aliens, is part of a "New Age" (and ultimately atheistic) world view that leads people astray, and away from God!

ef035f  No.3147642

File: 34058545684e9c4⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1134x2010, 189:335, ClipboardImage.png)

3a6ad6  No.3147643


You are now known as Russhilljewanon

3b10ab  No.3147644

db7604  No.3147645


Just older and wiser. I've seen this story many times. Run the clock out. Cover up the crimes. Next election, move on from the story. Q has been doing this the whole time. One subject to the next. Keeping you all running around. It's a very old tactic.

c6efec  No.3147646

File: 895507028045399⋯.jpeg (120.28 KB, 747x541, 747:541, 24CF2FDB-7F0E-4FCD-98BF-6….jpeg)

File: 6fc930f507f6c3f⋯.jpeg (139.75 KB, 750x656, 375:328, 6AB7F3A2-52AB-4081-8C71-7….jpeg)

File: 112b119b1ee89d5⋯.jpeg (113.43 KB, 750x633, 250:211, 5DF325E5-ED17-49D4-B579-2….jpeg)

Anti-Q bitch

1ddbff  No.3147647

File: 05a0b9456b5ca8a⋯.jpeg (158.49 KB, 876x876, 1:1, DCBCCCCE-2E4F-42B1-9877-F….jpeg)

ba9e44  No.3147648

IT"S OVER!!!!!!!'


c2f05a  No.3147649


never fully researched plasma effects.

Will do that now- I am intrigued.

(heavy electrical background, but plasma is not normal ohms law basic semiconductor shit.)

caca33  No.3147650

File: 7d05af023133714⋯.jpg (169.83 KB, 1046x1000, 523:500, clowngirlfriend.jpg)

File: 24d95ba3378b92e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 311x311, 1:1, Jew here!.jpg)

File: 07daf3546508c04⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 255x250, 51:50, buthurt.jpg)

File: 7b52cb784830fcf⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2991x1836, 997:612, MUDDERTRUCKER (2).jpg)

>>3147610 You are filtered it will be the only useful thing about you anyone will care about!

22937e  No.3147651


Her caps are too big for her mouth.

0d5b7f  No.3147652


There is something else, bigger

And much nicer

Just to the right of the fly.

I recommend looking at the booblies


0a4678  No.3147653

File: 97a1168a6448d4d⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 892x877, 892:877, Pepe OK.jpg)

ef035f  No.3147654



>>3147089 POTUS schedule for tomorrow

>>3147097 Trump Lawyer Giuliani: US Sanctions May Lead to ‘Successful Revolution’ in Iran

>>3147124 Libya Urges United Nations To Take "Concrete Action" To Halt Chaos In Tripoli

>>3147201 Anon's breakdown of the allegations: NO CRIMINAL OR CIVIL LAWYER WOULD TOUCH THIS CASE

>>3147199, >>3147311, >>3147317, >>3147359 Papadop Tweets

>>3147386 Lawyer for Blasey Ford Releases Statement Saying It Doesn’t Matter That Friend Named as Attending Kavanaugh Party Doesn’t Remember


ec36ba  No.3147655


Thank you anon

605434  No.3147656

File: 5e7784bceca9ce6⋯.jpeg (104.96 KB, 1027x499, 1027:499, 234A4328-C34A-4940-84D3-E….jpeg)

7a1fdb  No.3147657


Look up electromagnetic plasma/magnets.

0a4678  No.3147658

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

e07783  No.3147659



god just wants to love you and have a relationship

all the fear of judgement is a way to keep you away from him

tools of control

52aa61  No.3147660

File: d47d1bb3797f3c0⋯.jpg (20.24 KB, 319x276, 319:276, newanon.JPG)

ef035f  No.3147661


I assume you get your science from the Bible

a50a70  No.3147662


Maybe I misunderstood, but I think he agree with you? "He has already proven himself as a president that is totally aligned with American people."

fe72ac  No.3147663


Even if Trump doesn't believe in Jesus (but we also don't know what he's come to since being subjected to so much truth), God raises up all sorts of men for His purposes. 'For Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."'

Let us pray for Trump's salvation. By the same token, let us not worry that God has not raised him up for this task.

1ddbff  No.3147664

File: 3b03e97a3a0df19⋯.jpeg (108.5 KB, 800x640, 5:4, 6AD8582E-2A72-4EAB-B16D-2….jpeg)

67f8ff  No.3147665



c6efec  No.3147666

File: 22a7abd413a95da⋯.jpeg (175.62 KB, 750x947, 750:947, 1BF04B6C-8124-4BAE-B363-E….jpeg)


df6d37  No.3147668

File: 5f590a73e9c2612⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, 523x483, 523:483, noname.jpg)



We can a lot tougher

4a9f4f  No.3147669


Confirmation of their Playbook on many levels.

5ad508  No.3147670


That must be the house of the notorious

"Serious Black"!


301b39  No.3147671


put that dude and the one that does math by shifting the grid to fit the equations and you have Albert.


df6d37  No.3147672

804a29  No.3147673


>No, you fool. I get my news from the horse's mouth. President Donald J. Trump, himself. He tells me in his tweets and at his rallys; He tells me what the truth is. And, I see it in everyday living. And, there is no MSM stating that everything is rosy. They're saying just the opposite or crediting everything good to your boyfriend, Obama.

So, let me ask you. You don't trust MSM (and I understand that completely) and you don't trust POTUS, nor Q-team…so where do you get your news? Where do you get your info? Dream it up in your self-deluded narrative, perhaps?

67f8ff  No.3147674


skin walker… fucking demon

4cc33d  No.3147675


sign above the door on the inside… "The Q Drop Lounge, Democrats VIP Entrance"

e3444f  No.3147676


That bitch…..

She promised if I let her take that pic she’d never show it to anyone…

199389  No.3147677

File: 592a97458e93931⋯.png (2.84 MB, 856x868, 214:217, fuck Nike.png)

Colin Kaepernick is Nike's $6 billion man

8d5bea  No.3147678


People above and below looking to their right also, anon. I was watching the rally and my opinion is that he was either unhappy to be looking at 45s back, suffering from an odor nearby (BO) or maybe a paid shill stripped of shillpower. I am sure the S_S was more alert then than we are now.

But keep on scanning. If there is anything to be concerned about, anons will find it!


c68dff  No.3147679

Radio call to Chem-Jets.

We have someone taking pictures and video of you backlit by the moon around “””””””””””””.

Cease operations.

And just like that, their gone…

1ddbff  No.3147680

File: b9a3b8a85e76524⋯.jpeg (99.73 KB, 819x613, 819:613, 2219CB6C-7D6E-47CF-BF7D-3….jpeg)

ed44e4  No.3147681

e3444f  No.3147682

3b10ab  No.3147683


lmao i thought that was burts bees chapstick at first

880af3  No.3147684


True… and then the classmate retracted it. Something about how it "felt" true. They obviously don't feel the need to prove allegations anymore - then again I still think ford will back out or disappear once they have delayed the vote long enough to screw Kav. They are still pissed about Garland and killary

52aa61  No.3147685



ed750b  No.3147686


It's unbelievable that this election would be left to even slight chance. James Woods just got a twatter timeout for posting a meme that could affect the election. So much for Trump or Q making social media conducive to redpilling.

e07783  No.3147687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

570470  No.3147688

File: 5b627fc5bb2ee16⋯.png (478.96 KB, 573x734, 573:734, illuchoice.png)


lmao im ded sadly i have not mastered the art of meme creating

4267a6  No.3147689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Lol, I love how you Israel first traitors think that little ad-hominem can sway anyone from the fact that the zionists are the worse enemies of the mankind in this moment in time.

Read this book, “One Nation Under Israel”, because you need to know how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate:



Cynthia McKinney: Face to Face 05-20-2011 explains how the jewish lobbying machine controls the US congress and politicians.

c2f05a  No.3147690


I would assume that the God who created all the species here on this spherical planet would be able to create brethren elsewhere.

And why would this lead "away from God".?

Would bring us closer to God, like meeting your brother separated at birth. The Atheists are the Earth Worshiping environmentalists who discount the wonder of themselves as a creation of God. (then you got the Satanists.)

c6efec  No.3147691

605434  No.3147692

File: d7df25fcb967c23⋯.jpeg (89.83 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 410712B2-7C69-4EEA-9389-7….jpeg)

4267a6  No.3147693


>There are no physical aliens.

If the universe if infinite, I am pretty sure there are at least some unicelular little retards outside our planet.

At least.

b3b44c  No.3147694


I'm not using God's image, He has no image. People should always seek justice. That is what I seek.

My point is that we shouldn't put all our trust into Trump/Q to save us from this situation and take out the deep state, when they may actually be part of it.

We should always do what we can to achieve justice, but in the end, we will realize that our situation is hopeless, and we can only rely on God to save us.

This isn't to invoke fear or hopelessness, but to admit that this situation is not something we can overcome without Divine intervention. God wants us to realize this so that we CALL TO HIM! That is TRUE HOPE!

df6d37  No.3147695

File: aa71a317421736e⋯.jpg (103.07 KB, 970x928, 485:464, bobrosstoaster.jpg)

912a4c  No.3147696


First Council of Nicaea

7cf35a  No.3147697


Your deception is profound. There will be a special place in hell for those who use religion in such a manner.

940a95  No.3147698


We turn to the periodical press. We shall impose on it, as on all printed matter, stamp taxes per sheet and deposits of caution- money, and books of less than 30 sheets will pay double. We shall reckon them as pamphlets in order, on the one hand, to reduce the number of magazines, which are the worst form of printed poison, and, on the other, in order that this measure may force writers into such lengthy productions that they will be little read, especially as they will be costly. At the same time what we shall publish ourselves to influence mental development in the direction laid down for our profit will be cheap and will be read voraciously. The tax will bring vapid literary ambitions within bounds and the liability to penalties will make literary men dependent upon us. And if there should be any found who are desirous of writing against us, they will not find any person eager to print their productions in print the publisher or printer will have to apply to the authorities for permission to do so. Thus we shall know beforehand of all tricks preparing against us and shall nullify them by getting ahead with explanations on the subject treated of

ef035f  No.3147699


thank you anon

its incredible

b5928f  No.3147700

File: 86386c1bd0e8d20⋯.png (139.5 KB, 400x293, 400:293, Muh Programming.png)

Muh Programming

a09965  No.3147701

File: 277551dbd4e8b79⋯.jpeg (866.25 KB, 1242x1383, 414:461, 756BF010-AAAA-4923-86CC-C….jpeg)

File: 8162dda59063687⋯.jpeg (716.76 KB, 1242x1803, 414:601, FBFEF8E2-6D9F-4B06-85A9-D….jpeg)



b4d515  No.3147702

File: 1c2dd607d8dda69⋯.jpeg (68.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, EC828E64-45E5-4C2A-92D6-3….jpeg)

570470  No.3147703

File: 597e9d5b0ce2077⋯.png (129.62 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, punisher.png)


o7 Tyrone is waiting..

301b39  No.3147704

Why would 3blue one brown define an equation by shifting the grid to fit the equation?

Well that is how our world works

Think gravity and bending of space time.

e07783  No.3147705


only God can judge anon

c6efec  No.3147706


So must for you trusting the plan. There isn’t a red wave it’s a fucking RED TSUNAMI , get on board or jump off

8d5bea  No.3147707

"We may have to force the issue"

possibly linked to 45 threat to DECLAS to force Dems to display letter from Ford [That they knew about, ticking time bomb] while he/Q know of all the other people they were planning on naming to "Expend more ammo" while planning on DECLAS regardless?

TOP KEK indeed!!!!!!

a09965  No.3147708


Looks like Wiener’s twin

ab3aec  No.3147709

File: 2aaa808288303d1⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 385x500, 77:100, Ocasio.JPG)


Don't forget the other bug eyed dem

e3ffb8  No.3147710


Many ideas in the world are designed to make we the people less important.

3bee3d  No.3147711

File: 85317118bd4aaeb⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 399x232, 399:232, pepetime.gif)


Thank You VERY Much Anon!!


Man, BlackSheepAnon is in that bread as well. Kek!!

afa2b0  No.3147712


New Age is Ancient stuff, it's just called new age because it made through your fucked up purges and inquisitions and practitioners no longer have to hide from the evil Church.

a50a70  No.3147713


Fuck Twatter, FB, and all. In real life here, people don't give a shit about the BS and they know what's really going on. They can spot that BS because a lot of people seemed to woke-up. I wonder how that happened?

cebf4b  No.3147714

File: 988765a92eb2617⋯.png (188.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, darmok.png)

ed750b  No.3147715


I fucking hate that phrase "trust the plan." It doesn't even make sense to say it because we don't know the plan.

444532  No.3147716


>and then the classmate retracted it

Easy for journos, etc. to get an old yearbook and look up former classmates to call to see if they heard the story.

I think maybe some former classmates got a hold of the witness classmate and told her to STFU because they didn't want anything to do with this pile of shit. Enough heat from the right people and she retracted.

e3ffb8  No.3147717


Religion vs. Spirituality

e07783  No.3147718



new age beliefs or not

i doubt GOd wants you murdering people

that would take away their divine right to life

who are you to kill someone else unless you are defending someone

2196be  No.3147719


ALL those holes need TP.

ef035f  No.3147720


>because we don't know the plan.

sounds like you don't know the plan

b3b44c  No.3147721


Why do you assume that? Have you read the Bible? Did you ever hear of such things?

Too much science fiction can lead one to believe something very different from reality.

04352d  No.3147722


No…. YOU don't know the plan. Lurk moar you must….hmmmmm

804a29  No.3147723


I can't speak for Trump but I'm gonna speculate that he DOES have an obsession with the Democrat party, as do I. Their policies are counter-productive to the continued strength of this nation. Democrat policies are not good for this nation as we've seen through 8 years of Obama, with the Clinton cartel pulling some strings.

You use the word logical very loosely, to the point I don't think you know what the word means. It is NOT logical AT ALL to think the deep state will be completely defeated by Christmas, considering the decades they had free reign to gain power. The deep state is entrenched and it's gonna take a long, drawn out process to untrench them.

800fa3  No.3147724



(About 5% of anon will get that)

afa2b0  No.3147725


God would never want you to harm anyone or anything.

Pity throughout the history of the Church they didn't take heed of that.

c2f05a  No.3147726


>I fucking hate that phrase "trust the plan." It doesn't even make sense to say it because we don't know the plan

If you knew the plan Q would say "Follow the plan" instead of "trust the plan".

Trust is all you got, take it or leave it.

The plan itself is secret, and with good reason.

ef035f  No.3147727


>>3147089 POTUS schedule for tomorrow

>>3147097 Trump Lawyer Giuliani: US Sanctions May Lead to ‘Successful Revolution’ in Iran

>>3147124 Libya Urges United Nations To Take "Concrete Action" To Halt Chaos In Tripoli

>>3147201 Anon's breakdown of the allegations: NO CRIMINAL OR CIVIL LAWYER WOULD TOUCH THIS CASE

>>3147199, >>3147311, >>3147317, >>3147359 Papadop Tweets

>>3147386 Lawyer for Blasey Ford Releases Statement Saying It Doesn’t Matter That Friend Named as Attending Kavanaugh Party Doesn’t Remember

caca33  No.3147728

>>3147721 Like 'Q'?

7dfc4b  No.3147729

File: 587a8a2a2638844⋯.png (1.08 MB, 740x679, 740:679, Freinds_Haha.png)

Yes, I am older and this is in my wheelhouse

Yes, I have been drinking tonight

Yes, this made me really LOL

Love to my fellow anons.

ed750b  No.3147731


That's true, which is how I knew we'd win in a landslide in 2016. I told people worried about Hillary winning that it would be a landslide. But people get complacent at midterm elections. Trump dropping some serious redpills would motivate people to vote.

0d5b7f  No.3147732

File: 26844e7a0fcf8a9⋯.png (546.76 KB, 585x750, 39:50, ClipboardImage.png)

See the swan?

It's a nice bird

On the water

e07783  No.3147734



i think self defense is ok tho

would be nice if we could do it without killing people

7cf35a  No.3147736


I agree completely. But God gave me the ability to opine.

ef035f  No.3147738


fe72ac  No.3147739



Trump and Q at 8Chan, their maps unscrolled.

a09965  No.3147741

File: 6dcf85ee2357865⋯.jpeg (141.37 KB, 1242x594, 23:11, 667F7F53-D5A6-49A0-924C-1….jpeg)

File: 6aece52eaa1df35⋯.jpeg (553.7 KB, 1242x1398, 207:233, 741DA0C8-0682-4A80-B25F-7….jpeg)



301b39  No.3147742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those that have no idea what I am talking about - shifting the grid

afa2b0  No.3147743


Yep I agree.

If you or your family's lives are threatened then by all means I say you are justified in taking a life

c68dff  No.3147744


Nice bait and switch.

There is a lot of hi effort push back here this morning.

We must be over targets.

e3ffb8  No.3147745

605434  No.3147747

File: eafab091b9781be⋯.jpeg (96.82 KB, 680x330, 68:33, 2BA4FF3C-CA6A-453E-A594-C….jpeg)

a61ed8  No.3147748

File: f74fea33780a007⋯.jpg (355.84 KB, 1200x1805, 240:361, keke smirk.jpg)



c2f05a  No.3147750


The bible does not specify that creation stopped on this planet, and/or started here. That's why I assume it did not include this planet only.

God is a creator, we have proof of that even without the bible. And if he creates, why would he stop after spending 7 days on just this dirtball? I have ALWAYS assumed this, not something based on Q drop.

e3444f  No.3147751


Yep tis true. Not New.

Was faggot then and is faggot now.

muh druids

muh wicca

muh egyptians

Although I’ll admit when I studied world religions the religions of the American Indians and particularly the aborigines were pretty cool.

2974cb  No.3147752

File: 96c992f1d7c097d⋯.png (491.46 KB, 621x494, 621:494, Q Greatest MI Operation.PNG)


> because we don't know the plan.

Here's the plan

e07783  No.3147754


yeah just like god gave me the ability to not be able to shut the fuck up


0d5b7f  No.3147755

File: e511ee4179dd640⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1003x750, 1003:750, ClipboardImage.png)

Space is vast

But we are not alone


ed750b  No.3147756


Well, so far the plan hasn't been what has occurred. Doom-dud, redpill normies-not so much, declas- not happening, jfk- redacted

816e03  No.3147757



91ab00  No.3147758

There are some things that need to be stopped. Sometimes it must be done

afa2b0  No.3147759


We all resonate with one of them.

It's just a matter of which one suits you

ec36ba  No.3147760

File: f44ea1c3796ba9d⋯.jpg (77.86 KB, 519x301, 519:301, iu (1).jpg)

File: fbf881307f3ad9a⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 519x301, 519:301, iu.jpg)

5c8f0e  No.3147761


Watching it for the second time! Much better than SNL, plus some rare Kat cleavage for a change!

c6efec  No.3147762


Exactly anon. Ty

e3444f  No.3147763


kateanon in the house.

fe20ef  No.3147764


such as…

e3ffb8  No.3147765


>Too much science fiction can lead one to believe something very different from reality.

YES, from my own experience 100%

1c3f53  No.3147766


Fuckin' Amen.

ef035f  No.3147767


it must be sad to deny reality because you have an inability to understand it

7cf35a  No.3147768


And that’s why we are here. Say what you want. True free speech.

ba9e44  No.3147770




no chance… fight for your life…




there will be no redemtion…



ed750b  No.3147771


A letter of the alphabet that posted a stock photo of AF1. I'd like to think Q is real and on Trump's side, but I can't be 100% sure.

b49d39  No.3147772


No need to be so niggardly with your pixels old anon.

afa2b0  No.3147773


Do you find it strange that we it's human nature to want to believe in 'something'

Even an atheist believes in himself and no higher deity

804a29  No.3147774


Kek!…yes, he does agree with me because that was me, posting to the wrong person; instead I posted to myself. Then, I tried to correct my incorrect post but only made things worse, so I gave up.

I will not subject anyone to me getting into an argument with myself….:)

a50a70  No.3147775


Yes. Trump red pilled so many people. One example: "A 139 Year Hold On District 19 In Texas Comes To A Historical End As Republican Wins Election"

Yes I am with you and we will be victorious.

e3ffb8  No.3147776


Poor Taste.

c68dff  No.3147777


Welcome newfag!

ed750b  No.3147778



Letter of the alphabet.

67f8ff  No.3147779


I hear you, but I'd wait a bit longer. I got mad and was talking shit and doubting like six weeks ago, but I ended up changing my mind completely. Just wait a bit longer. This really is a long game - as frustrating as that may be.

e3444f  No.3147780


How fraternal of you to say.

Two become One ask one.

a30858  No.3147781

File: bc84229795c7f7f⋯.jpg (204.87 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Y1pyaxsPxuO5VHQ_6OyJ7C72Ht….jpg)

File: 547294eae0a59e6⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 768x417, 256:139, 4.jpg)


7 pieces of clothing







wrist bandanna

2196be  No.3147782

7cf35a  No.3147783


Quads confirm!

ef035f  No.3147784


kek muh stock pic, that was debunked months ago

you faggots can't think of anything new can you?

why are you even trying at this point?


do you know where you are?

take feelz elsewhere

c2f05a  No.3147785


So far…

But we do not know if the plan is a 50year plan or 4year or ??

We DO know it is 40/60% reveal.

We know not what criteria for the reveal are however.

DECLAS is happening, delays are strategic. Makes the cabal comfy and comfy makes easy mistakes… These mistakes and delays are engineered to convert more people without bloodshed, let it happen on coarse.

This anon gets it.

e07783  No.3147786


are archons real

9dfe7e  No.3147787

File: 275a2a45a41978f⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 1024x1018, 512:509, 89ea21787b807be864edbea731….jpg)

ed750b  No.3147788


We're waiting ourselves til election day.

e07783  No.3147789

and "lizard people"

a50a70  No.3147790


haha. You're funny.

a30858  No.3147791

File: 72594f8afa00475⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 235x255, 47:51, 72594f8afa00475ae3416fdfa4….jpg)


Check'em boys and girls.

The quads of gods

8bd81b  No.3147792


wtf with liberals and crazy eyes?

1dce7d  No.3147793

940a95  No.3147794


e07783  No.3147795


ill take that as a yes

fe20ef  No.3147796

c68dff  No.3147797


Jesus said, “in my fathers house there are many mansions, I go there now to prepare one for you”.

Who are all the other mansions for?

Asking for a fren…

67f8ff  No.3147798


election day is part of it, it really is

e3444f  No.3147799


Yes, I notice even Higher primates do not perform rituals or build places of worship.

Its something not easily explained by science tho they try.

c7752a  No.3147800

File: d88386d2b388ebc⋯.jpg (106.21 KB, 600x323, 600:323, Lenin.jpg)

ef035f  No.3147801

b3b44c  No.3147802


Read Genesis carefully. Notice "in the beginning?"

Also, the earth existed before the luminaries! That doesn't support the idea that he was focused on other worlds, and aside from angels and demons, who seem to spend their time HERE, we never hear of any beings living on other physical worlds…

So it's your assumption, but based on sci-fi and occultic ideas.

e3ffb8  No.3147803


Seriously your part of the division.

Time to grow up and put your big boy pants on.

7a1fdb  No.3147805

File: 4bfa02b62874543⋯.jpg (39.36 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Vi veri universum vivus vi….jpg)

ed44e4  No.3147806


If you watch trumps rally in MO and scan the board everyone was going on about q's post about music about to stop. Then one anon said "have trump say don't stop the music" The next song at the rally came up.. it was Please dont stop the music. rhianna. I think that was proof for some.

961bb0  No.3147807


We already know, lurk moar.

You gotta go back

301b39  No.3147808

File: ea1a48882da906f⋯.png (60.06 KB, 250x226, 125:113, 250px-Hopf_Fibration.png)

File: 12b261766fc16a0⋯.png (99.36 KB, 1280x940, 64:47, Hopfisthis.png)

basically shifting the grid is a Lorentz transformation and can be linear or a complex equation such as the one to find the hopf sphere.

91ab00  No.3147809

File: db836e1c4026140⋯.jpeg (73.71 KB, 328x768, 41:96, 95b78cd18490a0a69445a2b3b….jpeg)


Here is a hint.

ed750b  No.3147810


Maybe debunked for you, not for me. Then there's the Pentagon plane and moon landing comments. I mean why, just why? So close to election and Q spits out that crap.

7a1fdb  No.3147811

File: 4b6b0108c794310⋯.png (3.42 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, 4b6b0108c794310032065bbb46….png)

5c3737  No.3147812


>We should always do what we can to achieve justice, but in the end, we will realize that our situation is hopeless

YOU are hopeless. And you are the furthest thing from a man of God.

c2f05a  No.3147815


Earth existed. yes.

Other planets were not excluded.

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