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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

3dbc4f  No.3072620

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.17.18

>>>/patriotsfight/258 —————–—————- HIGHEST COURT AUTHORITY APPROVAL (Cap: >>3065418 )

>>>/patriotsfight/257 —————–—————- SESSION & HUBER WEEKEND MEETING(S). (Cap: >>3065270 )

>>>/patriotsfight/256 —————–—————- LYNCH talking. (Cap: >>3065171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/255 —————–—————- BLACKMAIL v Senate & House (Cap: >>3065032 )

>>>/patriotsfight/254 —————–—————- [RR] req meeting #2 w/ POTUS DECLINED. (Cap: >>3064922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/253 —————–—————- Judge K will be confirmed regardless. (Cap: >>3064922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/252 —————–—————- The World is Watching. (Cap: >>3064198 )

>>>/patriotsfight/251 rt /pf/235 ———–——— Anons knew. (Cap: >>3064057 )

>>>/patriotsfight/250 —————–—————- Activate ]SESSIONS[ (Cap: >>3064004 )

>>>/patriotsfight/249 —————–—————- PATRIOTS IN CONTROL ( Cap: >>3063213 )

>>3062616 rt >>3062563 ——————-——– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/248 —————–—————- Pain.png ( Cap: >>3062499 )

>>>/patriotsfight/247 —————–—————- WWG1WGA! ( Cap: >>3062473, >>3062500 )

>>3061924 rt >>3061810 ——————-——– We will not fail you.

>>>/patriotsfight/246 —————–—————- At what point does it become mathematically impossible? ( Cap: >>3061839 )

>>3061704 rt >>3061664 ——————-——– For you and you alone.

>>3061670 ————————————–——– Fire at will.

>>>/patriotsfight/245 —————–—————- SEPT —–17—– ( Cap: >>3061574, >>3061586 )

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

3dbc4f  No.3072627


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3023169 BO announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag.

>>3001747 BV: New board for redditfugees >>>/patriotsawoken/


>>3071811 NSA/Q proofs. (Graphics)

>>3071849, >>3071898 Strange Q "coincidences."

>>3072003 Pocahontas fund raising off of Kavanaugh's sexual assault allegations.

>>3072105 Senate Foreign Relations Committee holds a business meeting & hearing on US-Russia arms control efforts.

>>3072149 FBI Agents threatened physical harm to POTUS in missing FBI texts.

>>3072219 Scandal tanks Americans' views on Pope Francis.

>>3072325 The man who may be asked to fire Robert Mueller has argued the president has broad firing powers.

>>3072096 Q proof from yesterday. (Image)

>>3072506 SA trying to help Tesla's rival.

>>3072515 #3887


>>3071095, >>3071154 First Project Veritas Deep State video out (embed & link)

>>3071103 Crowds Cheer as Moon and Kim ride through Pyongyang

>>3071230 Rubio seeks DOJ probe of Kerry's unsanctioned Iran meetings.

>>3071272 Jason Chaffetz: The Deep State is real.

>>3071318 Synopsis of FISA/Ali Watkins/James Wolfe conspiracy.

>>3071319 New Mexico suing Google and Twitter for exploiting children's data.

>>3071411 POTUS meeting with the President of the Republic of Poland.

>>3071446 Kim Jong Un reportedly tells SK leader that Trump stabilized regional political situation.

>>3071500, >>3071505 POTUS tweets on FISA court fraud and abuse.

>>3071526 Reminder: YOU have more than you know.

>>3071527 Israeli spyware found globally.

>>3071545, >>3071554 Carter Page references classification EO signed by POTUS.

>>3071592, >>3071703 POTUS tweets on China's war on our farmers.

>>3071604 Future proves past: household cleaning products alter children's gut bacteria.

>>3071616 Feinstein throws the FBI under the bus.

>>3071656 Crackdown on barbaric "cultural" practices World wide?

>>3071743 Anon gives advice on how to avoid suspected Twitter AI shadowban bot.

>>3071764 China retaliates against Trump's new tariffs.

>>3071767 DJT Tweet: Air Force's 71st Birthday.

>>3071776 #3886


>>3070302 Australia's new PM is on the Trump train

>>3070412, >>3070433, >>3070710 Moar on the shot-down Russian Plane

>>3070497 China market drops as trade war intensifies

>>3070432 Paige Herwig dig - soros funded + on plane with Lynch and Clinton

>>3070544 On the Q-Clock - September 18, 2018

>>3070552, >>3070560, >>3070774 Gateway Pundit analysis of Gen Flynn's Eagle Council speech

>>3070901 Pussy Riot Member likely poisoned; blames MuhRussia for it

>>3070905 Russia blames Israel for downed jet

>>3071025 #3885

Previously Collected Notables

>>3069438 #3883, >>3070238 #3884,

>>3067077 #3880, >>3067834 #3881, >>3068596 #3882

>>3064706 #3877, >>3065432 #3878, >>3066245 #3879

>>3062350 #3874, >>3063092 #3875, >>3063876 #3876

>>3059923 #3871, >>3060745 #3872, >>3061500 #3873

>>3057614 #3868, >>3058326 #3869, >>3059128 #3870

>>3055138 #3865, >>3057548 #3866, >>3056794 #3867

>>3052743 #3862, >>3053540 #3863, >>3054313 #3864

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

3dbc4f  No.3072629

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450 , >>3048073

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

3dbc4f  No.3072631

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Watch a screencast of a baker baking >>3018667


3430d8  No.3072633

File: b8c802feb428d2c⋯.jpeg (267.02 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 13A74AE3-77E3-4FCD-B497-B….jpeg)

File: 6d3da8ef717442b⋯.jpeg (86.68 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, EC333A63-A8B2-4A37-8B82-E….jpeg)

File: bb1e4de3dec5af7⋯.jpeg (145.26 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, C949985E-EF25-4F85-9ED7-4….jpeg)

We ride

3dbc4f  No.3072637

File: 9a018073add86ce⋯.png (358.91 KB, 596x379, 596:379, rg42.PNG)



eb170b  No.3072641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

020d62  No.3072642

File: ad6594d444ddead⋯.jpeg (80.61 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 6F9CD2BA-84D2-4302-83B1-E….jpeg)

File: d64777c7f7f932a⋯.jpeg (90.83 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 487F360B-3392-46F7-850B-B….jpeg)

eb170b  No.3072646


Even Q waits for the dough!!!!!!

169764  No.3072649

File: 03ef121c5a6ded5⋯.jpeg (394.53 KB, 838x2038, 419:1019, 1A61DAAB-6508-4A54-AED7-F….jpeg)

>>3071784 (lb, prev notable)

Reminder re: True Pundit, Thomas Paine, and Trust Wray

ec2cde  No.3072660

Anons, back in the early 80's, might have been mid to late 80's I was gangraped by two women one one man. I haven't spoken about this before. I turned on the TV the other day and immediately recognized my attackers, they were Feinstein, Booker and Harris. I was at a party and the three of them were passing around the coke like it was Christmas in New York. I was pretty fucked up and laying on the floor, next thing I know Feinstein is behind me with a massive strap on and Booker was pulling my cheeks apart, Harris was warming up my butthole. They then took turns raping me for hours, I don't know why Booker needed the strap-on too, I thought that was a bit weird but hey he's a liberal. Harris was a very sensual lover, great technique and kinda sexy back then. Anyway, that's my story. I wish to remain anonymous until I get a decent offer from cable news and have secured my book deal. Don't feel sorry for me, at least my sense of humor remained intact!

e26e2e  No.3072665

File: c5f7c704fc25b20⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 6a7e092e8194e345d1ccdaf438….jpg)

Ah this is the collapse of society at 1%. Soldiers coming home from pointless wars with empty hands and stomachs full of opioids. Father figures ridiculed by blue haired bitter feminist cunts that represent none of us. Peaceful, humble religion mocked openly with the same

old disingenuous tired old arguments, rabid dogs, while violent enabling religion masqueraded as exotic and multicultural. Single mothers revered as strong independent homes, while they cower in the closet crying trying to figure out how to find a loving man every weekend. Patriotism literally burning in the streets wearing black masks to hide the fact that they are frightened and cornered children. Violent gangs revered in the media as freedom fighters and the next civil rights movement. Endless unimaginable amounts sex and guts and feces and blood. Children's idols are killers, artists are thugs and drug dealers. Bodies stained with ink and colors to represent how bland and devoid of thought their inner soul is. Politicians beating mistresses in the dark with leather whips at 6pm, speaking at a cancer fundraiser at 8pm. Masterworks of art created in 15 minutes with glitter and an iPhone and born into the world to the sound of golf claps and rich "educated" cosmopolitan liberals sipping champaign and cackling. Celebrities shilling cult symbols in public for the 1000th time and still think we don't know. Champions of degeneracy hoarding billions waiting for it to crack and crumble so they can steal the fragmented pieces with their grimy greedy hands. This is the collapse of society at 1%. I don't want to see 5%

d1ddff  No.3072668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Someone make a video of Kek as Rocky, Swamp as Drago. Would be meme gold.

d60004  No.3072669

File: 950728bd67c9095⋯.jpg (134.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellRosensteinNO.jpg)

File: 472cc2921cdc9b5⋯.jpg (135.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellRosensteinNO2.jpg)

File: 0aa6faf47a67936⋯.jpg (139.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellRosensteinNO3.jpg)

File: 81f1c6d4f078b06⋯.jpg (141.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellRosensteinNO4.jpg)

c41926  No.3072670

>>3072661 (lb)

President Trump plans appearance at campaign rally for Josh Hawley

The university encourages everyone to be respectful regardless of their views.

September 14, 2018 by University Communications

Updated at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 17, 2018

Donald J. Trump for President Inc. has reserved JQH Arena for Sept. 21.

A campaign rally for U.S. Senate candidate Josh Hawley will be held at 6:30 p.m. It is expected that President Trump will make an appearance at this event.

We realize this will delight some members of our community and offend others. The university encourages everyone to be respectful regardless of their views.

University supports freedom of speech

Missouri State University is a place where issues can be openly discussed and explored. The freedom to exchange views is essential to the mission of the university, and is required by our legal obligations under the First Amendment.

We lease JQH Arena to individuals, organizations and corporations on a non-discriminatory basis. We cannot make decisions on who can and cannot rent university facilities based on personal beliefs or opinions.

This is why we have a policy in place that provides unbiased guidelines that apply equally to all who wish to rent the facility.


34ce86  No.3072671

>>3071898 (lb)

Before the Storm (LiS prequel) does not involve the time travel ability; the ability instead is the skill of wits to obtain the desired outcome.

The original Life is Strange had the powers of time travel.

Btw highly recommend these games to you anons. LiS 2 comes out at the end of the month.

e4bd33  No.3072672

File: 560fb2066020271⋯.png (516 KB, 617x821, 617:821, RomaDowney.png)

What the actual FUCK is Tom Arnold doing laying his hands on Roma Downey??

Got this bruise tonight when Tom Arnold tried to ambush my husband Mark and me at a charity event. Is your TV show worth it Tom?Please stop


767a34  No.3072673

File: 7be476e97e38150⋯.jpg (266.17 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Pepistan1.jpg)

TY Baker for this lovely bread!

c52a72  No.3072674



50f92b  No.3072675

File: f485dbac020987c⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 563x331, 563:331, deformedbooby.JPG)

in b4 20 muh boob tyb poster

3dbc4f  No.3072676


That's because they never thought he'd actually declassify and this type of letter makes it seem like the Democrats are the ones fighting for transparency. Bluff called.

f8ae49  No.3072679


did Feinstein have a Chinese guy with her, short, black hair, Wong or Wang something

ac8aae  No.3072680


My prayer is that God has mercy on your soul.

da6c06  No.3072681

DECLAS is why RR wanted to meet with POTUS, I bet.

Trying to talk him out of it.

d428d1  No.3072682

File: 8945617b8f49e52⋯.jpeg (325.06 KB, 1021x1200, 1021:1200, DFC41C83-BA99-4E8C-855F-2….jpeg)

RR mentions Lincoln and Roosevelt in his remarks at the Justice Department’s Forum on Free Speech in Higher Education yesterday. Comey positioned himself in front of Abe Lincoln in twitter pic yesterday could this be a coded response to RR?


3430d8  No.3072683

File: a75c31b77d5d3b6⋯.jpeg (238.95 KB, 1242x792, 69:44, 59E446C3-3F5A-4CCE-8175-D….jpeg)

File: 59c8fbc9e593acb⋯.jpeg (186.53 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, C75EA38B-283B-4DD5-9CC6-5….jpeg)

File: 7d16ca345fc9833⋯.jpeg (212.86 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 79C262DC-40A2-4A5D-BE4B-D….jpeg)

File: 37a8bd205f6e607⋯.jpeg (150.09 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, FFF1B785-F171-407B-90D9-B….jpeg)

File: c4fb6628bfccbf3⋯.jpeg (148.38 KB, 1055x593, 1055:593, 7FE0F8D7-8C76-4F55-AB0E-F….jpeg)

Fuck me

7516c1  No.3072684

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Jam for the Bread

Best of Future World Music 2018

- 1 Hour of Jam

Like they knew we were coming…jam in all the right flavors.

Work/Fam Safe


Long set…suggest opening in a new tab for easy pausing.

9970bb  No.3072685

>>3071952 lb

her smile is almost as fake as gloria vanderbilt's…

0da44d  No.3072686


Anyone see this yet.

State Dept Puke.

8640a2  No.3072687

File: 1d82d74afe6a4a1⋯.png (285.77 KB, 525x594, 175:198, ClipboardImage.png)


abf077  No.3072688


Tom Arnold is sick.

3dbc4f  No.3072690


I didn't catch that. Q dropping a Thomas Paine tweet does give him more credibility.

f8ae49  No.3072691



bfdff9  No.3072692

File: 3a8b266b0facc0e⋯.png (59.62 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-09-18-08-1….png)

More good news.

4a1137  No.3072693

File: 9163887ed89fb8d⋯.jpg (110.25 KB, 538x522, 269:261, abad3b5b30830e3b7c595da509….jpg)

File: 9e4b89b4df773d8⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 339x434, 339:434, 19105741_1356163414462752_….jpg)

da6c06  No.3072694


Assassination attempt a go?

9970bb  No.3072695


Desperately trying to gain some public trust, can he be more blatant?

94f6cd  No.3072696


That letter was to Obama, look at the date.

020d62  No.3072697

File: 26ca9b87051e39a⋯.jpeg (337.5 KB, 1532x1305, 1532:1305, 97E596E3-F332-4F78-823D-9….jpeg)


41dd1a  No.3072698

>>3072228 (lb)


99daff  No.3072699

File: fa1df0d7c8e97ea⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 539x333, 539:333, 00womenHit3.jpg)

File: b981ea12b705a31⋯.png (92.08 KB, 312x632, 39:79, 253694_175751325907951_939….png)

File: 5a8632139066202⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 225x225, 1:1, imzages.jpg)



the cancer is to be found in the nonsense "all men are created equal…"

clearly they are fucking not.

ec2cde  No.3072701


kek, yeah he kept jumping out from behind the potted plant trying to fight me


Thanks anon, you better actually make that prayer please!

509b66  No.3072702

File: 2030dba0a3f94ee⋯.png (72.14 KB, 639x477, 71:53, twitter_com_C_3C_3_status_….png)

File: 1dd1faae6e6b168⋯.png (54.33 KB, 631x467, 631:467, twitter_com_themarketswork….png)

File: b2ccc814de538d9⋯.png (74.26 KB, 631x571, 631:571, twitter_com_Govtiscorporat….png)

cbe66b  No.3072703

File: 2e31814767c834e⋯.png (568.62 KB, 751x422, 751:422, ClipboardImage.png)

b83169  No.3072704

File: 0f1c4ec38493271⋯.png (114.59 KB, 549x833, 549:833, Bill Mitchell tweet 9-18-2….PNG)

Interesting tweet from Bill.

bfdff9  No.3072705

File: 7347342478e8734⋯.jpg (95.72 KB, 800x799, 800:799, DnKW-RTXgAABAWJ.jpg)



Anderson Cooper is a fagguzzler

3dbc4f  No.3072706


Kek, I need to slow down. Completely changes the letter.

d48cee  No.3072707

File: bd9c97cf66d66fc⋯.png (709.78 KB, 968x642, 484:321, ClipboardImage.png)

TY Baker

386de5  No.3072708

File: 5886da0060dd2ff⋯.png (43.27 KB, 1061x596, 1061:596, POTUS YOM KIPPUR.PNG)

Interesting comments from POTUS TODAY OF ALL DAYS on Yom Kippur.

0a6767  No.3072710


He did shit the bread one time lol

4d8206  No.3072711


s-m-o-k-i-n-g t-h-e-s-e m-e-a-t-s

b47367  No.3072712

>>3071920 lb

If you think thats a lot go check out the Insignia-gate room here on the Q Board. Fucking SINGLE TRANSFERS of over 9 TRILLION. This shit economic system is fake as fuck my friends..

446f1a  No.3072714

File: 8b488be4c2ddf2c⋯.png (75.01 KB, 1296x537, 432:179, 21940164893291621892787324….png)

File: 617a3d43f9eec2c⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1355x870, 271:174, 00789312896034853890132890….png)

6d6506  No.3072715


yup excellent work i'm feeling less uneasy supporting the article

698c85  No.3072716


I interpret this as "my illegal shady activities will come out causing Facebook stock to tank, better sell it off in the least conspicuous way possible." Bonus points for the "end disease" part so he can take credit for when all the withheld cures are released.

9be997  No.3072717

File: b411ae3f8f2862b⋯.mp4 (10.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 670KSdS3hJVDZMeM.mp4)

Maxine Waters Calls For Supporters To "Knock Off" Trump

ce1fbf  No.3072719


>ad hominem

Don't think that word means what you think it does.

Kek, you're a fucking idiot (that's ad hominem, you moronic fucktwad)

Debating your basis of whether to "believe" something or not, wasn't

But of course, you'd make an illogical response that destroys how "scientific" and "fact based" you'd like to think you are.

So again. Fuck off you moronic idiot. (ad hominem)

abf077  No.3072720


I remember that.

d86448  No.3072721

File: 09e110164907f54⋯.jpg (146.61 KB, 1023x818, 1023:818, 1501341736107.jpg)

I am ready for the next meme war.

e3524c  No.3072722

File: 40e69fc0d3906aa⋯.png (561.92 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

TY Baker

94f6cd  No.3072723

ab636a  No.3072724


Can also be read as calling him out.

1a7be9  No.3072726

File: 9033017e49ad5e1⋯.png (479.34 KB, 345x721, 345:721, [karafka].png)

>>3072563 (last bread)

>>3072593 (last bread)

bfdff9  No.3072727

File: 6c50f57920da903⋯.png (76.84 KB, 480x683, 480:683, Screenshot_2018-09-13-15-3….png)

File: e84df788d34d82c⋯.png (40.28 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-09-13-15-2….png)

File: 83165f80a6ec42a⋯.png (48.96 KB, 480x517, 480:517, Screenshot_2018-09-13-17-3….png)

b3f24d  No.3072728


It's been in the last few breads already.

80ccf0  No.3072730


TRUST WRAY confirmed and Thomas Paine has been a big critic of him…

0a6767  No.3072731


Are the pedo actors putting on a show for us too?

66d390  No.3072732

The Plan has been in the making for decades and is a living document that ensures the liberation of the entire planet, release of advanced technologies in all fields and contact with extraterrestrial humans and other beings in the infinite universe.

fb631c  No.3072733


Worked out great for Jenny Moore. She dead.

7487c4  No.3072734

File: 14f82964ad48103⋯.jpg (297.26 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, sessions.jpg)

(lb) Somebody wanted a sessions with a walker….

61c134  No.3072735


What a total lunatic

99daff  No.3072737

File: 47236b77d9514dd⋯.png (39.61 KB, 639x685, 639:685, ceb72c4e621c86b804a7ac9bc1….png)

File: adf37e739cf2f15⋯.png (41.18 KB, 684x619, 684:619, 7f7f24606ae83ea3ebea4a7e3b….png)

File: 704448971b309ae⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 502x604, 251:302, 704448971b309aede0c7088c6e….jpg)

File: b4348d65e75cfec⋯.png (251.24 KB, 523x667, 523:667, serial molestor free.png)

File: 0a082893b370f1e⋯.png (310.28 KB, 485x547, 485:547, tianjin3.png)

bfdff9  No.3072739

File: f216f8730dd37f8⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 828x566, 414:283, f216f8730dd37f8297ed94aad6….jpg)

1df079  No.3072740

File: 47013614c995f47⋯.jpeg (108.03 KB, 1239x358, 1239:358, 4C0E4DAA-30E0-4D7E-8279-2….jpeg)

I just saw this on a friend of mine’s FB Page.

d31bfd  No.3072741


C_A NEEDS SOME $$$$$$ for the hit job on POTUS confirmed by Comey standing in front of Lincoln after RR speaks about Lincoln.

(see above post) >> No.3072682

3dbc4f  No.3072742


Right, so it's something he concocted from "open sources."

Give me a break. He's obviously trying to steal Q's thunder for himself and appease anons at the same time by saying "Q probably has more inside information."

Considering Bill likely has none, this is the only thing true in his tweet.

Ask yourself this: if you had "inside information" about a secret op that infiltrated the DS/Dems so as to ensure a MAGA victory in the mid terms… would you run to Twitter to tell everyone about it or would you hope your silence would give the op maximum effectiveness?

6d6506  No.3072743


I'm offended he connects himself/#slowwalker to Q like this. Q may actually have more…ya think!

d97ca5  No.3072745


Well said anon.

6c3c9b  No.3072746

File: cc62e590b71a836⋯.jpg (6.27 KB, 223x226, 223:226, download-2.jpg)

ab846c  No.3072747


>>3071527 - pb - more sauce

"The Amnesty International organization claimed on Tuesday that one of its employees had been targeted with Israeli-made surveillance software, The Associated Press reported.

The claim was made in a 20-page report in which Amnesty outlined how it thinks a hacker tried to break into an unidentified staff member’s smartphone in early June by baiting the employee with a WhatsApp message about a protest in front of the Saudi Embassy in Washington.

The London-based organization said it traced the malicious link in the message to a network of sites tied to the NSO Group, an Israeli surveillance company implicated in a series of digital break-in attempts, including a campaign to compromise proponents of a soda tax in Mexico and an effort to hack into the phone of an Arab dissident that prompted an update to Apple’s operating system.

Joshua Franco, Amnesty’s head of technology and human rights, said the latest hacking attempt was emblematic of the increased digital risk faced by activists worldwide.

“This is the new normal for human rights defenders,” Franco said, according to AP.

NSO said in a written statement that its product was “intended to be used exclusively for the investigation and prevention of crime and terrorism” and that allegations of wrongdoing would be investigated. The company added that past allegations of customer misuse had, in an undisclosed number of cases, led to the termination of contracts.

Amnesty’s findings were reportedly corroborated by internet watchdog Citizen Lab, which has been tracking NSO spyware for two years and is based at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs.

The Amnesty report said the organization identified a second human rights activist, in Saudi Arabia, who was targeted in a similar way to its staffer. Citizen Lab said it found traces of similar hacking attempts tied to Qatar or Saudi, hinting at the use of the Israeli spyware elsewhere in the Gulf."


f8cc75  No.3072748


More proof that belief in god protects you from liberalism

0a6767  No.3072749


A vicious coke monster

b128c6  No.3072750

File: 2f7deaca2e99ffb⋯.png (69.72 KB, 400x302, 200:151, Crazy cortez talks Maria.png)

File: b3cfc4630ed5064⋯.jpg (133.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2i775o.jpg)

She is basically blaming Trump for her grandfather dying who was in a nursing home.

Yet she runs around New York in rich expensive clothes that cost thousands of dollars.

No normal person would ever have an out fit like that.

Thats more then most people spent on clothes for an entire family for a couple of years.

I call bullshit, that she is using this for political gain.

He only wants to be President for SOME people': Congress hopeful, whose grandfather died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, blasts Trump for mishandling disaster in Puerto Rico

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a Progressive Democrat from New York running for the U.S. House of Representative

On Monday, she criticized the Trump administration's treatment of Puerto Rico after the island was slammed in 2017 by Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Ocasio-Cortez went on CNN on Sunday and accused Trump's White House of treating Puerto Rican's as 'second-class citizens'

Last week, the rising politician blasted Trump's dismissal of Hurricane Maria's official death toll, revealing her grandfather was among the 2,975 that died.


d31bfd  No.3072752


either they need dough or are confirming the transfer of funds for the hit job.

020d62  No.3072753


Right the letter was to Obama trying to make it look like they wanted the truth all the while knowing he wouldn’t or at best would control what would be released.

Hence the Question: REMEMBER when the Dems wanted the Russian docs declassified? Now they are bitching.

98d71c  No.3072754


He got that monitor on

Extra Cancer Resolution

55107c  No.3072755



Theodore Roosevelt observed that the survival of a republic depends on the character of the average citizen. He said that “[t]he average citizen must be a good citizen if our republics are to succeed.”

The rule of law was the subject of Abraham Lincoln’s first published speech. He prophetically titled it, “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.” The year was 1838. The founding fathers had passed away, and Lincoln was alarmed by sharp political divisions and rising passions in our young republic. He advocated building respect for the law as a way to bind the society together.

Two decades later, in 1858, Lincoln engaged in a series of seven lengthy debates with his Senate opponent, Stephen Douglas. The opening speaker addressed the audience for one hour. The opponent took an hour and a half to reply. Then the first debater spent another half hour to respond.

People disagreed – sometimes vehemently – but they listened patiently, and they learned about opposing arguments.


We're supposed to listen to (((them))) now?

Still think Comey standing under Lincoln is spoopy, but can't say I understand the meaning.

Surely someone with more influence than I will.

6d6506  No.3072756


exactly what he did during the Presidental Campaign. Showed up when it was getting hot and heavy and stepped right in.

a20d08  No.3072757

File: 4eea13a3cb045a2⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1114x528, 557:264, Untitled picture.png)

From CNN's barely covered article about the FISA declassification. Check out who one of the co-authors is…

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/17/politics/donald-trump-declassify-documents/index.html

e99ba9  No.3072758

File: c4162fba04fc105⋯.jpg (106.58 KB, 900x650, 18:13, gunny.jpg)

bfdff9  No.3072760

File: e0bf0537a215504⋯.jpg (79.68 KB, 500x590, 50:59, 2i70tg~2.jpg)

b27557  No.3072761

>>3072699 Perhaps created equal, but don't end up equal!

509b66  No.3072762

Bert and Ernie Sesame Street writer finally ends decades of speculation about whether live-in characters are gay

Writer Mark Saltzman said the beloved duo, who shared a basement apartment on 123 Sesame Street, are indeed gay


50f92b  No.3072763


Now that's amusing

kinda sick but funny

fc3682  No.3072764


They are dead to me

d86448  No.3072765

so is Christopher Wray a whitehat or blackhat?

d31bfd  No.3072766


The DS killed her grandpa to get his narrative out there.

She messed up with the $3500 clothes

1ba63f  No.3072767


I don’t understand the antipathy towards True Pundit, he has been early and right more often than the rest. Is he perfect, not quite, but closer than almost all others.

4ba546  No.3072768


In the late 60s after Nixon was Elected based on he was going to stop the Vietnam war.

The Dems put together a white paper written by a think tank that said it would be impossible to let all the soldiers come back to America.

Basically they’re all on drugs and are murderers and will not fit in society.

Sound familiar? This is their mindset and that’s why they hate Veterans.

Your post reminded me of that

1eab45  No.3072770

File: 86a33751b81f6b9⋯.jpeg (889.29 KB, 1790x1534, 895:767, 9112.jpeg)

Stay vigilant - 9/11-2? Averted?

Air India flight loses lots of control when landing at NY.

This apparently occurred 9/11 this year.

Jim Stone has good comments.


3430d8  No.3072772

File: 8fdfbfea22dbc60⋯.jpeg (225.29 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, 5CBB6CC0-960C-43D5-9248-C….jpeg)

File: 9a8acb7bb98dbc9⋯.jpeg (154.99 KB, 802x1023, 802:1023, 4C0F3C2A-842E-4D93-AED6-1….jpeg)

File: ae5c9010ca7e6fd⋯.jpeg (448.22 KB, 1242x1565, 1242:1565, 60C22A9C-7C0E-469A-8925-6….jpeg)

File: ed96b754693d419⋯.jpeg (177.33 KB, 1241x841, 1241:841, 1C2CC540-72F9-4B05-B160-0….jpeg)

File: c43144733484215⋯.jpeg (122.19 KB, 1024x553, 1024:553, F0163B50-7DC6-44DE-BD55-1….jpeg)


9be997  No.3072773


Seems like some disgusting memes could be made to celebrate

3dbc4f  No.3072774


T Paine has been critical of Wray?

509b66  No.3072775

RNC internal poll finds GOP in danger due to complacent Trump voters: report

A leaked survey conducted for the Republican National Committee (RNC) found that a majority of President Trump’s supporters don’t believe that Democrats have a chance to win back the House during November’s midterm elections.

Bloomberg Business on Tuesday published the survey, completed by Public Opinion Strategies polling firm on Sept. 2.


f666e5  No.3072776

I just realized the covered in GOLD thing has to do with URANIUM…

I'm slow…………..

What did the Egyptians use uranium for?

Does it protect from something?

So many questions, gotta lurk moar!

b128c6  No.3072777

File: b3cfc4630ed5064⋯.jpg (133.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2i775o.jpg)


just noticed i had a typo, fixed it

cd2d25  No.3072778


He's what you would call a carpetbagger

8640a2  No.3072779

File: 41b6515a8b0beb4⋯.jpg (107.73 KB, 456x456, 1:1, ComeyDipShit.jpg)

2889ea  No.3072780


Um, you know Jenny Moore contacted fed agencies regarding Clinton's alleged child rape just before her death, right?

You know she expressed specific fear about [RR] right?

Why are you even thinking about blaming TruePundit?

ac8aae  No.3072781


You don't understand. I'm praying that God will forgive your defiance of Him. Yeah it's fun to mock that which is good. Enjoy while you can.

55107c  No.3072782



"Leaked" polls are a sure bet shit's just the opposite.

cbaca6  No.3072783

Hey Frens, I'm trying to make sure I've collected all the graphics

that have been dropped. Below is the list of titles that I have.

Have I missed any?

-Military Tribunals

-McCains Tribunals

-Lodestar = EMP

-Unrigging elections

-Toofy Sangs

-Blackmail vs Whitemail

-Awan Intel Leak

-Deep State

-Extrajudicial killings

-Uranium one

-Trump Tower Tap


1cd6f6  No.3072784

File: 7db25254493f714⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 681x215, 681:215, countdown.JPG)

>>3072167 (LB)

>>3072186 (LB)

>>3072308 (LB)

<ok now

(((they))) have had over two years to push

it's up to anon now

1eab45  No.3072785


Just to add I wish Mr. Stone would stop calling them "elite". Find / Change / Elite / Scum

2889ea  No.3072786

File: 505120f1354a77f⋯.png (454.87 KB, 982x744, 491:372, Wray Cruz meme.png)

e40bda  No.3072787


OMG anon!!😞☹️ I’m so sorry!! You should go public!

ae897e  No.3072788


Q said to TRUST WRAY

821716  No.3072789


Agreed, he is ex fbi too, he knows the corruption in the agency

b128c6  No.3072790

File: 2e9c2509e3d43cf⋯.jpg (133.8 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2i78f4.jpg)



clicked wrong one, kek

need to wake up, need some covfefe

3dbc4f  No.3072791


Yeah I'm getting a better picture now. Definitely calling him out. Going to keep him out of the notables for a while.

TP has promised over the past 9-10 months bombshell after bombshell and nothing ever dropped. I have very little patience for the Twitter famefags.

b3f24d  No.3072792

File: f30941408ececd2⋯.png (167.3 KB, 500x353, 500:353, Booker.png)

99daff  No.3072793

File: a5ee57e4198bc4d⋯.jpg (242.91 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 046b12834896af63ce77290b02….jpg)

File: 3e248af7b2d51d8⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1327x7756, 1327:7756, Screenshot_2018-07-16 Teen….png)

File: 38bb0c6526653ce⋯.jpg (149.8 KB, 736x1005, 736:1005, f1b8ef0197bb32fd4be27ee7e0….jpg)

File: f225350fb7d2097⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1326x4865, 1326:4865, Screenshot_2018-07-19 New ….png)

File: 4107daba708016d⋯.png (367.25 KB, 620x479, 620:479, Screen-Shot-2018-03-23-at-….png)


Not Battlestar Galactica again.

8b1c68  No.3072794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Have courage, Merry. Courage for our friends."

fb631c  No.3072795


Another pretty boy without a moral compass. He flip flops like a stuck mackerel.

0a6767  No.3072796


Like I said yesterday that's assassinating someone on the streets in street talk. That needs meme 'd hard imo. I'm a shit meme maker tho

bc71c5  No.3072797

File: 5684c869555c14b⋯.webm (14.64 MB, 256x144, 16:9, Deep State Unmasked State….webm)

Deep State Unmasked: State Dept on Hidden Cam "Resist Everything" "I Have Nothing to Lose"

ae06d3  No.3072798

File: 0d8552df3425bee⋯.jpg (31 KB, 640x360, 16:9, cortez2c.jpg)

1d1afb  No.3072799


cool tshirt bro!

2889ea  No.3072800

File: 30805d623a0de96⋯.png (36.53 KB, 824x396, 206:99, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


And on Emmy Night too.

13c3af  No.3072801

File: 82e97e2043d3964⋯.jpeg (106.94 KB, 888x485, 888:485, image.jpeg)

File: 796c0479ee15a50⋯.jpeg (108.79 KB, 888x458, 444:229, image.jpeg)

34d41e  No.3072802


(((gary cohn))) stabbed POTUS in the back. again.

racially motivated banker jew fucks with Patriots and POTUS while thinking it's safe.

Gary Cohn: Jamie Dimon Would Make A "Phenomenal" President


"Is JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon trying to launch a shadow campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination? It's beginning to look that way.

Because two days after Dimon appeared on ABC's "This Week" to publicly declare (for the second time) that he regretted his combative remarks about President Trump while the CEO insisted that he had no interest in politics (though Dimon clarified that he'd "never say never"), former Trump top economic advisor Gary Cohn chimed in during a Reuters event on Monday and said Dimon would make a "phenomenal" president, Bloomberg reported.

"I think Jamie would make a phenomenal president, I think Jamie would be a spectacular president," Cohn, who stepped down as Trump’s top economic adviser earlier this year, said Monday at an event hosted by Reuters in New York. It’s "very similar to running a complex, multinational, global firm."

To be sure, Cohn avoided the subject of whether Dimon might be able to best Trump in an election."

(((EIs JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon trying to launch a shadow campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination? It's beginning to look that way.

Because two days after Dimon appeared on ABC's "This Week" to publicly declare (for the second time) that he regretted his combative remarks about President Trump while the CEO insisted that he had no interest in politics (though Dimon clarified that he'd "never say never"), former Trump top economic advisor Gary Cohn chimed in during a Reuters event on Monday and said Dimon would make a "phenomenal" president, Bloomberg reported.

"I think Jamie would make a phenomenal president, I think Jamie would be a spectacular president," Cohn, who stepped down as Trump’s top economic adviser earlier this year, said Monday at an event hosted by Reuters in New York. It’s "very similar to running a complex, multinational, global firm."

To be sure, Cohn avoided the subject of whether Dimon might be able to best Trump in an election.


509b66  No.3072803

File: a3b1f54fcbfb7b2⋯.jpg (264.24 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0871m.jpg)


Here you go, no homo.

147c44  No.3072804


Good day anons. Re-reading last nights drops, specifically…

"BLACKMAIL v Senate & House [BRIDGE: FAKE NEWS MEDIA] being used…"

Anyone have a short list of "those who scream the loudest"?

We know, for the most part, ourguy/gals and [them]… whos screaming loudest though?


My $0.02 says any dem in so cal, ariz, nm, tx…

Schiff must be a super sick and twisted guy to still be screaming when the wave is literally cresting above him.

Who gives the green light to set cali ablaze and send hurricanes to texas and north carolina.

Observatory closures obviously linked to weather modification… no?

d60004  No.3072805

File: 7407dd462ed0902⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellObamaNO5.jpg)

File: 9d2244604bcbbeb⋯.jpg (140.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellObamaNO4.jpg)

File: f0bed11682c0959⋯.jpg (137.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellObamaNO3.jpg)

File: 6ec2d8371fd0e9b⋯.jpg (135.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellObamaNO2.jpg)

File: 8edb773428ac742⋯.jpg (129.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:TellObamaNO1.jpg)

ab846c  No.3072806

>>3072747 - more sauce

Pegasus software

Further information: Pegasus (spyware)

On August 25, 2016, Citizen Lab and Lookout revealed that software known as Pegasus, created by the company, was being used to target human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor in the United Arab Emirates.[14] Mansoor is an internationally recognized human rights activist and 2015 Martin Ennals Award Laureate. He informed Citizen Lab researchers Bill Marczak and John Scott-Railton that his iPhone 6 had been targeted on August 10, 2016, by means of a clickable link in an SMS text message.[8][15]

Analyses by Citizen Lab and Lookout discovered that the link downloaded software that exploited three previously unknown and unpatched zero-day vulnerabilities in the iPhone's operating system iOS.[16][17] According to their analyses, the software can silently jailbreak an iPhone when the phone owner, through spear phishing, is sent and opens a specific URL. After a user opens this link, the software installs on the phone, collecting all communications and locations of the targeted iPhones including iMessage, Gmail, Viber, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and Skype communications. The software can also collect Wi-Fi passwords.[8] The researchers noticed that the software's code referenced an NSO Group product called 'Pegasus' in leaked marketing materials.[6] Pegasus had previously come to light in a leak of records from the Italian company Hacking Team, when it was said to have been supplied to the government of Panama.[11] The researchers claim that a Mexican journalist, Rafael Cabrera, had also been targeted and they think that the software could have been used in Israel, Turkey, Thailand, Qatar, Kenya, Uzbekistan, Mozambique, Morocco, Yemen, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Bahrain.[8]

Citizen Lab and Lookout notified Apple's security team. Apple patched the flaws within ten days and released an update for iOS.[18] A patch for macOS was released six days later.[19]

In 2017, the Citizen Lab researchers revealed that NSO exploit links may have been sent to Mexican scientists and public health campaigners.[20] The targets supported measures to reduce childhood obesity, including Mexico's "Soda Tax."

In July 2017, the international team assembled to investigate the 2014 Iguala mass kidnapping publicly complained they thought they were being surveilled by the Mexican government.[21] They claim that the Mexican government utilized Pegasus to send them messages about funeral homes that contained links which, when clicked, granted the government the ability to surreptitiously listen to the investigators.[21] The Mexican government has repeatedly denied any unauthorized hacking.[21]

In June 2018, an Israeli court indicted a former employee of NSO Group for allegedly stealing a copy of Pegasus and attempting to sell it online for $50-Million worth of cryptocurrency.[22]


1a7be9  No.3072807


Two keks up anon! This is perfect for normies. I'm feeding these to my normie buddies who are blowing up twitter, facebook and instagram with them. BOMBS AWAY ANONS!


This is OUR TIME!

689143  No.3072809

File: b46cf9ae1fec5fb⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 799x143, 799:143, Screenshot (19h 06m 35s).jpg)

bfdff9  No.3072810

File: 23fc1117a12c418⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 500x599, 500:599, 2i705o-1~2.jpg)

Deep state will go down without a fight.

9be997  No.3072811

File: 6ca6624e298474f⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 236x236, 1:1, b9c5573a7bb454c7b5d1645bf0….jpg)

File: 37ddc9cd9f8f14d⋯.jpg (265.75 KB, 2709x1418, 2709:1418, banaan_in_je_oor_.jpg)

File: 4589bd3cf728655⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 599x470, 599:470, bert-and-ernie-sesame-stre….jpg)

File: 0c565867f0656c5⋯.jpg (29.79 KB, 670x451, 670:451, Bert-ERnie2-670x451.jpg)

55107c  No.3072812

File: 05f0f31301e478b⋯.png (568.73 KB, 499x499, 1:1, enlightened pepe.png)


Be careful who you follow.

Anyone with that many followers on Twitter who is not shut down is not /ourguy/.

Remember how they do it.

Drag you in.

Build your trust.

Stomp the shit out of your hopes and dreams for this operation.

0a6767  No.3072813


I envy that screen size. Maybe since my craptop went funky I'll move back to a desktop model, maybe build it myself. It'll be fun to see y'all better kek

f8cc75  No.3072814



Thats gotta suck to have to be a reporter and report on your mother being a traitorous bitch. Also, conflict of interest? They couldnt find a fluff piece for her to write instead? Maybe a report on the engineering marvel that is her mothers high heels?

5d650f  No.3072815


Tom Arnold is ((our guy)). He must be working for us…why else would he sow such animosity towards POTUS?

Stormy, Tom A., Sessions, Cohen, and the list of Actors grows….

Enjoy the Show anons…..

b3f24d  No.3072816

File: d1668ec6d6e79fe⋯.jpg (63.06 KB, 533x530, 533:530, oh shit.jpg)

4019fb  No.3072817


And did those FISA judges BACK-DATE any applications? hmmm? is that why the dates are redacted?

bc71c5  No.3072818


This is a video I uploaded from

Project Veritas.

I should have mentioned that in my post, my bad.

6d6506  No.3072819


The more exposure he gets the more he puts out, is what I noticed during campaign time…hanging ten on the high tide.

ec2cde  No.3072820


I'm waiting for one of them to announce their candidacy for 2020, until then I prefer to remain anonymous, only myself, my therapist, my lawyer and the lie-detector technician know my identity

1cd6f6  No.3072821


isnt that the worst

08d542  No.3072822


Please expand for the sake of an even slower Anon.

6c3c9b  No.3072823

File: 49698cc07b81c37⋯.png (612.52 KB, 681x657, 227:219, Qsail.png)


Miss Piggy and Kermit the only straight ones?

>I will say that I would never have said to the head writer, “oh, I’m writing this, this is my partner and me.”

>But those two, Snuffalupagus, because he’s the sort of clinically depressed Muppet…you had characters that appealed to a gay audience.

>And Snuffy, this depressed person nobody can see, that’s sort of Kafka! It’s sort of gay closeted too."

>Saltzman also talks about other Sesame Street characters in the interview and anecdotes, some tragic, from his career.

>He touches upon other gay co-workers he met at Sesame Street including Kevin Clash; the man behind Elmo.



92f5fa  No.3072824

File: ac1545036b6dc1a⋯.jpeg (45.91 KB, 480x477, 160:159, 493C050A-2A85-4447-A7F2-D….jpeg)

3dbc4f  No.3072825


I also believe Q said the ones not standing/clapping cheering during the SOTU were also blackmailed/DS.

e40bda  No.3072826


Ok anon. Well god bless!

020d62  No.3072827


What’s the source for this?

98d71c  No.3072828



Too bad atJack gotta BanHammer MICHELLE and atFiredFBIBoss, though.

36cc77  No.3072829


i was booty holed by sam hyde, plz emoji me and upboat :(

8640a2  No.3072830

File: f0e761d9a09415c⋯.png (392.94 KB, 568x516, 142:129, ClipboardImage.png)

Julie Chen, wife of Les Moonves of CBS, suddenly resigns from her show.

She's telling people via video. Is she in jail, or on the run?


147c44  No.3072831



6d6506  No.3072832


much better comey


9c7091  No.3072833


I used to be intrigued by his articles, but disappointed that there was never any verifiable sources. So, I’d take it all with a grain of salt. Recently, though, more and more of his articles are being proven as more information gets released - much like Q’s future proves past. That, plus “Thomas Paine” coming out publicly to tell his story has given True Pundit a lot of credibility in my eyes.

As always, I will not tout anything as gospel until it’s verified, but I definitely keep an eye on the stories he breaks.

99daff  No.3072834


Did you watch The Emmys? First time i have in my whole life? anti-white racism by jews, blacks and Hispanics.

If they dont like us, why dont they all fuck off?

4a1137  No.3072835

File: 8463ff779262ba2⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 457x457, 1:1, iur.jpg)

13c3af  No.3072836


That is why I ask those questions. So an anon can come up with an even better question.


4019fb  No.3072837


He said they were 'FREE' at last or some such.

4fd2d5  No.3072838

File: e9f096814e1bdd0⋯.jpg (190.9 KB, 345x437, 15:19, fags.jpg)

d7024e  No.3072839


Poor Burt and Ernie, but I guess if you spent your life with someones hand up your ass….

3dbc4f  No.3072840


The ones clapping/standing/chanting USA.

0a6767  No.3072841


Im with her, I've had enough. I've seen real racism. They cheapen and weaken it using it so flippant for anything they hate about America. Burn the cards Hans!

a20d08  No.3072842

File: a08e603813d6e90⋯.jpg (14.12 KB, 255x196, 255:196, 5de217e7a69606f3a70fd84bc8….jpg)

9be997  No.3072843

File: 7b0850076cb7378⋯.jpg (20.29 KB, 236x236, 1:1, download.jpg)

ae897e  No.3072844


with $100 mil in her pocket

5a9a18  No.3072845

File: 2147b7518202ff0⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 500x267, 500:267, Maria Callas Medea.jpg)

fb631c  No.3072846


Who capitalized on her info and death? Who lured her to Webb's motel where she was killed? You can defend him ( or yourself ) but you will never change my mind.

50f92b  No.3072847


>Tom arnold is ((our guy))

>tom arnold

>((our guy))

try harder

5618a7  No.3072848

File: 2f5432dc7144d25⋯.png (617.81 KB, 880x495, 16:9, C16505ED-8288-49DE-8AAD-C5….png)

Think mirror…

b714d4  No.3072849



6c3c9b  No.3072850

File: 9e36e972f205078⋯.png (181.97 KB, 831x651, 277:217, Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at ….png)


Confirmed: Spartacus, the Trailblazer, is a gay.

fac0d2  No.3072851


Need one or five of those with POTUS pointing to RR. Kek!

b714d4  No.3072852


not as should be was

2889ea  No.3072853

File: b12d33119ca6ed3⋯.png (82.37 KB, 894x318, 149:53, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


Post again for this bread.


bfdff9  No.3072854

File: 30c0344b0928506⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 500x398, 250:199, 2i71jf~2.jpg)

Q said the MSM will be used fir the the Deep States push back.

169764  No.3072855


ty baker. everything will come to light per the plan. reading old Q drops is important. future proves past

6d6506  No.3072856


definitely don't support them with any of your damned racist white money

f666e5  No.3072857

When you buy and sell a house, you must check for RADON nowadays.

It didn't used to be that way.

Seems like it came out of nowhere.

Sure would be a great way to locate Uranium Deposits without people suspecting a thing, wouldn't it?

That would be clever.

5a9a18  No.3072858

File: e151ccbd902bd5e⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 800x450, 16:9, FIGHT FIGHT.jpg)

509b66  No.3072859

File: 04215d9f6a64d18⋯.png (37.73 KB, 588x261, 196:87, twitter_com_hashtag_SlowWa….png)

5d650f  No.3072860


Why do you think Q says….what makes great movies? …Actors? think about it.

2561d8  No.3072862

Devin acts like the 20 page fisa should be pretty quick to get. WHAT ARE WE WAITING ON??? LET'S SEE IT!

10ad90  No.3072863



We leak a "complacent" poll, so the Dems rejoice even more assured they are going to Blue wave us in midterms, which of course causes the Dims to become complacent themselves.

I'm planning on voting for the first time in years to do my part to help the Repubs hang on.

4019fb  No.3072864


Yes. Those.

08d542  No.3072865


Using their own tools against them. Classic Trump.

e84273  No.3072866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6c3c9b  No.3072867

File: 5bce9bb4af63e0b⋯.png (490.23 KB, 693x538, 693:538, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: 18c87c12e2e7374⋯.png (350.44 KB, 702x561, 234:187, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

a4703a  No.3072868


was wondering where and when she would pop her head out.

2889ea  No.3072869


They won't be screaming. They will be quietly voting as ordered making lame, muffled excuses.

OTOH, blackmail works two ways.

bfdff9  No.3072870

File: 95d506fab482af6⋯.jpg (40.46 KB, 500x414, 250:207, 2i7180~2.jpg)

File: 30c0344b0928506⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 500x398, 250:199, 2i71jf~2.jpg)


Q said the MSM will be used for the Deep States push back.

1d1afb  No.3072871

File: 6bfbaa96da25535⋯.gif (6.31 MB, 768x433, 768:433, fishing-hillary.gif)

File: a4dba77999b1596⋯.jpg (767.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hillary_and_tony.jpg)

File: cf930e7cd7fffe3⋯.jpg (658.54 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Hillary_child_robber.jpg)



for about a day if that. Not even most liberals like hussein or hillary or bill. the youths, they dont like them. their own party would ditch them if they could. but like an albatross tied around their necks, the DNC keeps those almost dead birds alive… pathetic

01273b  No.3072872


It’s so nice to know that humor is understood around here.

9260bd  No.3072873

File: 0da38f117ac8d08⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 0da38f117ac8d0833ebaa53f67….jpg)


3dbc4f  No.3072874

File: 5fee74afbdaf807⋯.png (72.51 KB, 535x765, 107:153, ClipboardImage.png)


That's right, I knew there was a reason I didn't trust the guy.

ab846c  No.3072875


He's trying to get out fully, as soon as is possible. Or POTUS EO confiscated Fuckbook, and is trying the same thing.

4f24bb  No.3072876


Energy Ministry: 60% of dams empty

National Desk

A report by Iran’s Energy Ministry suggests that only 40 percent of the storage capacity of the 95 dams in the country are filled with water.

Despite a 12 percent increase in rainfall in the spring, the volume of water storage in the country’s dams shows a 15 percent decrease compared to last year, due to unprecedented low rainfall last autumn and winter, the ministry’s report said.

The report also said a decrease in water storage has affected power production in the country, which was the main reason behind the power outages in the summer.

6c1fff  No.3072877


Where did Q confirm these people are working for us?


10ad90  No.3072878


Phenomenal for the banksters, maybe.

512dda  No.3072879


Grassley threatens to nix 11th-hour session if Kavanaugh accuser won't respond to invite


75e956  No.3072880


Same here anon, I've never voted in midterms before.

But sure as shit getting out there this time

1ba63f  No.3072881


This is the sting on McCabe, strzok, and maybe Comey that Wray refers to here.

0a6767  No.3072882


that pic of potus on the beam gave me vertigo. I love that man

6c3c9b  No.3072883

File: 1dbcc5bbd1f5ee9⋯.png (595.78 KB, 446x790, 223:395, Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at ….png)



6c1fff  No.3072884


FB is going down! Q - future proves past.

ac637c  No.3072885

File: 4fc218df57e1ba0⋯.png (899.46 KB, 2460x1276, 615:319, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


Fucking pay wall.. otherwise a Facebook article how Facebook was trying to slime peoples data away from firms.. MOTHERFUCKERS


1b74c2  No.3072886

File: dd34df86f2819e7⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 500x421, 500:421, BethWilkinsonCherylMills.jpg)

Brett Kavanaugh's attorney


Hang on, she's also represented Cheryl Mills???

Dang, my jpg folder strikes again

0f0cd1  No.3072887


Or you get a meme of a brain and put it in your head?

bfdff9  No.3072888

File: 2e68b149299fae4⋯.jpg (116.13 KB, 500x646, 250:323, 2i70ez~2.jpg)



The MSM will hype Trump overstepped his bounds and is a dictator… And provoke stupid people.

5618a7  No.3072889

File: 55028472aaebb8c⋯.png (418.22 KB, 670x451, 670:451, 272BB92C-2272-4EAD-9757-54….png)

50f92b  No.3072890


if you don't know what is wrong with

>tom arnold is ((our guy))

I can't help you

689143  No.3072891

File: 06f2e4006fb226d⋯.jpg (120.64 KB, 822x516, 137:86, Screenshot (11h 35m 25s).jpg)

File: 7dc76a35d6fc0b5⋯.jpg (118.24 KB, 820x481, 820:481, Screenshot (11h 35m 33s).jpg)

e4bd33  No.3072892

File: db06e9c0c88f5de⋯.jpeg (11.2 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1bfc7e330e58b43e559c8f193….jpeg)


I'm old enough to remember that one time Q shit in the bread.

fac0d2  No.3072893


Im sure more info will come out sooner, rather than later.

While I agree with much of Bill's tweets, this seems like he is letting the LEFT know the plan in advance.

Q says that they don't tell their adversaries the plan in advance.

6c1fff  No.3072894



I'm convinced this is why Trump won. (besides the obvious)

Constant polls insisting HRC won + making conservatives afraid to speak out= complacency on the part of libs.

1d1afb  No.3072895


hes a fame whore paytriot. controlled by the money like we all in a way are in our own way. we are controlled by the damn taxes we have to pay on EVERYTHING.

509b66  No.3072896



use archive.is to bypass paywall

0b460e  No.3072897


Merkel Faces New Cabinet Crisis Over Plan To Fire Germany's Spy Chief Who Defied Her.


c5726c  No.3072898


just some anons' takes, bud.

don't expect Q to spell everything out in plain text

y'have to read through the lines + future proves past

7cb2a6  No.3072899

File: 7af8603949049f5⋯.png (193.53 KB, 598x310, 299:155, trumpSESSIONS111.png)

3dbc4f  No.3072900


What's with these asshats coming up with corny "operation" names.

Crossfire Hurricane

Slow Walker

Whatever happened to Greek Mythology, Literature, Philosophy inspired operation names?

a3758c  No.3072901

File: 4ca12e66fd48457⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 4ca12e66fd484571827e4c3992….jpg)



3ac913  No.3072902

File: 81d85988e857778⋯.png (72.32 KB, 692x534, 346:267, ClipboardImage.png)

ae897e  No.3072904

File: 589bf6995e365fe⋯.jpg (107 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Kavanaugh-2[1].jpg)


will she be wearing her pussy hat at hearing?

5d650f  No.3072905


Hello, you must be a newfag here. Go check pubanon and use Control F to find this phrase…"What makes a great Movie"

There's your proof. For strategic reasons, we can't outline the exact plan of Q….because remember anon- (((they))) are here on the board as well.

f8d8a9  No.3072906


Common core happened

d7024e  No.3072907


Pull the kids from that school, either send them to another or home school them. I know most families both parents work but gotta find a way to get the kids out of that toxic environment.

1f002d  No.3072908


Here's a tip for you, newfag: ALWAYS read past notables before posting anything "new".

f12dd3  No.3072909


"We" ???

bfdff9  No.3072910

File: bf9dda8d90f1dbd⋯.png (58.34 KB, 473x750, 473:750, Screenshot_2018-09-18-08-2….png)

Jeff has poor work ethics.

f52d1e  No.3072911

File: 2a3cd858dfdb380⋯.jpg (394.94 KB, 955x510, 191:102, Xnip2018-09-18_11-37-30.jpg)

File: 45300e5986a2e6c⋯.jpg (23.92 KB, 400x310, 40:31, StuartKaraffa.jpg)

File: 419cb4f2924f08d⋯.jpg (319.66 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ResistVeritasPussyHat.jpg)

This didn't take long.

fb631c  No.3072912


And the ones that shut themselves down, or collude w @jack to do so. Shits convoluted but they're pretty easy to spot by the amount of noise they make.

a2ae92  No.3072913




yea was like 740 or something lol

d31bfd  No.3072914


The silent assassin at work

0a6767  No.3072915


Bert and Ernie are no longer questioning their sexuality anymore, brought to you by the letter Q

99daff  No.3072916


how many kids do you fuck per year? average?

c5726c  No.3072917


slowwalker crew, i guess.

normie-layer of the Qonion

3dbc4f  No.3072918


Yeah it seems we're all slaves to the system in some way. Unless you strike it rich (ultimate American dream).

It's insane what money does to some people.

d1ddff  No.3072919

File: a6b64aa605d9593⋯.gif (4.19 MB, 550x224, 275:112, 70e744cbe46aa0809739b359f1….gif)


Neck yourself, shill faggot.

3dbc4f  No.3072920

6a305f  No.3072921

File: 1124f57fea12424⋯.png (786.62 KB, 1149x594, 383:198, ClipboardImage.png)

5dbf0a  No.3072923


WTF? All the breads are made of Q shit! But Q's shit is better than anything clowns are capable of. Freedom boners.

509b66  No.3072924



>Crossfire Hurricane

FBI named this op

>Slow Walker

Bill Mitchell named this one.

9526a2  No.3072925


This is in Nebraska- the “Heart of America”.

ac637c  No.3072926

File: fc306e07a4a1d73⋯.jpeg (25.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, iu-16.jpeg)


He reminds me of some weird MaxHeadrum x avatar.. his videos show up and he matches his background/sometimes clothes to his eye color.. fucking creepy man

92f5fa  No.3072927

File: fee5bcba48d3156⋯.jpeg (94.22 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 9A111DA9-6FEB-43DD-86B9-8….jpeg)

d60004  No.3072928


OK he's next. Working….

cd2f2a  No.3072929


Not really Anonymous though, stay safe


2889ea  No.3072930


>Who capitalized on her info and death?

Um, nobody. Seriously, who has made any money off of it? Paine says he has the tape of the guy she interviewed but his keeping it silent at his request and to protect him. Releasing would probably start making him money.

>Who lured her to Webb's motel where she was killed?

"Lured her" to the hotel? How do you figure renting a room is being "lured"?

I don't care about changing you mind but I want other anons to know you are pointlessly trying to run down a white hat, which makes one go hmmm.

5a9a18  No.3072932

File: 953daed1457e35e⋯.png (262.88 KB, 500x473, 500:473, walker.png)

86982b  No.3072933


Need to meme that to the normies.

This generation won't take that very well… the knowledge that their beloved characters have been setting them up for acceptance of the gay agenda for 40 years.

41dd1a  No.3072934


I think he means that #slowwalker is the title of their theory of what is going on. He does not mean to insinuate that he is part of Q team because he suggests Q has more inside knowledge than himself.

1b74c2  No.3072935


Archived version!


f8d8a9  No.3072937


Home schooling is the best! Received many a compliments on our boy this summer.

People couldn't believe his range of conversation and topics. He was redpilling adults. Managed to find a 12 year old to talk to about the meaning of life.

6d6506  No.3072938


hey bill…you aint anywhere near Q in any way shape or form. Don't twat that way.

1ba63f  No.3072939


Technically he was a contractor to fbi … not that h3 didn’t build contacts tho

aa0506  No.3072940


I don't think Ford initially intended to testify, possibly told by Feinstein that it wouldn't come to that. They probably just wanted to put the process on hold, not place her in front of the public to answer questions. Fair chance it doesn't happen.

689143  No.3072941


Fuck'n KEK!

08d542  No.3072942


I wouldn't call this guy "deep state" though. Let's see what else James comes up with.

eac3f2  No.3072943


This is plain out a threat of assassination on Trump. He looks photo shopped under Lincoln. He is not center of photo as a natural photo would have been.

3dbc4f  No.3072944


I know. I think it's a symptom of being an asshat.

d65fb3  No.3072945

File: 7f8905c3d9651bb⋯.png (86.72 KB, 318x149, 318:149, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)

anyone else feel like we are not getting this Fisa?

I think its just misinformation to the deep state

get them to waste more amunition,

if Trump wanted it out it would be out, I don't see him giving up the Leverage, Logically it makes sense Keep the news cycle on, that way there on there heels, they had a small victory stoping the vote on thursday,

but there not paying any attention to russia and israel right now, Gready dems trying to exploit what they can[not much]

sucks for us but we are used to it no expectations is always best

35f6ad  No.3072946


I was there, i served drinks

They didnt pay me as promised

I can confirm

ac637c  No.3072947



0b0148  No.3072948


Well, her POS husband has humiliated the hell out of her, so I'm guessing she's in hiding until she figures out what to do.

5dbf0a  No.3072949


You are clearly not a photographer. Rule of thirds. Look it up.

16135a  No.3072950


Webb is involved in death of JEM777- no sauce but I feel it.

f8cc75  No.3072951



Ive been sending this to everyone I know with the candidates in our areas info. I am pushing for a red tsunami.

6b58cc  No.3072952

File: e9abb2b63662055⋯.pdf (240.84 KB, Facebook and Financial Fir….pdf)


PDF of WSJ article via Archive.is (no pictures did not come through, but everything else is ok)

0a6767  No.3072953


Im phone fagging or I'd make that meme, if someone would I'd post it

9cf3ef  No.3072954

5540d3  No.3072956


She hasn't been told what to do yet. She can't respond.

f12dd3  No.3072957


Yep could be

1ba63f  No.3072958


+1, TP is white hat doing the Lords work

8640a2  No.3072959


Like she didn't play the game too.

f666e5  No.3072960


Uranium is called yellow-cake.

I believe it is in the crumbs as "GOLD".

Q is heavily affiliated with the Department of Energy.

I think they may decide what is classified?

At least relating to energy devices when said devices can be used for destructive purposes.

So Q can't go around spouting off about URANIUM.

Because that would be like disobeying your own rules.

So when he talks about uranium he just says GOLD.

The ancient Egyptian thing —

there's something fucky about ancient Egyptians and uranium.

They used it for at least one purpose and maybe multiple purposes.

This leads me to believe that the cabal has actually been using URANIUM for at least a couple thousand years.

I'm extremely curious what they have been using it for, or what they intend on using it for.

The D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military base) would fit in with the theory of an upcoming solar event. (Protect against radiation)

The uranium would also fit in if it protects against radiation somehow (wouldn't that be crazy?)

I don't have a great understanding of uranium, but something is clearly going on.

Uranium has some hidden uses, of that I am positive.

50f92b  No.3072961

File: 52d690ddcedef8a⋯.jpg (80.54 KB, 924x536, 231:134, debbiekatz.JPG)


Since you put it that way.

e4bd33  No.3072962


Noice anon!

#SlowWalker #IHaveASecret

5896a3  No.3072963

File: 159b85ebe85e742⋯.png (9.27 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 96fd745ad3fb73d13d49672f08….png)

If Lynch is talking, she's going to throw Hussein and Bubba under the bus along with Jarrett since she handles Hussein

7516c1  No.3072964

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Wicked Game

- London Grammar

No wicked games in London..?


- not to dox, but she's stunning and would gain like 20 extra points by putting on a Florida MBA t-shirt… I still might be able to overlook it…kek

509b66  No.3072965


As Bill explained, Slow Walker is a drip,drip, drip release before the mid-terms.

bfdff9  No.3072967

File: 60f99ca64897935⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 2i4wqy~2.jpg)

File: b5884a83c10fc58⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 500x694, 250:347, 2hf6qx~2.jpg)




Democrats dropped an 11th hour hand grenade in Kavanaugh's lap to smear his character and derail his nomination… Kind of obvious.

121272  No.3072968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>3070774 Gateway Pundit analysis of Gen Flynn's Eagle Council speech (Past bread).

This is post-Election, Published on Nov 14, 2016 - General Flynn

Speaking to younglings at YAF.org - Don't know where posted

prior on the Boards…. but note comments about the Election

around 14:00 min mark… re-posted clip by [intheMatrixxx]



Obviously before formal Q drops a year later, but note words:

- Army of digital soldiers

- Irregular warfare at its finest in Politics

- Insurgency

- Citizen journalists

- Took over idea of information… through

- Social media

- (MSM) journalists …. arrogant (#FakeNews)

4e7176  No.3072969

File: fc139a9eda1cd38⋯.jpg (30.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 355028422_1280x720.jpg)

File: e3cd08c6bbcc236⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1480x1010, 148:101, worldcentralkitchen.png)

NC Anon here. Our church is looking into partnering with this group who has landed in Wilmington and preparing food for Florence flood victims. Do any Anons have information as to whether this organization is "comped" or not? They have a slightly funny logo (pic related) and they do work in Haiti. I'll continue to dig but wanted to inquire with you all. Thank you.


e2dfaa  No.3072970


She never got any of those CBS jobs on her own, only because of him. Better to exit "on your own" than to be fired in the inevitable humiliating way.

44bf77  No.3072971

File: 6e09ad974adbe32⋯.jpg (17.78 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 80s356a845beda10a523d7d1f1….jpg)


>anyone else feel like we are not getting this Fisa?

You are a pussy!

Its been like 12 hours.

d7024e  No.3072972

File: a83674761f7de40⋯.jpg (19.97 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BNzE0NDE3NTczNF5.jpg)


From the 1972 movie Gargoyles

0b460e  No.3072973




215c03  No.3072974


Maybe… All the Deep State enablers now know that the "end" is inevitable, and POTUS is just giving them some time to rat each other just to save themselves.

0b0148  No.3072976


Who knows? Not me. Have seen no evidence.

1d1afb  No.3072977


these people really make me sick. when i think of all the money that this governement has taken from the people who work so hard only to pay more taxes, be taxed out of their homes and businesses, regulated to death… it really burns me to cinders that they lived so lavishly on our dime. A $35,000 suite on our dime. all of them. disgusting. and in the meantime i am on the verge losing everything because cant afford the taxes on a home i PAID FOR. meaning we dont get to own anything.

5a9a18  No.3072978

File: d40138dc7639f07⋯.jpg (201.63 KB, 952x714, 4:3, sessions mosaic.jpg)

fb631c  No.3072979

File: 155285b801dbac5⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 1536597229.png)


Lena Dunham apologizes for not giving a fuck what you say. If you're so air tight why are you implying I'm a shill?

08d542  No.3072980


That's a very interesting take Anon. Thank you.

86982b  No.3072981

File: 29d145f1cc75d84⋯.png (311.62 KB, 961x725, 961:725, ClipboardImage.png)

The rainbow fuckers have been pushing this for 8 years now.


f52d1e  No.3072982


Agreed. He probably rolled out some of his weakest ammunition first… at least I hope.

ab846c  No.3072983


Not trying to be mean about it, but True Pundit has had many stories that were flat out wrong or misleading. Lately, seems to be getting somewhat better. That being said, many anons here still remember the older days.

"Is he perfect, not quite, but closer than almost all others."

This quote is either a true believer, or working for True Pundit.

ac637c  No.3072985

File: 1b03e566de59f76⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1396x1290, 698:645, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

Do these bitter ole fucking hags want us to just not have sex anymore?????

JFC women just can't be happy no matter what.. stuff a cock in her mouth to shut her the FUCK up.


7cec5b  No.3072986

who was wearing the green socks last night?

75e956  No.3072987


already registered

cd2f2a  No.3072988

File: 06d509c4f0ac5b3⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 405x608, 405:608, 06d509c4f0ac5b393126806d87….jpg)

17f562  No.3072989

File: 4cd40928109e4c2⋯.png (294.89 KB, 833x486, 833:486, ClipboardImage.png)


Actual modern Bull pizza oven

b3f24d  No.3072990

File: ffd1eb4b74fb31f⋯.png (631.25 KB, 750x553, 750:553, PaidProtestors.png)


It was meme'd over a week ago.

d5240f  No.3072991


while I think Bill Mitchell is OK you guys do realize that's just him basically co-opting Q but assigning it a different name to avoid supporting Q publicly and facing any backlash over promoting a 'conspiracy' theory right?

5a9a18  No.3072992

File: 504842707243863⋯.jpg (182.17 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Calm.jpg)

be99b9  No.3072993

Drudge Report shows nothing but Trump Doom and Gloom.

Is he controlled Opposition as well like AJ?

880743  No.3072994

File: 4153439ac21b438⋯.jpg (119.62 KB, 633x530, 633:530, Tapper.jpg)

KEK! Now make sure you apologize after you delete your memes.

ab846c  No.3072995


Gary Cohn, stopped reading right there.

49fafe  No.3072996

File: eda69f2548f7891⋯.png (491.05 KB, 765x966, 255:322, 2018-09-18_11-28-27 copy (….png)


Enjoy the show!


faa881  No.3072997


Was wondering the same thing.

I was gonna look for it myself but decided against it when I realized i was watching the fucking emmy awards.

75e956  No.3072998


i believe its an attempt in rallying Trump supporters to get out and vote

reverse psychology

9260bd  No.3072999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f8d8a9  No.3073000


Are they really this stupid or does money talk?

bfdff9  No.3073001

File: dccb57af24b0cac⋯.png (100.26 KB, 480x638, 240:319, Screenshot_2018-09-18-08-4….png)

Why is this horrible woman even relevant?

d48cee  No.3073002


>Home schooling is the best!

100% true.

But we need stay at home mums to do this most important job in the world. There is no greater calling for anyone (male or female) than to be entrusted with the training of a child in its most formative years - 0-7.

The Jesuits know this: "give me a child until he's seven and he's mine for life" - or words to that effect.

What, on God's earth, are mothers thinking of when they entrust their most precious children to strangers to indoctinate with the latest subversive social engineering dogma?

6b58cc  No.3073003

File: c8163c30c1c561c⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1127x1435, 161:205, ClipboardImage.png)


Sometimes swiftness is not needed for deadliness.

fe31d6  No.3073004

Internet - swamp command and control " Digital Keys " found.

Allows access to ALL F.B.I. computer systems ; ( Clintons & Rose Law Firm Hold Patent Keys …. allows staggering potential for cover-up )

Aim 4 Truth.org

Even a criminal network such as the one we see in the swamp has an organizational and communication structure. We need all White Hats to pay attention to this intel and act accordingly. This is the center hub of their activity – the den of the devil, so to speak.Ordinary citizens will not know what to do with this information. But patriots inside the White House will. Make sure to push this info to the top of your influence channel. It will get where it needs to go if everyone pushes it “up” through their channels.Godspeed. "



1e2cc3  No.3073005

File: 19ca2c5e3c8a7ce⋯.jpeg (76.63 KB, 800x750, 16:15, E9454F74-DDA0-4A95-B51A-8….jpeg)


Here’s your reward, (((anon)))

4e7176  No.3073006

File: 98ea3d1b5b84fa8⋯.jpeg (96.53 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, Jose Andres.jpeg)


Story about Chef Andres here. Seems legit but need to make sure.

1ba63f  No.3073007


Thor’s Buttplug is available

1d1afb  No.3073008

File: 006df268b94f817⋯.jpg (146.31 KB, 1000x1190, 100:119, nice_tits.jpg)


when do these women shut the fuck up

saying this as a woman. its just embarrassing


020d62  No.3073009


Yeah. The smallest of potatoes.

0b460e  No.3073010


And now Tucker is reporting it.

4e7176  No.3073011




b0f128  No.3073012


i dont think he is kneeling. i think he is standing in a ditch on the side of the road when he could just be standing on the road.

8640a2  No.3073013

File: bbfb275b669f4b7⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 361x259, 361:259, YesJewKatz.JPG)

c5726c  No.3073014


HAAAAA so desperate.

we can see he's not kneeling, he's standing in a chosen spot.

not any better, but nice "out" you got there

9260bd  No.3073015

File: de049908ba48c16⋯.png (6.25 KB, 374x417, 374:417, de049908ba48c16f9b13e2a6eb….png)

1ba63f  No.3073016


She’s not relevant to me

2561d8  No.3073017


D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.

POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…


I hope this request by the dems was captured. I think We The People public should see/hear the proof. This lie would kill their midterms if shown proof to public.

1b74c2  No.3073018

File: de6f45a1ae2556a⋯.jpg (19.31 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Kerrygrimlook.jpg)

Josh Caplan

‏ @joshdcaplan

9m9 minutes ago

POLITICO: Sen. Marco Rubio asks DOJ to probe John Kerry’s meetings with Iran


3ac913  No.3073019

File: 643aa3e57711f82⋯.png (37 KB, 564x246, 94:41, ClipboardImage.png)


are you retarded

13c3af  No.3073020


She hired an attorney AND that attorney says she took a polygraph DURING the period we have been told she never intended to go public.

Oh and the attorney comes out yesterday and states that the BURDEN OF PROOF is not the responsibility of the party who brought the ACCUSATIONS.

People do not understand that BURDEN OF PROOF and DUE PROCESS are fundamental of our RULE OF LAW. CRAZY

0da44d  No.3073021


OK anyone see this as of yet???

3ffe5e  No.3073022


Ask the blind person who owns the casting couch.

5540d3  No.3073023


LL probably doesn't even know there is a cabal. She looks like the stupidest one out of all of them. Her entire career has been from doing what she was told to do and she saw no harm in it.

44bf77  No.3073024


lets see the footage of him getting up or getting out of the "ditch" then. Fuck that faggot fake news liar.

d65fb3  No.3073025

File: fdef7dfaf20de83⋯.png (45.39 KB, 102x172, 51:86, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


is this Tom Arnold?

We told you its not rape when you pay them to do it?

17f562  No.3073027

File: 95417bbeda9a2d6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 735x996, 245:332, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69187e32be0cc28⋯.png (476.73 KB, 635x440, 127:88, ClipboardImage.png)

cd2f2a  No.3073028

34d41e  No.3073029


The fact that our enemies are operating from foreign racial/religious agenda is real, and must be purged.

As soon as the DC shit and midterms gets wrapped up, these muzzies are our prime targets.

VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every last foreign muzzie scum will be in our cross-hairs.


bfdff9  No.3073030

File: b401a3a09160a0e⋯.png (45.72 KB, 480x555, 32:37, Screenshot_2018-09-18-05-5….png)

File: bf9dda8d90f1dbd⋯.png (58.34 KB, 473x750, 473:750, Screenshot_2018-09-18-08-2….png)

Only problem is Sessions has bad work ethics… Sad

6c3c9b  No.3073031

File: 7ce797642504ef7⋯.png (463.17 KB, 667x566, 667:566, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

0a6767  No.3073032


Hearing his name makes me gag

6d6506  No.3073033


they are waiting for an answer as is grassley. it's a stand off…yeeehaaaw

2f7276  No.3073034





f666e5  No.3073035



>"It is believed that they may have used uranium to preserve the bodies, as one colleague has spotted traces of uranium in a mummy at the Egyptian Museum,” said Shaheen."


Uranium used to preserve bodies.

Here is another theory above 40,000 feet -

Uranium allows them more control over their next reincarnation.

Fits in with the moonchild thing.

Fits in with the incest.

Just a thought.

92f5fa  No.3073036

File: 537109dbc43a66f⋯.jpeg (31.28 KB, 600x399, 200:133, E347AD70-0B34-48E9-A8F5-7….jpeg)

File: a139d2afea3ddda⋯.jpeg (97.91 KB, 590x431, 590:431, D9964790-C9BA-44F8-8F0E-A….jpeg)

a3758c  No.3073037



In June 1972, nuclear scientists at the Pierrelatte uranium enrichment plant in south-east France noticed a strange deficit in the amount of uranium-235 they were processing. That’s a serious problem in a uranium enrichment plant where every gram of fissionable material has to be carefully accounted for.

The problem lay in the ratio of uranium isotopes in their samples. Natural uranium contains three isotopes, always in the same ratios: uranium-238 (99.2744 per cent), uranium-235 (0.7202 per cent) and uranium-234 (0.0054 per cent).

The problem was with the uranium-235 of which there was only 0.600 per cent.

Physicists soon traced the anomaly to the supply of uranium ore from Gabon in West Africa, which contained far less uranium-235 than the ore from anywhere else on the planet, a problem that caused some consternation among nuclear scientists.

This kind of depleted uranium is only found inside nuclear reactors, which burn uranium-235. That set off a hunt for a reactor that could have produced this stuff.

ae897e  No.3073038

File: 12f45549320ae09⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 1200x528, 25:11, mueller-and-comey-obama-ad….jpg)

41dd1a  No.3073039

File: 62caed8c3a4a91f⋯.jpg (621.04 KB, 1778x1337, 254:191, 62caed8c3a4a91f19df5e9069d….jpg)

a20d08  No.3073040

File: c5f888906b980c6⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 900x493, 900:493, c5f888906b980c6c0a4168e3ff….jpg)

58e39b  No.3073041


Florence floods block personnel from reaching facility


Hurricane Florence has been blamed for about two dozen deaths and still-unassessed billions of dollars in property damage across North and South Carolina, but the aftermath of the weather disaster moved up a level when the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission declared an emergency at its Brunswick nuclear plant.

75e956  No.3073042


damn my nibba got balls. go get'm sir!!

4a1137  No.3073043

File: 2d0d83495984d50⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 279x279, 1:1, 52e47a7dabbaa9b71d28f06f59….jpg)

ec2cde  No.3073044


ooo, get you. Anons in glass houses and all that!

d31bfd  No.3073045


she is married to CNN's David Gregory

0a6767  No.3073046


Truth! I'd always said I'll stay home at least until they're able to speak and tell me when they've been messed with. I did that for my kids, and im blessed to been able to. Very thankful for hard working spouse

ec2cde  No.3073047

ab846c  No.3073048


Took him long enough, didn't it? Just saying. Seems like a long time ago on this board, but saw it first here weeks ago.

ee0230  No.3073049

File: 142691fcd80d746⋯.gif (4.54 MB, 480x270, 16:9, andersoncoopersandyhook.gif)


It's infowars. Whatever.

Hicks is no better.

Anderson Cooper is a cut-out just like Hicks.

And don't cut-outs just fit perfect with green screens?

Here AC nose disappears.

Grain of salt since it's infowars.

They call each other out, for mutual credibility enhancement; But are on the same team

Can;t trust this 100% "Buyer beware.

You Decide.

4f1fd9  No.3073050

File: 8ef0b1535d762bf⋯.jpeg (205.41 KB, 750x621, 250:207, 6F0C149A-5E8E-4281-83F7-3….jpeg)

d5240f  No.3073051


yeah sure retard are you?>>3072891

Mitchell is a Paytriot, but instead of attacking Q he's basically taken credit for figuring out everything Q has laid out as his own 'slowwalker'

8640a2  No.3073052

File: bd51832b615a603⋯.png (35.89 KB, 389x409, 389:409, ClipboardImage.png)


They don't marry for love,

they marry for power.

fe31d6  No.3073053

Thomas Paine , AKA Douglass Gabriel ; American Intelligence Media.

Swamp communication networks.


1d1afb  No.3073054

File: 3c878c66899ce28⋯.jpg (125.13 KB, 757x524, 757:524, keks_in_president.jpg)

0f0cd1  No.3073055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Reagan telling Soviet jokes :)

2889ea  No.3073056



>If you're so air tight why are you implying I'm a shill?

Don't be triggered. You want to speculate fine. I'm just pointing out that you are speculating out your ass while giving a pass to the real bad guys.

And you certainly have, well, interesting taste in women. Not mine, but I will not judge.

d31bfd  No.3073057


the middle ones match more, imo.

f8d8a9  No.3073058


I dunno. I don't understand how a mother just hands her child over to anyone. I never leave my children anywhere with anyone. I have to KNOW you.

When doors close and nobody is looking people become different.

bc71c5  No.3073059

File: d9ff6d59b65c9e5⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 620x264, 155:66, chaos-ii.jpg)

File: 88ecb0db5b1ef31⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 950x634, 475:317, shutterstock_782514997-e15….jpg)

File: e285968a82413f9⋯.jpg (275.42 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, 7890258_13e3beda-b976-11e8….jpg)



eb170b  No.3073060


She's pretty

acbd0d  No.3073061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want this bitch executed on live T.V.

9cf3ef  No.3073062


Yeah, about 10 times now. It has been debunked over and over again in the last 24 hours.

8617fb  No.3073063

File: d23e45dff78ef8b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.54 MB, 250x175, 10:7, 1277783906920.gif)


wild and free baby

0a6767  No.3073064


His left eyes been hit…

8f67c6  No.3073065

Q? Is all of this now leading

in a few weeks

to Red October?

1e2cc3  No.3073066


This tweet is a red flag. Is Bill one of the fake MAGA supporters? Sleeper cells activated? His previous tweets about slowwalker sounded pretty good, but something is fishy now

d5240f  No.3073067


it'd be more respectful if he just came out and said 'the plan' and credited Q instead of fame whoring and assigning his own tag name to give himself all the credit, but fame whores and Paytriots going to do what they do, at least he hasn't attacked Q I guess

f666e5  No.3073068



It definitely seems like uranium and the uses of uranium are not the recent discoveries they would have us believe.

30ab3d  No.3073069


His idea of ending disease is getting rid of us. Same as Gates. Promote vaccinations on facebook," everybody's doin' it"

c52a72  No.3073070

In November, the democrats are going to get the entire shaft of the Republic's dick shoved down their screaming throats. Either they learn to like it or flip. #nodeals

7cb2a6  No.3073071

File: af1ac15cc4ec2b9⋯.gif (7.21 MB, 480x270, 16:9, bringDOWNtheHOUSE.gif)

Q drop #2128


Not there yet, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

4f1fd9  No.3073072

File: 1d7b5b696eaaa70⋯.jpeg (252.32 KB, 750x769, 750:769, 2C7E4217-5AF2-45E5-AA95-F….jpeg)


Don’t see him retweeting much from the POTUS twitter handle…

a3758c  No.3073073



That anon said it would be at the GRAMMYS where he would wear green socks…I think that is in Feb.

b5e79d  No.3073074

The Silent Professionals


147c44  No.3073075


i think emergency/alert system is so MIL could take out broadcast/cable if need be

0a6767  No.3073076


disregard, right

I never get my rights and lefts right, embarrassing.

6c3c9b  No.3073077

File: d33a359a7343815⋯.png (368.46 KB, 688x498, 344:249, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

49fafe  No.3073078

File: adb9230f0ab7bd0⋯.png (250.59 KB, 533x254, 533:254, 2018-09-18_11-53-27.png)

964922  No.3073079


Bloomberg ehhhhh HAHAHAHAHAA

0b0148  No.3073080


I'm not much into generalizations

0f0cd1  No.3073082


No tweets from David Le Roth since last night :)


0b460e  No.3073083


The timing is better right now for the normies. It's 24/7 news right now. Tucker drops it last week it's a distant memory at best.

1cd6f6  No.3073084


..multiple large monitors is the way to go, war room..

1ba63f  No.3073085


Trump gets out in front

094ab1  No.3073086


Those were re: the murder in Charlottesville in 2017. He is a patriot.

01acbb  No.3073087

24aeb6  No.3073088


I hate it that the Republicans will get any credit for this, they are and have been complicit in our destruction as a country. When this is all said and done I hope the Republican party lands in the dust bin of history along with the Democrats. Both parties need to be gone for us to heal and move forward.

ab846c  No.3073089


I doubt that Tom Arnold is that great of an actor, anon. Have you listened to him at all lately? Batshit crazy. Don't buy that it is "acting".

0a6767  No.3073090


let's hope he's a rotting child now

964922  No.3073091


you are RETARDED ! Mitchell has been on the Trump Train since beginning

147c44  No.3073092

File: 35e62d33ed1c133⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 245x318, 245:318, thatsgoodlaugh.gif)

7646d0  No.3073093


Lincoln assassination - 4/14/1865

Roosevelt (attempted) assassination - 10/14/1912

b83169  No.3073094

File: d04834281f2b8ec⋯.png (1.91 MB, 605x3677, 605:3677, Nuclear Plant - Emergency ….png)

File: 88a7788ca62a280⋯.png (1.68 MB, 645x3955, 129:791, Nuclear Plant - Florence f….png)

Something is up with the North Carolina Nuclear Plant. Not much out yet in main media.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has declared a state of emergency for both units of the Brunswick nuclear power facilities in North Carolina.

fcd1eb  No.3073095


did you notice that the plane is a C17?

fb631c  No.3073096


Too bad he didn't name is Skywalker, the memes would be lit.

b128c6  No.3073097

File: 87c170b77953578⋯.png (219.39 KB, 272x865, 272:865, Tom arnold certified assho….png)

File: 5c8dc14d8ea38b4⋯.jpg (96.96 KB, 634x787, 634:787, 504C2BB700000578-6175913-i….jpg)

File: 6bbdff08b2e0f78⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1165x871, 1165:871, Creepy Pedo Patton.png)





6c3c9b  No.3073098

File: ebd1efafdb6a6b1⋯.png (176.83 KB, 474x236, 237:118, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at ….png)

1d1afb  No.3073100


that is what they are counting on. the brain dead public to not know this. Americans mostly dont pay attention to any of it.

1b74c2  No.3073101


Why on earth did Kavanaugh HIRE this harpie?

0f0cd1  No.3073102


We always have hope anon :)

11c639  No.3073103



>Before the Storm


bc71c5  No.3073104


they crave what they can't get no more.

consumed by regrets now. Too late.

7516c1  No.3073105

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

God's Gonna Cut You Down

- Johnny Cash

Anons…say 'hello' to the Deep State..


d65fb3  No.3073106


why am i a pussy Dildo, I trust the plan, its just the ay I would do it, I was asking if any one else thought that Nigger kek Stealing your meme tho cause your a fag and your shits all fucked up

eb170b  No.3073107


I really think the timing is very important with all of this. Look how long a normies attention is these days. One thing this movement of ours has taught me was patients.

99daff  No.3073108

File: 2e26e0d65e77f52⋯.png (277.42 KB, 1291x858, 1291:858, Screenshot_2018-09-18 Stua….png)

File: 60b6a30df8220a7⋯.png (801.79 KB, 1270x1495, 254:299, Screenshot_2018-09-18 Abou….png)

File: 02510211aad368d⋯.png (45.22 KB, 982x361, 982:361, Screenshot_2018-09-18 1591….png)

File: f15dfb77bec417d⋯.png (18.61 KB, 999x255, 333:85, Screenshot_2018-0w9-18 159….png)

File: cf073fdbf4078e8⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 803x6390, 803:6390, Screenshot_2018-09-18 D C ….jpg)


lots of names of quislings

9425c1  No.3073109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tribute to qanon, General Flynn mixed with pictures of the board and pictures of CNN staging shots.

0a6767  No.3073110


I'll remember this. Ima build a war room that looks like a CTU

964922  No.3073111


Combine mental illnesses with Coke fiend

1b057a  No.3073112

File: 9748a2080a6d645⋯.jpeg (57.89 KB, 696x500, 174:125, 08B99250-F863-4D33-8CE8-6….jpeg)

8640a2  No.3073113


You sound like an apologist for Julie Chen…

MSM much?

ab846c  No.3073114


"Exits" - the polite version of your fired.

41dd1a  No.3073115


once that shill read the end of the slowwalker game, he got skeerd

44bf77  No.3073116


did you notice that 71 <> is 17


58e39b  No.3073117


Takes salary from taxpayers to 'resist everything … every level'

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released a video Tuesday of a member of the anti-Trump “deep state,” a career civil servant who says on camera he is there to work not for American taxpayers but the Democratic Socialists of America.

His task?

“Resist everything. … Every level.”

And he adds he’s there to “f— s— up.”


c511f4  No.3073118



f8d8a9  No.3073119

11c639  No.3073120

File: 96991d8ba64b672⋯.png (21.56 KB, 989x316, 989:316, ClipboardImage.png)



>Before the Storm



sorry forgot my snapshots ;)

880743  No.3073121

File: 691c2701ffa61eb⋯.jpg (423.61 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, Anderson-Cooper-weather.jpg)

727bac  No.3073122

Who is taking Comeys pictures? Isn’t he a childless never married faggot?

fb631c  No.3073123


Seriously? Never heard that before. What's the gist?

ee0230  No.3073124

File: a13f0bc92f5f700⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 949x499, 949:499, sessions4.jpg)

>>3072325 (pb)

Isn't it Sessions who will fire RR?

f068c6  No.3073125

File: 599b6cd37a2df40⋯.png (417.71 KB, 681x1366, 681:1366, DAREu.png)

File: 021912d07df5803⋯.png (275.11 KB, 1269x1234, 1269:1234, da4271fbb6775ff71855beaa9d….png)


Promises Kept!

727bac  No.3073126


As is Lindsay Graham

17f562  No.3073127


Love this song

08d542  No.3073128


Yes and he has always understood POTUS and explained his methods early on when most were saying he was making huge errors.

99daff  No.3073129


how racist?

he needs to take those clothes off, stop speaking english, dig a hole a shit in it

147c44  No.3073130

File: 5fc51c70ad26b32⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 300x214, 150:107, precious.gif)

what if the aliens land and tell us we can have all the advanced tech we want as long as we only jail killary and co?

death to traitors… or jetsons life… your choice?

5a9a18  No.3073131

File: 0315c5579bcb6b4⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 620x375, 124:75, true.jpg)

92f5fa  No.3073132

File: d179d10a7f45a16⋯.jpeg (238.3 KB, 902x789, 902:789, 7C6C8E0F-A696-4826-956A-A….jpeg)

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, A6D5C68C-940D-453E-AF7D-D….jpeg)

File: 3c37851419f09fd⋯.jpeg (38.22 KB, 720x717, 240:239, BD3581ED-6B4E-4847-A941-8….jpeg)

File: ea8f994e1a9b932⋯.jpeg (129.55 KB, 740x841, 740:841, 23B92F03-9203-44A1-B943-B….jpeg)

2889ea  No.3073133


>while I think Bill Mitchell is OK you guys do realize that's just him basically co-opting Q but assigning it a different name to avoid supporting Q publicly and facing any backlash over promoting a 'conspiracy' theory right?

Even if true, so what? The idea is to cushion and redpill normies. As far as I can see this helps.

d5240f  No.3073135

>>3073096 kek disney would have probably sued him

3ac913  No.3073137


(you) said

> to avoid supporting Q publicly

I showed you Mitchell tweet giving Q credit, publically

think b4 you post next time

and maybe do some basic research

ad84c7  No.3073138


Lol. I guess he is deep undercover for POTUS.

b128c6  No.3073139


Think mirror

71 = 17

964922  No.3073140


he blocked me on Twitter when I was lets say a little less into Trump & it was disrespectful or anything. He is HARDCORE Trump

d65fb3  No.3073141

lets ask that nigger if he is going to Retract his last 18 mo of reporting KEK

3dbc4f  No.3073142


He's the one pushing "alt right" label just like the MSM. He then lumps Pepe in with it.

A patriot would have realized what Charlottesville was and refused to play the language game of the Democrats. Instead he defends himself by basically saying the MSM was right and distanced himself from his own crowd.

ae897e  No.3073143

File: d427c63d5caa679⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 300x220, 15:11, Hillary-blood-hands-what-d….jpg)

a20d08  No.3073144

File: d3731c7fd346783⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 480x841, 480:841, tumblr_pe8oekusIF1sftx66_6….jpg)


Thanks anon. Good times.

9c7091  No.3073145

File: b13a869fec852f7⋯.jpeg (158.08 KB, 828x783, 92:87, 1DDF62E7-186D-4027-96BF-F….jpeg)

Critical reminder about DECLAS

Anons, besides exposing RR and RM, it’s crucial to remember something else that will come out as a result of the FISA declassification, and that is how the DS coordinated with MSM. This could be the turning point in gaining control of the MSM and the false narratives they’ve been complicit in pushing. Another step in waking up the masses!

There’s no denying that social media influence is already exposed, and people are opening their eyes to that, but MSM stills holds way too many in their grip. I think this is about to change, but we all know they will not go down without a fight. Buckle up, indeed. The stage is being set. (Pic highly related.)

a4703a  No.3073146


A day or two after Katrina, AC was live during the chaos in front of house (think in Miss coast) practicing crying on front porch of house that supposibly two dead victims of Katrina. He didn't know he was live and he was saying the same thing over and over, each time getitng more emotional.

I tried finding it several times since with no luck.

Not sure if anyone else saw it. The people in the room with me were pretty stunned.

That coming out now would destroy him

cdd7cd  No.3073148


She’s pretty fat.


1d1afb  No.3073149


watch the water. the radioactive water

3dbc4f  No.3073150


It's in the notables fren.

727bac  No.3073151

File: 9636e05b842de47⋯.jpeg (54.53 KB, 606x533, 606:533, 303C59D8-F91E-4C21-81A1-0….jpeg)

a6bdc2  No.3073152

File: fce77413f093f27⋯.jpg (143.92 KB, 550x367, 550:367, Jeff Get Yall.jpg)


Remember, when the FISA docs are released, they will look EXACTLY like the MSM articles released by all the outlets. Because it was circular referencing!

That will make all the MSM Shills start to crap their drawers in realtime, which prolly has already started.

Monitor all the drugstores in Manhattan and DC for large sales of Depends!

0a6767  No.3073153


I've got a terrible feeling in my gut that won't give up regarding this. Spouse asked if we're about to have a Fukishima event, idk. It feels bad they're being so quiet.

Just tell us! Like flint water, they let it get bad then told residents. Info too late is unacceptable.

bc71c5  No.3073154


who would have constant inconsiderate sex with partner but one who is not considerate towards partner?

feminism is life from a hateful perspective and the old hag now realizes it boomeranged on her.

fe31d6  No.3073155

Democrats will never let SCOTUS accuser testify, just a stall tactic.

Thomas Paine‏ @Thomas1774PaineON THE RUN: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Goes Underground, Blows Off Senate Invite to Testify

b716dd  No.3073156


Who is this?

a20d08  No.3073157

File: 81426292295079a⋯.jpg (167.76 KB, 1046x1000, 523:500, DnL_ubcXoAEYwPI.jpg)

b128c6  No.3073158

File: 73cd3509fad7203⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 690x500, 69:50, 2i60bl.jpg)

86982b  No.3073159

File: c58910da83da62f⋯.png (606.29 KB, 800x1496, 100:187, SESAME STREET.png)


How do you like this one?

1ba63f  No.3073160

File: 658c34eb7d9344f⋯.jpeg (800.03 KB, 891x646, 891:646, 69F32DB0-DCBF-4559-B6C2-4….jpeg)


Here’s Trey Gowdy with his “beard” and 2 rent-a-kids

727bac  No.3073161

0f0cd1  No.3073162

File: 3b3ecdd52e7edad⋯.jpg (124.51 KB, 1024x510, 512:255, MerkleDECLASS.jpg)

d5240f  No.3073163


It's a bit deceptive, including coming up with his own trademarked hashtag no doubt 'slowwalker'. >>3073137

he has never come right out and supported Q directly or said he believes. what he has done is totally co-opted everything Q and anons have dug or said and presented it as his own. if you're OK with that fine but the guys a fame whore Paytriot.

bfdff9  No.3073164

File: d274272beddacbe⋯.png (88.93 KB, 500x583, 500:583, downloadfile-2~3.png)




<<<<She looks hideous, grotesque.


964922  No.3073165


early on I was a Doubting Thomas, but came around to Him & when it was Clinton Mafia or Trump, There was No hesitation AT ALL voted Trump Proudly

a2b26b  No.3073166


Good. That SOB needs to be behind bars too.

4d2a57  No.3073167

File: 099cb7310271da9⋯.jpg (121.71 KB, 567x624, 189:208, rodspeech.JPG)

File: 556d0fa6d0d9677⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 583x592, 583:592, comey.JPG)

Guise, this is NOTABLE. Rod Rosenstein gave a speech yesterday, mentioning Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.

Then Comey tweets this. Signal to 187 POTUS??

55107c  No.3073168

File: 6498072d249918b⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 500x373, 500:373, trafficking.jpg)



But whoa. South OKC is anything but Republican. Interesting.

Still qurious about a Ponca City man who disappeared in a small airplane over the Gulf of Mexico. Lauded for rescuing animals. No doubt, running humans from San Antonio to Ponca - I-35 baby.

Anyone who has specifics on that, please let me know.

cbe66b  No.3073169

was hoping for the release today.. Wont get too excited until I print and hold in my hands the declassified fisa docs and texts.

7516c1  No.3073170


Spot on for the times… so powerful. I'm in awe of talent…musical, lyrical, autists digging, you name it. Love to see and showcase it. ThankQ Anon

6c3c9b  No.3073171

File: 577834bba82b80a⋯.png (421.61 KB, 1009x506, 1009:506, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 9c05b1703da6c86⋯.png (852.6 KB, 1113x595, 159:85, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)


Jeff wakes up, after consulting the supremes, unrecuses, bows, accepts his award and discloses Huber and his agenda.

0a6767  No.3073172


I adore this song

34d41e  No.3073174

File: 0b418c3b929c562⋯.png (69.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, breakthemsm.png)


BREAK the msm.

It is VITAL that anons load up on side-by-side to debunk msm and EXPOSE their hypocrisy.

0b0148  No.3073175


Not at all. Why are you attempting to pick a fight with me?

c13f0f  No.3073176


Fake and Gay

ad84c7  No.3073177


Is Q giving us a hint to look through crumbs. Mirror of 17?

What does it even mean?

727bac  No.3073179

File: 41aa24cb23c7613⋯.jpeg (183.27 KB, 863x931, 863:931, BCB2093D-1789-43BB-8E15-7….jpeg)

File: e08bfb277492351⋯.jpeg (96.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, BA214F3D-1A44-45ED-896E-2….jpeg)

File: 647448b80bb5841⋯.jpeg (132.36 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 70033F49-83B6-46FB-BB6C-C….jpeg)

File: 56aac05c2690338⋯.jpeg (376.95 KB, 1414x1202, 707:601, E38B4E33-5672-4F03-BC3D-1….jpeg)


Somebody say rentakid!?

c5726c  No.3073180



and that is FINE

we need some egotrip famefags, and this one's not so bad - eyes on, anyway, if he messes up

86982b  No.3073181

File: d5ba9deb5b7757f⋯.png (564.78 KB, 719x1496, 719:1496, SESAME STREET.png)


couple minor changes

b3f24d  No.3073182

File: 8bd7f81ec71bdfe⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 768x384, 2:1, negan.jpg)

0f0cd1  No.3073183


We shall restore our earth to it's full glory, an earth we can share and enjoy, peacefully. POTUS and team will make it happen.

0b460e  No.3073184

File: d6635107966e97f⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, trumptopkek.jpg)

e6e87a  No.3073185


Listen to everybody, believe nobody. Then do your own research.

Just accusing somebody of being a shill is not enough. You have to do the research.

c4f296  No.3073186

So now that POTUS has ordered the DeClassification….Mueller needs to wrap it up and go home AFTER clearing POTUS….

The Dems are all saying the President is "lawless" and interfering in an investigation….

So when Mueller Clears the POTUS the Dems can say Nothing…..Rosenstein recuses, Sessions unrecuses and Mueller ends the investigation with NO collusion…Dems done!

d5240f  No.3073187


where did Rosenstein give that speech?

0da44d  No.3073188


That little cum swallower will soon know the truth about lawlessness.

2889ea  No.3073189


>if you're OK with that fine but the guys a fame whore Paytriot.

Actually, I'm totally fine with that if it advances the cause. I betcha Q is too.

689143  No.3073190

File: e9070f43da239af⋯.jpg (37.08 KB, 600x314, 300:157, W_QXGDaE.jpg)

de86f4  No.3073191


I could see humanitarian project donations being part of plea deals…

6c3c9b  No.3073192

File: a44251c811602c4⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1312x949, 1312:949, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

55107c  No.3073193


I love this guy. (No homo declaration unnecessary.)

ab846c  No.3073194


Most likely, in my opinion.

17f562  No.3073196


How do we bypass MSM ? it could take years to get control back

44bf77  No.3073197

File: 2c03dc7adc88f65⋯.png (188.39 KB, 474x308, 237:154, ClipboardImage.png)


>why am i a pussy

Born that way I guess…

727bac  No.3073198



4d2a57  No.3073199


Sorry, I forgot to post the link.


1b057a  No.3073200


Start using their real names…..drives them fucking nuts….it’s

Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper

d13bb2  No.3073201

File: 41da67733acdfb7⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 245x249, 245:249, 41da67733acdfb765509b4aa63….jpg)

McCabe and Strzok Caught Destroying Evidence During Final Days at FBI; “Huber is Running a Grand Jury”

Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok — before losing their jobs — each allegedly tried to destroy evidence and documents, per well-placed FBI and DOJ sources.

But they were nabbed by a sting operation.

Two of the supposed brightest minds who served the FBI — and led the country’s Intel apparatus — each separately set out to allegedly destroy incriminating evidence before their departures from the Bureau. And neither one had any clue they were being watched.

But FBI Director Christopher Wray had suspected as much and — working with personnel from the Inspector General’s office — set up a sting-like operation to prevent against evidence destruction, both documents and electronic, two FBI sources confirm.

Though at differing times, McCabe and Strzok were under 24-hour surveillance both at the office and outside FBI HQ in Washington D.C. And any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated by McCabe and Strzok were being recorded and documented by federal agents. The original records were restored after the duo vacated the FBI.

“They had no clue they were being watched,” one FBI source said.


5dbf0a  No.3073202


>How do we bypass MSM ?

Teach the masses to think for themselves. MSM is an artifact of suppressing independent thought.

386de5  No.3073203

File: 026cca2ac43e4a9⋯.png (744.02 KB, 2224x1668, 4:3, Panic.png)

Q could have put all PANIC IN DC messages in one drop but he chose 5 separate ones. Is it a message in itself?

PANIC TRANSMIT 5 for MacOS is a FILE TRANSFER tool. IS Q saying that the files from HRC came through PANIC TRANSMIT 5 and are now in DC possession for some reason?

8640a2  No.3073204

File: a24b40cdfa19ac2⋯.jpg (25.47 KB, 368x310, 184:155, Heston.JPG)


She marries a rich Jewish creep, and you're acting like she's innocent.

Sumpin up.

e62f60  No.3073206


Er that is not how the federal govt works anon.

Remember when POTUS tried to declas the JFK doc?

National Archives staff said nope.

Over 3000 still classified.

Office of Personnel Managment like most agencies still staffed by Obama people. After the election we learned that practically zero Trump supporters would be hired.

And that is where it stands to this very day.

It could be a huge task to get these documents actually published.

3dbc4f  No.3073207


>Listen to everybody, believe nobody. Then do your own research.


89262d  No.3073208


Patriots are in control.

That being said… anons know. They have to know that when they fuck with POTUS, they are fucking with us. They had best play nice. We won't.

9ea8d0  No.3073209

File: 3ea0965ffd6f4bd⋯.png (42.56 KB, 869x352, 79:32, Blasely4.PNG)

Blasely getting btfo'd on her twatter poll


eb170b  No.3073210


100% a shill tatic and they've been using it for a long time. Look what happened with Jim Jordan. The bad thing is their propaganda works on the weak minded sheep. Ppl remember the headlines regardless of outcome. The good news is more and more normies are waking up to the propaganda.

c5726c  No.3073211

File: de6fed6d39e40d4⋯.png (893.82 KB, 823x462, 823:462, YODAAApe_stupid.PNG)


> neither one had any clue they were being watched.

1e2cc3  No.3073212

File: 7a1d0e5acc4e573⋯.png (338.25 KB, 643x355, 643:355, 80776DCC-3D7F-4F98-9D31-21….png)


So have Posobiec, Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi…….But yes, please tell me who the retard is

00902b  No.3073213

File: 43f018abd143b41⋯.png (147.83 KB, 479x359, 479:359, Opera Snapshot_2018-09-18_….png)

55107c  No.3073214


As said to Senator Ron Johnson, R-WI.

RoJo has turned out to be quite the WI pick.

1ba63f  No.3073215


Wray’s testimony to Congress basically confirmed this.

a2ae92  No.3073216

i remember seeing last night an anon said that the vote was moved to today. is that true?

9c7091  No.3073217

d97ca5  No.3073218

File: 7f5cfe1d169597e⋯.jpg (178.05 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, comey cuck.jpg)


He's got a wife and daughters

Pictured at pussy hat march.

He is the definition of 7 ft tall cuck.

3dbc4f  No.3073219

Mid bread bun update:


>>3072642 Democrats at one time wanted Russia documents declassified.

>>3072692 Texas LE takes down 12 pedophiles in a CP ring.

>>3072717 Low IQ Maxine once again alludes to supporting political violence.

>>3072757 Valerie Jarett's daughter co-authors the CNN article covering FISA declassification.

>>3072885, >>3072952 Facebook and financial firms fought over user data for years.

>>3072879 Grassley threatens to nix 11th-hour session if Kavanaugh accuser won't respond to invite.

>>3073050 DJT Tweet: Great hurricane response.

>>3073167 Rosenstein speech and Comey tweet similarities.

b128c6  No.3073220

File: 61a53efcf56ec2e⋯.jpg (28.56 KB, 599x448, 599:448, 1qnbjv.jpg)

3ac913  No.3073221


>How do we bypass MSM

military take over

raid and confiscate MSM offices overnight

next morning fresh faced young US military personnel in shiny uniforms appear on all channels to give news, weather and sports coverage

d5240f  No.3073222



again I opened my whole thing with also proclaiming I don't think Bill Mitchell is that bad. Certainly tons better than people like Beans, et Al.

4d2a57  No.3073223


I'm not really worried for POTUS, but they have to know that if they harm even one hair on his beautiful head or his family's, ALL BETS ARE OFF.

1ba63f  No.3073224


Fake twatter account

f068c6  No.3073225


yep they will incite a full blown civil war to cover up their crimes…

MSM = Baghdad Bob

6c3c9b  No.3073226


Andrea Mitchel is on Q's shitlist, but not Bill.:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0b60d7 No.1769202 📁

Jun 16 2018 00:50:56 (EST)

8C9667D6-57DF-4736-9C33-FD8ADC34D8E5.png ⬇

These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP – Ken Thomas

AP – Lisa Lerer

AURN – April Ryan

Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

Bloomberg – John Heillman

Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter

Bloomberg – Mark Halperin

Buzzfeed – Ben Smith

Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

CBS – Gayle King

CBS – John Dickerson

CBS – Norah O'Donnell

CBS – Steve Chagaris

CBS – Vicki Gordon

CNBC – John Harwood

CNN – Brianna Keilar

CNN – Dan Merica

CNN – David Chailan

CNN – Erin Burnett

CNN – Gloria Borger

CNN – Jake Tapper

CNN – Jeff Zeleny

CNN - Jeff Zucker

CNN – John Berman

CNN – Kate Bouldan

CNN – Maria Cardona

CNN – Mark Preston

CNN – Sam Feist

Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich

GPG – Mike Feldman

HuffPo – Amanda Terkel

HuffPo – Arianna Huffington

HuffPo – Sam Stein

HuffPo – Whitney Snyder

LAT – Evan Handler

LAT – Mike Memoli

McClatchy – Anita Kumar

MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin

MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

MSNBC – Alex Wagner

MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC - Beth Fouhy

MSNBC – Ed Schultz

MSNBC – Joe Scarborough

MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC – Phil Griffin

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow

MSNBC – Rachel Racusen

MSNBC – Thomas Roberts

National Journal – Emily Schultheis

NBC – Chuck Todd

NBC – Mark Murray

NBC – Savannah Gutherie

New Yorker – David Remnick

New Yorker – Ryan Liza

NPR – Mike Oreskes

NPR – Tamara Keith

NY Post – Geofe Earl

NYT – Amy Chozik

NYT – Carolyn Ryan

NYT – Gail Collins

NYT – John Harwoodje

NYT – Jonathan Martin

NYT – Maggie Haberman

NYT – Pat Healey

PBS – Charlie Rose

People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall

Politico – Annie Karni

Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

Politico – Glenn Thrush

Politico – Kenneth Vogel

Politico – Mike Allen

Reuters – Amanda Becker

Tina Brown – Tina Brown

The Hill – Amie Parnes

Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas

Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco

Vox – Jon Allen

WaPo – Anne Gearan

WaPo – Greg Sargent

WSJ – Laura Meckler

WSJ – Peter Nicholas

WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

Yahoo – Matt Bai


Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+

Why did the Podesta Group close?

Public charges?


Why close?

When did Huber start?


JP/ Huma NOV.


Do they know?

Why did the Podesta group close?

Why no leaks?

Who else knows?

HRC deal request?



Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

Why not?

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

Everyone has an opinion.



8640a2  No.3073227


Zuckerberg marries Chan

Moonves marries Chen.

Russian Jews start Google.

Google hates deplorables.

People need to face reality…

0f0cd1  No.3073228


I've yet to see a photo of her that isn't gold star meme material kek!

5dbf0a  No.3073229


bad optics. won't happen.

a72e48  No.3073230

File: d167cf1968050d4⋯.png (105.94 KB, 286x633, 286:633, Ford .png)

d5240f  No.3073231


kek I hope you realize that's a parody account

df7a65  No.3073233


May I suggest STARSHIP TROOPER by YES? https://youtu.be/xk4U8BembHM

d60004  No.3073234

File: 995ff65a130f00b⋯.jpg (184.01 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:RostensteinNO5.jpg)

File: f7518648be2f167⋯.jpg (174.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:RostensteinNO4.jpg)

File: c6ad8b38e061aa9⋯.jpg (155.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:RostensteinNO3.jpg)

File: dbac543852a7ddc⋯.jpg (166.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:RostensteinNO2.jpg)

File: 184c5f39cc0f059⋯.jpg (173.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:RostensteinNO1.jpg)




Pardon the exotic scripts - memeanons are trying everything in the book to avoid Rosetta OCR. Many variations, many tricks.

66d390  No.3073235


Truth is stranger than fiction

9c04ca  No.3073236


Boomers activated

5a9a18  No.3073237

File: 3590611b7cbbe1f⋯.jpg (836.67 KB, 1000x2673, 1000:2673, sc.jpg)

China’s US$128 billion pork industry is under threat by a deadly, mysterious virus


ab846c  No.3073238



Good points. Yes, patience is very important.

63faf9  No.3073239

File: 31a4a9ec7c42e78⋯.png (90.4 KB, 686x577, 686:577, ClipboardImage.png)


0b0148  No.3073240


What's up is the fact that I can think for myself. I didn't say she was innocent. I didn't say she was guilty.

I don't know and neither do you. So, shut the fuck with your sheep mentality.

446f1a  No.3073241

File: 50f9f6541af58ad⋯.png (408.46 KB, 1669x893, 1669:893, 34784378138989320365631636….png)

File: 7e50cc92b6e8f24⋯.png (416.27 KB, 844x703, 844:703, 23187342606213958143064358….png)

File: cae0e2a07b7c117⋯.png (96.97 KB, 1323x891, 49:33, 21089659068213986503926340….png)

1b057a  No.3073242

File: 62128c62d013975⋯.jpeg (46.7 KB, 450x450, 1:1, C8DD4592-590A-4B4C-98AB-8….jpeg)

e8dfdc  No.3073243


OKC is pretty blue in general. So many transplants live there.

cdd7cd  No.3073244


Looks like an old cattle drive trail.

eb170b  No.3073245


Agreed. They can't risk that in todays climate. BUT they can be exposed for who they are and once ppl wake up they will turn away from the propaganda. It'll be a slow process.

67abaf  No.3073246



Citizens arrests will happen countrywide. We’ll all use ham radios to coordinate.

c1081e  No.3073247



Try it. Write “71” on a piece of paper and hold it up to a mirror. “17” is not the mirror reflection of “71.”

727bac  No.3073248

File: 68ed7d3a04666e3⋯.jpeg (228.05 KB, 1188x1116, 33:31, EFD52535-6F37-48C1-81E9-A….jpeg)

File: bc4ac292d23b3c6⋯.jpeg (511.03 KB, 1231x1912, 1231:1912, 172B578E-80CC-4F60-BB74-D….jpeg)

File: d848199bef7de99⋯.jpeg (65.66 KB, 590x393, 590:393, 8D92F563-64C2-4B30-9A79-4….jpeg)

Kek baphobamet is my Twitter avatar.


bc3498  No.3073249

File: 465b1ec59253828⋯.jpeg (633.7 KB, 1242x1172, 621:586, BA130784-BF62-48D9-8305-1….jpeg)

6c3c9b  No.3073250

File: b09b4fa5756e6cf⋯.png (367.49 KB, 1060x594, 530:297, Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at ….png)

5dbf0a  No.3073252


>It'll be a slow process.

Slow in some terms, but the shift will look very fast in terms of history.

a94eea  No.3073253

The biggest problem the US has really is the Fake News. If the people knew…

ae897e  No.3073255


we already have, we are the news now

more and more people are shutting off their TV's, not reading any msm rags, and looking to board notables to get their news

this will continue to snowball

3dbc4f  No.3073257

I will say this though. Trump has retweeted Bill Mitchell at least twice:


0a6767  No.3073258


It'll work, thx anon

eb170b  No.3073259

0b460e  No.3073260


09/18/2018 11:20 EDT

Keith Ellison Abuse Accuser: Democrats Have “Isolated” Me.


1d1afb  No.3073261



old fag here, he has always been crazy. he is an attention whore always.

44bf77  No.3073262

File: 145d22817fbd15a⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, nsyugdvflsdgf.jpg)


sideways mirror ass hat


be smarter

590302  No.3073263


possibly use safe words as pixels in an image that is another word?

b128c6  No.3073264


looks child size( only a child could fit in there)

The cabal home smoker?

b3f448  No.3073265


They will no beyond a shadow of a doubt how fake they are before the elections.

We will make sure of it.

e84273  No.3073266


And you think they call POTUS a dictator now? This isn't China ffs.

ca48d7  No.3073267

File: dd1ade1a82120bd⋯.jpg (209.01 KB, 2573x1920, 2573:1920, rosenfug.jpg)


>what he has done is totally co-opted everything Q and anons have dug or said and presented it as his own

fuck you cianigger. he's stated many times that he never really heard of Q until recently and he never really understood the 'cryptic' messages, nor did he try too. he's never taken credit or co-opted anything about Q or anons. what he does state is that Q seems to be accurate and he wonders why people are attacking the movement. the jeff sessions slow walker theory has been around a long time. kill yourself.

6d5c24  No.3073268


Comey fancies himself as Booth, I would imagine.

d5240f  No.3073269

So looks like Feinstein is trying to totally derail Kavanaugh, now saying that a hearing with only two witnesses isn't enough.

df7a65  No.3073270


Sooooo, can we say now say Scott Adams thinks way too highly of himself? Has he tried “debunking” “red carpet”?

5a9a18  No.3073271

File: 89be97cb583d335⋯.png (156.33 KB, 800x700, 8:7, amrron.png)

0f0cd1  No.3073272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Celtus - The Awakening

50f92b  No.3073273


Holy shit

That looks painful


d7024e  No.3073274


Need to make that a Negan bat

a16183  No.3073275

"So she carefully deleted her social media profile but she has a media profile within the NSA database. So the woman does have a history which can be profiled. As the saying goes leftists are stupid people and [Blasey] is one of them."

A comment following


44bf77  No.3073276

File: 366fbcb5cd9c154⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x143, 255:143, jc5722e037b780cbb2d3001bb2….jpg)

547e03  No.3073277


inb4 a whole group of accusers suddenly materialize

d31bfd  No.3073278


I kinda think David Gregory has turned on DS. Some of his comments on CNN have had me wondering for a while.

Can't recall any specifics, but he seems different.

7516c1  No.3073279

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Battle of Evermore

- Led Zeppelin

- (feat.) Sandy Denny (Anon's personal fav.) and the only female vocalist on a LZ recording…for the triviafags.

Feeling like more reality than fantasy these days..


youngfags…listen to some Sandy Denny and Eva Cassidy if you want to hear some nice work. Eva is an angel and Sandy like so many, left to soon…then again, so did Eva…dammit

d5240f  No.3073280


you are literally retarded if you can't see all Mitchell did was repackage Q. perhaps you should kill yourself it'd be as easy as closing your mouth as we know mouthbreathers like yourself can't breathe through your nose

4f1fd9  No.3073281

File: 23b4632712152a5⋯.jpeg (146.94 KB, 750x475, 30:19, 27216151-22C3-4D8C-9AEE-9….jpeg)

b128c6  No.3073282

File: a903bc802aae07f⋯.png (14.47 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 2be08d21342326f661dc9c2611….png)

File: 048c03d7c833f4b⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 718x500, 359:250, 2b6xuz.jpg)

File: d7ceca28193034b⋯.jpg (55.06 KB, 620x640, 31:32, 2pladco4mq2z.jpg)

File: a6c162e399013de⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 500x758, 250:379, 28d78t.jpg)

1d1afb  No.3073283



well that explains the phsycho behavior, their supply is getting cut off.

3dbc4f  No.3073284



This could be a way for Bill Mitchell to warm up the conservative crowd that balks at the though "conspiracy theory."

If we're trying to ready the American public for the exciting things to come then you have to find a way to reach them.

Q can reach us because we're anons/autists. If you give us information we can verify and present a logical argument; we will set aside our emotion for the most part and adopt.

Most of the American public, even libertarians, are not willing to believe the things Q has shown us. In steps Bill Mitchell who gives this crowd the same information but now it's under the guise of a "string." Something everyone can understand.

1ba63f  No.3073285


Like Flynn jr., Adams playing his role

b5e79d  No.3073286


From www.yaf.org


Start at 13:50 but the whole speech is worth listening to again!

bc71c5  No.3073287

Dutch government astounded by low penalty in verdict of Afghan rapist.

Judges motivation was he feared for the perps permit to stay which could've been revoked had he got the standard penalty for the offense.


…whatever… effing cunts…

4c0308  No.3073288

File: 26491649d705eb0⋯.png (37.94 KB, 956x215, 956:215, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at ….png)



Must be difficult to write a story that is going to help sink your MUM!


c5726c  No.3073289


> - Led Zeppelin


um, lad… sorry, but… you have some idols to reconsider

36cc77  No.3073290


sarcasm, not detectable by computers

17f562  No.3073292


Its interesting that Dems are saying SC nomination is going to fast but for us its going to slow

523b03  No.3073293

File: 8497a2233579f5e⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 500x586, 250:293, 2i7cta~2.jpg)

Judge Kavanaugh will be 100% vindicated.

d5240f  No.3073294


this is honestly the biggest worry. I mean it's not like the accusations even have to be founded. I also wonder if this women wasn't set up way back in 2012 in case Romney won. In fact I've been wondering if Romney did in fact win but Obama stole that election kek

d9bd5c  No.3073295

>>3073212 YOU ARE ! That was easy Dickhead

d4f415  No.3073296

File: 7c86d8638a1c044⋯.jpg (77.64 KB, 857x500, 857:500, 2i7d9l.jpg)

08d542  No.3073297


Mitchell was explaining POTUS "bad decisions" long before Q appeared. It is not a stretch to think that he figured out the Sessions strategy independent of Q.

1d1afb  No.3073298

File: d1fb736b217ce8c⋯.jpg (316.59 KB, 1242x1692, 69:94, poohthinksalpha1.jpg)

ad84c7  No.3073299



Listen to stairway backwards. No evil!

1e2cc3  No.3073300

File: 0934a825976c5ce⋯.jpeg (103.13 KB, 1054x640, 527:320, CDD6D299-57D5-4770-9CFC-C….jpeg)


This is an excellent decode, Corsi

5dbf0a  No.3073301


>That looks painful

…and gelatinous.

c8f00c  No.3073302


Like she'd know!!! She and her ilk have caused so much trouble to society of the years. Unconscionable.

0383ac  No.3073303

File: db5da0ce255487f⋯.jpg (101.34 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 2i5q5q.jpg)

678251  No.3073304


>So looks like Feinstein is trying to totally derail Kavanaugh, now saying that a hearing with only two witnesses isn't enough.


>inb4 a whole group of accusers suddenly materialize

Mostly they want to pull in everyone from their high school as character witnesses

It's just about dragging it out

df7a65  No.3073305


Good luck finding anything near the top of their homepage today.

be99b9  No.3073306


It will suck for them when they realize what has happened and what their father has done.

b3f448  No.3073307


trust me, we didn’t want a magic underwear deep state loser to win.

7d9eb7  No.3073308

File: e0af59869cee86d⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 910x512, 455:256, [TEXTS][PS].jpg)

590302  No.3073309


good point…sorta wondering how OCR handles a watermark..???

0b0148  No.3073310


They're trying to drag it out until either he or Trump gives.

Fuck that.

55107c  No.3073311


Thanks for bringing this up.

The ebot had a video on mercury the other day.

Freaky how much covalence that mineral has -

a liquid form with metal properties.

Made me curious about Uranium.

What if the uranium isn't for bomb making,

but instead has properties necessary for next evolution of energy.

Does the uranium, made into armour, protect against radiation?

Do give an answer. Tried to look it up.

f666e5  No.3073312

File: c1452e55465cb54⋯.jpg (22.52 KB, 200x277, 200:277, Jason_Pelias_Louvre_K127.jpg)

File: fb3fe4b7517d941⋯.jpg (377.51 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, p4018_v_v8_ac.jpg)

Then there is THIS -

Jason and the GOLDEN FLEECE

Just a COINCIDENCE, I'm sure….

1ba63f  No.3073313


The Dems forgot what it’s like to lose, they will not take it well

5dbf0a  No.3073314


>Its interesting that Dems are saying SC nomination is going to fast

They're doing that to frighten and motivate the part of the population who still believes their narratives. Game theory.

f8d8a9  No.3073315

World’s most shocking food scandals: From Tylenol murders to poisoned baby food


eb170b  No.3073316


That's because we are awake and "have more than we know"

e84273  No.3073317

File: d72106ad6ce444e⋯.jpg (58.18 KB, 255x224, 255:224, Pres Negan.jpg)


Ask and receive

4a1137  No.3073318

File: 861f239dce24ef1⋯.jpg (125.28 KB, 750x404, 375:202, iu (7).jpg)

3dbc4f  No.3073319


>>3072642 Democrats at one time wanted Russia documents declassified.

>>3072692 Texas LE takes down 12 pedophiles in a CP ring.

>>3072717 Low IQ Maxine once again alludes to supporting political violence.

>>3072757, >>3073288 Valerie Jarett's daughter co-authors the CNN article covering FISA declassification.

>>3072885, >>3072952 Facebook and financial firms fought over user data for years.

>>3072879 Grassley threatens to nix 11th-hour session if Kavanaugh accuser won't respond to invite.

>>3073050 DJT Tweet: Great hurricane response.

>>3073167 Rosenstein speech and Comey tweet similarities.

>>3073260 Keith Ellison abuse accuser: Democrats have “isolated” me.

e76ce2  No.3073320


I'm convinced AD Rogers & Gen Flynn were the 2 Patriots that approached Trump

6c3c9b  No.3073321

File: ad70a19b26def18⋯.png (139.8 KB, 635x509, 635:509, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at ….png)

File: 171eb40c450921c⋯.png (696.95 KB, 1014x654, 169:109, Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at ….png)


That's some shitty-ass shenaniganing goin' on there.

But, MSM doorknobbed when we find out who leaked what to whom?

4d2a57  No.3073322

File: f6f6cafd271c927⋯.jpg (70.19 KB, 499x750, 499:750, 0d6d645bab1203336cf165c325….jpg)


When was the pic taken? Does Comey live in SD? Probably not. Did he hop on a plane to SD immediately following RR speech to take this picture? No. This was taken awhile ago, with the express intent to use it at the necessary time. Pic unrelated.

143a78  No.3073323


Clowns Clowns Clowns

Remove the influence of the circus, remove (((their))) influence, & replace the talking heads with actual journalists. And yeah, that could take years.

Meanwhile, prove MSM's complicity & give their viewers reason enough to not trust MSM.

39e059  No.3073324

File: 22d9719258a64cd⋯.png (24.58 KB, 601x209, 601:209, AQ1.PNG)


You guys seen this yet?

Sen. Marco Rubio asks DOJ to probe John Kerry’s continuous interference in US policy by colluding with terror state Iran

1e2cc3  No.3073326

File: 5d88144fbc28c65⋯.jpeg (21.41 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 5F1D8985-C709-459F-BBAF-D….jpeg)

1cd6f6  No.3073327


(((they're))) media are belong to us

a419cf  No.3073328


let's hope it works. fuck kavanaugh, and fuck the GOP for trying to foist in their pick. they're every bit the criminals that the Democrats are

a20d08  No.3073329

File: 860f921be52f445⋯.jpg (10.45 KB, 292x156, 73:39, 7296538f287eca90d6fb17e265….jpg)


Yeah but notice later in the article:

"Their latest effort could backfire and upend the narrative House Republicans have spent months crafting, should the declassified documents confirm the FBI had more than the dossier to justify the surveillance of Page."

– This shows either the outcome they are hoping for - or gives some indication as to how they plan to counter attack with their narrative.

39e059  No.3073331




f8d8a9  No.3073335


They are media belongs to us?

24aeb6  No.3073336


Did you write something?

5dbf0a  No.3073337


Yes. The correct description of the enemy is 'criminals.' It is not democrats or republicans (jooz, etc.) It is just criminals. They're fucked. It will work.

b3f24d  No.3073338

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, Media.jpg)

1cd6f6  No.3073339


that was fast

678251  No.3073340



Do you even internet?

He's married and has 6 kids.

So, any one of them.

a419cf  No.3073341


umm, why would a movie and its source material be coincidental?

bc71c5  No.3073343

File: dd0c729cef928e4⋯.png (151.33 KB, 308x309, 308:309, screenshot_1451.png)

bc3498  No.3073344


Good analysis anon

00b5d3  No.3073345

File: e5b33d2a7e5eda0⋯.png (152.94 KB, 652x683, 652:683, abusive.png)

We're in an abusive relationship, anons. OHNOES!!!

(If anyone needs therapy, just call Ms. Blasey Ford.)


1d1afb  No.3073346

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, pepe_Laugh_hysterical.jpg)

0383ac  No.3073347

File: 842a0db5b10d8c5⋯.jpg (73.4 KB, 639x960, 213:320, 42102944_1120441998111936_….jpg)

215c03  No.3073348


>"Their latest effort could backfire and upend the narrative House Republicans have spent months crafting, should the declassified documents confirm the FBI had more than the dossier to justify the surveillance of Page."

Yea, Im sure POTUS had no idea what was in them.

094ab1  No.3073349


Anons know he's our guy

9ea8d0  No.3073351


damn, i btfo'd myself….still funny as fuck

0383ac  No.3073352

File: c972bf95b4040ca⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 960x616, 120:77, DnVJ1zQUAAc7hPl.jpg)

f8d8a9  No.3073353


You even highlighted it. 🙈

Their. Just saying.

dd931b  No.3073354


That pic seemed faked to me, the one on twaater/mt. rush

58e39b  No.3073355

The government employee is identified as Stuart Karaffa, a State Department staffer and “a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.”

Project Veritas explains it is just the first installment of its undercover video investigation.

The first video shows Karaffa “engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies.”

Karaffa told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that he performs DSA activism while at work for the State Department. He said he drafts DSA communications while on the job.

“I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s— that comes up. I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my, like, draft messages ready to send out,” he says.

And he admits monitoring Virginia’s political news online while being paid by taxpayers.


7516c1  No.3073356


OK, catching crap for this…understood. Song is actually Tolkien's LOTR white hats vs. Sauron in Mordor… Message checks clean…messengers, maybe not so much.

That said, Sandy Denny is awesome and I stand by her all the way. LZ is hit or miss.. Pink Floyd is like that a lot too.

143a78  No.3073358

File: 1c99645f7923430⋯.png (938.59 KB, 620x1102, 310:551, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___JA.png)


Bill Mitchell is slow walking normies into our reality. He's not going to do it like an autists would, wondering way folks are expecting that when it's not even working for them (dumping red pills down people's throats). He's mixing the medicine with food.

eb170b  No.3073359



Really don't get Rubio. Maybe he's being forced to play the game? On one hand he's a POS when it comes to GEOTUS and on the other hand he speaks out about the fuckwads.

b128c6  No.3073360

File: 2a2ff4b90ced746⋯.png (232.49 KB, 305x915, 1:3, evil daycare bitch.png)

File: 17ea81440480f6b⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 306x355, 306:355, 5059D24E00000578-6180351-i….jpg)

File: 899f46a61d7b18e⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 306x355, 306:355, 5059E93F00000578-6180351-i….jpg)


Daycare owner, 60, is arrested for strapping children in carseats and leaving them shut in her bedroom closet with restraints around their necks, after a worried father planted a spycam on his 6-month-old son

Rebecca Anderson, 60, was arrested in Mesquite, Texas, on Friday

She ran Becky's Day Care out of her home but had been mistreating the children

Police were tipped off after a six-month-old's father fastened a hidden camera to his car seat

It filmed Anderson 'yanking' him with by his legs and bib and feeding him an unknown substance with a syringe

When police visited the house, they found four kids in their car seats with ties around their neck in the master bedroom closet

Another child was found in the same way in the bathroom and there were four more elsewhere in the home

Anderson is now in custody on nine charges of child endangerment

A Texas daycare owner has been arrested for allegedly keeping children in closes where they were confined to their car seats at her in-home facility and giving them Tylenol.

Rebecca Anderson, 60, was charged with nine counts of endangering a child on Friday.

Police received their tip off from the father of a six-month-old boy who had fastened a hidden camera onto his car seat when he dropped him off at Anderson's Mesquite, Texas, home.

The footage showed her yanking him out of his car seat and giving him a substance with a plastic syringe.

When police searched the house on Friday, they found three children in their car seats in the closet in her master bedroom and one more in the master bathroom.

The children had shoelace like ties around their necks which had to be cut off. Anderson said she put them on there to restrict the children's movement.

When asked how many children were inside the home, police say she lied and told them there were only five.

They discovered another four kids moments later.

Anderson told the officers that she sometimes left the kids in their car seats for up to seven hours a day and admitted giving them all Tylenol.

Police say she gave them it in unNecessary doses which may have put them at risk.

Anderson remains in custody on a $45,000 bond.

Police in Mesquite are asking for anyone who fears their child may have been victimized by her to come forward.


6c3c9b  No.3073361

File: 3ac5c62fa5eb9ab⋯.png (613.66 KB, 1011x672, 337:224, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

d97ca5  No.3073362


Not a whole lot of 7 ft tall assassins.

1d1afb  No.3073363


def a shout out to a John wilkes booth somewhere

0b460e  No.3073364




1cd6f6  No.3073365

does anon want meme or proof?

24aeb6  No.3073366


Rubio is as dirty as they come. My guess is he is under white hat control now, playing his role to save his ass.

157514  No.3073367

File: a84539a6d2ec1e4⋯.png (69.94 KB, 616x596, 154:149, 1520331649629.png)

File: edcd4d3873eb234⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 473x737, 43:67, 2i7ckf~2.jpg)

I need to see Sessions make a touchdown for Trump before I believe he is running the show.

4f2cf2  No.3073368


We shouldn't forget that for an honorable journalist who has the intelligence and sense to understand when he is and is not being played (and this describes virtually nobody in today's MSM), it *is* possible to responsibly use anonymous sources to get at a story that is deeply buried.

True Pundit does seem to have cultivated some insiders in the FBI and DOJ that have provided legit information over time. Some of the revelations were so "early" that they seemed off base, but I have a feeling that a lot of his scoops are going to be proven out in time.

b3f24d  No.3073369

39e059  No.3073371


Right. wasn't he NoName's fanboy?

Don't add up unless he flipped.

a4255b  No.3073372

File: 67562d7643fe269⋯.png (891 KB, 1024x1034, 512:517, ClipboardImage.png)

00b5d3  No.3073373


And the House Republicans who saw the un-redacted documents also didn't know what was in them when they called for declas.

fac0d2  No.3073374


We built SLOW WALKER….

8c798b  No.3073375


new Anita Hill has cold feet.

feinstein desperately searching for another Kav classmate.


7d9eb7  No.3073376


Financial system maybe more like it. Although current financial "rules" affect economics, the core of economics transcends monetary systems.


>It's not the first time!

True dat.

4c6ce8  No.3073378


Rubio is a spineless, corrupt POS. Of course he is playing a role to save his own ass, that is all he has ever done. If ever there was a puppet, it is Rubio. He just has a new puppet master now.

ad84c7  No.3073379


Kyle is a shill. Like Wictor.

c5726c  No.3073380


witch fight

590302  No.3073381

>>3073366 Rubio might be under control slightly, though he is still trying to instigate trauma at Venezula, he seems to be very active through SA?

93d123  No.3073382



Lat thing we need is another Bill Gates figuring out how to kill people. Confiscate assets. ALL.

094ab1  No.3073383


12steps ahead

678251  No.3073384

File: b193fea42e5cfe6⋯.png (286.94 KB, 716x548, 179:137, ClipboardImage.png)

So now advertising to your target demographic is illegal?

1d1afb  No.3073385


why is she fucking out on bond OMG fuck this cunt

fe31d6  No.3073386

SCOTUS accuser a No Show ?

https:// townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2018/09/18/brett-kavanaughs-accuser-isnt-answering-phone-calls-from-chuck-grassley-to-testify-about-her-accusations-n2520092

727bac  No.3073387


I love you too, faggot

39e059  No.3073388


Has he been shy these last few months?

He was NoName's fanboy, now this….

1b74c2  No.3073389

File: b907278f2db2d9f⋯.png (433.32 KB, 1111x735, 1111:735, Screenshot (106).png)


Busting the horrible wretched Sally Yates:

"I won't say it started here. Much had already been done.

But this set the stage for much of what was to come.

The July 20, 2015 Sally Yates Memorandum that refused Inspector General Oversight of information collected by the DOJ & FBI under Title III."

Must see the details.

Reveals coverup of FISA by Yates

Pic related


"Need to know" only, and she did NOT need to know

Really, really bad. Jail term and monetary fines are HUGE for this.


ab846c  No.3073390


Too true.

34381e  No.3073391

>>3073027 Reminds me of the "moving cow statue" on Epstein's island…

849a48  No.3073392


With MB Laura Jarrett writing it, this is no doubt to unnerve Trump and team. They have nothing on Trump. If they did, Lynch wouldn't be singing, RR wouldn't be desperately trying to get a meeting and they wouldn't be trying to negotiate the unmasking away by offering to withdraw the fake grope story

0d4435  No.3073393


Credibility of the accuser = 0

From California

A liberal

From Palo Alto (heart of Silicon Valley)

A university professor

A university professor from a shopping center type college

A pussy cat hat resistor marcher

Linked via brother to Fusion GPS

Can’t remember crap bc was drunk

She should just withdraw it all and go home to her cat.

d0445e  No.3073395


we need moms at home with their kids and dads providing for their families again!

101970  No.3073396


Sesame Street was our introduction to multicultural propaganda, now this.

b27557  No.3073397


LZ was the PINNACLE! Wern't they!

88f09f  No.3073398

File: b0fee791808b1a9⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1498137192542.gif)


bread trips crazy 8s

Thank You Baker(s) for all your kitchen duty

Kitchen Music Intensifies



you been goin strong for many breads?

o7 m8

56ee21  No.3073399

File: e82366c3990fdb4⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 1221x753, 407:251, 1a.JPG)

File: 14defa116489bfb⋯.jpg (105.36 KB, 746x672, 373:336, 2.JPG)

15 dead, 33 hospitalised from suspected alcohol poisoning in Malaysia


d9bd5c  No.3073400


OHHHHHHHHHH GOODY another Eva Braun wannabe who calls me Jewish when I am everwhelmingly German, Psychological Projection much Eva ?

1ba63f  No.3073401


Rubio and Graham are falling into line now that noname is dead and the writing is on the wall for the permanent state they used to support

8c798b  No.3073402


Drudge flipped to the dark side during the 2016 campaigning

f666e5  No.3073403


my theories right now are

embalming and reincarnation, protect against solar radiation, generate power (obviously) - used in pyramids (not so obviously), health benefits (live forever, live longer, cure cancer, cure something else)


No it wouldn't - the overlap is between Uranium, the crumbs about GOLD (Covered in GOLD), and crumbs that are littered across the internet about uranium being used for other things in ancient times, or even used at all when we've been told that it's a modern discovery. With additional overlap with the "Jason Group" apparently getting it's name from Jason and the Golden Fleece. And things that the Jason Group are said to have been/are involved in have an incredible amount of overlap with the department of energy, nuclear physics, uranium.

727bac  No.3073404


Thanks helperanon

e47888  No.3073405

File: 0afdcbbddd3aee1⋯.png (964.28 KB, 1255x935, 251:187, Moab Red Carpet.png)

>>3072096 (pb)

2018 Emmy ratings bombed, crashed, burned, new lows.


547e03  No.3073406


The moral is: don't put your kids in day care.

Also, women need to stay home with their children again.

5dbf0a  No.3073408


>She should just withdraw it all and go home to her cat.


a20d08  No.3073409

File: 5a78b953b71ec5d⋯.jpg (153.64 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DhoZoJVU0AAvLBv.jpg)


Exactly! But we know they are going to do everything they can to downplay it. They have become predictable.

0a6767  No.3073410


When Trump finally snaps they'll be sorry, believe that. He's as patient as Putin, luckily for them

5c17c4  No.3073411

File: 3a953fa42d010f5⋯.png (4.37 MB, 2552x1428, 638:357, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


Remember when Trump told Merkel they had a few things in common. One was that the Hussein admin had been listening in on both of them. She gave him this look. The German "bridge" was taken out?


1ba63f  No.3073412


The Eternal Boomer

8c798b  No.3073413


Sure Jake, after you do the same for every piece of FAKE NEWS you've put out.

4c6ce8  No.3073414


Which means he has always been on the dark side. Controlled op. If the 2016 election "caused" people to suddenly flip their views and allegiance, they were dirty to begin with.

d60004  No.3073415



6c3c9b  No.3073416

File: a799058e72601da⋯.png (711.84 KB, 989x676, 989:676, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

ab846c  No.3073417


Love the pic. What text after?


d0445e  No.3073418


this headline made me smile this morning.

3ac913  No.3073419

386de5  No.3073421

File: 5baf98d54c6d852⋯.jpg (358.97 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, lincoln slow walker.jpg)

A Quote from Abraham Lincoln.

19ebb4  No.3073422


I dunno man Q said more good than bad

Ill reserve my judgement

Just use discernment in what you hear from them

24aeb6  No.3073423


McCain probably had photos of Rubio and Graham tossing each others salad. They've been freed from the blackmailers but still very much pieces of shit that need to go.

547e03  No.3073424


Cracks me up because feminists don't want these jobs. They want cushy white-collar jobs in air conditioned offices. No fem groups are clamoring for jobs in construction, trash pickup, etc.

b3f24d  No.3073426

File: d7d2dfbecb195ad⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 640x633, 640:633, kek pepe.jpg)


Kek. The irony of them lecturing on Kavenaugh and #metoo

fe31d6  No.3073427


Hillary , Rose Law Firm insiders have digital ' keys ' to ALL of FBI computer networks via patents and front company.

Aim 4 Truth . org


36cc77  No.3073428


>german jews dont exist

we get it rabbi shekelgoldbergsteinowitzenstein

157514  No.3073429

File: eb51f60796f3581⋯.png (48.69 KB, 480x572, 120:143, Screenshot_2018-09-12-09-3….png)

File: b9bd1b77ff53b9f⋯.png (38.73 KB, 574x574, 1:1, 08c0211d9dd2066d49712fbc5c….png)

Page rolled over on Strzok.

678251  No.3073430


>gives some indication as to how they plan to counter attack with their narrative.


The are laying groundwork for the spin.

They will report the 'evidence' used confirmed the dossier while ignoring that it was circular reporting.

5c17c4  No.3073431


Sorry for linking to Clown News Network YT. I would worry about the clicks they get, but it's our tax dollars running that network anyway.

d0445e  No.3073432



GOD over man, man over women, women over children.

The way it should be.

b38c9f  No.3073433

File: a7fad7ada5e1b22⋯.png (85.79 KB, 727x354, 727:354, Government_Teams_1.png)

24aeb6  No.3073434


Any evidence yet they were having an affair?

19ebb4  No.3073435


Steny hoyer tried to clap during usa and schumer made him sit down

I wonder why he wanted to clap

00b5d3  No.3073436


If Italy and Russia could switch sides when the war turned, anyone can.

547e03  No.3073439


Forgot to add, that daycare cunt needs to hang.

d5240f  No.3073440


I'm hoping Ginsburg dies during this delay for Kavanaugh so the process can start all over again with another Trump pick kek

e15348  No.3073441

File: 43ae3fa75bf5489⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 236x236, 1:1, Rage_pepe3gqvegr53.jpg)



735f20  No.3073442

File: 0f3cb7f95fefe2a⋯.png (1 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

SHOCK: Leaked NPR Emails Reveal Coordinated Effort To Cover For Abortion Industry

Leaked emails from National Public Radio (NPR) reveal the taxpayer-funded group running interference for the abortion industry by banning the term "abortionist" and "abortion doctor" to describe the murderous Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist currently serving a life sentence for three counts of first-degree murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter.

When an executive producer for the new film "Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer" reached out to NPR to purchase a sponsorship for the interview show "Fresh Air," he was told he could not use the term "abortionist" to describe Gosnell in the ad, though he could use the term "doctor," emails obtained by The Daily Beast indicate:

Sullivan, who was prepared to spend as much as six figures, crafted his ad copy to answer the question you’re probably asking: Who is Gosnell? The proposed ad was as follows, “Support for this NPR program comes from the film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The film is the true story of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. A story the mainstream media tried to cover up because it reveals the truth about abortion.”

No dice. According to e-mails provided to The Daily Beast, NPR’s representative ran it up the legal flagpole and came back with a disappointing answer. In addition to other minor tweaks to the wording, their response stated, "The word 'abortionist' will also need to be changed to the neutral word ‘doctor.'"

But using the ambiguous term "doctor" widely misdirects from the function of the film, as NPR surely understands. So Sullivan pushed back, asking if he could use the much more accurate term "abortion doctor."

NPR, amazingly, said no.


00b5d3  No.3073444


I keep reading it in the press. Must be true. Hey, let's put it in a FISA warrant.

c5726c  No.3073445


hagfag and her fag

b128c6  No.3073446

File: 11c822149c9ffe9⋯.jpg (69.45 KB, 647x404, 647:404, 2hbhht.jpg)

File: 11b33c499dbb595⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 647x404, 647:404, 2hbhdc.jpg)

4c0308  No.3073447


Potus confirmed today that he has seen everything, and I am sure his q-team knows whats coming.

Enjoy the show!

ab846c  No.3073448


I bet that many have already been confiscated. Then, keep up appearances till they can be liquidated.

d97ca5  No.3073450

File: b9ef0579e00ac82⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, ab40aec13422512aef3170bfa2….png)


Probably is afraid of violent Q cultists threatening her life.

Shammed into silence by the misogynists that support Trump..

Obviously the only cards left because they accusation didn't work on its face.

0383ac  No.3073451

Anxious to see how they flip the Kavanaugh accuser and expose her

0a6767  No.3073452


She's looking to be headed that way at NOS speed

3dbc4f  No.3073453


I remember that. It was something bipartisan like veterans or LE, wasn't it? Schumer cracked the whip on that one.

7cb2a6  No.3073454

File: fb54ffe487f941b⋯.png (230.11 KB, 674x403, 674:403, lies.png)

d7024e  No.3073455

File: 2a25cfa24c1b3e2⋯.jpg (18.02 KB, 474x355, 474:355, download.jpg)


She should have gotten no bail and held just like the kids were, justice!

1e2cc3  No.3073456

File: 1271c8fe54b8540⋯.png (127.84 KB, 501x585, 167:195, 99266ACD-5CCF-4B92-B536-9C….png)

ddb357  No.3073457


Oh yes!

ae897e  No.3073458


they both cock suckers

rubio suck college boys

graham suck noname

it called blackmail

f8ae49  No.3073459


That is the truth. Kids and old people are treated like pets

547e03  No.3073460


Lots of leftist suicides if she dies during Trump's presidency… they consider her a goddess.

a20d08  No.3073461

File: 2beb00c3023d3e2⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 452x479, 452:479, Dl5nlO1U8AEa5rh.jpg)


> The are laying groundwork for the spin

Dead-balls on anon

8c798b  No.3073462


Trump must have liddl' marco by the balls

5c17c4  No.3073463

File: 14207aed8dad56f⋯.jpg (163.55 KB, 600x337, 600:337, D5HRC.jpg)

3dbc4f  No.3073464

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

678251  No.3073466


They are covering up that it probably goes all the way back to the 2012 election.

They used the same playbook on Romney.

7db04a  No.3073467


She needs a rope around her neck just like she was doing to those poor kids, is it Me or is it every time we find one of these people you could tell in two seconds what they’re all about

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