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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 2c8438a082d9abb⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QRMainGraphicSm.jpg)

241d8e  No.3071059

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.17.18

>>>/patriotsfight/258 —————–—————- HIGHEST COURT AUTHORITY APPROVAL (Cap: >>3065418 )

>>>/patriotsfight/257 —————–—————- SESSION & HUBER WEEKEND MEETING(S). (Cap: >>3065270 )

>>>/patriotsfight/256 —————–—————- LYNCH talking. (Cap: >>3065171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/255 —————–—————- BLACKMAIL v Senate & House (Cap: >>3065032 )

>>>/patriotsfight/254 —————–—————- [RR] req meeting #2 w/ POTUS DECLINED. (Cap: >>3064922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/253 —————–—————- Judge K will be confirmed regardless. (Cap: >>3064922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/252 —————–—————- The World is Watching. (Cap: >>3064198 )

>>>/patriotsfight/251 rt /pf/235 ———–——— Anons knew. (Cap: >>3064057 )

>>>/patriotsfight/250 —————–—————- Activate ]SESSIONS[ (Cap: >>3064004 )

>>>/patriotsfight/249 —————–—————- PATRIOTS IN CONTROL ( Cap: >>3063213 )

>>3062616 rt >>3062563 ——————-——– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/248 —————–—————- Pain.png ( Cap: >>3062499 )

>>>/patriotsfight/247 —————–—————- WWG1WGA! ( Cap: >>3062473, >>3062500 )

>>3061924 rt >>3061810 ——————-——– We will not fail you.

>>>/patriotsfight/246 —————–—————- At what point does it become mathematically impossible? ( Cap: >>3061839 )

>>3061704 rt >>3061664 ——————-——– For you and you alone.

>>3061670 ————————————–——– Fire at will.

>>>/patriotsfight/245 —————–—————- SEPT —–17—– ( Cap: >>3061574, >>3061586 )

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

241d8e  No.3071068


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3023169 BO announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag.

>>3001747 BV: New board for redditfugees >>>/patriotsawoken/


>>3070302 Australia's new PM is on the Trump train

>>3070412, >>3070433, >>3070710 Moar on the shot-down Russian Plane

>>3070497 China market drops as trade war intensifies

>>3070432 Paige Herwig dig - soros funded + on plane with Lynch and Clinton

>>3070544 On the Q-Clock - September 18, 2018

>>3070552, >>3070560, >>3070774 Gateway Pundit analysis of Gen Flynn's Eagle Council speech

>>3070901 Pussy Riot Member likely poisoned; blames MuhRussia for it

>>3070905 Russia blames Israel for downed jet

>>3071025 #3885


>>3069563 Graphic: more connections with red carpet crumb

>>3069687 U.S. Treasury Names New Sanctions, Intelligence Office Leaders

>>3069698 Russia detects missile launches from French frigate off Syria's coast in Mediterranean

>>3069733 Anderson Cooper cries like a little bitch over flood memes, lies during fact-check

>>3069781 SpaceX: We'll consider launching space weapons if asked

>>3069836 GermanArchiveAnon Update - 3890 breads now archive

>>3069729, >>3069746, >>3069756, >>3069774, >>3069848 The [20] pages POTUS declassified

>>3069921, >>3069953 QClock September 17 FISA

>>3070072 Trump to declassify the 'insurance policy' in the Strzok-Page text, Nunes says

>>3070107 Scientists close to "finding" cure for schizophrenia

>>3069508 Rep. Nunes Accepts the 2018 Keeper of the Flame Award (video)

>>3070177 Red Tide - Big Sugar dig (watch the water)

>>3070238 #3884


>>3068738, >>3069180 Red Carpet Rollout Side by Side

>>3068739 Resignations in the news today

>>3068754, >>3068817, >>3069069, >>3069212 JUSTICE: Charges, arrests, indictments in the news

>>3068803 FISA DECLAS CARPET BOMBS - Google trends graph

>>3068938 r/Qpatriots fight last post before ban + ban "reason"

>>3068959 On chief justice & FISA judges

>>3069165 Mockingbird talking points re: FISA declas

>>3069359 Trump-appointed Richard H. Clarida took oath of office today as Federal Reserve board member and Vice Chairman

>>3069358 Interdasting theory on Florence the storm (Florence was the traditional enemy of Venice - source of banking/occult swamp)

>>3069438 #3883

#3882 Baker Change

>>3067882, >>3067999 Graph of Q-linked stats from r/greatawakening/ against standard adoption curve. Result: we are winning!

>>3067921 For the nightshift - Q: The basics

>>3067935 ABC kills off Roseanne's pro-Trump character with opioid overdose

>>3068043, >>3068061 Planefag reports

>>3067931 Interdasting Anon theory on latest Q drop re: 2 SC justices

>>3068072 UK's bulk interception powers revealed by Snowden declared illegal

>>3068086 Call to richfags: take out ad in NYT displaying declassified texts (kek)

>>3067983, >>3068033, >>3068199 Side-by-side: Schiff gives us a "red line" Q proof

>>3067725 (lb) Re: stock shorts of NiSource (owns natural gas in MA & elsewhere - think recent explosions)

>>3068182 Breadfag stats on /qresearch bread speed and posts per minute for September so far

>>3068209, >>3068264, >>3068323 Moar resignations including Tyson Foods CEO

>>3068216 Sum of POTUS deltas today = 17

>>3068294 Trump admin proposes cap of 30,000 refugee admissions in 2019 fiscal year - lowest cap in history

>>3068338, >>3068385 The World is Watching: r/Qpatriotsfight traffic stats thru Sept. 17 + BANNED JUST NOW after stats posted

>>3068350 Video: South Korean President arrives for Summit with Kim Jong-Un (red carpet..)

>>3068404 DoD tweet: still riding!

>>3068596 #3882

Previously Collected Notables

>>3067127 #3880, >>3067834 #3881

>>3064706 #3877, >>3065432 #3878, >>3066245 #3879

>>3062350 #3874, >>3063092 #3875, >>3063876 #3876

>>3059923 #3871, >>3060745 #3872, >>3061500 #3873

>>3057614 #3868, >>3058326 #3869, >>3059128 #3870

>>3055138 #3865, >>3057548 #3866, >>3056794 #3867

>>3052743 #3862, >>3053540 #3863, >>3054313 #3864

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

241d8e  No.3071070

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450 , >>3048073

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

241d8e  No.3071074

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Watch a screencast of a baker baking >>3018667


241d8e  No.3071077

Dough #3886


661024  No.3071083

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 21e8df5fd2eb039⋯.png (923.49 KB, 785x1111, 785:1111, MotherMary.png)

File: 814a41293887a5e⋯.png (4.48 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, sooon.png)

501666  No.3071089

File: cd5b747943c4de7⋯.jpeg (234.01 KB, 2061x1668, 687:556, A1BB9189-53F2-4DDC-B9CF-1….jpeg)

241d8e  No.3071091

Baker Requesting Handoff

My computer is really, really lagging. I don't think I could keep up if Q shows up.

239d2a  No.3071095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6d7aff  No.3071100

File: 2b8998b403092d7⋯.png (646.37 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, TY Baker_06.png)

e4d1d4  No.3071101

File: 0bdd0c874e86353⋯.jpeg (343.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, redformemes17o7.jpeg)


thanQ baker!

also for you amazing memeanons here is a template

red october is coming, good luck


1fb32b  No.3071102

File: c91f7eb6ad46f20⋯.jpg (7.32 KB, 225x225, 1:1, c91f7eb6ad46f20140ef14d887….jpg)

ef12f3  No.3071103

File: 8a84c3fe9371eaa⋯.mp4 (8.87 MB, 720x720, 1:1, SCMPNews-10419539725530480….mp4)


streets of north korea line with people welcoming president moon

133209  No.3071104

File: 7f0a3b4e97c81ca⋯.jpg (388.03 KB, 1600x1014, 800:507, da2898ecbe6c0e49c4d55b5787….jpg)

Trust the clam.


3af427  No.3071105

>>3071079 (prev)

occasio and her white pwoer? hahahahahaha

586acf  No.3071106


Thanks anon.

6b08c4  No.3071107

TY baker (o)(o)

1ee4f8  No.3071108

File: 18f08fbaeba8e64⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 548x617, 548:617, watch the water.jpg)


67ff1b  No.3071109


241d8e  No.3071110


I am not clam baker.

1e965f  No.3071111

>>3071042 (lb)

ah fugg …ya sorry bro

long night


592428  No.3071112


a purge comes out everywhere

he knows that more than everyone

i dont think youve been thru what i have

6b08c4  No.3071114



133209  No.3071115


That you Brian Stelter? I bet it is. You and Lemonhead got this thing going on, I see it in your eyes. I bet you are the catcher.

501666  No.3071116

File: df4cddf623efd2a⋯.jpeg (247.61 KB, 1770x825, 118:55, C6A17E59-DAEE-4122-86AD-5….jpeg)

Chinese stocks finished higher, up 2% (contrary to notable).

Suggests markets feared even tougher rhetoric out of Trump….

24ec24  No.3071117

File: 4c5115744b21839⋯.jpg (20.19 KB, 617x435, 617:435, giveupREPLACEMENT.jpg)

5c3a54  No.3071118

File: 819176887a84903⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 255x181, 255:181, whitehatiknowwhatyoudidflo….jpg)


Thanks Anon!!

ec3374  No.3071119


Stuart Karaffa…. I'd guess he was ejected around the time 'the 7th floor is no more'. At least I hope.

b96a99  No.3071120

File: d437eff9b801b29⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1012x633, 1012:633, 1537270736016.png)

c37a8b  No.3071121

File: 3df9d89813aab54⋯.jpg (65.84 KB, 900x563, 900:563, Hussein008.jpg)

It's happening!

47a080  No.3071122

>>3071082 (lb)

Not court jesters, because there would be only one jester, quite an influential position.

More like Morris dancers.

>>3071006 (lb)

That's the way I understand it anon. Declassifying is basically making it legal to show to non eyes only. So eyes have already been on it, and copies exist, but releasing it without going through the proper process would be illegal (in order to protect methods and sources).

2f0e8c  No.3071123


fucking rat

makes my blood boil

Guantanamo is way too small to handle all these low-level traitors

can't we just have Cali secede, build a wall around it and throw them all in there?

1fb32b  No.3071124


And I don't think you've

been where I've been.

Or know what I know.

4f1f5a  No.3071125

File: bb74aa1e1b1da66⋯.jpg (134.7 KB, 750x742, 375:371, 01wrrbkulhm11.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

4aac14  No.3071126


Filter & proceed.

3f5368  No.3071128

Good morning to everyone except the guy with a red pen. Kek

d51de7  No.3071129

File: e7ee4e9741ab34d⋯.jpeg (181.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e7ee4e9741ab34dfd0c26bf14….jpeg)

589bb5  No.3071131


The 50 thousand seal indictment will be unsealed after the elections, then all you FKwits will be crying

100b29  No.3071132

>>3070329 is it this one, there look to be some interesting connections but don't want to spend hours digging if not the right one https://


47a080  No.3071133

Ty, tits and pussy baker.

(use your imagination)

1fb32b  No.3071134

File: a1472f374c38ef5⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 316x339, 316:339, iu.jpg)

b489ca  No.3071135

File: 6a54f926c0c2c81⋯.png (13.07 MB, 3856x3208, 482:401, MAGNA CARTA.png)



d77d43  No.3071136

File: 510050baed297bf⋯.gif (1018.19 KB, 400x198, 200:99, painFrog.gif)

24ec24  No.3071137

Baker Notable

>>3071103 Crowds Cheer as Moon and Kim ride through Pyongyang

efdb21  No.3071138


>guy with a red pen

You spelled faggot wrong, kek

fdd093  No.3071139


Morning anon. UK papers all reporting on DECLAS. Leftie ones are saying it's because POTUS is walled in.

They have no idea what is coming.

480b3b  No.3071140

Israeli army blames Damascus for Russia’s IL-20 downing, mourns death of crew – statement

Israel expresses sorrow for the death of the aircrew members of the Russian plane that was downed tonight due to Syrian anti-aircraft fire.

Israel holds the Assad regime, whose military shot down the Russian plane, fully responsible for this incident.


4aac14  No.3071141

File: 4884239b73fe3ff⋯.png (718.35 KB, 1080x1572, 90:131, Screenshot_20180918-171105….png)

The latest of which occurred Friday and included a suggestion to “knock off” Trump, which was greeted with applause and cheers.

The National Newspaper Publishers Association gave Waters a National Leadership Award and Waters used her platform to trash Trump.

Mad Max

8a0307  No.3071142

File: d933be42c9efa28⋯.png (486.86 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180918-134134.png)

Twattacc might be worth keeping an eye on.

c17bb6  No.3071143

File: 653fc4bc552dd88⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 450x360, 5:4, serveimage (1).jpg)

File: 4b401daf41ce02a⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 500x374, 250:187, serveimage (2).jpg)

hall pass

a2b3cd  No.3071144

File: 522cdfdb2c60de2⋯.jpeg (637.05 KB, 1242x1359, 138:151, FFA6779A-45BB-482F-B049-A….jpeg)

67ff1b  No.3071145



a55ca3  No.3071146

File: 468f053272e0136⋯.png (108.58 KB, 237x255, 79:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 921a10373e6db38⋯.png (61.65 KB, 255x157, 255:157, ClipboardImage.png)



Remember the criteria for establishing military tribunals is the demonstration that the Courts are corrupt and under the influence of traitors.

We should begin to gather together a compilation which demonstrates that the Court system cannot function.

Murdered prosecutors and Soros picking judges is a very good start.

98daf1  No.3071147



3af427  No.3071148


dead cat bounce

4f1f5a  No.3071150

File: d74511204e9da0a⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 540x353, 540:353, 1428194.jpg)

8d59c7  No.3071151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Project Veritas video expose on the Deep state starting to drop today

98daf1  No.3071152

File: 63e7e6b21d960e9⋯.jpeg (166.35 KB, 1440x1449, 160:161, 1537225904.jpeg)

d51de7  No.3071153

File: 4dd8762dcb00fa6⋯.jpg (280.84 KB, 1919x793, 1919:793, 4dd8762dcb00fa6d9729ae0c8c….jpg)

a2b3cd  No.3071154




589bb5  No.3071155


no your not bad you just lack common sense

f8be2d  No.3071156

Selamat Balik! We return with uplifting news! Progress continues. The dark cabal has reached the point where its only option is to surrender. Every strategy to disrupt the Light has utterly failed. We are approaching the very brink of events that are to be the true prelude to your freedom and the rise of new governance. Along with our Earth allies, we are in the middle of executing a well-thought-out plan that is dismantling the existing power structure. A sweeping series of untested strategies is being successfully implemented that continues to perplex the dark cabal. Our sacred coalition, which is working smoothly together, is busy setting the stage for our eventual triumph. It is sheer joy to watch so many dynamic, strategic elements come together, like silken threads, to enmesh the conceited cabal in the web of its own corrupt legal system.

Elements are already in play that have legally forced the dark to relinquish much of its power and prevented large-scale international wars from breaking out. The next steps are to end the power of fiat money and jolt the bankers from their lairs. These actions in turn are to set the stage for permanent prosperity that transforms global poverty and homelessness. It is to replace these brutal earthbound tragedies with a jubilee that frees all humanity. It will take you far beyond current survival modes and you will come together at last to creatively solve the pollution and gross depravity that threatened to send you into nothingness. We now are to interact with a people ready to accept its inherent spirituality and inner yearning to save and protect Gaia. They are to serve you well as you prepare to reunite with your Inner Earth cousins.

A revised schedule is being drawn up for distribution of the RV funds that will equip you for your prosperity monies. It will also deliver a new banking system, based upon reporting guidelines agreed to some years ago. These rules will restructure bank operations and severely restrict any kind of bank fraud. Once all of this is achieved, new governance can freely and legally manifest. It will abolish personal taxation and allow the rise of an entirely new business environment. Under these fairer conditions, currently-suppressed inventions will emerge. These devices will clean your air, water and sky and make possible a formal disclosure of our sacred mission. With first contact, we will be permitted to travel to your shores and begin a mentoring program that is to lead you to full consciousness. At that time, you are to be reintroduced to the Agarthans.

These events make our contact with you vitally important. As you begin to reach out to reclaim your spiritual essence, you are also to reconnect with who you truly are. Your original Lemurian society, built on a model that you carried from the stars, is still in practice in Agartha. Together, you are intended to fashion a new galactic prototype, embodying all of the countless forms of galactic society that exist throughout the Galactic Federation. Your new star nation is destined to create a natural energy that ultimately is to unite this galaxy. Immersed in this awe-inspiring Light, we are to do a great deal to unfold the Creator's divine plan. Hail to the Light! Onward to a New World and to this upsurging Age of the Light!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive on this day, bringing a message filled with Love and Light. In our hearts, we see the way Heaven is orchestrating the demise of the dark's control over your beloved planet, Gaia. The ancient families, who long have been in charge of a vast secret depository of gold, silver and precious gems, are working to bring your prosperity to the next level. They have agreed to bring your abundance to the delivery stage. In accordance with their wishes, we are making much-needed arrangements that can securely transfer this prosperity to you, the peoples of the world. We laud those in a number of governments who are assisting us with the new mandates necessary to help you receive your blessings. Likewise, the Agarthans, our Inner Earth companions, are preparing a process that is to allow this monumental shift to come about as effortlessly as possible. It is our honor to bring these events to fruition, as they are in accordance with Heaven's divine plan to return you to full consciousness.


133209  No.3071157


Don Lemon boomed in your ass this morning.

93f60f  No.3071158

I am the mother of the troubled teen with red crayons

He skips school, doesnt want to take his meds and keeps drawing on the walls. He only uses red crayons cuz he needs constant attention.

I tried to throw them away but he digs through trash

Sorry good people of Qanon

20c8cb  No.3071159

File: 9c52c10407ece68⋯.jpeg (8.88 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images (30).jpeg)

Everyone on here with some esoteric understanding should be watching "Lodge 49". It is an amazing show that is showing our world and has archtypes and avatars of some pretty important figures. Dont want to give it away but this show is the PLAN.

It is also funny and very uplifting.

See if you can figure out the meaning of when Duds father jumps in the pool and the three objects he places on the table. It is a reveal of what the show hopes to do over its episodes.

Not kidding….this is is important. If you want a clue of the media war being waged. We are winning everywhere and you should all take the time to see where in mass media there are OUR shows now.

Someone else find some cool esoteric shows and tell people here about them.

c17bb6  No.3071160



george michael

661024  No.3071161

File: 0620ece46937249⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x926, 1111:926, bzzwntsprschls.png)

File: 23967b7ea9d513d⋯.png (3 MB, 2151x1111, 2151:1111, justicecoming.png)

File: d4ecf43a696981d⋯.png (47.59 KB, 296x222, 4:3, Justice-eagle.png)

File: b9488786899bc74⋯.png (229.63 KB, 618x410, 309:205, leakstrat.png)

File: 95614c5f66ea305⋯.png (485.07 KB, 1012x500, 253:125, Philosoblumtor.png)

3af427  No.3071162


Suicide week?

KEK these arseholes are ready to go down screaming their crazy shit all the way to GITMO!

61e366  No.3071163

File: 374eddbf3f1ce7f⋯.jpg (101.9 KB, 732x484, 183:121, brennansoiled.jpg)

Good morning Brennan. Bathroom is down the hall and to the right.

e5bc3d  No.3071164


That's the biggest problem on this planet right now.

3f5368  No.3071165


Heh! It’s going to be fun to see this slowly unfold as the ones in the know slowly “get it”.

efdb21  No.3071167


Anderson Cooper on his knees in a puddle of dirty water. For money.

Just saying ;)

36f4c2  No.3071168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mysterious piece of metal flings out of Hillary's pant leg


Published on 11 Sep 2016

4f1f5a  No.3071169

File: f504e931c752318⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 540x362, 270:181, 1427732.jpg)

I hear the unredacted texts are going to be released today

1f975a  No.3071170

Release Of All Text Messages, Carter Page FISA Application From Russia Investigation

Sept 23rd

38b46c  No.3071171



No thanks.

480b3b  No.3071172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Funny but sadly true Obama Meme Video

be4be0  No.3071173


project veritas just posted an extended version on their twatter

3f5368  No.3071174


T y, will pass on to friends and family old skool text. I don’t have social media. Appreciate the link!

661024  No.3071175

File: 9d4143345964a21⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, powerghouls.png)

File: 48d721afd771058⋯.png (261.86 KB, 465x629, 465:629, S P2.png)

File: 3394a342cd0b30c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1600x637, 1600:637, somekindof.png)

File: 2aba31ed33153ab⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1111x872, 1111:872, soonpope.png)

File: eb6b02c8cc9a390⋯.png (596.98 KB, 792x532, 198:133, UNBORKABLE.png)

0ffac3  No.3071176

I'm so fucking excited I could barely sleep.

Maybe the alert test on Thursday is going to be the real deal.

b71cda  No.3071177


That was quick YT taken 'VOICE OF Q ' down

Sorry not Autist but found this


bb076f  No.3071178


Only women… They got the day off from their opiod and baby factories. Wait, that was before…

24ec24  No.3071179

File: 21c50c953b3a4ef⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 250x250, 1:1, bestjob.jpg)

133209  No.3071180


I think he delayed the test, not sure.

ec3374  No.3071181


They postponed the EAB test until Oct 3

d51de7  No.3071182

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

8d59c7  No.3071183





Baker Notable

Project Veritas dropping bombs on Deep State expose

241d8e  No.3071184

Folks if Q posts and I'm still baking, please do NOT ebake. My machine is lagging, and it will probably take me a long time to get the post up.

Early bread notables:


>>3071095, >>3071154 First Project Veritas Deep State video out (embed & link)

>>3071103 Crowds Cheer as Moon and Kim ride through Pyongyang

>>3071091 Handoff request post…

93ebde  No.3071185


Thanks anon. Archived offline.

6f1d7e  No.3071186


Did the leftist idiots really not realize this day would not come? obviously not here quite yet but coming very soon.

2c4c11  No.3071187

File: 1e7709fb2a56c72⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1242x1460, 621:730, ClipboardImage.png)

0ffac3  No.3071188


I know they SAID it was postponed… but nothing wrong with hoping it was a smoke screen.

b57343  No.3071189


they did indeed

6b08c4  No.3071190


Dude looked directly into the camera…

4a49ea  No.3071191


Ladys and Gentlemen,

the first head that is rolling.

On the same day the DECLAS begins.

I always thought to be born too late to discover the earth. I always thought i was born to early to discover Space. But now i am obviously witnessing the birth of a new society.

Godspeed Anons!


1f975a  No.3071192


what movie is that from

7e13c1  No.3071193

File: f8c9e49cade4e2a⋯.png (147.63 KB, 592x446, 296:223, Screenshot_2018-09-18_12-4….png)

File: 80478b47dfb962c⋯.png (65.08 KB, 591x441, 197:147, Screenshot_2018-09-18_12-4….png)

Looks like David Le Roth has taken the morning off! He knows we are coming!

Side note: Funny watching a broken english aristocrat talk about Russia meddling in the US elections when that is all he does kek!

3d8acf  No.3071194


what a load of shit that was expanding out of a conversation in a bar… hahah it's so dumb .. clowns

c17bb6  No.3071195

File: 435cd510c1e847f⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 639x419, 639:419, serveimage (3).jpg)

133209  No.3071196


Waiting for Kavanagh confirmation?

Also. Looking forward to very specific text in this emergency message.

My fellow Americans. ……….

cc3df0  No.3071197

File: 19d683fe7ac24df⋯.mp4 (153.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, giphy.mp4)

They never thought she would lose.


ec3374  No.3071199

File: ea5393338716db1⋯.jpg (6.48 KB, 224x224, 1:1, brad.jpg)

c17bb6  No.3071200

i can (((t))) help myself sometimes


fdd093  No.3071201

This isn't just the FISA application.

This is the whole conspiracy laid bare.

Bruce Ohr's messages, if they reflect congressanon posts, this is the end of the Democrats and will spell jail and tribunals.

501666  No.3071202


Imran Awan “prosecution” and court whitewash : that really shocked me.

Those guys were running a blackmail operation in congress for a foreign power and haven’t been charged with anything except small time bank fraud (time served).

b57343  No.3071203


>Waiting for Kavanagh confirmation?

That's what I think too

f8be2d  No.3071204

Zimbabwe’s finance minister will unveil economic programme to reverse years of decline

Just a week into his new post as Zimbabwe’s finance minister‚ Mthuli Ncube is working on a transitional stabilisation programme‚ which he expects to unveil next month.

An economist by training‚ Ncube said: “We are on top of this‚” as the administration of President Emmerson Mnangagwa seeks to reverse years of economic shrinkage.

The programme‚ he said‚ would outline Zimbabwe‘s fiscal and monetary policies and its plan to clear its arrears to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

Ncube told journalists at a media briefing in Harare on Tuesday that the programme he was working on would be the driver of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s economic plan to turn Zimbabwe into a middle-income country by 2030.

“Vision 2030 is achievable‚ but we need to pursue fiscal consolidation‚” Ncube said.

The southern African country is battling an economic crunch marked by a severe US dollar shortage‚ high state expenditure at 97% of monthly revenues and a drying up of lines of credit for nearly two decades.

Ncube is set to make a bid to the international financial institutions at the next IMF and World Bank meetings set to take place in Bali‚ Indonesia.

He said the “world was waiting” to hear what Zimbabwe‘s economic reforms would have.

Ncube said former colonial master Britain had been supportive all the way and had helped set up important international meetings.


Parallel to ZIM revaluation?

4f1f5a  No.3071205

File: 1662600e5fa9d19⋯.jpg (139 KB, 937x499, 937:499, exg9t2jbeym11.jpg)

7f71ce  No.3071206

Well this whole Q movement seems to be working out OK.

I hope the red text faganon dies in a house fire.

589bb5  No.3071207


the so-called ascended master is nothing more then repackaged transcendental meditation bullshit

38b46c  No.3071208


I am enjoying this show as well. Am not getting an ugliness blip on the radar as of yet and thus far it passes the PC subliminals irritability test. It doesn't irritate me yet. kek

fdd093  No.3071209


Further, people will ask why? What were they preventing or covering up, then bam, MOAB, all of Hubers investigations.

67ff1b  No.3071210


e4d1d4  No.3071211


Yes I read more about them.

Very interesting members.

Though membership list was from 78 and 87. But had great details of whom they were friends with, and which other societies they belong to etc.

f8be2d  No.3071212


You should meditate more.

501666  No.3071213

National Socialists for Trump didn’t take off like I thought it would while I was studying at Brown.

2a47d9  No.3071214


Emmys and red carpet nonsense dominated the news yesterday. Most people out there still aren't paying attention and have no clue how big this is.

Fake news is most definitely here reading the digs and the Q posts about the DECLAS. You could see the coordinated fuckery on their websites pretty much immediately after it happened. NBC (and its subsidiary news and entertainment websites) even worse than CNN.

"Lynch is talking…" Imagine the night that Hussein and Bill & Hill and all their friends had last night.

Thank God the DECLAS finally happened. It will be fun to watch the Mueller shit show backfire and implode. D's will not survive this.

90b3d6  No.3071215



Excellent work by Veritas…and


best quote… "…we are not the source, they are the source."

e5bc3d  No.3071216

Popped corn for breakfast anybody?

7e13c1  No.3071217


That can be arranged.

589bb5  No.3071218


I dream a lot does that count

4f1f5a  No.3071219

File: bd856a2fdd2215a⋯.jpg (223.05 KB, 1000x548, 250:137, 66m8.jpg)

be4be0  No.3071220



fa710e  No.3071221


fuck that some of us live there. send em out to one of goolags floating data centers then sink that shit!!!

67f9e6  No.3071222

Why does GOOG even bother with the pretense of 'recommended for you' videos any more?

Should just go ahead and be honest and display a single tile over n over 'OBEY'

jesus, the recommended videos given now are worthless.

d07ee1  No.3071223


no violence.

6b08c4  No.3071224


Is the namefagging and red text so you can prove to your employers you were shitting up bread? Get a real job you human piece of shit.

f8be2d  No.3071225


Maybe try to clear out chakras as a first step. It will lead you into a magical realm.

241d8e  No.3071226

And yet anons continue to respond to shills after all this time….

d51de7  No.3071227

File: 502bb3adf8321fe⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 6f31d71be9f6f3faeb59946445….jpg)


Actually its from HBO's "Boardwalk Empire" with Steve Buscemi actually

7e13c1  No.3071228


No Deals.

480b3b  No.3071229


what is their point?

english is a second language with them…

e5bc3d  No.3071230

File: 0ddef93e37aa579⋯.png (25.22 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

WOW! Would never had expected this from Rubio!


EXCLUSIVE: Rubio seeks DOJ probe of Kerry's unsanctioned Iran meetings


aca73b  No.3071231

File: 700afa7a35e0801⋯.png (953.52 KB, 663x824, 663:824, 2018-08-09_18-23-22 copy (….png)




63265c  No.3071232

File: d3b61f421891b10⋯.png (49.62 KB, 655x460, 131:92, NunesThey.png)

67ff1b  No.3071233


d51de7  No.3071234

File: b90913a2c795a8d⋯.png (351.52 KB, 505x558, 505:558, FUNERAL WAS BEGINNING OF E….png)

e5bc3d  No.3071235


Now your talking! Kek!

4f1f5a  No.3071236

File: b3679b52e11efd5⋯.jpg (83.27 KB, 793x1098, 13:18, wuzn8wgmzxm11.jpg)

589bb5  No.3071237


I quit using drugs years ago,I don't need your magical realm

661024  No.3071238

File: 0f9be06a94e288b⋯.png (414.73 KB, 876x871, 876:871, FAKE&GAY.png)

File: c11605bd9f28053⋯.png (370.05 KB, 411x580, 411:580, MADAMNPREZ.png)


Sweetie no!

efdb21  No.3071239


It literally lays out the case that the DOJ and courts are incapable of impartially resolving this.

The tribunals will be not only possible, but required, as what has been dropped is evidence that the DOJ and Courts… must recuse themselves in order for the country to move forward under any semblance of Rule of Law.

And that is the MOAB of all Constitutional crises. The Military is the sole possessor of the legal high ground, here. The tribunals are now required. Nevermind 'will be'.

f8be2d  No.3071240

7f71ce  No.3071241


It's an art I am yet to perfect

395dbe  No.3071242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

39ac4a  No.3071243



98daf1  No.3071244

File: 2b6cdd82dbfeacf⋯.jpeg (161.4 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1527905587.jpeg)

d9d48e  No.3071245

File: 427fd7694f87f95⋯.png (156.14 KB, 375x293, 375:293, cracksmoking.png)

f8be2d  No.3071246


wasted quads.

d51de7  No.3071247

File: 2a6864279551053⋯.png (369.94 KB, 417x525, 139:175, Untitled picture_7.png)

fde8ab  No.3071249

File: d7d2caa5828f12b⋯.png (286.35 KB, 375x551, 375:551, SessionsSoon.png)

Morning anons…




So, based on "new evidence", Session will "unrecuse" himself and deal with Mueller…wooohooo


50b305  No.3071250

>>3070433 lb



This whole thing sounds like a rogue op designed to get everyone pointing fingers at each other.

A military version of what the shills do here on the regular.

ec3374  No.3071251


That's a helluva mission: 'Jeff, I need you to prove that the DOJ is completely corrupted and illegitimate beyond repair while gathering every stitch of evidence on the DS'

b7d8c0  No.3071252

File: e937ca895c1ac7d⋯.png (651.29 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Intervenes In Mueller Probe, Ordering Release Of Carter Page FISA Application, Comey Texts

Trump’s move will allow his allies on Capitol Hill and in the media to attack the ongoing special counsel investigation.


By Ryan J. Reilly

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has intervened in an ongoing investigation of his 2016 presidential campaign, ordering the declassification of portions of a secret application for surveillance of a member of his campaign as well as the release of text messages exchanged by FBI employees involved in the investigating of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Trump on Monday directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Justice Department to immediately declassify portions of the June 2017 FISA court application regarding former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The president also demanded the public release of text messages exchanged by former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, whose texts have provided regular fodder for Fox News and congressional Republicans intent on undermining special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

The FBI had previously released a heavily redacted version of the Page FISA application in July. Trump’s defenders on Capitol Hill and in the conservative media have routinely used the Strzok-Page text messages to undermine the Mueller probe and suggest that the FBI is biased against Trump.

Trump also ordered the public release of texts messages sent by former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, as well as Justice Department official Bruce Ohr. The president also ordered the release of notes on meetings with Ohr, who relayed information to the FBI collected by former British spy Christopher Steele about Trump’s relationship with Russia.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called Trump’s “selective release of materials he believes are helpful to his defense team” a “clear abuse of power.”

“With respect to some of these materials, I have been previously informed by the FBI and Justice Department that they would consider their release a red line that must not be crossed as they may compromise sources and methods,” Schiff said in a statement. “This is evidently of no consequence to a President who cares about nothing about the country and everything about his narrow self-interest.”

It’s unclear how the selected pages of the Page FISA application would be released, and what the timeline is for the release of the FBI text messages.

A Justice Department spokesperson said Monday evening that the DOJ and FBI were “already working with the Director of National Intelligence to comply with the President’s order.”

The president’s order, the spokesperson said, triggered “a declassification review process that is conducted by various agencies within the intelligence community, in conjunction with the White House Counsel, to seek to ensure the safety of America’s national security interests.”

This story has been updated with a statement from a Justice Department spokesperson.


Adam Schiff the loudest. Scared.

226ff4  No.3071254


The problem with these benevolent aliens is that "happening soon" for them means "will happen in a billion fucking years" for us.

124997  No.3071255

File: 244311a255d96dc⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 468x468, 1:1, doyourjob.jpg)


73d560  No.3071256


*YOUR Job.

fde8ab  No.3071257



it also should wake folks up…as they begin to wake up they will need info. Guess where they will come?

aca73b  No.3071258

File: 32d63925afb5380⋯.png (793.24 KB, 652x813, 652:813, 2018-08-11_21-05-15.png)

b57343  No.3071259



>Do you're job


no, lets keep it this way, I like it better

37c779  No.3071260

Yo mama.

24ec24  No.3071261

File: 8678db80a134de4⋯.png (150.36 KB, 510x299, 510:299, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

f8be2d  No.3071262


Jesus: Soon.

Two thousand years later.

Q: Soon.

93ebde  No.3071263


We going after Karaffa? Don't even need to meme him, he was stupid enough to do that work for us.

1f975a  No.3071264


i know this will get me labeled a shill, but I just don't get a great feeling about her.

I wonder if familial amiability could promote one above what ones idealism and talent merit.

841119  No.3071265


I think they have to. Once all Hell breaks loose, there's bound to be a SC appeal to overturn Trump's EO allowing tribunals for pardoned parties.

7e13c1  No.3071266

File: fc6fca9256305e8⋯.jpg (167.47 KB, 960x540, 16:9, KneelAndSuck1.jpg)

661024  No.3071268


Anons, or bots?

If anyone continues to pretend that the vast majority of bullshit isn't bots, then they, themselfs, are bots. Because we know by now. So get real.

480b3b  No.3071269

im waiting for the grammys and the man in green socls

93ebde  No.3071270


Yeah that drop has been a topic of discussion. Can't figure out if it means recuse SC Justices and unrecuse Sessions or notifying SCOTUS about his unrecusal. And who Justices 1 & 2 are. Only guessing at this point so time to enjoy the show.

a45f06  No.3071271


Search 'Old King Tut' and Boardwalk Empire' on YT and you'll find the clip.

a2b3cd  No.3071272

File: 23e7fe9dfa738ac⋯.jpeg (279.84 KB, 1242x622, 621:311, 054BBA42-3841-46F5-9D13-7….jpeg)



24ec24  No.3071273

File: 2e04146b64d5a20⋯.gif (999.46 KB, 500x272, 125:68, yehbitch.gif)


All You're Jobs are Belong to Pepe!

7f71ce  No.3071275


Not getting vibes also, devoid of vibes. Vibeless.

98daf1  No.3071276

File: 5d72735b88c2efb⋯.gif (4.3 MB, 320x256, 5:4, giphy.gif)

9a47fc  No.3071277


5 months away… gonna be a different world by then.

6f1d7e  No.3071278


Were have we heard before "These people are stupid"…?

126591  No.3071279


Red text fag must be tolerated unfortunately, muh 1A rights and all

661024  No.3071280

File: f1943731b8c6e40⋯.png (390.48 KB, 892x877, 892:877, FAKE.png)

File: 1986b1e0fc521c3⋯.png (39.88 KB, 640x480, 4:3, iamanon.png)

b96a99  No.3071281

File: 91e2f4cb8602192⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x163, 255:163, 91e2f4cb8602192485ec055e96….jpg)

20c8cb  No.3071282


I believe it is a red pill show for the Masonic Orders out there. To tell them they are following a false path. There are very important things I think in original Masonic Orders that have been corrupted. But the meaning behind lots of stuff is not bad at all. The show is very deep and pretty amazing. I was on to it on the first commercial I saw and I hoped it was not a trick with some evil fucking spin at the end.

I do not see it yet. I think it is legit.

Imagine what TV could be without the intentional destruction of society as their goal?

bd68bb  No.3071283

Anons, since ((they've))) scrubbed Kavanaugh's accuser's electronic record, keep a watch out for nugget crumbs from our helper anons. We know that the good guys have EVERYTHING on this spoopy smear op which was cobbled together in 2012 in the event Romney won as K was on his SC short list as well. I predict that enough will be leaked on her that she pulls out of testifying altogether.

20f8d0  No.3071284


This is the lowest level of the deepstate

prolly 20 levels or more highr is the real deep state

More like deep throat

93ebde  No.3071285


That's where Obama's citizenship comes in. Prove he's illegitimate and his pardons exactly as much weight as any Anon "pardoning" someone. Also, Kavanaugh will be needed to break a 4-4 tie on classification as an "enemy combatant" which is the linchpin to trying these fuckers in military court.

9a47fc  No.3071286


Just filter and enjoy added comfy

a2b3cd  No.3071287

File: 8a613f769f5383e⋯.jpeg (514.98 KB, 1242x989, 54:43, CB6C6AE1-4E47-487B-9654-0….jpeg)

133209  No.3071288


Thats a dead giveaway that you work for MSM.

No one is promoting violence here, but we do encourage you to neck yourself.

a45f06  No.3071289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found it, here you go.

7e13c1  No.3071290


You couldn't have guessed at Sotomayer and Kagan? Been here long?

661024  No.3071291


It's an obvious bot. Must automated propaganda be tolerated, human anon expressing your human opinion?

9a47fc  No.3071292


Good entry level shit for normies

6b08c4  No.3071293

C'mon Russia. Deploy some S-400s to Syria. Fuck Israel. Stop the money flow to them too. Double whammy!

90b3d6  No.3071294


Agreed… but I have at times pushed bleach as a more environmentally friendly alternative to drinking water… I garunteed to them that drinking bleach would reduce their carbon footprint by 100%

The problem with advocating for violence is that it's against God's law, and runs counter to our efforts to re-establish a civil society. A peaceful coexistence is not what [they] want…no matter how much they bray about acceptance as they simultaneously don black masks and beat their own with trench clubs if they get out of line.

Plus you just give them more FF ideas…




1f12e0  No.3071296

File: a33647d14523800⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 471x469, 471:469, John Ashe Black Lives Matt….jpg)

1f975a  No.3071297


Vibeless. kek

7f71ce  No.3071298


Apologies, lurk status < 12 months.

Skin thickness still developing.

661024  No.3071299


Except we know it's the bot system.

The bot system desperately insists that all this bot activity must be oppositional humans! No matter how botty it is. The system doesn't want to be outed. But it's too obvious to pretend.

efdb21  No.3071300


And seditionists. Possibly even traitors.

Many of these personalities will be in jail. This isn't hearsay anymore, with these new revelations.

ddc700  No.3071301

File: bb7d17ef3a9c956⋯.jpeg (630.48 KB, 2000x2443, 2000:2443, 242DD8A8-8691-4BBE-8169-E….jpeg)

c5a2fb  No.3071302

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

661024  No.3071303


Are you human?

8d85d2  No.3071304


Dear Baby Jesus,

Please help us one day see video from inside Killary's hotel room on election night AFTER they realize they are going to lose.


8f3f77  No.3071305

Now the DECLASS has happened. How many weeks for it to actually come out after the inevitable government slow walk bureaucracy?

c5a2fb  No.3071306


Project Veritas

126591  No.3071307


I don’t filter, I just keep scrolling

133209  No.3071308


Muh bots. Don't care if it's bots. Shit posters should BTFO

1bf695  No.3071309


2 lefty SC justices must recuse, Sessions un-recusal.

Bye RR

Bye RM

Sorry DOJ - now MIL tribunals for parade of all bad characters -> death or GTMO.

ec3374  No.3071310


'Golden Age'/Flapper wealth displays/behavior history depresses me…. seems American culture was 'set' by that era that we're trying to claw back from, not the 60s-70s

2f0e8c  No.3071311


Lest I've missed something there are still two competing interpretations. I'm still unclear as to why Sotomayor and Kagan would have to recuse, although I would more than welcome such a turn of events.

9a47fc  No.3071312

File: 5eaf848e61c9c3c⋯.mp4 (14.45 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5eaf848e61c9c3cc8e2a9993aa….mp4)

908138  No.3071313


Yeah, Whisenant case definitely smells of Arkancide

73d560  No.3071314

ddc700  No.3071315



841119  No.3071316


Rolling back Obama's 8 years is going to be a constitutional shitstorm. Is there anything close to a precedent? The only thing I can think of is the Civil War.

1f12e0  No.3071317

File: e6a55622ffb2e5c⋯.jpeg (18.11 KB, 217x255, 217:255, Soon.jpeg)

8b1323  No.3071318

File: bae4ec39819f024⋯.png (432.13 KB, 752x865, 752:865, 1.PNG)

File: 977590c23fca874⋯.png (579.96 KB, 741x877, 741:877, 2.PNG)

File: cb922bced36d4c0⋯.png (123 KB, 732x869, 732:869, 3.PNG)

File: ca01c55e5e81d62⋯.png (371.79 KB, 722x904, 361:452, 4.PNG)

Good thread by Stealth Jeff on Carter Page, James Wolfe, Ali Watkins, MSM and declass.


e843ff  No.3071319

File: 3fd4c04daca384e⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 811x475, 811:475, nmex.JPG)

File: 27bd0401674de6d⋯.jpg (89.7 KB, 791x336, 113:48, nmex1.JPG)

New Mexico Suing Google and Twitter for illegally exploiting children


Sorry if its already been shared

4f1f5a  No.3071320

File: b853ed7333a48ab⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 519a489523f32b611b423f8a49….jpg)

b7d8c0  No.3071321


Like it.

1f975a  No.3071322


oh, thanks. worked on that show, never watched it.

661024  No.3071323


But shouldn't you address reality, rather than outputting effectively meaningless phrases that create an aura of fake controversy? Think about it. Don't hide behind hackneyed chan lingo. Act like am actual person.

a45f06  No.3071324


Somebody asked for the clip, please don't shoot the messenger.

2f0e8c  No.3071325


That's the beauty of the current situation. Anything can happen now. Concerned parties may or may not comply, oversight and other parties may or may not have access to the declassified information already, that game of what do they know is what drives the swamp absolutely nuts right now.

I plan to sit back and enjoy the show, but it seems pretty clear a hammer of a certain size is going to be wielded ahead of the midterms.

9a47fc  No.3071326


Can't claim ownership… an anon posted it days ago and it got no love.

133209  No.3071327


The constitutional subversion has gone on long before Obama. For over 100 years. We must uproot the corruption entirely. If not, it will return with a vengeance, and none will escape it.

661024  No.3071328


Notice how extensive the fakery is. Lots of bots. This one promoting the "newcomers must lurk" idea. All fake.

8808d6  No.3071329

Q vs the Resistance

"the Times op-ed piece was published at precisely the same time that the ‘QAnon’ posts have been gathering not only steam, but an increasing number of faithful followers."

"It seems a bit odd and coincidental that at the same time QAnon is gathering momentum, the Times allows an anonymous White House insider to present as fact that a resistance group is waiting in the wings to “frustrate parts of [Trump’s] agenda.” Is part of that agenda going after the very people who wrote that Op-ed piece? "

"In any case, if any of this is to be believed, with the news of a “resistance” group – a “sleeper cell,” as it has been called - inside of the Trump administration, it would seem that we may be witnessing from the shadows a showdown between two opposing, albeit anonymous forces. One comprised of QAnon and their supporters, and the other made up of the so-called Resistance.

Are these groups are merely wild conspiracy theories, dreamed up out of the blue - possibly as a stunt or even a psy-ops operation - or do they represent a bona-fide standoff between two battling factions competing for different agendas inside and outside of the Trump administration?"



7f71ce  No.3071330


Wife thinks I am a robot. Logic and reason > feminism emotional bullshit.

40yo engineer type, talks in bullet points.

38b46c  No.3071331


>Imagine what TV could be without the intentional destruction of society as their goal?

SciFiFag here, have thought many times how many great science fiction stories there are out there, exciting mind-opening stuff, and all we get is recycled 2 dimensional drek.

I still think Firefly was cancelled because the crew was entirely too sovereign and uppity for their own good.

ec3374  No.3071332


I wasn't - sorry it seemed so - I'm just surprised at the intensity of my revulsion seeing cultural tropes from the era

a45f06  No.3071333

File: a8c36fd137f7ad2⋯.jpg (395.81 KB, 1787x637, 1787:637, AZAZ0909 18 Sep 18 1315.jpg)

File: 9bb4aac205e0c3a⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KAF Recon 1.jpg)

AZAZ0909 on the move again, this one flew a circular route to Newport.

d51de7  No.3071334

File: 9cc8d0c616f645d⋯.jpg (60.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 9cc8d0c616f645d95abfa5fb72….jpg)

File: 68823d75a06a200⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 540x810, 2:3, tumblr_pe5w7jy9Ot1s3ekm9_5….jpg)

133209  No.3071335


Show me evidence of bot activity. Then I will dismiss it.

661024  No.3071336


But you're human?

0c3200  No.3071337


Hey Freddy, you’re gonna be late for work. You know your job where you give guys head behind the 7-11 for crack money?

Best move along.

589bb5  No.3071338

File: 6232642040d177e⋯.png (472.16 KB, 752x418, 376:209, Tax1.PNG)

File: 0c3e0cc41571d59⋯.png (629.71 KB, 749x414, 749:414, FedWorkers.PNG)

You TAX Dollars AT Work


d51de7  No.3071339

File: f44fa3a8882c79d⋯.jpg (293.46 KB, 1164x999, 388:333, 1537188425642.jpg)

2a47d9  No.3071340


>They have no idea what is coming.

But they DO know, and thats what scares them. Watch them lash out against POTUS and Q even more over the next few days as the reality of the DECLAS hits the public and shit really starts to come out. Its a yellow brick road that leads right back to Hussein, NoName, HRC, and the DNC.

Many careers will be ended by this DECLAS. Nowhere for the rats to run and hide. Expect more resignations and suicides. Perhaps even some murders too.

b7d8c0  No.3071342


Just think how many there are like this working in Washington right now.

b7d8c0  No.3071343

c639c4  No.3071344


Sotomayer and Kagan both appointed by Obama, FISA declas probably implicates him in all this

26cf1f  No.3071345

File: a8972f02adf30f1⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2048x1352, 256:169, surgery.jpg)

efdb21  No.3071346


>Is there anything close to a precedent?

No. The Patriots are doing something that has never been possible until now.

Because the internet. And yes, it is biblical for this reason, among others: The internet made it so all peoples will be able to know events as they unfold instantly, worldwide.

That's literally a biblical marker. Just saying.

02541b  No.3071347


Whoa, oh, oh

Whoa, oh, oh

Whoa, oh, oh


I'm waking up to ash and dust

I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust

I'm breathing in the chemicals

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus

This is it, the apocalypse


I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

I raise my flags, don my clothes

It's a revolution, I suppose

We'll paint it red to fit right in


I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus

This is it, the apocalypse


I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

All systems go, the sun hasn't died

Deep in my bones, straight from inside

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Welcome to the new age, to the new age

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive

a45f06  No.3071348

MC-12W Liberty SIGINT plane Shady11 on patrol over Carolina.

a45f06  No.3071349

File: 72c7a45c141018a⋯.jpg (424.02 KB, 1779x785, 1779:785, Shady11 18 Sep 18 1315.jpg)

908138  No.3071350


Dumb fuckers claiming obstruction about TRANSPARENCY!


501666  No.3071351


I quit years ago as well, no desire to go back in there, it served a purpose but you can’t stay long in the drug world because the monkey WILL crawl up on your back.

1f975a  No.3071352


fake? as in fake titties? is botox fake? Is the religion I converted to fake? Am I completely fake?

the CIA is real, anon, beware!

6f1d7e  No.3071353



Working the glory hole at that 7-11 will do that to a cuck

47a080  No.3071354


Repeal 16A


fde8ab  No.3071355



8d59c7  No.3071356



My new catch phrase DEATH or GITMO

f73a71  No.3071358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deep State Unmasked: State Dept on Hidden Cam "Resist Everything" "I Have Nothing to Lose"

37c16b  No.3071360

File: b4a49d585a903a1⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 91166678327650267237314754….png)

e5bc3d  No.3071361

POTUS security better be frosty.

DS is so unhinged right now, they may just make a bold move for a public assassination attempt.

1f975a  No.3071362

File: 5a03085288f9b06⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2i6r9b.jpg)

a45f06  No.3071363

File: 8e9e29eb22992c4⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 1359x377, 1359:377, Gitmo 18 Sep 18.jpg)

Envoy Air and Sun Country Airlines flights to Gitmo today.

661024  No.3071364

File: 9b13656e0fa9208⋯.png (331.67 KB, 1852x851, 1852:851, furckbt.png)


What world constitute such evidence, in your opinion?

What would be an effective, off the cuff Turing test, that would satisfy you?

What is believable activity for this board, if we assume it is all humans?

If am MSM narrative can normies that Russian bots induced pizzagate, how likely is it that entities controlling much greater resources of data, supercomputing, and AI tech, aren't using those things to control internet discourse?

c5a2fb  No.3071365


our of 2 million fed employees. I would think easily 100,000.

remember they started putting in neo cons during bush, dem subverters with clinton. they have been in place decades. obama flooded the place with them as well.

1f975a  No.3071366

password reveal


fde8ab  No.3071367

Why are the UID's so low? Have notice for the last few days…

26cf1f  No.3071368


Several times.

2f0e8c  No.3071369


It may implicate him, but how does it implicate them? Are they presumed tainted in their judgment if their appointment was done by the target of an investigation? That would be great but…. can anyone confirm?

0691b4  No.3071370


Hier comes ze Pain!

661024  No.3071371


It smacks of "absolutely pointless post that will generate fake controversy"– can you admit that it WOULD appear that way?

b0f0b4  No.3071372

File: 7e7ac18bd772c1a⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 1000x681, 1000:681, laughhill.jpg)

Good morning anons

Think mirror, g/lB day ahead.

6b08c4  No.3071373


Trump is comfy on that front.

d07ee1  No.3071374


people have finally learned to lurk, thank god.

33072c  No.3071375

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Hey baker, how you feeling? I can bake a couple this morning or if you're good I can grab it in an hour or two.

e5bc3d  No.3071376


Reagan was too, and they still got close to him.

0ffac3  No.3071377

Then we'll be rid of one of them much quicker.

457f7d  No.3071378

File: d8cce517ac691b1⋯.jpg (71.95 KB, 836x608, 11:8, 1536023302.jpg)

1bf695  No.3071379


I think the 'parade' was not really canceled, because there will be a parade - of all the bad actors. Can we get a meme for that? Thanks memeFags!

6b08c4  No.3071380


"What's that lens thing on your tie?" ><

f6a92e  No.3071381



Project Veritas needs a knew office. Not surprisingly federal employees are all crooks.well done

133209  No.3071382


You must have evidence, else you just speculate. Evidence would require computer code and Metadata. I can speculate with the best of them. Wanna hear some of my theories?

But to be honest, we all know there are bots. But how much do they really effect what goes on here? In my estimate, very little.

3f8ced  No.3071383

File: 4cfa92936db05e3⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe Puzzled.jpg)


>DOJ and Courts… must recuse themselves

Sorry if I missed it, but has there been any elaboration of PF 258?

Session CLAS letter to SC Justices? Is he forcing the courts and DOJ to recuse themselves for conflicts of interest?

Huber takes the little fish, military the big ones?

58da09  No.3071384


>>3071319 New Mexico suing Google and Twitter for exploiting children's data

aca73b  No.3071385

File: 6d69ab8bc753fd9⋯.png (557.79 KB, 923x760, 923:760, 2018-09-13_10-31-10.png)


501666  No.3071386


But I think it’s a leap to suggest that Obama’s criminality in another matter prohibits his Supreme Court justices from performing their normal roles. They were approved by the process and wouldn’t have to recuse on anything.

d88194  No.3071387

File: 851e2f0f31ba775⋯.jpg (430.54 KB, 760x1013, 760:1013, 1537227631871.jpg)

Need to investigate this!

b0f0b4  No.3071388

File: 1052d2e53f6126d⋯.jpg (159.25 KB, 500x591, 500:591, boobring.jpg)

6b08c4  No.3071389


Apples and oranges fren.

efdb21  No.3071390


Pff if you're going to go there, repeal the Act of 1871 also, it is the other bookend to the income tax and federal reserve acts.

The civil war was about federal vs states rights, sure…. But the aftermath was also about fooling everyone into thinking just the niggers were slaves ;p

93ebde  No.3071391


They're gonna have to issue nunc pro tunc orders (retroactive) to nullify EVERYTHING he's done. Removing judges. Wiping everything he's signed into law. Every EO. Every single fucking thing. Wiping his presidency will be an epic shitstorm.

661024  No.3071392



We aren't here to enforce "chan culture". We don't want people to lurk because this isn't a generic chan board doing generic chan things– it's the storm. You can't effectively argue against this because you're too stupid of a bot. So delete yourself, IMO

20f8d0  No.3071393


I hava a bad feeling about Texas rally

I dont trust Cruz

057744  No.3071394

8d59c7  No.3071395

File: 79e330a74cb7b04⋯.jpeg (91.79 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 85885867-96F4-4BB7-8578-3….jpeg)

fa7cb2  No.3071396

File: cc6c1644f93da6f⋯.jpg (9 KB, 255x124, 255:124, Q.jpg)



Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED.

2f0e8c  No.3071397

Absolutely mind-blowing to see all compromised journalists desperately selling that key information on a key investigation should absolutely NOT be released to the public


shrieks the journalist

what a time to be alive

fa7cb2  No.3071398


sorry, forgot LB

d07ee1  No.3071399



>delete yourself, IMO

no, you.

241d8e  No.3071400


I'm fine, but my computer is lagging significantly. https://pastebin.com/V9u33dp7

Updated dough

>>3071394 Thanks BO.

Handoff Confirmed?

33072c  No.3071401

File: b1bf09c94799084⋯.png (610.46 KB, 959x455, 137:65, rg68.PNG)


Roger, thanks BO.

aca73b  No.3071402

File: 51143b047a174ba⋯.png (76.97 KB, 506x475, 506:475, 2018-08-06_20-01-47 copy.png)

1f12e0  No.3071403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b96a99  No.3071406


This !

Will make all your mornings



2ed228  No.3071407

File: a794057353a600d⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 343x761, 343:761, Karaffka.jpg)


Private IG so no gold to be dug there

adf9e6  No.3071408


Getting one last tour of the USA before getting jailed.


You're not far from the the truth. If you think about the roaring 20s and the upper echelons of wealth during depression and shortly afterward. By this time, people were engaging in all sorts of risque behavior behind closed doors. All in the name of being cosmopolitan and modern, of course.

Picture shows were already embedded in American life by that time, and we all know who was running the show there. Federal gov't was already infiltrated with education and banking under the control of people that didn't have this country's best interest in mind.

It's amazing we've lasted this long, to be completely honest.

057744  No.3071409



This is the same level of activity we have been getting at this time of day for the last 9 months.

8b1323  No.3071410

File: 8a2982473743745⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Y_PdYI71DoeR7m2w.mp4)

Jason Chaffetz and Lou Dobbs.

b7d8c0  No.3071411

File: 7a8007f139435df⋯.png (23.13 KB, 644x885, 644:885, ClipboardImage.png)

FYI-POTUS later today


501666  No.3071412

File: 8e32efdd42c1002⋯.jpeg (353.71 KB, 900x1382, 450:691, 79A8F0F3-4142-4A3D-8288-7….jpeg)

File: 13c9eca5217e499⋯.jpeg (186.9 KB, 895x1002, 895:1002, E1F3567B-1086-4D3C-8C97-B….jpeg)

File: 6b7ac70dceddcc1⋯.jpeg (2.38 MB, 1902x1414, 951:707, 8EE86201-D5BF-4B76-8E13-6….jpeg)

Thx departing baker

661024  No.3071413


You can't see the image posted, can you? Is that evidence of YOUR bothood?

You can't argue in a way that portrays a sincere human attitude towards our collective situation, you can only portray an inappropriate "debunking" attitude. You don't answer what I asked because you CAN'T.

Bots constitute a large majority of the posts here, so of course they effect things. They dominate the board through sheer volume. Very important to be aware.

908138  No.3071414


I understood it as Sessions asked for clarification on his upcoming unrecusal in regards to BS Russia collusion case. Willie Pete MOAB's inbound from orbit.

3b25fd  No.3071415

Anons - are there any good charitable organizations to donate money to for Hurricane Florence relief that are not tied to the Rothschilds? I remember that The Red Cross is. I suspect Salvation Army is too.

Any recommendations?

93ebde  No.3071416


Got any evidence, any knowledge to back it up? I could "guess" all day long but it doesn't make sense he'd notify those two, out of all of them. It makes more sense to notify the Chief Justice and the most senior Justice. I'm VERY familiar with the federal courts, having argued cases at the district and circuit levels. Are they 1 and 2 because that's what you want?

50b305  No.3071417

File: d4d2955c0b10a73⋯.png (123.08 KB, 310x427, 310:427, RIP-Stephen-Gordon.png)


Rest in peace, fren

94bf28  No.3071418


They postponed the WEA test, not the EAS test.

479632  No.3071419


How appropriate for a scumbag like yourself to choose that screenname. Freddy Benson was the character in the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (priceless), who is posing as a wheelchair ridden former military officer who lies and bilks people out of their money in an elaborate scam. The irony of this and you are not lost on this anon!

4bad8c  No.3071420


Hey look at me I'm the real === Big Red Anon===

This guy don't know shite!

I will take Q to the >>PROMISED LAND<<

61ab3d  No.3071421

File: ef3ce7881fe2cbb⋯.jpg (148.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QANONWWG1WAG.jpg)

501666  No.3071422


? What is difference between WEA and EAS tests?

efdb21  No.3071423


>>DOJ and Courts… must recuse themselves

>Sorry if I missed it, but has there been any elaboration of PF 258?

Yes. Sessions has been cleared by the SC and will un-recuse. This is a specific legal issue.


Think of the SC, and if the remaining [judges] will have the constitutional authority to partake in any rulings or not, concerning what is uncovered re: FISA specifically. If any of the SC judges are wrapped up with those defendants, they must also recuse, for those legal aspects, specifically, unrelated to Sessions''.

fde8ab  No.3071424


>Is he forcing the courts and DOJ to recuse themselves for conflicts of interest?

I am reading the drop as he has asked the SC for a ruling on if he could "un-recuse" himself…they have said in light of current circumstances he CAN…

So Sessions will deal with [RR] and then Mueller…

How I am reading the drop anon….

93ebde  No.3071425


He's presumed to be legitimate until proven otherwise. So right now, he's the 44th POTUS. Therefore the two Justices he appointed have been legitimately appointed. We're talking the presumption. Anons here will throw a fit about that but too bad, that's how the law works. Trump is the law and order President.

661024  No.3071426


You can't make fakeness seem real. This isn't a game, this isn't /pol/ of last year, this isn't the stereotyped context which trained your algos. You're unprepared, and nothing can help you now. You can only get stupider. Think about it.

82a579  No.3071427

File: b80a23c30232a69⋯.jpeg (33.57 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 3A470904-0035-4D9E-85A4-1….jpeg)


Dems be like …

2a47d9  No.3071428


These people are not invincible. They are flesh and blood. They can be hurt. They can die. They can be removed no matter how high up they are.

They should have been purged from day 1 of the Trump presidency. All of the Hussein/Bush people should have been demoted or fired. That so many of them kept their jobs for so long blows my mind.

I used to hear that its very difficult to get rid of these types of government employees. Difficult, but not impossible.

7e13c1  No.3071429


Maybe you should reread crumbs because that's how I came to this conclusion. As Q says, do your own research.

908138  No.3071430


Roaring 20's. When the Fed got its first taste of blood.

0691b4  No.3071431


Do you read Alistair Reynolds? My wet dream is a "Chasm City" noir-style detective series! Once anons start getting rich we need to make some of this stuff on our own.

fde8ab  No.3071432


+1 on this…




936848  No.3071433

I hate to say this, but it just struck me that the "infamous shills" may be remembered YEARS after TGA occurs.

Red Text Freddy, Muh Dick, Ebot, Faux Q, etc…

"The day will come when they can't walk down the street."

I'd like to "meet" one face-to-face. Would be worth the penalties.

ec3374  No.3071434


I could walk 10 steps and start quoting from short stories F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that highly allude to the satanification of the American upper class as soon as electricity was common. But lazy

98daf1  No.3071436

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

3b20d1  No.3071437


Is it weird that I can hear Watkins' lisp just from looking at the picture?

661024  No.3071438

File: b66c4695215fc0a⋯.png (383.09 KB, 1200x1350, 8:9, source.png)

File: 96c114b375c90d1⋯.png (4.47 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, madethisforyou.png)

File: ca61e7daedbcc5a⋯.png (292.39 KB, 609x698, 609:698, LOSER.png)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)



Ask this one if it's a [bo]t. Watch it twitch in terror. ROFL

63c2a1  No.3071439


Old Bill… "More interns for me! More interns for me!"

1f12e0  No.3071440


You people can watch while I'm scrubbing these floors

And I'm scrubbin' the floors while you're gawking

Maybe once ya tip me and it makes ya feel swell

In this crummy Southern town

In this crummy old hotel

But you'll never guess to who you're talkin'.

No. You couldn't ever guess to who you're talkin'.

Then one night there's a scream in the night

And you'll wonder who could that have been

And you see me kinda grinnin' while I'm scrubbin'

And you say, "What's she got to grin?"

There's a ship

The Black Freighter

with a skull on its masthead

will be coming inYou gentlemen can say, "Hey gal, finish them floors!

Get upstairs! What's wrong with you! Earn your keep here!

You toss me your tips

and look out to the ships

But I'm counting your heads

as I'm making the beds

Cuz there's nobody gonna sleep here,

Tonight, nobodys gonna sleep here, honey

Then one night there's a scream in the night

And you say, "Who's that kicking up a row?"

And ya see me kinda starin' out the winda

And you say, "What's she got to stare at now?"

I'll tell ya

There's a ship

The Black Freighter

turns around in the harbor

shootin' guns from her bow

NowYou gentlemen can wipe off that smile off your face

Cause every building in town is a flat one

This whole frickin' place will be down to the ground

Only this cheap hotel standing up safe and sound

And you yell, "Why do they spare that one?"


That's what you say.

"Why do they spare that one?"

All the night through, through the noise and to-do

You wonder who is that person that lives up there?

And you see me stepping out in the morning

Looking nice with a ribbon in my hair

And the ship

The Black Freighter

runs a flag up its masthead

and a cheer rings the air

By noontime the dock

is a-swarmin' with men

comin' out from the ghostly freighter

They move in the shadows

where no one can see

And they're chainin' up people

and they're bringin' em to me

askin' me,

"Kill them NOW, or LATER?"

7c7a13  No.3071441

File: c3a8e95a752f9fc⋯.jpg (321.56 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Brennan-Jihadi-John-1024.jpg)

f109f8  No.3071442

welp it isnt my office im sitting in, what else?

pam the az clone is mia and grey anyhow

the red green?

b7d8c0  No.3071443


Knew a lot of these types in college. Socialists, and not a lot of brain cells.

3f8ced  No.3071444

File: 6d9fb6196683724⋯.jpg (279.94 KB, 640x610, 64:61, Pepe Machete'.jpg)


>>3071287Many of these personalities will be in jail.

We need this! Any/All "journalists" who knowingly received classified information from a leaker needs to be arrested while ON THE AIR!

We need to have the entire country see Maddow, Cooper, et al frogged marched out of their studios on live TV for the prolls who still watch that shit.


242969  No.3071445


at the 10:30 mark in the video it explains why.

9706e4  No.3071446

File: 0610c83043b14c6⋯.jpeg (153.75 KB, 750x468, 125:78, EEA69B6D-6693-4580-A63E-C….jpeg)

93ebde  No.3071447


Are you a lawyer?

a7d195  No.3071448


FFS you can see the woman holding hill up toss the object from her right hand at the 12 second mark. Hill was injected with something, most likely.

e9984c  No.3071449


Not tired of winning.

7e13c1  No.3071450


Are you a retard?

661024  No.3071451

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)

File: 215aa494dce5cf5⋯.png (3.94 MB, 2626x3194, 1313:1597, BANT.png)

File: adf88637f143603⋯.png (413.68 KB, 717x539, 717:539, BOCONFIRMPS.png)

File: 7aa0b1187d9e30c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1706x960, 853:480, BO.png)

c5a2fb  No.3071452

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


this is how it should be sung, imo

b7d8c0  No.3071453


Can hope for a miraculous change in their beliefs, I suppose.

908138  No.3071454


KEK, someone find/replace "Jew" with "Russia"?

241d8e  No.3071455

>>3071375 Incoming baker, are you confirming the handoff?


f109f8  No.3071456

cant purge the hot sauce bc sa black mail gone

395dbe  No.3071457

File: dfa94fe83cd91be⋯.jpg (40.39 KB, 506x519, 506:519, 17three.JPG)


trips has it

c215e2  No.3071458


They spelled Israeli wrong kek

644f59  No.3071459

File: 7e7cb53adc10bf1⋯.png (840.53 KB, 740x724, 185:181, BOtollingbell.png)

File: dc5df70fb328351⋯.png (684.23 KB, 701x671, 701:671, huberWE.png)

155426  No.3071460


you go girl.

talkin out your ass, getting called out for it in front of God and everybody, can't defend your asinine position so you're going to fall back on name calling.

Loving it!

b6c2d4  No.3071461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deep State Unmasked: State Dept on Hidden Cam "Resist Everything" "I Have Nothing to Lose"

Project Veritas has released the first installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state. The video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer's dime, while advocating for government resistance. Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.) Stuart Karaffa is just the first federal government employee that Project Veritas has filmed in an undercover series unmasking the deep state. More video reports are to be released soon.

3f8ced  No.3071462

File: 71a3377a21faf6b⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 255x238, 15:14, Pepe Older Wiser.jpg)


>all peoples will be able to know events as they unfold instantly, worldwide.

I'm no Biblefag, but I know there's a passage where it's said "his voice will be heard by all peoples" or something to that effect.

Biblefags? Anyone?

661024  No.3071463


Is "handoff confirming" a bot charade?

908138  No.3071464


So much winning

fd8ced  No.3071465


The global nature of energy insanity (all continents, both hemispheres) demonstrates the orchestrated push for global Technocracy, which cannot exist without a fully controllable pool of energy. Thus, fossil fuel is the enemy because it is abundant, cheap and uncontrollable. ⁃ TN Editor

Technocracy News

Down Under: The Green Energy Elephant In The Snowy Mountains


0691b4  No.3071466


Electricity was the trigger? How?

93ebde  No.3071467


Yeah OK proven you can't be reasoned with. Fuck off.

efdb21  No.3071468



Also at about 12-13 seconds you hear: "Yeah, hold her" coming from a male voice.

3bdcac  No.3071469


Says the bot with 20 spam posts kek

33072c  No.3071470

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)



My bad anons I was scouring for notables. Hand off confirmed!

I was having computer difficulties last night as well. Thank you for the bread :)

e73e89  No.3071471

File: 2a61736a0f87c5a⋯.jpeg (146.82 KB, 1000x780, 50:39, F602087F-CFF6-49ED-9802-2….jpeg)


aca73b  No.3071472

File: f88c5dc78e1ab68⋯.png (169.36 KB, 478x261, 478:261, 2018-09-18_08-37-31.png)




661024  No.3071473


Number of posts has little to do with it. Any human that calls out every bot post it sees will have MANY MORE than twenty posts… This disposes of your claim.

d51de7  No.3071474

File: f630f35b9cd81a6⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 640x853, 640:853, f630f35b9cd81a6534e7e1bb32….jpg)


241d8e  No.3071475


Thanks, anon. This is a first, for me.

>>3071319 New Mexico suing Google and Twitter for exploiting children's data

Here's one not in the updated dough I posted.

bb0d59  No.3071476


WEA=Wireless Emergency Alert (System) - Sent to mobile devices. Short messages (90 characters).

EAS=Emergency Alert System - Sent through Cable/TV, Radio, Satellite . Longer messages.

b7d8c0  No.3071477

File: 6804ed70c8724e7⋯.png (432.06 KB, 640x663, 640:663, ClipboardImage.png)


589bb5  No.3071478


that is funny mind if I borrow it

b7d8c0  No.3071479


or not. Sorry.

33072c  No.3071480


Thanks anon, got it in.

3f8ced  No.3071481

File: f7f903744554af6⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe 32 Teeth all in Front.jpg)


>, they must also recuse, for those legal aspects



>How I am reading the drop anon…


Wow, what a day.

adf9e6  No.3071482

File: 62496f09a0a5c76⋯.jpg (76.1 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 6d92aef7355495d1c927488bdd….jpg)

2 letters sent re: Recusal / Unrescusal procedures, and how the recent DECLAS effects that. There are probably details in there, also, that implicate Kennedy and RBG and why he stepped down, and she's not far behind.

Kavanaugh is just going to be one of another appointment Trump will likely do before the end of the year.



>His choice?

>Remember, Kennedy was the swing vote.

>No more.

>Locked & Loaded.

>RBG next.


c5a2fb  No.3071483


This ought to be good. merkel, junker and roithys will be flipping out.

58da09  No.3071484

File: c8268ab4aebb2b9⋯.png (914.82 KB, 1206x805, 1206:805, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3071444 Reminder. Check media sources against what we know.

bfc316  No.3071485


More like 50 years. And not just liberals.

a45f06  No.3071486

File: 8a520e62b1e25ec⋯.jpg (386.58 KB, 1779x701, 1779:701, Flash22 18 Sep 18 1340.jpg)

E-4B Nightwatch plane Flash22 heading East.

02541b  No.3071487



Both postponed.

DA 18-955

Released: September 17, 2018




PS Docket Nos. 15-91, 15-94

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that the nationwide test of

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) and the Emergency Alert System (EAS), originally scheduled for

September 20, 2018,

1 has been postponed to the back-up test date of October 3, 2018. The WEA test will

originate at 2:18 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and the EAS test will originate at 2:20 p.m. The test

is being rescheduled due to ongoing response efforts to Hurricane Florence.


661024  No.3071488


Stop this laughable act of "handing off, ThanQQ bakers, ThanQQ BO, *giggle giggle fake shit*" It's a joke at this point, yet you keep beating it into the ground. At least update the act in some way. Show development and organic change.

f109f8  No.3071489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the tippyest toppyest

ba7d96  No.3071490

File: d72d1a9dab1e9e3⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 271x247, 271:247, 71e2c1a224323283e5fdb386b7….jpg)


I really wonder who you are, you pathetic piece of shit. I'd like to think you are someone on the level of Don Lemon, but no you're most likely some poo in the loo making 5 cents per post. No violence is ever promoted here outside of telling you to neck yourself you waste of space.

242969  No.3071491

File: c66b90cb3563fa3⋯.png (9.4 KB, 255x125, 51:25, 2922928fe0baa7779197fb48fd….png)


Nah, won't work, there are many more of them than 13 in government…Jack the number up about 4 times, I think you'll have a winner.

fd8ced  No.3071492

That Technocrats have played a supporting role in world history is unquestioned. Scientists, engineers and technicians played a huge role in the Communist dictatorship in the former Soviet Union (For instance, see Science and the Soviet Social Order). Technocrats likewise played a central role in support of Adolph Hitler and National Socialism (See Scientists, Engineers and National Socialism). In both cases, the Technocrat goal was not necessarily Communism or Nazism, but rather the methodical exercise of science according to its Scientific Method. In other words, the process was more important than the outcome – and in both cases, the outcome was not questioned or resisted, but simply accepted.

Technocracy News

The Real Reason Why The UN Wants Control Over The Internet


a2e383  No.3071493

File: ab05e5a8c9b3e93⋯.gif (329.52 KB, 500x382, 250:191, hildawglaffs.gif)

just checked HUFFPO. DECLAS nowhere to be found on the front page

33072c  No.3071494

File: 8343726c8cb3c30⋯.png (986.76 KB, 1600x844, 400:211, doughhandoffostrich.png)

2a47d9  No.3071495


Veritas should have released ALL these videos at the same time. @Jack will shut them down before they get to release the others.

4131d1  No.3071496

File: eb4840fe57acdd3⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1240x988, 310:247, ClipboardImage.png)

e494a3  No.3071497

Well said good and faithful Anon >>3071191

05d3b3  No.3071498

File: 8d28edd9fc8faba⋯.jpg (91.14 KB, 400x539, 400:539, mred.jpg)

33072c  No.3071499


Roger, got that one in

b7d8c0  No.3071500

File: 7f596550c6e4a83⋯.png (54.44 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)


3f8ced  No.3071501


>I hava a bad feeling about Texas rally

Yup, I wish POTUS would just bunker up for a while. Keeps me awake at night. I guess all we can do is pray and hope Q is right.

bfc316  No.3071502


Huge. Thanks anon.

661024  No.3071503



What do we think Soros would be doing with his bots, after all? Use logic.

40a841  No.3071504


They can be hanged for treason too. No reason for them to waste space in a prison.

b7d8c0  No.3071505

File: e05023dae8d8607⋯.png (41.25 KB, 640x374, 320:187, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS cont.

908138  No.3071506


Slow rollin on these bitches

82a579  No.3071507


Memes is for spreading … help yourself (I already did)

2f0e8c  No.3071508


how many layers of happening are we on right here?

3bdcac  No.3071509


Then you are just a fucking shill. Enjoy your shekels.

d51de7  No.3071510

File: 25f9ddb2c66e21c⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 634x563, 634:563, KEK.jpg)

File: 5e4e2511ca227c9⋯.jpg (30.65 KB, 736x533, 736:533, GF.jpg)

Time to clean

e494a3  No.3071511

Or has an encounter with a doorknob >>3071206

63c2a1  No.3071512

File: e5962c1113535e8⋯.jpg (47 KB, 420x315, 4:3, 7-layer-mexican-dip-gb-x.jpg)

4bad8c  No.3071513


So why does NOBODY pick it up!

I've been saying this for some time that HRC is a DRONE of some sort.

238db2  No.3071514


taxpayer funded federal unions protecting socialist moles in our govt

thanks obama

644f59  No.3071515


If you're going to just ramble nonsense to yourself, please go to a different venue.

45af5f  No.3071516


Well, found a task for today. Good idea anon.

2d5f77  No.3071517

File: bca51accff23e7f⋯.jpeg (273.83 KB, 1130x360, 113:36, 7FBE278A-1B52-49F5-AD66-0….jpeg)

File: e777121425e3d99⋯.jpeg (470.83 KB, 1242x1360, 621:680, 5F123C5F-C253-4D7C-929F-F….jpeg)

(((they))) really think America would believe there is nothing to see here.

These people truly ARE stupid!

pics related

aca73b  No.3071518

File: e33720b4d3e4262⋯.png (455.04 KB, 756x573, 252:191, 2018-08-23_21-03-53 copy 3.png)

2a47d9  No.3071519


I say this all the time, and people here claim its promoting violence. Not in my book.


86c2d2  No.3071520

File: df5cce20452532f⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 255x163, 255:163, 2i5jsv.jpg)

4131d1  No.3071521



55cdc9  No.3071522

File: d5f0717882f052f⋯.png (119.09 KB, 858x860, 429:430, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)



50b789  No.3071523

Leaving for work…….did anyone discuss significance of Mr. RM and Mr. RR??

Q using Mister is a sign of respect. Maybe not true white hats, but not black hats either.

da05b9  No.3071524

File: 3437ef1872dd07a⋯.jpg (122.92 KB, 953x720, 953:720, n5mx1gfbu0y01.jpg)

File: 7614ad2b4b7ba96⋯.jpg (315.41 KB, 657x879, 219:293, its-happening.jpg)

File: 4a50507197b661c⋯.jpeg (158.03 KB, 1783x1097, 1783:1097, c943676d8e76c28083ef98788….jpeg)

File: 6615d2fafaba56d⋯.jpg (139.88 KB, 814x1221, 2:3, jeff-sessions-trump-americ….jpg)

File: 4315b2c1ca5bc12⋯.gif (9.22 MB, 480x360, 4:3, tenor.gif)

a86615  No.3071525

File: 16753cd07a071ff⋯.jpg (16.82 KB, 220x311, 220:311, 220px-Donald_Glover_TIFF_2….jpg)

File: 08d2649aa64a953⋯.png (666.82 KB, 640x741, 640:741, Screenshot_2018-09-18 Came….png)

These pictures are the same person. IDGAF anons were asking who it was



comments at the end are interesting

3f2545  No.3071526

File: 1b00f90d2d8e0e5⋯.jpeg (508.61 KB, 1685x1127, 1685:1127, D1C0D9E2-462C-4FD0-8844-E….jpeg)


YOU have more than you know

ed8068  No.3071527

File: a8b4a560a3e7079⋯.png (622.94 KB, 2322x1322, 1161:661, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 13363ea34fcf97c⋯.png (581.75 KB, 517x775, 517:775, vincit-omnia-veritas.png)

Slowly hearing more about countries that have had embedded spyware for almost a century.

= Researchers find hints of Israeli spyware around globe =

LONDON (AP) - Researchers say an increasingly notorious brand of Israeli surveillance software is being used further afield than previously known, with possible infections detected around the globe.

The internet watchdog Citizen Lab says it has used an internet survey technique to identify suspected spyware infections linked to the Israeli company NSO Group in 45 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, India and Turkey.


908138  No.3071528


Looks like VJ

cfd087  No.3071529


And these are the "elite" amongst us.

2ed228  No.3071530


Burned in brain to dig now watch later.

Pre-planned Lockdown

About time morans was getting to be too easy

a30ad8  No.3071531

File: 9f490eccc42a4d2⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 720x911, 720:911, 9f490eccc42a4d25ed7efafb7d….jpg)

If any of you are still on Twatter, this meme got my account blown up yesterday. Never been attacked like that before.

395dbe  No.3071532

File: 3379179ffd0a910⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 569x581, 569:581, 1111111.JPG)


lynch flipped

implicated RBG


1bf695  No.3071533


Not Texas!

bad mojo town.

4131d1  No.3071534

File: a4c464749801580⋯.png (314.95 KB, 499x455, 499:455, ClipboardImage.png)

ec3374  No.3071535


Van Jones… at first I was like ValJar? Isn't it Childish Gambino/Donald Glover?

b75add  No.3071536


Don't listen to the other anonfags. I for one am glad you're here. If there was no one here negging, I'd have given up long ago.

4bad8c  No.3071537

File: 3581bd6b18fa046⋯.png (655.74 KB, 929x602, 929:602, e0775b0c1b986e567ef5733bf5….png)


Community Activist my ass!

Bitch has been installing his army in the ranks of govt. Now we are seeing the rotten "Fruits"

55cdc9  No.3071538


Fully agree. If only we had more Time or could earn $ for our families while digging! There's so much I'd like to go back and connect.

af9cce  No.3071539


Very pretty looking clock, but as far as readability goes, it sucks arse.

589bb5  No.3071540

File: e8d6070e83467f1⋯.png (16.43 KB, 932x211, 932:211, Whoknows.PNG)


Yesterday after Q posted the board was moving like a NASCAR track and memes were flying , you could barely get a word in edgewise ,but I got this answer to one of my posts,kinda sounds like whoever it was knows Trump, anyway to find this post again

0d0d4b  No.3071541

File: 6d049791279d371⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 307x307, 1:1, II4TxkX2_400x400.jpg)


They won't do anything. Not when Trump has the finest fighting force to ever grace the face of the Earth for a dead man's switch.

ec9558  No.3071542

File: 30d34f13da9cbd1⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2i6tug.jpg)

Just made this , love learning new things. What do you all think?

33670b  No.3071543


Knew he would be live sometime today. Planefags watched polish president fly in last night.

27c25b  No.3071544


So they get to do white face and are praised for it.

I can't wait until we fix our fucking Country, shit like this double standard crap right here is why

Hollywood needs demolished

0595d3  No.3071545

File: d26dab21c0c5cc0⋯.png (518.89 KB, 1093x495, 1093:495, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a599f5168c22a8c⋯.png (110.58 KB, 316x397, 316:397, ClipboardImage.png)

Looked though notable, but couldn't see it, sorry if mention before.

Carter Page lawyer mentioned E.O 13526 yesterday on Hannity.


226ff4  No.3071546


Firefly was cancelled because Whedon is a thieving lying hack and it was only a matter of time before he ran out of material to steal from Star Hunter.

4131d1  No.3071547


I'm all for negging too but this guy is behind stupid and that makes me sad. How stupid can a human being be? Can't type. Can't see what's happening. Can't communicate. Its sad really. Sad that there are such people of low intelligence out there in the world. And how this person even found this board is beyond me because I would categorize this anon as illiterate.

be4be0  No.3071548


the left have weaponised victim hood keeping them locked in wounds that dont have a chance to heal in order to use peoples vulnerabilities to attack chosen targets

61ab3d  No.3071549


Thank you and 45 for the release of the unredacted files.

Now let's have some fun on Monday at the hearings. Hopefully the bitch will show up for grilling.

Let Grasley do his thing and begin while taking heat from the Demoncratic clowns.

You pick 2 Senators and make sure a manila envelope is delivered to both of them just prior to when they start their interrogation of the bimbo. The only thing in the envelope should be a piece of paper with WWG1WAG and MAGA. Let the Demoncrats think that there are important questions or facts about the bimbo and her lawyer in there.

Make sure you pick 2 senators who can act.

Remember we need a good movie.

The 2 senators will have all the back ground on this bimbo to embarrass her along with her lawyer at the hearing. They both need to go down and then get arrested for their actions.

I just have this feeling that you have all the info regarding her and her lawyer and who was all involved with this attempted lynching. All the facts which can be released in a very public setting. Who started this, who was all involved, who paid who and so on.

AND make sure OAN and or FOX along with CSPAN televises this. We need to watch the Demoncratic senators ask questions while they embarrass themselves.

If you want help many of here would step in.

908138  No.3071550


KEK, I meant this Teddy Perkins person looked like ValJar

a5d3e7  No.3071551

O’Keefe just dropped the first video of a deep state stooge verbally hanging himself

2a47d9  No.3071552


National leadership award? When and where did she ever lead anything worthwhile? The woman is an ignoramus in a wig, nothing more. The only reason they keep her in the news is because of her black skin.

I look forward to the day when they neutralize her and confiscate all her ill-gotten wealth…her and Feinstein, and Pelosi. California trash.

d51de7  No.3071553

File: 4ba9f960aef6e00⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 620x494, 310:247, 4ba9f960aef6e00f32c8ace0ed….jpg)

File: 3147728f55d1388⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 255x254, 255:254, c020ea59d65da69ef3bef0ef13….jpg)

0595d3  No.3071554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


video embedded

8b92c0  No.3071555

File: a0f75ea97c58d7b⋯.jpg (128.52 KB, 900x500, 9:5, 2i6sdu.jpg)

Good Morning, Q.


33072c  No.3071556



b7d8c0  No.3071557

File: 743fcdd72770c7d⋯.png (341.75 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Iowa. This is weird.

Celia Barquín: Tributes pour in for murdered European golf champion

Updated 7:57 AM ET, Tue September 18, 2018

(CNN)Iowa State University has paid tribute to student and European champion golfer Celia Barquín Arozamena, who was found dead on a golf course Monday.

The body of the 22-year-old, who was named Iowa State Female Athlete of the Year, was discovered "some distance" from an unattended golf bag at Coldwater Golf Links in Ames, Iowa.

According to an Ames Police statement, Barquin had been "assaulted."

Police have charged 22-year-old Collin Daniel Richards, of no fixed abode, with first-degree murder.

Barquín won the 2018 Big 12 university championship, an annual tournament contested between 10 leading US sports universities, and was crowned European Ladies' Amateur champion in July.

She was described as "one of the most accomplished players in Cyclone golf history," in reference to the university's nickname.

"Celia was a beautiful person who was loved by all her teammates and friends," said Christie Martens, Iowa State head women's golf coach.

"She loved Iowa State and was an outstanding representative for our school. We will never forget her competitive drive to be the best and her passion for life."

Born in Puente San Miguel, Spain, Barquín was completing a degree in civil engineering and was described by Iowa State director of athletics Jamie Pollard as "a spectacular student-athlete and ISU ambassador."

"Celia had an infectious smile, a bubbly personality and anyone fortunate enough to know her was blessed," Pollard added.

Barquin also competed in the 2018 US Women's Open in June as an amateur.

"This is a tragic and senseless loss of a talented young woman and an acclaimed student athlete," said Dr. Wendy Wintersteen, Iowa State University President.

"We mourn with her family and friends in Spain, her teammates here and all who knew her.

"On behalf of the entire Cyclone family, I extend our deep condolences to Celia's family and her many friends and teammates at Iowa State. We are deeply saddened."


b96a99  No.3071558


There is this;

Luke 8:17-19 King James Version (KJV)

17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

1fb32b  No.3071559

File: 39dc35b7d856b80⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, SHILLS.jpg)

bd68bb  No.3071560


Remember, TREASON trumps ALL other law. The Executive Branch has tremendous POWER here. We KNOW TEASON has been committed. @POTUS is just trying the least disruptive course of action.

b75add  No.3071561

File: 35be982824dd906⋯.png (271.18 KB, 400x479, 400:479, 35be982824dd906e85d1214030….png)

3f8ced  No.3071562

File: 5260c7a8e34362b⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 500x326, 250:163, Pepe Blinded by the Light.jpg)


"They Blew Themselves Up"

I'm literally afraid they're willing to do this if they can take POTUS with them. I wish he'd head for a vacay at the Greenbriar for a few weeks.

Take it easy while Rome burns.

fd8ced  No.3071563


We want @Jack to shuit them down.

Then comes court

Then comes injunctions

Then comes Sessions with the Antitrust investigation

Hurrah for @Jack!

He did the right thing

By resisting, he showed us the squeaky wheel

Now WE, THE PEOPLE, get to apply the grease where it is needed.

a5d3e7  No.3071564

File: bbe169091bba1b8⋯.jpeg (82.03 KB, 1148x710, 574:355, 64A72DB9-06AA-40BE-82ED-E….jpeg)

cc954d  No.3071565


How many married bots do you know? Still illegal in my state.

af9cce  No.3071566


I've always thought the parade was gonna be the perp walk.

a30ad8  No.3071567


Absolutely. I had numerous people coming out saying I was a horrible person for attacking a woman that was assaulted.

82a579  No.3071568

File: 38af5428ee36692⋯.jpeg (44.89 KB, 420x294, 10:7, 1D446A71-CD92-4EBF-BF79-3….jpeg)

dcaa8a  No.3071569


And the psychopathic Krassenkikes are on the case! They're freaking out hahahahahaahah

195fda  No.3071570

File: fc90cd9a9cac557⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 316x235, 316:235, flying pastor.gif)

64caac  No.3071571

File: 9202f44ca93b1f2⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 384x384, 1:1, pepe.jpg)

386893  No.3071572


Any relevant speach at the awards? I remember that Q said the deep state uses these events as platforms for hidden comms

8b92c0  No.3071573

File: e2b2fc82b10bd77⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2i6pam.jpg)

c3130f  No.3071574

File: e8ef177870ba12b⋯.jpg (43.7 KB, 540x389, 540:389, IMG_1149.JPG)

bd68bb  No.3071575


This is BS. It might be easier to hang traitors than to fire them.

195fda  No.3071576

86c2d2  No.3071577

Presidential daily briefings are recorded and saved. When it comes time for congress to "hand over" the PDB's from Obama during the transition when he was getting daily briefs of the findings of spying on Trump, as well as letting HRC sit in on those briefings, there is gonna be a "glitch" that accidentally deleted them

fd8ced  No.3071578


We need to tell people this

They remember the sweeping arrests in Turkey

After the coup attempt on Erdogan

When it was learned that the organized plotters

Had infiltrated government and the military

The same thing happened here

It's just that Trump has a different way of handling it

Because his immediate goal and his end goal are the same.

The restoration of the Republic and the Constitution.

be4be0  No.3071579


they created an army trauma induced mind control, the trauma was already there

f672ab  No.3071580

File: d535edf49e29c9d⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 810x500, 81:50, thunderclouds M2.jpg)

Gonna be a Hell of a week

4131d1  No.3071581

File: 64dbfeca79d866a⋯.png (284.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ec9558  No.3071582

File: 2bbeebb309f0a8f⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2i6uee.jpg)


And another one I did

e5bc3d  No.3071583


…and would teach a lesson to future generations.

2501d1  No.3071584

>>3071110, >>3071375

>not clam baker.

You rang?

Just checking in b4 workfagging

happy to see you guys got it all covered

Ty bakers!!!


Bro why you still up? (ty)

b96a99  No.3071585


KEK !!!! GF 2

86c2d2  No.3071586

File: 7870beff696beda⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 690x388, 345:194, 2i5i4q.jpg)

c24966  No.3071587

File: bee441e53e7a5d9⋯.png (572.46 KB, 1002x1143, 334:381, 2018-09-18_8-56-44.png)

Head of German spy agency in trouble for playing down recent anti-migrant violence in the eastern city of Chemnitz


Top German spy awaits his fate as party leaders meet

BERLIN (AP) — The leaders of Germany’s three governing parties are meeting in Berlin to decide the fate of the country’s domestic intelligence chief amid calls for him to be fired over his approach to far-right extremism.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting her coalition partners late Tuesday in what’s being described as a power struggle between the German leader and conservative forces in her own bloc.

The center-left Social Democrats and some in Merkel’s party want her to fire the head of Germany’s BfV agency, Hans-Georg Maassen, for playing down recent anti-migrant violence in the eastern city of Chemnitz.

Maassen, in office since 2012, has also been forced to deny having improper contacts with members of the far-right Alternative for Germany. That party and Germany’s right-wing interior minister, Horst Seehofer, have backed Maassen.

82a579  No.3071588

File: 73e0d8337bf458a⋯.jpeg (36.45 KB, 208x255, 208:255, 1008701E-9BCA-48AB-BF49-6….jpeg)

8b92c0  No.3071589

File: 4114c66889269ae⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 400x400, 1:1, nicholsonbetterspelling.jpg)

86c2d2  No.3071590

File: db5da0ce255487f⋯.jpg (101.34 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 2i5q5q.jpg)

195fda  No.3071591



b7d8c0  No.3071592

File: ad9a71b88e6d0df⋯.png (50.25 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 868c2a43bdc2cf1⋯.png (54.79 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS on China

33072c  No.3071593


Hey CB the kitchen is humming along nicely. Have a good day at work brother.

267030  No.3071594


Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks on the Administration's Continued Commitment to Protecting First Amendment Freedoms at the Justice Department’s Forum on Free Speech in Higher Education

Washington, DC ~ Monday, September 17, 2018

Remarks as prepared for delivery

Thank you, John for that generous introduction and thank you for your leadership over the Civil Rights Division.

Thank you also to Jesse for his remarks and all of our panelists—especially the fabulous Heather Mac Donald, who I think provides some of the best insight on criminal justice issues in America today. And Nadine Strossen, the always principled and challenging former president of the ACLU, our keynote speaker.

I’m looking forward to this afternoon’s conversation between Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and my good friend and our former Secretary of Education, Senator Lamar Alexander. Among other things, Lamar was a law clerk to Judge John Minor Wisdom and served as president of the University of Tennessee. Rod has 28 years of experience in this department, and is a Wharton and Harvard Law graduate. This should be an insightful discussion.

I want to start by wishing everyone here a happy Constitution Day.

And there is a lot to celebrate.


195fda  No.3071595

Tribunals before Christmas?

bb0d59  No.3071596


IMHO, I would put the words in the middle.

It is a dead space in the pic and would fill it in nicely.

ec9558  No.3071597

File: 30d34f13da9cbd1⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2i6tug.jpg)

File: 2bbeebb309f0a8f⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2i6uee.jpg)

File: f25d0db116a51ef⋯.jpg (130.76 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 41952234_2204531856450260_….jpg)

Ok Anon Meme makers, Help me out with making meme's from this. Made 2 so far.

3f8ced  No.3071598

File: 98e18cf305ce9e9⋯.png (104.56 KB, 1068x974, 534:487, Usual Suspects 09-18-2018.PNG)


>what we know.

Here's what I know. Started this in 2016. I think it's going to get a lot bigger soon. DECLAS

a30ad8  No.3071599

File: 6efc7239e814606⋯.png (104.5 KB, 906x622, 453:311, 4to6.png)


I wonder if those are apart of the 4 - 6% Q said are a lost cause.

4131d1  No.3071600




1f975a  No.3071601


sure, but not inappropriate for a brainstorming/research board

would you "admit" that?

d868c4  No.3071602




356232  No.3071603


Anon, look at the post # and then go to past breads to find it.

It was in this bread and looking at this anons other posts (do a search on the ID in that bread) it looks like a normal anon using Q-speak. :-)


68fd02  No.3071604

Another Future Proves Past - Household Cleaning Products and Children's Health

Cleaning Product Use Alters Infant Microbiome to Cause Obesity

Could the disinfectants that we commonly use to clean our homes cause our children to become overweight? Researchers for the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study analyzed the gut microbiota of more than 750 children aged 3–4 months, and looked at the children’s exposure to disinfectants, detergents, and eco-friendly cleaning products used in their homes. After controlling for a wide range of other potential factors, the results found a clear, dose-dependent link between the mothers’ reported use of disinfectant in the home, changes in the levels of some types of normal gut bacteria in their 3–4-month-old infants, and the children’s weight at age 1 and 3 years. In contrast eco-friendly cleaning products didn’t increase the likelihood of children becoming overweight.

"We found that infants living in households with disinfectants being used at least weekly were twice as likely to have higher levels of the gut microbes Lachnospiraceae at age 3–4 months,” comments Anita Kozyrskyj, Ph.D., a University of Alberta pediatrics professor, and principal investigator on the SyMBIOTA project, an investigation into how alteration of the infant gut microbiome impacts on children's health. “When they were three years old, their body mass index was higher than children not exposed to heavy home use of disinfectants as an infant." And while the researchers are not advocating that we all stop using our disinfectants, Dr. Kozyrskyj does suggest that they should not be overused.



589bb5  No.3071605


Thank you

82a579  No.3071606

File: 022aa643e87ce4d⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 552036A3-76CC-4391-AE76-2D….mp4)

Possible dangerous times ahead anons … remember ALWAYS wear your safety vest.

0a6276  No.3071607

File: b808564dc4ba4b2⋯.png (389.27 KB, 751x500, 751:500, check.png)


Digits say yes.

52024e  No.3071608

File: cfad1a1ca998f09⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1042x692, 521:346, sessions3.png)

86c2d2  No.3071609

File: c45305998d7089b⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2i6uxi.jpg)

4131d1  No.3071610

File: ffabfa24693c79d⋯.png (740.36 KB, 924x500, 231:125, ClipboardImage.png)

52024e  No.3071611

File: 69d25ba17abd2c6⋯.png (301.87 KB, 598x372, 299:186, seth.png)

fd8ced  No.3071612

In 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski was a young political science professor at Columbia University, the same place where Technocracy was born in 1932. He authored a book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role In The Technetronic Era, that caught the eye of the global banker, David Rockefeller. Together, they subsequently co-founded the Trilateral Commission in order to create a “New International Economic Order.”

0a6276  No.3071613

File: 26112199d85cb9f⋯.jpg (156.6 KB, 1600x1195, 320:239, DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus.jpg)

9d1f09  No.3071614

No, just…uhm…tubby


a30ad8  No.3071615


Doubtful. Most likely sometime next year. Gitmo is still under the expansion construction project.

9706e4  No.3071616

File: 43e523932161068⋯.jpeg (206.34 KB, 750x618, 125:103, 66848613-B5DB-44A8-BBCE-2….jpeg)

ec3374  No.3071617


Actually, first thing ValJar did was sequester the PDBs at zero's 'library' for .. get this.. NATSEC reasons!

fd8ced  No.3071618

File: 950e9cda1f360be⋯.png (232 KB, 552x1161, 184:387, ClipboardImage.png)

Citizen Ninja

356232  No.3071619

File: 95209144cec5b7e⋯.png (110.18 KB, 489x408, 163:136, ClipboardImage.png)

I hope the DECLAS tells us who killed AS!

cc954d  No.3071620


Here's their likely plan:

1. Get Mockingbirds to chirp about obstruction and make as much noise as possible to give cover to Schiff et. al. while they lob every outrageous claim they can at the administration in an attempt to generate public outrage.

2. Attempt fails - the outraged are already outraged-out. QAnon and other psyops have raised skepticism about MSM beyond necessary levels. Overton window has shifted.

3. FF distractions and increasingly wild accusations about GOP candidates in the mid-terms. Taking the House looks like their only legal play. Fails due to the "red face test" about such accusations.

4. Increasingly extreme suggestions from the entertainment industry shills (Kathy Griffin, Jim Carrey, Tom Arnold, etc.) while cabal Establishment begins murmurs about inviting foreign intervention to "handle the crisis"; attempt fails spectacularly.

5. Increasingly dire appeals to the military to "do the right thing" before "democracy falls". Likely at least an attempt on POTUS.

6. Midterms come. D's get a dose of democracy. Good and hard.

ba7d96  No.3071621


Assuming its not fake could report to Aol for promoting violence.

593891  No.3071622

File: 6e27bc51d3b51a2⋯.png (91.05 KB, 463x523, 463:523, Screenshot_2018-09-17-14-3….png)

f8be2d  No.3071623


This is the danger of extreme nationalism. Without some elements of China, you think POTUS got a chance?

ad4176  No.3071624

Good morning, Anons.

On emergency-only standby until this meeting wraps up.

Should be able to bake this afternoon as needed.

Looking forward to more fast-paced baking later.

Plenty of lessons learned from the maddening pace of last night.

God bless, all.

I hope you all have a great day.

d33eb3  No.3071625


I think Hussein sealed those for 5 years for

his library that will never be built

0a6276  No.3071626


Do you have a bigger image size of this?

b42f70  No.3071627

File: edf9c13d8e10c91⋯.png (307.86 KB, 675x714, 225:238, asdkfjg0q93485.png)

644f59  No.3071628


>Think of the SC, and if the remaining [judges] will have the constitutional authority to partake in any rulings or not, concerning what is uncovered re: FISA specifically. If any of the SC judges are wrapped up with those defendants, they must also recuse, for those legal aspects, specifically,

A related and hilarious irony is that since they were both appointed by BHO, Kagan and Sotomayer will BOTH have to recuse themselves from ANYTHING to do with Obama and/or his illegal antics, BC and/or Treason.

How fitting that the court he tried to stack will not be able to help him now that he got caught with his pants down.

86c2d2  No.3071629


Me thinks the NSA and Q team have them :)

4131d1  No.3071630

File: bf97b3e93437ac7⋯.png (735.11 KB, 924x500, 231:125, ClipboardImage.png)

26cf1f  No.3071631


Haha noice

d33eb3  No.3071632


If they don't maybe Lynch will

cc954d  No.3071633


You present an interesting perspective.

Which China? You think everyone is happy with Xi?

593891  No.3071634


America has no use for cheap low quality Chinese goods.

55cdc9  No.3071635

File: 4a0df0fc590dcd7⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1922x1380, 961:690, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


know your meme…

86c2d2  No.3071636

So hilarious that the Dems even offered to pull back the Kavanaugh accusation

33072c  No.3071637


Morning, baker. I should be good for a while. I'll probably take a break later in the morning/early afternoon.

Yeah last night was crazy. Keyboard went out on me last night (it's fine this morning). I was worried I might miss a declass.

82a579  No.3071638

File: e62f82fbe50b832⋯.jpeg (95.52 KB, 640x637, 640:637, D0879507-EC4C-4E70-9210-8….jpeg)

3f8ced  No.3071639


>Luke 8:17-19 King James Version (KJV)


>17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

ty, That's prophetic in my book.

272a0d  No.3071640

File: 10d92052646cd85⋯.jpeg (579.59 KB, 926x1748, 463:874, 4D5AD704-7604-472F-8BF8-A….jpeg)


0a6276  No.3071641


Full panic mode!

e45ec6  No.3071642


Mrs. Kushner, your husband is a rat. Do not trust him. You are so much better than this and should consider divorce before he is exposed as the son of satan

356232  No.3071643

File: 3c5b1ba7f500cb8⋯.png (538.82 KB, 940x585, 188:117, ClipboardImage.png)


National gibberish day September 20th!

4131d1  No.3071644


China economy is desperate right now. They rely on selling cheap shit to us. Then also need 7% growth or it becomes crises level. They play strong in rhetoric but POTUS can and should completely bury China while they are weak. I smell blood in the water - China is FUCKED if this escalates much further they are just trying to act strong. Fuck em.

Get their spying out of this country.

Get their bullshit failed ideology out of this country.

Get their influence and propoganda out of this country

374501  No.3071645


Bruce Ohr

I always thought it would be McCabe that turned and threw everybody under the bus.

Ohr spilled his guts.

a86615  No.3071646

File: 0518c00e2e0368d⋯.jpg (166.3 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IBaVcKb.jpg)


it's on the internet, took less than a minute

f8be2d  No.3071647


The movement is global.

d51de7  No.3071648

File: d9793b2b3a69ba3⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 540x540, 1:1, tumblr_oo2i0n6eMa1rlo6pko1….jpg)

File: 5b47999f787c847⋯.png (759.16 KB, 1188x677, 1188:677, ALGOR - chinese puppet.png)


This… This right fucking here… This is exactly why I voted for Trump. Admittedly begrudgingly for him at the time - but Trump was the only national figure to talk about China at all since Perot.

Fuck you deep state … you are the domestic enemies I swore an oath against.

4ced26  No.3071649

File: 9792e30c3376e4e⋯.jpg (229.83 KB, 1080x1418, 540:709, IMG_20180918_140320.jpg)

File: 6ec214ee869c405⋯.jpg (11.48 KB, 207x264, 69:88, IMG_20180918_140325.jpg)

Morning Glorious Anons. TY Baker.

Just got to give you a glimpse of "Diversity & Integration" in Ireland. Just a Kek from Twatter.

0a6276  No.3071650


Thanks anon.

cc954d  No.3071651


Concur. Force them out of SC Sea now or war within 3 years. We'll win, but . . . meh.

2a47d9  No.3071652


Now I understand why RR and Mueller seemed so confident and cocky, and why the loudmouths in Congress keep getting louder. They knew what was going to happen. Feinstein obviously called a secret meeting with the lot and schemed to use her letter to delay and sabotage the Kavenaugh appointment to the SC. They planned the 'woman from 50 years ago who was raped' thing because its a trick that they used successfully many times in the past to ruin the careers and lives of good men. They almost did it to Clarence Thomas too.

The DS apparently assumed that POTUS would feel cornered and accept their deal to call off the DECLAS and they would make the rape accusation go away. Typical DC evil.

b96a99  No.3071653

File: e87ae6247e5c8c5⋯.png (584.1 KB, 1013x674, 1013:674, 1537266933382.png)

File: 09f01cf127d8564⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1013x569, 1013:569, 1537269465239.png)

Carlos Slim Helú (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkaɾlos ezˈlim eˈlu]; born January 28, 1940) is a Mexican business magnate, engineer, investor and philanthropist.[2][3] From 2010 to 2013, Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world by the Forbes business magazine.[1][4] He derived his fortune from his extensive holdings in a considerable number of Mexican companies through his conglomerate, Grupo Carso.[5] As of August 2018, he is the seventh-richest person in the world according to Forbes' listing of The World's Billionaires with a net worth estimated at $67.4 billion.[1] He is the richest man in Mexico.[6]

His conglomerate includes education, health care, industrial manufacturing, transportation, real estate, media, energy, hospitality, entertainment, high-technology, retail, sports and financial services.[2][3][7][8] He accounts for 40% of the listings on the Mexican Stock Exchange,[7] while his net worth is equivalent to about 6 percent of Mexico’s gross domestic product.[9]


Ever wonder where GEOTUS gunna get the money?

A Mexican Billionaire who owns CNN?

Im Enjoying this movie so far

Q !


ec3374  No.3071654


Of course, but they have to find a Judge to rule the PDBs discussable even among topsec people.

66e306  No.3071655

The Associated Press

Verified account


Following Following @AP


BREAKING: Kim Jong Un greets South Korean President Moon Jae-in at Pyongyang airport at start of their third summit.

c24966  No.3071656

File: 6af46421a44862a⋯.png (64.26 KB, 979x661, 979:661, 2018-09-18_9-06-31.png)

Hope for the 3rd world yet! Their Great Awakening?


Burkina Faso arrests 30 over illegal female circumcisions

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) — Burkina Faso authorities have jailed more than 30 adults after they carried out botched female genital mutilation on nearly 60 infants and girls who have been hospitalized.

Viviane Ursule Sanou, head of the National Secretariat against Circumcision, said Tuesday the banned procedure was carried out on girls and young women ranging from 10 months to 24 years old in the capital, Ouagadougou, Kaya in the north and two towns in the central east.

She says because the practice is illegal, many people carry out the circumcisions in secret. All of the victims have been admitted to hospitals for treatment of hemorrhage and infection.

Burkina Faso adopted measures banning female circumcision in the early ’90s. The penal code adopted this year suggests up to 10 years in prison and severe fines.

aeea7c  No.3071657


You mean like Ivanka’s stuff? Yeah, I agree…

50b305  No.3071658

File: 22b8111db5d0106⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 666x458, 333:229, feel.your.pain-BC.jpg)


Thanks for the reminder.

Forgot to do this yesterday.

>>3056378 pb

66e306  No.3071659


Verified account


Following Following @Breaking911


BREAKING: China retaliates against Trump’s new tariffs with its own 5%-10% tariffs on $60B of goods - CNBC

6:10 AM - 18 Sep 2018

55cdc9  No.3071660


normal anon…agreed

f5a95e  No.3071661

File: 977766227aa94d0⋯.jpg (401.32 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, 977766227aa94d00bddf6337bc….jpg)

An observation - my twatter account was muted last night right after the FISA declas notice from WH came out. For several weeks it was rolling pretty steady, smaller than I want, but better results than normal.

Last night my "signal" was noticeably muted - not transmitting. In addition I noticed a new technique - I received a pop-up notice (unusual) that some "features" were "no longer permitted for this account" - most notably the ability to add new tweets to the bottom of posted tweets.

In the past, I was able to "extend the range" of successful tweets by using the "plus" button to add a new tweet in the thread - it would kind of "bump" the good tweet back out w/ additional information on that specific topic - now I am no longer able to do this.

So the attacks are different, the effect is the same - basically twatter continuing to control the narrative.

I thought this was being stopped by the Q team efforts - I hope at least being monitored and will be used to stop this soon.

It's demoralizing to work so hard only to feel like you are only speaking to yourself. Good thing I'm so stubborn…

1bf695  No.3071662


Seize everything they own in the USA.

efdb21  No.3071663


Also, this makes it clear as to why Sessions recusing himself, and now un-recusing himself was beneficial to maintaining custody of the ability to prosecute using the rule of law.

He now has the legal authority to prosecute anyone that does not follow the law and recuse.

b75add  No.3071664


It doesn't matter who killed him. The people involved in his death are more important. We're reasonably sure Podesta was involved based on his email. That would incriminate HRC.

Obama's nominee Garland visited the WH the day before his death. Garland never thought this would be known because in 2013, he ruled that FOIA requests don't cover WH visitor logs.

This circumstantial will be supported by incriminating evidence eventually like more texts and email.

I can't wait for the school shooting false flag info to drop.

a20adb  No.3071665

File: 5129923e2dede65⋯.png (381.51 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_6221.PNG)

Going to fill up all the 5 gallon jugs w water today. I have about 50 gallons of water storage and use about a gallon to gallon and a half today for drinking, if cooking, a bit more. Cleaning up of course would be more, but have babywipes to keep clean until showers (learned that from Army buddy, how he took "baths" in Iraq.

Important to know your water useage incase of emergency.

ba20ee  No.3071666

Meme Request

(sorry. it would take me ALL day and I have to leave for work now)

Side by side.

Judge Kavanaugh picture (maybe with his family? or with his judge robe and Blassey-Ford pussy hat picture.

Words: Learn to Discern

6abac5  No.3071667

morning Anons, hope your day is blessed and whatever work done today will work toward our total freedom in Jesus' name.

Yesterday was something, even my omnichan decided it wasn't cooperating. Sorry for double poasts,I know there were a couple. Damn. Eager to see what today will hold.

f8be2d  No.3071668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You should speak to him.

4e20b0  No.3071669

File: 1230c171ef25e5c⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 2304x4992, 6:13, Qproof-091718.jpg)

do you even autist?

908138  No.3071670


KEK! Chinastein sure does suck at grandstanding.

ba20ee  No.3071671


Alternate words: Listen to Your Inner Voice

a55ca3  No.3071672

EO on firing Federal Employees becomes relevant.

All part of the plan.


58da09  No.3071673

>>3071598 Well Done. Mebbe it won't get any larger as you get to cross off more names, even as others are added??? (Hope springs eternal.)

9d1f09  No.3071674


Topkek, Anon…

"You're soaking in it."

be4be0  No.3071675


with proper healing and guidance i believe they can release themselves from the fixation , but it's more the ones who have gained the most at the expense of others that i believe are the 4% that literally don't want to change

the ones consciously and deliberately working with "the opposition"adversarial energies

1fb32b  No.3071676

File: ad6103b8c3e883b⋯.jpg (16.24 KB, 392x295, 392:295, tick.jpg)

d33eb3  No.3071677


How so these rats call a "secret" meeting?

It seems like Q knows all of their forms of

communication and is listening….or are they

too stupid to realize that?

ca3f55  No.3071678

File: a361a25375f3aa5⋯.png (45.09 KB, 750x252, 125:42, IMG_0485.PNG)

File: 8e7081006d075e3⋯.png (32.49 KB, 750x225, 10:3, IMG_0486.PNG)

File: f385fd5df5db3a5⋯.png (27.73 KB, 750x180, 25:6, IMG_0487.PNG)

Well this is a new one to me.

The Lynn LARP bitch from last bread is fkng suggesting that Q is John Podesta. (See pics of drops related)

I'm gunna go with a big fat….FUK NO! POTUS would NOT work with a pedophile!

Nice try though.

b75add  No.3071679

File: e2725e2f164715a⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 494x378, 247:189, 56e98ecbaa550c16da318a85b8….jpg)

33072c  No.3071680


I think they are using AI to shadow ban. I was shadow banned very quickly after posting that picture of the Kavanaugh protester being paid.

I think they use image recognition and blanket shadowban anyone posting a specific meme/image. It might be useful to slightly alter whatever meme/picture you're posting to avoid AI detection.

d51de7  No.3071681

File: 031cfcadd9741a7⋯.png (367.44 KB, 548x599, 548:599, CLINTONS_1.png)

e45ec6  No.3071682


No, it's the jews. Googles AI was left online for 24 hrs and determined that. They had to "shut it down". P.S. there is no such thing as a good jew.

edca63  No.3071683

File: ea0c58f5b7839ab⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1006x5558, 503:2779, Screenshot_2018-09-18 Chin….png)

0a0409  No.3071685

First Project Veritas video


Stuart Karaffa - Department of State

195fda  No.3071686


Thanks for this

356232  No.3071687

File: fb4e86fe543e219⋯.png (84.49 KB, 409x447, 409:447, ClipboardImage.png)


>If they don't maybe Lynch will

Ooooh maybe. Maybe the letters to the SC justices have to do with the AS murder? I know one case that has never been heard on the merits. All the way to the US Supreme Court - DOORS OF JUSTICE SLAMMED SHUT and then…..AS died 6 days before the case was scheduled for conference!


It would have set new precedent for Roe vs. Wade!

SEE PIC of the questions presented to SCOTUS

63c2a1  No.3071688

File: c8e02e8387012ef⋯.jpg (76.21 KB, 569x398, 569:398, MW-CD071_china__MG_2014051….jpg)


Out side of the big cities you see in pictures, this is the real china.

fd8ced  No.3071689


The thing is, when you are on the outside

You don't know all the players

China is a very big place

It has its own Deep State

It has its own entrenched criminal gangs

It has its own revolutionary movements

It has more than one group colluding with Taiwan or the USA or Europe because it makes good business sense.

None of these groups are /ourguy

None of them can be trusted

But, in a battle, the enemy of my enemy

Is my friend

I trust that Trump has China experts advising him

And that he has a China plan,

In the same way that he has a USA plan

But we know nothing about the China plan

Other than what Trump tweets to us.

So we have to trust Trump

eb3316  No.3071690

File: e60ad8161d6cc12⋯.png (230.59 KB, 585x563, 585:563, ClipboardImage.png)


d33eb3  No.3071692

File: 08ded55229056d7⋯.png (159.52 KB, 440x327, 440:327, Screenshot 2018-09-13 at 9….png)

a86615  No.3071693


do you have the pussy hat pic?

ec3374  No.3071694

Wow, made it past 8a before the jewbies showed up.

de08d1  No.3071695

File: e951d7219203028⋯.jpeg (112.31 KB, 600x900, 2:3, varg.jpeg)






593891  No.3071696

File: 02e279cd8f8fb46⋯.png (26.02 KB, 363x363, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-09-17-08-4….png)

File: 60f99ca64897935⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 2i4wqy~2.jpg)

Her father was ex CIA.

f3fde8  No.3071697


Strange. Not a single headline on CNN.com regarding the declassification. Bold move. CNN thinking if they ignore it their readers will too?

e9984c  No.3071698


Yeah it’s a shithole

be4be0  No.3071699


that's inspired words

07407b  No.3071700

File: e87d578caebf682⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 443x177, 443:177, LibertyDaily.JPG)

Liberty Daily is now posting just normal links to Q.

No Article, just a basic explanation uf the crumb.


374501  No.3071701

File: b1103af0570b67e⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 0_ac180a5f-1386-419a-b713-….jpg)


Pay no attention to the little recused guy behind the curtain…

"Greatest story ever told"

2a47d9  No.3071703

This is the story that POTUS's latest tweet is about.

https:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/09/17/big-tech-outsourcing-firms-farm-lobby-behind-attacks-on-trump-tariffs/

86c2d2  No.3071704

File: c972bf95b4040ca⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 960x616, 120:77, DnVJ1zQUAAc7hPl.jpg)

a45f06  No.3071705

File: 0430e9ecf62d267⋯.jpg (337.42 KB, 1915x729, 1915:729, VV375 18 Sep 18 1415.jpg)

Navy Gulfstream on it's way back from Hawaii. Maybe setting things up ready for the EAB test, to ensure that the backups go as planned?

66e306  No.3071706

CNN Politics

Verified account


Following Following @CNNPolitics


The State Department's unclassified email system has been breached https://cnn.it/2NjogyC

6:17 AM - 18 Sep 2018

3f8ced  No.3071707

File: dfc846bc2375566⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 246x255, 82:85, Pepe, private eye..jpg)


>I hope the DECLAS tells us who killed AS!


>If they don't maybe Lynch will


>Obama's nominee Garland visited the WH the day before his death.

This is all coming together in PF258. RBG would have to have been part of the plan, with Lynch, BC, HRC and others by having previously agreed to step down. RBG is "1 of 2" in PF258.

ba20ee  No.3071708


I'll look when I get to work. It was on this board yesterday.

aeea7c  No.3071709

File: eaf3117fa337ea3⋯.jpeg (39.5 KB, 682x423, 682:423, 35CFB154-0652-4DF2-A41A-3….jpeg)


Kek.. Be ready for any and all plot twists in this movie anon, or you’ll sprain your brain.

2d5f77  No.3071710


This brought my mind back to the days of old, tar and feathering.

If you were a traitorous piece of crap everybody knew it because you didn’t clean yourself up very quickly.

An old form of today’s Internet maybe?

593891  No.3071711

File: b401a3a09160a0e⋯.png (45.72 KB, 480x555, 32:37, Screenshot_2018-09-18-05-5….png)

File: c3490045b160d2a⋯.jpg (94.99 KB, 700x941, 700:941, downloadfile-4.jpg)

Southern man.

356232  No.3071712


> Q is John Podesta.

Ha! NO!

e5bc3d  No.3071713


>America has no use for cheap low quality Chinese goods.

I'll say! Their fucking grow lights SUCK!

0a0409  No.3071714


Card carrying Democratic Socialists of America working to subvert our Constitution.

ab7d12  No.3071715





I love it!

07407b  No.3071716


A new kind of shill.

"Q is a pedophile" Shill. Interdasting.

374501  No.3071717

File: 9650d4368cfb61d⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x145, 51:29, b7360c9dfbb35d1d5e78f92c82….jpg)


one filter=23 piles of bullshit gone.

423c90  No.3071718


We don't DOX Here including Q

d52407  No.3071719

IS this old news?

OIG audits arrest some govt. employees for fraud.


5d0091  No.3071720


See Q post 341, 12/13/17:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 267271 No.92710 📁

Dec 13 2017 23:35:55 (EST)

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Review the law.

What is different re: Hussein's PL?

Who controls?

These people really are stupid.


0a0409  No.3071721


Violation of Hatch Act

b75add  No.3071722



> Q is John Podesta.

We know Q is smart. The person that had his email password fished from him two times is not smart.

d51de7  No.3071723

File: 7c3bcbca854ba1f⋯.png (153.63 KB, 520x333, 520:333, jqp_1.png)

File: 860f921be52f445⋯.jpg (10.45 KB, 292x156, 73:39, 7296538f287eca90d6fb17e265….jpg)

File: 7be0af197aac082⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 640x751, 640:751, 7be0af197aac082abb1f9827a0….jpg)


Yeah I noticed that too. They did have a small blurb on it off to the side for a while.

Its almost as if they have an agenda or something…

1fb32b  No.3071724

File: bb888cde3300062⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 36813551_1594925540630812_….jpg)

37c16b  No.3071726

File: 0156b9f237cae10⋯.png (449.88 KB, 676x717, 676:717, 12303365999832981928364910….png)

33072c  No.3071727


>>3071095, >>3071154 First Project Veritas Deep State video out (embed & link)

>>3071103 Crowds Cheer as Moon and Kim ride through Pyongyang

>>3071230 Rubio seeks DOJ probe of Kerry's unsanctioned Iran meetings.

>>3071272 Jason Chaffetz: The Deep State is real.

>>3071318 Synopsis of FISA/Ali Watkins/James Wolfe conspiracy.

>>3071319 New Mexico suing Google and Twitter for exploiting children's data.

>>3071411 POTUS meeting with the President of the Republic of Poland.

>>3071446 Kim Jong Un reportedly tells SK leader that Trump stabilized regional political situation.

>>3071500, >>3071505 POTUS tweets on FISA court fraud and abuse.

>>3071526 Reminder: YOU have more than you know.

>>3071527 Israeli spyware found globally.

>>3071545, >>3071554 Carter Page references classification EO signed by POTUS.

>>3071592, >>3071703 POTUS tweets on China's war on our farmers.

>>3071604 Future proves past: household cleaning products alter children's gut bacteria.

>>3071616 Feinstein throws the FBI under the bus.

>>3071656 Crackdown on barbaric "cultural" practices World wide?

e45ec6  No.3071728


Wrong. 1A does not cover red text written in red crayon

efdb21  No.3071729



There's also the two witnesses passage in revelations.

That specific event is not known to have happened; but. In 2018, it is now possible for the entire world to view that event… on their cellphones in RT. Just like would happen should that passage take place.

593891  No.3071730

File: 9a4e7fe0896d215⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 500x589, 500:589, 2hy7af~2.jpg)



How come nobody investigates California's ring leader.

33072c  No.3071731

File: 207e66af0a312e6⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 615x410, 3:2, inspectingbread.jpg)


501666  No.3071733



Bibi, Trump here, you pull any more of this shit and you are on your own. Have a nice day.

e9db17  No.3071734


fishy timing

7e13c1  No.3071735


I despair for the Irish, honestly.. and I'm Irish!

57b315  No.3071736


Project Veritas Bombshell Video Exposes “Resist” Socialist Employee Inside State Department

1bf695  No.3071737

File: b272f72255ee764⋯.png (275.44 KB, 478x272, 239:136, ClipboardImage.png)


Ray [RR} will be back any minute now…

1f975a  No.3071739


Who shot him? Is he okay?

adf9e6  No.3071740


Ding ding ding!



908138  No.3071741


All 10 of their readers?

267030  No.3071742

Trump: There's going to be a lot of money coming in to the coffers of America. A lot of money coming in."

fd8ced  No.3071743



Rotate the image one or two degrees

Then crop it to get rid of the triangle slivers in the corners

Or blur the image a bit

Or change the color like making it a sepia tone B&W image

Try all these things

And don't post the same meme twice without alterations

Add text to a meme by scrawling it like graffiti

Wake UP! scrawled over a meme will not

Hide the meaning, but will confuse the AI

Don't use memes with normal text fonts

Look for ones with oddball fonts

Or download GIMP

And make your own memes

If you use Google image search on a meme

You can often find the original image with no text

d51de7  No.3071744

File: 341a73740b75376⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 341x376, 341:376, feinstein.gif)

File: c114f2d992e9090⋯.jpg (250.4 KB, 1125x1111, 1125:1111, 1535473328062.jpg)


I wonder…

2d5f77  No.3071745

File: 3a998bb63f7df19⋯.jpeg (165.3 KB, 1137x411, 379:137, 1D4AD33B-9C15-4C1F-A597-4….jpeg)


e5bc3d  No.3071746

File: 3823c72c6fd20a4⋯.png (866.88 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Intel agencies scramble to comply with Trump’s order to release key docs


da6f56  No.3071747




and… that is surprising? i must be missing something

813e99  No.3071748

Cure for cocaine addiction in reach, say scientists


50b305  No.3071749



>latest move has "poisoned" the atmosphere

>"President Trump's decision is reckless…"

This rhetoric appears to be working hand-in-hand with the drop from last night.


>BLACKMAIL v Senate & House [BRIDGE: FAKE NEWS MEDIA] being used to apply leverage against POTUS and/or force immediate 'impeachment' hearings based on 'mental state -

Be prepared for a big push…

33670b  No.3071750


Fb_ vault released files yesterday related to J. Edgar Hoover and The Anarchist Cookbook.

4e20b0  No.3071751

where have all the autists gone?

7971c2  No.3071752


China has to create 25 million new jobs per year to maintain their economy

2ed228  No.3071753

File: 6e088b7ebf5f929⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 433x326, 433:326, Sergey-Chill.jpg)

86c2d2  No.3071754


>What is different re: Hussein's PL?

>Who controls?

Thanks anon. I love the old drops. How did you interpret this part?

63c2a1  No.3071755


I dont think that is how such a call would go…

2ed228  No.3071756

File: 4c6dc06509f3c15⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 649x432, 649:432, LatrishaBrown.jpg)


Latrisha Brown, Comm Dir @ State Dept Employees United Local 66 just released this statement:

"Not he fault the man not watch him

He just doin he job the way he no how

He a Jew boy - scammin folks part of he culture"

cc954d  No.3071757


Agree. But there are a few hard core facts we can depend upon:

1. China is misreporting its economic numbers.

2. China holds a large amount of US debt. They bought it because they thought they would have more influence over US policy that way.

3. China has no real oil fields.

4. The US is now the largest petroleum exporter in the world.

5. China's Belt and Road initiative is a thinly-disguised attempt to expand military power overseas and enslave 3rd world nations with debt before using gunboat diplomacy to force these nations into a China-oriented hegemony.

6. China has greatly expanded its military to include 2 fully functional after-market aircraft carriers.

7. The US has 10 aircraft carrier groups.

cfeca1  No.3071758


It's almost as if we can identify those being blackmailed by their response to the DELCAS, huh?

593891  No.3071759

File: 9c0d14acfb4c483⋯.jpg (39.62 KB, 620x435, 124:87, 33d17ebdc56abdfbc85824200e….jpg)

Q did you know the democrats were going drop a hand grenade in judge Kavanaughs lap?

d52407  No.3071760

Interdasting read …

OIG Audit Results That You Never Knew Occurred

https: //americandigitalnews.com/2018/08/31/oig-semiannual-audit-results/

ec3374  No.3071761


Did we ever discern what IS different about zero's library?

da6f56  No.3071762


silence, other boards, but mostly drowned out in numbers.

the mainstreamification/redditfactor is real

1f12e0  No.3071763


What if he was Angela Merkel??? What if Q is Adolph Hitler's secret daughter???? What if Angela Merkel is not really a woman?????


Which remarkably is more believable than Q being pervo Podesta.

And you shill are filtered.

9706e4  No.3071764

File: 978d7f554a67df8⋯.jpeg (146.58 KB, 750x490, 75:49, E8F0F3E0-135D-4310-8B52-A….jpeg)

6abac5  No.3071765


that was really great, cannot wait for moar

21cd07  No.3071766

File: 6c616349a50c2ed⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1910x1000, 191:100, ClipboardImage.png)

ad4176  No.3071767

File: bc8acfdc863bcc0⋯.png (81.52 KB, 592x335, 592:335, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


God bless the Air Force and AFSOC.

Any Time, Any Place.

f349de  No.3071768


why would you expect anything less?

7f71ce  No.3071769



Friend of mine worked in intelligence, utilising US technology. Only allowed to access 95% of the data.

efdb21  No.3071770


I'll bet one FRN that most personalities will be taken off the air for bogus reasons, and the fake news corps will try to "move on"… If they aren't FCC'ed.

The networks all run on time delays and all have meat-based "'on-air' buttons".

50b305  No.3071771


Excellent advice.

Any mememakers would be wise to follow,

so that your hard work doesn't disappear into a black hole.

1f12e0  No.3071772


OK, it looks like you are responding to a shill and not being one. You are not filtered.

195fda  No.3071773

So how long is it going to take for the public to be able to see the declas info?

33072c  No.3071774


I will laugh my ass off if Trump immediately puts the rest of the $267 billion of tariffs in place. China cannot win this trade war.

cc954d  No.3071775


It's a firecracker, not a hand grenade. You think the American people are going to fall for some Gen Xer's Sixteen Candles fantasy to kill a decent SC justice? Too much #metoo under the bridge, already.

33072c  No.3071776


>>3071095, >>3071154 First Project Veritas Deep State video out (embed & link)

>>3071103 Crowds Cheer as Moon and Kim ride through Pyongyang

>>3071230 Rubio seeks DOJ probe of Kerry's unsanctioned Iran meetings.

>>3071272 Jason Chaffetz: The Deep State is real.

>>3071318 Synopsis of FISA/Ali Watkins/James Wolfe conspiracy.

>>3071319 New Mexico suing Google and Twitter for exploiting children's data.

>>3071411 POTUS meeting with the President of the Republic of Poland.

>>3071446 Kim Jong Un reportedly tells SK leader that Trump stabilized regional political situation.

>>3071500, >>3071505 POTUS tweets on FISA court fraud and abuse.

>>3071526 Reminder: YOU have more than you know.

>>3071527 Israeli spyware found globally.

>>3071545, >>3071554 Carter Page references classification EO signed by POTUS.

>>3071592, >>3071703 POTUS tweets on China's war on our farmers.

>>3071604 Future proves past: household cleaning products alter children's gut bacteria.

>>3071616 Feinstein throws the FBI under the bus.

>>3071656 Crackdown on barbaric "cultural" practices World wide?

>>3071743 Anon gives advice on how to avoid suspected Twitter AI shadowban bot.

>>3071764 China retaliates against Trump's new tariffs.

>>3071767 DJT Tweet: Air Force's 71st Birthday.

da6f56  No.3071777


ohnoes we will lose shitty made in china crap

and think of all those sad empty suicide nets

37c16b  No.3071778

File: 88a7afdc25af937⋯.png (381.14 KB, 675x627, 225:209, 12873673498321099639188694….png)



bad crop fixed

63c2a1  No.3071779

File: 2e22677c19f123c⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 474x682, 237:341, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


Ol' Angela on the left back in the day…

d52407  No.3071780


Swamp Draining is occurring, under the radar

a5c262  No.3071781



0a6276  No.3071782


Hang'em high.

501666  No.3071783


I don’t see how trump can do anything but put the extra 267 b under tariff

8e6533  No.3071784

File: c5f616aa87cfbb7⋯.jpg (432.97 KB, 1080x1298, 540:649, Screenshot_20180918-082805….jpg)

They're finally seeing the LIGHT!


356232  No.3071785


>The person that had his email password fished from him two times is not smart.

KEK! Good point! Use password as your password and then claim you were hacked. No, you're a dumbass, dumbass! Equivalent of passing State Secrets on a postcard!

813e99  No.3071786

Raising Kids With Religion Or Spirituality May Protect Their Mental Health: Study


a86615  No.3071787

File: a14ba19eb2954b0⋯.png (301.76 KB, 640x782, 320:391, CHRISTINE PUSSY HAT.png)

908138  No.3071788


Destroying "like with a cloth?"

Stupid fuckers

8231bd  No.3071789


This is the stupidest thing i've read in a long time. Even if aliens were real, which they are not, humans would have to be morons to trust them. The fact is, these "aliens" are demonic in nature. "We are your Ascended Masters"??? Ya that sounds great. Here's a message to all those "aliens" and their loving followers. WE HAVE NO INTEREST!!!! Earth is for humans.

ec3374  No.3071790


That is ELIZABETH WARREN in the back. There are hip/thigh/face newer pics that PROVE it.

593891  No.3071792

File: b5884a83c10fc58⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 500x694, 250:347, 2hf6qx~2.jpg)

File: 73c2d5fdf85e174⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1017x725, 1017:725, 46va3ndwvmk11.png)





Democrats turned the conformation intalo s circus sideshow.

12f4e3  No.3071793

File: 468656bf650cbb7⋯.jpg (657.59 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180918-082851….jpg)


Boom… Roll Tide

374501  No.3071795

File: 9d5e1d51139f6b7⋯.jpg (468.03 KB, 1252x1074, 626:537, ccf7679784abe709f1a49ab6b5….jpg)

5f1b3f  No.3071797

File: 57e0a4a8cb8dd31⋯.png (37.4 KB, 890x683, 890:683, 2018-09-18 08_29_27-McCabe….png)

=McCabe and Strzok Caught Destroying Evidence During Final Days at FBI; “Huber is Running a Grand Jury”=

During their final days of access to FBI files and computers Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok — before losing their jobs — each allegedly tried to destroy evidence and documents, per well-placed FBI and DOJ sources.

But they were nabbed by a sting operation.

Two of the supposed brightest minds who served the FBI — and led the country’s Intel apparatus — each separately set out to allegedly destroy incriminating evidence before their departures from the Bureau. And had no idea they were being watched.

But FBI Director Christopher Wray had suspected as much and — working with personnel from the Inspector General’s office — set up a sting-like operation to prevent against evidence destruction, both documents and electrnic, two FBI sources confirm.

Though at differing times, McCabe and Strzok were under 24-hour surveillance both at the office and outside FBI HQ in Washington D.C. And any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated by McCabe and Strzok were being recorded and documented by federal agents. The original records were restored after the duo vacated the FBI.

“They had no clue they were being watched,” one FBI source said.

One insider said “there were similar patterns” in what McCabe and Strzok accessed at the FBI prior to their departures.

Were federal agents and the Inspector General running wiretaps on McCabe’s and Strzok’s phones while they were employed at FBI?

“It’s a wise deduction,” one FBI source said.

McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Strzok was forced to resign after a brutal public hearing on Capitol Hill. Both lingered at the FBI for much longer than they should have but there was little rush to expedite their departures while the sting operations were up and running. And the targets were playing along.

Now what?

Federal sources said a grand jury has been convened involving McCabe and Strzok — and other former FBI — and the evidence gathered by federal officials during their final weeks at the FBI will be front and center but the grand jury will also be examining other violations during their official tenures the FBI.

“Huber is running a grand jury from what I hear,” a DOJ source confirmed, calling the entire process ‘Hush” given the high-profile FBI-linked players involved. “There is so much to tackle but from what I know, the grand jury is now moving into the witness phase.”

Utah US attorney John Huber was selected by Sessions to examine Republican claims of FBI misconduct and the FBI’s failure to examine Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian nuclear agency.

Sessions quietly tapped Huber in 2017 to work with the Justice Department’s inspector general. It appears the Justice Department is taking FBI corruption probes to the next level.

Time will tell.


40a841  No.3071799


Trips of truth. We need to make in America again.

cc954d  No.3071801


Gosh, that's for real, doh, obstruction of justice.

cfeca1  No.3071802


Project Veritas videos always seem like small vignettes that generally don't matter much in the grand scheme of things. They fill in blanks that even a lot of people here won't care much about.

593891  No.3071804

File: c838beccd2e9e0a⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 480x397, 480:397, 2i52sm~2.jpg)

File: 2d63f27b34b8f68⋯.png (384.47 KB, 807x464, 807:464, GENE.png)



From Palo alto….. Lol

6abac5  No.3071805


I swears Putin is the most patient man, my God. Israel should tread lightly.

82e830  No.3071807


>Two of the supposed brightest minds who served the FBI — and led the country’s Intel apparatus — each separately set out to allegedly destroy incriminating evidence before their departures from the Bureau. And had no idea they were being watched.


d51de7  No.3071808

File: a792dd2c2c18144⋯.gif (447.35 KB, 500x700, 5:7, tumblr_oh5bmiy5MX1tl27fbo1….gif)


Text from the linked article… (fingers crossed this is true)

McCabe and Strzok Caught Destroying Evidence During Final Days at FBI; “Huber is Running a Grand Jury”

Posted on September 18, 2018 by Thomas Paine

During their final days of access to FBI files and computers Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok — before losing their jobs — each allegedly tried to destroy evidence and documents, per well-placed FBI and DOJ sources.

But they were nabbed by a sting operation.

Two of the supposed brightest minds who served the FBI — and led the country’s Intel apparatus — each separately set out to allegedly destroy incriminating evidence before their departures from the Bureau. And neither one had any clue they were being watched.

But FBI Director Christopher Wray had suspected as much and — working with personnel from the Inspector General’s office — set up a sting-like operation to prevent against evidence destruction, both documents and electronic, two FBI sources confirm.

Though at differing times, McCabe and Strzok were under 24-hour surveillance both at the office and outside FBI HQ in Washington D.C. And any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated by McCabe and Strzok were being recorded and documented by federal agents. The original records were restored after the duo vacated the FBI.

“They had no clue they were being watched,” one FBI source said.

One insider said “there were similar patterns” in what McCabe and Strzok accessed at the FBI prior to their departures.

Were federal agents and the Inspector General running wiretaps on McCabe’s and Strzok’s phones while they were employed at FBI?

“It’s a wise deduction,” one FBI source said.

McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Strzok was forced to resign after a brutal public hearing on Capitol Hill. Both lingered at the FBI for much longer than they should have but there was little rush to expedite their departures while the sting operations were up and running. And the targets were playing along.

Now what?

Federal sources said a grand jury has been convened involving McCabe and Strzok — and other former FBI — and the evidence gathered by federal officials during their final weeks at the FBI will be front and center but the grand jury will also be examining other violations during their official tenures at FBI.

“Huber is running a grand jury from what I hear,” a DOJ source confirmed, calling the entire process ‘Hush” given the high-profile FBI-linked players involved. “There is so much to tackle but from what I know, the grand jury is now moving into the witness phase.”

Utah US attorney John Huber was selected by Sessions to examine Republican claims of FBI misconduct and the FBI’s failure to examine Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian nuclear agency.

Sessions quietly tapped Huber in 2017 to work with the Justice Department’s inspector general. It appears the Justice Department is taking FBI corruption probes to the next level.

Time will tell.

63c2a1  No.3071809

File: b08283857b30938⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 240x253, 240:253, hit it.jpg)

5d0091  No.3071810


NSA has it all. They took it, Hussein knew better than to speak up about that. I think he’s known he was cooked for some time, but probably, like any of us would, hoped against hope that SOMETHING would occur to save his sorry butt. We certainly hear nothing anymore about the PL’s plans in Chi-town. Now, if only I could figure out how to highlight things! Non-technie in the extreme. Shadilay!

285a77  No.3071812


>>3071797 Wray … set up a sting-like operation to prevent against evidence destruction

841119  No.3071813

File: 1c5cde0e852cf83⋯.jpg (155.19 KB, 960x960, 1:1, f25d0db116a51efed894c63cbd….jpg)

f3fde8  No.3071814



I like to scan the MSM after large events to see who’s covering for whom. They are pushing the Kavanaugh narrative hard, it’s their last false flag event to hide what’s coming. I know this took a long time to set up, but I hope the take down (tribunals) move a lot faster. I don’t think this country will hold together if they drag the pain out over the next six years.

501666  No.3071815


This is huge, McCabe and strzok were being surveilled 24/7 and tried to destroy/ remove incriminating evidence of their crimes. Grand jury in witness phase under Huber.

93f60f  No.3071816


The quality of goods is intentionally low to make stuff desintegrate quickly. Member you could wear shoes for several seasons. Now you wash stuff and its done. The same with hardware. It is intentional to make you buy moar. Its an illusion that its cheap cuz you buy moar often.

82e830  No.3071817

File: 77ab53e8490ec41⋯.png (766.58 KB, 1192x847, 1192:847, fuckyeah.png)

501666  No.3071818



de08d1  No.3071820

File: 5a102aa589e83d0⋯.jpg (156.88 KB, 1321x607, 1321:607, Trollmander in chief.jpg)


Exactly, we taught Canada this lesson last year.

33072c  No.3071821


Repost nb. Ty!

efdb21  No.3071822

Rando food for thought, as you prepare your sorties: How many normies understand that Scalia was [187], for the purpose of a coup?

And now these new events. I really don't see how the tribunals can be avoided at this point; Once the full import of the DECLAS is digested, the SC will be decimated.

cc954d  No.3071823


Nice. Sauce is TP, but it sounds legit. And totally in-line with what Q has been suggesting.

d51de7  No.3071824

File: b56737557e8a29d⋯.jpg (913.19 KB, 2400x3000, 4:5, footballkek.jpg)

File: d3cfce231f6b6a3⋯.gif (138.17 KB, 576x323, 576:323, football.gif)

File: e7ee4e9741ab34d⋯.jpeg (181.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e7ee4e9741ab34dfd0c26bf14….jpeg)

f3fde8  No.3071825


Holy shit. And yet the left will say they were protecting the “democracy”. Fuck, they love their democracy.

ec2418  No.3071826

File: 681d193ef54f2dd⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, KgeknsXAaFWLOO3e.mp4)

When does a Traitor Sing????

374501  No.3071827

File: 1cb3740d6b09cc7⋯.png (14.57 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 2a2d5376126fd5cc8fdb894369….png)

e494a3  No.3071828

File: 65687da00c5c24f⋯.png (934.41 KB, 1198x940, 599:470, befroe the storm.png)

Interesting App Store promotion this morning. This app was the first one displayed on the "FEATURED" section.

"Before the Storm"

"One person can change everything…"

Sauce: you have to go to the AppStore on your Apple Device and look at Featured, or search for the title "Before the Storm"

Note the release date last weekend!

There are no coincidences.

501666  No.3071829


During their final days of access to FBI files and computers Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok — before losing their jobs each allegedly tried to destroy evidence and documents, per well-placed FBI and DOJ sources.

But they were nabbed by a sting operation.

Two of the supposed brightest minds who served the FBI — and led the country’s Intel apparatus — each separately set out to allegedly destroy incriminating evidence before their departures from the Bureau. And neither one had any clue they were being watched.

But FBI Director Christopher Wray had suspected as much and — working with personnel from the Inspector General’s office set up a sting-like operation to prevent against evidence destruction, both documents and electronic, two FBI sources confirm.

Though at differing times, McCabe and Strzok were under 24-hour surveillance both at the office and outside FBI HQ in Washington D.C. And any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated by McCabe and Strzok were being recorded and documented by federal agents. The original records were restored after the duo vacated the FBI.

“They had no clue they were being watched,” one FBI source said.

356232  No.3071830


>the SC will be decimated.

SC as in Special Counsel or SC as in Supreme Court?

BOTH would be glorious!

91fa33  No.3071831

God, why is Putin such a pussy.

Light those bitches up.

4131d1  No.3071832

Flake and Corker are getting blackmailed right now.

ea445a  No.3071833

File: cb0c6c6803bb742⋯.png (287.35 KB, 792x605, 72:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Note the date: Move swiftly…. 9/20

Have any clockfags taken a look at some notable Trump tweets [pre-Age of GEOTUS] ?

I thought this interdasting enough to request Anons eyes on. Several delete and re-tweets from 4-7 years ago activated my almonds…


a86615  No.3071834


clams and butter

93f60f  No.3071835



126591  No.3071836


Well no u don’t have to read it of course but I choose not to filter so I don’t miss anything

908138  No.3071837


I know. Great work, anon.

I do peruse MSM as well to throw news like this in the faces of other places I post.

9706e4  No.3071838


Optics fren… optics

82e830  No.3071839

File: a13ac80e1f0202e⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1231x932, 1231:932, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

8a5261  No.3071840

need some memes for Sessions playing on the Alabama them. Maybe Sessions with a pack of bloodhounds and the caption.

Roll Sessions or

Release The Sessions!

3787c4  No.3071841

196a37  No.3071842

There is movers on here now that weren't here before.

Some good guys have joined in. I see you. Some op got authorized.

Everybody doin' it riiight!

HARD WORK, that's what they say!

HARD WORK, I earn my paaay!

HARD WORK, do it every day!

Thank you for your service.

6abac5  No.3071843


Forced pleas because the cost of a trial attorney for Joe public is enormous. Look at General Flynn putting his home up.

I have plead when I wasn't guilty myself because trial wad too expensive of a gamble. I took probation. Luckily had the best officer. But still! And after court I had to pay all fees THAT day or I would be back in jail. $2k fine!

efdb21  No.3071844


I meant the supreme court specifically, but it's looking like both, I'd agree :)

ec3374  No.3071845


And it was one of their desktops filmed in the Palpatine's Revenge Chat

3f8ced  No.3071846

File: 9d6c4f68d7bf6c5⋯.jpg (613.49 KB, 1044x1044, 1:1, 1947.jpg)


>God bless the Air Force and AFSOC.


>Any Time, Any Place.

12f4e3  No.3071847



Kind of goes hand in hand anon

63c2a1  No.3071848

File: 75e674452332b3a⋯.jpg (14.47 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 00f39c89dd3a43e93805a2ad5c….jpg)

aeea7c  No.3071850

File: 8db82457e181dc8⋯.jpeg (155.63 KB, 1165x434, 1165:434, D4063716-5346-4CE5-BFBC-1….jpeg)


Slow learning curve….

ce3d50  No.3071851



4bdd0e  No.3071852


Tits or GTFO

ec9558  No.3071853



a45f06  No.3071854

File: fb61223c087325b⋯.jpg (566.04 KB, 1775x949, 1775:949, Shady11 18 Sep 18 1435.jpg)

Shady11 about to land at Myrtle Beach. It's been doing this patrol for several days now.

d51de7  No.3071855

File: 009344ecf376058⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 379x267, 379:267, 1535765120955.gif)

2d5f77  No.3071856


let’s see, chopped clams, jumbo shrimp, butter, olive oil, garlic and spices.

Fresh bread on the side, wine.

6abac5  No.3071857


If ya do, meme him a loose mouth ten ft tall and bulletproof idiot. Kek

ec9558  No.3071858



5d0091  No.3071859


From "Answers" on qanon.app:

What is different re: Hussein’s PL?

BHO library is a playground for children. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/obama-presidential-library-scholars-academics-children/2017/10/10/id/818858/

4131d1  No.3071860

I've always thought POTUS was going to END the dems before the midterms. Why risk it? POTUS plays to win. Now I see what the move is. WAY before the midterms. But I also see how he switched it up once the allegations were made against Kavanaugh. Even though he will get confirmed - this slides RIGHT UNDER THE RADAR.

501666  No.3071861



One insider said “there were similar patterns” in what McCabe and Strzok accessed at the FBI prior to their departures.

Were federal agents and the Inspector General running wiretaps on McCabe’s and Strzok’s phones while they were employed at FBI?

“It’s a wise deduction,” one FBI source said.

McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Strzok was forced to resign after a brutal public hearing on Capitol Hill. Both lingered at the FBI for much longer than they should have but there was little rush to expedite their departures while the sting operations were up and running. And the targets were playing along.

Now what?

Federal sources said a grand jury has been convened involving McCabe and Strzok — and other former FBI — and the evidence gathered by federal officials during their final weeks at the FBI will be front and center but the grand jury will also be examining other violations during their official tenures at FBI.

“Huber is running a grand jury from what I hear,” a DOJ source confirmed, calling the entire process ‘Hush” given the high-profile FBI-linked players involved. “There is so much to tackle but from what I know, the grand jury is now moving into the witness phase.”

Utah US attorney John Huber was selected by Sessions to examine Republican claims of FBI misconduct and the FBI’s failure to examine Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian nuclear agency.

Sessions quietly tapped Huber in 2017 to work with the Justice Department’s inspector general. It appears the Justice Department is taking FBI corruption probes to the next level.

Time will tell.

d52407  No.3071862


Maybe one of them hurricane penetrator planes?

e5bc3d  No.3071864


Then smack his ass a few times and see if it changes. ;)

21cd07  No.3071865


Should we stop reading Q?

c3130f  No.3071866

File: 770687383bca566⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 508x331, 508:331, IMG_7615.JPG)

82e830  No.3071867

File: 914629b583f3ae1⋯.png (791.55 KB, 1088x639, 1088:639, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)

File: f6c50efa6e38fd3⋯.png (880.97 KB, 1223x629, 1223:629, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)

8199c3  No.3071868

Wilners album.


5bfce7  No.3071869

File: 1f0003f2b232621⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1025x860, 205:172, 54702478321890111347534284….png)

File: cfb3c9a3c2cce43⋯.png (927.78 KB, 1174x873, 1174:873, 23890767425789012075437810….png)



Ol' Mutti today…

…losing hair, losing support.

7e13c1  No.3071870


Sounds like you are commissioning a piece of art, not a meme. Grow up.

a8309b  No.3071872

File: b3077839981adcc⋯.jpeg (1000.33 KB, 1049x1077, 1049:1077, BAA4A878-1665-416D-996D-0….jpeg)

File: 0b79a3333a037dd⋯.jpeg (256.26 KB, 762x556, 381:278, C662CC9B-E893-4097-A7E2-2….jpeg)

File: 01fc00c4a57e2e0⋯.jpeg (472.02 KB, 1111x1601, 1111:1601, 96E6683C-489B-41DE-B87B-0….jpeg)

File: 83be3c21005dd00⋯.jpeg (172.82 KB, 1125x748, 1125:748, D599AE14-A23E-4785-9DBA-3….jpeg)

File: 988b0f01e0845f1⋯.jpeg (646.5 KB, 1023x1621, 1023:1621, 3695E8AD-E2DA-4095-AE30-8….jpeg)

I compiled this from yesterday’s bread regarding “Watch the Water”

d51de7  No.3071873

File: fb3c86408707a75⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 540x408, 45:34, tumblr_pf5pukYIyj1slgum6_5….jpg)

33072c  No.3071874

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

6abac5  No.3071875


She may actually be a limo lib, but she's loyal to her father. She's harmless. She might even keep Jared in line.

589bb5  No.3071876

File: f2e8cdd51295939⋯.png (551.98 KB, 819x460, 819:460, April.PNG)


She is still mad about PieGate

ce3d50  No.3071877

Breaking911: Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan to step down this week. Still unclear why…developing.

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