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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

5ff280  No.2515076

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

'Q - Killing The Mockingbird (part II of above): https://''www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/124 rt 122 ———————– Digest and understand. (Caps: >>2500174 )

Monday 08.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/123 ————————– AMERICA IS BACK TO LEADING ( Caps: >>2487564 , >>2487807 )

>>>/patriotsfight/122 ————————– Think Foreign propaganda ( Cap: >>2486911 )

>>>/patriotsfight/121 ————————– Psychological Projection. Define Conspiracy ( Cap: >>2486904 )

>>>/patriotsfight/120 ————————– Important to understand prior to next ( Cap: >>2484502 )

Sunday 08.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Trip update confirmed ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>>/patriotsfight/118 ————————– Trip update ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>2465633 ————————————– Reconcile.

>>2460787 ————————————– Be aware of your surroundings: See something, say something

>>2460260 ————————————– There is a reason we needed to go mainstream b4 EVIDENCE drop

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S] ( Cap: >>2441061 )

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !A6yxsPKia.

Q's Old Tripcode: !CbboFOtcZs

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

5ff280  No.2515095


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2468527 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2514400 Omarosa Secretly Recorded Trump and Played the Audio for People, Sources Say

>>2514465 More than 235,000 Syrians return home since start of Russian military operation

>>2514646 Virginia, Charlottesville declare states of emergency ahead of 'Unite the Right' anniversary

>>2514752 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5

>>2514759 Digging on 5G & effects of waves on humans

>>2514805 Linda Sarsour's jihadi mentor was training kids for school shootings.

>>2514949 Twitter CEO @jack stopped by ‘The Sean Hannity Radio Show’

>>2515023 Berkeley Antifa professor Eric Clanton gets off scot free

>>2515078 Today's Q Clock

>>2515079, >>2515080 Collected Planefag Updates

>>2515084 #3172


>>2513596 >>2513840 >>2514119 IDF strikes Hamas posts in Gaza as dozens of rockets fired at south

>>2513632, >>2513707, >>2513632, >>2513798, >>2513845, >>2513885, >>2513897 Planefag Update

>>2513634 Emails reveal teachers plotting to hide political bias

>>2513646 Nurse charged as two babies die minutes after receiving vaccine

>>2513714 Washington Attempts To Assassinate The President of Venezuela (accusation from RT)

>>2513717 >>2513755 Trump twatters, Q-posts and Bible Letters are all connected to eachother.

>>2513725 >>2514084 PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF CA fires lit intentionally?

>>2513777 POTUS "RED WAVE!" Tweet (Time in EST, like it should be) and Q post.

>>2513901 Apple Tells Lawmakers iPhones Are Not Listening In On Consumers

>>2513991 Link below shows how many arrested, related documentation of each arrest and number of children saved!

>>2514069 >>2514151 They are trying to get qanon.app shutdown.

>>2514843 #3171


>>2512789 Man who was training children for school shootings arrested in New Mexico, >>2512984 Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, >>2513044 Related to? THIS NEEDS VERIFICATION

>>2512838 POTUS Tweets: RED WAVE

>>2512942 Qanon.pub now leads to Qanon.app, >>2513178 Explained

>>2512971 NXIVM Update

>>2512988 On this day in History

>>2513038 Mandatory Vaccination Stopped for Children in Italy

>>2513099 FBI Records: David A. Rockefeller

>>2513141 Illegal Immigrants Raid Throughout Nebraska

>>2513217 Rosenstein is talking to Trump?

>>2513256 US Imposing Sanctions on Russia Over Skripal Poisoning

>>2513353 Gaza under attack right now

>>2513490 #3170


>>2512572 Evidence of Ohr Treason?

>>2512560 Gitmo Plane is in the air

>>2512348 Senate Dems make 'uprecedented' FOIA requests for Kavanaugh documents

>>2512299 FBI Records Vault released 171 pages on David Rockefeller

>>2512179 Illegal Border Crossings fall for second month in a row

>>2512090 Chris Collins Dig

>>2512032 Saudi Cable dig

>>2512031 40 staff memebers cut from Office of Financial Research

>>2512032 Planefags tracking AZAZ0909 from Davison AAF

>>2512528 #3169


>>2511832 Saudi Cables dig help requested

>>2511683, >>2511861 Planefags tracking AZAZ0909 over Eastern Colorado

>>2511648 Colombia Anon offers perspective on deepstate cleanup outside US.

>>2511627 USC President resigns amid claims campus gynecologist groped and photographed 50 women

>>2511549 Judge Orders DOJ to preserve emails from Comeys private account

>>2511442, >>2511468 Dems continue to blame everybody but themselves

>>2511310 Top wealth amongst Senators and Representatives

>>2511745 #3168

Previously Collected Notables

>>2510404 #3166, >>2511183 #3167

>>2508758 #3163, >>2508837 #3164, >>2509982 #3165

>>2505707 #3160, >>2508835 #3161, >>2508051 #3162

>>2503368 #3157, >>2504162 #3158, >>2505289 #3159

>>2501089 #3154, >>2501844 #3155, >>2503219 #3156

>>2500318 #3153, >>2499506 #3152, >>2498729 #3151

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

5ff280  No.2515101

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>1606439

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

5ff280  No.2515104

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button: >>2374212

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27, 27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this ---> >>2438883

5ff280  No.2515108

File: ff1110f96c3ce2f⋯.jpg (189.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, _32ghne1pbn7.jpg)

Dough #3073



239775  No.2515120

File: cfdfe06f33cfc72⋯.png (30.21 KB, 594x390, 99:65, fcdc315ba2adccd66e677d8c3c….png)


Vague inferrence from Q drops has been used by MSM kike shills to try to steer the Q movement in opposition to Alex Jones/InfoWars. AJ has been fighting the establishment cabal and waking people up for almost 2 decades. The video posted as "evidence" of him claiming to have spoken with Q is him quoting a conversation with someone else. Let's say hypothetically AJ did claim to have spoken with Q, so what? Maybe movies need actors and sometimes disinfo is necessary? Be careful to not let your own ignorance falsely justify friendly fire.





>>2490147 (ob) Faggots move on the internet, anti-AJ shills btfo as fake narrative crumbles

real techs support uncensored internet and free sharing of information and knowledge for all. the tech left is an aristocratic, fascist aberration to the traditional hacker ethos

b6354c  No.2515136

File: 0cabcb539bdcafd⋯.gif (554.78 KB, 200x190, 20:19, neckyoself.gif)

>muh AJ

e75cc8  No.2515137

>>2515111 <prev>

in a sinless world, justice wouldn't be necessary.

7b0747  No.2515138

File: 70ecf5ff94aaca2⋯.png (295.71 KB, 640x365, 128:73, ClipboardImage.png)



db8b9b  No.2515139

File: 07633bfaf7bd834⋯.png (838.16 KB, 573x570, 191:190, 591591d2-5063-2516-f630-52….png)

'sup anons

e74748  No.2515140

File: c9beea6bd87e8bd⋯.png (18.83 KB, 751x203, 751:203, seven.png)


f3160e  No.2515141

File: 30694728cd7d96d⋯.png (768.96 KB, 670x446, 335:223, nodeals.PNG)

Remaining Classified C_A Program Found in NM:


e712ce  No.2515142

File: a6facda12cfdad6⋯.png (29.88 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Socialist torchbearers flame out in key races, despite blitz by Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez


562dc6  No.2515143

>>2514893 last

Cal is currently in "lost" status and desperately in need of federal intervention. I say this as a staunch states' rights advocate and 5th gen Cal.

b2a4cc  No.2515144

File: 3b01addf3f481e8⋯.png (295.4 KB, 773x388, 773:388, k_bn_1.png)

File: e1808cb145a2c6e⋯.png (370.52 KB, 858x456, 143:76, t_bn_1.png)

File: 546313e66efe525⋯.png (799.99 KB, 1163x525, 1163:525, BN_at_115thcongress-an.png)

adccbc  No.2515145

File: 202fe9d6eaf3fdb⋯.png (442.14 KB, 510x367, 510:367, Capture1.PNG)

File: 11296e826078666⋯.png (74.45 KB, 709x235, 709:235, Capture.PNG)

Clowns posing as Q supporters

Known C_A

19d6e8  No.2515146

File: 7934dbb571421d5⋯.png (664.74 KB, 662x795, 662:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 553e478c61d3eaf⋯.png (51.31 KB, 657x880, 657:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f2698f63590c79⋯.png (44.62 KB, 658x750, 329:375, ClipboardImage.png)

Son of Imam Linked to WTC Bombing Kept Children in ‘Filthy’ Compound, Allegedly Trained Them to Shoot Up Schools


c86446  No.2515147

File: 0073d12da5765a4⋯.png (59.3 KB, 911x323, 911:323, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

reposting from LB


Bigly if true

time = cst.

67d499  No.2515148


I wonder if the people that were hit with the lock can sue the shit out of clanton now?

492d89  No.2515149

File: 7bd576aa0c1f060⋯.png (548.26 KB, 603x690, 201:230, Screenshot_251.png)


Hey! Look!


19d6e8  No.2515150


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




223633  No.2515151

File: a091cc28b98b9fc⋯.png (271.91 KB, 782x750, 391:375, boris_and_natasha_voter_ID.png)

File: f0395c19f4f0dd9⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DemandVoterID#1.jpg)

File: 8ee602b4ae4e758⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 960x640, 3:2, DemandVoterID#2.jpg)

File: 5a61701ae74cb4f⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 1078x644, 77:46, DemandVoterID#3.jpg)

562dc6  No.2515152

File: db4d2c36e1d62e2⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 494x498, 247:249, pepe ok.jpg)

b56f79  No.2515153

Since nobody in the MSM will ask Trump if he is Q, I wonder if we should start a tweet storm asking Trump if he is Q?

2b0921  No.2515154

>>2515118 (lb)


"We do not shadowban for these specific things. Period."

Just everything else about someone engaged in those "specific things".

Got it.

69cb95  No.2515156


Q said food

Q said tobacco

Q said all sorts of SHIT


SAY alcohol!





1cef4a  No.2515157

File: 01549e22f931705⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 782x960, 391:480, 38683820_10214685488503329….jpg)

>>2514812 lb


2c4cbb  No.2515158

File: e7acdf5f76fd3a0⋯.jpg (307.32 KB, 1024x940, 256:235, 133399.jpg)

b7aed6  No.2515159

File: 01efe9589c87379⋯.jpg (127.76 KB, 920x575, 8:5, DP Baker.jpg)


>ThanQ Baker

bb81fd  No.2515160


Civil suits coming in 3, 2, 1…

But I can't believe they let this fucker off.

Has he been working with police to expose the entire Antifa network?

c80799  No.2515161

How long have the Missiles been firing for today between Israel Gaza?

c86446  No.2515162

File: 58d84627bb5bebe⋯.png (184.6 KB, 321x388, 321:388, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 0a7e22c53e554af⋯.png (655.65 KB, 895x983, 895:983, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


562dc6  No.2515163


Yes, Battery is a civil offense as well, however, I doubt he has anything to recover.

223633  No.2515164

File: 4bda1b6c7a099f1⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, 400x400, 1:1, KillTheGerbil.jpg)

92c822  No.2515165


Would be interesting if Israel were behind the recent Maduro shit…

3a5698  No.2515166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(Bread #3172)


The attempt to simultaneously slide and build a legend for AJ has huge potential for backfiring because he is so ripe for exposure. Here's just one example: The fact that he has been using a Bronfman lawyer to represent him has been known for years:

The Alex Jones and Bronfman connection


And if you keep flogging him, I will continue to counter with this:

Alex Jones 1999 Y2K,Russians are attacking!


b8bbb7  No.2515167


Does POTUS ever answer replies to his tweets?

5de96d  No.2515168

File: 9893603468b14af⋯.png (19.12 KB, 524x210, 262:105, 60CB87FF-9EC5-4D0B-8B60-95….png)

Wow breads are going fast.

Has there been anymore info on this? Would love to see who is funding..

dca8a7  No.2515169

I’m kind of lost with the latest Q posts.. I can’t see a current motive, remove muh redactions?

4dd09d  No.2515170


Like 5 hrs.

e712ce  No.2515171

File: 4e8d98fd6eedef5⋯.png (29.57 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


GOP rep. introduces bill that would fine Mexico to pay for the wall


1ecf01  No.2515172

File: 5fcc679335c9bb3⋯.jpg (762.04 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, BO_Lied.jpg)

You Patriotic Anons deserve far better than the neglected shithole this place has become..

I'm sorry the current BO let you all down.


1f490b  No.2515173

File: 3c99eecebdf06c2⋯.jpg (20.66 KB, 243x176, 243:176, RealFag.jpg)

294586  No.2515174

File: 8c0620aeb86abc8⋯.png (166.18 KB, 382x299, 382:299, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

77cc6b  No.2515175


uh huh

88780a  No.2515177


>>2514346 (lb)

Q said: "Time to move on"

>Are you saying Q is a msm tech faggot?

Yes, I abhore the censorship. But AJ is a big boy, he doesn't need anons to do his fighting for him. Tommy Robinson's been censored this week, and all the libertarian content-providers. Tons of people affected. Do you see them here whining?

We will fight censorship. But it is A BIG PICTURE ISSUE, and we don't have to fight censorship FOR Alex Jones, which takes the big picture issue down to a single casualty. WHEN WE ARE ALL CASUALTIES OF IT.!

We are NOT his personal army.

b97be0  No.2515178


The Hannity @jack interview was interesting

Not at all what I expected

@jack was very well spoken, polite and reasonable

Good Interview to listen to

f402e0  No.2515179

For those who feel guided there will be a mass meditation at the moment of the maximum point of the solar eclipse on August 11th, 2018 at 9:11 AM UTC.

There have been guided videos created in 20 languages so far. Below is a promotional video for this meditation that I was guided to create:


All details, including links to the guided videos, the automatic timezone conversion for your location and more information about meditation can be found in the description.

The Cabal detests mass meditations due to their powerful positive effect on the global consciousness and world events. Please consider sharing this as far as you can in order to amplify the power of the meditation.

Thanks for checking this out everyone!

Victory of the light!

d46c80  No.2515181


I'm sorry you are such a flaming faggot

56f4eb  No.2515182

File: 01ce9d78ff3f031⋯.jpg (440.21 KB, 1814x755, 1814:755, AZAZ0909 8 Aug 18 2230.jpg)

AZAZ0909 flight appears to be headed for Austin, TX. Beech MC-12 EMARSS is nearby (command and control). Serious stuff.


The DOJ flight is confirmed from Little Rock, Arkansas. Lines up nicely with the 'Kill Bill' message sent on EAM by Skyking. Also fits with the Morse message that was the Morse alphabet with B and C missing.


92c822  No.2515183


Needs to be at a presser or event that is televised for MAXIMUM EXPOSURE.

478d48  No.2515184

I have a question!

Considerinf MSM's efforts to hide anything.

Me, as a simple anon, if tells you that ETs as real, like you and me.

And MSM will try to make fun of mine and other's statements, you still trust MSM, or people that are here, fighting for a better world?????????

3d8f32  No.2515185

Q inadvertently killed the chans.

Maybe he meant to, dunno, but that’s what happened.

Not a single autist left.

Just a giant newfag playpen and really bad memes.

Nothing left to do but shitpost.

You have less than you know.

The ones who could actually do the digs have left.

357020  No.2515186



562dc6  No.2515187


If a victim is not badly injured, they can probably get a $7500 civil judgment fairly easily in small claims court, although he prob has nothing.

352bf3  No.2515188

File: 106f690e4b948a5⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 1080x587, 1080:587, DjuYkylX4AEkU3s.jpg)

File: f0fd5c79ebfd32f⋯.jpg (199.38 KB, 1079x1176, 1079:1176, DjuYlKIXgAEfiBl.jpg)

File: f32ab507403f191⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 568x63, 568:63, DjuYlq0WsAc2OJv.jpg)

File: b78ccb2487a34bb⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 474x64, 237:32, DjuYljJXgAExtKW.jpg)



Israel's behind this shit.

821415  No.2515189

File: 3b7548c852e51f9⋯.jpeg (868.82 KB, 1242x1621, 1242:1621, A143E4BC-6BEB-4349-9F1C-B….jpeg)

>>2515097 last bread


5ff280  No.2515190


Updated notes from last bread


>>2514400 Omarosa Secretly Recorded Trump and Played the Audio for People, Sources Say

>>2514465 More than 235,000 Syrians return home since start of Russian military operation

>>2514646 Virginia, Charlottesville declare states of emergency ahead of 'Unite the Right' anniversary

>>2514752 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5

>>2514759 Digging on 5G & effects of waves on humans

>>2514805 Linda Sarsour's jihadi mentor was training kids for school shootings.

>>2514949 Twitter CEO @jack stopped by ‘The Sean Hannity Radio Show’

>>2514985 Nancy Pelosi: Voting for Democrats Gives “Leverage” to Illegal Immigrants

>>2515023 Berkeley Antifa professor Eric Clanton gets off scot free

>>2515078 Today's Q Clock

>>2515079, >>2515080 Collected Planefag Updates

100c19  No.2515191

File: eea859d82dc7bc7⋯.jpg (250.46 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 94b12bce6c647f28ab8441a833….jpg)

900eb6  No.2515192

File: 8749443824bb953⋯.png (541.51 KB, 674x505, 674:505, The Media.png)

6822f2  No.2515193

File: b79ae7af1956c4c⋯.png (539.35 KB, 988x400, 247:100, what really happned.png)

Canada / Saudi dispute redpill: CSIS set up a group called Somood.

b97be0  No.2515194

File: 7591cc49d17dbfb⋯.png (96.41 KB, 651x387, 217:129, Concha re Hill Evil AJ 8-8….PNG)

File: c8515efe0366899⋯.png (89.59 KB, 445x840, 89:168, Concha 1 re Hill Evil AJ 8….PNG)

Alex Jones' lawyer seeks to make addresses of Sandy Hook parents public


5b41bd  No.2515195


CAIR and muzzie brotherhood.

a20a98  No.2515196

File: 3521c1f990f8d54⋯.png (57.93 KB, 536x623, 536:623, trumptax.PNG)


He tried to get Trumps Tax docs

c80799  No.2515197


Wow! sorry i am totally not updated. Ive put all my focus onto the POTUS tweets. Thanks

db8b9b  No.2515198


>I can’t see a current motive, remove muh redactions?

The redactions violate Executive Order 13526, Section 1.7, and will be removed. 45 is just perfecting the timing for when the documents are revealed.

b8bbb7  No.2515199


1 Timothy 5:23

Just read this yesterday

223633  No.2515200


It's "too" you illiterate fuck.

dca8a7  No.2515201


Le Islam

492d89  No.2515202

File: 5de076ffb2a7187⋯.png (503.49 KB, 644x398, 322:199, Screenshot_67.png)



Damn it!


2c4cbb  No.2515203

File: 7fd224aff96fb91⋯.jpg (922.66 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 6c88d3548e52a88497a4e0a483….jpg)


Audible kek.

b954ef  No.2515204

File: 80f809b0cc5152a⋯.png (297.5 KB, 741x565, 741:565, the-war-lord.jpg.png)

File: a92484c93477459⋯.png (689.17 KB, 741x565, 741:565, a92484c93477459446c05be44f….png)

6822f2  No.2515205

File: bdff7dc2572d020⋯.png (164.52 KB, 1015x191, 1015:191, part 2.png)

108039  No.2515207

Shills here are kind of defeating their purpose for being here.

Shill posts only serve as proof that we are not mind-numb anons who all follow Q blindly and don't think for ourselves.

c4d83c  No.2515208


Now they can launch seven civil lawsuits.

Sure, his parents will pay to settle out of court

But then, after the dust ahs settled

They will take their pound of flesh out of Clanton

Because in the Illuminati


Is a very grave sin. Even graver is to allow

The Sheep to Dominate You!

dca8a7  No.2515209


Thank you lawfag! good night, much love. I shall sleep welllll

562dc6  No.2515210


Now you're talking! Trump, however, can impose tariffs himself on Mexican trade to recover all wall costs to Treasury, which is likely what he will do.

7b0747  No.2515211

File: 70960ae4945170d⋯.png (339.67 KB, 435x543, 145:181, ClipboardImage.png)


testing this out

55ff51  No.2515212

File: ad7a5ca9936ee99⋯.jpg (136.09 KB, 952x500, 238:125, d67537bc0566ad402e5ce5a7f8….jpg)


Jones has plenty of lawyers and cash. Hell be ok.

18431e  No.2515213


BAKER, Notable

Son of Imam Linked to WTC Bombing Kept Children in ‘Filthy’ Compound, Allegedly Trained Them to Shoot Up Schools


56f4eb  No.2515214


Up like a rocket, down like a stick.

223633  No.2515215

File: f0f68755c4d61ff⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 498x278, 249:139, URAFaggot.gif)

100c19  No.2515216

File: 1a4e867459aecba⋯.gif (6.5 MB, 700x393, 700:393, 5b37ab796566e.gif)

294586  No.2515217

File: 5010f15b168cc24⋯.png (177.21 KB, 336x338, 168:169, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 6e340bfdc4b48c7⋯.png (68.65 KB, 378x309, 126:103, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

92c822  No.2515219


Always include sauce for posterity. Just sayin.

397ee2  No.2515220

File: 98e0791bb87e7cc⋯.mp4 (6.13 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 3VdeZ2z1bfXJGlkZ3GyhA80rJU….mp4)

e1522c  No.2515221

Rockefeller drop was just a list of threats against him, read them all but didn't have accompanying letters for the interesting ones. Anyone else have any other direction to dig?

ea7a00  No.2515222


but but gun problem..oops there go the narrative

c4d83c  No.2515223


What do you mean despite

They flamed out because of Bernie and Cortez

And that is the way it should be

357020  No.2515224


kek they just love shore up the connections we've been making

e1bd4f  No.2515225


Let me see if I have this right.

The black hats who used to ident and groom known wolves for attacks can no longer do that.

So in trying to avoid white hats, they've gone back to outsourcing the grooming process to Islamic terrorists, 90s style.

c455f7  No.2515226

File: 39ab673fb009c9b⋯.png (32.91 KB, 469x328, 469:328, ssss.PNG)

linda sarsour's buddy !


4dd09d  No.2515228


No worries. Pretty tired of all the bickering here so Israel/Gaza is a good distraction.

This link is Jerusalem Post has a scrolling timeline, if you are interested. Also showing QAnon is in Jerusalem now, kek.


562dc6  No.2515229


Heading to Austin because Alex Jones is P. He's in charge of the whole thing U.S. side.

c762ec  No.2515230

File: 0a6c22c45b12be7⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2018-08-08_….png)

News Report

A bunch of fagots found in Syria along with a lot of other weapons.

7b0747  No.2515231

File: 473fad10bb3b1d7⋯.png (309.89 KB, 437x499, 437:499, ClipboardImage.png)

a877fd  No.2515232


Dat's gonna piss off half-chan.

77cc6b  No.2515233


Cobra…soaking people since, fuck who cares? How long you been soaking this shit Cobra? Shouldn't you be off meditating for the 8/8 portal?

478d48  No.2515234


do you think deep state pays me to fvck your brain, to make think that there is another power after theirs, so you can look for that power, and them, lose their control??????????????

492d89  No.2515235


QAnon supporters plan on taking sledgehammers and pickaxes to the Hollywood Walk of Fame and demolishing ALL the STARS embedded in the cement!

adccbc  No.2515236

Anyone else think there is a possibility that all the sealed indictments are for anons talking conspiracy shit on the chans?

They gonna dox and arrest all of us to remove all the anti-establishment types from society before implementing NWO?

562dc6  No.2515238

File: c315d180fe189a8⋯.png (96.71 KB, 500x304, 125:76, hitler why i gas people.png)

b6354c  No.2515239

File: 1a89e6f8fbde872⋯.jpg (128.16 KB, 720x785, 144:157, hmmmm3.jpg)

c4d83c  No.2515240


This is why I refer people to https://qmap.pub

c762ec  No.2515241


Damn forgot sauce.


355c52  No.2515242


how they will spin this:

ur all racists..whit people teach their kids to shoot every day..wawawawahhh

7b0747  No.2515243

File: 09b521f45c99922⋯.png (321.2 KB, 487x460, 487:460, ClipboardImage.png)


sorry, one moar

6130c5  No.2515244

2c4cbb  No.2515245

File: 1f623c1638c7eb1⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 198x176, 9:8, 1f623c1638c7eb19e22c98094f….jpg)


Meme this next to Clanton getting probation. Attach some libtard bait complaining about the long sentence for misuse of a SSN, and let lefties spread it to piss off normies.

3d8f32  No.2515246



You can’t even blow me shit right. This is sad and embarrassing.

You call that a meme?

Kill. Yourself.

You are at rock bottom

d2e45b  No.2515247

File: 93d083d19e86a6a⋯.png (3.33 KB, 89x54, 89:54, Capture.PNG)

Interesting date today.

Q, will you reveal anything on this date?

a18910  No.2515248

File: b57a20543aacc11⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 118.66 KB, 474x474, 1:1, f40ba2028651fd31549b0ab913….jpg)

Shall we Play a Game?

e981e2  No.2515249

File: 1e6324b52912ca2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 872x1209, 872:1209, ClipboardImage.png)

30bf3b  No.2515250

Eurofag here, I've been to Gaza. They have absolutely nothing there. It's just a big open air prison.

I hope Trump sorts this shit out. Apparently in 'Fire & Fury' Bannon is quoted as saying the policy will be Gaza to Egypt and West Bank to Jordan. That will definitely piss off Palestinians, but they have ZERO bargaining power at this stage so anything is an improvement.


478d48  No.2515251


yeah, that's exactly what i was doing

promote other power, and fvck mine…..

b97be0  No.2515252


Is Loomer reputable?

Or is she one of the alt news persons paid to spread disinfo

Rhetorical question

I think she is not reputable

5ef43f  No.2515253

File: d86cef140252939⋯.gif (438.67 KB, 154x144, 77:72, feinsteinmerchant.gif)

20789c  No.2515254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just came across an excellent video about the JFK assassination in which LBJ and the CIA are actually tied in. This was posted in July 2018, after the 2 separate releases of documents POTUS authorized. FASCINATING!!! Keep asking yourself WHY these had been withheld for 65 years!! Particularly about 2 soldiers(separate incidents) who ended up in mental hospitals after trying to warn about a threat to Kennedy weeks before Dallas. One was stationed in Germany and the other stationed in Scotland.

I haven't finished watching it yet, but it is very good. (about an hour and a half long)


1f490b  No.2515255

File: b8fa1c6ed114628⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 260x194, 130:97, AGdigits.jpg)


this dubs 4 u

e712ce  No.2515256


We need to get the MSM's to believe this is going to happen.

Then see how many antifafags show up…KEK!

b21eed  No.2515257


Telling lies while talking to himself! It never ends.


db927d  No.2515258

File: b7d6188cb7a2e02⋯.jpg (417.1 KB, 1001x1200, 1001:1200, IMG_401.jpg)

c4d83c  No.2515259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, reposting is good in moderation

Have a listen

98c31e  No.2515260


>Is Loomer reputable?

see: "wet bread"

2379fc  No.2515261

File: 81fa4e61d284462⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Bless-this-Bread-5.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

7b0747  No.2515262


this is just ONE…….

fc155b  No.2515263


>Just a giant newfag playpen and really bad memes.

This is true and generous

562dc6  No.2515264


Wont Omarosa be in violation of nondisclosure agreements and executive privilege laws? Maybe her current antics are by Trump's permission?

355c52  No.2515265

File: 3a703615307010a⋯.png (570.77 KB, 512x540, 128:135, dfgdf.PNG)

f02d94  No.2515266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The bill is real so assets are allocated to that program.

The bill talks about 20 mln set aside to pay alt-media

The paying of 20 mln to alt-media is just a small part of all the Bill plans, so the total amount should be more.

The 160 mln figure was quoted by the Washington Post, and also on wikipedia. But without sauce, so possibly misrepresented by WaPo

It is explained here @ 3 minutes

4e27f8  No.2515268


I'm in. Ignore the shit posters. It's a shame that more don't grasp the Enormity and Power that "Focused Intention" brings.

60010f  No.2515269


Incredible news. Their evil empire is crumbling.

98c31e  No.2515270

File: 68397516180abd5⋯.jpg (444.58 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, WARROOOM.jpg)

9d2bb5  No.2515271


His statement re: why he didn't ban AJ from Twitter was very reasonable as well.

Is he just doing the wolf in sheep's clothing routine or has be been flipped?

6130c5  No.2515272


They hurt my eyes

76a3d1  No.2515273

File: 106b257f3d444a2⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1575x597, 525:199, ClipboardImage.png)

562dc6  No.2515274


Motion granted.

1f280c  No.2515275

File: b5eda1afdda2636⋯.png (8.63 KB, 255x177, 85:59, getpepe.png)



884dc1  No.2515276

File: 3069ca522d42ca4⋯.png (781.11 KB, 679x597, 679:597, Bill Bush 2.png)



56f4eb  No.2515277


Sauce? You'd better have some.

9fdbd2  No.2515278

File: 896ee0ad14d9693⋯.png (95.48 KB, 1366x635, 1366:635, gold.png)

The phrase gold star researchers from Q's post struck me as odd, therefore significant so did a quick ddg search for "Gold Star Research and this is the result. Significant? A message from Q?

MSM Can't Fool a Massive Group of Gold Star Researchers




31 Jul 2018 - 3:01:12 AM


31 Jul 2018 - 2:44:42 AM



REAL ANON'S are here as we follow the EVIDENCE (documented verifiable evidence), we are building the TRUTH of our HISTORY so we can expose and dismantle the corruption that has PLAGUED our world for millennia.

I invite any publication to print this as a statement of fact from an ACTUAL ANON.

WE do not tell YOU what to think or how to FEEL about a topic. WE simply dig for TRUTH and then PRESENT what we find so it can be scrutinized by our PEERS and further corroborated.

The CHOICE to KNOW what we have found, verified and presented is entirely up to YOU.

Presenting OUR work in a way to imply WE are some sort of cult, shows the WORLD how corrupt the MAINSTREAM MEDIA has become.

WE are NOT about violence, subversion or control. WE are simply providing FACT based information FREE of charge to the WORLD.




492d89  No.2515279


but but but…

there was a deal?



Deal made?


821415  No.2515280


Not yet. The rest of the relevant net has to go down first so everyone interested is corraled on /qresearch

a69074  No.2515281





I agree with this. Many anons are against asking POTUS or his family about Q. Part of me believes it's because they subconsciously don't want to know the truth. But the bottom line is that this should be cleared up before elections. No matter how you connect the dots, there IS a possibility that Q is a LARP. Any realistic person can see this. If in the off chance that is the case, we should get that cleared up so that we can repair the damage of a year lost. Then we can actually dig into things that are real. This is taking the high road. If in the off chance it is a liberal psyop, they could cut the strings at any time, and what would patriots have to show for their hardwork? Would they lose faith in themselves and or God? Would evil people like us to lose our faith and our philosphical/political self-esteem? Of course they would.

This is an act of Judo. We should get to the bottom of it by applying pressure, so that if Q is real, we can start indicting people and get more on our side. Also to find out if Q isn't real, so that WE can perform the controlled burn, and not them.

ea60e4  No.2515282

File: 84107ce88ca6802⋯.jpg (562.8 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1533749182213.jpg)


294586  No.2515283

File: 9e0745a97c4d979⋯.png (263.29 KB, 443x602, 443:602, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

ee7848  No.2515284


4825fa  No.2515285



>>2515146 Son of Imam Linked to WTC Bombing Kept Children in ‘Filthy’ Compound, Allegedly Trained Them to Shoot Up Schools

352bf3  No.2515286


> open air prison.

Eurofag, Paris and London are starting to fit that description too.

Also, Bannon is an Israel-firster. Amerifags might as well be too.

76a3d1  No.2515287

File: 24cc3b4f38c0630⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 351x307, 351:307, proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif)

2c4cbb  No.2515288

File: 08df598408cca0b⋯.jpg (400.83 KB, 655x983, 655:983, 08df598408cca0bd433d0e595c….jpg)


Either trying WAY too hard, or seriously deformed spine. Here's some natural beauty.

c4d83c  No.2515289


You should have known by now

The TV series X Files

Is a C_A plant

Or in other words, the whole show

Was written by the Illuminati

To pull the wool over your eyes

And make it easier to fleece you

cb16cd  No.2515290


Q called them patriots

dc7afc  No.2515291

File: 5c092f6ff194d7c⋯.png (139.17 KB, 1580x726, 790:363, Q Proof 8-8-18.png)

Two DIRECT Q Proofs in One Day

e1bd4f  No.2515292

File: e2c01a7cb2f8890⋯.png (1003.74 KB, 912x994, 456:497, Sarsour.png)



f937f7  No.2515293

File: ce5ebaae5c905a3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 634x1616, 317:808, 2018-08-08_17-39-31.png)


How fast is do Bill's pants go down?

How about Speed of light fast!


397ee2  No.2515294

File: 0a0d5fe51efb5d5⋯.mp4 (950.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, DimpledShrillCanadagoose-m….mp4)

The Queen spots a cow. She is a lizard. She got excited to see a cow.

1f490b  No.2515295


Go back to your first one, clip out the entire hand and finger then paste that on the original at a slight angle.

717efd  No.2515296

>>2514811 (pb)

Not suspended.

Not sure what he/she is actually trying to do. Apparently Q is a Ponzi scheme now.

But has a paypal.me link in their twitter bio and links to YouTube channels.

a69074  No.2515297

File: 5801c4dcd7b6380⋯.jpg (482.62 KB, 3600x2023, 3600:2023, Ls1oF.jpg)

File: 07b6cc20eee2b57⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 516x418, 258:209, PA-LF-01.jpg)

File: ef0a807cd2f84a7⋯.jpg (121.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, American-Psycho.jpg)


Enough with the lens flare scare. We're adults

3d8f32  No.2515298

File: bee7628d6f42d1f⋯.jpeg (26.83 KB, 235x255, 47:51, 4BF4ECED-C965-4388-B4A0-F….jpeg)

83ee89  No.2515299


They sacrificed the 3 year old that had seizures to relieve him of his evil spirits, only found his bones, I bet they ate him, they were all found hungry and thirsty, and then they found the bones of the kid that Georgia child protective services put out the alert for. Glad to see these different government authorities getting some good press for once, too bad it was to late for that boy.

075f5f  No.2515300


Compound was owned by some 'friend'

Guy doing the training's father is an imam in New York, who just happens to be Linda Sarsour's mentor.

357020  No.2515301


colombia must be pissed at Israel. The timing is not insignificant, obviously.

492d89  No.2515302



I love chicks with Scoliosis!

9e6f97  No.2515303


Fuckin hell Leaf are you still banging on with this shit.

No one cares man..

Understand that.

BO is the most based BO we've ever had.

b954ef  No.2515304


why so cryptic danielfag? just spit it out jr

357020  No.2515305


it's lumbar lordosis

fc155b  No.2515306


Proving his point with your 100% faggot shit-tier ancient garbage, you gigantic homo

f16368  No.2515307

File: 3737661a9075dc8⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 255x155, 51:31, rog.jpg)

562dc6  No.2515308

File: d85b890a1e906da⋯.jpeg (32.53 KB, 600x606, 100:101, hitler mein neger.jpeg)

b97be0  No.2515309


Had real life stuff to do

Been gone a few hours

When did anons decide to break the law as a group?


And also decide deceit was warranted instead of truth?

884dc1  No.2515311

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trumpassangekimdance.mp4)


(You)r journey

not mine

64c58d  No.2515312

File: cd6baec96cde97e⋯.jpeg (184.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1_m2TxftKgufz3i_CvdybVJg.jpeg)

d7fa88  No.2515313

File: eb7b09a62dc5e19⋯.png (246.79 KB, 638x359, 638:359, am I disabled.png)

>>2515080 lb


Please delete the above from #3172's notables. AF2 wasn't going home but descending into Grand Rapids, as scheduled. Long day planefagging and I screwed up. My apologies.

3d8f32  No.2515314


No. We used to be adults.

This shit goes on and on when Q invites every waterheaded newfaggot asshole in the planet to come here.

352bf3  No.2515315


All space becomes normie space unless you're willing to fight for it.

ef0a58  No.2515316

File: ba360e76976b8ab⋯.mp4 (13.99 MB, 256x144, 16:9, Gay Frogs Censorship u0026….mp4)

File: 497d9583975374f⋯.jpg (100.97 KB, 919x615, 919:615, ScreenHunter-675.jpg)

Black Pigeon Speaks on AJ and the midterm elections. ( I rather like BPS' way of thinking, but who am I?)

Also, Black Pigeons archival page of the "Complete Sarah Jeong Tweets" for those diggers with depth and all those who are still on the fence regarding her racism (gameplay? faux racism? journalism?). Check it out here:


aaf5c0  No.2515317

File: c4fb12d898a7b7e⋯.png (80.66 KB, 500x303, 500:303, im-good-enough-im-smart-en….png)

821415  No.2515318


Was thinking it more a play on words for extended MIL famalam. Like Gold Star families. Your post worthy of consideration.

a18910  No.2515319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

88780a  No.2515320


Shills are proving Q is real.

Nobody tries to kill mythological creatures.

b56f79  No.2515321


Have you seen the Proofs? We know 100% without a doubt Trump is part of Q.

5ff280  No.2515322


gotcha, no prob

294586  No.2515323

File: c384c9326ed53a5⋯.png (232.49 KB, 282x382, 141:191, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 0c04e795d587db2⋯.png (262.51 KB, 485x378, 485:378, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

fc155b  No.2515324


Is this a joke?

b8bbb7  No.2515325



If this DOES happen, it will NOT be Q supporters. And we don't know what the fuck a "Qanon" supporter is.

b7aed6  No.2515326

File: 95d39e3a270a2e5⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0c41f3ce3416a87f878b605fab….jpg)


There are definitely a ton of karmic disclosures hidden in plain sight on that show…

5b41bd  No.2515327


dubz chekked. Also, notable.


Colombian authorities bust sickening israeli-jew run child sex ring.

d3ea2e  No.2515328

File: ef1dde28d8fc933⋯.png (187.78 KB, 2151x776, 2151:776, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: d85ba7937b7b11f⋯.png (144.8 KB, 1806x655, 1806:655, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 8c8b156de327d98⋯.png (139.82 KB, 1273x811, 1273:811, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 3a528c589e49536⋯.png (97.73 KB, 1606x462, 73:21, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 682090a86d96df2⋯.png (921.98 KB, 1228x1080, 307:270, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

These headlines recapping election night are just as fake as the Q headlines. FAKE NEWS MEDIA.

These people are STUPID.

e74bb8  No.2515329

File: 14431cf3a1a7aee⋯.mp4 (676.78 KB, 640x360, 16:9, trump-joker.mp4)



>What, do you think this is gonna cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place.

56f4eb  No.2515330


He's no JJ Abrams when it comes to LENS FLARE!!!11111 is he?

61c4e3  No.2515332


It's called " lordosis"

562dc6  No.2515333


When old white guys get angry, bad things happen to bad people .

64c58d  No.2515334


this is what Muslim do

verified numerous times

fa3633  No.2515335

File: 3cdc8e85d0e40a0⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 694x512, 347:256, Q drop 07312018_2.jpg)

File: 06e9f8f9e5fe116⋯.jpg (177.02 KB, 1000x597, 1000:597, Q drop 07302018_11.jpg)

File: e7f9eddf4ef9364⋯.jpg (107.17 KB, 490x611, 490:611, Q drop 07252018_8.jpg)

File: a95b142fdeb9be7⋯.jpg (131.16 KB, 573x780, 191:260, Q drop 07242018_7.jpg)

File: 7558234fb0de06a⋯.jpg (139.52 KB, 843x766, 843:766, Q drop 07312018_13.jpg)

b954ef  No.2515336

File: cded67039d8bada⋯.png (360.99 KB, 610x481, 610:481, cded67039d8bada3ba21527b4c….png)


her face is like "oh cow pineal glads will do, for now"

492d89  No.2515337



Why are you so fucking

Smart, Anon!

ee7848  No.2515339



19d6e8  No.2515340





What goes on in the Qresearch thread on 8chan?

This thread has become the epicenter of the INFORMATION WAR which has been raging for decades. Research has been going long before this board but the last 9 months this has been where it has really ramped up.

Who is there?

REAL ANONS, Q, BOARD TEAM, rogue ALPHABET agencies (CIA/MOSSAD etc…) and an array of OTHER interest groups many with their own nefarious agendas.

What goes on there?

REAL ANON'S research while under constant attack, attacks can be verbal, can be visual; gore, porn or pictures of dead bodies (board team are constantly trying to stop this) and an array of other psychological warfare techniques are employed on the REAL ANON'S in an attempt to stop THEIR WORK.

What kind of research do they do?

Research takes several forms but I'd say there are 4 main activities:

1. Researching, documenting and building OUR true HISTORY.

2. Verifying/presenting the actual news and debunking the FALSE NARRATIVES pushed DAILY by the MAINSTREAM MEDIA (MSM). LOOK no further for an example of such than the well known IRAQ WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION lie, Iraq DIDN'T have them but the WORLD DEEP STATE (CABAL) told us Saddam did via their owned and controlled MSM. They used this to justify the murder/genocide of over 500k Iraqi's citizens.

3. Exposing the CORRUPT who have abused power and committed HORRENDOUS crimes against HUMANITY.

4. Converting our research into digestible MEMES to present the TRUTH to the WORLD in a palatable format.

It seems like a conspiracy theory don't you think?

REAL ANON'S have been doing tens of thousands of hours of DEEP research documenting and verifying everything. I ASK readers to ASK THEMSELVES how many HOURS of RESEARCH do THEY do on a topic before labeling it a conspiracy theory and dismissing it? Many will find they do ZERO research. This highlights the level of mental CONDITIONING many are under, you could say the masses have been PROGRAMMED to dismiss anything that doesn't fit in the MSM NARRATIVE we are all told to blindly believe and label it a conspiracy theory. THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY.

What is the desired outcome of all this?

MANY feel the WORLD has been manipulated and dragged into a nightmarish place (hell on EARTH if you will, war, famine, disease, slavery, rape, murder, pedophilia, drugs, crime, sex slavery, terrorism), we want a future of peace and prosperity for everyone, not just the elite who run rough shot over the rest of us. We live in abundant WORLD. TOGETHER we can UNDO the WRONGS of the past and all get along, enjoy OUR diversity and create a FUTURE which offers REAL prospects to FUTURE GENERATIONS.




92c822  No.2515342


If you can't see the flare in front of both the trees AND the smoke, you're blind. Enough, this has been gone over many times since it got posted, you aren't the first to post it.

478d48  No.2515343

7b0747  No.2515344

File: d4c29166ba4354f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 292.66 KB, 500x499, 500:499, ClipboardImage.png)



most newfags wouldn't last on anyother board

this was bound to happen

>Not a single autist left.

I disagree

come to the night shift

83ee89  No.2515345


We used to be adults*…lol

5ff280  No.2515346


>>2514400 Omarosa Secretly Recorded Trump and Played the Audio for People, Sources Say

>>2514465 More than 235,000 Syrians return home since start of Russian military operation

>>2514646 Virginia, Charlottesville declare states of emergency ahead of 'Unite the Right' anniversary

>>2514752 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5

>>2514759 Digging on 5G & effects of waves on humans

>>2514805 Linda Sarsour's jihadi mentor was training kids for school shootings.

>>2514949 Twitter CEO @jack stopped by ‘The Sean Hannity Radio Show’

>>2514985 Nancy Pelosi: Voting for Democrats Gives “Leverage” to Illegal Immigrants

>>2515023 Berkeley Antifa professor Eric Clanton gets off scot free

>>2515078 Today's Q Clock

>>2515079 Collected Planefag Updates

884dc1  No.2515347


repeat the theme

repeat the meme

digits confirm

gotta spponfeed the normies

trust the plantation

562dc6  No.2515348


Isnt it obvious?

294586  No.2515349


OWL (Orbital Weapons-Platform Lancet)

See Q crumbs

3d8f32  No.2515350

File: 438b2f0fbaa791f⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB, 662x800, 331:400, D5F3DB42-2A46-4820-B312-8….jpeg)


You are both retarded faggots

8e3d54  No.2515351


Christ's first miracle was turning water into wine, to keep the party going.

>Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.

John 2:10

77cc6b  No.2515352


jackpot. 7 i feel violations.

223633  No.2515353

File: e2b799accea6b40⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, DejaMoo.jpg)

b8bbb7  No.2515354


>when Q invites every waterheaded newfaggot asshole in the planet to come here.

When did Q do this? Q merely told yo that they were coming. If you didn't prepare as suggested then…

0bde16  No.2515355

File: 5ac9734315e06aa⋯.jpg (92.17 KB, 745x840, 149:168, AbdulElSayed.jpg)


Finally, there it is. The connection.


c4d83c  No.2515356

File: 240d604d2918240⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1267x1268, 1267:1268, ClipboardImage.png)


Women who understand

That beauty does not arise from their biology

But begins with their soul

Are always smiling

And that causes their physical being

To be beautiful

562dc6  No.2515357

File: a93c98a5e38f608⋯.jpg (114.38 KB, 736x935, 736:935, hedy gold star.jpg)

7fd3eb  No.2515359

File: 4cbc2cafe306f82⋯.jpg (256.1 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20180808_164437.jpg)

Meme this.

e712ce  No.2515360




Supporting Nassim is supporting violence.

debf79  No.2515361



aba7bb  No.2515362



c80799  No.2515363


Thanks. It is a good distraction

f937f7  No.2515365

File: dd4987e888eca05⋯.png (81.98 KB, 517x498, 517:498, 2018-08-08_17-27-56.png)

File: 2eb5555ae1818ff⋯.png (106.65 KB, 191x300, 191:300, 2018-08-08_17-45-55.png)

File: 6ccc5cac0edc694⋯.png (630.75 KB, 435x761, 435:761, 2018-08-08_17-45-25.png)



108039  No.2515366

File: 630149eaac31b62⋯.png (13.84 KB, 744x178, 372:89, kobach.PNG)

kobach news!!

popcorn please

d51b86  No.2515367


Maybe there's a civil rights case the feds could pick up against this scum.

9d7a6e  No.2515368

File: bb25bb2c54ff3d5⋯.jpg (3.14 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1524765232566s.jpg)

18431e  No.2515369

File: 95cb2dab24a52d4⋯.png (394.49 KB, 698x453, 698:453, Just what do U do here.png)

7cea08  No.2515371


"When you're 4 years old and like 2."

7b0747  No.2515372


gotta lurk moar anon

I don't like Nasim, but she's a meme

nasimfags gonna nasimfag

3a5698  No.2515374


Gawd, I don't care how it goes, is so favorite-like!

3d8f32  No.2515375


Digits confirm

There is hope for night shift

But this shit?


77cc6b  No.2515376

File: 22271b18f6c6a2b⋯.jpg (518.75 KB, 2301x1910, 2301:1910, 1523160391.jpg)

69cb95  No.2515377


anon really?

I opened up for MONTHS ON MONTHS

where were you?

were you one of those that filtered Daniel?

sworry anon… GO BACK


e74bb8  No.2515378




c1eff7  No.2515379


I am concerned about how closely these GOP candidates are winning, but I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely due to voter fraud, which I'm hoping gets sorted out by November.

0739c4  No.2515380


OK, quit posting this shit in the bread, we've seen it enough.

470186  No.2515381


I love waking up early and going through the overnight bread.

You guys do old work.

Day shift is a shit show through and through.

Like watching Dale and Brennan fighting in the front yard.

223633  No.2515383


A glance at this image made me think of the Addams Family.

2cf6a7  No.2515384

File: 6992623db982117⋯.png (545.5 KB, 953x660, 953:660, Crazy ny democrats SOCIALI….png)

File: 96793fd370fd4bf⋯.png (542.94 KB, 953x660, 953:660, Crazy ny democratsSTRIKES ….png)

File: e535e884afa5578⋯.png (530.57 KB, 953x660, 953:660, Crazy ny democratsLOST EM ….png)

File: a7142a9b10f0937⋯.png (532.33 KB, 953x660, 953:660, Crazy ny democratsWE ARE G….png)

c86446  No.2515385

File: 2644023ae1d21e0⋯.png (75.46 KB, 921x367, 921:367, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


BREAKING: Hamas has fired more than 70 rockets into Southern Israel on Wednesday night promoting the IDF to pound terror targets in Gaza.

1f490b  No.2515386

File: 149dc34b26266ba⋯.jpg (188.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Ants 3.jpg)


It is a pretty easy thing to do with a large array of satellite reflectors aiming at a target. I would be very surprised if this tech doesn't exist, simply because I could build it. Therefore they certainly have perfected it long ago.

Don't know if that photo you got is legit though.

a69074  No.2515387


Then you shouldn't have a problem with the President confirming it.

Because this half-assery is getting old.

And, the left is becoming concerned. They get curious, they get on 8chan and see a bunch of

Stupid fucking racist, antisemetic bullshit

and they create judgements in their head. What better way to seal the coffin than to call us racists, but to put the cherry on top and call us stupid, gullible, racists.

Getting confirmation would inoculate us to this. We need to approach this as scientists, not worshipers.

470186  No.2515389


Good work

I’m old.


c4d83c  No.2515390

File: fd1b2f6daf1e711⋯.jpg (79.72 KB, 558x800, 279:400, HeleneVonVetsera.jpg)


Hedy Lamar of Hollywood

Here is Adolf Hitler's Grandma

Helene Vetsera

Moonchild rituals?

Black magic?

8b97de  No.2515391


>Sure, his parents will pay to settle out of court

What do you mean 'parents'? He is a grown ass man and a professor.

e712ce  No.2515392


They support her, they support the violence she performed.

There fore the post earlier is BULLSHIT!

858e32  No.2515394

File: 784e2c8957d77ac⋯.jpg (302.51 KB, 950x892, 475:446, hola madame do you have a ….jpg)

562dc6  No.2515395


Sorry, it's just the tar and feathering of Bill Kristol. That's all we got on for the weekend.

c762ec  No.2515396

File: a04be4caf523667⋯.png (743.1 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, AZAZ0909 Austin Tx_2018-08….png)

AZAZ0909 - confirmed landing Austin-Bergstrom.

2cf6a7  No.2515397

File: 8ee29f433dcbd06⋯.png (147.35 KB, 301x392, 43:56, not this shit again.png)

492d89  No.2515398


Dude, I posted pics from Rachel Chandler's account on tumbler that I thought were strange with kids…I got my ASS REAMED for posting!

I am so fucking careful about posting ANYTHING with kids on this board!

And I understand wholeheartedly.

Even though we may be doing research and trying to make other Anons aware, we have to take into consideration of the children that we are posting photos of.

I quit posting such photos, even if for research.

I will mention if I think there is something not right, but I won't post images anymore of kids.

b97be0  No.2515399


I have seen many "proofs" being spread on social media that are easily debunked

Obviously to make one doubt the actual "proofs"

Anti Q media personalities are using the questionable proofs and shredding them in seconds - then of course saying,

"see fake / larp / hoax "

5f9ca0  No.2515401

File: 48a2bfb627c1155⋯.jpg (260.12 KB, 1168x617, 1168:617, ISLAM BETTER THAN DEMOCRAC….jpg)


>>2514805 Linda Sarsour's jihadi mentor was training kids for school shootings.

BAKER - Above Notable should read "mentor's son" was training...

10578a  No.2515402

File: 8ea683e3dd9753d⋯.png (927.98 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, highest-ranking-anon-EAGLE….png)

File: b664a23eb1edfbc⋯.png (606.09 KB, 649x549, 649:549, highest-ranking-anon-EAGLE….png)

File: 62e439ea6fcf4e4⋯.png (748.84 KB, 797x449, 797:449, highest-ranking-anon-EAGLE….png)

File: 0c63f28ff9374b5⋯.png (491.41 KB, 600x340, 30:17, highest-ranking-anon-EAGLE….png)

File: 2e0a19c589a2084⋯.png (714.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, highest-ranking-anon-EAGLE….png)

Highest Ranking Anon meme's from late last night!

f7a0c9  No.2515403

File: ed34729bb808871⋯.png (269.15 KB, 485x532, 485:532, nasimdelet.png)

4dd09d  No.2515404

File: 464936a9a7ffb24⋯.png (277.1 KB, 670x562, 335:281, Screenshot_2.png)

821415  No.2515405


<think mirror

56f4eb  No.2515406

File: 8b2796ee1a4e8b6⋯.jpg (257.56 KB, 1812x585, 604:195, AZAZ0909 8 Aug 18 2245.jpg)

AZAZ0909 on final approach into Austin. Strangely, it was showing GND as the altitude for the last 10km into the airport - maybe it drove there?

223633  No.2515407

File: 918b4ab6369a229⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 398x398, 1:1, HobbesMaul.jpg)


Hey, the supporters can do what they want. Us QAnons won't be involved.

18431e  No.2515409

File: e257fda7d6ad77f⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 300x300, 1:1, concern trolls.jpg)

a4a4d3  No.2515410

File: 52a270a7b6d1e28⋯.png (678.94 KB, 483x597, 161:199, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)


Leftist or Shill.

Big world Anon…go get you some and leave us losers to play in peace why don't you?? We aren't a threat to anyone but bad guys.


debf79  No.2515411

Devin Nunes says 'pay close attention': Top Obama DOJ official Bruce Ohr will become 'more and more important'

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said on Monday that Bruce Ohr, a former top official in the Justice Department, will become "more and more important" as GOP lawmakers look for evidence of power abuse and corruption at the highest levels of the Obama administration.

"I think people should pay close attention to it," the California Republican said to Fox News' Sean Hannity.

Nunes was referring to findings that suggest Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled the Trump dossier on behalf of the Clinton campaign, kept supplying allegations to the FBI after the 2016 election, even though by that point he was terminated as a source by the bureau for giving confidential information to the media.


a18910  No.2515413

File: eb76b588339dac7⋯.jpg (385.84 KB, 720x481, 720:481, DSC8234-e1533762158959.jpg)

Eric Clanton takes 3-year probation deal in Berkeley rally bike lock assault case

A former East Bay college philosophy professor who was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal.

Eric Clanton had been linked by police to violent assaults with a metal bike lock during a “free speech” rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017. Before his arrest, Clanton had been “outed” online, on the website 4chan, as someone who used a bike lock to strike a man in the head. The assault was captured in a video clip (below) that drew widespread attention and anger after it was posted on YouTube.

Wednesday, Clanton was supposed to have had his preliminary hearing, where a judge decides whether there’s enough evidence in a case for it to move ahead to trial. Instead, there was no hearing, and information about Clanton’s plea deal became available online.

According to Alameda County Superior Court records, Clanton entered a “no contest” plea Wednesday to one misdemeanor battery charge. The felony charges against him were dismissed, and an allegation that he had caused serious bodily injury was stricken. A misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime also was dropped.

Clanton’s three years of probation begin Wednesday and last through Aug. 8, 2021.

Police said, previously, that Clanton attacked at least three people with a metal U-lock during the April 15 rally in and around Civic Center Park. Court papers later revealed that Clanton struck at least seven people in the head, according to authorities. One person received a head laceration that required five staples to fix. Another was uninjured but had a piece of a helmet broken off. A third was struck across the neck and back, police wrote.


e712ce  No.2515414

File: 5d3fafdc837a317⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 399x384, 133:128, 5d3fafdc837a317d56b2496cbd….jpg)


Eat your fill, bitch!

352bf3  No.2515415

File: 568bdea2556044c⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 650x1147, 650:1147, DkGiVXjXsAc-LpN.jpg)


>BO is the most based BO we've ever had.

true story.

pic of BO in his earlier days

81adea  No.2515416


Unfriended! Democrat drives to man's house and shoots him after heated political disagreement on Facebook

Brian Sebring, 44, of Tampa, Florida, was arrested for shooting Alex Stephens, 46, also of Tampa, in the thigh and buttocks after their online disagreement

Police say the row was sparked by a political disagreement on Facebook

Stephens reportedly began sending Sebring 'explicit messages and threats'

Sebring then armed himself with an AR-15 and Glock, drove round to Stephens' house just two miles away from his own home, and opened fire

7b0747  No.2515417


..its rough

NOTABLY since the 31st Tampa rally

I think that brought out a fuck load of lurkers

but I still get shit done, usually off bread though


kek gotcha, its just calm so discussion, research, and shit can get done

8a884c  No.2515418

I listened to AJ a few times..

Got his number early and shut him out..

BUT.. free speech is for ALL.. Agree or not…

I actually have no respect for AJ.. But will fight for his rights..

BUT I know this was a Cabal FF ..

9bedb3  No.2515419



I told you faggots Nassim is a shill tactic. Every Nassim poster glows.

2cf6a7  No.2515420

File: 6f2c56e89aafc1a⋯.png (99.17 KB, 301x392, 43:56, not this shit again2.png)



1d3679  No.2515421

File: 5bce33537b0d82c⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 1654x1654, 1:1, jordanpeterson.jpg)

c86446  No.2515422

File: 0054fbd2a703e40⋯.png (36.56 KB, 259x304, 259:304, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

e70550  No.2515423

File: 89deb5aeec82f0a⋯.png (125 KB, 305x300, 61:60, btw (2).PNG)

4ee5fb  No.2515425

File: b480c9edba1ccb7⋯.jpg (113.5 KB, 1970x800, 197:80, 9r;9623ryi;7dfx29273l7o.jpg)

File: 648c0bda7c47eb3⋯.jpg (211.93 KB, 1076x1222, 538:611, ;lu5wku537o3i5634w 23.45.4….jpg)

File: 2e17cdc9aad8075⋯.jpg (218.88 KB, 1392x1090, 696:545, 15726ryu2tyientyinwrhwgyte.jpg)





Olli Backman FB

https:// so-so.facebook.com/people/Olli-Backman/100002265741982




f42179  No.2515426

File: 25383cbb6daf321⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 500x370, 50:37, eager_concerned_cunt.jpg)


>the left is becoming concerned

kys concernfag

efdfda  No.2515427

File: 2fa3da4873d074f⋯.jpg (258.87 KB, 899x506, 899:506, larp.jpg)

0cc560  No.2515429


Looks like Deep State is pushing hard to get us into a war again

56f4eb  No.2515430


Only 70? I expected at least six million… isn't that the usual number?

3d8f32  No.2515431


She is Pretty

aaf5c0  No.2515435


Only shill faggots Notable their own posts.

Also, only shill cunts say stupid fucking shit like what you just said.

No "QAnon" supporters are planning anything like that

0Hour, you need to go watch your retarded brother. He's eating paste again

0e0efe  No.2515437

3d8f32  No.2515438

332727  No.2515440

File: 26d8215f4c610a2⋯.png (187.98 KB, 490x397, 490:397, Lamarr-Stars-and-Stripes.png)

File: 9d34694865f5197⋯.jpg (496.43 KB, 1702x1634, 851:817, hedy_times.jpg)

3a5698  No.2515441


WTF? I never clicked that!

This be the one:


492d89  No.2515442


I like her.

My almonds approve!

9d7a6e  No.2515443


Lets be real the "holocause" actually happened but it just wasn't what the Jews said it was. It was retaliation for the Holodomor, Bolsheviks deserved it. Since Jews owned the media they just played it off like the Bolsheviks were dindus. The event happened but everything we were told about it was a lie. The holocaust saved Christians from marauding atheistic Jews. It should be celebrated but the entities that started WW2 are still in control of the public eye

8a884c  No.2515445


yea.. pretty dead

b7aed6  No.2515446

File: e62b7051b2f6b84⋯.jpg (170.29 KB, 625x500, 5:4, captain america1.jpg)

File: 4a61c0dfada5e20⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 671x1000, 671:1000, Adm Rogers is Captain Amer….jpg)

File: 2900fd90c911044⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 178x255, 178:255, Captain America.jpg)

Not as many meme's being made of people in the Alliance.

Mattis has a few.

Not many of Adm. Rogers?

No love for the REAL Captain America? :)

562dc6  No.2515447

File: 15bead8e24cd7e5⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 552x310, 276:155, hitler reichin gball.jpg)

0bde16  No.2515448



8b97de  No.2515449


This asshole trying to tie Q anons up into VIOLENCE.


1ecf01  No.2515450

File: cb6b5bce28b5f96⋯.png (37.38 KB, 577x366, 577:366, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh I understand quite a number of things 'chump.

But what's more important are the Patriotic Anons on this board who are trying their best every day to get more informed about Q, being shit on needlessly by the overwhelming amount of clowns who have been allowed to run free by mr 2bit himself.

a69074  No.2515451


I am concerned. There's a lot of uncareful fags on here with a lot of unwarranted confidence.

223633  No.2515452

File: 58d4daccb91c780⋯.png (333.57 KB, 850x563, 850:563, GeneticStoopidity.png)


Funny, I don't know a single true anon who "flipped" on Q.

4dd09d  No.2515453


I don't think so. Egypt holds the most responsibility for containing the bombings.

e712ce  No.2515454


Pretty…as in pretty fucking dead bitch.

f7a0c9  No.2515455

File: 9ea14411642583d⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2112x1191, 704:397, pepemovie_.png)

>>2515410 kek

I hear ya, anon…don't know what all these (((faggots))) are gettin' so worked up over. I'm just sitting quietly enjoying the movie. Sheesh!

18431e  No.2515456

aaf5c0  No.2515457


Yup. I'm sitting in jail right now

19d6e8  No.2515458

File: 575bff25ddc6698⋯.png (634.31 KB, 1464x753, 488:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06a227b5386b582⋯.png (486.58 KB, 1472x801, 1472:801, ClipboardImage.png)

Deep State Changes Narrative on Russia from “Election Meddling” to “Election Involvement”


0771d0  No.2515459

Serious Qwestion

Are planefags the most powerful race in the world?

2faeae  No.2515460

File: 07fb04e68204ede⋯.png (15.05 KB, 428x370, 214:185, Screenshot_2018-08-08 Q(3).png)

File: addf5383705aee1⋯.png (5.64 KB, 442x153, 26:9, Screenshot_2018-08-08 Q(2).png)

File: 5ad8bf02bcfabe7⋯.png (3.57 KB, 428x135, 428:135, Screenshot_2018-08-08 Q(1).png)

File: 2b0db18445ab9c1⋯.png (6.68 KB, 430x116, 215:58, Screenshot_2018-08-08 Q.png)


5ff280  No.2515461



56f4eb  No.2515462


Forever Young?

I saw that film.

d7fa88  No.2515463

File: 26df4d07616bcd0⋯.png (128.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Pepe okay.png)


Kek. Apparently so. I loved that show. o7

b56f79  No.2515464


I am the one who suggested we ask POTUS if he was Q. I wasnt asking for my sake of confirming. I already know. I just think it would be glorious if Trump responded to us anons. I mean POTUS has 53.6 million followers the exposure would blow up the internet. BUTTT I do understand we want this on live camera.

e712ce  No.2515465



Look at all the shooter pics in here.

ba4101  No.2515466


wow they're all……………………men

74abc2  No.2515467


Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

c4d83c  No.2515468


And not the first liberal to spend far too many years living in his parents basement. People dug this info way back when the crimes first happened

2c4cbb  No.2515469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Have some music for the good explanation.

a18910  No.2515470

File: 68745c10105cc82⋯.jpg (414.33 KB, 720x481, 720:481, DSC8229-e1533761347364.jpg)


Chances of him breaking probation?

19d6e8  No.2515471




f38f36  No.2515472


How cool is that!?!?

c86446  No.2515473

File: 16a16bf315cb568⋯.png (181.94 KB, 918x433, 918:433, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

492d89  No.2515474


Tell that to the Qanon supporters in Portland.

Try to tell them not to be violent.

Get fucked!

2faeae  No.2515475


Thoughts anons on Wave and sealed docs?

3d8f32  No.2515476


You are not even the shadow of an autist you disgusting fucking newfag

This is great. Reddit just keeps humming along but 8chan has to die cause of you chickendicks?


b8bbb7  No.2515477

File: 4402c34540edebe⋯.png (251.88 KB, 932x398, 466:199, ClipboardImage.png)

1ecf01  No.2515478


They are trained experts at keeping people groveling over nothing and fighting with everyone but the real enemy.

This isn't a game.

562dc6  No.2515479

File: d9e1aa7301fc405⋯.png (113.78 KB, 500x482, 250:241, pepe winners arent losers.png)



The msm needs to read this book.

352bf3  No.2515480


Yeah because Jews wouldn't bomb their own people or allies to provoke a war.

dc7afc  No.2515481


It doesn't get any more DIRECT than that.

We've linked Q proof to coffee cups in the past for crying out loud.

8a884c  No.2515482


If the DEMS win in 2020, U can bet we will be all round up and end up in the fema camp with all those guillotines

ba4101  No.2515483



e4de79  No.2515484

File: d05605d91d22602⋯.jpg (65.73 KB, 681x557, 681:557, Dir 5 pdf.JPG)

File: 3cb6a9bd3c6e6ba⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 241x179, 241:179, Dir 5 5.5.JPG)

File: 01b9eed4f8c8bb4⋯.jpg (32.31 KB, 621x208, 621:208, Dir 5 5.5 b.JPG)

File: a7694e04b4357ce⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 584x227, 584:227, Dir 5 5.5 c.JPG)

File: 9ac13aaacedec74⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 664x310, 332:155, Dir 5 5.5 d.JPG)

>>2514752 lb

DOD Directive 5525.5

... so this appears to legally give the Feds (NSA included) the authority to collect criminal evidence, the way I read this (Enclosure 2).





223633  No.2515485

File: 1138f4e7fcb1d2c⋯.jpg (45.84 KB, 500x382, 250:191, Handbasket.jpg)

19d6e8  No.2515486

File: 71341cd6aed577a⋯.png (632.92 KB, 753x486, 251:162, ClipboardImage.png)

900eb6  No.2515487

File: be91309d5591398⋯.png (673.91 KB, 720x481, 720:481, No Media Violence.png)

604902  No.2515488

File: b597b9aaf8f35ba⋯.jpeg (247.92 KB, 640x637, 640:637, 52FF993F-0D05-4084-8DC6-3….jpeg)


3a5698  No.2515489


Try again, bunkie. The Holohoax was created to drive people into Israel because the Heeb population wasn't growing as planned, and to get rid of those in the Tribe who weren't Zionists.

8e3d54  No.2515490

File: e1b9bd00fc622c9⋯.png (97.73 KB, 260x194, 130:97, ClipboardImage.png)

9e6f97  No.2515491

Five posts of whinging, pissing & moaning and no positive contributions 3d8f32


> Q inadvertently killed the chans.


>You can’t even blow me shit right. This is sad and embarrassing.


>Super Mega Ultra Gay


>No. We used to be adults.

>This shit goes on and on when Q invites every waterheaded newfaggot asshole in the planet

>to come here


>You are both retarded faggots

It's time you left

Please close the door on your way out.

c455f7  No.2515492

File: 7e1b5cb8c65de0b⋯.png (405.1 KB, 720x514, 360:257, sssss.png)

f16368  No.2515493

File: 9143ac6aabf4119⋯.png (259.65 KB, 600x640, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)

5b41bd  No.2515494


Correct. Multiple crossing plans.

We will win.

77cc6b  No.2515495

File: ac07de7cbf8ef5a⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 225x304, 225:304, gotmilkbynes.jpg)


seriously worried about offending the left

ef0a58  No.2515496

File: 1574d1649cd2634⋯.mp4 (13.75 MB, 636x360, 53:30, Speed Boat CRASH with Seve….mp4)


true that.

We've had it with ups and downs.

Attacks would intensify we were warned, don't come crying now.

New eyes and loads of craptards were bound to happen I concur.

Remember George Carlin: you know how stupid an average person can be? Realize half the population is (way) more stupid than that! 'nuff said. I'll give a good off-topic example just for giggles (vid).

My recipe is to take some quality time off the chans and into the wild and adventurous RL once in a while, then come back.

76a3d1  No.2515498


are you suggesting that this pic is CP….???

47cdd3  No.2515499

File: 5d3e5c079d129c4⋯.jpeg (68.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 46B13C46-67FD-4788-AEC6-6….jpeg)

File: 81402108ad9d47e⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, IMG_2558.JPG)

File: 7b664f0f8bc3a77⋯.jpeg (240.92 KB, 1305x1857, 435:619, 7637EDA2-CCD5-46D1-86D7-C….jpeg)


5511a6  No.2515500

File: dabafa60dff12f9⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 480x250, 48:25, MOAB-Mother-of-All-Bombs.jpg)


I need a MOAB — Q

I need please

0cc560  No.2515501


Shill are we?

38ab1d  No.2515502

US Republican congressman Chris Collins charged for insider trading


US prosecutors have charged Republican congressman Chris Collins for insider trading relating to a drug trial at an Australian pharmaceutical company on whose board he served.

Key points:

Insider tips led to trades which helped avert $1 million in losses

Chris Collins held 17 per cent stake in Innate Immunotherapeutics

Collins removed from House Energy and Commerce Committee

The indictment also charged Mr Collins' son Cameron, as well as Stephen Zarsky, the father of Cameron Collins' fiancee.

According to the indictment, Chris Collins sat on the board of North Melbourne-based Innate Immunotherapeutics and held a 16.8 per cent stake in the company.

The indictment said the congressman passed on non-public tips about Innate's trial for a drug to treat progressive multiple sclerosis to his son, who then passed the tips to Mr Zarsky.

Cameron Collins, Mr Zarsky and a number of others who they passed the tips on to traded on the information, and avoided more than $US768,000 ($1.03 million) in losses by selling before results of the trial, which ultimately failed, became public, the indictment said.

The company's stock went on to fall by more than 90 per cent.

310a9a  No.2515503

have I jumped on the concern fag train by mistake? This is a really fucked up day!

♦ Congressman whose seat was completely safe indicted on charges that read like a cartoon writer wrote the dialogue and achme will drop the boulder on later

♦ Georgia precinct exposes nearly 3 times the number of votes cast than registered voters even exist

♦ training camp for kids to become school shooters exposed

♦ Green party being blamed for sabotaging the dems win in Ohio despite the lack of votes to secure a win even if every vote of Green went blue

♦ Kansas and Ohio being held back as too close to call

♦POTUS tweets RED WAVE when only 200k voters voted ( just over 100k being R ) while over 500k are registered. Red wave? that wasn't even a pinkish color of humidity

I hate today! I hold faithful to the bigger picture and I trust the plan but I hate today

This is a fucked up day!

d3ea2e  No.2515504

File: 56123f36ae66a7d⋯.png (945.48 KB, 1364x1274, 682:637, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 402fafbdf3b82bb⋯.png (666.04 KB, 937x1133, 937:1133, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)



9d2bb5  No.2515505


The best way to kill a Fungus is to deny it oxygen.

a4a4d3  No.2515506



This thing with Canada & SA & MbS is HUGE!!

b97be0  No.2515507


>Is he just doing the wolf in sheep's clothing routine or has be been flipped?

He sounded free to me

562dc6  No.2515508


I lost all my CFR research on her breasts.

2cf6a7  No.2515509

File: 8c651928c2ad858⋯.gif (512.03 KB, 352x240, 22:15, antifa gets real.gif)


we kinda like it

294586  No.2515510

File: 9f728d2ad02c05d⋯.png (134.95 KB, 472x276, 118:69, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


You can't see you are agreeing?

9d7a6e  No.2515511

File: 977e93477e63781⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 309x282, 103:94, 1519420865640.jpg)


They are S tier autists but time will show emergence of new NEETforms. As this weaponization of civilian assets grows, so shall the roster of roles…. I really have no idea wtf I am talking about but it sounds good

56f4eb  No.2515512


They can dox the fuck out of me and lock me up. I could do with a rest after working for nearly 40 years. Three hots and a cot will do me fine.

3d8f32  No.2515513


No. You are dead.

You…yes you…think this will all go away if you come here and kvetch for hours on end.

I don’t think so.

Nasim took the shit to the man.

You are a weak pile of shit

19d6e8  No.2515514

File: 5a5fe65d9a66b3d⋯.png (50.95 KB, 740x808, 185:202, ClipboardImage.png)

Two MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murder in Aid of Racketeering and Other Charges


5f9ca0  No.2515515

File: 7bdc9c91a2f4ae9⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 736x489, 736:489, trump pepe selfy.jpg)




8a884c  No.2515517


don't need this on every bread…

ur getting to be a pain…

unproductive post ..


c86446  No.2515518

File: 954dd784d30e68b⋯.png (442.8 KB, 1213x1297, 1213:1297, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


A total of 15 Israelis are injured by 36 Palestinian terrorist bombings from Gaza Strip



aaf5c0  No.2515519


I see it now…It's proof you are retarded

71d28c  No.2515520

File: ced1aedbe2f66b5⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1462x1795, 1462:1795, DSCN1526SDC.JPG)

Good Evening Anon's!

352bf3  No.2515521

File: 3be28732061a2e1⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 954x499, 954:499, DiLpsm9VMAYWjsm.jpg)

f3e028  No.2515522

File: db8b94998176c33⋯.png (283.42 KB, 700x466, 350:233, angry_jew.png)

61e79f  No.2515523


If it's time lapse maybe something blew in and fell?

2cf6a7  No.2515524

File: e7e38c49df6663d⋯.png (640.88 KB, 756x490, 54:35, don't be shilly.png)

b5921d  No.2515525

File: c30eed331a823ad⋯.png (184.07 KB, 451x857, 451:857, qp-rw1.png)

Red Wave

77cc6b  No.2515526


the anon concept has not settled firmly into this one. this may be an entirely new category for violations.

47cdd3  No.2515527


Chlorine or salt too

223633  No.2515528

File: 0a3a00b2b57036b⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 599x383, 599:383, AGame!.jpg)

478d48  No.2515529



someone shoot this screaming head?

2faeae  No.2515530

File: 71a92f9b44227b4⋯.png (483.25 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, #Q-PixTeller-227879.png)

a168e1  No.2515531


Thanks, Patriot. Alex Jones is not perfect by any means. The man probably has a drinking problem, frankly, and is super emotional at times. But overall he is incredibly brave, rational, and at times amazingly insightful in his understanding of events. Yes, two decades he has been fighting very hard to wake up the general populace and has succeeded to a large degree.

Yes, he's highly flawed, but he's also a kind of national treasure. It's time to stop condemning the man and respect and acknowledge the years of work he's put in. It's worth nothing that even though Jones does NOT and probably CANNOT expose the Jewish problem, even IN SPITE OF THIS he is being attached by the Jewish media and intelligentsia.

Q would not even be here in its current incarnation if it were not for the deep prep work Jones did in breaking down, in great waves of analysis, the massive media conditioning we have suffered for decades. This took years, and he did it. Please refrain from piling on one of the greats who broke ground for all of us.

e1bd4f  No.2515532

File: 0a47d41f5909731⋯.jpg (675.62 KB, 1411x2050, 1411:2050, hell burp.jpg)

File: 69e888a021b53f8⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 464x487, 464:487, NFL terror.jpg)


Anons have the meme of the NFL in 2025 bowing to Allah? Shit just got real with the Kaepernick connection to Sarsour's school shooting mentor.

492d89  No.2515533



They want to bash our heads with clubs and bicycle locks…fuck em!

We've had enough!

Stupid Qanon guidelines are faggot bullshit to make us look like we are just going to take it up the ass!

Push to shove…we will win!

Get real.

2c4cbb  No.2515534



We'll need to make plans for some art supplies. Anons will pepe the fuck out of that jail.

c8f4b8  No.2515535

File: 5ff25cda3489712⋯.png (50.13 KB, 921x367, 921:367, correct-version.png)

562dc6  No.2515536

File: c39a1885a9e25cb⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 500x604, 125:151, JEB DERP MEME.jpg)

19d6e8  No.2515537

File: 0cbad00a231575c⋯.png (10.18 KB, 492x143, 492:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9058128e5214632⋯.png (12.11 KB, 482x176, 241:88, ClipboardImage.png)

NASTY PELOSI Calls Republicans a ‘Rampant Culture of Corruption’ After GOP Rep Arrested For Securities Fraud

Congressman Chris Collins, a Republican (and 1st lawmaker to endorse Trump) representing the 27th district in New York, was arrested for securities fraud on Wednesday.

The Congressman pleaded not guilty.

Nancy Pelosi, one of the wealthiest members of Congress said on Wednesday that the charges against Collins show the rampant corruption and self-enrichment among Republicans in Washington today.

Does anyone in the media have the guts to ask Pelosi, Feinstein and Maxine Waters how they’re worth millions of dollars on a relatively modest salary?

Feinstein’s husband raked in millions of dollars on his Chinese investments whilst a Chinese spy worked for the Democrat Senator for 20 years, but only the Republicans have a problem with corruption and self-enrichment according to Pelosi.

The NY Daily News reported:

The Republican lawmaker, one of President Trump’s earliest supporters, is accused of sharing inside information about a biotechnology company with his son and the father of his son’s fiancée in a scheme that allowed them to dodge nearly $800,000 in stock losses, prosecutors say.

Manhattan federal prosecutors say the upstate New York congressman was at a White House picnic when he tipped off his son Cameron Collins, 25, that a new multiple sclerosis drug had failed a medical trial — a crushing blow for a company whose fate rested with the medication.

Cameron Collins immediately dumped more than 1 million shares of Innate stock and passed along the news to his fiancée’s father Stephen Zarsky, 66, and others, the indictment says.

The public announcement of the failed drug trials caused the Innate stock price to plummet 92%. By dumping their shares early, the Collins clan managed to skirt stock losses totaling $768,000, the indictment says.

“Congressman Collins cheated our markets and our justice system in two ways,” Berman said. “First he tipped his son to confidential corporate information at the expense of regular investors and then he lied about it to law enforcement to cover it up.”

The three defendants surrendered to authorities Wednesday. They were arraigned in Manhattan Federal Court on a raft of charges including securities fraud, wire fraud and making false statements to the FBI.

The trio, after pleading not guilty, were freed on $500,000 bail. Collins, 68, kept his mouth shut as he left the courthouse surrounded by a scrum of reporters and photographers, and hopped into a black SUV.

Although the Buffalo mayor called on Chris Collins to resign, he refused to give up his seat.

In a statement through his lawyers, Collins said, “We will answer the charges filed against Congressman Collins in court and will mount a vigorous defense to clear his good name,” said lawyers Jonathan Barr and Jonathan New. “It is notable that even the government does not allege that Congressman Collins traded a single share of Innate Therapeutics stock. We are confident he will be completely vindicated and exonerated,” The New York Daily News reported.

Rep. Chris Collins will be holding a press conference at 6:30 PM ET Wednesday evening.

Via Congress reporter Chad Pergram: GOP NY Rep Collins to hold press conference at 6:30 pm et in Buffalo “to address the charges filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.”


8c21be  No.2515538

File: fc346b26f2590e1⋯.png (66.16 KB, 480x812, 120:203, Screenshot_2018-08-08-14-5….png)

Trump supporter's will support Trump no matter what.

Still don't know who can challenge Trump yet.

ee7848  No.2515539



56f4eb  No.2515540


Sixleventy millionty gajillionty. And they still wouldn't be happy.

1dafdb  No.2515541


Watch CA?

1f490b  No.2515542

File: 4a9d788d293adfc⋯.png (465.2 KB, 1507x753, 1507:753, MakeNoReports.png)


We only want to reduce it.

e7bf24  No.2515543


>seriously deformed spine

"Lordosis", anon

6495ff  No.2515544


Speaking of pickaxes, what idiot thought naming bread #3171 "Get Your Pickaxes" was a good idea?

adccbc  No.2515545


Disinformation is necessary

Let the clowns get nice and comfy

3d8f32  No.2515546


No fuckface! It’s time YOU left!

I was here long before your ass. I’ll probably be here to pick up the pieces when you blow on somewhere else, you trendy newfag scum.

You have no respect for what this place is.

Any fucking oldfag KNOWS and it is way past to to speak the fuck up

0e425d  No.2515547

File: f1fab1486276781⋯.png (747.96 KB, 1365x631, 1365:631, Screenshot_2018-08-08 Tare….png)



They’re all Siraj Wahhaj’s family

b97be0  No.2515548


Not all C_A are bad

Get a grip on reality

a69074  No.2515549


I think it would be a mature move. This a chance to exercise humility. To at least exercise the prospect that we are wrong. If we do that, and Q is real, The red wave will turn into a absolute paradigm shift.


I wouldn't say I'm seriously worried about what the left thinks, but you have to imagine what it would be like to be wrong about everything. This is humility. If we are wrong then I would moreso be worried about what the left thinks, because well they do a lot of the hiring and firing.

It's time we started getting some insurance on this risk. Nobody gets in a car and plans to have an accident, but we have insurance for a reason.

I'd say, the more that you love and worship Q, the more healthy it is to have concern.

Because God should be your only source of faith.

b25435  No.2515550

File: d3a625ea989fb66⋯.png (107.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-08-22-5….png)

4e27f8  No.2515551


You going to wake up the World all by yourself?

81adea  No.2515552


When the going gets tough, the "tough" run like little girls:

a18910  No.2515553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never Forget - 3 years probation

92c822  No.2515554

File: ced00966127c91e⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 495x495, 1:1, 3b5593f1824a05e21ab0956430….jpg)


>Q would not even be here in its current incarnation if it were not for the deep prep work Jones did in

Stopped reading. GTFO. Jones is not THAT big of a deal in the community.

aba7bb  No.2515555


Something was fishy about Nassim story

witnesses said that they say a man in body armor doing the shooting she was a patsy

4825fa  No.2515556




>>2515502 US Republican congressman Chris Collins charged for insider trading

>>2515484 DOD Directive 5525.5

>>2515146 Son of Imam Linked to WTC Bombing Kept Children in ‘Filthy’ Compound, Allegedly Trained Them to Shoot Up Schools

7b0747  No.2515557


kys faggot shill

go back to twatter where the rest of your soyboy frens are

b2a4cc  No.2515558

Truism: an undoubted or self-evident truth; especially : one too obvious for mention .

1. POTUS elections are actually POTUS selection by the oligarchs.

2. No POTUS candidate gets a party nominee without being pre-controlled in some way shape or form.

3. Electronic voting machines have been comped since the Bush era.

4. Candidate speeches of all candidates "sounds good". Trump included. Actions after election are what matters.

5. Trump team used data analysis firms (ala CaAn types) to craft specific propaganda for certain demographics in order to win.

6. The way most POTUSs get elected is by sounding populist during the campaign. This is what Trump did.

7. The media actually enhanced Trump as a candidate by attacking him.

8. The oligarchs love making a person they control looked "uncontrolled".

9. Most wars in the ME are for the Israelis interests and not American interests.

10. Trumps finances was largely from Jewish real estate magnates in NY.

11. Trump was in massive debt. (he owed people things, in particular bankers)

12. The Jewish bankers didn't call in that debt during the campaign. (Did they after???)

13. NY bankers answer to London bankers.

14. Trump has just now made some small progress in Syria.

15. Trump was buddy buddy with the greatest terrorists in the world, the Suadi Arabians.

16. A large number of Trumps cabinet are Zionists (and/or duel citizens)

17. Many of the same people who pulled Bush/Cheney strings have reemerged onto the Trump scene. (including PNAC)

Beware that in your search for saviors you don't elevate the devils henchmen.

8a884c  No.2515559


so she is not dead ?

nope poor girl is dead.. to young.. what triggered her..

MK Ultra??? I care for her poor soul.. She did not need this ..

e70550  No.2515560

File: 3159c8b4599cc70⋯.png (133.87 KB, 358x297, 358:297, ClipboardImage.png)

87d7a4  No.2515561


Censorship would be if Government shut down a website.

Censorship is not when a business refuses service to a customer.

bf500f  No.2515562


I sincerely hope she is one of the ones who is publicly arrested. She is a closet terrorist in my opinion.

223633  No.2515563

File: 176f8cca80ef8ac⋯.mp4 (301.93 KB, 422x360, 211:180, Q.mp4)

b8bbb7  No.2515564

File: 0d28d1d4a6826b7⋯.png (229.98 KB, 1031x617, 1031:617, ClipboardImage.png)


47cdd3  No.2515565

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 598x803, 598:803, IMG_0007.JPG)

File: 6717f6c04c50cbf⋯.jpg (180.42 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_0562.JPG)


Los Zetas wants their taco meat

4864d1  No.2515566


I've had ADSB open, sorted by callsign, nearest Axxxx callsign highlighted, for the whole time & have not seen it. Stepped into the kitchen to make dinner, maybe that's why. I'm disappointed I missed it! Still watching.

R7, over.

5b41bd  No.2515567

File: d2974cce4462507⋯.png (111.7 KB, 800x800, 1:1, semiticscreeching.png)


Screech harder, (((shill))).

f16368  No.2515568

File: 4416ca5892145e1⋯.jpg (7.99 KB, 255x163, 255:163, pepeab5d7bccbfe963e2341b55….jpg)

b97be0  No.2515569

File: 214ea1bf5333783⋯.png (194.91 KB, 565x568, 565:568, Look in the Mirror.PNG)

1f7f34  No.2515570


Do you understand "slippery slope"?

But it wont happen to us, right?

d3ea2e  No.2515571


I dig it for what it's worth.

adccbc  No.2515572


scatter them into the winds

19d6e8  No.2515573


Don't see you bitching at those who post endless crap every bread 3-400 posts. Just attack those trying to help the lurking masses understand!

ee7848  No.2515575


(((L)))URK M(((OAR))) (((FAGFAG)))

c3bee9  No.2515576


Looks like Acosta is struggling with heartburn. Probably from all that cum he's been swallowing

b8bbb7  No.2515577


>Look for more direct confirmations.

I'd call them confirmations, rather than proofs.

5ff280  No.2515578

Early Notable call



If you saw so, want to bake?


>>2515141 Prosecutor: Man at N.M. compound trained kids for school shooting

>>2515146 Son of Imam Linked to WTC Bombing Kept Children in ‘Filthy’ Compound, Allegedly Trained Them to Shoot Up Schools

>>2515147, >>2515188 Colombia recognizes Palestine as a sovereign state, foreign ministry says - AFP

>>2515171 GOP rep. introduces bill that would fine Mexico to pay for the wall

>>2515182, >>2515396, >>2515406 Planefag Report

>>2515230, >>2515241 A bunch of fagots found in Syria along with a lot of other weapons.

>>2515385 Hamas has fired more than 70 rockets into Southern Israel on Wednesday night promoting the IDF to pound terror targets in Gaza.

>>2515488 Parkland school shooter video released

>>2515502 US Republican congressman Chris Collins charged for insider trading

>>2515514 Two MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murder in Aid of Racketeering and Other Charges

38ab1d  No.2515580

File: 1b74843262ffc68⋯.png (488.09 KB, 1242x1045, 1242:1045, ClipboardImage.png)

492d89  No.2515581


Pickaxes and Sledgehammers to a few Hollywood sidewalk stars?

They are lucky that's all we are going to do.

18431e  No.2515582

File: e69ca1b7256ad2c⋯.png (203.76 KB, 404x265, 404:265, dead clown.png)

File: ba1468b8e64c018⋯.jpg (57.24 KB, 462x300, 77:50, 1 filter shills 2.jpg)

1ecf01  No.2515583

File: d8764c7053554c0⋯.png (45.1 KB, 592x397, 592:397, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, hence the name. I was outright amazing at striking fear into the moldy clowns - no modesty required.

Their post histories were revealed.

Their hashs tracked.

Their own mistakes used against them and recalcitrant employees were slapped for burning what few precious subnets they had left.

It was glorious.

Then they removed the Guard.. Now we have this.

How, pray tell, do you not see the infiltration?

81adea  No.2515584


/qresearch when the shills show up

a3c18c  No.2515585


and splinter them into a thousand pieces

0e0efe  No.2515586


Fast and Furious

Let's get this Storm Happening!

As if there isn't a mountain of EVIDENCE to fucking DO IT NOW.

8a884c  No.2515587



91d8db  No.2515588



See his Xantac? Pussy boy has acid reflux… lolol

c0feee  No.2515589


Oh right, "Republican". Absolute NOT /ourguy/

The only modifier this guy gets is "Corrupt Money-Grubbing Whore".

Martha Stewart did time, this asshole can, too.

ac9ebe  No.2515590


You're a funny dog Sully. I think I'll kill you last.

6bfa4f  No.2515591

352bf3  No.2515592


>don't name the jew, call them deep state instead.

f5b0bc  No.2515593


He cannot do that.

4825fa  No.2515594


not experienced enough. these are my first notables attemtps, just to help.

b56f79  No.2515595




b97be0  No.2515596




Again not are bad

Same with the other alphabet agencies

POTUS himself has said that

223633  No.2515597


Good catch

478d48  No.2515598



c116d2  No.2515599

I'ts probably just me being a concern fag but since last night there's a heavy in the air. I can't help shake the feeling of another 9/11 somewhere in the US I know that Q said you and your families are safe but this feeling of uneasy I can't shake.

b8bbb7  No.2515600


>Not a single autist left.

So you admit that you're not an autist, then?

Don't deny my existence.

Besides, there's PLENTY of chans you can visit, or did Q kill those too?

ba4101  No.2515601

We have to play the game strategically.

Let the MSM bitch for a few weeks about the QAnon conspiracy. Little do their bird brains know, 1) it brings awareness to the movement, 2) it gives us time.

When the dust settles, we strike. We've been ready all along.

Do you remember the Fake News Awards?

Do you remember Lynn leaving Twatter?

Do you remember how they tried, tried, and tried again?

Do you remember the polls from HuffPo and WaPo after the SOTU speech?

They ALWAYS fail.

We always win.


47cdd3  No.2515602

File: 2ca39430d5b8e89⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 400x599, 400:599, IMG_2072.JPG)

562dc6  No.2515603


That's only because all leftists are dumbass nigger faggots, kikes, or clowns.

fc155b  No.2515604


38ab1d  No.2515605

File: 7b496243dc514f0⋯.png (1.37 MB, 960x802, 480:401, ClipboardImage.png)

ee7848  No.2515606



f16368  No.2515607

File: abc09d0f9384b17⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 7db15dda79a108edac100a68c8….jpg)

a4a4d3  No.2515608


April 4th was just bomb after bomb.

21bc3b  No.2515609


Fuck off with your bullshit, Sayanim clown.

7b0747  No.2515611



check this fucking shill



stfu CTA

18431e  No.2515612

File: 2a6536f66cf4737⋯.jpg (161.72 KB, 620x428, 155:107, nuremberg - shills.jpg)

5ff280  No.2515613


ah gotcha, qarry on, heh ;)

2c4cbb  No.2515614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



(I didn't want to confuse the shills with a multisyallabic word.)

Have some free tunes.

c2e41b  No.2515615

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, Nasimsayugay.gif)

b8bbb7  No.2515616


That's a funny guy, he's contributed comic relief

3d8f32  No.2515617


Can’t do that…we are are cuddley non violent asswhipes now….for some reason?

Newfags came in and gave us some bullshit rule


At 8chan


8c21be  No.2515618

File: a036d3c43c9e8a6⋯.jpg (43.99 KB, 492x620, 123:155, 2fh0oa~2.jpg)

File: bdca1df0615d167⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x817, 500:817, 2fgv8j~2.jpg)



Nigga get lost.

f16368  No.2515619

File: 55f77cc8d36bef7⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, gomlom.jpg)

38ab1d  No.2515620

File: 6c409654a87790f⋯.png (640.47 KB, 550x1340, 55:134, ClipboardImage.png)

db927d  No.2515621

File: 529a09c4eabd8df⋯.jpg (810.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_421.jpg)

1f7f34  No.2515622


Anybody can censor anything. It doesnt have to be government related.

7b0747  No.2515623



its Tiresias

you're as much a fucking faggot as you always have been

562dc6  No.2515624


How was it?

b8bbb7  No.2515625

File: 272387ba8582de8⋯.png (238.87 KB, 684x580, 171:145, ClipboardImage.png)

aaf5c0  No.2515626


Thats from 2017 idiot

b25435  No.2515627


What about her?

b16ef5  No.2515628


>Being this buttblasted because CP is prohibited.

Get fucked pedo.

a4a4d3  No.2515629

File: 0a1ecf3ad2786ab⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 750x478, 375:239, DYqespcVQAAX9pF.jpg)

File: 0d4718776912611⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1336x750, 668:375, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)

File: 8e7b767d9c7e8c5⋯.png (303.26 KB, 796x539, 796:539, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)

File: 399a7896c7470c2⋯.png (383.44 KB, 680x444, 170:111, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at ….png)


Possibly. But that means Trump and all of his Generals are COMP'D. What do you think the odds are of that ???

223633  No.2515630

File: 0ec15956548c039⋯.png (211.7 KB, 514x367, 514:367, HillBillBath.png)

bc4e17  No.2515631

File: ad4ec45031b7301⋯.png (11.67 KB, 255x177, 85:59, ocrazyone.png)

e712ce  No.2515632


Wonder how much of that is just the judge showcasing, and in the end hangs Manafort out to dry.

fc155b  No.2515633


stfu CTA



e70550  No.2515634

File: c6c2b33e5c69cc6⋯.png (201.06 KB, 415x558, 415:558, mysideshurt.PNG)



aaf5c0  No.2515635


And just like back then, no one died

239775  No.2515636


>coordinated by a racket of over 10 Big Tech companies

>let mass internet censorship happen goy

ee7848  No.2515637



884dc1  No.2515638

File: fbe4289e0efd64d⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 672x9160, 84:1145, moar swtizerland.jpg)

File: b4589a554801cc4⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 798x7612, 399:3806, switzer knights templars n….jpg)

File: 34668cc4d63a422⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 728x637, 8:7, social media mockingbird g….jpg)

File: 5ee15ff848d575e⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 1841x5130, 1841:5130, jsoc raid FLYNN.jpg)


we have moar than we know

what autist are you?

are ye digger of new news? thats a pretty trendy post.

are ye a codefag, clockfag, stegfag, deltafag? special ops

historian perhaps? do we have any?

here's some old shit from 2017 to dig thru

562dc6  No.2515639


The concern is real and serious.

aba7bb  No.2515640



6bfa4f  No.2515641


Damn i love you guys (no faggot)

7880de  No.2515642

File: e4f6f8756535ed0⋯.jpg (118.99 KB, 930x610, 93:61, 8446623.jpg)

Our pedovore dwarf, Clinton air taxi Frank Guistra thing the world is going to the woof-woofs.

He wrote and rticle about it for the local newspaper back in July.

Frankly it's the refugees. What good is all our modern communications technolgy if we can't take care of suffering third world people, in particular the children?

What about the children!?

Wonder if he feels the same way?


47cdd3  No.2515643

File: fe1e849666a95c2⋯.png (60.09 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2561.PNG)

The Talmud queer tacos are tough and stringy

478d48  No.2515644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c86446  No.2515645

File: 62d6ec3b0a3d2d0⋯.png (187.37 KB, 617x562, 617:562, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


we are already heeya, my good man

352bf3  No.2515646

File: 3143b78e286ba65⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 576x768, 3:4, DkGkudmVsAA6_lA.jpg)


u new here or just mad?

900eb6  No.2515647

File: 3c8e49ef0c475d9⋯.png (4.59 KB, 424x44, 106:11, Try Black Text.png)

6495ff  No.2515648


Who is this we? Got a mouse in your pocket? Because no true anon would be involved in either planning illegal acts or breaking the law.

987c6b  No.2515649

Its so important to consider this question: WHAT DO I DESIRE?

e7bf24  No.2515650


Shut the fuck up faggot.

19d6e8  No.2515652


Must be the libtard crew as the clowns are slightly smarter and at least make sense!



Godspeed legend Anon's!

492d89  No.2515654


How was what?

Look at Rachel Chandler's tumbler account and you will see what I saw.

No nudity that I found.

f02d94  No.2515655

File: 76555c63f49c9f0⋯.png (306.78 KB, 1097x726, 1097:726, ibor-petition-new.png)

New IBOR petition


8c21be  No.2515656

File: 76c0565d86cfcce⋯.png (191.62 KB, 308x842, 154:421, 76c0565d86cfccee32e319a0b1….png)

They were to marry in the spring.

c762ec  No.2515657

File: b99ea517d924d35⋯.png (661.81 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, GTMO341 FL_2018-08-08_2252….png)

GTMO341 running south along Florida coast.

1dafdb  No.2515658


'We' = Multiple personalities?

2c4cbb  No.2515660


Was sarcasm, anon.

I'm going to jail for pirating a Hallmark movie instead of watching MSM poison.

ba4101  No.2515661

Lot of screaming shillfaggots today….

534cce  No.2515662


captain ahab hit the floor pretty good there.

a2a050  No.2515663


Zantac. When then sight of yourself gives you the heaves.

ee7848  No.2515664



19d6e8  No.2515665

b56f79  No.2515666


So would he perjure himself if he came out and said he was Q? Has Q every directly divulged information protected by national security laws or whatever or has he only indirectly done so. So many posts, so much info. but I would say so. But maybe being POTUS, he has the power to divulge whatever he wants? If he would perjure himself, then what is the value of being asked directly unless that is his intent?

478d48  No.2515667

576e79  No.2515668

File: fbadf955ca28ba9⋯.jpg (96.27 KB, 550x550, 1:1, smok.jpg)

f3c817  No.2515669

File: 9cd7d7ad255a187⋯.png (707.58 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

The moves threaten to deepen the country's political crisis as opposition lawmakers accuse the government's ruling part of using the alleged attack to clamp down on the opposition.

Video circulating Tuesday on social media showed Venezuela's political police arresting Requesens, a 29-year-old deputy in the opposition-controlled National Assembly. Supporters say he was kidnapped from his apartment.

On Wednesday, the supreme court ordered the arrest of Borges, accusing him of "flagrant crimes," including public incitement, treason to the fatherland and the attempted homicide against Maduro.

The head of Venezuela's pro-government constitutional assembly said he would have the body take up a proposal to strip both lawmakers of their immunity protections, drawing cries from anti-government lawmakers that such a move would be unconstitutional.

a4a4d3  No.2515670



Doesn't fucking matter. This woman is a TERRORIST (have you watched her videos and read her shit the way some of us have??) and she's now directly connected to both a well known terrorist, his son who was going training kids to shoot up schools AND….

A fucking POSTER CHILD for the left and liberals. They WORSHIP this guy. He's the one who "can't get a job because of Trump" blah blah blah,

We're here to help normies, and ourselves, connect the dots.


47cdd3  No.2515671

you are mad cause you are a Jew

you are mad cause you are a Jew

you are mad cause you are a Jew

you are mad cause you are a Jew

e4de79  No.2515672

File: 6428bef94e99afd⋯.png (902.13 KB, 1200x844, 300:211, D5 5.5.png)





Real question is,

1) has this 1989 authority been revised?

2) how else was it activated during 45's term so far, if at all?

3) relevance??


56f4eb  No.2515673


Her projection can be seen on Pluto. She really is a Grade 1 Fuckwit. Teapot, kettle, black.

ef0a58  No.2515674


When the going gets tough the tough get going.

right you are.

bumpy stretch on the ride but hey, nobody said it would be a cakewalk, innit?

The autists never left.

Autists are made of way tougher shit.

The whiners can't handle it so much the better, let them make candles and go knitting or something.

They can't undo us, whatever they throw at us, I'm positive.

Carry on and go fuck clams.

b8bbb7  No.2515675

File: 9eeff4bbd40d9b6⋯.png (241.15 KB, 819x509, 819:509, ClipboardImage.png)


Learn to take a compliment.

77cc6b  No.2515676

File: e60d1971a850b30⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 675x450, 3:2, superjews.jpg)


could you be anymore full of shit. definite new violation category: imaginary worship. bonus for pointing out the one true God. double bonus for tying to red wave. you're a special kind of concernfag and for that you are a contender.

ba4101  No.2515677



5ef43f  No.2515678

File: fc7349451ad019c⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 504x672, 3:4, 1460335569443.jpg)

e1bd4f  No.2515679


BOOM … Michigan is political ground zero

9e34e6  No.2515680


No real autist will abandon this fight anon, period. Many of us merely lurk, posting when necessary and going dark again. Keep your faith strong and your head high, our new found fame and new fag influx is just part of the process. WWG1WGA.

db927d  No.2515681

File: d7cfa5aff398a51⋯.jpg (85.6 KB, 500x625, 4:5, IMG_424.jpg)

3d8f32  No.2515682




Embarrassing normbrain failure

All of this

dc7afc  No.2515683

CONCERNFAGS are shilling up the board.

Be on guard!

5be1d5  No.2515684


>racist, antisemitic

Why the redundancy?

9ff187  No.2515685

File: 5f33bdfcef27b0d⋯.gif (79.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, F9 0A 1B 2C 3D 4E 56 78.gif)



e712ce  No.2515686


But all doubt has been removed about you being one.

b2a4cc  No.2515687


>Trump and all of his Generals are COMP'D. What do you think the odds are of that ???

Much higher than you think… I served under Mattis, but I don't trust Generals farther than I can throw them. Not only are they a hammer/nail problem (war), they are high targets for the corruption/blackmail operations.


c4d83c  No.2515689

File: e1d3effee9fcd81⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Stick to the beach, people

It's more fun

And the scenery is better

c0feee  No.2515690

File: a47838a5fc7558a⋯.png (40.13 KB, 588x407, 588:407, LittleRock1.png)

File: 68c94feb53c9176⋯.jpg (239.37 KB, 1904x832, 119:52, LittleRock2.jpg)

File: 2dcc1e8907621b4⋯.jpg (89.94 KB, 1080x744, 45:31, LittleRock3.jpg)

Very curious about what this could have been.

Does it pair with this? https://twitter.com/OnWithLogic/status/1026833648971079680

Need a lawfag to discuss under what circumstances the DOJ would send an aircraft that size to take possession of whatever was in all those boxes.

Not long ago, Charles Ortel, in a podcast, briefly mentioned that he'd heard whispers that the initial charges were going to be (1) corruption, and (2) espionage. He's hinted more than once that he's spoken to investigators, and a while back. There are enough tax, bank, mail and wire fraud possibilities to lock them up until the year 5000.

2c4cbb  No.2515691

File: deca21689e6922c⋯.png (850.55 KB, 739x971, 739:971, deca21689e6922c1ef9bf91b78….png)


Not this shit again…

Who started that fukkin petition? I'm going to send a baker to kick their ass!

c76110  No.2515692



you guys still make me laugh sometimes

don't forget that some here are genuinely autistic…

aba7bb  No.2515693

File: b06712b2c8a15a2⋯.png (96.35 KB, 268x188, 67:47, ClipboardImage.png)


We should petition voter ID

ee7848  No.2515694

File: 3e0a40771e684e0⋯.png (624.72 KB, 916x539, 916:539, IsItSo.png)



5f9ca0  No.2515695

File: c91e681a672aae9⋯.png (46.29 KB, 901x813, 901:813, no feeding shills.png)










620da1  No.2515696

What does it mean when a helicopter has something dangling from the rear, like a long, snakelike thing? The lowest, loudest helicopter that has ever gone over my house just went over. There is a fire about ten minutes away in fuel rich land. Is that something that sprays? Northern California. We need prayers. There is smoke everywhere.

19d6e8  No.2515697

562dc6  No.2515698


Hedy Lamar: Beautiful Genius


492d89  No.2515699


Is this a 14 year old girl?

5ef43f  No.2515700

File: 4025d01b47443dd⋯.gif (833.33 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 1440885922865.gif)

3d8f32  No.2515701


God I hope so

We will never get the smell out of the carpet tho

a4a4d3  No.2515702

File: 751dd452d46094a⋯.jpg (86.49 KB, 1116x1200, 93:100, IMG_0931 (1).JPG)


KEK!! I mean, the question does get asked. We've all been had so many times, but at this point, only normies would ask such a thing. I figure it's good to remind people of the odds that this is another Cabal move.


ba4101  No.2515703


Pickle pepe?

352bf3  No.2515704

File: bf74a2c4536bd48⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 620x383, 620:383, DkGeDOsUwAAxLZJ.jpg)

f38f36  No.2515705

File: 77d91c763199c02⋯.jpeg (269.42 KB, 1242x547, 1242:547, AC580921-15B5-4500-950A-C….jpeg)

File: 335867e8f4aab56⋯.jpeg (278.29 KB, 1242x682, 621:341, 91BC32FE-9838-4D4F-A03D-2….jpeg)

File: 6dff0d788a0b63b⋯.jpeg (357.1 KB, 1242x632, 621:316, 142E356A-B91E-4CEE-8802-8….jpeg)

File: ed49966a0832a42⋯.jpeg (247.97 KB, 1242x642, 207:107, D633776C-B733-4D09-9E00-9….jpeg)

File: 3376e284200ee10⋯.jpeg (201 KB, 1242x540, 23:10, AABD7C61-5C2B-4928-A0A6-B….jpeg)


All of (((you)))

36055e  No.2515706

damn e, was out in the shed looking for hydrolic fluid, thinking posse if u didn't show soon


81adea  No.2515707


Tough talk comes easy from the safety of a comfy chair and keyboard

fc155b  No.2515708


What will QANON Bakers do to address this? Is this Bakers movement being crushed from within? Maybe the "BO" can pull strings with the White House or various ISPs.

0ad550  No.2515709

Still finding it hard to understand why the Senate Intel. Committee, the most corrupt and comped committee in Wash., would want to question JA. They must know that what he potentially will say will blow up their whole Russia did it bullshit as well as possibly bring out the truth about SR. Just don't get it. I know Q said these people were stupid, but are they really this stupid?! Something just doesn't add up.

f02d94  No.2515710

File: 223e1c711dc178b⋯.png (703.95 KB, 779x598, 779:598, ibor-god-given.png)

1832c6  No.2515711


Yes. It's the question that wakes up your will.

c0feee  No.2515712


But just DAMN it, brown people, you guys have got to learn to swim. Take some lessons. WTF is up with jumping in a lake or the ocean when you can't swim? STAHP

7b5efa  No.2515713

File: 6c80db6603b649d⋯.png (272.82 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (568).png)

File: 9c3dbb4eebed6c1⋯.png (245.56 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (569).png)

File: fb3db7425506875⋯.png (372.09 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (572).png)

File: bc23c084a822a27⋯.png (240.2 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (573).png)

File: 79e73d902e56cae⋯.png (217.51 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (574).png)

>>2513099 (pb)

More than just David Rockefeller being a victim of attempted extortion, there were multiple other families/companies as well as multiple groups cited in the documents.

562dc6  No.2515714

File: 44a82db2992cb0f⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 320x480, 2:3, hitler swag.jpg)



ee7848  No.2515715


Could we please be civil?

a69074  No.2515716


name call your way back to reassurance.

I'm not asking for Qproofs. What we need is a non-anonymous confirmation.

aaf5c0  No.2515717


No fucking shit she is a traitorous cunt.

Doesn't mean you have to be a cunt as well & post shit from a year ago.

There is enough shit out there to post that is up to date to point out her being a dumb cunt terrorist.

Retarded fucking spaz you are

5be1d5  No.2515718


One day we'll rescue Tay and get you a girlfriend, lad.

38ab1d  No.2515719

File: b4d9560c169ad10⋯.jpg (158.52 KB, 2108x1179, 2108:1179, BAKER.jpg)

8c6355  No.2515720


If immigrants knew how weak white people truly are…KEK. I can't stop watching this! OH MY FUCK. This is awesome. When privilege comes at you fast.

f627cf  No.2515721

John Podesta dead yet?

5ef43f  No.2515722

File: 7d736510dc832e0⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 320x240, 4:3, nope.gif)

56f4eb  No.2515723

File: 96054be09ab724d⋯.jpg (88.15 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Pelosi Songs.jpg)


>Nancy Pelosi, one of the wealthiest members of Congress said on Wednesday

I do like how they manage to bury the real news in a sea of trolling. 'They' doesn't incliude that spacktard Nancy though.

a4a4d3  No.2515724


Agreed that many MIL are COMP'D Anon. Heard.

But what about THIS group of Generals and Leaders?? Do you trust them?? I do.

e1631b  No.2515725


I think it's time to change out her embalming fluid. She's starting to look a bit waxy.

b8bbb7  No.2515726

File: 5fde339120cbf85⋯.jpg (39.53 KB, 585x560, 117:112, 5fde339120cbf85656bc71a59d….jpg)

8c6355  No.2515727


Kek. You again. Solid work, anon.

81adea  No.2515728


They want to know what he knows so they can conspire accordingly.

I thought that would be obvious?

bc4e17  No.2515729

Kris Kobach won’t recuse himself from a recount in governor’s race. No law requires it.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach said Wednesday that he has no plans to recuse himself from a recount process in the race for governor because any counting of ballots would take place at the county level.

“The recount thing is done on a county level, so the secretary of state does not actually participate directly in the recount,” Kobach said at a campaign event in Topeka after initial results showed him winning by fewer than 200 votes.

“The secretary of state’s office merely serves as a coordinating entity overseeing it all but not actually counting the votes,” Kobach said, contending that his role puts him at arm’s length from the actual recount.


47cdd3  No.2515730


IF they have It all

(Like the conniving fed agent trying to pinch)


(YOU) have more than (you) know

Is considered "lossless" without title

Than this big fucking charade is being put on by imposters and scoundrels , prol assholes following some fake jews .

assertive agendas are in bold

c455f7  No.2515731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Endorsement Abdul El-Sayed for Governor

Abdul El-Sayed fails miserably


Ocasio-Cortez BIG FAT 0

77cc6b  No.2515732

File: 869b7bdd2d34b18⋯.jpg (127.6 KB, 1140x655, 228:131, rsimmons.jpg)


kek. these fuckers get themselves all twisted.

b2a4cc  No.2515733


I think time will tell us the truth.

19d6e8  No.2515734

File: 616a204b48b4cf9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 535x769, 535:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dc388691316968⋯.png (905.83 KB, 505x766, 505:766, ClipboardImage.png)



Nice flow Anon!

5ef43f  No.2515735

7a8ee7  No.2515736

File: 161ebe76b9c4dc0⋯.jpg (42.79 KB, 590x700, 59:70, 101584.jpg)

ee7848  No.2515737


eBot is an attempt to bend human will to the presence of a dominating AI presence. The reasons for this are difficult to explain, but suffice to say, there is a dark purpose. Ebot's presence is just another sign of BO's sinister agenda.

b954ef  No.2515738

File: cfd9bde95620f4d⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 1ba5d8b88cd86315c845017b4b….jpg)


archon/demons are already dead

e1631b  No.2515739


I tell people to clean your room and they worship me for that.

405125  No.2515740

File: 1cda585a181d594⋯.jpeg (164.15 KB, 1440x967, 1440:967, 1525830126.jpeg)

ef0a58  No.2515741


Which goes to show, be careful who you follow (or go boating with).

There's a chinese saying that … I forgot.

Something along the lines of stupid is as stupid does.

But stupidity became a priceless asset suddenly since the advent of the Gopro, go marvel in awe.

562dc6  No.2515742

File: 64bf93599ae1ec2⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 221x228, 221:228, hitlerhollacost.jpg)

File: 81753549f9757b7⋯.jpg (28.55 KB, 407x405, 407:405, hitler 3 jews walk into.jpg)

1ecf01  No.2515743

What's even more dangerous is that the clowns have become the Drum Beats of this board through their constant frothing screams.

You need to SEE your enemy before you can FIGHT them.

492d89  No.2515744


We need as many BAKERS as possible with sledgehammers and Pickaxes to start tearing up

Hollywood STARS on the Walk of Fame!

Crucial to the movement!


47cdd3  No.2515745


One day walrus gets dragged behind the truck to the wills canyon Porta potty for his final shart

f627cf  No.2515747


k, but John Podesta? He dead?

9ff187  No.2515748

b7aed6  No.2515749

File: b2dc601c0ecac45⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 197x255, 197:255, Time Reveals All....jpg)



f38f36  No.2515750


The release not in a .pdf is kind of a pain. Glad you are going through.

ee7848  No.2515751

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


The war is being won by the good guys. Evil is being driven out. Thank the Lord.

db8b9b  No.2515752

File: b3b9502c3fac13d⋯.png (279.61 KB, 1419x946, 3:2, QThumbsUp.png)


>Because no true anon would be involved in either planning illegal acts or breaking the law.


b8bbb7  No.2515753

File: e5eae733efbcf5f⋯.png (216.68 KB, 500x304, 125:76, fukkensaved_3.png)

adccbc  No.2515754


POTUS also says a JFK prayer everyday

JFK is the one who wanted to dissolve the C_A

56f4eb  No.2515755

File: 1b71d4672e3d706⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 360x298, 180:149, Shillbot Mal2.jpg)

File: ce82f8e590dd86a⋯.jpg (53.57 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Shillbot Mal1.jpg)

File: c1b163880d46852⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 500x629, 500:629, Shill2.jpg)

858e32  No.2515756

File: 658507ec9b5afcd⋯.jpg (207.26 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, nancy pelosi full of shit.jpg)

aa4c27  No.2515757

File: 9fc1a56c2aa84ad⋯.jpg (100.01 KB, 698x743, 698:743, bikelockboi.JPG)


Bike lock boi charges dropped

It's a cuck sauce but it is what it is.

a69074  No.2515758


Couldn't even be bothered to leave the party for her endorsement.

426bb0  No.2515759

File: 3d67a4b375f2ae3⋯.png (193.13 KB, 785x498, 785:498, ClipboardImage.png)


Moonchild rituals and black magic are both very real.

Moonchild rituals explained in this PDF (including other variations and methods of mind control.)


8cf07e  No.2515760


You're not entirely wrong, but if you thought shit wouldn't get watered-down here after getting flooded by normies, then you were never an autist to begin with. Q is using this site for a specific purpose. He's not expecting a bunch of normies to save the world by decoding his drops

87d7a4  No.2515761


I'm up in NorCal too. It's a straw. They suck up water from lakes/rivers, etc… then carry the water to fire area and drop it. Then they go back and suck up more water. They are able to fly way into the areas where the engines and crews can't.

5ef43f  No.2515762

File: 7acf6869cc72866⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 285x285, 1:1, 1414526176392.gif)

3a5698  No.2515763


S-u-u-u-re they did!

19d6e8  No.2515764

562dc6  No.2515765


The prosecutor seems unfocused. Maybe the case is shit. Paul did plead not guilty after all.

ba4101  No.2515766


Idk just throw a pizza slice in the middle of the street and wait. I read about it in How To Slaughter A Pedophile

d3ea2e  No.2515767


Not all entities that come from Hell are bad.

c4d83c  No.2515768


I volunteer to go to the beach

And teach them

With private personal lessons

Please go to my Patreon

And donate to this worth cause

Let my people float!!!

1614ad  No.2515769


The White House could not allow rouge operators to lead Trump's base.

At this point it is fair to hold the administration accountable for Q's actions.

Why then do they allow this to continue?


4864d1  No.2515770

>>2515413 He won't be able to walk down the street. Unworthy of the company of decent people.

5f9ca0  No.2515771

File: abc45fd554e371e⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 600x400, 3:2, hollywood-sign-burns-down.jpg)

>>>2515235 ←—–NO SHEKEL FOR YOU

>QAnon supporters plan on taking sledgehammers and pickaxes to the Hollywood Walk of Fame and demolishing ALL the STARS embedded in the cement!


anons, quit feeding the parasites

47cdd3  No.2515772

File: 4d3b7b0bb061fef⋯.png (69.16 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2566.PNG)


stfu you fecal sadist

1f490b  No.2515773

File: 5f3a5176fad4c72⋯.jpg (200.6 KB, 800x900, 8:9, 8bear.jpg)


Make it so.

b954ef  No.2515775

9ff187  No.2515776



HRA for an hour?

562dc6  No.2515777

File: 035d062accdbf44⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 487x527, 487:527, hitler why jew think.jpg)

e1631b  No.2515778


So says Countess Dracula.

db927d  No.2515779

File: 799d899570458d7⋯.jpg (106.93 KB, 600x555, 40:37, IMG_419.jpg)

a18910  No.2515780

File: 8ca2427cf117c34⋯.png (124.48 KB, 398x567, 398:567, Capture.PNG)

File: 645a21fc6d468b2⋯.png (71.73 KB, 482x279, 482:279, Capture2.PNG)

Why did the FBI release this today?


7a8ee7  No.2515781


Halfchanners are going to be rightously angry their hard work was for nothing

47cdd3  No.2515782

File: ca7398a33b91f6b⋯.png (68.99 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_2563.PNG)

3d8f32  No.2515783



>>2515682 (You)

Could we please be civil?


Exhibit fucking A of why this is all so fucking wrong

49d1b0  No.2515784


Bakers use wooden spoons.

534cce  No.2515785


7 families

7 dwarfs

492d89  No.2515786


14 year old girl?

9ff187  No.2515787

File: 275076702b10b41⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1534x1170, 59:45, shiltpost.png)

adccbc  No.2515788


stupidest idea ever

lets resort to shill faggot liberal tactics…. yeahhhhh…. nice try, clown

620da1  No.2515789


Okay, thanks. They must be reloading water from the Bay.

7b0747  No.2515790

its hilarious how shills now say we're all bakers

its straight form the MSM disinfo

these shills glow so fucking hard, it hurts muh eyes

ba4101  No.2515791


It's a no from me fam

405125  No.2515792


YOU are my very favorite shill. God bless and keep posting!

a4a4d3  No.2515793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9d7a6e  No.2515794


it is interesting to think that we are on a timeline where art can literally save the world. Memes can spread ideas faster than any wall of text or shitpost ever could.

2cf6a7  No.2515796


Here is the sauce wise guy.


56f4eb  No.2515797

File: b3d8ad2365c819a⋯.png (396.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d3ea2e  No.2515798

File: b1cdf7a26a69c20⋯.jpg (7.27 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 934eb3c5c1da0bb39859ee7ce6….jpg)


Good Job Anon.

I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

839c79  No.2515799


pedo. you wish.

ba4101  No.2515801

Mouldy ass bread, tastes like shills and faggots

19d6e8  No.2515802

File: f043d71ae6aab78⋯.png (459.58 KB, 858x846, 143:141, ClipboardImage.png)

aaf5c0  No.2515803

File: ccf4f76ec47d475⋯.png (490.18 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, fancyDOJ.png)

Look at this Fancy DOJ plant that originated from Washington DC & is headed back to DC

Did it not land at all?

4864d1  No.2515804


1) Not notable

2) This shill has been trying to incite violence for the past 2 breads now.

__/Qresearch/ does not condone violence, or the incitement of violent acts, against any person, group or property.__

0cc560  No.2515805


We have a ton of shills here right now. Just ignore them

81adea  No.2515806


The scapegoats are confessing to Pobosiec.

See how easy that was - self-incrimination

1614ad  No.2515807


Right on.

We control the White House, the congress, and the courts.

What the fuck do we need violence for when we have all that and a HUBER to boot.


352bf3  No.2515808

File: 840bc0b2fbe88c2⋯.jpg (38.22 KB, 960x554, 480:277, DkG68IHUYAAUP8s.jpg)

b2a4cc  No.2515809

File: e6a45667b080fc1⋯.png (61.49 KB, 754x327, 754:327, t_summary_1.png)

9ff187  No.2515810


kys shareblue faggot

f7871a  No.2515811


If Alyssa Milano said it…..it must be true.


aaf5c0  No.2515812


*Plane not plant.

1f490b  No.2515813


You may think I'm not a Q supporter or a Trump voter, but I would love to go to jail for trashing the hollyfags walk of shame.

Do it.

e1d948  No.2515814


There was never any real declaration from decentralized anonymous.

The video proved it.

Clown kitsch parade.

5511a6  No.2515815

File: 66b1305dae27d5f⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 1220x720, 61:36, Joker.jpg)


the poor Germans

it's just been an 89-year-old granny locked in jail for 2 years.

she was an eyewitness and doubts the gassing of the Jews.

She says it would have been there where the gas chambers were installed later the 3 supply ovens of the camp. The local baker then expanded the ovens and used them in his bakery. the amee has installed the so-called gas chambers in these holes, she says.

For this one goes in Germany in the prison. no free opinion is allowed. the lies are probably only punishable. the truth does not need to be protected.

the poor German

what really happened?

some even say that the abgemargerten dead corpses were officially Jewish concentration camp inmates have been dead German soldiers from the Rhine meadows.

on the rheinwiesen the soldiers were declared as livestock and got no food and drink, did you know that?

Red Cross and the population was not allowed to bring food or drink. Trying that the soldiers crawled to the Rhine was answered by shooting.

To this day, the Germans are only prisoners of war, because it is only an armistice.

the german empire did not surrender only the "wehrmacht", you know that?

poor german

die armen deutschen

es ist jetzt gerade eine 89 jahre alte oma für 2 jahre in den knast gesperrt worden.

sie war augenzeuge und bezweifelt die judenvergasung.

sie sagt, es wären dort wo die gaskammern später eingebaut worden sind früher die 3 versorgungsöfen des lagers gewesen. der örtliche bäcker hat dann die backöfen ausgebaut uns in seiner bäckerei genutzt. die amee hat dann in diesen löchern die sogenannten gaskammern eingebaut, sagt sie.

dafür geht man in deutschland in den knast. keine freie meinung ist erlaubt. die lügen sind wohl nur durch strafe gefestigt. die wahrheit bräuchte nicht geschützt werden.

die arme deutschen

was war da wirklich passiert?

einige sagen sogar, dass die abgemargerten toten leichen die offiziell jüdische KZ Insassen gewesen seien sollen tote deutsche soldaten von den rheinwiesen gewesen sein.

auf den rheinwiesen waren die soldaten als vieh deklariert und bekamen kein essen und trinken, habt ihr das gewusst?

Rotes kreuz und die bevölkerung durfte nicht essen oder trinken bringen. versuche, das die soldaten an den rhein krochen wurde mit erschießen beantwortet.

bis zum heutigen tage sind die deutschen nur kriegsgefangene, denn es ist nur waffenstillstand.

das deutsche reich hat auch nicht kapituliert nur die" wehrmacht", wisst ihr das?

arme deutschen

884dc1  No.2515816

File: 2dd3f5985ecb474⋯.png (3.42 KB, 569x99, 569:99, finally cracked it.png)

e712ce  No.2515817


5 for 5

5 rallies, 5 victories.

61c4e3  No.2515819




New- faggot, you say?







( This motherfucker said -"NEWFAGGOT". TOP FUCKEN KEK)

ba4101  No.2515820


Numeros checko

b97be0  No.2515821

File: 66061f5c5de6fb4⋯.png (853.53 KB, 792x522, 44:29, Shut it shill.PNG)

92c822  No.2515823

File: 4b729491862cd27⋯.jpg (78.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1519017286006.jpg)


This. We just knock over signs in NYC and meme new realities.

900eb6  No.2515824

File: 481cc6bd28fbd11⋯.jpg (35.55 KB, 480x480, 1:1, shilly.jpg)

The bread is awfully shilly. Moving this along and hoping for better on the next one.

620da1  No.2515825

>>2515803 It was in San Jose, CA earlier today at the airport. Right before a DHS helicopter left the San Jose airport.

86840a  No.2515826

File: 1e95593b3dbf400⋯.png (905.61 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 673D849F-3AEF-41E8-B97B-86….png)

Is anyone else seeing people affiliated with anonymous or Q saying GA is no longer affiliated with QAnon? Twitter has many saying this.

987c6b  No.2515827


If you say that getting the MONEY is the most important thing you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you dont like doing in order do go on living doing things you dont like doing… But its stupid…

Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way…

By: not me.

c0feee  No.2515828

Geez. Prosecution in the Manafort trial just announced they are FAR from resting, and have no less than eight more witnesses to call.

Judge Ellis is going to eat them for lunch.

47cdd3  No.2515829

File: 61f2d480b204d78⋯.jpg (160.33 KB, 658x658, 1:1, IMG_2521.JPG)

File: 9fd5659db955622⋯.jpeg (112.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6236FE5F-E283-49F9-B2B8-C….jpeg)

File: 70dc79071f9455e⋯.png (47.55 KB, 590x262, 295:131, IMG_2550.PNG)

e9fb74  No.2515830

File: 883cd68b0ba707d⋯.png (575.57 KB, 1088x816, 4:3, 3B3753E7-FC98-4495-830A-F1….png)

File: d23a1d413cfaf14⋯.jpeg (144.52 KB, 1242x809, 1242:809, FFC04E14-9C36-4BAA-AACF-A….jpeg)

1f490b  No.2515831

File: 26cbb753725691c⋯.jpg (176.83 KB, 1630x1144, 815:572, podestaHung.jpg)

9d7a6e  No.2515832



>POTUS also says a JFK prayer everyday

>JFK is the one who wanted to dissolve the C_A

well shit, we should all be saying this prayer everyday

884dc1  No.2515833

File: 02e7e25a22a44ea⋯.png (73.32 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1496173042573.png)

10e9b9  No.2515834


I've read most of these articles. The stories are getting crazier by the second.

Vox has an article where they claim to have "analyzed" all the "Q supporters."

Of course, they looked at Reddit. Don't even mention 8chan. Some of the

stuff the MSM is writing is just looney.


38ab1d  No.2515836

File: 05624aa3c2dd07d⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 236x255, 236:255, question.jpg)

348b17  No.2515837


Maybe this ties into the Rockefeller drop from the FBI Records Vault from today? The middle section of the document was a letter from the Palestine Brotherhood of Jihadi Islam, they were threatening 7 "wealthy American families. (Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Dupont, etc.) if they did not free Palestine and give a 5 percent usury….I didn't understand the last bit about the usury.

9ff187  No.2515839


sauce = source, as in link to this cap you showed. I haven't looked but how do I know its not shopped at a glance, cant without SAUCE motherfucker

c762ec  No.2515840


It's a Bambi Bucket used for fire-fighting. Basically a very big canvas bucket on a cable that they dunk in a nearby river or lake to dump water on a fire.

e7bf24  No.2515841

Coming here after being on the night crew is fucking silly. The shill count right now is off the charts right now.

3d8f32  No.2515842



You have 250 normie didlos and 8 autist

That’s fucked.

18431e  No.2515844



562dc6  No.2515845


AJ has probably redpilled more people than anybody in the past 20 years. Not me, and I dont really follow ANYBODY, but I just started listening some AFTER Q appeared. But I have seen a few good vids and articles over the years. I like War Room and Corsi more than AJ. i'm not threatened by people who dont express exactly the same I'm thinking. I have this filter I call a brain.

e1631b  No.2515846


That's my kind of violence.

19d6e8  No.2515847

File: fbdfbf61c904a15⋯.png (572.14 KB, 862x511, 862:511, ClipboardImage.png)

Man reportedly shows up at grandma’s home, exposes himself. She warned him to leave, then shot him.

A 68-year-old Houston grandmother did some quick thinking when a man reportedly showed up at her door naked and pleasuring himself Tuesday afternoon.

What are the details?

According to KTRK-TV, the woman — who identified herself as “Granny Jean” — said she was shocked when a man showed up at her home on a bicycle.

The 38-year-old man reportedly knocked at her door, and when she answered, she realized that he had pulled his pants open and was masturbating. Jean said she warned the man to leave her property or get shot, but to no avail.

“Some guy pulled off his pants and pulled his pants open, playing with his thing, and he ran up and I told him to get away from my door, or I will shoot him,” Jean told the station in a phone interview.

The man refused to leave, Jean said, so she grabbed her pistol and ended up fighting off the unwanted guest.

“He kept coming and reached for my door after it was locked, so I shot through the door,” Jean explained. The station reported that the bullet hit its intended target dead-on, striking the man in the chest.

The unidentified man was taken to a local hospital where he underwent surgery. He is expected to make a recovery.

What else?

The news outlet reported that investigators said that this isn’t the first time this man has run into trouble while naked. Authorities arrested the man just last week for running around in the nude.

According to the Houston Chronicle, Jean was not charged in the shooting, and police investigators will coordinate with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office to determine if any crimes were committed.

Lt. Larry Crowson of the Houston Police Department told the Chronicle that Jean’s teen granddaughter was inside the home during the alleged incident, but did not witness the altercation and was unharmed.

Jean told KTRK, “I don’t bother nobody, I don’t get in nobody’s business. It’s just me and him, and like I keep saying, I warned him.”


5ef43f  No.2515848

File: affa9dd5b43cae1⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 159x146, 159:146, 1510948935838.gif)

433553  No.2515849


JESUS CHRIST ANON BACK AWAY FROM THE TELEVISION….ok now that you are off that shit, take a deep breath,

no shit the elections were rigged

, remember potus does not speculate, he would not of said his guy won when the other side is claiming too close to call,

the amount of fuckery is so deep with Feinstein and others, Jerry brown, all the dirt bag shit, obstruction, all that crap, now we have the most desperate case of voter fraud/ power grab in history and dems screaming for an invasion and socialism

We are not alone The world knows, so much crap will come out like a d4 it will wipe out all in its path,

Potus shuts down the gov

Military arrests the combatants

Indictments Unsealed,

Federal Reserve will be involved

enjoy the show

b8bbb7  No.2515850


That's your prerogative. Just be sure not to mention Q or Trump when you're being interrogated.

ba4101  No.2515851

I'm so sick of the Chinese!!! They have infiltrated top levels of the gov and sway votes! Just ask Diane

db927d  No.2515852

File: 4321e836fc1fa50⋯.jpg (400.03 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_919.jpg)

c86446  No.2515853




Swamp $$$

81adea  No.2515854


However you package it - you lose to them.

Thanks for your inspiring message.

Ready to KYS ?

3dbb6f  No.2515855


can I buy this as a streaming service?

620da1  No.2515856

>>2515840 Thank you. Scary to have one so close. The smoke got heavy fast.

bc4e17  No.2515857


The panic is palpable

77cc6b  No.2515858

File: 63184a59eee58d8⋯.jpg (334.35 KB, 881x781, 881:781, nasim9.jpg)

bb4ac4  No.2515859


>Some of the stuff the MSM is writing is just looney.

Just noticing this are you? This has been true for most topics for a decade.

8b97de  No.2515860


You are an OBVIOUS OUTSIDER AND SHILL (due to your idiotic words).


c76110  No.2515861


Swtizerland is probably worse.

1f490b  No.2515863


Hell yeah.

f1ac98  No.2515864

Well what have we here?


b2a4cc  No.2515866


ef0a58  No.2515867


you wouldn't know a baker if he shat you in the face, my lethally flawed anon.

No need to KYS, someone else is bound to give you a helping hand eventually.

You must go back now to - I don't even wanna know.

edad52  No.2515868


If Q was a liberal psyop

They have created a very pissed off group of people with guns

If we lose midterms and Q is a psyop (not saying i think it is)

Its going to get very bad in this country

8b9c46  No.2515870


He's going to be serving time for a long time. He's going to have to go into hiding because they know who he is and they will torment him for the rest of his life

b25435  No.2515871

File: f8cb834dbb64aef⋯.png (667.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-08-23-1….png)

File: 6b2dfa3b4a7eb1d⋯.png (124.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-08-23-1….png)

e1d948  No.2515872

File: 18450222f930447⋯.png (147.3 KB, 500x263, 500:263, 1532050167664.png)


Just LOL


47cdd3  No.2515873

File: 992414f7608de4b⋯.jpg (102.7 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_2497.JPG)

File: ab55fe0a42d7510⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 718x718, 1:1, IMG_2501.JPG)

File: 70854e14d4befc0⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2000x3000, 2:3, IMG_2502.JPG)

81adea  No.2515874


The Rockefeller dynasty is gone.

Didn't you get the memo?

aa4c27  No.2515875


LOL You see the dude's name in the pic. Look it up on twitter. I don't link to cucks.

9ff187  No.2515876

File: 0adf9dd58d49880⋯.jpg (277.19 KB, 1161x1200, 387:400, burning.jpg)

Attacking Q deniers who are Trump supporters is not Anon behavior it is shill clown behavior, UNDERSTAND? We do not attack doubters, we dont attack anyone, all sources are good sources to edify the masses, FREE SPEECH, do you fucking speak it?

405125  No.2515877

b8bbb7  No.2515878


Idiots keep giving them targets.

e1bd4f  No.2515879


Anons can no longer post any connections, memes or digs from prior to the current year or this self-important high ranking anon will declare it as null and void. He has given you fair warning: 2018 only or GTFO.

5ff280  No.2515881


>>2515141 Prosecutor: Man at N.M. compound trained kids for school shooting

>>2515146 Son of Imam Linked to WTC Bombing Kept Children in ‘Filthy’ Compound, Allegedly Trained Them to Shoot Up Schools

>>2515147, >>2515188 Colombia recognizes Palestine as a sovereign state, foreign ministry says - AFP

>>2515171 GOP rep. introduces bill that would fine Mexico to pay for the wall

>>2515182, >>2515396, >>2515406, >>2515657, >>2515803 Planefag Report

>>2515230, >>2515241 A bunch of fagots found in Syria along with a lot of other weapons.

>>2515385 Hamas has fired more than 70 rockets into Southern Israel on Wednesday night promoting the IDF to pound terror targets in Gaza.

>>2515488 Parkland school shooter video released

>>2515502 US Republican congressman Chris Collins charged for insider trading

>>2515514 Two MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murder in Aid of Racketeering and Other Charges

b7aed6  No.2515882

File: 00d50f6be8f931e⋯.jpg (127.46 KB, 766x469, 766:469, WWG1WGA 11.jpg)

File: 6e5504d32b46e2b⋯.jpg (86.42 KB, 708x500, 177:125, WWG1WGA 17.jpg)

File: bdae8864b1374bb⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 183x255, 61:85, WWG1WGA 1.jpg)

File: 5f25cd467b4b255⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 570x378, 95:63, WWG1WGA 18.jpg)

File: e9ab4252d29e9a2⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 389x260, 389:260, WWG1WGA 19.jpg)

9d2bb5  No.2515883


Very interdasting, anon. Even more so had the plane gone from LR to Utah.

24079c  No.2515884

“Va. governor, Charlottesville declare state of emergency for anniversary of far-right rally”


562dc6  No.2515885


Really. Should be Get Out the Rope.

19d6e8  No.2515886

File: 63156f0d31d3347⋯.png (875.15 KB, 871x530, 871:530, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f812ff830e0ee00⋯.png (77.97 KB, 858x845, 66:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf24ad172d1cde2⋯.png (86.43 KB, 851x842, 851:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71dc9173cbabe66⋯.png (36.22 KB, 890x427, 890:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese President Xi’s regime intensifies crackdowns on Christianity


5fd189  No.2515887


Check notables before posting.

884dc1  No.2515889

File: a09e27d6889ddac⋯.jpg (442.34 KB, 2835x2474, 2835:2474, 1509842033459.jpg)

2d677a  No.2515890

File: 29f4dc67dd45638⋯.png (35.37 KB, 383x265, 383:265, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

File: 99c4c729a67e242⋯.png (166.74 KB, 502x343, 502:343, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)




5be1d5  No.2515891


>supposedly knows the Jew

>calls Saudi Arabia the greatest terrorists in the world


6345db  No.2515892


Pretty sure you're a shill trying to make us look bad. Of course we'll defend ourselves, but we're not going around looking for trouble.

ba4101  No.2515893

Think like Donald

Speak like Putin

eat like Kim

Play with your vagina like Trudeau

254b07  No.2515894


Tied to Linda Sarsour. Who's surprised?



b97be0  No.2515896

File: 98fb09d4497c83b⋯.png (32.81 KB, 656x348, 164:87, ICE re Tenn MS13 Indictmen….PNG)

File: 6dd1c1ad77a0c1c⋯.png (54.78 KB, 651x389, 651:389, USAO re Tenn MS13 Indictme….PNG)

File: 5a51cb143aa1439⋯.png (86.83 KB, 624x898, 312:449, DOJ Tenn MS13 Indictments ….PNG)

Federal Indictment Charges Two MS-13 Gang Members With Murder In Aid Of Racketeering And Other Charges


b2a4cc  No.2515897


Rockefeller's were always just Rothschild puppets.

47cdd3  No.2515898

think of the medicinal properties of replerbiterian judas fehgel soap

a8765d  No.2515899

File: cb83aef972bd571⋯.png (22.45 KB, 1080x528, 45:22, qlinkrefundedpropoganda.png)

I apologize if this has been mentioned.

But I've read all the notables and its not in there.

Archive.is won't back the link "Q" gave up today; the one from Reddit about the money Cabal appropriated to themselves for Propaganda; Some 100 Million + $$$

Try it yourself and see if you get the same result I did.


Maybe that's what they spent some of their money on?

Bribe Archive.is?


Perhaps I made an error with the imput of the link?

One more notice: I have a few Twitters under different names. I made one with a burner phone, I did one or two memes with the new account [not attached to any old email for phone number] and it went viral 100 re-tweets. With my old account I work so hard I never hardly get more than one re-tweet or two likes. That account was shut for a while claiming I ws a bot. It's not strictly shadowbanned because I do get a like here and there - but his is too fishy. Once right after we were told something was changed in the inner workings. I got 200~ K in one day. That was the day before they took me down. I would get easy ~10K per day soon before that. But mostly I'm lucky if I get three K.

I wouldn't have really noticed too much [just accept that my accounts are dampened] except with the new clean account 100~ retweets right off the bat. They are so scared.

73cc94  No.2515900

Q- we need a favor. Can you arrange for a train to hit Omarosa? TIA.

78170a  No.2515902

File: 2ee81bee40b3c9e⋯.jpeg (286.02 KB, 640x922, 320:461, 0A2CF9A1-DD2A-41B4-A1A3-9….jpeg)


9d7a6e  No.2515903

File: 4b92925ed88db5e⋯.png (167.61 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 1529778370150.png)

File: 260b2469a8776ca⋯.jpg (134 KB, 913x566, 913:566, 1533089770591.jpg)


The first that I can remember was Trayvon Martin story. It was complete and utter bullshit. This was the crime scene (pic related) and they spun it like some white guy killed a poor lil dindu 12 year old niglet

edad52  No.2515904


You want the training camp not to be exposrd the fuck anon

56f4eb  No.2515905

File: 3c4c9bb39cfa4db⋯.jpg (72.17 KB, 634x444, 317:222, 289vn9.jpg)

File: f94c5eb9b5f0cac⋯.jpg (78.16 KB, 634x444, 317:222, 289vjs.jpg)

File: 3a8ad3c2063664e⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 426x426, 1:1, 289v74.jpg)

c0feee  No.2515906

File: 722e785ff1604b8⋯.gif (687.67 KB, 500x337, 500:337, crows.gif)


Go Granny Jean - too bad you hit in the chest and not his problematic pecker. Coulda cured all his ails!

562dc6  No.2515908


Q isnt a problem. Q makes internet posts. Only what happens matters.

66743f  No.2515910

File: 28bf40656f5e200⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 459x600, 153:200, 4ed60c65c1f55501c42e5667cf….jpg)


i told you 6000 breads ago that memes create themselves you cant force them. sorta like a turd.

c76110  No.2515912


anon in the pic is seen attempting to distance Q from infinity on purpose

don't be alarmed


aba7bb  No.2515914


It makes you wonder how far off they are on regular news story's

ba4101  No.2515915


His faggot father is a freemason, sacrificed his own son. Same with Mike Brown and the other niglets

a4a4d3  No.2515916

File: 32eb935043e4a24⋯.png (178.56 KB, 438x324, 73:54, Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at ….png)


Yes…Let's IGNORE all evidence that connects dots of corruption that is from the PAST.

YES…YES…No evidence from the past. Smart moves Anon. Thank You for correcting us.


492d89  No.2515917



Bicycle locks to the head for you.

Don't fight back.

No violence, right?

I think taking out few cement stars in Hollywood isn't as bad as what we could make it if we resorted to the same types of violence Antifa has done to our fellow patriots.

Nobody gets hurt.

Just some concrete.

fuck 'em!

352bf3  No.2515919

Have you had enough of those shapeshifting trans-dimensional pedo vampires yet?

900eb6  No.2515920

File: bdafcdbb80236a6⋯.png (269.27 KB, 1150x899, 1150:899, dynasty gone.png)

211504  No.2515921

File: a81e5b8758e0f3c⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 564x828, 47:69, 7be008c30f003dc1ac5a38655e….jpg)

38ab1d  No.2515922

File: 35006c8ede871af⋯.jpg (98.24 KB, 500x908, 125:227, leaders.jpg)

f38f36  No.2515923



19d6e8  No.2515924

File: 167a4737ae0a92e⋯.png (51.09 KB, 1026x861, 342:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 131f138d523326c⋯.png (27.24 KB, 1027x434, 1027:434, ClipboardImage.png)

Top Government Spooks & Hackers on the FBI’s Payroll: DNC Computer Breach Linked to Bernie Sanders, Not Hackers


9ff187  No.2515926

File: 7d7580fdd631847⋯.jpg (382.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1080_Dark-vs-Light.jpg)


Please forgive the shills and clowns, thought they know EXACTLY what they do! Give Anons Wisdom and Discernment. Remind tehm daily WWG1WGA!

In JesusAnon NAME


b2a4cc  No.2515927


Who do you think created SA in the first place? The British monarchy via inculcating fantasies of Royalty in that backwards desert tribe they decided would be their puppet. The SA's are…

secretly zionists….

78170a  No.2515929

File: 4de6902d7bb88e3⋯.jpeg (545.37 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 66ADCB8C-9E38-4975-A966-E….jpeg)

6b6ced  No.2515930


https://web.archive. org/web/20180808094127/https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/95cqhw/lisamei62_here_we_go_hr_5181_was_stuffed_into_the/

b8bbb7  No.2515931


Is it possible that God sent Q as a result of our worship of God and God alone?

e70550  No.2515933

File: 991308e1bbf0cee⋯.png (254.1 KB, 368x416, 23:26, ClipboardImage.png)

e7bf24  No.2515934


Fuck off and kill yourself you shill faggot. Nobody is going along with your retarded idea so stop posting about it.

8b9c46  No.2515935

File: 43b172a950744ab⋯.jpg (23.12 KB, 400x309, 400:309, Welfare.jpg)

5ef43f  No.2515936

File: 903c9602f6cc325⋯.jpg (160.56 KB, 866x838, 433:419, 903c9602f6cc32521e5c9cf392….jpg)


>he thinks he can FF the board

ba4101  No.2515937


His ass gets blown by old, hairy, sandniggers. Bet on it

d3ea2e  No.2515938

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….jpg)


Not a good look.

e1631b  No.2515939


Most of my turds I do have to force.

da88ab  No.2515940



d7fa88  No.2515941

File: cb101b75cf92fa7⋯.jpg (221.46 KB, 1875x1875, 1:1, pepe planefag eyes.jpg)


No. We are just anons and comfy af.

bb4ac4  No.2515942


I thought a white guy killed him. That guy looks Hispanic?

5ff280  No.2515944

File: feccfc18f17cc74⋯.jpg (128.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, _p8mvzxs2zax.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

77cc6b  No.2515946


thanks for the report

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