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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

8567f0 No.2192993

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

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Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 ---------------------------------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

8567f0 No.2193000


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2192290 QClock Connection on Dark To Light

>>2192323 Trump Opinion Poll

>>2192390 Glider Flying over POTUS Dig Cont.

>>2192464 How Americans View Relations with Russia

>>2192488 Czech minister resigns over plagiarism allegations

>>2192508, >>2192566 Something Habbening in Chicago near Trump Tower

>>2192591 Side by Side re: Google Outage/Lights go out

>>2192663 Trump Approved Press Conference Of Russian Indictments To Strengthen Hand Against Putin @DailyCaller

>>2192793 Timing and Pace of the The Plan

>>2192857, >>2192911 New POTUS Tweets

>>2192982 #2765


>>2191595, >>2191629 Review of "Dark to Light" and "Should the Lights go out" Q Posts

>>2191711 UK and Ecuador Possibly Conspiring to Extradite Assange to US

>>2191725 Mueller seeks immunity, anonymity for 5 'potential witnesses' in Manafort trial

>>2191892, >>2192032 Nat Rothschild's Ex-Wife Dies at 49

>>2191524, >>2191971 Moar Sauce re: Voting Machine Vendor Installing Remote-Access Software

>>2192051 Human remains found ‘almost every day’ behind Toronto property linked to Bruce McArthur

>>2191710, >>2192075, >>2191882, >>2191949, >>2192121 Possible Connection Between Glider and SS Agent Death (Call for Digging)

>>2192084, >>2192177 Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Warns Intel Community May Begin to “Withhold Vital Intelligence” From President Trump

>>2192219 #2763


>>2190744 Trump Blasts John Brennan as a 'very bad person'

>>2190811 Several Homeland Security advisory council members resign over new Trump Immigration Laws

>>2190988 Russia Is rapidly liquidating its US Treasury Holdings

>>2191035 Intel Chair: FBI, DOJ Obstructing Trump Probe in Hope of Dem Takeover in Congress

>>2191077 US & Russia still under 1999 treaty on mutual assistance on criminal cases

>>2191119 Honolulu Star Bulletin, Saturday Oct 19, 1912.

>>2191274 USSS Agent who had a stroke while in Scotland w/ POTUS has died

>>2191431 #2762


>>2189916 Breaking911: Sec Pompeo will appear before Senate Foreign Relations Commite Public Hearing, July 25th - NBC News, >>2189928 Same date as Manaforts hearing

>>2189919 Departement of Elections in San Francisco ISSUED voter registration for ILLEGAL ALIENS to allow them to vote in the Board of Education's Elections, Nov. 6th

>>2189920 Yearning for some Q-crumb? Reread!

>>2189933 Bill Binney provides forensic data proving Guccifer2 Data is fraud and Russia did not hack the DNC (July 7th). [RR] hands down fraudulent report with Guccifer2 as its cornerstone case , JULY 13th

>>2190211 CDAN on Annabelle Neilson's(Ex Rothschild)?

>>2190162 Google outage takes down major services including Spotify and Snapchat, >>2190140

>>2190190 on HRC: Rereading crumbs: $400,000,000.00 fits comfy

>>2190204 POTUS PAPER SPELLS: sʇnƆ xɐ┴ ssɐlƆ ǝlppᴉW ʇuǝuɐɯɹǝԀ, >>2190342 Permanent Middle Class Tax Cuts

>>2190288 Calling All Meme Batters On #RussianCollusion & #RussiaSummit!, >>2190338

>>2190297 Mike Rotschild is tweeting about #TreasonSummit p.e

>>2190326 Chinese National, MICHAEL YIN charged with Insider Trading Scheme conducted with Principal of Private Equity Fund

>>2190358 Top Voting Machine Vendor Admits It Installed Remote-Access Software on Systems Sold to States

>>2190422 Syrian govt. forces discover Israeli-made bombs in militant weapons cache

>>2190429 Dark_To_Light_Moment.mp4

>>2190437 POTUS said today he agrees meddling took place in September 2016. Looks like Brennan was in Moscow at the time.

>>2190439 Frau Hitler Jr. dubbed "Leader of the Free World" on Wikipedia, >>2190459

>>2190682 #2761

Previous Collected Notables

>>2190883 #2758, >>2189071 #2759, >>2189848 #2760

>>2185951 #2755, >>2190873 #2756, >>2190882 #2757

>>2190918 #2752, >>2190927 #2753, >>2185155 #2754

>>2183774 #2749, >>2183783 #2750, >>2183795 #2751

>>2178727 #2746, >>2179705 #2747, >>2180469 #2748

>>2176499 #2743, >>2177299 #2744, >>2178086 #2745

>>2174165 #2740, >>2174947 #2741, >>2175729 #2742

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

8567f0 No.2193003

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>494745 — Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 – New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

8567f0 No.2193006

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ——–--> >>2172540

8567f0 No.2193013



bdbdf0 No.2193020


Seth Rich



Are any of these people still alive?

36e774 No.2193027

File: 1ad73e70d6b3967⋯.jpg (180.22 KB, 1177x786, 1177:786, IMG_20180717_193043.jpg)

POTUS notes from meeting with Congress today.

36e774 No.2193035

Nice cufflinks btw POTUS!

ed6ce6 No.2193048

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, 004192df45c2e7b5b53d088504….png)

5d24bc No.2193049


The real question is Q still alive?

f7cb8e No.2193051


yup KYS

bb28ad No.2193055

File: 007ffc8dee8c5be⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, ClipboardImage.png)

thank you baker!

Tucker is on fire tonight

f7cb8e No.2193056



c44222 No.2193057

File: 93a96ee0e23caae⋯.jpg (173.9 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, we control.jpg)

took a quick minute to research a thought

these were the results. its soimewhere in between nothingburger and whooper. perhaps a le royale with cheese. tagging it an bagging it

(repost from last bread) thanks homies

ed6ce6 No.2193058

bb28ad No.2193059

34c897 No.2193060


Does it matter if he's just doing to Watch the D get pounded in the ass.

That big offense lasted what 2 news cycles?

403cc4 No.2193061

ty baker

6818ee No.2193062

File: 5ace11fda7b794b⋯.png (713.11 KB, 1533x1658, 1533:1658, 5ace11fda7b794bbc41dda8a85….png)

File: 39ad5b4ca30047b⋯.png (346.38 KB, 922x679, 922:679, 0b3956e8c56b6169af7cb1af33….png)

File: c867c18bb99a5ff⋯.png (585.27 KB, 1884x1040, 471:260, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: 625a1a7ed3fa0c3⋯.jpg (173.43 KB, 810x942, 135:157, 39d6d4dac006a598ba719f4ef8….jpg)



some old proofs for newfags continued

a59461 No.2193063

Yep, he said they have the 3 servers from the "Pakistani guy" and they will be released

020c7e No.2193064

File: 1eb674cfcda3888⋯.jpg (280.97 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, warriors.jpg)

Kenya Dig It!

6e1147 No.2193065



Trump's supreme court nomination Brett Kavanaugh also has connections to Georgetown and Jesuitis.

403cc4 No.2193066

File: 4d6a7b5a835f10e⋯.png (323.29 KB, 665x394, 665:394, TY-BAKER-BRRRRT.png)

ty baker.

6c61f4 No.2193067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



6924cc No.2193068

File: 1aa3d9d2d56847c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.1 MB, 680x1024, 85:128, R1NnAAe.png)

ty baker another adult woman

73b13c No.2193069

File: c8d12adde9aae2e⋯.png (2.98 MB, 5096x4064, 637:508, Cabal_27_LU_13_07_18.png)

File: aea783b89203cdc⋯.png (538.49 KB, 581x720, 581:720, Eeryday.png)


>>2192859 (lb)

>the Nazis started the EU idea in 1948

Jewish fake news rabbi.

Proof in graph.

Try harder.

Also, JFK thought Hitler was a great man.

Cry more :)

3a9fa6 No.2193070

Breaking: Q has been arrested as a Russian agent. She is being held in the basement of the Standard Hotel.

85068a No.2193071

>>2193034 (lb)

<Excuses are cheap and easy, but accomplish NOTHING.

>Trump was elected to Build the Wall and Lock /them/ up.

And that's it, 4 years for these goals alone?

See anons, this is why we need INFORMED citizens voting (yeah, i now, likely shill w/ that one post, still, an example should be made)

81fdb3 No.2193072



e6f06c No.2193073

File: 4bdfd71e31c4bef⋯.png (99.23 KB, 785x785, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump has a big heart and loves ALL of us.

I know it.

0f8e8c No.2193074


Hannity is Trumps friend from way Back... You can take your Dick sucking somewhere else...Thank Q

81fd25 No.2193075

File: 076346e75cad3a0⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 451x665, 451:665, ShillsDanger2.jpg)

File: 914b884386ae1b1⋯.jpg (498.56 KB, 1690x871, 130:67, WelcomeToNewbieFreedomOfSp….jpg)

c95fd5 No.2193076

File: e7ab5a6fb483a1f⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, lemme 2.jpg)


Scores of Syrian civilians approach Israel's Golan Heights border fence in unprecedented move

Scores of desperate Syrian civilians have marched up to the border fence with Israel to plead for sanctuary from a Russian-backed Syrian army offensive sweeping through the country's south.

Key points:

Some of the Syrian civilians approaching the border wave white fabric

Israeli soldier warns them to go back "for your own good"

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled their homes in the past month

The civilians said they took the unprecedented step of approaching Israel's Golan Heights border fence to seek refuge after seeing the bodies of at least 14 people, including women and children, who were killed in the bombing of the nearby village of Ain al-Tineh.

The crowd of people, which appeared to number more than 100, stopped about 200 metres from the border fence, where some waved white fabric at Israeli forces guarding the frontier.

They retreated after an Israeli soldier told them through a megaphone, "Go back before something bad happens."

"We don't want to hurt you. Go back for your own good," the soldier said.

41c617 No.2193077


Nice garden.

09dace No.2193078

File: 2dcad34979713df⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 356x527, 356:527, 2dcad34979713dff1ff3d89f2a….jpg)


Check out the pic of Mattis on the side of turret.

efc25d No.2193079

File: 79f9a1b4288a9c6⋯.jpg (172.8 KB, 846x1112, 423:556, 50s1.jpg)

Thank you Baker.

7cf4a3 No.2193080

3a9fa6 No.2193081

A furry bread

8e4081 No.2193082

File: ff99a64a9a3855e⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 350x451, 350:451, IMG_3501.JPG)

File: 168cc62e2c20a09⋯.jpg (83.8 KB, 350x451, 350:451, IMG_3500.JPG)

File: 05c2715cb1059af⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 350x451, 350:451, IMG_3499.JPG)

2fd5d9 No.2193083

It's been 19 months, WTF hasn't Potus order the DOJ to take possession of the damn servers?

He's acting like he isn't the boss of the DOJ, much less the country.

8567f0 No.2193084



Ty anons, you know the way to my heart! KEK

9f13f9 No.2193085


King of Jordan is a Jew. Research his mother. What makes one a Jew with Jew law?

eee8c5 No.2193086

I knew I would Make a mistake. ThankQ for the kind words.

2a99d1 No.2193087

I had posted the other day about the secret service agent who had a stroke in scotland, while protecting Trump

Towards top of daily mail, they are reporting that he died.

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5964335/Secret-Service-agent-dies-hospital-suffering-stroke-protecting-President-Trump.html

56869b No.2193088

EXPOSED: Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran, Worked As Obama and Brennan’s Envoy To Iranian Regime

Not sure I buy the content of the article, but they claim he grew up in Iran and SA. Could be legit if his father was a diplomat of similar. But the article seems a bit far fetch. Just posting here for info…


81fdb3 No.2193089


they have the servers.

cd4540 No.2193090


I already have hair in my teeth.

c510ec No.2193091


He is amped up!

bb28ad No.2193092


daily reminder anon = a jewhovah witness

bdbdf0 No.2193093

Since Q has been gone so long, only people left on these boards are the retardedest of the retards

the deplorablest of the deplorables

the inbreddest of the inbreds

the chronic masterbateredest of the chronic masterbaters

the worst america has to offer

that means something big gonna happen soon (i been saying this for almost a year now - STILL NOTHING)

2c5e4f No.2193094


anyone else wondering if the person who skydived near potus might have been more significant than we think

b9c8bc No.2193095

File: 4a86fbbd483ea4f⋯.png (31.25 KB, 666x278, 333:139, POTUS 7-17-18 5 27 pm PDT.PNG)

Repost end of last bread

Bread 2764



Connelly: Trump with Putin: Rep. Adam Smith dares call it 'treason'


8e4081 No.2193096

File: 3180df6d5b425fb⋯.jpg (116.83 KB, 672x500, 168:125, IMG_3471.JPG)

ed6ce6 No.2193097

Wow, this fuckin' dude, is shitty shill.

b285a9 No.2193098

you dont know what politfact is how do you know what is true. What do you mean you usee your brain what is that

d7dca8 No.2193099

>>2192996 (lb)

While Anons are well-advised to dig into the Jesuits for their many crimes throughout history, this nonsense of reasoning that "Mary Jane attended a Jesuit university, therefore she is a Jesuit" has to stop.

There are lots of Jesuit universities in the world (Georgetown, Loyola Marymount, Gonzaga...) and lots of students at those schools aren't even Catholics. Only a miniscule number of their students are members of the Jesuit order.

Most students choose those schools because they have good reputations in some academic field or other, and/or they get a scholarship offer. Doesn't make all graduates from those schools satanists or pedophiles.

3a9fa6 No.2193100


The 'servers' have already been cleaned with BleachBit, hammered with a sledge, run through a crusher, and demagnetized, then dumped in the Indian Ocean.

38d6a1 No.2193101

>>2192871 LB

no shit. they cribbed all the sauce from this board.

except for their triple-double top-secret "insider" source.

share it if you wish, just know where the legwork came from.

4e7a49 No.2193102

File: ad1d3d552879370⋯.jpg (162.68 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, A Stranger to Everyone 2, ….jpg)

73b13c No.2193103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also faggot rabbi, who do you think controls America (but not for long)?

A certain rootless international clicke, perhaps?

I am not a Nat Soc, but Hitler was right about you kikes.


Nice ad-hominem kike.

Dig your grave ever deeper with lies and shilling :)

bb28ad No.2193104


that was a complement…

6818ee No.2193105

File: e9b02ec38c1ace4⋯.png (672.11 KB, 1984x1210, 992:605, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: 0a9e087ae24685b⋯.png (441.97 KB, 518x520, 259:260, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: 69acc7b62d54f46⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 69acc7b62d54f46f0ce38b36a0….jpg)

File: b33d40052768d7d⋯.png (982.54 KB, 1718x964, 859:482, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at ….png)




34c897 No.2193106

File: 9bded84b28a6be4⋯.jpg (111.43 KB, 1424x542, 712:271, 9bded84b28a6be4183c7e199f5….jpg)


And yet you are sadly still here…

73b13c No.2193107


The first cross link is past bread.


cd4540 No.2193108


Those things need to be done period

Instead, we have excuses. Excuses accomplish NOTHING.

3a9fa6 No.2193109


I think you're doing it wrong.

85068a No.2193110

File: 9d6520b586eb8d9⋯.png (182.63 KB, 660x495, 4:3, Blackpills spilling.png)


>He's acting like he isn't the boss of the DOJ, much less the country.

Key word: ACTING. Pay attention. and/or, keep the black pills to yourself.

81fd25 No.2193111

File: 4631539c6220d93⋯.jpeg (79.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NewfagHottub.jpeg)


You're doing better.

Now you need to actually take the plunge and post as an anon next time. Delete anything that's in the Name field before you post. Many anons automatically filter everyone who posts with a name, and your words won't be seen.


And if you see anything unsavory, just scroll past it real fast without saying anything about it.

8338de No.2193112

File: 68aec656f51897e⋯.png (66.12 KB, 679x509, 679:509, cohen.png)

Let's see if we can mobilize the good people of Memphis to prove him wrong


09dace No.2193113


King of Jordan flew solo to Israel to warn them about the 1973 attack ahead of time.

85068a No.2193114


Show me one excuse.

62dddd No.2193115

>>2192698 lb


not really looking for anything, just noticed things are missing. here is the link


fd4444 No.2193116

So apparently the 25 Russians mainly lived in the U.S. So why didn't RR just go pick them up? Weird.

752a03 No.2193117


'Tis true, plus mom anon never showed her tits.

2eb156 No.2193118


When will they learn their democrat conceived CONservative talking points in order to make some (((sense))) of WWII just doesn't fucking fly here.

No argument they have can be won. Because it doesn't come from research. It comes from TV and years of liberal media indoctrination.

b285a9 No.2193119

illegals voting not a big deal russia madefaceebook post. I get all my information from facebook they could tell me who to vote for

56869b No.2193120

File: 3e1bf34d242b0bb⋯.png (695.31 KB, 1164x772, 291:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Build the wall!

c95fd5 No.2193121

File: eeb25ed562c9c08⋯.png (282.19 KB, 474x559, 474:559, ClipboardImage.png)


Not only USfags anon.


Pic related

e8ac26 No.2193122

File: a57c9aa044f667c⋯.png (147.83 KB, 750x817, 750:817, IMG_8257.PNG)

File: ff47cba4c06f3b3⋯.png (70.26 KB, 691x359, 691:359, IMG_8258.PNG)

File: 6bf719a94d6e655⋯.png (67.97 KB, 750x325, 30:13, IMG_8259.PNG)

File: 5eaa910bacb1590⋯.png (57.26 KB, 750x280, 75:28, IMG_8260.PNG)

I'm reposting this again for the night shift to see. I posted in an earlier Bread & immediately had a shill jump on me & say I was the one that somehow posted these posts & literally went after me-just for sharing these posts that I thought were interesting that happened during POTUS speech today. (Over target?)

BO & BV can look at my post history & know I didn't post or I have a history of shilling….which I stated but this shill kept going after my post.

Anyway, these posts occurred either right before or during POTUS speech today & at least I think they stand out.

BO/BV can look at their IP Hash history to see if they are Shills…but I doubt it (but I could be wrong).

Reason why I'm sharing is bc I truly believe that Q team is still here & monitoring. The "lights out & on" during the speech had meaning & I think it was meant for them.


e8ac26 No.2193123

File: 86fd0e780cbf04c⋯.png (48.83 KB, 750x242, 375:121, IMG_8261.PNG)

File: 302e0a918aab3bc⋯.png (48.49 KB, 750x250, 3:1, IMG_8262.PNG)

b1098c No.2193124

Q what happened to our USSS agent? We know it wasn't stroke.

cd4540 No.2193125


That figures, since Trump and Hannity have arrested the same number of "prominent" demoncrats: 0.

73b13c No.2193126


Kek, sorry then.

But here those are just members of a huge racket, that is why I thought it was an attack.

bb28ad No.2193127



we <3 our lurkers

except the MSM/Shareblue type lurkers

f2998d No.2193128

silver dropped $~.40 today.

Keep an eye on it!

82401c No.2193129

File: 5752018c796c82f⋯.jpg (3.22 KB, 100x79, 100:79, 373-Blue-Eye-2-sm.jpg)

>>2192885 lb

I'm still here, just lurking moar now, last bread I asked for the sauce on Q death, the story is changing, all by itself

ed6ce6 No.2193130


yeah, no shit

56869b No.2193131

File: dd2e7ae3d6c95fa⋯.png (136.9 KB, 1162x496, 581:248, ClipboardImage.png)

Dump the RINO's at the next elections.

bdbdf0 No.2193132


>15 bdbdf0

If you dont live in America, you should KYS

2fd5d9 No.2193133


thanks for the chuckles anon

85068a No.2193134


Because Gina Haspel has to find the safe houses they're in first? (only half joking here)

8567f0 No.2193135


you had a good dig, could you repost?

2eb156 No.2193136


Three of those people matter. One is alive.

The other one doesn't matter and never did.

7cf4a3 No.2193137


i love how fed up ann coulter is with everything

cd4540 No.2193138


It's almost a joke to post an image like this in the demoncrat shithole we live in now.

4168f6 No.2193139


Tucker is a genius…love his show. He runs circles around guests from the left.

6c61f4 No.2193140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


efc25d No.2193141


>Since Q has been gone so long, only people left on these boards are the retardedest of the retards

I see that you are still here …

bb28ad No.2193142



your daily reminders of JQ are like Jehovah's witnesses doing they're outreach

-→ jewhovah's wtnesses

81fd25 No.2193143

File: cf02d985bb565a3⋯.jpg (110.09 KB, 581x1101, 581:1101, R7.jpg)


OK, loaded that bread and a lot of images are missing. I don't feel like clearing my web cache just to test if it's a caching problem.

f183ab No.2193144


>We know it wasn't stroke.

maybe a Peter Stroke

752a03 No.2193145


At least spell masturbate correctly.

2eb156 No.2193146


Absolutely true. Boomers do you understand?

Trying to be polite. Stop being surprised by this viewpoint.

c95fd5 No.2193147

File: 74ef355faa4332f⋯.png (314.29 KB, 904x711, 904:711, ClipboardImage.png)

85068a No.2193148

File: 4af32c70d15799b⋯.gif (204.44 KB, 480x347, 480:347, cateyes.gif)

File: 34121c1027b30a2⋯.png (162.54 KB, 2124x2400, 177:200, A ANON.png)


[Eyes on]

27d986 No.2193149

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)


Love having lurkers AnonMom… glad you are with us. it was a worthy dig! :-)

dd966f No.2193150

File: b97a71dfc68dafe⋯.jpg (149.14 KB, 700x501, 700:501, stillfree.jpg)

bb28ad No.2193151


fuck *their

0f4c19 No.2193152

Not sure if this counts as a notable resignation or not, but he's pretty young to be leaving the festivities (33 years old)…

Jon Applebaum

Deputy Minority Leader DFL House Caucus - Minnesota

RELEASE: Rep. Jon Applebaum will not seek reelection to the Minnesota House in 2018


254855 No.2193153

File: 647518c87ade2de⋯.jpg (76.68 KB, 590x462, 295:231, i was told Q.jpg)

d1450d No.2193154

Man I have to say if any UK anons are here that I am finding the amount of fuckery coming from your country toward both my President and my American brethren to be atrocious after reading a ton of shit during my research about the glider. I honestly (truly) have always considered you guys to be brethren and of kindred blood but, fuck, the raw hatred coming from your country toward Trump, America and "whites" is unbelievable. Literally thousands upon thousands of these things all across social media. I really hope you British patriots wake up and take your country back because.. fuck… your country is looking like an enemy given all these posts to kill Americans.

c510ec No.2193155

File: 11bf5ff35fbaaf0⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 1280x888, 160:111, 601158447_o__21916.1346910….jpg)


We are closed to your racist, bigoted opinions that are hate based.

b9c8bc No.2193156

File: 54d409daf0ff867⋯.png (1.13 MB, 984x785, 984:785, KOMO 1 7-4-18.PNG)

File: 14b57de0d228f8a⋯.png (46.01 KB, 640x713, 640:713, KOMO 2 7-4-18.PNG)


Next on Tucker

Dems that want to abolish ICE

Bread 2571


Rep. Smith and Rep. Jayapal working on bill to abolish ICE


f2998d No.2193157


The servers were mirrored. The servers themselves were destroyed.

In order for the NSA's intel to be actionable, a few things have to happen first. Maybe another anon more dedicated to your question will be able to offer a better explanation.

459649 No.2193158


RR can't pick up anybody, he can only prosecute them. So some federal LEOs are needed - know any that aren't comped?

2da7cd No.2193159

File: a067c7e831b142b⋯.png (281.27 KB, 588x436, 147:109, james woods.PNG)

6924cc No.2193160

File: a860de700df654b⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, monkey_typing.jpg)

fd4444 No.2193161


Maybe so. This entire thing is such a shitshow. Any decent lawyer would destroy those indictments. WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE???

09dace No.2193162

File: be3d194759b1843⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1527065976734.jpg)


Oi mate you got a license for that meme or is it stolen?

cd4540 No.2193163


Agree. I'm entirely dissatisfied with the state of the country. Only people who have known nothing but Bushbama war economy can think 2018 is glorious to date. It isnt.

2312a1 No.2193164


TY anon. WWG1WGA!

4e7a49 No.2193165


I know you're nothing but a drool cupped leftard troll who knows nothing outside of what your masters tell you to think but has it ever crossed that chick pea brain of yours that they've been rather busy over the past couple of weeks.

SCOTUS nomination, NATO meeting, meeting with Putin, etc.

GTFO and don't come back.

68d484 No.2193166

File: f0629235f8d5075⋯.jpg (20.13 KB, 888x210, 148:35, IMG_1277.JPG)

WTF is This?


Fake Q post?

Not Lionel's MO




Word on the "street" is that JFK, Jr. is #Qanon - very interesting! You can't make this stuff up!


5:38 PM · Jul 16, 2018

efe55b No.2193167


Wanna know why boomers don't eat pussy?

7cf4a3 No.2193168


australia isn't britain??

eee8c5 No.2193169

My first post, I have been lurking for so long I feel like I know you all so well. I just had to share this information with you Awesome Anons because you would know best how to use it. Yes, that is butter you smell. #WWG1WGA

What do Peter Strzok’s wife Melissa Hodgman, Joe and Hunter Biden, and Chris Heinz have in Common?

GeorgeTown University School of Foreign Service - Some members: Bill Clinton - Dick Durbin -

Denis McDonough - George Tenet - Abdullah II of Jordan

Just realized that the professor Melissa Hodgman was protecting from a Clinton Foundation investigation was also a Georgetown professor! That would be – Chris Brummer.

Geoergetown professor

Obama appointee to SEC

Sex and money laundering

There is a WHOLE SITE dedicated to Chris Brummer!


Hunter Biden also an adjunct professor at Georgetown U’s master’s program in the School of Foreign Service. Also

Hunter Biden - Chairman, World Food Program USA;Managing Partner, Rosemont Seneca Partners

Just get on DuckDuckGo and type “Melissa Hodgman SEC <a year of your choice between 2008 and 2015>,

and you can see notable cases she played a part in.

Speaking of which – Peter Strzok – Melissa Hodgman – Other Strzok family members – The Biden kids – Denis McDonough – MORE- what do they all have in common ? Answer – All Jesuits . All went to Georgetown University , a Jesuit school. And our new Jesuit Pope loves Georgetown too.


Obama / Strzok Family Connection Spans Decades


International Smuggling of Radiological Materials: Soros, Strzok, Mueller, and more


d1c737 No.2193170



dd966f No.2193171

File: 88eb70b7dd82829⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1522222378102.jpg)

254855 No.2193172


not a real post.

b0e9ea No.2193173

f183ab No.2193174

c95fd5 No.2193175


Told ya last night anon that I was stealin it.


2da7cd No.2193176


Sometimes you're born into a Jesuit family and have no choice either.

73b13c No.2193177

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Notice how they always try to pin everything on Hitler and nazis.

Fucking kikes, I will make the world know the truth about Hitler.

And not, I am not Nat Soc, I just have no tolerance for jewish lies anymore.

6368a2 No.2193178

File: 4ca12e66fd48457⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 600x500, 6:5, going 2 burn - MFKRS snd m….jpg)

File: da9e1532f9e2d6e⋯.jpg (26.52 KB, 480x717, 160:239, evil must fear punishmnt-p.jpg)

fab6db No.2193179

File: ee564263281a74e⋯.jpg (108.73 KB, 960x720, 4:3, johnjohn.jpg)

File: 25d1dd4370d0cee⋯.jpg (714.78 KB, 3000x2001, 1000:667, kim dotom.jpg)

I dont recall this coming up back when we were digging on it, I may have missed it while sleeping, but 2 questions. Did anyone consider if this was Kim Dotcom in front and did anyone figure out who the creepy guys with the glasses was next to the supposed JFKjr on his right?

85068a No.2193180

File: 95ef5f7b4850894⋯.png (188.3 KB, 1460x591, 1460:591, ClipboardImage.png)


Almost missed you a 2nd time. Clear your name field

015a55 No.2193181

File: 18e69e0f77f2d1a⋯.png (21.72 KB, 747x231, 249:77, jw.PNG)

has anyone heard if this is really happening?

cd4540 No.2193182

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, free beer q.jpg)


This isnt even funny anymore.

36e774 No.2193183

Did anyone catch that Putin brought up JFK as an example of a president that was killed by the opposition in his interview with Mike Wallace?

09dace No.2193184

File: 02fc980cf798968⋯.png (250.58 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1527067185986.png)


Hey m8 its me lol.

82401c No.2193185


truth addiction can be painful

8e4081 No.2193186

File: 49e4e4b27f0b11a⋯.jpg (92.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_2628.JPG)

File: da738d6f34b09fa⋯.jpg (90.23 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_2352.JPG)

File: d40ec34ae74c1e6⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 552x499, 552:499, IMG_2340.JPG)

File: cdf59f45c716118⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 500x503, 500:503, IMG_2942.JPG)

File: c45e545ddc89ef4⋯.jpg (103.5 KB, 620x388, 155:97, IMG_2973.JPG)

1a7f19 No.2193187


Amen brother

6c61f4 No.2193188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d5a880 No.2193189


Hahaha “you can’t make this up?”

It’s literally all made up! No evidence, no sources. Fan fiction. Fun fan fiction but dan fiction nonetheless

0d5bbe No.2193190


I'm blocked by this scared pussy shit.

I can't wait until he falls.

459649 No.2193191

File: ae6cc062e2c73da⋯.png (939.24 KB, 560x980, 4:7, boomer card.png)


likely since before you were born anon…

36e774 No.2193192


Yes, that's real.

2da7cd No.2193193


>we want to abolish ICE by lowering the freezing point of water to Absolute Zero

3c9ba4 No.2193194


Probably because they're the Russians Obama kicked out of the country before POTUS took office.

f183ab No.2193195


Michael Douglas.

ddd870 No.2193197

efe55b No.2193198

Thousands of Syrians From Towns in Idlib Are Set for Evacuation - Reports

DAMASCUS (Sputnik) - Thousands of residents of the Syrian besieged settlements of Fua and Kefraya in northern Idlib province will be evacuated after the relevant agreement has been reached between the militants and the Syrian government, the SANA news agency reported on Tuesday.

The agreement was concluded two months after over 40 hostages were released in the settlement of Estabraq in Idlib. The new deal also stipulates the release of remaining hostages in Estabraq, according to the agency.

Meanwhile, the Jabhat Nusra terror group has reinforced attacks on the government's army and civilians in the Syrian province of Idlib over the past 24 hours, head of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov said Tuesday.

"Despite the ceasefire regime, the intensity of firing by the militants of the banned terror group Jabhat al-Nusra operating in the Idlib province has increased. The firing targeting the government forces and civilians has been registered in the provinces of Latakia, Hama and Aleppo," the statement said.

Idlib is one of the de-escalation zones created during the Astana reconciliation talks. While the government forces have by now recovered authority over most of the country, Idlib remains largely under militants' control.

Moscow has been assisting Damascus both through supporting the struggle against terrorist groups and providing humanitarian aid to the residents of the crisis-torn country.


c510ec No.2193199


I think it would be more interesting to know why you would think to ask such a question.

fd4444 No.2193200


Dude. Did you really take it that literally? RR driving around DC making arrests? He's the one who gives the go ahead genius.

14515c No.2193201

File: 9f94330b731722c⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, djtclock717lines.png)

File: c3aa6cfbc164937⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, JFKQClockStartEndMirror.png)

>>2192437 (LB)

If the delta today is :07 based on the Trump tweet correction then it would align with today based on the +:07 marker.

Also for the Anon who made the JFK comment here is a clock from a while ago.

68d484 No.2193202


He fell for Fake Q post here?

I thought he'd be smarter than that

df990f No.2193203


That post was referring to 'May 23rd.' Watch the news then. When the password was revealed.

0e8e0f No.2193204


>but dan fiction nonetheless

I've heard of Dan fiction. It's kinda wierd

4e7a49 No.2193205

File: 7026d7de4d3d8b9⋯.jpg (171.43 KB, 480x731, 480:731, image.jpg)

b0e9ea No.2193206

File: ecf3d2317a38f12⋯.png (138.68 KB, 917x871, 917:871, ecf3d2317a38f12beffbeade2f….png)



damn… different topics but, THIS

2eb156 No.2193207





Spoken like a true leftist faggot that wants to control information and free speech by using leftist buzzwords that ultimately mean nothing

f9c3e6 No.2193209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


459649 No.2193210


then you haven't been careful with who you are following..

2fd5d9 No.2193211


Thank you anon

85068a No.2193212

File: 7748c5c97a5fa44⋯.png (15.6 KB, 224x225, 224:225, baitmaster.png)



f9c3e6 No.2193213

File: 34a067dc10bf480⋯.jpg (241.11 KB, 1974x1306, 987:653, _20180717_205048.JPG)

73b13c No.2193214

File: fd797456045614a⋯.png (5.97 KB, 448x357, 64:51, Spurdo_PC.png)

cd4540 No.2193215


I have two degrees from Jesuit Uni.s and I have nothing to do with any of that shit, nor do any of my friends. The biggest issue I see is that whereas these Uni.s used to be quite conservative, theyre now fucking libtarded. It makes me sick.

b4f649 No.2193216


yeah you'll find almost no one cares about spelling

3a9fa6 No.2193219


I hope we have plenty of infiltrators.

Bring the CommunistUSA posters that say 'We hate Russia'

544dff No.2193220

File: 629c46f387ae011⋯.jpeg (765.99 KB, 1061x1513, 1061:1513, A5550A5A-8C11-48A8-ACC3-2….jpeg)


Is this the Cohen in the Lisa page texts.

027d9c No.2193221


>the deplorablest of the deplorables

>the inbreddest of the inbreds

>the chronic masterbateredest of the chronic masterbaters

You forgot the the most patient ones Anon.

and impatient ones

d5a880 No.2193222


I’m the little Pepe that just lost his top ice cream scoop right now…

6924cc No.2193223


Wherever you're going with this…stop before you embarrass yourself.

a005fa No.2193224

From the NYT 5-17-17 article:

As a special counsel, Mr. Mueller can choose whether to consult with or inform the Justice Department about his investigation. He is authorized to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” according to Mr. Rosenstein’s order naming him to the post, as well as other matters that “may arise directly from the investigation.”

Congress cannot get the scope letter, so this must have been leaked. Of particular interest, is the second statement regarding 'other matters".


0f0c18 No.2193225

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 3d0306b001edd3198a7924613c….jpg)

File: d82159de8ad3e7c⋯.png (487.4 KB, 761x500, 761:500, stop-torturing-manafort.png)

File: 9c9f0d3bc1b4862⋯.png (516.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, scumbag-liar-strzok.png)

File: fe66868fb92c34d⋯.png (356.38 KB, 669x499, 669:499, hjhl;hlkhk'h'h.png)

There isn't anyone else who has harmed Trump more than Sessions. His pro torture campaign has caused all sorts of damage.

2c5e4f No.2193226


what about the patient impatient ones

efe55b No.2193227


Fake Australian pic! No FKN AUSSIE'S DRINK FOSTERS!

015a55 No.2193228


reading the comments on the page and 1 said to make it a wifi dead zone to end it. brilliant and effective

b9c8bc No.2193229



Watched the video from Breitbart on FB

a17d64 No.2193230

File: 82febde6e19bfef⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 998x598, 499:299, Trump-Laughing-Oval-Office.jpg)

73b13c No.2193231

File: 1f269a898f75931⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1007x2322, 1007:2322, Subversion_Pol_Generals.png)


Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

2da7cd No.2193232



>It is one of the safest seats in the nation for the Democratic Party, and has not been seriously contested by a Republican in its current configuration. Generally, the 9th is one of two seats in Tennessee that are not seriously contested by Republicans (the other being the 5th district).

85068a No.2193233



Very smart of him

a17d64 No.2193234

File: 7ef8199bc8ed950⋯.png (792.9 KB, 1008x612, 28:17, DisInfo.png)

29d25c No.2193235


Seriously man?

you are the ONLY one pushing this. Stop with that shit. you are just trying to distract the newfags.

Hopefully they are smarter than that. But this is a good lesson for them

(Since it seems there is more than the normal amount of newfags tonight)

ce7935 No.2193236


Who said If they want war, let it begin here?

2eb156 No.2193237


If you are not the boomer I am referring to you should take no insult to my over generalization of that generation. You are a minority in that group so you should not take insult to it. But you did so the over generalization stands correct as it always does.

459649 No.2193238


sure. he tells the guys to arrest them. I am sure there are several forms involved and then reciprocal forms. And then a detail must be selected and the locations surveilled….when it never mattered anyway because it was 100% theatre

36e774 No.2193240


Lol! That would actually work.

6818ee No.2193241



dig dig dig make connections

old shit other anons found back in the day thought it would be nice since we are re-reading crumbs during the Q drought





c510ec No.2193242


So, you are the voice of reason and the rest of us are just a bunch of leftist snowflake?

You are delusional and in the wrong place.

b0e9ea No.2193243

File: f9090b87979d886⋯.png (260.99 KB, 1039x559, 1039:559, 1531321323189.png)


Get the firehouses and dogs reedy, popcorn already in the microwave!

3a9fa6 No.2193244


Do I get a last meal? I'm hongry.

fd4444 No.2193245


This shit is getting retarded.

5b8ab0 No.2193246

Comey and others are now pushing the idea that it is time to rise up against the President. Obama is screaming on the sidelines. Putin calls out Soros for election meddling and drops a bombshell about Clinton.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr3rxXAVktQ

07ad2c No.2193247

File: 5d693a91a30fd71⋯.png (346.52 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Trump-putin-Q.png)

efe55b No.2193248

Israel ‘Strangles’ Palestinians by Suspending Energy Supplies to Gaza


f2998d No.2193249


I bet they'd leave within fifteen minutes. All of them

d1450d No.2193250

Hey guys, just to tell you John Kelly switched the lights off and then quickly turned them back on. He later said it was "by mistake".

John Kelly… our guy

85068a No.2193251


links to (pb) >>2180477 (pb)

29d25c No.2193252

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)


Fight me

62dddd No.2193253

what is this i am seeing that trump "misspoke" during the summit about the election meddling?!



36e774 No.2193254

JFK Jr is dead.

SR dead.

Even if alive neither would have Q clearance level.

The end.

6818ee No.2193256


sauce haha wtf Antarctica when does it come into play and why haha

62dddd No.2193257


is there a work around? new browser?

752a03 No.2193258

File: 815fcb53370faa6⋯.jpg (8.75 KB, 251x242, 251:242, hrmph pepe.jpg)


We have a rule on this board. It's called Tits of GTFO. If identify yourself as a female, then you are obligated to choose. #1 Post your tits or #2 Get the Fuck Out.

efe55b No.2193259



60b112 No.2193260


It's amateur hour at the shill farm..

4e7a49 No.2193261


Then why are you here, SorosStooge shill?

Scurry back to the swamp and enjoy what little time you have left. The clouds you see on the horizon and the breeze you're starting to feel are the outriders of the category five whirlwind you and the rest of your ilk have been sowing. You will not survive it.

cd4540 No.2193262


"What about this Pakistani guy?" I could give you a thousand. "Why isnt anybody doing anything about Hillary Clinton's collusion?" Where you fucking been, watching CNN? The narrative isn't ready. It's the job of the DOJ to put known criminals away! But muh FBI/muh judges. Fucking fire them all, declare martial law and


459649 No.2193263


just hate the terminology because it does not promote anything but division - no different than lumping all jews together

10bbf7 No.2193264

File: e38fb755960f9fe⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 640x551, 640:551, d8b3f188a14350e69c2709999a….jpg)


Big league?

c95fd5 No.2193265


Shhhh!. How else will we get rid of the horse piss?

f575e5 No.2193266

File: 63017fa7305a59a⋯.jpg (32.27 KB, 737x161, 737:161, Untitled-46.jpg)

LOL wut??? I did no such thing

2da7cd No.2193267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

81fdb3 No.2193268


wink wink

ed6ce6 No.2193269

73b13c No.2193270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Kek, even JFK knew the truth about Hitler. Your jewish lies will end this year, and the world shall shame you kikes non-stop.


2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

Compare the video of Hitler here: >>2193103

to the video of Trump. The goyim know that both have the same enemy: jewish supremacism.

Hitler did not hate jews, he hated your subversive behavior, and the world will learn that.

731ccb No.2193271

828baf No.2193272

File: 21b2acfbffd8c62⋯.png (797.95 KB, 999x799, 999:799, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)



bb28ad No.2193273



Lionel = Rtard

told ya, AJ, Corsi, and co are behind the Rfaggotry

f575e5 No.2193274

File: a509889199b035e⋯.gif (6.75 KB, 496x120, 62:15, blocked.gif)


woops wrong pic

5e08e2 No.2193275

File: e4b055df16fdd43⋯.png (89.12 KB, 875x1208, 875:1208, Trump Opinion Polls (@DTru….png)

>>2192323 (lb)

Just went to vote and looked at some of the older polls.

The polls showed I had selected something I am certain I hadn't, nor would.

DM sent, not sure how that would be done without back end access. New tactic?

<pic related

fd4444 No.2193276


Jr wouldn't hide himself for 20 years either. Stupid.

d1450d No.2193277



56869b No.2193278

File: c27f1782c3c08e8⋯.png (711.86 KB, 1012x740, 253:185, ClipboardImage.png)

efe55b No.2193279

57edbe No.2193280

All Caps at ACCEPT Right when the Lights went out ? >>2193027


36e774 No.2193281


They would go from demanding his resignation to demanding the wifi password. Kek!

cd4540 No.2193283


That's how you turn on the faucet.

efc25d No.2193285

File: 18af9818a2aceed⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 640x663, 640:663, bikerbernie.jpg)


We're man enough to eat any good pussy, fucktard.

Those growlers are tasty.

And we've eaten plenty of growlers.

Although I'm sure that we haven't eaten any where near as much pussy as you've eaten cock, boy.

6c61f4 No.2193286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


403cc4 No.2193287

File: 4a4ca53e4d978fb⋯.png (552.71 KB, 1324x1093, 1324:1093, dark-light-q-connections.png)


Trump refrased with a double underlying meaning, not just the light, also what he said

4e7a49 No.2193288


Don't worry. We WILL be coming for you.

b1098c No.2193289


No outside comms so hth can anyone know much less say that Q is dead. They fukin wish!!

73b13c No.2193290

File: dd8ebbc9d9109da⋯.jpg (221.26 KB, 1256x1304, 157:163, Migration_Israel_USA_Hypoc….jpg)


Israel could take them in.

cd4540 No.2193291


It's a tired, boring, lame-ass act.

Frankly, Trump is acting like a fucking pussy who's afraid of what somebody might think.


8e4081 No.2193292

File: 81d4b64d9d725d1⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 970x712, 485:356, IMG_3489.JPG)

File: 40af68c84ef19f2⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 299x168, 299:168, IMG_3488.JPG)

File: 58a704412408e82⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 852x562, 426:281, IMG_3492.JPG)

File: b180cea3ff479fd⋯.jpg (154.98 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, IMG_3491.JPG)

File: a9b5c2f051ae20a⋯.jpg (53.51 KB, 590x393, 590:393, IMG_3490.JPG)

bb28ad No.2193293


I know..

still, stupid mistake

d1450d No.2193294

It would make a hell of a lot sense that Kelly would be our friend. A hell of a lot of sense given his military knowledge and background.

27d986 No.2193295

File: 839b27d6c2e3561⋯.jpg (65.54 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 36972290_1791614147562120_….jpg)


I'm sure she has witnessed … lol We all have …

so.. here.

3a0b8a No.2193296


Need livestream

828baf No.2193297

File: ac2ab59d2d1b73f⋯.png (407.34 KB, 912x775, 912:775, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

oh yes!

Based James!


6368a2 No.2193298

File: 40a78543187bf68⋯.jpg (25.95 KB, 418x297, 38:27, Any More H.jpg)

File: 14aa94e72108a1b⋯.jpg (134.9 KB, 1000x629, 1000:629, hrc - yellow cakes.jpg)

94946e No.2193300

File: 0072bf3dbbe9e58⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 550x550, 1:1, stand up.jpg)

File: 71b626996b6d6a6⋯.jpg (332.04 KB, 1225x580, 245:116, coutesy-call-3.jpg)

Reminder: QSAanon >>2192978 (from last bread)

Yes, the Torah got me too, another thing to do in the many projects I have going. This sure is an enjoyable venue for intellect and resources. Got 2 notables in the last 2 days, feel kind of honored. I never thought about it, but you can call me AOPanon or/for Art of Perfection. Although I've taken it way beyond art, now it's a science. Got to take off for awhile. Hope to knock heads with you again soon.


544dff No.2193301


Who’s Cohen then?

ccec35 No.2193302

3a9fa6 No.2193303


I think they are trying to pre-empt Trump from declassifying the docs.

They are showing their hand. If Trump tries to classify, they pull their 'Trump is an enemy of the Intelligence Community' gambit.

73b13c No.2193304

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Israel is the center of hate.

Hitler was not hateful.

“Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem”

Description is:

Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Israeli Defense Forces try to stop us from preaching but admit that we are doing nothing illegal. Two men (one at a later time) tell us that we should be stoned for idolatry. Angry young teenagers pushed me and tried to break the phone I was using to record, and many other things happened. Brother Berto ministered to the Jew who said we should be stoned, and we saw such conviction begin to work in his heart. Brother Jakob spoke to several others and contended for the faith by discussing the holy scriptures. Many wonderful encounters and a great night of evangelism! Please share!

2caa7a No.2193305

Local news just said something about Maryland voting machines being connected to a Russian oligarch. Governor Hogan does not think there was any actual interference. Story at 10.

efe55b No.2193306


No this is far bigger, they are being removed so the last of the black hats can be removed!

9f33a7 No.2193308

File: f5bfd6f947dd98e⋯.png (137.2 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

a005fa No.2193309


They don't need ICE. Hell has already frozen over in their world.

752a03 No.2193310

File: a7acc6c34e91d32⋯.jpg (89.24 KB, 800x764, 200:191, Ragin Pepe.jpg)

560e59 No.2193311

File: 787eb1feaa0eec1⋯.png (998.72 KB, 1618x1146, 809:573, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


81fd25 No.2193312

File: 055a7136106384f⋯.jpg (12.97 KB, 255x255, 1:1, TwoScoops.jpg)


Here have another one. Have two scoops.

0f0c18 No.2193313

File: 3e1ccdd75dab4f7⋯.png (177.78 KB, 420x315, 4:3, hkjhjkh;jh;.png)

File: a54d9bf94f75343⋯.png (544.24 KB, 500x623, 500:623, k;lh;lh;lkhlkh.png)

File: 6d8e125ce8cc66d⋯.png (295.67 KB, 471x379, 471:379, zorro-says-fuck-sessions.png)

File: 5c004db0b62dd8c⋯.png (440.99 KB, 669x500, 669:500, hjkgkljgkjg;.png)

Peter Strzok is a lying dirtbag who abused Lisa Page and led a gang of masked bandits in a coup attempt against Trump.

963486 No.2193314


how do you know That RETARD ? do you know if he had high cholesterol? High BP? Heart Disease in family ?

3a9fa6 No.2193316


They do this in elementary school lunchrooms to quiet the children

73b13c No.2193317

File: 5c888cca97a2aa3⋯.png (882.89 KB, 957x868, 957:868, 3.png)

File: c63eb848ebf3d16⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 8.jpg)

File: 8440b4e2723b6d6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1410x1136, 705:568, 9_PerCent.png)

File: 72c686cb6a5195f⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 621x711, 69:79, 10.jpg)

File: 1db65bb8c0f94b4⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 618x594, 103:99, 18.jpg)


Cry more rabbi :)

The world will know about your jewish lies and you're going to be lucky to have a place to live in once we are done educating the world.

07d9a0 No.2193318

File: 729281875aaad88⋯.png (30.18 KB, 811x571, 811:571, QFUNZ.PNG)

I feel a Q post coming tonight

2fd5d9 No.2193319


Yep. This has been the darkest year in this countries history.

6924cc No.2193320

Time to mute. Levin coming up on Hannity.

cd4540 No.2193321


What a fucking joke. Trump is beginning to look lame and retarded.


e617f4 No.2193322

File: 6aec882c0c83762⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 473x361, 473:361, IMG_1971.JPG)

56869b No.2193323

File: 275f17c636a729d⋯.png (933.35 KB, 998x806, 499:403, ClipboardImage.png)

388282 No.2193324


open your borders you hypocrites

403cc4 No.2193325


When Trump says he "has trust in MY intelligence agencies" there is a lot of room in double meanings, all with plausible deniability ofcourse

68d484 No.2193327


Lionel gets 2 Retards for this one.

1. Fake Q

2. JFK jr Bullshit( he's dead) Hillary stole his seat in congress

2fd5d9 No.2193328


been reading that every day for 2 weeks.

3cfab8 No.2193329


There's another line of storms about to hit DC within the next hour. Let's see how many are still there then.

81fd25 No.2193331


Former IT fag. Cause is not known. I don't feel like investigating it right now. Maybe somebody else will. Don't call me lazy. Been doing memes all day.

02cb48 No.2193332


Wow, that's it?

Kinda pathetic

6c61f4 No.2193333



53c91d No.2193334


While probably true not a reliable source jesus fucking christ anons stop falling every website in the world NOT EVERYTHING YOU READ IS TRUE

c510ec No.2193335


I don't know, anon. I saw Elvis in the Pigley Wigley the other day. Sooooooo……


970c2f No.2193336


A snatch should have thatch!

Nice catch!

b9c8bc No.2193337



The matter is to further expose Smith who was on Tucker tonight

cd4540 No.2193338


I'm on fb and it was in general all pro-Killary.

2c5e4f No.2193339


except yournewswire

everything on there is true

73b13c No.2193340

File: 18f814a866a8405⋯.png (71.49 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1530316367907.png)

File: f5c16f3824e69a0⋯.png (593.57 KB, 2005x1221, 2005:1221, Jewish_Hate_For_Christians….png)

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: 08ded54c1674506⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, Talmud_jews_hanged_Jesus.jpg)


Israel is a cancer.

ffef1f No.2193341

On the Importance of Idea-men, Inventors, & Problem-Solvers to Society

>>2192355 lb

Thanks for this post, anon. Got my almonds going on an issue I think about a lot, & post about from time to time.

The true autists (high-skill/intelligence patriots) have been sidelined and maligned by the (((cabal))) on purpose. Cunts like lb have been falsely propped up on the stolen fruits of our labor by (((them))) too. But those days are coming to an end. The natural order will be restored, and we will be able to rebuild a society where we appreciate and support one another for our varied contributions rather than destroy and steal, as is the dominant culture of the current degenerate age.

"Autists" were put here to help people, but it's not an easy gig. You see things, what's wrong, what needs to be done, connections from here to there, and are COMPELLED to do something with it. If you can't, it drives you nuts. When you get stuck on a problem, or when shit-cunts get in your way poke-poke-poking, you almost choke on your own reeee'ing. And yet you still don't give up. Because of the compulsion. You know if you set it down, whatever critical issue or possibility you've noticed, no one else will pick it up. What are you gonna do, just let the world burn? We can't. That's why we're still here working with little support. No pay, no personal recognition. Only the satisfaction of a job well done. And Q… Q helps, kek.

When a society's idea-men, its inventors, its problem-solvers ARE given the support and environment in which they excel, everyone benefits. This is how we got our light bulbs and microprocessors and constitution in the first place. Rising tide raises all boats, right? Q knows this. His coming here isn't just about using our platform/knowledge to wake normies about past abuses, it's also about helping them rebuild. It's about showcasing the value of this type of thought/service, to restore faith in it by the rest of the population. A faith that has purposely been poisoned by misplaced envy and distrust by the enemy that would use that division against all of us.

We'll get there. Just keep plugging away anons, patriots. Strive to be better discerners/callers out of bullshit, as well as better nose-to-the-grindstone workers no matter the noise surrounding you. Just remember we win in the end. WWG1WGA

85068a No.2193342


I see no excuse. I see questions. Valid questions.Questions that have answers. If you don't know the answers, it's because you haven't looked. Back to the wall & locking up HRC, I thought that those were your primary concerns???

a17d64 No.2193343

File: ef068b5562b0862⋯.png (686.24 KB, 780x917, 780:917, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

6818ee No.2193345


good catch

georgetown fuckery too i got a list of them you may want to dig into

Bill Clinton - Georgetown (Former US President)

John Podesta - Georgetown (Former Chief of Staff)

John F. Kelly - Georgetown (Current Chief of Staff and former Secretary of Homeland Security)

King Abduallah II of Jordan - Georgetown

King Felipe IV of Spain - Georgetown

Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece - Georgetown

Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg - Georgetown

Alexander Haig - Georgetown ( Former Secretary of State and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Forces)

Robert Gates - Georgetown (Former Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence)

George Tenet - Georgetown (Former Director of Central Intelligence)

James Clapper - Professor at Georgetown (Former CIA Director)

Robert B. Murrett - Georgetown (Former Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)

Robert Cardillo - Georgetown (Director of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)

Donald Rumsfeld - Georgetown (Former Secretary of Defense)

Michael Morell -Georgetown (Former Deputy Director of CIA)

Avril Haines - Georgetown (Former Deputy Director of CIA)

Joseph Dunford - Georgetown (Marine Corp General and Current Chairman of the Joint Chief's of Staff)

David Petraeus - Georgetown School of Foreign Service (Former Commander of US Central Command and former Director of CIA)

James L. Jones - Georgetown (Former Marine Corp General and former National Security Adviser)

John R. Allen - Georgetown (Former US Marine Corp General and former Commander of International Security Assistance Force)

John Roberts - Professor at Georgetown (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court)

Antonin Scalia - Georgetown (Former Supreme Court Justice)

John Farmer Jr. - Georgetown (Former Attorney General of New Jersey and Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission)

Philip Bilden - Georgetown (Investor and Naval and Cyber Security philanthropist)

William Joseph McDonough - Holy Cross/Georgetown (Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and banker)

Jack Lew - Georgetown (Former US Secretary of the Treasury)

Andrew von Eschenbach - Georgetown/St Joseph's (Former Commissioner of the FDA)

403cc4 No.2193346

File: 50c766ce452c9db⋯.png (469.89 KB, 450x477, 50:53, potus-scoops-8.png)

60b112 No.2193347


Not only is the fake news a political special interest, it appears they've committed multiple felonies against the United States itself.

Treason, intent to commit treason, sedition, criminal conspiracy, intent to commit criminal conspiracy… The list goes on..

82401c No.2193348


Q died on 4th of July, coincidence?

ed2b78 No.2193349


The servers themselves were destroyed. But, much to the dismay of a great many very bad people, the data from those servers was stored elsewhere and is now in the possession of the good guys; POTUS, Q, and a few select intelligence officials.

So, be patient. A LOT had to be in place and the stage completely set (not just here but globally) before the curtain could up and the show begin. Keep watching though, because things will soon start habbening.

cd4540 No.2193350


Murder and rape victims of illegals just need to trust muh plan.

09dace No.2193351

File: 0e1265b12852ed8⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 636x431, 636:431, 1530762203530.jpg)


Thats literally how it goes when i go into /sg/ to redpill them on Trump.

85068a No.2193352



Lawfully, yes. Dong shit unlawfully makes the new admin no better than the previous ones. Leave the roids alone, & use your head.

020c7e No.2193353


We who hold ourselves up for display

and we who dance demons away

We who ambile to hold sway

and we whose sculpting hands mold clay

We whose ambition breeds insight

and we whose knowledge brings new light

We who master self to gain might

decide who is tribute, and who is trite…

and are burned on stakes for fool's delight.

07d9a0 No.2193354


Our longest Q fast so far

29d25c No.2193355


Fun fact:

That is a BIG red flag here too. Liberals HATE misspellings & bad grammar. When you think you are arguing with a lefty shill, misspell something. They can't not correct you & turn it into an insult. It's against their programing I think

bb28ad No.2193356


when did you guys plan this tactic?

was it at a circle jerk with brock?

d1450d No.2193357


Always Georgetown, said it many times, and I am glad another has brought it up. Hopefully it sticks this time with your post and it creates research.

2eb156 No.2193358

File: 8c8a2d86d093906⋯.jpg (116.73 KB, 834x500, 417:250, FakeNews.jpg)


pic related


At some point we have to convey an idea here. Those ideas are meant to correct those are that not seeing the big picture.

Ditch the individualism ad infinitum. It is not a trait held by our enemies. You are part of a group and boomer should be the last one you ID with.

5dfbbe No.2193359

How do you Launder $400,000,000

Use Hedge Funds?

Clinton's Top Donors…


Contributor Total

Paloma Partners $21,613,800

Pritzker Group $16,626,207

Renaissance Technologies $16,543,000

Saban Capital Group $12,283,411

Newsweb Corp $11,016,642

Soros Fund Management $10,556,793

Asana $6,005,556


d750c9 No.2193360


Game on

8e4081 No.2193361

File: d0ca3867f2e62a2⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 1066x500, 533:250, IMG_1715.JPG)

File: 125105fbcfaba57⋯.jpg (142.88 KB, 888x464, 111:58, IMG_1793.JPG)

File: 459e954ecbcc469⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 1066x500, 533:250, IMG_1716.JPG)

File: a04fdb75fe2b41f⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 600x400, 3:2, IMG_1718.JPG)

File: 21a44332e53f2aa⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 600x400, 3:2, IMG_1723.JPG)

3a9fa6 No.2193362


Putin already walked this back to $400 thousand. see tess.com, I'm too lazy.

73b13c No.2193363

File: 842d10004e315d2⋯.jpg (74.04 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Chosen_People_3.jpg)

File: fb51a75c932b227⋯.jpg (148.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Chosen_People_2.jpg)

File: 8b58ab36d752ed9⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Chosen_People.jpg)


Jews are the original divisionfags.

That is an historical fact:


Don't cry victim until you're ready to admit the truth about your people.

2fd5d9 No.2193364


stop pushing this ridiculous shit

4b59f4 No.2193365


Beautiful, maybe best in here in long time.

fd4444 No.2193366


This is what happens when Q is gone for two weeks.

6818ee No.2193367


nice timestamp spoopy

cd4540 No.2193368


Youve never accomplished anything in any field. People run and hide from me, especially little pussies like (You). (You) are not a We.

9bf1c2 No.2193369

File: 8b5daf4bd2e6de8⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gay-seal-ded-gay-seal.jpg)

dd3b0e No.2193370

File: 5c15a2dfdc20535⋯.jpg (556.54 KB, 1177x786, 1177:786, Untitled-5.jpg)


little more legible.

68d484 No.2193371


I've eaten more chicken that any man has ever seen

Jim Morrison

a4a6e6 No.2193372



The >>494745 — Quest for Searchability thread slid today, here's a new thread for the codefags

>>2193326 – General codefags

1c79f6 No.2193373

File: ecae2279eae7f3e⋯.jpg (23.45 KB, 486x240, 81:40, Liddle Bwian Stwelter.jpg)

Fox News Wins Weekly Cable Again — CNN Falls To TLC dailycaller.com/2018/07/17/fox-news-beats-cnn-tlc/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social

d7e501 No.2193374

>Trump Reverses: "I Accept Intelligence Conclusion That Russia Meddled In 2016"

>"Let me begin by saying that, once again, the full faith and support for America's intelligence agencies, I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies," Trump told reporters.

>"Let me be totally clear in saying that — and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also."


aa8b66 No.2193375

File: 7014104ba80aee4⋯.jpg (79.35 KB, 646x578, 19:17, LIONELRICHIE.jpg)


>Not Lionel's MO

not a real post since BO changed the CSS…but it IS Lionel's MO, IMO…he's a 9/11 troffer and /ourguy/ imo…i'm here because of him (and (((Anti-School))) too, I guess…fuckin dick)

78ce3f No.2193376

>>2192474 (lb)

>I just read a comment on youtube that referred to Hillary and Huma's snuff video.

Frazzledrip right? That shit was made up by a DARK WEB guy who is now under arrest. Seems he did that to shift focus off himself. I'm not gonna bother to look it up, but it was on here. I kek'd. People are so fucking gullible.



I was reading elsewhere, (didn't copy or bother cause i really don't give a shit0 that BOTH Putin and Trump lied about having met back in the day and that there's a video of Trump bragging about something Putin gave him. Fuckitol I really don't care, didn't investigate, don't know if it's true.

cbc802 No.2193377

Cuomo going after Kushners.

NY to probe claims Kushners harassed tenants


Elise Dolinar -

July 16, 2018

NEW YORK (AP) – A New York state agency is launching an investigation into claims of tenant harassment in a Brooklyn apartment building owned by the Kushner Cos.

Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Tenant Protection Unit will investigate whether Kushner Cos. violated state housing laws and regulations meant to prevent landlords from disturbing tenants’ peace and privacy.

The investigation comes after a report by The Associated Press uncovered accusations that noisy construction was used to harass tenants.


efc25d No.2193378

File: edf246ef38ed4da⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 425x282, 425:282, gullible.jpg)


>I feel a Q post coming tonight

Sure you do ….

8338de No.2193379

File: a26017dc2713c87⋯.png (489.75 KB, 616x447, 616:447, strzok-cohen.png)

403cc4 No.2193380


it may be ridiculous, but how is it shit?

fd4444 No.2193381


Ask Charles Ortel.

459649 No.2193382


oh man - this is nothing compared to what happened back during Vietnam. But, it may be that this is all about bringing out the NG and declas as well. For this generation, it might be big - and MSM will use all the right shots and promo it to make it appear as if there is a never-ending tide of people

dd966f No.2193383

File: b4203797dbd2fb0⋯.png (609.83 KB, 500x564, 125:141, Qresearchnew.png)

Cleaning out my meme folder.

Made this after the reddit takeover.

Still applies. KEK.

b18369 No.2193384

File: 66ff0a1ae17d16c⋯.jpg (14.02 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 85f7434ce8652d7758b4054b40….jpg)

60b112 No.2193385


>This is what happens when Q is gone for two weeks

Lies, it's happened within 5 minutes of Q posting, kek

cd4540 No.2193386


Q has been presented as a team since the beginning, not a single person. That's been clear also by the different tones and styles of the posts, esp after Hicks left and Adm Rogers retired.

0f0c18 No.2193387

File: 9415d95134eaa5d⋯.png (513.9 KB, 725x500, 29:20, k;hl;h'ahdlkafh.png)

File: 03cfd03c0766246⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 369x260, 369:260, 03cfd03c0766246b9657cd7997….jpg)

File: 0703efcf91ec34d⋯.png (303.69 KB, 440x333, 440:333, asdklhlkhfalh.png)

File: 7893837f53dfbdb⋯.png (480.15 KB, 500x612, 125:153, trust-sessions-fuck-sessio….png)

Sessions needs to stop torturing Paul Manafort. His behavior is unacceptable and un-American.

6c61f4 No.2193388



bfd83a No.2193389


I want you to lick me where I fart

aec9ac No.2193390


Shall we provide some port a pottys, really tiny one?

8567f0 No.2193391


ty anon, will update

85068a No.2193392

ID: cd4540

Tough guy

b5dbed No.2193393

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

f575e5 No.2193394



29d25c No.2193395

File: 29f81777a04f5d3⋯.png (353.97 KB, 654x683, 654:683, 64a9ab1ef019552e5d7d36bb3b….png)



There you two are! God damn you make it too easy to spot the shills so early on! I knew you couldn't resist! hahhahhaaaa


cf4492 No.2193396


Hairy Cherry reports … what a twat.

bb28ad No.2193397

File: 70625c3001222c0⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, yuck.jpg)

91666b No.2193398


He just did, really. Didn't see it?

34c897 No.2193399


They've been posting these PShops for months, though it did die down a bit.

Problem is they blast twitter with them and theres no way to correct cause normies don't know how to verify.

9634fa No.2193400


“Daily Cack” would be more apt.

Just because a source is non-MSM doesn’t make it worthy. And even those that are generally reliable aren’t infallible.

Much alt media content is fantasy put out by deluded morons, or else disinfo put out by foes.

cd4540 No.2193401


Getting rid of Flake and McStain will help. Ryan too.

a17d64 No.2193402


The lights went off? Isn't that Light to Dark?

e617f4 No.2193403

File: 2cd87edeb042b42⋯.jpg (251.29 KB, 1148x983, 1148:983, IMG_8340.JPG)

5e08e2 No.2193404

File: cfd60f992938b62⋯.png (121.1 KB, 1300x293, 1300:293, ClipboardImage.png)


Not hard to fake.

Not even well done on my part.

a005fa No.2193405


It's coming.



c5c619 No.2193406


Hes got some odd looking ears where they connect to his face, almost like they were cropped as a puppy.

73b13c No.2193407

File: 1760dc415aa3662⋯.png (17.11 KB, 966x590, 483:295, James.png)


Someone twat this pic to him pls.

0e8e0f No.2193408


The lights were turned on again.

b836a7 No.2193409

File: 05c57d0491cd7f1⋯.jpg (153.92 KB, 1079x903, 1079:903, Screenshot_20180717-211024….jpg)


over the target much

c510ec No.2193410


I know. Some of the young ones still need help.

cd4540 No.2193411


I thought she was being too shrill 6-8 months ago, but she's right. Build the fucking wall, lock /them/ up.

e617f4 No.2193412

File: 61acfb79753c205⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 650x571, 650:571, IMG_1664.JPG)

38d6a1 No.2193413


Pretty stellar for a 1st post, anon. Welcome to the party.

If you want to take this one step deeper, dig into St. John Prep (where Strzok went) & St. John Univ (where MacDonough went).

Same campus run by the same diocese (St. Cloud) in MN.

Bonus: check out their new bishop (appointed by new pope) and what his last assignment was.

Shit runs deep, yo.

b1098c No.2193414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If posted already please ignore. Thx

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

f575e5 No.2193415



61252e No.2193416

File: 7fa6be7e09f9f1c⋯.png (45.82 KB, 456x498, 76:83, FAKE.png)

85068a No.2193417

File: 97f3b240416c5ba⋯.png (31.68 KB, 859x441, 859:441, ClipboardImage.png)


Nah, might be something to that

07d9a0 No.2193418


Who do I send that dollar to? lol

34c897 No.2193419


Wanna see some real fickery check this out and its even in the notables…


>>2193000 ^^^

We used to have Chefs now we lazy bake too much. Trash In Trash Out…

2eb156 No.2193420

File: 274146ff1b2507e⋯.png (4.42 KB, 419x88, 419:88, Funnies.png)

File: 5b1f3f30a227876⋯.png (4.49 KB, 328x112, 41:14, Funnies1.png)

File: d1c4daecacedc81⋯.png (4.59 KB, 353x110, 353:110, Funnies2.png)

File: 2b272e2563f9985⋯.png (4.59 KB, 304x128, 19:8, Funnies3.png)

File: 315c3394a5be971⋯.png (4.11 KB, 215x125, 43:25, Funnies4.png)


I am a nationalist. Trump is a nationalist. Hitler was a nationalist. Franco was a nationalist. Salazar was a nationalist. Mussolini was a nationalist. Putin is a nationalist.

All of these people and more fought the commie marxist faggots we are up against today. Stop apologizing for knowing the truth. Don't back down. Notice Trump doesn't?

Pics related

b836a7 No.2193421


I retract that, the article was shit.

828baf No.2193422

File: 3d2b0b17f619609⋯.png (149.85 KB, 342x350, 171:175, Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at ….png)

File: f6d9e822227c2f3⋯.png (278.9 KB, 940x592, 235:148, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

File: 95a0c11bab795f1⋯.png (256.23 KB, 940x600, 47:30, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

78ce3f No.2193423

PAYPAL has decided to end their association with pay conspiracy sites. GLP/Tavistock sent Lucas a letter ending their 15 year multi million dollar relationship (that's right fucktards you were feeding Tavistock $$$$) Not sure what other sites got hit but I'm gonna KEK mighty..can't decide if ending Tavistock is a good thing or a bad thing.

459649 No.2193424


there isn't much sauce - it's likely a teaser for now

970c2f No.2193425

This is going to be a long haul until we actually see POTUS get DOJ to do something we can rejoice on.

I know it is October when the shoe drops, but it is about 12 weeks or so out.

I need a vacation from this poison they throw at us. I wish there was a new TV show or two that would distract me from politics for 3 months!

Everything out lately is real garbage. Goliath turned out to be shit. Netflix is out. Broadcast TV is terrible shit.

I need a girlfriend!

That's the ticket!

82401c No.2193426


ask AJ, he's the one that put up the video

bb28ad No.2193427

File: 27f4f76f946b17d⋯.png (2.74 MB, 6154x1831, 6154:1831, nocoincidencesidebyside.png)


thats hilarious actually

0f0c18 No.2193428

File: 9072a487feaafa0⋯.png (469.59 KB, 624x356, 156:89, hlhl;hadlkhfalk.png)

File: 1de99a45bd871f4⋯.jpg (232.9 KB, 1000x668, 250:167, 1de99a45bd871f4875c87a9160….jpg)

File: 0b31dfbe1839b4d⋯.png (260.23 KB, 615x346, 615:346, durrrrrrr-muh-dick.png)

File: 508004590f78301⋯.png (436.01 KB, 666x500, 333:250, hlh;lh;lh'l'.png)

552857 No.2193429

File: f06fd4505538ed4⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 500x353, 500:353, amind-the-gap-35.jpg)

Mid Bread Butty!

403cc4 No.2193430


Right after the Intelligence agency remark

e145c6 No.2193431

File: bfab1b5c4b03c81⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 640x385, 128:77, PicsArt_07-17-03.52.58.jpg)

File: 0ee236a3fb820db⋯.jpg (180.81 KB, 932x626, 466:313, DUMMMv0VMAA2rNT.jpg)

Rand Paul DESTROYS Wolf Blitzer, Deep State, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and Communist John Brennan



44d4af No.2193432

File: c95833aa4287b4e⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 893x478, 893:478, 4KHD-bait.jpg)


cd4540 No.2193433


This faggot.

68d484 No.2193434


Drones Do crash sometimes with active Hellfire Missiles engaged?

Just say in'

aa8b66 No.2193435

File: c507951fc701d39⋯.png (295.25 KB, 358x417, 358:417, EAGLEKEK.png)

d750c9 No.2193436


>How do you Launder $400,000,000

Possibly through astroturf small online donations? Make it look like $100 from 40 million people? Seems unlikely.

Possibly it was never brought into the actual campaign.

She could have used it for offshore troll accounts.

They could have paid people like Manafort in offshore deposits or property.

They could have repaid large donors/CEOs of companies in similar - offshore deposits, purchases of stock by international trust funds, property, planes, etc.

$400mil is a HUGE percentage of her overall ADMITTED spend. Seems difficult to hide that legitimately, so I'm thinking it was used for stealth activity.

3c4142 No.2193437

EUanon here

Just saw Adam Smith(wtf?!), isn't he that guy on the pic Q posted?

9f33a7 No.2193438

File: 34e6c786c77f3a1⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 3DxAEq.gif)


hey gaysealfag

i accidentally put it up as a png instead of a gif

here is the gif so you enjoy the full effect

9bf1c2 No.2193439


chiggy czecked , this rings true

>they can't not correct you , and turn it into and insult

dd966f No.2193440


Is Trinity closing down?

bb28ad No.2193441


can you post a link?

shills and anons BOTH have been talking about this and still haven't seen it

752a03 No.2193442

File: 96c8cd0e5680ef0⋯.jpg (2.24 KB, 125x117, 125:117, 1510004992414s.jpg)

78ce3f No.2193443



PETER'S INSURANCE WAS THE RUSSIAN HACKING SCHEME…fail…he also fucked up Obama's fake BC by failing to merge layers…KEK whose team is he on anyway?

f16e31 No.2193444

So let me get this straight.. retards on the board are believing Q is dead?!

Supposed to autists NOT retards.. please tell me this is the work of shills..

2c5e4f No.2193445



literally behind all propaganda

they also own a medical city

in fl


i wonder what goes on there?

67746b No.2193446

File: 0642648552b133d⋯.jpeg (102.97 KB, 1267x887, 1267:887, pepe-hate.jpeg)

bb28ad No.2193447


>please tell me this is the work of shills

do you really need to be told this?

of course its shill ffs

6924cc No.2193448

File: 212c4a3a8890740⋯.jpg (127.68 KB, 500x807, 500:807, 2e7m0o.jpg)

0e8e0f No.2193449


shills gonna shill

5a408f No.2193450


Is Lionel Nation [1] to be added to the AJ and JC "list"?

cd4540 No.2193451


If Europe continues to go leftist muzzie, we will need to adjust our alliances. Europe have been allies because they have been white, Christian countries. Like Russia is now .

73b13c No.2193452

File: 963e6a6310df204⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1348x2760, 337:690, Slander_Against_Hitler_Jew….png)


>Why Q chose /pol/?


>He got out of /pol/ because mods were comped. Where did he went?


>Who set up the /qresearch/?

An autist from /pol/.

>What is the most relevant characteristic of /pol/?

It has not succumbed to jewish subversion, although attacked each and every day.

>Why is this relevant?

Because jewish supremacism is at the center of the problem.

>Compare video of Trump that Q posted (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ ) with this video of compilation of Hitler speeches ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2Q ).

It’s the same enemy. Hitler fought the same enemies we are fighting now. Does not mean that National Socialism is the best answer to our modern day particular state of affairs.

>What is necessary for good to win?

That lies be destroyed.

>What is the biggest, most difficult lie to destroy (although there are many that are very hard to destroy because most won't accept them)?

That the official version of the Holocaust is a lie, and that Hilter was the “good guy” (he did the best he could with the situation he had to manage and he tried to fix it as peacefully as possible).

>If you were MI and you needed to create a huge platform for the autists to be able to communicate and explain that truth to a non-autist, non-chan user audience, how would you do it?

I would create a platform where autists and non-autists came into contact with one another, with as little censoring going on as possible (this is what /qresearch/ is).

Think mirror - greatest ally, greatest enemy, God's chosen people, Satan's chosen people.

b1098c No.2193453


Bull Shit. Q is not one person. Q includes POTUS and Pence. If one member dies, you still have others you dumb piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.

09dace No.2193454

File: 906ed0c1afc579f⋯.png (151.54 KB, 338x419, 338:419, 1525736478790.png)


Holy fuck looks like an angel holding a ball of light. Is it really happening this time?

811fa9 No.2193455

File: 607db3e0d904879⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slide.jpg)

I don't know about you baker but this is about all I see ITT.

2eb156 No.2193456


Voice of reason. I like that that works.



You can go fuck off back to whatever bernie bro site you go to.

efc25d No.2193457

File: 5c5748f9f141fb6⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 399x489, 133:163, catlaser.jpg)


They shoulda shot that cunt out of the air.

Interfere with a man's livelihood, get a bullet.

7f1ec4 No.2193458

972eee No.2193459


White Squall.

The leader deserts.

They aren’t too bright around here.

5848a8 No.2193460

File: 5e54c7a686e9990⋯.png (568.75 KB, 880x546, 440:273, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

File: 8e953e7f18eee0b⋯.png (599.72 KB, 961x539, 961:539, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

2da7cd No.2193461


>moar US Marshals


88ec20 No.2193462

File: 1353f6436cab72d⋯.png (17.22 KB, 444x420, 37:35, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2192793 (lb)

Cool, you got a (you) from Q. But I've noticed Q doesn't always address the most insightful posts or interesting questions, just posts that seem to agree with the plan of generally waiting it out to no end. Any rationale toward that end is welcomed, it seems.

In regard to your Q (you) post, there likely won't be any indictment unsealed against Awan since he was given immunity through the plea deal. So, the state charges ruse was a means to no payoff. Further, what motivation does Awan have for being a strong witness? DOJ should have had Awan testify against the others first, then offered him a plea deal with reduced charges or sentence recommendation. He's getting 6 months in prison and a full bank account waiting for him in Pakistan.

aa8b66 No.2193463

File: aa33ed648f65c83⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 662x800, 331:400, jeblel.jpg)


>he also fucked up Obama's fake BC by failing to merge layers.

that would be funny AF…moran.

9f13f9 No.2193464


Just met a Secret Service agent a day ago. Lives in my neighborhood. Should I get up my courage and ask him?

81fd25 No.2193465

File: c947a3b413b98d2⋯.jpg (172.79 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, Trump 2 thumbs 2 genders.jpg)

85068a No.2193466


Trips confirm that only shills believe that, autists know better, and you should know that autists know better

025c32 No.2193467



cd4540 No.2193468


The content will have to be authenticated by persons with personal knowledge, like those who sent or received the emails for example.

bdbdf0 No.2193469

Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news

But I talked to Q's mom earlier and…


Q's dead, guys

Q's dead

eb569e No.2193470


>everything you've ever said



Double dubs checked.

>you can call me

Anon. I will call you anon.

2c5e4f No.2193471


you are close

it is jewish supremacism from what ive looked into

but freemasonry and the catholic church are just as big

they all hide behind the jews

so (((they))) can claim muh anti semitism

thats why they cause so much violence against jews

a77a00 No.2193472


Both have their part.

Hannity is for sure clued in, in some way at least I believe.

Tucker, is a badass.

Both rock. Both have had to tow a line to keep up appearances once in a while maybe.

Haven't watched anyone but them and maybe Jeanine by choice in years now.

29d25c No.2193473

File: 9c3e366e25152e7⋯.png (265.84 KB, 550x412, 275:206, g1498184890890426740.jpg.png)

5a408f No.2193474


He's one of the few I'm still on the fence about.

Perhaps his presence on Infowars is only to increase his base.

More money I guess…

41c617 No.2193475

I just want to say hello to JamesWoodsAnon and RoseanneAnon. Thank you for all that you do. God bless!

cd4540 No.2193476


[RR] is completely full of shit.

8338de No.2193477


sure if you want to be on the radar of the deep state. time to move.

9ba8fd No.2193478


Well.. Tracy opened up her Facebook again, she hasn't done that in a very long time. Maybe she killed it, whatever it(Q) was, maybe it's summer break.. Maybe I'm wrong… :) u decide

efc25d No.2193481


Bullshit sites like this do more harm than good when the truth comes out and is disregarded because a fucktard has already spewed bullshit.

Boy that cried wolf kinda shit.

f16e31 No.2193482


Just checking.. reading noteables and someone confirmed AJ backed up the claim.. starting to fucking HATE that pos

73b13c No.2193483

File: 22275193bf4a601⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1584x4553, 1584:4553, Jews_Do_Control_The_Media.png)

File: 669285e58415b95⋯.png (114.36 KB, 627x882, 209:294, Elon_Musk_Names_The_Jew.png)

File: 9ba7612e0fdb321⋯.png (182.92 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, Elon_Musk_Names_The_Jew_2.png)

File: ae8aa15840eaa6e⋯.png (21.54 KB, 593x204, 593:204, t_ae8aa15840eaa6eee295cf48….png)

File: 7f91c9fa612101d⋯.jpeg (335.96 KB, 1242x1690, 621:845, x_Elon_Musk_Media.jpeg)


They are a bunch of kikes, imagine my shock.

862bad No.2193484

File: 6fe48770296a747⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 540x683, 540:683, 6fe48770296a747db269e52f88….jpg)

>>2193455 seeing in the clear

>Extra slide

81fdb3 No.2193485

Hannity just said Brennen's transgressions would all come out soon.

78ce3f No.2193486


>Israel is the center of hate.

You know..most people worth their mental salt know that Israel HATES xians. It's simple, easy information to find, endless supply of hate…literally. Xians are absolutely stupid and being used, JEWS will admit that. 50 million evangelical xians in the US are keeping Israel alive by believing that Israel is the promised land and (((THEY))) are the chosen people..well it's pretty damn easy to be ((((CHOSEN))) when you write the book yourself.

continually spamming these videos is like preaching to the choir. those that want to know, know, the religitards will never change their mind no matter what you show them. So basically, you're wasting your energy.

38d6a1 No.2193487


Dan Bongino talked about it on his show today. He sounded very sad.

60b112 No.2193488

File: 2780781afc35287⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 460x460, 1:1, 2780781afc35287dd558bc0f04….gif)


And this is all for a larp.. yeah.. mhmm… fo sho, nigga..

752a03 No.2193489

File: b382412ee3f081e⋯.jpg (2.32 KB, 125x73, 125:73, 1510473649768s.jpg)

09b82b No.2193490

File: 1690dd1092c4d3d⋯.gif (873.67 KB, 500x210, 50:21, Alan-Saying-Thank-You-Hang….gif)


> only people left on these boards are the retardedest of the retards

>the deplorablest of the deplorables

>the inbreddest of the inbreds

>the chronic masterbateredest of the chronic masterbaters

>the worst america has to offer

4b59f4 No.2193491


Beautiful, maybe best in here in long time.

ed2b78 No.2193492


Can you or anyone else tell what the writing on that paper says?

23caf8 No.2193493

Really sad what's happening outside the White House right now…

73b13c No.2193494

File: b90f562d26e7363⋯.jpg (210.32 KB, 925x1086, 925:1086, 1_Trump_Jews_Cry.jpg)

File: 111c202b2ca8783⋯.jpg (402.04 KB, 683x1060, 683:1060, Amalek.jpg)

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, Amalekites.png)

File: f3ba680528e7314⋯.png (343.17 KB, 1126x800, 563:400, Jews_promote_genocide.png)

File: 76b7c1b3f30fe01⋯.png (376.01 KB, 641x716, 641:716, x_76b7c1b3f30fe01aaccef6f4….png)


The jews want us divided.

Since the times of Abraham.

0f0c18 No.2193495

File: efde9cffb611761⋯.png (500.24 KB, 700x466, 350:233, klhajh;ah;jlh.png)

File: 7ebdbab5f37144c⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, klhlhlhjhlkhj.jpg)

File: 9c9f0d3bc1b4862⋯.png (516.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, scumbag-liar-strzok.png)

File: d82159de8ad3e7c⋯.png (487.4 KB, 761x500, 761:500, stop-torturing-manafort.png)

Peter Strzok is a manipulative psychopath who exploited and blackmailed Lisa Page while he was also orchestrating a coup attempt against the united states.

bb28ad No.2193496


anything to get moar v(you)'s


love the gif, and true

f575e5 No.2193497



Check the clock on your puter. Sometimes if your time or date is off you will get that error.

116d08 No.2193498


Nevertheless, the Trans-Afghan oil pipeline project, known as TAPI for its route through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, has been negotiated and pursued by every single US administration since Clinton.

It finally began construction last month under Donald Trump’s presidency.

459649 No.2193499


one of the reasons for seeking freedom is the idea that we can express ourselves freely. Be different. You didn't grow up watching the things I did.

I am a husband, father and an American, in that order. If you hadn't used the term, then there would be no issue - unite, not divide was requested. Nowhere did I ever read to ditch my individualism - but that is found in every.single.socialist.communist.pamphlet ever written anon

025c32 No.2193500


blank meme the hillary crackhead one pls!!

cd4540 No.2193501


2017 was worse according to most. The current state of affairs is not acceptable at all to most older, more experienced Americans. My mom in her 80s is disgusted by current events.

b9c8bc No.2193502


>>This faggot.

Needs to be exposed

And held accountable for

1. His abolish ICE stance

2. Calling for POTUS to be impeached for treason yesterday

[I don't think Tucker humiliated him enough]

WA 9th district in office since 97

78ce3f No.2193503

File: 2a37eae1ca8e29b⋯.png (383.49 KB, 521x640, 521:640, air conditioning.png)


>they are being removed so the last of the black hats can be removed!

yes, yes, damn, you nailed it. SMART. Stay cool and MAGA.

133ef2 No.2193504


Hairy Cherry?

a77a00 No.2193505


Grow and move on.

Next bread, lose the name and blend in.

All will be well.


85068a No.2193506


No, it's funny.

027d9c No.2193507


Causes a feedback loop and you become a patient

8567f0 No.2193508


yeah only 1 notable so far

81fd25 No.2193509

File: c7caebd9bb6632f⋯.jpg (113.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GreatAwakening901.jpg)

File: fa6676f854ca1ec⋯.jpg (239.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening731.jpg)

File: b38dd3c2bbdbb8a⋯.jpg (924.44 KB, 1288x966, 4:3, GreatAwakeningQAnon-.jpg)

File: d0fc7f54f525fa0⋯.jpg (140.94 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening302.jpg)

38d6a1 No.2193510

File: a7a3c9e3d431e7d⋯.png (121 KB, 500x337, 500:337, jd.png)


you mean like James Dean may have done for 50+?


f16e31 No.2193511


I brought a huge can of STFU now w/ more STFU in every bite.. bout to open it.. whew..


85068a No.2193512


Not the issue

cd4540 No.2193513


If he ACTUALLY did it, there would be no questions. It's like guessing about the BOOM! bullshit. If you have to ask or point it out, it didnt happen.

62f399 No.2193514

File: 986fac240aa3476⋯.jpg (593.97 KB, 943x1274, 943:1274, muh bones.jpg)

5e08e2 No.2193515



“Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they want to have a war,—let it begin here.” Captain John Parker, Lexington

403cc4 No.2193516

File: 492f7c4d89c17b9⋯.png (257.03 KB, 472x479, 472:479, pepe-boom-4.png)

Hannity BOOMS bigly

0d5bbe No.2193517



Must have been hit up with some Q fucking FACTS.Just did a advance search seems Mr

Lionel has deleted his fake Q post.

Is no one trustworthy anymore?

Lionel is smart he knows how to fucking check

the damn Q drops.

9f13f9 No.2193518


We have the whole media complex to tell us how great Jews are…we have only lonely anons to tell us the truth.

Certainly many Jews are great people. But as a whole they are being used by the Luciferians as the number one tool of the NWO. Jews are the engine that makes it run. Jews are the shock troops of doom.

Everyone knows a decent Jew. That is not the point. Jews are using every last bit of their ill gotten wealth and power to rape the entire world.


0e8e0f No.2193519

To end the "Q is dead" once and for all.

The entire idea that Q should be dead originates from an article by Infowars.

The guys that previously first claimed to be in direct contact with Q, then to have a "better" Q, then that Q is a LARP.

So what is it Alex?? Is he dead or a LARP?

ed2b78 No.2193520

File: 12a0b8ab752a381⋯.png (792.09 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Some days I wish I hadn't been permanently kicked form twatter. KEK

02b20f No.2193521

File: bc067f55ddc80d3⋯.jpg (56.55 KB, 650x461, 650:461, rosensteinwitchhunt.jpg)

I could resonate with everything in this post; except for below. Also never say "So and so would never do that" if there is evidence they did. You might not know the full picture?


"as for domestic actors i cannot comprehend that RM and RR are NOT working with POTUS - if they are truly as corrupt and evil as they appears to be then all is really lost - no way POTUS could allow that unless it was planned or POTUS is powerless - and i cannot believe that"

What does RR and RM being good guys have to do with anything? POTUS and the forces behind him have to use the material at hand. These people were put in the places they were put, and let run free, deliberately. It doesn't matter and doesn't prove anything about POTUS. Have you ever heard "Give them enough rope so they can hang themselves.?" They aren't needed for the plan, and both are unbelievably corrupt. I 'm open to maybe a deal made with Mueller; for the game. But not RR. But I assume given the massive evidece of Mueller crime; that he's not being given a deal. Did you ever read "Trust RR" or "Trust Mueller" No you have not.

459649 No.2193522


ty anon!!

c75775 No.2193523

Have anons seen this post go viral on social media? Shared over half million times on fb.

Who died before they collected Social Security?








Remember, not only did you and I contribute to Social Security but your employer did too.

It totaled 15% of your income before taxes.

If you averaged only $30K over your working life, that's close to $220,500.

Read that again.

Did you see where the Government paid in one single penny?

We are talking about the money you and your employer put in a government bank to insure you and I, that we would have a retirement check from the money we put in, not the Government.

Now they are calling the money we put in an entitlement when we reach the age to take it back.

If you calculate the future invested value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employer's contribution) at a simple 5% interest (less than what the Government pays on the money that it borrows).

After 49 years of working you'd have $892,919.98. If you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years (until you're 95 if you retire at age 65) and that's with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit!

If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you'd have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month.




Entitlement my foot; I paid cash for my social security insurance!

Just because they borrowed the money for other government spending, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!

Remember Congressional benefits?

— free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days.

Now that's welfare, and they have the nerve to call my social security retirement payments entitlements?

They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives, and now, when it's time for us to collect, the government is running out of money.

Why did the government borrow from it in the first place?

It was supposed to be in a locked box, not part of the general fund.

Sad isn't it?

99% of people won't have the guts to SHARE this.

78ce3f No.2193524


>Peter Strzok is a lying dirtbag who abused Lisa Page and led a gang of masked bandits in a coup attempt against Trump.

EXCELLENT, don't let lack of evidence stop you.

BTW I hear Sorcha Faal is looking for a new cub reporter.

3cfab8 No.2193525


Harry Cherry - Political Editor, 20 years young, Philly Native. Tips: harry.cherry@dailytack.com

Harry's sauce: Exclusive reporting by the Daily Tack

Probably good enough for CNN, but not for us.

59ecc1 No.2193526




a77a00 No.2193527


That would be so many layers of fucked up.

There IS something to this guy and we're gonna get it. I don't' think this is the first I've heard of him being Brennan's Iran errand boy tho? Can't sauce, going on memory of a bread like 3 months ago o.O so yesterday yet forever ago.

9c0b49 No.2193528


always worth BUTTering the second half of the bread

82401c No.2193529

File: fc806b7984305ba⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 640x325, 128:65, unabletopost.jpg)


AJ said Q is seriously unable to post

85068a No.2193530


Go for it anon

2eb156 No.2193531


>>so much violence against jews

Um no. There isn't but you are close.

There is endless unreported violence against whites. The race is never mentioned unless you go to the local story and find a picture of the perp, if your lucky.


88ec20 No.2193533


She wanted Ben Shapiro for Supreme Court

6c61f4 No.2193534

File: 22ef89db00d0381⋯.png (400.79 KB, 1099x662, 1099:662, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


f16e31 No.2193535


Oh the stench.. kekekekek

2da7cd No.2193536


>freemasonry and the catholic church

Freemasonry keeps secrets. The Church urges confession. Not even remotely comparable.

Law enforcement is COMPED thanks to Freemasonry. Private citizens shouldn't have to investigate serial murderers on their own and set up dead man's switches for their own safety.

34c897 No.2193537


Bullshit, I've been with your Mom all Day. She hasn't been able to talk much at all.

568769 No.2193539



First shill of the bread identified.

5b8ab0 No.2193540

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces

A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.

They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.

https ://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/rights-groups-demand-israel-stop-arming-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-1.6248727

403cc4 No.2193541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f575e5 No.2193542


fake but not gay

6f0a39 No.2193543


Belabours attn.

Recognize he is considering the field.


have them; I know their plans to destroy; Ive failed to-DAY; WILL ANOTHER ANON FIGHT~!?

i HA==

i HAVE problems, just being a working man; I saw a clear strike but couldnt deliver; I know that anons have felt the same way before;

and have fought…

Fight again.

I…. fight to stay breathing today; the reasons are ,mine alone; fuck these people and their extra priveledges; fight in a days work mother fuckers.

cd4540 No.2193544


There was a similar recent EO on Admin Law Judges. Easier to appoint.

bb28ad No.2193545

These elites have a mental model of how a president is supposed to behave and how the policymaking process is supposed to be carried out. Obviously, Trump does not fit their model.

Instead of trying to grasp the model that Trump does use, they continually berate and disparage Trump for not living up to their expectations. A more thoughtful group would say, “Well, he’s different, so why don’t we try to understand the differences and analyze the new model?”

Really, these people need to get out of Washington, New York and Hollywood more and get away from their screens. If they knew more everyday Americans, they would come a lot closer to understanding how Trump gets things done.

It’s not chaos; it’s just a little different and more down to earth.

This is because of Trump’s “art of the deal” style described in his best-selling book by that name. Bush 43 and Obama were totally process-driven. You could see events coming a mile away as they wound their way through the West Wing and Capitol Hill deliberative processes.

All you had to do was understand the process and you could forecast big developments in a relatively straightforward way.

With Trump, there is a process, but it does not adhere to a timeline or existing template. Trump seems to be the only process participant most of the time.

Here’s the Trump process:

Identify a big goal (tax cuts, balanced trade, the wall, etc.).

Identify your leverage points versus anyone who stands in your way (elections, tariffs, jobs, etc.).

Announce some extreme threat against your opponent that uses your leverage.

If the opponent backs down, mitigate the threat, declare victory and go home with a win.

If the opponent fires back, double down. If Trump declares tariffs on $50 billion of good from China,and China shoots back with tariffs on $50 billion of goods from the U.S., Trump doubles down with tariffs on $100 billion of goods, etc. Trump will keep escalating until he wins.

Eventually, the escalation process can lead to negotiations with at least the perception of a victory for Trump (North Korea) — even if the victory is more visual than real.

No one else in Washington thinks this way. Washington insiders try to avoid confrontation, avoid escalation, compromise from the beginning and finesse their way through any policy process.

Trump is in a league of his own. What amazes me is that the media still do not understand his style and keep taking the bait when he announces something crazy, as in Step 3 above.

Here’s a list of big issues that are now in play from Trump’s perspective and may lead to dramatic results with important implications for investors:

Tariffs and penalties on China for theft of intellectual property.

Trump’s threat to withdraw the U.S. from the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Trump’s threat to quit NATO. Trump will not actually do this, but he could withdraw U.S. troops from Germany. This would drive Germany closer to Russia.

The U.S. and China can find no middle ground in disputes over rights in the South China Sea

North Korea seems to be cheating on its commitment to Trump to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.

All of these developments and more have the potential to reach crisis proportions. The problem from an investor’s perspective is they are “slow burn” crises and can linger for a long time before producing anything dramatic such as a shooting war or market collapse. They are not date-driven or date-specific in the short run.

One story that’s under the radar and could blow up soon is Chinese currency devaluation.

If Trump puts a 25% tariff on Chinese imports but China then devalues its currency 25%, then the net effect is zero. The impact of the devaluation offsets the impact of the tariff and then you’re back where you started.

This new currency war seems to be happening.

Once Trump focuses on this, he’s likely to be infuriated and retaliate against China in the currency war and take steps to penalize China for currency manipulation over and above the existing tariffs and penalties for theft of intellectual property. This has a hard date of Oct. 15, 2018.

That’s the date of the U.S. Treasury’s semiannual report on Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States.

That report is the formal mechanism for labeling a trading partner such as China a “currency manipulator” with severe consequences. Oct. 15, 2018, is just three weeks before the midterm elections, so it could be a highly popular political move in addition to being economically important.

All of this and more is on Trump’s policy plate right now. Just don’t expect him to handle it the way politicos usually do. Investors should expect dramatic policy shifts and extreme threats. But don’t overreact like the Washington pundits.

Remember, it’s all the art of the deal.


78ce3f No.2193546


>Q what happened to our USSS agent? We know it wasn't stroke.

You're RIGHT. Damn, they got /ourguy/.

efc25d No.2193547


Trips confirm your 3x stupidity.

d750c9 No.2193548

File: 32baafa3e791adf⋯.jpg (520.12 KB, 2048x1724, 512:431, beanie-babies.jpg)



Ahhh, remember this one? Part of what started Pizzagate.

Georgetown Law Faculty and Staff,

My parents are visiting this weekend, and I need to sell my enormous collection of beanie babies! I've approximately 480 little creatures of joy, and I'm selling each one for $20.00. You must buy all 480, though. It is a collection (not an auction)… They are very respectful and amicable with one another, and they are (for the most part) cat and dog friendly. Some are sassier than others, naturally.

Please let me know! My parents can't find out.

Peter Mattingly



1c79f6 No.2193549

File: c2c75fc3a7e0041⋯.png (65.87 KB, 572x400, 143:100, ClipboardImage.png)

2eb156 No.2193550


I disagree with Ann on that one.

We don't need five jews on the supreme court.

We already have four and SHOCKER they are all extreme marxist leftists.

fd602a No.2193551

File: c6eff35693e20db⋯.jpeg (180.55 KB, 1440x1200, 6:5, 1531876642.jpeg)

78ce3f No.2193552


>Don't worry. We WILL be coming for you.

pathetic. srsly braindead, pathetic. BLIND FAITH is BLIND.

2c5e4f No.2193553


i think if people really knew how the 1% lives on our tax dollars

they would be beheaded in the streets

29d25c No.2193554

So here's my theory..Putin brought up 400 million because they want that number in everyone's head so when its time to get the truth out about Iran, & they see the amount Obama gave to them, it should cause a Wtf moment in their head.

Plus, 400k donated to her campaign is STILL actually illegal.

0d5bbe No.2193555


Q goes silent and the leaches of CIA disinfo

go bat shit crazy. Their attempt to scare us off has failed many times before, so they contradict themselves and claim Q is dead. Many are already feeling anxious when Q goes silent for a while , they learned this and use it.

41c617 No.2193556

File: 093d50fc7db3607⋯.png (222.26 KB, 636x378, 106:63, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


81fd25 No.2193557

File: 427c4d7f67c76ce⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogetherFree….jpg)

File: a34f8ca3ff1df6d⋯.jpg (191.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening315.jpg)

File: 453312277e6babf⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening313.jpg)

File: 50b87cd1fd532e3⋯.jpg (171.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningShineLight2.jpg)

File: 25057b96c17a85b⋯.jpg (116 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Justice31.jpg)

f16e31 No.2193558


I think they rolled out Strzok to piss people off knowing how arrogant he is. Knew it would light congress and the people up.. Mrs Page wasnt needed for that, she is probably to sedate and quite, wouldnt whip up the fury like peter would..

168e93 No.2193559

Anyone have the link to Tucker Carlson tonight? Want to watch me some POTUS.

efc25d No.2193560

File: 35577d5b0dcd185⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 600x472, 75:59, 400chan.jpg)

a17d64 No.2193561

File: e94ea9c7fd4153d⋯.png (472.2 KB, 657x982, 657:982, NSC.png)

69d456 No.2193562

File: 6363c5107fbaa0b⋯.png (60.61 KB, 699x442, 699:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00dbe194d8e29a5⋯.png (228.38 KB, 771x663, 257:221, ClipboardImage.png)


Is Khuzami telling us he is Second Special Counsel?

See Statement made today PIC 1


See PIC2 Rosenstein's letter Appointing Mueller ALSO under 28 USC Code Section 515


29d25c No.2193563


Gay Pete

bb28ad No.2193564

>>2193534 LP says her texts with PS "Mean Exactly What They Say"



big implications of this..

0e8e0f No.2193565


Considered that he might have been one the plants privately disclosed to POTUS by Putin? Maybe they tried to arrest him and he died resisting or he knew his time was up and took the easy way out?

I'm not claiming either way, just thinking out loud.

2da7cd No.2193566

File: 0ea2d2f440247d2⋯.png (166.54 KB, 1280x551, 1280:551, Canadian_Security_Intellig….png)


Allies… close allies…

0f0c18 No.2193567

File: 3e1ccdd75dab4f7⋯.png (177.78 KB, 420x315, 4:3, hkjhjkh;jh;.png)

File: fe66868fb92c34d⋯.png (356.38 KB, 669x499, 669:499, hjhl;hlkhk'h'h.png)

File: a9c13f736701b63⋯.png (175.87 KB, 420x315, 4:3, scumbag-strzok.png)



Peter Strzok is a mentally deranged dirtbag who hates the united states.

73b13c No.2193568

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I know what you mean, but I REALLY am not a Nat Soc. I keep researching more into it, and I agree with a lot of things about it, others not so much.

But would I mind living under a Nat Soc regime? Nope. Do I think there are better ways? Yes, direct democracy with proper voting rules and demographic control.

Keep on keeping on fren, this year, the world will know the jewish lies, all of them.

In this 1 hour and a half presentation, the historian David Irving goes into some of the reasons why the Nuremberg Trials were on of the most despicable frauds perpetrated in our modern history.

Must see.

>If you wonder how such a lie could have survived to this day:

Notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.



Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…

78ce3f No.2193569

File: d592d54960115c3⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 250x300, 5:6, tits6.jpg)


FUCKINA…a newfag who announced the vag. Troll more likely cause no one is this stupid. LURK BEFORE POSTING.


aa8b66 No.2193570

File: e04df8898952ca2⋯.png (428.99 KB, 427x438, 427:438, tarddillion.PNG)


You're not supposed to be on the internet, Dillon.

a17d64 No.2193571


Huber Solves.

169084 No.2193572



Brett Kavanaugh, new supreme court nomination, has connections to Georgetown and Jesuits.

5a408f No.2193573

File: 74c496246dd2d41⋯.gif (410.44 KB, 1008x1440, 7:10, Freedom.gif)


At the very least, his flamboyant antics are entertaining.

The biggest red flag was appearing on Infowars after Q outed AJ.

Theoretically, a truth seeker and truth sharer would "choose" to distance themselves from AJ after this.

Is money and notoriety more important than integrity?

What's the cost of Freedom?

85068a No.2193574

File: f9158884b32a9ab⋯.png (13.04 KB, 776x371, 776:371, ! ! ! Trips.png)


Trips confirm that only the weakest would fall for it

d8a300 No.2193575

@Q, POTUS and all, My thoughts are with you all!

GOOD MUST WIN, Evil must be defeated!

69d456 No.2193576

File: 8f1deaa73609503⋯.png (87.58 KB, 769x429, 769:429, ClipboardImage.png)


Article discussing Mueller appointment under 28 USC Section 515

Second, and more fundamentally, the predicate of the argument is simply mistaken. As I explained here back in August, Rosenstein almost certainly did not appoint Mueller pursuant to section 600.4–or pursuant to the Special Counsel regulations at all. In his appointment order, Rosenstein did not say that he was appointing Mueller pursuant to, or “under,” the regulations. Nor did he cite the provision of the regulations, Section 600.1, that governs the appointment of a Special Counsel from outside the Department. Instead, he wrote that he was acting “[b]y virtue of the authority vested in me as Acting Attorney General, including 28 U.S.C. §§ 509, 510, and 515, in order to discharge my responsibility to provide supervision and management of the Department of Justice.”(In particular, section 515 provides that “any attorney specially appointed by the Attorney General under law, may, when specifically directed by the Attorney General, conduct any kind of legal proceeding, civil or criminal, including grand jury proceedings and proceedings before committing magistrate judges, which United States attorneys are authorized by law to conduct.”)


57bd6e No.2193577

File: 6c7d9f5462a7e82⋯.png (323.61 KB, 638x960, 319:480, ClipboardImage.png)

459649 No.2193578


I committed hairy cherry once…

f16e31 No.2193579


Excuse me, i wasnt in on the whole day convo from you idiots that entertained the idea AND added it to noteables, my question was just that.. piss off fuckwad

e617f4 No.2193580

File: 65b5c7c7db4e983⋯.jpg (69.95 KB, 540x372, 45:31, IMG_1402.JPG)

File: 9b8f870b0185255⋯.jpg (92.79 KB, 540x416, 135:104, IMG_1403.JPG)

File: 8c3cfeeee85f535⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1405.PNG)

London’s Muslim mayor tried to stop the Trump Train in his city… but failed!


59ecc1 No.2193581

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

b4f649 No.2193582


AJ is an 'actor' moron and I'm surprised anyone even listens to him

828baf No.2193583

File: c5f715a87491bba⋯.png (69.23 KB, 340x487, 340:487, Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at ….png)

File: f645e4879a9a8b9⋯.png (1.06 MB, 893x1204, 893:1204, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


02b20f No.2193584

File: 71abe6fee9315a0⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 209x255, 209:255, strzokmad.jpg)


What are you doing here, Peter?

b9c8bc No.2193585

File: 45ad6339886862f⋯.png (336.77 KB, 1204x823, 1204:823, Smith Primary 2018.PNG)


WA Primary for Smith is August 7

Be nice to make some noise so he loses against his primary challenger Sarah Smith and have her go up against the Republican in November


9f13f9 No.2193586


You and me brother. I was a sleeping tea party fuck two years ago. Knew the left sucked but read history all the time. Thought I knew the truth.

I cant stand the Jew lies anymore. I refuse to allow that shit to go unanswered.

I threw a friend out of my house four months ago when I was telling him stuff. He did not deny it. He said the wrong fucking thing. He said if I was born a Jew I would be just as crooked and sneaky as they are.

That mother fucker was out of the house less than a minute later. Nearly came to blows with my family watching. Have not spoken since.

6b6440 No.2193587


Australia as Canada and Zew Zealand are still part of tthe British Commonwealth ..

78ce3f No.2193588


>anyone else wondering if the person who skydived near potus might have been more significant than we think

yes, yes, absolutely. I am SURE it was a vicious assassination attempt and the UK cops were complicit. Also as USSS and security team failed to shoot him out of the sky, I think it's pretty clear it was an attempt on his life. Not sure why the guy didn't drop the hand grande he was carrying tho.

dd3b0e No.2193589

File: 02229c670b960ea⋯.jpg (961.19 KB, 2000x1585, 400:317, Woods-Kek.jpg)


Kek!!! That's one of mine.

fc8814 No.2193590


Screw 'em … Trust the Plan

fd602a No.2193591

File: 58c0a09cfffd0a4⋯.jpg (133.29 KB, 1020x546, 170:91, IMG_20180717_202522.jpg)

efc25d No.2193592


>AJ said

And how, exactly, is this important to anything except AJ selling protein powder?

752a03 No.2193593

File: f57dc0aeaf4683a⋯.jpg (2.97 KB, 125x113, 125:113, 1510005845317s.jpg)

8567f0 No.2193594


usc 515 is simply the code for vesting authority in legal counsel

23caf8 No.2193595


I don't see any humor in it.

These people are just proving how stupid America is.

2da7cd No.2193596


The gig is up, time to tie up loose ends.

d750c9 No.2193597



Not gay

Its code

480 at $20.00 each? Think about that. $9600?

What is he REALLY selling?

Drugs? 4-8 year olds at $2k/each? 48hrs at $2k per go?

82401c No.2193598


anon said it was on and then later taken down on the IW site

828baf No.2193599

File: 36758156b220c0a⋯.png (126.61 KB, 916x604, 229:151, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


cf108a No.2193600

File: 20b2e86e72eb0f6⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 384x498, 64:83, 20b2e86e72eb0f63dceeff54f5….jpg)

78ce3f No.2193601


> Doesn't make all graduates from those schools satanists or pedophiles.

BULLSHIT it absolutely does make them satanists or pedophiles. SHILL you're glowing.

7954e9 No.2193602


The same AJ that said Q was comped? What? He changed his tune?

8567f0 No.2193603


*special legal*

10bbf7 No.2193604


New Power

Nobody wants to loose.

53c91d No.2193605

Have some Toto (Africa) anons calms me down im also a retard anon so I will not embed video



2c5e4f No.2193606


what do you think they do with the stuff they are told ?

where do you think the cia got the idea


02b20f No.2193607


He also went along with the mainstream narrative which twisted President Trump's words at the summit. But then, soon later, he backpedaled after figuring out what had happened.Lionel was hilarious on Peter Strzok

69d456 No.2193608


My post has nothing to do with Huber, anon. My post was about a specific press release/statement made by the Southern District of NY today and reference to the same laws Mueller is acting under.

2fd5d9 No.2193609


America is hurting. It is unacceptable. It's been bad, but after yesterday, they have become so rabid, it's a whole new low. I'm laughing at Jeanine. Voting won't change shit with a corrupt DOJ/FBI. All of Potus's accomplishment are overshadowed with the way the country is being run. We now have lawmakers wanting to abolish ICE and other extremely globalist agendas. 99% lawmakers criticized Potus instead of praising him for what he did accomplish. Not much to celebrate, IMO.

78ce3f No.2193610


>then dumped in the Indian Ocean.

oh shiii…then we know who has them now…Osama Bin Laden! WE ARE SO SCREWED.

73b13c No.2193611

File: 7603bee43fceb26⋯.png (61.33 KB, 795x600, 53:40, Censorship_South_Carolina_….PNG)

File: 15592f001ab2b5a⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_1.jpg)

File: 71d56326094e7aa⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 600x453, 200:151, Anti_semitic_Trick_2.jpg)

File: 2c195b5b69aaf25⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_3.jpg)

File: 99766dffe206c54⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 734x681, 734:681, Jews_Anti_Semitism_Death_P….jpg)


>freemasonry and the catholic church are just as big

I agree, but JS is worse at this moment because you can't talk about it.

>they all hide behind the jews

Judaism was ALWAYS a supremacist religion/culture:


That is why I say, ban judaism, and let racial jews who are against the kikery to live among us.

8338de No.2193612


ok now I know Kellyanne is writing these.

d0291a No.2193613

File: 7c71ce99a1c23e2⋯.jpeg (99.27 KB, 1068x462, 178:77, A4C62AB8-A2BE-49EA-A9F6-D….jpeg)


Just sayin

b9c8bc No.2193614

File: 0321fc77623b22c⋯.png (53.81 KB, 661x442, 661:442, POTUS Schedule 7-17-18 6 2….PNG)

Keeping America Great requires LOYALTY & COURAGE to maintain an unrelenting commitment to vanquish the EVIL FASCIST LIBERALISM that permeates our republic.

2da7cd No.2193615

File: 1044874244e137b⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 400x267, 400:267, money launderers.jpg)


Make a shitty video game, then use crowdfunding to solicit "donations' for your 'anti-harassment' campaign.

4dfc75 No.2193616

File: 0e3b6ff5be8d768⋯.png (3.96 MB, 3500x2085, 700:417, FAG_MAP_Ireland_Finland.png)

>>2173013 (pb)

>>2189221 (pb)

World Wide! Show us your QAnon Flags!

b1098c No.2193617

We really are watching a movie.

All the actors playing their role.

From POTUS to Putin to RR to Mulcher to Gowdy et al.

The plot thickens daily and the outcomes we anticipate may be a heck of a lot different by the time the show is over. Let's hope the climax was worth the suspense.

ed2b78 No.2193618

File: a28d442d4c4362b⋯.png (23.2 KB, 294x244, 147:122, ClipboardImage.png)

>> 2193611

cd4540 No.2193619


Excuses are what people like you have at the end of their lives instead of accomplishments. "Cant get money to build the wall." "Why isnt DOJ doing anything about Hillary?" Fuck off, loser.

73b13c No.2193620

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>thats why they cause so much violence against jews

There have been good reasons for it historically, like the old-times pizzagate shit that is well documented.

1c1491 No.2193622




This isn't an official account you fucking retards it's run by an anon.

828baf No.2193623

File: f20c2e8daeba794⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 600x314, 300:157, dfnsuLZW.jpg)

on the cat walk, yeah, on the cat walk,

so this is going around the twatter…

a59461 No.2193624

Former New York State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos And His Son, Adam Skelos, Convicted Again Of Corruption Offenses In Manhattan Federal Court

Robert Khuzami, Attorney for the United States, acting under authority conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, announced the convictions of former New York State Senate Majority Leader DEAN SKELOS and his son ADAM SKELOS on bribery, extortion, and honest services fraud counts, following a five-week jury trial before the U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood. As a unanimous jury found for a second time, DEAN SKELOS repeatedly abused his official position to obtain more than $300,000 in bribes and extortion payments made to his son, ADAM SKELOS. The defendants had previously been found guilty of the same offenses by a jury in December 2015, but their convictions were overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision in McDonnell v. United States.

Deputy U.S. Attorney Robert Khuzami said: “Yet again, a New York jury heard a sordid tale of bribery, extortion, and the abuse of power by a powerful public official of this State. And yet again, a jury responded with a unanimous verdict of guilt, in this case of Dean Skelos and his son Adam – sending the resounding message that political corruption will not be tolerated.”

According to the evidence introduced at trial, court filings, and statements made in Manhattan federal court:

From 2011 to 2015, DEAN SKELOS served as Majority Leader and Co-Majority Leader of the New York State Senate, a position that gave him significant power over the operation of New York State government. DEAN SKELOS repeatedly used this power to pressure companies with business before New York State to make payments to his son, ADAM SKELOS, who substantially depended on these companies for his income. DEAN SKELOS and ADAM SKELOS were able to secure these illegal payments through implicit and explicit representations that DEAN SKELOS would use his official position to benefit those who made the payments, and punish those who did not. In total, DEAN SKELOS obtained over $300,000 in payments to ADAM SKELOS through persistent and repeated pressure applied to senior executives of three different companies that needed legislation passed in the New York State Senate and other official actions from DEAN SKELOS.


b697d9 No.2193625


Great song. A lot of sons have shed a tear to this one… Mason isn't alone

53c91d No.2193626


This account gives fantastic information but in no way is it linked to Trump….. No Q proofs no nothing from the Handle

e47fb5 No.2193627


this is why they 'let' Stroyck go first

Lisa cooperated.

Peter did not.

He perjured himself.

6c61f4 No.2193628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

07d9a0 No.2193629

File: b9c16e0b1ffe1d9⋯.png (202.57 KB, 386x382, 193:191, sconce.PNG)

File: 61e392759080310⋯.png (308 KB, 302x406, 151:203, ddd4d4d4d.PNG)


That's crazy, looks like an angel with the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost as lights, had to look up the sconce light to see what it was, it's an eagle.

a3e4cd No.2193630

File: b9b0cacd657bf9e⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 498x346, 249:173, BD2F236A-EF08-41FA-BC4F-1F….gif)

Anybody else have a shit hits the fan kill list?

a17d64 No.2193631

File: 5e8bc42907d4bda⋯.png (627.05 KB, 1008x612, 28:17, Jerry G.png)

8338de No.2193632


so you figured you would infect everyone else with your own brand of negativity…gtfo

459649 No.2193633


not bad. he certainly got the whole libtard "speak truth to power" bunch lit on fire

ed6ce6 No.2193634


We approve!

efc25d No.2193635


>We don't need five jews on the supreme court.

I have nothing against Jews. I think the muh jooos idiots are most likely goatfucker trolls or shutin 7th graders.

But I completely agree with this.

Jews make up 4% of the US population and 73% are leftards.

All 4 Jews currnetly on the SCOUTS are leftards.

Why do we need more than one such leftard on the SCOTUS?

69d456 No.2193637

File: 76119e115ba3763⋯.png (84.38 KB, 955x466, 955:466, ClipboardImage.png)



Law says "special attorney"

Special Attorney….Mueller Special Counsel and same law …seems the same to me.


bb28ad No.2193638

File: 3a96b84d81fa7e3⋯.png (120.71 KB, 265x375, 53:75, ClipboardImage.png)


anons say this everytime

2eb156 No.2193639


I don't ID as a NATSOC but I am just giving friendly advice that you are wasting your time repeating that you are not.

ANY PRO WHITE OR COUNTER SEMITISM opinion will draw the ad hominem retard response that you are a "NAZI" so just forget ever getting beyond it and expecting to get rational discourse on the material.

Nationalism is the best way to describe our intolerance of GLOBALIST LIES and the FOUNDATIONAL MYTH that encompasses DUMBOCRACY.

828baf No.2193640

File: a9f46214b03dcb4⋯.png (169.3 KB, 439x507, 439:507, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


fuck off wangdoodle

78ce3f No.2193641

File: fbb5a020f140f78⋯.jpg (113.13 KB, 1024x792, 128:99, jews1.jpg)

File: 6cc2d605408920b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 2988x2068, 747:517, jews2.png)

File: 9cd1034532eabca⋯.png (382.92 KB, 644x2016, 23:72, jews3.png)


>We are closed to your racist, bigoted opinions that are hate based.

no, no we're not. Speak for yourself. IT IS ALWAYS a JEW. ALWAYS…until they stop their shit, we're not gonna stop calling it what it is.

BTW racist, bigot…snore..so last year. TRUTH is the word.

3b6c10 No.2193642

File: 300f6661d009405⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 474x588, 79:98, .jpg)


the shills like to concern shill, let them shill

have you heard of custer's last stand? this is (((their))) last stand before they get scalped by real patriots.

(((they))) have no other options left

(((they))) have exhausted everything that (((they))) could

the time is now.

we strike back at this evil.

get ready, true patriots will know this image well


73b13c No.2193643

File: f102d79bca7f742⋯.png (26.95 KB, 658x431, 658:431, 1_Scofield_Bible_Zionist_P….PNG)



They were psyoped by scofield bible.

ccec35 No.2193644

Look at me…I am doing stuffs women have done for thousands of years but I think im special and hip

Not sure why she's on a catwalk anyhoo…butt ugly


2c5e4f No.2193645


i really hope that list is for if the plan doesnt pan out and there is no justice

if so


thats it

b9c8bc No.2193646


Guess what your moronic little twat?

We don't care

4c81ea No.2193647


…I shake my little…

I digress. Apologies.

88ec20 No.2193648


Administrative law judges don't handle any criminal court proceedings. They handle administrative law proceedings. Shit like govt pension hearings, social security hearings, etc.

e47fb5 No.2193649




df268f No.2193650


If you have been around for a long time lurking, surely you know we look down on NameFagging, leave the name field blank and you will fit in better, also admitting you are a female will also raise a bit of trouble - just kind words to make your posts here, be considered as equal as anyone elses.

bb28ad No.2193651




He (and now Sara) are saying "Information will come out about Brennan"


85068a No.2193652


No, they're proving how stupid THEY are. They don't speak for me, nor do the speak for all Americans, same as i don't, nor do you.

6924cc No.2193653

Whoa…Sara Carter introducing the idea that Brennan may have been assisting in the Russia investigation. Go, honey, go!

02b20f No.2193654


You didn't study enough about the AWAN plea deal.

8338de No.2193655


who's the fucking retard now, idiot

53c91d No.2193656


Anyone can put that in there header if it were actual government it would be fucking verified

8567f0 No.2193657

>>2193637 They basically appoint these for any investigations into politicians/corruption cases iirc, but will add for more eyes

cd4540 No.2193658


Declaring martial law is a legal act. The DOJ not acting is a travesty of justice and it's disgusting.

9f13f9 No.2193659

File: 18fccb758b85a8b⋯.png (8.3 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 11ecd769c97f1c5d9efb7eeceb….png)


b9c8bc No.2193660


Get over yourself

You don't get to decide what is relevant or not

d7e501 No.2193661


Shouldn't Trump be stepping down and handing the win back to Hillary?

>"Let me be totally clear in saying that — and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also."

ccec35 No.2193662

Been close to 200 lurkers in here all day…

73b13c No.2193663

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: 083cf3e6e3cfe6d⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 720x558, 40:31, Judeo_Christian.jpg)

File: 664006e720d861a⋯.png (141.83 KB, 2048x1171, 2048:1171, Judeo_Christian2.PNG)


Jesus was against jewish supremacism, just so you know.

Judaism Torah is the 5 first books of Old Testament, Jesus rejected the Old Testament, jews had him killed.

Don't mix up judaism with Christianism.

efc25d No.2193664

File: fdcb798b21ebaf3⋯.jpeg (18.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fc8300678f0140de8ef53db20….jpeg)


Well then use your brain cell and don't be so fucking gullible.

78ce3f No.2193665


KEK..UK is screwed, here is my message to them (((LOOSE OUR NUMBER))) not one more drop of American blood. EVER. YOU fucked yourself, live or die with it.

bb28ad No.2193666


shouldn't you be over at /leftypol/?

78ce3f No.2193667


> Jon Applebaum

let me guess, dual citizen?

85068a No.2193668


coming down from coke will do that. never used it myself, i've seen in the past how low the crash goes though

32969a No.2193669


Now if we could just get rid of Ann "man Neck" Coulter……

She went on her knees for Romney and told conservatives he was the only conservative who could win.

82401c No.2193670


no way, Lionel loves the Q Movie

df268f No.2193671

File: 62adec6be1483ff⋯.jpg (148.32 KB, 626x576, 313:288, PeacePepeQek.jpg)

Hey Fags!!

Hope everyone is doing well tonight. I just sat down. Been applying paint to the walls ofthe castle again. Glad to be done for the day.

62f399 No.2193672

File: b1e051617e0865d⋯.png (20.1 KB, 640x298, 320:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7480102ba49bb6f⋯.png (21.71 KB, 509x684, 509:684, ClipboardImage.png)


This is THE PLAN

This is the reason for the dog and pony show

This will not be easy

Cant be done out in open

Must be in secret behind the scene

Imagine the reaction when they roll this out

07d9a0 No.2193673

File: e51876ecca8fc06⋯.png (736.95 KB, 731x489, 731:489, hold.PNG)


Holding pattern engaged

2aa9d2 No.2193674

File: b314c4f730c95fe⋯.jpg (308.07 KB, 726x523, 726:523, cristo.jpg)

The news said everyone's damned

I said they're making this hell

38d6a1 No.2193675

File: 6f9898f0ee139b0⋯.png (126.52 KB, 800x507, 800:507, SOIB_www.usmarshals.gov.png)



very interdasting


29d25c No.2193676


BUT I'M THE ASSHOLE when I called the Baker a ducking moron because of the shit notables all day. ffs, I didn't even notice that one up there. All God damn day with retarded Notables

f16e31 No.2193677


Everyone knows mom wont let them back in the house if it is after 10pm and they have dirty shoes..

ccec35 No.2193678


Thats why you need weed when youre out of coke

Friend told me

53c91d No.2193679


Fuck off if it is coming from the federal US government it would have a fucking blue check beside it…. leran some God damn critical thinking skills

81fd25 No.2193680

File: a4c5ed9b0cd854a⋯.jpg (182.43 KB, 1175x712, 1175:712, 2018-07-18 01:33:03Z.jpg)


>28 USC 515

254855 No.2193681


i expect him to claim to be Q soon kek!

862bad No.2193682

>>2193490 as i talk about myself


8567f0 No.2193683

notables update

>>2193156 Rep. Smith and Rep. Jayapal working on bill to abolish ICE

>>2193534 LP says Anti-Trump Texts "Mean Exactly What They Say"

>>2193562, >>2193576, >>2193624 Another Attorney Acting Under 28 U.S.C. Section 515

>>2193599 POTUS Schedule Update

let me know if i missed any anons

6924cc No.2193684


She's been one of POTUS's biggest supporters.

8338de No.2193685


what the fuck are you even doing here shithead

e92623 No.2193686


85068a No.2193687

File: dc0918cdb5017c6⋯.jpg (53.48 KB, 383x526, 383:526, Chuckles Sovietly.jpg)


8chan's tough guy of the day. No one is impressed.

bb28ad No.2193688


>200 lurkers

no, 200 UIDs

multiply that by 5 or 10 to know the amount of lurkers

the CM said when there was ~200 UIDs, there were about 2000 lurkers

f16e31 No.2193689


Lmao i feel u man!


96dbc8 No.2193690








88ec20 No.2193691


Yes I did. Maybe you should elaborate. I was referring to the Awan plea deal.

73b13c No.2193692




a3e4cd No.2193693


It is; plausibility fictitious, and no, Podesta is way down the list…

29d25c No.2193694


I thought he was a Muslim. How'd he get a nose like that

387b2b No.2193695


Like how you speak so well of yourself, and the new vocabulary shows off your intelligence, be proud, you are a true shill.

fd602a No.2193696


A Pepe classic

403cc4 No.2193697

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 0c41f3ce3416a87f878b605fab….jpg)

2aa9d2 No.2193698

File: d841b2d87020cfc⋯.jpg (28.44 KB, 620x330, 62:33, allok.jpg)

The news said everyone's damned

I'll be damned if I believe it

a17d64 No.2193699


She Called Trumps win First and got laughed off of TV.

85068a No.2193700


You mean like this?


bb28ad No.2193701

File: f4b591f704442ad⋯.png (211.01 KB, 739x467, 739:467, TrustTheFuckingPlan.png)

f28922 No.2193702

File: 2b9af7626d57654⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1920x1327, 1920:1327, 20180717_203122.jpg)

May we take a moment of silence

81fd25 No.2193703

File: c366cc25b93c30d⋯.png (791.56 KB, 1100x740, 55:37, PepesPaint.png)

6c61f4 No.2193704

File: d31e41dd59a25a1⋯.png (366.01 KB, 912x701, 912:701, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

File: f87fa73038ece3a⋯.png (141.66 KB, 931x569, 931:569, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


d7e501 No.2193705


The truth hurts doesn't it. Even Trump is agreeing there was meddling and that can mean only thing. Hillary was the actual winner.

2eb156 No.2193706


We are not arabs/muslims. Arabs/Muslims have an incentive in keeping the jews in power. The jews are flooding our countries with them and they know that part of the fuckery. Hence why the arabs and muslims oppose Trump.

This is really not that difficult to understand.

PS…I am a mid thirties white guy in a blue state and I have a lot against "The Jews"

3b96a6 No.2193707

>>2192793 (prev)

Agreed. Either the plan is in motion and we enjoy the show, or the other side makes a move and POTUS must defend himself with the truth. DECLAS

b697d9 No.2193708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd4540 No.2193709


That photoshopped BC was TOTALLY INCOMPETENT. Hey, maybe it is Bummer's real BC! The only one he has anyway.

73b13c No.2193710


Burner phone + Tor + new gmail + new twitter.

Use a random name generator and use a minority name.

Jew the jew.

5f12b4 No.2193711

Levin is gonnna have a YUGE RANT on Hannity next Bahahah

ccec35 No.2193712


You got me on a technicality

Point stands…lotta peeps looking for some q

02b20f No.2193713


I'm not doing your homework for you. I'm just giving you a tip.

27d986 No.2193714


Amen Anon!!! Patriots Unite!! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!!

efc25d No.2193715


We're 5 years away from two fags sucking each other off on the catwalk in the name of fashion and culture.

3dbf55 No.2193716


Dang, these are getting more and more aggressive

df268f No.2193717


I saw a post or two like that and agreed, but after my day yesterday, I decided to avoid any and all conflict :)

7f1ec4 No.2193718

Yes, it is the Official Schedule POSTED BY A PERSON ON TWITTER. Get a brian.


5c20de No.2193719



You can all leave now.

6924cc No.2193720


Glowniggers here in force. HI CLOWNS!

2aa9d2 No.2193721

File: 33d4890761eef68⋯.jpg (9.57 KB, 249x203, 249:203, nwo.jpg)

The "News" said…

Never mind what the News say

d1450d No.2193722


Why Rabbi? Did you read my other posts? You truly think I am a kike or wrong? It's fucking mayhem there with a Muzzlehead Mayor and mongrel roaming the streets with faggots protesting and saying they want to kill Americans to a literal (in my opinion at least) hit attempt on the POTUS. Shit needs to called out.

5a408f No.2193723


I am not entirely swayed 1 way or another.

Well, swayed to 99% that is…

I will continue to give Lionel a chance, until given a reason not.

Just questionable actions is all.


07d9a0 No.2193724

File: 6ecae425b249949⋯.png (369.92 KB, 412x462, 206:231, ssauce.PNG)

85068a No.2193725


i was the friend indeed @ the time kek, was really sad to watch though, made me never touch the stuff, caffeine is just fine for my upper (& kratom occasionally)

5be968 No.2193726

Sara Carter just said Lisa Page is contradicting her man Strzok text message …….The wheels are coming off the bus …..

459649 No.2193727


no anon - DOJ needs to be obviously comped af in order for military judges to be needed

3dbf55 No.2193728

Hold faith anons. God is with us. Leads by example by showing your love to everyone, especially those who have been led astray

254855 No.2193729

File: 391f5b91fc5190d⋯.jpg (12.13 KB, 255x166, 255:166, bitches.jpg)

looks like a /leftypol/ raid in here

9bf1c2 No.2193730


whenever i see this .gif , i make sure to read everything in the post

tl;dr maybe facebook is more your speed

862bad No.2193731

>>2193682 Correction

>>2193093 And your here hmmmmmmmm

d0291a No.2193732


Right before the crash, everyone is an asshole.

Some are dangerous.

Fortunately, there was no twitter in my day.

62f399 No.2193733


Wheres Q's trip on that???

81fd25 No.2193734

File: ce51d5d290d2082⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 338x240, 169:120, MemeWarz.jpg)

File: 4e788e06fc50659⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3580x2332, 895:583, MemeWarz.jpg)

File: c7981d4f6a7a1ac⋯.jpeg (361.82 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, MemeWarz1.jpeg)

File: 4ed77a610aa7398⋯.png (654.37 KB, 659x442, 659:442, Memewar11.png)

File: 11e0d17d0a34612⋯.jpg (446.52 KB, 774x438, 129:73, TeamQMemewar.jpg)

29d25c No.2193735


So what's Quebec?

cd4540 No.2193736


Forehead burn can be a serious issue.

1c1491 No.2193737




tfw anons are so god damn stupid that they post screen caps of a description that anyone can edit as proof that the account is official

this is the level some of these anons are at ladies and gentlemen

honest to goodness fucking retards

bb28ad No.2193738

File: 88feb3406001897⋯.png (75.58 KB, 255x248, 255:248, ClipboardImage.png)


do you just parrot the MSM or is that actually what you think?

The only thing POTUS "corrected" was to say: "I don't see why it wouldn't have been Russia"

still maintains it wasn't muh russia or there was any collusion

you don't realize how much you glow here, go back

88ec20 No.2193739


Idiot. I'm guessing you are referring to the violent crime of Seth Rich. Well his connection to that is a theory whereas we know he was involved in spying on Congress. So, yea, put your faith in a theory that may never happen.

cd4540 No.2193740


Yeah what a faggot. And I dont mean that in a good way.

5f7473 No.2193741


trying to sow internal conflict , "nice tits " … but … um ,… it's a trap

e04785 No.2193742

File: 44ed4e83e2677cf⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 207x306, 23:34, pepe-butterfly.jpg)


>Jr wouldn't hide himself for 20 years either. Stupid.

What would you do if you knew it was only a matter of time before (((they))) would 187 you?

I know what I would do…

970c2f No.2193743

So if there are 2000 lurkers here, how many real Anon's are here?

I always wondered that. But night shift is pretty thin, when I can stay up late.

2aa9d2 No.2193744

File: 72b951bd1ed360d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 938x623, 134:89, christus.png)

God is Life

I Am His Son

b9c8bc No.2193745


Oh, is the little clown shill sad?

Oh…no blue check…

You are so fucking stupid

Not everything has to be endorsed by @jack to be meaningful

bb28ad No.2193746



its an anon's post

73b13c No.2193747

File: 84c3ddc098a5af5⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 441x345, 147:115, Its_the_jews.jpg)

File: 71041418c43282a⋯.png (291.58 KB, 570x356, 285:178, Q_Its_the_jews.PNG)

cf108a No.2193748

File: 093403cd8cf3254⋯.jpg (116.35 KB, 396x283, 396:283, deadseal.jpg)

828baf No.2193749

File: 4dcee2b311d7a5b⋯.png (865.14 KB, 682x960, 341:480, freedomjazz.png)


Over the target!

d698b3 No.2193750


vassal state of germany

85068a No.2193751


yeah, wonder people turn into raging projection machines. it passes, but whoa…i look @ a lot of social media & give the benefit of the doubt that it's the drugs speaking, not the person

330430 No.2193753



Glad to have you here

d0291a No.2193754


Why did you call the baker a ducking moron?

Seems like fucking moron would have been better.


515c7c No.2193755


What if right bewb gets empty

96dbc8 No.2193756


Hey buddy!!!!

Loosen up your helmet.

You're starting to show signs of oxygen deprivation. That shit is dangerous, and makes you say retarted shit.kek


d1450d No.2193757


And I actually think that is a big deal. Sweden, Canada, Germany, France, England, etc… not friends anymore, definitely have a lot of citizens who want us dead. They can rot with the shit they brought in and let it consume them as I damn sure don't want to go/send military brethren to help people who hate my country and don't even have the sack to stand up to the invasion of their country, their speech rights taken.. but protest Trump… fuck that

0e8e0f No.2193758


I saw that straight away…

But it only makes the hand placement that more creepy

4661fc No.2193759


What a simple add campaign. His words with heroes that lost limbs and loved ones in combat. He should hang himself by the end.

78ce3f No.2193760

File: b74fc2d5682a519⋯.jpg (274.79 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, sheep.jpg)


> I'm still here, just lurking moar now, last bread I asked for the sauce on Q death, the story is changing, all by itself

But Q is dead. Shift not over. Seriously fucking bored with the fucking fucktards whining OMG Q hasn't posted, life is over…we need Q..or talking to Q like they're going to get an answer

Q, are bitcoins going to be the wave of the future?

Q are we going to get a jubilee (fuck you fucking debtors, pay your goddamn debts NO compassion except for medical debt)

Q talk about legal kidnapping

Q are we going to get disclosure?

Q how about that gold standard

Q is my sexual transition surgery going to be covered?

SRSLY we are populate by fucking Somalians. Not one decent post in almost a week because Q isn't here to lead the flock….Q is dead, please go home.

e3829a No.2193761


Now thats some funny shit!!

85068a No.2193762

File: baeaa8e784d25bd⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 500x403, 500:403, _65cl8zztezm.jpg)

388282 No.2193763


literally retarded

219965 No.2193764

File: c87ae9ff49d6551⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 73.48 KB, 805x655, 161:131, rh1.JPG)



I like Thauce

8567f0 No.2193765


>>2193156 Rep. Smith and Rep. Jayapal working on bill to abolish ICE

>>2193534 LP says Anti-Trump Texts "Mean Exactly What They Say"

>>2193562, >>2193576, >>2193624, >>2193637 Another Attorney Acting Under 28 U.S.C. Section 515

>>2193599 POTUS Schedule Update

403cc4 No.2193766

File: d1df29671a2f52d⋯.png (807.08 KB, 1163x633, 1163:633, freedom-ring-potus.png)

cd4540 No.2193767


I helped a friend get into Georgetown. She ended up as an abortion doctor. My bad.

8567f0 No.2193768


52f79e No.2193769


putin backstepped it was only 400 grand

aa8b66 No.2193770

File: 8823ddee1f8927f⋯.png (70.57 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepebaking.png)


>I called the Baker a ducking moron because of the shit notables

only (((faggots))) complain about the notables. KEK!

6924cc No.2193771

File: 1241b95d66368cd⋯.jpg (137.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sam-kinison-back-to-school.jpg)

Mark Levin on Hannity. Probably gonna lose it.

53c91d No.2193772


Could not fucking agree more I have seen a very very big decline in IQ levels of Anons lately…. posting shit from very very very unreliable sources, its called fucking hope porn people are absolute fucking retards all they want is your clicks and people actually believe it

b1098c No.2193773


But with all the indictment of the Russians, I see that as a ploy to get the testimony of the Russians which will be used against the cabal. As they did with Flynn & etc.

5f7473 No.2193774


just watch the SJWs come out to play ,

552857 No.2193775

File: 4a7cfe50aa0ea2d⋯.jpg (26.4 KB, 500x666, 250:333, cleavage-14.jpg)

7f1ec4 No.2193776


Potus schedule not notable.

ed2b78 No.2193777

File: 27e451e2876b0de⋯.png (23.09 KB, 294x244, 147:122, ClipboardImage.png)

2aa9d2 No.2193778

File: 459a5fb2685a5d1⋯.png (29.27 KB, 505x272, 505:272, 30614.png)

Q: When does (A) come before (Q)?

A: Future proves past!

8338de No.2193779


it sure fucking is

88ec20 No.2193780


Fuck off shill

fd602a No.2193781


Kek. Sam

6b56a6 No.2193782


Ah seen Jeezus at McDonalds at Midnight, too!

d0291a No.2193784


Ann Coulter is a fair weather friend.

She is one of the first to start screeching “betrayal” if POTUS doesn’t move on her schedule.

And she’s fucking loud.

130429 No.2193785


And a consistently fickle one since, first one to jump over the cliff every time he does something she doesn't understand. Never apologizes.

73b13c No.2193786

File: eb0de260c5615eb⋯.png (324.4 KB, 1143x551, 1143:551, Benjamin_H_Freedman.PNG)

File: c062fcce855df24⋯.png (206.08 KB, 1111x653, 1111:653, Gilad_Atzmon.PNG)

File: c35dedf970e92c6⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 502x499, 502:499, Seth_Rich.jpg)

File: 5b4ecab0ebc244a⋯.png (658.66 KB, 953x530, 953:530, Jews_Bobby_Fisher_On_Jews.png)

File: 96f99c2c5908b15⋯.png (54.98 KB, 661x280, 661:280, Jews_Bobby_Fisher_On_Jews_….png)


There are good jews. Being a racial jew is not a sentence to be a subversive kike.

But judaism must be banned, because it is supremacist.

2da7cd No.2193787


That's Harry Chapin.

I don't speak to cocksuckers.

78ce3f No.2193788


Memphis is a hotbed of human trafficking, trufax. Illegals and muz out the wazoo.

But good news, it's in the NMFzone so…and they've not done anything to stabilize things.

e92623 No.2193789

File: 6db829fccb782bc⋯.png (306.41 KB, 444x320, 111:80, ClipboardImage.png)

25dbe9 No.2193791

Thai Cave Rescue

I'm assuming the cave rescue was a distraction, by the US media, at a minimum. I have an acquaintance that was in Thailand at the same time as the rescue. I was curious if they had it shoved down their throats in Thailand, like we did. He said they didn't hear much of anything in Thailand and thought is was done before he got there.

bb28ad No.2193792




I don't get it

so what?

its accurate

whether its "official" or not, is kind of irrelevant, it accurately shows the presidents schedule

d1450d No.2193794


Honestly I back abortion for one simple reason and that reason is based on which race gets them the most. Without it we would be crawling with animals all over in a decade. So it's cool bro..

d7e501 No.2193795

What I'm saying is, as much as I despise Hillary Clinton, foreign elements did modify the out come of the election thinking Trump would make a mess of things and they'd steam roll over us. But Trump turned out to be something they never expected.

>"Let me be totally clear in saying that — and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also."

>As for the "clarification", Trump said the following: "I actually went out and reviewed a clip of an answer that I gave and I realize that there is need for some clarification. It should have been obvious, I thought it would be obvious, but I would like to clarify just in case it wasn't,” Trump said. “In a key sentence in my remarks I said the word would instead of wouldn't. The sentence should have been, ‘I don't see any reason why I wouldn't’ or ‘why it wouldn't be Russia.’”

681a24 No.2193798


Hmm… Wonder if it is a signal, accepting congress's request to declas.

(Or just (my) wishful thinking).

5c20de No.2193799

File: 65a4340ffbc645e⋯.gif (10.5 MB, 600x338, 300:169, antifa knockout.gif)

efc25d No.2193800


>Cant be done out in open

>Must be in secret behind the scene

I disagree completely.

1 - Secret dealings away from the public eyes and public scrutiny is how these assholes were able to become so corrupt in the first place.

2 - Only public airing of the fuckery and the penalties for that fuckery will prevent it in the future.

3 - The American people are adults and are not to be treated as children by "our betters".

4 - It's OUR FUCKING COUNTRY! Drain the goddam swamp in the light of day for everyone to see because WE WANT IT DONE THAT WAY, ffs!

6e79fc No.2193801


Why ask permission for what's already been done?

fbc474 No.2193804

File: dc88efa32cdc205⋯.gif (10.32 MB, 800x1056, 25:33, 51e3ae0d-59cf-48e8-a358-77….gif)

062bdd No.2193805

File: cdb6fd674e77058⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 403x398, 403:398, checkembw.jpg)

ebf476 No.2193806

File: b33d22e24d66caf⋯.jpg (400.58 KB, 1080x1285, 216:257, Screenshot_20180717-183950….jpg)


all the ways we have been poisoned…

2eb156 No.2193807

File: e4f0d7c890d493e⋯.jpg (181.42 KB, 1024x878, 512:439, SocialistHitler.jpg)

File: c891000c839ce92⋯.jpg (261.24 KB, 1767x741, 31:13, Myth.jpg)

File: f39818ef2555318⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3000x2055, 200:137, NaziGraphic.jpg)

File: 6de20683d759e57⋯.jpg (90.98 KB, 640x845, 128:169, BoycotMovies.jpg)

File: 49ec3c41d1ec400⋯.png (137.22 KB, 1628x595, 1628:595, AntifaMore.png)


Your mistake is assuming that NS is the same as INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM/GLOBALISM.

Its kind of like saying Trump is a conservative. He isn't. He is a Nationalist/Populist. The populist part means the majority. And right now that slim majority just happens to be white people. By the slimmest of margins.

NS was a political ploy to appeal and educate the brainwashed masses of Germany to understand the Nationalist viewpoint and a more accurate term of what the perverted term of socialism SHOULD MEAN. Rather than the OBVIOUS LIE of how the communist ANTIFA used the term.


96dbc8 No.2193808


Yes it is…

b9c8bc No.2193809


Sure it is

POTUS Schedule Comments

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Keeping America Great requires LOYALTY & COURAGE to maintain an unrelenting commitment to vanquish the EVIL FASCIST LIBERALISM that permeates our republic.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Keep America Great - "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Stand UNITED in FREEDOM - Cherish and nurture our country's fundamental doctrines to insure we Keep America Great!

Saturday, 14 July 2018

The destiny of our republic and our freedoms depend on how resolutely WE THE PEOPLE dedicate ourselves to our country's most hallowed principles.

Friday, 13 July 2018

To Keep America Great, We The People must ensure that our country remains on the course envisioned by the founding fathers.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

To Keep America Great, We The People must embrace the conscientious call of truth, justice, and equality that epitomizes the essence of our great republic.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

To Keep America Great, We The People must believe in ourselves, our fortitude, and the solid bedrock of freedom on which this nation is constructed.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Do not stand idle while enemies, domestic and foreign, chip away at the fundamental foundations that Keep America Great!

Monday, 09 July 2018

Winning today, winning tomorrow, and winning forevermore. Keep America Great!

Sunday, 08 July 2018

Light up the dark side. Tell a Liberal the truth.

Saturday, 07 July 2018

Make the vision a reality. Keep America Great.

Friday, 06 July 2018

Truth, righteousness, and sacred honor.

Thursday, 05 July, 2018

Disinformation sometimes uncovers the real truth

Wednesday, 04 July 2018

Stand for what is right. Stand for what is true. Stand up for the red, white, and blue.

Wednesday, 04 July 2018

Stand tall for liberty. Stand tall for freedom. Stand tall for Old Glory and its most hallowed tune.

Tuesday, 03 July 2018

We The People - all races, all colors, all creeds, all religions are the MAJORITY that will Make and Keep America Great.

Monday, 02 July 2018

We The People speak TRUTH to expose LIBERAL LIES.

Sunday, 01 July 2018

We The People LIGHT up the darkness of LEFTIST HATRED.

Saturday, 30 June 2018

We The People are the LIGHT, We are the TRUTH, We are the MAJORITY

Friday, 29 June 2018

The TRUTH is spreading, we are the majority.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Shine light on the Left - "The TRUTH is out there"

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Fantastic day - We are winning!

No comment on the 26th except RT of POTUS


Monday, 25 June 2018

Be alert, remain vigilant, stand together

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Many are we, united one and all, divided we fall

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Respect the truth - It will prevail

Friday, 22 June 2018

Stand as one and be resolute

9bf1c2 No.2193810

File: 913513db14bae62⋯.jpg (120.51 KB, 1089x734, 1089:734, hold_the_door_1.jpg)

73b13c No.2193811


You're implying that ALL those stupid subversive kikes were coming down from coke benders?

5c20de No.2193812

File: febd1905bf0f4aa⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 1319x1705, 1319:1705, baker girl.jpg)

69d456 No.2193813

File: 01438a0de755fb6⋯.png (87.63 KB, 691x611, 691:611, ClipboardImage.png)


This article says Khuzami is Special Counsel in the Cohen case. Interesting he made a statement today in SDNY regarding 'Convictions Of State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos And His Son Adam'

So at any rate the COHEN case has broadened?


02b20f No.2193814

File: 3bd18f101ce891c⋯.png (9.84 KB, 255x170, 3:2, itwillbeoverfast.png)


They are taking comfort in the slowness of it.

Remember, sometimes things happen fast; before you know it, it's a fait accompli.

"Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. For you are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.…"

If it had happened already, it would be over by now.

cd4540 No.2193815


AGREE. I do NOT like that part of the plan. Help Trump get elected, so to jail? What kind of fucking plan is that?

cf108a No.2193816

File: dbb593e4d0c29a5⋯.jpg (152 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, SAMKINWEKNOW.jpg)

29d25c No.2193817


Do you even remember how fucking stupid people were with those things when they came out? My neighbor would stand in long lines for the new ones & if they were sold out, she would spend up to 500$ just to get the newest one. It was fucking dumb.

Don't forget about the couple that got a divorce & in the middle of court were ordered to split the collection between the 2 of them since neither one would let the other have them all

The 90's were a weird time man

153378 No.2193818

File: 20a98de129e1332⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 350x183, 350:183, IMG_3459.JPG)

File: f649cc1991e7121⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 740x499, 740:499, IMG_3446.JPG)

File: ff351fc5d0ad863⋯.png (154.34 KB, 350x183, 350:183, IMG_3396.PNG)

File: 2f2d136e34e36fe⋯.png (760.36 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3387.PNG)

File: 4001a8058d2c276⋯.png (761.13 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3379.PNG)

8567f0 No.2193819

File: 025ef2340bb7dd9⋯.jpg (23.03 KB, 474x553, 6:7, burton.jpg)

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

5c20de No.2193820

File: 599ec24cb60588e⋯.jpg (194.57 KB, 759x475, 759:475, baker girl deep dream.jpg)

bb28ad No.2193821


69d456 No.2193823


Here's the article


78ce3f No.2193824


>Probably because they're the Russians Obama kicked out of the country before POTUS took office.

DING DING DING…not a Somalian^

How do we know this? Because Putin said " come over and interview them so clearly they are no longer in the US.

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