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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

b50eda No.2179718

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

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Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 ---------------------------------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

b50eda No.2179727


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2179004 Putin on Browder's illegal earnings in Russia and Browder's $400M contribution to HRC campaign

>>2179294 POTUS On Hannity Tonight at 9pmE

>>2179308 Dig on Mikhail Khodorkovsky

>>2179372 Ben Garrison to No Name: "Why won’t you die…"

>>2179396 Philip Mudd blurts out the existence of the shadow government

>>2179413 New LP texts further implicate Hussein's WH

>>2179490 Dig into connection of THORN & No Name's Foundation

>>2179546 Review of HR's and EO's Behind the Scenes During Trump Presidency

>>2179589 US And Allies Planning Evacuation Of White Helmets From Syria

>>2179651 Swallwell Lying about "The Server"

>>2179705 #2747


>>2178617 Clockfag thinks they've cracked the QClock

>>2178599 Committee to investigate Russia: Members (usual suspects)

>>2178477 Anon suggests we should add #PATRIOT to our hashtags

>>2178402 DWS weighs in on the summit (those who are loudest)

>>2178452 , >>2178480 , >>2178743 Moar Consolidation Project / Executive Summaries (below)

>>2178338 , >>2178384, >>2178393 Seeds of a new project: Consolidating evidence on each Q subject

>>2178323 Twatter post on Clintons and Uranium One

>>2178299 Reuters report, Putin: $400mm funneled to Clinton campaign

>>2178291 Clockfag Update

>>2178187 WHOA James. Comey comes out of hiding with a whopper


>>2177908 Peter Strzok works for both the FBI and CIA, documents reveal

>>2177830 , >>2177840 , >>2177847 Digs on TCF and Russia's Silicon Valley

>>2177777 Check the quints

>>2177761 POTUS SS Agent in Scotland hospitalized after stroke

>>2177764 Bourdain on Bill Clinton

>>2177724 Bourdain on Weinstein

>>2177582 "END" QPost, in line with the QClock today (apparently)

>>2177598 Dissecting POTUS' Helsinki tweet

>>2177597 More info on Maria Butina

>>2177532 Maria Butina's was a sealed indictment which was unsealed

>>2177527 Sir James Woods tells it like it is (again)

>>2178086 #2745


>>2177379 , >>2177512 Maria Butina was working for people hoping to replace Putin

>>2176618 Trump Brings Up Pakistani Imran Awan During Helsinki Presser

>>2176648 If Mueller investigation sends official request to question suspects, Russia will do that - Putin

>>2176685 , >>2177064 Pelosi Freaks Over Trump-Putin Summit

>>2176724 Trump: Russian, US militaries get along - perhaps better than our politicians

>>2177064 With Pelosi’s Urging– Paul Ryan Slams Trump for Putin Meeting

>>2176742 /ourguys/ responses to todays events

>>2176726 Putin: 'Hillary Pocketed $400mm Russian money

>>2176987, >>2176994 Clinton email reference to Tilapia Fish decoded?

>>2176921 No-name has some strong-talk on the Putin/POTUS meeting

>>2176817 Putin Calls Collusion ‘Utter Nonsense’ – Asks Reporter To Name A Single Fact To Prove It

>>2176700 Digging needed on conspiracy details - DIG CALL

>>2176714 How much money did Hillary get from Russians during the election.. and before?

>>2177299 #2744


>>2175842 CrowdStrike personnel on rebuilding machines and cleaning up

>>2175851 Thyssenkrupp chairman resigns

>>2175858 ; >>2176136 Even more digging on Browder

>>2175883 SEC charges Energy XXI founder with fraud

>>2175915 FBI official overseeing Russian election interference task force resigns

>>2176053 No-name’s staff director urged IRS to “audit so many that is becomes financially ruinous”

>>2176261 NH voter fraud loophole closed

>>2176271 Apple, Google cashed in on Pizzagate-offshoot conspiracy app (mentions Q)

>>2176499 #2743

Previous Collected Notables

>>2174165 #2740, >>2174947 #2741, >>2175729 #2742

>>2171879 #2737, >>2172657 #2738, >>2173446 #2739

>>2170168 #2734, >>2170277 #2735, >>2171026 #2736

>>2166992 #2731, >>2167801 #2732, >>2168659 #2733

>>2164447 #2728, >>2165346 #2729, >>2166081 #2730

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b50eda No.2179732

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

b50eda No.2179736

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ——–--> >>2172540

b50eda No.2179738



b50eda No.2179742


Please fix number on current bread from 2478 -> 2748

sorry for the typo

a80eeb No.2179764

File: 61e235b12c28706⋯.jpg (258.57 KB, 1500x895, 300:179, il_fullxfull.809277753_79t….jpg)

930d73 No.2179765

Don't forget, Fox is still part of the propaganda machine.

4db94e No.2179767

you guys are just now noticing fox is total shit ?

look at who owns it

just cuz tucker and hannity are based

doesnt mean anyone else is

0a485c No.2179768

File: 3721a18fe6cb89f⋯.jpeg (466.91 KB, 1188x891, 4:3, 9C6ADA95-1253-4D6F-B0A5-2….jpeg)

b0fae9 No.2179769



yup stay informed, BUT HAVE YOUR OWN OPINIONS

973b7f No.2179770

can we PLEASE get some new Q posts tonight??? PLEASE!?!?!?! Thank you in advance. Thanks.

c3f6d6 No.2179771

File: 3abde98107854bd⋯.png (204.84 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, prophecy.png)

>>2179414 lb

I postulated not too long ago about the prophecy not having come true even in part yet. I'm fond of the opinion that none of it has begun quite yet.

However, should I be wrong, I could be excited about the events today being indicative of a bear leaving its cave.

Still, I think this has something to do with the silent majority waking up and that something like that hasn't quite happened yet.

3f7dea No.2179772


They've been shit for a while outside of prime time. Fox Business is better, but still not perfect. Some shit clips from them today.

937e4e No.2179773

File: e59d4509af67992⋯.png (411.66 KB, 956x757, 956:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e3f09f26a27421⋯.png (54.13 KB, 934x846, 467:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b35ffcf17b2d2e1⋯.png (32.84 KB, 938x531, 938:531, ClipboardImage.png)

We 100% KNOW that the Russians did NOT hack the DNC servers. How do we know? Because Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to allow James Comey’s FBI access to the servers to perform a forensics examination & Comey didn’t subpoena the servers for FBI analysis.


0b2d19 No.2179774

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: 92c0d8584f7e15b⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 480x603, 160:201, 2e37mm.jpg)

e2b1bf No.2179775

>>2179710 (lb)

>At minimum, We the People need to DEMAND they stop talking about their fucking "narratives" and start REPORTING the FACTS.

Three words for you:

Class Action Lawsuit.

That is how you get corporations to stop, in concert with reinstaling the anti-propaganda laws [they] neutered..

c9025c No.2179776

File: b469a0f96268e13⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 713.79 KB, 935x1226, 935:1226, IMG_77.jpg)


c549d9 No.2179777

File: d5a74c809ae80de⋯.png (195 KB, 777x777, 1:1, memeing.png)

bf6da8 No.2179778


get a life and stop shitting up the bread w/ your incessant whining.

4db94e No.2179779

File: d2dce89636882bc⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 24568455314bc16620a639df31….jpg)


watched tv for the first time in months

i could feel the brain cells dying

f04095 No.2179780

File: 2f61d559b6f25c0⋯.png (103.57 KB, 457x644, 457:644, ClipboardImage.png)

4527f5 No.2179781

>>2179730 (pb)

Mudd actually said "Shadow Government" live on CNN.

I guess the pressure must REALLY be on. That was crazy on his part.

e3ad60 No.2179782


>I'm now thinking that The ulitmate question is:

>"Where is the DNC server?"


Wasn't the server found in North Korea?

If so doesn't this mean Treason for everyone involved with it. Due to the only explanation to it being there in the tense political climate back then would be if they had access to NK and was operating NK?

0d7748 No.2179783

File: 4761b3c40025750⋯.png (86.55 KB, 607x604, 607:604, 07675b5661e44a209a17b814c9….png)


Baker, I know you just got hold of the kitchen, but back up baker here lurking.

b0fae9 No.2179784

File: 114045dbb264923⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2908x2314, 1454:1157, U1sidebyside.png)

c16652 No.2179785

File: 83e90056764d2f6⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 350x521, 350:521, 298678_big_3644.jpg)


9e3267 No.2179786

File: 625357a38a873e1⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 310x162, 155:81, theylive2.jpg)

6528cc No.2179787

File: e492d5f9d9d48fd⋯.png (370.89 KB, 1602x914, 801:457, Who is D?.png)


Posting this again because it was never added to NOTABLES despite request to add

c3f6d6 No.2179788


actually, fox has been doing quite well for a while now with tucker and hannity

bringing rudy on was a curious but exciting move

unfortunately, however, they're in the process of being bought out by Disney (or so I've heard).

96974a No.2179789

>>2179412 (lb)

Newt is an New Age Al Toffler Gore clone





b536d3 No.2179790


ummm ><

b0fae9 No.2179791


could've swore I linked to you

see: >>2179784

baf89b No.2179792

Has anybody seen any evidence

That Awan set up a master server

That synced all the data from all the other servers

That were syncing laptops and phones?

ed6911 No.2179793


Yes, anon, I've learned. I had no question of the fact. Just saying it's particularly insipid today.

441768 No.2179794

File: 41779307a83237d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 900x1138, 450:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c558eba5862774⋯.png (857.53 KB, 793x1123, 793:1123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33ae3de60a049da⋯.png (380.88 KB, 1110x426, 185:71, ClipboardImage.png)

cecf91 No.2179795

Id like to know who knows.. who has seen the declassified report and wanted arrests..

b50eda No.2179796


Always nice to have back up!! Will handoff after this next bake, if good with you

a8c3a1 No.2179797


all he needed was the cloud…………..

3bba3f No.2179798


You feel too happy about jumping on

those who are seeking Q guidance.

Calm the fuck down with your happiness,

its pretty gay.

6786e6 No.2179799

>>2179743 (lb)

>>2179751 (lb)

But maybe the point of impeachment is for POTUS to team the GOP how to fight. Remember the contempt charge of EH? If they don't enforce it, they look like a bunch of pussies.

0b2d19 No.2179800

File: 9fe67171184a42c⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 190x266, 5:7, 2dtoei.jpg)

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

8eb397 No.2179801

File: da6a8d427a77bfc⋯.png (758.13 KB, 980x980, 1:1, crybaby2.png)


Do you need Q to hold your tinkle while you pee?


0dd4b1 No.2179802

>>2179596 (lb)




3 of the most corrupt areas in the country…

THIS is very interesting

d12a62 No.2179803


That Fox is piling it on negatively is disgusting! I think they will never Trust The Plan because they do not believe in our President. We do not know what took place privately … to just criticize as fact is more FAKE NEWS! I hope they all choke on their hateful judgemental comments

1acd86 No.2179804

File: e4f360d4822c3d3⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 506x338, 253:169, fuck your narratives.jpeg)


>>2179710 (lb)

I'm so pissed I made a meme. Best I can do, kek.

1b949f No.2179805

File: 33f3168b9c352fc⋯.jpeg (10.1 KB, 255x176, 255:176, plzbehero.jpeg)

5e28f9 No.2179806

File: 47a94c66481fcef⋯.png (454.88 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4004891547b2d3d⋯.jpg (94.36 KB, 700x604, 175:151, 1 07 proof.jpg)

im going to be the first to say its NOT A Q


but im just spooping the plane (pic related)

and i thought anons would like to see NOT A Q

but kinda ;)


e7b8a5 No.2179807


[Q] is in custody.

Details in August.


004e14 No.2179808

File: ec9d4415141216f⋯.png (207.63 KB, 413x195, 413:195, Trump and Hannity.PNG)

Watching the news today is giving me a headache. Even FOX is negative. I can't wait for the Trump Hannity interview in a couple of hours.

96cc52 No.2179809

More reporting on Juleanna Glover are her ties to Browder.

https: //www.thekomisarscoop.com/2018/01/right-wing-lobbyist-juleanna-glover-helped-browder-win-magnitsky-act/

c4ca3d No.2179810


Not a computer security specialist are you!

c9025c No.2179811

File: 9ac1bb3504bf000⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 154.96 KB, 615x820, 3:4, IMG_28.jpg)

053ce7 No.2179812

>>2179492 (lb)

Damn! This is new to me...This The Hill article was from 5/14/2018...I wonder if they were writing the article/bring attention to this just in case he pisses of the Left?

It says Mueller spent Millions of HIS OWN MONEY to try & save this guy..

>But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

>In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.


baf89b No.2179813


This is a better question than

Who is Q?

In fact even variations could be promoted.

Sir, do you have the DNC server already?

Sir, do one of the 11 intelligence agencies have the files that were on the DNC server?

And so on…

4db94e No.2179814


90% of the media needs to be executed in the worst possible way

they are worse than the deep state

f148d5 No.2179815

Any criticism of POTUS today is dumd-are you supposed to immediately cut down the person your just meeting - for which the purpose of the meeting is for trying to improve relationships with? Any criticism isnt ignorant and it wouldnt have been proper of him to be harder at the time of this meeting. Lets hope something new comes out of this that proves the idiot left WRONG again

1c1393 No.2179816

PB >>2179673

We are talking MI here, and C4ISR is literally SPECOPs Gannet publishes everything, this is from their IR site thats why i think its coincidence. Dont let it stop you tho, any anon trying to stop you from diggin is no anon. https://investors.gannett.com/sites/gannett.investorhq.businesswire.com/files/doc_library/file/Gannett_AnnRpt_2016.pdf

351086 No.2179817

File: aabaa8bfe9de5e1⋯.png (440.3 KB, 854x481, 854:481, rudyguilty.png)

File: 60d0a0ef759d177⋯.png (441.89 KB, 854x481, 854:481, rudyfloor23.png)

f06fa9 No.2179818

File: ce33f1094fc756c⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2048x1346, 1024:673, 1510201078991.jpg)

>>2179656 lb

oldie from the stash

0748cd No.2179819

File: ef0d457bc86d1da⋯.jpg (247.66 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 2663008908_e7d1c698c2_b.jpg)

Thanks to the baker

b0fae9 No.2179820


please try not to slide with the Can'tTouchAss shill

3bba3f No.2179821

File: f0788ad289906e5⋯.jpg (32.6 KB, 594x369, 66:41, This got me in the feels.JPG)


That touched me at my core Anon.

b536d3 No.2179822


Oh here we go again.

1b949f No.2179823

File: 0383073bb87e218⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gaaay.jpg)

bf6da8 No.2179824


nice one, memeAnon

use the same pic and ask "Why are they all against peace with Russia?"

0b2d19 No.2179825


The Murdoch family is total scum, love to see one of them fuckas in bar.

0d7748 No.2179826


you will bake the next bread and I will take from there?

7420e5 No.2179827

File: 44ff88f51be09c7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1574x885, 1574:885, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)


Ready for U1!

Bring it Q!

1c1393 No.2179828

File: 7575a58dae4402d⋯.png (107.35 KB, 896x672, 4:3, Gannet.PNG)

a7b113 No.2179830

File: 89bd82595a50247⋯.jpeg (23.56 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 9356A335-EF57-42AF-AE7A-E….jpeg)

607f8a No.2179831


Good Luck MSM Is not news its classified as entertainment like school is not education!

f148d5 No.2179832

Its time for Q!

4010e6 No.2179833

Dam look at all the trending hashtags on twatter right now.

932408 No.2179834

c293f1 No.2179835

File: 9c7ea3894aca6e3⋯.jpg (117.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, b0b2b5ae0bae4a852bb221c230….jpg)


Please keep in mind, the media blitz against Trump matters NOT ONE BIT. The intel which will drop (from RR, one way or another), will PROVE that:

1) The "Russia meddling" was a complete fabrication by the DNC, HRC, and Obama deep staters.

2) Info was leaked on the inside. (SR)

3) The dems twisted it into a plot they hoped to frame Trump for as "insurance" in case he won. They put operatives into his campaign and introduced the phony dossier.

4) The HRC email investigation was shut down at the behest of BO and HRC. LL was offered a SC seat.

5) Comms between JC, LL, HRC, AM, PS….all of it is there. Including the cooperation of the UK.

6) Comms which indicate an assassination attempt on Trump as a possible course of action.

When this drops, it will be a fucking thunderbolt. So stop worrying about "negative press".


9548c5 No.2179836

The Killing of William Browder - The crimes in Russia during the 90's - soros etc is the reason for todays russia hysteria. I think Putin wants these guys as much as POTUS does.

Below is The Saker's review of the book as well as a link to the pdf for reading.




The Saker: Today I want to introduce you to a book whose importance simply cannot be overstated: The Killing of William Browder: Deconstructing Bill Browder’s Dangerous Deception by Alex Krainer. I consider that book as a *must read* for any person trying to understand modern Russia and where the new Cold War with Russia came from.

Most of you must have heard of the Magnitsky Act or even maybe of William Browder himself. You probably know that Browder was a British businessman who founded Hermitage Capital Management investment fund which Sergei Magnitsky represented as a lawyer and auditor. Finally, you must have heard that Magnitsky died (was killed) in a Russian jail while Browder was placed by the Russian government on a black list and denied entry. For the vast majority of you, that is probably as much thought as you ever gave this topic and I have to confess that this is also true for me. I never bothered really researching this issue because I knew the context so well that this, by itself, gave me a quasi-certitude that I knew what had happened. Still, when I read this book I was amazed at the fantastically detailed account Krainer provides to what is really an amazing story.


49bbbc No.2179838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

based on a very true story

not kidding

bf6da8 No.2179839


ok that's it, you're filtered

b50eda No.2179840


yep, if that sounds good with you

e3ad60 No.2179841


"Who is Q?" only answers who Q is.

Where was/is the server would put labels directly on those people implicated. Then the Who is Q would be asked as a followup as there's substance there now.

512d0a No.2179842

>>2179759 (lb)


Wallace had to come on after the Putin interview and tell us what happened

I was thinking, well I just watched it and that is NOT what I thought Putin said or did

He was trying to reframe reality for those who weren't paying attention


To get a sound bite they can play over and over fooling those that didn't see the interview

053ce7 No.2179843


**Not Mullers money, spend millions of the Russian guys money. My bad.

c3f6d6 No.2179844

What happened to convincing Jim to ask about Q?

69ea0c No.2179845

When the motherfucking Christ is the corrupt MSM getting taken down? I'm so sick of this fucking bullshit! And why doesn't anyone ask the obvious question: Why would Putin favor Trump when it was the Soulless Hag that gifted him with 20% of our uranium? Truth stands on its own.

0b2d19 No.2179846

File: 8051eea65ab4c1f⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 614x412, 307:206, 16krzy.jpg)

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

d86f47 No.2179847

File: 5afc2c29fd795b2⋯.png (176.9 KB, 692x607, 692:607, ClipboardImage.png)

One of the last EOs signed by Hussein…

==Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of


I don't think we looked at this when Q asked us about the DOJ 'Succession Question'…


Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.




1c3148 No.2179848


This was an amazing day for us.

The Shills will shill hard. The Truth will crush them soon enough

49bbbc No.2179849


you're such a filterfag

e36be2 No.2179850




bho eo sets ag succession order ad dc, illinois, California


b604f9 No.2179851

>>2179731 (lb)

Not unless they have the actual magnetic media in-hand. I suppose they could have everything if they caught everything as it was written. But if anything was written to the magnetic media and not caught live as it was written (rather picked up later from surveillance), then something wrote over that/those location(s) on the surface–that wouldn't have been caught. It would take special equipment used on the physical media to negate the level of magnetism at layer #1 without disturbing the magnetism at layer #2 so that layer #2 could be read through the zeroed-out layer #1.

Imaging software only pulls what's visible at layer #1… well, except for VERY special software one of our branches of military has.

b05566 No.2179853

File: 06affcf7a85e91e⋯.png (713.21 KB, 648x500, 162:125, h;jhlhlkh.png)

File: efde9cffb611761⋯.png (500.24 KB, 700x466, 350:233, klhajh;ah;jlh.png)

File: a9c13f736701b63⋯.png (175.87 KB, 420x315, 4:3, scumbag-strzok.png)

File: 763ad98a63cac6d⋯.png (222.52 KB, 448x330, 224:165, fuck-sessions.png)

Peter Strzok is a lying sociopath who hates the united states.

e7b8a5 No.2179854


Be warned:

If "Q" comes back, it won't be the real Q.

"Q" is in custody.

Details in August



f06fa9 No.2179855

File: 1247dd8eb2e75b9⋯.gif (6.24 MB, 480x338, 240:169, trump gif.gif)

1345f6 No.2179856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


because Israel is getting BTFO

very soon

7420e5 No.2179857

File: c18a88f7d2fad3b⋯.png (626.33 KB, 871x988, 67:76, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

File: b0e139d25b0adc7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1338x667, 1338:667, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

>Operationally unpredictable while remaining strategically predictable.

U.S. Navy


a7b113 No.2179858

File: 17f27301592d117⋯.jpeg (31.68 KB, 294x294, 1:1, EA85A9B7-A9EC-40A0-9F57-7….jpeg)

File: 8b111b73990ec4b⋯.jpeg (248.07 KB, 960x712, 120:89, 2654B394-C2E3-47D9-AED5-F….jpeg)

784d1e No.2179859

Q said NEVER before have they exposed themselves, look at them, even on Fox!

980fd1 No.2179860

>>2179508 (pb)

Great Post, but...

Would be great to have sauce for all of these 19 points.

607f8a No.2179861

File: 28c8110fb47f54b⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 644x407, 644:407, Wut.jpg)

b604f9 No.2179862



Wrong number… lemme go the one I was responding to…

0743ec No.2179863


209287 No.2179864


And Ukraine, Iran and the other proxies what?

7e2c04 No.2179865

File: 83768939ab6cc43⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 208x255, 208:255, southernanon.jpg)

High Cost of Living

Jamey Johnson

I was just a normal guy

Life was just a nine to five

With bills and pressure

Piled up to the sky

She never asked

She knew I been

Hangin' with my wilder friends

Looking for some other way to fly

And three days straight was no big feat

Could get by with no food or sleep

And crazy was becoming my new norm

I'd pass out on the bedroom floor

And sleep right through the calm before the storm…

512d0a No.2179867


I had to turn Fox off

What are they doing now?

67bab5 No.2179868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots Plan To Citizen Arrest Hillary Clinton

I know we don't like shill AJ but this is not him it's one of his guests. I say if they can do it have a go at it. kek

3bcbb1 No.2179869

File: 7c4728e249c0042⋯.png (168.47 KB, 418x238, 209:119, ClipboardImage.png)

3bba3f No.2179870


I went in to them with Truth bullets.

Took some out, it was a bloody mess.

I kept firing away #WhereIsTheServer

Many crying for reinforcements, I ran

as far as I could but they got me and I was hit.

Shadowed Banned

e3ad60 No.2179871


Because the MSM said so? Kek

c3f6d6 No.2179872



When we mentioned having someone ask, or asking ourselves, "Who is Q?" we weren't doing it to find out who Q was. The questions was to try and get normies to ask the same damn question. Mostly, it was a neuro-linguistic thing - keep repeating the phrase, and get them to google it later.

It was purposed we could measure the success of our reach by noting the search trends that pertained to such a question.

It was ingenious, really.

0d7748 No.2179873




ec7bcb No.2179874

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)



4bc706 No.2179875

In the @WhiteHouse Roosevelt Room at 14:00 EDT (Tuesday) @POTUS to meet with members of Congress. No further details released.

c88a1f No.2179876

File: 885d0e434c2d9fb⋯.jpeg (11.18 KB, 255x191, 255:191, fake_gay.jpeg)

1acd86 No.2179877

File: 97d8cab7afc1c2d⋯.jpeg (49.14 KB, 506x338, 253:169, why against peace w: russ….jpeg)

e2b1bf No.2179878


When the networks are in a criminal conspiracy to interfere with state business, it is no longer classified as "entertainment".

a7b113 No.2179879


Great awakening for fence riding shadow dancers! Now we know

c9025c No.2179880

File: 4d360ec16cc8f74⋯.jpg (95.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_54.jpg)

b0fae9 No.2179881


Putin and POTUS agreed to keep the status quo at golan, no changes to keep peace

not really anon

49bbbc No.2179882


a few flags will get ya mbr and nve / smart data, inode info will get you recovery on journaled filesystems, you can go a couple layers or two even if its overwritten with random

0b2d19 No.2179883

File: bbddef8978e4d81⋯.jpg (39.58 KB, 439x336, 439:336, 2dzuid~2.jpg)

File: 5ed203f2faf29e4⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 461x367, 461:367, 2dzuhj~2.jpg)

File: 03cfd03c0766246⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 369x260, 369:260, 2e0g25~2.jpg)

4d7a2f No.2179884


I think he got blackmailed by the deep state to work for them. He got close to being outed on all MSM for his actions with the young male intern but spared a full scale outing and loss of job. Then he got another reminder when the intern texted him from the FF Gazette workplace shooting as a reminder to stay on point. We should just go full speed and out him so they have nothing more to hold over his head. Rip the bandaid off. It sucks to be him

661a9c No.2179885



BO, can we get a check on this guy to confirm LARP?

f6f6ed No.2179886

from july 2017

ties to voter fraud investigation not yet released that was handed off to DHS.






This voter fraud investigation is part of the purge of the swamp.

This voter fraud investigation will be used to purge illegal aliens that voted.

PLEASE NOTE that the states refusing to hand over data are also states that have failing economies, large illegal alien/illegal alien voter populations, and the largest crime rates that require federal funding. Lawlessness begets lawlessness.

ALSO PLEASE NOTE that this information is 'publicly available' meaning that the information will be garnered without the assistance of the SOS office.



56d10e No.2179887

File: 92522630f55136f⋯.png (348.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sesamestreet.png)

File: d638622e6d509f6⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 227x255, 227:255, 1f23b1ece86a4fb8888cd7b138….jpg)

b50eda No.2179888


i was meaning handoff next bread, but if you want to take it,

e9fef9 No.2179889


He's always been a larp

b0fae9 No.2179890


its the C_A faggot

its a shill

d1069b No.2179891

File: 7026d7de4d3d8b9⋯.jpg (171.43 KB, 480x731, 480:731, image.jpg)


This is what August holds in store for you.

d86f47 No.2179893

File: 0043ed9c16628c8⋯.png (172.24 KB, 769x456, 769:456, ClipboardImage.png)


OMG it is starting to make sense!!!

Hussein signed EO on 1/19/17 that provided an order of succession for DOJ….

AG-→ US Attorney DC (if not ACTING)-→ US Attorney N IL (if not ACTING)-→ US Attorney for Central CA (if not ACTING)

When did Sessions recuse? May 2017 when Mueller put on or before that?

US Attorney District of Columbia was not confirmed until September 14, 2017

still digging….next US Attorney N District IL?


004e14 No.2179894


Yeah. It's good we can understand what is going on but it still makes it hard to watch even FOX…the damn traitors

69ea0c No.2179895


I don't know what to make of Gowdy's bullshit. I'm hoping that he's just looking for opportunities to appear impartial in order to not have any problem getting confirmed for his next position which I hope is AG.

e7b8a5 No.2179896


Go ahead.


7420e5 No.2179897

File: 97c90d9158c18e7⋯.png (343.46 KB, 818x1130, 409:565, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)


"I don't think it's a witch-hunt," Gowdy told Brennan on Sunday. "I have never thought it was a witch-hunt. We now have two series of indictments against Russians, one for the social media, the other for the unlawful intrusions.

"Russia attacked this country in 2016. That's the number one thing we have asked Mueller to look at. What did Russia do? The second part, which, unfortunately, is where the hyper focus is, is with whom, if anyone, did they do it?" Gowdy said.

"Margaret, no Americans have been indicted with respect to conspiring to impact the 2016 elections. My focus is on the first thing: What did Russia do? And that's not a witch-hunt. That's an attack on our country."

Gowdy said President Trump should focus on the "first prong" of the Mueller investigation, which is the attack by Russia, and let the "second prong" play out – did any Americans help the Russians?

"But so far, the 'with whom, if anyone did they do it,' we have got a big zero with respect to Americans," Gowdy added.

b536d3 No.2179898


Had this thought for years but it won't work…

baf89b No.2179899

Some guy signs himself

Critical Thinking Anon

And claims that Q is in custody.

I don't think so!

Critical Thinking relies on facts

And facts are discovered by digging

So the real Critical Thinking Anons

Are the ones who make sense of the mass of facts

That we have uncovered

And continue to uncover

You can easily recognize a true CTA

Because they write with LOGIC in mind

And explain their REASONING.

They might not provide all their sources

Because Anons here are expected to reread the crumps, read the Map and Proof documents

And do their own digging when needed.

56d10e No.2179901


should notice his division faggotry right away anon

775be1 No.2179902


My thoughts exactly…a little misdirection for POTUS.

They have it all!!!!

Watch the show!

8f4cd0 No.2179903

File: b0f7eae99f49520⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 620x260, 31:13, Servers-Server-Farm.jpg)

NewFag here. I have lurked a while. Yes I know lurk moar.

A techfag myself and just realized … Mirror. >>275544 and "We have the server" >>2007869

The Q Team has Mirrors of All the Servers…

72e998 No.2179904

File: 21a560182faa109⋯.jpg (12.71 KB, 172x255, 172:255, 2123f2a7dd83ba061c76d406c9….jpg)

cecf91 No.2179905

Just thinking tO myself..

Self does anyone watch AJ anymore?


a3a555 No.2179906

File: 459e203992f62c5⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 474x355, 474:355, images.duckduckgo-7.jpg)


The Plan is intelligent.

c3f6d6 No.2179907




I thought a BV was lurking just last thread. He was getting caught up in some in some drama with the fungus namefag.


confirm baker?

0b2d19 No.2179908

File: e0f22a18d5513a9⋯.jpg (19.84 KB, 333x321, 111:107, gowdy-final-pic.jpg)

File: 8051eea65ab4c1f⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 614x412, 307:206, 16krzy.jpg)

File: 92c0d8584f7e15b⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 480x603, 160:201, 2e37mm.jpg)

06f9ea No.2179909

File: e975fca9e955eed⋯.png (28.99 KB, 982x264, 491:132, Screenshot (688).png)

From the FBI anon drops..I have repeatedly reference this massive data dump for researchers, it slides into oblivion.

All 7 FBI anon threads are here..

Page 10 on google doc's archive


7afa40 No.2179910


"killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill"

Skunk bay weather webcam caught that…

49bbbc No.2179911


good work, thanks for making since of policy for me, im no good at it

0d7748 No.2179912


Right, Im hands off until after next bread comes out. Then I will check again before taking action.

775be1 No.2179913


Yeah, check on Pompeo and you’ll find Q.

c3f6d6 No.2179914


dude… seriously?

you really haven't learned to ignore that shit yet?

cecf91 No.2179915

49bbbc No.2179916


when will the ravens starve, what are they

c5ace7 No.2179917

File: 83ef7dbfe6ab4f5⋯.png (1.07 MB, 667x636, 667:636, storm-arrived.png)

a7b113 No.2179918


And they can’t be produced because they’re clowns abroad working for cabal

234c86 No.2179919

File: f986dcc100a73bf⋯.jpg (30.07 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 17181i1kaksk.jpg)

File: ff203179c3aca12⋯.jpg (672.4 KB, 1439x1091, 1439:1091, Screenshot_20180716-144821….jpg)

Illegal Alien in Florida Broke into Elderly Couple's Home, Attacked them With a Knife - and He Did it at the Orders of Human Traffickers!



b05566 No.2179920

File: 6dc265607d33421⋯.png (452.39 KB, 572x500, 143:125, jhkljghakjlkjg.png)

File: 9415d95134eaa5d⋯.png (513.9 KB, 725x500, 29:20, k;hl;h'ahdlkafh.png)

File: 9c9f0d3bc1b4862⋯.png (516.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, scumbag-liar-strzok.png)

File: 7893837f53dfbdb⋯.png (480.15 KB, 500x612, 125:153, trust-sessions-fuck-sessio….png)

Peter Strzok is a mentally deranged dirtbag who exploited and abused Lisa Page.

3bba3f No.2179921


Yes Anon, yes!

That and the fire in Hillary's house

was much more than a mirror.

That right there is something solid

in touch. Mirrors and solid matter material.

b50eda No.2179922


ok sounds good, we will do the handoff next bread, TY for covering my six!

96974a No.2179923


MSM is doing a self-takedown as we speak.

A: Probably because HRC betrayed Putin and was trying to push for a coup in Russia.

c27cd3 No.2179924


>In the @WhiteHouse Roosevelt Room at 14:00 EDT (Tuesday) @POTUS to meet with members of Congress. No further details released.


Presenting the 'evidence he got from Putin'?

e2b1bf No.2179925


He's not a larp, he's being serious. He really is calling himself CTA.

His division shilling should tell you that his opinions are shit, namefagging aside..

c3f6d6 No.2179926


i'm sincerely not sure what it is you're trying to say here.

69ea0c No.2179927


Especially Kike of the Year Chris Wallace.

d1069b No.2179928


He's already answered that you dumb fuck. Try reading the crumbs before posting.

49bbbc No.2179929


no hes tryin for strawman bo/comped bv to "verify" his gonzernments

c293f1 No.2179930

File: 0eefff9dd026c3c⋯.png (28.68 KB, 441x860, 441:860, Capture.PNG)

b536d3 No.2179931


CTA looks an awful lot like CIA..

5325ac No.2179932

File: 8615b48ab64f902⋯.jpg (151.44 KB, 741x955, 741:955, Patriotic NSA.jpg)

File: e5af5c2f158e771⋯.jpg (84.52 KB, 766x948, 383:474, JFK NSA Poster.jpg)

2c1a1c No.2179933

File: 8d4cf3868f170da⋯.png (4.57 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 9F2C0D90-A9B7-40BA-BED3-33….png)

Based Putin. I knew he was sharp & cunning, but not to this extent. He made Trump look like a little bitch. And I say that even though I support 90% of his agenda. Putin is a god level statesman.

973b7f No.2179934


get a life loser

b604f9 No.2179935




This is the msg I was responding to concerning NSA having "everything". Not so.

e7b8a5 No.2179936


Do not "Trust Sessions"


96cc52 No.2179937

Juleanna Glover married to (((Jeffery Weiss))) and also goes by the name Juleanna Weiss.

>Whether at the famed Bloomberg party after the White House Correspondents Dinner or the opening of a Georgetown bar, Mrs. Weiss sweeps in with a circle of friends varied enough to include women who help train horses on her mother's farm and Adel al-Jubeir, an adviser to Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and a well-known spin doctor.


f6f6ed No.2179938

i have always called hrc SHEDEBBIL.


She is a serial killer.

She is married to a rapist.

She is married to a pedophile.

She is a pedophile.

Her best friend is a Muslim spy married to a pedophile.

Her campaign manager is a pedophile.

She surrounds herself with pedophiles who use non-profits to hide their child sex trafficking and money laundering.

She raised money for Haiti and spent it elsewhere.

She bailed out a child sex trafficker stealing children from Haiti.

Her daughter stole relief money from Haiti to pay for her wedding.

She used Haiti relief funding to steal natural resources from Haiti.

She defended a pedophile in court and laffed at the child victim.

She defended her rapist husband and attacked the rape victims.

She declares Russians 'the enemy' then sells them US uranium fields.

She uses FBI head Comey to deliver enriched uranium samples to the 'enemy.'

She uses US military to run drugs and guns and child sex victims.

She uses pedophilia to blackmail CEOs, politicians, and celebrities.

She is a habitual liar.

She is a greedy monster.

She is a control freak.

She is a Satanic witch.

She uses lookalikes for public appearances.

She works with globalist billionaires to destroy American sovereignty.

She hates Americans.

She hates minorities.

She loves other globalist elite.

She blames everyone else for her faults.

She is an angry b*tch.

She is a pied piper leading many on the path to Hell.

She set up Americans to die and said 'what difference at this point does it make?'

She thinks she is untouchable since she has never been prosecuted for her crimes.

She is a cannibal: she physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially eats others.

She is a marxist leninist.

She is a traitor to her oath and the American people.

775be1 No.2179939


Is this happening?

0b2d19 No.2179940

File: 76c0565d86cfcce⋯.png (191.62 KB, 308x842, 154:421, aeee925c6d184ea4d4d34144eb….png)

File: 58aacbe525a2981⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 2ce80m~2.jpg)

Q pointed out Hussein is a faggot degenerate.

c3f6d6 No.2179941


man, you shouldn't be having people "verify" things like this for you.

lurk moar

then post

3c39de No.2179942

607f8a No.2179943

4527f5 No.2179944

File: a2ca66d9d3aea37⋯.jpg (176.26 KB, 879x700, 879:700, server kim.jpg)

6c2e7d No.2179945

File: 1ae16e113fb3617⋯.png (202.26 KB, 931x789, 931:789, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc48a110ccd7fbf⋯.png (174.44 KB, 871x777, 871:777, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2177930 (bread 2745) regarding Russian hacker indictments.

If it's the same person, Anatoliy Kovalev was the First Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia in March of 1990. Like the OP, I don't know how common this name is, but a cursory search only turned up a couple of hits outside of the hacker indictments.

DoS FOIA Virtual Reading Room Case No. F-2015-10831

4d7a2f No.2179946


BHO signed another EO ( I think August 2015 which gave a chain of command for many agencies. It went 10 or 15 people deep as I recall. It was creepy AF back then to read it because it seemed like he knew something I didn't about what was about to happen.

bd1a4a No.2179947


Why are we trying to dox an asset.

7afa40 No.2179948

File: cc3937f1256bbd2⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20180610035615 (1).jpg)

5325ac No.2179949

File: 5586e555c3e2e0e⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 750x958, 375:479, NSA Dont Talk.jpg)

f2135c No.2179950

File: ff98cf55eda31ee⋯.png (619.18 KB, 740x415, 148:83, ClipboardImage.png)

0dd4b1 No.2179951


POTUS behaved EXACTLY how POTUS wanted to behave.

Today was epic.

5f1259 No.2179952


I would call this out as notable to normies, but this is common knowledge here. Carry on Patriot anon, and God bless.

72e998 No.2179953


Alex is a Clown, Literally a Joke. Citizens Arrests, dumb faggot is going to hang himself with his Bullshit Reporting.

David Knight still rocks though

f06fa9 No.2179954

File: ff847d41207c341⋯.png (471.08 KB, 642x625, 642:625, ff847d41207c34141a1de0b94c….png)



killing bolt hit /youknow/ where

6cbb0d No.2179955

>>2179919 looks like a cousin of alex jones.

cecf91 No.2179956

Exactly how? I listened and dint hear anything that supports what u say. He handed ball to Trump? Whewww..



c293f1 No.2179957

Oh shit…Gaetz just said that LP contradicted RR in her testimony.

8eb397 No.2179958

File: 7b88d565788810f⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, candy.jpg)

Thank you Baker.

b604f9 No.2179959




c3f6d6 No.2179960


they don't just have mirrors of those servers or emails, anon…

They have access to NSA mirrors on EVERYTHING.

38ee70 No.2179961

The German pipeline deal. Here are my thoughts. If the deal had worked out, it would have given Germany control over the rest of the e.u.. With Trump and Putin working together supplying energy to the e.u., it takes control away from the e.u. As a central supplier, and would allow countries to purchase energy from more vendors essentially allowing each country to become its own nation state again. We will see… Also note that the e.u. countries were not abiding by the sanctions being placed on Iran and that is coming to an end.

49bbbc No.2179963


uhhhh keep in mind they get all emissions, that includes monitor/crt/lcds and POWERLINE emissions which can all be reconstructed perfectly, try throwing an oscilator on your cpu breaker

4db94e No.2179964

File: 524d5c96fcffe12⋯.jpg (120.12 KB, 500x700, 5:7, index.jpg)


the shills are butthurt today

is brock whipping you again ?

i hope you all either reform or kill yourselves

lynn too

797664 No.2179965


What will we do to the UK?

d3cc33 No.2179966


i like him. his products are great.

49bbbc No.2179967


national reconoissance observwhatever probably even gets your BRAIN emissions

96cc52 No.2179968

Juleanna Glover a.k.a. Juleanna (((Weiss))) tied into SA Abdullah, Sen. No Name, Ashcroft, Mueller, and Comey. Lobbyist for Browder.

7afa40 No.2179969

0d7748 No.2179970

File: bb8e3944ae48a7b⋯.png (48.54 KB, 801x276, 267:92, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

File: 9eb42554482d914⋯.png (50.83 KB, 1205x201, 1205:201, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

File: 4f6fd67bb421aea⋯.png (66.47 KB, 500x523, 500:523, ShitIDoLike.png)


0b2d19 No.2179971

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: 61ea157ca6c4dfb⋯.png (512.46 KB, 576x688, 36:43, 7c3e1a5e2a8df92642488f4c8b….png)

1b949f No.2179972


oh shit is right

5325ac No.2179973


I have faith that there will also be justice for people like you.

a321c4 No.2179974


I like War Room better than Infowars. I tire of Alex's yelling.

b05566 No.2179975

File: a54d9bf94f75343⋯.png (544.24 KB, 500x623, 500:623, k;lh;lh;lkhlkh.png)

File: 6d8e125ce8cc66d⋯.png (295.67 KB, 471x379, 471:379, zorro-says-fuck-sessions.png)

029c0c No.2179976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris Wallace interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin

06f9ea No.2179977


Anonymous (ID: bTgVpkEd) 07/02/16(Sat)06:45:21 No.79483639▶>>79483751 >>79483918 >>79483989 >>79484255 >>79484984 >>79487001


Foreign powers are in possession of some of the documents we have analyzed, because they were hacked from the Clinton server. Trump has some files as well, and likely plans to leak them and use them to his advantage soon.

The leaks will have to be made in a non-transparent fashion.


If we recommend, we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as some sensitive details of SAPs which would obliterate national security.

f5a338 No.2179978


Fox is the only MSM outlet that's not 100% fucked up.

cecf91 No.2179979


David is damn good

0a485c No.2179981

File: 1f3a02c8006e94b⋯.jpeg (40.13 KB, 380x344, 95:86, 2ADEB79F-15E9-4B9D-9031-4….jpeg)

88ad3f No.2179982


Think I get it now!

Really cool!

I repeat

Really cool!

Can't say that enough!

1c3148 No.2179983


Democrats are freaking out 200%.

Things are going perfect. FOX will be on track in 24hours.

The 400 million to Hillary and the DNC is being covered up like it wasn't even said.

They are scared

47d2a2 No.2179984

File: 3bd8bb71ee8e0be⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 449x256, 449:256, meme_it.jpg)

4527f5 No.2179985

File: 91fdb5c8cfae9ec⋯.jpg (171.47 KB, 951x623, 951:623, ja server.jpg)

41c21b No.2179986

Reading something and happened upon another anniversary for today, July 16.

July 16, 1945


First Atomic Bomb test

72 years ago today


d0be6d No.2179987

File: 7b1a7e8010270cf⋯.png (17.83 KB, 365x523, 365:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b6ccd9a618c3bc⋯.png (113.6 KB, 619x276, 619:276, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't trust Coats. He is going against POTUS on this!

5325ac No.2179988

File: 5c90046d7fadac9⋯.gif (1018.56 KB, 225x165, 15:11, deer.gif)

49bbbc No.2179989


we have these, their stegged away, wish i had some halp

d1ac66 No.2179990

File: f900fc88709abfa⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 474x359, 474:359, f900fc88709abfa34290bde9b7….jpg)


I don't get why the fuck people think it's that sand nigger. You must either be a clown, a shill, or a fucking retard.

989633 No.2179991

File: 752e6a8d9b79bd4⋯.jpg (87.59 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1.jpg)

File: d4c01288a0e8a80⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 960x756, 80:63, 2.jpg)

File: 79c48d5be34a302⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 3.jpg)

File: 06bec9430b31afb⋯.jpg (99.73 KB, 1080x632, 135:79, 4.jpg)

File: 5a61701ae74cb4f⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 1078x644, 77:46, 5a61701ae74cb4fde6fb927463….jpg)

Found these on /pol/… spread them!

0b2d19 No.2179992

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: 7d1c9f5b6cb1007⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 470x471, 470:471, 2e3bqk~2.jpg)

3bba3f No.2179993

File: 47a0768eaf353ae⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, 549b7bc0df173c61f98e573f77….jpg)


They've come up with a new idea.

No longer call Q a Larp but instead

push that Q is now in custody.

First hit on Reddit.

58b3f1 No.2179994


CNN paid by Russian money to Rig the Presidential debated of HRC and Sanders?

MSM received any of the 400 million ?

e2b1bf No.2179995


>She is a cannibal: she physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially eats others.

This sounds too far fetched to be literal.

But I know it to be true; The evidence is here..

bcf565 No.2179996


gross, don't be mean to baker

053ce7 No.2179997

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4c5680c440c28f383644fc2921….jpg)



70101d No.2179998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Browder is getting louder

f04095 No.2179999


He was posting about "Exposing Q" during the last black out. He even had a countdown. It was really funny.

3c39de No.2180000


Putin needs no glasses. He is straight up BadAss

989633 No.2180001

File: 3a02027a3b45c5b⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 6.jpg)

41c21b No.2180002


Wikipedia math.

73 years ago. Sorry.

cecf91 No.2180003


She gives no hand blowjobs.. she can suck a 14” snake w/o gagging or crying..

16f5dc No.2180004


Wrong. Legitimizing Q legitimizes us. More importantly, it forces all the issues Q has raised to the fore.

Q is the one who said it was necessary.

Read Q?

0d7748 No.2180005


Makes me happy that people are clever enough to think of this idea, and sad that people are stupid enough to fall for it.

ec7bcb No.2180006

f5a338 No.2180007


A lot of 'em here do. They struggle to think and act on their own.

b7bbec No.2180008



029c0c No.2180009


Putin, in interview with Lib FOX Puppet Wallace, denies having dirt on Trump, calls meddling charge ‘utterly ridiculous’


f06fa9 No.2180010

File: e3a2f1711d2c1ad⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 720x960, 3:4, e3a2f1711d2c1ad8cd2bf7da64….jpg)


screen cap from cctv cam on yt few months ago of rod from god hitting in mi (i think) im going to look for the video rn

0a485c No.2180011


Damn that’s brilliant!!

a25689 No.2180012


There's a server they got from Clinton's house. That server had SAPs on it. Those being on that server in her house in the way it got there is all considered treasonous acts. If and that's a big "IF", a server was found in connection to one or the others, in that manner, then yes, Ex Parte Milligan is out the fucking window.

Military Tribunals for them all. Possibly for many more other people as well.

baf89b No.2180013


I didn't give this guy a you

But I did try to reply to his message

And demolish it

Because I think we need to start doing that

We are no so naive any more

We know about pilpul

And about ShareBlue

We need to start calling them out

Without giving them you's

But when so many Anons are fuckwits

And plaster these shills with you's

Then why not give them a you

That demolishes their arguments

03c674 No.2180014


turn it back on

3c39de No.2180015


Maybe some of that money is allowing Disney to buy Fox??

796a16 No.2180016


Trump needs to change this EO so the liberals are never in charge of the DOJ !!

49bbbc No.2180017


someone tied me to a poste and made me watch the faintest outline of her enacting much of this on video with her lezbo partner in crime

5cb156 No.2180018

File: 919800eefc2cfea⋯.jpg (329.27 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, rKyozEM.jpg)


Volunteer has no breads in viewable history but no subversive elements detected on 1st glance

f6f6ed No.2180019


"The OIGs also identified improvements in various practices and

processes of the partners involved in counterterrorism. At DHS, a lack of unity in its Intelligence Enterprise, issues in the field related to staffing and access to classified systems and facilities, as well as problems with intelligence reporting

processes, have made the DHS Intelligence Enterprise less effective and valuable to the IC than it could be. DOJ can improve its counterterrorism information sharing efforts by developing and implementing a consolidated

internal DOJ strategy, and evaluating the continued need and most effective utilization for the United States Attorney’s Offices’ Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC) meetings. Further, the FBI should spur participation associated with Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) and improve its efforts to

obtain partners’ input in the process of identifying and prioritizing

counterterrorism threats. Within the ODNI, the Domestic DNI Representative program is hindered by large geographic regions, as well as the lack of a clear strategic vision and guidance. In addition, the National Counterterrorism

Center (NCTC) Domestic Representative program, although well received in the field, has also struggled to sufficiently cover its regions. At the state and local level, due to unpredictable federal support, fusion centers are focused on sustaining operations rather than enhancing capabilities. Further, varying requirements for state and local security clearances sponsored by federal

agencies can impede access to classified systems and facilities.

Our review resulted in 23 recommendations to help improve the sharing of counterterrorism information and ultimately, enhance the Nation’s ability to prevent terrorist attacks. We discuss our findings in detail in the Findings and Recommendations section of the report."


f5a338 No.2180020

File: 6f889be3d333888⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 412x432, 103:108, enemiesofpeople.jpg)

e7b8a5 No.2180021



CTA = Critical Thinking Anons


4527f5 No.2180022

File: 659cd606267eeab⋯.jpg (136.51 KB, 985x680, 197:136, SR server.jpg)

5ad7cf No.2180023


‏ @drawandstrike

Trump just made some sort of deal with Putin that led to Putin outing $400 million of illegal donations to Hillary Clinton with the entire media being forced to cover it live and every single plotter on Twitter is going nuts.

bcf565 No.2180024


yeah let's put a token muzzie in there. just what we want as "our democracy".

16f5dc No.2180025


I suppose Q wants us to hold their hands now?

96cc52 No.2180026

Browder lobbyist Juleanna Glover also a lobbyist for Elon Musk.

cecf91 No.2180027


Central Treason Agency

0d7748 No.2180028


my last bake was probably about a month ago. Ill see if i can track it down.

c3f6d6 No.2180029


which was talked about quite a bit.

But, many also mentioned the strike in Damascus.


well, hell. I actually haven't seen someone make this connection before.

>but not KILL

the syntax used here makes me think that the "bolt" was meant to kill, but was intercepted, which is precisely what Q mentioned (at least to a degree)

thanks for connecting that, anon

I'm still caught up on the black flag flying above the dome and the belly of the dragon dripping water

although, I'm thinking the one about the dragon is China "standing up" to Trump (trade war shit)

>Two voices will call out in a silence all will here

I'm hoping so hard that this refers to Seth Rich and or Julian Assange. either way, this step had always seemed like it would be really vivid once it does happen

187614 No.2180030


I naturally read this with Seaman as the narrator.

f5a338 No.2180031


You are shitting in a bag again.

49bbbc No.2180032


all those dead agents in china…. hope they were clowns but still they were probably humans, at one point…. most of them

5325ac No.2180033

File: 641199d1a9ab37e⋯.pdf (844.77 KB, Loose Talk NSA.pdf)

A nightshift baker

had requested a bird "bread shitting" image

here's an NSA poster

3c39de No.2180034

File: dd936b57ba3026e⋯.jpg (87.8 KB, 1495x497, 1495:497, 2000000.JPG)


Damn, I got lucky again!

0b2d19 No.2180035

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: 03cfd03c0766246⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 369x260, 369:260, 2e0g25~2.jpg)

8c6d59 No.2180036

File: debbcac88d9de54⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 640x637, 640:637, debbcac88d9de54e7d9cc1eda6….jpg)


You're an hero, anon. Kudos.

b50eda No.2180037


Thx BV, I should be there to spot as well

f48c8f No.2180038

guys try digging Mikhail Prohorov this could be a lead to something big

He is a billionair who ran against Putin a couple of years ago in the election. He was backed by the "west", soros ngos, controlled celebrities etc. Should be a worthy dig with tons of info.

I know this because I followed Russian media at the time.

==they== Wanted this guy to win but he failed miserably.

Here is a start:


1c3148 No.2180039


That was a major BOOM!

The Swamp is very scared now.

baf89b No.2180041



We know that the Trump admin

Picked up a cloud server

From a data center in DC

So maybe that is the one ring to bind them all

797664 No.2180042


suffer not a witch to live

Exodus 22:18

49bbbc No.2180043


nice ==fullhouse==

e3ad60 No.2180044





Which is why it would be the ultimate question. It would start all of it publicly. The plane picture we saw someone pointed out something with AMD servers. Was the NK and those?

3bba3f No.2180045


CTA=Cocks Touching Activated

1acd86 No.2180046




Can someone with skills make a graphic of this? Please?

70101d No.2180047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Browder is getting louder

f5a338 No.2180048


That's what all the "tough" guys say.

f6f6ed No.2180049















Her full name is Nicole Marie Argentieri.

Federal prosecutor living in Brooklyn.

She is the "acting chief of the organized crime and gangs section of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York."






f04095 No.2180050


CIA Clown.

96cc52 No.2180051


Ice pillar coming from the explosion. Happened on a cold winter night. Check out Goggle images on Ice Pillars. Not the same as the Wash missile launch.

7afa40 No.2180052


that guy is a moron and just makes guesses hoping they are correct. he is a former "never trumper"

b536d3 No.2180053



Totally correct.

c69ced No.2180054


We keep coming back to admiralty law… I want my patented land rights. True freehold patented land with full protections of The Constitution, not this bullshit we have now.

e7b8a5 No.2180055


This anon understands.

Carry on, anon.


5325ac No.2180056

File: 6217f3d0fa51bd3⋯.jpg (149.94 KB, 746x955, 746:955, Loose Talk NSA.jpg)


jpg for the

nightshift baker=

3bcbb1 No.2180057

6c2e7d No.2180058

File: 4892027b5e4ab88⋯.png (108.51 KB, 1739x483, 1739:483, ClipboardImage.png)


NOT notable. POTUS revoked it. Pic related.


a046ec No.2180059

John Brennan is turning into a malignant tumor. If he is allowed anywhere near power ever again he'll kill us all.

2c1a1c No.2180060


POTUS could barely put together a coherent sentence. Has the vocabulary of a ten year old. Look, I support his agenda & MAGA, but we shouldn’t blindly follow him or any leader. He came into the summit unprepared & undisciplined, and Putin made him look like an amateur. Wasn’t articulate, wasn’t disciplined, wasn’t composed and ended up looking foolish b/c of it. We shouldn’t whitewash that. Hopefully he learns from this & doesn’t repeat this performance.

e24626 No.2180061


eat a dick

669fc6 No.2180062


So Q Exists.

And (((They))) have Q?


(((They))) are Really DUMB!!!


5f94ec No.2180063

File: 6b4f4ee1cf05cc7⋯.jpg (333.99 KB, 1098x1468, 549:734, !Awakening10.jpg)

c293f1 No.2180065


Not sure on this one. Will be interesting…

6528cc No.2180066


Trump just stood next to the guy who we've all been told Trump colluded with to help win him the election.

Trump then sided with that man PUBLICLY over US intel chiefs.

He would only do this if these things are ALSO true:

1. He knows he's right.

2. He can prove he's right

3. He's about to prove it. BIGLY.

c50084 No.2180067


They will. But they won't waste time impeaching [[[RR]]], RR is just the lead in to much much more..

850544 No.2180068

File: 2f8644513e257f3⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1979x1300, 1979:1300, 2018-07-16_19-31-15.png)

File: ac2277831d11cb8⋯.png (388.95 KB, 652x340, 163:85, 2018-07-16_19-36-24.png)


Ah, the LIBERAL outrage!

But there are many outrages that the they heap on Americans every day.

The Wolf.

The face of a FAKE news commentator.


The face of a FAKE Indian and politician.

7420e5 No.2180069

File: 00910151d34168f⋯.png (646.75 KB, 916x1219, 916:1219, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

interdasting article - Lifelog

is at center of spygate:

"Why would Attorney Generals of 12 states have email addresses with ptt.gov (like john.podesta@ptt.gov) like (Huma.Abdein@ptt.gov)?

Linode LLC, Cable One Inc, Hurricane LLC, Telia Company AB (Germany) and local rural or “fiber companies.” What do they all have in common? Let’s break this down and this way we can explain how it works.

Linode LLC is the preferred host for all intelligence materials.

“If you check government sites and do a traceroute ALL of them run through LINODE, but HURRICANE ELECTRIC LLC is the company of choice used by all countries who have access to the FBI Citizen Log. #CrossFireHurricane not a very elaborate name because Hurricane Electric allows for Peer-to-Peer sharing between global “partners” that share versions of #CitizenLog,” a high-level national security insider tells Big League Politics."


0b2d19 No.2180070

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 2dknhr~2.jpg)

File: d5db9b8d65d1322⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 400x368, 25:23, 2dv1k2~2.jpg)

Jeff Sessions is a deep state SES turd.

992016 No.2180071


fox news and fox sports are not part of the deal in the sale.

Fox is bigly with producing movies, sitcoms, etc.. (this portion of Fox is being sold).

797664 No.2180072


muchas gracias, anon

f5a338 No.2180073


your balls need licking again.

a80eeb No.2180074

File: f0c89583a89cea6⋯.jpg (210.94 KB, 1170x878, 585:439, Eisenia_foetida_R.H._2.jpg)

52c7fa No.2180075


The liberal chick on the radio stopped playing the press conference, gave a summary that didn't include this info, and sounded like she wanted to swallow her own tongue. She should have taken a hint from NPR and not played the audio at all. KEK!

c293f1 No.2180076


Shit I just spit out my covfefe

b7bbec No.2180077


What did commie John have to do to become dir of clowns?

f04095 No.2180078

File: 03fa8b166da7a9d⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 900x579, 300:193, Vlad-Kek.jpg)

485296 No.2180079

you faggots and wikipedia as a credible source.

e7b8a5 No.2180080

Anons are mad that Q is absent.

[Q] is gone.

Subsequent "Q"s are fake.

Details in August.

Get comfy.


0d7748 No.2180081


My last bake was 2352-2355 other than 1 emergency bake here more recently.

4d7a2f No.2180082

I watched CNN more in the last 2 days than I have in 10 years. They were completely freaked out this morning about POTUS and Putin meeting alone. I flipped to watch MSNBC to see if they were as freaked out and didn't see that they were. CNN had to be afraid of something Putin was going to tell about them specifically for them to have added their own talking points in while keeping the cabal talking points on track. Can't wait to find out what that was!

f5a338 No.2180083


Maybe if they fap harder something will happen.

3bba3f No.2180084


They are desperate.

They keep changing it up.

(((They))) are scared.

c16652 No.2180085

File: 2a5d9137189c417⋯.jpg (160.75 KB, 1440x1757, 1440:1757, IMG_20180716_185505.jpg)


Nice Q on his glasses

c3f6d6 No.2180086



i was trying to explain this to them.

d44ad7 No.2180087




e2b1bf No.2180088



O really now.

Time for some digs.

d86f47 No.2180089

File: 9bff5e807991ea2⋯.png (380.45 KB, 690x653, 690:653, ClipboardImage.png)


Next in line after US Attorney DC…

US Attorney N IL - Confirmed November 22, 2017

So far…DC & IL were "ACTING" when Mueller probe started

On to Central CA….



d8bc62 No.2180090


Probably 0hour1 being a faggot

b0fae9 No.2180091


thats why I put C_A


if I do, its a one-off fuck you then ignore

72e998 No.2180092

File: 9bded84b28a6be4⋯.jpg (111.43 KB, 1424x542, 712:271, 9bded84b28a6be4183c7e199f5….jpg)

d2f356 No.2180093


Remember when Trump said we would all soon know who is Deep State and who isn't? I think there is no better way to know then today.

2c1a1c No.2180094

File: 217e964db492959⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 472.87 KB, 1219x1920, 1219:1920, 00621AAC-B3DA-4B06-868A-4….jpeg)

1d9061 No.2180095

BO BV can we get an IP hash on single id post from last bread


>The Stage Is Set

>The truth about Seth Rich

>The Stage Is Set


not sure if it's another like the sec test earlier with



af3f26 No.2180096

Trump 2020 $33 million raised in 3 month. 98% small donations. That’s grassroots.

I could see Sec Pompeo as VP. I know 2020 is being touted as Trump Pence. But Pompeo looks very presidential as SoS stint.

a25689 No.2180097


You do realize you don't need anymore Q posts, right? They are getting ready for a reveal. Timing is everything.

0b2d19 No.2180098

File: c7df55ce0a78d4f⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 311x280, 311:280, 2dxnxo~2.jpg)

File: 3cf8b7e383e62e7⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 216x216, 1:1, 2dybpw.jpg)

49bbbc No.2180099


pillar of fire, did someone say biblical

5325ac No.2180100

File: ef1b4b67bc10200⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 550x688, 275:344, hrc.jpg)

3bcbb1 No.2180101

File: d310013e3b6f28b⋯.jpg (259.62 KB, 780x438, 130:73, d310013e3b6f28bacc53c85c7c….jpg)

f5a338 No.2180102


FFS, are you that stupid.

c3f6d6 No.2180103



i'm not sure why I grouped them in…

54916a No.2180104


I don't think that was "THE" question. It's looking like The Question is "Where are the servers?"

ca773d No.2180105

400,000,000 !!! , need a "mirror mirror on the wall "meme for hillary

1c3148 No.2180106

File: 0d14359f350cfe1⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 385x456, 385:456, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….jpg)

c293f1 No.2180107


No x-ray vision on POTUS' daughter. Very bad.

6cbb0d No.2180108

>>2179938 >She defended a pedophile in court and laffed at the child victim

laffed —-→ laughed

Just correcting it because I like it. Saving it for future use. Thanks Anon

7f7e4f No.2180109

File: 67321209b7dcd06⋯.jpg (88.84 KB, 738x918, 41:51, 2.JPG)

A Welsh Conservative MP Guto Bebb resigns from Defence Minister role following Brexit vote


3179a0 No.2180110

File: 6d813dd373d71c8⋯.png (357.83 KB, 268x680, 67:170, DNC Server Rocket.PNG)

06f9ea No.2180111

49bbbc No.2180112

kek i thought you said EVERY single ip post from last bread

d0be6d No.2180113


Just hit me!

Could "D" in Q posts be Dan Coats??

1acd86 No.2180114

File: 3def2d8c1d8feca⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 255x157, 255:157, pepeshocked.jpg)

0d7748 No.2180115


If Pence is (((Pence))) then by then, maybe there will be a need for a new running mate and he will probably "retire" with his family.

3c39de No.2180116


Gasparino on Fox Business said they are part of the deal today.

70101d No.2180117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary Clinton's Most Outrageous Lies Exposed!

f5a338 No.2180118


Must be hyperinflation.

cbe277 No.2180119

File: c9eb65648ca1a5a⋯.jpg (293.08 KB, 1080x1002, 180:167, Screenshot_20180716-165556….jpg)

File: 845acdd0203c3c4⋯.jpg (384.69 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, Screenshot_20180716-165640….jpg)

twat fudn #s?

1c3148 No.2180120

File: 03a84821ef94bf3⋯.png (244.44 KB, 550x308, 25:14, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

Rand Is /OurGuy/

Doing great

49bbbc No.2180121


yeah is this equation group files?

im lookin thru them on github, so many of them are exploits i dont want to set off

ca773d No.2180122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pre existing intel sharing agreements re: criminal investigations

ec7bcb No.2180124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

maga busta

4527f5 No.2180125

File: 953c8efe6813c74⋯.jpg (455.44 KB, 1180x788, 295:197, flynn server.jpg)

16f5dc No.2180126


I'd enlist for that.

3c39de No.2180127


Cavuto is deepstate shill though.

c16652 No.2180128


Better than Newt Faggot

49bbbc No.2180129


did you see that MASSIVE padding file tho? i been trying to have a crack at it

23798a No.2180130

From Sic Semper Tyrannis

I have some inside information.

Looks like a spearphishing operation by China. They nailed Clinton's completely unprotected system and then inserted code that gave them all her traffic over e-mail subsequent to that. That included all her State Department classified traffic which she had her staff illegally scan and insert in her private e-mail. We are talking about 30,000+ messages. Strzok was told that by the Intelligence Community Inspector General WHILE he was running the Clinton e-mail investigation and chose to ignore it. pl

25dc35 No.2180131

File: efebe8fcbb1ba00⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 600x603, 200:201, Q stronger.jpg)

File: 1257a24c6f786e6⋯.jpg (139.7 KB, 889x500, 889:500, WeThePeopleTsunamiSandCast….jpg)

f6f6ed No.2180132

traitors in the TEXAS HOUSE: from last year and a big part of the cartel gatekeeper apparatus in texas. there was a physical altercation on the floor while illegal aliens protested in the rotunda.








>>Today, Representative Poncho Nevarez threatened my life on the House floor after I called ICE on several illegal immigrants who held signs in the gallery which said "I am illegal and here to stay." Several Democrats encouraged the protesters to disobey law enforcement. When I told the Democrats I called ICE, Representative Ramon Romero physically assaulted me, and other Democrats were held back by colleagues. During that time Poncho told me that he would "get me on the way to my car." He later approached me and reiterated that "I had to leave at some point, and he would get me." I made it clear that if he attempted to, in his words, "get me," I would shoot him in self defense. I am currently under DPS protection. Several of my colleagues heard the threats made and witnessed Ramon assaulting me.<<





How many illegal alien votes for this guy??










How many illegal alien votes for this guy?


Family from Zacatecas, Mexico ie Los Zetas territory … as is North Texas … father a 'migrant farm worker' that settled in FW … BORN FORT WORTH **




How many illegal alien votes for this guy?


Sits on Texas Ports, Innovation, and Infrastructure.





How many illegal alien votes for this guy?


Land and Resource Management!

Defense and Veterans!





>>The House of Representatives stopped their session as DPS troopers worked to clear the gallery of protesters and blocked the doors to the gallery.

KVUE's Ashley Goudeau witnessed a scuffle on the Texas House floor as representatives pushed each other. The parliamentarian stepped in and dissolved the fight.<<



"Texas Republican Called ICE on SB 4 Protesters, Threatened to Shoot Colleague:" "The incident happened as more than 1,000 immigrant rights supporters flooded the Texas Capitol."


>>Nina Pruneda, a spokesperson for ICE, told the Observer she was not immediately sure whether the agency sent immigration agents to the Capitol in response to Rinaldi’s call.

Earlier, at the beginning of the incident, Rinaldi told Romero on the House floor that the hundreds of protesters who were chanting in the gallery were a “disgrace,” Romero told the Observer.

“Fuck them, I called ICE,” Rinaldi said, according to Romero.

Romero said that prompted Representative Cesar Blanco to tell Rinaldi that Italian immigrants “are just like us,” and Rinaldi responded, “Yeah, but we love our country.”<<



>>The dispute came as Blanco and Romero were proudly discussing the hundreds of protesters who filled the gallery with banners and chants and were ultimately kicked out, Romero said.<<



b536d3 No.2180133


My calendar says august 30. Spill what you got. I need a laugh.

cbe277 No.2180134

File: 7c1cd55050dfabf⋯.jpg (401.34 KB, 1079x1162, 13:14, Screenshot_20180716-165859….jpg)


at LEAST they r starting to get the R Narrative….

58b3f1 No.2180135


MS13 and Illegal Aliens in those district's

0b2d19 No.2180136

File: 589d86cc8f4cc49⋯.png (95.21 KB, 292x318, 146:159, 37c36fbac77644cfc97abf1c8e….png)

1acd86 No.2180137

File: 6133b8be286ead9⋯.jpg (34.19 KB, 450x464, 225:232, marina.jpg)


And here is her "artsy" pal.

8eb397 No.2180138

File: 437968822d83d21⋯.jpg (113.57 KB, 931x663, 931:663, Jugearstonguestuck.jpg)



Trump always has proof of what he says and is always 5 steps ahead of his enemies.

351086 No.2180139


lots of notebles for today.


c3f6d6 No.2180140

File: ad90f2b564e9e8f⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 443x385, 443:385, usetheforce.jpg)


I'm not so sure.

Read what Q is replying to. The link is an article about Qanon.

Most have seemed confident, as I have, about this being the type of question we should convince someone to ask.

The idea was brought up when we were discussing Jim being ousted from the shit going on in Europe right now since Trump is there and Jim "embarrassed" Trump when speaking to/with May. So, we purposed he ask about Q to be able to return to covering the story.

49bbbc No.2180141

File: 394838f75f2ccb6⋯.jpg (226.38 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, mole.jpg)


ima shutup im sliding

f5a338 No.2180142


Balls deep in a goat.

ed6911 No.2180143

Something came up today on Rush, with these 12 indictments: he said that the case goes to National Security.

That means that it's National Security handling evidence:

>N_A accidentally releases everything

7f7e4f No.2180144

File: 3c569827c68eec0⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 608x779, 32:41, 2.JPG)

File: 831aaacc21483d4⋯.jpg (102.48 KB, 568x706, 284:353, 2a.JPG)

Southeast Ohio Republican Party leader resigns over Trump-Putin meeting


d1069b No.2180145


The stench of desperation emanating from them is so thick that you need a machete to get through it.

Memo to the Orcs, Trolls, and shills:

You can observe a lot by just watching. My observations tell me that it's about 2A.M. on the decks of the Titanic for you, your masters and your allies. All the lifeboats are gone and the angle of list on the ship makes it obvious to all the ship is going to sink. Sheer desperation has set in and it is truly every person for themselves. The Orcs, Trolls and shills are the average passengers. They've made sure there will be no escape for you. It is now too late.

e36be2 No.2180146


"we have it all"

it's going to take time to *legally* unearth all of this

but once the ball gets rolling, it will be wild

wad reading through fbianon posts the other day, taking notes, and while disinfo was sixteen throughout, as disclaimed, lots of it still rings true.

amazing what we've witnessed.

d3cc33 No.2180147


owen yells more kek

850544 No.2180148



e7b8a5 No.2180149


Details in August.


6528cc No.2180150

Q team is probably sitting on the couch right now laughing and taking a shot every time a Dem screeches treason.

0b2d19 No.2180151

File: fb628ddef83a9fb⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 464x464, 1:1, 2e3p8i~2.jpg)

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

8c611b No.2180152


Liberals think Russia would hack the election irrespective of voter ID laws being in place.

b0fae9 No.2180153


58b3f1 No.2180154


MS13 and Illegal aliens and drug trade and human trafficking in those districts

f5a338 No.2180155


>It is now too late.

And anyone with fucking brain knows what that means.

70101d No.2180156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1acd86 No.2180157

File: 2c5b04bd2bdebae⋯.jpg (102.74 KB, 515x500, 103:100, goatfuckers?!?.jpg)

e2b1bf No.2180158

I wrote this back in May, the last time the LARP question popped up.. Figured, why not… Enjoy.

re: Is Q a LARP?

Those of (us) that were here towards the beginning already have the proof that the Q group is real. (We) watched it being displayed in real time. Sometimes God speaks directly to (us) through the actions of Good Men; Then (we) call them Patriots. I think most of the recent concern fagging stems from the idea that most normies weren't present for that, so they only have our screenshots of the proof; They didn't watch the first auth/iden series happen live. Then you have everyone else that were either asleep at the wheel, or not present, and need that auth.

This is, literally, is the "What happened to building 7" paradox:

1) Some of (us) watched the news presenter *say* "We've just gotten word that Larry Silverstein gave the go ahead to pull building 7" on live television, as it happened.

2) Some of (us) didn't see that, but (we) *did* see the footage of Silverstein admitting he gave the pull command in a documentary interview.

3) Some of (us) have seen neither, and debate the tripe of 'Did building 7 get hit by a plane? was it a missile? Let's endlessly debate it and get nowhere!' etc etc

…I also think that this is necessary for this board to be fully useful to /ourguys/. I'm not going to state why this is.

e3ad60 No.2180160


Let's blow it open, put on some labels - which will blow even more cases open due to Treason being the label…


>I'm now thinking that The ulitmate question is:

>"Where is the DNC server?"


>Wasn't the server found in North Korea?

>If so doesn't this mean Treason for everyone involved with it. Due to the only explanation to it being there in the tense political climate back then would be if they had access to NK and was operating NK?

>>2179782 (You)




>Which is why it would be the ultimate question. It would start all of it publicly. The plane picture we saw someone pointed out something with AMD servers. Was the NK and those?




>i was trying to explain this to them.

992016 No.2180161


Fox Buisness network is included.


1c3148 No.2180162

File: 877488328e29156⋯.png (226.83 KB, 553x304, 553:304, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)


99% no homo, but he is good will pillow talk.

49bbbc No.2180163


check charities and foundations for the russia > hillary money

f21147 No.2180164

>>2179622 (lb)

Did you show him the cnn where they were on a staged green screen on the Gulf war?


ed6911 No.2180166


Can't wait to hear his schtick

f04095 No.2180167


You promised details a month ago. Why the delay?

Ohhh that's right, because you are full of shit.

e36be2 No.2180169


fwiw, he might be talking about hussein in Kenya, kek.

wouldn't be a lie if he's meeting some warlord.

5b852f No.2180170

<ID e7b8a5

Fuck off, leaf.

cecf91 No.2180171



Dem Treason game.. nowai!

That is a blackout level game..

54916a No.2180172


What raised my spidey sense was the

>we may have to force this one

6528cc No.2180173


A RINO that was probably looking for an excuse to resign before shit hits the fan.

d86f47 No.2180175

File: 0b7a7324f191fe7⋯.png (141.11 KB, 269x540, 269:540, ClipboardImage.png)


Hussein signed EO 1/19/17 giving a new order of succession for DOJ

AG then

US Attorney DC (if not ACTING) then

US Attorney N IL (if not ACTING) then

US Attorney Central CA (if not ACTING)

DC took office September 2017

N IL took office November 2017 and

Cent CA took office January 2018

before that…all Hussein guys until Trump fired all of them?

Have to go look at the Hussein guys now.


58b3f1 No.2180176


Not a word about the 400 million tax free cash given to clintons from Russian business man ?

a0f9db No.2180177

>>2179127 (last bread)


I think that Trump and Putin cut a deal with Iran & Crimea. Trump keeps the US out of any Crimea resolution (Russia leads) and Putin keeps Russia out of any Iran resolution (US leads).

Also; US & Russia form a OPEC like structure on energy deliveries to Europe. Maintain stable but profitable prices while ensuring delivery from both countries to any willing buyer. This stops any EU country from gaining access to a flow point. (Nordstream II problem, IMO). Syria solution removes any Gulf pipeline as a competitor.

Third point is US/Russia cooperating with removing refugees from Europe; based on terrorist threats to US military installations and Russia mainland. That was addressed to today with the WW radical Islamic terrorist threat both leaders emphasized. Trump could use this as a hammer by describing the rising NATO costs incurrs while EU members welch on their NATO commitments in order to provide benefits to those same refugees/terrorists.

I think EU countries may be profiting from accepting refugees, either as a direct per head payment or via money laundering through services provided to refugees (like child care and private prison operations in the US). It's mind boggling the services the EU refugees receive in comparison to a resident of those countries with similar needs (live in one of them).

The agreements today are meant to hammer the EU financially. US/Russia will propose resettling refugees in originating countries. Much more cost efficient. When benefits are cut locals who normally take it quietly up the ass as refugees riot will begin to see the big picture.

Last point is legal reciprocity. Bad guys fucked. Bad guys are screaming today because the money spigot is being turned off and exposure to criminal activity is coming. Pols screaming are being told to do so by their handlers, or else. Have to think any screamers are bad guys being smoked out.

Just my opinion.

c549d9 No.2180178

File: 7acee488c98c831⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 620x445, 124:89, cheers.jpg)

ed6911 No.2180179



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434 No.121690 📁

Dec 19 2017 00:12:02 (EST)

House of cards.

12 deals rejected (today alone).

Panic in DC.


Enjoy the show.


4bba65 No.2180180

File: f11094b33721376⋯.jpg (98.02 KB, 951x741, 317:247, Untitled.jpg)

a80eeb No.2180181

File: e7c0b129e2591a2⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 369x501, 123:167, you-are-a-tool.jpg)

ad0e0f No.2180182


Gingrich has some serious issues he needs to STFU and go away.

b5e19d No.2180183


Looks like Nixon

0d7748 No.2180184

File: f7f53c9c84efebf⋯.png (301.11 KB, 419x630, 419:630, Screen Shot 2018-07-01 at ….png)

File: 19c5d111de376a6⋯.png (163.41 KB, 672x557, 672:557, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

1c3148 No.2180185

File: 55f0f0eb3c3bf64⋯.png (580.26 KB, 1020x1120, 51:56, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)

baf89b No.2180186


I seem to have triggered the Apostles of Q with this posting

Their noses are dripping and they suffer so deeply

Without Nanny Q to wipe the wittle nosies and tuck them into bedsy bye.

You will note that Q never specified what question he wanted the press to ask

And also, he didn't want us to ask it, he wanted the press to ask something

Which is why I think Who is Q? is a dumb idea

Because I do not see how we can talk a reporter into asking that

Having a thousand fuckwits sending the reporter the same message

Is just a dumbass stunt that achieves nothing.

We need to think of some way

To discuss a topic with the press

And get them to agree to ask a reasonably intelligent question

That we know, will open a can of worms.

Trump is not dumb.

If the question is not exactly right

He will steer the answer to where it needs to go.

Also, there is another way

Why does Trump not hold a special TOWN HALL

Where only accredited press can ask questions

But none of the media organizations from the White House Press Corps will be allowed

Only bloggers, and YouTubers who can convince the White House staff

That they can be serious journalists.

The MSM will get the story anyway

Because the whole Town Hall will be broadcast live

This would be a press conference for the new people's press

So that We The People can ask some of our questions

7f7e4f No.2180187


NG has been activated

989633 No.2180189

File: eea03e27872167c⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 620x349, 620:349, john turner.jpg)

c9025c No.2180190

File: 51db9c1ef1f400a⋯.jpg (512.15 KB, 966x1449, 2:3, IMG_86.jpg)

f04095 No.2180191


wouldn't surprise me one bit.

49bbbc No.2180193


server in HRC bathroom most likely used as gateway to CABALnet, which either be privatley subnetted or on a banking network most likely, maybe even a different protocal like atm

ed6911 No.2180194

What the actual fuck with Dan Coats?

784d1e No.2180195


Deep Agents are all being exposed

b0fae9 No.2180196

File: 0d90069e21cb478⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1501x1079, 1501:1079, trumplaughing6.png)

54916a No.2180197



Because that would have been POTUS today, asking that question. All I know is I'm on he edge of my seat in this here theater kek

0b2d19 No.2180198

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: 1bacac2465e61ce⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 564x484, 141:121, 7ad91d4c14933834b2a14c6253….jpg)

Here's the kicker find the DNC sever.

8c611b No.2180199


Kek! This is a goodie. saved

c3f6d6 No.2180200


I'm not so sure that that post is close at all. Look at this post I just made >>2180140

I genuinely don't think Q was talking about the server. Look at the link Q responds to.

58b3f1 No.2180201


Follow the money !!!!

400 million cash tax free Russia

billions cash tax free Iran

88611e No.2180202

File: b43330fb499dbbb⋯.png (3.49 MB, 1717x1648, 1717:1648, QE, OWL, Moloch - 1.png)

06f9ea No.2180203




dbc62d No.2180204



Is there a reason why you left out H.R.5404 - To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold? https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5404

4db94e No.2180205

File: ad1285598004a35⋯.png (9.82 KB, 255x181, 255:181, a547283db2e6d5983986b085b4….png)

File: 19616bf73f87191⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 666x496, 333:248, DepI_TjXcAASONF.jpg large.jpg)

Q is a larp guys no serious


ec7bcb No.2180206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c1393 No.2180207

File: 12fae1d92cc19a7⋯.png (120.54 KB, 797x547, 797:547, Ravens.PNG)

File: ddce75bbcf6ede7⋯.png (687.27 KB, 1016x683, 1016:683, Crow.PNG)

File: 0e4183fb655c87a⋯.png (88.78 KB, 729x833, 729:833, CrowRavens.PNG)


Raven symbology is that of the prophecy and it is interdasting

crows (satanists, Libs, progs, socialists, communists, etc)

attacking (pic related)

ravens (Prophets, Q, Digging Anons, We The People)

dda9e1 No.2180208

File: e5ca0cbcdf25db1⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, butterflies.jpg)


>>2179405 >symbolism

>>2179421 >the timing

>>2179428 >we are taking it all back

>yellow sunshine dress chekked.

>>2179498 >Butterflies

>>2179645 >Reclaiming the symbols


>choose not to let the cabal have that power over me


Great Work by the First Ladies.

free the butterflies

989633 No.2180209


>hey anons, I just picked up channel 2 Baltimore in a RICO/asset forfeiture auction!

da7495 No.2180210

File: f987042264d7f90⋯.jpg (173.22 KB, 816x1248, 17:26, Are you coming to dinner -….jpg)

Many names/orgs for digging.

168e5b No.2180211

Lou Dobbs on FOX Business was great! Basically shamed Paul Ryan and the rest of them for criticizing POTUS today. He even brought up Pres. Bush's inability to do anything with Putin.

f0f59b No.2180212


from the link you posted:

" 21st Century Fox will spin-off Fox News, the Fox Business Network, FS1, FS2, Fox Deportes, the Big Ten Network, the Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Television Stations, and MyNetworkTV into the "New Fox" company.["

053ce7 No.2180213

File: 7b491fe840bfe26⋯.jpg (18.62 KB, 442x294, 221:147, 719e12e85baa3a689071b4da01….jpg)

669fc6 No.2180214

File: a66383308a067a2⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mypillow_mike_lindell_and_….jpg)


Where do (((you))) think the Server is?

485fa7 No.2180215


Wow these are terrific.

e7d729 No.2180216

File: 93170208a6960e0⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 744x537, 248:179, dj-relax-i-got-this.jpg)


Trump did with Putin just like he did with Kim

Ya gotta butter them up if you want them to come in from the cold

b0fae9 No.2180217




321d60 No.2180218

Mueller not Comey delivered sample.


5a8535 No.2180219



POTUS to meet with members of Congress @2pm EDT Tuesday

0d7748 No.2180220


I find that most people who say things to this effect or to the effect of "he doesn't sound presidential" are trying to make POTUS into what other presidents were when the reason he was elected is because he is not what other presidents were.

POTUS said he has the best words, not the biggest words. He has to address a population who wen to public school and many of whom failed. He makes people uncomfortable and I like that. Grab 'em by the pussy POTUS.

0b2d19 No.2180221

File: 4affc840680e63f⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 500x564, 125:141, 2cuufl~2.jpg)

Hussein isn't stupid he'll run.

7a377a No.2180222

File: d56cc9755ef9bb1⋯.png (353.8 KB, 970x296, 485:148, pepepopcorn.png)

Anyone else getting ready for Trump / Hannity tonight?

992016 No.2180223


depressing my friend i seen that after i linked.

e2b1bf No.2180224

16f5dc No.2180225

Man, they are exposing themselves all over the place. This is beautiful!

7f7e4f No.2180226

File: 5d1773ee25395f8⋯.jpg (125.13 KB, 893x907, 893:907, 2.JPG)

File: 1ed2777d940dfd6⋯.jpg (144.34 KB, 564x822, 94:137, 2a.JPG)

File: 149f03bdc9ae7e2⋯.jpg (112.77 KB, 555x849, 185:283, 3.JPG)

File: ebf2f96004652b1⋯.jpg (30.26 KB, 555x154, 555:154, 4.JPG)

East Bay Express publisher resigns after using slur, plans to sell the company


e3ad60 No.2180227


Could be. Would think it to be a gateway.

But where in the world would you put the rest.

And with the Uranium or something radioactive being found in NK then what else is there?

Why was Kim Jung Un so easy to work with Trump if not being controlled before by the Cabal and really just wanting out of it.


You might be right, i dunno. Just putting it out there if what I'm saying is true - which depends on the AMD plane pic to be what it was.

b50eda No.2180228



Sauce on this for the notables anon? good find

181338 No.2180229


Yep, Nice digits

3bcbb1 No.2180230

Do you guys think POTUS knew what would happen after he got elected? Do you think he knew just how far (((they))) were willing to go to try to destroy him?

b536d3 No.2180231


Hannity be like wtf is this Qanon sheet?

7c3f39 No.2180232

File: 07d5a9fbab933c3⋯.jpeg (82.4 KB, 663x523, 663:523, 1344CA2C-AFA8-482D-89F3-3….jpeg)

File: 7fc7d4cd360a1c8⋯.jpeg (54.33 KB, 548x720, 137:180, 4C5048E4-62E1-4F81-A0AB-4….jpeg)

File: 891ba7a6a13c1c2⋯.png (77.45 KB, 350x401, 350:401, 9071A011-CD1C-408E-9C22-62….png)

File: 52181c3a090a42c⋯.jpeg (43.29 KB, 594x350, 297:175, C281BA3B-BE58-4920-83ED-B….jpeg)

d892cc No.2180233


thanks for posting.

Who's in the tent top left?

60fad3 No.2180234

File: 12a9acf64660216⋯.png (300.98 KB, 657x916, 657:916, jewbracesalpha.png)

053ce7 No.2180235


Shit website that SHOULD NOT be used as a source.

If it has an actual REAL source post that. Don't make up look bad by trying to pass that off as a quality Source.

We had this discussion already Patrick

86e267 No.2180236

File: 12defd420b071ea⋯.png (670.04 KB, 729x546, 243:182, ClipboardImage.png)

16f5dc No.2180237


You need to watch the video, Anon … Search Q posts for a youtube link.

3bba3f No.2180238


They couldn't run us off with "Q is a Larp" shills.

So they went after the Catalog

that didn't work.

So now they are trying to use the silence of Q (break) to scare us off with "oh noes its over"

They have no idea how fucking relentless and balls deep we are in this.

For God and Country


5a8535 No.2180239

File: ce72efaf60b9af3⋯.png (196.58 KB, 1230x726, 205:121, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)



6d58ab No.2180240


I think Fox is a controlled op. Their job was to let the fly over part of America think they had a channel on our side. (((they))) let us think that but used Fox to hype the Jew wars in the Middle East. To rail against Muslims and all that crap. They are Neocons at heart and in the grand scheme of thinks Fox is dangerous.

That said. Hannity is not to awful. He hypes shit so much and delivers so little I dont watch him anymore. But he is better than anything else.

Honestly I suggest no one watch the News at all. Get your news from fellow anons and other places. Always doubt everything you hear.

Doubt this post. Doubt everything.

35809d No.2180241


fellow asked last thread about this, needing to ditch his brainwashed friend; asked about a redpill,

You're reminding me of OP_Mockingbird

Church Hearings

That govt intel agencies utilize media as a mouth piece to repeat talking points. Q stated the structure of the process, while we could tell that it is going on…

2014 and 2016

Countering Disinformation Warefare Act E.O. / Law and congress hearings…

This reverses the ban on government using media as propaganda, but having intel agencies direct them…

those generals.

P. Mudd


Brennen… HMMM


I figured you know this , and most of you anons; this is for the anon who wanted to break conditioning of his friend… Also use leading questions like Q

Dont insert a narrative; just break the one on repeat by presenting above , ask them questions…

It's hard out there…


c329f8 No.2180242

File: 7413d2a2f58a50d⋯.gif (349.45 KB, 460x308, 115:77, 85F07B54-4740-407C-A20A-1A….gif)



54916a No.2180243


Well I'm not the sharpest anon in the bread and I go on hunches a lot. Hats off to you for remembering the flow of the drop.

c3f6d6 No.2180244


Which is why I and other anons were badgering other anons at the rally in Michigan the other night to yell shit about Q.

We didn't do too poorly.

It might be a good idea to try to push people to find out about Q in this way.

This is why I suggested convincing Jim to ask about Q since we just got news he got told to fuck off after embarrassing the POTUS.

A few breads ago, a memeanon made a post with a meme that tries to convince Jim to ask the question. I think spreading a meme like that would be very beneficial.

544a77 No.2180245


Hannity Used to be Anon here

be071f No.2180246


You appear to have mixed things up a bit there with the 400 million. Fixing it for you:

400 million to Clinton campaign

Billions cash tax free Iran


5f6717 No.2180247

File: b4c0df9df4ce13f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 887x908, 887:908, needsmoar.PNG)

0b2d19 No.2180248

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: 427fadca5f440ca⋯.png (38.3 KB, 480x549, 160:183, Screenshot_2018-07-14-01-3….png)

Hussein is dirty.

ec7bcb No.2180249



baf89b No.2180250


That is the problem

For your one-off Fuck you

They get paid

But if all their you's were reasoned messages

Demolishing their arguments

Their supervisor would be like…

Joe, I feel a little uncomfortable approving this paycheck. You were supposed to be provoking them into losing their temper and spewing out shit and insults. All your YOU's seem to be well-reasoned arguments demolishing our position. I'll let it pass this time, but if this happens again, we'll have to let you go.

If that guy gets fired

He is now ripe for the #Walkaway movement to pick him up.


b7bbec No.2180251


Buh bye RINO Loser.

1acd86 No.2180252

File: c6c752880feac27⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 242x170, 121:85, I got you bruh.jpg)

ad0e0f No.2180253


Sounds like a pedophile wrote that.

4bba65 No.2180254


US Officials Robbed Of Plutonium And Dirty Bomb Materials


1b949f No.2180255

dda9e1 No.2180256

File: f1e5505e687ac0e⋯.jpg (172.97 KB, 1280x1012, 320:253, AP_18197462735890.jpg)


also love this shot


151105 No.2180257

File: 9f83a301ee72d02⋯.jpg (112.02 KB, 585x599, 585:599, Sceptical third world kid ….jpg)

c9025c No.2180258

File: 3d31f9b4f33eaf2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 100.49 KB, 489x598, 489:598, IMG_98.jpg)

612969 No.2180259

File: 7ec4c936221fb3d⋯.png (287.8 KB, 675x368, 675:368, Screenshot_2018-07-17_01-0….png)

502832 No.2180260


How else were they allowed to survive in this landscape?

Everyone else was driven into the ground… why not FOX?

The answer is simple.

25dc35 No.2180261

File: 4bc5c911538bcae⋯.jpg (284.04 KB, 600x600, 1:1, PepeExcited.jpg)

6d58ab No.2180262


Fox News would be better if they somehow found a way for Shep Smith to get ass fucked to death by his big black lover.

b536d3 No.2180263


Cross your fingers he asks it.

7f7e4f No.2180264

File: 27228542d17e1eb⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 529x659, 529:659, 2.JPG)

Sisters Park and Recreation District Executive Director Todd Garrett is stepping down less than four months after taking the job.


4afa06 No.2180265

MSM has overplayed.

Normies getting suspicious.

(no sauce just reading a few comment boards)

c3f6d6 No.2180266


I'm always here to help, anon.

1b949f No.2180267

File: e9698d8d7604903⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 255x128, 255:128, clownshill.jpeg)

0c9089 No.2180268


2271b3 No.2180269


"Doubt everything" is right.

Everybody notice that the FCC has denied Sinclair Communications' acquisition of Tribune Broadcasting?

Tribune was Sinclair's last step to creating an actual conservative broadcast heavy hitter.

Back to the drawing board, Sinclair. And good luck, because the market very definitely exists.

0dd4b1 No.2180270

File: e47da5533915c9f⋯.jpg (143.17 KB, 954x679, 954:679, Earl Browder.JPG)

Browder SAUCE

Earl Browder (grandfather)

Communist Deals with DEMS

We did not infiltrate the government, we were invited



ad0e0f No.2180271


why bother? why are you here?

3a4ac2 No.2180272


Wow just struck me that was 2 years ago. Doesn't time fly

70101d No.2180273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Meadows is demanding an explanation from the Department of Justice as to why it didn’t turn over two text messages between FBI official Lisa Page and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

669fc6 No.2180274

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 1dw96a.jpg)

79204c No.2180275

File: 22def8a62c3df5b⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, pedo bowling.jpg)

this should become a national sport

5a8535 No.2180276


i hope it's pertaining to that declassifying EO..

a7b113 No.2180277

File: 8c156e5938f968e⋯.jpeg (118.96 KB, 900x500, 9:5, E8B24650-EB7A-4021-992F-4….jpeg)

File: 1716ba137c1ea0c⋯.jpeg (65.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, D8F23CDC-BC8B-4212-A066-2….jpeg)

File: f2b6bb03591f029⋯.jpeg (112.03 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 3156F7B5-FEC8-4F13-8485-0….jpeg)

File: 4a0ea4b48313ad7⋯.jpeg (126.92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 711C0B97-0676-4F29-91B5-F….jpeg)

File: 791c0626761c4f4⋯.jpeg (90.08 KB, 740x499, 740:499, D333DC38-6639-438E-8E2C-E….jpeg)

c329f8 No.2180278


Poor dear, looks like someone hit her with an axe …

c5ace7 No.2180279


Browder is a businessman who did a lot of business in Russia, and his family is from Russia

He is not not a Russian or actual in Russia tho

c10288 No.2180280

File: 75f6c465c10d40d⋯.jpg (283.68 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Ghoat.jpg)

Anons - we're slowly but surely getting things right! The last time that we did this, the WWG1WGA didn't make sense. Now it does! Each loop is getting better.

Also, post 2,222,222 must be a picture of boobies, a tasteless joke, and an animated Gadsden flag, or else we'll have to start all over again. Pic related.

4bc706 No.2180281

File: a43b77475d2b3e7⋯.png (16.69 KB, 224x255, 224:255, 5a9491fa07a6190b90573780be….png)


In the @WhiteHouse Roosevelt Room at 14:00 EDT (Tuesday) @POTUS to meet with members of Congress. No further details released.

17c9a1 No.2180282


I love your work…what program do you use (not that I would have the creativity)….

1aacdf No.2180283

f5a338 No.2180284


Anyone who doesn't yell at the sky is getting suspicious.

b536d3 No.2180285


lol get a strike and the pedo goes free…

992016 No.2180286


if you read the spin off. it says

>"A corporate spin-off, also known as a spin-out,[1] or starburst, is a type of corporate action where a company "splits off" a section as a separate business.[2]"

dbc62d No.2180287

3bcbb1 No.2180289

File: ae115b3aac0d529⋯.png (665.17 KB, 736x547, 736:547, ClipboardImage.png)

35809d No.2180290


The ultimate question is

'Mr. President, Who is "Q"?'

He doesnt have to directly answer at all, He can subtlely just acknowledge it as a valid question and smile….

The INERTIA of all would build to a pop, fueled by MSM too; We would be co-opting them…

POTUS needs some rest, doing good, but needs to make himself rest.

86e267 No.2180291


Noted, thank you for the clarification

2271b3 No.2180292


Briefing Congress w/summary of meeting w/Putin?

f5a338 No.2180293


Most of the "balls" would roll left.

b50eda No.2180294

500 posts notables update

>>2179787 Anon Theory on "Who is D"

>>2180038 (Call to Dig) Mikhail Prohorov

>>2180049 Anon Dig re: "Stolen Laptop from Unlocked Vehicle of SS Agent" Story

>>2179847, >>2179893, >>2180058, >>2180089 Dig on One of the Last EO's Signed by Hussein (Since Revoked)

>>2180210 Podesta Dinner Invite, Many Names for Digging

>>2180239 POTUS to meet with members of Congress @2pm EDT Tuesday

>>2180254 US Officials Robbed Of Plutonium And Dirty Bomb Materials in San Antonio

>>2180270 Earl Browder (Grandfather) Communist Deals with Dems

a3a555 No.2180295

File: 780ca6b0875fbe5⋯.jpg (121.41 KB, 616x796, 154:199, hmmmm.jpg)

5f94ec No.2180296



f1835b No.2180297

File: 0d51958c07a421d⋯.jpeg (497.7 KB, 1242x1173, 18:17, 08C1EE22-5FFE-46EF-94F3-7….jpeg)

File: 24fa5309526c658⋯.jpeg (513.74 KB, 1242x1172, 621:586, 1240C2B4-55E2-4FAE-9D97-7….jpeg)

File: 2a752a83d838317⋯.jpeg (496.94 KB, 1242x1157, 1242:1157, 92A3D813-41DF-4114-98AA-8….jpeg)

Holy shit are they getting desperate. This is the author of that hit piece released today. Look at this garbage! The article was a joke too. This author deserves a visit from some twatanons.


544a77 No.2180298

File: c9f81c336acd14d⋯.png (769.05 KB, 714x798, 17:19, Capture _2018-06-20-13-35-….png)

da7495 No.2180299


EZ sauce…


607f8a No.2180300


They serve their sponsors ($), Hannity folded like a cheap suit lately!

973abf No.2180301


Well there's some bad weapons handling.

I guess I'll go look to see what else you are up to tonight.

0b2d19 No.2180302

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: aeefc61712756c5⋯.jpg (23.91 KB, 289x251, 289:251, 2d1dxz~6.jpg)

Hussein handed this threat to Trump, Trump is devusing a nuclear war.

0d7748 No.2180303

File: f16f4d0d7b17bc1⋯.png (425.65 KB, 907x487, 907:487, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

1d9061 No.2180304

From Hillary email in Talapia notable >>2176987

>Beverage Service: Random concoction of a Fruit Juice Mixed with Seltzer (though somehow - despite a finite # of types of juices and mixes available in society - will never have been served on any previous flight, nor will it be served on any subsequent flight)


Are they really talking about fruit juices here?

1aacdf No.2180305


A picture paints a thousand words.


4db94e No.2180306


or we could just execute them

painfully of course

the media too

baf89b No.2180307


That is Trump's RUSSIA POSE

He wants the Russian people to see him like that, with firm jaw and no teeth showing.

In Russia, a smiling politician is seen as a fool (grinning like a fool) or a crook.

So Trump wants ALL of the Russian people to see him as a TOUGH leader just like their own.


86dae8 No.2180308


Yes, but he has got to clean up the appearance that he was siding with putin on the 12 spys.

For the normies.

a3412c No.2180309


Wasn’t it reported that POTUS threw starburst candys at Angela Merkel during a summit?

ec7bcb No.2180310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

351086 No.2180311


Hannity - would blow Israel if he could and thinks bin laden was responsible for 9/11…

5a8535 No.2180312


perhaps.. i wonder if it will be televised

b0fae9 No.2180313

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, trumplaughing3.png)

c3f6d6 No.2180314


and here I was today, speaking with a normie who was just informing me that "your Q thing" is getting bigger on Reddit.

I'm not very surprised that such a story would pop up after they would let them perceive Q's gaining influence.

989633 No.2180315


>it's a conspiracy theory!

Literally who?

78c45b No.2180316

File: b9cbf1516a712bb⋯.png (742.39 KB, 1174x1014, 587:507, Screenshot 2018-07-16 at 8….png)

I haven't seen this mentioned today or mentioned very much.

There are no coincidences. There is a reason why Obummer is in Kenya today of all days. Trump got something from Putin for sure that implicates all of these rats.

e7d729 No.2180317


i use it as well but your miles above my skill

acd342 No.2180318

File: d5e0749829ef21f⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 430x287, 430:287, 4814274.jpg)

b536d3 No.2180319


This is great. Can you people tell I only see memes here? =(

7a0b09 No.2180320

Shep Smith on faux can suck a fucking dick


4d7a2f No.2180321

File: 95780fe622462db⋯.png (484.42 KB, 616x355, 616:355, mb.PNG)

Fire up the left to demand CNN , MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC dig into the story or Maria's arrest? LOL

259c24 No.2180322

anyone have a good stream for tucker/hannity?

0d7748 No.2180323


Streisand Effect.

17c9a1 No.2180324


Thank you! Looking forward to more of your beautiful work.

f04095 No.2180325

File: 60b368a8e409d32⋯.jpg (283.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, HRC006.jpg)

f5a338 No.2180326


Unlike that grinning afterbirth Hussein.

e7d729 No.2180327


that's what (((they))) always say

2271b3 No.2180328


Yes, indeed.

Vodka tonic w/lime, with the back door open to hear this pouring rain.

612969 No.2180329



502832 No.2180330



you didn't look at the pic close enough

it's a gullitoine

when the heads are cut off they knock over the pins

Who gets the strike?

1345f6 No.2180331



account suspended anon

ec7bcb No.2180332


chubaka theory

e6f704 No.2180333


With no head? Not much of a life. Kek

c3f6d6 No.2180334

File: c2980e6827dcd31⋯.jpg (220.83 KB, 962x576, 481:288, streisand.jpg)


Isn't it wonderful when she comes to visit us?

a7b113 No.2180335

File: 96235ff3064dbb9⋯.jpeg (65.33 KB, 512x378, 256:189, B57493E8-4F3A-44F2-A4E5-E….jpeg)

File: 115da8db5e8ec01⋯.jpeg (101.04 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 38889062-4A8F-43A1-BFF6-F….jpeg)

File: 2afcfe43f5131d9⋯.jpeg (53.33 KB, 350x401, 350:401, BC6EDD5B-3791-4743-B864-7….jpeg)

File: f2b6bb03591f029⋯.jpeg (112.03 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 3221CF4A-30D9-429B-B537-9….jpeg)

File: 4a0ea4b48313ad7⋯.jpeg (126.92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, AECE3510-693D-43F3-B163-A….jpeg)

544a77 No.2180336


Back when his twitter went down .. In the cbts/ the storm days in january i think .. Dont feel like digging.. Blazed and phonefagging.. Woods was open with us too.. Got quiet when we started calling out famefags at the time

f6f6ed No.2180337


FYI: RE: Section 1264 of the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Subtitle F, Public Law 114-328)


<<As noted in the report, my Administration is actively identifying persons and entities to whom the Act may apply and are collecting the evidence necessary to apply it. Over the coming weeks and months, agencies will undertake thorough interagency vetting to ensure we fulfill our commitment to hold perpetrators of human rights abuses and corruption accountable. >>


Section 1264 of the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Subtitle F, Public Law 114-328)




ad0e0f No.2180338


if you want to murder safely, you can murder safely.

such a winner. yeah you go with that. lots of votes in murdering kids.

e2b1bf No.2180339

File: ae365a12354bf96⋯.png (5.44 MB, 7144x6800, 893:850, Keystone 2018-01-12.png)

980fd1 No.2180340

TOTALLY off topic… can anyone find me a link to a good ESPN stream that doesn't require a cable service login?

I wanna watch the damn Home Run Derby!

b536d3 No.2180341


That's the lol part…

181338 No.2180342


Funny, he didn't mention 8chan.

49bbbc No.2180343

JASON Group, Project Sanguine (not kidding) and ELF tx to Akula and Mermansk

doesnt get more spoopy than this twoofy

351086 No.2180344


butterfly belt kind of odd.

f5a338 No.2180345


I wonder how "loved" half-breed Hussein is in his homeland?

944c9c No.2180346

ANONS, Q, Q+, and Q Team….

Will all cartoons and pedo movies be deleted? I am seeing pizza symbols in so many cartoons. They hid it in the wood-grain of a table… on the handle of a wooden shaft… its insane. Can Disney be ripped to shreds? Can it be renamed an exposed? All those dicks on the VHS covers… "sex" in the sky in Lion King.. the human trafficking tunnels under the parks… Walt being CIA… can everyone know? FUCK them, anyway. FUCK them.

e2b1bf No.2180347

File: d8a09ab44e22403⋯.jpg (5.43 MB, 1777x12589, 1777:12589, 52395df2bfab970bff3363e69f….jpg)

e6f704 No.2180348


We love juju bot

806bac No.2180349

File: c2110a78b9f5dc6⋯.png (593.89 KB, 757x568, 757:568, bram01.png)

96cc52 No.2180350

WaPo article on Browder and Cyprus money.



dda9e1 No.2180351

File: 5e91ad2460c2ffe⋯.png (69.08 KB, 400x434, 200:217, blue_ghost.png)


see we're now moving into triple reverse psychology land

auspicious sign

ec7bcb No.2180352


we dont want that

ed6911 No.2180353


That's a Dude, man

c3f6d6 No.2180354


here you go anon >>2089271

2271b3 No.2180355


Aw MAN! Jack suspended Lola's account?

Crap. Girl is sharper than my sister, and that's saying something.


4bc706 No.2180356

File: 54a3ff139547ae4⋯.jpg (59.14 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Cat.jpg)

fb565a No.2180357

File: f86a0bc1720ac5b⋯.png (204.28 KB, 405x689, 405:689, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

Chris Wallace Putin Interview Showdown

Chris Wallace, on his interview: 'We engaged. We argued. I interrupted. He scolded me. You don't want to miss it'

He said he held up the DoJ indictment to the Russian President and asked him about the details but Vladimir Putin 'wouldn't touch it'

Putin denied any state involvement in the 2016 presidential election

'I'm not interested in this issue,' Putin said when asked about Special Counsel Robert Mueller


0d7748 No.2180358


That was not meant for you anon. It was meant in reference to the subject you were posting about.

f141d1 No.2180359

Anyone find it curious that ALL neocon R's, ALL liberals, and ALL shills are coming out full force tonight?

NOTICE Q mentioned the Server in July, and Trump brings up the server when the "intelligence agencies" questions is asked. Also asking on Twitter this week consistently.

I think we're going to get the server. It's over, then. This is their last stop.

979a2b No.2180361

Anon explained earlier Finland saved some butterfly from extinction or some ecological shit like that


49bbbc No.2180362


youre actually the last to know

ec7bcb No.2180363


gangsta stride bitches

79204c No.2180364

Anons does anyone have the Q bat-signal meme that was posted last night?

e6f704 No.2180365


I’m very concrete..I really do think I’m on the spectrum sometimes.. I get it now!

baf89b No.2180366


Indeed he is right

Russia is a holy nation that believes in preserving tradition and in the sovereignty of nations. Russia is opposed to a New World Order because it is a Communist plan and Russia, having defeated the Communists, is staunchly anti-communist.

And like Paul Ryan says, that stance is hostile to HIS most basic values and ideals and tho the basic values and ideals of his colleagues in the other half of the New World Order's Uniparty.

We are at the crossroads and not only is Trump turning to head in the same direction as Russia is going, but he has a backhoe and a crew to dig a ditch and build a wall blocking the road to the NWO.

It's over!!!

86e267 No.2180367

File: 2ddfc7881cb27f6⋯.png (638.56 KB, 728x506, 364:253, ClipboardImage.png)



e2b1bf No.2180368

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



c3f6d6 No.2180369



Israel is being saved for last.

206f3b No.2180370

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: ed9b54fae3862b4⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 451x288, 451:288, 2e4z2d~2.jpg)

File: f47f2e3b22ef184⋯.png (44.62 KB, 480x730, 48:73, Screenshot_2018-07-14-23-1….png)

bc161b No.2180371

It's very interesting that Putin says that HRC received 400 million during a similar time frame that Obama shipped out 400 million.

c293f1 No.2180372


Opportunity for some kind of announcement…maybe?

dbc62d No.2180373


what flavor you smokin

f5a338 No.2180374


Every nation must be known for something, I reckon.

d86f47 No.2180375

File: 7e028b1b4906876⋯.png (77.34 KB, 654x601, 654:601, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS revoked Hussein's DOJ order of succession on Feb. 9 2017 and changed the order of succession to:

(a) United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia;

(b) United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and

(c) United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri.

So when Q asked us about who would replace RR there you go.

May 21, 2018

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.




f6f6ed No.2180376

FROM JAN 2016:


2009 through 2014.

Tracked via serial numbers.

Most guns ie 70% were 'straw purchases' for money or trade in drugs by US citizens with clean records in border states with Mexico.


<<From fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2015,

Congress appropriated about $2.5 billion in assistance for Mexico that has been provided through the Mérida Initiative, including approximately $194 million provided in the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015. For fiscal year 2016, the administration’s budget request for the Mérida Initiative is $119 million, from various accounts.9 The Mérida Initiative is a bilateral security partnership between

the United States and Mexico to fight organized crime and build the capacity of Mexico’s justice sector and law enforcement institutions to uphold the rule of law. <<


c5a8a9 No.2180378

File: 794c393a32cd14d⋯.jpg (18.27 KB, 520x270, 52:27, Qbatcall.jpg)

c5ace7 No.2180379

File: 1472dfc2199c2db⋯.gif (411.1 KB, 250x250, 1:1, topkek.gif)

4bc706 No.2180380

File: e90dac1b4cc6802⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, DiLVcXXUwAAmggc.jpg)


Here you go

c10288 No.2180381

File: 1f5756a60a2d1bb⋯.jpg (115.73 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 1.jpg)

c3f6d6 No.2180382


I actually thought of that when I first read about that statement from today.

Maybe it was just because of the number being the same though.

7d8e87 No.2180383

File: 33acbce0b2426c8⋯.jpeg (281.45 KB, 750x830, 75:83, 5B96A14A-9054-46CB-840F-4….jpeg)

File: a953e3675e82549⋯.png (814.86 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, F59BA6B0-2D89-4064-B1E8-18….png)

I’m sure this has already been posted since it’s from earlier today

612969 No.2180384


What a time to be alive anon!

86dae8 No.2180385


That is what (((I))) say.

Jesus, get your head out of what you think is Q's ass and think for your fucking self.

For normal everyday people, perception is reality.

481f5c No.2180386


i really thought this was a GREAT INTERVIEW, CW sucks moose-cock, but was VERY IMPRESSED with VLAD, very impressed indeed.

7420e5 No.2180387

File: 8caa7f2322ede4a⋯.png (244.72 KB, 906x732, 151:122, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

File: 680cb96119bb77c⋯.jpg (97.86 KB, 1440x680, 36:17, DiRCikLXkAEAZpw.jpg)


They are escalating.

74589c No.2180388


Butterfly = Freedom

Freedom started in Russia.

America fights for Freedom.

c10288 No.2180389

File: d6f71175945cf4d⋯.jpg (219.94 KB, 800x1152, 25:36, 2.jpg)

168e5b No.2180390


Holy sheet. I didn't see that.

001daa No.2180391

This ride is broken.

acd342 No.2180392

File: b4aa92eb96f9226⋯.png (539.94 KB, 623x581, 89:83, 5d44cc0ae725a6b57b148489d8….png)



b72643 No.2180393

File: 6d07bc0689902e6⋯.jpg (104.89 KB, 800x430, 80:43, cwkbiwudgdfoufd5.jpg)

dda9e1 No.2180394


like a street fightin man

meanwhile mr. black belt grins

>>2180344 see


for an alternate explanation

c0b80b No.2180395


Checking @funder tweetline, this tweet is getting shredded by trump supporters.

d3cc33 No.2180396



>…..b-but MAGA.

79204c No.2180397

ec7bcb No.2180398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the sound track for ya

989633 No.2180399


It looks great. Hope it will re-purpose butterflies as a fashion statement.

944c9c No.2180400


last to know about what? if youre suggesting the info i just posted that is false. Just keep seeing it and friends posting on social media "in love" wih going to disney… happening now and pissing me off

dc0f46 No.2180401




If they try a Coup d'Etat against Trump and he defends us, then it will look as though he prevented something and not initiated. So if they try, it will be Trump's "excuse?"

544a77 No.2180402


Kookie Kush / Headband Salad

f5a338 No.2180403


Very dangerous.

For them.

9b8c2d No.2180404


Casual sedition. Should be prosecuted. Any anons with twitter want to tag USSS?

1aacdf No.2180405


We really need to be striking back here, all hands on fugging deck like.

c3f6d6 No.2180406


actually, butterflies typically indicate Monarch.

the other anon speaking about Finland saving a butterfly from extinction recently makes a lot more sense though. >>2180361

49bbbc No.2180407


kinda like john kerry marrying off his daughter to iran ya mean?

fb565a No.2180408

File: cec405c76f35e66⋯.png (114.58 KB, 415x294, 415:294, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

Tell us more, Katy, about your "transformation" with the Pope


c9025c No.2180409

File: ce6509a69e8b23c⋯.jpg (324.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_20.jpg)

60fad3 No.2180410

File: fb54ad0c526073e⋯.jpg (194.59 KB, 757x475, 757:475, trumptrain.jpg)

f04095 No.2180411

File: a51a24701955e1c⋯.jpg (135 KB, 1200x382, 600:191, HRC007.jpg)

c10288 No.2180412

File: 042c3be333b5ee5⋯.jpg (328.85 KB, 810x1152, 45:64, 3.jpg)

481f5c No.2180413



bc161b No.2180414

Was RR release of the 12 indictments Bait?

MSM/deep state takes the bait and runs with it.

MSM asks Putin today about the 12 indictments.

Putin exposes the 1999 treaty.

Your move Mueller.

58b3f1 No.2180415


Tax Free !!!

f08f2e No.2180416

Yellow dress- welcoming men home from war

41b566 No.2180417

File: 487de53778abeb9⋯.jpg (190.12 KB, 568x1079, 568:1079, Clip_17.jpg)

c3f6d6 No.2180418


Man.. Blue Dream has been treating me very well.

181338 No.2180419


Shadilay muh dude

7420e5 No.2180420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



dbc62d No.2180421

File: d2467c4468ee6e9⋯.png (54.49 KB, 454x459, 454:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eab25aa24ca0d4e⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1600x883, 1600:883, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons! What if….

Q = GW

e36be2 No.2180422


first batter, first round, 17hr.


derby is in dc this year.

no coincidences.

be071f No.2180423


Not bad, but you'd better get the facts straight.

Dig on "American-born British financier Bill Browder", and who exactly helped funneling the money.


001daa No.2180424


Let me know when it starts.

c0b80b No.2180425


>moose cock

Like donkey dick but taller..


03c674 No.2180426

File: 957da9dbb39bc4e⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1183x869, 1183:869, its-a-flop.png)


6b27dc No.2180427

File: e34dc9e6ca0fbfc⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 65c5a424d584e793bf38640cd4….jpg)



ea6f4c No.2180428


Watching CNN no mention of 400 million.

Wondering if MSM reporters watched the same press conference after the meeting from the one I watched. They have a completely different take ffs!

7420e5 No.2180429

File: 9951fbe830de3d9⋯.png (91.87 KB, 913x476, 913:476, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)

File: bfa43e6e55e640c⋯.png (545.75 KB, 928x914, 464:457, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)


fergot pics…

fafafa No.2180430

>>2180408 Great opportunity to HELP draw people to the false prophet!

321d60 No.2180431

Announcement of Declassify of Docs??



26f33c No.2180432

there is a reason Potus is doing an interview with tucker and hannity, >>2180240

52c7fa No.2180433


Butterfly indicates rebirth

and yellow (sun) is a Royal color

612969 No.2180434

File: e331c0669fdf30f⋯.jpg (209.95 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, wwg1wga1.jpg)

File: 4240e46c9f3cb05⋯.jpg (144.08 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, wwg1wga2.jpg)

File: 13ef22620ee47f2⋯.jpg (296.81 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, wwg1wga3.jpg)

File: 6cae0f3c2b83477⋯.jpg (142.37 KB, 1024x443, 1024:443, wwg1wga4.jpg)

File: c5a36e358c65329⋯.jpg (422.23 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, wwg1wga5.jpg)

77848c No.2180435


Who are Browder's Business Associates seems to be the dig

f0f59b No.2180436



The point is that Fox Business, Fox Sports, Fox News, stay together.

989633 No.2180437


Maybe she turned and told about some of the child abuse.

5325ac No.2180438

72e998 No.2180439


>CW sucks moose-cock

People don't believe me but CW is a fucking HOMO

669fc6 No.2180440



Let (((THEM))) In

(((THEY))) Will LEARN!

We, The People,



ec7bcb No.2180441

File: 093403cd8cf3254⋯.jpg (116.35 KB, 396x283, 396:283, deadseal.jpg)

b536d3 No.2180442


So they can ask potus about Q hopefully!

47d2a2 No.2180443

File: 8f356f3d03fc274⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 735x413, 105:59, godis_light.jpg)

992016 No.2180444


may possibly be a notable.

thats funny shit.

Trump offered Merket a Starburst


>Spin-offs are divisions of companies or organizations that then become independent businesses with assets, employees, intellectual property, technology, or existing products that are taken from the parent company. Shareholders of the parent company receive equivalent shares in the new company in order to compensate for the loss of equity in the original stocks. However, shareholders may then buy and sell stocks from either company independently; this potentially makes investment in the companies more attractive, as potential share purchasers can invest narrowly in the portion of the business they think will have the most growth

dbc62d No.2180445


mmm sounds yummerz

c10288 No.2180446

File: 92fd64ca179ad68⋯.jpg (102.88 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, 4.jpg)

9d4e11 No.2180447


shy are they against peace with russia and north korea

a7b113 No.2180448

File: 3180df6d5b425fb⋯.jpeg (116.83 KB, 672x500, 168:125, 7D8C6C58-8F6F-464D-9E4E-A….jpeg)

2b9c30 No.2180449


They are going to make him a star on CNN… just watch.

cb96b7 No.2180450


Just got in and trying to catch up. Glad to see Lo backing Potus. Has anyone else pubclicly backed Potus? So surprised to see even Fox hosts bashing him.

cecf91 No.2180452

Was more than 1 server anons.

1345f6 No.2180453


>but once the ball gets rolling, it will be wild

D5 incoming

60fad3 No.2180454

File: d12697adffe9aa2⋯.png (377.63 KB, 465x584, 465:584, trumpfingerblank.png)


>Let me know when it starts.

I ain't ur fuckin' secretary. kek

03c674 No.2180455

File: 542ed64c1afdde3⋯.png (462.95 KB, 720x529, 720:529, 1531760938.png)

c10288 No.2180456

File: f81ec11cc6fce4e⋯.jpg (243.36 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 5.jpg)

fb565a No.2180457


Oh yeah, this is an operation

7f7e4f No.2180458

File: 6d6ac81404b3937⋯.jpg (108.85 KB, 649x880, 59:80, 2.JPG)

File: 9d123833507769e⋯.jpg (95.98 KB, 530x579, 530:579, 2a.JPG)

Former Calgary TV producer convicted for grand larceny and securities fraud


9b8c2d No.2180459


Scott Adams speaks highly of the summit.

15ea51 No.2180460


I thought it was the fire at Clinton's house in new york. Or did they get access to something else there?

cde020 No.2180461

File: 0565a477e3a872e⋯.png (585.88 KB, 774x809, 774:809, Spurdo_psyops_benis.png)

B(r)O, are you in the house mate?

e36be2 No.2180462


thank you for seeing me straight.

bc161b No.2180463


No mentions of the 400 million or the 1999 treaty.

c10288 No.2180464

File: 015238af1d90599⋯.jpg (127.5 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 6.jpg)

7a0b09 No.2180465

File: ef6a2182ca0983a⋯.png (208.76 KB, 527x518, 527:518, ClipboardImage.png)

Just a guess but Q may have some crumbs for us soon.

03c674 No.2180466


she's a giant cokehead

c3f6d6 No.2180467


Q is Paul Revere

But, it really doesn't matter who Q is, just rememebr:

>In the hour of darkness and peril and need

>The people will waken and listen to hear

>The hurrying hoof beats of that stead

>And the midnight message of Paul Revere

9c002a No.2180468


They better check the floor for plastic

b50eda No.2180469


>>2179787 Anon Theory on "Who is D"

>>2180038 (Call to Dig) Mikhail Prohorov

>>2180049 Anon Dig re: "Stolen Laptop from Unlocked Vehicle of SS Agent" Story

>>2179847, >>2179893, >>2180089, >>2180058, >>2180375 Dig on One of the Last EO's Signed by Hussein (Since Revoked)

>>2180210, >>2180299 Podesta Dinner Invite, Many Names for Digging

>>2180239 POTUS to meet with members of Congress @2pm EDT Tuesday

>>2180254 US Officials Robbed Of Plutonium And Dirty Bomb Materials in San Antonio

>>2180270 Earl Browder (Grandfather) Communist Deals with Dems

>>2180256 A picture is Worth a Thousand Words

>>2180420 Chris Wallace/Putin Interview

b50eda No.2180470


c9025c No.2180471

File: c899283449a5886⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 495.64 KB, 1280x851, 1280:851, IMG_89.jpg)

f04095 No.2180472

File: 8b89b4224970be5⋯.jpg (258.92 KB, 639x493, 639:493, HRC005.jpg)

cb96b7 No.2180473


That's just what we need to declare martial law. Let the fuckers hang themselves.

bff4c9 No.2180474


I’m so pissed….both my senators and my congressman have come out rebuking Trump. All republicans. I’ll vote for Santa before I vote for these faggots again.

c10288 No.2180475

File: 5cdbd742c78abe0⋯.jpg (149.26 KB, 908x1056, 227:264, 7.jpg)

9b8c2d No.2180477


I’m just assuming the Q drop phase of the war is complete until further notice.

dda9e1 No.2180478


of course not, cuz they know if people come here, they'll be redpilled with facts in no time.

seems like they're trying to scare everyone off.


…that and label us as traitors…

POTUS & Putin must have these bitchez dead to rights.

544a77 No.2180479

File: bc96a7d83aaa394⋯.png (10.82 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 4a4dd218a08ed0944700f56930….png)


Where im from we call this a moose knuckle

cecf91 No.2180480


Just trying to get the pope to okay her buying the church in Californistan.

e2b1bf No.2180481


Doesn't matter. The devil always gets his due from those he's made a deal with.

40dffd No.2180482

File: 1cd6085c7a26e17⋯.jpg (279.19 KB, 600x1900, 6:19, received_10156628440130844….jpg)

British_fight on twitter has an alternative motive….

They are fascists…

4d7a2f No.2180483

>>2180365 adult concrete thinkers are not isolated to on the spectrum. The World is afraid of concrete thinkers. I'm a concrete thinker and the most likely cause of me being able to hold on to the ability ( and not get fucked up by others) is because I am colorblind and "SEE" things differently than others. It's a gift to have been able to maintain the ability and not succumb to societal norms

5f2d8c No.2180484


What kind of event do you wear that to?

a3412c No.2180485

File: cbe3a54193b07fd⋯.jpeg (115.3 KB, 640x619, 640:619, 0C57F50E-AD50-42E5-BED3-3….jpeg)

File: e92e3385a26d01b⋯.jpeg (155.06 KB, 640x845, 128:169, F09FEAB5-8FE6-436E-A08D-E….jpeg)


Here’s the sauce

7a377a No.2180487


I'm sure he knows.


Excellent choice anon.

784d1e No.2180488

Q said no Civil War and yet we have the enemy within so emboldened and being so fucking disrespectful to our POTUS. I don't know how much more the country can take before those treasonous seditious rats start one.

c10288 No.2180489

File: 8252b6cb52fd5ef⋯.jpg (108.79 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, 8.jpg)

2e6e48 No.2180490

File: d14cad9e76e3007⋯.png (11.75 KB, 220x255, 44:51, 8a937f1698f78f311a2ec30c2d….png)



A MAP (minor attracted person) wrote that- The Key (stone) is AW`s laptop

1d7be8 No.2180492


>Anyone else getting ready for Trump / Hannity tonight?


cde020 No.2180494

File: 669285e58415b95⋯.png (114.36 KB, 627x882, 209:294, Elon_Musk_Names_The_Jew.png)

File: 9ba7612e0fdb321⋯.png (182.92 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, Elon_Musk_Names_The_Jew_2.png)

File: ae8aa15840eaa6e⋯.png (21.54 KB, 593x204, 593:204, t_ae8aa15840eaa6eee295cf48….png)

File: 7f91c9fa612101d⋯.jpeg (335.96 KB, 1242x1690, 621:845, x_Elon_Musk_Media.jpeg)

989633 No.2180495


That's why Russell Brand left her.

fa31d9 No.2180496


I think that Q is done here. He really has already said most of what needed to be said. I believe that they are getting ready to blow the top off this thing and that the show is about to come to a mega-dramatic ending.

4db94e No.2180497


i did why make it a game

thats what those sick fucks do

kill them fast and painful

or kick brennan in the balls till he dies

c3f6d6 No.2180498


what time?

4afa06 No.2180500

File: 8b86ca9e216cc7e⋯.jpg (465.76 KB, 991x900, 991:900, dog.jpg)

Mad dog is bringing our patriots back home.


dc0f46 No.2180501


Now moved to open threats.

They must really care.

(LARP = "they don't care" or shouldn't)

"We've killed them" means it was really a serious threat.

Also, Makes no sense. "We were never scared of you" They why did they [allegedly] kill.

Also, why tell us "move away. nothing to see" If what we do and did has no impact?"

e2b1bf No.2180503



5c96fe No.2180504

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

File: db2aa3c6568f9e2⋯.png (378.97 KB, 658x492, 329:246, hapbpening.png)

File: 67608556e5d783a⋯.png (963.05 KB, 1035x692, 1035:692, Justiceiscoming .png)

b536d3 No.2180505


I want him to ask it on air!

f42dcc No.2180506

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 3d0306b001edd3198a7924613c….jpg)

File: 3e25ea38f59fa10⋯.png (375.71 KB, 750x500, 3:2, kl;hajhjdljh.png)

File: fe66868fb92c34d⋯.png (356.38 KB, 669x499, 669:499, hjhl;hlkhk'h'h.png)

File: d82159de8ad3e7c⋯.png (487.4 KB, 761x500, 761:500, stop-torturing-manafort.png)

Jeff Sessions has caused a lot of damage to Trump. Stop torturing paul manafort or resign.

1aacdf No.2180507


I mean on SM. Legal like.

b604f9 No.2180508

File: 80cd937c0f4ef74⋯.png (18.9 KB, 582x148, 291:74, Hillary Clinton HillaryC….png)

At least Trump was PICKLED for a team… kek

b0fae9 No.2180509


Q also said its smaller than the MSM portrays it

we are in control, FULL control

4bc706 No.2180510

File: 17640e698b4e856⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 486x480, 81:80, NotWorried.jpg)

beb63a No.2180511

this may be the Event Horizon


cb96b7 No.2180512


That's it, huh? I'm so disappointed at the lack of support for Potus. Melissa Francis back him some. She was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


yeah, this will separate the pretenders from the real supporters.

5325ac No.2180513

File: 77a51ab79e1a85a⋯.jpeg (54.57 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 73.jpeg)

b604f9 No.2180514



ec7bcb No.2180515

File: 3032330cca48e1a⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 130x206, 65:103, cameltoetoe1.jpg)

40dffd No.2180516

File: dd6bdd8d2daa829⋯.png (96.06 KB, 705x827, 705:827, Screenshot_2018-07-16-13-3….png)

932408 No.2180517

File: 34121c1027b30a2⋯.png (162.54 KB, 2124x2400, 177:200, A ANON.png)


grading on a curve…

cde020 No.2180518


How is the weather in tel-aviv?

e9fef9 No.2180519


He's wrong on the Jun 28th post though. That first notable listed.

c10288 No.2180520

Anons - we're slowly but surely getting things right! The last time that we did this, the WWG1WGA didn't make sense. Now it does! Each loop is getting better.

Also, post 2,222,222 must be a picture of boobies, a tasteless joke, and an animated Gadsden flag, or else we'll have to start all over again. Pic related.

174847 No.2180522



806bac No.2180523

File: 100c758818c2cd0⋯.png (318.31 KB, 548x459, 548:459, kuru1.png)

File: a5d21a87069cd72⋯.png (250.78 KB, 564x307, 564:307, kuru2.png)

4bba65 No.2180524

File: 8c02e42aab8b174⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 640x648, 80:81, hxtsojpgy8511.jpg)

944c9c No.2180525



She is a member of the cannibalism club in LA… fuck her.

c10288 No.2180526

File: b8f581eb23f91c7⋯.jpg (153.29 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 9.jpg)

b0fae9 No.2180527


that brit better be careful, you're NOT anonymous on twatter

you need a warrant to get our IPs

25dc35 No.2180528


Yes - what is the CONTENT of the server? What DATA did you find? What INFORMATION have you learned?

973abf No.2180529


Link to the 54 convicted anyone? This is a big deal if it can be sauced.

40dffd No.2180530

File: 2630d8368a3e0c7⋯.png (101.44 KB, 720x658, 360:329, Screenshot_2018-07-16-13-5….png)

b50eda No.2180531

File: ae5400afc6aae88⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 625x500, 5:4, brrrtsong.jpg)

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

dbc62d No.2180533


anon you need some clippers and some dental floss

16f5dc No.2180534


He's been exposing them all day. Tons of them. It's glorious.

029c0c No.2180535

File: 482a07c8522b661⋯.png (772.15 KB, 702x498, 117:83, Hussein stuck af.png)

5c96fe No.2180537

File: c11605bd9f28053⋯.png (370.05 KB, 411x580, 411:580, MADAMNPREZ.png)



ec7bcb No.2180538


u know thats just wrong

16f5dc No.2180539


He's doing it. Check out his feed.

181338 No.2180540


Some pics of Iceland maybe?

1d7be8 No.2180541

File: 4da667b89f97cce⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1023x1037, 1023:1037, Qclock.PNG)


Q Time Oclock T-Minus 30

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