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File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg) (h) (u)


717d13 (14) No.2178891[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

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Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 ---------------------------------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

717d13 (14) No.2178906


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2178617 Clockfag thinks they've cracked the QClock

>>2178599 Committee to investigate Russia: Members (usual suspects)

>>2178477 Anon suggests we should add #PATRIOT to our hashtags

>>2178402 DWS weighs in on the summit (those who are loudest)

>>2178452 , >>2178480 , >>2178743 Moar Consolidation Project / Executive Summaries (below)

>>2178338 , >>2178384, >>2178393 Seeds of a new project: Consolidating evidence on each Q subject

>>2178323 Twatter post on Clintons and Uranium One

>>2178299 Reuters report, Putin: $400mm funneled to Clinton campaign

>>2178291 Clockfag Update

>>2178187 WHOA James. Comey comes out of hiding with a whopper


>>2177908 Peter Strzok works for both the FBI and CIA, documents reveal

>>2177830 , >>2177840 , >>2177847 Digs on TCF and Russia's Silicon Valley

>>2177777 Check the quints

>>2177761 POTUS SS Agent in Scotland hospitalized after stroke

>>2177764 Bourdain on Bill Clinton

>>2177724 Bourdain on Weinstein

>>2177582 "END" QPost, in line with the QClock today (apparently)

>>2177598 Dissecting POTUS' Helsinki tweet

>>2177597 More info on Maria Butina

>>2177532 Maria Butina's was a sealed indictment which was unsealed

>>2177527 Sir James Woods tells it like it is (again)

>>2178086 #2745


>>2177379 , >>2177512 Maria Butina was working for people hoping to replace Putin

>>2176618 Trump Brings Up Pakistani Imran Awan During Helsinki Presser

>>2176648 If Mueller investigation sends official request to question suspects, Russia will do that - Putin

>>2176685 , >>2177064 Pelosi Freaks Over Trump-Putin Summit

>>2176724 Trump: Russian, US militaries get along - perhaps better than our politicians

>>2177064 With Pelosi’s Urging-- Paul Ryan Slams Trump for Putin Meeting

>>2176742 /ourguys/ responses to todays events

>>2176726 Putin: 'Hillary Pocketed $400mm Russian money

>>2176987, >>2176994 Clinton email reference to Tilapia Fish decoded?

>>2176921 No-name has some strong-talk on the Putin/POTUS meeting

>>2176817 Putin Calls Collusion ‘Utter Nonsense’ -- Asks Reporter To Name A Single Fact To Prove It

>>2176700 Digging needed on conspiracy details - DIG CALL

>>2176714 How much money did Hillary get from Russians during the election.. and before?

>>2177299 #2744


>>2175842 CrowdStrike personnel on rebuilding machines and cleaning up

>>2175851 Thyssenkrupp chairman resigns

>>2175858 ; >>2176136 Even more digging on Browder

>>2175883 SEC charges Energy XXI founder with fraud

>>2175915 FBI official overseeing Russian election interference task force resigns

>>2176053 No-name’s staff director urged IRS to “audit so many that is becomes financially ruinous”

>>2176261 NH voter fraud loophole closed

>>2176271 Apple, Google cashed in on Pizzagate-offshoot conspiracy app (mentions Q)

>>2176499 #2743


>>2175064 Dig Request from press conference: journalist’s comp screens / USSS document and who stole it

>>2175065 Browder and The Magnitsky Act: Behind The Scenes

>>2175066 Busta Rhymes update

>>2175084 ; >>2175095 ; >>2175125 ; >>2175210 ; >>2175289 ; >>2175555 ; >>2175558 ; >>2175751 More digging on Browder

>>2175143 Issa on CNN; right cast doubt on US intel reports (video pending)

>>2175187 Tunisian minister’s surprise resignation

>>2175328 Planefag Update

>>2175396 Article on Clinton family ties to Russia

>>2175410 Armenian mayor charged with embezzlement, electoral fraud

>>2175519 Former business partner of US military contractor pleads guilty to bribery

>>2175113 ; >>2175528 On the implications of naming Soros and cornering globalists (analysis)

>>2175587 Spokesperson for Mueller “declines to comment” on Putin’s offer for Mueller

>>2175729 #2742


>>2174365 From Press Conference: Q&A on extradition, treaties, Clinton Cash, and Bill Browder

>>2174408 ; >>2174409 ; >>2174414 ; >>2174425 ; >>2174621 ; >>2174650 ; >>2174704 Browder digs

>>2174444 From Live Broadcast: DJT calls out “Where is the server?” (also blessed by Kek)

>>2174573 ; >>2174923 Rough transcription/summary of press conference re: the server, Soros, and US-RUS treaties

>>2174947 #2741

Previous Collected Notables

>>2174165 #2740

>>2171879 #2737, >>2172657 #2738, >>2173446 #2739

>>2170168 #2734, >>2170277 #2735, >>2171026 #2736

>>2166992 #2731, >>2167801 #2732, >>2168659 #2733

>>2164447 #2728, >>2165346 #2729, >>2166081 #2730

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

717d13 (14) No.2178909

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ---———————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————-—————-- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————-- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---——-——-- >>>/comms/966

717d13 (14) No.2178914

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ---—----> >>2172540

717d13 (14) No.2178929



e093bb (1) No.2178940>>2178989 >>2179085


weekly reminder Alex Jones is worst than a paytriot, he's a fucking traitor

>"I've talked to QAnon"

member that gem?

not to mention, him being Bill Hicks

yup, with help from clowns he faked his death, did a facelift, plastic surgery, the whole 9 yards

>I played the character Bill Hicks

>for 15 years with my accomplice Kevin Booth

>and we fooled you all, the master actor, the master genius

>for 20 years i've been alex jones, since we staged my death in the early 1990's

Didn't believe it for the longest time

finally got around to putting the time into researching it

sort of blown away, then again, not much surprises me these days

Alex Jones is a controlled opposition COINTELPRO clown

who the fuck knows what else he's into

but one thing's for certain

he protects the interests of the cabal and leads naive patriots on wild goose chases

>fuck up sandy hook

>fuck up pizzagate

>telling people trump isn't running in 2020

>looking straight into the camera and telling blatant bold-faced lies

and makes us all look like conspiritards


i hope we meme the shit out of him

until that bafoonish vitamin salesman closes up shop and faces the wrath of kek

i'll give him credit tho for being a great source of many comical memes

and helping redpill normies with 70% truth mixed with 30% bullshit

but this charade has gone on for far too long

i hope Q and co have a sealed indictment with Jones's name on it





f18268 (16) No.2178954>>2178962 >>2178973

File (hide): e60ea5f9f8dced1⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, BO_Lied.jpg) (h) (u)

Running around with clowns in circles.

When with just the slightest application of effort and intelligence, the majority of their spam can be stopped. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

f18268 (16) No.2178962>>2179117

File (hide): 2e7ae5e0f7e21ed⋯.jpg (106.23 KB, 640x705, 128:141, shruggirl_.jpg) (h) (u)


But that assumes they aren't cowards..

eb6bc4 (4) No.2178970>>2179020

File (hide): 28cafecdd532693⋯.png (93.2 KB, 278x181, 278:181, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>take a look what do you think about who D is

TY Baker

a05905 (3) No.2178972>>2178979 >>2178983 >>2179025 >>2179050

Is it safe to assume the left is losing their shit?

22cafc (8) No.2178973>>2179023


Than quit spamming. You fucking cunt.

008235 (3) No.2178974>>2178992 >>2178998 >>2179015 >>2179077 >>2179091 >>2179579

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

- Sun tzu.

3f3cc7 (4) No.2178975

Guess a lot o the Schills are stuck in the last Bread LOL

e5f0f1 (1) No.2178976

File (hide): 832d507eb4e9fda⋯.png (260.16 KB, 1030x524, 515:262, StormFox.png) (h) (u)

400dfa (1) No.2178977>>2178981 >>2178982 >>2179226

Chris Wallace- LET PUTIN SPEAK! You act like a dolt in this interview! We all WANT to hear his full responses!!!!!!!!! Damn it! #ChrisWallaceShutUp

775117 (12) No.2178978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Make taht two coats fehgel

7ae6cc (23) No.2178979>>2178990 >>2179051 >>2179062

File (hide): 4b43bbf21d0eacf⋯.gif (352.92 KB, 600x552, 25:23, TDS5.gif) (h) (u)


(pic related)

187528 (6) No.2178981



835002 (1) No.2178982>>2179019


Link please

918a14 (1) No.2178983>>2178988

File (hide): 8d3ed4f8f1f648b⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 600x1066, 300:533, banananas.jpg) (h) (u)


putin just told muller to eat a bag of em on fox interview

sauce: the interview dammit

1bc58e (6) No.2178984>>2179017 >>2179078 >>2179308 >>2179667

I'm guessing y'all have already done all the digging on Putin's claim that Bill Browder and his associates illegally “earned” $1.4 billion in Russia, paid no taxes on it there or here and then funneled about $400 million to Hillary’s campaign via IC black hats.

William Felix Browder (born 23 April 1964) is an American-born British financier. He is the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management, an investment fund that at one time was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia.[2] He gave up his U.S. citizenship in 1998 to avoid paying taxes related to foreign investment.[3] After having business in Russia for ten years, Browder was refused entry to Russia in 2005 as a threat to national security; he has said it was because he exposed corruption.


f525f5 (8) No.2178985>>2179229


17e412 (1) No.2178986>>2179003

BASED PUTIN! Making our fake news look fake as hell!

733102 (10) No.2178987>>2179002 >>2179311

chris wallace is getting so salt he cant lead putin into anything lmao

keeps interrupting

7ae6cc (23) No.2178988>>2179040



2785e0 (3) No.2178989


thanks for showing yourself early so I can filter you

9bf1a4 (5) No.2178990>>2178994 >>2179344


this whole Russia/POTUS collusion is a complete conspiracy theory, except we cant call it that

ef1e00 (4) No.2178991>>2179012

INL specialists left plutonium in their car. In the morning, it was gone

Two security experts from the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory drove to San Antonio, Texas, in March 2017 with a sensitive mission: to retrieve dangerous nuclear materials from a nonprofit research lab there.

Their task was to ensure that the radioactive materials did not fall into the wrong hands on the way back to Idaho, where the government maintains a stockpile of nuclear explosive materials for the military and others.

To ensure they got the right items, the specialists from Idaho brought radiation detectors and small samples of dangerous materials to calibrate them: specifically, a plastic-covered disk of plutonium, a material that can be used to fuel nuclear weapons, and another of cesium, a highly radioactive isotope that could potentially be used in a so-called “dirty” radioactive bomb.

But when they stopped at a Marriott hotel just off Highway 410, in a high-crime neighborhood filled with temp agencies and ranch homes, they left those sensors on the back seat of their rented Ford Expedition. When they awoke the next morning, the window had been smashed and the special valises holding these sensors and nuclear materials had vanished.

Read more here: https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/northwest/idaho/article214731995.html#storylink=cpy


b9dfb8 (16) No.2178992>>2178998


We need to keep reposting this for the concernfags.

2ad06a (1) No.2178993

File (hide): ed68cfbae839bd2⋯.webm (16 MB, 640x272, 40:17, Streaming_this_movie_beca….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

>>2178457 (lb)


Hey nerd, I'm downloading and I'll see if I can't webm it for 8ch use.

And before anyone asks, yes, it's possible. Webm related.

7ae6cc (23) No.2178994>>2179028


>except we cant call it that

POTUS just did on the world stage!!!

775117 (12) No.2178995

These faggots are grabbing for "strings"

7ae6cc (23) No.2178998

4fe394 (1) No.2178999>>2179027

File (hide): 3711e974d8c8f07⋯.jpg (247.34 KB, 1440x1313, 1440:1313, _20180716_182646.JPG) (h) (u)

9d0d5c (1) No.2179000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For all the shills out there

130019 (1) No.2179001>>2179125

File (hide): 7a02f6ff47bc141⋯.jpg (117.9 KB, 619x315, 619:315, Desus.jpg) (h) (u)

a8f228 (5) No.2179002>>2179005 >>2179009 >>2179013 >>2179184 >>2179320


Personally not a fan of Chris Wallace. He is a little to self important IMO. Not sure why people think he is such a great journalist.

9ea812 (15) No.2179003


hehe, wallace tries to nail him and instead give him the floor to red pill many

f7f72a (6) No.2179004>>2179017 >>2179175 >>2179511 >>2179705

File (hide): 462dd295b8f45b8⋯.png (86.42 KB, 300x234, 50:39, Truth-Bomb.png) (h) (u)

(((Putin said this: )))

"For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. (((>>>They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.<<<))) Well that’s their personal case.

It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. (((>>>So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions.<<<))) So we have an interest in questioning them."



cc1816 (1) No.2179005


He isn’t. He sux.

c9a5ef (4) No.2179006>>2179048

File (hide): 57bf6cbf82b11a7⋯.png (158.76 KB, 746x317, 746:317, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Anons don't get upset about MSM or political lies, concernfagging & fearmongering, nor do we feel beat down by the illusion of deep state "wins". .

Shills appear to get upset about MSM or political lies, concernfagging & fearmongering, pretending to feel beat down by the illusion of deep state "wins".

Learn the difference.

defc40 (2) No.2179007

Putin totally trolled the west with his offer :)

Sure you can question my spies if I can question your spies.


a56766 (3) No.2179008>>2179053 >>2179198

I'm pro life, except when it comes to antifungal fag, his mom should've aborted that abomination.

187528 (6) No.2179009


People think he’s great? Lol. Not me.

5fbe3f (16) No.2179010

File (hide): b9e7eb15cb6af1a⋯.jpg (137.92 KB, 896x499, 896:499, IMG_3458.JPG) (h) (u)

63bdc4 (4) No.2179011

File (hide): 55c07bfcccaf76d⋯.png (33.57 KB, 663x581, 663:581, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

ef1e00 (4) No.2179012>>2179031 >>2179350


More than a year later, state and federal officials don’t know where the plutonium --- one of the most valuable and dangerous substances on earth — is. Nor has the cesium been recovered.

No public announcement of the March 21 incident has been made by either the San Antonio police or by the FBI, which the police consulted by telephone. When asked, officials declined to say exactly how much plutonium and cesium were missing. But Idaho lab spokeswoman Sarah Neumann said the plutonium in particular wasn’t enough to be fashioned into a nuclear bomb.

It is nonetheless now part of a much larger amount of plutonium that over the years has gone quietly missing from stockpiles owned by the U.S. military, often without any public notice.

Unlike civilian stocks, which are closely monitored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and openly regulated --- with reports of thefts or disappearances sent to an international agency in Vienna — military stocks tended by the Department of Energy are much less transparent.

The Energy Department, which declined comment for this story, doesn’t talk about instances of lost and stolen nuclear material produced for the military. It has also been less willing than the commission to punish its contractors when they lose track of such material, several incidents suggest.

That approach doesn’t match the government’s rhetoric.

Protecting bomb-usable materials, like the plutonium that went missing in San Antonio, “is an overriding national priority,” President Obama’s press office said in a fact sheet distributed during the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit that he hosted in late March 2016, a Washington event attended by more than 50 heads of state.

The administration boasted in the declaration that America’s security standards for military-grade materials “meet or exceed the recommendations for civilian nuclear materials” made by the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency. It also touted the strength of its tracking of such materials, which it said would “ensure timely detection and investigation of anomalies, and deter insider theft/diversion.”

The United States also boasted about its transparency, explaining that it “has published studies and reviews of nuclear security incidents, including lessons learned and corrective actions taken.”

President Donald Trump, speaking to a military audience at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, on Aug. 21, 2017, parroted the Obama administration’s refrain that “we must prevent nuclear weapons and materials from coming into the hands of terrorists and being used against us, or anywhere in the world for that matter.”

The Trump administration’s Nuclear Posture Review, released in February, similarly emphasized the threat posed by nuclear terrorism, and asserted that “preventing the illicit acquisition of a nuclear weapon, nuclear materials, or related technology and expertise by a violent extremist organization is a significant U.S. national security priority.”

But America’s record of safeguarding such materials isn’t sterling. Gaps between the amount of plutonium that nuclear weapons companies have produced and the amount that the government can actually locate occur frequently enough for officials to have created an acronym for it --- MUF, meaning “material unaccounted for.”

Read more here: https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/northwest/idaho/article214731995.html#storylink=cpy

c2b9ad (1) No.2179013>>2179026


Chris Wallace = Black Hat.

He's a total asshat.

83dba1 (6) No.2179015>>2179058 >>2179066 >>2179099 >>2179297 >>2179300 >>2179434


Today was a totally unexpected attack - Putin bring up the Treaty and agreeing to allow an exchange/observation of investigations is really unexpected. All weekend the theme was - we can't extradite the 12 indited agents.

Putin says not so fast, we do have a legal arrangement that allows this - BOOM

The the $400M, Soros, Awan, servers

It was a huge broadside from POTUS/Putin

a0caf3 (11) No.2179016>>2179039

File (hide): bf4931d12027af0⋯.png (984.38 KB, 580x578, 290:289, 5thAveAnon.png) (h) (u)

Is there any working archive of the "5th Ave Anon" research?

Both of these original pages have lots of broken links and broken images:



1bc58e (6) No.2179017


I just posted the link to that video on Fox along with some info on Browder. It seems Russia hasn't been happy with him for some time.


8f1cea (2) No.2179018>>2179035

File (hide): 7b1b567366fbaeb⋯.png (8.8 KB, 225x225, 1:1, CALM.png) (h) (u)

This is one of the best days!

I reaaaaallly!! would have been worried if the MSM and other traitors had praised POTUS …

4a3099 (1) No.2179019




717d13 (14) No.2179020>>2179055 >>2179061

Any bakers around?


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt, that you? Wanna cake?

bc8a05 (1) No.2179022

File (hide): 9e5dc6782bc79a8⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 507x291, 169:97, NothingLoseDay.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f1ca0890e35aac⋯.jpg (50.52 KB, 507x291, 169:97, NothingLose.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dab8cd356df840e⋯.jpg (46.5 KB, 507x291, 169:97, Nothing.jpg) (h) (u)

Watching this co-ordinated, but completely toothless media strike against the Helsinki summit inspired these.

f18268 (16) No.2179023>>2179036 >>2179060

File (hide): 0381fe5f28a54f0⋯.jpg (76.05 KB, 640x705, 128:141, shruggirl_.jpg) (h) (u)


I never have been.

The clowns want you to think otherwise.

53ff2e (1) No.2179024>>2179029 >>2179034 >>2179044 >>2179204 >>2179641

Concernfag here, but a legitimate question: If POTUS decides to DECLAS, how do we know it won't be held-up in courts for years with all sorts of turds saying it's too harmful to nat'l security?

a05905 (3) No.2179025>>2179051 >>2179062


Your reading comprehension is limited huh.

It’s ok, I loved watching Putin and Trump light the Lefts hair on fir this morning.

You be you.

Best of luck to ya…

9ea812 (15) No.2179026


"independant monitors" in syria lololol

a5da0b (5) No.2179027

File (hide): ea4ce3c3ed238ad⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 300x180, 5:3, TRUMPCHECKEM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 28ddac45bf88109⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 620x326, 310:163, hillEMAIL.jpg) (h) (u)

9bf1a4 (5) No.2179028

File (hide): 9ab5337b93ebd65⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 1134x638, 567:319, motherofgod (1).jpg) (h) (u)

3f3cc7 (4) No.2179029


POTUS Has the Authority Period

733102 (10) No.2179030>>2179041


he definitely takes it up the butthole

and people think hes great because they are lead to believe so by fake consensus

hes only famous cuz his dad was

fucking cult

ef1e00 (4) No.2179031


The Nuclear Threat Initiative, a nonprofit Washington group that wants to tighten the security of nuclear materials around the globe, noted in a 2015 report that the civilian stocks subject to the most transparent and uniform monitoring amount to just 17 percent of all those held by governments. “The absence of any international standards” for securing and monitoring the remaining 83 percent in military hands is dangerous, the group said.

Concern that nuclear materials are being sought around the world to deliberately cause harm is real, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. In a 2017 report, the international agency identified 270 times between 1993 and 2016 when individuals acquired nuclear materials “for trafficking or malicious use.” Twelve involved highly-enriched uranium, and two targeted plutonium. Some of these cases were “more organized, better resourced and … involved perpetrators with a track record in trafficking nuclear/radioactive material,” the report said.

Read more here: https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/northwest/idaho/article214731995.html#storylink=cpy

f8ccaa (5) No.2179032>>2179052

Did Browder pay for the Manafort plant?

In early March, Brennan went to Russia… to hatch a plan with Torshin?

Browder is a money launderer, Torshin is rumored to be the Russian mafia godfather.

On March 29th, Manafort volunteered to lead the Trump campaign.

Mueller is now looking into banking fraud.

Need to find links between Torshin, Browder, and Manafort.

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179033

Wallace: OMG! Russia has airplanes! With guns! Holy shit! OMG!

008235 (3) No.2179034


Who cares, military tribunals baby.

b82433 (1) No.2179035


100% - The fact that "he who will not be named" posted such lying bile shows it's going great!

a4321f (5) No.2179036>>2179071

File (hide): 23f1a362339fbe9⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 193x261, 193:261, images (30).jpg) (h) (u)


You must have a convinent definition of spam

f3457b (1) No.2179037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Serial Brain2 decodes Q1675 as it relates to what has been going on and Q`s silence. Hope these vids help our understanding of things

008795 (4) No.2179038

>>2178354 (lb)

Bus crash in NM yesterday also.


717d13 (14) No.2179039>>2179158


There's not anon. Last we heard from 5thAveAnon was that they were going to get a trip to continue posting. The archive threads should be posted in the dough however, and I have all the images I meant to upload to MegaNZ at some point. What are you looking for and can I help out?

91d66c (2) No.2179040

File (hide): fba82da5913ab0d⋯.jpg (434.8 KB, 1920x1209, 640:403, DiOyxv1UEAAyKW_.jpg large.jpg) (h) (u)

f525f5 (8) No.2179041



1f48af (1) No.2179042>>2179115

>>2178952 (lb)

And many are genuinely afraid, it seems.

They tried to prevent POTUS and Putin from meeting in person, having the opportunity to speak to each other face to face.

Q mentioned that they will be prosecuted for whatever will make enough sense to sentence them. Al Capone went to jail for tax fraud, iirc?

22cafc (8) No.2179043

File (hide): ed46894d01851bd⋯.jpg (500.51 KB, 749x1000, 749:1000, POTUS-Deal.jpg) (h) (u)

9bf1a4 (5) No.2179044


because he is the Commander in Chief, if he says DECLAS, its GETTING FUCKING DECLAS

cf336b (1) No.2179045

File (hide): 13c06a7f9df7949⋯.jpg (57.78 KB, 482x362, 241:181, poutine_served.jpg) (h) (u)

Wallace is pathetic…it's like the fkn clowns aren't trying anymore.

a8f228 (5) No.2179046

File (hide): e449a298fbf9af3⋯.png (129.53 KB, 1162x518, 83:37, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Poor John commie Brennan. Trying to prove to the world that he still matters and people care what he thinks.

John might want to reconsider he vile rhetoric. People might start to ask questions about his tenure at the CIA. For example, how did he rise up the ranks so quickly to be director? Any exchange of favors to Hussein?

c9ea77 (3) No.2179047


Wallace is another 2nd generation media type

ef1e00 (4) No.2179048>>2179057


upset and concerned. NO way.

This is the best show ever!

I laughed my head off today.

9ea812 (15) No.2179049

20.000 children have been killed by russia and assad.

putin: you are completely deceived

1196cb (6) No.2179050

File (hide): 93f7b90358083c4⋯.png (136.15 KB, 892x543, 892:543, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 23f51fab386ce2c⋯.png (576.01 KB, 921x821, 921:821, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png) (h) (u)



sauce to video:


a05905 (3) No.2179051

>>2179025 this was meant for >> >>2178979

96e528 (4) No.2179052>>2179084


how are you placing Brennan in this affidavit? What did I miss?

f18268 (16) No.2179053>>2179065


Then the beginning of our movement would've been less… wordsmithy.

That'd be boring!

1571b6 (4) No.2179054

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>2178555 l.b.

nice ^^^

back at ya

eb6bc4 (4) No.2179055>>2179074

>>2179020 not that good yet

>but u just inspired me to learn, so i shall learn bbs TY BaKeR brrrrrrrrrrrt….on

733102 (10) No.2179056

how dare you stop our cia funded revolution of a sovereign government putin


b9dfb8 (16) No.2179057


Indeed, if you're not enjoying this you have no clue what's going on.

9930a4 (2) No.2179058

File (hide): fe28f302f94c12b⋯.jpg (672.49 KB, 1024x806, 512:403, images.duckduckgo-5.jpg) (h) (u)

542678 (2) No.2179059

Putin mentions GS. Wonder what thats all about

22cafc (8) No.2179060>>2179080 >>2179083


Bullshit. Any anon with half a brain sees what you are up to. You fucking shitstain.

9520dc (8) No.2179061>>2179072 >>2179076 >>2179109 >>2179116 >>2179119



Back up Baker here

Can take the ovens, over

7ae6cc (23) No.2179062



>Is it safe to assume the left is losing their shit?

the fuck are you talking about?

my gif showing they're full libtard is an answer: yes, it is safe to assume the left is losing their shit, because they went full libtard……?

c0d9b8 (1) No.2179063>>2179510

File (hide): 6d9fb6196683724⋯.jpg (279.94 KB, 640x610, 64:61, Pepe Machete'.jpg) (h) (u)

Wallace's voice is starting to quake. Putin fucking owns him. Red Pill's incoming despite Faux News attempts. What a timeline.

63bdc4 (4) No.2179064

File (hide): 11df66e5ba8f2fa⋯.png (234.17 KB, 962x588, 481:294, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

9bf1a4 (5) No.2179065

File (hide): 2a9835e13c6d0ad⋯.jpg (17.65 KB, 400x318, 200:159, Cringe_Meme.jpg) (h) (u)

51529c (4) No.2179066>>2179086



Mueller must be flipped. This is to convienient.

44b91c (3) No.2179067>>2179070

I never saw 2001: A Space Odyssey. so i decided to watch it tonight for no particular reason. Then i saw this (pic related)


b9dfb8 (16) No.2179068

Where the hell are the four horseman? We need a LP update!

0e84af (8) No.2179069>>2179081 >>2179082 >>2179087 >>2179098 >>2179131 >>2179144

So many posting aren't trusting the plan, they are not autists and cannot see the plan. We need to clear up the plan for normie digestion, "dumb it down" so to speak. They need to understand we are winning and will continue to win.

44b91c (3) No.2179070

File (hide): f797e2ae96c151a⋯.jpg (510.78 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, 2001 a pepe odessey.jpg) (h) (u)


Forgot pic

f18268 (16) No.2179071>>2179336 >>2179449

File (hide): 34fb07d3d9c21d0⋯.jpg (825.81 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, BO_Lied.jpg) (h) (u)


I've been a /pol/ack since the chans early days, and I've watched over this movement from thread 190+ on halfchan.

I know the spam that afflicts our movement ; )

It's how I got 100% accuracy.

86b963 (4) No.2179072



606fad (1) No.2179073

This interview is just as embarrassing as megyns…

717d13 (14) No.2179074


Kudos anon, you know where to go, yea? At the foot of each bread. Read the last post first. Look forward to your delicious cakes.

999d38 (6) No.2179075

Q, when are patriots going to stop the Deception of the Public? The new TRUTH news? We cannot bargain keeping people in the dark and say we are and Moral Movement.

a4321f (5) No.2179076>>2179097 >>2179147

File (hide): 89d0df03a24e82a⋯.jpg (581.88 KB, 2796x1885, 2796:1885, afe60670cd601159e5b3c06a08….jpg) (h) (u)



ad2c14 (1) No.2179077

1bc58e (6) No.2179078


More info on Browder:

After the death in prison in 2009 of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer and auditor who had represented his company and conducted an investigation into massive tax fraud related to it, Browder lobbied for Congress to pass the "Magnitsky Act", a law to punish Russian human rights violators, which was signed into law in 2012 by President Barack Obama.[4][5] In 2013, Browder was tried in absentia in Russia for tax fraud, jointly in a posthumous prosecution of Magnitsky. He was convicted and sentenced to nine years in prison. Interpol rejected Russian requests to arrest Browder, saying the case was political.

On October 19, 2017, Canada enacted its own Magnitsky Act, which allows for the freezing of assets and visa bans on officials from Russia and other nations considered to be guilty of human rights violations, and prohibits Canadian firms from dealing with foreign nationals who have grossly violated human rights.[6] Other countries including Estonia, Lithuania, and the United Kingdom, have also enacted their own version of the Magnitsky Act.

On October 21, 2017, as part of a criminal conviction for tax evasion[7], the Russian government attempted to place Browder on Interpol's arrest list. After a protest by U.S. Congressional leaders, his visa was restored the following day.[8] Russia's arrest-warrant request was rejected by Interpol on October 26, 2017.[7] While visiting Spain in May 2018, Browder was arrested on 30 May 2018 by Spanish authorities on a new Russian Interpol warrant and transferred to an undisclosed Spanish police station,[9] yet he was released two hours later, after Interpol confirmed that this was a political case.

344958 (7) No.2179079

Guaranteed Mockingbird Wallace got those questions from CIA niggers.

c9a5ef (4) No.2179080>>2179096

File (hide): d5c4f6858f55759⋯.png (37.11 KB, 898x131, 898:131, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 92315b21c729c3a⋯.png (37.65 KB, 818x492, 409:246, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Unless we chose not to see what they're up to

4a1580 (5) No.2179081

File (hide): f5b5432ae30a566⋯.jpeg (200.63 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1530323178.jpeg) (h) (u)

733102 (10) No.2179082>>2179212


dont trust anything

look where trusting got us the last time

that being said Q is top kek

f18268 (16) No.2179083


Well your quarter brain can't so..

I guess that's your fault.


f8ccaa (5) No.2179084>>2179108


>how are you placing Brennan in this affidavit? What did I miss?

Not in the affidavit, but it references an important meeting in early March, which aligns when Brennan went to visit with the FSB.

Torshin was head of the FSB.


00ac9a (5) No.2179085>>2179093 >>2179107 >>2179111 >>2179371

File (hide): b4e50f2357948d1⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 380x380, 1:1, 1519056021103.gif) (h) (u)


Why would he be Hocking water filters making those documentaries and selling supplements if he was muh CIA disinfo agent. Doesn't make sense. Even if I'm grumpy with him now he set me on this path 12 years ago… Psyop fail??

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179086>>2179126 >>2179257


Damn I can't make up my mind. Q said if RR was black hat, so was Mueller…and I'm starting to really be convinced that RR is black hat and alone on an island…who knows?

5fbe3f (16) No.2179087>>2179132

File (hide): a80e0dd23bd2ff4⋯.jpg (94.82 KB, 800x500, 8:5, IMG_0924.JPG) (h) (u)

9eae3b (2) No.2179088>>2179105 >>2179145


Does anyone in this country care what this bimbo 7/11 towel-headed want to be Brit cares about?????

74c8c3 (10) No.2179089>>2179209 >>2179296 >>2179502

Putin Bombshell: Deep State Moved $400 Million From Russia to Hillary Campaign

Collusion actually between US intelligence and Democrats is the Russian collusion !!!

Mueller looking into this ? Russia is willing to help !!!

d99caf (9) No.2179090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c9a5ef (4) No.2179091

File (hide): f5f2d0fa4358383⋯.jpg (317.46 KB, 1350x1758, 225:293, logic.jpg) (h) (u)

28de9c (4) No.2179092>>2179379

File (hide): 796fbd6e9b656da⋯.jpg (166.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, abootcanadians.jpg) (h) (u)

as regular as cloc…an early morning shit, just after you have taken a shower. And with clingons/tag team.

733102 (10) No.2179093


jones is just a semi retarded paytriot

who loves fear mongering

if hes a cia asset they need better assets

b06b6e (1) No.2179094

>>2178777 (pb)

BUTTERFLY EFFECT -- If John F Kennedy Jr. had not died in that July 1999 plane crash there probably never would have been a Senator Hillary Clinton.


063d1e (1) No.2179095>>2179389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Its all heading towards a nexus point, then a long stage of denials and accusations of forgeries and bias and tyranny. Then sentencing, suicides, and sweet return to civility. Remember to get fit and have fun, anons. The ride never ends.

f18268 (16) No.2179096>>2179113


You're an idiot. All you need is the ^(?! filter. The rest are redundant.

717d13 (14) No.2179097>>2179109 >>2179121

>Hadndoff Confbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrt==

Excellent, Godspeed you Brrrrrrrrrrrt !


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt BV


b9dfb8 (16) No.2179098


In the darkest hour…when everyone is screaming the loudest…the truth will drop.

defc40 (2) No.2179099


Putin was doing a massive Trump like Trolling

"Sure you can question my spies, if I can question your spies" lol

51529c (4) No.2179100

This is interesting. Been mentioned before but by looks if things the plan was to install Hillary, start WW3 with Putin, kill most of US citizens and get rid of Putin in the name of peace..maybe make him a war criminal. The Bolsheviks were close to taking over the world. SCARY

e9a610 (1) No.2179101

File (hide): be045b617d4e6d0⋯.png (757.59 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CEF2DEF5-F645-47CC-8B7D-34….png) (h) (u)

People are starting to make the connections all over Twitter

158c6b (11) No.2179102

>>2178402 Not so hard to reconcile if one sees that this is ALL THEY HAVE. They are guilty, they are cornered, they are desperate. Talking loud smack while portraying confidence and trying to rally local commies to defend them is their last hope.

a5da0b (5) No.2179103>>2179114

"Don't try to scare your population with make-believe threats."

Based Putin is based. KEK!

f525f5 (8) No.2179105




f26793 (8) No.2179106

File (hide): 09bfd1c4255f621⋯.jpg (135.2 KB, 625x392, 625:392, Notables 07162018_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9fcc641830b9a37⋯.jpg (430.11 KB, 1049x934, 1049:934, True Pundit 07162018_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa4c79da6de261f⋯.jpg (322.8 KB, 960x818, 480:409, yournewswire 07162018_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 66977d9c33b0528⋯.jpg (272.58 KB, 924x907, 924:907, True Pundit 07162018_1 Tru….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7febed4b5b68b8⋯.jpg (212.93 KB, 883x638, 883:638, Thank you Ben 07152018.jpg) (h) (u)

86b963 (4) No.2179107


WHY WOULD a person sell shit?? Der….

96e528 (4) No.2179108

>>2179084 TYVM anon.

717d13 (14) No.2179109



Ach, that was for you, baker ; )

1196cb (6) No.2179110

File (hide): edb8fa0f6ea3b8b⋯.png (613.14 KB, 913x909, 913:909, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png) (h) (u)

POTUS Press:

Putin denies having dirt on Trump

(destroying the Trump is blackmailed Narrative)



50e8af (4) No.2179111>>2179122


he is most likely mossad.. never talks about isreal… saved for last for reason never mentioned once here

46af12 (5) No.2179112>>2179315

File (hide): 8507c8e642767d1⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 630x560, 9:8, trump server.jpg) (h) (u)

Spread far and wide.

4a1580 (5) No.2179113

File (hide): e3528c7060ae031⋯.jpeg (148.19 KB, 1440x777, 480:259, 1528502711.jpeg) (h) (u)

274e7e (1) No.2179114


He flipped on the Rothchilds. He is a Patriot for Russia.

7427c8 (1) No.2179115



If they can get charge the big folks with $$$ crimes, it will actually be much more successful than the other crimes they are guilty of.

Gotti was $$$ crimes also.

They always have a $$$ paper trail.

717d13 (14) No.2179116


Handoff Confirmed !!

013d95 (9) No.2179117>>2179123 >>2179201


You're the same fag that's been causing general disruption here since you got vag hurt over being outed. Don't bother insulting us by lying about this, either.

If you're not getting paid by [them], then you are a true retard; your spam shilling is exactly the same pattern and quality as the clowns.. Complete with fake and gay memes.

But they get paid at least.

It's disappointing really. You literally are no better than them, whatever you're selling is made more irrelevant, every time you spam it. Sad.

775117 (12) No.2179118>>2179143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OTO planted the word "zalmoxis"

eb6bc4 (4) No.2179119

>>2179061 Hells yea

>going to learn RWTW

9eae3b (2) No.2179120


Wrong Dipshit he has the Demoncrats

9520dc (8) No.2179121>>2179137


Handoff Accepted

Great job bakerrrrrrrrrrrt!

Godspeed!! o7

00ac9a (5) No.2179122>>2179169


He really got jewed by his wife if that's the case. Also chekd

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179123


Pssst…filter him!

9ea812 (15) No.2179124

the so-called fox interview by wallace with president putin, is a complete joke

they could have put maxi waters there instead of wallasch, no difference

49d0f1 (6) No.2179125>>2179156


oooooo….. that little cunt bezos is a human hunter, eh?

367ea1 (2) No.2179126>>2179253


Q said if RR bad so is mueller. Also q said disinfo necessary, so it could be a true and false statement. It could also mean if RR is good, so I mueller. Change the order, doesn't matter, the logic is still the same.

7ae6cc (23) No.2179127>>2179136 >>2179154 >>2179270


c9a5ef (4) No.2179129

File (hide): 19cd5bd21785f05⋯.png (47.75 KB, 959x99, 959:99, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


What part of I can't see you is hard to understand?

5fbe3f (16) No.2179130>>2179301

File (hide): 335556292677229⋯.png (158.63 KB, 225x376, 225:376, IMG_3391.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff351fc5d0ad863⋯.png (154.34 KB, 350x183, 350:183, IMG_3395.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 016b739e4e37090⋯.png (954.37 KB, 952x500, 238:125, IMG_3433.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3628ea4a460fbdd⋯.png (1.24 MB, 970x712, 485:356, IMG_3439.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13b9e4a3e309388⋯.png (4.44 MB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, IMG_3359.PNG) (h) (u)

463866 (1) No.2179131>>2179212


The Plan

Feed autists crumbs

Misdirect Deep State

Feed Deep State rope to hang themselves

Flush out operatives

Autists assemble crumbs into bread for normie digestion


a8f228 (5) No.2179132


True that brother anon. Feeling a little drained today. I don't know how POTUS does it.

We will keep fighting. NO TURNING BACK.


2191f9 (7) No.2179133>>2179313

File (hide): 7b3b3c8ab79601e⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, wg.jpg) (h) (u)

f525f5 (8) No.2179135>>2179155 >>2179159 >>2179164



1bc58e (6) No.2179136


He owes them a big SLAP or two after what they've done to try to form the coup against him and stealing all that money from Russia.

717d13 (14) No.2179137

File (hide): d2f68c3e6fa1e1f⋯.jpg (246.44 KB, 1129x677, 1129:677, d2f68c3e6fa1e1f7f1985bfbca….jpg) (h) (u)

72db2f (2) No.2179138

Did y'all catch POTUS accentuation of the word 'serverS' in the press conference when referring to Awan? It has long been thought the reference was for one server, the one 'lost' by Becerra.

Sorry if already posted.

1196cb (6) No.2179139>>2179324 >>2179452


Harold Finch calls out StealthJeff, who

has recently come clean as having trusted an informant

who was misinforming him…


9ea812 (15) No.2179140

why does so many that are political opponents to putin end up dead? he asks, incredible

f1be0a (1) No.2179141

File (hide): 7dbb3c13ac48411⋯.jpg (495.68 KB, 1720x886, 860:443, Deep State Slimeball Comey.jpg) (h) (u)

Slimeball Comey claims

"POTUS refused to stand up for his country"

BS, he refused to take the Deep State's word that Russia hacked the election!

And after Lisa Page's closed door testimony

"Supporting the theory the "FBI has a desired outcome" in the Russia probe!"

POTUS has every right to doubt those treasonous bastards!

"I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace, than to risk peace in pursuit of politics."


f1c7b5 (1) No.2179142

>>2178007 pb I agree with your assessment completely. Mueller is tossing out "the russians" to establish his bona fides with the msm so when he drops the MOAB they have nowhere to turn in their outrage. Brilliant :)

775117 (12) No.2179143>>2179200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nanu nanu

20e4ea (2) No.2179144

Amen, anon

The fact that every person…right and left….in politics and msm are screaming about treason tells me its all going according to plan


2191f9 (7) No.2179145


Nope. And I don't listen to the opinion of women with moustaches either.

f18268 (16) No.2179147>>2179190 >>2179247

File (hide): 638348c13aa7589⋯.jpg (75.94 KB, 640x705, 128:141, shruggirl_.jpg) (h) (u)


I also know you could've gained the same experience through Fire that I did, seeing as how we both had the opportunity to do so.

I was brave enough to make mistakes and make amends.

You weren't.


You just couldn't take the flak, and I know you can't now because of how infuriated you've got with what little energy I spent on you.. The clowns, at this point, have you mapped out and will play you like a violin when they so choose.

Don't be so naive, this has happened before.

5fbe3f (16) No.2179148

File (hide): 5a3b330a325d610⋯.png (4.43 MB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, IMG_3360.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 473190eca5497e4⋯.png (804.58 KB, 778x501, 778:501, IMG_3367.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1168725490696ec⋯.png (758.91 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3373.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 91a655413161693⋯.png (590.86 KB, 714x483, 34:23, IMG_3424.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b74302e4c1fe481⋯.png (1.21 MB, 970x712, 485:356, IMG_3437.PNG) (h) (u)

46af12 (5) No.2179149>>2179157 >>2179188 >>2179218

File (hide): e638c1440c0dee7⋯.jpg (216.37 KB, 988x836, 13:11, trump putin server.jpg) (h) (u)

da0306 (2) No.2179150

File (hide): be4cca4beffee7d⋯.png (353.49 KB, 380x522, 190:261, chriswallace-fair-and-bala….png) (h) (u)

4a1580 (5) No.2179151>>2179178

Fucking bakers are killing it for months. Even with all the fuckery and fuckary. Great job faggots. I haven't had to use this meme in God knows how long.

God Bess our Glorious Bakers one and all

a0caf3 (11) No.2179153


1eaf8a (2) No.2179154



Kennedy brought up

187528 (6) No.2179155


Try www.t-media.io


68cb06 (1) No.2179156


Dangerous game. I fire back

3f3cc7 (4) No.2179157

File (hide): c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png) (h) (u)

92c290 (1) No.2179158>>2179202

File (hide): 09f6f7a0e4974be⋯.jpg (167.05 KB, 2400x1597, 2400:1597, TD.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bc67124a99a0823⋯.png (64.31 KB, 837x386, 837:386, TD2.png) (h) (u)


Glad someone saved it all. If you get it uploaded somewhere please post as a notable.

Anon predicted we would see more people in media/government openly wearing Q lapel pins. Any sightings?

a5da0b (5) No.2179159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9c5b5a (1) No.2179160>>2179423

File (hide): 5ab0cf581db4729⋯.jpg (494.69 KB, 3557x1297, 3557:1297, MNKD.JPG) (h) (u)

It's too bad distributed damage is too abstract for people to easily grasp.

Keeping an effective treatment for diabetes off the market for over a decade has done more harm to Americans than any other single subversive attack.

Enforcement of securities regulations falls to the SEC and they don't do it.

When the prosecute, they do so selectively and only on direct instruction from DOJ.

When digging into this three years ago I spoke to people who ran hedge funds. Every single one of them knew about it, knew how it was done and who was doing it. Not one of them, even one relative dared to say a word.

For good reason. The number of people and the amount of money involved is phenomenal.

looking for missing trillions try auditing the DTCC.

FBI has a lot of files on these people, but they can't initiate a prosecution. Only DOJ can authorize expensive prosecution of billionaires with batteries of white shoe lawyers wired into MSM and to every agency of the federal government.

Every one of those bought out sons of bitches is Harry Lime.


Naked short selling enriched the criminals while destroying US innovation in the biotech sector. Biotech has stood still in the market for over a decade.

7033dc (1) No.2179162>>2179185


Your theory about the Peter Strzok who testified is intriguing. But I've seen college yearbook pics of the piece of excrement who testified. So do we know that those are just Photoshopped?

f7f72a (6) No.2179163>>2179168 >>2179255

File (hide): ea6ab7ab578e6ee⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 639x426, 3:2, 2e4vxf.jpg) (h) (u)

1eaf8a (2) No.2179164>>2179174



74c8c3 (10) No.2179165

96e528 (4) No.2179166>>2179309

MSM has gone silent on breaking news arrest of the Russian woman. They might come back to it but surprising they would not continue on it if it was good for them

f7f72a (6) No.2179168>>2179181 >>2179199

File (hide): 8189891ec7fb078⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 670x468, 335:234, 2e4edh.jpg) (h) (u)

50e8af (4) No.2179169

e4dc16 (1) No.2179171>>2179176 >>2179193

Why do the FUCKING CLINTON’S political opponents end up dead is more like it fuckface

74c8c3 (10) No.2179172

File (hide): 147cbca125f157a⋯.jpg (220.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DZYc0NNUQAY6f3Z.jpg) (h) (u)

4a3a85 (4) No.2179173

File (hide): da3fbc271e97c6f⋯.jpg (26.44 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ljb2w.jpg) (h) (u)

There is so many 1 post wonders in this thread I want to call retarded faggots for being so God damn retarded….but I don't want to give them the (you)'s & I honestly don't have enough gay Seals for them all…

f525f5 (8) No.2179174>>2179187


bad link bro !!

158c6b (11) No.2179175


>>2179004 Putin on Browder's illegal earnings in Russia and Browder's $400M contribution to HRC campaign

The quote is accurate. I listened to the entire press conference.

c0fac3 (1) No.2179176

717d13 (14) No.2179178>>2179215

File (hide): b2b53ec07b09353⋯.jpg (135.02 KB, 638x565, 638:565, ac492d70978746de9caf5f264f….jpg) (h) (u)


Bless you anon, you're the air in the dough.



2191f9 (7) No.2179179

Last bread anon asked to get CSPAN video of US / Russian relations. It's only 97MB ffs, not 25GB as was suggested. Uploading now.

db0bc4 (1) No.2179180>>2179262 >>2179303 >>2179317

Did I miss something in the Summit? It sounded like they just talked about oil (unsustainable), Iran and nukes (Israel is the problem here), and then defended themselves against the BS media about collusion.

f7f72a (6) No.2179181

775117 (12) No.2179182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maybe the walrus josh lesbian fag actor can finally get hitched to its walter fag actor too

5fbe3f (16) No.2179183

File (hide): 5e43920124bd8be⋯.png (769.25 KB, 500x707, 500:707, IMG_3420.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f933045f2dff495⋯.png (363.61 KB, 501x500, 501:500, IMG_3421.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4001a8058d2c276⋯.png (761.13 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3379.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): be64802890ba6a5⋯.png (4.41 MB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, IMG_3361.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3bc78dfe33cbc7⋯.png (299.11 KB, 450x343, 450:343, IMG_3375.PNG) (h) (u)

715b00 (5) No.2179184


I think Wallace is supposed to be the modern Walter Cronkite. The way Wallace speaks and looks, he's trying to portray the image of a 50's gentlemanly patriot while being a blackhat. I don't know how many he actually fools with his charade.

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179185>>2179213


I dunno..If Peter Strzok is not Peter Strzok, then he (meaning Peter Strzok) will give up the real Peter Strzok when they try to find out Strzok's real identity.

74c8c3 (10) No.2179186

File (hide): 317df6a1884803c⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DZZhrUZUMAA2BnW.jpg) (h) (u)

9ea812 (15) No.2179187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a8f228 (5) No.2179188>>2179214 >>2179240


POTUS knows something about the server. No coincidence in him pounding the point about "where is the server?".

Something big is brewing with the server. If my suspicion is correct, they are smoking out the deep state with the questions about the server - forcing them to make an error. They must be absolutely terrified about the possible appearance of the server.

ac6185 (5) No.2179189

>>2178443 (lb)

Coats or Demers

I agree…but hoping it happens quickly…

We have gone from

(((THEY))) never thought she would lose


(((OBAMA))) thought Crooked Hillary would win

most excellent

nice work Anon

a4321f (5) No.2179190>>2179194 >>2179220 >>2179233 >>2179236 >>2179268

File (hide): 4d6aa753cd99cce⋯.jpg (125.36 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1261-800x800.jpg) (h) (u)


You are the an hero we all need leaf.

5fbe3f (16) No.2179192

File (hide): b1935560693f79f⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 583x335, 583:335, IMG_3318.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12ceaa3694b93ca⋯.jpg (169.03 KB, 853x498, 853:498, IMG_3278.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 781b1df961580cd⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 764x535, 764:535, IMG_3258.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): fddb6b953c6afb5⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 255x208, 255:208, IMG_3233.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 44be47d7405bb3f⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 720x477, 80:53, IMG_3229.JPG) (h) (u)

9bf1a4 (5) No.2179193


for a second i thought Putin was going to say it, all hell would have broken loose

06b244 (3) No.2179194

7ae6cc (23) No.2179195>>2179205

I don't get why Wallace had to be such a faggot at the beginning

he didn't interrupt like that later

74c8c3 (10) No.2179196

File (hide): eeb783ae34d269c⋯.png (605.08 KB, 1221x540, 407:180, PanicModeTheBeamOfLight.png) (h) (u)

they found the Server

0633b7 (1) No.2179198>>2179263


He puts the cuck in Cancuck.

da0306 (2) No.2179199

File (hide): 675374e57457713⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 444x416, 111:104, Hillarys-hiding-fbi.jpg) (h) (u)

344958 (7) No.2179200

File (hide): dc0741ef096a09e⋯.jpg (354.27 KB, 700x662, 350:331, 1527205954956.jpg) (h) (u)


None of the new niggers have raps even close to Tupac. Delete this Akon monkey shit eBot.

f18268 (16) No.2179201>>2179222 >>2179228

File (hide): fb36d401de8f30e⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 640x705, 128:141, shruggirl_.jpg) (h) (u)


Lies, Lies, Lies.

I'm a convenient excuse+patsy for the actions of the clowns. Not only does it separate me from the group, it also lifts and flak off them.

Anyone with a mind for tactics will know this is too good of a deal to pass up.

So yes, you and BB are lying through your teeth, with a raging boner. It's that sad.

a8f228 (5) No.2179202


Thomas Drake the NSA whistleblower looks a lot like the guy who was walking across the street in HK.

733102 (10) No.2179203

"a deep sense of anger about how russia is portrayed in the world"

no shit mcfuckface


e3c7b5 (1) No.2179204


He has the authority to do so.

He's also giving the courts more than enough rope to prove the judicial system is compromised by "activist judges". Redraw the maps of the circuit and district courts. Seeing as those will be new courts all the old judges and attorneys will have to be reappointed…or not as the case may be.

06b244 (3) No.2179205>>2179251


He looks like an actual faggot

74c8c3 (10) No.2179207

Children freed WW

58c3e8 (7) No.2179209


Mueller was invited by Putin to look into it.

2d8920 (2) No.2179211>>2179239

0e84af (8) No.2179212>>2179224


Trust yourself at the very least. Caution favors the long game.


Maybe not that simplistic but good lead-in.

187528 (6) No.2179213>>2179539


Anyone want to track down a yearbook?

Peter Strozk

St Johns Preparatory School, Collegeville, MN

Class of 1987

46af12 (5) No.2179214

File (hide): eae234658c69082⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 667x377, 23:13, Q server.jpg) (h) (u)

f525f5 (8) No.2179215>>2179249



some little stutter but now that AFLB is gone WWG1WGA !!!

74c8c3 (10) No.2179216

6bbfe6 (3) No.2179218


Wait till the people get to hear which 'nationality' actually really was colluding…

What will the MSM do? (((They))) cannot report on themselves. They will lie until they die.

We all know.

2785e0 (3) No.2179220

File (hide): 33f3168b9c352fc⋯.jpeg (10.1 KB, 255x176, 255:176, plzbehero.jpeg) (h) (u)


You mean this an hero?


20e4ea (2) No.2179221

Cant wait for the next Q drop

Its gonna be so epic….

344958 (7) No.2179222>>2179238 >>2179241 >>2179250

File (hide): a7f7cee87f2f7a4⋯.jpg (121.17 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1523411671756.jpg) (h) (u)


Fuck off faggot. Repent to Jesus you dirty kike lover. You aint getting BV back your spam is worse than JIDF.

296432 (3) No.2179223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

good full screen fox stream

733102 (10) No.2179224>>2179256


what if they have thought control

i dont even trust myself

seems to be working out well

71dbd8 (2) No.2179226


> act like a dolt

Unfortunately, he's not acting.

fe7117 (1) No.2179227

Mike Huckebee Red pilling America


013d95 (9) No.2179228

File (hide): c76bf56c9ef27a1⋯.gif (252.43 KB, 113x131, 113:131, c76bf56c9ef27a1ef118b99e77….gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): f9f336bd3d80c1b⋯.gif (649.36 KB, 245x200, 49:40, whining5.gif) (h) (u)

3cfb94 (1) No.2179229


Not the sock women !!!! Now Qs gonna post for shure !!!

5fbe3f (16) No.2179230

File (hide): 1d241228e0b082e⋯.jpg (136.88 KB, 749x500, 749:500, IMG_2518.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96a6fb6abc06d97⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_2526.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 42eda08faa8535a⋯.jpg (77.76 KB, 381x378, 127:126, IMG_2527.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): cab49127086eac0⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 500x350, 10:7, IMG_2528.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27de8ffa979783c⋯.jpg (61.31 KB, 600x471, 200:157, IMG_2521.JPG) (h) (u)

f525f5 (8) No.2179233

775117 (12) No.2179234


The good old days

f18268 (16) No.2179236>>2179268 >>2179277 >>2179293 >>2179305 >>2179408


I'm sorry they got to you.

I really am. I remember the day you told us you almost took your own life and I knew then you were a strong person.

I just don't know how they corrupted you so well.

ad37e4 (6) No.2179237

I think Putin did an awesome job on that interview. Wallace doesn't want to accept Putin's premise that there are explanations for the crimes that he's accused of, but he makes it clear that those explanations deserve precedence.

74081f (2) No.2179238>>2179245 >>2179250 >>2179278


Trips of truth?

ac6185 (5) No.2179239>>2179246

File (hide): 998828c52869ddd⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 522x253, 522:253, benghazi.JPG) (h) (u)

58c3e8 (7) No.2179240>>2179287


POTUS would've made an EXCELLENT attorney. This is classic lawyer shit. Ask questions you already know the answer to. He wouldn't be tweeting about it unless he knows the truth.

999d38 (6) No.2179241>>2179278

File (hide): 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, chuckcheked.PNG) (h) (u)


tripps confirm

74c8c3 (10) No.2179242

d99caf (9) No.2179245

File (hide): 7fab858d852b41f⋯.png (535.44 KB, 963x1093, 963:1093, stretchtoe.png) (h) (u)

2d8920 (2) No.2179246

2183a1 (6) No.2179247


so the clowns want to murder for shitposting?

>muh name field

74c8c3 (10) No.2179248>>2179261 >>2179292

Are you ready for the Show ?

717d13 (14) No.2179249




d99caf (9) No.2179250

File (hide): 7fab858d852b41f⋯.png (535.44 KB, 963x1093, 963:1093, stretchtoe.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7fab858d852b41f⋯.png (535.44 KB, 963x1093, 963:1093, stretchtoe.png) (h) (u)

20f436 (4) No.2179251>>2179260


He's like the neighbor who never comes out of his house when there is a BBQ on the 4th. His skin is pasty and he has that 'marbles in mouth' speech pattern as well. All that aside, he was unconvincing in his attempts to play "hard ball" with Vlad. The interview was short or he would have been pwned badly if the back and forth had continued.

49ab23 (7) No.2179252>>2179264 >>2179289 >>2179318 >>2179347


I agree there's a clock.

There's no way the clock is as fucking complicated as that shit CLOCKFAG posted.

c9ea77 (3) No.2179253>>2179340

Yet [[[RR]]] is in the killbox. So one would assume he is bad. Still, I'm not sure he is and I'm not sure Mueller isn't our guy either. >>2179126

775117 (12) No.2179254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Y r those time travelers inspecting Alcoholics Anonymous cult

f7f72a (6) No.2179255>>2179272

File (hide): 6bb03afe5259eac⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 2e4wf7.jpg) (h) (u)

0e84af (8) No.2179256>>2179285


They do but we are breaking through, wouldn't it be nice to able to trust again and not get bowled-over for it every time? That's the kind of future we can look forward to. Put good in, get good out.

83dba1 (6) No.2179257>>2179265


RR said (and POTUS verified) that he notified POTUS before the announcement - wanna bet that Trump said "do it during the Queen meeting".

It will give the dems just enough 'hope' to ensure the tears really flow.

I'm of both opinions on RR as well black or white it is hard to determine but wow, what a great movie.

POTUS - after the Presidency, you might as well become the world's greatest director.

ac1cfa (6) No.2179258

File (hide): 86f5325e41d5eac⋯.png (651.17 KB, 900x447, 300:149, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Thank you Baker.

9ea812 (15) No.2179260>>2179269

File (hide): 0736f669ab016d7⋯.png (55.59 KB, 500x454, 250:227, wallace.png) (h) (u)


like this?

ad37e4 (6) No.2179261>>2179267 >>2179273



>Theater near you

Is Q saying that this War theater is going to be near by?

158c6b (11) No.2179262



Nuclear non-proliferation

Cooperation on cross-national criminal cases


Competition to supply natural gas for Europe


a56766 (3) No.2179263>>2179276

File (hide): 6fbb5bb4631cbe6⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 640x633, 640:633, 247_3CNYVPsh.jpg) (h) (u)


Holy shit, he's been replying to me and I've had no idea. Had that retard filleted a while back and forgot about him, kek. Invisible irl and here, what a sad existence for a sad abomination.

74081f (2) No.2179264>>2179279 >>2179347


Clock stuff always seemed like a cool idea, but god damn these clockfags post the most convoluted shit I've ever seen. If it's real, it's not that fucking complicated.

013d95 (9) No.2179265


>POTUS - after the Presidency, you might as well become the world's greatest director.


56cb74 (1) No.2179266>>2179325 >>2179425

File (hide): 9064c868c8e743e⋯.jpg (218.75 KB, 1080x1970, 108:197, IMG_20180716_184754.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc40eaffb2c14a3⋯.jpg (376.24 KB, 1080x1952, 135:244, IMG_20180716_184837.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7f50bcdde8774a6⋯.jpg (454.2 KB, 1080x1963, 1080:1963, IMG_20180716_184932.jpg) (h) (u)

*PSA* for all FoxFag anons

If you noticed a larger than normal disdain from Vlad. It's because Chris Wallace who interviewed Putin is the son of one of the original Mockingbird members Mike Wallace. One of the producers of 60 minutes for 40 years. Oh and he (Mike) was a Russian Jew.

06b244 (3) No.2179267


Already going on beyond our southern border

49ab23 (7) No.2179268>>2179275



Wait. We have a BV who almost took his/her own life?

Sketch. Very sketch.

d99caf (9) No.2179269>>2179290



28de9c (4) No.2179270>>2179316

File (hide): 9d87ebc0dcd2314⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 555x380, 111:76, PUTIN.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c035ec64b59874d⋯.jpg (139.46 KB, 749x501, 749:501, ball.jpg) (h) (u)

5fbe3f (16) No.2179272

File (hide): 791c0626761c4f4⋯.jpg (90.08 KB, 740x499, 740:499, IMG_3448.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): cf8a2e023fb9253⋯.jpg (81.37 KB, 740x499, 740:499, IMG_3447.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f649cc1991e7121⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 740x499, 740:499, IMG_3446.JPG) (h) (u)

7ae6cc (23) No.2179273>>2179282 >>2179475


where did you get WAR from?

775117 (12) No.2179274>>2179280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You got to shit on lucifers chest to get rid of aflb and nasi

f18268 (16) No.2179275>>2179284


It was well into the past, it's not sketch, it's a sign of strength he even shared it.

Get it Right.

f26793 (8) No.2179276>>2179443

File (hide): 118099ea8a31383⋯.jpg (250.06 KB, 830x644, 415:322, Thank you Ben 07152018_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7febed4b5b68b8⋯.jpg (212.93 KB, 883x638, 883:638, Thank you Ben 07152018.jpg) (h) (u)


Remember when that one anon filtered Q?

a4321f (5) No.2179277>>2179295 >>2179299 >>2179312 >>2179602

File (hide): f2e42504792fa9d⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 237x350, 237:350, MelGibson_30_350h.jpg) (h) (u)


I think everyone you've met during the calm before the storm, that you aren't currently scheming with, regrets ever giving you an ounce of respect or attention.

344958 (7) No.2179278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

49ab23 (7) No.2179279>>2179306


I suspect it's real, and I also suspect CLOCKFAG is now working overtime to make us think something we shouldn't.

775117 (12) No.2179280

3e7155 (1) No.2179281>>2179321

Is Browder already in US custody?

561a7b (3) No.2179282>>2179292 >>2179475


he pulled it out of his ass


If Q wasn't clear enough on that one at least a few times

f18268 (16) No.2179284>>2179331 >>2179394


The guy can joke to me about taking life all he wants but I'll still hold that moment in my mind.

What happened BB?

733102 (10) No.2179285>>2179333



im never not being paranoid

or this will all happen again

38bc43 (1) No.2179286>>2179302 >>2179387 >>2179627

ohmigod AntiFungalLeafBread, aka "EstrogenAnon" is here again.

For those who do not know, "he" let it slip a few weeks ago that he is "transitioning to a woman" and because of taking estrogen, sometimes cannot think straight.

Which apparently he comes to this board, tweaking on hormones, and humiliates himself.

This looks like part of the "I am getting my dick cut off" syndrome - the ultimate cuck, if you will - who thrives on self-abasement.

A man who, literally, has to wipe the shit off his cheeks after having sex.

This is who is here spamming the board.

715b00 (5) No.2179287


Yeah that's fun and intellectually satisfying, but the daily monotony, reading endless boring case law, searching through piles of documents for the gold nugget, filing papers at the courthouse, dealing with asshole judges can get old fast.

158c6b (11) No.2179289


Clockfag has never posted a repeatable algorithm that another person could read, understand, and apply to new/different data.

So I don't buy it.

9ea812 (15) No.2179290>>2179310


was just trying to make a joke nhf

28de9c (4) No.2179291>>2179359 >>2179746

File (hide): eba0de40af945fa⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 618x340, 309:170, keken.jpg) (h) (u)

7ae6cc (23) No.2179292>>2179314 >>2179475


see: >>2179248

wtf do you mean

013d95 (9) No.2179293


>personal attack using seemingly privileged information, from a non-mod point of view.

No better than the clowns, Fungus.

Are you sure you're not getting paid?.

065443 (4) No.2179294>>2179511 >>2179705

File (hide): 2494b3c885580c9⋯.png (27.34 KB, 638x236, 319:118, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Timestamp in PT

d99caf (9) No.2179295

File (hide): ce87142a0e95569⋯.jpg (166.96 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, stupid.jpg) (h) (u)


AGREED, had me fooled

561fbb (1) No.2179296>>2179332



I do not have a problem with what Potus said. No problem with the statement. However, fakenews and fake leaders are losing it all over the place! Lets face it, most ppl only repeat what the read or see on TV.

TRUMP just tweeted he'll interview on Hannity! TONIGHT

008795 (4) No.2179297



f26793 (8) No.2179298>>2179477

File (hide): e62b2c17fa60142⋯.jpg (113.06 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Five more minutes.jpg) (h) (u)

Talk about roasting almonds.

Nobody learned to unfilter faster then that anon, lol.

f18268 (16) No.2179299>>2179335


I don't talk to anybody.

There are no schemes.

You're losing the very respect you're talking about right now..

3625f9 (1) No.2179300>>2179482


This sounds like it's on the right track but I think there is moar. Putin "Gave" POTUS moar than just a soccer ball, and it meant moar than just the balls in your court…

de2b12 (8) No.2179301>>2179307


Put a little "Q" on Adm. Rogers … or a thought bubble that says "Yep."

2183a1 (6) No.2179302


ty, anon. and fucking KEK!

0e84af (8) No.2179303


Oil and nukes are important in the grand scheme of things though, not so much nukes but oil definitely. Think crumb 299.

a72f0d (1) No.2179304>>2179342

File (hide): d8bea96412cb487⋯.jpeg (156.78 KB, 750x441, 250:147, A7FD6A52-EF2B-4909-8280-1….jpeg) (h) (u)

56dd46 (1) No.2179305>>2179337


Huh. giving out personal info on other BVs to all the clowns watching (assuming that you didn't give em that info before)? sad.

9aa8f5 (2) No.2179306

File (hide): 55cc3353880d8ac⋯.png (19.38 KB, 380x238, 190:119, Yes_logo.png) (h) (u)

5fbe3f (16) No.2179307>>2179357

1571b6 (4) No.2179308>>2179425 >>2179511 >>2179705

File (hide): 5781adfb1a224fd⋯.jpg (77.85 KB, 1221x818, 1221:818, about5_www.stalkerzone.org.jpg) (h) (u)


Yep, did you hear the one about his granddad being the head of the Communist Party in USA in the 30s?

>>2177706 pb





there's also good sauce in the notables

and this just found from interesting Russian source --


As is known, despite the public promise not to engage in political activity after his release from prison, former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been actively involved in the financing of various media and political projects. The structures of Khodorkovsky actively communicated with the international fraudster William Browder and helped to lobby for the adoption of anti-Russian sanctions in the US Congress. However, the projects of Khodorkovsky, as it turned out, have more high patrons and sponsorship streams than only the means of the former oligarch.

It should be noted that the Fund is the legal successor of the Foundation “Open Russia”, which, in turn, was created by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, banker Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, Director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky, and former US Ambassador to the USSR Arthur Hartman in 2002.

As for Jacob Rothschild, according to the British press, he had a business interest in the assets of Yukos, which was already documented in 2003. In addition, he is connected by long-standing business interests with the aforementioned Henry Kissinger, and also has substantial investments in the oil and gas sector. At the same time, the structure of the Rothschilds was not earlier seen in the direct funding of the political projects of Khodorkovsky, which is the organization “Institute of Modern Russia”, formally written down in the name of Pavel, the son of Khodorkovsky-senior.

At the same time the structure of Khodorkovsky, even at the time of his imprisonment, continue their active anti-Russian political activities by pouring money on lobbying firms in Washington. From 2008 to 2015, the former shareholders of Yukos, as was stated in the official statements of the US Congress, spent $996,000 on informing politicians of the Congress and the US State Department about the situation with the criminal case of Yukos. The lobbying firm Prime Policy Group and its Director Lisa Colangelo were made direct representative of the interests of the company. A lobbying subject from 2008 to 2015 became the regular updating of information about the current trial of Yukos and the provision of information to such US authorities as the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Security Council, and the State Department.

Recall that the Ministry of Justice of Russia recognized the created by Mikhail Khodorkovsky “Open Russia” and the “Institute of Modern Russia” as undesirable organizations and included them on the appropriate list. The DOJ noted in particular that “in the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities are deemed undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation includes “Open Russia”, “Institute of Modern Russia”, and the social network movement “Open Russia”.

f8ccaa (5) No.2179309>>2179660


>MSM has gone silent on breaking news arrest of the Russian woman.

I think people are underestimating the importance of this indictment.

It's not just about a silly FARA violation.


First, it was dropped this morning… for a reason.

She was an agent for Torshin

Torshin is working on a 'post-Putin' world.

Torshin and Browder are related through Spanish money laundering.

Torshin was also behind Ukraine/Crimea.

Manafort was lobbying for them.

Putin dropped the Browder - HRC nugget.

How did Browder secretly donate and spend $400 million in the HRC campaign?

My guess is this all ties back to Manafort.

d99caf (9) No.2179310

File (hide): 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB, 864x864, 1:1, WWG1WGAWHEELS.jpg) (h) (u)


dont get butt hurt anon

all good

5e6188 (4) No.2179311>>2179550


Chris Wallace is a Jew Puppet. His father had a famous interview with the Shah of Iran before the Jew/CIA chased him out of the country. The Shah was stupid enough to say the Jews are in charge of America and were too powerful for their own good and it was going to get them in trouble. I think that was the time when the Jew decided to get rid of the Shah and start their destablizing attack in the middle east.

Wallace is a fucking puppet. Not an honest guy at all.

05ec39 (2) No.2179312

File (hide): 765b6cfa45ed6ee⋯.jpg (72.36 KB, 760x898, 380:449, Yoda popcorn.jpg) (h) (u)


Sometimes 1 should start with a gram before a full ounce.

db2130 (1) No.2179313

File (hide): bd4505d9c4190ce⋯.jpeg (90.43 KB, 612x612, 1:1, image (1).jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1a2d55f4889302c⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gerbil.jpg) (h) (u)



561a7b (3) No.2179314>>2179475


yes, that post has nothing to do with war because a) war is not mentioned there b) Q has emphasised no good things happen through war

72db2f (2) No.2179315>>2179327


…servers are?…

4a1580 (5) No.2179316


Top Kek

ac6185 (5) No.2179317>>2179401 >>2179646


Putin named names…


Clinton Campaign


Said there is a couple decades old treaty whereby neither country meddles in the other's election process.

Said we should make a joint task force with US and Russian Law Enforcement to get to the bottom of the Election Meddling.

And then there was a disrespectful twit who insulted POTUS by asking Putin what dirt he had on Trump and his family. Putin told him to drop such talk…at least that's what the translator said . I am hoping it was a bit stronger than that.

00ac9a (5) No.2179318

File (hide): b391f985841f864⋯.gif (898.5 KB, 487x560, 487:560, 1517616943611.gif) (h) (u)


Bro…like what if the clock isn't based on Earth time. Q asked what the nearest star was right ??? What's the rotational period of the sun man?! Plug that into q posts and it all makes sense. BOOM

2620d7 (5) No.2179319>>2179328

>>2178749 (lb)

Ya know, I do think you are right. Seth's murder needs to be the first big domino.

83d7d8 (1) No.2179320


His brother was sacrificed, like Anderson Cooper's brother. Cabal.

9f7c8f (4) No.2179321


Nope he was on TV all day today.

38824a (1) No.2179322>>2179330

File (hide): 04b507a56e4174e⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 720x703, 720:703, IMG_20180716_155456.jpg) (h) (u)


personally, thats a good combo lmao.

fukn libs making memes 🤣🤣🤣😂🙄

1196cb (6) No.2179323

File (hide): 08ce336c082872b⋯.png (417.79 KB, 870x908, 435:454, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 972a0cea55c5d55⋯.png (246.38 KB, 744x405, 248:135, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png) (h) (u)

Video transcript:

Post summit interview between Wallace and Putin

Q from Wallace:

why do you think R Mueller issued this indictment 3 day before you and President Trump met for the summit?


I'm not interested in this issue a single bit.

It's the internal political games of the United States.

Don't make the relationship of the United State, don't hold it hostage of this internal political struggle.

And it's quite clear to me that this is used as internal political struggle and it's, nothing to be proud of to use such dirty methods in the political rivalry.


Do you think that Mr. Mueller is trying to sabotage the relationship?


I don't want to make any assessments about his operation, it is for congress, who appointed him, to do this, to assess his performance.

And I think court actually had some doubts about the due procedure, about appointing Special Counsel Mueller, to the post that he now holds.

I think that, American Court now, believes that it was done, with the infringement of the American legislation, but that's none of my business.

6efb57 (1) No.2179324


>has recently come clean as having trusted an informant

who was misinforming him…

that was a fake Jeff.

f525f5 (8) No.2179325


Told ya COMMIE

a0caf3 (11) No.2179326

File (hide): bef7f638ee6657c⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 474x317, 474:317, russian meddling.jpg) (h) (u)

>I would have been elected too if it wasn't for you meddling Russian kids

7ae6cc (23) No.2179327


HRC's private server, D's congressional server, and DNC server

d99caf (9) No.2179328


theres so much

im happy with any of them dropping first

5f9e31 (2) No.2179329>>2179383

has anyone searched the molesta emails for browder?

3f3cc7 (4) No.2179330

File (hide): e7ad3c19be91e18⋯.png (112.22 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorI.png) (h) (u)

561a7b (3) No.2179331>>2179341 >>2179346


(((S T O P N A M E F A G G I N G)))

20f436 (4) No.2179332



It's what Trump does - he lays the 'item' out for the media to see, the deal is done and no putting the cow back in the barn.

Then he gives them time to bubble and stew and spew and for the talking heads to go crazy. Then he lays it all out on Hannity or in a presser or a rally for those to slow or sleepy to get it.

0e84af (8) No.2179333


Not telling you to lose the cautious attitude anon, just saying we'll be able to trust again one day.

5c364d (1) No.2179334>>2179403

The Stage Is Set

The truth about Seth Rich

The Stage Is Set

4ed64b (7) No.2179335>>2179348


You really are the very definition of a compromised psyop'd individual.

Autism gone wrong.

You need to rethink your life, immediately.

You don't want to wind up being that kid who bitched out on board for biggest US military intel drop in history.

7c5903 (1) No.2179336

File (hide): 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG) (h) (u)


What a loser.

Nothing better to do…mommas basement getting stale…?

2191f9 (7) No.2179337


If true, I personally volunteer to behead the cunt.

733102 (10) No.2179338

File (hide): dfab0440d61311c⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2dmnkr.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4a054742926181c⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 2dmoc6.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f2f317a66a55292⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2dk6w7.jpg) (h) (u)

4a3a85 (4) No.2179339

Browder's sons company

DoNotPay launches 1,000 new bots to help you with your legal problems

Since making headlines last year with his DoNotPay chatbot to help people fight their parking tickets, 19-year-old Joshua Browder has been heads-down building in new capabilities on his quest to democratize legal help by automating as many common legal needs as possible. Today, Browder is pushing out 1,000 new bots that can assist people in filling out transactional legal forms in all 50 U.S. states and the U.K.



367ea1 (2) No.2179340


Yup and could be a disinfo their too. Gotta let the enemy think it is in control when it actually isn't. Patriots full control?

d99caf (9) No.2179341


just filter it

8f2417 (8) No.2179342


In the meantime deep state Baier and Wallace plus guests are doing their best to bash POTUS

775117 (12) No.2179343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aflb and nasi and s ton of the stock photos are cia trannys

Lots of preop beta male

"Complacency training "

It's the tail end of their 12 step

Cult initiation

I prefer tequila

a0caf3 (11) No.2179344>>2179367


It's Jewish pilpul, more correctly.

4f330f (1) No.2179345

File (hide): c04b0aa7c04c2cf⋯.png (563.96 KB, 676x517, 676:517, trump and putin comrades.png) (h) (u)

134cae (1) No.2179346>>2179361



473afc (3) No.2179347>>2179362

File (hide): ed9afbd6409adda⋯.jpg (406.21 KB, 1346x1017, 1346:1017, 20180716.jpg) (h) (u)

>>2179252 ← See below

>>2179264 ← Agreed

That's why I post the simple ones, anons. Just line up the days of Q posts with the minute on the clock. It has now expanded to follow the mirror generated by Q's "marker" at the :25-minute mark.

I'm currently looking at a 24-hour clock, which will narrow down the amount of Q posts and make them more targeted. I wish a clockfag would make a 24-hour clock to make my job much easier.

EXAMPLE: Attached is today's Q clock. On a 24-hour clock, only the first two posts in the upper-left are relevant. After today, the first is EXTREMELY relevant. See 2nd pic.

Panic mode.

Enjoy the show.

f18268 (16) No.2179348>>2179354


No, I'll be the one standing up for what I believe in. Just like all of you can do and more..

49d0f1 (6) No.2179349>>2179398 >>2179424 >>2179485 >>2179555

File (hide): af1f78764d3cf2d⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 600x570, 20:19, EPICcunt.jpg) (h) (u)

(lb) continued….

Please take another look, anons…I need more eyes. I am too retarded. I can barely see my screen. All nighter last night and im not that smart.

We ALL know she wasnt and couldnt flee ANYWHERE… so We ALL know "failed to flee" means something else. Take a peak, please.

Anagram =="Failed to flee"== Not using all letters but some…

Interdasting finds in the search…

Felda, FL

Load file

Flat file

All of it


Do it all


Left field

Dot file

Delta Life

The LIST GOES ON… onto something here…


5e6188 (4) No.2179350


Most of the unaccounted for material ended up in Israel to support the Jew Nukes. After all why spend Jew money on Nukes when your biggest dumbest slave can be tricked into giving it to you. This is how they think. WE gave Israel Nukes.

013d95 (9) No.2179351>>2179374

Incidentally it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone watching this little flame war, that the post counts have spiked to 22 ppm.

Just saying. No coincidences.

eb6bc4 (4) No.2179352>>2179373

File (hide): 3d9ac18761be847⋯.png (321.11 KB, 583x434, 583:434, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

999d38 (6) No.2179353>>2179399

TRUMP did GREAT in Helsinki> Fuck all the asshats:

Gingrich can suck a big fat dick

Ryan can suck a big fat dick

McConnel can suck a big fat dick

RINOs can suck a big fat dick


Shut this Russian Hoax Down, if any Intel Agency wants to keep it up. SHUT THEM DOWN


4ed64b (7) No.2179354


Boy know next to nothing.

Go play your vidya games or somethin you are fucking useless.

1bc58e (6) No.2179355

File (hide): 3f4ed0f3ed2e713⋯.png (161.02 KB, 605x423, 605:423, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Brennan must be feeling the heat. KEK

296432 (3) No.2179356>>2179364


get Scavino off his ass and change that POTUS

twitter banner to Putin/Trump

Trolling is fun..

and you are missing an opportunity

5fbe3f (16) No.2179357>>2179369 >>2179381 >>2179382 >>2179406

File (hide): 20a98de129e1332⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 350x183, 350:183, IMG_3459.JPG) (h) (u)

4f2c9c (2) No.2179358

File (hide): f397b6a36c7690d⋯.jpg (73.95 KB, 450x423, 50:47, FBI1111.jpg) (h) (u)

TODAY! 11:11

f7f72a (6) No.2179359

File (hide): f1aab5db2becef3⋯.jpg (186.86 KB, 1024x644, 256:161, xvsac6ylytd01.jpg) (h) (u)

775117 (12) No.2179360

There must be preop hormones

2191f9 (7) No.2179361


Like sayin' stop being a pedo to that cunt!

49ab23 (7) No.2179362


I've always figured clockfag had a (cough) staff (cough) to make those sophisticated graphics.

And it's hard, so we all just gave in.

e45bc1 (2) No.2179363>>2179366 >>2179368 >>2179370 >>2179375 >>2179384

File (hide): c938027c7435c44⋯.png (16.02 KB, 584x145, 584:145, disinfo.png) (h) (u)

Phase 2 of the Dems disinfo campaign…"mass" resignations to protest Trump. Lol….what idiots these people are

999d38 (6) No.2179364

1196cb (6) No.2179365>>2179400 >>2179433 >>2179448

File (hide): 2f543bace5089fd⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 736x1417, 736:1417, 02b5aa123af24f29e08bec6bc6….jpg) (h) (u)

Popcorn ready!

7ae6cc (23) No.2179366


my response:


they'd be draining the swamp themselves!!!

344958 (7) No.2179367

File (hide): 7e958e671e6cc8a⋯.png (66.69 KB, 1220x619, 1220:619, pilpul1523227853346.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a9a01c2f82bf86⋯.png (127.05 KB, 817x656, 817:656, 6a9a01c2f82bf86d1a143f647f….png) (h) (u)


Pilpul is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

6fc908 (2) No.2179368


So, the swamp will drain itself, and then the NGOs can be shut down using RICO? Lmao.

22cafc (8) No.2179369>>2179385 >>2179390

File (hide): df21adc588fe6b0⋯.jpg (145.11 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Patriots-Traitors.jpg) (h) (u)

4ed64b (7) No.2179370


Translation: NGO jobs to actively commit treason and undermine United State on behalf of the NWO.

These fuckers need to be hanging.

a0caf3 (11) No.2179371>>2179419


I thought he sells Berkee water filters?

Hocking, don't they make dishware?

185bd7 (1) No.2179372>>2179377 >>2179511 >>2179705

File (hide): 4d5153406974680⋯.jpeg (658.61 KB, 1760x1215, 352:243, B3A1377D-7132-47EA-8721-7….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 26a73a87f9f5d0d⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1490, 621:745, ED10E8B9-8DD1-4378-BDC9-E….jpeg) (h) (u)

Ben Garrison to No Name….

Why won’t you die…?

2183a1 (6) No.2179373


thats a bunch of okie-doke

f18268 (16) No.2179374>>2179436


They're that afraid..

9ea812 (15) No.2179375>>2179444


they are in actuality trying to bribe people away from trump

d9c23b (3) No.2179376>>2179386 >>2179418 >>2179574

anyone think it would be a good idea to show what the media's doing now re. the Trump/Putin meeting was exactly what they did re. the Trump/Kim Jong-Un meeting? -→ what does the Fake Media have against World Peace?

7ae6cc (23) No.2179377

File (hide): 8f138cc64d41a05⋯.png (97.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, detectoroutstanding.png) (h) (u)

e4a79f (1) No.2179378>>2179505

cabal meltdown is fucking for real. i just overheard the shit show that is molester holt, and they are trying SO fucking hard to put the meeting in the most negative light possible. so much that my trump supporting relative thinks he'll never get another vote "if he doesn't keep his mouth shut". the editing is propaganda at the highest level. i had to explain to them what's really happening. they are only seeking to enrage those who hate POTUS even more, and divide his voter base by making him seem like he's not the guy they voted for. stay vigilant, anons. red pill and explain to those around you as calmly as possible. ask why they don't report on certain topics, like the 400 mil, or why no one should listen to what shithead no name or faggot brennan has to say.

a0caf3 (11) No.2179379>>2179474


I hearby disown him for being an annoying whiny faggot.

5f9e31 (2) No.2179380

File (hide): 38d1c6586196bbf⋯.gif (5.77 MB, 352x264, 4:3, DX.gif) (h) (u)

POTUS and Putin to DS.

542678 (2) No.2179381>>2179406


Such a happy bunch:-)

955067 (1) No.2179382>>2179406


Comey is Troll Shilling all (YOU) True Patriots….

00ac9a (5) No.2179383>>2179445

File (hide): bbf1f54f1626ed6⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, podestapepe.jpg) (h) (u)


There's nothing in the emails aren't you sleepy?

7cbed5 (1) No.2179384


Ain’t no gov employee giving up their pensions for Obozo the queer

5fbe3f (16) No.2179385



6fc908 (2) No.2179386


A lot of government and media jobs would be lost if there were no conflict to keep the sheeple afraid, kek.

aa3428 (3) No.2179387



good 1 anon.

AFLB still namefags which gets him an instant filter.

ty aflb for makin it eazy.

be4092 (1) No.2179388>>2179397 >>2179532 >>2179564

File (hide): feed6a6984a137a⋯.jpg (175.43 KB, 1218x946, 609:473, 1531781378950.jpg) (h) (u)



a0caf3 (11) No.2179389>>2179417

File (hide): f75d4231e78ae6a⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 474x266, 237:133, eat fresh.jpg) (h) (u)

2183a1 (6) No.2179390

91a8e1 (1) No.2179391

Lest we forget

She was never supposed to lose!!!!

How was HRC supposed to use this hacking of the server as political fodder against Putin after she won? To start a nuclear war?!?!?! And blame Trump for it?

775117 (12) No.2179393

Does anyone know if I still have my unix account on that SC

It's been decades

I could use some proper telnet

a4321f (5) No.2179394>>2179404 >>2179420 >>2179438


>lack of communication




>ad homenem

>suspicious behavior

I dunno you tell me?

1571b6 (4) No.2179395

File (hide): 5c3602638d5b88e⋯.png (41.28 KB, 639x363, 213:121, 1531770073.png) (h) (u)

>>2177317 2744




1ae1e6 (1) No.2179396>>2179462 >>2179511 >>2179705

https://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/07/16/cnn-analyst-philip-mudd-when-will-shadow-government-rise-against-trump/ Philip Mudd just blurted out the existance of the shadow government/deep state on national television.

Basically called for a CIA coup.

Trump needs extra security when he gets back. I suspect assassination plots within the next week.

9ea812 (15) No.2179397

File (hide): 955cd17a41fb216⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 400x310, 40:31, bla.jpg) (h) (u)


u again

49d0f1 (6) No.2179398>>2179411


From fellow Anon…

Deadlift, deadliest, detained, Defiles

3d9e2c (3) No.2179399>>2179409 >>2179416


This didn't make notables, but I love Ron Paul calling out the deep state, and tying the lying media to them as well.

'MSM wants us to cast Russia as an enemy & it's wrong' -- Ron Paul to RT


"It's hard to say, but we usually describe that there is a secret government that likes to control things and most people know what we talk about when we talk about the 'deep state.' And they do have a lot of clout, they are very much involved in the media and the leadership of both parties, so both parties and the media are very, very, annoyed with Trump [being so] independent."

God bless Ron Paul.

0e84af (8) No.2179400


Sean needs to ask the question.

158c6b (11) No.2179401


>Said there is a couple decades old treaty whereby neither country meddles in the other's election process.

No - that 1998 treaty pertains to criminal law enforcement - that if a formal request is made from one country to another, to assist in the investigation of a criminal case, they will provide that assistance. E.g. if Russians are criminally accused by a US court, the Russian investigators/prosecutors will assist with the investigation in Russia, inviting US investigators to attend, and vice versa if Americans are accused by a Russian court.

The treaty he cited was not about election meddling.

A joint task force on election meddling was something else entirely.

0e85b3 (3) No.2179402>>2179431

File (hide): 487de53778abeb9⋯.jpg (190.12 KB, 568x1079, 568:1079, Clip_17.jpg) (h) (u)

Woke up this morning and thought I'd do a guillotine meme.

Then I saw that there were quite a few already.


f26793 (8) No.2179403

File (hide): 24db0b75f5c0e28⋯.jpg (188.51 KB, 734x798, 367:399, Trump Tweet 07062018.jpg) (h) (u)


Are the courts ready?

4ed64b (7) No.2179404


that kid is all just me me me me.

Don't waste your time and blood pressure, BV.

4929f8 (5) No.2179405>>2179421 >>2179428 >>2179459 >>2179498 >>2179534 >>2179754

Are anons paying ANY attention to the symbolism in this US-RUSSIA press conference?

This is Q research not a fucking chat room.

Symbolism GALORE

Soccer Ball from Putin to Trump

"Passing the ball"

Press Conference Location

"Hall of Mirrors"

Putin/Trump Meeting Room

"Gothic Hall"

American/Russian flags on equal footing in the background of the press conference

Melania wearing yellow all day


What else is there for symbolism that I am missing? Any water incidents?

5fbe3f (16) No.2179406

File (hide): 2f2d136e34e36fe⋯.png (760.36 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3387.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4001a8058d2c276⋯.png (761.13 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3379.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1168725490696ec⋯.png (758.91 KB, 828x408, 69:34, IMG_3373.PNG) (h) (u)

de2b12 (8) No.2179407

Hey Q

How long until "WOLVERINES!!!!!!"?

9ccd01 (1) No.2179408

File (hide): dd9523f45e64f45⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 50.55 KB, 540x546, 90:91, wellthere'syourproblemCS.jpg) (h) (u)

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179409


Jack Keane on Fox going nuts…"There is NO DOUBT the Russians meddled in our election…We have the goods on them!"

Man, these people should never show their faces in public again after all this.

574d32 (3) No.2179410>>2179415 >>2179522

I think it’s master move for POTUS to do interview after Wallace/Putin. Very enlightening answers by Mr. Putin.

49d0f1 (6) No.2179411


SHIT IT WAS A TROLL WHO SUGGESTED THESE. I was too tired to even check…

344958 (7) No.2179412>>2179422 >>2179453 >>2179479 >>2179501 >>2179520 >>2179537 >>2179592

File (hide): 8c7dae69756eb0a⋯.png (387.28 KB, 1320x772, 330:193, 4634634664754u54.png) (h) (u)

Gingrich is now on Cabal side too? Skeletons in closet?

065443 (4) No.2179413>>2179426 >>2179447 >>2179511 >>2179705

File (hide): 2e37d2766c0fbf9⋯.png (42.95 KB, 654x353, 654:353, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9bc16a35e4e6e9⋯.png (178.25 KB, 515x248, 515:248, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 855deeb0e1f6e5f⋯.png (127.56 KB, 495x240, 33:16, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


50e8af (4) No.2179414>>2179430

File (hide): ea2e812fe610284⋯.png (410.3 KB, 601x400, 601:400, the-bear kimC.png) (h) (u)

that presser today made me think of this

7ae6cc (23) No.2179415



5fbe3f (16) No.2179416


God bless Ron Paul.

a5e52b (4) No.2179417>>2179463

File (hide): 7649375ee42c393⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 15.jpg) (h) (u)

58c3e8 (7) No.2179418>>2179692


>what does the Fake Media have against World Peace?

Peace is bad for business

158c6b (11) No.2179419


That anon meant 'hawking' as in aggressively marketing

d6cee2 (1) No.2179420>>2179432

File (hide): c104c0f6486f91c⋯.jpeg (62.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, yew.jpeg) (h) (u)


Are we talking about AFLB?

He didn't hang himself on that <yew> tree?

To be fair, he always struck me as a "belt around the neck with his trousers down" kind of suicidal, but given the attention he craves, a tree would've been fine for him.

He's a child seeking attention.

Starve the faggot.

Let the leaf wither and die, Anons.

9ea812 (15) No.2179421


the timing brother

20c9ea (2) No.2179422>>2179435 >>2179439


he is deep state as fuck imho, his wife is ambassador to the vatican

a0caf3 (11) No.2179423


>Only DOJ can authorize expensive prosecution of billionaires with batteries of white shoe lawyers wired into MSM and to every agency of the federal government.

Which is why you put the white shoe lawyers in jail for fucking kids first.

2d99ea (4) No.2179424>>2179486 >>2179555


What about delta file? You have one file, you bounce it up against another file, and anything left is the delta. I also like load file, it's a flat file such as comma delimited, it can be opened easily in Excel or Access…

9f7c8f (4) No.2179425>>2179516



Chris Wallace dad, "Russian Jew"

Bill Browder's Grandfather leads the Communist Party of USA in 1930s

John Brennan Voted for the Communist Party USA in 70s


668025 (2) No.2179426>>2179451

File (hide): 947ad940e32264f⋯.png (953.84 KB, 847x634, 847:634, storm-arrivedx.png) (h) (u)

4ed64b (7) No.2179428>>2179450


symbolism, we are taking it all back.

july 16th, 100th anniversary of romanov massacre by kike bolsheviks terrorists and racially motivated criminals.

end of this week is the most 'unfortunate date in the year' for jews.

passing the ball noted and chekked.

yellow sunshine dress chekked.

water incident with possible rogue sub breaking up in gulf of mexico checkked.

693157 (4) No.2179429>>2179476

It's clear the deep state is going to be exposed…. Find the server.

4929f8 (5) No.2179430>>2179460


whys that?

Russia becoming a world power on the international stage in it's own right?

0e85b3 (3) No.2179431

File (hide): aa88a630f152f68⋯.jpg (290.44 KB, 717x1078, 717:1078, Clip_16.jpg) (h) (u)


here's another from Mirror World.

20f436 (4) No.2179432


so glad for that "fukken filtered" key…

9aff32 (1) No.2179433

File (hide): a9c15941d1d3212⋯.jpg (127.04 KB, 732x492, 61:41, _gyen8q1ddda.jpg) (h) (u)



2bb391 (3) No.2179434

File (hide): e9419efcee75cda⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 503x284, 503:284, 5d36b0f137.jpg) (h) (u)


100% KEK!

20f436 (4) No.2179435


Neocon, PNAC, CFR - DS rat

013d95 (9) No.2179436



Lesson for today is that giving you any kind of privileged information is a crapshoot. You just handed clowns information about members of the board staff, that only the board staff were aware of.

Regardless of whether your claims are even true, that fact alone makes you kryptonite. I wouldn't trust you to take my trash to the street properly.

108da6 (3) No.2179437>>2179480 >>2179484

File (hide): 3ddff0e04b63ee8⋯.jpg (59.61 KB, 1203x858, 401:286, trump.JPG) (h) (u)

Can any one read this?


f18268 (16) No.2179438>>2179467

File (hide): 1bad985f1305cf2⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 640x705, 128:141, shruggirl_.jpg) (h) (u)


I cut contact from everyone because the previous two boards were compromised by the social circles that grew around the mod teams.

It's human nature..

Yet I also answered every message sent to me through the boards, of which you sent none.

Then you chose to believe lies over reaching out to me. That's on you kid.

c707c6 (2) No.2179439


Never trusted Newt

22cafc (8) No.2179440>>2179457 >>2179464 >>2179497 >>2179614

File (hide): cdcc4477d79ab5a⋯.png (308.96 KB, 631x521, 631:521, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Wow. Just, wow.

46af12 (5) No.2179441>>2179465

Elon musk says ""bet ya a signed dollar" that Thai cave rescuer is a "pedo"


afc43e (2) No.2179442

File (hide): 116d44c9f95c630⋯.png (116.84 KB, 325x341, 325:341, screenshotAtUploadCC_15317….png) (h) (u)

It is annoying enough watching the News and Republicans rip up Trump tonight.

I don't expect stupid from Anons.

Last bread someone was trying to link Q to Startek.

This Bread we have someone asking if we think Carter page is a plant.

LURK MOAR and READ all of Q posts Twice.

Quit shitting up the board with Reddit questions.

Pics related. See how easy that is?

And while I am on a rant. Don't post sceengrabs of articles and tweets unless you have Sauce.

If you don't know what I mean by that, then you don't belong here.

a56766 (3) No.2179443>>2179477

File (hide): ddeb5671cebdfe8⋯.jpg (6.22 KB, 200x189, 200:189, 236_dlHLrYgh.jpg) (h) (u)


I sure do, fren. Lots of keks were had that bread.

We should hold a frenly Deadpool and wager on which top cabal member will an hero first. We can throw antifungalfag in it for fun.

fa2b59 (2) No.2179444


This. They are desperate.

They know that they cannot count on military intervention, now that the Mueller investigation is a dead duck and the SC is going to go Trump's way. This move is a crappy Hail Mary asking for volunteers for martyrdom.

It will have limited effect, save to provide an escape hatch to any medium-to-high level cabal members still in the government. No one who actually realizes what is going on would take them up on this offer.

dd3220 (5) No.2179445

File (hide): fdcb7141031e51a⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 952x500, 238:125, ptlcmyfqwsy.jpg) (h) (u)


don't ruin Pepe

e74e09 (2) No.2179446>>2179470 >>2179471 >>2179691

File (hide): 4f00efaa5a89fc9⋯.png (576.53 KB, 634x553, 634:553, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Bombshell Bourdain interview is published one month after his suicide: Celebrity chef unloads on 'rapey, gropey and disgusting Bill Clinton and hopes is 'beaten to death in jail'

7ae6cc (23) No.2179447

>>2179413 New LP texts further implicate Hussein's WH


949acd (1) No.2179448



2620d7 (5) No.2179449

File (hide): 5d68cd93d26ef61⋯.jpeg (6.19 KB, 278x174, 139:87, Yawn.jpeg) (h) (u)

4929f8 (5) No.2179450>>2179494 >>2179542


>water incident with possible rogue sub breaking up in gulf of mexico checkked.

wtf I missed that one will have to look

>july 16th, 100th anniversary of romanov massacre by kike bolsheviks terrorists and racially motivated criminals.

Oh shit I didn't see that one yet. ty anon that is a BIG deal.

>end of this week is the most 'unfortunate date in the year' for jews.

and wtf is that? Need to look it up. Do they know the date that they must bow?

f26793 (8) No.2179451

File (hide): 004780a27912d36⋯.jpg (98.88 KB, 900x505, 180:101, Whale vs shill_2.jpg) (h) (u)


Nice one, thank you.

4a3a85 (4) No.2179452


Not the real Stealth Jeff idiot.

I can see Finch IS a complete retard like someone was saying last night.

9aa8f5 (2) No.2179453


There he is! Been waiting for the fucktard to show his true colors. He's been in the middle of all this fuckery for years.

de2b12 (8) No.2179454>>2179466 >>2179469 >>2179492 >>2179519 >>2179533 >>2179544

So, I've been a "Mueller is a gray hat forced to cooperate" Anon since the beginning.

But, seeing what these 12 indictments is giving the nutjobs on the left today is making me second guess that.

Anybody have an insight on how one can still believe that Mueller is our guy after this?

Not concern trolling because …

I'm not concerned.

693157 (4) No.2179455>>2179487 >>2179489 >>2179626

File (hide): fb628ddef83a9fb⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 464x464, 1:1, 2e3p8i~2.jpg) (h) (u)

Russia is going to provide critical intelligence.

Fuck the deep state.

c954f7 (1) No.2179456>>2179473 >>2179499 >>2179531 >>2179562 >>2179581

BF@Britishfight on Twitter (British version of Q)

Just dropped 54 Tory leader names involved in pedogate.

2eac07 (1) No.2179457


OH.. muh gosh… they sky really is falling for them… isn't it? lol

f2e630 (8) No.2179458

Let's see here

Violated your rights then mockingly conceded it was the 'right' thing to do

How synagogue o Satan

Next thing you'll here is lucifer is a prancing glittery vampire with a self driving car and hangs out with pedoraptor sin Canada

496af5 (1) No.2179459>>2179559 >>2179754


Thank you Anon. You are correct. We need to look into it…

Sticking out to me…the yellow worn by FLOTUS. Yellow is the color of friendship. Think flowers. Every color represents an emotion. When you give a woman yellow flowers, it represents friendship. You would give them to co-workers, mother in law, bring them to a gathering for a host, and so on….

FLOTUS also wore a yellow dress when in England

50e8af (4) No.2179460>>2179559


kim clement (died before trump won) made some spoopy prophesies before he died. some have come true already.. also lurk moar

f8ccaa (5) No.2179461>>2179487

File (hide): c0ee7bde652e9db⋯.png (466.91 KB, 779x897, 779:897, putin_enemy.png) (h) (u)

Reposting for those who didn't see it before.

Butina was working for Torshin, the current (((central banker))) for Russia, ex-head of the FSB, and reputed godfather of the Russian mafia.

They are lobbying for a post-Putin world…

It is the exact opposite of colluding with Putin.

fa2b59 (2) No.2179462


Agreed. Things are going to get tight.

a5da0b (5) No.2179463>>2179496 >>2179504

File (hide): 943b1332197da80⋯.png (290.52 KB, 525x297, 175:99, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179464


Old habits die hard…LG snapped back into his neocon ways. It's that word…"Russia". It's like an MK Ultra trigger.

a5e52b (4) No.2179465>>2179623


from a guy who cgi cars in space.

4929f8 (5) No.2179466>>2179481



it's all about the blowback

don't look at the surface story

look at the blowback

You're above the water looking at the iceberg

You haven't explored underwater yet.

4ed64b (7) No.2179467


>Yet I also answered every message sent to me through the boards.

Now this is a red-faced lie. this fucking kid literally doesn't know when to stop deluding itself.

6403cb (2) No.2179468>>2179483 >>2179590

File (hide): c44e0fa996242f8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djtendtoday.png) (h) (u)

Not sure if anyone sauced the notable in 2745 (END today) but clock is attached.

de2b12 (8) No.2179469>>2179524



It's a big fucking fire intentionally lit to get to the server …

Fuck me. I just solved my own riddle. Thanks for playing.

c707c6 (2) No.2179470


This is probably why he is dead…

e74e09 (2) No.2179471


hopes Weinstein is 'beaten to death in jail'

Copy pasta failed

a4c23e (2) No.2179472

Wow fox, they are really trying to win over democrats, they have that rep. Swalwell fuck from the judiciary committee on right now to spew talking points about the summit.

9520dc (8) No.2179473


can you bring the texts of the names over? anon have been following and liked them in the notables last time

28de9c (4) No.2179474>>2179495 >>2179512 >>2179565 >>2179608 >>2179636


You're Famous SKIDMARK

ad37e4 (6) No.2179475





I didn't get war from that specific Q crumbs, anons. I was putting more than one crumb together in my head, and asking the question.

I know Q said there would be no CIVIL war.

But he does say


158c6b (11) No.2179476

File (hide): 5510c1ad2ca7db6⋯.jpg (148.95 KB, 500x668, 125:167, WeHaveTheServerQ.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03f91c5e7c4eaac⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 530x316, 265:158, WeHavetheServerFireworks.jpg) (h) (u)


"We have the server"

It's clear that its content will be unveiled when called for by the Plan.

Trust the plan, eh?

f26793 (8) No.2179477


oops this one was for you. >>2179298

48d441 (2) No.2179478

File (hide): 1f7d4343db36a17⋯.png (419.69 KB, 648x364, 162:91, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

From a technical point of view

There is more truth to this statement

Than you realize.

Usually people think of two devices

When they think of a syncing relationship

Where new files and changes from one device

Are synced to another, often a server

But you CAN chain such relationships together

And if you did you could set up one server to rule them all

And in the darkness bind them

Because it would have all the files from all the servers and all the devices syncing to those servers.

Now I have no idea whether Awan did such a thing

But given that he worked for a member of

A cult of con-artists

Who regularly made use of blackmail

This is not beyond the bounds of probability

d9c23b (3) No.2179479


there's a reason ol' Newt isn't in Trump's cabinet (and it's not just bec. Newt's wifey is a witch).

22cafc (8) No.2179480>>2179503 >>2179507


A great honor -

Thank you!

Donald J Trump

(so wanted it to say "a great movie")

de2b12 (8) No.2179481>>2179493 >>2179559


Dude, I've been underwater since 10/31.

But, Anons sometimes think out loud.

83dba1 (6) No.2179482


Agreed, I think Putin literally was saying "Ok, I just stole the ball from the deep state, your turn - and make it good"

PLUS, and I have not found it yet, but there should also be some administration news or moves that he is using this summit to distract everyone from.

473afc (3) No.2179483


On a 24-hour clock, the END will be on 9/14.

58c3e8 (7) No.2179484>>2179507


"A Great Novel"

2d99ea (4) No.2179485>>2179555


Q551 DWS FAILED to FLEE notice 'to' was not capitalized

49d0f1 (6) No.2179486


Ahhh… perhaps a message DIRECTLY to her about what /ourguys/ have? It HAS to be about the servers with all the words in there.

f8ccaa (5) No.2179487


>Russia is going to provide critical intelligence.

I think it was a quid pro quo.

Trump gave Putin evidence today on who is plotting against him in the Russian govt..



f2e630 (8) No.2179488

Satire has truth

Slander doesn't

dd3220 (5) No.2179489

File (hide): 3fe312d8593b338⋯.jpg (75.56 KB, 537x394, 537:394, 2e119r.jpg) (h) (u)

6dec2f (6) No.2179490>>2179511 >>2179705 >>2179724








Dr. Michael Seto, Scientific Advisor



"Is Pedophilia a Sexual Orientation?"

Michael C. Seto



>Controversially, Seto has suggested that pedophilia can be understood as a sexual orientation with regard to age, just as heterosexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality can be understood as sexual orientations with regard to gender.[7]<



>Looking forward, Seto says, “C.P. offenders are relatively unlikely to commit contact offenses in the studies that have followed them.” Over all, the recidivism studies indicate that only 2 percent of child pornography offenders committed a sexual offense involving physical contact during the follow-up period, which ranged from 18 months to six years. In short, says Hanson, “there does exist a distinct group of offenders who are Internet-only and do not present a significant risk for hands-on sex offending.” <




999d38 (6) No.2179491>>2179527

Holeee FUCK, everybody is out with the knives 4 DJT…


Kekistan is with you.

733102 (10) No.2179492


“We tried to turn over every stone we could to rescue Bob, but every time we started to get close, the State Department seemed to always get in the way,” Robyn Gritz, the agent overseeing the Levinson case in 2009, said.

. Mueller headed the FBI in 2009 when Oleg Deripaska, who has come up in the current Mueller probe of Russia, was asked to personally spend millions funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue Levinson.

from what ive read mueller hates hrc

they tried to get back robert levinson and she personally stopped it for 0 reason

he has a grudge to pay

9ea812 (15) No.2179493


welcome back on shore

4ed64b (7) No.2179494>>2179542 >>2179559


something like july 20-22nd. 'remembering unfortunate events day' or something.

2620d7 (5) No.2179495


Except he's Canadian.

dd3220 (5) No.2179496

1196cb (6) No.2179497>>2179598

File (hide): 137876e7246ae00⋯.jpg (19.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg) (h) (u)



Putin is blackmailing Trump!

Putin and Trump were colluding right in front of our faces!

Putin bugged the soccer ball he gave to Trump

they are so desperate!

8f2417 (8) No.2179498>>2179548 >>2179559 >>2179645

File (hide): 24f69a7791bae79⋯.png (1.27 MB, 798x799, 798:799, FLOTUS Butterflies 7-16-18.PNG) (h) (u)


Butterflies on the dresses

New Beginnings/Transformation

065443 (4) No.2179499>>2179620


I've been watching (and in contact with) the people behind this handle. They are claiming to give no shits about consequences for naming names (though so far names have been for those convicted). They are saying they are going from bottom to top, and will start naming people not convicted yet, which presents a considerable legal risk…

Account is related to TPRP:


d29b70 (1) No.2179500>>2179521 >>2179642

OK wow holy shit can we please PLEASE get some new Q posts pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease omfg

8f1cea (2) No.2179501


Love it, throwing smoke grenades…

Fantastic movie!

bc795b (3) No.2179502


this is what it all was leading to…

108da6 (3) No.2179503>>2179607


Take a close look at the g its looks like a q

a5e52b (4) No.2179504>>2179624

File (hide): a8ec8ca426a62fa⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 525x297, 175:99, foot.jpg) (h) (u)

1571b6 (4) No.2179505

File (hide): deb2e8183f3c932⋯.jpg (135.06 KB, 720x693, 80:77, tossyourtv.jpg) (h) (u)


based on these anecdotes, bet a silver pound they have the subliminal brainwashing machines up on full blast today on the all the major networks.

if so, agree that it's best to stay calm with frens & family, as they's be mk'ed.

best to get em away from the boobtube & out in the sunshine to get some vitamin D.

f26793 (8) No.2179506

File (hide): 5bae511d10c760d⋯.jpg (220.63 KB, 1082x745, 1082:745, Good luck Pompeo 07152018_….jpg) (h) (u)

"uh guys, i think i filtered Q" lol."

cracks me up.

And Q was posting much that day, lol.

It happen because fake Q was there before, lol.

58c3e8 (7) No.2179507>>2179545



Shit oops. Phonefagging it.

6dec2f (6) No.2179508>>2179523 >>2179536 >>2179549 >>2179710


1. Russians trained on US soil at TOP SECRET NORAD headquarters under Obama.

2. Russians practiced dismantling electricity for the US western seaboard during a drill under Obama.

3. Russians practiced insurgent formations during a staged nuclear drill in Alaska under Obama.

4. Russians signed an agreement with FEMA to act as 'emergency assistance' for an un-named emergency in the US under Obama.

5. Russians were deployed as firefighters in California under Obama.

6. Russians were given seven oil and mineral-rich, militarily strategic Alaskan islands by Obama.

7. Russians visited the White House over twenty times while buying US military uranium mines which benefited Tony Podesta to the tune of 180k.

8. Russians donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.

9. Russians disallowed US adoption of their children under Obama.

10. Russians hired Bill Clinton for a half-million dollar speech.

11. Russians donated to the DNC.

12. Russians eat, drink, sleep with corrupt globalist members of Congress and their cronies.

13. Russians were told by Obama (on a hot mic) that he would have 'more flexibility' once he is elected in 2012.

14. Russians 'hacked the DNC' but computer metadata points to a DNC insider instead.

15. Russians 'hacked the election' but intelligence white hats prevented all-out voter fraud again by Obama and Clinton; and the only proof of 'hacks' was against state voter databases by Obama's DHS.

16. Russians accused the US/OBAMA/CIA/SOROS of interference in Ukraine's elections (Maidan) after which Joe Biden's son joined the board of Ukraine's largest private gas company.

17. Russians acknowledged the MolestaPodesta ownership of 75,000 shares of stock issued by Viktor Vekselberg's Joule Unlimited that when sold appeared in the Panama Papers as part of a Russian mafia money laundering scheme that saw a Clinton Foundation bank account as the final landing spot for the estimated 6-23mil cash; an act that also tied the Clinton Foundation to the Russian military intelligence apparatus.

18. Russians contributed to/attended globalist John McCain Institute/Sedona Forum events with the Rothschilds, Hilary Clinton, Demi Moore, MolestaPodestas, and various/sundry CFR/TC members.

19. Russian businesses/banks/govt entities benefit from the MolestaPodesta group lobbying efforts on their behalf in DC.




a5da0b (5) No.2179509>>2179535 >>2179665

File (hide): 97fbf553d789169⋯.png (847.58 KB, 900x577, 900:577, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Swallowell on Fox now…

008795 (4) No.2179510


got sauce on full interview?

9520dc (8) No.2179511

500 Posts notables update

>>2179004 Putin on Browder's illegal earnings in Russia and Browder's $400M contribution to HRC campaign

>>2179294 POTUS On Hannity Tonight at 9pmE

>>2179308 Dig on Mikhail Khodorkovsky

>>2179372 Ben Garrison to No Name: "Why won’t you die…"

>>2179396 Philip Mudd blurts out the existence of the shadow government

>>2179413 New LP texts further implicate Hussein's WH

>>2179490 Dig into connection of THORN & No Name's Foundation

let me know if I missed any anons

caea95 (2) No.2179512>>2179517 >>2179528 >>2179540 >>2179547 >>2179551 >>2179631 >>2179749


Who is AFLB?

Asking for a friend.

693157 (4) No.2179513

400 million going from Russia to Hillary is the last nail in the coffin.

de4669 (1) No.2179514>>2179559

I've heard some good reasons not to think he'll be a great Supreme Court justice. The fact that Bush and McCain think he is a great choice especially makes me suspicious of him.

Then I thought about how Trump is always ahead of them all. He knows they had already announced their intentions to fight whoever he nominated. Why not nominate someone he didn't really want? Then he could withdraw that nominee and replace him with someone really good.

b45750 (4) No.2179515>>2179554 >>2179591

File (hide): 968b5ab8998181e⋯.png (503 KB, 663x373, 663:373, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

This POS makes me Sick

a0caf3 (11) No.2179516

File (hide): cc446a22645dca7⋯.png (27.42 KB, 431x600, 431:600, khazar.png) (h) (u)


>"russian jew"

5fbe3f (16) No.2179517>>2179631



f2e630 (8) No.2179518>>2179541

File (hide): bd4d628087416c5⋯.png (1.73 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2418.PNG) (h) (u)


All those privates doxxed bYteh ciascalps


5093c8 (3) No.2179519>>2179558 >>2179560 >>2179568


I'm "concerned"….The longer this goes on with the idiots who are supposedly on our side saying, "The Russians did it! The Russians did it!" Agreeing with Comey/Brennan the harder it will be to unwind all of this….

Don't understand DNI Coats and what he was thinking today saying that it was the Russians….It was Brenna/Clapper manufacturing fake evidence of Russian collusion backed up by DNC hired Crowdstrike…

715b00 (5) No.2179520


He always was. He's been painting himself as a Trump supporter until the cabal decides the opportune or necessary moment has arrived for even a MAGA supporter to turn on Trump in order to influence the public.

de2b12 (8) No.2179521


Relax. Q's about to fuck some shit up.

This is about to stop being frustrating.

b9711c (3) No.2179522>>2179599 >>2179606


Is Sean’s a live interview or recorded while in Helsinki? Sean said on radio today he is still there. If it is recorded, was it before or after presser

a5e52b (4) No.2179523>>2179644

File (hide): ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, YOU.jpg) (h) (u)

6b34d6 (1) No.2179524


that's exactly it. also "No Americans were involved." These were the hackers, who would he be "colluding" with? It clears Trump.

0eb511 (1) No.2179525

Just want to say love all of you genuine anons, bakers, research/diggers, memes, planefags, war room, twatter fags and lurkers ….

This is war - we are a rag tag bunch of randoms/ autists from all over the planet fighting as best we know how to, for what we know to be right. Our contribution, however slight it may be by comparison, is not for naught.

… shills can gtfo

ceed90 (1) No.2179526

File (hide): f95f05f95e5fd00⋯.jpg (203.48 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, CRIC.jpg) (h) (u)

158c6b (11) No.2179527

File (hide): 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ReeeeArmy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d62b6a26911c71a⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 650x520, 5:4, RidersOnTheStormREEEE.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 852f70b04e6b99c⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 500x627, 500:627, Pooh PigletReeee.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72112365d6a314e⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 248x255, 248:255, KekTroopsReeeeeee.jpg) (h) (u)


Yes we are.

POTUS & team: WRWY.


The Anons.


7ae6cc (23) No.2179528>>2179631


find on page: AntiFungalLeafBread

6bbfe6 (3) No.2179529>>2179566 >>2179673

File (hide): 94d962872be6937⋯.png (131.74 KB, 1571x830, 1571:830, SITREP C4ISR GANNETT TEGNA.png) (h) (u)


WTF is this?!






This is worth a further dig.

9930a4 (2) No.2179531

File (hide): 947e01256a918d8⋯.jpg (325.61 KB, 1332x887, 1332:887, PayTheReaper.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f37e69d733535f⋯.jpg (41.72 KB, 640x484, 160:121, images.duckduckgo-6.jpg) (h) (u)

4a3a85 (4) No.2179532


No you dirty faggot. Stop posting you shit twitter account faggot

20c9ea (2) No.2179533


mueller is doing a parallel investigation into lobbyists, meanwhile the military is secretly holding trials on the uranium one case in which RR, and Mueller are key witnesses, this which hunt keeps them in the spot light,

afc43e (2) No.2179534>>2179548 >>2179754


I noticed that her belt had a Monarch Butterfly.

Monarch Butterfly Spiritual Meaning

Monarch Butterfly Spiritual Meaning -- Monarch butterflies are beautiful creatures. They radiate inspiration, beauty and tenderness. They fly gracefully but silently. Watching them fly entertains our senses. Meanwhile seeing butterflies have special significance. But Monarch butterflies have deeper meaning then just being a beautiful creature. They are messengers of the spiritual and angelic world.


58c3e8 (7) No.2179535


What the fuck was he talking about? Republicans won't sign a pledge to not use hacked emails against Dems? Hahaha fuck that cum guzzler.

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179536

File (hide): 4624de5ad0dd386⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 625x415, 125:83, Jack.jpg) (h) (u)

aa3428 (3) No.2179537


sold his soul along time ago anon.

true colors starting to show.

c9ea77 (3) No.2179538

When POTUS declassifies it all, the tunes will change as quickly as fake outrage is stirred up.>>2179296

91d66c (2) No.2179539>>2179576 >>2179577 >>2179587 >>2179629

File (hide): b3dd5787d7d72d6⋯.png (51.31 KB, 232x356, 58:89, 2018-07-16_1614.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cf2cd4e6ede6052⋯.png (439.92 KB, 815x821, 815:821, 2018-07-16_1614_001.png) (h) (u)


>Peter Strozk

>St Johns Preparatory School, Collegeville, MN

>Class of 1987


7ae6cc (23) No.2179540>>2179571 >>2179631


and thats fake btw

f2e630 (8) No.2179541>>2179561


APPLE HAS Been following customers for twenty you say

a0caf3 (11) No.2179542




93f0c6 (3) No.2179543>>2179582

File (hide): d6a4bfcaf56ac64⋯.png (333.71 KB, 833x756, 119:108, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 004952a31e56efb⋯.png (423.91 KB, 581x356, 581:356, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

BOOM! New Text Messages PROVE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE Was Involved in Early Stages of Trump-Russia Investigation (VIDEO)


Despite denials the Obama White House was involved with the early stages of the Trump-Russia investigation.


a4c23e (2) No.2179544


All /ourguys/ are suddenly concernfagging about Russia as well. It's setting the stage, so whatever comes out of our cooperation from them can be fully credited to Trump, just like the NK summit.

22cafc (8) No.2179545


The shot just before that, when he is writing the last letter. it's an R

6dec2f (6) No.2179546>>2179575 >>2179580 >>2179639 >>2179705


(from early 2017)


HR 861: To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.


HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education


HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education


HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife


HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act


HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood


HR 785 National Right to Work


HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill


HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)


^^^That's a download .pdf

HR 808 Sanctions against Iran


H.R.193 - American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017 (NO UN)




2620d7 (5) No.2179547>>2179631

File (hide): 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, pepe glasses.jpg) (h) (u)



9ea812 (15) No.2179548>>2179567 >>2179645 >>2179715 >>2179754



butterflies, hmm symbolism doesn't compute, to me it symbolises very dark energy since its so connected with all the bad programming stuff

2785e0 (3) No.2179549



d5f3b2 (1) No.2179550

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


lmao I had to find that clip.

Shah totally jwoke "they are controlling many things, newspapers, media, banks, finanances…and I'm going to stop there" yeah because he didn't want to get into their human/drug trafficking.

0e84af (8) No.2179551>>2179631

File (hide): 684247a0e0f2b26⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 474x394, 237:197, normies.jpg) (h) (u)


A glowing nigger of extreme asshattery…also EX-BV.

1bc58e (6) No.2179553

File (hide): 21aec8fda1dd532⋯.png (181.8 KB, 449x387, 449:387, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Yes, this is really the tile of an article


ad37e4 (6) No.2179554


Yeah, he pisses me off every single time.

49d0f1 (6) No.2179555





useing the adjusted DWS FAILED FLEE without the "to" that was not capitalized … (thanks anon)

We all die

A field



What connections to DWS aka Little Miss Cunt Cunt


8f2417 (8) No.2179556>>2179583 >>2179594

File (hide): 01ae94a7df5e671⋯.png (24.07 KB, 662x273, 662:273, Prather re Vox 7-16-18.PNG) (h) (u)

6b670c (3) No.2179557>>2179588

Did anybody catch the fact Putin said there was a request for ONE extradition to the US?


b9dfb8 (16) No.2179558


It will unwind in seconds flat when the intel drops. Stop worrying.

4929f8 (5) No.2179559>>2179619

File (hide): 119f4c567f9588d⋯.png (303.79 KB, 582x3037, 582:3037, rod and ring2.png) (h) (u)


oh I know about kim clement and his stuff that has come true. another one is the rod and the ring will strike.

just wondered what you think it means that's all but it does make sense.


oh yes that's a logical one… hadn't thought of that one yet…. good to know about the Queen as well.


think to yourself what could possibly happen with these 12 indicted russians?

Maybe these 12 russians have info

Same reason why this dude got nominated to the supreme court. It wasn't about HIM. it was about unsealing the Vince Foster files so HRC can fry.


I'll check into that thank you


I was looking at that picture and hadn't caught that one yet… not common to see world leaders/wives wearing butterfly dresses that's for sure.


4d chess anon 4d chess

de2b12 (8) No.2179560


Don't be. Here's one example:

Q: Sir, the country isn't ready for the server.

POTUS: I know. How do we get them ready?

Q: Mr. President, the public needs to demand it.

POTUS: I have an idea …

f2e630 (8) No.2179561


Roaches prey on gonads

f26793 (8) No.2179562

File (hide): 2b972e2d87ea474⋯.jpg (142.24 KB, 847x634, 847:634, The storm has arrived.jpg) (h) (u)


Wha! British version of Q, whoa.

39a4a1 (2) No.2179564


You decide if its legit..






54a84b (1) No.2179565

File (hide): 68ac299fa156e86⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 229x221, 229:221, PepeLaughts.jpg) (h) (u)

9f7c8f (4) No.2179566>>2179673

File (hide): af7c25deaa0635e⋯.png (14.72 KB, 963x195, 321:65, C4ISR.PNG) (h) (u)

8f2417 (8) No.2179567


Then you are ignorant and shortsighted

58c3e8 (7) No.2179568


Consensus seems to be that they're deliberately distancing themselves from the giant shit storm that's about to go down.

48d441 (2) No.2179569

Circumcision is child abuse

This practice should be totally banned and outlawed

All male child immigrants should be checked for a foreskin

And if they were circumcised

The whole family should be banned from entry.

Children of Muslim or Jewish families should be checked at school

And if circumcision is discovered

Their parents should be charges with child abuse

And their children put into psychiatric care

To overcome the mental damage



08f888 (1) No.2179570

File (hide): d7b5ec07dfed9ea⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 386x256, 193:128, PATRIOTS_are_coming.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7cc458f5d36afc5⋯.jpg (354.69 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, PEACE.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e199d3694891c70⋯.png (346.76 KB, 848x469, 848:469, badboys_smiling.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12dc6e7fe440582⋯.jpg (68.38 KB, 625x434, 625:434, alwaysacompletebaddass.jpg) (h) (u)

Freedom is winning! Freedom is breaking out of the mediaMatrix box! Freedom is calling all of our spirits to come out of the illusion into the clear light of a new day!

The largest mass of the darkness clouding our planet, is our allowance of the millennia of child abuse, trafficking and pedovorism to persist. When we have the will to shine our light into every dark crevice of the human world and eradicate all the power structures, corrupt institutions and demonically possessed people, then will the light return in full force, to pierce the veil and raise our consciousness above our personal egotistical limitations.

You cannot truly be a patriot unless you believe in freedom. To believe in freedom requires that you try to see the big picture, if not with your mind then with your heart. Until you can see beyond the limits of the herd you identify with, there is no space nor hope for freedom, because it is too easy to sacrifice your spirit to the soul-crushing machine.

Freedom is winning! Freedom is breaking out of the mediaMatrix box!

Freedom is calling all of our spirits to come out of the illusion into the clear light of a new day!


8e624e (1) No.2179571

File (hide): 56cf8ba06b34d01⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 474x314, 237:157, You Don't Say.jpg) (h) (u)

693157 (4) No.2179572

Putin pointed out 400 million going from Russia to Hillary and Trump pointed out the server…..

Q said he has the server.

f47d3c (1) No.2179573

File (hide): 9b51d1563a4cfc2⋯.png (276.79 KB, 861x702, 287:234, POTUS 7 16.png) (h) (u)

One led to the other

d7d57f (1) No.2179574


they were planning to nuke us, if hillary had won

this is not a game

473afc (3) No.2179575


>>2179546 Behind the scenes actions against the Deep State

187528 (6) No.2179576


Fun fact..abt 1/2 mike from St. John’s college where Paul nakasone grqduated from..class of 1986.

dd3220 (5) No.2179577>>2179604


That's it! The dungeon and dragon nerds from high school drama class finally had enough bullying and decided to take over the country and exact revenge on all of the people that aren't in their weird little inbred network.

Fuck you NERDS

3d9e2c (3) No.2179578

Random… but on the day of the "false" missile alarm in Hawaii they had also been testing a loudspeaker alert system here in central Texas (a state gov building)… but, anyway… they're doing it again right now. Hopefully, this means nothing.

6625ee (2) No.2179579


>All warfare is based on deception

no it isn't.

5093c8 (3) No.2179580


I like all of those bills but I don't see a single one EVER passing the US Senate

7ae6cc (23) No.2179581


>British version of Q)

no, probably just a patriotic brit with intel

158c6b (11) No.2179582


>>2179543 New Texts Prove Obama WH Was Involved Early in Trump-Russia Investigation

08bbbe (1) No.2179583>>2179662


That reminds me. What happened to the OIG report on election fraud that was to show Trump won the popular vote after the fraud vote was discounted?

668025 (2) No.2179584

File (hide): e0f9662fd24d194⋯.png (823.77 KB, 1125x561, 375:187, ny-storm-coming.png) (h) (u)

f2e630 (8) No.2179585

You mean that upside down pyramid USB full of plerbs

362d48 (1) No.2179586

Tip top KEK…>>2179551

187528 (6) No.2179587


1/2 mile. And good work anon!

0e84af (8) No.2179588


He was in China, not sure. Might be stateside now.

93f0c6 (3) No.2179589>>2179618 >>2179705

File (hide): fc24e8eae56a579⋯.png (409.48 KB, 892x780, 223:195, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b4cdb3253ae4172⋯.png (362.3 KB, 898x827, 898:827, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b0edd787b58f0c0⋯.png (85.36 KB, 906x842, 453:421, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): adad6d328483185⋯.png (59.76 KB, 891x450, 99:50, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


US And Allies Planning Evacuation Of White Helmets From Syria


"So the US, Dutch, British, Danish and German governments have been funding the White Helmets, a non-governmental organization, through proxies for over five years."

86b963 (4) No.2179590>>2179739


Like my daddy always says; "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit."

63bdc4 (4) No.2179591


he be nice. messaging children is a legitamate business franchise. in california.

49ab23 (7) No.2179592

File (hide): d886ce6f66bf91e⋯.jpg (17.2 KB, 449x308, 449:308, mr rogers.jpg) (h) (u)


Newt Gingrich always played a position of convenience.

See also: Contract with America v asking his wife for an open marriage.

He was successful. Then he was compromised. Then he was assigned Calista as a handler.

344958 (7) No.2179593>>2179731

For all the people confused and thinking this is a loss.


Tsar Nicolas II Execution

Cabal Panic

The Triumvirate is formed

No turning back

The meeting HAD to happen if you want Luciferians gone. Now POTUS will carry the weight until our new allies are ready to step in to help finish the job.

ac6185 (5) No.2179594


hoping the REAL election count is revealed one day…

I estimate POTUS won th popular with 70 million

05ec39 (2) No.2179595

Any timeframe on a class action lawsuit against FB?

Q hinted at it, possibly several times.

Are there grounds?

Are we still waiting for more evidence?

566117 (1) No.2179596>>2179720

File (hide): c1c94aca15c15cd⋯.png (184.25 KB, 784x599, 784:599, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

One of the last EOs signed by Hussein…lawfags?

'''Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of

Justice '''

I don't think we looked at this when Q asked us about the DOJ 'Succession Question'…


Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.




9f7c8f (4) No.2179597>>2179600

BROWDER on FoxFAG now.

WHY dont they ask about his Grandpappy communist shill motherfucker

dc22ad (1) No.2179598


putin blackmailing trump

putin and trump colluding

which one is it fag

574d32 (3) No.2179599>>2179630


Wallace Putin was recorded earlier as well. Taped a few hours after Putin interview was taped.

Wallace got some balls to interrupt Putin and asked some of those questions.

7ae6cc (23) No.2179600


me me me me


2191f9 (7) No.2179601

Russia Relations, Jun 21 2007 Video C-SPAN.org.mp4


70010b (1) No.2179602



Bye Bye!!!

f2e630 (8) No.2179603

I think I'm false witnessing false homotus for too many chitty graffs, there is a hill down the road


7ead1a (3) No.2179604>>2179634


what are you prattling on about?

968ec1 (1) No.2179605>>2179650

File (hide): ad442dbe550824e⋯.png (219.13 KB, 1275x474, 425:158, Screenshot_2018-07-16 ADS-….png) (h) (u)

Did Pompeo stop off in Iceland

For a large man he sure can travel

7ae6cc (23) No.2179606>>2179635


after the press conference

108da6 (3) No.2179607


To me it looks like:

A [q]reat honor - Thank you!

49ab23 (7) No.2179608


HFS. That's amazing.

ead4d7 (1) No.2179609

File (hide): 263ab03b41d6da8⋯.png (238.79 KB, 600x336, 25:14, 5x5.png) (h) (u)


:17 & :25

Check out Trump's twitter videos. Most have a pic of Potus at :17

Interdastingly, many also have a scene at :25 of a camera or suggestive of a camera. The I , the eye, the ((you)). Seems like the :25 spot might be a general comms opportunity after watching more of these.

I've looked at the G7 video (a countdown so some mirror work is in order) https://twitter.com/g7/status/1005275092883005440

^^^^^also notice the Q shaped clock at the 5x5 mark (that's :35 for you dyslexics)


https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1017832276615417858 ←--- England, we see the grand approach of the motorcade at :17 and the view as seen by someone filming behind the scenes at :25 suggesting the presence of the cameraman.

And Helsinki, today:


Potus and others at negotiation table at :17 , press with cameras including cameraman at :25

Nato summit:


Potus at :17 , interesting group of folks walking toward camera at :25

Learn our comms

Pic = G7

6dec2f (6) No.2179610>>2179632


THIS LAWSUIT IS WHY SHE WAS supposedly in the US on an invalid visa. Lotta dead folks lol methinks that Trump JR email leak is gonna be ricochetin around and bitin some butts LOLOL

AND who was her translator?? A RUSSIAN. That worked (s?) for the FBI. And HRC. lol. you cannot make this stuff up!

>>The Russian-born, partly U.S.-educated Samochornov is a former project manager at the Meridian International Center, a subcontracted nonprofit hired by the U.S. State Department where, according to his LinkedIn profile, he worked on programs to “establish an understanding of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives for current and future international leaders,” and served as an interpreter at “high level UN and private sector meetings for the Secretary of State and other VIPs.”

Samochornov was also apparently a “program officer” at the FBI’s field office in New York, according to an FBI press release.<<


>>Following the introduction by Program Officer Anatoli Samochornov, A/SAC Anderson gave a brief summary of the international scope of the FBI under circumstances relating to counterterrorism and criminal cases and the collaboration between various countries’ national intelligence services, based on her own extensive background and international cases she investigated. Discussing common security threats and teamwork between the U.S. and our European allies, Anderson provided insight on the FBI and our global reach in fighting international crimes and terrorism.<<



>>USA v. Prevezon

During 2015 and 2016, Fusion GPS was hired by the Baker Hostetler law firm which was defending Prevezon from an asset seizure by the U.S. government. As part of their litigation support, Fusion GPS investigated Bill Browder, a witness central to the case. During the course of the case, Browder claimed that Fusion GPS had previously been hired to undertake a pro-Russia campaign to aimed at stopping passage of the Magnitsky Act, named after Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer and auditor who died while being held without charges in a Russian government prison after he revealed that the Kremlin had stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from Hermitage Capital Management.

On March 30, 2017, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa called for a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into connections between Fusion GPS and Russia, and an inquiry as to whether Fusion GPS was acting as an unregistered foreign agent. The company has denied the claim that they were engaged in lobbying or violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act.<<



MAY 2015


MAY 2016


DEC 2016


MARCH 2017



APRIL 2017


MAY 2017


"Gorokhov was also a key witness in the Prevezon money-laundering case that ran through Cyprus, a case managed by Preet Bharara, US attorney fired by Trump."

Prevezon is the company that the Russian lawyer was granted entry to the U.S. to help defend in court.

Due to the rooftop toss of the key witness, our case was weakened and we settled for 5.9M instead of the original amount."

39a4a1 (2) No.2179611

File (hide): 436e3a135ea6073⋯.jpg (474.7 KB, 1065x752, 1065:752, 37362886_1402560439888816_….jpg) (h) (u)

ad37e4 (6) No.2179612>>2179625 >>2179653 >>2179678

FOX is sickening today.

ff2ebf (1) No.2179614

File (hide): 130087a40e1b978⋯.jpg (517.77 KB, 1920x1198, 960:599, self-storage.jpg) (h) (u)


Ha ha even if true we all know this is where that ball's going to end up going.

0e85b3 (3) No.2179615

File (hide): ea5c2f47c3962cc⋯.png (330.86 KB, 704x742, 352:371, Screenshot_2018-07-17 Kim ….png) (h) (u)

f2e630 (8) No.2179616

All this over a wooden potatoe

eb42f9 (1) No.2179617>>2179685 >>2179689

Did you guys catch that?

"I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people."


9ea812 (15) No.2179618>>2179638


this will be very dangerous for the country in which they end up, they are in actuality ISIS mercenaries that put on white hats when staging fake gas attacks and/or recording fake media clips

whoever gets them gets terrorists

8f73c5 (1) No.2179619


Multiple response posts are confusing. I am a retard. Yeah I know, kill myself. Just sayin, I skip em.

065443 (4) No.2179620

File (hide): db52cd4fb278646⋯.png (43.26 KB, 637x649, 637:649, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


TPRParty just dropped a bunch of names (all rt's of British Fight)

Pic-related regarding BF plans to dox those who escaped punishment.

5fbe3f (16) No.2179621

Rand Paul lighting fires and kicking tires

Naming all outspoken detractors of Trump on news hour


37402f (2) No.2179622>>2179680 >>2179716

So anons, I need some ANTI CNN ammo for a retarded as fuck friend of mine. I'm about to cut ties with him just because he seems really fixated on some fantasy about trump sucking putins cock. I know he still watches CNN even though I've told and shown him repeatedly how much they lie. I've known this cat nearly my entire life and I'd rather not have to excise him like the tumor he is becoming.

46af12 (5) No.2179623


bet ya he's right

cdc881 (3) No.2179624

7ae6cc (23) No.2179625>>2179633


can you imagine the other networks?

51529c (4) No.2179626>>2179656


This pic reminds of wheres waldo.

5e6188 (4) No.2179627


Is he really a trannie? Wow that is fucking proof he must be Jew. Those Luciferians really push that shit as an offering to Lucy.

Well I guess he will end his days sitting in a cell being butt fucked by the other traitorous Jews. Good times for him await.

63bdc4 (4) No.2179629>>2179666

File (hide): 20778a46fc94c58⋯.png (830.66 KB, 690x1170, 23:39, b31rs3g2p9711.png) (h) (u)

b9711c (3) No.2179630


Agree, and to interrupt like he did.

caea95 (2) No.2179631>>2179713

File (hide): 6635e49bcdae41d⋯.jpeg (37.86 KB, 630x630, 1:1, love_pepe.jpeg) (h) (u)


>>2179517, >>2179528, >>2179540, >>2179547, >>2179551

I should have fucking known - been here since last October. Thanks for setting me straight faggots.


6dec2f (6) No.2179632



"In the stipulation of settlement filed with U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III today, which is still subject to approval by the Court, one of the defendant corporations, Prevezon Holdings Ltd., agrees to pay $5,896,333.65 to resolve the Government’s claims against all defendants. This payment represents triple the value of the proceeds that the Government alleged could be traced directly from the Russian treasury fraud to the defendants ($1,965,444.55), and more than ten times the amount of proceeds the Government alleged could be traced directly to property in New York (approximately $582,000)."


ad37e4 (6) No.2179633


I refuse to. Couldn't stomach the thought.

dd3220 (5) No.2179634>>2179734




b9711c (3) No.2179635


Thank you fren

013d95 (9) No.2179636


Didn't see it in the feed, but funny af anyway kek

e519a0 (2) No.2179637


SES logo has 13 stars and 7 stripes?

93f0c6 (3) No.2179638


Extract to Yemen or Afghanistan I suspect!

83dba1 (6) No.2179639


It appears that the ammo is being stock piled until after the election - when everything here could pass - BOOM

8f2417 (8) No.2179640>>2179670

File (hide): 167741d4aaa01a6⋯.png (528.18 KB, 651x705, 217:235, Dobbs re Gaetz 7-16-18.PNG) (h) (u)

Little late after what Gowdy said yesterday


fa1bd8 (2) No.2179641


You're forgetting that Awan's testimony is also currently classified - not just the server

2bb391 (3) No.2179642>>2179664

File (hide): e90dac1b4cc6802⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, DiLVcXXUwAAmggc.jpg) (h) (u)


No problem…Q signal…ENGAGE!

6dec2f (6) No.2179643

pedo as and the russians


3d9e2c (3) No.2179644


Gosh, that graphic… never fails to make me lol.

49ab23 (7) No.2179645>>2179715


Reclaiming the symbols >>2179548.

And yes, the best part of my day was spying that first photo.

Trust me, the day was shit after that, but I'm recovering gracefully now.

71dbd8 (2) No.2179646

File (hide): b995a3bb5630fcb⋯.png (639.29 KB, 990x559, 990:559, qspur.png) (h) (u)


>joint task force with US and Russian Law Enforcement to get to the bottom of the Election Meddling.

With corrupt msm suppressing any legit journalists' info getting out, perhaps Mr. Putin is including Jugears' Admin. meddling & corruption?

Ever hear a word about this on Faux (aside from Hannity or Dobbs saying only as much as they can), or the other chat entertainment networks? https://dailycaller.com/2017/05/11/the-other-much-worse-hacking-story/

>Cybersecurity experts have confirmed that the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security attempted to hack into states’ voter registration systems in Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, and West Virginia.

>Back in December of 2016, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp went public with findings from his office that a “third-party cybersecurity provider detected a ‘large unblocked scan event’ on the morning of Nov. 15, several days after the election.” He further alleged that the event began as far back as February of that year.  The “scan event” turned out to be one of 10 unsuccessful attempts to penetrate Kemp’s firewall, the same one protecting his election systems.

>What’s more, the hacking attempts occurred on key election dates and also happened to coincide with Kemp’s public statements pushing back against a DHS plan to designate state election systems “critical infrastructure.”

>Most damning? The cybersecurity firm discovered the hacking attempt originated not from some foreign country far away but from a workstation located under the umbrella of DHS---on Capitol Hill, in Southwest Washington, DC, in an office affiliated with then-President Barack Obama’s DHS, under former Secretary Jeh Johnson.  Federal agencies were not allowed to access state databases at the time without permission from the state. DHS Secretary Johnson was hoping to change all that with his new “critical infrastructure” classification.

cc7b15 (2) No.2179647>>2179658

Interesting Browders … probably not all related but still.




Earl… (CPUSA chair?)

Eddie … (Jack Ruby connection)

https://isgp-studies.com/DL_1960s_70s_Jack_Ruby_Tom_Howard_Sam_Giancana_Johnny_Roselli_Jim_Koethe_Bill_Hunter_deaths (Eddie Browder)

Senator connected to ASC

https://isgp-studies.com/organisations/ASC/2005_11_01_John_Fisher_ASC_history.pdf [ PDF!]




Another interesting Browder (Weinstein connection, suicide):


ac1cfa (6) No.2179648>>2179654 >>2179655 >>2179659

I'm now thinking that The ulitmate question is:

"Where is the DNC server?"

1ac739 (2) No.2179649

Juliana Glover, Ashcroft, Mueller, Comey. Tied to Browder. Dig on Glover.

158c6b (11) No.2179650

File (hide): ce2e6add460c19b⋯.jpg (230.9 KB, 1686x489, 562:163, 990004 USAF B752 SAM734 He….jpg) (h) (u)


I think the plane Pompeo used to arrive in Helsinki was 99-0004. (Not positive, as there were several).

d0b3d4 (2) No.2179651>>2179675 >>2179683 >>2179690 >>2179695 >>2179696 >>2179701 >>2179705 >>2179722 >>2179725

Just a couple of minutes ago, California Democrat Eric Swallwell made a statement live on Martha McCallum (FOX) about computer forensics that I can say is 100% not true.

He said GEOTUS's calls for "the server" are ridiculous because the FBI went ahead and imaged the server the president is speaking about and therefore already has everything that was on it.

I spent over 20 years in computer forensics to eventually own a private computer forensics firm and caught myself yelling at the tube that he was full of shit.

Imaging a computer will catch what's there and visible at that time ONLY. In many instances, you can roll back to what was there before by manipulating subtle variances in the magnetics of the subsurfaces--oftentimes even recovering something that was actually written over–even multiple times. This capability does NOT translate across into an image file. That's why HRC's people took hammers to the devices.

This is not common knowledge which the average geek would have, but in his position and this situation, erroneous information is dangerous to our country in unseen ways.

MASSIVE Pinocchio for him.

89e628 (5) No.2179652>>2179671

are you sure those are ants goin in?

in? sure…. ants basically 64 of them, salt helped mine comes naturally in cowpattys ya know

doitteamq, or is it doitqteam ?

8f2417 (8) No.2179653>>2179700


Fox is sickening everyday lest a few minutes here and there

But they are particularly vile today

013d95 (9) No.2179654


Or maybe "why hasn't it been forensically analyzed?"

356ca8 (3) No.2179655>>2179694 >>2179702


It sure as hell was never "Who is Q?"

715b00 (5) No.2179656>>2179687

File (hide): 6a3d891f841978c⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, Who DoYouSee.png) (h) (u)

0bd52b (2) No.2179657>>2179697

Lou Dobbs: Breaking: Mark Meadows has new texts between Page and McCabe implicating Obama WH in initial steps of the Trump campaign investigation. Texts from Oct. '16.

cc7b15 (2) No.2179658


I also believe that Earl Browder may be Curtis Yarvin's [Mencius Moldbug of NRx / Bannon fame]


But that information is hard to find on the net, though it's been acknowledged. I'm relying on memory here.

b45750 (4) No.2179659>>2179741


in Trumps basement closet

96e528 (4) No.2179660

>>2179309 I agree. People are underestimating this arrest ( no longer just an indictment) The MSM stepped in it BIGLY by making it a big deal in a " WE GOTCHA NOW" Trump. Conspiracy with the Russians before reading the affidavit. It also shows Mueller's full hand. The conspiracy crimes look credible… they just took place before Trump announced his candidacy. That leaves Jeb holding the bag for the crimes. LOL

5093c8 (3) No.2179662


I want to know where a lot of things went, like Huber? Like the EO declassifying everything? Like the Impeachment of Rosenstein????? Like the charges against McCabe????

522e85 (1) No.2179663>>2179707

And with Leafy comes…Having a bad time posting.

See You tomorrow GMT.

Glad you're back eBot.

The meme is deeper than you know

83dba1 (6) No.2179664



Q - even a haha to the deep state would be great.

2183a1 (6) No.2179665


how does the cult decide on these fucking names? Swallow Well? Penis Stroke?

ac1cfa (6) No.2179666


Not Strzok.

Looks like SS.

2cd301 (1) No.2179667


He wrote a book making a compelling case for Russian government agents being bad actors in the Magnitsky affair, but struggles to hide his (((true colors))). The book is called "Red Notice."

e519a0 (2) No.2179669>>2179684

Can we tweet at Hannity to ask Trump about Q tonight?

0bd52b (2) No.2179670

>>2179640 why ?? what does Roosterhead Run ?? other than his mouth ?

89e628 (5) No.2179671


somethin realllll close to that know what i mean?

from a short unpublished book of poems by steganon

de2b12 (8) No.2179672>>2179688 >>2179698

Well, Fox is exposing themselves. We've got a handful of patriots left there.

6bbfe6 (3) No.2179673




That's very easily stated, when GANNETT (TEGNA) is a big part in this whole investigation.

This is not a coincidence.

It's directly connected to each other.

6b670c (3) No.2179674

File (hide): ad50b54578d74bc⋯.png (273.17 KB, 837x529, 837:529, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

They fall for it every damn time.

fa1bd8 (2) No.2179675>>2179696 >>2179711



b9dfb8 (16) No.2179676


574d32 (3) No.2179677>>2179733

CNN Erin breaking down Wallace/Putin interview. “Take the paper” as Wallace tries to give Putin indictment of 12.

CNN trying to spin this as insignificant. CNN Comedy hour.

aa3428 (3) No.2179678>>2179699


when are you going to learn?

they are sickening everyday.

even the ones, Hannity, that appear to be pro Trump. he would bend over if Netanyahu asked him and he will tell you that osama bin laden masterminded 9/11.

00ac9a (5) No.2179680>>2179755

File (hide): 8b256f30dbef28c⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1198x1362, 599:681, childseperationwaco.png) (h) (u)

5fbe3f (16) No.2179681

File (hide): 5313926e0fab33d⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 758x499, 758:499, IMG_1355.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 25484b3f69c2c94⋯.jpg (103.63 KB, 758x499, 758:499, IMG_1329.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee0f2e8cf7f7f36⋯.jpg (129.26 KB, 1086x499, 1086:499, IMG_1364.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 18b6dfb9e46633f⋯.jpg (88.97 KB, 730x437, 730:437, IMG_1328.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ffe4f0060f98742⋯.jpg (159.47 KB, 725x499, 725:499, IMG_2016.JPG) (h) (u)

0c8b90 (1) No.2179682

What is the ONLY thing that could stop Q team from posting at this point?

Would the posts stop if POTUS ordered it?

If POTUS heard the "Who is Q?" shouts and thought that it was too early for that, how could he slow it back down?

d0b3d4 (2) No.2179683>>2179712


Phuk. So I guess I doxxed myself as a ForensicFag. Phuk.

cdc881 (3) No.2179684


The interview is already taped.

158c6b (11) No.2179685


MY → MI → my Military Intelligence

6f8355 (1) No.2179686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

browder was on fox about 5 mins ago

44b91c (3) No.2179687

File (hide): 1f43c2926c516a4⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2396x1595, 2396:1595, download (6).jpg) (h) (u)

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179688>>2179748


This is why today's move was brilliant. Drawing out all the traitors.

ac6185 (5) No.2179689


yes…NOT the hold overs from hussein…

9520dc (8) No.2179690

>>2179651 Swallwell Lying about "The Server"

4f2c9c (2) No.2179691


Unable to refute a word of it.

acd102 (1) No.2179692


>Peace is bad for business

4a1580 (5) No.2179693

File (hide): d5ce820ac3e7311⋯.jpeg (135.79 KB, 1440x973, 1440:973, 1529074228.jpeg) (h) (u)

ac1cfa (6) No.2179694


>It sure as hell was never "Who is Q?"

Exactly. Q's identity or validity doesn't matter to anyone outside this board.

the server sure as fuck does though.

86b963 (4) No.2179695


Seconded for not ables

7ae6cc (23) No.2179696

>>2179651 ComputerForensicsFag calls out Swallowell for bullshitting on "imaging" the server



I agree baker

bc795b (3) No.2179697

356ca8 (3) No.2179698>>2179706


It was ever much more than the primetime hosts anyway. Cavuto and of course Shep have been DS cucked for some time

715b00 (5) No.2179699

0133c1 (1) No.2179700


Looks like the Murdock globalist elitist sons are running the show now. They've gone full blown CNN on us it would appear.

Think about the money to be made for a cable news outlet with a common sense conservative perspective now that FOX has dropped the ball.

89e628 (5) No.2179701


they have the databases in this case as well, always did, probably show an actual metal hardware for news optics, thats how we got in this mess partly, dumbed down explanatiions passed thru dumbed down generations

7ae6cc (23) No.2179702



so fucking true

5e6188 (4) No.2179703>>2179717

Yeah thanks for finding the clip. The Shah was doing all the CIA wanted but he fucked up and admitted he knew the total game. So the Jew just went with plan B. The Khomeni faggot that magickly grew a finger back in france…..anyone read body double……and started the whole Iranian Revolution. Likely the Jew stole everything they could during the chaos……then used Iran to begin funding terror to build up to where we are today.

9520dc (8) No.2179705


>>2179004 Putin on Browder's illegal earnings in Russia and Browder's $400M contribution to HRC campaign

>>2179294 POTUS On Hannity Tonight at 9pmE

>>2179308 Dig on Mikhail Khodorkovsky

>>2179372 Ben Garrison to No Name: "Why won’t you die…"

>>2179396 Philip Mudd blurts out the existence of the shadow government

>>2179413 New LP texts further implicate Hussein's WH

>>2179490 Dig into connection of THORN & No Name's Foundation

>>2179546 Review of HR's and EO's Behind the Scenes During Trump Presidency

>>2179589 US And Allies Planning Evacuation Of White Helmets From Syria

>>2179651 Swallwell Lying about "The Server"

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179706


Man I could've punched Cavuto in the face today. What a turd.

bc795b (3) No.2179707

1a2e2f (1) No.2179708

File (hide): e95236e833adc39⋯.png (112.86 KB, 323x246, 323:246, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png) (h) (u)

Some post with a guy with a stuffed animal in a previous bread.

9520dc (8) No.2179709


2620d7 (5) No.2179710


I took the time to read through your post before responding. Others obviously did not, or they did not get your sarcasm.

Anyhow, my two cents is that the word, "narrative" ought to make people suspicious in regard to NEWS.

"Narrative" ought not to even be in the jargon used by journalists and media.


At minimum, We the People need to DEMAND they stop talking about their fucking "narratives" and start REPORTING the FACTS.


b45750 (4) No.2179711>>2179729


no sauce no notable…

e45bc1 (2) No.2179712


We love our forensicfags (no homo)! Kek.

013d95 (9) No.2179713



It happens.. Kind of how everyone that stuck up for the douche canoe feel, frankly..

fb20e6 (1) No.2179714

Told Comey cause Gitmo is coming for him..

They are shitting themselves… the question is where is the server.. when does POTUS declassify all intel for hearings?

8f2417 (8) No.2179715>>2179726 >>2179728 >>2179735 >>2179750 >>2179753


Butterflies were around before the cabal

Pizza existed before Podesta

Not everything has to be viewed through the lens of the cabal

Monarch butterflies were in my backyard today hanging out with the hummingbirds and dragonflies

I enjoyed seeing them

I choose not to let the cabal have that power over me like this anon does >>2179548

2d99ea (4) No.2179716


Search on Twatter for the hash #cnnisisis, there may be a few more hashtags like #cnnisfakenews; a lot of ammo there Anon.

7ae6cc (23) No.2179717






51529c (4) No.2179719

Pretty obvious that the deep state roles people out in waves. Like when AJ showed his true colors. Today Newt is being the traitor he is. They have fake Trump supporters all over the place and they activate them when needed but it is very calculated. Idiots.

6625ee (2) No.2179720



>northern illinois



ag order of succession set by overlooked bho eo

1ac739 (2) No.2179721

Juleanna Glover from Wiki:

>Glover served as a senior policy advisor to then Senator John Ashcroft (R-Missouri); as the Publicity Director for (((The Weekly Standard)));

>Early in her career, Glover spent time working for (((Bill Kristol))),

>Glover also served as the registered government affairs advisor for Iraq’s first post-Saddam Hussein ambassador to the United States, Samir Sumaidaie. She is a former term member of the (((Council on Foreign Relations))).

Oh, what a surprise. BOOM

>Glover was a senior advisor in Senator John McCain's 2008 bid for the White House,

2191f9 (7) No.2179722


Photorec can do that without manipulating the magnetic structure blah blah blah

a0caf3 (11) No.2179723

File (hide): bbf0ed9244ae25b⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 953x913, 953:913, q.jpg) (h) (u)

03e504 (1) No.2179724

File (hide): b2e6acc595103f0⋯.jpg (141.83 KB, 1677x993, 559:331, windowstothesoulorlackther….JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 93320ee1e181af6⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 634x388, 317:194, SCUM.jpg) (h) (u)


makes me think of this faggot, kissing cousins?

296432 (3) No.2179725



always keep in mind that the NSA collects

everything, deletes nothing.

all communications to and from that server are

in the hands of the NSA.

12f611 (1) No.2179726


Rainbows are proof of God's Forgiveness to us, not LGBT's avatar.

89e628 (5) No.2179728


think ill do better playing flys on butts or pasta?

008235 (3) No.2179729>>2179740


He is the sauce.

74c8c3 (10) No.2179730

CNN Analyst Philip Mudd: When Will ‘Shadow Government’ Rise Against Trump?

CNN take out the POTUS ? 187 ?

Mudd said this more then once int he past !!!

didnt CNN rigg the presidential debates? not a word of the donna cnn rigging?

https ://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/07/16/cnn-analyst-philip-mudd-when-will-shadow-government-rise-against-trump/

999d38 (6) No.2179731>>2179756

File (hide): 1e507035b4764cb⋯.png (824.28 KB, 998x1117, 998:1117, analyst_division.png) (h) (u)


True This

Also, I think PUTIN showed up with some serious Mojo. Probably put a few shockers on the table, either stuff TRUMP didn't think he knew or things the Russians had done behind the scenes he(Trump) didn't know or was informed about. It was an important but non urgent agenda for TRUMP, for PUTIN it was a do or die all or nothing no second chance meeting and I think he came with his A game.

I hope POTUS resists the "advisors" who will try to return him to the Col War Rut the Deep State needs in order to survive.

d83233 (1) No.2179733


Wallace is now a process server as well as a journalist.

7ead1a (3) No.2179734

File (hide): 8f07e0846791ce9⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1111x1299, 1111:1299, 8f07e0846791ce9f6c14752790….png) (h) (u)


i was being a sarcastic fagtwat….carry on!

cdc881 (3) No.2179735>>2179747


The true reveal will not come until the pea-brained psychos calling for lynchings of anyone with red shoes, etc ends and cooler heads prevail.

Last thing they want is some nut fucker with an AR shooting up the next PRIDE parade because they think they are all pedophiles.

d9c23b (3) No.2179737

Who really needs a server when he owns the NSA?

6403cb (2) No.2179739



Anon that post date appears at the same marker as today.

That is not bullshit. Tried to keep it as simple as possible. Obviously not simple enough.

b45750 (4) No.2179740


prove it..just sayin

ac1cfa (6) No.2179741


Or Rosenstein's basement.

008795 (4) No.2179743>>2179751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this. Just rewatched and something popped out at me this time @6:39

Gowdy says he doesn't care about the impeachment of RR and that RR is Trump appointee, etc.. and POTUS can fire him with a tweet.

I think alot of you got it wrong. He's not shilling for the DS, and not RINO-ing. It's a message to not waste time with anything concerning impeaching [[[RR]]]. he's trying to let us know that when it comes time to remove RR.. POTUS has it covered.

22cafc (8) No.2179744>>2179752 >>2179766

'Trump is taking the word of a dictator, over the word of the intel community'

Is what I've been seeing all day.

Looks to me like POTUS has decided to force the issue.

Truth is coming. JA, SR and the server.

2bb391 (3) No.2179745

File (hide): abde8739cfda0ec⋯.gif (177.71 KB, 189x175, 27:25, daboss.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf788e69956c53d⋯.png (10.69 KB, 255x205, 51:41, cat.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d40e15e0feb6e5⋯.jpg (36.96 KB, 480x372, 40:31, Hill.jpg) (h) (u)

994006 (2) No.2179746

File (hide): 6457a2e810da94b⋯.jpg (134.61 KB, 1024x435, 1024:435, pepe stage 5.jpg) (h) (u)

8f2417 (8) No.2179747>>2179763


Ah yeah, the red shoes

I have a pair

Might be as dangerous as wearing a MAGA hat with some of the narrow mindedness

83dba1 (6) No.2179748


When the truth is finally out, EVERYONE that spoke against POTUS will be suspect to the same crimes that are exposed - no one will ever listen to them again.

Watch who verbally stand with the traitors.

d99caf (9) No.2179749


now ur filtered

9ea812 (15) No.2179750


>I choose not to let the cabal have that power over me like this anon does

says the mind that was programmed by them since the first breath

b9dfb8 (16) No.2179751


Agreed. Impeachment would take a long time. POTUS can fire him, or declass the docs himself.

356ca8 (3) No.2179752


All he has to do is mention Iraq and the IC's big fuck up, and people will calm down

ac1cfa (6) No.2179753


>Monarch butterflies were in my backyard today hanging out with the hummingbirds and dragonflies

Baker: Notable

397d60 (1) No.2179754





Yellow, the color of the far-seeing sun, which appears bringing light out of an inscrutable darkness only to disappear again into the darkness, stands for intuition, the function which grasps as in a flash of illumination the origins and tendencies of happenings. Yellow( the attribute of Apollo, the sun-god) indicates magnanimity, intuition and intellect. Yellow, because of its association with the sun, is considered the sacred privilege of the royal family.

Butterfly: Among the ancients, an emblem of the soul and of unconscious attraction towards the light. The butterfly was equated with life rather than with the soul in the sense of the spirit or transcendent being. This explains why psychoanalysis regards the butterfly as a symbol of rebirth. In China, it has the secondary meanings of joy and conjugal bliss.

37402f (2) No.2179755


Funny story, after I told him to stuff up about it because we werent going to convince eachother of anything that he isn't going to bring the political shit up anymore, which is good. Because I didn't want to ruin his world as he's already a depressed mess and I'm seriously one of his only remaining friends.

89e628 (5) No.2179756


only advisor he needs is flotus

esp for chess

9520dc (8) No.2179757

File (hide): 4f6c98bdd3872d0⋯.jpg (144.82 KB, 500x368, 125:92, brrrrt2.jpg) (h) (u)

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

6b670c (3) No.2179759

wow Fox is blatantly trying to brainwash us right now

7ead1a (3) No.2179760


2d99ea (4) No.2179762

File (hide): 5eafed52b97b5ec⋯.png (102.79 KB, 334x465, 334:465, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png) (h) (u)

994006 (2) No.2179763


this is pretty scary because that might just happen. look at India right now.

2183a1 (6) No.2179766


>Looks to me like POTUS has decided to force the issue.

was it ever supposed to go another way? i always hoped not at least.

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