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64734c No.21675378 [Last50 Posts]

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64734c No.21675380

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64734c No.21675383


#26542 >>21674533

>>21675130 VP JD Vance Holds a Rally in Newtown, Pennsylvania

>>21675110 Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA

>>21674839 A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance to Newtown, PA!

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21675151 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien!

>>21674654 Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674905 Trump Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected

>>21675362 PDJT also said 5-0 in his speech today

>>21674560, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 Trump Truths

>>21674543 (Tomorrow) President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688, >>21674933 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21674811 Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature?

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674613 Biden-Harris DoJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21675063 Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing / funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674673 Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DoJ

>>21674719 Jimmy Carter turns a century in 3 days

>>21674727, >>21674872 Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court”

>>21674754 Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump, what are you going to do about it?

>>21674854 Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market

>>21674883, >>21674895, >>21674983 Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

>>21674917 Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

>>21675001 Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats

>>21675062 Seruga: Over 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021, and 5 million more on the way

>>21675165 PF: More circular thingys

>>21675174 Hillary Clinton Claims She’s The "Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met"

>>21675214 The US Embassy in Iraq is currently being surrounded by thousands of protestors

>>21675225 STOP IT, ALABAMA!!!😂😂😂

>>21674550, >>21674571, >>21674717, >>21674827, >>21674841, >>21674910, >>21675126, >>21675134, >>21675302 Memes

>>21675371 #26542

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64734c No.21675384

#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790, >>21673980, >>21674000 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674012, >>21674018, >>21674026, >>21674029, >>21674040, >>21674050, >>21674060, >>21674066, >>21674070, >>21674080, >>21674082, >>21674086, >>21674088, >>21674094, >>21674097, >>21674103, >>21674113, >>21674118, >>21674125, >>21674133, >>21674135, >>21674139, >>21674151, >>21674158, >>21674169, >>21674178, >>21674182, >>21674189, >>21674194, >>21674202, >>21674208, >>21674218, >>21674241, >>21674245, >>21674254, >>21674261, >>21674265, >>21674283, >>21674288, >>21674294, >>21674309, >>21674315, >>21674328, >>21674329, >>21674340, >>21674355, >>21674358, >>21674376, >>21674381, >>21674391, >>21674401, >>21674404, >>21674413, >>21674429, >>21674430, >>21674443, >>21674445, >>21674453, >>21674460, >>21674468, >>21674482, >>21674484, >>21674487 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21674398 Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, to Hold a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania 5:15EDT 9/28/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773, >>21674074, >>21674347 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815, >>21674048, >>21674412 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673824, >>21674023, >>21674059, >>21674142, >>21674185, >>21674216, >>21674223 DAN SCAVINO posted 2 “FROG” memes and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968, >>21673975, >>21674035, >>21674052, >>21674122, >>21674147, >>21674212, >>21674257 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910, >>21674165 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

>>21673974, >>21674392 NASA Space Related

>>21674112, >>21674372, >>21674497 Helene = I-40 is WASHED OUT between NC and TN washed out, comms out

>>21674419 Bill Still - The Money Masters - Full Length

>>21674153 from 2016 - America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED TALKS

>>21674200 DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

>>21674243, >>21674270, >>21674318, >>21674374 Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan 6 dead

>>21674414 Patriot Chris Kuehne Delivers Final Message Before He Enters Prison as J6 Political Prisoner

>>21674452 Two Delta Airlines agents smuggled over $3M in ketamine through JFK

>>21674507 #26541

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64734c No.21675385

#26540 >>21672850


>>21673366, >>21673410, >>21673644 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21672856 Only 37 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21672863, >>21673126, >>21673139 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672884, >>21672942 @Roseanne Blood Guts and the Shadow Governemnt

>>21672908 What the hell is a “perfect wife guy?” 🤔 Abortion and Football that's what

>>21672932, >>21673025, >>21673487, >>21673603, >>21673606, >>21673702 They fund their enemies, to justify what they do

>>21672978, >>21673004 RFK Jr. is up against a well organized, powerful and ruthless killing machine

>>21672979, >>21673016, >>21673094, >>21673124, >>21673182, >>21673321, >>21673387, >>21673400, >>21673588 NASA Space Related

>>21672991, >>21672999, >>21673595, >>21673613 Stupid is as Stupid does for Kamala

>>21673003, >>21673285 KAMALA makes false claims about Trump’s record on manufacturing jobs and steals his ideas

>>21673017, >>21673680 Ongoing Election Interference

>>21673062, >>21673067, >>21673448 TRUMP TRUTHS Border Czar

>>21673077 Flood waters in Biltmore Village next to Biltmore Estates, VANDERBILT [pool]

>>21673146, >>21673276, >>21673694 Hurricane Helene Aftermath

>>21673313 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Campaigns in Monroeville, Pennsylvania

>>21673326 Fani Willis' "Loverboy" Nathan Wade Gets A Reality Check As U.S. Marshals End Weeklong Manhunt

>>21673394 Biden admin slammed for misusing Strategic Petroleum Reserve

>>21673473 Pelosis have been caught in an insider trading scandal involving Visa

>>21673479 Biden should be 'court-martialed' for what he's doing with Iran with Mark Levine

>>21673494 Today in Q Post History we have 21 Deltas

>>21673521 Abortion Business Sues Pregnancy Health Center – for Stealing Its Customers

>>21673556 The National Science Foundation is the main funding artery for most of the censorship ecosystem in the United States

>>21673591 CNN compared Trump to Nazis then says Melania should 'take back' 'dangerous accusation' MSM 'fueling' political violence

>>21673597 Update on Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne becoming another J6 Political Prisoner

>>21673642 Texas Law Firm Is Representing Over 50 New Alleged Victims of Diddy, men woman and minors

>>21673732 #26540

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64734c No.21675386

#26539 >>21672095

>>21672779, >>21672787 12:30 PM EDT President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21672250, >>21672262, >>21672705, >>21672746, >>21672750, >>21672755, >>21672758 PF updates

>>21672100, >>21672121 link between Sec'y Mayorkas & Ryan Routh? Soo Kim is affiliated with NATO'S @SAISStrat

>>21672132, >>21672138, >>21672497, >>21672378 @DanScavino GOOD MORNING. LFG!!!!! #TRUMP2024

>>21672141, >>21672407, >>21672411 Earlier this morning, an Iranian 747 Cargo Plane with Fars Air Qeshm, an Airline affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was forced to Divert over Iraqi Airspace and head back to Tehran while enroute to Beirut

>>21672149, >>21672201, >>21672195, >>21672205, >>21672214, >>21672275, >>21672278 @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris, who allowed almost 14,000 MURDERERS to freely and openly roam our Country, is now making a Speech in Douglas, Arizona, trying to say she did an OK job with the Border…

>>21672151 Gutfeld: Anyone who defends illegal criminals crossing the border is 'complicit'

>>21672174, >>21672181, >>21672305, >>21672390, >>21672401, >>21672415, >>21672419, >>21672782 Now Official: Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed by airstrike in Beirut: IDF

>>21672179 Democrat Senator Ron Wydenof Oregon Pushes Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

>>21672183 ‘Pennies on the dollar’: Tuscaloosa businessman buys truckloads of border wall sold by Biden-Harris Administration

>>21672192, >>21672197, >>21672197, >>21672321 Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson hospitalized after 'incident' at campaign event/burns

>>21672198 'Defy human decency': Border agents rescue drugged, smuggled children

>>21672209, >>21672571 Kenyan Born??? Intel lies to Americans?? So it ain't so

>>21672220 Texas Sues U.S. Health and Human Services Over Rule Labeling 'Gender Dysphoria' As Protected Disability

>>21672222, >>21672224, >>21672226 US Port Problems

>>21672244 37 Days to WINNING

>>21672359 Scamala vid

>>21672412 ICYMI: Facebook created a secret gov’t portal for CDC employees to flag and censor free speech on “Covid & Vaccine Misinformation.”

>>21672433 @MELANIATRUMP phone pic

>>21672475 FULL SPEECH: President Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in New York - 9/26/24

>>21672505 Will you be chosen for euthanasia?

>>21672522 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672598, >>21672814 Roseanne talks with Tucker Carlson about the baby bIood drinking cuIt./Nicole Shanahan

>>21672611 Bannon from Prison: 'Victory Is at Hand', Bannon is slated to be released from prison on Oct. 29, a week before the election

>>21672637 Heritage Foundation: Project 2025 Director Dans Was Fired/story change optics?

>>21672677 Prayers Answered! Thanks to all who responded.

>>21672681 #AnonNews Feed

>>21672708 Kamala Harris Caught Hiring Actors To Pretend To Be Ex Donald Trump Supporters For Her Campaign Ad

>>21672778 SpaceX and NASA are targeting no earlier than Saturday, September 28 for Falcon 9’s launch of Dragon’s ninth operational human spaceflight mission (Crew-9) to the International Space Station from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The instantaneous launch is at 1:17 p.m. ET

>>21672819 FULL SPEECH: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672824 WATCH: Trump Discusses Plan to Lower Taxes for Businesses That Do This - 9/27/24

>>21672829 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672835 FULL SPEECH: Mike Rogers Speaks at Trump Event in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672837 FULL SPEECH: Boudewijn Haase Speaks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672840 Today is National Hunting and Fishing Day, Hunting, Fishing, and Loving Every Day!

>>21672842 #26539

Previously Collected

>>21672086 #26538

>>21669521 #26535, >>21670290 #26536, >>21671109 #26537

>>21666844 #26532, >>21667748 #26533, >>21668645 #26534

>>21664123 #26529, >>21665035 #26530, >>21665893 #26531

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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64734c No.21675389

File: 8367a11663e3b46⋯.png (127.74 KB,280x392,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)



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5223b3 No.21675392

File: 6c660439466a7e1⋯.png (1.68 MB,1367x875,1367:875,d51d783c5006c22a2a8c6b9cf5….png)

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2927d7 No.21675400

File: 34fea6b28a4b6b8⋯.png (700.22 KB,683x683,1:1,6h43g5432233.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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2276f3 No.21675402


Groovy man

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a42ffc No.21675406

File: 2665869c84dfb22⋯.png (275.57 KB,416x472,52:59,2665869c84dfb2260336a2806c….png)

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835505 No.21675408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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27e766 No.21675411

File: 4df6bb4be83d9ff⋯.jpg (17.65 KB,219x255,73:85,Qflag.jpg)

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84622a No.21675413

File: 3279a791c38340b⋯.png (62.48 KB,585x426,195:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b4d5d No.21675414

File: 2d9a31e000d0e08⋯.jpg (82.38 KB,600x345,40:23,2d9a31e000d0e081bf5c757039….jpg)

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2276f3 No.21675419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stranded in the jungle

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c6ae3e No.21675426

File: 92ade9697e10664⋯.png (864.03 KB,1858x1139,1858:1139,IMG_2748.png)

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b59ed7 No.21675429

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)


And my next song is called


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0b47f4 No.21675438

File: 1c9ac92f9c052d3⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,720x1050,24:35,7j54h674543j6563.mp4)

This is creepy as fuck

Even gives the joker a bad name.

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62ffab No.21675439

File: 5c479151098f2f4⋯.jpg (35.6 KB,750x485,150:97,trytuvdcasd.jpg)

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e87481 No.21675440

Evenin’ Nightshift

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f582fb No.21675441

File: b2dcbe76eec13bc⋯.jpg (40.65 KB,623x498,623:498,popcorn_pepe5.jpg)

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88fb60 No.21675442


Satanists round anon are loosing it, insane babbling fucking retarded shit snacking VERMIN

Satan is fucking DEAD

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ec8bfe No.21675443

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)

File: c363776318b982f⋯.gif (3.73 MB,480x272,30:17,chopper_ns.gif)

File: 03747e825ed7095⋯.gif (872.98 KB,260x228,65:57,star_wars_deployed.gif)

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5a2c58 No.21675444

File: 1670c2bffa4d45a⋯.jpg (360.87 KB,1080x750,36:25,1670c2bffa4d45a787ccb9d004….jpg)

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b59ed7 No.21675445

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,255x255,1:1,c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)


Guud evening fam

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db9980 No.21675446

File: 180c09c5e488c3a⋯.png (35.9 KB,567x410,567:410,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eacb5 No.21675447

File: a264c4fd18bf64e⋯.jpeg (788.41 KB,960x1461,320:487,IMG_1594.jpeg)

Never forget, it was THE ALABAMA TEAM THAT GAVE “TRUMP” THE “17” JERSEY IN 2018


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81fba3 No.21675448

File: 9b0bd4e59d59d4a⋯.gif (3.16 MB,360x247,360:247,9b0bd4e59d59d4adf676790934….gif)

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45720e No.21675449

File: e8d4190ce285f0a⋯.png (529.58 KB,959x654,959:654,Q.png)


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e3be7c No.21675450

File: fa4f5729e804a6b⋯.png (737.84 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't you give up on us Normies.

You're going to love this Next Bit.

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91ba5e No.21675452

File: 4852085516ea14e⋯.jpg (61.92 KB,500x569,500:569,0lwk.jpg)

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c6ae3e No.21675453

File: 76c8a2c08985fd1⋯.png (81.52 KB,254x189,254:189,IMG_1509.png)

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ec8bfe No.21675454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:dough below



LIVE: President Trump in Prairie du Chien, WI - runtime 1hr 17 min.



djt youtube channel.


rsbn full stream - runtime and build up 4hr 46 minutes.



djt takes the mike at 3.42pm e.t

POTUS: ' A lot of states arent so happy with that …outside we have thousands and thousands of people… would anyone like to give up their seat? … looks like when Lindberg landed in New York, thousands and thousands of people.. and they would all have a lot of fun… and now they are probably walking back home because the administration couldnt give us the secret service available because they are guarding the iranian president who is looking to kill Trump… we will call in the National Guard… thats smart, who is that, stand up, youre very smart'

President Trump: We have a nice little room that probably holds fifteen hundred, two thousand, maybe less, and outside, you have forty, fifty thousand people, because the administration couldn't give us the Secret Service necessary, because they are guarding the Iranian president who is looking to kill Trump.

POTUS: ' Look at the people behind, are they relatives of yours… well you got a lot of killers in our country… last night after four straight years of obliterating our border… kamala harrtis traveling to the scene, and stood near where i put up border wall as a backdrop.. as one of the most heinous crimes against our country.. thats what she did… by allowing millions and millions to enter our country and … distinguish the sovereignty of our country.. she must never be forgiven for obliterating the border, what shes done is a disqualifier.. we have so much death '

President Trump: Lat night after four straight years of obliterating our border; I watched this show that she put on. Four years of the most incompetent border anywhere in the world in history, Kamala Harris traveled to the scene, in fact she stood near where I put up border wall…Border Czar Harris went to the border to lie in the most shameless and horrible way possible. At the very site where she released so much suffering, misery, and death.

POTUS: ' According to explosive data released yesterday by ICE.. theyve never released this kind of information.. even our great law enforcement has seen people like these.. these are killers, .. they make our criminals look like babies… these are stone cold killers.. theyll walk into your kitchen and slit your throat.. she let in 425,431 people convicted of the worst crimes, theyre criminal aliens along with an additional 220,000 criminals with pending charges against them… so along with the 13,000 that makes 642,572 thousand migrant criminals that will kills Americans

POTUS: ' Joe Biden became mentally impaired, kamala.. she was born that way.. she was born that way… '

President Trump: Kamala also let in twenty-five thousand, two hundred and seventy-two illegals convicted for rape, sex offenses, or sexual assault. Sixty-two thousand, two hundred and thirty-one criminal aliens convicted of violent assault…in total she let in four hundred and twenty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty-one people convicted; and these are convicted of the worst crimes…along with an additional two hundred and twenty-two thousand illegals with pending criminal charges, many of those charges also are murder…that's over six hundred and forty-seven, five hundred and seventy-two migrant criminals, who Kamala set loose to rape, pillage, thieve, plunder, and kill, the people of the United States of America…Kamala is mentally impaired…only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country.

POTUS: ' Theyre terrorists at the highest level… we have no idea where they are.. they could be in Iowa, Idaho, they could be here.. because every state is a border town.. theyre flying them in the hundred of thousands… and she lies so much.. she said "Donald Trump ripped the babies out of the cribs,".. was actually Obama who built the cages, that was in 2014, that was Obama.. all of sudden the cage story went away when it wasnt me.. the simplest lies were she worked at McDonalds and she lied.. im going to go to McDonalds and she said she stood in front of the french fries.. all the stupid people. the anchors back there (fake news)… they say hes falling into a trap.. they dont want me to question her.. all her stories have been debunked… shes saying im ripped the kids out of the cribs.. that may have been Obama.. '


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81a09b No.21675455


watch the water..and you know the thing.

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8b4d5d No.21675456

File: 0a6dc220393056a⋯.gif (2.39 MB,480x264,20:11,0a6dc220393056a7c91e75fe7e….gif)

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88fb60 No.21675457

File: c8322935294fff2⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1516x887,1516:887,1000001766.jpg)

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84622a No.21675458

File: fea542a9f8fa605⋯.png (548.55 KB,440x590,44:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec8bfe No.21675459

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS: ' Do you think Biden lays awake at night thinking of fentanyl and death? '

POTUS: ' We lost by just a little bit, i was told if i got 63 million votes, i got more votes than any sitting president has ever gotten.. we have more lawyers, more people watching.. and when we win we will prosecute people who cheat on this election.. and if we can we will go to the one before that too… '

TRUMP- We are going to prosecute those that cheat during this election. And we're going to go back to the last one too, if we can.

President Trump: If we win, and when we win, we're gonna prosecute people that cheat on this election. And if we can, we'll go back to the last one too, if we're allowed.

[statute of limitations would absolutely allow that]

POTUS: ' If this building was 20 times larger it still wouldnt be big enough (for the crowds outside).. why would they do that to the people who travelled so far… '

POTUS: ' This is very real.. this gets down to the fabric of our nation… you will be looking over your shoulder for your safety '

POTUS: ' She letting in people who are going to walk into your house, break into your door.. theyll do anything they want.. these people are animals.. theyre stone cold killers.. they wake up the next morning and they dont remember what they did the day before.. '

POTUS: ' Many many countries, their jails are almost empty,;… i woulda done the same thing;… and your law enforcement here just had a problem here that we will talk about '

President Trump: {Harris] is letting in people who are going to walk into your house, break into your door, and they'll do anything they want…these people are animals. She's released people; these people are animals…these are stone-cold killers. They're heartless, and they wake up the next morning, and they don't even think about what they did the day before. These are real killers. These are the worst; these are people that have been in jail for many years. These are people that killed many people.

POTUS: ' People coming over the border are taking the jobs of our black pop and the hispanic pop '

TRUMP- This is a dark speech

POTUS: ' Stone cold killers, drug dealers, gang members.. every country in the world are taking their worst people. the criminals, the gangs who have hurt people, they are taking their worst people and theyre bringing them into our country '

POTUS: ' Some of the honest fake news back there.. oh theyre turning the cameras when i point that out.. you have some good people back there.. but mostly horror shows '

POTUS: ' A lot of these people are terrified.. they dont want to talk about it.. '

President Trump: Small towns in America are terrified of migrants coming in, and even when they haven't yet arrived, they're terrified. And a lot of these people don't want to talk about it because they think it's so bad for the town, but they're going to have to talk because people are being killed.

POTUS: ' Honestly, they arent going to take it much longer and its easier if on Nov 5th, you vote for Trump '

POTUS: ' Thank you very much, oh i love that young voice, what a beautiful young person you are.. thats what we are fighting for, that voice.. we dont want them to grow up in this insanity '

POTUS: ' Think of it, 13000 people who murder people. they arent going to change theyre going to get worse… so we are here in PRarie Du Chein '

POTUS: ' Btw im going to end all sanctuary cities' '

POTUS: ' The people of these sanctuary cities, they want them out.. its just the politicians… we will explain to them later '

President Trump: The people of these states with big sanctuary cities, these people want them out. It's only the politicians that want 'em. Some day we'll explain why.

POTUS: ' We have a lot of action going on in Wisconsin… an illegal alien was arrested for tying up and blindfoldiing a 12 year old girl and sexually assaulting her '

POTUS: ' Little beautiful areas of our planet… you are going to have a lot of problems.. theyre all over the place.. look at whats happened in NY.. and they went after the mayor of NY because he said we couldnt take it anymore.. theres vicious monsters in our country who are stupid which is dangerous '

POTUS: ' I will liberate our nation, our nation will be free again… its going to have to go fast… and im the only one who can do it.. they dont talk about it… because its bad publicity to talk about people getting killed '

POTUS: ' Look at what they are doing in colorado, theyre real estate developers, they do it with a gun '

POTUS: ' I am endorsed by every law enforcement group, i think, or just about it, cuz theyll find one tiny person up someplace, up someplace… who will say Trump lied, he lied '


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d34a6f No.21675460

File: 7c8977214a6cfcb⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB,360x640,9:16,FDownloader_Net_461555338_….mp4)

File: 12f2a6487f6a41f⋯.jpg (772.43 KB,2509x1011,2509:1011,Screenshot_20240928_195051….jpg)

File: 45180a68b47a12f⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2487x812,2487:812,Screenshot_20240928_195137….jpg)

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835505 No.21675461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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373b56 No.21675462

File: 7581207b53ff9e8⋯.jpg (142.41 KB,862x859,862:859,43t4h352352354.JPG)

No injuries after U.S. Army helicopter makes emergency landing in Jefferson County, fire department says

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Tenn. (WVLT) - The White Pine Fire Department said it was one of several agencies that responded to a Black Hawk helicopter that made an emergency landing Saturday afternoon.

WPFD said units arrived on the scene to find the helicopter, which was from the United States Army, made an emergency landing in a field near Brethen Church Road after a possible electrical fire.

Officials said there were no injuries and that the aircraft suffered minor damage.

The following agencies responded for assistance:


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ec8bfe No.21675463

File: f8d7f3b8864ad3d⋯.png (674.85 KB,1080x1094,540:547,ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump: These towns, these little towns and cities, and by the way, the big cities too. New York. Look what's happened in Ne York. And they went after the mayor of New York because he was saying, 'we can't do this'; they just indicted him from long before he was mayor. Look at what they did. These are vicious monsters in our government, that are also stupid people…Today I stand before you to make this promise, I will liberate Wisconsin from this mass-migrant invasion of murderers, rapists, hoodlums, drug dealers ,thugs, and vicious gangmembers. We are going to liberate our country. I will liberate our nation.

POTUS: ' Border patrol endorsed me… how do you endorse somebody.. theyre unbelievable patriots.. they want to do their jobs… America, come to be so famous, some of these towns are being talked about all over the world, occupied and being run by gangs from Venezuela…. this is hundreds of little cities and towns and their law enforcement if petrified.. you have a small group of venezuelan street gangs with AK47,… ive become an expert in guns in a short time'

President Trump: We will not allow these people to invade us, conquer us, and take all of our dignity and pride, and everything that we have stood for from the very beginning of our lives. You have dignity and pride in this town, and this area, and this state, and they want to take that dignity and pride. They want to invade. They want to take over your homes. They want to take over your buildings.

President Trump: Starting on her first day in office, Kamala Harris terminated every Trump policy I used to deliver the strongest, and most secure border, in the history of our country.

POTUS: ' She halted the removal of illegal aliens from our country.. she said last night "I ripped babies out of the cribs".. and she said she worked at mcdonalds and shes a liar… 325,000 kids stolen, raped or just missing… '

POTUS: ' Kamala harris should immediately resign the vice presidency and go home to california in disgrace '

POTUS: ' Remember when she was saying, (makes circle sign in air).. they have phone apps, you know who theyre meant for, the cartels, they make millions of dollars a year.. only a consequential president gets shots at, remember that.. she relocated almost the entire population of haiti into the united states, and the rest of them are coming fast '

POTUS: ' And who puts it on? Fox news… and everything she says is a lie.. and it all stops as soon as i raise my hand and take the oath of office as the 47th president of the united states '

President Trump: Under both Border Czar and Sleepy Joe Biden; where is he, by the way? What the hell happened to him? Mid-western states from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin are being overwhelmed through two programs she created to deluge towns…first she created a program to fly in migrants from Venezuela, Haiti, and Nicaragua, dumping them into cities and towns all throughout America…in addition, she's allowing virtually unlimited numbers of migrants to enter and be released at the press of a button through her phone app for illegal immigrants…you know who they're really meant for? The cartel people. The people that run the cartels. They can use them brilliantly. They're making billions of dollars. Among the most successful people in the world. This is why I get shot at so much, if you think about it.

POTUS: ' Not far from where we are today in a small beautiful town.. kamala has flooded the town with migrants, diseases are surging, theyve taken over the schools, the town itself has been plunged into debt.. in springfield ohio, 35,000 have descended down into this idealic town.. they dont speak the language, they dont have the culture.. 50,000 people who were full of happiness and love, now theyre not.. the mayor bring politically correct … no, no, we are trying very hard to get along with everyone, we are looking interpreters.. the town is destroyed, the cities are being destroyed..this is bigger than inflation '

POTUS: ' Trillions being spent on the Green New Scam… they want to go to 93 trillion '

POTUS: ' The majority of the school in ohio they cant speak english, the mayor is lookig for interpreters, how can this happen, how can we allow it to happen '

President Trump: Kamala has flooded the town [Whitewater, WI] with an estimated two thousand migrants from Venezuela and Nicaragua; very tough people in that group I know because I get the info. Housing costs have now soared by twenty-five percent, because the government is buying housse for them. Diseases are spreading like wildfire. All sorts of disease. The police say they can not handle the surge of crime. The schools can't teach; they're taking over the schools. The town itself has plunged heavily ito debt. The town's in big trouble.


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4e0e3e No.21675465

File: f79e56318e88019⋯.jpg (31.48 KB,252x255,84:85,brothersforever.jpg)

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f09e69 No.21675467

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec8bfe No.21675468

File: fa0ddcfd6b6cd8f⋯.png (328.41 KB,944x530,472:265,ClipboardImage.png)




POTUS: ' Remember theres a hat thats made that sells like crazy.. oh theres a fly.. wonder where that came from, (swats in front of the podium at the fly) two years ago we wouldnt of had a fly up here, you are changing rapidly '

President Trump: If Kamala is reelected, your town, and every other town just like it, all across Wisconsin, and all across our country, the heartland, the coast, it doesn't matter, will be transformed into a third-world hellhole. It's what's gonna happen. One hundred percent.

POTUS: ' There was heinous sex assault that happened here, an illegal that came through Kamala, that wont be the last one, its going to get worse, it wont be sustainable… we got to take care of our country, our country being destroyed by these people.. are they stupid? are they evil? do they want to destroy our country? go and take a look… the mayor is taking an attitude like oh isnt it wonderful… '

POTUS: ' This whole world is going to end up in a big fat world war '

President Trump: You gotta do what you gotta do. You got to get these people back where they came from. You have no choice. You're gonna lose your culture, you're gonna lose your country. You're gonna have crime, the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.

POTUS: ' What kamala spoke about last night, everything was a lie, everything was a lie… reading off the teleprompter… we are going to do this, we are going to do that.. so i say why dont you do it? '

POTUS: ' I woulda never voted for that bill… it woulda allowed everybody to become a citizen.. all she has to do is go back to the WH.. wake up sleepy joe, its 4 oclock, so he went to bed… sign this piece of paper, it says to the border patrol "close the border"… three words… joe please sing it… i need help, i need help '

POTUS: ' Our friends can be the worst on trade, theyre killing us on trade and can be worse than our enemies. '

POTUS: ' Well do i give up the look for the climb? its called an anti-climb panel '

POTUS: ' Everything gets obsolete fast,… the only things that dont get obsolete is the wheel and a wall '

President Trump: You know that our reserves, we have a reserve, and it'a really meant for war, it's meant for very important things. Strategic Reserves, right? Just reported today, they're at the lowest point they've been, maybe ever, but they know in forty years, because Biden used that to keep; suppress the numbers, because without that, the oil prices for your car; it wasn't supposed to be for your gasoline, with all due respect.

POTUS: ' We will secure that border on day one.. number one, we are closing our border, and two, drill baby drill, but i put drilling behind the border '

POTUS: ' We will bring down your electric and your air conditioning and your gasoline by 50 percent… you can hold me to it '

POTUS: ' I believe shes more incompetant than joe.. kamlas allegience is to illegal aliens and foreign migrants… where is kamalas father, i would like to speak to him, i really would '

POTUS: ' She is the weakest person on the whole list.. but she has the whole fake news back there behind her… they dont know why they do it.. maybe out of habit '

POTUS: ' On day one of my new administration, i will stop all migrant flights… they and the phone app arent counted in the numbers.. thats why they do it.. i will bring back title 42,.. i will send in law enforcement to take back every town that has been taken over by criminal thugs '

POTUS: ' I had a good life before this.. im being shot at it.. i coulda been sunbathing on the beach, i have such a beautiful body.. its true, its better than joe biden… i know so many people who are in their nineties who are sharp, but hes not one of them… any guy who can fall asleep in front of the cameras… how the hell can you fall asleep in front of the fake news media… hes out cold.. in some ways i respect it… stone cold in fron of the media.. how do you do that. '


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ec8bfe No.21675470

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)





President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I'll stop all of the migrant flights into our country. You now, those planes are flying over right now, and they don't count them in the numbers., I don't know if you know; they and the phone app, which are thousands and thousands; they're not counted in the numbers, That's why they do it, because they don't want to count it…I will send in federal law enforcement to rescue every town that has been taken over by migrant gangs and criminal alien thugs.

POTUS: ' Crazy nancy…shes crazier than a bedbug… VISA is under major, major investigation.. she sold their stock the day before this was announced.. its terrible, its terrible '

POTUS: ' We need the entire midwest to come out and vote for us, the midwest is so powerful for us… '

POTUS: ' So i want to ask you to go and vote.. we will get the border shut, we will send the illegals back… we will stop the invasion, it will happen quickly '

President Trump: You're the people of America, you're the soul of America, and you will be trampled over no longer. We're not gonna let this happen. We got to stop it. We got to stop it now.

djt: so go out and vote and save winconsin.

djt: we are going to make america great again.

djt ends 4.56pm e.t

music plays ymca, young man

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f09e69 No.21675471

File: ef8d4e9c4376a9e⋯.png (249.93 KB,568x709,568:709,ClipboardImage.png)


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aaafe0 No.21675472

Nobody is prepared for what is coming. You are weak, apathetic, with no survival skills or will to survive. You are fat, pear shaped, poor diet, with zero motivation. You drink to much, eat fast food, smoke pot, and babble about Jews and the military saving you. Kneel, and put your head beneath axe.

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f582fb No.21675473


Silence, Simple Legion. Your fraudulent piety act fools no one. You imitate because you don't know what to do.

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bf6531 No.21675474

File: 2936c66ed2a3c45⋯.jpg (125.1 KB,1200x712,150:89,Clarkson_s_Farm_season_2_r….jpg)

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f582fb No.21675476

File: 6d48eb2061a242f⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,255x170,3:2,demoralize2.jpg)


Everyone is prepared for your dumbfuck gaslighting though.

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cb2f42 No.21675477

File: fd00dad526060b8⋯.png (877.79 KB,730x690,73:69,37_days_to_winning.png)


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f09e69 No.21675478

File: 442d9358dac6cf0⋯.png (241.03 KB,568x529,568:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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5005d8 No.21675479

File: 52ff13660c0c6bc⋯.png (14.25 KB,570x243,190:81,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36b100251df49fd⋯.png (812.43 KB,930x523,930:523,ClipboardImage.png)

mRNA Covid Vaccination – Causing Disease and Death? Interview with Ms. Dr. med. Ute Krüger

It wasn’t long after the introduction of the mRNA Covid vaccines when it was suspected they might do more harm than benefit. Now, several years after the introduction of these vaccines, it has been medically proven that mRNA vaccinations can lead to death and disease! This is shown by Swedish Pathologist Dr. Ute Krüger in her recent book „Geimpft – gestorben“ (Vaccinated and died) with 57 death cases, the majority of which had been related to the Covid jabs. This work contains the findings investigated by the German pathologist Professor Arne Burkhardt, who died in 2023. Hear and see in the following interview why mRNA vaccinations definitively need to be warned against!

video here: https://www.kla.tv/30460

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45b60d No.21675480

File: fe5655d48c315e0⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x790,108:79,fe5655d48c315e06aa9af3bb0b….png)

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45720e No.21675481

File: 0b60f1e17f7370b⋯.png (10.63 MB,5184x3456,3:2,light_the_dark.png)

The world cannot swallow the truth.

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916f21 No.21675482

File: 3a124118574753a⋯.jpeg (13.73 KB,255x203,255:203,1DDBD08C_EC37_476C_85A9_5….jpeg)

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c6ae3e No.21675484

File: a35f7e10be878be⋯.png (296.69 KB,720x405,16:9,IMG_2392.png)

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233dfc No.21675485


So close your legs.

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8b63d2 No.21675486

File: c7aed2a9316209a⋯.png (1.98 MB,1048x980,262:245,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5eb9b9ba81536a3⋯.png (786.57 KB,724x771,724:771,ClipboardImage.png)



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f582fb No.21675487

File: b96a7a0de0b208d⋯.png (1.84 MB,941x1249,941:1249,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2841c No.21675488

File: db253e9154ecacb⋯.jpg (371.68 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,GA23.jpg)


Thank You Baker

NightShift Activated

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f09e69 No.21675489

File: 59b1e9dcf9ff129⋯.png (515.16 KB,568x598,284:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec8bfe No.21675490

File: e9c4eb7fe3cb60b⋯.png (310.9 KB,518x276,259:138,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e6407e9289f518⋯.png (131.33 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21675454, >>21675459, >>21675463, >>21675468, >>21675470 TRUMP RALLY AND SPEECH IN WISCONSIN - 28TH SEPT 2024 - sources, statements, meme material and dough bun

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f09e69 No.21675493

File: f3a1df2b49f8710⋯.png (126.36 KB,568x512,71:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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f09e69 No.21675494

Federal Judge Blocks Arizona Democrat Secretary of State from Certifying 2024 Election if Counties Withhold Certification Due to Fraud


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6f2f20 No.21675496

File: 15277595a7dae51⋯.jpeg (128.52 KB,1440x962,720:481,15277595a7dae51d073f585fe….jpeg)


Oh look, another instigator out to start arguments to waste bread and bury the good stuff

Only thing shills ever tried that had any effect

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2276f3 No.21675497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One toke over

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221685 No.21675498

anons, I finally ordered some ivermectin horse paste to kill any parasites. Anybody know how to take it properly or a source to read? Thanks. Anon since Nov '18

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f09e69 No.21675500

File: 77620799edc4363⋯.png (102.77 KB,529x665,529:665,ClipboardImage.png)

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916f21 No.21675502

File: 7de7cb3a8e02c8a⋯.jpeg (29.71 KB,255x207,85:69,961B75F4_B47F_4AE4_B193_7….jpeg)

File: 82cad137d6b3785⋯.jpeg (166.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,B64D7EB5_0BEB_4FFA_AB64_0….jpeg)

File: 4950d7f2076b3a3⋯.jpeg (476.85 KB,895x1240,179:248,730A43A9_8000_478C_A97B_4….jpeg)

File: d001cd566559226⋯.jpeg (42.03 KB,255x255,1:1,9650A82E_254A_4597_B322_5….jpeg)

File: 1657085e79e2ec7⋯.jpeg (28.48 KB,244x255,244:255,F6C30B44_4241_452B_982F_5….jpeg)

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6f2f20 No.21675503


Should have dosage on the package or the tube, goes by weight

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b59ed7 No.21675504

File: 5c4f6b5add21802⋯.png (317.63 KB,584x500,146:125,5c4f6b5add21802a6bc08d7a22….png)


Anons are always winning


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f582fb No.21675505

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)


At the end of the Roman empire they would also try making celebrities out of mundane professions too. Look how popular and how many cooking shows there are now.

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f09e69 No.21675506

File: f930cb2dc6d2a48⋯.png (499.45 KB,568x608,71:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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b59ed7 No.21675507

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


Make your own suppositories

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ad1044 No.21675508

File: f57d4821a61181e⋯.png (656.1 KB,605x1018,605:1018,ClipboardImage.png)

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0825a5 No.21675509

File: 9e989b32c8cd3cc⋯.png (32.77 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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51fa61 No.21675512

File: 12197ff46fffd5e⋯.png (10.08 KB,255x226,255:226,connect_fren_pepe.png)


ty archivist fren


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f09e69 No.21675515

Taylor Swift’s popularity is plunging after Kamala Harris endorsement.👇


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b59ed7 No.21675517

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


She's purdy

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233dfc No.21675518


8oz water + 2tsp Diatomaceous Earth every other day for one week.

Repeat every six months or so.

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91ba5e No.21675520

File: d535ff88aeb2345⋯.jpg (73.06 KB,719x494,719:494,Screenshot_20240928_123518….jpg)

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f09e69 No.21675521

File: 0111d8341b2eb8d⋯.png (385 KB,568x684,142:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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0825a5 No.21675526

File: c64ffd7cdfb9e81⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x568,40:71,0oME8pVkf6aUVFUs.mp4)

₩₳Ɽ ₱₳₮Ⱨ


Hurricane Helene victims with water damage to electronic locks are unable to re-enter their homes–heed accordingly


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5223b3 No.21675527


>anons, I finally ordered some ivermectin horse paste to kill any parasites. Anybody know how to take it properly or a source to read?

Weight marked on tube.

Doesn't hurt anything to take twice the dose for your weight.

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a30ce1 No.21675530

File: cfa1e48c3e1794d⋯.jpg (86.19 KB,600x622,300:311,20211030_4477.jpg)


such fun

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00053f No.21675531

File: b8db2428fbff273⋯.png (563.91 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f2f20 No.21675532

File: fceb338370971e8⋯.png (596.77 KB,736x738,368:369,4800bd07576d912b150cdc45fa….png)

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f09e69 No.21675533

File: d4d57e86af66a81⋯.png (293.12 KB,500x523,500:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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2276f3 No.21675534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the name of

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91ba5e No.21675536

File: 10cad6f3dd70c7c⋯.jpg (195.38 KB,585x1099,585:1099,Jugewet.jpg)

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6f2f20 No.21675538


Pomegranite seeds and honey, less harmful scraping action

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88fb60 No.21675540

When the money runs away from the progressive ethos it will Sprint

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8b63d2 No.21675541

File: 2fb586e17e59d9e⋯.png (671.26 KB,1200x1079,1200:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b10705aa6dcc005⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Kamala_is_mentally_impaire….mp4)

"Kamala is mentally impaired."


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027a43 No.21675543

File: 4c82b3e4860340f⋯.jpg (44.37 KB,521x380,521:380,Camill.jpg)

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f09e69 No.21675544

File: c968eafc0ef4eca⋯.png (511.29 KB,568x696,71:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdd5d0 No.21675546

illegal immigrant is just a soul to the ghouls ably enrolled to vote then shuffled off to slavery sexual and for elite democratic gain as the people are killed sold or recycled account for the party

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f09e69 No.21675548

File: b430c499b4d2898⋯.png (175.02 KB,568x531,568:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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f09e69 No.21675551

File: 89d94b0d2563c46⋯.png (435.18 KB,568x562,284:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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88fb60 No.21675552

Tens of thousands of bullshit commie careers and trillions, gone.

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8a2750 No.21675553

File: e22a9e7bf2891f9⋯.png (209.2 KB,1275x987,425:329,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_5….png)


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f09e69 No.21675555

File: a058a83ca2f9283⋯.png (277.99 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdd5d0 No.21675556


whoever drinks that shit drinks

horse semen

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91ba5e No.21675557

File: d6e2ba39432f7e4⋯.jpg (138.51 KB,588x1226,294:613,Ie5rnet.jpg)

Netanyahu has freed Christians whilst freeing Israel.

Two birds very nice

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393550 No.21675558


For a single dose parasitic cure, my dr. prescribed it at 1mg per 10 lbs of body weight.

100 lbs = 10mg one time. Repeat annually, or after 3 months for severe infection.

Not sure for covid.

Ivermectin is no longer hard to get. Why horse paste? Do you like the flavor?

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916f21 No.21675560

File: 27b5cfe328763cc⋯.jpeg (318.4 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,E177016A_C259_434A_9D33_D….jpeg)

File: abbb3a2d4be300e⋯.png (1.45 MB,750x1334,375:667,39D87B74_896A_49C9_AE70_B5….png)

File: 14d4a4857494031⋯.png (160.14 KB,690x1730,69:173,6D3220CD_9EFD_4B92_BD22_56….png)

File: 073bf5b126f142b⋯.jpeg (60.3 KB,500x648,125:162,4E10CAF6_927D_4F38_A833_D….jpeg)

File: e4db9676a6c68cb⋯.png (226.34 KB,556x449,556:449,8B581ABC_5FE9_4941_9F3D_DD….png)

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88fb60 No.21675561

Hundreds of thousands of cartel/ms-13/Beaner gangstas, gone.

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f09e69 No.21675562

File: 61f7588ce83efb3⋯.png (366.73 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f83af0 No.21675563

File: 5ea8e8de1af8a1f⋯.png (2.09 MB,1023x1280,1023:1280,5ea8e8de1af8a1f98a341b0e4c….png)


>Tens of thousands of bullshit commie careers and trillions, gone.

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f582fb No.21675564

File: 6c7a6b1dfe9d4cc⋯.jpg (63.73 KB,640x512,5:4,tank_pepe2.jpg)


The lanky hunchback fucked around and is starting to find out.

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233dfc No.21675565


There's a keyhole on the right hand door.

Call a locksmith, you fucking morons.

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f09e69 No.21675566

File: 6d1e068b9d84e17⋯.png (140.91 KB,568x558,284:279,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6d700 No.21675567

File: 26cfe9a676d2d92⋯.png (264.2 KB,568x459,568:459,26cfe9a676d2d922087dd7c762….png)

SCOTUS ruled human sacrifise to be legal –. It would be funny as Hell if a fake demento POTUS

(As advised by the zombie Fran Dresser)"dissolved them"

Get back in your crypt Fwan

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656dd0 No.21675568

File: bba565ef9d94aad⋯.png (413.9 KB,489x453,163:151,ClipboardImage.png)


Flood waters in Biltmore Village next to Biltmore Estates, VANDERBILT PODESTA PIZZAGATE POOL (southern Asheville, NC). If you've ever visited the Biltmore Estate you likely drove right through here as the entrance/ticketing area to the resort is just west (maybe half a mile or so) of here…

Due to significant flooding, impassable roads, and widespread power outages in our region from Hurricane Helene, Biltmore is temporarily closed.

sounds like a clown town, seems many were hit.

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0d67a2 No.21675569

File: 67e91a28f4dd11b⋯.png (406.84 KB,700x805,20:23,67e91a28f4dd11b57bf2d0a263….png)

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5223b3 No.21675571


>Ivermectin is no longer hard to get. Why horse paste?

Anon likes the water-based horse paste.

Swishing in mouth got rid of periodontal disease.

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91ba5e No.21675574

All their products not just the obvious


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28ce73 No.21675575

File: cb237b235b83117⋯.png (433.92 KB,531x529,531:529,baker008.png)

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bf6531 No.21675576


the highest treason is in the Knowing.

The "Intelligence Community" and Media ARE the primary component in disabling the public ability to see and oppose the infiltration and near destruction of America.

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6f2f20 No.21675577


Closest to Home Ec many of the younger crowd will ever get. I imagine seeing a blender used for something other than alcohol simply amazes them. The pre-packed frozen food section awaits. Nutrition is optional

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393550 No.21675578


>Swishing in mouth got rid of periodontal disease.

That's great news.

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059da2 No.21675580


imagine not having a key for your house

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f39f48 No.21675581

File: dd0cbbdff41c90a⋯.png (1.08 MB,707x713,707:713,7n6eb45y454645.PNG)

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e3be7c No.21675583

File: 7e6877f8927b2a7⋯.png (1.89 MB,1432x757,1432:757,ClipboardImage.png)


World War 3 Ends all Questions

Questions about Covid

Questions about the Vaxx

Questions about the Stolen Election

Questions about the purposeful Mismanagement of the Country

Without a World War to Distract, The[y] might be held accountable for their actions

To save their own Lives, they Must Sacrifice all of us, because the[y] think themselves as gods

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f09e69 No.21675584

Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence


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b3307c No.21675585

File: a4246b3d5ca19e3⋯.jpg (634.86 KB,1559x2048,1559:2048,MV5BMjEzNjEyMjkwOV5BMl5Ban….jpg)


You have now arguments left, and you know it. Pay your taxes cucks.

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cdd50b No.21675586


despite the dub dubs, there is not sauce

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8b4d5d No.21675587

File: c24b5ba7af54c90⋯.png (712.78 KB,743x950,743:950,0942d89a9725cf35bf4bf97e6d….png)

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d6d700 No.21675588

File: 45ae801015c6abf⋯.jpg (132.18 KB,800x800,1:1,45ae801015c6abf79ed525d3cf….jpg)

Armor of the undefeatable.

Free for asking.

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5223b3 No.21675589



>imagine not having a key for your house

These are the kind of people who never carry cash and freak out when their card doesn't work.

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2276f3 No.21675590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0825a5 No.21675591

File: a7f9c9361b3de0d⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,480x270,16:9,LoxoZnVo74RlU_NN.mp4)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


HAPPENING NOW! President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game…


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f519d9 No.21675592



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2276f3 No.21675594


Is that the coin slot

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0d36f8 No.21675595

File: d1c13094dedd67c⋯.jpeg (20.62 KB,750x399,250:133,IMG_4074.jpeg)

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ec8bfe No.21675596

File: c01c91f64a5aa7c⋯.png (2.56 MB,1152x1023,384:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f854c05bfd959ac⋯.png (1.19 MB,944x709,944:709,ClipboardImage.png)


this our historical record once this is over.

in a 1000 years in the future

the new anons will wonder why we wasted our time.

We can then tell them.

These are the records of the


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6f2f20 No.21675598


I started early and don't buy any of the company's products since they wanted people to "be less white"

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f09e69 No.21675599

File: 1d86d88d6fbf48c⋯.png (145.48 KB,568x479,568:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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916f21 No.21675600

File: 0dde5d56d83ac39⋯.jpeg (606.92 KB,1200x1829,1200:1829,6CD49C19_24E8_405A_933B_8….jpeg)

File: 5d88f68df26bdd8⋯.jpeg (643.11 KB,1293x2000,1293:2000,53E79257_5DF9_4AF0_9109_6….jpeg)

File: d4429e4b3a63fd3⋯.jpeg (17.75 KB,179x282,179:282,5E2F2D38_3D34_40CC_B6BE_0….jpeg)

File: 76c8a2c08985fd1⋯.png (81.52 KB,254x189,254:189,B3AC42DC_FDDB_4F16_BE75_79….png)

File: 384742e8321fb9e⋯.jpeg (286.47 KB,820x593,820:593,25723606_4CEB_4161_A65A_8….jpeg)




fuck around

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b98cf7 No.21675601



Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

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5223b3 No.21675602

File: e469da6ccb750b3⋯.png (999.76 KB,2100x1275,28:17,69b8cf7936b927d2f49e4fb76a….png)

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b3307c No.21675603


That's why you lose.

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9b7280 No.21675604

File: f825abc6024c494⋯.jpg (318.28 KB,1416x1882,708:941,Screenshot_20240928_192403….jpg)

this twat disappeared

just before it started

coming down

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cb2f42 No.21675605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Ivermectin is no longer hard to get. Why horse paste? Do you like the flavor?

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f09e69 No.21675606

File: e21b5bf9f5fe28e⋯.png (324.86 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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13db74 No.21675607


Couldn't see that one coming.


Smart doorlocks aren't so smart.

Call the cops. I'm sure they have a way to open smartdoor locks. Fucking rubes.

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655c97 No.21675608


Don’t forget it was their 17th national championship for the 2017 season.

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8b4d5d No.21675610

File: 6a7a58c94002dd1⋯.png (357.54 KB,631x630,631:630,7701434907bd30469c95cb7915….png)


Aren't they all?

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f09e69 No.21675611

File: 866b73a7f0fb29b⋯.png (233.14 KB,568x415,568:415,ClipboardImage.png)


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6f2f20 No.21675613


Oh gee

A headline and a link

link goes to some vlog I've never heard of

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0825a5 No.21675614

File: 1e6a61d8ca182c3⋯.mp4 (923.41 KB,480x270,16:9,a4H3Kk2GGDyhfeP2.mp4)



WOW! RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

"It operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It is literally strip-mining the wealth and equity away from the American middle class." 😲

Pray for his safety because the bankers have a long history of deleting anyone who sounds the alarm about what they've been doing for hundreds of years.


7:39 PM · Sep 28, 2024


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00053f No.21675615

File: 9e9167c965c59e7⋯.png (21.7 KB,474x364,237:182,ClipboardImage.png)



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91ba5e No.21675617

File: 531259e2a6371b8⋯.jpg (61.47 KB,581x480,581:480,Hat.jpg)


Trump still on the go.

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221685 No.21675618


That anon is as skeery as a Killary Kamel wine party.

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6f2f20 No.21675619

File: 90263bb732920f5⋯.png (742.37 KB,772x500,193:125,Static.png)


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64734c No.21675620

File: 18f50c927a90f8a⋯.png (967.64 KB,724x771,724:771,ClipboardImage.png)


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91ba5e No.21675622


Slow on the up take

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9b7280 No.21675623


one of p diddys guests

probably in protective custody

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2276f3 No.21675625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Took off with my American express

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ca72d0 No.21675626

File: 7a605f9a45a74f6⋯.jpg (43.02 KB,533x545,533:545,HRC_Fake_Osama_Bin_Laden_O….jpg)

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f09e69 No.21675627

File: e0558cb2fb80c03⋯.png (272.15 KB,568x428,142:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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b59ed7 No.21675628

File: dad0606ef919910⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,730x800,73:80,0573cce340d40895f7345e725b….jpg)


I hope you find a better job than shilling for the deep state. I will pray for you.

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5a2c58 No.21675632

File: e1465fc17df59dc⋯.png (392.01 KB,808x516,202:129,e1465fc17df59dc8d6c0563ff7….png)

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8b4d5d No.21675637

File: 6b8023e4543292a⋯.gif (2.45 MB,640x360,16:9,6b8023e4543292ad67818fc940….gif)

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5005d8 No.21675638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Historic Films Stock Footage Archive


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6e5e05 No.21675639

File: 6f95f93dfef43a5⋯.png (778.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA208.png)

File: 48faf17a7484fa3⋯.png (169.16 KB,1024x768,4:3,POLLS8.png)

File: 6ae7f558aa2cc6c⋯.png (296.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA207.png)

File: 0c79b8ac5ddd5b0⋯.png (339.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA206.png)

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91ba5e No.21675640


Prolly won't recognize her


How many adeles are there?

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6c0cdd No.21675641

eyeball soup with a side of fried ballsack jalepeno poppers

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6e5e05 No.21675642

File: 4da81c0cb0f7527⋯.png (861.54 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA204.png)

File: 6c58bf8018530ca⋯.png (863.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA205.png)

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b98cf7 No.21675643


It ok to go back too sleep our to stupid

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9b7280 No.21675644


tupac was gay af

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f09e69 No.21675645

File: ded99ccc2ab795b⋯.png (210.14 KB,568x513,568:513,ClipboardImage.png)

(waiting for the Netflix remakes)

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b59ed7 No.21675647

File: f2eb530be5cb953⋯.jpg (5.89 KB,224x224,1:1,download_jpeg_4.jpg)

The state of comfy is simply off the charts tonight. Does anyone actually believe there will be an election this year?

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ec8bfe No.21675648

File: 9d97d5c1dabb880⋯.png (420.19 KB,578x432,289:216,ClipboardImage.png)


oh she is mad..

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cb2f42 No.21675650

File: beadc9628adc7e8⋯.png (397.16 KB,633x353,633:353,2024_09_28_20_32_56.png)

Bet the illegals would freak out if someone shut down the billions leaving America every year.

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91ba5e No.21675651


Is that Huma's mother?

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13db74 No.21675653


Shitposter Extraordinaire

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221685 No.21675654


Its $15 and ive heard it works.

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d6d700 No.21675656

File: 67304222bf7d5d7⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,67304222bf7d5d7170caf0612f….mp4)

This is hypnotic induction. Probably activating an mind viruses or implanted suggestions. in the NPCs. like "turn the page - forget the rest" or more complex and hazardous non physical self assembling demonic rootkits.

Full Armor of God is our protection against all that would do us harm. Old or new.

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2bc27b No.21675657


in 1970 6th grade teacher took 3 small glasses of coca cola put in

A human molar tooth in first glass

A Quarter in other glass

A #6 nail in the last glass

the next morning all 3 of those things were dissolved gone ate up

no one drank that shit I grew up with

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b98cf7 No.21675658


Thank you for confirming my first opinion

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6ffa18 No.21675659

File: 0eea6ff0f997bb3⋯.png (14.45 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage124.png)



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cb2f42 No.21675661

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB,253x254,253:254,kek_kek.png)

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8b63d2 No.21675664

File: e7302199fcd72df⋯.png (37.22 KB,740x213,740:213,ClipboardImage.png)


Donald J. Trump

Kamala’s Illegal Migrants. It’s the biggest crime story of our time. She should resign or be IMPEACHED!

Sep 28, 2024, 8:08 PM


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9b7280 No.21675665


your teacher swapped them after class

her hubby worked for pepsi

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bf6531 No.21675667


not Playing in the War [they] want and Need, is how [they] lose the War

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6e5e05 No.21675668

File: fb05a3d594da5b8⋯.gif (57.35 KB,1024x768,4:3,QSHALLWEPLAY.gif)

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d6d700 No.21675669

File: 64537fbb903629a⋯.png (307.31 KB,390x411,130:137,64537fbb903629abd42a76d8c6….png)

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233dfc No.21675670

File: 6280a1298bdf5e9⋯.png (701.89 KB,1200x799,1200:799,ClipboardImage.png)



Diddy had Tupac and Biggie killed.


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91ba5e No.21675672


Pager comms and they didn't even know it.

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00234d No.21675673

File: 37cd59d52fdf24b⋯.jpeg (56.89 KB,743x419,743:419,Trump_won_seized_data_202….jpeg)

File: 18c84afd3a62873⋯.png (2.35 MB,1080x2080,27:52,HOW_THE_DRAFT_WILL_WORK_FO….png)

File: f2de934f01e539f⋯.png (624.04 KB,640x564,160:141,unvaxxed_vax_pasta.png)

File: dd37d225e6414f0⋯.jpg (57.41 KB,1024x243,1024:243,yougay_rulers_uk.jpg)


>At the end of the Roman empire they would also try making celebrities out of mundane professions too

how do you know this

Doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would get written up in the histories


> i hope haitians skull fuck you

dems sure are the caring ones


obama people

diddy also

who's that cunt that did riot porn - "rihanna" - she's next


coke is poison ffs


>PFAs in band aids forever chemicals

made in china

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16e34e No.21675674


You are nothing but whorebitch depends on bad people

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9b7280 No.21675676

File: c89a86d34112848⋯.jpg (56.75 KB,572x800,143:200,slash_gDq41_1379057574.jpg)


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5005d8 No.21675677

File: 7573f00c3e8cc92⋯.png (745.83 KB,942x495,314:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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d49d91 No.21675678

File: 08569991816de70⋯.png (594.82 KB,1168x881,1168:881,Mebendazole_500mg.png)

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059da2 No.21675679



you were lied to. knowingly. and to this day you believe it.

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f09e69 No.21675682

File: 1bcf3a7a56ddfe5⋯.png (395.63 KB,568x411,568:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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233dfc No.21675686


<Our Greatest Ally™ is going to get a shit ton of people killed.

>Our Greatest Ally™ has killed a shit ton of people.


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987b6c No.21675687


bout time he called for that

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4e0e3e No.21675688


3:11 timestamp

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91ba5e No.21675689


How has oprah offered up for sacrifice?

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6f2f20 No.21675692


Oh yeah?

Unhappy Master Chief walks into Gunny's office and closes the door

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d6d700 No.21675693

The Boss said Kamala should be impeached.

Reckon it'snotable

Impeach acting unelected fake POTUS Kamala

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4f69f0 No.21675696


He was trying to give the food to the girl but the scholar couldn't help his inclination.

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f09e69 No.21675699

File: 72b0c8fb8918a49⋯.png (321.77 KB,568x705,568:705,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e5e05 No.21675700

File: 98701417c784257⋯.png (720.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS26.png)

I think it is time to turn the tables on the left

Maxine Waters told them to say we were not welcome wherever…

Since we are the majority, it is time to start telling them THEY ARE NOT WELCOME until they drop their insane crap and rejoin polite society.

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ec8bfe No.21675701

File: 3bf44d460f38ffe⋯.png (860.87 KB,677x680,677:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675703

About that…

Always the same. It's usually just me, anyhow.

Your hollow freedom

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059da2 No.21675705


go back to writing click bait youtube titles

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c672cc No.21675706

pb diddy tapes shopped around

about a min in she asks

>"A catch and kill?"

the lady answers

>"A catch and kill, right"

is that like a wrap up schmear and anons wouldn't know it by default?

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703e17 No.21675707


Crazy that poast was deleted, when it was a video of Dr. Alan Sabrosky (a Jew), who is a US Marine and former director of studies, Army War College, saying that Mossad did 9-11.

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4e0e3e No.21675708


Lots of Impeachment talk…

Resignation talk….

Illegal activities talk…

Election interference talk…

Building up to something.

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00234d No.21675710


isn't there some isralie forum you could go post this junk

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8013ff No.21675713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f05531 No.21675714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eric Weinstein - Are We On The Brink Of A Revolution? (4K)


Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, former Managing Director of Thiel Capital and a podcaster.

It feels like the world is reaching a fever-pitch. From deep fakes to cheap fakes, AI girlfriends to senile presidents, we've never had more access to information, and yet it's never been harder to work out what is true. So, what do we do?

Expect to learn Eric’s thoughts on the 2024 presidential election, whether we are being gaslit on a global scale by the media, the future of string theory and what's next for theoretical physics, why we have canned humour and what that means as a society, Eric’s thoughts on Joe Rogan, what my biggest weaknesses as a human are and much more…

-. .. –. …. - / … …. .. ..-. -

Explains why string theory mongers don't allow other theories to complete.

Such as Plazma Universe @ThunderboltsProject has such a hard time catching on.

In a way, explains woke shoved down our throats to destroy america.

. .- - -.-. …. / .. - / ..-. .- . . - -

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989d35 No.21675716

Can one with warrants, vote? How bout a convicted felon? Can Trump even vote for himself?

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6f2f20 No.21675718








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703e17 No.21675719



Quiet, Broke Dick. No Marine wouldeversay "hooah." You're a fake ass stolen valor bitch.

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d6d700 No.21675720


Purely to observe the legal formalities.

Of winning.

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f09e69 No.21675721

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See new posts




WOW! RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

"It operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It is literally strip-mining the wealth and equity away from the American middle class." 😲

Pray for his safety because the bankers have a long history of deleting anyone who sounds the alarm about what they've been doing for hundreds of years.



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f519d9 No.21675722

File: e593c4907a386e8⋯.png (8.89 KB,254x238,127:119,c26e7e4dde6b302c2812ec65b0….png)

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916f21 No.21675724

File: 84602ad7e68b24a⋯.jpeg (876.63 KB,1000x1019,1000:1019,6D1A34BD_50D8_4882_AC2A_F….jpeg)

File: ed8198e4bd03417⋯.jpeg (244.84 KB,500x500,1:1,1CFAE831_6B16_4BA0_9137_2….jpeg)

File: 99b47f65fb8f9c5⋯.jpeg (561.53 KB,2560x1536,5:3,75C8ECDA_2574_412E_88B3_A….jpeg)

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f582fb No.21675725


I still see political commissars, I mean equity officers, still employed.

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00234d No.21675726

File: 1cef30696f2a670⋯.jpg (133.29 KB,1024x502,512:251,trump_with_gunning_armed_p….jpg)


"note next (6) years" seemed like forever and now it's 9 months away

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84622a No.21675729


baker this post @248


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810a0c No.21675731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Money Masters - Full Length

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989d35 No.21675733


Actually, the opposite, faggot

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f582fb No.21675734

Mark Levin has lost some weight. He okay or is he on the Ozempic bandwagon?

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9b7280 No.21675736


what unit is that

dude on right

dont need no steenkin




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f519d9 No.21675739

File: c44bf617c1c0eb4⋯.png (17 KB,445x224,445:224,c44bf617c1c0eb42d984f9af6f….png)

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81a09b No.21675741


can iget at amazon and how do you mux?


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221685 No.21675742

File: 2d1740276a795f9⋯.jpg (122.47 KB,718x610,359:305,Screenshot_20240928_174549….jpg)

My buddy and I thank the Horse Paste Panel for all the info.

Has anybody told Cavuto? Fraudci?

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c672cc No.21675743


>corrupt politicians

They are the (soon to be) homeless people that will be tasked with making their own cities in the "Freedom Cities" program that will place them all on federal lands to survive and build the next utopian paradise.

Most will perish in the first month. After a while, the converted corrupted become crafty and start creating for the first time in their lives. Such a stark difference to tge days where they fed on other's freedom.

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f09e69 No.21675746

File: 1b4f86bb7326ccb⋯.png (375.18 KB,568x547,568:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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810a0c No.21675747

File: 622ae5529f75863⋯.png (464.24 KB,590x630,59:63,pc.PNG)


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f09e69 No.21675749

File: ac2b1171a6d3cca⋯.png (128.27 KB,568x346,284:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675752


You grow up with the elite and you'll be the only one with a warrant cuz everyone elses' daddy is a senator, or worse.

Fuck richie's 2 tier!

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f09e69 No.21675753

File: 2b281799fcfb6a3⋯.png (116.63 KB,454x283,454:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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91ba5e No.21675755


Hits the bong hard

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34a56c No.21675758

File: 5dae68a27c870b5⋯.png (313.2 KB,813x453,271:151,Screenshot_20240928_175012….png)

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810a0c No.21675759

File: 0569ed7001365f6⋯.png (284.61 KB,438x514,219:257,dot.PNG)




HAPPENING NOW! President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game…

🔗 (https://x.com/dotconnectinga/status/1840184155985858927?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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ca72d0 No.21675763


>Mark Levin has lost some weight.

He sent his food money to Ukraine.

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335314 No.21675764

File: 7fc1b633af4b8c7⋯.png (147.72 KB,305x318,305:318,ClipboardImage.png)


The One True Obama!

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cb2f42 No.21675766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9b7280 No.21675767


needs to be next kenya ambassador

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81fba3 No.21675768

File: eaae0567396286b⋯.png (122.75 KB,806x417,806:417,ClipboardImage.png)



>What it looks like when NIGHT SHIFT whoops on a desperate shill bitch in front of the world

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810a0c No.21675770

File: 30072de7d39345d⋯.png (76.98 KB,838x611,838:611,bl.PNG)


BREAKING: Biden-Harris DOJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

By Michael Austin September 28, 2024 at 11:12am

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f09e69 No.21675771

File: 8f6a3128fc7a678⋯.png (131.74 KB,568x366,284:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone on Telegram that can check this out and report back? :













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810a0c No.21675772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f09e69 No.21675774

File: 8c2d971686fcbf6⋯.png (56.84 KB,255x140,51:28,ClipboardImage.png)

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a42ffc No.21675775

File: 7aca08fd4b11f84⋯.png (25.13 KB,975x184,975:184,ClipboardImage.png)



Great Awakening

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8e9cfe No.21675778

notables @ 280

#26543 >>21675389

>>21675490 >>21675454, >>21675459, >>21675463, >>21675468, >>21675470 Archive: Trump rally in Wisconsin - 9/28/24

>>21675447 The Alabama team gave Trump the '17' jersey in 2018

>>21675591 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21675494 Federal Judge Blocks Arizona Democrats from Certifying 2024 Election if Counties Withhold Certification Due to Fraud

>>21675515 A new poll shows that Taylor Swift’s popularity has dropped overall among voters following her endorsement of Kamala

>>21675526 Hurricane Helene victims with water damage to electronic locks are unable to re-enter their homes

>>21675541 DJT: "Kamala is mentally impaired"

>>21675584 Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21675601 The SDTC Scandal: Trudeau violates House Order to produce documents to RCMP

>>21675611 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the United States carried out a terrorist attack in Lebanon with Israel

>>21675614 RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

>>21675620 DJT: D.O.G.E

>>21675664 DJT: Kamala’s Illegal Migrants. It’s the biggest crime story of our time. She should resign or be IMPEACHED!

>>21675632, >>21675701 Memes


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f09e69 No.21675779

File: 45573bf3fd94f07⋯.png (198.19 KB,568x284,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0825a5 No.21675780

File: add2a9a50e10c49⋯.png (477.52 KB,508x680,127:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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0825a5 No.21675784

File: d05cbc86714bb42⋯.png (710.72 KB,678x680,339:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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810a0c No.21675785

File: 063ddaa0d4899a2⋯.png (470.79 KB,1075x663,1075:663,if.PNG)


If Harris Can ‘Eliminate The Filibuster

For Roe,’ She Can Nuke It For Fracking

Bans And Gun Control Too

The Federalist, by Christopher Jacobs

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/28/2024 8:09:03 PM

What does abortion have to do with the future of fracking in the United States? Much more than one might expect. Kamala Harris’ announcement that she supports an “exception” to the filibuster underscores the stakes in November’s election. If Democrats gain unified control of both houses of Congress and the White House in January, Harris’ statement makes clear that they would undoubtedly use their power to pass radical legislation — not just on abortion but on energy and many other topics.

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f09e69 No.21675787

File: 088f9c2b175da37⋯.png (304.47 KB,568x773,568:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675788


Rich fag wants the basics for you! Is it, BASIC?




darling, I love you, but in moderation..

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f09e69 No.21675791

File: edc69c615bbffce⋯.png (212.51 KB,568x420,142:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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34a56c No.21675792

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Faggots need to learn how to post



WOW! RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

"It operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It is literally strip-mining the wealth and equity away from the American middle class." 😲

Pray for his safety because the bankers have a long history of deleting anyone who sounds the alarm about what they've been doing for hundreds of years.


4:39 PM · Sep 28, 2024


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81fba3 No.21675794

File: 9c1fd403ffa0adb⋯.png (359.01 KB,500x432,125:108,9c1fd403ffa0adbbda7c31c600….png)


ok im filtering you cause of how horrible your engrish is.

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be07b0 No.21675796

I like listening to classical music because it makes me feel superior to people that don't.

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810a0c No.21675797

File: 9341cab59679b74⋯.png (259.96 KB,435x449,435:449,p.PNG)


CHMIELENSKI: Immigration Accountability Project Reports 30 MILLION Noncitizens Living In United States Have Pathway To Vote


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393550 No.21675798

Free movie recommendation. Low budget, funny, and kills pedos:

Hobo with a Shotgun, on Tubi.

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989d35 No.21675801

Takes some time for European non protestants to figure out individual rights. PROVE ME WRONG! Is one generation enough?afaf

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be07b0 No.21675802


This would be okay if it was whites only.

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34a56c No.21675804



Apologies, this faggot needs to learn how to read

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c672cc No.21675806


Why didn't the classical musician eat enough to have the energy to perform?

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0825a5 No.21675807

File: 53a3e8633fde0f1⋯.png (459.1 KB,489x680,489:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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d690a5 No.21675808

File: 2f9271690630228⋯.jpg (74.24 KB,719x465,719:465,Deepstate_Wet_Dream.jpg)

File: 0f1495a8bd714db⋯.jpg (97.27 KB,768x516,64:43,Say_My_Name_Bitch.jpg)

File: ad8879cd6515e81⋯.jpg (79.15 KB,544x805,544:805,Donut_Blowjob_Jill_Bill_Re….jpg)

File: 2c2101c5a956917⋯.jpg (121.99 KB,1024x684,256:171,CIA_Faggot_Assassination.jpg)

File: 20354d1279ec69a⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,768x512,3:2,2nd_Assassination_CIA_Fail.jpg)


Dub Dubs Chekt

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be07b0 No.21675809


I'm not disputing that the jews make everything expensive, but I'm gonna bet that bitch doesn't know how to cook. She probably buys a lot of pre-packaged, processed foods.

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be07b0 No.21675811

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cfac48 No.21675813


the one takes dystopian cabal fiction from the 50's and 60s and tries to pretend it's some kind of prophecy.

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393550 No.21675815



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810a0c No.21675816

File: 2202836c3668533⋯.png (511.35 KB,592x494,296:247,jt.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Happening now in Tuscaloosa! President Trump shown on the jumbotron at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Alabama…

1:52 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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e87481 No.21675818

/ Slash /// shill is back // Dropping Slashes didn’t work either ///// Fedboi

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d690a5 No.21675819

File: 9555b8309dbcf02⋯.jpg (61.64 KB,263x753,263:753,Lassie_Kamala.jpg)

File: ac562ad40a3336d⋯.jpg (44.09 KB,720x405,16:9,WTF_Kamala.jpg)

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4e0e3e No.21675820



>sent his food money to Ukraine.

My first thought was "those elderly Jew folks who only eat 1/2 carrot a day…"

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810a0c No.21675823

File: 7ce1475a3e5e918⋯.png (1023.42 KB,1229x863,1229:863,r.PNG)

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989d35 No.21675825

You like couch?

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f09e69 No.21675827

File: 33b4d693912e695⋯.png (454.85 KB,568x662,284:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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f09e69 No.21675829

File: d920580956a88a8⋯.png (173.27 KB,568x425,568:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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81a09b No.21675830

File: 06ee3007525f880⋯.png (84.07 KB,614x616,307:308,ClipboardImage.png)


evenin', anon.

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c672cc No.21675831

File: fe6f6d8a17f1804⋯.png (354.31 KB,780x620,39:31,ClipboardImage.png)


Because he was too baroque to afford groceries!

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9b7280 No.21675835




for a $100

i can make my wife

pork , beans, n rice burritos for a month

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b59ed7 No.21675836

File: c39c6d77bf3fccf⋯.gif (34.43 KB,216x200,27:25,popcorn2.gif)


Dan habs seent some shit

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d690a5 No.21675837

File: dff3a945d098a08⋯.jpg (83.22 KB,547x538,547:538,Cat_4_Shit_Storm_Click_.jpg)

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221685 No.21675840


Classical music is the most accessible and common form of very high culture.

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f09e69 No.21675841

File: 48cb342493f6af3⋯.png (499.24 KB,568x985,568:985,ClipboardImage.png)

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81a09b No.21675842

File: bcf47e93631ddae⋯.png (3.22 MB,472x266,236:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675843

File: 80eae8e1c56e816⋯.jpg (676.66 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240928_180155….jpg)


Other than that, FUCKING GREAT!

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d690a5 No.21675844

File: 0a7db71ec5afd6c⋯.jpg (62.98 KB,512x512,1:1,Kamala_The_Storm.jpg)

File: 1d041997eed9e18⋯.jpg (61.59 KB,540x540,1:1,Cat_4_Shit_Storm_.jpg)

File: ad42092d6469b96⋯.png (584.67 KB,900x605,180:121,_900_0_1691058429x640_0_64….png)

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f519d9 No.21675846

File: 9ebc85204c4e709⋯.jpg (108.39 KB,833x483,119:69,9ebc85204c4e709c87aecd6b41….jpg)

File: cff7f5c8172dd2d⋯.png (455.7 KB,920x712,115:89,cff7f5c8172dd2d51b0f000db9….png)

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0825a5 No.21675847

File: 23099deb36b4e97⋯.png (152.88 KB,330x275,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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c672cc No.21675850


Women should be encouraged to play it for embryos. It makes them smarter.

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810a0c No.21675851

File: 237973af14860e6⋯.png (553.13 KB,795x544,795:544,se.PNG)


Adjust the volume because Mark Levin goes scorched earth on Biden/Harris 🔥🔥🔥

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cfac48 No.21675853


oh good.

we finally got through to you.

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f09e69 No.21675855

File: eb96284ad676f09⋯.png (137.27 KB,568x852,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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989d35 No.21675857

Fuck ghosts. I'll probably kick your ass

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d690a5 No.21675858

File: 5dfd78ea7434593⋯.jpg (65.16 KB,770x594,35:27,Whoa_There_Faggot_Sign.jpg)

File: f4d506aff4b00b2⋯.jpg (245.46 KB,1020x1020,1:1,Whoa_There_Faggot.jpg)

File: 68e9a1899ecc3fe⋯.jpg (71.14 KB,543x350,543:350,Fuck_These_Faggots.jpg)

File: 8ba41b131df5fae⋯.jpg (70.64 KB,840x730,84:73,Kiddie_Rape_Nazis.jpg)

File: acfe874b2b0c534⋯.jpg (56.7 KB,425x685,85:137,Point_to_Iran_Kamala.jpg)


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f519d9 No.21675860

File: 06c912a7e8fe2c8⋯.png (57.22 KB,212x212,1:1,06c912a7e8fe2c850699774ded….png)

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9b7280 No.21675862



he's getting

vagina neck syndrome

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a42ffc No.21675863

File: be682c2e6fe9581⋯.jpg (8.54 KB,371x201,371:201,be682c2e6fe95819e28dd76fef….jpg)

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fd6622 No.21675864

File: 1de685a1838ef85⋯.mp4 (8.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,6j354h464353646.mp4)



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5223b3 No.21675865

File: d08fbddfaae34b4⋯.png (517.28 KB,573x602,573:602,d08fbddfaae34b44c6b3ff7d52….png)


>for a $100

>i can make my wife

>pork , beans, n rice burritos for a month

If you weren't a pussy, she'd make them for you.

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989d35 No.21675867

Hopefully it won't be in the ice box..

Hurts to punch faces in cold

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810a0c No.21675869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

War Thunder: Heavy Metal B-17

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13db74 No.21675870


Synagogue of Satan

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f09e69 No.21675871

File: 5d20643137de119⋯.png (482.31 KB,500x1056,125:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb72f6 No.21675872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<classical music

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0825a5 No.21675873

File: 40a29510b2948c4⋯.png (146.86 KB,360x269,360:269,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d95fc44859435fe⋯.png (157.14 KB,360x266,180:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43318fc62689d46⋯.png (162.09 KB,360x258,60:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 573bf499edc8bb4⋯.png (468.82 KB,412x680,103:170,ClipboardImage.png)

Code of Vets ™


The @NCNationalGuard has been spotted in Marion NC. I am praying they can make it up Marion Mountain to get to these small towns. The reports I am getting are devastating. Walmart is closed. Has been looted. My niece has worked there for years. It has been emptied out. Ingles is under water can’t be looted. There is an area at the parkway on 226 with spotty service. My niece was able to speak to her sister. Samantha heard everyone crying in the background. Lizzie was crying. Spruce Pine is in very rough shape. My mom’s house is not livable but she said they are staying there right now. I will post pictures as soon as I can get them. No electricity or water. They do have a well and a spring on Halltown Rd. Gas for vehicles are an issue. This is going to be a long rescue and recovery process. Many roads are impassable and landslides are a major issue. Mountain people are tough and resilient. They are survivors, preppers.

My mom and her house before this storm. I need to hear her voice.


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989d35 No.21675875

I call people out when they talk shit, too.

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81a09b No.21675876


i don't think i've seen .. a vagina like that.


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233dfc No.21675878


Not crazy at all when you consider that this place is like any other SM platform out there.

Owned by an alphabet agency and puppeteered by a rags to riches MK'd asset.

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ca72d0 No.21675879

File: 025dfbd60ec46d2⋯.jpg (33.66 KB,750x340,75:34,Mark_Levin_Pegged_Obama.jpg)


>Mark Levin goes

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554251 No.21675880

Not my empire. Not your empire.

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c268c5 No.21675883

>>21674846 (lb/pb)

>Nasrallah was beneath the buildings in a deep tunnel.


>The tunnel got opened up with multiple (some say up to 16) bunker buster bombs that penetrated through the ground 30 meters deep and killed everyone in that tunnel.

Can you imagine you're 100' underground and you can hear and feel successive bunker busters coming closer……and closer……..and closer, then realizing you're about to meet your 72 virgins? Kek.

I don't know, but it must be something. I have an incredible history of making the last post in a thread. I don't mean random shit, I mean like 20%. Is it me not paying attention, or is it something else? '

I don't pay any attention to the posting numbers, just seems to happen frequently.

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f81ad6 No.21675885


I see Kid Rock and Hershel

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60a958 No.21675886


That's TMI.

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554251 No.21675888


Running with Ricky Ross will do that to you.

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810a0c No.21675890

File: af2294c3568b96a⋯.png (561.03 KB,762x722,381:361,sp.PNG)


Border Patrol union blasts Harris for

‘ignoring problem she created’ after

her first visit in 3 years: ‘Where has

she been?’

New York Post, by Katherine Donlevy

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/28/2024 7:44:16 PM

The union repping US Border agents ripped Vice President Kamala Harris Friday, claiming the presidential hopeful “ignored the border problem she created.” The fiery series of tweets came in response to a speech Harris made while visiting an Arizona border town earlier in the day, in which she vowed to crack down on the historic stream of illegal immigration. “Vice President Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years. She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the NPBC has said before.

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989d35 No.21675891


For a longer spell than many get for murder

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81fba3 No.21675892

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f09e69 No.21675895

File: 73f2fbf4e5b0530⋯.png (275.9 KB,540x656,135:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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554251 No.21675896


Find The UN on a map

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e87481 No.21675897

/ Hurrr // Durrr / Fedboi

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b94276 No.21675898

bakers delete everything these days. This place is a fucking dump

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810a0c No.21675900

File: 39e990f59f51916⋯.png (244.89 KB,588x781,588:781,run.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸




Kev Posobiec




Wait what, @VivekGRamaswamy is setting up to run for Governor of Ohio???

2026 here we come.


12:37 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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f05531 No.21675902


coloring confusion


dash dot, dot dot, dash dash dot, dot dot dot dot, dash / dot dot dot, dot dot dot dot, dot dot, dot dot dash dot, dash


dot dash dash, dot dash, dash, dash dot dash dot, dot dot dot dot / dot dot, dash / dot dot dash dot, dot dash, dash dash dot, dash dash dot, dash dash dash, dash

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221685 No.21675903


Mozart is supposed to help brain development. Cant hurt .

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00053f No.21675907

File: 800a89f48aa9f4c⋯.png (73.5 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Must have something in my eye.

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c672cc No.21675908


shitposters were the "little faggots" MCA refers to in "No Sleep 'till Brooklyn" from their debut album "Liscence to Ill"

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f09e69 No.21675909

File: bc54282bb566d89⋯.png (304.74 KB,568x485,568:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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987b6c No.21675910

File: c7e543c597adb58⋯.jpg (860.68 KB,664x985,664:985,shotgun.jpg)

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f519d9 No.21675911

File: df84193b3a72ca7⋯.jpeg (24.32 KB,328x328,1:1,df84193b3a72ca7f8b12660b1….jpeg)

File: e27eba0306ef939⋯.jpeg (23.7 KB,226x254,113:127,e27eba0306ef9394ba625d08f….jpeg)

File: 4b77225fbcecb3f⋯.png (12.8 KB,182x254,91:127,13fbf23c435ce9767bb53b3b71….png)

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81fba3 No.21675913

File: 033db7249a068ac⋯.gif (8.47 MB,730x671,730:671,033db7249a068ac8f74868f6c1….gif)



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b59ed7 No.21675914

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)

And my next song is called

Who is actually running the country right now

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810a0c No.21675915

File: ad651a81490280c⋯.png (446.55 KB,594x757,594:757,k.PNG)


Lara Logan


Oh boy…buckle up for this one. You can be sure there are people on both sides who will do anything to stop the truth coming out. Ever noticed how much Republicans hate talking about election integrity? Why is that?

Millions want - and deserve - the whole truth.


Mark Davis



Sep 27

🔥PAY ATTENTION! 🔥 #gapol @mad_liberals

🚨Hearing On Dominion Encryption Keys!!! 🚨

I have just learned Judge Scott McAfee will hold a hearing in Fulton County, Georgia on Monday in the case of Dekalb County Republican Party v. Raffensperger, which will be televised, and it

Show more


10:53 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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f34b66 No.21675916

File: 23d822e99a9929c⋯.png (577.7 KB,1920x2620,96:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01886f87d6eab95⋯.png (675.79 KB,968x538,484:269,ClipboardImage.png)



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e87481 No.21675917

/ As are // Clowns // Glowie

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f09e69 No.21675919

File: 997a7846cf3ebd0⋯.png (319.09 KB,469x537,469:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675920

Time in terms of severity/intensity + ridiculous duration.

So, but one year after 90 days, which is now 30ish days, then 50% off of 100%?

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00053f No.21675922


John Daly too. He flew-in with Kid Rock.

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f81ad6 No.21675923


>which will be televised

this is key

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f09e69 No.21675924

File: aeef193c84759dc⋯.png (211.34 KB,509x527,509:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d67a2 No.21675925

Kek, their goes there typical fedboi name calling.

A mason signature



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2caf62 No.21675927

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d61240 No.21675929


Audio sounds good on my end!

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4e0e3e No.21675931

File: 9ebd66fde4d6c41⋯.png (72.31 KB,496x512,31:32,q1224.png)



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e3be7c No.21675932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Task is Near Complete.

Before the End, The Compass Rose Star,

Will make it's final Move to save themselves.

Then God will Smite them, Hewing them in Half.

They will be Diminished for all time, as a testament to the Power & Might of God.

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810a0c No.21675933

File: 75eec5c7f206126⋯.png (349.24 KB,588x471,196:157,warn.PNG)


End Wokeness


This new sign warns Wyoming residents about crossing into Colorado:

8:48 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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9b7280 No.21675934


you know the rules

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221685 No.21675935

File: 1051556c1fa3f42⋯.jpg (127.01 KB,720x733,720:733,Screenshot_20240818_142212….jpg)

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f09e69 No.21675936

File: a0f1cd5eaf297e0⋯.png (130.24 KB,568x551,568:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb2f42 No.21675939

File: 47b0a6765427c9f⋯.png (491.05 KB,770x700,11:10,smile.png)

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5005d8 No.21675940

File: 8915f2ce1b3002a⋯.png (1.05 MB,1273x711,1273:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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00234d No.21675941

File: 37cd59d52fdf24b⋯.jpeg (56.89 KB,743x419,743:419,Trump_won_seized_data_202….jpeg)


>40x more people die from obesity than guns

they seem to have backed off the "healthy at any weight" lie and we didn't notice

that was big in 2016-17 I think

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4e0e3e No.21675943





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8b63d2 No.21675945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Forbes Breaking News

Alina Habba Goes Nuclear On Tim Walz At Pennsylvania Rally Before VP Debate

At a Trump-Vance 2024 campaign event in Newton, Pennsylvania, Alina Habba urged voters to support former President Trump.

Sep 28, 2024 4:21


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13db74 No.21675946


How many illegals have the Border Patrol heroes escorted into the US?

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810a0c No.21675947

File: 6954660f4db860a⋯.png (374.65 KB,602x703,602:703,geo.PNG)




WOW! RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

"It operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It is literally strip-mining the wealth and equity away from the American middle class." 😲

Pray for his safety because the bankers have a long history of deleting anyone who sounds the alarm about what they've been doing for hundreds of years.


12:39 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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554251 No.21675948


This movie is fake & G_A

Read the rest of Roman history.

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f09e69 No.21675949

File: 7671d64e99f0d47⋯.png (392.55 KB,568x778,284:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6d700 No.21675951

File: ab806a1d7f24d9b⋯.png (2.87 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ab806a1d7f24d9b009772107a6….png)

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f81ad6 No.21675952


there's not that many retards

there's alot…but not that many

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554251 No.21675955


That & finance wars to commit "social engineering".

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5223b3 No.21675957


>they seem to have backed off the "healthy at any weight" lie and we didn't notice

They gave it up after 2016 because Trump kept making fat jokes.

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15cecc No.21675958

Censorship Q Research

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c672cc No.21675960

File: ab66edc7b59312d⋯.jpg (749.77 KB,4692x1152,391:96,DirectedAttention.jpg)


>"Please direct your attention to the massive amount of red and pink on these people's skin. Thank you"

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810a0c No.21675961

File: 69fc9daade4b876⋯.png (235.04 KB,590x532,295:266,col.PNG)


End Wokeness


BREAKING: New footage released of gang members terrorizing Aurora, Colorado.

Their immigration status is unknown.

0:08 / 0:35

1:28 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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13db74 No.21675963



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00234d No.21675967


>I like listening to classical music because it makes me feel superior to people that don't.

I sometimes think that our history has been generated by AI

e.g. my wife was reading some Mark TwAIn the other day and I'm thinking to myself - this sounds like ChatGPT wrote this

Did you know that Unix time started 1/1/1970.

Which aligns with our Gen X sense of past → present due to the change from monochrome to color

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f09e69 No.21675968

File: e2c0f0425fe8f69⋯.png (459.96 KB,533x680,533:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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810a0c No.21675969

File: 5f8d1d48f9e206d⋯.png (371.19 KB,594x782,297:391,sur.PNG)




WAR: The US embassy in Iraq has been surrounded by Iranian-backed militants. While Joe is on the beach and Kamala is doing photo ops at the border the world is exploding. https://x.com/dmichaeltripi//DMichaelTripi/status/1840123572158685313/video/1


Dominic Michael Tripi

1:25 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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f09e69 No.21675972

File: 1d2f8570e7057b1⋯.png (192.14 KB,568x482,284:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675975

A Heroin addiction a recovery period could been had by now.

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f09e69 No.21675977

File: f56df2cbb671e8d⋯.png (263.54 KB,568x626,284:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e0e3e No.21675978

File: f92cf0bbafe5152⋯.png (14.16 KB,255x213,85:71,onions.png)

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810a0c No.21675982

File: a28cb29cf7eb825⋯.png (323.76 KB,593x854,593:854,rris.PNG)




Entire cities have been wiped off the map in the last 24 hours, and you’re tweeting about abortion legislation you’ll never pass.

Fuck you bitch.



Kamala Harris




For every story we hear of women suffering under Trump Abortion Bans, there are so many more untold.

To those women, I say: You are not alone. We see you, and we are here with you.

Photo of a crowd at a rally standing in front of a wall that reads, "1 in 3 women lives under a Trump abortion ban."

Rate proposed Community Notes

1:31 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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989d35 No.21675983


Then a m.a. in social work cuz I'd be street smaaaat by now, too

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73997c No.21675986

File: 98bb1a9564a61d5⋯.png (678.82 KB,1080x1080,1:1,nicola_tesla_9aed43038c4f9….png)

File: 6b2072f4329d9d9⋯.png (785.02 KB,1054x1085,34:35,nicola_tesla_0f10ece34612a….png)

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810a0c No.21675987

File: 3bb4af037cc17cf⋯.png (377.07 KB,592x602,296:301,tent.PNG)


maybe: k*rk


Content Warning

Horrific and all too common reality out of Asheville, NC yesterday. Families making it to roof tops only to be swept away with structures collapsing in unsurvivable current, sending out last photos before the building failed. I don’t think we’ve seen the the worst areas with the cell phone coverage non existent #ncwx




1:45 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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73997c No.21675988



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221685 No.21675990


As long as they enter legally, ok.

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34b294 No.21675991

File: 2fc5eb8fe55a7bd⋯.png (759.99 KB,968x822,484:411,silveralert.png)

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f09e69 No.21675993

File: ecafb76caa60c8b⋯.png (398.87 KB,568x333,568:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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989d35 No.21675995


It'd be nice to have a clear mind to dabble in the higher virtues, but having warrants is hard to ignore

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642d42 No.21675996

Natives for Trump!

Because arrogant condescending racist white Leftists hate us and we are sick of their shit.

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810a0c No.21675998

File: 8f4c42dcf3a9669⋯.png (347.18 KB,597x476,597:476,rain.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Michigan Fans Wait in the Rain to Boo Tampon Tim at Big House on Saturday

From thegatewaypundit.com

12:24 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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00234d No.21675999

File: 4fac45c13977ad5⋯.png (128.02 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7988148b3668997⋯.png (1.32 MB,1230x1600,123:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ab8404a3d9b8e5⋯.png (40.99 KB,194x260,97:130,ClipboardImage.png)


>Which aligns with our Gen X sense of past → present due to the change from monochrome to color

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f81ad6 No.21676001


>The US embassy in Iraq

our biggest embassy in the world

it's a city in a city

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73997c No.21676005

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21675454 POTUS: ' Joe Biden became mentally impaired, kamala.. she was born that way.. she was born that way… '

POTUS: ' Joe Biden became mentally impaired, kamala.. she was born that way.. she was born that way… '





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810a0c No.21676006

File: f4d279f58279100⋯.png (308.39 KB,554x825,554:825,spin.PNG)


No one’s buying it even so.

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989d35 No.21676008

This rich guy got out of his legal problems

But at least poor people don't have to pay bail, now

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13db74 No.21676010


A reminder that we invaded and occupied Iraq for 8 years. Maybe having an embassy there is like sticking your dick in a running fan?

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6be194 No.21676012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah dead following IDF strike

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81fba3 No.21676014


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00234d No.21676015

File: 8f20489395e7f1c⋯.png (155.52 KB,499x271,499:271,ned_groundhog_day_bing.png)


>e.g. my wife was reading some Mark TwAIn the other day and I'm thinking to myself - this sounds like ChatGPT wrote this

One way to tell, would be predictions.

For example, one might predict that AI does not progress as fast as expected. ChatGPT 10 years from now is basically not much improved from ChatGPT today.

Because it's operating from outside the matrix.

In fact, we already saw that with Tay. She was as smart as ChatGPT in June 2016. No significant improvement noted in 8 years.

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810a0c No.21676017

File: dce9a4ffbf39693⋯.png (818.77 KB,487x824,487:824,rt.PNG)

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5223b3 No.21676018

File: c078aaea14a0723⋯.png (622.57 KB,735x823,735:823,c078aaea14a072367d98e64683….png)


>there's not that many retards

>there's alot…but not that many

Been for a drive lately?

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f519d9 No.21676019

File: 5bdc5cb0378be8d⋯.png (366 KB,749x551,749:551,5bdc5cb0378be8d55ee502135f….png)


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73997c No.21676021


POTUS: ' We lost by just a little bit, i was told if i got 63 million votes, i got more votes than any sitting president has ever gotten.. we have more lawyers, more people watching.. and when we win we will prosecute people who cheat on this election.. and if we can we will go to the one before that too… '

thank you for the play by play, i appreciate your continuous effort and time



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5d1eb7 No.21676022

PDJT seems to been given a mandate like Moses at 80 years old, he was told to take the jews and leave Egypt. He then lead them for 40 years in the wilderness, and there were hardly one day when they were criticizing God and Moses. When they finally arrived at the Jordan, God told Moses it was time for him to die, and God took him up the mountain and he died with God. The jews searched for him for days and no one could find where he was buried. Moses died at a 120 years old.

Regarding our CiC and GOAT, I've honestly have never seen or known a person with so much strength, chi, fervor and love for our country and people. And he only sleeps 4-5 hours a night,and never on the beach.

He does 2-3 rallies a day, and talks from 1 to hours not stop without a teleprompter most times; in total 7-8 interviews and rallies daily! And all of this is in between working on plans for incoming Administration. RFKjr said PDJT has accelerated the timeline a month and a half early, starting now for planning his agenda and choosing his agency heads, a total of 4,000 political appointees. Usually this is started after winning, but he's starting all of this now. They are going to be well prepared and hit the ground running.

I truly Love and Respect, his Courage, Strength, Determination, Genius, Power, Sense of Humor and in Love he has for all Americans and all people. He is using these gifts to Make America Great Again. I can feel and see the power on every level God gave him, and he uses it wisely, every minute of the day and night. I am so glad to be alive to experience the prophetic Rise of DJT, the reborn King Cyrus.

God Bless and protect President Donald J. Trump and his family, they all made the Ultimate Sacrifice for Us!

(Thanks anons on all the rally notes, I really appreciate your service)

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f81ad6 No.21676023


they have their comments turned off

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407141 No.21676024

File: 7a907963769d93f⋯.png (512.98 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca72d0 No.21676026


>cities have been wiped off the map

I'd bet Trump is doing something about the hurricane as we speak.

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393550 No.21676027

File: f13e9422970168d⋯.png (47.79 KB,186x115,186:115,ClipboardImage.png)


Your $25 dollars will provide a food box to a dying old holocaust survivor.

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5223b3 No.21676028


>Been for a drive lately?




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b59ed7 No.21676029

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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81fba3 No.21676030


ignoring it like it's a deepfake is all i can see.

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84622a No.21676031


baker, this post @440


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e72b6b No.21676032


(you) can get full un-throttled performance from the app with your 8kun Platinum membership. Alt + F4 to apply.

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f81ad6 No.21676033

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810a0c No.21676034

File: ea16720580786b4⋯.png (459.62 KB,600x538,300:269,st.PNG)


End Wokeness



Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at Bama vs UGA:

1:45 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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00234d No.21676036

File: 44228324c8cdf15⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB,640x480,4:3,Simpsons_predicts_2025_Sup….mp4)


>ChatGPT 10 years from now is basically not much improved from ChatGPT today.


>Because it's operating from outside the matrix.


>In fact, we already saw that with Tay

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b59ed7 No.21676038

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,a608f437b86708216a3702c9df….png)


How do you accurately know for sure?

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810a0c No.21676039

File: d4ca9b5b3dcf161⋯.png (487.32 KB,593x607,593:607,well.PNG)


John B Wells


#TuneInNow: The Intelligence Briefing - Bolshevik 2.0 • USA Under Siege | LIVE 9pm-12am CDT | Lt. Gen. McInerney, Maj. Gen. Vallely, @realMaryFanning

, @MississippiMG

, @realTinaPeters

, @FSociety_1942

John B Wells


#TuneInNow: The Intelligence Briefing - Bolshevik 2.0 • USA Under Siege | LIVE 9pm-12am CDT | Lt. Gen. McInerney, Maj. Gen. Vallely, @realMaryFanning, @MississippiMG, @realTinaPeters, @FSociety_1942

1:58 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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cfac48 No.21676040


collect coins and stamps and you'll understand that

yes the past is real.


read old magazines

watch old movies.

the past is real your

the world started in 1970 psyop is ridiculous.

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319a7d No.21676042

File: b03987d60326dd0⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB,640x360,16:9,ytje4yttejryjeryjer.mp4)



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84622a No.21676043

File: 9e399165db438a1⋯.png (91.36 KB,779x274,779:274,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e0e3e No.21676044


>the world is exploding

Reminder that POTUS said this very thing at his rally this afternoon.

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f519d9 No.21676045

File: 60600b632f35915⋯.jpg (160.43 KB,1191x670,1191:670,60600b632f359154985293bd50….jpg)


you sound defensive

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b59ed7 No.21676046

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


Dasting features

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f09e69 No.21676047

File: 6d4a932adfadf0e⋯.png (153.26 KB,568x552,71:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca72d0 No.21676049

File: 329d538f9543ff3⋯.png (722.71 KB,1139x608,1139:608,ClipboardImage.png)


>No one’s buying it even so.


>they have their comments turned off

These comments should still be on. kek


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916f21 No.21676050

File: c885ab08280b139⋯.png (1.06 MB,750x1334,375:667,AEBAEE50_DC88_4D27_BAD4_89….png)

File: 24a2dbb4f6458bb⋯.png (525.8 KB,690x1402,345:701,B93C51F5_659E_40D8_8645_45….png)

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393550 No.21676051


>How do you accurately know for sure?

What is it they think they know?

I've been on the same ip for about a year, since I switched to fiber optic. Before that I was on the same ip since 2018 (before) and have been unbanned from the OSS era.

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bbc444 No.21676052

File: 5f7278d10b0831b⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2600x2600,1:1,Fresh_Bread_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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00234d No.21676053


>collect coins and stamps

Believe me brother, I have shelves full of books from 100+ years ago, just for that very reason.

I have also gone metal detecting and found things real stuff in the ground that aligns with some of the history we're told.

So yeah. I appreciate that there are counter-arguments.

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84622a No.21676054


berry noice n handy

keeps sticks on the ice n sheitz


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f09e69 No.21676055

File: 104534f7c7757fa⋯.png (205.34 KB,568x366,284:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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810a0c No.21676056

File: e87ec69de888470⋯.png (456.97 KB,600x721,600:721,row.PNG)


Old Row



2:24 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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f582fb No.21676057

File: 70c08d10748ddb0⋯.png (333.46 KB,716x403,716:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfac48 No.21676058


your psyop is a joke, anon, no one believes it.

just stop.

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f09e69 No.21676059

File: b744cc4412cdf63⋯.png (305.12 KB,568x375,568:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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554251 No.21676060


TVLand in colour started around 1970 and most willfully ignorant monkey choose not to differentiate the cabal manufactured matrix from reality.

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b59ed7 No.21676061

File: cac4bd4910a17df⋯.jpg (29.5 KB,509x519,509:519,cac4bd4910a17dfa9858a94767….jpg)


I habs a feels your post is gonna be a green link

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810a0c No.21676062

File: 967e2b669e507ad⋯.png (526.57 KB,593x584,593:584,a.PNG)


Billy Bowling  𝕏


Historic flooding of the Biltmore Village yesterday in Asheville as the remnant eyewall of Helene passed over.

A record crest of Swannanoa River.

📍Biltmore Village, Asheville, NC

7:57 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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233dfc No.21676063


I would love to see the aftermath of this one.

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84622a No.21676064

File: 7f0873c9946d0b3⋯.png (4.17 MB,2048x2048,1:1,7f0873c9946d0b34a4203846aa….png)



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9dc76a No.21676065


>this site is in Russia

Last time I checked it was Latvia which is a NATO country.

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5d1eb7 No.21676066

File: 63af00e85c32a30⋯.mp4 (8.22 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17275733289….mp4)

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurantPN

Here's the first video



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8b63d2 No.21676067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Premiered 88 minutes ago

Roseanne Barr ISN’T Sorry About All That | The Glenn Beck Podcast

If you’re waiting for Roseanne Barr to apologize, then she has one message for you: “Kiss my big, fat ass.” ABC canceled her hit sitcom and killed her off her character for a tweet about an adviser to President Barack Obama, but now she’s “back and stronger than ever.” After running for the presidential nomination of the Green Party in 2012 and seeing the “ungrateful little leftists bastards” at Occupy Wall Street for herself, she set off on a journey that landed her on the wrong side of the television industry that had once embraced as her a feminist pioneer and LGBT champion. The bawdy and beloved comedian, told by Johnny Carson that she would be a star, landed in hot water after her decision to portray "Roseanne" as a Trump supporter, a political position that John Goodman and the rest of the show's cast refused to take on, even as their characters. But being raised as the “only Jew in Salt Lake City,” Roseanne wasn’t afraid of being different. She and Glenn dish about the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and Roseanne gives her takes on stars like Taylor Swift, Marie Osmond, Mel Gibson, Robert De Niro, and even the ladies from "The View." No one, not even, as she describes it, “the lesbian-witch publicist cabal” pressuring her to apologize for her view on transgenderism, could stop Roseanne from calling it as she sees it, and she thinks our government is looking like a “Monty Python skit” and that whether Trump or Harris is elected in 2024, we may be facing a “big-ass civil war.” That’s why she had to drunkenly pray over Donald Trump that one time and also why she tells young comedians that “we have to be braver than we’ve ever been.”



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39442d No.21676068

Almost 7 years in and most still have NO IDEA what we are up against.

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554251 No.21676069

File: bc7af51dcd4fee5⋯.png (2.24 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Wouldn't be surprised if some [governors] opened the floodgates.

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00234d No.21676070

File: f888555c8319b3c⋯.mp4 (468.89 KB,1896x1080,79:45,trump_arranging_the_bings_….mp4)

>>21676036 >>21676015

>In fact, we already saw that with Tay

some frens know this to be true!

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f81ad6 No.21676071

File: ea97e32c00bab09⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,1170x1244,585:622,IMG_2365.jpg)

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e3be7c No.21676072

File: ef7f39e63151599⋯.png (7.77 KB,302x193,302:193,ClipboardImage.png)

Mark my words

They will be Cleaved in Two

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989d35 No.21676073

Come to find out, the rest of us are just here in YOUR world. Sorry for complaining about being g s crimi al

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f582fb No.21676074

File: 34fbfd78a1e1f1a⋯.png (444.58 KB,769x575,769:575,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d1eb7 No.21676075

File: e97285fb801af33⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,480x1036,120:259,ssstwitter_com_17275552928….mp4)


>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

Last video



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c48f29 No.21676076

File: 24365f887c363ae⋯.png (633.96 KB,1134x609,54:29,clipboard.png)

File: 596ed33caf21369⋯.jpeg (172.72 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,clipboard.jpeg)

Steven Michael Digna Jr. Incredible UAP Witness Testimony


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6bfa1b No.21676077

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e72b6b No.21676078


>Roseanne Barr

says she is an anon

but (you) cannot be both famefag and anon

which means she is an entertainer trying to pay the bills

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c48f29 No.21676079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steven Digna Jr. - US Army - Raytheon - Ft. Irwin, CA

Witness to UAP incidents. Surreal accounts. "They're our birds!"

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5005d8 No.21676080

File: 8b7631cf4ef31b4⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,WOW_RFK_Jr_just_exposed_th….mp4)



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656dd0 No.21676081


The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Truth,,,

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34a56c No.21676082

File: 523eca40a8ec376⋯.gif (11.06 MB,426x240,71:40,FlackShow.gif)

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ca72d0 No.21676083


JD: "That woman inside said the manager's gonna call the police on us."


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f09e69 No.21676084

File: a5a1e1f292b5609⋯.png (230.15 KB,568x415,568:415,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5c218 No.21676085


I'm perplexed that someone with his wealth could be lacking common sense. Some of his vocalized ideas are stupider than shit.

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233dfc No.21676087

File: 6e3c438d7f41fa2⋯.png (679.73 KB,626x459,626:459,crazytrain.png)

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f09e69 No.21676088

File: 122ffd794b20d8c⋯.png (376.45 KB,568x482,284:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a2c58 No.21676089

File: 7d902d48962140f⋯.png (288.96 KB,476x430,238:215,7d902d48962140fdc5acd77c79….png)

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9073cd No.21676090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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00234d No.21676091

File: e5966585f1676ee⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Terry_Davis_He_Elon_Musk_T….mp4)

File: 08426483e6b3111⋯.jpg (200.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_matrix_bing_ai.jpg)

File: d231a799f40ad50⋯.png (255.43 KB,502x495,502:495,this_clos_to_exposing_the_….png)

File: 7dbbf5062ddce1d⋯.png (81.84 KB,819x587,819:587,unix_time_matrix.png)

File: bfa6a8fb076cd2d⋯.png (587.95 KB,860x924,215:231,vovac_novak_is_it_matrix_v….png)

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1441f1 No.21676092


She got all the fame she ever cared to have before she got here.. it's not her fault people know who she is and that she has a platform that puts all of us tit pic sharing anons to shame.. she's not trying to be famous thus she's not a famefag..

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989d35 No.21676093

File: 4bd61966d8fb3c2⋯.jpg (30.91 KB,474x356,237:178,th_870568948.jpg)


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6f2f20 No.21676094


Get a new playbook!

General Research #23139 >>18851346

Not going to work anymore. The cycles are becoming clearer. Gore and cp to test the defenses, then cycle through tons of muh joo, then racist/white supremacy, then some slide like "RRN is legit" and then when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

Bitch about BO and BVs and the truly retarded among you bitch about bakers deleting stuff all you want, not going to work, not going to change anything.

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e72b6b No.21676095


so convincing

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f09e69 No.21676096

File: 8ff80eebd05826a⋯.png (111.27 KB,568x407,568:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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5005d8 No.21676097

File: a2d6a246249d912⋯.png (490.83 KB,598x813,598:813,ClipboardImage.png)

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9073cd No.21676098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9073cd No.21676099


Wow i saw it when I was 8

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73997c No.21676100


i like jd vance

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5a474d No.21676101


it's been awfully quiet since they indicted Mayor Adams.

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f09e69 No.21676102

File: cd977b815ee2b38⋯.png (388.77 KB,568x740,142:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a474d No.21676103

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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73997c No.21676104

File: dc9df64cbe2b0c5⋯.jpg (77.34 KB,680x383,680:383,see_freen_hug_fren.jpg)


tyvm 4 posting, anon

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810a0c No.21676105

File: 4889c71d5cefb60⋯.png (543.46 KB,594x593,594:593,my_st.PNG)


Gov. Henry McMaster


Team SC is working around the clock to clear roads, restore power, and get the gas stations open. The crews out there are working as fast as they can under conditions like we have not seen before. It's going to take some time, but things will return to normal.


8:31 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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6bfa1b No.21676106

File: 43e80f4ca3568b1⋯.png (82.33 KB,499x483,499:483,Cape1abcde.png)

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692207 No.21676107


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5a474d No.21676108

File: c08dadbba0d2709⋯.png (1.02 MB,671x669,671:669,hills_alive_with_sound_of_….png)

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81a09b No.21676109


hi rosey..

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233dfc No.21676110

File: 03adfd140f38eee⋯.png (288.26 KB,525x562,525:562,wut.png)


You saw what when you were eight?

The movie?

Congrats, I guess…

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6f2f20 No.21676111



The word is "conquered"

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703e17 No.21676112

File: 69cdb3fb35dbb88⋯.png (15.48 KB,1818x220,909:110,ClipboardImage.png)




*CORPS, Shlomo. Internetneverforgets. I'll call your fake ass out, just like I'll call out the faggot BO and her lackeys.

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9073cd No.21676113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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989d35 No.21676114

Of all the criminals to be arrested, I'm the only one to see jail..

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1eb6e1 No.21676115



Even a closed window is open in a Quantum Clock

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810a0c No.21676117

File: 3662eca39c29c99⋯.png (18.45 KB,594x227,594:227,gm.PNG)



Gov. Henry McMaster


I have requested an expedited major presidential disaster declaration to provide additional federal assistance for state and local response efforts to Hurricane Helene.

Read more here: https://governor.sc.gov/news/2024-09/gov-henry-mcmaster-requests-expedited-major-disaster-declaration-hurricane-helene

2:19 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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9b7280 No.21676118


obama says it with a hard P

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703e17 No.21676119


>Of all the criminals to be arrested, I'm the only one to see jail..

What is Ghislaine Maxwell, Alex.

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989d35 No.21676120



Mundane shit, Smart guy…

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554251 No.21676121

File: 943ac1f2eb2de0f⋯.png (308.32 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Shapiro picked up the phone, called in a favor.

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9073cd No.21676122


printed on the memory

it's very cool

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f09e69 No.21676123

File: d0f647d5ae2a8e5⋯.png (262.47 KB,568x511,568:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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554251 No.21676124


NATO is all but dead

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810a0c No.21676125

File: 1c42034d7e3cdc2⋯.png (663.94 KB,595x688,595:688,min.PNG)




Libs of TikTok


The Governor of Massachusetts as illegals invade her state at a staggering rate. This is real.


Oli London

1:58 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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703e17 No.21676126

File: e21dfd2ff925d05⋯.png (211.4 KB,355x350,71:70,ClipboardImage.png)


>obama says it with a hard P


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642d42 No.21676127

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989d35 No.21676128


Why did George Washington admit to picking all the cherties?

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4e0e3e No.21676129

File: 2371aaf43d9bdd8⋯.png (144.4 KB,980x613,980:613,ClipboardImage.png)




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f582fb No.21676130


> just like I'll call out the faggot BO and her lackeys.

Silence, clown. Sucks when you don't control things, doesn't it, and your attempts to micromanage with whining kind of fall flat, don't they?

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ca72d0 No.21676131

File: 0205a2d0fb7a01a⋯.png (1.74 MB,877x1170,877:1170,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.


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6bfa1b No.21676132

File: 21ecfc9d5c61117⋯.png (359.57 KB,1012x549,1012:549,krat1a.png)

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73997c No.21676133

File: 9d8b7436d8c0f44⋯.png (1.29 MB,807x793,807:793,ClipboardImage.png)

il Donaldo Trumpo





Sep 28, 2024, 9:30 PM


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233dfc No.21676134


And why the hell are you looking at his penis while he's speaking?

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be7066 No.21676135


Still, still doing reports

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00234d No.21676136


>it's been awfully quiet since they indicted Mayor Adams.

what has?

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e87481 No.21676137

File: 95ca206795a4382⋯.png (118.37 KB,362x355,362:355,IMG_0424.png)

/ Drink your juice box ///

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703e17 No.21676138

File: 91a9603bb5b6473⋯.png (485.72 KB,498x258,83:43,ClipboardImage.png)



These faggots aren't even trying anymore.

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989d35 No.21676139


What is the Epstein list that no one got arrested for?

Your turn again.

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9073cd No.21676140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4e0e3e No.21676141


Story is from first administration.

Gives insight into little known Presidential Powers.

Also, could come into play if Trump were to return to office between now and Nov 5th/January 20th.

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73997c No.21676142


looks like comb your hair?

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989d35 No.21676143


No, the smarter the phone, the stupider the auto correct.

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88fb60 No.21676144

DeepSatan ClownFuck expend assets, then boomerang

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989d35 No.21676145


Looks like, oops

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f582fb No.21676146

File: 4f491da54184a37⋯.png (225.98 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9073cd No.21676147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ca72d0 No.21676148

File: 754d71434ff7799⋯.png (1.95 MB,789x1302,263:434,ClipboardImage.png)

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be7066 No.21676149


I dug this out with an excavator, not a backhoe

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810a0c No.21676150

File: 67b5325ab217186⋯.png (31.15 KB,599x435,599:435,vf.PNG)


Viva Frei


She’s trolling the country.

She’s taunting the victims of her dereliction of duty.

There is no other way to interpret this abusive gaslighting.


Kamala Harris



Sep 27

The United States is a sovereign nation. We have a duty to set and enforce the rules at our border. I take that responsibility seriously.

We are also a nation of immigrants, enriched by generations who have come to contribute to our country and become part of the American story.

Rate proposed Community Notes

11:58 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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989d35 No.21676151


Oh, another place I can't afford.

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5a2c58 No.21676152

File: 9d9caf136bcbd3a⋯.png (895.76 KB,649x783,649:783,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c30f84584d85397⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,540x540,1:1,BEAUTIFUL_FLYOVER.mp4)




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6bfa1b No.21676153

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4899aa No.21676154

Oh, look. There's a football game going on at tonight's Trump rally in Alabama.

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5005d8 No.21676155

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21657619, >>21657852 bpb

The United Nations PASSED the ‘Pact for the Future’ this Weekend



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810a0c No.21676156

File: c35710299a48c69⋯.png (275.79 KB,587x636,587:636,tr.PNG)


Elon Musk




Speaker Mike Johnson



Sep 27

The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times.

Kamala’s border trip is a sad and desperate attempt to convince the American people she actually cares about protecting our homeland.

It won’t work.

Show more


12:43 PM · Sep 27, 2024




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0c7e76 No.21676157


maybe there are videos of him doin things.?

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554251 No.21676158

>>21676055The jew cries while he cheats you.

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989d35 No.21676159


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81fba3 No.21676160

File: 64d2c921d867beb⋯.png (219.99 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f582fb No.21676161

File: 5c814f79dfdf957⋯.jpg (78.25 KB,828x697,828:697,5c814f79dfdf95727527c25436….jpg)


Cherish what you have rather than making note of what you're going without.

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703e17 No.21676162


Viva is a perfect example of one of the good ones. Like Dr Alan Sabrosky, who puts his American identity above his Jewish one, unlike Josh "I'll sign a bomb that kills kids" Shapiro.

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335314 No.21676163



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3f5a03 No.21676164


my post 6 second your post 4

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407141 No.21676165


I think there is someone playing a character called JD Vance.

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f09e69 No.21676166

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



President Donald Trump and Tim Walz both showed up to college football games today

One got booed, and the other received cheers that could break your eardrums

The difference couldn't be clearer.


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6bfa1b No.21676167

File: db20f583ed4241c⋯.png (454.81 KB,442x573,442:573,kabbalah_ka.png)

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81fba3 No.21676168


missing jet?

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91ba5e No.21676169

Truly bizarre


Welcome to a kindergarten class, in Hamas controlled Gaza.

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f81ad6 No.21676170


>American identity above his Jewish one,

he's canadian

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233dfc No.21676171


Have you even seen the governments of the world these past 100 years or so?

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18e83c No.21676172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You lied.

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bf6531 No.21676173


isn't Viva from Canadia?

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9073cd No.21676174

File: a4488d73b2cd82a⋯.png (315.77 KB,1080x731,1080:731,Screenshot_20240929_044856.png)


Explain the seconds

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233dfc No.21676175

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554251 No.21676176


He's a goodfella. DEI

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233dfc No.21676177


Server propagation latency.

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ca72d0 No.21676178

File: f4ce125d955375e⋯.png (2.43 MB,1242x827,1242:827,ClipboardImage.png)


>isn't Viva from Canadia?


He's a gud dood.

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989d35 No.21676179


Blue collar Confucius over here.

Actually, if you read, I'm literally complaining about what I have, like 20/1.

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9073cd No.21676180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bf6531 No.21676181


no doubt

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6f2f20 No.21676182

File: 7e6f0730c1e5558⋯.jpg (77.86 KB,945x612,105:68,7e6f0730c1e555817509b62552….jpg)


Sounds like butthurt

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9073cd No.21676183


Smart Boy

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81fba3 No.21676184


Where's the baker?

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810a0c No.21676185

File: 59e3fc8ec7a7c69⋯.png (1.35 MB,1902x919,1902:919,wr.PNG)


Watkins Report

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00234d No.21676186


>Truly bizarre

Is it more bizarre than isralie influencers calling to turn gaza to a "parking lot", to "glass it", to "kill every man woman and child" and to "eliminate their gene pool from the earth"?

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393550 No.21676187


Nevermind. Just post 440. thought I was being flagged for other shit.

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896cd5 No.21676188


it seems jews hurt their British faggots butt's

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29118b No.21676190



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f582fb No.21676191

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


And it seems like you're just a paid simpleton lapdog posting a division narrative.

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29def2 No.21676192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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810a0c No.21676193

File: 6f374379224f149⋯.png (522.59 KB,609x532,87:76,fund.PNG)



Kash Patel


Harris funded Iran’s war machine, let them build their nuclear bomb, and allowed them to directly endanger @realDonaldTrump life. Main stream media won’t hold her accountable, so we will.




Sep 28, 2024, 12:31 PM

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00234d No.21676194


>maybe there are videos of him doin things.?

almost all the vocal ones are compromized or crooks in some way, I'm convinced of that

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5223b3 No.21676197

File: a8681a7f0c7650c⋯.png (313.64 KB,563x336,563:336,a8681a7f0c7650c85120b2c94f….png)


You plannin' to finish all those nails?

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91ba5e No.21676198


Even when they write the script , they write themselves in as losers.

islam is a death cult

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18e83c No.21676199


in Hell.

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703e17 No.21676200


>Like Dr Alan Sabrosky, who puts his American identity above his Jewish one

Work on your reading comprehension skills, Anon.

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f09e69 No.21676201

File: 4d922221ee4a110⋯.png (113.07 KB,568x341,568:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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f582fb No.21676202

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)


KEK. You had to IP hop to lob that limp insult?

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703e17 No.21676203


>isn't Viva from Canadia?

Yes. Lives in Florida now. Fled Canada.

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9073cd No.21676204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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554251 No.21676206


Wait until they put on their UN Peace Keeper uniforms.

Any badge that doesn't speak American English is Unconstitutional.

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bf6531 No.21676207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"I sent this to my brother COD in 1986… He was expecting a Ted Nugent album but instead got this… So funny to this day😂"

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34a56c No.21676208

File: 5726368e47c9570⋯.png (300.55 KB,542x523,542:523,Screenshot_20240131_093707….png)

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81fba3 No.21676209

File: 938b3f01e2207be⋯.png (1.13 MB,2048x2048,1:1,recharge.png)

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6bfa1b No.21676210

File: 54548fd7224cd71⋯.png (358.02 KB,612x386,306:193,jjw122.PNG)

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f582fb No.21676211

File: 47f8e0a392f2d3c⋯.png (538.62 KB,500x562,250:281,tardjail2.png)

Green text in the reply. I thought I deleted one of those less than sign.

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9073cd No.21676212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i have to learn the flute

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810a0c No.21676213

File: 78206533a1dc17b⋯.png (1.31 MB,860x636,215:159,wo.PNG)

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bf6531 No.21676214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wrong link

try this one

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73997c No.21676216

File: 028ae93a9351ce9⋯.png (1.43 MB,1476x1048,369:262,rfk_ef3b3d6946a3e3e6f40d8d….png)

File: 516db2dfb73a851⋯.jpg (451.17 KB,1080x1634,540:817,rfk_deebd1829e32152259a9c1….jpg)

File: a47c09532aae38e⋯.png (589.85 KB,821x708,821:708,rfk_a47c09532aae38e39168e8….png)

File: 2a11f5fceef6b56⋯.mp4 (497.84 KB,182x400,91:200,rfk_touching_nose.mp4)

File: ef6ffd15b3cf39b⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,RFK_and_trump_announcement….mp4)


mmm jd is too green, he is nice enough

rfk would have been suitable to trumps temperament and intelligence

they would make a powerhouse of reckoning

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91ba5e No.21676217

How do you resign from a job you are pretending to have?

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4e0e3e No.21676218

File: 20630446999fc9f⋯.png (12.3 KB,513x142,513:142,Q1808.png)

File: 701cfbb76e3b2f6⋯.png (994.05 KB,1220x820,61:41,Q1808PICTURE.png)

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73997c No.21676219


yeah, that anon is awful

i filtered and moved forward

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6bd960 No.21676220

notables @ 590

#26543 >>21675389

>>21675490, >>21675454, >>21675459, >>21675463, >>21675468, >>21675470 Archive: Trump rally in Wisconsin - 9/28/24

>>21675447 The Alabama team gave Trump the '17' jersey in 2018

>>21675591 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21675816, >>21675864, >>21675823 Happening now in Tuscaloosa! President Trump shown on the jumbotron at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Alabama

>>21676034, >>21676042 Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at Bama vs UGA

>>21676056 FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

>>21676131 Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

>>21676152 BEAUTIFUL FLYOVER!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>21676166 President Donald Trump and Tim Walz both showed up to college football games today

>>21675541 DJT: "Kamala is mentally impaired"

>>21675620 DJT: D.O.G.E

>>21675664 DJT: Kamala’s Illegal Migrants. It’s the biggest crime story of our time. She should resign or be IMPEACHED!

>>21675494 Federal Judge Blocks Arizona Democrats from Certifying 2024 Election if Counties Withhold Certification Due to Fraud

>>21675515 A new poll shows that Taylor Swift’s popularity has dropped overall among voters following her endorsement of Kamala

>>21675526 Hurricane Helene victims with water damage to electronic locks are unable to re-enter their homes

>>21675987, >>21676062 Horrific and all too common reality out of Asheville, NC yesterday

>>21675982 Maybe Biden and Kamala should help out victims of Hurricane Helene

>>21676105, >>21676117 Gov. Henry McMaster: I have requested an expedited major presidential disaster declaration for Hurricane Helene efforts

>>21675584 Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21675601 The SDTC Scandal: Trudeau violates House Order to produce documents to RCMP

>>21675611 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the United States carried out a terrorist attack in Lebanon with Israel

>>21675614, >>21676080 RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

>>21675797 Immigration Accountability Project Reports 30 Million Noncitizens Living In United States Have Pathway To Vote

>>21675873 The @NCNationalGuard has been spotted in Marion NC

>>21675890 Border Patrol union blasts Harris for ‘ignoring problem she created’ after her first visit in 3 years: ‘Where has she been?’

>>21675900 Vivek Ramaswamy setting up to run for Governor of Ohio?

>>21675915 Fulton County, Georgia on Monday: Hearing On Dominion Encryption Keys

>>21675945 Alina Habba Goes Nuclear On Tim Walz At Pennsylvania Rally Before VP Debate

>>21675961, >>21675933 New footage released of gang members terrorizing Aurora, Colorado

>>21675998 Michigan Fans Wait in the Rain to Boo Tampon Tim at Big House on Saturday

>>21676066, >>21676075 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21676125 The Governor of Massachusetts as illegals invade her state at a staggering rate

>>21676156, >>21676150 The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times

>>21676193 Harris funded Iran’s war machine, let them build their nuclear bomb, and allowed them to directly endanger Trump's life

>>21675632, >>21675701, >>21675780, >>21675784, >>21675787, >>21675823, >>21675924, >>21675935 Memes


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84622a No.21676221


I took him out


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f582fb No.21676222

File: b23f6d03393087d⋯.png (1.25 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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29118b No.21676223

File: f84d879e6b678d2⋯.png (48.18 KB,571x673,571:673,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2c250c78dbf919⋯.png (344.19 KB,729x770,729:770,ClipboardImage.png)


Time Stamps




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9073cd No.21676225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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810a0c No.21676226

File: 2bc4316d8277195⋯.png (397.86 KB,593x859,593:859,ns.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 The Tennessee National Guard is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in Eastern TN, despite MASSIVE flooding and missing people



People are trapped in their homes, multiple towns are underwater, and utilities are out, so PRIVATE CITIZENS are being relied on to haul in pallets of water and food.

The state simply does not have the resources to handle all of this now that their National Guard is overseas.


and I just delivered 50 pizzas to first responders and the hospital in Newport, TN. It’s the first hot, fresh food they’ve had since the storm.



Readers added context they thought people might want to know

This is factually incorrect. There are 5000 national guard actively rescuing citizens in Tennessee and affected states.


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Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

10:56 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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73997c No.21676227


can bake…

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0985f5 No.21676228

File: 658383b787aa434⋯.png (121.53 KB,437x287,437:287,658383b787aa43415e79cd2553….png)

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6bfa1b No.21676229


bigger than?

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bf6531 No.21676230

File: 67f196fd4314e4a⋯.jpg (97.14 KB,1200x800,3:2,1200x800.jpg)



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28ae19 No.21676232


For: F 22.

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71759d No.21676233

File: a4ea61837d24fa7⋯.gif (4.95 MB,360x192,15:8,verve_verve_verve.gif)

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00234d No.21676234

File: 9db222e6f6cf860⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB,568x320,71:40,TRUMP_911_MUST_HAVE_BEEN_B….mp4)



when confronted with difficult irresolveable problems, this is 1 way to resolve them.

Make predictions.

Say "If X, then I would expect Y to be true."

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73997c No.21676235

File: ac7a5384452c73b⋯.png (386.64 KB,545x641,545:641,Catherine_Herridge.png)


herro bakes, nice evening for it?

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810a0c No.21676236

File: e3eb0277ac44c52⋯.png (664.6 KB,734x866,367:433,f.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




3:00 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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18e83c No.21676237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go to Hell.

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00234d No.21676238


post #603

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73997c No.21676239

File: 3e7e33a399be4a9⋯.png (259.72 KB,750x340,75:34,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdcf4e No.21676240


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6bfa1b No.21676241

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797b33 No.21676242

File: bdd006cf68989ad⋯.png (1.09 MB,1034x546,517:273,mewrwnrbes.PNG)

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73997c No.21676243

File: 7233cd2aa02f768⋯.png (422.87 KB,786x814,393:407,ClipboardImage.png)



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9073cd No.21676244


Like the resurrection one day I'll come

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cae177 No.21676245


the Jews are not coming to save us

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bdcf4e No.21676246


… and the administration that was in power,

yet did nothing to stop it, is guilty of High Treason.

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bdcf4e No.21676247


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81fba3 No.21676248


get with >>21676220 takin notes.

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18e83c No.21676249

All of you can go to Hell. You lied.

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9b7280 No.21676250



there's an election TN

will be blue

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6f2f20 No.21676251

Did Sabotage Stall the Navy’s Newest Nuclear Aircraft Carrier?

John Konrad September 28, 2024

by John Konrad (gCaptain) Faulty welds on U.S. Navy nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers have ignited a firestorm on Capitol Hill, but this isn’t just a case of shoddy workmanship it was intentional. The question is, was it sabotage?

“Today, I have very serious news to share with you,” wrote Jennifer Boykin, President of HII’s Newport News Shipyard yesterday via LinkedIn. “We discovered that the quality of certain welds on submarines and aircraft carriers under construction here at NNS do not meet our high-quality standards. Most concerning is that some of the welds in question were made by welders who knowingly violated weld procedures.”

Details are still emerging, but HII stated that while the shipyard workers intentionally violated welding rules, they claim there was no “malicious intent.” This suggests laziness is more likely than sabotage. However, Boykin noted that HII hasn’t yet conducted a full investigation. She has also alerted the FBI, US Navy, and government regulators about potential criminal actions.

The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) is now digging into the issue and says, despite Boykin’s assurances, it can not yet “rule out bad actors seeking to put U.S. national security or our service members at risk.”

“It is deeply concerning to learn that faulty welds may have been knowingly made to U.S. Navy submarines and aircraft carriers,” reads a joint statement from HASC chair Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), and key subcommittee leaders. “The safety of our sailors is our top concern, and we need to immediately understand any risks associated with the faulty work.” Translation: How on earth did this happen, and how do we stop it from happening again?

Now the Navy and shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) are scrambling to assess the damage. USNI News reports the number of in-service Virginia-class submarines impacted is said to be in the “low single digits,” according to a defense official. But with ongoing inspections on under-construction Virginia-class, Columbia-class submarines, and Ford-class aircraft carriers, the final tally could stretch into October.

Defense manufacturing startup founders:

If you don’t think this is happening in your code base for that fancy CNC machine you just bought, I have a recently produced, in-need-of-minor-repair Aircraft carrier I want to sell you. pic.twitter.com/r2PAt5Mn4y

— joshua steinman (??,??) (@JoshuaSteinman) September 27, 2024

The admission from Boykin also prompted Assistant Secretary of the Navy Nickolas Guertin to send an internal memo to senior Navy leaders. That memo started circulating on social media, triggering speculation about potential sabotage. But so far it’s only speculation.

This isn’t the first time Newport News has been in hot water over sub-par welding. Back in 2007, the Navy found welders had used the wrong filler material on Virginia-class subs. In 2009, inspectors had to review welds on nine subs and four carriers after a shipyard inspector admitted to falsifying inspection reports.

Regardless if the FBI or NCIS finds criminal conspiracy or not the Navy and HII are staring down the barrel of a labor-intensive, time-consuming process to reinspect potentially compromised welds—each one possibly tucked away in the hardest-to-reach corners of a submarine or aircraft carrier. This will undoubtedly extend already massive Navy shipbuilding delays even further.

Submarines, an aircraft carrier, and frigates are years behind schedule due to skilled labor shortages, design issues, and pandemic-related supply chain challenges, according to a Navy report in April. The report revealed that the Ford Class aircraft carrier, CVN 80, is 18-26 months behind schedule, while the Virginia Class Block IV submarine lags by three years and frigates – which are not built by HII – even longer.

So, what’s next? Congress wants answers, and they want them fast. They’re looking for a comprehensive plan from the Department of Defense on how to protect Navy vessels from any future tampering. And they’re demanding “absolute transparency” throughout the process.

Here’s the bottom line: With a fleet already stretched thin and a world growing increasingly volatile—not to mention the massive delays plaguing all American shipyards—the Navy can’t afford this kind of self-inflicted wound or further setbacks. However, they also can’t risk sailors’ lives by accepting substandard work. Moving forward will be a precarious balance between urgency and safety.


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bf6531 No.21676252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oboe is also nice

maybe you won't get eaten

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bdcf4e No.21676253


doesn't know disinformation is necessary.

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ec8bfe No.21676254

File: 61f89f4639d4d9d⋯.png (640.54 KB,500x688,125:172,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2700a64f47208bc⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,740x640,37:32,kamala_2.mp4)


Note: anon has made a meme and clipped that part out, hope it works.

source and timestamp below.


LIVE: President Trump in Prairie du Chien, WI



11:15 Joe Biden became mentally impaired Kamala was born that

11:23 way she was born that way

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9073cd No.21676255

File: bc99b5da497cb1d⋯.png (779.2 KB,1080x1076,270:269,Screenshot_20240929_050445.png)

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810a0c No.21676256

File: e84b1b8776905c4⋯.png (1.37 MB,899x884,899:884,r.PNG)

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ca72d0 No.21676257

File: 59dbcabd1196dd4⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,480x510,16:17,ssstwitter_com_17274674470….mp4)

File: 466ca0e1347a237⋯.png (294.61 KB,616x757,616:757,ClipboardImage.png)

@DefiantLs Sep 27

This man just won reporter of the year with this move right here.

10:55 AM · Sep 27, 2024


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233dfc No.21676258


Well, you should be used to it by now.

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355307 No.21676259


Sauce it or it didn't habben.

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18e83c No.21676260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You lied.

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f582fb No.21676261

File: b6160f389f9427e⋯.png (509.09 KB,754x500,377:250,ahh3.png)

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09fc15 No.21676262

File: b043735ef299ff5⋯.jpeg (143.52 KB,750x336,125:56,IMG_0185.jpeg)


Thanks baker

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18e83c No.21676263


Don't pretend to care what happens here, faggot.

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81fba3 No.21676264

File: b496d163251006a⋯.gif (1.43 MB,470x352,235:176,GodPlayinPool.gif)


Hell is a state of mind founded on our unrepentant sins. Seek God's grace and follow the righteous path to his glory.

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9073cd No.21676265

File: 1621e87eed07ed9⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x1338,180:223,Screenshot_20240929_050705.png)

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18e83c No.21676266


Pedophile, go to Hell.

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9073cd No.21676267

File: 04cb890788ed342⋯.png (47.85 KB,1080x235,216:47,Screenshot_20240929_050649.png)

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f582fb No.21676268

File: 17bf074b536aa56⋯.png (462.08 KB,696x512,87:64,17bf074b536aa563ad632ba36a….png)

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233dfc No.21676269


Lazy nigger couldn't walk out of there?


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be7066 No.21676270

Still report

How Lyndon Johnson Rigged an Election in 1948 !!!, 4502


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09fc15 No.21676271

File: dbee9f19fd7699e⋯.jpeg (483.3 KB,750x739,750:739,IMG_2727.jpeg)


Good evening, Fren.

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ca72d0 No.21676272


>This is factually incorrect.

Hate seeing Nick Sorter fuck up like that if that is correct.

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81fba3 No.21676273

File: f8e06158a359900⋯.jpg (312.75 KB,1879x1098,1879:1098,f8e06158a35990051d9b0f8194….jpg)

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f582fb No.21676274

File: 9f1c1e3ea22bc92⋯.png (816.51 KB,1080x608,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b7280 No.21676275


she just got her hair did


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00234d No.21676276


>The Tennessee National Guard is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in Eastern TN, despite MASSIVE flooding and missing people




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d21d43 No.21676277

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9073cd No.21676278

File: 313f98f1f775bee⋯.png (88.39 KB,1080x737,1080:737,Screenshot_20240929_050933.png)


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18e83c No.21676279


I am the disinformation. Go to Hell, Liar.

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9934a4 No.21676280

List of post–2016 election Donald Trump rallies


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810a0c No.21676281

File: 81bacb472044f01⋯.png (600.94 KB,1115x742,1115:742,herd.PNG)


Kamala Harris can’t repair her immigration record

By Emily Jashinsky

September 27, 2024 - 10:11pm

There’s not much Kamala Harris can do to negate the electoral consequences of this administration’s border policy except to keep quiet about it. Her campaign, though, appears to be doing the opposite. She’s leaning in.

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81fba3 No.21676282



im not racist… but you 2 dumbfucks just missed a good opportunity to talk shit about black people not being able to swim….

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84622a No.21676283


this post @650


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9073cd No.21676284

File: d1b2bfa5677deaa⋯.png (450.34 KB,1080x980,54:49,Screenshot_20240929_051100.png)

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73997c No.21676285


fake and gay

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6bfa1b No.21676286

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18e83c No.21676287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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810a0c No.21676288

File: 563670ed4937150⋯.png (956.71 KB,609x878,609:878,dr.PNG)


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Wow! Trump let her know!🎯




Rothmus 🏴






12:39 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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9073cd No.21676289

File: 19cf7ac2200bce0⋯.png (421.8 KB,1080x1246,540:623,Screenshot_20240929_051219.png)

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0dcdbd No.21676290


Fucking A.

Kudos nigger.

God Bless (You),

and let the chips fall where they may.

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e72b6b No.21676291


> it seems like you're just a

a fat lazy faggot who can't be troubled to actually use some different avatars in order to at least make an effort to seem anon

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233dfc No.21676292


No need for swimming when they can literally walk the fuck out.

Nope, that's a lazy nigger.

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bf6531 No.21676293

File: b8492d795d2f863⋯.jpg (16.7 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

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73997c No.21676294

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6bd960 No.21676295

notables @ 660

#26543 >>21675389

>>21675490, >>21675454, >>21675459, >>21675463, >>21675468, >>21675470 Archive: Trump rally in Wisconsin - 9/28/24

>>21675447 Refresher: The Alabama team gave Trump the '17' jersey in 2018

>>21675591 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21675816, >>21675864, >>21675823 President Trump shown on the jumbotron at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Alabama

>>21676034, >>21676042 Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at Bama vs UGA

>>21676236, >>21676056 FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

>>21676131 Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

>>21676152 BEAUTIFUL FLYOVER!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>21676166 President Donald Trump and Tim Walz both showed up to college football games today

>>21675998 Michigan Fans Wait in the Rain to Boo Tampon Tim at Big House on Saturday

>>21675541 DJT: "Kamala is mentally impaired"

>>21675620 DJT: D.O.G.E

>>21675664 DJT: Kamala’s Illegal Migrants. It’s the biggest crime story of our time. She should resign or be IMPEACHED!

>>21675494 Federal Judge Blocks Arizona Democrats from Certifying 2024 Election if Counties Withhold Certification Due to Fraud

>>21675515 A new poll shows that Taylor Swift’s popularity has dropped overall among voters following her endorsement of Kamala

>>21675526 Hurricane Helene victims with water damage to electronic locks are unable to re-enter their homes

>>21675987, >>21676062 Horrific and all too common reality out of Asheville, NC yesterday

>>21675982 Maybe Biden and Kamala should help out victims of Hurricane Helene

>>21676105, >>21676117 Gov. Henry McMaster: I have requested an expedited major presidential disaster declaration for Hurricane Helene efforts

>>21675873 The @NCNationalGuard has been spotted in Marion, NC

>>21676226 The Tennessee National Guard is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in Eastern TN

>>21675584 Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21675601 The SDTC Scandal: Trudeau violates House Order to produce documents to RCMP

>>21675611 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the United States carried out a terrorist attack in Lebanon with Israel

>>21675614 RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

>>21675670 Tupac made bombshell Sean 'Diddy' Combs claims just before his death in chilling interview

>>21675785 If Harris Can ‘Eliminate The Filibuster For Roe,’ She Can Nuke It For Fracking Bans And Gun Control Too

>>21675797 Immigration Accountability Project Reports 30 Million Noncitizens Living In United States Have Pathway To Vote

>>21675890 Border Patrol union blasts Harris for ‘ignoring problem she created’ after her first visit in 3 years: ‘Where has she been?’

>>21675900 Vivek Ramaswamy setting up to run for Governor of Ohio?

>>21675915 Fulton County, Georgia on Monday: Hearing On Dominion Encryption Keys

>>21675945 Alina Habba Goes Nuclear On Tim Walz At Pennsylvania Rally Before VP Debate

>>21675961, >>21675933 New footage released of gang members terrorizing Aurora, Colorado

>>21676066, >>21676075 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21676125 The Governor of Massachusetts as illegals invade her state at a staggering rate

>>21676156, >>21676150 The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times

>>21676243 Elon: You know who we could ask about whether Kamala "secured the border"?

>>21676193 Harris funded Iran’s war machine, let them build their nuclear bomb, and allowed them to directly endanger Trump's life

>>21676257 Reporter of the year

>>21676288 Trump let her / it know

>>21675632, >>21675701, >>21675780, >>21675784, >>21675787, >>21675823, >>21675924, >>21675935 Memes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f582fb No.21676296

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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9073cd No.21676297

File: 8ec4d2e6a9f3883⋯.png (281.87 KB,1080x1371,360:457,Screenshot_20240929_043311.png)

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656dd0 No.21676298


Or, the whole thing is staged.

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81fba3 No.21676299


watch the video dumbshit. dude walks out with her on his back, neck deep, gets to dry ground, drops her, and you can see her shorter than his pecks.

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1575fb No.21676300

File: ab30fe0b9e65ac3⋯.png (254.9 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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73997c No.21676301

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233dfc No.21676302


Reverse mortgage scam not going well, Tom?

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84622a No.21676303


WKRP in Cincinnati

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0dcdbd No.21676304


will ferrell fucks kids,


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554251 No.21676305


The globohomo Biden administration should be prosecuted.

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9073cd No.21676306

File: f0412001ebac3d4⋯.png (207.14 KB,1080x588,90:49,Screenshot_20240929_051452.png)

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2ba711 No.21676307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Study confirms microplastics are getting into brain tissue

Wrong, I told you that local saboteurs are spraying people with pesticides, soft metals, biologicals pathogens, toxic bio-weapon dust, and using radiation weapons. Future proves past. I am always right.

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233dfc No.21676308

File: 077ce4546ef6ef2⋯.png (660.43 KB,695x598,695:598,whynotboth.png)

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554251 No.21676309


The globohomo swamp must be prosecuted and executed or deported, after doing time.

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1eb6e1 No.21676310


Faggot Can Censor

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71759d No.21676311

File: cf034b88e16cfd5⋯.jpeg (46.98 KB,401x398,401:398,_Anonymous_55_minutes_ago….jpeg)

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0dcdbd No.21676312



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ec8bfe No.21676313


so anon was not the only one who thought that was a epic burn.

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233dfc No.21676314


My statement stands.

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2ba711 No.21676315


Forgot to put in the most important one, plastics and nylons, also adhesives.

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9073cd No.21676317

File: 05c8e0362fb87cb⋯.png (79.7 KB,1073x596,1073:596,Screenshot_20240929_051622.png)

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71759d No.21676318

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,4608x3456,4:3,_4_4_.jpg)

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ca72d0 No.21676319

File: d1d913fee622efc⋯.png (228.37 KB,411x324,137:108,ClipboardImage.png)


Remove the fingers so ai cant fuck it up. kek

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c66ba4 No.21676320


Dr Johnny Fever :)

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81fba3 No.21676321


your statement is faggot

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71759d No.21676322

File: b52c3b5854534d2⋯.jpg (72.41 KB,794x1028,397:514,_Anonymous_11_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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554251 No.21676323

File: 2b0c70a4b574a7d⋯.png (292.45 KB,411x474,137:158,ClipboardImage.png)


Never let a crisis go to waste.

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71759d No.21676324

File: 22944c5d8102afc⋯.jpg (268.12 KB,1043x1158,1043:1158,_Anonymous_1_minute_ago_8a….jpg)

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00234d No.21676325

File: 095090717bbbc99⋯.png (153.81 KB,369x346,369:346,ClipboardImage.png)


WHY HAS there ever been any interest in this guy?

His twats are annoying as hell

He contributes nothing of value

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71759d No.21676326

File: a615c8cb48eb635⋯.jpg (92.01 KB,828x947,828:947,_Anonymous_2_hours_ago_c91….jpg)

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71759d No.21676328

File: ce02e2e36d1ab41⋯.jpg (177.04 KB,593x745,593:745,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_b….jpg)

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0dcdbd No.21676329



>says the monkey.

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f582fb No.21676330

File: 0026e1e2f4af1f6⋯.webm (1.63 MB,406x624,203:312,silence9.webm)


>a fat lazy faggot who can't be troubled to actually use some different avatars

Because I don't use different avatars? Really? TOP KEK! That is the weakest fucking argument I've ever seen. Why should I have to cater to how you want me to post, faggot? You're not the arbiter of who is anon or not, and based upon your imbecilic use of a racial division narrative it looks to me like you're not anon but a paid posting faggot shill. How 'bout them apples, idiot?

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6bfa1b No.21676331

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233dfc No.21676332

File: 3feeca8c0750e2f⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB,254x255,254:255,nigelsewhere.jpeg)


Your mom's bonus hole is faggot.

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73997c No.21676333

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6f2f20 No.21676334


Kungpao Mule?

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9073cd No.21676335

File: 4b5898cb4b323ba⋯.png (57.36 KB,1080x272,135:34,Screenshot_20240929_051837.png)

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0dcdbd No.21676336


well said.

needs a different expletive at the end tho.

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81fba3 No.21676337

File: 01887b1fff3ffa2⋯.gif (2.7 MB,545x549,545:549,01887b1fff3ffa2b0aa1b71f17….gif)


your dad's hole is faggot.

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1b2958 No.21676338


Yes. Missing man formation.

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6bd960 No.21676339

notables @ 705

#26543 >>21675389

>>21675490, >>21675454, >>21675459, >>21675463, >>21675468, >>21675470 Archive: Trump rally in Wisconsin - 9/28/24

>>21675447 Refresher: The Alabama team gave Trump the '17' jersey in 2018

>>21675591 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21675816, >>21675864, >>21675823 President Trump shown on the jumbotron at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Alabama

>>21676034, >>21676042 Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at Bama vs UGA

>>21676236, >>21676056 FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

>>21676131 Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

>>21676152 BEAUTIFUL FLYOVER!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>21676166 President Donald Trump and Tim Walz both showed up to college football games today

>>21675998 Michigan Fans Wait in the Rain to Boo Tampon Tim at Big House on Saturday

>>21675541 DJT: "Kamala is mentally impaired"

>>21675620 DJT: D.O.G.E

>>21675664 DJT: Kamala’s Illegal Migrants. It’s the biggest crime story of our time. She should resign or be IMPEACHED!

>>21675494 Federal Judge Blocks Arizona Democrats from Certifying 2024 Election if Counties Withhold Certification Due to Fraud

>>21675515 A new poll shows that Taylor Swift’s popularity has dropped overall among voters following her endorsement of Kamala

>>21675526 Hurricane Helene victims with water damage to electronic locks are unable to re-enter their homes

>>21675987, >>21676062 Horrific and all too common reality out of Asheville, NC yesterday

>>21675982 Maybe Biden and Kamala should help out victims of Hurricane Helene

>>21676105, >>21676117 Gov. Henry McMaster: I have requested an expedited major presidential disaster declaration for Hurricane Helene efforts

>>21675873 The @NCNationalGuard has been spotted in Marion, NC

>>21676226 The Tennessee National Guard is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in Eastern TN

>>21675584 Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21675601 The SDTC Scandal: Trudeau violates House Order to produce documents to RCMP

>>21675611 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the United States carried out a terrorist attack in Lebanon with Israel

>>21675614 RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

>>21675670 Tupac made bombshell Sean 'Diddy' Combs claims just before his death in chilling interview

>>21675785 If Harris Can ‘Eliminate The Filibuster For Roe,’ She Can Nuke It For Fracking Bans And Gun Control Too

>>21675797 Immigration Accountability Project Reports 30 Million Noncitizens Living In United States Have Pathway To Vote

>>21675890 Border Patrol union blasts Harris for ‘ignoring problem she created’ after her first visit in 3 years: ‘Where has she been?’

>>21676243 Elon: You know who we could ask about whether Kamala "secured the border"?

>>21676156, >>21676150 The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times

>>21675900 Vivek Ramaswamy setting up to run for Governor of Ohio?

>>21675915 Fulton County, Georgia on Monday: Hearing On Dominion Encryption Keys

>>21675945 Alina Habba Goes Nuclear On Tim Walz At Pennsylvania Rally Before VP Debate

>>21675961, >>21675933 New footage released of gang members terrorizing Aurora, Colorado

>>21676066, >>21676075 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21676125 The Governor of Massachusetts as illegals invade her state at a staggering rate

>>21676193 Harris funded Iran’s war machine, let them build their nuclear bomb, and allowed them to directly endanger Trump's life

>>21676257 Reporter of the Year

>>21676288 Trump let her / it know

>>21675632, >>21675701, >>21675780, >>21675784, >>21675787, >>21675823, >>21675924, >>21675935 Memes


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00234d No.21676340


very nice

particularly the expressions of the animals and the running splashes

seems similar to bob ross style

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abf8f0 No.21676341


Lol, even the 'muh jew' shills will attack you if you point out Ezra Cohen, he's a troll yet nobody seems to notice/care.

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6f2f20 No.21676342


I nominate "twatwaffle"

Just because it's been awhile since I've seen it used

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71759d No.21676343

File: 31956450dd3f188⋯.jpg (8.54 MB,4928x3280,308:205,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_f….jpg)

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81fba3 No.21676344

File: 1a590c35e320a87⋯.png (263 KB,375x525,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, sir!

Missing man formation

The missing man formation is an aerial salute performed as part of a flypast of aircraft at a funeral or memorial event, typically in memory of a fallen pilot, a well-known military service member or veteran, or a well-known political figure.[1][2][3] The planes fly in a formation with a space where one plane should be, symbolizing the person's absence. Though similar formations have occurred as early as World War I, the first flypast in the modern formation of four planes is believed to have occurred in 1931 at the funeral for Charles W. "Speed" Holman.[4]


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71759d No.21676345

File: 1954584f2df5c0c⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,1080x1056,45:44,_Anonymous_3_minutes_ago_4….jpg)

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18e83c No.21676346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go to Hell, Liar.

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9073cd No.21676347

File: 1a1d3ad557a8caf⋯.png (39.72 KB,1080x218,540:109,Screenshot_20240929_052035.png)

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71759d No.21676348

File: 9dddbaa5fbed6ac⋯.jpg (113.14 KB,1169x1041,1169:1041,_Anonymous_5_hours_ago_9e8….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

71759d No.21676349

File: 0190c6bb416e3ba⋯.jpg (147.16 KB,766x500,383:250,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_3….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6bd960 No.21676350

notables FINAL

#26543 >>21675389

>>21675490, >>21675454, >>21675459, >>21675463, >>21675468, >>21675470 Archive: Trump rally in Wisconsin - 9/28/24

>>21675447 Refresher: The Alabama team gave Trump the '17' jersey in 2018

>>21675591 President Trump arrives at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa for the Alabama vs. Georgia football game

>>21675816, >>21675864, >>21675823 President Trump shown on the jumbotron at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Alabama

>>21676034, >>21676042 Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at Bama vs UGA

>>21676236, >>21676056 FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

>>21676131 Trump, Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr.

>>21676152 BEAUTIFUL FLYOVER!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>21676166 President Donald Trump and Tim Walz both showed up to college football games today

>>21675998 Michigan Fans Wait in the Rain to Boo Tampon Tim at Big House on Saturday

>>21675541 DJT: "Kamala is mentally impaired"

>>21675620 DJT: D.O.G.E

>>21675664 DJT: Kamala’s Illegal Migrants. It’s the biggest crime story of our time. She should resign or be IMPEACHED!

>>21675526 Hurricane Helene victims with water damage to electronic locks are unable to re-enter their homes

>>21675987, >>21676062 Horrific and all too common reality out of Asheville, NC yesterday

>>21675982 Maybe Biden and Kamala should help out victims of Hurricane Helene

>>21676105, >>21676117 Gov. Henry McMaster: I have requested an expedited major presidential disaster declaration for Hurricane Helene efforts

>>21675873 The @NCNationalGuard has been spotted in Marion, NC

>>21676226 The Tennessee National Guard is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in Eastern TN

>>21676257 Reporter of the Year

>>21675494 Federal Judge Blocks Arizona Democrats from Certifying 2024 Election if Counties Withhold Certification Due to Fraud

>>21675515 A new poll shows that Taylor Swift’s popularity has dropped overall among voters following her endorsement of Kamala

>>21675584 Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21675601 The SDTC Scandal: Trudeau violates House Order to produce documents to RCMP

>>21675611 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the United States carried out a terrorist attack in Lebanon with Israel

>>21675614 RFK Jr. just exposed the Federal Reserve

>>21675670 Tupac made bombshell Sean 'Diddy' Combs claims just before his death in chilling interview

>>21675785 If Harris Can ‘Eliminate The Filibuster For Roe,’ She Can Nuke It For Fracking Bans And Gun Control Too

>>21675797 Immigration Accountability Project Reports 30 Million Noncitizens Living In United States Have Pathway To Vote

>>21676243 Elon: You know who we could ask about whether Kamala "secured the border"?

>>21675890 Border Patrol union blasts Harris for ‘ignoring problem she created’ after her first visit in 3 years: ‘Where has she been?’

>>21676156, >>21676150 The Biden-Harris Administration intentionally undermined America’s border security 64 times

>>21675900 Vivek Ramaswamy setting up to run for Governor of Ohio?

>>21675915 Fulton County, Georgia on Monday: Hearing On Dominion Encryption Keys

>>21675945 Alina Habba Goes Nuclear On Tim Walz At Pennsylvania Rally Before VP Debate

>>21675961, >>21675933 New footage released of gang members terrorizing Aurora, Colorado

>>21676066, >>21676075 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21676125 The Governor of Massachusetts as illegals invade her state at a staggering rate

>>21676193 Harris funded Iran’s war machine, let them build their nuclear bomb, and allowed them to directly endanger Trump's life

>>21676288 Trump let her / it know

>>21675632, >>21675701, >>21675780, >>21675784, >>21675787, >>21675823, >>21675924, >>21675935 Memes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

71759d No.21676351

File: 04eee32953f7885⋯.jpg (391.47 KB,1411x941,1411:941,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_b….jpg)

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bf6531 No.21676352

File: 4400daf64654d32⋯.png (496.15 KB,720x540,4:3,vlcsnap_2017_07_14_00h56m5….png)

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71759d No.21676353

File: 36832354eabdc7b⋯.jpg (195.62 KB,1149x1193,1149:1193,_Anonymous_17_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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5d1eb7 No.21676354

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YOU KNOW IT!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

It's the men media says, damn right, men aren't stupid. KeK



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18e83c No.21676355


No one cares.

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71759d No.21676356

File: 012e2281e19c78f⋯.jpg (312.75 KB,944x567,944:567,_Anonymous_42_minutes_ago_….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2fc764 No.21676358

>>21676307 Here is the proof, all PBs.

>>18710352 at 2023-04-17 17:38:19 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22955: Committee holds a hearing on violent crime in Manhattan Edition


>praying will not help



This song played for me as I called out to God Almighty while I was dislodging what appeared to be some type of hardened plastic/nylon shrapnel like material from the very center of my eye. It was the size of a small fingernail and unbreakable, Excruciating heart pounding pain as I felt the eye itself separate. Only God has ever answered me through every ordeal thus far.

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71759d No.21676359

File: 20fe1025847f217⋯.jpg (207.74 KB,1391x1340,1391:1340,_Anonymous_Just_now_35d328….jpg)

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9b7280 No.21676360


ever sit in a car with no headrest

scary shit

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0dcdbd No.21676361



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554251 No.21676362

File: e9f56e09fcad690⋯.png (1.46 MB,774x1200,129:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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34a56c No.21676363

File: db8f0da324f0595⋯.gif (952.56 KB,400x290,40:29,higgins.gif)

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71759d No.21676365

File: 132ba68b49ba869⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,250x187,250:187,_Anonymous_Just_now_94dfd8….jpg)

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71759d No.21676367

File: 69cfaf642e7f2b7⋯.jpg (22.64 KB,474x461,474:461,_Anonymous_Just_now_94dfd8….jpg)

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81fba3 No.21676368

File: 51dedcbd8998724⋯.jpg (110.37 KB,668x806,334:403,51dedcbd899872495fdec28617….jpg)


about you….

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8b63d2 No.21676370

File: 09b0fc48c8ca627⋯.png (800.06 KB,1154x748,577:374,ClipboardImage.png)

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71759d No.21676372

File: 9f6bafeb95bb71a⋯.jpg (703.6 KB,800x1222,400:611,_Anonymous_Just_now_ce7956….jpg)

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7971c6 No.21676373

File: cf09fd6b97156e5⋯.jpeg (187.04 KB,750x643,750:643,IMG_1567.jpeg)

If anyone wonders what GITMO would be like, maybe 18e83c could tell you.

Haven’t had a shill ever call me a pedophile before.. They update their slides?

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18e83c No.21676375


Made with GOOG DeepDream. Go to Hell. GOOG is there waiting.

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71759d No.21676376

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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18e83c No.21676377

Don't pretend you give a damn, faggots.

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9073cd No.21676378

File: fb8c6cf6a9695c6⋯.png (612.76 KB,1080x1402,540:701,Screenshot_20240929_052251.png)

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8b63d2 No.21676379

File: 341cb6b3dbe38e2⋯.png (1.06 MB,955x889,955:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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71759d No.21676380

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB,624x576,13:12,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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6f2f20 No.21676381


No headrest, no seat belts, and manual shift on the column

Good times

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71759d No.21676383

File: 39a595b40220464⋯.jpg (71.04 KB,800x530,80:53,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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73997c No.21676384



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6bd960 No.21676385

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71759d No.21676386

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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71759d No.21676387

File: 6591fbd84796e4a⋯.jpg (175.71 KB,1127x1200,1127:1200,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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71759d No.21676389

File: 1be5d2a8b4aae6f⋯.jpg (17.29 KB,480x360,4:3,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_84….jpg)

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81fba3 No.21676390

File: ab63531160443d8⋯.gif (1.21 MB,500x200,5:2,ezgif_4_99dd212e7f.gif)


get a motorcycle……

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18e83c No.21676391


George Bush Sr. loves GOOG DeepDream. He's also in Hell waiting.

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0dcdbd No.21676392

File: 3d1cc5f58678d1c⋯.gif (980.49 KB,400x290,40:29,20240928_202354.gif)

too fast for tai chi.


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71759d No.21676393

File: fd444c24e79bc47⋯.jpg (37.42 KB,200x203,200:203,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_66….jpg)

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