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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

57d350 No.21674516 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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57d350 No.21674524

International Q Research Threads

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790, >>21673980, >>21674000 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674012, >>21674018, >>21674026, >>21674029, >>21674040, >>21674050, >>21674060, >>21674066, >>21674070, >>21674080, >>21674082, >>21674086, >>21674088, >>21674094, >>21674097, >>21674103, >>21674113, >>21674118, >>21674125, >>21674133, >>21674135, >>21674139, >>21674151, >>21674158, >>21674169, >>21674178, >>21674182, >>21674189, >>21674194, >>21674202, >>21674208, >>21674218, >>21674241, >>21674245, >>21674254, >>21674261, >>21674265, >>21674283, >>21674288, >>21674294, >>21674309, >>21674315, >>21674328, >>21674329, >>21674340, >>21674355, >>21674358, >>21674376, >>21674381, >>21674391, >>21674401, >>21674404, >>21674413, >>21674429, >>21674430, >>21674443, >>21674445, >>21674453, >>21674460, >>21674468, >>21674482, >>21674484, >>21674487 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21674398 Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, to Hold a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania 5:15EDT 9/28/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773, >>21674074, >>21674347 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815, >>21674048, >>21674412 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673824, >>21674023, >>21674059, >>21674142, >>21674185, >>21674216, >>21674223 DAN SCAVINO posted 2 “FROG” memes and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968, >>21673975, >>21674035, >>21674052, >>21674122, >>21674147, >>21674212, >>21674257 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910, >>21674165 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

>>21673974, >>21674392 NASA Space Related

>>21674112, >>21674372, >>21674497 Helene = I-40 is WASHED OUT between NC and TN washed out, comms out

>>21674419 Bill Still - The Money Masters - Full Length

>>21674153 from 2016 - America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED TALKS

>>21674200 DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

>>21674243, >>21674270, >>21674318, >>21674374 Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan 6 dead

>>21674414 Patriot Chris Kuehne Delivers Final Message Before He Enters Prison as J6 Political Prisoner

>>21674452 Two Delta Airlines agents smuggled over $3M in ketamine through JFK

>>21674507 #26541

#26540 >>21672850


>>21673366, >>21673410, >>21673644 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21672856 Only 37 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21672863, >>21673126, >>21673139 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672884, >>21672942 @Roseanne Blood Guts and the Shadow Governemnt

>>21672908 What the hell is a “perfect wife guy?” 🤔 Abortion and Football that's what

>>21672932, >>21673025, >>21673487, >>21673603, >>21673606, >>21673702 They fund their enemies, to justify what they do

>>21672978, >>21673004 RFK Jr. is up against a well organized, powerful and ruthless killing machine

>>21672979, >>21673016, >>21673094, >>21673124, >>21673182, >>21673321, >>21673387, >>21673400, >>21673588 NASA Space Related

>>21672991, >>21672999, >>21673595, >>21673613 Stupid is as Stupid does for Kamala

>>21673003, >>21673285 KAMALA makes false claims about Trump’s record on manufacturing jobs and steals his ideas

>>21673017, >>21673680 Ongoing Election Interference

>>21673062, >>21673067, >>21673448 TRUMP TRUTHS Border Czar

>>21673077 Flood waters in Biltmore Village next to Biltmore Estates, VANDERBILT [pool]

>>21673146, >>21673276, >>21673694 Hurricane Helene Aftermath

>>21673313 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Campaigns in Monroeville, Pennsylvania

>>21673326 Fani Willis' "Loverboy" Nathan Wade Gets A Reality Check As U.S. Marshals End Weeklong Manhunt

>>21673394 Biden admin slammed for misusing Strategic Petroleum Reserve

>>21673473 Pelosis have been caught in an insider trading scandal involving Visa

>>21673479 Biden should be 'court-martialed' for what he's doing with Iran with Mark Levine

>>21673494 Today in Q Post History we have 21 Deltas

>>21673521 Abortion Business Sues Pregnancy Health Center – for Stealing Its Customers

>>21673556 The National Science Foundation is the main funding artery for most of the censorship ecosystem in the United States

>>21673591 CNN compared Trump to Nazis then says Melania should 'take back' 'dangerous accusation' MSM 'fueling' political violence

>>21673597 Update on Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne becoming another J6 Political Prisoner

>>21673642 Texas Law Firm Is Representing Over 50 New Alleged Victims of Diddy, men woman and minors

>>21673732 #26540

#26539 >>21672095

>>21672779, >>21672787 12:30 PM EDT President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21672250, >>21672262, >>21672705, >>21672746, >>21672750, >>21672755, >>21672758 PF updates

>>21672100, >>21672121 link between Sec'y Mayorkas & Ryan Routh? Soo Kim is affiliated with NATO'S @SAISStrat

>>21672132, >>21672138, >>21672497, >>21672378 @DanScavino GOOD MORNING. LFG!!!!! #TRUMP2024

>>21672141, >>21672407, >>21672411 Earlier this morning, an Iranian 747 Cargo Plane with Fars Air Qeshm, an Airline affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was forced to Divert over Iraqi Airspace and head back to Tehran while enroute to Beirut

>>21672149, >>21672201, >>21672195, >>21672205, >>21672214, >>21672275, >>21672278 @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris, who allowed almost 14,000 MURDERERS to freely and openly roam our Country, is now making a Speech in Douglas, Arizona, trying to say she did an OK job with the Border…

>>21672151 Gutfeld: Anyone who defends illegal criminals crossing the border is 'complicit'

>>21672174, >>21672181, >>21672305, >>21672390, >>21672401, >>21672415, >>21672419, >>21672782 Now Official: Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed by airstrike in Beirut: IDF

>>21672179 Democrat Senator Ron Wydenof Oregon Pushes Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

>>21672183 ‘Pennies on the dollar’: Tuscaloosa businessman buys truckloads of border wall sold by Biden-Harris Administration

>>21672192, >>21672197, >>21672197, >>21672321 Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson hospitalized after 'incident' at campaign event/burns

>>21672198 'Defy human decency': Border agents rescue drugged, smuggled children

>>21672209, >>21672571 Kenyan Born??? Intel lies to Americans?? So it ain't so

>>21672220 Texas Sues U.S. Health and Human Services Over Rule Labeling 'Gender Dysphoria' As Protected Disability

>>21672222, >>21672224, >>21672226 US Port Problems

>>21672244 37 Days to WINNING

>>21672359 Scamala vid

>>21672412 ICYMI: Facebook created a secret gov’t portal for CDC employees to flag and censor free speech on “Covid & Vaccine Misinformation.”

>>21672433 @MELANIATRUMP phone pic

>>21672475 FULL SPEECH: President Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in New York - 9/26/24

>>21672505 Will you be chosen for euthanasia?

>>21672522 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672598, >>21672814 Roseanne talks with Tucker Carlson about the baby bIood drinking cuIt./Nicole Shanahan

>>21672611 Bannon from Prison: 'Victory Is at Hand', Bannon is slated to be released from prison on Oct. 29, a week before the election

>>21672637 Heritage Foundation: Project 2025 Director Dans Was Fired/story change optics?

>>21672677 Prayers Answered! Thanks to all who responded.

>>21672681 #AnonNews Feed

>>21672708 Kamala Harris Caught Hiring Actors To Pretend To Be Ex Donald Trump Supporters For Her Campaign Ad

>>21672778 SpaceX and NASA are targeting no earlier than Saturday, September 28 for Falcon 9’s launch of Dragon’s ninth operational human spaceflight mission (Crew-9) to the International Space Station from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The instantaneous launch is at 1:17 p.m. ET

>>21672819 FULL SPEECH: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672824 WATCH: Trump Discusses Plan to Lower Taxes for Businesses That Do This - 9/27/24

>>21672829 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672835 FULL SPEECH: Mike Rogers Speaks at Trump Event in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672837 FULL SPEECH: Boudewijn Haase Speaks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672840 Today is National Hunting and Fishing Day, Hunting, Fishing, and Loving Every Day!

>>21672842 #26539

Previously Collected

>>21672086 #26538

>>21669521 #26535, >>21670290 #26536, >>21671109 #26537

>>21666844 #26532, >>21667748 #26533, >>21668645 #26534

>>21664123 #26529, >>21665035 #26530, >>21665893 #26531

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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57d350 No.21674533

File: 87c5798639497c1⋯.jpg (90.06 KB,448x736,14:23,87c5798639497c1472fe7cdf68….jpg)

File: 2049b17e7a3f38c⋯.png (302.36 KB,547x558,547:558,2049b17e7a3f38cfc4e766be11….png)

File: dd2206ee31b93b8⋯.jpg (291.28 KB,720x491,720:491,dd2206ee31b93b8c39135903f0….jpg)


Baker seeks handoff

will ghost @200


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aa3721 No.21674539

File: 94167140979ae4d⋯.png (465.76 KB,526x513,526:513,94167140979ae4df90c187a19f….png)

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a3b651 No.21674541

File: 317f46a2469cac9⋯.png (89.17 KB,250x140,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

How does it feel some random illegal Haitian and his retarded cousin Zimbabwe got with your high school crush before you did, Why-boi?

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14b922 No.21674542

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB,1263x421,3:1,1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)

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cb7f9c No.21674543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 16 hours

September 29 at 6:00 AM

LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Sunday, September 29, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 9 a.m. ET. The start time is approximate and subject to change.


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6b9bcf No.21674544

>>21674482 LB

>stone cold

BIDAN- Stone Cold Out

Illegals- Stone Cold Killers

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f84727 No.21674545

File: ba1ac39ad8b94d7⋯.jpg (177.28 KB,571x380,571:380,Xnip2024_09_25_18_53_05.jpg)

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345f75 No.21674546

File: c1db0b2d2e81716⋯.jpeg (273.93 KB,875x650,35:26,1907D5C7_423C_48FC_AA21_5….jpeg)

File: 7bcc33bf3c209ba⋯.jpeg (26.58 KB,231x255,77:85,56C92E69_183E_43C4_A5C0_8….jpeg)

File: d521d5e5eff460b⋯.jpeg (28.4 KB,171x255,57:85,EAF4A370_3166_47A4_B44C_6….jpeg)

File: 89c16f792b08ee4⋯.jpeg (42 KB,254x255,254:255,38F567C5_BB49_467B_BA4E_9….jpeg)

File: 52c5ce4ec6edf98⋯.jpeg (36.72 KB,255x249,85:83,373C18BB_0D49_4CF8_B2F0_3….jpeg)

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74e7be No.21674547

File: d3fa8c4e699ef4c⋯.png (1.04 MB,1120x1661,1120:1661,Western_North_Carolina.PNG)

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3b3242 No.21674548

File: 92ba2080247e857⋯.jpg (62.55 KB,500x491,500:491,8dhpiz.jpg)

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8ec1ff No.21674550

File: cc58dd0b9f2c313⋯.mp4 (593.39 KB,720x752,45:47,fraud_history_fake_ryker_s….mp4)

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b3d9c9 No.21674551

WIS- 21

USC- 10

going into the half

might get a field goal in

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e8b3ce No.21674552

File: b02868a21b0f0ad⋯.jpg (56.52 KB,673x365,673:365,asdcasda5im.jpg)

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57d350 No.21674554


pls posts LINKS anon

or can't note

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345f75 No.21674555

File: 0e5d1d282e29b93⋯.png (255.58 KB,750x1334,375:667,82D68DB2_A25D_42B5_BE31_6A….png)

File: dd2354d110a1516⋯.png (85.87 KB,690x1164,115:194,D07DC34F_BFF3_489B_BBC5_AA….png)

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5e82a8 No.21674556

File: 2af7f4364ef567a⋯.png (80.8 KB,711x564,237:188,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02a20ee68c08706⋯.png (48.1 KB,680x392,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

July 7, 2016

Wikileaks >79493354

“Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that’s why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you.”


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769436 No.21674557

File: aa80a0e3c21548d⋯.png (515.2 KB,772x646,386:323,unytrhrurt.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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857542 No.21674558

File: b21bde00d80df85⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB,854x480,427:240,American_flags.mp4)




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523d6b No.21674559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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68ec50 No.21674560

File: dee4f0cc5797073⋯.mp4 (15.82 MB,854x480,427:240,KH_betrayed_children_DJT_2….mp4)

Donald J. Trump

What Kamala Harris has done to our border is a betrayal of every citizen, it is a betrayal of her oath, and it is a betrayal of the American Nation…


Sep 28, 2024, 4:46 PM


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1d56d0 No.21674562

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,501x498,167:166,00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

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e390eb No.21674563

File: 63e402016cddb81⋯.png (25.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,top_bun_2.png)

File: 4f835f457ddd385⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17275544340….png)

File: 244204e36a6fd26⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17275575278….png)





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6ce92f No.21674564

File: 590a0cd5d38b145⋯.png (7.35 MB,2018x2048,1009:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 093a7604c2d9ce0⋯.png (4.9 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

Matt Dawson @SaintRPh

New painting: “Night Shift” 5” x 5” acrylic on canvas. This is another small piece I’m going to try to get in the art show for pieces under 5x5. I enjoyed painting this one. The pic in the next post shows scale.

Matt Dawson


Here is the scale of the piece


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245ce0 No.21674565

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is Kyle Seraphin show with Garrett Boyle to discuss the case of Kuene, it was an absolute set up

The Reasonableness StandardEP 253 | THE KYLE SERAPHIN SHOW | 28FEB2024 9:30A | LIVE

Video showing a February 2021 FBI

SWAT team arrest of Christopher Kuehne has popped up online with many aghast at the level of force. To complete the horror, Kuehne's wife was pregnant and subsequently miscarried their child the next day. Today we talk with a man who was part of that SWAT team and discuss the "reasonableness" standard.

As the frame job seems complete, an FBI source embedded in the J6 action stated: "[Chris] made people pick up trash. And he helped de-escalate the standoff with cops."

Statements from video:

SA O'Boyle: "by the time Christopher Kuehne comes out, his arm is in a sling and it's like case agent didn't brief us up on that, do you really think a guy who just had shoulder surgery or whatever happened is a threat???"

Kyle Seraphin states, "for an agency (FBI) to lightly use that force, which is in fact an incredible strong force it's very it's very damaging to the trust of those within it.

That's why FBI moral right now, is so low. Many people at that time where Garrett was at did not know, could not know, it is compartmentalized.



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2ac98f No.21674566

File: 0a56385a0fec747⋯.png (780.42 KB,1462x923,1462:923,g.PNG)







Israel strikes Hezbollah in a huge blast targeting the militant group’s leader

Scripps News will lay off 200 as it shutters broadcast news channel

Mark Robinson treated for burns after campaign event

Deathtoll of Hurricane Helene rises to 44

Trump meets with Zelenskyy in New York

U.S. indicts three Iranians for stealing Trump campaign documents

US Navy takes down cruise missiles, drones, and ballistic missiles after they-

- were targeted in the Bab el-Mandeb strait

Bridge collapses into river in Tennessee amid flooding from Helene

Trump's plane lands safely after waving off first landing attempt

Nepal Floods and Landslides Kill at Least 66 People, 69 Missing

Proverbs 16:28

How do you prep for an emergency?


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68ec50 No.21674567

File: 38cac343f9b8b21⋯.png (314.45 KB,706x641,706:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3d905 No.21674568

File: dbdba8833eec67a⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,4096x4096,1:1,IMG_0285.jpeg)


See 01/07/18 posts

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5e82a8 No.21674570

File: b9e0506121512e2⋯.png (340.23 KB,622x383,622:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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a040dc No.21674571

File: cfcf421c7bc7e9c⋯.png (596.82 KB,867x738,289:246,ClipboardImage.png)

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01d16b No.21674572

nice after party post RSBN interview from WI Congressman

don't know why the crowd just bounces, I would demand a dance party and byodrinks man!

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857542 No.21674573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Shift Britfag ready. o7

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68ec50 No.21674574

File: 78b5a2aa3a8d436⋯.png (354.15 KB,756x707,108:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c6f2c3140c30c3⋯.mp4 (11.51 MB,854x480,427:240,KH_relocated_Haiti_to_US_D….mp4)

Donald J. Trump

In less than 4 years, Kamala has relocated almost 5% of the entire population of Haiti to the United States,and 6% of the populations of Honduras and Nicaragua. These countries are so dangerous that the U.S. State Department has Travel Advisories warning Americans not to go there—yet Kamala is resettling them HERE…


Sep 28, 2024, 4:44 PM


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b2fc27 No.21674575


Women don't give a damn about this.

The only thing women care about is Trump stopping them from killing their baby's.

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cb7f9c No.21674576



Human trafficed

Sex slavery

Organ harvesting.

natural flavors, Food additives, and food coloring

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2ac98f No.21674577

File: 3d2980f696c4de1⋯.png (398.11 KB,352x750,176:375,m.PNG)


👀 Tampon Tim gets booed outside the Big House

- Trump War Room (https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1840136143389458601?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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2024d4 No.21674578


Liftoff from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is scheduled for 1:17pm ET (1717 UTC). Questions?

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37fc03 No.21674579

File: d3a75017c9c62db⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 50525ebe416f36b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 873549590f69036⋯.png (1.71 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 903cf33c07ccfe1⋯.png (500.46 KB,634x423,634:423,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 2b29116bc7dbd68⋯.png (553.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


damn, might miss it because taking my elderly and infirmed father to church, then to lunch

hopefully, can catch the 2nd half

i love Trump rallies

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7fbac5 No.21674580

File: 47586db201dc2b0⋯.png (267.59 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d345a5 No.21674581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prarie of the Dog


Tracking America’s First Dogs

Carolina dogs, discovered in the Southeast woods, may provide clues to the primitive dogs that arrived with the first humans in America

Scott Weidensaul

March 1999

I. Lehr Brisbin, a senior ecologist at the Savannah River Ecology Lab in Aiken, South Carolina, breeds and studies what he calls the Carolina dog: a scrawny, medium-sized animal with a reddish-yellow coat, upright ears and a whiplash tail curling up over its back — what rural Southerners have long called a "yaller" dog. Through his work with Carolina dogs, Brisbin hopes to gain a better understanding of their origins and possible relationship to other so-called primitive dogs throughout the world, such as dingoes in Australia, New Guinea singing dogs and the so-called pariah dogs of the Old World. His research on a group of Carolinas has revealed that they share traits and behaviors with the other primitive groups, and preliminary DNA studies reveal a possible linkage.


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345f75 No.21674582

File: 00119d3127767a1⋯.png (1.39 MB,639x1002,213:334,33271580_342D_4EAB_A556_3D….png)

File: 8011b3cb96872ca⋯.jpeg (137.37 KB,899x826,899:826,EBD8C7AB_8772_4CF7_8F7A_1….jpeg)

File: 5ec5a9f7b5a6aa1⋯.jpeg (10.13 KB,175x255,35:51,153246BF_4A7F_40D8_9965_8….jpeg)

File: 88a1a5fb189ed4a⋯.jpeg (162.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,F5AFB528_778A_4BD1_82D2_D….jpeg)

File: d67aef1996f8744⋯.jpeg (33.31 KB,255x255,1:1,E60BCFC2_D138_473C_98F5_B….jpeg)

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81f1fc No.21674583

i knows most of ya are rightly bored by the Poofter Daddy thing…. but keep in mind the implication when the domino of Stars begin to fall from the sky, and the weight/vacuum of influence that is changed in such a huge % of average everyday people

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2024d4 No.21674584

File: 65619e262a495db⋯.png (937.44 KB,1212x1221,404:407,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_2….png)

Space Force …


Liftoff from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is scheduled for 1:17pm ET (1717 UTC). Questions?

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68ec50 No.21674585

File: c7fe12dee80e32b⋯.mp4 (11.2 MB,854x480,427:240,KH_hellholes_28SEP24.mp4)

File: bb1fb85335db2b2⋯.png (301.97 KB,735x650,147:130,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump

If Kamala is reelected, your town and every town like it across Wisconsin and across the heartland will be transformed into a third-world hellhole…


Sep 28, 2024, 4:42 PM


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01d16b No.21674586




gondii gone wild

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b7934b No.21674587


Good News is that there's one tomorrow.

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59cca2 No.21674588

File: c192bfbfaf094ce⋯.jpeg (12.48 KB,255x141,85:47,78e6b9286b25bc3dc04a509b4….jpeg)

File: bbe12a11d56280c⋯.jpeg (11.32 KB,211x148,211:148,e2ab2af8834203879af05f6dd….jpeg)

Of course, would God make footstool for Himself without a Gold base.




>Moar Liquid Gold Under Our Feet!

Sheol = Shell Oil

Bible Hub

https://biblehub.com › isaiah

Isaiah 66:1 This is what the LORD says: "Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. …

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b2fc27 No.21674590


Q, you guys n gals should have shown the women what they are doing to their babies once aborted.

Show them the truth.

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68ec50 No.21674591

File: 05add4f51a90046⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB,852x480,71:40,KH_lies_DJT_28SEP24.mp4)

File: e5d091416c301d9⋯.png (432.26 KB,740x640,37:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump

Border Czar Harris went to the border to liein the most shameless and horrible way possible — at the very site where she released so much suffering, misery, and death…


Sep 28, 2024, 4:39 PM


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6ce92f No.21674592

NIH Caught Funneling Millions of Dollars in Public Money to Fund Chinese Dog Torture


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292854 No.21674594

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Riccardo Bosi 'The Final Phase Plan' Q

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01d16b No.21674595


not convinced still think they're moar lib than OH

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81f1fc No.21674597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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345f75 No.21674598

File: dd2354d110a1516⋯.png (85.87 KB,690x1164,115:194,D5FE46ED_1D30_4F4D_9B45_09….png)

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB,695x392,695:392,7271E424_A0B7_4F57_BBB6_A4….gif)

File: 58f8d0f45d23b28⋯.jpeg (25.71 KB,167x255,167:255,66929A31_CB6F_4951_A2F6_7….jpeg)

File: 7724fe05cca4ccf⋯.jpeg (22.61 KB,198x255,66:85,F8E5F2C9_48BB_414C_AFFB_3….jpeg)

File: 6ac0eb62110200b⋯.jpeg (23.12 KB,255x251,255:251,17A2331E_4C78_40A7_B36F_3….jpeg)

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e390eb No.21674599


Blue top and tan shorts, where have I seen that before.

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8189b1 No.21674600

File: 7eb2763512905f5⋯.jpg (122.11 KB,1024x768,4:3,photo_2024_08_15_18_05_33.jpg)

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2ac98f No.21674601

File: 97f60fc1b238503⋯.png (1.34 MB,935x629,55:37,ch.PNG)


The next chapter in record U.S. book bans? 'Soft censorship'

The U.S. has seen a spike in book censorship over the past several years, with titles by people of color and LGBTQ authors in the crosshairs.

Sept. 27, 2024, 3:17 AM GMT-11

By Jillian Eugenios

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6ce92f No.21674602

It took Squeaky long enuf to find his "ebot" handle…

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68ec50 No.21674603

File: 8ae69267bf55899⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB,852x480,71:40,KH_convicted_murderers_DJT….mp4)

File: ce0cee65a0f07df⋯.png (429.11 KB,712x635,712:635,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump

Under Kamala Harris more than 13,099 convicted murderers crossed our borders…and were set free into the United States of America so they are free to kill again…


Sep 28, 2024, 4:38 PM


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5e82a8 No.21674605

File: 3152ecfc1941013⋯.png (1.25 MB,795x804,265:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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857542 No.21674608

File: ef454900e25f11a⋯.png (1.96 MB,1054x2570,527:1285,3405.png)


Q3405 Needs to be spread far and wide to women voters!

Reality is hard to swallow.

FAKE NEWS keeps you asleep (sheep) and fixed in a pre_designed false reality (narrative).

Google altering search results to 'support' the pre_designed narrative and 'prevent' (make harder) for one to learn the TRUTH?

Those (w/ influence) who challenge the narrative are banned, shunned, threatened………

[Planned Parenthood is GOOD]_narrative

[China is NOT a threat]_narrative

>Do you know the market price for a fetus?

>Correlation of market price & days old of fetus/baby?

>As age (days) increases so does the value?


D's block 'born alive' bill?

Planned Parenthood political donations?

What party?

Do you believe this has anything to do w/ a Woman's Right to Choose?

Welcome to the Real World.


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5e82a8 No.21674610

File: edc4dc28911be61⋯.png (788.25 KB,526x785,526:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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2024d4 No.21674611

File: 09ab0d9a38af9de⋯.mp4 (5.22 MB,1080x1920,9:16,hvz7UZlMkFGNwJhq.mp4)

Starlink is coming

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8189b1 No.21674612

File: 76cc0aec93cbf7a⋯.png (400.26 KB,640x591,640:591,BearChoosesMan.png)

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2ac98f No.21674613

File: 23ce0b41db64dc6⋯.png (76.78 KB,834x597,278:199,n.PNG)


BREAKING: Biden-Harris DOJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

By Michael Austin September 28, 2024 at 11:12am

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d6038c No.21674614

File: 5257c9a59f0f158⋯.jpg (647.97 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Super_Elite_Alt.jpg)


Thank You Baker!

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b2fc27 No.21674615

File: d401c027635226f⋯.png (1.57 MB,1233x847,1233:847,white_hat.PNG)

File: 5ca746b81d6b001⋯.png (925.83 KB,1104x555,368:185,whitehat.PNG)


A White hat?

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81f1fc No.21674616


haven't heard from him in a long time.

is he still alive and active?

or is this just rehash of old material?

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5e3103 No.21674618


Fuck it just do it we are playing by their rules

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0b427d No.21674619

Hollywood raised me to think getting thrown in jail outside of America was a bad thing. Not so bad in white countries but in Mexico and the like it was bad news!!

But now they want me to think these are good people.

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2427b2 No.21674620

File: 88f8887a04359a6⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17275536531….mp4)

"Joe Biden BECAME mentally impaired — Kamala was born that way." 😎

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2ac98f No.21674621

File: 22543c91b836804⋯.png (515.32 KB,599x531,599:531,gs.PNG)


George Solis


Our team has been without WiFi or cell service for hours here in the Asheville area. One local hotel in the downtown has allowed us to finally get back on the grid. The flooding here is beyond anything I think anyone anticipated. #Helene #Helene2024 #NcWx

12:34 PM · Sep 27, 2024




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01d16b No.21674623



sell it $2.99 for the whole world - age of real competition

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4d082f No.21674625

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345f75 No.21674626


Donny osbourne flying Hot Stuff

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37fc03 No.21674627

File: 60fd08ec85327dc⋯.png (383.97 KB,538x484,269:242,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

File: b749f559aca2898⋯.png (486.01 KB,482x505,482:505,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 9001fb0d6ca0e48⋯.png (425.32 KB,535x401,535:401,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

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74e7be No.21674628




Will manually type link here. Don't have facebook account, received image via text/IM earlier today. Typed this in/



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2ac98f No.21674629

File: 668958d950f91b1⋯.png (1.83 MB,1549x852,1549:852,t.PNG)

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6516d3 No.21674631

>>21674277 [pb]

>>21674289 [pb]

9/26/24 POTUS news conf TT 17:32 EST.

"Consequential President"


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e24063 No.21674633


She's a slut, Norman!

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a19ea0 No.21674635

how many days until the nothingburger?

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8189b1 No.21674636

File: 218cab9163c2a58⋯.png (833.99 KB,1156x782,34:23,SunSetwithFren.png)

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7fbac5 No.21674637

File: baa310a1f3f246e⋯.png (7.87 KB,258x295,258:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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857542 No.21674639

File: ee5b9d1b4fa6056⋯.png (392.75 KB,636x382,318:191,Screenshot.png)

Migrants want Kamala Harris to beat Donald Trump, Latin American reports claim


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57d350 No.21674640


much appreciation


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bb6d25 No.21674641

File: cc20509d32eb150⋯.png (2.04 MB,1532x1550,766:775,Strike1.png)

File: a46a547db7ae506⋯.png (319.26 KB,1484x1512,53:54,Strike2.png)

File: caabdf5ec516fd0⋯.png (362.44 KB,1492x1512,373:378,Strike3.png)

A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just when the extended holiday season is beginning.

“At the end of the day, when [a strike] carries on, it’s the consumer who pays,” said Rachel Michelin, president of the California Retailers Assn., which joined more than 200 trade groups in signing a letter to the White House urging Biden to bring the parties together to avert a potentially devastating hit to businesses and the economy.



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2f7d8c No.21674643


Shut the DOJ out of the state.

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345f75 No.21674644

File: 12ab482c1ff434b⋯.png (794.44 KB,749x749,1:1,BC6EEB8B_DF11_4F54_99B5_13….png)

File: 39b48898f4d3453⋯.jpeg (34.34 KB,480x618,80:103,00482FF0_856B_4A9B_90CF_1….jpeg)

File: fd3f5abfcc04d7a⋯.png (354.48 KB,466x349,466:349,B7FC7CA2_A7AD_424B_ADCE_FC….png)

File: 6f5afe255258a91⋯.png (1.42 MB,1465x864,1465:864,3CFA4C88_412F_45AE_B44B_F5….png)

File: c5bd3bd5e988601⋯.jpeg (88.92 KB,390x512,195:256,69D34B9E_D3B7_4865_88A6_E….jpeg)

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f84727 No.21674647


2 weeks

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278635 No.21674648


those faggots make me sick

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5c4eca No.21674650

File: cd1c1bb9449829b⋯.png (757.75 KB,616x452,154:113,ClipboardImage.png)


Six ways from Sunday funny

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e390eb No.21674651



> "Joe Biden BECAME mentally impaired — Kamala was born that way."


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2ac98f No.21674652

File: 8b611c2f7f7d9f4⋯.png (442.3 KB,602x859,602:859,l.PNG)


Lara Logan


Again…if Iran is in full self-preservation mode, then it is unlikely Iranian assets inside the U.S. are being directed by the regime in Tehran. It is far more likely they are working with America’s domestic agencies/enemies, led by those in power. Has anyone seen the head of the CIA, Nicholas Burns, on the 7th floor of the agency lately? When was the last time? If not, where’s he been?

How about Mayorkas? Is he intentionally blinding local law enforcement from the threat of Venezuelan cartels? Why is that being downplayed by law enforcement across the country? I can tell you that there is no shortage of information detailing how dangerous & infiltrated these cartels are - so why is that not being shared widely?

Does Congress have the balls to investigate any of this? I believe they do. But they may need some encouragement & time is short.






Following yesterday’s Israeli Assassination of Hezbollah Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah; Reuters is reporting that the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei has been moved to a Secure Location with Enhanced Security within the Interior of the Country.


10:21 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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8b5b30 No.21674654

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI - 9/28/24



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523d6b No.21674656

File: 87b3c283b0da0a6⋯.png (295.83 KB,460x575,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b5b30 No.21674657

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI - 9/28/24



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68ec50 No.21674659



>Q3405 Needs to be spread far and wide to women voters!

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8189b1 No.21674660

File: fc3a059dbffd038⋯.jpg (60.35 KB,1080x1194,180:199,KamalaSucks.jpg)

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278635 No.21674662

File: be74176f8034715⋯.jpg (426.62 KB,900x581,900:581,Kim_Jong_Un_Tank_Driver_Bi….jpg)


that's not a cowboy hat.

The Independent are retards.

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2ac98f No.21674664

File: 11272450c672223⋯.png (477.91 KB,595x651,85:93,jk.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that J6 crisis actor cop once worked with tier one Trump antagonist and J6 propagandist Kirschner


Glenn Kirschner



Sep 27

20 years before the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, I worked murder cases with Mike Fanone. He was a hell of a cop then. He's a hell of a hero now. And my other friend, Tony P, is the longest serving MPD homicide detective. We worked lots of cases together. Two great public servants.


9:57 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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7fbac5 No.21674666

File: 0fffb9d02ddf701⋯.mp4 (702.54 KB,320x556,80:139,ILmNV4Xm1FTPbyLp.mp4)

>this is the worst one I've seen yet



Nick Sortor


🚨 WOW: This is what Eastern TN and Western NC are experiencing right now due to Hurricane Helene

Mudslides running off the mountains are slamming into homes, totally destroying them, and trapping people inside

This is significantly worse than most of FL

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f110f5 No.21674667

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

posting replay as a test

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345f75 No.21674668

File: 4bcbc953138f6e8⋯.jpeg (98.07 KB,400x400,1:1,113F95D3_4573_48ED_B552_2….jpeg)

File: 93406460f3e1f33⋯.jpeg (24.92 KB,172x255,172:255,A245E7F4_07EF_48DE_989F_0….jpeg)

File: 2282537f973f776⋯.jpeg (25 KB,255x255,1:1,F2CE6141_6CD2_4139_9EE9_1….jpeg)

File: 63dff2517bcbd75⋯.png (1.11 MB,735x797,735:797,6D457A8B_2F71_4D4E_B6A1_2C….png)

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0d39c0 No.21674669


fuck off with your bullshit and shitty grammar

Trump supports abortion

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8b5b30 No.21674670

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin - 9/28/24



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aa3721 No.21674671

File: 102ffc189a0dde5⋯.png (279.17 KB,640x512,5:4,102ffc189a0dde50c0d4f0b206….png)


Oh heil nyet!

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37fc03 No.21674673

File: e169c54f50a8810⋯.png (507.21 KB,1020x731,60:43,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


An Oregon mom and daughter have been indicted by the Department of Justice on human trafficking and forced labor charges. The pair allegedly put three Haitians, including a minor, in "indentured servitude" at an adult care home they owned and operated in Tigard, a city located southwest of Portland, according to a press release from the Justice Department.

Marie Gertrude Jean Valmont, 66, and Yolandita Marie Andre, 30, are accused of using violence and threats to force their victims to work long hours for little or no pay. The seven-count indictment charges both of them with conspiring with one another to commit forced labor, committing forced labor, and benefitting from forced labor.

Court documents state that Valmont and Andre, the owners and operators of Velida's Care Home in Tigard, began their human trafficking scheme in Sept. 2023, when they convinced two adults and a child from Haiti to travel to the United States to work at their care home.

After arriving in the Portland area, the victims were immediately taken to Velida's where they were allegedly forced to work long, arduous 17-hour days for little or no pay. Valmont and Andre are alleged to have taken the victims' immigration paperwork and forbade them from leaving Velida's under any circumstances. Additionally, Valmont is alleged to have thrown items at the victims, threatened to send them back to Haiti and have them killed, and threatened to call police to make false theft allegations against them, according to the indictment.


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8189b1 No.21674674

File: 8be8b610924518b⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Definate_.jpg)

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278635 No.21674675

File: 562b773e855f405⋯.png (1.07 MB,1066x1006,533:503,Joe_Biden_Wearing_Trump_20….png)


Cha ching!

add 10% for the BG

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5e3103 No.21674677

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1b2199 No.21674678

File: c577333609a10b8⋯.jpeg (2.02 MB,1326x2015,102:155,IMG_3562.jpeg)

File: e46d9cd02fc2807⋯.png (169.84 KB,898x1290,449:645,8.png)

File: c1ff2ae4138373b⋯.png (174.05 KB,898x1422,449:711,50.png)

File: db60ebfaa21adc1⋯.png (38.69 KB,1376x366,688:183,42.png)

File: 055cd5de0325eb1⋯.png (414.89 KB,898x3618,449:1809,28_2.png)

PDJT said 5-0!

50, 50%

Idk if it’s on the clock!

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68ec50 No.21674679


You never get to see three dudes slightly caress a chicken anymore.


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278635 No.21674680

File: 93c88f67beecab4⋯.jpg (85.51 KB,317x358,317:358,Dancing_Woman_Crazy_Red_Te….jpg)



It' is coming.

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2ac98f No.21674681

File: 7bf0f8616d5634b⋯.png (359.59 KB,597x491,597:491,wis.PNG)




Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien! 🇺🇸


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

10:29 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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345f75 No.21674682

File: 280712939413d27⋯.jpeg (17.72 KB,255x255,1:1,10A681B0_4B36_409B_A454_4….jpeg)

File: 4558b2ed1c9451e⋯.jpeg (37.27 KB,255x255,1:1,383BFBCA_82CD_49D5_B792_C….jpeg)

File: a397444e828d4b4⋯.jpeg (16.49 KB,255x137,255:137,56E5A32D_53D7_4F2D_A845_2….jpeg)

File: d2a41a29353c6ee⋯.jpeg (31 KB,255x191,255:191,A2BE14F3_34C2_4BD1_BE52_0….jpeg)

File: 43a386c7b4fc4ff⋯.jpeg (46.91 KB,252x255,84:85,1EB509EF_D2FF_424B_BAE3_4….jpeg)

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b2fc27 No.21674684

File: c8ff0d554becd06⋯.png (392.52 KB,534x530,267:265,g.PNG)


running late for your lodge meeting?

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e1b236 No.21674687


fuck i hate women

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74e7be No.21674688

File: 370d9091cbc0bc7⋯.png (182.88 KB,1149x544,1149:544,Facebook_NC_WX_Authority_p….png)


Dug back through their FB page - confirmed post is authentic.

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2427b2 No.21674689

File: 59f4d97d686ea32⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,900x603,100:67,GYkvctWXUAAI99n.jpg)

Custer like comment coming from the Ayatollah.

Elon Musk


Community Note Hall-of-Famer!


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5e82a8 No.21674690

Deep state and Israel through


Has imported Muslim hordes into the US

Then they have commenced a war with Islam

Where they have chosen to brutally murder anyone

and bulldoze what is left

Death tolls are enormous but

are covered up as they targeted the

independent journalists first

Now they will keep escalating till their wined

up toys activate in the west and start terrorist attacks

Then they will lock it all down


This will be the end of free speech

Free life and freeDOM

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e24063 No.21674691


The Three Ruffians admiring a big cock?

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8189b1 No.21674692

File: 6283918a67d0ddb⋯.png (758.63 KB,1048x680,131:85,TheOrderofKek.png)

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0d39c0 No.21674694


this place is the lodge meeting

larp on, motherfucker

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bfc22c No.21674695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was scrolling through YouTube earlier, looking for a song by a New Jersey-based trio of sisters calledTHE ROCHESon their channel (to which I was subscribed) and I was shocked to see that the name of one of their songs is ==SEX IS FOR CHILDREN".

It was published in 1982, 42 years ago.

These evil Clown cunt witches put it right out there, and, geez, I didn't even notice.

I'm furious.

Anyone know how to reach Terre Roche or Suzzy Roche and give them a piece of your mind?

I don't.

I do know that one of the bitches (Maggie Roche) already died, so good riddance to her.

But I'm furious and thought if anyone can amplify this out there on X or YouTube or Truth or anywhere, I'd be most appreciative.


LINK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NntXAXFSDmQ

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/ZK9Um

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278635 No.21674696

File: 268c23cc9a6c698⋯.jpg (4.7 MB,4032x2268,16:9,Trump_Golf_Course_Night_Gi….jpg)

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a166d8 No.21674698


someone had a dam that breeched?

the 'big secret' about these is that there are lots of dams but they don't get maintained.

and that kind of a thing often happens because of dam break

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aa3721 No.21674700


Alas, it's the price of sammiches.

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2ac98f No.21674701

File: aac02863d77ee67⋯.png (31.13 KB,592x394,296:197,ac.PNG)


Lara Logan


There are spies all across our govt - the security state is too big & out of control. And the NSA somehow can’t figure it out? Find them? Seriously…the shit we believe. They can find anything & anyone anywhere - whenever they want.


Rebekah Irina Koffler



Sep 27

Someone 'splain to me how a former Iranian IRGC 1st Lieutenant becomes a US citizen, gets a job at FAA, spying for Iran?!

How does he pass a background check?!

FAA contractor spied on US airports, energy in for Iran @FoxNews


Show more

10:27 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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278635 No.21674702


Now we're ascending at pace.

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bfc22c No.21674703

File: e1e66c26c1a3192⋯.png (720.81 KB,879x1463,879:1463,The_Roches_Sex_Is_For_Chil….png)


Here's a screenshot of these evil cunts' YouTube page for their "song" calledSEX IS FOR CHILDREN

God, I'm fucking furious.

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e1b236 No.21674704


jews orchestrating wars where goyim kill goyim while the jew floods white countries with niggers, arabs and poos. meanwhile pushing the fag agenda and feminism.

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5e3103 No.21674707

File: 11d0a08282cfdf7⋯.jpeg (16.52 KB,255x191,255:191,d2a41a29353c6eec67b98f1a0….jpeg)

shit you haven't seen extreme cunt

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2ac98f No.21674708

File: 158eb65a28bce14⋯.png (172.75 KB,600x477,200:159,kash.PNG)



Gateway Pundit


Morally Bankrupt Western Media Praises Wicked Terror Leader Hassan Nasrallah in His Death: “A Father Figure, A Moral Compass” and “A Revered Muslim Scholar”



Morally Bankrupt Western Media Praises Wicked Terror Leader Hassan Nasrallah in His Death: "A Father Figure, A Moral Compass"…

On Friday, Israeli forces eliminated Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah, together with Ali Karki, the Commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, and additional Hezbollah commanders.

Sep 28, 2024, 9:07 AM

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278635 No.21674709



Shame Q wasn't this quick.

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564826 No.21674710


>In less than 4 years, Kamala has relocated almost 5% of the entire population of Haiti to the United States,and 6% of the populations of Honduras and Nicaragua. These countries are so dangerous that the U.S. State Department has Travel Advisories warning Americans not to go there—yet Kamala is resettling them HERE…

The flights

I want to know more about the flights.

What NGO name.

How are they funded


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e17541 No.21674711


>jews orchestrating wars where goyim kill goyim while the jew floods white countries with niggers…

you sounds like an idiot.

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bfc22c No.21674712



You're fooked.

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6dcfc1 No.21674713

File: ae1be936e493ef1⋯.png (556.48 KB,757x743,757:743,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Baker!

This dude, The Kiffness, must be making a good payday on "Eating the Cats"… Touring, now in Prague, Czech Republic.

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857542 No.21674714


Well, It was Eve who ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil., Satans lies work much easier on them.

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ca814a No.21674715

File: 583cd9ae744ab77⋯.webm (344.1 KB,427x240,427:240,ready4.webm)

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cadd39 No.21674717

File: 2fe075d2e3be679⋯.jpeg (112.62 KB,444x626,222:313,IMG_6148.jpeg)


Tyvm rally baker

>>21673973 LB

Thank you anon!

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e1b236 No.21674718


some people (like you) can't handle the truth. Keep thinking it's Republicans vs Democrats, normie.

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8b5b30 No.21674719

How Many Days Until Jimmy Carter Turns 100?


There are 3 days until Jimmy Carter turns 100.

8:00 AM · Sep 28, 2024


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278635 No.21674720


while taxing what's left of his chewed out paycheck.

The things we do for a sammich.

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8189b1 No.21674722

File: a09af2d69dc5d80⋯.jpg (86.82 KB,640x960,2:3,Popcorn.jpg)

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e8b3ce No.21674723

Vance [campaign event]: We're gonna build the wall, we're gonna reimplement deportations, and we're gonna go to war against the Mexican drug cartels. No more bringing this poison into our country, they gotta get the hell out.

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0d39c0 No.21674724



listening to crap like that harms more than eardrums


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6b9bcf No.21674726

File: f6bbbd7f12c10ea⋯.png (7.48 KB,483x114,161:38,Q321.png)




Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60660📁

Dec 9 2017 14:15:53 (EST)

Post: 1:34 US Military

POTUS: 1:37 US Military


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2ac98f No.21674727

File: d75d5b18a043677⋯.png (257.5 KB,595x643,595:643,jr.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


This is exactly how they think. When they talk about “democracy“ it’s just a soundbite. It’s totally meaningless to them. They will do whatever they can to do whatever it is that they want. They could not care less about you.


Steve Guest



Sep 27

UNHINGED: Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court.”

8:23 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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a166d8 No.21674728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


gee, you're just noticing this kind of thing now?

calm down.

Hell is for Children

Pat Benatar

sometimes a song seems to have a dark theme, but the darkness is trying to open up people's eyes.

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ca814a No.21674731

File: a31269a115c8fee⋯.jpg (131.12 KB,1242x1139,1242:1139,truth.jpg)


Zip it, you stupid clown cunt.

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2427b2 No.21674732


Not to worry. The porch has a Christian Cross.

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278635 No.21674733

File: 07b07622130c5fd⋯.jpg (143.07 KB,1200x800,3:2,Zelensky_NATO_Meeting_Mop.jpg)

File: 520f02fa7527e13⋯.jpg (183.17 KB,768x432,16:9,Kirby_Press_Sec_Bidding.jpg)



Watch for the sand people.

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e390eb No.21674734

File: 5a66d201f4a9d52⋯.png (585.04 KB,820x829,820:829,pepe_golfer.png)


Needs a golfer.

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8189b1 No.21674735

File: 72788a45bde2d87⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Kek_Another_Two_Weeks.png)

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cadd39 No.21674737

File: e2ecdc2a18eb3d7⋯.jpeg (276.3 KB,664x541,664:541,IMG_6345.jpeg)

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2ac98f No.21674738

File: 5d69a41d1348f77⋯.png (436.03 KB,597x742,597:742,bro.PNG)


Anissa Zappala


This is a video of the hospitality @primantibros

provided to everyone waiting for @JDVance

7:28 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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278635 No.21674740

File: 6d25581944c035c⋯.jpg (161.55 KB,500x509,500:509,DJT_Schumann_Golf_02_Pepe.jpg)

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857542 No.21674741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kanye needs to come back to Christianity.

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564826 No.21674743


direct your anger at Stanley kubrick.

He produced pedo-promotion material "l0lita" which got copied in the 90s and then became famous as the main internet keyword for child porn.

In fact some tards think he's good. He's not.

And people know who he is. Sorry to say this minor group you will probably bring them more attention than they have.

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b3d9c9 No.21674744


her: I'm ok

him: my cars gone

he's a dick

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81f1fc No.21674747

not only their derangement

but also their complete detachment from reality

they actually think the President can do such a thing

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564826 No.21674748

File: cf3884e93fa8879⋯.png (225.24 KB,360x422,180:211,ClipboardImage.png)


freaky clown mask this one has

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01d16b No.21674749


but did he diddy with the did?

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564826 No.21674750

File: a885e3d2cd09072⋯.png (533.03 KB,736x860,184:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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2649ac No.21674751

File: 79c12c38fe32029⋯.png (913.23 KB,847x484,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

There is nowhere to run.

There is nowhere to hide.

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aa3721 No.21674752


He sounded a little autistic to anon.

Mom just keeping him calm.

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81f1fc No.21674753

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3b3242 No.21674754

Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump what are you going to do about it.


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2ac98f No.21674756

File: e95ae4ab4d75fe6⋯.png (930.09 KB,793x609,793:609,pb.PNG)


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564826 No.21674758


>her: I'm ok

>him: my cars gone

saved for later meming

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a166d8 No.21674759



they might have been killed and you call him a dick for saying something in a time of high emotion.

you need to stop and think for a minute, anon.

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0d39c0 No.21674761


not autistic

rather, a narcissist

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3b3242 No.21674762


At least it wasn't sewage like Chyna

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278635 No.21674763


it's the moment of shock and realisation. Don't be too hard to judge

I hope he's doin ok now

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8189b1 No.21674764

File: 047f37d60aeeb9f⋯.png (1.19 MB,1440x1499,1440:1499,047f37d60aeeb9fcf01192009a….png)


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42f6ac No.21674766

File: 77385e4dcb49d77⋯.jpg (18.7 KB,287x457,287:457,tntertyneryt.JPG)


Saved them instead of hitting the house.

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81f1fc No.21674767



i think it would be great to watch Biden/Harris try to do exactly that. Like do it, do it….. do it.

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2ac98f No.21674768

File: 123b63c36fabde6⋯.png (325.9 KB,608x483,608:483,corp.PNG)



The Post Millennial


EXCLUSIVE: JD Vance campaign had approval for PA Primanti Bros visit before it was shut down by corporate

From thepostmillennial.com

10:42 AM · Sep 28, 2024

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ca814a No.21674770


There's that inclusivity the left is so famous for. You're only allowed to be a part of their group if you think the same as they do, or cut off your cock and wear a dress and call yourself a girl.

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8189b1 No.21674771

File: 0560aa6bad00637⋯.png (817.16 KB,1117x628,1117:628,Bud_Light_Challenge.png)

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7fbac5 No.21674772


FWIW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_Is_for_Children

"Hell Is for Children" is a hard rock song by American rock singer Pat Benatar. It was written by guitarist Neil Giraldo, bass player Roger Capps and Benatar. The song is about child abuse and was recorded by Benatar in 1980 for her second studio album Crimes of Passion. While it was not released as an A-side single, it was a hit on album-rock radio stations as it reached number 7 on the Tunecaster Rock Tracks Chart.

Pat Benatar started writing the song after reading a series of articles on child abuse in The New York Times. She was shocked to learn such things happen and wanted to write about it"

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0d39c0 No.21674773


"everything's gone"

narcissistic hyperbole

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278635 No.21674774

File: dec213f286548be⋯.png (16.47 KB,81x75,27:25,ClipboardImage.png)


Any anons got one of these on their face?

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6dcfc1 No.21674776

File: 3786928863b1d43⋯.png (137.69 KB,778x637,778:637,ClipboardImage.png)


Just for interdastingness…

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2ac98f No.21674777

File: 8381f611ea53b8e⋯.png (528.22 KB,592x588,148:147,broo.PNG)





was denied service and threatened with arrest at @primantibros

, owned by Garnett Station Partners, a New York-based private equity firm handling over $2.3 billion under Partner Jordan Garay's leadership. Primanti Bros. operates 44 locations across Pennsylvania—restaurants you might want to avoid from now on.

Vance was there to meet Anissa Zappala and other supporters, but Primanti Bros. threatened to call the police if he entered. Ever the statesman, Vance picked up the tab, tipped the staff, and reminded them there would be no taxes on tips under a Trump administration.

Earlier this week, a similar case of political bias unfolded when Airbnb evicted election workers from a Pennsylvania property upon learning they were Republicans.

If businesses want to discriminate based on politics, they should be required to advertise that policy clearly online and at their doorsteps.

h/t @anissa_zappala

8:52 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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9e7c5f No.21674779

File: 3b010fb4f71abba⋯.jpeg (267.53 KB,1125x833,1125:833,IMG_4399.jpeg)

RON DESANTIS is sending NC help!!!! Thank you, Sir!!!!!!!!!

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d4712b No.21674780

File: e0c38fb1524d30b⋯.png (54.18 KB,400x389,400:389,7njh654b675475467.png)


Damn, his head is ripped.

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b3d905 No.21674781

File: f96301e310a62ac⋯.png (3.03 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0864.png)


Fifth Column

Today’s :MM

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a166d8 No.21674782


my guess is that other band used the title of the Benatar song, which became very popular, and did a kind of 'parody' song.

not hearing the lyrics of that parody song I wouldn't judge them as being 'evil' for writing it.

Kurt Cobain didn't write 'rape me' because he wanted to be raped.

and 'Polly' wasn't about something he thought was a good thing.

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8189b1 No.21674783

File: e0ac56556871e9f⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_1165.MP4)


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3b3242 No.21674785


She hates Trump. He didn't know who the fuck she was at some ny party 30 yrs ago.

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ca814a No.21674786

File: 21323bb24b98714⋯.jpeg (121.85 KB,512x640,4:5,2529.jpeg)

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278635 No.21674787


No one pays me for my memes.

I must be doing it wrong.

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5e82a8 No.21674789


Looks pretty clear that Lebanon wasn't the only place attacked!

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7ff530 No.21674791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e24063 No.21674792

File: 91ad7cea0b00a0c⋯.png (87.6 KB,707x1093,707:1093,Screenshot_2024_09_28_Sex_….png)


Seems like nonsense lyrics. Like a nursery rhyme. Probably just quickly thrown together album filler. The title is an odd choice.


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cadd39 No.21674795

File: fb52bb572508add⋯.jpeg (372.16 KB,692x675,692:675,IMG_6347.jpeg)

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50dc50 No.21674797

File: 340473f9d23ee0c⋯.jpg (17.95 KB,191x255,191:255,0b8e2d8eccee49055fbab91c.jpg)

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ca814a No.21674801

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


>I must be doing it wrong.

If you expect to get paid for the memes you make, then yeah, you're doing it wrong.

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a040dc No.21674803

File: 9aa805980353704⋯.png (1.95 MB,1061x968,1061:968,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ac98f No.21674804

File: ecd6d6246a59e04⋯.png (446.74 KB,602x701,602:701,ud.PNG)


Paul Villarreal (AKA Vince Manfeld)


JD Vance was barred from entering Primanti Bros today in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Undaunted, Vance met outside with the customers of the restaurant instead. Video of that below.

Vance's skill in handling this situation reinforces that President Trump made a great decision in choosing Vance as his running mate.

H/t → @HowardMortman


10:46 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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6c496a No.21674805


So sad and notable.



Tits out whore . Logan the liar.

>>21674727 Good lord why are they so hideous. Their minds are as hideous as their demonic faces.

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b3d9c9 No.21674806


howard stern chimes in on SCOTUS

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278635 No.21674808


plus muh memes are shite. Mostly.

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81f1fc No.21674810


meme is kinda funny that way

all The Stars that went along to get along with destroying their own Stardom

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5e82a8 No.21674811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert

Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature? What do you think? Are networks of ground based frequency transmitters being utilized to manipulate and steer hurricanes? This video footage provides visual evidence of the interaction between ground based frequency transmitter installations and the path of Hurricane Helene.



US under attack

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57d350 No.21674813

File: 6c91af996b6ffca⋯.jpg (862.9 KB,2541x2560,2541:2560,b113c695_eddb_41f1_9d3f_2e….jpg)

File: 25125c0fd93efd4⋯.png (85.88 KB,375x360,25:24,25125c0fd93efd4554bff04ac8….png)



Where da Bakers At?

early notables

>>21674723 J.D. Vance Speaks in Newton, Pa

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at @primantibros

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674560, >>21674567, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688 Helene the Ongoing Aftermath

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing/funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674654 FULL SPEECH: Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 FULL SPEECH: Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 WATCH: Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674681 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien! 🇺🇸

>>21674727 @DonJr Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court.”

TY anons

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81f1fc No.21674816


Penis Poofter Diddler Diddy

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278635 No.21674817

that would break the internet. that video.


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2ac98f No.21674820

File: 5fa21103a33598c⋯.png (249.77 KB,600x712,75:89,lost.PNG)


Karen Taylor


Happening now: Primanti brothers in North Versailles PA just threatened to call the police on JD Vance if he got out of the car to spend time with about 50 people who came out to see him. The video is from a friend of mine who was there.

Not only did he spend time in the parking lot with each person and take pictures because they wouldn’t let him inside, he walked in and paid for the bill for the people that walked out due to the restaurant not allowing him to come in and eat.










Last edited

6:15 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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3b3242 No.21674821

Brittany Spears needs to revive her vibe and get on board the Trump train

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a166d8 No.21674822


The lyrics to the song you think is so evil:

Paroles de Sex Is For Children

Paroles de Sex Is For Children

The Roches

O Timothy Tim

Has ten pink toes

And ten pink toes

Has Timothy Tim.

They go with him

Wherever he goes,

And wherever he goes

They go with him.

O Timothy Tim

Has two blue eyes

And two blue eyes

Has Timothy Tim.

They cry with him

Whenever he cries,

And whenever he cries,

They cry with him.

O Timothy Tim

Has one red head,

And one red head

Has Timothy Tim.

It sleeps with him

In Timothy's bed.

Sleep well, red head

Of Timothy Tim.

The lyrics are the words to the poem A.A. Milne poem "Cradle Song",

From the book "Now We are Six"

from : https://greatsong.net/PAROLES-THE-ROCHES,SEX-IS-FOR-CHILDREN,100534972.html

I think you're overreacting anon, it was a different era.

they obviously used a title that was shocking but the lyrics are from AA Milne (Winnie the Pooh)

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0d39c0 No.21674823


checked andnotable

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81f1fc No.21674824



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2649ac No.21674825

File: 23aa7230affad1e⋯.jpg (75.34 KB,554x850,277:425,chicken2.jpg)





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ca814a No.21674827

File: cda628799375b07⋯.gif (11.33 MB,570x521,570:521,edibles2.gif)


That's how it goes though, anon. Some are duds, some get knocked out of the park. Everyone is always their own harshest critic, and Sometimes memes, just like loyalty and honor, are best left to be judged by brothers.

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278635 No.21674829

File: e157ac3b0505762⋯.png (1.88 MB,1572x1887,524:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5eb0b9b86d29b2⋯.png (1.28 MB,980x551,980:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel to invade Lebanon – media

A senior US official confirmed West Jerusalem’s plans to ABC


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2ac98f No.21674831

File: 7f9e98d2d782be5⋯.png (406.23 KB,628x417,628:417,loo.PNG)

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278635 No.21674832


Well played. Dems are haters, man.

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e24063 No.21674834



>invading neighboring countries is still on the menu

Bravo UN.

Again you have proven to the world you worth.

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5a6f5e No.21674835


>Dude, my car's gone, everything's gone.

Doesn't realize he is alive and unharmed.

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6c496a No.21674836


Good for Janet. I am glad she said it a;nd wont back down

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b3d9c9 No.21674837


the overflow of the heart

exits the mouth

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a166d8 No.21674838



some times it takes a bit of time to thank the Lord for sparing you!

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2ac98f No.21674839

File: 4d5b4ba0ae9c8ef⋯.png (437.2 KB,601x486,601:486,well.PNG)


Taylor Van Kirk


A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance

to Newtown, PA! #TrumpVance2024 🇺🇸

10:38 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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a040dc No.21674841

File: 93d5c20b6b04231⋯.png (1.24 MB,688x891,688:891,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8b3ce No.21674843

Vance: On the Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump has made very, very, clear. We do not want people dying in the streets in the greatest country in the world. We want to make sure Americans have the best healthcare, the best healthcare options, and of course, we're going to protect people with pre-existing conditions…in fact, Donald Trump's record on healthcare was so good, that the main thing Kamala Harris talks about, is actually an achievement of Donald Trump's. Which is getting Insulin down to thirty-five dollars a vial. Thank Donald Trump for that . Don't let Kamala Harris lie and take credit for that.

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2427b2 No.21674844

File: b5b9d73a0eb7f60⋯.jpg (12.93 KB,235x215,47:43,download.jpg)

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c2287a No.21674846

File: 5f04a3e8a04c820⋯.jpg (284.86 KB,1070x1553,1070:1553,20240928_155334.jpg)

Nasrallah was beneath the buildings in a deep tunnel.

The tunnel got opened up with multiple (some say up to 16) bunker buster bombs that penetrated through the ground 30 meters deep and killed everyone in that tunnel.


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b3d9c9 No.21674848


he does not know the Lord

its evident

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2ac98f No.21674849

File: 4d35caa7f331be9⋯.png (297.13 KB,598x541,598:541,prom.PNG)




Imagine the nerve to run for President on these promises, get in office and leave the border open for three years, and then turn around and say "it's Trump's fault that the border is not secure."



10:53 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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2067e3 No.21674850

File: a56c2300d88b8cc⋯.jpg (59.96 KB,720x800,9:10,461315023_1312128473530309….jpg)



>JD Vance campaign had approval for PA Primanti Bros visit before it was shut down by corporate

Suicidal are they?

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3b3242 No.21674851


That's a lot of bad pr.

Bankruptcy by year's end

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278635 No.21674852

File: e37faa8e9d641ed⋯.png (81.78 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2649ac No.21674853

File: 10e683a16879c84⋯.jpg (245.38 KB,1214x1041,1214:1041,karma6.JPG)


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5e82a8 No.21674854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market — Claims Shocking Involvement of Even Higher Profile Figure!

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: I also was just recently contacted by someone who wanted me to essentially represent them in the sale of one of the Diddy tapes, which I declined because…

Ashleigh Banfield: Wait a minute. Say that again. Back up. You’re saying that there are tapes and they’re being shopped?

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: Yes, there have been people already shopping.

Ashleigh Banfield: We’ve heard about the tapes. The shopping thing is—

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: Yes, there already have been tapes leaking around Hollywood, being shopped around to individuals in Hollywood. But one particular person contacted me to shop a particular video they were in possession of and to contact the person who was in the video to see if they were interested in purchasing the video before it became public knowledge.

Ashleigh Banfield: I’ve heard this before. So like a catch and kill.

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: Catch and kill, correct.

Ashleigh Banfield: Wow. I guess you can’t reveal the person who is on this tape?

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: No, I can’t explain who the person was. But Mr. Combs.

Ashleigh Banfield: High profile?

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: Mr. Combs was in the tape, and this other person is, I would venture to say, more high-profile than Mr. Combs.

Ashleigh Banfield: Really? And you’ve seen it?

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: I’ve seen stills of the video.

Ashleigh Banfield: Okay. You can verify that?

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: I did. That it exists, that it’s real, and that the other person in the video is very visible. There’s no question that it’s that person in the video, and I can tell the video is pornographic in nature.

Ashleigh Banfield: Oh my. All right. So we know that he videotaped a lot of activities at his home, did he? And it sounds like there were probably a lot of hidden cameras as well. Is that what is being talked about?

Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: Yes. This was actually in his Atlanta home, a home he had in Atlanta at one point. It does seem that the person isn’t looking into the video, so it, to me, doesn’t seem like that person knows they’re being videoed. It doesn’t seem like they’re an active participant in the videotaping, like they’re being surreptitiously recorded.


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e8b3ce No.21674856

Vance: So many business leaders have gotten behind Kamala Harris because she's pursing an immigration policy that is flooding American with illegal aliens, and undercutting the wages of American workers. We have to cut that crap out, and build an American economy for American citizens first.

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0fb1b6 No.21674857

Anons please give me a reason to feel good about not killing myself. The onlynreason I'm not is that I'm too scared. I want to say I also want to vote, but the real reason is I'm a coward. My lineage is cursed and I feel like I'm just waiting, but there isn't any next step for me. I hate my life.

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a166d8 No.21674858


Everyone knows the Lord, the Lord makes a point of it. They just don't understand yet who The Lord is!

cut him some slack.

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3029b7 No.21674860



claiming dough

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5a6f5e No.21674861


>Trump supports abortion

Only for liberals. It's called selective breeding. We don't want those kind breeding more offspring so we let them un-select future existence.

Or do you want more blue haired trannies raising children?

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e24063 No.21674862


[chutzpah intensifies]

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292854 No.21674863



Masons are idiots.

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0d39c0 No.21674864


trigger on a turkey baster

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292854 No.21674866


Obama better hide.

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0e5a4c No.21674867

File: 72538647b1dd6fa⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,680x640,17:16,Trumpnuts.jpg)

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a040dc No.21674868

File: d0bcd0d8e14331f⋯.png (978.53 KB,1200x524,300:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d56d0 No.21674872

File: 4c3abb0d103520c⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,480x270,16:9,Fran_Lebowitz_to_Bill_Mahe….mp4)

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2ac98f No.21674873

File: 1794e4be6b2e040⋯.png (429.58 KB,477x473,477:473,g.PNG)

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680d22 No.21674874

File: 4ad9b71c7304662⋯.jpg (34.61 KB,649x428,649:428,FB_IMG_1723991577497.jpg)

She's not black.

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345f75 No.21674876

File: 1dc8601a8b6af84⋯.png (349.2 KB,639x551,639:551,4F6F2A91_F419_4634_9701_35….png)

File: 90dc68abd4d271d⋯.png (622.38 KB,907x1285,907:1285,95FA59A6_013F_4F97_9622_D8….png)

File: 5321c35545c328c⋯.jpeg (60.6 KB,480x470,48:47,344EC292_002E_4CDD_93BB_3….jpeg)

File: 044a01a5ee30ec8⋯.gif (357.31 KB,200x150,4:3,9C400970_7E43_4A3F_8972_B2….gif)

File: c04408b84fb55ef⋯.jpeg (260.64 KB,1200x800,3:2,C75B1EA2_D070_41C6_8486_4….jpeg)


donut gib up

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57d350 No.21674877


because you post nonsense misleading spam?

would be my guess

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e1b236 No.21674878


Candace Owens has been digging into Kamala's past the past 3 episodes. Basically, Kamala's 3/4 East Indian and 1/4 Irish. Not an ounce of nigger blood in her.

But also Candace is alleging that Kamala has been making "the help" pose as her black ancestors.

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eed336 No.21674879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2427b2 No.21674880

File: f92f6a8d30961e7⋯.gif (525.74 KB,400x175,16:7,67a73d67_991d_4eaa_b84e_0a….gif)


Make them Famous seeing as they're "Almost Famous"

Primanti Bros.: Almost Famous, Always A Favorite. Since 1933!


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278635 No.21674881

File: 3872c7275011a1d⋯.png (105.07 KB,407x613,407:613,Trooper_Carries_Protester_….png)

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2ac98f No.21674883

File: cc9110aef2eaf2b⋯.jpg (53.44 KB,589x742,589:742,hot_box.JPG)

File: a8bd6ec726ff5cc⋯.png (373.6 KB,589x855,31:45,wow.PNG)




Part of the Andromeda Constellation, known as the Chained Woman, has the stars Alamak and Sirrah.

Think Mirror.

Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

What could this mean?

6:06 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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2649ac No.21674884

File: 76d7352b966c95a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1430x822,715:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c4eca No.21674885

File: 17142511fede134⋯.png (708.4 KB,793x445,793:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e5a4c No.21674886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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69a69e No.21674888


Those white devils!

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278635 No.21674889


>What could this mean?

Tardation, extraordinary levels.

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a166d8 No.21674891


what is actually kind of shocking is that a cabal-figurehead like that photographer is so deeply entrenched in her special status as a cabal-child put to the top by her DNA, that she doesn't have a clue about the three branches of the United States government.

To them a president is a dictator who is all powerful and can do what he wants without any oversight.

It's the height of ignorance. Someone who is that ignorant shouldn't say a word about what a president should do.

She is famous because she was made famous by her cabal publishing friends saying she was famous. the model for the 'do as we say' crowd of the Ukrainigarh mafias.

If you check her back groun you'll find Kiev not to many generations back as the starting point of some relative of hers (a guess)

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680d22 No.21674892

They wished death on intelligent people for refusing to receive the dangerous injections.

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345f75 No.21674893

File: c1bc71a129fbe01⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x725,216:145,06D0AF6B_4CAE_4353_93FC_E1….png)

File: 31d1ed1a87f8f44⋯.jpeg (22.39 KB,225x225,1:1,687F4E35_8077_43AE_8119_F….jpeg)

File: 37554e5f953fbe2⋯.jpeg (54.39 KB,800x450,16:9,FCE30B45_5C1C_44B3_AD45_A….jpeg)

File: b8e35ce4e705df6⋯.gif (2.41 MB,485x394,485:394,EFFDB294_DA19_4DA9_AD4C_AB….gif)

File: 99dad5f94014201⋯.jpeg (81.09 KB,801x401,801:401,B850CC44_B670_4EA8_B037_9….jpeg)


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e7f48d No.21674895

File: 8267ecee1f776ae⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,576x1024,9:16,6n5436h534654.mp4)



Shes gonna ride the beast.

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2649ac No.21674896

File: 5ca4969182f1a53⋯.png (2.01 MB,2374x818,1187:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ac98f No.21674897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Release the Kraken!

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278635 No.21674898

File: cbfe3a698635a74⋯.jpg (16.26 KB,172x255,172:255,tesla_smartmf.jpg)

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e8b3ce No.21674900

Vance: My entire life, most Americans could afford to buy a home. Maybe not a fancy home, maybe not a giant home, but most Americans could afford to buy a home. I think it's something like sixty-five percent of our fellow citizens have no real prospect of owning a home in this country. It's a disgrace. It's because of Kamala Harris' policies. And Donald Trump and I are going to make American housing affordable for Americans again.

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5a6f5e No.21674901


Maybe it's because sex results in having children?

Not everyone is evil.

If you stare in to the abyss long enough…

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e24063 No.21674902

File: 283aca4340878a9⋯.png (70.6 KB,320x240,4:3,the_sheriff_is_a.png)


"NO! &$@* #@%)!

The sheriff is not a……

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a166d8 No.21674903


pardon me I thought it was someone different.

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d70c75 No.21674905

Trump: Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected


Former President Donald Trump, speaking before a small crowd in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin Saturday after his outdoor rally was canceled because of a shortage of Secret Service agents, complained that the Biden administration chose to guard Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian over him.

"We were going to have a thing outside someplace in an area where we could have held the people and I would say what do you think, 40,000, 50,000 people at least out there…thousands and thousands of people and they all could have had a lot of fun," Trump said. "Instead, now they're probably leaving and walking back home because we have a nice little room that probably holds 1,500, 2000, maybe less, and outside you have 40,000 or 50,000 people because the administration couldn't give us the Secret Service necessary because they're guarding the Iranian president who's looking to kill Trump."

Trump's campaign scrapped the plans for the outdoor rally after the Secret Service said it did not have the personnel that it needed to secure the site, CBS News reported Friday, citing multiple sources.

He had planned to hold the rally outdoors at a Wisconsin airport.

The shortage came because of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly in New York City, where the Secret Service is responsible for providing the security for foreign dignitaries.

The agency was "never configured to provide such an elevated level of protection for an increasing number of protected," an official told CBS News.

"Our personnel and equipment are being pushed to their limits to sustain the current operational tempo" the official commented under the condition of anonymity. "This proposed Wisconsin event also took place during the United Nations General Assembly, where the Secret Service is responsible for the safety and security of over 140 world leaders amid a challenged global threat level."

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0fb1b6 No.21674907


I didn't even know it was possible to feel this alone. I miss when I could drink and at least have the illusion of fitting in and being a person.

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1a1302 No.21674908

File: 30b6c5c57a61ada⋯.png (371.11 KB,1428x595,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

holy moly. kek. she don't know there ain't no Qanon.

CSPAN Booktv on now

author lady on right now who wrote a book called: The Quiet Damage: QAnon and the Destruction of the American Family

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278635 No.21674910

File: 1a53ab1780af5b8⋯.png (150.68 KB,828x804,69:67,Anons_At_PArty_Made_Notabl….png)

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aa3721 No.21674912

File: 83658bde2217003⋯.png (895.27 KB,991x901,991:901,Screen_Shot_2024_09_28_at_….png)

File: 24851cb220795d9⋯.png (14.03 KB,347x97,347:97,Screen_Shot_2024_09_28_at_….png)


>Make them Famous seeing as they're "Almost Famous"

>Primanti Bros.: Almost Famous, Always A Favorite. Since 1933!


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0d39c0 No.21674913




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857542 No.21674914


Remember years ago when we all thought Sidney Powell was going to release the Kraken and release all the videos on Hillary Clinton and the Weiner laptop, frazzledrip? Good times kek

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0b26f6 No.21674916

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d70c75 No.21674917


Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

Congress is set to pass a bill that blocks mortgage financing companies from sharing with consumers information on the best interest rates available.

This sounds crazy and it is.

We all know that housing has become extremely expensive over the last five years. A key reason for this is the very high interest rates new homeowners have to pay. Most homeowners in middle America have a mortgage while the wealthy generally do not.

Now Congress wants to go out of its way to make sure the middle class is paying possibly the highest interest rates because they don’t want them to have other options.

It is a known fact that wholesale mortgage providers will save an average homeowner $10,300 on average.

Veterans will save even more if they go wholesale, somewhere around $13,400.

But Congress wants to make sure that they limit rate information mortgage providers can offer to potential homeowners about how they can save money.

Currently there is a bill in the Senate right now designed to do just this.

For 20 years, mortgage wholesalers have been able to buy information on potential customers, This data comes from credit report companies who have to provide their reports to banks and others.

This data has enabled the wholesale mortgage brokers to provide information to homebuyers of competitive rates.

Getting competitive rates saves consumers money.

The buyer is in a better position as they can either negotiate a lower rate with the bank or go with a different lender.

Because of this competition it also prevents certain organizations from having a virtual monopoly to charge whatever they want.

Some in Congress want this bill, claiming they are giving consumers privacy.

This is complete hogwash because the consumer is currently protected, they can opt out if they do not want their information released, or they can be put on a do not call list.

The only thing this current bill does is protect the big banks and financing firms that they can continue to punish the middle class with high interest rates.

We have two organizations that support this so-called privacy bill: the Mortgage Bankers Association and the National Association of Mortgage Brokers.

They hate the wholesale brokers that come in there and give a fair price for the mortgage.

These associations have been lobbying for years to stop consumer homebuying information that is shared with wholesalers.

This competition causes the larger banks to have to reduce their price and prevents them from charging as much as possible for the loan.

It is interesting to note that this entire group of small wholesale brokers cater to the middle class because the jumbo loans are almost exclusively handled by the Banks or large institutions.

The escalating cost of housing, fueled by high interest rates, unfairly burdens the middle class while enriching large financial institutions.

The current legislation in Congress, disguised as consumer protection, aims to actually limit consumers’ access to vital information that could save them many thousands of dollars.

It’s time to ensure a fair housing and competitive mortgage market that serves all Americans.

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345f75 No.21674919

File: 588f194bc97ecaf⋯.png (228.73 KB,750x1334,375:667,4FA48479_5C78_47C6_A5AA_94….png)

File: 76af009d775fcdd⋯.jpeg (77.28 KB,800x333,800:333,0360E570_33ED_4D6C_8075_F….jpeg)

File: 259eb9e28b83da1⋯.jpeg (38.03 KB,320x483,320:483,97E887CA_F741_4A57_B517_9….jpeg)

File: 97147391b3943c5⋯.jpeg (55.07 KB,640x437,640:437,D7C6E9F5_6E0D_432E_B1D8_8….jpeg)



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e24063 No.21674921



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2427b2 No.21674923

File: 4ea1614e682fd1b⋯.jpg (11.24 KB,201x251,201:251,download.jpg)


>Ariel Mitchell-Kidd: Mr. Combs was in the tape, and this other person is, I would venture to say, more high-profile than Mr. Combs.

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2ac98f No.21674924

File: 3a95c588612979d⋯.png (204.58 KB,436x338,218:169,oct.PNG)


Looks like the October surprise could be WWIII

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3c65a9 No.21674925

File: 6c895b872f52cf9⋯.png (1.03 MB,623x1280,623:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6963a0930d5534f⋯.png (649.7 KB,623x1280,623:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43a541b6fc9a1b6⋯.png (655.48 KB,623x1280,623:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a447f2a8401ad12⋯.png (474.55 KB,623x1280,623:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c517b909727df21⋯.png (516.19 KB,623x1280,623:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


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d12e0a No.21674926


This place is all I have. I should've died drunk on my motorcycle years ago. Even if the world gets better, my window is gone. I have loneliness in old age at best. I don't even want that.

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292854 No.21674927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0d39c0 No.21674928


today is my birthday and I have no home, no frens and no hope

utterly despairing of life

seen the evil and what is coming since 2001

cannot continue

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3457f9 No.21674929


Why do you think your crap is going to get you anywhere?

Day Four now, you started Wednesday Night

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a166d8 No.21674930


is it because you imagine that no one else here is real that you feel alone.

there are some real people who still post.

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7f9d17 No.21674931


Not true. He's assessing how he's going to have spend even more of his finite life working to recover what he's lost. Even if he's insured and covered, dealing with the insurance companies is a life and soul sucking experience. He's just embracing the suck.

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292854 No.21674933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Aftermath of the Helene flooding of Erwin Day 1

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345f75 No.21674935

File: cdf45d56ba43b3c⋯.jpeg (43.82 KB,255x172,255:172,A53D8FDF_258E_4F61_AA5C_2….jpeg)

File: 9558e55d135124e⋯.png (204.63 KB,579x854,579:854,A11F17EC_F3A9_457A_BECD_D5….png)

File: f6411ca6fd79871⋯.jpeg (202.25 KB,728x960,91:120,E9B97CE0_198D_4E73_9C13_2….jpeg)

File: 2fac51b0da857aa⋯.gif (770.65 KB,498x331,498:331,6B3F866F_19C0_4FC2_955A_94….gif)

File: 2532f0031be5cbd⋯.gif (1.87 MB,360x291,120:97,4C4CF6BF_167F_403B_B2EB_A7….gif)


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a040dc No.21674936

File: 01d2b2589df2e09⋯.png (905.24 KB,756x847,108:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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278635 No.21674937


Is Combes the black Epstein/Hefner spiderweb. Catch 'em all on tape.

CIA or just a dude that likes oily assholes?

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b2fc27 No.21674938

This is the Ascension Event Update for September 15th, 2024.

Blessings, We are The Galactic Federation.

We are very pleased to be speaking with you today. Since our Last Update, so much is unfolding.

Your month of September is proving to be a truly remarkable period, characterized by an extraordinary surge in the frequencies, reaching into the 7th-dimensional vibrations. This heightened state of energy has set the stage for a captivating celestial alignment, that is set to unfold in the coming days.

Over the past week in Earth’s timespace, the activity of your Star has been nothing short of spectacular. Your sun has been incredibly active, unleashing a succession of powerful solar flares. Notably, on Thursday, September 12, an X 1.3 class flare was released.

But the celestial show did not stop there. Your Star’s activity has escalated to unprecedented levels, culminating in another awe-inspiring Solar Flare today, September 15th. A colossal X 4.5 flare erupted from your sun, accompanied by a massive and rapid coronal mass ejection, that is now hurtling towards the Earth.

With your Stars activity, there is also an interesting cosmic occurrence: a partial lunar eclipse coinciding with a full moon in Pisces.

This eclipse and full Moon are to take place on September 17th.

Lunar eclipses hold great astrological significance, representing transformation, closure, and shifts in your personal and emotional realms.

These transitions evolve gradually, with the eclipse marking the start or continuation of a growth phase.

The Lunar Eclipse, will prompt reflection on your past events, while preparing you, for upcoming experiences and changes.

Lunar eclipses, especially in water signs, heighten emotional awareness. They can trigger revelations that aid in letting go of patterns, relationships, or behaviors that hinder your spiritual progress. Unlike solar eclipses, which signify new beginnings, lunar eclipses focus on closure and resolution, making it a potent period for profound inner transformation.

This specific eclipse serves as a link between past occurrences and future developments, bridging the energies of previous eclipses from last year, and laying the groundwork for what will transpire in 2025.

The events during this phase may feel unexpected, but the insights gained will steer personal growth.

As the full Moon rises in Pisces, it enhances intuition, emotional depth, and spirituality.

Your Pisces sign of your zodiac, embodies dreams, mysticism, and emotional sensitivity, encouraging you to dive into your inner selves and spiritual aspects.

The lunar eclipse brings this essence to the forefront, promoting meditation, introspection, and spiritual exploration.

However, the focus is not solely on Pisces.

The Sun will be in your zodiac Virgo during the eclipse, harmonizing Pisces’ fluidity with Virgo’s pragmatism and structure.

This Virgo influence will help you anchor yourselves and set boundaries, guiding you to strike a balance between intuition and organization. This blend of energies facilitates emotional release and practical realignment in your lives.

During this period, it is essential to embrace both the introspective nature of the lunar eclipse, along with the intense energies from the Solar Flares, that are emanating from your Solar Logos.

This will allow for deep reflection on your personal Ascension experience and the vibrational level of your emotions. Clearing all, that no longer serve you within this ascension process.

The influence of these celestial Energies, encourages a connection with the subconscious mind, fostering creativity, empathy, and compassion. This emotional depth can lead to significant breakthroughs in understanding oneself and others on a profound level.

By embracing this harmonious interplay between your Star’s Intense Solar activity and the Eclipse energies, individuals can navigate the complexities of their emotional landscape with a sense of clarity and purpose. This period of cosmic alignment offers a transformative journey towards inner harmony.

As these cosmic energies continue to reverberate around Earth, they are poised to exert a profound influence on you and the Earth, in the days ahead. Brace yourself for a period of intense energy and cosmic alignment, as the Divine Plan unfolds its mysteries.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

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75bff9 No.21674939


sum of digits: Day, Hour, Minute

Dec 9th, 1:34 (9+1+3+4=17 Q)

Dec 9th, 1:37 (9+1+3+7=20 T)

Q, Trump

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ca814a No.21674940

File: 90b1276b58280fe⋯.jpg (25.47 KB,252x255,84:85,23a4d8ac2eda215763b50975ae….jpg)


>Targeting individuals is against board rules you know.

Trying to hold people "to the rules" are you? You know there's an Alinsky-ism for that. You had your free speech, and now you're whining for forced visibility in perpetuity. Filtered.

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1d56d0 No.21674941

File: 54401109cb5abe4⋯.jpg (81.23 KB,1029x556,1029:556,k.jpg)

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a040dc No.21674942

File: d3f9123345c5fa7⋯.png (673.98 KB,701x540,701:540,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d736 No.21674943

File: b7cf1d0f3cbe0db⋯.mp4 (11.52 MB,480x360,4:3,6j34h65h6354.mp4)

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0d39c0 No.21674945


birthday digits confirm

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5a6f5e No.21674948


Smells like more OSS tactics. Time to delete you also.

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d70c75 No.21674949


Well, I don't think you would be wrong.

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278635 No.21674950

File: a545e53483b9f97⋯.png (1.33 MB,1049x705,1049:705,ClipboardImage.png)

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c10432 No.21674952

File: beafc56b1d34d11⋯.png (144.58 KB,615x960,41:64,ClipboardImage.png)

Saving for now was last is now is last is now is last is now.

Sublate and Retain.

Is not is also.


Cycle of 'endless' [targeting] of revenge for revenge "self-sublating' … 'through looking glass'…

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ba32fc No.21674953


You keep a home when you build it on solid foundation. Let Jesus into your temple and you will have a solid foundation. Everything will build itself.

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680d22 No.21674954

>>21674938 <CIA pillow-biter

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2427b2 No.21674958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2691bb No.21674960

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,bf2baa36104a1b95f542d555a5….jpg)

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90437c No.21674961

File: 393f0a410a67673⋯.jpg (31.33 KB,583x324,583:324,1724375516.jpg)

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75bff9 No.21674962

File: 27cc57acfe700fb⋯.png (1 MB,1200x1116,100:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9df92d8319975b5⋯.png (695.23 KB,1001x609,143:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2078267232b57a9⋯.png (440.12 KB,604x676,151:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4623c6d51e54e5b⋯.png (30.83 KB,154x138,77:69,ClipboardImage.png)


20 years before the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, I worked murder cases with Mike Fanone. He was a hell of a cop then. He's a hell of a hero now. And my other friend, Tony P, is the longest serving MPD homicide detective. We worked lots of cases together. Two great public servants.

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44b1eb No.21674963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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19cf4e No.21674964

File: 77e8ce51311b2fa⋯.gif (312.89 KB,498x323,498:323,birthday_happy_birthday.gif)

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1a1302 No.21674965


meh, is replay from August.

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2ac98f No.21674966

File: a595f545d1d1b58⋯.png (288.37 KB,592x837,592:837,did.PNG)




Diddy trolled Kim Kardashian in 2022 dressed as The Joker for Halloween.

“You smell like Kim Kardashian,” Diddy said to Kardashian as he flashed the Joker card. “You’re invited. Would you like to come play? Would you like to come play?”

Read my post below on Diddy & The Joker.





Sep 24

Diddy Is The Joker & Everyone Missed It?

Since Diddy’s arrest, videos of Diddy dressed as The Joker at a Halloween party from 2022 has gone viral.

However, no one has pieced together what the symbolism may, and most likely probably, means.

It’s my opinion Diddy ratted a long

Show more

0:27 / 1:07

9:05 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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857542 No.21674967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Stay the course Anons, together we win.

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278635 No.21674968

Muh censorfag not being censored is triggering the fag who will end up being censored for faggotry thereby proving their point and can start again.


Try a new thing.

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37631f No.21674969

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658653 No.21674970

File: 3906ff4e6042b34⋯.gif (1.9 MB,540x400,27:20,IMG_4080.gif)

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91d5ec No.21674972

File: fe9cd0ec5c4f2fc⋯.jpeg (158 KB,960x527,960:527,IMG_2616.jpeg)



5 exclamation points

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383be1 No.21674973

File: 591707bb0694b8a⋯.png (59.19 KB,324x494,162:247,5b454363.PNG)

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cb040f No.21674974

File: b7dd8519f787da2⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x707,1200:707,ClipboardImage.png)



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ca814a No.21674975

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)


>today is my birthday and I have no home, no frens and no hope

Happy Birthday, Homeless! Using free Starbucks wifi right now?

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278635 No.21674976


Dan's wife was very pleased with that performance.

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a166d8 No.21674977


so you could tell everyone 'look censorship and if you don't react the way I tell you to react you aren't a good person and support evil'

You posted stuff you knew would get deleted so that you could scold everyone on the board and slide the 'oh the evil BV ' bit for a few breads.

everyone's tired of it, anon. And all the crap that gets posted is usually filtered by people anyway so deleting it really makes no difference.


ah, and here is your scold of someone who tells you to get bent and stop cry babying.

when I post this I bet all your posts are deleted and the links come back void in a green color.

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2691bb No.21674979


These people do not look like the people she's called her parents.

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7f9d17 No.21674980


That was a ver juicy hurricane. Sucks for sure.

Anon survived Hurricane Hugo in 1989. Anon's response was to move to the land that hurricanes do not go.

Biggest issues now are government, fire, ice and volcanoes, in that order.

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c7f270 No.21674981

File: 1c9ac92f9c052d3⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,720x1050,24:35,j634h653j64.mp4)



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e8b3ce No.21674982


All of the major cases they worked on, especially murder, which has no statute of limitations, should be re-examined.

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2ac98f No.21674983

File: 38fa5aa3d34110e⋯.png (572.76 KB,600x634,300:317,sik.PNG)





555. H/T @IAM_813_00

Synchronicity. "The Chained Woman".


Square profile picture

New York Post




‘Border czar’ Kamala Harris panned for wearing reported $62K necklace to southern border: ‘You look ridiculous’ https://trib.al/9AhDGtZ


10:55 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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2427b2 No.21674984


How much was he paid to sell out our POTUS? Corrupt cops ; wow never heard that one before.

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278635 No.21674985

File: 57272d1115ddece⋯.jpg (313.08 KB,924x768,77:64,Pepe_Apu_Pizza_Party_With_….jpg)


Let's party, at your place.

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94be14 No.21674986



Happy birthday anon. Fuck every last normie. We can be miserable over this forum together at least. I hate this hell earth.

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345f75 No.21674987

File: 8a550abc691c565⋯.jpeg (50.75 KB,720x698,360:349,4611FA4D_FCA4_4D28_B649_0….jpeg)

File: 6c8ccaa0f0672a4⋯.jpeg (257.58 KB,960x540,16:9,49DCA2AE_8EBB_4166_BF09_B….jpeg)

File: a0b942e905eed83⋯.jpeg (64.03 KB,1024x576,16:9,D02BA08A_5B6D_4907_AF5D_1….jpeg)

File: 776aee4a972699f⋯.jpeg (16.37 KB,255x138,85:46,972A70E4_F0AF_45F5_8A1E_7….jpeg)

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908f39 No.21674989


>Eve who ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Anon gives you bonus points for getting the name of the fruit correct. It was not an "apple."

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5a6f5e No.21674990


I hear you can get fentanyl for less than 3 bucks.

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aa3721 No.21674991

File: b42db7b17a35306⋯.jpg (666.21 KB,1274x715,98:55,b42db7b17a353063ed57dac71d….jpg)

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44b1eb No.21674992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wasn't that a party

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5c4eca No.21674993

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278635 No.21674994


heyyyy you stole that from me anon.


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34c8aa No.21674995


I just want to see justice in my own life. Headlines are nice and I know "things are happening." I want to see the evil people I know personally finally get whats coming to them rather than perpetual success. I lost my belief in God because God only smiles on pedophiles.

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6b9bcf No.21674996

File: 6bd9829037822f1⋯.jpeg (28.79 KB,255x255,1:1,6d31f7596862b79bf2cfab4d9….jpeg)

Is Trump going to the ALABAMA v GEORGIA game?

Is he supposed to speak/go on the field?

Or just attend?

Curious frogs want to know.

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74e7be No.21674997


Life has infinitely more options. Don't do it.

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6ce92f No.21674998

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)





Still just Squeaky bein' Squeaky.

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345f75 No.21674999

File: 4a83f54a8d428d1⋯.gif (636.91 KB,500x289,500:289,683AA544_313F_4874_812B_80….gif)

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ba32fc No.21675000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89dd5d No.21675001



In case you missed it, Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats Soo bad in fact, that their closing statement was basically them begging to not be sanctioned for their impropriety…


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a166d8 No.21675002


ah, you're doing a 'disspirit' bit.

you say some pretty horrible and slanderous things about God, anon.

If the thunder don't get you, the lightning will.

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2f31c9 No.21675003


I think its a teenage son and his mom in the background

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658653 No.21675004

File: 1ae7992f8c069b2⋯.jpeg (98.39 KB,732x685,732:685,IMG_4081.jpeg)

Anyone got Krasenstein portraits handy to fix this?

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b93f3d No.21675005


Just there to watch the game

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2427b2 No.21675006


>Is Combes the black Epstein/Hefner spiderweb. Catch 'em all on tape.

>CIA or just a dude that likes oily assholes?

Both. And based on the story he was likely protected. Remember White Bulger? Another notorious FBI informant that was untouchable for decades.

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6b9bcf No.21675007

File: 7d6375822955b60⋯.jpg (15.48 KB,255x253,255:253,AHHHHHHHHHH.jpg)


Dear Lord,

Please do NOT bring me back as a Mountain Goat.


Skeered O'heights.

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51a4ee No.21675008

File: 57f53388a3d5f26⋯.jpeg (94 KB,1000x667,1000:667,IMG_1859.jpeg)

File: dc87ba90336b9aa⋯.jpeg (42.71 KB,202x250,101:125,IMG_1858.jpeg)

File: 293b9a4eda7767c⋯.jpeg (37.88 KB,274x184,137:92,IMG_1857.jpeg)

C b4 D

Catastrophic Disclosure:

JFK Disclosure

9/11 Disclosure

ET Disclosure on control for thousands of years

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34c8aa No.21675009


I don't know what that means, but I used to be catholic. I wish I could go to another kind of church and just pretend I believed in it, but I'd be lying. I wish I could.

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278635 No.21675010


they both covering their mouths kek.

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658653 No.21675011

File: e2324ca2b723f34⋯.jpeg (243.34 KB,900x675,4:3,IMG_4082.jpeg)

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aa3721 No.21675013

File: d38cf23a52ba5a6⋯.png (709.54 KB,1080x740,54:37,d38cf23a52ba5a604a34bbf5ee….png)

Should anon buy a backhoe before or after the election?

Kinda thinking one might be handy…

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5a6f5e No.21675014


I swear I have already seen that done before.

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a166d8 No.21675015


if you don't believe in God and say he favors the ones you said, what does it matter what Church you go to?

you're slandering God.

You need to understand how you are wrong and BEG God to forgive you (he will) and STOP slandering God.

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34c8aa No.21675017


What religion are you?

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ba32fc No.21675018


Flagged for Antisemitism

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57d350 No.21675020



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a166d8 No.21675021


anon, I'm not going to be put under inquisition by someone who slanders The Lord.

go meditate and pray for your own salvation and understand what you are doing that is making it even harder for you.

why make it about me?

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de13c0 No.21675022



Anon has one…

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2691bb No.21675023

File: f35ae02d2ddcb47⋯.webp (161.95 KB,1491x2600,1491:2600,f35ae02d2ddcb47983ee16d1f….webp)


Your home is here with us, we are your fam and frens..lean on us when you feel down,,we're always here..24-7. Habby Birthday fren!

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c10432 No.21675024

File: beafc56b1d34d11⋯.png (144.58 KB,615x960,41:64,ClipboardImage.png)

Flynn moab Khamenei.ir.

Also, in unrelated but related news:

To the scriptshill webscraping using bot to mimick a copy paste user from undisclosed website…

And pasted with "/" appended to every line?



Khamenei.ir /

Is the copy paste from an agg, aqg site that includes X drops

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345f75 No.21675025

File: aec3c03f626cb7b⋯.jpeg (11.14 KB,255x76,255:76,D71E0668_43ED_4043_B9EF_9….jpeg)

File: c4de4c8ce1581dc⋯.jpeg (30.29 KB,255x235,51:47,5FCA2B94_6B0D_458E_B9FE_7….jpeg)

File: 3e55e1e2bc8cb38⋯.jpeg (20.86 KB,255x138,85:46,6E7AE5B7_946F_4E88_9947_9….jpeg)

File: 360c9deece1458e⋯.png (474.82 KB,930x372,5:2,ED489CE5_4AFF_49D7_B2ED_85….png)

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5a5ff4 No.21675026


this is not suicide hotline.

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b3d9c9 No.21675027


he wont answer

he's a little bit of everything

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564826 No.21675028

File: 873fcce1baafe8a⋯.png (97.26 KB,224x225,224:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 092c2a8521c148d⋯.png (269.64 KB,900x405,20:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17fbe41b0ad03f6⋯.png (1.73 MB,774x1200,129:200,ClipboardImage.png)


any relation?

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345f75 No.21675029


rubber whellleed or on tracks

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34c8aa No.21675030


Because I can tell exactly what religion you are

>blindly follow organisation run by pedophiles

>tell others they better do the same

Catholic. Add that you won't say what religion you are and its obvious. The most hypocritical faith of them all. Fuck you.

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69a69e No.21675031

File: 9f886f32f340b88⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,700x596,175:149,9f886f32f340b885ee4e43eed6….jpg)

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908f39 No.21675032


Primanti Bros.


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2f31c9 No.21675033


Statue of libertys feet are in broken chains

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0d39c0 No.21675034

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8cfe1b No.21675035


You just lost all sympathies, time for you to go, you are nothing but a shill looking for (yous)

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564826 No.21675036

File: 994ab1632753527⋯.png (323.4 KB,1024x1300,256:325,guns_vs_other_weapons_2a.png)


best answer I've seen to one of those schizoposts

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0d96c5 No.21675037



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c49160 No.21675039


Fuck you


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3457f9 No.21675040


If you find a good one at a going-out-of business sale because a contractor has been regulated out of existence then just make sure the seat is comfy and take it home

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6ce92f No.21675041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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69a69e No.21675042

File: 9e280b2a5ec4e0a⋯.png (1.38 MB,2354x1590,1177:795,Liberty_death_within_polic….png)


>Statue of libertys feet are in broken chains

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e24063 No.21675043


Facepaint over mustache. Classic Joker.

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6f525d No.21675044


Not much unless…

The moon is in the seventh house & And Jupiter aligns with Mars

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de13c0 No.21675045

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5a6f5e No.21675046


988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

If you aren't serious, try calling this number, they'll make it that way for ya.

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c49160 No.21675047


Oh look, another condescending piece of shit showing up to run defence when someone airs their greivances about pedophiles running churches.

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345f75 No.21675048


you were chosen for a reason

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2d3c1a No.21675049


when is the moon in the seventh house and Jupiter aligning with Mars?

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74e7be No.21675050



Seconded the notable

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6f525d No.21675051


there will be many October Surprises this Year

Many are Control & Cover for the real surprise

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5e82a8 No.21675052

File: 112e16ed558a9e3⋯.png (1.13 MB,975x646,975:646,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b9bcf No.21675053

File: b3ef5fde9a5a919⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,255x255,1:1,celebrate.jpg)


You've held on for 20+ years…. You can make a little while longer, Anon.

Happy Birthday!

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6f525d No.21675054


Then peace will guide the planets & love will steer the stars

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c10432 No.21675055

File: 4fdfd3c7afa271a⋯.png (64.47 KB,872x900,218:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 587ed17ddd40ac2⋯.png (67.33 KB,500x523,500:523,ClipboardImage.png)


you can see the this not thqt is this but saying what isnt and what is and declaring ownership over words when they are also within the same bodies as both sets of ultimate opposites as all owned everything not itself is fetter.

Let the endless endless end.

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44b1eb No.21675056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Margret …

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2427b2 No.21675057


And a jacket pulled out of a hamper.

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ba32fc No.21675058

File: 86f09219e542d11⋯.mp4 (297.39 KB,720x1280,9:16,458970319_970381808225718_….mp4)


The best is yet to come. Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff.

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a040dc No.21675059

File: 6ba8addda6a7181⋯.png (701.78 KB,722x424,361:212,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ce92f No.21675061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b2a05 No.21675062

File: 0d6098c557585d2⋯.png (723.1 KB,705x581,705:581,Kamala_Welcome_Mat.PNG)


Since July 2024, we have now tracked an additional 2.2 million criminal illegal invaders. Total, 32.2 million a number much higher than anyone wants to admit.

Our proprietary AI uses tens of thousands of CCTV, satellites, geolocation data, DeepVIEW ALPR, FLOCK, and reconciles everything from NGO logs (they get paid per invader, so their numbers are spot on) requests for services, welfare, medical, DMV, fake ID requests, etc., etc., and the government is classifying the raw data. They do not want the truth out!

Mark my words, there are over 30 million criminal illegal invaders in the U.S. now.

he media and your government are lying! It’s OVER 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021 and 5 million more are coming via both south and north borders, flights and by sea before January 2025!

The media and your government are lying! It’s OVER 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021 and 5 million more are coming via both south and north borders, flights and by sea before January 2025!

This is 💯 Barack Obama using what he learned at Columbia University known as the Cloward–Piven strategy to overwhelm police, fire, schools, hospitals, social services, etc., etc., with the end goal of total societal collapse.

No city or county will be safe. This is Republican Newport Beach, Orange County, CA. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. (video)

The cartels are using NGOs to undermine city after city, county after county. They own the media, police, city managers, city councils, mayors, county supervisors, district attorneys, prosecutors, judges. They easily buy whoever they want with the hundreds of billions they are earning. Their offer is simple, lead or gold.

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94a406 No.21675063

File: 010eaf21139ab22⋯.jpg (591.07 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240928_154121….jpg)

Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department.


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a292fe No.21675064

POTUS talking every time about McDonald’s = clowns on notice cuz he said he’s going to McDonald’s

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a040dc No.21675065

File: fe7406ad72a88f2⋯.png (417.02 KB,568x622,284:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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3457f9 No.21675066


It's one of the "operators" that kept trying the same subversive shit they have for months now but the BVs got wise to it.

They've tried their little countdowns before and of course nothing happened, all that's left is scream "muh censorship"

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3e3bf0 No.21675067

File: d12911f298e8a01⋯.png (55.82 KB,262x192,131:96,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>> three dudes slightly caress a chicken

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a040dc No.21675068

File: 1a550360005281d⋯.png (335.63 KB,568x552,71:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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b90a74 No.21675069


The faggot demon buttmuncher in the center has an SPQR tattoo? Elon tweet SPQR recently.

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b2fc27 No.21675070


The Secret Service's annual budget wis about $3 billion

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0d39c0 No.21675071


this is no more my country than this world is my home, anon

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

For by it the elders obtained a good report.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.

By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:

For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed thatthey were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

Hebrews 11:1-16

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c7f270 No.21675072


Didnt he mention the missing kids after he mentioned this???

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c49160 No.21675073


Trying to just hold on, thank you

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a040dc No.21675074

File: 4bf5015678f85c1⋯.png (961.95 KB,526x935,526:935,ClipboardImage.png)

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345f75 No.21675075

File: fe4e9900568eaca⋯.png (135.14 KB,344x652,86:163,6C82F040_EA69_47A9_B6C9_79….png)

File: e74f08c3e406d71⋯.jpeg (620.74 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6415A60D_BA67_4CEC_B018_8….jpeg)

File: 46ce27f6bf3f6de⋯.png (339.57 KB,551x705,551:705,7E799C86_19EF_437A_8D2C_A2….png)

File: 4f4f25886fb32aa⋯.jpeg (174.92 KB,1000x667,1000:667,8C363F00_341A_4FE8_9E22_B….jpeg)

File: 5078916e61f7d93⋯.webp (138.26 KB,900x900,1:1,0FF8A143_C8AF_4880_96A8_7….webp)

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a292fe No.21675076


not from what this anon has been seein’

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2427b2 No.21675077


>It’s my opinion Diddy ratted a long (time ago)

Anything's possible. + The Adrenochrome connection has to be somewhere in this circle of lovely people.

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ca814a No.21675078

File: d6e9cc3e2020fd2⋯.gif (349.53 KB,350x443,350:443,72cbb9b20a01cf452a9e2e106a….gif)

The appeal to emotion for (You)s was the funny part. The despair that clown feels is real though.

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3e3bf0 No.21675080

File: 9babc984c687277⋯.png (291.35 KB,510x383,510:383,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three dudes slightly caress a chicken

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aa3721 No.21675081

File: 5da0ed0cd68799f⋯.png (497.13 KB,710x795,142:159,5da0ed0cd68799f82fed72753b….png)

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88d216 No.21675082


Anon thinks we all go through shitty moments like this anon. Anon been there. Hang on anon, one breath at a time, one day at a time

Things will get better and are getting better, you are not cursed! You are healing anon, we are all healing together from all the bs around us! We are marching steadily towards heaven on earth anon

Hang on there anon

Where we go one, we go all anon

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94a406 No.21675083

File: 80551028ffb0f35⋯.jpg (620.77 KB,1079x1634,1079:1634,Screenshot_20240928_154625….jpg)

KING 5 sat down with a labor studies expert who says there are several similarities between the machinists strike of 1977 and the current machinists strike.


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a040dc No.21675084

File: 70142c6c14e366a⋯.png (408.88 KB,551x680,551:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa1737 No.21675085


Brother Got a killdozer shirt

said I was the one one that ever said anything about his shirt.

HE said most people didn't know what it was about.

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07315e No.21675086


That's not a backhoe that's a excavator

Get both and Topcon positioning systems too.

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c2703e No.21675087

File: 42f76ff1a6b9bcd⋯.jpeg (920.17 KB,2022x1404,337:234,2C223893_4CA2_4744_9DE0_1….jpeg)

File: d4b54ddfc6b8ba8⋯.png (37.04 KB,225x225,1:1,C583E3C8_7A8A_4F54_893A_31….png)




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81f1fc No.21675088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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278635 No.21675089

File: 862e815beab6203⋯.png (534.93 KB,768x461,768:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6c33e No.21675090

(817) 614-7118

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a292fe No.21675091

[c] [i] [a] here

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ca814a No.21675092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d56d0 No.21675093

File: eb9559635c4729f⋯.jpg (35.12 KB,680x359,680:359,t.jpg)

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a040dc No.21675094

File: 25369139564845b⋯.png (430.64 KB,568x445,568:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fedef No.21675095

File: 4254b6c8fea5cd6⋯.png (237.78 KB,456x342,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f15d4a706c195a8⋯.png (151.96 KB,320x342,160:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec3d3d9fadd8ecb⋯.png (264.19 KB,655x342,655:342,ClipboardImage.png)


Earth is basically God's school for us.

I hate this planet, and it's history, but I love God's children, and help them to see themselves in a better light.

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a040dc No.21675096

File: 0ace2a8c08304f8⋯.png (445.92 KB,568x534,284:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a6f5e No.21675097


I hope they all get canned and Boeing hires all non union replacements.

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01d16b No.21675098



flagged fagged

flaming homosexuality and incest

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6f525d No.21675099

Let the Sunshine Begin

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ec00df No.21675100

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)

My God I hope I don't get the shits again like last night.

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a040dc No.21675101

File: 623b13d443bb23c⋯.png (494.33 KB,568x349,568:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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01d16b No.21675102


Haiti involved

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16c87f No.21675103

File: 2db9d33a9a49acb⋯.png (687.42 KB,679x684,679:684,1661820177192340.png)


These idiots tried so hard for so long and still failed. What does that say about us and them?

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ca814a No.21675104

File: 88b1ed5401842f0⋯.jpg (173.26 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)


Silence, Simple Legion.

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345f75 No.21675105

File: ae08b4f7c7b6a09⋯.png (1.07 MB,888x888,1:1,EEF1CAE7_133F_42E5_A72B_1D….png)

File: 767ed155868423f⋯.jpeg (217.37 KB,1280x1242,640:621,CC63CC02_63FE_4D41_8350_B….jpeg)

File: ab240078b71997d⋯.png (185.15 KB,373x358,373:358,79DFEECB_D732_42FF_8A1D_88….png)

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3029b7 No.21675106

Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA


Vance [campaign event]: We're gonna build the wall, we're gonna reimplement deportations, and we're gonna go to war against the Mexican drug cartels. No more bringing this poison into our country, they gotta get the hell out.


Vance: On the Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump has made very, very, clear. We do not want people dying in the streets in the greatest country in the world. We want to make sure Americans have the best healthcare, the best healthcare options, and of course, we're going to protect people with pre-existing conditions…in fact, Donald Trump's record on healthcare was so good, that the main thing Kamala Harris talks about, is actually an achievement of Donald Trump's. Which is getting Insulin down to thirty-five dollars a vial. Thank Donald Trump for that . Don't let Kamala Harris lie and take credit for that.


Vance: So many business leaders have gotten behind Kamala Harris because she's pursing an immigration policy that is flooding American with illegal aliens, and undercutting the wages of American workers. We have to cut that crap out, and build an American economy for American citizens first.


Vance: My entire life, most Americans could afford to buy a home. Maybe not a fancy home, maybe not a giant home, but most Americans could afford to buy a home. I think it's something like sixty-five percent of our fellow citizens have no real prospect of owning a home in this country. It's a disgrace. It's because of Kamala Harris' policies. And Donald Trump and I are going to make American housing affordable for Americans again.

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278635 No.21675107


Were you at a Diddy freak out?

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b442ea No.21675108


Thank you anon. I want to be whatever religion you are, you're good.

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a292fe No.21675109

Lqqn’ forward.to new b.o.

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3029b7 No.21675110

Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA


Vance [campaign event]: We're gonna build the wall, we're gonna reimplement deportations, and we're gonna go to war against the Mexican drug cartels. No more bringing this poison into our country, they gotta get the hell out.


Vance: On the Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump has made very, very, clear. We do not want people dying in the streets in the greatest country in the world. We want to make sure Americans have the best healthcare, the best healthcare options, and of course, we're going to protect people with pre-existing conditions…in fact, Donald Trump's record on healthcare was so good, that the main thing Kamala Harris talks about, is actually an achievement of Donald Trump's. Which is getting Insulin down to thirty-five dollars a vial. Thank Donald Trump for that . Don't let Kamala Harris lie and take credit for that.


Vance: So many business leaders have gotten behind Kamala Harris because she's pursing an immigration policy that is flooding American with illegal aliens, and undercutting the wages of American workers. We have to cut that crap out, and build an American economy for American citizens first.


Vance: My entire life, most Americans could afford to buy a home. Maybe not a fancy home, maybe not a giant home, but most Americans could afford to buy a home. I think it's something like sixty-five percent of our fellow citizens have no real prospect of owning a home in this country. It's a disgrace. It's because of Kamala Harris' policies. And Donald Trump and I are going to make American housing affordable for Americans again.

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2427b2 No.21675111


Video killed the radio star.

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a040dc No.21675112

File: 451984a8d3fda0a⋯.png (519.86 KB,568x524,142:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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3029b7 No.21675113

notables @ 450

#26542 >>21674533

>>21674723 J.D. Vance Speaks in Newton, PA

>>21675110 Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA

>>21674839 A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance to Newtown, PA!

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674560, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688, >>21674933 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing/funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674654 FULL SPEECH: Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 FULL SPEECH: Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 WATCH: Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674673 Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DOJ

>>21674681 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien! 🇺🇸

>>21674719 Jimmy Carter turns a century in 3 days

>>21674727, >>21674872 Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court”

>>21674754 Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump what are you going to do about it

>>21674811 Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature?

>>21674854 Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market

>>21674883, >>21674895, >>21674983 Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

>>21674905 Trump Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected

>>21674917 Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

>>21675001 Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats

>>21675062 Seruga: Over 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021, and 5 million more on the way

>>21675063 Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department

>>21674550, >>21674571, >>21674717, >>21674827, >>21674841, >>21674910 Memes


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6f525d No.21675114



That's me in the Spotlight

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cb9c22 No.21675115

Dispirited Devil Worshipping Lunatic Pulls The Pump Trigger.

Freedom mist.

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cf232d No.21675116

File: 1ee8256efbc63fb⋯.png (204.33 KB,676x369,676:369,ClipboardImage.png)


1st WTC bombing, OKC, Waco, Ruby Ridge


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ec00df No.21675118

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)


SP is at every freak out

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a040dc No.21675119

File: 3ae14a15fc360f5⋯.png (879.85 KB,568x758,284:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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771130 No.21675120

File: 4811498fb8fecd5⋯.webp (209 KB,940x788,235:197,National_Coffee_Day_.webp)

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cb9c22 No.21675121

Langley Ground Lizards reduced to screaming. And pathetic piles of meat

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55b51d No.21675122


We are all good

They messed up

Just keep focusing on healing and getting better and stronger with every breath

Don’t let any evil get to you

We are the true untouchable anon

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5a6f5e No.21675123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Is this what you are talking about?

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3457f9 No.21675124


>Lqqn’ forward.to new b.o.

And there they go again

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cf232d No.21675125


Making (((Slavery))) Great Again

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57d350 No.21675126

File: ddf5222c2e42fb6⋯.jpeg (154.44 KB,1285x1275,257:255,ddf5222c2e42fb61965075277….jpeg)

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345f75 No.21675127

File: 514fd9826758c67⋯.jpeg (120.81 KB,828x1031,828:1031,83D5C838_2F10_4F2E_BAE8_E….jpeg)

File: 42266c19eb3db94⋯.jpeg (29.92 KB,230x255,46:51,016C48E2_4007_41A6_88DC_0….jpeg)

File: f0916e9253099ca⋯.png (502.22 KB,680x661,680:661,B816EBB0_6B02_4874_9F72_42….png)

File: 18edc5ccf8c22e8⋯.jpeg (277.87 KB,720x1036,180:259,3E5E64B9_B52E_45EB_966D_8….jpeg)

File: 553ea3419f78033⋯.jpeg (39.9 KB,500x375,4:3,7E1A7CCD_317A_4138_8E52_9….jpeg)

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a040dc No.21675128

File: 4fc35b63a9e662e⋯.png (689.19 KB,568x676,142:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca814a No.21675129

File: 4af4699b4314ba4⋯.png (668.67 KB,800x652,200:163,ClipboardImage.png)

KEK. Notice not one merchant was posted but appeals to emotion and mimicry is active?

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3029b7 No.21675130

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VP JD Vance Holds a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania


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44b1eb No.21675132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uncle pervy for your next party

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a292fe No.21675133


u skeer’d

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57d350 No.21675134

File: 0b2920fe612f79f⋯.jpg (157.45 KB,1680x1505,48:43,0b2920fe612f79fdeeec2d3c68….jpg)

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aa3721 No.21675135

File: 7a60e7afd28250c⋯.jpg (59.5 KB,720x712,90:89,7a60e7afd28250ce0c6fe8860e….jpg)


>That's not a backhoe that's a excavator

Nice observation, Sherlock.

Used the meme anon had.

Do you have a pepe in a backhoe, or did you just feel the need to be an incorrect meme nazi?

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42f6ac No.21675136

File: 4c4d5985f068efc⋯.png (197.58 KB,500x510,50:51,4c4d5985f068efc31b10cfa005….png)

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a040dc No.21675137

File: 508d5946f0ca76d⋯.png (612.5 KB,568x709,568:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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07ff47 No.21675138

pink hair is the new blue roof

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564826 No.21675139


>and wear

Not many have realized this yet

This is newer info

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b2fc27 No.21675140


So many volunteered to have your spot yet you were chosen. Get your shit together, it's all started happening.

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f84727 No.21675141


very strange it hit only red areas

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2691bb No.21675142


And a $60,000 Tiffany necklace

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cf232d No.21675143


This isn't new. You weren't paying attention.

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ca814a No.21675144

File: 03867cd0560e974⋯.png (206.11 KB,519x878,519:878,ClipboardImage.png)

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a040dc No.21675145

File: 4e4c286ea38ebbe⋯.png (633.8 KB,568x739,568:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b2199 No.21675146

File: 7fd6757b50a7dad⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB,4159x2773,4159:2773,IMG_1389.jpeg)

File: 8dafdc0df2c0f05⋯.jpeg (61.38 KB,638x502,319:251,IMG_1393.jpeg)

File: 05dc0d2986f0530⋯.jpeg (29.49 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_1388.jpeg)

File: adfde54257bc4fd⋯.jpeg (234.83 KB,882x1079,882:1079,IMG_0852.jpeg)

File: a791bfb63add551⋯.jpeg (153.94 KB,1200x740,60:37,IMG_0574.jpeg)


Sidney Powell - Big Fail!

Mike Lindell - Big Fail!!

Mike Flynn - Big Fail!!

Alex Jones - Big Fail!!

Roger Stone - Big Fail!!

Lin Wood - Big Fail!

Patrick Byrne- Big Fail!!

So many DigitalSoldiers™️

Claimed to have INTEL and produced 0️ ZERO!!

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c10432 No.21675147

"Indeed, many other concepts or determinations can also be depicted as literally surrounding earlier ones"

So a peraon can negate their own past selves? Believe this opposite then believe that opposite?

What would it look like if it had looked as though a ultimate negation in praxis against the people's young?

DHS: ^320,000 children trafficked most are dead or in sex slavery.

Non detained 15000 convicted murderers?

Assets humans used as assets to destabalize a population of families to "aufheben" by a finite claiming infinite when it self sublates

Did UN just get wound down or is it just anon?

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7a42ce No.21675148

File: bd318cbe49bb4d4⋯.mp4 (301.81 KB,396x346,198:173,Bush_Panic.mp4)

File: 83f36d34b6e5ab1⋯.jpg (142.03 KB,678x902,339:451,PANIC_IN_DC_DEBATE_.jpg)

File: e2a9818c37ba102⋯.gif (3.87 MB,261x480,87:160,PANIC_in_DC_Dance.gif)

File: d9bc8cdbace415f⋯.png (871.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1727563809231.png)


Where's Joe? Where's Kamala?

When the Pants Getting Shat Aren't Biden's…



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1b2199 No.21675149


Yesterdays notables has it!

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cf232d No.21675150


Jussie connects KH to PD

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e17541 No.21675151

File: b083a0e26373005⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17275642590….mp4)


WOW! Happening now, President Trump arrives in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin.

#TRUMP202412:34 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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dfbb4e No.21675152

File: 5e95ba57930ebeb⋯.png (490.81 KB,600x437,600:437,ClipboardImage.png)


What a fine day to be on the kun, everyday is a fine day to be on the kun.

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dfbb4e No.21675153

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e17541 No.21675154

File: 9671c2757d7c2e5⋯.png (230.67 KB,435x439,435:439,watercolor_pepe.png)


Right now, this is the BEST place to have.


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cf232d No.21675155


Take Newsom, Pelosi and the California cartel with her.

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564826 No.21675156


this except the bin is labelled "indebted client states"

and the flag is USA not NATO

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2427b2 No.21675157

File: f3833632bcf20a7⋯.jpg (8.04 KB,183x275,183:275,download.jpg)


So we can summarise The Andromeda Strain as follows: “An alien organism earth and kills 50-odd people in a horrifying and instantaneous manner. A global pandemic is promised, with high-stakes science. A few days later the organism mutates into a harmless form and exits the earth's atmosphere.

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1b2199 No.21675158

File: cd040f2369295dd⋯.png (3.39 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3564.png)

File: 4b49beb9e6c627f⋯.jpeg (633.34 KB,1213x1517,1213:1517,IMG_3563.jpeg)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)







All for a LARP, right!

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57d350 No.21675159

File: 22b390b9fabf401⋯.png (160.98 KB,444x348,37:29,ClipboardImage.png)



Used as a politicaltool to attack the other side [weaponized]?

Where are thepinkhats?

When you are awake you are able to see clearly.


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b3d9c9 No.21675160

hurricane helene entered the gulf

and Ga, SC, an Tn, got hit hard

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5a6f5e No.21675161


or this?


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57d350 No.21675162


the only Q post with "pink"

besides twat links

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cf232d No.21675163


Not counting American children.

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7f9d17 No.21675164


Mud Shark

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44b1eb No.21675165

File: 87f74560cacbc55⋯.png (519.74 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240928_190105.png)

File: fda6b6a209cbec8⋯.png (562.58 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240928_190014.png)

More circular thingys

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57d350 No.21675166


Trump has his own iron dome


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564826 No.21675167


link it something more than a meme then

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a040dc No.21675168

File: d31010840d74c1e⋯.png (716.91 KB,568x685,568:685,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c933b No.21675169

File: 1fcde50837a2a1f⋯.png (95.68 KB,900x450,2:1,1fcde50837a2a1fc093d26e04a….png)

We are going too win 2024 right,

we have this one in the bag, (if) it's far right.

now for the most important election is to come, yes I am speaking of the mid terms, have you even thought about it at all, this is wear they really need to win.

Unlike the presidential election they fill the house seats, how my votes are cast in this election every two years, do you even care, they will still all the seats they can get to stop Donald Trump in every way they just like they did his first term,, Start vetting the candidates for the next round too gain the seats

we need to back up our real president.

MY TWO cents???

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07ff47 No.21675170


written like soft deflection

>Adele: While low key….

taint nuttin low key bout a diddy party

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aa3721 No.21675171

File: 8ee94e7c41298d9⋯.png (186.49 KB,844x827,844:827,Screen_Shot_2020_04_02_at_….png)


Cheer up, anon.

It's never too late to get hammered and do a wheelie into the abyss.

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7a42ce No.21675172

File: bd318cbe49bb4d4⋯.mp4 (301.81 KB,396x346,198:173,Bush_Panic.mp4)

File: 83f36d34b6e5ab1⋯.jpg (142.03 KB,678x902,339:451,PANIC_IN_DC_DEBATE_.jpg)

File: e2a9818c37ba102⋯.gif (3.87 MB,261x480,87:160,PANIC_in_DC_Dance.gif)

File: d9bc8cdbace415f⋯.png (871.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1727563809231.png)


Where's Joe? Where's Kamala?

When the Pants Getting Shat Aren't Biden's…



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c2287a No.21675174

File: cc9ef87339ac5f2⋯.jpg (96.25 KB,714x774,119:129,20240928_165950.jpg)

File: 495f4706a6eef89⋯.mp4 (807.06 KB,640x360,16:9,Natalie_Winters_20240928_4….mp4)

Hillary Clinton Claims She’s The "Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met."



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a040dc No.21675175

File: 8429832c51e8e0b⋯.png (504.7 KB,568x561,568:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca814a No.21675176

File: 4f095fd96e1be35⋯.jpg (375.26 KB,960x1280,3:4,pepe_house.jpg)

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474a51 No.21675177

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6b9bcf No.21675178



All new clothes should be washed thoroughly before wearing for the first time.

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cf232d No.21675179


I know you can read the Rockefeller Commission on Population.

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a040dc No.21675180

File: 5e7522f12ac217e⋯.png (541.51 KB,568x610,284:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b3242 No.21675181

File: 0023155067ce3cd⋯.jpeg (56.66 KB,552x422,276:211,wyegw.jpeg)

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cf232d No.21675182


Most dead friends and acquaintances.

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7a42ce No.21675183

File: 0a7db71ec5afd6c⋯.jpg (62.98 KB,512x512,1:1,Kamala_The_Storm.jpg)


Former Arkansasan and Presidential Security Professional….


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f84727 No.21675184

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b50e5a No.21675185

File: e16355ac53a2e4b⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1155x1535,231:307,IMG_2464.jpeg)


had sammich few months ago, last one eber. disappoint.

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44b1eb No.21675186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You need some soul

Jimmy soul

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6f525d No.21675187


U1… Benghazi…

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1b2199 No.21675188

File: 4a70049bdc28b8c⋯.jpeg (187.85 KB,1088x771,1088:771,IMG_3278.jpeg)

File: a08e9509750c828⋯.webp (130.79 KB,2160x1430,216:143,IMG_3151.webp)

File: 570a7dd98bf713c⋯.jpeg (72.79 KB,992x558,16:9,IMG_3140.jpeg)

File: 17ae303c5bd5ecc⋯.jpeg (143.54 KB,1022x1142,511:571,IMG_3165.jpeg)

File: fa6353ce607663e⋯.png (336.43 KB,895x797,895:797,IMG_3059.png)

RFKjr Spitting Truth!!

PDJT is a Stable Genius!

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aa3721 No.21675189

File: 3d07ce8622c3dab⋯.png (120.11 KB,466x507,466:507,3d07ce8622c3dabd4a794062bf….png)


Accurate meme is accurate.

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564826 No.21675190


>All new clothes should be washed thoroughly before wearing for the first time.

that goes without saying anon.

The compounds are releasing things.

Microplastics at a minimum. Breathing.

Notice a lot of dust.

It's coming from the clothes

We don't know exactly how far it goes yet

because this is a newer issue

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57d350 No.21675191


synthetic fabrics




make up


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3457f9 No.21675192


Nope, I'm amused, but you and your friends that used to come by on Sunday nights through Monday morning suddenly decided to start on a Wednesday and have been at it for days now, Still the occasional break to bait anons into religious arguments or just have one amongst yourselves.

The ones afraid are your bosses

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a040dc No.21675193

File: d1a41ae4453d285⋯.png (211.42 KB,502x628,251:314,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8b532 No.21675194


The Farrel government and the elite should thank President Trump because the people are going to come after those people who made the country like this.

Trump is really protecting them.

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7a42ce No.21675195

File: 9555b8309dbcf02⋯.jpg (61.64 KB,263x753,263:753,Lassie_Kamala.jpg)

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e17541 No.21675196


>He zoomed in on the Q @ 00:45

KEWL, ha ha

use ssstwitter.com for epic twit twit mp4s

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564826 No.21675197


it says nothing about putting poison in clothes.

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b3d9c9 No.21675198





shaving cream

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3029b7 No.21675199

notables @ 545

#26542 >>21674533

>>21675130 VP JD Vance Holds a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania

>>21675110 Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA

>>21674839 A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance to Newtown, PA!

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21674681 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien!

>>21675151 President Trump arrives in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674654 Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674560, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 Trump Truths

>>21674905 Trump Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected

>>21674543 (Tomorrow) President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688, >>21674933 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21674811 Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature?

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674613 Biden-Harris DoJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21675063 Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing / funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674673 Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DoJ

>>21674719 Jimmy Carter turns a century in 3 days

>>21674727, >>21674872 Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court”

>>21674754 Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump what are you going to do about it?

>>21674854 Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market

>>21674883, >>21674895, >>21674983 Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

>>21674917 Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

>>21675001 Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats

>>21675062 Seruga: Over 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021, and 5 million more on the way

>>21675165 PF: More circular thingys

>>21675174 Hillary Clinton Claims She’s The "Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met"

>>21674550, >>21674571, >>21674717, >>21674827, >>21674841, >>21674910, >>21675126, >>21675134 Memes


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7a42ce No.21675200

File: 45e286ffeaf4481⋯.png (1.27 MB,655x1781,655:1781,1727563970981.png)

Anyone heard so much as a peep outta these assholes?

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564826 No.21675201


>synthetic fabrics

what about it though, specifically.

and don't lose sight of the fact that most countries don't have this problems

pointing the finger at all syntfhetic things is not the answer

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c2287a No.21675202

File: 124c852e0ecac47⋯.png (447.45 KB,640x548,160:137,124c852e0ecac471ed6592b85c….png)


Im in despair too fren , stay strong ,God loves you , we will make it out, let's pray we watch evil be destroyed in real time


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5a6f5e No.21675203


>My God I hope I don't get the shits again like last night.

That was you? I must of caught it online because I had it this morning. Rotten bastard.

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7a42ce No.21675204

File: 55b26e0118d6947⋯.png (1.25 MB,761x1532,761:1532,1727564145837.png)


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e17541 No.21675205



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aa3721 No.21675206

File: 2a35da9f4c09bdb⋯.png (48.7 KB,362x294,181:147,235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)



>had sammich few months ago, last one eber. disappoint.

You don't have to totally boycott, anon.

Just go in with dead mouse in pocket, and find it in the second half of your sammich.

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564826 No.21675207


nothing worse than false knowitalls.

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07ff47 No.21675208


holy fuggin sheet!


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3b3242 No.21675209

File: 12c0e5f7adc0638⋯.jpeg (63.62 KB,500x490,50:49,afbofi.jpeg)

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a040dc No.21675210

File: 89ae8c91b4d291c⋯.png (719.06 KB,568x573,568:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d350 No.21675211


the epidermis is the largest organ you have

the skin

if you wouldn't eat it

don't wipe it on yourself

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a292fe No.21675212


butler 2.

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278635 No.21675213



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7fbac5 No.21675214

File: 00eafc1386ce1c4⋯.mp4 (537.19 KB,320x562,160:281,q4Xats21xMRD8280.mp4)

American AF 🇺🇸



The US Embassy in Iraq is currently being surrounded by thousands of protestors.


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6b9bcf No.21675215

File: 8151d21d2a2b6c3⋯.png (21.3 KB,255x255,1:1,BUCKLEUP.png)


Release it!

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2427b2 No.21675216


"I wear shrink wrapped pants so the chicks know I'm a player" 😎

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07ff47 No.21675217


Acktuallly, the latgest is the connective tissue organ, the interstitium.

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68d116 No.21675218

File: 438d194a0185697⋯.jpg (255.12 KB,1400x1400,1:1,438d194a0185697d39c2b33539….jpg)

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278635 No.21675219


Iraqis want their oil back.

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2691bb No.21675220


Noice top hat Pepe

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a166d8 No.21675221


If the Thunder don't get you,

the Lightning will.

Loving God isn't about a religion, anon.

It's just the right thing to do.

you have nothing and are nothing without God giving you the capacity to be that.

you can say this or that or whatever, but the only thing that matters is being right with The Lord.

Clearly, as a conflict monger, looking to start fights and use denominations of faithful people as a point of conflict, there is something seriously flawed about your approach.

you curse and spit venom at others, anon, but, what I know is that you are doing it to yourself.

you dig a hole to hell and willingly jump in it.


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4d74f3 No.21675222

File: 690b6e795529298⋯.png (29.53 KB,380x380,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>2 weeks

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cb9c22 No.21675223

File: 40ad9c3a782a42b⋯.jpg (150.29 KB,666x709,666:709,1000001690.jpg)

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3457f9 No.21675224


Any Lawfags about?

I'm wondering if Eminent Domain can be used on a radio station

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7fbac5 No.21675225

File: 79e24aeb5e8ddbf⋯.png (745.53 KB,642x680,321:340,ClipboardImage.png)

il Donaldo Trumpo




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e17541 No.21675226

File: 17e248f4838bf7f⋯.png (589.35 KB,613x506,613:506,pepes.png)

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a040dc No.21675227

File: 1fa88d379d79110⋯.png (1005.46 KB,568x1265,568:1265,ClipboardImage.png)

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b50e5a No.21675228

File: f7cb47d8d86a8ab⋯.png (618.07 KB,661x900,661:900,IMG_2470.png)

top kek.

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7a42ce No.21675229

File: 097a995985b4b30⋯.jpg (68.61 KB,597x422,597:422,Second_Volant_Scorpion_Squ….jpg)


Stœllën whilst filling my AR-10 Mag w/ Steel Penetrating Cored .308

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65c78f No.21675230



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a2f5e1 No.21675231

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

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ca814a No.21675232

File: 9a20050d09aa784⋯.jpg (173.22 KB,1000x765,200:153,a9a9c93b8cb2510b5ca05e8c0a….jpg)

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7fbac5 No.21675233

File: 651371c0b9e57e4⋯.png (540.79 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)




Coming In hot! Roll Tide! - Kid Rock


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1b2199 No.21675234

File: ecb9a7935423d4f⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,2160x1142,1080:571,IMG_3565.jpeg)



Back To The Future!

This Reclaim America is Awesome!

If someone can link it from somewhere!

RFKJr is explaining exactly what PDJT is doing!


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2691bb No.21675235


me, me, me

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3457f9 No.21675236


Does everybody skip Leg Day now?

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a040dc No.21675237

File: 3c83845f3d9c578⋯.png (303.04 KB,568x435,568:435,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2287a No.21675238

File: c26bd6bd20c6877⋯.jpg (148.17 KB,720x1128,30:47,20240928_171010.jpg)

File: ba1f32f10d9f8fe⋯.jpg (137.54 KB,1200x900,4:3,64638aa39c6c4f92a2e07c5349….jpg)

43-Foot-Tall Naked Donald Trump Towers Over Las Vegas Freeway


Typical liberal thing to do, like they think this is gonna sway voters or something? Fuckin morons

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65c78f No.21675239


does not know.

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278635 No.21675240


Just enough leg room

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2691bb No.21675241

File: f35ae02d2ddcb47⋯.webp (161.95 KB,1491x2600,1491:2600,f35ae02d2ddcb47983ee16d1f….webp)


fam loves you too anon


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a2f5e1 No.21675242

File: 9be1f63c0fb41bc⋯.png (218.98 KB,731x917,731:917,a1.png)

File: 19f9cf19b22f3b6⋯.png (146.62 KB,957x870,11:10,a2.png)

File: 3bcc3ab2ec6e25b⋯.png (131.57 KB,1052x815,1052:815,a3.png)

File: 94501ba19eb7af2⋯.png (222.34 KB,961x915,961:915,a4.png)

File: 97e777dd0423ba0⋯.png (231.21 KB,961x931,961:931,a5.png)

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e24063 No.21675243


KumAllahs Rape Trees.

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17fe40 No.21675244


Consistent condescension, "get right with the lord," by your definition, sidesteps pedos running your churches.

Catholic. Everyone else has been decent but you. Your scam is disgusting.

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7a42ce No.21675246

File: ac562ad40a3336d⋯.jpg (44.09 KB,720x405,16:9,WTF_Kamala.jpg)

File: 283d0e772bb652c⋯.jpg (55.46 KB,640x439,640:439,WHMO_seal.jpg)

File: 9cfdefb3e82c9e0⋯.gif (18.97 KB,201x201,1:1,WHCA_Seal.gif)

File: 996da5639b657da⋯.jpg (398.17 KB,1280x1024,5:4,warrior_in_47_ronin_1280x1….jpg)

File: 55ece8f43956fd5⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,960x1280,3:4,Washington.JPG)

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cda993 No.21675247

File: c76c976c2044828⋯.jpg (75.54 KB,577x433,577:433,ricolaw.jpg)

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a166d8 No.21675248


the problem of sinful people exists in any organization.

some groups actually do something to root it out which is why you always hear so much about it with them.

the groups about which younever hear it: they cover it up, or they think that kind of behavior is fine by them.

obviously you are a hateful troll looking to start fights and spit in people's faces, acting as if the crime of one is the crime of all.

well, those people are human, you are human. So both of you being human does that make you responsible for the crimes of creeps who do bad things to children?

in your world view it seems to.

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07315e No.21675249

File: f7b60a6f541e4dd⋯.png (250.3 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Just helping anon be the best

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a2f5e1 No.21675250

File: 390629581a11f9d⋯.png (442.53 KB,792x823,792:823,q1.png)

File: 7ae7e0b79c66f75⋯.png (286.27 KB,780x910,6:7,q2.png)

File: d7694a07231b9ef⋯.png (437.09 KB,720x952,90:119,q3.png)

File: 6e7b274f12baf31⋯.png (253.78 KB,772x880,193:220,q4.png)

File: 70e78f6fc732b4d⋯.png (419.88 KB,839x942,839:942,q5.png)

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769436 No.21675251


Try getting a permit to put a cross up.

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57d350 No.21675252

File: dbfe392968f8bbd⋯.png (75.79 KB,245x248,245:248,dbfe392968f8bbd349b13a6166….png)

File: 8436e8947fef541⋯.png (1.43 MB,1024x1024,1:1,dd6346e_01f8_42df_9a32_a05….png)

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7fbac5 No.21675253

File: 4027070dc26235a⋯.png (467.25 KB,680x679,680:679,ClipboardImage.png)


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278635 No.21675254

File: d617911d587ea3b⋯.png (309.97 KB,526x526,1:1,Tim_s_Joints.png)

This party is depressing.

Put away the Tampax lads and spark 'em if you got em.

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a2f5e1 No.21675255

File: 3bf8e52be8cdb70⋯.png (753.77 KB,692x685,692:685,ES1.png)

File: 4ae01e23a86dc90⋯.png (103.72 KB,479x676,479:676,ES2.png)

File: e7dff39e3e8d1a7⋯.png (545.77 KB,681x682,681:682,ES3.png)

File: e40a3f03b9228f4⋯.png (310.46 KB,694x703,694:703,ES4.png)

File: d6ff31a66b08c05⋯.png (43.4 KB,698x606,349:303,ES5.png)

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a292fe No.21675256


why link is green ?

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65c78f No.21675257


h3llo benghazi.2

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8c7acb No.21675258


And yet Pizzagate got you booted & shadow-banned.

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89860d No.21675259


Lol. Not more than DJT

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a2f5e1 No.21675260

File: 56bac0180c018c6⋯.png (496.54 KB,762x912,127:152,ES6.png)

File: 4b13fabe3bc6590⋯.png (69.42 KB,641x844,641:844,ES7.png)

File: f2c03e0daa1e5cd⋯.png (72.5 KB,647x837,647:837,ES8.png)

File: 7665503f38e5c34⋯.png (101.67 KB,645x861,215:287,ES9.png)

File: 2157181b328861f⋯.png (134.47 KB,667x332,667:332,ES10.png)

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278635 No.21675261


eradicated for antisemitism mostly

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ebd972 No.21675262


GTFO and let them suffer the fate of there own people.

Stop killing my people for those fucks.

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17fe40 No.21675263


I would only spit in your face because you're a condescending piece of shit. You won't denounce pedos in the catholic church and make excuses for them. Fuck you.

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65c78f No.21675264





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a2f5e1 No.21675265

File: de9c8a1cfeecbfa⋯.png (345.45 KB,706x472,353:236,ES11.png)

File: 56487f5ca087ffa⋯.png (546.13 KB,788x926,394:463,ES12.png)

File: aaa73ecdbb1f9c2⋯.png (172.7 KB,797x579,797:579,es13.png)

File: b498977a8c73c31⋯.png (605.53 KB,815x580,163:116,ES14.png)

File: 9b7361389088179⋯.png (1.54 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ES15.png)

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e17541 No.21675266

File: d18f9f0881a4aef⋯.png (1.27 MB,1015x569,1015:569,nature_azore_trail.png)


if you're already depressed, a few joints ain't gonna do the trick

try this

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278635 No.21675267


Dasting af. She's getting ahead of a story about to break?

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ca814a No.21675268

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,b24e05385f94621282fd4bc1cf….jpg)

KEK. The mimic revealed himself on another device. It's his need to repetitively post memes that one specific anon would post that reveals his evil intent and failure to fly under the radar and blend in. If you're going to just imitate my mannerisms and meme rotations it makes it even easier to pick you out of the crowd while you desperately do everything you can so one person cannot be recognized.

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65c78f No.21675269




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6b2a05 No.21675270


All wars are (jew) bankers wars.

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7fbac5 No.21675271

File: 485ec6ae3727b0e⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,320x568,40:71,tzX0FzxDWY24d6Dy.mp4)

The Kiffness


"Eating the Cats" live in Prague, Czech Republic tonight 🇨🇿 😻


>still spreading awareness

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a2f5e1 No.21675273

File: 35f12fba8350c64⋯.png (205.87 KB,1021x568,1021:568,T2.png)

File: f63532e155b3319⋯.png (458.91 KB,1074x897,358:299,T3.png)

File: f64910681c20521⋯.png (621.89 KB,1194x939,398:313,T4.png)

File: a6f9547a123b2f6⋯.png (410.38 KB,911x490,911:490,T5.png)

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65c78f No.21675274



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aa3721 No.21675275

File: 346fedaffccc3ce⋯.png (196.49 KB,676x676,1:1,6d820e102b23b13442c3a4729b….png)


That's also an excavator, anon.

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2427b2 No.21675276


The woke left brain has no artistic flair. Their brains are full up with Race, Gender, Climate Change, Corruption, Contradictions and Hate.

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278635 No.21675277

File: d251fed457b1913⋯.png (686.22 KB,1015x633,1015:633,Nikki_Haley_Bombs_Israel_F….png)

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1d56d0 No.21675278



looks like an extra character was entered

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ca814a No.21675279


Silence, AEI.

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a2f5e1 No.21675280

File: d2ee2d2a8bf78eb⋯.png (283.98 KB,617x773,617:773,2a.png)

File: f7ceb6ef699eb2d⋯.png (650 KB,540x789,180:263,2b.png)

File: d387a5b89e3fe16⋯.png (334.01 KB,527x689,527:689,2c.png)

File: d296992504e05bc⋯.png (702.49 KB,607x785,607:785,2d.png)

File: 973cdeffedea684⋯.png (360.44 KB,547x709,547:709,2e.png)

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2691bb No.21675281

File: 975def53ba83e0d⋯.png (559.9 KB,521x679,521:679,975def53ba83e0dd6d3b050378….png)



Not Pepe! He don't skip any day..It's genetic.

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278635 No.21675282


I miss the chan nigger memes

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65c78f No.21675283

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c43458 No.21675284

File: 15132f556655e95⋯.png (342.94 KB,463x678,463:678,ClipboardImage.png)


Love You Baker!

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65c78f No.21675285

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1b2199 No.21675286


RFKJr YouTube



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a2f5e1 No.21675287

File: 9412be8fa201189⋯.png (465.51 KB,896x645,896:645,a.png)

File: cca57a2f49d74a1⋯.png (77.15 KB,732x455,732:455,b.png)

File: 3fb2a3a1e89543b⋯.png (521.53 KB,975x887,975:887,c.png)

File: 37595fbec0aa1fa⋯.png (56.9 KB,788x847,788:847,d.png)

File: 22926555345e01b⋯.png (66.22 KB,785x593,785:593,e.png)

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278635 No.21675288

File: 758ae2e947d9293⋯.jpg (197.15 KB,654x680,327:340,Big_Mike_Scuba_Nuts_Balls_….jpg)

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3b3242 No.21675289


Iraq is Iran. Iran is desperate to stop Israel from annihilating it.

Biden is Carter.

Trump is Reagan.

Iran is in a time slip circling back to net zero.

thee only one not ded yet is the Ayatollah

the trouble maker from the beginning

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a2f5e1 No.21675290

File: 369ca2f3f996f0d⋯.png (411.68 KB,746x558,373:279,1.png)

File: e7ce9bece230321⋯.png (135.2 KB,757x546,757:546,2.png)

File: c8297512aef0647⋯.png (732.69 KB,759x849,253:283,3.png)

File: 39cf17c3694e31e⋯.png (113.54 KB,753x891,251:297,4.png)

File: 22926555345e01b⋯.png (66.22 KB,785x593,785:593,e.png)

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a8b3d2 No.21675291


wilcock makes bad chan

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a11b2b No.21675294

File: b245de76b0438f6⋯.png (809.51 KB,1170x769,1170:769,b245de76b0438f6d03d38bd26e….png)

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3457f9 No.21675295


Now you did it

That question is now to be a drinking game

Just like the one that claimed last night to be a "lurker from the beginning" and asked about the green.

I'll flip a coin to see if it's Wild Turkey or Jack but now the slide is to be put to a better use

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bd26a6 No.21675296

File: 5d98f0a477f342d⋯.jpg (49.06 KB,500x400,5:4,sauce2.jpg)


where's the sauce?

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a166d8 No.21675297


in your world the sin of one applies to all.

so the worst thing that anyone ever did is your sin, in your world view.

and thus you lash out at anyone who wants to do right by The Lord.

your pathetic.

The Lord will forgive you.

what you would do to me is what you would like to do to yourself, as a self-loathing psychopath, you live your life in constant pain.

you shut yourself off from love and build walls around yourself.

you're a dangerous creature and get little or no real interaction with others that isn't you being a dysfunctional creep.

sadly you'll probably end up doing the worst of what you think about doing to other to yourself.

I didn't read past the first three or four words you wrote, but I'm sure it's you trying to project evil towards me.

whatever you project to others like that is what you get back from the powers that be.

sad to be you.

You can repent and turn around, but instead you wish you would just end so you act like a jerk hoping someone will do what you are too scared to do to yourself. I'm not that guy.

good bye.

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2691bb No.21675298

File: 755bb0986faa380⋯.jpg (10.19 KB,255x255,1:1,13e85cb80d22445e21f8d28611….jpg)


No cake for you!

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278635 No.21675299


Imagine the gif

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6b9bcf No.21675300

File: 1a42bf448fd6f58⋯.png (16.03 KB,349x381,349:381,Q88.png)



>>21674678 PB

>>21673044 PB

Just want to point out that today Trump had a post with a missingH(8); and Pence made a post with a pic of8on the football Jersey

Bit of a koinkydink, me thinks.

Q88 maybe?

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345f75 No.21675301

File: 2a1c2838f317dfd⋯.jpeg (452.12 KB,960x540,16:9,E62DCCE1_836E_4720_9563_3….jpeg)

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d6063d No.21675302

File: 59a65ba1791abb1⋯.png (772.37 KB,500x782,250:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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3457f9 No.21675303

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)

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4f2fde No.21675304

File: 2a63e6222adf635⋯.png (1005.05 KB,1080x1905,72:127,Screenshot_20240929_022418.png)

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a292fe No.21675305


oh oh oh u skeer’d de debils here

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01d16b No.21675306


poor bees

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ca814a No.21675307

File: 69d91ef6ea9f86e⋯.jpg (71.69 KB,1024x576,16:9,shawshank3.jpg)

Won't be long until the shills just imitate one anon by the looks of it. They're abandoning their old copypastas and division narratives to whine about censorship, post appeals to emotion, and imitate one anon's posting patterns out of all the anons here.

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a8b3d2 No.21675308


assumptive six ways

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2691bb No.21675309


kek RTR

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81f1fc No.21675311

File: 0d284aef8813375⋯.webp (106.63 KB,712x816,89:102,WBEHRfK_gnMk0uJA4CAcyo_oe….webp)

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07315e No.21675312


True, but It would be rare for a excavator to have stabilizer legs.

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345f75 No.21675313


kek 137 155 lb

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a2f5e1 No.21675314

File: 48bba69e3ed570b⋯.png (35.54 KB,643x437,643:437,1aa866imao1.png)

File: 807345084a1225d⋯.png (136.34 KB,975x473,975:473,1aGlobalDSCoordinationBigP….png)

File: efe03ef42564d48⋯.png (69.2 KB,703x378,703:378,1bHistoryOnceEnvoyAlwaysEn….png)

File: 1be7e0db4cd4a9a⋯.png (497.3 KB,800x532,200:133,1cIG6.png)

File: 1d4d7812aedd270⋯.png (82.38 KB,701x533,701:533,1dMadameSecretaryPortingSu….png)

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a2f5e1 No.21675316

File: e84ce6fe00f1a43⋯.png (59.6 KB,635x673,635:673,2aa866imao2.png)

File: 7750782faa9082d⋯.png (55.29 KB,812x479,812:479,2aHSBCepstienConnectStart.png)

File: aa8e2ed3b3a78cb⋯.png (483.98 KB,594x829,594:829,2big10onmission.png)

File: 6af71565702937e⋯.png (209.08 KB,655x784,655:784,2cIg20.png)

File: abf4706573acd71⋯.png (116.86 KB,469x547,469:547,2dTrafficLSgoodintentions.png)

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1d56d0 No.21675317

File: 1422acbbc17a846⋯.png (529.85 KB,635x478,635:478,1422acbbc17a846623ac8fd6be….png)

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f36b69 No.21675318


You're a pedophile defending freak and a piece of shit who acts like their word is the Lord's word. Condescending catholic pervert fuck.

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3029b7 No.21675319

notables @ 660

#26542 >>21674533

>>21675130 VP JD Vance Holds a Rally in Newtown, Pennsylvania

>>21675110 Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA

>>21674839 A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance to Newtown, PA!

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21675151 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien!

>>21674654 Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674905 Trump Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected

>>21674560, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 Trump Truths

>>21674543 (Tomorrow) President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688, >>21674933 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21674811 Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature?

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674613 Biden-Harris DoJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21675063 Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing / funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674673 Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DoJ

>>21674719 Jimmy Carter turns a century in 3 days

>>21674727, >>21674872 Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court”

>>21674754 Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump, what are you going to do about it?

>>21674854 Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market

>>21674883, >>21674895, >>21674983 Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

>>21674917 Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

>>21675001 Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats

>>21675062 Seruga: Over 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021, and 5 million more on the way

>>21675165 PF: More circular thingys

>>21675174 Hillary Clinton Claims She’s The "Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met"

>>21675214 The US Embassy in Iraq is currently being surrounded by thousands of protestors

>>21675225 STOP IT, ALABAMA!!!😂😂😂

>>21674550, >>21674571, >>21674717, >>21674827, >>21674841, >>21674910, >>21675126, >>21675134, >>21675302 Memes


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2691bb No.21675320


us too!

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81f1fc No.21675321


wheeled excavator with stabilizer legs is the wave of the future

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a2f5e1 No.21675322

File: b2c90d8ca058044⋯.png (3.01 MB,1568x963,1568:963,3aig7.png)

File: c79e7a0cf1df63c⋯.png (646.31 KB,1123x454,1123:454,3bBlessedToTraffic.png)

File: 5db3495e71c7c6f⋯.png (234.13 KB,695x846,695:846,3cAdoptionHaite.png)

File: 7a0ddd61ea20887⋯.png (44.32 KB,655x489,655:489,3cc866imao3.png)

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a292fe No.21675323


d. e. l. e. t. e. d.

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619e4e No.21675324


i agree

there's a giff magician somewhere in the house.

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345f75 No.21675325

File: 1b8b85551a48eba⋯.png (264.05 KB,364x528,91:132,31B27F19_CFF9_48E4_9198_E7….png)

File: 91b3015a35630de⋯.jpeg (183.4 KB,1200x798,200:133,03165125_39CE_45BF_A01C_F….jpeg)

File: 079eac33978c1ea⋯.png (160.68 KB,289x334,289:334,E1ABD2F9_D272_46F4_9AB5_7E….png)


say sugarttits

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6b9bcf No.21675326



Remember that Batman movie, where all the media folks stopped wearing makeup onscreen and looked like hell, cuz "poisons" was being put inside makeup? (People were getting the "GRIN"???)

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c43458 No.21675327

File: 6e7c746cf73d91e⋯.png (129.11 KB,581x675,581:675,squealed.png)


this is a small group Phaggets..not hard to pin down..that the Boys will visit…and learn them some manners

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a166d8 No.21675328

File: 70d37c6dc88b879⋯.jpg (63.87 KB,1146x744,191:124,RICO_Statute.jpg)


I made this meme a little over a year ago.

and youve copied it.

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2b4403 No.21675329


Hope he shit on your bed whorebitch

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a2f5e1 No.21675330

File: fb4121f0b044381⋯.png (74.39 KB,715x436,715:436,4aHatiTakesAvilliageOfDono….png)

File: a9d965092cdf848⋯.png (96.71 KB,710x531,710:531,4bUNenvoyBill09.png)

File: ce6b222ed715e49⋯.png (409.2 KB,723x756,241:252,4cIG2.png)

File: 9cf026d39b3fd22⋯.png (372.99 KB,798x835,798:835,4dIG9.png)

File: a4636a9babe3ef6⋯.png (63.14 KB,725x383,725:383,4eHSBCepstienConnect1.png)

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3457f9 No.21675331


Outriggers are smexy

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07315e No.21675332


Now that I think about it, it's most likely Transitioning

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a2f5e1 No.21675333

File: 36fd3a5119a046d⋯.png (76.95 KB,718x442,359:221,5aGCFwhenThingsGetTooHotCl….png)

File: 82e385d898a24d7⋯.png (138.88 KB,624x381,208:127,5bIG18.png)

File: 97ec7a731c66961⋯.png (340.58 KB,612x668,153:167,5cTrafficerLauraSilsbyNotO….png)

File: c4c6c3362e7fc4f⋯.jpg (101.65 KB,1024x640,8:5,5eig11.jpg)

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c3e83d No.21675334

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c3e83d No.21675335


I meant to compliment you on the meme

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a8b3d2 No.21675336

it needs the approbation.


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50e831 No.21675337


do better

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0d39c0 No.21675338


>let's pray we watch evil be destroyed in real time

starting here:


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a2f5e1 No.21675339

File: 2d2f0780e2491b5⋯.png (27.95 KB,716x190,358:95,6eSuicidedAndFrameTheWifez….png)

File: 6ab458f98fc769b⋯.png (115.67 KB,708x651,236:217,6bSuicidedWitnessDrLorich1.png)

File: 62d7a3b88069099⋯.png (109 KB,716x749,716:749,6cSuicidedWinessLorichFace….png)

File: c90868832159391⋯.png (221.1 KB,685x417,685:417,6dSuicidedWitnessEberwin1.png)

File: 2d2f0780e2491b5⋯.png (27.95 KB,716x190,358:95,6eSuicidedAndFrameTheWifez….png)

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6b2a05 No.21675340


This is what the guy should be thankful for. His car? Pfft

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345f75 No.21675341

File: f0737224d154b04⋯.png (746.94 KB,596x598,298:299,386BD9DA_F9F2_4088_AC66_E9….png)

File: 4a12428c161388c⋯.jpeg (125.62 KB,980x1473,980:1473,F498F6A7_BFB4_4F21_A7B8_8….jpeg)

File: c8e05db8a211273⋯.png (34.5 KB,162x128,81:64,BB843DF1_5156_4A90_B188_A1….png)

File: 3ac67ca8880dcc4⋯.png (3.18 MB,1536x1854,256:309,FB0E54A9_93EB_4463_AF3A_10….png)

File: 313f79e84df30db⋯.webp (105.39 KB,400x620,20:31,779D5F1D_FC9D_492A_9C3B_D….webp)

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a2f5e1 No.21675342

File: efe03ef42564d48⋯.png (69.2 KB,703x378,703:378,7aHistoryOnceEnvoyAlwaysEn….png)

File: 01e8b8a34212d87⋯.png (87.64 KB,833x584,833:584,7bGiustraClintonEpstienBig….png)

File: ba5f283c060decd⋯.png (34.46 KB,603x637,603:637,7cGiustraClintonEpstienBig….png)

File: fc4d61699a657fc⋯.png (49.04 KB,697x329,697:329,7eHSBCepstienConnect3.png)

File: eeb3e1361d2863a⋯.png (63.56 KB,706x427,706:427,7dHSBCepstienConnect2.png)

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a8b3d2 No.21675343


dies screaming upon the pyre of its family

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a2f5e1 No.21675344

File: 2b28ad372d6168c⋯.jpg (170.73 KB,1500x1000,3:2,8a1g.jpg)

File: 2fdc8b430a64812⋯.png (893.08 KB,798x450,133:75,8bScreen_Shot_2019_07_12.png)

File: d37938cdbf71e77⋯.jpg (197.81 KB,1200x667,1200:667,8cig14.jpg)

File: 828b1361a68676d⋯.png (486.06 KB,1328x349,1328:349,8dTheStagingPlatform.png)

File: 7775796e46f98b8⋯.jpg (40.31 KB,640x454,320:227,8eig13.jpg)

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c43458 No.21675345

File: 0eb32f68bf3cad0⋯.png (1.38 MB,816x888,34:37,GrabThePopcorn_1.png)

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2691bb No.21675347

File: 1e9db1657c5c4e0⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,720x912,15:19,1e9db1657c5c4e0df80319c0a3….jpg)

Too early?

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a166d8 No.21675348


this one IP hops and throws eggs at everyone.

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3b3242 No.21675349

File: eb4a7ff899b3264⋯.jpg (69.68 KB,707x881,707:881,Screenshot_20240921_181207….jpg)

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21bfdd No.21675350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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771130 No.21675351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The History of the Tennessee Valley Authority documentary

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a2f5e1 No.21675352

File: 6db95606dfb0a1f⋯.png (126.32 KB,736x772,184:193,9aWeallliveinYellowSubBide….png)

File: 21fabf044e04357⋯.webp (185.76 KB,1456x1031,1456:1031,9bSub1.webp)

File: 39645c747557346⋯.jpeg (86.08 KB,875x875,1:1,9c22ac5fae_fe79_485e_b0b1….jpeg)

File: 159909898923590⋯.png (97.8 KB,836x850,418:425,9d866.png)

File: a1c6da01e0a4391⋯.png (682.89 KB,861x916,861:916,9E.png)

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6b2a05 No.21675353


>was denied service and threatened with arrest at @primantibros

Where's the list of Primanti Bros business's to boycott/blockade/fuck with?

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a8b3d2 No.21675354

File: 7db2e0641146022⋯.jpg (658.23 KB,3992x819,3992:819,20240928_173405.jpg)


the amazing flying hesaboleeze was not war

(you) see.

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a292fe No.21675355

i object to comped b.o. censorsheep.

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368fde No.21675356

File: c0822139ad9cdb8⋯.jpg (161.31 KB,900x541,900:541,ClockFag.jpg)

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368fde No.21675357

File: d1d71effff6ff48⋯.jpg (148.85 KB,1000x1000,1:1,archive_that_shit_nigga.jpg)

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368fde No.21675358

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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368fde No.21675359

File: 8e74bfc0ff0b008⋯.png (772.78 KB,728x500,182:125,Always_enjoy_the_diner.png)

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44b1eb No.21675360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here for a good time

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1b2199 No.21675362

File: c577333609a10b8⋯.jpeg (2.02 MB,1326x2015,102:155,IMG_3562.jpeg)


PDJT also said 5-0!! In his speech today!

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a8b3d2 No.21675363




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cb9c22 No.21675365

Stupid and ridiculous soon to be raped in prison for decades oeci of shit LANGLEY pedo motherfuckers are GONE

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e78ee4 No.21675366


Gender is personality, not sex.

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6b9bcf No.21675367

File: d3bf83a36310f87⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,4032x3024,4:3,GvA_and17attends.JPG)

File: e667f95780fc8fc⋯.png (495.21 KB,842x372,421:186,17jersey.png)





And guess who is attending the big GvA game?

Dogs andCrimson Tide

C comes before D

Think Mirror

Im sure its just a coincidence tho.

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368fde No.21675368

File: a53c9b6c03f7071⋯.png (1.52 MB,612x868,153:217,Screenshot_3325_.png)

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c43458 No.21675369

File: bbf37e7590157cf⋯.png (273.37 KB,500x527,500:527,puromaga.png)



The Elks Lodge is better…got a pool and girls are allowed.

Friken Homos

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368fde No.21675370

File: fe8ccd6ef121b8d⋯.png (1.15 MB,990x405,22:9,capture_082_03122018_18203….png)

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3029b7 No.21675371

notables FINAL

#26542 >>21674533

>>21675130 VP JD Vance Holds a Rally in Newtown, Pennsylvania

>>21675110 Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA

>>21674839 A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance to Newtown, PA!

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21675151 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien!

>>21674654 Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674905 Trump Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected

>>21675362 PDJT also said 5-0 in his speech today

>>21674560, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 Trump Truths

>>21674543 (Tomorrow) President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688, >>21674933 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21674811 Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature?

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674613 Biden-Harris DoJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21675063 Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing / funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674673 Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DoJ

>>21674719 Jimmy Carter turns a century in 3 days

>>21674727, >>21674872 Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court”

>>21674754 Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump, what are you going to do about it?

>>21674854 Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market

>>21674883, >>21674895, >>21674983 Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

>>21674917 Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

>>21675001 Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats

>>21675062 Seruga: Over 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021, and 5 million more on the way

>>21675165 PF: More circular thingys

>>21675174 Hillary Clinton Claims She’s The "Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met"

>>21675214 The US Embassy in Iraq is currently being surrounded by thousands of protestors

>>21675225 STOP IT, ALABAMA!!!😂😂😂

>>21674550, >>21674571, >>21674717, >>21674827, >>21674841, >>21674910, >>21675126, >>21675134, >>21675302 Memes


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a166d8 No.21675373


the 'you didn't do anything and don't support it but if you don't cry baby about it you are worst than the worst' psyop continues.

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a2f5e1 No.21675375

File: 856b3810896e3ae⋯.png (191.94 KB,944x295,16:5,2c.png)

File: c4e5b9967ed4544⋯.jpg (36.64 KB,377x367,377:367,1c.jpg)

File: 7bb6a5391538c92⋯.png (272.25 KB,793x282,793:282,1b.png)

File: d937a874b67fb38⋯.png (171.84 KB,362x892,181:446,6c.png)

File: a5d07f0d58a6193⋯.png (14.06 KB,635x138,635:138,6b.png)

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368fde No.21675376

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB,500x332,125:83,_Anonymous_You_Just_now878….gif)

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368fde No.21675377

File: 51d1577c04bdc61⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,604x340,151:85,_Anonymous_You_Just_now87….jpeg)

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e24063 No.21675381


Taylor Swift can't cook a sammich.

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c43458 No.21675382


this buried before…couldnt find any reference to her sub pilot a couple months ago

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368fde No.21675387

File: 43de0d1cebe2bd2⋯.jpg (572.28 KB,1000x1616,125:202,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_c4….jpg)

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368fde No.21675388

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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368fde No.21675391

File: 2c7f412c7091e85⋯.png (160.99 KB,548x100,137:25,capture_484_29122023_19502….png)

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3029b7 No.21675393

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c43458 No.21675394


quit being nosey…mind your biz…but if you gotta look…be quiet….or take a picture it last longer

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44b1eb No.21675395


Tell my chickens that daddio

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5a6f5e No.21675396


Wow. I want to go there.

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368fde No.21675397

File: c4a5b210c01d601⋯.jpg (98.63 KB,800x473,800:473,1510824920907.jpg)

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368fde No.21675398

File: 62f7342e4c6be14⋯.png (129.95 KB,486x91,486:91,OODA.png)

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345f75 No.21675399

File: fc02135dea80c08⋯.jpeg (142.9 KB,500x700,5:7,FB62C8EE_7660_4916_AECE_1….jpeg)

File: e809c87eeb70e9f⋯.jpeg (673.83 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,43FAA614_15A2_4118_9B06_7….jpeg)

File: b50b34937f7d141⋯.jpeg (16.67 KB,255x168,85:56,A4961D4F_A7C3_4A1A_915C_6….jpeg)

File: 82e84a8d8ceb126⋯.jpeg (31.94 KB,255x185,51:37,CB7A60DF_AFB1_4403_911E_1….jpeg)


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a292fe No.21675403

Bad bread.

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368fde No.21675404

File: a5d709f7a996c45⋯.png (2.5 MB,950x919,950:919,capture_027_13092023_19521….png)

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6b9bcf No.21675405


I never use self checkout.

If figure if I have to pay their outrageous prices, they can have someone else do the work to ring up my purchases. And bag it.

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3457f9 No.21675407

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


Having trouble making up your mind?

Which is it "operator?"

Going with the "muh deletions" or the religious thing?

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368fde No.21675409

File: cbad9e9e3dc40de⋯.png (619.11 KB,680x680,1:1,_Anonymous_4_minutes_ago_6….png)

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a2f5e1 No.21675410

File: 9417ff9e57ba8d4⋯.png (115.36 KB,842x608,421:304,ES1110.png)

File: 561cab098dcd2ce⋯.png (413.28 KB,812x935,812:935,ES1111.png)

File: 20d64dfee1aacbe⋯.png (204.71 KB,1741x680,1741:680,ES1112.png)

File: 8bc29f10b63dcd8⋯.png (39.21 KB,546x845,42:65,ES1113.png)

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6479e6 No.21675412

File: 97b8020a501024d⋯.gif (2.32 MB,465x465,1:1,20240928_174311.gif)

if (you) think whining over the failure that is [you] onchan is cool

then (you) should kill your self too.

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368fde No.21675416

File: 4fff06a032a4749⋯.png (429.64 KB,460x318,230:159,comfy.png)

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a2f5e1 No.21675417

File: c5cdd3eb4be9b05⋯.png (618.88 KB,766x913,766:913,GlorytoGodintheHighest.png)

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368fde No.21675418

File: 5e61eeac40ffd01⋯.png (72.83 KB,387x64,387:64,_o7_.png)

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368fde No.21675421

File: b54382255034645⋯.png (89.73 KB,407x75,407:75,BD_44.png)

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e6920c No.21675422

Apologies for being too stupid for words.

I want this to work.

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368fde No.21675423

File: 8a544e4fac4d317⋯.png (485.98 KB,446x371,446:371,capture_459_21082023_08563….png)

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9db062 No.21675424


>If you don't object to the deletes here, you are consenting to them.

Thats totally fine.

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e78ee4 No.21675425



It's like paying hundreds of dollars a month for your own brainwashing through Cable/Satellite TV.

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368fde No.21675427

File: 807ad8c7d57e1aa⋯.png (711.17 KB,585x414,65:46,capture_023_25092022_12052….png)

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368fde No.21675428

File: 2827b60eda41fd4⋯.jpg (149.48 KB,567x644,81:92,_Anonymous_Just_now_72a945.jpg)

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c43458 No.21675430

File: dd5791c7f2b9abe⋯.jpg (51.25 KB,700x700,1:1,otay_sfo_prints.jpg)

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368fde No.21675432

File: 5e3e2fd32126e10⋯.png (382.82 KB,361x361,1:1,3_2_1.png)

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368fde No.21675433

File: f687336eaa0e2ae⋯.jpg (275.99 KB,820x593,820:593,capture_1453_23012023_1124….jpg)

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3457f9 No.21675435


You've been spewing that for months

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368fde No.21675437

File: 637c29e436972b5⋯.png (301.13 KB,512x512,1:1,CHOPPAS_44.png)

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e6920c No.21675469


Well anons are fed up. We know how to filter. There is plenty of bread to go around.

Keep deleing without transparency, and you are going to force a change.

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3457f9 No.21675475


You IP hopped just to say that?

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e6920c No.21675483


I am not that person. I am just worthless anon.

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863e8d No.21675491

File: ddda324f0e75681⋯.png (325.99 KB,770x425,154:85,nightshift_door1.png)


We're just getting started, Jan 21st. 2025./



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f82919 No.21675492



Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

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e6920c No.21675495


I want nothing more than to eliminate the evil from this world so that it may flourish.

I am sorry I am too stupid to help in any practical way. Spend too much time here trying to figure it all out. Deletions don't help.

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3457f9 No.21675511



totally believable

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863e8d No.21675514

If you read the Kabaalah, you will see their philosophy.//

This is not our philosophy.//


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3457f9 No.21675524

File: b1f855da732c69d⋯.jpeg (9.45 KB,255x143,255:143,b1f855da732c69da0dae9c822….jpeg)

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3457f9 No.21675547

File: d9cab047991f4e4⋯.jpg (15.49 KB,250x250,1:1,d9cab047991f4e479d1b1e5f2a….jpg)

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