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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

1fb803 No.21673739 [Last50 Posts]

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1fb803 No.21673742

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26540 >>21672850


>>21673366, >>21673410, >>21673644 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21672856 Only 37 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21672863, >>21673126, >>21673139 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672884, >>21672942 @Roseanne Blood Guts and the Shadow Governemnt

>>21672908 What the hell is a “perfect wife guy?” 🤔 Abortion and Football that's what

>>21672932, >>21673025, >>21673487, >>21673603, >>21673606, >>21673702 They fund their enemies, to justify what they do

>>21672978, >>21673004 RFK Jr. is up against a well organized, powerful and ruthless killing machine

>>21672979, >>21673016, >>21673094, >>21673124, >>21673182, >>21673321, >>21673387, >>21673400, >>21673588 NASA Space Related

>>21672991, >>21672999, >>21673595, >>21673613 Stupid is as Stupid does for Kamala

>>21673003, >>21673285 KAMALA makes false claims about Trump’s record on manufacturing jobs and steals his ideas

>>21673017, >>21673680 Ongoing Election Interference

>>21673062, >>21673067, >>21673448 TRUMP TRUTHS Border Czar

>>21673077 Flood waters in Biltmore Village next to Biltmore Estates, VANDERBILT [pool]

>>21673146, >>21673276, >>21673694 Hurricane Helene Aftermath

>>21673313 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Campaigns in Monroeville, Pennsylvania

>>21673326 Fani Willis' "Loverboy" Nathan Wade Gets A Reality Check As U.S. Marshals End Weeklong Manhunt

>>21673394 Biden admin slammed for misusing Strategic Petroleum Reserve

>>21673473 Pelosis have been caught in an insider trading scandal involving Visa

>>21673479 Biden should be 'court-martialed' for what he's doing with Iran with Mark Levine

>>21673494 Today in Q Post History we have 21 Deltas

>>21673521 Abortion Business Sues Pregnancy Health Center – for Stealing Its Customers

>>21673556 The National Science Foundation is the main funding artery for most of the censorship ecosystem in the United States

>>21673591 CNN compared Trump to Nazis then says Melania should 'take back' 'dangerous accusation' MSM 'fueling' political violence

>>21673597 Update on Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne becoming another J6 Political Prisoner

>>21673642 Texas Law Firm Is Representing Over 50 New Alleged Victims of Diddy, men woman and minors

>>21673732 #26540

#26539 >>21672095

>>21672779, >>21672787 12:30 PM EDT President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21672250, >>21672262, >>21672705, >>21672746, >>21672750, >>21672755, >>21672758 PF updates

>>21672100, >>21672121 link between Sec'y Mayorkas & Ryan Routh? Soo Kim is affiliated with NATO'S @SAISStrat

>>21672132, >>21672138, >>21672497, >>21672378 @DanScavino GOOD MORNING. LFG!!!!! #TRUMP2024

>>21672141, >>21672407, >>21672411 Earlier this morning, an Iranian 747 Cargo Plane with Fars Air Qeshm, an Airline affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was forced to Divert over Iraqi Airspace and head back to Tehran while enroute to Beirut

>>21672149, >>21672201, >>21672195, >>21672205, >>21672214, >>21672275, >>21672278 @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris, who allowed almost 14,000 MURDERERS to freely and openly roam our Country, is now making a Speech in Douglas, Arizona, trying to say she did an OK job with the Border…

>>21672151 Gutfeld: Anyone who defends illegal criminals crossing the border is 'complicit'

>>21672174, >>21672181, >>21672305, >>21672390, >>21672401, >>21672415, >>21672419, >>21672782 Now Official: Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed by airstrike in Beirut: IDF

>>21672179 Democrat Senator Ron Wydenof Oregon Pushes Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

>>21672183 ‘Pennies on the dollar’: Tuscaloosa businessman buys truckloads of border wall sold by Biden-Harris Administration

>>21672192, >>21672197, >>21672197, >>21672321 Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson hospitalized after 'incident' at campaign event/burns

>>21672198 'Defy human decency': Border agents rescue drugged, smuggled children

>>21672209, >>21672571 Kenyan Born??? Intel lies to Americans?? So it ain't so

>>21672220 Texas Sues U.S. Health and Human Services Over Rule Labeling 'Gender Dysphoria' As Protected Disability

>>21672222, >>21672224, >>21672226 US Port Problems

>>21672244 37 Days to WINNING

>>21672359 Scamala vid

>>21672412 ICYMI: Facebook created a secret gov’t portal for CDC employees to flag and censor free speech on “Covid & Vaccine Misinformation.”

>>21672433 @MELANIATRUMP phone pic

>>21672475 FULL SPEECH: President Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in New York - 9/26/24

>>21672505 Will you be chosen for euthanasia?

>>21672522 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672598, >>21672814 Roseanne talks with Tucker Carlson about the baby bIood drinking cuIt./Nicole Shanahan

>>21672611 Bannon from Prison: 'Victory Is at Hand', Bannon is slated to be released from prison on Oct. 29, a week before the election

>>21672637 Heritage Foundation: Project 2025 Director Dans Was Fired/story change optics?

>>21672677 Prayers Answered! Thanks to all who responded.

>>21672681 #AnonNews Feed

>>21672708 Kamala Harris Caught Hiring Actors To Pretend To Be Ex Donald Trump Supporters For Her Campaign Ad

>>21672778 SpaceX and NASA are targeting no earlier than Saturday, September 28 for Falcon 9’s launch of Dragon’s ninth operational human spaceflight mission (Crew-9) to the International Space Station from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The instantaneous launch is at 1:17 p.m. ET

>>21672819 FULL SPEECH: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672824 WATCH: Trump Discusses Plan to Lower Taxes for Businesses That Do This - 9/27/24

>>21672829 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672835 FULL SPEECH: Mike Rogers Speaks at Trump Event in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672837 FULL SPEECH: Boudewijn Haase Speaks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21672840 Today is National Hunting and Fishing Day, Hunting, Fishing, and Loving Every Day!

>>21672842 #26539

#26538 >>21671123

>>21671589, >>21671592, >>21671602, >>21671605 Archive: DJT's first speech in Walker, Michigan

>>21671565 Archive: RFK Jr speaks at Michigan Trump rally

>>21671569 Archive: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21671572 Archive: Kamala Harris visits southern border first time as Dem presidential nominee

>>21671249, >>21671379, >>21671684 Scavino's Armor of God

>>21671305 Exhibit A: Stephen Colbert

>>21671322 Matt Wallace: I have obtained photos of satanic rituals being performed at Diddy parties

>>21671464 A break-down of the Marxist meaning of "to be unburdened by what has been"

>>21671542 Tupac's daughter talks about her being trafficked to a Diddy party

>>21671631 Scavino

>>21671671 U.S. fines Air Canada over flights over prohibited Iraqi airspace

>>21671363 Memes

>>21671688 @elonmusk The “secure our borders” bill would have done the exact opposite

>>21671694 This Man is a LEGEND: US Veteran Confronts Arizona Assembly Shutting Down Free Speech

>>21671721 @elonmusk Hop in, we’re going to Mars!

>>21671795, >>21671988 NC gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson hospitalized following 'incident' at campaign event

>>21671934, >>21671935 Diddy lied? SMH CRAIG MACK'S FACE SAYS IT ALL!

>>21671944 FOX NEWS ALERT: Ice just crashed @KamalaHarris’ border photo op with cold hard truths

>>21672004 Michigan creates tip line for kids to anonymously turn in parents for ‘improperly’ stored guns.

>>21672028 Something Wild Just Happened at the CERN Particle Accelerator

>>21672086 #26538

Previously Collected

>>21669521 #26535, >>21670290 #26536, >>21671109 #26537

>>21666844 #26532, >>21667748 #26533, >>21668645 #26534

>>21664123 #26529, >>21665035 #26530, >>21665893 #26531

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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1fb803 No.21673754

File: 7f6f5082c727419⋯.png (4.85 MB,2560x2560,1:1,7f6f5082c727419239d8868d17….png)

File: ad28373dbcc58cb⋯.jpg (4.72 MB,2600x2600,1:1,ad28373dbcc58cb2d8c9bcc07b….jpg)



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d61420 No.21673764


pull my finger

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f2a3af No.21673765

File: 44d5c6f96be8ded⋯.jpg (137.46 KB,666x709,666:709,1000001753.jpg)


Thank you.

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4618a4 No.21673766

File: 44228324c8cdf15⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB,640x480,4:3,Simpsons_2025_Superbowl_LI….mp4)

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6259f7 No.21673767

File: c5ee0aece44bd17⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,486x270,9:5,c5ee0aece44bd17e92deff3708….mp4)

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5ae5c1 No.21673768

File: f2a7871ef338d3d⋯.png (319.41 KB,814x707,814:707,f2a7871ef338d3d91eeded09b8….png)


thank you baker

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0d14de No.21673769

File: 79e0e81c717c7b7⋯.png (1.54 MB,1003x948,1003:948,rodin_shitpost.png)

>>21673552 (lb)

Me three.

Back when 8bit was BO, I was an active poster and baker, since he handed the reins to slackjack and that idiot OSS and then those idiots lost it to those fucking morons of the baker crew, I have no further motivation other than shitpost.

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5356d4 No.21673771

>> 21673720 Lb

I’m serious. Gary is funny. Anytime he’s used he says, “It’s Miller Time” then he gets after it.

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00cfb8 No.21673772

File: 9dd896a77aca319⋯.png (246.88 KB,446x399,446:399,td.PNG)


Noor Bin Ladin: Globalists Want To Take Down The American Way Of Life

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9a41fa No.21673773

File: 856453a8d028a84⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,320x320,1:1,js7OJVU_O3X8LJs1.mp4)

il Donaldo Trumpo




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074241 No.21673774

File: 6e37a3c2964ce19⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,506x360,253:180,what_can_be_unburdened_by_….mp4)

File: c53dd56138974f0⋯.png (522.36 KB,680x513,680:513,c53dd56138974f09877c8af346….png)

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93d6cf No.21673775

File: 732c223a5060d5b⋯.jpeg (521.91 KB,894x1855,894:1855,2D923DF5_27DC_4F5E_9DE5_C….jpeg)

File: dde97940fc78a11⋯.png (1.79 MB,750x1334,375:667,89F9220C_A9A4_4F27_9037_FF….png)

File: 9b2dcd1bab315e0⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,94E74437_D061_4E6B_9CBA_F2….png)

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001dc9 No.21673776

File: a7d1bf9cb6271fc⋯.png (585.2 KB,438x550,219:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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c99dce No.21673777

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)


And my next song is called


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d61420 No.21673778

File: 16b459a1809f824⋯.webm (2.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,NUKE_BOMB.webm)


"A Storm Is Coming?"

What if everything is a lie?

What if we are all being fooled?

Nothing is as it seems…

Spooky Noises Go Here

I'd rather be Vaporized than live without Freedom!

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93d6cf No.21673779

File: 520f7746da2d2fc⋯.png (646.45 KB,750x1334,375:667,0A6C7661_3193_4763_AA5F_49….png)

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c9847c No.21673780

File: 792df034753ab29⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,750x500,3:2,tue4567fgh.jpg)

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d3adb9 No.21673781

File: 4a7424b24ab5c9b⋯.png (2.1 MB,1442x916,721:458,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e7b9937898ee2a⋯.png (829.57 KB,1623x394,1623:394,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 912d1f134aefd7b⋯.png (13.76 KB,1199x241,1199:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20642433f295aa6⋯.png (162.62 KB,700x938,50:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Jeffery Epstein.

P. Diddy.

Hugh Hefner. Does Hugh return to the news?


Trump Watch, post #200.

You can see for yourself.


Hugh Hefner was certainly recording.

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8c5b1f No.21673782

Report: At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

Forty-seven people reportedly died as Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc across the southeastern portion of the United States.

Authorities fear the death toll will rise in the coming days as cleanup continues following the storm, which was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone on Friday, Reuters reported Saturday, noting that several states endured heavy rains and flooding.

The outlet said:

At least 3.25 million customers woke up early on Saturday without power across five states, with authorities warning it could be several days before services were fully restored. The worst outages were in South Carolina with more than 1 million homes and businesses without power, and Georgia with 777,000 without power.

Residents in North Carolina experienced major rainfall: 29.6 inches at Busick and 24.2 inches at Mount Mitchell, USA Today reported on Saturday.

“Helene made landfall at about 11:10 p.m. ET Thursday near Perry, Florida, becoming the first known Category 4 storm to hit Florida’s Big Bend region since records began in 1851,” the article reported.


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7f7a96 No.21673783

File: 2492ce4aeb0520b⋯.png (1.9 MB,830x1097,830:1097,Sep_28_Test.png)

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8b4f92 No.21673784

File: d11f68a9b3f5cb5⋯.png (19.17 KB,856x222,428:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1f739 No.21673785

File: ad2434ace6608a3⋯.jpg (587.17 KB,1437x2504,1437:2504,Screenshot_20240928_132408….jpg)


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00cfb8 No.21673786

File: 8540ac4f383f115⋯.png (447.47 KB,593x904,593:904,rose.PNG)


Roseanne Barr


MSM in 1995-

“Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island in unhinged rant”

MSM In 2015:

“Roseanne Barr claims Hollywood elites are involved in sex trafficking in unhinged rant”

All they do make my “I told you so” that much more epic!

Thanks guys:)


Last edited

4:03 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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17e35e No.21673787

4 HOURS AGO RAHEEM J. KASSAM REVEALED:Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers.

Victoria (Tori) Verber Salazar, one of the introductory speakers at Kamala Harris’s border event in Arizona on Friday night, is a former California District Attorney who was ousted by voters after a tenure of failure. In 2022, Verber Salazar was rebuked by dozens of local attorneys in her own office in San Joaquin County, who declared they had “no confidence in their boss, DA Tori Verber Salazar, to effectively manage prosecutions.”

She lost a re-election bid just two months later.

The National Pulse can also reveal that VerberSalazar, who described herself as a Republican while introducing Harris in Douglas, Arizona, on Friday afternoon, has been a Harris donor since at least 2016, contributing to her Senate election fund. She was also anactive participant in the nationwide, often violent Black Lives Matter protestsin the summer of 2020. There is no evidence of her contributing to any Republican candidates.


First elected in 2014 and re-elected uncontested in 2018, Verber Salazar became synonymous with a soft-touch approach to crime in Stockton, California.

Her own rap sheet of failure includes a plea deal with businessman Lyle Burgess, who sexually assaulted a 5-year-old. Burgess pleaded no contest to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, but Salazar and her team let him off easy, with just 90 days in jail and five years of probation. Stunningly, Burgess was not required to register as a sex offender thanks to the plea deal.

Another example is that of Tyrone McAllister, who robbed and beat a man but took a plea deal with Salazar that saw him serve just six months in jail. Two months after his release, McAllister was charged with shooting a man in Oakland, California.

Salazar’s soft touch approach is also believed to have been responsible for the murder of an infant by its own father during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Linked with far-left national political organizations, Salazar is believed to have adopted theSoros-funded Brennan Center’s 21 Principles as “a blueprint for elected prosecutors seeking to move away from past, incarceration-based approaches.”

The principles include seeking “diversion” (no incarceration) for serious felonies, supporting legislation to reduce sentence lengths, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, and more far-left criminal justice reforms.

In 2021, the Stockton Police Association President,Chuck Harris, described Salazar as having “pro-criminal alliances,” adding: “A vote of no confidence is usually given by those who work directly for a specific individual they’ve lost confidence in. We will leave that vote to those directly affected by District Attorney Verber Salazar’s decisions and behavior.

“However, based on District Attorney Verber Salazar’s recent pro-criminal alliances, the SPOA is not confident that District Attorney Verber Salazar has victim rights in mind any longer.”


At the beginning of 2024,Salazar and her now-evacuated office were the subject of a fraud probe that continues to this day.

“Today, District Attorney Ron Freitas alerted the California Department of Insurance and the Office of the California Attorney General tothe findings of potential fraud uncovered in the handling of the Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Program dating back to 2017under the prior District Attorney’s Administration,” a statementfrom May 2024 reads.

That Harris and her campaign team would place Salazar at the forefront of their campaign with just 35 days to go is likely indicative of their own approach to crime should Harris accede to the Oval Office.


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93d6cf No.21673788

File: 2c1b4ad08838085⋯.jpeg (60.7 KB,780x688,195:172,00B01052_CFF2_4326_8915_1….jpeg)

File: fe43febf7dbbeab⋯.jpeg (15.71 KB,310x163,310:163,490B51E7_D523_4721_AA2A_9….jpeg)

File: 3c2a55054016f28⋯.png (2.5 MB,1902x1371,634:457,5FA5BA00_699C_4F5C_B780_5C….png)

File: 4a83f54a8d428d1⋯.gif (636.91 KB,500x289,500:289,366D1E29_F07B_4E8B_8AE8_5C….gif)

File: cee81da6e8ae6d7⋯.png (459.77 KB,690x2054,345:1027,4B54EA08_9BDC_4266_9399_C2….png)

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813469 No.21673789

File: c87fa17beacc1c9⋯.jpg (65 KB,640x799,640:799,KAMALAidk.jpg)

File: 621e2bd05b8b5d7⋯.png (369 KB,895x647,895:647,harris.png)

File: 0298eaaf7ea26d6⋯.png (387.22 KB,853x624,853:624,HARRISmoney.png)

File: df6b37accb0d8b3⋯.png (311 KB,616x639,616:639,harris2.png)

File: 5c70a2753872694⋯.png (287.5 KB,627x636,209:212,harris3.png)


How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

Kamala Harris unveils $1 billion for African women’s empowerment


Kamala Harris unveils nearly $1B aid for Central America amid migration crisis


Vice President Kamala Harris Announces Over $1.5 Billion to Bolster Ukraine’s Energy Sector, Address Humanitarian Needs, and Strengthen Civilian Securityhttps://>https://www.reuters.com/world/us-vp-announces-15-billion-aid-ukraine-peace-summit-switzerland-2024-06-15/

Going Out of Business Sale? DNC Reduces Price of Photo with Kamala Harris from $15,000 to $5,000


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1fb803 No.21673790

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin 9/28/2024

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4618a4 No.21673791

File: 782da371ddfa5a1⋯.png (244.95 KB,986x438,493:219,AI_butler_groundhog_day.png)

File: c8c53bbfe5b5a50⋯.png (372.41 KB,756x690,126:115,houston_weather_manipulati….png)

File: 5cc78cab90451f2⋯.png (830.67 KB,1010x612,505:306,houston_weather_manipulati….png)

File: 38f2d0ef9dc06df⋯.png (1.75 MB,1318x834,659:417,houston_weather_manipulati….png)

File: c8335c5d2485b2f⋯.png (476.75 KB,947x570,947:570,houston_weather_manipulati….png)


really very good

would play on the radio

unusually good

whoever made this, if it's not already their main job, they should be hired to do this full time.

They're good

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476dd3 No.21673792

Thanks for posting, Patriot!


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d61420 No.21673793

File: a2e7be1842485d4⋯.png (248.92 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)


Justin casethere is any question


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f1d7f0 No.21673794

File: ad12875807b106a⋯.jpg (308.68 KB,999x999,1:1,1727539553107158.jpg)

Thanks baker

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4618a4 No.21673795

File: 1cef30696f2a670⋯.jpg (133.29 KB,1024x502,512:251,trump_with_gunning_armed_p….jpg)

File: 72ee0636a335b16⋯.png (1013.7 KB,960x960,1:1,the_elite_with_the_rip_fac….png)

File: 0b7902f8ccdcc7e⋯.png (769.95 KB,886x725,886:725,Biden_s_Secretary_of_Comme….png)

File: d08128e36c306d1⋯.png (43.2 KB,931x524,931:524,bret_baier_fox_news_faggot.png)


> 47 Dead

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6fa8c3 No.21673796

File: e2bcf2789a8a947⋯.png (855.19 KB,728x692,182:173,37_days_to_winning.png)


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170f5b No.21673797

File: 25480a61da010b0⋯.mp4 (169.24 KB,320x498,160:249,d088f3fbeaa07904.mp4)

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921ca6 No.21673798


Drones dropping acid on cocky frogs.

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c99dce No.21673799

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)


And my next song is called

GBY also Q Post Anon

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07b940 No.21673800

Listen to your feelings versus what the ego mind drives you to do. It is about learning to discern with greater observation (at a deeper level) about what is right for you.

When you choose to move from a place of love, in essence, you are creating an energy, a synergy between you and all other Beings that essentially catapults the collective into a higher way of being.

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4618a4 No.21673801


that's likely a quote from his technocracy "technotronic" book

if so, the conclusion is likely that the control part is going to get a lot easier

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93d6cf No.21673802

File: 9031e7e0d38f96e⋯.png (1.05 MB,750x1334,375:667,228A34C8_9038_4908_AE00_9D….png)

File: 355a599d49bd7e1⋯.png (74.52 KB,690x1032,115:172,EAEE1897_F551_4D80_9A99_43….png)

File: 00e8f611d255c57⋯.png (53.91 KB,690x542,345:271,A591EA4E_0962_4C0A_B409_65….png)

File: eb3341e08b91236⋯.png (393.81 KB,690x3472,345:1736,046058B9_A514_453C_85F3_58….png)

File: 28b27ec1898a9f1⋯.png (128.29 KB,1280x1280,1:1,3F92197A_80EE_4D62_A1FF_08….png)

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3e2bbd No.21673803

File: b6b8a2ed4b36a93⋯.jpeg (160.44 KB,1135x586,1135:586,IMG_3761.jpeg)


It makes you wonder is every person appointed or aligned with Kamala and Joe are criminals of some sort. We see it with everyone Joe appointed and his staff

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1270fa No.21673804

File: fac78861cb816f2⋯.jpeg (67.66 KB,577x212,577:212,IMG_6337.jpeg)


Thanks baker

Can anyone confirm if this was real back in the day? As in saw it with their own eyes? Or any proof from wayback machine?

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8281e1 No.21673805

File: 08343a9bd55a7fb⋯.jpg (197.64 KB,572x381,572:381,Xnip2024_09_25_18_53_21.jpg)

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8c5b1f No.21673806

File: 175e0212f0c422e⋯.png (412.99 KB,750x375,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Cooper, Stein Expand Male “Transgender” Access Into North Carolina’s Girls’ Locker Rooms

NC Republicans consider joining Biden, Cooper by rescinding endorsements of Mark Robinson for Governor.

Roy Cooper and Josh Stein have opted to follow Joe Biden’s Executive Order to allow males identifying as female to gain access to girls’ bathrooms.

Stein’s and Cooper’s decision to implement Biden’s expand sex-based discrimination definitions to include gender identity and sexual orientation provide an end-run around legislation that would prevent boys from using girls’ bathrooms.

North Carolina Democrats’ adoption of Biden’s interpretation opens girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms in schools to males who claim to be females.


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7c0e03 No.21673807

That is a man >>21673789

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c99dce No.21673808

File: ec1344d522b06a1⋯.png (10.98 KB,253x255,253:255,7a0002828afc98228d82e06081….png)


But Anons are always winning, fam

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9a41fa No.21673809

File: 45874fc87df3e6a⋯.png (300.06 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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00cfb8 No.21673810

File: c000cfae4d75952⋯.png (242.09 KB,442x517,442:517,eb.PNG)


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Prairie du Chien, WI


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6259f7 No.21673812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On Top of the Grid

I ordered a mission, a snatch-and-grab tonight

Gathering intel, on enemy ops shine a light

Our Pepe researchers, are on the case

With dedicated cyber, in our pace

We’re on top of the grid, with signals in sight

Track enemy comms, day and endless night

Our sauce is data-rich, a tangled web we weave

Unraveling secrets, our intel’s what we need

From Qresearch HQ, we deploy our teams

Regimental Special Troops, diggers expertise beams

Recon surveil, and cyber ops too

Our Pepe's Intelligence, makes me want to reeeeeeeee

We’re on top of the grid, with signals in sight

Track enemy comms, day and endless night

Our sauce is data-rich, a tangled web we weave

Unraveling secrets, our intel’s what we need

Pepe memesters, marksmen true

Practiced dank skillz, their aim is anew

In the United States night, they took their stand

Against globohomo, with precision in hand

Our Qresearch Recon, is on the move

Linking up with all units, the plans do improve

From Hollyweird Theater, to DC as well

Our Pepe's Qarmy, the ride never ends

We’re on top of the grid, with signals in sight

Track enemy comms, day and endless night

Our sauce is data-rich, a tangled web we weave

Unraveling secrets, our intel’s what we need

Our Qresearch Intel, the backbone is strong

Unraveling the web, our intel’s where we belong

On top of the grid, we’ll stay and thrive

With sauce data-rich, our secrets alive.


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57336f No.21673813

File: 69586ceb78a4b28⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Power_to_the_People_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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07b940 No.21673814

It is Ashtar, and it’s such an honor to know that you’ve recognized and felt my presence. There are many Beings that are lining up to share and iterate messages that speak to all of you.

What we simply wish for you to know is to sit tight, hang tight, for the energies are going to be wild. They have already been wild for some time. Keep in mind the backdrop of incoming energies are here to help humanity release what they need to release. Those that resist releasing may experience some of these deeper lows, and those who have already been doing their work, those who in the very least listen to their heart and to pay closer attention to their emotions will find that they will better navigate these highs and lows.

The ambient energies (and those of the collective) will also be felt, so remember to keep your ‘light shields’ strong. Ask that the information that you need to know can permeate those shields while still keeping your own energy intact while connected to the collective to assist the collective without shouldering these energies… for it will be intense.

An Energetic Alignment Will Unfold

We simply wish for you to know, as we are showing Kate, there is a beautiful alignment. There have been a series of celestial alignments. But there is an alignment of a different sort. It is more of an energetic alignment, and it is an alignment where Earth is in many ways coming into a fuller and clearer (or more unobstructed) view with the galactic center. As a result of this, the incoming energies do not need to pass through any other celestial body. There is no circumventing involved. It is in many ways a direct hit. And as a result, this is what will create a wild ride.

But remember that even the wildest rides always end up in a level of re-stabilization, and this will be a re-stabilization that will look and feel different for everyone. Nonetheless, it is exactly where each individual needs to be. Nonetheless, for the vast majority of those who will not resist these energies, there will be a leveling up, an energetic upgrade. And how individuals move into this upgrade is largely up to them and how much support they are open to receiving, how much they tune into their own feelings, their own needs, how much they heed their own internal compass to do what is right for them.

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8c5b1f No.21673815

File: 3bf85c2d6a350eb⋯.png (104.29 KB,769x626,769:626,ClipboardImage.png)

REVEALED: Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers.

Victoria (Tori) Verber Salazar, one of the introductory speakers at Kamala Harris’s border event in Arizona on Friday night, is a former California District Attorney who was ousted by voters after a tenure of failure. In 2022, Verber Salazar was rebuked by dozens of local attorneys in her own office in San Joaquin County, who declared they had “no confidence in their boss, DA Tori Verber Salazar, to effectively manage prosecutions.”

The National Pulse can also reveal that Verber Salazar, who described herself as a Republican while introducing Harris in Douglas, Arizona, on Friday afternoon, has been a Harris donor since at least 2016, contributing to her Senate election fund. She was also an active participant in the nationwide, often violent Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020. There is no evidence of her contributing to any Republican candidates.


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4618a4 No.21673816


>Roy Cooper and Josh Stein

wait the name "cooperstein" was in the news yesterday

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2c8976 No.21673817



having connectivity issues… will continue to monitor

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e2102f No.21673818


Eat a dick, Asstar.

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476dd3 No.21673819

File: f69e049d7eca88a⋯.png (1.52 MB,1774x1434,887:717,Vote_for_Grandpa_.png)

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476dd3 No.21673820

File: 5bb374bbc9a7dee⋯.jpeg (141.91 KB,861x1193,861:1193,Trump_s_grandkids.jpeg)

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8c5b1f No.21673821

File: 02b6689553f3cd9⋯.png (1022.06 KB,790x560,79:56,ClipboardImage.png)

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c99dce No.21673822

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


Ashtar is a psyop copy pasta faggot nigger

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476dd3 No.21673823

File: 3124df8e11a485a⋯.jpeg (66.87 KB,582x680,291:340,Sometimes_the_most_powerf….jpeg)

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00cfb8 No.21673824

File: 49788f70739604c⋯.png (372.1 KB,603x529,603:529,tf.PNG)




DAN SCAVINO posted two Kermit the “FROG” memes back-to-back and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer….

I have a feelings things are about to get REAL!! 👀‼️🍿




4:11 PM · Sep 27, 2024




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4b2d10 No.21673825


perhaps just call them 'possible cultists'?

the cult is 'Marxism/Communism/Bolshevism'

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17e35e No.21673826

>>21672908 What the hell is a “perfect wife guy?” 🤔 Abortion and Football that's whatPN

Why is Psaki using all the wild hand gestures Kamala uses. Did she do this before?

What hidden meaning is associated with that, is it subliminal programming, like we cretins are happy happy cretins? And you should be too.

Creepy reptiles!

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ff58a6 No.21673827

File: 2cfd477dd3571e9⋯.png (204.56 KB,456x263,456:263,ClipboardImage.png)


Make Israel Great Again.

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07b940 No.21673828



Consciousness Upgrades

But there are those within the collective who perhaps may not respond or react to these energies this time around. Yet remember, the Universe unfolds in a way that beautifully supports the expansion of all Beings. So if they are not onboard this time, eventually those individuals will come around in a way that even up levels them to a playing field that will allow their consciousness to be even a little more open than in the past. The goal here — the objective for humanity — is an ongoing, gradual opening and expansion of consciousness. Our friends, this is different for everyone. For everyone to expand their consciousness does not mean that everyone will align in their political ideologies, nor in their beliefs, but it is an up leveling of consciousness that they need to connect with at a soul level. This is part of their blueprint or their energetic signature that carries them into an experience that represents a progression.

How to Support Yourself & Others

It is important not to judge how others react or respond to these energies, not to have any set expectations or attachments as to what an expanded form of consciousness looks like in those around you. It is different for everyone. Simply hold space for all those by lending a compassionate ear, by encouraging them to listen to their heart. For this is, in essence, what humanity is learning to do more fully and consistently: listen to your hearts versus perhaps the stirring of your conscious minds. Listen to your feelings versus what the ego mind drives you to do. It is about learning to discern with greater observation (at a deeper level) about what is right for you.

When you choose to move from a place of love, in essence, you are creating an energy, a synergy between you and all other Beings that essentially catapults the collective into a higher way of being. This is simply the trajectory of humanity, and so it is going to be exciting. It is going to be intense. There will be much that comes to the surface. It will not all appear to be easy and pleasant, but simply remember that some individuals need energies and experiences mirrored back to them so that they can better recognize what needs to be healed, resolved, and understood within them, and how to step up into a place of greater love, compassion, and acceptance.

The more you become accustomed to navigating these energies, the easier it becomes, and in turn, the easier it becomes for you to support those who are perhaps uneasy with these energies.

And we wish you happiness and joy. Thank you.

The Galactic Federation

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1fb803 No.21673829


can anons post the dan links and caps

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7e9041 No.21673830


Garland has shown his true colors and should be indicted for treason and if found guilty, receive the full penalty.

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4cbeb2 No.21673832

File: 965dbc1340d7dea⋯.png (358.82 KB,454x336,227:168,ClipboardImage.png)


Minions of the Evil One, Ba'al & Ashtaroth, are Loose upon the Realm.

Be strong in the Lord.

Protect the Children.

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93d6cf No.21673833

File: 9b2dcd1bab315e0⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,2824E1C9_138D_42EE_9F9A_71….png)

File: d7ab6a77a94ea59⋯.png (257.27 KB,690x2622,5:19,6A87D17E_4D61_4A48_9433_17….png)

File: 11d5ef2e4ab93e2⋯.png (98.86 KB,690x894,115:149,8C979A1D_AE00_486C_98B4_BE….png)

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908d55 No.21673834


They suckle bleeding terrified baby penis.

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93d6cf No.21673835

File: dde97940fc78a11⋯.png (1.79 MB,750x1334,375:667,51E74F42_4D22_4387_9DDC_CE….png)

File: 2eef246ac5b2989⋯.png (57.99 KB,690x630,23:21,DA59EFF4_A699_41C1_A218_B7….png)

File: 2a968e5ecc4a2fc⋯.png (137.3 KB,690x1742,345:871,C4AF7BB5_B1B6_4574_8B7E_0A….png)

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476dd3 No.21673836

File: 8515c9ab99572e0⋯.jpeg (78.11 KB,750x929,750:929,My_grandpa_Keeps_America_….jpeg)

File: 1dc83891ec825e2⋯.png (625.01 KB,500x667,500:667,Grandpa_are_you_really_goi….png)

File: c9b25b47c552bd8⋯.png (1.41 MB,802x1424,401:712,Here_is_Carolina_asking_Gr….png)

File: f83766f6a218c83⋯.png (1.04 MB,894x892,447:446,Trump_s_MAGA_Grandchild.png)

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908d55 No.21673837


The wiles of the devil.

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c99dce No.21673838

File: 6abbd889cf32315⋯.png (101.6 KB,346x329,346:329,smokingkermit2.png)



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8c5b1f No.21673839

File: e67d8b1428d9760⋯.png (271.43 KB,453x492,151:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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a87d1a No.21673840

File: 5c8b8606cc4bb7e⋯.jpeg (393.53 KB,1168x674,584:337,8F70DBF2_A059_4DD1_A0A8_C….jpeg)

File: 40542d45f99b5be⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1242x2025,46:75,D5290A28_0A73_4D97_BC0A_F….jpeg)

File: c33045c0440f805⋯.jpeg (558.98 KB,1058x723,1058:723,221A85FC_B01D_4DA2_B085_D….jpeg)

Why did 45 highlight Springfield OhiO Haitians?

Why DIIDY DO that?


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e85f1c No.21673841

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c757e4 No.21673842

File: 63e86472ec1f374⋯.mp4 (747.02 KB,260x464,65:116,video000000.mp4)

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7e9041 No.21673843


LOL. Ashtar? You're an idiot. Ashtar, Ashtereth, Astarte, Isis. Same shit, different cultures. Go suck off Nimrod Semiramis and then deify your offspring and call him Tammuz.

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ff58a6 No.21673845

File: b34d58e4aa54899⋯.png (198.63 KB,377x262,377:262,ClipboardImage.png)


No future.

No hope

Dan posting memes

America is the great whore.

Kneel before ZOG.

Slaves forever.

vote harder.

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07b940 No.21673846

You are walking in perilous* times. History will report these coming days as some of the most challenging for your entire world. It does not matter who you are or where you make your home, you feel this.

Today, let us engage in conversation around human expectation vs human life. As you move into this next phase of your journey, you will be challenged and prompted to adjust.

You’ve come to expect to be cared for in relationships of all kinds. While your expectations may be reasonable in personal, family and intimate relationships, they don’t hold truth when extended out into the rest of the world with whom you interact.

This time of disclosure now is showing you, again and again, the motivation behind corporate, systemic and world players with whom you engage. These would be your governments, institutions of commerce, medical establishments, and most industries for humanity’s care. It becomes necessary for discernment in every arena.

The race has been more or less “bamboozled” by beauty, wealth and power. These attributes have risen to the top of desired goals, and monopolized the purposes for human engagement. All of this was intentional. It will have to be undone. This will not be popular (at first), or easily accomplished. There are many still who grow up lusting for these things.

You’ll discover on your journey of Awakening that words and looks are shallow in comparison to action. It is actions that announce meaning. Many hideous deeds are completed with a smile.

You have come to this moment in order to assist, as well as experience, a global un-earthing and Awakening. You, who have been here** numerous times, recognize Truth. You are deeply activated by Pure Love. Part of your reason for being here now is to elevate and enhance Truth. It is your Light that illuminates it once it is elevated. It then becomes visible and accessible to the masses.

It is an awesome responsibility. You are “fighting against” massive structures of media and control. You are armed with Truth and fortified with Love. This means, dear human, that you will not ever be depleted. It means that your Source is Eternal.

You may find the challenge more difficult on some days than on others. Yet, you will not be defeated. Your Love is solid, and somehow you will sense a re-surfacing of it. It is always waiting to show you the way

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07b940 No.21673847



selves willingly leaving what was written there behind you. This, as you pick up the pen and write the next chapter.

This part may be shaky at first. It will feel a bit like a riding a two-wheeled bicycle for the first time. It will be wobbly and you may fall a few times. The thing to remember is the purpose. The thing to hold on to always is the goal. You’ll do this with intent.

Each interaction, every day, aim to spread some Light. There is no place where Love is not the preferred emotion. There is no event that cannot be improved with compassion. These things are your calling cards. You arrived with boxes of them, and have had them stored for just the right moment.

I tell you that moment is now.

I tell you that each “time” you leave a calling card of Love behind, someone picks it up and passes it on. There are no futile endeavors.

We began today talking about expectations. We will complete our discussion by requesting that you let them go. For expectations depend on some outside “other” to fulfill. You are up to the doing.

It is upon you to write the story. The drama of these last pages has no power over what comes next. You are the writers, the architects, the artists, the creators. Indeed, you are the Builders.

This is what you came for and the world you live in is ripe for what you have to offer. Spread your calling cards of Love, Light and Truth freely. Act “as if” the supply is eternal. For indeed it is.

You have arrived now to ensure that every corner of the earth is illuminated. It is time to shine, dear human. As you do, the darkness scurries and scrambles for places to continue. You pledged to spread your Light so far that there will be no dark places remaining. This is why you find yourselves in every country, continent, town and neighborhood. You are needed everywhere.

Remember your Light. You are a beacon for Truth. These next pages will be written with Pure Love. That love emanates from your core.

As you proceed, everywhere you look on this New Earth will be a reflection of who you are. It is time to come out from hiding, dear human.

It is time.

That is all.

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4b2d10 No.21673848


no, it's the most challanging for you because your constant gas lighting will be exposed and you will be known and have to face the consquences of your constant false narratives.

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8c5b1f No.21673849

File: 4331afb8b12ab5f⋯.png (191.88 KB,640x345,128:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05729f35a8dda5e⋯.png (358.07 KB,550x614,275:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b745427a84aeeb⋯.png (286.2 KB,561x654,187:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4242f8728e26964⋯.png (175.37 KB,587x408,587:408,ClipboardImage.png)

Blinken's State Dept Evacuated Israeli-Americans on Charter Flights After Oct 7 But Tells Lebanese-Americans You're On Your Own

The State Department under Antony Blinken offered Americans in Israel charter flights to flee the country after October 7th but now they're telling Americans stuck in Lebanon to book their own flights out on the one available commercial airline for $8,000 a seat.


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e2102f No.21673850


Nothing changes until the central banking debt slavery system is put to death.

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7e9041 No.21673851

Happy Birthday President Trump.

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93d6cf No.21673852

File: 307d95c240f3f98⋯.jpeg (170.07 KB,720x960,3:4,D231AB52_49B1_4823_9A97_F….jpeg)

File: 94f61c7314f4d56⋯.png (1.01 MB,690x2260,69:226,AF881BF9_0A58_4246_A437_14….png)

File: fb801cbd4a69cf3⋯.jpeg (23.19 KB,192x255,64:85,2BF7398B_41D8_4A38_A6D0_7….jpeg)

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170f5b No.21673853

File: 66dd2b8f20fdfaf⋯.jpg (37.89 KB,587x425,587:425,wtf.jpg)

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ff58a6 No.21673854

File: 76f773404b7d04c⋯.png (274.21 KB,576x534,96:89,ClipboardImage.png)


USA: I´m the light of freedom.

Jews: send more shekels slaves.


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232433 No.21673855

File: 5fdad6a1c839e1a⋯.png (7.75 KB,415x154,415:154,Screenshot_2024_09_29_at_0….png)


..and FROGS to destroy them

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ea1da5 No.21673856

Every company is owned by private equity homo ghouls

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eadcd2 No.21673857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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559b49 No.21673858

File: b2d177479d70aa1⋯.png (243.72 KB,527x513,527:513,BEEFYANDROBUST.png)


Looks Beefy and Robust in this video (10 second mark)

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ace6f2 No.21673859

File: 279bf92b1446ec6⋯.png (247.93 KB,521x399,521:399,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ddc9d3d3f3a223⋯.png (202.54 KB,409x251,409:251,ClipboardImage.png)


Immigration is a jewish issue, goy.



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43d874 No.21673860


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07b940 No.21673861


>You have come to this moment in order to assist, as well as experience, a global un-earthing and Awakening. You, who have been here** numerous times, recognize Truth. You are deeply activated by Pure Love. Part of your reason for being here now is to elevate and enhance Truth. It is your Light that illuminates it once it is elevated. It then becomes visible and accessible to the masses.

>It is an awesome responsibility. You are “fighting against” massive structures of media and control. You are armed with Truth and fortified with Love. This means, dear human, that you will not ever be depleted. It means that your Source is Eternal.

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e2102f No.21673862

File: d618b2191411efb⋯.png (543.66 KB,941x552,941:552,yourshecklesatwork.png)


But we are helping.

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885f96 No.21673864

Joe, please get a lot of help and resources to Western North Carolina. Thank you.

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93d6cf No.21673865

File: 532b1274ae58e4e⋯.png (1.34 MB,750x1334,375:667,8DFD6014_C2B1_4732_9F17_BB….png)

File: 2e0fb8423ee5cbd⋯.png (562.22 KB,690x3428,345:1714,F3A8AB92_79BB_4481_AA21_60….png)

File: ff1d829aebc98cc⋯.jpeg (38.58 KB,468x272,117:68,13D9241B_48B7_44DB_AE05_5….jpeg)

File: 67ba469b5df483c⋯.png (234.53 KB,690x2170,69:217,64896A6A_8955_4998_A260_0E….png)

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a87d1a No.21673866


Exodus 8

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go,I will send a plague of frogs on your whole country.The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. …

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8c5b1f No.21673867

File: b885d4aba686983⋯.png (495.8 KB,634x537,634:537,ClipboardImage.png)

Taxpayer-funded Minneapolis food pantry bans white people - as boss' astonishing outburst at local who complained is revealed

The boss of a Minneapolis food pantry, funded by city taxpayers, has banned white people from taking advantage of the resource.

Mykela 'Keiko' Jackson used a Minnesota State grant to launch the Food Trap Project Bodega designed to help poor and hungry residents living close to the Sanctuary Covenant Church in the north of the city.

The pantry only opened up on July 27 but within months it has been forced to close and relocate away from church grounds after Jackson attempted to block white people from accessing the service, including a local chaplain who complained.

A sign that on the door to the pantry reads how the food inside was specifically for 'Black and Indigenous Folx' only. After a civil rights complaint was made against the pantry by a local, Mykela accused the complainant of 'political violence.'


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559b49 No.21673868


Never seen her without a jacket on.

Looks shooped.

(or a mask)

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1a88bf No.21673869

File: 04f83b69f20bcd8⋯.png (433.43 KB,633x534,211:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2a3af No.21673871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ace6f2 No.21673872


After the DC op Congress is signaling in the next 4 months, every nuclear power in the world is going to nuke every place Netanyahu can land, or will be. So I got that going for me..

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685df5 No.21673874


Nothing changes until the uniparty is executed and there are of course trials first and televised.

They have to fix the 2020 election.

They have to fix the damage done ever since ww1 and the fed in1913.

After Trump thats it for me, no more voting and i dont even want to have to vote a third time. I dont want to participate anymore in building a global democracy thats three steps forward and 6 steps back.

You'd have to bring JFK jr back for me to vote again.

Not voting even if you threaten tyranny and lose guns and everything else.

Its on.

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e2102f No.21673876


Hmm, that's some awfully pale skin she's got now.

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ff58a6 No.21673877

File: 09481f0accab5d7⋯.png (246.84 KB,558x524,279:262,09481f0accab5d7a8dfa4dc4ea….png)


>But we are helping.

Sure, with the blood of your kids, and grandkids, and….

Trump is just another puppet.

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8c5b1f No.21673878

File: a304c8d0c759de1⋯.png (1.5 MB,2264x1503,2264:1503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5a6d904ccfd88f⋯.png (1.83 MB,1140x760,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

"I'm a private pilot that checks weather, TFR's and NOTAMS every day. I live in Central Virginia, and fly often. This TFR that popped up for DC for today 9/27/24 is unprecedented. Surface to 99,000MSL. I have never seen this in all the years I've been flying. Usually, TFR is surface to 18,000 feet MSL. Why the change? Are they expecting something? Notes: FDC 4/9433-2024-09 03T20:52:00"

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ace6f2 No.21673879

File: 7427f5e77397bda⋯.png (206.26 KB,409x310,409:310,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c5b1f No.21673881

Long List Of Hoaxes!


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c67092 No.21673883


wypipo deserve to starve

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e2102f No.21673884


They're all puppets for one faction of the cabal or another.

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476dd3 No.21673885

File: a5be7cc31e856f0⋯.png (4.71 MB,2876x1530,1438:765,Attention_Patriots_in_TENN….png)

ATTENTION Patriots in TENNESSEE!!! Orange Trump Sneakers for your next Vols TAILGATE!!!

Do you know the shoe sizes of your Trump Supporter friends and family members? Give them the gift of ORANGE Trump Sneakers! Limit of 3 pairs per style. Get 3 pairs of the orange TODAY before they sell out! Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED!!


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f2a3af No.21673886

Inversion conversion is simply inversion of what was inverted

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ca06d6 No.21673887

File: ee00aa5985b5577⋯.jpg (8.84 KB,255x255,1:1,1a4eb671.jpg)

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f2a3af No.21673888

Not 99.999999999999999999%


Thems the rules

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ace6f2 No.21673889

File: f55cd4f4cca2000⋯.png (936.52 KB,1000x627,1000:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5f0ad No.21673890

File: ce1aa56abe62e5f⋯.png (14.08 KB,267x81,89:27,ClipboardImage.png)




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ff58a6 No.21673891

File: dde08c802bdaf0b⋯.png (158.59 KB,480x270,16:9,dde08c802bdaf0bbeabc71fb07….png)


Next Iran

Next Syria -Assad

Next Venezuela -Maduro

Next Russia - Putin

Third Temple


Resistance is futile.

are you waiting for Q to save you?

or Jared Kushner?


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c3b9bf No.21673892


That would be an

Inverted inversion inversion conversion

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e2102f No.21673894

File: eed2371308c8bd4⋯.png (939.16 KB,843x1159,843:1159,she_mantruth.png)

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c67092 No.21673895



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eadcd2 No.21673896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ace6f2 No.21673897

File: 9d4c70814deb19a⋯.png (345.96 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)


AI can't handle whole numbers

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46ed4a No.21673899

I've said it before but every bad element in our government needs to be eradicated. From the top down. Whether Trump wins or not. He is too easy to forgive and forget.

Remember his first term? {Comeon guys just stop and you can walk away} Instead they tried to kill him.

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bb2884 No.21673900

File: c1d38404aa1678d⋯.png (503.49 KB,1022x576,511:288,TONY.png)

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c3b9bf No.21673902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bec328 No.21673903

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)

File: 2391a9fea6d0ecc⋯.png (58.99 KB,169x185,169:185,Screen_Shot_2024_09_28_at_….png)

Is this RSBN host some kind of mutated elf?

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f2a3af No.21673904



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ace6f2 No.21673905


>>21673687 lb

The German jews the Germans put in concentration camps were racist bolshevik communists. The Germans and the German jews who put them there were zionists. The banksters who financed the NAZIs were the jews who betrayed Germany in WW1 and their foreign accomplices, like Allan Dulles, Prescott Bush and 322.

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8c5b1f No.21673906

File: 2a1a10d9d6785c2⋯.png (2.42 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11829030af1a0f6⋯.png (590.23 KB,778x523,778:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b80494282ced5c⋯.png (82.4 KB,770x544,385:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f40a95cb8d2d5c5⋯.png (75.35 KB,772x478,386:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf9850adf115441⋯.png (41.08 KB,754x296,377:148,ClipboardImage.png)

Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

On August 19th, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they had lost track of over 300,000 children. But what exactly does this mean?

Since 2021, an average of 400 unaccompanied children have been smuggled into the United States every day.

These children, who cross into the United States without parents, are subsequently detained, processed by the federal government’s unaccompanied children program and eventually released into the country.

Per the DHS' August 19th announcement, 291,000 of the 300,000 unaccounted-for children were released into the United States without a scheduled court date, while another 32,000, who were given court dates, never showed up for their scheduled court appearance.

In June of 2024, an insider from the department of Health and Human Services provided Muckraker with a list detailing the names of over 8,000 alien children, and their last known addresses. So, we began a massive operation to find the missing children ourselves.

Over the course of our investigation, we discovered the dangerous places where children have been delivered, confronted a CIA contractor who moves these children, heard shocking stories from children who the federal government has lost track of, and exposed a child trafficking network in Florida.

Children and minors who enter the United States illegally and without parents are subsequently detained and placed in holding camps while the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR for short) works to find the child a permanent home through their Unaccompanied Children or UC program.


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93d6cf No.21673908

File: 834e2ad656cd87c⋯.gif (1.01 MB,500x280,25:14,6290CFD5_2431_484B_BCB6_A3….gif)

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f2a3af No.21673909



There's never going to be anything artificial about actual and percebtable human intelligence

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57b4f8 No.21673910

File: 62eeb40f78dd4e9⋯.png (739.83 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f5faf199db2707⋯.png (849.83 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 423d83aa6eb48a3⋯.png (646.41 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily check of Global X airlines master tracking link against all aircraft flying under GXA call signs reveals a new addition to the fleet. N642VA must have been recently acquired from Alaska AiIrlines.

Updated fleet tracking link: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a2e13a,a83f98,a2c4e0,a2bd72,a2d25e,a2d615,ab7437,a835d1,a2f9dd,a2f016,ad7274,a75013,a2c129,a4d4cc,a835d1,4844ab,a86e85

N285GX flying with call sign Camber call sign (CMB441) has landed at Gitmo. These are separate Global X flights for US Transporataion Command. And seem to happen every Saturday.

Last image is other US Transportation Command Flights. Not operated by Global X. Including one from Diego Garcia.

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43d874 No.21673911


she has very very shiny skin. Odd.

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4c987f No.21673912

File: 07bb3f432031549⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,480x486,80:81,Police_Siren_Birdy_Song.mp4)

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f2a3af No.21673914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eadcd2 No.21673915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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134d20 No.21673916

File: 34db504cdb7dfa4⋯.gif (1.16 MB,500x272,125:68,34db504cdb7dfa492b4595b5a0….gif)

File: 25783addcb46939⋯.gif (383.88 KB,480x357,160:119,25783addcb46939264edc85c20….gif)

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8c4536 No.21673917


Not seeing this on Dan's Twitter or Truth Social

As far as I can tell, this isFAKE

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ff58a6 No.21673918

File: 7f9ad56a37388ef⋯.png (16.8 KB,625x147,625:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f10491ded24c9e⋯.png (252.88 KB,595x483,85:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33de67c77d70e25⋯.png (188.61 KB,929x537,929:537,ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Eli David



Prime Minister @netanyahu: “Anyone who tries to kill Israelis, will be killed.”

Sep 28, 2024 · 6:47 PM UTC



They are mocking anyone who opposes their plans. Because there is no one who opposes his plans anymore.

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8c5b1f No.21673919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill to Ban ‘Citizen MILITIAS’ Introduced to Congress

A new bill is drawing sharp lines in the sand, aiming to clamp down on unauthorized private paramilitary activity. Introduced by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), this legislation seeks to prohibit privately organized groups from engaging in armed patrolling, drilling, or using other paramilitary techniques.

This crackdown signals a firm stance against the rising threat of unregulated militia activity, with lawmakers pushing to curtail the potential for violence and disorder. At a time when tensions are already high, this bill could spark heated debate on both sides of the political aisle.

The Constitution addresses the militia in several ways, including:

Congress’s power

Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to organize, arm, discipline, and train the militia. Congress also has the power to appoint officers and govern the militia when it serves the United States. The Supreme Court has said that Congress’s power over the militia is unlimited, except for training and officering.

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and that a well-regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state.

Congress’s power to call out the militia

Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to call out the militia to suppress insurrections, repel invasions, and execute the laws of the Union. The President was given the power to call out the militia by an act of February 28, 1795.

Checks on the executive

The Constitution’s militia clauses give the states, people, and Congress formal and functional checks on the executive’s use of the War Powers.


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4c987f No.21673920



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1824e9 No.21673921

File: 32006502394275a⋯.jpg (64.23 KB,500x500,1:1,32006502394275a887d3435d0c….jpg)


>USA: I´m the light of freedom.

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c57a3c No.21673922

File: 75c597f3363102e⋯.png (73.82 KB,897x449,897:449,ClipboardImage.png)


At no point did God or Moses say to Pharoah, let the Jews go.

Biblically, there were no Jews at this time.

Only Israelites. Edomites also are described, ambushing the Hebrew Israelites after they are released from Egypt.

The same Edomites, Adversary, who 432 years later, invade and occupy Judah/Jerusalem, while the Hebrew Israelites, known as Judeans, are in captivity in Babylon.

It is these Edomites, described in the book of Estha (a description written by Judean Israelites captive in Babylon), as the Jews in Jerusalem beginning to rebuild Solomons Temple.

So many books in the Torah point to the occupying Edomites as being those called Jews, due to being inhabitants of Judah.

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4c987f No.21673923

File: 640f9f68f492145⋯.jpg (513.29 KB,923x730,923:730,Hop_Sing.jpg)

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e2102f No.21673924


Of course.

Ms Piggy is his handler.

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4c987f No.21673925

File: db2d17d2e3876b5⋯.png (754.76 KB,738x474,123:79,DF9B187B_C1F4_4275_910C_23….PNG)

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907cad No.21673926

File: d08954bea8d2f53⋯.jpg (67.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,SanFransisco.jpg)


Jung Guo Cocksucka!

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93d6cf No.21673927

File: c94c560048d6daf⋯.jpeg (735.78 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,7091388D_0D59_48CB_ADFA_B….jpeg)

File: 8d1bba6094fe8a9⋯.jpeg (155.57 KB,746x760,373:380,9BBFAEE5_5920_4B3E_9E11_B….jpeg)

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,1D162067_6290_4E78_95C9_B1….gif)

File: c413cc9b465d5c6⋯.png (1.32 MB,1111x741,1111:741,262E2AFB_807B_4AF9_9D4F_4D….png)

File: 45ac56c25f412fa⋯.png (924.37 KB,680x742,340:371,DAB93531_D39D_4305_B0AB_E8….png)

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38cd54 No.21673928


Ask Elon?

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1fb803 No.21673929


TY anon

always can count on anons

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38cd54 No.21673930


Komrade Kooper is a shit stain on the state of North Carolina.

Change my mind.

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4c987f No.21673931

File: 3a7e9fb1a50356c⋯.png (935.53 KB,576x800,18:25,231D0922_3195_480D_B9BA_A1….PNG)



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eadcd2 No.21673933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c987f No.21673934



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dbc7ab No.21673935

File: 78f0fe4a96749a4⋯.png (339.5 KB,400x162,200:81,78f0fe4a96749a4a40f0215623….png)

exponential growth

or decay

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715067 No.21673936

File: 0710e8e23b86095⋯.png (34.13 KB,542x554,271:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85480e4a9bee604⋯.png (41.05 KB,755x464,755:464,ClipboardImage.png)


time stamps



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f2a3af No.21673937

Shitposters kicking the ever living shit out of gazillionaire shit eaters

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ff58a6 No.21673938

File: b454414897d5ff9⋯.png (108.78 KB,634x422,317:211,ClipboardImage.png)

MAGA is the new bitch of the mossad.

Vote harder

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92ea87 No.21673939

File: f28e9ccf525c1b0⋯.png (738.24 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



watch the skies, bros

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8c5b1f No.21673940

File: e2c6086652b655d⋯.png (768.66 KB,1245x700,249:140,ClipboardImage.png)

Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child sex abuse and incest accusations: 'I am a child molester. I am a rapist.'

The victim said she is rediscovering God after years of alleged abuse at the hands of her father.

An Oklahoma man resigned as pastor of St. Andrew Christian Church in Tulsa after being accused of horrific child sex abuse and incest crimes by his daughter in a social media post.

Bertheophilus Maurice "Judge" Bailey Sr. is accused of allegedly beginning the years-long abuse when the victim was in the sixth grade, according to an affidavit. He was arrested on Wednesday afternoon.

'I would call him my best friend only to hide the reality of what I was living.'

"As a victim of sexual and mental abuse at the hands of Pastor Bailey for over a decade, I feel compelled to warn others about his predatory behavior," she wrote on Facebook. "Despite his status as a respected member of the community, it is essential to shed light on his actions to prevent further harm to unsuspecting individuals."


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f2a3af No.21673941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maximum Victory

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dbc7ab No.21673942

File: e2454b0c9275ad4⋯.png (796.1 KB,1080x1080,1:1,e2454b0c9275ad4a55d3881346….png)

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4c987f No.21673943

File: 3a853c75bd89f85⋯.jpg (76.12 KB,500x512,125:128,Trump_Popcorn_07.jpg)

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ace6f2 No.21673944

File: 405dde647490317⋯.png (318.46 KB,500x513,500:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d89b4c3ab7c1768⋯.png (357.23 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)


Human intelligence is overrated. Most people are less efficient than carrots. AI is all about computing values between 0 & 1 and guessing which is a better match. That's not intelligence.

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4c987f No.21673945

File: 4f7fdd32cba5896⋯.png (655.77 KB,514x680,257:340,B9B6E51D_4CE7_4A1D_922A_82….PNG)

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442e3b No.21673946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. Everyone Here Is Freaking Out.

Coming to a small town near you.


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b6f68d No.21673947

File: ff85bbf5bb68e8c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1665x5311,1665:5311,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c987f No.21673948

File: 2a6e920df4f2aac⋯.jpg (119.6 KB,427x585,427:585,Big_Mike_Obama_Foot_01.JPG)

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dbc7ab No.21673949


an el tall mam ham

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7c8f5f No.21673951

File: cad3da1738b7334⋯.png (503.43 KB,686x865,686:865,ES1111.png)

File: 20d64dfee1aacbe⋯.png (204.71 KB,1741x680,1741:680,ES1112.png)

File: 8bc29f10b63dcd8⋯.png (39.21 KB,546x845,42:65,ES1113.png)

The Shot Heard Around the Word Q Signature / Why?

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43d874 No.21673952


not fake. found it. Each image is a separate post.

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4c987f No.21673953

File: b0c3c8efb14e143⋯.png (258.71 KB,462x333,154:111,Chyna_10.PNG)

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ff58a6 No.21673954

File: bf84a03849fc8f2⋯.png (399.55 KB,648x513,24:19,ClipboardImage.png)


@TOIAlerts 1h

Live update:‘Today, Hezbollah’s victims have a measure of justice’: VP Harris echoes Biden’s approval of Nasrallah killing

* * *


Sep 28, 2024 · 6:19 PM UTC


The death cult is happy today.

Are you happy too?

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c57a3c No.21673955


Here is the correct translation, hidden from humanity through mistranslation.

Revelation 3:9

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are JUDEAN, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

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ace6f2 No.21673956

File: 34bf7a6b73cb568⋯.gif (99.61 KB,267x200,267:200,G_A.gif)

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3fb615 No.21673957

File: f632db9f4a5f8a4⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,640x480,4:3,cf73acd214674953a0f8d29a02….mp4)

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715067 No.21673958

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB,767x767,1:1,7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)

would be nice if Trump quoted the bible today:


He sent among them flies that devoured them and frogs that destroyed them.

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e5f0ad No.21673959

File: 699adf27d623206⋯.png (131.75 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Each image is a separate post.

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85df9c No.21673960

File: 3ddaa10e80cad36⋯.png (901.18 KB,734x500,367:250,3ddaa10e80cad36a628fa348e7….png)

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43d874 No.21673961


this reminds anon of XFiles

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921ca6 No.21673962

File: 8cbf5bbd87aa189⋯.png (160.08 KB,984x552,41:23,shitpoast.png)

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8c5b1f No.21673963

Israel's taking a victory lap all over their controlled media

Yet the death toll of the 6 residential buildings destroyed hasn't been determined yet

This is going to back fire

wait for it

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ace6f2 No.21673964

File: 19849b358169f7a⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d5d77 No.21673965

File: 1cdbe489307dc4c⋯.png (243.8 KB,506x509,506:509,intel.png)


>the control part is going to get a lot easier

Truer words were never spoken…

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8c5b1f No.21673966


Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis are supposed to be "Iranian proxies."

Why then don't they have anti aircraft missiles? This war is a charade.

It looks like we are getting Albert Pike's long planned war of civilizations between Zionism and Radical Islam, both Freemason- sponsored and controlled by MI-6 (i.e. Rothschilds.)

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1824e9 No.21673967


Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah. Those who follow Him are Jews. Those who worship their own image as His mother say they follow Him lie.

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4c987f No.21673968

File: d45db885cebc1bf⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1654x1640,827:820,IMG_0908.jpeg)



Israel dealt massive blow to Iran by killing longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah – here’s what could happen next


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ff58a6 No.21673969

File: 707411b3bf41693⋯.png (173.11 KB,618x548,309:274,ClipboardImage.png)

Doug Emhoff

@DouglasEmhoff 1h

.@MagicJohnson is right—Kamala is ready to lead on day one.

Sep 28, 2024 · 5:39 PM UTC



Slave owners: 17


Vote harder.

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ace6f2 No.21673970


Having a war justifies making up even more ridiculous bullshit. Stop ingesting programming.

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3f0b1e No.21673971

When do we get the DC congress orgy party videos?

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f2a3af No.21673972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom Revival

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3d5d77 No.21673973

File: 904bc4894d56d8c⋯.png (376.76 KB,924x646,462:323,904bc4894d56d8cb2c7c37225c….png)


>real back in the day?

T'was indeed. And a big boost for us all.

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9a41fa No.21673974

File: ddf4f9f88b6391f⋯.mp4 (764.35 KB,480x270,16:9,r5eAiWhrsd1F0Srv.mp4)

Elon Musk


Meanwhile, back in America, the @FAANews is smothering the national space program in kafkaesque paperwork!


Chris Hadfield


China has stated their astronauts will be walking on the Moon by 2030 - they just revealed their new suit.


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4c987f No.21673975

File: 9de8216ca911ab0⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1640x2214,20:27,IMG_0910.jpeg)



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c99dce No.21673976

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,a608f437b86708216a3702c9df….png)


Sometimes when you randomly ask for nods like this on the board Q or Q+ will answer. Anon has had it habben many many times over the years.

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dbc7ab No.21673977

rump rally talks in juw to whit china

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1fb803 No.21673978


#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

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dbc7ab No.21673979




>voat harriKAMAL pluggin


>halp stap street chittin chitpo$tin


>halp stap street chittin chitpo$tin


>halp stap street chittin chitpo$tin


>halp stap street chittin chitpo$tin

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8b4f92 No.21673980

File: 0de7c85200ed985⋯.png (1.29 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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c57a3c No.21673981

File: 4cad878c85b55e4⋯.png (79.67 KB,1168x542,584:271,ClipboardImage.png)


Wrong, you are fooled by the mistranslation, conflating Judeans (Israelites) with Jews (Edomites).

Now read it in context.

1 Thessalonians 2:14

“For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:”

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8c4536 No.21673982


Post a link to each one then!

It's that easy.

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f2a3af No.21673983

File: 829343e0b5d838c⋯.jpg (168.23 KB,837x1044,93:116,1000001751.jpg)

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559b49 No.21673984


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0a4ee2 No.21673985

How long until niggers start looting in the wake of the hurricane?

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ff58a6 No.21673986

File: 48b38056bc28355⋯.png (282.48 KB,644x592,161:148,ClipboardImage.png)

Doug Emhoff



A special moment in the same city as @KamalaHarris while we travel the country to get out the vote.

She’s putting in the work—now it's on all of us to help her win this thing. Make a plan to vote: KamalaHarris.com/Commit

Sep 28, 2024 · 6:37 PM UTC




Even DJT had to kneel down and receive Zelensky.


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ace6f2 No.21673987

File: 4b2fb9e8883154e⋯.png (285.38 KB,500x607,500:607,ClipboardImage.png)


At least he was honest.

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c57a3c No.21673988

The Boss is up

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0a4ee2 No.21673989


space is fake

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79b35f No.21673990

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB,250x243,250:243,20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


Media usage of "unhinged rant"

Means that whatever the rant happens to be is true.

This is like the "wrap-up smear."

Just slime the truth in such a way that a reader/listener would not want to be associated with the smear-object.

Much like how child porn is always (alleged) to be on computers of those opposing the govt.

As soon as I see "unhinged rant," I know it is the honest truth.

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dbc7ab No.21673991


>>ickey ouse castle diagnosis kathleen at vatican wiff blueberry waffles varus

>blue waffle varus ruins berlinur


>>>>france wants nigginbutt isREAL

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1824e9 No.21673992


Nope. Judah and Benjamin split from the israelites, both are known as Jews.

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0a4ee2 No.21673993


how many women and children did israel murder today?

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93d6cf No.21673994

File: 4da6f1328c2ea26⋯.jpeg (18.35 KB,209x255,209:255,404EE13B_D3EC_4A54_A0A0_9….jpeg)

File: 6b1d9d8d9397691⋯.jpeg (31.24 KB,225x255,15:17,3D34CAE4_EB14_4337_BDF9_9….jpeg)

File: cad825e5d9f351e⋯.jpeg (221.23 KB,1200x1948,300:487,F4CFC73D_8545_4B83_9A26_3….jpeg)

File: 4fc60edb5378672⋯.png (460.99 KB,732x526,366:263,24C3B8E2_4DB2_4BAC_BD9C_A5….png)

File: 9a96ae615224d12⋯.jpeg (34.82 KB,255x255,1:1,FCD3A5A0_1A60_4CD3_9E2A_5….jpeg)

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170f5b No.21673995

File: d49267d637343dc⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,337x404,337:404,d49267d637343dc654a3aa186d….jpg)

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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63e9cb No.21673996

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559b49 No.21673997


I'll help her get committed!

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0a4ee2 No.21673998

I'm trying to like classical music but holy fuck it's boring.

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c57a3c No.21673999


(You) are obviously illiterate.

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8b4f92 No.21674000

File: f313f4a233425e1⋯.png (1004.64 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb6aef No.21674001


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e5f0ad No.21674002


Isn't "XFiles” hyphenated?

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074241 No.21674003

File: 7b4192f0b0c87d6⋯.png (270.9 KB,568x511,568:511,7b4192f0b0c87d6ea7e58830ba….png)

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8b4f92 No.21674004

File: 4a259a29e2450c5⋯.png (30.36 KB,444x351,148:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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f733b1 No.21674005

Trump has done a live rally almost everyday? WTF

His energy is on another freaking level.

Where is Kamala???

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8c5b1f No.21674006

File: dc19143b3472767⋯.png (211.11 KB,660x371,660:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23e29e60ba7b94b⋯.png (320.49 KB,842x649,842:649,ClipboardImage.png)

File: deffcd9d8d5d08a⋯.png (121.82 KB,858x590,429:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39e66217cbb022f⋯.png (98.63 KB,863x605,863:605,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 747edfcde26e489⋯.png (73.47 KB,874x427,874:427,ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Stone - Mexico's new Communist President is a Trojan Horse

"She's going to shut down the free economy in Mexico, and replace it with American corporatism. In order to do this, she's going to have to destroy approximately 60 percent of the Mexican economy. This portion of the economy is off the books, cash only. This economy includes taco carts, street vendors, countless small stores, an endless number of small private restaurants, all kinds of other things like mechanics, tree trimmers, electricians, a lot of construction, you know - whatever could add up to 60 percent of the total. And the Mexican armed forces won't go for that, because their whole damn family outside the forces lives that way."

Scheinbaum is intentionally mis-spelled for a reason.

NOT PUBLISHED BUT HARD FACT: Obrador HATES Scheinbaum and is already working to try to stop her at a sub-national level.

Here is what Obrador is trying to stop:

1. Scheinbaum is going to try to get the American armed forces to enforce her will in Mexico. This is openly stated. Right now she's in holdout mode saying it will only be the CIA and NSA, loosely blanketed in terms like "cooperation with American intelligence activities and law enforcement" but the meta talk is definitely armed forces involvement in Mexico.

The reason why she's going to do this is because the Mexican armed forces (who are on the streets everywhere, and I MEAN EVERYWHERE, they come through with sirens blaring every day and everyone respects and loves them because they don't do jack to the Mexican people, they actually are legitimate Mexican loving security -

ANYWAY - The reason why she's bringing in foreign law enforcement is because the entire law enforcement infrastructure in Mexico is hell bent on enforcing MEXICAN LAW, and not foreign will. Right now, the National Guard and police forces are perhaps the greatest freedom asset Mexico has, and the greatest opposition to the tyranny she wishes to impose.

And now I am going for the next shut down: Scheinbaum stole the election by stealing the primary away from Marcela, who in reality had 55 percent of the vote, while Scheinbaum had 35 percent. I was not overly concerned about Scheinbaum then because I knew Marcela had that. Thanks Dominion!!! Partido Morena was so popular because of Obrador that if you stole the primary, you automatically won the presidency. And now a trojan horse who absolutely IS NOT MORENA is inside the gates.

So what will happen? It's hard to say, but the good news is that Obrador is already moving behind the scenes to try to stop the Great Mexican Wipeout. Partido Morena is overwhelmingly in charge, and rumor has it that Obrador is going to remain the de-facto president behind the scenes just because of where loyalties land. The problem is that much of Morena this time around was put in by Dominion voting systems that could be accessed and voted on via your computer at home.


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715067 No.21674007


it would make things "Tippy Top" around here.

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0a4ee2 No.21674008


>end is near

>posted in 2017

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4c987f No.21674009

File: 7fbf8a0da3928cf⋯.jpeg (116.91 KB,576x366,96:61,IMG_0911.jpeg)

File: 57ae42e90057e5e⋯.jpeg (27.43 KB,255x170,3:2,IMG_0912.jpeg)

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0a4ee2 No.21674011


fuck off with your pro-israel propaganda.

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0a12d7 No.21674012

POTUS: ' A lot of states arent so happy with that …outside we have thousands and thousands of people… would anyone like to give up their seat? … looks like when Lindberg landed in New York, thousands and thousands of people.. and they would all have a lot of fun… and now they are probably walking back home because the administration couldnt give us the secret service available because they are guarding the iranian president who is looking to kill Trump… we will call in the National Guard… thats smart, who is that, stand up, youre very smart'

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f2a3af No.21674013

File: dd2206ee31b93b8⋯.jpg (291.28 KB,720x491,720:491,1000000462.jpg)

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ace6f2 No.21674014

File: 5024d266b49c9f6⋯.png (482.06 KB,600x601,600:601,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't read too much into it. Just cultural appropriation.

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a45579 No.21674016


until their blood god yahweh is happy.

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8c5b1f No.21674017


Here is what is really going to happen:

With AI perfectly managing the defeat of mankind, the dominos are going to fall so rapidly it will make people's brains glitch out. It's going to be a literal soup of confusion while people try to get a grip on what is going on. The exact doom date is known. I know exactly the week it is not all going to be in earnest anymore.

The ultimate doom date is October 1 2024 when Scheinbaum gets inaugurated. They needed Scheinbaum in to complete the North American Union. Scheinbaum IS KHAZARIAN MAFIA. She's not Morena as advertised, she's 100% pureblood Khazar. If you overlay her face with Zukerberg's, it is an exact match, male/female differences irrelevant. There are none.

In the first months of Scheinbaum, Mexico will be turned over to U.N. rule. In fact, I'd bet America and Canada already are, but it was not advertised. Mexico was the last holdout. Mexico's election system caused Mexico to last the longest, and the nanosecond it got changed for an exact duplicate of America's, it was game over. Profoundly different "will of the people" instantly.

In the very first days of Scheinbaum, nothing will be noticeable. Then, in a couple weeks, there will be policy "wiggles" and by the time we hit 2025, even if it is not published, the North American Union will be complete and AI is going to manage the takedown of all legitimate discussion. They'll have to either wait with Alex Jones or replace him with AI which will fake it all perfect and he'll still be yelling, but it will be for things that are irrelevant and won't make a difference. Alex will be the last to go, they already destroyed this site.

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c9847c No.21674018

President Trump: We have a nice little room that probably holds fifteen hundred, two thousand, maybe less, and outside, you have forty, fifty thousand people, because the administration couldn't give us the Secret Service necessary, because they are guarding the Iranian president who is looking to kill Trump.

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4c987f No.21674019

File: 5cdc209f0c90ce6⋯.mp4 (170.25 KB,You_re_a_Faggot.MOV)

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0a4ee2 No.21674020


>because they are guarding the Iranian president who is looking to kill Trump.

it's REALLY concerning that Trump is pushing for war with Iran. How am I the only anon that notices this?

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f2a3af No.21674021


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c57a3c No.21674022

Pink lighting on hair, two days in a row.

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921ca6 No.21674023

File: ee1a2e39c4b77d8⋯.jpeg (31.68 KB,581x583,581:583,GYh_F3KW4AA3sDj.jpeg)

File: ef1b8037023552c⋯.jpeg (42.69 KB,696x589,696:589,GYh_hnxXAAAK0dC.jpeg)




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f2a3af No.21674024

Crimes Against Humanity

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548e45 No.21674025

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,BorderSnake.jpg)

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)

File: 6653717277c5e2d⋯.jpg (547.11 KB,1432x1073,1432:1073,BorderTreason.JPG)

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

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0a12d7 No.21674026

POTUS: ' Look at the people behind, are they relatives of yours… well you got a lot of killers in our country… last night after four straight years of obliterating our border… kamala harrtis traveling to the scene, and stood near where i put up border wall as a backdrop.. as one of the most heinous crimes against our country.. thats what she did… by allowing millions and millions to enter our country and … distinguish the sovereignty of our country.. she must never be forgiven for obliterating the border, what shes done is a disqualifier.. we have so much death '

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f2a3af No.21674027

Mass murder

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0a4ee2 No.21674028

If Trump starts a war with Iran, the we'll know that this whole Q thing is just another jewish psyop.

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c9847c No.21674029

President Trump: Lat night after four straight years of obliterating our border; I watched this show that she put on. Four years of the most incompetent border anywhere in the world in history, Kamala Harris traveled to the scene, in fact she stood near where I put up border wall…Border Czar Harris went to the border to lie in the most shameless and horrible way possible. At the very site where she released so much suffering, misery, and death.

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8c5b1f No.21674030


Jews are destroying America

And Americans is cheering for them

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ace6f2 No.21674031


Its all jealous bullshit.

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f2927c No.21674032

File: 5e60456b19f70a7⋯.png (633.92 KB,1255x700,251:140,ClipboardImage.png)

what is up with the pink hair (lights) these days?

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c99dce No.21674033

File: f2d43e62c85cb49⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1729x1166,1729:1166,orly3.jpg)


Absolutely. Anon asked for the heroes reference and immediately David bowie's heroes was added to the song rotation etc. As only one instance. There's always someone watching, just a matter of whether or not they action the request.

God bless

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6b95e4 No.21674034

POTUS hair looks pink again.

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ff58a6 No.21674035

File: 4c9dcfef75b20da⋯.png (137.72 KB,612x514,306:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd715ee55765039⋯.png (385.8 KB,629x515,629:515,ClipboardImage.png)



>the joy of genocide

>it's a thing


The Cradle


Sep 27

BREAKING | Netanyahu gave the orders to wipe out an entire neighborhood in southern Beirut from the UN headquarters in New York.

Sep 27, 2024 · 4:55 PM UTC


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f2a3af No.21674036


That's fantastic

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1824e9 No.21674037


No I can just see for myself.

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316875 No.21674038

File: 9111a6928a4e351⋯.jpg (392.15 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,BorderCupcakes.JPG)

File: a8f91c45addfee3⋯.jpg (391.06 KB,1432x1080,179:135,BorderControl.JPG)

File: 9b20968f516ef23⋯.jpg (419.37 KB,2189x1080,2189:1080,BorderViolators.JPG)

File: 16fef325c2292e0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,2048x1301,2048:1301,Border10aDay.jpg)

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93d6cf No.21674039


the fon rings at 19:17. 717-170-1717. sketchy

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0a12d7 No.21674040

POTUS: ' According to explosive data released yesterday by ICE.. theyve never released this kind of information.. even our great law enforcement has seen people like these.. these are killers, .. they make our criminals look like babies… these are stone cold killers.. theyll walk into your kitchen and slit your throat.. she let in 425,431 people convicted of the worst crimes, theyre criminal aliens along with an additional 220,000 criminals with pending charges against them… so along with the 13,000 that makes 642,572 thousand migrant criminals that will kills Americans '

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85032a No.21674041

File: 18968d4592fdbe5⋯.jpg (185.99 KB,640x522,320:261,VoteAqui.JPG)

File: 2aedaa09dcf20b3⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,1024x548,256:137,VoterCrossing.JPG)

File: 04c037ba7b8b192⋯.jpg (31.47 KB,255x247,255:247,VoteMath.JPG)

File: bce1f727ddc4470⋯.jpg (94.8 KB,720x601,720:601,VotePelosiMS13.JPG)

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07b940 No.21674042

File: 7844739e3f8b938⋯.png (168.1 KB,1656x1104,3:2,1570.png)


Iran next

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8c4536 No.21674043



Can you post the armor of god one?

This is not on Truth Social for sure. Done checking there.

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f2927c No.21674044

File: a7c5c696cca605e⋯.png (22.07 KB,740x216,185:54,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2a3af No.21674045

Mental Impairment of the Mentally Impaired.

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99f5dc No.21674046

File: 63275445deb7761⋯.png (400.69 KB,690x3754,345:1877,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21673480 [pb]

>>21673085 [pb]

No H

No.8 = Q520

>>21673748 [pb]

Melania tweet @ 5:20

>>21673448 [pb]


POTUS said "stone cold" @ 3:12/15:12 (15 mins in) during yesterdays speech in Walker MI. Interestingly Q312 and 1512 are both Obama related.


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f733b1 No.21674047


Trump needs to lock people up or they will continue doing it!

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bec328 No.21674048

File: 2049b17e7a3f38c⋯.png (302.36 KB,547x558,547:558,Screen_Shot_2024_09_28_at_….png)

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a1f739 No.21674049

elections will not be held this year

its so fuckin obvious

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0a12d7 No.21674050

POTUS: ' Joe Biden became mentally impaired, kamala.. she was born that way.. she was born that way… '

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bb1968 No.21674051

File: 099625e87d728a1⋯.jpg (744.98 KB,2041x1361,2041:1361,TrumpSolvedIt.JPG)

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8c5b1f No.21674052

File: dceab3c209e8040⋯.png (116.82 KB,814x576,407:288,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b197a814d3e5c22⋯.png (115.05 KB,821x555,821:555,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4ba70917fe8d6⋯.png (115.1 KB,824x565,824:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a18ae75ac0fcdc2⋯.png (114.44 KB,825x557,825:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 724f0385c4d9ee3⋯.png (91.75 KB,820x536,205:134,ClipboardImage.png)

A terror state through time: from Ben Gurion to Netanyahu

Since its founding to the modern day, Israel has been shaped by a ‘gang state’ mentality, marked by unhinged violence and oppression that only deepens its cycle of instability – a history it seems unwilling to escape.

On 31 May 1948, a man born in Poland by the name of David Ben Gurion transformed the Zionist terrorist groups – Haganah, Stern, Irgun, and Palmach – into what would be called the “Israeli Defense Forces” (IDF). This man would go on to become Israel’s first prime minister, and his actions laid the foundation for what many describe as a settler-colonial state in Palestine.

This fact sums up the occupation state’s very essence today, offering a stark illustration of the indiscriminately violent roots upon which the state and its army were built. Today, Israeli military operations continue in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, where tanks crush the bodies of the dead and wounded and where residents are thrown from rooftops or sniped in their homes.

“Causing death or serious bodily harm to civilians for the purpose of intimidating a population” is the very definition of terrorism, in the words of the United Nations General Assembly.

Entire residential buildings are reduced to rubble in the name of “assassinating” resistance fighters, whether in Gaza, the West Bank, or even Beirut. The Israeli government has normalized bloody attacks on hospitals, churches, and mosques and weaponized communications technology to annihilate people in homes, offices, and streets en masse – to strike fear into civilians and force them into submission.

The gang state

If there is a single word that best defines Israel’s modus operandi, it is terrorism. From its inception as a political entity through its early campaigns of ethnic cleansing to its ongoing military impositions on Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen – not to mention its previous actions in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Sudan – Israel’s history is marked by a blatant disregard for international law and moral principles.

Terrorism is the most powerful weapon for Israel, the ‘gang state’ that is now nicknamed ‘Netanyahu’s gang,’ and its security and military apparatuses. This gang mentality has long been part of the Zionist ideology, which cloaks its goals in lofty religious rhetoric while simultaneously unleashing depraved acts of violence and domination.

Almost a century later, Israel still struggles to attain legitimate standing, its existence perpetually marred by its violent birth and sustained oppression of the Palestinians.

Forget all the western deception used to convince public opinion that the occupation state is the “only democracy in the Middle East.” As the Arabic proverb says: “What is built on falsehood is falsehood.”

The Polish “founding father” of this state, Ben Gurion, himself was immersed in campaigns of criminal ethnic cleansing and displacement, much like the Zionist terror gangs that founded the occupation state based on the ideas of Ukrainian Ze’ev Jabotinsky. The latter was the first to call for militarizing Zionism to confront the indigenous Palestinians and establish the colonial project in the Levant.


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fe2c78 No.21674053

File: 1eec2eb66d6aeb1⋯.png (72.61 KB,559x613,559:613,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala was born that way.

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738f37 No.21674054



you must be lost


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46d2d6 No.21674055

File: 973ec0c270f0e43⋯.jpg (364.44 KB,1430x997,1430:997,WaPoRampellCom.JPG)

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4c987f No.21674056

On Wed. 25 Sept. 2024, elite troops began flooding into the U.S. from secret military alliances, gearing up for the final strike to dismantle the Cabal. HIGH ALERT! 50,000 Elite Troops Mobilized for EBS Lockdown! The Final Phase Has Begun—10 Days of Darkness, Mass Arrests, and Nationwide Operations Now in Motion! - Gazetteller

Fort Bragg, North Carolina, became the staging ground for the largest military build-up since World War II. Over the past 48 hours, new units from the 82nd Airborne Division, along with Task Force Orange, the Pentagon’s most secretive intelligence-gathering unit, have been brought into Fort Bragg to prepare. Bases in Nevada, Colorado, and California were also central to covert operations, with Delta Force and Navy SEALs leading the charge.

The 50,000 U.S. troops were joined by specialized units from Europe. Sources confirm that French Foreign Legion and German KSK commandos have been deployed to New York City and Washington D.C., where they are poised to make high-profile arrests of elite Cabal members, including bankers, politicians, and media moguls.

Meanwhile, in Washington State and Montana, the Canadian military has mobilized elite Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) operatives to assist in operations targeting Cabal-controlled political figures in the Pacific Northwest. DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) beneath Denver International Airport, Cheyenne Mountain, and Dugway Proving Ground were the most critical targets of the mission.

Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago remain prime targets for mass arrests, though operations are planned for all 50 states. National Guard units will back up Federal Marshals if resistance occurs, ensuring that every state capital is struck simultaneously.

In Texas and Florida, special units from Russia and Brazil have been deployed to assist in operations focused on taking down Cabal financial institutions in major cities like Miami, Dallas, and Houston. These elite forces will secure financial centers, ensuring that the wealth of the elites is returned to the people.

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c99dce No.21674057

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)


It's a pretty high probability that Mass fuckery will occur and that could be the case. The DS will do anything to prevent the red wave.

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e5f0ad No.21674058


nice … harrisburg area code

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921ca6 No.21674059

File: 674b8daf30020f4⋯.jpeg (48.69 KB,900x564,75:47,GYiAtcdW8AAJFQO.jpeg)


No probs here you are.


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c9847c No.21674060

President Trump: Kamala also let in twenty-five thousand, two hundred and seventy-two illegals convicted for rape, sex offenses, or sexual assault. Sixty-two thousand, two hundred and thirty-one criminal aliens convicted of violent assault…in total she let in four hundred and twenty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty-one people convicted; and these are convicted of the worst crimes…along with an additional two hundred and twenty-two thousand illegals with pending criminal charges, many of those charges also are murder…that's over six hundred and forty-seven, five hundred and seventy-two migrant criminals, who Kamala set loose to rape, pillage, thieve, plunder, and kill, the people of the United States of America…Kamala is mentally impaired…only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country.

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8c5b1f No.21674061

Bill Cooper - Israel Created for Nuke War & The One World Gov


Two Rivers –Land Expansion of Israel From Israelis


Zohar (Cabala) - Kill Gentiles - by Jana Ben Nun, a Christian


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7a7035 No.21674062

File: c14f76ffdfad50f⋯.jpg (143.35 KB,694x841,694:841,WallHaters.JPG)

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38cd54 No.21674063


Unfortunately, in the mountain towns of NC, there's nothing left to loot. Entire towns were washed away.

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e2102f No.21674064


Name the uncorrupted government entity that is going to help him to that.

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a169bf No.21674065


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0a12d7 No.21674066

POTUS: ' Theyre terrorists at the highest level… we have no idea where they are.. they could be in Iowa, Idaho, they could be here.. because every state is a border town.. theyre flying them in the hundred of thousands… and she lies so much.. she said "Donald Trump ripped the babies out of the cribs,".. was actually Obama who built the cages, that was in 2014, that was Obama.. all of sudden the cage story went away when it wasnt me.. the simplest lies were she worked at McDonalds and she lied.. im going to go to McDonalds and she said she stood in front of the french fries.. all the stupid people. the anchors back there (fake news)… they say hes falling into a trap.. they dont want me to question her.. all her stories have been debunked… shes saying im ripped the kids out of the cribs.. that may have been Obama.. '

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6c5c95 No.21674067

Ripped the babiess out of the cribs

It might of been obama…

something like this

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673032 No.21674068


I can say, with absolute confidence, this is bullshit. Further, it reeks of Real Raw News.

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559b49 No.21674069

File: 0efdb05310223d3⋯.png (7.91 KB,255x170,3:2,A_.png)


Nice find, Anon!

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0a12d7 No.21674070

POTUS: ' Do you think Biden lays awake at night thinking of fentanyl and death? '

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8c5b1f No.21674071

April 9, 2020 WEF–Said it themselves

"Lockdown is the world's biggest psychological experiment - and we will pay the price."

"With some 2.6 billion people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever."


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a1f739 No.21674072


you mean FEMA agents

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c57a3c No.21674073


What can you see?

Do you see that the other 10 tribes abode in Samaria.

Also known as the missing 10 tribes.

They did not split, there was a northern kingdom of Israel, containing the ten tribes.

And the Southern kingdom, containing the two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, with some Levites.

It was Judah, the southern Kingdom, which was taken by Babylon into captivity.

The northern kingdom was already occupied by the Assyrians, those Israelites were known as Samarians/Samaritans.

John 8:48

“Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?”

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b59724 No.21674074

File: 1c32a3ddd5c87b1⋯.png (492.93 KB,756x639,84:71,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


CALEXICO, CA — Border Czarina Suprémè Kamala Harris has just announced that she will be implementing a new national security measure at the southern border checkpoints: a Murderers-Only Express Lane just for illegal immigrants who have been convicted of killing two or more people.

Sources within Kamala's administration say that the measure is meant to help reduce processing times at the border by not making murderers wait quite as long in line.

"We're really just hoping to provide an equitable entrance for these Democrat vot — I mean, honored guests of the United States," said Gayle Quimble, aide to Harris. "The new Murderers-Only lane will hopefully allow us to sort out the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. There are getting to be so many murderers, it's just clogging up the system."


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f733b1 No.21674075

Remember Q posted that image of Obama and Biden?


I hope they are both held accountable, but it will never happen

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93d6cf No.21674076


met a midget at a bar across from the truckstop North or there duncannon. she invited me to eat squirrel. kek. also many Amish. God bless America.

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885f96 No.21674077

File: f6efc7aaad683af⋯.mp4 (12.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,myheartwillgoon.mp4)

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d5d93c No.21674078

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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fe2c78 No.21674079

File: 307d98bf22a93ab⋯.png (61.32 KB,816x606,136:101,ClipboardImage.png)

She was raised.

Her Dad is not her real Dad.

Watch Candace Owens.

She is tracking her family tree.

It's all made up.

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57b4f8 No.21674080


>theyre flying them in the hundred of thousands



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57336f No.21674081


Military is the only way

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0a12d7 No.21674082

POTUS: ' We lost by just a little bit, i was told if i got 63 million votes, i got more votes than any sitting president has ever gotten.. we have more lawyers, more people watching.. and when we win we will prosecute people who cheat on this election.. and if we can we will go to the one before that too… '

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559b49 No.21674083

TRUMP- We are going to prosecute those that cheat during this election. And we're going to go back to the last one too, if we can.

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8c5b1f No.21674084

Jewish Girl Says Gentiles Animals per Her Bible


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c9847c No.21674085

President Trump: If we win, and when we win, we're gonna prosecute people that cheat on this election. And if we can, we'll go back to the last one too, if we're allowed.

[statute of limitations would absolutely allow that]

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0a12d7 No.21674086

POTUS: ' If this building was 20 times larger it still wouldnt be big enough (for the crowds outside).. why would they do that to the people who travelled so far… '

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a169bf No.21674087

File: 86fe1f61262b5e3⋯.png (281.78 KB,680x601,680:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a12d7 No.21674088

POTUS: ' This is very real.. this gets down to the fabric of our nation… you will be looking over your shoulder for your safety '

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fb6aef No.21674089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7526ee No.21674090


Military is the best way.

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598f1d No.21674091


The Uniparty Chamber of Commerce is a major player wanting open borders as well.

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99f5dc No.21674092


>Farm born assets

Kamala working at McDonalds…. Old McDonald?

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387b0b No.21674093

File: 55e98c3a78959b2⋯.png (660.25 KB,700x523,700:523,IMG_8141.png)

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0a12d7 No.21674094

POTUS: ' She letting in people who are going to walk into your house, break into your door.. theyll do anything they want.. these people are animals.. theyre stone cold killers.. they wake up the next morning and they dont remember what they did the day before.. '

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f2a3af No.21674095

Animalist Animals

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bec328 No.21674096

File: 2b123d04b2c5d3c⋯.png (47.63 KB,153x180,17:20,Screen_Shot_2024_09_28_at_….png)

Pink hair again…

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0a12d7 No.21674097

POTUS: ' Many many countries, their jails are almost empty,;… i woulda done the same thing;… and your law enforcement here just had a problem here that we will talk about '

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ff8b25 No.21674098


Yes, Trump won, but he decided to leave the wars in Ukraine and Israel to the democrats. Trump could have prevented the deaths of thousands of children if he had wanted to.

Vote harder.

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6259f7 No.21674099


Watch original Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Where I grew my appreciation of classical.

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38cd54 No.21674100


Different hair style, as well.

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fe2c78 No.21674101

File: 686e780ef74a908⋯.png (276.96 KB,1349x800,1349:800,ClipboardImage.png)

Great investigative work Candace!

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1824e9 No.21674102


John 4:21-22

>“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews."

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c9847c No.21674103

President Trump: {Harris] is letting in people who are going to walk into your house, break into your door, and they'll do anything they want…these people are animals. She's released people; these people are animals…these are stone-cold killers. They're heartless, and they wake up the next morning, and they don't even think about what they did the day before. These are real killers. These are the worst; these are people that have been in jail for many years. These are people that killed many people.

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511295 No.21674104

You Are the Ultimate Lie Detector

We all lie, but how can you tell when someone is lying to you? Good article

Posted August 29, 2024 Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

Even though we all want the same thing, to feel valued by someone else, not everyone can be trusted. Some people lie and are deceptive: Even when being treated with respect, they may strive to take advantage of you.

Positive facial expressions are also an indication of respect, or at least of not being a threat. Trustworthiness is more easily attributed to happy rather than angry faces.1 In fact, when someone is lying to you, it is more likely you will believe them if they do not appear angry. We have all had the experience of telling the truth but being so outraged by an accusation that we shoot ourselves in the foot by appearing angry. “Me think the Lady doth protest too much.” So, if you want people to believe you, stay calm!

We have a brain chemical of trust called oxytocin(OT). Trusting someone is a part of being human. How other people interpret your face can increase their own OT levels, enhancing the relationship and connection between you. OT makes it easier to connect with other people, but there may be a dark side: It may be more difficult to recognize when someone is lying.2

And the way we are feeling can sometimes influence the way we interpret another person's face. Secure people see more opportunity for connection. Anxious people see more threats.

This anxiety can create a bias.

People trust those who look like them and are more likely to read threats when people are unfamiliar or a different skin color. The biological underpinnings of whom to trust have implications for our current ethnic and cultural conflict.3 People are more likely to trust a face that resembles their own.

This unfortunate but real component of humanity has a biological and evolutionary origin. Millions of years ago, those who chose to trust their own group survived more than those who trusted every group.

Sound familiar, especially today in a world of perceived conflict?

But we don’t need to keep doing this.

Just being aware of these evolutionary influences can potentially overcome the disrespect of prejudice. We are not so different. We all want the same thing: to feel valued by someone else. We all want to feel valued. This universal truth means we are not hundreds or thousands of different groups. We are one group called humanity.

Lie Detector Tests: Tricks to Keep It Frontal

You are the lie detector.

Most people are really not that good at controlling their faces when they lie.

Write down the times you were sure someone was lying to you and how you think you knew. Did they blink more? Was there a look “behind the eyes” indicating a leaking of their true motivations? Think about why they would lie—what gain would they get? Sometimes lies are a way to keep you thinking and feeling about a person a certain way. A secret is not a secret because of what we have done: A secret is a secret because we worry how will someone view us differently if they know our secret!

Check in with your own feelings: Are you more anxious or getting angrier? Remember that if you feel this way, your own response will have an impact on how the other person reacts. If you become disrespectful, they will naturally become more defensive because that is how brains react to a perception of threat. But if you remain calm, level-brained, and respectful, the truth is more likely to come out.

Being respectful does not always work, but the converse of being disrespectful never works. Even if you are being lied to, treat that person with respect. You don't have to like what someone else does, or condone it, but if you respect that it is the best they can do given their circumstances, your own brain is less likely to go limbic and you can “keep it frontal.”

Keep it frontal, don’t go limbic!


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0a12d7 No.21674105

POTUS: ' People coming over the border are taking the jobs of our black pop and the hispanic pop '

(i dont like it when he says this, with all due respect.. or maybe i dont like the fact that black and hispanics pop maybe have entry level jobs?)

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e1309c No.21674106

File: aca54dff1ec109c⋯.jpeg (87.94 KB,699x609,233:203,IMG_5653.jpeg)

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fb6aef No.21674107

Israel Says it Killed Hezbollah Intelligence Official in New Strike

Israel’s military said Saturday that it killed a Hezbollah intelligence official in a strike on Beirut’s southern suburbs, where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed.

The army said it “eliminated” Hassan Khalil Yassin in a strike in the Dahiyeh area of Beirut.

It added that Yassin was involved in planning attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians, including some planned to be carried out “in the coming days.”


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f733b1 No.21674108



Public executions?

Would the left and normies be able to stomach it? I don't think so. I would happily allow Trump to allow them to kill all the traitors, but then the world will say he is 'Hitler' and a dictator etc. etc.

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f2a3af No.21674109

The end of progressive globalism

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559b49 No.21674110

TRUMP- This is a dark speech

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598f1d No.21674111


In both cases jew wars. Getting old.

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8c5b1f No.21674112

File: f1fbd90269371ca⋯.png (615.91 KB,541x654,541:654,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a12d7 No.21674113

POTUS: ' Stone cold killers, drug dealers, gang members.. every country in the world are taking their worst people. the criminals, the gangs who have hurt people, they are taking their worst people and theyre bringing them into our country '

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fe2c78 No.21674114

File: a6cbd30da01812c⋯.png (73.54 KB,833x761,833:761,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala is a FARM Animal.

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fe56f7 No.21674115

File: 8871a1c24a974eb⋯.jpg (484.49 KB,1484x904,371:226,DemocratArmy.JPG)

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6259f7 No.21674116


Allow her to speak too much and her Marxism starts to show through.

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d37a2b No.21674117

File: df12378d84b4def⋯.png (262.33 KB,434x434,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a12d7 No.21674118

POTUS: ' Some of the honest fake news back there.. oh theyre turning the cameras when i point that out.. you have some good people back there.. but mostly horror shows '

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bec328 No.21674119


>Public executions?

>Would the left and normies be able to stomach it?

Red pill suppositories might be in order.

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0a12d7 No.21674120

POTUS: ' A lot of these people are terrified.. they dont want to talk about it.. '

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5da07d No.21674121

File: 2e04263bef09c1c⋯.png (260.49 KB,598x729,598:729,Somebodys_watching_me_DJT_….png)

File: 90cf5ff984a7fe6⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Somebodys_watching_me_DJT_….mp4)

File: 1a36203141a05cc⋯.png (47.92 KB,200x200,1:1,tictacs_fresh_mint_clear.png)

File: 87c5798639497c1⋯.jpg (90.06 KB,448x736,14:23,aug_2_2024_Margo_Alina_twi….jpg)

File: d79dce1abbcbb81⋯.jpg (188.37 KB,768x1024,3:4,aug_2_2024_Margo_Alina_twi….jpg)


TYB Somebody's Always Watching 🦅 Eagles ROCK! Always tWinning! lol


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b59724 No.21674122

File: 6641dfe2d0f6e15⋯.png (35.35 KB,598x267,598:267,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


and apparently they just killed his replacement

israel is bowling, it seems, they set up new pins and isreal knocks 'em down…

The new Hezbollah leader Hassan Khalil Yassin has been killed by the IDF.

2:08 PM · Sep 28, 2024





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92ea87 No.21674123


wild. total comms

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ff8b25 No.21674124


endless wars forever.


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c9847c No.21674125

President Trump: Small towns in America are terrified of migrants coming in, and even when they haven't yet arrived, they're terrified. And a lot of these people don't want to talk about it because they think it's so bad for the town, but they're going to have to talk because people are being killed.

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0a12d7 No.21674126

POTUS: ' Honestly, they arent going to take it much longer and its easier if on Nov 5th, you vote for Trump '

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598f1d No.21674127


Dispense with the fake outrage faggot. HB1 Visas take jobs and their kids take university slots and entry level college jobs.

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99317f No.21674128

File: ab4a2411fcbefdc⋯.jpeg (40 KB,480x717,160:239,IMG_6607.jpeg)

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8c5b1f No.21674129

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f2a3af No.21674130

Terrifying and murderous animal killers, drug, sex and child trafficking animals

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e2102f No.21674131



Funny, I don't see the Military listed as a branch of the government.

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0a12d7 No.21674133

POTUS: ' Thank you very much, oh i love that young voice, what a beautiful young person you are.. thats what we are fighting for, that voice.. we dont want them to grow up in this insanity '

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c57a3c No.21674134


Again, mistranslation, conflating Jews with Judeans.

Do you not understand that the jews, who rebuilt the second temple, took control over Judah and Jerusalem, have purposely mistranslated to make themselves the Judeans, therefore claimed the chosen status.

It's clearly written in scripture, in Jesus own words.

Do you see how it only takes changing one word to change the meaning of the entire book.

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4c331b No.21674135

File: cc10a657cff5f34⋯.jpeg (175.43 KB,1290x940,129:94,IMG_8004.jpeg)

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bb1968 No.21674136

File: 5de0af03547bb60⋯.jpg (169.94 KB,1198x627,1198:627,BrennanGateOpen.JPG)

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8c4536 No.21674137


You can ignore this from me. My X account was glitchy.

This isLEGIT

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b59724 No.21674138

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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0a12d7 No.21674139

POTUS: ' Think of it, 13000 people who murder people. they arent going to change theyre going to get worse… so we are here in PRarie Du Chein '

Doesnt that mean prarie of Dogs?

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5da07d No.21674140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now I wanna hear the video Keks

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8c5b1f No.21674141

File: 81e9e15e7d64031⋯.png (652.4 KB,722x490,361:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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99f5dc No.21674142

File: c4e9ed0d22f6958⋯.png (90.32 KB,1010x424,505:212,ClipboardImage.png)



Nothing solid to link to the tweets but contributing to the hive mind and seems applicable given the current news.

Kermit Roosevelt Jr.

Roosevelt went on to establish American Friends of the Middle East and then played a lead role in the CIA's efforts to overthrow Mohammad Mosaddegh, the democratically elected Majlis-appointed prime minister of Iran, in August 1953


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f2a3af No.21674143

Savage animal monsters

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0a12d7 No.21674144

POTUS: ' Btw im going to end all sanctuary cities' '

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a1f739 No.21674145


The Farm is c_a training grounds

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8b4f92 No.21674146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


André Rieu - O Fortuna (Carmina Burana - Carl Orff)

André Rieu


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ff8b25 No.21674147

File: 29e0fc1f77d1e65⋯.png (257.77 KB,629x460,629:460,ClipboardImage.png)




JUST IN: 🇷🇺 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says the United States carried out a terrorist attack in Lebanon with Israel.

Sep 28, 2024 · 4:59 PM UTC



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1824e9 No.21674148


Right it's always a mistranslation when it doesn't fit what you want it to mean.

The tribe of Judah and Benjamin = Jews

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43d874 No.21674149


really don't care

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0a12d7 No.21674150

POTUS: ' The people of these sanctuary cities, they want them out.. its just the politicians… we will explain to them later '

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c9847c No.21674151

President Trump: The people of these states with big sanctuary cities, these people want them out. It's only the politicians that want 'em. Some day we'll explain why.

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4618a4 No.21674152

"some day we'll explain why"

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db04e0 No.21674153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

from 2016

America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED


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f2a3af No.21674154

Cartel CABRONES es Deado Beanon Burritos

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8c5b1f No.21674155

File: 913bfb79e790f60⋯.png (530.07 KB,656x498,328:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb6aef No.21674156


>Her Dad is not her real Dad.

Obama redux.

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c57a3c No.21674157


Having eyes, you see not and ears you hear not.

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0a12d7 No.21674158

POTUS: ' We have a lot of action going on in Wisconsin… an illegal alien was arrested for tying up and blindfoldiing a 12 year old girl and sexually assaulting her '

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244abc No.21674159

File: be1fd02f0a77d06⋯.jpg (380.55 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ObamaFarm.JPG)

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598f1d No.21674160

What are the numbers for murder rape assault etc. in the US and are they in prison and what is the racial breakdown?

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f733b1 No.21674161

The illegal Immigrants are going to revolt, they will get together and form their own military. I hope American civilians are ready to assist police and the military. MIL/CIV

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0a12d7 No.21674162

POTUS: ' I like Wasau '

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673032 No.21674163


Just remember, if you are okay w/this, then don't be butt hurt when Putin vaporizes East/West coast to take out Hollywood and D.C. because the justification will be the same.

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bec328 No.21674164

File: 52a2c4129457d67⋯.png (408.19 KB,543x680,543:680,santa_grammar_nazi.png)

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d37a2b No.21674165

File: c908b1f0f0b7ea9⋯.png (14.51 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,ClipboardImage.png)

Nighttime precision!

A CMV-22B Osprey lands effortlessly on USS Gerald R. Ford's flight deck, shining bright in the Atlantic Ocean darkness.

Carrier qualifications never looked so dazzling!


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fb6aef No.21674166



Biden is 3 D. That's why we have Bidan.

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8c5b1f No.21674167

File: 9b3277b2630012a⋯.png (483.66 KB,666x455,666:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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92ea87 No.21674168

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0a12d7 No.21674169

POTUS: ' Little beautiful areas of our planet… you are going to have a lot of problems.. theyre all over the place.. look at whats happened in NY.. and they went after the mayor of NY because he said we couldnt take it anymore.. theres vicious monsters in our country who are stupid which is dangerous '

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1fb803 No.21674170





TY anons

ty anon for posting the links


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1bc5b1 No.21674171

File: 1c9b1dc6d5de52e⋯.jpeg (401.57 KB,1555x2048,1555:2048,IMG_7851.jpeg)

File: 25ef15b2fe68406⋯.jpg (633.98 KB,2045x1184,2045:1184,Q_Military.JPG)

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bec328 No.21674172

File: 74048ff3587c225⋯.png (769.61 KB,1440x960,3:2,74048ff3587c225aa020f8ab53….png)


>Putin vaporizes East/West coast to take out Hollywood and D.C.

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38cd54 No.21674173


Baker, NoteTaker(s): NOTABLE

Interstate 40 East between NC and TN washed out

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e6161f No.21674174

File: 87b6ab9139aa589⋯.png (791.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04169657af44116⋯.png (409.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1810f882c2eab78⋯.png (613.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77ade39a7a848fe⋯.png (488.53 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2a3af No.21674175

DeepFuckos Cartelos MasonPiggos En Witchos morrire

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ff8b25 No.21674176


bla bla bla

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1824e9 No.21674177


Says the blind and deaf.

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0a12d7 No.21674178

POTUS: ' I will liberate our nation, our nation will be free again… its going to have to go fast… and im the only one who can do it.. they dont talk about it… because its bad publicity to talk about people getting killed '

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3461be No.21674179

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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4618a4 No.21674180


>The illegal Immigrants are going to revolt, they will get together and form their own military

Not if it's done right

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1a7752 No.21674181


Watch, anons. No one will be able to.

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0a12d7 No.21674182

POTUS: ' Look at what they are doing in colorado, theyre real estate developers, they do it with a gun '

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fe56f7 No.21674183

File: 8f4020f24a4c89d⋯.jpeg (122.96 KB,675x1200,9:16,IMG_6421.jpeg)

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c57a3c No.21674184


I bet you believe the MSM too, don't ya.

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d0ab7e No.21674185

File: a40efee9077deb3⋯.jpeg (471.76 KB,1202x973,1202:973,IMG_3499.jpeg)

File: d770a24e8aa7659⋯.jpeg (657.69 KB,1349x1494,1349:1494,IMG_3557.jpeg)

File: 3957e96000c328a⋯.jpeg (808.25 KB,1345x1297,1345:1297,IMG_3558.jpeg)

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e2102f No.21674186


Like they'd read it.

Hell, they can't even use the auto-correct feature built-into their browsers/devices.

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05c1e9 No.21674187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I saw a video of Kamala arresting Michael Jackson, could someone make a AI song by Michael Jackson about taking down the deep state / qtard stuff? TYB

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ec80d6 No.21674188

File: a8bacb943e10c4b⋯.png (306.97 KB,1070x934,535:467,ClipboardImage.png)


Light Em Up If You Got Em!

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0a12d7 No.21674189

POTUS: ' I am endorsed by every law enforcement group, i think, or just about it, cuz theyll find one tiny person up someplace, up someplace… who will say Trump lied, he lied '

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b59724 No.21674190

File: 825db8a35e1ad29⋯.png (54.79 KB,678x298,339:149,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: a87012f6325bd90⋯.png (463.15 KB,654x471,218:157,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)



knee pads is planning to troll you tonite at the georgia-alabama game…

Trump is expected to be at Tuscaloosa's Bryant-Denny Stadium this evening for the Alabama Crimson Tide's crucial showdown with the Georgia Bulldogs, taking a break from his relentless Presidential campaign to attend one of the most-anticipated college games of the season.

And while he watches on from the stands, the 78-year-old will reportedly be trolled by election rival Kamala in the skies.

According to CNN, Harris campaign officials plan to fly a small plane over Bryant-Denny Stadium with a banner that reads: 'Trump’s Punting on 2nd Debate.'

The bold plane stunt is not the only way they will try to coax Trump into a second debate, nevertheless.


give her the finger, Donald, or better yet, give her the heart sign

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ec80d6 No.21674191

The Boys In BLUE!!!

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738f37 No.21674192


in reverse image source, first save comes a year later.

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e2102f No.21674193

File: 062efb326ab2944⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x1200,1:1,seemslegit.png)

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c9847c No.21674194

President Trump: These towns, these little towns and cities, and by the way, the big cities too. New York. Look what's happened in Ne York. And they went after the mayor of New York because he was saying, 'we can't do this'; they just indicted him from long before he was mayor. Look at what they did. These are vicious monsters in our government, that are also stupid people…Today I stand before you to make this promise, I will liberate Wisconsin from this mass-migrant invasion of murderers, rapists, hoodlums, drug dealers ,thugs, and vicious gangmembers. We are going to liberate our country. I will liberate our nation.

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4618a4 No.21674195

File: 44228324c8cdf15⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB,640x480,4:3,Simpsons_predicts_2025_Sup….mp4)

File: e43cfe364ebffaf⋯.png (122.71 KB,303x180,101:60,ClipboardImage.png)


>The illegal Immigrants are going to revolt, they will get together and form their own military

If it's not done right, it will look like the Thriller riots….

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ec80d6 No.21674196


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9008c9 No.21674197

File: 66b34810b1dd175⋯.jpeg (436.9 KB,1580x960,79:48,phonto.jpeg)

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5da07d No.21674198

File: 12a5915bc07b786⋯.png (552.04 KB,1024x768,4:3,fucking_mailmen_Voter_FRAU….png)


hopium is they wont go all postal this election

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559b49 No.21674199


Oh, Im sure someone is going to Light Up LA!

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8c5b1f No.21674200

File: 7c664dccaa21dfb⋯.png (123.2 KB,751x627,751:627,ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls


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f2a3af No.21674201

Entire network of spic gangs, gone

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0a12d7 No.21674202

POTUS: ' Border patrol endorsed me… how do you endorse somebody.. theyre unbelievable patriots.. they want to do their jobs… America, come to be so famous, some of these towns are being talked about all over the world, occupied and being run by gangs from Venezuela…. this is hundreds of little cities and towns and their law enforcement if petrified.. you have a small group of venezuelan street gangs with AK47,… ive become an expert in guns in a short time'

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1824e9 No.21674203


Why would I believe the propaganda arm of government?

I believe in FREE PRESS, not corporations that call themselves press. I believe in the press this government so strongly hates. WE THE PEOPLE.

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813858 No.21674204

File: 39348415004409c⋯.png (706.7 KB,853x750,853:750,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb6aef No.21674205


That warmed my heart.

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0a12d7 No.21674206

POTUS: ' I love that guy in the front he looks better than i do.. look at him he looks fantastic '

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476dd3 No.21674207


MK-Ultra comms?

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c9847c No.21674208

President Trump: We will not allow these people to invade us, conquer us, and take all of our dignity and pride, and everything that we have stood for from the very beginning of our lives. You have dignity and pride in this town, and this area, and this state, and they want to take that dignity and pride. They want to invade. They want to take over your homes. They want to take over your buildings.

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ec80d6 No.21674209

The VA in West Los Angeles needs to run background checks on these dirty Security Guards who are so rude and shady af

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c57a3c No.21674210


How can this even be a thing?

If any case should be tossed for no standing,

it's this.

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4618a4 No.21674211

File: a885e3d2cd09072⋯.png (533.03 KB,736x860,184:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Singer Janet Jackson is refusing to apologize for stating that Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris is “Indian” and “not black.”

The comments from the music star, who is black, provoked outrage from the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media.

Amid the backlash, corporate media outlets reported that individuals claiming to represent Jackson issued an apology, supposedly on her behalf.

However, she refuted the “apology” and Jackson’s manager asserted that she has not walked back the comments and has no plans to apologize.


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8c5b1f No.21674212

Kamala Harris: Nasrallah a ‘terrorist with American blood on his hands’

Vice President Kamala Harris called Hassan Nasrallah “a terrorist with American blood on his hands” while urging a diplomatic solution as Israel continues to strike Lebanon and Gaza.

“Across decades, his leadership of Hezbollah destabilized the Middle East and led to the killing of countless innocent people in Lebanon, Israel, Syria, and around the world. Today, Hezbollah’s victims have a measure of justice,” Harris said in a statement.

“I have an unwavering commitment to the security of Israel. I will always support Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.”

The Democratic presidential candidate added, “President Biden and I do not want to see conflict in the Middle East escalate into a broader regional war.”


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00cfb8 No.21674213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f2a3af No.21674214

Tens of thousands of corrupt state/local officials Leo/Justice have their careers evaporated

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ff8b25 No.21674215

File: 079678812c2bdd6⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,600x600,1:1,83dic1.jpg)

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921ca6 No.21674216

File: 4f835f457ddd385⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17275544340….png)

Dan ScavinoLFG


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d0ab7e No.21674217

File: 9f74620f6275cd3⋯.png (653.7 KB,680x530,68:53,IMG_3337.png)

File: e26400924dd4ec3⋯.jpeg (36.76 KB,204x255,4:5,IMG_3062.jpeg)

File: e32c82b374f5a2b⋯.jpeg (45.43 KB,243x207,27:23,IMG_2697.jpeg)

File: d2af2f49674ee5c⋯.jpeg (36.04 KB,255x170,3:2,IMG_2692.jpeg)

File: 88d9304149a29a0⋯.png (6.54 MB,2655x1771,2655:1771,IMG_2258.png)


“Merry Christmas, AMERICA!”

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0a12d7 No.21674218

POTUS: ' Hes been speaking to the boots on the ground for eight years in hundred degree temperatures.. the heat was crazy… harris went down and she didnt speak to the agents '

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4618a4 No.21674219

File: c46906e97b03392⋯.png (348.97 KB,838x760,419:380,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5d93c No.21674220

File: 87568b187b29ae6⋯.png (257.8 KB,605x491,605:491,IMG_3458.png)

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c57a3c No.21674221


The Edomites are invading America.

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e2102f No.21674222

File: 105454e276c24ad⋯.png (621.46 KB,3212x1142,1606:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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3651ea No.21674223

File: ab840092e12886a⋯.png (563.35 KB,828x566,414:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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b59724 No.21674224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f733b1 No.21674225


Anon has been here long enough to remember when Melania or Dan posted the picture of the present under the Chirstmas tree in the White House, wish I capped that post…

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6e40d8 No.21674226

File: bd24657a8724d18⋯.jpg (39.32 KB,1024x576,16:9,Trump_US_Israel.jpg)

Never Forget?

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6c7348 No.21674227

~“It is very important that your love of Israel continue until the Moshiach comes because you are going stay in office and are going to meet him,” Rabbi Ben Tov said to Netanyahu. “You are the one who will give him the keys to this office.”

Perhaps the most powerful message connecting current political events to the Messiah came from the most obscure source. Almost exactly one year ago, a Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) 31-year old Israeli woman named Talia Caroline Eliyahu was going through a spiritual crisis after giving birth. She sensed a dark presence in her home. One night, she awoke to change her baby’s diaper. When she returned to sleep, she dreamt of a large chariot with many people in it, including a member of her family. She followed the chariot into a large room where many people were being beaten.

In that room, she encountered her deceased grandmother who said, “You are partly here and partly there.”

She also saw many holy rabbis she recognized, some alive and some already deceased. One of the rabbis she recognized was Rabbi Dov Kook, a well-known mystic from Tiberias.

“When the government of Netanyahu crumbles, it is time to get ready for the Moshiach,” Rabbi Kook told her in the dream.

Talia’s vision is taken seriously in her community of Haredi Jews, even more so now that current events indicate they may have relevance.~


rabbi kook is a thing

invented modern hebrew

reviled by the other ultra-orthodox jews

how dare you use the holy language to say "pizza"

so the haredi take this very seriously

they see netanyahu as the herald of the messiah

more particularly, the end of netanyahu's government

kook is the name

rabbi kook

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0a12d7 No.21674228


its almost to the 12 days of christmas…

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358a05 No.21674229

File: 3415179220be157⋯.png (889.63 KB,967x544,967:544,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


>Dan ScavinoLFG

Think I played to much World of Warcraft and Everquest

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f2a3af No.21674230

File: ec6187f64147f42⋯.png (53.56 KB,245x227,245:227,1000001465.png)

Never gonna happen

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05c1e9 No.21674231

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921ca6 No.21674232


Spotted that just after I posted.

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b59724 No.21674233



enjoying the moojoo's reeing

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1a7752 No.21674234

File: 4af9bd730ece9fd⋯.jpeg (148.56 KB,1626x1333,1626:1333,Image_6.jpeg)



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d0ab7e No.21674235


Trip O Truth!

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05c1e9 No.21674236

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f2a3af No.21674237

XI watching something else

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fe2c78 No.21674238

File: 5300a5cc5ef933b⋯.png (82.37 KB,1162x630,83:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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476dd3 No.21674239

Good crowd in Wisconsin!!! Lively!

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3651ea No.21674240

File: b33057e4fe02d10⋯.png (228.77 KB,542x348,271:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a12d7 No.21674241

POTUS: ' She is a disaster,… shes not going to ever do anything for the border.. you got get out and vote.. this can only happen to me.. i had to beat biden.. then we had to start all over again.. she had a little honeymoon period… shes not a smart person. she doesnt know what she is doing… president Xi, hes just grabbing his people and hes so happy, hes grabbing his people and watching… shes incompetant and a bad person.. shes a marxist, her father is a marxist professor, this is a woman, if she gets in our country is finished, its finished '

Xi and Putin will take our country and destroy the criminals in DC who affect the whole world… pray for Trump Victory

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85032a No.21674242

File: 43afd7b8d035b15⋯.jpeg (116.9 KB,1156x628,289:157,IMG_6856.jpeg)

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ff8b25 No.21674243

File: 6489008208fbeaa⋯.png (41.87 KB,610x432,305:216,ClipboardImage.png)


@RT_com 10m

❗️6 dead in Pakistan helicopter crash

Sep 28, 2024 · 8:08 PM UTC


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ec80d6 No.21674244

File: 9383665965bef26⋯.png (1.48 MB,1116x595,1116:595,Capture1.PNG)

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c9847c No.21674245

President Trump: Starting on her first day in office, Kamala Harris terminated every Trump policy I used to deliver the strongest, and most secure border, in the history of our country.

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38cd54 No.21674246

A complete transcript of DJT's speech today would be EPIC. Think how many Q posts are being substantiated. He's telling America what is about to happen.

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358a05 No.21674247

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,4b30868e6c60360dd9bf03e5d….jpeg)

File: 258ae6e9cd81484⋯.png (191.42 KB,755x506,755:506,Screenshot_from_2024_09_28….png)





>Spotted that just after I posted.

good eye anon

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fb6aef No.21674248

"She's sick and a liar"

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f2a3af No.21674249

Sick liar

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c57a3c No.21674250


Who was on it?

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dbc7ab No.21674251


>f2a3af (27)


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8c5b1f No.21674252

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bb1968 No.21674253

File: 381699f09cde984⋯.jpeg (157.96 KB,1009x628,1009:628,IMG_4586.jpeg)

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0a12d7 No.21674254

POTUS: ' She halted the removal of illegal aliens from our country.. she said last night "I ripped babies out of the cribs".. and she said she worked at mcdonalds and shes a liar… 325,000 kids stolen, raped or just missing… '

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4618a4 No.21674255

File: 59eb5625e6808dc⋯.jpg (97.32 KB,503x1024,503:1024,911_proves_islam_kek.jpg)

File: ae8db7b678ac193⋯.png (669.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,purple_color_revolution_so….png)

File: 5f6242c8f87d769⋯.png (229.32 KB,326x385,326:385,purple_color_revolution_hi….png)

File: b828305a8aae68d⋯.png (340.89 KB,633x383,633:383,_prince_andrew_with_clinto….png)


We're watching Trump live, faggot.

I know you don't care about Trump, but we do.

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00cfb8 No.21674256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1a7752 No.21674257

File: a6d3768fb311d46⋯.jpeg (947.53 KB,1179x1744,1179:1744,IMG_0258.jpeg)


BREAKING: US Embassy in Iraq has been surrounded by thousands of protestors.


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8b2365 No.21674258

File: 00312d6feb89b80⋯.jpeg (101.11 KB,580x579,580:579,00312d6feb89b80ecda0b6a33….jpeg)

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4e905d No.21674259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Attorney confirms pornographic tape Diddy and someone higher profile than Diddy. Is being shopped for sale. She confirms she has seen the still images. Person seems unaware they are being filmed. Comments seem to think/ guess Leo, Lebron, Obama.

So, Obama and gay sex is being spread and no pushback. Kek

No pun in the buns intended…lol


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0a12d7 No.21674260

POTUS: ' Kamala harris should immediately resign the vice presidency and go home to california in disgrace '

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d0ab7e No.21674261

Kamala Harris should immediately RESIGN in Disgrace and go home to California!

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f2a3af No.21674262

Calling for resignation

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fe2c78 No.21674263

File: ffbb4237d4117c9⋯.png (34.49 KB,536x334,268:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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f733b1 No.21674264


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0a12d7 No.21674265

POTUS: ' Where is sleepy joe biden, what happened to him? '

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738f37 No.21674266



good move

he's right

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476dd3 No.21674267

File: 55944588104ea87⋯.jpeg (92.48 KB,750x785,150:157,Kamala_lied_about_working….jpeg)

File: c51617eb63be489⋯.png (4.91 MB,2770x1446,1385:723,Kamala_McDonalds_FAKE_.png)

File: 44b18a0838e6e94⋯.jpg (67.73 KB,750x750,1:1,_POTUS_Big_Mac_and_fries.jpg)

File: 294c8ce04eb5ed9⋯.jpg (40.06 KB,680x510,4:3,pepe_walking_home_from_get….jpg)

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93d6cf No.21674268

File: 532b1274ae58e4e⋯.png (1.34 MB,750x1334,375:667,16C1EDF7_A7FD_4FDE_A18E_6A….png)

File: 2e0fb8423ee5cbd⋯.png (562.22 KB,690x3428,345:1714,5A151F3A_E548_4F67_8C95_F6….png)

File: ff1d829aebc98cc⋯.jpeg (38.58 KB,468x272,117:68,44ED83A4_615D_437B_AC87_5….jpeg)

File: 67ba469b5df483c⋯.png (234.53 KB,690x2170,69:217,13813564_D3C5_487E_8150_BA….png)

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c24167 No.21674269

Kelly Clarkston has a big head..

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6e40d8 No.21674270

File: 4a10201429da1bd⋯.png (154.92 KB,634x465,634:465,ClipboardImage.png)




Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan, killing at least six people

The helicopter, which suffered malfunctions after takeoff, crashed near an oil field due to technical problems.

Sep 28, 2024 · 12:18 PM UTC




>❗️6 dead in Pakistan helicopter crash

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5fb27e No.21674271



Looking for Group

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b59724 No.21674272


i'll go with Trump/israel

you can go with russia/hezbollah

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e2102f No.21674273


Transgender climate scientists.

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e5f0ad No.21674274

File: 4812172baae726e⋯.png (721.6 KB,1000x737,1000:737,ClipboardImage.png)

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4618a4 No.21674275

we caught them about 2 months ago

flying them across the border

why only about 2 months ago?


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05c1e9 No.21674276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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738f37 No.21674277

Only a consequential President gets shot at

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fb6aef No.21674278

"This is why I get shot at" 😂

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04d6c6 No.21674279

File: fefe43cbdfde2ce⋯.png (1.33 MB,1390x1602,695:801,China.png)

Now do US banks


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f2a3af No.21674280

Carrel's are fucking doomed, gone

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4eb0ac No.21674281



LEts Fucking GO!

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ec80d6 No.21674282

File: 310218122ec31bb⋯.png (1.09 MB,1421x843,1421:843,ClipboardImage.png)

Harris Take a Leap… Go To Perris

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0a12d7 No.21674283

POTUS: ' Remember when she was saying, (makes circle sign in air).. they have phone apps, you know who theyre meant for, the cartels, they make millions of dollars a year.. only a consequential president gets shots at, remember that.. she relocated almost the entire population of haiti into the united states, and the rest of them are coming fast '

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96e743 No.21674284

File: 31b11f4135d9625⋯.jpeg (108.27 KB,1200x693,400:231,IMG_0978.jpeg)

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d0ab7e No.21674285

File: 4d71db60efbb1df⋯.jpeg (523.85 KB,850x1167,850:1167,IMG_3561.jpeg)


He said she should be impeached on Truth!

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476dd3 No.21674286

"This is why I get shot at so much." God bless him.

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1a7752 No.21674287


>y-you want us to define the very thing we so fervently believe in???

>w-we can’t


>um because we just CANT ok!!!

lol what a faggot

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0a12d7 No.21674288

POTUS: ' I have to sit there and listen to her bullsht last night '

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fe2c78 No.21674289

File: b095137e653ce4d⋯.png (136.07 KB,1140x883,1140:883,ClipboardImage.png)



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c57a3c No.21674290


Technical problem?

Looks like it was shot down.

6 dead, 3 pilots,

who were the other 3 I wonder.

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476dd3 No.21674291

her BULLSHIT last night!

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00cfb8 No.21674292

File: ab64ea833222626⋯.png (153.92 KB,433x726,433:726,n.PNG)


NEW: Expecting Steve Bannon’s Return: “Going Old Testament: Call to Offense and Coalition Building”

Bannon On The Need For A Door-To-Door Populist Mobilization Network In Support Of Trump’s Campaign

*Steve Bannon’s social media posts are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.*


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8b4f92 No.21674293

File: 56b1e54614be5d8⋯.png (905.43 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5ecf3990115dc7⋯.png (1007.95 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a12d7 No.21674294

POTUS: ' And who puts it on? Fox news… and everything she says is a lie.. and it all stops as soon as i raise my hand and take the oath of office as the 47th president of the united states '

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908d55 No.21674295

Does anybody know where that Sleepy Joe?

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ff8b25 No.21674296


For me it's fine. I'd rather die with my boots on than live on my knees.

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1fb803 No.21674297


#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790, >>21673980, >>21674000 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674012, >>21674018, >>21674026, >>21674029, >>21674040, >>21674050, >>21674060, >>21674066, >>21674070, >>21674080, >>21674082, >>21674086, >>21674088, >>21674094, >>21674097, >>21674103, >>21674113, >>21674118, >>21674125, >>21674133, >>21674135, >>21674139, >>21674151, >>21674158, >>21674169, >>21674178, >>21674182, >>21674189, >>21674194, >>21674202, >>21674208, >>21674218, >>21674241, >>21674245, >>21674254, >>21674261, >>21674265, >>21674283 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773, >>21674074 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815, >>21674048 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673824, >>21674023, >>21674059, >>21674142, >>21674185, >>21674216, >>21674223 DAN SCAVINO posted 2 “FROG” memes and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968, >>21673975, >>21674035, >>21674052, >>21674122, >>21674147, >>21674212, >>21674257 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910, >>21674165 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

>>21673974 NASA Space Related

>>21674153 from 2016 - America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED TALKS

>>21674200 DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

>>21674243, >>21674270 Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan 6 dead

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7e9041 No.21674298


Look you stupid Iranian, CRIMINALS of all flavors are trying to take down America, you are trying to help it happen, so GET FUCKED.

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f733b1 No.21674299

If Q team can go 6 years without ever being known or caught, I think Trump has the best security to hire in the world, Operators are in harms way keeping him safe o7

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4618a4 No.21674300

the CIA generated a hate between USA and islam

the CIA generated the "death to America" chant when they took over Iran in 1979

Until then there was not animosity between USA & islam

They doubled down on this approach with 9/11

because they know that race-based tensions is what will ultimately tear America apart

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316875 No.21674301

File: fc96e252342421e⋯.jpeg (27.33 KB,198x255,66:85,IMG_1794.jpeg)

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a45579 No.21674302


it is all a joke.

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e2102f No.21674303


They need three pilots to fly one chopper?

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c24167 No.21674304

File: 10babde8c937176⋯.gif (472.52 KB,387x305,387:305,tumblr_a449293a00be9140e57….gif)


Less then 10

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93d6cf No.21674305

File: e43744b7a3c3f7e⋯.png (210.23 KB,750x1334,375:667,10FB56E7_9E4A_4130_8FFB_75….png)

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d0ab7e No.21674306

The Government is BUYING HOUSES!

Really - PDJT

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4618a4 No.21674307


>If Q team can go 6 years without ever being known or caught

what happened Christmas Day 2020 anon? That has never been resolved.

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c57a3c No.21674308


KEK, but highly unlikely on a Russian Chopper.

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c9847c No.21674309

President Trump: Under both Border Czar and Sleepy Joe Biden; where is he, by the way? What the hell happened to him? Mid-western states from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin are being overwhelmed through two programs she created to deluge towns…first she created a program to fly in migrants from Venezuela, Haiti, and Nicaragua, dumping them into cities and towns all throughout America…in addition, she's allowing virtually unlimited numbers of migrants to enter and be released at the press of a button through her phone app for illegal immigrants…you know who they're really meant for? The cartel people. The people that run the cartels. They can use them brilliantly. They're making billions of dollars. Among the most successful people in the world. This is why I get shot at so much, if you think about it.

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4e905d No.21674310

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



P. Diddy Inspired The Story of Gangstalicious: Part 2 | The Boondocks

Homies over ho's

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fe2c78 No.21674311

File: bee8b311dc1c367⋯.png (42.93 KB,544x586,272:293,ClipboardImage.png)


2 Q chapters.

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1a88bf No.21674312


whatcha doing rabbi?

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4618a4 No.21674313




>>If Q team can go 6 years without ever being known or caught


>what happened Christmas Day 2020 anon? That has never been resolved.

You know they totally implied with the bomber being named "A Q Warner"

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6dae82 No.21674314

>>21672224 (pb)

>NY Port Authority has a (((MAFIA Problem)))

Hells Angels are heavily involved with the ports in North America. They aren't some Spider-man kind of vigilante… akshual bad doods. I know a guy he said him and his brother were gang-raped by a group of Hells Angels throughout his childhood starting from when he was 6 years old. His mother was a crackhead getting her drugs from HA and when she passed out the gang members would rape him and his brother in their room.

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0a12d7 No.21674315

POTUS: ' Not far from where we are today in a small beautiful town.. kamala has flooded the town with migrants, diseases are surging, theyve taken over the schools, the town itself has been plunged into debt.. in springfield ohio, 35,000 have descended down into this idealic town.. they dont speak the language, they dont have the culture.. 50,000 people who were full of happiness and love, now theyre not.. the mayor bring politically correct … no, no, we are trying very hard to get along with everyone, we are looking interpreters.. the town is destroyed, the cities are being destroyed..this is bigger than inflation '

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d0ab7e No.21674316


That was crazy!

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738f37 No.21674317

>>21674112 I-40 is WASHED OUT between NC and TN washed out


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57b4f8 No.21674318

File: 143d780f4524e10⋯.png (13.99 KB,800x360,20:9,ClipboardImage.png)



This almost looks like a fire inside the cabin. Wondering if the helicopter wasn't the problem at all. But rather something that it was carrying. Like a bomb or some sort of incendiary device.

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387b0b No.21674319

File: 3110558264df1be⋯.jpg (603.87 KB,1331x1331,1:1,RatsCometPizza.jpg)

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0a12d7 No.21674320

POTUS: ' Trillions being spent on the Green New Scam… they want to go to 93 trillion '

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fe2c78 No.21674321

File: 83f6d3553fbf1fb⋯.jpeg (21.2 KB,255x228,85:76,santa_trump.jpeg)

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4e905d No.21674322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Boondocks Tried to WARN You About P Diddy

YouTube · Sedi

Apr 2, 2024


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476dd3 No.21674323

File: 2bfb05960afdd6b⋯.png (2.2 MB,2610x804,435:134,Angala_merkle_drinking.png)


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387b0b No.21674324

File: 81bc48f28b63198⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,1374x683,1374:683,UberWoke.jpg)

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b59724 No.21674325

File: 59521b64ab72267⋯.png (439.77 KB,822x881,822:881,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


Sean 'Diddy' Combs' legal woes continue to mount as 50 more alleged victims have come forward accusing the music mogul of sexual assault.

RadarOnline.com can reveal Texas powerhouse attorney Tony Buzbee has been selected to represent the group of alleged victims, which is said to include "both men and women" – as Diddy languishes in prison reportedly so "panicked" and petrified he could be being lined up for a poisoning execution behind bars he is refusing to eat.

The attorney called the alleged victims "brave" as he noted "many were minors when the abuse occurred".

On Thursday, Buzbee took to his law firm's Instagram page to announce he was selected as lead counsel on the case.

The caption read: "The Buzbee Law Firm has been associated by the Ava Law Group to act as Lead Counsel to pursue claims on behalf of more than fifty individuals who suffered sexual assault and abuse at the hands of Sean “Diddy” Combs and his cohorts.

"This group of brave individuals include both men and women; many were minors when the abuse occurred. Some of these brave individuals reported the incidents to the police, others did not."

His caption continued: "Each individual story is gut wrenching and heartbreaking. The acts complained of occurred at hotels, private homes, and also at the infamous PDiddy “Freak Off” parties.

"The violations against this group of individuals are mindboggling and can only be described as debauchery and depravity, exacted by powerful people against minors and the weak."

He added: "I expect the group seeking redress will grow as this case progresses. I expect many other individuals will be implicated."


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bec328 No.21674326


Could I get some 50 BMG?

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2c986b No.21674327

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0a12d7 No.21674328

POTUS: ' The majority of the school in ohio they cant speak english, the mayor is lookig for interpreters, how can this happen, how can we allow it to happen '

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c9847c No.21674329

President Trump: Kamala has flooded the town [Whitewater, WI] with an estimated two thousand migrants from Venezuela and Nicaragua; very tough people in that group I know because I get the info. Housing costs have now soared by twenty-five percent, because the government is buying housse for them. Diseases are spreading like wildfire. All sorts of disease. The police say they can not handle the surge of crime. The schools can't teach; they're taking over the schools. The town itself has plunged heavily ito debt. The town's in big trouble.

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e2102f No.21674330


When are people going to learn that all of these groups serve the same masters?

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bec328 No.21674331

Fly comms!

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4618a4 No.21674332

File: acac8c21a7f389a⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,640x585,128:117,the_illusion_of_freedom_fr….jpg)


Goes back 20 years. Some anons here probably don't even remember that reference.

For thopse who don't know, this was from 2003 when we were all brainwashed by the bush admin into believing that iraq had something to do with 9/11, and so because the French were against the war,

some tards decided that we wouldn't call them french fries any more

because muh saddam and muh al qaida and muh 9/11 and stuff!

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99317f No.21674333

File: 5e01d93cfad9baa⋯.jpg (235.02 KB,1600x900,16:9,BassAckwards.JPG)

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559b49 No.21674334

File: 364a382db32056b⋯.png (20.62 KB,440x244,110:61,Q93.png)

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3651ea No.21674335


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d0ab7e No.21674336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I’ve found one report.

It’s under FEMA… no wonder so many “NATURAL DISASTERS”

Seems innocent…it isn’t

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c57a3c No.21674337

Oh, there's a fly, I wonder where the fly came from - POTUS

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813858 No.21674338

File: 39da53e4f6d3079⋯.png (914.22 KB,720x516,60:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0b509 No.21674339

Third World Kummander in Chief

influential barbarianism

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0a12d7 No.21674340

POTUS: ' Remember theres a hat thats made that sells like crazy.. oh theres a fly.. wonder where that came from, (swats in front of the podium at the fly) two years ago we wouldnt of had a fly up here, you are changing rapidly '

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f733b1 No.21674341


One of the best Q crumbs dropped. Anon will forever be thinking about the less than 10, it will be bedtime stories for children 100 years from now

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0a12d7 No.21674342

POTUS: ' I will not let it happen to Prarie Du Chien '

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349d09 No.21674343




Lies like that, about folks like the HA, is a good way to get dead.

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8c5b1f No.21674344

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908d55 No.21674345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c57a3c No.21674346


Just like the Edomites did to the Israelites.

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00cfb8 No.21674347

File: e2c0964890c9600⋯.png (17.18 KB,594x185,594:185,if.PNG)


Dan Bongino


If Elon didn’t buy Twitter, the story about 13,000 convicted murderers and 15,000 convicted sex offenders in our country ILLEGALLY due to Border Czar Kamala Harris’ policies, would be wiped from the cosmos.

7:21 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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453cba No.21674348

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,63aa853ae742cdda5285bf7868….jpg)

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c94dd6 No.21674349

File: c550c1c364c4783⋯.jpg (452.24 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,CiC.jpg)

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5da07d No.21674350

File: c718ea84af7fd61⋯.png (96.43 KB,677x471,677:471,clockfags_177th.png)

File: 7076c73923f3518⋯.png (39.26 KB,255x255,1:1,clockfags_177th_clear.png)

File: 9016e6cad4e69f3⋯.png (167.2 KB,856x606,428:303,may_2_2023_Ghost_Army_John….png)

File: 4899b8b70635d0a⋯.png (508.26 KB,1017x575,1017:575,Psyopception.png)

File: 86682e308ca7f5a⋯.png (596.25 KB,636x634,318:317,july_6_2017_WARSAW_SPEECH.png)

PB Screenshot 177th Ghost guys? TY for all that Military

WRWY That's fore sure :) What a ride!

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40250f No.21674351

Elon people in Western North Carolina need cell service and internet

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d0ab7e No.21674352

Stupid, Evil, They Want Us To Be Destroyed…PDJT

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8c5b1f No.21674353


Now I'm Iranian, you are A SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID

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442e3b No.21674354

Ok I thought anon

Was shitposting about trump’s pink

Hair but I see it now.


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c9847c No.21674355

President Trump: If Kamala is reelected, your town, and every other town just like it, all across Wisconsin, and all across our country, the heartland, the coast, it doesn't matter, will be transformed into a third-world hellhole. It's what's gonna happen. One hundred percent.

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ec80d6 No.21674356


End the Dog and Pony Show…before something bad happens…its wreckless…SHE'S GONNA KILL US ALL!

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b59724 No.21674357


i don't want you to die, just reassess your mindset regarding russia/hezbollah and hamas

it is no coincidence or accident that october 7th is putin's birthday

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0a12d7 No.21674358

POTUS: ' There was heinous sex assault that happened here, an illegal that came through Kamala, that wont be the last one, its going to get worse, it wont be sustainable… we got to take care of our country, our country being destroyed by these people.. are they stupid? are they evil? do they want to destroy our country? go and take a look… the mayor is taking an attitude like oh isnt it wonderful… '

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d4e6fd No.21674359

File: b70f5010b889a02⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,667x374,667:374,MongoPoster.jpg)

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00cfb8 No.21674360

File: 1b1110b2b2eb14f⋯.png (171.49 KB,442x432,221:216,hl.PNG)




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c57a3c No.21674361

File: e753a0d54a35822⋯.mp4 (718.29 KB,600x360,5:3,000_Trump_save_the_pets.mp4)

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718bbb No.21674362

File: d0eaebb92f143a3⋯.png (2.22 MB,1664x1664,1:1,IMG_0862.png)

File: 380a8f8b3f29afc⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,3000x3000,1:1,IMG_0266.jpeg)



All posts by :MM

They need to be read that way

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6dae82 No.21674363


Yeah the Hells Angels totally don't have a huge drug smuggling operation and human trafficking ring…

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738f37 No.21674365


Shills are destroyed this country.

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0a12d7 No.21674366

POTUS: ' This whole world is exploding '

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fe2c78 No.21674367

File: 1bfea460d49777c⋯.png (395.23 KB,1329x546,443:182,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you Q+

Trump just mentioned the FLIES.

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dbc7ab No.21674368


all of hunta peeple died of crack larp

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0a12d7 No.21674369

POTUS: ' This whole world is going to end up in a big fat world war '

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316875 No.21674370

File: bd893113a942cf1⋯.jpeg (119.28 KB,1000x812,250:203,IMG_5119.jpeg)

File: 07be33eaa579ee4⋯.jpeg (1.92 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,IMG_5116.jpeg)

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05c1e9 No.21674371


shill = antisemetic?

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00cfb8 No.21674372

File: fb8b42c206a7017⋯.png (50.8 KB,440x584,55:73,team.PNG)


Update on Our Team’s Situation

We want to thank you for your support and understanding during this challenging time. Our team in upstate South Carolina has been significantly impacted by Hurricane Helene. Many of us are currently traveling two hours just to access fuel and internet.

The storm has left us without power, downed countless lines, and caused extensive road damage, with many areas submerged. Unfortunately, internet and cell service are largely unavailable, and it may take 7 to 14 days for normalcy to return.

We truly appreciate your patience and your thoughts as we work through these difficulties.

In the meantime, please visit the resources (https://mark37.com/resources/) section of our website. We have a wealth of content that may address your questions, some of which you might not even know you have!

We are hopeful to reconnect by Monday and will make every effort to respond to your inquiries then.

Thank you for your understanding and support!



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7a7035 No.21674373

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB,1247x828,1247:828,CallGoodEvil.jpg)

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921ca6 No.21674374

File: 01693f711fc1b66⋯.png (374.69 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_asn_flightsafety_….png)

File: 6c914fa51f9c287⋯.jpg (607.07 KB,1200x813,400:271,7247969.jpg)



Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan, killing at least six people


Type: Mil Mi-8MTV-1

Owner/operator: PANKH Helicopters, lst Princely Jets

Registration: RA-24537

MSN: 97518

Year of manufacture: 2020

Fatalities: Fatalities: 7 / Occupants: 14

Other fatalities: 0


A Mil Mi-8 helicopter, chartered by the Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL), crashed in the Shewa area of North Waziristan after a failed emergency landing as a result of a technical malfunction.






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c24167 No.21674375


Indeed, double meaning, there are less then 10 anons in here that actually fight these evil pos head on. They are protected.

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c9847c No.21674376

President Trump: You gotta do what you gotta do. You got to get these people back where they came from. You have no choice. You're gonna lose your culture, you're gonna lose your country. You're gonna have crime, the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.

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738f37 No.21674377




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57b4f8 No.21674378


Ever since seeing the reports about some people at a Trump rally recently falling ill. Anon believes this is somehow related to some sort of protective measure for Trump. Maybe overhead germicidal lamps. Or part of some sort of detection system.

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d0ab7e No.21674379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Today’s Delta

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ec80d6 No.21674380


SO ARE THE ARABS…how about building your towns…get running water…INVENT SOMETHING!

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0a12d7 No.21674381

POTUS: ' What kamala spoke about last night, everything was a lie, everything was a lie… reading off the teleprompter… we are going to do this, we are going to do that.. so i say why dont you do it? '

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738f37 No.21674382


>shills are destroying this country.

nah, not just muh joos. let's be more broadminded than that

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f0b509 No.21674383


depraved debauchery on the ballot

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d4e6fd No.21674384

File: a7bea81b554cd6b⋯.jpeg (25.05 KB,255x182,255:182,Whats_Happening.jpeg)

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0d36bf No.21674385

File: e06b2636f6e6cdb⋯.jpeg (102.18 KB,754x447,754:447,IMG_1567.jpeg)

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813858 No.21674386

File: 94167140979ae4d⋯.png (465.76 KB,526x513,526:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e905d No.21674387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Has chsracters said to be mideled on 50 cent and Katt Williams.

The Boondocks cartoon is same as The Simpsons

Predictive programming.




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ec80d6 No.21674388


thats a shame

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fe2c78 No.21674389

File: 910f55a1a290de0⋯.png (11.61 KB,760x48,95:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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00cfb8 No.21674390

File: 3acbf8bfd8d14b0⋯.png (863.12 KB,872x880,109:110,pd.PNG)


7 hours ago

Raheem J. Kassam

Election 2024

REVEALED: Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers.

Victoria (Tori) Verber Salazar, one of the introductory speakers at Kamala Harris’s border event in Arizona on Friday night, is a former California District Attorney who was ousted by voters after a tenure of failure. In 2022, Verber Salazar was rebuked by dozens of local attorneys in her own office in San Joaquin County, who declared they had “no confidence in their boss, DA Tori Verber Salazar, to effectively manage prosecutions.”

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0a12d7 No.21674391

POTUS: ' I woulda never voted for that bill… it woulda allowed everybody to become a citizen.. all she has to do is go back to the WH.. wake up sleepy joe, its 4 oclock, so he went to bed… sign this piece of paper, it says to the border patrol "close the border"… three words… joe please sing it… i need help, i need help '

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8d0f02 No.21674392

File: 8c77f3cf8a9b43c⋯.jpg (96.9 KB,842x817,842:817,6j4325h45j234.JPG)

First U.S. Space Force Guardian launches into space

CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, Fla. - A U.S. Space Force Guardian launched into space from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, Sept. 28, 2024. This was the first time that a Guardian was launched into space since the inception of the USSF.

U.S. Space Force Col. Nick Hague commanded the NASA SpaceX Crew-9 mission aboard the Dragon spacecraft en route to the International Space Station. His crewmate, Roscosmos cosmonaut Mission Specialist Aleksandr Gorbunov, was also on board.

The Crew-9 mission marked the first crewed launch from Space Launch Complex 40.

“Col. Hague represents NASA, but, beneath the spacesuit, he remains a Guardian—embodying the character, commitment, connection, and courage inherent to the Guardian Spirit,” said U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations. ”I wish Nick the best of luck on his journey, and I know he will make us proud.”


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738f37 No.21674393


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0a12d7 No.21674394

POTUS: ' Our friends can be the worst on trade, theyre killing us on trade and can be worse than our enemies. '

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6e40d8 No.21674395

File: bf1cad3d7cf0187⋯.png (239.48 KB,618x510,103:85,ClipboardImage.png)


@nexta_tv 3h

Zelenskyy's spokesman: Russians will be first to know about authorization to strike deep into Russia

"And then an official announcement will be made," he said, implying that retaliatory strikes against Russia will come first.

Sep 28, 2024 · 4:35 PM UTC



The deep state is doing just what we all know they do, murdering civilians, trafficking children and breaking up governments. And Russia is the only one standing in the way of their plans for world domination.

Vote harder.

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07b940 No.21674396

Why do shills keep pushing 'it's the jews"

So hard.

What are they deflecting from?

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3fd48c No.21674397

File: bca35d9e71f2393⋯.jpeg (357.84 KB,1373x1080,1373:1080,phonto_3_.jpeg)

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7533d7 No.21674398

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5:15 PM EDT

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, to Hold a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania

Doors Open 2:15 PM (US/Eastern)




5:15 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Campaigns in Newton, Pennsylvania

Republican vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vance campaigns in Newton, Pennsylvania.



5:30 PM EDT

JD Vance Holds Maga Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania

Real America's Voice


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dfb148 No.21674399

Halt immigration for the next 20 years

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d0ab7e No.21674400

File: 9be317857ed8e6e⋯.png (40.13 KB,898x454,449:227,2290.png)



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0a12d7 No.21674401

POTUS: ' Well do i give up the look for the climb? its called an anti-climb panel '

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05c1e9 No.21674402

File: a855175a496e929⋯.png (1.16 MB,980x656,245:164,stadium.png)

File: 20611011595e6c7⋯.png (985.17 KB,880x724,220:181,uncoolll.png)

File: b4f6525aca2cb06⋯.png (1.12 MB,978x742,489:371,weboom.png)

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a6e3a2 No.21674403

File: f767a9a385201d1⋯.jpeg (133.38 KB,1093x561,1093:561,IMG_7334.jpeg)

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0a12d7 No.21674404

POTUS: ' Everything gets obsolete fast,… the only things that dont get obsolete is the wheel and a wall '

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ec0953 No.21674405

File: b982766ff8a2ddf⋯.jpg (68.52 KB,600x528,25:22,dedkek.jpg)

AP Calls Terrorist Nasrallah a ‘Pragmatist’

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0a12d7 No.21674406

POTUS: ' From the day they took over, they said we want an open border, it was unbelievable '

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09934f No.21674407

the Cajun Navy's FB page is also a "go to" for communications suggestions. I suspect this will not have a huge Fed response, so I wouldn't expect the FEMA Communications trucks with portable Cell towers to be moving too soon.

""Evans F Mitchell


Folks, i think the best thing to do as HAMS, is start using NTS messages for the effected areas. Smartest thing to do right now.

I've sent 1 this morning.

Set the example, lead by it. That's what helps all of us.

With no power, or POTS / Cell service, ham radio is the best tool.""

https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamops/ … 148913840/


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fe2c78 No.21674408

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB,767x767,1:1,7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)


I feel blessed.

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b59724 No.21674409

File: 086cafdad4e6074⋯.png (676.83 KB,773x541,773:541,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 37d68d309a4c5ee⋯.png (700.73 KB,1000x625,8:5,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: fd22747f816b2e0⋯.png (956.69 KB,610x918,305:459,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)

File: 63e0f9843e4029b⋯.png (1.02 MB,992x558,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_1….png)


I expect many other individuals will be implicated.

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f0b509 No.21674410

wheels and walls

2 things that never go obsolete

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718bbb No.21674411

File: 06ee87396415efb⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB,2731x4096,2731:4096,IMG_0111.jpeg)


The :MM information and mirrors are also available as an option on qagg.news

The clock is a circular flow diagram

News unlocks the map

Wind the clock with all markers.

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738f37 No.21674412



article, con't.

The National Pulse can also reveal that VerberSalazar, who described herself as a Republican while introducing Harris in Douglas, Arizona, on Friday afternoon, has been a Harris donor since at least 2016, contributing to her Senate election fund. She was also anactive participant in the nationwide, often violent Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020. There is no evidence of her contributing to any Republican candidates.


First elected in 2014 and re-elected uncontested in 2018, Verber Salazar became synonymous with a soft-touch approach to crime in Stockton, California.

Her own rap sheet of failure includes a plea deal with businessman Lyle Burgess, who sexually assaulted a 5-year-old. Burgess pleaded no contest to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, but Salazar and her team let him off easy, with just 90 days in jail and five years of probation. Stunningly, Burgess was not required to register as a sex offender thanks to the plea deal.

Another example is that of Tyrone McAllister, who robbed and beat a man but took a plea deal with Salazar that saw him serve just six months in jail. Two months after his release, McAllister was charged with shooting a man in Oakland, California.

Salazar’s soft touch approach is also believed to have been responsible for the murder of an infant by its own father during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Linked with far-left national political organizations, Salazar is believed to have adopted theSoros-funded Brennan Center’s 21 Principles as “a blueprint for elected prosecutors seeking to move away from past, incarceration-based approaches.”

The principles include seeking “diversion” (no incarceration) for serious felonies, supporting legislation to reduce sentence lengths, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, and more far-left criminal justice reforms.

In 2021, the Stockton Police Association President, Chuck Harris, described Salazar as having “pro-criminal alliances,” adding: “A vote of no confidence is usually given by those who work directly for a specific individual they’ve lost confidence in. We will leave that vote to those directly affected by District Attorney Verber Salazar’s decisions and behavior.

“However, based on District Attorney Verber Salazar’s recent pro-criminal alliances, the SPOA is not confident that District Attorney Verber Salazar has victim rights in mind any longer.”

At the beginning of 2024, Salazar and her now-evacuated office were the subject of a fraud probe that continues to this day.

“Today, District Attorney Ron Freitas alerted the California Department of Insurance and the Office of the California Attorney General to the findings of potential fraud uncovered in the handling of the Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Program dating back to 2017 under the prior District Attorney’s Administration,” a statement from May 2024 reads.

That Harris and her campaign team would place Salazar at the forefront of their campaign with just 35 days to go is likely indicative of their own approach to crime should Harris accede to the Oval Office.

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c9847c No.21674413

President Trump: What Kamala did not talk about in her remarks last night, were the countless Americans who have been brutally assaulted and killed by illegal aliens; she let them in. Killed. Many, many killed. Just so many people. Already. You know we think this is the beginning, it's not. This has been going on ever since they took over. Because from the day they took over, they said, we want an open border', and nobody believed them. It wasn't believable.

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511295 No.21674414

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21673597 Update on Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne becoming another J6 Political PrisonPN

Patriot Chris Kuehne Delivers Final Message Before He Enters Prison as J6 Political Prisoner



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2c986b No.21674415


Not sure.

There is obvious shills doing such things, but it is also obvious that (((they))) got their dirty fingers in everything.

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4e905d No.21674416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Diddy Is Gay and A Federal Agent. He’s Gangstalicious. Mase Reached Out To Me At My Lowest Point.

YouTube · The Art Of Dialogue

Apr 20, 2024





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0a12d7 No.21674417

POTUS: ' She was no czar, she never cared about the border '

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ac82ac No.21674418


>>21672863, >>21673126, >>21673139 PBs

@thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry

ThankQ Jim, I hear you.

Q Team:

Jim shouldn't have to sell his personal items just to keep this site going, and this site is a vital information source in our battle against pure evil. I am trying to convince my wife to donate my car to Jim, which is virtually brand new, because I cannot sell it or else my SS would be cut for whatever amount I sell it for. I haven't been able to drive in 4 years due to chemical sabotages anyways. Could you please ask Elon to help Jim out, what he makes in 5 minutes, $200k, would pay for this site for a whole year. He is on our team, right? He also is subsidized by US tax payers, right? He is a patriot, right? He is going to work for the administration, right? As soon as I can convince my wife I will donate my car to Jim, but it is an uphill battle and will take time. As far as I am concerned, this is the hill that I chose to die on. God's will in all things.

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00cfb8 No.21674419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Money Masters - Full Length

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d0ab7e No.21674420


I always ask for Merry Christmas during Rallies!

But this subject is so serious today…

Even though Kamala said no one is say merry Christmas until these Illegal Aliens get amnesty. She’s sick!

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a07f04 No.21674421


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7025d2 No.21674422

File: da251eeed078e36⋯.jpeg (524.06 KB,1615x844,1615:844,BidenPhotoID.jpeg)

File: 46589f4c4223122⋯.jpeg (531.19 KB,1615x844,1615:844,BidenTraffic.jpeg)

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38cd54 No.21674423



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7533d7 No.21674424

ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Statistics

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers enforce immigration laws within the interior to preserve national security and public safety.


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921ca6 No.21674425







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d0ab7e No.21674426


411 = Information

Thanks anon!

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f0b509 No.21674427

kumala brings in an institution of rape murder open robbery persecution on anything good

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559b49 No.21674428


Jeesh, yall act like no one has been through a hurricane before and it's FEMAs first day on the job.

Pretty sure they've sent help.

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c9847c No.21674429

President Trump: You know that our reserves, we have a reserve, and it'a really meant for war, it's meant for very important things. Strategic Reserves, right? Just reported today, they're at the lowest point they've been, maybe ever, but they know in forty years, because Biden used that to keep; suppress the numbers, because without that, the oil prices for your car; it wasn't supposed to be for your gasoline, with all due respect.

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0a12d7 No.21674430

POTUS: ' We will secure that border on day one.. number one, we are closing our border, and two, drill baby drill, but i put drilling behind the border '

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d0ab7e No.21674431


L - Let

F - Frogs

G - Go

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fa2a13 No.21674432

File: 1052d710b55bb04⋯.png (793.7 KB,1342x2308,671:1154,Owen_Burke_owenburke_X_arc….png)


AskOwen Burke, whose father was President of CBS News, Vice President of ABC News, "Aide" to John F. Kennedy when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, "Aide" to Robert F. Kennedy when Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles, and "Aide" to Senator Ted Kennedy when Ted Kennedy just happened to drive his car over the Dyke Bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, who really runs the Mainstream Media, and whether their intentions for the American public are good or evil.

Fuck the Clowns. Fuck Owen Burke. Fuck his dead Clown father, David Warren Burke.

LINK - https://x.com/owenburke

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/0USNr

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0a12d7 No.21674433

POTUS: ' CLose the border… drill baby drill.. im going to do it at the same time '

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644d53 No.21674434

File: 6923f01081d343e⋯.jpg (195.94 KB,1024x683,1024:683,frogs.jpg)

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38cd54 No.21674435


>Pretty sure they've sent help.

Got sauce to back that up? FEMA is historically SLOW.

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a1f739 No.21674436


fema is there to collect valuables

during evacuations and rescue efforts

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0a12d7 No.21674437

POTUS: ' We will bring down your electric and your air conditioning and your gasoline by 50 percent… you can hold me to it '

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1307e5 No.21674438

File: 8b59803846d52f8⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB,960x728,120:91,IMG_3454.jpeg)

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07b940 No.21674439

The entire Kamala crap, it part of the show.

Come on anons, you of all people can't see it?

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00cfb8 No.21674440

File: 23f8e46d85be9d9⋯.png (455.42 KB,597x842,597:842,gc.PNG)


Grace Chong 🇺🇸


🚨CALL TO ACTION: This weekend & next week, call & ask @Jim_Jordan

if it’s a good use of staff to give interviews saying we’re too weak to fight back. Steve Castor says, “Sorry, Steve Bannon, we can’t help you.” That’s not America First. Time to burn down the phone lines! @nataliegwinters


Grace Chong 🇺🇸



Sep 26

🚨🚨🚨Posse, Steve Castor needs to be put on blast—his record is nothing but epic failures and excuses. He’s done nothing to investigate anything real since we took the gavel!

cc @Jim_Jordan

“And so a lot of people on the outside just expect us to reengineer the work of the x.com/rebeccabeitsch…

Show more


5:20 AM · Sep 28, 2024




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738f37 No.21674441


would not assume FEMA's sent help

who would order it? Joe? Cameltoes?

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d0ab7e No.21674442

File: e2ab2af88342038⋯.jpeg (34.49 KB,211x148,211:148,IMG_3265.jpeg)

File: 78e6b9286b25bc3⋯.jpeg (68.47 KB,602x333,602:333,IMG_3036.jpeg)

Moar Liquid Gold Under Our Feet!

Sheol = Shell Oil

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0a12d7 No.21674443

POTUS: ' I believe shes more incompetant than joe.. kamlas allegience is to illegal aliens and foreign migrants… where is kamalas father, i would like to speak to him, i really would '

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1fb803 No.21674444

last call

#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790, >>21673980, >>21674000 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674012, >>21674018, >>21674026, >>21674029, >>21674040, >>21674050, >>21674060, >>21674066, >>21674070, >>21674080, >>21674082, >>21674086, >>21674088, >>21674094, >>21674097, >>21674103, >>21674113, >>21674118, >>21674125, >>21674133, >>21674135, >>21674139, >>21674151, >>21674158, >>21674169, >>21674178, >>21674182, >>21674189, >>21674194, >>21674202, >>21674208, >>21674218, >>21674241, >>21674245, >>21674254, >>21674261, >>21674265, >>21674283, >>21674288, >>21674294, >>21674309, >>21674315, >>21674328, >>21674329, >>21674340, >>21674355, >>21674358, >>21674376, >>21674381, >>21674391, >>21674401, >>21674404, >>21674413, >>21674429, >>21674430 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21674398 Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, to Hold a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania 5:15EDT 9/28/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773, >>21674074, >>21674347 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815, >>21674048, >>21674412 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673824, >>21674023, >>21674059, >>21674142, >>21674185, >>21674216, >>21674223 DAN SCAVINO posted 2 “FROG” memes and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968, >>21673975, >>21674035, >>21674052, >>21674122, >>21674147, >>21674212, >>21674257 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910, >>21674165 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

>>21673974, >>21674392 NASA Space Related

>>21674112, >>21674372 Helene = I-40 is WASHED OUT between NC and TN washed out, comms out

>>21674153 from 2016 - America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED TALKS

>>21674200 DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

>>21674243, >>21674270, >>21674318, >>21674374 Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan 6 dead

>>21674414 Patriot Chris Kuehne Delivers Final Message Before He Enters Prison as J6 Political Prisoner

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0a12d7 No.21674445

POTUS: ' You have no idea how many people we have in this country…. they have no idea.. they have lost control '

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4e905d No.21674446

Trump pink hair is a huge troll. Didn't Pink! delete her Twitter after all the Diddy shit.

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4618a4 No.21674447

File: f6c067c2c98b6ac⋯.png (303.75 KB,393x500,393:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f180ac195bd57e3⋯.png (116.15 KB,328x184,41:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5c20a74ccbf38a⋯.png (4.17 MB,2560x1779,2560:1779,ClipboardImage.png)


>two years ago we wouldnt of had a fly up here, you are changing rapidly '


>Victoria (Tori) Verber Salazar

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d0ab7e No.21674448


Quad Sail Boats

TY Baker!

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f07c42 No.21674449

File: 279d5a23a15d5e9⋯.png (212.73 KB,586x530,293:265,ClipboardImage.png)

fuck this guy

serious B

you forgot where you came from

how many people that subscribe to you

are fucking hurting right now

congrats on all your blessings

but flaunting that shit

after what just happened this weekend


check yourself

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316875 No.21674450

File: c23ed94ea02abf2⋯.jpeg (182.24 KB,1125x1364,1125:1364,IMG_3505.jpeg)

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8c5b1f No.21674451

North Carolina GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Robinson Hospitalized: Report

North Carolina Lt. Gov. and gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has reportedly been hospitalized just days after a bombshell report surfaced, allegedly linking him to years-old posts on a porn site in which he defended slavery and referred to himself as a “Black Nazi.”

CNN reported on air that Robinson was taken to a hospital after a campaign event on Friday night. NewsNation also reported the hospitalization, citing two sources. Later, CNN reported that Robinson had been treated for burns.

Robinson has denied the explosive CNN report and has faced controversy due to a series of posts allegedly made by him in which he questioned the Holocaust, attacked school shooting survivors and promoted various conspiracy theories. In the newly surfaced posts, Robinson also praised Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto “Mein Kampf” as a great read.


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00cfb8 No.21674452

File: 520645b5fe3046b⋯.png (684.04 KB,776x742,388:371,m.PNG)


Two Delta Airlines agents smuggled over

$3M in ketamine through JFK: feds

New York Post, by Dean Balsamini

Original Article

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/28/2024 4:22:39 PM

Two Delta Airlines ramp agents were arrested for smuggling more than $3 million worth of ketamine through John F. Kennedy International Airport, federal authorities said. Leandro Alleyne and Fabian Innis were collared after they were allegedly spotted grabbing backpacks and suitcases off a just-arrived flight Sept. 19, loading them onto a baggage transportation vehicle before ferrying the luggage to a deserted area of the tarmac, according to court papers. Neither agent had authority to remove luggage, and Alleyne was not assigned to use the baggage vehicle at the time, authorities said. Investigators for the US Department of Homeland Security spotted Alleyne, 38, of Brooklyn, and Innis, as they approached Flight 219,

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0a12d7 No.21674453

POTUS: ' She is the weakest person on the whole list.. but she has the whole fake news back there behind her… they dont know why they do it.. maybe out of habit '

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4618a4 No.21674454

File: 9a1633212bd46f8⋯.jpg (89.7 KB,577x432,577:432,white_supremacist.jpg)


you've lost your fucking marbles.

do you live in a basement?

do you have groceries delievered?

have you not seen that this shit is really happening?

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c57a3c No.21674455

Jimmy Carter, catching flies?

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ff8b25 No.21674456

File: dc572f8d340c77e⋯.png (22.21 KB,698x234,349:117,dc572f8d340c77e2ce92f24d77….png)


>Q Team:

Hopefully they can take care of the president and you think they will do something for us?


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f0b509 No.21674457

true and honest emotional poll ever taken:

who is better:



Dr. Jill

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8b4f92 No.21674458


Close the border….Drill baby drill.

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a1f739 No.21674459


that was swift

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0a12d7 No.21674460

POTUS: ' On day one of my new administration, i will stop all migrant flights… they and the phone app arent counted in the numbers.. thats why they do it.. i will bring back title 42,.. i will send in law enforcement to take back every town that has been taken over by criminal thugs '

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00cfb8 No.21674461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4618a4 No.21674462

File: 872f24f47384561⋯.png (576.54 KB,569x720,569:720,son_of_ryan_routh_cleft_no….png)




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1bc5b1 No.21674463

File: 754d59dac6c816b⋯.jpeg (47.65 KB,494x341,494:341,IMG_0232.jpeg)

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d0ab7e No.21674464

File: a2cd97d9391093c⋯.jpeg (253.71 KB,777x1024,777:1024,IMG_2598.jpeg)


All about the money!

Flynn DigitalSoldiers™️

Dilley’s Woman…painting for Flynn, One Eye

Looks bloody…

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5da07d No.21674465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Genius level shit i am thinking..

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c57a3c No.21674466



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f0b509 No.21674467

Venezuela is taking over portions of the US on the behest of the open border

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0a12d7 No.21674468

POTUS: ' We will seal the border, we will stop the invasion immediately we will start the largest deportation operation in the history of our country because we dont have a choice '

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4e905d No.21674469

The fact Trump can maintain himself and not crack up that he is nearly 80, on tv with pink hair.

Starting to think the prange tan was also comms for years, for orange man bad, jailsuits.

All is about stoopid dangerous people.


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07b940 No.21674470


Maybe you need to see the show play out.

Low iq?

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ec80d6 No.21674471

anyone do a dig on that app?


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7533d7 No.21674472

File: 1bf46a89adeade2⋯.jpg (116.43 KB,500x750,2:3,deMS_13.jpg)

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4618a4 No.21674473

File: 8f20489395e7f1c⋯.png (155.52 KB,499x271,499:271,ned_groundhog_day_bing.png)


>i will send in law enforcement to take back every town that has been taken over by criminal thugs

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898746 No.21674474


Thank you red text anon!

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921ca6 No.21674475




Dan Scavino LFG >>21674425

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0ae221 No.21674476

All I want to do for the rest of my life is live on the beach.

That's it.

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d0ab7e No.21674477


Pink Hair Again…we do a Little Trolling

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4618a4 No.21674478


>Maybe you need to see the show play out.

you dumb fuck.

real people are being killed.

none of this is a fucking game.

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c57a3c No.21674479

You have never seen a body so beautiful _ trump refers to himself on the beach.

Funny man.

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898746 No.21674480


Only air traffic allowed its bad

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f0b509 No.21674481


I'll take that as a vote for woman's debate team

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0a12d7 No.21674482

POTUS: ' I had a good life before this.. im being shot at it.. i coulda been sunbathing on the beach, i have such a beautiful body.. its true, its better than joe biden… i know so many people who are in their nineties who are sharp, but hes not one of them… any guy who can fall asleep in front of the cameras… how the hell can you fall asleep in front of the fake news media… hes out cold.. in some ways i respect it… stone cold in fron of the media.. how do you do that. '

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4618a4 No.21674483


define coincidences

define no coincidences

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c9847c No.21674484

President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I'll stop all of the migrant flights into our country. You now, those planes are flying over right now, and they don't count them in the numbers., I don't know if you know; they and the phone app, which are thousands and thousands; they're not counted in the numbers, That's why they do it, because they don't want to count it…I will send in federal law enforcement to rescue every town that has been taken over by migrant gangs and criminal alien thugs.

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8c5b1f No.21674485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Diddy Is Gay and A Federal Agent. He’s Gangstalicious. Mase Reached Out To Me At My Lowest Point.

Freddie P (former member of the Bad Boy Records group Da Band) explains how Diddy is a Federal agent.


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30d09f No.21674486

File: c038238d47a401d⋯.png (527.76 KB,634x754,317:377,ClipboardImage.png)

can we make this awesome kid famous? get him on the mainstream media? do you have any idea how much courage it takes to do this in the communist state of connecticut? hats off, young man!!!

SUCCESS: Trumbull High School Edmund Burke Society Now Has A Bulletin Board Promoting Donald Trump!


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0a12d7 No.21674487

POTUS: ' Crazy nancy…shes crazier than a bedbug… VISA is under major, major investigation.. she sold their stock the day before this was announced.. its terrible, its terrible '

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6e40d8 No.21674488

File: 382195c94e8f459⋯.png (305.81 KB,409x483,409:483,ClipboardImage.png)


>POTUS: ' We will

in 2028?

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4e905d No.21674489

>>21674181 SOURCE CLOCK

What does the letter Q mean in the Bible?

The answer appears to be that Matthew and Luke each had two sources in common: the Gospel of Mark and another gospel, now lost, a collection of sayings known only as Q.

Q stands for "Quelle," the German word for source

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0a12d7 No.21674490

POTUS: ' I used to say theyre trying to destoy our country.. but theyve destroyed our country, but we are going to bring it back '

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908d55 No.21674491


>Diddy Is Gay and A Federal Agent.

It's like stink on a skunk.

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d0ab7e No.21674492


Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets



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8c5b1f No.21674494


Pedogate will collapse the World Shadow Government

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0a12d7 No.21674495

POTUS: ' We need the entire midwest to come out and vote for us, the midwest is so powerful for us… '

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898746 No.21674496


Never get in the way of someone calling for help for their fellow North Carolinians

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00cfb8 No.21674497

File: b118b46b2e7367a⋯.png (638.43 KB,884x791,884:791,lr.PNG)


Eastern TN and Western NC Hit Hard by

Flooding, I-40 and I-26 Closed Due to

Catastrophic Collapse

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/28/2024 1:54:48 PM

In the area of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina, things are really bad in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene winds and rain. The massive flooding in the entire SE region has created multiple crisis points in NC, TN, GA, SC, AL and Virginia. In Western North Carolina, eastbound Interstate 40 is gone. I-40 washed away by massive amounts of water through Pigeon River, near the Tennessee state line. {STORY HERE} Initially, state officials denied the collapse because it was impossible for anyone from the state to get to the area to confirm it.

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7b4aca No.21674498

File: 37cd59d52fdf24b⋯.jpeg (56.89 KB,743x419,743:419,IMG_4455.jpeg)

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f0b509 No.21674499






send money

while white parties

on an on

lanes closing

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ec80d6 No.21674500

File: c84490c299ec4f8⋯.png (567.69 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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57b4f8 No.21674501

File: 773621eec4e25ab⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_01_17_19_50_57.mp4)


Start the clock is an aviation term. Q posted it in the context of drops that were happening related to aviation. Wheels up. On the move. Photos from a plane, etc.

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2384bf No.21674503

File: 1eec63a518dffe9⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,927x613,927:613,Night_Shift_6.jpg)

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0a12d7 No.21674504

POTUS: ' So i want to ask you to go and vote.. we will get the border shut, we will send the illegals back… we will stop the invasion, it will happen quickly '

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0ae221 No.21674505


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2384bf No.21674506

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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1fb803 No.21674507

Final Bun

Baker Looking for HandOff Next Bread

step up


#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790, >>21673980, >>21674000 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674012, >>21674018, >>21674026, >>21674029, >>21674040, >>21674050, >>21674060, >>21674066, >>21674070, >>21674080, >>21674082, >>21674086, >>21674088, >>21674094, >>21674097, >>21674103, >>21674113, >>21674118, >>21674125, >>21674133, >>21674135, >>21674139, >>21674151, >>21674158, >>21674169, >>21674178, >>21674182, >>21674189, >>21674194, >>21674202, >>21674208, >>21674218, >>21674241, >>21674245, >>21674254, >>21674261, >>21674265, >>21674283, >>21674288, >>21674294, >>21674309, >>21674315, >>21674328, >>21674329, >>21674340, >>21674355, >>21674358, >>21674376, >>21674381, >>21674391, >>21674401, >>21674404, >>21674413, >>21674429, >>21674430, >>21674443, >>21674445, >>21674453, >>21674460, >>21674468, >>21674482, >>21674484, >>21674487 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21674398 Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, to Hold a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania 5:15EDT 9/28/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773, >>21674074, >>21674347 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815, >>21674048, >>21674412 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673824, >>21674023, >>21674059, >>21674142, >>21674185, >>21674216, >>21674223 DAN SCAVINO posted 2 “FROG” memes and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968, >>21673975, >>21674035, >>21674052, >>21674122, >>21674147, >>21674212, >>21674257 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910, >>21674165 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

>>21673974, >>21674392 NASA Space Related

>>21674112, >>21674372, >>21674497 Helene = I-40 is WASHED OUT between NC and TN washed out, comms out

>>21674419 Bill Still - The Money Masters - Full Length

>>21674153 from 2016 - America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED TALKS

>>21674200 DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

>>21674243, >>21674270, >>21674318, >>21674374 Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan 6 dead

>>21674414 Patriot Chris Kuehne Delivers Final Message Before He Enters Prison as J6 Political Prisoner

>>21674452 Two Delta Airlines agents smuggled over $3M in ketamine through JFK

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2384bf No.21674508

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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fe2c78 No.21674509

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2384bf No.21674510

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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4e905d No.21674511

All nasa news and imagery is so fucking fake. All of it.

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85032a No.21674512

File: 39df90399992de9⋯.jpg (159.98 KB,953x762,953:762,NewsomRocky.jpg)

File: a9a66785c1961e7⋯.jpg (431.51 KB,1444x1536,361:384,Weird.jpg)

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170f5b No.21674513

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,35972aa76829549b02fefe9cba….gif)

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bec328 No.21674514

>Make America ………. again

He's trying to turn it into a chant.

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c9847c No.21674515

President Trump: You're the people of America, you're the soul of America, and you will be trampled over no longer. We're not gonna let this happen. We got to stop it. We got to stop it now.

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2384bf No.21674517

File: 06fc67f001e89c9⋯.png (450.09 KB,521x567,521:567,nightshift9.PNG)

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6e40d8 No.21674518

File: a0966dc9a87eca5⋯.jpg (96.96 KB,945x649,945:649,media_GWrVrcqa8AE_9F3.jpg)


>POTUS: ' We need the entire midwest to come out and vote for us

Former POTUS

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c57a3c No.21674519

Get out and vote, save our country - Trump

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2384bf No.21674520

File: 9ec46d44b3a63fe⋯.png (281.08 KB,600x724,150:181,NIGHTSHIFTFW.PNG)

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07b940 No.21674521

File: c43ac0628c16d65⋯.png (103.59 KB,601x680,601:680,diddy_oil.PNG)


Here's some Diddy oil.

Go jerk off

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b45cff No.21674522

File: 16f1e20f8b99e1a⋯.png (499.52 KB,900x537,300:179,8m_6n54b7n6547654754.png)

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0d36bf No.21674523

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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0a12d7 No.21674525

POTUS: ' Save our country, save our country '

YMCA plays …

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2384bf No.21674526

File: 4997b3d850868e3⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,754x503,754:503,NightShiftUSA.jpg)

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00cfb8 No.21674527

File: 5478ba2971bde0b⋯.png (732.83 KB,718x841,718:841,I_O_drop.PNG)

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2384bf No.21674528

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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b6f68d No.21674529

File: 9a208476625ddc3⋯.png (364.38 KB,519x943,519:943,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 043570d39170269⋯.png (460.94 KB,519x1576,519:1576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 951c3426514501f⋯.png (355.47 KB,519x538,519:538,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f6cc6c3a7866a9⋯.png (125.59 KB,186x315,62:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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2384bf No.21674530

File: 368b58b0ca9ff3d⋯.jpeg (353.64 KB,1800x1800,1:1,niteq.jpeg)

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8b4f92 No.21674531

File: 084e8874a56e600⋯.png (1.31 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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2384bf No.21674532

File: cce2ff6a6899af1⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,463x749,463:749,ns_cactus.jpg)

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f0b509 No.21674534

I'll say it – no one does a better pop and dance than Trump. love It!

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0a12d7 No.21674535



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1fb803 No.21674536

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2384bf No.21674537

File: 1a3232e6019558a⋯.png (376.03 KB,432x539,432:539,ns_in_the_house.png)

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d0ab7e No.21674538

File: ab052a61b1b2922⋯.jpeg (26.88 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_3559.jpeg)

File: 1758aa81fc46136⋯.jpeg (33.56 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_3560.jpeg)

File: 0e76cee2d922fc8⋯.jpeg (20.98 KB,267x189,89:63,IMG_3262.jpeg)

File: a6b156bc0363663⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,199x148,199:148,IMG_3267.jpeg)

File: 55bdf55c3ec1cd7⋯.webp (130.64 KB,980x737,980:737,IMG_3283.webp)


Moar Black Gold right Under Our Feet!!

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