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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

1fb803 No.21673739 [View All]

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701 posts and 421 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c9847c No.21674484

President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I'll stop all of the migrant flights into our country. You now, those planes are flying over right now, and they don't count them in the numbers., I don't know if you know; they and the phone app, which are thousands and thousands; they're not counted in the numbers, That's why they do it, because they don't want to count it…I will send in federal law enforcement to rescue every town that has been taken over by migrant gangs and criminal alien thugs.

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8c5b1f No.21674485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Diddy Is Gay and A Federal Agent. He’s Gangstalicious. Mase Reached Out To Me At My Lowest Point.

Freddie P (former member of the Bad Boy Records group Da Band) explains how Diddy is a Federal agent.


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30d09f No.21674486

File: c038238d47a401d⋯.png (527.76 KB,634x754,317:377,ClipboardImage.png)

can we make this awesome kid famous? get him on the mainstream media? do you have any idea how much courage it takes to do this in the communist state of connecticut? hats off, young man!!!

SUCCESS: Trumbull High School Edmund Burke Society Now Has A Bulletin Board Promoting Donald Trump!


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0a12d7 No.21674487

POTUS: ' Crazy nancy…shes crazier than a bedbug… VISA is under major, major investigation.. she sold their stock the day before this was announced.. its terrible, its terrible '

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6e40d8 No.21674488

File: 382195c94e8f459⋯.png (305.81 KB,409x483,409:483,ClipboardImage.png)


>POTUS: ' We will

in 2028?

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4e905d No.21674489

>>21674181 SOURCE CLOCK

What does the letter Q mean in the Bible?

The answer appears to be that Matthew and Luke each had two sources in common: the Gospel of Mark and another gospel, now lost, a collection of sayings known only as Q.

Q stands for "Quelle," the German word for source

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0a12d7 No.21674490

POTUS: ' I used to say theyre trying to destoy our country.. but theyve destroyed our country, but we are going to bring it back '

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908d55 No.21674491


>Diddy Is Gay and A Federal Agent.

It's like stink on a skunk.

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d0ab7e No.21674492


Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets



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8c5b1f No.21674494


Pedogate will collapse the World Shadow Government

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0a12d7 No.21674495

POTUS: ' We need the entire midwest to come out and vote for us, the midwest is so powerful for us… '

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898746 No.21674496


Never get in the way of someone calling for help for their fellow North Carolinians

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00cfb8 No.21674497

File: b118b46b2e7367a⋯.png (638.43 KB,884x791,884:791,lr.PNG)


Eastern TN and Western NC Hit Hard by

Flooding, I-40 and I-26 Closed Due to

Catastrophic Collapse

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/28/2024 1:54:48 PM

In the area of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina, things are really bad in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene winds and rain. The massive flooding in the entire SE region has created multiple crisis points in NC, TN, GA, SC, AL and Virginia. In Western North Carolina, eastbound Interstate 40 is gone. I-40 washed away by massive amounts of water through Pigeon River, near the Tennessee state line. {STORY HERE} Initially, state officials denied the collapse because it was impossible for anyone from the state to get to the area to confirm it.

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7b4aca No.21674498

File: 37cd59d52fdf24b⋯.jpeg (56.89 KB,743x419,743:419,IMG_4455.jpeg)

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f0b509 No.21674499






send money

while white parties

on an on

lanes closing

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ec80d6 No.21674500

File: c84490c299ec4f8⋯.png (567.69 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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57b4f8 No.21674501

File: 773621eec4e25ab⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_01_17_19_50_57.mp4)


Start the clock is an aviation term. Q posted it in the context of drops that were happening related to aviation. Wheels up. On the move. Photos from a plane, etc.

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2384bf No.21674503

File: 1eec63a518dffe9⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,927x613,927:613,Night_Shift_6.jpg)

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0a12d7 No.21674504

POTUS: ' So i want to ask you to go and vote.. we will get the border shut, we will send the illegals back… we will stop the invasion, it will happen quickly '

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0ae221 No.21674505


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2384bf No.21674506

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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1fb803 No.21674507

Final Bun

Baker Looking for HandOff Next Bread

step up


#26541 >>21673754


>>21673784, >>21673790, >>21673980, >>21674000 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

>>21674012, >>21674018, >>21674026, >>21674029, >>21674040, >>21674050, >>21674060, >>21674066, >>21674070, >>21674080, >>21674082, >>21674086, >>21674088, >>21674094, >>21674097, >>21674103, >>21674113, >>21674118, >>21674125, >>21674133, >>21674135, >>21674139, >>21674151, >>21674158, >>21674169, >>21674178, >>21674182, >>21674189, >>21674194, >>21674202, >>21674208, >>21674218, >>21674241, >>21674245, >>21674254, >>21674261, >>21674265, >>21674283, >>21674288, >>21674294, >>21674309, >>21674315, >>21674328, >>21674329, >>21674340, >>21674355, >>21674358, >>21674376, >>21674381, >>21674391, >>21674401, >>21674404, >>21674413, >>21674429, >>21674430, >>21674443, >>21674445, >>21674453, >>21674460, >>21674468, >>21674482, >>21674484, >>21674487 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21674398 Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, to Hold a Rally in Newton, Pennsylvania 5:15EDT 9/28/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21673773, >>21674074, >>21674347 @PapiTrumpo - BORDER CZAR IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!

>>21673782 At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene

>>21673786 Roseanne Barr claims there’s an elite sex trafficking ring on an island

>>21673787, >>21673815, >>21674048, >>21674412 Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers

>>21673789 How will Kamala fix our economy if she keeps giving our money away?

>>21673824, >>21674023, >>21674059, >>21674142, >>21674185, >>21674216, >>21674223 DAN SCAVINO posted 2 “FROG” memes and then the ARMOR OF GOD prayer

>>21673849, >>21673954, >>21673968, >>21673975, >>21674035, >>21674052, >>21674122, >>21674147, >>21674212, >>21674257 Middle East Latests

>>21673885 Get Your TRUMP ORANGE BITCOIN SNEAKERS - Only 1,000 pairs and each pair is NUMBERED

>>21673906 Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

>>21673878, >>21673910, >>21674165 PF

>>21673940 Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child abuse and incest accusations

>>21673946 Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. 1hr video

>>21673974, >>21674392 NASA Space Related

>>21674112, >>21674372, >>21674497 Helene = I-40 is WASHED OUT between NC and TN washed out, comms out

>>21674419 Bill Still - The Money Masters - Full Length

>>21674153 from 2016 - America’s Forgotten Working Class | J.D. Vance | TED TALKS

>>21674200 DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

>>21674243, >>21674270, >>21674318, >>21674374 Helicopter with three Russian pilots crashed after takeoff in Pakistan 6 dead

>>21674414 Patriot Chris Kuehne Delivers Final Message Before He Enters Prison as J6 Political Prisoner

>>21674452 Two Delta Airlines agents smuggled over $3M in ketamine through JFK

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2384bf No.21674508

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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fe2c78 No.21674509

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2384bf No.21674510

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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4e905d No.21674511

All nasa news and imagery is so fucking fake. All of it.

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85032a No.21674512

File: 39df90399992de9⋯.jpg (159.98 KB,953x762,953:762,NewsomRocky.jpg)

File: a9a66785c1961e7⋯.jpg (431.51 KB,1444x1536,361:384,Weird.jpg)

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170f5b No.21674513

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,35972aa76829549b02fefe9cba….gif)

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bec328 No.21674514

>Make America ………. again

He's trying to turn it into a chant.

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c9847c No.21674515

President Trump: You're the people of America, you're the soul of America, and you will be trampled over no longer. We're not gonna let this happen. We got to stop it. We got to stop it now.

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2384bf No.21674517

File: 06fc67f001e89c9⋯.png (450.09 KB,521x567,521:567,nightshift9.PNG)

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6e40d8 No.21674518

File: a0966dc9a87eca5⋯.jpg (96.96 KB,945x649,945:649,media_GWrVrcqa8AE_9F3.jpg)


>POTUS: ' We need the entire midwest to come out and vote for us

Former POTUS

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c57a3c No.21674519

Get out and vote, save our country - Trump

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2384bf No.21674520

File: 9ec46d44b3a63fe⋯.png (281.08 KB,600x724,150:181,NIGHTSHIFTFW.PNG)

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07b940 No.21674521

File: c43ac0628c16d65⋯.png (103.59 KB,601x680,601:680,diddy_oil.PNG)


Here's some Diddy oil.

Go jerk off

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b45cff No.21674522

File: 16f1e20f8b99e1a⋯.png (499.52 KB,900x537,300:179,8m_6n54b7n6547654754.png)

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0d36bf No.21674523

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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0a12d7 No.21674525

POTUS: ' Save our country, save our country '

YMCA plays …

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2384bf No.21674526

File: 4997b3d850868e3⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,754x503,754:503,NightShiftUSA.jpg)

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00cfb8 No.21674527

File: 5478ba2971bde0b⋯.png (732.83 KB,718x841,718:841,I_O_drop.PNG)

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2384bf No.21674528

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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b6f68d No.21674529

File: 9a208476625ddc3⋯.png (364.38 KB,519x943,519:943,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 043570d39170269⋯.png (460.94 KB,519x1576,519:1576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 951c3426514501f⋯.png (355.47 KB,519x538,519:538,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f6cc6c3a7866a9⋯.png (125.59 KB,186x315,62:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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2384bf No.21674530

File: 368b58b0ca9ff3d⋯.jpeg (353.64 KB,1800x1800,1:1,niteq.jpeg)

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8b4f92 No.21674531

File: 084e8874a56e600⋯.png (1.31 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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2384bf No.21674532

File: cce2ff6a6899af1⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,463x749,463:749,ns_cactus.jpg)

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f0b509 No.21674534

I'll say it – no one does a better pop and dance than Trump. love It!

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0a12d7 No.21674535



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1fb803 No.21674536

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2384bf No.21674537

File: 1a3232e6019558a⋯.png (376.03 KB,432x539,432:539,ns_in_the_house.png)

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d0ab7e No.21674538

File: ab052a61b1b2922⋯.jpeg (26.88 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_3559.jpeg)

File: 1758aa81fc46136⋯.jpeg (33.56 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_3560.jpeg)

File: 0e76cee2d922fc8⋯.jpeg (20.98 KB,267x189,89:63,IMG_3262.jpeg)

File: a6b156bc0363663⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,199x148,199:148,IMG_3267.jpeg)

File: 55bdf55c3ec1cd7⋯.webp (130.64 KB,980x737,980:737,IMG_3283.webp)


Moar Black Gold right Under Our Feet!!

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