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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

57d350 No.21674516 [View All]

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701 posts and 537 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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368fde No.21675370

File: fe8ccd6ef121b8d⋯.png (1.15 MB,990x405,22:9,capture_082_03122018_18203….png)

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3029b7 No.21675371

notables FINAL

#26542 >>21674533

>>21675130 VP JD Vance Holds a Rally in Newtown, Pennsylvania

>>21675110 Transcript: JD Vance @ Newtown, PA

>>21674839 A MASSIVE crowd welcomes @JDVance to Newtown, PA!

>>21674768, >>21674777, >>21674804, >>21674820 Vance was denied service and threatened with arrest at Primanti Bros restaurant

>>21675151 Wisconsin came out to see Trump as he arrived in Prairie du Chien!

>>21674654 Police Chief Kyle Teynor Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674657 Sheriff Dale McCullick Speaks at Trump Event in Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21674670 Parents Share their Stories on Migrant Crimes at Trump Event in Wisconsin

>>21674905 Trump Rally Downsized so Iran's President Could Be Protected

>>21675362 PDJT also said 5-0 in his speech today

>>21674560, >>21674574, >>21674585, >>21674591, >>21674603, >>21674620 Trump Truths

>>21674543 (Tomorrow) President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21674547, >>21674621, >>21674628, >>21674666, >>21674688, >>21674933 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21674811 Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature?

>>21674564, >>21674573 kek The True Import of "Night Shift" In Proper Scale

>>21674613 Biden-Harris DoJ Lawsuit Blocks Alabama from Purging Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

>>21674641 A port strike will surge costs in the broken Harris economy just in time for your holidays

>>21675063 Striking workers are typically not eligible for unemployment, according to the Washington Employment Security Department

>>21674652, >>21674664, >>21674701 Just who is in charge of and directing / funding the terrorist assets?

>>21674673 Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DoJ

>>21674719 Jimmy Carter turns a century in 3 days

>>21674727, >>21674872 Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court”

>>21674754 Mike Tyson: I'm voting for Donald Trump, what are you going to do about it?

>>21674854 Lawyer for Diddy’s Accuser Alleges Tapes Featuring Diddy Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market

>>21674883, >>21674895, >>21674983 Sirrah Alamak <> Kamala Harris

>>21674917 Congressional Bill Aims to Keep Mortgage Rates from Consumers

>>21675001 Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats

>>21675062 Seruga: Over 30 million criminal illegal invaders since 2021, and 5 million more on the way

>>21675165 PF: More circular thingys

>>21675174 Hillary Clinton Claims She’s The "Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met"

>>21675214 The US Embassy in Iraq is currently being surrounded by thousands of protestors

>>21675225 STOP IT, ALABAMA!!!😂😂😂

>>21674550, >>21674571, >>21674717, >>21674827, >>21674841, >>21674910, >>21675126, >>21675134, >>21675302 Memes


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a166d8 No.21675373


the 'you didn't do anything and don't support it but if you don't cry baby about it you are worst than the worst' psyop continues.

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a2f5e1 No.21675375

File: 856b3810896e3ae⋯.png (191.94 KB,944x295,16:5,2c.png)

File: c4e5b9967ed4544⋯.jpg (36.64 KB,377x367,377:367,1c.jpg)

File: 7bb6a5391538c92⋯.png (272.25 KB,793x282,793:282,1b.png)

File: d937a874b67fb38⋯.png (171.84 KB,362x892,181:446,6c.png)

File: a5d07f0d58a6193⋯.png (14.06 KB,635x138,635:138,6b.png)

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368fde No.21675376

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB,500x332,125:83,_Anonymous_You_Just_now878….gif)

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368fde No.21675377

File: 51d1577c04bdc61⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,604x340,151:85,_Anonymous_You_Just_now87….jpeg)

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e24063 No.21675381


Taylor Swift can't cook a sammich.

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c43458 No.21675382


this buried before…couldnt find any reference to her sub pilot a couple months ago

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368fde No.21675387

File: 43de0d1cebe2bd2⋯.jpg (572.28 KB,1000x1616,125:202,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_c4….jpg)

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368fde No.21675388

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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368fde No.21675391

File: 2c7f412c7091e85⋯.png (160.99 KB,548x100,137:25,capture_484_29122023_19502….png)

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3029b7 No.21675393

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c43458 No.21675394


quit being nosey…mind your biz…but if you gotta look…be quiet….or take a picture it last longer

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44b1eb No.21675395


Tell my chickens that daddio

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5a6f5e No.21675396


Wow. I want to go there.

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368fde No.21675397

File: c4a5b210c01d601⋯.jpg (98.63 KB,800x473,800:473,1510824920907.jpg)

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368fde No.21675398

File: 62f7342e4c6be14⋯.png (129.95 KB,486x91,486:91,OODA.png)

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345f75 No.21675399

File: fc02135dea80c08⋯.jpeg (142.9 KB,500x700,5:7,FB62C8EE_7660_4916_AECE_1….jpeg)

File: e809c87eeb70e9f⋯.jpeg (673.83 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,43FAA614_15A2_4118_9B06_7….jpeg)

File: b50b34937f7d141⋯.jpeg (16.67 KB,255x168,85:56,A4961D4F_A7C3_4A1A_915C_6….jpeg)

File: 82e84a8d8ceb126⋯.jpeg (31.94 KB,255x185,51:37,CB7A60DF_AFB1_4403_911E_1….jpeg)


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a292fe No.21675403

Bad bread.

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368fde No.21675404

File: a5d709f7a996c45⋯.png (2.5 MB,950x919,950:919,capture_027_13092023_19521….png)

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6b9bcf No.21675405


I never use self checkout.

If figure if I have to pay their outrageous prices, they can have someone else do the work to ring up my purchases. And bag it.

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3457f9 No.21675407

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


Having trouble making up your mind?

Which is it "operator?"

Going with the "muh deletions" or the religious thing?

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368fde No.21675409

File: cbad9e9e3dc40de⋯.png (619.11 KB,680x680,1:1,_Anonymous_4_minutes_ago_6….png)

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a2f5e1 No.21675410

File: 9417ff9e57ba8d4⋯.png (115.36 KB,842x608,421:304,ES1110.png)

File: 561cab098dcd2ce⋯.png (413.28 KB,812x935,812:935,ES1111.png)

File: 20d64dfee1aacbe⋯.png (204.71 KB,1741x680,1741:680,ES1112.png)

File: 8bc29f10b63dcd8⋯.png (39.21 KB,546x845,42:65,ES1113.png)

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6479e6 No.21675412

File: 97b8020a501024d⋯.gif (2.32 MB,465x465,1:1,20240928_174311.gif)

if (you) think whining over the failure that is [you] onchan is cool

then (you) should kill your self too.

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368fde No.21675416

File: 4fff06a032a4749⋯.png (429.64 KB,460x318,230:159,comfy.png)

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a2f5e1 No.21675417

File: c5cdd3eb4be9b05⋯.png (618.88 KB,766x913,766:913,GlorytoGodintheHighest.png)

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368fde No.21675418

File: 5e61eeac40ffd01⋯.png (72.83 KB,387x64,387:64,_o7_.png)

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368fde No.21675421

File: b54382255034645⋯.png (89.73 KB,407x75,407:75,BD_44.png)

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e6920c No.21675422

Apologies for being too stupid for words.

I want this to work.

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368fde No.21675423

File: 8a544e4fac4d317⋯.png (485.98 KB,446x371,446:371,capture_459_21082023_08563….png)

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9db062 No.21675424


>If you don't object to the deletes here, you are consenting to them.

Thats totally fine.

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e78ee4 No.21675425



It's like paying hundreds of dollars a month for your own brainwashing through Cable/Satellite TV.

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368fde No.21675427

File: 807ad8c7d57e1aa⋯.png (711.17 KB,585x414,65:46,capture_023_25092022_12052….png)

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368fde No.21675428

File: 2827b60eda41fd4⋯.jpg (149.48 KB,567x644,81:92,_Anonymous_Just_now_72a945.jpg)

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c43458 No.21675430

File: dd5791c7f2b9abe⋯.jpg (51.25 KB,700x700,1:1,otay_sfo_prints.jpg)

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368fde No.21675432

File: 5e3e2fd32126e10⋯.png (382.82 KB,361x361,1:1,3_2_1.png)

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368fde No.21675433

File: f687336eaa0e2ae⋯.jpg (275.99 KB,820x593,820:593,capture_1453_23012023_1124….jpg)

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3457f9 No.21675435


You've been spewing that for months

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368fde No.21675437

File: 637c29e436972b5⋯.png (301.13 KB,512x512,1:1,CHOPPAS_44.png)

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e6920c No.21675469


Well anons are fed up. We know how to filter. There is plenty of bread to go around.

Keep deleing without transparency, and you are going to force a change.

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3457f9 No.21675475


You IP hopped just to say that?

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e6920c No.21675483


I am not that person. I am just worthless anon.

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863e8d No.21675491

File: ddda324f0e75681⋯.png (325.99 KB,770x425,154:85,nightshift_door1.png)


We're just getting started, Jan 21st. 2025./



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f82919 No.21675492



Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

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e6920c No.21675495


I want nothing more than to eliminate the evil from this world so that it may flourish.

I am sorry I am too stupid to help in any practical way. Spend too much time here trying to figure it all out. Deletions don't help.

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3457f9 No.21675511



totally believable

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863e8d No.21675514

If you read the Kabaalah, you will see their philosophy.//

This is not our philosophy.//


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3457f9 No.21675524

File: b1f855da732c69d⋯.jpeg (9.45 KB,255x143,255:143,b1f855da732c69da0dae9c822….jpeg)

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3457f9 No.21675547

File: d9cab047991f4e4⋯.jpg (15.49 KB,250x250,1:1,d9cab047991f4e479d1b1e5f2a….jpg)

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