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74d4a3 No.21671111 [Last50 Posts]

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74d4a3 No.21671115

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74d4a3 No.21671116


#26537 >>21670304

>>21670636 Transcript Pt 2: Trump @ Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

>>21670755 DJT: We want cars BUILT IN THE USA

>>21670781 Michigan autoworker says to Trump she didn't support him but after doing her own research, changed her mind

>>21670698 DJT: Fake News sources at Mediaite, whatever that is, report that it is my intention to sue Lightweight Anchor David Muir of ABC

>>21670844 DJT retruths @BPUnion re: Kamala's open border situation

>>21670961 DJT: Why didn't Kamala make this speech four years ago?

>>21670820 ALWAYS READY TO ROCK!!!😎

>>21670414 Trump will deliver remarks tomorrow @ Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21671104 Scavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21670353, >>21670601, >>21670619 Kamala Harris Delivers Remarks from Douglas, AZ

>>21670735, >>21670744, >>21670751 Kamala doing what she does

>>21670375 RFK Jr Says President Trump is Starting His Transition Process Five Months Early to 'Put a Government In Place' on Day One

>>21670449 Timing is everything

>>21670456 Manhunt Ends! – Lover Boy Nathan Wade Is Served by US Marshals After Evading Authorities for a Week

>>21670502 Criminals vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party, because it is the soft-on-crime party

>>21670508 Naomi Campbell Disqualified From Being a Charity Trustee in England for Five Years After Fund Misconduct

>>21670528 RFK Jr: Trump kept the peace

>>21670548 P Diddy in the Dept. of State FOIA Reading room; 2 hits

>>21670596, >>21670756, >>21670771, >>21670643, >>21670775, >>21670791, >>21670812, >>21670815, >>21670880 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21670927, >>21670945 Strange patterns during yesterday’s Category 4 Hurricane Helene in Florida

>>21670624 U.S. Marshals Arrest Over 3,400 fugitives in Operation North Starting

>>21670672 Rasmussen: 2024 is Locked In and Trump will OVERPERFORM Polling!

>>21670700 China experiences a literal shitstorm

>>21670703 ICYMI: First Lady Melania Trump's Full Interview on Fox & Friends

>>21670715 Biden-Harris Admin On Track To Oversee Massive $1 Trillion In Improper Payments, Watchdog Group Finds

>>21670739 Alex Soros meeting with the local villains

>>21670821 Alex Soros spends a lot of time in Albania, hanging out with its longtime Prime Minister Edi Rama

>>21670750 Notre Dame president’s inauguration celebration includes former Planned Parenthood executive

>>21670826 PF: Russian Military An-148 RA-61724

>>21670831 Eminem’s been calling Diddy out for decades

>>21670860 Did The North Carolina Election Board Just Try to Pull A Fast One?

>>21670921 Pompeo thinks there’s connectivity with the two assassination attempts on President Trump

>>21670936 DoJ sues Alabama over attempt to remove noncitizens from voter rolls

>>21670956 British Prime Minister Had Dinner with President Trump for Two Hours, But Never Met with Kamala Harris

>>21670966 Migrant kids were drugged with melatonin gummies as part of child-trafficking ring

>>21670981 Leaked Diddy Freak Off pic

>>21671002 Maryland Woman Sentenced for Conspiring to Destroy the Baltimore Region Power Grid

>>21670372, >>21670447, >>21670503, >>21670531, >>21670555, >>21670590, >>21670599, >>21671101 Memes

>>21671109 #26537

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74d4a3 No.21671117

#26536 >>21669532

>>21669703 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21670288 Transcript: Trump @ Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

>>21669917 Kamala collapses in Michigan; Half of the VIP section in Trump’s town hall today in Warren, MI are Arab Americans and Muslims

>>21670154, >>21670207 POTUS on stage @ 7:26

>>21669657 President @realDonaldTrump never stops working

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21669597 Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21669620 Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

>>21669681, >>21669997, >>21669740 The town of Chimney Rock, NC hit hard by Helene

>>21669693 #1 MELANIA

>>21669696 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.

>>21669755 Thomas Massie: Taxpayers have paid over $17 million for alleged sexual misconduct in Congressional offices

>>21669817 Kamala hasn't contacted any of the victims harmed by illegal migrant crime

>>21669850 Dumbledore and McGonagall pass away exactly 1 year apart

>>21669851 Pompeo: With President Trump, we denied Iran the resources to fund Hamas and the Houthis

>>21669904 New border data: Criminal histories, assault, burglary, dangerous drugs, homicide, robbery, sex offenses, and traffic offenses

>>21669965 Biden and Erdogan have some history

>>21669940 PF: Squawk 0724 over New York

>>21669956, >>21670114 Russell Brand Talks 'Devil's Control' as Diddy’s 'Forced Holiday' Interview From 2009 Gains Attention

>>21670112 Greatness

>>21670185, >>21670099, >>21670105, >>21670111, >>21670118 P-Diddy Party List Names

>>21670274, >>21670241 PornHub is now blocked in Alabama

>>21669776 Memes

>>21670290 #26536

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74d4a3 No.21671118

#26535 >>21668666


>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump town hall: FULL SPEECH


>>21668675, >>21668679, >>21668683, >>21668686, >>21668692, >>21668697, >>21668700, >>21668706, >>21668708, >>21668711, >>21668716, >>21668728, >>21668730, >>21668731, >>21668735, >>21668739, >>21668741, >>21668746, >>21668752, >>21668756, >>21668761, >>21668769, >>21668776, >>21668779, >>21668784, >>21668789, >>21668796, >>21668812, >>21668820, >>21668823, >>21668826, >>21668829, >>21668840, >>21668843, >>21668848, >>21668858, >>21668859, >>21668878, >>21668888, >>21668897, >>21668900, >>21668907, >>21668911, >>21668912, >>21668916, >>21668918, >>21668940, >>21668943, >>21668944 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21669060, >>21669071, >>21669079, >>21669084 ARCHIVING - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN WALKER, MICHIGAN - SEPT 27 2024

- - - - - - - - -


>>21668988, >>21669013 LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24 6pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21668677 RT - Google responds to Russian data backup warning

>>21668688 Swamp Events

>>21668705 TREASON: ICE Report Reveals the Numbers from Biden-Harris Open Border

>>21668709 Only 38 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21668732, >>21668799, >>21668832, >>21668853, >>21668929, >>21669022, >>21669034, >>21669091, >>21669481 Four Million Without Power As Helene Slams US East Coast

>>21668749 Youth Pastor Sentenced For Impregnating 14-Year-Old Girl, Leading To Cascading Discovery Of New Victims

>>21668768 EPA Whistleblowers Expose Agencies Efforts To Approve Harmful Chemicals

>>21668851, >>21669161 Middle East Happenings

>>21668865 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

>>21668876 Good 'Ol Shoe TOP KEK The desperation is palpable.

>>21668942 Tablet Mag Worries Charges Against Eric Adams Could Be Used Against The Israel Lobby

>>21668965 A Warning to America: Ignore Animal Antics and Look to Europe

>>21668975 Out of the mouths of babes - Even the children know Kamala is a liar

>>21669015 @ScottPresler Luzerne County Board of Elections has 15,000+ UNPROCESSED voter registration + mail-in ballot applications

>>21669139 POTUS called out the pre postioning Doug Mills after his Z meeting. "he got the bullet"

>>21669164 TEAM TRUMP Reclaim America Tour Dearborn Michigan Sept. 28th

>>21669188 kek Good Morning sQuad - Say It Back - Happy Friday

>>21669189 How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought

>>21669194 That moment you realize Z gravy train is pulling out of Z station.

>>21669270 Follow @thefoodbabe She testified in the Senate about ingredients in U.S. foods that are banned in Europe

>>21669312, >>21669468 TRUMP TRUTH Let that Kamala Border Policy sink in. The current VP wants the people to be killed.

>>21669425 DoJ Notified of Suspected Faulty Welds on Subs, Aircraft Carriers at Newport News Shipbuilding (DEI)

>>21669521 #26535

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74d4a3 No.21671120

#26534 >>21667778


>>21668392, >>21668465, >>21668469, >>21668552 LIVE RSBN TRUMP IN MICHIGAN

>>21668228, >>21668272, >>21668303, >>21668341, >>21668365, >>21668479 RFK speaking in Michigan

>>21668531, >>21668560, >>21668571, >>21668578, >>21668591, >>21668606, >>21668612, >>21668620, >>21668626, >>21668629 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816, >>21668229, >>21668230, >>21668236, >>21668238, >>21668240, >>21668244, >>21668246, >>21668252 TRUMP BORDER TRUTHS - Kamala Border Lies

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887, >>21668198, >>21668204 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995, >>21668052, >>21668055, >>21668059, >>21668161 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960, >>21668382 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS

>>21668011 Anon's Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS


>>21668038, >>21668119, >>21668223, >>21668537 “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah deded or not?

>>21668041, >>21668069, >>21668212, >>21668496 Trump's Rorschach Test?

>>21668079 @thejimwatkins There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.

>>21668114 Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

>>21668123 He’s Making a List ✨ - Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁

>>21668137 Hillary twatX - It turns out people like actual plans.

>>21668170, >>21668206 TRUMP TRUTH on Google's system of illegal election interfering

>>21668180 AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' madame

>>21668197 Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

>>21668203, >>21668380 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

>>21668221, >>21668285, >>21668296, >>21668357, >>21668426, >>21668568, >>21668601, >>21668617 URGENT ALERT Helene Flooding and Warnings Tennessee No. Carolina

>>21668263 NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI probe into Anthony Miranda, illegal pot shop cash seizures

>>21668292 Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

>>21668371, >>21668386 Border Czar Harris allowed criminals into America - 13,099 Murderers - 15,811 Rapists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals

>>21668421, >>21668446 Britney Instagram Bounty?

>>21668490 Judicial Watch Rachel Levine Pushes Transgender Extremism for KIDS!

>>21668499 Doug Mills is the photographer who was faster than the bullet

>>21668539 Shiit hits the fan in Chyna

>>21668645 #26534

Previously Collected

>>21666844 #26532, >>21667748 #26533

>>21664123 #26529, >>21665035 #26530, >>21665893 #26531

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

>>21658052 #26523, >>21658999 #26524, >>21660163 #26525

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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74d4a3 No.21671123

File: 4114f64b3d6f872⋯.png (2.57 MB,970x1250,97:125,ClipboardImage.png)



can continue or defer

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9a9c2a No.21671131

File: f6471045e1e42a6⋯.png (222.77 KB,640x640,1:1,f6471045e1e42a6665d2075f82….png)

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bc8fb2 No.21671133

File: 56105f40bebf75b⋯.jpeg (262.8 KB,2270x1135,2:1,IMG_4059.jpeg)

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77e57f No.21671134

File: 335a68e235785f8⋯.png (1.02 MB,733x1590,733:1590,1727491410660.png)

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7a745d No.21671135

File: 1a39a52bfdd0c43⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB,954x960,159:160,156443C5_421A_4E8F_9AF3_B….jpeg)

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896fbe No.21671138

File: 2fc9ee99a67338e⋯.png (324.34 KB,526x513,526:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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afefc0 No.21671139

File: b42a226397efc3f⋯.jpg (33.7 KB,335x375,67:75,b42a226397efc3fa549ef57b4b….jpg)

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ef0886 No.21671141

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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381fdc No.21671143

File: af6ec925dcea93f⋯.png (127.96 KB,356x237,356:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef0886 No.21671148

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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381fdc No.21671151

File: c3d5b1d737b1282⋯.png (576.41 KB,474x592,237:296,ClipboardImage.png)

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381fdc No.21671152

File: cbe5a9def6d0981⋯.png (1.02 MB,500x948,125:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc8fb2 No.21671153

File: 1c9fccda0f884a7⋯.jpeg (79.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_4061.jpeg)

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cfdf0a No.21671156


My new favorite athlete!!

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03bdf9 No.21671157

File: 7ec1002459c5477⋯.png (908.41 KB,1036x1200,259:300,05c8b7bb474497cc4e02314ccb….png)

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ba38c0 No.21671158

Does anyone know if Trump is on Messenger or FB?

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1da0f4 No.21671159

File: e176bb5bf818579⋯.png (624.96 KB,1376x772,344:193,Trump_won.png)


Nazi's really knew how to run shit for years


Soros that cocksucker!!!! Fuck Nazi's!!!

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961cb5 No.21671161


Why you wanna send him a direct message?

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bc8fb2 No.21671162

File: ce3c5c42071e0c7⋯.jpeg (112.25 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_4062.jpeg)

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01b337 No.21671163

File: 38a7270ab845784⋯.webm (126.58 KB,460x816,115:204,1722562089.webm)

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8f6058 No.21671164

File: bf89e8b951cfe3b⋯.png (3.23 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


you have my Bless B

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1da0f4 No.21671166

File: 71ad5c39ad9659b⋯.mp4 (796 KB,406x720,203:360,your_a_cunt.mp4)

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955648 No.21671168

File: cb46f0c49029952⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1476x964,369:241,Pinto_Green.jpg)




One person's Pinto …

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f10d3f No.21671172

File: 9763b79afe85c3d⋯.gif (1.41 MB,500x318,250:159,2991352058.gif)

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961cb5 No.21671176

File: 149ea4dea5b892b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,image_asset_1_.png)


Did you know:

"Nasi" means Prince in Hebrew? The Germans of that era called themselves National Socialists.


The skull and Crossbones insignia of the Schutzstaffel is based on how the Ancient Hebrew people buried their dead? Just like the Pirate flag.

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0c6517 No.21671178

Quick question because this anon is retarded.

I have a Yeasu FT950 trying to get a hold of ANYONE near Spruce Pine, NC due to folks being trapped in their homes during flood. How the hell do I contact someone who can help?

I have a Comet CHV-5X with a 6, 10, 15, 20 and 40 range

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bc8fb2 No.21671181

File: 92fc200bb1f94a1⋯.jpeg (115.04 KB,1080x1214,540:607,IMG_4063.jpeg)

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46c8b7 No.21671182

File: a17bcee777bbad8⋯.png (434.03 KB,602x549,602:549,Screenshot_20240927_231648….png)


Thank you.

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01b337 No.21671184



german people

called themselves

"National Socialists"

why would they use English words

if theyre German

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83d786 No.21671187

File: 32b3ed1e7540fc1⋯.jpg (325.39 KB,2271x790,2271:790,blue_Cadillac_003.jpg)

File: 78e7029a94f6754⋯.jpg (516.08 KB,2285x1247,2285:1247,blue_Cadillac_002.jpg)

File: 47bf6b2e48ac49e⋯.jpg (481.42 KB,2280x1264,285:158,blue_Cadillac_001.jpg)


blue Cadillac edition would have been better.

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bc8fb2 No.21671189

File: f1d4704d5d3af81⋯.jpeg (103.69 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_4064.jpeg)

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46c8b7 No.21671190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shorties be trippin.yo

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4c43dc No.21671191

Fascist = National Socialist

Communist = International Socialist

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961cb5 No.21671192


You have an HF radio and don't know how to use it? Tune to 7.222 right now and I'll see if I can hear ya.

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83d786 No.21671193


governments often have official translations for diplomatic and propaganda purposes.

also they would speak English to people who would only understand English.

let me see? Why would they use English? For the same reason that Americans might speak to Germans in German.

open your eyes and see

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46c8b7 No.21671194


*Common Buggerists

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153357 No.21671196

File: fdad97cb18f14b1⋯.jpg (35.13 KB,501x445,501:445,fdad97cb18f14b10c404ee1449….jpg)

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01b337 No.21671197




came from them


in the line of Gomer

the AshkeNAZI's

dont twist shit ti fit your agenda

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2a55a2 No.21671198


saddest futurama ever

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b37660 No.21671199

File: 71c110a65165d7b⋯.png (1.01 MB,683x931,683:931,ClipboardImage.png)

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83d786 No.21671200


ah, I see you're an ignorant conflict monger.

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01b337 No.21671201

i just filtered myself


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961cb5 No.21671202


For your enrichment, should you choose…


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0c6517 No.21671203


Trying to to get a hold of HF 4125 but I don't think I have the range. Was wondering if anyone knew if it's me or my setup

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6c7e61 No.21671204



just in case you are new in here and are lurking…..

these are anons and they are the backbone of our country.


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1da0f4 No.21671206

File: 9577204590561b7⋯.jpg (461.28 KB,1080x1274,540:637,ugly_man_ever.jpg)


this place is falling apart at the seams…

all know Germans called themselves bratwiggerwursts!

this fucking guy could have at least plucked the hair growing out of his forehead moles.

first time this was ever said. "Good news man, youhave a severe case of leprosy that will eat most of your face."

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46c8b7 No.21671207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d92e61 No.21671208


What came first ?? Germany or AshkeNAZI?

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961cb5 No.21671209

I don't have broadcast capability on the freq' but I'm listening in New Hampshire right now.

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2a55a2 No.21671210



>german people

>called themselves

>"National Socialists"

>why would they use English words

>if theyre German

they DIDN'T, asshat

they used german


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d92e61 No.21671211


Truth is what’s first. In the beginning. What the fuck are you on? Television?

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01b337 No.21671212

File: 2e46dcd76fdec74⋯.png (647.25 KB,496x755,496:755,2e46dcd76fdec74b3b887569f9….png)

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0c6517 No.21671213


Testing. Will retune antennae

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874206 No.21671215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c6517 No.21671216


Operators all around are having major comms blackouts due to storm

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bc8fb2 No.21671217


Gallia came before.

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595366 No.21671219

File: 2af23ada2726fce⋯.jpg (14.93 KB,419x279,419:279,202211214_night_shift.jpg)



howdy nightshift

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1da0f4 No.21671220


def this. saw that spelled the first time that is all i saw.

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961cb5 No.21671221


Nothing heard as of 23:00 Eastern

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f4dcab No.21671222

File: 4e0deaf23101a3b⋯.jpg (362.7 KB,1484x989,1484:989,Trumps_KMart.jpg)

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83d786 No.21671223


Truth is by it's fruits shown as truth.

jabber is by the shill shown as nonsense.

I know which one you are.

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d92e61 No.21671224


It’s what I’ve heard. The Germans actually called the Ashkenazi people Nazi. The Ashkenazi found it insulting. Once they took over the media they used Nazi on the Germans.

As per usual

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1da0f4 No.21671225


that looks like the shark that stepped on the lego


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c893ef No.21671226

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d92e61 No.21671227


You’re fake news. Mailing shit up as you go. Can’t stand Christian faggots like you. Go filter.

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69945b No.21671228

Paul Revere’s Ride

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Listen, my children, and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, “If the British march

By land or sea from the town to-night,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch

Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light,—

One if by land, and two if by sea;

And I on the opposite shore will be,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm,

For the country-folk to be up and to arm.”

Then he said “Good night!” and with muffled oar

Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,

Just as the moon rose over the bay,

Where swinging wide at her moorings lay

The Somerset, British man-of-war:

A phantom ship, with each mast and spar

Across the moon, like a prison-bar,

And a huge black hulk, that was magnified

By its own reflection in the tide.

Meanwhile, his friend, through alley and street

Wanders and watches with eager ears,

Till in the silence around him he hears

The muster of men at the barrack door,

The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,

And the measured tread of the grenadiers

Marching down to their boats on the shore.

Then he climbed to the tower of the church,

Up the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,

To the belfry-chamber overhead,

And startled the pigeons from their perch

On the sombre rafters, that round him made

Masses and moving shapes of shade,—

By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,

To the highest window in the wall,

Where he paused to listen and look down

A moment on the roofs of the town,

And the moonlight flowing over all.

Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,

In their night-encampment on the hill,

Wrapped in silence so deep and still

That he could hear, like a sentinel’s tread,

The watchful night-wind, as it went

Creeping along from tent to tent,

And seeming to whisper, “All is well!”

A moment only he feels the spell

Of the place and the hour, and the secret dread

Of the lonely belfry and the dead;

For suddenly all his thoughts are bent

On a shadowy something far away,

Where the river widens to meet the bay,—

A line of black, that bends and floats

On the rising tide, like a bridge of boats.

Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride,

Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride,

On the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.

Now he patted his horse’s side,

Now gazed on the landscape far and near,

Then impetuous stamped the earth,

And turned and tightened his saddle-girth;

But mostly he watched with eager search

The belfry-tower of the old North Church,

As it rose above the graves on the hill,

Lonely and spectral and sombre and still.

And lo! as he looks, on the belfry’s height,

A glimmer, and then a gleam of light!

He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns,

But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight

A second lamp in the belfry burns!

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69945b No.21671230


A hurry of hoofs in a village-street,

A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,

And beneath from the pebbles, in passing, a spark

Struck out by a steed that flies fearless and fleet:

That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,

The fate of a nation was riding that night;

And the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight,

Kindled the land into flame with its heat.

He has left the village and mounted the steep,

And beneath him, tranquil and broad and deep,

Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides;

And under the alders, that skirt its edge,

Now soft on the sand, now loud on the ledge,

Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides.

It was twelve by the village clock

When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.

He heard the crowing of the cock,

And the barking of the farmer’s dog,

And felt the damp of the river-fog,

That rises when the sun goes down.

It was one by the village clock,

When he galloped into Lexington.

He saw the gilded weathercock

Swim in the moonlight as he passed,

And the meeting-house windows, blank and bare,

Gaze at him with a spectral glare,

As if they already stood aghast

At the bloody work they would look upon.

It was two by the village clock,

When he came to the bridge in Concord town.

He heard the bleating of the flock,

And the twitter of birds among the trees,

And felt the breath of the morning breeze

Blowing over the meadows brown.

And one was safe and asleep in his bed

Who at the bridge would be first to fall,

Who that day would be lying dead,

Pierced by a British musket-ball.

You know the rest. In the books you have read,

How the British Regulars fired and fled,—

How the farmers gave them ball for ball,

From behind each fence and farmyard-wall,

Chasing the red-coats down the lane,

Then crossing the fields to emerge again

Under the trees at the turn of the road,

And only pausing to fire and load.

So through the night rode Paul Revere;

And so through the night went his cry of alarm

To every Middlesex village and farm,—

A cry of defiance, and not of fear,

A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,

And a word that shall echo forevermore!

For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,

Through all our history, to the last,

In the hour of darkness and peril and need,

The people will waken and listen to hear

The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,

And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

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01b337 No.21671231


hijacking words n symbols

all while projecting

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83d786 No.21671233

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46c8b7 No.21671234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6cb8fb No.21671235

File: 32fa11e444d0fb3⋯.jpg (110.82 KB,750x500,3:2,94y97w.jpg)

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0c6517 No.21671236

File: 1eef36d2c5a3b91⋯.png (1.02 MB,1170x1884,195:314,Emergency.png)

If anyone can help or knows how to help here is the post.

Communications are down


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d92e61 No.21671237


AshkeNAZI settling Germany in 10th century. They had a lot of physical problems.

You’re fucking stupid. There are no coincidences

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d92e61 No.21671238


What’s sad anon. Can’t elaborate?

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ed0fe7 No.21671240


>severe case of leprosy that will eat most of your face

Jesus Christ

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381fdc No.21671241

File: a97a310c1c49860⋯.png (408.84 KB,641x659,641:659,ClipboardImage.png)


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01b337 No.21671242

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83d786 No.21671244


conflict mongering is sad, anon, what you do is sad.

you just want a fight and spit on anyone and everyone who responds to you.

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814882 No.21671245


Stressful. Shows importance of HAM

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2a55a2 No.21671247

File: a0904527a2d75f1⋯.gif (659.36 KB,220x220,1:1,spit_take_drink.gif)


>these are anons and they are the backbone of our country.

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961cb5 No.21671248


I can move up to 40 if you wanna try unless something urgent needs reported.

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34f4b8 No.21671249

File: c0e0e772dadedba⋯.png (337.05 KB,1366x1373,1366:1373,2024_09_27_Dan_Scavino_Put….png)

File: a14f9bde81bc8c1⋯.png (2.55 MB,1365x11494,195:1642,Q_Posts_Armor_of_God_17_po….png)

File: 1fcde50837a2a1f⋯.png (95.68 KB,900x450,2:1,Armor_of_God_Ephesians_6.png)

New X post from Dan Scavino stating,Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11was just posted about 25 minutes ago (please note that the time on the archive is "off" because of the server used, apparently):

LINK - https://x.com/DanScavino/status/1839861968078807138

ARCHIVE - https://archive.is/rACy5

For the heck of it, I am posting a collage showing thatthere were 17 Q posts with the phrase "ARMOR OF GOD" in themso I'm posting those, too.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=armor+of+god

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/yqhiR

Finally, just for the heck of it, here's also a meme defining what the full armor of God is, just as a reminder.

God bless you all and keep on lawfully fighting, fighting, fighting, and I will, too.


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d92e61 No.21671251


I do??

The Pharisee and any Literal religion is the worst thing on the planet.

It’s mind control and yet here you are on an internet site speaking devoid while others try to help you.

Stay in church. 4-6%

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2fb912 No.21671253


We heard and help got to the house. Still trapped as of now, but safe and known. Good job for spreading word! THIS IS WHAT PATRIOTS DO!

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46c8b7 No.21671255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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874206 No.21671256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Save that for dayshift, it's NightShift on Friday

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34f4b8 No.21671257

File: 67dcfd26f5dd76b⋯.png (198.98 KB,740x552,185:138,Twilight_Zone_02.PNG)

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2a55a2 No.21671259

File: 8ff63726301fb94⋯.jpg (169.33 KB,959x716,959:716,proxy_image_1_copy_9.jpg)



get over yourself

it's what ALL decent people do

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24aae5 No.21671260

The delta between this tard and a zero IQ is 5

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381fdc No.21671262

File: 096c36b7b0cbc38⋯.png (314.56 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f53966 No.21671263

Britney Griner is a man pretending to be a woman.

Michelle Obama is a man pretending to be a woman.

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6cb8fb No.21671265

What time is the fun shift?

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381fdc No.21671266

File: 4d66a6df52dede3⋯.png (370.05 KB,656x499,656:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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46c8b7 No.21671267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0dafc1 No.21671268

File: 5e8fbe46e5ffdf9⋯.jpg (2.19 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Autist_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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4e4ca3 No.21671270

File: 373ecd1a6b706fd⋯.jpg (338.32 KB,1200x675,16:9,image.jpg)

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34f4b8 No.21671271

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB,500x281,500:281,NightShiftGuardDogs.gif)


Evenin' Ralph.

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d92e61 No.21671272


Kek. Like Kamala today saying Trump stopped some bill and that’s why the border was open and that she would fix it once she was elected??


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381fdc No.21671273

File: 5bec874603877fd⋯.png (121.12 KB,236x312,59:78,ClipboardImage.png)


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f53966 No.21671275


Barack Obama is a faggot and a pedophile.

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381fdc No.21671276

File: 7b3d146ac5a290d⋯.png (457.38 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef0886 No.21671277

File: f5f4c441c778907⋯.jpg (426.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f5f4c441c7789078985b68a6da….jpg)

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69945b No.21671278

File: 714773bfdc56cf0⋯.jpg (2.94 MB,2512x2996,628:749,jefferson.jpg)


"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies," Jefferson wrote. " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

"The issuing power of currency shall be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

We should all meditate on that amazing prediction of things to come that are not necessarily beneficial to the 99%– but only to the 1%.

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ed0fe7 No.21671279


>The Germans actually called the Ashkenazi people Nazi.


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fc6ea8 No.21671280

File: db45ed0253acad9⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2354x1590,1177:795,db45ed0253acad92e8081e475f….jpg)

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83d786 No.21671281



>You’re fake news. Mailing shit up as you go. Can’t stand Christian faggots like you. Go filter.


you do it like breathing and then gaslight those who you do it to.

it's just what you are.

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961cb5 No.21671284

File: a03d3a54306bb3b⋯.pdf (187.81 KB,Blank_1_.pdf)

File: 9a4c73f4a111eeb⋯.pdf (324.09 KB,Civil_case_number_2693_Jul….pdf)

File: 02a247a5deadd28⋯.png (162.11 KB,1029x923,1029:923,Deprivation_of_Right_under….PNG)

File: 7637b5ee63d417e⋯.png (46.89 KB,773x541,773:541,Vitiate_Definition_1_.PNG)

File: 59c00e5e79589be⋯.pdf (338.78 KB,US_Supremem_Court_Case_No_….pdf)


That's true.

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ed0fe7 No.21671285



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381fdc No.21671287

File: 0438ba56f45665f⋯.png (184.4 KB,320x228,80:57,ClipboardImage.png)


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d92e61 No.21671288


The Jude star was worn for non Ashkenazi Jews.

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d92e61 No.21671290

File: b34b10cf0116538⋯.jpeg (75.34 KB,500x607,500:607,IMG_6287.jpeg)

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46c8b7 No.21671291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b37660 No.21671292

47 UIDs thus far in bread. It took all the way to 112 replies to get something posted that might be notable. And there was no sauce. Hope you assholes are enjoying your frogbook. Because that is what this place has devolved into.

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4a020e No.21671293


Trying to tell my wife that is not him but she doesn't believe me. He is only on TS and X. Right?

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46c8b7 No.21671295


Thanks Mr sunshine

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2a55a2 No.21671297

File: a7f34f1c6c7aae0⋯.png (87.9 KB,236x312,59:78,5bec874603877fd507f1316667….png)

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2c0b77 No.21671298

File: 60128863fa89dd4⋯.png (723.38 KB,715x818,715:818,JimSmile.png)

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f53966 No.21671299


Sorry, there is nothing funny about raping children.

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961cb5 No.21671301

File: 885145c066da409⋯.jpg (444.1 KB,1948x1093,1948:1093,King_Donald_Trump.jpg)


I remember seeing memes of him at the winter White House in his office browsing the catalogue. At least Q confirmed Dan was/is here. Who knows.

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381fdc No.21671302

File: 128292f012c4ef0⋯.png (230.97 KB,331x438,331:438,ClipboardImage.png)


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ed0fe7 No.21671305

File: 0fa990284ad5885⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,1282x720,641:360,imustfeedyou.mp4)

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f53966 No.21671306

File: 3bf13893a9925a8⋯.png (6.62 MB,2540x2520,127:126,ClipboardImage.png)


meditate on this

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46c8b7 No.21671307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fc6ea8 No.21671308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>saddest futurama ever

Maybe I don´t really want to know…

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34f4b8 No.21671309

File: 183258e5e18b551⋯.png (1.91 MB,1089x1089,1:1,Pepe_Make_Autism_Great_Aga….png)

File: 91c438739982658⋯.png (750.05 KB,1099x798,157:114,Ricky_Ricardo_to_United_St….png)


On it.


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ed0fe7 No.21671310

File: 1f99ba34a8c5cbf⋯.png (779.88 KB,930x558,5:3,AzovRabbi.png)


>Democrat Party, Ukraine and Israel are about to get curb stomped?

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6cb8fb No.21671312

File: 5181ff65fdcf5c4⋯.jpg (68.8 KB,615x680,123:136,GYTDM07XUAAqkA7.jpg)

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d92e61 No.21671313


Coburger Reigerungs Blatt

Good luck little nigga. I’m going to doubt you got the mustard. Too much Church indoctrination

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46c8b7 No.21671315



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381fdc No.21671316

File: eb17eea2fea7875⋯.png (41.66 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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e1e84c No.21671317


who responded?

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fc6ea8 No.21671318


Q is not going back here. He will return in /pol.

Full circle.

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a7a22a No.21671320

fuck off vatican shill.

you can go straight to your regular faggotry now.

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01b337 No.21671321



theyre trapped in the basement

of a flooded house

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23cb5b No.21671322

File: 8aee809b10814b9⋯.png (109.83 KB,985x1080,197:216,ClipboardImage.png)

Satanic rituals


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961cb5 No.21671323

File: 3794078d480abd6⋯.jpg (55.83 KB,282x598,141:299,fcb050575cca3523ab03859e9b….jpg)


Everyone has a choice to make. Difficult truths and healing, or continued ignorance and indentured servitude.

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2a55a2 No.21671324

File: 75672d4df092a7c⋯.jpg (3.82 MB,2512x2996,628:749,714773bfdc56cf0baea734bd4c….jpg)

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46c8b7 No.21671326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f53966 No.21671328


Britney Griner is a man pretending to be a woman, who is pretending to be a lesbo by being married to a woman.

So that actually make him/her straight, not a faggot.

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d92e61 No.21671329


Think logically

A German is called a German because he is FROM Germany.

The Ashkenazi settlers we called by where they are from.

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23cb5b No.21671330

File: 1cfb18b4c279e07⋯.png (664.56 KB,629x623,629:623,ClipboardImage.png)

The iron law of woke projection never misses.


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fc6ea8 No.21671331



Go to /pol.

There are many people there interested in hearing your fantastic ideas.

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01b337 No.21671332

File: ed5e13cf3fc33f8⋯.jpg (913.96 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240927_230013….jpg)

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381fdc No.21671334

File: 896c5fb0b042216⋯.png (613.63 KB,610x627,610:627,ClipboardImage.png)


He's just fucking with us. Congress is out of session until after the selection, doing what they do to get reselected.

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01b337 No.21671335

File: 37572a5eff69158⋯.jpg (931.89 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240927_230107….jpg)

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ef0886 No.21671336

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

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961cb5 No.21671337

File: 7c6384b79adc3e8⋯.jpg (45.08 KB,320x521,320:521,christopher_1200x1200.jpg)

File: 58552f28af6d999⋯.jpg (7.35 MB,3700x5551,3700:5551,MV5BMGE3ODdhNWQtYjUwNS00Mz….jpg)

File: 787ae15ea8edd8d⋯.jpg (150.53 KB,783x800,783:800,palazzo_farnese_galleria_d….jpg)


It sure is. Makes you wonder what a Hor House is…

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46c8b7 No.21671339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2a55a2 No.21671340


>The Ashkenazi settlers we called by where they are from.

can you show us on the map where ashkenazi is located?

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ed0fe7 No.21671341

File: 978377887087a2f⋯.mp4 (590.4 KB,1280x636,320:159,watchthewater.mp4)

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cc42b6 No.21671344


fucking vermin

anons, why didnt the Fathers put something in about not packing the court?

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d92e61 No.21671345


The other Jews were Sephardic. Or what they tell you is Hispanic.

Same damn thing.

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c459fc No.21671346

File: 07a9fb10abdf923⋯.png (749.09 KB,679x587,679:587,14E6F346_EC16_40D0_99D1_F1….png)


Anon would encourage all tradesmen to be too busy to work on that house.

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4189ab No.21671347

File: cdbfbaf42c4f97c⋯.png (648.76 KB,800x610,80:61,Laughs_in_Derka_Derka.PNG)

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4b36f9 No.21671348


Those pretzels made him thirsty

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d92e61 No.21671349


That’s just it. You can’t. Hence the Usury. Hence the “Son of” in their names. Hence all the stolen Culture.

You know what. You’re right. It’s what you think or what they said it was. My bad. Carry on with your deep digs.

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d382ad No.21671354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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381fdc No.21671355

File: 834670921b26844⋯.png (176.56 KB,343x234,343:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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b37660 No.21671357

File: 18fe635134a2b64⋯.png (11.76 KB,412x175,412:175,ClipboardImage.png)


>Send banners to my Twitter.

The absolute kek. This reminds anon of the time that some genius must have taken a look at the catalog, and then saw how QR boards had been created for different countries. So they decided to make a board for each state in the US. All 50 of them. Hell, they probably had one for Guam too. Then they came to QR main and started coaxing anons to post in the board for their state. I'm sure it looked like a great idea in the focus group. Make it easier for each state agency to identify the troublemakers in their jurisdiction. Now this. By extension then. it must be inferred that Jim intends /pol to be anything but anonymous for those who choose to create a new thread.

Little by little.


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4189ab No.21671358

File: fdc7b9baec6cfd8⋯.png (913.9 KB,1018x604,509:302,12B766D5_993F_489B_B07F_09….PNG)

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4189ab No.21671360

File: 538e2a12a4d4f56⋯.png (2.34 MB,1470x1054,735:527,61BB61F7_EBD7_44ED_9D06_52….PNG)

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2a55a2 No.21671362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Poland and Eastern Russia

mostly THE ukraine (THE stolen land)

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381fdc No.21671363

File: e2d2766fc813d81⋯.png (240 KB,300x354,50:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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4189ab No.21671365

File: fa0e8496d1b6c85⋯.png (1.18 MB,854x878,427:439,67A702D1_DAB2_45CF_926E_46….PNG)

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4189ab No.21671369

File: b0c3c8efb14e143⋯.png (258.71 KB,462x333,154:111,0780BC7E_07C2_4DBA_BB0D_C0….PNG)

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961cb5 No.21671370

File: cb73d24a35fcb6e⋯.jpg (822.05 KB,1639x2100,1639:2100,Nahas_VanHalen_Teardrop_si….jpg)


It's a real doozy. Sadly real, corporeal kids have been damaged due to, "mis-conceptualization" or corruption in the material. How to fix?

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595366 No.21671372


i recently saw a "Biden/Harris" sign (before the coup) in the same lawn as a "Protect the 2nd Amendment" sign.

the irony was not lost on me

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34f4b8 No.21671373


For a bad time, do a deep dive into Kate Spade's "factory" in Rwanda during The Rwandan Genocide.

Wait, what?

Those leather bags and shoes aren't made from cows?

They're made from dead Rwandan people?

I would have loved to ask Kate Spade about this, but she, um, "committed suicide" just around the time Anons were digging into this, and her husband was running around town with a rat mask over his ugly face.

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46c8b7 No.21671375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4189ab No.21671377

File: 4ee9f254b04ed67⋯.jpg (470.09 KB,947x632,947:632,IMG_0723.jpg)

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c022f6 No.21671379

File: 58dfca9a58863c6⋯.png (13.74 KB,248x255,248:255,Armor_of_God.png)


ThankQ Dan: There is actually one more implement not mentioned, and that is the Spear of Destiny. It turns spears into pruning hooks and plowshares, because it is when one knows that their destiny is to bear the cross for the sake of humanity. These are the one's who didn't miss Elijah when he came and took the Spear of Destiny upon themselves. I saw this in vision after 911 and remembered it when Elijah came. One day I will build a temple to the Lord with what I saw in my vision, for if God did not leave us a remnant, we would have become like Sodom and Gomorrah. Praise the Lord who strengthens us and saves us in times of trouble. Amen.

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d92e61 No.21671380




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4e4ca3 No.21671383


Anon's been censored on this board lots, but it's getting better to some degree.


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4189ab No.21671384

File: 79bac527562abcd⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB,1366x769,1366:769,815BCF93_AA02_4333_A6D7_9….JPEG)

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d92e61 No.21671385




This is the Bible or Old Testament at the time was used against people. They couldn’t understand the meanings of the words. They used Yiddish to manipulate

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46c8b7 No.21671386

File: 1904482a4f8b2d6⋯.jpg (610.77 KB,1204x1600,301:400,1000001739.jpg)

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cc42b6 No.21671388

File: 438752f902276bd⋯.png (389.5 KB,675x396,75:44,tunnelrat.png)



theyre down here

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62f01f No.21671391

Got a question for anons. I am a big Trump and Q supporter, I'm military and there are a lot of people, (literally haven't met a single biden/harris tard) here who support orange man. However more of the black pilled guys point to Vance kissing the wall and being big on Israel and Trump saying he supports Israel and they say it's all rigged and Trump is a ZOGtard. I have full faith he means to end all corruption and end all the BS worldwide. I showed Europa to a close buddy of mine here in the barracks and he has these concerns. What is the best evidence of Trump and the show going on I can give someone with these concerns that Q and Trump are just Israel Psyops. I use the Epstein angle that Epstein would have never been allowed to be exposed if Trump was a puppet, but what else could i use to convey the confidence I have in Trump and Q? lots of people are awake here and I am trying to reassure people here to have faith but lots of people here hate Vance and do NOT trust him after Pence and with Vance's past of supporting Israel. Any advice?

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bc8fb2 No.21671392

File: 3bde208de092939⋯.jpeg (217.26 KB,1379x1446,1379:1446,IMG_4067.jpeg)

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34f4b8 No.21671396

File: 1d8b33053c19ab0⋯.png (281.33 KB,758x505,758:505,Anon_Salute.png)


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2a55a2 No.21671397


>shills have completely taken it over

objects in mirror are closer than you think

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4189ab No.21671399

File: 870f6bcdee6a13c⋯.png (569.13 KB,560x638,280:319,Zuckerberg_Eyebrows.PNG)

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595366 No.21671403


go back to reddit

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65f701 No.21671405


Get some portable sawzalls and batteries and make short work of it.

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b37660 No.21671406

In the same way that Nature abhors a vacuum. The converse inversion is that namefags filter each other. Ladies and gentlemen we now come full circle.

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62f01f No.21671408


K fag. Don't care about your opinion then.

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4189ab No.21671409

File: 93864ed4442b8de⋯.png (533.04 KB,403x1156,403:1156,Joe_Biden_Clown.PNG)

File: 73ea2c3b61f6104⋯.jpg (859.68 KB,1537x1921,1537:1921,Joe_Biden_Clowns_01.jpg)


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24aae5 No.21671410

Clock is ticking neutered Slash shill. Fedboi glowing.

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595366 No.21671411


namefag speaks

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01b337 No.21671414


my point was

wouldnt the basement be flooded

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201056 No.21671415

File: 7ed0dfca260f8de⋯.png (25.36 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4189ab No.21671416

File: 321e2cdf9927b01⋯.png (85.62 KB,228x218,114:109,B7CBB8DC_4938_4601_A108_4D….PNG)

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46c8b7 No.21671417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3d3b2d No.21671421


steel sharpens steel

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34f4b8 No.21671422

File: 1edb8c85792d325⋯.gif (13.85 KB,220x144,55:36,Vote_for_President_Trump.gif)




>Any advice?


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7f4d3a No.21671423


>This is not Biblical.

Does it make sense? Do you know what I mean about Elijah? I explained it many a times here.

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2a55a2 No.21671424


>Any advice?

keep your frens close and your enemies closer

the msm is controlled by the jews

the msm has relentlessly vilified trump and done everything they can think of to prevent his re-election

of course… that could be a feint

but it don't smell like one to me

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595366 No.21671426



failed red text

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46c8b7 No.21671427

File: 45d27eb2ab4702c⋯.jpg (533.18 KB,1757x1784,1757:1784,1000001443.jpg)

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961cb5 No.21671429

File: 281371438a581f5⋯.webp (192.84 KB,1440x960,3:2,448470_jpg.webp)


I think this is an as within, so without thing. Manly P Hall wrote about the Forefathers of America sailed the to the New World to establish and build the New Jerusalem. Trump moved our Embassy in Irael to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. I think this is where the Word comes into play. Let's see what habbens in the beginning of November. if the repeat 2020, all bets are off. It's been 7 years…

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201056 No.21671430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4189ab No.21671431

File: 51c4726909da67a⋯.png (1.76 MB,1244x1148,311:287,C91F22CD_BCFE_4EF2_AD4A_75….PNG)

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62f01f No.21671432


Yes, that is one of my favorite bible. How does that pertain to my question though? I try to turn people here away from the black pill that is why i came here to have the steel of 8Kun sharpen my steel.

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381fdc No.21671435

File: f0f01790860f09b⋯.png (302.23 KB,474x237,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


The crackheads can't call a vote until they are back in session, after the FF. They should be done for this year.

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62f01f No.21671438


Very well aware of that. I mean to negate any concerns my buddies have of trump being another Jew puppet. That is the biggest concern of many people awake in the barracks here. They are awake but fear he is a puppet. The same goes for me, the MSM vilify him but they fear he is controlled op. What other evidence can i offer someone like that who is so blackpilled?

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5669d7 No.21671439


Understand this, not all our enemies are Jews, and not Jews are our enemy. When anyone say X group they are never referring to all of them but a significant number of them in a gang with a common purpose and/or identity People do this to shorten the narrative.

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2a55a2 No.21671442



looka lika ya got yourself a template

an now you can crank 'em out mass production style


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961cb5 No.21671443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This Isn't about any one demographic. It's deeper than that.

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595366 No.21671444


go stir trouble somewhere else


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fc6ea8 No.21671445

File: 73630a8d38224e6⋯.png (36.31 KB,610x544,305:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c36fe963f21c86⋯.png (508.01 KB,996x988,249:247,865.png)

Insider Paper



NEW - Turkey jails builder of quake-razed apartments for 865 years

Turkey on Friday handed 865 years in prison to a man behind the construction of a building which collapsed during a powerful 2023 earthquake, killing 96,


Sep 27, 2024 · 8:30 PM UTC


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961cb5 No.21671447

File: 2633cbd3e995a11⋯.jpg (649.77 KB,1600x1220,80:61,Hitler_Maurice_Kriebel_Hes….jpg)

File: cef248b07238592⋯.jpg (35.92 KB,440x637,440:637,440px_Bundesarchiv_Bild_14….jpg)



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f10d3f No.21671448

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)


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62f01f No.21671452


I perfectly understand that. However the people i talk to do NOT. they think the jews control everything and I am trying to figure out as much evidence as i can to persuade others who believe Trump to be a jewish puppet. I understand it is not all Jews.

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3d3b2d No.21671453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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894362 No.21671454


Could be, won't know until someone does the work.

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bc8fb2 No.21671455

File: 4d55a574c783064⋯.jpeg (154.76 KB,896x894,448:447,IMG_4069.jpeg)

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894362 No.21671458

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62f01f No.21671459


I am content with that. Embrace the Suck? haha yeah im an 0311 i understand that more than most. thanks man. I appreciate it. We truly cannot know, but i have faith in that orange bastard

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bc8fb2 No.21671460

File: 0174f9a4386044a⋯.jpeg (210.69 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_4070.jpeg)

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f22885 No.21671462


Sorry jumpy mousepad. Trump was there on 911 and lost friends. Tell them to put themselves into that perspective.

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2a55a2 No.21671463


>What other evidence can i offer someone like that who is so blackpilled?

i know you know i know you know i know


do you know i know you know i know you know i know

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9dff80 No.21671464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A break-down of the MARXEST meaning of "To be unburdened by what has been."

Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? - Eric Weinstein

Chris Williamson

3,767,203 views Sep 22, 2024 11:10

Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss Kamala Harris’ repeated phrase. Where does this phrase come from according to Eric Weinstein? Are we under estimating Kamala Harris according to Eric Weinstein?


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201056 No.21671466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f10d3f No.21671467

File: 758e4881d3d29e0⋯.png (300.64 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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24aae5 No.21671468

Trump started 0 wars. Reason enough to know he’s not controlled.

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0604ea No.21671469


Correct. And JFK Jr were close friends.

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46c8b7 No.21671470

File: 1298e7a2a8581d8⋯.png (891.47 KB,593x1420,593:1420,Screenshot_20240928_002422….png)


I don't see anything, dunno what your talking about.

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153357 No.21671471

File: e38c2230dcdde00⋯.jpg (5.47 KB,275x183,275:183,e38c2230dcdde002a4c3aa9fed….jpg)

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9dff80 No.21671472

File: 3db4e3db17737e9⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,480x270,16:9,Harris_unburdened.mp4)



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52eae9 No.21671473

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn Stupids!

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01b337 No.21671475

they wouldnt constantly try

to kill him if he was controlled

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2c006a No.21671477

the cyrcle

each point of a hero's journey

,each point of a film's arc

each point of a song's stery

each point of a new's cicle

each point of a life's span

who made who

the impression

the impressed





human being

you made you


the trick william potter

is knowing the points are the same (sequence)

more human than person?

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46c8b7 No.21671479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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939628 No.21671480

File: f79f63c0668593f⋯.gif (11.89 MB,640x360,16:9,pizzaperry_2_.gif)

File: 81075498dabe54f⋯.jpg (243.56 KB,603x805,603:805,pizzagirlhusbnd.jpg)

>>21670191 lb

maybe Brand hypnotized Katy Perry.

He looked like her handler in several still photographs?


She's MK'ed?

Original Pizza Girl?

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2a55a2 No.21671481



>Trump was there on 911 and lost friends. Tell them to put themselves into that perspective.

trump's life was NYC real estate

of COURSE he knew about the asbestos, about the failed attempts to obtain demolition permits, about shekelstein's insurance policy

he was also close pals with JFKjr

of course he saw killary's fingerprints on that

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6cb8fb No.21671483


Kamala looks like Obama.

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595366 No.21671486


i've watched this interview. this dude is spot on and very smart.

it's the same reason they tear down monuments, rename military bases and schools, and denigrate the founding fathers.

they have to destroy our foundations. make us forget where we came from.

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2a55a2 No.21671488


NOT what i wanna be lookin' at while i'm hard at work

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fc6ea8 No.21671489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think she is an US spy.

Red Sparrow.

Infiltrated the inner circle of Hillary.

We have it all?

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cc42b6 No.21671491


what about Haim Solomon and Jew Columbus

I heard the fathers had weird dealings with jews in france, maybe not gay stuff, but making deals

illuminati, carbonari

they were definitely dealing with Jews

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46c8b7 No.21671492


It happens

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2a55a2 No.21671495


>which one sucks dick better is what everyone wants to know

to me, the most important thing isn't technique, it's enthusiasm

so imma place my bet on obastard

kneepads is just a cheap political wannabe whore

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46c8b7 No.21671496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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961cb5 No.21671498

File: 2e4afcc44ed9f1b⋯.webp (15.98 KB,667x400,667:400,1st_Navy_Jack_Dont_Tread_….webp)

File: 7ecd8d14e0c9980⋯.jpg (7.45 KB,193x169,193:169,Paperclip.jpg)



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69945b No.21671499

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2a55a2 No.21671500


>change yur name to ventura bonepart

imma stick with longfellow wagstaff

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113485 No.21671503

notables @ 350 halfway collected

#26538 >>21671123

>>21671249, >>21671379 Scavino's Armor of God Truth post from lb

>>21671264 Democrat Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon Pushes Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

>>21671305 Exhibit A: Stephen Colbert

>>21671322 Matt Wallace: I have obtained photos of satanic rituals being performed at Diddy parties


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fc6ea8 No.21671505

File: ad67d3a742733ca⋯.png (654.66 KB,846x347,846:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a30db3ddce23866⋯.png (416.06 KB,860x356,215:89,ClipboardImage.png)



punishers, frogs, 9/11…

45, 46, 47…

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4b36f9 No.21671508


they are both jabronis

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2a55a2 No.21671509


>I’m way ahead of everyone

get back in your lane, CHILD

somma us been doin' this since before your grandaddy learned how to fap

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381fdc No.21671510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Programming matters

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6b6323 No.21671513

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)

File: 475f9ce169c487a⋯.gif (3.26 MB,540x400,27:20,eye_shift_2.gif)

File: 9e48daa3e703cf9⋯.gif (773.31 KB,500x281,500:281,eye_shift_.gif)



beware of new whistle blowers and experts coming out stating they were on the inside all along..

Watch the body language, how they talk, the eyes are the give away.

it is coming close to the reveal, this means the rats will try to fit into the picture.

not anons by the way,

anons are anonymous for a reason.

anon is talking about new faces not see before doing the rounds who inorganically are getting the interviews via podcast circut especially the intellectual dark web morans like matt walsh, shapiro, benstein, jordan peterson circuit.

anons can listen to them and watch them lie in real time,

especially those who claim to work for the c.i.a and those writing books.


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d37054 No.21671514


It's a "New clear threat" and a danger to our Democracy/Republic… We need to divert funds… Watch FTX

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201056 No.21671516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46c8b7 No.21671518


One can deprogram then reverse engineer programming and really get to work

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d37054 No.21671519


>im always correct

Do you know why I always that?

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153357 No.21671522

File: fd2910b07738343⋯.png (451.31 KB,869x713,869:713,ClipboardImage.png)



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46c8b7 No.21671523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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098fe6 No.21671524



> nobody knows “why you always that”

Do you believe in God?

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2c006a No.21671527

File: c19fc470a613323⋯.jpg (47.52 KB,675x479,675:479,0e4f8f2ae14672af575a2dddc4….jpg)

hewd is gewd

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7e84c5 No.21671529

File: 2874df7dbb965f3⋯.png (31.41 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage733.png)

File: cbc14f6be261095⋯.png (57.94 KB,473x483,473:483,qaggdropimage68.png)

File: 0723651cc901c44⋯.png (28.95 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage1933_b.png)

File: 461157832d96971⋯.png (487.13 KB,748x771,748:771,Screenshot_2024_09_28_at_0….png)

U.S. Pacific Fleet


#USSNimitz conducts flight operations in the Pacific Ocean Sept. 25 to help prepare the ship & crew for full integration as a carrier strike group through a wide range of mission critical operations.

#FlyNavy #NavalAviation #CVN68 #NimitzStrong

7:33 PM · Sep 27, 2024

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2a55a2 No.21671531

File: d7b9f9fb1edfd6a⋯.jpg (8.7 KB,225x225,1:1,grateagain.jpg)


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ab8341 No.21671532


I got a jumpy mousepad that does all kinds of cray stuff, I left out say. Never rely on internet reviewers 100%.

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2a55a2 No.21671533


>boomers got us into this mess by being so fucking stupid and blind


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2f1be0 No.21671534


yeah still not making sense there hoss

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fc6ea8 No.21671535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Katy Perry - Chained To The Rhythm (Official) ft. Skip Marley

Music is about to stop?

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596b76 No.21671536

Please pray.

For God's children world wide.

For anons, and their friends and families.

For operators. For patriots.

For Q team and Q+ and their friends and families.

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46c8b7 No.21671537

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201056 No.21671538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46c8b7 No.21671539

File: 44d5c6f96be8ded⋯.jpg (137.46 KB,666x709,666:709,Custom_Image_2709202417473….jpg)

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2f1be0 No.21671540


concernfag shill still doing the same shilling

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99adcd No.21671541


Do you know why I always say "that I am always right?" Do you believe in God? I think you gave your answer but there is a specific reason why this >>21671522 is constantly being referenced. Because it was proven.

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939628 No.21671542

File: 2cc9909e422e394⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB,480x852,40:71,tupacsdaughterquestion_1_.mp4)

>>21670966 pb

this informant resembles Tupak's daughter; I wonder if its her?

She talks about how no one remembers the children and what it's like to be at a Diddy "party"

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381fdc No.21671543

File: 4a7cec1d416a8fb⋯.png (214.81 KB,431x236,431:236,ClipboardImage.png)


Trust? What trust?

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46c8b7 No.21671544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2f1be0 No.21671545

File: cc1ea470c68258e⋯.jpeg (87.98 KB,276x383,276:383,IMG_5074.jpeg)

File: 892457ace0dd5b9⋯.jpeg (232.75 KB,828x373,828:373,IMG_5072.jpeg)

File: 9066f774aee97f7⋯.jpeg (71.88 KB,261x373,261:373,IMG_5071.jpeg)


my name is Mitch, I’m the face of this place

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201056 No.21671546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cc42b6 No.21671548

File: ed0533602178de2⋯.png (19.97 KB,951x150,317:50,kosher_club_a_criminal_org….png)


yeah I wonder about that too. It looks like both sides got what they wanted and one will get screwed in the end.

I think the jews inadvertently help God enact His plan. I wouldn't to throw all of them back but I'd downgrade their citizenship and do this.

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cfdf0a No.21671549


The same Mother Fuckers bankrolled Mao and killed millions of Christians. Just sayin"

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759e07 No.21671550

File: e3ba559ffbdc025⋯.mp4 (692.56 KB,800x600,4:3,LLLn2.mp4)

File: 33e3bee266bbb96⋯.mp4 (549.98 KB,640x360,16:9,FJBlowrider24.mp4)

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29797d No.21671552

File: 145f2b37f4f2c9e⋯.png (511.03 KB,840x488,105:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey motherfuckers! What the fuck is the latest?

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8b5204 No.21671553

8kun’s pretty good.

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2c006a No.21671554

jews make the worst tacos

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2f1be0 No.21671555


because they use your children for the meat

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939628 No.21671556

File: 48ba3d29bef7303⋯.jpg (297.25 KB,1200x918,200:153,armourofheavenwefight12c.jpg)




isn't the 6:11 a marker?

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46c8b7 No.21671557

File: 829343e0b5d838c⋯.jpg (168.23 KB,837x1044,93:116,2024_09_16_21_27_49_940_2.jpg)

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cc42b6 No.21671558

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2f1be0 No.21671559


something none of you have the courage to do

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cfdf0a No.21671561


You fappin' fo sho", Clown



The same Mother Fuckers who "bank"rolled all mention in this ppost, also funded Mao and murdered millions of Christians. End the Fed, End the Cabal, end the Seep State demonic cocksuckers! Go, DJT and White Hats. Fuclin' end it!

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b88f8a No.21671562

File: 2066d23ac19ecc0⋯.png (165.28 KB,433x266,433:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc42b6 No.21671563


thats true but you can RICO the synagogues, then every jew is a terrorist

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01b337 No.21671564

when are the tribunals

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6b6323 No.21671565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Multiple speeches with notes. anon will try to separate them out, but one dough to rule the all - for archive purposes


Note:dough below


full dough on all below.



LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.




>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH

31:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72LsMJrn0o0

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [President Trump event]: The democratic party sued me to keep me off the ballot here in Michigan, and the day that I announced for Donald Trump, they pivoted, and sued me to keep me on the ballot. And so far, they've won that lawsuit, so my name is going to appear on the Michigan ballot, but I don't want you to vote for me, I want to you vote for Donald J. Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: This was a war that we lied to from day one. We were told that it was an unprovoked invasion. We weren't told that Vladimir Putin, and every other Russia leader, told us for thirty years, if you go into Ukraine, we're going to have a military reaction. It is a red line for us…If we put Aegis missile systems in Ukraine…those missiles Tomahawk missiles, which can be nuclear tipped, will be three miles from Moscow. We can decapitate the entire Russian leadership in three minutes. My uncle, when the Russians tried to put missiles in Cuba, was going to go to war, and if Putin tried to put missiles in Canada, or Cuba, or Mexico, we would go to war…two days before the invasion, Kamala Harris went to Germany and said, definitively, for the first time by any US leader, we are moving NATO into Ukraine. And that is something that we all need to understand, that provocation.

>>21668341 RFK JR mp4 vid.>>21668341 i was born in the middle class

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: When my uncle was president, we spend zero on chronic disease. Now we spend 4.3 trillion dollars, and our children are so sick, and so obese, that seventy-seven percent of them do not qualify for military service. Our fertility levels have dropped to the lowest in the world. Teens today have fifty percent of the sperm count, fifty percent of the testosterone, as American teens two decades ago. Little girls are now hitting puberty at eight years old because all the estrogen that's generated by the poisons in toxic food…the average girl in this country is now reaching puberty between ten and thirteen years old. That is six years younger than a couple generations ago, and it is the youngest of any nation in the world. We are destroying our children.


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b88f8a No.21671566


Any liberal thinks registering foreigners to vote is cricket is in for PAIN.

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46c8b7 No.21671568



Goat firms tribunals happened 333 days ago

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6b6323 No.21671569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2nd trump rally - walker michigan

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24



President Trump: The small number of jobs they created were all taken by illegal immigrants in the last short period of time, and we're gonna make that change.

President Trump: We're gonna use tariffs very, very wisely. You know, our country in the 1890's was probably the wealthiest it ever was, because it was a system of tariffs. We had a president, McKinley…he was really a very good business man, then he took in billions of dollars at the time…we were a very wealthy country, and we're gonna be doing that now.

President Trump: Energy's coming way down, and when energy comes down, everything else follows. That's what started this onslaught of inflation, the greatest we've ever had in our country. We had almost no inflation, and that carried on for two years into their; I used to say his, now I say their, but nobody even really knows who our president is, if you wanna know; who is our president? Who is he? We're not sure who the president is.

Crowd: Trump! Trump! Trump!

POTUS: ' You dont want inflation at zero, … deflation is as bad or worse than inflation.. the ideal number is between 1 percent and 2 percent '

President Trump: Mexico's a big threat now. Mexico's taking a lot of your business, and we're not gonna let that happen. We need a smart series of tariffs and taxes. It's very simple business.

President Trump: It's so easy to solve. Were gonna need the help of the Senate, we're gonna need the help of the House, and if they won't do it, I have the authorization and the power to do it myself [tariffs], and we'll have to do it.

President Trump: You know what they do, they dump the product cheaply, then everybody goes out of business, then they take over the businesses and they sell it for two and three times what it was selling for before. Rockefeller, in the old days, he used to open a gas station; he used to underprice it by fifty, a hundred; he'd give the gas away. He'd drive the people out of business around him. Then he'd buy up the gas stations or close 'em, and he'd make a fortune. That's exactly what they do on an even bigger scale.

POTUS: ' Thank you to the teamsters… i got 60 percent of the vote, thank you '

POTUS: ' Years ago in this area.. i was honored in this area as Man of The Year… the fakers back there.. you see the fake news.. ohh they said it never happened.. i was Man of The Year… why do you allow them to take away your car industry away from you… they said it never happened.. and lo and behold… it did happen… '

President Trump: We can't let them take your car business away. You know, it's an important business even in times of war where they switch over [war effort]…We can't let them take our businesses, and we're not gong to let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy.

POTUS: The people that like me the best are the steel companies.. i put a 50 and a 100 percent tax on the dumping on steel and the steel companies thrived… dont worry about it… you just have to do one thing…. vote for Trump

POTUS: ' (Todd says you and your family are in me and my wife's prayers) Where is the plant going to move.. do you know?… Is the plant closing? (no, the people will probably be dispersed between the other plants… what is your all time favorite American cars?)… my father loved cadillacs, hed get a brand new dark blue cadillac… i love it.. its a great car.. its come a long way.. its come through some problems… my father liked cadillacs and thats good enough for me… ill take care of your situation..what would you call that, pretty much a car… you have one thing to do.. you have to elect a person with business talent and common sense'

POTUS: ' Thank you very much everybody, Marcia, thank you very much, beautiful '

POTUS: ' (Todd says you and your family are in me and my wife's prayers) Where is the plant going to move.. do you know?… Is the plant closing? (no, the people will probably be dispersed between the other plants… what is your all time favorite American cars?)… my father loved cadillacs, hed get a brand new dark blue cadillac… i love it.. its a great car.. its come a long way.. its come through some problems… my father liked cadillacs and thats good enough for me… ill take care of your situation..what would you call that, pretty much a car… you have one thing to do.. you have to elect a person with business talent and common sense'

POTUS: ' Thank you very much everybody, Marcia, thank you very much, beautiful


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2f1be0 No.21671570


getting rid of religion all together would cure the world of most problems

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939628 No.21671571

File: 187b2c33e883c59⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB,640x360,16:9,keystonepossibility.mp4)

I missed this show.

Dark Journalist.

But here was the ad.

Do you think "KeyStone" could refer to something (2 meanings?) to do with high tech?

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6b6323 No.21671572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



kamala harris speech at border 27th Sept 2024 - runtime 25 mins

LIVE: Kamala Harris visits southern border first time as Dem presidential nominee



Vice President Kamala Harris makes her first visit to the southern border since she jumped into the 2024 race, with plans to attack former President Donald Trump on an issue that's central to his campaign. A campaign aide said she will highlight Trump's role in sinking a bipartisan border deal on Capitol Hill this year. Her campaign is looking to highlight her earlier work on the issue while also painting Trump as "dangerous."


Harris [campaign event]: There are consequential issues at stake in this election. And one is the security of our border. The United States is a sovereign nation, and I believe we have a duty to set rules at our border and enforce them. And I take that responsibility very seriously. We are also a nation of immigrants…we must reform our immigration system to ensure that it works in an orderly way, that it is humane, and that it makes our country stronger.

[the person responsible for opening the border to invasion calling for 'reform', which means keeping the border wide-open and mass-amnesty]

Harris: It is about an enterprise that is making a while lot of money in the trafficking of drugs, duns, and human beings. And my knowledge of how they work, comes from the fact that I have prosecuted transnational criminal organizations who traffic in drugs, guns, and human beings.

[the Biden/Harris administration has purposely allowed the largest drug, gun, and human smuggling operation in US history]

Harris: Those who cross our borders unlawfully, will be apprehended and removed, and barred from reentering for five years. We will pursue more severe criminal charges for repeat violators. And if someone does not make an asylum request at a legal Port of Entry, and instead, crosses our border unlawfully, they will be barred from receiving asylum. While we understand that many people are desperate to migrate to the United States, our system must be orderly and secure, and that is my goal.

[laughable coming from the person directly responsible for the most insecure border in the history of the countr

Harris: I reject the false choice that suggests we must either chose between securing our border, or creating a system of immigration that is safe, orderly, and humane. We can, and we must do both. And we need clear legal pathways for people seeking to come into our country,and we must make our current system work better…it can take years for asylum claims to be decided. Well this is a problem we can solve, including by hiring more asylum officers, and expanding processing centers in people's home countries.

[the system is fine, just follow the law; expansion of 'processing centers' means sustaining her invasion, making it even easier]

Harris: He [President Trump] separated families. He ripped toddlers out of their mother's arms, put children in cages, and tried to end protections for dreamers. He made the challenges at the border worse, and he is still fanning the flames of fear and division.

['families are separated' when the parents are arrested, Hussein built cages, and dreamers are illegals]


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46c8b7 No.21671573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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056eec No.21671575


I think so.

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34f4b8 No.21671576

File: 31917795fa3c74c⋯.png (212.4 KB,649x680,649:680,Before_Q_Posts_After_Q_Pos….png)



Q never left.

Q just hasn't been posting.

That's why the place is a mess right now.

But many of us OGs are here, 'cause we never left, either.

We're just busy doing patriot shit and we trust the plan.

By "we" I'm talking about my family and me.

We know everything will be fine.

For one thing, if all was well with the Deep State scumbags we're destroying, [THEY] would not be overtly freaking out, like [THEY]'ve been so obviously doing.

For another thing, we know there's still time for big MOABs to wake up the public, and know that BOOMs are incoming.

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4e4ca3 No.21671577


When religion fails, faith in God prevails

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759e07 No.21671579

File: cf73acd21467495⋯.mp4 (797.86 KB,640x480,4:3,cf73acd214674953a0f8d29a02….mp4)

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7452db No.21671580


>getting rid of religion all together would cure the world of most problems

Copy that. Organized religion™ is a cancer for Humanity. The Abrahamic Triumvirate™ are, by far, theworstof them all.

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153357 No.21671581

File: c803e272b02fdc9⋯.jpeg (3.51 MB,4032x3024,4:3,001.jpeg)

File: c99c3d23c1ab465⋯.png (2.27 MB,1200x962,600:481,c99c3d23c1ab465f46eec7c99d….png)


>wholly embrace American Nationalism

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2f1be0 No.21671582


thats a religion you dumb fuck

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cc42b6 No.21671583


you gotta pay attention when Trump addresses Israel, he trolls them so hard

>if you dont vote for me your not jewish

>never forget I repurposed the old US embassy in Jerusalem, you owe me

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42cabe No.21671584


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46c8b7 No.21671585


Every traveler anon noes is a booze soaked closet case queer bait squid

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29797d No.21671586


we need to start with the dual citizens….those who are american and Israeli. they gonna have to pick a side. if they put their jewishness above their americaness, then they need to get the fuck out and move to tel aviv. and who gives a shit what happens to them after that. my 2 cents

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7452db No.21671587

File: 690b6e795529298⋯.png (29.53 KB,380x380,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>when are the tribunals

Kek. I want to say it so bad….

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42cabe No.21671588


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6b6323 No.21671589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




djt first speech in walker, michigan

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.




djt takes the stage at 2.57pm e.t

djt; 13,099 convicted murderers have crossed the border. somebody just released the figures, brand new figures.

President Trump: According to this brand new data, never seen before, over thirteen thousand and ninety-nine convicted murderers have crossed the border, and are free to roam and kill in our country, These are convicted murderers, these are people that were in jail.

President Trump: In total, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty one, non-detained, meaning they're no longer in detention, meaning prison, non-citizens, convicted criminals from all over the world, are right now, at large, in the United States of America, with another two hundred and twenty-two thousand, one hundred and forty-one illegals with pending criminal charges, and these are serious criminal charges. For murder, for drugs being sold all over the world where many people have been killed…that's over six hundred and forty-seven thousand, five hundred and seventy-two, migrant criminals are in our country. It's a killing machine.

President Trump: If I lose; I'll tell you what, it's possible, because they cheat. That's the only way we're gonna lose, because they cheat. They cheat like hell.

President Trump: [Harris] should resign in disgrace for what she's done to our country, not run for president.

President Trump: [Harris] will fully and deliberately erase her own nation's borders, a crime so wicked as to defy description.

djt: i can finally look at the fake news and tell the, ITOLDYASO


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42cabe No.21671590


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2f1be0 No.21671591


stfu you don’t know anything about dates of tribunals clown

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6b6323 No.21671592

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)


President Trump: They are working full-time to sign these people [illegals], many of them murderers, to vote, so they can cheat on the election , 'cause that's what they do. And they vote against bills; any bill that wants to secure the vote, the democrats in congress fight like hell so they can't get passed.

President Trump: Kamala Harris betrayed her oath. She let our cities fail to violent gangs. She let our American sons and daughters be raped and murdered at the hands of vicious monsters. She let American communities be conquered. They're conquering your communities…and Kamala turned cherished small towns into blighted refugee camps.

POTUS: ' Theres no greater act of disloyalty than to distinguish the sovereignity of a nation'

POTUS: ' ISnt it nice to have a President who doest need a teleprompter'

POTUS: ' They didnt ask for a name, they didnt ask for a registration number… shes responsible for every crime scene, every bloody funeral every orphaned child'

POTUS: ' So I ask you that question… i give that to the fake news.. cuz shes right at the border.. blood is on her hands at a level probably at a level never seen before in this Country'

President Trump: What Kamala Harris has done is unforgivable; it's a crime what she did. It's gotta be criminal. There's no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation, and that's what she's done. She's ruined our nation. She's ruined our nation…Kamala is directly responsible for the tens of thousand of crimes committed by illegal migrants that she set free into our country…she's responsible for every bloody crimes scene, every funeral, every orphaned child.

POTUS: ' We are going to send kamala back to California'

POTUS: ' 63 million… we got many millions more votes than that.. and they beat us by a whisker.. theyre good at nothing else.. theyre only good at cheating.. there were 15 policies she changed'

POTUS: ' VISA crashed because the government went after VISA… Nancy Pelosi sold her stock the day before… why dont we get AG to do a little investigation… theyre probably turning off the cameras (fake news)… its amazing isnt it.. im proud to say, ive lost billions, … i couldve been given hundreds for painting like Hunter… ive lost i dont know how much.. and i dont care.. this is a much bigger Calling'

POTUS: ' I didnt want to go off on a tangent… but we are really here to bring back jobs to the great state of michigan.. i want to thank… met me in 2017… hes a big guy and his beautiful wife… goood looking couple… (cant spell his name)… he came to the country because of me'

POTUS: ' It only takes one bad executive at the top '

POTUS: ' We are going to get the senators to let us go… i dont think we need the senators as PResident… im pinpointing you for greatness… im pin pointing you'

POTUS: ' We will put a 100-200 % tariff on every car coming over the Mexican border.. the only way youre going to get rid of that tariff, youll have to build the car in America '

POTUS: ' Unless you people disagree… im going to get elon to be our cost cutter… cuz hes good at it… hes so much into that.. the waste in this country is so crazy… he wants to see this country be great '

POTUS: ' Its going to be incredible how much he can do and hes not going to hurt anyone… hes going to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse '

POTUS: ' We have a thing called liquid gold under our feet.. and we are going to use our liquid gold for our cars and our plants.. we have more liquid gold than russia, than saudi arabia.. its in alaska, one of the biggest finds ever.. maybe bigger than saudi arabia who knows '


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fc6ea8 No.21671593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is bigger than you or me.

Bigger than DJT.

Why should something like this be locked up in a meme board?

Katy Perry - E.T. ft. Kanye West (Official Music Video)

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4e4ca3 No.21671594


So (Op) doesn't believe there is a creator/God?

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b88f8a No.21671595


Now they want to scrap the Constitution vie amendment.

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42cabe No.21671596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7452db No.21671597


>they gonna have to pick a side. if they put their jewishness above their americaness, then they need to get the fuck out and move to tel aviv. and who gives a shit what happens to them after that. my 2 cents

Chkt. Why is this not an option? We know what they're doing. We know that a good majority of them are involved and we know that no matter what, the entirety (we're talking probably 98% here) will protect the evil ones, for simply being Jewish. Every nation has a right to tell Jews you're either Jewish or you are a native of your Homeland.

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cc42b6 No.21671598


scientology is hard to understand but jews launder money, traffic arms and dig tunnels to pedo bathhouses in their synagogues

it IS a criminal enterprise, that's even in their legal code about jews not doing onto jews but doing onto goyim

so much crime connected to their networks

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58293e No.21671599

What’s this bullshit in Lebanon?

Muzzies attacking Jews to drag Western countries into WW3

Maybe Taters right, give them billions in weapons, they might accidentally wipe each other out

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f1a689 No.21671600

File: 21a57c6aa487f50⋯.jpeg (304.55 KB,1237x1396,1237:1396,IMG_3772.jpeg)

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42cabe No.21671601


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6b6323 No.21671602

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)



POTUS: ' We coulda paid down our debt, i gave you the biggest tax cuts in history, i coudlve given you more tax cuts, and i will '

POTUS: ' Foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America '

POTUS: ' I want Asian electronics companies to become Michigan Electronics companies.. here is the deal to every major company in the world.. cuz we will be the pot of gold… we will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest regulatory, we will give you free access to the biggest and best market in the world, here, … if you dont make it here. … you will pay tariffs.. we will take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs into our Treasury '

POTUS: ' Mr Wall would you please stand up… hes a successful guy,… hes been to 293 rallies.. have i dont a good job?.. you better say yes '

POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in '

anon opine: trump has got to put some made in america safety and quality checks or this could backfire, the last thing usa wants is shoddy goods.

POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in

POTUS: ' North Carolina was the furniture capitol of the world… id buy chinese furniture and theyd sit on it and the chair would break and theyd sue me '

POTUS: ' They sit down at the beautiful dining table and the chair would break and we have a problem… we will have a 17 percent Maid in America tax break '

POTUS: ' So i brought thte business tax break from 39 percent down to 21 percent… it was actually over 50 percent in some places.. '

POTUS: ' We did more business and created more jobs with a 21 percent rate… we took in much more money because we had more business than ever before '

POTUS: ' Im going to go a step further.. im going to bring down the 21 percent down to 15 percent '

POTUS: ' If you manufacture your product you get it down to 15 percent… then im imposing tariffs on your competition… so now you wont be able to worry about having someone come in and steal your business '

POTUS: ' Your car industry will be as big as it was 60 years ago… this is why everyone is after Trump… the only one who has shots fired at them.. that throbbing feeling… but thats i have to put it mildly.. in particular Iran.. they were the sponsor of terror like no one else… they were broke under Trump administration… i was only looking for one thing.. i didnt want them hurt.. the iranian people are wonderful people… you can be strong and be beautiful but you cant have a nuclear weapon.. the power of nuclear is just too monumental '

POTUS: ' Including republican presidents.. they go in and blow up the middle east and come back and you get nothing '

POTUS: ' i blew up 100 percent of the isis caliphate… i was told it would take 5 years.. i did it in 4 weeks… '

POTUS: ' I dont have the time to tell the story.. because i have to be somewhere else giving the same gddm speech '

President Trump: If Kamala Harris gets in, every single manufacturing job in this state is going to Mexico or going to China, and Mexico's a very big threat, by the way.

POTUS: ' The tax queen is demanding 39 percent tax increase.. wants capital gains tax on this country and asset confiscation act on unrealized gains…

POTUS: ' Unrealized gains tax… it will cause a depression like 1929.. other than that its a good idea.. her father is a professor of marxist ideas… we are not ready for a marxist or communist president '

POTUS: ' When you see we are leading by 2 points, 3 points.. we should be leading by 50 '

POTUS: ' What she did on the border… in business you always want to figure out your opponent.. here you cannot figure it out.. why do they want open borders.. why do they want men in women sports.. why do they want sex change operations for those in detention centers and shes willing to do that … are we crazy? '


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113485 No.21671603

notables @ 350

#26538 >>21671123

>>21671249, >>21671379, >>21671522 Scavino's Armor of God

>>21671264 Democrat Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon Pushes Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

>>21671305 Exhibit A: Stephen Colbert

>>21671464 A break-down of the Marxist meaning of "to be unburdened by what has been"

>>21671542 Tupac's daughter talks about her experience at a Diddy party

>>21671558 Matt Wallace: I have obtained photos of satanic rituals being performed at Diddy parties

>>21671363 Memes


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42cabe No.21671604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6b6323 No.21671605

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)




President Trump: And you know, we're leading in the polls; we're doing great, but, you know, when you see we're leading by two points, three points; we should be leading by fifty points. How the hell; no really, you would really say, 'why would anybody vote for her?'

[internal polls showing a fifty-point landslide?]

POTUS: ' No state in America will be able to ban gasoline cars… a lot of the things we have have been stopped because of the environment..this country has never been laughed at like a couple of dopes as we are now '

President Trump: The only good thing that happened with this four year disaster, is that the people will understand when we fix our country, they'll be much more understanding than they would have been if we just went straight ahead and did it.

POTUS: ' She was totally in favor of confiscating your guns.. until she saw that it didnt poll well… but she will revert back quickly and shell take your guns '

President Trump: Getting a Kennedy to endorse a Trump republican, that was a big deal, right?

POTUS: ' I think we have somebody here that ive know and liked… is robert f kennedy jr here? where is he? i know he if here someplace… rfk jr… getting a kennedy to endorse a Trump Republican that was a big deal.. hes a good man and he has amazing views.. esp on health '

POTUS: ' Next to her is a giant, a giant, a reach like Wilt Chamberlain, Wilt the Stilt… they says on yuor mark, get set, and you know she got badly injured and she got hurt.. windburn.. she got horribly hurt… no men playing womens sports.. very very degrading for women '

POTUS: ' No tax on tips… no tax on overtime… and no tax on social security for seniors… '

POTUS: ' The people that you see leaving, because no one ever leaves… so what they do, they come up and are in the back waiting for me to take a picture with me.. and we are going to be late for something, but who cares.. '

POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine.. i met with president zelenskyy, she met with him yesterday… i will prevent ww3, something i can do that no one else can do… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency '

POTUS: ' Unleash safety and prosperity.. we are going to do it and we are going to do it fast '

President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, and right now, with these really stupid people we have running our government, it is under tremendous threat from losing it's status as the world's reserve currency.

POTUS: ' You know whos occupying Baghram now? China, china is occupying that base now '

POTUS: ' We are going to make our elections safe and secure '

POTUS: ' Early absentee voting is under way right now… '

POTUS: ' We will make America safe again… we will make America Free again… GOD bless you… go out and vote… '

djt ends speech at 4.11pm e.t

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42cabe No.21671606


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cc42b6 No.21671607


if they're members of Israel or believe in Judaism, they're terrorists

just like they've been trying to do to us

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939628 No.21671608

File: 4858417d7401479⋯.png (828.01 KB,1099x4221,157:603,THE_ALCHEMY_OF_ATLANTIS1.png)

File: fe0ca6fdc80541a⋯.png (407.92 KB,1044x2789,1044:2789,THE_ALCHEMY_OF_ATLANTIS2.png)

File: 333ec0f774a85ec⋯.png (729.29 KB,1033x3456,1033:3456,THE_ALCHEMY_OF_ATLANTIS3.png)

File: 2c99403c3d3a44a⋯.png (489.51 KB,1010x2630,101:263,THE_ALCHEMY_OF_ATLANTIS4.png)


Dark Journalist implies that this

"missing piece" is what Ghislaine and others may have been looking for, under water, off the coast of Cuba, near Bahamas?

Earnest Hemmingway was connected to Intel, and he was working the same beat, so it seems.

Trying to find something down there.

Maybe relates to "Bermuda Triangle"?

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7452db No.21671609


>stfu you don’t know anything about dates of tribunals clown

Wow. So you are, in actuality, an absolute retard. I didn't say a single thing about tribunals™, did I? Project much?

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42cabe No.21671610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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42cabe No.21671611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2c006a No.21671612

File: 5adf317f6d855cd⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x640,3:4,5adf317f6d855cd11135d2181f….gif)

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d857e6 No.21671613

File: fd8a93f0df52302⋯.mp4 (9.54 MB,426x240,71:40,fd8a93f0df52302b5d0628422b….mp4)





>isn't the 6:11 a marker?

POTUS got shot at 6:11 pm.

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42cabe No.21671614

File: 2c2c57b0df89507⋯.png (384.75 KB,600x400,3:2,2c2c57b0df8950780c6bfaf5e2….png)

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7452db No.21671615


>So (Op) doesn't believe there is a creator/God?

Yes and he can. By your rules. "Free will"™ and all.

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