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File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,dc25943a1b27067e9d3c32c0a0….png)

606372 No.21669525 [Last50 Posts]

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606372 No.21669527

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26535 >>21668666


>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump town hall: FULL SPEECH


>>21668675, >>21668679, >>21668683, >>21668686, >>21668692, >>21668697, >>21668700, >>21668706, >>21668708, >>21668711, >>21668716, >>21668728, >>21668730, >>21668731, >>21668735, >>21668739, >>21668741, >>21668746, >>21668752, >>21668756, >>21668761, >>21668769, >>21668776, >>21668779, >>21668784, >>21668789, >>21668796, >>21668812, >>21668820, >>21668823, >>21668826, >>21668829, >>21668840, >>21668843, >>21668848, >>21668858, >>21668859, >>21668878, >>21668888, >>21668897, >>21668900, >>21668907, >>21668911, >>21668912, >>21668916, >>21668918, >>21668940, >>21668943, >>21668944 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21669060, >>21669071, >>21669079, >>21669084 ARCHIVING - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN WALKER, MICHIGAN - SEPT 27 2024

- - - - - - - - -


>>21668988, >>21669013 LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24 6pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21668677 RT - Google responds to Russian data backup warning

>>21668688 Swamp Events

>>21668705 TREASON: ICE Report Reveals the Numbers from Biden-Harris Open Border

>>21668709 Only 38 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21668732, >>21668799, >>21668832, >>21668853, >>21668929, >>21669022, >>21669034, >>21669091, >>21669481 Four Million Without Power As Helene Slams US East Coast

>>21668749 Youth Pastor Sentenced For Impregnating 14-Year-Old Girl, Leading To Cascading Discovery Of New Victims

>>21668768 EPA Whistleblowers Expose Agencies Efforts To Approve Harmful Chemicals

>>21668851, >>21669161 Middle East Happenings

>>21668865 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

>>21668876 Good 'Ol Shoe TOP KEK The desperation is palpable.

>>21668942 Tablet Mag Worries Charges Against Eric Adams Could Be Used Against The Israel Lobby

>>21668965 A Warning to America: Ignore Animal Antics and Look to Europe

>>21668975 Out of the mouths of babes - Even the children know Kamala is a liar

>>21669015 @ScottPresler Luzerne County Board of Elections has 15,000+ UNPROCESSED voter registration + mail-in ballot applications

>>21669139 POTUS called out the pre postioning Doug Mills after his Z meeting. "he got the bullet"

>>21669164 TEAM TRUMP Reclaim America Tour Dearborn Michigan Sept. 28th

>>21669188 kek Good Morning sQuad - Say It Back - Happy Friday

>>21669189 How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought

>>21669194 That moment you realize Z gravy train is pulling out of Z station.

>>21669270 Follow @thefoodbabe She testified in the Senate about ingredients in U.S. foods that are banned in Europe

>>21669312, >>21669468 TRUMP TRUTH Let that Kamala Border Policy sink in. The current VP wants the people to be killed.

>>21669425 DoJ Notified of Suspected Faulty Welds on Subs, Aircraft Carriers at Newport News Shipbuilding (DEI)

>>21669521 #26535

#26534 >>21667778


>>21668392, >>21668465, >>21668469, >>21668552 LIVE RSBN TRUMP IN MICHIGAN

>>21668228, >>21668272, >>21668303, >>21668341, >>21668365, >>21668479 RFK speaking in Michigan

>>21668531, >>21668560, >>21668571, >>21668578, >>21668591, >>21668606, >>21668612, >>21668620, >>21668626, >>21668629 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816, >>21668229, >>21668230, >>21668236, >>21668238, >>21668240, >>21668244, >>21668246, >>21668252 TRUMP BORDER TRUTHS - Kamala Border Lies

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887, >>21668198, >>21668204 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995, >>21668052, >>21668055, >>21668059, >>21668161 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960, >>21668382 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS

>>21668011 Anon's Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS


>>21668038, >>21668119, >>21668223, >>21668537 “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah deded or not?

>>21668041, >>21668069, >>21668212, >>21668496 Trump's Rorschach Test?

>>21668079 @thejimwatkins There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.

>>21668114 Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

>>21668123 He’s Making a List ✨ - Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁

>>21668137 Hillary twatX - It turns out people like actual plans.

>>21668170, >>21668206 TRUMP TRUTH on Google's system of illegal election interfering

>>21668180 AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' madame

>>21668197 Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

>>21668203, >>21668380 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

>>21668221, >>21668285, >>21668296, >>21668357, >>21668426, >>21668568, >>21668601, >>21668617 URGENT ALERT Helene Flooding and Warnings Tennessee No. Carolina

>>21668263 NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI probe into Anthony Miranda, illegal pot shop cash seizures

>>21668292 Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

>>21668371, >>21668386 Border Czar Harris allowed criminals into America - 13,099 Murderers - 15,811 Rapists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals

>>21668421, >>21668446 Britney Instagram Bounty?

>>21668490 Judicial Watch Rachel Levine Pushes Transgender Extremism for KIDS!

>>21668499 Doug Mills is the photographer who was faster than the bullet

>>21668539 Shiit hits the fan in Chyna

>>21668645 #26534

#26533 >>21666870

>>21667016, >>21667032, >>21667044, >>21667264 Dame Maggie remembered

>>21666877 NYC Mayor Eric Adams’s indictment comes after years of connections to Turkey

>>21666900 Multiple Iranians Indicted in Hack of Trump Campaign

>>21666911 Don Lemon new book: on Being S*ly Abused at 6 by Older Boy Until He Threatened to "Bite It Off" PT 1

>>21666946 Grief & God," How Nicole Shanahan Broke Free From the Left's Mental Programming

>>21666952, >>21666961, >>21666966 DC swamp follies

>>21666959, >>21666974 Hurricane News

>>21666966 War Room Morning Edition

>>21666950 Liz Crokin on Roseanne: "You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit…."

>>21666981 CRAZY Doug Emhoff Says Trump ‘Definitely’ Anti-Semitic, Claims He Will Target Jewish Americans

>>21666988, >>21667027, >>21667087, >>21667114, >>21667202, >>21667287, >>21667373 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/Space/Science

>>21666996 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub" vid

>>21667053 Russians warned to back up Google data

>>21667060 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu threatens Iran in fiery UN speech: ‘If you strike us, we will strike you’

>>21667104, >>21667210 Ukrainian army plagued by desertion and draft-dodging

>>21667110, >>21667147, >>21667288, >>21667291, >>21667303, >>21667320, >>21667346 Trump and Zelenskyy meet at Trump Tower bullet pic

>>21667154 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Day 4 of speeches by world leaders

>>21667176 11:00 AM EDT North Carolina Governor Cooper Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21667223 PF update

>>21667272, >>21667235, >>21667273 BREAKING: Fani Willis’ Lover Served By Federal Marshals After Manhunt, served subpoena

>>21667335, >>21667352, >>21667354 Biden said Thursday while hosting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House that he’s ordering the Pentagon tospend “all” congressionally approved aid to Ukraine before he leaves office

>>21667433 FBI Whistleblower Urges Prayer

>>21667434 Heartfelt thanks to all anons who added their prayers for my friends and family in central Georgia

>>21667440 The fine print on Kamala’s $25,000 for first time homebuyers. Basically excludes all Americans. Illegals only.

>>21667454 Flash flood EMERGENCY continues for Hendersonville, North Carolina

>>21667462 FANI’S FOLLIES: Update – Manhunt Ends! – Lover Boy Nathan Wade Is Served by US Marshals After Evading Authorities for a Week

>>21667468 Part I of II: The true enemy of the U.S., their plan, their tactics, and the tools they have at their disposal. General Michael T. Flynn


>>21667483 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24 Right Side Broadcasting Network

>>21667486 The 🇳🇱 Royal Netherlands Navy submarine went on a successful mission through the Norwegian and North Seas

>>21667506 About 10 Strong Explosions Heard in Beirut

>>21667524 Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries

>>21667531 Unconfirmed report that 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border?

>>21667575 Trump: I have a very good relationship with President Putin

>>21667604 Individuals who have received four doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are dying in unprecedented numbers

>>21667609 Delta 8 enhances situational awareness through Space Cockpit COP powered by JCO commercial data

>>21667675 The Minneapolis Police Department just added the first "non-citizen" officer to their police force

>>21667701 Hunter Biden to Undergo 7hr Psych Exam to Prove He Was ‘Emotionally Damaged’ by Corruption Allegations in Patrick Byrne Defamation Trial?

>>21667721 Anon's Ascension test

>>21667735 TS @realdonaldtrump - President Donald J. Trump Speaks with Zylensky

>>21667748 #26533

#26532 >>21665903

>>21665938, >>21666288, >>21666631, >>21666739 PORT STRIKE To Close ALL East Coast and Gulf Coast Ports

>>21665940 @Kash House Intel Committee demands joint briefing from FBI/SEC regarding CCPs operational arm Temu/PDD- which they have been using to illegally swipe American data and commit forced slave labor. Every republican member signed the letter.

>>21665951 ICYMI: Jumaane Williams just cleared his entire schedule for today amid the indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. He will become acting Mayor if Adams resigns.

>>21666100, >>21666125 Candace Owens Takes a Deep Dive Into Kamala's Geneology - It's Not What We've Been Told

>>21666120 James O’Keefe announces Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks and it’s gonna be Shocking! 🙌

>>21666144, >>21666150 Catastrophic winds in Perry, Florida as Category 4 Hurricane Helene makes landfall/Fla Spirit

>>21666154 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub"

>>21666172, >>21666443 Wade Discovered For the Keks!

>>21666178 @X22Report J6 Mirror, Save Act Setup Complete, Optics Are Important, Swamp Fighting Back

>>21666214, >>21666226 Over 1.3M without power in Florida after the hurricane hit.


>>21666231 We don't see 750,000 registrants removed from NC.

>>21666250, >>21666021, >>21666364, >>21666528, >>21666548, >>21666576 Donald Trump unveils new line of signed gold watches

>>21666263 ICYMI: Top 10 Stories the Media HID From You Today

>>21666301, >>21666311, >>21666491 @MELANIATRUMP He’s Making a List ✨

>>21666332 Iran: Did Quid Pro Joe & Co do it again?

>>21666352 CMZ: Tracking Privacy Bills across the nation.

>>21666369, >>21666470, >>21666475 Swampenins

>>21666394, >>21666429 Dr. Bret Weinstein: ‘Speech is the Alternative to Violence’ in Modern Democracy

>>21666419 @RealGenFlynn Excited to join "Re:Public," a new platform where local action equals national impact! Join me in making a difference at the local level and help save America from turning into a BANANA REPUBLIC!

>>21666479 Florida Governor DeSantis Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21666484 LIVE: New York Mayor Eric Adams arrives for arraignment hearing

>>21666513, >>21666521 Grassley released the FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma's founder, paid a $5,000,000 bribe each to Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

>>21666593 2001 In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 593 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 10.8 million per year. By 2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants."

>>21666608 "What can be, unburdened by what has been" resonates with themes found in revolutionary movements, including the Chinese Revolution

Rail freight is the backbone of U.S. infrastructure

>>21666723 Russia FOUND the F-16's in Ukraine - FIVE Now Destroyed

>>21666786 Dame Maggie dies @89

>>21666844 #26532

Previously Collected

>>21664123 #26529, >>21665035 #26530, >>21665893 #26531

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

>>21658052 #26523, >>21658999 #26524, >>21660163 #26525

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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Post last edited at

606372 No.21669532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baker needs Handoff

ty anons


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01ce66 No.21669540


confirm handoff

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12f7e9 No.21669549

File: 4950a2c1ce8dd0a⋯.png (831.89 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trumpshift.png)

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f7ad3d No.21669550




or at least no one is reporting that he is except for a fake post at a fake social media account.

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58ee65 No.21669552

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,35972aa76829549b02fefe9cba….gif)

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606372 No.21669554

File: cd301c24d7ce1a2⋯.jpg (818.09 KB,3500x2560,175:128,cd301c24d7ce1a2415a9164e10….jpg)



ty frog

handoff confirmed and acknowledged

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01ce66 No.21669558




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0db4e3 No.21669560

File: 0c746c90b0a8533⋯.png (190.94 KB,611x470,13:10,ClipboardImage.png)



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cec4a5 No.21669563

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606372 No.21669564


will remove for now

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74f49c No.21669566

File: f82478682b53ff8⋯.jpg (106.79 KB,401x560,401:560,f82478682b53ff80c0c3015050….jpg)

File: 20999f6aa86fc6a⋯.jpg (109.93 KB,401x560,401:560,20999f6aa86fc6a559706e7e30….jpg)

File: 26b657a5a03d727⋯.jpg (61.08 KB,401x560,401:560,26b657a5a03d7278cd7726b175….jpg)

File: 28a33a1c1172313⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,401x560,401:560,28a33a1c11723134b15f41979d….jpg)

File: fa94aa76858f186⋯.jpg (102.85 KB,401x560,401:560,fa94aa76858f18689a5cd1a352….jpg)

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2fc3ac No.21669567

File: fa0e8496d1b6c85⋯.png (1.18 MB,854x878,427:439,67A702D1_DAB2_45CF_926E_46….png)

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0ca0a9 No.21669569

File: df952942d4970fc⋯.png (381.33 KB,1080x1103,1080:1103,Screenshot_20240927_205134.png)

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120b54 No.21669570

File: 1690998ba3a65aa⋯.jpg (12.42 KB,255x162,85:54,9ea76341aeeb9d988d63cc5c1b….jpg)

File: ff7a11f362a2e57⋯.jpg (16.44 KB,255x223,255:223,c666b3c250da3a2042cef0a670….jpg)

what is being communicated





>>21668827 who has the image mirrored table with POTUS wayyyy back and we were looking at the stuff on walls as well




>>21669002 yes, this one

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1be937 No.21669571

Anons, the flash wave that's coming will accelerate our evolution.

Those with low vibration will not survive it. No bunker will escape it. Nothing can stop what is coming. Raise your vibration. Be as Jesus taught us. Be kind, be humble, open your hearts.

Truely Love one another.

Those dark hearts reading this. You still have time to turn to God. Right your wrongs. Turn to the light.

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0ca0a9 No.21669572

File: 40b20ada6b40097⋯.png (568.72 KB,1080x1067,1080:1067,Screenshot_20240927_205417.png)

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fd58ae No.21669573

File: 9d9ad3d71a3d9b5⋯.gif (1.24 MB,375x440,75:88,1643509274255.gif)

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37533d No.21669574

File: 0868e5ca3386076⋯.png (742.58 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d518299d5a271a⋯.png (3.04 MB,1484x1000,371:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ca0a9 No.21669575

File: 6e32e53ecf4d029⋯.png (131.57 KB,1080x964,270:241,Screenshot_20240927_205559.png)

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46caa2 No.21669576


I haven't asked Siva yet but Odin thinks you are amusing

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10342c No.21669577

File: 902320dc67184b2⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2018e7 No.21669578

File: 1df4332be3a6457⋯.mp4 (664.87 KB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17274568287….mp4)

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0ca0a9 No.21669579

File: 0d6a690da49f18f⋯.png (242.01 KB,1080x1110,36:37,Screenshot_20240927_205346.png)

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120b54 No.21669580

File: ff7a11f362a2e57⋯.jpg (16.44 KB,255x223,255:223,c666b3c250da3a2042cef0a670….jpg)

File: 1690998ba3a65aa⋯.jpg (12.42 KB,255x162,85:54,9ea76341aeeb9d988d63cc5c1b….jpg)

>>21669570 guise

do you remeber

we have a crumb/drop wayyyy back that we had the same type of imagery

mirrored table with POTUS

wayyyy back

and we were looking at the stuff on walls as well

what is being communicated





>>21668827 who has the image mirrored table with POTUS wayyyy back and we were looking at the stuff on walls as well




>>21669002 yes, this one


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5a81f6 No.21669581

File: f7c38314336a207⋯.png (155.99 KB,800x600,4:3,f7c38314336a207266849d0718….png)

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528a7b No.21669583

File: 0b1119aa6edf1ec⋯.gif (1.38 MB,1200x675,16:9,0b1119aa6edf1ecbabffa99811….gif)

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0ca0a9 No.21669584

File: 42d5e019fdef16f⋯.png (358.1 KB,1080x1340,54:67,Screenshot_20240927_205327.png)

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45f993 No.21669585

File: b7f25030ae29fef⋯.jpg (65.38 KB,888x494,444:247,gus5tsydsjd.jpg)

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2fc3ac No.21669586

File: c813264429b0f09⋯.jpeg (676.69 KB,946x994,473:497,IMG_0703.jpeg)

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0db4e3 No.21669587

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5a81f6 No.21669589

File: 44d414977a486c1⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x480,1:1,44d414977a486c1d80efec2e9e….gif)

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0ca0a9 No.21669590

File: de0d8d3e5fb14e9⋯.png (694.5 KB,1080x1331,1080:1331,Screenshot_20240928_010729.png)

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12f7e9 No.21669591


has been edited out from final and bread above

dough fixed


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120b54 No.21669592

File: 5506de48e722470⋯.jpg (5.76 KB,143x255,143:255,1df4332be3a645731f0757594c….jpg)

File: fcf298790fb2212⋯.jpg (7.1 KB,202x250,101:125,download.jpg)

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311748 No.21669593

File: 64fb041ac30cc33⋯.png (246.57 KB,374x582,187:291,biden_eats_babies.png)

File: ab33d4fc6b56215⋯.mp4 (12.88 MB,528x304,33:19,it_s_time_to_wake_the_fuck….mp4)

File: bd41a7c8557b18d⋯.png (1.92 MB,1598x1480,799:740,liddle_kidz_they_say_its_a….png)

File: 167ac0c34a76dc3⋯.png (183.48 KB,331x300,331:300,Just_a_couple_of_pedovores….png)

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3c66b5 No.21669595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Big yellow taxi

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120b54 No.21669596

succession >>21669592

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eeac8a No.21669597

File: 3cf59b30cacbdf4⋯.png (953.04 KB,905x1047,905:1047,ClipboardImage.png)


Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

Garland called the decision ’reasonable' and consistent with the department’s goal of securing Routh’s detention.

Attorney General Merrick Garland defended Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors’ decision to release a letter allegedly penned by Ryan Routh, the suspect charged with attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, following criticism over its release because it included the promise of a bounty to anyone who succeeds in killing Trump.

Garland was asked by a reporter during a Sept. 27 press conference to respond to criticism over the DOJ’s release of the letter, with the reporter citing remarks from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who said that releasing the Routh letter on the criminal docket put Trump in more danger.

Jordan had requested that the DOJ provide the committee with all records relating to the release of the suspect’s letter by Oct. 9, while former Attorney General Bill Barr said earlier this week that the letter should never have been released as it served “no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence.”

In his response to the question, Garland defended the prosecutors’ actions, calling the decision “reasonable” and consistent with the department’s goal of securing Routh’s detention.

“Our first job with respect to Routh was ensuring that he be detained,” Garland said. “And when you file a detention motion, the prosecutors have to make the most reasonable judgment they can about what evidence is necessary to ensure detention. That’s their goal.”

The letter allegedly written by Routh had been left with an individual months before the alleged assassination attempt, with the person who had it deciding to hand it over to law enforcement after learning Routh was the suspect. The DOJ submitted the letter in a bid to keep Routh detained before his trial on two federal weapons violations, with the charges later expanded to include attempted assassination. The letter, which was addressed “to the world,” said that the effort was “an assassination attempt on Donald Trump” and offered a $150,000 bounty to someone who could “complete the job.”

Officials have said that the alleged assassination attempt was thwarted by a U.S. Secret Service agent who saw the suspect’s rifle in the bushes near Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach while he was golfing. The agent then fired in the suspect’s direction, forcing him to flee, authorities have said.

While the letter was meant to bolster the DOJ’s contention that the 58-year-old suspect had engaged in a premeditated plan to assassinate Trump, critics have contended that its release was irresponsible because it contained the offer of a bounty, which they said could put the former president in more danger.

Barr, who was the U.S. attorney general under then-President Trump until he resigned in late 2020, told Fox News on Sept. 23 that in his view, the DOJ should not have released the letter because of the bounty.

“The letter … attempts to rouse people in incendiary terms” to take action against Trump, Barr said. “There was no apparent justification for releasing this information at this stage. It served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence.”

In addition to the attempted assassination charge, Routh faces charges of possessing a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence, assaulting a federal officer, possession of a firearm and ammunition as a felon, and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number, according to the DOJ.


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c93c7f No.21669598

File: 94e423724f81a32⋯.png (612.32 KB,1110x630,37:21,ClipboardImage.png)



Thank Q Bakers!

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000000 No.21669599

Trump: Blah Blah Google has Illegally used a system of revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J Trump, some made up, while at same time only revealing good stories about Comrad Kamala Harris. This is Illegal Activity and HOPEFULLY (sic) the Justice department (sic) will criminally prosecute them for this interference in Elections. If not I will request their prosecution at the max levels when I win the election (bla blah snip)

My / Anon Response To Trump:

You are an IGNORANT MAN, have you not noticed google CUSTOM Machine translation on ALL THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT WEBSITES? And nobody told you that GOOGLE / ALPHABET used ATLANTIC COUNCIL (ex cia and current WEF people) Filters.

It's why you can't find "Illegal Alien" on the California Official Website (GOOGLE/Atlantic Council)

While trump touts "fake news" what he misses is


Smith Mundt Modernization Act



Patriot Act


And article 5

The Justice department isn't going to do SHIT, they use GOOGLE SEARCH TOO MOTHERFUCKER.

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120b54 No.21669600

sampling what's for dinner


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b841ab No.21669601

File: 0af90ac3c8a5959⋯.png (519.75 KB,1080x1158,180:193,Screenshot_20240928_010905.png)

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2fc3ac No.21669602

File: 4915aa7c0b00a14⋯.jpg (290.42 KB,1130x812,565:406,Trump_Popcorn_03.JPG)

File: cdb07a6129188c7⋯.jpg (131.15 KB,614x452,307:226,Trump_Popcorn_02.jpg)

File: a84058d12678ffb⋯.gif (2.4 MB,498x278,249:139,Trump_Popcorn_01.GIF)

File: 1afaaddec8c0983⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,540x540,1:1,am1lBEeB_yJ2rZvJ.mp4)

File: 900ccf65af2af81⋯.jpg (131.72 KB,784x656,49:41,D34D2A24_1569_405C_82DF_F2….jpg)

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c9df11 No.21669603


And ah one…

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2fc3ac No.21669604

File: 29dd99e1a547851⋯.jpeg (560.48 KB,967x959,967:959,IMG_0680.jpeg)

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b841ab No.21669605

File: fe824fd3e370df6⋯.png (473.86 KB,1030x630,103:63,Screenshot_20240928_011142.png)

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6d0abf No.21669606

File: b642e34c6f87be0⋯.webp (59.21 KB,732x631,732:631,82CF321F_5AE5_4F43_A612_E….webp)

File: fd1523cb1c9102a⋯.webp (17.19 KB,550x300,11:6,62D593BE_4A71_48C9_8C72_4….webp)

File: b818469b4b85ce7⋯.jpeg (14.25 KB,237x212,237:212,D3CFA3B8_1202_4453_9650_C….jpeg)

File: a3793c1c90934b2⋯.gif (186.37 KB,220x164,55:41,662CE640_1D70_4634_8644_78….gif)

File: 605cdb789cc455d⋯.gif (2.21 MB,498x241,498:241,470FE16B_7023_4546_B91D_50….gif)

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becff9 No.21669608

File: 9b835ea1cf8e4f0⋯.png (91.25 KB,1024x1023,1024:1023,ClipboardImage.png)

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fda6b7 No.21669609

>>21669194 lb

Can't even hear Trump speak as the music drowns put

At least the pianists face says it all


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c9df11 No.21669610


And Ah Two….

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120b54 No.21669611

>>21669593 it is really disturbing

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311748 No.21669612

File: 8e777834868abd3⋯.png (887.78 KB,503x1024,503:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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b841ab No.21669614

File: df7ab5cf969a4cc⋯.png (368.3 KB,1080x1131,360:377,Screenshot_20240928_011310.png)

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c9df11 No.21669615


And ah tree….

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2fc3ac No.21669616

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,Popcorn_19_Jesus.GIF)


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6d0abf No.21669617

File: 3306f483fad536d⋯.jpeg (100.72 KB,1100x1280,55:64,A0B5E61A_5FB6_4D4E_B2E8_D….jpeg)

File: a250f0e4dcf2aa3⋯.jpeg (554.66 KB,2048x1152,16:9,F46F17B2_6971_4A58_B078_0….jpeg)

File: 173e20d62d35c6b⋯.png (571.68 KB,855x1406,45:74,84DFDFA1_6505_4A0C_AC24_A3….png)

File: 1584b4391d8c448⋯.png (20.81 KB,647x889,647:889,1D1BBBB2_646E_4C8D_B23B_F8….png)

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626810 No.21669618

File: bc601053a1364df⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,996x720,83:60,7n34634634.mp4)

File: 4fd76440de171bc⋯.png (270.28 KB,865x465,173:93,4fd76440de171bccbb2f1e7f0f….png)

File: 87a3f8bf54ebee6⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,480x360,4:3,8k5j7645h5754.mp4)

LB >>21669481

The circles are around the citys

I bet they are triangulating signals and using the RADIO and sat towers in the surrounding areas, in conjunction with some type of microwave drone or baloon sat

Every town or city has these radio towers, they are usually placed at the tops of mountain peaks or hills in that area.

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120b54 No.21669619


>>21669593 they choose the child like one chooses lobster from a tank at a lobster house

then prepare it fresh for the dinner party, bigger the party, bigger the kid, moar meat needed


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b6b31c No.21669620

File: 442f1c8de50e163⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,320x498,160:249,JMp_Q3ypt21u_4BV.mp4)



Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

This is getting worse by the minute.

COUNTLESS people in Tennessee and North Carolina are being trapped in their homes by historically rapid flood waters.

The dəath toll from Hurricane Helene is now up to 46, and is RAPIDLY rising.

(🎥 Jeffrey Fuller, Elizabethton, TN)

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000000 No.21669621


Are you one of those who believe weather can be manipulated by RF and SAG/SRM ops?

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ac7977 No.21669622

File: 3806161eb344d7f⋯.png (879.49 KB,1428x702,238:117,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)

File: 6666928028ba097⋯.png (12.57 KB,481x159,481:159,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)


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311748 No.21669623

File: 76b65af88494774⋯.png (2.94 MB,1200x1629,400:543,ClipboardImage.png)

secondary problem with fluoride is iodine deficiency

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fb6d25 No.21669624

File: 4f095fd96e1be35⋯.jpg (375.26 KB,960x1280,3:4,pepe_house.jpg)

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f7ad3d No.21669625

File: 47030302f5b4ee5⋯.png (322.13 KB,519x512,519:512,rbg_styling.png)


that one shows up a lot, I've seen it before.

that's why I checked it.

probably wait till it shows up in the main stream media before reporting that one.

It will eventually happen.

Remember when everyone thought that RGB the supreme court person was reported dead.

People were kind of sure she was dead for months and months before finally it was put into the news.

I saw a headline "Carter no longer wakes up every day" by line from 3 months ago.

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311748 No.21669626

File: aad317883d75844⋯.png (1.18 MB,1152x915,384:305,ClipboardImage.png)

proof ryan routh had fed help

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000000 No.21669627



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d76f33 No.21669628


>>21669521 lb


but this >>21668975

>Out of the mouths of babes

is NOT appropriate!

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01cec8 No.21669629

File: d615b2f95d70a15⋯.jpg (137.3 KB,1080x1442,540:721,d615b2f95d70a15f5cb0ddff25….jpg)

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d51f50 No.21669630

Anyone else think it’s weird that they are pushing Christianity and lying at the same time?

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000000 No.21669631


sniper school and encrypted chats.

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b91747 No.21669632

File: 153ced97ed93284⋯.png (645.68 KB,1115x726,1115:726,ClipboardImage.png)


Not who you asked, but YES.

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12f7e9 No.21669633


appreciate heads up on it


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2fc3ac No.21669634

File: 79bac527562abcd⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB,1366x769,1366:769,815BCF93_AA02_4333_A6D7_9….JPEG)

File: d37ac386e7baf81⋯.jpeg (463.77 KB,1366x911,1366:911,8BA2F795_79D5_4437_A0E7_E….JPEG)

File: 04aac04c8ece19f⋯.jpeg (310.19 KB,1366x911,1366:911,3D918006_ED74_4359_87F7_4….JPEG)

File: 933d563d43524a1⋯.mp4 (331.42 KB,480x596,120:149,Kamala_Harris_Indian_01.mp4)

File: ba57f79c4de9a15⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,894x555,298:185,Kamala_Harris_Indian_03.jpg)

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e2c211 No.21669635


Holy shit!!! Imagine driving that bomb forklift for the first time? I’m sure the training program is outstanding.

Thanks for all you do Armed Forces!!!!

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120b54 No.21669637

kek holy schmoly

made me laugh

he got a big bag of popcorn,


"we gotta get it"

while "hold on I'm coming"


he walked up to that aisle on purpose


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5b6dbd No.21669638

File: 8ab07a7cceee14e⋯.png (2.88 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0806211a266faa⋯.png (3.44 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b161fa1a04da8a⋯.png (2.96 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7e42ed87856a59⋯.png (3.03 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08c942039346fde⋯.png (2.88 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Baker!

Here's some skank I came across on the interwebs.


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bd59af No.21669639


how so?

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4c5a5c No.21669640

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6d0abf No.21669641

File: bb1ea2cfbbf53dc⋯.jpeg (95.61 KB,512x410,256:205,2DD0B452_8963_431D_99CA_D….jpeg)

File: 12db39db632880c⋯.jpeg (142.81 KB,1000x800,5:4,29403EFA_5688_4642_BB55_E….jpeg)

File: 007fefe950aac5f⋯.jpeg (188.47 KB,1001x667,1001:667,6CCCC3F1_9870_45E0_BE2A_E….jpeg)

File: d4e238f8a48144b⋯.jpeg (59.61 KB,512x374,256:187,22FBB4CC_1A6B_4E59_A304_D….jpeg)

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120b54 No.21669642

reminds me of the yellow tie drop


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d76f33 No.21669643


>only way he could get from hawaii to Merica

there is also a thing called boat/ship

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b841ab No.21669644

File: 59229ca99713cc5⋯.png (373.99 KB,1011x666,337:222,Screenshot_20240928_010843.png)

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311748 No.21669645

File: b3e794c64d968e8⋯.png (194.29 KB,1113x1401,371:467,ClipboardImage.png)

some issues to remember

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90d6ae No.21669646





Birth CONtrol

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000000 No.21669647


I was Pulling your tail feathers relax.

GOOD. Spread the Truth about it.

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46caa2 No.21669648


I second your kek fine Sir!

Shintec is the new thing

Combo of Shinto and Aztec

Rather than get hard to obtain obsidian knife to remove the heart Guest of Honor gets disemboweled by a sword and heart gets sold later for a kegger in their honor

"Shintec, our Sunrise Services really are to die for!"

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b841ab No.21669649

File: 3335a06ef332e71⋯.png (592.74 KB,1080x1501,1080:1501,Screenshot_20240928_012025.png)

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311748 No.21669650

File: 2254fdc89507e41⋯.png (806.45 KB,1478x627,1478:627,ClipboardImage.png)

why blacks are into shoes

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b91747 No.21669651

File: ad472b1c0835217⋯.png (119.51 KB,293x427,293:427,ad472b1c083521737f3909dae0….png)

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000000 No.21669652



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2fc3ac No.21669653

File: 8b83a3cbed2434b⋯.jpeg (29.58 KB,442x408,13:12,C53919C2_5E59_47C9_A0FC_4….jpeg)

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6d7993 No.21669654

File: 80b8ca000b9e2e3⋯.jpg (2.15 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Leave_a_light_on_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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f7ad3d No.21669655



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74f49c No.21669656

File: 0cd576a6a168b1c⋯.jpg (18.61 KB,397x398,397:398,1726899261314653.jpg)

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14779f No.21669657

File: f0b8c13fc43dae3⋯.jpg (170.03 KB,709x1312,709:1312,20240927_155210.jpg)

File: c122dafc2cc93bc⋯.jpg (834.05 KB,3072x4096,3:4,20240927_154831.jpg)

President @realDonaldTrump never stops working 🇺🇸

On his way from one event to another in Michigan!


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b841ab No.21669658

File: 5d50279ce32bf86⋯.png (488.5 KB,1080x707,1080:707,Screenshot_20240928_012151.png)

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311748 No.21669659

File: 85d3786e659ff49⋯.png (958.91 KB,1082x1022,541:511,ClipboardImage.png)

why the societal glue has failed

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458729 No.21669660


Calling the Trump assassinations real. Saying him surviving was a “miracle”. Pretending J6 was real? Acting like Biden is the real president. The list goes on and on…

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becff9 No.21669661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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504b7a No.21669662



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6d0abf No.21669663

File: d4e238f8a48144b⋯.jpeg (59.61 KB,512x374,256:187,47049CFA_C9B6_43E9_96FD_9….jpeg)

File: 1a670364b8efe74⋯.jpeg (91.93 KB,512x410,256:205,7D7AFFE0_C716_4C06_BF55_9….jpeg)

File: 97612b20fe22e67⋯.jpeg (21.59 KB,239x211,239:211,51E8D9A1_91DE_4100_911B_7….jpeg)

File: 7fb9868ce6690b7⋯.jpeg (59.13 KB,512x302,256:151,4DBB51D6_6747_467A_827C_8….jpeg)

File: 9e64d886f61f865⋯.jpeg (95.13 KB,721x600,721:600,8138B5B6_5FBB_432B_92D4_8….jpeg)

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b841ab No.21669664

File: 2e698d7b6d24cb2⋯.png (396.75 KB,1080x913,1080:913,Screenshot_20240928_012300.png)

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ac7977 No.21669665


THEY think WE are stupid!

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000000 No.21669666


Problem: Criminals Crossing the border

Solution: Arrest James O'Keefe

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120b54 No.21669667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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c9df11 No.21669669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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311748 No.21669670

File: 06914c3d5cc6ca0⋯.webm (1.68 MB,576x1024,9:16,100xInjected.webm)


>Saying him surviving was a “miracle”

It was. Your mind is just not big enough to understand the magnitude of what's happening.

You're like a guy who thinks 9/11 was CGI. CGI is the extend of your understanding. You cannot imagine further than that.

Sometimes you have to admit your own limitations

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4c5a5c No.21669671

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_head_blown.gif)


why do they put high crimes and misdemeanors in the same sentence.

high crimes.


high crimes is enough,

misdemeanors is them just fucking taking the piss cos they committed the high crimes and getting away with it.

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43d182 No.21669672


16 prayer warrior circles praying up a storm and launching victories.


Prolly right

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000000 No.21669673

Ever wake up in the middle of the night and ask.


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12f7e9 No.21669674


No No No Is not Sat night yet


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311748 No.21669675

File: 9d77a4947d7d372⋯.png (1.36 MB,928x1024,29:32,ClipboardImage.png)

top science people explaining why modern pay science is fucked beyond repair

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120b54 No.21669676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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d76f33 No.21669677


this man has been working non stop all his life!

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b91747 No.21669678


You're supposed to enjoy the show while seeking Truth, not falling for the plot.

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eeac8a No.21669679

America First Policy Institute

23 minutes ago 11:10

AFPI’s Rundown: Bidenomics, Border Crisis, National Security, Economic Failures 9/27/24

0:00 Economic Turmoil and Border Crisis

2:45 Failures of Binomics and Manufacturing Jobs

5:57 Impact of Biden's Policies on the Middle Class

8:51 Middle East Tensions and U.S. Foreign Policy

10:47 Legal System Bias and Political Implications


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6d0abf No.21669680

File: 7fb9868ce6690b7⋯.jpeg (59.13 KB,512x302,256:151,80C44B50_ADD7_4335_BEC9_C….jpeg)

this road used to be straight. the twin brother got hi by a truck opposite of base. chris

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b6b31c No.21669681

File: 22c2efb51302bc8⋯.png (911.4 KB,851x909,851:909,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad92f2635dc1306⋯.png (126.91 KB,283x358,283:358,ClipboardImage.png)

the town of Chimney Rock, NC is GONE


Nick Sortor


My God. The town of Chimney Rock, NC has been completely wiped out.

Pray for North Carolina 🙏🏻

6:06 PM · Sep 27, 2024


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5b6dbd No.21669682

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fca186 No.21669683


Roads go ever ever on

Under cloud and under star,

Yet feet that wandering have gone

Turn at last to home afar.

Eyes that fire and sword have seen

And horror in the halls of stone

Look at last on meadows green

And trees and hills they long have known.

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b841ab No.21669684

File: 58613f2e70ee417⋯.png (483.64 KB,1080x1114,540:557,Screenshot_20240928_012540.png)

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311748 No.21669685


you confuse "movie" with "fake".

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ac7977 No.21669686


>Ever wake up in the middle of the night and ask

wellllll….meybe not in the middle of the night, anon, but get yur point! kek

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606372 No.21669687


scary shit here

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3d4e77 No.21669689


Nah dog. It was no miracle. That shit was fake as fuck, just like that fake as fuck flag angel. Fucking retards.

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b841ab No.21669690

File: 3fe076d3e27c4d5⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x1185,72:79,Screenshot_20240928_012717.png)

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d76f33 No.21669691


oh fuck

looks like the tsunami in 2004

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000000 No.21669692


Shut it down!

that´s anti god chosen ppl.

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b6b31c No.21669693

File: a07e4a4170fb36c⋯.png (218.57 KB,447x653,447:653,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64fef932874c62e⋯.png (217.8 KB,433x600,433:600,ClipboardImage.png)






5:20 PM · Sep 27, 2024


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bd59af No.21669694


fuck. is this the worst storm america has had entire towns gone?

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9fd2b2 No.21669695


Movie = fake. You = retarded.

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18a058 No.21669696

File: fbd07809c286275⋯.png (449.63 KB,697x394,697:394,ClipboardImage.png)

REPORT: Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.

Recent X posts have indicated that “9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry.”

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Dr. Pete Chambers, a former Army Lt. Col. and Green Beret, who first went public with the story and has devoted years of his life to protecting the southern border. On the evening of September 22, he received a report from a confidential informant.

The next morning, Chambers said a second informant corroborated this report with a colleague close to Chambers by the name of Bazzel Baz.

As the founder of the Association for the Recovery of Children (ARC), the former a former CIA Intelligence Special Operations Group Paramilitary Case Officer primarily fights against child sex trafficking at the southern border.

According to Chambers, one informant was outside of the United States while the other was within. The informants had received information that nine surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) had crossed into the United States via a point of entry (POE).


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f319eb No.21669697

File: 3333665dd8d5fdf⋯.png (165.77 KB,450x260,45:26,3333665dd8d5fdf8d76bad6476….png)

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129481 No.21669698

File: 88c403445b09468⋯.png (103.14 KB,350x488,175:244,Cape1abcdef.png)

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46caa2 No.21669699

File: a6cd307722c9ddd⋯.png (105.59 KB,1900x1000,19:10,brwtqt5y9a741.png)

File: b5ba758695927a5⋯.png (78.24 KB,1900x1000,19:10,Cl5IU2bc82E1n0GxWCr8m4Hcmc….png)

File: 5fec588ed79eda9⋯.png (154.97 KB,630x630,1:1,Guarantee.png)


Progress eh?

Would you like to know more?

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e25df4 No.21669700

>>21669200 lb.

HOAX he is still in hospice care.

On October 1, 1924 he will be 100 and Joe Biden-Harris Will Be The worst Administration in The History of the USA!

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14779f No.21669701

File: 165e0a88737fdc0⋯.jpg (149.96 KB,720x850,72:85,20240927_162600.jpg)

File: ee41902a21de293⋯.jpg (123.82 KB,851x909,851:909,20240927_162415.jpg)

File: 5d428f2b93cfdd6⋯.jpg (17.42 KB,283x358,283:358,20240927_162413.jpg)


My God. The town of Chimney Rock, NC has been completely wiped out.

Pray for North Carolina 🙏🏻

This is getting serious

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b173f1 No.21669702

File: 284178b3f49a927⋯.png (417.88 KB,522x678,87:113,c_is_for_cookie.png)



Confirm Handoff

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b173f1 No.21669703

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24



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dfc389 No.21669704



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becff9 No.21669705

File: ad629f76ce52f26⋯.png (716.31 KB,653x768,653:768,ClipboardImage.png)

Kek. Anyone know what the Krassensteins are up to?

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b173f1 No.21669706


gurd damn it…

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ac7977 No.21669707


Impeccable beauty….and pissed the fuck off! Love it!

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5b6dbd No.21669708

Trump motorcade about 20 mins out.

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74f49c No.21669709

File: 0cebc077d275756⋯.jpg (106.26 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1726442186325144m.jpg)

File: 001645679aede7f⋯.png (408.31 KB,763x763,1:1,1726489431419853.png)


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b841ab No.21669710

File: 50546877a98f489⋯.png (79.87 KB,1080x1008,15:14,Screenshot_20240928_012936.png)

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129481 No.21669711

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becff9 No.21669712

File: 0ee45127db5af29⋯.png (1.05 MB,676x680,169:170,ClipboardImage.png)



There's onlyonetranny first lady, Anon. You're about to piss off the wrong people.

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f319eb No.21669713

File: 77cc75708dde96e⋯.png (494.16 KB,600x600,1:1,77cc75708dde96ec679d8ac274….png)

File: 89d85789ed8aa22⋯.jpeg (88.57 KB,530x582,265:291,89d85789ed8aa2250c1e32275….jpeg)


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b841ab No.21669714

File: 9cdfc428ee69746⋯.png (600.43 KB,1074x1054,537:527,Screenshot_20240928_013022.png)

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230642 No.21669715


tornado? what happened? been out all day not up to speed on current events of the day

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bd59af No.21669716


and when people find out that their own government caused it.

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2fc3ac No.21669717

File: fe0f5ce7ca315ed⋯.png (443.3 KB,736x454,368:227,6871311C_9B72_49C9_A4BF_9D….png)


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d76f33 No.21669718


in the interview she said she used to have a good laugh with Brigitte Macron

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43d182 No.21669719

File: fff566e134e4217⋯.jpg (62.46 KB,499x499,1:1,213s.jpg)

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311748 No.21669720

File: 0106d29c70f587d⋯.mp4 (13.14 MB,848x720,53:45,trump_ipunch_bidan_in_that….mp4)


> Fucking retards.

You're average level intelligence.

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70ef23 No.21669721

Anunaki stuff is everywhere. Why hasn’t Trump said anything about it?

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b2315a No.21669722

File: 779d87f24f2ec77⋯.png (447.08 KB,865x339,865:339,2024_09_27_15_31_23.png)



the1900 Galveston hurricane is the worst storm, took out the entire city.


The 1900 Galveston hurricane,[1] also known as the Great Galveston hurricane and the Galveston Flood, and known regionally as the Great Storm of 1900 or the 1900 Storm,[2][3] isthe deadliest natural disaster in United States history.[4]

The strongest storm of the 1900 Atlantic hurricane season, it left between 6,000 and 12,000 fatalities in the United States; the number most cited in official reports is 8,000.

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f319eb No.21669723

File: 0e8bf4698344c76⋯.png (777.26 KB,800x1206,400:603,0e8bf4698344c766ff63b407ad….png)


>Your mum is niggers lover

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a2dbb3 No.21669724


That's the way it was when they found it. Leave it that way for the brood parasites and invaders.

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0db4e3 No.21669725

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2fc3ac No.21669726

File: 43c6ac57fb21173⋯.jpg (589.31 KB,971x706,971:706,IMG_0539.jpg)

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70ef23 No.21669727


You are fake news.

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311748 No.21669728



these sudden group of (1)s are not anons

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b91747 No.21669729

File: ed21c36c2c21e7a⋯.jpg (130.51 KB,650x596,325:298,biden_kids.jpg)


No, you confuse the movie with reality.

Isn't it interesting how Trump distracted everyone to look at the chart when he was shot?

Patriots in control. Wizards and Warlocks deal in magic… Illusion.

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6d0abf No.21669730

File: 12db621039f9534⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,AF666960_5182_424F_968A_1C….png)

File: 5cd2e2100f022b8⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,B1227F16_6732_4015_A476_D5….png)

File: 8852779720524ef⋯.png (388.95 KB,690x3754,345:1877,BBDA8507_A005_4317_B4B9_DB….png)

File: b013ba319c9eac0⋯.png (370.85 KB,690x770,69:77,11EA33DF_77C0_493B_B5C9_41….png)

File: 19da0914bbce02f⋯.jpeg (47.28 KB,433x600,433:600,AF4D36F5_134D_4685_B70E_B….jpeg)

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ac7977 No.21669731


So! What if she did|! Can't REALLY know your enemies until they they move against you!

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b841ab No.21669732

File: 8338881dffc0a88⋯.png (413.82 KB,1080x1335,72:89,Screenshot_20240928_013229.png)

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f319eb No.21669733

File: 338cb070714a2c1⋯.png (86.03 KB,300x168,25:14,338cb070714a2c16346430fdd2….png)

File: 391a4c40e9097c1⋯.png (29.64 KB,640x640,1:1,391a4c40e9097c18628d8a5e9d….png)

File: 397bc8338f9b663⋯.png (372.56 KB,512x768,2:3,397bc8338f9b66318792f72b9a….png)

File: 436c12969aba6d6⋯.png (698.13 KB,688x717,688:717,436c12969aba6d6dc7692f508a….png)

fajitas libre

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becff9 No.21669734


>tornado? what happened? been out all day not up to speed on current events of the day

(((Deep State))) is playing with the weather machine again. They can't win now, so they're trying to kill the population in Red States, to thin the bell curve and allow them a better chance of cheating.

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b6b31c No.21669735




Hurricane Helene entered Florida and went up to the North Carolina mountains…flooding and dams breaking, houses moved off their foundations and floating, roads washing out…many deaths

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12f7e9 No.21669736


hi baker

bread has been claimed


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bd59af No.21669737


was that town that got destroyed in that path of that damn breaking.

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b841ab No.21669738

File: 7b8e58a5af7518f⋯.png (541.99 KB,1080x1230,36:41,Screenshot_20240928_013341.png)

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c23b8d No.21669739


There are way more than 1 tranny First Lady. Barbara Bush?

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459bc9 No.21669740

File: a5eeabf393fa3c6⋯.png (52.26 KB,593x243,593:243,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a5870ce820f2ed⋯.png (5.48 MB,1800x1200,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abfe44a6e66d0ae⋯.png (681.08 KB,426x640,213:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 867ab7b7b6f009e⋯.png (765.12 KB,518x640,259:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44f57ce5ccd4920⋯.png (652.13 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Chimney Rock, NC


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bd59af No.21669741

This storm just fucked with the election. If entire towns are gone voting districts are changed are they not. Its not just about the deaths it is about the population dispersal. Just like Hawaii.

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becff9 No.21669742


>these sudden group of (1)s are not anons

Kek. I know. I wanted him to feel a little bit better about himself.

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7c4fed No.21669743


either he doesnt know yet…. or it is too big for the stupid masses yet and the religious nuts…the awakening will take more than a generation

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195134 No.21669744

File: 8fcbeff9e68f1a8⋯.png (356.87 KB,454x663,454:663,Post_on_x_from_Fleet_force….png)

File: cd50006acc2f5c0⋯.png (45.46 KB,473x329,473:329,qaggdropimage1930.png)

File: cec0ce5b67edd69⋯.png (53.59 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage11.png)

File: 7672524e76c3ec6⋯.png (288.58 KB,473x965,473:965,qaggdropimage75.png)

U.S. Fleet Forces


📍ATLANTIC OCEAN - The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) conducts night flight operations on Sept. 26.

Harry S. Truman, the flagship of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, is underway in the Atlantic Ocean on a regularly scheduled deployment.

7:30 PM · Sep 26, 2024

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fb6d25 No.21669745

File: 7ee0f3f3a131106⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,smkneel2.jpg)

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f319eb No.21669746

File: 9e2db27e713ead1⋯.png (69.17 KB,618x499,618:499,9e2db27e713ead12ce4ffc4c2b….png)

File: 9e082a943e130de⋯.png (432.61 KB,857x500,857:500,9e082a943e130defc207959257….png)

File: 9e68903b62c7726⋯.png (4.12 KB,225x225,1:1,9e68903b62c772614b0faecc6f….png)


>froodoh almost married berlinur


>>Your mum is niggers lover

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d76f33 No.21669748


i just find it strange, that of all people she knows and "had fun with" she mentioned Macrons tranny wife

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30325f No.21669749


You are in a cult.

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becff9 No.21669750

File: 2431b537f891ce5⋯.png (83.24 KB,764x354,382:177,ClipboardImage.png)


>There are way more than 1 tranny First Lady. Barbara Bush?

Don't make Big Mike chimp out…..

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b841ab No.21669751

File: 1713aa10f6130c7⋯.png (66.69 KB,1080x269,1080:269,Screenshot_20240928_013523.png)

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a2dbb3 No.21669752


MSM spook with fake & ghey british accent

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6111d5 No.21669753

File: 16a61051c22e6f3⋯.jpg (118.89 KB,666x709,666:709,Custom_Image_2709202417473….jpg)

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f319eb No.21669754

File: 0b42acd1b8231e8⋯.png (549.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,0b42acd1b8231e8b1ac1fc52b1….png)

File: 2dfa00fa865b2ff⋯.png (328.92 KB,555x500,111:100,2dfa00fa865b2ffba86d175f80….png)

File: 2e2efb2bb5cf09f⋯.png (390.82 KB,651x383,651:383,2e2efb2bb5cf09f91d83f2d54f….png)


>>froodoh almost married berlinur


>fajitas libre


>>Your mum is niggers lover

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b6b31c No.21669755

File: 9293d11133fe2d2⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,320x568,40:71,sZfE77GUe8d8uuXw.mp4)

Thomas Massie


Taxpayers have paid over $17 million for alleged sexual misconduct in Congressional offices. Publish the offices!


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becff9 No.21669756

File: ada4f88a193814e⋯.mp4 (11.2 MB,480x270,16:9,israeli_children_sing_we_w….mp4)


>You are in a cult.

Kek. Now do the Jews.

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a2dbb3 No.21669757


Lebensraum for zionazis!

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b173f1 No.21669758

File: 30eb0912108b47e⋯.jpeg (35.15 KB,460x436,115:109,i_identify_as_a_conspirac….jpeg)

File: cfdeae95e8b768b⋯.png (90.55 KB,651x576,217:192,conspiracy_felony.png)




They're all felony's.

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ac7977 No.21669759


>"had fun with" she mentioned Macrons tranny wife

"Know thy enemy by their words, and allegiances…"

I'm sure there is more to that statement, but that is what I remember! kek

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cb6fa3 No.21669760

File: 4644107da8cdde4⋯.mp4 (14.35 MB,640x360,16:9,they_control.mp4)

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6d0abf No.21669761


truly lebanese

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000000 No.21669762


@RT_com 1h

❗️Seyed Hassan Nasrallah and Seyed Hashem Safieddine are unharmed and in full health - Tasnim

Sep 27, 2024 · 9:00 PM UTC



Based Jackson is based.

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195134 No.21669763

File: 81012edb32bab90⋯.png (22.47 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage502.png)

File: 0a2dd0140f38d94⋯.png (17.25 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage410.png)


Jets taking off are numbered 502 and 410

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d76f33 No.21669764


could be

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b173f1 No.21669765


that is further, down the road…

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937f0e No.21669766


Hatch act indictment inbound

for trying to make peace

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f319eb No.21669767

File: 0fb9558121dcf26⋯.png (80.91 KB,183x275,183:275,0fb9558121dcf261af961a9887….png)


>epstein ridin bigly gay cockrel

prol real pussy too

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120b54 No.21669768

File: 868ac5df8a77539⋯.jpg (10.6 KB,255x168,85:56,59229ca99713cc5cff2f352a80….jpg)

File: 704f0fb371d22c9⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,259x194,259:194,images.jpg)

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b841ab No.21669769

File: bb4f52e2ccbbd6c⋯.png (147.57 KB,1080x818,540:409,Screenshot_20240928_013759.png)

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6111d5 No.21669770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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2fc3ac No.21669771

File: cf49e7ad985b05e⋯.jpeg (72.96 KB,631x454,631:454,11663BAD_6653_4C95_B987_D….jpeg)

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120b54 No.21669772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




'ass to ass’

Requiem for a Dream


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cb6fa3 No.21669773

File: e61d311d34eb660⋯.jpg (24.38 KB,600x338,300:169,adam_schiff_wut_.jpg)

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27fa17 No.21669774


It better not. Rip the bandaid off.

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18a058 No.21669775


Look how fast all evidence that humans were ever there… is Gone!

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b6b31c No.21669776

File: 5edffdd776b3860⋯.png (531.57 KB,653x680,653:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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becff9 No.21669777

File: cae82e70950a9b4⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB,850x480,85:48,A_Jewish_Woman_Screams_And….mp4)


>truly lebanese

Kek. Russia! Russia! Russia!

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b173f1 No.21669778

File: b573c116d94c15a⋯.png (10.52 KB,255x182,255:182,mess_.png)





hab a great bakes!

call out if you need me to do something something

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f319eb No.21669779

File: 6ff7d056a59c848⋯.png (519.69 KB,512x512,1:1,6ff7d056a59c8485567d3e7d50….png)

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e76fe1 No.21669780

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)

Evening, frens

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ac7977 No.21669781


How many children have suffered at the hands of this FAKE womanbeast? I cannot even dwell to wonder…I will let God take of IT!

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2fc3ac No.21669782

File: b0c3c8efb14e143⋯.png (258.71 KB,462x333,154:111,0780BC7E_07C2_4DBA_BB0D_C0….png)

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129481 No.21669783

Blax left holding the bag for Mossad Honeypots.

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fb6d25 No.21669784

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


Silence, Simple Legion.

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f319eb No.21669785

File: 6f8478098840577⋯.png (642.66 KB,634x793,634:793,6f8478098840577f04d49c8e44….png)


>prol real pussy too

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cb6fa3 No.21669786

File: b5067863eda3b54⋯.gif (836.41 KB,149x181,149:181,nopegassed.gif)


>the awakening will take more than a generation

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3c66b5 No.21669787

File: eb301e14518e304⋯.png (766.87 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240927_174840.png)


Was watching these in Hawaii and Cali

And happening now

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b841ab No.21669788

File: 19bd988f6d7a19f⋯.png (407.68 KB,1050x1135,210:227,Screenshot_20240928_014020.png)

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f319eb No.21669789

File: 4b79f981b9dbafa⋯.png (875.95 KB,800x1022,400:511,4b79f981b9dbafa1bf3c58d043….png)


>>prol real pussy too

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000000 No.21669790

IT's not IRAN trying to Kill Trump.


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a7f10f No.21669791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6111d5 No.21669792

File: 6cc6a24b93e13c0⋯.jpg (332.18 KB,2040x1263,680:421,1000001285.jpg)

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2544b0 No.21669793

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12f7e9 No.21669794

File: 903619da6b65e20⋯.png (295.71 KB,1485x516,495:172,903619da6b65e2055ee91bd477….png)


appreciate baker


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2fc3ac No.21669795

File: 0e79ae4b0207c86⋯.png (353.85 KB,600x338,300:169,D9057BAD_C5F0_4209_8F72_58….png)

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6d0abf No.21669796


schwarma & duck gook oil fries+ pine nutz

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b841ab No.21669797

File: 62b019d10034d5a⋯.png (59.21 KB,1080x538,540:269,Screenshot_20240928_014134.png)

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311748 No.21669798

File: c760aa7b14d9772⋯.png (46.61 KB,690x898,345:449,John_Godolphin_Bennet_Jon_….png)

File: f0e00b93845128b⋯.png (179.63 KB,688x898,344:449,John_Godolphin_Bennet_Jon_….png)

File: 5b2379529653869⋯.png (79.02 KB,692x920,173:230,John_Godolphin_Bennet_Jon_….png)

File: 3ac42a7aa709c82⋯.png (153.68 KB,802x924,401:462,John_Godolphin_Bennet_Jon_….png)

File: 5a8938a58c6a74f⋯.jpg (142.43 KB,765x656,765:656,John_Godolphin_Bennet_Jon_….jpg)

links from british intelligence to obama cult network

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230642 No.21669799


so bad what we have endured with these Mother Fucking ass holes in charge

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cb6fa3 No.21669800

File: 6ad0be9f77e705d⋯.png (706.15 KB,1082x812,541:406,Rob_Rosenstein_Indictments….png)


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120b54 No.21669801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"Shaving Off the Years"

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ac7977 No.21669802



Well, then IRAN needs to pull up their pants, put on their fucking socks 'n shoes and do the

RIGHT thing!

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2fc3ac No.21669803

File: 321e2cdf9927b01⋯.png (85.62 KB,228x218,114:109,B7CBB8DC_4938_4601_A108_4D….png)

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3c66b5 No.21669804

File: d5f67da5434afa8⋯.png (471.24 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240927_184239.png)

Kansas in sites

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000000 No.21669805


Most people don't understand your meme.

Mossad HP…

Don't forget MOLFAR too

MOLFAR will also use violence to Kill – Specifically Journalists.

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a2dbb3 No.21669806


DS and all their globohomo cronies. Everywhere.

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6111d5 No.21669807

Stupid and worthless piece of shit commie fucktard bitch

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b841ab No.21669808

File: 40b971fa690cf8e⋯.png (219.69 KB,1080x772,270:193,Screenshot_20240928_014357.png)

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fb6d25 No.21669809

File: ad9e198280ca281⋯.jpg (24.42 KB,427x240,427:240,ali_pepe.jpg)

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d1ef84 No.21669810

File: 509a9acfe493ec6⋯.gif (10.04 KB,255x205,51:41,HEADPHONES.gif)


To give the "same goddamn speech" again- per CiC at earlier event in Walker MI.


(Side note: we need to LISTEN and see if its the same speech/pick up on what we missed.

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ac7977 No.21669811


For real! If the most terrorist country in the WORLD is afraid of their own DEEP FUCKING STATE….then they should be annihilated!

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459bc9 No.21669812

File: 71f8f5f7716ad86⋯.png (1.83 MB,1321x777,1321:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e45de2dc4678077⋯.png (384.91 KB,405x508,405:508,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28bba440eed0625⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,854x464,427:232,000000000000000000.mp4)

Fuck is going on with this little hottie?

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e76fe1 No.21669813

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)


Habsolutely beautiful meme frendo. But Anon gotta ask, you got a permit for that copyrighted meme?

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2fc3ac No.21669814

File: f52f53edc189721⋯.png (447.55 KB,816x456,34:19,3082013B_C085_4E40_ACA2_3E….png)

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937f0e No.21669816

File: 6a6a156a24e4391⋯.png (460.31 KB,668x466,334:233,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21669048 lb

Anons called it 4 years ago

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b173f1 No.21669817

File: 46f7f093a9784c3⋯.png (247.67 KB,891x861,297:287,ClipboardImage.png)

Team Trump


Patty Morin's daughter, Rachel, was raped & killed by a Kamala illegal.

Alexis Nungaray's daughter, Jocelyn, was raped & killed by Kamala illegals.

Anne Fundner's son, Weston, was killed by fentanyl trafficked across Kamala's open border.

Kamala hasn't contacted any of them.


Sep 27, 2024, 6:24 PM


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a7f10f No.21669818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1ef84 No.21669819


Problem is that an impeachment takes too damn long to do anything about it.

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6111d5 No.21669820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2fc3ac No.21669821

File: 3c78ce0a41624e6⋯.png (86.19 KB,228x218,114:109,08A97823_A3DE_412F_843E_55….png)

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12f7e9 No.21669822


this post @250


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6d7993 No.21669823

File: 65244bdf67ad549⋯.jpg (153.78 KB,1056x800,33:25,troll.jpg)

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000000 No.21669824


The real Donald is inside the Cheyenne complex bunker.

kikes trying to bomb him there.

if they don´t kill him before 11.3 they´re fucked.

Remember that they worship Satan, and if all their sacrifices do not yield results, then their God/demon is weak.


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b841ab No.21669825

File: 77d9fee0c5cc94b⋯.png (868.55 KB,1080x1439,1080:1439,Screenshot_20240928_014607.png)

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d2ab81 No.21669826


You should see the look on everyone's face when the 90lb female Airman failed to lock the JDAM because she's to puny. Loader drops, backs out and JDAM drops to the ground. They wouldn't ditch her from their team because she was smoking little hottie who put out on deployments. Almost got me killed, it was real world, deployed, live ammunition.

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937f0e No.21669827


well we are on the eve of an Election

Manufactured Chaos will rise

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d1ef84 No.21669828


Should beHigh Crimes and Federal Fucking Felonies!

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311748 No.21669829

File: fb41f9349a05dff⋯.jpg (2.64 MB,1920x1852,480:463,sweden_immigrant_rapes_2.jpg)

the sweden immigrant rape problem

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120b54 No.21669830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Requiem for a Dream (2000)


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000000 No.21669831


you clearly don't have reading comprehension.

IRAN isn't trying to KILL TRUMP.


You can choose to belief the State Department/CIA news Routh is more of a threat than the IRANIAN HITMEN they hired

You have the choice to believe Smith Mundt CIA bullshit if you like.

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fb6d25 No.21669832

File: 3b534bc47a1b629⋯.png (437.56 KB,500x500,1:1,winning_pepe2.png)

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311748 No.21669834

File: 382ddd83155e81d⋯.jpg (99.92 KB,561x1600,561:1600,anon_built_a_neighbor_remo….jpg)

anon built a neighbor removal system

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01ce66 No.21669835

notables @ 270 halfway collected

#26536 >>21669532

>>21669532 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21669657 President @realDonaldTrump never stops working

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21669597 Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21669620 Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

>>21669681 The town of Chimney Rock, NC hit hard by Helene

>>21669693 #1 MELANIA


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74f49c No.21669836

File: bb90273bbc8d094⋯.gif (301.76 KB,640x636,160:159,1726272751212201.gif)



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ac7977 No.21669837


God and our love, belief, will redirect and misdirect all of their weapons unto themselves!

This I pray!

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e76fe1 No.21669838

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,3d97e4644e52e5a7f6ade42707….gif)


Oh oh do this one

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e2c211 No.21669839


MkUltra monarch sex kitten programming glitch.

Something triggered her.

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a2dbb3 No.21669840

File: d2ab1f42b90f912⋯.png (375.1 KB,630x666,35:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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6111d5 No.21669841

File: ac5fb4b31edb479⋯.jpg (441.77 KB,520x750,52:75,1000001230.jpg)

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e76fe1 No.21669842

File: fdaa0cfba6f3f10⋯.png (314.23 KB,510x489,170:163,fdaa0cfba6f3f104ac2a2e4bf0….png)

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937f0e No.21669843


Baby Power?!?!

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000000 No.21669844


the Red Heffers are a flop, but you know that ol hamas us under al-aqusa mosque still

even though IDF controlls gaza (sic)

Now for the precision Lebanon Hezbola strikes under the hospitals, shopping centers and schools.

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ac7977 No.21669845


>You can choose to belief

It would help if you could use proper english….

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5b6dbd No.21669846

File: e339de81d8b6c18⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,720x514,360:257,000_Kamala_Voters.mp4)

Nothing to see here, just your typical Kamabla voters.

Move along.

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becff9 No.21669847

File: f77913f3e82605c⋯.png (2.53 MB,498x278,249:139,ClipboardImage.png)


Skinsuit failure, Anon. Happens all the time.

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6d0abf No.21669848



images borked on 2 different devices

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000000 No.21669849

It's not RACISM or TERRORISM if Israel does it.

But it's RACIST AND TERRORIST if you says it.

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b6b31c No.21669850

File: 8667cd996909d64⋯.png (398.89 KB,593x558,593:558,ClipboardImage.png)


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000000 No.21669851

Mike Pompeo

@mikepompeo 2h

With President Trump, we denied Iran the resources to fund Hamas and the Houthis. There's no question which approach—President Trump's strength or the Biden-Harris weakness—that Iran would prefer.

Mike Pompeo: We put real pressure on Iran and they don't want that to come back | Fox Business Video

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discusses why Iran allegedly supports Vice President Kamala Harris on 'Kudlow.'


Sep 27, 2024 · 7:56 PM UTC



>Kansas in sites

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f319eb No.21669852

File: 9b2dfd949986f5c⋯.png (866.02 KB,634x793,634:793,9b2dfd949986f5c35660ba3a76….png)


>>>prol real pussy too

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937f0e No.21669853

DS -Needs- a World War

The Compass Rose Star will push the envelope

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becff9 No.21669854


Kek. One of those soyboys fucks that.

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fca186 No.21669855

File: 0b7d6bd4d4006e4⋯.jpg (77.81 KB,666x375,222:125,ohnoes.jpg)

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04c130 No.21669856

File: 5553f8940c99f62⋯.png (2.59 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2049.png)

Fukkin KeK

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f570cc No.21669857

File: 03147522be06a7f⋯.png (439.02 KB,976x946,488:473,Screenshot_20240927_155132….png)

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311748 No.21669858

File: 90a4f6cace63c26⋯.png (257.28 KB,1253x792,1253:792,ClipboardImage.png)

important moderna drop from late 2020

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b6b31c No.21669859

File: 591b546a26c2fc6⋯.png (410.41 KB,594x551,594:551,ClipboardImage.png)

>he ded?

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e76fe1 No.21669860

File: ec1344d522b06a1⋯.png (10.98 KB,253x255,253:255,7a0002828afc98228d82e06081….png)

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5b6dbd No.21669861


KEL, they have zero self respect.

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b841ab No.21669862

File: 640ff81173e6367⋯.png (761.3 KB,1080x1311,360:437,Screenshot_20240928_015200.png)

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5b6dbd No.21669863


oops, KEK

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fb6d25 No.21669864

File: 8743032826461e7⋯.png (647.84 KB,797x445,797:445,8743032826461e759f0342cce0….png)

KEK. He copies my meme rotations and mannerisms because he's a failure. He must view me as not a failure and wants to imitate that. Imagine that, a nobody with nothing to his name imitated by federal paid posters because their bullshit division narrative is a pile of shit and doesn't work here.

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bd59af No.21669865


that trash defending it and blaming trump. They love this Trump wall thing, but fail to mention the money that was attached to be sent to ukraine. WHich got sent anyways. fuck this giggling spic

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5f52ad No.21669866



Eye Ween

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000000 No.21669867


18KiloTon hypersonics and you whine about grammar because you LOVE the state department's Grugq stories.

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6d0abf No.21669868

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b6b31c No.21669869

File: e4ab628d9e0d3c7⋯.png (370.65 KB,522x680,261:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac7977 No.21669870


I've had the best imaginings of what this actually was….at once upon a time!

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000000 No.21669871


NO I can't come over and help you remove a tree stump /sarc

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e76fe1 No.21669872

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

God bless you all

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b6b31c No.21669873

File: ad21452c355de90⋯.png (388.11 KB,506x649,46:59,ClipboardImage.png)


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120b54 No.21669874

File: 0ed1994a0370257⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,168x300,14:25,download.jpg)

File: 8d7d7c10fcb78bd⋯.jpg (9.81 KB,259x194,259:194,download.jpg)

File: bffce02176ab96d⋯.jpg (6.6 KB,298x169,298:169,download.jpg)

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311748 No.21669875

File: 5f39fa312c00cfc⋯.png (461.44 KB,500x678,250:339,who_is_your_enemy_china.png)

did y'all do "choose your own adventure" books?

ever get sick of it and start at the end and try to work back the right way to the beginning?

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b841ab No.21669876

File: 008d679b9e90ca1⋯.png (261.01 KB,1068x1424,3:4,Screenshot_20240928_015455.png)

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27d6b8 No.21669877

File: 17b87e3f1b320f1⋯.png (710.38 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2dbb3 No.21669878

Hang Adams for treason. So he gets it, make his replacement Juwaana execute him.

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216716 No.21669879

Just wait until they find out the internet is no longer available to them to turn the election votes over with.

They think they can use the same playbook like they did in 2020. They think it’s still a viable option.

They don’t know, or haven’t even been told, that monitoring of US-based IP’s and foreign IP’s are now distinguishable using crowd-based netscans. Starlink is the ultimate web, literally and figuratively.

The reality won’t set in for them until they push the button and find out it does NOTHING.

Trump wins with over 300 electoral votes, even more if two leaning states go red. Small, albeit possible outcome of an entire red country. Oregon may even go red.

Suicide weekend just might be post election. Bring it.

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120b54 No.21669880

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ac7977 No.21669881


YOU know nothing about me, slug! |Fuck off and quit trying to pretend you are more than you are!

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fd58ae No.21669882

File: 933eab2e3e263a9⋯.jpeg (79.39 KB,317x417,317:417,933eab2e3e263a9cd98b47dd9….jpeg)

File: 7d82efaefd97147⋯.jpeg (609.36 KB,813x806,813:806,7d82efaefd97147d9d58e8af1….jpeg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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a7f10f No.21669883


What's going on while no witnesses are at these ports from Maine to Texas?

<Club k

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6111d5 No.21669884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.21669885



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120b54 No.21669886

electoral AND popoular vote

same as 2020


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000000 No.21669887


you spelled fuck wrong. git dog

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311748 No.21669888

File: 82f7e12dcf1ba8d⋯.gif (20.44 KB,925x239,925:239,stefan_molyneux_on_ben_sha….gif)


oh shit did someone write something that wasn't ultra-pro-israel?

that's going to REALLY piss ben off.

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b173f1 No.21669889

File: 9b94858381216cc⋯.png (75.73 KB,734x224,367:112,ClipboardImage.png)




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331bb1 No.21669890


Election Interference

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82b753 No.21669891

File: 37da55cd32ed7f2⋯.png (3.51 MB,2048x2048,1:1,set.png)



POTUS confirm <10.

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fb6d25 No.21669892

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)

KEK. Now he's running through his fraudulent piety routine again. If he was truly as God fearing as he claims to profess he wouldn't covet the mannerisms of another.

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ac7977 No.21669893


kek…I might have cheated…a couple times…or more!

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becff9 No.21669894

File: 37096a7ff65cd9a⋯.png (3.65 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Fukkin KeK

Kek. That's going to age well….Jabba's gonna have some ragrets in the near future.

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e25df4 No.21669895

File: 597fd468de42627⋯.jpeg (31.74 KB,299x168,299:168,IMG_3529.jpeg)

File: 5eba3979c99f857⋯.jpeg (32.45 KB,245x206,245:206,IMG_3528.jpeg)

File: 49626fa5a59b266⋯.jpeg (31.96 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_3526.jpeg)

File: 16c4798d10aabe2⋯.jpeg (35.81 KB,259x194,259:194,IMG_3522.jpeg)

File: 2eae22d76bb37f0⋯.jpeg (32.19 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_3525.jpeg)


Both of them are all in for Flynn

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000000 No.21669896


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fca186 No.21669897


Real power behind it is the MONEY overlords. When it comes to the corrupt assholes, nationality doesn't matter, it's ALL about producing the desired results that the puppet masters want, not the puppets.

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216716 No.21669898



However, it’s a race to 270. Popular vote notwithstanding. Still, though.

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ac7977 No.21669899


fucking china slut…be gone

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000000 No.21669900

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 9m

Now at 23:48 I heard good news about the health of the Hezbollah Secretary General from reliable sources. Journalist H.Muazzin write ✍️

Sep 27, 2024 · 10:47 PM UTC



God is great and Q is helping the good people out there.

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937f0e No.21669901

The Closer the Election Nears

The Larger World War II Rhetoric will Grow

WWIII is the New Covid

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22dcba No.21669902

File: 6407b82eb877a94⋯.jpeg (295.33 KB,1125x876,375:292,IMG_4397.jpeg)

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120b54 No.21669903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b6b31c No.21669904

File: 8d5635678feed96⋯.png (270.08 KB,507x650,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc31b7ddeff68db⋯.png (977.73 KB,1098x1524,183:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d87f0b539baa4e⋯.png (891.31 KB,1036x1532,259:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c23c868b5cca91b⋯.png (619.49 KB,1036x1546,518:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 885ca7db4055054⋯.png (717.68 KB,1078x1514,539:757,ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge


NEW BORDER DATA: Highlighting criminal histories, assault, burglary, dangerous drugs, homicide, robbery, sex offenses and traffic offenses.

Our August investigation revealed @cbp whistleblowers were punished for exposing @DHSgov failure to comply with DNA collection law

6:46 PM · Sep 27, 2024


>follow the pen

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2fc3ac No.21669905

File: 4ee9f254b04ed67⋯.jpeg (470.09 KB,947x632,947:632,IMG_0723.jpeg)

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becff9 No.21669906



Kek. Jews eating Jews. Never would have guessed.

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18a058 No.21669907

File: d5311dd788622e0⋯.mp4 (989.42 KB,848x464,53:29,IMG_7763.MP4)

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e52766 No.21669908

Turkey, the nation.




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43d182 No.21669909

File: 01edd8f88767024⋯.jpg (81.36 KB,495x971,495:971,sft55.jpg)


Well that didnt age well

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e2c211 No.21669910


Dollars to donuts she’ll get a howling white trash wolf tattoo over it.


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a2dbb3 No.21669911

File: 500fab590513114⋯.png (473.97 KB,500x682,250:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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b841ab No.21669912

File: a77b78bf2586e57⋯.png (453.52 KB,1080x1379,1080:1379,Screenshot_20240928_020005.png)

Give someone under 18 alcohol is crime

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b173f1 No.21669913

File: 81d55e166a6d215⋯.png (43.86 KB,225x225,1:1,I_told_you_so.png)

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311748 No.21669914

File: eafe05593852a23⋯.png (350.4 KB,836x635,836:635,ClipboardImage.png)

reminder that a tranny "vagina" is AN OPEN WOUND that they have to physically prevent from healing

And the retard monkey faggots call that process "dilating"

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ac7977 No.21669915


…Who is he trying to convince| kek I literally spit my drink out!

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2018e7 No.21669916

File: d96cd6770c608cd⋯.jpg (158.77 KB,772x1200,193:300,GO8WsSkXEAAumtT.jpg)


About 4 feet.

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b6b31c No.21669917

File: f9de24512b42de4⋯.png (390.19 KB,513x653,513:653,ClipboardImage.png)


Richard Grenell


Kamala has collapsed in Michigan.

Arab Americans for Trump!


Oubai Shahbandar


Half of the VIP section in Trump’s town hall today in Warren, MI are Arab Americans and Muslims. Wow.

Mayor Amer Ghalib of Hamtramack (majority Muslim suburb of Detroit) has really set something in motion in the state !

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2fc3ac No.21669918

File: 07aba1a45fdb16d⋯.jpg (60.82 KB,731x464,731:464,T3_I_like_Your_Meme.jpg)

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b173f1 No.21669919

File: fa440c045704743⋯.png (631.55 KB,600x534,100:89,crayons_lkj.png)

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120b54 No.21669920

yes, aware Fronthole kek


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0db4e3 No.21669921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b841ab No.21669922

File: af658c0ffa92c90⋯.png (632.68 KB,1080x1114,540:557,Screenshot_20240928_020253.png)

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e52766 No.21669923

>>21666184 PB

Wait, so the D's with Iran trawl POTUS's interwebs.

D's then 'detect the breach and get the info.

D's now trying to go after POTUS using info they found in the info?

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f570cc No.21669924

File: 061290cf7557ca2⋯.png (598.83 KB,1018x604,509:302,Screenshot_20240927_160256….png)

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b173f1 No.21669925

>>21669917 Richard Grenell: Kamala has collapsed in Michigan, Arab Americans for Trump


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22dcba No.21669926

Wow it looks like Helene brought devastation to several states. Sad stuff yo.

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fb6d25 No.21669927

File: 6c7a6b1dfe9d4cc⋯.jpg (63.73 KB,640x512,5:4,tank_pepe2.jpg)

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311748 No.21669928

File: 66c79c3520e1bfb⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1080x1920,9:16,trump_watching_you_point.mp4)

File: 9db222e6f6cf860⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB,568x320,71:40,TRUMP_911_MUST_HAVE_BEEN_B….mp4)

File: 456ef98ee6a5ee1⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,TRUMP_debate_I_probably_to….mp4)


kek it's not cheating, it's resourcefulness!

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b841ab No.21669929

File: 44abdb7a1f28abb⋯.png (546.51 KB,1080x1175,216:235,Screenshot_20240928_020419.png)

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ac7977 No.21669930


Is this even medically viable? …. uuuuugggg Just take it up the ass you fucking faggots! Why would you defame your bodies!

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56ac9f No.21669931

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,3s64d45f78367d65.png)

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311748 No.21669932

File: 23e79e258818647⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,480x480,1:1,jeet_train_next_frame.jpg)

File: 383dd1758552219⋯.jpg (19.86 KB,480x480,1:1,jeet_train.jpg)

File: bea1ca32cc1ac2f⋯.mp4 (12.3 MB,320x568,40:71,from_same_island_as_haitia….mp4)

File: 20b6c7154415b8e⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,640x360,16:9,ABC_finally_is_like_yeah_w….mp4)


>Arab Americans for Trump

let's all get along

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120b54 No.21669933



wonder what goes on INSIDE

of Devil's Stump

I mean

Devil's Tower

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b841ab No.21669934

File: 68cc68688ee9884⋯.png (587.91 KB,1080x1563,360:521,Screenshot_20240928_020607.png)

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000000 No.21669935

Have you ever been the corner of Pennsylvania and 20408

where the little Ukranian Boy has a weapons stand

All the zionist officials stand and clap their hands in a great big bundle of "JOY" (tm)

It's the Ukrainian Zionist boogy woogie Ukranian shoe shine stand

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fca186 No.21669936


Did he slather on a bunch of baby oil first?

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e76fe1 No.21669937

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)

My next song is called

It had to be this way

The Code of Anon cannot be broken

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0db4e3 No.21669938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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937f0e No.21669939

Diddy Epstein combs will sing like a Bird

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c93c7f No.21669940

File: e3e9ef341a4dbd5⋯.png (576.22 KB,865x620,173:124,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab67511f6da1683⋯.png (215.03 KB,1098x1424,549:712,724.png)

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120b54 No.21669941



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459bc9 No.21669942

File: 2335c1da9cc5078⋯.png (43.62 KB,883x255,883:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8253848570875b6⋯.jpeg (24.67 KB,640x335,128:67,Nancy_Mace_Hottie.jpeg)

File: eaba73f17f5794a⋯.jpg (146.79 KB,1200x675,16:9,KEK_Chris_Farley.jpg)

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b841ab No.21669943

File: 6dfdeb782db5d22⋯.png (766.09 KB,1080x1564,270:391,Screenshot_20240928_020529.png)

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0db4e3 No.21669944

File: 116b5dca7255a9c⋯.png (737.01 KB,849x471,283:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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816266 No.21669945


>what is being communicated

Reflections are important and watch the water.

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311748 No.21669946

File: 87b801fa138274a⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,586x360,293:180,Kanye_Ye_West_told_us_year….mp4)


kanye said he's a fed, so whatever that means

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82b753 No.21669947

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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fb6d25 No.21669949

File: 24b8708fa4c0ed1⋯.png (752.99 KB,1007x635,1007:635,24b8708fa4c0ed179442910858….png)

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37d7e1 No.21669950


kek! he's 6' 7" now.

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000000 No.21669951


The only question is..was

Michael Steinbacher or USGS right

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311748 No.21669952


tucker carlson is suddenly slumming for views

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5b6dbd No.21669953

File: 9ce90d120ac15a8⋯.png (1.43 MB,1142x640,571:320,ClipboardImage.png)

The Boss is up… soon, after national anthem.

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315859 No.21669955

File: 032829c78eaa25d⋯.png (1.78 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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0db4e3 No.21669956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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74f49c No.21669957

File: 01c0a758a97dffb⋯.jpg (33.09 KB,384x466,192:233,1727085802087049.jpg)

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58ee65 No.21669958

File: 957ac37b0086178⋯.gif (2.76 MB,544x306,16:9,957ac37b008617822f494f902c….gif)

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004d43 No.21669959

dammit every time Trump is nearby I learn about it after it's already too late.

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b841ab No.21669960

File: 6f48530bd691922⋯.png (479.23 KB,1080x744,45:31,Screenshot_20240928_020925.png)

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fb3f41 No.21669961

File: 12db621039f9534⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,A72E6A46_DC25_440A_A941_82….png)

File: 5cd2e2100f022b8⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,694E3771_21B1_42DF_B44B_B5….png)

File: b013ba319c9eac0⋯.png (370.85 KB,690x770,69:77,BA225A5B_8937_455D_AF71_8D….png)

File: 4c046933be4aa3c⋯.jpeg (53.06 KB,653x303,653:303,EEC68888_B28B_4F52_B662_0….jpeg)

File: 8852779720524ef⋯.png (388.95 KB,690x3754,345:1877,195DCC99_EF40_4A39_AE53_E2….png)

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000000 No.21669962


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937f0e No.21669963

File: 27a817de9d614fc⋯.png (613.23 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Mark my words

There will be -Many- October Surprises

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2fc3ac No.21669964

File: fdc7b9baec6cfd8⋯.png (913.9 KB,1018x604,509:302,12B766D5_993F_489B_B07F_09….png)

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e25df4 No.21669965

File: e94962c51bd14bb⋯.jpeg (34.83 KB,273x185,273:185,IMG_3535.jpeg)

File: 5c832c0b4ea7d6c⋯.jpeg (37.32 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_3536.jpeg)

File: 4a426f2048ac5d5⋯.jpeg (775.6 KB,1392x1172,348:293,IMG_3534.jpeg)

File: de0348dd1f25fd5⋯.jpeg (38.97 KB,500x375,4:3,IMG_3530.jpeg)


Biden’s and Erdrogen


First Lady Emine Erdoğan met with Mrs. Jill Biden, wife of US Vice President Joe Biden, at the Adile Sultan Palace.

First Lady Erdoğan and Mrs. Biden had a conversation about their common interests. Mrs. Biden, a life-long educator, told Mrs. Erdoğan about her civil society projects. First Lady Erdoğan attentively listened to her work about women education, strengthening women’s status in society, early diagnosis of breast cancer which is a common women’s health problem.


Mrs. Biden stated that she visits high schools with medical experts to raise awareness among teen girls, educate them about natural eating and warn them against smoking. Remarking that changing habits that cause cancer is as important as early diagnosis, Mrs. Erdoğan emphasized the necessity of avoiding direct contact with chemicals as a measure against cancer and raising public awareness about this issue.

Her daughter Sümeyye Erdoğan and Holly Holzer Bass, wife of the US Ambassador to Ankara were also present during the visit.

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f7ad3d No.21669966



100,000 wasn't it? or more from the 2004 Tsunami? dead with in less than an hour?

you are exaggerating.

stop your fear mongering.

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120b54 No.21669967

File: 78e9a4d593f1317⋯.jpg (4.97 KB,156x148,39:37,download.jpg)

File: ff9cd741d034128⋯.jpg (9.8 KB,255x191,255:191,5553f8940c99f6264732193514….jpg)


>>21669894 how funny prior to the election

make meme of

kamala 2024 and no ragrets tattoo in one tattoo

like looking into the future

The 60th Presidential Inauguration will be held on Monday, January 20, 2025

TRUMP President 47

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65e91c No.21669968

File: 1be897017ada52e⋯.mp4 (923.63 KB,720x1280,9:16,459837163_1184750329472578….mp4)

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74f49c No.21669969

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,GOD_BLESS_THE_UNITED_STATE….png)

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a7f10f No.21669970


Looks like a prick, a goldbrick, and a hick in one setting

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2018e7 No.21669971


"Fake nose, plastic all over the floor". 5/5.

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b841ab No.21669972

File: 6dffeedbb1a41a9⋯.png (584.4 KB,1080x793,1080:793,Screenshot_20240928_021154.png)

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fb3f41 No.21669973

File: 97612b20fe22e67⋯.jpeg (21.59 KB,239x211,239:211,864DADBE_2A07_42D1_B106_8….jpeg)

File: b5e26e5fe938fb4⋯.png (466.58 KB,611x408,611:408,2A6AC853_D94A_442A_934F_4F….png)

File: 3da9ba150733d01⋯.png (140.16 KB,322x408,161:204,758309E0_9C8C_4D65_9209_4B….png)

File: e634f71249225c4⋯.jpeg (187.26 KB,1051x1032,1051:1032,F7C38DF1_4D47_448F_95CD_D….jpeg)

File: 7e6285d92eab37c⋯.png (2.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,713F9148_879E_48E2_A6B3_66….png)

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ac7977 No.21669974

File: ce598620cfd2098⋯.png (682.32 KB,833x490,17:10,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)

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000000 No.21669975

Every time the corrupt state department hears something I say that they don't like they.

Disrupt, Delete, Generalize


Censorship, Defamation, Lawfare

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230642 No.21669976


Locked and loaded sir

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b841ab No.21669977


Stop it ;)

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2a6717 No.21669978


Tower Command over -

Anon Ground Control req action protocol town hall

Arrival needs full music band accompanying feed full standing on Truth Social


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5b6dbd No.21669979

File: 27715a2f4382d35⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,480x600,4:5,000_Oman_Geo_Flood.mp4)


An flood of them, hopefully.

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000000 No.21669980


All for a Haarp?

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fb3f41 No.21669981

File: 99771583ed8e561⋯.png (2.06 MB,912x2000,57:125,6ADC06E6_39A3_41B1_9F98_03….png)

File: 468e2262e13d5ad⋯.jpeg (30.04 KB,255x211,255:211,0DA4AC6B_C7AD_4D60_B278_6….jpeg)

File: 80678cc19a7142d⋯.jpeg (29.55 KB,254x255,254:255,1EAA478B_0E77_4552_807A_C….jpeg)

File: 1d896ff361eebbb⋯.jpeg (26.47 KB,255x255,1:1,C1803DDF_2DD9_47BF_904B_1….jpeg)

File: 781198fc16836cb⋯.png (301.92 KB,573x548,573:548,74DDD650_32D9_4843_B036_34….png)

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56ac9f No.21669982

File: f7a99831fbaf1c8⋯.png (102.4 KB,256x415,256:415,542542b34323.png)

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a8b6f6 No.21669983

File: d0c48691f06b399⋯.png (55.44 KB,674x111,674:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf4418aa340fa34⋯.png (1.47 MB,1079x767,83:59,ClipboardImage.png)



What would make you think that?

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43d182 No.21669984

File: cca2219806173fa⋯.jpg (58.69 KB,584x392,73:49,ug574d.jpg)

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fca186 No.21669985

File: 1ed57054cb2803b⋯.jpg (61.38 KB,666x375,222:125,uhoh.jpg)

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74f49c No.21669986



Aaaayyyyyy I know that joke :)

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f570cc No.21669987

File: 7e0295bb76b861d⋯.png (768.08 KB,1080x635,216:127,Screenshot_20240927_161531….png)



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ac7977 No.21669988

File: 70c92922a920f9e⋯.png (653.01 KB,833x663,49:39,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)

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b841ab No.21669989

File: 4abc671e4da9b82⋯.png (437.15 KB,1080x766,540:383,Screenshot_20240928_021511.png)

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fb3f41 No.21669990

File: ea74097d2ee14f7⋯.png (1.3 MB,750x1334,375:667,8CB1D0A5_3467_4BCC_8E3F_03….png)

File: 92799b54c147964⋯.png (34.72 KB,690x542,345:271,D2855B02_D73B_437A_93EE_65….png)

File: 4da1c799932570a⋯.png (130.81 KB,690x1560,23:52,B69A5A76_A6D9_45A5_B0AB_4B….png)


say it in broken engrish

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82b753 No.21669991



"When does a bird sing?"

[CLAS_EO_ ][2]

[non-nuke FALSE]





:[AGAIN] direct per-knowledge.

:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.

Think BDT.






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a7f10f No.21669992



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b841ab No.21669994

File: c4082b975079631⋯.webp (33.49 KB,564x748,141:187,main_qimg_04d7419a687a21d….webp)

File: c4082b975079631⋯.webp (33.49 KB,564x748,141:187,main_qimg_04d7419a687a21d….webp)

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2d754f No.21669995

File: a0368d17057fa82⋯.png (535.93 KB,720x720,1:1,a0368d17057fa82be9a001b26d….png)



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0db4e3 No.21669996

File: ec66d590111ef85⋯.mp4 (14.3 MB,640x480,4:3,Gloria.mp4)

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528a7b No.21669997

File: 60f8963a708eec3⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,480x852,40:71,1.mp4)

File: a08259be9fb3a15⋯.png (368.93 KB,657x845,657:845,ClipboardImage.png)



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2018e7 No.21669998

File: 71d63770b0f0a7c⋯.png (1.56 MB,1654x1654,1:1,e3cd5b95_845a_4cfc_b21d_48….png)

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000000 No.21669999

VOTE for which foundring song you like best


* Mueller Time

* Barry and the Jeets

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2fc3ac No.21670000

File: b00372488a7c0d6⋯.png (311.88 KB,384x466,192:233,5F494BF7_E6B0_4007_99FB_2A….png)

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120b54 No.21670001

File: e739bd41dae6343⋯.jpg (6.65 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)

cat on steps is named Theo Von


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fb3f41 No.21670002

File: 575c472b169fc46⋯.jpeg (176.67 KB,1300x1626,650:813,527E69BD_08B5_4494_8089_0….jpeg)

File: d1cd6b74e8c64d2⋯.jpeg (75.67 KB,700x866,350:433,6A271B38_9AE1_457C_A188_1….jpeg)

File: 46028681b5bfa8f⋯.png (1.23 MB,855x1200,57:80,BF7FF63D_3A67_43C1_AEC8_AA….png)

File: 3aaa31b3897aec3⋯.png (2.1 MB,1919x949,1919:949,3B91710D_4A45_4820_A95C_87….png)

File: fe4e9900568eaca⋯.png (135.14 KB,344x652,86:163,16353BEA_F1DF_4E30_82AE_58….png)

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120b54 No.21670003



cat on steps has rad mullett

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18a058 No.21670004

File: 8ebbeb3ac3c7bac⋯.png (1.84 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Swananoa NC

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b841ab No.21670005

File: 3d3a652f9d7a177⋯.png (233.8 KB,1080x777,360:259,Screenshot_20240928_021923.png)

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82b753 No.21670006

File: e751a9d45cf1d1e⋯.png (34.48 KB,875x510,175:102,POTUS_will_confirm_me_OMG_….png)







This is not a game!


How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

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2a6717 No.21670007

anyone got some hot meme's on the kumvisit to the border wall


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b173f1 No.21670008

File: 69d958f078110be⋯.png (46.79 KB,208x224,13:14,69d958f078110be6fda55d32cd….png)

File: fa289f39f3b7828⋯.png (357.69 KB,637x588,13:12,1909.png)

File: cc203e5e4a8015b⋯.png (256.98 KB,597x429,199:143,dan_scavino_screenshot_of_….png)


missing 'R'?

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ac7977 No.21670009

File: 1f4482a8cde919c⋯.png (19.02 KB,1200x212,300:53,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)


Bitch, get your origins straight!

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3f8919 No.21670010


>Mad Respect

'Member that one time Obama went to the middle east and no one could have a gun or ammo? Or him standing behind the bulletproof glass on the DMZ?

A nation needs a leader that's a warrior and a statesman, not a puling gay wretch that can't throw a baseball.

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fb3f41 No.21670011

File: af5ae93542e8180⋯.png (672.71 KB,880x591,880:591,BBFDF381_38E4_4E6F_B0B2_37….png)

File: faa358b8e6d92a6⋯.png (312.43 KB,735x459,245:153,EE700CE6_6A52_4FBB_8C01_9D….png)

File: 721691581604af7⋯.png (2.61 MB,1118x1456,43:56,35AC5BC6_3373_4740_9FD6_C6….png)

File: 9788a039d9d4d01⋯.jpeg (31.04 KB,211x255,211:255,25620535_BACE_46AA_8D21_A….jpeg)

File: 3165c0be5e1415d⋯.jpeg (19.44 KB,255x143,255:143,C603D039_659C_40AD_A35C_8….jpeg)

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01ce66 No.21670012


Sauce pls.

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2a6717 No.21670013


does that include cats and dogs?

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d1ef84 No.21670014


If I could turn back time…..

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bc3f0c No.21670015

File: 3800571d06a064b⋯.png (851.08 KB,894x565,894:565,3800571d06a064b4528efb6553….png)

File: 0a76c6d27869fc1⋯.mp4 (8.48 MB,720x720,1:1,0a76c6d27869fc1e6f4dcb00c1….mp4)

Winnings will be Bigly

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000000 No.21670016


Bring your cat to the Jimmy Dore show.

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311748 No.21670017

File: a761604c0c2ebca⋯.png (518.5 KB,621x865,621:865,adele_disappearing_like_la….png)

File: 045662e6a7719e5⋯.jpeg (772.65 KB,828x1009,828:1009,adele_disappearing_like_l….jpeg)

File: e7a05ff25148cad⋯.png (188.74 KB,454x462,227:231,jimmy_kimmel_disappears_li….png)

File: c14f3f09f9153fd⋯.jpeg (222.61 KB,1150x1296,575:648,Ellen_Quits_July_2024.jpeg)


who's naughty or nice?

maybe we're already finidng out

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b841ab No.21670018

File: f605b907cdd5788⋯.png (387.28 KB,1079x1272,1079:1272,Screenshot_20240928_022157.png)

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10342c No.21670019



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37d7e1 No.21670020

File: e141fc86c398563⋯.png (148.57 KB,564x748,141:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb6d25 No.21670021

File: 3c36e562ffc1328⋯.png (1.23 MB,1620x933,540:311,3c36e562ffc1328a727acdc82e….png)

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311748 No.21670022

File: 3211cf856b9df99⋯.png (670.92 KB,700x654,350:327,JFK_timeline_unless_you_fi….png)



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fca186 No.21670023


This video corroborates the binge nature of his "parties." Two elements stand out to me right away.

1. The mention of 48 hours duration

2. The need for a hospital afterwards.

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000000 No.21670024


To know so much about everything, and be condemned to having no power over anything

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b841ab No.21670025

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d2ab81 No.21670026


He's exonerated, openly admitted he was addicted to sex, went to counseling, divorced his hottie wife (reasons unknown) cut ties w/Pedowood, found Jesus (literally) and now makes most Trump loving MAGA diehards look like Trump lite.

Russel Brandt has sought forgiveness, we should acknowledge that.

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2018e7 No.21670027


>Bitch, get your origins straight!

You left out the Genealogy tree. You inbred amoeba.

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01ce66 No.21670028

notables @ 460

#26536 >>21669532

>>21669703 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21669917 Kamala collapseds in Michigan; Half of the VIP section in Trump’s town hall today in Warren, MI are Arab Americans and Muslims

>>21669657 President @realDonaldTrump never stops working

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21669597 Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21669620 Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

>>21669681, >>21669997, >>21669740 The town of Chimney Rock, NC hit hard by Helene

>>21669693 #1 MELANIA

>>21669755 Thomas Massie: Taxpayers have paid over $17 million for alleged sexual misconduct in Congressional offices

>>21669817 Kamala hasn't contacted any of the victims harmed by migrant crime

>>21669850 Dumbledore and McGonagall pass away exactly 1 year apart

>>21669851 Pompeo: With President Trump, we denied Iran the resources to fund Hamas and the Houthis

>>21669904 New border data: Criminal histories, assault, burglary, dangerous drugs, homicide, robbery, sex offenses, and traffic offenses

>>21669965 (2014) Turkish First Lady Emine Erdoğan met with Mrs. Jill Biden, wife of US Vice President Joe Biden, at the Adile Sultan Palace

>>21669940 PF: Squawk 0724 over New York

>>21669776 Memes


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120b54 No.21670029

File: 6d318e71eff9f0a⋯.jpg (8.4 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)

File: 2f532802373e34a⋯.jpg (9.86 KB,265x191,265:191,download.jpg)

File: c256bc0ffd2ef38⋯.jpg (7.77 KB,250x202,125:101,download.jpg)

File: 4a6ed7792f2a75c⋯.jpg (7.47 KB,259x194,259:194,images.jpg)

File: 50c33b542d4cdb6⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,275x183,275:183,images.jpg)


man on roof house in middleright of chimney


same a s katrina famous image

weather weapons should be a huge election issue



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230642 No.21670030


why do you want to get out of their stay and protect your land where the fuck are you going?

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b841ab No.21670031

File: 66fa54bcc275b91⋯.png (330.84 KB,1080x737,1080:737,Screenshot_20240928_022352.png)

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37d7e1 No.21670032


what they say?

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120b54 No.21670033

>>21670029 katrina

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311748 No.21670034

File: 7ba004962137949⋯.png (28.09 KB,780x708,65:59,stockroom_link_to_stephen_….png)

File: a69a18a4bd981e2⋯.png (3.18 KB,378x134,189:67,stephen_king_jfk_q_quote_i….png)

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a4b183 No.21670035

File: 2bde6d2e316c138⋯.png (680.77 KB,632x611,632:611,2bde6d2e316c138a0540e369e6….png)

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b7fd42 No.21670036

File: 48d3e5c6d6b0bc1⋯.jpg (131.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,48d3e5c6d6b0bc1a61937ba12a….jpg)

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6111d5 No.21670037

File: 1904482a4f8b2d6⋯.jpg (610.77 KB,1204x1600,301:400,Custom_Image_2709202419160….jpg)

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ac7977 No.21670038


show me then, oh mighty 'I Know Everything'

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5b6dbd No.21670039

File: 54306a3ff16b59e⋯.png (66.01 KB,878x630,439:315,3621.png)

File: c4a1bdd62e8035a⋯.png (1.46 MB,1120x632,140:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Marsha Blackburn,

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b173f1 No.21670040

File: f7d66b79f8da215⋯.jpeg (24.08 KB,255x253,255:253,hello_fren_f313cb79c3220b….jpeg)

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f7ad3d No.21670041


the thing about finding Jesus:

it's Jesus that matters, anon.

what the rest of the world thinks isn't that important in that regard.

I never saw him as someone lacking but just misguided.

but what I think doesn't matter.

Following Jesus isn't about getting adulation from other people.

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b173f1 No.21670042


>>>21669817 (You) Kamala hasn't contacted any of the victims harmed by migrant crime

they are illegals, not migrant

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000000 No.21670043


I'd rather Russel Brand found the Metadata for the Beaver County Officer's (plural) phones on the First Trump Assassination day attempt than to TRUST Russel Brand found Jesus (which is a meaningless statement.)

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fb3f41 No.21670044

File: 09ce7b9ad00211b⋯.jpeg (77.97 KB,780x512,195:128,FD7F2239_FAAA_4A91_9DC8_0….jpeg)

File: b41490a0a8d2b21⋯.png (736.85 KB,765x720,17:16,4C6F6D4A_E708_46F8_A702_D3….png)

File: 1cd608a3a86fc3f⋯.jpeg (43.95 KB,800x450,16:9,54629BC8_D0EF_4C40_ACEF_C….jpeg)

File: 40cd5b11d1f916a⋯.gif (1.39 MB,268x268,1:1,8C45433A_CDF7_4A1A_BE11_DD….gif)

File: 0d773eb8eeaceb4⋯.png (520.72 KB,568x657,568:657,787BE635_08B1_41AC_818F_63….png)

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606372 No.21670045

File: 321d9213fe13e9c⋯.jpg (13.63 KB,204x255,4:5,6a6f7ca95af0309bbaea220729….jpg)

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB,564x830,282:415,9a9706408592f0ded24f218406….jpg)

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10391a No.21670046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a Town Hall on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 6:00 PM EDT in Warren, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 4 p.m. ET.


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eabe8a No.21670047

You guys are still doing the Smoking Pepe thing?

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74f49c No.21670048

File: f92c5dceb28b2d5⋯.png (87.92 KB,473x685,473:685,qaggdropimage1911.png)

Xbox? On the screen

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311748 No.21670049

File: f60772c2a235604⋯.mp4 (472.6 KB,320x328,40:41,Hurricane_helene_Sep_2024_….mp4)


>weather weapons

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000000 No.21670050


God bless the souls of all that children enslaved in basements along USA.

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a4b183 No.21670051

File: 6797d160d0fefa1⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,6797d160d0fefa1b43b1f93a11….mp4)

Check your keys

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120b54 No.21670052


need to add the lonked vid

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12f7e9 No.21670053

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18a058 No.21670054

File: d37b3445185f27f⋯.jpeg (61.38 KB,450x694,225:347,RedPepeAtNight.jpeg)

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000000 No.21670055

They talk a lot about Butler Sheriff a lot, But I never hear them talk about Beaver County.

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b173f1 No.21670056

File: ee92d65e5a254fd⋯.png (1.01 MB,1215x740,243:148,ClipboardImage.png)


meh, nasty woman

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0db4e3 No.21670057

File: 78641065296a0ab⋯.png (849.53 KB,840x468,70:39,ClipboardImage.png)


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43d182 No.21670058

File: d34d378b7f31589⋯.jpg (304.44 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240927_192510.jpg)

I'm helping!

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37d7e1 No.21670059


she a GILF

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f7ad3d No.21670060


what you think about Russel is only important if you echo some kind of slander.

saying who did or didn't 'find Jesus' isn't your role, is it?

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5b6dbd No.21670061

File: 90640e1c5fec94c⋯.png (1.83 MB,1151x648,1151:648,ClipboardImage.png)

Boss is in da house.

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004d43 No.21670062

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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37533d No.21670063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fca186 No.21670064


It's been so long, I forgot what BDT was.

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528a7b No.21670065

File: 518544e591827d4⋯.mp4 (848.35 KB,492x270,82:45,2U.mp4)

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000000 No.21670066


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thanks for playing.

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fb3f41 No.21670067

File: 5321c35545c328c⋯.jpeg (60.6 KB,480x470,48:47,B2E7592A_E14B_48B3_9B29_7….jpeg)

File: 199f265ed279e82⋯.jpeg (100 KB,680x680,1:1,AE14D895_F33B_4692_88D9_8….jpeg)

File: 7e89e6f9e774fe5⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,EFE3C5FC_CB72_48FF_9901_AC….png)

File: 7ada10d1991a4c8⋯.jpeg (267.85 KB,2047x1655,2047:1655,77A48D7F_F455_4F63_BCB2_9….jpeg)

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e52766 No.21670068

2 failed

Ron Brown up

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fb6d25 No.21670069

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,112c7c55279d4275515728a14b….png)

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74f49c No.21670070

File: 3f667d09333aceb⋯.png (37.09 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage747.png)



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f5b1bc No.21670071


Forgiveness should not be given when it is justice that is needed.

His little act won't save him.

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000000 No.21670072

It's almost like DHS used, Smith Mundt, NDAA, and AUMF as tools to protect their democracy and simultaneously hide the Beaver County Officer's Cell Phone Metadata Pings.

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ac7977 No.21670073


NOWHERE does she mention her 'genealogy'!

MACE, Nancy, a Representative from South Carolina; born in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, N.C., December 4, 1977; graduated from Stratford High School, Goose Creek, S.C., 1995; attended Trident Technical College, Charleston, S.C.; B.A., The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C., 1999; M.S., University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., 2004; author; public relations consultant; real estate broker; unsuccessful candidate for nomination for United States Senate for the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress in 2014; presidential campaign aide; member of the South Carolina state house of representatives, 2018-2020; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Seventeenth and to the succeeding Congress (January 3, 2021-present).


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10391a No.21670074

File: dc8937c45d17219⋯.png (595.69 KB,936x527,936:527,65423H532523.PNG)

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5b6dbd No.21670075


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f570cc No.21670076

File: 381c7fabe0aee03⋯.png (790 KB,1080x631,1080:631,Screenshot_20240927_162746….png)

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0db4e3 No.21670077

File: 26d0b06f7d18203⋯.png (697.3 KB,836x471,836:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1ef84 No.21670078

Seemed like a forced hug from Marsha to POTUS

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6111d5 No.21670079


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d4da85 No.21670080

File: 48bbf42ea28a2cb⋯.png (12.88 KB,255x246,85:82,661db28944a961a15d314b9a3d….png)

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120b54 No.21670081



weather weapons should be a huge election issue

>>21670029 katrina

>>21670004 helene

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a8b6f6 No.21670082

File: ad5f7696add9e9d⋯.png (112.93 KB,770x566,385:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2bca7e79785074⋯.png (61.11 KB,746x310,373:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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2018e7 No.21670083


You're the biggest blow hard on the board tonight so get to it. You got 5 minutes or I snuff out your voice for the night. I think I'll do that anyway. Faggot.

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315859 No.21670084

File: 043a15057f007b4⋯.png (1.71 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you!

7:28 >17

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74f49c No.21670085

File: ddfec3c6231940f⋯.png (32.77 KB,473x329,473:329,qaggdropimage557.png)

File: 282354a392f6b61⋯.png (200.18 KB,473x1680,473:1680,qaggdropimage520.png)


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5b6dbd No.21670086

The numbers release has timing written all over it.

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6111d5 No.21670087

Stable Stage Setting Genius

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b173f1 No.21670088

File: b18a0d99918345b⋯.png (1.09 MB,1210x707,1210:707,ClipboardImage.png)

that looked cold and awkward

she is yuck

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f7ad3d No.21670089


you're not his savior.

he'll have to face justice if he did bad things, but as far as how he is with Jesus, you don't get to decide.

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5b6dbd No.21670090

Let's get back to the show - Trump

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b841ab No.21670091

File: 993617621424e70⋯.png (395.48 KB,1080x1093,1080:1093,Screenshot_20240928_023040.png)

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ac7977 No.21670092


lol I so fear for your broken heart…

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0c86f0 No.21670093

POTUS: ' Lets get back to the Show'

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d4da85 No.21670094

File: 237122bca00bdef⋯.png (1.25 MB,1400x846,700:423,237122bca00bdef6c4ff95b7ad….png)

let's get back to the show

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fb3f41 No.21670095

File: 19da0914bbce02f⋯.jpeg (47.28 KB,433x600,433:600,56CAE180_9759_4FD9_8CCD_9….jpeg)

File: 5cd2e2100f022b8⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,29C32CC2_426E_472D_8788_F9….png)

File: 12db621039f9534⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,4F526E69_B932_4824_B7E5_01….png)


fuckin whiisker sucking gray hairs mr important

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a4b183 No.21670096

File: 080d357cb48733d⋯.jpg (86.47 KB,850x400,17:8,080d357cb48733d67cd06e4a88….jpg)

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74f49c No.21670097

File: 9e7d60c530e5ca9⋯.png (450.25 KB,473x1359,473:1359,qaggdropimage1904.png)

File: ae957159efa85c1⋯.png (663.9 KB,473x4311,473:4311,qaggdropimage2305.png)

Silver coin?

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000000 No.21670098




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e25df4 No.21670099

File: f4ce628fab5c515⋯.jpeg (546.92 KB,1350x1960,135:196,IMG_3537.jpeg)

File: 3cab38d078f48b3⋯.jpeg (543.83 KB,1369x1998,37:54,IMG_3538.jpeg)

File: 1d5910560a510e5⋯.jpeg (524.52 KB,1381x1987,1381:1987,IMG_3539.jpeg)

File: 8020b8e4044c891⋯.jpeg (497.96 KB,1355x1872,1355:1872,IMG_3540.jpeg)

File: 296b73ba8fff500⋯.jpeg (530.64 KB,1376x2012,344:503,IMG_3541.jpeg)



“Merry Christmas, AMERICA!”

Let’s get back to the Show - PDJT

He’s making a List ✨

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b841ab No.21670100

File: a25f860d7408ea3⋯.png (382.41 KB,1080x877,1080:877,Screenshot_20240928_023154.png)

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f5b1bc No.21670101


Thankfully, Jesus isn't gullible like his followers.

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0c86f0 No.21670102

POTUS: ' Youd look like youd be great job… he can make the engine, the body any day of my car '

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5f52ad No.21670103

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a2dbb3 No.21670104

File: fb0a4b696e1f23f⋯.png (624.31 KB,750x861,250:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Start locking the fuckers up like its the 48 days of Christmas, save Gavin Newsom for last and finally recover California.

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e25df4 No.21670105

File: a511b321454adbb⋯.jpeg (531.47 KB,1367x1960,1367:1960,IMG_3542.jpeg)

File: 38cb706b31dad28⋯.jpeg (511.14 KB,1376x1966,688:983,IMG_3543.jpeg)

File: 48c0f2152d755ec⋯.jpeg (521.07 KB,1357x1901,1357:1901,IMG_3544.jpeg)

File: 3c9a12188f3bb11⋯.jpeg (520.06 KB,1388x1899,1388:1899,IMG_3545.jpeg)

File: 941261ae50e9843⋯.jpeg (494.25 KB,1390x1896,695:948,IMG_3546.jpeg)


The List Continues…

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000000 No.21670106

Anon knows how to fix, FBI, DOJ, SES, CIA, NSA in 24 hours.

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45f993 No.21670107

President Trump: The small number of jobs they created were all taken by illegal immigrants in the last short period of time, and we're gonna make that change.

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a4b183 No.21670108

File: 71f9afbb5b1b17e⋯.png (1.8 MB,1080x1677,360:559,71f9afbb5b1b17e1e051b0a368….png)

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e76fe1 No.21670109

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)


What's smoking pepe? I just post memes I like

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5f52ad No.21670110

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e25df4 No.21670111

File: 18cedc5d23e28be⋯.jpeg (616.36 KB,1370x1998,685:999,IMG_3547.jpeg)

File: 84bd1e6fe507385⋯.jpeg (713.66 KB,1370x1914,685:957,IMG_3548.jpeg)

File: f55f50051e2a392⋯.jpeg (605.73 KB,1375x1824,1375:1824,IMG_3549.jpeg)

File: 231499c4c1f3215⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1373x1900,1373:1900,IMG_3550.jpeg)

File: d3749184c0e03ea⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1384x1809,1384:1809,IMG_3551.jpeg)


The List Continues…

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c93c7f No.21670112

File: 16500f987bd75e6⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17274679441….mp4)





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740fa8 No.21670113

I just came here to say you guys are fags.

My buddy was a QAnoner, spent years telling everyone “the reptilians” this and “Q Clock” that. Eventually he found a way to isolate himself from all his friends and family, he lost his job, began doing drugs, and eventually fell off the face of the planet. That was about 4 years ago. I hope you are proud of yourselves. You think you’re these secret double decoder agents, when in reality, everyone thinks you’re crazy and doing a tremendous disservice to your families and this country.

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120b54 No.21670114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



russell brand enforced holiday with diddy cannot refuse


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b91747 No.21670115


John thought Jesus was bringing wrath, then Jesus forgave everyone and told them the Truth.

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2fc3ac No.21670116

File: 51c4726909da67a⋯.png (1.76 MB,1244x1148,311:287,C91F22CD_BCFE_4EF2_AD4A_75….png)

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fb3f41 No.21670117

File: 358b9ddca2b385a⋯.png (734.14 KB,786x785,786:785,6C946BED_E332_48E0_898A_B5….png)

File: 9558e55d135124e⋯.png (204.63 KB,579x854,579:854,B430C841_F54B_40F9_9DF2_A5….png)

File: ecaa8c444ea1d63⋯.jpeg (28.13 KB,255x233,255:233,00523B97_A352_49A3_BFE8_8….jpeg)

File: 493213004e0759b⋯.jpeg (128.63 KB,680x636,170:159,001D38A5_23C9_4BED_B6BF_2….jpeg)

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e25df4 No.21670118

File: 176d17f61105990⋯.jpeg (965.98 KB,1411x1442,1411:1442,IMG_3552.jpeg)


The List Continues…

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a2dbb3 No.21670119

File: 22aa1f9151cf264⋯.png (74.44 KB,240x188,60:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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3765b7 No.21670120


How is this action criminal?

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b2229b No.21670121

File: 60f7bc7c9072a47⋯.png (108.37 KB,242x236,121:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2ab81 No.21670122


Missed my point, but okay. I don't care about him finding Jesus, it was a data point. He's still open to investigation, should provide witness, etc but I personally feel he broke the spell and escaped the madness. He was always a miserable person before.

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000000 No.21670123


Swearing in Illegal Cops = Par for the corps when your DHS plan is INVASION and GOVERNMENT TOPPLE

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5f52ad No.21670124


Jesus and the airing of grievances

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b91747 No.21670125

File: 2d56e82352dd26b⋯.jpg (67.93 KB,667x500,667:500,2d56e82352dd26b473300a6377….jpg)

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74f49c No.21670126

File: 82561d799c80685⋯.png (43.42 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage25.png)

File: 9490c401ecd88d3⋯.png (135.07 KB,473x1344,473:1344,qaggdropimage100.png)

File: 750464166dc63ca⋯.png (16.74 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage400.png)

File: 159d8e5de98234f⋯.png (31.31 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage500.png)


McKinley mentioned.

>25th president.

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fca186 No.21670127

File: ea1954735e3d1e0⋯.jpg (141.69 KB,842x499,842:499,gi.jpg)

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b841ab No.21670128

File: 8ddeb262ef22adc⋯.png (159.98 KB,1080x1157,1080:1157,Screenshot_20240928_023501.png)

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f570cc No.21670129


At this point I'm just confused

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b173f1 No.21670130

File: 3156b1b331d7a47⋯.png (241.47 KB,627x797,627:797,ClipboardImage.png)

Citizen Free Press


Biblical find: Why the heart of the right is wise and the heart of the left is foolish




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45f993 No.21670131

President Trump: We're gonna use tariffs very, very wisely. You know, our country in the 1890's was probably the wealthiest it ever was, because it was a system of tariffs. We had a president, McKinley…he was really a very good business man, then he took in billions of dollars at the time…we were a very wealthy country, and we're gonna be doing that now.

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74f49c No.21670132

File: 130e627664dba30⋯.png (25.09 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage250.png)


Missed one ;)

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120b54 No.21670133


cassie who started all the arrest shit on diddy is behind russell on the plane

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000000 No.21670134

Why does Hillary Still have a Security Clearance or Opinion after sharing Secrets with the Enemy

(Even though the "real secrets" *de-smith munted are of her own crimes)

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000000 No.21670135


>My buddy was a QAnoner


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a683ba No.21670136


Follow the watch?

Tick Tock?

Trump selling watches…REALLY NICE WATCHES!

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5b6dbd No.21670137


Nobody here believes your bullshit, Homo shill.

Weak shill fu means you have to go back to Facebook.

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eabe8a No.21670138

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,pedro.png)

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58ee65 No.21670139

File: 27811f3b713edc5⋯.gif (5.23 MB,498x281,498:281,27811f3b713edc5ba99730df82….gif)

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bd59af No.21670140


that is funny.

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b91747 No.21670141


>after sharing Secrets

You mean bait?

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b841ab No.21670142

File: 0904382f5e1b78f⋯.png (602.26 KB,1080x1111,1080:1111,Screenshot_20240928_023622.png)

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000000 No.21670143

The corrupt FBI has to Go.

DE-ACTIVATE THEM and Confiscate their Blackmail shit.

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fb6d25 No.21670144

File: 7aed1f7e463f7e9⋯.jpg (61.38 KB,568x554,284:277,7aed1f7e463f7e9ba516055f2f….jpg)


Of course they are. The clowns can't think of anything to do than imitate someone that saw through their bullshit, so they're "destroying" that person with their imitations. Superficial and covetous clowns attacking with shit I couldn't care less about.

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a683ba No.21670145

File: ecb53720599ff92⋯.png (1.36 MB,1012x849,1012:849,ClipboardImage.png)

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c93c7f No.21670146

File: 0060e2781928ede⋯.png (444.85 KB,1033x445,1033:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b6dbd No.21670147

Which homo said the other day Q+ doesn't do Q&A?

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ac7977 No.21670148

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2fc3ac No.21670149


Chinese Michelle Obama is Terry Crews

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b841ab No.21670150

File: 9f9c0174ec1986f⋯.png (309.68 KB,1080x980,54:49,Screenshot_20240928_023720.png)

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2d754f No.21670151

File: 9025e73cea12828⋯.jpg (46.2 KB,717x403,717:403,AFALark.jpg)

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b173f1 No.21670152

File: e9aeafae450a400⋯.png (1.06 MB,1214x738,607:369,ClipboardImage.png)

she reminded me of crooked hillary clinton, she got up and started walking around - PDJT

he doesnt like marsha marsha marsha

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2018e7 No.21670153


Times up Faggot.

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82b753 No.21670154


Q+ announced 7:26 pm > Q726 "Over the Target"

Q+ first speaks 7:29 pm > Q729 "You will cease to exist. Timestamp. Learn.


Q+ first statement after greeting - "I want to confirm some numbers…"

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d1ef84 No.21670155

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b173f1 No.21670156

File: dfbc25bf1fb496a⋯.png (87.94 KB,213x332,213:332,thumbs_up.png)

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ac7977 No.21670157


The Truth isn't for everyone….sad…

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a683ba No.21670158

File: 56f5bdb862739a5⋯.mp4 (961.94 KB,492x270,82:45,trumpwatches.mp4)



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eabe8a No.21670159

File: a68487bb80a8b43⋯.png (7.61 MB,5000x5000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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74f49c No.21670160

File: 15967a1615ff362⋯.png (155.51 KB,473x851,473:851,qaggdropimage936.png)

File: 067b34261254b44⋯.png (36.36 KB,473x371,473:371,qaggdropimage616.png)

File: 3e74dbc725cb6fb⋯.png (20.96 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage696.png)

File: b591f57d0601c1a⋯.png (95.38 KB,473x615,473:615,qaggdropimage336.png)

File: 7cf821159ffc3f0⋯.png (51.94 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage3369.png)

39 days

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5f52ad No.21670161

File: 27e653c2cddaf97⋯.png (296.71 KB,500x518,250:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca39961adbfeb18⋯.png (877.71 KB,500x865,100:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93a53185be7365d⋯.png (426.14 KB,500x334,250:167,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d477316d4768046⋯.png (740.69 KB,500x804,125:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2dbb3 No.21670162

File: 4b9672e679f335a⋯.gif (413.33 KB,500x281,500:281,fafo.gif)


The truth about WW2 will make us free

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b841ab No.21670163

File: 81439ca67d7e3b1⋯.png (509 KB,1080x1452,90:121,Screenshot_20240928_023948.png)

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a683ba No.21670164

File: 798892d6e4bbee3⋯.png (248.09 KB,525x317,525:317,Dclock2big.png)

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504b7a No.21670166

File: faa3e8f918ebf4d⋯.png (60.93 KB,227x219,227:219,ClipboardImage.png)


no we're done with that, please stop

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58ee65 No.21670167

File: f9fe26c88be67af⋯.mp4 (315.51 KB,480x704,15:22,shopping.mp4)

File: 2e4d12fecd1a53d⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,590x423,590:423,in_your_general_direction.jpg)

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a4b183 No.21670168

File: 81b5271cded7e5f⋯.jpg (151.22 KB,490x504,35:36,81b5271cded7e5f410412c1ad4….jpg)


entire list is


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d1ef84 No.21670169

File: 519e5d9e381a9e3⋯.png (8.99 KB,255x154,255:154,FISHING.png)


Yet here you are….

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a59cb0 No.21670170

>Chimney Rock, NC wiped out

your families are safe -Q

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5b6dbd No.21670171

We're going to bring energy costs down by 50% within 12 months - Trump

One year from January 20th.

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a7f10f No.21670172

File: e32fc15f49729e3⋯.png (347.83 KB,496x551,496:551,Screenshot_20230910_172914.png)

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74f49c No.21670173

File: 3b6a7bf7e8e3df9⋯.png (104.63 KB,473x465,473:465,qaggdropimage4167.png)

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000000 No.21670174


Yeah Q has been AWOL for 6+ years, the TRUTH isn't for Q.

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b841ab No.21670175

File: b05715875aac8a1⋯.png (744.98 KB,1080x1895,216:379,Screenshot_20240928_024219.png)

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fb6d25 No.21670176

File: d28245fb3ba0664⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,800x486,400:243,gunshow_pepe.jpg)


It's not that big, hun. Just say when, I don't have to put it all the way in.

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45f993 No.21670177

President Trump: Energy's coming way down, and when energy comes down, everything else follows. That's what started this onslaught of inflation, the greatest we've ever had in our country. We had almost no inflation, and that carried on for two years into their; I used to say his, now I say their, but nobody even really knows who our president is, if you wanna know; who is our president? Who is he? We're not sure who the president is.

Crowd: Trump! Trump! Trump!

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2a6717 No.21670178

5:0'. One year from 1-16-25


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f9e08e No.21670179


coincidence russel brand hate is back the day after somebody posted the "he's jeffery" video with russel and jonah running from diddy

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01ce66 No.21670180

notables @ 610

#26536 >>21669532

>>21669703 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21669917 Kamala collapses in Michigan; Half of the VIP section in Trump’s town hall today in Warren, MI are Arab Americans and Muslims

>>21670154 POTUS on stage @ 7:26

>>21669657 President @realDonaldTrump never stops working

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21669597 Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21669620 Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

>>21669681, >>21669997, >>21669740 The town of Chimney Rock, NC hit hard by Helene

>>21669693 #1 MELANIA

>>21669696 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.

>>21669755 Thomas Massie: Taxpayers have paid over $17 million for alleged sexual misconduct in Congressional offices

>>21669817 Kamala hasn't contacted any of the victims harmed by illegal migrant crime

>>21669850 Dumbledore and McGonagall pass away exactly 1 year apart

>>21669851 Pompeo: With President Trump, we denied Iran the resources to fund Hamas and the Houthis

>>21669904 New border data: Criminal histories, assault, burglary, dangerous drugs, homicide, robbery, sex offenses, and traffic offenses

>>21669965 Biden and Erdogan have some history

>>21669940 PF: Squawk 0724 over New York

>>21670099, >>21670105, >>21670111, >>21670118 P-Diddy Party List Names

>>21670112 Greatness

>>21670114 Russell Brand Talks 'Devil's Control' as Diddy’s 'Forced Holiday' Interview Gains Attention

>>21669776 Memes


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38e404 No.21670181

twice now i swear he said tesler

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000000 No.21670182

Q ran like AZOV in the Avdeefka Cauldron. kek

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311748 No.21670183

File: 1fa77bd23ea43dd⋯.jpg (18.67 KB,380x430,38:43,mckinley.jpg)


>We had a president, McKinley…he was really a very good business man


He knows.

Murdered so that British agent Roosevelt could be potus and take the US into their war

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cb6fa3 No.21670184

File: 9867d28247af34c⋯.jpg (42.16 KB,931x524,931:524,adamshifty.jpg)


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e25df4 No.21670185

File: 4dff23d3442733f⋯.jpeg (1005.75 KB,1384x1885,1384:1885,IMG_3553.jpeg)


Original Poster on X …


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b841ab No.21670186

File: 1d47370b1a65dec⋯.png (1019.08 KB,1080x2069,1080:2069,Screenshot_20240928_024401.png)

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f570cc No.21670187

File: fbae4a94f7f1e33⋯.png (949.73 KB,1080x710,108:71,Screenshot_20240927_164351….png)


VIP disguises

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5b6dbd No.21670188

Cumulative inflation rate 20.3%

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b2229b No.21670189


he did

he also said 5.0. 50%

5:5 >>21670154

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b173f1 No.21670190



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120b54 No.21670191

File: 166cecdda1f981a⋯.jpg (5.83 KB,223x226,223:226,images.jpg)


russell brand was married to katy perry

then he released that no makeup pic and she later divorced him kek

she refers to

Russell Brand as “Rasputin”



The name


comes from the Russian word





A person with great but insidious influence

The term is used to describe

someone who has a lot of influence in a way that is not obvious or straightforward.

For example, "the dynamics of the situation do not permit him to be a Rasputin, whispering in Nixon's ear".

A Siberian peasant monk and religious advisor

Grigori Rasputin (1871–1916) was a Siberian peasant monk who was a religious advisor to Tsar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexandra. He was a controversial figure who was believed to have healing abilities. His influence over the royal family led to public unrest and contributed to the downfall of the Russian monarchy.

A song

"Rasputin" was a song that went viral on TikTok in 2021. The song was originally released in 1979 and was a major hit in Canada.

A small civet

Viverricula indica is a small civet found in South and Southeast Asia. The word Rasputin comes from the Javanese word rase.

The name Rasputin comes from the Russian word rasputny, which means "debauched".




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2fc3ac No.21670192

File: ffb112d1fc3d6ec⋯.png (83.02 KB,212x332,53:83,DDAA486E_F7CC_4364_8CFD_5E….png)

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4f577d No.21670193



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ac7977 No.21670194


Learn to disseminate

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504b7a No.21670195



this isn't a place its a microcosm

Your comment here is a gay & ignorant part of this microcosm

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5b6dbd No.21670196

Popcorn prices will come down by 100%

Free popcorn for everyone.

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0c86f0 No.21670197

POTUS: ' You dont want inflation at zero, … deflation is as bad or worse than inflation.. the ideal number is between 1 percent and 2 percent '

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5f52ad No.21670198

File: 67f1026181bba45⋯.png (3.63 MB,3022x3019,3022:3019,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21670200



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74f49c No.21670201

File: 1c8632dae6f088c⋯.png (316.69 KB,473x1158,473:1158,qaggdropimage1866.png)

File: 0e012b05d862713⋯.png (69.33 KB,473x581,473:581,qaggdropimage1867.png)

File: 3b79c823ddb36e8⋯.png (130.76 KB,473x917,473:917,qaggdropimage1981.png)

File: 5fa1cbced6fe956⋯.jpg (100.75 KB,1420x1963,1420:1963,5fa1cbced6fe9561db6d235465….jpg)

File: f91ee4645d0b62f⋯.png (1.03 MB,2904x1926,484:321,f91ee4645d0b62f506d44687c8….png)

We will make America great again

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0c86f0 No.21670202

POTUS: ' And make america great again '

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5fa52f No.21670203

File: cf73acd21467495⋯.mp4 (797.86 KB,640x480,4:3,kekz.mp4)

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82b753 No.21670204


Put a balm on it.

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9e93ba No.21670205

File: 9eb22fd4e2cfe8c⋯.png (440.53 KB,1080x1135,216:227,Screenshot_20240928_024536.png)

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b2229b No.21670206


He practically growled it.

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315859 No.21670207

File: 13cbb35a5d8fa76⋯.png (1.68 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48347372ffc4c3f⋯.png (1.48 MB,1363x767,1363:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e8d1163e635903⋯.png (1.58 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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e25df4 No.21670208


Wow! Im glad someone is keeping track!

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000000 No.21670209

Anon will be happy to talk about Q, but first provide the BEAVER COUNTY SHERIFF PHONE METADATA…

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a2dbb3 No.21670210


Feed it to your AI tool

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b65b70 No.21670211

Momanon in TN says a dam has failed, the water is rising, the bridge is washed out, hey are rescuing people at the bottom of the hill from their roof, the local medical center is being evaluated by boat…

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c93c7f No.21670212

File: 2739700c58a294f⋯.png (1.24 MB,1199x809,1199:809,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac7977 No.21670213



Cargo cults were diverse spiritual and political movements that arose among indigenous Melanesians following Western colonisation of the region in the late 19th century. Features common to most cargo cult groups include the presence of charismatic prophet figures foretelling an imminent cataclysm and/or a coming utopia for followers…

blah blah bla

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000000 No.21670214


if you got AI, ask it a question..

You are in a room with a wood desk and a mirror, how do you get out?

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45f993 No.21670215

President Trump: Mexico's a big threat now. Mexico's taking a lot of your business, and we're not gonna let that happen. We need a smart series of tariffs and taxes. It's very simple business.

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b841ab No.21670216

File: 49825ba54f4e630⋯.png (385.83 KB,1080x1023,360:341,Screenshot_20240928_024847.png)

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6b6245 No.21670217

File: ce7b8f7143d62e0⋯.png (605.14 KB,720x514,360:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7ad3d No.21670218


I do care that he found to follow Jesus. I think that's wonderful.

but my point: I don't need to tell him that, I don't need to give him praise.

I might do that, I might say 'wow, that's awesome.'

my point: it's not about me that he is following Jesus.

Good for him.

If he's sincere he's not following Jesus because other sinners praise him for doing it

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4f577d No.21670219


Rasputin is rumored to have had a big'ol moose cawk. There is an actual photo on the web of Russell Brand's British micropeen. Calling Brand, Rasputin, is like calling a dust mote a planet.

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576e98 No.21670220


>fell off the face of the planet.

Flat earther confirmed

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b173f1 No.21670221

File: a45793ec76a5e52⋯.png (3.93 MB,1168x2756,292:689,ClipboardImage.png)


>Russell Brand as “Rasputin”

And Katy Perry looks like Rumpelstiltskin, without makeup on.

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74f49c No.21670222

File: 31a4af8120e32cc⋯.png (63.02 KB,473x497,473:497,qaggdropimage737.png)

File: 1a696f4d52f9eac⋯.png (44.59 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage886.png)

File: 5c5d4bc5ef54cd6⋯.png (24.62 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage3615.png)

File: e94f87754a4017e⋯.png (32.77 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage4669.png)

File: 7ce160d38f1f94f⋯.png (19.31 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage2019.png)



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b841ab No.21670223

File: 6f06d92a8c9f2d1⋯.png (302.53 KB,1080x993,360:331,Screenshot_20240928_024952.png)

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311748 No.21670224


non-citizen could mean green card here

they're going for the reaction

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b173f1 No.21670225

File: aa91f7674ecbaa8⋯.png (381.73 KB,508x771,508:771,russell_brand_has_to_pull_….png)

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000000 No.21670226


She´s pretty.

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120b54 No.21670227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>"Rasputin" was a song that went viral on TikTok in 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJOIa8-Wcic

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eabe8a No.21670228

File: ec2a4cd0d7b2fdf⋯.png (23.72 KB,898x214,449:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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45f993 No.21670229

President Trump: It's so easy to solve. Were gonna need the help of the Senate, we're gonna need the help of the House, and if they won't do it, I have the authorization and the power to do it myself [tariffs], and we'll have to do it.

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a4b183 No.21670230

File: 884fb69afeb3552⋯.png (1.27 MB,2560x2560,1:1,884fb69afeb35528d38e6520d5….png)

When will Sean Penn and Bono get something going to help those Floridadians and fight climate change and bring more sustainability?

Oprah, Diddler, Michelle help out!

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a683ba No.21670231

File: b72677e6f47af2e⋯.png (119.39 KB,426x586,213:293,GuyInFishTankBassPros_remo….png)

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120b54 No.21670232





There lived a certain man in Russia long ago

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow

Most people look at him with terror and with fear

But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear

He could preach the Bible like a preacher

Full of ecstasy and fire

But he also was the kind of teacher

Women would desire

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

There lived a certain man in Russia long ago

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow

Most people look at him with terror and with fear

But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear

He could preach the Bible like a preacher

Full of ecstasy and fire

But he also was the kind of teacher

Women would desire


Lover of the Russian queen

There was a cat that really was gone


Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

He ruled the Russian land and never mind the Czar

But the kazachok he danced really wunderbar

In all affairs of state he was the man to please

But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze

For the queen he was no wheeler dealer

Though she'd heard the things he'd done

She believed he was a holy healer

Who would heal her son

Ra-ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian queen

There was a cat that really was gone

Ra-ra Rasputin

Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

But when his drinking and lusting

And his hunger for power

Became known to more and more people

The demands to do something

About this outrageous man

Became louder and louder

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

"This man's just got to go", declared his enemies

But the ladies begged, "Don't you try to do it, please"

No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms

Though he was a brute, they just fell into his arms

Then one night some men of higher standing

Set a trap, they're not to blame

"Come to visit us", they kept demanding

And he really came

Ra-ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian queen

They put some poison into his wine

Ra-ra Rasputin

Russia's greatest love machine

He drank it all and said, "I feel fine"


Lover of the Russian queen

They didn't quit, they wanted his head


Russia's greatest love machine

And so they shot him 'til he was dead

Oh, those Russians

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000000 No.21670233


If you are in a room with a mirror and wood desk and you need to get out….







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4f577d No.21670234


Not sure why someone who isn't a citizen should be given a position of public trust. Do any other countries do this?

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fb6d25 No.21670235

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)


I heard he's a reformed drug addict that likes to live clean and she was into coke was the main reason for their split, not because he posted a pic of her without her makeup on.

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0c86f0 No.21670236


yess, like grrrrreat

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0c86f0 No.21670237

POTUS: ' I sleep with that chart, i kiss it goodnight, i love you baby '

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511c15 No.21670238

File: 3a75ed97f355344⋯.png (6.46 KB,298x169,298:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9e08e No.21670239


DJT working on his metal vocals

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12f7e9 No.21670240


mabbe back off the antipsychotics for a bit

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b841ab No.21670241

File: 41c82fb63a8c213⋯.png (168.99 KB,1080x958,540:479,Screenshot_20240928_025440.png)

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120b54 No.21670242

File: b61130ebe5001ae⋯.jpg (4.8 KB,148x148,1:1,download.jpg)

File: 1e0180c1d430505⋯.jpg (2.97 KB,148x148,1:1,images.jpg)

File: f29a3d68067382f⋯.jpg (3.38 KB,148x148,1:1,download.jpg)

File: 31cc9cfa37720e9⋯.jpg (5.03 KB,260x148,65:37,download.jpg)

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bc3f0c No.21670243

File: f9f6955de5585e2⋯.png (71.02 KB,800x803,800:803,66f6c51e8d805.png)

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e25df4 No.21670244

File: d943e072a9805e3⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1620x1847,1620:1847,IMG_3554.jpeg)

Tariff of 1789

The Tariff Act of 1789 was the first major piece of legislation passed in the United States after the ratification of the United States Constitution. It had three purposes: to support government, to protect manufacturing industries developing in the nation, and to raise revenue for the federal debt. It was sponsored by Congressman James Madison, passed by the 1st United States Congress, and signed into law by President George Washington. The act levied a 50¢ per ton duty on goods imported by foreign ships; American-owned vessels were charged 6¢ per ton.[citation needed][dubious – discuss]

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the weak Congress of the Confederation had been unable to impose a tariff or reach reciprocal trade agreements with most European powers, creating a situation in which the country was unable to prevent a flood of European goods which were damaging domestic manufacturers even while Britain and other countries placed high duties on U.S. goods. The country also faced major debts left over from the Revolutionary War, and needed new sources of funding to maintain financial solvency. One of the major powers granted under the new Constitution was the ability to levy tariffs, and after the 1st Congress was seated, passage of a tariff bill became one of the most pressing issues.

The debates over the purpose of the tariff exposed the sectional interests at stake: Northern manufacturers favored high duties to protect industry; Southern planters desired a low tariff that would foster cheap consumer imports. Ultimately, Madison navigated the tariff to passage, but he was unable to include a provision in the final bill that would have discriminated against British imports. After passing both houses of Congress, President Washington signed the act in law on July 6, 1789 when they used it to pay off the US war debt.

Economic conditions prior to passage

Further information: Confederation Period

The American Revolution was followed by an economic reorganization, which carried in its wake a period of uncertainty and hard times. During the conflict, labor and investment had been diverted from agriculture and legitimate trade to manufacturing and privateers. Men had gone into occupations that ceased with the end of the war. Lowered prices, resulting from the cessation of war demands, in combination with the importation of the cheaper goods of Europe, were fast ruining such infant manufacturing concerns as had sprung up during the war, some of which were at a comparative disadvantage with the resumption of normal foreign trading relations.[1]

Another factor which made the situation even more distressing was the British Navigation Acts. The only clause in the 1783 Paris peace treaty concerning commerce was a stipulation guaranteeing that the navigation of the Mississippi would be forever free to the United States. John Jay had tried to secure some reciprocal trade provisions with Great Britain but without result. William Pitt, in 1783, introduced a bill into the British Parliament providing for free trade between the United States and the British colonies, but instead of passing the bill, Parliament enacted the British Navigation Act 1783, which admitted only British built and manned ships to the ports of the West Indies, and imposed heavy tonnage dues upon American ships in other British ports. It was amplified in 1786 by another act designed to prevent the fraudulent registration of American vessels and by still another in 1787, which prohibited the importation of American goods by way of foreign islands. The favorable features of the old Navigation Acts that had granted bounties and reserved the English markets in certain cases to colonial products were gone; the unfavorable ones were left. The British market was further curtailed by the depression there after 1783. Although the French treaty of 1778 had promised "perfect equality and reciprocity" in commercial relations, it was found impossible to make a commercial treaty on that basis. Spain demanded, as the price for reciprocal trading relations, a surrender by the United States for 25 years the right of navigating the Mississippi, a price that the New England merchants would have been glad to pay.


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01ce66 No.21670245


Sauce pls.

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fdcc01 No.21670246


3 Times the "bios flashed", showing "the start up image", but "the system never lost power" as "the picture was enlarged". "Fatal1ty" is the name of the "Mother-board". "Phenom Black edition" is the "Processor". This was all documented in a board "bread" called Phenom-anon. Mathematically impossible, God is surely with us.

Take this bread in remembrance of me.

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45f993 No.21670247

President Trump: You know what they do, they dump the product cheaply, then everybody goes out of business, then they take over the businesses and they sell it for two and three times what it was selling for before. Rockefeller, in the old days, he used to open a gas station; he used to underprice it by fifty, a hundred; he'd give the gas away. He'd drive the people out of business around him. Then he'd buy up the gas stations or close 'em, and he'd make a fortune. That's exactly what they do on an even bigger scale.

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01ce66 No.21670248

notables @ 680

#26536 >>21669532

>>21669703 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21669917 Kamala collapses in Michigan; Half of the VIP section in Trump’s town hall today in Warren, MI are Arab Americans and Muslims

>>21670154, >>21670207 POTUS on stage @ 7:26

>>21669657 President @realDonaldTrump never stops working

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21669597 Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21669620 Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

>>21669681, >>21669997, >>21669740 The town of Chimney Rock, NC hit hard by Helene

>>21669693 #1 MELANIA

>>21669696 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.

>>21669755 Thomas Massie: Taxpayers have paid over $17 million for alleged sexual misconduct in Congressional offices

>>21669817 Kamala hasn't contacted any of the victims harmed by illegal migrant crime

>>21669850 Dumbledore and McGonagall pass away exactly 1 year apart

>>21669851 Pompeo: With President Trump, we denied Iran the resources to fund Hamas and the Houthis

>>21669904 New border data: Criminal histories, assault, burglary, dangerous drugs, homicide, robbery, sex offenses, and traffic offenses

>>21669965 Biden and Erdogan have some history

>>21669940 PF: Squawk 0724 over New York

>>21669956, >>21670114 Russell Brand Talks 'Devil's Control' as Diddy’s 'Forced Holiday' Interview From 2009 Gains Attention

>>21670112 Greatness

>>21670185, >>21670099, >>21670105, >>21670111, >>21670118 P-Diddy Party List Names

>>21669776 Memes


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000000 No.21670249


>Do any other countries do this?

Yes invaded toppled countries by the CIA including

Yugoslavia, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Tunisia, Armenia, Russia, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Belarus, Libya, Iraq, and Sudan all do.

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f9e08e No.21670250


try the internet

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0c86f0 No.21670251

POTUS: ' Thank you to the teamsters… i got 60 percent of the vote, thank you '

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000000 No.21670252


Brand has said that he was sexually abused by a tutor.[24]


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000000 No.21670253

And now SOROS has RADIO STATION MK ULTRA.. Thanks FCC (another "Our Democracy" agency not in the constitution)

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4b8e85 No.21670254

File: 2d4ef9b1768a6cc⋯.jpg (47.44 KB,515x512,515:512,2d4ef9b1768a6ccfcbc757fe55….jpg)


Almost as if we are at war!

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f570cc No.21670255


Sauce it lazy faggoy

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cb6fa3 No.21670256

File: 565db80700da7fc⋯.jpg (194.11 KB,1280x853,1280:853,seanpennhaiti.jpg)


The Penn Foundation is already on the ground and mAKING A DIFFERENCE!

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f9e08e No.21670257


ask the OP again since you didn't check ID

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0c86f0 No.21670258

POTUS: ' Years ago in this area.. i was honored in this area as Man of The Year… the fakers back there.. you see the fake news.. ohh they said it never happened.. i was Man of The Year… why do you allow them to take away your car industry away from you… they said it never happened.. and lo and behold… it did happen… '

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4b8e85 No.21670259

File: 00c439dfd3544c6⋯.jpg (327.93 KB,1470x1414,105:101,00c439dfd3544c68246159550d….jpg)


That was a bigly thing!!

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f59722 No.21670260

File: edf7d0c498ed5f1⋯.jpeg (44.07 KB,189x280,27:40,IMG_6431.jpeg)

File: 71ccd19dc6e071a⋯.jpeg (17.41 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_6432.jpeg)

File: 6aae76f5eed2585⋯.jpeg (429.56 KB,1170x1259,1170:1259,IMG_6421.jpeg)

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f570cc No.21670261


KEK, faggoy, that's a new one

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0c86f0 No.21670262

POTUS: ' I can look at that speech, it was like 19, 20 years ago.. '

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4f577d No.21670263


Dayum, that's a lot of coke.

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6c9daf No.21670264


Rasputin was friends / associate with Marina Abramavitch Great Uncle, who was a big pooh-ba in the eastern Church.

Rasputin was a mystic / fakir, with supposedly special powers of healing; why allegedly he got control of the mother of the Prince, who was hemophiliac.

Probably a hypnotist; check his eyes.

The great Uncle of Abramovitz has less than a perfect reputation.

When the attempts were made to kill Rasputin, by Courtiers of the Tzar, Rasputin was very hard to kill

" Assassination:

Date: The attempt took place on the night of December 16-17, 1916.

Location: Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg.


Rasputin was initially lured to the Yusupov Palace with the promise of meeting Yusupov's wife, Irina (though she was not actually there).

He was first offered cakes and wine, both supposedly poisoned with cyanide. However, Rasputin seemed unaffected by the poison, leading to theories about either the ineffectiveness of the poison or Rasputin's constitution.

After the poison failed, Yusupov shot Rasputin. Despite being shot, Rasputin fled from the house. He was then shot again by Purishkevich and finally beaten. His body was subsequently bound and thrown into the Neva River.

Post-Mortem Findings:

When Rasputin's body was recovered from the river, an autopsy suggested he might have still been alive when he was thrown into the water, as there were signs of struggle and water in his lungs, indicating he might have drowned."

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2fc3ac No.21670265

File: 538e2a12a4d4f56⋯.png (2.34 MB,1470x1054,735:527,61BB61F7_EBD7_44ED_9D06_52….png)

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bc3f0c No.21670266

File: 609d4b98ad59a3d⋯.png (30.27 KB,640x601,640:601,66f6b6e127e6a.png)

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89f8a9 No.21670267

File: b174dc9852e787f⋯.png (515.37 KB,535x649,535:649,ClipboardImage.png)


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6c9daf No.21670268

File: b66bc36b9b14da6⋯.jpg (182.05 KB,592x774,296:387,Rasputin_PA.jpg)

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f59722 No.21670270


You might as well be saying Kikestan

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e25df4 No.21670271

File: f9745e368bb86ca⋯.png (311.26 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3555.png)

File: b97d74479f4185d⋯.pdf (10.7 MB,Protecting_American_Taxpay….pdf)

Advancing American Freedom Announces $10 Million Nationwide Campaign Championing the Trump-Pence Tax Cuts

June 20, 2024

Advancing American Freedom today announced a $10 million nationwide grassroots education campaign to defend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and advocate for pro-growth conservative fiscal policy. The campaign will include direct engagement with Capitol Hill through seminars, policy memos, and media alongside targeted grassroots activation focused on the ongoing tax and spending debate. The campaign will begin this summer and extend into 2025.

“Advancing American Freedom is launching a campaign to defend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the largest tax cuts and tax reform in American history that let the American people keep more of their hard-earned money and returned jobs to America. The past few years of the Biden administration have shown us that you cannot spend your way out of inflation, and you will not be able to tax your way out of a spending problem,” said AAF Founder Vice President Pence. “Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Our national debt is out of control, and taxing the American people more is not the solution.”


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0c86f0 No.21670272

POTUS: ' What a day for the border today.. they just announced before kamala got up to speak.. they just announced another 13 million murderers are released into our country.. shes changed her mind at least 15 times '

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38e404 No.21670273

File: 12ee1d0a2c015b7⋯.jpg (136.14 KB,866x866,1:1,1644849248798.jpg)

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12f7e9 No.21670274

File: 54901d5970d6a10⋯.png (494.22 KB,1287x655,1287:655,ClipboardImage.png)



Alabama this week joins a growing list of states that’s been snubbed from accessing major pornography website PornHub after signing legislation requiring more scrutiny for adult websites.

Alabama’s House Bill 164, passed during the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session and signed into law by Gov. Kay Ivey, requires age verification for Alabamians to access pornography websites and applications. It’s going into effect Oct. 1.

Other states including Mississippi, Texas, Utah and Louisiana have passed similar laws in the past few years.

Instead of implementing a process to comply with these laws, PornHub has been blocking access to the site from residents in those states.

Instead of seeing the site’s usual very not-suitable-for-work front page, visitors to the site who live in Alabama currently see a blank black page and the following text

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37d7e1 No.21670275


just saw a tiktok from a guy near newport, tn. says a dam failed and they are being told a 70ft wall of water is headed his way.

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46caa2 No.21670276


Why would that be notable?

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45f993 No.21670277

President Trump: We can't let them take your car business away. You know, it's an important business even in times of war where they switch over [war effort]…We can't let them take our businesses, and we're not gong to let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy.

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2fc3ac No.21670278

File: 98d06bd58b4d8ee⋯.png (109.62 KB,188x280,47:70,8878DF39_3169_466F_866D_6A….png)

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667915 No.21670279

File: cf27baf2b6e9c6c⋯.png (2.39 MB,1200x810,40:27,ClipboardImage.png)



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0c86f0 No.21670280

POTUS: ' The people that like me the best are the steel companies.. i put a 50 and a 100 percent tax on the dumping on steel and the steel companies thrived… dont worry about it… you just have to do one thing…. vote for Trump! '

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bc3f0c No.21670281

File: 9a1504137c86e7f⋯.png (24.94 KB,579x431,579:431,66f6b6bda5b18.png)

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937f0e No.21670282


that's not notable, there's no sauce

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f59722 No.21670283

File: 37f69969ef999bb⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB,2483x1170,191:90,IMG_6408.jpeg)

File: 86c81850a3355bb⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1154x1170,577:585,IMG_6412.jpeg)

File: 7872d21297253b7⋯.jpeg (852.8 KB,1170x1786,585:893,IMG_6413.jpeg)

the champ is here

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120b54 No.21670284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>>21670232 >kazachok


>>21670219 diddy knows????




>Rasputin is rumored to have had a big'ol moose cawk. There is an actual photo on the web of Russell Brand's British micropeen. Calling Brand, Rasputin, is like calling a dust mote a planet.



Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

He ruled the Russian land and never mind the Czar

But the kazachok he danced really wunderbar

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000000 No.21670285


New Jerusalem?

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fb3f41 No.21670286

File: e2620a2af44319a⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,87E1F7FB_E001_4553_B236_E….jpeg)

File: f19727bd7aea1c3⋯.jpeg (554.87 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,8439F8A8_8EEC_404F_BEEB_8….jpeg)

File: 75e92a85b779dc4⋯.png (1.28 MB,1182x996,197:166,9BBD2E8E_B3C2_4CFD_B7D6_28….png)

File: 52c3a4a1106ab7b⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1526x1017,1526:1017,6A7FB61E_BE45_4EA2_8884_E….jpeg)

File: d59aea625f8567a⋯.png (1.24 MB,980x1277,980:1277,B457F64C_2DC6_4128_8C92_08….png)

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37d7e1 No.21670287


porn sites have been blocked in TX for months…or so i'm told.

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01ce66 No.21670288

Transcript: Trump @ Town Hall in Warren, Michigan


POTUS: Lets get back to the Show.


POTUS: Youd look like youd be great job… he can make the engine, the body any day of my car.


President Trump: The small number of jobs they created were all taken by illegal immigrants in the last short period of time, and we're gonna make that change.


President Trump: We're gonna use tariffs very, very wisely. You know, our country in the 1890's was probably the wealthiest it ever was, because it was a system of tariffs. We had a president, McKinley…he was really a very good business man, then he took in billions of dollars at the time…we were a very wealthy country, and we're gonna be doing that now.


POTUS: You dont want inflation at zero, … deflation is as bad or worse than inflation.. the ideal number is between 1 percent and 2 percent.


President Trump: Mexico's a big threat now. Mexico's taking a lot of your business, and we're not gonna let that happen. We need a smart series of tariffs and taxes. It's very simple business.


President Trump: It's so easy to solve. Were gonna need the help of the Senate, we're gonna need the help of the House, and if they won't do it, I have the authorization and the power to do it myself [tariffs], and we'll have to do it.


POTUS: I sleep with that chart, i kiss it goodnight, i love you baby.


President Trump: You know what they do, they dump the product cheaply, then everybody goes out of business, then they take over the businesses and they sell it for two and three times what it was selling for before. Rockefeller, in the old days, he used to open a gas station; he used to underprice it by fifty, a hundred; he'd give the gas away. He'd drive the people out of business around him. Then he'd buy up the gas stations or close 'em, and he'd make a fortune. That's exactly what they do on an even bigger scale.


POTUS: Thank you to the teamsters… i got 60 percent of the vote, thank you.


POTUS: Years ago in this area.. i was honored in this area as Man of The Year… the fakers back there.. you see the fake news.. ohh they said it never happened.. i was Man of The Year… why do you allow them to take away your car industry away from you… they said it never happened.. and lo and behold… it did happen…


POTUS: What a day for the border today.. they just announced before kamala got up to speak.. they just announced another 13 million murderers are released into our country.. shes changed her mind at least 15 times.


President Trump: We can't let them take your car business away. You know, it's an important business even in times of war where they switch over [war effort]…We can't let them take our businesses, and we're not gong to let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy.


POTUS: The people that like me the best are the steel companies.. i put a 50 and a 100 percent tax on the dumping on steel and the steel companies thrived… dont worry about it… you just have to do one thing…. vote for Trump!

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89f8a9 No.21670289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01ce66 No.21670290

notables FINAL

#26536 >>21669532

>>21669703 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21670288 Transcript: Trump @ Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

>>21669917 Kamala collapses in Michigan; Half of the VIP section in Trump’s town hall today in Warren, MI are Arab Americans and Muslims

>>21670154, >>21670207 POTUS on stage @ 7:26

>>21669657 President @realDonaldTrump never stops working

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21669597 Garland Defends Releasing Letter From Suspect in Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21669620 Flash Flood Emergency declared in Eastern Tennessee as water surges into residents’ homes

>>21669681, >>21669997, >>21669740 The town of Chimney Rock, NC hit hard by Helene

>>21669693 #1 MELANIA

>>21669696 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.

>>21669755 Thomas Massie: Taxpayers have paid over $17 million for alleged sexual misconduct in Congressional offices

>>21669817 Kamala hasn't contacted any of the victims harmed by illegal migrant crime

>>21669850 Dumbledore and McGonagall pass away exactly 1 year apart

>>21669851 Pompeo: With President Trump, we denied Iran the resources to fund Hamas and the Houthis

>>21669904 New border data: Criminal histories, assault, burglary, dangerous drugs, homicide, robbery, sex offenses, and traffic offenses

>>21669965 Biden and Erdogan have some history

>>21669940 PF: Squawk 0724 over New York

>>21669956, >>21670114 Russell Brand Talks 'Devil's Control' as Diddy’s 'Forced Holiday' Interview From 2009 Gains Attention

>>21670112 Greatness

>>21670185, >>21670099, >>21670105, >>21670111, >>21670118 P-Diddy Party List Names

>>21670274, >>21670241 PornHub is now blocked in Alabama

>>21669776 Memes


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7cfeec No.21670292


Maria is ALSO a man….

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a3ce33 No.21670293

File: ce54e28363fd77b⋯.png (1.72 MB,830x724,415:362,Screenshot_15731_.png)

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d4da85 No.21670294

File: 2a37d68811ce589⋯.jpeg (99.1 KB,592x737,592:737,GLdZE0eWQAAP6wl.jpeg)

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fe4a54 No.21670297

File: 31b24dfa1716cc4⋯.png (1.9 MB,1352x1188,338:297,Screen_Shot_2024_09_28_at_….png)



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a3ce33 No.21670299

File: 403efb33b7ed154⋯.png (1.15 MB,525x761,525:761,Screenshot_15721_.png)

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667915 No.21670301

File: 7bd20a9c2b87ae4⋯.png (885.58 KB,600x800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6b31c No.21670302

thanks anon for getting the mp4 >>21669997

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120b54 No.21670306

File: 8b1a44385c17fc7⋯.mp4 (1015.98 KB,320x416,10:13,8b1a44385c17fc75be63af70aa….mp4)

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0c86f0 No.21670307

POTUS: ' (Todd says you and your family are in me and my wife's prayers) Where is the plant going to move.. do you know?… Is the plant closing? (no, the people will probably be dispersed between the other plants… what is your all time favorite American cars?)… my father loved cadillacs, hed get a brand new dark blue cadillac… i love it.. its a great car.. its come a long way.. its come through some problems… my father liked cadillacs and thats good enough for me… ill take care of your situation..what would you call that, pretty much a car… you have one thing to do.. you have to elect a person with business talent and common sense'

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a3ce33 No.21670308

File: 178e6dab5b96a02⋯.png (1.7 MB,835x710,167:142,Screenshot_15707_.png)

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01ce66 No.21670309

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667915 No.21670310


poor guy wanted Trump to say a Chrysler vehicle. lol

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eabe8a No.21670311

File: 25b7c887bc9ef28⋯.gif (138.48 KB,470x470,1:1,25b7c887bc9ef28a2362ee7149….gif)

Anon is drinking a wine called Cadillac now


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a3ce33 No.21670312

File: 71cef4dbd3814f7⋯.png (1.52 MB,839x633,839:633,Screenshot_15705_.png)

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b841ab No.21670313

File: a07e483a7b51926⋯.png (1.24 MB,1080x1285,216:257,Screenshot_20240928_030357.png)

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120b54 No.21670316

File: 2af54d205399a43⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,714x720,119:120,af8ba13257ebc3e88ebf945fb0….mp4)

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0c86f0 No.21670317

POTUS: ' Thank you very much everybody, Marcia, thank you very much, beautiful '

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a3ce33 No.21670318

File: 36e9ff2eaea5fe3⋯.png (1.51 MB,593x888,593:888,Screenshot_15703_.png)

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a7f10f No.21670320

File: ee6c0661ea83adc⋯.jpg (162.8 KB,1078x752,539:376,Screenshot_20221030_093637….jpg)

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a3ce33 No.21670321

File: f86f14f4633815e⋯.png (365.59 KB,532x234,266:117,Screenshot_15695_.png)

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000000 No.21670323

I hear the Tennessee's Walters Dam didn't Fail. Might got toppled? But not fail

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eabe8a No.21670325

File: 95dc789c333dbba⋯.png (54.68 KB,447x643,447:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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89f8a9 No.21670326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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120b54 No.21670327

File: dde6421fd521606⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB,720x1280,9:16,dde6421fd521606afed78282ac….mp4)

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a3ce33 No.21670329

File: 5a8ebbc032de9ef⋯.png (2.09 MB,778x937,778:937,Screenshot_15613_.png)

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b841ab No.21670330

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a3ce33 No.21670334

File: 8541cb1ec7f578e⋯.png (1.87 MB,780x837,260:279,Screenshot_15582_.png)

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5b6dbd No.21670336

The Boss is so comfy among his people.

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46caa2 No.21670337


2024 is almost over and I still can't MD 2020 in a juice box

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aa5c01 No.21670338

File: 28f8e1bbdb39dfd⋯.png (1.19 MB,694x1024,347:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, but they made quota!

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a3ce33 No.21670339

File: 2cd23925dda60ea⋯.png (1.11 MB,634x608,317:304,Screenshot_15483_.png)

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82b753 No.21670342

File: 4fac72ea10ec523⋯.png (203.94 KB,1222x839,1222:839,_10.png)

Stand up for what you know is Right on this board and don't ever stand back down.

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b841ab No.21670344


is GSP there

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