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74d4a3 No.21671111 [View All]

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483 posts and 276 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0068eb No.21671813


im sure the original post was from a navigator.. i was just reading about the cardiinal directions and their origins and was referring to ancient views of the four winds and the cardinal directions

the hopi indians, it said, had four but they were wherever the sun set and rose on the winter and summer solstices …

the chinese stuff is too much post here, very complicated.. i didnt know Tsingtao was Green Island or something… but their directions are color based ..

curious how the ancients navigated… i believe

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e1c096 No.21671814

File: 381c7fabe0aee03⋯.png (790 KB,1080x631,1080:631,Screenshot_20240927_162746….png)

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3b055b No.21671815


did jaden get pimped out to diddy for some liddle kiddy diddling?

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4e4ca3 No.21671816


>>signs of free energy to be brought back to life on this planet again?

Free energy should be employed, just not the kind where the switch is live and not in approval of being the switch.

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0068eb No.21671817


i read or watched a video where they said a flat smooth rectangle would be the easiest object to move with free energy.. that gave me that idea

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b7ee48 No.21671818

File: 7c60239eca7855b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1340x660,67:33,ClipboardImage.png)


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0068eb No.21671822

all the cathedrals were actually free energy producers … the suppressors of knowledge carefully removed all the signs of architecture that resembled the tesla towers

i think the eiffel tower was a free energy device and the pyramids in egypt..

they are all strategically placed and many on ley lines.. the earth is a giant magnet

Central Asian, Eastern European and North East Asian cultures frequently have traditions associating colors with four or five cardinal points.

Systems with five cardinal points (four directions and the center) include those from pre-modern China, as well as traditional Turkic, Tibetan and Ainu cultures. In Chinese tradition, the five cardinal point system is related to I Ching, the Wu Xing and the five naked-eye planets. In traditional Chinese astrology, the zodiacal belt is divided into the four constellation groups corresponding to the directions.

Each direction is often identified with a color, and (at least in China) with a mythological creature of that color. Geographical or ethnic terms may contain the name of the color instead of the name of the corresponding direction.[12][13]

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4e4ca3 No.21671824

Make annual seed program effective immediately, flip results, repeat.

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0068eb No.21671825

East: Green (青 "qīng" corresponds to both green and blue); Spring; Wood

Qingdao (Tsingtao): "Green Island", a city on the east coast of China

Green Ukraine

South: Red; Summer; Fire

Red River (Asia): south of China

Red Ruthenia

Red Jews: a semi-mythological group of Jews[citation needed]

Red Croatia

Red Sea

West: White; Autumn; Metal

White Sheep Turkmen

Akdeniz, meaning 'White Sea': Mediterranean Sea in Turkish

Balts, Baltic words containing the stem balt- ("white")

Belarus, meaning 'White Russia'

White Ruthenia

White Serbia

White Croatia

North: Black; Winter; Water

Heilongjiang: "Black Dragon River" province in Northeast China, also the Amur River

Kara-Khitan Khanate: "Black Khitans" who originated in Northern China

Karadeniz, literally meaning 'Black Sea': Black Sea in Turkish

Black Hungarians

Black Ruthenia

Center: Yellow; Earth

Huangshan: "Yellow Mountain" in central China

Huang He: "Yellow River" in central China

Golden Horde: "Central Army" of the Mongols

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e1c096 No.21671828


Word is there's a video of Diddy and Will raping Jayden. I didn't save link, but story was in earlier bread from today.

From a couple of days ago …

>>21647771 (PB)

at 2024-09-24 04:37:53 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #26512: Red Line Edition

Facebook expose on Will Smith and Jada Pinkett, apparently Will gave his very young son to Diddy. Jaden Smith left the home at 15 and emancipated himself.

Will and Jada apparently had their very own stable of very young male black kids, they " mentored " them! Several were seen running from their house screaming for help.

Cannot bring here from Facebook, there is many posts on Diddy there. Lots of names

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ea9d9e No.21671830

File: ad529d6e735d9e4⋯.jpeg (357.89 KB,870x1406,435:703,IMG_2238.jpeg)

File: 134c5a849bf19ff⋯.jpeg (25.77 KB,236x271,236:271,IMG_0418.jpeg)


Fair comment my fren.

> solstices

Beautiful, also lil sis birthday.

Must admiit haven’t read the other posts.

> curious how the ancients navigated

Mind and soul?

Belief is powerful, which u can make come true.

The power of the mind.

Ty and have a blessed day.

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328f45 No.21671832


>This is what scares them

Retarded narcissists?

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2a55a2 No.21671833


>there are many schools of thought

and yet all but one are wrong

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8d01c9 No.21671835


You are not an "operator"

Your countdowns are laughable

You've been failing for months now

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d857e6 No.21671838

File: a01f24d21a614e3⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1519x5354,1519:5354,Screenshot_2019_07_26_The_….jpg)

File: ed6fa28d3d607b0⋯.png (342 KB,555x792,185:264,ClipboardImage.png)


>Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.

Q may have taken that line from here:


Demon Reference:

Satan = South

Lucifer = East

Belial = North

Leviathan = West

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329a24 No.21671839





Keep an eye out for the nameZHANGguys

The nameZhangwill be remembered forever.

Y'all heard it here first.

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4e4ca3 No.21671841


What about when attempting to reveal transparency getting blocked by haters?

What about attempting to unify and getting resistance from those akin, when the hatters need to be stood down, what then?

Whats the use in blocking unity?

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2a55a2 No.21671842

>>21671798 >waste of good oxygen

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ed711c No.21671845


The rooms spell out HRC

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55efad No.21671846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what a creepy kid


10 years ago

Kid goes "in" when he see's himself on video board.

Miami Marlins fan cam caught this kid.

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70b0f6 No.21671848



I rent from a communal office and there are two Chinese man and woman there. Saw them this am. I try to be friendly with everyone, and talk with them. first I say Ni Hauma (wrongly spelled but it's Hi how are you).

So I say I say, what is China going through, a difficult time? they said "how so?"

I said I don't know, but I read the finance ministers are resigning, and the steel industry.

The woman says, "oh you know every country goes through things like this", the economy.I said, yeah, you are right.

So my question is, China is the most powerful country behind the US, And following them Russia, and they never let news of happenings out of their country,so what are all the other countries having all of their 100s of finance ministers resign or are resigned in a couple of days?And the steel industry in all the major provinces fighting with the gov?

Probably was a very innocent reaction.

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329a24 No.21671851


Chinais toast.

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f6ec14 No.21671854

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)


Just woke up for a real late night diarrhea poop. You rang? PRAY for me as I blow mud.

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b19ce2 No.21671856


Yeah I know, but I really was just trying to friendly, little did I know

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8d01c9 No.21671857


You are here to subvert the board

Usually you and your team do the religious arguments thing throughout graveyard and wait for Sunday nights to play "operator"

For some reason you started on Wednesday night and have carried on since

Almost like you are under pressure to get results

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4e4ca3 No.21671858


Anon objects to censorship, Thats like A: having love ones in your proximity for concern of change or truth being exposed. Or B: not sharing for fear based reasons. Why be overly proactive if there is no problem, is that not creating a problem to offer the solution? Hegelian dialectic?

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46c8b7 No.21671859

File: c8322935294fff2⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1516x887,1516:887,2024_09_28_03_08_07_891.jpg)

'tis said hour

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91a68c No.21671862


Why do we have to "find" it?

Thx though

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83864f No.21671865


Oh yes, i read about the ancient chinese masters who would take a nap and be transported to another time and place

I guessed they musta slowed their heart rates down enuf to where they can jump mind and body outta time

I think heart rate has something to do with human construct of time

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91a68c No.21671866


Really don't think they are coming back till after the final battle. We've already been trained. At this point our focus and prayers need to be PDJT and saving the country in anyway we can help

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3b055b No.21671867

File: 0aedfdb8d6105c3⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,854x480,427:240,4647758552.mp4)

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f6ec14 No.21671868

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,raf_360x360_075_t_fafafa_c….jpg)


I already told you I woke up because diarrhea. Anon is hoping to blow it all out and not have to get up out of bed again to shit moar later.

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3627e1 No.21671869


Kinda annoying ain't he?

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17bafd No.21671870

File: b161e843250a4e2⋯.jpg (36.08 KB,500x610,50:61,e1c.jpg)


I don't think this anon will last more than a minute.


Ma turns Ni Hao into a question, so "(I hope) you are well!" Turns into "I'm not sure (if I hope) you are well." Kek>>21671797

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b19ce2 No.21671871


Prove yourself wrong, you're asking the question, no one else cares

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55efad No.21671872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8d01c9 No.21671873


What you call censorship I call trash removal

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df0505 No.21671874

File: b194bda854d0c81⋯.png (812.88 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_nbcsandiego_c….png)

File: 880e4c7119036d6⋯.png (190.23 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_registry_faa_gov_….png)

File: ddc5744f9980971⋯.png (853.67 KB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_www_nbcsandiego_c….png)

Cocaine found in small plane that made emergency landing on SR-76, Oceanside police say

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the circumstances of the emergency landing

Two Oceanside residents were arrested after cocaine was found on a small plane that made an emergency landing on State Route 76 early Thursday, the Oceanside Police Department said.

The pilot, 21-year-old Gabriel Leon Breit, and the passenger, 36-year-old Troy Othneil Smith, were arrested on suspicion of illegal narcotic transportation.

Officers first responded to a call from the pilot around 1:43 a.m. that a plane was experiencing an engine malfunction and had to make an emergency landing on SR-76 near Canyon Drive, according to a police statement.

The plane's two occupants were not injured. While officers searched the plane, they spotted one of the individuals discarding a backpack into a nearby brush, OPD Assistant Chief Taurino Valdovinos said at a news conference.

The individuals were detained. During a search, officers found a small amount of cocaine on one of the passengers, Valdovinos said. Officers then found one kilo of suspected cocaine in the backpack.

“It doesn’t surprise me. I think we have narcotics coming into our country in various ways, but I think the surprising part is the emergency landing and how we came across it," Valdovinos said.

The plane was coming from Phoenix, Arizona, Valdovinos said.

Business records show it was owned by Leadturn LLC. The owner told NBC 7 he rents out his plane through a flying club called Plus One Flyers, which requires a private pilot's license and a high performance aircraft sign-off in order to rent his plane specifically.

Plus One declined to comment while the investigation is ongoing but did confirm Breit and Smith rented the plane as a flight instructor and student pilot, respectively.



17 11

Lead Turn

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0a06b4 No.21671875


Table 29 is in griffith park in hollywood… the whole park and parts of pasadena supposed lay on top of a gateway to hell… https://www.californiacuriosities.com/devils-gate/

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8590a4 No.21671876


Green Castle

It ain’t easy being green.

Revolution digits Chekt

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46c8b7 No.21671877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0a06b4 No.21671878



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d857e6 No.21671879


Anon heard years ago from a work associate who traveled back and forth to China quite often that much of their real estate was in a bubble…loads of empty apartment buildings in the larger cities just falling apart. Anon assumes mass money laundering of some kind. So if major assets are being seized behind the scenes now, would we know? Would a bunch of gubbermint people resign over something like that?

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3b055b No.21671880

File: e18bac455f19bf2⋯.png (234.03 KB,540x446,270:223,j46647.png)


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91a68c No.21671882


Thanks its the only Chinese I know, my acupuncturist taught me but didn't teach me to spell it. I'm teaching him english pronunciation, like a W. I'm a slow student and not a great teacher. No patience

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4e4ca3 No.21671883



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8d01c9 No.21671884


He's been trying hard for three days in a row

If I'd known when I was at the store I would have got more beer and made him a drinking game

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3b055b No.21671886

File: 9a4365520819147⋯.png (340.4 KB,532x400,133:100,5646.png)


>woke up because diarrhea

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55efad No.21671887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Puffy Forced Me To Sign Over My 25% Ownership Of Bad Boy Records To Him. They Had Bats In Their Hand


Aug 18, 2022

Former Bad Boy Records president Kirk Burrowes explains how Diddy forced him to give his 25% of the ownership of Bad Boy Records to him.

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0a06b4 No.21671889



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