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File: 989a3ef048ed620⋯.jpg (140.06 KB,600x335,120:67,989a3ef048ed620c475cea430b….jpg)

c2e40a No.21668647 [Last50 Posts]

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c2e40a No.21668658

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26534 >>21667778


>>21668392, >>21668465, >>21668469, >>21668552 LIVE RSBN TRUMP IN MICHIGAN

>>21668228, >>21668272, >>21668303, >>21668341, >>21668365, >>21668479 RFK speaking in Michigan

>>21668531, >>21668560, >>21668571, >>21668578, >>21668591, >>21668606, >>21668612, >>21668620, >>21668626, >>21668629 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816, >>21668229, >>21668230, >>21668236, >>21668238, >>21668240, >>21668244, >>21668246, >>21668252 TRUMP BORDER TRUTHS - Kamala Border Lies

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887, >>21668198, >>21668204 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995, >>21668052, >>21668055, >>21668059, >>21668161 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960, >>21668382 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS

>>21668011 Anon's Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS


>>21668038, >>21668119, >>21668223, >>21668537 “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah deded or not?

>>21668041, >>21668069, >>21668212, >>21668496 Trump's Rorschach Test?

>>21668079 @thejimwatkins There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.

>>21668114 Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

>>21668123 He’s Making a List ✨ - Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁

>>21668137 Hillary twatX - It turns out people like actual plans.

>>21668170, >>21668206 TRUMP TRUTH on Google's system of illegal election interfering

>>21668180 AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' madame

>>21668197 Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

>>21668203, >>21668380 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

>>21668221, >>21668285, >>21668296, >>21668357, >>21668426, >>21668568, >>21668601, >>21668617 URGENT ALERT Helene Flooding and Warnings Tennessee No. Carolina

>>21668263 NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI probe into Anthony Miranda, illegal pot shop cash seizures

>>21668292 Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

>>21668371, >>21668386 Border Czar Harris allowed criminals into America - 13,099 Murderers - 15,811 Rapists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals

>>21668421, >>21668446 Britney Instagram Bounty?

>>21668490 Judicial Watch Rachel Levine Pushes Transgender Extremism for KIDS!

>>21668499 Doug Mills is the photographer who was faster than the bullet

>>21668539 Shiit hits the fan in Chyna

>>21668645 #26534

#26533 >>21666870

>>21667016, >>21667032, >>21667044, >>21667264 Dame Maggie remembered

>>21666877 NYC Mayor Eric Adams’s indictment comes after years of connections to Turkey

>>21666900 Multiple Iranians Indicted in Hack of Trump Campaign

>>21666911 Don Lemon new book: on Being S*ly Abused at 6 by Older Boy Until He Threatened to "Bite It Off" PT 1

>>21666946 Grief & God," How Nicole Shanahan Broke Free From the Left's Mental Programming

>>21666952, >>21666961, >>21666966 DC swamp follies

>>21666959, >>21666974 Hurricane News

>>21666966 War Room Morning Edition

>>21666950 Liz Crokin on Roseanne: "You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit…."

>>21666981 CRAZY Doug Emhoff Says Trump ‘Definitely’ Anti-Semitic, Claims He Will Target Jewish Americans

>>21666988, >>21667027, >>21667087, >>21667114, >>21667202, >>21667287, >>21667373 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/Space/Science

>>21666996 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub" vid

>>21667053 Russians warned to back up Google data

>>21667060 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu threatens Iran in fiery UN speech: ‘If you strike us, we will strike you’

>>21667104, >>21667210 Ukrainian army plagued by desertion and draft-dodging

>>21667110, >>21667147, >>21667288, >>21667291, >>21667303, >>21667320, >>21667346 Trump and Zelenskyy meet at Trump Tower bullet pic

>>21667154 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Day 4 of speeches by world leaders

>>21667176 11:00 AM EDT North Carolina Governor Cooper Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21667223 PF update

>>21667272, >>21667235, >>21667273 BREAKING: Fani Willis’ Lover Served By Federal Marshals After Manhunt, served subpoena

>>21667335, >>21667352, >>21667354 Biden said Thursday while hosting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House that he’s ordering the Pentagon tospend “all” congressionally approved aid to Ukraine before he leaves office

>>21667433 FBI Whistleblower Urges Prayer

>>21667434 Heartfelt thanks to all anons who added their prayers for my friends and family in central Georgia

>>21667440 The fine print on Kamala’s $25,000 for first time homebuyers. Basically excludes all Americans. Illegals only.

>>21667454 Flash flood EMERGENCY continues for Hendersonville, North Carolina

>>21667462 FANI’S FOLLIES: Update – Manhunt Ends! – Lover Boy Nathan Wade Is Served by US Marshals After Evading Authorities for a Week

>>21667468 Part I of II: The true enemy of the U.S., their plan, their tactics, and the tools they have at their disposal. General Michael T. Flynn


>>21667483 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24 Right Side Broadcasting Network

>>21667486 The 🇳🇱 Royal Netherlands Navy submarine went on a successful mission through the Norwegian and North Seas

>>21667506 About 10 Strong Explosions Heard in Beirut

>>21667524 Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries

>>21667531 Unconfirmed report that 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border?

>>21667575 Trump: I have a very good relationship with President Putin

>>21667604 Individuals who have received four doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are dying in unprecedented numbers

>>21667609 Delta 8 enhances situational awareness through Space Cockpit COP powered by JCO commercial data

>>21667675 The Minneapolis Police Department just added the first "non-citizen" officer to their police force

>>21667701 Hunter Biden to Undergo 7hr Psych Exam to Prove He Was ‘Emotionally Damaged’ by Corruption Allegations in Patrick Byrne Defamation Trial?

>>21667721 Anon's Ascension test

>>21667735 TS @realdonaldtrump - President Donald J. Trump Speaks with Zylensky

>>21667748 #26533

#26532 >>21665903

>>21665938, >>21666288, >>21666631, >>21666739 PORT STRIKE To Close ALL East Coast and Gulf Coast Ports

>>21665940 @Kash House Intel Committee demands joint briefing from FBI/SEC regarding CCPs operational arm Temu/PDD- which they have been using to illegally swipe American data and commit forced slave labor. Every republican member signed the letter.

>>21665951 ICYMI: Jumaane Williams just cleared his entire schedule for today amid the indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. He will become acting Mayor if Adams resigns.

>>21666100, >>21666125 Candace Owens Takes a Deep Dive Into Kamala's Geneology - It's Not What We've Been Told

>>21666120 James O’Keefe announces Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks and it’s gonna be Shocking! 🙌

>>21666144, >>21666150 Catastrophic winds in Perry, Florida as Category 4 Hurricane Helene makes landfall/Fla Spirit

>>21666154 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub"

>>21666172, >>21666443 Wade Discovered For the Keks!

>>21666178 @X22Report J6 Mirror, Save Act Setup Complete, Optics Are Important, Swamp Fighting Back

>>21666214, >>21666226 Over 1.3M without power in Florida after the hurricane hit.


>>21666231 We don't see 750,000 registrants removed from NC.

>>21666250, >>21666021, >>21666364, >>21666528, >>21666548, >>21666576 Donald Trump unveils new line of signed gold watches

>>21666263 ICYMI: Top 10 Stories the Media HID From You Today

>>21666301, >>21666311, >>21666491 @MELANIATRUMP He’s Making a List ✨

>>21666332 Iran: Did Quid Pro Joe & Co do it again?

>>21666352 CMZ: Tracking Privacy Bills across the nation.

>>21666369, >>21666470, >>21666475 Swampenins

>>21666394, >>21666429 Dr. Bret Weinstein: ‘Speech is the Alternative to Violence’ in Modern Democracy

>>21666419 @RealGenFlynn Excited to join "Re:Public," a new platform where local action equals national impact! Join me in making a difference at the local level and help save America from turning into a BANANA REPUBLIC!

>>21666479 Florida Governor DeSantis Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21666484 LIVE: New York Mayor Eric Adams arrives for arraignment hearing

>>21666513, >>21666521 Grassley released the FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma's founder, paid a $5,000,000 bribe each to Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

>>21666593 2001 In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 593 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 10.8 million per year. By 2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants."

>>21666608 "What can be, unburdened by what has been" resonates with themes found in revolutionary movements, including the Chinese Revolution

Rail freight is the backbone of U.S. infrastructure

>>21666723 Russia FOUND the F-16's in Ukraine - FIVE Now Destroyed

>>21666786 Dame Maggie dies @89

>>21666844 #26532

#26531 >>21665051

>>21665096, >>21665525, >>21665547, >>21665624, >>21665631 Trump assassination dig

>>21665100 Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith

>>21665104 NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher just endorsed Trump in new ad

>>21665120 Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

>>21665130 Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds

>>21665137 PF: TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M Leaving New York

>>21665150 Kamala McValor gun control twat

>>21665159 CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

>>21665181 Springfield, Ohio shitshow continues

>>21665202 ‘Significant setback’: Reports of China’s nuclear submarine sinking

>>21665285 Mayor Adams Freemason

>>21665354 Boeing 737’s wheel falls off shortly after landing in Argentina in latest potential safety fail by planemaker

>>21665360 James O’Keefe: Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks!

>>21665401 Tobacco nicotine in DISTILLED WATER destroys nanobots in shots - Dr David Martin

>>21665407 New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

>>21665425 Cali Sen. Shannon Grove of Bakersfield has passed significant bills to combat sex trafficking.

>>21665550 Mike Pence quietly lays (or TRIES to lie) the groundwork for a post-Trump future

>>21665598 CNN: Fact check - Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions

>>21665647 Secret Service ripped for plan to send agents to Disney World LGBTQ summit amid failures protecting Trump

>>21665456 Where's WADE?

>>21665682 Trump Takes Reporters' Questions About Eric Adams, Iran At Trump Tower Press Briefing

>>21665754 LIVE: Everything Everywhere All At Once | Clinton Global Initiative 2024

>>21665762 Big Pharma’s Death Grip on America - John B Wells LIVE

>>21665764 Kamala’s Project 2025 — Talk About Scary

>>21665765 You can’t just convert a non-profit into a for-profit. That is illegal.

>>21665766 Red Bill never defied the people in charge. Eric Adams embarrassed them

>>21665768, >>21665810 Shigeru Ishiba elected as prime minister of Japan

>>21665774 #hurricanehelene in Cedar Key, #Florida

>>21665780 Canada is fining the Amish community $300.000 as they failed to download the covid app.


>>21665794 SWAT leaders testify they weren’t told about Iran's plot to kill Trump on July 13

>>21665888 Politically Persecuted FBI Agent Urges Americans To Arm Themselves, Stock Up On Food, Prepare For Hardship

>>21665232, >>21665381, >>21665463 Memes

>>21665893 #26531

Previously Collected

>>21664123 #26529, >>21665035 #26530

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

>>21658052 #26523, >>21658999 #26524, >>21660163 #26525

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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c2e40a No.21668666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh dough


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d07b99 No.21668674


Thank you Baker ;3

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a7da8f No.21668675

POTUS: ' VISA crashed because the government went after VISA… Nancy Pelosi sold her stock the day before… why dont we get AG to do a little investigation… theyre probably turning off the cameras (fake news)… its amazing isnt it.. im proud to say, ive lost billions, … i couldve been given hundreds for painting like Hunter… ive lost i dont know how much.. and i dont care.. this is a much bigger Calling'

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c820c3 No.21668676

File: d180204acf620be⋯.jpg (636.88 KB,1080x1684,270:421,3d9c012f56b200a047ee52dd75….jpg)

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2a7767 No.21668677

Google responds to Russian data backup warning

Local users of the company’s services have recently reported problems while trying to register new accounts

Google is planning to continue offering its free services in Russia, the company told the Moscow daily Vedomosti. The US tech giant added that it was working to resolve issues with creating new user accounts.

Earlier this week, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media warned that Russian Google users should create backup copies of their data, saying the tech giant’s parent company Alphabet had apparently started preventing them from registering new accounts in the country.

The announcement came shortly after some Google users in Russia experienced problems while trying to verify their identity via SMS, with the service reporting an error. The ministry said users should switch to other methods of two-factor authentication.

“We know that some users in Russia are having issues using Google accounts, and we are working to resolve these issues. We remain committed to keeping our free services available in Russia,” Google’s press office told the newspaper.

Google operates more than 40 digital services, including the Google search engine, Gmail, Google Drive cloud storage, and YouTube. Some of these are available for users without registration.

READ MORE: Russians warned to back up Google data

The US tech major has been under pressure in Russia for several years, particularly in relation to YouTube’s deletion of channels belonging to Russian media outlets, including RT, as well as those of public figures, bloggers, journalists, and artists, who have positions that differ from Western narratives.

The company stopped displaying ads to users shortly after the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022, having paused monetization for content makers. In July, Russia’s media and digital watchdog, Roskomnadzor, said Google had blocked access to more than 200 YouTube channels in Russia.


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d6f42d No.21668678

File: 48b54be3f364951⋯.png (399.03 KB,560x500,28:25,ClipboardImage.png)


tyb and ebil trips che'ed


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a7da8f No.21668679

POTUS: ' I didnt want to go off on a tangent… but we are really here to bring back jobs to the great state of michigan.. i want to thank… met me in 2017… hes a big guy and his beautiful wife… goood looking couple… (cant spell his name)… he came to the country because of me'

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ba1416 No.21668680




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a652c2 No.21668681

File: 06fdba302088d72⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x360,16:9,6_6_6_Joe_Biden_says_it_do….mp4)

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21eda0 No.21668682

File: 8ab43f809e20d5c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1461x821,1461:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7da8f No.21668683

POTUS: ' It only takes one bad executive at the top '

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c820c3 No.21668685

File: ca717f66527fcec⋯.gif (4.68 MB,600x401,600:401,ca717f66527fcec2ced24c2fbb….gif)

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a7da8f No.21668686

POTUS: ' We are going to get the senators to let us go… i dont think we need the senators as PResident… im pinpointing you for greatness… im pin pointing you'

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2a7767 No.21668687

World Bank seeking LGBTQ concessions to restart funding for African state

The global lender halted new payments to Uganda last year over the country’s anti-homosexuality law

The Ugandan government came under widespread condemnation from the West after it enacted the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) in May last year. The US government imposed visa restrictions on sponsors of the law and threatened further action against officials responsible for the measures.

The World Bank responded by halting new loans for Kampala, saying the legislation, which imposes the death penalty for certain same-sex acts and a 20-year prison sentence for promoting homosexuality, contradicted its “non-discrimination” values.

The country’s president, Yoweri Museveni, called the decision “unfortunate” and accused the global financing institution of attempting to force Uganda into abandoning its principles and sovereignty. He vowed that his country would “develop with or without loans,” declaring that Africans do not need “pressure from anybody” to solve their problems.


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11d588 No.21668688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a press availability

New York City, New York





Secretary Blinken Holds News Conference

Secretary of State Blinken holds a news conference in New York following meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.


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0b7f9d No.21668689

File: f722bc9db1401bd⋯.png (321.17 KB,564x618,94:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Baker!

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738141 No.21668691

RFK Jr loses US Supreme Court fight to appear on New York ballot

Sep 27th, 14:25:02

By Andrew Chung

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected on Friday a bid by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to restore his name to the ballot in New York state even though he suspended his campaign as an independent for president in August and endorsed Donald Trump.

The justices denied a request by Kennedy's campaign and other allies ordering New York election officials to reinstate his name on the ballot after state courts disqualified him for claiming an invalid address as his residence in paperwork.

When Kennedy suspended his campaign, he pledged to withdraw in the most closely contested states but remain on the ballot elsewhere. Kennedy has since urged his supporters everywhere to back Trump and has withdrawn from the ballot in a number of Republican-leaning states.

His fight to stay on the ballot in Democratic-leaning New York emerged after a state judge ruled in favor of a challenge by individual voters who claimed Kennedy deceptively provided a false New York residence on his petition to get on the ballot, when he actually lives in California, in violation of state law.


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a7da8f No.21668692

POTUS: ' We will put a 100-200 % tariff on every car coming over the Mexican border.. the only way youre going to get rid of that tariff, youll have to build the car in America '

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717e49 No.21668693


$5,000 house

$1 oz silver

$37 oz gol

135 oz of gold = $4,995

today $2,700 oz gold

$2,700 x 135 oz = $364,500

which is the average price of a house

makes total sense

except todays wages

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ef03d1 No.21668694

File: 013d600b8f81293⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,635x391,635:391,gghezrtjtghgf.jpg)

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8f1d08 No.21668696

File: 38c9df1eca733c7⋯.png (203.62 KB,492x860,123:215,kamala.png)

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a7da8f No.21668697

POTUS: ' Unless you people disagree… im going to get elon to be our cost cutter… cuz hes good at it… hes so much into that.. the waste in this country is so crazy… he wants to see this country be great '

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8d3ae0 No.21668698

File: 501c81daacb5b47⋯.jpg (281.42 KB,1895x921,1895:921,LoseVsWin.jpg)

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a7da8f No.21668700

POTUS: ' Its going to be incredible how much he can do and hes not going to hurt anyone… hes going to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse '

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0b7f9d No.21668701


That's how much your dollar has devalued since.

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d07b99 No.21668702

File: abacde8b86eb723⋯.gif (483.18 KB,500x281,500:281,1726403304198304.gif)


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00243e No.21668704

File: 81bc48f28b63198⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,1374x683,1374:683,UberWoke.jpg)

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2a7767 No.21668705

File: e7b19abaecd1bc6⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: facaa36c17eddba⋯.png (452.63 KB,919x1024,919:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b846041e82743b3⋯.png (567.06 KB,1016x1484,254:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09fc0620401cc36⋯.png (196.18 KB,1014x544,507:272,ClipboardImage.png)

TREASON: ICE Report Reveals Over 13,000 Murderers, 15,000 Rapists, and 425,000 Convicted Criminals Allowed Into America by Biden-Harris Open Border


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a7da8f No.21668706

POTUS: ' We have a thing called liquid gold under our feet.. and we are going to use our liquid gold for our cars and our plants.. we have more liquid gold than russia, than saudi arabia.. its in alaska, one of the biggest finds ever.. maybe bigger than saudi arabia who knows '

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d9c9e8 No.21668707

File: 5661598cf9b5761⋯.png (1.18 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7da8f No.21668708

POTUS: ' We coulda paid down our debt, i gave you the biggest tax cuts in history, i coudlve given you more tax cuts, and i will '

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8f1d08 No.21668709

File: c577fbc35da178a⋯.png (865.13 KB,726x690,121:115,38_days_to_winning.png)


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0b7f9d No.21668710

Taxation is Theft!

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a7da8f No.21668711

POTUS: ' Foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America '

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000000 No.21668712

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 17m

The Lebanese army imposes a security cordon around the US embassy in Beirut

Sep 27, 2024 · 7:12 PM UTC


Hold until confirm.

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21eda0 No.21668713

File: 57f33f338d81338⋯.png (870.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>(cant spell his name)

Boudewijn Haase

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2ea26e No.21668714

You know Putin is going to tell Trump where to get off the bus. The Americans started that crap in Ukraine. And Trump is absolutely going to want missiles on the Russian border and control of the Black Sea.

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56209f No.21668715


Very young trafficking victim applauds the Diddy arrest


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a7da8f No.21668716

POTUS: ' I want Asian electronics companies to become Michigan Electronics companies.. here is the deal to every major company in the world.. cuz we will be the pot of gold… we will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest regulatory, we will give you free access to the biggest and best market in the world, here, … if you dont make it here. … you will pay tariffs.. we will take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs into our Treasury '

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0aaa81 No.21668717

File: 08828a197af6e9f⋯.png (11.83 KB,202x250,101:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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df6581 No.21668718

File: adc5e259bf5170e⋯.jpeg (91.41 KB,306x621,34:69,Rally_Girl1.jpeg)

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8f1d08 No.21668719

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>The Lebanese army imposes a security cordon around the US embassy in Beirut

To protect the CIA?

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2a7767 No.21668720

File: b5e9db4a904f202⋯.png (327.2 KB,564x590,282:295,ClipboardImage.png)

EMHOFF: What really bothered me a week or so ago was when Trump got up at an event purporting to fight anti-Semitism and he said vile anti-Semitic things, long tropes that are just terrible. We have to speak out every single time when something like that happens. So I’m going to continue not to be afraid, not to be intimidated. Not to live in fear, but to live openly and proudly as a Jewish person.

PSAKI: When you hear him say things like that, and he said that if he doesn’t win it will be essentially the fault of Jewish Americans, an old tropes. I know you put a statement out on X at the time. Do you worry he is putting a target on the backs of Jewish Americans?

EMHOFF: He is. Take him at his word. He lies about a lot of things but you have two take him at his word on things like this. This is a disgusting trope, the so-called dual loyalties. It is an outrage. And it is not just Jewish people who should be outraged.”

PSAKI: Do you think he’s anti- semitic when he says things like that? You look at him and see the repetition of this type of words and language as anti-Semitic?

EMHOFF: Of course it is and I said that publicly, definitely.


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62a9da No.21668721


You should really learn something before you run your mouth

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5fdcdd No.21668722

File: 5147311cc832405⋯.png (375.8 KB,591x854,591:854,dc.PNG)




Sooo barely anyone is talking about the fact that nearly half of America’s seaport workers are planning to go on strike on October 1

America’s economy would lose $5 Billion per day

Oil, medicines, and food would dry up in days leading to chaos



10:59 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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0b7f9d No.21668723


To blow them up in one place.

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0aaa81 No.21668724

File: 7f0a49f4b235082⋯.png (572.95 KB,1652x2048,413:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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88df7b No.21668726

File: 2eb8d307f2e66ce⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB,1280x536,160:67,fact_you.mp4)

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a7da8f No.21668728

POTUS: ' Mr Wall would you please stand up… hes a successful guy,… hes been to 293 rallies.. have i dont a good job?.. you better say yes '

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d6f42d No.21668729

trump has got to put some made in america safety and quality checks or this could backfire

the last thing usa wants is shoddy goods.

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a7da8f No.21668730

POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in '

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c3ddb8 No.21668731

File: 4fd130aeed67274⋯.png (17.74 KB,515x153,515:153,Q293.png)

Trump- he's been to 293 rallies….


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2a7767 No.21668732

File: d08e9b2786b73d6⋯.png (108.48 KB,1001x719,1001:719,ClipboardImage.png)

Four Million Without Power, Thousands Of Flights Disrupted As Helene Terrorizes US East Coast

According to Poweroutage.us, over four million customers were without power as of 1000 ET due to Tropical Storm Helene. Most outages are in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina.


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2a0536 No.21668733


It was the five eyes and NATO with Merkels cunty push. The CIA was involved yes, but so were all the other alphabet cronies. Our tax dollars funded the whole op. Everyone knows it, including Putin, which is why he hasn't glassed everything yet. The world is holding breath for Trump to return.

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711eeb No.21668734


PDJT NEVER calls him Brick Suit! He’s a wealth guy!

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a7da8f No.21668735

POTUS: ' I put a 22 percent tariff on chinese furniture… '

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6f43a7 No.21668738




Is it to stop people getting in or is it to stop people getting out?

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a7da8f No.21668739

POTUS: ' North Carolina was the furniture capitol of the world… id buy chinese furniture and theyd sit on it and the chair would break and theyd sue me '

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0b7f9d No.21668740

The furniture story is true. Habbens in my hotel too.

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a7da8f No.21668741

POTUS: ' They sit down at the beautiful dining table and the chair would break and we have a problem… we will have a 17 percent Maid in America tax break '

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a8b094 No.21668743

File: 44860d3511582d2⋯.jpg (210.31 KB,2080x1442,1040:721,NewDay.JPG)

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0b7f9d No.21668744


You'll know soon enough when the choppers arrive to evacuate them.

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000000 No.21668745

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a7da8f No.21668746

POTUS: ' So i brought thte business tax break from 39 percent down to 21 percent… it was actually over 50 percent in some places.. '

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2a7767 No.21668749

File: 6f970fc84568337⋯.png (406.54 KB,625x439,625:439,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge Sentences Ex-Youth Pastor For Impregnating 14-Year-Old Girl, Leading To Cascading Discovery Of New Victims

A court has sentenced a former youth pastor in Ellis County, Texas, to 50 years in prison for the sexual assault of multiple minors, according to a Thursday report.

53-year-old Marvin Scales pleaded guilty to two counts of abusing a young child sexually, a count of aggravated sexual assault and a count of sexually assaulting a child, Ellis County District Attorney Ann Montgomery said, according to WFAA.

The sentencing comes after an investigation was launched in August 2023 when a 14-year-old girl gave birth, with DNA tests confirming Scales as the father.

Montgomery said Scales, who was a youth pastor at a local church, used his position to prey on children in his congregation.


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197bfb No.21668750

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4e7ca0 No.21668751

File: 3ebb0eeff2bf1e8⋯.png (458.36 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240927_153848.png)

File: 05de78dabe31b66⋯.png (125 KB,766x1338,383:669,914_4_.png)

File: e38f8134326c02c⋯.png (160.88 KB,766x1778,383:889,2114_3_.png)

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a7da8f No.21668752

POTUS: ' We did more business and created more jobs with a 21 percent rate… we took in much more money because we had more business than ever before '

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42188a No.21668753


Why won’t people ask more questions!!! The Q question or even yelling out, “we can’t vote them out they cheat!”

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d6f42d No.21668754


just said that.


this above

wonder if he is watching the board in real time

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8bf3c7 No.21668755

File: 29e10dee9669d7f⋯.jpg (769.55 KB,1080x1493,1080:1493,FaceAyy.JPG)

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a7da8f No.21668756

POTUS: ' Im going to go a step further.. im going to bring down the 21 percent down to 15 percent '

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95b6db No.21668758

File: 7bf4975f249036b⋯.webm (2.62 MB,1100x850,22:17,swimSUIT.webm)


ebil digits

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a652c2 No.21668759

File: dab361c63ba7afd⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,longtropes.mp4)

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68a072 No.21668760


"market is driven by factors such as rising disposable incomes, an increasing focus on home improvement, and the expansion of e-commerce platforms offering a wide variety of furniture at competitive prices"


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a7da8f No.21668761

POTUS: ' 15 percent will be almost as low as it goes in the world.. but only if you manufacture your product here '

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21eda0 No.21668762

File: a37bdc7c62e7ee3⋯.png (1.02 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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c40450 No.21668764


He will be held accountable.

Promises made, promises kept.

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68a072 No.21668765


soulless eyes on all of them

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2a7767 No.21668768

File: a453ac8e1704747⋯.png (83.47 KB,746x569,746:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a031539c10a5285⋯.png (87.39 KB,748x582,374:291,ClipboardImage.png)

EPA Whistleblowers Expose Agencies Efforts To Approve Harmful Chemicals

After exposing corruption within the Environmental Protection Agency which put the health of millions of Americans at risk, several scientists filed complaints with the Office of the Inspector General alleging that they had been retaliated against by upper management for their refusal to cover up health concerns.

More than three years ago, a small group of government scientists came forward with disturbing allegations.

During President Donald Trump’s administration, they said, their managers at the Environmental Protection Agency began pressuring them to make new chemicals they were vetting seem safer than they really were. They were encouraged to delete evidence of chemicals’ harms, including cancer, miscarriage and neurological problems, from their reports — and in some cases, they said, their managers deleted the information themselves.

After the scientists pushed back, they received negative performance reviews and three of them were removed from their positions in the EPA’s division of new chemicals and reassigned to jobs elsewhere in the agency.

On Wednesday, the EPA inspector general announced that it had found that some of the treatment experienced by three of those scientists — Martin Phillips, Sarah Gallagher and William Irwin — amounted to retaliation.

Three reports issued by the inspector general confirmed that the scientists’ negative performance reviews as well as a reassignment and the denial of an award that can be used for cash or time off were retaliatory. They also detailed personal attacks by supervisors, who called them “stupid,” “piranhas” and “pot-stirrers.”

The reports called on the EPA to take “appropriate corrective action” in response to the findings. In one case, the inspector general noted that supervisors who violate the Whistleblower Protection Act should be suspended for at least three days.

The reports focus only on the retaliation claims. The inspector general is expected to issue reports in the future about the whistleblowers’ scientific allegations.

In an email sent to the staff of the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention after the reports were released, EPA Assistant Administrator Michal Freedhoff wrote that the office plans to hold a “refresher training on both scientific integrity and the Whistleblower Protection Act” for all managers in the office. Freedhoff also wrote that the office is “reviewing the reports to determine whether additional action may be necessary.”

In a statement to ProPublica, the EPA tied the problems laid out in the report to Trump. “The events covered by these reports began during the previous administration when the political leadership placed intense pressure on both career managers and scientists in EPA’s new chemicals program to more quickly review and approve new chemicals,” the agency wrote, going on to add that the “work environment has been transformed under Administrator Michael Regan’s leadership.”

Trump campaign spokespeople did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A second Trump presidency could see more far-reaching interference with the agency’s scientific work. Project 2025, the radical conservative policy plan to overhaul the government, would make it much easier to fire scientists who raised concerns about industry influence.

“I’m worried about the future because there are groups out there pushing for changes to the civil service that would make it so I could be fired and replaced with a non-scientist,” said Phillips, a chemist. Publicly available versions of the inspector general’s reports redacted the names of all EPA employees, including the scientists, but Phillips, Gallagher and Irwin confirmed that the investigations focused on their complaints.

Phillips said the experience of having his work changed, facing hostility from his supervisors and agonizing about whether and how to alert authorities was traumatic. He began pushing back against the pressure from his bosses in 2019, trying to explain why his calculations were correct and refusing their requests to change his findings, he said.


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a7da8f No.21668769

POTUS: ' If you manufacture your product you get it down to 15 percent… then im imposing tariffs on your competition… so now you wont be able to worry about having someone come in and steal your business '

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4e7ca0 No.21668770

File: 2dbe7d84e8db6c3⋯.png (438.82 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240927_154106.png)

File: 84ee7d7de59d644⋯.png (27.15 KB,766x408,383:204,338_4_.png)

File: 2c1828dae266db4⋯.png (460.07 KB,766x2152,383:1076,1538_1_.png)

File: 35593c11bc31962⋯.jpeg (135.94 KB,1199x922,1199:922,04f2f744ea267682ab5abdf1c….jpeg)

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8f1d08 No.21668771

File: 40c108cb9a2fd22⋯.png (76.98 KB,250x237,250:237,think.png)


>POTUS: ' I put a 22 percent tariff on chinese furniture… '

Because that crap would end up in the landfills within a year?

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68a072 No.21668773


that should be an end to American corporate greed

let's blame the slopes for everything


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a9c1e5 No.21668774

>>21668616 LB

I was away from the compooter…

Did POTUS just mention buying all the furniture himself???


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a7da8f No.21668776

POTUS: ' Your car industry will be as big as it was 60 years ago… this is why everyone is after Trump… the only one who has shots fired at them.. that throbbing feeling… but thats i have to put it mildly.. in particular Iran.. they were the sponsor of terror like no one else… they were broke under Trump administration… i was only looking for one thing.. i didnt want them hurt.. the iranian people are wonderful people… you can be strong and be beautiful but you cant have a nuclear weapon.. the power of nuclear is just too monumental '

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4e7ca0 No.21668777

File: 0eff40504252534⋯.png (277.45 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240927_154325.png)

File: 2828c2c32a4c503⋯.png (47.17 KB,766x540,383:270,320_2_.png)

File: 33dae9b5f1780b2⋯.png (285.75 KB,766x1238,383:619,1520_1_.png)

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d6f42d No.21668778


steal your business.

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a7da8f No.21668779

POTUS: ' 28 terrorist groups '

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e13dea No.21668780

File: 81798a3bbc0f351⋯.jpeg (212.56 KB,1138x500,569:250,IMG_6364.jpeg)

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717e49 No.21668781


its not anti Semitic

if they are not semites

why do they refuse their own dna testing

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79ac63 No.21668782


How many youth pastors are ever screened psychologically or criminally, there have been at least 500 reports since I got here in Jan 2018. This is a major problem in church's including pastors, priests and leaders.

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576df1 No.21668783

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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a7da8f No.21668784

POTUS: ' Including republican presidents.. they go in and blow up the middle east and come back and you get nothing '

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7bdc47 No.21668786

File: af227efd4067070⋯.jpg (38.42 KB,640x420,32:21,af227efd4067070794aa09c8c8….jpg)

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717e49 No.21668788

do those white mf'ers

look semite

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a7da8f No.21668789

POTUS: ' i blew up 100 percent of the isis caliphate… i was told it would take 5 years.. i did it in 4 weeks… '

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000000 No.21668790

Third temple incoming.

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a652c2 No.21668793

File: 126bf06f9d78c8f⋯.png (1.81 MB,1408x792,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Shmuley Boteach looks like Hoggle from Labyrinth

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9ad024 No.21668794

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

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a7da8f No.21668795

POTUS: ' I dont have the time to tell the story.. because i have to be somewhere else giving the same gddm speech '

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c3ddb8 No.21668796

Trump- I have to be someplace else, making the same damn speech…..

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0aaa81 No.21668797

File: aee7e37272d561f⋯.png (448.44 KB,828x477,92:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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4715a9 No.21668798


Israel needs bodies. This slide works both ways. 1. It keeps Jews from voting Trump, ie "Self-Loathing Jew"™ and 2 It keeps Jews in fear, so they'll pack up, with their kids and move to the Motherland™. Those kids will get conscripted in the IDF by Zio Nazi, BiBi.

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5fdcdd No.21668799

File: 144c7deb8c1587f⋯.png (660.94 KB,589x619,589:619,5.PNG)


I'm Queenie


This is in Swannanoa, about 5 minutes east of Asheville. The people in these homes had to break windows to escape and get to higher ground. If you zoom in you'll see someone on the roof. It's unbelievable.


8:20 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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a7da8f No.21668800

POTUS: introduces senator

senator bumps him over from the podium,

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a7da8f No.21668802

i think the senator was nervous is why he bumped POTUS over

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a652c2 No.21668803

File: f1623df23f80ed3⋯.png (700.63 KB,1035x582,345:194,ClipboardImage.png)


Joaquin Phoenix

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8ee537 No.21668804

File: cc2cfefb8dfcbe4⋯.png (483.19 KB,545x468,545:468,FreeThinker.PNG)

File: ba73df7eb3576a1⋯.jpg (52.68 KB,524x526,262:263,PeaceOnEarth.JPG)

File: 496343cf8321c8a⋯.jpg (57.1 KB,963x923,963:923,DarkToLight.JPG)

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2a7767 No.21668806

Israel attacks Lebanon: Beirut suffers ‘unprecedented’ bombardment

Israel’s military launches an “unprecedented” attack on southern Beirut with dead and wounded at the scene and a block of buildings brought down as the assault on Lebanon intensifies.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decries “lies and slander” at the UN General Assembly, threatens Iran, and vows to continue “degrading” Hezbollah in Lebanon as delegates storm out in protest.


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04807f No.21668807


Hmm….could we also not give a tax break to companies that export jobs out of the United States? It isn't just manufacturing. IT, computer programming, call enters, and the inside works of businesses that maybe produce fiscal products and not something physical. Bring them all back. No H1b's. If you put tariffs on companies exporting into the US, seems only fair to not give companies tax breaks that export jobs outside of the US.

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4715a9 No.21668808

File: 683b71e738d00f6⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB,1262x1638,631:819,ClipboardImage.png)


>Shmuley Boteach looks like Hoggle from Labyrinth


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78be77 No.21668810

File: 41960dcb57a8e78⋯.jpeg (325.88 KB,806x1311,806:1311,IMG_1815.jpeg)

File: 0aaadfb5f91a63d⋯.jpeg (151.97 KB,634x637,634:637,IMG_9334.jpeg)

File: 5d17dc429a91ab4⋯.jpeg (269.04 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_9333.jpeg)

File: 5f2b289c871735a⋯.jpeg (30.9 KB,446x296,223:148,IMG_9332.jpeg)

File: bd829278bf92fd7⋯.jpeg (201.23 KB,998x969,998:969,IMG_9331.jpeg)

250 year anniversary coming up bitches! 2026 is going to be glorious!

Still have a request in for tanks to do donuts in the streets. Damned be the pavement around most cities anyway!

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c3ddb8 No.21668811



Saw that.

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ef03d1 No.21668812

President Trump: If Kamala Harris gets in, every single manufacturing job in this state is going to Mexico or going to China, and Mexico's a very big threat, by the way.

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2b98c4 No.21668813

>21668380 lb


rendered inert

all kill teams known and being tracked

kicking bush to see what else falls out

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a5d2aa No.21668814

File: 63be125c2878246⋯.png (64.99 KB,327x100,327:100,ClipboardImage.png)




Fuck shit satan's baking?

you fags better start stepping the fuck up.

toilet paper = pandemic

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21eda0 No.21668815

File: b8535b7a0606b66⋯.png (1.21 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19468ec3d61132b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d514daaf3ddc4ef⋯.png (1.15 MB,1462x820,731:410,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7da8f No.21668816

senator kept it short and sweet

POTUS: ' The tax queen is demanding 39 percent tax increase.. wants capital gains tax on this country and asset confiscation act on unrealized gains… '

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78be77 No.21668817

File: 9fa7ce3d6529826⋯.jpeg (86.25 KB,620x413,620:413,IMG_0174.jpeg)

File: 13f46efb22999ec⋯.png (5.61 MB,2528x1258,1264:629,IMG_5725.png)

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a652c2 No.21668818

File: 8f26564058e8ff7⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB,446x248,223:124,ISISnoISIS.mp4)

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90caa7 No.21668819

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a7da8f No.21668820

POTUS: ' Unrealized gains tax… it will cause a depression like 1929.. other than that its a good idea.. her father is a professor of marxist ideas… we are not ready for a marxist or communist president '

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0aaa81 No.21668821

File: 74c8c3bce427100⋯.png (382.18 KB,998x536,499:268,ClipboardImage.png)


Gen. ‘Raisin’ Caine

Air Force Lt. Gen. John D. Caine


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773644 No.21668822

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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a7da8f No.21668823

POTUS: ' When you see we are leading by 2 points, 3 points.. we should be leading by 50 '

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2a7767 No.21668824

File: 2b0b927750b9bec⋯.png (1.7 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Kills 39 More Palestinians in Gaza, Bombs Another School

Schools sheltering displaced have become frequent targets of Israeli bombs in recent months. On September 21, Israel targeted a school in the al-Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City, killing at least 22 people, including 13 children and six women.


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a7da8f No.21668826

POTUS: ' What she did on the border… in business you always want to figure out your opponent.. here you cannot figure it out.. why do they want open borders.. why do they want men in women sports.. why do they want sex change operations for those in detention centers and shes willing to do that … are we crazy? '

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79ac63 No.21668828


That will never happen. US started it when the couped Ukraine. Russia has a right to them and have had for 1,000s of years. US and EU were inching closer to coup Russia. Learn the history

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ef03d1 No.21668829

President Trump: And you know, we're leading in the polls; we're doing great, but, you know, when you see we're leading by two points, three points; we should be leading by fifty points. How the hell; no really, you would really say, 'why would anybody vote for her?'

[internal polls showing a fifty-point landslide?]

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52b5f5 No.21668830

File: 448923342e3cf0b⋯.jpeg (118.5 KB,1004x394,502:197,phonto.jpeg)

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924e9b No.21668831

File: 0d564f68e4b394e⋯.jpeg (219.84 KB,1100x1126,550:563,IMG_1294.jpeg)

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5fdcdd No.21668832

File: 1679745e2457ce6⋯.png (398.61 KB,606x528,101:88,hc.PNG)




We are getting an aerial view of the extent of flooding in Hillsborough County. This is Town ’N Country, one of our hardest-hit areas by #HurricaneHelene. Please remain in your homes while the water recedes and #teamHCSO works to clear debris.

4:58 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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92d916 No.21668834


Well maybe if the Palestinans didn't hide their rockets IN schools, they wouldn't get bombed.

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fe4025 No.21668835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



16 straight rays on the circumference and 16 crooked rays. 3 pointed nails. And one point on the "cross" hammer.

16 + 16 +3 + 1 = 36

Add all the numbers from 1 to 36 and you get 666.

Roman Numerals:

I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

1 + 5 + 10 + 50 + 100 + 500 = 666.

Detecting a pattern yet?

Revelations 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

"John" was speaking in code.

Was he pointing at Rome?

Does the Jesuit Logo self incriminate, ie…boast of a thing?

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0aaa81 No.21668836

File: 593b0bcdad86e9e⋯.png (127.46 KB,657x527,657:527,pepe_magnifying_glass.png)

File: 1e7ba5f5af6dc12⋯.png (39.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


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0b7f9d No.21668838

File: 84cf45159c142d8⋯.png (20.47 KB,554x166,277:83,ClipboardImage.png)

We caught them all.

Sting OP.

Z is KEY

Ukraine - Keystone

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a7da8f No.21668840

POTUS: ' No state in America will be able to ban gasoline cars… a lot of the things we have have been stopped because of the environment..this country has never been laughed at like a couple of dopes as we are now '

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544ea4 No.21668841

So how are you enjoying your incarnation on earth so far?

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0aaa81 No.21668842

File: 4f593aed13be769⋯.jpg (21.51 KB,457x260,457:260,kamalaclown.JPG)

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ef03d1 No.21668843

President Trump: The only good thing that happened with this four year disaster, is that the people will understand when we fix our country, they'll be much more understanding than they would have been if we just went straight ahead and did it.

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11d588 No.21668844

File: 300a764f13dd5b3⋯.jpg (97.19 KB,509x680,509:680,meme_picking.jpg)

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8c5b46 No.21668845

File: 9cb83509e23bf8f⋯.jpg (59.39 KB,679x498,679:498,2AmadeSimple.JPG)

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fe4025 No.21668846


Child sacrifice.

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a7da8f No.21668848

POTUS: ' She was totally in favor of confiscating your guns.. until she saw that it didnt poll well… but she will revert back quickly and shell take your guns '

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e872d3 No.21668849

File: 9c95bf32a0b7aa5⋯.png (1.54 MB,750x1334,375:667,B7FA3894_B488_4AFC_9FC3_EF….png)

File: e7fdde2630afb76⋯.png (191.01 KB,690x1386,115:231,16244EA8_7340_430E_A86C_09….png)

File: d28d522d52676cd⋯.jpeg (111.98 KB,815x458,815:458,08277312_7301_4CB8_AE8D_F….jpeg)

File: 738ed4258d1186b⋯.png (63.85 KB,690x674,345:337,F46C6298_6B9E_4428_BD4D_BA….png)

File: aac85e0ad21a078⋯.jpeg (518.78 KB,1839x1034,1839:1034,A0568705_B37A_45E8_9F76_D….jpeg)

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000000 No.21668850


>If americans didn´t hide ar15 in schools, they wouldn´t get killed.

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2a7767 No.21668851

UN speech, Netanyahu says Israel seeks peace but will fight until victory

“We won’t rest until our citizens return safely to our homes,” said the premier, the day after a public disagreement with the United States and France over a plan for a ceasefire in Lebanon.

“We will continue degrading Hezbollah until all our objectives are attained,” he said, without addressing the US-French proposal.

Talking tough throughout the address, Netanyahu also said that the Hamas terror group in Gaza “has got to go.”

Netanyahu said that it was “inconceivable” and “ridiculous” that Hamas could be part of reconstructing Gaza and that Israel will reject any plan that includes them. Giving the terror group a role in post-war Gaza would be akin to “allowing the defeated Nazis in 1945” to help rebuild Germany.

“In measured military operations, we destroyed nearly all of Hamas’s terror battalions—23 out of 24 battalions,” Netanyahu said. “Now, to complete our victory, we are focused on mopping up Hamas’s remaining fighting capabilities.”

At the same time, Israel remains focused on “our sacred mission” –


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5fdcdd No.21668853

File: 8a9ad008682e376⋯.png (359.7 KB,603x678,201:226,boon.PNG)


Andrew Gibson


Absolutely heartbreaking footage from my college town of Boone, NC.

It’s so tough to see a place you know so well and love so much get devastated like this.

Worst flooding since at least 1940, per @wxbrad


Praying hard for my Boone people.

Video courtesy of @NelsonAerials


7:41 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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d6f42d No.21668854

File: 52568d276b241a1⋯.png (216.47 KB,500x590,50:59,ClipboardImage.png)


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349ab7 No.21668855

File: bbd97ff5f13a6ec⋯.png (205.66 KB,485x337,485:337,TheMonsters.PNG)

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c3ddb8 No.21668856


TRANSLATION: Quit yer bitchen. It had to be this way to awaken the masses. Some will never see it, but most have now seen it.

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0aaa81 No.21668857


Trip-dubs chek't & kek'd

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ef03d1 No.21668858

President Trump: Getting a Kennedy to endorse a Trump republican, that was a big deal, right?

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a7da8f No.21668859

POTUS: ' I think we have somebody here that ive know and liked… is robert f kennedy jr here? where is he? i know he if here someplace… rfk jr… getting a kennedy to endorse a Trump Republican that was a big deal.. hes a good man and he has amazing views.. esp on health '

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0b7f9d No.21668860


>Worst flooding since at least 1940

It habbened before, it will habben again.

It habbens in cycles.

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4715a9 No.21668861

File: b95ceef77f59bfa⋯.mp4 (4.98 MB,320x240,4:3,d1a727bc1fc74ad3.mp4)


>Well maybe if the Palestinans didn't hide their rockets IN schools, they wouldn't get bombed.

Kek. Yeah, I'm sure that's it….

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abfcad No.21668862

File: b66de8c15538f80⋯.gif (4.55 MB,480x360,4:3,Winning.gif)


>So how are you enjoying your incarnation on earth so far?

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5fdcdd No.21668865

File: 4279d5198a96530⋯.png (85.96 KB,597x867,199:289,sin.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


🚨 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

When asked “what type of identification do you need? A voter's registration card, driver's license”

Election worker “Previously I had to check everybody's IDs. But this year, I was told I wasn't allowed.”

“We just walked in to get absentee ballots to register to vote for November 5th. Walked in, and we asked her how we go about getting those, and she said, oh, I'll mail them to you. I said, well, what type of identification do you need? A voter's registration card, driver's license, whatever.

And her response is, previously, I checked. I had to check everybody's IDs. But this year, I was told I wasn't allowed.

Can somebody please tell me what's wrong with that picture? I said, how long will it take us to get those? Because we're gonna be going out of town.

And she said, oh, you'll get them tomorrow. I'm gonna walk them over to the post office right now. You'll get them tomorrow. So I walked in, asked for an absentee ballot. They're gonna send it without anybody checking if I'm registered.

What's wrong with that picture?”

0:05 / 1:07

Last edited

8:41 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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fe4025 No.21668866


Their "god" is a bloodthirsty god.

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4715a9 No.21668867

File: bd5ea1c6ce95ca4⋯.png (924.72 KB,735x520,147:104,ClipboardImage.png)


>It habbened before, it will habben again.

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000000 No.21668868


Best game in galaxy.

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3df72f No.21668869

File: 8b04a462164fe35⋯.jpg (145.16 KB,504x360,7:5,Untitled_2_copy.jpg)


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5fdcdd No.21668870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2a7767 No.21668871

File: 5116326ddd4cedd⋯.png (74 KB,974x525,974:525,ClipboardImage.png)

52 Top Scientists Sign Letter Warning of ‘Substantial’ Cancer Risk from Covid ‘Vaccines’


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8b47bf No.21668872

File: d3f33f05a1e55fa⋯.png (123.09 KB,231x346,231:346,ClipboardImage.png)

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4715a9 No.21668873

File: 4ec0584490b58c1⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x1117,1024:1117,ClipboardImage.png)


Blood for the Blood God.

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26e88c No.21668874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth

1 hour ago

RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH



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349ab7 No.21668875

File: 9cb32b0091101e6⋯.jpg (217.64 KB,1080x1029,360:343,TrumpYourMove.JPG)


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0b7f9d No.21668876

File: 6b7387f6f88eff1⋯.png (586.92 KB,770x615,154:123,ClipboardImage.png)

The biggest stoner on earth endorses Kamala.


The desperation is palpable.


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a7da8f No.21668877

POTUS: ' Two people were able to get in '

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21eda0 No.21668878

File: 4fb765812c4094f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eae99d035acd0e5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 324c7868c703108⋯.png (1.07 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a7767 No.21668879

File: b58c5f4dfff82bc⋯.png (99.96 KB,306x279,34:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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df6499 No.21668881

File: 06c34886cc809a4⋯.jpg (1 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Paper_Trail_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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abfcad No.21668882

File: e6149f4acb298c1⋯.png (310.55 KB,1032x616,129:77,ClipboardImage.png)


>POTUS: ' She was totally in favor of confiscating your guns.. until she saw that it didnt poll well… but she will revert back quickly and shell take your guns '

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c40450 No.21668883

Trump would KO Biden in 0.5 seconds

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3df72f No.21668884

File: c71ababb27dcdf1⋯.jpg (145.29 KB,1500x844,375:211,peplu2.jpg)

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2a7767 No.21668885

File: 63dd3ce26cf12c2⋯.png (302.65 KB,467x495,467:495,ClipboardImage.png)

IDF is playing dress up again to justify their slaughter

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4715a9 No.21668887


>UN speech, Netanyahu says Israel seeks peace but will fight until victory

>At the same time, Israel remains focused on “our sacred mission” –

The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.™

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0b7f9d No.21668888

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face - Trump quoting that boxer dude.

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00243e No.21668889

File: 9d08d1f2af646f3⋯.jpg (208.31 KB,1200x628,300:157,Shrooms.JPG)


Shillie Nelson

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000000 No.21668890

The White House

@WhiteHouse 1m

Tom and Lindsay Jones were at a Fourth of July parade with their young daughters when a mass shooting broke out. Seven people were killed. They are turning their pain into purpose by advocating for an assault weapons ban.

Sep 27, 2024 · 8:00 PM UTC




>If americans didn´t hide ar15 in schools, they wouldn´t get killed.

Kneel before ZOG

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26e88c No.21668891

File: 9ef86f7dd3ceae7⋯.png (184.91 KB,508x800,127:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Stay LOCAL (U.S.)

GLOBAL = reflection of LOCAL.


Know your enemy.

"Every battle is won before it's ever fought."

Knowledge is POWER.

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abfcad No.21668893

File: 28157ab0f0f723e⋯.png (693.67 KB,698x452,349:226,ClipboardImage.png)


>There is nothing new under the sun

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4715a9 No.21668894


Kek. She'll be lucky if he makes it to election day to vote.

notableKek. Harris Campaign is so desperate, they're bringing out fossils, most Gen Zers don't know.

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d6f42d No.21668895

File: 1bfd18ec3bd6383⋯.png (142.91 KB,659x406,659:406,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs and quad infinity quads chek'ed

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c2e40a No.21668896


#26535 >>21668666


>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH

>>21668675, >>21668679, >>21668683, >>21668686, >>21668692, >>21668697, >>21668700, >>21668706, >>21668708, >>21668711, >>21668716, >>21668728, >>21668730, >>21668731, >>21668735, >>21668739, >>21668741, >>21668746, >>21668752, >>21668756, >>21668761, >>21668769, >>21668776, >>21668779, >>21668784, >>21668789, >>21668796, >>21668812, >>21668820, >>21668823, >>21668826, >>21668829, >>21668840, >>21668843, >>21668848, >>21668858, >>21668859, >>21668878 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21668677 RT - Google responds to Russian data backup warning

>>21668688 Swamp Events

>>21668705 TREASON: ICE Report Reveals the Numbers from Biden-Harris Open Border

>>21668709 Only 38 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21668732, >>21668799, >>21668832, >>21668853 Four Million Without Power As Helene Terrorizes US East Coast

>>21668749 Youth Pastor Sentenced For Impregnating 14-Year-Old Girl, Leading To Cascading Discovery Of New Victims

>>21668768 EPA Whistleblowers Expose Agencies Efforts To Approve Harmful Chemicals

>>21668851 Middle East Happenings

>>21668865 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

>>21668876 Good 'Ol Shoe TOP KEK The desperation is palpable.

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a7da8f No.21668897

POTUS: ' Next to her is a giant, a giant, a reach like Wilt Chamberlain, Wilt the Stilt… they says on yuor mark, get set, and you know she got badly injured and she got hurt.. windburn.. she got horribly hurt… no men playing womens sports.. very very degrading for women '

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0aaa81 No.21668898

File: 08e8594ef0a44a5⋯.png (174.27 KB,394x220,197:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a7767 No.21668899

Israelis Rabbi–The Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese and Egyptians are all occupiers of our holy soil. We have much to do

'G-d drew the minimum borders of the land to be from the River Euphrates until the Nile. The Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese and Egyptians in the Sinai Peninsula are all occupiers of our holy soil. We have much to do!'

'The coming year of 5785 will be a crucial one for all Jews. Make no mistake about it. We will defeat all our enemies to the amazement and dismay of the world and our status as the chosen people will advance before the family of nations.'


Jeremiah 11

9 Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them. Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors. 11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. 12 The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. 13 You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’

14 “Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.

15 “What is my beloved doing in my temple

as she, with many others, works out her evil schemes?

Can consecrated meat avert your punishment?

When you engage in your wickedness,

then you rejoice.[a]”

16 The Lord called you a thriving olive tree

with fruit beautiful in form.

But with the roar of a mighty storm

he will set it on fire,

and its branches will be broken.

17 The Lord Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and aroused my anger by burning incense to Baal.

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a7da8f No.21668900

POTUS: ' No tax on tips… no tax on overtime… and no tax on social security for seniors… '

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530e80 No.21668901

File: f97a9a504fa296b⋯.jpg (45.37 KB,612x442,18:13,hillary_punched.jpg)

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d9c9e8 No.21668902

File: b0aafc61166831d⋯.png (202.7 KB,400x400,1:1,cat_sideways_L.png)

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4715a9 No.21668903

File: 0b1d084e45e1584⋯.png (713.01 KB,1045x1200,209:240,ClipboardImage.png)


Holy shit. Talk about coincidences.™

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576df1 No.21668904

File: b3b520ca758dd80⋯.png (13.66 KB,199x255,199:255,b3b520ca758dd80d0992228ec3….png)

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c40450 No.21668905


Celeb endorsements are all fucking fake. They have no power or sway on the election whatsoever. We know this from all the retards who voted for Killlary in 2016, they cheated with ballots in 2020, so no amount of endorsements will get a democrat elected, fact.

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4715a9 No.21668906

>>21668903 (me)

Here's the linky is anyone wants to verify.


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a7da8f No.21668907

POTUS: ' The people that you see leaving, because no one ever leaves… so what they do, they come up and are in the back waiting for me to take a picture with me.. and we are going to be late for something, but who cares.. '

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4715a9 No.21668909


>They have no power or sway on the election whatsoever.

They thought the sheep would follow the stars.

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d79ae2 No.21668910

File: 76261b409bccb29⋯.jpg (114.33 KB,720x733,720:733,Screenshot_20240927_160445….jpg)


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a7da8f No.21668911

POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine.. i met with president zelenskyy, she met with him yesterday… i will prevent ww3, something i can do that no one else can do… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency '

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a7da8f No.21668912

POTUS: ' Unleash safety and prosperity.. we are going to do it and we are going to do it fast '

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3df72f No.21668914


Willie n a pickle me tinks

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ef03d1 No.21668916

President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, and right now, with these really stupid people we have running our government, it is under tremendous threat from losing it's status as the world's reserve currency.

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e4c15c No.21668917

File: 652676649e7267f⋯.png (600.7 KB,1080x820,54:41,puff_daddy_muh_p_diddy_.png)

File: a363980dbe53500⋯.png (300.84 KB,720x1356,60:113,uganda_world_bank_defunds_….png)

File: 8e8622ab47397b6⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,480x854,240:427,uganda_why_are_you_gay.mp4)

File: 01799c68b5e58ad⋯.png (78.06 KB,610x632,305:316,BOTSWANA_GAY_THANKS_TO_TRU….png)

File: b7f62822af964ff⋯.jpg (311.51 KB,1200x1500,4:5,usa_fight_for_homosex_in_b….jpg)


>World Bank seeking LGBTQ concessions to restart funding for African state

that's gay.

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a7da8f No.21668918

POTUS: ' You know whos occupying Baghram now? China, china is occupying that base now '

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a5d2aa No.21668919


38 Days till the storm.

fifya o7

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0a5b6b No.21668920


But ahhh

What did he actually say?

with context I doubt it's what they are twisting it into being

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e4c15c No.21668921


>why has the Q-Map not been updated in 3 1/2 years

because literally no one understand it well enough to update it.


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0b7f9d No.21668923

File: 443bb5b6099b1c8⋯.png (234.64 KB,878x1266,439:633,3393.png)

We will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency - Trump

Now BRICS has run with multi currency, Trump will likely have to peg US dollar back to Gold.

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a7da8f No.21668924

POTUS: ' We are going to make our elections safe and secure '

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d79ae2 No.21668925

File: 4027ded6f422df0⋯.jpg (92.76 KB,720x739,720:739,Screenshot_20240927_151509….jpg)

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0b7f9d No.21668926

Cum Rag Kamala Harris

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8b47bf No.21668928

File: 92c171974327565⋯.png (51.98 KB,826x285,826:285,ClipboardImage.png)


Another coward.

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530e80 No.21668929

File: 59dbcabd1196dd4⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,480x510,16:17,Helene_Flood_Reporter.mp4)

Defiant L’s on X: "This man just won reporter of the year with this move right here. https://t.co/NguqQZKVhW" / X


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e4c15c No.21668930


> Unleash safety and prosperity.. we are going to do it and we are going to do it fast

gas is already down

$2.50 near me

Hasn't been that since the previous Trump admin

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a7da8f No.21668931

POTUS: ' Early absentee voting is under way right now… '

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4715a9 No.21668934

File: 4ce9b47f9f761e8⋯.png (4.7 MB,430x215,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Isn't it crazy that (((their))) Israel™ isWAYlarger than the Biblical one? Or is this just a really big coincidence™?

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d8d8ce No.21668935

Done in 30

Oct 5

Nov 4

The landscape will look much different on Nov 5

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e872d3 No.21668936

File: 216d3e8f384cf88⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,FBCEFD11_EE86_42A3_AAAC_D6….png)

File: 2a5d21eb4ddc7bd⋯.png (251.41 KB,750x1334,375:667,F20F54CC_E5E5_4642_BDB8_37….png)

File: c6f46d845e296af⋯.png (650.44 KB,690x2342,345:1171,049BC295_5069_4BC1_A48D_08….png)

File: f4dec1565f09986⋯.png (38.58 KB,690x498,115:83,5652654F_B9D8_4FA1_988D_71….png)

File: 727ea59228032e5⋯.png (57.04 KB,690x674,345:337,DDEDBBE4_E2F1_40E7_A8F8_0E….png)

the other device got jammed. image retrieval borked.

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0179ba No.21668937

File: 725856046f0379d⋯.png (53.99 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

kinda literally >>21668925

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e4c15c No.21668938

File: 1aad57aa97e073a⋯.jpg (7.02 KB,255x201,85:67,why_are_you_gay.jpg)


>This is stupid… and not correct.

you are stoopid and not correct spammer fag!

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962eea No.21668939


this is legend

remember this every morning you wake up!

ty for reposting

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a7da8f No.21668940

POTUS: ' We will make America safe again… we will make America Free again… GOD bless you… go out and vote… '

YMCA plays

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4715a9 No.21668941


>Willie n a pickle me tinks

Kek. He's been smoking that under-age weed.

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2a7767 No.21668942

File: c26a2460e7436c6⋯.png (180.42 KB,797x462,797:462,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 475b7876c2cbfa5⋯.png (68.42 KB,639x625,639:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da2307cf321d8f4⋯.png (71.02 KB,697x622,697:622,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab66cb70ed43609⋯.png (71.24 KB,653x628,653:628,ClipboardImage.png)

Tablet Mag Worries Charges Against Eric Adams Could Be Used Against The Israel Lobby

Tablet Magazine is worried that New York City Mayor Eric Adams' indictment on charges of taking bribes and illegal campaign contributions from Turkey could be used against the Israel Lobby.

Tablet's editor-at-large Liel Leibovitz wrote an article on Thursday lamenting the indictment titled, "The Jews Should Stand With Eric Adams."


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0aaa81 No.21668943

File: 47e99cbb7daf294⋯.png (500.54 KB,841x477,841:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7da8f No.21668944

trump did air Q sign

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c3ddb8 No.21668945

Trump Speech ended at 4:11

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21eda0 No.21668946

File: 3149c5cf95cb6e3⋯.png (1.24 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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544ea4 No.21668947


Made sure The camera was rolling first kek

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a835d7 No.21668948


The Devil won't let this faggot retire. I hope he's miserable and regrets the day he made the deal.

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e4c15c No.21668950

File: dc9fcd21f9ca7cb⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,480x360,4:3,_20m_air_Q_Donald_Trump_Sp….mp4)


>trump did air Q sign

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0b7f9d No.21668951


Very Likely.

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c40450 No.21668953


They have caused as much destruction as possible to keep Trump busy from 2025-2028.

He will not go after anyone, arrests, hold them all accountable, he will be too busy healing the US and unfucking all the mess they caused. SAD!

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2a7767 No.21668954

File: b41d149745147f7⋯.png (119.95 KB,750x647,750:647,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Candidate for 13th Congressional District of Florida Charged for Election-Related Threat to Former Primary Candidate and Private Citizen


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000000 No.21668956

Adam Schiff

@RepAdamSchiff 4h

Not a perfect call. Nor a hoax. But a very corrupt effort to shake down an ally at war, while withholding military support from Ukraine. If Zelenskyy looks like he was the victim of an extortion plot, it’s because he was.

Justin Baragona

Sep 27, 2024 · 4:07 PM UTC


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d6f42d No.21668957

love the way trump says


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544ea4 No.21668959

Feeling Precipice like yet?

We are 40 days out

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a7da8f No.21668960


well he did the people sign then

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f6c459 No.21668961

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

File: d8a0caa7e5b4ded⋯.jpg (649.17 KB,2048x1208,256:151,God_Wins.jpg)

File: 62d577f54f02234⋯.png (655.4 KB,1100x619,1100:619,FlagSky.PNG)

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4715a9 No.21668962


Yeah, I didn't want to copy the whole article, as it was late in the bread, but that whole article reads fucked up. Sure the writer is trying to pull the "Shame on you too, Jewish Lobby"™ thing, but there's all kinds of comms in that shit. I'm starting to think their global network is collapsing on itself.

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0aaa81 No.21668964

File: 499554284cddfd2⋯.mp4 (118.87 KB,444x360,37:30,chyna_thats_why.mp4)

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636ec2 No.21668965

File: 536d99172ca2ae8⋯.png (395.39 KB,625x638,625:638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a4c489bf667c8d⋯.png (1.12 MB,825x1535,165:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 509e72c52d0b35a⋯.png (578.61 KB,885x1003,15:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53e26b690f2b06a⋯.png (1.04 MB,840x1748,210:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b787521647855d3⋯.png (590.51 KB,855x1034,855:1034,ClipboardImage.png)

A Warning to America: Ignore Animal Antics and Look to Europe


Very important article, and warning.


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0b7f9d No.21668968


The reporters don't get Q, they don't get that the people get Q.

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c3ddb8 No.21668969

File: e799a3eb36cf75e⋯.png (19.86 KB,255x251,255:251,ANONAGELS.png)


Amazing speech.

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2a7767 No.21668971

18 Members of Yuma-Based Alien Smuggling Ring Indicted for Conspiracy to Harbor and Transport Undocumented Noncitizens


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e872d3 No.21668972

File: aebadcce0a60d4b⋯.png (1.02 MB,750x1334,375:667,22BDAB2E_B97B_4A28_864B_93….png)

File: e54d6c1e07f5b32⋯.png (23.43 KB,690x410,69:41,E59CCD69_782C_4841_AD67_68….png)

File: fd929723bf26d40⋯.jpeg (52.37 KB,900x461,900:461,F6EBD4BA_2F20_4D02_9DF2_9….jpeg)

File: e1086a168075962⋯.png (76.73 KB,690x850,69:85,1BB65AA6_F2AA_4E92_8E09_6D….png)

File: 15796d7815a4a27⋯.png (746.96 KB,690x1440,23:48,AF81AE91_B8BF_4DDD_9F6D_DC….png)



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4715a9 No.21668973

File: 81458309951a98f⋯.png (154.67 KB,348x375,116:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Article is fucked up, isn't it? There is all kinds ofcommsin this shit. Their network is collapsing.


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4dfe8c No.21668974

File: d4537b6a64efe6a⋯.png (270.85 KB,582x359,582:359,Screen_Shot_2024_09_27_at_….png)


digits of doom

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962eea No.21668975

File: d5311dd788622e0⋯.mp4 (989.42 KB,848x464,53:29,d5311dd788622e0895c8954d46….mp4)


ty, baker

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e4c15c No.21668976

File: 28093f3f3230c4b⋯.png (9.4 KB,234x143,18:11,q_means_the_people.png)

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6f43a7 No.21668977


Is that Brian Blessed.

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6f43a7 No.21668981

File: 617b6ca84c41e17⋯.jpg (161.88 KB,896x1161,896:1161,p04bkygw.jpg)

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8cf32e No.21668982



Throwing dice now, rolling loaded,

I see sixes all the way.

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0b7f9d No.21668983


Schiff admits he was extorting Z.

Projecting much…

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d07b99 No.21668984

File: 3857df5e01ba311⋯.png (47.57 KB,720x298,360:149,Screenshot_20240913_004414….png)

File: 0b13da406de5c66⋯.png (30.3 KB,595x263,595:263,Screenshot_20240913_004813….png)



Tsk tsk.

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a7da8f No.21668985

File: d5cde655a94ef6c⋯.png (7.04 MB,4480x2520,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)

two fist bumps, pointed at crowd saying thank you then did what looked like circles and saying thank you to someone in crowd.. is that his way to single out someone?

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2a7767 No.21668987

If you find the murder of civilians, including children, reprehensible, you may be an anti-Semite.

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0aaa81 No.21668988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a Town Hall on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 6:00 PM EDT in Warren, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 4 p.m. ET.


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e872d3 No.21668990

File: d1e8e59330c1ecc⋯.png (1.06 MB,750x1334,375:667,3018A3B7_D3C3_49BA_94F1_A5….png)

File: 6feafbbaa1ed562⋯.png (1.3 MB,750x1334,375:667,CDD5FFD5_8513_4AF4_8955_A4….png)

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4dfe8c No.21668991

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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d07b99 No.21668992


Just some nobody

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000000 No.21668994

President Biden


Devices that turn semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic guns are called machinegun conversion devices – their impacts are devastating.

They're already illegal, but they're flooding our communities. My new Task Force is working to address these emerging threats head-on.

Sep 27, 2024 · 1:40 AM UTC



>Q411 Trip not working on multiple devices. Test.

Roger that.

loud and clear.

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4dfe8c No.21668995

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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000000 No.21668997


Lake Lure dam failure prompts mandatory evacuation

Dam is broken

Sheriffs evacuating downstream

Currently Sheriffs locating each other


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4dfe8c No.21668998

muhjooshill readings confirm on target.

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4715a9 No.21668999

File: 2672b6b9692bc3f⋯.png (3.89 MB,1581x1054,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Is that Brian Blessed.

That's Israel bombing Lebanon. Obviously Topol's family signed his name on the bomb and it summoned him from the underworld.

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2a7767 No.21669000

File: 07e82f46cc0a9d4⋯.png (96.26 KB,298x260,149:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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95ae3c No.21669001



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a9c1e5 No.21669002



It was with Kaleigh McEnany (sp?)

Dan Scavino posted it didn't he?

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abfcad No.21669003

File: 1e1a0ba87f54280⋯.png (887.88 KB,889x500,889:500,1e1a0ba87f542803ca251c4a91….png)

File: 32006502394275a⋯.jpg (64.23 KB,500x500,1:1,32006502394275a887d3435d0c….jpg)

File: e56102917decc4d⋯.jpeg (134.53 KB,865x960,173:192,e56102917decc4d5f2b3db71d….jpeg)

File: 574c3ad94630376⋯.jpg (35.96 KB,562x420,281:210,Fs4SQAUXoAYNZmU.jpg)

File: 0e652e721e93b98⋯.png (12.4 KB,749x95,749:95,ClipboardImage.png)


>we will make America Free again

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0b7f9d No.21669005


Yes, we have forever, but this won't take that long in the general scheme of time.

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0aaa81 No.21669007

File: dfa546e8f9b85cd⋯.png (155.8 KB,1170x1178,585:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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fcaa5b No.21669008


Because (You) Didn't Update It.

Lazy Fucker

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4715a9 No.21669009

File: a860fdf851190a5⋯.png (74.08 KB,1024x512,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Immigration doesn't scare me. I was born in America.

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2a7767 No.21669010

File: 7a3b9611b9482b2⋯.png (98.11 KB,967x626,967:626,ClipboardImage.png)

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356eae No.21669011

File: 9d3320df65e20d0⋯.jpg (53.09 KB,710x798,355:399,Sep_27_Fools.jpg)

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587efc No.21669012



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11d588 No.21669013

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Host a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

Doors Open: 3:00 PM (US/Eastern)



6:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Holds Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump answers questions from voters at a campaign town hall in Warren, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit in the critical swing county, Macomb.



4:20 ish PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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0179ba No.21669015

File: d1351d93d847924⋯.png (389.15 KB,705x900,47:60,ClipboardImage.png)




This is probably one of the most important posts I’ll make on social media:

A reliable source tells me that Luzerne County Board of Elections has 15,000+ UNPROCESSED voter registration + mail-in ballot applications.

The BOE is also refusing outside help to get these forms processed.

➡️This is happening in a county that ran out of paper on Election Day in 2022⬅️

When we first discovered the backlog, we were told there was no backlog & it was a “rumor.”

Please note that the press release below does NOT include mail-in ballot requests, nor does it include online versus paper applications.

The last day to register to vote in PA is October 21st & the last day to request a mail-in ballot is October 29th.

This is voter disenfranchisement.

Pennsylvania was decided by 40,000 votes in 2016 & 80,000 votes in 2020.

Luzerne County may very well determine who wins the presidency.

CC: @ChairmanWhatley @LaraLeaTrump


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2a7767 No.21669016

File: f30644f0ee5cbce⋯.png (2.12 MB,853x1200,853:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1cb64 No.21669017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MLK Jr. Was Having Diddy Parties

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8a68ef No.21669018

File: b094bd715a718f5⋯.png (32.28 KB,599x528,599:528,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 582e2ecde23b88c⋯.png (45.49 KB,582x676,291:338,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a71976db8571518⋯.png (17.07 KB,603x336,201:112,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19070f2a8151b88⋯.png (1.1 MB,1438x671,1438:671,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm guessing that the Ritzy Miami hotel that the records for Diddy have been subpoenaed from is the STANDARD hotel. There is one in Miami Beach, one in New York and another in Los Angeles. That old footage of Solange kicking the crap out of JayZ was in an elevator at the Standard Hotel in NY. It was the Met Gala afterparty in 2014.


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356eae No.21669020

File: 0694296a298d842⋯.png (619.81 KB,803x977,803:977,May_18_Cavuto_shilling.png)

File: c74468976ce0f79⋯.png (526.42 KB,483x711,161:237,May_18_Cavuto_Coup_Qualifi….png)

File: 479767ca2fae3f4⋯.png (285.68 KB,668x377,668:377,May_18_cavuto.png)

File: 5d60fa40556b00b⋯.png (85.08 KB,717x416,717:416,May_18_Cavuto_Swamp.png)

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0179ba No.21669022

File: 150f4086dc9894f⋯.png (479.14 KB,657x680,657:680,ClipboardImage.png)


Nick Sortor



The Mayor is ordering the town of Newport, TN to evacuate IMMEDIATELY, as it’s directly downstream from the dam.

This is incredibly dangerous, and could very easily take out the entire town if it breaks.


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4715a9 No.21669023

File: 4211df8edba5aaf⋯.png (3.72 MB,498x301,498:301,ClipboardImage.png)



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e872d3 No.21669024

File: ffb46f1c9725261⋯.png (1.06 MB,750x1334,375:667,8F487B69_770C_4CBE_9DF5_A2….png)

File: c4bc55464e39e27⋯.png (74.53 KB,690x806,345:403,FDE0E33D_E485_46BE_8914_EB….png)

File: e62d0ab2e357f06⋯.png (24.99 KB,690x410,69:41,F5347C49_E3C9_4C34_8E82_54….png)

File: fd411069158329a⋯.png (93.2 KB,690x982,345:491,2BE52419_1271_4618_B626_74….png)

File: e62d0ab2e357f06⋯.png (24.99 KB,690x410,69:41,052AA406_475F_4FD0_AFAF_E0….png)


donut know something about soon shit and 2 moar weeks sir larpsalot.

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717e49 No.21669025


looks like lahaina

build back better

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d07b99 No.21669026



People have tired to convince me that Q doesn't exist and most importantly, that's it's all fake. Which is surprising, considering the considerable about of time I've spent researching it. Quite the contrary. It's so personal :)

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2a7767 No.21669027

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FBI Seize 'Horrific' Obama 'Freak Off' Tapes Featuring Underage Justin Bieber


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26e88c No.21669031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. John Campbell


25 minutes ago 14:57


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11d588 No.21669032

5:00 PM EDT

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 Pre-Launch News Conference

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)



NASA SpaceX Crew 9 Pre-Launch News Conference

NASA officials brief reporters from the Kennedy Space Center ahead of Saturday’s SpaceX’s Crew 9 launch from Space Launch Complex-40 at Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.



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0179ba No.21669034

File: c5281d24d02d8b2⋯.png (1.76 MB,1170x870,39:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3f432979894ac9⋯.png (1.81 MB,1170x851,1170:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 301dce20cec8b57⋯.png (179.45 KB,321x360,107:120,ClipboardImage.png)


Chris Hall, Y'all


Tri state area weather on Facebook just shared this.. I-40 East is gone between Tennessee and NC

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e872d3 No.21669035

File: c803aa019f27fb2⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,A5D46A04_B5E2_4483_91A4_8D….png)

File: ed415be835ca9b0⋯.png (39.86 KB,690x542,345:271,D14D05BE_FEB4_4AB9_BEF8_04….png)

File: 734b580797f9881⋯.png (727.24 KB,690x1440,23:48,FBA79699_29D1_4DF7_B0B7_17….png)

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ee6f4e No.21669036

File: f1339ae991dcb0d⋯.png (1.67 MB,968x867,968:867,ClipboardImage.png)

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4715a9 No.21669037

File: c99f33848c18f60⋯.mp4 (14.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,QAnon_Blood_Libel.mp4)


> that's it's all fake

It is fake, Anon. Just like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion™. The Chosen Ones™ have even said that the Q movement is muh Blood Libel™.

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0aaa81 No.21669038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Media Lies About Trump’s Reform UK Comments


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3ccaf0 No.21669039


Geez, that's some over the top 'Hopium'… If the politicians weren't getting their kickbacks, they wouldn't keep funding him.

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6ac4b0 No.21669040


it rains.

things flood

water piles up

Dams that aren't up to snuff breech.

it's a very common situation.

It always happens when hurricanes come through.

why does it happen?

because stuff isn't maintained or was never built for a 100 year weather event.

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e872d3 No.21669041

File: eb70ffe69f00191⋯.png (1.5 MB,750x1334,375:667,D41940EF_966E_40A4_8914_CA….png)

File: c2fb7e47ebe829f⋯.png (153.89 KB,690x1786,345:893,8F0C16B9_C3EA_4B88_A9C7_CA….png)

File: 6d46186f3464380⋯.jpeg (107.66 KB,680x453,680:453,AB35D2D9_8B02_4A23_8415_A….jpeg)


this board was chosen for a reason. fucked if me knows

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cf5d77 No.21669042


> Asheville

Sorry North Carolina. Get in line.

President Joe Biden announced a “surge” of more than $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine during a visit this week by president Volodymyr Zelensky. It was in part, a way to allocate funding before the fiscal year deadline on September 30 and to ensure the flow of weapons to Kyiv would continue through the end of 2024.


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d6f42d No.21669043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



27 Sept 2024


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4715a9 No.21669044

File: 383430863d01b88⋯.png (1.23 MB,870x1024,435:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Here's a new one, Anon.

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0179ba No.21669046

File: 13fb00c0bb19aa6⋯.png (778.67 KB,1098x1524,183:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9940d196d38216⋯.png (490.61 KB,1036x1532,259:383,ClipboardImage.png)


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8a68ef No.21669047



The Boom Boom room was on the top floor of the NY Standard hotel.

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0b7f9d No.21669048

File: 67faf4374ff7142⋯.png (34.17 KB,754x229,754:229,ClipboardImage.png)

The Taliban, coming to a town near you.

The General




BREAKING: Former Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan warns that the Taliban is infiltrating the U.S. via the southern border, preparing for attacks like the October 7th incident and the Russian mall attack. He claims Border Patrol has been ordered to stand down.


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8f5952 No.21669049


All marxists are foaming at the mouth psychopaths that want to kill everyone that disagrees with their delusions.

Their hallucinations of Utopia where everyone can be perverted always ends in millions dead and absolute Tyranny that leads to ultimate Revolution.

When the people have nothing left they will come for the overlords with their bate hands and teeth.

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0179ba No.21669051

File: c577971becfe522⋯.png (51.82 KB,589x171,31:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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d07b99 No.21669052

File: e0271e27b265522⋯.png (885.6 KB,720x1050,24:35,Screenshot_20240819_103418….png)


Omg thank you :3

This is a good one.

>Kitty plays exodia



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8a68ef No.21669054

File: 28ca89c2cef1388⋯.png (1.83 MB,1082x810,541:405,ClipboardImage.png)


Diddy and the Standard Hotel are practically neighbors.

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2a7767 No.21669055

File: 2f1fd5d897c9261⋯.png (130.61 KB,300x165,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21669056


Holy shit!

The taliban was our greatest ally short time ago.

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6ac4b0 No.21669057


why wouldn't one filter?

when you push your garbage out you have to expect others to toss your garbage into the trash.

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09a2bc No.21669058

Jay Z will be worse than P Diddy.

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2e397e No.21669059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d6f42d No.21669060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:dough below



LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.



djt channel - speech 1hr 15 mins runtime



>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH

31:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72LsMJrn0o0

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [President Trump event]: The democratic party sued me to keep me off the ballot here in Michigan, and the day that I announced for Donald Trump, they pivoted, and sued me to keep me on the ballot. And so far, they've won that lawsuit, so my name is going to appear on the Michigan ballot, but I don't want you to vote for me, I want to you vote for Donald J. Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: This was a war that we lied to from day one. We were told that it was an unprovoked invasion. We weren't told that Vladimir Putin, and every other Russia leader, told us for thirty years, if you go into Ukraine, we're going to have a military reaction. It is a red line for us…If we put Aegis missile systems in Ukraine…those missiles Tomahawk missiles, which can be nuclear tipped, will be three miles from Moscow. We can decapitate the entire Russian leadership in three minutes. My uncle, when the Russians tried to put missiles in Cuba, was going to go to war, and if Putin tried to put missiles in Canada, or Cuba, or Mexico, we would go to war…two days before the invasion, Kamala Harris went to Germany and said, definitively, for the first time by any US leader, we are moving NATO into Ukraine. And that is something that we all need to understand, that provocation.

>>21668341 RFK JR mp4 vid.>>21668341 i was born in the middle class

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: When my uncle was president, we spend zero on chronic disease. Now we spend 4.3 trillion dollars, and our children are so sick, and so obese, that seventy-seven percent of them do not qualify for military service. Our fertility levels have dropped to the lowest in the world. Teens today have fifty percent of the sperm count, fifty percent of the testosterone, as American teens two decades ago. Little girls are now hitting puberty at eight years old because all the estrogen that's generated by the poisons in toxic food…the average girl in this country is now reaching puberty between ten and thirteen years old. That is six years younger than a couple generations ago, and it is the youngest of any nation in the world. We are destroying our children.


djt takes the stage at 2.57pm e.t

djt; 13,099 convicted murderers have crossed the border. somebody just released the figures, brand new figures.

President Trump: According to this brand new data, never seen before, over thirteen thousand and ninety-nine convicted murderers have crossed the border, and are free to roam and kill in our country, These are convicted murderers, these are people that were in jail.

President Trump: In total, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty one, non-detained, meaning they're no longer in detention, meaning prison, non-citizens, convicted criminals from all over the world, are right now, at large, in the United States of America, with another two hundred and twenty-two thousand, one hundred and forty-one illegals with pending criminal charges, and these are serious criminal charges. For murder, for drugs being sold all over the world where many people have been killed…that's over six hundred and forty-seven thousand, five hundred and seventy-two, migrant criminals are in our country. It's a killing machine.

President Trump: If I lose; I'll tell you what, it's possible, because they cheat. That's the only way we're gonna lose, because they cheat. They cheat like hell.

President Trump: [Harris] should resign in disgrace for what she's done to our country, not run for president.


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576df1 No.21669061

File: db84987d14e621b⋯.jpg (282.62 KB,1200x675,16:9,db84987d14e621ba30eb430ff6….jpg)

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e872d3 No.21669063


the Qtard pro bot is definitely annoying. seen some shit. better philler than the first 5 years +. your programmer is still retarded.

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d79ae2 No.21669064

File: 6fffd822ac78b4f⋯.jpg (127.31 KB,681x1150,681:1150,Wdjxnd.jpg)

Arabs celebrating Israel's victory over Hezbollah

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0aaa81 No.21669065

File: be58b8622032811⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,MAKE_AMERICA_GREAT_AGAIN.mp4)

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cf5d77 No.21669066


The Walters Dam in Waterville, North Carolina was built between 1927 and 1930:


The Carolina Power and Light Company started construction in 1927, and their affiliate, the Phoenix Electric Company, finished it in 1930.


The concrete arch dam is 180 feet high and 800 feet long. It's located west of Interstate 40, and a brick power plant is 6.2 miles away. A tunnel connects the dam to the power plant.

Current status

Duke Energy owns and operates the dam as an active hydroelectric facility. In 1980, it was named a North Carolina Historic Civil Engineering Landmark

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0b7f9d No.21669067


We know exactly which countries and banks the Bidens kick backs were funneled through. Even when not through a bank, but a purchase or gift, cars, diamonds.

Do you really think the money disappeared without a trace?

These people are stupid.

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4715a9 No.21669068

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>when you push your garbage out you have to expect others to toss your garbage into the trash.

Kek. Indeed.

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d6f42d No.21669071

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump: [Harris] will fully and deliberately erase her own nation's borders, a crime so wicked as to defy description.

djt: i can finally look at the fake news and tell the, ITOLDYASO

President Trump: They are working full-time to sign these people [illegals], many of them murderers, to vote, so they can cheat on the election , 'cause that's what they do. And they vote against bills; any bill that wants to secure the vote, the democrats in congress fight like hell so they can't get passed.

President Trump: Kamala Harris betrayed her oath. She let our cities fail to violent gangs. She let our American sons and daughters be raped and murdered at the hands of vicious monsters. She let American communities be conquered. They're conquering your communities…and Kamala turned cherished small towns into blighted refugee camps.

POTUS: ' Theres no greater act of disloyalty than to distinguish the sovereignity of a nation'

POTUS: ' ISnt it nice to have a President who doest need a teleprompter'

POTUS: ' They didnt ask for a name, they didnt ask for a registration number… shes responsible for every crime scene, every bloody funeral every orphaned child'

POTUS: ' So I ask you that question… i give that to the fake news.. cuz shes right at the border.. blood is on her hands at a level probably at a level never seen before in this Country'

President Trump: What Kamala Harris has done is unforgivable; it's a crime what she did. It's gotta be criminal. There's no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation, and that's what she's done. She's ruined our nation. She's ruined our nation…Kamala is directly responsible for the tens of thousand of crimes committed by illegal migrants that she set free into our country…she's responsible for every bloody crimes scene, every funeral, every orphaned child.

POTUS: ' We are going to send kamala back to California'

POTUS: ' 63 million… we got many millions more votes than that.. and they beat us by a whisker.. theyre good at nothing else.. theyre only good at cheating.. there were 15 policies she changed'

POTUS: ' VISA crashed because the government went after VISA… Nancy Pelosi sold her stock the day before… why dont we get AG to do a little investigation… theyre probably turning off the cameras (fake news)… its amazing isnt it.. im proud to say, ive lost billions, … i couldve been given hundreds for painting like Hunter… ive lost i dont know how much.. and i dont care.. this is a much bigger Calling'

POTUS: ' I didnt want to go off on a tangent… but we are really here to bring back jobs to the great state of michigan.. i want to thank… met me in 2017… hes a big guy and his beautiful wife… goood looking couple… (cant spell his name)… he came to the country because of me'

POTUS: ' It only takes one bad executive at the top '

POTUS: ' We are going to get the senators to let us go… i dont think we need the senators as PResident… im pinpointing you for greatness… im pin pointing you'

POTUS: ' We will put a 100-200 % tariff on every car coming over the Mexican border.. the only way youre going to get rid of that tariff, youll have to build the car in America '

POTUS: ' Unless you people disagree… im going to get elon to be our cost cutter… cuz hes good at it… hes so much into that.. the waste in this country is so crazy… he wants to see this country be great '

POTUS: ' Its going to be incredible how much he can do and hes not going to hurt anyone… hes going to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse '

POTUS: ' We have a thing called liquid gold under our feet.. and we are going to use our liquid gold for our cars and our plants.. we have more liquid gold than russia, than saudi arabia.. its in alaska, one of the biggest finds ever.. maybe bigger than saudi arabia who knows '

POTUS: ' We coulda paid down our debt, i gave you the biggest tax cuts in history, i coudlve given you more tax cuts, and i will '

POTUS: ' Foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America '

POTUS: ' I want Asian electronics companies to become Michigan Electronics companies.. here is the deal to every major company in the world.. cuz we will be the pot of gold… we will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest regulatory, we will give you free access to the biggest and best market in the world, here, … if you dont make it here. … you will pay tariffs.. we will take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs into our Treasury '

POTUS: ' Mr Wall would you please stand up… hes a successful guy,… hes been to 293 rallies.. have i dont a good job?.. you better say yes '


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e872d3 No.21669072

File: a3793c1c90934b2⋯.gif (186.37 KB,220x164,55:41,46971B8E_E111_4EC4_AC2C_0A….gif)

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000000 No.21669076

>On Septmeber 25th, the Biden/Harris administration gave $8 billion in aid to Israel

>On Septenber 26th, the Biden/Harris administration gave $8.7 billion in aid to Ukraine

The cost of rehabilitating our nation's dams. Current figures place the total cost estimated for non-federal dams at $60.70 billion, up from the last estimate of $53.69 billion. Non-federal, high-hazard potential dams are estimated at $18.71 billion, up from $18.18 billion.


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4715a9 No.21669078


>Jay Z will be worse than P Diddy.

Of course. Beyonce is one of the Hive Queens in the US. Why else did she dress up as Wilson for that awards show?

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d6f42d No.21669079

File: 4a62f967b041f0b⋯.png (574.23 KB,500x614,250:307,ClipboardImage.png)




POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in '

anon opine: trump has got to put some made in america safety and quality checks or this could backfire, the last thing usa wants is shoddy goods.

POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in

POTUS: ' North Carolina was the furniture capitol of the world… id buy chinese furniture and theyd sit on it and the chair would break and theyd sue me '

POTUS: ' They sit down at the beautiful dining table and the chair would break and we have a problem… we will have a 17 percent Maid in America tax break '

POTUS: ' So i brought thte business tax break from 39 percent down to 21 percent… it was actually over 50 percent in some places.. '

POTUS: ' We did more business and created more jobs with a 21 percent rate… we took in much more money because we had more business than ever before '

POTUS: ' Im going to go a step further.. im going to bring down the 21 percent down to 15 percent '

POTUS: ' If you manufacture your product you get it down to 15 percent… then im imposing tariffs on your competition… so now you wont be able to worry about having someone come in and steal your business '

POTUS: ' Your car industry will be as big as it was 60 years ago… this is why everyone is after Trump… the only one who has shots fired at them.. that throbbing feeling… but thats i have to put it mildly.. in particular Iran.. they were the sponsor of terror like no one else… they were broke under Trump administration… i was only looking for one thing.. i didnt want them hurt.. the iranian people are wonderful people… you can be strong and be beautiful but you cant have a nuclear weapon.. the power of nuclear is just too monumental '

POTUS: ' Including republican presidents.. they go in and blow up the middle east and come back and you get nothing '

POTUS: ' i blew up 100 percent of the isis caliphate… i was told it would take 5 years.. i did it in 4 weeks… '

POTUS: ' I dont have the time to tell the story.. because i have to be somewhere else giving the same gddm speech '

President Trump: If Kamala Harris gets in, every single manufacturing job in this state is going to Mexico or going to China, and Mexico's a very big threat, by the way.

POTUS: ' The tax queen is demanding 39 percent tax increase.. wants capital gains tax on this country and asset confiscation act on unrealized gains…

POTUS: ' Unrealized gains tax… it will cause a depression like 1929.. other than that its a good idea.. her father is a professor of marxist ideas… we are not ready for a marxist or communist president '

POTUS: ' When you see we are leading by 2 points, 3 points.. we should be leading by 50 '

POTUS: ' What she did on the border… in business you always want to figure out your opponent.. here you cannot figure it out.. why do they want open borders.. why do they want men in women sports.. why do they want sex change operations for those in detention centers and shes willing to do that … are we crazy? '

President Trump: And you know, we're leading in the polls; we're doing great, but, you know, when you see we're leading by two points, three points; we should be leading by fifty points. How the hell; no really, you would really say, 'why would anybody vote for her?'

[internal polls showing a fifty-point landslide?]

POTUS: ' No state in America will be able to ban gasoline cars… a lot of the things we have have been stopped because of the environment..this country has never been laughed at like a couple of dopes as we are now '


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d07b99 No.21669081


Hey like Nikola Tesla theorized, every antenna is a receiver.

Think about it.

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0b7f9d No.21669083


Only the CIA trained ones who looked after the poppy fields.

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d6f42d No.21669084

File: a7cc65ad77ae174⋯.png (1.17 MB,976x706,488:353,ClipboardImage.png)





President Trump: The only good thing that happened with this four year disaster, is that the people will understand when we fix our country, they'll be much more understanding than they would have been if we just went straight ahead and did it.

POTUS: ' She was totally in favor of confiscating your guns.. until she saw that it didnt poll well… but she will revert back quickly and shell take your guns '

President Trump: Getting a Kennedy to endorse a Trump republican, that was a big deal, right?

POTUS: ' I think we have somebody here that ive know and liked… is robert f kennedy jr here? where is he? i know he if here someplace… rfk jr… getting a kennedy to endorse a Trump Republican that was a big deal.. hes a good man and he has amazing views.. esp on health '

POTUS: ' Next to her is a giant, a giant, a reach like Wilt Chamberlain, Wilt the Stilt… they says on yuor mark, get set, and you know she got badly injured and she got hurt.. windburn.. she got horribly hurt… no men playing womens sports.. very very degrading for women '

POTUS: ' No tax on tips… no tax on overtime… and no tax on social security for seniors… '

POTUS: ' The people that you see leaving, because no one ever leaves… so what they do, they come up and are in the back waiting for me to take a picture with me.. and we are going to be late for something, but who cares.. '

POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine.. i met with president zelenskyy, she met with him yesterday… i will prevent ww3, something i can do that no one else can do… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency '

POTUS: ' Unleash safety and prosperity.. we are going to do it and we are going to do it fast '

President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, and right now, with these really stupid people we have running our government, it is under tremendous threat from losing it's status as the world's reserve currency.

POTUS: ' You know whos occupying Baghram now? China, china is occupying that base now '

POTUS: ' We are going to make our elections safe and secure '

POTUS: ' Early absentee voting is under way right now… '

POTUS: ' We will make America safe again… we will make America Free again… GOD bless you… go out and vote… '

djt ends speech at 4.11pm e.t

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f95902 No.21669085

File: 00875dd84ea87a7⋯.png (939.11 KB,959x1041,959:1041,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a79e0274307579b⋯.jpg (72.79 KB,500x553,500:553,8y9p8x.jpg)

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0179ba No.21669086


>Duke Energy

say no more

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2a7767 No.21669087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

COL. Lawrence Wilkerson : Are US Troops Combat Ready for Israel?


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2e397e No.21669088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d07b99 No.21669089


Hydrogen on demand systems utilizing electrolysis of water would expand the gasoline engines effectiveness to sustainable levels. Free knowledge for you :)

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09a2bc No.21669091

File: f60772c2a235604⋯.mp4 (472.6 KB,320x328,40:41,HurricanHeleeneWeatherMani….mp4)

File: fbefae2a3411506⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,480x270,16:9,HurricanHeleeneWeatherMani….mp4)

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7e4c50 No.21669092


cat on tin roof

by a whisker

no cohecidences

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717e49 No.21669093

File: cfc230bfe855dad⋯.jpg (299.64 KB,1440x1992,60:83,Screenshot_20240927_153700….jpg)

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki died from a “firearms mishap” while resisting arrest in Palo Alto, California, last month, JAG sources told Real Raw News. The incident occurred as JAG agents were enforcing a military arrest warrant charging her with willful dissemination of enemy propaganda, treason, and lesser crimes.

JAG’s telling of the event differs from the mainstream narrative, which claims Wojcicki died on August 9, 2024, at the age of 56, after living with non-small-cell lung cancer for two years. Although she may have had cancer, it didn’t claim her life, our source said, instead insisting that Deep State adjacents often disguise the truth, so their sycophantic constituents remain blissfully unaware the military is defying the Biden/Harris regime.

Our source said JAG authored a sealed indictment against Wojcicki in late-2022 after she had used her authority at YouTube to promote pro-vaccine and pro-COVID-19 content while shadow banning, and in some cases terminating, channels that questioned vaccine safety and efficacy. Wojcicki had curated content based on the Biden regime’s orders. Her totalitarianism, though, began immediately after she took control of YouTube in 2014; she systematically squelched voices espousing conservative values, but amplified progressive principles, such as the LGBQT+ agenda. While Wojcicki had a husband and children—one of whom died of a drug overdose in February 2024—White Hats say she was a self-loathing closeted Lesbian whose family was for optics.

JAG also alleges that Wojcicki was deeply involved in her sister Anne’s business, 23AndMe, an American personal genomics and biotechnology company best known for generating reports on customers’ ancestry and genetic predispositions to health-related topics. Purportedly, Wojcicki had unrestricted access to customers’ genetic samples, typically saliva, which she unconstitutionally gave to the FBI so they could store them in the Federal DNA Database Unit.

“She was the worst type of criminal, but we have so many sealed indictments, and the list grows every day, it takes a long time to work through them. In August we unsealed Wojcicki’s, and I can tell you this, for someone who allegedly had cancer, she seemed in good health when investigators picked up her tail in Palo Alto, California,” our source said.

On August 7, JAG investigators spotted Wojcicki in Palo Alto, where she was scheduled to attend an anti-discrimination conference. She never made the conference because the investigators decided to confront her shortly after her chartered flight landed at Palo Alto Airport that afternoon.

JAG, our source said, had obtained Wojcicki’s itinerary, including the shuttle service she had hired to carry her from the airport to a nearby hotel. The investigators intercepted the limo before it reached the airport and sedated and removed the chauffeur, depositing his unconscious body in a drainage ditch and replacing him with one of their own.

Wojcicki stood impatiently at the entrance when the limousine arrived ten minutes late. She excoriated the driver’s tardiness, saying she could get him fired by merely snapping her fingers or making a single phone call. She accused him of malingering as he placed her luggage, a single overnight bag, in the rear and insisted he hasten the journey because she had to shower before a dinner engagement.


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d6f42d No.21669094

File: c363776318b982f⋯.gif (3.73 MB,480x272,30:17,chopper_ns.gif)

>>21669043, >>21669060, >>21669071, >>21669079, >>21669084 djt advert, rfk speech, djt rally in walker, michigan - sources, statements and dough

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21eda0 No.21669095

File: 953c023b74097b2⋯.png (23.38 KB,541x326,541:326,ClipboardImage.png)


>Boudewijn Haase

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717e49 No.21669096


Once inside the vehicle, he raised the glass partition and gestured for her to lift a handset affixed to the seat. It allowed communication between passengers and driver.

“I have bad news,” the driver said. “We’ll be a bit late getting to the hotel.”

“Why are you so slow?” Wojcicki moaned. “I’ll be talking to your boss soon enough.”

“No time like the present,” the driver said.

“You’ll never work anywhere, ever again,” she said, reaching for a phone in her handbag.

She discovered her cell was inoperative.

“We’re scrambling the signal,” the driver said. “You do have an appointment tonight, but it’s not for dinner.”

She demanded an explanation.

“The explanation is simple: You’re under arrest,” the driver said.

Wojcicki palmed a small caliber pistol she had drawn from her handbag and aimed the muzzle at the back of the driver’s head.

“Clever. But inadvisable. The glass is shatterproof, and if you peek out the rear window, see that van tailing us, we’ll there are five more of us in there,” the driver cautioned her.

Wojcicki took her chances. The glass stopped the first bullet, but the second one splintered it.

The driver jammed the brakes and jerked the wheel, the sudden jolt tossing Wojcicki about like a rag doll and causing her to accidentally discharge her weapon. Unfortunately for her, the barrel was pointing at her head when the gun went off.

“She didn’t survive,” our source said. “Sure had a lot of energy for someone supposedly terminally ill with cancer. We didn’t expect she’d be armed; intelligence said she didn’t carry. And it was a chartered flight, so she could’ve somehow had an unchecked firearm. She would’ve received a fair tribunal, but she picked her path.”

In closing, he said White Hats have her corpse on ice.

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8f5952 No.21669098


That is 9.5% that are criminals. To put the number in petspective, 663,000 is 11 Stadiums full of criminals. Conviction of Homicide and Rape, is almost always undercounted, so we can assume 1% are violent killers and rapists.

Sounds like time to put the no trespassing sign up at the front of the driveways and doors so that when you kill them, they were warned and your lawyer can defend you in court.

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b897aa No.21669099

File: 29dd99e1a547851⋯.jpeg (560.48 KB,967x959,967:959,IMG_0680.jpeg)

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c2e40a No.21669100

File: bb2eab139e7cf53⋯.jpg (40.43 KB,336x400,21:25,blummm.jpg)

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7bdc47 No.21669101

File: 9544f354e87013a⋯.jpeg (68.93 KB,499x559,499:559,9544f354e87013a182f348c22….jpeg)

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e4c15c No.21669103


>no trespassing sign up at the front of the driveways

evidence that works?

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ee6f4e No.21669104

File: c3c4a3af5c1e784⋯.png (95.53 KB,255x173,255:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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4715a9 No.21669106

File: e52b41e602f43a4⋯.png (144.52 KB,403x403,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Fake & Ghey.

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8f5952 No.21669107




stop bitching

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ee6f4e No.21669109

File: 9bdf7894cbfdee2⋯.png (730.76 KB,669x956,669:956,ClipboardImage.png)

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abfcad No.21669110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CYFD (basically child protection services) calls children state property.

>They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.





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b897aa No.21669111

File: 79bac527562abcd⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB,1366x769,1366:769,815BCF93_AA02_4333_A6D7_9….JPEG)

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4715a9 No.21669112

File: 07a338d111f5b26⋯.png (365.31 KB,964x667,964:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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b897aa No.21669115

File: 640f9f68f492145⋯.jpg (513.29 KB,923x730,923:730,IMG_4638.jpg)

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c40450 No.21669117


Q lost Q Clearance in 2021. Wait until 2025 and ask again…

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8b47bf No.21669121

File: 56c5d7a18c425fc⋯.png (325.19 KB,441x769,441:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4de01c66bcf1daf⋯.png (777.44 KB,643x764,643:764,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8f69b No.21669122

File: 35db674c40d421c⋯.mp4 (165.71 KB,640x360,16:9,36423a84940bf6d7b9d415ee26….mp4)

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b897aa No.21669125

File: c1b2a1d61cd0df9⋯.jpeg (641.33 KB,899x964,899:964,IMG_0678.jpeg)

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9e9a24 No.21669126

File: 29e10dee9669d7f⋯.jpg (769.55 KB,1080x1493,1080:1493,FaceAyy.JPG)

File: 090c2b9708d67ad⋯.jpg (461.85 KB,1543x1536,1543:1536,FaceCleaner.jpg)

File: 76a32a501cf12fb⋯.jpg (103.61 KB,754x454,377:227,FaceClone.JPG)

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26e88c No.21669127


>Dr. John Campbell


…Scientific and Technological elite…


>Knowledge is POWER.


Which Q post was it that linked to Eisenhower's farewell address?

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4715a9 No.21669128

File: 202b6648b014e87⋯.png (349.66 KB,650x441,650:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5df011f9814fe4⋯.png (4.56 MB,2048x1414,1024:707,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. I couldn't decide. o7

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d6f42d No.21669129

File: 3660b341ff6ca03⋯.png (85.81 KB,402x383,402:383,ClipboardImage.png)



one moar rally later.

team work,

thanks to the djt statements for collections.

today was a good day.

still waiting for the inside track on the kier starmer meeting and the zelensky meeting plus the panic from the media..

the spin will be hard for this day.

djt still out doing rallies.

leading by example.


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a73f64 No.21669132

Bob Marley was half Jamaican and half White. His father was a soldier.

They call him black

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e872d3 No.21669133

File: dbac5baed6993eb⋯.png (1.53 MB,750x1334,375:667,6AA3BC4E_1D61_4AAF_867A_57….png)

File: e30fbd081b0f5e4⋯.jpeg (384.25 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,A07CE072_C4F9_4A40_9A09_3….jpeg)

File: 0ed0727d976407e⋯.png (305 KB,690x2654,345:1327,C3EFCD07_6F8F_446F_9196_C2….png)

File: 75dfc2d66f6e743⋯.png (236.49 KB,690x772,345:386,05908FA4_3DF9_41A5_8F2B_B5….png)

File: 5c805712adfe88d⋯.jpeg (294.43 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,B3D66AD0_982E_4863_911F_6….jpeg)

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ee6f4e No.21669135

File: b3f5d1f777f5371⋯.png (40.03 KB,710x489,710:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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3fd446 No.21669136

File: aa4bd23ef695f3e⋯.jpeg (442.12 KB,2339x1283,2339:1283,IMG_3718.jpeg)

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356eae No.21669137

File: ea7702a14e7f7c6⋯.png (518.52 KB,984x1164,82:97,Sep_27_Shilled_for_the_Bea….png)

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c9945b No.21669138

File: 3fd3328f9c163f7⋯.png (658.95 KB,714x500,357:250,8kunoperators.png)


Well now, seems the "operators" trying again. usually Sunday nights is when they switch from the religious "arguments" but this week they started on a Wednesday

I wonder why the sudden efforts?

Oh, something about "attacks will intensify"

Time is running out for their bosses

Time is almost up for the minions

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636ec2 No.21669139

File: 4109f0fc65cdc09⋯.png (569.33 KB,853x503,853:503,ClipboardImage.png)

Jul 15, 202406:32 AM IST

Doug Mills has worked as a photographer in the Washington bureau of The New York Times since 2002.

Doug Mills, a veteran photojournalist with The New York Times (NYT) who took the now-iconic shot of a bullet whizzing past Donald Trump during Saturday's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, has said that the ex-President was ‘just very mad’ while giving that fist pump.

“The next second, his face looked like it had been drained of colour…he was pale and you could see the blood on the side of his face,” Mills told NYT.

“I got over to the side of the stage where they (Secret Service agents) were walking him off. There was a lot of pushing, lot of jostling, a lot of yelling. I just tuned it all out and tried to capture the moments in history. That's what I do; that's what we do…all the photographers in the pool that day,” Mills added.

Who is NYT photographer Doug Mills?

(1.) Born in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1960, Doug Mills has worked with The New York Times since 2002. He has covered every US President since Ronald Reagan.

(2.) Before joining NYT, he served as chief photographer for 15 years at The Associated Press (AP) in Washington. He came to AP after spending four years with United Press International.

(3.) Mills is a two-time Pulitzer Prize awardee (both times with AP). He first won in 1993 for the team coverage of the Bill Clinton/Al Gore campaign, and then for the team investigative coverage of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair.

(4.) In 2020 and 2023, he was honoured by the White House Correspondents' Association with the Award for Excellence in Presidential News Coverage. He also holds numerous awards from the White House News Photographers Association.

(5.) Mills, who has also covered 16 Olympics, and events such as the Super Bowl and World Series, studied at North Virginia Community College in Alexandria, Virginia. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Arlington, Virginia.


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e872d3 No.21669140

File: 75cf1afb8ce82eb⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,1C2622CE_D7ED_45F8_8371_98….png)

File: 0ed0727d976407e⋯.png (305 KB,690x2654,345:1327,54EF97A2_A97A_4296_B7D8_25….png)

File: 83626b45e10e98a⋯.jpeg (382.95 KB,2047x1151,2047:1151,CD9F9E3A_DA73_4FFB_8381_C….jpeg)

File: ff7fc0809a9f00f⋯.jpeg (397.79 KB,2047x1151,2047:1151,6D3C5EB9_EDBB_4A11_A34A_2….jpeg)

File: bea317cdad96bcc⋯.jpeg (308.53 KB,2047x1151,2047:1151,4540DE1B_DBCE_40A5_A1D4_E….jpeg)

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26e88c No.21669141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Robert Sepehr

4 hours ago 25:50

Aryan Ancestry Unveiled


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5b69f2 No.21669142


Ahem. 3 weeks ago.

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09a2bc No.21669143

File: 9c5831ead215014⋯.png (159.32 KB,319x230,319:230,ClipboardImage.png)



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ee6f4e No.21669144

File: 0a46e918cd4afa9⋯.png (839.38 KB,885x965,177:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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432759 No.21669145

File: 3757604f1ec78a6⋯.png (376.45 KB,1024x663,1024:663,3757604f1ec78a60ac23bb9755….png)


0010100001001011010001010100101101010011 0100100101001110 010000010101001101010011010001010100110101000010010011000101100100101001

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4715a9 No.21669146


> usually Sunday nights is when they switch from the religious

The Biblefags will still be here on Sunday, Anon. Shills take off on the Sabbath, which is Saturday.

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c2e40a No.21669147


#26535 >>21668666


>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump town hall: FULL SPEECH


>>21668675, >>21668679, >>21668683, >>21668686, >>21668692, >>21668697, >>21668700, >>21668706, >>21668708, >>21668711, >>21668716, >>21668728, >>21668730, >>21668731, >>21668735, >>21668739, >>21668741, >>21668746, >>21668752, >>21668756, >>21668761, >>21668769, >>21668776, >>21668779, >>21668784, >>21668789, >>21668796, >>21668812, >>21668820, >>21668823, >>21668826, >>21668829, >>21668840, >>21668843, >>21668848, >>21668858, >>21668859, >>21668878, >>21668888, >>21668897, >>21668900, >>21668907, >>21668911, >>21668912, >>21668916, >>21668918, >>21668940, >>21668943, >>21668944 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21669060, >>21669071, >>21669079, >>21669084 ARCHIVING - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN WALKER, MICHIGAN - SEPT 27 2024

- - - - - - - - -


>>21668988, >>21669013 LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24 6pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21668677 RT - Google responds to Russian data backup warning

>>21668688 Swamp Events

>>21668705 TREASON: ICE Report Reveals the Numbers from Biden-Harris Open Border

>>21668709 Only 38 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21668732, >>21668799, >>21668832, >>21668853, >>21668929, >>21669022, >>21669034 Four Million Without Power As Helene Terrorizes US East Coast

>>21668749 Youth Pastor Sentenced For Impregnating 14-Year-Old Girl, Leading To Cascading Discovery Of New Victims

>>21668768 EPA Whistleblowers Expose Agencies Efforts To Approve Harmful Chemicals

>>21668851 Middle East Happenings

>>21668865 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

>>21668876 Good 'Ol Shoe TOP KEK The desperation is palpable.

>>21668942 Tablet Mag Worries Charges Against Eric Adams Could Be Used Against The Israel Lobby

>>21668965 A Warning to America: Ignore Animal Antics and Look to Europe

>>21668975 Out of the mouths of babes - Even the children know Kamala is a liar

>>21669015 @ScottPresler Luzerne County Board of Elections has 15,000+ UNPROCESSED voter registration + mail-in ballot applications

>>21669139 POTUS called out the pre postioning Doug Mills after his Z meeting. "he got the bullet"

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2f79da No.21669148

File: ca240694be6c6e5⋯.gif (715.56 KB,1226x815,1226:815,60B9E54D_663D_4302_8D1B_B2….gif)

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4715a9 No.21669149


Kek. I was hoping a coder was around. o7

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09a2bc No.21669151

File: a56359144117c40⋯.png (111.61 KB,229x271,229:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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575ad3 No.21669152


The beast is 666.

6 protons

6 neutrons

6 electrons.




Remove an electron from an atom and it multiplies.

Stop reading the Bible. You’re sounding literal and crazy.

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356eae No.21669153

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,June_1_no_table.png)

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924e9b No.21669155

File: 53f3bcdbaad9c0d⋯.jpeg (180.39 KB,1170x1175,234:235,IMG_1297.jpeg)

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e872d3 No.21669156

File: 3945f37faf9f5aa⋯.png (1.89 MB,750x1334,375:667,F4F76609_D91A_4BD2_A776_CC….png)

File: 667008dd92e5ad0⋯.png (46.24 KB,690x586,345:293,856FDCAB_FA86_44C5_89E3_D2….png)

File: 195dabb5ce7126d⋯.jpeg (569.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,0765C320_B124_46FC_8DF9_D….jpeg)

File: ca122853c680a6c⋯.png (370.97 KB,690x1382,345:691,425E8F94_2817_4718_BFF9_7E….png)


that was last Thursday. have some dog comms.

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c9945b No.21669157

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


I've watched their antics through many a Graveyard

Happy to call them out

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e4c15c No.21669158

File: 51262bbf697937f⋯.jpg (23.79 KB,474x266,237:133,weather_control_jfk.jpg)

File: 6d0810e71ed5047⋯.jpg (29.69 KB,474x266,237:133,weather_control_lbj.jpg)

File: 039832bc3daf9af⋯.jpg (297.02 KB,1600x1343,1600:1343,weather_control_president_….jpg)


>Hurricane helene Sep 2024 Florida beams DEW spiral formation

definitely looks like weather weapon being used to pump up the hurricane

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717e49 No.21669159

File: c8d92d0a333bc1b⋯.png (194.59 KB,780x321,260:107,UTF8_Table_7802.png)

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c3424e No.21669160


Tell us something we don’t know Shawn. Ex CIA. Always CIA.

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000000 No.21669161

Nikki Haley

@NikkiHaley 51m

Israel is right not to wait on Harris/Biden for more lectures or support. They will take care of the terrorists on their own with or without us. America should thank Israel for killing America’s enemies.#ThankYouIsrael #AndThatIsHowItsDone

Sep 27, 2024 · 7:59 PM UTC


DJT next?

Climate change is a thing.

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8b47bf No.21669162

File: ee7ad6c294cb3e0⋯.png (397.11 KB,521x505,521:505,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cee40ccc26e328c⋯.png (679.12 KB,1180x709,1180:709,ClipboardImage.png)


oy vey technicalities

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4715a9 No.21669163

File: 0e72dab42b1deea⋯.png (5.06 KB,808x112,101:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>I've watched their antics through many a Graveyard

Kek. I've done my share of shitpoasting.

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0179ba No.21669164

File: ea89584f07428b1⋯.png (423.69 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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7a46e9 No.21669165

File: 4b7dbd07cf98a19⋯.jpeg (2.12 MB,1290x2078,645:1039,IMG_9728.jpeg)

They printed quarters with bats on them during Covid?

Thats fucking ridiculous

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c400cf No.21669166


what a war mongering bitch.

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c2e40a No.21669168


any anon could bun up notable memes at any time to help out a double rally baking baker.


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e872d3 No.21669169

File: 76a1a42070d5116⋯.jpeg (202.64 KB,1200x864,25:18,9B5C2D8A_A5FE_40C5_80E6_A….jpeg)


welcome nagger very brave of you

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a7da8f No.21669170


>0010100001001011010001010100101101010011 0100100101001110 010000010101001101010011010001010100110101000010010011000101100100101001

It looks like you've posted a binary code sequence. Let's decode this to see what message it contains. Binary code is made up of 0s and 1s, with each group of 8 bits representing one character in the ASCII table. I'll decode this for you:


00101000 01001011 01000101 01001011 01010011 01001001 01001110 01000001 01010011 01010011 01000101 01001101 01000010 01001100 01011001 00101001

Decoded ASCII:

00101000 -> ' ' (Space)

01001011 -> 'K'

01000101 -> 'E'

01001011 -> 'K'

01010011 -> 'S'

01001001 -> 'I'

01001110 -> 'P'

01000001 -> 'A'

01010011 -> 'S'

01010011 -> 'S'

01000101 -> 'E'

01001101 -> 'M'

01000010 -> 'B'

01001100 -> 'L'

01011001 -> 'Y'

00101001 -> ')'

Putting it all together, the decoded message is:


It appears there might be a typo or an encoding error with the last part, or it could be intended to be interpreted in context. "KEEP SIP ASSEMBLY" doesn't immediately make sense, so if this message was meant for something specific or cryptic, more context might be needed, or there might be an error in the binary sequence provided. If you intended to encode or decode something specific, please ensure the binary sequence is correct or provide more context.


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0aaa81 No.21669171


That was low level, kek

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2e397e No.21669173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4715a9 No.21669175

File: ac3ed2133a5632a⋯.png (1.4 MB,480x247,480:247,ClipboardImage.png)


>They will take care of the terrorists on their own with or without us.

So why don't they, Nimarata? If they're so fucking badass, they don't need our sons, nor our money. Hell, why don't you go over there and enlist. It looks like they need bodies. There is no way they can hold all the land they want, with the personnel they have.

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432759 No.21669176



its quicker.

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e4c15c No.21669177

File: a71def1924c5d5e⋯.png (486.93 KB,947x690,947:690,nikki_haley_at_RNC_who_the….png)


>Nikki Haley


>@NikkiHaley 51m


>Israel is right

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26e88c No.21669178

File: d188465397a18cc⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Rogan_free_speech_ends_und….mp4)

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fbcae8 No.21669179


You idiot.

You really think Zelenski would walk into Trump Tower if he didn't have the receipts?

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4715a9 No.21669180

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226599 No.21669181


Que ondas buey

LA migra

Mucho cuidado

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cdcd30 No.21669182

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ee6f4e No.21669184

File: 5dfc9e1bd6822e4⋯.png (120.32 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c40450 No.21669186

They will try and Impeach Trump for meeting with Zelensky in 2025

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717e49 No.21669187


stick to french


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0179ba No.21669188

File: 2089e81d12227d5⋯.png (420.34 KB,594x601,594:601,ClipboardImage.png)


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26e88c No.21669189

File: bd20303f98f2269⋯.png (395.78 KB,785x1078,785:1078,ClipboardImage.png)


25 September 2024

How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought

Neurons in certain brain areas integrate ‘what’ and ‘when’ information to discern hidden order in events in real time.

The human brain is constantly picking up patterns in everyday experiences — and can do so without conscious thought, finds a study1 of neuronal activity in people who had electrodes implanted in their brain tissue for medical reasons.

The study shows that neurons in key brain regions combine information on what occurs and when, allowing the brain to pick out the patterns in events as they unfold over time. That helps the brain to predict coming events, the authors say. The work was published today in Nature.

“The brain does a lot of things that we are not consciously aware of,” says Edvard Moser, a neuroscientist at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. “This is no exception.”


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432759 No.21669193

File: 8510bf474006592⋯.png (52.45 KB,808x822,404:411,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)




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0b7f9d No.21669194

File: 751eeadacdc1ff1⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,000_Zelinsky_the_moment_yo….mp4)

That moment you realize the gravy train is pulling out of the station.

Hello darkness my old friend.

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4715a9 No.21669195

File: 987f4ecb778db37⋯.png (418.39 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



>stick to french


Kek. Oy vey!

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b897aa No.21669197

File: 848823a2795bb09⋯.gif (855.71 KB,400x300,4:3,IMG_0685.gif)

File: c12d08a579e90f4⋯.gif (443.78 KB,400x300,4:3,IMG_0684.gif)

File: 02d5c75fa89f570⋯.gif (1.69 MB,365x274,365:274,IMG_0683.gif)

File: 863d9cc3d7e2931⋯.gif (174.03 KB,220x127,220:127,IMG_0682.gif)

File: e1ba0834cfb7b7e⋯.gif (1015.4 KB,450x281,450:281,IMG_0681.gif)

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0b7f9d No.21669198


They need the house for that.

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a5d2aa No.21669199

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000000 No.21669200

Jimmy Carter has died


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2e284d No.21669201

File: db5539d438af0af⋯.jpg (26.09 KB,474x363,158:121,numbers_math_algerbra_e3d7….jpg)

File: 1e9858ca53c30db⋯.jpg (91.55 KB,1009x813,1009:813,look_here.jpg)

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587efc No.21669202

You guys need toFUCKING APOLOGIZEfor saying the southern border is “open”. It isNOT.

Say sorry, youCOCKSUCKERS!

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e4c15c No.21669203


solid piece of work

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000000 No.21669204


your psyop is old shit Rebecca.

I´m enjoying the show.

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d6f42d No.21669205

File: 20306907ea79d6a⋯.png (721.19 KB,748x499,748:499,ClipboardImage.png)


rehab or death

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4715a9 No.21669207




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c400cf No.21669208


state funeral.

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d07b99 No.21669209


Good morning :) happy Friday fren

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c40450 No.21669210


They will lose the house, Republicans are fucking weak. Maybe they get the Senate, but very unlikely

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e4c15c No.21669212



fake gay lies

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000000 No.21669213


in Lebanon attack?

that was a deep boom.


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e4c15c No.21669216


you're fucking weak

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d07b99 No.21669217



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4715a9 No.21669218

File: 908396db421c911⋯.png (745.09 KB,1245x1580,249:316,jimmy_carter_adrenochrome.png)



Kek. Old sandbag must have run out of adrenochrome.

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717e49 No.21669219


he's still voting democrat

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dc0646 No.21669220


top kek

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0b7f9d No.21669221

File: daeff75b03d2dc1⋯.png (286.71 KB,745x745,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe4025 No.21669222

File: f8997e9dddce890⋯.jpg (111.34 KB,700x1024,175:256,f8997e9dddce890e6f2a88fe04….jpg)


The Taliban has infiltrated the White House!

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c9945b No.21669223


Not buying it

Taliban are doing their own thing, like destroying poppy fields

Nice that Border Patrol shares info like stand down orders

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e872d3 No.21669224

File: e553ef57188b2bf⋯.jpeg (175.68 KB,1024x752,64:47,CE76908F_B0E9_458C_A865_C….jpeg)

File: 99ade80cffbd504⋯.jpeg (15.41 KB,275x183,275:183,B85CBF30_6354_411B_ABE8_8….jpeg)

File: 5d667afdb261311⋯.gif (361.24 KB,500x500,1:1,0EBBFF12_7BD2_44E4_BDFD_F2….gif)

File: 4464154be19ee1c⋯.jpeg (122.95 KB,500x676,125:169,00A81367_C0EA_461B_8271_6….jpeg)


nobody looks at the notables. those that do are part of the media

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ee6f4e No.21669225

File: 949ba1068a324a5⋯.png (109.11 KB,396x632,99:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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337ac8 No.21669226

File: a50a52368a95162⋯.jpg (684.73 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240927_130226….jpg)

File: 57c6fc2e580f29b⋯.jpg (25.24 KB,594x396,3:2,state_of_the_union_2023_15….jpg)

Who is ERMI?

Limowreck, o' the smiling ayes…

A wall O'Wiels, of Pauls and deals

Paul Hewson

Paul Pelesset.

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b897aa No.21669228

File: ba804c1f3441e57⋯.jpg (130.56 KB,1200x732,100:61,IMG_4448.JPG)

File: ccb78d9baf34cb9⋯.jpg (263.58 KB,1323x1040,1323:1040,Barry_Obama_Bruises.jpg)

File: efef4d6d4118b06⋯.png (1.38 MB,1200x674,600:337,Obamas_On_The_Run.PNG)

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0b7f9d No.21669229


Oh, look, a HOMO.

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8a68ef No.21669230


Elder abuse.

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2b98c4 No.21669231

"Race is not where the line is drawn. It's Gods side or the other side."

who said it

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0b7f9d No.21669234


Who were all those Afghans that arrived on military planes while leaving US citizens behind?

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f1617d No.21669235

File: ca7f06d855491ad⋯.png (1.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,_9m74n576b35v653.png)

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2e284d No.21669236

File: ce7ece529830a00⋯.png (93.78 KB,329x743,329:743,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db2688b75764f73⋯.png (274.59 KB,818x598,409:299,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2abb18c78ca7cf8⋯.png (241.83 KB,1278x783,142:87,ClipboardImage.png)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/13/2020 15:38:27ID: 11d162

8kun/qresearch: 9156795

Anonymous 05/13/2020 15:28:56 ID:6604f5

8kun/qresearch: 9156649

Image Name: ClipboardImage.png

Filename: 321dc1735101e42fa163839c243149f12fb0e539f61e2a6b723a4e1e96fbc3c2.png

D5 date on the ODNI release…


Excellent find, Anon.

[They] thought it meant Dec [5] _State Funeral.


A lot more coming [soon].


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d07b99 No.21669237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You don't think I've tried? I can't make them change who they are. I'm here because of Q

>Wait until you find out who you've been talking to :3

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dc0646 No.21669238


Holy Spirit Hath Spoke

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b897aa No.21669240

File: e095e0031ef7387⋯.jpeg (214.29 KB,764x955,4:5,Hollywood_Sinking.JPEG)

File: c37af0c7f04b818⋯.jpeg (126.84 KB,653x800,653:800,Clooney_Pedo_T.JPEG)

File: 4654041c8214956⋯.png (773.15 KB,800x551,800:551,PedoWood.PNG)

File: c7736e6be7557cd⋯.jpg (2.89 MB,1920x2560,3:4,Pedo_Barry_02.JPG)

File: a1b7d7faf531e3d⋯.jpeg (128.4 KB,800x415,160:83,Pedo_Barry_01.JPEG)

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e1f95c No.21669241

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB,634x634,1:1,Cult.jpg)

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c400cf No.21669242


I fucked your mom with out a condom what the fuck that is courage, do you know how many niggers she has fucked.

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196440 No.21669244


What for?

French isn't even spoken in France anymore


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0709d5 No.21669245


You’re too emotional to even deal with.

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ee6f4e No.21669246

File: eaf1a1d214924fc⋯.png (102.6 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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c40450 No.21669248


4 years, Not once have they managed to Impeach Biden, Kamala, or ANY democrat. Billions sent overseas, Hunter Biden walked free, When will you stupid fucks wake up and realise they are all the same?

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738141 No.21669249


Maybe if he was in Lebanon….

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11dae0 No.21669251

File: ee4f00817f07189⋯.png (516 KB,719x528,719:528,543g52hg543.PNG)

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26e88c No.21669252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


23,290 watching now

Started streaming 73 minutes ago

LIVE: President Donald Trump & Elon Musk in Charlotte, NC – Exclusive Town Hall


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007bb9 No.21669253


We know they are the same. That’s why we want Trump in. Damn you’re dense.

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b897aa No.21669254

File: 0eae5fc0f7c5610⋯.jpeg (359.37 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,5A5FA0F7_C8DF_4668_B843_8….jpeg)

Today’s Nancy Drew Capitol Building images

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a1b406 No.21669255

>>21668799 americans in North Carolina

bet they get zero dollars, but Ukraine will.

if they vote for Kamala, fcuk them. retards.

vote trump

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0b7f9d No.21669256


What would be the point when the Senate belongs to the Dems?

Have you lost your thinking cap?

Information exposure phase ran to plan.

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2e284d No.21669257

File: ea02aee72be1d3a⋯.png (78.19 KB,324x719,324:719,ClipboardImage.png)



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12/05/2018 00:01:07 ID: d01c12

8chan/qresearch: 4158577

Logical thinking.

D5 drops 1st - last.

Content & Dates.

Huber drops 1st - last.

Content & Dates.

Role of Huber (as portrayed by 'Q')?

What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5?

What are the odds (mathematical probability) GHWB passes away and the State Funeral date is on D5?

What other interviews and investigations were wiped clean (postponed) given a STATE FUNERAL takes up media coverage for a week?

Why does the (global) FAKE NEWS media [largest in the world] continually attack 'Q'?

Why is the WASH POST leading the attack?

Think ABC agency.

When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY.



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dc0646 No.21669259

File: 51760e8b78faeb5⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,720x1280,9:16,trumpmusk.mp4)

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77b139 No.21669261


Its the lazy fucking treasonous cunt Republicans fault

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ee6f4e No.21669262

File: 279e8e41ee9b83d⋯.png (409.31 KB,450x600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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717e49 No.21669263


pre-fab gallows

ready for to be put up

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c2e40a No.21669264

@500 or so

#26535 >>21668666


>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump town hall: FULL SPEECH


>>21668675, >>21668679, >>21668683, >>21668686, >>21668692, >>21668697, >>21668700, >>21668706, >>21668708, >>21668711, >>21668716, >>21668728, >>21668730, >>21668731, >>21668735, >>21668739, >>21668741, >>21668746, >>21668752, >>21668756, >>21668761, >>21668769, >>21668776, >>21668779, >>21668784, >>21668789, >>21668796, >>21668812, >>21668820, >>21668823, >>21668826, >>21668829, >>21668840, >>21668843, >>21668848, >>21668858, >>21668859, >>21668878, >>21668888, >>21668897, >>21668900, >>21668907, >>21668911, >>21668912, >>21668916, >>21668918, >>21668940, >>21668943, >>21668944 TRUMP QUOTABLES

>>21669060, >>21669071, >>21669079, >>21669084 ARCHIVING - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN WALKER, MICHIGAN - SEPT 27 2024

- - - - - - - - -


>>21668988, >>21669013 LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24 6pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21668677 RT - Google responds to Russian data backup warning

>>21668688 Swamp Events

>>21668705 TREASON: ICE Report Reveals the Numbers from Biden-Harris Open Border

>>21668709 Only 38 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21668732, >>21668799, >>21668832, >>21668853, >>21668929, >>21669022, >>21669034, >>21669091 Four Million Without Power As Helene Terrorizes US East Coast

>>21668749 Youth Pastor Sentenced For Impregnating 14-Year-Old Girl, Leading To Cascading Discovery Of New Victims

>>21668768 EPA Whistleblowers Expose Agencies Efforts To Approve Harmful Chemicals

>>21668851, >>21669161 Middle East Happenings

>>21668865 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

>>21668876 Good 'Ol Shoe TOP KEK The desperation is palpable.

>>21668942 Tablet Mag Worries Charges Against Eric Adams Could Be Used Against The Israel Lobby

>>21668965 A Warning to America: Ignore Animal Antics and Look to Europe

>>21668975 Out of the mouths of babes - Even the children know Kamala is a liar

>>21669015 @ScottPresler Luzerne County Board of Elections has 15,000+ UNPROCESSED voter registration + mail-in ballot applications

>>21669139 POTUS called out the pre postioning Doug Mills after his Z meeting. "he got the bullet"

>>21669164 TEAM TRUMP Reclaim America Tour Dearborn Michigan Sept. 28th

>>21669188 kek Good Morning sQuad - Say It Back - Happy Friday

>>21669189 How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought

>>21669194 That moment you realize Z gravy train is pulling out of Z station.

>>21669200 Jimmy Carter has died

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b897aa No.21669265

File: 54ad1c53247b386⋯.jpeg (406.56 KB,927x739,927:739,IMG_0677.jpeg)

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337ac8 No.21669266

File: 29496ebc13d3141⋯.jpg (96.88 KB,1100x721,1100:721,YYAH_S6_N_1499564434.jpg)

File: 363340119e5f168⋯.jpg (56.99 KB,555x555,1:1,9009af3fab499866bab420bc83….jpg)

File: fca61b09f2548da⋯.jpg (94.85 KB,662x728,331:364,618583e015bc06a81da04f5ac7….jpg)

File: af6384a8bda881a⋯.jpg (40.55 KB,630x419,630:419,a8de0abdccf574dbd656c9a35e….jpg)

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7bdc47 No.21669267

File: e6bd573c5fd7823⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,679x283,679:283,ek.jpg)

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636ec2 No.21669269


A lot of people in NYC think this is a hit job by Joe, DOJ and FBI, I agree. Adams for once in his life got some guts and said no more, not enough to negate a sanctuary city. Joe thought everyone would go along with his destruction of America if he gave them enough money.

This article seems to justify as normal bribery for persuasion, and Jews should support him. wouldn't it be better if the citizens felt the same way, maybe they don't because they don't get special favors and interest from him.

If we have to be completely honest, probably every city leader does this, but it doesn't make it right or fair. And that there, is America's problem, leaders have been allowed to design two systems, 1 for the rich and powerful and the 2nd class citizens, no favors and very little support. NY is not an example of state and city governments are supposed to run, we've lost all tenets of the Constitution, 10 commandments, the legal system, and immigration and a well integrated community of citizens, working together to better the country.

That article is offensive in a lot of ways, perhaps systems can be developed that get the same outcome but engage everyone, not just the powerful, monied groups. That is the NY elitist mindset, that none of them has to deal with NY crime.

Make America's Cities Great Again, by being honest and following the law.

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0179ba No.21669270

File: 9ae99f089d5515b⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,320x568,40:71,MzqFhhHTsIyfcDqV.mp4)

Thomas Massie


Please give @thefoodbabe a follow. This week she testified in the Senate about ingredients in U.S. foods that are considered to be toxic in Europe. When U.S. food manufacturers make the same foods for the European market, they omit those ingredients. 🤔


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2e284d No.21669271

File: f0df44edcb449b6⋯.png (856.71 KB,1296x756,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)


Starts in 20 mins

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0b7f9d No.21669273


Newfags, you see these negative nancy glowfags.

Ignore them.

They're here to psyop you into thinking they're winning.

In reality they're here sweating like rapists in desperation.

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a6bae7 No.21669274

File: 3d22cf26e08482f⋯.png (211.6 KB,1732x1070,866:535,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_2….png)



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e872d3 No.21669276

File: 3bddd35c3350ef0⋯.png (2.67 MB,1034x1248,517:624,873C9B6D_96F2_4586_A217_03….png)

File: 2c1b4ad08838085⋯.jpeg (60.7 KB,780x688,195:172,7A76C6DD_376F_4C4F_A506_9….jpeg)

File: 22d3a16a6f9d520⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,E20FC76F_48F8_40DA_86FB_37….png)

File: b5ed47b10c8874d⋯.gif (227.84 KB,220x220,1:1,520FC20E_F1F5_499F_A10C_24….gif)

File: acbc5198fa3ab46⋯.jpeg (105.67 KB,491x684,491:684,573DCC39_2170_40BB_A0F7_B….jpeg)

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d956ec No.21669277


Will they still know it after Nov. 5th

Will YOU still know it after Nov. 5th

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091b65 No.21669278

File: 4c680cd52878e22⋯.png (3.39 MB,1440x1400,36:35,4c680cd52878e2241a4c009baa….png)

File: 4f9264f6524bec5⋯.png (29.71 KB,800x500,8:5,4f9264f6524bec52cfa4ca5bf1….png)

File: 5c2609c05db37e4⋯.png (697.34 KB,847x461,847:461,5c2609c05db37e45eb25b91eb5….png)

File: 5d47d8ec74db059⋯.png (54.51 KB,500x532,125:133,5d47d8ec74db059bf7c2b8b7e9….png)

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015038 No.21669280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Umar Johnson discusses the allegations against Puff Daddy and emphasizes the importance of handling such cases within the legal system, rather than in the court of public opinion. While he holds no personal loyalty to Puff, Dr. Umar warns against rushing to judgment, highlighting the historical injustices faced by Black people in America. He stresses that if we accept a public trial for Puff, we set a dangerous precedent that could undermine justice for others in the future. Dr. Umar calls for accountability through proper legal channels, reminding us of the value of due process.

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0aaa81 No.21669281




Where is your discernment?

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fbcae8 No.21669283



This is the 2nd bullet, it was aimed at his front teeth.


What lies behind the teeth?

This was an instakill from a trained Assassin, not some random shot from a normie.

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091b65 No.21669284

File: 9bf28c27f95a902⋯.png (11.52 KB,259x194,259:194,9bf28c27f95a9028de55abb078….png)


durh dopplegangurs

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8bb090 No.21669285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0b7f9d No.21669287


They've kept this dude on ice for a while now.

Weak ammunition, obviously all they've got left.

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e872d3 No.21669288


riders in the sky

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e4c15c No.21669289

File: 8e8a93d9ca3196d⋯.png (1.68 MB,1124x1238,562:619,ClipboardImage.png)

I miss 8chan. Is it ever coming back?

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a5d2aa No.21669290

File: f4e9d64f28251c4⋯.jpg (42.68 KB,828x464,207:116,344816001_6102809179796877….jpg)


>Jimmy Carter has died

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2e284d No.21669291

File: fb5e7482123541a⋯.png (117.27 KB,1113x774,371:258,ClipboardImage.png)

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091b65 No.21669292

File: e72eda63bdbfb04⋯.png (448.98 KB,896x591,896:591,STEAMYHARDCORECORN.png)

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fbcae8 No.21669293


You see?

I can't help being a prime noticer, its hardwired into my brain.

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dc0646 No.21669294

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091b65 No.21669295

File: 0d6e1c0e831a16b⋯.png (6.87 KB,227x222,227:222,0d6e1c0e831a16b93a0cf996bb….png)



>durh dopplegangurs

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d22bb1 No.21669296

File: 1e7162c6d09beca⋯.jpg (639.16 KB,1697x2048,1697:2048,20240928_001940.jpg)

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576df1 No.21669297

File: 19782865d88279f⋯.png (868.45 KB,612x800,153:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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738141 No.21669298


Noticing you're the only rider on that merry-go-round might be a good place to start on your personal healing journey.

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091b65 No.21669299

File: 3f4488d7dea8de5⋯.png (8.28 KB,300x168,25:14,3f4488d7dea8de51458b045534….png)



>>durh dopplegangurs

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738141 No.21669301

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091b65 No.21669303

File: 1f5c623f9050229⋯.jpeg (25.84 KB,255x148,255:148,1f5c623f9050229e014b035f3….jpeg)

run baphomet*******run**************,=,e

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8b47bf No.21669304

File: 2b6e82d34854fbf⋯.png (434.99 KB,643x647,643:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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286e0c No.21669305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f3c8d3 No.21669306


no more catching flies

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432759 No.21669307

File: 56e26a974153ef1⋯.jpg (39.51 KB,474x316,3:2,InaugurationStage.jpg)



The stage is being built.

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c9945b No.21669308


>You stay silent while trash stomps all over Q here.

Looks like the trash is being removed to me

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000000 No.21669309

New York Post

@nypost 10m

Section of International Space Station is increasingly leaky, NASA warns: ‘Top safety risk’


Sep 27, 2024 · 9:10 PM UTC


Call the plumbers!

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30f65d No.21669310

File: a1dbe1d6241823f⋯.jpg (87.47 KB,1130x480,113:48,RedOctober.jpg)

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b84702 No.21669311

File: 37d66149fd0848a⋯.png (217.45 KB,433x600,433:600,ClipboardImage.png)




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f95902 No.21669312

File: 18cfe51fb855fc2⋯.png (484.82 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden and Harristurning a blind eyeto 13,000 non-citizen non-detained CONVICTED MURDERERS into the country, is Harris WANTING American citizens, families, children, to be murdered.

Let that sink in. The current VP wants the people to be killed. And that psycho turbo moron Mark Cuban goes out in public and defends Harris' job as border czar.


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091b65 No.21669313

File: 4476a37c2fce636⋯.png (223.24 KB,474x266,237:133,4476a37c2fce63600223a3390f….png)

File: 8701bcb7ebce743⋯.png (279.93 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,8701bcb7ebce74335500080cab….png)

File: 18f4753af4e3407⋯.jpg (44.72 KB,640x360,16:9,19627mortgagesfor3000struc….jpg)

one ukrainian killed and thousands of mortgages catch jewish lighteing

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337ac8 No.21669314

WTF is that?

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0aaa81 No.21669316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So where's the Charlottesville, NC with Elon you linked to and posted 'starts in 20 minutes'?

POTUS is on his way to Warren, Michigan, retard.


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b897aa No.21669317

File: c5132ac5c22a046⋯.png (307.84 KB,462x386,231:193,857ED3A2_8E09_452D_86C7_64….png)

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c40450 No.21669318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e872d3 No.21669319

File: 77ace101e514df6⋯.jpeg (36.76 KB,255x235,51:47,E540FA2E_36EE_4E72_9006_A….jpeg)

File: 7e3fa3cabd8be30⋯.jpeg (284.36 KB,2048x1337,2048:1337,EC497F0B_1913_4BFA_9429_5….jpeg)

File: 0b7036288a760a4⋯.jpeg (45.81 KB,255x235,51:47,70DC5545_8ADD_4CFA_A315_1….jpeg)

File: ac4c98f1115eb93⋯.jpeg (38.38 KB,255x255,1:1,F9430705_7BE9_4A72_82D9_7….jpeg)

File: 9a119a53ed5ed32⋯.jpeg (22.53 KB,255x192,85:64,A51A502C_13E0_421B_8151_3….jpeg)


soup season

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c9945b No.21669320


Oh look, more times of israel bullshit

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091b65 No.21669321

File: 8488be254b1b0e2⋯.png (9.02 KB,284x177,284:177,8488be254b1b0e24b30f66c389….png)


> thousands of mortgages catch jewish lighteing

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2e284d No.21669322

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24



President Donald J. Trump to Host a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

Starts at

Fri, September 27, 2024

06:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Doors Open: 03:00 pm

Macomb Community College

14500 Twelve Mile Rd.

Warren, mi 48088

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c9945b No.21669323


Millions of dollars of gear and not a single roll of duct tape?

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e4c15c No.21669324


>she testified in the Senate about ingredients in U.S. foods that are considered to be toxic in Europe



why tho

christchurch was F&G

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d22bb1 No.21669325


Mind your business

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4dc831 No.21669326

Did you despise your courage or your bravery?

What got to you that made you give up supporting Q.

You come here to play like it's a game. It is not a game.

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dc0646 No.21669327


you'll have to ask DS

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2e284d No.21669328

File: 34f8f3567f55034⋯.jpg (170.53 KB,1080x1388,270:347,retard.jpg)




Calm down, here is the correct link.

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9ad024 No.21669329

File: 84f56a806c87826⋯.png (1.07 MB,1229x927,1229:927,DNAtest.PNG)

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b897aa No.21669330

File: 134616a629b7d7c⋯.jpeg (502.3 KB,863x802,863:802,IMG_0679.jpeg)

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e4c15c No.21669331

File: 0d344f67c59f448⋯.jpg (137.11 KB,960x960,1:1,early_2000s_college_girls.jpg)


>times of israel bullshit

are you concerned they might be nazis anon?

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738141 No.21669332


Always do!

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c9945b No.21669333


Or what?

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fe4025 No.21669334

File: 853394f5f64fb3f⋯.png (697.94 KB,846x790,423:395,marse_robert.png)


Thank gawd we have an FDA to protect us from adulterated foods.

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e4c15c No.21669335


that's neil patrick harris

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4dc831 No.21669336

What did Q do to you to make you hate him?

You can't bring yourself to stand up for Q. On QR.

You think everything will be OK? Who will make it OK?

YOUR JOB TO FIX THINGS, Anon… YOU. NOW. FIX THIS SHIT. Redeem your dignity. Q is watching.

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d22bb1 No.21669337

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a9c1e5 No.21669338

Are comms down at the rally???

RSBN reporters are saying they don't have cell service!!!!


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c40450 No.21669339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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