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9d6a06 No.21667757 [Last50 Posts]

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9d6a06 No.21667761

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9d6a06 No.21667762


#26533 >>21666870

>>21667016, >>21667032, >>21667044, >>21667264 Dame Maggie remembered

>>21666877 NYC Mayor Eric Adams’s indictment comes after years of connections to Turkey

>>21666900 Multiple Iranians Indicted in Hack of Trump Campaign

>>21666911 Don Lemon new book: on Being S*ly Abused at 6 by Older Boy Until He Threatened to "Bite It Off" PT 1

>>21666946 Grief & God," How Nicole Shanahan Broke Free From the Left's Mental Programming

>>21666952, >>21666961, >>21666966 DC swamp follies

>>21666959, >>21666974 Hurricane News

>>21666966 War Room Morning Edition

>>21666950 Liz Crokin on Roseanne: "You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit…."

>>21666981 CRAZY Doug Emhoff Says Trump ‘Definitely’ Anti-Semitic, Claims He Will Target Jewish Americans

>>21666988, >>21667027, >>21667087, >>21667114, >>21667202, >>21667287, >>21667373 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/Space/Science

>>21666996 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub" vid

>>21667053 Russians warned to back up Google data

>>21667060 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu threatens Iran in fiery UN speech: ‘If you strike us, we will strike you’

>>21667104, >>21667210 Ukrainian army plagued by desertion and draft-dodging

>>21667110, >>21667147, >>21667288, >>21667291, >>21667303, >>21667320, >>21667346 Trump and Zelenskyy meet at Trump Tower bullet pic

>>21667154 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Day 4 of speeches by world leaders

>>21667176 11:00 AM EDT North Carolina Governor Cooper Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21667223 PF update

>>21667272, >>21667235, >>21667273 BREAKING: Fani Willis’ Lover Served By Federal Marshals After Manhunt, served subpoena

>>21667335, >>21667352, >>21667354 Biden said Thursday while hosting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House that he’s ordering the Pentagon tospend “all” congressionally approved aid to Ukraine before he leaves office

>>21667433 FBI Whistleblower Urges Prayer

>>21667434 Heartfelt thanks to all anons who added their prayers for my friends and family in central Georgia

>>21667440 The fine print on Kamala’s $25,000 for first time homebuyers. Basically excludes all Americans. Illegals only.

>>21667454 Flash flood EMERGENCY continues for Hendersonville, North Carolina

>>21667462 FANI’S FOLLIES: Update – Manhunt Ends! – Lover Boy Nathan Wade Is Served by US Marshals After Evading Authorities for a Week

>>21667468 Part I of II: The true enemy of the U.S., their plan, their tactics, and the tools they have at their disposal. General Michael T. Flynn


>>21667483 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24 Right Side Broadcasting Network

>>21667486 The 🇳🇱 Royal Netherlands Navy submarine went on a successful mission through the Norwegian and North Seas

>>21667506 About 10 Strong Explosions Heard in Beirut

>>21667524 Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries

>>21667531 Unconfirmed report that 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border?

>>21667575 Trump: I have a very good relationship with President Putin

>>21667604 Individuals who have received four doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are dying in unprecedented numbers

>>21667609 Delta 8 enhances situational awareness through Space Cockpit COP powered by JCO commercial data

>>21667675 The Minneapolis Police Department just added the first "non-citizen" officer to their police force

>>21667701 Hunter Biden to Undergo 7hr Psych Exam to Prove He Was ‘Emotionally Damaged’ by Corruption Allegations in Patrick Byrne Defamation Trial?

>>21667721 Anon's Ascension test

>>21667735 TS @realdonaldtrump - President Donald J. Trump Speaks with Zylensky

>>21667748 #26533

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9d6a06 No.21667765

#26532 >>21665903

>>21665938, >>21666288, >>21666631, >>21666739 PORT STRIKE To Close ALL East Coast and Gulf Coast Ports

>>21665940 @Kash House Intel Committee demands joint briefing from FBI/SEC regarding CCPs operational arm Temu/PDD- which they have been using to illegally swipe American data and commit forced slave labor. Every republican member signed the letter.

>>21665951 ICYMI: Jumaane Williams just cleared his entire schedule for today amid the indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. He will become acting Mayor if Adams resigns.

>>21666100, >>21666125 Candace Owens Takes a Deep Dive Into Kamala's Geneology - It's Not What We've Been Told

>>21666120 James O’Keefe announces Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks and it’s gonna be Shocking! 🙌

>>21666144, >>21666150 Catastrophic winds in Perry, Florida as Category 4 Hurricane Helene makes landfall/Fla Spirit

>>21666154 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub"

>>21666172, >>21666443 Wade Discovered For the Keks!

>>21666178 @X22Report J6 Mirror, Save Act Setup Complete, Optics Are Important, Swamp Fighting Back

>>21666214, >>21666226 Over 1.3M without power in Florida after the hurricane hit.


>>21666231 We don't see 750,000 registrants removed from NC.

>>21666250, >>21666021, >>21666364, >>21666528, >>21666548, >>21666576 Donald Trump unveils new line of signed gold watches

>>21666263 ICYMI: Top 10 Stories the Media HID From You Today

>>21666301, >>21666311, >>21666491 @MELANIATRUMP He’s Making a List ✨

>>21666332 Iran: Did Quid Pro Joe & Co do it again?

>>21666352 CMZ: Tracking Privacy Bills across the nation.

>>21666369, >>21666470, >>21666475 Swampenins

>>21666394, >>21666429 Dr. Bret Weinstein: ‘Speech is the Alternative to Violence’ in Modern Democracy

>>21666419 @RealGenFlynn Excited to join "Re:Public," a new platform where local action equals national impact! Join me in making a difference at the local level and help save America from turning into a BANANA REPUBLIC!

>>21666479 Florida Governor DeSantis Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21666484 LIVE: New York Mayor Eric Adams arrives for arraignment hearing

>>21666513, >>21666521 Grassley released the FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma's founder, paid a $5,000,000 bribe each to Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

>>21666593 2001 In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 593 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 10.8 million per year. By 2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants."

>>21666608 "What can be, unburdened by what has been" resonates with themes found in revolutionary movements, including the Chinese Revolution

Rail freight is the backbone of U.S. infrastructure

>>21666723 Russia FOUND the F-16's in Ukraine - FIVE Now Destroyed

>>21666786 Dame Maggie dies @89

>>21666844 #26532

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9d6a06 No.21667767

#26531 >>21665051

>>21665096, >>21665525, >>21665547, >>21665624, >>21665631 Trump assassination dig

>>21665100 Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith

>>21665104 NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher just endorsed Trump in new ad

>>21665120 Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

>>21665130 Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds

>>21665137 PF: TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M Leaving New York

>>21665150 Kamala McValor gun control twat

>>21665159 CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

>>21665181 Springfield, Ohio shitshow continues

>>21665202 ‘Significant setback’: Reports of China’s nuclear submarine sinking

>>21665285 Mayor Adams Freemason

>>21665354 Boeing 737’s wheel falls off shortly after landing in Argentina in latest potential safety fail by planemaker

>>21665360 James O’Keefe: Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks!

>>21665401 Tobacco nicotine in DISTILLED WATER destroys nanobots in shots - Dr David Martin

>>21665407 New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

>>21665425 Cali Sen. Shannon Grove of Bakersfield has passed significant bills to combat sex trafficking.

>>21665550 Mike Pence quietly lays (or TRIES to lie) the groundwork for a post-Trump future

>>21665598 CNN: Fact check - Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions

>>21665647 Secret Service ripped for plan to send agents to Disney World LGBTQ summit amid failures protecting Trump

>>21665456 Where's WADE?

>>21665682 Trump Takes Reporters' Questions About Eric Adams, Iran At Trump Tower Press Briefing

>>21665754 LIVE: Everything Everywhere All At Once | Clinton Global Initiative 2024

>>21665762 Big Pharma’s Death Grip on America - John B Wells LIVE

>>21665764 Kamala’s Project 2025 — Talk About Scary

>>21665765 You can’t just convert a non-profit into a for-profit. That is illegal.

>>21665766 Red Bill never defied the people in charge. Eric Adams embarrassed them

>>21665768, >>21665810 Shigeru Ishiba elected as prime minister of Japan

>>21665774 #hurricanehelene in Cedar Key, #Florida

>>21665780 Canada is fining the Amish community $300.000 as they failed to download the covid app.


>>21665794 SWAT leaders testify they weren’t told about Iran's plot to kill Trump on July 13

>>21665888 Politically Persecuted FBI Agent Urges Americans To Arm Themselves, Stock Up On Food, Prepare For Hardship

>>21665232, >>21665381, >>21665463 Memes

>>21665893 #26531

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9d6a06 No.21667770

#26530 >>21664142

>>21664164 Middle-school election poll

>>21664187 @robbystarbuck: It’s time to expose Toyota

>>21664203, >>21664304, >>21664962 Hurricane Helene watch

>>21664208, >>21664213 Pentagon Sending US Troops to Mid-East as Israel Pounds Lebanon Escalating the War

>>21664227 Following Arrest, Russia-born Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Agrees to Provide User Data to Governments

>>21664238 Roger Stone: I am putting together a group to buy InfoWars and hire Alex Jones to run it

>>21664243, >>21664757 2013: Kamala Harris encourages students to "read the style section" to keep up with what Puffy (Diddy) is up to

>>21664246 (April 20, 2019) Israel Has Back Door on All Microsoft Devices

>>21664255, >>21664260 Arizona Supreme Court Rules that 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship May Vote

>>21664308 Anyone find out why the hell Kamala's big interview yesterday was held in a dirty construction site?

>>21664313 Biden / Kamala Flying Terrorists Into The U.S. on Private Flights

>>21664331 Far-left Journalist Ken Klippenstein Suspended By X After Publishing Hacked JD Vance Dossier

>>21664339 Coca Cola exposed for blocking “Trump 2024” and “Jesus”, but allowing Kamala and Satan on their cans

>>21664365 Did you know that FEMA is still paying up to $9,000 for funerals for people who die with covid on the death certificate?

>>21664370 Stephen K. Bannon Pens ‘Victory is at Hand’ Message to MAGA from Danbury Prison

>>21664398 Trump says he'll meet with Zelenskyy at Trump Tower Friday morning

>>21664414 First Lady Melania Trump's Full Interview on Fox & Friends

>>21664429 Mozilla faces backlash for Firefox’s “Privacy Preserving Attribution” feature

>>21664430 EPA must address fluoridated water's risk to children's IQs, US Federal judge rules

>>21664438 Representative Darrell Issa violated the STOCK Act, disclosing $175 million in Treasury transactions 500 days late

>>21664440, >>21664445, >>21664877 China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank, Setting Back Its Military Modernization

>>21664521 NYC, so hot right now

>>21664575 Scavino: On this day 7 years ago

>>21664755 Robert Kennedy Jr meets the head of the CDC

>>21664770 Harris-Biden Immigration Fail: TN Shooting Spree Suspect Appears to Be in US Illegally

>>21664778 DJT: CONGRATULATIONS to our incredible former First Lady—as her new book MELANIA hit #1 in the USA!

>>21664782 NTSB Issues Urgent Safety Recommendations on Boeing 737 Rudder System

>>21664818 Macklemore goes full Libtard

>>21664834 Trump was so concerned about Wiles & LaCivita & the RNC that he authorized an informal review and audit

>>21664835 "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Star Eduardo Xol Dead A Week After Stabbing

>>21664861, >>21664932 PF: Ukraine plane flying over Missouri (EYES ON)

>>21664866 QClock September 26, 2024 - Navy Ship Crashes - We Are Active

>>21664889 DoJ Notified of Suspected Intentionally Faulty Welds on Subs, Aircraft Carriers at Newport News Shipbuilding

>>21664892 "He's Jeffrey"

>>21665012 A mob has taken over the streets of NYC waving Hezbollah and Hamas flags while igniting smoke bombs

>>21664152, >>21664333, >>21664349, >>21664395, >>21664883, >>21664897 Memes

>>21665035 #26530

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9d6a06 No.21667772

#26529 >>21663111

>>21663208, >>21663241, >>21663254, >>21663259 Archive: DJT holds press conference @ Trump Tower in NYC - 9/26/24

>>21663776 Live: Major Hurricane Helene Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>21663174 Florida Gov. DeSantis holds briefing on Hurricane Helene in Tallahassee

>>21663181, >>21663397, >>21663534, >>21663812, >>21663477, >>21663578 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21663168 Rep Anna Luna says FBI confirms Biden’s bribery scheme real but Biden Crime Family will murder whistleblower if evidence released

>>21663233 PF: UAV17

>>21663257 The North Carolina Election Board just revealed that they have removed 750,000 names from the voter rolls

>>21663271, >>21663339 RFK Jr: Enough is enough; this is what most Americans innocently put into their bodies these days

>>21663273 Donald Trump unveils new line of signed gold watches

>>21663278 Costco says that none of their US locations carry the baby oil that Diddy's lawyer says he bought them from

>>21663285 Disney bloodbath: latest round of layoffs hitting hundreds of corporate employees

>>21663291 Federal judge orders EPA further regulate fluoride in drinking water due to concerns over lowered IQ in kids

>>21663302, >>21663417, >>21663428 DC National Guard whistleblower testifies before house administration committee on J6 delays

>>21663320 Criminal charges coming in alleged Iranian hack of Trump campaign emails

>>21663485 A grand jury has indicted multiple Iranians on charges related to hacking Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign

>>21663333 FULL HEARING: Donald Trump Butler Shooting Congressional Task Force

>>21663357 Andrew Cuomo eyes NYC mayor job

>>21663465, >>21663842 The U.S. Marshalls have issued a Manhunt for Fani Willis’ lover Nathan Wade who is now reportedly missing

>>21663466 Kamala's Stolen McValor

>>21663467 President Trump has just called on Nancy Pelosi to be PROSECUTED for insider trading

>>21663498, >>21663590 Dave Ramsey interview with Trump inbound

>>21663552 An appeals court appears likely to overturn the $454 million civil fraud judgment against Trump

>>21663554, >>21663576, >>21663585, >>21663727 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry

>>21663569 Kari Lake's Daughter Attacked by 'Radical Leftist' While Registering Voters on College Campus: 'This Is a Crime'

>>21663620 President Trump Says NYC Mayor Adams’ Indictment May Be Due to Him Speaking Out on Biden’s Border Crisis

>>21663702, >>21663704, >>21663818 Haitian leader drinks straight from the water pitcher during speech at the UN 🤣

>>21663740 The Cure returns with first new song in 16 years

>>21663796, >>21663860 Today is National Situational Awareness Day

>>21663903 Keir Starmer is in New York for the UN General Assembly, to potentially meet with Trump for first time

>>21663938 Unborn babies disguise selves as Death Row inmates so liberals will defend their right to live

>>21663939, >>21663963 British PM confuses the word hostages with sausages

>>21663992 Toyota promotes DEI, supports child sex changes, divides employees by race and gender: report

>>21663994, >>21664034 Roseanne Barr tells Tucker Carlson Satanic Elites Eat Babies

>>21664001, >>21664050 A woman from Guatemala in US for only 5 days showed up at an Arkansas woman's clinic with a Medicaid card

>>21664013 Dem senator pushes bill to pack, regulate Supreme Court

>>21664043 Real estate magnate moves $500M NYC investment to Florida over Trump conviction

>>21664053 Leader in 2012 Benghazi Attack that Killed U.S. Ambassador Stevens and 3 Other Americans Is Resentenced to 28 Years

>>21664061 Colorado dean of students fired after saying USA is 'the greatest country in the world' during mandatory DEI training

>>21664083 NYC Mayor Eric Adams placed several Turkish agents in various positions inside his admin for $$$

>>21664099 A DC court has SHUT DOWN Missouri courts by blocking our lawsuit against Media Matters from moving forward

>>21664113 PF: CH-47 Chinook (17-01001) over Redstone

>>21663142, >>21663155, >>21663169, >>21663177, >>21663185, >>21663474, >>21663518, >>21663837, >>21664100 Memes

>>21664123 #26529

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9d6a06 No.21667774

Previously Collected

>>21661357 #26526, >>21662366 #26527, >>21663098 #26528

>>21658052 #26523, >>21658999 #26524, >>21660163 #26525

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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9d6a06 No.21667778

File: 6e548b987191b40⋯.mp4 (7.04 MB,854x480,427:240,6e548b987191b407d9d39b1839….mp4)


#26534 https://fullchan.net/?b7e5de19d207c95d#47HVBBsa2V44sXAYwQKGwkaqSAfPkskcd8EMaq17Gh9f

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9023db No.21667786

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB,294x340,147:170,a003f7e6725b101bc7160da46f….png)

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9d6a06 No.21667798

File: ee56246b0070047⋯.png (968.1 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)




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cccb3a No.21667802

File: 82917d4d8438e72⋯.png (39.44 KB,1000x1458,500:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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9023db No.21667803

File: 411e167b597a51a⋯.png (243.34 KB,1080x1014,180:169,Screenshot_20240927_124320.png)




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1afba5 No.21667804

File: cc5d268d369fc8f⋯.png (125.6 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240926_101323.png)

File: 2c09401568f14fb⋯.png (22.44 KB,720x171,80:19,Screenshot_20240926_115021….png)


Thanks baker

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f9202c No.21667805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

People get ready

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1f1d6a No.21667806

File: 0b19b407f00984a⋯.png (83.88 KB,241x209,241:209,0b19b407f00984a8e5296abebe….png)




claiming bake

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17fbcd No.21667807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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021b01 No.21667808

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48e8f7 No.21667809

File: fc0c4a01970eeff⋯.jpeg (240.7 KB,1080x749,1080:749,winning_pepe2.jpeg)

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17fbcd No.21667810

File: 914cf485960bc67⋯.jpeg (14.83 KB,255x194,255:194,219fa539befac93325c53f65d….jpeg)

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9023db No.21667811

File: 54b156f552ac371⋯.jpg (167.09 KB,1153x890,1153:890,1e2b3d14ce7ae54e.jpg)

File: c2f23cdaa51678a⋯.png (660.74 KB,1080x1030,108:103,Screenshot_20240927_124502.png)




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17fbcd No.21667812

File: 640991c170825e5⋯.jpg (6.87 KB,285x177,95:59,3k24jh2kjh2kj2hkj234h.jpg)

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198627 No.21667813

File: 9d845afe80f0a85⋯.png (768.5 KB,799x567,799:567,plots.PNG)


Kash Patel on the Iran assassination threat to Trump:

“[Biden and Harris] are INTENTIONALLY standing down the intelligence apparatus of this country.” 👀👀👀

He says the Intel Community has the ability to shut down the Iran threat but Biden and Harris refuse to defend Trump.


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9d6a06 No.21667814

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17fbcd No.21667815

File: 7d3a40ee3110236⋯.png (809.64 KB,638x528,29:24,00nsno.png)


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9023db No.21667816

File: 164b745df796f12⋯.png (626.95 KB,1079x1203,1079:1203,Screenshot_20240927_124554.png)

File: c5956e8e5997a1c⋯.jpg (99.04 KB,892x836,223:209,94c4a7fbbb87a84c.jpg)




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2a76a3 No.21667817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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30acf6 No.21667818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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17fbcd No.21667819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's been 1y, 9m, 4w, 1d, 15h, 41m since Q has posted.

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1bfcd4 No.21667820


Thank you, Baker!

Anon wonders why the flags are so wrinkled behind.

Also, anon notices the two of them, Z and T behaving like scholl children with a secret.

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2711ad No.21667821

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan

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17fbcd No.21667822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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526333 No.21667823

File: a755e5b09889d45⋯.jpeg (77.59 KB,530x500,53:50,IMG_6375.jpeg)

If you take the Bible literal in 2024 you missed the Boat.

In my father’s house are many mansions. Mansions are Nakshatras. Houses are Zodiacal signs.

Each zodiac has 3 deacons. One of the three is always the Branch.

Jesus says you are the branch. All the things of life come from YOU.

At some point you either wake up or die. This is all there is.

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17fbcd No.21667824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d08ac7 No.21667825

File: c2de665be7deb40⋯.jpg (40.72 KB,667x361,667:361,mon56rfgh.jpg)

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17fbcd No.21667826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48e8f7 No.21667827

File: 3a252bbc833c08f⋯.png (230.42 KB,615x406,615:406,3a252bbc833c08f6bc435200e6….png)

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17fbcd No.21667828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7cc8af No.21667829

File: 3e94686339fb3f4⋯.png (3.42 MB,1250x2000,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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f09393 No.21667830

File: 5b037f570a99ee2⋯.jpg (10.06 KB,191x275,191:275,5b037f570a99ee28fd73972276….jpg)

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d72cb7 No.21667831

File: 8f8a581747c9a2f⋯.png (3.03 MB,1234x6670,617:3335,Q_Posts_Sep_27_16_posts.png)

Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

September 27

There were16 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 27.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+27

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/VliFA

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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ad6093 No.21667832

File: 1c8d62000918e0f⋯.png (983.96 KB,750x1334,375:667,03AB1D87_388B_4FB2_940C_5F….png)

File: bfb6895e5568182⋯.jpeg (144.27 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,75BD53C9_7B20_43A1_BB86_A….jpeg)

File: aad894f47700787⋯.png (34.63 KB,690x410,69:41,94D5C63B_0F5D_465F_BE6C_43….png)

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628fe2 No.21667833

File: c89c658d36c049c⋯.png (80.17 KB,206x223,206:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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d26ce0 No.21667834

File: 276bf37e17d3fd1⋯.jpeg (771.56 KB,1005x823,1005:823,IMG_1854.jpeg)

File: 276bf37e17d3fd1⋯.jpeg (771.56 KB,1005x823,1005:823,IMG_1854.jpeg)

File: a02bedc0d902fbf⋯.jpeg (23.31 KB,299x168,299:168,IMG_1846.jpeg)

17 comms?

At least17dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

The storm made landfall late Thursday with maximum sustained winds of 140 miles per hour in the rural Big Bend


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9023db No.21667835

File: 625394ecdaece19⋯.png (631.51 KB,720x404,180:101,625394ecdaece193260393cdc9….png)

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162a82 No.21667836





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cd846c No.21667837


the boss is saying EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL!!

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21d15a No.21667838

File: c4908c9f5dc4763⋯.gif (123.46 KB,550x367,550:367,barryLaughing.gif)

Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson is making a docuseries for Netflix about the assault and sexual abuse allegations against disgraced music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs.

Jackson, 49, has been a longtime critic of Combs, 54, who is currently “on suicide watch” in prison as he awaits trial on sex trafficking and racketeering charges, according to reports.

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021b01 No.21667840


It's more important to pay attention to Zelenskyy's body language. He knows he's fucked. He also knows he's complicit.

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162a82 No.21667842


nice movie, innit

fucking beautiful!!

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21d15a No.21667844

File: 9e345620c6423f6⋯.png (3.29 MB,1934x1540,967:770,potusgood.png)

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c0ad0d No.21667845

File: 2afbb67de6d7aa6⋯.jpg (364.72 KB,634x663,634:663,2024_09_27_12_51_04_022.jpg)

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f11648 No.21667846

File: cd3627be47f35e1⋯.png (1.21 MB,1600x1967,1600:1967,mao3.png)

>>21666608 pb

>>21666561 pb

“unburdened by what has been”. Kamala quoting Marx

anon made this a while ago.

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f1d93d No.21667847


They get to live a life of crime and extravagance and then stretch out the truth while making money on the waiting.

It’s a shame. A damn shame what Americans will allow these days.

IMO the police keeps people from getting to the politicians

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48e8f7 No.21667848

File: 0c9e64f4dc9d09e⋯.png (565.53 KB,647x800,647:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f0059 No.21667849

File: 43e5365cc0329ec⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,43e5365cc0329ec9bef1e07411….png)


The girl has massive fake eyelashes!

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021b01 No.21667850



Kek. Did you catch the hard swallow and lip tightening of Z, when the Boss says "We have to end this war." Z's job isn't done. He was supposed to bring the US/NATO into the war. He failed.

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17fbcd No.21667851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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21d15a No.21667852

File: 384157bc2446ac7⋯.png (111.5 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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198627 No.21667853

File: 15140e9f2362575⋯.png (1.03 MB,625x862,625:862,n.PNG)

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17fbcd No.21667854

File: c265a939f2c5b9d⋯.gif (1.42 MB,320x180,16:9,zN8OSBV.gif)

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162a82 No.21667855


Z is high as a kite

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211de3 No.21667856


Our source named one of the protectees: Curtis James Jackson III, known professionally as 50 Cent, an American rapper, actor, television producer, and businessman with a history of upbraiding Combs on social media. When Combs’ former girlfriend Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura leveled allegations of abuse against Combs in November 2023, Jackson taunted Diddy on X. And after the feds raided Combs’ palatial New York and Miami residences in March, Jackson wrote, “Now it’s not Diddy do it, it’s Diddy done they don’t come like that unless they got a case.”

Jackson’s incessant but justifiable denigrations rubbed Combs the wrong way, for the latter privately threatened Jackson’s life, allegedly telling him to “shut the f*** up or you’ll disappear.”

According to our source, Jackson never attended Combs’ parties, but he uncovered what evil happened to them through his own investigations and from Combs’ celebrity guestlist.

“I don’t know how President Trump heard all this—if it was directly from Mr. Jackson, but the revelation was compelling enough to involve Gen. Smith. Combs, or Diddy, or whatever he calls himself these days, prisoner, I guess, secretly recorded his guests, the Obamas, Barack and Michael Robinson included. Combs has, or had, video of them defiling a very young Caucasian boy. Barack was using the boy’s mouth while Michelle, I mean Michael Robinson, sodomized the kid. The story goes the Obamas were high on ketamine and Adrenochrome, and well, the act was so violent it killed the kid. He was wrapped in a blanket and taken from the house. No one knows what became of the body,” our source said.

When asked how Jackson’s specificity was so thorough without having attended the “freak off” himself, our source got a bit cagey: “What’s important is a second person we’re protecting attested to what Jackson said, and both took polygraphs before Gen. Smith agreed to put them in protective custody.”

He would not name the second party, but his description of the person—a male vocalist Combs groomed from an early age—suggests it is singer Justin Bieber, who has collaborated musically with Combs.

We have yet to learn who the third person is.

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b980c9 No.21667858

>>21667057 PB

Performance Artists.

When I was a kid, people who sang special music, or when the choir sang, all worked for free, no paid admission required. And no one clapped because the glory was to be for God, not for the performers.

In fact, some churches even had the music people standing at the back of the church, unseen by the congregation.

Christians have a lot of money to blow, and there will always be people who are more than happy to separate sappy Christians from their money.

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8d6e14 No.21667859

File: e3442774f3b27dc⋯.png (581.9 KB,543x517,543:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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84f1e8 No.21667860

File: e8d85310fdf6dd2⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,short.mp4)


see the whole video here:


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ad6093 No.21667861

File: decf3ed8293a3d9⋯.png (225.44 KB,750x1334,375:667,8983C5C2_3252_4746_A937_24….png)

File: 64aba3f123ede7e⋯.png (123.76 KB,690x1566,115:261,9BBA3271_8C78_41F9_BCEC_0F….png)

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48e8f7 No.21667862

File: 8e0fb54bbdcb60f⋯.jpeg (276.95 KB,1200x720,5:3,popcorn_pepe4.jpeg)

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21d15a No.21667863

File: 7edbfed0a3d8a56⋯.jpg (9.23 KB,300x250,6:5,george_gurdjieff_4.jpg)

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162a82 No.21667864

File: b55d0122a637bad⋯.png (637.57 KB,712x398,356:199,GetItWhileIt_sFresh.png)

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7f0059 No.21667865

File: c37c7aef1a7bd84⋯.png (4.14 MB,1920x9834,320:1639,NonPaperComplete.png)


>He was supposed to bring the US/NATO into the war. He failed.

Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.


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021b01 No.21667868


>Z is high as a kite

Still can't hide body language. He's dead if Trump loses. If Trump wins, Z has to do elections and he'll be voted out. After that, the Ukrainians will put him on trial. It's a lose-lose for Z, but he has no choice. He failed the Rothschild Cult™. At least in the Trump scenario, he'll still be alive.

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1afba5 No.21667870


>Is it Marshal Mathers?

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198627 No.21667871

File: 92e3764f98dda37⋯.png (343.38 KB,596x560,149:140,james.PNG)

File: f503a4b08557c7b⋯.jpg (90.34 KB,658x958,329:479,the_dig_meme.JPG)


James Watkins


Thanks for sticking up for me guys. It is hard to say what I would have done in Steve Bannon's position. As for me, I just have a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.



2:34 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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8d6e14 No.21667872

File: ac48190c7957387⋯.png (549.76 KB,632x632,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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021b01 No.21667873

File: eaee7a00d27ac56⋯.png (537.88 KB,200x161,200:161,ClipboardImage.png)


>Soros Ukraine plan from 2015

I love it when I see fellow Anons who do their homework.

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1c39d8 No.21667875

Had to get some foundation work done on a house.

4 bids.

The three American companies all 20k over.

The Mexican guy I could afford.

America you have a problem

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162a82 No.21667876


>At least in the Trump scenario, he'll still be alive.

hope he finds his way to God and stops taking whatever he takes and spends the rest of his life building up what is lost

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9d6a06 No.21667878


expect it

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2a76a3 No.21667880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ready for Appalachian Ride

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84f1e8 No.21667881

File: 018641958784277⋯.mp4 (11.14 MB,852x480,71:40,RoseanneTC.mp4)



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1afba5 No.21667882

Make Michigan great again!

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5f0945 No.21667883

File: 16053432aec74ed⋯.jpg (78.48 KB,1000x1185,200:237,MS3.JPG)

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9c04e5 No.21667884

File: bee90999bff31a7⋯.png (1.39 MB,923x693,923:693,bee90999bff31a745cb01c11e3….png)



did he look defeated

i think he looked defeated

still hoping trump d*es though

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211de3 No.21667885


good call

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49e767 No.21667886

File: 25ef8a775f0121f⋯.jpeg (126.07 KB,600x913,600:913,IMG_7186.jpeg)

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198627 No.21667887

File: 738d73263480733⋯.png (22.09 KB,591x280,591:280,fs.PNG)


Chef Andrew Gruel


This alone should warrant a pause on all taxes until this is resolved.





Sep 26

American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud, and the payments may never be recovered.

8:12 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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17e379 No.21667889

File: 695a3ef8f9f5669⋯.jpeg (214.73 KB,1284x703,1284:703,IMG_3735.jpeg)

File: 0fce0980951038e⋯.jpeg (212.95 KB,1284x715,1284:715,IMG_3738.jpeg)

File: e80d377e46955fd⋯.jpeg (208.58 KB,1284x690,214:115,IMG_3740.jpeg)

File: 220b53c8a676ee8⋯.jpeg (214.18 KB,1284x723,428:241,IMG_3741.jpeg)

File: 6b89d4cd61ec038⋯.jpeg (210.15 KB,1284x691,1284:691,IMG_3743.jpeg)


Zelensky did not like those statements of Trump.Trump is the master, in events like this, he never fights or insults, he just speaks the truth.

Zelensky is going away knowing he cannot control Trump. Its freakin funny to watch Z's face and his emotions pouring out, he's not happy.

Trump uses compliments with egotists like this.

Trump should demand Zelensky wear a suit the next time they meet. Enough with the hobo look

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1bfcd4 No.21667890


The rest of the order are calling Z a hero.

His character has the capacity to survive,

at least in the public eye, even a capitulation on the war.

But I think Trump is making them both an offer mutually comfy.

Something like, let Putin keep his deep water harbour and he won't kill you. I have his word he will let you live and even continue heading Ukraine.

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211de3 No.21667891

lil wayne even

list is long

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f9202c No.21667892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7f0059 No.21667893

File: 9ad35c352685bfa⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,392x331,392:331,Cheers.jpg)

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36bc52 No.21667894


huh, you pretend to quote a lot of stuff but get much wrong.

seems a bit sacrilegious

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f11648 No.21667895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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198627 No.21667897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Count your Blessings

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021b01 No.21667898

File: e79f87a1802f6c0⋯.png (1.08 MB,1000x664,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)


Eminem is a sellout, so it's highly likely. While I'm loathe to admit it now, I did follow Eminem 20 years ago. I liked his stuff, when it came out, but listening to it now, there's a lot of shit he talks about that's questionable.

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c77e69 No.21667899

File: 311599e98f3fec4⋯.gif (100.45 KB,220x220,1:1,baywatch_zac_efron.gif)

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48e8f7 No.21667900

File: 6a90869dfa0c819⋯.png (1015.83 KB,800x769,800:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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021b01 No.21667902

File: c9440d3dd641393⋯.png (234.58 KB,220x165,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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817f6a No.21667903

>>21667210 p/b

>stupid US Congress

[They] know what [they] are doing

>When you consider at least 50% of the aid is stolen by the oligarchs, and another 15% by lower levels

Not stollen, laundered. All by design.

Anon believes that the "white hats" have been draining the Roths, the Vatican, etc and the laundered money (at least the lion's share) is going back to the Roths.

This war and it's western "support" has been one of the biggest money laundering scheme in the last 100 years.

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9c04e5 No.21667904


put in jan 20th 2024

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000000 No.21667905

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b279e7 No.21667906

File: f171fa0e9fc3b0a⋯.png (75.7 KB,305x165,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)


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f09393 No.21667908

File: e84c9143af549cb⋯.png (364.98 KB,597x870,199:290,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b115acb1437c30⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,480x270,16:9,Shawn_Ryan_and_Joe_Rogan_l….mp4)

NEW: @ShawnRyan762 and @joerogan laugh at Kamala Harris being proud of Dick Cheney's endorsement, whose company, Halliburton, made billions from the Middle Eastern wars he started as Vice President.

ROGAN: "He was the CEO of Halliburton, and then Halliburton got no-bid contracts to rebuild Iraq for billions of dollars."

RYAN: "It was the logistics company for two wars. That's everything. They're delivering your mail. They're building your barracks. They're in charge of fuel. There are Burger Kings, KFCs, Pizza Huts, and Thai restaurants. Halliburton built cities over there. The CEO's Vice President of the country."

ROGAN: "And now he supports Kamala Harris. When you see the left getting excited that Dick Cheney is supporting their candidate, you know, the world's gone haywire. The same people that used to think Dick Cheney was the devil, and now, all of a sudden, they're like, look, Dick Cheney."


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211de3 No.21667909


why a picture of kid rock tho

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b6c321 No.21667910

File: f7cc9cbaba9ce7a⋯.png (441.21 KB,546x381,182:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Pharmacist Reveals Big Pharma’s Business Plan and Real Remedies from Nature that Work

Dr. Leyla Ali, a pharmacist, reveals the business model for modern medicine: if drug companies actually cure diseases, they will lose customers. But if they ignore the diseases and merely treat the symptoms, eventually, they will have most of the population over 40 (and plenty of youngsters) as paying customers for the rest of their lives. Almost all drugs meant to control symptoms have toxic side effects and require even more drugs to control the effects of toxicity. She explains that nutrition, detoxification, the power of the mind, lifestyle and emotions can positively affect health.

She will discuss natural remedies for most major ailments that are non-toxic and effective at The Red Pill Expo in Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 16 – 17. Click here for Red Pill tickets or to stream the event online.




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021b01 No.21667911


>Something like, let Putin keep his deep water harbour and he won't kill you. I have his word he will let you live and even continue heading Ukraine.

Concur. The offer is basically that. Trump is going to let the Ukrainians deal with Z, in their own courts. Ingenious strategy on the Boss' part. He's giving power back to the people in every country.

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2f7914 No.21667913

File: a5ed2e960e113f4⋯.jpeg (978.09 KB,1132x1220,283:305,IMG_0662.jpeg)

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c0ad0d No.21667914

"How was work today?"

"Ok, just said it was the Jews fault, do what I can to protect Billionaire child abusers"

"I want a divorce"

Honestly, what a fuckin toilet one must be

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162a82 No.21667915


that's not Kid Rock

this is Sting

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2f7914 No.21667916

File: 4332982aac7628c⋯.jpeg (165.81 KB,801x801,1:1,0BD9AF02_6363_4DFA_A879_2….jpeg)

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48e8f7 No.21667917

File: 16bd35771cab859⋯.png (193.29 KB,300x333,100:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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1673ac No.21667919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mercury Returns to 9/11 Position on 10/4

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211de3 No.21667920


the wrestler???

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b6c321 No.21667921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

looks like it was bribery

New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges Amid Immigration Crisis

A grand jury indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams on five criminal counts related to a federal corruption investigation this week. Officials allege the Democrat politician solicited $100,000 worth of luxury travel from foreign business people, including a Turkish official who spent nearly 10 years trying to “gain influence” over the Mayor. Adams is the first sitting mayor in New York’s history to be charged while in office. He denied the charges against him and vowed to continue in his role as mayor, rebuking calls for his resignation. Over the past weeks, several members of Adams’ cabinet had their homes raided by federal agents in recent weeks, while other key figures of his administration resigned.

The timing of the case is raising eyebrows as Adams publicly spoke out against the border crisis and said that migrants are destroying New York City. New York is a sanctuary city. A critic on X noted that while Democrat Eric Adams has taken some redemptive actions regarding mass immigration, he is going to let Adams fight it without his support because people need to see how the Fed operates against one of their own. “The purges begin.”





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c0ad0d No.21667922

Take pause

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162a82 No.21667923


the honey bee

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8d6e14 No.21667925

File: 14e1057bf67cfe8⋯.png (429.85 KB,590x350,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a1f94b613f94c1⋯.png (449.53 KB,590x352,295:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1ea9648fddd229⋯.png (113.61 KB,590x332,295:166,ClipboardImage.png)

Former NASA astronaut's 'conclusive proof' breakthrough over Space Shuttle UFO Tether case

UPDATED: 00:32, Fri, Sep 27, 2024

Tom Jones, a veteran of four space shuttle missions over 11 years, who pondered the mystery of alien crafts before joining the US space agency, once said he solved the mystery of the so-called "UFO Tether Incident" of 1996.

The story involved a satellite, which was tethered to the space shuttle, breaking off.

When it was later filmed by the astronauts on board, it appeared to be swarmed by hundreds of UFOs appearing like organisms swimming in a sea, according to onlookers.

But conspiracy theorists will be unsatisfied with Mr Jones ‘conclusive proof of’ what the stunning sight was.

In an Ask the Astronaut column for Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine in 2016 he discussed the age-old question of whether he or other astronauts had seen real alien space craft while in orbit.

According to conspiracy theorists there are scores of NASA astronauts and personnel who have seen evidence of UFOs and aliens, some who have blown the whistle, and others who remain tightlipped for fear of what will happen.

Those who have spoken openly include the late Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the moon, who went on to say he had evidence alien races were in contact with the US Government.

But Mr Jones was not convinced by the testimonies of Mr Mitchell and other whistleblowers.

He said the explanation for mystery sightings was more simple.

He wrote: "Astronauts have not seen any evidence of alien life.

Reports of unidentified flying objects in images returned from the shuttle or [space] station have turned out to be ice crystals, drifting orbital debris, lightning flashes, or meteors streaking through the dark atmosphere below.

“So far, our search for extraterrestrial life — and other civilisations in space — has turned up no proof of alien civilisations."

Mr Jones spoke out with his conclusion about the 1996 tether Incident, due to the mass reports of his crew seeing UFOs.

He said: "I was on the shuttle Columbia — STS-80 — and even made a blog entry, ‘Did UFOs Visit The Shuttle Columbia?’

Because when we came back from that mission in 1996, NASA got several queries from people who were watching the video — NASA TV back then — and said, ‘Hey, we saw spaceships on the shuttle video.

What’s NASA got to say about that?’”

The former spaceman said NASA’s public affairs team even referred callers to him, because he was one of the crew members.

He added of the tether incident: "I looked at the video and I said, ‘Oh, I know what this is — this is just ice crystals floating along beside the ship for the first couple of days of the flight.’

"What looked to some people like a spaceship streaking across the star field, was — to us, looking out the windows — a complete non-event. And yet, it was very significant to people who were watching."


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021b01 No.21667926

File: 83325cb48f9385d⋯.png (2.18 MB,1561x1170,1561:1170,ClipboardImage.png)


>why a picture of kid rock tho

Nigger, this is Kid Rock! The fuck is wrong with you millennials. Kek.

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b6c321 No.21667928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

After midnight, at 12:45 am, on September 25, a man hijacked a Los Angeles Metro bus and shot and killed a male passenger. Lamont Campbell, 51, was arrested after leading police on a dramatic slow speed chase for over an hour that ended in Downtown LA with a SWAT Team deploying flash grenades. One of the fleeing passengers ran into oncoming traffic and was struck by a car and injured. Crime on Los Angeles’ public transit systems has increased and more than a dozen violent altercations have occurred on buses, trains and Metro properties this year. Metro transit crimes against persons are up this year through July compared to 2023.





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2f7914 No.21667930

File: 1b01dbf52401524⋯.jpeg (109.75 KB,598x455,46:35,17_11_Trump.JPEG)

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48e8f7 No.21667931

File: 4ee47e99d0e5091⋯.png (643.54 KB,736x733,736:733,ClipboardImage.png)

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021b01 No.21667932

File: feaa7bd3404961f⋯.png (1.59 MB,1476x1180,369:295,ClipboardImage.png)


>this is Sting

THISis Sting. Do any of you niggers know musicians?

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9c04e5 No.21667934


>suscide watch

think diddy cleaning his plate? hoping?


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162a82 No.21667935

File: 170231f148ae40d⋯.png (328.4 KB,388x530,194:265,KidRock.png)


nah, you are utterly mistaken,

this is Kid Rock!

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2f7914 No.21667936

File: 0c36a0c831d3998⋯.gif (1.12 MB,498x498,1:1,IMG_0639.gif)


Asshole, this is Kid Rock.

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021b01 No.21667938

File: 372eef4c915878d⋯.png (2.95 MB,640x370,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)


>Lamont Campbell

Kek. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this guy is Black.

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1afba5 No.21667940

File: 2b2c194dde828b0⋯.jpg (142.51 KB,485x604,485:604,1726357887360120.jpg)


Just the two of us

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021b01 No.21667942

File: 10b91f6076083ea⋯.png (48.15 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>nah, you are utterly mistaken,

>this is Kid Rock!

That's fucking Flavor Flav.


>Asshole, this is Kid Rock.

Nigger, that's Jesus. I know, 'cos I put this picture in my mother-in-law's room and she hasn't noticed.

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2f7914 No.21667947

File: 5c1b3b1631008dc⋯.png (1.83 MB,1178x1582,589:791,IMG_9870.PNG)







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3c7608 No.21667948

File: 119e55dac96563d⋯.png (70.61 KB,700x875,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


faggot that is not Jesus this is.

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162a82 No.21667949

beware not to click on "jewess" when you hit "update"

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c0ad0d No.21667951

Tedious and tiresome tedium.

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921701 No.21667953

File: 7f667add7eee9c3⋯.png (286.1 KB,348x660,29:55,Screenshot_2024_09_27_1115….png)


Kid Rock didn't age well.

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021b01 No.21667954


>faggot that is not Jesus this is.

Kek. I tried this one, first. She didn't fall for it. The Keanu one, she put near her prayer shrine. (MIL is a devout Filipina Catholic. Even WifeAnon found it funny.)

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48e8f7 No.21667955

File: 09964291ca37422⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0ad0d No.21667956

Repetitive and remarkaby infective dreck

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198627 No.21667957

File: 0c6e9ff2469a6ed⋯.png (321.48 KB,417x742,417:742,ment.PNG)


This man talks about the moment he believed Donald Trump was racist…

The ‘very fine people’ hoax is what made him believe that… that is, until he watched the entire video and it changed his entire worldview.

This is why the work we do is important.

The only way to combat repeated lies is with repeated truths. One person at a time…


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211de3 No.21667958

File: 771615b9b43fbc9⋯.jpg (593.6 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Picsart_24_09_27_12_15_39_….jpg)

File: 3f127df82c27387⋯.jpg (66.77 KB,1000x664,125:83,vanilla_ice_3424750990.jpg)

goldbug says

you are correct

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1673ac No.21667960

File: 9b8ba69d0a9b69c⋯.png (163.25 KB,530x556,265:278,image_2024_09_27_131151531.png)

File: 742eec4d4746f2f⋯.png (73.45 KB,473x420,473:420,qaggdropimage1941.png)

File: 9ee7c382290fe3b⋯.png (373.47 KB,473x2072,473:2072,qaggdropimage1945.png)

File: ff12be5640133ec⋯.png (617.93 KB,473x1170,473:1170,qaggdropimage2710.png)

#OTD in 1941, the U.S. launched the first 14 of a new class of cargo ship that FDR said would help protect "the liberty of the free people of the world." 2,710 Liberty ships were built between 1941 and 1945. It was the largest number of ships ever produced to a single design.


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021b01 No.21667961


That's Bushwick Bill from Geto Boys.

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f16bd0 No.21667962

File: 51a494f9725d656⋯.jpeg (110.22 KB,1141x636,1141:636,IMG_3745.jpeg)

26 Sep, 2024 21:47

Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

The former US president recently accused the Ukrainian leader of casting “nasty aspersions” against him

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced he will meet with Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky on Friday in New York.

Zelensky has already met this week with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the Democrats’ candidate for the presidency in the November election. He has also sought a meeting with Trump.

“I will be meeting with him tomorrow morning at around 9:45 at Trump Tower,” the former US president announced at a press conference in New York City on Thursday afternoon.

Earlier in the day, Trump had posted a message from Ukraine’s deputy ambassador to the US, relaying Zelensky’s request for a meeting, to his TruthSocial platform.

“Dear Donald, I hope you’re doing well. I recall our recent phone call – it was really good,”Zelensky wrote. “All of us in Ukraine want to end this war with a just peace. And we know that without America this is impossible to achieve. That’s why we have to strive to understand each other and remain in close contact.”

“You know I always speak with great respect about everything connected to you, and that’s how it should be,”the Ukrainian (Liar) actor-turned-politician wrote, adding that he would “really like for our meeting to take place.”

The request came after Trump criticized the “little nasty aspersions” Zelensky had made about him and his running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, in an interview published last Sunday.

At a campaign rally in North Carolina, Trumpdescribed Ukraine as “absolutely obliterated”and accused Biden and Harris of “feeding Zelensky money and munitions like no country has ever seen before.”

“We continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal,”Trump said, referring to Zelensky.

“Any deal, even the worst deal, would have been better than what we have right now.”

(Putin has to be laughing his ass off, how Trump is putting Zelensky in his place)


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9d6a06 No.21667963

File: 43c5e6f9ba17d14⋯.png (786.7 KB,1153x890,1153:890,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c82ca73016c935⋯.png (78.84 KB,388x303,388:303,ClipboardImage.png)



What does that look like to you?

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021b01 No.21667965

File: 0f44f965248668e⋯.png (363.46 KB,634x659,634:659,ClipboardImage.png)


Um, that first image is Brandon Lee from the Crow. This is Sting, the Wrestler.

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000000 No.21667968

Doug Emhoff retweeted

Inside with Jen Psaki

@InsideWithPsaki 14h

.@jrpsaki asks @DouglasEmhoff about Trump’s recent comments saying Jewish voters would bear “a lot” of blame if he loses: Jen: “Do you worry that he's putting a target on the backs of Jewish Americans?” Emhoff: “He is.”


Be a fucking disgusting bloodsucker.

Play the victim.

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780411 No.21667969

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3c7608 No.21667970


nigga that lori petty. No crying in baseball hit the wall.

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1673ac No.21667972


Looks like a nuke.

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211de3 No.21667973


your pic is jarod leto as the joker

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2f7914 No.21667974

File: 83ba4b68e0984bb⋯.jpeg (90.38 KB,862x661,862:661,IMG_0638.jpeg)




Don’t be stupid. They're not Jesus.


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198627 No.21667975

File: 2ef4ebf8affb1a6⋯.png (265.95 KB,405x725,81:145,kh.PNG)


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211de3 No.21667977


two trump clouds

staring at each other

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9c04e5 No.21667979


speaking of pb


LB note

>>21666900 Multiple Iranians Indicted in Hack of Trump Campaign

"Both the Biden and now nominee Kamala Harris campaigns have maintained that they did not accept any stolen material related to the hack."

Nor did they "inform" the FBI.

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021b01 No.21667980

File: 29d4de5d5b1c0fd⋯.png (643.27 KB,736x473,736:473,ClipboardImage.png)


>nigga that lori petty.

That's not Lori Petty. This is. It's from that movie Tank Girl.

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48e153 No.21667981

File: 7802678ed0ead0e⋯.mp4 (13.19 MB,1136x640,71:40,802540927_131755424.mp4)

File: 92c27079354fd34⋯.png (532.69 KB,1080x1456,135:182,Screenshot_20240927_125451….png)

File: ea05306f06de54c⋯.png (614.02 KB,824x672,103:84,Screenshot_20240927_125937….png)

File: 40700d99fa79cdc⋯.png (676.24 KB,843x822,281:274,Screenshot_20240927_124434….png)

Watching the waters

The current position of USS Carl Vinson is at South East Asia reported 5 days ago by AIS

The current position of USS

Abraham Lincoln is at South East Asia reported 43 days ago by AIS.

Waters as far as US aircraft carriers/warship go waters are pretty calm as of now around the world anons.




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c77e69 No.21667983


it's very tall with his redbook shit

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21d15a No.21667984

File: 3231f1a8e07e3ba⋯.jpg (113.8 KB,1400x934,700:467,link_wray.jpg)


Keep on rockin', jim watkins.

YOU have made a positive impact.

The world is healing, and ….Thank You!

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021b01 No.21667986


>your pic is jarod leto as the joker

Kek. My bad, Anon. I'm not familiar with that fag.

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198627 No.21667987

File: 8b69bef3ad27c02⋯.png (1.24 MB,1485x919,1485:919,nwk.PNG)


9.25.24: OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANT Awakening, Out they GO! PRAY!

And We Know

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2b56a0 No.21667988

File: fafae49725ddfbf⋯.png (670.45 KB,580x937,580:937,fafae49725ddfbfec236757067….png)

File: 4dbe43fd56c5be4⋯.jpg (72.13 KB,499x499,1:1,4dbe43fd56c5be48052a353445….jpg)


Ty Jim


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021b01 No.21667989

File: e26b5bfa9dcd76e⋯.png (36.38 KB,312x400,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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211de3 No.21667990

File: 6f65e2136a047cb⋯.jpg (655.38 KB,1878x1440,313:240,Picsart_24_09_27_12_22_18_….jpg)

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c77e69 No.21667992


You are welcome

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48e8f7 No.21667993

File: 3bde5c96a04167a⋯.png (207.28 KB,502x512,251:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d6e14 No.21667994

File: 4bbc106ea9581c2⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,A_UFO_Camera_for_Mars.mp4)

File: 25f879afad83970⋯.png (283.29 KB,800x371,800:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5b4684a9e370da⋯.png (911.77 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Exploring Mars’ Grand Canyon, plus a UFO camera for Mars

September 26, 2024

The largest canyon in the solar system is on Mars. Valles Marineris is the Grand Canyon of Mars and dwarfs its counterpart on Earth.

Orbiting spacecraft have photographed it in great detail, but no mission has yet visited it on the ground. But that might be about to change.

The German Space Agency at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Bonn, Germany, is developing an ambitious mission concept called Valles Marineris Explorer, or VaMEx.

It involves a swarm of robotic drones that can drive, walk and fly, the researchers said on September 10, 2024. It would explore the sprawling canyon and caves within it.

Interestingly, the mission would also include a UAP camera, named for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.

That term has, in recent years, replaced the acronym UFO in government-speak of several nations. It’s been used to describe any unusual phenomena seen in Earth’s atmosphere, or oceans.

The UAP camera would be stationary. It would watch Mars’ sky continuously. It would keep an eye out for anything unusual. More about it below.

VaMEx consists of a complex swarm of robotic drones that can both move on the ground and fly in the air. The drones would communicate both with each other and a central gateway station on the surface.

In addition, the drones would look for traces of water that could help support life in protected niches. Indeed, orbiting spacecraft have photographed foggy mists in the canyon.

The search for water also includes caves within the canyon. If there is any existing life on Mars today – even if just microbial – the environment deep inside caves would be a good place to look.

They might have enough traces of water and would offer protection from the harsh radiation that hits Mars’ surface from the sun.

Plus, of course, caves provide a natural doorway to explore geologic formations beneath the surface. What might we find?

There is a sub-project of VaMEx called VaMEx3-MarsSymphony, or just MarsSymphony. It is developing the complex communications system needed for the swarm.

Hakan Kayal at the University of Würzburg is the project leader. He said:

We have given our sub-project the name ‘VaMEx3-MarsSymphony’ because the aim is to make the individual elements of the robot swarm play together harmoniously like an orchestra.

The swarm concept includes the stationary gateway, or command center, to aid communications for the drones.

It would also facilitate communication with each other and with orbiting spacecraft and Earth. But sometimes the drones won’t be able to communicate directly with the gateway.

For example, when they’re inside caves. To work around this, there would also be repeater stations on the ground. They can pass along recorded images and other data from the drone in the cave to the gateway.

Another element of the swarm concept is autorotation bodies. These are small “craft” that are simply dropped from the air and gently glide to the ground.

They kind of look like maple seeds with their elongated bodies. They also spin as they glide downward, with the aid of a wing. And like seeds being dispersed, they can be distributed over a wide area.

They gather data as they fall to the Martian surface.

In addition, they can function as sensors, repeaters and navigation networks. Clemens Riegler is the project manager of MarsSymphony. He said:

It’s great to see that DLR is recognizing this work and that it has now become part of a project to explore Mars!


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8d6e14 No.21667995


There is another unique element to the VaMEx mission, something else never done before. The researchers want to include a UAP camera, or celestial camera, on the stationary gateway.

UAP – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena – is the term now used by governments and the military for what used to be called UFOs.

It’s for sightings of unusual objects or other phenomena in Earth’s atmosphere (and now including the ocean or space as well).

In the case of VaMEx, the UAP camera would watch the Martian sky continuously. That would be its only function.

While not specifically looking for alien spacecraft, it would monitor clouds, meteors, lightning or any other unusual or short-lived phenomena. No other lander or rover mission has done that before.

They have coincidentally imaged the Martian sky and even the moons Phobos and Deimos, for example. But the sole purpose of this camera would be to stare at the sky. As Kayal said:

All previous Mars missions have focused on the surface of the planet, but we want to look upward for the first time.

You can also read a more detailed interview with Hakan Kayal where he explains how the UAP camera would work. As Kayal told researcher Andreas Müller in Germany:

We still don’t know what UFOs and UAPs are. Mars and Earth are very similar in many ways, from geology to meteorology. If there are UAPs on Earth, they could also be visible in the Martian sky.

Another advantage of such a detection would be that on Mars we could at least rule out known terrestrial triggers of many classic UFO/UAP sightings such as birds, insects, balloons and aeroplanes etc. as explanations for any UAPs detected from the outset.

The number of terrestrial satellites and probes on and around Mars is also still manageable and their flight and orbital paths are known, predictable and easy to check.

However, we are not looking for little green men on Mars, but anomalies that could indicate new events or characteristics.

The chances of this are small, but such a detection on Mars would be a sensation and would provide us with data that often stand in the way of clarifying these phenomena with terrestrial systems.

Bottom line: Researchers in Germany are developing a new mission to explore Mars’ Grand Canyon with a swarm of robotic drones, plus search for UFOs in Martian skies.


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021b01 No.21667996

File: 1ad04cd89bd6d68⋯.png (333.51 KB,625x857,625:857,ClipboardImage.png)



I bet. Kek.

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bc6390 No.21667997


What the fuck are they doing?

Is this some Tao te ching shit?

Are they using our methods now?

Fuck it run the clock then I guess they are trying to board us to death or starve us fuck food is expensive nigger

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2f7914 No.21667998

File: dd52ff75a815f0a⋯.png (726.36 KB,638x800,319:400,B5E8254A_E52C_4495_91B4_BC….png)

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f9202c No.21667999

File: 2c5bc3d7bc83ea7⋯.png (383.89 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240927_132049.png)

Texas you on deck

Circular radar signatures

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1673ac No.21668000

File: d4e2a5d8d6cce86⋯.png (327.14 KB,532x581,76:83,Capture.PNG)

Ready, Set, Sail! 🌊🚢⚓️🇺🇸

USS Stout (DDG 55) assigned to the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, departs Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, for a regularly scheduled deployment to the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations.

#Deployment #Warships


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17e379 No.21668001

27 Sep, 2024 15:08

Biden doubts Zelensky’s ‘victory plan’ – Politico

The White House is reportedly worried about Kiev’s long-term battlefield prospects

US President Joe Biden and his aides have privately questioned Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s so-called ‘victory plan’, andworry that his decision to launch an offensive into Russia’s Kursk Region has affected the “long-term trajectory of the conflict,” Politico reported on Friday.

Zelensky arrived in the US on Sunday to present his plan to Biden and other American officials. While the document has not been made public, it consists of four points – the continuation of Kiev’s Kursk incursion, NATO-style security guarantees from the West for Ukraine, the delivery of more advanced weapons, and international financial assistance for the country, according to The Times.

However, Biden and his aides “are somewhat dubious” about the plan, Politico reported, citing two people familiar with White House conversations.

This assessment is shared by other Western leaders, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. The ‘victory plan’ does not include any “real surprises” and is not a game-changer, one of Bloomberg’s sources noted, while another described the initiative as nothing more than a “wish list.”

According to another source, =•at least one of Ukraine’s foreign backers has suggested that it is “time for a new round of outreach” to Russian President Vladimir Putin, either by Zelensky or one of his Western patrons.==

Zelensky, however, has rejected the idea of negotiating with Moscow. In a UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday, he declared that the conflict “can't be calmed by talks” and that “Russia can only be forced into peace.” The Ukrainian leader, whose mandate as president expired earlier this year, then called on countries to “prepare a second peace summit” to end the conflict, but suggested that Russia would not be invited to participate.

“It is impossible to force Russia into peace,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Wednesday. Zelensky’s position represents “a profound delusion that will inevitably have consequences for the Kiev regime,” he warned.

Following a meeting with Zelensky at the White House on Thursday, Biden announced more than $8 billion in military aid to Ukraine, releasing the remaining funding authorized by Congress. Biden said that this tranche of arms and funding for weapons purchases would “help Ukraine win this war,” although thePentagon has considered Kiev’s aims – which include the restoration of Ukraine’s 1991 borders – essentially unachievable since early last year.

“They privately question his decision to launch an offensive into Russia, which has drawn troops away from the front lines in Donetsk, and worry about the long-term trajectory of the conflict,” the report continued.It noted that neither Biden nor British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has given in to Zelensky’s most pressing request: permission to use Western weapons to conduct long-range strikes on Russian territory.


After this is over, I hope the world never hears Zelensky's nameand a competent leader fixes Ukraine, and we hear no more about this disaster.

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7b1599 No.21668002

File: a92d1f8318ab644⋯.jpeg (641.38 KB,1125x1519,1125:1519,IMG_4396.jpeg)

File: 8a155fc7d08dc04⋯.jpeg (665.35 KB,1125x1318,1125:1318,IMG_4395.jpeg)

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2f7914 No.21668003

File: 4332982aac7628c⋯.jpeg (165.81 KB,801x801,1:1,0BD9AF02_6363_4DFA_A879_2….jpeg)

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2f7914 No.21668004

File: 8b83a3cbed2434b⋯.jpeg (29.58 KB,442x408,13:12,C53919C2_5E59_47C9_A0FC_4….jpeg)

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198627 No.21668005

File: 95e2ea2f2daeb22⋯.png (519.87 KB,435x763,435:763,v.PNG)



Outside of all the cussing… she is exactly right! Say it louder for all the ppl in the back! 🗣️

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db9a42 No.21668006


cutting the goyim™ grass

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1231e7 No.21668007

File: aab010473256624⋯.jpg (10.77 KB,255x210,17:14,aab010473256624549fbc2f61b….jpg)


Why does the chart say that he left office in early 2020?

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2f7914 No.21668008

File: feaff6d936b60b8⋯.jpeg (120.25 KB,640x800,4:5,Laughs_in_Gay_Marxist.JPEG)

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3c7608 No.21668009


that is not lori petty its that nigga from powder.

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099b64 No.21668011

Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS

Phones, computers, faucets, flush valves, automatic doors, literally anything with a camera… Everything uses infrared now to sense your face, your emotions, even your thoughts (through microexpressions).

Around 3% of people with epilepsy have photosensitive epilepsy… flashing lights. I wonder just how many seizures these constantly flashing infrared sensors have caused. I wonder if there is a class action lawsuit that can be brought on these companies for not disclosing the rate of flashes and their deadly effects…

Just because we don't consciously see the flashes doesn't mean they can't be weaponized. Fuck all these companies. Maybe I'm yelling into a void here, but maybe there are others out there who understand.

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1673ac No.21668012

File: 655cfa2fafdb198⋯.png (193.01 KB,526x472,263:236,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING - At least 17 dead in Hurricane Helene: US officials

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/at-least-17-dead-in-hurricane-helene-us-officials/



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9d6a06 No.21668014


>As for me, I just have a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

Tell'm Baker sent ya o7

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099b64 No.21668015


Anybody notice these digits?

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c93f75 No.21668016

File: 386bd9370d4cf19⋯.png (120.13 KB,1484x1050,106:75,Screen_Shot_2024_09_27_at_….png)



the pdf file is linked

it's over 500 pages and takes a while to wade thru

i saw no glaring issues

looks like solid research to me


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c77e69 No.21668018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48e8f7 No.21668019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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021b01 No.21668021

File: 3e968044f4416ad⋯.mp4 (88.93 KB,320x180,16:9,Zelensky_gives_an_intervie….mp4)


>its that nigga from powder.

Wait. I thought that was this guy?

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5826e3 No.21668022

September 27, 2024

1:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with the People’s Republic of China Director of the Chinese Communist Party Central Foreign Affairs Commission and Foreign Minister Wang Yi

New York City, New York


September 27, 2024

1:45 PM EDT

The President arrives to Dover Air Force Base

Official Schedule

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099b64 No.21668024

File: 3c53c8d5416818c⋯.png (24.97 KB,939x123,313:41,Screenshot_2024_09_27_1229….png)

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3c7608 No.21668025


no that is an enlarged picture of syphilis. understandable.

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2f7914 No.21668026

File: d55743a125c4009⋯.jpg (99.72 KB,912x789,304:263,17_06_Star_Wars.jpg)

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198627 No.21668027

File: 3adacc102b68de5⋯.png (528.04 KB,408x722,204:361,that.PNG)


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628fe2 No.21668028

File: 6162757f0783d81⋯.png (201.27 KB,410x454,205:227,ClipboardImage.png)



we all say those things.

she says it like a crazy person though.

Name 1 thing she says that's new

alex jones psyop

"speak truth as though it's crazy"

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021b01 No.21668029

File: 94240ca8facff55⋯.png (Spoiler Image,19.75 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>no that is an enlarged picture of syphilis. understandable.


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5826e3 No.21668031

File: 6594f90d991ad6c⋯.gif (922.59 KB,245x193,245:193,there_are_4_lights_trek.gif)



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2f7914 No.21668032

File: 9c8c01199f046cd⋯.jpg (177.16 KB,1129x1078,1129:1078,IMG_0499.jpg)

File: 7f8e9566c171ed8⋯.jpg (413.2 KB,968x656,121:82,IMG_0368.jpg)

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7cc8af No.21668034

File: abf5a04d9a4c5d5⋯.png (704.06 KB,690x402,115:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f1d6a No.21668037



#26534 >>21667778

>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816 TRUMP TRUTH - Trump's border achievements were, frankly, extraordinary

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS


>>21668022 Swamp Happenings

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1e5394 No.21668038

File: 63fdf91dcf7262d⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,352x576,11:18,ssstwitter_com_17274521864….mp4)

File: cbdd3327211e74e⋯.mp4 (769.86 KB,480x640,3:4,ssstwitter_com_17274534035….mp4)

Lebanese Sources are reporting that Hashim Safi al-Din, the Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council and considered the “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah, was Killed in the Israeli Airstrike on Beirut.


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628fe2 No.21668039

File: 0d944e6158f9fc9⋯.mp4 (6.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,dr_birx_under_trump_admin_….mp4)



you mean to say the flu didn't just disappear?

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000000 No.21668040

ToI ALERTS @TOIAlerts 1h

Live update:Netanyahu leaves briefing with reporters after military secretary whispers in his ear

* * *


Sep 27, 2024 · 3:40 PM UTC



These people are stupid.

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9d6a06 No.21668041

File: 43c5e6f9ba17d14⋯.png (786.7 KB,1153x890,1153:890,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ecf68770a110e6⋯.png (78.95 KB,388x303,388:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51f5c64bb787a40⋯.png (2.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



What does that look like to you?

>>21667977 how bout now?

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2f7914 No.21668044

File: d94ca9d6f8c84c3⋯.jpeg (54.34 KB,615x409,615:409,IMG_0663.jpeg)



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d1e9a9 No.21668045


Letting people do the jobs they were hired to do, who'd a thunk it?

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9d6a06 No.21668047



>Looks like a nuke.


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065968 No.21668048

Sabbath shalom

Qresearch is navel gazing.

God wins

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77b7cd No.21668049


Under arrest

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198627 No.21668050

File: 7605295c214897f⋯.png (886.53 KB,745x596,5:4,2.PNG)


Put two and two together

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8d6e14 No.21668052

File: 8715762f1d47eb0⋯.png (4.23 MB,2500x1668,625:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a978f6935bfce8⋯.png (149.25 KB,1477x812,211:116,ClipboardImage.png)


Paradigm-Changing UFO Transparency Legislation Fails In Congress For Second Consecutive Year

20 September 2024

An unprecedented Senate amendment aimed at increasing transparency on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), introduced by U.S. Senators Mike Rounds and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, has been excluded from the Senate’s National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (NDAA FY 2025) Manager’s Package.

It was seen as the final opportunity for the amendment to be considered for inclusion in law within the finalised version of the NDAA.

As a result, the amendment—known as the UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) —will not form part of any negotiations with the House of Representatives as they finalise the NDAA FY 2025, which is expected to be signed into law by President Joe Biden.

If passed, the UAPDA could have unleashed a process revealing that the U.S. Government and defense contractors possess retrieved crafts, which are, according to the Act, capable of trans-medium travel, instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic speeds, and positive lift.

Liberation Times has learned that the CIA —currently facing mounting criticism over alleged dishonesty regarding anomalous health incidents—along with the Department of Defense and Department of Energy, has consistently bypassed democratic oversight in retrieving advanced objects of unknown origin.

According to Liberation Times sources, these materials are subsequently sent to National Labs and select defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin.

Multiple programs are understood to be orchestrated by the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology and its Directorate of Operations alongside Department of Defense components.

Liberation Times has uncovered details of an alleged program focused on retrieving advanced crafts from beneath the sea, some reportedly of non-human or unknown origin.

This alleged program draws on multiple agencies and departments' specialised assets and expertise to carry out these missions.

Among those involved are the Maritime Branch of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, the U.S. Navy, the National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (jointly operated by the Navy and CIA), and United States Special Operations Command.

It is further understood that the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has provided deep submergence vehicles to support these retrieval efforts.

Once recovered, these crafts are allegedly transferred to the Office of Naval Research, which subsequently hands them over to defense contractors for detailed analysis.

If the Act had passed, the President would have appointed nine impartial citizens, to a newly established UAP Records Review Board, overseen by the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

This board would oversee the collection, review, and public disclosure of UAP records and has the authority to examine materials, solicit testimonies, and gather additional witnesses and whistleblowers.

The establishment of the Review Board would prevent government agencies and individuals accused of involvement with illegal UAP programs from investigating and exonerating themselves.

This board would eliminate their direct influence over the government's current UAP office, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), a practice multiple sources have reported to Liberation Times.

Liberation Times understands the UAPDA was backed by the Senate’s Intelligence and Armed Services Committee.

The UAPDA’s inclusion within the Manager’s Package hinged upon support from the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - due to its potential oversight role and involvement in a controlled UAP disclosure campaign, should it have been passed.


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2f7914 No.21668053

File: 3d5b08f125ce250⋯.jpeg (19.1 KB,226x254,113:127,17_02_Liberal.JPEG)

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8d6e14 No.21668055


However, sources state that the UAPDA failed to be included within the Manager’s Package, due to resistance from that Committee’s Republican ranking member, Senator Rand Paul.

Liberation Times has requested comment from Senator Paul’s office.

25 September 2024 Update: After initially declining to comment on the record via email, a staffer from Senator Rand Paul’s office has now told Liberation Times through phone call that the Senator cleared the UAPDA to be included within the Manager’s Package.

In a separate phone transcript obtained by Liberation Times, a staff member states:

“Senator Paul cleared that amendment, so any delay was not due to his actions.”

Notably, in 2021 Senator Paul implied that $22 million secured by the late Senator Harry Reid for a UAP program was a bad use of government money.

It marks the second successive failure for the UAPDA, which was gutted by NDAA FY 2024, due to opposition from multiple fronts, most notably Representative Mike Turner and other leaders within the House.

Of note, following its gutting from NDAA FY 2024, Senator Schumer, stated that multiple credible sources notified him and Senator Rounds that information on UAP has been withheld from Congress:

"We've also been notified by multiple credible sources that information on UAPs has also been withheld from Congress, which if true is a violation of laws requiring full notification to the legislative branch, especially as it relates to the four congressional leaders, the defence committees, and the intelligence committees."

Speaking with Liberation Times about the UAPDA’s second consecutive failure, Lester Nare, the founder of the UAP Caucus - a group dedicated to raising UAP awareness and advocating for action among congressional members - commented:

“The failure of the UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) in 2024 is disappointing but not entirely unexpected, given the complexities of the current election cycle, the political dynamics within the 118th Congress, and persistent pushback from institutional gatekeepers.

While this setback is significant, it does not mark the end of our efforts towards greater transparency in UAP-related matters.

“We look forward to the forthcoming releases mandated by UAPDA provisions that did pass in the NDAA FY24, including intelligence assessments on the nature and origins of UAP.

Looking ahead, we have been proactively developing legislative alternatives tailored for introduction in the 119th Congress.

“These new initiatives will be presented publicly, offering a fresh approach to achieving our goals of increased disclosure and accountability.

It's important to note that this likely represents the final iteration of the UAPDA in its current form.

Our future legislative efforts will build upon the lessons learned from this experience, adapting to the evolving political landscape and addressing the concerns that hindered the Act's passage.”


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30acf6 No.21668056

File: c713ecaa895a42b⋯.png (207.31 KB,860x605,172:121,pu.png)


>17 dead

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099b64 No.21668057



Epilepsy anon opines?

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1e5394 No.21668058



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8d6e14 No.21668059


Yuan Fung of the UAP Disclosure Fund told Liberation Times:

“On behalf of the UAP Disclosure Fund, we express our deep disappointment that the UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) has not been included in the Senate’s FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act package.

“The UAPDA had garnered robust, bipartisan support and would have ushered in an unprecedented level of transparency and oversight over UAP records held by the Executive Branch.

We commend Senators Mike Rounds, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Martin Heinrich for championing this legislation for two consecutive years, and we are grateful to all those who worked behind the scenes to advocate for this critical cause.

“We remain hopeful that these senators and others will persist in their efforts to establish proper Congressional oversight of UAP matters, which raise serious concerns regarding the use of taxpayer funds and national security.

“While this setback is disappointing, it does not diminish our resolve. Our mission to advance UAP transparency and disclosure continues. In the months ahead, we will explore every available avenue to maintain pressure on the government to be truthful with the American people and the global community.

“Our work will focus on building political momentum for UAP disclosure and demanding the truth—because the public deserves nothing less.”

Despite repeated failures to pass the UAPDA, new UAP hearings expected in the coming months within both the Senate and House.

Furthermore, there is a potentially brighter future for AARO under the leadership of its new director, Dr. Jon T. Kosloski.

The new move potentially provides the AARO with another opportunity to rigorously investigate allegations of retrieval and reverse engineering programs relating to materials and biologics of potential non-human intelligence.

Therefore, the fight for transparency from within the U.S. Government continues.

Furthermore, there are three other UAP provisions included within the NDAA FY 2025 Manager’s Package, including a Comptroller General review of the AARO, following the departure of its much-criticised former director, Dr Sean Kirkpatrick.

For now, news of the UAPDA’s apparent failure will be greeted positively by elements within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, who continue to resist public and congressional transparency and accountability.


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628fe2 No.21668060

File: 09bcebf05c99645⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB,720x1280,9:16,spin_spiral_seizure_3.mp4)

File: 908d44ec8f3c57c⋯.mp4 (4 MB,1280x720,16:9,spin_spiral_seizure_under_….mp4)

File: 431275bd40d0a86⋯.mp4 (703.86 KB,854x480,427:240,spiral_seizures_2.mp4)

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c0ad0d No.21668063

Decidedly unremarkable Psychological Warfare Effort put for by the stupid and horrible Langley Pedo protecting piece of shit scumbag fuckin loser cunt asshole fuckface card douchbag powerless and ridiculous fuckface Clowns

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021b01 No.21668064

File: 9b835ea1cf8e4f0⋯.png (91.25 KB,1024x1023,1024:1023,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d0d0e96439ba3b⋯.png (89.8 KB,1024x574,512:287,ClipboardImage.png)


>These people are stupid.

Chkt. With friends like these (picrel) who needs enemies?

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1f1d6a No.21668066


Trump's Rorschach Test

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628fe2 No.21668069

File: b9603eb9aa2e192⋯.png (79.08 KB,388x303,388:303,ClipboardImage.png)


>What does that look like to you?

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f68b89 No.21668070


Your baal is faggot

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c0ad0d No.21668071

Did you work for the CIA, the agency shit down for child trafficking and sex crimes?

I did but I didn,,,,,

Get the fuck out of my office

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198627 No.21668072

File: 9686a2fb1df6fc3⋯.png (480.01 KB,595x737,595:737,device.PNG)




The way Old Churches were Designed is different than most ppl think.. ⚡️

3:31 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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c0ad0d No.21668074

Langley Pedo Protecting piece of shit, worthless and weAk, waste of time idiot cunt

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5000a6 No.21668075

File: 7700c2a7b913c6c⋯.png (901.71 KB,1798x1052,899:526,ClipboardImage.png)

Good to see Grinnell there with Trump.

He's never wavered!! Always been on Team Trump!!

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9d6a06 No.21668077

File: 4974dd60daa48f5⋯.png (6.03 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)





Listen dont know how to tell you fags, but

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198627 No.21668079

File: ced33b60a38345d⋯.png (352.17 KB,596x688,149:172,jw.PNG)


James Watkins



Yes, but @3y3ofRed

, so many have already given up so much for our Republic. Including you. Let's not worry about accolades now. There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.






Replying to @thejimwatkins

you personally saved free speech

and you led from the front

it inspired me

and many others

you're getting the medal of freedom for this

it's our honor and duty to stand with you

and anyone who says otherwise can fuck off

Show more

5:36 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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1f1d6a No.21668080


o7 anon

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c0ad0d No.21668081

It's too late

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db9a42 No.21668082

File: e6780c16a29ac77⋯.png (506.29 KB,823x728,823:728,ClipboardImage.png)


Herschel, are you invoking the God of the Old Testament/Torah and the Talmud (Satan),

or that of the New Testament (Jesus)?

Sounds like the former.

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f68b89 No.21668083


Very too late

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021b01 No.21668084

File: 9a5bcd29b63fa30⋯.png (386.83 KB,408x632,51:79,ClipboardImage.png)


>the agency shit down for child trafficking and sex crimes?


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9cc0ab No.21668088


That's old grandad rock

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c0ad0d No.21668090

Freedom shit has sailed, plenty of time to choose ones path, freedom and greatness or decades of horrific and violent prison rape in prison.

It's the onna hurt clown, for the rest of your waste of time life

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2f7914 No.21668091

File: f7c1c37fad17623⋯.jpeg (165.05 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_0665.jpeg)

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30acf6 No.21668093

From heaven you were asked and then free willingly came down here to help.

I really believe this.

It isn't all bad to come here, I am sure there are things that you can do here that you can't do in the heavenly realms.

Make the best of it, the material world is temporary.

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628fe2 No.21668095

File: 18a617353a7d923⋯.png (598 KB,947x570,947:570,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa14af0fcf94349⋯.png (2.18 MB,1318x834,659:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1216d41c9fb78c⋯.png (992.33 KB,1010x612,505:306,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41bd8eb51a91d53⋯.png (519.67 KB,756x690,126:115,ClipboardImage.png)

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021b01 No.21668096


Shut up, Nigger. Not everyone watches Avatar.

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000000 No.21668098


DJT doesn´t speak faggot.

He needs a trans-lator.


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fff1fa No.21668099

File: b089033234c3a0e⋯.png (247.21 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


nigger this is kid rock

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065968 No.21668100

File: 36c043f96f2edb3⋯.jpg (329.84 KB,2880x2880,1:1,IDF_Hezbollah_.jpg)

Hezbollah blown to bits.

2 evils down in 2 wks

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40683b No.21668102


Figure out what the word Jesus means.

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c0ad0d No.21668103

The Horse has left the barn for CLOWNs

Decades of random and brutal prison rape in prison.

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1e5394 No.21668104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0ad0d No.21668106


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b4c048 No.21668107


nuclear explosion

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099b64 No.21668109


Thank you for not forgetting us. Cures will happen one day, until then this place is all we have.

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021b01 No.21668111


>nigger this is kid rock

That's Nancy Pelsoi, Anon.

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c93f75 No.21668112


>"speak truth as though it's crazy"

lying 101

organic lying 201

advanced lying 301

hiding the truth in plain sight 401

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065968 No.21668113

Syria and Iraq are up next.

Probably after a nice Sabbath

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8d6e14 No.21668114

File: 31dde4a5e6e5dbe⋯.png (2.48 MB,1456x1092,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c468add55290bb⋯.png (24.97 KB,1200x359,1200:359,ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

Sep 25, 2024

Sen. Mike Rounds* (R-SD) — Select Intelligence & Armed Services Committees

*Rounds is the original Republican sponsor of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s UAPDA — or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act

Ask a Pol asks:

What happened to your amendment with Schumer in the NDAA or National Defense Authorization Act?

Key Rounds:

“NDAA’s not out yet,” Sen. Mike Rounds exclusively tells Ask a Pol.

We're hearing it’s being gutted again.

“Well, we’ll see,” Rounds says.

Caught our ear:

“Let me put it this way, it's not out yet,” Rounds tells us of this year’s NDAA. “Negotiations continue.”



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77b7cd No.21668116


JESUS christos

It's not a person

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21d15a No.21668117

File: 0db2120e3595299⋯.jpg (85.36 KB,600x439,600:439,arcturians.jpg)

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000000 No.21668119

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 8m

Hrzbulloh media official: Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was not at the place of the attack (Beirut suburb) and is safe.

Sep 27, 2024 · 5:36 PM UTC



Not today satana.

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b8dbe6 No.21668121

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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628fe2 No.21668122

File: 196071c2520c2e0⋯.png (499.67 KB,500x645,100:129,ClipboardImage.png)


> she is exactly right!

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5000a6 No.21668123

File: d37532ef6745ed5⋯.png (72.44 KB,602x655,602:655,ClipboardImage.png)

He's Making a List

He’s Making a List ✨


Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁


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162a82 No.21668124



anons were not sent

they volunteered


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1afba5 No.21668126

File: d368a5388233228⋯.jpg (94.09 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1726889171803467.jpg)



It's a sound wave. Left and right channel

Looks like an impact

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11c251 No.21668127


link no work. why not imbed?>>21668005

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50f87e No.21668128


the deamons are restless

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d1e9a9 No.21668129

File: 2bb83211bd03e2a⋯.png (271.95 KB,442x474,221:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b8f4630acba79⋯.png (334.14 KB,450x472,225:236,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a614bebab7c39b7⋯.png (586.75 KB,706x475,706:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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40683b No.21668130



Is 888

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2f7914 No.21668132

File: aee4146c1a27dd0⋯.jpeg (61.59 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_0668.jpeg)


Cracker, are you blind this is Kid Rock with his twin bro The Rock.

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ae99e9 No.21668133

File: 217a0f12da7e195⋯.png (119.96 KB,1208x933,1208:933,ClipboardImage.png)

looks like Citizen Free Press is offline, did Google take it down?

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c93f75 No.21668134


>Hezbollah blown to bits.

>2 evils down in 2 wks

neck yourself, ya filthy yid

hezbollah is the enemy of humanity's enemy

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198627 No.21668135

File: fcfeec1b1c6f3ff⋯.png (219.94 KB,436x535,436:535,ny.PNG)


We do a little thing called Trolling

Watch the Water


One leads to another


Watch NYC


Check it @plantaddix1

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1f1d6a No.21668136


some times anons have to help a baker out

digital battlefield and all

ty again

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1673ac No.21668137

File: 6851f722c98f614⋯.png (84.6 KB,527x688,527:688,Capture.PNG)

File: 4418fc482f053c7⋯.png (70.36 KB,473x462,43:42,qaggdropimage1332.png)

It turns out people like actual plans.



Full control

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628fe2 No.21668138


hey (breath, spirit)

zeus (jupiter)

hey-zeus = "the spirit of zeus"

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065968 No.21668139

File: bcf8cd8eda32dd7⋯.jpg (45.45 KB,909x419,909:419,Dof_the_rock1.jpg)

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f9202c No.21668143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For the asylum

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40683b No.21668144


Kek!!! All these faggots buy Milwaukee impacts as if it makes them good at what they do.

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d1e9a9 No.21668146

File: 94fffaa60bd5e4c⋯.png (409.98 KB,769x439,769:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37c9be85f3c4be5⋯.png (280.09 KB,508x466,254:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e30c106fe137ca⋯.png (234.12 KB,730x464,365:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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b90b2e No.21668148

File: 9234dfee4bcef92⋯.webp (110.27 KB,1400x912,175:114,beirut_silos_2020_afp_jpg.webp)

Beirut stores a lot of fertilizer from what I've heard…

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40683b No.21668150


Okay Moshe.

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628fe2 No.21668154

File: b6c882413ec1b71⋯.png (5.98 KB,45x50,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)


wow. are those real

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198627 No.21668155

File: 0640f807223cad9⋯.png (467.49 KB,797x489,797:489,nb.PNG)



Helene makes landfall in Florida as a Category 4 hurricane

Over 2M without power in Florida and Georgia

Boar's Head plants nationwide now part of law enforcement investigation

New Chinese nuclear attack submarine sank during construction, US defense official says

Newsmax reaches settlement with Smartmatic regarding 2020 election claims

Independent journalist publishes Trump campaign document hacked by Iran

Secret Service staffing shortage prompts Trump campaign to move Wisconsin rally

Trump Media & Technology Group investor sells more than 7 million of its shares of DJT

Hoda Kotb will step down as co-anchor of NBC's 'TODAY' show

Shigeru Ishiba set to become the next Jananese Prime Minister

Mastermind of Benghazi terror attack resentenced to 28 years in prison

Eric Adams indictment unsealed, mansion raided, phone seized

X requests it be reinstated in Brazil after complying with judge’s orders

John 14:15

Do you wear leather?


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e8a8ba No.21668156

File: 410d3c59e94f23b⋯.png (436.52 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f7914 No.21668158

File: 5549df58af2860f⋯.jpeg (411.9 KB,914x645,914:645,IMG_0670.jpeg)


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8d6e14 No.21668161

File: 7b440dc5edf07b6⋯.png (2.15 MB,1456x1092,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Chair Nancy Mace previews fall UAP hearing: "I need people who’ve maybe seen some sh*t and can tell us some stuff"

Sep 26, 2024

Rep. Nancy Mace* (R-SC) — Chairwoman of Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on CyberSecurity, IT and Government Innovation

ICYMI — Mace is chairing Nov. 13th UFO hearing in the House

Ask a Pol asks:

Any public update on who the witnesses are going to be at the public Nov. 13th UAP hearing you’re chairing?

Key Mace:

“I wanted to have a military vet. I think it's important to have more than just academics. I need people who’ve maybe seen some sh*t and can tell us some stuff,” Rep. Nancy Mace exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “I want people who've actually seen and heard and read. Like, it's just important. So, I moved the dates back…”

“I met with [Rep. Tim] Burchett and with Luna to get them on why they wanted this guy — I think he’s an admiral that does USOs [Underwater Submerged Objects] stuff — more than happy [to have him testify],” Mace tells us. “But the witnesses will be different, and they'll bring different information to the table.”

*Easter come early: ”It's actually a guy that will talk about USOs, because we haven't talked about USOs,” Mace exclusively hints to the Ask a Pol UAP family (READ: Full Mace interview transcript below).

Caught our ear:

“We're working through who the other witnesses are going to be,” Mace tells Ask a Pol. “We’ll talk about that later.”

So you guys are still working through it? So, we don't have a direction of the hearing?

“It will be a variety,” Mace says. “It will be a grab bag.”



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40683b No.21668162

Day shift is infested by NEETS from /pol

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c93f75 No.21668165

File: db790da0ef3cf89⋯.png (1.33 MB,1024x1696,32:53,Screen_Shot_2024_09_27_at_….png)


that's justin bieber

THIS is kid rock

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628fe2 No.21668166

File: e55d7b4c2e87e3c⋯.mp4 (13.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,trump_crack_down_on_pig_fa….mp4)

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2f7914 No.21668168

File: 79bac527562abcd⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB,1366x769,1366:769,815BCF93_AA02_4333_A6D7_9….JPEG)


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628fe2 No.21668169

File: 6e8cf2c6c36c89a⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,640x464,40:29,00_fake_body_bags_ukraine_….mp4)


>Trump should demand Zelensky wear a suit the next time they meet. Enough with the hobo look

it's offensive

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99d071 No.21668170

File: 2ef9ae960b6b8e6⋯.png (156.38 KB,1208x800,151:100,It_has_been_determined_tha….png)

It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about Comrade Kamala Harris. This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections. If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, at the maximum levels, when I win the Election, and become President of the United States!


1st like! Praise Jesus!

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000000 No.21668171

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 13m

The name of the operation carried out by "Israel" in the southern suburb (Cat's Claws)

Sep 27, 2024 · 5:37 PM UTC



Grab them by the pussy.

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065968 No.21668173

File: 103c1cf954a1cdd⋯.jpg (43.36 KB,522x500,261:250,Screenshot_20240628_095828….jpg)

Bombs flatten Hezbollah headquarters as Bibi finishes his UN speech.

Who in Washington gave the green light?

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cccb3a No.21668176

File: 6335959499c64a1⋯.png (77.84 KB,954x960,159:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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803db2 No.21668178

File: 5fb797ee6b5b235⋯.jpg (273.16 KB,900x900,1:1,000warzards1.jpg)



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a7175c No.21668179

File: 14417340608de54⋯.jpg (59.48 KB,618x555,206:185,IMG_20240927_135324.jpg)



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198627 No.21668180

File: 82b95c7584f6556⋯.png (38.57 KB,1381x307,1381:307,sq.PNG)


AOC's 'red light' district overrun with

prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' member

Fox News, by Michael Dorgan

Original Article

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/27/2024 1:06:05 PM

It’s the Third World meets Bangkok. In "Squad" member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district in New York City, those who are described as scantily dressed migrant prostitutes line blocks of a long commercial strip during all hours of the day and night, brazenly soliciting sex to passersby while their pimps strike fear into local business owners, one of whom told Fox News Digital he’s been threatened for speaking out and is on the verge of closing his store. The trash-filled streets of Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, which encompasses the migrant-heavy communities of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, has become a veritable hotbed for one of the world’s oldest professions, and residents

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803db2 No.21668181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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58a3a3 No.21668182

File: de41b369dc4962e⋯.jpg (26.22 KB,489x615,163:205,BG1.jpg)


Thanks Bakes

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fff1fa No.21668183

File: 96bd86a76715fc7⋯.png (96.45 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


fuck you bitch this is pelosi

what planet are you on

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4688b9 No.21668184

Do anons post only good stories on Trump and bad ones on Kamala? If so, Trump says that’s Illegal Activity.

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162815 No.21668185


yes you are correct this is sean connery

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c93f75 No.21668186


>Trump should demand Zelensky wear a suit the next time they meet. Enough with the hobo look

that's back-asswards

zealinky should look MOAR like an actual bum

with a dirty bent paper coffee cup and a little hand written cardboard sign "will shill for shekels"

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803db2 No.21668187

File: 339f03fde875fa5⋯.gif (2.19 MB,498x371,498:371,13b.gif)

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198627 No.21668188

File: 4e6d6ffdd0e5e60⋯.png (1.65 MB,1485x921,495:307,pl.PNG)


Riccardo Bosi 'The Final Phase Plan' Q


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db9a42 No.21668189

File: e067fb53532611e⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,734x408,367:204,J_AIPAC_evil.mp4)


>Bombs flatten Hezbollah headquarters as Bibi finishes his UN speech.

>Who in Washington gave the green light?

whoever AIPAC paid to give the green light to the Israeli attacks

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803db2 No.21668190

File: d448a24a5af14b8⋯.gif (2.78 MB,498x270,83:45,13a.gif)


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50f87e No.21668191



sign seen in the Gulf of Oman

"Will work for fuel oil.

Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group."

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682ef0 No.21668193

File: 86b85d8d8f460a1⋯.gif (1023.12 KB,500x180,25:9,1r.gif)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 376386 4799

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305

Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png

Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


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c93f75 No.21668194

File: 4430c6a4d722b13⋯.jpg (22.19 KB,340x463,340:463,proxy_image.jpg)


yer nutz

THIS is sting

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682ef0 No.21668195

File: 743369a82f69d23⋯.png (277.83 KB,330x394,165:197,02a.png)





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065968 No.21668196

File: 0cc4edd05df361f⋯.jpeg (62.67 KB,584x482,292:241,jeh_88.jpeg)

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1e5394 No.21668197

File: d5a906449aba2a1⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,1280x666,640:333,ssstwitter_com_17274599485….mp4)

Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

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5826e3 No.21668198

OGIS Publishes Annual Compliance Report

September 26, 2024

Nearly half of federal agencies include language about FOIA obligations in contracts for goods and services while fewer than one in five agencies continue to have pandemic-related backlogs. Those are among the findings from the most recent Records Management Self-Assessment (RMSA).

The report, “Assessing Freedom of Information Act Compliance through the National Archives and Records Administration’s 2023 Records Management Self-Assessment,” looks at the data collected in the 2023 RMSA from January 8 to March 8, 2024. The RMSA assesses whether federal agencies are complying with statutory and regulatory records management requirements. The ability to find records responsive to FOIA requests is essential to a successful FOIA program, and since 2016, OGIS has included questions on the RMSA to gather government-wide information about FOIA administration. The data helps OGIS fulfill its statutory mandate to review agency compliance with FOIA and complements the observations OGIS makes as the FOIA Ombuds, working to improve the FOIA process for all.



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5f0945 No.21668199

File: 81419cf35e50e92⋯.jpg (78.44 KB,537x640,537:640,FLOTUSgreen.jpg)


>Comms from FLOTUS!!

miss those…

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9d6a06 No.21668200

File: fe31d7c330d3085⋯.png (868.72 KB,838x765,838:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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c93f75 No.21668201

File: 82c23a8505c7775⋯.jpg (134.4 KB,1920x1080,16:9,proxy_image_1.jpg)


no way

she ded

THIS is pelosi

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f09393 No.21668202

File: 2d0a3d63eb94305⋯.png (153.3 KB,385x477,385:477,2d0a3d63eb9430518670879f64….png)

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30acf6 No.21668203

File: 9d48cf8536a9faf⋯.png (661.49 KB,933x695,933:695,9sam.PNG)

Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.


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5826e3 No.21668204


Assessing Freedom of Information Act Compliance through the National Archives and Records Administration’s 2023 Records Management Self-Assessment

Published September 26, 2024

Each year, the Chief Records Officer (CRO) for the U.S. Government at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assesses whether federal agencies are complying with statutory and regulatory records management requirements. The Records Management Self-Assessment (RMSA) data collection includes several questions about the administration of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The data collection ran from January 8, 2024 – March 8, 2024.




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1afba5 No.21668205


He knows exactly where we need to start in order to make America great again..

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5000a6 No.21668206

File: 91a14ab9b008f2d⋯.png (87.4 KB,605x545,121:109,ClipboardImage.png)


'It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about Comrade Kamala Harris. This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections. If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, at the maximum levels, when I win the Election, and become President of the United States!


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682ef0 No.21668207

File: 7ed35e5ce451b97⋯.jpg (37.69 KB,360x240,3:2,240_F_627569040_wYfATFMpGA….jpg)



Bazzel Baz

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065968 No.21668209

Reports: no less than 60 bunker-penetrating missiles were launched at Hezbollah headquarters.


The Iranians say that they don't know what Hassan Nasrallah's condition is "because the communication with the Dahiyeh has been cut off".

The assessment in Israel is that Nasrallah WAS injured in the strike and that the chances he survived are slim.

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50f87e No.21668210


Electricity carves planetary canyons.

Plazma universe.


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7cc8af No.21668211


>Biden said Thursday while hosting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House that he’s ordering the Pentagon tospend “all” congressionally approved aid to Ukraine before he leaves office

wouldn't that require the pentagon to have their accounting in order? signal?

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141ed2 No.21668212

File: 07a0ccf882dc310⋯.jpg (66.33 KB,638x515,638:515,RORSCHACH_TEST.jpg)

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162815 No.21668213


guns don't kill people. people kill people.

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065968 No.21668214


Just zoom in on zelensky's face doing contortions

So many lies so many faces

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7a8d29 No.21668215

File: 1bb61d871f35349⋯.jpg (81 KB,555x730,111:146,d983e27862953e1a5b7fd541c9….jpg)

File: 5bea62bd25bc752⋯.jpg (30.28 KB,600x294,100:49,two_cavity_klystron_struct….jpg)



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1afba5 No.21668216


Correct. One need to know the difference between life and death to understand when is to use and when not to use.

A knife cuts, it's not a screwdriver

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50f87e No.21668217


Pointing out lies of the left.


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065968 No.21668218

Southern Lebanon expected to be returned to Christians that were displaced 20 years ago by the terrorists

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30acf6 No.21668219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Past life regression session 179

179 Alba Weinman - A Reptilian from Mars


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2d5075 No.21668220


As long as they aren't Javelins, there's hope. If they have Javelins, even AF1 is in trouble. Javelins don't miss.

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198627 No.21668221

File: d07bb136ed03d61⋯.png (385.21 KB,414x781,414:781,dam.PNG)



This would be CATASTROPHIC.

All residents below the Lake Lure Dam are being ordered to evacuate IMMEDIATELY, as massive amounts of rain from Hurricane Helene is expected to cause the dam to break.

GET OUT NOW! A dam failure of this size could cause a mass casualty event like. we haven’t seen in decades


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58e7b0 No.21668222

File: a5dae4539acd85d⋯.png (310.3 KB,898x788,449:394,NETANYAHUwarCRIMES.png)

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e8a8ba No.21668223

File: ff059a0a628cdcb⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,320x426,160:213,tjjXtQCrUC_GKOkz.mp4)


>>21668156 (me)





Wild Footage showing the Series of Israeli Airstrikes against the Hezbollah Command Bunker in Southern Beirut.


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9d6a06 No.21668225

File: 6aefdb46b877d29⋯.png (134.43 KB,266x205,266:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85c02ee2b6824f8⋯.png (59.73 KB,162x183,54:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbfdcd1421fdeba⋯.png (52.26 KB,172x154,86:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4da26450cc58735⋯.png (439.14 KB,450x575,18:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4974dd60daa48f5⋯.png (6.03 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21668096 Avatar?

lurk moar 25 post wonder

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7f0059 No.21668226

File: 871e84f43d75adb⋯.jpeg (802.57 KB,2160x2700,4:5,Movie.jpeg)

They will cheat (if there is an election). RFK´s name will be on the ballot (for now!). Will this lawsuit be reversed and they do not have enough time left to print new fuckery ballots?

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01708e No.21668227

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,the_storm.mp4)



everyone has to kiss the ring of the Don.

fear, can you feel it.



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d08ac7 No.21668228

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [President Trump event]: The democratic party sued me to keep me off the ballot here in Michigan, and the day that I announced for Donald Trump, they pivoted, and sued me to keep me on the ballot. And so far, they've won that lawsuit, so my name is going to appear on the Michigan ballot, but I don't want you to vote for me, I want to you vote for Donald J. Trump.

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1774fd No.21668229

File: 46aa6874cdf21dc⋯.png (63.02 KB,618x318,103:53,ClipboardImage.png)


Ty Baker

Kamala should immediately cancel her News Conference because it was just revealed that 13,000 convicted murderers entered our Country during her three and a half year period as Border Czar - Also currently in our Country because of her are 15,811 migrants convicted of rape and sexual assault. “We handed this Administration the Most Secure Border of our Lifetime!” Tom Homan, Former Ice Director.


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ae99e9 No.21668230

File: 53bc52ade552ed8⋯.mp4 (1015.4 KB,640x360,16:9,KAMAKALIES100X.mp4)

Citizen Free Press


New border ad from Kamala breaks new ground in political lying.


Alex Thompson

2:05 PM · Sep 27, 2024





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30acf6 No.21668231


Want to know why so many people go missing?

26:00 - Slave labour on Mars

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b4c048 No.21668232

File: d6f187d6545d692⋯.png (20.14 KB,515x220,103:44,Q1049.png)

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9d6a06 No.21668233

File: bc46db0ad8ce168⋯.png (2.08 MB,1188x1002,198:167,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)

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198627 No.21668234

File: f48a55b6263c277⋯.png (488.32 KB,549x790,549:790,m.PNG)

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021b01 No.21668235

File: 1101b5a6af0dc81⋯.png (388.77 KB,250x286,125:143,ClipboardImage.png)


>fuck you bitch this is pelosi

That's Henry Kissinger, Anon.

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5000a6 No.21668236

File: 74333af89d47590⋯.png (64.82 KB,616x453,616:453,ClipboardImage.png)


Former ICE Director Tom Homan: “I’ve worked with six Presidents…I know what policies work. I know what policies don’t. President Trump was a game-changer, and we saved thousands of lives by securing that Southern Border. Biden and Harris took the Most Secure Border in my lifetime, and UNSECURED IT ON PURPOSE.”


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021b01 No.21668237

File: c9535b0535778d5⋯.png (530.39 KB,500x200,5:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>lurk moar 25 post wonder

You first, 20 poast newfag.

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ae99e9 No.21668238

File: 5ba8a42325c1f0b⋯.mp4 (958.76 KB,478x270,239:135,DJTWORSTSTAT.mp4)

Benny Johnson


TRUMP ON BORDER: "The worst statistic of them all, 325,000 children, think of that, in 3.5 years, she lost 325,000 children."


MAGA War Room

4:58 PM · Sep 26, 2024





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db9a42 No.21668239


they're in McDonalds

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5000a6 No.21668240

File: efd619641362dcc⋯.png (83.45 KB,598x515,598:515,ClipboardImage.png)


Former ICE Director Tom Homan: “President Trump was the Greatest President in my lifetime. This Country was never better off. He was unprecedented in his success on the Border, and it saved lives. He was an out-of-the-box thinker. He got it done. He’s proven you can secure the Border - The Most Secure Border in my lifetime. Who the hell wants more illegal immigration, more sex trafficking, more drugs, more known suspected terrorists? It’s disgusting what this Administration has done. That’s why we need President Trump back!”


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b4c048 No.21668241

File: 74e1cb4b06c5150⋯.jpeg (13.23 KB,204x255,4:5,365863e66c9fd1f24c655fff8….jpeg)


Soooo, is it going to be flown remotely, and sacrificed so (((they))) think he is ded?

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fff1fa No.21668242

File: ee310687272e89f⋯.png (159.17 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


fool this is hank kissinger.

his daughter has a morning show

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a98da1 No.21668243



Those fuckers really need to take spelling lessons.

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5000a6 No.21668244

File: 7e9ab9d6c1c7d13⋯.png (401.73 KB,612x831,204:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72091b3abead51f⋯.png (484.31 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


JUST OUT: 13,000 people convicted of murder have crossed into our Country through Kamala Harris’ Open Border - NON DETAINED, NON CITIZEN, CONVICTED CRIMINALS! I’ve been saying this from the beginning of the Harris-Biden Administration, as soon as I learned they opened the Borders. Nobody who has allowed this to happen to our Country is fit to be President of the United States! Bad timing for her to show up to the Border today, after not going for four years. Why didn’t she release these numbers earlier?


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5826e3 No.21668245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:00 PM EDT

Army Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Roundtable featuring ASA(ALT) Hon. Douglas R. Bush and Commanding Gen. James E. Rainey, U.S. Army Futures Command

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)



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ae99e9 No.21668246

File: bee9cd38f5e03b6⋯.png (102.65 KB,782x602,391:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Melugin


NEW: Border Patrol union statement to @FoxNews re: VP Kamala Harris’ border visit in AZ today - her first visit to the southern border since June 2021 when she went to El Paso, TX.

“After years of not just ignoring the problem, but helping create it, Vice President Kamala Harris is finally headed down to the border. This is nothing more than for her to check the box, but what it is in reality is a slap in the face towards the men and women that put their lives on the line every day, and also a slap in the face to the American public. Where has she been?"

- Art Del Cueto, VP, National Border Patrol Council.

9:34 AM · Sep 27, 2024





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021b01 No.21668247

File: 60bcf9d6817643e⋯.png (2.74 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)


>Soooo, is it going to be flown remotely, and sacrificed so (((they))) think he is ded?

Kek. They're going to claim it was a missile, when it was a 767.

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48e8f7 No.21668248

File: 107893ab1e0bb2d⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,1200x630,40:21,smokingchimp.jpg)

Look at the dumbfuck clowns trying to use their ethnic division narrative. Imbeciles.

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065968 No.21668249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fff1fa No.21668250

How have you fuckers not figured out which McDonalds?

Serious as fuck.

She went to Westmount High School in Montreal

Surrounded by about 8 McDonalds.

Someone smarter than me should be able to figure out which stores were opened and when

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5000a6 No.21668252

File: f7424984b7a03a7⋯.png (76.01 KB,667x517,667:517,ClipboardImage.png)


Kamala should immediately cancel her News Conference because it was just revealed that 13,000 convicted murderers entered our Country during her three and a half year period as Border Czar - Also currently in our Country because of her are 15,811 migrants convicted of rape and sexual assault. “We handed this Administration the Most Secure Border of our Lifetime!” Tom Homan, Former Ice Director.


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9d6a06 No.21668254


yeah but my post dont make pepes wonder

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021b01 No.21668255

File: 57ba7a58eccc04d⋯.png (1.2 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. The Shit poasting has been most excellent this bread.

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c939e6 No.21668256


Zodiac, astrology. Nimrod did not love God. Nimrod, Semiramis, Tamuz. The beginnings of pagan/king worship instead of God. Why was the tower of Babel built in the first place?

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d06cb0 No.21668257

File: 20dafc80b2c879d⋯.png (362.96 KB,500x921,500:921,Helicopter.png)

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3e0b65 No.21668258

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ron Paul Liberty Report: We're Being Ripped Off Repeatedly by Foreign Countries


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26d43c No.21668259


I’m sure I could find it all in Congress bank accounts

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fff1fa No.21668260


I love that song "More Than Words" I wondered what happened to those two

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1afba5 No.21668262


>I'm still waiting to see her again

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198627 No.21668263

File: 2b5070326ce0d36⋯.png (29.24 KB,771x240,257:80,tro.PNG)


NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI

as part of probe into Anthony Miranda,

illegal pot shop cash seizures: sources

New York Post, by Joe Marino , Larry Celona , Craig McCarthy & Patrick Reilly

Posted By: mc squared, 9/27/2024 12:05:48 PM

The city’s sheriff’s office in Queens was searched Thursday morning by the Department of Investigation as part of a probe into Sheriff Anthony Miranda and his office’s handling of cash seizures from illegal pot shops, sources told The Post. The DOI descended on the sheriff office’s Long Island City headquarters after Miranda on Wednesday found an estimated tens of thousands of dollars in cash inside a safe in the building, sources said. Miranda reported the safe to DOI, according to sources, and investigators from the agency also located a ledger book with pages ripped out alongside the dough.

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628fe2 No.21668264

File: 77da9b8fa431486⋯.jpg (101.11 KB,682x1024,341:512,nigger_faggot_the_intestin….jpg)

File: 391bc3203b2551d⋯.jpg (119.96 KB,1024x832,16:13,insane_faggot.jpg)

File: a2ece29875eeb49⋯.jpg (31.79 KB,1080x735,72:49,faggot_hune_month.jpg)

>>21666911 pb

>Don Lemon new book: on Being S*ly Abused at 6 by Older Boy Until He Threatened to "Bite It Off" PT 1

another faggot admits to being faggot because of child abuse

another +1 for worm theory

muh "born this way" no.

muh "natural" no.

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021b01 No.21668265

File: 92fb5276d10f77d⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,480x852,40:71,_you_re_a_faggot.mp4)


>yeah but my post dont make pepes wonder

Do you even shitpoast, Newfag?

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81d94a No.21668266

File: 97382673d66ff66⋯.jpeg (67.71 KB,1000x499,1000:499,IMG_1850.jpeg)

File: 76d2a0710806c2b⋯.jpeg (24.88 KB,480x432,10:9,IMG_2269.jpeg)

File: ebe47e4db2cc554⋯.jpeg (57.94 KB,500x593,500:593,IMG_6399.jpeg)

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01708e No.21668267

File: 06648ef48125f61⋯.png (326.5 KB,786x634,393:317,ClipboardImage.png)


notable - power move

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065968 No.21668268


Kennedy introduceing Trump

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2c57d9 No.21668269

Q Team:

See something say something: This is the first time our local PSEG has contracted out tree trimming in our neighborhood using a company called Asplundh. There are other companies unmarked working on electric poles in the mix not PSEG. We should always be mindful of installations of any type of energy weapons when stuff like this occurs to be sure, PSEG is after all owned by Rothschild and it is not beyond them to use proxies for plausible deniability. They have been known to cause lots of problems in the past from starting fires to burning out people's electronic equipment by sending surges into their homes.

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3c7608 No.21668270


Doctor who great show.

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d1e9a9 No.21668272

File: b07617b1e7becc2⋯.png (429.83 KB,842x472,421:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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5000a6 No.21668273

File: 20c52c350208d38⋯.jpg (12.55 KB,255x204,5:4,0f135cc899837607f1ea395d18….jpg)



He's actually goading her to do her conference, because he knows it will be a MAJOR catastrophe for her campaign!!

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198627 No.21668276

File: e2b406ab878de9a⋯.png (872.82 KB,703x793,703:793,rem.PNG)

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1afba5 No.21668278


Wrath, sloth, gluttony, lust

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628fe2 No.21668279

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)


>15,811 migrants convicted of rape and sexual assault


Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

obviously if Trump plane blown from sky it was deep state

No one doubts this

But we've seen them pull this shit before

So I can't honestly say I'm super concerned

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908f0b No.21668280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3e0b65 No.21668281


>13k murderers 16k rapists

Does anyone have the sauce on this?

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021b01 No.21668282

File: 79f340b55cb075b⋯.png (4.06 MB,2400x1350,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Doctor who great show.


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38d7ec No.21668283


They can't check the invasion but they knows this

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d06cb0 No.21668284

File: ca776453c278716⋯.png (298.35 KB,428x640,107:160,what_is_that.png)

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198627 No.21668285

File: a928f397c9aa877⋯.png (506.17 KB,599x683,599:683,ns.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: At least 50 patients and staff are trapped on the roof of Unicoi County Hospital in Tennessee

This is terrifying.

Emergency crews attempted to evacuate people by ambulance and boats, but the water began rising way too quickly and and is moving too rapidly to extract people safely, forcing them up on the roof.

The National Guard is deploying to assist. Pray for these people.



Last edited

7:12 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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798c0b No.21668286


Earlier you referred to yourself as Q2?

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fff1fa No.21668287

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,dfcd7c2d2ba51813e1b42bcb05….mp4)


Newfags this is a must watch

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1bfcd4 No.21668288

File: 1d5e8c86d6401ab⋯.png (788.9 KB,1170x947,1170:947,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21668289

Imagine believing that knowingly targeting civilians is not a war crime.

>International humanitarian law (IHL) is a set of rules that seeks, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict. It protects persons who do not, or no longer, take part in the fighting (including civilians, medics, aid workers, wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war


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cccb3a No.21668290

File: 829c6c4970fbd56⋯.png (16.75 KB,1600x1066,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon is starting to wish RFK, Jr. was on the ticket instead of Vance.

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c939e6 No.21668291


Like I care if you filter me? Why do you not just do it but have to tell everyone you are doing it?

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5826e3 No.21668292

File: 180db93f182c650⋯.jpg (124.71 KB,865x1200,173:240,GYgIiZYasAI_aTR.jpg)

Clown World ™


Two Just Stop Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

Fair, too harsh, or not harsh enough?

2:12 PM · Sep 27, 2024


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5000a6 No.21668293


Don't you think you deserve a President that will bring Peace all over the World!!

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38d7ec No.21668294


The hatian DUI redrum isn't coming up in any search engines either

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021b01 No.21668295

File: cb07c77ded8e4d6⋯.png (237.56 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>notable - power move

Chkt. Boss is calling out coincidences™.

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198627 No.21668296

File: 667effadc6a574e⋯.png (395.71 KB,593x740,593:740,ah.PNG)




Asheville, NC


6:23 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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30acf6 No.21668297


1:17:00 - The plan of ascension (recorded 6 years ago)

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ae99e9 No.21668298

File: 6dbb55cfb771dd4⋯.png (229.37 KB,336x498,56:83,ClipboardImage.png)

(Why do they always look like witches?)

WeightWatchers CEO is suddenly out of a job

The CEO of WeightWatchers is abruptly out of a job amid growing uncertainty about the company's future following its pivot underher leadership to embracing weight-loss drugs.

Why it matters:Tech executive Sima Sistani sent WeightWatchers in a new direction after she took over in early 2022, acknowledging that weight loss isn't necessarily a matter of willpower and acquiring a telehealth company that markets anti-obesity drugs.

Driving the news:WW International — the company's corporate name — said Friday in a surprise announcement that Sistani is exiting as CEO and as a member of the board.

• Board member Tara Comonte — who previously served as president and CFO of burger chain Shake Shack — is taking over as interim CEO.

• WW said Comonte would "sharpen its strategic focus, and evolve its behavioral and clinical offerings to drive growth."

The big picture:The shakeup comes after WeightWatcher's stock dipped below $1 in recent months as investors lose confidence in the company's outlook.

• The company turned a $23 million profit in its most recent quarter, but revenue fell 10.9% compared with a year earlier.

• Oprah Winfrey also left WeightWatcher's board earlier this year, though she later hosted an event featuring Sistani about how users of GLP-1 drugs like Wegovy and Zepbound shouldn't be stigmatized.

Flashback:Sistani alienated some of WeightWatchers' most loyal members when she reduced the number of in-person meetings the company popularized, saying WeightWatchers needed to be more digitally minded.

• More recently, the company continued its cost-cutting with plans for an additional $100 million in annualized savings.

• But the stock has only fallen further since Sistani blasted "breathless media coverage" inMarch, saying in a statement that "our business is healthy, and we are well-positionedfor the future as we continue our transformation."

The bottom line: WW's stock was down nearly 4% in early trading to 82 cents. The company started the year with a market value of nearly 700 million, a number that's dwindled to $65 million Friday.


(This is insane embracing weight loss drugs, they company trained women for 50+ years, on healthy eating and getting into habits, weight loss drugs cause many side effects including addiction)

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2d5075 No.21668299

I finally understand the non stop post deletions. Jim is trying to cut costs, just saving bread after bread of shill slides and B.S. requires storage space. By deleting the blatant slides/repetitive B.S. it might actually save money. Seriously, a single bread is taking hours vs minutes. It's a smart economic move I guess.

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597fc1 No.21668300

File: 86e1c8f355a1d44⋯.png (501.6 KB,220x173,220:173,ClipboardImage.png)


>They can't check the invasion but they knows this

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021b01 No.21668302


Kek. This, right here, is why the White population is decreasing. No White boy wants to fuck either of them.

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d08ac7 No.21668303

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: This was a war that we lied to from day one. We were told that it was an unprovoked invasion. We weren't told that Vladimir Putin, and every other Russia leader, told us for thirty years, if you go into Ukraine, we're going to have a military reaction. It is a red line for us…If we put Aegis missile systems in Ukraine…those missiles Tomahawk missiles, which can be nuclear tipped, will be three miles from Moscow. We can decapitate the entire Russian leadership in three minutes. My uncle, when the Russians tried to put missiles in Cuba, was going to go to war, and if Putin tried to put missiles in Canada, or Cuba, or Mexico, we would go to war…two days before the invasion, Kamala Harris went to Germany and said, definitively, for the first time by any US leader, we are moving NATO into Ukraine. And that is something that we all need to understand, that provocation.

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798c0b No.21668304


Are you saying that this means citizens are not protected?

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920225 No.21668305


Did you forget simps? Any holes a goal? Some will have sex with anything.

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6dd37d No.21668306

File: 48faf17a7484fa3⋯.png (169.16 KB,1024x768,4:3,POLLS8.png)

File: 6ae7f558aa2cc6c⋯.png (296.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA207.png)

File: 0c79b8ac5ddd5b0⋯.png (339.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA206.png)

File: 6c58bf8018530ca⋯.png (863.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA205.png)

File: 4da81c0cb0f7527⋯.png (861.54 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA204.png)

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ae99e9 No.21668307

File: 15830ad1cc7a30a⋯.mp4 (78 KB,480x270,16:9,CHILDRENAREHONEST.mp4)

Citizen Free Press


This kid has a future in politics.KEK


Charlie Kirk

12:16 PM · Sep 26, 2024





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6dd37d No.21668308

File: 6f95f93dfef43a5⋯.png (778.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA208.png)

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d06cb0 No.21668309

File: d6eba7177293787⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,343x480,343:480,dafuqqqqq.jpg)


Social media has made dating nearly impossible. So many girls post their list of "demands" of what their date needs to be like, and expect the guys to pay for the entire date….. yet at the same time, claim that they don't need men.

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021b01 No.21668310

File: 25cf1250f17b7d9⋯.png (1.22 MB,1600x1600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Did you forget simps?

Kek. Don't you mean Incels?

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1afba5 No.21668311


What's your point?

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26d43c No.21668312


Yeah but they aren’t in cages tho

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211de3 No.21668313

musk is toying with Xmail

would you dump Gmail

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920225 No.21668314


No not them, the ones I'm talking about are not celibate. They'll screw anything and do.

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d06cb0 No.21668315


But the women hold themselves in such high places, that they won't sleep with a simp because "drizzle drizzle".

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cccb3a No.21668316

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198627 No.21668317

File: a3ce1a2400b2520⋯.png (767.4 KB,482x635,482:635,r.PNG)

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18f532 No.21668318

File: 408231185eda009⋯.jpg (681.53 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Disney_Save_the_Children.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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021b01 No.21668319


>Social media has made dating nearly impossible. So many girls post their list of "demands" of what their date needs to be like, and expect the guys to pay for the entire date….. yet at the same time, claim that they don't need men.

Makes me grateful WifeAnon and I have been married for so long. I would hate to have to pussy hunt in this environment. Women are fucking psycho now.

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26d43c No.21668320


Why you no trust muh plan

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38d7ec No.21668321


White people are identifying as anythig else because white privilege

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798c0b No.21668322


I wanted to know if you are Q2 and the one you mentioned earlier.

Where is your trip code?

I have asked this question several times today, but I have a different agenda in asking you.

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000000 No.21668323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"In war times every hole is a trench"

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01708e No.21668324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the video clip anon spoke about earlier, the police are being attacked by blm in the u.k and than news breaks of 2 12 year old children kill a 19 year old with machetes for no reason

Alex Phillips Breaks Down In Tears Over Britain's Youngest Knife Murderers


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c939e6 No.21668326

Seems like the pot is heating up. Quite a few fish trying to jump out.

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198627 No.21668327

Democrats Are Running Out of Star Power

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9d6a06 No.21668328

File: 4b5bb2ee7d6876f⋯.png (863.35 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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021b01 No.21668330


>They'll screw anything and do.

Kek. I bagged mine a long time ago and she's a cougar now. I have enough on my hands, with her to have to think about what young lions have to go through. Women are batshit fucking crazy now.

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628fe2 No.21668331


well that's dumb, anon. Have you tried a terpentine cleanse to see if you have the mind controlling faggot worms? Vance is based AF.

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5000a6 No.21668333

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021b01 No.21668334

File: 8fbee0f97b9e8de⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.54 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>White people are identifying as anythig else because white privilege

White people aren't allowed to identify™ as anything except White Supremacist™. Didn't you get the memo?

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48e8f7 No.21668335


>yet at the same time, claim that they don't need men.

That's what the old timers used to call "playing hard to get." Yet it was never virtue signaled publicly for dopamine rushes from strangers they'll never meet like it is now

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628fe2 No.21668336

File: 93cab9cb6033c9d⋯.png (48.3 KB,159x176,159:176,ClipboardImage.png)


so many clones of this one

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23258d No.21668337


>Makes me grateful WifeAnon and I have been married for so long. I would hate to have to pussy hunt in this environment. Women are fucking psycho now.

Second that.

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1afba5 No.21668338

File: ec02bf07fa374ec⋯.jpg (191.54 KB,794x591,794:591,907ed380_3859_4c54_aa09_3b….jpg)

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01708e No.21668339


this is not about a woman crying this video is about the police whistleblower exposing the defund the police in the u.k

same thing that kamala did in the usa.

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ae99e9 No.21668340

File: 91f293c1c6f8c83⋯.png (996.47 KB,1095x2207,1095:2207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e63ee1ef4341267⋯.png (178 KB,1000x775,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)


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1bfcd4 No.21668341

File: 1fc4e68219b2072⋯.mp4 (11.16 MB,854x480,427:240,e3KRt_caa.mp4)

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2711ad No.21668342


he's doing well.

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027847 No.21668343


That is the Drummer from Genesis, Phil Collins.

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021b01 No.21668344


>That's what the old timers used to call "playing hard to get."

Kek. We still call it that.

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c939e6 No.21668345

Ever stop to wonder what kind of info will come out of the Diddy investigation? Tug on a few threads and all kinds of things can happen.

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628fe2 No.21668346


>So many girls post their list of "demands" of what their date needs to be like, and expect the guys to pay for the entire date

I believe that's known as a shit test

also most are fake accounts

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9d6a06 No.21668348

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5000a6 No.21668349

File: 85a279097482964⋯.jpg (11.72 KB,255x254,255:254,2d5b65a2a5d5838f3215b783dc….jpg)

We're noticing some noticings!

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798c0b No.21668350


The ones I talk to are usually unable to have a clear conversation.

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027847 No.21668351


That is the Drummer from Genesis, Phil Collins.

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920225 No.21668352


I'm proud that my wife of 25 years is the only woman I've been with.

I knew someone like that that would sleep with anyone, he was my friends uncle and would screw anyone male or female. He was like a walking hormone. One time my friend and I heard the cat hissing in another room and heard him yell at the cat "Hold still I need to do this" and we were both honestly scared. Luckily he was doing a flea treatment lol

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23258d No.21668353


Re-institute spanking

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1afba5 No.21668355



Ooops you found me

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38d7ec No.21668356

File: fd22b71d0aa5769⋯.gif (2 MB,480x360,4:3,kek.gif)



CGI - Ordo Ab Chao


Google Chrome G_A spy hack is obviously indexing my files.

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198627 No.21668357

File: e069c274c58e3fc⋯.png (598.65 KB,597x709,597:709,duke.PNG)


Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management


CharMeck ALERT: FLASH FLOOD warning. Duke Energy needs to move large amounts of rainwater through the Catawba River System from Lake Norman to Lake Wylie through Mountain Island Lake. Flood waters will rise RAPIDLY and conditions will change quickly. Prepare to EVACUATE the affected area. A shelter is set up for those who need a place to stay at Tuckaseegee Rec Center at 4820 Tuckaseegee Rd.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.


7:32 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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021b01 No.21668358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That is the Drummer from Genesis, Phil Collins

TOP KEK!!Notabru. Anons, we've got a lot of Newfags! o7 Welcome to Thunderdome, Bitch!

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a30afc No.21668359


anon think she may have nice milkies. cam needs to pan down though.

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cccb3a No.21668360

Any planefags have eyes on TF1?

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7d9dca No.21668363

File: 0f298df7e50096f⋯.png (156.67 KB,300x280,15:14,IMG_6816.png)

>>21665354 PB

This is not a Boeing problem.

This is a problem with Aerolineas Argentinas and their fucking Commie maintenance union.

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5000a6 No.21668364



>RFK Jr : "I was born in the middle class!"

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d08ac7 No.21668365

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: When my uncle was president, we spend zero on chronic disease. Now we spend 4.3 trillion dollars, and our children are so sick, and so obese, that seventy-seven percent of them do not qualify for military service. Our fertility levels have dropped to the lowest in the world. Teens today have fifty percent of the sperm count, fifty percent of the testosterone, as American teens two decades ago. Little girls are now hitting puberty at eight years old because all the estrogen that's generated by the poisons in toxic food…the average girl in this country is now reaching puberty between ten and thirteen years old. That is six years younger than a couple generations ago, and it is the youngest of any nation in the world. We are destroying our children.

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1afba5 No.21668366



Did you know the pokemon movie was a soft discosure about cloning for kids?

Mewtwo is the clone. Or is it the start? It makes one wonder..why would you ask?

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021b01 No.21668367


>I'm proud that my wife of 25 years is the only woman I've been with.

Oh, I should have been WifeAnon's first. I wouldn't pull the trigger, 'cos she was a virgin and when I finally went in for the kill and she cockblocked me, out of innocence. Made me pull the trigger with other wiimmins after that. She and I hooked up about 20 years later. Been married ever since.

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6593e6 No.21668368

File: 7fc7ba15b98a201⋯.png (976.34 KB,1373x771,1373:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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50f87e No.21668369


"Quick, ones still alive and he's cold. Get a doctor, stat." Sheep

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38d7ec No.21668370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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198627 No.21668371

File: d596b8d6071e84b⋯.png (330.8 KB,592x686,296:343,shock.PNG)


Jeff Carlson


- 13,099 Murderers

- 15,811 Rapists

- 425,431 Convicted Criminals


Charlie Kirk




🚨🚨BREAKING: According to a new report from the Deputy Director of ICE, Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris allowed a SHOCKING number of criminals into America, including:

- 13,099 Murderers

- 15,811 Rapists

- 425,431 Convicted Criminals

Treason. Disqualifying. Evil.

Show more

6:18 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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1bfcd4 No.21668372

File: 39d86a4793fa84c⋯.png (845.98 KB,909x612,101:68,ClipboardImage.png)



>Any planefags have eyes on TF1?

Why you asking?

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211de3 No.21668373


born in 1954

when middle class could buy a 5,000 dollar house

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021b01 No.21668374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>so many clones of this one

The Chosen Ones™. Kek

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7d2753 No.21668376


i've never seen a skinny person exiting a WW meeting.

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ae99e9 No.21668377

File: d3231ed0f3ff828⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,640x360,16:9,TRUMPWZ_SADFACE.mp4)

Trump War Room


PRESIDENT TRUMP: "This is a war that should have never happened. It should have never happened and it wouldn't have happened – We'll get it solved."

11:33 AM · Sep 27, 2024


Save this,Trump said at the beginning, "the president said it best, this is a war that never should have happened", Zelensky freaks because he never said that.

Trump's traps are hilarious, what is Z supposed to do, shout, "I never said that?" It also must be freakin out Bidan and the EU countries, did Z betray them? Yep Trump stirred the hornets nest.

This is really a keeper, Z's face tics and lack of containing his body language is unbelievable for a "supposed comic/actor"


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065968 No.21668378

Al Arabiya news agency deletes the news that Nasrallah is alive.

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edf2d0 No.21668379

War with Iran is the next scripted war. Israel will orchestrate the war, and make the american goyim fight it.

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2ff330 No.21668380

File: 7b1584266074fcf⋯.jpeg (458.74 KB,1643x1414,1643:1414,IMG_3770.jpeg)

File: 1c5cb31f02c0ed5⋯.jpeg (353.59 KB,1820x1378,70:53,IMG_3771.jpeg)

Two independent sources have provided corroborating reporting to our team stating 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry. The intended recipients of these weapons are 3 teams operating within the U.S. whose intent is to target President Trump’s airplane.


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021b01 No.21668381


I love this move. Thankfully found it on DVD since they're getting rid of those, since we "will own nothing and be happy"™.

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185b8c No.21668382

File: 76d50fd22dd8ce8⋯.png (50.86 KB,457x858,457:858,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c36e7e2c29318f3⋯.png (51.1 KB,461x865,461:865,ClipboardImage.png)


Ship pictured is the "Patrick Henry".

"Give me liberty or give me death!" is a quotation attributed to American politician and orator Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia.[1] Henry is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the convention to pass a resolution delivering Virginian troops for the Revolutionary War. Among the delegates to the convention were future United States presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.


Give me liberty or give me death = 2hits = Q2436 + 3907

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d1e9a9 No.21668383

File: e21a2421d2eb066⋯.png (7.64 KB,236x214,118:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2d195 No.21668384



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38d7ec No.21668385


You know the rules. Datestamp + tits

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a30afc No.21668386

File: 18e788fb8c8a18a⋯.png (340.08 KB,904x1094,452:547,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_2….png)

File: 8c18d28f491d67e⋯.png (210.53 KB,832x1106,416:553,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_2….png)

File: 97cfe825aa2f120⋯.png (137.75 KB,830x1120,83:112,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_2….png)

File: 1bb9ba322077d0a⋯.png (188.94 KB,840x1100,42:55,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_2….png)


it's all over the news anon. Sauce is overflowing the pot and spilling onto the stove.

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000000 No.21668387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 11m

sources: US Marines are reportedly being called in to the US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.

Sep 27, 2024 · 6:30 PM UTC


The kikes gonna blow the US Embassy and blame hezbolla, Iran and Russia.

The storm is upon us.

God bless America.

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1bfcd4 No.21668388


They'd make a good comedy act together.

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817f6a No.21668390


Some would say that the individual who took that photo was a creeper.

Anon says "Thanks!"

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798c0b No.21668391

File: d9aac3f626cd6ae⋯.gif (1.2 MB,400x223,400:223,8FC61965_1E5F_48CC_8291_5F….gif)


Don't you ask questions to deepen your perception or viewpoint when you see something they have posted?

So Q2 is about Pokemon?

Where is your TRIP code?

Did you make many?

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23258d No.21668392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

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065968 No.21668393

File: 1da9c966ac3da20⋯.jpg (94.12 KB,720x1034,360:517,Screenshot_20240825_185633….jpg)

Hezbollah looking for new leadership

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edf2d0 No.21668394

File: 863c440c7298695⋯.png (408.4 KB,540x400,27:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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185b8c No.21668395


Sun rise/set over water

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e2d195 No.21668396

File: 03a229464bea9a0⋯.jpg (60.39 KB,657x380,657:380,yodapanic.jpg)

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d06cb0 No.21668397

File: 05529aa60104581⋯.png (681.06 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae99e9 No.21668398


I don't Zelensky knows comedy, he's not even a adequate ally or enemy, he gives away his plans and tricks all the time.

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021b01 No.21668399


>when middle class could buy a 5,000 dollar house

Kek. I can't wait for Gen Z to figure out that they, too, could have bought a 5,000 dollar house, if the (((Federal Reserve))) didn't devalue the dollar, through reckless printing of money without oversight for 100 years.

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798c0b No.21668400


What is #460?

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50f87e No.21668401






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7a8d29 No.21668403

File: 0a2681189de8dfb⋯.gif (2.94 MB,576x276,48:23,Fridge_Explodes.gif)




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01708e No.21668404

File: 13c3b56d4920316⋯.png (525.46 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)


this is a prep walk.

bet he goes back and hits the hard stuff.

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198627 No.21668405

File: 5d1db447850fce1⋯.png (767.01 KB,1306x616,653:308,rg.PNG)

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63c6d2 No.21668406




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38d7ec No.21668407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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edf2d0 No.21668408


>all these assassination attempts

they're not actually trying to kill Trump. They're trying to make it seem like Iran is trying. Thereby justifying yet another war, which will result in more dead goyim, more money laundered to israel, and more land grabs by israel.

endless wars.

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1afba5 No.21668409

File: 5f000ac24a85170⋯.png (32.91 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage460_1.png)

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198627 No.21668410

File: 115286ca6f00bed⋯.png (672.15 KB,936x683,936:683,ch.PNG)

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7d9dca No.21668411

File: 7f28e19ab53a4b1⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,1114x572,557:286,IMG_6260.jpeg)


He took his other ride.

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63c6d2 No.21668412



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798c0b No.21668413

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fff1fa No.21668414

File: 86ed8911d8ebe2a⋯.png (9.68 KB,255x182,255:182,d13bec654e36a606088297c470….png)

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c939e6 No.21668415


Think about this. Iran, the EU and economics. If you were trying to make the EU a dominating economic force, how would you do it? How was Hitlers relations with the Iranian mullahs? Did they have anything in common? How would the EU benefit/profit from being able to acquire the market of places like Iran? WHO would benefit? The rulers of the EU and the mullahs and possibly the general population to some extent at least, but most likely with some kind of strings attached. Iran is neither a friend of the US nor of Israel. Nazi's are not the friends of the US or Israel. The enemy of my enemy is my friend works both ways.

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b4c048 No.21668416


At what point to we reach the=Red Line?

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edf2d0 No.21668417


I love when he refers to himself in the 3rd person.

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21d15a No.21668418

File: af0131d75b7c28c⋯.jpg (53.36 KB,459x324,17:12,schumertrustme_2_.jpg)

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597fc1 No.21668419

File: 3da56b656c88763⋯.png (51.9 KB,250x317,250:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bfcd4 No.21668420


He's lured every deep state criminal from around the Globohomo to come visit him, in a brilliant display of how a sting OP works.

It's both brilliant acting as well as comedic watching them give themselves away one by one.

The dude deserves all the acting awards there are.

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ce0e4e No.21668421

File: e4cce76814e31be⋯.jpg (539.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240927_114609….jpg)

File: b2dcfd4ef3fde6a⋯.jpg (216.96 KB,1080x1943,1080:1943,Screenshot_20240927_114649….jpg)

File: 6dfc224b6d23184⋯.jpg (300.2 KB,1080x1878,180:313,Screenshot_20240927_114754….jpg)

Britney IG

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1afba5 No.21668422


I've always been infatuated with trip codes.

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1f1d6a No.21668424

@515 OR SO


#26534 >>21667778


>>21668392 lIVE rsbn trump iN mICHIGAN

>>21668228, >>21668272, >>21668303, >>21668341, >>21668365 RFK speaking in Michigan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816, >>21668229, >>21668230, >>21668236, >>21668238, >>21668240, >>21668244, >>21668246, >>21668252 TRUMP BORDER TRUTHS - Kamala Border Lies

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887, >>21668198, >>21668204 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995, >>21668052, >>21668055, >>21668059, >>21668161 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960, >>21668382 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS

>>21668011 Anon's Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS


>>21668038, >>21668119, >>21668223 “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah deded or not?

>>21668041, >>21668069, >>21668212 Trump's Rorschach Test?

>>21668079 @thejimwatkins There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.

>>21668114 Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

>>21668123 He’s Making a List ✨ - Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁

>>21668137 Hillary twatX - It turns out people like actual plans.

>>21668170, >>21668206 TRUMP TRUTH on Google's system of illegal election interfering

>>21668180 AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' madame

>>21668197 Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

>>21668203, >>21668380 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

>>21668221, >>21668285, >>21668296, >>21668357 URGENT ALERT Helene Flooding and Warnings Tennessee No. Carolina

>>21668263 NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI probe into Anthony Miranda, illegal pot shop cash seizures

>>21668292 Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

>>21668371, >>21668386 Border Czar Harris allowed criminals into America - 13,099 Murderers - 15,811 Rapists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals

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628fe2 No.21668425


>they're not actually trying to kill Trump. They're trying to make it seem like Iran is trying. Thereby justifying yet another war, which will result in more dead goyim, more money laundered to israel, and more land grabs by israel.


>The kikes gonna blow the US Embassy and blame hezbolla, Iran and Russia.


FFS they always do that

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198627 No.21668426

File: 65548cabd84b020⋯.png (864.35 KB,606x871,606:871,i_40.PNG)


Swig 🇺🇸


Did they try putting it in rice?


Chris Hall, Y'all




Tri state area weather on Facebook just shared this.. I-40 East is gone between Tennessee and NC


7:47 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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021b01 No.21668427

File: 21a6f9eff48a703⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections.

Kek. He's calling them out.

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798c0b No.21668428


Can you explain what your intention was in using this?

What message did you convey?

Can you give me details so we can recognize it clearly?

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38d7ec No.21668429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jane Fonda, Nancy Sinatra are campaigning for Scamala and they're all dead.

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198627 No.21668430

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB,634x525,634:525,have_a_look.PNG)

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7b8083 No.21668431

File: b73cc8ffda139ba⋯.png (293.4 KB,680x445,136:89,ClipboardImage.png)

watch Google stock tank now.

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4a49a7 No.21668432

File: 805489e1798c2a4⋯.jpg (141.33 KB,1774x790,887:395,GitmoDusk.JPG)


"at the maximum levels"

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250fbe No.21668433


>would you dump Gmail

And Hotmail.

In a NY second

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798c0b No.21668434


Are you crazy about generating trip codes?

Where is it located?

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ae99e9 No.21668435


But you are saying Trump can be conned by him, and Trump is not in charge, Zelensky is a lightweight, plus all those people he conned, turned around and conned him, they were all in the stealing and profiting. That was an agreement of evil.

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5000a6 No.21668436


They're leading us to "Thought Crime" - remember that movie w/Cruise I think, where they start criminalizing "thoughts" so they can stop a "possible future crime".

That's why they're doing all these "terrorist" type attacks.

Pretty soon, disagreeing with govt can lead to an arrest because "thought crime" "possible future crime", and all you did was disagree with a new law that makes it non criminal to rape a child for example.

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5826e3 No.21668437

File: b3fd3028a79942a⋯.png (273.22 KB,526x512,263:256,zuck_zel.png)

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38d7ec No.21668438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e2d195 No.21668439

File: 6cc0c43c86ca0a8⋯.jpg (100.55 KB,750x500,3:2,Ineverforget.jpg)

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920225 No.21668440

File: 7dfeb8792e2ff47⋯.jpeg (12.88 KB,255x227,255:227,7dfeb8792e2ff47454f85d209….jpeg)

File: 7d406df9e0203c0⋯.png (15.41 KB,401x354,401:354,ClipboardImage.png)


>They're trying to make it seem like Iran is trying

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628fe2 No.21668441


notice 2 big trucks at the front.

I bet a couple of guys in cars floored it at the end

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d06cb0 No.21668442

File: ce20522aab40947⋯.png (349.87 KB,500x503,500:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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38d7ec No.21668443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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628fe2 No.21668444

File: 6914094d572723b⋯.png (64.5 KB,164x214,82:107,ClipboardImage.png)


enough of these antisemetic AI caricatures

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5000a6 No.21668445

File: 11aa1f948746394⋯.png (647.2 KB,1031x1070,1031:1070,11aa1f94874639465c1ca8c164….png)



Trump has the both of you by the fucking balls!

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b389ce No.21668446

File: 6f3eaf6604acecf⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1440x2600,36:65,Screenshot_20240927_115107….jpg)

File: 7dc8515891c30ff⋯.jpg (372 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20240927_115042….jpg)

File: 6dfc224b6d23184⋯.jpg (300.2 KB,1080x1878,180:313,Screenshot_20240927_114754….jpg)


Britney Instagram



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cccb3a No.21668447


holy shit! anon has traveled that stretch many, many times.

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4240f1 No.21668448

File: fb23cf495747168⋯.jpg (228.05 KB,720x1218,120:203,20240927_124920.jpg)

File: 2f77bdf856e082d⋯.jpg (150.78 KB,960x720,4:3,20240927_125143.jpg)

File: d5062049d0d80ab⋯.jpg (400.57 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20240927_125147.jpg)

🚨 #BREAKING: At least 50 patients and staff are trapped on the roof of Unicoi County Hospital in Tennessee

This is terrifying.

Emergency crews attempted to evacuate people by ambulance and boats, but the water began rising way too quickly and and is moving too rapidly to extract people safely, forcing them up on the roof.

The National Guard is deploying to assist. Pray for these people.


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cefc9b No.21668449

Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s speech just changed history.

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628fe2 No.21668450


>watch Google stock tank now.

it's been tanking for a while

Only worth 2Tn now

Some dead cat bounding recently

We'll see where it goes from here

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000000 No.21668451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blurred lines

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d1e9a9 No.21668452

File: 74018747e36a680⋯.png (207.4 KB,757x399,757:399,ClipboardImage.png)


Minority Report

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7d2753 No.21668453


holy crap. that's crazy

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cefc9b No.21668454

File: 5d53b6d79d538b1⋯.jpg (74.22 KB,1000x1500,2:3,latest_1424213294.jpg)

File: 27a011e7e8bcdca⋯.png (91.25 KB,440x537,440:537,Sede_vacante_svg.png)

File: cc5f7b8a580921a⋯.jpg (94.66 KB,940x476,235:119,Hunter_Biden_Guilty_444426….jpg)


Where is the current administration on this? afaf

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e21861 No.21668455

Today is a devil digits day.



I see 11:55 where I am at.

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48e8f7 No.21668456

File: eba186510735f96⋯.jpg (200.54 KB,1088x791,1088:791,eba186510735f96ca5e29ea084….jpg)

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1e5394 No.21668457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's not wearing his green shirt.

This was Yesterday.

Sep 26, 2024

The US on Wednesday announced a new weapons package for Ukraine worth $375 million, including ammunition for rocket systems and artillery, as well as armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons.

The assistance coincides with a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to the US this week, which has been overshadowed by a clash with Donald Trump and other Republican

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798c0b No.21668458


But this wouldn't be a problem if you actually had a sane thought, right?

In other words, isn't the problem those who are causing the bugs?

I think there is some mind control damage to that.

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21d15a No.21668459

File: fcfdad6a7af7084⋯.jpg (116.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,zookerberg.jpg)

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141ed2 No.21668460

File: ca9d40ea4d5c7a9⋯.jpg (80.94 KB,611x468,47:36,TO_THE_CORE.jpg)

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7a8d29 No.21668461

File: 2866b5224e71f68⋯.jpg (143.76 KB,1745x800,349:160,TF3A.jpg)


that one is obsolete.

been upgraded, picrel

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d06cb0 No.21668462


That kind of thing is the left's wet dream. They would use this to round up every single person who opposes them, or questions them.

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7b8083 No.21668463


and hourly wages were below a dollar.

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01708e No.21668464

heads up, the boss is on stage.

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d1e9a9 No.21668465

File: e168d8ed7f32091⋯.png (511.87 KB,834x472,417:236,ClipboardImage.png)


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198627 No.21668466


yes guess its 2 VA for me if Iam going west

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21d15a No.21668467

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1afba5 No.21668468



Wheres what?





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23258d No.21668469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.


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1bfcd4 No.21668470



>you are saying Trump can be conned by him,

You are putting words in my mouth which I did not say.

That's a very shilly practice.

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250fbe No.21668471


He's their worst nightmare, coming true.

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21d15a No.21668472

File: b810995ea58f077⋯.png (68.33 KB,382x234,191:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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38d7ec No.21668473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's what backstabbing Soros pedocannibals look like.

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c939e6 No.21668474


And you could buy a lot with just one dollar.

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000000 No.21668475

Newspaper articles collection

@NewsArticleColl 18m

Lebanese newspaper Al Diyar: Initial information indicates that about 400 people are trapped under the rubble in the southern suburb of Beirut.

Sep 27, 2024 · 6:38 PM UTC


Killing in the name…

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cefc9b No.21668476

File: c199a3781ca5087⋯.jpg (55.46 KB,600x600,1:1,pantyraid_pillowtalk_album….jpg)

File: d46499aafb92f1b⋯.jpg (20.13 KB,214x270,107:135,1b1e3e35044ddf56.jpg)

File: 4ee9140a54a4961⋯.jpg (126.07 KB,1080x714,180:119,51036093_jpg.jpg)

File: d87bb3649f2163d⋯.jpg (146.69 KB,600x600,1:1,R_4853492_1377537594_2285_….jpg)

File: a9a6f7497df970a⋯.jpg (722.34 KB,2000x1000,2:1,donald_trump_nft_trading_c….jpg)


Either someone spillt the beans or cut the cheese!

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141ed2 No.21668477

File: 8db5000565385ef⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,637x409,637:409,POTUS_RALLY_2.jpg)

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798c0b No.21668478


Oh, or are you still pretending to be Smith?

Or have I mistaken you for someone else?

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01708e No.21668479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: will collect statements from this and post pastebin link later.


LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [President Trump event]: The democratic party sued me to keep me off the ballot here in Michigan, and the day that I announced for Donald Trump, they pivoted, and sued me to keep me on the ballot. And so far, they've won that lawsuit, so my name is going to appear on the Michigan ballot, but I don't want you to vote for me, I want to you vote for Donald J. Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: This was a war that we lied to from day one. We were told that it was an unprovoked invasion. We weren't told that Vladimir Putin, and every other Russia leader, told us for thirty years, if you go into Ukraine, we're going to have a military reaction. It is a red line for us…If we put Aegis missile systems in Ukraine…those missiles Tomahawk missiles, which can be nuclear tipped, will be three miles from Moscow. We can decapitate the entire Russian leadership in three minutes. My uncle, when the Russians tried to put missiles in Cuba, was going to go to war, and if Putin tried to put missiles in Canada, or Cuba, or Mexico, we would go to war…two days before the invasion, Kamala Harris went to Germany and said, definitively, for the first time by any US leader, we are moving NATO into Ukraine. And that is something that we all need to understand, that provocation.

>>21668341 RFK JR mp4 vid.>>21668341 i was born in the middle class

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: When my uncle was president, we spend zero on chronic disease. Now we spend 4.3 trillion dollars, and our children are so sick, and so obese, that seventy-seven percent of them do not qualify for military service. Our fertility levels have dropped to the lowest in the world. Teens today have fifty percent of the sperm count, fifty percent of the testosterone, as American teens two decades ago. Little girls are now hitting puberty at eight years old because all the estrogen that's generated by the poisons in toxic food…the average girl in this country is now reaching puberty between ten and thirteen years old. That is six years younger than a couple generations ago, and it is the youngest of any nation in the world. We are destroying our children.


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628fe2 No.21668480

File: a36f7b8ca1de1ca⋯.png (124.8 KB,264x191,264:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca4ece4092fba06⋯.png (80.06 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8addbf610b4d6b⋯.png (240.95 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 424004b9fb66c4d⋯.png (113.14 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


every single war is based on false pretenses.

did she ever get indicted for her lies to congress?

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7b8083 No.21668481

File: 3b70dda94e23315⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,204x192,17:16,3b70dda94e2331572ebdeec7a2….jpg)


Rally breads are the best breads

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d1e9a9 No.21668482

File: 7a41c6b99c6adfc⋯.png (533.68 KB,843x466,843:466,ClipboardImage.png)

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6593e6 No.21668483

File: 9f72e9fb637d543⋯.png (1.27 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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e21861 No.21668484

File: ce754d3143d734f⋯.png (4.36 KB,148x148,1:1,download.png)

File: 12f181f033d2191⋯.jpg (14.17 KB,255x144,85:48,e168d8ed7f3209132edb6fd160….jpg)

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01708e No.21668485


looks like massive toilet rolls.


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30acf6 No.21668486

File: c5c1f0d074f5c7d⋯.jpg (64.93 KB,631x474,631:474,farted.jpg)

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d1e9a9 No.21668487

File: 3d7ab334cb8ea1f⋯.jpg (123.97 KB,840x589,840:589,555.jpg)

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1afba5 No.21668488


What's your point? I'm just a nobody aren't I?

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5000a6 No.21668489



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29bf63 No.21668490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Judicial Watch

3 hours ago

Rachel Levine Pushes Transgender Extremism for KIDS!


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50f87e No.21668491

File: 994ab1632753527⋯.png (323.4 KB,1024x1300,256:325,994ab16327535273e7c989153d….png)


illegal aliens are a dangerous weapon deployed by the current administration

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798c0b No.21668492


Ah, it's you after all?

Where's abcu?

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5000a6 No.21668493



I was going to say - those are some big ass toilet paper rolls and duct tape!!!!

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000000 No.21668494

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d1e9a9 No.21668495

File: 15326d036e2dc62⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,500x506,250:253,fortpepe.mp4)

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3857f3 No.21668496

File: c6f02a6c68aa917⋯.jpg (95.74 KB,601x618,601:618,nohide.jpg)

Check out what this guy caught


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c939e6 No.21668497


Holy crap. I wonder if Diddy is the key that unlocks all the doors. The "high profile" person that Q was talking about. The FIRST indictment.

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b4c048 No.21668498

File: 711051f0e5b64c9⋯.jpg (15.69 KB,255x139,255:139,rallydaysarebest.jpg)

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ae99e9 No.21668499

File: 98d97a4b1941be5⋯.png (1016.65 KB,915x801,305:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 273d780aab202cd⋯.png (383.4 KB,522x672,87:112,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9c8e56da73f07c⋯.png (631.57 KB,610x842,305:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0a7b5942c0cb56⋯.png (1.05 MB,915x580,183:116,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump takes control of the room (photo).

Doug Mills is the one of the photographers that got a classic photo at Butler, it was the bullet passing by Trump’s head. Doug has been a photographer at all Trump’s rallies and events.

So this is going to be an epic photo too, look at it, it’s surreal.


Our Photographer on Capturing the Bullet Streaking Past TrumpJuly 14, 2024

Doug Mills, a veteran photographer for The New York Times, was only a few feet away from former President Donald J. Trump at the rally in Butler, Pa., when the shooting started. Mr. Mills kept his finger on the shutter button, photographing as the scene unfolded. It was only afterward, while reviewing his photos, that he realized he had captured the apparent path of a bullet used in the assassination attempt against the former president. He explains what he saw.


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1afba5 No.21668500


It's another board.

Can't you find it?

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e992b9 No.21668501

File: 6653717277c5e2d⋯.jpg (547.11 KB,1432x1073,1432:1073,BorderTreason.JPG)

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,BorderSnake.jpg)

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2d5075 No.21668502

File: 77d9a3a216d880f⋯.png (282.96 KB,459x342,51:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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d08ac7 No.21668503

President Trump: According to this brand new data, never seen before, over thirteen thousand and ninety-nine convicted murderers have crossed the border, and are free to roam and kill in our country, These are convicted murderers, these are people that were in jail.

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38d7ec No.21668504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DEI looting is new & shit

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e21861 No.21668505



I kid not,

before this poasted,

the board did not let the poast go thru

gave me a

"un-expected HTTP"



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2711ad No.21668506


Mid-level jewish pet.

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48fe25 No.21668507

File: 6ad0113eddfae07⋯.png (191.03 KB,875x770,25:22,bad_bread_.png)



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141ed2 No.21668508

File: 9222f96b0813a33⋯.jpg (76.64 KB,487x347,487:347,SING_DIDDY_SING.jpg)

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01708e No.21668509

djt; 13,099 convicted murderers have crossed the border. somebody just the figures, brand new figures.

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798c0b No.21668510


I was able to identify it.

That's enough.

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d1e9a9 No.21668511

File: 1e60cf465cdf694⋯.png (26.21 KB,620x415,124:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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5000a6 No.21668512

File: b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB,453x696,151:232,EkY8328XsAA9xhX.png)



POTUS saying - we see you, we hear you!

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d06cb0 No.21668513

File: e1d378547e3d37f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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c939e6 No.21668514


Fuck off, you have Jews on the brain. Criminals are criminals, I don't care about what they may or may not adhere to regarding religion or ethnicity. BEHAVIOR is the key.

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a904ba No.21668515

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

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1afba5 No.21668516


Dont you know how fucking hard they monitor online traffic around me? What's your name?

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817f6a No.21668517


>spends the rest of his life building up what is lost

He will never be able to repair the live he has lost by his hand/actions. Never.

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175403 No.21668518

Did anyone ever think that Zelensky might have been the useful idiot? You do realize the most powerful man in the world right now is Zelensky…he has everything, all their illegal plans and deeds, everything. Maybe Z found out God's watching this all go down as a human.

Would you go against God?

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1bfcd4 No.21668519

They don't kill like our criminals,

No, they kill much harder.

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ae99e9 No.21668520


Nate Silver has been blackmailed and shamed by the crowd, there's no way that is even close, he gave a definite statement that Trump will win last week. The the ghouls said they would tell the world about his adrenochrome use if he doesn't manipulate his polls.

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2d5075 No.21668521


Damn, forgot the cigarette thing. To late, moved on.

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2711ad No.21668522


pattern recognition escapes you. I feel for anyone who depends on you.

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0a5e40 No.21668523

File: 494120d93469dcc⋯.jpg (391.31 KB,1124x1080,281:270,InfiltrationMC.JPG)

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e21861 No.21668524

>>21668484 sheets of metal?

>>21668493 metal rolls?

>>21668512 exzactly my first thought

>>21668513 like idea, but creepy, not pepe enough

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5826e3 No.21668525

File: 543e0e7ed71460d⋯.png (102.12 KB,473x607,473:607,qaggdropimage1399.png)

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065968 No.21668526

💥 BOOM 💥


The Iranian general that was appointed by the IRGC to command over Iran’s operations in Lebanon and Syria on behalf of the Al-Quds force was also inside the bunker and was eliminated! His predecessor, General Zahedi, was eliminated in April Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

Iran avenged general Zahedi’s elimination in mid April with a large air strike on Israel.

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211de3 No.21668527


ounce of silver was $1

gold was $37

it all makes sense

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6593e6 No.21668529

File: 0f84d815b7af696⋯.png (1.14 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f038b No.21668530


does anybody else find this wild speculation sad and pathetic?

I do.

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d08ac7 No.21668531

President Trump: In total, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty one, non-detained, meaning they're no longer in detention, meaning prison, non-citizens, convicted criminals from all over the world, are right now, at large, in the United States of America, with another two hundred and twenty-two thousand, one hundred and forty-one illegals with pending criminal charges, and these are serious criminal charges. For murder, for drugs being sold all over the world where many people have been killed…that's over six hundred and forty-seven thousand, five hundred and seventy-two, migrant criminals are in our country. It's a killing machine.

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3857f3 No.21668532


I mean him doing that SO OBVIOUSLY sounds like some humiliation ritual too!

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5000a6 No.21668533

File: d2f9991c416ba52⋯.png (10.96 KB,255x202,255:202,a6d539039a517abca1cb4f6d37….png)

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021b01 No.21668534


Diddy is going to name Clive Davis, Anon. That's the one who groomed Diddy, when he was an intern. He's also going to name Lucian Grainge and so many others. The "high profile" arrest is going to be someone like Obama, who allegedly killed a kid with Big Mike pounding the kid from behind. Diddy is a small fry, Anon. We'll get a lot more bigger names, from his squealing.

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1bfcd4 No.21668536

Hahahaha, Kamala goes to border after 4 years, then the 13,099 convicted killers crossed border numbers come out same day.

MJovie script.

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29bf63 No.21668537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Forbes Breaking News

47 minutes ago

Pentagon Spokesperson Asked Point Blank If Israel Is 'Preparing For An Invasion' Of Lebanon



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5826e3 No.21668539

File: 072cbe7c81e6abb⋯.mp4 (817.58 KB,480x270,16:9,shitstorm_china.mp4)

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


BREAKING: Poop exploded everywhere landing on the road, cars, people, and pets the moment a sewage pipe pressure test in Nanning failed. This scene of horror shows feces falling from the sky after the initial explosion in China.

12:06 PM · Sep 27, 2024


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21d15a No.21668540


remember all the sealed indictments? are they

being opened?

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e21861 No.21668541



i feel like he saw those and say that is sthe spot.

He knows visuals.

He knows symbology.

He knows we look at everything he does.

So he chooses backgrounds.

Just like the time he visited the Whirlpool place and chose the Laundry boxes for a backdrop.

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000000 No.21668542

Newspaper articles collection

@NewsArticleColl 7m

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an attack on Beirut , the Israeli army announced.

Sep 27, 2024 · 6:57 PM UTC



Jews killing everyone who isn´t kneeling before them.

DJT next.

And then anons.

Good bye frens.

Better dying fighting than be a slave.

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d1e9a9 No.21668543

File: 44680a5851589e5⋯.png (48.08 KB,982x364,491:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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6593e6 No.21668545

File: d289aef7c6ea2f2⋯.png (1.1 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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01708e No.21668548

everyone knows trump, no one knows harris.

the point djt is making is, that his brand is stronger than just his business.

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cdd7e2 No.21668549

File: 099625e87d728a1⋯.jpg (744.98 KB,2041x1361,2041:1361,TrumpSolvedIt.JPG)

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021b01 No.21668550

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>BEHAVIOR is the key.


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b4c048 No.21668551



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9d6a06 No.21668552

File: 1ff5caac26a418a⋯.png (80.01 KB,255x144,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a56a9f39456c2e⋯.png (75.71 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bfcd4 No.21668553


Who is worthy to break the seals?

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798c0b No.21668554


I was just wondering why you are trying to be Smith.

Well, I don't know what you really want.

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38d7ec No.21668555

File: 17796aa9f5fe218⋯.png (666.06 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9e87a No.21668556

File: 8a4071892a4c2cc⋯.png (370.81 KB,721x339,721:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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175403 No.21668558

Let's wrap up the war in Russia vs. Ukraine. Let the Ukrainians vote to rejoin Russia.

Israel, end it now. No more wars, the script is complete enough without more blood being split. Bankers, wise up. Leaders of men, you know who you are. It's time we break them into tiny bits and scatter them to the wind.

Once the world learns that God is here on Earth, their DNA will wake. This isn't humanity's first rodeo.

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48fe25 No.21668559

File: 31dc3898322885f⋯.png (35.55 KB,875x563,875:563,never_sleep.png)

Q+ began speech @ 2:59 pm > Q259 "Those in the know never sleep."

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d08ac7 No.21668560

President Trump: If I lose; I'll tell you what, it's possible, because they cheat. That's the only way we're gonna lose, because they cheat. They cheat like hell.

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e8a8ba No.21668561

File: 04b183dc1080f04⋯.png (53.11 KB,273x185,273:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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38d7ec No.21668562

File: 2968a800d6d6efb⋯.png (504.83 KB,500x754,250:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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c939e6 No.21668563


Look stupid, if you used your words more precisely I wouldn't care, but you don't, you make broad accusations without any clarification. If you said something along the lines of CRIMINALS who may happen to also be Jewish, that would be one thing. You have your head so far up your ass you can't make the distinction between what somebody DOES as opposed to any other characteristic trait. Your main characteristic trait is, you're dumber than a post.

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1bfcd4 No.21668566

Told ya so… that there would be told ya so's.

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9d6a06 No.21668567

File: 63be125c2878246⋯.png (64.99 KB,327x100,327:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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5826e3 No.21668568

File: 7127f37538e708a⋯.png (325.92 KB,808x754,404:377,Newport_TN_Evac.png)

Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA)


From Cocke County Mayor Rob Mathis:

EMERGENCY ALERT: The Waterville Dam has suffered a catastrophic failure. Evacuation of all of Downtown Newport immediately.

3:06 PM · Sep 27, 2024


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5000a6 No.21668569

File: f48dd294672c204⋯.png (120.87 KB,340x313,340:313,f48dd294672c204c89453a704d….png)


Somebody had a big load drop!!

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1afba5 No.21668570


Sometimes music helps

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d08ac7 No.21668571

President Trump: [Harris] should resign in disgrace for what she's done to our country, not run for president.

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6c391c No.21668572

File: c550c1c364c4783⋯.jpeg (452.24 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,phonto.jpeg)

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2711ad No.21668573

File: 9b4cca918108d6f⋯.png (46.04 KB,121x167,121:167,ClipboardImage.png)


My statement is accurate. Mid - level pet slave of jews. cry moar.

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c939e6 No.21668574


That's probably true, but you have to light the fuse FIRST before you get the big bang.

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b389ce No.21668575

File: a2aab25bbca5958⋯.jpg (714.82 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240927_121138….jpg)

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48fe25 No.21668576

File: 525bb86d4225a39⋯.webp (18.76 KB,480x240,2:1,fab.webp)

"Fair & Balanced."

Less than 10.

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d08ac7 No.21668578

President Trump: [Harris] will fully and deliberately erase her own nation's borders, a crime so wicked as to defy description.

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3cc125 No.21668579

Richard B. Russell served in the United States Senate from 1933 to his death in 1971. He received an LL.D. from Mercer University in 1957. During the 91st Congress, he was president pro tempore of the Senate, a member and former chairman of the Armed Services Committee, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, a member of the Space and Aerouautics [sic; Aeronautics] Sciences Committee and of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. He was also a member of the commission which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. While still in office, Senator Russell died 21 January 1971 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

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48fe25 No.21668580

File: 6230f68d7f3b628⋯.png (27.96 KB,875x520,175:104,5s_POTUS_will_confirm_me_O….png)


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1f1d6a No.21668581

last call

#26534 >>21667778


>>21668392, >>21668465, >>21668469, >>21668552 LIVE RSBN TRUMP IN MICHIGAN

>>21668228, >>21668272, >>21668303, >>21668341, >>21668365, >>21668479 RFK speaking in Michigan

>>21668531, >>21668560, >>21668571 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816, >>21668229, >>21668230, >>21668236, >>21668238, >>21668240, >>21668244, >>21668246, >>21668252 TRUMP BORDER TRUTHS - Kamala Border Lies

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887, >>21668198, >>21668204 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995, >>21668052, >>21668055, >>21668059, >>21668161 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960, >>21668382 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS

>>21668011 Anon's Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS


>>21668038, >>21668119, >>21668223, >>21668537 “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah deded or not?

>>21668041, >>21668069, >>21668212, >>21668496 Trump's Rorschach Test?

>>21668079 @thejimwatkins There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.

>>21668114 Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

>>21668123 He’s Making a List ✨ - Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁

>>21668137 Hillary twatX - It turns out people like actual plans.

>>21668170, >>21668206 TRUMP TRUTH on Google's system of illegal election interfering

>>21668180 AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' madame

>>21668197 Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

>>21668203, >>21668380 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

>>21668221, >>21668285, >>21668296, >>21668357, >>21668426, >>21668568 URGENT ALERT Helene Flooding and Warnings Tennessee No. Carolina

>>21668263 NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI probe into Anthony Miranda, illegal pot shop cash seizures

>>21668292 Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

>>21668371, >>21668386 Border Czar Harris allowed criminals into America - 13,099 Murderers - 15,811 Rapists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals

>>21668421, >>21668446 Britney Instagram Bounty?

>>21668490 Judicial Watch Rachel Levine Pushes Transgender Extremism for KIDS!

>>21668499 Doug Mills is the photographer who was faster than the bullet

>>21668539 Shiit hits the fan in Chyna

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01708e No.21668582

File: d5da97d1e1f47ec⋯.png (310.86 KB,495x395,99:79,ClipboardImage.png)

djt: i can finally look at the fake news and tell the,


Points at the fake news

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798c0b No.21668583


Hmmm, there's no end to the search for what it means.

I don't know about you.

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d06cb0 No.21668584

File: 469e9f6cbb59feb⋯.png (1.13 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21668585

Central Casting



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162a82 No.21668586


>most powerful man in the world right now is Zelensky


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021b01 No.21668587



>>pattern recognition escapes you.


>>you make broad accusations without any clarification.

>>you can't make the distinction between what somebody DOES as opposed to any other characteristic trait.

I'm curious to both your opinions on the video at


Watch the entire video and tell me whether it's pattern recognition or characteristic trait?

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b2a98a No.21668588


Did Adams piss off the Tribe?

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fd4807 No.21668589

File: 2aedaa09dcf20b3⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,1024x548,256:137,VoterCrossing.JPG)

File: 04c037ba7b8b192⋯.jpg (31.47 KB,255x247,255:247,VoteMath.JPG)

File: 18968d4592fdbe5⋯.jpg (185.99 KB,640x522,320:261,VoteAqui.JPG)

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3390b5 No.21668590

File: 1422b11bb498646⋯.jpeg (160.44 KB,1095x1072,1095:1072,IMG_1286.jpeg)

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d08ac7 No.21668591

President Trump: They are working full-time to sign these people [illegals], many of them murderers, to vote, so they can cheat on the election , 'cause that's what they do. And they vote against bills; any bill that wants to secure the vote, the democrats in congress fight like hell so they can't get passed.

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b4c048 No.21668592


And you are sharing this because…..?

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48fe25 No.21668593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5000a6 No.21668594

File: e00940d154b922a⋯.png (12.41 KB,255x255,1:1,8d610e29db712456c8d200ea3e….png)


Remember that clip where he was about to be interviewed and he was so particular about where and how a glass of water was situated on the little table next to him?

Yeah, he's very very specific!!

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21d15a No.21668595

File: ebdf251d87635d8⋯.png (640.49 KB,1200x630,40:21,weisman.png)


you sound like a darn good lawyer. need a job?

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2e32af No.21668596

File: fec4480a452b598⋯.png (52.77 KB,660x139,660:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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021b01 No.21668597


>pattern recognition escapes you.

Apologies, Anon. Meant to tag you in this. o7 >>21668587

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b43be2 No.21668598

File: 241eeb839e0bacf⋯.jpg (39.35 KB,568x335,568:335,z9r9y_2641990449.jpg)

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48fe25 No.21668599


Take the water away. Now it looks like something's missing. Bring the water back. Take the cover, leave the napkin. That's good. (~)

Love our POTUS.

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1afba5 No.21668600



When does it become a conspiracy?

By any means necessary?

How do you get a message across?

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198627 No.21668601

File: 257bd0c4774add1⋯.png (408.42 KB,594x568,297:284,co.PNG)


Peter Forister 🍁🍂🍁


Western North Carolina is effectively cut off due to extreme flooding.

All interstates in/out are closed or blocked, and most state highways are blocked too. NC DOT is saying "All roads should be considered closed" except for emergency use. #ncwx




5:36 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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2f8fe0 No.21668602

File: c9786f084daffac⋯.png (576.48 KB,1779x3419,1779:3419,Screenshot_2024_09_27_at_1….png)

>>21667440 pb

>for illegals only.


Press Call by Vice President Harris Announcing New Action on Housing

"Our plan will also help millions of families afford to buy their first home. We will give folks who are the first in their family —first generation in their familyto buy a home $25,000 for a down payment, and we’ll give millions of first-time homebuyers $400 a month to help them meet their mortgage."


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7ab8dc No.21668603

POTUS: '21 million plus '

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d1e9a9 No.21668604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1bfcd4 No.21668605

File: 717351b6f1d3acb⋯.png (145.64 KB,672x1202,336:601,4592.png)

Kamala Harris failed her oath - Trump

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d08ac7 No.21668606

President Trump: Kamala Harris betrayed her oath. She let our cities fail to violent gangs. She let our American sons and daughters be raped and murdered at the hands of vicious monsters. She let American communities be conquered. They're conquering your communities…and Kamala turned cherished small towns into blighted refugee camps.

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cb02df No.21668607

File: 3f2f69c07ffe212⋯.png (226.24 KB,800x450,16:9,MagicEraser_240802_225821.png)

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198627 No.21668608

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB,634x525,634:525,have_a_look.PNG)

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7ab8dc No.21668609

POTUS: ' Theres no greater act of disloyalty than to distinguish the sovereignity of a nation'

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021b01 No.21668610


>Did Adams piss off the Tribe?

I don't think so. Check out this article from InfoLib.


Tablet Mag Worries Charges Against Eric Adams Could Be Used Against The Israel Lobby

Just a snippet.

Here's the kicker:

Adams may also be the canary in a very deep and very dark coal mine. For here is where the logic of this indictment is leading: Small-scale donations by disfavored political players—like Turks in Queens, or Zionist Jews who support AIPAC, the ADL, or Bnai Brith, let alone those who have a nephew studying in a yeshiva in the West Bank—will be criminalized, with every donation subject to suspicion of a violation of the fuzzy laws governing interactions with foreign governments, followed by federal prosecutors (remember when that term was a synonym for apolitical application of the law?) and SWAT teams. One might reasonably suspect that the sequel to the Adams horror show will be an investigation of a major Jewish organization for "bribing" legislators with fact-finding trips to Israel, and thereby acting as arms of the Israeli government—which will make anything connected to the "Jewish lobby" politically radioactive. […]

They scurred.

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21d15a No.21668611

just realizing…..

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7ab8dc No.21668612

POTUS: ' ISnt it nice to have a President who doest need a teleprompter'

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d06cb0 No.21668613


Watch the Water

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936171 No.21668614

File: a56c2300d88b8cc⋯.jpg (59.96 KB,720x800,9:10,461315023_1312128473530309….jpg)

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d1e9a9 No.21668615




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5000a6 No.21668616

File: e37e28fb0032871⋯.png (1.16 MB,1890x1070,189:107,ClipboardImage.png)


For example, his meeting with Z today.

The room they cam through was all white. Very light colors, made me think of the sky and concrete. Very harsh lines but with subdued colors.

Dark to Light??

Also - showing us Trump is in Control!!!

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198627 No.21668617

File: 688bae5b436c1d6⋯.png (478.56 KB,588x767,588:767,fl.PNG)




Jonesborough, Tn by crossroads gas station Hwy 81s river is floating houses and cars through the tomato fields some houses completely under water search and rescue teams are down here

6:59 AM · Sep 27, 2024




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3cc125 No.21668618

File: ab941174ed81492⋯.jpeg (46.92 KB,299x168,299:168,images_5_.jpeg)

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21d15a No.21668619


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7ab8dc No.21668620

POTUS: ' They didnt ask for a name, they didnt ask for a registration number… shes responsible for every crime scene, every bloody funeral every orphaned child'

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48fe25 No.21668621


' Theres no greater act of disloyalty than to distinguish the sovereignity of a nation'

Important statement. So big. Futures.

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bbc533 No.21668622



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48fe25 No.21668623

File: fe1c47408ebd015⋯.png (1.37 MB,720x889,720:889,Liberty.png)

Our Light will Never Go out Again!

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01708e No.21668624

are you listening u.k politician djt

you have let in criminals

it is a crime..

kier starmer.

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ad82a6 No.21668625

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB,720x720,1:1,meme_a_new_reality.png)

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7ab8dc No.21668626

POTUS: ' So I ask you that question… i give that to the fake news.. cuz shes right at the border.. blood is on her hands at a level probably at a level never seen before in this Country'

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ad82a6 No.21668627

File: 6890bb02dcce43f⋯.jpg (52.87 KB,490x604,245:302,spacepepe.jpg)

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21d15a No.21668628

File: bce5e339ec5e455⋯.png (312.69 KB,406x534,203:267,1660139985279749.png)

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d08ac7 No.21668629

President Trump: What Kamala Harris has done is unforgivable; it's a crime what she did. It's gotta be criminal. There's no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation, and that's what she's done. She's ruined our nation. She's ruined our nation…Kamala is directly responsible for the tens of thousand of crimes committed by illegal migrants that she set free into our country…she's responsible for every bloody crimes scene, every funeral, every orphaned child.

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628fe2 No.21668630

File: 89caf0d256720ab⋯.png (64.19 KB,225x180,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad82a6 No.21668631

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB,517x594,47:54,3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)

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bbc533 No.21668632

File: fdb08d727281889⋯.png (335.2 KB,744x496,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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798c0b No.21668633


How do you communicate?

Have you looked beyond the story?

I mean beyond the Smith story.

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7ab8dc No.21668634

POTUS: ' We are going to send kamala back to California'

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4b3047 No.21668635

File: 729eb92154e167a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1179x1171,1179:1171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 925c68e0bf44c56⋯.png (102.13 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



This would be most welcome news.


Ron M.





Israel now believes Nasrallah is DEAD and the entire Hezbollah leadership has been eliminated. 🇮🇱🇱🇧

2 massive strikes within a week of each other have decapitated the entire Hezbollah leadership per Israeli estimates. Unprecedented in modern warfare 💀


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ad82a6 No.21668636

File: a46fee45bb53e69⋯.jpg (214.95 KB,924x971,924:971,369.jpg)

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628fe2 No.21668637

File: 4e10db697f96fe8⋯.png (19.12 KB,349x155,349:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1e9a9 No.21668638


EXTINGUISH, not distinguish

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817f6a No.21668639


>Be a fucking disgusting bloodsucker.

>Play the victim.

Same tired playbook

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ad82a6 No.21668640

File: ffe500a27e3667c⋯.jpg (79.79 KB,660x371,660:371,Thanks_anon_2.jpg)

File: 97d5eadaa8b66f0⋯.jpg (142.36 KB,660x371,660:371,night_pepe_TY_anon_.jpg)

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38d7ec No.21668641

File: 2066d23ac19ecc0⋯.png (165.28 KB,433x266,433:266,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 360b4cc417ad2c2⋯.png (255.43 KB,460x445,92:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad82a6 No.21668642

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,night_shift.gif)

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8dfcfe No.21668643

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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ad82a6 No.21668644

File: d904b446b17b52d⋯.jpg (589.69 KB,1323x888,441:296,DigDayNight9.jpg)

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1f1d6a No.21668645



#26534 >>21667778


>>21668392, >>21668465, >>21668469, >>21668552 LIVE RSBN TRUMP IN MICHIGAN

>>21668228, >>21668272, >>21668303, >>21668341, >>21668365, >>21668479 RFK speaking in Michigan

>>21668531, >>21668560, >>21668571, >>21668578, >>21668591, >>21668606, >>21668612, >>21668620, >>21668626, >>21668629 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21667803, >>21667811, >>21667816, >>21668229, >>21668230, >>21668236, >>21668238, >>21668240, >>21668244, >>21668246, >>21668252 TRUMP BORDER TRUTHS - Kamala Border Lies

>>21667831 Today in Q Post History we have 16 Deltas

>>21667834, >>21668012 At least 17 dead, millions without power as Helene lashes the South with wind and rain

>>21667865 Soros Ukraine plan from 2015. First uploaded by John Solomon.

>>21667871 @thejimwatkins Thanks for sticking up for me guys, a bunch of friends whose names I don't even know.

>>21667887, >>21668198, >>21668204 American Taxpayers lost over $100 billion to COVID unemployment insurance fraud

>>21667921 New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Bribery Charges

>>21667925, >>21667994, >>21667995, >>21668052, >>21668055, >>21668059, >>21668161 Space Related NASA

>>21667928 Lamont Campbell Arrested for Allegedly Hijacking L.A. Metro Bus and Fatal Shooting

>>21667960, >>21668382 FDR launched 2,710 Liberty ships that were built between 1941 and 1945

>>21667962, >>21668001 RT - Trump agrees to meet with Zelensky

>>21667981, >>21668000 Boatfaggin Watching The Waters #Deployment #Warships

>>21667987 And We Know - OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANTS

>>21668011 Anon's Epilepsy thought of the day, INFRARED WEAPONS


>>21668038, >>21668119, >>21668223, >>21668537 “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah deded or not?

>>21668041, >>21668069, >>21668212, >>21668496 Trump's Rorschach Test?

>>21668079 @thejimwatkins There will be a time for cheering and huaaas. Just this isn't the time.

>>21668114 Sen. Mike Rounds: "Negotiations continue" on Schumer's UAPDA in NDAA

>>21668123 He’s Making a List ✨ - Comms from FLOTUS!! 😁

>>21668137 Hillary twatX - It turns out people like actual plans.

>>21668170, >>21668206 TRUMP TRUTH on Google's system of illegal election interfering

>>21668180 AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes as locals call out MIA 'Squad' madame

>>21668197 Many delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks.

>>21668203, >>21668380 Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination

>>21668221, >>21668285, >>21668296, >>21668357, >>21668426, >>21668568, >>21668601, >>21668617 URGENT ALERT Helene Flooding and Warnings Tennessee No. Carolina

>>21668263 NYC sheriff’s office searched by DOI probe into Anthony Miranda, illegal pot shop cash seizures

>>21668292 Oil activists jailed for throwing soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers—one got 2 years, the other 20 months.

>>21668371, >>21668386 Border Czar Harris allowed criminals into America - 13,099 Murderers - 15,811 Rapists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals

>>21668421, >>21668446 Britney Instagram Bounty?

>>21668490 Judicial Watch Rachel Levine Pushes Transgender Extremism for KIDS!

>>21668499 Doug Mills is the photographer who was faster than the bullet

>>21668539 Shiit hits the fan in Chyna

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d20465 No.21668646


Watch the water.

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ad82a6 No.21668648

File: d1c33539ed1a7f3⋯.gif (350.28 KB,500x270,50:27,freshbread.gif)

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38d7ec No.21668649

File: 9a4e876788f393c⋯.png (390.21 KB,600x376,75:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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50f87e No.21668650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>white privilege

maybe we should step up our game in public


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7ab8dc No.21668651

POTUS: ' 63 million… we got many millions more votes than that.. and they beat us by a whisker.. theyre good at nothing else.. theyre only good at cheating.. there were 15 policies she changed'

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21d15a No.21668652

visa stock

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ad82a6 No.21668653

File: 3d1109a9c422581⋯.jpg (351.78 KB,753x861,251:287,11931cb050b14b63412bf0c9d8….jpg)

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628fe2 No.21668654

Trump: "by a whisker"

crowd: "you won!"

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48fe25 No.21668655

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000000 No.21668656


shut up.

you´re just a sausage. cattle. a sheep.

Nobody cares about you or your family.

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ad82a6 No.21668657

File: 330728c7e3f3dbe⋯.png (161.42 KB,542x532,271:266,ABadge1.png)

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89c9a1 No.21668659

File: a8e4e36f6853b8d⋯.png (964.22 KB,930x1494,155:249,a8e4e36f6853b8df97dff873ad….png)


Mars rover kek

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38d7ec No.21668660

File: 2b4a9907020a80a⋯.png (68.2 KB,222x220,111:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad82a6 No.21668661

File: e3c1bcc2c900785⋯.png (364.61 KB,750x500,3:2,f2c2deb883630c974fcfec69f6….png)

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a91b48 No.21668662

File: 88121553029c28a⋯.jpeg (70.15 KB,533x800,533:800,IMG_7915.jpeg)

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21d15a No.21668663


they're eating the cats…

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ad82a6 No.21668664

File: c4a5b210c01d601⋯.jpg (98.63 KB,800x473,800:473,1510824920907.jpg)

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bbc533 No.21668665




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0ccb36 No.21668667

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ad82a6 No.21668668

File: 8215ba713938c63⋯.jpg (61.94 KB,750x499,750:499,22tqh2.jpg)

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bf8fb2 No.21668669

File: 9a294def4066643⋯.png (321.37 KB,433x427,433:427,IMG_3902.png)

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ad82a6 No.21668670

File: 8bf5725d473ab46⋯.jpg (49.16 KB,563x388,563:388,inqt3.jpg)

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1f1d6a No.21668671

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ad82a6 No.21668672

File: 45fedfbaf4bc985⋯.jpg (135.16 KB,604x617,604:617,couldusleep.jpg)

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1afba5 No.21668673


Government sold the visa a stock? When something was coming down about it? What's up with that?

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