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a08383 No.21567174 [Last50 Posts]

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a08383 No.21567177

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a08383 No.21567180


#26419 >>21566418

>>21566523 President Trump: I have no sales tax; that's an incorrect statement. She knows that. Were doing tariffs on other countries.

>>21566474, >>21566738 More than 1.4 million people watching ABC feed on youtube.

>>21566534 Harris: Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. Donald Trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century. [blaming the pandemic and it's effects on President Trump]

>>21566540 President Trump: I have nothing to do, as you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

>>21566592, >>21566641 President Trump: I went to the Wharton School of Finance, and many of those professors, the top professors, think my plan is a brilliant plan. It's a great plan. It's a plan that's gonna bring up our worth, our value as a country. It's gonna make people want to be able to go and work and create jobs, and create al lot of good, solid money for our country….she doesn't have a plan. She copied Biden's plan. And it's like four sentences. Like, 'Run, Spot, Run'.

>>21566622 As President Trump called out Harris as a marxist, she was looking at him as if her father being a marxist professor is news to her.

>>21566661, >>21566686 Moderator says thee is no state where it's legal to kill a baby after it's born, but Governor Northam of Virginia did say to, 'make the baby comfortable', then decide what to do; let it die.

>>21566709 President Trump: There she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban [abortion], and there's no reason to sign a ban, because we've gotten what everyone wanted. Democrats, republicans, and everybody else, and every legal scholar, wanted it to be brought back into the states. And the states are voting…what she says is an absolute lie.

>>21566752 Harris refused to answer of she would allow abortions in seventh, eighth, or ninth month.

>>21566832 President Trump: People don't go to her rallies. There's no reason to go, and the people that do go, she's busing them in, and paying them to be there, and then showing them in a different light.

>>21566880 Harris: I actually have the endorsement of two hundred republicans who have formally worked with President Bush, Mitt Romney, and NoName. Including the endorsement of former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and congressmember, Liz Cheney. [all RINOs, all career criminals/war criminals]

>>21566919 President Trump: This will be one of the greatest mistakes in history, for them to allow; and I think they probably did it because they think they're gonna get votes, but it's not worth it, because they're destroying the fabric of our country by what they've done.

>>21566962 Moderator: The FBI says, overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.>President Trump: They were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They didn't include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud. Just like their number of eight hundred and eighteen thousand jobs that they said they created turn out to be a fraud.

>>21566979 Harris looked one hundred percent guilty when President Trump called her out on being behind all his court battles.

>>21566994 President Trump: I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things they [Harris/Biden/democrats] say about me.

>>21567016 Harris did not grow up as a 'middle-class' kid, as she claimed more than once already.

>>21567045 President Trump: I'm talking now, if you [Harris] don't mind. Please. Does that sound familiar?

>>21566789 TRUMP: "Shes a Marxist. Everybody knows shes a Marxist. Her father is a Marxist professor in economics. He taught her well."

>>21567073 President Trump: Now she want sto do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical-left liberal that would do this.

>>21567081 The look on her face proved Harris would indeed try to confiscate guns, as President Trump said.

>>21567144 Harris: I was there, and on that day, the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's Capital…on that day, a hundred and forty law enforcement officers were injured, and some died. [none died on January 6th]

>>21566771, >>21566445, >>21566454, >>21566467 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21566463, >>21566464, >>21566466, >>21566473, >>21566476, >>21566477, >>21566478, >>21566479, >>21566485, >>21566486, >>21566489, >>21566490, >>21566495, >>21566496, >>21566527, >>21566589, >>21566590 Kamala's comes off looking WEAK, SHE SUCKS

>>21566510 Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

>>21566518, >>21566554 she has dry mouth

>>21566532, >>21566602, >>21566559, >>21566680, >>21566557 Kamala touching her face is a nervous act. The bouncing up and down as she talks is strange. And you can hear her tongue spit. Maybe she is black. All that smacking while talking. Kek

>>21566581 She can't talk about her accomplishments cause she don't got any So she only lie about is Trump

>>21566618 Family photo shows Julian Assange lying low in Melbourne

>>21566708 Planned Parenthood has been found to 'illegally sell baby parts,' activist says

>>21566713 Boss is killin it

>>21566636, >>21566716 Mapped: How late in pregnancy states allow abortions

>>21566800 WOW go to a rally, ok people are going to go and have fun. You stupid bitch

>>21566801 Trump- People don't go to her rallies. She buses them to her rallies, and pays them.

>>21567151 #26419

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a08383 No.21567182

#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690, >>21566165, >>21566209 ABC News Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris meet in Philadelphia

>>21566138 Scavino: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>21566013, >>21566103 Laura Loomer seen exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport

>>21566373 Trump supporters gave Kamala Harris and her motorcade a warm welcome in Philly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 UK: Lady tells her story about being gang raped as a teen by middle-eastern migrants

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828, >>21565985, >>21566038, >>21566153 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774, >>21566128 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565968, >>21566009, >>21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better? (cont'd)

>>21565992 Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting

>>21566014 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21566023 Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment

>>21566047 Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

>>21566068 OMG look at Gensler's internal comments that the SEC mistakenly posted publicly

>>21566070 More Inconsistencies in Official Story of the Georgia Apalachee High School Shooting

>>21566079 George Helmy sworn in as New Jersey senator to replace disgraced Bob Menendez

>>21566107 Potential For Abuse’: Kamala’s Debate Prep With Lead Google Attorney Sets Off Alarm Bells With Gov’t Watchdogs

>>21566134 CNN's Dana Bash is at a loss for words about the "racist overtones" of cat memes

>>21566231 Discovered that Biden-Harris Admin subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado

>>21566309 DeSantis admin has demanded data from the Biden-Harris admin re: the voter registration status of individuals in Florida

>>21566314 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21566319 Novo Nordisk currently charges Americans with type 2 diabetes $969 a month for Ozempic

>>21566344 Former Clinton adviser Doug Schoen says he cannot commit to voting for Kamala

>>21566362 U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) reportedly rushed to hospital after collapsing at an event

>>21566396 44 hours - that’s how long it took Martha’s Vineyard to eject slightly less than 50 illegal immigrants

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851, >>21565986, >>21566389 Memes

>>21566405 #26418

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a08383 No.21567184

#26417 >>21564861

>>21564970, >>21564977, >>21564983 Trump vs. Harris ABC News Presidential Debate

>>21565526 Scavino: President Trump is wheels down in Philadelphia, PA

>>21564884 Burn the Boats

>>21564903 Cats in Ohio right now…

>>21564921 Swamp schedule

>>21564938 Over target: Swalwell bigtime triggered over the cat memes

>>21564942, >>21564955 Julie Su brought Calif. corruption to the White House, and Harris will keep her there

>>21564951 Happy debate night from Trump HQ

>>21564990 Amazon pharmacy has a policy not to fill Ivermection prescriptions for COVID

>>21564991 Norfolk Southern CEO expected to exit amid board probe into alleged misconduct

>>21564996, >>21565000, >>21565256 DJT: Cats for MAGA

>>21565004 Eric Trump: Cats for Trump

>>21565010 One day before the world changed: captured from the lens of a Canadian tourist

>>21565033 Cats under Communism

>>21565058 Janet Yellen tests positive for covid

>>21565068 Fox: RNC chair 'very comfortable' Trump will win this key battleground state

>>21565074 Radio Host Mark Levin Announces Major Injury Will Take Him Off the Airwaves

>>21565214, >>21565228, >>21565240, >>21565329 Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565229 Biden appointee to host Trump / Harris debate

>>21565245 UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early to make room for shitposters

>>21565263 Fashion Multi-Millionaire Peter Nygard Sentenced in Toronto Court to 11 Years in Jail for Sexual Assault

>>21565332 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about Linda Sun, charged with being a CCP agent

>>21565344 RFK Jr.: They didn't pass the First Amendment to protect speech that everybody likes

>>21565350 A suspect is in custody after a teen is critically hurt in a shooting at a Nebraska high school

>>21565352 (2019) President Trump Signs H.R. 724, The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act

>>21565407, >>21565423 Endless lines of Haitians gorging on taxpayer funded benefits in Springfield, Ohio

>>21565409 The Reserve Bank of Australia really does want Aussies poorer

>>21565413 Eric Trump says “something is being hidden” about the attempt on President Trump’s life in Pennsylvania

>>21565435 Protest and Small Riots are forming as numerous people Break into high end Store, Set Fires, and Commit Multiple Assaults

>>21565502, >>21565514 Springfield, Ohio residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars

>>21565508 Trump crashes a Kamala BBQ in Ohio

>>21565527 LIVE: City Commission Meeting, Springfield, Ohio

>>21565559 Cookies don't lie

>>21565571 JD Vance: My office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield re: pets being abducted by Haitian migrants

>>21565580 That moment when Trump brought along Bill Clintons accusers to the debate

>>21565590 Democrats are getting their asses handed to them today!

>>21565619 Nadler reacting to serious problems

>>21564981, >>21564982, >>21565000, >>21565063, >>21565088, >>21565128, >>21565144, >>21565221, >>21565224, >>21565277, >>21565408, >>21565430, >>21565572 Memes

>>21565627 #26417

Previously Collected

>>21564850 #26416,

>>21562076 #26413, >>21563072 #26414, >>21564045 #26415

>>21559587 #26410, >>21560333 #26411, >>21561086 #26412

>>21556898 #26407, >>21557771 #26408, >>21558788 #26409

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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a8e12c No.21567190

"Zero content kamala"

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f7d60c No.21567191

She is losing.

ABC has to come to her rescue with biased questions.

What POSes

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a08383 No.21567192

File: 0635ac0c45506ff⋯.png (238.31 KB,808x776,101:97,0635ac0c45506ffed4fc941d53….png)

File: d6a811a71e373b8⋯.png (30.93 KB,307x268,307:268,bad_ass_baker.png)

File: 5b714c1d3757d4a⋯.jpg (120.77 KB,824x777,824:777,9f9ed81240dab9e5.jpg)



Q Research General #26420: 'LOST BY A WHISKER?' BEAT THOSE BAD EGGS!!! Edition

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14c66c No.21567193




Enjoy the show…


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84d131 No.21567194

Moderators are hostile AF

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0fbfe6 No.21567195

Presidential Candidate number 1 says he requires more security./

Please provide./



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4e1a7b No.21567196

ABC News doing their job.

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f4ace6 No.21567197

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d1c682 No.21567198

Here we go

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7f5961 No.21567199

File: 56732664de05b84⋯.png (376.3 KB,475x357,475:357,ClipboardImage.png)



I want to kick the shit out of this smart ass male moderator

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79d64e No.21567200

Trump is debating 3 people at once, knee pads and the 2 abc moderators

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b9035c No.21567201

File: 062eaebf3e5c6fa⋯.webp (10.1 KB,96x96,1:1,MONKAUMM.webp)


3 v 1 Debate is Shameless.

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a8e12c No.21567202

she said "temperament" thats a hilldawg throwback

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69da25 No.21567203

She's losing

So she makes up that someone said something bad about him that no one can verify

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0d7436 No.21567204

File: 745d0c9a921fb40⋯.png (494.46 KB,655x1203,655:1203,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccc1c9 No.21567205

File: ad269e3be13ac52⋯.jpg (257.37 KB,1300x1234,650:617,ad269e3be13ac525d8346e1edf….jpg)

THANK YOU BAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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66d551 No.21567206

Trump is doing ok but Kamala is doing wonderful

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45e717 No.21567207

File: 7bfd3fe04682c60⋯.jpeg (149.41 KB,1200x1120,15:14,B9A0A80F_016A_41A7_8A2E_8….jpeg)

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a65e91 No.21567208

cucksucker has spoken moar than his fav cocksucker

TRUMP giving em TDS on stage

no wonder Jor won, this bitch is super fantastic stupid

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d2d466 No.21567209



(Pb) She doesn’t have Afro mix hair

Parentage suspect

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d1debb No.21567210


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8b2fd1 No.21567211

File: a17b663b37b1236⋯.png (876.82 KB,941x984,941:984,ClipboardImage.png)

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a796b0 No.21567212

He (Biden) hates her, kek

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30bc9c No.21567213

I can't listen to the attacking and lying anymore. all three of them


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8ca0da No.21567214

File: 01edd8f88767024⋯.jpg (81.36 KB,495x971,495:971,sft55.jpg)

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e57618 No.21567215

File: e1aac7f77ab031f⋯.png (602.43 KB,640x640,1:1,skateboard.png)

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42a227 No.21567216

>>21566621 lb

she's looking at him skeptically.

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1f5ee4 No.21567217

File: 2d8a00ea03ec10d⋯.png (10.67 KB,208x255,208:255,2d8a00ea03ec10d492578fbb6b….png)



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c87963 No.21567218



patience shitters

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32900d No.21567219

File: c7ec2fa468f04ae⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,977x314,977:314,Eggs_Targeted.jpg)




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5c10cc No.21567220

Remember Zagrev.

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1a38f5 No.21567221

She (They) have trump rattled.

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a8e12c No.21567222


still no bingo

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a08383 No.21567223

Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

Real Americas Voice




Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24



Steven Crowder




Russell Brand




The Quartering

Donald Trump Kamala Harris Debate LIVE! Fact Checks, Commentary & Fun! Be Here



Patriot News Outlet live

LIVE TONIGHT: The 2024 Presidential Debate w/ President Trump and the Unelected Democrat Nominee 8PM ET | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



Benny Johnson

🚨 DEBATE-MAGEDDON: Watch Trump DEMOLISH Kamala, Presidential Debate LIVE With Special Guests



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f7d60c No.21567224


Is that why ABC has to rescue her?

She always needs a white man by her side

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b461bd No.21567225

File: 202dc7664fde523⋯.mp4 (778.29 KB,464x848,29:53,Trump_hands_out_popcorn.mp4)


Tyb Debate Baker


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42a227 No.21567226


She got zero votes.

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a7b065 No.21567227

File: 6d320aafebe6adb⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,848x752,53:47,Trump_at_cpac_i_am_your_wa….mp4)



where are those 81 million people who voted for biden.

djt: i will tell you something, biden hates her

points at kamala



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e57618 No.21567228

File: 5c17587a0330ff0⋯.jpg (92.12 KB,677x680,677:680,6a790f82f0762e7b.jpg)

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033715 No.21567229



I was about to ask if breadshitting was still a thing.

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d64df1 No.21567230

File: a8eb6975b6f5426⋯.jpg (143.85 KB,1075x703,1075:703,a8eb6975b6f542660780d12b3a….jpg)

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30bc9c No.21567231

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3de9a8 No.21567232

File: b7a21806abb24a0⋯.jpeg (690.81 KB,961x1209,31:39,BidenPeak1.jpeg)

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a8e12c No.21567233




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0d7436 No.21567234

File: 8d57aca35ddaf82⋯.png (475.21 KB,633x752,633:752,ClipboardImage.png)

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c13fc4 No.21567235


I hope he calms down during the break.

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6f5408 No.21567236

File: 41b58507fff695d⋯.png (3.19 MB,2048x1536,4:3,71A515A8_0882_40A7_84CC_BB….png)

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da6b3d No.21567237

File: 229bbceeb979807⋯.jpg (72.32 KB,500x559,500:559,ADLNonsense.jpg)

Let the Jew worship begin

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e3f0bd No.21567238


Are big shoulder pads for women back in style?

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7a6f4a No.21567239

Have I missed anything yet?

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d5938b No.21567240

File: 09b156bff3087fb⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,09b156bff3087fbb8830e11390….mp4)

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d46c43 No.21567241

File: 0d88eb6e90d8891⋯.png (1.06 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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42a227 No.21567242

There's some personal connect between herself and the owners of ABC

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972738 No.21567243

File: 339a8f949f71256⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,480x852,40:71,Israel_created_Hamas.mp4)

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1c0cea No.21567244

File: 73903aadd6d2b93⋯.gif (2.14 MB,200x218,100:109,asksjq.gif)

JQ time/ suck the willy brown

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db5601 No.21567245

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e57618 No.21567246

File: 0ae119c8ea5fe4f⋯.jpg (141.44 KB,710x705,142:141,colin1.jpg)

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9ebf4c No.21567247


…and he got 14million votes

Guessing that info will come out at a later point.

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a65e91 No.21567248

each question just shows their failures with the fawning media running the campaign for her

let's understand that she sucks gigantic dick and has done nothing about foreign issues like hostages

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44d3d0 No.21567249

File: b5d20e8841a80e3⋯.png (25.4 KB,437x43,437:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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42a227 No.21567250

She's been coached. D'uh

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8ca0da No.21567251

At the opening Muir called him president Trump and the chick gave him a look.


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6db139 No.21567252

Did he say he got 75 Million and Biden got 14?

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69da25 No.21567253

Pro-Hamas isn't going to like that Answer

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69da25 No.21567254


14mil voted for Biden early in this election

Before he dropped out

So their votes are thrown out

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31f9a8 No.21567255



primary votes. maybe real votes too. we'll see.

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14c66c No.21567256


Trump is having his ass handed to him.

I cannot watch this shit anymore.

Its like watching Truth Social re-runs

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554c72 No.21567257

File: 1ed81109df124ae⋯.jpg (9.64 KB,300x300,1:1,12_25_19t.jpg)

Kitchen on fire tonight that last bread went fast.






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e5da31 No.21567258

File: fbf6f86e773ecbb⋯.png (842.38 KB,968x738,484:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b02c7dd099b3f4⋯.png (332.78 KB,577x754,577:754,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfaa9deefd81b0a⋯.png (321.12 KB,652x727,652:727,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b26cec61cac956⋯.png (697.65 KB,917x630,131:90,ClipboardImage.png)

world leaders are laughing alright

but it's not at trump

yet another lie

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32900d No.21567259

File: 2ebec52a03be7a4⋯.png (274.81 KB,626x356,313:178,ClipboardImage.png)


I think she gone get weaker as the debate goes on.

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73bf5e No.21567260

Moderator: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020?

President Trump: I don't acknowledge that at all, I said that sarcastically…there's so much proof, all you have to do is look at it, and they should have sent it back to the legislatures for approval…we have so many facts and statistics, but you know what, that doesn't matter. Because we have to solve the problem that we have right now. That's old news. And the problem we have right now is we have a nation in decline, and they have put it in decline.

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f7d60c No.21567261


Over coached

She appears to be acting and not sincere

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e579a1 No.21567262

Jim had to turn on proto because Trump is getting smoked. Pathetic

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041fba No.21567263


Nice, it's a new meme

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a65e91 No.21567264

oh yeah, Bibi getting right on top of that cackle mess

bitch you're in office now and she's talking about they have to do

if dems win ISRAEL ceases to exist in 2 years

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f87ccd No.21567265

File: 192fee401595943⋯.mp4 (107.53 KB,460x334,230:167,amo2Kxy_460sv.mp4)

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da6b3d No.21567266

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d1debb No.21567267

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e57618 No.21567268

File: 6a3dc6890ede02d⋯.jpg (132.16 KB,1018x1275,1018:1275,6a3dc6890ede02d1ec5b9df94b….jpg)

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1f5ee4 No.21567269

She just fucked the jew vote hahahaha.

The Left has gotten so antisemetic since oct 7th

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d9c28f No.21567270

The hand movements while talking are a subconscious supplement to their weak verbal thinking.

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530cc1 No.21567271

President of common sense

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74e216 No.21567272

File: 352466c5a60bbc4⋯.jpeg (169.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_0353.jpeg)



nobody likes a breadshitter

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69da25 No.21567273

File: 1c242acd84c047d⋯.png (296.3 KB,318x429,106:143,ClipboardImage.png)

2 Moderators & Harris Vs Trump

& Trump is still Winning

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73bf5e No.21567275

File: b07b7adc399f675⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,750x482,375:241,yahdasdcadf.jpg)

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e57618 No.21567276

File: a395a8803135f52⋯.png (847.51 KB,1037x808,1037:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ca0da No.21567277

Sororiety party was a satanic witches cirlce

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a8e12c No.21567278

File: d377c58c143cb41⋯.jpg (43.95 KB,500x527,500:527,Untitled.jpg)

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d64df1 No.21567279

File: 1a5a6308dfd7abb⋯.png (255.56 KB,616x509,616:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d5b61c7eae556a⋯.png (289.74 KB,416x428,104:107,Qazaqstan.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 3h

Kazakhstan may stop supplying uranium to the West due to sanctions and war in Ukraine — Financial Times

Sep 10, 2024 · 10:33 PM UTC


Make Qazaqstan Great Again

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29744e No.21567280

File: 7a54c0a916dc485⋯.png (890.96 KB,1080x772,270:193,Screenshot_20240910_170606….png)

Kamala Harris theNECK FROM HELL

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e579a1 No.21567281


Never happen

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033715 No.21567282

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afcd21 No.21567283


I hear if you say that 3 times in a mirror, your balls finally drop and you grow pubes like a real boy. Give it a shot, anon!

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a8e12c No.21567284


said SORRY

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44d3d0 No.21567285

File: 6545c216a168a10⋯.png (91.67 KB,219x316,219:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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204ed0 No.21567286

File: 25480a61da010b0⋯.mp4 (169.24 KB,320x498,160:249,d088f3fbeaa07904.mp4)

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1f5ee4 No.21567287

File: 1eee41774ab3612⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,828x1288,9:14,1eee41774ab3612a9a48d42861….jpg)

her voice is shaky when she says shes defended israel hahahaha, you can tell she HATED saying that.

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e5da31 No.21567288

File: 0d363f17eaedd22⋯.png (367.01 KB,563x421,563:421,ClipboardImage.png)

proto me harder daddy

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b9035c No.21567289

They are Arguing about who loves Israel more.

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22f847 No.21567290

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0d7436 No.21567291

File: f9f6d69d24903fa⋯.png (302.78 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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de89c7 No.21567292

File: 4db7d2a544f77c6⋯.jpg (796.77 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Trump_Plane_WWG1WGA_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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cdfa73 No.21567293


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8ca0da No.21567294

She's getting shaky


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5fca43 No.21567295

The weird kamel toe just lies and lies

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67daf9 No.21567296

File: b3a8a1ff68da9f7⋯.gif (1.68 MB,400x600,2:3,179949.gif)

File: 1e887ed7e0d1f07⋯.gif (839.99 KB,498x348,83:58,gun_girl.gif)

File: 84281ea85daddc5⋯.gif (5.67 MB,256x498,128:249,celebrity_sexy.gif)

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f7d60c No.21567297


You kiss Kamala’s ass with those fingers

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32900d No.21567298

File: 4162d6dfc5cc1da⋯.jpg (130.64 KB,480x480,1:1,Kamala_Neck.jpg)


>Kamala Harris theNECK FROM HELL

what r u even talking about?

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da6b3d No.21567299

File: ec189fba5e38293⋯.png (165.37 KB,404x255,404:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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033715 No.21567300


Excuse me ma'am, I'm speaking.

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b461bd No.21567301

File: 0b9bcd115b1df04⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,640x800,4:5,0b9bcd115b1df04ad82d17f95a….mp4)

File: c8fe831dbfa8104⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,1200x1005,80:67,c8fe831dbfa8104594aa90cf89….jpg)

File: 7fdef0358841932⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,854x480,427:240,viktor_orban.mp4)

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9ebf4c No.21567302


We have more uranium than anyone else.

Don't need theirs.

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a7b065 No.21567303

that is a rehearsed answer by facing trump while insulting him.

that will be a clip for the media.

mark that time.

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69da25 No.21567304

*Checks notes*

It's well known that He was the Best President Ever

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8b2fd1 No.21567305

File: 624801924b92179⋯.png (4.35 MB,1216x1511,1216:1511,ClipboardImage.png)

When are the 2020 Rioters Going to be Prosecuted? We all want to know – the real insurrection

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cdfa73 No.21567306

She starting to wipe the floor on his ass this last but

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d1debb No.21567307

Putin supported her kek

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e07ef2 No.21567308

File: c9f89e99587cbd8⋯.png (784.55 KB,680x680,1:1,c9f89e99587cbd84de006a019c….png)

These moderators BLOW!

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73bf5e No.21567309

Harris: These dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again, because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors.

[Putin endorsed Harris]

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0d7436 No.21567310

File: f64d059c43a5a40⋯.png (379.56 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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8011ea No.21567311

File: 4a2f7ca03c8ad98⋯.jpg (441.34 KB,2000x1176,250:147,PEACE.jpg)

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a65e91 No.21567312

so much for addressing Israel and the hostages

now you know why this shit is going on

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ed7c6c No.21567313

File: 81b9b1208ee5580⋯.png (336.48 KB,426x481,426:481,81b9b1208ee5580ca1228ddc46….png)


thx Baker

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e57618 No.21567314

File: a863b8c17a926db⋯.jpg (271.73 KB,1012x772,253:193,putin11.jpg)

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579a03 No.21567315

File: 10953563688ebb6⋯.jpg (33.24 KB,450x613,450:613,c44add65e5bdbfb96d2565d7ac….jpg)

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6db139 No.21567316



Omg the love letters… obummer

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1210d2 No.21567317


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002d17 No.21567318

File: e06c82e091c53a5⋯.png (311.82 KB,819x512,819:512,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce41827f6b701d0⋯.png (285.56 KB,367x701,367:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f0d6c71e9f8876⋯.png (651.49 KB,883x681,883:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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a08383 No.21567319

Kamala harris sounds like OBAMA 'it is well known.. the tone and timing sounds like Obama, whispering in her ear'

fuck that just happened. hope Q snapped up those recordings…. TOP KEK

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45e717 No.21567320

File: 9c3de5d0a7e4c00⋯.jpeg (160.49 KB,1200x1120,15:14,EF054027_2945_43EE_88B8_1….jpeg)

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14c66c No.21567321


Son, You have no idea what you are watching.

This entire debate is a disgrace to this nation.

Grab your own balls and hold on.

Its gonna get very bumpy after this shit show.

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a796b0 No.21567322

Trump hitting another nerve, time for a break

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8b2fd1 No.21567323

File: 5464a5f101fe3ba⋯.png (389.44 KB,1080x745,216:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8e12c No.21567324

File: 5f13806959a3db1⋯.png (272.75 KB,1161x1272,387:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d7436 No.21567325

File: e5cbe158b831729⋯.png (763.98 KB,640x696,80:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7d60c No.21567326


If she was winning, you wouldn’t need to come here and say that

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1210d2 No.21567327




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e5da31 No.21567328

funny how the mods keep jumping in to fact check trump in real time but not cackletits

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7f5961 No.21567329

That smug faggot just said "we'll be white back"

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8ca0da No.21567330

3 against 1 as per usual

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8011ea No.21567331

File: aae743841a03b46⋯.png (431.71 KB,934x525,934:525,fiery_but_mostly_peaceful_….png)

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f7d60c No.21567332


Ukraine can be marked off

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69da25 No.21567333

Putin Endorses Harris

But Trump is the Putin puppet?

yeaaaaah Riiiiiigght

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fc35e7 No.21567334


How's Nikki?

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a8e12c No.21567335

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35c831 No.21567336

File: b7a2e0213637a3e⋯.mp4 (253.72 KB,1272x720,53:30,78S_xpZ4XNUfsmTT.mp4)

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0fbfe6 No.21567337


Julia Louis-Dreyfus

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24fea1 No.21567338


My leftist family is losing their minds….and they really don't want to hear any of it. This is only fun because they are losing their minds

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e57618 No.21567339

File: f781ec39c02b492⋯.jpg (168.43 KB,900x936,25:26,psyop.jpg)

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97a30a No.21567340

I hate the media

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29744e No.21567341

File: 64be1e05ca7d797⋯.png (45.78 KB,189x195,63:65,Willie.png)

Kamala is making some very important points.

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a7b065 No.21567342

watching for device and body language inbetween questions.

she seems to look away everytime in between questions.

trump is staring straight ahead and not facing her constantly until he fires back..

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f7d60c No.21567343


They don’t want to prove a crime so the news can ignore it.

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8011ea No.21567344

File: 67f4c2b35079d98⋯.jpg (45.69 KB,400x322,200:161,gramma.jpg)

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8b2fd1 No.21567345

File: f6c1d9718508038⋯.png (558.21 KB,620x412,155:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e05e634670d34ef⋯.png (347.66 KB,650x552,325:276,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c8b6f01cefd083⋯.mp4 (915.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,I_m_talking_now_Sound_fami….mp4)

Stop! She's already dead…

Trump said the line!

End Wokeness


"I'm talking now. Sound familiar?" 😎

Remaining Time -0:06

6:46 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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a8e12c No.21567346

File: 9a050df34c9565b⋯.png (272.5 KB,1176x1260,14:15,ClipboardImage.png)


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c87963 No.21567347

File: 64bde3b38a83606⋯.png (719.39 KB,664x499,664:499,64bde3b38a83606b9b2ba0a434….png)


> wipe the floor on his ass

engrish much there Hop Sing?

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74e216 No.21567348

File: 53abc3291ce1cd7⋯.png (125.57 KB,640x480,4:3,IMG_0239.png)


don’t be a fag

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84d131 No.21567349

File: 9863b49475d75a4⋯.jpeg (77.13 KB,819x826,117:118,5ae2af9cf256e77e9595da77d….jpeg)

Not sure anon is tough enough to listen to the rest of this.

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97a30a No.21567350


Zero wars.

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4f6c75 No.21567351

File: 01782f1d93b3c4e⋯.jpg (119.53 KB,661x474,661:474,CHIN_PLATFORM.jpg)

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d64df1 No.21567352

File: 892ad7657e9dc63⋯.png (124.69 KB,612x392,153:98,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeb38f8f5c1f897⋯.jpg (51.82 KB,1024x574,512:287,media_GXJ7bB7XYAEnDFV.jpg)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

@DanScavino 1h

LFG!!!!! 🇺🇸🦅

Sep 11, 2024 · 12:27 AM UTC


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79d64e No.21567353

knee pad's whole strategy is to appear calm and composed, very light on substance

they have been trying to get under Trump's skin, and he has seemed a little rattled at times, but overall, his substance is much superior

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a8e12c No.21567354


lucky for them so does kamala

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e07ef2 No.21567355


>Kamala harris sounds like OBAMA

I said the same thing last bread! It's spot on to the way Obama talks.

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a08383 No.21567356


would like to see that, lemme noe


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3de9a8 No.21567358

File: 0211392dc129ee7⋯.png (214.66 KB,477x257,477:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f847 No.21567359


Does your wife know you use her computer when she’s out with her boyfriend?

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033715 No.21567360


The media hates you :D

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e579a1 No.21567361


Bully tactics. Very unpresidential

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764d28 No.21567362


like what?

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972738 No.21567363


hate is a strong word

you use it well

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67daf9 No.21567364

File: 10e1fb129bb3438⋯.png (269.63 KB,524x777,524:777,1724851422255613.png)


She's the Arnold Schwarzenegger of dick sucking

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73bf5e No.21567365

President Trump: Why does Biden go in and kill the Keystone Pipeline, and approve the single-biggest deal that Russia's ever made, Nord Stream 2, the biggest pipeline anywhere in the world, going to Germany and all over Europe? Because they're weak and ineffective. And Biden, by the way, gets paid a lot of money.

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5ab2e6 No.21567366



So can Russia, Russia, Russia

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a7b065 No.21567367


will have to watch again for ear piece, either the earlings or something behind the hair.

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e57618 No.21567368

File: a17762a9c646727⋯.jpeg (48.63 KB,710x710,1:1,putin8.jpeg)

File: e481f7371cab9bf⋯.jpg (167.67 KB,822x537,274:179,putin12.jpg)

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0acfda No.21567369


We can hear breathing [LDR]


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be672c No.21567370

File: 81f305fa50f15b5⋯.png (581.23 KB,767x775,767:775,ClipboardImage.png)


She's channeling Hillary

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67d7b6 No.21567371

Go in for the kill Trump

end the rope a dope and land a fukkkn

knock out

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ed7c6c No.21567372

File: bfb5946929ce96e⋯.png (516.28 KB,540x528,45:44,tc.png)

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d1debb No.21567373


this is why the city is claiming it is not happening the city of aurora also denied it initially.

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8ca0da No.21567374

File: 66202a299bc2f40⋯.jpg (82.33 KB,500x655,100:131,8twmd3.jpg)

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105c07 No.21567375

The nasal voice of Harris is awful, imagine listening to this every day for 4 years

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f6474f No.21567376


winner winner

chicken dinner

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0fbfe6 No.21567377

This debate is a C_A op.


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002d17 No.21567378

File: 3f0d6c71e9f8876⋯.png (651.49 KB,883x681,883:681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89a29c4d53dc730⋯.png (665.84 KB,813x701,813:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1915e6dbe96a812⋯.png (405.47 KB,647x325,647:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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a08383 No.21567379

File: a56330578488527⋯.jpeg (153.58 KB,996x787,996:787,damn_you_anons_.jpeg)

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cb02c3 No.21567380

File: 65e13bb1d70ae15⋯.png (791.78 KB,1133x549,1133:549,poor_blk_girl_.png)


>Poor black child

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29744e No.21567381

File: 9f91c69b17de36b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1129,1080:1129,Screenshot_20240910_164334….png)


Kamala Harris started a war against America with her open border…. Trump never started any wars worldwide.

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ed7c6c No.21567382


>Truth Social re-runs

rent free too?

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c87963 No.21567383

File: 75b66544c56979a⋯.png (882.17 KB,1080x1074,180:179,be1.png)

File: f5412f024ecdd09⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x675,16:9,be2.png)



You spelled CHYNA wrong there Wong.

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257c41 No.21567384


pretty fuckin' cringe. all for the soundbites.

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e57618 No.21567385

File: c37148bfb4960c5⋯.jpg (217.29 KB,680x1000,17:25,nanny.jpg)

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d1debb No.21567386


imagine having to be married to it. Uggg harda harda fuck my pusssay harda whine. Gross

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8ca0da No.21567387

God bless Trump

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a6d823 No.21567388


looks the same as Obamas

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c13fc4 No.21567389


not really funny at all, what else would you expect from ABC

l u o

l l r

s p

h o

I r

t a





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4fad18 No.21567390

File: 93b145baf07a731⋯.png (720.28 KB,518x777,2:3,93b145baf07a73182ffb31b089….png)

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3de9a8 No.21567391

File: f2b1f5fcc1435d0⋯.png (22.72 KB,474x306,79:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b3ef1 No.21567392

Its wild to watch something where one person as President got 75.000.000 votes going up against someone who didn't get one vote.


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73bf5e No.21567393

Philadelphia Riot Police are now outside the debate location; there has been a protest going on during debate.

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14c66c No.21567394


The "Key Stone Pipeline"


thousands of pipeline cross the US.

Why is this one pipeline always the item that makes it into the "news"

Fucking Bullshit………

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d2d466 No.21567395

File: dff72e9831594f1⋯.mp4 (9.54 MB,FullSizeRender.MOV)

Intermission Time

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da6b3d No.21567396

File: 3eab0ce6b7df391⋯.png (264.3 KB,458x318,229:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5da31 No.21567397


glowniggers should just have her cackle blaring on loop for sleep deprivation interrogation tactics instead of death metal music

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f6474f No.21567398


the world is a c_a op


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c80f13 No.21567399

they again tried to bait Trump!!!

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fc35e7 No.21567400

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)


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42a227 No.21567401


the lying is thick

the 7 years of lying by the mass media leaves her false premises she can build on

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1210d2 No.21567402

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


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204ed0 No.21567403

File: 14749ab57e8d55e⋯.png (159.21 KB,399x386,399:386,14749ab57e8d55eed6a05d796d….png)


Its all that cocaine.

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ae71ce No.21567404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Just Relax Hop Sing

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da6b3d No.21567405

File: fce9f7c9d0ca4c3⋯.png (143.11 KB,244x340,61:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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245487 No.21567406

File: 8ea38057abbe618⋯.png (278.1 KB,500x748,125:187,Night_Shift.png)


TY baker

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ed7c6c No.21567407


disney anon


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6db139 No.21567408

Why would she say love letters when that’s a reference to Obama and his letters with Iran

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a8e12c No.21567409

File: 80d0b24ffa4785e⋯.png (272.26 KB,1146x1267,1146:1267,ClipboardImage.png)




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c13fc4 No.21567410


that's not how I typed it, unfair!

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fc35e7 No.21567411


It's the one that Buffett paid to have turned off.

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14c66c No.21567412


Can you hear me farting too? Had a big bowl of chili for lunch…

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afcd21 No.21567413


sure thing, tiny sack.

oh, so intimidation; very worry; much sleepless nights

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40845a No.21567414

File: 02402173f1fec43⋯.jpg (594.39 KB,1117x1126,1117:1126,02402173f1fec43bfd7fd0fe2b….jpg)

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42a227 No.21567415


basically knew before hand they would lay a trap for him. That's all they do

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a08383 No.21567416


#26420 >>21567192

>>21567223 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21567195 Presidential Candidate number 1 says he requires more security./

>>21567200, >>21567201 Trump is debating 3 people at once, knee pads and the 2 abc moderators

>>21567203 She's losing So she makes up that someone said something bad about him that no one can verify

>>21567208 TRUMP giving em TDS on stage no wonder Jor won, this bitch is super fantastic stupid

>>21567212 TRUMP: He (Biden) hates her, kek

>>21567227 djt: i will tell you something, biden hates her points at kamala mp4 0:31

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e57618 No.21567417

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69da25 No.21567418

Ukraine's Democracy?

They Canceled Elections

How is that Democratic???

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f7d60c No.21567419


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a8e12c No.21567420

hey he called her a communist marxist. marking that off too

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0ad03e No.21567421

File: b4bac2b496d7467⋯.jpg (149.39 KB,1118x695,1118:695,cat_night_light_NS.jpg)

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a65e91 No.21567422

she lives in the shadows, works in the shadows, blows cuck in the open

the whole debate is TRUMP BOSS MAN

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23209d No.21567423

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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972738 No.21567424

File: 621ca5b8ce18331⋯.png (59.93 KB,849x390,283:130,ClipboardImage.png)


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84d131 No.21567425



You didn't mark the tranny surgeries for illegals in jail.

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42a227 No.21567426

she's trying to make him look silly by the way she stares at him.

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be672c No.21567427

File: f0bb241b68828c7⋯.png (838.91 KB,500x705,100:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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10c054 No.21567428


tranny surgeries was mentioned.

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e3f0bd No.21567429

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e57618 No.21567430

File: e3bcb8c6625135f⋯.png (2.01 MB,2480x1164,620:291,ukraine5.png)

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e579a1 No.21567431


90% of Americans don’t know what Marxist means. That’s worthless

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8ca0da No.21567432

Your president

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c87963 No.21567433

like a dog, kek

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a8e12c No.21567434


well shit.


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d1debb No.21567435

Is he our president KEK

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f12456 No.21567436

File: cf578a84f2aa9f2⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,848x464,53:29,IMG_8893.MP4)


I left my seat when Trump said this.😂

Not only did Kamala get dragged on policy, and have both moderators debating Trump for her… Trump stole Kamala’s big moment.

“I’m talking now… if you don’t mind, please. Sound familiar?”

Trump got the viral video of the debate


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fc35e7 No.21567437


It's "The Walt Disney Co.". Run by Bob Iger.

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554c72 No.21567438


Taste rancid curry.

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3de9a8 No.21567439


>>>21567223 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024


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033715 No.21567440


It's not working.

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23209d No.21567441

File: 5d923f0512a7279⋯.png (331.68 KB,720x406,360:203,5d923f0512a72790cb52e99419….png)

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44d3d0 No.21567442

File: f3401a337f0d240⋯.png (82.54 KB,201x296,201:296,ClipboardImage.png)

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14c66c No.21567443


it iz whut it iz

I've heard these talking points

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

over and over

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6330b4 No.21567444

We have a President that doesn't know he's alive.

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f6474f No.21567445


when Trump is speaking they have cameltoe side by side so viwers can see her reaction

kameltoe speakes and she gets full screen

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0ad03e No.21567446

Is he our President?

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764d28 No.21567447

Where is our President?

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7f5961 No.21567448

File: 5578edcbd4750d5⋯.png (166.77 KB,340x397,340:397,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't kid yourself David

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73bf5e No.21567449

Moderator: Do you want Ukraine to win this war?

President Trump: I want the war to stop. I want to save lives…we're in for two hundred and fifty billion or more, because they [Harris/Biden] don't ask Europe, which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are…Biden and you [Harris] don't have the courage to ask Europe, like I did with NATO; they paid billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, when I said pay up,m or we're not going to protect you anymore.

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f7d60c No.21567451


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0d7436 No.21567452

File: e20ed4a8a7e4867⋯.png (697.67 KB,591x680,591:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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45e717 No.21567453

She has an ear someone in her ear

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fcb537 No.21567454


Oh yeah, I have never thought of that, she never seemed cocained up. Her brain is ridden with parasites

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a8e12c No.21567455


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e57618 No.21567456

File: 90ff9dbb222d1ac⋯.png (488.15 KB,720x470,72:47,149_200.png)

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972738 No.21567457

File: 5a65877b905a5b5⋯.mp4 (631.89 KB,640x320,2:1,heknows.mp4)

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4fad18 No.21567458

File: 4230593d900b97a⋯.jpg (130.16 KB,1024x807,1024:807,db03f33d586a095dfb7e558df7….jpg)

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e3f0bd No.21567459

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e579a1 No.21567460


He needs to say the money is getting stolen. Not going to Ukraine

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1210d2 No.21567461

File: 31855f545e3113d⋯.png (284.49 KB,518x187,518:187,Screenshot_14486_.png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)



Go to bed aei.

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187c2c No.21567462

debate mods have been relatively decent so far, aside from not fact-checking stuff like project 2025 along with their eating pets "corrections"

geotus could look a bit more focused, but he has done well with getting lots of airtime

kamala has bouts of looking ok, but falls back on tired lies. she also doesn't fight for more airtime like trump

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f7d60c No.21567463

What about our sovernty?

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ed7c6c No.21567464




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764d28 No.21567465

Hard to see here doing ANY kind of foreign relations.

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e57618 No.21567466

File: 5ea8db3cb4e66f7⋯.gif (219.51 KB,576x698,288:349,zelinsky.gif)

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be4269 No.21567467

All Kamala can do is laugh. She hasn't a clue or a care.

Trump mentions people dying, and she laughs. Trump brings up WWIII and she smiles.

Kamala hates this country. What a disgrace.

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23209d No.21567468

File: 73dbfdae488eff6⋯.jpeg (126.8 KB,680x679,680:679,73dbfdae488eff67729d120b7….jpeg)

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31f9a8 No.21567469

LOL she's defending ukraine's borders when she can't defend ours.

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8b2fd1 No.21567470

File: 57163bed9521e15⋯.png (611.27 KB,828x471,276:157,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala, Scared much?

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42a227 No.21567471

"just give it up"

but that's what they did in Afghanistan

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e07ef2 No.21567472

When Kamala is talking, when she paused her eyes keep looking to her right. Definitely wearing an ear piece in her right ear.

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d1debb No.21567473


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14c66c No.21567474


It is a fiction

A talking point

For the last 35 years


Fucking idiot

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f39efd No.21567475

Oh? She’s finally been to Europe?

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4f8982 No.21567476


>It's the one that Buffett paid to have turned off

bcs he owns the ONLY railroad line that runs north/south and makes $billion$ hauling ALL the canadian oil that would otherwise flow thru the keystone pipeline at a fraction of the cost

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fc35e7 No.21567477

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)


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74e216 No.21567478

File: f490e404819aa6c⋯.gif (820.88 KB,300x240,5:4,IMG_0406.gif)

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e07ef2 No.21567479

>>21567472 (Ms)


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a65e91 No.21567480

this is absolutely great - Kamala is not even considered, and her answers are just more of it's important to remind and keep reminding

ultra petty coquettishness is very unappealing as a world leader only works for UK Canada and France t

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8011ea No.21567481

File: 87ebe12df74d4ea⋯.jpg (16.7 KB,346x180,173:90,for_what.jpg)

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b6c285 No.21567482


True that

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8b2fd1 No.21567483

File: 0a8112d3dd6abaf⋯.png (868.01 KB,900x646,450:323,ClipboardImage.png)

It's Trump vs Kamala, David Muir, and Linsey Davis. They aren't even pretending to be impartial.

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764d28 No.21567485

Trying to say that Putin wants to invade the EU.

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e3f0bd No.21567486

And the Ukraine war is still ongoing despite her "efforts"

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be672c No.21567487

File: 5ba0edede0b6895⋯.png (383.07 KB,534x401,534:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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23209d No.21567488

File: e9bd3506542c50b⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,554x774,277:387,very_nice.jpg)

She's the Bud Light version of Obama. Or is it the other way around?

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a12443 No.21567489

File: 4f805cb135dc0d4⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,700x700,1:1,5g4235235g423.mp4)


Hey ass captain

Try some of these.

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69da25 No.21567490

File: ba4b905e16a5a34⋯.png (453.67 KB,694x360,347:180,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Invaded?

*Checks Notes*


Donbass Became Russian Territory & Ukraine attack the new Russian Territory

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45e717 No.21567491

File: a178cc091cfd810⋯.jpeg (147.94 KB,1026x1200,171:200,EA436E0B_A3ED_4728_974A_3….jpeg)

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d1debb No.21567492

Quiet please.

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902a4b No.21567493


Yes really annoying voice

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9ebf4c No.21567494

TRUMP- Quiet please. (Talking to Harris)

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8b2fd1 No.21567495

File: 8dcad10884a3f88⋯.png (701.75 KB,972x1284,81:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Face of another 1st Class Lying Faggot slithered into a debate.

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a08383 No.21567496


#26420 >>21567192

>>21567260 Moderator: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020? President Trump: I don't acknowledge that at all, I said that sarcastically…there's so much proof, all you have to do is look at it, and they should have sent it back to the legislatures for approval…we have so many facts and statistics, but you know what, that doesn't matter. Because we have to solve the problem that we have right now. That's old news. And the problem we have right now is we have a nation in decline, and they have put it in decline.

>>21567309 Harris: These dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again, because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors. [Putin endorsed Harris]

>>21567365 President Trump: Why does Biden go in and kill the Keystone Pipeline, and approve the single-biggest deal that Russia's ever made, Nord Stream 2, the biggest pipeline anywhere in the world, going to Germany and all over Europe? Because they're weak and ineffective. And Biden, by the way, gets paid a lot of money.

>>21567393 Philadelphia Riot Police are now outside the debate location; there has been a protest going on during debate.

>>21567449 Moderator: Do you want Ukraine to win this war? President Trump: I want the war to stop. I want to save lives…we're in for two hundred and fifty billion or more, because they [Harris/Biden] don't ask Europe, which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are…Biden and you [Harris] don't have the courage to ask Europe, like I did with NATO; they paid billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, when I said pay up,m or we're not going to protect you anymore.

>>21567223 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21567195 Presidential Candidate number 1 says he requires more security./

>>21567200, >>21567201 Trump is debating 3 people at once, knee pads and the 2 abc moderators

>>21567203 She's losing So she makes up that someone said something bad about him that no one can verify

>>21567208 TRUMP giving em TDS on stage no wonder Jor won, this bitch is super fantastic stupid

>>21567212 TRUMP: He (Biden) hates her, kek

>>21567227 djt: i will tell you something, biden hates her points at kamala mp4 0:31

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14c66c No.21567497


Wiz wang poontang

The IQ of a carrot

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ed7681 No.21567498

Biden hates Kamala - noted

>providing intel to Trump

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f39efd No.21567499

He’s eating HER for lunch RIGHT NOW!

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f7d60c No.21567500

Eat you for lunch.

Bad choice of words

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cb3b88 No.21567501


Quite, please…

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29744e No.21567502

Ukraine is America's corrupted class's biggest money laundering country in the world.

Kamala Harris is a clown show.

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972738 No.21567503


These killings were exceptionally brutal, and most of the victims were women and children.

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42ab09 No.21567504


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f87ccd No.21567505

File: 94ee5fece79efd1⋯.webm (317.07 KB,460x258,230:129,ayNxZR8_460svvp9.webm)

"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets."

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8b2fd1 No.21567506

File: a16c004ba96d348⋯.png (1.06 MB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Border czar?

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e57618 No.21567507

File: b535741ef78be2f⋯.png (211.02 KB,511x344,511:344,kek35.png)


You spelt liberate wrong.

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42a227 No.21567508

File: e2bb4652c9619b2⋯.mp4 (187.13 KB,618x360,103:60,nastysurprisesneuland.mp4)

She's defending the war in Ukraine.

Ukraine stands.


i bet nasty surprise Nuland help to coach~

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a7b065 No.21567509

trump: quiet now (kamala talking over trump)


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1f5ee4 No.21567510

Hit on those issues they dont want to talk about Boss! They hate it so much, Do some trolling.

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8011ea No.21567511

File: 4a25f9cfed7abfb⋯.png (498.9 KB,680x680,1:1,putin_harris_walz.png)

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d5938b No.21567512

he won't even look at her

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ae71ce No.21567513

'She goes down! - as the worst Vice-President …'

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ed7c6c No.21567514

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69da25 No.21567516

When Trump get's back

We're Walking away from NATO

& the "war" is over in a week

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1f5ee4 No.21567517

hahahah "quiet please"

she almost said "uphold Nu- International law"

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e5da31 No.21567518

File: 1c085b285545bff⋯.png (118.48 KB,615x263,615:263,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah about that..

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959129 No.21567519

her philosophyis

'blank check protection' for people who exploit our nation and treat us as vassals.

It's def her idea that our 'role' is to send people to put into the slaughter.

she's horrible.

she's an internationalist and a cabal puppet.

Our role is not to give the world a blank check and free defense.

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23209d No.21567520

Hey, Kamala. If you can't take care of your own house, how the fuck are you going to take care of others'? She's a dunce.

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f7d60c No.21567521

ABC factchecked trump again, but not her.

This is going to backfire on them

She is a bad actor

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ed7681 No.21567522

File: 90732f26e4a9dfc⋯.png (969.74 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl reveals he cheated on his wife, welcomed baby ‘outside’ of his marriage


Dave Grohl has a confession to make.

The Foo Fighters frontman has welcomed a child “outside” of his marriage and is fighting to “regain” the trust of his wife Jordyn Blum and other children.

The rock legend made the stunning revelation in an Instagram post Tuesday.

“I’ve recently become the father of a new baby daughter, born outside of my marriage,” Grohl wrote. “I plan to be a loving and supportive parent to her. I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness.”

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a65e91 No.21567523

she won't answer the question

she lies like a cheating whoring infidel

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14c66c No.21567524


Just wait until day shift…

Trump gonna not have a good day.

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3b3ef1 No.21567525

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7f5961 No.21567526

File: f2925c342f2150c⋯.png (429.47 KB,665x680,133:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Bros…our poor POTUS. The shit he does for us.

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6db139 No.21567527

There hasn’t been stability her entire term as VP


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e57618 No.21567528

File: a4e576487bc1776⋯.jpg (360.66 KB,1144x748,26:17,kitchen_is_that_way.jpg)

quite please

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a8e12c No.21567529

File: c0f32ce9fac0aa9⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,500x527,500:527,932v2t.jpg)

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3de9a8 No.21567530

File: 97ffbad2f633878⋯.png (847.67 KB,577x867,577:867,UkraineRememberWhatYouAreF….png)

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73bf5e No.21567531

President Trump: Don't kid yourself, David. We're playing with World War III, and we have a president that we don't even know if he's; where is our president? We don't even know if he's a president. They threw him out of a campaign like a dog. Is he our president. We have a president that doesn't know he's alive.

Moderator: Just to clarify, do you think it's in the US best interest for Ukraine to win this war?

President Trump: I think it's in the US best interest to get this war finished and just get it done. Negotiate a deal. Because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed.

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f7d60c No.21567532

That’s a lie

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1e8074 No.21567533

File: bbcb42294cd28be⋯.png (71.02 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Talk to the hand cuz the face don’t understand

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aba80f No.21567534


he didnt want to shake her nasty hands either in the beginning.

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da6b3d No.21567536

Did she meet with Putin or not?

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ed7c6c No.21567537

she is an inch or two taller than him in the frame

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73bf5e No.21567538

Harris: I met with President Zelenskyy. I shared with him American intelligence about how he could defend himself.

[classified information?]

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8ca0da No.21567539

Laura Loomer



Why is


trying to debate President Trump?

9:50 PM · Sep 10, 2024




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e07ef2 No.21567540

File: c8aaa3fa6ebb03a⋯.jpg (15.45 KB,221x248,221:248,Melania_and_Donald_Trump_l….jpg)


Top KEK!

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7a3081 No.21567541


says the rock

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69da25 No.21567542

She's Getting More time than Trump


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5febd1 No.21567543

LOL. Kamala. This hoe is too much.

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a7b065 No.21567544

she just stepped on a minefield

. you take the military out last.

sheeit, mark this bit vid anons.

anon saw djt smile.

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52613a No.21567545


She's yellin timber!


Down she goes

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a08383 No.21567546


#26420 >>21567192

>>21567260 Moderator: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020? President Trump: I don't acknowledge that at all, I said that sarcastically…there's so much proof, all you have to do is look at it, and they should have sent it back to the legislatures for approval…we have so many facts and statistics, but you know what, that doesn't matter. Because we have to solve the problem that we have right now. That's old news. And the problem we have right now is we have a nation in decline, and they have put it in decline.

>>21567309 Harris: These dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again, because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors. [Putin endorsed Harris]

>>21567365 President Trump: Why does Biden go in and kill the Keystone Pipeline, and approve the single-biggest deal that Russia's ever made, Nord Stream 2, the biggest pipeline anywhere in the world, going to Germany and all over Europe? Because they're weak and ineffective. And Biden, by the way, gets paid a lot of money.

>>21567393 Philadelphia Riot Police are now outside the debate location; there has been a protest going on during debate.

>>21567449 Moderator: Do you want Ukraine to win this war? President Trump: I want the war to stop. I want to save lives…we're in for two hundred and fifty billion or more, because they [Harris/Biden] don't ask Europe, which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are…Biden and you [Harris] don't have the courage to ask Europe, like I did with NATO; they paid billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, when I said pay up,m or we're not going to protect you anymore.

>>21567223 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21567195 Presidential Candidate number 1 says he requires more security./

>>21567200, >>21567201 Trump is debating 3 people at once, knee pads and the 2 abc moderators

>>21567203 She's losing So she makes up that someone said something bad about him that no one can verify

>>21567208 TRUMP giving em TDS on stage no wonder Jor won, this bitch is super fantastic stupid

>>21567212 TRUMP: He (Biden) hates her, kek

>>21567227 djt: i will tell you something, biden hates her points at kamala mp4 0:31

>>21567269 She just fucked the jew vote hahahaha.

>>21567270 The hand movements while talking are a subconscious supplement to their weak verbal thinking.

>>21567279 Kazakhstan may stop supplying uranium to the West due to sanctions and war in Ukraine — Financial Times

>>21567308 These moderators BLOW!

>>21567319, >>21567355 Kamala harris sounds like OBAMA 'it is well known.. the tone and timing sounds like Obama, whispering in her ear'

>>21567345 Trump said the line! "I'm talking now. Sound familiar?" 😎 MP$ 0:15

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c87963 No.21567547

Lie. The Battle of the Red Sea is happening off the public radar. That's just one example. Possibly the most obvious one.

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d62d7e No.21567548

File: d74b97ff941a986⋯.png (1.03 MB,1273x714,1273:714,ClipboardImage.png)

quiet please……hahahaha

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d1debb No.21567549

her voice is a weapon of war. should require a license to speak with that thing

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69da25 No.21567550

& All the Weapons Biden left there

Are being used by Pro-Hamas

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d62d7e No.21567551

File: 2f0733de7988fd1⋯.png (1.16 MB,1273x712,1273:712,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2638f No.21567552

Holy shit, this whore is shit!

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0d7436 No.21567553

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14c66c No.21567554


Says the fucking boomer who watches this shit like a hawk.

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f7d60c No.21567555

Word salad

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23209d No.21567556

File: b2086ffc02c3d79⋯.gif (1.48 MB,420x236,105:59,kek35.gif)

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033715 No.21567557


Write off the entire unmarried female vote. I'm dead serious, they're irrelevant. Screw them and tell them what needs to be said, we've told them what they want to hear and it's gotten us nowhere other than this hellscape.

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d1debb No.21567558

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d2d466 No.21567559


Ah that’s why he was peddling for extra cash

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f37e80 No.21567560


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f39efd No.21567561

Camp David: a place where Biden naps

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cb3b88 No.21567562

File: 01cf96763d52206⋯.png (701.01 KB,666x500,333:250,01cf96763d522060b89484e6fc….png)

so fake……….

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8b2fd1 No.21567563

File: e570034ac5fbb6c⋯.png (2.9 MB,1040x1513,1040:1513,ClipboardImage.png)

Official drink of liberal retards

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e57618 No.21567565

File: fc88d1374038044⋯.png (898.58 KB,555x852,185:284,word.png)

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52613a No.21567566

The US no longer respected because of it's Genocide support among other things

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b461bd No.21567567

File: 7cf74e596780323⋯.png (88.29 KB,753x805,753:805,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ab2e6 No.21567568

I don't remember Trump giving up 5000 terrorists and inviting the Taliban to Camp David ?? I remember Obama getting that one guy back who deserted.

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be672c No.21567569

File: e83847414200b37⋯.png (442.3 KB,1296x1155,432:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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69da25 No.21567571

yes yes

you already said that

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959129 No.21567572

she scolds him for the idea that he expects people to be part of their own defense and that the United States should not be the police man of the world.

ironic given her 'defund the police' stance.

we are expected to give free defense to all the cabal vassal nations but in the united states she would defund the police.

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42a227 No.21567573

"always shit"

and don't look after our own Country

but what about Biden giving Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Does not appreciate the role of the POTUS?

I guess that describes Biden

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a65e91 No.21567574

As a commander in chief let's remember where we are, this bitch will not answer a single question without blaming Trump. Never acknowledging the dead acting like she honors so called sacred spaces

bitches desecrate everything they touch

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1e8074 No.21567575

File: 4583c6b603ce5d4⋯.webp (35.43 KB,640x491,640:491,IMG_0255.webp)

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84d131 No.21567576

Where TF is the joy she promised?

Kamela promised us joy.

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ed7c6c No.21567577

David wants to move on

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4e1a7b No.21567578

nothing but a MOS beta mind control puppet propped up by the kike media

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73bf5e No.21567579

President Trump: They sent her [Harris] to negotiate peace before this war started, three days later, he went in [Putin], and he started the war. Because everything they said was weak and stupid. They said the wrong things. That war should have never started. She was the emissary. They sent her in to negotiate with Zelenskyy and Putin, and she did. And the war started three days later. And that's the kind of talent we have with her. She's worse than Biden…she is a horrible negotiator. They sent her in to negotiate, as soon as she left, Putin did the invasion.

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42a227 No.21567580


they just cut him off again?

She did start to slur her words.

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1e8074 No.21567581

File: fab7034147a915e⋯.png (382.98 KB,951x500,951:500,IMG_5382.png)


She spent it.

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7a3081 No.21567582

File: 5d49a82489ce535⋯.png (329.63 KB,440x562,220:281,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_8….png)

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52613a No.21567583


When the lights go down sonny

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ef4003 No.21567584

why do you send me a picture of my house. kek

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f39efd No.21567585



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c87963 No.21567586

She is glassy eyed. And a gasper.

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454a74 No.21567587

And here comes the race card

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5fca43 No.21567588

File: fe4a9f18016d0c2⋯.jpg (121.54 KB,900x900,1:1,kameltoeKamala.jpg)


we all knew that would happen and she is a fucking liar and a condescending cunt. she was not democratically elected nor selected. she pulled a coup. A vote for Kameltoe is a vote for soros and for the deep state. Kameltoe is the deep throat cum sucking cunt.

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8b2fd1 No.21567590

File: 998b1feeca94484⋯.png (318.9 KB,660x571,660:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b485e71c4f61c0⋯.mp4 (515.09 KB,720x406,360:203,TRUMP_I_probably_took_a_bu….mp4)

Charlie Kirk


TRUMP: "I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me."

6:52 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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f2638f No.21567591

File: 6c1f145ed41304b⋯.png (21.21 KB,180x167,180:167,Qsign_removebg_preview.png)

I m trying to catch when POTUS makes his hand this way. It´s a thing I think!

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f7d60c No.21567592

Are they only gong to quote Trump

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d1debb No.21567593

Either one is ok what she is is up to her HAHAHA

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23209d No.21567594

File: 6919f69c707beb1⋯.jpg (99.82 KB,662x653,662:653,6919f69c707beb17d38793e127….jpg)

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a7b065 No.21567595

race question

she is smiling and knows that this question would coming up.

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ed7681 No.21567596

File: 6f05d6ac529844a⋯.png (58.18 KB,680x345,136:69,Screen_Shot_2024_09_10_at_….png)


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69da25 No.21567597

File: 266c33292a5f464⋯.png (804.62 KB,594x594,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

When you're going to threaten a terrorist

It's more effective face to face

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d638dc No.21567598


Yes they figured out how they could do it.

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f7d60c No.21567599



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42a227 No.21567600


"she turned black"

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68b775 No.21567601


Tonight she be white

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e3f0bd No.21567602

Kamala, "I was born a poor black child"

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52613a No.21567603


and she put out

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454a74 No.21567604

Rehearsed answer…

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a796b0 No.21567605

File: 983e44f26e9c70b⋯.png (1.02 MB,1084x1497,1084:1497,ClipboardImage.png)

Meanwhile, CNN unbiased homepage


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8b2fd1 No.21567606

File: 7a087268d6b7715⋯.png (157.46 KB,1170x681,390:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Hack Moderators

needz da sauce must have

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cb3b88 No.21567607


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e57618 No.21567608

File: ca1faf58f10f6ff⋯.png (616.27 KB,489x834,163:278,captain11.png)

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53a535 No.21567609

Get him girl

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d5938b No.21567610

File: 0bb07717f46ebd8⋯.webm (1.6 MB,720x576,5:4,1726017120253449.webm)

>is this racist?

nice clock muhammud

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1200c6 No.21567611

File: 9127ace781e7310⋯.jpg (95.2 KB,500x676,125:169,92w9r3.jpg)

I'm black.

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a08383 No.21567612






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c13fc4 No.21567613

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002d17 No.21567614

File: 1a705b9232ed87c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1263x709,1263:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e934164e072f3b5⋯.png (243.13 KB,569x313,569:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fafc56a38e5509⋯.png (264.66 KB,449x312,449:312,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb2c26220afb5ce⋯.png (544.9 KB,737x654,737:654,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d7436 No.21567615

File: 7845c974072cb26⋯.png (326.55 KB,474x407,474:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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b461bd No.21567616

File: 4ace9edbcb85dfd⋯.jpg (45.81 KB,590x373,590:373,4ace9edbcb85dfd691712f0c37….jpg)

File: 39c44ee6ff2dd44⋯.jpg (25.26 KB,650x368,325:184,39c44ee6ff2dd447eeaff0c0aa….jpg)

File: 4286b116aeaa6dc⋯.jpg (144.67 KB,960x960,1:1,4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a….jpg)

File: aaf1961c5202b2d⋯.png (238.79 KB,596x601,596:601,aaf1961c5202b2d0e0bef230bf….png)

File: b80ae0af42f770c⋯.jpg (16.41 KB,255x227,255:227,eea6b0c54c7614192f5f31df39….jpg)

'Using race to divide us'

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42a227 No.21567618

a tragedy.

she's going to use the race card.

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972738 No.21567619

File: cd74d8a7214711b⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,640x360,16:9,borderczar.mp4)

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a65e91 No.21567620

trying so hard to be belligerent bitch

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257c41 No.21567621


she keeps looking at it

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0ad03e No.21567622

She's off script now and all over the place

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f39efd No.21567623



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554c72 No.21567624

What's up with these losers and scarfs. Reminds me of Hunters red one. Kek

Sure there's some meaning?

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d1debb No.21567625


I never understood that, tonight I do. fuck the central park five. Birther lies kek

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ae71ce No.21567626

File: 89a449b9841ede7⋯.png (545.93 KB,564x578,282:289,ClipboardImage.png)


> It´s a thing I think!

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14c66c No.21567627


Stop the valium and get with the program

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5febd1 No.21567628


How dare you, sir.

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23209d No.21567629

Is she seriously bringing up 2016 Democrat talking points? Desperate.

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ed7c6c No.21567630

nice throw birther bummer in there

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e579a1 No.21567631


Cry more???

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8b2fd1 No.21567632

File: 1cf8cedf9c5d657⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

"He HATES Her" - Trump says Biden HATES Khlamydia for her part in booting Biden out points out she got zero votes in this alleged "democracy" in a primary Mod switches subjects fast

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31f9a8 No.21567633

Oh, this is a clear obama way of speaking.

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0d3aa7 No.21567634

Wow she is killing it

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1a38f5 No.21567635

ABC has coordinated on the questions.They all tee up Dem talking points.

They jump in to stop and correct Trump, she gets to slide.

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e6ed6b No.21567636

File: 18b98a7410d428c⋯.png (6.63 KB,434x122,217:61,3885.png)

File: 66ca66d65451a3c⋯.png (11.24 KB,705x108,235:36,3885_.png)

Senate Fails to Pass Born-Alive Bill

Feb 25, 2019


Kamala Harris voted against the bill

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31f9a8 No.21567637

obama clearly can't get over the birther thing.

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a8e12c No.21567638

there should be an IQ test to debate

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52613a No.21567639

Dreams and Aspiration ain't gonna pay the bills

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42a227 No.21567640

birther lies.


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e5da31 No.21567641

File: e0977a3f7205997⋯.png (110.51 KB,733x778,733:778,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 042e586516eee1f⋯.png (96.61 KB,737x680,737:680,ClipboardImage.png)


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68b775 No.21567642


…..said Willie

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e57618 No.21567643

File: 4b0825658baa5af⋯.png (715.75 KB,780x547,780:547,racist5.png)

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c87963 No.21567644

Gasping for air. Hands flailing. She needs release from this debate.

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4e1a7b No.21567645

What did people think would happen at a debate held on jew run media turf?

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f87ccd No.21567646

File: dee4a0513f2c099⋯.webp (36.86 KB,700x523,700:523,aQzep7d_700bwp.webp)

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42a227 No.21567647

constantly having Americans point their fingers.

That would be the Dems.

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1e8074 No.21567648

File: d68c43c7d894c81⋯.jpeg (574.73 KB,406x1235,406:1235,IMG_5407.jpeg)


Ohhhhhh… so she’s the main point of contact for that part. Juan said she was main point of contact for some big time dirty business but I had forgotten what it was n couldn’t member if it was Ukraine money laundering.

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d1debb No.21567649

I think I hate her more than Hilary.

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d638dc No.21567650


The snide look and disgust is pretty obvious. When she speaks it feels like stabs into the Truth. She doesn't know truth, she never has

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033715 No.21567651


It keeps quoting the wrong people ffs. I don't even remember who I was trying to quote. I'm too high to figure it out :(

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0d7436 No.21567652

File: 075470cda9becc4⋯.png (441.11 KB,500x509,500:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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a65e91 No.21567653


oh yeah , the aunt jamima bit is very impactful

say its name, kumala

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73bf5e No.21567654

If the Central Park Five weren't guilty, they sure acted as if they were.

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b461bd No.21567655

File: c562e85ac27233e⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,640x360,16:9,kamala_harris.mp4)

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69da25 No.21567656

File: 2ed3fb5fb63ffce⋯.png (794.4 KB,632x716,158:179,ClipboardImage.png)


It's True

& now you know that Fox is comped

Anon's knew 8 Years ago

but now normies know

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e57618 No.21567657

File: 66abdaf315840f6⋯.jpg (22.65 KB,398x300,199:150,barry21.jpg)

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008806 No.21567658

Mr. President,

You should have owned it. She is phony. You are in the right. Do not let the fake news set the tone. She was Indian. Now she's Black?

The Americans are wise. I believe they agree with you.

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52613a No.21567659


You will have a dark winter of Joy and Bugz

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8b2fd1 No.21567661

File: ce3bbc1a4cbc3db⋯.png (459.71 KB,658x573,658:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 456ef98ee6a5ee1⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,TRUMP_I_probably_took_a_bu….mp4)



TRUMP: “I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me…They’re the threat to democracy.”

6:53 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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511292 No.21567662

File: c214c16048777a6⋯.png (32.14 KB,618x362,309:181,Screenshot_2024_09_10_2224….png)

Candace Owens


It is so shocking to me that Kamala’s entire strategy here is to just appeal to women with emotion. She clearly knows every question and is well-rehearsed in making every answer emotional.

Why is everything in politics so unbelievablyfake and gay?

9:50 PM · Sep 10, 2024





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32900d No.21567663

File: f817403adb5a4ee⋯.jpg (38.85 KB,638x425,638:425,Cry_Anchorman.jpg)


>She spent it.

I miss the joy.

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7a3081 No.21567664

File: e6d0fcffa9c9bc1⋯.png (164.46 KB,528x520,66:65,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_8….png)


the jokes just write themselves

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5febd1 No.21567665


Eh. Mods seem to be doing a pretty decent job.

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6330b4 No.21567666

She cracked, the giggle came out.

That's it, she's broken.

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386215 No.21567667

File: bc5ce66072581b9⋯.jpg (29.69 KB,780x439,780:439,willie_brown.jpg)



>needs release

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f7d60c No.21567668

She is so overcoached

She sounds full of shit

She is so word salad with nothingness

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52613a No.21567669

File: e9e8e62ae0fb2ab⋯.png (9.14 MB,1799x2594,1799:2594,ClipboardImage.png)

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972738 No.21567670

File: 0e25800ab1cb8ba⋯.mp4 (1017.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,kamalafghanistan.mp4)

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b461bd No.21567671

File: de41836bdc13cea⋯.mp4 (200.81 KB,480x480,1:1,ED9fw6jUUAAQnVG.mp4)

File: 8f0faa6dfa2e034⋯.jpg (81.7 KB,675x1024,675:1024,DxeUhDzWwAI9viG_jpg_large.jpg)

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e57618 No.21567672

File: 8002aab46a48937⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,403x403,1:1,faggot9JOY.jpg)

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0d7436 No.21567673

File: 5d620ed8b33a048⋯.png (320.54 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7b065 No.21567674


that race question was a mark.

saw the body language and her smiling.

she has had the questions before trump.

clear case of 3 against one.

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fc35e7 No.21567675


How's Nikki?

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341e1a No.21567676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW * Five O'Clock World - The Vogues {DES Stereo} 1966


2Ch_30:27 Then the priestsH3548 the LevitesH3881 aroseH6965 and blessedH1288 (H853) the people:H5971 and their voiceH6963 was heard,H8085 and their prayerH8605 cameH935 up to his holyH6944 dwelling place,H4583 even unto heaven.H8064

2Ch_33:18 Now the restH3499 of the acts ofH1697 Manasseh,H4519 and his prayerH8605 untoH413 his God,H430 and the wordsH1697 of the seersH2374 that spakeH1696 toH413 him in the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 behold,H2009 they are written inH5921 the bookH1697 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478

2Ch_33:19 His prayerH8605 also, and how God was intreatedH6279 of him, and allH3605 his sin,H2403 and his trespass,H4604 and the placesH4725 whereinH834 he builtH1129 high places,H1116 and set upH5975 grovesH842 and graven images,H6456 beforeH6440 he was humbled:H3665 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 amongH5921 the sayingsH1697 of the seers.H2335

Neh_1:6 Let thine earH241 nowH4994 beH1961 attentive,H7183 and thine eyesH5869 open,H6605 that thou mayest hearH8085 H413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 whichH834 IH595 prayH6419 beforeH6440 thee now,H3117 dayH3119 and night,H3915 forH5921 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 thy servants,H5650 and confessH3034 H5921 the sinsH2403 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 whichH834 we have sinnedH2398 against thee: both IH589 and my father'sH1 houseH1004 have sinned.H2398

Neh_1:11 O Lord,H136 I beseechH577 thee, let nowH4994 thine earH241 beH1961 attentiveH7183 toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servants,H5650 who desireH2655 to fearH3372 (H853) thy name:H8034 and prosper,H6743 I prayH4994 thee, thy servantH5650 this day,H3117 and grantH5414 him mercyH7356 in the sightH6440 of thisH2088 man.H376 For IH589 wasH1961 the king'sH4428 cupbearer.H4945

Neh_4:9 Nevertheless we made our prayerH6419 untoH413 our God,H430 and setH5975 a watchH4929 againstH5921 them dayH3119 and night,H3915 because ofH4480 H6440 them.




most divid

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5b41ba No.21567677

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cb3b88 No.21567678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5da31 No.21567679

>i HaVe A pLaN

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23209d No.21567680

The last dying gasp. Poor evil little woman.

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972738 No.21567681


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a8e12c No.21567682

a plan that she could have already executed

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14c66c No.21567683



I'm laughing at you…

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8b2fd1 No.21567684

File: 85e07f702195909⋯.png (25.06 KB,660x196,165:49,ClipboardImage.png)



If she doesn't get fact-checked for her lies about Charlottesville and "fine people", ABC should be shut down.

6:49 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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42a227 No.21567685

she's whining

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232456 No.21567686


I mute her

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69da25 No.21567687

File: e71ec2b4fd13c1f⋯.png (2.64 MB,1263x1199,1263:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

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4372d7 No.21567688

Seems like she is speaking like she is following along.

Pray it malfunctions, like a squelch occurs.


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52613a No.21567689


correct, trying to stay away from details

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5b41ba No.21567690

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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59db6c No.21567691

I have plans I have plans I have a plan I gonna gib so much monies away I have pwans

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4f8982 No.21567692


>She is losing.

>ABC has to come to her rescue with biased questions.

now imagine you're a kamala supporter and a trump hater

and listen to the debate again

would your believe system be shattered?

or reinforced?

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1c6c2b No.21567693

File: d4267776e12a25d⋯.png (1.2 MB,1600x901,1600:901,ClipboardImage.png)

Being lonely doesn't feel good but being honest about how I feel does.

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42a227 No.21567694

give away money

that's her plan

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faa337 No.21567695


Chosen for a reason

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94d06f No.21567696

So did Trump win the very random unscripted debate?

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d1debb No.21567697


its bad the pandering.

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4372d7 No.21567698

Trump has "The Plan"

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6330b4 No.21567699

That was it, Kamabla lost her balance.

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42a227 No.21567700

giving money to immigrants.

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52613a No.21567701


She's still standing by waiting for Trump to call. kekekekek

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5febd1 No.21567702


That's stupid.

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0d7436 No.21567703

File: 63c57e864399d91⋯.png (789.01 KB,500x805,100:161,ClipboardImage.png)

After 4 years of race baiting I have finally got a plan. It just doesn't include Americans

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77d27c No.21567704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a08383 No.21567705

File: 9397b3bbf382ba5⋯.png (724.88 KB,1134x791,162:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala sounds tired and flat… she is fading fast, just like her black claim.

Fading so fast, she may claim she's white?

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69da25 No.21567706

Mechanic: you didn't put oil in your car and it threw the piston out the side

Harris: Why are you being so disparaging?

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511292 No.21567707

File: 626171320303fd3⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17259501743….mp4)

File: ed2418484a76250⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17259115162….mp4)

File: 6d3b740882385ca⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17259564921….mp4)

For The KEKS

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ed7681 No.21567708

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,PepeLaughCry.png)

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7a3081 No.21567709

File: a301082359c7fe9⋯.png (172.53 KB,320x448,5:7,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_8….png)

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f7d60c No.21567710


You sound like Kamala

Word salad of nothingness

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a65e91 No.21567711

Obamacare is a commie name for a commie program

why are they funding the lifestyle of criminal immigrants while watching Americans just fade away and die

Harris and Biden killing Americans

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0d7436 No.21567712

File: 01dfd70cb9a79fb⋯.png (702.84 KB,680x672,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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6330b4 No.21567713

Trump is controlling the room now.

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d1debb No.21567714

he fumbled a bit on the health care question .

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033715 No.21567715


Just get a dog, faggot.

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cb3b88 No.21567716

kek he won't say what his plan is. he knows that bitchll steal the idea.

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e57618 No.21567717

File: d48573ed6b17fe7⋯.png (785.71 KB,800x799,800:799,ClipboardImage.png)

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84d131 No.21567718


Thank you for calling the suicide hotline.

Can I get your name?

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23209d No.21567719

File: 6e3b51fddaaaed2⋯.jpg (212.33 KB,539x541,539:541,pepe_tavern27.jpg)

KEK. She couldn't bully herself some extra time. She's cooked. Take her out, let her rest, and carve her.

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f87ccd No.21567720

File: 05eec2aab63cf98⋯.png (28.13 KB,509x327,509:327,05eec2aab63cf985f17a1b9e4a….png)


Just die

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7ddf0f No.21567721

File: 5c221eaf1041b7e⋯.png (527.69 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3350.png)

File: 813f8a53a19a866⋯.png (591.95 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3351.png)

File: a6917c93d887720⋯.png (499.83 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3352.png)

File: f99df187fdc8083⋯.png (238.82 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3353.png)

Agreement with the Taliban that Mike Pompeo negotiated


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77d27c No.21567722



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c3e079 No.21567723

File: 081f9215cd32652⋯.png (6.54 MB,2048x1536,4:3,wtf_pepe.png)


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b461bd No.21567724

File: 57697180563ca99⋯.gif (3.43 MB,360x153,40:17,death_blossom.gif)

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73bf5e No.21567725

President Trump: Obamacare was lousy healthcare. Always was, it's not very good today. And what I said, that if we come up with something; and we are working on things, we're going to do it, and we're going to replace it…I have concepts of a plan…I would only change it if we come up with something that is better and less expensive.

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77d27c No.21567726


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d8f3dc No.21567727


top kek

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802e2e No.21567728

File: bb39a8dc34eba06⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,803x1024,803:1024,1722869458390411.jpg)

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42a227 No.21567729

everybody's talking over


she tried to get advantage from being black.

then it was found out she was not black.

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52613a No.21567730

File: 32f588ae7ed2a66⋯.png (1.01 MB,857x1199,857:1199,Kamala_Harris_Trump_Debate….png)

How's the BINGO going?

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972738 No.21567731


they see it as winning

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f7d60c No.21567732

2nd biggest kek of the debate

She is a gun owner

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77d27c No.21567733

So very flattering…

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d1debb No.21567734

now she complains about him lying even though everything out of this rancid fucking curry cunt faced whores mouth is a lie. MCCAIN fuck this shit this is bullshit.

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a796b0 No.21567735

No name was a hero

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59db6c No.21567736

Fuck No Name

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b461bd No.21567737

File: 3362fc260cf3e14⋯.png (369.82 KB,765x557,765:557,3362fc260cf3e14e96864e621f….png)

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4f8982 No.21567738


go back into your comfy echo chamber

her supporters will believe she won the debate hands down

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959129 No.21567739

she likes do that 'shame-scolding finger wagging'

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454a74 No.21567740

She forgot the noname insult

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42a227 No.21567741

lying about taking guns.

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4372d7 No.21567742

Kamala will be exposed for the race division, ask Jussie and his noose


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23209d No.21567743

File: 2f66e689e60e758⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)

She's going to hang.

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002d17 No.21567744

File: 8a37b6062b231f7⋯.png (384.16 KB,489x690,163:230,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ec20df714ca6eb⋯.png (702.42 KB,1050x570,35:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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204ed0 No.21567745

File: a62dbc702ae6283⋯.jpeg (14.76 KB,255x245,51:49,2e6d0c37779e7af81687519d7….jpeg)

Is he going to say it?

Tampon Tim…

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b461bd No.21567746

File: d945b4add5f4dcc⋯.png (53.64 KB,255x135,17:9,ClipboardImage_12_.png)

File: 82842997d5aa934⋯.mp4 (699.08 KB,636x360,53:30,CNN_Kasich_Saying_John_McC….mp4)

File: f96bfaa590e9dd9⋯.png (510.9 KB,700x420,5:3,f96bfaa590e9dd91dca6cfeaf5….png)

File: d540bfd33da034a⋯.jpg (163.5 KB,748x1200,187:300,d540bfd33da034ab45f4e91d22….jpg)

File: 74512cb298e882c⋯.jpg (27.58 KB,640x432,40:27,John_Mccain_and_George_Sor….jpg)

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a08383 No.21567747

Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

Real Americas Voice




Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24



Steven Crowder




Russell Brand




The Quartering

Donald Trump Kamala Harris Debate LIVE! Fact Checks, Commentary & Fun! Be Here



Patriot News Outlet live

LIVE TONIGHT: The 2024 Presidential Debate w/ President Trump and the Unelected Democrat Nominee 8PM ET | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



Benny Johnson

🚨 DEBATE-MAGEDDON: Watch Trump DEMOLISH Kamala, Presidential Debate LIVE With Special Guests



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6db139 No.21567748

File: 39b613759699b07⋯.jpeg (312.13 KB,1290x719,1290:719,IMG_9566.jpeg)




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35c831 No.21567749

File: bb4576b9bd646f7⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,720x406,360:203,7nzYJkyZXjv5GJkk.mp4)

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f7d60c No.21567750


Who cares?

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a65e91 No.21567751

either dems are very stupid and believe anything or they are very stupid and believe anything

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77d27c No.21567752

Hell I thought the false left right paradigm show was over, sorry

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be672c No.21567753

File: 3113ad8d653d331⋯.png (710.85 KB,1241x1250,1241:1250,ClipboardImage.png)

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27e153 No.21567754

File: 4b0df73958278c3⋯.png (6.92 MB,2462x3490,1231:1745,ClipboardImage.png)


At least this one was pretty hot in her day.

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a7b065 No.21567755

wow she bought up no name, cheney,

she is killing it herself.


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d1debb No.21567756


stay strong anon light up a joint and a drink

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1e8074 No.21567757

File: 7ac00d1770596dc⋯.png (179.15 KB,378x301,54:43,IMG_2435.png)


Good one

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31f9a8 No.21567758

Take a drink if you had "Noname" on your bingo card.

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aba80f No.21567759

FUCKING NO NAME!!!!!!!! oh no she didnt. (wobbles head like indian(black) woman)

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84d131 No.21567760

File: 68bb8b1dd7638e9⋯.jpg (12.64 KB,200x200,1:1,68bb8b1dd7638e9ce880131622….jpg)


Toughen up, private!

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033715 No.21567761

File: df526ed61fd2d8a⋯.png (336.12 KB,484x438,242:219,grug.png)


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77d27c No.21567762

didn't mean to offend your low IQ

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42a227 No.21567763


she loves no name.

why did the sound go dead all the time?

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e57618 No.21567764

File: 4673ccd0b284117⋯.png (2.13 MB,1478x1109,1478:1109,rbg7.png)

no name

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7f5961 No.21567765

"lets talk about the future"

"Hey remember that shit you said about senator no name"

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4c047e No.21567766


Shes speaking spells, mute her

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972738 No.21567767

File: c39b8442bdd631b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_Harris_freezes_when….mp4)

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5b41ba No.21567768

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek>>21567570

>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet




>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

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511292 No.21567769

Late Great John No Name who RAN AGAINST OBAMA What The FUCK!!

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69da25 No.21567770

File: d5e247537a63f5f⋯.png (37.5 KB,678x525,226:175,ClipboardImage.png)

I'd Like to see a Comparison chart

How many times Trump was Fact Checked


How many times Kamala was Fact Checked

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77d27c No.21567771

File: 0103b211a66b1f9⋯.png (109.48 KB,1142x944,571:472,0000KEK1.png)


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e579a1 No.21567772



Still today all day every day

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69da25 No.21567773

But She's in Charge Right now

If she would just do these things now

People would vote for her

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84d131 No.21567774


Someone would have to listen to this again for that to happen.

Are ya trying to kill us?

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be672c No.21567775

File: 6e8cf2c6c36c89a⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,640x464,40:29,FakeUnUkrBS.mp4)

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d1debb No.21567776


4 or 5 to none i think now

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14c66c No.21567777



You'll vote for a man who says Tampon Tim?

Son, you got deeper issues that need addressing.

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77d27c No.21567778


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a7b065 No.21567779

djt: she made a mistake. she wants everyone to rely on obama care and not get treatment whilst waiting.

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7ddf0f No.21567780

File: a23a53bc61fd0f6⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB,1322x1925,1322:1925,IMG_3349.jpeg)

File: b8d6dd26248a5ed⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1299x1825,1299:1825,IMG_3348.jpeg)

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77d27c No.21567781

File: 72d8b7575fce84a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1641x952,1641:952,00000000000000000000000000….png)


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802e2e No.21567782

File: e43938248bdd55c⋯.jpg (54.06 KB,486x960,81:160,1570768657638.jpg)

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52613a No.21567783

Existential? These fuckers are gay.

Extreme weather is not the same thing dumb bitch

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31f9a8 No.21567784


because its obama talking in her earpiece.

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73bf5e No.21567785

Harris: Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We're not taking anybody's guns away, so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.

[Harris has insisted she wants to 'ban assault weapons'…she would have to confiscate them to effectively ban them]

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a8e12c No.21567786

File: 26b4ab57bdf1ea7⋯.png (276.54 KB,1141x1269,1141:1269,ClipboardImage.png)


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d638dc No.21567787


Harris is getting favors for sure.

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bdcffd No.21567788

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77d27c No.21567789

File: 03884cebeb09760⋯.jpg (41.22 KB,686x386,343:193,hq720.jpg)


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6f4394 No.21567790

Her hesitant speech is indicative of listening to an earpiece

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b461bd No.21567791

File: cfe0e5eebb68ea9⋯.jpg (66.38 KB,841x500,841:500,cfe0e5eebb68ea90f83561531e….jpg)

File: 9536feafeaa30fb⋯.jpg (83.49 KB,1200x800,3:2,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: d26fab211743e82⋯.jpeg (882.73 KB,1155x1098,385:366,jim_watkins_join_or_404.jpeg)

File: 01783253b47a551⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,474x631,474:631,Jim_Watkins_Q_pin.jpg)

File: df47d986ba71c17⋯.png (333.95 KB,1959x1211,1959:1211,Jim_Watkins_Revolution.png)

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e57618 No.21567792

File: c1d11241d0cd1ca⋯.png (799.95 KB,680x607,680:607,climate8.png)

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002d17 No.21567793

File: 30ac948b724d3e6⋯.png (1.12 MB,1401x680,1401:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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69da25 No.21567794

Fight a Hoax?

Just tell the truth

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d1debb No.21567795


kek is angry with you anon. You wasted digits on proving your vagina.

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77d27c No.21567796

File: 648df1009fd8af5⋯.jpeg (106.6 KB,634x425,634:425,oaa625bj29rc1.jpeg)



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a08383 No.21567797


#26420 >>21567192

>>21567260 Moderator: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020? President Trump: I don't acknowledge that at all, I said that sarcastically…there's so much proof, all you have to do is look at it, and they should have sent it back to the legislatures for approval…we have so many facts and statistics, but you know what, that doesn't matter. Because we have to solve the problem that we have right now. That's old news. And the problem we have right now is we have a nation in decline, and they have put it in decline.

>>21567309 Harris: These dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again, because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors. [Putin endorsed Harris]

>>21567365 President Trump: Why does Biden go in and kill the Keystone Pipeline, and approve the single-biggest deal that Russia's ever made, Nord Stream 2, the biggest pipeline anywhere in the world, going to Germany and all over Europe? Because they're weak and ineffective. And Biden, by the way, gets paid a lot of money.

>>21567393 Philadelphia Riot Police are now outside the debate location; there has been a protest going on during debate.

>>21567449 Moderator: Do you want Ukraine to win this war? President Trump: I want the war to stop. I want to save lives…we're in for two hundred and fifty billion or more, because they [Harris/Biden] don't ask Europe, which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are…Biden and you [Harris] don't have the courage to ask Europe, like I did with NATO; they paid billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, when I said pay up,m or we're not going to protect you anymore.

>>21567531 President Trump: Don't kid yourself, David. We're playing with World War III, and we have a president that we don't even know if he's; where is our president? We don't even know if he's a president. They threw him out of a campaign like a dog. Is he our president. We have a president that doesn't know he's alive. Moderator: Just to clarify, do you think it's in the US best interest for Ukraine to win this war? President Trump: I think it's in the US best interest to get this war finished and just get it done. Negotiate a deal. Because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed.

>>21567538 Harris: I met with President Zelenskyy. I shared with him American intelligence about how he could defend himself. [classified information?]

>>21567579 President Trump: They sent her [Harris] to negotiate peace before this war started, three days later, he went in [Putin], and he started the war. Because everything they said was weak and stupid. They said the wrong things. That war should have never started. She was the emissary. They sent her in to negotiate with Zelenskyy and Putin, and she did. And the war started three days later. And that's the kind of talent we have with her. She's worse than Biden…she is a horrible negotiator. They sent her in to negotiate, as soon as she left, Putin did the invasion.

>>21567654 If the Central Park Five weren't guilty, they sure acted as if they were.

>>21567725 President Trump: Obamacare was lousy healthcare. Always was, it's not very good today. And what I said, that if we come up with something; and we are working on things, we're going to do it, and we're going to replace it…I have concepts of a plan…I would only change it if we come up with something that is better and less expensive.

>>21567223 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21567195 Presidential Candidate number 1 says he requires more security./

>>21567200, >>21567201 Trump is debating 3 people at once, knee pads and the 2 abc moderators

>>21567203 She's losing So she makes up that someone said something bad about him that no one can verify

>>21567208 TRUMP giving em TDS on stage no wonder Jor won, this bitch is super fantastic stupid

>>21567212, >>21567498 TRUMP: He (Biden) hates her, kek

>>21567227 djt: i will tell you something, biden hates her points at kamala mp4 0:31

>>21567269 She just fucked the jew vote hahahaha.

>>21567270 The hand movements while talking are a subconscious supplement to their weak verbal thinking.

>>21567279 Kazakhstan may stop supplying uranium to the West due to sanctions and war in Ukraine — Financial Times

>>21567308, >>21567354, >>21567364 These moderators BLOW!

>>21567319, >>21567355 Kamala harris sounds like OBAMA 'it is well known.. the tone and timing sounds like Obama, whispering in her ear'

>>21567345 Trump said the line! "I'm talking now. Sound familiar?" 😎 MP$ 0:15

>>21567375, >>21567385, >>21567386, >>21567391, >>21567397, >>21567403 The nasal voice of Harris is awful, imagine listening to this every day for 4 years.. everyone would finally stop watching tv

>>21567436 “I’m talking now… if you don’t mind, please. Sound familiar?” mp4 0:14

>>21567446 Is he our President?

>>21567447 Where is our President?


>>21567472 When Kamala is talking, when she paused her eyes keep looking to her right. Definitely wearing an ear piece in her right ear.

>>21567499 he’s eating HER for lunch RIGHT NOW!

>>21567505 "They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets."

>>21567508 She's defending the war in Ukraine. Ukraine stands. kekkeke i bet nasty surprise Nuland help to coach~

>>21567513 'She goes down! - as the worst Vice-President …'

>>21567542, >>21567588 Kamala is Getting More air time than Trump

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ed7681 No.21567798

File: d59c622bb1079da⋯.jpg (310.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,TrumpHairBirdSuit.jpg)

Trump's hair looks really good tonight, almost looks an inch or two shorter, not so combed over

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31f9a8 No.21567799


the one with the guy smoking was funnier.

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69da25 No.21567801

It's called Hurricane Alley for a reason

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f87ccd No.21567802

File: 33a78ee5f031627⋯.jpg (82.36 KB,617x652,617:652,33a78ee5f031627166d6ebd583….jpg)

muh climate change

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40845a No.21567803

File: 09cbc8e64b55bbc⋯.png (400.42 KB,528x795,176:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c34984a5489cd2b⋯.jpg (115.94 KB,1004x1174,502:587,fc.jpg)

ABC News and Kamala Harris we’re looking at you for this answer….

The Harris vs Trump debate is hilariously bias as expected #Debate2024


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aba80f No.21567804

she is talking just like Obama, must be on the earpiece.

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5b41ba No.21567805

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor

>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>y para BO in durh closet

>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet

>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

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3e0786 No.21567806

File: 66649bfdf94bf10⋯.jpg (70.15 KB,335x410,67:82,John_Garamendi_official_ph….jpg)

File: 46f337a73272f74⋯.jpg (150.27 KB,1160x773,1160:773,210201_ocasio_cortez_schum….jpg)

File: 3e36ebadba1aa3d⋯.jpg (574.4 KB,960x1200,4:5,190620_A_SS368_0004_273750….JPG)

File: 2952a0e993c7a72⋯.jpg (628.4 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240910_191320….jpg)

Kamala just admitted sharing intelligence with Zalensky…

Veeps can't declass. Who declassed?

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e57618 No.21567807

File: c6c1e5e2aef5638⋯.jpg (127.06 KB,614x613,614:613,climate10.jpg)

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1e8074 No.21567808


She’s not eating chicken with salt and pepper. There’s no flavor in that

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59db6c No.21567809

Laundered 1 billion dollars of climate change money, that has never changed the climate, to friends of Biden Clinton Obama Harris et al

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3de9a8 No.21567810


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14c66c No.21567811


Got 7" of outie

Not an innie

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77d27c No.21567812



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42a227 No.21567813

they've given all them money to foreigners they import

climate change is real

(weather engineering)

Creating weather disasters.

Trillion dollars..

increased domestic gas production

She's creating manufacturing around the world.

opening manufacturing around the world?

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77d27c No.21567814

File: c34c0a4bc143cdf⋯.jpg (54.85 KB,755x473,755:473,GJprXdRWsAABHmp.jpg)


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ed7c6c No.21567815

File: 5f033ff97961911⋯.png (102.25 KB,196x255,196:255,5f033ff97961911a6511ee256b….png)

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ded035 No.21567816

File: 03924f98fe192d8⋯.jpg (107.94 KB,744x495,248:165,932x33.jpg)

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c7f2eb No.21567817




And endless wars, and endless corruption, and the endless sanctions and nagging, etc. America's reputation has been tarnished since the second Bush terms.

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e5da31 No.21567818


faggot nigger

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c87963 No.21567819

File: 69378553c7c8107⋯.gif (5.57 MB,444x250,222:125,DeadCatBounce.gif)

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cb3b88 No.21567820

lol he's unloading in the middle of the debates

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67d7b6 No.21567821

Ask this bitch what a woman is and why boys need tampons

do it TRUMP

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31f9a8 No.21567822


5 actually, you have the diagonal.

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f9d65c No.21567823

File: 9d3377db9b626c1⋯.png (1.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,MagicEraser_240910_084615.png)

Does anyone ever plan on unloading the big guns on these Washington DC, welfare parasite, niggers, or are we gonna wait till 30 seconds before the world blows up?

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5b41ba No.21567824

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

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73bf5e No.21567825

Harris comes off as some two-bit mayor debating a business/industrial giant.

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77d27c No.21567826

File: 52a8734d3c5b17b⋯.png (894.98 KB,584x765,584:765,fuhkek2bFUCKYOUTRAITORKEK1….png)



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e57618 No.21567827

File: 38cabff346b60b8⋯.png (178.06 KB,1170x1163,1170:1163,climate9.png)

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a65e91 No.21567828


who exactly did she convince tonight. already got the cartel, immigrant border invader and queer vote

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52613a No.21567829


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0d7436 No.21567830

File: 234ce83e82d3799⋯.png (366.87 KB,640x468,160:117,ClipboardImage.png)

Building factories around the world does not create American jobs. Where did the trillion go?

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0ad03e No.21567831

This a a crooked administration

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972738 No.21567832

late great john noname

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45e717 No.21567833

File: 4595b28b7169c8e⋯.jpeg (183.43 KB,1200x1158,200:193,D6775BE9_D9DE_4163_A9AF_2….jpeg)

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a8e12c No.21567834


TY didn't see it.

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69da25 No.21567835



The Temps are Cooler in the Global Warming Graphic!

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ed7c6c No.21567836

File: 21f9e838de482be⋯.jpg (65.92 KB,720x524,180:131,21f9e838de482be7490e317109….jpg)

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7f5961 No.21567837



He's gonna say it in his closing statement

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f7d60c No.21567838

she is a gun owner?

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a796b0 No.21567839

three and a half million dollars from moscow mayor

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77d27c No.21567840

File: f475681a56bd16d⋯.png (676.72 KB,1764x2300,441:575,014.png)


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14c66c No.21567841


I detect hyperfocus

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68b775 No.21567842


POTUS beat all 3

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42a227 No.21567843


she slipped when she said that.

what's B.O. 's email?


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e5da31 No.21567845


proof their loyalty lies with globohomo

the highest bidder

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fb3b2f No.21567846

she wins this debate -her poll numbers about to soar

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69da25 No.21567847

File: 14ba6a08fa9346a⋯.png (1.11 MB,1147x733,1147:733,ClipboardImage.png)

One thing is Certain

These two are Hacks

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52613a No.21567848

File: d40b065a5e231dc⋯.png (199.18 KB,480x587,480:587,Climate_Tax_Paid_Weather_S….png)

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341e1a No.21567849

File: 7d9df2d12c6f5ce⋯.jpg (74.84 KB,960x720,4:3,frostycoal.jpg)

great debate

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a7b065 No.21567850

robert gouveia reading abortion after birth articles.

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ed7681 No.21567851

File: 5fc5d97bc3a2d93⋯.jpg (238.7 KB,1024x768,4:3,FroggyExtraKek.jpg)

DEM PANIC >>21567743

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033715 No.21567852


>More like John Queere.

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77d27c No.21567853



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d2d466 No.21567854


Is that you Harry

I’ll debate you on your shiddy TikTok any day

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ddc2ba No.21567855

all the dot wins are downz.


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52613a No.21567856

Why The Fuck is Proto flicking on and off?

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802e2e No.21567858

File: 8b512407f05c7c1⋯.jpeg (64.57 KB,680x832,85:104,1638291683661.jpeg)

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f7d60c No.21567859


Three bitches pretending to be men

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3de9a8 No.21567860

File: b478e4306ac6661⋯.jpeg (126.71 KB,753x756,251:252,Hopium.jpeg)


The Hopis.

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3e0786 No.21567861

File: 7e3bd8a22546601⋯.jpg (640.71 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240910_193609….jpg)

File: dceeda3d72b9e75⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,566x604,283:302,8c7e926d2a8dcaa4.jpg)

File: ca424f8efd8703e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ca424f8efd8703e49aeddcdbaa….png)

File: 088a61c4ab61a69⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,1800x1200,3:2,john_bolton_book_is_bad_11….jpg)

File: c0ab03add13da4f⋯.jpg (91.68 KB,1050x761,1050:761,goteem_of_thrones_by_zucke….jpg)


Check M8!

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23209d No.21567862

File: 3fd14dacf3d57f5⋯.jpg (7.13 KB,255x172,255:172,3fd14dacf3d57f5e2b6dbbac59….jpg)

Imagine that. CNN giving a fairer debate than ABC.

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5b41ba No.21567863

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

>Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

No hay un tapón anal triple lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que Kathleen Kennedy destruya el castillo de LemmiWinks

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77d27c No.21567864



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68b775 No.21567865


Cool story sperm breath!

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32900d No.21567866

File: 6fa019626208aa4⋯.jpg (43.5 KB,604x367,604:367,Reee_AOC.jpg)

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c87963 No.21567867


>poll numbers

and we all know how reliable those are

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7f5961 No.21567868

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77d27c No.21567869


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52613a No.21567870

Who loves Israel moar?

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0adef5 No.21567871

so long as lie can't be stopped in its tracks, Evil has a chubby.

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79d64e No.21567872


just flabbergasted that she now proudly claims she is a gun owner, and so is tampon tim

she will clearly say anything to get votes

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e579a1 No.21567873


Cuz trump is getting taken to the woodshed

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972738 No.21567874

File: 1801f96bb0a0a8f⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,idontthinkscienceknowsactu….mp4)

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6db139 No.21567877

He should agree with her emotional manipulation statements. It would totally throw her off her game.

The whole will not divide, better America, reach across the aisle shit they haven’t done for 4 years

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1e8074 No.21567878

File: f0a26899a2eda36⋯.png (773.56 KB,739x799,739:799,IMG_5072.png)

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f7d60c No.21567879



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e57618 No.21567881

File: 60afd3a55aaac8b⋯.png (122.74 KB,680x647,680:647,climate6.png)

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f27d9b No.21567882

File: 45e61fbb910aceb⋯.png (1.22 MB,1031x700,1031:700,6423h5423h423543.PNG)

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84d131 No.21567883



After what they've done to prevent people working on their own shit, anon says good riddance.

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bdcffd No.21567884

if Trump is correct re biden admin selling out America is that treason?

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be4269 No.21567885

Watching this debate is quickly reminding me why I stopped watching the idiot box.

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0fa00b No.21567886

Is there any other anons able to say she won?

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42a227 No.21567887



she slipped when she said that.


They create the weird weather with the HaaRP , then blame it on Co2.

What percentage of the atmosphere is Co2?

Human Co2 does nothing.

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4fad18 No.21567888

File: 304458abe30406f⋯.png (1.49 MB,901x599,901:599,304458abe30406fb5e27b371db….png)


>wasted digits

you've just burdened yourself and kneepad kamala won't be able to help


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77d27c No.21567889


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1e8074 No.21567890


Like ur mom

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d8f3dc No.21567891

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f7d60c No.21567892

THEY said the questions were not given to the camapaing.

They didn’t say they did not give them to Kamala.

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6fd0a8 No.21567893



See under [noname]

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f7d60c No.21567894

Kamala’s best friend is president of abc.

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b461bd No.21567895

File: b8c38f3447de295⋯.mp4 (87.38 KB,480x270,16:9,reeeeee.mp4)

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fc35e7 No.21567896


Only the paid ones.

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ed7c6c No.21567897


it's up top in Globals


>>18024378, >>18561054 PROTO Instructions

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69da25 No.21567898

File: ea9501e96b41a37⋯.png (46.86 KB,639x130,639:130,ClipboardImage.png)

is there more than one BlackRock?

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e579a1 No.21567900


I think she is

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a7b065 No.21567901

File: 643ee4e8e176fd7⋯.png (1.48 MB,1398x917,1398:917,ClipboardImage.png)


comfort care measures.

leave them to die after birth.




Under Gov. Tim Walz, Babies Born Alive in Botched Abortions Were Left to Die. Then He Removed Reporting Requirements

Mary Margaret Olohan | August 06, 2024



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8065d8 No.21567902

What a fucking disaster this was, what the fuck!

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73bf5e No.21567903

President Trump: They get all this money from Ukraine. They get all this money from all these different countries, and then you wonder why is he so loyal to this one, that one, Ukraine, China. Why is he; why did he [Hunter] get three and a half million dollars from the mayor of Moscow's wife? Why did she pay him three and a half million dollars? This is a crooked administration, and they're selling our country down the tubes.

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273422 No.21567904

I can’t stand trump but I’ll be honest and say he did better than I thought he would but not as good as her

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52613a No.21567906

they just had 4 years to do this shit

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5b41ba No.21567907

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

>>Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

>No hay un tapón anal triple lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que Kathleen Kennedy destruya el castillo de LemmiWinks

Este momento de malevolencia y negación del schadenfreude fascista nos lo trae Alec Bladwin, el culto Xinu que hace trenes con niños y kilos, barcazas y pequeñas islas.

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cfa616 No.21567908

File: 9bf1fa6aa509871⋯.png (710.15 KB,835x713,835:713,ClipboardImage.png)


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14c66c No.21567909


I say she's a looser

The press will say she dominated while Trump whined the same stale shit he has been posting on Truth Social for the last year.

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968b8b No.21567910

File: a19a588b21029a1⋯.gif (2.67 MB,300x375,4:5,IMG_6642.gif)


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0fbfe6 No.21567911


>Where is our President?

Who is the ginger woman he is debating.

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fc35e7 No.21567914


BlackStone, a bit more "exclusive", but same interests.

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6fd0a8 No.21567915


Nope they just own everything.

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cfa616 No.21567916


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3e0786 No.21567917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Leave me alone, Baitin'' -kamala bate prep

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e57618 No.21567918

File: 7957439d2fb443d⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,1186x672,593:336,7957439d2fb443dcb59cd69338….jpg)

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3de9a8 No.21567919

File: 568026b6ddd2c4b⋯.png (445.75 KB,2592x1730,1296:865,ClipboardImage.png)

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968b8b No.21567920

File: a19a588b21029a1⋯.gif (2.67 MB,300x375,4:5,IMG_6642.gif)

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f6474f No.21567921


connects the pe4son with a bad policy choice and reminds everyone each time he says it without having to explain

time sqvings

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7f5961 No.21567922

she has perhaps one of the most annoying female voices I have ever heard.


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77d27c No.21567923


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42a227 No.21567924



can't get the email from proto.

It's makes me paranoid.

I can never get Proto. signed up three times. never seems to work for me.

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1e8074 No.21567926

File: b6dd68b68d7535e⋯.png (395.27 KB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Gaslighting is soOoOooo low iq.

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3de9a8 No.21567927

File: 6cd9aca5d5ae97f⋯.png (212.63 KB,327x762,109:254,Screenshot_2024_09_07_2146….png)

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67d7b6 No.21567928

This fucktard ‘debate’ will not effect jack squat

Trump is gaining votes every day

We are living this bitches ‘policies’ now in real time

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14c66c No.21567929


Yo trips,

I don't want no Kamala help

She can fall off the plant an I would not care.

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69da25 No.21567930

Kek! the person that says "Trump is focused on the past"

Spent the whole time talking about the past

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0fbfe6 No.21567931



She just talks.

There is no need for her to know anything.

It comes in psionically./

There is NO REAL PERSON on these stages!


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c7f2eb No.21567932


….Or is commie Karma able to not look completely senile so she sounds reasonable with her lies?

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0d7436 No.21567934

File: c92f92a945187d3⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x753,250:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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c87963 No.21567935


cat memes are the lowest common denominator

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5b41ba No.21567936

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

¡Qué gran economía de colon en verdad!


>>>>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>>>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

>>>Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

>>No hay un tapón anal triple lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que Kathleen Kennedy destruya el castillo de LemmiWinks

>Este momento de malevolencia y negación del schadenfreude fascista nos lo trae Alec Bladwin, el culto Xinu que hace trenes con niños y kilos, barcazas y pequeñas islas.

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42a227 No.21567937


worked for a short time.

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59db6c No.21567938

The government should never tell a woman what she can do with her body UNLESS ITS A FORCED VACCINE.

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6fd0a8 No.21567939

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,4f7abdea033e533e27db03a4a5….jpg)




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484a4c No.21567940

We bring in immigrants and America gets barrack obama and kamala harris.

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a8e12c No.21567941

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d1debb No.21567943


no, if anything it was a draw she said enough for retards to take bait to. People will praise her but the bar was low, she speaks only on emotion. Trump stumbled a couple of times but he is playing with facts she has emotion. It will not move the needle anything except what the media constructs it to be. This will convince no one but stupid women.

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5b41ba No.21567944

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


wut buttstuff?

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a3a9bf No.21567945


Read the Bible and study reformed theology

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aba80f No.21567946

does the water bead off her hair like it normally would if she is black?

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69da25 No.21567947

The Gov won't tell her what to do

Cause abortion is a State Issue

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fe530b No.21567948

File: 6d9f268edafadb1⋯.png (5.02 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>is there more than one BlackRock?

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0adef5 No.21567949

the future is shit so long as we ignore the past that brought us here

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32900d No.21567951

We need to go backwards to move forward.


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8065d8 No.21567952

Honestly guys, I love Trump and I still voting for him but he just got fucking railroaded. Why is this happening

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ed7c6c No.21567953


she should leave right now and go do the things she says she's gonna do

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31f9a8 No.21567954



she's a looser loser than hillary.

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14c66c No.21567955


No - she's a looser - extra o for emphasis

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f4ace6 No.21567956


>This will convince no one but stupid women.

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033715 No.21567957


You can't be burdened by what has been unburdened, or something.

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6188a8 No.21567959


I missed the last 30 minutes. Did Kamala win?

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44d3d0 No.21567960

File: 1623fef2ab89daa⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x768,4:3,DJT_THE_FIGHT_TO_SAVE_THE_….png)


By the time DJT is through with them, they won't be worth Tencent™s.

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69da25 No.21567961

When I speak like I'm Out of Breath

It comes across as more serious

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c7f2eb No.21567962


Define "win", she lied a lot and prepared for it in advance probably, I guess she "wins" if the majority of American voters are gullible and stupid enough to believe her….

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