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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

a08383 No.21567174 [View All]

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701 posts and 327 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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52613a No.21567906

they just had 4 years to do this shit

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5b41ba No.21567907

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

>>Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

>No hay un tapón anal triple lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que Kathleen Kennedy destruya el castillo de LemmiWinks

Este momento de malevolencia y negación del schadenfreude fascista nos lo trae Alec Bladwin, el culto Xinu que hace trenes con niños y kilos, barcazas y pequeñas islas.

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cfa616 No.21567908

File: 9bf1fa6aa509871⋯.png (710.15 KB,835x713,835:713,ClipboardImage.png)


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14c66c No.21567909


I say she's a looser

The press will say she dominated while Trump whined the same stale shit he has been posting on Truth Social for the last year.

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968b8b No.21567910

File: a19a588b21029a1⋯.gif (2.67 MB,300x375,4:5,IMG_6642.gif)


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0fbfe6 No.21567911


>Where is our President?

Who is the ginger woman he is debating.

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fc35e7 No.21567914


BlackStone, a bit more "exclusive", but same interests.

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6fd0a8 No.21567915


Nope they just own everything.

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cfa616 No.21567916


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3e0786 No.21567917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Leave me alone, Baitin'' -kamala bate prep

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e57618 No.21567918

File: 7957439d2fb443d⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,1186x672,593:336,7957439d2fb443dcb59cd69338….jpg)

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3de9a8 No.21567919

File: 568026b6ddd2c4b⋯.png (445.75 KB,2592x1730,1296:865,ClipboardImage.png)

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968b8b No.21567920

File: a19a588b21029a1⋯.gif (2.67 MB,300x375,4:5,IMG_6642.gif)

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f6474f No.21567921


connects the pe4son with a bad policy choice and reminds everyone each time he says it without having to explain

time sqvings

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7f5961 No.21567922

she has perhaps one of the most annoying female voices I have ever heard.


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77d27c No.21567923


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42a227 No.21567924



can't get the email from proto.

It's makes me paranoid.

I can never get Proto. signed up three times. never seems to work for me.

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1e8074 No.21567926

File: b6dd68b68d7535e⋯.png (395.27 KB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Gaslighting is soOoOooo low iq.

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3de9a8 No.21567927

File: 6cd9aca5d5ae97f⋯.png (212.63 KB,327x762,109:254,Screenshot_2024_09_07_2146….png)

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67d7b6 No.21567928

This fucktard ‘debate’ will not effect jack squat

Trump is gaining votes every day

We are living this bitches ‘policies’ now in real time

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14c66c No.21567929


Yo trips,

I don't want no Kamala help

She can fall off the plant an I would not care.

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69da25 No.21567930

Kek! the person that says "Trump is focused on the past"

Spent the whole time talking about the past

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0fbfe6 No.21567931



She just talks.

There is no need for her to know anything.

It comes in psionically./

There is NO REAL PERSON on these stages!


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c7f2eb No.21567932


….Or is commie Karma able to not look completely senile so she sounds reasonable with her lies?

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0d7436 No.21567934

File: c92f92a945187d3⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x753,250:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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c87963 No.21567935


cat memes are the lowest common denominator

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5b41ba No.21567936

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

¡Qué gran economía de colon en verdad!


>>>>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>>>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

>>>Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

>>No hay un tapón anal triple lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que Kathleen Kennedy destruya el castillo de LemmiWinks

>Este momento de malevolencia y negación del schadenfreude fascista nos lo trae Alec Bladwin, el culto Xinu que hace trenes con niños y kilos, barcazas y pequeñas islas.

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42a227 No.21567937


worked for a short time.

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59db6c No.21567938

The government should never tell a woman what she can do with her body UNLESS ITS A FORCED VACCINE.

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6fd0a8 No.21567939

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,4f7abdea033e533e27db03a4a5….jpg)




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484a4c No.21567940

We bring in immigrants and America gets barrack obama and kamala harris.

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a8e12c No.21567941

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d1debb No.21567943


no, if anything it was a draw she said enough for retards to take bait to. People will praise her but the bar was low, she speaks only on emotion. Trump stumbled a couple of times but he is playing with facts she has emotion. It will not move the needle anything except what the media constructs it to be. This will convince no one but stupid women.

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5b41ba No.21567944

File: f46c4118242acae⋯.png (7.49 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


wut buttstuff?

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a3a9bf No.21567945


Read the Bible and study reformed theology

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aba80f No.21567946

does the water bead off her hair like it normally would if she is black?

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69da25 No.21567947

The Gov won't tell her what to do

Cause abortion is a State Issue

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fe530b No.21567948

File: 6d9f268edafadb1⋯.png (5.02 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>is there more than one BlackRock?

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0adef5 No.21567949

the future is shit so long as we ignore the past that brought us here

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32900d No.21567951

We need to go backwards to move forward.


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8065d8 No.21567952

Honestly guys, I love Trump and I still voting for him but he just got fucking railroaded. Why is this happening

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ed7c6c No.21567953


she should leave right now and go do the things she says she's gonna do

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31f9a8 No.21567954



she's a looser loser than hillary.

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14c66c No.21567955


No - she's a looser - extra o for emphasis

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f4ace6 No.21567956


>This will convince no one but stupid women.

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033715 No.21567957


You can't be burdened by what has been unburdened, or something.

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6188a8 No.21567959


I missed the last 30 minutes. Did Kamala win?

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44d3d0 No.21567960

File: 1623fef2ab89daa⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x768,4:3,DJT_THE_FIGHT_TO_SAVE_THE_….png)


By the time DJT is through with them, they won't be worth Tencent™s.

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69da25 No.21567961

When I speak like I'm Out of Breath

It comes across as more serious

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c7f2eb No.21567962


Define "win", she lied a lot and prepared for it in advance probably, I guess she "wins" if the majority of American voters are gullible and stupid enough to believe her….

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