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f36d56 No.21565633 [Last50 Posts]

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f36d56 No.21565635

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f36d56 No.21565637


#26417 >>21564861

>>21564970, >>21564977, >>21564983 Trump vs. Harris ABC News Presidential Debate

>>21565526 Scavino: President Trump is wheels down in Philadelphia, PA

>>21564884 Burn the Boats

>>21564903 Cats in Ohio right now…

>>21564921 Swamp schedule

>>21564938 Over target: Swalwell bigtime triggered over the cat memes

>>21564942, >>21564955 Julie Su brought Calif. corruption to the White House, and Harris will keep her there

>>21564951 Happy debate night from Trump HQ

>>21564990 Amazon pharmacy has a policy not to fill Ivermection prescriptions for COVID

>>21564991 Norfolk Southern CEO expected to exit amid board probe into alleged misconduct

>>21564996, >>21565000, >>21565256 DJT: Cats for MAGA

>>21565004 Eric Trump: Cats for Trump

>>21565010 One day before the world changed: captured from the lens of a Canadian tourist

>>21565033 Cats under Communism

>>21565058 Janet Yellen tests positive for covid

>>21565068 Fox: RNC chair 'very comfortable' Trump will win this key battleground state

>>21565074 Radio Host Mark Levin Announces Major Injury Will Take Him Off the Airwaves

>>21565214, >>21565228, >>21565240, >>21565329 Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565229 Biden appointee to host Trump / Harris debate

>>21565245 UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early to make room for shitposters

>>21565263 Fashion Multi-Millionaire Peter Nygard Sentenced in Toronto Court to 11 Years in Jail for Sexual Assault

>>21565332 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about Linda Sun, charged with being a CCP agent

>>21565344 RFK Jr.: They didn't pass the First Amendment to protect speech that everybody likes

>>21565350 A suspect is in custody after a teen is critically hurt in a shooting at a Nebraska high school

>>21565352 (2019) President Trump Signs H.R. 724, The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act

>>21565407, >>21565423 Endless lines of Haitians gorging on taxpayer funded benefits in Springfield, Ohio

>>21565409 The Reserve Bank of Australia really does want Aussies poorer

>>21565413 Eric Trump says “something is being hidden” about the attempt on President Trump’s life in Pennsylvania

>>21565435 Protest and Small Riots are forming as numerous people Break into high end Store, Set Fires, and Commit Multiple Assaults

>>21565502, >>21565514 Springfield, Ohio residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars

>>21565508 Trump crashes a Kamala BBQ in Ohio

>>21565527 LIVE: City Commission Meeting, Springfield, Ohio

>>21565559 Cookies don't lie

>>21565571 JD Vance: My office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield re: pets being abducted by Haitian migrants

>>21565580 That moment when Trump brought along Bill Clintons accusers to the debate

>>21565590 Democrats are getting their asses handed to them today!

>>21565619 Nadler reacting to serious problems

>>21564981, >>21564982, >>21565000, >>21565063, >>21565088, >>21565128, >>21565144, >>21565221, >>21565224, >>21565277, >>21565408, >>21565430, >>21565572 Memes

>>21565627 #26417

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f36d56 No.21565638

#26416 >>21564063

>>21564090, >>21564092, >>21564095, >>21564140, >>21564200, >>21564225, >>21564238, >>21564246, >>21564262, >>21564337, >>21564376, >>21564395, >>21564435, >>21564455, >>21564473, >>21564504, >>21564665, >>21564672, >>21564675 Andrew Cuomo testifies before House committee over handling of COVID-19 pandemic

>>21564093, >>21564371 PF Gitmo Express

>>21564081, >>21564129 Why Chester Bennington's Son Is Slamming Linkin Park Over Controversial New Singer

>>21564121, >>21564147, >>21564196, >>21564266, >>21564273, >>21564290, >>21564309, >>21564362, >>21564415 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21564122, >>21564172, >>21564264 ABC’s Linsey Davis will take center stage at Trump-Harris debate

>>21564127, >>21564153, >>21564165 ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940s."

>>21564171, >>21564599 SUM DIG ON GINA HASPEL

>>21564186, >>21564215 ‘Operation Homecoming’ Recovers 32 Missing Children in the Akron Area

>>21564199 House Committee on Veterans Affairs

>>21564252 Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine Since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014

>>21564267 Sean 'Diddy' Combs has been 'ordered to pay $100 million' in a default judgement over sexual assault

>>21564274 Biggest Ukrainian Drone Attack Of War Hits Moscow International Airport

>>21564279 Judgment day for pastor arrested for preaching in Seattle

>>21564285, >>21564454 UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early – RT

>>21564330 Prayer Mission for POTUS - TODAY

>>21564334, >>21564350 Tomorrow is the 23rd Anniversary of 911.

>>21564341 Over 140,000 in Wisconsin Can Vote Without ID in 2024 Through Loophole

>>21564366 Comedy Trailer | Cleaning Up Kamala.

>>21564402 @BabylonBee Kek

>>21564416 Alabama town had federally authorized work visas issued to influx of migrants

>>21564418 @thelancet Billions of people now deficient in critical life-supporting micronutrients

>>21564427 JD Vance and David Sacks discuss Kamala Harris

>>21564452, >>21564560 Justice Department Issues New Guidance on Federal Law Regarding Voter Registration .pdf

>>21564461 Orwell knew. Some animals are moar equal than others.

>>21564472 Mass. girls' field hockey team is refusing to compete because opposing girl’s team has male players

>>21564474 Biden-Harris Admin Obstructed Afghanistan Investigation

>>21564550 WATCH- caught on camera stating the UN’s ambition to become a world government

>>21564611 Teacher Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison For Sexual Abuse Of Five Former Students

>>21564635 Kamala's border 'Reign of Terror.' Sheriff Mike Boudreaux’s full testimony

>>21564686 Belgium's top migration official criticizes Hungary for threatening to bus migrants to Brussels

>>21564727 Google and Apple Lose Appeals in Landmark E.U. Cases

>>21564773 Fraud Grips $112.8 Billion U.S. Food Stamp Program

>>21564810, >>21564829 How ABC presidential debate rules work for tonight's Trump vs. Harris showdown

>>21564813 Check it out. https://8kun.top/pol/catalog.html

>>21564850 #26416

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f36d56 No.21565640

#26415 >>21563092

>>21563117 Hillary Clinton: How Kamala Harris Can ‘Rattle’ Trump at Debate

>>21563134 Only 55 Days Remain To Winning

>>21563140 WATCH LIVE: Congressional Gold Medal ceremony for troops killed in U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan

>>21563188 suspect caught 4 years after church arson and arrested

>>21563196, >>21563197, >>21563439, >>21563501, >>21563503, >>21563564, >>21563579, >>21563637, >>21563645, >>21563740, >>21563896 NASA and related Space News

>>21563261, >>21563284, >>21563881, >>21564010 THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥

>>21563289, >>21563438 HAITI "Bill Clinton was in charge of the $6 Billion donated to the Hope for Haiti Now charity”

>>21563327 just unearthed clip - Reporter: “Are you his daughter?” Kamala: “No I’m not.”

>>21563331, >>21563512 SAVE ACT BLOW BACK

>>21563411, >>21563429, >>21563879, >>21563917, >>21563930 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21563426, >>21563886, >>21563900, >>21563908, >>21563969, >>21564003 Yes this is a real billboard in Arizona & Meme cats til they cry.

>>21563446 "Science Delusion"? It is the religion for Atheists?

>>21563453, >>21563459, >>21563467 Nate Silver - The mistakes of 2019 could cost Harris the election

>>21563485, >>21563723, >>21563724, >>21563727, >>21563729, >>21563733, >>21563748, >>21563755, >>21563766 Swamp Habbenin's


>>21563705 pol. Jim did it. Pool's Open. Send me your banners. I will manage this board until a good BO takes over.

>>21563826 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21563970, >>21563971 A ‘de-extinction’ list of lost beasts revealed.

>>21563987 Ukranian NGO debuts new "Enemies List" including Trump, Musk

>>21564006 Two Delta Airlines planes collide on Atlanta airport runway

>>21564045 #26415

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f36d56 No.21565642

#26414 >>21562102

>>21562121, >>21562210, >>21562275, >>21562324, >>21562444, >>21562804, >>21562810 Cat Ladies 4 Trump Have Been Shown

>>21562235 @elonmusk - This is the last real election if Trump loses.

>>21562330, >>21562386 Melania - "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the TRUTH."

>>21562340 How do you hide a message in plain sight?

>>21562365 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024

>>21562394 As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

>>21562414, >>21562436, >>21562445 Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" and special guest star Hunter Biden.

>>21562421, >>21562478, >>21562481, >>21562483, >>21562484, >>21562486, >>21562487, >>21562489, >>21562491, >>21562494, >>21562716, >>21562747, >>21562754, >>21562772 Swamp Events

>>21562425, >>21562500, >>21562789, >>21562809 PF Gitmo Express & Daily Democrat voter recruitment and cat eater flights update

>>21562450, >>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562460 @elonmusk PAGING @PETA…

>>21562462 RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

>>21562479 Biden Harris Border Crisis VICTIM PERSPECTIVES

>>21562510 Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

>>21562515 Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening

>>21562555, >>21562578 Hilldawg - My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained

>>21562613, >>21562729, >>21562818, >>21562819, >>21562857, >>21562910 NASA & Space News

>>21562615 Keep The Cat Memes Flowing - MEME WAR NOW - MEME WAR NOW

>>21562830 RFK Jr - No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.

>>21562838, >>21562844 The most hate-filled propaganda campaign in human history. Take it personally.

>>21562852, >>21562856 Ohio—how did this horde of invaders end up there, and why?

>>21562864, >>21562888 Greg Palast Panic Piece "Vigilantes Inc: America’s Vote Suppression Hitmen"

>>21562987 TRUMP? You're soaking in it. Kamala studies up for duh bate.

>>21563072 #26414

Previously Collected

>>21562076 #26413,

>>21559587 #26410, >>21560333 #26411, >>21561086 #26412

>>21556898 #26407, >>21557771 #26408, >>21558788 #26409

>>21553985 #26404, >>21554745 #26405, >>21555656 #26406

>>21551231 #26401, >>21552088 #26402, >>21553194 #26403

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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f36d56 No.21565643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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206d24 No.21565651

File: 9e12dc589266566⋯.png (358.5 KB,595x720,119:144,to.PNG)


Tyler Oliveira




Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety. No one knows how they are getting driver's licenses and cars so quickly despite them seemingly having no understanding of traffic laws.

With rumors of a "cheat sheet" being given to the Haitians to help them pass their driving test without being qualified, AND an underground black market selling cars to the Haitians, I went down to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles to see what I could find…

3:38 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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a2406b No.21565652

File: 7fe145b9aebe752⋯.jpg (59.29 KB,608x456,4:3,7fe145b9aebe7526dc55b6925e….jpg)

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f76ebf No.21565655

File: e246a741810a5c9⋯.jpg (1006.53 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Popcorn_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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7e4074 No.21565656

File: dc094e5ee3dedf3⋯.png (443.69 KB,1358x1119,1358:1119,dc094e5ee3dedf3b4c9007a609….png)

File: 111dd18ca5c041e⋯.jpg (41.92 KB,800x453,800:453,111dd18ca5c041ebdc76f49de9….jpg)


Check and correct. Thank u baker

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5401be No.21565657

File: e7aa01b1774e57b⋯.jpg (77.1 KB,1024x631,1024:631,e7aa01b1774e57b5fdcf050587….jpg)

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d305b7 No.21565658

File: 89b24ee66dc2319⋯.jpeg (69.58 KB,211x255,211:255,f1e8c5ae032954e84e09cc27c….jpeg)

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10fa05 No.21565659

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,pepe_surf2.png)

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206d24 No.21565661

File: efd134a3da3cae6⋯.png (12.25 KB,601x158,601:158,mf.PNG)




'This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF..

3:58 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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ec6455 No.21565662

File: 2bba38a5dcc3317⋯.jpeg (64 KB,534x300,89:50,2bba38a5dcc3317d8fda35cbd….jpeg)

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ea22e6 No.21565664

File: c5204e76ce1673d⋯.png (768.79 KB,1056x712,132:89,nopolicyorvision.png)

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206d24 No.21565666

File: 7340c0145378f6f⋯.png (336.55 KB,594x646,297:323,ts.PNG)


Elon Musk




John Stossel




Hollywood portrays civilian gun owners as fools, more likely to do harm than good.

The FBI confirms defensive gun use is rare.

But researcher @JohnRLottJr says the FBI data is wrong, that civilians SAVE lives all the time.

Show more

1:34 / 6:35

4:47 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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9b1e9e No.21565667

File: 44994409fd2845a⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,652x521,652:521,44994409fd2845a1f03fc96e31….jpg)


ThankYou BAKER!

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702b09 No.21565668

File: 45508881ca16280⋯.png (848.16 KB,978x690,163:115,johnn.png)

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7e4074 No.21565669

File: ad55bf8595fb664⋯.jpg (41.08 KB,385x450,77:90,ad55bf8595fb6640521073c79a….jpg)

Mf = muh fren

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9f8f9e No.21565672

File: d92f461dd4e8172⋯.png (2.47 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Q_popcorn.png)

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bb9bd3 No.21565673

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)



Time to get comfy

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2f3c90 No.21565674

File: e9bbd56443f907c⋯.png (1 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

haha Grok AI gave POTUS some rangs

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206d24 No.21565675

File: db94dfce34f33c8⋯.png (173.84 KB,596x543,596:543,cd.PNG)


Laura Loomer



Ahead of the first Debate tonight, President Trump just called on the House Republicans to shut down the government unless they “get absolute assurances on Election Security.”

The Democrats are trying to give illegal aliens the right to vote.


7:38 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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ec6455 No.21565676

File: b781760bb1dd1d4⋯.jpg (108.23 KB,791x809,791:809,trump65.jpg)

File: 13f8033a0f3c394⋯.jpg (97.08 KB,700x653,700:653,trump75.jpg)

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dc8abf No.21565678

In case I miss debate(sick), hope you do well mama! You got this! Shine!

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c6266a No.21565679

File: 8e71c7ce0103c6e⋯.jpg (31.45 KB,416x631,416:631,Trump_Cat_BW.JPG)

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68081f No.21565680

File: 3f27d901b295b4c⋯.jpg (9.53 KB,255x170,3:2,fee88eec60ac28088c578b6274….jpg)

debate links please

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4bacbc No.21565681

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bb9bd3 No.21565683

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,pepe_surf2.png)



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6d00e8 No.21565685

File: abe460b4a98dce5⋯.jpg (33.62 KB,666x487,666:487,advxfcgny.jpg)

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b1d098 No.21565686

File: aafa9731757dbb1⋯.png (987.72 KB,640x642,320:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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a496fd No.21565687

File: 4913cdd396f462d⋯.png (851.26 KB,1777x801,1777:801,18.PNG)

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2efaff No.21565688

File: 6bab34defe1f853⋯.jpeg (19.89 KB,255x234,85:78,1e24cf0c45e31eb924bb99d23….jpeg)

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8592db No.21565690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d305b7 No.21565691


>"is that a bad thing"

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206d24 No.21565692

File: 6ef6970413334cc⋯.png (867.88 KB,830x673,830:673,tgp.PNG)


TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full

Testimony For Congress On January 6th

and the Government Coverup Regarding the

Death of Patriot ROSANNE BOYLAND (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Cara Castronuova

Posted By: Imright, 9/10/2024 7:04:15 PM

This reporter had the honor of being asked to testify for Congress yesterday about January 6th. See my testimony here: (Photo) The hearing yesterday, titled: Unusually Cruel: A Continued Investigation Into the Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners, delved into the continued abuse of J6 defendants being unlawfully detained, the continued arrests of Trump Supporters that were present at January 6th to this day, and the gross censorship by the media of these facts. I specifically spoke about my experience as a reporter for The Gateway Pundit and the extreme censorship I have experienced in getting out the story of Rosanne Boyland. Boyland died on January 6th after she was seen beaten

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190e1e No.21565693

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

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ec6455 No.21565694

File: 6853749f12f4613⋯.png (39.6 KB,480x649,480:649,6853749f12f46136d4babe508d….png)

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8ee67b No.21565695


he likes to "Grab them buy the pussy"

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d139e3 No.21565696

File: 25480a61da010b0⋯.mp4 (169.24 KB,320x498,160:249,d088f3fbeaa07904.mp4)

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206d24 No.21565697

File: c686765242726ca⋯.png (73.31 KB,810x541,810:541,ip.PNG)


Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place

Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont,

Texas — Advises to Lock All Windows

and Doors, and Seal All Gaps

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 9/10/2024 6:37:34 PM

Residents near the ExxonMobil Refinery in the Charlton Pollard neighborhood of Beaumont have been ordered to shelter-in-place due to a potential release. The City of Beaumont issued an emergency alert advising residents to take immediate precautions for their safety. According to an official statement from ExxonMobil Beaumont: “ExxonMobil Beaumont is issuing an immediate shelter in place for the Charlton Pollard Neighborhood. Go inside the nearest building. Close and lock all windows and doors. Turn off all ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and close any fireplace dampers. Seal all gaps under doorways and windows with wet towels

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2efaff No.21565698

File: 83bce615e2adcb2⋯.jpg (11.69 KB,255x144,85:48,7c126e0fa018608174c39a21de….jpg)


the best is yet to come

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bb9bd3 No.21565699

File: d3564ccdca68d3f⋯.gif (54.29 KB,425x408,25:24,d3564ccdca68d3fd28afe23ab0….gif)


Trump will win, that much is obvious. The fake news will spin it otherwise though.

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4bacbc No.21565700

File: d97e9f0f736ce92⋯.jpg (93.77 KB,562x864,281:432,IMG_20240910_180738_225.jpg)


Oof! Anon got a little trigger happy. KeK

To excited for the debate bread.



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10fa05 No.21565701

File: 1748af1e5b6ea43⋯.gif (1.32 MB,200x200,1:1,200_3214007015.gif)


Fail mimic. Simple Legion. Angry Inch. Tranimae. Harmless clown. Broken shill. I'll always be two memes ahead, clown. Buh-bye. Until next bread, little pea brain.

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d305b7 No.21565702

File: 8a235debabdf0eb⋯.jpg (172.16 KB,889x1101,889:1101,86d0e8757d8209423d1b024701….jpg)

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ea22e6 No.21565703

File: 8b8fdf6af9212cd⋯.mp4 (601.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,civkillian.mp4)

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2efaff No.21565704

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206d24 No.21565705

File: f0c1e8fce48137e⋯.png (291.75 KB,616x808,77:101,ap.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Sexually Assaulted By Migrants

Girl is walking down the road, an illegal migrant put his arm around her neck and drug her into a house where multiple illegals sexually assaulted her

“More guys have come in, two of them have held me down and they've all just took it in turns”

“Approached me in broken English” they were “from the Middle East.”

5:59 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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a4ab5f No.21565707

File: 458cbbca416fb59⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,SPRINGFIELD_OHIO_UPDATE_Lo….mp4)



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215524 No.21565709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 14 hours

September 11 at 7:00 AM

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Commemorates the 9/11 Attacks - 9/11/24


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eb4b63 No.21565713

File: 5c3a773251e4083⋯.png (69.03 KB,255x255,1:1,Innuendo.png)

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39ad9f No.21565715

File: fe0f5d1b8c98e40⋯.png (512.67 KB,1105x491,1105:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb9bd3 No.21565717

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)

I think I'll bake tonight with a nice comfy rainbow banner and cat eating dough

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ea22e6 No.21565719

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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ec6455 No.21565722

File: 3a20586f37902a0⋯.png (1.06 MB,638x771,638:771,PULLIT2.png)

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f781e9 No.21565723

File: d401e580cc74506⋯.png (144.35 KB,644x745,644:745,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1949d0144ddf8a⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,I_ll_do_911.mp4)

Joe Biden raises eyebrows with 'doing 9/11' comment ahead of debate

President Joe Biden bluntly said he's 'doing 9/11' tomorrow - on the 23rd anniversary of the terror attacks - when reporters asked him his plans ahead of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Speaking from the White House lawn as he headed for Marine One, the gaffe-prone 81-year-old said: 'I'm going up to my granddaughters birthday in New York.

'Then we're gonna watch the debate, then tomorrow doing 9/11.'

The president's remark concerning the anniversary of the September 11 attacks on America caused some on social media to raise their eyebrows at his phrasing.


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c886aa No.21565724

File: 8f51b8e9c5ceb2d⋯.png (499.57 KB,974x643,974:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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206d24 No.21565726

File: 39970d4b62ae1bd⋯.png (792.08 KB,597x824,597:824,br.PNG)


James Watkins


There are 31,622, 400 seconds in a year. After four years that would be 104,160,000 seconds. If we are measuring it in intervals of 3 seconds, then it is about time, you baked another bread.



Cody Melby 🇺🇸🇲🇨🏴‍☠️




Replying to @thejimwatkins

4 years ago I had a [3]…. seconds… in bread.

I'm just a normal dude trying to do my part bro. Just like you.

7:28 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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eb4b63 No.21565727


Fuck off Loretta.

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ea22e6 No.21565729

File: 694ff5c94ea171b⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,not_able_to_go_out_in_the_….mp4)

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ec6455 No.21565730


gm, rabbi

when are you going to get some good memes?

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2efaff No.21565731

File: 7b2586a3d11dbb8⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,640x360,16:9,7b2586a3d11dbb8106c680c8d2….mp4)

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f842a6 No.21565732


Izzat Mayim Bialik?

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00386e No.21565733


That’s malinformation.

Keep it up and they’re’ll gonna be troubleshooting.

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bb9bd3 No.21565734

File: 069b1de0ae7da5b⋯.png (222.28 KB,700x634,350:317,069b1de0ae7da5b9da691c5e66….png)


I'm not Loretta

I'm SP

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206d24 No.21565735

File: 4fddc58a0a7480a⋯.png (355.64 KB,591x831,197:277,em.PNG)




The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

Soon the evidence will be too much to lie about


Tayler Hansen




I’ve received nearly 400 emails from Springfield locals about their experiences dealing with the Haitian Influx.

Nearly half of the emails I’ve received have been very similar to this one. Lifetime residents attempting to flee due to violence, lack of access to resources, and

Show more


5:22 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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eb4b63 No.21565736


I have loads of cool memes.

I just don't waste them on (You).

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1f5408 No.21565737

File: 922164ce3b30972⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB,424x391,424:391,922164ce3b30972c4cce03695….jpeg)

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2fde1b No.21565738

File: 597c99a8fd6cb69⋯.jpg (124.01 KB,989x554,989:554,rbg_ap.jpg)

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206d24 No.21565739

File: 9940caae721be2c⋯.png (519.89 KB,960x660,16:11,fess.PNG)


Pennsylvania Prof Claims Trump Is A ‘Fascist’,

Urges Students To Vote

Daily Wire, by Leif Le Mahieu

Posted By: Imright, 9/10/2024 3:56:13 PM

An accounting professor at a taxpayer-funded Pennsylvania university condemned former President Donald Trump and his supporters as “fascists” during a lecture where he urged his students to vote in November, video shared with The Daily Wire shows. William Lloyd ripped into Trump and Republicans during a managerial accounting class on September 4 at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven. The university is part of Pennsylvania’s public education system and is located in Clinton County, an area that largely backed Trump in 2020. “Get informed. It is important. There is a lot of disinformation out there,” Lloyd told his students last week, according to a recording of the lecture shared with The Daily Wire. “And vote.

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ec6455 No.21565740

File: 429804f4df79910⋯.jpg (220.19 KB,620x675,124:135,you.jpg)



when do you finish high school?

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6c3c5f No.21565741

File: 4e01bfb53b31a4a⋯.png (137.8 KB,772x777,772:777,KunRadio.png)

So when will the Kun be live streamed?

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b41e16 No.21565742

File: d09b704e11e841c⋯.png (461.5 KB,726x426,121:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03b66e683bdd198⋯.png (1.35 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

Thousands have swarmed a defence expo in Melbourne, clashing with police and sparking chaos in what’s tipped to be the city’s biggest protest in 24 years.

Protesters have clashed with police, throwing poo and rocks while officers use pepper spray as thousands of people swarm the Melbourne CBD to protest a military expo.

More than 25,000 people are expected to surround the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Wednesday, rallying against the Land Forces Defence Expo being held inside.

On Wednesday morning there are several thousand protestors at various points surrounding the convention centre.

Protesters are chanting “Free Palestine” and “money for houses and education, not for weapons corporations”.


Cops in Melbourne Aus are doing what they do best - beating pissed off citizens

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d305b7 No.21565743


i make them on the go

drop 'em once


hope to see them again

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c41f53 No.21565744

File: f567d6cb8afdbd7⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,854x477,854:477,b7c8ea46c6223ef981925625bc….jpg)

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069507 No.21565745


Colby, it's so good to see you oorah'ing again on QResearch.

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b879f1 No.21565746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ICE-T. Nice song here about the two party shit. But a lot of Republicans are to see in this clip. No clips from Democrats available? Manipulation, ICE-T?

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a4e811 No.21565747

File: ba1d10ab4cd49e4⋯.gif (892.52 KB,500x446,250:223,1487647943390.gif)

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190e1e No.21565748

File: 46cbd3a28fe9958⋯.jpg (41.05 KB,650x392,325:196,Xnip2024_09_10_19_41_06.jpg)


crazy eyes

they all have the look

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d9b26c No.21565749

File: 834e6982bdeda1f⋯.png (497.62 KB,482x606,241:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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d305b7 No.21565750

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982951 No.21565751

>>21565062 pb

Correct, I believe it is some type of fossilized worm or larva like material and/or DNA from a beetle is part of bio-weapon and which is why bats in Wuhan were used for their dung because it is nutrient rich to these type of organisms and microbes.

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6d00e8 No.21565752

Woman speaking at Springfield City Meeting says the Haitians are not illegals; they have documents, and were invited to come. kek

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b1cda3 No.21565753

File: 8c4bb0ccbe5ee39⋯.mp4 (495.81 KB,640x800,4:5,8YSONm3nMfMaS3Ps.mp4)


Winner winner

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2efaff No.21565754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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db63df No.21565755

File: e34e95cad4171cc⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea22e6 No.21565756

File: b3e7a454ad0abc2⋯.mp4 (8.08 MB,480x270,16:9,gayenergy.mp4)

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03c8a6 No.21565757

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,e593d419bad0b414e964828055….jpg)


math is hard Jim


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eb4b63 No.21565758

File: 595bd5d4bd9c862⋯.jpg (12.11 KB,255x188,255:188,a06cbf048b54162d9ea8073a15….jpg)


Best meme ever. [picrel]

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d9b26c No.21565759

File: ec23ff063cc90dd⋯.png (29.92 KB,420x294,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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00386e No.21565760


Are you e-baum?

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1f5408 No.21565761

File: 6969b126e0fbbfa⋯.png (434.3 KB,766x1652,383:826,3162.png)

File: bea7dbf075de96d⋯.png (33.64 KB,766x408,383:204,622.png)

File: f0b66494a81a680⋯.png (42.3 KB,766x496,383:248,104_10_.png)

File: d0aef9112c793d1⋯.png (124.18 KB,766x1158,383:579,160_1_.png)

File: 5558f4e9177ca2e⋯.png (42.53 KB,766x540,383:270,728_2_.png)

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ec6455 No.21565762

File: c46affeaab23955⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x998,600:499,8kun8.png)

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190e1e No.21565763

File: cb0e1dd1797beae⋯.gif (320.14 KB,220x279,220:279,cat_cats.gif)



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a4e811 No.21565764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c886aa No.21565765


probably 9gag for that one

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069507 No.21565766


If Tucker agrees to do a show on Radio Jim then QR is prolly ded for sure then.

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b1cda3 No.21565767

File: 8464180c28069b5⋯.jpeg (71.78 KB,500x550,10:11,60.jpeg)

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a496fd No.21565768

File: 1ac687b7753e85a⋯.png (776.69 KB,656x624,41:39,toots1.PNG)

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0015e1 No.21565769

File: 7a7a5d6efc86b90⋯.webp (29 KB,768x512,3:2,cat_ear_ache_bandage_home….webp)

File: 6e6c4b55669bee9⋯.webp (29.15 KB,768x512,3:2,cat_ear_ache_bandage_home….webp)

File: 7137885233418dd⋯.webp (37.52 KB,800x534,400:267,cat_ear_ache_bandage_home….webp)

I survived the BBQ

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ec6455 No.21565770

File: 17fcc73df233520⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1370x1811,1370:1811,17fcc73df2335209018df6ece….jpeg)

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0015e1 No.21565771


>I survived the BBQ

BBG 2024 Vet

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03c8a6 No.21565772

File: 0a26c7cc89bad97⋯.png (154.81 KB,479x355,479:355,0a26c7cc89bad977a99045f273….png)

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a4e811 No.21565773

File: f1a84692aea6de5⋯.webm (767.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726007180606599.webm)

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e5c04f No.21565774

File: bbe6729a5870221⋯.mp4 (15.17 MB,854x480,427:240,Kamala_Cooking_Pets.mp4)

Kamala Cooking Pets And Ducks And Shit


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b1cda3 No.21565776

File: a37e9d3928b1bb7⋯.png (100.72 KB,210x254,105:127,3fd5830decb60c8902b09445c1….png)


Brother in arms

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b879f1 No.21565777

File: 10e859c60fc8550⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,5184x2811,1728:937,POTUSwreckingK.jpg)


Will the debate also be broadcast here or just the countdown?

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7e4074 No.21565779




9gag = work safe memes

That's how I got dragged into this to begin with. But I have memories that conflict with this.

It is very confusing


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069507 No.21565780

Tomorrow is 23 years.

Numberfags, wut mean?

Good or bad thing?

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ec6455 No.21565781

File: 2c77079434bebd5⋯.jpg (186.85 KB,1125x1116,125:124,91122.jpg)

your chances of being killed by a termite, or a squid, are low but never zero

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190e1e No.21565782

File: 7fa2b74ab7d63b5⋯.jpg (58.8 KB,940x788,235:197,Untitled_design.jpg)

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1ba8b1 No.21565783


top kek

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d9b26c No.21565784

File: e3eb1c282e45177⋯.png (463.19 KB,474x538,237:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1cda3 No.21565785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brothers in arms

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2efaff No.21565786

File: 94c880a6f6e84f2⋯.png (1.31 MB,1121x758,1121:758,94c880a6f6e84f24f3302fdfc4….png)

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b7c99b No.21565787

The Draco reptilians do not want humanity to ascend and evolve.

We will be their biggest threat.

Here we are.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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ec6455 No.21565788

File: 2ffe789661d339d⋯.jpg (131.52 KB,706x960,353:480,coke2.jpg)

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03c8a6 No.21565789

File: 34ece990df762d3⋯.png (628.94 KB,680x544,5:4,34ece990df762d3ac8a8d2edab….png)

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4be942 No.21565790

Let the cacklin' begin……. soon…..

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7e4074 No.21565791

File: 5dffba2064b89d5⋯.png (172.41 KB,473x1337,473:1337,qaggdropimage778_1.png)

File: 921efb6d4c50f0b⋯.png (53 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage776.png)

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de7cfb No.21565792

Mass Debates. FFS.

Tell me something good.

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00386e No.21565793

File: d771335b7ab3f49⋯.jpeg (353.3 KB,1487x1632,1487:1632,IMG_3688.jpeg)

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069507 No.21565794


Trip Luckys, try RSBN.

Pretty sure their Debate Pregame Show started streaming last week.

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eb4b63 No.21565795

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,e5b5aba292ce7163f52bfba9ec….jpg)

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ea22e6 No.21565796

The President is taking part in the command and staff exercises "Ocean-2024". They are taking place from September 10 to 16 in the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic Seas.

In addition to Russian warships, the maneuvers also involve ships and aircraft from the People's Liberation Army of China. Putin explained why this is important - the United States is trying to maintain its dominance in the world at any cost, and is increasing its presence in the Asia-Pacific region.


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ec6455 No.21565797

File: 3ae65e313cae03a⋯.png (1.71 MB,875x1127,125:161,8kun5.png)

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1f5408 No.21565798

File: 287264cafd6048e⋯.png (479.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_194811.png)

File: 022231088acbbd9⋯.jpeg (447.65 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GXFQ3LraQAAj_1A.jpeg)

File: 3da2fa5b819929c⋯.png (27.72 KB,766x408,383:204,590.png)

File: ea30e202ae14b14⋯.png (28.64 KB,766x408,383:204,591_1_.png)

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03c224 No.21565799

File: f9bece93e4031ab⋯.png (268.47 KB,598x393,598:393,Leprechaun.png)


We will never forget.

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18b4e6 No.21565800

File: a1220436d15f3b5⋯.jpg (90.52 KB,671x398,671:398,CHARLIE_CANT_SURF.jpg)



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2fde1b No.21565801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a496fd No.21565802

File: a2285aa4a31d1ec⋯.png (1.98 MB,2219x744,2219:744,ClipboardImage.png)

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2efaff No.21565803


im gonna come

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bb9bd3 No.21565804

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

The two narcissist shills are sitting back waiting for my reply, hanging off my every word because they have nothing else to do. Must suck to get paid to self promote your famefag board personality and fail daily.

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b1cda3 No.21565805

File: a60ddab1861d9a0⋯.jpg (179.43 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240910_192753….jpg)


This woman ain't playin.

She almost became Jackie O.

And she ain't gonna take it anymoar

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7e4074 No.21565806

File: d95ad656beae367⋯.jpg (39.88 KB,620x465,4:3,wall_2341156725.jpg)

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1f5408 No.21565807

File: c83268d4794aa14⋯.png (513.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_195026.png)

File: a0c76d6448c1ffc⋯.png (241.01 KB,766x1552,383:776,19_5_.png)

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4be942 No.21565808

Harris has ONE chance, and that's tonight.

Wonder if she'll blow it?

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eb4b63 No.21565809


You seem very self-involved.

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00386e No.21565810


“Oooooh shit Clarance Carter!”

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18b4e6 No.21565811

File: dcf9bfd34cc346a⋯.jpg (74.57 KB,628x370,314:185,COLORBLIND_TEST.jpg)




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de7cfb No.21565812


Not if Melania's around she won't.

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069507 No.21565813


You can't shake a stick around here without hitting an SP.

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0812db No.21565814

File: 8a1073c1faac4d5⋯.jpg (654.47 KB,1615x1440,323:288,Picsart_24_09_10_18_51_57_….jpg)

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2efaff No.21565815

File: 9cc8d0c616f645d⋯.jpg (60.19 KB,500x500,1:1,9cc8d0c616f645d95abfa5fb72….jpg)


o7 brother

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4be942 No.21565816

Who thinks Harris will blow it? …Isn't she often good at doing that?

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d63463 No.21565817


public hearing going on now on portland andy

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bf3427 No.21565818

File: 6b17bfbdb8fdfc8⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2274.jpeg)

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885b88 No.21565819

File: 4745ae31137cecd⋯.jpg (40.05 KB,594x800,297:400,NCSWIC.jpg)

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bb9bd3 No.21565820

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)

The famefag shills exist for nothing more than replying to my posts because they are losing. The more Anon ignores them and the moar they reply to my posts the moar Anon wins because their narcissistic ego is consumed. Every reply to my posts makes me win moar.

Anon did dat.

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ec6455 No.21565821

File: ad69748d3a0a38c⋯.jpeg (122.86 KB,626x499,626:499,digitals1.jpeg)

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9f5fbb No.21565822

File: 1398cc9fba3d2f3⋯.jpg (74.67 KB,940x707,940:707,Kamala_Gonn_Lose.jpg)

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eb4b63 No.21565823

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)

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7344e5 No.21565824

File: 592399b97b01109⋯.jpg (496.26 KB,754x1008,377:504,JimboPepe.jpg)

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b1cda3 No.21565825


Check all of them for guns or explosives

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1f5408 No.21565826

File: df75d4c21c6167b⋯.png (956.18 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_195231.png)

File: ef2658ac16baad2⋯.png (95.46 KB,766x980,383:490,529.png)

File: a7232c0fd2fd87c⋯.png (364.68 KB,766x1984,383:992,1729_1_.png)

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190e1e No.21565827

File: c2939a5d94650e1⋯.jpg (97.55 KB,856x742,428:371,Xnip2024_09_10_19_53_36.jpg)


>Wonder if she'll blow it?

kek…blow it?…yeah she will

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296520 No.21565828

File: 2aee4c2d64bc076⋯.webm (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726009254424171.webm)

who's hungry?

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190e1e No.21565829

File: 030643b18cbb243⋯.jpg (38.97 KB,500x381,500:381,c03704180fd2b8645d41bc6c2c….jpg)

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eb4b63 No.21565830


You sure do talk about narcissism a lot, but only in terms of how great it makes (You).


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7e4074 No.21565831

File: ef24f25c7b46b0e⋯.png (23.03 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage381_1.png)

File: 42eed9edfcbf54b⋯.png (253.75 KB,473x732,473:732,qaggdropimage1388_1.png)

File: 49f357570c6bec2⋯.png (47.17 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage2115_1.png)

File: 4d32a8db743f26a⋯.png (258.09 KB,473x1841,473:1841,qaggdropimage2116_1.png)

File: 225e3aeea81fcd1⋯.png (25.5 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage2191.png)

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ec6455 No.21565832

File: 5f5336b7c8ff0db⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,720x662,360:331,91152.jpg)

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c886aa No.21565833

File: 1739788e3d3e763⋯.png (779.41 KB,979x853,979:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2867671c90229f⋯.png (774.97 KB,982x849,982:849,ClipboardImage.png)

File: defbe586aeff961⋯.png (821.8 KB,996x872,249:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8783a6d7010b850⋯.png (429.73 KB,1007x467,1007:467,ClipboardImage.png)














over 1 mil on just the first 13 channels

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bb9bd3 No.21565834

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,125e3c303645f511401e0d3925….png)


You didn't deny the truth in my post. Only deflected. Now watch and learn newfag, this is how you bait and trap and live rent free inside famefag shills heads. They exist to reply to my every whim, and each reply of theirs proves it.

Love you.

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7e4074 No.21565835

File: ee4807c34745ea0⋯.png (59.81 KB,473x535,473:535,qaggdropimage2192.png)

File: a77125674fb72ac⋯.png (52.9 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage2559.png)

File: 40e8e2fa3df5f8f⋯.png (43.51 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage3355.png)

File: 5faaa0fe886e0cd⋯.png (36 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage3792.png)

File: 3fc5f63e28d316e⋯.png (24.46 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage4185.png)

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2efaff No.21565836

File: 0a7dd77c8e5ed0d⋯.jpg (16.38 KB,229x221,229:221,9cd0a8df22f1d6a3abf988a453….jpg)

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00386e No.21565837


9/11 this year is a Wednesday, not a Tuesday like the real. Wouldn’t be the same.

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18b4e6 No.21565838

File: 0beffc992e33579⋯.jpg (129.79 KB,674x479,674:479,IT_CANT_HELP_IT.jpg)



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dfc976 No.21565839

American winning

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a496fd No.21565840

File: 35727b0f5e974b7⋯.png (456.94 KB,462x512,231:256,pepe625.PNG)

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db6d04 No.21565841


you have my Shield of Faith B

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2efaff No.21565842

File: 9e1bc990d4f33a9⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x124,55:31,9e1bc990d4f33a959d75ecdc3f….gif)

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03c8a6 No.21565843

File: 76e75ef56239ca7⋯.jpg (103.75 KB,504x480,21:20,76e75ef56239ca7432584d1b78….jpg)

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bf3427 No.21565844

File: 6b2c6168a395727⋯.png (60.22 KB,225x250,9:10,IMG_2379.png)

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d9b26c No.21565845

File: d72780c360bc223⋯.png (320.86 KB,438x404,219:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb9bd3 No.21565846

File: 4b2de186ddef0a1⋯.png (358.21 KB,771x565,771:565,4b2de186ddef0a1fa8a49b4ee5….png)


Nice meme

Got a permit?

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b4a155 No.21565847

File: 00c6467b12c5a88⋯.png (275.1 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1cda3 No.21565848

File: 674cc295408cfa3⋯.webp (21.27 KB,680x672,85:84,media_GXHX0XIXwAEuSG_.webp)

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18b4e6 No.21565849

File: 7a730dc9952e396⋯.jpg (101.19 KB,645x536,645:536,OR_HALF_A_SAMICH.jpg)

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eb4b63 No.21565850

File: 99201a4228fafa5⋯.png (1.8 KB,128x128,1:1,spoiler.png)

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0015e1 No.21565851

File: 72329f28601d3a8⋯.png (144.83 KB,418x569,418:569,CATs_4_Trump.png)

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bb9bd3 No.21565852

File: ded848c1f888139⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yPRpWYIS8T65VG9cjTK3_RgtOO….jpg)

Time to get comfy for the debate. Just had to bait the narcissist shills and get them all triggered and seething before the comfy.

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069507 No.21565853


It's all fun and games until Smoking Pig (the Real SP) arrives.

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035e88 No.21565854

File: 74d1826f7208b27⋯.png (177.69 KB,490x469,70:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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245350 No.21565855

I assume the Gang Take Over is a FF. No interviews of residents? No one crying about it??

Paid. Shills.

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18b4e6 No.21565857

File: c046ba0ae3ab092⋯.jpg (135.38 KB,635x553,635:553,THE_ARTFUL_DODGER.jpg)

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634888 No.21565858


I'm gonna stick with my gut feeling that it was all staged to expose the corrupt SS.

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eb4b63 No.21565859

File: 4deb2562f2de4bc⋯.jpg (29.96 KB,599x449,599:449,369656574_1023273571064181….jpg)

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03c8a6 No.21565860


washed the roof

towed the van

burnt the body

extreme measures taken to NOT preserve a crime scene

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91cb3d No.21565861

File: 0a29b36f48e4ec8⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,404x720,101:180,66e062e9c2f3c.mp4)


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a4ab5f No.21565862

File: e06e846e343a60e⋯.png (445.47 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfff13 No.21565863

Link for debate?

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b1cda3 No.21565864

File: 7e9a0121c756116⋯.jpeg (74.5 KB,548x393,548:393,download_62.jpeg)

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18b4e6 No.21565865

File: d490e35d38e2275⋯.jpg (66.61 KB,497x627,497:627,STOLEN.jpg)




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206d24 No.21565866

File: 74c86f22ae1d073⋯.png (172.34 KB,591x829,591:829,jk.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


WOW: Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants including Guy Reffitt, the first J6ers convicted at trial.

What a total humiliation of the DOJ and 17 DC judges (including Pan) who allowed this wrongful prosecution to happen in the 1st place.


7:43 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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ea22e6 No.21565867

File: c5786c4c2050a3e⋯.jpeg (106.32 KB,866x578,433:289,hosedown.jpeg)


>preserve a crime scene


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bb9bd3 No.21565868

File: 1aaf9ff5b1c031f⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,750x1000,3:4,bg_f8f8f8_flat_750x_075_f_….jpg)


But it's even moar fun and games then because it's just that many moar narcissists getting baited and triggered and consumed and hanging off my every word and crying and whining.

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a67617 No.21565869


Sounds like she want's her husband to begin the Military Tribunals for treason…

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bf3427 No.21565870

File: ff1223262893986⋯.jpeg (21.46 KB,255x241,255:241,IMG_2195.jpeg)

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2efaff No.21565871

File: 533f3232bbb5d4a⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,720x900,4:5,resonating.mp4)

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b41e4f No.21565872



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b41e16 No.21565873

File: d1a344cff9fe48c⋯.png (327.67 KB,569x442,569:442,ClipboardImage.png)

YIKES: Crooked Joe Biden says he's "doing 9/11" tomorrow.


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03c8a6 No.21565874

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d63463 No.21565875


17 corrupt judges?

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7e4074 No.21565876

File: 63ca5a5b6f05bcd⋯.jpg (40.39 KB,474x428,237:214,th_334721704.jpg)

File: a5a0358f40e5503⋯.jpg (24.16 KB,500x360,25:18,3f953ed168ba7a6a622fe05f5c….jpg)

File: 3124129901fd74f⋯.jpeg (89.78 KB,500x675,20:27,3124129901fd74f19b055779b….jpeg)

File: e8f8fc434a5e590⋯.jpg (482.35 KB,1200x1200,1:1,e8f8fc434a5e59035fc4bdec2c….jpg)

File: ffe3a7133ac5e62⋯.png (238.03 KB,494x447,494:447,ffe3a7133ac5e629be1f85d9d5….png)

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eb4b63 No.21565877

File: 8f72ea06dbe6b02⋯.png (390.81 KB,547x360,547:360,KEK.png)

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db6d04 No.21565878


The Hostages are Free to go

Question is… Will -The[y]- set the free

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ec6455 No.21565879


>WOW: Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants including Guy Reffitt, the first J6ers convicted at trial.


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6af137 No.21565880


she has made it to the top by blowing it

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a67617 No.21565881

File: 7d9bd0da2f37dce⋯.png (507.82 KB,1024x512,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bacbc No.21565882

File: d31699e15df37ed⋯.png (61.66 KB,399x485,399:485,img.png)


Paint that bitch pepe green and take mi money.

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0d2edc No.21565883

Hi, cuties. Just assumed the position after racing back from son-anon’s parent night at school. Thank heavens you weirdos are here. Time to get the gold kicks on, red cap cocked, and beverages. Let’s goooooooooo! Xo

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a4ab5f No.21565884

File: d35c19dae804f7d⋯.png (488.57 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb4b63 No.21565885

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c886aa No.21565886


might as well post your tits while you're at it

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00386e No.21565887


Body looked fake.

Not as bad as a Peruvian Ayy, but kinda fake.

Not enough splatter to have been real.

The whole thing be an enigma wrapped in a riddle painted with cicada 3301.

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069507 No.21565888


You can always count on Joe to foreshadow the incoming fuckery attempts.

Well played, Fake POTUS, well played.

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db63df No.21565889

File: 184e162330aec48⋯.png (249.95 KB,500x387,500:387,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5f16df8c1c1a76⋯.png (577.94 KB,803x768,803:768,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fde1b No.21565890

did it start?

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b41e4f No.21565891


hey anon, anon can't get that link to show up in english, only chinese. got tips?

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a67617 No.21565892

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b1cda3 No.21565893


Cuz she'll be a disaster

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c886aa No.21565894

File: 3109c6b938eef1f⋯.png (45.34 KB,264x104,33:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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18b4e6 No.21565895

File: 3965d4db5f270f3⋯.jpg (142.63 KB,555x567,185:189,JUST_HALF.jpg)

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bb9bd3 No.21565896

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)

Why is it so easy and fun to bait and trigger the narcissist famefag shills? Really. It's so easy and fun.

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21a65f No.21565897



What time is the debate?

The debate begins at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, Sept. 10.

Who is moderating the presidential debate?

"World News Tonight" anchor David Muir and ABC News Live "Prime" anchor Linsey Davis will moderate the debate.

Where is the presidential debate taking place?

The debate will be held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania is one of seven battleground states that could help determine the outcome of the election. According to the latest CBS News estimate, Harris and Trump are tied in the state, which has 19 electoral votes.

The last debate between Mr. Biden and Trump also took place in a battleground state, Georgia. The two met in Atlanta at CNN's studios on June 27.

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d305b7 No.21565898





up to you

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634888 No.21565899


Watching a movie.

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206d24 No.21565900

File: 6c1b2fcb702c69f⋯.png (69.86 KB,675x479,675:479,sc.PNG)


Exclusive: Trump shooting task force obtains

'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as

details emerge of would-be assassin's

bizarre behavior in days before

Daily Mail (UK), by Jon Michael Raasch

Posted By: Imright, 9/10/2024 3:25:48 PM

The leader of the congressional committee investigating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump says the autopsy report of shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is stomach-churning. Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., the top Republican in charge of the probe told DailyMail.com that the report and its grisly details are 'gruesome.' However, he did not provide a timetable for when the autopsy would be released publicly. Kelly, who represents Butler, Pennsylvania, where the shooting occurred, has led several investigative trips to the fairgrounds where Trump spoke to further uncover details about the tragedy that left one dead and several, including the former president, injured.

He also mentioned how it is 'really important' to remember the Crooks family when considering the autopsy, noting how they 'lost somebody' that fateful day as well.

Kelly also disclosed that the FBI told him Crooks exhibited strange behavior before the shooting.

That included 'walking around the house talking to himself' and 'flapping his arms,' Punchbowl news first reported.

'There was some indication that something was wrong,' the chairman said.

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f842a6 No.21565901

File: b3d1f92a4c994ab⋯.jpeg (118 KB,857x1199,857:1199,Debate_Bingo_Card.jpeg)


Don't forget your bingo card

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b41e4f No.21565902


nvmnd works now. TY

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e5c04f No.21565903

File: dca8549484f9e93⋯.png (1.3 MB,1241x827,1241:827,ClipboardImage.png)


>Time to get the gold kicks on, red cap cocked, and beverages. Let’s goooooooooo!

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190e1e No.21565904

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18b4e6 No.21565905

File: 03f0f348d712c7b⋯.jpg (115.23 KB,737x483,737:483,ARMS_SHIPMENT_STOLEN.jpg)

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a496fd No.21565906

File: 70e39000ee2be3c⋯.png (2.01 MB,978x1012,489:506,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac1701 No.21565907


the hell that awaits these animals

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206d24 No.21565908

File: 6ed4a902fabfdc2⋯.png (224.17 KB,596x637,596:637,wr.PNG)


johnny maga


It appears as though Trump's campaign account is being reported on the day of the debate to have posts labeled "Adult content," so that they're shown to a smaller audience.

This is extremely concerning. Can someone please look into this? @X




7:16 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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fec0f9 No.21565909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Industrial disease

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d305b7 No.21565910


my center square is McDonald's

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bb9bd3 No.21565911

File: dfe654173667a3e⋯.png (244.7 KB,410x390,41:39,dfe654173667a3e0e40dc3a7c6….png)

They can't get a single reply from me. Not even one. Yet 100% of their posts are replies to mine. Absolutely consumed and obsessed, their ego is consumed. Anon diddly did dat.

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18b4e6 No.21565912

File: b7a45520cc505be⋯.jpg (87.08 KB,488x519,488:519,SMILES.jpg)

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6af137 No.21565913


whytf do people still feel any obligation to pay taxes to traitors or participate in rigged and fake elections? juss ask'n

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e0a8f4 No.21565914

File: a4d4e988c9dc1de⋯.gif (1.51 MB,433x433,1:1,20240910_180439.gif)

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18b4e6 No.21565915

File: 9157e130708c1ca⋯.jpg (108.96 KB,516x558,86:93,SMILES_AGAIN.jpg)

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a4ab5f No.21565916

File: e406d77390c3558⋯.png (361.63 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d63463 No.21565917


why is rocky rococo in the center square

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206d24 No.21565918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alien (1979) scene with Jonesy, Ripley's cat

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0015e1 No.21565919

File: e0bd960e362b041⋯.png (551.55 KB,793x825,793:825,Maga_Pussy.png)

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069507 No.21565920


>nothing like an old fashioned FF to cover up bad headlines the next day

Too predictable tho.

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03c8a6 No.21565921

File: effcf9079bf5a1a⋯.jpg (50.08 KB,512x512,1:1,hgjutg78j.jpg)


lets get you a uniform soldier

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b41e16 No.21565922

File: 6a91c266293e4b7⋯.png (257.67 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fde1b No.21565923

File: 5344aa26275e308⋯.jpg (191.22 KB,1200x1200,1:1,chrisbrown.jpg)

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87621d No.21565924

Q has got to be proud of Anons today. Twitter is absolutely exploding in MEMES!

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4be942 No.21565925


Who do they hate you in the first place? What exactly started it?

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206d24 No.21565926

File: 327b1d05aa19eb1⋯.png (921.54 KB,591x830,591:830,muss.PNG)



Rothmus 🏴


If you protect them now, they will return the favor.


10:07 AM · Sep 9, 2024




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d305b7 No.21565927


they still around

last i had it

was milwaukee

in the early 90's

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bb9bd3 No.21565928

File: 6abbd889cf32315⋯.png (101.6 KB,346x329,346:329,smokingkermit2.png)

Their ego cannot resist the bait. Trust a narcissist will take the bait and reply to my posts.




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bf3427 No.21565929

File: 6fe45560d87deef⋯.png (1.07 MB,1055x1200,211:240,IMG_1670.png)

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296520 No.21565930


use deepl.com

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video

2. Enter your prompt. (avoid obviously banned words)

3. Click on the green button to generate video.

4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.

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ec6455 No.21565931

File: 69cf19bb1c2eb15⋯.png (712.21 KB,900x936,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ab5f No.21565932

File: f5e4a0da5450403⋯.png (476.12 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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18b4e6 No.21565933

File: e0912d1067c5940⋯.jpg (117.02 KB,573x560,573:560,DASH_12_FAILURE.jpg)

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206d24 No.21565934

File: 07ffbbbbf180789⋯.png (349.75 KB,592x777,16:21,in.PNG)


Elon Musk


Does seem inconsistent


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver



Sep 9

Why is nobody demanding a cease fire in Ukraine?


Rate proposed Community Notes

3:50 PM · Sep 9, 2024




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b1cda3 No.21565935

File: 2a280b65170b47e⋯.jpg (85.92 KB,500x761,500:761,8twlwx.jpg)


Moar crazy winning

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b41e4f No.21565936


Another (interactive) bingo card.


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03c8a6 No.21565937

File: 2bd46d9399069f4⋯.jpg (55.13 KB,357x360,119:120,catty.jpg)


mouse time

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dfc976 No.21565938


Failed chucklefuck mimics, everywhere.

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18b4e6 No.21565939

File: b673d2e71f1c43c⋯.jpg (140.65 KB,494x659,494:659,PIG_S_PIG.jpg)

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2fde1b No.21565940

File: 0d1b66e026b1053⋯.png (255.53 KB,414x234,23:13,ClipboardImage.png)


we did it, anon…we did it.

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069507 No.21565941


>X-Twat never had memes until QR came into existence

It feels good man to be a gangsta.

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b41e4f No.21565942

File: 1b3e2e6080b3b5c⋯.mp4 (673.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726013300942243294_video_….mp4)

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206d24 No.21565943

File: db5e53f42762a01⋯.png (301.65 KB,588x503,588:503,ps.PNG)


Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s own document, exposing Kamala's campaign as more of a reskinning than a refresh

From yahoo.com

5:43 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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bb9bd3 No.21565944

File: 6367f12cfc3ecae⋯.jpg (37.69 KB,610x591,610:591,2bf0aaef9a8aac7e2dd26f5d77….jpg)


Calling our their famefaggot board personality gatekeeper personas that exist to form consensus around here I guess. Either way the moar they seethe and reply and the moar I deny them of (You) the moar winning occurs. They are narcissists so its predictable.

God bless you

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10fa05 No.21565945

File: cccbca62f86bcf3⋯.jpg (48.62 KB,540x431,540:431,cccbca62f86bcf341353340122….jpg)


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9cb59d No.21565946

File: 6a1674cd7d37135⋯.png (579 KB,664x614,332:307,6a1674cd7d37135fa896cf6de0….png)

File: 1841eda6035e896⋯.png (72.99 KB,250x333,250:333,7492.png)

I hope President Trump does plenty of his legendary facial expressions tonight.

Please make it happen Q!

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b4a155 No.21565947

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d305b7 No.21565949

File: 3c26b134c694e06⋯.jpg (665.96 KB,4032x2268,16:9,20211017_094507.jpg)

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c42fe1 No.21565950



He’s right, you know?

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eb4b63 No.21565951


You sure talk a lot like Loretta.

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206d24 No.21565952

File: f66055cfb2518f9⋯.png (399.3 KB,586x830,293:415,gh.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

Gavin Newsom then took out a $2+ Million Dollar Mortgage “They literally gave him millions of dollars”

“Some very bizarre loophole where you’re the Governor of California and they can give you millions of dollars”

“And then right in front of everyone’s face they gift you a house”

Last edited

6:34 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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e99588 No.21565953

Haitian speaking at Springfield Commission Meeting: There is a pre-conceived notion that all the Haitians here in Springfield are illegal immigrants, which is false…some of us are here via federal program that allows us to have a Social Security card, employment authorization, that allows us to temporarily stay in the country, This program is better know as TPS.

[the 'Temporary Protected Status' program is being abused by Biden/Harris to flood the country with illegals]

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c94e08 No.21565954

File: 41c98217f4aeb8e⋯.png (140.53 KB,355x458,355:458,ClipboardImage.png)

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76249c No.21565955

heard Harris camp preparing Haitian Defense

break all the rules

overrun Venezuelan gang signs

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4be942 No.21565956


Yep, as I expected with her it's just another 4 years of the same commie bullshit.

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2efaff No.21565958



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ec6455 No.21565959

File: 959e819740efb4b⋯.png (463.64 KB,620x496,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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d81c6b No.21565960

File: 95fe8fe75aea4dd⋯.png (269.54 KB,986x666,493:333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00726c4ebb109ef⋯.png (7.56 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024.png)


Clock for :07

Message was :08

Today is :09

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eb4b63 No.21565961

So Kamala is going to call Trump a convicted felon.

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bb9bd3 No.21565962

File: 569289d55d8f98a⋯.png (9.3 KB,229x220,229:220,b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


That's because it's me, the Anime baker.

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f842a6 No.21565963

Harris: weak, insecure, nervous, rattled

45: strong, secure, calm, steady

Q+ for the win!

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ac1701 No.21565964

File: dfd243611203928⋯.webp (104.83 KB,750x499,750:499,IMG_0443.webp)

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206d24 No.21565965

File: c78989f234b431c⋯.png (708.29 KB,591x830,591:830,md.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Cry more @ericswalwell




Libs of TikTok




Eric Swalwell has a total meltdown over the Trump cat memes.

Friends, you know what to do!

Tag @ericswalwell @RepSwalwell with your Trump/cat memes in the comments👇🏻

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

7:01 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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c41f53 No.21565966

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,501x498,167:166,00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

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f781e9 No.21565967


She'll try to rattle him, its all shes got

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15c2e8 No.21565968

File: 3f9df54256eee1e⋯.png (582.1 KB,506x956,253:478,8_1.png)

File: 29a1c7af77cf164⋯.png (660.61 KB,504x1158,84:193,8_2.png)

File: 659320cdc6a80c5⋯.png (444.83 KB,502x847,502:847,8_3.png)

File: 385f2c57e75908d⋯.png (731.69 KB,504x1175,504:1175,8_4.png)


>>21553840, >>21553855, >>21553867, >>21553884, >>21553896, >>21553909, >>21553923 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better?

This is a continuation of the above PB Notable, which compares some of President Trump's Executive Orders to the "wordy" Biden Executive Orders that revoked or otherwise changed them.


Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2018 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13838 of May 25, 2018 (Revoked by EO14026, April 27, 2021)

Exemption From Executive Order 13658 forRecreational Services on Federal Lands


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14026of April 27, 2021

Increasing theMinimum Wage for Federal Contractors



Federal Register - 2018 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13839 of May 25, 2018 (Revoked by EO14003of January 22, 2021)

Promoting Accountability and Streamlining Removal Procedures Consistent With Merit System Principles


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14003of January 22, 2021

Protecting the Federal Workforce



Federal Register - 2018 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13841 of June 20, 2018 (Revoked by EO14011, February 2, 2021)

Affording Congress an Opportunity To Address Family Separation


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14011of February 2, 2021

Establishment of Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families



Federal Register - 2018 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13845 of July 19, 2018 (Revoked by EO14025of April 26, 2021)

Establishing the President’sNational Council for the American Worker


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14025of April 26, 2021

Worker Organizing and Empowerment


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46c477 No.21565969


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e99588 No.21565970

Man at Springfield Commission meeting says that Haitians are appearing in court for traffic violations, but since they can't speak English, the charges are dropped.

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18b4e6 No.21565971

File: a3941b47bf51221⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,670x373,670:373,COLORBLIND_ANGER.jpg)




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b41e4f No.21565972


wait should anon put that one on the bingo card?

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f842a6 No.21565973


You can bet he's ready for it.

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069507 No.21565974

File: eecfd754154ac7d⋯.gif (2.82 MB,414x382,207:191,Pence_GTFO.gif)



Pence had some good ones the last time she was on a debate stage.

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91d379 No.21565975

File: 69babaa105fa555⋯.jpeg (49.26 KB,500x647,500:647,IMG_4344.jpeg)

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0015e1 No.21565976

File: 87efbf4a984fe87⋯.jpg (681.15 KB,1800x1193,1800:1193,Head_Bandage.jpg)

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a496fd No.21565977

File: aed79f3cf3bb334⋯.png (296.52 KB,484x488,121:122,pepe553.PNG)

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190e1e No.21565978


he's upset because they work. remember the dems talking about romney's dog?

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6cca11 No.21565979


(You) subversive little feline fuck.

You told me that I was angry inch the other day.

Make up your fucking mind . Schitzo.

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0015e1 No.21565980

File: 09ff12282424072⋯.png (265.96 KB,616x700,22:25,Fight_Caaaaaat.png)

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206d24 No.21565981

File: 33dfefdd2fa9b70⋯.png (332.35 KB,600x679,600:679,bake.PNG)



johnny maga


A Philadelphia-area bakery not far from where the debate is being held tonight is selling special Trump and Kamala cookies during election season. These are the total sales so far:

Trump: 4,228

Kamala: 369

This is a blue county too


Trump War Room

6:06 AM · Sep 10, 2024





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b41e4f No.21565982


updated bingo card


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eb4b63 No.21565983


Sure. Why not?

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741543 No.21565984

I am one of the few original anons that still come here. Just a shit poster and it's rare but I always check in and if . I have zero interest in watching the debate tonight. I think this would make Q pleased.

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296520 No.21565985

File: 3b81dfe4e29999e⋯.webm (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726005059374116.webm)

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10fa05 No.21565986

File: 01d270895c2f189⋯.jpg (711.27 KB,1662x2048,831:1024,01d270895c2f189f6e3d5deeae….jpg)

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a3f102 No.21565987


I honestly cannot believe that is his real voice, he sounds like Alvin. No one sounds like that

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ea1c68 No.21565988

File: 6133cc0a9c92077⋯.png (644.24 KB,500x707,500:707,mrpig3.png)


evenin Mr. Pig

picked this up for ya


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79f6d1 No.21565989

notables @ 320

#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690 ABC News Presidential Debate

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 Illegal migrant put his arm around her neck and drugged her into a house where multiple illegals sexually assaulted her

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851 Memes


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b4a155 No.21565990

Anon thinks Camela is going to be mean and personally attack to the greatest president ever and he is going to be cool calm and collected. Showing what a loose cannon she is

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069507 No.21565991


>The Everyone Is Tranime era is now upon us.

Sadly, it was a given that this day would eventually arrive.

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206d24 No.21565992

File: db16d8ba962e664⋯.png (368.95 KB,593x830,593:830,show.PNG)


True Stormy Joe


I believe the “Haiti” portion of the show has arrived






Donald Trump Jr.




Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting into our country and these are the results.





Rate proposed Community Notes

6:26 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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ec6455 No.21565993


behold, you are whole again, rabbi

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9f5fbb No.21565994

File: 5b008899fdc4f26⋯.jpeg (95.66 KB,880x960,11:12,582.jpeg)

File: 4e9b256f45a8bf5⋯.webp (46.96 KB,700x574,50:41,539_1_.webp)

File: 1f4e75544ea75b6⋯.jpeg (60.87 KB,720x960,3:4,573.jpeg)

File: 687ecf1ee8fb701⋯.jpeg (90.63 KB,1080x894,180:149,553.jpeg)

File: bd2f0a1203f9158⋯.jpeg (56.97 KB,960x769,960:769,564.jpeg)

Have y'all seent the podiums?!?!

It's Samson vs the Jamaican Sex Midget…

Memes please…

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18b4e6 No.21565995

File: 6086a2e879764c2⋯.jpg (107.05 KB,498x566,249:283,OH_U_R.jpg)

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b41e4f No.21565996


top fucking kek

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a496fd No.21565997

File: e248adde90e0172⋯.png (1.2 MB,714x1013,714:1013,ClipboardImage.png)


Here's you a Bingo card to keep up as we watch Trump whip that Karma.

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bb9bd3 No.21565998

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,THE_OG_full_of_keks2.jpg)

What is a namefag?

What is a famefag?

What is an avatarfag?

What is a narcissist?

What is a shill who puts their name on every shitty meme with baby shit green text?

You have moar than you know.

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0015e1 No.21565999

File: e0bd960e362b041⋯.png (551.55 KB,793x825,793:825,Maga_Pussy.png)

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b879f1 No.21566000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let´s see what he does with she/her!

LIVE: ABC News Presidential Debate: Harris and Trump meet in Philadelphia

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79f0d1 No.21566001


Melania is suffering anguish because she knows the level of evil out there and what that could have meant for her and her whole family. We suffer along with you and understand the ramifications and understand first hand the sorrow that it bring. I am ready, willing, and able to walk in faith, just say when.

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ea1c68 No.21566002

File: 25eec316849579b⋯.png (298.11 KB,638x995,638:995,1cac788da7fc07ed703c1e5534….png)

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10fa05 No.21566003

File: 57644ba299fc535⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x1170,128:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cca11 No.21566004


Was thinking earlier to self. What if it turns out to be a snoozefest? Going to watch anyway. Because you never know.

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ec6455 No.21566006

File: c6f8a869f0265e4⋯.png (260.12 KB,522x433,522:433,weirdos2.png)

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18b4e6 No.21566007

File: a91dd12dc1cb12f⋯.jpg (138.94 KB,489x626,489:626,STOLEN_2.jpg)





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206d24 No.21566008

File: a3ec346a9583a3b⋯.png (235.34 KB,434x520,217:260,pj.PNG)


The media appears to be deliberately lowering expectations for Kamala Harris’ performance during tonight’s debate so they can declare her the winner.


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15c2e8 No.21566009

File: 06faa9b4d860c8d⋯.png (391.81 KB,507x745,507:745,9_1.png)

File: 3cca472b58bbccf⋯.png (596.06 KB,507x1057,507:1057,9_2.png)

File: 83c47b93e50f160⋯.png (306.56 KB,508x632,127:158,9_3.png)

File: 6893c70067deb19⋯.png (710.63 KB,506x1131,506:1131,9_4.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2018 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13851 of November 27, 2018 (Amended by EO14088of October 24, 2022)

Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to theSituation in Nicaragua


Federal Register - 2022 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14088of October 24, 2022

Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to theSituation in Nicaragua



Federal Register - 2018 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13853 of December 12, 2018 (Revoked by EO14091, February 16, 2023)

Establishing theWhite House Opportunity and Revitalization Council


Federal Register - 2023 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14091of February 16, 2023

Further AdvancingRacial Equity and Support for Underserved CommunitiesThrough the Federal Government



Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13858 of January 31, 2019 (Partially revoked by EO14005, January 25, 2021)

StrengtheningBuy-AmericanPreferences for Infrastructure Projects


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14005of January 25, 2021

Ensuring the Future Is Made inAll of America by All of America’s Workers



Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019 (Revoked by EO13990, January 20, 2021)

PromotingEnergy Infrastructure and Economic Growth


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order13990of January 20, 2021

Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle theClimate Crisis


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a496fd No.21566010

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46c477 No.21566011

File: b08814389f748fd⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB,1599x1222,123:94,IMG_1511.jpeg)



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d4a980 No.21566012

File: 4d2a04f003a7ad7⋯.jpg (155.25 KB,679x487,679:487,4d2a04f003a7ad7732cee80aed….jpg)

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e5c04f No.21566013

File: 858e1c2e1345998⋯.png (387.65 KB,750x1276,375:638,ClipboardImage.png)



@LauraLoomer exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport.

5:50 PM · Sep 10, 2024


Also seen exiting Trump’s plane,

Tulsi Gabbard

Matt Gaetz

Lara Trump

Eric Trump

Alina Habba

Chris LaCivita

Steven Cheung

Susie Wiles

Stephen Miller

Boris Epshteyn

Margo Martin

Jason Miller

Corey Lewandowski

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b41e16 No.21566014

File: 0f54adf5e57043c⋯.png (67.23 KB,652x517,652:517,ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

Facebook has admitted that it scrapes the public photos, posts and other data of Australian adult users to train its AI models and provides no opt-out option, even though it allows people in the European Union to refuse consent.

Meta's global privacy director Melinda Claybaugh was pressed at an inquiry as to whether the social media giant was hoovering up the data of all Australians in order to build its generative artificial intelligence tools, and initially rejected that claim.

Labor senator Tony Sheldon asked whether Meta had used Australian posts from as far back as 2007 to feed its AI products, to which Ms Claybaugh responded "we have not done that".

But that was quickly challenged by Greens senator David Shoebridge.

Shoebridge: "The truth of the matter is that unless you have consciously set those posts to private since 2007, Meta has just decided that you will scrape all of the photos and all of the texts from every public post on Instagram or Facebook since 2007, unless there was a conscious decision to set them on private. That's the reality, isn't it?

Claybaugh: "Correct."

Ms Claybaugh added that accounts of people under 18 were not scraped, but when asked by Senator Sheldon whether public photos of his own children on his account would be scraped, Ms Claybaugh acknowledged they would.


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21a65f No.21566015


''how dare you interrupt me? Will you allow me to finish what I was saying?

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b4a155 No.21566016


She is going to be ghetto kamala and attack. he is going to play her like a fiddle

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b09038 No.21566017

File: 00ba9b1944cb48c⋯.webp (14.65 KB,640x640,1:1,3af376296c03bcb7.webp)

how often do you go pecker to pecker?

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2efaff No.21566018


"Now I know how all the others feel"

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1c3931 No.21566019


that level of false righteousness must git agonizing

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ac1701 No.21566020

File: 83b001eb3e8f0f6⋯.png (687.73 KB,1089x1179,121:131,IMG_0281.png)


his one liners will be epic 2nite

sarah huckabee sanders said “this ain’t heavy lifting for him”

kekkers cause it was in her imma kick yer ass press sec tone

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eb4b63 No.21566021

File: af07223254ba5a5⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x800,3:2,Cheer2.png)

File: b90fdf6d746545b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x783,40:29,CheerMrP.png)

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069507 No.21566022


>Some very bizarre loophole

I'm shocked I tell ya! to learn that the Dims in Sacramento have outdone themselves yet again.

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39a8e3 No.21566023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment!

Elon Musk’s X/ Twitter, the largest news source in Brazil, has been banned in the South American country. Enormous crowds of people are protesting in the streets over the loss of X. Michael Shellenberger says that Kamala Harris supports the three main tactics of Brazilian censorship tactics that include labeling criticism of elections as ‘misinformation’, deplatforming political opponents, and cross-platform bans that removes individuals from all social media platforms.

The US Constitution states that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. Former President Obama wants to radically change the Constitution by adding an amendment to eliminate free speech in order strengthen the “prospects or a healthy inclusive democracy.”

Jimmy Dore and Matt Taibbi discuss how the Democrat party has changed and now embraces authoritarianism. Taibbi said that liberals believe that anything is permissible when going after Donald Trump. Censorship is the hallmark of dictators.




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21a65f No.21566024


LIVE: ABC News Presidential Debate: Harris and Trump meet in Philadelphia

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18b4e6 No.21566025

File: 68f67bf5497a473⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,806x349,806:349,NO_DEPTH_PERCEPTION_EITHER.jpg)

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71d3a9 No.21566026

File: c818c58fde9208c⋯.png (94.2 KB,426x292,213:146,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_11_….png)

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c886aa No.21566027

File: 44bfe4ec7cb2c82⋯.png (577.45 KB,940x730,94:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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d63463 No.21566028


I have a feeling he is not going to do anything, he will be neo tonight

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bb9bd3 No.21566030

File: 0f2972ad574c517⋯.gif (171.23 KB,220x307,220:307,Checkmate.gif)


You need to understand these shills need to make up a single persona to label all Anon opposition as. Classic shill projection that SP uses daily. It attempts to diminish the attack by framing their opposition as coming from one Anon instead of the entire board. When it becomes obvious they are wrong, they double down on the projection. Just like clockwork every day rinse and repeat.

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1ba8b1 No.21566031


MOS on board

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136902 No.21566032

File: c447524c815e4b6⋯.jpg (112.03 KB,946x941,946:941,31f2434231.JPG)



24/7 Coverage of Breaking News and Live Events.



ABC News Presidential Debate: Race for the White House


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1c3931 No.21566033

File: e667714eae1eb3c⋯.png (162.76 KB,474x298,237:149,assgotsold2.png)


princeton fart glee club catches bad case of harributtplug varus online frum juw casino toilet coke

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b09038 No.21566034


hope he takes the red pill

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eb4b63 No.21566035

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fa1d37 No.21566036

File: bba533191a6aa3e⋯.png (1.39 MB,1380x1100,69:55,antifaburns.png)




tell me when the debate starts.

I can't bear to listen to CBS

gets me sick to my stomach.

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136199 No.21566037

File: 3b495af3db79936⋯.jpeg (499.12 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,GA5.jpeg)


TYO Baker


TYN Baker

NightShift Activated

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296520 No.21566038

File: 7bc5b6da4ef60c8⋯.webm (1.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726012882685714.webm)

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15c2e8 No.21566039

File: 6b8a8111e44a41e⋯.png (520.88 KB,502x764,251:382,10_1.png)

File: 42f2f878eeea261⋯.png (599.9 KB,506x998,253:499,10_2.png)

File: 121fd0488358f8f⋯.png (681.11 KB,505x927,505:927,10_3.png)

File: ca81516cafc4fbb⋯.png (567.32 KB,510x992,255:496,10_4.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump' - Executive Order 13872 of May 13, 2019 (Superseded by EO14031, May 28, 2021)

Economic Empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14031of May 28, 2021

Advancing Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders



Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019 (Amended by EO14117, February 28, 2024)

Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain


Federal Register - 2024 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14117of February 28, 2024

Preventing Access to Americans’ Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and United States Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern



Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13875 of June 14, 2019 (Revoked by EO13992, January 20, 2021)

Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order13992of January 20, 2021

Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Regulation



Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 (Revoked by EO13986, January 20, 2021)

Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census


Illegals to be counted in districts within states.

Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order13986of January 20, 2021 - PDF

Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census


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1ba8b1 No.21566040


Loomer = MOS

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b9aaad No.21566041


Define 'original anon'.

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6cca11 No.21566042

File: c15f51b4084e9fd⋯.png (442.04 KB,672x615,224:205,PVV.png)

There will never be a better pig meme than this one right here.

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206d24 No.21566043

File: 95da526018acd6d⋯.png (31.23 KB,655x228,655:228,mo.PNG)


Kamala Harris recruits Anthony Scaramucci and an ex Mike Pence aide to troll Trump at the debate

Two former Trump aides will serve as surrogates to Harris at the debate

By Katelyn Caralle, Senior U.S. Political Reporter In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Published: 10:09 EDT, 10 September 2024 | Updated: 13:50 EDT, 10 September 2024

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2efaff No.21566044

File: 2310adc774df07c⋯.jpeg (441.03 KB,1920x1080,16:9,YwN7qJO.jpeg)


you have never been here before.

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79f0d1 No.21566045

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7d1ebb No.21566046

File: 13143f56a622bcf⋯.jpg (98.21 KB,966x936,161:156,5v42352545423.JPG)


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39a8e3 No.21566047


Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

Both chambers of the Democrat-controlled California legislature passed a measure last week that would made illegal aliens eligible for up to $150,000 in state-backed homeownership loans or down-payment assistance. Governor Newson Newsom rejected it over funding concerns: as the program used $300 million of $500 million allocated funds when it rolled out last year; it blew through the $300 million in eleven days.

The program is unpopular because it prioritizes illegal immigrants over veterans. The legislation was criticized for being “insulting and unfair” for Californian citizens.

Newsom’s decision comes one day after former president Donald Trump said, if reelected, he would ban illegal immigrants from obtaining home mortgages because the record-high immigration influx is driving up housing costs.




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236ab0 No.21566048


The same expression she had for the Pope

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a3f102 No.21566049


So embarrassing still

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bb9bd3 No.21566050

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)

When all else fails they label all Anons opposing them as angry inch. That's when you know they are on the brink of insanity. Anons did that.

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21a65f No.21566051

File: a61503775611295⋯.png (947.99 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1673d0f4f1d370⋯.png (699.13 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b18f588dafab50⋯.png (131.46 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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206d24 No.21566052

File: 71fb9ba87d3900b⋯.png (216.92 KB,821x312,821:312,nee.PNG)

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c269d6 No.21566053

File: 0917443035870f3⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB,372x208,93:52,19SEP22_LemonQanon1.mp4)

Main Stream Fake News Media LINKS Trump to QAnon!

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2fde1b No.21566054

File: 982ac34682ec2e7⋯.jpg (32.5 KB,622x412,311:206,jesus_quintana_big_lebowsk….jpg)

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d305b7 No.21566055


no where near it

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0015e1 No.21566056

File: c3887cb0a3dd396⋯.jpg (80.63 KB,612x408,3:2,gettyimages_145571722_612x….jpg)

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a496fd No.21566057

File: 668db65eeec1b33⋯.png (1.17 MB,1159x474,1159:474,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3f102 No.21566058

I'm gonna fall asleep before the debate.

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af1e40 No.21566059

notables @ 385

#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690 ABC News Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris meet in Philadelphia

>>21566013 Laura Loomer seen exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 Illegal migrant put his arm around her neck and drugged her into a house where multiple illegals sexually assaulted her

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828, >>21565985, >>21566038 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565968, >>21566009, >>21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better? (cont'd)

>>21565992 Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting

>>21566014 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21566023 Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment

>>21566047 Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851, >>21565986 Memes


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10fa05 No.21566060

File: 730f53f15876f43⋯.webm (224 KB,573x240,191:80,hunt4.webm)


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46c477 No.21566061


SCHUMER’S GRILL needs a cat on it

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1f5408 No.21566062

File: 2b5583ce4f9c145⋯.png (269.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_175645.png)

File: 8b308123a8d021e⋯.png (166.39 KB,766x1374,383:687,802_13_.png)

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0015e1 No.21566063

File: 97cc99b4db47444⋯.jpg (44.2 KB,612x408,3:2,gettyimages_119969414_612x….jpg)

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d305b7 No.21566064


you hammered?

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b41e16 No.21566065


Fuck off Loomer you tranny freak

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b4a155 No.21566066

File: 8ca76021e97ee4f⋯.png (528.33 KB,615x770,123:154,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b38b8c13e29ad1⋯.png (467.25 KB,500x755,100:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Philly Trump vs Philidelphia Kamala

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1c3931 No.21566067


all those hobbits leaped out of swalwell diapur apparently

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206d24 No.21566068

File: 83120d45d4a14d2⋯.png (146.03 KB,592x460,148:115,long.PNG)


Caitlin Long 🔑⚡️🟠


OMG look at Gensler's internal comments that the SEC mistakenly posted publicly:😅🙃🤦‍♀️



Bank Reg Blog




Chair Gensler's speech is live. It looks like the version uploaded to the SEC's site currently includes internal comments. https://sec.gov/newsroom/speeches-statements/gensler-speech-prepared-remarks-peterson-institute-09-10-24

2:43 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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18b4e6 No.21566069

File: 72164ae30826df1⋯.jpg (159.02 KB,617x572,617:572,AINT_WORKING_ANGRY_INCH.jpg)

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39a8e3 No.21566070

File: af39c94861229eb⋯.png (41.32 KB,170x134,85:67,ClipboardImage.png)

More Inconsistencies in Official Story of the Georgia Apalachee High School Shooting

Colt Gray, 14 had not been seen in the neighborhood at his father’s home, where he reportedly lived, until the day of the shooting, according to a neighbor. A number of witnesses said that there was more than one shooter. Students and teachers reported simultaneous gunfire at opposite ends of the school. We previously reported that Colt and his father had been visited by the FBI in 2023 after he allegedly made threats on Discord about shooting up a high school. The school received a phone call warning shooting on the morning of the shooting event, but the school failed to shut down or use extra security.

A curious video features a teacher laughing as she holds the door closed to block the shooter during the event, however, a news source that the doors automatically lock when closed. The Western Journal claimed that the teacher’s inappropriate laughter was due to being nervous.

The NY Post reported that Colt Gray was abused by both of his parents, with his father allegedly yelling at him and the mother locking him and his siblings outside without food.

UPDATE: Marcee Gray, the mother of alleged US teen killer Colt Gray, reportedly called a school counsellor to warn of an “extreme emergency” after receiving a haunting text from her son.

UPDATE # 2: Colt Gray was questioned by the FBI in 2023 about school shooting threats on Discord, but he was not arrested because multiple people in Georgia, Virginia and New York had access to the email that was used.




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069507 No.21566071



Look, PDJT is a -100000000 favorite to win tonight.

No upside, just level or bust.

The good news is if the MSM goes full tard gaslighting it will be very obvious is obvious to many.

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296520 No.21566072

File: 322d51c489fcff0⋯.webm (1.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726004536518308.webm)


not cool

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bb9bd3 No.21566073

File: a6422c4e2810263⋯.jpg (215.8 KB,510x529,510:529,a6422c4e2810263173707a5370….jpg)



I agree. Earlier this year I asked Q and Q+ for a sign that pig was a shill, just to 100% confirm it. 1-2 weeks later Dan posted a video of a pig with no context linked to anything else. Was all the proof I needed.


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0d2edc No.21566074

File: a23c10b58eb5cf7⋯.jpeg (45.03 KB,405x408,135:136,IMG_7418.jpeg)

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236ab0 No.21566075

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d65eaf No.21566076

File: b3d1f92a4c994ab⋯.jpg (118 KB,857x1199,857:1199,b3d1f92a4c994ab2b2f932c553….jpg)

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f07ee2 No.21566077


Go get some coffee, I think Im going to go do that…

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069507 No.21566078

File: 6e3ca0f05539e8c⋯.jpg (63.31 KB,484x612,121:153,Loomer_BTFO.jpg)


Pozo hardest hit.

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206d24 No.21566079

File: 5a5c90aa6de90aa⋯.png (51.65 KB,1324x487,1324:487,rep.PNG)


George Helmy sworn in as New Jersey senator to replace disgraced Bob Menendez


Ramsey Touchberry

September 9, 2024 5:03 pm

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b09038 No.21566080

File: 00ba9b1944cb48c⋯.webp (14.65 KB,640x640,1:1,3af376296c03bcb7.webp)

pecker to pecker

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1c3931 No.21566081

File: 85822e140d60e80⋯.png (331.46 KB,819x460,819:460,85822e140d60e801d3d498a6f9….png)


>all those hobbits leaped out of swalwell diapur apparently

halp stap juuuus LEEEKY borudr crimes trousurs wiff forunur red headed basstod totally wetodid

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7ad37b No.21566082

File: b36df5990aae587⋯.jpeg (89.55 KB,1080x608,135:76,1576799289.jpeg)

File: 46e366de8cf3454⋯.png (911.1 KB,1114x692,557:346,46e366de8cf34547f1f5500395….png)

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a496fd No.21566083

File: 63aa3f709d97644⋯.png (1.49 MB,1868x473,1868:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf1768 No.21566084


WAnna bet DJT's mike is theONLYone that gets "turned off" tonight?

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c886aa No.21566085

File: 56378e6b1844abf⋯.png (172.49 KB,500x441,500:441,ClipboardImage.png)


well shit

you may proceed i guess

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d3c9d2 No.21566086

File: 795b7bd1d21829f⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,801x799,801:799,cb89c6d8f7ab21a7.jpg)

File: 172d8da7d03117c⋯.png (785.7 KB,888x499,888:499,172d8da7d03117c7abed6b3da4….png)

File: 3b5cd04162df548⋯.png (616.79 KB,1080x772,270:193,3btoo_the_point_trump_bd75….png)



Can Bake

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18b4e6 No.21566087

File: 9de02fbb017d756⋯.jpg (144.86 KB,591x575,591:575,U_OWN_IT.jpg)

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1f5408 No.21566088

File: 198ba8c6a973ac3⋯.png (694.51 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_202432.png)

File: 67e6dca848ec120⋯.png (31.95 KB,766x408,383:204,512_6_.png)

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206d24 No.21566089

File: eebd0c662054608⋯.png (224.76 KB,314x248,157:124,g.PNG)

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db6d04 No.21566090

Conspiracy Theories are like Casinos

In Time, they always Win

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64be93 No.21566091

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b41e16 No.21566092

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eb4b63 No.21566093


Put down the pipe.

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1c3931 No.21566094

File: 7fe906b7123afb4⋯.png (6.49 KB,225x225,1:1,7fe906b7123afb40ff3774b936….png)


>princeton fart glee club catches bad case of harributtplug varus online frum juw casino toilet coke



>> >>21559244 (You)

>>>holohoax @$$ cafeteria gits sum freshur bleached sphinctur memes

>> >>21559243 (You)

>>>simony kuntinues in wrong crackansas war of the volcano minds hiv


>>>>> necesita hacer un tren para niños.

>>>>>21559059 (You)

>>>>>>>el pinche maricon GUEY murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

>>>>>>>realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que COCO tranny le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>>>>Oh, no, el imperio del crack de Alec Bladwin se hizo añicos en pipas de crack en llamas

>>>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

>>>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el travesti COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

>>>>>Oh, no, el imperio del crack de Alec Baldwin se hizo añicos en pipas de crack en llamas

>>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

>>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el transexual COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>>Pero esperen, jotos, Alec Bladwin necesita hacer un tren para niños.

>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon.

>>>>Oh, no, el imperio del crack de Alec Bladwin se hizo añicos en pipas de crack en llamas.

>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada.

>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el travesti COCO le haga a Tom Hanks.

>>>Al menos Alec Baldwin entrenó en casa y ahora hace caca afuera

>>>Pero espera, Jotos, Alec Bladwin necesita hacer un tren para niños

>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

>>>Oh, no, el imperio del crack de Alec Bladwin se hizo añicos en pipas de crack en llamas

>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la pobre gente equivocada

>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el transexual COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>aye como maricon joto GUEY pinche



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ec6455 No.21566095

File: 8a1073c1faac4d5⋯.jpg (654.47 KB,1615x1440,323:288,8a1073c1faac4d54d5d3dce02b….jpg)

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069507 No.21566096


Why, Media Object Server of course!

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75bdf7 No.21566097


So fake news media is referencing a narrative they themselves pulled out of their own arses, and try to link their own narrative to Trump?


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ac1701 No.21566098

File: 48b4c16ba2c0c89⋯.jpeg (83.18 KB,992x744,4:3,IMG_0358.jpeg)

File: a1e1d7ca307ac19⋯.jpeg (32.44 KB,255x254,255:254,IMG_0347.jpeg)

ty debatker


earlies oldfag ready fer debate night

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d81c6b No.21566099

File: 8d4546104266cdd⋯.png (2.77 MB,3520x1564,880:391,ClipboardImage.png)


Paper Planes

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d139e3 No.21566100

File: 57a1e56e846ac5c⋯.gif (1.07 MB,600x450,4:3,night_shift_gif.gif)


Its not allowed this is night shift you sleep when your dead.

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0cf012 No.21566101

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)


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ec6455 No.21566102

File: f98f0da6ebbf387⋯.png (374.76 KB,922x693,922:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ab5f No.21566103

File: 2c5fce9f0920d0a⋯.png (1.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4a980 No.21566104

File: f38b9ca15311512⋯.jpg (114.74 KB,544x680,4:5,f38b9ca15311512bdf167615aa….jpg)


i see you're a tad hungry

have a cheezeburger

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6899e7 No.21566105

File: 5dcc1fe0869f5d1⋯.png (301.91 KB,457x619,457:619,ClipboardImage.png)


TY! ready

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18b4e6 No.21566106

File: 18859d20ceba64d⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,487x487,1:1,SAUCE.jpg)



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206d24 No.21566107

File: bbaa0efd6a598d4⋯.png (555.99 KB,891x593,891:593,pot.PNG)


‘Potential For Abuse’: Kamala’s Debate Prep With Lead Google Attorney Sets Off Alarm Bells With Gov’t Watchdogs

Katelynn Richardson


September 09, 2024 8:06 PM ET

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c42fe1 No.21566108


You may continue

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296520 No.21566109

File: 35586d2413f14da⋯.webm (967.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726006558353861.webm)


>Trump eating shittake mushroom

A.I. growing atronger

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ec6455 No.21566111

File: 4cfa4a5ea47cea5⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,686x686,1:1,91136.jpg)

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10fa05 No.21566112

File: 30ba20cb2b45182⋯.png (570.39 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f5408 No.21566113

File: 058ff8b5e01eeb3⋯.png (620.43 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_202650.png)

File: c2cd142c1f7483c⋯.png (289.23 KB,766x1992,383:996,121_8_.png)

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8ee67b No.21566114


He needs to walk on stage with a kitten

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069507 No.21566115


>stolen oldfag valor accusation

Yeah, gonna need the hello my fellow kids meme for that one.

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206d24 No.21566116

File: ee054f94a419d47⋯.png (219.34 KB,598x842,299:421,wo.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


WHOA. Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District in Massachusetts just announced that their girls' field hockey team is refusing to compete in their next game because the opposing girl’s team has male players.

Every school in the nation should adopt this policy.

Keep males out of female sports!


5:59 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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dfc976 No.21566117


A wants us to enjoy the show faggot

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bb9bd3 No.21566118

File: 6c37c466a251f87⋯.jpg (79.35 KB,754x1158,377:579,6c3.jpg)

Beam me up scotty

I'm done destroying the famefag shills down here. They are reduced to nothing but sniveling pathetic whimpering shitstains

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a496fd No.21566119

File: b86eca34b92f7ec⋯.png (559.73 KB,522x476,261:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea1c68 No.21566120

File: ae27134e3ad1fb7⋯.png (1.01 MB,720x706,360:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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b41e16 No.21566121

Cyber attack!

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ec6455 No.21566122

File: 17fcc73df233520⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1370x1811,1370:1811,17fcc73df2335209018df6ece….jpeg)

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dfc976 No.21566123

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236ab0 No.21566124


No, it would probably be a 11/6

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10fa05 No.21566125

File: 1432aac1adc4467⋯.gif (71.86 KB,200x250,4:5,popcorn3.gif)

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bf1768 No.21566126

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)




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0cf012 No.21566127

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)


know your baker

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296520 No.21566128

File: 1dadbb7796ac3eb⋯.webm (902 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726012844289992.webm)

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a3f102 No.21566129

File: 7a4a4004f006939⋯.mp4 (276.52 KB,332x360,83:90,7a4a4004f0069395a9ac504407….mp4)

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d305b7 No.21566130


in his jacket pocket

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4bacbc No.21566131

File: 31e659cbace1d3f⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,1088x1104,68:69,YouCut_20240907_145837446.mp4)


Anon going to do a little prediction fagging.

Fly going to land on Comrade Kamala.

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2e8c5a No.21566132

File: 7e0e4a49c260890⋯.png (662.98 KB,1284x1284,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8b30e No.21566133

File: 4db1fbcbd58ddb6⋯.jpg (595.89 KB,2560x1440,16:9,How_dare_we_speak_Merry_Ch….jpg)

Let's not forget her strongest character trait (tht we see in public) : the ability to do the 'scold shame' of a self-entitled liberal

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46c477 No.21566134

File: 8af2054d6125881⋯.jpeg (1007.75 KB,1942x1217,1942:1217,IMG_1512.jpeg)


CNN's Dana Bash is at a loss for words about the "racist overtones" of cat memes.

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d4a980 No.21566135



beat that mofo

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1c3931 No.21566136

File: 073a21552f01c84⋯.png (9.21 KB,268x188,67:47,073a21552f01c84c29e1eb1498….png)


>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

>>>>Oh, no, el imperio del crack de Alec Bladwin se hizo añicos en pipas de crack en llamas

>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la pobre gente equivocada

>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el transexual COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>aye como maricon joto GUEY pinche



>harributtplug voat stap LEEKY JUUUS

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91cb3d No.21566137

File: 4f4a2be507b2bfd⋯.png (38.15 KB,700x700,1:1,a9yAZ1D_700bwp.png)

You might ask. Where is Kamala?

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236ab0 No.21566138

File: 1ab20911bc67912⋯.png (224.81 KB,803x713,803:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0635ac0c45506ff⋯.png (238.31 KB,808x776,101:97,ClipboardImage.png)

New Dan


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6cca11 No.21566139


You just took a step and anon heard a click. Be still. Anons clear the area!

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ec6455 No.21566140

File: 47bdd9a821267de⋯.png (1.34 MB,1208x1120,151:140,47bdd9a821267de551f9dda423….png)

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206d24 No.21566141

File: 862359f5ff55edc⋯.png (349.27 KB,593x807,593:807,hot.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has reportedly taken control of the Gateway Hotel in El Paso, Texas.

"A downtown hotel is described as a haven for crime and a threat to public safety. Today the El Paso county attorney obtained an injunction against the Gateway Hotel in hopes of shutting it down… Investigators say those accusations include criminal activity, Tren de Aragua gang bangers in the hotel as well,."

"In the last 2 years there has been close to 700 calls for police to investigate the hotel."


Square profile picture

The Post Millennial




The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has reportedly taken control of the Gateway Hotel in El Paso, Texas.

6:41 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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0015e1 No.21566142

File: 15f0656b38dddb5⋯.png (146.28 KB,232x456,29:57,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_10_….png)

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76249c No.21566143


cnn is conspiracy NCSWIC

purty good analysis here

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2efaff No.21566144

File: 1c50c4ee1adff8b⋯.jpg (7.75 KB,255x166,255:166,7ea928ff3da44e087a038342b2….jpg)


go ahead, we could use a few moar on the other side.

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834fed No.21566145

File: 65ca0935dffef3b⋯.jpeg (7.95 KB,288x175,288:175,download_2_copy.jpeg)

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1c3931 No.21566146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f781e9 No.21566147

Will Trump give Kamala a MAGA hat as shes been stealing his policies ?

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6e81fe No.21566148


Damn, that's one more thing Trump and I agree on.

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206d24 No.21566149

File: ec045759441d2b1⋯.png (791.88 KB,577x552,577:552,burt.PNG)

Peter only got 11 years

Hey Robert 👋

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bb9bd3 No.21566150

File: dfe654173667a3e⋯.png (244.7 KB,410x390,41:39,dfe654173667a3e0e40dc3a7c6….png)

They don't get a single (You) from me but 100% of their posts are hopelessly obsessed and consumed and replying to my every post.


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a8b30e No.21566151

File: 23b01725b1bb7b8⋯.jpg (166.99 KB,1052x615,1052:615,name_1_accomplishment_as_V….jpg)

File: 969bc79768c76bb⋯.jpg (155.12 KB,1052x615,1052:615,name_1_accomplishment_as_V….jpg)

File: 0d7cd3e7fd963ed⋯.jpg (120.13 KB,1052x615,1052:615,name_1_accomplishment_as_V….jpg)


"the scold shaming" of a self-entitled liberal.

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ea22e6 No.21566152

File: 142f84e5e5926cf⋯.gif (1.29 MB,978x827,978:827,danceclub.gif)


when you put it that way

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296520 No.21566153

File: 02e3cabdb230058⋯.webm (1.53 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726002919314159.webm)


can Ohio be saved?

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ff29e6 No.21566154

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


>Kamala’s Debate Prep

Will she do something about that annoying nasal whine of hers?

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2efaff No.21566155

File: 4fa7d5c756aa707⋯.jpeg (18.72 KB,255x255,1:1,8d19e546d17c81eddd7032aeb….jpeg)

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206d24 No.21566156

File: 0dffa8d14997f43⋯.png (766.56 KB,1250x811,1250:811,I_O_mirror.PNG)

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834fed No.21566157

File: 90e820a94ed1664⋯.jpeg (18.29 KB,226x255,226:255,f8ab4fd7cf6bdde9354d6485d….jpeg)

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d9b26c No.21566158

File: 52e248c32926fca⋯.png (416.99 KB,640x478,320:239,ClipboardImage.png)


ABC is owned by pedo disney

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c16439 No.21566159

File: a39d2ca71784a35⋯.png (21.94 KB,882x234,49:13,princeandrewsex911.png)

File: 55c163763976bce⋯.png (47.42 KB,433x606,433:606,3417.png)


Prince Andrew's Ex Lady Victoria Hervey Believes Jeffrey Epstein Had A Role In 9/11


Barrick gold

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d139e3 No.21566160

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,bb7c5ea05f867f955655de58ae….gif)

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453a81 No.21566161

File: 96952c96653ca91⋯.png (420.64 KB,1024x574,512:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


LFG!!!!! 🇺🇸🦅


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1c3931 No.21566162


hobbits always luuk lik taht aftur LEEEKY diapur fo sho

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ec6455 No.21566163

File: 3cacf9880972aa7⋯.png (493.51 KB,580x751,580:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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5645a5 No.21566164

File: 64dad73f844db5c⋯.jpg (110.79 KB,600x480,5:4,2024ticket.jpg)


TY, baker.

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d3c9d2 No.21566165

Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24



Steven Crowder




Russell Brand




The Quartering

Donald Trump Kamala Harris Debate LIVE! Fact Checks, Commentary & Fun! Be Here



Patriot News Outlet live

LIVE TONIGHT: The 2024 Presidential Debate w/ President Trump and the Unelected Democrat Nominee 8PM ET | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



Can Bake


Can Bake


Can Bake


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4be942 No.21566166


I don't think people would fall for it this time though, and everyone knows the Biden/Harris regime wants to drag us into another war to suspend the elections. I plan on helping any of my relatives and family members dodge any future draft if we were to go to war with Russia, btw.

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dfff13 No.21566167



I also found it streaming on Vaughn TV.


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2efaff No.21566168

File: e4f0defaa320f48⋯.jpg (49.99 KB,642x848,321:424,1f8e013269e14819eb881742e5….jpg)

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5645a5 No.21566169

File: 156aac8bd1b3f9c⋯.jpg (67.25 KB,500x744,125:186,greatdan.jpg)

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46c477 No.21566170

File: 3528d6d60537c60⋯.png (315.05 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1513.png)

What did the Clintons feast on in Haiti on their honeymoon?



A much younger Bill and Hillary Clinton spent their honeymoon in Haiti. For a few inhabitants of this desperately impoverished Caribbean island, the honeymoon never ended. As Pulitzer Center grantee Jonathan Katz notes in a feature story for Politico Magazine, "the world's most powerful couple have an abiding interest in this out-of-the-way place; the island where Bill Clinton four decades ago recommitted himself to politics after an eye-opening journey and an evening with a Vodou priest. During her tenure at State, Hillary traveled to Haiti four times, as often as she did Japan, Afghanistan or Russia."

Jonathan and photojournalist Allison Shelley document the key role the Clintons have played in Haiti over the decades, from picking its national leaders to driving hundreds of millions of dollars in private aid, investment and U.S. taxpayer money toward its development. The couple's network of power and money can be felt in almost every aspect of the Haitian economy.

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7ad37b No.21566171

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51506e No.21566172

File: 77cce0d5bad9d54⋯.jpg (92.36 KB,1080x2341,1080:2341,stormphone.jpg)

Today, my phone screen (when not in use) automatically changed to a "storm".

I didn't do it.

I find this odd, yet weirdly comfortable.

Almost like it was someone else's doing.

This happen to anyone else?

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d4a980 No.21566173

File: dfb7ddf67d684cc⋯.jpeg (78.09 KB,680x611,680:611,GXCo76_W8AAkJfS.jpeg)

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1f5408 No.21566174

File: 03f7868c83cc08f⋯.png (503.44 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240910_203002.png)

File: 7c5f8011ffd5858⋯.png (105.53 KB,766x1114,383:557,748.png)

File: 35c333e1847aa36⋯.png (518.94 KB,766x3312,383:1656,1948.png)

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76249c No.21566175

in undisciplined form Harris brings up Q in hysterical blind drunk rant calling democrats niggers and faggots

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b9c180 No.21566176

I wonder if the super secret sonic weapons will be directed at Trump tonight. pray they get banshee instead

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206d24 No.21566177

File: 4a1c46956c7a205⋯.png (301.41 KB,588x557,588:557,co.PNG)


Candace Owens


Here is the Youtube-censored interview with Ye, which was mass reported by @awesomejew

and his radical followers. Have a listen to it and let me know if you agree with Youtube's assessment that this conversation represents hate directed at a protected class.


5:57 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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8ee67b No.21566178


and say I will "save the kid'ns"

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ff29e6 No.21566179

File: 7916d6a8b9c1938⋯.png (432.52 KB,642x419,642:419,2024_09_10_20_32_19.png)

Bret Bare just said this race is soooo close…

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64be93 No.21566180

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b4a155 No.21566181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


VEry nice.

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b41e4f No.21566182




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ea22e6 No.21566183


>Colt Gray, 14 had not been seen in the neighborhood at his father’s home, where he reportedly lived, until the day of the shooting, according to a neighbor.

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236ab0 No.21566184


Let me correct my statement:


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10fa05 No.21566185

File: db25351e7f2704c⋯.gif (2.28 MB,600x324,50:27,comfy3.gif)

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21a65f No.21566186


🚨Watch Donald Trump DEMOLISH Kamala Harris in Presidential Debate LIVE Right NOW! w/ Special Guests


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a8b30e No.21566187

is there a maga-friendly feed for the debate.

When I watched the Presidential debate some months back there was a link to a group of people who were all commenting as they watched the debate. They were not leftists.

anyone have a link like that instead of the "Disney/ABC/ Swirlly-symbols" link that was provided earlier in the bread?

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d4a980 No.21566188

File: 7b99f4de6b569f1⋯.jpeg (68.88 KB,680x510,4:3,GXDACGqboAAPQ51.jpeg)

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ea22e6 No.21566189


good idea


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51506e No.21566190


Note to self, if I found myself in traffic court….

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b879f1 No.21566191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you!

Found another one.

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206d24 No.21566192

File: 61bacb031de70bc⋯.png (364.47 KB,666x733,666:733,wb.PNG)


Unearthed ABC News footage from 1995 shows Kamala Harris being asked if she is ex Willie Brown's daughter in San Francisco

Kamala Harris dated Willie Brown in 1995 when he first ran for mayor

READ MORE: How Kamala Harris's affair with Democrat mayor launched career

By Charlie Spiering, Senior Political Reporter, Washington, Dc

Published: 13:45 EDT, 10 September 2024 | Updated: 19:37 EDT, 10 September 2024

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10fa05 No.21566193

File: c77c15e4dc88afb⋯.png (458.3 KB,555x553,555:553,pepe_brella.png)

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21a65f No.21566194


Harris-Trump Debate Watch Party Livestream w/ Jimmy Dore!

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b9c180 No.21566195

I wonder if they will deploy the "fly" against Trump tonight. Pray it lands on Banshee instead.

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dfc976 No.21566196



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dfff13 No.21566197


I figure if she does lousy, something will happen and Biden will step down an let Kamala become POTUS to give her a boost in the polls again.

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bf3427 No.21566198

File: fb40ba6178a8e14⋯.png (79.48 KB,204x255,4:5,IMG_0250.png)

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18b4e6 No.21566199

File: 342fb3cc3d7945d⋯.jpg (105.65 KB,698x551,698:551,STAR_DATE_WIN.jpg)







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03c8a6 No.21566200

File: f973ab1471cffe1⋯.png (306.91 KB,784x423,784:423,ClipboardImage.png)

The Wiretap: Feds Arrest Suspected Leaders Of ‘Terrorgram’ Neo-Nazi Group

Terrorgram Collectivea group of neo-Nazis who encouraged acts of white supremacist violence using the Telegram social media app.

Dallas Humber of Elk Grove, California and Matthew Allison of Boise, Idaho were charged with soliciting hate crimes and the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Humber and Allison were responsible for publishing and sharing Terrorgram literature, including The List, a hit list of targets for assassination. Included on The List were a senator and a district court judge. The government alleged the pair also helped push The Hard Reset, a digital manifesto that outlined Terrorgram’s violent racist ideology, and provided advice on how to commit terrorist attacks such as killing via improvised explosives or by taking out critical infrastructure.


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46c477 No.21566201

File: 18fb518cf7f8d98⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1107x1318,1107:1318,IMG_1514.jpeg)


Add a few kittens to this hat for kamala

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c6266a No.21566202


The Boss

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51506e No.21566203


>I am one of the few original anons that still come here.

Prove it.

(you can't)

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3277af No.21566204


Shared that, it will circle the world 24 times before tomorrow

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1f5408 No.21566205

File: 2450d6dda2443da⋯.png (114.7 KB,766x892,383:446,720.png)

File: f185c8eebf28dc8⋯.png (253.18 KB,766x2108,383:1054,1920.png)

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ac1701 No.21566206

File: 36972344a1c2d9d⋯.png (3.45 MB,2764x1530,1382:765,IMG_0410.png)


>original anon


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21a65f No.21566207


Trump vs Harris 2024 Presidential Debate Livestream


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b879f1 No.21566208


Eat meat!

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d3c9d2 No.21566209

Real Americas Voice




Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24



Steven Crowder




Russell Brand




The Quartering

Donald Trump Kamala Harris Debate LIVE! Fact Checks, Commentary & Fun! Be Here



Patriot News Outlet live

LIVE TONIGHT: The 2024 Presidential Debate w/ President Trump and the Unelected Democrat Nominee 8PM ET | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



Benny Johnson

🚨 DEBATE-MAGEDDON: Watch Trump DEMOLISH Kamala, Presidential Debate LIVE With Special Guests



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d4a980 No.21566210

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)

File: 2fe9fc95c8b3124⋯.jpg (262.43 KB,606x634,303:317,2fe9fc95c8b31240520d8fd1ef….jpg)

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c16439 No.21566211

File: fa1d7f21c84e617⋯.png (378.46 KB,787x523,787:523,eddiemunster.png)

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8a7a88 No.21566212

File: 926ee4c1a416bda⋯.jpg (195.34 KB,600x335,120:67,BadCat.jpg)

File: 159227d8be63cc1⋯.jpg (194.35 KB,600x335,120:67,BadCat2.jpg)

File: 5203d6886a5cf11⋯.jpg (197.21 KB,600x335,120:67,BadCat3.jpg)

File: 2557b543111cfee⋯.jpg (154.05 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchFight.jpg)

File: 80c923683b8d1a1⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,355x335,71:67,MAGA_NeverSurrender.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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296520 No.21566213

File: d985403118b7d59⋯.webm (613.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726011077144821.webm)

>china virus

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75bdf7 No.21566214


Communists calling the people fascists because they're not communists.

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2efaff No.21566215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21566099 dub

>>21566099 dub

>now we are rolling

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b41e4f No.21566216

File: f5daa0d3e26f969⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726014955707481825_video_….mp4)

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a496fd No.21566217

File: 25640e69dbbf99d⋯.png (858.9 KB,916x741,916:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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4be942 No.21566218


I want to pour whiskey all over your got body and rub my face all over you while we binge drink together hot diggity damn'll'do

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136902 No.21566219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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18b4e6 No.21566220

File: 7fade40c503942a⋯.jpg (124.47 KB,547x558,547:558,IT_LUVS_ITS_NAME.jpg)

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10fa05 No.21566221

File: 4f7b88c4725ac82⋯.png (411.33 KB,500x698,250:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa1d37 No.21566222

File: b47b0bdf66ab710⋯.png (302.98 KB,991x2081,991:2081,betweenthecupandthelip.png)







>>21565634 lb

look at her smirk thinking of how the Donald Trump would be killed?

That's what she's alluding to.

Neuland got a bit ahead of herself

"Between the Cup and the Lip"

"Many thynges fall betwene the cuppe and the mouth … Betwene the cuppe and the lyppes maye come many casualties"

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ec6455 No.21566223

File: 5ea8db3cb4e66f7⋯.gif (219.51 KB,576x698,288:349,zelinsky.gif)

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b41e4f No.21566224


"show bobs"

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ea22e6 No.21566225

File: 0e25800ab1cb8ba⋯.mp4 (1017.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,kamalafghanistan.mp4)

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296520 No.21566226

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75bdf7 No.21566227

File: 3b83241a639fe56⋯.png (723.79 KB,847x547,847:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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236ab0 No.21566228

File: f0dab6b8cfac97b⋯.png (442.54 KB,803x771,803:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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3045e0 No.21566229

File: de29879121c95d6⋯.png (61.38 KB,1627x486,1627:486,neverforget10_lg.png)

>>21565010 One day before the world changed: captured from the lens of a Canadian tourist (PB)

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d3c9d2 No.21566230


yeah, Im feeling it…

if any anon has cspan links or other yt links will add to the debate links

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206d24 No.21566231

File: 197bf32cf8b0735⋯.png (21.51 KB,592x266,296:133,sub.PNG)


Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️


EXCLUSIVE: @Buttonslives

and I have discovered that the Biden-Harris Administration subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado, through a funnel of government agencies and left-wing NGOs.

It's time to follow the money. 🧵

9:18 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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b7c99b No.21566232

Any Pleiadians here lurking tonight?

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0015e1 No.21566233

File: 0cfc8d771a212eb⋯.jpg (51.68 KB,640x960,2:3,9bf31408d24c72bc578c302dd0….jpg)

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fa1d37 No.21566234

File: ca8d78583dc46c8⋯.gif (1.7 MB,400x300,4:3,Mirror_PollenB_NIST_vs_Pur….gif)

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b41e4f No.21566235



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d3c9d2 No.21566236

File: cdb47e890d38e58⋯.png (80.29 KB,220x225,44:45,no_fucking_way_.png)


no way!

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75bdf7 No.21566237

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f842a6 No.21566238


On Rumble:


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af1e40 No.21566239


Can continue all night preferred.

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a496fd No.21566240


What Accent will Kamala Harris use tonight?

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f87a35 No.21566241

File: 1d3441494162d0b⋯.jpeg (101.64 KB,943x361,943:361,IMG_5151.jpeg)

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296520 No.21566242

File: 90e0771bfebd679⋯.webm (3.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726005700082682.webm)


this one after Trump trounced Kamala

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ff29e6 No.21566243

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


Kamala, like all the deep state sponsored politicians, think they are protected by them.

Will she panic when the debate starts going south?

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71d3a9 No.21566244

File: b67f843d4a78688⋯.jpg (87.86 KB,750x1000,3:4,fposter_small_wall_texture….jpg)

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ac1701 No.21566245

File: 0ded3410a3448e1⋯.jpeg (233.6 KB,962x618,481:309,IMG_0357.jpeg)



gonna be a show 2nite

gaetz git’n off trumper’s plane kek

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76249c No.21566246


sue the churches

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ec6455 No.21566247

File: 5a5216aebeb9605⋯.jpeg (32.29 KB,639x472,639:472,6432f1151e7af6fc.jpeg)

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a3f102 No.21566248


You are sick but funny

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10fa05 No.21566249

File: 322b06fa1154bf1⋯.png (800.84 KB,500x897,500:897,322b06fa1154bf13cfa7470f8d….png)


To him it is though it seems. No amount of crying and harassment is going to make me care about what he cares about or follow some bullshit rule that he follows and wants everyone else to. No one is obligated to even listen to him thanks to the filter in this place. And the broken logic of trying to punish and destroy people for doing something that he himself is doing and basing it off the people he's trying to destroy. He's an idiot.

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b879f1 No.21566250

File: e3d426910c57be5⋯.jpeg (51.53 KB,400x267,400:267,Diner.jpeg)


Wait until…

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206d24 No.21566251

File: 64fd80d37660b55⋯.png (260.6 KB,909x458,909:458,ree.PNG)


Trump reiterates: There will be blood

Washington Post, by Aaron Blake

Posted By: zoidberg, 9/10/2024 9:46:44 AM

Six months ago, Donald Trump presented us all with a Rorschach test by predicting a “bloodbath” if he loses the 2024 election. “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it,” Trump said while discussing the economy and his tariff plan. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.” Those on the left largely took Trump literally, citing how his supporters have risen up violently before, on Jan. 6, 2021. Those on the right argued that Trump was just speaking figuratively. The latter said he was talking about a metaphorical bloodbath.

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d63463 No.21566252

how quickly will she smile and clap and laugh like a retard into this

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d3c9d2 No.21566253

File: 84bc41ac3c98a0e⋯.png (564.33 KB,901x767,901:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 171ec680514947d⋯.png (724.19 KB,566x604,283:302,ClipboardImage.png)




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ea22e6 No.21566255

File: 4d94e07f21262ba⋯.png (267.38 KB,468x533,36:41,ClipboardImage.png)


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b9c180 No.21566256


The company who he works for donates 90%+ of all their political contributions to Democrats. Faux is Fhake and Ghay. Remember when the bimbo said "We called this Trace!" after Murdoch ordered the vote counting to stop and they later announced Biden the winner. This weasel was all in on it to.

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a496fd No.21566257

File: 69f66c7f2cf65af⋯.png (294.89 KB,694x483,694:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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d81c6b No.21566258

File: bcbc4c08322540e⋯.jpg (432.65 KB,998x1117,998:1117,Badge4.jpg)


Hang around fren.

Many original anons remain.

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236ab0 No.21566259


I used to live down the street from this place.

No longer there, but it was fun while it was.

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76249c No.21566260


indispensable no tax on tips sex worker

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ec6455 No.21566261

File: 50ab7ee105b1c42⋯.png (222.95 KB,415x554,415:554,50ab7ee105b1c42f843daea3d3….png)

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206d24 No.21566262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Arvo Part - Fratres For Cello And Piano

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b41e4f No.21566263

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64be93 No.21566264

File: 3b01251d6c38f41⋯.png (236.26 KB,372x445,372:445,luny40a.png)

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18b4e6 No.21566265

File: a5c8c11b3b55810⋯.jpg (129.26 KB,515x544,515:544,40000_VIEW_POTUS_45_47.jpg)

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fa1d37 No.21566266

File: 93efd3408857d48⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,420x331,420:331,planemissingwing.jpg)

File: 4e18499a893cbaf⋯.jpg (86.09 KB,691x600,691:600,3buildings.jpg)

File: 93bcc5c2c89ed5e⋯.jpg (133.02 KB,640x473,640:473,batmandarkknightplabe.JPG)

File: 1b2546f81de7cd0⋯.png (596.78 KB,1226x516,613:258,planterdevidence.png)

File: 16d5c7bf60d13d7⋯.jpg (33.45 KB,600x419,600:419,photoshoppropaganda.jpg)


From the engineering Frauds at Perdue University; enabled by NIST

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ea1c68 No.21566267

File: 47799b3d7312dc4⋯.png (141.72 KB,800x529,800:529,ClipboardImage.png)


comfy for shitshow


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76249c No.21566268


Q - Haitian cat conspiracy debunker

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03c8a6 No.21566269


Godspeed digital warrior

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c269d6 No.21566270

File: a4a2e39ae05b092⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,270x480,9:16,PatriotMarvinPeavy.mp4)

God bless Patriot Marvin Peavy, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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eb4b63 No.21566271


Your imagination isn't evil enough.

Think no election.

Blackout necessary.

Done in 30.

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a3f102 No.21566272


Thank God

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206d24 No.21566273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e8c5a No.21566274

File: ca2582899a099de⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,360x640,9:16,zomboid_cats.mp4)

cat comms…

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d9b26c No.21566275

File: 8a4019f27d94704⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x1021,1024:1021,ClipboardImage.png)

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91cb3d No.21566276

File: ee3a9839e687cae⋯.png (28.91 KB,700x707,100:101,aAyDq6p_700bwp.png)

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10fa05 No.21566278

File: 7e95a2cc4358938⋯.gif (1.02 MB,360x198,20:11,3964687493.gif)

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ea22e6 No.21566279

File: ac8a4c1222f702c⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,854x464,427:232,closetotheedge.mp4)

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dfff13 No.21566280

File: 691db313a4e1cf2⋯.png (670.59 KB,662x441,662:441,timebandits_TheClock.png)

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b41e4f No.21566281

File: 09b156bff3087fb⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726015393070329074_video_….mp4)

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83a9fd No.21566282


>Just a shit poster

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2efaff No.21566283

File: 685052e36b51aae⋯.jpg (225.21 KB,1300x934,650:467,white_squall_K3JJB2.jpg)

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d3c9d2 No.21566284

File: 2af4dd7d80aa514⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,bye_bye_bye_bye_bye_bye_by….mp4)


HEY! stupid shill.


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d9b26c No.21566285

File: edbba919ee7f6f8⋯.png (1.88 MB,1015x1012,1015:1012,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fde1b No.21566286

File: 5704fff6f9e366d⋯.png (305.79 KB,700x385,20:11,andrea_mitchell_russia_149….png)

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206d24 No.21566287

File: 139ef92a8d835b9⋯.png (627.16 KB,1030x721,10:7,jan.PNG)


Janet Yellen Tests Positive for Covid, US Treasury Says

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b41e4f No.21566288

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8ee67b No.21566289

File: beefdf15e2bf299⋯.jpg (15.21 KB,204x255,4:5,92bc672210ddb1dbb1089b429e….jpg)


Do Hatians eat Frogs?

Ask'n for a Fren.

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ac1701 No.21566290

File: 3954f7493eb41d7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1214x960,607:480,IMG_0382.png)


he skeer’d

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a496fd No.21566291

File: 564b45d7fccd14b⋯.png (1.14 MB,726x839,726:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec6455 No.21566292

File: 7f62b1797d2ac48⋯.png (2.54 MB,1057x1653,1057:1653,7f62b1797d2ac48cafe3647b5b….png)

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fa1d37 No.21566293

File: e3b01ff2e726e40⋯.jpg (47.66 KB,640x334,320:167,AssangeThumbUp.jpg)

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b879f1 No.21566294

File: df969ad23440d31⋯.jpg (843.08 KB,1200x717,400:239,Nuclear.jpg)

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0015e1 No.21566295

File: e6fd755b718a2a6⋯.webp (121.26 KB,1024x1024,1:1,15_480587052.webp)

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206d24 No.21566296

File: 8635201cb48b6af⋯.png (1.03 MB,937x590,937:590,one.PNG)

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c269d6 No.21566297

File: 9377f9a6e1d62fc⋯.png (1.22 MB,1342x658,671:329,QAnon_cast_as_the_Hero_in_….png)

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dfff13 No.21566298

File: b478e4306ac6661⋯.jpeg (126.71 KB,753x756,251:252,Hopium.jpeg)


I can think of a lot.

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883288 No.21566299


>I am one of the few

Not even close. Plenty of OG anons still here.

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296520 No.21566300



are you getting any 96% stalling?

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b41e4f No.21566301


no idea. prolly will eat anything.

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d9b26c No.21566302

File: 5129d0e7a440ff0⋯.png (2.28 MB,955x915,191:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf4b9e No.21566303

Great interview Gavin as always.

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b41e4f No.21566304


yes. it does timeout and anon refreshes and restarts prompt.

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10fa05 No.21566305

File: 7ee0f3f3a131106⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,smkneel2.jpg)

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91cb3d No.21566306

File: dd8b40d3cc5571e⋯.webp (102.49 KB,896x1114,448:557,66d228111a178.webp)

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236ab0 No.21566307


Does she have an oversize permit for that thing?

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1c3931 No.21566308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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206d24 No.21566309

File: a07425d629a9a98⋯.png (505.73 KB,663x844,663:844,fl.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


NEW🔥: The DeSantis administration has demanded data from the Biden-Harris administration regarding the voter registration status of individuals in Florida who might not be U.S. citizens, emphasizing the necessity to purge the voter rolls of those deemed ineligible to vote.


10:09 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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296520 No.21566310

File: 90037b9e061384e⋯.webm (669.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726005183489615.webm)

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d9b26c No.21566311

File: 9a3f8818249b29a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1600x800,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c9fef No.21566312


Are they fucking with his viewership. Hackers get out and fix it now

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834fed No.21566313

File: 436635e420e3e32⋯.jpg (16.14 KB,255x143,255:143,3fdbeda814d39156b60c0f64a6….jpg)

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ea22e6 No.21566314

File: 6eee0c3e1868f77⋯.png (897.51 KB,1536x863,1536:863,ClipboardImage.png)


'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

"As the summer comes to an end, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have finally completed my chemotherapy treatment.

The last nine months have been incredibly tough for us as a family. Life as you know it can change in an instant and we have had to find a way to navigate the stormy waters and road unknown.

The cancer journey is complex, scary and unpredictable for everyone, especially those closest to you.

With humility, it also brings you face to face with your own vulnerabilities in a way you have never considered before, and with that, a new perspective on everything.

This time has above all reminded William and me to reflect and be grateful for the simple yet important things in life, which so many of us often take for granted. Of simply loving and being loved.

Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus. Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes.

I am however looking forward to being back at work and undertaking a few more public engagements in the coming months when I can.

Despite all that has gone before, I enter this new phase of recovery with a renewed sense of hope and appreciation of life.

William and I are so grateful for the support we have received and have drawn great strength from all those who are helping us at this time. Everyone’s kindness, empathy and compassion has been truly humbling.

To all those who are continuing their own cancer journey – I remain with you, side by side, hand in hand. Out of darkness, can come light, so let that light shine bright."

A message from Catherine, Princess of Wales, as issued by Kensington Palace on 9 September 2024

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d9b26c No.21566315

File: 090243b80f0e3c9⋯.png (1.2 MB,1200x813,400:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9b26c No.21566316

File: 47837b5e5205dc1⋯.png (278.45 KB,330x395,66:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9b26c No.21566317

File: 20be681688d7333⋯.png (418.69 KB,497x545,497:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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39ad9f No.21566318

File: cd6252ff4f5f76f⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x766,500:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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206d24 No.21566319

File: 958f197f664e697⋯.png (23.79 KB,587x323,587:323,zem.PNG)




Novo Nordisk currently charges Americans with type 2 diabetes $969 a month for Ozempic, while this same exact drug can be purchased for just $155 in Canada.

Unusual Whales has partnered with @Temaetfs

and their $HRTS, the GLP-1 ETF, to give you a preview of the upcoming discussion on drug prices in the Presidential debate.

Do you think US drug prices are inflated?

6:26 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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d9b26c No.21566320

File: 8c149eff6dc9a95⋯.png (440.3 KB,559x447,559:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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5645a5 No.21566321

File: f43ab16194d5a67⋯.jpg (69.78 KB,937x496,937:496,POTUSnevforgets.jpg)

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d9b26c No.21566322

File: 58305e2d0841af6⋯.png (318.12 KB,519x403,519:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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45bba0 No.21566323


Jimmy Dore is a libtard asshole.

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d9b26c No.21566324

File: c8e29bd975dfd51⋯.png (324.34 KB,1001x1076,1001:1076,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8b30e No.21566325

File: c70a2c1133c6ddb⋯.jpg (432.94 KB,1226x1057,1226:1057,make_way_for_ducklings.jpg)

Make way for Trump supporters

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dfff13 No.21566326

File: a1d9ac95980dbba⋯.png (18.63 KB,404x344,101:86,ClipboardImage.png)






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d3c9d2 No.21566327

File: f45dd27bf140471⋯.png (172.58 KB,851x843,851:843,ClipboardImage.png)







RealClearPolitics (RCP): an independent, non-partisan media outlet providing reliable news, analysis, and commentary

Joined April 2022



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87792f No.21566328

File: e4269915107df4e⋯.png (20.13 KB,461x306,461:306,ClipboardImage.png)



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03c8a6 No.21566330


bright orange future

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d9b26c No.21566331

File: 9520f2afa6a0266⋯.png (915 KB,799x795,799:795,ClipboardImage.png)

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206d24 No.21566332

File: 24001bbc948b940⋯.png (751.46 KB,583x595,583:595,b.PNG)

File: e0b9b63a29b9b1c⋯.png (353.56 KB,591x367,591:367,t.PNG)

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1c3931 No.21566333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stfu dyke

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0015e1 No.21566334

File: a958733722fb018⋯.png (167.88 KB,400x323,400:323,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_10_….png)

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0fdcb6 No.21566335


The ducks need saddles.

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b1cda3 No.21566336

File: 0d10bb3681ce896⋯.jpg (73.64 KB,720x816,15:17,Screenshot_20240909_110712….jpg)


Anon is glad they changed their minds about killing off the kate character

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d9b26c No.21566337

File: 5b22e35909cd8fa⋯.png (514.54 KB,537x475,537:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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10fa05 No.21566338

File: 8f9d9e7f2d5adf6⋯.png (287.79 KB,792x500,198:125,knockknock_pepe2.png)

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a3508b No.21566339

File: e4c711edff7c3c0⋯.jpg (11.11 KB,255x152,255:152,Potusthor.jpg)


Holy Sheez!

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af1e40 No.21566340

notables @ 660

#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690, >>21566165, >>21566209 ABC News Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris meet in Philadelphia

>>21566138 Scavino: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>21566013, >>21566103 Laura Loomer seen exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 UK: Lady tells her story about being gang raped as a teen by middle-eastern migrants

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828, >>21565985, >>21566038, >>21566153 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774, >>21566128 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565968, >>21566009, >>21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better? (cont'd)

>>21565992 Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting

>>21566014 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21566023 Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment

>>21566047 Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

>>21566068 OMG look at Gensler's internal comments that the SEC mistakenly posted publicly

>>21566070 More Inconsistencies in Official Story of the Georgia Apalachee High School Shooting

>>21566079 George Helmy sworn in as New Jersey senator to replace disgraced Bob Menendez

>>21566107 Potential For Abuse’: Kamala’s Debate Prep With Lead Google Attorney Sets Off Alarm Bells With Gov’t Watchdogs

>>21566134 CNN's Dana Bash is at a loss for words about the "racist overtones" of cat memes

>>21566231 Discovered that Biden-Harris Admin subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado

>>21566309 DeSantis admin has demanded data from the Biden-Harris admin re: the voter registration status of individuals in Florida

>>21566314 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21566319 Novo Nordisk currently charges Americans with type 2 diabetes $969 a month for Ozempic

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851, >>21565986 Memes


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ac1701 No.21566341

File: c1a7af1d3dc9390⋯.jpeg (45.78 KB,206x255,206:255,IMG_0178.jpeg)


copy dat

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d3c9d2 No.21566342


i have a late night sound check in 2 hours and 20 mins

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1c3931 No.21566343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>stfu dyke

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206d24 No.21566344

File: e73d68df5c49544⋯.png (252.4 KB,441x438,147:146,mit.PNG)


YIKES: Former Clinton adviser Doug Schoen says he CANNOT commit to voting for Kamala. 👀

- Trump War Room (https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1833530339572256900?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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b41e4f No.21566345


she prolly really ded tho

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d9b26c No.21566346

File: b1e4a60e1a85984⋯.png (1.13 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3cf92 No.21566347

ohgeez, rumble feed starting to shit the bed

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6af137 No.21566348


obviously you're not hearing what he is saying atm

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ec6455 No.21566349

File: 83c4f78771c98cf⋯.png (1.65 MB,1268x641,1268:641,83c4f78771c98cfb467d97c89f….png)

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136199 No.21566350

File: 7a749e0a565e022⋯.png (1.06 MB,617x828,617:828,ClipboardImage.png)

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206d24 No.21566351

File: bf2a68abe349142⋯.png (9.35 KB,591x138,197:46,cb.PNG)


Kamala Harris


End cash bail.

2:35 PM · Sep 14, 2019

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7ccc2b No.21566352

Jesus Mary and Joseph bless this debate. Make Trump be perfect and Harris fail miserably.

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ec6455 No.21566353

File: 240bdb6d8a20225⋯.png (344.77 KB,720x406,360:203,240bdb6d8a2022515befaedc5f….png)

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f07ee2 No.21566354


If she were a smart, highly capable lawyer like any of the Trump lawyers, probably…but she's a cocksucking DEI hire who isn't capable of laughing properly…

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d9b26c No.21566355

File: b1e4a60e1a85984⋯.png (1.13 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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45bba0 No.21566356













I'm OG here, too.

I come here every day and try to post useful info.

If I'm not here it's 'cause I'm wrapping up a banger of an investigation that y'all inspired, soon to be national news.

We're here.

We're working.

We want our country back from the evil ones.


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ea22e6 No.21566357

File: 50a855898aa53a7⋯.png (188.63 KB,853x1000,853:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


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51506e No.21566358

File: 6ec0e03b307e936⋯.png (17.26 KB,255x248,255:248,vaxedforyourjob.png)

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d3c9d2 No.21566359

File: 04cbf9624749f9e⋯.png (181.56 KB,866x660,433:330,04cbf9624749f9e9b344d73c0e….png)

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1c3931 No.21566360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>stfu dyke

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d3c9d2 No.21566361

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206d24 No.21566362

File: 7b7f7409491a022⋯.png (772.51 KB,584x734,292:367,ri.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING: U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) reportedly rushed to hospital after collapsing at an event.


1:11 PM · Sep 10, 2024




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d9b26c No.21566363

File: a9b8bce7ddd742d⋯.png (1.25 MB,977x688,977:688,ClipboardImage.png)

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91cb3d No.21566364

File: 844060ca99ae509⋯.png (72.53 KB,700x918,350:459,aE0By6M_700bwp.png)

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4bacbc No.21566365

File: 6a2d38ee89b7c7a⋯.gif (1.05 MB,1080x1080,1:1,DoiTQ.gif)



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d3c9d2 No.21566366

File: 5d7ac8e4b016757⋯.png (962.23 KB,1171x1080,1171:1080,5d7ac8e4b016757402bf94f3fb….png)


40k view… ahhhhhh

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190e1e No.21566367

to hold true that the opposite of what i say usually happens…

she will win tonight

potus will fumble

ok, the jinx has been satisfied

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d9b26c No.21566368

File: 184bdaab26a90fc⋯.png (442.35 KB,519x535,519:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9b26c No.21566369

File: d210da0467d6952⋯.png (1.11 MB,843x836,843:836,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3c9d2 No.21566370

File: 7f48f6880d9641f⋯.jpg (10.02 KB,255x181,255:181,true.jpg)

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ea22e6 No.21566371

File: 06af76abfe892f7⋯.png (245.49 KB,374x531,374:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ccb3c No.21566372

File: af2a9e6a44b40be⋯.gif (15.37 MB,720x299,720:299,forward.gif)



ok calm down.

anon is here.

to your corners, no biting, spitting and now below the belt punching.

Debate night rules.

ready to grab memeable moments.


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206d24 No.21566373

File: b61e65b5846d092⋯.png (447.15 KB,587x556,587:556,warm.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 NOW: Trump supporters just gave Kamala Harris and her motorcade a NICE warm welcome here in Philly as she left her hotel for the debate 🤣


6:53 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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b1cda3 No.21566374

File: 93ead3626f942ba⋯.webp (40.61 KB,680x533,680:533,media_GW9NMysXcAAwlTo.webp)

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1c3931 No.21566375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>stfu dyke

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3e135b No.21566376

the callers on C-SPAN are braindead

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b41e4f No.21566377


and play bingo

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d9b26c No.21566379

File: 4b11d63ab3ea097⋯.png (585.15 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8b30e No.21566380

File: 258b6e4af8ba4f8⋯.jpg (346.39 KB,1922x1331,1922:1331,your_Q_.jpg)

Let's not forget Auntie Kamala getting a law passed based upon a hoax.

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76249c No.21566381

if Harris is over 5min late – its a panicked forfeit

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ea22e6 No.21566382

can he be disciplined

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206d24 No.21566383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10fa05 No.21566384

File: 61575fe59f06064⋯.jpeg (27.88 KB,474x470,237:235,pepe_sip2314.jpeg)

ABC is talking about "disciplining" POTUS Trump. Interesting choice of words.

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868c55 No.21566385

File: 00712f27d41c60a⋯.png (355.4 KB,504x520,63:65,Clipboardimage.png)

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2efaff No.21566386

File: e683d0ed7ea2e3a⋯.mp4 (2 MB,340x426,170:213,e683d0ed7ea2e3a45e484703d6….mp4)

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75bdf7 No.21566387


They wouldn't have tried killing Trump if this were really true.

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76249c No.21566388

msm pronouns: turd turd

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b41e4f No.21566389

File: 31b66a8d87c4751⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726016216961954956_video_….mp4)

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dfc976 No.21566390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9b26c No.21566391

File: e91ead7bd7c86d1⋯.png (549.36 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad0947409de0037⋯.png (1.37 MB,867x1280,867:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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883288 No.21566392


Trump should come in five minutes late and blame SS.

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0fdcb6 No.21566393


Because if he approved it counts as treason.

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a8b7c1 No.21566394


top kek

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4fe0b6 No.21566395


Check again… her Micro Expressions say something completely different…

It’s more like Oh Shit… WE’RE Going Into The White House!

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206d24 No.21566396

File: e84f9efb3f3c02b⋯.png (353.93 KB,594x695,594:695,marth.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


44 hours. That’s how long it took Martha’s Vineyard to eject slightly less than 50 illegal immigrants.

They kept four to do their housework.




Auron MacIntyre




When DeSantis shipped 50 illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard the National Guard was rounding them up within a day

When the Biden admin drops 20,000 migrants on a small town in Ohio that's just the new normal

5:44 AM · Sep 10, 2024




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d81c6b No.21566397

File: b5efb46d767725b⋯.jpeg (179.56 KB,1440x810,16:9,1524915588.jpeg)

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6af137 No.21566398


the Artificial Mockingbird Intelligence Community eats its own shit

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d9b26c No.21566399

File: aaf6a34ef1c0609⋯.png (1.81 MB,1200x717,400:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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af1e40 No.21566400

notables FINAL

#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690, >>21566165, >>21566209 ABC News Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris meet in Philadelphia

>>21566138 Scavino: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>21566013, >>21566103 Laura Loomer seen exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport

>>21566373 Trump supporters gave Kamala Harris and her motorcade a warm welcome in Philly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 UK: Lady tells her story about being gang raped as a teen by middle-eastern migrants

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828, >>21565985, >>21566038, >>21566153 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774, >>21566128 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565968, >>21566009, >>21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better? (cont'd)

>>21565992 Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting

>>21566014 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21566023 Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment

>>21566047 Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

>>21566068 OMG look at Gensler's internal comments that the SEC mistakenly posted publicly

>>21566070 More Inconsistencies in Official Story of the Georgia Apalachee High School Shooting

>>21566079 George Helmy sworn in as New Jersey senator to replace disgraced Bob Menendez

>>21566107 Potential For Abuse’: Kamala’s Debate Prep With Lead Google Attorney Sets Off Alarm Bells With Gov’t Watchdogs

>>21566134 CNN's Dana Bash is at a loss for words about the "racist overtones" of cat memes

>>21566231 Discovered that Biden-Harris Admin subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado

>>21566309 DeSantis admin has demanded data from the Biden-Harris admin re: the voter registration status of individuals in Florida

>>21566314 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21566319 Novo Nordisk currently charges Americans with type 2 diabetes $969 a month for Ozempic

>>21566344 Former Clinton adviser Doug Schoen says he cannot commit to voting for Kamala

>>21566362 U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) reportedly rushed to hospital after collapsing at an event

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851, >>21565986, >>21566389 Memes


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18b4e6 No.21566401

File: 87a195cbd074c44⋯.jpg (161.82 KB,710x468,355:234,DELIVERED_PROMISE_2.jpg)

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d3c9d2 No.21566402


time stamp 1:11 =17

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79f552 No.21566403

Lord my eyes & ears be opened to the truth tonight.

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35cc90 No.21566404


it took 3 seconds for Dan to take that shot

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af1e40 No.21566405

notables FINAL

#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690, >>21566165, >>21566209 ABC News Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris meet in Philadelphia

>>21566138 Scavino: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>21566013, >>21566103 Laura Loomer seen exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport

>>21566373 Trump supporters gave Kamala Harris and her motorcade a warm welcome in Philly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 UK: Lady tells her story about being gang raped as a teen by middle-eastern migrants

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828, >>21565985, >>21566038, >>21566153 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774, >>21566128 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565968, >>21566009, >>21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better? (cont'd)

>>21565992 Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting

>>21566014 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21566023 Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment

>>21566047 Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

>>21566068 OMG look at Gensler's internal comments that the SEC mistakenly posted publicly

>>21566070 More Inconsistencies in Official Story of the Georgia Apalachee High School Shooting

>>21566079 George Helmy sworn in as New Jersey senator to replace disgraced Bob Menendez

>>21566107 Potential For Abuse’: Kamala’s Debate Prep With Lead Google Attorney Sets Off Alarm Bells With Gov’t Watchdogs

>>21566134 CNN's Dana Bash is at a loss for words about the "racist overtones" of cat memes

>>21566231 Discovered that Biden-Harris Admin subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado

>>21566309 DeSantis admin has demanded data from the Biden-Harris admin re: the voter registration status of individuals in Florida

>>21566314 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21566319 Novo Nordisk currently charges Americans with type 2 diabetes $969 a month for Ozempic

>>21566344 Former Clinton adviser Doug Schoen says he cannot commit to voting for Kamala

>>21566362 U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) reportedly rushed to hospital after collapsing at an event

>>21566396 44 hours - that’s how long it took Martha’s Vineyard to eject slightly less than 50 illegal immigrants

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851, >>21565986, >>21566389 Memes


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64be93 No.21566406

File: 26d66d4df9ad16f⋯.png (801.78 KB,880x624,55:39,btkh2.PNG)

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d9b26c No.21566409

File: f52c78846d7a290⋯.png (273.81 KB,329x473,329:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8c5a No.21566410

File: f3b54e3f0e82191⋯.png (61.53 KB,547x456,547:456,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3c9d2 No.21566414

File: ef574f65cdd1386⋯.png (254.12 KB,500x504,125:126,they_never_thought_she_wou….png)

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0015e1 No.21566416

File: 62320737ec6783f⋯.webp (6.65 KB,936x629,936:629,1200x628.webp)

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d9b26c No.21566417

File: b0a8d426d904854⋯.png (482.85 KB,545x546,545:546,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8b30e No.21566419

back in her corner?

NO ONE EVER VOTED FOR her to be president.

she never had ANY votes, no demographic was ever in her corner.

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ec6455 No.21566420

File: fa9e3ff3303671b⋯.png (153.38 KB,981x652,981:652,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea22e6 No.21566421


In Mega Man 4 onward, the Mega Buster was upgraded to be able to charge energy up to two degrees, firing a Charge Shot.

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18b4e6 No.21566422

File: 8db5000565385ef⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,637x409,637:409,POTUS_RALLY_2.jpg)

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af1e40 No.21566423

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10fa05 No.21566424

File: d88dd90906e20e4⋯.png (520.53 KB,750x500,3:2,d88dd90906e20e4df8b6ffe319….png)

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d9b26c No.21566425

File: 5738f1c2850cf8a⋯.png (1.97 MB,1080x774,60:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c3931 No.21566426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stfu dyke

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437d86 No.21566427

File: 1882c1fca1d6afa⋯.jpeg (468.57 KB,847x646,847:646,8C6AEC4D_0C4A_4A8B_A5DE_E….jpeg)


TY rally Baker

Evening All

Moments away

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3e135b No.21566428

File: 068b3bd1c9ef232⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,600x620,30:31,068b3bd1c9ef232fab63f1265b….jpg)


Literally, they all got some script in front of them.

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0015e1 No.21566430

File: 7960ff9371d614a⋯.png (120.32 KB,391x223,391:223,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_10_….png)

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6cca11 No.21566431

File: 5312ecb65a19c19⋯.png (25.21 KB,710x162,355:81,ClipboardImage.png)

Just the YT stream of ABC news.

917,349 watching now.

Multiply that across all available mediums. Big numbers indeed.

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c16439 No.21566433

File: 02e574d25feffc7⋯.png (329.01 KB,378x376,189:188,phil.png)

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10fa05 No.21566438

File: cbd6809e499b41e⋯.png (432.35 KB,752x799,16:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac1701 No.21566446

here we go

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d9b26c No.21566448

File: aef869f71909f7f⋯.png (496.79 KB,606x410,303:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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2efaff No.21566449


go get em toots

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c16439 No.21566453

File: b15c7c82cc08d3e⋯.png (7.22 KB,309x152,309:152,gameover.png)

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03c8a6 No.21566455


just get a poisonous reptile much cheaper

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