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907ff2 No.21566407 [Last50 Posts]

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907ff2 No.21566408

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907ff2 No.21566411


#26418 >>21565643

>>21565690, >>21566165, >>21566209 ABC News Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris meet in Philadelphia

>>21566138 Scavino: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>21566013, >>21566103 Laura Loomer seen exiting Trump’s plane at the Philadelphia airport

>>21566373 Trump supporters gave Kamala Harris and her motorcade a warm welcome in Philly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21565651, >>21565707 Tyler Oliveira: Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety

>>21565661 Ice T: This new Pronoun thing is too confusing for me… I'm just gonna keep calling everybody MF

>>21565675 DJT: If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don't get absolute assurances on Election Security …

>>21565692 TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full Testimony For Congress On January 6th

>>21565697 Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565705 UK: Lady tells her story about being gang raped as a teen by middle-eastern migrants

>>21565726 JimW: 3 seconds

>>21565735 The media is covering up for illegal aliens eating people’s pets

>>21565742 25,000 protesters to surround Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne, sparking chaos

>>21565773, >>21565828, >>21565985, >>21566038, >>21566153 State of Democrats right now

>>21565774, >>21566128 Kamala's Kitchen: Cat and Duck recipe

>>21565866 Yesterday the DC appellate court vacated the 1512(c)(2) convictions of 11 J6 defendants

>>21565900 Trump shooting task force obtains 'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as details emerge of would-be assassin

>>21565908 X fudgery afoot re: Trump's campaign account

>>21565943 Website metadata reveal Kamala copied and pasted the language for her new policy agenda from Biden’s

>>21565952 Joe Rogan Explains How California Governor Gavin Newsom Was Gifted A $3.5 Million Dollar Home By A Corporation

>>21565968, >>21566009, >>21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better? (cont'd)

>>21565992 Border Czar Kamala Harris imported nearly 4.5% of the total population of Haiti with zero vetting

>>21566014 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21566023 Obama Wants to Change the Constitution to Get Rid of Free Speech & First Amendment

>>21566047 Newsom Vetoes Unpopular Bill Designed to Give $150,000 Home Loans to Illegal Aliens

>>21566068 OMG look at Gensler's internal comments that the SEC mistakenly posted publicly

>>21566070 More Inconsistencies in Official Story of the Georgia Apalachee High School Shooting

>>21566079 George Helmy sworn in as New Jersey senator to replace disgraced Bob Menendez

>>21566107 Potential For Abuse’: Kamala’s Debate Prep With Lead Google Attorney Sets Off Alarm Bells With Gov’t Watchdogs

>>21566134 CNN's Dana Bash is at a loss for words about the "racist overtones" of cat memes

>>21566231 Discovered that Biden-Harris Admin subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado

>>21566309 DeSantis admin has demanded data from the Biden-Harris admin re: the voter registration status of individuals in Florida

>>21566314 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21566319 Novo Nordisk currently charges Americans with type 2 diabetes $969 a month for Ozempic

>>21566344 Former Clinton adviser Doug Schoen says he cannot commit to voting for Kamala

>>21566362 U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) reportedly rushed to hospital after collapsing at an event

>>21566396 44 hours - that’s how long it took Martha’s Vineyard to eject slightly less than 50 illegal immigrants

>>21565679, >>21565686, >>21565747, >>21565755, >>21565814, >>21565851, >>21565986, >>21566389 Memes

>>21566405 #26418

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907ff2 No.21566412

#26417 >>21564861

>>21564970, >>21564977, >>21564983 Trump vs. Harris ABC News Presidential Debate

>>21565526 Scavino: President Trump is wheels down in Philadelphia, PA

>>21564884 Burn the Boats

>>21564903 Cats in Ohio right now…

>>21564921 Swamp schedule

>>21564938 Over target: Swalwell bigtime triggered over the cat memes

>>21564942, >>21564955 Julie Su brought Calif. corruption to the White House, and Harris will keep her there

>>21564951 Happy debate night from Trump HQ

>>21564990 Amazon pharmacy has a policy not to fill Ivermection prescriptions for COVID

>>21564991 Norfolk Southern CEO expected to exit amid board probe into alleged misconduct

>>21564996, >>21565000, >>21565256 DJT: Cats for MAGA

>>21565004 Eric Trump: Cats for Trump

>>21565010 One day before the world changed: captured from the lens of a Canadian tourist

>>21565033 Cats under Communism

>>21565058 Janet Yellen tests positive for covid

>>21565068 Fox: RNC chair 'very comfortable' Trump will win this key battleground state

>>21565074 Radio Host Mark Levin Announces Major Injury Will Take Him Off the Airwaves

>>21565214, >>21565228, >>21565240, >>21565329 Emergency Shelter-in-Place Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont, Texas

>>21565229 Biden appointee to host Trump / Harris debate

>>21565245 UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early to make room for shitposters

>>21565263 Fashion Multi-Millionaire Peter Nygard Sentenced in Toronto Court to 11 Years in Jail for Sexual Assault

>>21565332 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about Linda Sun, charged with being a CCP agent

>>21565344 RFK Jr.: They didn't pass the First Amendment to protect speech that everybody likes

>>21565350 A suspect is in custody after a teen is critically hurt in a shooting at a Nebraska high school

>>21565352 (2019) President Trump Signs H.R. 724, The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act

>>21565407, >>21565423 Endless lines of Haitians gorging on taxpayer funded benefits in Springfield, Ohio

>>21565409 The Reserve Bank of Australia really does want Aussies poorer

>>21565413 Eric Trump says “something is being hidden” about the attempt on President Trump’s life in Pennsylvania

>>21565435 Protest and Small Riots are forming as numerous people Break into high end Store, Set Fires, and Commit Multiple Assaults

>>21565502, >>21565514 Springfield, Ohio residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars

>>21565508 Trump crashes a Kamala BBQ in Ohio

>>21565527 LIVE: City Commission Meeting, Springfield, Ohio

>>21565559 Cookies don't lie

>>21565571 JD Vance: My office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield re: pets being abducted by Haitian migrants

>>21565580 That moment when Trump brought along Bill Clintons accusers to the debate

>>21565590 Democrats are getting their asses handed to them today!

>>21565619 Nadler reacting to serious problems

>>21564981, >>21564982, >>21565000, >>21565063, >>21565088, >>21565128, >>21565144, >>21565221, >>21565224, >>21565277, >>21565408, >>21565430, >>21565572 Memes

>>21565627 #26417

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907ff2 No.21566413

#26416 >>21564063

>>21564090, >>21564092, >>21564095, >>21564140, >>21564200, >>21564225, >>21564238, >>21564246, >>21564262, >>21564337, >>21564376, >>21564395, >>21564435, >>21564455, >>21564473, >>21564504, >>21564665, >>21564672, >>21564675 Andrew Cuomo testifies before House committee over handling of COVID-19 pandemic

>>21564093, >>21564371 PF Gitmo Express

>>21564081, >>21564129 Why Chester Bennington's Son Is Slamming Linkin Park Over Controversial New Singer

>>21564121, >>21564147, >>21564196, >>21564266, >>21564273, >>21564290, >>21564309, >>21564362, >>21564415 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21564122, >>21564172, >>21564264 ABC’s Linsey Davis will take center stage at Trump-Harris debate

>>21564127, >>21564153, >>21564165 ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940s."

>>21564171, >>21564599 SUM DIG ON GINA HASPEL

>>21564186, >>21564215 ‘Operation Homecoming’ Recovers 32 Missing Children in the Akron Area

>>21564199 House Committee on Veterans Affairs

>>21564252 Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine Since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014

>>21564267 Sean 'Diddy' Combs has been 'ordered to pay $100 million' in a default judgement over sexual assault

>>21564274 Biggest Ukrainian Drone Attack Of War Hits Moscow International Airport

>>21564279 Judgment day for pastor arrested for preaching in Seattle

>>21564285, >>21564454 UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early – RT

>>21564330 Prayer Mission for POTUS - TODAY

>>21564334, >>21564350 Tomorrow is the 23rd Anniversary of 911.

>>21564341 Over 140,000 in Wisconsin Can Vote Without ID in 2024 Through Loophole

>>21564366 Comedy Trailer | Cleaning Up Kamala.

>>21564402 @BabylonBee Kek

>>21564416 Alabama town had federally authorized work visas issued to influx of migrants

>>21564418 @thelancet Billions of people now deficient in critical life-supporting micronutrients

>>21564427 JD Vance and David Sacks discuss Kamala Harris

>>21564452, >>21564560 Justice Department Issues New Guidance on Federal Law Regarding Voter Registration .pdf

>>21564461 Orwell knew. Some animals are moar equal than others.

>>21564472 Mass. girls' field hockey team is refusing to compete because opposing girl’s team has male players

>>21564474 Biden-Harris Admin Obstructed Afghanistan Investigation

>>21564550 WATCH- caught on camera stating the UN’s ambition to become a world government

>>21564611 Teacher Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison For Sexual Abuse Of Five Former Students

>>21564635 Kamala's border 'Reign of Terror.' Sheriff Mike Boudreaux’s full testimony

>>21564686 Belgium's top migration official criticizes Hungary for threatening to bus migrants to Brussels

>>21564727 Google and Apple Lose Appeals in Landmark E.U. Cases

>>21564773 Fraud Grips $112.8 Billion U.S. Food Stamp Program

>>21564810, >>21564829 How ABC presidential debate rules work for tonight's Trump vs. Harris showdown

>>21564813 Check it out. https://8kun.top/pol/catalog.html

>>21564850 #26416

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907ff2 No.21566415

#26415 >>21563092

>>21563117 Hillary Clinton: How Kamala Harris Can ‘Rattle’ Trump at Debate

>>21563134 Only 55 Days Remain To Winning

>>21563140 WATCH LIVE: Congressional Gold Medal ceremony for troops killed in U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan

>>21563188 suspect caught 4 years after church arson and arrested

>>21563196, >>21563197, >>21563439, >>21563501, >>21563503, >>21563564, >>21563579, >>21563637, >>21563645, >>21563740, >>21563896 NASA and related Space News

>>21563261, >>21563284, >>21563881, >>21564010 THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥

>>21563289, >>21563438 HAITI "Bill Clinton was in charge of the $6 Billion donated to the Hope for Haiti Now charity”

>>21563327 just unearthed clip - Reporter: “Are you his daughter?” Kamala: “No I’m not.”

>>21563331, >>21563512 SAVE ACT BLOW BACK

>>21563411, >>21563429, >>21563879, >>21563917, >>21563930 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21563426, >>21563886, >>21563900, >>21563908, >>21563969, >>21564003 Yes this is a real billboard in Arizona & Meme cats til they cry.

>>21563446 "Science Delusion"? It is the religion for Atheists?

>>21563453, >>21563459, >>21563467 Nate Silver - The mistakes of 2019 could cost Harris the election

>>21563485, >>21563723, >>21563724, >>21563727, >>21563729, >>21563733, >>21563748, >>21563755, >>21563766 Swamp Habbenin's


>>21563705 pol. Jim did it. Pool's Open. Send me your banners. I will manage this board until a good BO takes over.

>>21563826 'Out of darkness, can come light': Kate's message in full

>>21563970, >>21563971 A ‘de-extinction’ list of lost beasts revealed.

>>21563987 Ukranian NGO debuts new "Enemies List" including Trump, Musk

>>21564006 Two Delta Airlines planes collide on Atlanta airport runway

>>21564045 #26415

Previously Collected

>>21562076 #26413, >>21563072 #26414

>>21559587 #26410, >>21560333 #26411, >>21561086 #26412

>>21556898 #26407, >>21557771 #26408, >>21558788 #26409

>>21553985 #26404, >>21554745 #26405, >>21555656 #26406

>>21551231 #26401, >>21552088 #26402, >>21553194 #26403

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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907ff2 No.21566418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



can continue or defer

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b94b73 No.21566429

File: 2d7b60ab4bbe16e⋯.jpg (54.75 KB,709x1024,709:1024,2d7b60ab4bbe16eccac0c646c2….jpg)

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a0fb70 No.21566432

File: eb489909c58970e⋯.webm (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726010833979863.webm)

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08a3c6 No.21566434

File: 8db5000565385ef⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,637x409,637:409,POTUS_RALLY_2.jpg)

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15383a No.21566435

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - Bingo Debate! 09/10/2024



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02cddb No.21566436

File: 068883ac45d801d⋯.png (533.03 KB,500x500,1:1,068883ac45d801d693c173b524….png)


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4a714d No.21566437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it's go time!

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1e108c No.21566439

And the powerball phrase for tonight's game… knee pads.

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805063 No.21566440

what's the most based live link

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0e94d4 No.21566441

File: c789e1ed8a94556⋯.jpg (11.66 KB,236x255,236:255,4aea88752b27dd536ac7426225….jpg)



Confirm Handoff

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fdcee3 No.21566442

File: b3d1f92a4c994ab⋯.jpg (118 KB,857x1199,857:1199,b3d1f92a4c994ab2b2f932c553….jpg)

Get your markers ready.

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6b4adb No.21566443

File: fc62d07396a4040⋯.png (620.69 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9a239 No.21566444


interactive bingo card

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0e94d4 No.21566445

Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

Real Americas Voice




Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24



Steven Crowder




Russell Brand




The Quartering

Donald Trump Kamala Harris Debate LIVE! Fact Checks, Commentary & Fun! Be Here



Patriot News Outlet live

LIVE TONIGHT: The 2024 Presidential Debate w/ President Trump and the Unelected Democrat Nominee 8PM ET | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



Benny Johnson

🚨 DEBATE-MAGEDDON: Watch Trump DEMOLISH Kamala, Presidential Debate LIVE With Special Guests



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36051b No.21566447

File: c2939a5d94650e1⋯.jpg (97.55 KB,856x742,428:371,Xnip2024_09_10_19_53_36.jpg)



anyone figure out how she met willie?

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409975 No.21566450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Philadelphia Freedom!

Elton John.

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fd2ba5 No.21566451

File: 41b58507fff695d⋯.png (3.19 MB,2048x1536,4:3,E1EA7957_A094_441C_9F2D_E9….png)

>>21566418 Tyb Very much

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0e23b7 No.21566452



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8dde84 No.21566454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f9a239 No.21566456


how do whores meet their mark?

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8c810d No.21566457


Thank you, Baker!

And we're up.

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00b91d No.21566458

File: 71314cbbe69c748⋯.png (62.54 KB,539x648,539:648,71314cbbe69c7480ebfe14198e….png)

File: e248adde90e0172⋯.png (1.2 MB,714x1013,714:1013,e248adde90e0172bdeca0444a4….png)

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4f3f6b No.21566459

File: cbcf6ddde66192c⋯.jpeg (274.73 KB,1125x1355,225:271,IMG_7369.jpeg)

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a0fb70 No.21566460

File: 8a25dd548355e7a⋯.webm (1.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726003461760465.webm)

and so it begins

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95bf9b No.21566461

File: 1ea11662f3d337d⋯.png (549.75 KB,720x734,360:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eced5 No.21566462

File: dd17c0a9061c1ac⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,888x497,888:497,mmbyhvgngh.jpg)

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f9a239 No.21566463

kek she is NErVOUs

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420586 No.21566464

she said her name…what an idiot

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54006f No.21566465

File: 03e7652cbc7811f⋯.gif (1.26 MB,640x480,4:3,hackerpepe.gif)

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f7c38a No.21566466

he made her walk

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6166c3 No.21566467

File: 66561ed989498cb⋯.jpg (109.21 KB,1467x926,1467:926,h6432g545423.JPG)



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8dde84 No.21566468

Camala is drunk as fucking fuck!

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420586 No.21566469

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1e108c No.21566470

Isn't this honestly the first time we've heard her answer a question?

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4a714d No.21566471

File: 0d4fd1442ad78eb⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,2559x1111,2559:1111,Screenshot_20240910_210312….jpg)

File: c74da707bd64e32⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2538x1020,423:170,Screenshot_20240910_210249….jpg)

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a88867 No.21566472

Fireworks or dud?

Doesn't matter, our focus is on 11/5.

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f149a0 No.21566473


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0eced5 No.21566474

More than 1.4 million people watching ABC feed on youtube.

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54006f No.21566475

File: b414fada9e28213⋯.jpg (81.34 KB,900x600,3:2,great_men.jpg)

They need to show both faces at all times, Let us see the reactions!

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f9a239 No.21566476

can hear her voice quiver

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0e23b7 No.21566477

dry mouth fast talk panic

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420586 No.21566478

She is nervous

Her voice is shaking

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4150ea No.21566479

Oh just fucking shoot me now I can't listen to her voice.

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e5c652 No.21566480

File: 5a49b4a9bf3cfbc⋯.png (1.23 MB,628x872,157:218,sunshine.png)


Thanks baker

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bc098c No.21566481


Get lost pig. Time for serious stuff. Not your clown faggotry.

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85bcb9 No.21566482

File: 445d09c5d2271c0⋯.png (404.93 KB,552x552,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ec330 No.21566483

File: 01dbe0638e7e525⋯.gif (5.36 MB,600x901,600:901,01dbe0638e7e525897d1233858….gif)

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8dde84 No.21566484


panicked & drunk - a dangerous combination!


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f9a239 No.21566485

copying trump policies

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d0a452 No.21566486

Kamala with the Power move and shorter podium

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cf190d No.21566487

File: 0a76c6d27869fc1⋯.mp4 (8.48 MB,720x720,1:1,YouCut_20240910_145939747.mp4)




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f149a0 No.21566488

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63d58b No.21566489

she's shaking

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9da3ed No.21566490

He just said you and President trump were elected in 2020

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40b955 No.21566491

File: 64763647c219ea2⋯.png (245.81 KB,476x463,476:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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95bf9b No.21566492

File: 06de667ff0d28f3⋯.png (250.04 KB,360x356,90:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8665d No.21566493

File: 84d6aee6eed489d⋯.png (1.12 MB,1463x774,1463:774,ClipboardImage.png)

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36051b No.21566494


i can't believe she showed up

figured the covid would have got her

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f7c38a No.21566495

marking word salad box right away just saying

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8c810d No.21566496

Harris suffers from anxiety. Trump just needs to trigger her once.

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214fb1 No.21566497

File: 8dce5e7169c5636⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,8dce5e7169c56365c327369eca….gif)


offhand confirmed

Enjoy the legendary loaf.

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ce510a No.21566498

File: f1b99c33e3bd3f0⋯.png (259.13 KB,644x362,322:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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009094 No.21566499



She started off well . It’s not a stage it’s a studio with a teeny tiny podium for her

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fdcee3 No.21566500

File: 7d30079a1964e1d⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,364x364,1:1,tLEN91ZU_400x400.jpg)

Listening to this is going to be torture.

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f9a239 No.21566501

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95bf9b No.21566502

File: 184bdaab26a90fc⋯.png (442.35 KB,519x535,519:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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85bcb9 No.21566503

File: ca836fa916a1e49⋯.png (2.29 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a1f38 No.21566504

File: b27a460fba69e69⋯.png (146.75 KB,450x352,225:176,b27a460fba69e69251b1606960….png)

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3bcac9 No.21566505

File: 5366d586ba50051⋯.jpg (697 KB,720x815,144:163,Cheers_Beer_Hottie.jpg)


>Debate Night II

Cheers Baker, Anons

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5a5478 No.21566506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2d8cb2 No.21566507


Yes he did.

Heard it, and was just writing it to poast also.

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bc098c No.21566508

File: 14e1ed08065c3c4⋯.png (418.94 KB,604x746,302:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e23b7 No.21566509

File: 59a6ba6ed840df1⋯.png (214.83 KB,502x383,502:383,Jeffermeme.png)

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9ff5fb No.21566510

Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

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1057f1 No.21566511

Most annoying nasally voice eveh!!!!!!

Good gawd!

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e3d4e5 No.21566512

File: ade118a877bdb6d⋯.jpg (45.85 KB,512x512,1:1,potus_storm4.jpg)

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420586 No.21566513



She has all of this memorized .word for word. Hand gestures included

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85bcb9 No.21566514

File: 240b8662baac231⋯.png (529.27 KB,699x391,699:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d8cb2 No.21566515

Has the Kun crashed?

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2d8cb2 No.21566516

Trump is talking very fast, to get all his points in within the limited time frame.

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0e23b7 No.21566517

lock it up!

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545f49 No.21566518

she has dry mouth

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009094 No.21566519


No folks just watching the horror show I think

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a0fb70 No.21566520

File: 02e3cabdb230058⋯.webm (1.53 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726002919314159.webm)

>Springfield Ohio

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e51170 No.21566521

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,ezgif_com_crop.gif)


Thank you debate Baker!!!

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b9585a No.21566522

File: 302b072e7386ed8⋯.jpeg (151.45 KB,1200x1040,15:13,542CF6DB_D01E_470D_B9E4_1….jpeg)

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0eced5 No.21566523

President Trump: I have no sales tax; that's an incorrect statement. She knows that. Were doing tariffs on other countries.

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283e85 No.21566524

File: 7e5d9e94b4f4301⋯.jpg (104.05 KB,763x828,763:828,8m557665475.JPG)

Congress bestows highest honor on 13 troops killed during Afghanistan withdrawal

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday presented Congress' highest honor — the Congressional Gold Medal — to 13 U.S. service members who were killed during the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, even as the politics of a presidential election swirled around the event.

Both Democrats and Republicans supported the legislation to posthumously honor the 13 U.S. troops, who were killed along with more than 170 Afghans in a suicide bombing at the Abbey Gate at Kabul's airport in August 2021. President Joe Biden signed the legislation in December 2021. On Tuesday, the top Republican and Democratic leaders for both the House and Senate spoke at a somber ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda, hailing the lives and sacrifices of the service members.


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7d612c No.21566525

File: bae078054c7e475⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB,1370x1237,1370:1237,IMG_6443.jpeg)

Let’s goooo!

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846246 No.21566526

File: ef91967dbd58b3c⋯.png (177.35 KB,378x376,189:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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63d58b No.21566527

she's shaking

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f7c38a No.21566528

proto wtf

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1057f1 No.21566529


Ded bred?

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cf190d No.21566530


She pie eye'd from from smoking pole. KeK

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95bf9b No.21566531

File: 20be681688d7333⋯.png (418.69 KB,497x545,497:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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3695de No.21566532

she's really going to blame it all on trump lmfao

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f149a0 No.21566533


Debate link

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0eced5 No.21566534

Harris: Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. Donald Trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century.

[blaming the pandemic and it's effects on President Trump]

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fa5b96 No.21566535

Dead cat bounce

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d36691 No.21566536

File: 7d519ebf13cd8c6⋯.jpg (170.25 KB,500x331,500:331,kittycheckem.jpg)

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a049ea No.21566537

File: 8cafa527ec722e0⋯.jpeg (279.32 KB,750x654,125:109,8cafa527ec722e049cf299b27….jpeg)

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45b3fb No.21566538

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Note: Will collect statements and anything which is meme worthy.


President Trump vs. Kamala Harris Debate LIVE Coverage


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f149a0 No.21566539

File: 44f3b13e8be4dc5⋯.png (351.21 KB,964x580,241:145,TuskanReee2.png)

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0eced5 No.21566540

President Trump: I have nothing to do, as you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

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02cddb No.21566541

File: 33f372341b39192⋯.png (65.16 KB,235x141,5:3,33f372341b3919259acb8eef99….png)


Fukken saved

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a67d71 No.21566542

Trumps hair looks great.

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fdcee3 No.21566543

Started off with project 25

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0fb86c No.21566544


She's baiting him.

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420586 No.21566545

File: b08814389f748fd⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB,1599x1222,123:94,IMG_1511.jpeg)

Her face gestures are killing her>>21566536


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0e23b7 No.21566546


proto panic

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b3a1d7 No.21566547

kamala migrant hordes

stuttering stumbling and defensively attacking on her first question posed by her lackey and never answered the question about being better off now than four years ago without providing a single policy statement

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b64f23 No.21566548


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3d042e No.21566549

File: e9c38532b296192⋯.png (60.45 KB,178x255,178:255,IMG_1516.png)

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ee2018 No.21566550

File: 62980b263ad9025⋯.mp4 (10.65 MB,816x480,17:10,ukraine_Greater_Israel.mp4)

File: 8266eee8d8e8fe5⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,406x464,7:8,Dude_Spits_on_Trump_Flag_S….mp4)


>Trump is talking very fast, to get all his points in within the limited time frame.

He's a very smart guy

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5054cb No.21566551

File: 75fdbb9772e150f⋯.png (153.22 KB,480x360,4:3,GIVE_ME_SOMETHING_FOR_TH_E….png)

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bc098c No.21566552

File: dc27abd1281aeff⋯.png (605.29 KB,808x879,808:879,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3d4e5 No.21566553

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)

Watch her when POTUS Trump is speaking. That fuckin' bitch is trying to hide her Duper's Delight.

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eb0741 No.21566554

File: 916c89b4e0884f9⋯.jpeg (30.93 KB,255x241,255:241,IMG_6658.jpeg)


> she has dry mouth

Is that even possible?

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8d56c3 No.21566555

File: e5e4e5198a202b8⋯.png (497.71 KB,2560x2560,1:1,God_Bless_The_USA_Q_Alt_Al….png)


Thank You Baker o7

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e140ec No.21566556

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x960,5:4,IMG_0344.png)

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3bf006 No.21566557

Kamala touching her face is a nervous act. The bouncing up and down as she talks is strange. And you can hear her tongue spit. Maybe she is black. All that smacking while talking. Kek

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dc8828 No.21566558

File: 76d93ce1b5f3f16⋯.jpeg (143.19 KB,755x768,755:768,76d93ce1b5f3f16bf9f1f90c7….jpeg)

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420586 No.21566559


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3d042e No.21566560

ty Jim.

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54006f No.21566561

File: b065fe2082a0199⋯.mp4 (520.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,we_do_a_little_trolling.mp4)

" The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die. "

General Orders | Tuesday, July 02, 1776

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85bcb9 No.21566562

File: 585c09cca45804a⋯.png (1.86 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc098c No.21566563

File: 9b858c035f98911⋯.png (473.14 KB,709x773,709:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9a239 No.21566564


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b928f6 No.21566565


peoples eyes are glued to the debate. hilarious so far.

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7b8062 No.21566566

File: ce4aff5dcff734f⋯.jpeg (63.24 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0594.jpeg)

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0e23b7 No.21566567

run stop run

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9e5630 No.21566568

File: 172571e82515ba9⋯.png (10.98 MB,5500x4700,55:47,JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)

Tomorrow is :10

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846246 No.21566569

File: 2959022d6565bd5⋯.png (1.07 MB,754x726,377:363,ClipboardImage.png)


With every rebuttal she's chopped down a litle bit more.

and this anons is right >>21566527

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6709da No.21566570

16 noble laureates

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3d6783 No.21566571

'run, spot, run, four sentences' she doesnt have a plan

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96441f No.21566572


She’s as high as a kite

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b928f6 No.21566573


oo proto got turned on

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e85e82 No.21566574

Count how many times Kamala swallows.

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fdcee3 No.21566575




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ee2018 No.21566576

File: f37cf9ba195bb44⋯.png (39.46 KB,220x139,220:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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843500 No.21566577

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2d8cb2 No.21566578

File: 93b50de18316581⋯.png (15.48 KB,405x185,81:37,Q16.png)

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843500 No.21566579

Oh look, she learned how to do the hillary head shake of disagreement.

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61b1d1 No.21566580

File: aa194f8c22aabab⋯.png (1.7 MB,1303x758,1303:758,ClipboardImage.png)


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61b1d1 No.21566581

File: e27fbc3c3e56cc7⋯.png (695.1 KB,693x652,693:652,ClipboardImage.png)

She can't talk about her accomplishments

cause she don't got any

So she can talk about is Trump

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a0fb70 No.21566582

File: f5daa0d3e26f969⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,f5daa0d3e26f969590b7145014….mp4)

Kamala's gonna get facted checked to death

>she's trying to rattle Trump

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009094 No.21566583

File: 6edd279d7ec6a82⋯.jpeg (185.89 KB,960x886,480:443,2EBBBAE4_6907_4953_BD03_9….jpeg)

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846246 No.21566584

File: 2a67a6c042a2ba9⋯.png (164.23 KB,394x328,197:164,ClipboardImage.png)


Now shes slurring her words


"I was gonna send her a MAGA hat"

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69cdbb No.21566585

File: b84c6b88b750820⋯.png (123.86 KB,520x540,26:27,1718313426715209.png)

Somebody throw a pie already.

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4f3f6b No.21566586

Verdict so far?

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eefe48 No.21566587


RUN, SPOT, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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dc8828 No.21566588

File: dd7be7695b58b64⋯.jpeg (33.72 KB,650x548,325:274,dd7be7695b58b6468445be448….jpeg)

trump sold us out.. fascinating

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420586 No.21566589



BOSS is not falling for the moderator’s bs

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45b3fb No.21566590

kamala doing the chin pepe pose.

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ce510a No.21566591

File: 1c1905920ffbb60⋯.png (342.64 KB,559x710,559:710,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eced5 No.21566592

President Trump: I went to the Wharton School of Finance, and many of those professors, the top professors, think my plan is a brilliant plan. It's a great plan. It's a plan that's gonna bring up our worth, our value as a country. It's gonna make people want to be able to go and work and create jobs, and create al lot of good, solid money for our country….she doesn't have a plan. She copied Biden's plan. And it's like four sentences. Like, 'Run, Spot, Run'.

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1057f1 No.21566593

She seething

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67a058 No.21566594

She has some mean looking incisors

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b64f23 No.21566595

Send her the hat sir

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3bcac9 No.21566596

File: 395bac7b3d609b4⋯.png (456.22 KB,474x711,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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69cdbb No.21566597

Also she's coming off as a total cunt lmaoooo

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b3a1d7 No.21566598

her mime act is pathetically hilarious and she sounds like a clueless, after the 10pm hour, msm talking head and stinking drunk

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eb0741 No.21566599

File: 4a43cd37ca08562⋯.jpeg (36.08 KB,255x254,255:254,IMG_7508.jpeg)


Remember when Killary debated, they got her all prettied up and shit.

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0abb0a No.21566600


why does this insane bitch look whiter than Trump?

white bitch makeup?


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54006f No.21566601

File: 35c40da33ba7f24⋯.png (3.55 MB,1651x1320,1651:1320,53971042139_24662be98e_o.png)

hes smirking when she said he sold out secrets to china. hes about to say some funny shit,



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ec7ce1 No.21566602

File: 24b432ba5017759⋯.png (44.26 KB,638x388,319:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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3695de No.21566603

File: f0e396ce12d50df⋯.png (329.51 KB,324x447,108:149,ClipboardImage.png)

fucking homoproto

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d36691 No.21566604

File: 28deac747f2a2a1⋯.png (95.68 KB,218x236,109:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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420586 No.21566605

She is starting to Jackie

And that chin on hand gesture is pathetic

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f7c38a No.21566606

her faces and expression what the hell she is pissed she was resting her fist on her chin, sually it is balls

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fdcee3 No.21566607

1.8 Million watching on ABC youtube

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54006f No.21566608

File: aaecfc300bd0267⋯.jpg (10.51 KB,255x143,255:143,aaecfc300bd02679786d44031e….jpg)

Stop with proto its so gay.

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76abb7 No.21566609

Ear piece is in her right ear

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ee2018 No.21566610


>She’s as high as a kite


>Count how many times Kamala swallows.



I'm just here for the running commentary.

The cringe kills me.

Y'all are stronger than I to deal with the cringe in real time

Oh fuck it's proto. Stupid proto. There's no attack. Gay proto.

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0e23b7 No.21566611

File: ee20883a86ab317⋯.gif (7.75 MB,480x407,480:407,crackhunter.gif)

sold us out

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d36691 No.21566612

File: f27be5d47372f49⋯.jpg (45.88 KB,474x703,474:703,abeget.jpg)

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61b1d1 No.21566613

File: 7fb8e0f05c9545f⋯.png (1.64 MB,1335x762,445:254,ClipboardImage.png)

She's a Marxist

& she smiles???


body language ghost should have a great time with this one

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36051b No.21566614

i hope her earpiece falls out.

potus should have brought jammin equip

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b64f23 No.21566616

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f9a239 No.21566617


get a screen cap?

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9e5630 No.21566618

File: d39137e5f6f5ed1⋯.png (82.22 KB,1049x686,1049:686,ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow is National Pet Day marker on the QClock. Pets in the news. JA back in the news.


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e8665d No.21566619

File: 0b7bed25c705dc5⋯.png (1.26 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9622664de5b747⋯.png (1.2 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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20e1c0 No.21566620

File: b4b61f6ef63f485⋯.png (637.12 KB,779x707,779:707,ClipboardImage.png)

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67a058 No.21566621

Shes going to lose this if she keeps staring at him, no world leaders do that

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0eced5 No.21566622

As President Trump called out Harris as a marxist, she was looking at him as if her father being a marxist professor is news to her.

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ae8fe9 No.21566623

Trump was just making fun of Kamala's see spot run quote… lol

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e3d4e5 No.21566624

File: 823fddbb4e4226e⋯.png (489.7 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b1d1 No.21566625

Someone want to tell them that abortion is a state issue not an Election issue?

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ee2018 No.21566626


>get a screen cap?

yeah get the live caps. it will get edited out of the final version

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3695de No.21566627

File: 1831740c44c0f73⋯.png (122.95 KB,478x816,239:408,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf8fd821746c34e⋯.png (430.61 KB,1179x596,1179:596,ClipboardImage.png)


the u.s has never recovered from the 08 crash

not truly


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477975 No.21566628


you got a link for that

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ec7ce1 No.21566629


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846246 No.21566630

File: 73e5ac57542db43⋯.png (168.54 KB,397x337,397:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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4947ad No.21566631

Next rally,

I propose for POTUS to have a moment of pause to allow an anon "call out" something Q related with a zero delta from the drops.

For example, at 07:02 Pm (referencing drop 4413), a pause allows an anon in the crowd to "call out" "Castle Rock".

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45b3fb No.21566632


this is poses that the media will use to spin after the debate.

she has been taught to do it.

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409975 No.21566633

governor of West Virginia or of Virginia?

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cb4660 No.21566634


she IS a near perfect embodyment of the Culture of Lies. everything, a culture of people who have internalized a worldview of near perfect inversion in all things.

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b3a1d7 No.21566635


ackshually tink she believes she's on the kun shitposting

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0e23b7 No.21566636

File: fc5ca22a395d5b7⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB,720x720,1:1,ROEliedAboutBeingRaped.mp4)

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61b1d1 No.21566637

Execution of a Baby after birth is not ok with me either

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f7c38a No.21566638

oh that bitch fact check Trump what a cunt A FUCKING CUNT

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cf190d No.21566639

File: 90884d8fd1b9c0f⋯.jpg (31.84 KB,550x535,110:107,IMG_20240908_124934_062.jpg)

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96441f No.21566640

File: 857d36aa8982129⋯.jpeg (970.91 KB,1496x1330,748:665,IMG_0048.jpeg)

File: a154108b51f4b6c⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0112.jpeg)

File: b5278835e2814f3⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB,1620x2028,135:169,IMG_0348.jpeg)

File: c547c6b87b6e86e⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1620x2011,1620:2011,IMG_0347.jpeg)

File: 7e3fd567b24ff15⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1435x1950,287:390,IMG_0402.jpeg)

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2d8cb2 No.21566641

File: 27addd3f9e67846⋯.png (63.68 KB,565x277,565:277,Q4409.png)


> 'Run, Spot, Run'.

One drop with spot in it.


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420586 No.21566642

Who is that bitch fact checking Trum0?

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009094 No.21566643

File: d40d97c3e15ac4d⋯.jpeg (285.27 KB,727x434,727:434,B21F51A9_44C8_4D76_B60A_5….jpeg)


Hilldawg pretty ?

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76abb7 No.21566644


No… But she strategically has it hidden behind excessive hair and head tilt.

Common sense is common.

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40b955 No.21566645

File: a9ab124fd0aaa69⋯.png (212.54 KB,427x410,427:410,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9a239 No.21566646

*swallows hard*

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e3d4e5 No.21566647

File: f843932c5023b31⋯.png (80.41 KB,636x900,53:75,dredd4.png)

ABC helping Kamala. Of course. Playing pedantic word games. I can see them hanging.

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0aa0b9 No.21566648

File: 3b41d5ed59b5252⋯.jpeg (69.36 KB,800x600,4:3,3b41d5ed59b52525d79749431….jpeg)

already broken

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61b1d1 No.21566649


Thanks anon

Now I have a Broken Screen

Good job

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a049ea No.21566650

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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ee2018 No.21566651

File: ef036e8d7ec2c2c⋯.png (152.9 KB,325x274,325:274,ClipboardImage.png)


blatantly ai fake

He's dead jim

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8dde84 No.21566652



waiting for it

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420586 No.21566653

That bitch moderator needs to be memes until she cries

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f9a239 No.21566654

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6709da No.21566655

File: 428eeaf5e88298f⋯.png (791.08 KB,859x500,859:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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846246 No.21566656

File: 46b9b8d4ffab8b6⋯.png (216.33 KB,487x375,487:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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54006f No.21566657

File: 4cc064b639aff52⋯.gif (2.12 MB,256x192,4:3,1659250296159495.gif)


shes ugly as fuck. curry muncher

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0fb86c No.21566658


They're OK to talk about Trumps flip flopping on abortion, wonder if they'll get around to Kamala's flip flopping of late….

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67a058 No.21566659


Im praying for him, that he can reveal the demons evil intent

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0e94d4 No.21566660

File: f24a601985a7f67⋯.jpg (58.98 KB,950x706,475:353,f24a601985a7f67327cb957468….jpg)


proto issues, on now

Handoff Confirmed

got any notables?


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0eced5 No.21566661

Moderator says thee is no state where it's legal to kill a baby after it's born, but Governor Northam of Virginia did say to, 'make the baby comfortable', then decide what to do; let it die.

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20e1c0 No.21566662

"trump abortion bans"

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f7c38a No.21566663

Trump gave the rights to the state Trump has nothing to do with it and her emotional shit

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ec7ce1 No.21566664

File: 3f1a59234c73791⋯.png (160.48 KB,663x389,663:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0fb70 No.21566665

File: c0a687de55376ab⋯.webm (853.33 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726016818813737.webm)

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b928f6 No.21566666

File: bc797eef40bef27⋯.png (11.86 KB,255x199,255:199,b5c9033e384e73e4e2b23ef73e….png)

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9e5630 No.21566667


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8c810d No.21566668

She swallowing hard, it's all downhill for her from here.

Now she's just got fake arse talking points.

It's over for her.

Trump hasn't even started yet.

Trump. like run spot, run.


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0e23b7 No.21566669

File: 6f5bdc804865031⋯.png (537.84 KB,653x653,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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420586 No.21566670

IF IT’S. WOMAN’S body, why do men have to pay child support?

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61b1d1 No.21566671

"Trump Abortion Bans"

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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846246 No.21566672

File: ff1f0a7a925c74b⋯.png (216.36 KB,484x391,484:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee2018 No.21566673


they've airbrushed out her neck lines

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67a058 No.21566674


I can post from my iphone

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1e108c No.21566675

That's a demonic appeal to emotion claiming abortion has to be allowed because the health of the mother is at stake..

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d36691 No.21566676


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846246 No.21566677

File: 00fa753ffad66aa⋯.png (189.07 KB,429x384,143:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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b94b73 No.21566678


are signed in now?

will be turned off post haste

no worries

on it

tyvm for baking


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f6a9c6 No.21566679


They can refuse to provide life-saving care to a baby in a failed abortion.

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fa5b96 No.21566680


She's fucken insane

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420586 No.21566681

Trump is so calm!

Great job, Boss!

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45b3fb No.21566682

she is going off on fantasy examples of women being pregnant

crazy bitcj

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54006f No.21566683

File: 41d4e4740ba9eb5⋯.png (750.71 KB,878x641,878:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e5630 No.21566684

File: 2b6121aaeefdbd2⋯.png (102.91 KB,500x208,125:52,misseditbythatmuch.PNG)


Missed it by that much.

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a0fb70 No.21566685

File: 1559affce77b2de⋯.webm (1.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726016022550782.webm)

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0e23b7 No.21566686


>make the baby comfortable

it's inescapable now, fact check

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e3d4e5 No.21566687

File: 9fbb8a18fc8db54⋯.jpeg (213.4 KB,828x909,92:101,ed88a9f12c9d476a1b58ad1d9….jpeg)

Why is she talking about women when people in her administration cannot even define that word? That they try telling people that men can be women. That their administration has a mentally ill secretary of health? These people are sick!

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67a058 No.21566688

She keeps staring at him even when shes speaking, its an attack on him personally, i hope he gets her so pissed off she loses it

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009094 No.21566689



Ooooh digits

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fdcee3 No.21566690

2nd reference to project 2025

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86777c No.21566691

I can't stand this, her voice is like the devil

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61b1d1 No.21566692

Ba'al wants his Sacrifices

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846246 No.21566693

File: 328845c15b73ad8⋯.png (176.85 KB,423x364,423:364,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e94d4 No.21566694


signed in, all is well

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0abb0a No.21566695


ask this cunt what a woman is

do it Trump

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95bf9b No.21566696

File: df385ce0b353947⋯.png (274.78 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b94b73 No.21566697



iz guud

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000000 No.21566698

Sadly unimpressed with Trump so far.

Also, sadly disappointed in the coherence of the Bimbo so far.

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0e94d4 No.21566699

Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

Real Americas Voice




Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24



Steven Crowder




Russell Brand




The Quartering

Donald Trump Kamala Harris Debate LIVE! Fact Checks, Commentary & Fun! Be Here



Patriot News Outlet live

LIVE TONIGHT: The 2024 Presidential Debate w/ President Trump and the Unelected Democrat Nominee 8PM ET | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



Benny Johnson

🚨 DEBATE-MAGEDDON: Watch Trump DEMOLISH Kamala, Presidential Debate LIVE With Special Guests



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8d5204 No.21566700

POTUS looks bored. I feel bad he has to through this.

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02402c No.21566701



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20e1c0 No.21566702

File: dbedd0c29f47f05⋯.jpg (61.56 KB,795x400,159:80,fear.jpg)

orange man bad

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f9a239 No.21566703

File: ded14864be80978⋯.mp4 (501.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726017726388056437_video_….mp4)

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61b1d1 No.21566704

Trump doesn't have to sign a Ban

It's a State Issue

It's not federal anymore

she's a liar

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2d8cb2 No.21566705

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b3a1d7 No.21566706

guess the whiney beg off believe me – works well with people, specially bitches talking

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f48a9d No.21566707

Is she turning into Skeletor in front of my eyes ?

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9fb41d No.21566708

File: 3296bdc17811cee⋯.png (102.71 KB,836x562,418:281,ClipboardImage.png)

October 7, 2015

Planned Parenthood has been found to 'illegally sell baby parts,' activist says

An Orlando-based conservative Christian group has called on Gov. Rick Scott to choke off all forms of state funding for Planned Parenthood, saying the organization has broken the law and doesn’t deserve taxpayer money.

In a letter dated Sept. 22, 2015, Florida Family Policy Council President John Stemberger thanked Scott for investigating state Planned Parenthood affiliates after videos showing officials discussing fetal tissue were released by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress this summer. But Stemberger wanted Scott to go further.

Stemberger said because of what the videos show, the group should not get money through the state’s Medicaid program and Title X, a federal grant program for family planning and preventive health services.

"No organization with a record of illegal activity and abuse, now found to also illegally sell baby parts and likely altering abortion practices to do so, should receive taxpayer dollars," Stemberger wrote. (GOP presidential candidate and former Gov. Jeb Bush ended direct state subsidies for the group in 2001.)


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0eced5 No.21566709

President Trump: There she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban [abortion], and there's no reason to sign a ban, because we've gotten what everyone wanted. Democrats, republicans, and everybody else, and every legal scholar, wanted it to be brought back into the states. And the states are voting…what she says is an absolute lie.

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54006f No.21566710

File: d4811c2fc0c3d50⋯.png (193.85 KB,960x702,160:117,as_dayshift_ends.png)

They keep trying to push abortion as a national issue,


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009094 No.21566711



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f7c38a No.21566712


people do not understand that because the people are dumb

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846246 No.21566713

File: fe01c623bd180f2⋯.png (222.04 KB,466x469,466:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Boss is killin it

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236231 No.21566714

File: 17e29dd04f50bed⋯.png (11.04 KB,255x229,255:229,Pepe_Hail_to_the_Kek_Baby.png)

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e3d4e5 No.21566715

File: 9d920d6d4937046⋯.png (237.45 KB,539x463,539:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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843500 No.21566716

File: 453ca4628e14ae6⋯.png (248.73 KB,1713x1591,1713:1591,ClipboardImage.png)



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0abb0a No.21566717


ask her why her ‘running mate’ is called TAMPON TIM

do it TRUMP

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ee2018 No.21566718


alien af

just an abortion truck outside the DNC, that's the dems now

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69cdbb No.21566719


Women will think it's powerful, men will think she comes off as a cunt. The lesson to be learned here is women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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f149a0 No.21566720

File: b7a21806abb24a0⋯.jpeg (690.81 KB,961x1209,31:39,BidenPeak1.jpeg)

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f9a239 No.21566721

"government shouldn't be telling people what to do with their bodies"

*covid vaxxed enters chat*

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7d612c No.21566722

File: 718ef31d9df40b5⋯.png (631.02 KB,645x476,645:476,IMG_6441.png)

Did Trump just say ‘Cat’astrophy?

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67a058 No.21566723

Trump is. Ruling this so far, shes fixated on him, and trying send spells to him with her evil demonic eyes but hes chosen and the perfect angel standing between them on guard

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1057f1 No.21566724


Yes, hay hay hay!

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40b955 No.21566725

File: a2b81096e22792b⋯.png (124.24 KB,306x323,18:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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846246 No.21566726

File: 5b6f80f27d9009c⋯.png (147.82 KB,343x345,343:345,ClipboardImage.png)

"let's go to Congress, do it"

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61b1d1 No.21566727

They make Promises they know they can't keep

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6dd5ab No.21566728

File: c39f49f333b4114⋯.mp4 (60.87 KB,266x480,133:240,c39f49f333b4114b7cf03c693c….mp4)

This is a debate between Trump and that host bitch

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e140ec No.21566729

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20e1c0 No.21566730

File: 024017ab08cd86d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1078x718,539:359,kek.png)

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b802b7 No.21566731

got angry and made the pepe sign when trump called her a marxist

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8c810d No.21566732

Sitting next to strangers on a plane?

Everybody does that who travels on a plane.

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4c808b No.21566733

An abortion is health care?

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ee2018 No.21566734


>She keeps staring at him even when shes speaking, its an attack on him personally

he's smart enough to not fall for it

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846246 No.21566735

File: d09feb7bd822a27⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x768,4:3,d09feb7bd822a2787be5d04b70….png)


I think he did

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73d7b2 No.21566736

File: b64250e7f22533d⋯.jpg (191.73 KB,1066x800,533:400,how_to_live_with_retarded_….jpg)

"…Project 2025…" - Harris

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3d042e No.21566737

File: bf683d8b7da179a⋯.png (490.46 KB,884x633,884:633,IMG_1924.png)

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0eced5 No.21566738

Over two million watching on ABC/Youtube.

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420586 No.21566739


It’s a fair argument

Is it a woman’s body part, why should someone else have to pay for a woman’s body part?

If it’s not a body part, then should men not have a say if whether they want to support it

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54006f No.21566740

File: f3739a373e02f57⋯.png (628.15 KB,1012x753,1012:753,2312.png)

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e3d4e5 No.21566741

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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b3a1d7 No.21566742

definitely won the Kentucky vote

who else would believe this shit but DC elites who wrote it and the billies who fuck it

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67a058 No.21566743

Abortion is health care?

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c4085d No.21566744

Another Lie

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f7c38a No.21566745


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409975 No.21566746

both microphones were on!!

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9fb41d No.21566747

File: 1902f127c2abcc4⋯.png (154.6 KB,1023x728,1023:728,ClipboardImage.png)

Los Angeles

Planned Parenthood Doctor Details Sale Of Fetal Body Parts For Research In Undercover Video


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8c810d No.21566748

She won't answer about the 7, 8 and 9 months.

She tried to deflect and failed.

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1e108c No.21566749

Ok she gets a thrashing for breaking the interruption rule..

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54006f No.21566750

File: 5ca8e9c1934f998⋯.png (554.59 KB,671x566,671:566,ClipboardImage.png)

when she say your dick stank

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fdcee3 No.21566751

They left her mic on

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0eced5 No.21566752

Harris refused to answer of she would allow abortions in seventh, eighth, or ninth month.

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6709da No.21566753

Women are working 2 jobs to get on a plane to go to another state and they can't afford it.

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420586 No.21566754

Trump is eating her alive, like a Haitian on a cat

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f48a9d No.21566755

Trump hit a nerve, change the subject

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02cddb No.21566756

She has an earpiece with recordings

Trump says he believes in the 3 exceptions

Her rant was that he doesn't

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b81ca1 No.21566757


Looks like Harris 🎤 microphone is NOT muted.

She just spoke while Tump was speaking.

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54006f No.21566758

File: 75e2f97559db5ff⋯.png (412.27 KB,769x617,769:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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846246 No.21566759


when hers was supposed to be off

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61b1d1 No.21566760

File: 9ac268dcae2e35e⋯.png (378.87 KB,572x495,52:45,ClipboardImage.png)


Murdering Babies isn't a good policy to run on

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898ba3 No.21566761

Kamala coming across as unhinged and overly emotional

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08a3c6 No.21566762

File: 4aba1a8719f6a9d⋯.jpg (120.42 KB,630x680,63:68,MAGA.jpg)

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b802b7 No.21566763

File: e5aea7bbb6cd063⋯.jpg (39.33 KB,464x606,232:303,e5aea7bbb6cd063c2c5c4bf956….jpg)


like this but angry

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0e23b7 No.21566764

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dc0e7b No.21566765

Trump is allowing shit to be said and he needs to smash this crap down

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8d5204 No.21566766

POTUS is doing an amazing job. Great job.

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d36691 No.21566767

the czar will speak..

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0abb0a No.21566768


TRUMP is setting her up to lie so the soundbites/clips can and will be used against herself.

enemy destroys themself

art of war

art of deal

art of insane cunt destruction

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3695de No.21566769

File: b234aeec74e7191⋯.png (302.12 KB,624x674,312:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 020d0187add8ab5⋯.png (556.96 KB,894x804,149:134,ClipboardImage.png)


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4b5a8b No.21566770

File: 4b8a9d388f222be⋯.png (568.26 KB,675x900,3:4,GetShit.png)

Muh muh feelings! This is more painful than Schiff impeachment…

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0e94d4 No.21566771


#26419 >>21566418

>>21566445, >>21566454, >>21566467 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21566463 kek she is NErVOUs

>>21566464 she said her name…what an idiot

>>21566466 he made her walk


>>21566476 can hear her voice quiver

>>21566477 dry mouth fast talk panic

>>21566478 She is nervous Her voice is shaking

>>21566479 Oh just fucking shoot me now I can't listen to her voice.

>>21566485 copying trump policies

>>21566486 Kamala with the Power move and shorter podium

>>21566489 she's shaking

>>21566490 He just said you and President trump were elected in 2020

>>21566495 marking word salad box right away just saying

>>21566496 Harris suffers from anxiety. Trump just needs to trigger her once.

>>21566510 Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

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b3a1d7 No.21566772



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e3d4e5 No.21566773


Yeah, seemed that way. She's back to her practiced script.

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8c810d No.21566774


Correct, she has an earpiece.

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b81ca1 No.21566775



Heard that too.

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0e23b7 No.21566776

File: 6df94b54616eddd⋯.png (165.88 KB,404x718,202:359,fentanyl.png)

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bb4200 No.21566777


Waiting for the Hosts to Fact check Kamabla Live too.

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67a058 No.21566778

Shes waving her hands and all over the place shes not focused, now shes losing her voice

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420586 No.21566779

A big light bulb went on in Trump’s head

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b94b73 No.21566780


noice baker

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fdcee3 No.21566781


Well, she's a woman.

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2d8cb2 No.21566782


The woman didn't get pregnant by herself.

Baby's are not "body parts".

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b928f6 No.21566783

omg everything harris says you can reply with, "but why didn't you do that while you were VP?"

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7c5d4f No.21566784

The immigration bill would have given those in this country illegally citizenship.

Come on Trump, make that point.

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f149a0 No.21566785

File: 077149f13ceb6ff⋯.jpeg (14.53 KB,255x245,51:49,bewbpoint.jpeg)


For Proto refugees.

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54006f No.21566786

File: 59cd55c3b4c5200⋯.png (798.11 KB,777x798,37:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: befa9759db96835⋯.png (471.55 KB,544x621,544:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Stay Steadfast Boss!

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843500 No.21566787

ooo now she's using the hillary fake emotional responses.

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1057f1 No.21566788

File: 45044e0f3a4f148⋯.gif (282.05 KB,190x190,1:1,45044e0f3a4f148e4916496955….gif)

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b802b7 No.21566789

File: d86dedde6f95a7f⋯.png (274.59 KB,631x461,631:461,ClipboardImage.png)



kek here it is


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9e5630 No.21566790

File: d68f1ca954de213⋯.png (1.8 MB,2034x2034,1:1,qclockfeb1wQpluswNOrthamPP….png)


Virginia Governor

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61b1d1 No.21566791

Would Have

Could Have

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009094 No.21566792


She is trying to say she is hot on human trafficking.

I notice no added accent tonight

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843500 No.21566793

Not even good at liars.

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846246 No.21566794

File: 675b1eeb5d1f93c⋯.png (223.97 KB,475x388,475:388,ClipboardImage.png)

Now she's telling jokes

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3695de No.21566795

File: 043c2f4d30cac0f⋯.png (23.02 KB,855x304,45:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f72ab085b1609a⋯.png (94.15 KB,699x676,699:676,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03311d4efe0f962⋯.png (100.85 KB,684x693,76:77,ClipboardImage.png)


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67a058 No.21566796

Why do we need proto?

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54006f No.21566797

File: 1e0977dd3af486a⋯.png (522.28 KB,634x588,317:294,ClipboardImage.png)

She doesnt want to talk about immigration

$100 says shes drunk!

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fa5b96 No.21566798

Kamala is selling MAGA to Democrats tonight.

Tippy top keks

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b81ca1 No.21566799


Trump not Tump.

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f7c38a No.21566800

WOW go to a rally, ok people are going to go and have fun. You stupid bitch

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2d8cb2 No.21566801

Trump- People don't go to her rallies. She buses them to her rallies, and pays them.

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f9a239 No.21566802

File: 8264734825d0a83⋯.jpg (51.7 KB,500x527,500:527,932o9k.jpg)

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c4085d No.21566803

She's busing them in


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5ec330 No.21566804



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b928f6 No.21566805

File: d6f01f534e13cc7⋯.png (358.1 KB,758x605,758:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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e51170 No.21566806

Her voice has the same tone as Obama's.

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cf190d No.21566807


>when she say your dick stank

Bet she's had stinky dink breath a few times in her life.

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0e23b7 No.21566808

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)

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45b3fb No.21566809

thats a lie.

people leaving his rallies early

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1e108c No.21566810

Next she'll talk smack about his golf game

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d50dc7 No.21566811

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e8665d No.21566812

File: e4484afab437e8f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57a0fb7babf15ff⋯.png (1.19 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b1d1 No.21566813

What does this have to do about the border?

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3bcac9 No.21566814


chat, Kamala: The Original Hawk Tuah. kek

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40b955 No.21566815

File: 910194e7b020ddc⋯.png (309.92 KB,526x508,263:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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d36691 No.21566816

oh man..what a weirdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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420586 No.21566817


> They left her mic on



That is the left’s argument, idiot

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3d042e No.21566818

File: 59c0c10fbae2352⋯.png (2.13 MB,2048x1328,128:83,IMG_2143.png)



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f7c38a No.21566819

they are eating the pets HAHAHAHAH

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b802b7 No.21566820


someone green that face up whoo that's a campaign losing face

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d50dc7 No.21566821

File: 08cf2cd92c328cf⋯.jpg (409.14 KB,1820x1208,455:302,DeadlyNightShift.jpg)

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0e94d4 No.21566822


#26419 >>21566418

>>21566445, >>21566454, >>21566467 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21566463, >>21566464, >>21566466, >>21566473, >>21566476, >>21566477, >>21566478, >>21566479, >>21566485, >>21566486, >>21566489, >>21566490, >>21566495, >>21566496 Kamala's first impressions, SHE SUCKS

>>21566510 Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

>>21566518, >>21566554 she has dry mouth

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eefe48 No.21566823


People don't go to her rallies.

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f48a9d No.21566824


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3f1a52 No.21566825


Someone owes me a dollar! Called it!

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846246 No.21566826

People didn't even leave the rally when there were gunshots and others dropping all around them. They stayed.

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b802b7 No.21566827

lol theyre eating the pets

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45b3fb No.21566828

they are eating the pets.

trump went there.


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f9a239 No.21566829

poor PDJT they are laughing but the pets thing is true

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395834 No.21566830

File: 345362f6b216e80⋯.gif (1.81 MB,325x434,325:434,20240910_212704.gif)

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8c810d No.21566831

She keeps trying to stare Trump down, and he doesn't even acknowledge she exists.

They're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats.



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0eced5 No.21566832

President Trump: People don't go to her rallies. There's no reason to go, and the people that do go, she's busing them in, and paying them to be there, and then showing them in a different light.

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d36691 No.21566833


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8ad985 No.21566834

what is this weird lady talking about

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54006f No.21566835

File: eebe6b48f7c4477⋯.png (350.62 KB,434x544,217:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 983a69bcb9f6379⋯.png (517.63 KB,626x584,313:292,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46ba9f0523f1675⋯.png (680.92 KB,779x708,779:708,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 819648247b27c8b⋯.png (425.38 KB,626x537,626:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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0abb0a No.21566836


she’s trying to invalidate his points by prepaving a narrative

marxist tactic

blowing obama in the bunker

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61b1d1 No.21566837

File: 4286b56f9d2df3a⋯.png (1.61 MB,1314x746,657:373,ClipboardImage.png)

That's True

No one Goes to her Rallies

& She has to bus them in

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5ec330 No.21566838

File: a8eb6975b6f5426⋯.jpg (143.85 KB,1075x703,1075:703,a8eb6975b6f542660780d12b3a….jpg)





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7d612c No.21566839

File: 95d3328cb8cab1e⋯.png (384.74 KB,533x453,533:453,IMG_4268.png)

They’re eating the pets!

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20e1c0 No.21566840

File: 88aa582146e7fd2⋯.png (883.97 KB,680x1000,17:25,ClipboardImage.png)

here we go

eating the dogs

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846246 No.21566841



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eefe48 No.21566842

they're eating the cats

they're eating the pets of the people that live there.


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c4085d No.21566843

File: 1f0751eaa9dbc1b⋯.png (248.61 KB,378x248,189:124,CatsMovie2.png)

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420586 No.21566844

Why are they fact checking Trump?

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e3d4e5 No.21566845

He wants to run on a problem instead of fixing the problem. Gaslighting off the fucking charts!

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9e5630 No.21566846

Eating cats and dogs.

Eating the pets.

National Pet Day

On tomorrow's marker



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0e23b7 No.21566847

We'll find out.

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b3a1d7 No.21566848


Her lame cued up responses sound more then condescendingly contrived answers like she's so original – fucking fake only real truth is the bloody ragged mess they've made

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e8665d No.21566849

File: 1245e5d0e19b86e⋯.png (1.26 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c808b No.21566850

Trump is an idiot.

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2d8cb2 No.21566851


mark you Bingo cards.

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61b1d1 No.21566852

File: db222d07c65593d⋯.png (536.7 KB,495x657,55:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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d36691 No.21566853


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54006f No.21566854

File: 69fdd72018631f2⋯.png (584.46 KB,629x554,629:554,ClipboardImage.png)

hahahahaha "maybe thats a good thing to say by a city manager"


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846246 No.21566855

File: 80449c2a1322aef⋯.png (167.23 KB,357x357,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

ABC running interference

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0e23b7 No.21566856


the voodoo who do what you don't dare do people

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67a058 No.21566857

The cats and dogs are protected by the Father, shes done

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e49be6 No.21566858

Cats have 9 lives

Is that marker 9?

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b3a1d7 No.21566859

she's so cute and that cackle is so infectious


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c4085d No.21566860

oh wow

Bush Cheney McCain Romney support Kamala

not a ringing endorsement bitch

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409975 No.21566861

we get it Kamala, people slander Donald Trump.

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f9a239 No.21566862

endorsment of 200 RINOS

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ec7ce1 No.21566863


We aren't on stage running interference for Disney pedos

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85bcb9 No.21566864

File: a622d483ca63397⋯.png (1023.24 KB,850x473,850:473,ClipboardImage.png)

The meme has become reality

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45b3fb No.21566865

File: 9c59527aa9145cc⋯.png (537.48 KB,500x591,500:591,ClipboardImage.png)

thank you satan

she bought up cheney.


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6709da No.21566866


We checked with the city manager, and he said its only for dessert.

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6dd5ab No.21566867

File: 56ec66c9788f1e8⋯.jpg (45.46 KB,800x582,400:291,IMG_20240910_202855.jpg)

here they obviously switched Harris and Trump's podiums, since Heels Up Harris is used to being under a desk

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818182 No.21566868

They are trying to gaslight president Trump.

It will be dangerous to back POTUS into the corner.

Kamal now is telling her crazy people, sending coms to get wackos to attend Trump rally's.

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8c810d No.21566869

She's slipping, it's written on her face.

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ec7ce1 No.21566870

File: 80f11086a575451⋯.png (1.62 MB,1236x808,309:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b1d1 No.21566871

File: f441fbadb616b74⋯.png (454.91 KB,642x602,321:301,ClipboardImage.png)


3 Months Tops

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1e108c No.21566872

At least Proto could give us a mean when it shows up like every other shill

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f7c38a No.21566873

File: d981015a33260a6⋯.jpg (446.83 KB,686x959,98:137,bingosofar.jpg)

oh the bitch cackled over dead dogs

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0e94d4 No.21566874


#26419 >>21566418

>>21566523 President Trump: I have no sales tax; that's an incorrect statement. She knows that. Were doing tariffs on other countries.

>>21566474, >>21566738 More than 1.4 million people watching ABC feed on youtube.

>>21566534 Harris: Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. Donald Trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century. [blaming the pandemic and it's effects on President Trump]

>>21566540 President Trump: I have nothing to do, as you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

>>21566592, >>21566641 President Trump: I went to the Wharton School of Finance, and many of those professors, the top professors, think my plan is a brilliant plan. It's a great plan. It's a plan that's gonna bring up our worth, our value as a country. It's gonna make people want to be able to go and work and create jobs, and create al lot of good, solid money for our country….she doesn't have a plan. She copied Biden's plan. And it's like four sentences. Like, 'Run, Spot, Run'.

>>21566622 As President Trump called out Harris as a marxist, she was looking at him as if her father being a marxist professor is news to her.

>>21566661 Moderator says thee is no state where it's legal to kill a baby after it's born, but Governor Northam of Virginia did say to, 'make the baby comfortable', then decide what to do; let it die.

>>21566709 President Trump: There she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban [abortion], and there's no reason to sign a ban, because we've gotten what everyone wanted. Democrats, republicans, and everybody else, and every legal scholar, wanted it to be brought back into the states. And the states are voting…what she says is an absolute lie.

>>21566752 Harris refused to answer of she would allow abortions in seventh, eighth, or ninth month.

>>21566832 President Trump: People don't go to her rallies. There's no reason to go, and the people that do go, she's busing them in, and paying them to be there, and then showing them in a different light.

>>21566445, >>21566454, >>21566467 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21566463, >>21566464, >>21566466, >>21566473, >>21566476, >>21566477, >>21566478, >>21566479, >>21566485, >>21566486, >>21566489, >>21566490, >>21566495, >>21566496 Kamala's first impressions, SHE SUCKS

>>21566510 Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

>>21566518, >>21566554 she has dry mouth

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e8665d No.21566875

She brought up Hannibal Lector!

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bc098c No.21566876

File: 658b498142c0690⋯.png (123.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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36709b No.21566877



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8ad985 No.21566878

it might be a man in a mask

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85bcb9 No.21566879

File: 3980c04b814eb8a⋯.png (122.92 KB,256x256,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Cats Deus Vult!

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0eced5 No.21566880

Harris: I actually have the endorsement of two hundred republicans who have formally worked with President Bush, Mitt Romney, and NoName. Including the endorsement of former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and congressmember, Liz Cheney.

[all RINOs, all career criminals/war criminals]

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b3a1d7 No.21566881


criminal cheney war mongering law faring whores and witches

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f9a239 No.21566882

File: 60738ef5d5d4e34⋯.png (249.18 KB,1174x1254,587:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3d4e5 No.21566883

He's debating the moderators moar than Kamala. Holy fucking shit.

He just hit a nerve with the Afghanistan topic.

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b94b73 No.21566884


very guud

you da best


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20e1c0 No.21566885

let the cackling begin

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b802b7 No.21566886

File: c7dabf74460a59a⋯.png (373.68 KB,741x588,247:196,ClipboardImage.png)

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53e9fd No.21566887


Shut up or I’ll eat your dog

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420586 No.21566888

They have not fact checked her once

Is this the narrative coming out of debate?

He lies

But she doesn’t

Is she going to say that as part of her closing?

What a set up



> ABC running interference


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85bcb9 No.21566889

File: 6b3c55a218e6529⋯.png (570.53 KB,438x547,438:547,ClipboardImage.png)

HER MIKE IS ON! She just interrupted Trump!

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207ca7 No.21566890

File: 9e4e56c2028096a⋯.jpg (41.03 KB,1280x851,1280:851,dont_eat_me.jpg)

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bc098c No.21566891


She's a gasper.

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3bcac9 No.21566892


She worked on that.

How'd she do?


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54006f No.21566893

File: 6f518f64f22e100⋯.jpg (52.71 KB,302x372,151:186,6f518f64f22e100ffccb5cc488….jpg)


For God and Country anon!

Immigration is up!

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0abb0a No.21566894


she’s slipping into a corner and panicking BIGLY

fukkin KEK baby

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eefe48 No.21566895

David Muir is a pussy. with a capital P.

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5ec330 No.21566896

File: 3a04485f18c9edf⋯.png (392.43 KB,600x770,60:77,3a04485f18c9edfca2d9f65d48….png)


>National Pet Day

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36709b No.21566897


Good catch

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009094 No.21566898


That you Vlad

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b94b73 No.21566899

File: a47d58a5f2e7084⋯.png (299.68 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0fb86c No.21566900

Trump isn't doing well.

ABC is steering the conversation to Kamala's talking points.

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b9ee5e No.21566901

File: 848b11dd14270cb⋯.png (354.89 KB,707x431,707:431,6eb6yeyeryter.PNG)

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d36691 No.21566902

potus passion coming out…

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846246 No.21566903


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420586 No.21566904


> HER MIKE IS ON! She just interrupted Trump!


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85bcb9 No.21566905

File: 3050a45e7664661⋯.png (537.12 KB,559x560,559:560,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala’s MAGA Hat

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f48a9d No.21566906

Kamala doing a lot of writing, havent seen Trump lift his pen once

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0e94d4 No.21566907

File: 5405ac7a6756753⋯.png (49.43 KB,360x329,360:329,5405ac7a6756753b7cc69c055f….png)

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86777c No.21566908

I hate her voice, she's a fake valley girl. Wow….this is will be decided by the people. There are a hell of lot more Trump supporters than Kamatard supporters

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ee2018 No.21566909


>POTUS is doing an amazing job. Great job.




alien af


>Kamala is selling MAGA to Democrats tonight.

they gonna be like 'build that wall'?

still not watching this shit. I don't accept its legitimacy tbh

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05116b No.21566910

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,1f4036da8070e5509e47211e5….jpeg)

File: dceeda3d72b9e75⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,566x604,283:302,8c7e926d2a8dcaa4.jpg)

https://www.forbes.com › sites › timworstall › 2017 › 08 › 17 › venezuelas-starving-people-are-now-eating-the-zoo-animals-the-parisians-had-the-german-excuse

Reports in from Venezuela that starving people in that country, the beneficiaries of those glories of Bolivarian socialism, are now breaking into the zoos and butchering the animals in order to be able to eat them. We have seen this before of course, but when the Parisians did it they did actually have the excuse that the Germans had been besieging the city for 99 days. The Venezuelan equivalent stems from nothing but ghastly, silly and incompetent economic policy–but then such is Bolivarian socialism.

Venezuela's Starving People Are Now Eating The Zoo Animals - The …

Aug 17, 2017Zoo animals are being stolen from parks in western

Venezuela and police believe they are being snatched to be eaten by

Is this a delta?

https://www.politifact.com › factchecks › 2024 › sep › 09 › social-media › authorities-rebut-claims-that-haitian-immigrants-a

Claims unfounded about Haitian immigrants eating pets, ducks

4 days agoClaims are unfounded that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are stealing neighbors' pets to eat, and killing ducks and geese for food, a city spokesperson told PolitiFact. A photo cited …

https://www.cnn.com › 2024 › 09 › 09 › politics › video › jd-vance-conspiracy-immigrants-eating-pets-newsnight-digvid

Fact-checking Vance's claims about immigrants eating pets

1 day agoRepublican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance has promoted false claims that

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f149a0 No.21566911

File: 4dc9a44a817190f⋯.png (221.48 KB,454x550,227:275,BlondeCptAmrkanMrvl.png)

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e51170 No.21566912

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,5f94eaf3f35ca1a017a774194b….jpg)

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e3d4e5 No.21566913

"Giving them to her." As if she's just a piece of furniture on the side of the stage. He's debating the moderators, without a doubt.

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420586 No.21566914

Fact check a third time

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85bcb9 No.21566915

File: ff5251879f8fec4⋯.png (471.05 KB,600x465,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)



Trump is crushing the hoe.

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30673a No.21566916


He's doing great, he should tone down the anger level tho, not that we all shouldn't be angry

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b94b73 No.21566917

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207ca7 No.21566918

File: 690a06bc30f313c⋯.png (154.43 KB,396x240,33:20,desantis_jeb_paul_ryan_bol….png)

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0eced5 No.21566919

President Trump: This will be one of the greatest mistakes in history, for them to allow; and I think they probably did it because they think they're gonna get votes, but it's not worth it, because they're destroying the fabric of our country by what they've done.

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f7c38a No.21566920


and now the convicted felon shit. FUCK HER

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f9a239 No.21566921

and there it is

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2d8cb2 No.21566922

Harris bringing up his conviction, court dates, etc.

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f48a9d No.21566923

and heres the felony card

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0fb86c No.21566924


Fact checking Trump.

Defending Harris.

Letting her shit just roll.

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d36691 No.21566925

so rich

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61b1d1 No.21566926

File: ccfdb612474e4b6⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e23b7 No.21566927

File: 2fefbffa925734b⋯.png (483.47 KB,492x962,246:481,KamalaJoker.png)

Are you not entertained?

Is that not why you are here?

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b3a1d7 No.21566928

is she even participating? she's nothing but a second hand unused and thrown away cat pissed riddled piece of furniture - you wouldn't notice her but for the smell

it's all TRUMP

they should just do a separate interview with just him, it's much better

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f9a239 No.21566929

lets be clear

mark it

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420586 No.21566930

She is trying to bait him

Hope he hit. Back on her immigration

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207ca7 No.21566931

File: 6ce5b672853887c⋯.jpg (43.15 KB,500x519,500:519,ghost_of_rinos_past.jpg)

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e8665d No.21566932

File: 418c5dda6681096⋯.png (1.16 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6258d3c225a779⋯.png (1.19 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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8dde84 No.21566933


but now she's out of ammo

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85bcb9 No.21566934

File: 8856b5c2628cc6d⋯.png (1.34 MB,1080x742,540:371,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump is debating three people right now and absolutely crushing it

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d1493b No.21566935


Trump chickened out?

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4c808b No.21566936

Trump should be cleaning hte floor with this cunt, but all he does is brag which falls flat.

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20e1c0 No.21566937

File: 025b8c1ba01833a⋯.png (106.58 KB,400x400,1:1,025b8c1ba01833a499129a13ee….png)

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fa5b96 No.21566938

File: 480b7c1a3f8ad62⋯.png (53.22 KB,473x539,43:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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86777c No.21566939


Yep…pussie. You noticed how they do a split screen when Trump talks and a single screen at times when she talks

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69cdbb No.21566940


I hope that dog is doing alright.

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f9a239 No.21566941


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8c810d No.21566942

She's gone low with the court cases, she's lost it, right there.

Trump is going to slaughter her in the second half.

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843500 No.21566943

oops she had to fall back on the conviction.

has she run out of defensive maneuvers?

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54006f No.21566944

File: 6edf963dbe92e24⋯.png (1.8 MB,1224x818,612:409,6edf963dbe92e246d262ad13f4….png)

818k Jobs are fraud.

They are trying to cover Kambalas ass so fucking hard holy shit

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45b3fb No.21566945

where is that bingo card.

she bought up all the fake cases

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420586 No.21566946

She is over acting.

Like she is on stage in a play

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85bcb9 No.21566947

File: c875e18fcccd4bb⋯.png (566.6 KB,768x390,128:65,ClipboardImage.png)

If You Want Haitians Eating Cats In Your Town, Vote For Harris

For our managerial leadership class, the purpose of mass immigration is to dissolve the American people and create another.


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207ca7 No.21566948

File: ef2fc16b2df7095⋯.jpg (278.9 KB,1088x1088,1:1,lawfare_biden.jpg)

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0e23b7 No.21566949

fawnie willis

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f9a239 No.21566950


she looks close to tears

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9fb41d No.21566951

He hasn't been convicted.

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67a058 No.21566952

He should not look at her even once she is a lying serpent

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1df5dc No.21566953

liar, per the usual

listening now.

when she mentions Trump her throat closes up she's so full of hate.

She's lying again.

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d36691 No.21566954


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f149a0 No.21566955

File: 1dde96f16728985⋯.png (316.05 KB,451x488,451:488,Fanis.png)

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fa5b96 No.21566956

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69cdbb No.21566957


Yeah man, she's hating every second of this.

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54006f No.21566958


This, he has not been convicted, open cases.


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85bcb9 No.21566959

File: fc1b441af76ce24⋯.png (3.18 MB,1658x1775,1658:1775,ClipboardImage.png)


you don't understand…. DICK CHENEY IS VOTING FOR ME!!!

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4b5a8b No.21566960

File: 0b7c9fb4b300101⋯.png (1.21 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Mugshot1.png)

The felon story…

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e3d4e5 No.21566961

File: ae0ddd753b51e4a⋯.png (436.28 KB,600x400,3:2,ae0ddd753b51e4a22ca96e2e0b….png)

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0eced5 No.21566962

Moderator: The FBI says, overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.

President Trump: They were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They didn't include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud. Just like their number of eight hundred and eighteen thousand jobs that they said they created turn out to be a fraud.

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61b1d1 No.21566963

File: 586248b10d7476d⋯.png (519.06 KB,502x425,502:425,ClipboardImage.png)



But that's Weaponization for you

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eefe48 No.21566964

File: 3b0eac91ad251c5⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,500x624,125:156,goahead.jpg)


He is BOSS and they know it.

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395834 No.21566965

File: b0924aa3022c431⋯.jpg (45.94 KB,582x651,194:217,Screenshot_20240910_212508….jpg)

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85bcb9 No.21566966

DOJ rules that ineligible voters cannot be removed 90 days from a federal election. So stop removing them immediately!! The DOJ's Civil Rights Division may take legal action against jurisdictions that do.

Justice Department Issues New Guidance on Federal Law Regarding Voter Registration

The Justice Department announced today that it has published a new guidance addressing limits on when and how jurisdictions may remove voters from their voter lists. The guidance document reflects the department’s commitment to ensuring that every eligibl…


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0fb86c No.21566967

Noone's mind gets changed here.

If you are undecided at this point you have no mind.

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20e1c0 No.21566968

File: 186ebf4dcbb3833⋯.png (188.17 KB,393x393,1:1,fani2.png)

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82cf52 No.21566969

File: ad0a67048e9fa91⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,4000x3000,4:3,IMG_20240910_213657.jpg)


It is making me sick in my soul to have to hear this harpy spew lie upon lie. Lord Jesus, please wash me clean of the filth of her words. Amen.

My President is made of strong stuff to be so close to the fetid maws of hell.

Picrel seems to be a nice blank for many memes.

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69cdbb No.21566970


Meant for >>21566950

She's fucking miserable up there.

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bc098c No.21566971

File: 6d8e524c4a11605⋯.png (791.15 KB,1049x912,1049:912,ClipboardImage.png)

She should keep her hands to herself. Manipulative.

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83f17a No.21566972

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f7c38a No.21566973

She is more evil than I thought. What an evil bitch.

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eb0741 No.21566974

File: 67bf807fe684564⋯.jpeg (32.72 KB,225x250,9:10,IMG_7512.jpeg)


> They’re eating the dogs in Springfield

Bringing the issue into the national consciousness…

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f149a0 No.21566975

Whose got Suckers and Losers on their BINGO?

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0e23b7 No.21566976

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,wigglestrzok.gif)


>They were defrauding statements.

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1596b1 No.21566977

Late arriving so sorry if already mentionedanons think she's wearing an earpiece? Right earlook at the hair styled on that side

She touched the right side of her face at least once

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f9a239 No.21566978

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0eced5 No.21566979

Harris looked one hundred percent guilty when President Trump called her out on being behind all his court battles.

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ed20d1 No.21566980

File: 750a597e3f46225⋯.jpeg (81.27 KB,949x494,73:38,IMG_7440.jpeg)

Who wore it better?

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54006f No.21566981

File: 6efa5845348daaa⋯.jpg (99.51 KB,401x610,401:610,6efa5845348daaa0fd122e917e….jpg)


"Terminate the Constitution" - Kambala Harris

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846246 No.21566982

This retard has the nerve to say Trump will use lawfare

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1df5dc No.21566983


i signed up for proto but can't get it to work



she's lying again.

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f9a239 No.21566984

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420586 No.21566985

I hate this woman moderator

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b3a1d7 No.21566986

she has a policy

just won't say what it is

inflation depression broke as fuck niggers

that's her policy

they have to shut her up because she sucks so bad

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20e1c0 No.21566987

File: 2b6443a9a4e52ec⋯.png (543.16 KB,500x500,1:1,2b6443a9a4e52ec399b15bcdc5….png)

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e3d4e5 No.21566988

File: bc68a98d16e2d57⋯.jpeg (194.34 KB,1400x1854,700:927,MbwZmDx5cB6A.jpeg)

Terminate the Constitution? Thank you for the project, Kamala. There's her plan.

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45b3fb No.21566989

they just moved past the bullet to head like it was nothing.


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ad487f No.21566990

File: 20c080a94251a63⋯.png (510.48 KB,990x766,495:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Gut Feeling

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e3d4e5 No.21566991

projection, not project. Fuck

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029992 No.21566992

File: 5d4d7f078c28c8f⋯.jpg (59.56 KB,582x651,194:217,1.jpg)

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846246 No.21566993

shes making me need to smoke a lot of pot

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0eced5 No.21566994

President Trump: I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things they [Harris/Biden/democrats] say about me.

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e140ec No.21566995

he’s playing defense this whole time

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0fb86c No.21566996


It's ABC they are adrenochrome junkies and pedos all.

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e8665d No.21566997

File: ad71c72a1927797⋯.png (1.38 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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20e1c0 No.21566998

File: 9efca1f35947d0d⋯.jpg (132.35 KB,881x727,881:727,2472f4a687c953f7.jpg)

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83f17a No.21566999

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85bcb9 No.21567000

File: 1d2ace0ff4f91ff⋯.png (2.28 MB,1188x1188,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Kameltoe is coming across badly Trump's Fact Checks are Blowing up Her AND the MSM line by line Likely the first time some tv watchers have heard any of this material, sowing doubt on top of the anxiety both parties' voters feel

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420586 No.21567001

She is stealing MAGA

Trump needs to hand a hat to her

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72c834 No.21567002

He should ask her if she means

Citizens when she says American people

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a0fb70 No.21567003

File: 8cf725fca771259⋯.webm (3.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726004825188242.webm)

they are eating pets!!

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4947ad No.21567004

I think the normies are ready for Q+

I understand the advisors say to be Presidential.

Q+ communication style is so effective. More than the reserved "polished politician"

The country is ready. Especially on network Television.


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834ae1 No.21567005


contact BO, can help.

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1df5dc No.21567006


A little nasally whiny voice.

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54006f No.21567007

I should have gotten a tall boy Miller. Its so hard hearing them just let her lie and lie and lie and lie

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95bf9b No.21567008

File: 62c410549bc5ecc⋯.png (315.55 KB,334x400,167:200,ClipboardImage.png)

Copy paste Trump

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420586 No.21567009

Ahhhh….poor Kamala

She feels my pain

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0e94d4 No.21567010


and signing in as bv… ffs

JIM you suck!

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3bf006 No.21567011

File: 139e2cbf3a6950a⋯.jpeg (6.37 KB,201x251,201:251,images_2024_09_10T182907_….jpeg)

File: c3f657338cdec6e⋯.jpeg (4.93 KB,275x183,275:183,download_2024_09_10T18384….jpeg)

Fast Times at the Debate

Kamala is Damone


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20e1c0 No.21567012

she comes from a broken home now?

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02cddb No.21567013

File: 43420254f936be4⋯.jpg (48.4 KB,500x535,100:107,932q2q.jpg)

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f7c38a No.21567014


im with you fuck this bitch this evil lying bitch.

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0abb0a No.21567015


Talk about flipping on taxing tips

liar whiteface bitch

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0eced5 No.21567016

Harris did not grow up as a 'middle-class' kid, as she claimed more than once already.

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283e85 No.21567017

She keeps looking over at POTUS to get his approval.

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eb0741 No.21567018

File: cc3bc0acb8902d9⋯.jpeg (3.47 MB,3543x2600,3543:2600,IMG_7513.jpeg)


> She is more evil than I thought. What an evil bitch.

The end times harlot?

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e3d4e5 No.21567019

She lied about working at McDonald's for fuck's sake, the easiest place to get a job when you're a teenager.

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1df5dc No.21567020


whiny liar.

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b3a1d7 No.21567021

they should def put her on nbc in place of that snaked eyed salesmen - they both stupider than fuck

domestic and foreign policy is based on sexual assault


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86777c No.21567022


Yeh she has a war criminal voting for her, please Kamala please keep on bragging

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e49be6 No.21567023

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f9a239 No.21567024

omg shes a windbag

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fd2ba5 No.21567025

File: 48e7430a3b6f270⋯.jpeg (42.65 KB,657x527,657:527,DB961C12_BBCA_4C1D_94B8_2….jpeg)

>>21566969 Right there with you .

Hard to listen to spewing lies .

God Bless President Trump.🇺🇸

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e140ec No.21567026


muskovi ducks are nasty

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ec7ce1 No.21567027

File: 5129d0e7a440ff0⋯.png (2.28 MB,955x915,191:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fb41d No.21567028

File: b28e97dcf971322⋯.png (272.38 KB,392x317,392:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3a1d7 No.21567029


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f7c38a No.21567030

does that sound familiar OH SHIT

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2d8cb2 No.21567031

TRUMP- Wait a minute, I'm talking now. Does that sound familiar?

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f48a9d No.21567032

I'm talking now, does this sound familiar ?

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420586 No.21567033


Biggest KEK ever

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0e23b7 No.21567034

sound familiar

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f9a239 No.21567035


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545f49 No.21567036


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8f2970 No.21567037

File: e104dd479c01eae⋯.png (107.77 KB,517x516,517:516,e104dd479c01eae2c447cf1e14….png)

It's fucking unwatchable because of her. I feel sorry for President Trump.

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0fb86c No.21567038

Oooooh he's pissed.

Unfortunately it shows.

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1df5dc No.21567039

as if Biden lifted people up

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45b3fb No.21567040

djt: wait a minute, i'm talking now, does that sound familiar.


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0e23b7 No.21567041

transgender operations on illegal immigrants in prisons

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e3d4e5 No.21567042

File: a87097a4132d9f8⋯.jpg (60.21 KB,800x574,400:287,fuckyeah3.jpg)

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ed20d1 No.21567043


The funniest thing all night!

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e8665d No.21567044

File: 30bb2e95aa1f6cf⋯.png (1 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)


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0eced5 No.21567045

President Trump: I'm talking now, if you [Harris] don't mind. Please. Does that sound familiar?

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86777c No.21567046

Please God please remove this lying cunt from ever getting close! Now

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b9585a No.21567047

File: 12c45b818513fa7⋯.jpeg (187.37 KB,1200x1158,200:193,CC402655_2D87_4D3D_91F8_9….jpeg)

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a0fb70 No.21567048

File: aff01e099744056⋯.webm (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726011161468505.webm)

illegals ruining thenfabric of our society

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3d042e No.21567049

File: 0fbf340fff34b2b⋯.png (767.11 KB,700x700,1:1,IMG_2081.png)

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0e94d4 No.21567050

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dan Bongino

TRUMP vs KAMALA: Presidential Debate Live Fact Check - 09/10/24




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f420dc No.21567051

File: 35a4c86465a9f7b⋯.png (1.64 MB,1885x1017,1885:1017,ClipboardImage.png)

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69cdbb No.21567052

File: 18b2314745d4596⋯.jpg (101.98 KB,855x783,95:87,1682127716507990.jpg)


>excuse me ma'am, I'm speaking

Holy fuck that was masterful.

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67a058 No.21567053


I pray out loud the whole time shes talking

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3bf006 No.21567054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kamala Damone

Full of shit

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85bcb9 No.21567055

File: 42f44c73be40f4d⋯.png (2.41 MB,1080x1344,45:56,ClipboardImage.png)



>IIt's fucking unwatchable because of her. I feel sorry for President Trump.


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a049ea No.21567056

File: 9b813606e4784bf⋯.gif (641.38 KB,288x288,1:1,9b813606e4784bf7b0befae967….gif)

I'm talking now

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1df5dc No.21567057

why do they keep turning off the mic?

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ffda3f No.21567058


So are you >>21567038

Hard not to be pissed when dealing with condescending cunt

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54006f No.21567059

File: 2445eae949736e8⋯.png (511.51 KB,636x632,159:158,5f1d4071ed55e13054b8707fa8….png)

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,680x546,340:273,5a851c2cb04e528a761f54479b….jpg)

hahahahaha Boss is a fucking beast!!!

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0e94d4 No.21567060


#26419 >>21566418

>>21566523 President Trump: I have no sales tax; that's an incorrect statement. She knows that. Were doing tariffs on other countries.

>>21566474, >>21566738 More than 1.4 million people watching ABC feed on youtube.

>>21566534 Harris: Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. Donald Trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century. [blaming the pandemic and it's effects on President Trump]

>>21566540 President Trump: I have nothing to do, as you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

>>21566592, >>21566641 President Trump: I went to the Wharton School of Finance, and many of those professors, the top professors, think my plan is a brilliant plan. It's a great plan. It's a plan that's gonna bring up our worth, our value as a country. It's gonna make people want to be able to go and work and create jobs, and create al lot of good, solid money for our country….she doesn't have a plan. She copied Biden's plan. And it's like four sentences. Like, 'Run, Spot, Run'.

>>21566622 As President Trump called out Harris as a marxist, she was looking at him as if her father being a marxist professor is news to her.

>>21566661, >>21566686 Moderator says thee is no state where it's legal to kill a baby after it's born, but Governor Northam of Virginia did say to, 'make the baby comfortable', then decide what to do; let it die.

>>21566709 President Trump: There she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban [abortion], and there's no reason to sign a ban, because we've gotten what everyone wanted. Democrats, republicans, and everybody else, and every legal scholar, wanted it to be brought back into the states. And the states are voting…what she says is an absolute lie.

>>21566752 Harris refused to answer of she would allow abortions in seventh, eighth, or ninth month.

>>21566832 President Trump: People don't go to her rallies. There's no reason to go, and the people that do go, she's busing them in, and paying them to be there, and then showing them in a different light.

>>21566880 Harris: I actually have the endorsement of two hundred republicans who have formally worked with President Bush, Mitt Romney, and NoName. Including the endorsement of former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and congressmember, Liz Cheney. [all RINOs, all career criminals/war criminals]

>>21566919 President Trump: This will be one of the greatest mistakes in history, for them to allow; and I think they probably did it because they think they're gonna get votes, but it's not worth it, because they're destroying the fabric of our country by what they've done.

>>21566962 Moderator: The FBI says, overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.>President Trump: They were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They didn't include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud. Just like their number of eight hundred and eighteen thousand jobs that they said they created turn out to be a fraud.

>>21566979 Harris looked one hundred percent guilty when President Trump called her out on being behind all his court battles.

>>21566994 President Trump: I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things they [Harris/Biden/democrats] say about me.

>>21567016 Harris did not grow up as a 'middle-class' kid, as she claimed more than once already.

>>21567045 President Trump: I'm talking now, if you [Harris] don't mind. Please. Does that sound familiar?

>>21566445, >>21566454, >>21566467 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21566463, >>21566464, >>21566466, >>21566473, >>21566476, >>21566477, >>21566478, >>21566479, >>21566485, >>21566486, >>21566489, >>21566490, >>21566495, >>21566496, >>21566527, >>21566589, >>21566590 Kamala's comes off looking WEAK, SHE SUCKS

>>21566510 Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

>>21566518, >>21566554 she has dry mouth

>>21566532, >>21566602, >>21566559, >>21566680, >>21566557 Kamala touching her face is a nervous act. The bouncing up and down as she talks is strange. And you can hear her tongue spit. Maybe she is black. All that smacking while talking. Kek

>>21566581 She can't talk about her accomplishments cause she don't got any So she only lie about is Trump

>>21566618 Family photo shows Julian Assange lying low in Melbourne

>>21566708 Planned Parenthood has been found to 'illegally sell baby parts,' activist says

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20e1c0 No.21567061

File: 6587414bf76ca81⋯.png (199.89 KB,491x272,491:272,6587414bf76ca81311b0f1db0b….png)

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61b1d1 No.21567062


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843500 No.21567063


This is what the AI thinks haitian migrants look like?

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f9a239 No.21567064

they keep cutting him off

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0fb86c No.21567065

J6 lies from ABC first.

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cf190d No.21567066

File: 9a7a4d7707754cb⋯.png (791.37 KB,1536x1536,1:1,Untitled645_20240801155606.png)

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420586 No.21567067


I laughed so loud, my kids came runnning form their rooms to see what happened

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f420dc No.21567068

File: d3ec4a59bab1c51⋯.png (1.12 KB,88x22,4:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c904f24b9e9ee00⋯.png (476.11 KB,512x512,1:1,00798_0_weed_frog.png)



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dc0e7b No.21567069

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a1a15b No.21567070

OMG Trump trolling her! Brought up “I am talking now, remember?” She said that rudely to I think to Pence?

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f9a239 No.21567071


its ok anon. Its a trap.

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e3d4e5 No.21567072

Here we go.

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0eced5 No.21567073

President Trump: Now she want sto do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical-left liberal that would do this.

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846246 No.21567074


holy shit the copy-write on that meme

top kek

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f7c38a No.21567075

File: c0a7cdb34b32855⋯.jpg (463.98 KB,686x959,98:137,bingo.jpg)


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45b3fb No.21567076

abc are purposely omiting talking points and this debate is trump vs kamala and both moderators.

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009094 No.21567077

File: e7dca8ad276dd4b⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,4032x3024,4:3,880D1EDF_52F6_4B53_B6AA_F….jpeg)


I spy ear piece

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f9a239 No.21567078



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b3a1d7 No.21567079

SHITHEAD pundits know they just handed Trump the platter and they know it

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a0fb70 No.21567080

File: f5daa0d3e26f969⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,f5daa0d3e26f969590b7145014….mp4)


like the USA, that's Europe's recolonization

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0eced5 No.21567081

The look on her face proved Harris would indeed try to confiscate guns, as President Trump said.

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ec7ce1 No.21567082

File: 2371973d1293cad⋯.png (413.33 KB,795x650,159:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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69cdbb No.21567083

File: 9e00f9bfcfabcf7⋯.png (126.39 KB,342x342,1:1,9e00f9bfcfabcf7616b2f7e399….png)


He literally just stole her line. That's some S-rank trolling.

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f149a0 No.21567084

File: ea0ed370f14cdd7⋯.png (268.87 KB,532x393,532:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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834ae1 No.21567085

Site is probably DDOS'd, will trigger Proto. Hang in there, anons.

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3d042e No.21567086

File: 03c8ac17f7f25a7⋯.png (929.54 KB,960x544,30:17,IMG_2179.png)

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0e23b7 No.21567087

File: 04e3c72164bd715⋯.mp4 (748.11 KB,640x360,16:9,MichaelByrd.mp4)

File: 3dc6d8b6eae4d61⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,1080x720,3:2,NEW_Corrupted_video_footag….mp4)

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843500 No.21567088

oh she lost her smile.

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8dde84 No.21567089

they tried to bait Trump

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61b1d1 No.21567090

File: 448a84e27206534⋯.png (559.45 KB,686x432,343:216,ClipboardImage.png)

'"Peacefully & Patriotically"'

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c4085d No.21567091

File: a25dda1dde80652⋯.png (326.59 KB,499x499,1:1,Yuengling_p.png)

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1df5dc No.21567092

File: 3893325093c371d⋯.png (405.97 KB,594x715,54:65,springfieldboykilledbyhait….png)

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bc098c No.21567093


if so then rest assured the person speaking in her ear is just as fucking stupid as she is

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912496 No.21567094

checked, had to turn off the sound, thnx for frens posting. cannot listen.


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b01972 No.21567095


or, he's not in Australia.

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2415ef No.21567096

File: 9ee9b71a66ff02a⋯.gif (6.15 MB,600x750,4:5,9ee9b71a66ff02a0a35d32542b….gif)


Tables turned, beeeeeeeyotch.

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f9a239 No.21567097

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54006f No.21567098

File: 4a09178c0561a15⋯.jpg (135.8 KB,500x669,500:669,4a09178c0561a15ece34c5f2fc….jpg)

Prosecute them all!

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0e23b7 No.21567099

File: 2dc31962f6c653b⋯.png (579.49 KB,600x841,600:841,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7ce1 No.21567100

File: 806bbfad6daa62e⋯.png (271.42 KB,607x542,607:542,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f1a52 No.21567101


Then that would either be Plouffe or Barack hisself.

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a0fb70 No.21567102

File: 20b51bf0d1fe635⋯.webm (271.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726005956467288.webm)

wonder what Joe Biden is doing right now?

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24c19a No.21567103

File: 3f727e77ae013f5⋯.mp4 (565.92 KB,480x270,16:9,653n46346354.mp4)

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bc098c No.21567104

Tell us about the pipe bomb Kamala!

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6c6bfa No.21567105

45 needed to come out swinging on offense… but immediately took a defensive posture…


45 has no reason to be on defense

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712a93 No.21567106

Let the losing commence LOSERS

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0fb86c No.21567107

Here we go J6 commie spin.

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5ec330 No.21567108

she's been rehearsing this J6th

will pretend to cry but won't

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3bf006 No.21567109

File: c3f657338cdec6e⋯.jpeg (4.93 KB,275x183,275:183,download_2024_09_10T18384….jpeg)

File: 139e2cbf3a6950a⋯.jpeg (6.37 KB,201x251,201:251,images_2024_09_10T182907_….jpeg)

File: 0722a91dc80354e⋯.jpeg (9 KB,273x183,91:61,images_2024_09_10T184557_….jpeg)

File: e904d6fa789066c⋯.jpeg (8.34 KB,255x133,255:133,750a597e3f46225eaf10a4a41….jpeg)

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54006f No.21567110


is this real?

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b01972 No.21567111


she's a man. just another thing to be revealed.

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f48a9d No.21567112

I was laying pipe bombs

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f7c38a No.21567113

she just lied about cops dying and charlotesville with very fine people FUCK THIS BITCH

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1a2906 No.21567114

File: 57481b46ad76ae0⋯.jpg (304.01 KB,2048x1531,2048:1531,06f8d7f98174de180a25c778d1….jpg)

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e3cefb No.21567115

Projection at it's finest

Kamel toes is a liar, cunt, marxist, and lest we forget swallows with the best courtesan in history.

Why did this even be allowed to occur ?

If this cunt gets a bump, from this it is time to say enough is enough.

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0fb86c No.21567116

Boy I am getting pissed and I have an off button for the bitch.

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ec7ce1 No.21567117

File: f4f5a23a82da0c8⋯.png (418.78 KB,596x418,298:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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420586 No.21567118

She is acting and it shows because she looks into the camera.

Trump is being sincere and it tells.

What a difference.

They must have coached her to look into the audience, but it is not working

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69f102 No.21567119

David Muir accuses President Trump regarding Jan 6 then tosses the ball to Harris.

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1df5dc No.21567120


She's an "I was There-er"

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207ca7 No.21567121

File: ce9787436a430f8⋯.jpg (49.71 KB,574x680,287:340,biden_dems_illegals_border.jpg)

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009094 No.21567122


Montel liked it rough

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45b3fb No.21567123

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SECOND TIME POSTED: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots censored video was taken down by YouTube


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409975 No.21567124

I hope Trump mentions Kamala's friend Jesse and his hoax and her role in it.

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4c808b No.21567125

File: 36ff6fb97015ecc⋯.jpg (26.24 KB,215x320,43:64,MonkeyWoah.JPG)

spewing antisemitic hate!

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420586 No.21567126

Turn the page….drink

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b3a1d7 No.21567127

she just crossed a line by directly accusing incitement. –

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f9a239 No.21567128

whiny fucking voice

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846246 No.21567129

File: 17467e2d34c25ab⋯.png (311.64 KB,540x357,180:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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933979 No.21567130

Kneepads, "I was born a poor black child"

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f7c38a No.21567131

who else is screaming at their tv

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85bcb9 No.21567132

File: a45f385f76f6bf0⋯.png (4.01 MB,3202x2077,3202:2077,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0a452 No.21567133

Very Fine People HOAX


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6f2ccb No.21567134

>>21566231 (LB)

>Venezuelans take over Aurora building

However, I saw a boots on the ground report from an amateur journalist outside OBlock interviewing local residents who claimed that the story is a stinking pile of shit.

Qresearch has become retard central merely propagating and regurgitating media bullshit.

Where are the fucking autists questioning the drivel?

Is the report I saw legit?

I don't know, I haven't been there, but at least I question the narrative and require proof positive rather multiple MSN stories as proof.

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0fb86c No.21567135


Hiding behind a door with AOC maybe?

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1df5dc No.21567136

she's nuts.


Proved lie

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b6662f No.21567137

Whew get it girl

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61b1d1 No.21567138

File: 37f7d329bf58749⋯.png (2.77 MB,1188x1596,99:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e23b7 No.21567139

File: e5aa2c2bd49743b⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,pipebomb.mp4)

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dc0e7b No.21567140


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1b94e9 No.21567141

Oh Lindsey Davis is s partisan plant, not the smartest, not the most fair, she is obviouslywho knew that would happen? I can't stand her whiny voice

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30673a No.21567142


"and there she was"…an innocent bystander

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e8665d No.21567143

File: b64b03dbe094e32⋯.png (1.09 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eced5 No.21567144

Harris: I was there, and on that day, the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's Capital…on that day, a hundred and forty law enforcement officers were injured, and some died.

[none died on January 6th]

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61b1d1 No.21567145

File: c8cf0fd9c5fff4f⋯.png (4.1 MB,1842x1030,921:515,ClipboardImage.png)

so many lies

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5ec330 No.21567146

she is mesmerized by Trump

can't stop looking at him

hate and envy mix

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b3a1d7 No.21567147


cackle hummer drummer boi

everything she said tonight has been highly charged inflammatory rhetoric

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a0fb70 No.21567148

File: ac01eb27a0fc9c5⋯.webm (1.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726015335740954.webm)

sign a bill

>sign an Executive Order

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009094 No.21567149


Just about to say the same

Are normies fooled by the poor me voice did her handlers say it’ll curry favour

All puns intended

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bc098c No.21567150

Outcome? Theft!

Forget about the theft. Hell no.

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0e94d4 No.21567151



#26419 >>21566418

>>21566523 President Trump: I have no sales tax; that's an incorrect statement. She knows that. Were doing tariffs on other countries.

>>21566474, >>21566738 More than 1.4 million people watching ABC feed on youtube.

>>21566534 Harris: Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. Donald Trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century. [blaming the pandemic and it's effects on President Trump]

>>21566540 President Trump: I have nothing to do, as you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

>>21566592, >>21566641 President Trump: I went to the Wharton School of Finance, and many of those professors, the top professors, think my plan is a brilliant plan. It's a great plan. It's a plan that's gonna bring up our worth, our value as a country. It's gonna make people want to be able to go and work and create jobs, and create al lot of good, solid money for our country….she doesn't have a plan. She copied Biden's plan. And it's like four sentences. Like, 'Run, Spot, Run'.

>>21566622 As President Trump called out Harris as a marxist, she was looking at him as if her father being a marxist professor is news to her.

>>21566661, >>21566686 Moderator says thee is no state where it's legal to kill a baby after it's born, but Governor Northam of Virginia did say to, 'make the baby comfortable', then decide what to do; let it die.

>>21566709 President Trump: There she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban [abortion], and there's no reason to sign a ban, because we've gotten what everyone wanted. Democrats, republicans, and everybody else, and every legal scholar, wanted it to be brought back into the states. And the states are voting…what she says is an absolute lie.

>>21566752 Harris refused to answer of she would allow abortions in seventh, eighth, or ninth month.

>>21566832 President Trump: People don't go to her rallies. There's no reason to go, and the people that do go, she's busing them in, and paying them to be there, and then showing them in a different light.

>>21566880 Harris: I actually have the endorsement of two hundred republicans who have formally worked with President Bush, Mitt Romney, and NoName. Including the endorsement of former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and congressmember, Liz Cheney. [all RINOs, all career criminals/war criminals]

>>21566919 President Trump: This will be one of the greatest mistakes in history, for them to allow; and I think they probably did it because they think they're gonna get votes, but it's not worth it, because they're destroying the fabric of our country by what they've done.

>>21566962 Moderator: The FBI says, overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.>President Trump: They were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They didn't include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud. Just like their number of eight hundred and eighteen thousand jobs that they said they created turn out to be a fraud.

>>21566979 Harris looked one hundred percent guilty when President Trump called her out on being behind all his court battles.

>>21566994 President Trump: I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things they [Harris/Biden/democrats] say about me.

>>21567016 Harris did not grow up as a 'middle-class' kid, as she claimed more than once already.

>>21567045 President Trump: I'm talking now, if you [Harris] don't mind. Please. Does that sound familiar?

>>21566789 TRUMP: "Shes a Marxist. Everybody knows shes a Marxist. Her father is a Marxist professor in economics. He taught her well."

>>21567073 President Trump: Now she want sto do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical-left liberal that would do this.

>>21567081 The look on her face proved Harris would indeed try to confiscate guns, as President Trump said.

>>21567144 Harris: I was there, and on that day, the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's Capital…on that day, a hundred and forty law enforcement officers were injured, and some died. [none died on January 6th]

>>21566771, >>21566445, >>21566454, >>21566467 Trump Vs. Harris | Debate Links 10/09/2024

>>21566463, >>21566464, >>21566466, >>21566473, >>21566476, >>21566477, >>21566478, >>21566479, >>21566485, >>21566486, >>21566489, >>21566490, >>21566495, >>21566496, >>21566527, >>21566589, >>21566590 Kamala's comes off looking WEAK, SHE SUCKS

>>21566510 Moderator to Harris: "You and President Trump were elected 4 years ago"

>>21566518, >>21566554 she has dry mouth

>>21566532, >>21566602, >>21566559, >>21566680, >>21566557 Kamala touching her face is a nervous act. The bouncing up and down as she talks is strange. And you can hear her tongue spit. Maybe she is black. All that smacking while talking. Kek

>>21566581 She can't talk about her accomplishments cause she don't got any So she only lie about is Trump

>>21566618 Family photo shows Julian Assange lying low in Melbourne

>>21566708 Planned Parenthood has been found to 'illegally sell baby parts,' activist says

>>21566713 Boss is killin it

>>21566636, >>21566716 Mapped: How late in pregnancy states allow abortions

>>21566800 WOW go to a rally, ok people are going to go and have fun. You stupid bitch

>>21566801 Trump- People don't go to her rallies. She buses them to her rallies, and pays them.

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207ca7 No.21567152

File: e6866f60ee00eab⋯.png (2.07 MB,1125x1575,5:7,abc_guardians_pedophiles.png)

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c4085d No.21567153

He did win in a landslide

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4c808b No.21567154

File: 64f633f7f1d4676⋯.jpg (16.48 KB,264x299,264:299,AdamSchit.JPG)

Truth in these time that we are living in..

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f9a239 No.21567155


plus, he's hot shit. Teflon Don, don'tchyaknow.

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92781c No.21567156

File: 6a67740b6e1e075⋯.jpeg (17.03 KB,676x122,338:61,IMG_3851.jpeg)

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25cf2c No.21567157


I think the sanhedrin lied that the jews chose barrabas

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846246 No.21567158

File: 03cf287fac6589a⋯.png (241.69 KB,469x477,469:477,ClipboardImage.png)


The moderator did too Fuck That Guy

you'll get him outta bed , wake him up at 4 in the afternoon

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1df5dc No.21567159


She was planting the pipe bomb.

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ec7ce1 No.21567160

File: f17b8f843926f4f⋯.png (3.45 MB,1280x1239,1280:1239,ClipboardImage.png)


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0abb0a No.21567161

Fuck this game


do it>>21567146

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d597e3 No.21567163

File: 9ff8502a40b4a26⋯.png (896 KB,1091x1001,1091:1001,m865ne5be45v4564.png)

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3ee68d No.21567164

File: c3ae0c039faed3b⋯.jpeg (421.28 KB,960x701,960:701,IMG_1330.jpeg)

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20e1c0 No.21567165

File: fa9cebccf4518a3⋯.jpg (96.13 KB,500x500,1:1,061e1913ef783e5c.jpg)

word salad

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f7c38a No.21567166

they are going to get him on this election stuff. Its all true. But gotta be able to counter their narratives. The moderators are absolute trash.

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b94b73 No.21567167

File: aaa7a045fd06be4⋯.gif (777.58 KB,400x275,16:11,dart3.gif)

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0eced5 No.21567168

Harris looks uncomfortable and awkward.

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0e23b7 No.21567169


it could be worse

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1a2906 No.21567170

File: 37883594e618d2a⋯.jpg (111.46 KB,887x887,1:1,media_GCuaAOlbYAAuC1s.jpg)

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8c810d No.21567171

File: f9f25e799dd525e⋯.mp4 (666.96 KB,746x720,373:360,000_do_not_come_Biden.mp4)

I'd like to see her go down - Trump

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bc098c No.21567172

You tell 'em Donald!

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3bcac9 No.21567173


Kamaltoe has no chance against this young, spry man.

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f9a239 No.21567175

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f7c38a No.21567176

the media is pulling hard for Kamala.

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95bf9b No.21567178

File: f17b8f843926f4f⋯.png (3.45 MB,1280x1239,1280:1239,ClipboardImage.png)

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420586 No.21567179

Word salad

Why isn’t abc fact-checking her Charlottesville claim?

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61b1d1 No.21567181

File: 8ad6a6f5833ed56⋯.png (711.36 KB,678x634,339:317,ClipboardImage.png)


big time

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08a3c6 No.21567183

File: 01782f1d93b3c4e⋯.jpg (119.53 KB,661x474,661:474,CHIN_PLATFORM.jpg)

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eac625 No.21567185


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45b3fb No.21567186

trumps latest post was about the coming election

he just twisted that question

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bc098c No.21567187

There she goes with the hands again.

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f9a239 No.21567188

She had to listen to her earpice for that one

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63f837 No.21567274

File: aad26ea69c84487⋯.jpeg (1010.45 KB,1284x864,107:72,IMG_9461.jpeg)

Wasn’t she black a couple weeks ago?

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