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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

80a8fa No.21538833 [Last50 Posts]

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80a8fa No.21538835

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

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NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26386 >>21537992

>>21538005, >>21538792 WE'RE GONNA SEND HER A MAGA HAT!!!

>>21538064, >>21538215 Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address

>>21538067, >>21538441 New Maori queen crowned in New Zealand – and she's Catholic

>>21538127, >>21538131, >>21538139 The Meme Police for keks

>>21538172 TIME magazine purposefully excludes Elon Musk in their 'Top 100' most influential people in AI

>>21538174, >>21538511, >>21538751 Swamp Official Habbenings

>>21538175, >>21538210 NASA & related Outta Space News

>>21538020, >>21538178, >>21538193, >>21538227, >>21538230, >>21538542, >>21538547 FBI RAIDS HOMES OF TOP AIDES TO NY MAYOR ERIC ADAMS +

>>21538207 Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe

>>21538233 Hunter Biden Flips To 11th Hour Guilty Plea In $1.4M Criminal Tax Evasion Case

>>21538237 Canada hiding evidence? Pull and Destroy All existing COVID-19 vaccines ahead of arrival of updated shots

>>21538244, >>21538245, >>21538255, >>21538825 FBI raids homes of NYC mayor aides and also searched the residences of two people with ties to Turkey.

>>21538247 Biden-Harris AG Merrick Garland Launches ‘Election Threats Task Force’ to Combat Opponents in 2024

>>21538260 Austria ready to offer to host peace talks between Moscow and Kiev

>>21538266 In 2022 Murdoch Family, NewsCorp Took hundreds of millions in loan of CCP money member?

>>21538279 "I’m gonna let her talk,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity

>>21538314 Study reveals sea surface temperature, not human emissions, drives atmospheric CO2 levels

>>21538329 Lion Glass from PENN STATE Researchers

>>21538338, >>21538340 Netanyahu's map erasing occupied West Bank sparks widespread condemnation

>>21538353 Republican Jewish confab kicks off in Vegas, focusing on domestic antisemitism spike

>>21538391 No Trial Date for DC Trump Case until Immunity is sorted out

>>21538397 Trump "I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms."

>>21538414 Prosecutors Urge Hunter Biden Judge To Reject Plea Deal

>>21538411, >>21538419, >>21538422, >>21538429 Department of Justice Happenings

>>21538470, >>21538545, >>21538574 President Biden Delivers Remarks

>>21538481, >>21538488, >>21538501 PlaneFaggin' Empty Call Sign POTUS / Gitmo Activity

>>21538507 Gerrymandering still happening in California

>>21538536, >>21538537 Conor McGregor Makes Announcement: ‘I'm Running For PRESIDENT Of Ireland!’

>>21538546, >>21538712 @elonmusk WOW - Sex offending rate of women, men and transwomen

>>21538591 @BabylonBee - FBI Assures Public The Next Ten Mass Shooters Are Also On Their Radar

>>21538610 UPDATE from Hunter Biden's trial - there is NO PLEA AGREEMENT.

>>21538613, >>21538617, >>21538644, >>21538697, >>21538698, >>21538711, >>21538726, >>21538746, >>21538750 Booking photo released of 14-year-old Colt Gray, alleged Georgia school shooter

>>21538676 @JimWatkins - Don't make fun of the unawakened. Dig, meme, pray. – Anonymous

>>21538714 Walz admin used $449K taxpayer money to sue to put first transgender inmate in Minn. women’s prison

>>21538718 GOP’s Winsome Sears Looks to Make History by Filing For Virginia Governor in 2025

>>21538725 A Barely There Joe Biden Admits the Inflation Reduction Act Was A Scam

>>21538727, >>21538811 Kathy Griffin opens her maw on Maher

>>21538728, >>21538828 BREAKING - FBI agents raided home of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban - NY Post

>>21538732 Illegal from El Salvador was arrested after 2 young boys ages 7 and 9 were found chained up in home

>>21538747 SCHUMER “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America” is by granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens

>>21538757 DOJ’s SDNY Chief Nick Biase Responds to Explosive Undercover Video - Just trying to impress honeypot

>>21538779 #Latest @NateSilver538 forecast (9/5) Chance of winning - 🟥 Trump: 60.1% - 🟦 Harris: 39.7%

>>21538831 #26386

#26385 >>21537144

>>21537382, >>21537394, >>21537471 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks at The Economic Club of New York - 9/5/24

>>21537524, >>21537533, >>21537548, >>21537564, >>21537597, >>21537625, >>21537653, >>21537667, >>21537691, >>21537714, >>21537730, >>21537747, >>21537782, >>21537793, >>21537803, >>21537815, >>21537826, >>21537835, >>21537822, >>21537837, >>21537842, >>21537864, >>21537893, >>21537909 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - -

>>21537177, >>21537729, >>21537764, >>21537800, >>21537840, >>21537885, >>21537902, >>21537908 NYC case is full of stacked fraudulent charges. Steven Crowder Under Cover video of NICHOLAS BIASE DOJ-SDNY

>>21537192 The Euthanasia Op: Don’t Succumb to Hollywood’s “Choose Death” Programming

>>21537212 Thread about the DC hearing.


>>21537230 Jury selection gets underway in Hunter Biden's tax trial

>>21537244, >>21537294, >>21537348, >>21537385, >>21537447, >>21537570, >>21537770, >>21537809, >>21537838, >>21537863, >>21537920 NASA & Related Space News

>>21537260 Your BRAIN Needs The Animal Fat! Here's Why…

>>21537271 TRUMP X TRUTH

>>21537279, >>21537287 Ukraine Aid Needs Oversight of All This Funding and Assistance

>>21537311 Known Wolf – FBI States They Were Aware of Threats from 14-Year-Old Georgia School Shooter, Colt Gray

>>21537322, >>21537420, >>21537423, >>21537488 "Such an expressive and contagious laughter that it means she is doing well,” Putin Endorses Harris

>>21537344 President Trump FOX News Townhall 'Excerpts' from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

>>21537364 “The Illusion of Choice” Economist Eric Weinstein

>>21537368 FDA & CDC websites finally prove that HHS knows the mRNA COVID jabs ARE gene therapy

>>21537395, >>21537402 @DanScavino TRUTH - President @realDonaldTrump departing Trump Tower in New York City

>>21537411, >>21537638 Whenever you see Amish people, please kindly ask them to consider voting.

>>21537440 WATCH - The Charlie Kirk Show - Real America's Voice

>>21537448 Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggles Aboard Air Force One En Route to La Crosse, WI

>>21537478, >>21537486 Ukrainian President Zelensky just passed a law making it illegal to negotiate with Putin.

>>21537562, >>21537622 BREAKING: Hunter Biden Changes Plea to GUILTY in Tax Fraud Case.

>>21537595, >>21537806 Legal remedy pertaining to gag orders. The 4th and 6th Amendment is as follows

>>21537716 Texas-based oil company warns employees about security concerns from violent migrant gangs

>>21537741 The Clinton Global Initiative reconvenes September 23-24, 2024 in NYC for the 2024 Annual Meeting

>>21537817, >>21537818 The tariff history of the United States by Taussig, F. W.

>>21537867 Anthrax Outbreak In Wyoming Sparks Health Warning

>>21537962 Trump's co-campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles warn staff in internal email to stop talking to the press

>>21537978 #26385

#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536233 60 Days to WINNING


>>21536309 Bayesian superyacht victims were trapped alive when ship went down, died of ‘dry drowning’


>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

>>21536473 Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.


>>21536593 Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets

>>21536609 The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office

>>21536611 Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue


>>21536637 We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures

>>21536649 US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

>>21536684, >>21536688, >>21536708 @MelaniaTrump My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21536707 Apalachee HS "witness" Leyla Sayarath is an actress and is rehearshing her lines on camera.

>>21536750, >>21536751, >>21536775 Swamp Habbenins

>>21536755 Trump on tap today Trump Remarks at the Economic Club of New York 12:00 PM EDT

>>21536759 War Room Morning Edition

>>21536832 QR Banners

>>21536933, >>21536945 Kamala Rally Fuggery - Busses, busses, MOAR BUSSES!

>>21536964 Indecent assault charges against shamed US film mogul Harvey Weinstein are DROPPED

>>21537133 #26384

Previously Collected

>>21535897 #26383

>>21533520 #26380, >>21534290 #26381, >>21535044 #26382

>>21530812 #26377, >>21531920 #26378, >>21532680 #26379

>>21528490 #26374-B, >>21529240 #26375, >>21530040 #26376

>>21526724 #26372, >>21527641 #26373, >>21528479 #26374-A

Aggregators: https:'//'qresear.ch | https:'//'qnotables.com | https:'//'qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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80a8fa No.21538838

File: 7c7d7b1f504bb88⋯.jpg (58.79 KB,522x500,261:250,7c7d7b1f504bb8801eca82c70d….jpg)

File: da9132e5c82aec6⋯.png (1.35 MB,1318x877,1318:877,da9132e5c82aec60bc4a97a342….png)

File: bc68a98d16e2d57⋯.jpeg (194.34 KB,1400x1854,700:927,bc68a98d16e2d57f0325a7c27….jpeg)

Baker Can Continue of HandOff

TY Anons For All Efforts

Fresh Dough


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80a8fa No.21538841

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f2be1d No.21538846

File: 3dd4a4a9e5ab5d1⋯.png (152.06 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240624_142547.png)

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b5efb6 No.21538847

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)

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352eb5 No.21538851

File: 248b9bfa770739c⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,720x1220,36:61,brits.mp4)

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7bf994 No.21538853

File: 6e627c8bedbb360⋯.png (748.2 KB,874x748,437:374,sn.PNG)


Former CA Dem. Senate Leader Gloria Romero

Switches to Republican Party, Says She

Will Vote for Trump

Red State, by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/5/2024 4:46:14 PM

Something is happening in California. After being screwed over by the Democrat Party on their promises of reparations, Black Californians are threatening to sit out 2024 or sabotage it for the Democrats; whether you believe that or not, it is unprecedented that this voting bloc has actually threatened to exercise their political power, albeit small, in this way. As RedState reported, Democrat State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil decided to change her registration to the Republican Party. Political expediency? Probably, but again, a sure sign that the Democrat stronghold in the state is showing significant fractures. On Wednesday, the party was dealt another blow. Gloria Romero,

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b124cf No.21538854

File: 5b8881b53d708db⋯.jpg (265.36 KB,1080x1068,90:89,5b8881b.jpg)

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eb3a5a No.21538856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Worth a watch

Mentiins q clearance.. very goid

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b124cf No.21538857

File: 3c3cec979a017c6⋯.png (666.37 KB,687x500,687:500,3c3cec.png)

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7bf994 No.21538859

File: 56cb19c8c3db543⋯.png (105.31 KB,589x538,589:538,tenn.PNG)


Chaos Coordinator


👀👀👀👀 what's going on?


Lewis Herms of ScrewBigGov



Sep 4


Ast. Chief Taylor has been investigating and about to expose MAJOR corruption in Tennessee and the USA.

Today, he was raided by the same state bureau that he was investigating!

Everyone must see this video… Please forward as the more people that see this, the better for his health.

Praying for Shawn 🙏

Today, he was raided by the same state bureau that he was investigating!

Everyone must see this video… Please forward as the more people that see

Show more

2:44 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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3c2116 No.21538862

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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b5bc4e No.21538863

File: e8829b43fa0be8d⋯.jpg (33 KB,721x499,721:499,jhrftyghuytr5.jpg)

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43fdf0 No.21538865

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

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3e4bc5 No.21538866

File: e34fa7203294756⋯.png (418.53 KB,608x477,608:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3dc56 No.21538867

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG!!!🤣🤣🤣Putin backs Kamattack



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b5efb6 No.21538869

File: 50c91b627e238f2⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB,720x1280,9:16,crackslide_1_.mp4)

File: 686ccd7150a00df⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,960x539,960:539,Whidbey_Missle.jpg)

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e2f8ba No.21538872


They don't have to get "reparations" if they voted for Trump, he'll fix their fucking local economy and that's enough.

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7bf994 No.21538874

File: 9041c1da779fada⋯.png (160.4 KB,595x688,595:688,mit.PNG)




This DOJ official admits the prosecution of Trump is a politicized perversion of justice, and they'll still lock him up in two weeks.

Welcome to the United Soviet States of America.


Steven Crowder




BREAKING: DOJ Chief of Public Affairs Admits Trump Indictments Are a Politically Motivated "Perversion of Justice"; Reveals Lawfare Involved in Making Former President a "Convicted Felon" Backfired on Democrats; Claims His Former Colleague Alvin Bragg's Case is "Nonsense" And

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5:09 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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53d777 No.21538876

File: 4b2ae9e44ba59f8⋯.png (529.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA193.png)

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18ef57 No.21538877

File: 0f2972ad574c517⋯.gif (171.23 KB,220x307,220:307,IMG_2951.gif)

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53d777 No.21538878

File: dd93d9124ab6eec⋯.png (969.64 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA192.png)

File: 4f70423ec27a6d5⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA191.png)

File: eaae7f73d86494d⋯.png (815.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ7.png)

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53d777 No.21538880

File: e6816c872eb7893⋯.png (406.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN616.png)

File: 6e16c71d605b582⋯.png (553.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA190.png)

File: 15fafc25b6786a0⋯.png (912.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCAMALA1.png)

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eb3a5a No.21538881

File: ea12849e039949e⋯.jpg (432.06 KB,1078x1374,539:687,Screenshot_20240906_093803….jpg)


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2adc30 No.21538882

File: 0462012fbb50a6d⋯.png (1.13 MB,1372x771,1372:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bf994 No.21538883

File: a2b22cf22f73f13⋯.png (281.03 KB,600x708,50:59,ox.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


For those of you who still occasionally watch Fox News, they dropped Fair and Balanced.

They committed to the New World Order.


National File



Sep 4


3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN

3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans, incl. ONE HUNDRED MILLION from CCP Central Bank

4/18/2023: FNC Pays Dominion Voting nearly $800 Mn

4/25/2023: FNC Fires Tucker

Show more





3:18 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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fd41c7 No.21538885

File: 235a3f19fc0727f⋯.jpg (90.37 KB,666x424,333:212,Screenshot_20240905_164130….jpg)

It's the trannies

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e2f8ba No.21538887


More proof the State is an enemy of America itself.

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7307da No.21538888

File: 0f2972ad574c517⋯.gif (171.23 KB,220x307,220:307,Checkmate.gif)


Thanks B

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6fb054 No.21538891

File: b47ff0f910e9964⋯.jpg (370.67 KB,1400x1797,1400:1797,IMG_20240905_115525079_3.jpg)


Thank you.

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fd41c7 No.21538894

File: e88262638913fc3⋯.jpg (111.45 KB,611x1104,611:1104,Qj829bxirb6iJ.jpg)

Interchangeable with Pelosi

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7bf994 No.21538896

File: bd8e0208e1fd20c⋯.png (489.53 KB,670x669,670:669,rep.PNG)


Republican Jewish Coalition Gathers, as

More Jews Consider Trump

Breitbart 2024 Election, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 9/5/2024 2:47:28 PM

Las Vegas, Nevada — The annual leadership meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition kicked off Wednesday amid speculation that more Jews could vote for former President Donald Trump over concerns about Israel and antisemitism. The gathering, which typically draws hundreds of donors and activists, as well as politicians and candidates, is being held in September this year, rather than in the winter, to have the biggest possible impact at the start of the fall campaign season.American Jews vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party, and align themselves with the political left. (Jews in other countries, including Israel, tend to favor

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38745a No.21538897

File: 99492b50b8c5f54⋯.png (234 KB,398x754,199:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f8ba No.21538898


Enough of them may have the wealth and influence to sway this s-election.

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fd41c7 No.21538899

File: 13f546a4ee9297e⋯.jpg (65.04 KB,709x654,709:654,Screenshot_20240905_164819….jpg)

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7bf994 No.21538900

File: f68805db66a3753⋯.png (197.01 KB,605x821,605:821,rax.PNG)


Laura Loomer



One moose and more than 50 cattle have died of anthrax in the past month in south-central Wyoming, officials confirmed Wednesday.

Anthrax has not been documented in wildlife since 1956. No humans have been infected, according to the Wyoming Department of Health.

Our country is falling apart!


3:58 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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7307da No.21538901

File: ded848c1f888139⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yPRpWYIS8T65VG9cjTK3_RgtOO….jpg)

Gonna be a comfy night, frens

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b3dfe1 No.21538902

File: 189528f60e392b6⋯.jpg (150.51 KB,828x800,207:200,eye_love_ewe.jpg)


WHORE ONE (won, 17, I think not)

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7bf994 No.21538903

File: ca3219c418f6504⋯.png (126.27 KB,598x833,598:833,fin.PNG)


Kyle Becker


BREAKING: Judge Merchan is being *SUED* ahead of the criminal sentencing of Donald Trump.

Merchan is being sued to release his financial disclosure forms, which may show conflict of interest in his handling of the high-profile case against the 2024 presidential candidate.

The lawsuit was filed by @America1stLegal


"We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures from 2018-2024," AFL said. "We requested these records in June under NY state law and have been unlawfully stonewalled."

Donald Trump is due to be sentenced on September 18th, just weeks before the November election.


Last edited

2:31 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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3ebf79 No.21538904

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e2f8ba No.21538905


More industrial sabotage.

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6fb054 No.21538906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Perfect sleeping weather, bit if a nip with a cleansing breeze.


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2adc30 No.21538907

File: 95b61fedeb687d9⋯.mp4 (319.89 KB,176x144,11:9,Ast_Chief_Taylor_has_been_….mp4)



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2658e2 No.21538908


about to, going to, planning to, next week, next month et.. All the kiss of death. just do it,

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641200 No.21538909

File: 5e09b6d1aab2311⋯.png (975.45 KB,1410x827,1410:827,1725571451129.png)

File: ad0a5bed7338d79⋯.png (1.12 MB,1408x828,352:207,1725572493398.png)

File: 33cc657dec2dda7⋯.png (636 KB,999x1167,333:389,1725572608822.png)

File: 4740691fdb22e69⋯.png (711.67 KB,960x1215,64:81,1725498402022.png)

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7bf994 No.21538910

File: 90d42f38dfa8850⋯.png (556.89 KB,603x623,603:623,ly.PNG)




OPEN BORDER: Residents of apartments in Aurora, CO have been under the rule of the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang for a year. Officials from the governor to the local police chief have all denied there was an issue.

A nine-page report requested by the apartment's lender, marked "CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED," was shared by the Perkins Coie law firm with Aurora's top administrators on August 9.

"The evidence we reviewed points to gang members engaging in serious criminal activities, including flagrant trespassing, assaults, human trafficking, sexual abuse of minors, unlawful firearm possession, extortion, and other crimes, often preying on vulnerable Venezuelan and immigrant populations," wrote T. Markus Funk, a former U.S. Attorney.

Neither Funk nor a second associate from the firm responded to CBS News Colorado’s requests for comment.

The firm, representing the lender for Whispering Pines Apartments at 1357 Helena Street, alleged the property is one of several Aurora complexes under the control of the Tren de Aragua gang. Their investigation involved interviews with witnesses and the review of surveillance footage from the complex.

A Denver law firm, tasked with investigating claims of a gang takeover at an Aurora apartment complex, reported that the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang began exerting control over the Whispering Pines Apartments in late 2023.

5:06 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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f13324 No.21538911

File: 83782b3fac60b0e⋯.png (206.35 KB,498x480,83:80,83782b3fac60b0e13795acda4d….png)

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e2f8ba No.21538912


Good! More of this needs to happen. A lot more. They use lawfare so can we, sue sue sue sue sue!

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3f1061 No.21538913

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 601e78f3f84dfe3⋯.png (15.19 KB,274x40,137:20,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

File: a0c8f3a04d865c0⋯.png (11.02 KB,120x55,24:11,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

File: 7f1c113ec2fa0e9⋯.png (10.3 KB,105x57,35:19,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

>>21538811 lb

you and tom and seth are all on Q's list of epstein island pedophiles, kathy

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641200 No.21538914

File: cd1ae32b0827646⋯.jpg (110.91 KB,773x616,773:616,Big_Pharma_Food_Poison_Com….jpg)

File: da34072e2507232⋯.jpg (85.46 KB,948x532,237:133,Zero_Commercial_Glitches_P….jpg)

File: 0d6247436429e7c⋯.jpg (185.95 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Clintons_Laundered_2_Trill….jpg)

File: 7657983fe6f99a9⋯.jpg (199.02 KB,800x1013,800:1013,Release_the_Memes_Trump.jpg)

File: a65fc0983666566⋯.jpg (195.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Kamala_Bell.jpg)

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b3dfe1 No.21538915

File: adfbce9d7feca54⋯.jpg (62.12 KB,505x665,101:133,musk_head.jpg)


Too many OO's homeslice

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2e21cc No.21538916


Gus is a victim of toxic shock syndrome because of all the tampons Tim shoved into his rear.

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bfe6e4 No.21538917

File: a600dceb97155ef⋯.png (324.57 KB,605x491,605:491,ClipboardImage.png)


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352eb5 No.21538918

File: 0409a21c363a0d6⋯.png (88.23 KB,200x255,40:51,0409a21c363a0d613d72cecd74….png)


> Perkins Coie

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6de105 No.21538919

File: 881931be553139e⋯.png (782.25 KB,576x815,576:815,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bf994 No.21538920

File: 7a820f8b680c968⋯.png (978.25 KB,719x843,719:843,firm.PNG)

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6fb054 No.21538921


Diaper Days are here for the stupid fuckin commie

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90f348 No.21538922


so the cops knew and did nothing.

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38745a No.21538923


the way the biden admin has driven the economy into the ground, i wouldn't rule out insurance fraud

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b3dfe1 No.21538925

File: c10fcf6b95f07b1⋯.jpg (102.67 KB,1057x576,1057:576,kathy_killed_kathy.jpg)

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7bf994 No.21538926

File: abccd17fd84d7d0⋯.png (329.72 KB,589x727,589:727,hb.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


In July, we reported the California tax case posed the greatest legal jeopardy for Hunter Biden and his family members.

and today, on the eve of the California tax case, new reporting suggests, Hunter Biden may change his plea to guilty.


Catherine Herridge



Jul 11

#HunterBiden via @TuckerCarlson

The upcoming California tax case poses the greatest, potential legal jeopardy for the President’s son and close family members.

The indictment calls him a "lobbyist" and documents business deals in Ukraine, China and others.

Suggests special

Show more

5:14 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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2658e2 No.21538927


jew run state

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e2f8ba No.21538928


Some people know and care.

Others know but rather not focus on it. Too depressing.

Then there are the kooks who say "everything is just fine" and nothing can change their mind.

I personally know people of all three types.

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d3dc56 No.21538929

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Davis: Joe Biden Will Pardon Hunter Biden After Hunter's Offered Plea Deal



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352eb5 No.21538930

File: 68b6210bc4ef648⋯.png (69.37 KB,680x588,170:147,ClipboardImage.png)

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f525ab No.21538931

File: 6fedec46a1b4144⋯.png (96.53 KB,2043x1278,227:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 413470578b484eb⋯.png (108.08 KB,2352x1197,112:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b678187bf7e7d63⋯.png (354.78 KB,5143x1256,5143:1256,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21538852 (PB)

Great movie.

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835a40 No.21538932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

syrup suckin unkl fuckurs still waitin for taht meese ride to call crack back


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7bf994 No.21538933

File: 61ed58ba2b8a1a5⋯.png (1.21 MB,633x850,633:850,w.PNG)


James O'Keefe


One of the most amazing things about investigative work is breaking news, watching it grow, and earning mainstream media.


5:04 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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6fb054 No.21538935


Dude, on the screws.


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e2f8ba No.21538937


Yah, no shit.

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dbf953 No.21538939



Couldnt get it to embad

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7bf994 No.21538940

File: e47757bdf7f78f4⋯.png (56.01 KB,627x434,627:434,lone.PNG)


Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart

the Secret Service, Pennsylvania State

Police, and Butler Law Enforcement?

American Thinker, by Al Bienenfeld

Posted By: Dodge Boy, 9/5/2024 12:26:25 PM

Every day, more information comes out arguing against the government narrative that a “lone wolf” attack lies behind the assassination attempt against President Donald Trump. The Biden Administration’s feeble attempts through surrogates to deflect and deny have become standard and boring. The variations are endless but the content is the same [snip] Shortly after the shooting, a video surfaced showing a Canadian sniper unhesitatingly saying that the assassin did not act alone. Former Secret Service Agent Christopher McClenic said it’s “impossible” that Trump’s security detail wouldn’t have noticed the rooftop from which the gunman fired.

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e2f8ba No.21538941



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d4cea9 No.21538942


I remember when Aurora Colorado was a bunch of county kids that raced their cars down Colfax….my how things change, they never should of allowed expansion of Buckley AFB, noise and government employees turned into a shithole

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e2f8ba No.21538943


Can you just tell us why that is?

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5c868d No.21538944

File: e141c508566bec8⋯.png (1.24 MB,847x756,121:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bf994 No.21538947

File: b1dc7453213ff09⋯.png (234.32 KB,443x578,443:578,ck.PNG)


J.D. Vance on the 320,000 missing children:

"It is hard to believe, but this is what our government leaders have done. A lot of those kids have lost their lives. A lot of those kids are being sex trafficked by some of the most evil people in the world. This is the wages of Kamala Harris's disastrous border policy, and it's happening every day in this country… Never let them tell you that Kamala Harris's border policies are compassionate. There are 320,000 voices of children crying out telling us Kamala Harris is not compassionate. She is a disaster and we cannot promote her to the Oval Office."

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25d1c9 No.21538948

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6:00 PM EST

Just the News - No Noise

Real America's Voice


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e2f8ba No.21538949

File: 4f995e97dca4281⋯.jpg (75.22 KB,750x749,750:749,yah.jpg)

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208052 No.21538950

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4b9bfa No.21538951

File: 98850bd8688eee0⋯.png (91.05 KB,287x234,287:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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25d1c9 No.21538953

6:00 PM EDT

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Phoenix, Arizona

Doors Open 12:00 PM EDT (US/Mountain)




Campaign 2024: Sen. JD Vance Campaigns in Phoenix

2024 Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (OH) campaigns in Phoenix.


6:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Gov. Tim Walz Holds Campaign Rally in Erie, PA

2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz (MN) speaks to supporters at a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.


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6fb054 No.21538954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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208052 No.21538955

File: d4fa1714d8c62fa⋯.png (17.69 KB,592x289,592:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4cea9 No.21538956

File: 2447ccf86f85f65⋯.jpeg (179.64 KB,907x415,907:415,IMG_6565.jpeg)

Wall St wasn’t too impressed with Trumps economic plan

Who knew threatening to audit the Federal government would be met with a giant “Meh”

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7c75be No.21538957


it was interesting and useful to learn about [their] mentality and tricky language skills tricks. it IS a long listen, but worth it towards fitting many more puzzle pieces how this works on innocent people all over the world.

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2e21cc No.21538958


mankind is already immortal

where you will reside forever is key

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7bf994 No.21538959

File: fe432ce12750823⋯.png (371.6 KB,604x845,604:845,named.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


President Macron has named the EU’s former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France’s next prime minister in a bid to break a post-election political stalemate.

The Élysée Palace said on Thursday that Barnier had been “tasked with forming a unifying government to serve the country and the French”.

Barnier, 73, is a veteran of France’s conservative party, Les Républicains (LR).

Pressure had been building for Macron to name a prime minister two months after a snap election that ended up weakening him, with his own centrist camp losing seats, while other forces on the right and left fell short of an outright majority.



12:54 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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e2f8ba No.21538960


Maybe because the entire economy is being rigged and propped up by government, just like any other socialist oligarchy is?

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bfe6e4 No.21538961

File: f093c07630dcc89⋯.png (879.62 KB,660x990,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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53d777 No.21538963

File: a8ec72626cc63d1⋯.png (875.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ8.png)

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3ebf79 No.21538964


I'll take one tulip bulb for 10,000$

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7bf994 No.21538965

File: 4c5d1acb602ff67⋯.png (591.06 KB,603x724,603:724,oc.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


EXCLUSIVE: Texas-based oil company issued a memo to employees warning them about security concerns from violent migrant gangs.

The gangs are allegedly attacking oil workers and attempting to steal oil, fuel, and copper from oil fields in Texas.


5:04 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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520057 No.21538966


Did that twice, it wouldnt work today

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e2f8ba No.21538967



I mean anons, you got to be really economically illiterate if you think we still have free market capitalism today LOL. That loooo'oooong gone!

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7bf994 No.21538968

File: ca87eb71bc2a1cc⋯.png (23.48 KB,579x289,579:289,win.PNG)


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


🚨BREAKING: We have obtained a restraining order BLOCKING @JoeBiden

and @KamalaHarris

’ newest clandestine illegal student loan scheme.

We filed suit less than 48 hours ago.

This is a HUGE victory for every American who won’t have to pay someone else’s Ivy League debt.

4:51 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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43fdf0 No.21538969

File: ba8cb4900232c25⋯.jpg (48.48 KB,691x361,691:361,Spunky_the_VP.jpg)

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1cdb9d No.21538970

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3ebf79 No.21538971


>won’t have to pay someone else’s Ivy League debt.

I guess all those children of layed off factory workers who got worthless state college degrees can go fuck themselves too

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d3dc56 No.21538972

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posobiec: Biden Navy’s Failure To Secure “Freedom Of Navigation” Has Frightened Out Allies Globally



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e2f8ba No.21538973

File: 84486ea9dd55fa0⋯.jpg (136.32 KB,969x463,969:463,Economic_Cycle_You_Are_Her….jpg)

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7bf994 No.21538974

File: 13b2492c1a01efc⋯.png (479.57 KB,593x727,593:727,nn.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 NEW: CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite and using Trump’s border wall in her new ad

You can’t make this stuff up 🤣

CNN found over FIFTY instances of Kamala slamming Trump’s wall, calling it “useless” and “racist,” and now all the sudden she’s running on building it.


Does anyone actually buy this BS?

4:47 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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a9ded0 No.21538975


Venezuelan gangs have legal representation and authority, too?

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6d1009 No.21538976

Why do Mexican cartels release torture videos of their rivals, but Italian Mafia in their golden years never did such horrific crimes. Is it race? Are non-white races inherently uncivilized?

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7bf994 No.21538977

File: f79e7ba0b73c4c4⋯.png (465.11 KB,588x599,588:599,cir.PNG)


Elon Musk




Peter St Onge, Ph.D.




Jobs collapse as job openings crash by *half a million* and layoffs soar to 1.8 million.

Here come the panic cuts.

1:36 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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352eb5 No.21538978


if you have the right clowns as friends

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6fb054 No.21538979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d4cea9 No.21538980

File: 934c6fc56e913f2⋯.webp (46.15 KB,860x588,215:147,IMG_6566.webp)


Humans never learn

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bf7555 No.21538981


do they have proof?

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b385b6 No.21538982


They were fake jobs?

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1787b4 No.21538983


Because Mayor Adams and his staff are about to go down, HARD.

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7bf994 No.21538984

File: b54eaf55e9949c0⋯.png (286.42 KB,591x484,591:484,tage.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


“She Has Such an Expressive and Contagious Laughter” – Putin Says He Supports Kamala Harris in U.S. Presidential Election

From thegatewaypundit.com

3:49 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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2658e2 No.21538985

Warehouses full of American dollars sitting in Venezuela waiting to be dumped in this country.

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7bf994 No.21538986

File: 284d6274edf0707⋯.png (503.69 KB,595x685,119:137,wo.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Far-left Democrat activist Judge David Carpenter let m*rder suspect Raukeem Cunningham out on a $30,000 bond for a sh**ting he carried out in 2022.

Over Labor Day weekend, Cunnigham shot and k*IIed THREE more people while out on bond awaiting trial.

This is the kind of "justice" you can expect with a Kamala Presidency.



Rate proposed Community Notes

4:10 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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1f4685 No.21538987


An open ally of China stabs America in the back. Shocking.

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ac67a8 No.21538988



The FDNY Ceremonial Unit

The FDNY Ceremonial Unit is an element of the Bureau of Training.

The unit is composed of about fifty fire captains, lieutenants and firefighters, and EMS captains, lieutenants, paramedics, and EMTs, who volunteer their time in addition to their primary duties.

Unit personnel coordinate and manage a variety of events including promotions, parades, memorial services, funerals, and other ceremonies in which the FDNY participates.

The unit operates a twelve-seat model 2500 2010 Freightliner with a custom Sprinter body to transport personnel, flags, a podium, and portable speaker systems.

The vehicle was funded by the Brooklyn Borough president. A trailer was donated by the Honorary Fire Officers Association.


9/11 coming up probably rehearsal for ceremony.

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208052 No.21538989


Nat Guard all over NY - previosuly stated as for the sentencing of POTUS…

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e2f8ba No.21538990


Fiat debt bubbles never last forever……

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ee348c No.21538991

File: 64bdefaa86f500c⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,1080x1920,9:16,VID_20240904_143138_868.mp4)

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2e21cc No.21538992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Houthi and the blowfish kicking the USN's ass

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a9ded0 No.21538993


the cocaine beach bums cannot be bothered over such trivialities

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6fb054 No.21538994


This stupid shit ends.

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7bf994 No.21538995

File: 3e01fb2071a8d32⋯.png (120.63 KB,599x560,599:560,mt.PNG)




My Story.

My Perspective.

The Truth.


12:59 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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a868a4 No.21538996

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB,560x672,5:6,b8f7859e9c4d57eb5cd1eb9d93….gif)


Thank you Baker :)

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7bf994 No.21538997

File: e8b08e6dd967794⋯.png (690.28 KB,619x887,619:887,flotus_1.PNG)

File: 65db3c3cefa34de⋯.png (374.89 KB,631x420,631:420,FLOTUS.PNG)


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483ca2 No.21538998

File: 91f2fb349556159⋯.webm (2.9 MB,528x528,1:1,gifputinseriousshit.webm)


>Expressive and Contagious Laughter

top kek

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3c2116 No.21538999

File: 8fab861cf027241⋯.webm (645.3 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered12.webm)


>Gonna be a comfy night, frens

Will it be, imposter? Little failfag. I'm not the broken satanic faggot running an imitation routine because you don't know what to do anymoar, and I'm the one that you copy while you rant about trademarks and copyrights and licenses and fame and personality. Like you accuse Mr. Pig of being a cheap knockoff of Catturd, I accuse you of being a cheap imitation of me. Later, clown.

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8e3fb6 No.21539000


The Spanish were unable to purge the Aztec completely

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e2f8ba No.21539001


This just proves one thing: we live under communist tyranny today. The next stage is economic and social collapse, so be prepared for it.

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f13324 No.21539002

File: 03e67799503b186⋯.mp4 (750.38 KB,480x270,16:9,My_Story_My_Perspective_Th….mp4)

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483ca2 No.21539003


>12:59 AM

= 17

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6fb054 No.21539004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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25d1c9 No.21539005

File: be21d9703bc0858⋯.png (809.52 KB,942x939,314:313,John_Fetterman_on_X_Wheels….png)

File: e79ad01242bb542⋯.jpg (459.11 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Fettermans_Kamala.jpg)

John Fetterman


Wheels down in Pixburgh with our NEXT PRESIDENT, @KamalaHarris!

1:09 PM · Sep 5, 2024


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e2f8ba No.21539006

File: 777ae4c2d65f2af⋯.jpg (138.74 KB,1000x382,500:191,Empire_of_Lies.jpg)

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7bf994 No.21539007

File: e86c9b7465703d7⋯.png (452.02 KB,918x672,153:112,Watergate.PNG)

File: bf4c98d4c8e2672⋯.png (736.58 KB,600x833,600:833,price.PNG)


Greg Price


It turns out the bakery that Sen. Tina Smith and Tim Walz are at in this photo, Daube's Cakes, closed its doors for good after over 30 years in June 2020 due to Walz' covid lockdowns


Tina Smith



Sep 4

Can confirm! x.com/fox9/status/18…


Rate proposed Community Notes

Rate proposed Community Notes

3:01 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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ac67a8 No.21539008


NiceDark to Light

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6c6078 No.21539009



The model is Bibi./








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e769d8 No.21539010





–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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38745a No.21539011

File: c38fb527bc8b4a6⋯.png (298.95 KB,600x490,60:49,ClipboardImage.png)

yea right

this mother fucker won't go to prison

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1c0542 No.21539012


Uh, pardon?

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2658e2 No.21539013

File: fa5b411a01857e7⋯.png (151.72 KB,284x250,142:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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208052 No.21539014


>Wheels down

Heels up…

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7bf994 No.21539015

File: 40922f98ae95004⋯.jpg (47.45 KB,724x630,362:315,water_gate3.JPG)



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43fdf0 No.21539016

File: aac432553663469⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,640x480,4:3,Bingo.jpg)

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d4cea9 No.21539017

File: 9c21c7bf0f3ecb2⋯.png (3.88 MB,1370x1300,137:130,IMG_5684.png)


Silent generation vs Soviet generation

Commie endgame

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6c6078 No.21539018

File: cce4f780f2676ff⋯.png (824.83 KB,644x754,322:377,ClipboardImage.png)


We are interested in why your fans and facial dimensions keep changing.///

It's almost like you think we didn't notice./

We laugh every time your mask peals off in public to expose your beautiful freckles./


You should just take it off and be yourself./

I'd pay you to do that./


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2658e2 No.21539019

File: 5aa70d91dc86f0b⋯.png (371.09 KB,731x301,17:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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25d1c9 No.21539020

File: 392891043c2f813⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,480x360,4:3,Justice_Clarence_Thomas_as….mp4)

Mark Paoletta


Justice Clarence Thomas as Grand Marshal of the Daytona 500 in 1999.

Has anyone done it better?


12:58 PM · Sep 4, 2024


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37f85e No.21539021

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7b9461 No.21539022

File: 55b9031c3686d6c⋯.png (69.62 KB,700x1135,140:227,abAzeZb_700bwp.png)

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0f0e80 No.21539024


Annnnnd the National Guard?

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37f85e No.21539025

File: 91425dc9fb696d2⋯.png (567.9 KB,731x786,731:786,ClipboardImage.png)

Suicide Weekend off to an early start

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bafd72 No.21539026

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)


>Donald Trump is due to be sentenced on September 18th

Would be good idea to have a fully stocked fridge and lots of TP by the 17th.

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38745a No.21539027


guarantee that was part of the deal with his daddy stepping down

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7bf994 No.21539028

File: bfd96214d8c7419⋯.png (621.41 KB,677x576,677:576,brot.PNG)

File: b312515645c4d82⋯.png (133.37 KB,598x577,598:577,bro.PNG)


Elon Musk


I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises.

No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.


The Redheaded libertarian




Hell yeah brotha


1:34 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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2e0994 No.21539029


Surprisingly so many Americans come out to defend Putin. Truly I don't understand why they don't just move to Russia?

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b5bc4e No.21539030

Speaker at campaign event just introduced Walz as the next president of the United States.

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7bf994 No.21539031

File: 98aaa0c48046f0d⋯.png (381.43 KB,596x527,596:527,nod.PNG)


End Wokeness


"You should write laws for black people. Don't group us in with everybody else."

Kamala Harris, nodding: "That's right"

1:43 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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3c2116 No.21539032

File: f6b06714c6a91dc⋯.jpg (173.96 KB,960x625,192:125,willow2.jpg)

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61772e No.21539033

File: 407036d424062dc⋯.jpg (7.92 KB,255x145,51:29,Putin_Nyet_Hit.jpg)

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7bf994 No.21539034


write laws ?

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38745a No.21539035

File: 8a0ec69e95254af⋯.png (1.37 MB,1238x937,1238:937,ClipboardImage.png)


>lots of TP

people still use tp?

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e2f8ba No.21539036


You should have been doing preps like that 10 years ago anon, wtf? Yah, get what you need NOW. Have stockups, and any food will need rotation from time to time so date it and keep it in order by date to rotate through and replace it. Also store wholesale bulk like rice, beans, grits, pasta in totes (to keep out rodents and bugs).

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3e4bc5 No.21539037

File: e6c1f136fae1671⋯.png (1.09 MB,964x968,241:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e21cc No.21539038


>Surprisingly so many Americans come out to defend Putin.

Ukraine declared that they fight for the NWO.

Putin is enemy #1of the NWO.

MAGA enemy #2

fuq the NWO assclowns

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bfd630 No.21539039

Emerson College Poll = FAKE

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3c2116 No.21539040

File: 4725fea72bba1dc⋯.jpg (31.34 KB,473x545,473:545,browsmoar.jpg)


>people still use tp?

The fuck's the TP?

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1c0542 No.21539041

What would happen and who would respond if a gang of illegal migrants took over an oil refinery?

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7bf994 No.21539042

File: a066f4ee8cc361e⋯.png (465.49 KB,591x785,591:785,fr.PNG)




- He was arrested after a security guard caught him filming up the skirts of women at a supermarket

- Police found a file labelled “abuses” on a USB drive with 20,000 images and films of his wife being raped almost 100 times

- He obtained 450 sleeping pills in 1 year alone…



Square profile picture

FRANCE 24 English



Sep 2

🇫🇷 A #French pensioner went on trial Monday accused of recruiting dozens of strangers online to #rape his wife after he #drugged her into unconsciouness.

Fifty other men are also on trial in #Avignon for allegedly participating in the abuse.

@emeraldmaxwell has the story ⤵️

Show more

3:43 AM · Sep 3, 2024




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2bf742 No.21539043

File: 3033f299fa28f39⋯.png (152.62 KB,941x854,941:854,ClipboardImage.png)


Which one?

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61772e No.21539044


We have a new troll master 5 million

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2e0994 No.21539045


>Putin is enemy #1 of the NWO

Who the fuck is Russia? So many countries are under duress so if they are always coming out to defend Russia wouldn't that make them a Russian Agent? Ukraine and Russia have some ancient beef the same way Iran and Israel do - what does that have to do with everyone else?

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e769d8 No.21539046


I know its Kamala, but holy shit man, if you are at work, at least wear a suit out of respect for the position you hold.

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5c02c8 No.21539047


Instead of writing a worthless memo, the owner of the company needs to get off his lazy ass and exterminate the pests.

He's responsible for providing a safe work environment for his American employees.

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a868a4 No.21539048


Thank you for this post anon.

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6c6078 No.21539049


>Which one?

That maks has seen beetter days… rips… tares… gross material inside… snot…//

Ugh… when is this over.//





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508080 No.21539050


>Colt Gray

Horse Pale?

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e2f8ba No.21539051



Remember the essentials you need to live: food, water, shelter, sanitation supplies, medical supplies, weapons. Think of whatever else you might need and have some stock of it. Costco and Sams Club sell bulk. Maybe Walmart online does too. When SHTF this stuff will be grabbed all up, inventories run dry and will become barter items, hard to find elsewhere.

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7bf994 No.21539052

File: 863b6e4d1d6d96e⋯.png (387.42 KB,597x757,597:757,h.PNG)


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Welcome to New York Sh*tty.

Elections have consequences.

1:11 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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ac67a8 No.21539053


If it is martial law being invoked why is the fire department there?

What role would the band of the NY fire department, the colour party and parade vehicles have in enforcingartial law.

Guard and other military units would participate in a national memorial to 9/11 would they not?

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6fb054 No.21539054


An absolute carnival of Kinetic And chaotic self destruction.

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2e21cc No.21539056


you got your answer

don't cry about it

BTW the CCP is the NWO's wünderkind

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7bf994 No.21539057

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB,720x844,180:211,I_O_go.PNG)

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38a693 No.21539058

File: 7ef7d610d1b6a2b⋯.jpg (371.52 KB,1024x768,4:3,Liberty_Crying.jpg)

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88f6f0 No.21539059

File: 2de6dc754bb59b2⋯.jpg (69.34 KB,670x865,134:173,Screenshot_20240905_181541….jpg)


Potato head interchangeable

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ac67a8 No.21539060



Enforcing martial

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bfe6e4 No.21539061

File: 7e5b3ade2a45a93⋯.png (107.83 KB,589x628,589:628,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e526260cc204f7a⋯.png (90.66 KB,680x588,170:147,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk


Birth rates continue to plummet.

Population collapse is a certainty.

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6d1009 No.21539063

Q. You've said "These people are SICK" and "We have it all".

Do you have video footage of the human sacrifice sex rituals these people do?

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61772e No.21539064

File: 310c58d29959ca1⋯.png (301.61 KB,352x394,176:197,ClipboardImage.png)


Cojoined twin is best twin

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2e0994 No.21539066


Some American citizens protest for Israel, some for Palestine because they have some sort of connection to them. So if you are in support of Russia… why? My concern is Russia sticking their dicks into places I don't want them. Watch your shit or I'll shitpost you to the ground like I'm doing anyways until you give me a reason not to.

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7bf994 No.21539067

File: eb26f814d749346⋯.png (13.38 KB,593x160,593:160,pur.PNG)




The typical homebuyer’s down payment was 18.6% of the purchase price in June, the highest level in over a decade and up from 15% a year earlier.

11:57 PM · Sep 4, 2024




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2e21cc No.21539068


>Which one?


Joe just reads the lines

Harris is happy to do the same

Lumpy is just the same but on a smaller scale

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bfd630 No.21539069

File: ce5a7571ac11630⋯.png (161.22 KB,680x373,680:373,ClipboardImage.png)


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6c6078 No.21539070


>Do you have video footage of the human sacrifice sex rituals these people do?

They do it for a FEELING OF POWER.//

I just destroyed that feeling of power./

You will never again feel powerful but shameful for having any sex rituals with human sacrifice in it./


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e2f8ba No.21539071


I agree. But don't get too cozy with Putin, he is only doing what is in the interest of Russia and Russia ONLY, not necessarily for you or anyone else for that matter.

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6fb054 No.21539072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3c2116 No.21539073

File: bf1d456dbfcfd86⋯.gif (1.01 MB,320x180,16:9,ready44.gif)

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6d1009 No.21539074


i recognize your shill formatting of using "/" characters. Filtered.

Everyone filter this guy when you see him.

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61772e No.21539075


they'll come-a-knockin, jack boot style

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7bf994 No.21539076

File: a1a22fef752359a⋯.png (13.58 KB,586x181,586:181,haw.PNG)




Hawaii is the most expensive place for renters in the US, where a renter can expect to spend a $600,000 for just over a decade of renting, per FORTUNE.

12:37 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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a868a4 No.21539077




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6d1009 No.21539078


>jack boot style

anti-police shill detected. Filtered.

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6c6078 No.21539079


>Everyone filter this guy when you see him.

Do you think everyone is as dumb as you.//

No one cares of your shillery shills./

We are here./




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ee348c No.21539080


He faces the maximum sentence 17 year's in prison. KeK

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80a8fa No.21539081

just past @200

still entertaining handoffs


#26387 >>21538838

>>21538853 Former CA Dem. Senate Leader Gloria Romero Switches to Republican Will Vote TRUMP

>>21538859, >>21538907 Tenn Police Chief investigating MAJOR corruption in Tennessee raided by same state bureau he's investigating

>>21538896 Republican Jewish Coalition Gathers, as More Jews Consider Voting Trump

>>21538900 In Wyoming 1 moose and more than 50 cattle have died of anthrax in the past month

>>21538903 @America1stLegal just sued Judge Merchan financial disclosures from 2018-2024

>>21538910 moar "alleged the property is one of several Aurora complexes under the control of the Tren de Aragua gang"

>>21538917 @BabylonBee kek - one last Russian collusion hoax

>>21538926 Hunter Biden indictment calls him a "lobbyist" and documents business deals in Ukraine, China and others

>>21538929 Mike Davis: Joe Biden Will Pardon Hunter Biden After Hunter's Offered Plea Deal

>>21538933 @JamesOKeefeIII - on the satisfaction of being the news now

>>21538940 Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart All Authority?

>>21538953 Veeps campaigning today

>>21538959 2 months of France still without a PM

>>21538968 @AGAndrewBailey BREAKING: We have obtained a restraining order BLOCKING student loan bailouts

>>21538972 Biden Navy’s Failure To Secure “Freedom Of Navigation” Has Frightened Out Allies Globally

>>21538974 CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite on the border wall

>>21538977 Jobs collapse as job openings crash by *half a million* and layoffs soar to 1.8 million.

>>21538986 Far-left Democrat activist Judge David Carpenter let murder suspect free to kill THREE MORE PEOPLE

>>21538995, >>21539002, >>21539008 FLOTUS ~ MELANIA ~ My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21539005 @JohnFetterman Wheels down in Pixburgh with Heels Up

>>21539028 @elonmusk I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed

>>21539031 Kamala agrees she should write laws just for black people

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61772e No.21539082


he just got filtered so hard. (no homo)

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90f348 No.21539083


pay more down for a over inflated value of a home created by the fraudulent market for a home you will then be charged taxes on based upon imaginary future value and taxes .

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b5bc4e No.21539084

Walz: Our farmers aren't getting rich right now, they're getting three ninety for corn. Somebody in the middle is, and those folks need to stop price-gouging us.

[it's not price gouging, it's Biden/Harris runaway inflation]

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61772e No.21539085


C'mon Agent, can't we still be frens?

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7bf994 No.21539086

File: 4fb28d9d4657d69⋯.png (181.9 KB,602x833,86:119,v.PNG)


Harrison H. Smith ✞


Very disturbing development.

We are not at war with Russia but they are enacting war-time press controls.

They claim that TENET is “spreading division” by reporting on domestic issues like immigration.

Thats what is happening here. The US government is saying “by being critical of our policies, you are weakening our unity, which is what our enemies want. Therefore, criticism of our domestic policy is an act of war.”

Very, very bad.



Yashar Ali 🐘



Sep 4


The US Department of Justice alleges that Tenet Media, which has Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin on its roster, received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation.

Tenet is owned and controlled by Lauren

Show more


11:24 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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718ae5 No.21539087

File: 6a4a58f346c8db2⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,1172x769,1172:769,Truth_The_Melania.jpg)

File: 259e4e112cabb81⋯.png (51.77 KB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30b69fefb54ae1e⋯.jpg (105.61 KB,808x968,101:121,Melania_Hottie_5.jpg)


>Stand Up NOW or Live On Your Knees Later


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38a693 No.21539088

File: 9668aadf9cbf253⋯.jpg (567.97 KB,1312x2410,656:1205,HRCCannibal.jpg)

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7bf994 No.21539089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfd630 No.21539090


This trend will reverse once the Rothschild Cult that controls central banks worldwide are exposed and their reign of suppression and subjugation is ended.

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61772e No.21539091


yup. They're all going full tyrant, throughout the rotten and corrupted West

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6d1009 No.21539092


It's weird how in Greek myth, Cronus eats all his first-born sons.

And the Caananites of the bible all sacrificed their first borns to their god.

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326db7 No.21539093


The real question is, was Tim Pool and Benny Johnson influenced not to talk about Russia by Tenet due to Russian funding.

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6c6078 No.21539094


>he just got filtered so hard. (no homo)

Where do you think I am now.//

What is that… WATCH IT.//



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e2f8ba No.21539095


Funny, I have used Brazil IPs before using my VPN service and I cannot access Youtube or several other sites using their IPs. Similar happens with European IPs but blocking different sites. I honestly don't trust too many of those IPs anymore. Typically route to smaller more obscure states.

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6fb054 No.21539096



Epstimalah Ruskclinton

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f13324 No.21539097

File: 7b9b13967aae6e9⋯.png (759.45 KB,895x1471,895:1471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d02ac0186bbfaeb⋯.mp4 (7.25 MB,450x360,5:4,Robert_F_Kennedy_Jr_Says_B….mp4)

🚩 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich Himself

"I've written a book about him and what he calls 'Philanthrocapitalism' which is you use philanthropy to make yourself rich…and that's what he's done again and again…The real tell was what happened with the DTP vaccine…The girls who were getting that vaccine at six months of age were ten times more likely to d*e over the next six months as children who didn't get it…And those scientists started speaking up and saying, you gotta discontinue this vaccine and…Gates made sure their careers were destroyed. So that's when I understood that he actually understands what he was doing. And, you know, this is not just him being hypnotized. He knows that this is wrong because this science was indisputable. And it really made me wonder about what his motivations are."


Full Interview: https://t.co/ETHGmPYt9C

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2e21cc No.21539099


> he is only doing what is in the interest of Russia and Russia ONLY,

I am cool with that. They no longer have their Soviet area desire of world domination. Russia first for the Russian people is fine with me.

America fist should be our priority.

Make no mistake the CCP wants world domination and democrats would be happy serving them as regional powers.

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bfd630 No.21539100


They both had no idea who was funding who.

But we know Ukraine and China were and are funding THE PRESIDENT, and half of Congress

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e769d8 No.21539101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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88f6f0 No.21539102

Megyn Kelly



"The WH was telling Zuckerberg if you don't silence our political critics, we are gonna take away Section 230," Kennedy relayed to Tucker. "Zuckerberg was terrified." Every tech leader is terrified.…The Democratic Party understands this.” Great piece by @burackbobby_

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b5bc4e No.21539103

Walz: [President Trump] tried to violently overthrow our democratic government.

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6d1009 No.21539104


>Megyn Kelly

she's so pro-jewish, it's insane.

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61772e No.21539105


they're effectively shared IP's and often are already blocked by sites, let alone what that IP may have previously been doing - which is now linked to yourself…. Not sure about that.

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d3dc56 No.21539106

File: 09ddfe92d56510e⋯.mp4 (6.67 MB,636x360,53:30,TRUMPWALLTHEFT_17255749019….mp4)


Nick Sortor


NEW: CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite and using Trump’s border wall in her new ad You can’t make this stuff up.

CNN found over FIFTY instances of Kamala slamming Trump’s wall, calling it “useless” and “racist,” and now all the sudden she’s running on building it. SHE’S THE ONE WHO CANCELLED IT. Does anyone actually buy this BS?


11:47 AM · Sep 5, 2024



video attached


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e2f8ba No.21539107


That is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment even during war time. Americans HAVE A RIGHT to disagree with their government!!!

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bfd630 No.21539108


you're so anti-jewish it's insane.

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bfe6e4 No.21539109

agreed - many things will improve with Trump 2.0 >>21539090

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0f0e80 No.21539110


>What role would the band of the NY fire department, the colour party and parade vehicles have in enforcingartial law.

I was wondering the same thing

>Guard and other military units would participate in a national memorial to 9/11 would they not?

Sure, but do the all practice together? I have no idea really. The whole video post seemed a bit REEEEEEEEE

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ea317a No.21539111

File: ed13ecd64af8e4f⋯.jpg (254.16 KB,980x552,245:138,121223012926_06_obama_face….jpg)

File: a4d5e1f4782eba3⋯.jpeg (62.08 KB,653x1024,653:1024,ann_dunham_fccc757d_3f72_….jpeg)

File: d1621b6d0fa7c59⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,474x316,3:2,th_492903718.jpg)

File: e22d63ad8369614⋯.jpg (226.21 KB,3000x2000,3:2,thomas_matthew_crooks_2344….jpg)

File: 25b62da083810b8⋯.jpg (18.33 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_480193608.jpg)


That's Shakespean, jussayin, and weird.

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61772e No.21539112

File: 526b72c64366944⋯.gif (1.63 MB,480x270,16:9,Putin_Blowing_A_Kiss.gif)

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326db7 No.21539113


I'm just saying were they influenced to not talk about Russia, because I can't recall them ever talking about Russia.

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a9ded0 No.21539114


missionary work in action

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90f348 No.21539115


goes back to that Tick Tok law they passed. These are direct attacks against the media and even if it was war time we are not in an active war with RUSSIA, unless they want to finally admit it openly that it is not just about Ukraine.

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17492c No.21539116


tired of zuckercucks jewsplainin'

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6fb054 No.21539117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Shutdown the Evil Carnival

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5825a9 No.21539118


Hi I Q.

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61772e No.21539119

File: e76c9836bf18254⋯.jpg (174.36 KB,760x507,760:507,Trump_2_0.jpg)

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b5bc4e No.21539120

Walz: There's not a single economist in the country, or any banker, anybody else who knows anything about economics, that does not believe the tariffs he's proposing [President Trump] will not fall right on you, in the products that you buy.

[then why didn't that happen in his first term?]

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f97af6 No.21539121


You know its some deep embedded old guard swamp creature leos if you hear russia, russia, russia, as the bad guys.

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c72752 No.21539122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember November 5th

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d3dc56 No.21539123


This is very interesting, ever since Trump complimented Bash and Tapper for the debate, they are now showing the lies of Kamattack, and Trump owns the wall.

A few compliments goes a long way.

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e2f8ba No.21539124


Well VPNs have such huge client bases that any single IP could be used by 100+ clients at any given time. It's not like they have it all dedicated to one specific user that wouldn't work and would be too painstaking.

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17492c No.21539125

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120614 No.21539126

File: c7d6987f5371396⋯.jpg (115.18 KB,806x823,806:823,whys.JPG)

What the hell????

Trump admits he lost in 2020, leading white nationalist Nick Fuentes to disavow him


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718ae5 No.21539127

File: afad4ff97f28860⋯.png (30.26 KB,788x185,788:185,ClipboardImage.png)



The tax charges carry a maximum sentence of17 years, although Biden’s sentence would likely be lower. Biden was convicted in June of three federal gun charges for lying about using drugs when he bought a handgun in 2018. The gun charges carry a maximum 25-year sentence.



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90f348 No.21539128


the are against the war in Ukraine, that is not a crime.

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326db7 No.21539129


I say this because Trump plans to end that war, whereas Biden is just juicing the fuck out of it. So Putin would not want Trump to win technically otherwise Putin just wasted a lot of effort.

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bfe6e4 No.21539130




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e769d8 No.21539131

File: 9012989236524af⋯.mp4 (181 KB,848x544,53:34,stupid_hat.mp4)

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a868a4 No.21539132

File: 130e627664dba30⋯.png (25.09 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage250.png)

Frame of reference.

A cylinder will become a circle or a square.

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e2f8ba No.21539133



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f13324 No.21539134

File: f0d38e74a99a1d4⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB,450x360,5:4,Dr_Vinay_Prasad_COOKS_the_….mp4)


>That is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment even during war time. Americans HAVE A RIGHT to disagree with their government!!!

damn straight

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759608 No.21539135

File: 04c339d245fa920⋯.jpg (127.61 KB,824x500,206:125,fakenewscontrol.jpg)




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61772e No.21539136


I made it in 2020… but ya know, maybe this time.

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88f6f0 No.21539137

Rapper Rich Homie Quan dead at 33

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fa3138 No.21539138

File: 987f660d0000c43⋯.png (395.56 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_183117.png)

File: 70eb1fb92813858⋯.png (55.61 KB,766x540,383:270,759.png)

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6a84c9 No.21539139

Still nothing happening

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326db7 No.21539140


War will never end that is not my point. My point is why are Americans favoring Russia who is invading other countries so by default they are now definitely suspicious intentions. If you wanna go back thousands of years in history I will find a reason to invade you.

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6fb054 No.21539141

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f13324 No.21539142

File: 539c6965b9f85aa⋯.png (455.86 KB,640x512,5:4,539c6965b9f85aaaaceace2b99….png)

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6c6078 No.21539143


There is nothing you can do./


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3c2116 No.21539144

File: a3eaa08c4c69904⋯.gif (3.68 MB,320x180,16:9,it_comes_in_3s.gif)

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90f348 No.21539145


Did Nato encroach on their territory violating the previous agreements with Russia?

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ea317a No.21539146

File: a4d5e1f4782eba3⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.08 KB,653x1024,653:1024,ann_dunham_fccc757d_3f72_….jpeg)

File: 8d533961f800696⋯.jpg (729.06 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153143….jpg)

File: 5a55bc80358d969⋯.jpg (129.86 KB,1200x750,8:5,dawn_wells_mary_ann_gillig….jpg)

File: 692d489eede6b0a⋯.jpg (46.3 KB,640x786,320:393,laura_branigan_19_42948751….jpg)

File: d1621b6d0fa7c59⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,474x316,3:2,th_492903718.jpg)



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65ee2c No.21539147

File: fb0453667f6d713⋯.jpeg (30.7 KB,164x193,164:193,IMG_2652.jpeg)

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61772e No.21539148

File: 39e21781777f984⋯.png (435.54 KB,783x527,783:527,Two_Moar_Weeks_Thine_Praye….png)



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e2f8ba No.21539149


Absolutely anon. God speed to Putin for saving Russia, I'm just not convinced at all have gives a fuck what happens to us.

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bfe6e4 No.21539150

File: 9997f3f80f1a4da⋯.png (12.17 KB,255x255,1:1,PepeThumbsUp.png)


we remain hopeful

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326db7 No.21539151


Exactly. So how does that make us friends? We are fucking you, and you are fucking us.

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fa3138 No.21539152

File: b8656eef88739c1⋯.png (376.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_183318.png)

File: d5a69a2dae54d71⋯.png (603.23 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_183332.png)

File: 8659daf69764625⋯.png (69.04 KB,766x672,383:336,515_1_.png)

File: b4cfbb888a837e4⋯.png (124.57 KB,766x1382,383:691,1715_4_.png)

File: 77c92ac1e357105⋯.png (43.97 KB,766x496,383:248,1617_2_.png)

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1855f3 No.21539153

File: eb28495f89049db⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB,4032x3024,4:3,C3955190_F94B_421B_B69E_8….jpeg)

The best spots have one rule.

Go to a city and it’s globohomo.

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8e3fb6 No.21539154


>so be prepared for it.

They are behooved to try to round up the veterans first, the question is attempt en masse arrests or try to isolate like the brave FiB did when they killed the 80 year-old crippled vet?

2.1 million Active, Reserves, NG with a bunch deployed

21.6 million veterans, large percentage with combat experience, right INCONUS

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61772e No.21539155



oh no how sad nevermind

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c72752 No.21539156


Putin is using Ronald Reagan's plan, An arms race to bankrupt the USA. It is working 34 trillion in debt and Congress keeps allowing money to be printed.

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7307da No.21539157

File: aeaaa5e3aafa66b⋯.jpg (16.02 KB,225x225,1:1,images_jpeg_10.jpg)


Muhjoo detected proves Anon is not muhjoo and Anons winning.

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f2740f No.21539158

File: e414a0674687c12⋯.jpg (17.98 KB,190x255,38:51,horsesucker.jpg)

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61772e No.21539159


In clam thy trust

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8739c2 No.21539160


Shit has gone south when the President of Russia is more statesman than the clowns we have running around DC right nao


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88f6f0 No.21539161

File: a02a05be1deef97⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,576x1024,9:16,yHtmbbueY0WZX17l.mp4)

Top of the world

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e2f8ba No.21539162


She loses IF enough Americans make sure the voter fraud is not successful.

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90f348 No.21539163


you are weird, fuck off.

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ff564a No.21539164


how long is a fortnight?

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f2740f No.21539165

File: 3a3bef757f1ba0d⋯.mp4 (341.04 KB,640x360,16:9,kamalahitler.mp4)

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8e3fb6 No.21539166


> why are Americans favoring Russia

There's that part where Ukraine is full of actual nazis

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4fb298 No.21539167

So is the 14 yr old shooter a trans kid?

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61772e No.21539168



Russia the Opera.

America the 1 ring circus.

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fa3138 No.21539169

File: 16b3a50a5251aa7⋯.jpeg (158.27 KB,909x1000,909:1000,GWuFB2tXIAAaPm7.jpeg)

File: 59fec5281f4b84e⋯.png (34.72 KB,766x496,383:248,277.png)

File: c250bab1357c9f7⋯.png (74.09 KB,766x896,383:448,385.png)

File: 7260a308f574868⋯.png (298.96 KB,766x2394,383:1197,775.png)

File: b89d8dfc69ac825⋯.png (192.83 KB,766x1420,383:710,73_1_.png)

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bfd630 No.21539170


muhjoo detection always triggers the muhjoos into needing to label anons with an ethnicity as if it is an insult.


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fa3138 No.21539171

File: 4adee16c26b225a⋯.png (781.71 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_183551.png)

File: 679ef7daf69a8d6⋯.png (88.98 KB,766x984,383:492,1040.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539172


I just hope if it comes to that those jackboot thug enforcers get shot at and start getting sniped off, and fear strikes their fucking hearts in terror. I won't be dragged off without a fucking fight for one. Commie bastards.

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bfe6e4 No.21539173

File: 49eb575a8fa01cd⋯.png (269.58 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ae58a4260f64ab⋯.png (249.67 KB,380x680,19:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36f9b11ef494c21⋯.png (112.36 KB,360x308,90:77,ClipboardImage.png)


Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈


The Barrow County Sherrif's Office in Georgia state has released the booking photos of the 14-year-old accused of carrying out a deadly mass shooting at a school on Sept. 4.

Suspect Colt Gray was on the radar of the FBI for allegedly making online threats to shoot up a school last year. He wasn't arrested then.

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326db7 No.21539174


Sounds like you have no argument left.


Wow like a couple dozen Nazis. Also there are Jihadis and all sorts of supremacists everywhere. If they are Nazis then why are they killing White Russians?

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61772e No.21539175

File: a8431252c48d05d⋯.jpg (226.11 KB,800x451,800:451,Team_Joe_Neo_Nazis_Ukraine….jpg)



It's nasty.

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332898 No.21539176

File: c8c38da320c9f0e⋯.png (486.83 KB,396x600,33:50,ClipboardImage.png)


>That is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment even during war time. Americans HAVE A RIGHT to disagree with their government!!!

Alice Paul was charged with 'Obstructing Sidewalk Traffic' and jailed for seven months in October of 1917. Congress had declared war on Germany the previous April. You may HAVE A RIGHT, but your government can easily find a way to TAKE IT AWAY.

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17492c No.21539177

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88f6f0 No.21539178

Waiting for the next administration tp negotiate peace but pro kamel - putin

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6c6078 No.21539179

File: f9db9c9631a5c60⋯.png (583.09 KB,732x840,61:70,ClipboardImage.png)






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208052 No.21539180

File: aa282a85bc1aec3⋯.png (9.25 KB,207x243,23:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e3fb6 No.21539181


>We are fucking you, and you are fucking us

Commonly known as "International Relations"

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fa3138 No.21539182

File: 622bbb22b50727f⋯.png (452.74 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_183926.png)

File: 8a8689aa0e24d47⋯.png (88.13 KB,766x980,383:490,623_1_.png)

File: a53633e39288f34⋯.png (73.76 KB,766x672,383:336,1823.png)

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90f348 No.21539183


being against a war or not picking a side is not a crime. You are a weird faggot. Fuck off.

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8e3fb6 No.21539184


what is a search engine?

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f2740f No.21539185

File: 719a8eae3714cc9⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,226x255,226:255,POTUSElvis.jpg)

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4cf7af No.21539186


ha ha ha

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ea317a No.21539187

File: a4d5e1f4782eba3⋯.jpeg (62.08 KB,653x1024,653:1024,ann_dunham_fccc757d_3f72_….jpeg)

File: 692d489eede6b0a⋯.jpg (46.3 KB,640x786,320:393,laura_branigan_19_42948751….jpg)

File: 51c8954204e2d73⋯.jpg (815.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153725….jpg)

File: 25b62da083810b8⋯.jpg (18.33 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_480193608.jpg)

File: dce236bca27de84⋯.jpg (264.21 KB,750x868,375:434,michelangelo_facts_7_35330….jpg)


…didn't know whether to fuck it or eat it. -Joe Rogan


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e769d8 No.21539189

File: 8352a25f882c4d9⋯.png (6.65 MB,640x476,160:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfe6e4 No.21539190

File: 4e28f5b38f61128⋯.png (432.75 KB,688x565,688:565,ClipboardImage.png)


Slow News Week As Lizard People Clearly Planning Something https://buff.ly/3LeyZqa

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b3fec3 No.21539191



bottom right version is on airport duty

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43fdf0 No.21539192

File: 43e5365cc0329ec⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,43e5365cc0329ec9bef1e07411….png)

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ff564a No.21539193


PUTIN knows that most of american public think hes a villain and whomever he endorses they will think 'we need to vote for the other candidate, keep vlad away' … so actually his endorsement of harris helps PDJT and he knows this .. how come you guys dont?

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326db7 No.21539194


I don't understand what is your argument.

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f2740f No.21539195

File: 65e04381be58baa⋯.jpg (10.77 KB,178x255,178:255,horseswallower.jpg)

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61772e No.21539196


>>21539164 you jest, nigga

Fortnight means "period of two weeks" and comes from Old English feowertyne niht, literally "fourteen nights".

The moar you know.

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90f348 No.21539197


yeah you dont now fuck off you illiterate nigger.

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bfd630 No.21539198

File: 4bffaa43e0dcc03⋯.png (568.42 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Sound familiar?

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0c40c6 No.21539199

File: c05dcca7f55f13e⋯.gif (1.25 MB,459x250,459:250,1671656438492254.gif)

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06b694 No.21539200

File: 98c1e6195f7065e⋯.png (16.32 KB,769x152,769:152,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd7b46623761c7c⋯.png (100.56 KB,584x914,292:457,ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry, first two words were cut off "1st Energy,"

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fa3138 No.21539201

File: b51829741bb2bc8⋯.png (645.05 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_184059.png)

File: 15d8026bc01b2ef⋯.png (693.85 KB,766x2526,383:1263,437_3_.png)

File: 522c05b7560eece⋯.png (227.58 KB,766x2350,383:1175,1637_1_.png)


alot of therapists comms 1637

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ff564a No.21539202


okay okay, i looked it meself …

A fortnight is a unit of time equal to 14 days (two weeks). The word derives from the Old English term fēowertīene niht, meaning "fourteen nights" (or "fourteen days", since the Anglo-Saxons counted by nights).

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38a693 No.21539203

File: a035912ec149cf5⋯.jpg (299.02 KB,1330x1312,665:656,HRC_Chicago.jpg)

File: 13f7e84ce8d8c1c⋯.png (472.75 KB,2164x1960,541:490,HRC_Chicago.png)

LOTS of seats available for HRC's Chicago event.

LOTS of seats.

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1855f3 No.21539204


He looks just like all the people I see when I go to a big city.

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a868a4 No.21539205


>Fencepost wants a sugar cube<

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a2a14f No.21539206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From 38:28 to 39:36, much of the storybook reading was shown BUT they left out the five most important words that were read, KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST.

Why would this documentary on 9/11 leave those five words out completely but leave ALL that other reading in? Thoughts?


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326db7 No.21539207


Sounds like I'm over target.

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43fdf0 No.21539208

File: 5197daf3efa350f⋯.png (177.69 KB,400x400,1:1,2d0e09374a53412589c5608107….png)


Right there.

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bfd630 No.21539209

File: 4f79c0380b42ef1⋯.png (505.13 KB,460x475,92:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f79c0380b42ef1⋯.png (505.13 KB,460x475,92:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f79c0380b42ef1⋯.png (505.13 KB,460x475,92:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f79c0380b42ef1⋯.png (505.13 KB,460x475,92:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f79c0380b42ef1⋯.png (505.13 KB,460x475,92:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539210


He likes to troll his opponents too anon.

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90f348 No.21539211


it has a multitude of effects, he knows it helps Trump it should be obvious but its funny still that he did it .

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bfd630 No.21539212

File: e22a49c8079970f⋯.png (781.84 KB,645x680,129:136,ClipboardImage.png)

When are these traitors going to be indicted for election interference?

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326db7 No.21539213


Trump has openly said he will end his war on Ukraine. So why would Putin want Trump to win?

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a2a14f No.21539214

File: 11ca566d85d236a⋯.png (2.79 MB,1400x1390,140:139,Kite_Hit_Steel_Plane_Must.png)



>From 38:28 to 39:36, much of the storybook reading was shown BUT they left out the five most important words that were read, KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST.

>Why would this documentary on 9/11 leave those five words out completely but leave ALL that other reading in? Thoughts?


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61772e No.21539215


'Communist' and 'Community' are very close aren't they. I just noticed.

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ea317a No.21539216

File: 51c8954204e2d73⋯.jpg (815.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153725….jpg)

File: 92df55db7dcd0c3⋯.jpg (387.42 KB,2000x1270,200:127,penny_marshall_GettyImages….jpg)

File: 038fb3127d194f8⋯.jpg (641.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_154403….jpg)

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8e3fb6 No.21539217


Keep in mind the only shill tactic that ever had any effect around here is start arguments to waste bread to bury goodies into Previously Collected and memory-hole in the archives.

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bfe6e4 No.21539218

File: b6b6e26aa733076⋯.png (485.22 KB,604x680,151:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff564a No.21539219

oct 13 is when the pope and phillip killed the templars


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fa3138 No.21539220

File: f924acc7ae47046⋯.png (605.29 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_184410.png)

File: ec5ba933967c56e⋯.png (36.89 KB,766x496,383:248,601_4_.png)

File: 006652003e02377⋯.png (119.65 KB,766x1294,383:647,1801_3_.png)

File: 6655667b84531d1⋯.jpeg (87.09 KB,799x533,799:533,GWvp8IOXQAATe80.jpeg)

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7c75be No.21539221

File: 1276e0896c3bc1b⋯.webp (32.04 KB,520x369,520:369,Oil_Refinery.webp)

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61772e No.21539222


It's a pattern for her next purple sack fashion show.

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f2740f No.21539223

File: 88ff5eb74177f94⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,255x255,1:1,punisher.jpg)

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208052 No.21539224

File: 5e5de5c5ba8b390⋯.png (447.13 KB,451x526,451:526,hrc_wall_mount.png)


Chek't & kek'd

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0e683a No.21539225

File: 1a9182a53bba947⋯.png (1.25 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dd56c291397dbc⋯.png (619.27 KB,1485x1000,297:200,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f646e8a8d7132a2⋯.png (2.09 MB,1602x1092,267:182,ClipboardImage.png)

USA - Navy Boeing EA-18G Growler 169210.


The Boeing EA-18G Growler is an American carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft, a specialized version of the two-seat Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet.


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e2f8ba No.21539226


I loved Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams. RIP. I still have dreams of dumping whiskey all over their hot bodies, throwing them both onto a couch, binge drinking with them and rubbing our alcohol soaked bodies all over one another hot damn diggity do.

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90f348 No.21539227


yeah of having you aids.

Being against war is not a crime, reporting on things is not a crime. Supporting Russia is not a crime as America is not at war with them and even if it was still not a crime.

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b5bc4e No.21539228

Walz: We are in the big game. All of us. Fourth quarter. We're down a field goal. Clock is ticking. And we're the underdogs at this point.

[you are underdogs, but down way more than a field goal]

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61772e No.21539229


anyone who doesn't see this is a fucktard or a shill.

Putin is troll master

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a2a14f No.21539230

Correction, watch from 31:11 to 39:36, with no mention of Kite Hit Steel Plane Must




From 31:11 to 39:36, much of the storybook reading was shown BUT they left out the five most important words that were read, KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST.

Why would this documentary on 9/11 leave those five words out completely but leave ALL that other reading in? Thoughts?


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1855f3 No.21539231


Two black guys sharing thoughts.

The outcome is amazing.

Probably every one that listens loses 40 IQ points. You

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ea317a No.21539232

File: e22d63ad8369614⋯.jpg (226.21 KB,3000x2000,3:2,thomas_matthew_crooks_2344….jpg)

File: 7e87b47f668d1ad⋯.jpg (100.76 KB,770x1045,14:19,2805085_PNPSAQGK_7_2796424….jpg)

File: 8d533961f800696⋯.jpg (729.06 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153143….jpg)

File: 25b62da083810b8⋯.jpg (18.33 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_480193608.jpg)











C. What I did there?

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5dc1ff No.21539233

File: 960a9edb392ba18⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,1624x586,812:293,fetterman_bongo_dance.mp4)

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fa3138 No.21539234

File: 50a6c728deb6dca⋯.png (970.23 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_184542.png)

File: 82fcde6c917e26f⋯.png (1.15 MB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_184550.png)

File: 9e5d5ee0e9a53b2⋯.png (186.85 KB,766x1288,383:644,15_2_.png)

File: a5877926dbb2886⋯.jpeg (369.08 KB,1033x1271,1033:1271,GWvj68eWEAA5HJ0.jpeg)

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61772e No.21539235


I'll add muhself to her list

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6c6078 No.21539236


Good eyes on teeth, anon./


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483ca2 No.21539237

File: 5bc9887cae75a59⋯.png (8.34 KB,234x127,234:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81d3bcc58101c4a⋯.png (9.17 KB,288x142,144:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfe6e4 No.21539238

File: 949e5bd242726f0⋯.png (525.3 KB,588x680,147:170,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bd5d7a500d4402⋯.png (433.89 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a371b444bec55e9⋯.png (456.39 KB,680x638,340:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0862c9cf9f7ebcd⋯.png (444.7 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dcf7146388900b⋯.png (452.95 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539239


Oh no…..

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f2740f No.21539240

File: 11bafea880141b2⋯.png (10.98 KB,255x209,255:209,Horseguzzler.png)

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fa3138 No.21539241

File: 8e0bf79f1362360⋯.png (413.02 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_184827.png)

File: 8a6af076c7a2bdd⋯.jpeg (495.5 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWq_5wka8AI_OpY.jpeg)

File: 51c5e0c3cfb6993⋯.jpeg (542.57 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,GWq_7TqbMAAejD6.jpeg)


3 moons

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6c6078 No.21539242


>Oh no…..

What's a matter.. did things just get dimmer.//



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483ca2 No.21539243

File: 81e30bd331cd4f8⋯.png (11.54 KB,256x152,32:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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90f348 No.21539244


meh they need to be told to fuck off. This attack by the DOJ against Tenent a company even if it was formed by RT I would presume would have the same protections as any other company formed on US soil, just like other nations invest in american media and they are trying to just say they are you tube people, but you tube scores more views than cnn any day. This just proves the attack on american citizens by a corrupt DOJ. So the slide is the faggot crying about muh russia.

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61772e No.21539245

File: 7a0292232bdc474⋯.jpeg (137.91 KB,1736x1302,4:3,WTF_Kim_Jong_Un.jpeg)


this is clockfag level tardation

Just choose whatever formula gives the desired outcome?

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4fb298 No.21539246

File: 7ff3d9d4a33e0e7⋯.png (125.42 KB,364x293,364:293,7ff3d9d4a33e0e75d10d8c138d….png)

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a868a4 No.21539247



2nd - Efficiency upgrade - Hydrolysis.

What is a hydrogen on demand system?

How does a hydrogen on demand system improve the performance of a gasoline powered internal combustion engine?

You have more than you know.

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b5bc4e No.21539248

Walz: After what the hell happened in Georgia yesterday, they spend their time banning books instead of banning assault weapons. That is crap.

[the right to have an 'assault weapon' is protected, the smut you want children exposed to is not]

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4cf7af No.21539249


if he is, just another example of how ADULTS are allowed and even encouraged to corrupt children, then the justice system turns around and legally tries the CHILD as an ADULT

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b3fec3 No.21539250

File: d91dc96593475cc⋯.gif (3.76 MB,640x360,16:9,0d7806fee6b172987d64042a7d….gif)

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bfd630 No.21539251

File: 311a5bb8ac8b754⋯.png (193.68 KB,680x489,680:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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38745a No.21539252


fucking sportsball references

just kill me now pls

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3c2116 No.21539253


His math always seemed conveniently arbitrary. I tell ya, it's in the columns of 2, but anyway.

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5dc1ff No.21539254

File: 9a196b32519c8d9⋯.png (330.77 KB,712x1050,356:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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d776a8 No.21539255


>Supporting Russia is not a crime

If you're an American influencer full-time talking about politics supporting Russia or any other foreign country, that is beyond a crime.

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61772e No.21539256


post excerpts from the books in question to his X account.

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483ca2 No.21539257


I do

I will


STFU SP you don't even know what a palindrome is

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7307da No.21539258

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)


Grammer ain't nose joke

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ea317a No.21539259

File: 73731dc1c1afefb⋯.jpg (150.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,kamala_hochul_clintonappho….jpg)

File: 56198a0d5d70161⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,4206x2544,701:424,working_labs_501135793_48b….jpg)

File: 6918f66fe9bd449⋯.jpg (631.74 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240902_061618….jpg)



And, the dimples for this convergent cross

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c72752 No.21539260


In full cartoons as illustrated in the gay sex portion. After all the bots need tampons after getting sodomized and suffering anal prolapse

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bfe6e4 No.21539261

File: 2d863ef5b3f747e⋯.png (69.74 KB,587x372,587:372,ClipboardImage.png)



Hunter Biden’s sentencing has been scheduled for 12/16

Want to know why he pled guilty to all 9 felony charges?

Because if he went to trial and got convicted on even 1 charge, it would have delayed his sentencing date possibly into Trump’s term

No pardon from Trump

Now he is guaranteed to be sentenced before Joe is out and can get a clean pardon from daddy

6:32 PM · Sep 5, 2024


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61772e No.21539262


you carry on, but expect to be called a faggot at some stage.

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4fb298 No.21539263


[They're] growing an army of shooters by trying to fug with kids minds and bodies.

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ff564a No.21539264



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120614 No.21539265


shes cute

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fa3138 No.21539266

File: e771a7c297c1b3b⋯.png (385.01 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_185043.png)

File: e700502f8a4305b⋯.png (269.01 KB,766x1936,383:968,633_1_.png)

File: 7ddee0d15991842⋯.png (896.4 KB,766x1506,383:753,1833_1_.png)

File: 3eaed73a614f294⋯.gif (1.55 MB,360x202,180:101,2uqlee.gif)

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90f348 No.21539267


ok and what if they support America first but still comment on other countries policies when they intersect with American policies and when those people disagree on wasting money on things like OH I don't know wars and weapons to kill people who we as Americans are not in active war or combat with. What about that you sack of literal shit.

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d776a8 No.21539268


Unless it's like a NATO ally or something. Russia and China or any BRICS nation definitely is not an ally.

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483ca2 No.21539269



your ID is quad 7s

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3c2116 No.21539270

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,startrek_pepe3.jpg)


>STFU SP you don't even know what a palindrome is

Oh, yeah, you're the dumbfuck that tried to gaslight that a palindrome wasn't a palindrome. R to L, columns of two, where you start finding dubs. Expand from there. All the old guard retards clamor for the quads and quints, the math in the timestamps is where I get my hardon. I have to filter your stupidity now.

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bf7555 No.21539271


your bias is showing.

plenty of rich people and you blame only one.

do you think those you get names to are the actual names you should be blaming?

bah watever.

follow the crowd. they are always right.

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ff564a No.21539272

File: daadb5018659d35⋯.png (537.93 KB,608x608,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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483ca2 No.21539273



trip 7s

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38745a No.21539274

File: 089cef1c52b0522⋯.png (481.99 KB,563x573,563:573,ClipboardImage.png)


the fix is in

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6c6078 No.21539275

File: 8736362dc7872be⋯.png (92.9 KB,424x176,53:22,ClipboardImage.png)



What happened here./


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718ae5 No.21539276

File: 72061b04a0ba475⋯.jpg (98.63 KB,1280x862,640:431,Point_Hottie_Ass.jpg)


>PUTIN knows

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e2f8ba No.21539277


What about if you are against the war in Ukraine and think America should simply stay out of it, that is it not any of our business nor national interests? That's not exactly "supporting Russia" is it? It's an American point of view of our foreign policy after all.

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61772e No.21539278

File: 91087a18b873255⋯.jpg (100.6 KB,461x600,461:600,Mystery_Pepe_Hood_Eyes_Blo….jpg)

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e74903 No.21539279

File: 3643ee15427820e⋯.png (364.59 KB,1000x871,1000:871,Pepe_3.png)

Anon is watching Redacted. Looks like a good show.

Soldiers Posted in NYC ahead of TRUMP Sentencing, FBI Knew Apalachee Shooter in 2023 | Redacted

Redacted News


Apparently the neighbor, who watches the neighborhood, had never SEEN the shooter at his own home until he the day of the shooting. She did not know him, but knows his two younger siblings.



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483ca2 No.21539280


>I have to filter your stupidity now.

but you wont

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61772e No.21539281


I don't like seeing sand so close to the vagina

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bfe6e4 No.21539282

File: 6e1264bd0b329d7⋯.png (684.56 KB,1018x2048,509:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 553856d2f53827d⋯.png (89.3 KB,332x538,166:269,ClipboardImage.png)


Laura Loomer


Just got this text message from President Trump’s campaign. Trump said he might wear this black MAGA NEVER SURRENDER shirt in 13 days when he’s sentenced by Judge Merchan in New York.

I don’t see any @HouseGOP members talking about how Donald Trump might be sent to Rikers Island in 13 days.

Donald Trump is being sentenced the same day @GovTimWalz is being subpoenaed by the Education and Workforce Committee in Congress.

September 18th is going to be a wild day.

6:11 PM · Sep 5, 2024

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d776a8 No.21539283


Those people are stupid and naive. Very useful to foreign countries to use them to bring down their own country though such as the feminists, LGBTQ, and pro-Palestine people burning their own flags.

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c72752 No.21539284


Unless Joe Croaks and Kamel Toes decides to fuck the Biden family.

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7c75be No.21539285


The most fundamental of natural Right

Deadly Government Worshipers can't comprehend this, that is why [they] are deadly dangerous to Safety and Happiness.

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37f85e No.21539286


love them MIL decodes

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4fb298 No.21539287

File: 2f2229f9079747b⋯.png (187.93 KB,494x355,494:355,2f2229f9079747b5634422c59a….png)

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b124cf No.21539288

File: 349d0703b1eba9d⋯.mp4 (1000.48 KB,640x360,16:9,cff6dea67a.mp4)

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ea317a No.21539289

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

File: d0682eaf98f6de5⋯.jpg (663.83 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125251….jpg)

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648d3f No.21539290

File: fddd6655fde4605⋯.png (711.9 KB,704x836,16:19,savauge.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539291


Absolutely! The Constitution was written to protect us from these control freak nutcases.

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fa3138 No.21539292

File: e771a7c297c1b3b⋯.png (385.01 KB,720x1600,9:20,e771a7c297c1b3b3f3ae752693….png)

File: 3eaed73a614f294⋯.gif (1.55 MB,360x202,180:101,2uqlee.gif)

File: 8a6af076c7a2bdd⋯.jpeg (495.5 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWq_5wka8AI_OpY.jpeg)

File: 51c5e0c3cfb6993⋯.jpeg (542.57 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,GWq_7TqbMAAejD6.jpeg)






2 weeks joint is fucked up and retarded.

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c72752 No.21539293


Jailing him will guarantee a fucking no holds barred barrage against the media and politicians.

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7307da No.21539294

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)


He never got any digits in his life while Anons get kek blessed digits and he's salty so he manufactures meaning into irrelevant timestamps to find some meaning in his life. Show the poor bastard some mercy.

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61772e No.21539295


Of course this is what will transpire. This alone should cause riots across the globe.

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8ea6a3 No.21539296


A bag full homos

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4fb298 No.21539297


They go after white females and brown females.

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90f348 No.21539298


according to who they are stupid and naive?You faggot? and these reporters in question have nothing but animosity towards all those things.

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120614 No.21539299

File: c8b53d308754f8d⋯.jpg (171.31 KB,1419x719,1419:719,btm.JPG)

If [She] had won, I wonder how many they planned to sink?

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b3fec3 No.21539300


>Suspect Colt Gray was on the radar

being groomed

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d776a8 No.21539301


Ukraine is a proxy war. There have been many of those anyways going on throughout the middle-east. Just the public is kept out of that because people are naive to the realm of actual things. Foreign adversaries gaining more ground and resources is indirectly a threat. This is what I mean, if you don't realize these things naturally, this is exactly why it is best to keep some things classified.

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8e3fb6 No.21539302

File: 95b7d930c833ccf⋯.png (202.36 KB,1866x911,1866:911,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_05_….png)

File: 9597db6cbb6f853⋯.png (244.64 KB,1866x911,1866:911,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_05_….png)

File: 9597db6cbb6f853⋯.png (244.64 KB,1866x911,1866:911,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_05_….png)


CG and a drone nearby

Aussie warship much further south

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fa3138 No.21539303

File: 241f2cca1bb8d32⋯.png (809.12 KB,1226x1024,613:512,Screenshot_2022_07_13_at_1….png)


safety tips prohibited

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6fb054 No.21539304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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61772e No.21539305


I went ahead and stole that silver surfer in all its glory. Just so ya know

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7307da No.21539306

File: 3ccf2cc35745565⋯.jpg (106.71 KB,831x1024,831:1024,b27d046381a0d5df7fcff818fe….jpg)

When you can't get digits you find meaning in the meaningless

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648d3f No.21539307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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483ca2 No.21539308



trip 7s

my poor eyes

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a79221 No.21539309

File: ac22727f4067adf⋯.jpeg (47.62 KB,355x349,355:349,0C34E615_94A0_4CB5_B139_3….jpeg)


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bfd630 No.21539310

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson says Harris’ nomination for president ‘gives a lot of people hope’

100% guaranteed this won't be addressed in the Democrat's "SCOTUS ethics" scam.


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e2f8ba No.21539311


They are not our enemies either. You neo-cons/libtards want them to be though because you people want to gut our Constitutional rights, including our freedom of speech. That is the true intent of all this war, is to create crisis so the government can then repress their own citizens.

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ee348c No.21539312

File: 1f00bf9b45dbf8e⋯.jpg (74.01 KB,435x622,435:622,0893360158.jpg)


Hopium we get a



This time around Anons.

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b3fec3 No.21539313


Путин is master shitposter

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ea317a No.21539314

File: 8c1e3ed1ba2c319⋯.jpg (143.32 KB,930x1163,930:1163,57332e526eae4_378161b_3742….jpg)

File: 97ca8c413862d8e⋯.jpg (640.97 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_140113….jpg)

File: c6401df427e40b6⋯.jpg (23.05 KB,474x651,158:217,th_3337178520.jpg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

File: 169029689c88d60⋯.jpg (504.44 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_160147….jpg)


>wow what happened here?

Population bottleneck

A population bottleneck or genetic bottleneck is a sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events such as famines, earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, and droughts; or human activities such as genocide, speciocide, widespread violence or intentional culling. Wikipedia

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61772e No.21539315


early call but…

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8ea6a3 No.21539316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jump right in and splash about

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120614 No.21539317

File: 7904bf3ec50767b⋯.jpg (83.34 KB,1013x639,1013:639,diitjoe.JPG)

Will Joe fall in line?

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718ae5 No.21539318

File: 52c4ecb05b841af⋯.png (168.16 KB,484x433,484:433,ClipboardImage.png)


>hot damn diggity do

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fa3138 No.21539319

File: 9954c938ef30439⋯.jpeg (421.04 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWngtbIXAAAZF_u.jpeg)

File: 41d4c4d224ad3d8⋯.jpeg (181.36 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GWk7VmPX0AAxp7h.jpeg)

File: 0622f3d33e29e04⋯.jpeg (305.57 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWk7VlsXgAEqKNV.jpeg)

File: 3453995cbb1e6f2⋯.jpeg (232.62 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWk7VnKWcAA4Ybi.jpeg)

File: 72c67270662e401⋯.jpg (11.64 KB,200x202,100:101,72c67270662e401ead7f3ce718….jpg)

gonna need music. either mine or one of yours. treetop flyer kinda vibe.

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d776a8 No.21539320


>according to who they are stupid and naive?

BLM, LGBTQ, feminist retards burning their own country down. Useful idiots to the enemy.

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bfd630 No.21539321

Democrat Party is panicking so hard that with their latest scam of trying to smear MAGA as being funded by muh Russia, they're trying to convince the world it's Republicans who are panicking.


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b5bc4e No.21539322

File: d53b5b36390451f⋯.jpg (16.13 KB,474x266,237:133,eirufenrferf.jpg)

ESCONDIDO, CA: "Fire crews are battling a fire at a San Diego Gas and Electric-operated battery storage facility in Escondido that broke out Thursday afternoon. According to Escondido Fire spokesperson Tyler Batson, crews were first notified of the fire at 12:09 p.m. after smoke was seen in the battery bank area of the facility, located at 571 Enterprise St. A 1st alarm fire response was called, with SDG&E’s fire brigade, county emergency response and Escondido hazmat crews responding to the scene alongside Escondido Fire Department personnel. A mandatory evacuation order has been issued for the area around the facility."


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648d3f No.21539323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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61772e No.21539324


Q's gone. The big guy gets 10% and his coke addict son is about to get off Scott Free.

How do you like them apples?

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b3fec3 No.21539325

File: e451de35812eb1e⋯.jpg (173.82 KB,856x1016,107:127,Xnip2024_09_05_19_03_31.jpg)

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7307da No.21539326

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)


Now listen here you little sniveling ratfuck failfag mimic muhjoo chucklefuck angry inch simple Legion, you think you can just walk in here and steal a copyright trademarked meme without a class 3 famefag licence? Just Like that? I'm gonna cry in your direction now and pretend to Filter you but not Filter you because my ego needs to listen to your every next word. Be warned, you just made a terrible enemy for life.

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6c6078 No.21539327


>Q's gone. The big guy gets 10% and his coke addict son is about to get off Scott Free.

Q is not gone./

We're right here./


Where are you today./


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e2f8ba No.21539328


We have resources in our own ground, massive amounts of wealth untapped, and it could create millions of American jobs. Why not use some of our own resources and build back our manufacturing and industrial base? Why risk war with Russia when that is completely unnecessary?

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bfd630 No.21539329

File: 3a2ab0a4016ee56⋯.png (207.5 KB,423x363,141:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting image choice when Lauren Chen was actively subverting Trump by telling people she was "done" and couldn't support him anymore.


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90f348 No.21539330


who is the enemy faggot? name them? Go ahead.

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8ea6a3 No.21539331



You smacked her hard with a Tzar Bomba

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a9ded0 No.21539332


Trade you high yielding values and immature morals

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2adc30 No.21539333

File: 189b5286109668d⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB,854x480,427:240,Her_laugh_is_fascinating_I….mp4)

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ff564a No.21539334

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e74903 No.21539335

File: 8bec4a63391730f⋯.png (97.08 KB,237x380,237:380,Rare_Kek.png)


Top Fucking Kek

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b3fec3 No.21539336


pardon day after election

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bfd630 No.21539337

File: f0cc0af91a7cdbd⋯.png (80.8 KB,680x342,340:171,ClipboardImage.png)

According to the legacy media pedophile satanists, Kamala Harris voters are now all

Putin puppets

Their rules

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4fb298 No.21539338

File: 7356e9bd8d2d782⋯.jpg (361.16 KB,2000x1979,2000:1979,7356e9bd8d2d78280098dff2b4….jpg)

Kamela Harris is Joe Biden's DEI hire and now that DEI hire is trying to be President.

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61772e No.21539339

File: 83391a5fa948ad6⋯.jpeg (100.92 KB,768x768,1:1,Tier_2_Shitposting_Licens….jpeg)


I don't have muh level 3 yet.

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bf7555 No.21539340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for steve. rip :(

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d43deb No.21539341


Even Photoshop can't make her look quite human

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fa3138 No.21539342

File: a5877926dbb2886⋯.jpeg (369.08 KB,1033x1271,1033:1271,GWvj68eWEAA5HJ0.jpeg)

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2a5868 No.21539343


Thinking that it is just the Deep State is shit-tier chess. There are multiple enemy factions. Deep State is enemy of literally everyone. Then once you get past that layer, it's Russia, China, Iran. India is actually a mystery; while everyone is fighting they just sit back and masturbate to and rape everything that survived.

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61772e No.21539344

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,Pepe_fall_off_chair.gif)

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38745a No.21539345

File: 58eccaf1c7e9280⋯.png (90.71 KB,782x698,391:349,ClipboardImage.png)


so america having arms dominance as the world's superpower is a global stability risk according to these fags

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43fdf0 No.21539346

File: 9083d23d1b6269c⋯.gif (172 KB,220x220,1:1,9083d23d1b6269ceb4f083d75f….gif)

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648d3f No.21539347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ea317a No.21539348

File: 1c005209a51edde⋯.jpg (39.63 KB,600x600,1:1,79236e75510765a7f6186e1e9b….jpg)

File: 2ee134040fb51cd⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,474x306,79:51,th_492569384.jpg)

File: df744e2d4d64f79⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,474x316,3:2,th_124241548.jpg)

File: 453d01c6b03bc28⋯.jpg (15.35 KB,474x237,2:1,th_4142323700.jpg)

File: b4501748af9e884⋯.jpg (14.19 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4283756634.jpg)

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2a5868 No.21539349


So just sit back and let Russia invade everyone?

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f2740f No.21539350

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB,474x206,237:103,HB_John_832.jpg)

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7307da No.21539351

File: 41358af18dbc42a⋯.png (37.51 KB,425x408,25:24,41358af18dbc42a3683bb81a23….png)


I'll submit your application at the Federal bureau of memes and shitposters. Please.wait 4-17 weeks, and expect a two moar weeks delay.

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ee348c No.21539352

File: d93183edf39d7af⋯.jpg (141.54 KB,1259x1280,1259:1280,IMG_20230424_133557_627.jpg)


>Q's gone. The big guy gets 10% and his coke addict son is about to get off Scott Free.

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f33b88 No.21539353

File: d753a25e88eddec⋯.jpg (113.35 KB,750x500,3:2,sometimes_you_have_to_show….jpg)

>>21537260 pb

>Your BRAIN Needs The Animal Fat! Here's Why…

chicken soup w/real broth

need an actual woman to do this tho

unless you can

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61772e No.21539354



that is NOT in any way OG Hillary Clinton

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648d3f No.21539355

File: 2cc5bc4faad7fbf⋯.png (1.1 MB,978x1332,163:222,bloodlibel.png)

when you said 5,999,999 died in the holocaust

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e25e24 No.21539356


I love how the media catagorizes RT as "state run media". Yes, just like



Finnish Broadcasting Company (Finland)

ARD, ZDF (Germany)

NHK (Japan)

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90f348 No.21539357


my god you are a fucking mong.

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e2f8ba No.21539358


Love him, hate him, whatever, Putin is just doing what is best for his own country. He also loves to troll the US media at times too. Successfully I might add. He is not an ally, but not really an enemy, he only wants to protect Russia. I can't possibly blame him, after all that is what national leaders should do in their own countries first and foremost. That is what Trump did for America too. Not a bad thing. We wouldn't need war if we simply started to utilize our own domestic reserves and natural resources and restore our industrial base, and had mutually beneficial trade.

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0d82df No.21539359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Fire at San Diego Gas and Electric Battery Storage Facility

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2adc30 No.21539360

File: fc6a124b9b2ad90⋯.png (242.57 KB,1053x2417,1053:2417,ClipboardImage.png)

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f33b88 No.21539361


>global stability risk

tranny faggot nigger insanity must not win.

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4fb298 No.21539362

File: d47954950c7ba6f⋯.jpg (12.31 KB,225x225,1:1,d47954950c7ba6fe5dd7add6d4….jpg)


Ok that's just weird

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38745a No.21539363

File: 90965e4f654b8cb⋯.png (341.97 KB,1256x504,157:63,ClipboardImage.png)


the war drums go boom boom boom

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7307da No.21539364

File: 982dd0486a33f40⋯.png (194.84 KB,425x408,25:24,982dd0486a33f406297a082ce2….png)


Admit the lolocaust is real or you get the filter and eat ze bugs

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e2f8ba No.21539365


That won't happen. Ukraine was their 'Cuban Missile Crisis' only the US and Ukraine failed at diplomacy this time around.

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648d3f No.21539366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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428db1 No.21539367

File: 645e61e1afce8ae⋯.jpg (142.72 KB,1070x1219,1070:1219,media_GWUza1CXsAACn7O.jpg)



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e2f8ba No.21539368


OK don't even get me started with Lucile Ball and Vivian Vance!!!

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2a5868 No.21539369


>Trust me bro

Are you calling me stupid?

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90f348 No.21539370


Iran though and for that matter Israel and most countries have sketch creation stories and who has been funding them. What about Venzuela still have no clue about that fucking election, who is on what side down there. Countries have been infiltrated since at least WW2, but the nations you listed I think with the exception of Iran which I think is a Cia puppet state have fought to regain their independence from the colonial system that has been bastardized since the cold war.

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61772e No.21539371

File: d7c118032719780⋯.jpg (358.89 KB,1024x671,1024:671,Billboard_Qtards_Were_Righ….jpg)


tippytop ty

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fa3138 No.21539372

File: 29b8e48bf7b017f⋯.gif (237.52 KB,220x146,110:73,bad_points_mork.gif)

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7307da No.21539373

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)

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f33b88 No.21539374

File: c09ad9d745dde0c⋯.png (178.38 KB,1728x1780,432:445,ClipboardImage.png)


>“She Has Such an Expressive and Contagious Laughter” – Putin Says He Supports Kamala Harris in U.S. Presidential Election

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1855f3 No.21539375


I will be waiting for you on the other side.

That is one thing you can count on.

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43fdf0 No.21539376

File: 6937d38d20ede00⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,630x630,1:1,6937d38d20ede002f7f9320664….jpg)

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61772e No.21539377

File: e481f7371cab9bf⋯.jpg (167.67 KB,822x537,274:179,Putin_Dank_Memes_Folder.jpg)


Putin went dank

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2a5868 No.21539378


There was a map of who agreed to or didn't agree to the election results of Venezuela. By that you can get a general gauge of who is allied with whom. Lemme try to find the infographic.

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3c2116 No.21539379

File: 3c7d40fb0b8d65c⋯.png (421.31 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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641200 No.21539380

File: d3cf1d46e346beb⋯.jpg (264.37 KB,719x1010,719:1010,Screenshot_20240905_181313….jpg)

Ingredient in Doritos (And Other Foods) Make Skin Translucent


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7c75be No.21539381


it is plausible that "4-6%" are the psychopathic linchpin of psychopathic 'government'.

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648d3f No.21539382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa3138 No.21539383

File: 7223ce9b117eada⋯.mp4 (14.75 MB,324x576,9:16,7223ce9b117eada3251d51171a….mp4)

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8e3fb6 No.21539384


Canadian Shipbuilders Calls for 100 Percent Tariff on Chinese-Built Ships


The Canadian Marine Industries and Shipbuilding Association (CMISA) this week issued a call for the Canadian government to impose a 100 percent tariff on Chinese-built ships as a step to protect domestic capabilities and national security. The move comes after Canada announced a similar tariff on Chinese-made electrical vehicles and as the United States is also reviewing a trade complaint from its unions lodged against the Chinese shipbuilding industry.

The Canadian lobbying group highlights that China’s shipbuilding industry is part of a doctrine of civil-military fusion where they contend commercial ship exports are subsidized to strengthen the country’s military capabilities. They highlight that the same shipyards that are producing ferries and cargo vessels for the global market are also used to construct warships.

China has rapidly expanded its shipbuilding capabilities and today dominates commercial ship orders. South Korea is the only meaningful competitor that is still able in some months to record the highest value of orders. However, according to data from Clarkson Research, China attracted 63 percent of the total number of ships ordered so far in 2024 versus just a 23 percent share for the South Korean industry. Japan is a distant third for commercial ship orders.

CMISA in its statement alludes to China's naval expansion and entanglements with neighbors as well as more distant incursions such as in the Arctic. They point to reports that Chinese ships have been seen in Canada’s Arctic waters.

“CIMSA calls for immediate and decisive action,” the trade association said in its statement. “We recommend the imposition of a 100 percent surtax on all Chinese-built ships imported into Canada and demand a clear prohibition on any government entity or Crown corporation from acquiring or leasing Chinese-built vessels.”

The appeal singles out the Canadian government-owned, government-funded Marine Atlantic for its recent introduction of a Chinese-built ferry chartered from Sweden's’ Stena group. The vessel which was built in Weihai, China is on a five-year charter to operate on Canada’s Atlantic coast and Marine Atlantic has a purchase option.

The group accuses the company of using this structure to “evade public scrutiny and ethical concerns.” They call on the company to use the five-year charter period to work with the Canadian industry to design and build a domestic vessel instead of ultimately purchasing the Chinese-built ship.

The statement asserts that it is “imperative that the government takes these actions to protect Canadian industries.”

In the U.S., a coalition of major unions filed a trade complaint against the Chinese shipbuilding industry accusing it of unfair business practices, subsidies, and other violations. This complaint is still under review by the US Trade Representative for possible punitive actions. China angrily responded to the complaint saying it was not based on fact and said the problems in the U.S. industry were more deeply seated and not China’s fault.


From another maritime site:

CMISA argues that these measures are necessary to protect Canadian industries, uphold national security, and ensure consistency with Canada’s commitment to human rights and ethical business practices.

The call comes as lawmakers and industry stakeholders in the U.S. have raised serious concerns regarding alleged unfair trade practices by China in the shipbuilding, maritime, and logistics sectors. The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has even initiated an investigation into the the PRC’s use of unfair, non-market policies and practices in the sectors in response to a petition submitted by U.S. labor unions, including the United Steelworkers (USW). The petition proposes remedies including a fee on vessels constructed in China that dock at U.S. ports.


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718ae5 No.21539385


>Fire at San Diego Gas and Electric Battery Storage

What kyna batteries?

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7307da No.21539386

File: 809016551071aa3⋯.png (92.27 KB,463x438,463:438,809016551071aa3364a4e90369….png)


On the other side of what? The counter at McDonald's taking my order?

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61772e No.21539387


Of course they do.

Why is Trudeau not in prison?

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2adc30 No.21539388

File: 4242643962c2a99⋯.mp4 (11.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,I_sometimes_get_the_impres….mp4)

I sometimes get the impression that those who rule Ukraine are aliens… or foreigners - Putin

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f33b88 No.21539389

File: ffb18b693335fc3⋯.webm (2.93 MB,720x840,6:7,uk_faggot_police_on_bike_….webm)

File: 01995cf42e039d7⋯.jpg (466.21 KB,1398x960,233:160,syria_vs_UK_christmas.jpg)

File: e10441f8c57523f⋯.png (527.31 KB,725x617,725:617,uk_fucked_3.png)

File: df7b7eeb0d9a5ed⋯.jpg (2.88 MB,2830x3850,283:385,uk_niggers_are_fucked_1.jpg)

File: 68e26544dabdbda⋯.png (658.69 KB,754x849,754:849,uk_communist_police_scum_w….png)


>So just sit back and let Russia invade everyone?

yougay is more communist than Russia.

yougay is a huge enemy of freedom

All the anti-freedom shit yougay does has a serious chance of osmosing across the Atlantic.

Russia is zero threat to my freedom.

You are faggot.

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80a8fa No.21539390



#26387 >>21538838

>>21538853 Former CA Dem. Senate Leader Gloria Romero Switches to Republican Will Vote TRUMP

>>21538859, >>21538907 Tenn Police Chief investigating MAJOR corruption in Tennessee raided by same state bureau he's investigating

>>21538896 Republican Jewish Coalition Gathers, as More Jews Consider Voting Trump

>>21538900 In Wyoming 1 moose and more than 50 cattle have died of anthrax in the past month

>>21538903 @America1stLegal just sued Judge Merchan financial disclosures from 2018-2024

>>21538910 moar "alleged the property is one of several Aurora complexes under the control of the Tren de Aragua gang"

>>21538917 @BabylonBee kek - one last Russian collusion hoax

>>21538926, >>21539127 Hunter Biden indictment calls him a "lobbyist" and documents business deals in Ukraine, China and others w/max 17 years

>>21538929 Mike Davis: Joe Biden Will Pardon Hunter Biden After Hunter's Offered Plea Deal

>>21538933 @JamesOKeefeIII - on the satisfaction of being the news now

>>21538940 Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart All Authority?

>>21538953, >>21539084, >>21539103, >>21539120, >>21539228, >>21539248 Veeps campaigning today

>>21538959 2 months of France still without a PM

>>21538968 @AGAndrewBailey BREAKING: We have obtained a restraining order BLOCKING student loan bailouts

>>21538972 Biden Navy’s Failure To Secure “Freedom Of Navigation” Has Frightened Out Allies Globally

>>21538974, >>21539106 CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite on the border wall

>>21538977 Jobs collapse as job openings crash by *half a million* and layoffs soar to 1.8 million.

>>21538986 Far-left Democrat activist Judge David Carpenter let murder suspect free to kill THREE MORE PEOPLE

>>21538995, >>21539002, >>21539008 FLOTUS ~ MELANIA ~ My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21539005 @JohnFetterman Wheels down in Pixburgh with Heels Up

>>21539028 @elonmusk I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed

>>21539086 We are not at war with Russia but they are enacting war-time press controls aka trolling

>>21539097 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich Himself

>>21539173 Booking photos of the 14-year-old accused of carrying out a deadly mass shooting at a school

>>21539190 @Bee kek - Slow News Week As Lizard People Clearly Planning Something

>>21539225, >>21539302, >>21539384 PlaneFaggin' and some BoatFaggin'

>>21539261 Timing Is Everything

>>21539282 September 18th is going to be a wild day

>>21539322, >>21539359 LIVE: Fire at San Diego Gas and Electric Battery Storage Facility

>>21539333 Putin wins triple digits in trolling submission

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38745a No.21539391

File: f5e26e0a5474959⋯.png (259.63 KB,361x282,361:282,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3fec3 No.21539392

File: 0d76f55d569c2c8⋯.jpg (50.09 KB,610x900,61:90,cb0db81be7778b1614e919f5d3….jpg)

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e2f8ba No.21539393


Ukraine and Russia were very close to a peace agreement just two months after Russia invaded. Do you know what happened? Boris Johnson and Biden both convinced Zelenski not to take the offer and continue fighting, and they would back them NO MATTER WHAT. That turned out to be a horrible idea!

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90f348 No.21539394


the question is although I would find it interesting to see is that they were using the same dominion voting machines if I recall and tehy are are experiencing the same doubt in the electoral count. Maduro is sleeze, but was he ousted for bigger sleeze or is he doing this as a result of knowing it was rigged against him. When they were prior for him. The Deep state fucking him over. The united states did not seize his plane for nothing. But considering the people who are saying this are the same DOJ that framed Trump. Questions exist.

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3c2116 No.21539395

File: 6ddef0a87398469⋯.png (333.88 KB,426x426,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c6078 No.21539397




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fa3138 No.21539398

File: 50ca1fd93a0985b⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB,360x360,1:1,50ca1fd93a0985b2817a0f37b7….mp4)

File: 3914d1cf007f626⋯.jpeg (113.18 KB,600x900,2:3,3914d1cf007f6264a39d42aef….jpeg)

File: a9bd5af5fcadb09⋯.jpeg (25.77 KB,615x411,205:137,GV8B2GPWQAAdRcW.jpeg)

File: 0727c80e18b1d08⋯.png (513.14 KB,898x752,449:376,0727c80e18b1d0899a80ea2f9d….png)

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61772e No.21539399

File: 5d2c3147e61f5e3⋯.png (1.66 MB,1763x883,1763:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23b5fe0f0cd1e83⋯.png (904.39 KB,1760x879,1760:879,ClipboardImage.png)



portland andy is a chump but his feed is ok if ya mute.

There's No Disco Inferno

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428db1 No.21539400

File: 3e3772874dea897⋯.png (433.41 KB,610x450,61:45,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 1h

Channel 13 Hebrew: American officials have sent a message to Israel that US aircraft carriers cannot stay in the region forever.

Sep 5, 2024 · 9:27 PM UTC



You can't understand what you can't name.

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8e3fb6 No.21539401


>Why is Trudeau not in prison?

Nobody wants him to get the "three hots and cot?"

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120614 No.21539402

File: 6fe87372c4b0b6f⋯.webp (69.85 KB,1200x792,50:33,dinossauroide.webp)

They seed the planet, the animals seeded have a certain amount of time to evolve into unity consciousness beings and when this time lapses, they wipe them out with the black rock and do it again.

See the dinosaurs.

Wouldn't it be interesting if some of those dinosaurs survived and evolved into humanoid beings?

65 million years of evolution.

How advanced would they be?

Is it possible that some of the early humanoid skeletons found were actually these reptile beings?

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208052 No.21539403

File: 0aaee05525cc481⋯.png (358.27 KB,594x471,198:157,ClipboardImage.png)


SDG&E has been rapidly expanding its battery energy storage and microgrid portfolio. We have around 21 BESS and microgrid sites with 335 megawatts (MW) of utility-owned energy storage and another 49+ MW in development.

Typically, these battery systems and microgrids are installed on SDG&E-owned property; they are adjacent to our existing substation facilities or in critical locations where grid reliability and resiliency is needed most.

Microgrids are small-scale electric grids that can operate independent of or parallel to the larger regional grid and can keep critical community facilities powered during outages. Battery storage is an important part of every microgrid.

Battery storage works by absorbing electricity when it’s abundant on the power grid and sending excess power back to the grid when it’s most needed, such as during the evening after the sun sets and solar energy fades away.


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ea317a No.21539404

File: 951dc40aee36a13⋯.jpg (43.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,1xVvt_qR4e_3243594375.jpg)

File: 47ce16568b77b0d⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,403x397,403:397,47ce16568b77b0df1f9aa2e41f….jpg)

File: 7e801b72a2e65c2⋯.jpg (79.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2368234296.jpg)

File: 60e96180056dcf8⋯.jpg (48.71 KB,960x540,16:9,michelle_obama_pregnancy_3….jpg)

File: 4536f5faa3c1286⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,500x506,250:253,tracy_morgan_164257_top_fu….jpg)



Big Mic and a Whopper, Big Mike's pregnancy.

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-46154857

Michelle Obama reveals daughters were conceived by IVF - BBC

Michelle Obama reveals daughters were conceived by IVF. 9 November 2018. Getty Images. Former First Lady Michelle Obama has released a memoir in which she reveals difficulties about her marriage …

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › michelle-obama-reveals-miscarriage-daughters-malia-and-sasha-conceived-through-ivf

Michelle Obama reveals Malia and Sasha were conceived through IVF after …

Then President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia, with dog Bo, on the South Lawn of the White House, April 14, 2009. … We had to do IVF."

News for michelle obama ivf

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a868a4 No.21539405


>Yes. With nobody looking in from the outside..

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6fb054 No.21539406

File: fa11c2bbdbaf0b6⋯.jpg (353.26 KB,1246x1600,623:800,2024_09_05_19_16_23_854_2.jpg)

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718ae5 No.21539407


>portland andy is a chump

no like that fucker, either

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ee348c No.21539408

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

North Carolina judge rejects RFK Jr.'s request to remove his name from state ballots

6:40 PM · Sep 5, 2024



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2a5868 No.21539409


Couldn't find the map. Anyways, just gotta find out which Country owns which other countries political figures. Team Commie aka Putin and Xi own Maduro along with all the other commie countries.

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0d82df No.21539410


An article on NBC San Diego says they are 30MW/120MWh lithium ion batteries.

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61772e No.21539411


that explains some of the story.

It's from 2018? I don't recall any of this on Q Research.

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ea317a No.21539412

File: 32fb858c336874f⋯.jpg (113.84 KB,1000x667,1000:667,20240829T1800_TRUMP_FREE_I….jpg)


https://apnews.com › article › trump-ivf-abortion-alabama-republicans-8215336740a5963b57bbd970b47bb3a7

Trump says he supports IVF following Alabama embryo ruling | AP News

Feb 24, 2024Ahead of South Carolina primary, Trump says he strongly supports IVF after Alabama court ruling. 1 of 11|. Former President Donald Trump said Friday that he would "strongly support the availability of IVF" and called on lawmakers in Alabama to preserve access to the treatment after a controversial rulling by Alabama's highest court. (Feb.

https://www.cnn.com › 2024 › 02 › 23 › politics › trump-alabama-ivf-ruling › index.html

Trump expresses support for IVF as he calls on Alabama to find … - CNN

Feb 24, 2024Former President Donald Trump said Friday that he supports women having access to

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43fdf0 No.21539413

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,3008x2000,188:125,Our_flag.jpg)

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718ae5 No.21539414

File: fa12f8e0d2eba32⋯.jpg (51.7 KB,1920x960,2:1,Thank_You_Afrikaans_Dankie.jpg)


>Microgrids are small-scale electric grids that can operate independent of or parallel to the larger regional grid and can keep critical community facilities powered during outages.

ty. was too lazy.

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7307da No.21539415

File: a87b403b158174c⋯.png (180.62 KB,1078x296,539:148,a87b403b158174cb8f88b99f4c….png)

"If there's math in my digits I'll leave the board forever."

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648d3f No.21539416


IVF is weird because people are freezing fertilized embryos indefinitely and ultimately destroying them

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ff564a No.21539417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q's gone?

No, Q is not gone, you can see a rare glimpse of Q at the end of this video ..

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b3fec3 No.21539418


comped basterds

yet joe's will be off

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61772e No.21539419

File: 32673ae32ea371c⋯.mp4 (9.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,Cotton_Eye_Joe_Fire_Dancin….mp4)


Sounds spicy.

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f2740f No.21539420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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23db27 No.21539421


What did we lose? Infinite printable paper monopoly money? America still has its land, guns, and oil and other minerals in the ground. Sent them weapons to do the fighting for us like any other proxy war that has always been going on with Russia for a long time now.

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fa3138 No.21539422

File: 0c83ace0331affa⋯.jpg (66.14 KB,728x912,91:114,a6a1b523a1db019917a5d01881….jpg)

File: f63d66e0d061496⋯.gif (88.37 KB,200x150,4:3,957cc2d1c66a2c79ab36f52b9f….gif)

File: 28c0abc649a7d27⋯.png (414.41 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_192238.png)


JAG meed singh. this movie is sikh

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3c2116 No.21539423

File: e305fc9e9b579a2⋯.png (267.82 KB,622x500,311:250,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q's gone.

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718ae5 No.21539424

File: a9c2b0fdc566d0c⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,480x480,1:1,EV_Fire_Boom_Boom.mp4)


>30MW/120MWh lithium ion batteries.

Same as EV's that go boom boom?

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483ca2 No.21539425

File: ffc7aaf352b0967⋯.png (728.46 KB,853x681,853:681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87003bf5922e12f⋯.png (753.42 KB,880x682,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d6ba241ca7a7ef⋯.png (761.37 KB,906x684,151:114,ClipboardImage.png)



funny shit

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e2f8ba No.21539426



….Had Ukraine taken the peace offer then:

#1 Millions of Ukrainians would still be alive today.

#2 Hundreds of NATO personnel & mercs would still be alive today.

#3 Ukraine could have easily built back their defenses but kept the peace doing so.

#4 Russia would have only secured two smaller oblast regions.

#5 US and Europe would have save a lot of money and time with other projects like fixing all the problems in our own countries.

#6 Europe wouldn't be facing a populist revolt as it is today.

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f2740f No.21539427

File: 2f09eca28551540⋯.png (17.27 KB,247x255,247:255,horseheader.png)

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f33b88 No.21539428

File: 6edab3f445fd015⋯.png (931 KB,777x777,1:1,Trump_book_2024.png)


new Trump Kim photos

Re: Bolsonaro "HE'LL BE BACK!"

kLAUS sCHWAB comment "People say he's very evil" (I will omit the rest).

So many more

With riot police in DC

Jan 6 - great pictures & comments

Wow OMG so many peopl

Barron new

Wildwood NJ - 107k people


So nice

Barely looked at 10% of it yet

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ea317a No.21539429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


South Park on stem cells

267K views · 9 years ago…more

Glenn Peop

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e769d8 No.21539430


Dogshit link, dogshit story, dogshit website.


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d1a8cf No.21539431


[Not raining, covered flag

Strange topper

Strange procession]

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7307da No.21539432

File: ac31887c2990184⋯.png (173.03 KB,444x430,222:215,ac31887c29901847ac0e1c24de….png)


Quit horsing around

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23db27 No.21539433


You are speaking cotton-candy la la land naive non-sense unfortunately but you are very cute.

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872824 No.21539434

File: b9723eb736bef7d⋯.png (396.28 KB,598x960,299:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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641200 No.21539435

File: 1038b81d4da741f⋯.jpg (53.5 KB,678x384,113:64,Hunter_Pleads_Guilty.jpg)

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b5efb6 No.21539436

File: ae01bfe6dda6173⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,252x226,126:113,Hunter_s_speech.mp4)

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1855f3 No.21539437


How is Jack Smith doing with the Trump case?

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61772e No.21539438

File: 2bbb28a7c204d01⋯.png (411.19 KB,427x471,427:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9ded0 No.21539439



say his name, Hunter Biden

daddy putting up a statute in place of Abe Lincoln

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718ae5 No.21539440

File: de173e70c63fa69⋯.jpg (46.63 KB,583x461,583:461,Boris_Down.jpg)


>….Had Ukraine taken the peace offer then:

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bfe6e4 No.21539441

I guess Rabbi Schmuley "debated" Candace Owens recently, although I only saw one clip. Comments on Candace's videos show many muslims agreeing with her >>21539355

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fa3138 No.21539442

File: 3abde8a44b9287d⋯.jpeg (7.29 KB,345x146,345:146,images_91_.jpeg)

File: 902ead7dc75071f⋯.jpg (7.81 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_5_.jpg)

File: 53632463d9278b3⋯.jpg (9.64 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_4_.jpg)

File: 323f61d0df63a56⋯.gif (3.64 MB,480x268,120:67,giphy_14_.gif)

File: 0be6542d62ba123⋯.jpeg (43.39 KB,736x552,4:3,0be6542d62ba1238cc21fe45a….jpeg)

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e74903 No.21539443


he's always wincing, like he's constipated.

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7307da No.21539444

File: bbbe0053995ade0⋯.png (212.78 KB,489x470,489:470,bbbe0053995ade0080b4017744….png)

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ea317a No.21539445




Government involvement means some kind of oversight and creates at least the possibility of inspection and or investigation

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f33b88 No.21539446

File: 02748bf663e3117⋯.png (468.46 KB,1000x588,250:147,homer_simpson_toilet_flush….png)


> 9 years ago

try 20

2004 episode

when he went on Larry King & extolled the virtues of israel & israel's science & stem cells

and seemed like a human robot

They don't show those videos a lot any more

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1b9064 No.21539447

File: 4e54abcf8ad22aa⋯.jpeg (160.83 KB,800x533,800:533,4e54abcf8ad22aa51cf468f1f….jpeg)

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1855f3 No.21539448


I would cherish seeing his personal hand written notes.

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483ca2 No.21539449

File: 84d4e6ee7deadbd⋯.jpg (12.21 KB,241x255,241:255,b348de6515fccc458e4c14fed8….jpg)

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428db1 No.21539450

File: b7a384a4d827fc6⋯.jpg (65.99 KB,660x432,55:36,1dgp4b.jpg)

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3c2116 No.21539451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just saw this album cover for the first time.

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d1a8cf No.21539452



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208052 No.21539453

File: d22a426571adab1⋯.jpg (137.04 KB,1023x686,1023:686,boris_zelensky_battleships.JPG)

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e2f8ba No.21539454


No seriously, had Ukraine took that deal and agreed not to join NATO and be neutral, as they were initially going to do before the UK and US told them otherwise, the amount of killing, damage and destruction, not to mention egg on all our faces, would have never had to happen. It certainly would have never happened if we had competent leadership!

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23db27 No.21539455


What was the peace offer? Surrender to Russia?

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e74903 No.21539456


This means Hunter doesn't think Kamala will win and give him a pardon. He thinks Trump will win, too. kek.

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120614 No.21539457

File: 5b328a73c6864eb⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Pelosi_reptile.mp4)


>I sometimes get the impression that those who rule Ukraine are aliens

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5cc4e3 No.21539458

File: e8a7ec524f4c4f4⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,720x1276,180:319,000_Did_you_call_police.mp4)

Meanwhile in Melbourne Australia.

Did you call police?

Yeah, Booshka

The dude called in a fake robbery at this address and then this habbened.

Ain't cultural enrichment grand?

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f33b88 No.21539459

File: 6a89ce583d76f5e⋯.jpg (868.83 KB,2048x3072,2:3,pretty_plant_kek_af.jpg)


>#1 Millions of Ukrainians would still be alive today.

shills will hate this post.

you know how to trigger yougay shills.

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61772e No.21539460


Stop Bombing Donbass and stop being Neo Nazis.

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38745a No.21539461

File: 84026c6ade762b0⋯.png (48.98 KB,1912x449,1912:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2236a8ecef213c⋯.png (717.81 KB,773x867,773:867,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37e77d525192c7f⋯.png (279.07 KB,773x780,773:780,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d92deb9594b68e2⋯.png (163.64 KB,773x864,773:864,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66c8a798502edba⋯.png (115.58 KB,773x621,773:621,ClipboardImage.png)


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d1a8cf No.21539462



[Similiar flag topper]

''': Dig-[re]quest.

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23db27 No.21539464


Russia was the one to attack Ukraine first but then Russia demands Ukraine stop bombing Donbass? How are they Nazis if they are killing other White people?

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9fbce2 No.21539465


>"three hots and a cot ".

[and a bunk*]

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b5efb6 No.21539466

File: da929728a1fc7b9⋯.png (252.15 KB,384x431,384:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539467


There was plenty of time to negotiate a mutual deal between those two countries, sadly that did not happen and now look where we are today, no good. This probably won't end well, but neither did Vietnam or Afghanistan so…. whatever….

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b3fec3 No.21539468


he obviously wasn't vaxxed

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6c6078 No.21539469

File: b7ba745c1c2c8a6⋯.png (307.05 KB,886x378,443:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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7307da No.21539470

File: 9c9cb0d8b539cff⋯.png (152.75 KB,498x498,1:1,hoppy_chess.png)

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f33b88 No.21539471


the more important part of the process is next.

the comp'd government will MAKE A BIG SHOW OF HIM GETTING NO PUNISHMENT.

You need to understand the PROCESS.

Your war is not against him. It's against those who WILL enable and permit this. WATCH IT HAPPEN. SCREENCAP THIS.

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43fdf0 No.21539472


Willard Scott

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90f348 No.21539473


the joining of Nato was part of the entire problem because of shit I think Biden or Harris said at the time. This was way prior to the so called war. There was also this deal you speak of but the problem is they have to keep the money flowing. I think the war actually only really kicked off pretty recently in terms of destruction and targets. People saw the cardboard guns and the ghost of kiev shit and it was a joke. This is all a heist of nations resources before they nuke it and cause the shit to implode, then they have all the resources again to divy up in their new world.

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e74903 No.21539474

File: 0cc837f53fdc7a4⋯.png (113.14 KB,597x588,199:196,Crying_Room.png)


Hunter please follow the sign. Don't forget 10% for the Big Guy.

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1b9064 No.21539475

File: 37044ca82f5abb0⋯.png (546.83 KB,398x414,199:207,37044ca82f5abb0c215efd8460….png)



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61772e No.21539476


Learn history. Since 2014 Ukraine has been bombing the eastern states of Ukraine as they disagreed with the US/Nuland coup in 2014. Putin said enough and rightfully so.

You should know better.

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1855f3 No.21539477


I’m pretty sure you have had penis in your mouth.

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c72752 No.21539478


Azov Battalion, proud Nazis

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7307da No.21539479

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)



And 15% for the big gay

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23db27 No.21539480


Welcome to the Universe.

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5cc4e3 No.21539481


KEK, more likely he was vaxed and the self-assembling nanobots have begun getting control signals.

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bafd72 No.21539482


That's the same look women give anon when they see my penis.

What does it mean?

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90f348 No.21539483


are you really this dumb or just that good at shilling.

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7c75be No.21539484


hard to shake the memory of Nuland with a strapon up the butt of Ukrainian shitshow

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428db1 No.21539485

File: 30fe8b12430fd95⋯.jpg (90.19 KB,896x960,14:15,1266696_1.jpg)

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b5efb6 No.21539486


it means she likes your infectious laughter

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7307da No.21539487

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


Y'all got any moar of them Spock memes

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e2f8ba No.21539488


Well the MIC is making bank from this disaster that's for sure, there is a whole lot of grift going on. On the other hand, there were "elitist" investors in Ukraine that are absolutely getting screwed over as we speak financially with this gamble. So yah, some elites love this, others are soooooo pissed they took a bad bet.

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483ca2 No.21539489


holding back a laugh?


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f33b88 No.21539490

File: a81ea7be8cd7bbe⋯.png (138.01 KB,474x360,79:60,DO_NOT_MEME_THE_EVIL_SIMPS….png)


>Learn history. Since 2014 Ukraine has been bombing the eastern states of Ukraine as they disagreed with the US/Nuland coup in 2014. Putin said enough and rightfully so.

They know. They're not anons. Don't be fooled.

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23db27 No.21539491


Since a couple months ago, Russia sent a couple submarines to Cuba right across the street to Florida. You should know better.

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fa3138 No.21539492

File: e56b76f20bdd8df⋯.png (621.86 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240905_193218.png)

File: df0067560c2bbfc⋯.png (50.26 KB,766x496,383:248,603_1_.png)

File: e91c12845cbdd56⋯.jpeg (75.58 KB,680x453,680:453,T2YZPeFA.jpeg)

File: cd43d73cd85232d⋯.png (188.85 KB,766x1288,383:644,1803_1_.png)

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1b9064 No.21539493

File: cac6e035091ce50⋯.jpeg (19.22 KB,254x255,254:255,10efac6dabb59c8425897cfe8….jpeg)


no end in sight

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11d241 No.21539494

File: c8fad46c95f2b13⋯.png (1.02 MB,1220x707,1220:707,c8fad46c95f2b134641e03ba8d….png)

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23db27 No.21539495



These are not arguments.

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120614 No.21539496


What would humans / earth look like in 65,000,000 years?

How advanced would technology be?

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428db1 No.21539497

File: bb5d4c6b47b3498⋯.png (314.75 KB,628x489,628:489,ClipboardImage.png)


More pop corn plz.


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ca67bc No.21539498

did anon post the clip of bidans inauguration

where hunter says he had to cut a deal

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ff564a No.21539499


DUGA radar

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3c2116 No.21539500

File: 9125b4197621e7b⋯.png (3.94 MB,2160x2880,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


> Russia sent a couple submarines to Cuba

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f33b88 No.21539501

>>21539471 >>21539458

>the comp'd government will MAKE A BIG SHOW OF HIM GETTING NO PUNISHMENT.





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90f348 No.21539502


neither is anything you have said. FUCK YOUR PRECONCEPTIONS OF BEHAVIOR NIGGER THIS IS THE KUN AND YOU JUST A BITCH. how about that for at the very least a compelling statement that is aimed and creating an emotional reaction either in your or the audience as a whole as to help my over whelming ass beating of you because you a bitch.

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f2740f No.21539503


Didn't the horse jizz inside his mouth? (according to the newspaper article)

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ff564a No.21539504

watch all the lefties start putting putin on a pedestal

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483ca2 No.21539505

File: 2278e56c08433ab⋯.png (247.54 KB,438x504,73:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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37f85e No.21539506

File: 30f45a4bf90b576⋯.png (92.84 KB,236x177,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c75be No.21539507


im not 'arguing'

shitbags in gov/intel have been using Ukraine as a playground. Russia is perfectly sound to be Concerned about that

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bafd72 No.21539508


That's classified.

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11d241 No.21539509

File: 62ec9fa509e9bd3⋯.png (335.05 KB,822x537,274:179,62ec9fa509e9bd3477f8b65b9d….png)

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427cdf No.21539510


There was a firefight

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43fdf0 No.21539511

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,bb7c5ea05f867f955655de58ae….gif)

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e2f8ba No.21539512


That is not what actually started the war. What started the Russian invasion is the second public officials started opening their mouths about Ukraine joining NATO and then the bear got poked.

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23db27 No.21539513


Typical Russian shill cyka blyat.

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1b9064 No.21539514

File: d1e4950f586b1fe⋯.jpg (12.59 KB,255x213,85:71,8982ac4b88175077d5f76a92dd….jpg)

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428db1 No.21539515

File: c1a677d5c06ec56⋯.png (303.43 KB,610x513,610:513,ClipboardImage.png)




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fa3138 No.21539516

File: 90a860d2615d21f⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,90a860d2615d21fd175bfc59ad….mp4)

File: 1c5bb829b345818⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB,640x480,4:3,1c5bb829b34581805f302d6f28….mp4)

File: b764b81f88adbf7⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,1236x720,103:60,b764b81f88adbf7290c37f4fbe….mp4)

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7307da No.21539517

File: 5db3f039326579f⋯.jpg (6.41 MB,4096x4096,1:1,nft_2.jpg)


I'd be fascinated if you could share

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e2f8ba No.21539518



Remember: Russia had made it clear, for many years, Ukraine was off limits to NATO. They were not bluffing.

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3c2116 No.21539519

File: fc06951aac72b1b⋯.gif (951.96 KB,400x400,1:1,2610522863.gif)

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90f348 No.21539520

File: 6e542626e5cd81b⋯.png (380.28 KB,220x123,220:123,ClipboardImage.png)


well at least I didnt get called a jew this time. Things are looking great.

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8e3fb6 No.21539521


Nah, Hunter thinks the "Big Guy" will bail him out again. His legal team are the ones worried. If the case goes to trial then he's doomed

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7d4f36 No.21539522

File: 6af6e99544f5125⋯.png (190.52 KB,546x412,273:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1d1e2b77281227⋯.png (86.44 KB,1180x457,1180:457,ClipboardImage.png)

Q anon hit piece to discredit child sex trafficking in TN. The TBI agent being investigated is one of the people conducting the raid. They seized the investigation files.


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7307da No.21539523

File: 6c37c466a251f87⋯.jpg (79.35 KB,754x1158,377:579,6c3.jpg)


Noice doggy

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d1a8cf No.21539524




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1b9064 No.21539525

File: feceaf038edf9d4⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,255x243,85:81,58de810bea95dccf0d92d6b2dd….jpg)


in time

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90f348 No.21539526


is that really that memory holed at this point. The entire reason this happened is exactly that.

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9fbce2 No.21539527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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38745a No.21539528


>darkest corners of the internet

straight out of the glownigger buzz term handbook

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ea317a No.21539529

File: 44b5b849b71ebcb⋯.jpg (15.38 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1192300680.jpg)

File: 89b868c32578f21⋯.jpg (120.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,a6c65b929991ce93a46b960dac….jpg)

File: c6c6cc00dcddced⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,624x415,624:415,4065052_624x415_2765871143.jpg)

File: cfd56548dbcabc9⋯.jpg (585.24 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_085215….jpg)

File: 94166a8cb91fcad⋯.jpg (106.33 KB,1079x1346,1079:1346,e5bb8762e3251dae023c1c0e19….jpg)


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7307da No.21539530

File: 32eb753933b4f27⋯.png (255.01 KB,1000x1000,1:1,3a68b89bec4dbd3df2b98629c2….png)

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23db27 No.21539531


First one to use caps and say the n word loses btw.

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bafd72 No.21539532

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e74903 No.21539533

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fa3138 No.21539534

File: 6655667b84531d1⋯.jpeg (87.09 KB,799x533,799:533,GWvp8IOXQAATe80.jpeg)

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6fb054 No.21539535

File: 3921f2ecf240485⋯.jpg (919.11 KB,988x827,988:827,2024_09_05_19_41_44_364.jpg)

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e769d8 No.21539536


>>Learn history. Since 2014 Ukraine has been bombing the eastern states of Ukraine as they disagreed with the US/Nuland coup in 2014. Putin said enough and rightfully so.

CNN ruined the zoomers. Donbas was the reason Putin invaded.

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428db1 No.21539537

File: 6f19d226b3419ec⋯.png (272.16 KB,619x577,619:577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a618fff49fa015⋯.png (282.8 KB,610x508,305:254,ClipboardImage.png)

Veritas Semper Vincit

@semper_vincit Sep 4


Swedish FM Billstrom resigns after Russian Iskander visited Poltava.

Rumors are that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems.

15 trucks evacuated dead foreign NATO troops +officers: 600+ dead/wounded

Sep 4, 2024 · 5:50 PM UTC



>Remember: Russia had made it clear, for many years, Ukraine was off limits to NATO. They were not bluffing.

NATO's collapse is imminent.

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80a8fa No.21539538

File: 0f4cca2dfc66857⋯.png (177.33 KB,294x417,98:139,0f4cca2dfc6685781c84ee8bdb….png)

last call


#26387 >>21538838

>>21538853 Former CA Dem. Senate Leader Gloria Romero Switches to Republican Will Vote TRUMP

>>21538859, >>21538907, >>21539522 Tenn Police Chief investigating MAJOR corruption in Tennessee raided by same state bureau he's investigating

>>21538896 Republican Jewish Coalition Gathers, as More Jews Consider Voting Trump

>>21538900 In Wyoming 1 moose and more than 50 cattle have died of anthrax in the past month

>>21538903 @America1stLegal just sued Judge Merchan financial disclosures from 2018-2024

>>21538910 moar "alleged the property is one of several Aurora complexes under the control of the Tren de Aragua gang"

>>21538917 @BabylonBee kek - one last Russian collusion hoax

>>21538926, >>21539127 Hunter Biden indictment calls him a "lobbyist" and documents business deals in Ukraine, China and others w/max 17 years

>>21538929 Mike Davis: Joe Biden Will Pardon Hunter Biden After Hunter's Offered Plea Deal

>>21538933 @JamesOKeefeIII - on the satisfaction of being the news now

>>21538940 Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart All Authority?

>>21538953, >>21539084, >>21539103, >>21539120, >>21539228, >>21539248 Veeps campaigning today

>>21538959 2 months of France still without a PM

>>21538968 @AGAndrewBailey BREAKING: We have obtained a restraining order BLOCKING student loan bailouts

>>21538972 Biden Navy’s Failure To Secure “Freedom Of Navigation” Has Frightened Out Allies Globally

>>21538974, >>21539106 CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite on the border wall

>>21538977 Jobs collapse as job openings crash by *half a million* and layoffs soar to 1.8 million.

>>21538986 Far-left Democrat activist Judge David Carpenter let murder suspect free to kill THREE MORE PEOPLE

>>21538995, >>21539002, >>21539008 FLOTUS ~ MELANIA ~ My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21539005 @JohnFetterman Wheels down in Pixburgh with Heels Up

>>21539028 @elonmusk I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed

>>21539086 We are not at war with Russia but they are enacting war-time press controls aka trolling

>>21539097 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich Himself

>>21539173 Booking photos of the 14-year-old accused of carrying out a deadly mass shooting at a school

>>21539190 @Bee kek - Slow News Week As Lizard People Clearly Planning Something

>>21539225, >>21539302, >>21539384 PlaneFaggin' and some BoatFaggin'

>>21539261 Timing Is Everything

>>21539282 September 18th is going to be a wild day

>>21539322, >>21539359 LIVE: Fire at San Diego Gas and Electric Battery Storage Facility

>>21539333 Putin wins triple digits in trolling submission

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11d241 No.21539539

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ff564a No.21539540





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23db27 No.21539541


Guess we're on bad terms then. So why are some American influencers promoting or not criticizing Russia enough?

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6c6078 No.21539542







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1b9064 No.21539543

File: 11aa0f800cd6ab3⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,888x476,222:119,3wPETAyJN17yvT7k.mp4)

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43fdf0 No.21539544

File: 872e0fb5372a735⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,608x336,38:21,872e0fb5372a73553d3f95b350….mp4)

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6c6078 No.21539545



You too./

You should be ashamed of yourself for associating with good people like Q and Q+ when you say things like this in public./


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e74903 No.21539546



fairly comfee here.

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6fb054 No.21539547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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428db1 No.21539548

File: 4069a27d93f00a7⋯.png (6.48 KB,507x130,39:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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7307da No.21539549

File: ea5511c63134de2⋯.jpg (991.16 KB,4000x4000,1:1,GQewED2XsAA5ySt_jpeg.jpg)


Guud notes B

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ff564a No.21539550

File: 1b905fee1f824c1⋯.png (169.22 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c6078 No.21539551


>fairly comfee here.

Just be good./

Stop being a dick./


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1855f3 No.21539552


I’m pretty sure you are Globohomo.

Can I have your name and address?

We already have it.

Just want to see if you reply.

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e74903 No.21539553


Are you the Internet Police?

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ff564a No.21539554

File: 5eb2dad5fb0c65b⋯.png (389.72 KB,563x566,563:566,ClipboardImage.png)

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7307da No.21539555

File: 67a3369f5d8d42d⋯.webp (27.03 KB,657x527,657:527,smug_pepe2.webp)


What about being a good comfy dick?

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e2f8ba No.21539556


The only "good" thing that came out of this Ukraine fiasco is we can now learn from previous mistakes made by bad leadership. Diplomacy over war should always be the way to go, only unless someone will not negotiate but peace should be the No. 1 goal, not escalating the war.

Unfortunately our leaders fooled themselves and Ukraine by thinking Russia would be easy to beat, that Putin is just an idiot monkey, that our civilian population would accept a major war with Russia of-course at our expense and livelihoods, and that we had Ukraine's back the whole time. That was far too big a gamble and truth be known a lot of "elitists" that financially invested in Ukraine have been BTFO, they lost A LOT. …The MIC guys though…. the MIC got mad rich lol.

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ff564a No.21539557

File: 4f34d904d45b263⋯.png (90 KB,235x234,235:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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428db1 No.21539558

File: 5427ebe904ff9a7⋯.png (150.51 KB,564x570,94:95,ClipboardImage.png)

Veritas Semper Vincit

@semper_vincit Sep 4


After the Battle of Poltava, 1709, Sweden:

-lost 1/3 of its territory

-lost its ENTIRE army

-any dreams of being an empire

-a Royal House ( Charles XII)

It is the greatest military catastrophe in Swedish history.

This time will be even worse.

Sep 4, 2024 · 5:50 PM UTC



History books

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483ca2 No.21539559


if the way to avoid other dimensional things from installing implants is to keep moving then what about when you sleep?

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fa3138 No.21539560

File: 09260bc7851ee98⋯.jpeg (316.05 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWlIxTCWoAEvYDC.jpeg)

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7307da No.21539561

File: 919257a71a2e7b0⋯.jpg (64.66 KB,417x626,417:626,statue_liberty_holds_smoki….jpg)

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9fbce2 No.21539562

File: 534ed75f78e4acf⋯.jpg (35.93 KB,461x288,461:288,IMG_20240905_151220_571.jpg)

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3c2116 No.21539563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff564a No.21539564

File: 2449b9fae27d34e⋯.png (77.36 KB,236x177,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1a8cf No.21539565


: Bring-Chief-forward.

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1855f3 No.21539566


You are so fuc…

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1b9064 No.21539567

File: 7be684a71a62df7⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,348x480,29:40,7be684a71a62df723074b7e67c….mp4)


don't get me started w/ ST and Dana White kek

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e769d8 No.21539568


holy shit, shut your nigga!

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7307da No.21539569

File: ded848c1f888139⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yPRpWYIS8T65VG9cjTK3_RgtOO….jpg)


So fukking winning

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428db1 No.21539570

File: 07684ab985e9bc9⋯.png (29.95 KB,616x213,616:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7003e60a01dcba9⋯.png (365.67 KB,737x471,737:471,media_GT_Zgv_WIAAwPZ5.png)



>Rumors are that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems.

>NATO's collapse is imminent.


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b5efb6 No.21539571

File: 94b693195533c4a⋯.png (603.2 KB,503x730,503:730,ClipboardImage.png)


Tobias Lennart Billström

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b2682d No.21539572

File: 1c5c3899e1108c3⋯.jpg (489.88 KB,1079x1634,1079:1634,Screenshot_20240905_165246….jpg)

Two apps once used for contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic are not being used to track a user’s phone contacts like a chain message claims.


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90f348 No.21539573


rules. Kek.

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ff564a No.21539574

File: 0fe2c5c2a179513⋯.png (137.58 KB,236x362,118:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fbce2 No.21539575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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428db1 No.21539576

File: a95b03c16595538⋯.png (976.03 KB,1024x577,1024:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2682d No.21539577

File: b26eff6b7e9327f⋯.jpg (506.25 KB,1062x1630,531:815,Screenshot_20240905_165423….jpg)

The viral “Nebraska Walz’s for Trump” image shows distant cousins of vice presidential candidate Tim Walz.


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1855f3 No.21539578


2,300 yards almost here.

Red and White.

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d1a8cf No.21539579




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fa3138 No.21539580



fuckin' roast beef

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1855f3 No.21539581



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e74903 No.21539582

>be me

>got sick, can't shake it, go to doctor

>explain symptoms to doctor

>doctor interrupts: sounds like you have a blood clot in your lungs.

>imma finish: anon finishes

>doctor (with egg on face) remembers anon is unvaxed. gives RX for meds. tries to push covid swab.

>settled on a chest xray. no news is good news.

feels good man, all shiny and new w the meds.

WTF they are still pushing "covid."

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a38559 No.21539583


Are there any “Ukrainian males” aged 18-40 alive today?

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ff564a No.21539584

File: a7cbaea4c632d09⋯.png (95.65 KB,235x278,235:278,ClipboardImage.png)

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7307da No.21539585

File: 6b226e0ed22a826⋯.jpg (49.55 KB,500x443,500:443,6b226e0ed22a826c6d28928fc7….jpg)


2 moar weeks almost here

Red white and blue

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121bd1 No.21539586

File: 8a78ada2c8bf391⋯.png (26.94 KB,299x104,23:8,Putin_ICU.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539587


This is just up to personal opinions about geo-politics just like anyone else, not everyone agrees on everything, there are many sides to this topic, it is very controversial to say the least. A lot of people put their bets in hard, on both sides, but only one side will win. So of-course when you are talking about financial interests at stake, possibly people very "high up the latter" in politics and government too, there is going to be lots of reactionary calamity over these issues. If you bet your whole house of cards on something that is damn risky and not very smart, but some people did. Rich people!

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ff564a No.21539588

File: f7f0789bd0cea51⋯.png (129.68 KB,236x302,118:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539589


Of-course but most of those who are left have either fled the country or hiding from being put into a meat grinder!

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641200 No.21539590

File: 9207bf9a9c3e778⋯.png (892.59 KB,1322x882,661:441,1725579114396.png)

It's Game Time Niggas


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1b9064 No.21539592

File: 588d1df8c63b868⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,588d1df8c63b868c6a1c69840c….mp4)

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b2682d No.21539593

File: 0a31f22313fbe6f⋯.jpg (655.8 KB,1080x1947,360:649,Screenshot_20240905_165806….jpg)

2 retired WA ferries back on the market after sales agreement terminated


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208052 No.21539594

File: d014706f1f5138d⋯.jpg (81.59 KB,837x575,837:575,negan_mccain_kek.JPG)

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718ae5 No.21539595

File: a082d0e79a3d851⋯.png (1.59 MB,1021x1006,1021:1006,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ukraine have been BTFO, they lost A LOT

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ea317a No.21539597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Popular scene location…


James O'Keefe

Next week will be a THRILLER!

7.6K views · 3 years ago…more

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ff564a No.21539599

File: ac8e8ffecf8522d⋯.png (91.52 KB,236x174,118:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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07d5f4 No.21539601


checked, √erified

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29f1c6 No.21539602

File: 8470c2006d65336⋯.jpg (43.67 KB,640x328,80:41,ukraine_nazi_symbols.jpg)

File: 82285c8fa0a1980⋯.jpg (56.95 KB,720x448,45:28,ukraine_nazi_salute.jpg)

File: 0d5810d66069bba⋯.jpg (128.64 KB,588x679,84:97,ukrain_nazis_fly_flag.jpg)

File: 8bf9fe015dbaba6⋯.jpg (31.15 KB,550x309,550:309,ukraine_nazi_troops_photo_….jpg)

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e74903 No.21539604


Is Party Spock in the house tonight?

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641200 No.21539606

File: cd1ae32b0827646⋯.jpg (110.91 KB,773x616,773:616,Big_Pharma_Food_Poison_Com….jpg)

File: 020cba45272c932⋯.png (579.55 KB,1409x828,1409:828,1725578986578.png)

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428db1 No.21539607

File: 6dd56f0bdc02e67⋯.png (11.35 KB,340x210,34:21,ClipboardImage.png)



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641200 No.21539608

File: c67fd2506dfcc49⋯.png (1.04 MB,1243x938,1243:938,1725578905642.png)

File: 2c7ac6e3550a056⋯.png (378.98 KB,1024x376,128:47,Let_The_Pants_Shitting_Beg….png)

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b5efb6 No.21539609


Finally in June the Battle of Poltava took place. It was won by Russia and Peter the Great, putting an end to Mazepa's hopes of transferring Ukraine into the control of Sweden, which in a treaty had promised independence to Ukraine. Mazepa fled with Charles XII to the fortress of Bender (Tighina), in the Ottoman Empire's vassal Moldavia, where Mazepa soon died.

President Viktor Yushchenko called for the myth about the alleged treason of Mazepa to be dispelled. According to Yushchenko, the hetman wanted to create an independent Ukraine, and architecture thrived in Ukraine over the years of Mazepa's rule: "Ukraine was reviving as the country of European cultural traditions".

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641200 No.21539610

File: f9efc4ca796926d⋯.jpg (51.48 KB,660x371,660:371,Dumbfuck_Kamala_Harris_Put….jpg)

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26cfb1 No.21539611

File: f4a541fc478f81e⋯.png (1.13 MB,937x689,937:689,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cefbe No.21539612



Judge should be charged with accessory to murder.

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e74903 No.21539613

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6fb054 No.21539614


Diaper Days for Commie Deepfuck idiots, stupid, sick and horrible motherfuckers going down.

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b2682d No.21539615

File: f597c114c4d78e7⋯.jpg (621.03 KB,1080x1941,360:647,Screenshot_20240905_170259….jpg)

FBI raids homes of at least 3 top NYC officials closely connected to Mayor Adams


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37f85e No.21539616

File: ec0a7bd21e518a6⋯.png (11.05 KB,709x235,709:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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80a8fa No.21539617

Final Bun


#26387 >>21538838

>>21538853 Former CA Dem. Senate Leader Gloria Romero Switches to Republican Will Vote TRUMP

>>21538859, >>21538907, >>21539522 Tenn Police Chief investigating MAJOR corruption in Tennessee raided by same state bureau he's investigating

>>21538896 Republican Jewish Coalition Gathers, as More Jews Consider Voting Trump

>>21538900 In Wyoming 1 moose and more than 50 cattle have died of anthrax in the past month

>>21538903 @America1stLegal just sued Judge Merchan financial disclosures from 2018-2024

>>21538910 moar "alleged the property is one of several Aurora complexes under the control of the Tren de Aragua gang"

>>21538917 @BabylonBee kek - one last Russian collusion hoax

>>21538926, >>21539127 Hunter Biden indictment calls him a "lobbyist" and documents business deals in Ukraine, China and others w/max 17 years

>>21538929 Mike Davis: Joe Biden Will Pardon Hunter Biden After Hunter's Offered Plea Deal

>>21538933 @JamesOKeefeIII - on the satisfaction of being the news now

>>21538940 Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart All Authority?

>>21538953, >>21539084, >>21539103, >>21539120, >>21539228, >>21539248 Veeps campaigning today

>>21538959 2 months of France still without a PM

>>21538968 @AGAndrewBailey BREAKING: We have obtained a restraining order BLOCKING student loan bailouts

>>21538972 Biden Navy’s Failure To Secure “Freedom Of Navigation” Has Frightened Out Allies Globally

>>21538974, >>21539106 CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite on the border wall

>>21538977 Jobs collapse as job openings crash by *half a million* and layoffs soar to 1.8 million.

>>21538986 Far-left Democrat activist Judge David Carpenter let murder suspect free to kill THREE MORE PEOPLE

>>21538995, >>21539002, >>21539008 FLOTUS ~ MELANIA ~ My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21539005 @JohnFetterman Wheels down in Pixburgh with Heels Up

>>21539028 @elonmusk I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed

>>21539086 We are not at war with Russia but they are enacting war-time press controls aka trolling

>>21539097 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich Himself

>>21539173 Booking photos of the 14-year-old accused of carrying out a deadly mass shooting at a school

>>21539190 @Bee kek - Slow News Week As Lizard People Clearly Planning Something

>>21539225, >>21539302, >>21539384, >>21539593 PlaneFaggin' and some BoatFaggin'

>>21539261 Timing Is Everything

>>21539282 September 18th is going to be a wild day

>>21539322, >>21539359 LIVE: Fire at San Diego Gas and Electric Battery Storage Facility

>>21539333 Putin wins triple digits in trolling submission

>>21539537, >>21539558, >>21539609 Swedish FM Billstrom resigns after Russian Iskander visited Poltava

>>21539577 The viral “Nebraska Walz’s for Trump” image is REAL Walz family photo for Trump

>>21539597 OMG KEK - James O'Keefe - Next week will be a THRILLER!

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3c2116 No.21539618

File: c5ca238d83d7f67⋯.png (248.51 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f8ba No.21539619


I didn't say Ukraine itself, but those who invested in Ukraine did. They loaned a whole LOT of money into Ukraine, future investments. What happens to all that if Ukraine loses? Lots of very rich people lose a whole lot of money, and will be forced to adjust for it. And yes, these folks are PISSED.

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b5efb6 No.21539620


>FBI raids homes of at least 3 top NYC officials closely connected to Mayor Adams

knock knock knock housekeeping

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641200 No.21539623

File: dc279f4b420b3b5⋯.png (1.91 MB,1005x1160,201:232,1725581030205.png)

File: 450ae246cb316a6⋯.png (722.66 KB,1024x374,512:187,Let_The_Pants_Shitting_Beg….png)

File: f75e46747ed60bf⋯.png (92.99 KB,1024x850,512:425,Let_The_Pants_Shitting_Beg….png)

File: 96e86b91a9f445a⋯.png (318.94 KB,1024x392,128:49,Let_The_Pants_Shitting_Beg….png)

File: 6fb9044dead8b11⋯.png (545.88 KB,1024x416,32:13,Let_The_Pants_Shitting_Beg….png)

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e769d8 No.21539625


A thing of nightmares.

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37f85e No.21539626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know the squealer when i see them and

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1855f3 No.21539627


Space Force.

Tag this post.

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80a8fa No.21539628

File: e50a89fc5e72b67⋯.png (807.69 KB,968x944,121:118,e50a89fc5e72b67ebc38b49ac6….png)

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641200 No.21539629

File: 0f30a0c2de9bda2⋯.gif (1.52 MB,720x524,180:131,Magnetic_Recapture_Pepe.gif)

File: 5b8f09f5dd0dfe1⋯.gif (8.11 MB,720x405,16:9,Child_Rape_Kamala_Hitler.gif)




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428db1 No.21539630

File: f442403c8ab5c8a⋯.jpg (97.83 KB,760x481,760:481,210319_q_into_the_storm_hb….jpg)

File: 46f80a82fba4218⋯.png (19.44 KB,573x284,573:284,ClipboardImage.png)


watch the wat er.

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80a8fa No.21539631

File: 664f9e6b970f98f⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,3000x2308,750:577,578024_large.jpg)

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9fbce2 No.21539632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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483ca2 No.21539633



lago means lake in spanish

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b5efb6 No.21539634

post-1991 in independent Ukraine Mazepa's image has been gradually rehabilitated


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80a8fa No.21539635

File: 045815acd6bcc33⋯.jpg (541.04 KB,2025x1350,3:2,f81dcf3c2dc808ffa91953fe43….jpg)

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e2f8ba No.21539636


Unfortunately, some of these officials are starting to lash out so watch out media folks! That's the point really. Any media not sucking the tit of establishment propaganda may want to switch topics pretty soon if not now. I'm sure these "elitists" are going to look for someone to lash out against, that would likely include independent media personalities!

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38745a No.21539637



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80a8fa No.21539638

File: bf7832eff40e09c⋯.png (1.3 MB,891x786,297:262,Screenshot_2024_07_22_at_1….png)

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bf7555 No.21539639

saudi is under water they said at mecca. imagine having a 15 minute city dug into the earth and it raing and hailing…

they just made a new river.

please dont do this. makes no sense.

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718ae5 No.21539641


>I didn't say Ukraine itself

I get that.

Meme shows the effects of the western world

on Ukraine compared to Russia.

I think when Trump gets in, those investments

will go downhill quickly.

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