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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

7cf28c No.21537983 [Last50 Posts]

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7cf28c No.21537985

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26385 >>21537144

>>21537382, >>21537394, >>21537471 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks at The Economic Club of New York - 9/5/24

>>21537524, >>21537533, >>21537548, >>21537564, >>21537597, >>21537625, >>21537653, >>21537667, >>21537691, >>21537714, >>21537730, >>21537747, >>21537782, >>21537793, >>21537803, >>21537815, >>21537826, >>21537835, >>21537822, >>21537837, >>21537842, >>21537864, >>21537893, >>21537909 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - -

>>21537177, >>21537729, >>21537764, >>21537800, >>21537840, >>21537885, >>21537902, >>21537908 NYC case is full of stacked fraudulent charges. Steven Crowder Under Cover video of NICHOLAS BIASE DOJ-SDNY

>>21537192 The Euthanasia Op: Don’t Succumb to Hollywood’s “Choose Death” Programming

>>21537212 Thread about the DC hearing.


>>21537230 Jury selection gets underway in Hunter Biden's tax trial

>>21537244, >>21537294, >>21537348, >>21537385, >>21537447, >>21537570, >>21537770, >>21537809, >>21537838, >>21537863, >>21537920 NASA & Related Space News

>>21537260 Your BRAIN Needs The Animal Fat! Here's Why…

>>21537271 TRUMP X TRUTH

>>21537279, >>21537287 Ukraine Aid Needs Oversight of All This Funding and Assistance

>>21537311 Known Wolf – FBI States They Were Aware of Threats from 14-Year-Old Georgia School Shooter, Colt Gray

>>21537322, >>21537420, >>21537423, >>21537488 "Such an expressive and contagious laughter that it means she is doing well,” Putin Endorses Harris

>>21537344 President Trump FOX News Townhall 'Excerpts' from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

>>21537364 “The Illusion of Choice” Economist Eric Weinstein

>>21537368 FDA & CDC websites finally prove that HHS knows the mRNA COVID jabs ARE gene therapy

>>21537395, >>21537402 @DanScavino TRUTH - President @realDonaldTrump departing Trump Tower in New York City

>>21537411, >>21537638 Whenever you see Amish people, please kindly ask them to consider voting.

>>21537440 WATCH - The Charlie Kirk Show - Real America's Voice

>>21537448 Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggles Aboard Air Force One En Route to La Crosse, WI

>>21537478, >>21537486 Ukrainian President Zelensky just passed a law making it illegal to negotiate with Putin.

>>21537562, >>21537622 BREAKING: Hunter Biden Changes Plea to GUILTY in Tax Fraud Case.

>>21537595, >>21537806 Legal remedy pertaining to gag orders. The 4th and 6th Amendment is as follows

>>21537716 Texas-based oil company warns employees about security concerns from violent migrant gangs

>>21537741 The Clinton Global Initiative reconvenes September 23-24, 2024 in NYC for the 2024 Annual Meeting

>>21537817, >>21537818 The tariff history of the United States by Taussig, F. W.

>>21537867 Anthrax Outbreak In Wyoming Sparks Health Warning

>>21537962 Trump's co-campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles warn staff in internal email to stop talking to the press

>>21537978 #26385

#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536233 60 Days to WINNING


>>21536309 Bayesian superyacht victims were trapped alive when ship went down, died of ‘dry drowning’


>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

>>21536473 Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.


>>21536593 Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets

>>21536609 The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office

>>21536611 Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue


>>21536637 We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures

>>21536649 US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

>>21536684, >>21536688, >>21536708 @MelaniaTrump My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21536707 Apalachee HS "witness" Leyla Sayarath is an actress and is rehearshing her lines on camera.

>>21536750, >>21536751, >>21536775 Swamp Habbenins

>>21536755 Trump on tap today Trump Remarks at the Economic Club of New York 12:00 PM EDT

>>21536759 War Room Morning Edition

>>21536832 QR Banners

>>21536933, >>21536945 Kamala Rally Fuggery - Busses, busses, MOAR BUSSES!

>>21536964 Indecent assault charges against shamed US film mogul Harvey Weinstein are DROPPED

>>21537133 #26384

#26383 >>21535061

>>21535112 One of the victims in the Georgia school shooting has been identified as 14-year-old Mason Schermerhorn

>>21535144 Student from school shooting saying didn’t know what was going on due to having Ken Carson full blast in his airpods

>>21535170 Graphic footage of Georgia shooting aftermath

>>21535119 POTUS mentioned Halen Hardy during his Lex Fridman interview

>>21535122 Famous singers who have admitted to selling their soul

>>21535151, >>21535169 CBS News exposed Kamala for bussing supporters in to her New Hampshire rally live on air

>>21535172 @DeptofDefense: Global reach, global impact! 🌎✈️

>>21535177 Colombia's President asked the attorney general's office to investigate the $11 million purchase of Pegasus spy software

>>21535183, >>21535132 Elon Musk's $10,000 House Hitting The Market

>>21535195 German army activates air-defence system, citing Russia threat

>>21535214 The world's longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise, #UNITASLXV, is underway in Chile

>>21535264, >>21535328, >>21535341 Scavino w/ timestamp Qproof relevant to Georgia school shooting

>>21535304 United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Security Notification

>>21535476 Kamala Harris called for removing cops from schools to fight racial 'inequities' in 2019 interview

>>21535479 Migrants in Chicago are getting $15,000 in food stamps, $5000 a month cash, and 6 months free rent

>>21535481 DJT: Do your job, Clueless Kamala!

>>21535499 Speaking of mosquitos

>>21535517 Wildfire damages Navy base on remote California island; live fire suspected

>>21535526 In case you missed it: House Republicans Subpoena Tim Walz Over Minnesota andemic Aid Fraud

>>21535536 Trump: You HAVE to vote for me!

>>21535542 Waiting for Trump: And it's just a town hall


>>21535558 Swedish foreign minister Tobias Billstrom, who oversaw Sweden joining NATO, unexpectedly resigns

>>21535603 @mikepompeo: Russia's missile attack against a Ukrainian hospital is a reminder of Putin's butchery.

>>21535606 Lifelong Democrat and California Majority Leader Gloria Romero switched parties today to become a Republican. She will vote for Trump.

>>21535650, >>21535653, >>21535892 New Indictment Alleges Conservative Tenet Media Took Millions of Kremlin Cash

>>21535618 @Timcast: My statement regarding allegations and the DOJ Indictment

>>21535661 RFKjr on Candace Owen's remarks on Rabbi Schneerson

>>21535676 Why this Democrat decided Donald Trump is the best choice for president

>>21535677, >>21535684 Pope Francis visits Indonesia’s Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, then members of the Society of Jesus

>>21535687 What is going on in Aurora?

>>21535688 Stream of the Trump TownHall with Hannity

>>21535694 US Service Member Detained in Venezuela

>>21535708 Culture War: The Deadly Consequences of a Woke War Machine (video)

>>21535710 🚨🇨🇴The world’s largest mosquito factory is in Medellin, Colombia and its funded by Bill Gates

>>21535757 Georgia school shooting suspect on FBI radar since 2023

>>21535780 See how they use Trump as the cover photo for this Russia story to imply influencers were paid to support him? NOT TRUE

>>21535802 Putin says will ‘support’ Kamala Harris in US election

>>21535876 Elon on Liz Cheney on Kamala in 2020

>>21535863 US vs Donald Trump: 9 am hearing - Last night a classified ex-parte notice was filed. Appears to be about discovery shown to Judge in private chambers

>>21535888 Inflation Leaves the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores

>>21535133, >>21535423, >>21535474, >>21535659 Memes

>>21535897 #26383

Previously Collected

>>21533520 #26380, >>21534290 #26381, >>21535044 #26382

>>21530812 #26377, >>21531920 #26378, >>21532680 #26379

>>21528490 #26374-B, >>21529240 #26375, >>21530040 #26376

>>21526724 #26372, >>21527641 #26373, >>21528479 #26374-A

Aggregators: https:'//'qresear.ch | https:'//'qnotables.com | https:'//'qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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7cf28c No.21537992

File: a925135aa15fb13⋯.png (320.64 KB,595x425,7:5,a925135aa15fb13b6042353106….png)

File: 4a25f9cfed7abfb⋯.png (498.9 KB,680x680,1:1,4a25f9cfed7abfb8f78f045002….png)

File: 8c32ae8ec50a79a⋯.png (544.91 KB,512x512,1:1,8c32ae8ec50a79a017d201c22f….png)

fresh dough


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ee5b42 No.21537998

File: 0d618eb35ba4811⋯.png (371.07 KB,450x300,3:2,0d618eb35ba4811a1abf9a9730….png)

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7855c1 No.21538005

File: a95af7a898c4c58⋯.png (348 KB,741x582,247:194,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8a1f40a93530e3⋯.mp4 (247.55 KB,480x270,16:9,WE_RE_GONNA_SEND_HER_A_MAG….mp4)





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5bfffa No.21538006

File: bc68a98d16e2d57⋯.jpeg (194.34 KB,1400x1854,700:927,MbwZmDx5cB6A.jpeg)

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f8a03f No.21538009

File: a422521c64605c9⋯.png (2.3 MB,1260x1124,315:281,putin_cheers.png)


>fresh dough


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3f4b03 No.21538010



The quiet moment before the Shills and bread gobblers.

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68a889 No.21538012

File: 666d91ed7db0b0c⋯.jpg (53.39 KB,666x361,666:361,trumpmanufacturing.jpg)

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c4e805 No.21538014


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9a7465 No.21538016

File: eac01e9e1c3f15f⋯.png (161.73 KB,500x464,125:116,ClipboardImage.png)

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68a889 No.21538017

Reporter: On Hunter Biden changing his plea..does that change [Biden's] calculus on pardoning his son?

Jean-Pierre: It's no. Still no.

Reporter: Can you comment on whether a commutation would be on or off the table?

Jean-Pierre: That's also no.

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d67dad No.21538019

File: 87ce5fc36938d87⋯.jpeg (227 KB,800x689,800:689,ADD16E98_4461_4307_A563_C….jpeg)

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0d3031 No.21538020

File: 6d27f6fd7a9dc3c⋯.png (8.62 KB,414x126,23:7,Capture.PNG)



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415c15 No.21538022

File: 187a45ff6a24505⋯.png (864.52 KB,1076x780,269:195,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da9132e5c82aec6⋯.png (1.35 MB,1318x877,1318:877,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb7f07 No.21538023

File: 8dcbb06a410cf71⋯.png (489.38 KB,720x649,720:649,1724446682191831.png)


Thank you Baker

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aeb7d6 No.21538025

File: e5f571f22ebeec4⋯.png (60.3 KB,460x756,115:189,66d9b523b3039.png)

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bd3b14 No.21538026

File: 540796af863ad31⋯.png (588.03 KB,711x703,711:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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324030 No.21538027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5bfffa No.21538029

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Interesting. Gonna need some sauce though but interesting nonetheless.

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f8a03f No.21538030

File: 6c65fbcfad9a090⋯.jpg (34.16 KB,519x449,519:449,Putin_popcorn.jpg)


Raiding a democrat….. Well that's different.

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9a7465 No.21538031

File: 54f8132b7e21a87⋯.png (985.45 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

not all witches are bad…Allies matter

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0d68a9 No.21538032

File: 15233b0186a2d8d⋯.png (633.91 KB,746x521,746:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60db8cfb7959424⋯.png (59.52 KB,582x521,582:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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a97089 No.21538033

File: 4d2449a771faa46⋯.png (281.7 KB,690x2478,115:413,32508586_5486_4863_BAC1_CF….png)

File: 2fa6cd35f3045be⋯.png (59.51 KB,690x718,345:359,B536B80D_D7A1_4716_9BD5_07….png)

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d6d148 No.21538034

File: bb6c9fafc3b31bd⋯.jpg (14.42 KB,255x198,85:66,okek77.jpg)

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

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a3c28b No.21538035

File: 3fa62c5d9ab9f31⋯.webm (3.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,ARTIFICIALintelligenceHOR….webm)

>>21537311 (lb)

be an hero

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0d68a9 No.21538036

File: 6642783902f7d10⋯.png (665.4 KB,897x488,897:488,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2ad1ddf32c957⋯.png (481.83 KB,631x524,631:524,ClipboardImage.png)

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24003b No.21538037

File: dcbcc79f8ca1909⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Camp_Justice_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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d6d148 No.21538038

i told them that but they wouldnt listen to now it gets the ridicule!!!

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d6d148 No.21538039

it gets the ridicule!!!!

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9a7465 No.21538040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7624dd No.21538041

File: b47ff0f910e9964⋯.jpg (370.67 KB,1400x1797,1400:1797,IMG_20240905_115525079_3.jpg)

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d6d148 No.21538042

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB,761x652,761:652,Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Q_26.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB,748x612,11:9,Q_43.png)

File: 6f0f3e39ca5b631⋯.png (10.48 KB,835x618,835:618,Q_55.png)

faggots though!!!

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ebd00d No.21538043

File: f0de9ce075c3a1f⋯.png (221.69 KB,680x363,680:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 023c87a11aa6b4c⋯.gif (8.11 MB,600x338,300:169,night_train_2.gif)

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bd3b14 No.21538044

File: 7719c568c2e2cab⋯.png (542.59 KB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a319c No.21538045

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5bfffa No.21538047

File: ea498cdbaa68939⋯.png (226.05 KB,714x725,714:725,ClipboardImage.png)

Good on ya, Enon. Though you will most likely get recognition for what you'll do if you take the position. And the title comes with the job, so, you'll just have to settle for no pay.

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44ae30 No.21538050

File: b4124285501bed3⋯.png (603.04 KB,575x1100,23:44,Screenshot_20240905_105504….png)

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9a7465 No.21538052

File: e080320095c910b⋯.png (681.69 KB,720x711,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a1200d160ee3dc⋯.png (729.37 KB,806x806,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb7f07 No.21538054

File: f9174e77bcaaeb8⋯.gif (869.39 KB,555x555,1:1,f9174e77bcaaeb8d37132b2dc2….gif)

This reminds me of my late Oma and Opa.

Thank you fren.

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0d68a9 No.21538055

File: bea43157aa83594⋯.png (340.9 KB,591x522,197:174,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db67ef967e7dda5⋯.png (549.53 KB,617x520,617:520,ClipboardImage.png)

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fce8f7 No.21538057

Is the GA shooter kid (alleged) White or Black?

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3f3c73 No.21538059

File: 2e2d8f7e84a8b8d⋯.jpg (458.82 KB,1080x1940,54:97,Screenshot_20240828_104809….jpg)

File: 69de53ccbb3a325⋯.jpg (190.59 KB,1080x493,1080:493,Screenshot_20240905_122253….jpg)

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3a319c No.21538062

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f8a03f No.21538063

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


They didn't say, so he's not white.

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02e628 No.21538064

File: 3f95558f2d44488⋯.png (192.44 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

5 Sep, 2024 15:58

Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address

The Russian president’s lengthy keynote speech in Vladivostok focused on regional development and foreign policy issues

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a lengthy keynote speech on Thursday at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok. The address focused on the development of the Far East, cooperation with Russia’s partners in the Asia-Pacific Region, as well as on other domestic and foreign policy issues.

The ongoing standoff with the West and the Ukraine conflict – particularly Kiev’s incursion into Kursk Region – loomed large on the agenda. The session was attended by a number of high-ranking foreign officials, including Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Chinese Vice President Han Zheng.

Here are the key takeaways from the president’s address.

Russia’s economic priority of the current century

In his opening remarks to the EEF participants, Putin highlighted the importance of the Far East to Russia, describing it as the key avenue for cooperation with Asia and the Global South. “We have defined the development of the Far East as a national priority for the entire 21st century.

The importance… of this decision has been confirmed by life itself, by the challenges that we have faced recently,” Putin said, noting that the “region allows us to overcome the barriers that some Western elites are trying to impose on the entire world.”

With this in mind, the Russian leader noted that Moscow had launched several extremely ambitious infrastructure endeavors. He noted that the efforts being undertaken to improve the rail network, for example, surpass in scope even Soviet-era megaprojects.

Dedollarization as a global trend

Putin stressed thatRussia has never sought to abandon the dollar, noting that it was Western sanctionsthat forced it to find other ways to carry out transactions with international partners. He noted that the dollar became the dominant global currency after World War II, as the US successfully capitalized on its position at the end of the war.However, according to Putin, the situation is beginning to change.

“For example, we and our BRICS partners use national currencies, already for about 65% [of transactions]. This is a natural process”, he said, adding, however, that the US was expediting the tectonic shift with its “unprofessional and stupid actions” while refusing to acknowledge its mistake.

Ukraine’s Kursk incursion as an unmitigated disaster

It is the “sacred duty” of the Russian military to expel Ukrainian forces from Kursk Region, the Russian president said. He noted that Ukraine hoped to make Moscow “nervous,” undermine public morale, and force the redeployment of troops from other sectors of the front, but miscalculated in every respect.

By starting its Kursk offensive, Putin continued, Ukraine weakened its forces in Donbass, resulting in rapid advances by Russian troops in the area. Meanwhile, Kiev’s forces have sustained heavy losses in the Kursk operation, he added.

Ukrainian “aliens”

Ukraine’s refusal under Western pressure to sign a peace agreement with Russia in 2022 gives ground to suspect that the country is governed by “aliens or foreigners,” Putin suggested, arguing thatKiev’s walking away from a deal demonstrated its disregard for ordinary people dying in the conflict.The only option left forKiev to make up for its “colossal losses” is to lower the conscription age again. This would allow it “to recruit children, as the German Nazis did with the Hitler Youth. But this will not solve the problem… The next step is to call up students, to bleed the country dry,” he said.

Rooting for Harris

Asked whether he had a preferred candidate in the US presidential election after Joe Biden, whom he previously supported, dropped out, Putin signaled that he would prefer to see Vice President Kamala Harris win in November.


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415c15 No.21538067

File: 9d53e333db3f740⋯.png (6.55 MB,2400x1350,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d04322aa4ce2c5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1050x656,525:328,ClipboardImage.png)

New Maori queen crowned in New Zealand – and she's Catholic

Sep 5, 2024

Amid the grief following the death of their king, the Maori people rejoiced as the late monarch's youngest daughter, Nga Wai hono i te po, was named as his successor.

Chosen by the council of Maori chiefs, the 27-year-old made her first appearance as kuini ("Queen") Sept. 5, taking her place on a throne near the coffin of her father, the late King Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII.

Thousands gathered in Turangawaewae marae to pay their respects to the late king following a weeklong period of mourning in the country's North Island.

As the sounds of the haka, the traditional Maori war chant, echoed, the new queen accompanied her father's casket on a two-hour canoe ride along the Waikato River, bearing him to his final resting place.

King Tuheitia died Aug. 30 at age 69. His death came just nine days after he celebrated his 18th anniversary as king of the Kiingitanga, or Maori king movement, which was established in 1858 to unite the Maori tribes following the loss of lands due to British colonization.

Queen Nga Wai hono i te po is the second Maori queen in the eight-dynasty reign; her grandmother, Queen Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, was the first to reign as queen.

According to the Catholic news website CathNews New Zealand, it was Queen Te Arikinui who asked that her granddaughter be baptized by the late Auxiliary Bishop Max Takuira Matthew Mariu of Hamilton, the first Maori Catholic bishop.

Her baptism in the settlement town of Parakino was not only meant to symbolically unite Maori tribes in the areas near the Waikato and Whanganui Rivers, but also to signify the close ties between the Kiingitanga movement and the Catholic Church, CathNews New Zealand reported.

The new queen's name was inspired by the symbolism of her baptism: "Ngawai Hono ki Parakino," which translates to the "Joining of the Rivers" in Maori.


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0d3031 No.21538070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There were several shooters.

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324030 No.21538075


or its a trans.

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ebd00d No.21538077

djt is taking questions after his speech


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9a7465 No.21538079


i second this faggot

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0e887e No.21538081


Numak, the Gold Dragon (Korean: 금룡 느마우그 Geumnyong Neumaugeu) is one of the many tertiary antagonists of Dungeon Fighter Online and serves a mini-boss of Castle of Bakal in the Otherverse and the boss of the Traitor's Mansion in the Ispins, The Usurped Lands.

He was a member of the Four Dragonoids, which were a select group of four powerful Dragonoids who served directly under the Dragon Tyrant Bakal and led the Dragonoid Legion that occupies the Empyrean continent of Ispins during the Empyrean Age of Darkness. According to Empyrean history, it is said that he along with the other members of the Four perished during the Machine Revolution.

? lol yeah

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a97089 No.21538082

File: baf656bc5444795⋯.png (1.4 MB,750x1334,375:667,7606E32C_65E6_472F_B4B4_8B….png)

File: 9333976e15220aa⋯.png (65.45 KB,690x938,345:469,93F1FE69_9948_4B83_A672_44….png)

File: 3c829c8913e328f⋯.jpeg (619.69 KB,1623x1080,541:360,6C22420C_8538_4A62_80B1_A….jpeg)

File: f37a2d2970c3d6e⋯.png (547.49 KB,690x1926,115:321,023CBD36_8BC2_4304_97DE_52….png)

File: ee0643648942851⋯.png (1.18 MB,591x1280,591:1280,8CA70AA6_C4C7_435B_8A47_61….png)

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db3b00 No.21538085

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scott Bennett …..22:29-> 26:59

laying down truth

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cb7f07 No.21538086


Not me..I am the larp

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d67dad No.21538089

File: 1491506cd626e6c⋯.png (406.96 KB,800x450,16:9,84488420_76A3_496E_AC2A_9E….png)

File: 841343b533f22fb⋯.png (892.83 KB,600x900,2:3,78A266B9_00DB_4152_A818_44….png)

File: 5e0420ea6b5ddb9⋯.png (753.22 KB,800x485,160:97,696CCAF0_D2F9_4E11_B10B_53….png)

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0d3031 No.21538092

File: 017223be4ea7cde⋯.jpg (409.74 KB,1976x1438,988:719,GWuEdFoXYAAdIQt.jpg)

Vault 7

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a97089 No.21538095

File: 3c829c8913e328f⋯.jpeg (619.69 KB,1623x1080,541:360,701068DD_5DF1_430F_B597_2….jpeg)

File: 6a0154134f74e66⋯.png (142.32 KB,690x1742,345:871,53B261FD_A0B0_4F86_8327_69….png)

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3a319c No.21538097

you are faggot British


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f8a03f No.21538099

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)

Looks like vati is too lazy this afternoon to take the time to paste in all that text…. KEK

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ba039f No.21538101

America is going to be a losing dystopian four year battle if the use of military force isn't executed against the constant washington DC and federal democratic tyranny.

The country has been forever radically changed, a constant four year cycle of battling against conservative principles and democratic communist principals.

The communist in DC have control.

America wasn't designed to be like Zimbabwe.

Democratic communism needs to be destroyed.

The political landscape in the United States should not be a choice between liberty and freedom, and the rule of government with democratic communist tyranny.

America is a full spectrum reality of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There is no place in the American political spectrum for an active communist party masquerading as the democratic party.

The evil idea that you can brainwash enough people to vote for communist democratic leadership is subversion.

The country and its history can then be changed to a vision of a democratic communist concentration camp, this is not a constitutional American right or a reality, this is tyranny.

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cb7f07 No.21538106

File: b04874540476433⋯.png (53.26 KB,473x497,473:497,qaggdropimage999_4.png)



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8e4ad1 No.21538111


Hunter Biden intends to change not guilty plea in his federal tax case, defence attorney says

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aeb7d6 No.21538113

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q News Review

Each week, Mike joins Dave & Mark to discuss a selection of current events and explain how they connect the Q operation. Mike integrates his extensive knowledge of our true history to help frame present developments into the context of The Great Awakening.


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ebd00d No.21538117

File: 074fa18f973744f⋯.png (674.46 KB,851x570,851:570,ClipboardImage.png)

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d67dad No.21538119

File: d7889e21a77b402⋯.png (774.49 KB,711x703,711:703,E7963371_01F0_4A00_878C_34….png)

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af8325 No.21538120

File: 08d25f84e40c658⋯.jpg (24.17 KB,276x183,92:61,shpep.jpg)

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f8a03f No.21538123

File: 7774227ae156aa8⋯.png (128.46 KB,350x289,350:289,pepe_glasses.png)


>change not guilty plea

To?? Not guilty by means of insanity? Because he was insanely high?

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415c15 No.21538124

File: e2fbf32e3c7a208⋯.png (786.09 KB,900x460,45:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 358fd26d5aa5b23⋯.png (270.71 KB,500x462,250:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ed1fe31e0fd687⋯.png (333.47 KB,500x287,500:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3bfca04e107f0f⋯.png (321.9 KB,500x294,250:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 538ff42a9387c68⋯.png (124.06 KB,500x285,100:57,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada's new $20 silver coin is based on a UFO sighting, and it's rectangular

Sep 5 2024, 5:47 am

Coins often feature an essential part of a country’s history, and the newest Canadian coin certainly has a story to tell.

Royal Canadian Mint’s latest design is out of this world: a $20 pure silver rectangular coin that glows in the dark.

The coin, which measures 49.80 mm by 28.60 mm, features a reverse designed by Canadian artist Steven Hepburn. Hepburn has previously worked on designs with Canada Post.

This time, Hepburn’s coin design features his interpretation of the Langenburg Event, an unexplained phenomenon on September 1, 1974.

That morning, a farmer swathing his fields near the town of Langenburg, Saskatchewan, saw five polished, steel-like objects shaped like saucers rotating and hovering above the ground.

The objects then rose and disappeared.

An RCMP incident report states that the objects left behind “five different distinct circles, caused by something exerting what had to be heavy air or exhaust pressure over the high grass.”

Science writer and journalist Chris Rutkowski said that the 1974 event occurred years before “crop circles” were discovered in British fields several years later.

“RCMP investigation failed to definitively explain what the eyewitness had seen, nor what created the ‘UFO landing site,” said Rutkowski.

The incident drew local and international attention, and the new design is the latest addition to Canada’s Unexplained Phenomena series.

The seven coins are based on documented accounts of “strange encounters, occurrences and sightings across Canada.”

Hepburn said he tried to imagine the awe and disbelief the eyewitness must have felt as he went about his routine.

“The initial amazement must have quickly turned into fear as he grappled with the realization of what he was witnessing.

Talk about a life-changing event,” he said.

To add to the otherworldly effect, the coin also glows in the dark and comes with a backlight flashlight.

The obverse features King Charles III and was designed by Canadian portrait artist Steven Rosati.

Royal Canadian Mint will only produce 6,500 of these coins.

If you want to own a small piece of Canada’s extraterrestrial history, you can order the coin here for $139.95. Shipping starts on September 11.


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9a7465 No.21538126

File: 56cef7474da32a2⋯.png (702.2 KB,474x612,79:102,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d68a9 No.21538127

File: 9f6786c806fbd4c⋯.jpg (42.37 KB,631x473,631:473,meme_police.JPG)

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f8a03f No.21538131

File: dfca6d116c2f798⋯.png (1.43 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,memes_outlawed.png)

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324030 No.21538133


If he pleads guilty it fast tracks the sentencing and allows Biden to pardon.

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7624dd No.21538136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice day for it.

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f8a03f No.21538139

File: 195997184497115⋯.png (352.19 KB,1054x750,527:375,Pepe_Apu_sings.png)


The meme police

They live inside of my head

The meme police

They come to me in my bed

The meme police

They're coming to arrest me, oh no


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0d68a9 No.21538140

File: d8c3e676031e315⋯.png (5.94 KB,290x174,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a7465 No.21538141

File: c8784dbf0e62015⋯.png (1.25 MB,1202x875,1202:875,8chan.PNG)

File: 87ddd4fde03aa88⋯.gif (3.57 MB,498x373,498:373,tenorMemo.gif)


the timeline has been old news…

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d67dad No.21538143

File: b2ea99f6248900d⋯.png (788.18 KB,711x703,711:703,CABF8C9D_81D5_4F85_AD9E_07….png)



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0d68a9 No.21538144

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f8a03f No.21538146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6e0601 No.21538147


Dc can be invaded at any time it is not part of our country

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3a319c No.21538151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's my iland

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d67dad No.21538154

File: aa2e4ab7bfec311⋯.gif (1.94 MB,360x280,9:7,IMG_8717.GIF)

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7624dd No.21538155

Seriously, why bother?

It's gross.


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d67dad No.21538157

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.GIF)

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6e0601 No.21538158

File: eebe33205235205⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB,774x480,129:80,eebe3320523520525de4e20fcb….mp4)

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d67dad No.21538159

File: 7a3b6c3d1c32805⋯.gif (2.4 MB,360x359,360:359,IMG_8711.GIF)

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bc9e24 No.21538160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21537260. Lb

> Your BRAIN Needs The Animal Fat! Here's Why…

Everyone needs to listen to this video.

Autism hire in vegan’s kids

Vegan’s brains shrink without any meat or fish proteins and fats

I am convinced all the foods we have been told are bad for us are actually necessary for our brain to keep us intelligent. I actually think they are pushing crap pharmaceuticals on us and withholding the good stuff. Everything they withhhold from us is actually what works best for us.

I am hungry for an egg sandwich now

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104451 No.21538162

File: c49dd7e55366dd4⋯.gif (5.81 MB,640x320,2:1,sideofbeef.gif)

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a97089 No.21538163

File: f2dd87b17abb749⋯.jpeg (284.14 KB,1623x1080,541:360,18D35E3A_7793_4BFD_8B1B_2….jpeg)

File: 3c829c8913e328f⋯.jpeg (619.69 KB,1623x1080,541:360,92DB9752_6B6C_4193_9E28_1….jpeg)

File: f37a2d2970c3d6e⋯.png (547.49 KB,690x1926,115:321,1146C132_E3C1_4DB2_938C_10….png)

File: 6a0154134f74e66⋯.png (142.32 KB,690x1742,345:871,BFC445C5_4F3F_4015_A85C_37….png)

File: ef1aad6a027263f⋯.jpeg (201.7 KB,1623x1080,541:360,245E35A5_84AC_4907_858C_6….jpeg)

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cb7f07 No.21538164

1st Energy,


Keystone XL,

Nord Stream 2,

Demand drives the need for oil drilling,

Supply will bring everything down.

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9a7465 No.21538165

File: 5c318b5059a9fa5⋯.png (312.31 KB,609x881,609:881,ClipboardImage.png)


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7624dd No.21538166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Very busy.

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f8a03f No.21538168

File: dd23a7f6d4f7309⋯.png (305.99 KB,748x790,374:395,Biden_I_did_that_89.png)

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a97089 No.21538169

File: b28884a0568ca00⋯.jpeg (328.43 KB,2048x1406,1024:703,42ADF0DF_2F9D_4C70_9A7E_C….jpeg)

File: 64197056941fbfc⋯.jpeg (427.86 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,6679D491_D7F9_4DA8_AF9B_2….jpeg)

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cb7f07 No.21538170




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9a7465 No.21538171

File: 9c01bf0f827ceea⋯.png (373.11 KB,616x641,616:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 099332a053e61bf⋯.png (34.31 KB,608x570,16:15,ClipboardImage.png)


yesterdays school shooting

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529037 No.21538172

File: 1f1685ae9bea7aa⋯.png (688.03 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

100% Proof "Time" magazine is nothing but radical left political propaganda attacking pro-freedom of speech.

They purposefully excluded Elon Musk in their Top 100 most influential people in AI, despite the fact that xAI is the most powerful training system in the world.


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1e3530 No.21538173



Jews testi

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104451 No.21538174

2:10 PM EDT

The President arrives in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Official Schedule


2:20 PM EDT

The President departs La Crosse, Wisconsin en route to Westby, Wisconsin

Official Schedule


2:30 PM EDT

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room (2D972) at 2:30 p.m. EDT. The briefing will also be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense





Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


2:40 PM EDT

The President arrives in Westby, Wisconsin

Official Schedule


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415c15 No.21538175

File: 06d132fa478b136⋯.png (590.89 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Alien Warning: Growing Belief in UFOs Is Dangerous 'Political Tsunami'

September 4, 2024

The belief that aliens have visited Earth and may even live among us is not a new concept; it has persisted for centuries. But now this notion is gaining unprecedented traction in the U.S. and abroad, raising concerns about its potential impact on society.

In the U.S., belief in UFO sightings as evidence of alien life has surged from 20 percent in 1996 to 34 percent in 2022, with 24 percent of Americans reporting they have seen a UFO, according to a 2022 YouGov poll of 1,000 U.S. adult citizens. In short, this belief is no longer confined to the fringes.

In a recent study accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Tony Milligan, philosopher and senior research fellow at King's College London in England, said that the belief in alien visitors has evolved into a widespread societal concern.

"When you're dealing with populism, or this highly specialized variant of populism, you're dealing with a wave—a political tsunami," Milligan told Newsweek.

The shift in belief has gained such momentum that it is now influencing political discourse, particularly in the U.S., where the topic has garnered bipartisan attention.

"You don't worry about this stuff when it's 2 percent of the population… but you don't expect it to be reaching the floor of Congress," Milligan said.

The Pentagon's recent disclosure of information regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) has only fueled public interest and speculation, though the issue of UFO disclosure has persisted across multiple administrations.

Hillary Clinton, during her 2016 campaign, expressed a desire to "open [Pentagon] files as much as I can," while Donald Trump suggested he would "think about" declassifying documents related to the notorious Roswell incident.

Milligan said that there are three primary dangers associated with the mainstream acceptance of these alien visitation narratives.

The first is an erosion of trust in government and institutions. Milligan said that the widespread belief in government cover-ups related to UFOs—held by over 60 percent of Americans—undermines trust in public institutions.

This erosion of trust can have far-reaching consequences for democratic governance and is part of the wider problem of populism.

Secondly, the incorporation of UFO narratives into indigenous storytelling poses a risk to the preservation of original cultural meanings.

"Fragments of the earliest tales are still there within indigenous storytelling, and along comes this UFO visitation narrative and it starts to overwrite that stuff," Milligan said.

As these alien narratives gain validation, the true cultural significance of indigenous stories may be lost.

"Squeezed through a New Age filter of 1960s counterculture, the narrative was flipped to value indigenous people as having once possessed advanced technology," Milligan wrote in a recent piece for The Conversation.

"Once upon a time, according to this view, every indigenous civilization was Wakanda, a fictional country appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics."

Finally, the proliferation of alien visitation tales creates noise that distracts from genuine scientific inquiry.

At a time when scientists are making significant strides toward discovering microbial life beyond Earth—a potential milestone in human history—these conspiracy theories risk obscuring serious scientific efforts.

"These tales create so much background noise that it gets in the way of legitimate science communication," Milligan added.

The rise of social media, combined with politicians seeking marginal gains wherever possible, means that this problem is likely to grow.

"None of these things are good for democratic societies. They're all bad, and they're all growing," Milligan said.

In light of these challenges, Milligan added that political figures should take a stand against the spread of alien visitation beliefs. "It would make sense for political figures to speak out about these things," he said.

Additionally, he added there should be efforts to protect scientific integrity and preserve authentic indigenous stories.

"We can try and accelerate the process of recording stories that are transmitted orally before it becomes impossible further down the line to disentangle what's authentic from what's not authentic."

Ultimately, however, Milligan is not optimistic about reversing this trend. "You can't stop the wave," he added.


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529037 No.21538176

File: 2219683aacf395e⋯.png (640.63 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Greta Thunberg ARRESTED


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e9d9b0 No.21538177

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DOJ Chief Caught Admitting in Undercover Footage That Trump Indictments Are Politically Motivated — Exposes Plot to Make Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ and ‘Affect His Candidacy’


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292ad2 No.21538178

File: 2c89fe8375cff3d⋯.png (251.57 KB,719x811,719:811,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)




>some sauce though but interesting no

FBI raids homes of top aides to New York City Mayor Eric Adams

Story by Jeff Coltin, Michael Gartland and Sally Goldenberg

• 45m •

Federal officers have raided the Manhattan home of New York City first deputy mayor Sheena Wright as part of a long-running probe in Mayor Eric Adams' campaign. © Caroline Willis/Mayoral Photo Office via Flickr.com

NEW YORK — Federal authorities have raided the homes of two of New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ most senior aides and closest friends, multiple sources told POLITICO.

The search Wednesday of the Manhattan residence of the city’s first deputy mayor, Sheena Wright, and the Queens home of the deputy mayor for public safety, Philip Banks, marks an escalation of the federal inquiry into the mayor’s orbit.

Banks’ brother and Wright’s romantic partner is David Banks, the city’s schools chancellor.

The homes of at least three other Adams’ aides have been searched since last November, but Wright and Phil Banks are the highest-ranking administration officials yet known to be caught up in the federal action.

Adams himself was served a grand jury subpoena in July and had his electronic devices seized (and later returned) last November.

The investigation revolves at least in part around whether the mayor’s 2021 campaign fundraising reveals collusion with foreign interests, including the Turkish government.

A spokesperson for the FBI declined comment. Spokespeople for Adams, his administration and his campaign did not immediately return requests for comment.

Adams, a Democrat serving his first term as mayor, and his attorneys have said he is cooperating with the investigation and stressed he has not been accused of wrongdoing.

City Hall and his election committee were also subpoenaed in July, The New York Times reported last month.

Last November, federal officers raided and collected evidence from the homes of the mayor’s top campaign fundraiser, Brianna Suggs, and his international affairs aide, Rana Abbasova.

And while the connection is not yet clear, feds in February also searched the home of a special adviser to the mayor and director of Asian affairs, Winnie Greco.


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7624dd No.21538179


Poop eater.

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f8a03f No.21538181

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)


>Growing Belief in UFOs Is Dangerous

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d78eba No.21538182

Marga is a word that means "path" or "way" and refers to a way to reach salvation or enlightenment.

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7624dd No.21538183


Torrent ensues, state and local stupid fuckin commie roundup.


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bc9e24 No.21538185


She has fat feet

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1d1b90 No.21538186

File: 6c280a2bd0a2afe⋯.png (386.24 KB,500x523,500:523,93j6y.png)

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0088aa No.21538187


Make All Really Great Again

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a97089 No.21538188


gas is 145.9 the 14 comms are heavy today

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9a7465 No.21538189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d67dad No.21538190


It’s not actually Hillary’s shoe just one that was spotted nearby.

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0d3031 No.21538191


They come right out and admit it.

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bc9e24 No.21538192

Why is MSM not reporting on school shooting today?

Why no harping on ‘reasonable’ gun control laws?

Why the twist in Hunter case?

Something weird happening lately

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292ad2 No.21538193

File: f0083483bafe530⋯.png (1015.25 KB,1067x1351,1067:1351,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)


>FBI raids homes of top aides to New York City Mayor Eric Adams

FBI Raids Homes of Top Eric Adams Deputies

Bureau agents showed up at the Harlem townhouse of First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Queens home of Deputy Mayor for Criminal Justice Philip Banks III, two of the mayor’s closest operatives.

by Greg B. Smith, Katie Honan and Gwynne Hogan Sept. 5, 2024, 12:52 p.m.


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Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Sheena Wright speaks about her promotion to first deputy mayor during a City Hall promotions announcement, Dec. 6, 2022.

Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Sheena Wright speaks about her promotion to first deputy mayor during a City Hall promotions announcement, Dec. 6, 2022. Credit: Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY

A posse of FBI agents early Wednesday raided the homes of three of the highest ranking members of Mayor Eric Adams’ administration, First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, Schools Chancellor David Banks and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III, sources familiar with the situation told THE CITY.

Agents showed up around 5 a.m. at the Hamilton Heights townhouse of Wright and David Banks, while simultaneously descending upon Philip Banks’ brick and clapboard single family in Hollis, a source said.

A neighbor of Phil Banks’ home in Queens told THE CITY they woke up to a disturbance Wednesday morning and about 15 agents were on the street.

Wright is the fiancé of David Banks, who is Phil Banks’ brother and was appointed schools chancellor by Adams. The chancellor was seen by THE CITY entering and leaving the Hamilton Heights townhouse twice on Thursday. Asked about the raid, David Banks declined to comment, saying, “Today is the first day of school, and I am thrilled,” he said, jumping into a SUV to head to a scheduled appearance at a school in Queens.

School chancellor David Banks leaves the Hamilton Heights home he shares with First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright.

Schools chancellor David Banks leaves the Hamilton Heights home he shares with First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, Sept. 5, 2024. Credit: Gwynne Hogan/THE CITY

The purpose of the raids is not clear, but the source said the cell phones and laptops of Wright and Philip Banks were taken. The FBI raids follow others the bureau has performed on Adams and top advisors.

Early Thursday an FBI spokesperson declined to comment but did not deny that the bureau showed up at Wright’s and David Banks’ as well as Phil Banks’ home addresses.

A half hour after THE CITY revealed the raids, City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg issued a statement: “Investigators have not indicated to us [that] the mayor or his staff are targets of any investigation. As a former member of law enforcement, the mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law.”


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1e3530 No.21538194


My face are clean

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3f3c73 No.21538195

File: 972c8eba7cdc6d2⋯.jpg (321.71 KB,1079x657,1079:657,Screenshot_20240819_162031….jpg)

If elected, Trump doesn't need more bureaucracy and agency the likes elon musk has to offer since most of the financial leeching comes directly from the executive branch itself.

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4696e1 No.21538196


Make A Real Great Awakening


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7624dd No.21538197


Dub Infite dub on the four one ftw

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0d68a9 No.21538198

File: 380fcc0924f367a⋯.png (202.96 KB,417x431,417:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc9e24 No.21538199


Are you sure?

I thought she actually lost a shoe because they had to pick her up and throw her into the car like a ‘slab of meat’

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5bfffa No.21538200

File: 253bc3531b781f3⋯.jpeg (189.48 KB,962x1771,962:1771,DySJvKtyHbNp.jpeg)

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6e0601 No.21538201


Chinese spies hahahahaha

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f8a03f No.21538203

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB,515x484,515:484,pepe_panic.png)


MSM: "They used selectively edited clips to push a false narrative"

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f0d9cf No.21538204


Why would they include Scarlet Johannason?

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9a7465 No.21538205

File: 51261fadb04775f⋯.png (1.54 MB,1400x700,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72afc2a5fef273c⋯.png (277.92 KB,474x237,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 5c176827cec3228⋯.png (4.98 MB,1200x1845,80:123,ClipboardImage.png)

DC Comics

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0d3031 No.21538206



Didn't the military come out and admit they have UFO's?

And believing in them is dangerous?

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e9d9b0 No.21538207

File: 1484e3a9f6c9df4⋯.png (374.4 KB,523x642,523:642,ClipboardImage.png)

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Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe Into Suspicious Software Error

The AfD raises questions about the election process in Germany following regional elections

Although the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party secured a first-place finish in the Saxony elections on Sunday, the party is still launching an investigation into an alleged computer error that cost them a seat in parliament and is also calling for an end to mail-in votes, citing security concerns and shady practices.

The first issue is the alleged software glitch that resulted in the AfD and the Christian Democrats (CDU) both losing a seat, while the Greens and Social Democrats (SPD) both gained one seat. The party says that it is launching an investigation into this.

“We want to know exactly what went wrong,” said the AfD’s state and parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban in a statement. He is demanding an exact error analysis. “If there are any irregularities, we will take legal action.”

Notably, the loss of one seat resulted in the AfD losing its blocking majority, which would have allowed the party, for example, to block the appointment of certain judges in the state.

The error initially gave the AfD and CDU an incorrect number of seats. After a review, “the state election management corrected the allocation of seats,” according to the German news outlet Leipziger Volkzeitung.

Urban said that nobody is being accused of manipulating the vote, but, “in this case, it is about the AfD’s political options in the Saxon state parliament. Any doubt about the final election result must therefore be ruled out,” he said.

Regardless of why the error came about, Saxony’s election commission suffered a serious black eye, casting doubt on the election results during an already polarized election.

Mail-in ballots

Following the results in Thuringia and Saxony, AfD co-leader, Tino Chrupalla, is calling for an end to mail-in ballots. He discussed his concerns about this form of voting during a conference with top AfD officials.

“It is also the task of the opposition to always doubt what a government is doing or what happened in an election. That is also a legitimate right and that is a good thing. And I just really want to point out, and we will also question this, for example, the entire security for the legal storage of ballot boxes, some of which are not stored in a legally secure manner, where in some cases only one person or two have access to these ballot boxes,” he said.


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7624dd No.21538208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Pallets of diapers panic.

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7f5f1f No.21538209

File: e3d288039208a82⋯.jpg (131.54 KB,900x720,5:4,red_dawn_anne_skillman_304….jpg)

File: 1c13de88d832225⋯.jpg (19.67 KB,474x395,6:5,th_1167825436.jpg)

File: 7e38ebef4bf98c5⋯.jpg (898.12 KB,2430x1416,405:236,CD6Z4MSYUEI6JG6JA7MH6SEPMM….jpg)

File: ce94fc810b60cd8⋯.jpg (74.14 KB,1800x1204,450:301,Dianne_Feinstein_Age_Heigh….jpg)

File: bcf6e2b7e48f116⋯.jpg (54.58 KB,929x653,929:653,BenjaminRothschild_2256078….jpg)

The western wall

Red Dawn

Golden Gate

Golden Dawn

Golden Gate Bridge is actually pain Ted Red. Can't make that shit up! No siree bob!

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415c15 No.21538210

File: a9e2f1e804d481a⋯.png (329.21 KB,940x529,940:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b1293b39e54ae1⋯.png (1.08 MB,900x717,300:239,ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Cruise’s ‘Obsession’ With Aliens and UFOs Fueling His Determination to Film a Movie in Space

Sep 2, 2024 5:00 pm

Tom Cruise continues to risk life and limb by putting his body on the line for death-defying stunts – and he’s now turning his attention to filming a new movie in space, while becoming fixated by the paranormal and UFOs, an insider exclusively tells In Touch.

“Tom has always been absolutely obsessed with extraterrestrial life forms, which is why he’s so determined to get his space movie off the ground,” the source says, referring to an upcoming movie with intentions so optimistic they may as well be reaching for the stars.

Universal Pictures’ chairman Donna Langley is currently eyeing a project that would see the Mission: Impossible star do just that – take to space in conjunction with Elon Musk’s company SpaceX and film with the stars – the real ones!

Director Doug Liman, who worked with Tom, 62, on sci-fi blockbuster Edge of Tomorrow, has also spoken out about the project, saying, “It’s a dream and a plan.”

While specifics are staying vague regarding the film, the source confirms that the daredevil actor “can’t wait to go up there and float around.”

Boldly going where no actor has gone before isn’t new for the Risky Business star.

A second source previously told In Touch that “many of his peers increasingly rely on stunt doubles, especially when they get to a certain age, and Tom does do it to a limited capacity, but mostly does his own impossible feats.”

The All the Right Moves actor has racked up an impressive list of eye-watering stunts over the years, including scaling the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa, clinging onto the side of a flying plane, driving a motorcycle off a cliff, smashing into the side of a car, learning to fly a helicopter and then flying one down the side of a mountain, dangling 2,000 feet over the edge of a rock face, and landing in water after a parachute drop, to name a few.

To date, Tom’s adrenaline antics have cost him broken ribs, a broken ankle and a near decapitation from mechanical horses while filming The Last Samurai.

However, the source says it’s more than just the thrill of doing the biggest stunt ever attempted by an actor that’s launching Tom to literal stardom.

“It’s not just the ultimate stunt,” the insider continues, “but he’s also fascinated with UFOs.”

“He spends hours reading about them and studying all the many classified documents that have been released about them in the last few years.”

“He has all sorts of high-powered telescopes and thinks people that doubt the existence of life on other planets are the delusional ones who are just kind of uneducated.”

“Obviously, it’s been partly inspired by his belief in Scientology,” the source states.

“He’s hyper committed to making a big difference in the universe, not just on planet Earth and his movies reflect that, as do his spiritual beliefs.”

“Anyone wanting to spend time with him should be prepared for a very heavy lecture on this topic, because he’s passionate about it beyond belief.”


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f8a03f No.21538211

File: cd8307f879116dc⋯.png (440.93 KB,735x500,147:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d3031 No.21538212


4AM talking points intercepted?

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324030 No.21538213


Crowder points out that angle at the end of his video. They will say well he is really not in charge etc as well. They will try people have to push. The courts are no longer legitimate and it will only be clearer if they actually jail him on the 18th.

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3a319c No.21538214


it's Jews and Phaethon her pimp

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e9d9b0 No.21538215

Ukrainian leaders are like ‘aliens’ – Putin

Kiev will soon have to form its own “Hitler Youth” to make up for huge losses, the Russian president believes

Ukraine seems to be ruled by ‘aliens’ who make ruthless decisions without regard for the suffering of ordinary people, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. He also warned that Kiev’s ‘total mobilization’ campaign would bleed the country dry.

Speaking at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok on Thursday, Putin recalled that Moscow and Kiev had essentially reached a peace deal – based on a Ukrainian commitment to neutrality – during the Istanbul talks at the beginning of the conflict. However, these efforts were derailed by the intervention of the West, which longed for Russia’s “strategic defeat.”

Kiev’s behavior under these circumstances raised eyebrows, the Russian leader remarked. “I sometimes get the impression that those who rule Ukraine are like aliens or foreigners… They don’t think… you see, their losses are colossal. I can’t even fathom what they will do next.”

According to the president, the only option left for Kiev is to lower the maximum age of conscription once again. This would allow them “to recruit children, as the German Nazis did with the Hitler Youth. But this will not solve the problem… The next step is to call up students, to bleed the country dry. Once again, it seems that Ukrainians are not their people,” Putin said.

He claimed that this approach was not surprising, given that the families of Ukrainian leaders often reside in other nations. “They don’t really think about the country. But they disguise it with nationalist slogans, deceiving people.”

The Hitler Youth was created by Adolf Hitler to indoctrinate young Germans between the ages of 14 and 18. As the Third Reich struggled to contain the Soviet and Allied advance at the end of World War II, it used the organization to raise poorly trained Volkssturm militias, which subsequently suffered heavy casualties or surrendered en masse.

Ukraine announced general mobilization shortly after the start of the conflict with Russia. The campaign was marred by widespread draft-dodging and graft. In a bid to recover military losses, Kiev passed two bills in spring of this year, which lowered the draft age from 27 to 25 and significantly tightened mobilization rules.

In June, Putin estimated Ukraine’s continuing battlefield losses at around 50,000 service members a month.


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a97089 No.21538216

File: 660bd6edb2b4110⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x1334,375:667,D0F5D3F3_3FC5_4FBE_8D32_CC….png)

File: 919bf12aa144ca0⋯.png (31.95 KB,690x454,345:227,67522E7A_8B66_4A10_934D_28….png)

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f8a03f No.21538217

File: a09318ddc2e98c7⋯.png (384.22 KB,750x499,750:499,shittin_pants2.png)


>Pallets of diapers panic

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6e0601 No.21538218


Elon spends the money on its intended action

going after fraud is a good thing just how many useless eaters work for the gov is a pretty good Q

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9a7465 No.21538219

File: 404239eedf10dd3⋯.png (449.3 KB,1254x643,1254:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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529037 No.21538221

The reason the DOJ and FBI are telling everyone to stop meddling in the election is that they don't want competition.

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d67dad No.21538222

File: 5607460c561f630⋯.webp (45.14 KB,728x567,104:81,IMG_8796.webp)


The shoe everyone thinks Hillary Clinton left behind during her medical emergency is NOT her shoe.

Check it out … Hillary was wearing black flats during the 9/11 ceremony, but the one pictured near the curb is some sort of leopard print.

Witnesses say she stepped out of her shoe as she fell faint and that may be the case … but the shoe in the pic doesn't fit.


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5bfffa No.21538223


Marvel has the better heroes. DC has the better villains.

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8689e1 No.21538224

File: 7706c0e1d4f5d0e⋯.jpeg (562.75 KB,2492x1652,89:59,IMG_1703.jpeg)

File: 7dd6e0f69b1cc63⋯.jpeg (166.14 KB,1500x1000,3:2,IMG_1704.jpeg)

File: 466cc7f54e13fef⋯.webp (52.47 KB,600x315,40:21,IMG_1705.webp)

File: 5661752ffec4e35⋯.jpeg (30.94 KB,252x200,63:50,IMG_1696.jpeg)

When you need to cover up some Chinese(no, not related to China 🇨🇳 Joe) things MONICA LEWINSKY

Coming to head headlines soon!

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a9a257 No.21538225


Does anything ever come out of these raids?

Or is it just a raid, and that is the last we hear of them?

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3a319c No.21538226


Utah monkey will get diaper's soon

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292ad2 No.21538227

File: daab17cdefa869d⋯.png (764.11 KB,957x904,957:904,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)





>The homes of at least three other Adams’ aides have been searched since last November, but Wright and Phil Banks are the highest-ranking administration officials yet known to be caught up in the federal action.

FBI raids 2 homes owned by NYC Mayor Eric Adams' Asian Affairs director

FBI agents carried out morning raids at two Bronx addresses, which records showare owned by Winnie Greco, a former fundraiser for Adams who now serves as his director of Asian affairs.

One of two homes owned by Winnie Greco, an aide to New York City Mayor Eric Adams in The Bronx borough of New York. Mary Altaffer / AP

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March 1, 2024, 4:56 PM EST

By Associated Press

Federal agents searched two properties owned by a top adviser to New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Thursday.

An FBI spokesperson confirmed that agents carried out morning raids at two Bronx addresses, which records show are owned by Winnie Greco, a former fundraiser for Adams who now serves as his director of Asian affairs.

The purpose of the investigation was not revealed, and it wasn’t immediately clear whether it was related to Adams. But it was another sign of deepening law enforcement scrutiny of the Democratic mayor and members of his inner circle.

A person with knowledge of the matter said the investigation that led to Thursday’s raid was being overseen by the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn, and it was separate from a criminal inquiry being conducted by federal prosecutors in Manhattan that led FBI agents to seize Adams’ electronic devices as he left an event last fall.

The person wasn’t authorized to disclose information publicly about the investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

Neighbors of Greco’s said federal agents began searching the two homes, which are on the same block, at around 6 a.m. and remained in the area for several hours.

Greco was placed on leave Thursday, according to a City Hall spokesperson. A prolific fundraiser, she had worked closely with Adams for over a decade, serving as his conduit to the city’s Asian-American communities.

In November, the city’s Department of Investigation opened a probe into her conduct following a news report that raised questions about her political fundraising and whether she used her position in the administration to obtain personal benefits.


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7624dd No.21538228


5 Pu pus

4 shrimp lo mein

4 goons

5 house special fried rice

4 shrimp spring roll

5 Garlic chicken

6 steak and broccoli

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8e4ad1 No.21538229

File: 48c694c51799335⋯.mp4 (9.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,thatsweird.mp4)

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f8a03f No.21538230

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


Maybe theFBIis protecting them, by raiding their homes, then destroying evidence collected that could be later used (by a Trump administration) to convict them.

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02e628 No.21538231


Is this real? How would you like to the meme police, they are intentionally humiliating the police there.

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3a319c No.21538232


i like cheap food

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e9d9b0 No.21538233

File: 41fd14581356e6c⋯.png (248.42 KB,523x401,523:401,ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden Flips To 11th Hour Guilty Plea In $1.4M Criminal Tax Evasion Case

"Mr. Biden intends to change his plea this morning," Hunter's lawyer Abbe Lowell told the judge in a Los Angeles federal courtroom, with the younger Biden facing trial on nine federal charges for failing to pay federal taxes from 2016 - 2019.

If convicted, Hunter faced up to 17 years behind bars. He currently faces up to 25 years behind bars when he's sentenced in November for a conviction on gun charges.


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7cf28c No.21538234



#26386 >>21537992


>>21538064 Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address

>>21538067 New Maori queen crowned in New Zealand – and she's Catholic

>>21538127, >>21538131, >>21538139 The Meme Police for keks

>>21538172 TIME magazine purposefully excludes Elon Musk in their 'Top 100' most influential people in AI

>>21538174 Swamp Official Habbenings

>>21538175, >>21538210 NASA & related Outta Space News

>>21538020, >>21538178, >>21538193, >>21538227 FBI RAIDS HOMES OF TOP AIDES TO NY MAYOR ERIC ADAMS

>>21538207 Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe

>>21538215 Putin on Ukraine "ruled by ‘aliens’ who make ruthless decisions without regard for the suffering of ordinary people"

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cb7f07 No.21538235

File: ab4fc0d8da7f8b8⋯.png (100.57 KB,473x781,43:71,qaggdropimage442_1.png)

File: 8799174ccc06090⋯.png (37.29 KB,473x371,473:371,qaggdropimage376.png)


Distractions are necessary.

High value entertainment?

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bc9e24 No.21538236


How do we know that pic on left is her from memorial event?

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7855c1 No.21538237

File: 01e3bb22b3a2fd9⋯.png (918.58 KB,1059x1502,1059:1502,ClipboardImage.png)

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Canada hiding evidence?

Provinces told to pull existing COVID-19 vaccines ahead of arrival of updated shots

Ontario expects updated vaccine to be rolled out in October



This is strange indeed!!! As we question and press PHAC for answers they are now asking the provinces to destroy all old vials. Is this to eliminate any evidence for legal action? Why is the strain no longer appearing on the vials?


UnHealth Canada has a clean up on isle 666.

Destroying all prior vax vials.

Looks like someone finally figured out how to run a $5000 qubit


Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Sask are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 2024


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324030 No.21538238


daddy gonna pardon.

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f8a03f No.21538239

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpeg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,wtf_barbie.jpeg)


Lizard people?

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7f5f1f No.21538240

File: 8be91ddd38a0af5⋯.jpg (923.86 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_112731….jpg)

File: 1db102b037492fa⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,671x1000,671:1000,Mona_Lisa_oil_wood_panel_L….jpg)

Mona caw


Freshman 40

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02e628 No.21538241


Fuck off and go home to your own country

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9a7465 No.21538242


Got the Public Safety fag…wonder if they found any servers?…that is Mother Lode

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529037 No.21538243

File: fb056476df2d517⋯.png (231.37 KB,680x544,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)



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292ad2 No.21538244

File: 64b0054e66f94c0⋯.png (803.93 KB,1089x1940,1089:1940,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)


>at least three other Adams’ aides have been searched s

F.B.I. Raided Homes of Second Adams Aide and Ex-Turkish Airline Official

On the same day the federal authorities raided the home of Mayor Eric Adams’s chief fund-raiser, they also searched the residences of two people with ties to Turkey.

Mayor Eric Adams walks into a room holding a laptop.

F.B.I. agents searched at least three homes of people tied to Mayor Eric Adams in connection with a broad corruption investigation.Credit…Dave Sanders for The New York Times

Mayor Eric Adams walks into a room holding a laptop.

William K. RashbaumMichael RothfeldDana RubinsteinNicole Hong

By William K. Rashbaum, Michael Rothfeld, Dana Rubinstein and Nicole Hong

Published Nov. 16, 2023Updated Nov. 17, 2023, 8:38 a.m. ET

As F.B.I. agents searched the home of Mayor Eric Adams’s chief fund-raiser earlier this month for evidence his campaign conspired with Turkey, separate teams executed warrants at the residences of two others with ties to the mayor and that country, several people with knowledge of the matter said.

In addition to the home of the fund-raiser, Brianna Suggs, investigators also searched the New Jersey houses of Rana Abbasova, an aide in Mr. Adams’s international affairs office, four of the people said, and Cenk Öcal, a former Turkish Airlines executive who served on his transition team, two people said.

The coordinated raids were the first public sign of a broad corruption investigation into the mayor’s 2021 campaign. As part of the inquiry, the F.B.I. and federal prosecutors in Manhattan are examining whether the Turkish government conspired with Mr. Adams’s campaign to funnel foreign donations into campaign coffers and whether Mr. Adams pressured Fire Department officials to sign off on a new high-rise Turkish consulate despite safety concerns.

Both Ms. Abbasova and Mr. Öcal have ties to Turkey. She was Mr. Adams’s longtime liaison to the Turkish community when he served as Brooklyn borough president; he was the general manager of the New York office of Turkish Airlines until early last year. Ms. Abbasova, Mr. Öcal, Ms. Suggs and Mr. Adams have not been accused of wrongdoing.

The searches began early on the morning of Nov. 2, when a team of F.B.I. agents descended on the brick Fort Lee, N.J., townhouse of Ms. Abbasova, 41, who serves as the director of protocol in the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs. It was not clear what, if anything, they took from the home.

A separate team of agents visited the New Jersey home of Mr. Öcal, a former flight attendant who, according to his LinkedIn page, rose to become a Turkish Airlines general manager, first in Sofia, Bulgaria, and then in New York. Mr. Öcal, according to a Turkish news report, was fired from the airline in early 2022 during a shake-up at the company.

Ms. Abbasova and Mr. Öcal did not respond to messages seeking comment, and it could not immediately be determined whether they had hired lawyers.

Evan Thies, a spokesman for Mr. Adams’s campaign, said, “Ms. Abbasova was not employed by or paid by the campaign.”

Fabien Levy, a spokesman for City Hall, said in a statement that the mayor was cooperating with investigators. Mr. Adams has denied any wrongdoing and, through his attorney Boyd Johnson, noted that the campaign had proactively reported an unidentified individual to federal investigators for recently acting “improperly.”

On Thursday, two people briefed on the matter confirmed earlier reporting in The New York Post that the individual was Ms. Abbasova. Mr. Thies declined to elaborate on the conduct in question.

Representatives for the F.B.I. and the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York declined to comment.

The raids occurred on the same morning that agents searched Ms. Suggs’s Brooklyn home and left with three iPhones, two laptop computers and other evidence, records show.

The searches came as federal officials were examining potential malfeasance in Mr. Adams’s 2021 campaign, an inquiry so far-reaching that, last Monday, agents approached Mr. Adams on the street outside of an event in Manhattan, asked his security detail to step aside, and climbed into his car alongside him. Pursuant to a court-authorized warrant, they seized his electronic devices.

Less than three weeks ago, Ms. Abbasova, who earns $81,000 in her current post, stood just behind Mr. Adams’s right shoulder during a flag-raising ceremony at Bowling Green to mark the 100th anniversary of the Turkish republic. The Turkish consul general and U.S. ambassador were in attendance as Mr. Adams spoke of his affection for the country.

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292ad2 No.21538245


>F.B.I. Raided Homes of Second Adams Aide and Ex-Turkish Airline Official

“I‘m probably the only mayor in the history of this city that has not only visited Turkey — Türkiye — once, but I think I’m on my sixth or seventh visit to Türkiye,” Mr. Adams said.

In a 2017 interview with a pro-government Turkish news outlet, Mr. Adams said he preferred to fly Turkish Airlines on international trips, in part because the airline accommodated his dietary needs as a vegan. “Turkish Airlines is my way of flying,” he told the newspaper.

At the flag raising, Ms. Abbasova handed a folder containing an honorary citation to the mayor, who awarded it to a local Turkish community member. Then she distributed small red Turkish flags to some children.

She began working for Mr. Adams as a volunteer in his first term as borough president, as he tried to make inroads to the Turkish and Azerbaijani communities in Brooklyn. She was given an office to use at Borough Hall, a former aide said.

She has been on his government staff since at least 2018, when city records indicate she joined the borough president’s office as a “community coordinator,” earning $50,000 a year. Her title in 2021 was “assistant to the compliance unit,” according to a list provided to Mr. Adams’s successor as borough president, Antonio Reynoso, Kristina Naplatarski, a spokeswoman for Mr. Reynoso, said.

While there, Ms. Abbasova managed relationships between Mr. Adams and “stakeholders” from the Middle East and Central Asia, “organized Turkic heritage events,” “assisted with sister cities agreements,” and “worked with embassies and consulates to build relationships,” according to her profile on the website of the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs.

In 2015, several years before she officially joined his staff, Ms. Abbasova traveled to Turkey with Mr. Adams on a trip sponsored by the Turkish consulate and the World Tourism Forum Institute, an organization whose mission is to boost global tourism.

The current borough president’s office does not have a position like the one held by Ms. Abbasova, according to Ms. Naplatarski.

“We do not,” she said, “nor have we ever under this administration.”


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1ad39d No.21538246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Prophetic Vision of Virgin Mary To US President George Washington

2 mins

At yesterday's school shooting the children went finally let out formed groups of prayer circles spontaneously

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e9d9b0 No.21538247

File: b82521f1683784e⋯.png (50.85 KB,606x570,101:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f743ce13edab56⋯.png (84.87 KB,599x648,599:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cc81484b974ec0⋯.png (80.29 KB,606x642,101:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ff4348cf8a8415⋯.png (73.6 KB,555x483,185:161,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden-Harris AG Merrick Garland Launches ‘Election Threats Task Force’ to Combat Opponents in 2024

The Biden-Harris Administration is using the full force of the United States government to win the 2024 Presidential Election.

Alongside FBI Director Christopher Wray, Biden-Harris Attorney General Merrick Garland convened with the DOJ’s “Election Threats Task Force” on Wednesday, as the full force of the United States government is turned against the American People in an effort to install Kamala Harris as the nation’s 47th president.

Attorney General Merrick Garland met with members of his Election Threats Task Force in Washington, accusing election integrity advocates and concerned American voters of issuing “unprecedented” threats against the “public servants who administer our elections.”


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a9a257 No.21538248


This may in fact be true or these are still a few good FBI agents left. If nothing comes out of this, then we know which one it is. Seems that the FBI cremated the shooters body in only 10 days yet kept JFK on ice for years.

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529037 No.21538249


This is how the cult operates.

If you even speak out against their agenda, and you're a Democrat, they'll use lawfare against you.

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f8a03f No.21538250

File: fef3f9790bc410c⋯.png (8.98 KB,444x127,444:127,ClipboardImage.png)


Yup. Trump will go to jail, while Hunter walks free.

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0390d7 No.21538251

File: 12dc3b989fdf8c5⋯.png (2.41 MB,1282x1456,641:728,Only_Rosie_Burger.png)

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a5248c No.21538252


Good Lord.

Go to bed already, will ya!

And knock off using the cocaine.

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a97089 No.21538253

File: b1e21543869b356⋯.png (1.46 MB,750x1334,375:667,2CB5A450_6741_4F36_BEF0_AE….png)

File: caccd4710f16ef3⋯.jpeg (485.64 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,1ED53C6B_9811_4E64_AAED_5….jpeg)

File: 9e07ea7f3c15908⋯.jpeg (366.23 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,69E13B4D_ACB6_404E_9013_5….jpeg)

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1d1b90 No.21538254

File: 75619b7fa4fbbcd⋯.mp4 (13.54 MB,848x440,106:55,IMG_5885.MP4)



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292ad2 No.21538255

File: 591ba2057cfbae3⋯.png (779.16 KB,1039x772,1039:772,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)









All the times the feds have raided members of Eric Adams’ admin (that we know of)

Early morning visits from the FBI are becoming a somewhat regular occurrence.

Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks was reportedly visited by the feds this week.

Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks was reportedly visited by the feds this week. Caroline Willis/Mayoral Photo Office

First Read The must-read daily newsletter for NY's political community.

Get it in your inbox.


By Sahalie Donaldson and Holly Pretsky | September 5, 2024 02:16 PM ET

Federal agents are once again knocking on the door of the Eric Adams administration. On Wednesday morning, they raided the homes of three more top mayoral officials, The City first reported. The searches are reportedly part of a new investigation being conducted by the Southern District of New York, not related to previous probes into campaign finance corruption.

While the full scope of the already ongoing campaign finance investigation is still unclear, it has focused at least in part on whether Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign conspired with Turkish officials to receive illegal foreign donations and pressured the New York City Fire Department to fast-track approval on Turkey’s new Manhattan consulate despite safety concerns. It also appears to involve valuable free flight upgrades investigators believe the mayor received from Turkish Airlines.

Separately, the Eastern District of New York is reportedly looking into Adams’ aide Winnie Greco in connection with a straw donor scheme first uncovered by The City.

Adams has not been accused of any wrongdoing. He’s continuously maintained that he’s cooperating with that investigation and has not broken the law.

City Hall has not yet commented on the latest raids or the new investigation.

Here’s a breakdown of the moments that investigations into the Adams administration and campaign have burst into public view.

Nov. 2, 2023: The feds raided the home of Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign fundraiser Brianna Suggs early in the morning, The New York Times reported, seizing multiple devices and documents. The mayor was on his way to Washington that day to discuss the influx of migrants to New York City with the Biden administration, but he canceled his meetings and returned to the city. The Times later reported that separate teams were carrying out searches on two other individuals with ties to Turkey that same day – Rana Abbasova, an aide in Adams’ international affairs office, and Cenk Öcal, a former Turkish Airlines executive who served on his transition team, two people said.

Nov. 6, 2023: F.B.I. agents seized Adams’ electronic devices after he attended an event in Manhattan in a dramatic escalation, asking his security personnel to step away before joining the mayor in his vehicle. The devices – at least two cell phones and an iPad – were returned a few days later. A lawyer representing Adams and his campaign said the mayor was cooperating with federal authorities, adding he’d already “proactively reported” at least one incident involving an individual that “recently acted improperly.”

Feb. 29, 2024: The feds conducted a Leap Day raid at the two Bronx homes of Adams aide Winnie Greco and at New World Mall in Flushing, Queens, after The City reported on a possible straw donor scheme connected to the New World Mall. This investigation is reportedly being conducted by the Eastern District of New York.

July 2024: City Hall, Adams and his 2021 mayoral campaign committee received a new set of federal grand jury subpoenas in July seeking a variety of materials, including text messages, other areas of communications and documents, The New York Times reported. The subpoenas were reportedly in connection with the Turkey investigation.

Sept. 4, 2024: Federal agents raided the homes of First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and schools Chancellor David Banks (who live together) and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks early in the morning, The City first reported. The agents reportedly confiscated a cell phone and a laptop. The Times reported that these raids appear to be unrelated to the ongoing Turkey corruption probe into the mayor’s campaign fundraising, but that the investigation is also being conducted by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.


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bc9e24 No.21538256


The prophecy that Washington received from a woman, probably the Virgin Mary, is absolutely frightening. We may be at the time the third major event .

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3f3c73 No.21538257


Trump doesn't need Elon to do firing when those employees serve at the pleasure of the executive office in the first place.

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9a7465 No.21538258


Got To Show Em…When Trump Comes Back

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f8a03f No.21538259

File: a91612101154c16⋯.png (573.85 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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02e628 No.21538260

File: e438d7100bf24fd⋯.png (424.04 KB,630x353,630:353,ClipboardImage.png)

5 Sep, 2024 15:35

Austria ready to host Russia-Ukraine talks – chancellor

Karl Nehammer has offered the OSCE HQ in Vienna as a venue for negotiations

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has offered Vienna as the venue for peace talks between Moscow and Kiev.

Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow remained open to negotiations and named several countries that could serve as mediators.

“We take note of the Russian president’s statements regarding his openness for peace talks with Ukraine. Any negotiations must take place without preconditions and at eye level,” Nehammer said on Thursday.

“Austria will be ready to support a just and lasting peace based on international law and to serve as a venue fornegotiations as the seat of the OSCE,” the chancellor added, referring to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

While Putin has not yet commented on Nehammer’s offer, his remarks in Vladivostok were consistent with Moscow’s long-standing readiness to sit down at the table with Kiev’s legitimate representatives.

As possible mediators for such talks, Putin named China, Brazil, and India, whose leaders “sincerely want to understand the situation.” He also said Moscow had been in touch with them on the matter.

Ukraine scuttled the April 2022 peace talks in Istanbul at the behest of the US and its allies. Kiev has since insisted on holding international “peace summits” without Russia, and based only on Vladimir Zelensky’s “peace formula,” a ten-point wish list that Moscow has rejected as ridiculous.

Putin has presented his own list of prerequisites for a ceasefire, including Ukraine’s total withdrawal from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye, and the lifting of all Western sanctions on Russia.

Nehammer’s offer of talks came on the tenth anniversary of the OSCE mediating the initial Minsk Agreement, which was designed to resolve the dispute between the government in Kiev installed in a US-backed coup and the two Donbass republics that declared independence in response. In December 2022, former German chancellor Angela Merkel claimed that the Minsk Agreements were a ruse to buy Ukraine time to prepare for a war against Russia.

Moscow is technically still a member of the OSCE, although it suspended activities in the organization’s parliamentary assembly in July.


(Some EU members want to have peace, others with the US want WWIII to prevent Trump from taking office)

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a5248c No.21538261


The Jews sure are good at buying themselves a Nigger.

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7f5f1f No.21538262

File: b2b08b69c61f668⋯.jpg (498.04 KB,3200x1800,16:9,1372175047000_Monica_L_424….jpg)

File: c84340ab1e912e7⋯.jpg (98.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3564324554.jpg)

File: b9d70ee5305c1bc⋯.jpg (111.93 KB,562x832,281:416,shallow_hal_1585636734.jpg)

File: d044b3d0a74c54f⋯.jpg (72.74 KB,1000x802,500:401,MV5BMTIwMjk4MjQ3N15BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: a95b3c349f503ad⋯.jpg (43.59 KB,800x594,400:297,imrs_1816772063.jpg)


Moan a cow

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bc9e24 No.21538263


By ‘quirks’ of our elections, he must mean cheating.

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7624dd No.21538264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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aeb7d6 No.21538265

File: 1a80441aad6d86c⋯.png (89.37 KB,700x854,50:61,ary5yz0_700bwp.png)

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e9d9b0 No.21538266

File: 044ac0136eb73d9⋯.png (157.18 KB,750x639,250:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1bb203375a6bc2⋯.png (215.21 KB,587x644,587:644,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3daf09582850e6e⋯.png (64.48 KB,597x623,597:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d486139b36e0743⋯.png (199.55 KB,547x555,547:555,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4120dad380e0e75⋯.png (96.42 KB,556x600,139:150,ClipboardImage.png)

Murdoch Family, NewsCorp Takes Loan into Hundreds of Millions of Dollars from Central Bank of China

Murdoch skewers Xi Jinping's CCP daily, then takes nine figure sums of cash from the Communist-run bank.

April 1, 2022 — In the middle of a billion dollar litigation fight with Dominion Voting Systems, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp empire, which owns Fox News, Sky News Australia, The Australian, Fox News and The New York Post, agreed to take $100 million loan from the state-owned Bank of China’s New York branch, among other loans, totaling over one billion dollars.

As our own Frankie Stockes reported at the time,

On March 29th, 2022, Rupert Murdoch, under the banner of his News Corp conglomerate, entered into a massive credit agreement that features mega-loans from multiple banks, including the CCP-run Bank of China. Also involved in the deal are a number of American banks that have been longtime sponsors of anti-American activities. In all, the loan is worth $1.25 billion, with $100,000,000 of it coming from the CCP.

The loan from the Central Bank of China is part of a much larger $1.25 billion loan package from the likes of Chase, CitiBank, J.P. Morgan, and Bank of America.

The one-and-a-quarter BILLION dollar loan package was announced on Thursday, March 31st of 2022, nearly exactly one year after Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News and alleged that Fox News “falsely claimed that the voting company had rigged the 2020 election,” according to AP reports.



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ccba14 No.21538267

File: 4f70423ec27a6d5⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA191.png)

File: eaae7f73d86494d⋯.png (815.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ7.png)

File: e6816c872eb7893⋯.png (406.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN616.png)

File: 6e16c71d605b582⋯.png (553.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA190.png)

File: 15fafc25b6786a0⋯.png (912.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCAMALA1.png)

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af8325 No.21538268

File: c693d594a985a5f⋯.png (158.57 KB,474x335,474:335,c693d594a985a5f21c0cd5d1b0….png)


i have been waiting for your meme


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7f5f1f No.21538269

File: a53f799ac67101d⋯.jpg (411.17 KB,1484x1366,742:683,pbox_1756426005.jpg)

File: 7bc7f0833707312⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,2089x3000,2089:3000,3000_2934708137.jpeg)

File: bd2dca37f5f7173⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,634x728,317:364,article_0_1443B0B8000005DC….jpg)

File: dbe4d4827f4a6e7⋯.jpg (559.78 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_232147….jpg)

File: 11f73b55f920a97⋯.jpg (601.78 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_231550….jpg)


Stand by your man!

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f92542 No.21538270


Don't fall for her hammer and sickle President Putin

It's holes of lost souls

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b6e9ec No.21538271

Your brain does not need animal fat and the carnivore diet is satanic you Godless fucks

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529037 No.21538272

File: 7020ad04a6ec291⋯.png (684.27 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

"Guilty until proven innocent!" - Congressional Democrats.

Same pattern as the shills on 8kun. Make claim, demand "DiSpRoOf", declare themselves as judge and jury for all replies, then declare proof is made because they weren't persuaded.


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44ae30 No.21538273


Anon, can you enlighten us on what it takes to embed a tweet like this?

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1ad39d No.21538274


5 more sleeps til cabala steps into the presence of the realz potus

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db3b00 No.21538275

File: 2923ec09ee11840⋯.png (172.78 KB,160x405,32:81,mess.PNG)

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f8a03f No.21538277

File: a5f2056e84e36b7⋯.png (307.66 KB,649x384,649:384,vaccinated_you_sound.png)

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37168f No.21538278

File: cccbd2977599aae⋯.jpg (35.12 KB,874x1113,874:1113,snapshot.jpg)

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9a7465 No.21538279

File: ef6416febc948e8⋯.png (25.52 KB,642x137,642:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49a49e79e01bb8c⋯.png (319.98 KB,783x686,783:686,ClipboardImage.png)



“When I had Biden, you and I had the same discussion. And I let him talk. I’m gonna let her talk,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity when asked how he will respond to Harris when she tries to get under his skin.

“There are those who say that Biden is smarter than she is. If that’s the case, we have a problem,” Trump said, attacking Harris’ intelligence earlier by claiming she has “no idea what the hell she’s doing.”

Recent Stories from ABC News




Read More

“You can go in with all the strategy you want but you have to sort of feel it out as the debate is taking place,” he said, going on to talk about his multiple debate appearances.

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face” Trump quipped, quoting former boxing champion Mike Tyson.


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cb7f07 No.21538280

File: e55cba49dc513c3⋯.png (85.67 KB,473x630,473:630,qaggdropimage50.png)

File: 6ca2cecfb211172⋯.png (59.21 KB,473x378,473:378,qaggdropimage45.png)

File: ca64f69e0797dc7⋯.png (15.51 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage40.png)

File: 266c3017b9e5a78⋯.png (27.4 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage21.png)

File: f7c565b31b2951c⋯.png (86.5 KB,473x504,473:504,qaggdropimage15.png)

Percentages from Donald Trump's speech today.

It takes me 3 or 4 replays to hear them all.

Lots of topics if you know what to listen for.

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.

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a5248c No.21538281


man hands

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977b7f No.21538282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was Omicron a Creation of Operation Warp-speed?

REMINDER: COVID-19 became an endemic coronavirus variant with a 10 fold drop in mortality by March 2022 after all previous pathological GOF bioweapon variants were rendered extinct world wide by the broad herd immunity Omicron transmission provided naturally.

Thus, the original GOF pathogenic COVID viral bioweapon released in 2019 HAS BEEN EXTINCT NOW FOR 2.5 years!

The only THREAT that REMAINS is unfounded FEAR MONGERING designed to get the ignorant SHEEPLE to poison themselves AGAIN & AGAIN with pathogenic spike protein producing mRNA jabs and mutagenic & ineffective BIG PHARMA antivirals.

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529037 No.21538283


Nice projection you demonic satanic lying piece of shit.

Go back to shoving your fat face with sugar and carbs.


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9a7465 No.21538284


Phil….does he play any musical instruments?

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bc9e24 No.21538286


Trump said that He heard that Kamala was given all of the questions already and even the answers. He said this in the hannity town hall.

Her best friend is head of ABC and her husband’s best friend is married to the head of ABC.

Sloppalopogous is a sneaky POS. He will not be fair because he doesn’t care about being seen as fair.

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b6e9ec No.21538287


Or natural foods perhaps?

You spammy low IQ faggot

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0d3031 No.21538288


Omicron was the cure to all other covid variants.

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f8a03f No.21538289

File: 4048f1cae4b5f80⋯.png (443.02 KB,500x539,500:539,pepe_no_pinch.png)

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bc9e24 No.21538290


You must be used to sloppalopogus seconds, thirds or even fourths.

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529037 No.21538291


Beef and Chicken are natural foods you stupid spamming shitstain.

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b6e9ec No.21538292


Thou shalt not kill

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d5f232 No.21538293


trump example

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7f5f1f No.21538294

File: 8e91f6b11f4a318⋯.jpg (51.15 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2466771803.jpg)

File: fe64de2e537eae4⋯.jpg (779.38 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_212537….jpg)

File: 4c0cea159d6c8fd⋯.jpg (105.48 KB,1000x561,1000:561,intro_1609348824_690213784.jpg)

File: 8adddb783f14e3e⋯.jpg (822.69 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_114230….jpg)


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1ad39d No.21538295

Tis Parakeet display his homo


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e9d9b0 No.21538296

File: a506f9361052d48⋯.png (459.88 KB,587x1089,587:1089,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Epstein (20 April 1915 – 26 May 2005) was a Polish-born Chinese journalist and author. He was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Chinese Communist Party.


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0390d7 No.21538297

File: d47cab7ce21464f⋯.png (2.67 MB,1244x1556,311:389,The_Only_Rosie_O_Donnell_B….png)

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f8a03f No.21538298

File: 2eb68e8b5a6ea3f⋯.gif (667.22 KB,480x287,480:287,wrong.gif)


It's Thou shalt not murder.

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529037 No.21538299


You kill vegetables that were perfectly fine growing you murderer!

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977b7f No.21538300

File: bd7e73b157f1cf5⋯.jpeg (654.44 KB,1290x890,129:89,IMG_6889.jpeg)


>Omicron was the cure to all other covid variants.


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e9d9b0 No.21538301

File: f37c0ae820f0fb6⋯.png (386.49 KB,559x310,559:310,ClipboardImage.png)

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4704e1 No.21538302


She is pretty

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b6e9ec No.21538303


According to whose translation? The one that benefits from animal slaughter?

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6e0601 No.21538304


Not what I implied Elon will head up a task force to rout out gov waist

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bc9e24 No.21538305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump : “ABC NEWS is very nasty’

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44ae30 No.21538306

File: 8a4d9956506f818⋯.png (80.74 KB,416x416,1:1,th_2024_09_05T114655_832.png)

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aeb7d6 No.21538307

File: f9a08dc6a9a82ca⋯.jpg (88.88 KB,809x340,809:340,ccxchchch.jpg)

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5bfffa No.21538308

File: cd94c7a8356226c⋯.png (1.35 MB,1242x1111,1242:1111,ClipboardImage.png)


>She is pretty

I can't stand that singing hunchback or her artificially manufactured popularity.

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b6e9ec No.21538309


Remove an olive from the branch and the tree survives

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20d76f No.21538311

File: afdd55ad9acbfca⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Frog_shake.mp4)

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1ad39d No.21538312

File: 0d3b7a43bd6f9ab⋯.jpg (72.29 KB,652x485,652:485,Screenshot_20240827_123217….jpg)

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529037 No.21538313

“You may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and that chews the cud" - Leviticus

You're an anti-bible biblefag pretending to be outbiblefagging the biblefags as if you're excluded from your own universal pronouncements.


You olive killer! How dare you kill the olive!

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e9d9b0 No.21538314

File: dd7301e8e2f707a⋯.png (81.81 KB,803x425,803:425,ClipboardImage.png)

Study reveals sea surface temperature, not human emissions, drives atmospheric CO2 levels

Despite all the hysteria surrounding human emissions, it turns out that fossil fuel emissions have a negligible impact on atmospheric CO2 levels, especially when compared to natural phenomenon like natural fluctuations in sea surface temperatures. A groundbreaking new study challenges the long-standing belief that human emissions are the primary driver of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO?) concentrations. The research, published in the Science of Climate Change, argues that sea surface temperatures (SST) play a far more significant role than anthropogenic (human-caused) factors in determining annual changes in atmospheric CO? levels. This research calls into question every climate change agenda proposed by global governments and institutions.

Sea surface temperatures dictate atmospheric CO2 levels, not fossil fuel emissions

Using multivariate analysis and publicly available data from leading climate and energy organizations, Dao Ato's study compares the impacts of sea surface temperature and human emissions on atmospheric CO? concentrations. The analysis spanned from 1959 to 2022 and employed multiple linear regression techniques to evaluate the influence of sea surface temperature and human CO? emissions on the annual increase in atmospheric CO?.

The results reveal that sea surface temperature data, derived from NASA and the UK-HADLEY Centre datasets, was the most accurate predictor of CO? concentrations. The regression model incorporating sea surface temperature explained approximately 66% of the variance in annual CO? increases post-1959, with a remarkably high correlation between predicted and actual CO? levels. The study found a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.9995 between the CO? concentrations predicted using sea surface temperature data from the UK-HADLEY Centre and actual measurements from NOAA, with a minimal prediction error of 1.45 ppm in 2022. In contrast, human CO? emissions showed no significant correlation with annual changes in atmospheric CO?.

Ato’s study also found that human methane emissions, despite rising dramatically in recent decades, have not contributed to rising methane concentrations in the atmosphere through the 21st century.

Sea surface temperature data from NASA's GISS and the UK-HADLEY Centre similarly demonstrated strong correlations with atmospheric CO? levels, surpassing the much smaller, insignificant correlations between human emissions and atmospheric CO2 levels. The study also challenges the accuracy of historical CO? records, noting discrepancies between ice core data and modern measurements.

Multiple linear regression models revealed that sea surface temperature was a statistically significant explanatory factor for annual CO? increases, while human emissions were not. Specifically, sea surface temperature accounted for 57% to 66% of the variance in CO? levels, depending on the dataset used.

The study’s findings suggest that natural variations in sea surface temperature, rather than human activities, are the dominant factor influencing fluctuations in atmospheric CO?. This study challenges the prevailing narrative that human emissions are the primary driver of climate change, and should call into question all global government narratives surrounding the climate change agenda.



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3f3c73 No.21538315


Doesn't Elon get enough government subsides?

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b6e9ec No.21538316


That's not how you quote a bible verse sir

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5bfffa No.21538317

File: f12250f00c19e8e⋯.png (438.39 KB,720x1063,720:1063,ClipboardImage.png)

Connor's running for president in Ireland? Interesting day today.

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cb7f07 No.21538318

File: 9b7e802760a0493⋯.png (198.15 KB,473x1364,43:124,qaggdropimage28_1.png)


>Post number confirmed the missing middle post.

Beautiful symmetry.

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f8a03f No.21538319

File: 3993a48a9f651eb⋯.png (122.29 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_f_u.png)


Just like remove the fetus from the mother and the mother survives?


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529037 No.21538320


Should I have just excluded the book name like you did?


That's not how to be consistent.

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1ad39d No.21538321


Snek dress

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b6e9ec No.21538322


Except your example still involves murder so not relevant

Try harder to find division

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9a7465 No.21538323

File: 59ad63ce528ef9d⋯.png (317.26 KB,474x276,79:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0d9cf No.21538324


What a Burger?

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b24181 No.21538325


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

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ccba14 No.21538326

File: dd93d9124ab6eec⋯.png (969.64 KB,1024x768,4:3,kamoola192.png)

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2eca59 No.21538327

You shouldn’t be allowed to read the Bible until you have become enlightened

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f8a03f No.21538328

File: 7149c686a83ef7c⋯.png (774.29 KB,600x465,40:31,omg.png)


That's some serious mental gymnastics you got going there.

So you lose. Enjoy the rest of your day. I'm going to eat my dinner (pic related).

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cb7f07 No.21538329


>Lion glass




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b6e9ec No.21538330


Fancy way to bail on your own bs kek

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740393 No.21538331

Why do true dykes….get that huge dyke ass….its almost typical of the type

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cb7f07 No.21538332


Open ended question.

Is there a specific special book that needs decoded?

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bd3b14 No.21538333

File: 04eda172601b119⋯.png (167.66 KB,471x429,157:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9d9b0 No.21538334

Israeli Forces Kill 42 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

The killings bring the recorded death toll to 40,861

It’s also unclear how many people have died in Gaza due to indirect causes. A letter written by a group of experts recently published in the British medical journal The Lancet estimated the total number of deaths in Gaza, including those killed by the Israeli military and indirect causes, could reach 186,000. They reached the numbers by using the death toll from the end of June, which was 37,396.

Israeli strikes were reported in Gaza on Wednesday across the territory, including in the southern city of Khan Younis, the central Nuseirat camp, and in northern areas, including Gaza City.

There’s no end to the violence in sight as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to demand indefinite control of the Philadelphi Corridor, which is part of his efforts to sabotage the chances of a hostage and ceasefire deal. The US claims it is pushing for a ceasefire but continues to ship weapons to Israel, support that is crucial for Israel to sustain the genocidal war on Gaza.


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529037 No.21538335


You're doing what you're claiming anons are doing.


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7624dd No.21538336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9a7465 No.21538337


“Glass has been here far longer than we have,” Mauro said. “Since prehistoric times, humans have been using it as a tool — and that tool continues to shape civilization today.”

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e9d9b0 No.21538338

File: 4103b8d776a00c3⋯.png (804.34 KB,1400x933,1400:933,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b48fd074b9ea9c9⋯.png (154.14 KB,553x645,553:645,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu's map erasing occupied West Bank sparks widespread condemnation

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared in front of a controversial map of Israel that omits the occupied West Bank


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5bfffa No.21538339


Nice. smokingjack2.jpg is born.

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e9d9b0 No.21538340

Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank

Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein say the Israeli government should 'instil sovereignty over and annex the West Bank, Gaza… make it all Israel'

In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”

He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same.

Meningher added that they would also want to wipe out Palestinians in “the territories”.

“Because that’s the reality we live in, it’s us or them, and it has to be them,” Weinstein said.


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eeafb0 No.21538341

The Boomer Generation needs to look to Gen X. They are next in line.

Gen X then Millennials then Gen Z.

It’s Generation X’s turn to inherit this country. We are their children.

Gen X is the group that Xposes.

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5bfffa No.21538342

File: 81f969010f77d24⋯.webm (505.89 KB,427x240,427:240,all_day_erry_day.webm)

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529037 No.21538343

File: df50df113edd09b⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17255627051….mp4)

When they claim a person's own words "discredit" them…

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570076 No.21538344

File: b2ea7f10e60f6b2⋯.png (135.42 KB,618x898,309:449,Gregg_Phillips_RT_let_it_s….PNG)

Trust The Plan.

We're Just Getting Started.

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e118c6 No.21538345

File: f04bd7c8ea7fcd5⋯.png (273.35 KB,360x704,45:88,ClipboardImage.png)


tineye sucks

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21a478 No.21538346


so you are against abortion too

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cb7f07 No.21538347


>Modern glassblowing techniques are energy intensive and introduce carbon to the glass, which causes imperfections in the crystal matrix.

Decrease carbon=Increase structural integrity.

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b6e9ec No.21538348


Who here isn't?

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bc9e24 No.21538349


George Washington converted to Catholicism on his deathbed.

He has a stained glass window of the Mary at Mount Vernon.



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d67dad No.21538350

File: aedcf756ab9d1de⋯.jpeg (152.44 KB,564x794,282:397,Charlton_Heston_POTA_02.JPEG)

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7cf28c No.21538351


anyone using any of those terms is completely lost already imo

never repeat the mantras of division they sow

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9a7465 No.21538352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9d9b0 No.21538353

Republican Jewish confab kicks off in Vegas, focusing on domestic antisemitism spike

Speakers repeatedly link Biden and Harris to Oct. 7 massacre and subsequent fallout for American Jews, mourn the six captives executed by Hamas

The Republican Jewish Coalition kicked off its annual gathering by highlighting the messages it has long stressed in its pitch to Jewish voters: that the Republican Party and its standard bearer, Donald Trump, are stronger defenders of Israel during wartime, and of American Jews in the face of rising antisemitism.

“This election is about whether we as a nation will tolerate antisemitism. This election is about whether we as a nation will stand with Israel or capitulate to terrorists,” Florida Sen. Rick Scott told the crowd at the Venetian Resort on Wednesday evening.

Speakers at the conference’s opening event — including Sen. Joni Ernst, Reps. Jason Smith and Davis Kustoff, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum — repeatedly tied the Biden administration and Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, to Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught on Israel and to domestic antisemitism, particularly on college campuses.

On October 7, thousands of Hamas-led terrorists invaded southern Israel, brutally murdering 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapping 251 to the Gaza Strip. The massacre sparked the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

“On the Biden-Harris administration’s watch, Iran and its proxies like Hezbollah have been emboldened and we have seen the terrifying consequences,” said Smith, of Missouri. He accused the Democratic Party of harboring a “pervasive culture of antisemitism,” evidenced by anti-Israel activity on college campuses.

Smith and others called for stripping funding from universities that allowed for antisemitism on campus.

“The problems at some of these so-called elite schools are systematic,” Smith said. He added, “As a new semester begins, these schools must show Congress, and more importantly Jewish students, that they are willing to stand up to antisemitic hatred.”

The event opened with renditions of the American and Israeli national anthems, the latter accompanied by a video montage of Israeli soldiers singing the anthem in uniform, clearing a tunnel and doing training exercises. The audience of several hundred sang along.

The crowd at the opening event was a mix that included older attendees and several tables of students clustered toward the back of the elaborately decorated convention hall. Many in the crowd wore kippahs, some bearing Trump’s name.

The former and hopeful president will headline the event with a speech delivered via satellite on Thursday morning. RJC CEO Matt Brooks said in a statement that Trump will speak not only to Republicans, “but to the entire American Jewish community.”


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44ae30 No.21538354


It's going to be a short run for GenXers too because Boomers held on for so long.

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cb7f07 No.21538355

File: 0eea6ff0f997bb3⋯.png (14.45 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage124_1.png)




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1d481e No.21538356


Yeah sorry Karen. I’ll get the manager over here. I don’t know what I was thinking.

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529037 No.21538357

File: 0f3ba82a3c7fffc⋯.png (571.95 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Response of DOJ chief caught on camera admitting the trials against Trump are political perversions to impact the election

"I made comments that don't reflect my views. I was trying to please and impress someone I just met"

In other words, he was speaking a truth to an undercover chick and BELIEVED doing so would get him laid.


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f07be4 No.21538358


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d67dad No.21538359

File: 4a25f9cfed7abfb⋯.png (498.9 KB,680x680,1:1,IMG_8797.png)

File: 9dfafd65adf22d2⋯.gif (4 MB,360x242,180:121,IMG_8768.gif)

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f0d9cf No.21538360


You dont want to fuck with GenX. Those kids raised themselves.

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9a7465 No.21538361


so the hostage situation was /is just a ploy to send ransom money over to support Hamas?

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d67dad No.21538362

File: 031733b008cc457⋯.png (307.04 KB,474x474,1:1,3D886EA0_396B_4BF4_9066_0B….png)

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5f8df4 No.21538363

File: 5efa7fa1b31fe06⋯.jpg (52.15 KB,666x375,222:125,AOC2_2_.jpg)

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d67dad No.21538364

File: 841343b533f22fb⋯.png (892.83 KB,600x900,2:3,78A266B9_00DB_4152_A818_44….png)

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7f5f1f No.21538365

File: e6d7f5654a2ed2d⋯.jpg (108.54 KB,634x465,634:465,article_2100076_00F2326800….jpg)


Clinton's personal, "the day the music died."

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9a7465 No.21538366

File: 21b005f3a745913⋯.png (1.2 MB,1294x835,1294:835,ClipboardImage.png)

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b24181 No.21538367



<haz negrotrannycoke an homo feels

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7624dd No.21538368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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e9d9b0 No.21538369

File: f4da06cb55cb2f7⋯.png (99.54 KB,563x518,563:518,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e0601 No.21538370


you are idolizing a book and if you think that book is 100% true you better go do some real Fucking research instead of spending all your time trying to convince us that you have all the knowledge

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a3a1e7 No.21538371

get some popcorn, this is fun. Ms Love at it again.


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5f8df4 No.21538372


Is that when she resisted arrest..?

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529037 No.21538373


The question is, WHY would he think that saying it would "please and impress"?

Because he knew it was a truth that would "shock", that's why.

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e9d9b0 No.21538374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The compromised intelligence agent


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eb9eef No.21538375

File: 1d7f4b20a711728⋯.png (512.67 KB,656x712,82:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c3eef No.21538376


You don’t understand sayings?

Cat got your tongue?

You have to meditate to understand it.

God damn boy.

You un awaken people are vipers.

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5f8df4 No.21538377


Is that a shawl that is used by a certain religious group that she is wearing? Blue and white looks familiar…

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3eafa9 No.21538378


>“Because that’s the reality we live in, it’s us or them, and it has to be them,” Weinstein said.

Boomerang - erase Israel

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7855c1 No.21538379

File: 8b8d6e410a3b085⋯.jpeg (150 KB,1088x667,1088:667,8b8d6e410a3b085d347147ee0….jpeg)


>Is that when she resisted arrest..?

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5f8df4 No.21538380

File: 09603e80795f7cd⋯.png (367.96 KB,547x686,547:686,ClipboardImage.png)


Hmmm……. Coinkidink?

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5f8df4 No.21538381


That's one way to do it… Kek. "You'll never take me alive!"

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6e0601 No.21538382


and you have been removed from my sight

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bc9e24 No.21538383

File: 1f56f0841f1bdc5⋯.png (527.29 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1494.png)

There is evidence in the Bible that after Daniel and his other companions, who were in training, were permitted to forego eating the King’s rich foods, and eat vegetable for 10 days, that their stamina and appearance improved.

So it says, there ate (only) vegetables for the remainder of their training and became strong and successful

There are all kinds of interpretation of this and what is meant by the king’s rich foods, and did Daniel eat fish as part of his diet.

It is also said that Daniel’s diet before captured and serving as a fighter, was mostly vegetables and the kings diets of rich cakes was foreign to their bodies

As far as killing animals, God told them to kill and sacrifice animals.

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7624dd No.21538384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0e809b No.21538386


Typical /pol

Anyone who says something you don’t like is immediately filtered.

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5f8df4 No.21538387

File: f3810f3c2ea525e⋯.jpg (55.81 KB,522x500,261:250,Feinstein7.jpg)

File: 7c7d7b1f504bb88⋯.jpg (58.79 KB,522x500,261:250,feinstein2.jpg)


That's nothing new…

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a97089 No.21538388

File: caccd4710f16ef3⋯.jpeg (485.64 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,33AB6C52_7D0A_4439_A18D_C….jpeg)

File: cce0d95e8321596⋯.png (46.36 KB,690x542,345:271,879C559E_57F4_476A_AB46_15….png)

File: d527283b37e1135⋯.png (3.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,F374A582_A56C_4E14_9F1F_B9….png)

File: cce0d95e8321596⋯.png (46.36 KB,690x542,345:271,26FE1588_AFF3_45F6_A25F_3B….png)

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d67dad No.21538389

File: a257ef4e3e78ee6⋯.jpg (365.82 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1016.JPG)

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569e48 No.21538390

That was some Mongolian demon shit, i did not win this lottery here in norway

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0a12a6 No.21538391

File: 4e1f30018781a5f⋯.png (743.56 KB,856x837,856:837,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

It.'s been a while since Special Counsel Jack Smith's legal team and that of former President Donald Trump faced off in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. The 2020 Election case brought by Smith against Trump has been in limbo since it went up on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court on the presidential immunity issue.

Since the SCOTUS July 1 ruling on the scope of immunity, the parties have made various filings, and Smith has filed a superseding indictment, but Thursday marked the first day the parties were actually back before Judge Tanya Chutkan in person, a fact which Chutkan acknowledged as she greeted Trump attorney John Lauro.

To start, Trump was formally re-arraigned on the superseding indictment. (The court had ruled ahead of Thursday that Trump himself did not need to appear in person for this.)

The key issue before the court was the order and timing of the pleadings and determinations that will need to be made before the case can actually proceed to trial. Chutkan acknowledged that the case will not be ready for trial for months.

In addition to sorting out the immunity issue, Trump's legal team raised the matter of Smith's appointment, as Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas addressed in his concurrence in the immunity ruling and Judge Aileen Cannon determined was grounds for dismissal of the Florida classified documents case brought by Smith against Trump.

Chutkan initially expressed reservation that a motion on that basis would be timely at this point, given there was an October deadline for such. Ultimately, Chutkan agreed to let Trump's attorneys raise the issue, but they will have to persuade her that binding DC Circuit precedent rejecting their position does not foreclose it. (Based on her apparent inclination, this looks to be a tall order.)

As to the immunity issue, Trump's team sought to delay the briefing until after the election, asserting that the prosecution's brief is likely to place damaging details into the public record just ahead of the election. Chutkan appeared unimpressed at the notion that this was a particularly sensitive time, noting that the court will not be taking the election into account.

She did, however, note that setting a trial date would be "an exercise in futility" given all of the issues remaining to be resolved.


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f360bb No.21538392

File: 13f7e84ce8d8c1c⋯.png (472.75 KB,2164x1960,541:490,HRC_Chicago.png)


Still a LOT of available seats for her appearance in Chicago on October 13th.

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5f8df4 No.21538393

File: 635e57a9dbea152⋯.png (474.8 KB,997x642,997:642,635e57a9dbea152c35e7186e0d….png)

File: 350dbda6f5817ce⋯.jpg (54.85 KB,888x500,222:125,AOC.jpg)

File: 96bd3ccd4b5a340⋯.jpg (39.17 KB,640x360,16:9,aoc3.jpg)

File: bb3a9cb6fbbf046⋯.jpg (42.79 KB,640x360,16:9,Cortez2.jpg)

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529037 No.21538394



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2d4ed7 No.21538395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Where oh where

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9a7465 No.21538396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a12a6 No.21538397

File: 4a6436459a44cef⋯.png (25.31 KB,871x193,871:193,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

File: 3882dfa1ba355c4⋯.png (255.54 KB,498x642,83:107,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

Former President Trump confirmed at the Economic Club of New York that he will create the Department of Government Efficiency.

"At the suggestion of Elon Musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement, I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms."



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eb9eef No.21538398

File: 7db63e74f58194c⋯.png (743.75 KB,1004x581,1004:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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f360bb No.21538399

File: f11ca754df0fc70⋯.jpeg (145.55 KB,900x1200,3:4,LS.jpeg)


Too bad she didn't live long enough to be hung.

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cb7f07 No.21538400




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454ac2 No.21538401


Getting rid of evidence most likely.

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d67dad No.21538402

File: a8b531ae436c258⋯.png (601.81 KB,800x490,80:49,E79607A5_7EBB_4D96_84B3_3F….png)

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af8325 No.21538403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

will overlook the tats just this once

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af92d2 No.21538404

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529037 No.21538405


Wait, you mean that people living in countries in close proximity can wear similar clothing?

Greta wearing a Palestinian shawl at an anti-Israel protest, and you muhjoo.


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5f8df4 No.21538406


What was the sauce of that photo, Anon?

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9a7465 No.21538407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dedeae No.21538408

File: 78f5390b22acd3f⋯.mp4 (9.65 MB,320x566,160:283,Clubbering.mp4)

Insane world, good cameraman!

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5f8df4 No.21538409


OK, so I hit the post, but didn't score a goal. I was close.

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61f3c1 No.21538410


Go Connor, the fighting Irish is what is going to save this world.

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e9d9b0 No.21538411

File: f6cd443c2b05b57⋯.png (93.4 KB,729x499,729:499,ClipboardImage.png)

TV Presenter Who Worked for Channel One Russia Charged with Violating U.S. Sanctions Imposed on Russia

The Department of Justice today unsealed two indictments charging Dimitri Simes, 76, and Anastasia Simes, 55, both of Huntly, Virginia, and Russia with two separate schemes to violate U.S. sanctions.


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1ad39d No.21538412

Really fucking evil

Don't look if you can't handle it.

Couldn't get past the first murder muhself.

Oct 7th


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04d950 No.21538413


Why do they always behave like wild animals?

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b8275e No.21538414

File: 8c4dfc314ddf9c6⋯.png (394.73 KB,1866x911,1866:911,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_05_….png)


Wait, What? Prosecutors Urge Hunter Biden Judge To Reject Plea Deal

By Tyler Durden THURSDAY, SEP 05, 2024

Update (1505ET): It would appear that Hunter Biden doesn't have a nicely arranged plea deal with the DOJ after all - as prosecutors have urged the judge in the case to reject his proposal to plead guilty.

Of note, Hunter is attempting to plead guilty via an "Alford plea," which would have to be approved by the prosecution and higher-ups at the DOJ.

It appears they were caught off guard.

Hunter Biden's lawyers announced on Thursday that the first son will plead guilty in his $1.4 million tax evasion case.

"Mr. Biden intends to change his plea this morning," Hunter's lawyer Abbe Lowell told the judge in a Los Angeles federal courtroom, with the younger Biden facing trial on nine federal charges for failing to pay federal taxes from 2016 - 2019.

If convicted, Hunter faced up to 17 years behind bars. He currently faces up to 25 years behind bars when he's sentenced in November for a conviction on gun charges.


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cb7f07 No.21538415

I am happy to be here

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529037 No.21538416

File: 4d175a441e574a7⋯.png (507.43 KB,495x619,495:619,ClipboardImage.png)



Who's "they"?

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736d0b No.21538417


Embed using twitter.com instead of x.com

BUT, as anon pointed out yesterday, it's better to cap post, copy pasta the text and provide the url. Better for aggregators and search engines/qresear.ch

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f360bb No.21538418

File: 76c6c6147387a19⋯.jpg (152.93 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Simpsons_Smell.jpg)

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e9d9b0 No.21538419

File: da58a08fc59dd5a⋯.png (99.23 KB,735x517,735:517,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2d9f7c2cc0578c⋯.png (102.64 KB,754x530,377:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e76db53aa41176⋯.png (116.92 KB,754x593,754:593,ClipboardImage.png)

Five Russian GRU Officers and One Civilian Charged for Conspiring to Hack Ukrainian Government


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d67dad No.21538420

File: 8c61dca9052592d⋯.png (621.29 KB,800x490,80:49,9FF6B2F5_ACD3_4111_BC7A_D3….png)

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04d950 No.21538421

File: c4d580ed86edb2f⋯.png (293.2 KB,308x450,154:225,Screenshot.png)


Failed asylum seeker, 40, who raped 15-year-old girl after his deportation back to Africa was blocked by do-gooder cabin crew is told he cannot change his plea to not guilty


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e9d9b0 No.21538422

File: 8f0e9f751236d05⋯.png (127.66 KB,998x565,998:565,ClipboardImage.png)

Former CEO of Mariner’s Bank and Accomplice Admit Roles in Obtaining Nominee Loans from Mariner’s Bank


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529037 No.21538423

The DOJ announced a new muh russia narrative because they're trying to gift Kamala with a talking point for the debate.

If Harris tries to smear Q+ with the latest DOJ muh Russia narrative, Q+ should reply "But Putin endorsed you"

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9a7465 No.21538424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Music and Lyrics Become the New Psalms

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1ad39d No.21538425


Click the 3 dots next the your tweet.

Click embed

(Opens to a new window)

Scroll to top

Click embedd


Then paste to kun as you would a yt link

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529037 No.21538427

File: 5cd969e7b371e73⋯.png (769.64 KB,493x680,29:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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44ae30 No.21538428


Thanks. It's nice to embed when there is a video, then it becomes a decent combo of a partial cap with the ability to play the video within the post instead of exporting and attaching the video, which can be large.

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e9d9b0 No.21538429

File: f7b91b23ea9501d⋯.png (103.54 KB,989x467,989:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Undocumented Individual Charged in Connection with Voting Fraud and Passport Fraud


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a97089 No.21538430

File: 9a86fc05bb85eb1⋯.png (1008.45 KB,750x1334,375:667,4CFD6D0F_F281_4CA1_A6D9_25….png)

File: e225e7f0d37be56⋯.png (42.88 KB,690x586,345:293,E4CBB8DE_57F3_4419_B361_CB….png)

File: 55e5ee0c0ff9d76⋯.png (430.45 KB,690x3716,345:1858,DFB0FF51_5986_46DF_BD2F_BD….png)

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529037 No.21538431

File: 2229f3dc5a311a0⋯.png (383.99 KB,560x680,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb7d6 No.21538432

File: 11ad1e106b44414⋯.png (34.79 KB,600x529,600:529,66d9dfccd5172.png)

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9a7465 No.21538434

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a97089 No.21538435

File: f8cac560668c9df⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,F768D4ED_DCFB_4748_8586_A9….png)

File: f3cb169b1ddc818⋯.png (33.34 KB,690x454,345:227,9BD6D289_8935_4F4F_9260_3A….png)

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d67dad No.21538436

File: 28cedb863896a2c⋯.png (833.82 KB,600x800,3:4,1CCF82FE_3D15_4988_87D2_04….png)

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529037 No.21538437

File: 15eb7c335344c46⋯.png (548.17 KB,680x649,680:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e0601 No.21538438


be gone you Nat

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9a7465 No.21538439



we responded


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f0d9cf No.21538440

File: 062eaebf3e5c6fa⋯.webp (10.1 KB,96x96,1:1,MONKAUMM.webp)

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104451 No.21538441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The new Māori monarch: Kuini Nga wai hono i te Po | RNZ



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e9d9b0 No.21538442

File: 2999b5d189030f4⋯.png (756.57 KB,961x600,961:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0d9cf No.21538444


She looks like a lot of fun…

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9a7465 No.21538445

File: a34fe39cddd8d21⋯.png (366.93 KB,610x340,61:34,cold.png)

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d67dad No.21538446

File: 675bafdba8cf672⋯.jpg (10.48 KB,154x255,154:255,Karate_Pepe.JPG)


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cb7f07 No.21538447

File: 18a99ac43c15bd6⋯.png (32.67 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage24.png)

File: 97286fcbb42627e⋯.png (17.22 KB,473x126,473:126,qaggdropimage42.png)

File: 8db8cbca3327e48⋯.png (38.19 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage204.png)

File: 7855ad2bdc01271⋯.png (23.64 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage420.png)

File: 4b5d7909ed2f98a⋯.png (30.08 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage240.png)



>That would be like a Magikarp using splash<

>It didn't work<

I am not Q

I am the larp :)

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1ad39d No.21538448

Hunter Biden to plead Guilty to federal tax charges.

The son of President Biden is in court accused of 9 crimes including three felony counts and six misdemeanors for failing to pay $1.4million in taxes and lying on his IRS returns.

His lawyer Abbe Lowell said he will accept the guilty verdict, making the announcement as the jury selection was about to begin.

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529037 No.21538450

File: 1931a69e9d09267⋯.png (743.84 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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6e0601 No.21538451


hunter needs this over Quickly pops is gone in January can't have this dragged out

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e9d9b0 No.21538453

File: 8aa1b9a97e3b7d4⋯.png (284.66 KB,550x680,55:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d68a9 No.21538454


Kek - that's gonna cause some Cog-Dis for the lunatic left…

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7624dd No.21538455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9a7465 No.21538456

File: 9284fe4d1120759⋯.png (255.82 KB,771x624,257:208,ClipboardImage.png)


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d67dad No.21538457

File: 12df5b15532f2d9⋯.jpeg (52.08 KB,408x420,34:35,Feinstein_Funeral_01_Nanc….JPEG)

File: 4f76703f7c4efea⋯.png (1.44 MB,1162x664,7:4,Feinstein_China_01.PNG)

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b24181 No.21538459


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

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e118c6 No.21538460

File: 04eda172601b119⋯.png (167.66 KB,471x429,157:143,smokingjack.png)


satan is making me cook ribs right now

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529037 No.21538462

Let's get this straight:

The Justice Department is bringing Russian Collusion 3.0.

For the 3rd presidential election in a row.

While ignoring over $20 million going into what seems like every Bidens' bank accounts.

And blatant Chinese and Iranian influence everywhere.

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b7dc8e No.21538463

File: 390a679720c4372⋯.png (34.65 KB,594x560,297:280,ClipboardImage.png)

Any Anon have a link to an archived version of the Video in this delta post? I know it has something to do with Kavanaugh and questions about Military Tribunals but I can't find a link to access the original video. It' not on youtube anymore.

I would appreciate any help finding a link, please and thank you.

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1ad39d No.21538464

A senior American official stated in a briefing that Hamas is demanding the release of a larger number of prisoners as part of the hostage deal.

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bd3b14 No.21538465

File: 2d5ac9ab81f8e81⋯.png (152.81 KB,430x392,215:196,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb7f07 No.21538466

File: f577b57dbb64d28⋯.png (19.15 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage278.png)

File: 576f316d192e62f⋯.png (25.72 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage372_1.png)



We said no.

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e9d9b0 No.21538467

File: f29841589ba4086⋯.png (1.98 MB,650x1249,650:1249,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a8aba No.21538468


>>21519160 pb

>>21519166 pb




DL video if available, upload with post.


>>21519196 pb

>Embeds are portals to the information. Therefore if that source of information is amended or deleted it will disappear here.

>So screencapping and pasting the text of said sources here in the bread helps preserve the originals.

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44932c No.21538469

File: 4fe3bd514278aec⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1125x1586,1125:1586,IMG_3858.jpeg)


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104451 No.21538470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4:00 PM EDT

President Biden Delivers Remarks on his Investing in America Agenda: President Biden delivers remarks highlighting how his Investing in America agenda is benefiting communities across Wisconsin and ensuring Americans have a brighter, more prosperous future

Westby, Wisconsin




President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Economy

President Biden delivers remarks on the economy at an event in La Crosse, Wisconsin.


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d67dad No.21538471

File: bf3d1939a80f5aa⋯.png (812.83 KB,640x800,4:5,22DB6AB2_4EFE_41EA_986A_D9….png)

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d67dad No.21538473

File: a671b5b273fc9b6⋯.jpeg (271.37 KB,1070x946,535:473,6DCD990F_6F50_43B4_9B10_E….jpeg)

File: 3741f2edcb98f50⋯.jpeg (286.15 KB,1130x1270,113:127,IMG_8660.jpeg)

File: 346c4f74b35d308⋯.jpeg (286.19 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8659.jpeg)

File: 936729abec0762d⋯.png (683.49 KB,600x800,3:4,681943AA_BC52_484C_889F_AA….png)

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9dcff4 No.21538474

File: 0b45a4849940a4f⋯.png (492.27 KB,722x684,19:18,amens_hallelujahs_and_such.png)


> Prophetic Vision of Virgin Mary

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454ac2 No.21538475


Subhuman beasts.

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20d76f No.21538476

File: e5a7d34dfe96cdf⋯.mp4 (642.42 KB,400x224,25:14,Show_them_.mp4)

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b8cd37 No.21538477

Was this some of what PDJT was talking about today?

• Defund DEI: Pass legislation to prohibit federal funding for programs that are only

designed to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the government or the

private sector.

• Cut Politicized Agencies: In recent years, agencies like the Federal Trade Commission

(FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) have been partially transformed into liberal

political activist arms of the Democratic Party. Congress should temporarily limit

funding for agencies pursuing a political agenda like the FTC.

• Relocated Environmental Enforcement: Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency

and shift its authorities to other relevant agencies, saving more than $250 billion over

ten years.

• Zero Out Programs: Many discretionary programs are wasteful, duplicative, or

unnecessary and should be eliminated. Below is a non-exhaustive list to give Congress a

head start.

Politicians often talk about the national debt. When it comes to outlining specific spending

reductions, however, our leaders have failed. The fear of taking away a government

program has paralyzed lawmakers and driven America to the edge of fiscal ruin.

Americans are now experiencing the painful consequences of Congressional inaction on

spending reform. Spending-driven inflation is up by nearly 20% since President Biden took

office. The government tries to address that inflation by raising interest rates, which in turn

increases the cost of servicing American debt. The cycle will continue until we are in a

fiscal death spiral.

Advancing American Freedom believes it is critical to name and explain specific spending

cuts. We will continue to lead the way by identifying credible ways to reduce U.S. debt. The

next step is for politicians to match their actions with their rhetoric. 2025 will provide a

golden opportunity.


• Overseas Private Investment Corporation

• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

• Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program

• HOME Investment Partnerships Program

• Community

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e118c6 No.21538478



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04d950 No.21538480


Remember 'Durham is coming'

Remember when Q said 'Durham'


Are we still winning?

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22c6ee No.21538481

File: 9e18b3277a6b10f⋯.png (2.21 MB,2880x1494,160:83,AF1gaggle.png)

File: f75aaf3e9d757bd⋯.png (791.02 KB,732x1279,732:1279,AF1DICK.png)



>Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggles Aboard Air Force One En Route to La Crosse, WI

"AF1"Also known asEmpty CallsignGaggle this dick DS

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9a7465 No.21538483


Got To Show Em

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d67dad No.21538484

File: d7889e21a77b402⋯.png (774.49 KB,711x703,711:703,E7963371_01F0_4A00_878C_34….png)

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736d0b No.21538485


You're welcome. Remember though, archive the video first if you think it's notable. Just in case the op deletes the tweet.

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d67dad No.21538486

File: 7a3b6c3d1c32805⋯.gif (2.4 MB,360x359,360:359,IMG_8711.GIF)

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7624dd No.21538487

File: be08f44ec250ebe⋯.jpg (230.2 KB,3378x914,1689:457,IMG_20240905_114903014_7.jpg)

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22c6ee No.21538488

File: 1696703856d4bce⋯.png (2.25 MB,2868x1482,478:247,maybethisone.png)


Maybe it was this one?

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1ad39d No.21538489





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cb7f07 No.21538490

File: f62c61aec6866b4⋯.png (31.9 KB,473x308,43:28,qaggdropimage379_1.png)

File: dadc5d3bb9f9d42⋯.png (15.48 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage402.png)



>Ahhhhhh more symmetry. My life is one gigantic decode. I am the content and the comfy

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d67dad No.21538492

File: 84c3bf6fa483461⋯.jpg (513.08 KB,887x778,887:778,IMG_7621.jpg)

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761e93 No.21538493

File: 250b9e2112251da⋯.jpeg (770.41 KB,1125x1750,9:14,IMG_3859.jpeg)



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1ad39d No.21538494


Mcstain and Pierre Delecto acct

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a97089 No.21538495

File: 92f881b6f067a97⋯.png (714.75 KB,750x1334,375:667,4EE9D05E_D10A_410A_B91B_BB….png)

File: d7148f8ad2a6ff8⋯.png (672.62 KB,750x1334,375:667,19836F89_ABB1_42A6_B4B0_40….png)

File: 909a75411f50cf8⋯.png (452.42 KB,750x1334,375:667,5B2650FE_7984_4F15_95FE_57….png)

File: f8cac560668c9df⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,5C216A59_42FD_4FA2_92D0_E5….png)


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9a7465 No.21538496


Big white boy with dreads…shpulder length..big white wife..pretty faace…Thats Biden?

ref: the Bar

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44ae30 No.21538497


Good reminder

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324030 No.21538498


this what?

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7624dd No.21538499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The who, the what and the when.

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761e93 No.21538500

File: 2c229713be5450c⋯.jpeg (385.94 KB,1125x1166,1125:1166,IMG_3860.jpeg)



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af92d2 No.21538501

File: df849391ac13a55⋯.png (489.61 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Jacksonville…


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e118c6 No.21538502

File: 6e2783010d7bb48⋯.png (780.99 KB,1200x664,150:83,ClipboardImage.png)

Sex offending rate of women: 3 per one million

Sex offending rate of men: 395 per million

Sex offending rates of transwomen: 1,916 per million

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0d68a9 No.21538503

File: 5cdd9d9a469ef59⋯.mp4 (228.68 KB,480x450,16:15,jpk.mp4)

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761e93 No.21538504

File: 878e264ca7cf107⋯.jpeg (137.05 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_3765.jpeg)

Joy is the answer!

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955b13 No.21538505

File: 4edc4fae69adcdd⋯.jpeg (48.57 KB,733x340,733:340,IMG_6288.jpeg)

The mind doesn’t want you to meditate.

You should do it anyway. Who is in charge after all?

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cb7f07 No.21538506

File: 87b27283992e04d⋯.png (158.15 KB,469x376,469:376,87b27283992e04d683b9c1cd16….png)


>Senses are tingling<

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b8cd37 No.21538507

File: 63e41b30ea2a3c9⋯.jpeg (1.71 MB,1620x2086,810:1043,IMG_3279.jpeg)

File: 96c13a638308b34⋯.png (880.2 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3280.png)


Gerrymandering still happening in California

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04d950 No.21538508

File: 13ea83a133a8eaf⋯.png (313.95 KB,636x382,318:191,Screenshot.png)

Extraordinary never-before-seen footage of JFK assassination revealed at auction


The film will go to auction on September 28 after being discovered by the grandson of the Dallas truck driver who filmed it.

>CIA have entered the auction

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529037 No.21538509



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5bfffa No.21538510

File: 1d286a214481641⋯.jpeg (145.79 KB,1440x929,1440:929,kek9.jpeg)


Just reminding you that you're an imposter. A fraud. Angry Inch to some. Simple Legion to others. Broken clown to all. You copy everything other than the meme from one person because you're bereft of ideas. Congratulations. You're as dumb as Kamala Harris. How does that make you feel?

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104451 No.21538511


U.S. Cyber Command Commander Dir. at Billington CyberSecurity Summit

Gen. Timothy Haugh, U.S. Cyber Command Commander director, spoke at day 3 of Billington CyberSecurity’s 15th annual summit in Washington, DC. Topics included defending against cybersecurity threats and adversarial use of artificial intelligence (AI), investing in cybersecurity workforce, leveraging domestic and international public-private partnerships, and keeping up with emerging technology


audio only

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7624dd No.21538512

The joy of eating poop.

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104451 No.21538513

File: 13f83496c836427⋯.jpg (103.53 KB,616x900,154:225,sickos.jpg)

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24003b No.21538515


You fat ain't ya?

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e9d9b0 No.21538516

File: 66f8910bfb0d481⋯.png (174.93 KB,338x316,169:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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03c2e2 No.21538518



Only shills reply to the retard


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04d950 No.21538519


You are not Q.

You are not 'Less than 10'.

Many have tried over the years, they always FAIL.

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0d68a9 No.21538520

File: 62ca69f1e0588ad⋯.png (9.76 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)





DL video if available, upload with post.


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cb7f07 No.21538521




Kek :3

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1bdc31 No.21538523

File: 9a39fd4429b764a⋯.png (12.32 KB,201x255,67:85,1a2337d57017214910e2baf5cb….png)

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1ad39d No.21538524

File: 26b54a944d01f59⋯.jpg (84.09 KB,720x806,360:403,Joy_to_the_world.jpg)

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a97089 No.21538525


kek out loud

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b7dc8e No.21538526


Thank you very much.

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03c2e2 No.21538527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

popeyes yo

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650922 No.21538529


Please wake me up.

Emmit Brown loads up his delorean with peoesi, chips, and lettuce.

I already acted for u.

I already drew gay little pictures.

I no longer believe u.

U can wake me up from the coma.

Fasting and acting are just your tests to see what we'll do.

I killed myself for all.

Nothing tops that.

Good night.

Back to popping pills.

I hate what u did.

I no longer believe u

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7f5f1f No.21538530

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

File: d0682eaf98f6de5⋯.jpg (663.83 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125251….jpg)

File: 296143b43c87fde⋯.jpg (462.79 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125300….jpg)

File: 3afd16496a9a2de⋯.jpg (462.23 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125211….jpg)

A pitance, I know, but brief glimpse if hilldawg's suffering and barry playing her out with a democratic classic tactic, oatracization

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04d950 No.21538532

File: ad31e01ad4686aa⋯.png (1.99 MB,1024x1005,1024:1005,Q_Angel.png)


Well that clears that.

Have a good rest of your day, anon.

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7cf28c No.21538533



#26386 >>21537992


>>21538064 Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address

>>21538067, >>21538441 New Maori queen crowned in New Zealand – and she's Catholic

>>21538127, >>21538131, >>21538139 The Meme Police for keks

>>21538172 TIME magazine purposefully excludes Elon Musk in their 'Top 100' most influential people in AI

>>21538174, >>21538511 Swamp Official Habbenings

>>21538175, >>21538210 NASA & related Outta Space News

>>21538020, >>21538178, >>21538193, >>21538227, >>21538230 FBI RAIDS HOMES OF TOP AIDES TO NY MAYOR ERIC ADAMS

>>21538207 Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe

>>21538215 Putin on Ukraine "ruled by ‘aliens’ who make ruthless decisions without regard for the suffering of ordinary people"

>>21538233 Hunter Biden Flips To 11th Hour Guilty Plea In $1.4M Criminal Tax Evasion Case

>>21538237 Canada hiding evidence? Pull and Destroy All existing COVID-19 vaccines ahead of arrival of updated shots

>>21538244, >>21538245, >>21538255 FBI raids homes of NYC mayor aides and also searched the residences of two people with ties to Turkey.

>>21538247 Biden-Harris AG Merrick Garland Launches ‘Election Threats Task Force’ to Combat Opponents in 2024

>>21538260 Austria ready to offer to host peace talks between Moscow and Kiev

>>21538266 In 2022 Murdoch Family, NewsCorp Took hundreds of millions in loan of CCP money member?

>>21538279 "I’m gonna let her talk,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity

>>21538314 Study reveals sea surface temperature, not human emissions, drives atmospheric CO2 levels

>>21538329 Lion Glass from PENN STATE Researchers

>>21538338, >>21538340 Netanyahu's map erasing occupied West Bank sparks widespread condemnation

>>21538353 Republican Jewish confab kicks off in Vegas, focusing on domestic antisemitism spike

>>21538391 No Trial Date for DC Trump Case until Immunity is sorted out

>>21538397 Trump "I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms."

>>21538414 Prosecutors Urge Hunter Biden Judge To Reject Plea Deal

>>21538411, >>21538419, >>21538422, >>21538429 Department of Justice Happenings

>>21538470 President Biden Delivers Remarks

>>21538481, >>21538488, >>21538501 PlaneFaggin' Empty Call Sign POTUS / Gitmo Activity

>>21538507 Gerrymandering still happening in California

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0e26f2 No.21538534



Just a Whole Lot Of Shit Posts

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9a7465 No.21538535

File: 9df74ec8b1d0852⋯.png (867.68 KB,654x735,218:245,ClipboardImage.png)


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0d68a9 No.21538536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conor McGregor Makes SHOCK Announcement: ‘I'm Running For PRESIDENT Of Ireland!’ Irishmen CHEER

Make Ireland Great Again!


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0d68a9 No.21538537

File: 36ec69e5f9d1dd2⋯.png (49.23 KB,593x435,593:435,ClipboardImage.png)


Conor McGregor


As President I hold the power to summon the Dáil as well as dissolve it. So as i said before, I would have all the answers the people of Ireland seek from these thieves of the working man, these disrupters of the family unit, these destructors of small businesses, and on and on and on! These charlatans in their positions of power would be summoned to answer to the people of Ireland and I would have it done by day end. Or I would be left with no choice but to dissolve the Dáil entirely. Stop the train until. The people of Ireland deserve the answers they seek. Point blank. This would be my power as President. I know very well. Ireland needs an active President employed wholly by the people of Ireland. It is me. I am the only logical choice. 2025 is upcoming…


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955b13 No.21538538

File: b2f9aa994161b16⋯.jpeg (132.57 KB,577x433,577:433,IMG_6289.jpeg)

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3f3c73 No.21538539


Creating more bureaucracy is that solving the problem?

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b7dc8e No.21538540


It's interesting that Kim Jong Un just executed 30 top political officials, and this post is talking about treason which holds the same type of punishment. Probably just a coincidence that executing traitors and saboteurs is in the news.

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529037 No.21538541


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b8275e No.21538542



FBI raids NYC homes of two top Mayor Adams aides, Sheena Wright and Phil Banks

By Craig McCarthy, Larry Celona and Matt Troutman Published Sep. 5, 2024, 1:18 p.m. ET

FBI agents raided the homes of two top aides to Mayor Eric Adams — Phil Banks and Sheena Wright — early Wednesday, law enforcement sources confirmed.

The raids — first reported by The City — unfolded simultaneously about 5 a.m. at Wright’s elegant West 143rd Street home in Harlem and Banks’ Queens home, according to the sources.

An FBI spokesperson declined to comment to The Post on Thursday but did not deny that federal agents visited both addresses.

The law enforcement action marks a jaw-dropping escalation in the federal investigations swirling around Adams.

The raids’ precise purpose remained unclear Thursday, but a source with knowledge of the probe said investigators have been trying to flip someone close to Adams, who has not been accused of wrongdoing.

Wright, as the city’s first deputy mayor, is the closest Adams aide to have her home raided by the feds. Banks, a longtime Adams ally, serves as his deputy mayor for public safety.

Adams has now seen federal agents search the properties of five allies, including his top campaign fundraiser Brianna Suggs, amid allegations of a kickback scheme involving City Hall and the Turkish government.

A source familiar with the matter told The Post the raids did not appear to be related to the Turkey investigation.

Hizzoner himself has previously been slapped with a grand jury subpoena, as were City Hall officials and his campaign, in July by federal prosecutors digging into his 2021 election fundraising. He also had his electronic devices seized as part of the investigation.

Adams has repeatedly denied wrongdoing.

“Investigators have not indicated to us the mayor or his staff are targets of any investigation,” said City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg, in a statement.

“As a former member of law enforcement, the mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law.”

Banks is the brother of Phil Banks, who himself was named by the feds as an unindicted co-conspirator in a sweeping federal police corruption case years ago.

David Banks, when spotted Thursday leaving the Harlem home he shares with Wright by The Post, dodged questions about the raid.


More sauce:

FBI raids homes of two top NYC officials close to Mayor Eric Adams, sources say

Among the individuals targeted in the searches were First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III, officials said.


FBI searches the homes of at least three top deputies to New York City’s mayor

BY JAKE OFFENHARTZ Updated 3:42 PM EDT, September 5, 2024


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cb7f07 No.21538543


Sometimes one must wander through the darkness,

To find the light within.

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b7dc8e No.21538544



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eee25e No.21538545

Mr. Biden: As a nation, we can not accept the carnage of gun violence. I'm a gun owner, I believe strongly in the amendment….let's ban assault weapons. My Dad is a hunter; I don't know a whole hell of a lot of deer wearing Kevlar vests. I'm serious about this. High-capacity magazines, once again; what do we need them for, in terms of domestic use? There are too many people who are able to access guns that shouldn't be able to. So let's require safe storage of firearms.

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529037 No.21538546

File: f5406c3289180b7⋯.png (837.46 KB,1200x664,150:83,ClipboardImage.png)

The cult is breeding rapists, indulging and grooming sexual offenders to weaken and hunt the public, all for what, power and money.


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7624dd No.21538547

File: 5ee35e13855ac8f⋯.png (446.73 KB,720x1155,48:77,Screenshot_20240905_160136….png)


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eb9eef No.21538548

File: 037eb009ab8d1d0⋯.png (784.67 KB,864x1353,288:451,ClipboardImage.png)

>1. It is the Swedish minister of foreign affairs who resigned

>2. No Swedes dead in Ukraine

So it was just a coincidence he resigned?

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529037 No.21538549

File: 239fb53e054366d⋯.png (119.86 KB,680x402,340:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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104451 No.21538550

File: d09a5d582dda352⋯.png (1.09 MB,1920x794,960:397,no_tie_aviators_potato.png)

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6e0601 No.21538551


they are all Chinese spies hahahahaha

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324030 No.21538552


evidence cover up.

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7624dd No.21538553

Diapers, avalanche of shit tier cabal city/state/local filth all going down at once.

Behold the shitscape, mitigate and get it right for the people.

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529037 No.21538554

File: 91eb84df2d242f0⋯.png (27.11 KB,593x342,593:342,ClipboardImage.png)

Guarantee Deep State knew about the Tenet/Russia honeypot operation for over a year

They just watched it ensnare as many influencers as possible and then sprung their indictment 2 months before the election to provide fuel for the new “Russia Collusion” narrative

We are not fooled


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d9f876 No.21538555

File: e6e23a049d4f26b⋯.jpg (191.92 KB,989x504,989:504,tineye_has_no_ideer.jpg)


Tineye has no idea

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04d950 No.21538556


I saw that picture in 2021…

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529037 No.21538557

File: cc31008265cd3fd⋯.png (824.72 KB,548x679,548:679,ClipboardImage.png)

Before the cult's infiltration into the food and medical industries to harm the public.

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d67dad No.21538558

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.GIF)

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d0403d No.21538559


corney was standing to her right

the hieght matched him

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e9d9b0 No.21538560

File: 562dbb607676f05⋯.png (601.05 KB,747x596,747:596,ClipboardImage.png)

That's cause people want freedom you dumb bitch - you, sky news, Murdoch can fuck off with your victim piece!

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant claims her 'war' with Elon Musk after bungled legal challenge led to death threats

The internet safety bureaucrat who infamously bungled a legal challenge against Elon Musk has sensationally claimed her “war” with the tech billionaire has led to death threats and doxing.

Australia’s cyber abuse watchdog has claimed her “war” with tech billionaire Elon Musk has resulted in death threats and doxing.

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant bungled a legal challenge earlier this year to force X, formerly Twitter, to remove graphic posts of the alleged stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel in a church in Wakeley, Western Sydney in April.

After she dumped the bid to force the company to impose her wish on all global Twitter users, she boasted about her ongoing “war” with Musk.

“I made a strategic decision to withdraw here … (but) let’s face it the war is going to be much longer and more extended,” Ms Inman Grant told the ABC in June.


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6e0601 No.21538561


wonder what the colored's only beach looks like

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e118c6 No.21538562

File: 9abbce749b453b9⋯.png (252.83 KB,330x932,165:466,ClipboardImage.png)


tineye sucks

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d67dad No.21538563

File: 7ed3cdfb8285f06⋯.jpg (300.02 KB,976x1366,488:683,3B86B0E8_3F75_4DA5_A14C_7E….jpg)

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f9b9da No.21538564


it's pretty impressive how ineffectual the repubs have been for 8 years now

hoping q has something in store for an october surprise. seems odd to have "everything" and never use it

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7624dd No.21538565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ALL Gotta go Deepfucks ALL Gotta go.


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0d68a9 No.21538566

File: 66178f31740f18b⋯.jpg (228.17 KB,1280x716,320:179,RRN_GATES.jpg)



Here's another of theirs on the right, and the original on the left.

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5f8df4 No.21538567



Trips confirm, color me a whole lot of not shocked that Tineye can't find it. It's probably been wiped from the Net.

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c6751f No.21538568

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB,391x382,391:382,f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)

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529037 No.21538569


Everyone ate from the same aggregate food supply.

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d0403d No.21538570


sauce on the RRN article

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6e0601 No.21538571


she called it a war now she is crying about it

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b8275e No.21538572


Doesn't meet the specs for a "State"

Canada #58 >>20883212

Palestine Fails the Test of Statehood

by Antonio Graceffo May. 17, 2024

There are four conditions for statehood; Palestine arguably meets one of them.

The most widely accepted definition of a sovereign nation is found in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, which was adopted at the Seventh International Conference of American States in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1933. The Montevideo Convention lays out the criteria for statehood, including a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. These criteria are widely accepted as the basic requirements for statehood in international law.

1) Defined Territory: The entity seeking statehood must have a clearly defined territory over which it exercises sovereignty. Palestine does not meet this criterion. The original mandate granted it the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. However, these territories are not contiguous, and the Palestinians are demanding more territory, including the whole of Jerusalem. Hamas, moreover, wants all of Israel. Thus, there is no clearly defined territory for Palestine, and even the Palestinians have not agreed on what their territory should be.

2) Permanent Population: The entity must have a permanent population residing within its defined territory. This is the only criterion that Palestine more or less meets, as Gaza and the West Bank do have a permanent population. However, the phrase "within its defined territory" suggests that the territory of Palestine would need to be clearly established first before it can be said to have a permanent population within that territory.

3) Government: The entity must have a functioning government capable of exercising control and authority over its territory and population. Palestine fails this test. Power in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is divided among three entities: the Palestinian Authority, the terrorist organization Hamas, and the state of Israel. Generally, the Palestinian Authority exerts control over the West Bank, Hamas over Gaza, and Israel over both. Therefore, it cannot be said that Palestine has a functioning government.

4) Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States: The entity must possess the capacity to enter into relations with other states, indicating its independence and sovereignty. Palestine does not have the authority to enter into international agreements or treaties. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), previously designated as a terrorist organization, represents Palestine at international bodies but does not hold memberships or voting rights in those bodies. For example, the PLO has permanent observer status at the UN.

These criteria are widely recognized as the fundamental requirements for statehood in international law. Most countries and international organizations adhere to the principles laid out in the convention. Additionally, the criteria specified in the convention are commonly used by governments, legal scholars, and international bodies to determine the statehood of entities seeking recognition as sovereign states. Therefore, the definition provided by the Montevideo Convention is broadly accepted by the international community.

UN members recently voted to recognize Palestine. According to the UN Charter, "States are admitted to membership in the United Nations by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council." However, as a member of the Security Council, the US exercised its veto power, preventing Palestine's admission.


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5f8df4 No.21538573


Kek! Real Raw News, that's a trusted sauce, not.

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eee25e No.21538574

Mr. Biden: We've invested 1.6 billion dollars, just in Wisconsin, to connect everyone to affordable high-speed internet in Wisconsin.

[the results of the audit should be interesting]

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6e0601 No.21538575


are you sure about that

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3b9e15 No.21538576

File: fa8b4050e25de8d⋯.png (412.94 KB,598x623,598:623,ClipboardImage.png)


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cb7f07 No.21538577


>I am the impressed :3

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650922 No.21538578


Like "Jaime" said movie is fight club.

I'm like Allen Iverson


I have a story about how 8 helped me meet god,

But not in practice

I won't pen about alien abductions it's counterproductive and morronic.

Please wake me up

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529037 No.21538579


meat, potatoes, vegetables, grains…

yeah, pretty sure

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0d68a9 No.21538580


Anon doesn't promote fake grifter news. They also edit their stories when they get caught out…

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39c24a No.21538581


california is the victim of a communist take over.

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0390d7 No.21538582

File: 07e70934ef6079b⋯.png (4.01 MB,2116x1548,529:387,Joyless_B_.png)

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d67dad No.21538583

File: 8c61dca9052592d⋯.png (621.29 KB,800x490,80:49,9FF6B2F5_ACD3_4111_BC7A_D3….png)


This picture was not from RRN .

AMGnews.com and various Telegram channels have posted it over the past 2-3 years.

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5bfffa No.21538584

File: 1f2e094e762726e⋯.png (236.71 KB,488x556,122:139,fake_and_gaylord.png)



You can find the article on your own, but here's an interesting little tidbit on the guy you'll find that wrote that article.

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5f8df4 No.21538585


Why has it been photographed with a potato? I've seen clearer UFO photos.

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d0403d No.21538586


sauce on edits

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d0403d No.21538587



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66591f No.21538588


Obviously hasn't figured out the meaning of 1-4-3

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6e0601 No.21538589


you really haven't picked up on the vision I'm putting down. I'm not talking about food

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8a8aba No.21538590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Trips confirm

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3b9e15 No.21538591

File: 350f2325d310a2a⋯.png (358.4 KB,593x486,593:486,ClipboardImage.png)


The Babylon Bee


FBI Assures Public The Next Ten Mass Shooters Are Also On Their Radar


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b592f2 No.21538592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin Endorses Comrades

Subcommittee on Communications May 1, 1969:


2Jn_1:3 GraceG5485 beG2071 withG3326 you,G5216 mercy,G1656 and peace,G1515 fromG3844 GodG2316 the Father,G3962 andG2532 fromG3844 the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 theG3588 SonG5207 of theG3588 Father,G3962 inG1722 truthG225 andG2532 love.G26

3Jn_1:14 ButG1161 I trustG1679 I shall shortlyG2112 seeG1492 thee,G4571 andG2532 we shall speakG2980 face to face.G4750 G4314 G4750 PeaceG1515 be to thee.G4671 Our friendsG5384 saluteG782 thee.G4571 GreetG782 theG3588 friendsG5384 byG2596 name.G3686

Jud_1:2 MercyG1656 unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 andG2532 love,G26 be multiplied.G4129

Rev_1:4 JohnG2491 to theG3588 sevenG2033 churchesG1577 whichG3588 are inG1722 Asia:G773 GraceG5485 be unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 him which is, and which was, and which is to come;G3801 andG2532 fromG575 theG3588 sevenG2033 SpiritsG4151 whichG3739 areG2076 beforeG1799 hisG848 throne;G2362

Rev_6:4 AndG2532 there went outG1831 anotherG243 horseG2462 that was red:G4450 andG2532 power was givenG1325 to himG846 that satG2521 thereonG1909 G846 to takeG2983 peaceG1515 fromG575 theG3588 earth,G1093 andG2532 thatG2443 they should killG4969 one another:G240 andG2532 there was givenG1325 unto himG846 a greatG3173 sword.G3162


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9dcff4 No.21538593

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,wheeze.mp4)


> FBI Wray Babylon Bee

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5f8df4 No.21538594

File: b6e29ddab43ef7d⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,This_is_Extremely_Dangerou….mp4)


Yeah, I totally believe the media, they aren't dangerous for our democracy at all…

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324030 No.21538595


did they get the real article from not the bee confused. This is true.

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bd3b14 No.21538597

File: 4a0e5bdd6ab9543⋯.gif (1.65 MB,429x408,143:136,smoking_rick_420.gif)

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5bfffa No.21538598

File: e9fa7429b236c2a⋯.gif (3.6 MB,498x247,498:247,kekface.gif)

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eb9eef No.21538599

File: 8efc3851d477021⋯.png (196.99 KB,1000x736,125:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f8df4 No.21538600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb9eef No.21538601

File: 98dee35859cc88b⋯.png (86.35 KB,903x616,129:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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7624dd No.21538602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e9d9b0 No.21538603

File: 96f69b78088de30⋯.png (425.1 KB,526x573,526:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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b24181 No.21538604


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

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b226e3 No.21538605

File: 1678678499057da⋯.mp4 (643.36 KB,720x720,1:1,gifputina0fd9f942e6826836b….mp4)

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104451 No.21538606

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8a8aba No.21538607

File: 2094b88107a7e47⋯.png (137 KB,1088x771,1088:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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529037 No.21538608


But I was talking about food, so…

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5f8df4 No.21538609


So, was it bullshit…?

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3b9e15 No.21538610

File: dd58ec151a764de⋯.png (163.32 KB,501x618,167:206,ClipboardImage.png)

Jennifer Van Laar


UPDATE from Hunter Biden's trial - there is NO PLEA AGREEMENT. There is NOT an agreement between the government and Biden. Here are my quick and dirty notes. Court is in a 30 min recess.

· Biden wants to either enter an open or Alford plea; he does not plan to admit guilt

· Biden’s counsel maintains that Scarsi has to accept the Alford plea; Wise says under 9th circuit law the judge does not have to accept it. Scarsi agrees that he does not have to accept it and that there are issues of public interest related to transparency that have to be satisfied. Scarsi said a detailed proffer of evidence from the government could satisfy that and give him the factual basis he needs to accept the plea.

· Wise wants time to brief the issue of whether the

· Scarsi: “I haven’t seen a case that says I have to accept an Alford plea.”

· Lowell says Hunter Biden isn’t seeking to have any special privileges, but to have the same opportunity any other criminal defendant has.

· Lowell argues that it’s error for Scarsi to not accept an Alford plea.

· Scarsi says to satisfy Rule 11 he will need to hear a factual proffer of the evidence from the government, and then Biden would agree that while he’s not admitting guilt he agrees that the evidence proffered could lead a jury to find him guilty.

· Wise: “We will not under any circumstances agree to an Alford plea. We think it’s an injustice.”

· “If we go forward today, we will read the entire indictment into the record as being the evidence that we would prove at trial.”

· Wise urges Scarsi to reject the Alford plea.

· Scarsi says he wants to hold over until 9 AM Friday; government to brief their argument as to why he should reject the Alford plea and defense will brief why he should accept it, assuming that he has discretion to reject or accept.

· Lowell asks for 30 minutes to discuss.

2:41 PM · Sep 5, 2024


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a97089 No.21538611

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75d41a No.21538612

>>21535618 (pb) @Timcast: My statement regarding allegations and the DOJ Indictment

I don't really watch Benny Johnson or Tim Pool. Are they generally in favor of Russia / BRICS? They know BRICS is a direct competitor to the Petro Dollar right? That's like letting your wife fuck the milkman.

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e118c6 No.21538613

File: 9a38308a6495a52⋯.png (513.56 KB,1090x609,1090:609,ClipboardImage.png)

why blurry

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6e0601 No.21538614


way over your pay scale sorry you don't get a raise today

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8a8aba No.21538615

File: 387a257f1f92db8⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,720p_HD_Hillary_Clinton_De….mp4)

>Yeah, I totally believe the media


>So, was it bullshit…?

dunno, infowars the media you speak of?

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529037 No.21538616


So you expect anons to trust without substance?

You're dumber than anon originally believed.

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e118c6 No.21538617


Booking photo released of 14-year-old Colt Gray, alleged Georgia school shooter who killed 4

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a97089 No.21538618

File: fd08fdb4b3800fd⋯.png (2.62 MB,750x1334,375:667,CE839DC6_078E_4AAB_B8A8_5C….png)

File: 8b6ff45d56ffc50⋯.png (99.41 KB,690x1208,345:604,7CB0D59E_8662_4B6C_8F1F_8B….png)

File: e8141b4c82f899e⋯.png (218.5 KB,690x1424,345:712,0C472E90_968D_42CA_BAF5_FC….png)

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c86bc6 No.21538619

If POTUS drops a bombshell before nov5 and says he will sign an EO on day 1 to suspend personal income tax until they figure out where all those missing trillions go every year, it will definitely secure his win and grab those dems up like a vacuum.

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5bfffa No.21538620

File: 43d4c50ab862e07⋯.gif (5.83 MB,574x242,287:121,ready15.gif)

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f360bb No.21538621

File: 285b0d56a5e3a64⋯.jpg (579.02 KB,2160x3240,2:3,Triggered_Decades.jpg)

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6e0601 No.21538622


the petrodollar is the Rothchilds dollar so yes killing the jew strangle hold on America is a good thing Go BRICKS

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3532a1 No.21538623

File: 0f3bd3f44239e38⋯.jpg (54.17 KB,853x500,853:500,Pain_is_coming.jpg)

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324030 No.21538624



blonde hair dyed? are the trans rumors true?

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7624dd No.21538625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6e0601 No.21538626


wtf are you a bot because this does not even make sence

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0d68a9 No.21538627

File: 8be60874906e85c⋯.png (78.05 KB,903x513,301:171,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek indeed.


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1402df No.21538628

File: 75f61d94e5d009b⋯.jpg (65.83 KB,470x536,235:268,potusshutitdown.jpg)

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5f8df4 No.21538629


Arrest or illness? We don't know for certain. It looks like she doesn't want to go in the van.


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7cf28c No.21538630

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a97089 No.21538631

File: afbc661783c0c20⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,5CD1667E_3CAC_427B_A0C3_DA….png)

File: 003c5070c327122⋯.jpeg (217.17 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,15A8EE66_192A_401D_99A2_1….jpeg)

File: a58fbfd2ad19ad6⋯.jpeg (358.66 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,18DB2D4F_1395_4A94_92C4_2….jpeg)

File: e8289a033db09a9⋯.jpeg (332.93 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,85F8B8C5_4B16_474A_A0DC_9….jpeg)

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75d41a No.21538632


No the Rothschilds use the Petro Dollar by hoarding it and printing as much of it as they want. What does that have to do with Russia, which is another country, and another enemy faction? If you support BRICS and are an American influence, you are a traitor. Move to Russia if you support BRICS.

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335c96 No.21538633

File: ec603f4dabb4f43⋯.jpg (55.12 KB,640x360,16:9,Epstein_Mossad_Trump.jpg)


Nice shiite arafat shawl…

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b24181 No.21538634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>juuu still mad huh

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6e0601 No.21538635


why is Russia the enemy explain

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335c96 No.21538636

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,Kek_Baby.jpg)


Let the Pant's Shitting Begin!

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529037 No.21538637


That's because you're dumb

And you can't spell "sense".

WTF does your family tree even branch out or is it a straight line?

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62e965 No.21538639



Looks kinda old for a 14 year-old.

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326f6a No.21538640

File: 198dc3910732d41⋯.png (3.33 KB,299x26,23:2,Screenshot_from_2024_09_05….png)

File: 830525bb619e4b0⋯.png (810.86 KB,1043x665,149:95,Screenshot_from_2024_09_05….png)

File: 474124c30b3d120⋯.png (251.05 KB,663x480,221:160,Screenshot_from_2024_09_05….png)

File: 9cf3ca5704d56bd⋯.png (388.98 KB,657x481,657:481,Screenshot_from_2024_09_05….png)


>Any Anon have a link to an archived version of the Video in this delta post? I know it has something to do with Kavanaugh and questions about Military Tribunals but I can't find a link to access the original video. It' not on youtube anymore.

>I would appreciate any help finding a link, please and thank you.

Anon has this video downloaded, but its too big to upload.

This link is the same video I believe


Length of downloaed vid was 30:11

Starts with "Senator Graham…"

[26:00] BK talking about law of war and signing on September 14

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0d68a9 No.21538641

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)


>WTF does your family tree even branch out or is it a straight line?

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b24181 No.21538642

File: 2e27f6c4a12a181⋯.jpg (195.8 KB,1073x1073,1:1,Metabunk_2019_05_04_12_26_….jpg)

File: c1f62e276622e5a⋯.png (1.29 MB,704x960,11:15,HOkamalMOObamaHO.png)

File: d41fb35290ba94a⋯.png (50.31 KB,192x192,1:1,d41fb35290ba94a5108bfedb80….png)


>>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

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7f5f1f No.21538643

File: 8c1e3ed1ba2c319⋯.jpg (143.32 KB,930x1163,930:1163,57332e526eae4_378161b_3742….jpg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

File: 3afd16496a9a2de⋯.jpg (462.23 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125211….jpg)

File: 92df55db7dcd0c3⋯.jpg (387.42 KB,2000x1270,200:127,penny_marshall_GettyImages….jpg)

File: d0682eaf98f6de5⋯.jpg (663.83 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125251….jpg)



Reporting the Rapporting

Population bottleneck

A population bottleneck or genetic bottleneck is a sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events such as famines, earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, and droughts; or human activities such as genocide, speciocide, widespread violence or intentional culling. Wikipedia


Population genetics

In population genetics, fixation is the change in a gene pool from a situation where there exists at least two variants of a particular gene in a given population to a situation where only one of the alleles remains. Wikipedia

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e118c6 No.21538644



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a97089 No.21538645

File: e8289a033db09a9⋯.jpeg (332.93 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,0625768A_F674_4BC6_8B83_8….jpeg)

File: f2807539996c917⋯.png (2 MB,750x1334,375:667,0C0FD475_61CA_44F2_B446_4D….png)

File: 1a22a45a4b0891b⋯.png (4.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,BC0E5335_E307_4C47_9515_19….png)

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335c96 No.21538646

File: cfde4e680e077e2⋯.png (313.58 KB,400x423,400:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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b24181 No.21538647

File: 679d7d99d01f384⋯.jpg (264 KB,1280x720,16:9,tumblr_o0ptlo3NyL1ujxoqjo1….jpg)


>>juuu still mad huh

not even taht black

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7cf28c No.21538648


noted ty anon

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5bfffa No.21538649

File: 2e46dcd76fdec74⋯.png (647.25 KB,496x755,496:755,ClipboardImage.png)


>WTF does your family tree even branch out or is it a straight line?


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75d41a No.21538650


1) Started a war with Ukraine while Trump was out of office

2) Tried to buy U1 through Hillary

3) Started a competing currency BRICS

4) Allied with China

5) Randomly sends submarines to Cuba without authorization

You have to beat your competition, not support them. If I am playing for team A, would I cheer for team B?

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335c96 No.21538651

File: 236566d273f70e1⋯.png (2.49 MB,1935x1088,1935:1088,ClipboardImage.png)

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a97089 No.21538652

File: 1a22a45a4b0891b⋯.png (4.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,93CE8C6D_E77F_4888_94E8_03….png)

File: 66f7e64596b6d97⋯.png (35.14 KB,690x498,115:83,B94016D7_9504_4419_9395_59….png)

File: e8289a033db09a9⋯.jpeg (332.93 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,FDE8035D_B30F_4E05_8EF9_5….jpeg)

File: afbc661783c0c20⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,14EF7A59_CBD5_40D1_8AF6_97….png)

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bc9e24 No.21538653


> Guarantee Deep State knew about the Tenet/Russia honeypot operation for over a year

They knew about it because they are the ones doing it.


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335c96 No.21538654

File: cb73175fa0e6f24⋯.png (2.94 MB,1000x1250,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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292ad2 No.21538655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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5f8df4 No.21538656

File: 15e3784ac15621d⋯.png (41.27 KB,118x255,118:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Where did all of that Kuru go? Did it just vanish?

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7f5f1f No.21538657

Theirs Not to Reason Why, Theirs But to Do and Die’

Dutiful beautiful…

You're dum

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d67dad No.21538658

File: 29331a7612b6fcf⋯.jpeg (51.09 KB,482x1024,241:512,IMG_8830.jpeg)


This the original image that was posted

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335c96 No.21538659

File: 589821d791fbe4e⋯.png (103.43 KB,201x251,201:251,ClipboardImage.png)



When you meet your dad behind the mask at the Trailer Park Orgy & Catfish Fry…

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a97089 No.21538660


115 uid’s vs. less than 10

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bc9e24 No.21538661


Why would Comey be there?

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335c96 No.21538662

File: 5bc20569aac012c⋯.png (1.16 MB,768x768,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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75d41a No.21538663


Oh and literally Putin just endorsed Kamala Harris.

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d0403d No.21538665


the original did not have

the wording on corney

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b226e3 No.21538666

File: bbbe0053995ade0⋯.png (212.78 KB,489x470,489:470,smokinggary02.png)




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6e0601 No.21538668


started a war with Ukraine while Trump was out of office

Ukraine is not America

Hillary sold U1 to them

there has always been competing currency's

America has subs all over the fucking place along with military bases everywhere are you kidding me

I ask you why they are Americas enemy you give me dribble

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c4e805 No.21538669

ar long gun hand guns in Aurora CO - green light, give them moar money

ar school shooting – terror shut down all conservatives


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c997f9 No.21538670


They would never use a clone of ded Killary.

Never they would.

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8c89fd No.21538671


ITs called a death spiral.

More people are dying than being born.

They are bringing people into the country to fill the loss.

ITs all planned and designed is way.

They started the population reduction with the invention of vaccines, and then feminism, and its out of hand with all the divorce, homosexuality, brokenness, immorality, along with the combined forces of human and government progress called treachery and treason.

Theirs goals are to destroy the country from within.

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04d950 No.21538672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9/11: Minute by Minute | Full Film

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a97089 No.21538673

File: 245fd3de763f660⋯.png (1.48 MB,750x1334,375:667,794CF740_AEB0_4147_8255_C1….png)

File: cfff65147638143⋯.png (49.73 KB,690x630,23:21,B904EBA1_2EBA_4CC7_8B2E_E3….png)

File: d342ffa2f66a727⋯.jpeg (697.6 KB,2012x2048,503:512,DAE4EBEB_2FFF_4A1B_868A_9….jpeg)

File: f8df22af03e27d9⋯.jpeg (330.96 KB,2048x1442,1024:721,2A47F972_950D_42E8_85C0_8….jpeg)

File: 7b9682ad18f90a2⋯.png (312.48 KB,690x2566,345:1283,529615CE_63FC_4EB0_B44C_F9….png)

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b8275e No.21538674


>1) Started a war with Ukraine while Trump was out of office

Had more than enough provocation, clowns underestimated Ivan, again

>2) Tried to buy U1 through Hillary

I believe they succeeded, just wondering where Killary offshored the money

>3) Started a competing currency BRICS

About friggin time somebody did

>4) Allied with China

Not the first time

>5) Randomly sends submarines to Cuba without authorization

Only authorization they need comes from Cuba

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bc9e24 No.21538675



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e118c6 No.21538676

File: adb730eb87e2a2f⋯.png (437.76 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't make fun of the unawakened.

Dig, meme, pray. – Anonymous


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0390d7 No.21538677

File: 3c09af9d2bd3e30⋯.png (308.69 KB,796x994,398:497,911_Never_forget.png)

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7f5f1f No.21538678

File: 50f4dd050f2dbcf⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3369954390.jpg)

File: 167f51bfa0d82cd⋯.jpg (19.61 KB,512x311,512:311,3_7_Brennan2_4076881114.jpg)

File: 639390f06361e0d⋯.jpg (15.4 KB,474x395,6:5,th_3037590492.jpg)

File: c6c74a42d47012a⋯.jpg (118.9 KB,800x1000,4:5,latest_909091780.jpg)

File: ec345e084e85b85⋯.jpg (376.64 KB,2400x1600,3:2,162203670960ae50e52fe25_16….jpg)



Everyone keeps hollering. it's a movie

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eb9eef No.21538679

File: 32494f098b25b2a⋯.png (50.33 KB,774x393,258:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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75d41a No.21538680



If you are not with me, you are against me. Anyone who falls for your shit I hope them the worst alongside yourself.

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e9d9b0 No.21538681

File: 0ceb493c491a83c⋯.png (716.16 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis and Indonesian Grand Imam call for inter-religious action to fight ‘climate change’

The Istiqlal Declaration calls on religious leaders to respond to the 'crises' of 'dehumanization and climate change' while also urging continued religious cooperation. Indonesia is characterized by a heavily Muslim population alongside a minority of Catholics.

Signing a joint declaration with Indonesia’s Muslim Grand Imam, Pope Francis urged inter-religious “unity and harmony,” while warning about “dehumanization and climate change.”


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d0403d No.21538682


17 minutes between

towers being struck

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eb9eef No.21538684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8a8aba No.21538685

File: 8d30de9c40e864b⋯.gif (2.48 MB,600x338,300:169,Hillary_in_aw.gif)


>They would never use a clone of ded Killary.

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a97089 No.21538686

File: 9937d6d1b55b08f⋯.png (1.44 MB,750x1334,375:667,D95D16F2_09DB_4CB7_9EA3_CC….png)

File: 0d9143935566002⋯.png (602.24 KB,690x942,115:157,5D815BA5_AC26_466C_8320_C5….png)

File: 69696b23e384164⋯.jpeg (280.72 KB,1200x900,4:3,82052A91_4A8F_43B6_ADFF_4….jpeg)

File: 44704d31d03acf3⋯.png (24.95 KB,690x410,69:41,257C20EB_F438_462A_93D7_6B….png)

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22c6ee No.21538687

File: a7b35e033a32c57⋯.jpg (20.53 KB,300x200,3:2,10218_polcon2_lieber.jpg)

I just noticed this Patriot is getting a new job in Chyna

Charles Lieber plans talks with the University of Hong Kong

>Nanoscientist who was convicted of making false statements about his interactions with Wuhan University of Technology will discuss a potential faculty appointment


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04d950 No.21538688


I wonder what Q was doing on that day.

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e118c6 No.21538689

File: 4ed7fd1717d45a1⋯.png (212.23 KB,420x500,21:25,satan4ed7fd1717d45a17b1aaf….png)


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418199 No.21538690

Great move by Putin endorsing Kumquat.

Now they can't push their fake and phony narrative of POTUS being a "puppet" of Putin.

5D chess.


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7f5f1f No.21538691

File: e2537655b64023b⋯.jpg (464.89 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_074552….jpg)

File: e56699d89d79851⋯.jpg (328.21 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_072648….jpg)

File: f9ba55e48d0bcf1⋯.jpg (420.66 KB,1920x1005,128:67,American_Advisors_Group_co….jpg)

File: f6c097e18661981⋯.jpg (710.03 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240827_073220….jpg)

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5bfffa No.21538692

File: ff7d733ce4c792c⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,462x244,231:122,shai_hulud3.mp4)

KEK. It's still better than seeing the old guard retard shit they used to post. They're so enthusiastic with their imitation script and target to milk to do what they said he wasn't allowed to do. These desperate morans make me laugh.

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b8275e No.21538693

File: 6731973f5aa9d69⋯.png (192.78 KB,474x315,158:105,055b153e9b02fa7d267c9f03fa….png)


Then I stand against you

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4eb045 No.21538694


>, but here's an interesting little tidbit on the guy you'll find that wrote that article.

Do you have any other Tidbits that prove anything other than a picture of a guy with his head covered and some word? Anything? Think about the "Proof" you are providing

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0390d7 No.21538695

File: e77a8a7072b6a1c⋯.jpeg (24.37 KB,474x256,237:128,Brennan_islamist_communis….jpeg)

An Islamist, a Communist, and a Traitor walk into a bar…

…and the bartender says, “Your usual, Mr. Brennan?”

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b226e3 No.21538696

File: 0751308bc82d37c⋯.png (1.22 MB,1050x590,105:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc1ecde3f9369db⋯.png (214.3 KB,449x252,449:252,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f4fdd68ae26be7⋯.png (13.81 KB,685x102,685:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78f780853269918⋯.png (7.16 KB,397x102,397:102,ClipboardImage.png)


try finding images of them together…they are scrubbing it.

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8e4ad1 No.21538697

File: 561f6f691fb0780⋯.png (1.14 MB,824x1080,103:135,ClipboardImage.png)



Mugshot released for 14-year-old suspected gunman at Apalachee High School

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the teen was a student at Apalachee High School.

The mugshot for 14-year-old Colt Gray has been released.

The teen is accused of opening fire and killing four people two students and two teachers on Wednesday at Apalachee High School. Nine other people were hospitalized due to injuries from the gunfire. They are all expected to survive, according to authorities.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the teen was a student at Apalachee High School.

In an update, the GBI said Gray has been charged with four counts of felony murder in connection to the shooting. The GBI said additional charges are expected.

He is alive and in custody, the GBI said in a post on X. Two of the people killed were students, while the other two were teachers. It's unclear what his motive was at this time. The victims killed were identified late Wednesday night.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said that Gray was actually investigated in 2023 by the Jackson County Sheriff's Office after Gray allegedly posted online threats containing photos of guns in a threat to commit a school shooting. The time and location were unknown.

Gray was 13 years old at the time. At the time, the father said that though he had hunting guns in the house, his son did not have "unsupervised access" to them. The boy also denied making the online threats.

He has a bond hearing set for Friday at 8:30 a.m. at the Barrow County Courthouse.

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0d68a9 No.21538698

File: f5c93956ee5b403⋯.png (362.7 KB,625x974,625:974,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd650526c7a77ac⋯.png (111.88 KB,624x980,156:245,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83663d878504299⋯.png (24.19 KB,765x340,9:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14ab3201c2756d2⋯.png (323.21 KB,817x523,817:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e586dea4de497e⋯.png (308.49 KB,595x521,595:521,ClipboardImage.png)






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6e0601 No.21538699


All I wanted from him was the reason Russia is the boogie man. short answer it's the democrats only avenue

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d67dad No.21538700

File: fd8bce24d1541dc⋯.jpeg (54.27 KB,809x308,809:308,IMG_8833.jpeg)

File: 8b24a26cc50ccf0⋯.jpeg (36.72 KB,775x436,775:436,IMG_8831.jpeg)

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75d41a No.21538701



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b24181 No.21538702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

booty fistur saphic queer still shillin juwholohoax pedovore scam

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d0403d No.21538704


is that

Anthony Michael hall

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7366d6 No.21538705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Home again

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b24181 No.21538706


cuz manslaughtur on film

is not a jury thing

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6e0601 No.21538707

democrats really suck at every fucking thing

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5bfffa No.21538708


Kinda got those droopy eyes of that Gould fella to me, but it's not the same guy.

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bc9e24 No.21538709


OF COURSE, the entire image is AI generated because it has texts all over it.

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7366d6 No.21538710

File: 4dbec14deef9c9f⋯.png (308.32 KB,594x605,54:55,j.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Holy shlit


Ana Kasparian




Replying to @AnaKasparian

A resident who managed to flee the building with the help of a city council member describes the terror she lived under and how the Aurora police department wouldn’t help her.

8:35 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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e6aa7b No.21538711

File: 9edb7055d9f16bd⋯.jpeg (186.91 KB,1178x1266,589:633,IMG_2997.jpeg)

File: 74e7679f4946497⋯.jpeg (242.58 KB,1189x1074,1189:1074,IMG_2998.jpeg)

Mugshot released for 14-year-old suspected gunman at Apalachee High School

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the teen was a student at Apalachee High School.

Author: Reeves Jackson

Updated: 4:50 PM EDT September 5, 2024

WINDER, Ga. — The mugshot for 14-year-old Colt Gray has been released.

The teen is accused of opening fire and killing four people two students and two teachers on Wednesday at

Apalachee High School. Nine other people were hospitalized due to injuries from the gunfire. They are all expected to survive, according to authorities.

In an update, the GBI said Gray has been charged with four counts of felony murder in connection to the shooting. The GBI said additional charges are expected.

RELATED: Who is Colt Gray? | What we know about the suspect in Apalachee High School shooting

He is alive and in custody, the GBI said in a post on X. Two of the people killed were students, while the other two were teachers. It's unclear what his motive was at this time. The victims killed were identified late Wednesday night.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said that Gray was actually investigated in 2023 by the Jackson County Sheriff's Office after Gray allegedly posted online threats containing photos of guns in a threat to commit a school shooting. The time and location were unknown.

Gray was 13 years old at the time. At the time, the father said that though he had hunting guns in the house, his son did not have "unsupervised access" to them. The boy also denied making the online threats.

He has a bond hearing set for Friday at 8:30 a.m. at the Barrow County Courthouse.


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7366d6 No.21538712

File: 8844968c32188f8⋯.png (1.48 MB,1479x845,1479:845,ra.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Holy smokes. This is very telling






Sex offending rate of women: 3 per one million

Sex offending rate of men: 395 per million

Sex offending rates of transwomen: 1,916 per million


8:48 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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d0403d No.21538713

File: eb3f03bb4a732de⋯.jpg (110.58 KB,652x350,326:175,MV5BYjM0NGY3YmEtYThiNi00ZW….jpg)

File: 1f2e094e762726e⋯.png (236.71 KB,488x556,122:139,1f2e094e762726e21a95966ac5….png)

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7366d6 No.21538714

File: ed45677a1294e3b⋯.png (528.62 KB,590x571,590:571,fun.PNG)


Square profile picture

New York Post


Walz admin funneled $449K from taxpayers into legal nonprofit that sued to put first transgender inmate in Minn. women’s prison https://trib.al/F1cH18D


9:07 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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e71975 No.21538715

File: a46e5846d3b6dde⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,640x360,16:9,a46e5846d3b6ddef03f92a3971….mp4)

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b24181 No.21538716

File: 48f9c142b7fad00⋯.png (322.01 KB,819x460,819:460,harributtplugniggur.png)

harri$ wallUR rump scam bannon imbezzeled all linked to chucky cheese an kang chucky mcass pounds frum fuckinham paleass accordian wetodid bastod canidiot

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1402df No.21538717

File: aeb3190390641c7⋯.png (74.1 KB,156x234,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

trump is a pathuhlogicul lyyyauuhhhh!!!

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7366d6 No.21538718

File: 51665cfc44f5c89⋯.png (395.43 KB,594x488,297:244,vg.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


GOP’s Winsome Sears Looks to Make History by Filing For Virginia Governor in 2025

From thegatewaypundit.com

8:49 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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7366d6 No.21538719

File: f2e89ebad668344⋯.png (409.58 KB,518x368,259:184,gb.PNG)

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7624dd No.21538720

File: 1bb55701174e62c⋯.jpg (91.15 KB,1116x763,1116:763,IMG_20240905_165626632_3.jpg)

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0a21b4 No.21538722

Harris-Walz is so lame,

so without substance,

so plainly hollow,

so clearly vacant.

It really slows down the meme-making, don't it?

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b24181 No.21538723

File: 60e0d0356a91e2a⋯.png (17.86 KB,596x303,596:303,60e0d0356a91e2acb7b4f4f7f9….png)


>harri$ wallUR rump scam bannon imbezzeled all linked to chucky cheese an kang chucky mcass pounds frum fuckinham paleass accordian wetodid bastod canidiot

bidet washin cuck fomey buuk off aftur contact wif CP laptop an probe bruce didnt wash

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0d68a9 No.21538724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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7366d6 No.21538725

File: 6edaf1965423200⋯.png (714.34 KB,821x490,821:490,ly.PNG)


A Barely-There Joe Biden Admits the Inflation

Reduction Act Was a Total Scam

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/5/2024 4:57:44 PM

Remember Joe Biden? It's hard to believe, but despite his escalating dementia, he's still the President of the United States because nothing matters anymore. He's also still speaking publicly on occasion, and on Thursday, he managed to admit the Inflation Reduction Act was a scam. Why did he do that? The simple answer is that he's senile and doesn't even realize what he's saying half the time at this point. BIDEN: My investments, through my investments, the most significant climate change law ever, and by the way, it is a $369 billion bill, it's called the, we should have named it what it was, at any rate.

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292ad2 No.21538726

File: eddeba64f96f15f⋯.png (1.78 MB,838x5917,838:5917,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)



Who is Marcee Gray? Inside the Tragic Life of Apalachee High School Shooter Colt Gray’s Mother

09/5/2024 10:51 am

by Kwabla Óshimpan

Marcee Gray, of Fitzgerald Georgia, has been identified as the mother of Colt Gray, the student who shot and killed four people in a mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia.

Marcee, according to public records, was arrested in 2023 for vehicle theft, drugs, trafficking, possession, mischief, and meth.

Her own sister and Colt’s aunt, Annie Polhamus Brown, has revealed in numerous social media posts that Marcee had created a dysfunctional family unit. Polhamus Brown claims her sister is addicted to drugs and steals from her family to sustain her habit.

Colt Gray, 14, shot four people at his high school in Georgia in a terrifying shooting on Wednesday.

Gray opened fire at Apalachee High School in the city of Winder, killing two teachers and two pupils, and injuring nine, eight students and one teacher.

Prosecutors say he will be tried as an adult.

Who is Marcee Gray?

marcee gray georgia

Marcee Gray is a highly educated engineer who according to her own sister fell into drug addiction that destroyed her life. Gray also claims she suffered fourteen years of abuse during her marriage to Colt’s father, Colin Gray.

Gray attended Georgia Southern University, graduating in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Management. She proceeded to the Kennesaw State University – Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering.

Marcee graduated Columbia Southern University in 2008, receiving a Master of Science in Occupational Safety and Health.

She held numerous prestigious positions including as a Quality Engineering Supervisor at Toyota Industries, North America and Quality Manager at Olympic Steel in Winder, Georgia.

READ ALSO: Edan Darmoni, Celebrated Personal Injury Lawyer Killed in Car Crash on Staten Island

Her final roles listed on her LinkedIn profile reveal she worked as a Quality Assurance Manager at Georgia Pacific LLC from March 2020 to January 2021 and then as a Senior Quality Engineer at PCC Airfoils from January to September 2021. Her work experience abruptly stops at that point.

Marcee Gray was married to Colin Gray and the couple welcomed three children of which Colt was the eldest.

colt gray parents - marcee gray had three kids with colin gray

Domestic Abuse, Drug Addiction and Arrest

In several social media posts in recent years, Marcee Gray announced she had taken her children and left her husband due to his abusive nature. She claimed she had suffered nothing but abuse in her fourteen years of marriage to Colin Gray.

In a social media post, Marcee wrote: After 14 years of almost constant domestic abuse, I packed myself and my babies up and relocated to my hometown in south GA. We are all good and my kids are thriving,

In another post, she attempted to explain her reasoning for staying for that long. According to her, she knew everyone from the outside looking would not understand why she remained in an abusive marriage but she felt she was the only one who could comfort her husband.

“I know it’s hard to understand from the outside looking in. Everyone in my and his family couldn’t understand why I stayed as long as I did. Ultimately it was my own decision… I made a commitment to the Lord and my husband. No one but me understands the pain that my husband lives with every single day. Every single person in his life has hurt or betrayed him… And I truly believe that the Lord sent me to him because no one else was strong enough to stay by his side through thick and thin. I’m not about to give up on him now… We are just taking a break.” she said.

In 2023, Marcee Gray was arrested in Georgia for concealing the identity of a vehicle, sale, distribution or possession of dangerous drugs, possession of a schedule II controlled substance and other charges.

In the wake of her arrest and other destructive behavior, Marcee Gray’s sister, Annie Polhamous Brown, called her out for her behaviour. She alleged Marcee had destroyed her family with her drug addiction and illicit activities she engaged in to fund her addiction.

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0390d7 No.21538727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KATHY GRIFFIN, the actress who held up the decapitated head of Trump, explains how over the last six years, she’s been continuously sued by Trump Supporters in five separate law suits. Covington High-School student Nick Sandman is one and her own next-door neighbor who she said was a huge Trump Supporter was another.


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b2f68f No.21538728

File: db7eb5be74048fa⋯.jpg (50.13 KB,720x342,40:19,20240905_145942.jpg)


BREAKING - FBI agents raided home of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban - NY Post

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7366d6 No.21538729

File: ccb3b2e144ec3ff⋯.png (413.31 KB,591x560,591:560,loby.PNG)



Greg Price


Biden just admitted that the "Inflation Reduction Act" was not actually about inflation but funneling billions of dollars to the green energy lobby:

"We should have named it what it was."


Trump War Room

9:08 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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1402df No.21538730

File: bd69894293367b9⋯.png (1.79 MB,824x1080,103:135,ClipboardImage.png)



> gunman


?..looks like a child to me.

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44ae30 No.21538731

File: 87d132cc70a75ef⋯.png (241.07 KB,952x746,476:373,Screenshot_20240213_031736….png)


Aren't there enough of these freaks locked up to put them all in one tranny prison? It would be very interesting to see what they did to each other under lockup.

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7366d6 No.21538732

File: 6d3110e4f3d9e15⋯.png (659.23 KB,589x831,589:831,fc.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Franklin Viera Guevara, an illegal from El Salvador was arrested after 2 young boys ages 7 and 9 were found chained up in their home with marks on their ankles.

He was previously deported in 2019 and came back sometime later.


9:07 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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0d68a9 No.21538733


2022 pic

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f53548 No.21538734


If he went to trial and waited for sentencing, Joe might be out of the picture and unable to give him a pardon.

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7f5f1f No.21538735

File: 8be91ddd38a0af5⋯.jpg (923.86 KB,1080x2340,6:13,8be91ddd38a0af53a0bc0315cd….jpg)

File: 97ca8c413862d8e⋯.jpg (640.97 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_140113….jpg)

File: 8c1e3ed1ba2c319⋯.jpg (143.32 KB,930x1163,930:1163,57332e526eae4_378161b_3742….jpg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

Braun girl choppers

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5bfffa No.21538736

File: bc824fa8af84d51⋯.gif (797 KB,499x289,499:289,62998027.gif)

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1402df No.21538737

File: e54cab560800053⋯.jpg (105.52 KB,624x351,16:9,adam_lanza.jpg)


he's a man now!

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7366d6 No.21538738

File: 72139db7c361f55⋯.png (15.58 KB,599x172,599:172,rh.PNG)




Robinhood, $HOOD, has settled with the California DOJ, which stated that Robinhood “failed to allow customers to withdraw their cryptocurrency from their Robinhood accounts from 2018 to 2022”

8:52 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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4c3dbf No.21538739

File: 2f73728fd2a77a9⋯.png (1.06 MB,1443x624,37:16,Screenshot_2024_09_05_1703….png)

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569e48 No.21538740

Anon is undergoing torture to the point i might loose my spiritual mastery the coming days

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f2deb8 No.21538741


isn't this the child that dies in a car accident couple years ago, and they only have one crisis actress claiming to have talked with him?

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7366d6 No.21538742

File: 33678e3e2cb42f1⋯.png (428.33 KB,603x477,67:53,sp.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Dr. McCullough on the “Serious Problem” Spike Protein Poses to Our Health

From thegatewaypundit.com

8:05 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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b8275e No.21538743

File: c3b4c8b51b21052⋯.jpeg (95.78 KB,640x575,128:115,ff0c9833c12174c88613e7af3….jpeg)

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292ad2 No.21538744



fedbois are busy

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b24181 No.21538745

File: b74c8b77ce53af5⋯.png (17.19 KB,596x273,596:273,b74c8b77ce53af555648404cf3….png)


>>harri$ wallUR rump scam bannon imbezzeled all linked to chucky cheese an kang chucky mcass pounds frum fuckinham paleass accordian wetodid bastod canidiot

>bidet washin cuck fomey buuk off aftur contact wif CP laptop an probe bruce didnt wash

harri$ wallUR rump scam bidet wiff crack embezzeled by bannon after secret fayk twtat 2 twat fayk tribadism cuk fomey buuk wiretaps according to leadin chucky cheese mcass daddy pounds libor rates

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0d68a9 No.21538746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mug shot of Colt Gray, suspected school shooter | FOX 5 News


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7366d6 No.21538747

File: a690f187e8cade3⋯.png (365.99 KB,592x488,74:61,grant.PNG)




SCHUMER: “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America” is by granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens

8:52 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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5bfffa No.21538748

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)



"She" looks burly. Don't tell me this is another tranny shooter.

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7cf28c No.21538749

last call


#26386 >>21537992


>>21538064 Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address

>>21538067, >>21538441 New Maori queen crowned in New Zealand – and she's Catholic

>>21538127, >>21538131, >>21538139 The Meme Police for keks

>>21538172 TIME magazine purposefully excludes Elon Musk in their 'Top 100' most influential people in AI

>>21538174, >>21538511 Swamp Official Habbenings

>>21538175, >>21538210 NASA & related Outta Space News

>>21538020, >>21538178, >>21538193, >>21538227, >>21538230, >>21538542, >>21538547 FBI RAIDS HOMES OF TOP AIDES TO NY MAYOR ERIC ADAMS +

>>21538207 Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe

>>21538215 Putin on Ukraine "ruled by ‘aliens’ who make ruthless decisions without regard for the suffering of ordinary people"

>>21538233 Hunter Biden Flips To 11th Hour Guilty Plea In $1.4M Criminal Tax Evasion Case

>>21538237 Canada hiding evidence? Pull and Destroy All existing COVID-19 vaccines ahead of arrival of updated shots

>>21538244, >>21538245, >>21538255 FBI raids homes of NYC mayor aides and also searched the residences of two people with ties to Turkey.

>>21538247 Biden-Harris AG Merrick Garland Launches ‘Election Threats Task Force’ to Combat Opponents in 2024

>>21538260 Austria ready to offer to host peace talks between Moscow and Kiev

>>21538266 In 2022 Murdoch Family, NewsCorp Took hundreds of millions in loan of CCP money member?

>>21538279 "I’m gonna let her talk,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity

>>21538314 Study reveals sea surface temperature, not human emissions, drives atmospheric CO2 levels

>>21538329 Lion Glass from PENN STATE Researchers

>>21538338, >>21538340 Netanyahu's map erasing occupied West Bank sparks widespread condemnation

>>21538353 Republican Jewish confab kicks off in Vegas, focusing on domestic antisemitism spike

>>21538391 No Trial Date for DC Trump Case until Immunity is sorted out

>>21538397 Trump "I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms."

>>21538414 Prosecutors Urge Hunter Biden Judge To Reject Plea Deal

>>21538411, >>21538419, >>21538422, >>21538429 Department of Justice Happenings

>>21538470, >>21538545, >>21538574 President Biden Delivers Remarks

>>21538481, >>21538488, >>21538501 PlaneFaggin' Empty Call Sign POTUS / Gitmo Activity

>>21538507 Gerrymandering still happening in California

>>21538536, >>21538537 Conor McGregor Makes Announcement: ‘I'm Running For PRESIDENT Of Ireland!’

>>21538546, >>21538712 @elonmusk WOW - Sex offending rate of women, men and transwomen

>>21538591 @BabylonBee - FBI Assures Public The Next Ten Mass Shooters Are Also On Their Radar

>>21538610 UPDATE from Hunter Biden's trial - there is NO PLEA AGREEMENT.

>>21538613, >>21538617, >>21538644, >>21538697, >>21538698, >>21538711, >>21538726 Booking photo released of 14-year-old Colt Gray, alleged Georgia school shooter

>>21538676 @JimWatkins - Don't make fun of the unawakened. Dig, meme, pray. – Anonymous

>>21538714 Walz admin used $449K taxpayer money to sue to put first transgender inmate in Minn. women’s prison

>>21538718 GOP’s Winsome Sears Looks to Make History by Filing For Virginia Governor in 2025

>>21538725 A Barely There Joe Biden Admits the Inflation Reduction Act Was A Scam

>>21538728 BREAKING - FBI agents raided home of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban - NY Post

>>21538732 Illegal from El Salvador was arrested after 2 young boys ages 7 and 9 were found chained up in home

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0d68a9 No.21538750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mugshot released for suspected Apalachee High School gunman Colt Gray



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104451 No.21538751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5:00 PM EDT

The President departs Westby, Wisconsin en route to La Crosse, Wisconsin

Official Schedule


5:20 PM EDT

The President arrives in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Official Schedule


5:30 PM EDT

The President departs La Crosse, Wisconsin en route to Joint Base Andrews

Official Schedule


5:40 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a press availability

Port-au-Prince, Haiti




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9a7465 No.21538752

File: 1efe0a7f089268d⋯.png (382.69 KB,956x682,478:341,ClipboardImage.png)

CDC reported that 17 percent of all COVID tests - excluding at-home test results - were positive.


flirting with disastor?


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7366d6 No.21538753

File: 0fa86603e7c9db5⋯.png (526.67 KB,598x711,598:711,dc.PNG)




I’m not saying NYC Mayor Adams is going down

But if you were going to arrest the duly elected mayor of the biggest city in America, these are all the steps you’d take


Nick Sortor




🚨 #BREAKING: The FBI has reportedly executed a search warrant and seized the cell phones of the NYPD Commissioner as well as several other high ranking officers, per NY1

Something MASSIVE is happening in NYC 😳

This comes just hours after top aides of Democrat Mayor Eric Adams

Show more




8:37 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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0e887e No.21538754


that's not going to help him….

day one would be in january.. how is that going to help him win anything?

some people rely on the personal income tax btw.

they would like to have their taxes back im sure since they have to pay land taxes straight after lol what world did i walk into…

lord take me home.

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0390d7 No.21538755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Did you know the Q's have been going for poor SETH GREEN?" - Kathy Griffin to Bill Maher

At 4:15, KATHY GRIFFIN who held up a decapitated Trump head, says regarding COMET PIZZA and PIZZAGATE, "Did you know the Q's have been going for poor SETH GREEN?"



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04d950 No.21538756

File: fc350d76ec661af⋯.png (304.34 KB,606x522,101:87,Truth_Social.png)



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7366d6 No.21538757

File: 907182ecee95729⋯.png (451.82 KB,590x529,590:529,imp.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


UPDATE: DOJ’s SDNY Chief Nick Biase Responds to Explosive Undercover Video — Claims Statements Caught on Camera Don’t Reflect His True Views, Says He Was Just Trying to ‘Impress’ the Honeypot

From thegatewaypundit.com

6:50 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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e1c883 No.21538758

why did trump run for pres

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1402df No.21538759

File: f0a09d0a48bdc5f⋯.png (274.56 KB,605x328,605:328,potusright.png)

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1ad39d No.21538760


Before and after being medicated.

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27d0f1 No.21538761

File: bc7ec6d22578374⋯.png (188.33 KB,680x567,680:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d22f4 No.21538762



great. do chicago next.

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7366d6 No.21538764

File: 13d31d9955c95f2⋯.png (425.76 KB,588x571,588:571,rp.PNG)


The Rubber Duck ™


boomers are waking up and redpilling their millennial grandchildren. hahahahahaha

0:17 / 1:12

7:53 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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8a1014 No.21538765

File: cae5f658de164fe⋯.png (141.41 KB,497x502,497:502,Screenshot_20240905_155741….png)

File: 21f54594cf9a87c⋯.png (279.89 KB,447x558,149:186,downloadfile_1_removebg_pr….png)

He was found dead in a trash can.

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cb7f07 No.21538766


>Hah we all know I'm not qualified to answer that

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1402df No.21538767

File: 42760ae23c9c356⋯.jpeg (60.78 KB,1331x749,1331:749,tony_oldsmile.jpeg)

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324030 No.21538768


there is a denial on the field a denial on the field.

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7366d6 No.21538769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Space Oddity

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1ad39d No.21538770


Trump should not be exposed to this environment

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e1c883 No.21538771


why and how? selected? elected?

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3d22f4 No.21538772




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c7c724 No.21538773


Since when can folks just walz through a crime scene to lay flowers?

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eab614 No.21538774

File: 4b2de186ddef0a1⋯.png (358.21 KB,771x565,771:565,4b2de186ddef0a1fa8a49b4ee5….png)


One of two reasons. One, he was selected by mil int to battle the deep state and given the full plan ahead of time. Or two, he is the deepest of deep state cabal and they used their PLG to see all this hundreds of years ahead of time and programmed it all to make you think Patriots are in control. Guess the world has to wait and see.

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292ad2 No.21538776


>At 4:15, KATHY GRIFFIN who held up a decapitated Trump head, says regarding COMET PIZZA and PIZZAGATE, "Did you know the Q's have been going for poor SETH GREEN?"

top kek

that midgit fag showed up on 8ch claiming he wasn't a pedo. we all know. Thanks to Issac

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b24181 No.21538777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

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8a1014 No.21538778

File: c0c0b9484908b7f⋯.png (302.75 KB,481x518,13:14,S_BC_dzi_removebg_preview.png)


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b2f68f No.21538779

File: a049b82b26f9cca⋯.jpg (159.44 KB,720x1144,90:143,20240905_150825.jpg)

File: 705de339016dac9⋯.jpg (93.27 KB,1199x862,1199:862,20240905_151100.jpg)

#Latest @NateSilver538 forecast (9/5)

Chance of winning

🟥 Trump: 60.1% (highest since 7/30)

🟦 Harris: 39.7%


Swing States: chance of winning

Pennsylvania - 🔴 Trump 61-39%

Arizona - 🔴 Trump 73-27%

North Carolina - 🔴 Trump 73-27%

Georgia - 🔴 Trump 65-35%

Nevada - 🔴 Trump 57-43%

Michigan - 🟡 Tie 50-50%

Wisconsin - 🟡 Tie 50-50%


@Polymarket odds

🟥 Trump: 53%

🟦 Harris: 46%

Polymarket swing states odds 👇


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0b516a No.21538780

File: 04bd92719bd1b47⋯.png (394.19 KB,421x633,421:633,tumblr_mb3fnsaOIf1rxmzobo1….png)

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cb7f07 No.21538781


I am not qualified to answer that..I am a civilian and a larp. I am not privy. I have lots of answers and that is not one I can supply..how odd indeed

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0494b9 No.21538782

File: 3d51a05110d1696⋯.png (1.15 MB,1357x768,1357:768,ClipboardImage.png)


Max sentence: 17 years in prison

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3b9e15 No.21538783

File: 57dc096c68883a0⋯.png (382.47 KB,680x509,680:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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b24181 No.21538784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kanst du beliebur mensch

downur undurin gay fags mit juuuuuuus meatiuh

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8a8aba No.21538785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94b2ee No.21538786

File: 534ed75f78e4acf⋯.jpg (35.93 KB,461x288,461:288,IMG_20240905_151220_571.jpg)

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324030 No.21538787


17 years no shit really

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b24181 No.21538788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

was was in durh arschlock ?!!

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1402df No.21538789

File: 94ebd21f7c2b963⋯.jpg (17.34 KB,405x270,3:2,leiberspy.jpg)

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22c6ee No.21538790


I wonder if anyone has the cut from the first Biden White House youtube video of his voice overlay saying he took the plea deal.

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b226e3 No.21538791



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7366d6 No.21538792

File: 6aca56fc31812bc⋯.png (1.95 MB,1276x848,319:212,rb.PNG)

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e118c6 No.21538793

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Today, it was my Great Honor to Address the storied Economic Club of New York!


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b8275e No.21538794


Your playbook is as ineffective as it is old, but I know shills are not allowed to deviate from it

General Research #23139 >>18851346

Not going to work anymore. The cycles are becoming clearer. Gore and cp to test the defenses, then cycle through tons of muh joo, then racist/white supremacy, then some slide like "RRN is legit" and then when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

Bitch about BO and BVs and the truly retarded among you bitch about bakers deleting stuff all you want, not going to work, not going to change anything.

So what's next on the schedule? Dick pics, Blacked porn? Tranny porn? The gore seems mostly reserved for night shift.

Ah, I got it, I revealed the rotations so it has to be accuse everybody possible of being a fed, or some alphabet agency

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5bfffa No.21538795

File: 99ff0887dee1715⋯.png (385.33 KB,500x502,250:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a1014 No.21538796

File: b333b2b8d3004cd⋯.mp4 (537.72 KB,540x540,1:1,b333b2b8d3004cd4190bc3feb5….mp4)

File: 113f53b18acdb60⋯.png (207.86 KB,666x375,222:125,downloadfile_7_removebg_pr….png)

Never trust a woman with a black a-ho….

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0494b9 No.21538797

File: a3d7ebb51fb80c8⋯.png (987.78 KB,1281x752,1281:752,ClipboardImage.png)

File: beddd9b2bfa4f06⋯.png (1.11 MB,1279x753,1279:753,ClipboardImage.png)


That guy just said it.

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b226e3 No.21538798

File: 19d3dc3d671e636⋯.png (251.06 KB,449x299,449:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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7624dd No.21538799


Buncha mouse traps laying all over, one springs….


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e71975 No.21538800

File: ce59ebe5e951f15⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB,576x416,18:13,wZ5TF8QhJzW9lroB.mp4)

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7366d6 No.21538801

File: 22046b8084b90aa⋯.png (488.95 KB,694x545,694:545,17.PNG)

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b24181 No.21538802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

its not baldwin laundry brah butt iz

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e1c883 No.21538803


>he was selected by mil int to battle the deep state

y trump


>I have lots of answers

do you

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b2f68f No.21538804

File: 03538c54bae172c⋯.jpg (211.1 KB,720x1100,36:55,20240905_151811.jpg)


Five years ago today, Scout became the First Dog of Minnesota.


We like to say he rescued us as much as we rescued him.


Let this be your reminder that there are lots of pets out there waiting to find their forever homes!

Walz is using his fake dog Scout AGAIN

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b8275e No.21538805

File: 8f38f053ccbf8e1⋯.png (225.53 KB,474x266,237:133,9f1fddd7839c273af59dd3d49d….png)

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b226e3 No.21538806

File: 96c1fd11ba8614e⋯.png (391.91 KB,822x596,411:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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7624dd No.21538807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b8cd37 No.21538808

File: a8a1ecd3b900c90⋯.png (865.63 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3281.png)


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573899 No.21538809


I farted

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e71975 No.21538810


Looks like AOC with an afro

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0390d7 No.21538811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At 4:15 Kathy Griffin says,

“Now I’m only eating baby-parts with you (Bill Maher), Hillary Clinton and Tom Hanks… by the way, SETH GREEN! Did you know the Q's have been going for poor SETH GREEN? They think, for some reason, Seth Green, they think he was like one of the original people at COMET PIZZA, in the basement with HILLARY harvesting baby-parts. And I’ve talked to SETH about what it’s like to have the whole Q WORLD, not just come at you… but yeah, they’re CONVINCED Tom Hanks is harvesting the baby-parts! And that shit didn’t happen!” - Kathy Griffin to Bill Maher




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8a1014 No.21538812

File: 5a365f7e3ad92fd⋯.jpg (138.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,downloadfile_2.jpg)

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b8275e No.21538813


What democracy?

US of A is a Constitutional Republic

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7366d6 No.21538814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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22c6ee No.21538815

File: 780f126dc7c7df3⋯.webp (14.04 KB,620x297,620:297,Trump_signatures.webp)


>y trump

The story goes he participated with the FBI and never went to the island, he claims as such in his most recent interview where he says he has no issue disclosing the Epstein Island List. We're pretty deep into this dogshit though could very well be a PSYOP to eugenically genocide the population as much as it is to round up some pedos that all have NSA backdoors in their pockets.

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0b516a No.21538816


can see it when you point it out

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0a21b4 No.21538817


Dubble dubbz, czeched.

So KG believes there are Q-people in gubmint?

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40a5ca No.21538818



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e1c883 No.21538819


>he participated with the FBI

FBI gud?

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22c6ee No.21538820

File: ae610d6484d1756⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,194x259,194:259,images.jpg)


>eugenically genocide


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7366d6 No.21538821

File: 2d363817c2da64c⋯.png (326.22 KB,594x532,297:266,ft.PNG)




PENNSYLVANIA VOTER: "I wanted to support Trump, which I'm very nervous to say…I thought he was racist. I didn't like him, but the last four years, and then really doing my homework and my research, is when I really found out it was a lot more to it."

7:50 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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7855c1 No.21538822

File: 447ede14e26bf91⋯.png (575.88 KB,701x419,701:419,447ede14e26bf91d4710490025….png)

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5bfffa No.21538823

Who was "Rachel Levine" before his "transition?" Wasn't that Saul Levin guy, was it?

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22c6ee No.21538824


>FBI gud?

I think it's reasonable to assume there are some decent people at the FBI.

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7366d6 No.21538825

File: 52b011ef5ffb774⋯.png (382.31 KB,596x798,298:399,c.PNG)


Collin Rugg


BREAKING: FBI raids the homes of New York City Mayor Eric Adams' top aides and closest friends according to Politico.

The search took place at NYC's first deputy mayor Sheena Wright's residence and deputy mayor for public safety Philip Banks' residence.

The searches add to the list of three other Adams aides who have been searched since November.

"The investigation revolves at least in part around whether the mayor’s 2021 campaign fundraising reveals collusion with foreign interests, including the Turkish government," Politico reported.

Adams was served with a grand jury subpoena back in July and was forced to hand over his electronic devices.




6:57 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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0b516a No.21538827

File: a29d89392a2829a⋯.jpg (529.68 KB,1738x2560,869:1280,0545_scaled.jpg)


a Constitutional Republic

with a sweet backup plan

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7366d6 No.21538828

File: 6aca2e0c7d8f2b2⋯.png (13.43 KB,595x162,595:162,ny.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING - Search warrant executed on NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban - Spectrum News NY1

8:22 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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40a5ca No.21538829


Should be, but it isn't either today. It's an oligarchy.

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b8275e No.21538830


Be a shame if the has-been causes some Streisand Effect

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7cf28c No.21538831

final bun


#26386 >>21537992

>>21538005, >>21538792 WE'RE GONNA SEND HER A MAGA HAT!!!

>>21538064, >>21538215 Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address

>>21538067, >>21538441 New Maori queen crowned in New Zealand – and she's Catholic

>>21538127, >>21538131, >>21538139 The Meme Police for keks

>>21538172 TIME magazine purposefully excludes Elon Musk in their 'Top 100' most influential people in AI

>>21538174, >>21538511, >>21538751 Swamp Official Habbenings

>>21538175, >>21538210 NASA & related Outta Space News

>>21538020, >>21538178, >>21538193, >>21538227, >>21538230, >>21538542, >>21538547 FBI RAIDS HOMES OF TOP AIDES TO NY MAYOR ERIC ADAMS +

>>21538207 Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe

>>21538233 Hunter Biden Flips To 11th Hour Guilty Plea In $1.4M Criminal Tax Evasion Case

>>21538237 Canada hiding evidence? Pull and Destroy All existing COVID-19 vaccines ahead of arrival of updated shots

>>21538244, >>21538245, >>21538255, >>21538825 FBI raids homes of NYC mayor aides and also searched the residences of two people with ties to Turkey.

>>21538247 Biden-Harris AG Merrick Garland Launches ‘Election Threats Task Force’ to Combat Opponents in 2024

>>21538260 Austria ready to offer to host peace talks between Moscow and Kiev

>>21538266 In 2022 Murdoch Family, NewsCorp Took hundreds of millions in loan of CCP money member?

>>21538279 "I’m gonna let her talk,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity

>>21538314 Study reveals sea surface temperature, not human emissions, drives atmospheric CO2 levels

>>21538329 Lion Glass from PENN STATE Researchers

>>21538338, >>21538340 Netanyahu's map erasing occupied West Bank sparks widespread condemnation

>>21538353 Republican Jewish confab kicks off in Vegas, focusing on domestic antisemitism spike

>>21538391 No Trial Date for DC Trump Case until Immunity is sorted out

>>21538397 Trump "I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms."

>>21538414 Prosecutors Urge Hunter Biden Judge To Reject Plea Deal

>>21538411, >>21538419, >>21538422, >>21538429 Department of Justice Happenings

>>21538470, >>21538545, >>21538574 President Biden Delivers Remarks

>>21538481, >>21538488, >>21538501 PlaneFaggin' Empty Call Sign POTUS / Gitmo Activity

>>21538507 Gerrymandering still happening in California

>>21538536, >>21538537 Conor McGregor Makes Announcement: ‘I'm Running For PRESIDENT Of Ireland!’

>>21538546, >>21538712 @elonmusk WOW - Sex offending rate of women, men and transwomen

>>21538591 @BabylonBee - FBI Assures Public The Next Ten Mass Shooters Are Also On Their Radar

>>21538610 UPDATE from Hunter Biden's trial - there is NO PLEA AGREEMENT.

>>21538613, >>21538617, >>21538644, >>21538697, >>21538698, >>21538711, >>21538726, >>21538746, >>21538750 Booking photo released of 14-year-old Colt Gray, alleged Georgia school shooter

>>21538676 @JimWatkins - Don't make fun of the unawakened. Dig, meme, pray. – Anonymous

>>21538714 Walz admin used $449K taxpayer money to sue to put first transgender inmate in Minn. women’s prison

>>21538718 GOP’s Winsome Sears Looks to Make History by Filing For Virginia Governor in 2025

>>21538725 A Barely There Joe Biden Admits the Inflation Reduction Act Was A Scam

>>21538727, >>21538811 Kathy Griffin opens her maw on Maher

>>21538728, >>21538828 BREAKING - FBI agents raided home of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban - NY Post

>>21538732 Illegal from El Salvador was arrested after 2 young boys ages 7 and 9 were found chained up in home

>>21538747 SCHUMER “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America” is by granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens

>>21538757 DOJ’s SDNY Chief Nick Biase Responds to Explosive Undercover Video - Just trying to impress honeypot

>>21538779 #Latest @NateSilver538 forecast (9/5) Chance of winning - 🟥 Trump: 60.1% - 🟦 Harris: 39.7%

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b8275e No.21538832


Completely agree

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a9e057 No.21538834


I hope that there is a concerted effort to combat

sabotage with the use of toxic dust, cyanide, pesticides, bio-weapons, and radiation as a DS tactic to cause chronic and acute illnesses in this country going forward. This is one of the main reason why I was the first one to recognize the fake pandemic and toxic vaccines 75 days before the imminent attack because I was aware of all the signatures such as: their arrogance, their coordination, infiltrations, disdain, their comms to each other, and their ongoing campaign against anyone who is not part of their club. When this is fully uncovered, it will be known that most deaths are attributed to DS saboteurs and not natural causes. ThankQ for your research into this, we are talking hundreds of millions of lives each year, world wide.

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eab614 No.21538836

File: 1aaf9ff5b1c031f⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,750x1000,3:4,bg_f8f8f8_flat_750x_075_f_….jpg)

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40a5ca No.21538839


Every single school shooter just "happens to be" under an FBI watchlist. Why is that? That cannot just be mere coincidence, these kids are being groomed and subverted to do what they do! And we know damn well why!

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cb7f07 No.21538840

>I have a request if I may.

>Would it be possible to collect all of my interactions with 4chan/8kun via my ip address?

I have no doubt that will become relevant to the proper person at some point in the future.

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0b516a No.21538842

File: 105c711ab7b3b9d⋯.jpg (47.17 KB,450x500,9:10,tumblr_lxlg3yOu9Z1r5trqqo1….jpg)


sometin habbinin?

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7cf28c No.21538843

File: 7677ef73179a6f8⋯.jpg (166.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7677ef73179a6f8add78d31d46….jpg)

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7855c1 No.21538848

File: cf5e8560e3b33ea⋯.png (995.7 KB,880x1064,110:133,cf5e8560e3b33eafc73260be2b….png)

File: 4794492ab80412b⋯.png (148.35 KB,870x943,870:943,4794492ab80412bcd800d6f5b9….png)



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7cf28c No.21538849

File: 4b5ffc95f3684bd⋯.jpg (43.82 KB,564x564,1:1,1996bc571b2d8f56f644b44758….jpg)

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94b2ee No.21538850

File: 14c71814d49144b⋯.jpg (40.25 KB,481x476,481:476,IMG_20240905_152456_248.jpg)

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e59e68 No.21538852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



SETEC ASTRONOMY (from the greatest movie too many people have never seen)

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7cf28c No.21538855

File: 1def617d538835c⋯.jpg (130.85 KB,736x451,736:451,fbd.jpg)

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7624dd No.21538858


If "good' Fibbies were any good there wouldn't be any bad Fibbies, so fuck Fibbies.

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e1c883 No.21538860


Sure would be nice to know what's actually going on..

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eda020 No.21538861


Sup babe b.

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9a7465 No.21538864

File: e75067ad0bd528e⋯.png (241.47 KB,1467x454,1467:454,ClipboardImage.png)

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7cf28c No.21538868

File: beed46b3db71b66⋯.png (1.38 MB,692x1033,692:1033,Screenshot_2023_12_10_at_2….png)

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a94d73 No.21538870

File: abad0d6eabbfdcf⋯.png (97.76 KB,680x571,680:571,twinretards.png)


Nobody will do shit until they get hungry. If the power is on and their is food in the fridge, Americans just can't be bothered. Look at how the 2020 election played out and how long the J6'ers (non-Antifa) have been rotting. Don't hold your breath for good news unless you plan on making some yourself.

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e1a9a3 No.21538871


Now they have an idea of how many ballots to print up!

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7cf28c No.21538873

File: 5a4472bd7f06b25⋯.png (539.78 KB,1648x1000,206:125,5a4472bd7f06b25d4c36fc4ff1….png)

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7cf28c No.21538875

File: 3b269703afde162⋯.png (484.76 KB,500x659,500:659,3b269703afde162a8a15ef7da6….png)

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7cf28c No.21538879

File: 414698f9b6372c5⋯.jpg (18.81 KB,255x248,255:248,414698f9b6372c5f648ba7be51….jpg)

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7cf28c No.21538884

File: 0b7a9af127e7bb2⋯.gif (6.56 MB,360x480,3:4,0b7a9af127e7bb28c61e0fcfc1….gif)

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7cf28c No.21538886

File: 281609749fde2aa⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,2048x2048,1:1,281609749fde2aa8001de1ec64….jpg)

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7cf28c No.21538889

File: 2478a9a6c44ff53⋯.png (699.72 KB,800x800,1:1,2478a9a6c44ff5301a7b94d78a….png)

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7855c1 No.21538890

File: 1c52cf7f1ac05a2⋯.png (135.12 KB,279x310,9:10,1c52cf7f1ac05a2b9e455c70f8….png)

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7cf28c No.21538892

File: 1a892093a45443c⋯.jpg (371.47 KB,1262x1565,1262:1565,1a892093a45443c3ee996a8448….jpg)

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7855c1 No.21538893

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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7cf28c No.21538895

File: c62c3fda52be74f⋯.jpg (81 KB,586x454,293:227,c62c3fda52be74f874b96458e7….jpg)

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