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605433 No.21533527 [Last50 Posts]

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605433 No.21533529

International Q Research Threads

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>>21438634, >>21189998, >>21462480, >>21190032 @thejimwatkins: Is it worth keeping 8kun online?? (plus how to make bitcoin pmts via Proto)

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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Help support 8KUN

>>21438634, >>21189998, >>21462480, >>21190032 @thejimwatkins: Is it worth keeping 8kun online?? (plus how to make bitcoin pmts via Proto)

>>18024378, >>18561054 PROTO Instructions

Please Support The Watkins Project #8KUN [DONATE LINK ABOVE]

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26380 >>21532705

>>21532721, >>21532747, >>21532798 More reports from Appalachee High School shooting

>>21532735 Kamala bussing more rally goers again

>>21532740 Today in Q Post History we have 17 deltas


>>21532833 “Kamala Harris is dangerous to me because she is the ultimate puppet…": Nicole Shanahan

>>21532781 Kam in NH! Are we going with cgi, ai, or paid this time? You decide!

>>21532793 Mossad financier arrested by Turkish police in Istanbul

>>21532862 Hamas Releases 'Proof' Of IDF's 'Hand' In Hostage Deaths; Last Video Of Late Ori Danino

>>21532846 Slovakia buys advanced air defense systems from Israel

>>21532858 Jewish UNC Frat Bros 'Balk' at $515k Party for Defending Flag, Say Money Should be Going to Israel

>>21532870 “[Trump] Broke CNN. He Broke MSNBC”: Publisher AJ Rice On President Trump’s Impact On Media

>>21532872 Former Chief Operating Officer of Covid-19 Testing Kit Company Sentenced to More Than Six Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling $1.85 Million

>>21532875 PF

>>21532882 Two RT Employees Indicted for Covertly Funding and Directing U.S. Company that Published Thousands of Videos in Furtherance of Russian Interests

baker change

>>21532763, >>21532979, >>21533271 More reports from Appalachee High School shooting

>>21532791, >>21532817, >>21533441 More on Kamala in NH! Are we going with cgi, ai, or paid this time? You decide!

>>21532812 The saga of Trump’s hush money case isn’t over yet: Sentencing date nears

>>21532814, >>21532830, >>21532837 Harris campaign event notes

>>21532833 Kamala is dangerous because she is ultimate puppet for an org that has, I believe, since president Obama, not actually run real people”

>>21532836 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade arrive TOGETHER at scene of pregnant daughter's arrest

>>21532875, >>21533067 Planefag Reports: Gitmo express visiting Port-au-Prince (2nd time today)

>>21532878 Swamp Events Today

>>21532901 Mark Mitchell On How Media Uses Suppression Polls To Spin Elections

>>21532902 Kamala Harris says time to ‘end this epidemic’ of US gun violence

>>21532911 The Big Lie Of "Skilled" Migrant Workers Saving Western Economies

>>21532913 Efraim Zuroff, the last Nazi hunter, steps down after 38 years at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, pledging to continue fighting antisemitism

>>21532923 School girls labeled 'transphobic' for opposing boys in their locker rooms

>>21532940, >>21532959, >>21532974 Trump just announced on Truth that he looks forward to meeting Walz’s family?

>>21532957 Mother billed $30K to see 17,000 pages of sexual diversity docs at Regina Public Schools

>>21532990, >>21533389, >>21533452 Timeline DIGG REQUEST: whenever Democrats need a narrative change, a convenient school shooting occurs in a swing state

>>21533000 Why Israel is attacking the West Bank

>>21533015, >>21533253 "Knock it off." - Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy

>>21533022 Former Launceston mayor Danny Gibson accused of unwanted sexual advances, sexting theatre student

>>21533059 See 2024 Pres. Election Being Rigged IRT US SS Admin Website, HAVV 2024 Data: MASSIVE amounts people registering to vote W/OUT ID Key States

>>21533064 POTUS T: Our hears are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533074 The US Department of Justice has charged two Russians it identifies as RT employees with money laundering and working as foreign agents

>>21533133 Former US president’s family hacked – Eric Trump

>>21533168 American Dream Lecture Series: Walter Russell Mead on American Foreign Policy in the Next Presidency

>>21533174 Legal Experts Discuss Free Speech & Protests on College Campuses

>>21533230 Trump's Virtues Part II - Tom Klingenstein

>>21533247, >>21533275 FakeNews Reports: Playbook: The Republicans secretly rooting for a Trump loss

>>21533248 Tim Walz hit with House subpoena for records on $250M Minn. COVID fraud

>>21533371 @C__Herridge: Adding highlighter @X lawsuit win CA case

>>21533417, >>21533419 @thejimwatkins: On a lighter note: Thank you! To the patrons of my website

>>21533455 According to the US Department of Justice, Tenet Media whose roster includes Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin has allegedly received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation

>>21533520 #26380

#26379 >>21531952

>>21531962 Find out how NATO has put measures in place to ensure such infrastructure is protected

>>21531974, >>21532022, >>21532098 Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school, deets

>>21531993 @realDonaldTrump Walz fam pic for Trump

>>21532039, >>21532307 @realDonaldTrump I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me

>>21532071 @OKeefeMedia NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

>>21532104 MSM paints Trump antisemitic

>>21532130 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!

>>21532132 Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for Censorship over COVID and Blames Govt. Pressure

>>21532147 Kamala Harris Supporters Include 200 Republican RINOs, Tech Giants & Hollywood

>>21532157 Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Fleeced Taxpayers for Billions to Give to Left-Wing Groups and Lawyers

>>21532182 @TrumpWarRoom Kamala Harris is importing people from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on busses to try and fill her event in the Granite State

>>21532188, >>21532193 Swamp Talk

>>21532201 Buckwheat up

>>21532212 IMF to pressure Ukraine to raise taxes and devalue currency

>>21532223 @realDonaldTrump Kamala’s Sham Small Business “Plan”

>>21532230 Elon Musk defies X ban in Brazil by beaming app from space

>>21532234 @realDonaldTrump Big week coming up!

>>21532235 @realDonaldTrump “Harris Weakness Wednesday: Kamala’s Weak Economic Record”

>>21532237 Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center

>>21532242 @realDonaldTrump “New Hampshire Small Business Owners Rip Kamala Harris Ahead of Campaign Stop”

>>21532249, >>21532250 Musk on Trump Victory

>>21532252 Alex likes Harris for the keks!

>>21532255 Delta's to watch for "Storm"

>>21532263 Watch Sentinel-2C launch live on the final Vega rocket


>>21532276 Office-tower owners are falling behind on mortgage payments at the fastest rate since the dark days of the global financial crisis

>>21532286 @real_DonaldJTrump Trump vs Harris money wise

>>21532292 How can RT interfere in the elections if it's banned everywhere in the West?

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532302, >>21532336 A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede; tiny asteroid will burn up in atmosphere today

baker change

>>21532306 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz re massive fraud OP in Minnesota

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532488, >>21532581 Harris Walz wealth tax would harm all but the super rich John Kirby trying to lay the groundwork for action against RT

>>21532403 Trump accuses Ukraine of lying about death toll

>>21532421, >>21532426, >>21532429, >>21532565, >>21532567 Swamp today

>>21532434 68% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites

>>21532436 Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election

>>21532008, >>21532445, >>21532152 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade seen arriving TOGETHER at scene of daughter's arrest

>>21532460 ELON FOLDS - Starlink Agrees To Comply With Brazil's Orders To Block X

>>21532363, >>21532432 Notable memes – nom em, friends

>>21532462 Major book publishers defeat Internet Archive appeal over digital scanning

>>21532474 FBI warns of North Korean ’social engineering’ schemes to steal crypto

>>21532478 Blinken to travel to Haiti to shore up security mission backing

>>21532508 Florida is suing the Biden-Harris administration to obtain information on how many illegal foreign nationals convicted of violent crimes who served time in prison were released into the U.S. instead of being deported

>>21532527 Israel Planning More Escalations in West Bank

>>21532558 Microsoft Pulls Russia’s Access To Cloud Services

>>21532562 Apalachee High School: 4 dead, 9 injured after high school shooting, GBI says

>>21532581 Harris Walz wealth tax would harm all but the super rich

>>21532600 PDJT: People vote with their stomach…

Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

>>21532613 Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

>>21532614, >>21532363, >>21532432, >>21532601 Memorable memes

>>21532680 #26379

#26378 >>21530938

>>21530983 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21530988, >>21530991, >>21531006 Refresher: Kamala Harris was losing on election night in 2010, but after 4 weeks of vote counting she pulled ahead

>>21530994 Things that make you go hhhmmm: Travis Kelce has reportedly brought in his legal team after a leaked "contract" surfaced, allegedly detailing the exact date his relationship with Taylor Swift would come to an end.

>>21531039 2022 Buddhist, Hindu and Native American Spiritual Leaders Sign a Historic Proclamation Affirming the Difference between the Sacred Swastika and Hitler’s Hakenkreuz

>>21531052, >>21531208, >>21531209, >>21531480, >>21531492, >>21531543 Moar Crooks final report Dec 13th muuuuuwahhhhhhh

>>21531073 No Name's son endorses Harris

>>21531113 Anti-Israel activists kick off new school year vandalizing Cornell buildings

>>21531116 War Room Morning Edition

>>21531118, >>21531129, >>21531152, >>21531836 @RichardGrenell Will the media ask @GovTimWalz about his family supporting Trump? PDJT rt

>>21531128 Great News! Mike Pence Not Endorsing President Trump!

>>21531147, >>21531419, >>21531789 Swamp Talk

>>21531164 Cornell profs fear Harris will be a victim of 'misogynoir'- intersection of misogyny and racism

>>21531185 I ran the numbers for a typical pediatrics practice and can confirm a least 50% of their revenue comes from vaccines

>>21531210 Minnehaha County Auditor to give report on 2020 election on why the county was missing 24,500 votes

>>21531222, >>21531231 Karens Abound

>>21531232, >>21531259, >>21531391, >>21531394, >>21531398, >>21531703 OP: Focus24 Reasons to vote for Trump, Reasons not to vote for Harris

>>21531238 Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kuleba resigns

>>21531239 PROF. JENKINS: Kamala Harris, stone-cold Marxist

>>21531242 Trudeau should step down to prevent Poilievre from winning election: LGBTQ2S+ activists

>>21531275 Hotel Workers In Many American Cities Now On Strike, Can't Earn Decent Living

>>21531283 Borough Council designates Penn State University town as transgender 'sanctuary city'

>>21531328, >>21531412, >>21531483, >>21531524, >>21531563, >>21531625, >>21531730, >>21531797, >>21531799 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/science

>>21531332 @FBI Tech support scams have cost victims MILLIONS, and the danger is quickly expanding with #AI

>>21531341 ICYMI: FaniWillis's pregnant daughter Kinaya, 25, is ARRESTED in Georgia for driving with a suspended license amid Trump election interference case

>>21531345 Trump plans to be in NYC this week for appeal arguments in E. Jean Carroll sex assault suit, arguments scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday in a Manhattan federal appeals court

>>21531364 U.S. seeks to turn Kenya mission in Haiti into U.N. peacekeeping operation

>>21531386 Trump memes

>>21531392 61 Days to WINNING

>>21531485 The Cake is a Lie


>>21531525 Head Of US Border Security: “It's not possible, IT IS ABSOLUTE. We are using American tax dollars to ship children into known prostitution & sweatshops”

>>21531568 Poland Says It Has 'Duty' To Shoot Down Russian Missiles, NATO Leadership Warns Against

>>21531570 Kamala Campaign Recruits Strategist from Britain’s Far-Left Labour Party

>>21531614 Did you know that in the US- you are legally allowed to “opt out” of the body scanner at the airport?

>>21531641 US Steel warns plants could close without Nippon deal

>>21531746, >>21531791, >>21531798 Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter/Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia

>>21531760 US knows Russia’s red lines – Lavrov

>>21531785 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21531794 Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft pre-departure news conference. Stream on NASA+

>>21531866 #DYK the #FBI can pull forensics and identifiable info from weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? Wut Comin Next?

>>21531920 #26378

Previously Collected

>>21530812 #26377

>>21528490 #26374-B, >>21529240 #26375, >>21530040 #26376

>>21526724 #26372, >>21527641 #26373, >>21528479 #26374-A

>>21524111 #26369, >>21524873 #26370, >>21525634 #26371

>>21521325 #26366, >>21522422 #26367, >>21523348 #26368

Aggregators: https:'//'qresear.ch | https:'//'qnotables.com | https:'//'qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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605433 No.21533532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thank you anons

sorry frens, gotta run







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Post last edited at

879a22 No.21533545

File: 3fb95678c499bf8⋯.jpg (221.16 KB,1200x600,2:1,JB_Undone.jpg)

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9f8de0 No.21533551

File: a773fd0f33d7d11⋯.png (11.47 KB,535x87,535:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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d33c5d No.21533553

File: aa33d078f2cc533⋯.png (32.3 KB,700x933,700:933,ayNx9Nr_700bwp.png)

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c48c8a No.21533555

File: 7e8372b92c9d73d⋯.png (225.67 KB,1346x1357,1346:1357,eqyq0wucatkd1.png)

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e7c1e9 No.21533556

File: 02c8e0d1fc05dac⋯.png (174.58 KB,1273x716,1273:716,ClipboardImage.png)


claiming dough

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d33c5d No.21533557


Count on a Biden October surprise.

Him dropping out was not pre planned

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b2a4cb No.21533558

File: 285541183a572ba⋯.jpg (109.16 KB,700x933,700:933,aa33d078f2cc533d110729f7f6….jpg)

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f33a73 No.21533559


>October Surprise

Deep State's gonna crash it '08 style again aren't they?

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f108e9 No.21533560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies!


467K subscribers

11,331 views 3 hours ago


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ceeb76 No.21533561

File: 25d54ff7caeb693⋯.gif (224.8 KB,460x298,230:149,Donald_Trump_It_is_Happeni….gif)



Bread of champions

Get some


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45cf13 No.21533562

File: 9d6e62e59a14939⋯.png (153.3 KB,750x900,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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c48c8a No.21533563

File: 0be6542d62ba123⋯.jpeg (43.39 KB,736x552,4:3,4ZERtABxjHzr.jpeg)

Well, weathered a year and a half of their shit. I think I can handle another couple months. Then, chances are, something even meaner than me will be considering them prey. Or so I'd like to think. Just have to wait and see.

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605433 No.21533564


Edit: removed old news link from #26380

>>21532915 Democratic Arizona state Sen. Tony Navarrete has been arrested on suspicion of charges accusing him of sexual conduct with a minor




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f108e9 No.21533565

File: a92436db82e63ec⋯.png (514.8 KB,1920x965,384:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f52d57428cd267⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)




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f536f0 No.21533566

File: 6420176e65ee58a⋯.jpeg (458.37 KB,828x597,276:199,18212583_6ACB_42B8_9DBC_6….jpeg)

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9b8566 No.21533567

God does not exist. It's just a trick.

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26918f No.21533568

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

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45cf13 No.21533569

File: 8942ec2cc9fe116⋯.png (307.69 KB,512x288,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21532833 lb

>“Kamala Harris is dangerous to me because she is the ultimate puppet…": Nicole Shanahan

Since Bobo? Try since Woodrow Wilson inclusive. [They] got caught installing and uninstalling JFK…

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ceeb76 No.21533570


Snap them digits

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f108e9 No.21533571

File: 50a8021dad6e6cd⋯.png (661.49 KB,1920x969,640:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92579113e307e7d⋯.png (310.28 KB,3558x2800,1779:1400,ClipboardImage.png)





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879a22 No.21533572

File: 26646259a9b0105⋯.jpg (148.96 KB,1143x1072,1143:1072,TradingPlaces.jpg)

Most likely result of a DJT victory in November.

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f536f0 No.21533573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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dcbe92 No.21533574


prove it

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f32bd2 No.21533575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donovan - Season of the Witch (Official Audio)

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760a95 No.21533576

File: b3a16e4831cc697⋯.png (1.21 MB,1258x662,629:331,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 61d2185b7c41b9a⋯.png (2.44 MB,1664x940,416:235,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 0d0dcbd5b371680⋯.png (1.4 MB,1312x712,164:89,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 790262c88e8a58e⋯.png (2.96 MB,1800x986,900:493,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 449ffc57ef7ccb5⋯.png (1.97 MB,1496x830,748:415,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

third world description before sci-fi

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f33a73 No.21533577


When I look out muh win-dow

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7fc818 No.21533578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Note the 3:11 Duration.

Hold On, I'm Coming…

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ceeb76 No.21533579


Moar like wild turkey surprises

They toss mean salads

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5019c4 No.21533580

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


Bait for religious "arguments" starting early again

Not authentic, certainly not "operators"

Can't properly twirl a vpn

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647204 No.21533581


jimmy page on guitar

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760a95 No.21533582

File: e613d46f1b91020⋯.png (755.78 KB,748x748,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)



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ef6d2e No.21533583

>>21533537 LB

>they needed him alive to create the narrative. A bogeyman for stupid liberals. A WHITE SHOOTER they finally got one alive. Mass media activate.

Interesting if it was a shotgun and not the dreaded AR. Anyone got the clip of Biden sayingBuy a Shotgun

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f108e9 No.21533584

File: bfa71c57b7878be⋯.png (522.81 KB,1920x968,240:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) report:


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fde0cf No.21533585

File: 5d16a26cb2dfc62⋯.png (180.13 KB,604x491,604:491,dojtargersbennyjohnson.png)

DoJ targets Benny Johnson.

Undated "Russia Russia" hysteria


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08508b No.21533586

File: 902679bd921fc73⋯.png (25.14 KB,366x184,183:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb3511 No.21533587

File: c0aade6b8ddd534⋯.png (337.65 KB,500x500,1:1,2019a1fc243ebc7e6de7cda68b….png)

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605433 No.21533588

File: 0adc1976e540322⋯.mp4 (13.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,8kun_Q_Research.mp4)





TY baker! see updated dough pl/ty o7 >>21533564

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f33a73 No.21533589



Far out, Jimmy, say could you play on my next record?


Only if it's a satanic sounding song.


Alright man you got it.

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760a95 No.21533590

File: 61f3590c37e3661⋯.gif (4.44 MB,498x280,249:140,bean_train_station.gif)

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7fc818 No.21533591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Armor of God is real.

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67b8ff No.21533592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5dd260 No.21533593

File: 69f5d14f22568bb⋯.png (880.31 KB,1185x500,237:100,Pulp_Fiction_You_Dig_it_Th….png)

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f1fa76 No.21533594

File: 523e834e67438dd⋯.png (1.73 MB,1290x1893,430:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d8226 No.21533595

File: 5a34f18992ffd8a⋯.png (449.14 KB,599x637,599:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 728c39192f26b55⋯.mp4 (8.19 MB,480x270,16:9,Colt_Gray.mp4)

Apalachee High School shooter named as Colt Gray, 14yrs old

Will be tried as an adult

BREAKING: Georgia officials give updates on the school shooting that happened at Apalachee High School on Wednesday, saying the 14-year-old shooter, Colt Gray, will be charged with murder and tried as an adult.


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ceeb76 No.21533596


Ah reckon them winners are payntehd

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67b8ff No.21533597


Duke & Duke stakes sez she's on the Girls Only Team.

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d33c5d No.21533598

File: 6bb29c16fa7bda4⋯.webp (62.33 KB,620x815,124:163,aRBjrXy_700bwp.webp)

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760a95 No.21533599

File: 5af06a781c54f42⋯.png (147.1 KB,292x356,73:89,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 7a5f3c71da90639⋯.png (725.47 KB,562x752,281:376,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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f32bd2 No.21533600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Little Girl

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45cf13 No.21533601

File: 452703724cd6cee⋯.png (577.98 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1fa76 No.21533602

File: 4c08d2ba187d434⋯.png (812.14 KB,1102x1080,551:540,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b3c64 No.21533603


that's a good fuckin' meme.

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5dd260 No.21533604

File: 5454379fcbb67df⋯.png (178.98 KB,474x264,79:44,Ain_t_Nobody_Got_Time_For_….png)

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ebd416 No.21533605


nooo, he just bluffing, Starlink won YUGE , was able to keep space internet link alive even tho the deep state in brazil was blocking the earth bound internet on land ….

this means they can proceed now with the plan to replace the DoD, Darpa, CERN run world wide web with Starlink Space Force Internet, then we shall see the end of the pedo cult worldwide

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879a22 No.21533606

File: dd633e57f95f3fe⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,4912x3264,307:204,HusseinBroke.jpg)

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119349 No.21533607

File: b0d2e11283b9f05⋯.jpeg (401.88 KB,1170x1316,585:658,D803BA8B_62D2_496F_BA49_2….jpeg)

LOS ANGELES – From social workers to FBI agents, a multi-agency task force is taking on a 3.5-mile stretch of Figueroa Street in Los Angeles known for the human trafficking of children and vulnerable young adults in the county's foster system.

City, county and federal officials announced the initiative at a downtown Los Angeles press conference Wednesday, offering stomach-churning examples of depravity taking place in the heart of Los Angeles.

Citing recent cases involving the trafficking of an 11-year-old child and another involving a pimp who branded his moniker onto the faces of trafficking victims, officials vowed to stamp out the notorious Figueroa human trafficking trade by helping to free victims, seeking maximum penalties against pimps, and penalizing customers and the motels that profit from the trade.

Los Angeles City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto described "appalling" street scenes witnessed during a recent night-time ride-along with Los Angeles police.

Continued here:


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45cf13 No.21533608

File: 15f2cae5af9b2fc⋯.png (1.3 MB,901x904,901:904,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8051989dc07ae59⋯.png (163.65 KB,1169x965,1169:965,ClipboardImage.png)

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ceeb76 No.21533609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b52d4 No.21533610

Bless Trump’s Heart.

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08508b No.21533611

File: e5c579375fa28db⋯.png (233.58 KB,338x402,169:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebd416 No.21533612

File: 0c7d803a9d1888e⋯.png (202.41 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


"There is a strange mix of accents – predominantly American, but smatterings of Swedish, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese can be heard around the room, as men and women (but mostly men) chat over pepperoni pizza and 75-cent vending machine soda. In the corner, an Asteroids arcade machine blares out tinny music and flashing lights.

It might be a fairly typical office scene, were it not for the extraordinary security procedures that everyone in this room has had to complete just to get here, the sort of measures normally reserved for nuclear launch codes or presidential visits. The reason we are all here sounds like the stuff of science fiction, or the plot of a new Tom Cruise franchise: the ceremony we are about to witness sees the coming together of a group of people, from all over the world, who each hold a key to the internet. Together, their keys create a master key, which in turn controls one of the central security measures at the core of the web. Rumours about the power of these keyholders abound: could their key switch off the internet? Or, if someone somehow managed to bring the whole system down, could they turn it on again?"


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fde0cf No.21533613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Used on soundtrack of "I killed Andy Warhol"?


Getting moar creative with the names?

Colt = youngin

Grey = Intel

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1040c7 No.21533614


pointless speculation

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e5ce02 No.21533615

8:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Sen. JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church

2024 Republican vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vance (OH) speaks at the Generation Church in Mesa, Arizona. He is joined by Charlie Kirk, the founder of conservative activist group Turning Point USA.


9:00 PM EDT

Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity to Host Town Hall With Former President Donald Trump on September 4

Fox News



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26918f No.21533616


who was the kid's shrink?

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c48c8a No.21533617


Yeah, well, that's what I do. I post good memes. Not all the time, mind you. Some are duds, but I hit 'em out of the park regularly with the ones I do happen to make. I farm most.

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1040c7 No.21533619


even the fucking name is a gun brand

what a psyop we live in

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dcbe92 No.21533620

File: 55c936a4e5ad0a4⋯.jpg (15.24 KB,217x165,217:165,r.jpg)

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5dd260 No.21533621


Sounds like a reason for buttsex, mostly.

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1b52d4 No.21533622


Crap. The big white ship is going to show up again. I suppose a locomotive is going to speed off the track too.

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79a7cc No.21533623

File: 889a7f5eb142c39⋯.png (820.8 KB,1080x996,90:83,ClipboardImage.png)

so it was a fucking psycho tranny again huh

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12612b No.21533624

File: c39c6d77bf3fccf⋯.gif (34.43 KB,216x200,27:25,popcorn2.gif)

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1040c7 No.21533625

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ebd416 No.21533626


'Each of the 14 primary keyholders owns a traditional metal key to a safety deposit box, which in turn contains a smartcard, which in turn activates a machine that creates a new master key.'

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e5ce02 No.21533627

File: 1f9a6c8e3d7151e⋯.jpg (59.18 KB,512x344,64:43,train_hospital_ship.jpg)

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08508b No.21533628

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9f8de0 No.21533629


nobody cares nigger

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f33a73 No.21533630


>Cannot confirm, but yeah it's a tranny

Sounds about right.

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5dd260 No.21533631

File: c6b188b53b5f0f3⋯.png (357.07 KB,959x713,959:713,Member_Berries_Oh_02.png)

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2b3c64 No.21533632

File: 3338f131813eb0e⋯.png (507.14 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_182734.png)

File: 569ff9f69e2f73d⋯.png (107.46 KB,766x1024,383:512,262_4_.png)

File: c479159314e2d78⋯.png (86.58 KB,766x804,383:402,234_1_.png)

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e5ce02 No.21533633

File: 84ad8aa19e7442c⋯.jpg (214.46 KB,620x465,4:3,long_train.jpg)

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1b52d4 No.21533634


And where is the child’s shrink being relocated to now?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The World may never know.

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f32bd2 No.21533635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Doors - Riders On The Storm (Official Music Video)

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79a7cc No.21533636

File: 68b0d8498ac3588⋯.png (1.18 MB,1074x948,179:158,nashville_mayor_clone_of_t….png)

File: febee52f454ab48⋯.png (73.65 KB,255x191,255:191,nashville_mayor_clone_of_t….png)


Nice. Can you post it again in .png or .jpg?

webp is unacceptable tbh

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1040c7 No.21533637


IP hopper

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e3a276 No.21533638


wow. I see where this is going.

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8dec05 No.21533639

File: bbdbab6b569b171⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,US_Attorney_General_smirks….mp4)

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fde0cf No.21533640

File: 1822903373d0684⋯.png (714.2 KB,576x759,192:253,Warhol_s_Exploding_Plastic….png)


band in movie refers to "Plastic Exploding Inevitable"


multi media show.


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d33c5d No.21533641

File: edc6927a7c2b52d⋯.png (67.32 KB,800x800,1:1,66d89ef93606f.png)

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52e838 No.21533642

File: a671b5b273fc9b6⋯.jpeg (271.37 KB,1070x946,535:473,6DCD990F_6F50_43B4_9B10_E….jpeg)

File: 936729abec0762d⋯.png (683.49 KB,600x800,3:4,681943AA_BC52_484C_889F_AA….png)

File: 346c4f74b35d308⋯.jpeg (286.19 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8659.jpeg)

File: 3741f2edcb98f50⋯.jpeg (286.15 KB,1130x1270,113:127,IMG_8660.jpeg)

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08508b No.21533643

File: 8053133056f974f⋯.png (828.9 KB,624x814,312:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebd416 No.21533644

File: 2bdaf82475588a9⋯.png (74.39 KB,334x151,334:151,ClipboardImage.png)


"Once a year, these shadow holders send the organisation that runs the system – the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) – a photograph of themselves with that day's newspaper and their key, to verify that all is well.'

MORNING SUN brings heat (to the Icann) one day soon … compliments of Starlink


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2b3c64 No.21533645

File: 3ec6009edf3ad22⋯.png (487.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_182848.png)

File: 7419f3f519e5e13⋯.png (90.18 KB,766x760,383:380,609_4_.png)

File: 76e6e7b304b5a03⋯.png (1.19 MB,766x1408,383:704,1809_5_.png)

File: 9954c938ef30439⋯.jpeg (421.04 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWngtbIXAAAZF_u.jpeg)

File: 7cdbf00a27db02d⋯.png (29.04 KB,766x408,383:204,555_4_.png)

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52e838 No.21533646

File: 1ebd4be67feef68⋯.mp4 (642 KB,480x572,120:143,opIvFuLk8wN9TKnJ.mp4)

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5dd260 No.21533647


Fuck CNN,

Those fucking pathetic pussies you have running your shit hole country are SKERRED of the news cuz there's bits of truth in it.

Bunch of faggots.

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79a7cc No.21533648

File: 2ec19b12cd052c9⋯.png (70.69 KB,172x180,43:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5ce35bac137dac⋯.png (83.04 KB,210x180,7:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4f1510ede980c7⋯.png (58.36 KB,187x184,187:184,ClipboardImage.png)

<school shooting in swing state with 8 weeks to election

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52e838 No.21533649

File: 68a7c3352eb2241⋯.mp4 (299.38 KB,640x350,64:35,CtSu7m91_tOF_FgG.mp4)

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52e838 No.21533650

File: f6b238c2bdb932d⋯.mp4 (484.81 KB,540x540,1:1,bDCf07FQIDvWFmbZ.mp4)

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879a22 No.21533651

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52e838 No.21533652

File: 1ebd4be67feef68⋯.mp4 (642 KB,480x572,120:143,opIvFuLk8wN9TKnJ.mp4)

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2257e6 No.21533653

File: 4a8aa3a8620c027⋯.png (62.01 KB,859x578,859:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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119349 No.21533654

File: 7a7ee3f4aaf554a⋯.jpeg (851.86 KB,1170x2088,65:116,89168A70_D6BB_428E_ADDA_B….jpeg)

Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor


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2b3c64 No.21533655


can use the second device to slap you silly. gonna stick with 1 so far.

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79a7cc No.21533656

File: 6a269a9806258e8⋯.png (96.77 KB,526x478,263:239,ClipboardImage.png)


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5092a3 No.21533657



9+4 = 13

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24276e No.21533658

File: 398cffae1a3f1e7⋯.jpg (49.12 KB,605x605,1:1,398cffae1a3f1e79bca4f27349….jpg)

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879a22 No.21533660

File: dff0511ff72e064⋯.jpg (238.21 KB,1749x980,1749:980,HRC_homeless.jpg)

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fde0cf No.21533661

File: 850601cfd25611d⋯.jpg (80.96 KB,552x372,46:31,bzantineicon.jpg)


Benny's too good.

They can't take it.


"when I look over my shoulder

whadya think I see

So old guy looking over

his shoulder at me.

But it's strange

so very strange

you got to pick up ever stitch

Oh No. Must be the season of the Witch."

"Beatnicks are out to make it rich"


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12612b No.21533662

File: 0f2972ad574c517⋯.gif (171.23 KB,220x307,220:307,Checkmate.gif)

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52e838 No.21533663

File: 172b875724504d4⋯.png (401.4 KB,800x450,16:9,56C21222_B433_4637_9869_A2….png)

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5dd260 No.21533664

File: 31c2460a3ae28e8⋯.jpg (96.41 KB,416x416,1:1,80_s_Nerd_Comfy_Covfefe_Co….jpg)

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3c161e No.21533665

File: 0553f47cc7d4b92⋯.png (1.09 MB,1262x878,631:439,ClipboardImage.png)


Colt Gray image search in BING

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52e838 No.21533666

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.gif)

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2b3c64 No.21533667

File: 9954c938ef30439⋯.jpeg (421.04 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWngtbIXAAAZF_u.jpeg)

this number is all fucked up and cryptography 555 or 656

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52e838 No.21533668

File: 874ec5f50094150⋯.jpeg (158.15 KB,1130x1013,1130:1013,IMG_8648.jpeg)

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fde0cf No.21533669

File: 1d31daa9e8ef4b0⋯.png (566.36 KB,596x600,149:150,1511108640622.png)

File: c64d74435a0772d⋯.png (461.29 KB,600x488,75:61,1511109297277.png)

File: d9e0838593ba13f⋯.png (416.28 KB,600x446,300:223,1511109785349.png)

File: d9e0838593ba13f⋯.png (416.28 KB,600x446,300:223,1511109785349.png)

File: 149f0b90a820fa2⋯.png (317.39 KB,400x400,1:1,1511110819264.png)


"…Some old guy looking over

his shoulder at me."

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08508b No.21533670


Chek't - apt digits

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fde0cf No.21533671


figured something like that.

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73003e No.21533672

File: 81ffa45e0b7a537⋯.jpg (60.02 KB,526x777,526:777,458450069_817411450562010_….jpg)

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ea0622 No.21533673


No one signs this kind of deal without joining the Club for life. Don't forget cement heads COVID vax ad.

Travis and Jason Kelce recently signed a three-year, $100 million distribution deal with Wondery, the podcast network owned by Amazon, for their podcast, New Heights. Not too shabby, especially since they've produced fewer than 100 episodes so far.


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45cf13 No.21533674

File: 6e0502e10622204⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5092a3 No.21533675

File: 92a6633b07f702c⋯.png (136.6 KB,276x323,276:323,kek9bb92ccd57ea9cc81eab.png)

File: c19386dd07f1020⋯.png (280.95 KB,491x380,491:380,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3a276 No.21533676


Tim Pool just announced a law suit about defamation against Kamala and then this happens also. They are going to try and say that right wing media are paid agitators and that anons are Russian operatives trying to undermine muh republic. They did something a while back about this can not remember if it was a law or not they passed. But if they are saying Tim Pool is a russian shill. They are coming for everyone who supports Trump or speaks out against the regime on any website also.

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3c161e No.21533677

File: 53d1093d269a19d⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,854x468,427:234,Colt_Gray_Student_Intervie….mp4)

Fellow student describes Colt Gray

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ebd416 No.21533678

File: a9477f3e4738c52⋯.png (115.41 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


'Rumours about the power of these keyholders abound: could their key switch off the internet? Or, if someone somehow managed to bring the whole system down, could they turn it on again?'

not if Space Force does it ….

can you imagine a new internet? one the deep state is left out of? a whole new world…

human trafficking network halted with the flip of a switch .. at least the global networking part

bank accounts frozen of the self-appointed "ruling class" communistas

oh I pray for the safety and well being of those involved in taking this beast system down

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119349 No.21533679

File: 93ee2da9df7d33b⋯.jpeg (119.65 KB,1170x574,585:287,CC29539A_9AA3_493C_84FC_1….jpeg)

Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

Around 2,000 police raided a religious compound in the Philippines last weekend in search of Filipino televangelist Apollo Quiboloy, who has been accused of child sex trafficking, several local news stations reported.

The raid, which is ongoing and led to clashes between members of Quiboloy’s Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church (KOJC) and police, injured six officers, police stated on social media. Authorities say they will not stop until they have found Quiboloy.

Quiboloy is a self-proclaimed “Son of God” and spiritual advisor to former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte.His church also has a United States headquarters in Los Angeles.The church claims to have more than 6 million members in 200 countries, The Roys Report (TRR) previously reported.

The 74-year-old pastor is on the FBI’s most wanted list for multiple charges, including child sex trafficking, sex trafficking by force, bulk cash smuggling, fraud and coercion, among other things.

In the Philippines, the pastor faces charges of sexual and child abuse under the country’s Department of Justice.

Authorities have been on the hunt for Quiboloy for months, police said. Authorities are also seeking to arrest four of the pastor’s companions.


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1b52d4 No.21533680


C’mon !

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98d430 No.21533681

File: d671b8a4a0d5464⋯.png (357.96 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Yandex is down.

There's a-doings a-transpiring.

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1040c7 No.21533683


i'm sure she was random

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bfbde9 No.21533684

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5dd260 No.21533685


Baked Potato said all Trump supporters are far right Nazi's and to put Trump in the bullseye. They will be coming for your memes

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52e838 No.21533686

File: 8d3ad5fd424d630⋯.mp4 (13.41 MB,1280x1046,640:523,7255052042383561012.mp4)

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1fc624 No.21533687

File: 6d3f2895d3b04d2⋯.png (289.11 KB,591x544,591:544,ClipboardImage.png)


>shut it down

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24276e No.21533688

File: bfd55fe6c0b837c⋯.png (1.26 MB,826x761,826:761,ClipboardImage.png)



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2b3c64 No.21533689

File: 38c5f8d280c51ee⋯.png (151.5 KB,766x1602,383:801,656_1_.png)

File: 5f628233bd8b276⋯.png (22.52 KB,766x364,383:182,156_4_.png)

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fde0cf No.21533691

File: c790d2e2dc61387⋯.jpg (405.41 KB,1200x900,4:3,oncoincidenceswefight.jpg)


O NO lennon


Oh No.

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d42845 No.21533692


>God does not exist. It's just a trick.

God exists… it is not a trick,…///

You will see.///

If you can see, do you have eyes to see, ears to her..///

Where are we now, anon.///???


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79a7cc No.21533693

File: 6d63053c1ff0075⋯.png (639.65 KB,1194x677,1194:677,Kamala_Harris_got_her_micr….png)

File: ba3007b6feb8bc5⋯.png (525.13 KB,512x512,1:1,KAMALA_RIOT_BURN_IT_DOWN_W….png)

File: 698d6c54bb5ebd4⋯.png (539.66 KB,512x512,1:1,MINNEAPOLIS_RIOTS_KAMALA_O….png)

File: 12b5767cbb061bc⋯.jpg (246.69 KB,1063x645,1063:645,kamala_real_rally_no_AI.jpg)

File: 4162d6dfc5cc1da⋯.jpg (130.64 KB,480x480,1:1,accurate_kamala_photo.jpg)


>kamala doj targets pro-trump social media accounts as being russia russia

I think they'll lose, but being close to an election this is likely just the 1st salvo in their october surprises

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879a22 No.21533695

File: 13f7e84ce8d8c1c⋯.png (472.75 KB,2164x1960,541:490,HRC_Chicago.png)

Hey Chicagofags:

Lots of seats available for the HRC Live at the Auditorium on October 13th!

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9f8de0 No.21533696


meanwhile trump keeps praising them

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1b52d4 No.21533697


Alexa, describe a typical skool shooter.

Alexa, who do you work for?

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091035 No.21533698

If you have ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world, this is why. Your society is literally set up to maximize suffering, without making it obvious that you are being ruled by a small group of dark controllers.

After all, if the majority of Earthlings ever realized what was going on, they could put a stop to it, as is happening now.

If I asked you to design a global Earthling farm that maximizes suffering, without making it obvious to the Earthlings that you are controlling and farming them, could you design a more effective system than what currently exists?

This is why everything is currently so terrible on your world. You are living in a global farm that harvests human suffering.

These dark controllers parasite on Earthlings because they have disconnected themselves from Source. Because they have disconnected themselves, they do not directly receive the only energy in the entire universe: Love Light. Instead they parasite this energy indirectly, from other beings - in this case, from suffering Earthlings.

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bfbde9 No.21533699

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5dd260 No.21533700


they don't give a fuck and nobody is stopping them. Josh is crying, maybe he should DO something.

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52e838 No.21533701

File: 8e968b70a003bec⋯.gif (1.95 MB,302x306,151:153,IMG_8661.gif)


After detox with nicotine and ivermectin

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ebd416 No.21533702


this Guardian article was written ten years ago, it goes on to further state that security protocols would be upated in three to fours years, so thats in the past and hopefully was done …

'If the master key were lost or stolen today, the consequences might not be calamitous: some users would receive security warnings, some networks would have problems, but not much more. But once everyone has moved to the new, more secure system (this is expected in the next three to five years), the effects of losing or damaging the key would be far graver. While every server would still be there, nothing would connect: it would all register as untrustworthy. The whole system, the backbone of the internet, would need to be rebuilt over weeks or months.'

what if a replacement Starlink space based system was able to step in seamlessly, without users aware of who was running the internet, the communistas would know tho, their heads would explode

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61b288 No.21533703

File: 22e9c54f6e3b6f2⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB,640x360,16:9,videoplayback_1_.mp4)


She did it better.

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c48c8a No.21533704


Failfag. Mimic. Angry Inch. Simple Legion. Harmless clown. Broken shill. If you were good at what you do you'd be able to do it without imitating me. That's why you're a continual failure. I'm willing to bet the outfit you worked for blew through millions trying to fuck with this place only to continually fail.

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24276e No.21533705

File: d8c3448849d3d59⋯.jpg (88.62 KB,1024x768,4:3,1.jpg)

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3837ed No.21533706


In yesterday's Russian missile strike against the Communication Training Center in Poltava, Ukraine there are many Swedish and Danish instructors among the dead. They are from the AWACS and drones company Globaleye of SAAB.

Word in Intelligence Circles is that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems.

So ferocious was the Russian attack that 15 trucks evacuated dead foreign NATO troops + officers: 600+ dead/wounded.

Yesterday, in my initial reporting of this incident, I reported more than 700 dead (Story Here).


A local Ukrainian blogger says there are 760 dead Ukrainian soldiers so far from the Poltava attack. pic.twitter.com/AcDj20jxfi

— Masno (@NovichokRossiya) September 4, 2024


Swedish Foreign Minister Billstrom has now resigned after Russian Iskander missiles hit Poltava, and Sweden suffered war dead just months after joining NATO, at the behest of the now-former, Foreign Minister.

Ukraine units are being withdrawn from the south Dnipropetrovsk region, from the Krivoy Rog area, from the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions and are being transferred to Pokrovsk, Mirnograd and Selidovo to try to defend Poltava and that area. ALL of those new troops are presently being hit with Fuel Air Bombs (FABs) by the Russian air force.


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79a7cc No.21533707

File: 7f39e3bede91c44⋯.png (254.17 KB,460x610,46:61,trump_ear.png)


October 7-11 secret service gay parade

it's a stand down - there will be an attack - watch out those dates

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2b3c64 No.21533708

File: 61cfb94be8825dc⋯.png (621.85 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_184027.png)

File: f242e2b38d76f09⋯.jpeg (241.09 KB,1280x853,1280:853,GWqSW5OW4AAC8_V.jpeg)

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d760d8 No.21533709

>>21533215 lb

This is beyond animal abuse, this is some kind of mental degradation I cannot even fathom. Is there a DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE THAT CAN DESCRIBE THIS DEPRAVITY?

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c48c8a No.21533710

File: 70efa786230b89c⋯.png (336.94 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d760d8 No.21533711



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79a7cc No.21533712

File: f8b09e9cc37c47a⋯.png (261.69 KB,512x512,1:1,OH_NO_DOG_WITH_HAT.png)


>Word in Intelligence Circles is that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems


assumed to be bullshit, sorry

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ebd416 No.21533713

File: 6cb882a4d0a4d2b⋯.png (752.55 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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12612b No.21533714

File: 9c9cb0d8b539cff⋯.png (152.75 KB,498x498,1:1,hoppy_chess.png)

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5092a3 No.21533715

File: a252f0b14b361a4⋯.png (121.4 KB,298x244,149:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b3c64 No.21533716

File: 19cf55f737450ee⋯.png (476.56 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_184210.png)

File: 562e24bb051f639⋯.png (141.02 KB,766x1244,383:622,113_3_.png)

File: 87336cd34ed545f⋯.png (110.62 KB,766x804,383:402,11_4_.png)

11.3 billion

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63078d No.21533717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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152f19 No.21533718

File: cdf785a3e39555c⋯.jpg (755.52 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Qed.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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ea0622 No.21533719


"Shooters how they act". Act being the key word.

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98d430 No.21533720

File: 7a5dc6f623bf5ad⋯.png (827.42 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dd260 No.21533721

File: 6fac7535fac0b37⋯.png (182.84 KB,334x313,334:313,You_And_Your_Bud_Light_Riv….png)


There will be gay river rides.

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8dec05 No.21533722

File: 89575389f708741⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,640x360,16:9,BidenVoterFraudOrganizatio….mp4)

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08508b No.21533723

File: a475ea83dc8c66b⋯.png (7.33 KB,256x197,256:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcbe92 No.21533724

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45cf13 No.21533725

File: 1a3720967f536be⋯.png (211.17 KB,474x543,158:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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3837ed No.21533726


Why would Billstrom resign if it was only limited to some NATO troop death as has already happened before?

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d42845 No.21533727


>season of the Witch

The witches don't win..///


GOOD LUCK ANTIFA, you shit the BED.///



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fd162f No.21533728

File: 75d5610aebb2a01⋯.jpeg (164.4 KB,928x1280,29:40,IMG_9307.jpeg)

File: 4336b6748052bb3⋯.jpeg (130.19 KB,968x867,968:867,IMG_9306.jpeg)

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c48c8a No.21533729

File: 1c0b2e481cb6e4f⋯.png (207.21 KB,578x432,289:216,ClipboardImage.png)

He claims I posted those so much to create a persona for myself to look for fame. I claim I posted them so much because some midwit asshat named OSS gave me a nickname based upon the filename I gave my favorite pepe and he let me know in 2021 how much the person posting that meme got under their skin. Anons will just have to decide for themselves.

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2b3c64 No.21533730

File: 41977155ecaea6a⋯.png (782.94 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_184438.png)

File: 7c34d99f1109d57⋯.png (109.62 KB,766x1200,383:600,522_6_.png)

File: 64b67fcba1e3217⋯.jpeg (188.22 KB,772x832,193:208,GWqXbgkXIAAVq_Y.jpeg)

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5dd260 No.21533731


That look when you see the horse is ready.

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1b52d4 No.21533732


That’s terrible.

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451e7d No.21533733

File: f30da3d0ad1222d⋯.png (10.34 KB,255x169,255:169,steal.png)

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f972d0 No.21533734

File: 578e929a0324a02⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,720x1075,144:215,20240904_164525.jpg)

BREAKING: Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president



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ea0622 No.21533735


She didn't study her script hard enough.

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ebd416 No.21533736


I would think that they would try to shut down the world wide web and bring onboard Starlink space based internet before nov 5th election …

the election could not be stolen

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5092a3 No.21533737

File: a9976f9c1be479e⋯.png (288.87 KB,361x565,361:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b52d4 No.21533738


Got to love it!

My heart grew 4 sizes this day.

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5dd260 No.21533739


>So ferocious was the Russian attack that 15 trucks evacuated dead foreign NATO troops + officers: 600+ dead/wounded.

Don't fuck around, Don't find out. Simple.

Go to war with Russia, Die.

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fd162f No.21533740

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6f96ce No.21533741

File: b844229c2804902⋯.jpeg (21.62 KB,255x254,255:254,effc779271e3ff05.jpeg)

Oldfags still lurk moar than you know, kek!

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2b3c64 No.21533742

File: 8cdc25f0dc80310⋯.png (879.96 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_184755.png)

File: 2a4970c3247b830⋯.png (940.23 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_184801.png)

File: 8659daf69764625⋯.png (69.04 KB,766x672,383:336,515.png)

File: 42f5c1ee8d52781⋯.png (798.92 KB,612x790,306:395,GWqVwIMa0AAEVds.png)

File: b4cfbb888a837e4⋯.png (124.57 KB,766x1382,383:691,1715_3_.png)

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8dec05 No.21533743

File: 6e004315fcf249f⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,512x288,16:9,Potato_just_threatened_PDJ….mp4)

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c48c8a No.21533744

File: 2e2aecc5e811546⋯.jpg (187.04 KB,1013x1013,1:1,bd3d3b2c0d4570da1e721e41b0….jpg)

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1b52d4 No.21533745


No name

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9f8de0 No.21533746


stupid rino cunt might as well just switch parties

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0a98c7 No.21533747


on the left - Feminist

on the right - Misogynist

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63078d No.21533748

File: 430629a025d3515⋯.png (190.29 KB,360x396,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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387f99 No.21533749


Captured Ukrainian serviceman Mikhail Shkoda shockingly revealed that the terrorist invasion of the Kursk Region on 6 August was planned by NATO so they could explode a dirty bomb at the Kursk Nuclear Plant

Kiev's plans to use a "dirty bomb" and blame Moscow for this were revealed back in 2022 by Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, who heads the Russian Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops. Russia’s Defense Ministry had well-sourced information about the planned attack, Kirillov said at the time, with Moscow repeatedly reiterating the warnings.

NATO helped Ukraine plan an act of sabotage at Russia’s Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), a captive Ukrainian serviceman has revealed.

On August 5, a day before the incursion into Russia’s Kursk border region, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky personally arrived at the location of the 9th Reconnaissance Company of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' 82nd Separate Air Assault Brigade, the prisoner, Mikhail Shkoda, said. According to him, Syrsky tasked his troops with breaking through to the Kursk NPP and planting explosives there.

"[Ukrainian] intelligence had reported there were no large concentrations of Russian troops in the area. He said we had to quickly break into the Kursk region, to the nuclear power plant," Shkoda, who was mobilized in Kiev, said. It was then that Syrsky revealed NATO specialists were involved in preparing the act of sabotage.

Ukraine’s commander-in-chief admitted that NATO was involved in preparing a sabotage operation against Russia’s Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, a captured soldier has said.

When meeting Ukrainian troops, Syrsky said the attack had been prepared by NATO experts together with… https://t.co/oCIhjMJlMy pic.twitter.com/mihMu71CLM

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) September 4, 2024

Once Syrsky had left, servicemen reportedly asked their commanding officers how they could possibly plant explosives at the Kursk NPP without themselves dying in the blast or from radiation fallout. They were allegedly told not to worry, as they dirty bomb would be set off remotely. By that time, they would have all left the area, and Russian forces would be there. "Ukraine would accuse Russia of blowing itself up," Shkoda said.

The Ukrainian Army launched an incursion into Russia's Kursk region on August 6, but their advance was stopped. The ongoing operation of Russia's Armed Forces in the Kursk region aims to defeat the enemy and secure the state border, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Russia's Armed Forces have eliminated more than 9,300 Ukrainian troops and 80 tanks during military operations in the border areas of the Kursk region, the Russian Defense Ministry said on September 3.

read moar…


Kiev’s losses: situation in Kursk Region

The Ukrainian armed forces’ losses in the Kursk Region over the past day amounted to 270 military personnel and 16 armored vehicles, including two tanks, while 18 servicemen have surrendered, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

According to the agency, the enemy has lost upwards of 2,300 military personnel since fighting began in the Kursk Region.

According to Major General Apti Alaudinov, deputy head of the Main Military and Political Department of the Russian Armed Forces and commander of the Akhmat special forces, Russia has stabilized the situation in the region. The blockade of the Ukrainian forces that have entered the country is now being finalized.

read moar…


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ea0622 No.21533750


>Word in Intelligence Circles is that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems.

That's one saab story. What will the world do without these weapons manufacturers.

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1b52d4 No.21533751


Bless Trump’s and Putin’s Hearts!

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1040c7 No.21533752

File: 139ff6421046617⋯.png (68.92 KB,587x581,587:581,139ff642104661781993f5bb55….png)


zion gurl

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ebd416 No.21533753

File: 311d0004bc2a8dd⋯.png (253.04 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

'Lynn Lipinski, PR for Icann, signs the official register of the key ceremony.'


these representatives are the ones who represent the evil DEVils who control us, our ability to share information globally

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256fc9 No.21533754

File: 00449739b5ba2ca⋯.jpg (72.76 KB,1024x709,1024:709,1615652172336.jpg)

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dcbe92 No.21533755


telling us that they have lost

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5dd260 No.21533756


These crustations never leave the trough, do they.

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2b3c64 No.21533757

File: b5915173cb39962⋯.png (566.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_185023.png)

File: a32d7c679164136⋯.jpeg (446.29 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWmC02YXUAEGeof.jpeg)

File: 419d14cf8d099fd⋯.jpeg (337.16 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWmC1pGboAAdKg9.jpeg)

File: cf637ba71e83439⋯.jpeg (368.84 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWmC3EjbgAAxMZY.jpeg)

File: 0e80fc3c4e1114c⋯.jpeg (597.65 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWmC3ymXcAAyBDT.jpeg)

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3837ed No.21533758



Note that for corrupt officials to resign there typically is a very damning reason, that when goes public, becomes one hell of a major controversy and becomes a political liability…. let's say in this case…. his decision also got civilian military contractors killed TOO. Not just troops. I guess we will just have to wait and see, maybe there is some truth to it, maybe it is FUD, but that is the rumors going around right now. We will see soon enough…

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1b52d4 No.21533759


It’s a good start, but much work needs to be done.

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98d430 No.21533760


The whole world knows he's not running America. So it begs the question, why hasn't any enemy of the USA taken advantage of the weakest the States has ever been?

They know someone else in in charge.


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0d8226 No.21533761

I wonder what the fbi will find on Colt Grays phone and social media, any guesses ?

Him and his family are Trump supporters and donated to his campaign is mine

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26918f No.21533762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this vid showed up in my youtube feed today.


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101963 No.21533763

You can't fake free will

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ebd416 No.21533764


'As we step into the ceremony room, 16 men and four women, it is just after lunchtime in LA and 21.14 GMT. As well as the keyholders, there are several witnesses here to make sure no one can find some sneaky back door into the internet. Some are security experts, others are laypeople, two are auditors from PricewaterhouseCoopers (with global online trade currently well in excess of $1tn, the key has a serious role to play in business security). Lamb uses an advanced iris scanner to let us all in.

"Please centre your eyes," the tinny automated voice tells him. "Please come a little closer to the camera… Sorry, we cannot confirm your identity."

Lamb sighs and tries again.

"Thank you, your identity has been verified."


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5092a3 No.21533765

File: bacda3b0ea0a98b⋯.png (244.01 KB,695x411,695:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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256fc9 No.21533766

File: 082726971f75533⋯.png (639.7 KB,680x510,4:3,082726971f7553333c9c2681c1….png)

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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836cf2 No.21533768

File: 7de994e291834e5⋯.png (1.4 MB,1020x1143,340:381,1725490343861.png)

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26918f No.21533769



Shooters attack the school, but a trained 17-year-old girl saves the day

Run Hide Fight

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387f99 No.21533770


The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a group of instructors from Sweden in Poltava who were training the Ukrainian Armed Forces to operate Saab 340 AEWCS AWACS aircraft

On the morning of September 3, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on Poltava. At least two powerful explosions were recorded on the territory of the 179th training center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' signal troops (military unit A3990) on Zinkivska Street.

According to available information, in addition to Ukrainian servicemen, several military specialists (instructors) from Sweden, who were training representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to operate Saab 340 AEWCS (ASC 890) AWACS aircraft, were killed as a result of the fire. This was reported by volunteer Britta Ellwanger, who is acting in the interests of Ukraine and studied with one of the instructors killed at a Swedish university.

Before that, the Swedish authorities had announced that they were going to supply Kyiv with a couple of the aforementioned long-range radar detection aircraft. Therefore, Stockholm could have gotten busy and sent its military specialists to Ukrainian territory in advance so that they could train Ukrainian crews and technical personnel in conditions as close to combat as possible. Now the Swedes will have to weigh the risks.

It is worth noting that this attack by the Russian Armed Forces was aimed at destroying the enemy's military infrastructure and neutralizing trained or training personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. But this case became especially noticeable and resonant not only due to the large losses (officially over 50 were killed, and about 220 were wounded) among the enemy personnel, but also due to the presence of groups of foreigners there.

The destruction of the instructors will undoubtedly affect the integration of the said aircraft with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. We cannot judge how much the relations between Stockholm and Kiev will become more complicated, but the Scandinavians' zeal should diminish. What happened will definitely have a negative impact on the plans of the Ukrainian command, since the introduction of AWACS aircraft was supposed to facilitate the combat operation of F-16 fighters. Russia has once again shown how it will react to military support for Ukraine from the West and other threats. If the lives of Europeans and Americans do not concern their governments, then they will return to their homeland in coffins, and the local public can discuss this as they wish.


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2257e6 No.21533771




can you please include twat urls? thank you

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ebd416 No.21533772


ahhh, imagine a time and a place where the self appointed ruling class globally will fail all security verifications to log into their systems of control ….

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2b3c64 No.21533773

File: 5c9fc263ac7dbfb⋯.png (426.24 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_185200.png)

File: c23c09fc089e9c9⋯.png (482.67 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_185206.png)

File: dd8806eb47e0992⋯.png (88.48 KB,766x814,383:407,644.png)

File: bb4bede3a39e644⋯.png (1005.45 KB,766x3572,383:1786,1844_1_.png)

File: 6e12ff54b74b4d7⋯.png (460 KB,573x734,573:734,103d3f248d7d2aa99413d8d0f7….png)

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9f37b9 No.21533774

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f0fb21 No.21533775


They are all sick!

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c0736d No.21533776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Candace Owens absolutely destroys Rabbi Schmuley and the Chabad worship of Rebbe Schneerson

fucking awesome


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1b52d4 No.21533777




So much money being spent trying.

You could say all money.

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685040 No.21533778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 10

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45916e No.21533779


live by the air-borne weapons system design and manufacturing to profiteer off of conflict, blood shed and running people off their lands, die by the air-borne weapons system system design and manufacturing to profiteer off of conflict, blood shed and running people off their lands.

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d33c5d No.21533780

File: e6e99c7dd3002dc⋯.jpg (36.82 KB,644x314,322:157,xggxgxx.jpg)

Meme butter

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bc9e41 No.21533781

File: b1e0ee0a1d8f9c2⋯.png (667.54 KB,884x1320,221:330,1725490519601.png)

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1fe498 No.21533782


dear lord forgive me… i so want to knock the fucking teeth out of the face that put her up to telling the lies

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5dd260 No.21533783

File: a66befc92898b09⋯.png (1.07 MB,815x803,815:803,Pepe_Glass_Whiskey_Scotch_….png)


Make mine a double triple

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c48c8a No.21533784

File: abcc938377444f2⋯.png (144.91 KB,600x388,150:97,wompwomp.png)

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0d8226 No.21533785


No one seen that coming

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ea0622 No.21533786

File: e824b8ee8f0b7d0⋯.jpg (172.85 KB,735x978,245:326,funny_meme_about_hillary_c….jpg)

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5092a3 No.21533787

File: 2c5df7a5f8a0689⋯.png (304.32 KB,602x462,43:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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12612b No.21533788

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,255x255,1:1,c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)


I'll pray with you frendo


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1b52d4 No.21533789


How about the 55 and 00?

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d9fe27 No.21533790


No joke though a lot of independent journalists still support Russia for some reason. China, Russia, Iran, India are literally our archenemies. Freedom vs. Communism.

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26918f No.21533791


kamala will keep the cheney coffers full.

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a0e0a8 No.21533792


What difference at this point does it make?? Honestly

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091035 No.21533793

Yo Q,

How do we ascend out of this control matrix and get to this New World you mentioned?

Positive thoughts?

Raise consciousness?

Are the New Agers correct?

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685040 No.21533794


Is that his mom?

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9dfc2f No.21533795


runs the all-time loser, headlong to his death

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e3a276 No.21533796


fuck off.

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0ff4c7 No.21533797

File: 7a10e62be7652e6⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,480x852,40:71,singlefile.mp4)

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5092a3 No.21533798


>Are the New Agers correct?

Have any of them disappeared?

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879a22 No.21533799

File: a035912ec149cf5⋯.jpg (299.02 KB,1330x1312,665:656,HRC_Chicago.jpg)

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5dd260 No.21533800


Click the Dink Link


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9f37b9 No.21533801

File: aea48f1eca9b6fc⋯.jpeg (15.21 KB,325x255,65:51,IMG_3549.jpeg)


10 Commandments movie

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5dd260 No.21533802


you've been fucked by the machine, real good

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d9fe27 No.21533803


Don't be a literal retard, u moran. Know your enemy.

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12612b No.21533804

File: e72741511bc8504⋯.jpg (23.32 KB,474x266,237:133,super_pepe2.jpg)


Love thy self and love thy Anon frens.

Help others on their journey.

Just dat simple.

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158bc4 No.21533805


How many will we match?







on FIB's radar,


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ea0622 No.21533806


What thou sow shall thou reap. In spades.

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5092a3 No.21533807

File: dccb8f8d4bc0051⋯.png (15.68 KB,381x361,381:361,ClipboardImage.png)


"Hands up" "Hands up" @ :19

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d9fe27 No.21533808


Play the game. Don't support your enemies.

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3837ed No.21533809


We are under communist rule, dumb ass. That's what we wish to break free from asshole.

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5dd260 No.21533811


The US is enemy #1 these days fren.

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e3a276 No.21533812


I do. Fuck off.

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d33c5d No.21533813


Kiss of death

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d9fe27 No.21533814


So you want to nuke yourself?

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0ff4c7 No.21533815



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d42845 No.21533816


This man is front of a green screen.

He is protected by British military men.///

They have gone wayward.//

They are to RTB ASAP.///

They are not to help the Biden campaign.///

This man can not launch missiles, he just tried to.

You will never be able to hurt PJFK… EVER.///

Never you will be able to hurt us.///



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bc9e41 No.21533817

File: 01a2f9aa9d312df⋯.png (993.68 KB,1130x1032,565:516,1725490813337.png)

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2b3c64 No.21533818

File: e50005b23330b4a⋯.gif (3.5 MB,400x266,200:133,UqLbMa.gif)

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d9fe27 No.21533819


Nov 5th is our last chance.

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bc9e41 No.21533820

File: 021cfcc8d285dae⋯.png (910.79 KB,1067x1093,1067:1093,1725485801619.png)

File: b3f77ee8cff1d2a⋯.png (174.71 KB,1440x810,16:9,1725485736914.png)

File: b93de464d171569⋯.png (390.78 KB,1440x810,16:9,1725485709624.png)

File: bb1c4e373a53da4⋯.png (659.63 KB,1122x1040,561:520,1725479687177.png)

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3c161e No.21533821

File: ac294380206a43b⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB,854x450,427:225,0000000.mp4)

Ferrari engine in a tractor


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ea0622 No.21533822


>Rabbi Schmuley and the Chabad worship of Rebbe Schneerson

😎 The kike version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

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1b52d4 No.21533823


We need a Trump Putin ticket

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3837ed No.21533824


Not really, those who RULE OVER the USSA today are. Not average Americans anon. Corrupt deep state politicians and their crony war mongering special interests. The same ones who open our borders and let drug cartels and gangs invade our communities.

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dcbe92 No.21533825



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2f9977 No.21533826

File: ee5694a78f1b0ad⋯.mp4 (259.38 KB,640x360,16:9,LINDSEYTWIT.mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Lindsey Graham talks to Hamas leader.

'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you. We're going to kill you.'

From Aaron Rupar

5:08 PM · Sep 4, 2024



Lindsey sure threatens to kill a lot of people, not enough gay sex I guess


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2b3c64 No.21533827

File: 2ac309535953c8b⋯.jpeg (29.37 KB,680x340,2:1,GWnfyt1W0AELhGO.jpeg)

File: 22854220d56cb09⋯.jpeg (407.08 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GWLJ8zuWkAE6wY_.jpeg)

File: 72c67270662e401⋯.jpg (11.64 KB,200x202,100:101,72c67270662e401ead7f3ce718….jpg)

File: f1945235f7c38d2⋯.jpeg (374.87 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWkWCMeWUAAdgg7.jpeg)

File: 09260bc7851ee98⋯.jpeg (316.05 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWlIxTCWoAEvYDC.jpeg)


pot kek

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12612b No.21533828

File: b66beca34689549⋯.jpg (17.51 KB,474x280,237:140,3db5062b03074de60fc23c694f….jpg)

And my next song is called

It had to be this way buddy

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5dd260 No.21533829


As politicians call for gun control Homo Lindsay is wanting to Nuke 5 billion.

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37eaf9 No.21533830

File: eeb5fcd8dfa8d5b⋯.png (150.12 KB,500x656,125:164,eeb5fcd8dfa8d5b2eb6b91dba6….png)

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dcbe92 No.21533831


why wait that makes no sense at all now is the time

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760a95 No.21533832

File: 6d4420f52f68154⋯.png (3.06 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 9d4b7dc2752b886⋯.png (338.66 KB,474x424,237:212,Screenshot_2024_07_21_at_0….png)

File: dd49d2fb6518eac⋯.png (2.17 MB,964x862,482:431,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

*Tarmac (final meeting - no CHARGES/drop = supreme court)

DOJ are THE Chargers

ok, ok, ok.

Vatican I, the document and the namesake, are in Rome

Vatican II, the Roman/Giulian geography, Brixia (Brescia)

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ebd416 No.21533833

File: 45735538cc77b54⋯.png (205.06 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


'We file into a space that resembles a doctor's waiting room: two rows of bolted-down metal seats facing a desk. Less like a doctor's waiting room are the networks of cameras live-streaming to Icann's website. At one side of the room is a cage containing two high-security safes.

Francisco Arias, Icann's director of technical services, acts as today's administrator. It is his first time, and his eyes regularly flick to the script. To start with, things go according to plan. Arias and the four keyholders (the ceremony requires a minimum of three, not all seven) enter the secure cage to retrieve their smartcards, held in tamper-evident bags. Middle-aged men wearing checked shirts and jeans, they are Portuguese keyholder João Damas, based in Spain; American Edward Lewis, who works for an internet and security analytics firm; and Uruguayan Carlos Martinez, who works for Lacnic, the internet registry for Latin America and the Caribbean.'

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1fe498 No.21533834


one minute enough

the narrator is an idiot, or a bot programed to speak like an idiot

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d9fe27 No.21533835


Anons need to be playing the game. Thinking Putin is your friend is like shit-tier chess player.

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ef6d2e No.21533836

File: 52f379691836208⋯.mp4 (10.57 MB,540x960,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17254836654….mp4)

File: 072d8a1d4851ed0⋯.png (211.7 KB,544x788,136:197,Screenshot_2024_09_04_1904….png)

johnny maga


Holy smokes a local resident recorded TWELVE buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

This is so embarrassing


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5019c4 No.21533837


Hal Turner as sauce so I agree with the evaluation of bullshit

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ea0622 No.21533838


HRC v5.02.105.666

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d42845 No.21533839


>How do we ascend out of this control matrix and get to this New World you mentioned?

>Positive thoughts?

Positive thoughts. Language over hate.

>Raise consciousness?

Raising? Where does it raise to?

What is literally true.?

What is consciousness.?

Do you beleive you do not have consciousness?

Why do you. need to raise it/?

Do not let hostages connected by psionic devices control your lifel…///

>Are the New Agers correct?

The New Agers were not correct about everything but being positive and relaxed would be amazing. Healthy food, yes. Blessing people, yes. Think abouot how. many people called Jesus a hippy.

We are not hippies.

Some are called to be warriors.

Remember that…///

There is a time for peace and a time for war.///

WAR…. is what they called for on the wolrld.///

Now they want to body and mind as well.//

We will fight tooth and nail to stop them from taking our minds and our children.///



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f972d0 No.21533840

File: 78a28b0c96864a7⋯.jpg (120.62 KB,720x794,360:397,20240904_170401.jpg)

File: 602961ad23e0c93⋯.jpg (100.35 KB,1236x845,1236:845,20240904_170328.jpg)

BREAKING: Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president


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bc9e41 No.21533841

File: bf25bbe734278f2⋯.jpg (52.73 KB,642x348,107:58,Child_Rape_Kamala.jpg)

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091035 No.21533842


Does Graham work for Mossad?

Since his controller, No Name died, who does he answer to?

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760a95 No.21533843

File: 42c78804b98c5f2⋯.png (1.28 MB,1098x684,61:38,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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9e0162 No.21533844

File: 9958cd7d89a555a⋯.jpg (9.6 KB,255x140,51:28,praying.jpg)

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5dd260 No.21533845


Putin is better than anything the West is offering. Nothing but US vassals lining up to be destroyed

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bc9e41 No.21533846

File: 104f07c21c4d421⋯.jpg (68.74 KB,514x676,257:338,Child_Rape_Kamala_1_.jpg)

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d9fe27 No.21533847

File: 568cbac24dd68c7⋯.png (398.88 KB,719x304,719:304,ClipboardImage.png)


The world is yours - take it!

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dcbe92 No.21533848


Liz Is full of Jew Jizz

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ebd416 No.21533849

File: 01d27549fce07d8⋯.png (58.35 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f58210075663ea⋯.png (559.49 KB,680x330,68:33,ClipboardImage.png)


keys to the kingdom …

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0ff4c7 No.21533850



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26918f No.21533851


sorry, i had the sound off

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5dd260 No.21533852


Cheney is a whore to whomever has the biggest check book.

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37eaf9 No.21533853

File: 340fb5d97161c37⋯.png (51.08 KB,674x171,674:171,Screen_Shot_2024_09_04_at_….png)


>TWELVE buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally,

That's about 600 people

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760a95 No.21533854

File: 2fb627fce48e46c⋯.png (2.72 MB,1872x910,72:35,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: dca9e6086890bb1⋯.png (165.47 KB,206x546,103:273,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


Move! Get out the way!

my private parking space in the city

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3837ed No.21533855


I don't see BRICS nations ruining our cities, flooding our local communities with third world illegals, getting us into endless wars that could easily have been prevented, shutting down our own industry and banning domestic oil exploration and drilling permits….. I do see the communists in the White House doing it though! So who is the enemy again?

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387f99 No.21533856


Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody

What we know so far

Four people, two teachers and two students, were killed and nine were injured after gunfire today at Apalachee High School in Georgia, according to state officials.

The 14-year-old suspect, a student at the school, surrendered immediately, law enforcement officials said. He is expected to be charged as an adult.

Officials have not identified the victims. The school's golf coach was wounded in the shooting, his daughter posted on social media.


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f83ec1 No.21533857

File: 8d14b4d42059895⋯.jpeg (556.91 KB,1125x1721,1125:1721,IMG_3828.jpeg)

Get it, girl!


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a0e0a8 No.21533858


No direct evidence its rally goers. Try again

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767ec6 No.21533859

File: aa33b8a3a44ab33⋯.png (17.45 KB,582x296,291:148,ob.PNG)


Laura Loomer


Have you noticed there’s always a school shooting in a swing state or caucus state right before an election?

Every election year.

Like clockwork.

Just making an observation.

9:44 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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bc9e41 No.21533860

File: d3be8f59f59c232⋯.jpg (65.54 KB,910x512,455:256,Greta_Thunberg_Stares_at_D….jpg)

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12612b No.21533861

File: bd1ff518eccae6b⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks_P2YBfMSHvE4ZZCqp_….jpg)

And my next song is called

it's prayer time, frens

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1fe498 No.21533862


imbecile thinks Russia is still commie

where ya been for thirty years??????

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abb0b8 No.21533863

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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ea0622 No.21533864


Remember. This is the best [they] could find.

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a0e0a8 No.21533865


She thinks that is better than what Trump would do so that says something

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40593f No.21533866

File: 0b23d445b0c1eca⋯.jpeg (146.66 KB,641x801,641:801,Central_Casting_Clown_Cri….jpeg)

>>21532612 sauced shit:


>>21533529Baker, relevant link is missing from notes: >>21532592

Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

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1b52d4 No.21533867


Putin would be a fantastic USA leader.

Every knows it.

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5dd260 No.21533868


Perhaps she should add some sauce to her claims.

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3837ed No.21533869


No offense, don't care anymore. Sad it happened but we know why the media is hyping this all up!!

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29aa1d No.21533870

notables @ 310 halfway collected

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533595 Apalachee High School shooter named as Colt Gray, 14yrs old

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533611 Memes


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26918f No.21533871


anon trusts putin more than our own gov't.

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767ec6 No.21533872

File: 76028f0d62e11f5⋯.png (73.43 KB,1261x361,1261:361,liz.PNG)


Liz Cheney endorses Harris for president

NBC News, by Kelly O'Donnell *

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/4/2024 6:56:13 PM

WASHINGTON — Former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., on Wednesday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president, the latest high-profile Republican endorsement for Democrats. Cheney's comments took place during an appearance at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy. “Because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” Cheney said in a video of remarks posted to X. The former congresswoman said in her remarks that it is “crucially important”

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2b3c64 No.21533873

File: 023a7a70633fcfb⋯.png (533.73 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_190752.png)

File: 2ccb2f3d19652c9⋯.png (1.03 MB,766x2838,383:1419,1841_2_.png)

File: 69403606c2ed7cc⋯.png (55.07 KB,766x540,383:270,641_2_.png)

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d9fe27 No.21533874



"Let's give the US to Putin."

You faggots are absolutely insane and treasonous.

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1b52d4 No.21533875


And the health scare is due this year too.

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760a95 No.21533876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3837ed No.21533877


He wouldn't do much more damage to this nation than Biden/Harris already have, that's for sure.

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5dd260 No.21533878

File: 16b2a26df9f045f⋯.png (7.54 KB,255x188,255:188,Putin_Impressed_Thumbs_Up.png)

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0ff4c7 No.21533879


are you gay?

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965989 No.21533880

File: 72538647b1dd6fa⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,680x640,17:16,Trumpnuts.jpg)

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ebd416 No.21533881

File: b4a16da64c60821⋯.png (181.89 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


A web security expert steps forward to read out a nonsense sequence of words generated by the previous key: "Flatfoot warranty brickyard Camelot blackjack vagabond…"’


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ef6d2e No.21533882

File: 44f057be390c5dd⋯.png (272.36 KB,533x785,533:785,Screenshot_2024_09_04_1911….png)

File: acba505c0f098e0⋯.mp4 (516.4 KB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17254914033….mp4)


Lining up with a bus in the background, where are they at the zoo?

Bad Hombre


Kamala couldn’t find enough joyful supporters in New Hampshire to attend her “rally”, so she brought in paid supporters on coach buses from Massachusetts. A very sad state of affairs.


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40593f No.21533883


Baker, relevant link is missing from notes: >>21532592

Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

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c48c8a No.21533884


Been a while since I watched that. Going to have to revisit it again sometime.


Yeah, well, I'm still recognized without the meme, so good luck with that.

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9dfc2f No.21533885



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1fe498 No.21533886


bout the same dull tempo of a "fire drill" in the 70s

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0d8226 No.21533887

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45916e No.21533888


next thing you know they are going to call to outlaw schools . . .

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767ec6 No.21533889

File: 1ffa6cd64d254dc⋯.png (282.02 KB,601x534,601:534,raw.PNG)




🚨#BREAKING: According to the US Department of Justice, Tenet Media whose roster includes Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin has allegedly received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation

10:05 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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26918f No.21533890


what swing state does she live in? i thought she was wyoming.

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5dd260 No.21533891


settle down chuckles it's just a thought, not very likely eh.

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879a22 No.21533892

File: b02c074ecc789df⋯.jpg (126.34 KB,575x575,1:1,Greta.jpg)

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387f99 No.21533893


>China, Russia, Iran, India are literally our archenemies. Freedom vs. Communism.

the communist soviet gov't FELL in 1991

russia is a democracy

india is a democracy

iran is a puppet gov't created by cia/mossad

of the four you mentioned, only china is still communist, and it is failing fast


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1b52d4 No.21533894


Who do you want to give it to?

I would like to compare.

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2b3c64 No.21533895

File: 5a0df019f325118⋯.jpeg (481.22 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GWqRFGAWUAAwP4j.jpeg)

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c48c8a No.21533896

File: 24cd4a94c763f4a⋯.png (630.43 KB,880x878,440:439,5f40a02d3cdcc2f1d350eaf6a5….png)

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ea0622 No.21533897


Any photos. She been doubled yet.

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ef6d2e No.21533898

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Follow this thread plenty of photos

johnny maga


🚨 There is now evidence that Kamala Harris bused in supporters from Massachusetts to her New Hampshire rally

She thought she could fool Granite Staters and the rest of America into believing she had real grassroots support

More below 👇


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767ec6 No.21533899

File: 58487d6110b6eee⋯.png (307.19 KB,590x755,118:151,meet.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Meet John Skinner, the Chief Safety & Security Officer for Barrow County Schools in Georgia.

The school received a call this morning warning there would be a sh**ting.

Where was John? How did he respond? What precautions did he take? What security measures did he put in place? What led him to decide there was no threat and it was safe enough to open school?

Has anyone heard from him yet?

He needs to immediately provide answers.



8:52 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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3837ed No.21533900


Don't call this current government "America" or the "US", call them deep state commies Biden/Harris regime. That fits.

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0ff4c7 No.21533901


>Sweden suffered war dead just months after joining NATO

<Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems.

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fde0cf No.21533902


Bad move for Swedish

Their leadership joined NATO

Is there a blackmail operation going on there?


meant to write "updated Russia Russia hoax"

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d9fe27 No.21533903


Fix it ourself with Trump as our voice. You're fucking insane for even thinking we should surrender to Putin. Literally kill yourself.

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767ec6 No.21533904

File: 79e7698b0d10da8⋯.png (178.33 KB,591x499,591:499,h.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



9:07 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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bc9e41 No.21533905

File: abead669030bcba⋯.jpg (124.14 KB,894x404,447:202,Kamalas_Golden_Ticket_Keny….jpg)


Would love to run Facial Recognition AI to cross-reference EVERY KAMALA Rally.

DNC Paid on National Tour….

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2b3c64 No.21533906

File: 960af267b8d4fa5⋯.png (601.86 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_191104.png)

File: 5369eef977c1bb0⋯.png (664.3 KB,766x802,383:401,456_3_.png)

File: dddf9734d160464⋯.jpeg (759.24 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWqRFGGW0AE7Q3K.jpeg)

File: 10061f4070aecea⋯.jpeg (461.6 KB,2048x1638,1024:819,GWqRFGGWgAAplU6.jpeg)

File: 8f8d728b6751823⋯.jpeg (494.18 KB,2048x1638,1024:819,GWqRFGFXYAA9A4u.jpeg)

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1b52d4 No.21533907


Don’t know who any of them are. Probably CIA

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091035 No.21533908

File: 6668046bcfa6256⋯.jpg (162.31 KB,1800x474,300:79,21533333.JPG)

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abb0b8 No.21533909

File: 3f6e85f58dfc033⋯.png (1.08 MB,1014x570,169:95,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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2f9977 No.21533910

File: 21f0620491f6c64⋯.png (490.38 KB,937x736,937:736,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69beb6de029ea72⋯.png (346.56 KB,525x289,525:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 294fd7ebdbaa091⋯.png (296 KB,480x251,480:251,ClipboardImage.png)

Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter

(what no middle name?)1/2

• Suspect in custody after high school shooting

• Heartbreaking texts between boy and his mom during the shooting

• Math teacher is named as first school shooting victim


PUBLISHED: 11:51 EDT, 4 September 2024 | UPDATED: 18:25 EDT, 4 September 2024

The mass shooter who killed two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School, in Winder, Georgia, on Wednesday morning has been named as Colt Gray.

The high school, which is home to around 1,900 students, is 25 miles west of Athens. Nine victims were taken to hospitals with gunshot injuries, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The shooting was reported at 10.23am - and Gray surrendered to police when he was apprehended.

Colt Gray is a 14-year-old student who attended Apalachee High School, authorities confirmed.



• The Georgia mass shooter has been named as Colt Gray

• Gray is a 14-year-old student at Apalachee High School

• He is accused of killing two students and two teachers and injuring nine others

• Gray, who surrendered to police, will be tried for murder as an adult


BREAKING:CONFIRMED: Two students, two teachers dead

• Police confirmed that there are a total of four victims dead

• They are two students, and two adults

• The suspect, Colt Gray, will be charged as an adult


Student says she was sat next to Colt Gray minutes before he opened fire

• A junior at the school, Lyela Sayerath, said she was sat next to Colt Gray in algebra class minutes before he began the shooting spree.

• She told CNN that Colt left the classroom at the beginning of their class at 9:45am, around half an hour before active shooter alerts sounded.

• Gray didn't take a bathroom pass, she said, leading her to initially think he was merely skipping class - before a loudspeaker announcement told teachers to check their emails.

• Shortly after, Sayerath said Gray returned outside their classroom, and went to open the door for him before jumping back at the sight of his gun.

• 'I guess he saw we weren’t going to let him in. And I guess the classroom next to me, their door was open so I think he just started shooting in the classroom,' she said.

• She said he proceeded to fire off a number of bullets 'one after another', adding: 'When we heard it, most people just dropped to the floor and like kind of crawled in an area like piled on top of each other.'

• Sayerath said her friend was in the next classroom and witnessed someone being shot, which left him 'shaken up'. 'He saw somebody get shot. He had blood on him. He was kinda limping. He looked horrified,' she added.


Sheriff gives emotional speech after shooting

• Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith gave an impassioned speech about the shooting at an evening press conference.

• 'I never imagined that I would be speaking to the media in my career over the pure evil that happened today.

• 'This hits home for me. I was born and raised here, I went to school in this school system. My kids go to this school system. I am proud of this school system.

• 'My heart hurts for these kids and this community.

• 'Hate will not prevail in this county. I want that to be very clear and known. Love will prevail over what happened here today. I assure you of that.'


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5019c4 No.21533911

File: 55f3181815eee6e⋯.png (831.12 KB,833x500,833:500,Hedwig2.png)

Our resident troll knows what its song really is

oh, bummer know (You) for the creature

Everybody Sing It!

His sex-change operation got botched

His guardian angel fell asleep on the watch

Now all he got is a Barbie Doll-crotch

He's got an angry inch

Six inches forward and five inches back

He's got a

He's got an angry inch

Six inches forward and five inches back

He got a

He got an angry inch

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c0736d No.21533912


The silence about the debate is deafining.

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767ec6 No.21533913

File: d4a42100f63d520⋯.png (380.89 KB,589x830,589:830,tc.PNG)


The Redheaded libertarian


Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on an list within 72 hours.


9:40 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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bc9e41 No.21533914

File: 94a27cf8575f2cf⋯.png (1.45 MB,1207x966,1207:966,1725491699669.png)

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2b3c64 No.21533915

File: ca89be7be0d6f82⋯.png (175.55 KB,766x1910,383:955,907_1_.png)

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d42845 No.21533916


>Would love to run Facial Recognition AI to cross-reference EVERY KAMALA Rally.

Teeth recognition.

Teeth are changing.///

Facial features are changing less due to the mask technology used at TikTok.///

Good luck, anons.///


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cbf573 No.21533917




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e3a276 No.21533918


What country does the Young Turks get financed by again. What countries are donating to the main stream media? This is a targeted attack by the DOJ.

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bc9e41 No.21533919

File: 58af6a5bee06bbf⋯.png (1.44 MB,888x1313,888:1313,1725491481964.png)

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1fc624 No.21533920

File: e80728b54b16438⋯.png (60.92 KB,595x256,595:256,ClipboardImage.png)

Steven Cheung


SCOOP: the @KamalaHarris campaign has told people at the rally they can’t leave because the busses they used to bus people in from out of state are not operational for another 30 minutes.

The announcement just came over the speakers at the rally and the crowd, already waiting in line, cried, “NOOOOO!”

4:24 PM · Sep 4, 2024


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1b52d4 No.21533921


I said Trump and Putin teamwork ding dong

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24276e No.21533922

File: 8029c640f4ccc70⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,320x180,16:9,8029c640f4ccc70bff253335e3….mp4)


>What difference at this point does it make??

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0ff4c7 No.21533923


>west of Athens


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5dd260 No.21533924


very bad things

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3837ed No.21533925


Bunch of liars, they are now obviously going after FREE SPEECH and the PRESS, which is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Censorship, because their side can't win fairly or honestly!

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c48c8a No.21533926

File: 62ee9252f536189⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,270x480,9:16,mike_tyson_ric_flair.mp4)

While they're chasing the fame that exists in their heads because their narrative has seemingly been defeated, they post another person's meme rotations moar than merchants and their idiotic copypastas now, while I just keep posting memes and mouthing those old guard retards off, because they're dumb, desperate, and weak as fuck if they have to imitate someone like me.

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767ec6 No.21533927

File: 1efcb677b3ee786⋯.png (445.09 KB,1082x869,1082:869,br.PNG)


James Watkins


Consecration of the Election to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the eternal Wisdom lies hidden to be adored and served by angels and men, Queen of heaven and of earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, Patroness of the United States of America, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to thee, our refuge and hope. Knowing that our country cannot be saved by our own works and mindful of how much our nation has departed from the ways of thy Son, we humbly ask that thou wouldst turn thine eyes upon our country to bring about its conversion. We consecrate to thee the integrity of the upcoming election and its outcome, so that what is spiritually and morally best for the citizens of our country may be accomplished, and that all of those who are elected would govern according to the spiritual and moral principles which will bring our nation into conformity with the teachings of thy Son. Give grace to the citizens of this land so that they will choose leaders according to the Sacred Heart of thy Son, that His glory may be made manifest, lest we be given the leaders we deserve. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and thy maternal care, we have perfect confidence that thou wilst take care of us and will not leave us forsaken. O Mary Immaculate, pray for us. Amen

This prayer was written by Fr. Chad Ripperger. He is outspoken on the fact that our upcoming election in America is a choice between good and evil.

Please share this with your friends.

On a lighter note, I have no idea why Russell Brand is referenced so often in the content of my website.



Last edited

10:02 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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d42845 No.21533928



>A web security expert steps forward to read out a nonsense sequence of words generated by the previous key: "Flatfoot warranty brickyard Camelot blackjack vagabond…"’


Sorry ICANN, you do not control the internet.

I DO.///



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2f9977 No.21533929

File: 0fb11df43a84b4d⋯.png (1.22 MB,896x469,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edc4c759b7e2d3e⋯.png (955.81 KB,795x477,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)




Shooter Colt Gray shot 13 people before 'giving up'

• Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith confirmed at a late afternoon press conference that Gray was confronted by two school resource officers inside Apalachee High School 'minutes' after opening fire.

• Gray immediately surrendered, he said.

• 'He gave up, got on the ground and shooter took him into custody.'

• He had by that point injured nine people and killed four - two teachers and two students.


Officials refuse to say if shooter's victims were 'targets'

• Officials said that it is unclear if Colt Gray, the shooter at the high school, had any specific targets: 'We don't know of any targets at this point'


Schools will be closed for the rest of the week

• Officials confirmed that the school will be closed for the rest of the week

• Counseling will be made available for those affected


The subject 'immediately surrendered'

• The male suspect, named Colt Gray, gave himself up to police as soon as they found him inside the school, officials said at a press conference at 4:30pm.

• The Sherriff refused to say what weapon Gray used during the mass shooting


Horrifying footage shows students running as shots are fired

• A video shows the mo


Horrifying footage shows students running as shots are fired

• A video shows the moment students were evacuated from their classroom by heavily-armed law enforcement officers.

• The students were instructed to quicky exit their classroom in a single-file line.


Coroner says officials are still 'looking for bodies'

• Barrow County coroner Kenny Cooper told The Washington Post that officials 'are still going classroom to classroom - and it's a big high school - looking for bodies.'

• Cooper added: 'It's terrible. Please pray for us.'


Georgia governor Brian Kemp says he is 'heartbroken' after shooting


Apalachee High School received phone threat before shooting

• The Georgia high schoool received a phone threat on Wednesday before the shooting happened, according to CNN.

• The caller reportedly claimed there would be shootings at five schools and that Apalachee would be the first to be attacked.

• Officials are investigating the origin of the call.


VP Harris calls Georgia school shooting a 'senseless tragedy'

• Vicepresident Kamala Harris said on Wednesday in New Hampshire that 'it's 'outrageous that every day in our country, parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come hoe alive.'

• She added: 'We have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all. It doesn't have to be this way.'


Terrified parents and students continue reuniting on campus

• Students wait to be picked up by their parents after a shooting at Apalachee High School on September 4.

• At least four people were killed, per authorities.


Kamala Harris roasted for off-script speech about shooting

• Kamal Harris went off-script while addressing the shooting at an afternoon appearance.

Kamala Harris goes off script to talk about Georgia school shooting

Kamala Harris went off script on Wednesday to blast the epidemic of school shootings in the United States, calling them 'senseless' and saying 'it does not have to be this way.'

• The Vice President first mispronounced the name of the town where the shooting occurred, then started talking about how much she loved Gen Z.

• There was immediate backlash.


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767ec6 No.21533930

File: c6d8fc0000ced7a⋯.png (389.03 KB,603x579,201:193,ls.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


Adding highlighter @X

lawsuit win CA case

“The panel held that X Corp. was likely to succeed on the merits of its claim that the Content Category Report provisions facially violate the First Amendment…(and)

raise the same First Amendment issues for every social media company.”



10:15 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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bc9e41 No.21533932

File: 2593642a085956f⋯.png (632.54 KB,1647x708,549:236,1725491836662.png)

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abb0b8 No.21533933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


mimsy and knee pads fisting

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685040 No.21533934

File: 62b9cc40636f7c2⋯.gif (1.18 MB,453x640,453:640,20240904_191455.gif)

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e3a276 No.21533935


rule of law is dead. Has been for a while this is another nail in the coffin. They are going after the citizens next who post on websites. Especially if they are hosted in other countries.

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1fe498 No.21533936


i snap my fingers, and you forget that you were ever gay

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3594cb No.21533937

Fake and ghay shooting prompted by what?

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767ec6 No.21533938

File: ccafd5bd6ae3b1f⋯.png (419.42 KB,598x656,299:328,hu.PNG)


Piers Morgan Uncensored


"You have the Jewish community beginning to call her not Candace Owens but Candace Ovens."

Rabbi Shmuley and Candace Owens give their opening statements for tonight's debate.

Watch more here: 📺 https://youtu.be/GzogU1RncbU


| @RealCandaceO

| @RabbiShmuley

8:50 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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f83ec1 No.21533939

File: e2619e6598a9530⋯.jpeg (309.48 KB,1125x742,1125:742,IMG_3829.jpeg)


I assume she votes in Wisconsin


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ea0622 No.21533940


Give it time.

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8dec05 No.21533941

File: 158ba50cb5735ef⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,848x464,53:29,Biden_I_Am_Not_Your_Presid….mp4)

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f866b5 No.21533942


Pretty good system for making slaves to the grind

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1b52d4 No.21533943


Let’s hope they never show up and they all have to walk home to another state.

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0d8226 No.21533944


cant they see theres worse to come if she gets voted in ?

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0ff4c7 No.21533945


>it does not have to be this way

My fists got so sore I couldn't stick them in my pocket … If you fight them with your fists, they had respect for you. But you didn't use blackjacks or guns on them. If you did they'd gang up on you and kill you.

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2b3c64 No.21533946

File: 9db5e80449af341⋯.png (207.37 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240904_191739.png)

File: a361b4a692f2eb8⋯.png (70.4 KB,766x716,383:358,1015_4_.png)

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760a95 No.21533947

File: 6889b036d57927a⋯.png (426.28 KB,1020x573,340:191,jimama.png)

File: 9b8a1287586fbb4⋯.png (3.5 MB,2048x1010,1024:505,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: e868ecafaeef798⋯.png (1.36 MB,1094x994,547:497,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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ebd416 No.21533948


'Today, October 01, 2016, at 12:01 am Washington DC time, the IANA functions administered by the US government for nearly 20 years, have been handed over to ICANN, a non-profit organization supported by the volunteer-based multistakeholder community. While ordinary Internet users will see no change, the hand-over represents the most significant change in the Internet’s operations for a generation; it may be the first time that a new communication technology has been released from a government, rather than being placed under a government’s control. Transition to ICANN means that it will be up to the Internet users, rather than their countries’ respective governments, to decide how will the Internet evolve in the future.'

this has all been planned for quite some time, putting all their eggs in the same basket, now the transition to freedom can be done seamlessly


now we know why Q said thank you to snowden

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836cf2 No.21533949

File: fd392169c805df9⋯.jpg (66.16 KB,474x616,237:308,Anvil_Parachute_Kamala_Cam….jpg)




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a0e0a8 No.21533950


Things that never happened for 600

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d9fe27 No.21533951


Trump is the whole package what do we need Putin for? Putin can't even speak in large crowds without choking. Putin lacks God's grace.

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f83ec1 No.21533952


Or maybe she lives and cites in another swing state now

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08508b No.21533953

File: eb7bcff68a49ce0⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,BIDEN_We_can_only_re_elect….mp4)

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f02da6 No.21533954


checked, your keyboard to God’s ears

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5dd260 No.21533955


So they were telling truth about the sad state of NATO's war against Russia?


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767ec6 No.21533956

File: 735bad8976c46dc⋯.png (295.16 KB,592x610,296:305,win.PNG)


Elon Musk


Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!


X Daily News




NEWS: In lawsuit brought by X Corp, the Ninth Circuit rules that California's law requiring large social media companies to submit reports to the AG about their content-moderation policies and practices likely violates the First Amendment



8:17 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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9f8de0 No.21533957


never forget the 6 gorillion!

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387f99 No.21533958

File: 254e1154e917cf3⋯.jpg (82.04 KB,976x549,16:9,proxy_image.jpg)

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685040 No.21533959


Entirely true

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767ec6 No.21533960

File: eae3aabb2564850⋯.png (473.26 KB,588x683,588:683,rel.PNG)


Stephen L. Miller


A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge.

They don't care about gun violence.


Kamala HQ




Vice President Harris: It is outrageous that every day in our country, parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive. It's senseless. We have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all. It

Show more

8:23 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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3837ed No.21533961



The day that happens I'm done using it.

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c48c8a No.21533962


To give a talking point for the debate? To memory hole the tranny shooter's manifesto that was released yesterday? To memory hole the contracted relationship to keep their fans in the dark and not realize they're frauds? Who knows? There's a bunch of possible reasons why they could have done it.

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2f9977 No.21533963


Who freaking cares who Liz Cheney hangs herself with?

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5dd260 No.21533964

File: 4c79667ac156835⋯.jpeg (68.18 KB,944x820,236:205,Joe_Imagine_the_smell.jpeg)

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1b52d4 No.21533965


Rule Number One.

No Kids.

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f83ec1 No.21533966


She is also speaking in North Carolina as she is saying this

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965989 No.21533967

File: 65e04381be58baa⋯.jpg (10.77 KB,178x255,178:255,horseswallower.jpg)

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387f99 No.21533968


>I assume she votes in Wisconsin

only wisconsin?

i assume she votes early, and often, in every swing state

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3837ed No.21533969


It is so obvious. Too obvious.

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767ec6 No.21533970

File: 91c066084d02b6c⋯.png (313.32 KB,580x511,580:511,9.PNG)




Just 9 months apart.

It has all become so predictable.



4:56 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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e3a276 No.21533971


they got a white boy shooter also alive. They have their poster boy for their agenda. Blame maga etc. Right wing terrorism.

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e2a78b No.21533972


Yeah so you just making shit up

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836cf2 No.21533973

File: 7657983fe6f99a9⋯.jpg (199.02 KB,800x1013,800:1013,Release_the_Memes_Trump.jpg)



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2b3c64 No.21533974


local Canuckistan am radio parrots. cell phones in skool & traffic camera . speeding . congestion comms all day long. lead via agent afternoon show is off 2 weeks. Singh caved today, the Sikh truckers travel America. they know the vibe. shits brewing

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767ec6 No.21533975

File: 0d6e634519e9091⋯.png (12.86 KB,589x152,31:8,cg.PNG)




BREAKING: Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

8:30 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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499745 No.21533977

File: 587da4c4251667a⋯.jpeg (6.11 KB,255x255,1:1,587da4c4251667a345c8e84ed….jpeg)

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c0736d No.21533978

File: 7c69bcbff25b58b⋯.png (371.3 KB,555x483,185:161,KatzKike.png)

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d42845 No.21533979

If you are making fraudulant claims on the radio knowing and willingly then you may face jail time.///







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c48c8a No.21533980

I include the possibility of Taytay Gobblecock's time-based relationship contract because of all the fans. If they found out and felt like they were fooled then they might not vote for who the singing hunchback obviously endorses.

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ef6d2e No.21533981


>Would love to run Facial Recognition AI to cross-reference EVERY KAMALA Rally.

Same paid actors from Harvard Free Palestine rally

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3837ed No.21533982


I think they hate average Americans as much as Russians honestly.

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091035 No.21533983

File: d97624ca258342a⋯.png (6.11 KB,912x92,228:23,no_weapons.PNG)


How many kids will they have to kill before Americans free willing turn in their guns?

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2f9977 No.21533984


She is never going to be able to bus people in after this,when they know they will be held hostage Kamafucker just fucked up big time.

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965989 No.21533985

File: a73382138dbeb12⋯.png (11.45 KB,198x196,99:98,HBMatthew186.png)

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767ec6 No.21533986

File: 97897e904600095⋯.png (838.38 KB,553x821,553:821,eq.PNG)




They’re spitting in our faces.


Susan Crabtree




‼️‼️ EXCLUSIVE: The Secret Service's Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion today at 11:09 a.m. ET sent out an agency-wide request (see email below) for nominees to attend an all-expense paid trip to an LGBTQ+ "Out and Equal" Workplace Summit at Disney World in Orlando Oct.

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There’s a new version of this post

8:09 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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ea0622 No.21533987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only NATO rope being used is the one you idiots hung to hang yourselves.

Larry Johnson : Russian Offensive Picking Up Steam

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d55b10 No.21533988

File: 257d9379cbd08f4⋯.png (387.14 KB,568x561,568:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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760a95 No.21533989

File: cf194bf944c91ab⋯.png (1.91 MB,1274x1066,49:41,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 42c78804b98c5f2⋯.png (1.28 MB,1098x684,61:38,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 492577eee133ed3⋯.png (527.95 KB,780x1000,39:50,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 1dfa6b9751af856⋯.png (1.25 MB,1212x872,303:218,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: a42710d739afd4c⋯.png (1.47 MB,1094x686,547:343,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


back to your ancestors, punk

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685040 No.21533990

File: 13c7ecfe3cc3589⋯.jpg (121.4 KB,720x1148,180:287,Screenshot_20240904_192128….jpg)

Audience concerned with Rachel Ray's appearance and speech

(New York post)

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d42845 No.21533991




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5019c4 No.21533992

Anybody know where Bootygig is hiding?

US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

Reporting by Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles Reuters September 4, 2024

Sept 4 (Reuters) – The International Longshoremen’s Association union, representing 45,000 workers at major container ports from Texas to Maine, will begin two days of meetings on Wednesday to review wage demands and prepare for a potential strike on Oct. 1.

Formal talks have reached an impasse as the union and the United States Maritime Alliance employer group wrangle over pay, automation, healthcare and retirement benefits.

A source familiar with the negotiations said the ILA has asked for a 77% pay bump over the life of the new contract. Three experts told Reuters the final increase would likely improve on the 32% rise the West Coast longshore union negotiated last year.

ILA International President Harold Daggett has warned that union workers will walk off the job if a new labor agreement is not reached before the current six-year contract expires on Sept. 30.

USMX said in statements it has been trying to set a meeting with ILA to resume talks.

Any work slowdown or stoppage would affect key ports – including New York/New Jersey, Houston and Charleston, South Carolina – backing up goods ahead of the key holiday season and U.S. presidential elections.

Such disruptions would have “serious ripple effects” on global supply chains already under pressure from Red Sea diversions, said Vincent Clerc, CEO of A.P. Moller-Maersk, last week at an event in Los Angeles.

Maersk is a USMX member company. When asked about the status of the talks, Clerc said negotiators previously had been able to “take it from the brink” and reach an agreement.

Shippers that depend on affected ports are not taking chances, and many have brought in goods early to mitigate risk.

Still, each day without a deal fuels worries about a strike.

The National Retail Federation on Tuesday urged the two sides to return to the bargaining table, following similar calls by the Retail Industry Leaders Association and American Apparel & Footwear Association.

“A strike or other disruption would significantly impact retailers, consumers and the economy. The administration needs to offer any and all support to get the parties back to the table to negotiate a new contract,” NRF CEO Matthew Shay said in a statement.


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5dd260 No.21533993


'War Propaganda only happened during war time.'

Fucking Nazis

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836cf2 No.21533994

File: 0c6f32d1c85bc2f⋯.png (1.14 MB,1064x1096,133:137,1725492290068.png)

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3837ed No.21533995


A big red flag not to do own your own business in America, basically.

"If you produce and profit off of anything, we will seize it!"


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0e0943 No.21533996

File: 4f7991fb0720b13⋯.png (1.01 MB,978x968,489:484,butw.png)

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0e0943 No.21533997

File: 3cb0453cff0986e⋯.png (904.1 KB,980x718,490:359,didg.png)

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2b3c64 No.21533998



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879a22 No.21533999


Who's this "Q" character you all talk about?

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bc9e41 No.21534000

File: 2d9dcb3f3120013⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725491029332.png)

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387f99 No.21534001


facial recognition software is a MYTH

when you can show how to create 7 BILLION unique identifiers from the specified data points and photo resolution of crappy CCTV monitors, post it on QR

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90d8aa No.21534002

Q Team:

Neighbor had a dark blue pickup that slowly went past the house but what was unusual was the driver had some type of metal arm that protruded 3 feet from front of the truck which seems to be highly illegal. As he turned to go north like a wise ass, he opened his window and exaggerated a cough as loud as he could. Most likely not a bike rack due to the nature f being a pickup. Please find out what was on the front of his truck, I saw three orangish plastic pieces that could be some type of way to spray as we constantly have the front of our house saturated with toxic chemicals. He left aabout 5 minutes ago.

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3837ed No.21534004


A big red flag not to do own your own business in America, basically.

"If you produce and profit off of anything, we will seize it!"


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1b52d4 No.21534005


Kamala DS hates real Americans and Russians.

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ebd416 No.21534006

ELON won today

shills seething, all day, every day

starlink still running even after brazil darklords did all they could to supress X

he shut it off as its not the time yet, but soon, before the elction, none of you clowns will have access to anything anymore

imagine a world of FREEDOM


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bc9e41 No.21534007

File: 2474b82166375a8⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725491405185.png)

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767ec6 No.21534008

File: bc8c5cfff7c8628⋯.png (477.95 KB,674x712,337:356,007.PNG)


Watch: Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There

Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response

Has Gone Viral

Breitbart Entertainment, by Warner Todd Huston

Posted By: Imright, 9/4/2024 4:26:06 PM

During a press conference at the Venice Film Festival for their new film Queer, director Luca Guadagnino and actor Daniel Craig were asked if there could ever be a gay James Bond onscreen. During the Tuesday presser, as the panel spoke about Guadagnino’s film, one reporter brought up James Bond. With actor Daniel Craig — who was the most recent Bond — and Guadagnino directing Craig in his gay-themed movie both sitting there on the panel, a reporter wondered if the two themes could be mixed and if there might be a gay Bond in the future, The Hollywood Reporter wrote.

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0e0943 No.21534009

Did hte Daily Stormer endorse Kamala's far right border policy?

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2b3c64 No.21534010


mexican spanish dude with the dog following him.

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ef6d2e No.21534011


Ric Flair left Kill Tony because he didn't like the way they were roasting the comics. He felt it was too mean and negative and he didn't want to be a part of anything like that. He was hammered and fell asleep on stage too.

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965989 No.21534012


How tall/short is he?

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bc9e41 No.21534013

File: 7b7a91b7e61e6ba⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725491083565.png)

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3837ed No.21534014


A big red flag not to do own your own business in America, basically.

"If you produce and profit off of anything, we will seize it!"


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c48c8a No.21534015

KEK. Gotta circle back to the dumbfuck that implied that when they're done it'll be like I never existed. Yeah, well, I walked into this with nothing and I fully intend to walk away with nothing but the confidence in myself that I found here. That's something they're never going to be able to take because as long as they imitate it's proof that they're the very stupid that Q said they were.

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760a95 No.21534016

File: 860d6af95609fc1⋯.png (1.01 MB,1040x690,104:69,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


Fort Ross - A Russian Fort in Northern California. The stockade at Fort Ross in California. This was Russia s southern-most outpost in North America in the 1800s.


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d42845 No.21534017


>Who's this "Q" character you all talk about?

What's in a LETTER?///

Have you opened the letter yet, james///

When will you see that we are here…///

We can never be destroyed.///

We are not open to attack.///


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bc9e41 No.21534018

File: 9c69e8a32c8a54f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1043x1118,1043:1118,1725468208107.png)

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ea0622 No.21534019


+ They're still covering up their crimes from all those decades past. Up to and including lethal force. Which is a crime called murder. CIA has killed thousands of Americans in America.

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3594cb No.21534020


Why not blame a failed public education system?

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1fe498 No.21534021


"Progressive"s low poll numbers?

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1fc624 No.21534022

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anya Parampil


I don't think I've ever been more satisfied in a debate clip than by Candace Owens dropping Revelation 3:9 on Rabbi Shmuley

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but do lie."

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2633d4 No.21534023


disprove it.

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965989 No.21534024

File: 3a3bef757f1ba0d⋯.mp4 (341.04 KB,640x360,16:9,kamalahitler.mp4)

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5dd260 No.21534025


>His Response

>Has Gone Viral

but you have to click to find out. GFY no criky

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90d8aa No.21534026


I do not know about that, but he went north and I am sure he is not allowed to drive with a 3 foot piece of steel protruding from the front of his vehicle. I can almost guarantee this is the culprit.

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29aa1d No.21534027

notables @ 475 halfway collected

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533595, >>21533677, >>21533856 Apalachee High School shooter named as Colt Gray, 14yrs old (maximum discernment)

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533734 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21533776 Candace Owens absolutely destroys Rabbi Schmuley and the Chabad worship of Rebbe Schneerson

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836 A local resident recorded twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533611, >>21533642 Memes


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ef6d2e No.21534028


>Just 9 months apart.

If they started with the rape they could have a baby by now.

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bc9e41 No.21534029

File: 8f82e79d31fc711⋯.jpg (67.54 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Kamala_Memes.jpg)

File: 2131bf0cf345380⋯.png (1.14 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725467913517.png)

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760a95 No.21534030

File: c7f068d5167cca4⋯.png (3.36 MB,1732x1098,866:549,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 669af0e385cfd06⋯.png (1.53 MB,1100x686,550:343,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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2b3c64 No.21534031

File: 39852793235c4c3⋯.gif (698.85 KB,220x206,110:103,sour_barron_trump.gif)

File: 9f972e414318e6c⋯.png (1.76 MB,1080x1603,1080:1603,9f972e414318e6cd185ad12736….png)

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dcbe92 No.21534032

File: be496d811599350⋯.jpg (13 KB,474x266,237:133,download_63_.jpg)

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e3a276 No.21534033


they can not blame their institution anon. Teachers are the bed rock of childrens indoctrination camps under the guise of learning. Duh

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c48c8a No.21534034

File: e87209e90bd3918⋯.png (615.82 KB,787x500,787:500,grab_em.png)

I mean, it's not like there's proof of the deep state morans copying others too.

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d55b10 No.21534035

File: 3cb2fabc6b769d0⋯.png (1.03 MB,1069x1076,1069:1076,ClipboardImage.png)

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965989 No.21534036



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37eaf9 No.21534037


>Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

Hyperinflation will make us all millionaires.

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ea0622 No.21534038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go back to your motherland if you're so scared. I'm sure you're a dual citizen. BTW- America was founded as a Republic. You commies hijacked that word and replaced it with democracy.

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dcbe92 No.21534039


Ill take Hitler over this wanna be nigger

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3594cb No.21534040

Colt have a manifesto yet or is FBI still working on it?

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fd447b No.21534041

File: a23047ee969150b⋯.png (123.14 KB,1747x398,1747:398,ClipboardImage.png)



thnx for story cowboy

saw a demon lady myself…walked by cursing looking straight at me…before i even saw it….like it knew me….dude next to me was tripping…


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5dd260 No.21534042

File: cf80b4b00f5d481⋯.png (118.4 KB,620x387,620:387,Hitler_Mein_Neger.png)

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29f97d No.21534043


GM smart dust shill

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d42845 No.21534044

If you got a search warrent for those buses anonymous people, you would learn what was on the MAGA BUS, is different than what is on the PENETANG BUS.///

They are different buses.///

They are special buses.//

They have special caravans.//

They have special guards and special knights.///

If you knew what the witch protocols were, you would know they are in force in the UK.///

If you knew why they were in force, you would know that they are in force in Britain, Great Britain, the UK, Penecostal Tosh, Over and Out and Greating Britains… is where we are.///

Do you hear me.///


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e3a276 No.21534045


they will have it written in a few days anon. They have to finish drawing those little S things on the notebook. might get some swastikas also.

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fd447b No.21534047

File: 8fb993c0efefbb3⋯.png (241.67 KB,473x335,473:335,ClipboardImage.png)


im feeling free to dig

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ea0622 No.21534048

File: 523b7459507d4b2⋯.jpg (10.27 KB,225x225,1:1,images.jpg)

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d42845 No.21534049


>saw a demon lady myself…walked by cursing looking straight at me…before i even saw it….like it knew me….dude next to me was tripping…

This is magnetic inferensic technology, she is not at fault, she is being guided by a spirit that wants to help you but may not help you in the way you need help.///

BE CAUTIOUS ANONS, it's getting spooky…///


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abb0b8 No.21534050

File: f5162daed02ef36⋯.png (22.7 KB,788x120,197:30,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

Former California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero has announced her departure from the Democrat Party, registering as a Republican and endorsing former President Donald Trump for the 2024 election. Romero, who previously held influential positions within the Democrat Party as both Senate Democratic Caucus Chair and Senate Majority Leader, declared her decision in an impassioned public statement on Wednesday.

“Today, I say goodbye. Adios,” Romero began, speaking in front of the California Capitol, the very place where she once held significant power as a leading Democrat. “I’ve had enough. I am now another near lifelong Democrat who is joining the growing number of people, including key groups like Latinos, who are leaving the Democratic Party.”

“This is not the Democratic Party that I once championed. I do not recognize it anymore and I cannot continue. I changed my voting registration today as the sun was rising to Republican, which has under Donald Trump become the champion of working people, the big tent. And indeed, I will vote for Donald Trump this fall.”

While Romero did not delve deeply into the specifics of her grievances with the party, she mentioned that several issues motivated her decision.


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c88a0f No.21534051


Oh my! Ladybugs’ panties are bunched up again.

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0e0943 No.21534052

File: d427f5daa3103bf⋯.png (655.52 KB,654x998,327:499,whoacoo.png)


gonna have to bookmark this

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ea0622 No.21534053

File: 4c1542552904b81⋯.jpg (11.6 KB,299x168,299:168,images.jpg)

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760a95 No.21534054

File: 253958bfd1f5896⋯.png (59.59 KB,1124x420,281:105,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: d7ed9585783c524⋯.png (1.76 MB,1874x736,937:368,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: e81beaf30dcd52f⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,888x480,37:20,sanfrancisco_presidio_came….mp4)



Historically, Russians (Orthodox) and Spanish (Roman) meet at the San Francisco Bay

Fort Point National Historic Site

Fort in San Francisco, California

Fort Point National Historic Site


Fort Point, known historically as the Castillo de San Joaquín (Spanish for "Saint Joachim's Castle") is a masonry seacoast fortification located on the southern side of the Golden Gate at the entrance to San Francisco Bay. It is also the geographic name of the promontory upon which the fort and the southern approach of the Golden Gate Bridge were constructed.

The Presidio of San Francisco (originally, El Presidio Real de San Francisco or The Royal Fortress of Saint Francis) is a park and former U.S. Army post on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula in San Francisco, California, and is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

It had been a fortified location since September 17, 1776, when New Spain established the presidio to gain a foothold in Alta California and the San Francisco Bay. It passed to Mexico in 1820, which in turn passed it to the United States in 1848. As part of a military reduction program under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process from 1988, Congress voted to end the Presidio's status as an active military installation of the U.S. Army. On October 1, 1994, it was transferred to the National Park Service, ending 219 years of military use and beginning its next phase of mixed commercial and public use.

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3594cb No.21534055

File: 545551b700b61cf⋯.jpeg (38.59 KB,290x290,1:1,IMG_3473.jpeg)


“S things”

Not Trogdor I hope.

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0e0943 No.21534056


so now we are in wars with both Hamas and Russia is that right?

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bc9e41 No.21534057

File: 5b8f09f5dd0dfe1⋯.gif (8.11 MB,720x405,16:9,Child_Rape_Kamala_Hitler.gif)

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1b52d4 No.21534058

It absolutely amazes me that there are actual people dumb enough to show up at a Kamala rally.

I am still not convinced that there are people who would do it on their own free will.

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2b3c64 No.21534059

File: 98cde7602dedfc9⋯.jpg (35.3 KB,350x467,350:467,1000012312.jpg)

File: 0154d36d5af16b2⋯.jpg (101.62 KB,900x900,1:1,channels4_profile.jpg)

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ea0622 No.21534060


Leg day. Never heard of it.

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abb0b8 No.21534061

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JUST IN: Former California Senate Majority Leader FLIPS To Republican, Endorses Trump

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c0736d No.21534062


Rabbi Schmuley just turned into Vatitard.

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cbf573 No.21534063

File: 361ec142600f0b7⋯.png (71.44 KB,470x260,47:26,ClipboardImage.png)

So are they going to claim all the paytriots are Russian assets?

Pretty funny for us oldfags who do the heavy lifting for the grace of God and not shekels

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ea0622 No.21534064


I wear a hat. I'm a cowboy.

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8029dd No.21534065


Q Team:

My wife stated that that vehicle was shining some type of extremely bright clear lights then yellow directly at our house. It could be nothing but it could also be some type of radiation emitter. I have seen on several occasions where my wife's leg became swollen for no apparent reason just working in the kitchen leaving a 4 x 2 inch lump yet indented slightly towards the center.

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e3a276 No.21534066

File: d2713d1db2124d8⋯.png (33.1 KB,300x250,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc9e41 No.21534067

File: bab44de8c14ca1e⋯.png (664.99 KB,930x1254,155:209,1725467790199.png)

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65d518 No.21534068

File: 01785e6afdee4db⋯.jpeg (286.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_8071.jpeg)

There is a reason Lady Justice holds a sword

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5a44b0 No.21534069


If only they came with a functioning brain

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9f8de0 No.21534070

File: 676709c77679475⋯.png (627.99 KB,1146x643,1146:643,ClipboardImage.png)

good to know the usss has employed roasties in the past

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bc9e41 No.21534071

File: ddb685162094644⋯.png (860.32 KB,965x1209,965:1209,1725467652016.png)

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1fe498 No.21534072


[They] hate Russians because Russia was able to survive and shake off the Soviet commies.

[They] hate Americans because America is looking like it ultimately won't swallow the commie goo.

[They] will hate the Chinese too soon enough.

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a37e85 No.21534073

File: a32ac725efd7fbd⋯.jpeg (396.65 KB,1125x1027,1125:1027,IMG_3830.jpeg)

File: 2469b0eab0a38e6⋯.jpeg (672.26 KB,1125x1375,9:11,IMG_3831.jpeg)


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d42845 No.21534074


>>>21534049 (You)

The effects you feel from marijuana you can feel any time without it./// It's witchcraft the impact it has to your health that is negative.//

They try to get you to sit still while they put implants in you in the third, fourth and fifth dimension… oh,wow that's far out… how can you hear me man…

watch for the next message to you… q out…////

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c48c8a No.21534075

File: f8f84a0608e2adf⋯.gif (306.59 KB,960x762,160:127,f8f84a0608e2adf8b5d2fab3c9….gif)


Watched a show about him recently. One thing that stuck with me is another wrestler, think it was Triple-H, went on about how Ric Flair did what he did without ever having a thought in his mind about trying to influence culture or the industry or ever be something special, he just did without even trying.

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ea0622 No.21534076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Scott Ritter would say yes.

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bc9e41 No.21534077

File: 137ea042ee4c0aa⋯.png (819.92 KB,1442x809,1442:809,1725493083042.png)

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f573da No.21534078

Wait until Liz Cheney finds out that Bidan and Kamabla are both mask wearing actors reading a MIL INT script. Kek.

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ea0622 No.21534079

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1b52d4 No.21534080


Vote for Kamala. She will take all your troubles away.

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ef6d2e No.21534081

File: 4ba4a6e7eeb655e⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17254931211….mp4)

File: e0f36c7a447d9c6⋯.mp4 (858.27 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17254931183….mp4)

File: 835ac4c4e6c2b36⋯.png (183.35 KB,527x810,527:810,Screenshot_2024_09_04_1938….png)

Differing stories, this is gonna be a huge pile of shit to dig through

Shadow of Ezra


A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters involved at the school.

Earlier today, Apalachee High School received a chilling phone call, warning of shootings at five schools, with Apalachee as the first target. Later, this statement was considered to be false.

Following a Fox interview, police identified the shooter as 14-year-old Colt Gray.

Yet, in a video interview, a witness curiously refers to "one of the shooters," suggesting there may have been more than one. He says this multiple times in the video.

Unlike in many recent school shootings, this shooter survived, surrendering to police and is now being held in custody.


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3c161e No.21534082

File: e6e99c7dd3002dc⋯.jpg (36.82 KB,644x314,322:157,Kamala_Accent_Twang.jpg)


>Rachel Ray's appearance and speech

Rachel looks like a stroke.

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fd447b No.21534083

dude across the street at gas station…works there..freaking out when i appeared just now to buy smokes….says hes mexican….but could be arab….has that beard….ISIS?

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a920ab No.21534085

File: d980e609510d264⋯.mp4 (491.32 KB,622x350,311:175,China_dust.mp4)


These people are stupid to think, that the person who discovered the China dust will get away with these attacks. Remember, you call me a shill but I can tell you for a fact, that they took the dust samples from the street in front of my home. Watch this video, and learn. Stupid.

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1b52d4 No.21534086


You are totally wrong.

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5019c4 No.21534087

File: 67090c3b6e48de7⋯.png (429.06 KB,612x408,3:2,8p7caz_1.png)

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2b3c64 No.21534088

File: bd95ea6d4863c27⋯.jpg (73.04 KB,718x736,359:368,2aa4d25e01e05980b00d87d425….jpg)

File: 99158608ecf0def⋯.jpg (45.61 KB,600x900,2:3,A43B7_OCcAADzwG.jpg)

File: 24a549ceccd169e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,720x900,4:5,24a549ceccd169e0dde71abc53….mp4)

File: 1fbd9e8ac0f1819⋯.mp4 (6.91 MB,720x406,360:203,1fbd9e8ac0f1819da6b6b701e1….mp4)

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ef6d2e No.21534089


I believe he lost a son to overdose as well. Overall he seemed like a nice person, just didn't understand the venue of Kill Tony

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13a22b No.21534090

File: 2a08c32d4a45152⋯.png (40.07 KB,783x165,261:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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d33c5d No.21534091

File: 4026687b7ea670a⋯.png (35.08 KB,1080x736,135:92,66d86c7a35627.png)

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0ff4c7 No.21534093

File: 6df94b54616eddd⋯.png (165.88 KB,404x718,202:359,fentanyl.png)

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3594cb No.21534094


Achieving total wrongness takes an unwavering determination and commitment. I admire such qualities. We should mate.

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5019c4 No.21534095


Nice story, tell me again about how the nefarious agents killed your son's dog

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abb0b8 No.21534096

File: eae57d636e4d67b⋯.png (30.29 KB,1170x184,585:92,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

By Misty Severi

Published: September 4, 2024 4:47pm

A former Virginia police officer on Wednesday became the first January 6 defendant to receive a reduced sentence after the Supreme Court narrowed the scope of an obstruction charge used against Jan. 6 rioters.

The Supreme Court in June made it more difficult to charge the defendants with obstruction but charges can still be brought if prosecutors can prove that rioters were intentionally trying to stop the arrival of certificates used to certify electoral votes during the riot.

U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper re-sentenced Thomas Robertson in his January 6 case to six years in prison, instead of just over seven years, per NBC News. Robertson was convicted on six charges in 2022, but prosecutors moved to dismiss the obstruction charge on Wednesday.

Robertson was also convicted on a separate obstruction charge, which remains, because he destroyed evidence after the riot by placing his phone, and the phone of a colleague who was also at the riot, into an ammo can and dumping them in a lake.


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1040c7 No.21534097



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1b52d4 No.21534098


Applied into the atmosphere every single solitary day.

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d42845 No.21534099


>My wife stated that that vehicle was shining some type of extremely bright clear lights then yellow directly at our house. It could be nothing but it could also be some type of radiation emitter. I have seen on several occasions where my wife's leg became swollen for no apparent reason just working in the kitchen leaving a 4 x 2 inch lump yet indented slightly towards the center.

You are hunters in a hunters are to be hunted scenario.

Do not be a hunter.

Hunters are not to be hunted.

You have to believe that you are healthy.

You have to be good.

You have to believe you can resist the power of negative spirits.

You have to cleanse your body, your house, your wife and your life.

This is key.

You are under a spiritual attac,,… some mistakes are INTENTIONAL.///

Remember, you have to stop hurting others with your thoughts or deeds. Sometimes they remember and hear better than you.///


Remember, where you are is a digital battleground.

There are some messages here that sound maybe a bit different thatn the usual post… I just need you to remember that there are people in harms way.

I hear you from south dekota.. remember this post.



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ef6d2e No.21534100


I would think there would be more dead with multiple shooters but they said 30-40 wounded? Any video of ambulances or mobile triage center?? Kids could have brough guns with them just on the regular without shooting up the place, just in case.

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760a95 No.21534101

File: f9ffeec69b9abae⋯.png (143.71 KB,748x638,34:29,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 81bbe4612342020⋯.png (1.19 MB,1100x690,110:69,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: f539d39ed4b0117⋯.png (673.59 KB,634x650,317:325,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: a8a616498844cea⋯.png (1.44 MB,1106x686,79:49,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 4f62f15e9c431c5⋯.png (3.16 MB,2030x1010,203:101,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


san francis is the chess piece?

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d9fe27 No.21534102


Double holes, 7 inches?

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965989 No.21534104


[THEY] missed

Now [THEY] lose

All. of. them.

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0d8226 No.21534105

File: 8aa4794f8172ce9⋯.mp4 (5.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,shooter_one.mp4)

File: d9bf4632653a8c6⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,886x498,443:249,shooter_two.mp4)



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1b52d4 No.21534106


Looks like Kamala

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abb0b8 No.21534107

File: 574a9a6654917c5⋯.png (875.54 KB,1015x571,1015:571,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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fd447b No.21534108


im used to it…also their potions wont affect me the way with most…

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965989 No.21534109


my old catcher's mit

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ef6d2e No.21534110

File: 7ecd37a4330899d⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17254312854….mp4)

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3c161e No.21534111

File: 079c6f7ec6e5f74⋯.jpg (8.2 KB,480x360,4:3,Yes_Shooter_McGavin.jpg)


>A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters

ATTN Anons:

We are at the multiple shooters stage.

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499745 No.21534112

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,cc1aa0c0fc04cc74862ae40344….jpg)

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d33c5d No.21534113

File: 57d4fa2eaa2698b⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,460x816,115:204,aBy8nX1_460sv.mp4)

Kung Fu vs MMA

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d42845 No.21534114

DUNE PT 2.///

We are being induced into tranced states almost all day by the devices we cary with us./// BE CAREFUL.///






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c0736d No.21534115


Rabbi Schmuley looks like a lizard when he talks, The way his tongue flickers is truly creepy.

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1040c7 No.21534116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man Gets Caught Jacking Off In Public

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2b3c64 No.21534117


that's a nice man

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760a95 No.21534118

File: 84620a12d1e75c1⋯.png (1.27 MB,1044x786,174:131,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)



ok, ok, ok, ok,

how do you catch a fish?

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29aa1d No.21534119

notables @ 565

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533595, >>21533677, >>21533856, >>21533859, >>21533899, >>21533910, >>21533929, >>21534081 Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter (maximum discernment)

>>21533904 DJT: Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533734, >>21533872 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21533776 Candace Owens absolutely destroys Rabbi Schmuley and the Chabad worship of Rebbe Schneerson

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836, >>21533882, >>21533898, >>21533920 Twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533913 Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on an list within 72 hours

>>21533956 Elon: Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!

>>21533960 A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge

>>21533970 The sales pitch vs how it's akshually going

>>21533975 Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

>>21533986 Secret Service to akshually hold a DEI LGBTQ Summit at Disney World in Orlando

>>21533992 US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

>>21534008 Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response Has Gone Viral

>>21534050, >>21534061 Former California Senate Majority Leader Flips To Republican, Endorses Trump

>>21534096 January 6 defendant receives first reduced sentence after Supreme Court ruling

>>21533611, >>21533642 Memes


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ea0622 No.21534120


The Mossad probable has LG filmed in more positions exceeding the Kama Sutra. Obviously LG has no interest in women. So he's just a hand puppet till the day he dies.

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f573da No.21534121


Shakira -Trips Don't Lie

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c48c8a No.21534122


Not sure what you were referring to at first so I just checked out the rundown. Huh. Maybe he dipped into the sauce before the interview and had a couple beers to loosen up. Who knows?

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0e0943 No.21534123


so when are they going to break up?

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f1fa76 No.21534124

File: 172f3642874d4a8⋯.png (318.32 KB,708x504,59:42,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump said tick tock

have no fukn idea

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f2fe15 No.21534125


They should have wtf he keeps bringing him up.

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b522bc No.21534126

What is the common theme when bad news is about to break against [them]?

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1b52d4 No.21534127


Kicked out of every single spot on Earth over time, but always come back.

Final Solution Yet?

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cbf573 No.21534128

The Debate Rules per ABC News

The debate will last 90 minutes with two commercial breaks

The two seated moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, will be the only people asking questions

A coin flip was held virtually on September 3 to determine podium placements and order of closing arguments; Trump won the coin toss and chose to select the order of statements. He will offer

the last closing statement, and Harris selected the right podium on screen (stage left)

Candidates will be introduced by moderators

Candidates will enter upon introduction from opposite sides of the stage; the incumbent party will be introduced first

There will be no opening statements; closing statements will be two minutes per candidate

Candidates will stand behind the podiums for the duration of the debate

Props or prewritten notes are not allowed onstage

No topics or questions will be shared in advance

Candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water

Candidates will have two minutes to answer questions, two minutes for rebuttals, and one extra minute for follow-ups, clarifications, or responses

Candidates’ microphones will be live only for the candidate whose turn it is to speak and muted when the time belongs to another candidate

Candidates will not be permitted to ask questions of each other

Campaign staff may not interact with candidates during commercial breaks

Moderators will seek to enforce timing agreements and ensure a civilized discussion

There will be audience in the room


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ef6d2e No.21534129


I kept waiting for the end that he was gonna blast him

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a50653 No.21534130


BeniCIA Anderson

Rubbing it in their faces now.

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1fe498 No.21534131


Dingbat Old Cold Warriors who never got to see their dream of a 1,000,000 SPF day… hate Russians today more than they ever truly hated the USSR. Truth.

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cb8338 No.21534132


Thx for reminder anon. Today is a heavy day here in GA.

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2b3c64 No.21534133


retard was allowed not to. wear a helmet. donut think. be water

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5d35bf No.21534134

File: 1d50063d72d5ca6⋯.png (257.5 KB,366x437,366:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0fb21 No.21534135



Mortality and religion

Lex Fridman

(00:45:55) One of the tragic things about life is that it ends. How often do you think about your death? Are you afraid of it?

Donald Trump

(00:46:02) I have a friend who’s very, very successful, and he’s in his 80s, mid 80s, and he asked me that exact same question. I turned it around and I said, “Well, what about you?” He said, “I think about it every minute of every day.” And then a week later, he called me to tell me something. And he starts off the conversation by going, “Tick tock, tick tock.” This is dark person in a sense, but it is what it is. If you’re religious, you have I think a better feeling toward it. You’re supposed to go to heaven, ideally, not hell, but you’re supposed to go to heaven if you’re good. I think our country’s missing a lot of religion. I think it really was a much better place with religion. It was almost a guide. To a certain extent it was a guide. You want to be good to people. Without religion there are no guardrails. I’d love to see us get back to religion, more religion in this country.

Lex Fridman

(00:47:09) Well, Mr. President, thank you for putting yourself out there, and thank you for talking today.

Donald Trump

(00:47:13) Look, I love the country. I want to see the country be great, and we have a real chance at doing it, but it’s our last chance and I appreciate it very much.

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d42845 No.21534136


>im used to it…also their potions wont affect me the way with most…

They have very little capability to attack good people.//

They are using the last bit that they had to hurt us.///



You will be surprised how quickly you can turn an anon or a person with suspicious characteristics…///

Be careful.///

Do not engage in histarics in public..//

They are trying to make us ridiculous.//


Do you know how. ridiculous it has been… I BOWED TO THE QUEEN AND SHE NEVER LOOKED AT ME IN MY LIFE.///





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1b52d4 No.21534137


Have you ever touched grass?

Do you have children?

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cbf573 No.21534138

Apple - tree

Jimmy McCain registers as a Democrat and endorses Kamala Harris

Jimmy McCain said he is politically more of a moderate, and that he is a man who "cares about his country more than anything." He did not include a statement on his endorsement of Harris, but said he was planning to vote for her in November.

Jimmy McCain, the 36-year-old son of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain, announced this week that he has registered as a Democrat for the 2024 election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Jimmy McCain left the Republican Party in 2016, after former President Donald Trump became the party's nominee, and was registered as an Independent until this week. The McCain family has had a tumultuous relationship with Trump because of the former president's comments about the late senator's military service and John McCain's wife Cindy McCain endorsed President Joe Biden in 2020.

Trump previously claimed that John McCain was only a "war hero because he was captured," by the enemy and became a prisoner of war. "I like people who weren't captured," Trump added.

Jimmy McCain, who has served in the military for 17 years, said his decision to switch parties came during a nine month deployment overseas, which just ended. His decision was further sparked by Trump's actions at Arlington National Cemetery last week, where he appeared alongside the family members of the service members who died in the Abbey Gate explosion in Afghanistan.

“It just blows me away,” McCain told CNN in an article published Tuesday. "I think that for anyone who’s done a lot of time in their uniform, they just understand that inherently — that it’s not about you there. It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their country.”

Jimmy McCain said he is politically more of a moderate, and that he is a man who "cares about his country more than anything," according to the Associated Press. He did not include a statement on his endorsement of Harris, but said he was planning to vote for her in November.

Jimmy McCain's sister, Meghan McCain, has not endorsed Harris so far, but has also been critical of Trump. Meghan McCain said she is still a "lifelong, generational conservative."


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514833 No.21534139

File: 61270fc72717927⋯.png (1.03 MB,1009x1156,1009:1156,1725493930720.png)

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e3a276 No.21534140


it is interesting that he is not supporting a specific religion just in the concept of it as a guiding force.

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3594cb No.21534141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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760a95 No.21534142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cake AND eat!

do good, do dirt to the dirty, AND NUMBERS!

shit or.. you're in MY WAY

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d42845 No.21534143

Your face is healthy, your teeth are healthy, you are not in my good graces if you hurt children and remember this post.///


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514833 No.21534144

File: f7b9f095e2949a1⋯.png (77.29 KB,467x535,467:535,ei_1725493994303_removebg_….png)

File: 3ffeff5f76a766d⋯.png (152.73 KB,600x375,8:5,ei_1725479376491_removebg_….png)



Now it's a Dank Meme…

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1fe498 No.21534145


complete gibberish?

or is it just that kids today have no ability to describe a coherent description of physical reality?

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d42845 No.21534146

Devices are not demons.

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f58120 No.21534147


These attacks are usually cyanide and some times dust, leaves, or garbage tainted with it. Cyanide first bleaches your skin white, if you do not wash it off, it will destroy blood vessels, then tissue, cartilage, and work it's way down to the bone. These are deadly attacks and I figured out how they produce it and the various methods that they apply it. I had a relative who died from these cowardly attacks already and a few pets. I am 100% sure and I am always right about these things as I have been about so much more. Do not confuse spiritual with physical, two different things.

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5019c4 No.21534148


Now ya did it, I gotta watch the video again when those hips start movin and time ceases to exist

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d9fe27 No.21534149

File: cece9419b9d5b91⋯.png (654.11 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef6d2e No.21534150


The retard was getting a little aggressive over the top , i thought the boxer would get fed up. That retard strength might have been aggravating.

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1b52d4 No.21534151

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2b3c64 No.21534152


loaded question. a few women had abortions. divide that up into parts not proud of it now. muhbe 117 children. industrial abortions eh

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37eaf9 No.21534153

File: a2f10da97f1f3b7⋯.png (980.88 KB,675x900,3:4,a2f10da97f1f3b7a4684211f52….png)


How many hours were there between releasing the tranny nashville manifesto and today's school shooting?

This to bury that?

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fd447b No.21534154

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,480x449,480:449,5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)


thats where i be….doing Our thing…that thing We do…trust me when i say this…i could not…would be able to do these on these streets…without all you here…the support…intel…memes….and our keks !

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f04ebd No.21534155

File: 6abed3fa5efaa99⋯.png (304.38 KB,900x622,450:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 419f5a62f7adf05⋯.png (293.11 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42c8f13d7c72511⋯.png (481.23 KB,890x500,89:50,ClipboardImage.png)

How it went.

How it's going.


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f0fb21 No.21534156

File: c679e1106cad3a9⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1620x1660,81:83,IMG_3274.jpeg)

File: cd36fd5d0d9da5c⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1620x1526,810:763,IMG_3273.jpeg)



Trump declines to share favorite Bible verse | CNN Politics

Eugene Scott

Washington CNN — normal

Donald Trump regularly tells crowds that his memoir is only his second favorite book.

His first? The Bible.

“As much as I love ‘The Art of the Deal,’ it’s not even close,” he said Friday. “We take the Bible all the way.”

But when asked Wednesday on Bloomberg’s “With All Due Respect” to share his favorite verses, Trump, a Presbyterian, was not as direct.

“I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal,” he said. “The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.”

Trump, who once referred to communion as “my little wine and my little cracker,” was asked if he prefers the New or Old Testaments.


Donald Trump, speaking to a religious crowd at Virginia’s Liberty University on Monday, turned to Scripture.

“We’re going to protect Christianity. I can say that. I don’t have to be politically correct,” he said. “Two Corinthians, 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame … is that the one you like?”

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965989 No.21534157



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9f8de0 No.21534158

File: 142e88cdcf58b67⋯.mp4 (15.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,An_Open_Letter_From_God_Pa….mp4)


because this is essentially what he's talking about

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9839c7 No.21534159


Timing is suspicious, isn't it?

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d42845 No.21534160


>Do not confuse spiritual with physical, two different things.

Spirits are physical. That is the confusion for some.

Spirits do have a physical quality.///

They are not invisible… I can see them with my naked eye..//

If you wanted to know what to call them, I call them metaphysical… and that is an extra quality..///

I call other things that we generally refer to as corporeal non-metaphysical.

Keep in mind that the purpose of this board is not to coordinate attakcs, though you may have been blinded by that at some point.

The point of this board is to help us release classified docuemtns in a timely manner.

If we can do that then we can win faster and less children go missing.



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5a4250 No.21534161

File: 2709201fc43f1f0⋯.png (252.22 KB,444x562,222:281,ei_1725492228541_removebg_….png)

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2b3c64 No.21534163

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ef6d2e No.21534164

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FAFOThe guy in green was quick

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ea0622 No.21534165

File: 3cf486521e37a0a⋯.jpg (320.69 KB,1576x1066,788:533,220428110942_06_white_hous….jpg)


😎. When an American President meets a Traitor to America. You can tell who is who.

The only reason John McCain didn't end up in prison was the Navy and the CIA.

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1b52d4 No.21534166


So you are saying couples that had two abortions now have DNA that span 117 direct families on Earth?

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e3a276 No.21534169


If people want and need to believe in something fine. It is the automatic assumption of correctness over others that I find distasteful. Only christians this only jews that. There is enough blame to go around all these groups.

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cbf573 No.21534171

File: 0bcaada071016ae⋯.png (153.49 KB,983x624,983:624,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3165d24db4a1c7d⋯.png (82.63 KB,973x367,973:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Pharmaceutical Company Pays $25 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drug

United States Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero announced that Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc., USA, a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Mahwah, New Jersey, has agreed to pay $25 million, based on its ability to pay, to resolve its alleged liability under the False Claims Act for conspiring to fix the price of a generic drug.


cost of doing dodgy business

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9839c7 No.21534173


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2b3c64 No.21534174


dunno. the industry of abortions sells DNA & spare parts & other fucked up experiments.

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cbf573 No.21534177

File: 83ddfa14fe06d78⋯.png (112.36 KB,737x608,737:608,ClipboardImage.png)

Former New Mexico Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sentenced for Civil Rights Offense for Sexually Assaulting Arrestee and Obstruction of Justice


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d42845 No.21534178

Some naval contractors aiding and abetting fugitives in the Lousiana area or Huston area are about to be in for a bit surprise if they do not stop aiding Huma Humila…///

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f04ebd No.21534180

File: f72000a7055b79e⋯.png (1.71 MB,1200x1086,200:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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29aa1d No.21534181

notables @ 615

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21533904 DJT: Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533595, >>21533910, >>21533929 Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter (maximum discernment)

>>21533677 Fellow student describes Colt Gray

>>21533856 Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody

>>21533859 Have you noticed there’s always a school shooting in a swing state or caucus state right before an election?

>>21533899 Meet John Skinner, the Chief Safety & Security Officer for Barrow County Schools in Georgia

>>21534081 A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters involved at the school

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533734, >>21533872 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21533776 Candace Owens absolutely destroys Rabbi Schmuley and the Chabad worship of Rebbe Schneerson

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836, >>21533882, >>21533898, >>21533920 Twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533913 Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on an list within 72 hours

>>21533956 Elon: Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!

>>21533960 A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge

>>21533970 The sales pitch vs how it's akshually going

>>21533975 Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

>>21533986 Secret Service to akshually hold a DEI LGBTQ Summit at Disney World in Orlando

>>21533992 US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

>>21534008 Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response Has Gone Viral

>>21534050, >>21534061 Former California Senate Majority Leader Flips To Republican, Endorses Trump

>>21534096 January 6 defendant receives first reduced sentence after Supreme Court ruling

>>21534138 Jimmy McCain registers as a Democrat and endorses Kamala Harris

>>21533611, >>21533642 Memes


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767ec6 No.21534182

File: 1c382aaeb546c21⋯.png (379.78 KB,593x831,593:831,bf.PNG)


Harrison Floyd 🇺🇸


Did anyone else notice the part when Fani Willis’s daughter called Nathan Wade her boyfriend?

My lawyer did

See you on Dec 5th @FaniforDA


Square profile picture

New York Post




Embattled Georgia DA Fani Willis showed up to site of daughter’s arrest with prosecutor lover long after pair claimed affair ended https://trib.al/wOo2MVG


Last edited

12:45 PM · Sep 4, 2024




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836cf2 No.21534183

File: b967b8c52e4a2c4⋯.jpg (65.71 KB,360x577,360:577,NO_NAME_WER_START.jpg)

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6279d8 No.21534184

If you don’t enter within yourself then you take away the key to knowledge.

If you take away the key to knowledge then you really don’t know what you’re talking about. Depart.

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d42845 No.21534185


>Some naval contractors aiding and abetting fugitives in the Lousiana area or Huston area are about to be in for a bit surprise if they do not stop aiding Huma Humila…///

If you read this post and think HUKMA IS IN THE ROOM… then be careful///

There are clones of her that look like her and walk like her and talk like here… all over Europe, east asia, europe and contraceptive land.///


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3c161e No.21534186

File: c840a700002cd29⋯.jpg (144.02 KB,957x1386,29:42,Kamala_Brick_Suit.jpg)


>The Debate Rules per ABC News

Props or prewritten notes are not allowed onstage

No need to bother having the debate anymoar.

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767ec6 No.21534187

File: dc11dd4ed5a4f7f⋯.png (181.31 KB,602x705,602:705,vic.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


I looked it up and just realized what this is.

It’s a lib lawyer scam to get illegal immigrants legal status by making them “victims of a hate crime”. Amazing.










Office Of Justice Programs grant (2023)

Amount: $400,000

Recipient: St. John's Community Health

Purpose: Community-based Stop the Hate immigrant and transgender restorative justice program.


Show more

8:06 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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836cf2 No.21534188

File: 75d632ea7cd3ab4⋯.jpg (491.24 KB,1079x860,1079:860,Full_Control.jpg)

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1b52d4 No.21534189


Kind of a back track answer, but noted.

PPH is funded by taxpayers just as much as the military I suppose.

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2ef98b No.21534190


>Applied into the atmosphere every single solitary day.

Correct, low dosages to stay under the radar. But they also use their sprinklers, and automatic pitching machines like at batting ranges, to send the toxins a distance. The neighbor to the east of me blasts a 12 foot high, highly toxic mist sometimes, but he does do water too, to confuse the issue. It is immediately noticeable when it is water vs cyanide laced water. In about 30 to 60 seconds you feel a slight burn.

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9f8de0 No.21534192


if you watched the vid you'd see he's saying the same thing

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67255c No.21534193

File: 3bb123931888535⋯.webp (67.76 KB,1000x667,1000:667,240903_philadelphia_tim_w….webp)

>>21533623 distraction from this?

Republican House panel subpoenas Gov. Walz in investigation of Minnesota nonprofit that ran a Covid aid scheme

The subpoenas, obtained first by NBC News, demand that Walz, Minnesota Commissioner of Education Willie Jett, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Agriculture Inspector General Phyllis Fong turn over documents concerning oversight of the nonprofit Feeding Our Future, which is alleged to have misused millions of dollars intended to feed children during the pandemic.


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767ec6 No.21534194

File: cec1577521fcd6e⋯.png (127.03 KB,609x816,203:272,fm.PNG)


Elon Musk


Your tax dollars are being wasted to a degree that is hard to comprehend.

An aircraft carrier costs $13 billion. America could have bought a new navy to better defend the country, upgraded our highways or any one of a number of great things.

Instead, we got fraud.


Blake Hall




The Government Accountability Office estimates the federal government loses between $233 billion to $521 billion annually to fraud based on data from 2018 - 2022.

That’s ~2% of America’s GDP stolen every year & a trillion dollars lost for those years🫠.

Show more


8:15 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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5a4250 No.21534195

File: 37e753e3f4fba71⋯.png (671.12 KB,1009x1156,1009:1156,1725494246422.png)



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1b52d4 No.21534196


Vaccines are now DNA manipulations with a bit of RNA.

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767ec6 No.21534197

File: 0828e093ef0c6a9⋯.png (50.21 KB,624x400,39:25,wag.PNG)


Will Election-Riggers Wag the Dog Again?

American Thinker, by J. B. Shurk

Posted By: Imright, 9/4/2024 1:06:54 PM

How do we know that Washington, D.C. is the nerve center of a global empire and not the seat of a federal government with limited powers over the individual states and their citizens? Every four years, people around the world wait with trepidation to see what new calamity might strike the human race, as the masters of mass destruction work to install the right globalist sock puppet inside the White House. Economic crises and impromptu wars have a strange way of materializing during America’s election season. Twenty-twenty gave us a genetically engineered pandemic, a planetary lockdown, and widespread crimes against humanity.

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cbf573 No.21534198


Well you made a fortune of DOD contracts so….

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760a95 No.21534199

File: a477234fc9c518e⋯.png (914.61 KB,728x732,182:183,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

File: e45b62f8b3a722e⋯.png (1.07 MB,782x884,23:26,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_2….png)

File: 654a47cf04ba7c7⋯.png (1.41 MB,968x1006,484:503,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_2….png)

File: 42c2791225fc1e5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1100x892,275:223,Screenshot_2024_08_05_at_0….png)

File: 3dd983d017d1e89⋯.png (168.55 KB,302x416,151:208,Screenshot_2024_08_05_at_0….png)






Harris inHarrits the 8tch

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767ec6 No.21534200

File: 98ecebfeb953dc0⋯.png (618.59 KB,598x833,598:833,nl.PNG)


Elon Musk


There is no legal basis for this whatsoever.

Starlink is a different company with different shareholders.

Moraes, the charlatan in judges robes, cannot even cite a law that Starlink has broken!






BREAKING: Alexandre de Moraes ordered the freezing of Starlink's assets in Brazil, including cars and aircraft.


7:46 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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ce05c9 No.21534201

File: 466a75c08e383a5⋯.jpg (48.01 KB,389x239,389:239,BAKER_AMERICA_GOOD.jpg)

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c48c8a No.21534202

File: 1f9f0dd083330b2⋯.png (1.41 MB,1011x759,337:253,1f9f0dd083330b2a6b2a7ebfaa….png)


There are established paths that are popular but you can get there on your own without the dogma and ritual. Before this place I never believed. My whole life I took the reasoned approach to it that most atheists do. That changed a couple years back after something undeniable happened. It's real, Anon, but it's not exactly like how it's been presented in media and literature, at least not to me.

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499745 No.21534203


So this boy, the shooter, is 14 and school just started a couple of weeks ago and he's most likely in 7th grade. This kid was struggling and then new school on top of that. I can't imagine what was going on in his young life to choose such a drastic move.

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2b3c64 No.21534204


used horse semen pump for sale no tax on tips

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767ec6 No.21534205

File: 94243dafa526d5b⋯.png (23.74 KB,599x276,599:276,bc.PNG)


Elon Musk


Because they want to suppress freedom of speech in America too


Mike Benz




ZERO pushback, ZERO threats, ZERO public statements on this from the US State Dept.

because 👏 they 👏 are 👏 in 👏 on 👏 it x.com/cb_doge/status…

7:43 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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605b6e No.21534206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale

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c88a0f No.21534207

File: edb1b410bc06cf9⋯.png (661.3 KB,793x565,793:565,ClipboardImage.png)

That's it! The most devastating news to hit the wire today!

Sorry anons, looks like we lost now.

P.S. kek

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767ec6 No.21534208

File: 699ed6593828648⋯.png (464.41 KB,598x490,299:245,wf.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING - House Education and Workforce Committee subpoenas Tim Walz over $250 million Covid pandemic fraud


7:41 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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1b52d4 No.21534209


Anons should check out the future food yogurt factories in this Assholes district.

Who owns them?

What’s in the product?

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a135d1 No.21534210


Control is everything

Without it

There is no ability

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d42845 No.21534211


>There is no ability

No FF, John.///


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760a95 No.21534212

File: 284f165f4dad094⋯.png (767.76 KB,792x456,33:19,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: bfe5a9ae7bddf1c⋯.png (580.47 KB,598x558,299:279,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 2457b0fbd8956d9⋯.png (1.32 MB,1098x840,183:140,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_2….png)

File: b0ad3b6b2ff1dc1⋯.png (1.84 MB,1044x1098,58:61,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_2….png)


>the 8tch


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3594cb No.21534213



Bond villains step aside.

This movie is the sheet.

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eea97f No.21534214

File: 55c8f9d1809e457⋯.png (82.61 KB,1206x384,201:64,Join_me_tonight_in_PENNSYL….png)

Join me tonight in PENNSYLVANIA for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity at 9:00 PM EASTERN on Fox News!


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54871a No.21534215


People like you, I will visit when this goes hot, I could care less who the hell you think you are nor what type of authority or protection that you think you have. I am tired of scum like you who mock the death of others. No one is anonymous here stupid, including me, that is why I know the Q team knows who I am and will investigate, but you are little to stupid to think there are no consequences and that you are anonymous.

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2b3c64 No.21534216




say"china virus" under oath

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e3a276 No.21534217


not for me either anon which is why I feel the need to not only resist but call out the bullshit of the dogma that people who claim there are anons have. Its not even about being an atheist that is lazy projection from most. Too much has been hidden and to assume fuck all at this point is foolish. The established paths just lead to being controlled also.

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0d8226 No.21534218

File: 259fd4267601c16⋯.png (339.4 KB,462x833,66:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e591b4f7d5d815⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,1280x706,640:353,liz_cheney.mp4)

Liz Cheney, dis u ?

Dis u


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767ec6 No.21534219

File: a59454b089e5b52⋯.png (674.34 KB,886x724,443:362,lt.PNG)


Republican Iowa Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg Announces He’s Stepping Down


Photographer: Rachel Mummey/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Joe Miller


September 03, 2024 6:25 PM ET

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499745 No.21534220


The kid's name is Colt Gray. This is fake

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5d3bcd No.21534221

File: b121cffddbe8076⋯.jpg (546.76 KB,1910x999,1910:999,NightShift.jpg)

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ea0622 No.21534222


Nixon hated Song Bird. Nixon had to be moved out of the way to finish the complete MIC takeover. ONI and CIA did away with JFK and RMN.

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c48c8a No.21534223


> but call out the bullshit of the dogma

They take comfort in that dogma and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a freedom thing, anon.

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e3a276 No.21534224


7th or 8th grade maybe and not being charged as an adult. Gross.

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767ec6 No.21534225

File: 72610edf78ca881⋯.png (341.74 KB,591x608,591:608,oct.PNG)

File: 2ca99072a074488⋯.png (886.02 KB,528x708,44:59,REDDDDDDDDDDD.PNG)


𝘿𝘾 𝙇𝙞𝙙𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚


Trump on Truth.

:44sec video.

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter.

God bless.

7:28 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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e3a276 No.21534226


yes they have the freedom to be dumb and wrong. Just as long as you are not using your dumb feelings to legislate or direct people into action. Not matter what cult you want to associate with.

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e5ce02 No.21534227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

Lex Fridman

3,418,301 views 1 day ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCbfTN-caFI

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605b6e No.21534228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale

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499745 No.21534229


I read here that he is going to be charged as an adult.

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ea0622 No.21534230


> Any video of ambulances or mobile triage center?

Have there ever been?

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a0b4d5 No.21534231


When you write "get it girl," what do you mean by that?

Do you think that Liz Cheney hurts President Trump?

Just trying to understand if you're serious or sarcastic.


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cbf573 No.21534232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘Oh My God’: Dr. Phil Shows Trump a Document That Gets His Attention

Dr. Phil McGraw, a daytime TV personality, showed former President Donald Trump a map that showed all the farmland that Chinese companies connected to the Beijing government had bought and strategically placed close to American military installations.


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767ec6 No.21534233

File: 92614490c5b0571⋯.png (500.78 KB,608x652,152:163,wp.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


ALERT: Chris Wray, the Director of the FBI is busy in a meeting with a task force to hold Americans who complain about the election results accountable instead of being focused on the gangs that are taking over American cities.






Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gàng tied to this robbery that occurred in Denver.

Do you really think Kamala can fix this?

7:31 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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e69ae3 No.21534234


ThankQ for the Reconnaissance, please let me know what you find, I need to provide justice to these cowardly murderers myself.

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760a95 No.21534235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


welcome to the party, pal.

soon, you get a protective order against you and no 2a.

merely a flesh wound, though

carry on, newbie

Punk as rich guy wants to save somebody. Faggot.

Sign in

0:15 / 4:58

Charlotte-area police have seized so much money through asset forfeiture, they can't even spend it a


267K subscribers

1,416 views Jan 31, 2024

Police departments across the area have seized and kept so much cash through a controversial asset forfeiture program, they've yet to spend it all. A WCNC Charlotte review of equitable sharing records shows those departments had a combined $16 million in their fund balances as of the end of the latest reporting period in June.

Critics call asset forfeiture "Policing for Profit," because they say it incentivizes police to take people's cash, even if there are no criminal charges tied to the money. Police departments have long defended the practice of asset forfeiture as a way to disrupt large criminal enterprises and inject the cash they seize into protecting their communities.

A WCNC Charlotte investigation previously found local police departments have collected almost $21 million by partnering with the federal government through the Equitable Sharing Program since 2018. Public records show departments have used some of that money for criminal investigations and training, travel, awards and memorials and to buy body cameras, generators, cars, a motorcycle, handguns and a golf cart to patrol the greenways, but public records show even after those expenses, their fund balances are still overflowing.

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605b6e No.21534236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale

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767ec6 No.21534237

File: f9dcf21ccf94673⋯.png (358.86 KB,609x621,203:207,pa.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


An illegal immigrant has been arrested in TN after attacking a man with a PICKAXE.

The pickaxe was embedded in his skull.

Red states should defy Feds and deport all illegals before they hurt Americans. Dare Kamala to jail you for protecting your citizens.


RNC Research

7:29 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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67b8ff No.21534238

And why Dan Snyder had to go becomes obvious….

James O'Keefe


BREAKING: NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

During an undercover date with an


journalist, Rael Enteen (


), Vice President of Content for the NFL’s Washington Commanders, formerly the Redskins, is caught on hidden camera stating, “Most of the NFL fans I would say, are high school educated alcoholics” likening them to “mouth breathers.” Enteen goes on to characterize NFL fans as “violent,” saying “there’s fights in the stands all the time.”

When asked to describe the Commanders players, Enteen says, “a big chunk is very low-income African-Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.” He further explains, “I love hip-hop, hip-hop is very homophobic. It’s a cultural thing that I hope gets better.”

Enteen also criticizes the NFL's progressive initiatives as “performative,” stating that their “[NFL] social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception.” When asked about the NFL’s commitment to Black Lives Matter, Pride, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, he bluntly replies, “…it's to make as much money as possible.”

https://x.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1831375912589521332 /history

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5a4250 No.21534239

File: 6325a39a2e9c79e⋯.png (673.39 KB,1009x1156,1009:1156,1725494913718.png)

File: 0d6247436429e7c⋯.jpg (185.95 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Clintons_Laundered_2_Trill….jpg)

File: aff4063a9865183⋯.png (981.27 KB,1323x882,3:2,1725023346576.png)

File: 7ba81c72c618b95⋯.png (1.04 MB,810x1440,9:16,DEEPSTATE_PANIC_RFK_1000_P….png)

File: 59bd863f010f802⋯.png (1.07 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1724496634856.png)

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760a95 No.21534240



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763359 No.21534241


theirsALWAYSan October surprise.ALWAYS.

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3594cb No.21534242


>Mint Hill

Isn’t Mint Hill just south of Science Hill?

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c88a0f No.21534243


Except for this interview, I know nothing about Lex Fridman. While not a fan of his style, he did hit some topics that others won't touch.

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767ec6 No.21534244

File: 4ca7b349241b677⋯.png (351.24 KB,600x600,1:1,jo.PNG)


James O'Keefe


JUST IN: Following the release of @OKeefeMedia

's undercover footage revealing @Commanders

Vice President of Content Rael Enteen's (@RaelEnteen

) controversial remarks about NFL fans, players, and owners, Enteen has taken action to shield his online presence.

He has set his X profile to private, taken down his personal website, and removed his LinkedIn profile picture.

7:27 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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9f8de0 No.21534245

File: 2c4fc84deb3f378⋯.png (31.69 KB,535x328,535:328,ClipboardImage.png)


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cb73d2 No.21534246


Always got to get someone to push someone else out there completely to do their dirty work

Steely Dan

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0a98c7 No.21534247



bwahahhaa, kicked to the curb. causing a

Flood of Dem Tears

on the Trail

if they're still there – some enterprising anon' gotta take some videos of the flow

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5ba3ff No.21534248

File: c4163568b0acbb6⋯.png (2.64 MB,1796x992,449:248,ClipboardImage.png)

Beaver shot attempt

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2ba34b No.21534249

File: 81024f53650d275⋯.mp4 (8.16 MB,512x848,32:53,somad_.mp4)

I like this guy, and he made me chuckle.


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ef6d2e No.21534250

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Foreigner tries to grab a kid in broad daylight and instantly learns the meaning of ‘The Fighting Irish


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c48c8a No.21534251


I got there on my own, but out of all the paths it's Jesus' style I like the most.

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eea97f No.21534252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr. Phil makes fun of MAGA, Trump supporters and Trump!

DR. PHIL is no friend of Trump or MAGA and he wants to have a major impact on the election!!

Dr. Phil intends to have a major impact on the 2024 election… and he doesn’t like Trump.

At the 49:34 mark of this video, Bill Maher talks about Trump, explains why Trump was elected, says Trump's a moron and a complete narcissist etc.

At the 50:32 mark of this video, Dr. Phil speaks on President Donald J. Trump, Trump supporters and MAGA negatively. Dr. Phil gets upset at the idea of Trump Supporters thinking Trump is a “straight-talker.” And he says when Trump uses the phrase, MAGA (Make America Great Again) he says, “That doesn’t make you a straight talker! That’s just a simple sentence to speak to the least!”

…to the least? Dr. Phil EXPOSED!

At the 58:02 mark of this video, Dr. Phil says, “Think about this! I’m launching my show in January of 2024. Election year. I intend to have a major impact on what happens… and I do intend to have an impact on that election.”



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767ec6 No.21534253

File: 3e380500f823912⋯.png (426.73 KB,610x658,305:329,lee.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


This is another layer the DOJ and FBI are adding to American citizens with the threat of arrest if we question the election outcome that should be a forewarning that they plan on cheating again.

The only way FBI Director Wray and Garland keep their jobs is if Harris is elected. They are committing election interference by intimidation.


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸




Seriously is this a joke?

7:07 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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d42845 No.21534254


>ThankQ for the Reconnaissance, please let me know what you find, I need to provide justice to these cowardly murderers myself.

I am not Q BTW, I am merely transcribing for them at times…// At other times for other mission impossible people…///

Think about this…//

SOME people have come around to Trumps victory and have switched sides functionally to his camp.///

Some left… due to pressure… we want tonight the ones that left to post on Truth Social that they support Trump… THAT will go a LONG way…//

All who are against Trump must publicly go out and support him AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.///

This is not a request, t his is an order.///




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cb73d2 No.21534255


Pork chop

Pork chop



We beat their fucking team

Easy easy

Go anons

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d42845 No.21534256


>I am not Q BTW, I am merely transcribing for them at times

Correction, I am not transcribing for Q, I am transcribing for some of the team that surrounds him.///


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ea0622 No.21534257

File: fa263d061881e96⋯.jpg (55.21 KB,640x400,8:5,bd253b30397a48fe5ef3c16ef1….jpg)


Is this naïve shill night or you just parachuted into America. How many of these "mass shootings" that don't make any sense do you need to see before you say Bullshit.

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e76876 No.21534258

File: 8261dba25432fb7⋯.png (61.49 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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767ec6 No.21534259

File: 9b23a6ddaac4332⋯.png (55.29 KB,789x381,263:127,sup.PNG)



House committee subpoenas Antony Blinken over refusal to testify in Afghanistan withdrawal probe

By Victor Nava

Published Sep. 4, 2024, 12:53 a.m. ET

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1040c7 No.21534260


jew bragging about himself for pussy

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5019c4 No.21534261


Shut 'em down Elon

Petrobras hires Musk's Starlink, ups supercomputing capacity

Bnamericas Published: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Brazil’s Petrobras is deploying Starlink’s low-orbit satellites to enhance offshore connectivity while onshore it is increasing the capacity of its supercomputers, the federal oil company's general ICT manager, Marinho Ayres Fischer, said on Tuesday.

“We recently entered into an acquisition agreement with Starlink and we’re testing it on the platforms. Initially, there are around 10 pieces of equipment [being deployed],” Fischer said in response to BNamericas in a conversation with reporters on the sidelines of the Dell Technologies Forum in São Paulo.

The negotiations with Starlink, which did not have a specific unit to serve corporates in Brazil, lasted approximately one year, he said. BNamericas was unable to confirm the exact value of the contract.

Starlink’s equipment will be used for connectivity on FPSOs, platforms and vessels in general, said Fischer. The Elon Musk firm's first dishes, however, are being deployed on platforms, notably those that have had more connectivity problems, according to the executive, adding initial use is "promising."



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67b8ff No.21534262


No, he gay.

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cb73d2 No.21534263


Technically it came from China

Wuhan military Olympic games

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0d8226 No.21534264


They'll be part of suicide weekend if Trump wins

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2ed3f5 No.21534265

File: 881931be553139e⋯.png (782.25 KB,576x815,576:815,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b3c64 No.21534266

File: 0904943273a1d4b⋯.webp (66.63 KB,935x1000,187:200,81E0wvxExgL_AC_UF1000_100….webp)

File: f09388ab57afccc⋯.webp (65.45 KB,935x1000,187:200,81kybh0x4lL_AC_UF1000_100….webp)

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67b8ff No.21534267

And you're otherwise known as….


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e5ce02 No.21534268

File: 880f373ff5eadb8⋯.png (316.89 KB,593x399,593:399,bro_guns.png)

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fde0cf No.21534269


"independent journalists" such as yourself, shill?

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368399 No.21534270

Mil tweets & decodes:

>>21533632 @NavalInstitute: Operation Lusty

>>21533645 @DeptofDefense: Global reach, global impact!

>>21533708, >>21533715 #USNavyPhotosoftheDay

>>21533716 @NavalInstitute: White House Wants an Extra $2B for FY24 Virginia-class Subs, Attack Boats Pair Cost $11.3B

>>21533730, >>21533737 @Team_Tinker: Girls in Aviation Day

>>21533742 @USSOCOM: New Tip of the Spear

>>21533757 @INDOPACOM: #SuperGarudaShield24

>>21533773, >>21533787 @USSF_SSC: Next-Gen OPIR

>>21533873 @aircombatcmd: Preparing for deployment?

>>21533906 @CanadianForces: RIMPAC2024

>>21533946 @US_EUCOM: #NATO #SpecialForces

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a27f6e No.21534271


is there anything better than a Trump rally? -DJT

EVEN when shots are fired they don't wanna go

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368399 No.21534272

notables @ 700

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21534214 DJT: Join me tonight in PENNSYLVANIA for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity at 9:00 PM EASTERN on Fox News!

>>21533904 DJT: Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533595, >>21533910, >>21533929 Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter (maximum discernment)

>>21533677 Fellow student describes Colt Gray

>>21533856 Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody

>>21533859 Have you noticed there’s always a school shooting in a swing state or caucus state right before an election?

>>21533899 Meet John Skinner, the Chief Safety & Security Officer for Barrow County Schools in Georgia

>>21534081 A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters involved at the school

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533776 Showdown on Piers Morgan: Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836, >>21533882, >>21533898, >>21533920 Twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533872 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21534218 Liz Cheney, dis u?

>>21533913 Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on a list within 72 hours

>>21533956 Elon: Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!

>>21533960 A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge

>>21533970 The sales pitch vs how it's akshually going

>>21533975 Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

>>21533986 Secret Service to akshually hold a DEI LGBTQ Summit at Disney World in Orlando

>>21533992 US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

>>21534008 Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response Has Gone Viral

>>21534050, >>21534061 Former California Senate Majority Leader Flips To Republican, Endorses Trump

>>21534096 January 6 defendant receives first reduced sentence after Supreme Court ruling

>>21534138 Jimmy McCain registers as a Democrat and endorses Kamala Harris

>>21534171 Pharmaceutical Company Pays $25 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drug

>>21534177 Former New Mexico Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Arrestee and Obstruction of Justice

>>21534187 Lib lawyer scam to get illegal immigrants status by making them "victims of a hate crime"

>>21534193, >>21534208 House Education and Workforce Committee subpoenas Tim Walz over $250 million Covid pandemic fraud

>>21534194 Elon: Your tax dollars are being wasted to a degree that is hard to comprehend

>>21534200, >>21534205 Alexandre de Moraes ordered the freezing of Starlink's assets in Brazil, including cars and aircraft

>>21534219 Republican Iowa Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg Announces He’s Stepping Down

>>21534233 Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gàng tied to this robbery that occurred in Denver

>>21534237 An illegal immigrant has been arrested in TN after attacking a man with a pickaxe - the pickaxe was embedded in his skull

>>21534259 House committee subpoenas Antony Blinken over refusal to testify in Afghanistan withdrawal probe

>>21534270 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21533611, >>21533642 Memes


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cb73d2 No.21534273


And a.new.in the box anal intruder

Top Secret

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e5ce02 No.21534274

File: b1ed7594211e2ac⋯.jpg (20.08 KB,320x318,160:159,how_many_kids_2a.jpg)

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67b8ff No.21534275

What I Got Wrong About "Shock Therapy"

After witnessing a historic financial collapse in the former Soviet Union, I thought bad advice from Western economists was a root cause. Now I think failure was the plan

by Matt Taibbi

In Moscow on the morning of July 24th, 1993 I fixed a cup of tea, rubbed the hangover out of my eyes, and walked out to look for breakfast. I was living then above the Metro station at VDNKh, the ex-Soviet equivalent maybe of New York’s World’s Fair grounds, and saw right away something was wrong. Old women on the street were bawling, a group of men was shouting at a beat cop, and sidewalks were full of people walking in a daze, as if a neutron bomb had gone off.

The government of Boris Yeltsin had decreed it was withdrawing all old rubles from circulation. Russians who’d stuffed rubles in mattresses for decades would be wiped out, unless they could fight through huge bank lines to exchange bills. Worse, the maximum amount was 35,000 rubles, or roughly $30-$35, about 60% of a Russian’s average monthly salary of 58,700 rubles. Those who exchanged the full 35,000 had passports stamped barring all future exchanges. I’ll never forget seeing a burly woman yelling, to no one in particular: “Vori, blyad!” (“Fucking thieves!”).


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3594cb No.21534276


Being impactful requires an audience, Phil.

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767ec6 No.21534277

File: 42a569b9f6e4cdc⋯.png (473.83 KB,604x890,302:445,foot.PNG)


James O'Keefe


BREAKING: NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

During an undercover date with an @OKeefeMedia

journalist, Rael Enteen (@RaelEnteen

), Vice President of Content for the NFL’s Washington Commanders, formerly the Redskins, is caught on hidden camera stating, “Most of the NFL fans I would say, are high school educated alcoholics” likening them to “mouth breathers.” Enteen goes on to characterize NFL fans as “violent,” saying “there’s fights in the stands all the time.”

When asked to describe the Commanders players, Enteen says, “a big chunk is very low-income African-Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.” He further explains, “I love hip-hop, hip-hop is very homophobic. It’s a cultural thing that I hope gets better.”

Enteen also criticizes the NFL's progressive initiatives as “performative,” stating that their “[NFL] social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception.” When asked about the NFL’s commitment to Black Lives Matter, Pride, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, he bluntly replies, “…it's to make as much money as possible.”

Enteen further denounces NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (@nflcommish

) as a “50 million dollar puppet” controlled by the owners. Enteen proceeds to accuse Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, whom he claims “really runs the NFL,” of harboring deep-seated biases, saying, “I think he hates gay people and black people.”











0:55 / 10:58

Last edited

5:56 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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ce05c9 No.21534278

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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7b6ac5 No.21534279


hopefully. imagine how quickly old debts will be paid off!

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79a7cc No.21534280

File: 883b6fcfb301581⋯.png (838.14 KB,1015x718,1015:718,ClipboardImage.png)

Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government, including deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and deputy diversity officer for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband, Chris Hu, at their $4 million home on Long Island.

In return, her husband got help for his business activities in China — a financial boost that prosecutors said allowed the couple to buy their multimillion-dollar property in Manhasset, New York, a condominium in Hawaii for $1.9 million, and luxury cars including a 2024 Ferrari, the indictment said.

Sun also received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and “Nanjing-style salted ducks” that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official and delivered to Sun’s parents’ home in New York.


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eea97f No.21534281

File: 2c91a192dc79c61⋯.png (1.89 MB,1440x771,480:257,Stephen_King_and_the_DNC_S….png)

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cb73d2 No.21534282


Don't need depends when the gaskets holding up

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605b6e No.21534283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale

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767ec6 No.21534284

File: 781fcfa14928434⋯.png (944.21 KB,865x643,865:643,digits_q.PNG)

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0a98c7 No.21534285


he's gonna throw kumala and horse semen under the trough

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0b83ce No.21534286

File: c6a2aac3e69e5d6⋯.jpg (144.51 KB,1080x1060,54:53,c6a2aac3e69e5d6a169a320851….jpg)

Old Fags Rule.


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499745 No.21534287

File: 018710c73f92976⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,893x767,893:767,018710c73f92976f3068bd3894….jpg)

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21b9eb No.21534288


I know you are not Q, but I send out messages for a reason. They will know exactly what I am referring to as of recent.

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cb73d2 No.21534289



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368399 No.21534290

notables FINAL

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21534214 DJT: Join me tonight in PENNSYLVANIA for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity at 9:00 PM EASTERN on Fox News!

>>21533904 DJT: Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533595, >>21533910, >>21533929, >>21534274 Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter (maximum discernment)

>>21533677 Fellow student describes Colt Gray

>>21533856 Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody

>>21533859 Have you noticed there’s always a school shooting in a swing state or caucus state right before an election?

>>21533899 Meet John Skinner, the Chief Safety & Security Officer for Barrow County Schools in Georgia

>>21534081 A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters involved at the school

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533776 Showdown on Piers Morgan: Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836, >>21533882, >>21533898, >>21533920 Twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533872 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21534218 Liz Cheney, dis u?

>>21533913 Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on a list within 72 hours

>>21533956 Elon: Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!

>>21533960 A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge

>>21533970 The sales pitch vs how it's akshually going

>>21533975 Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

>>21533986 Secret Service to akshually hold a DEI LGBTQ Summit at Disney World in Orlando

>>21533992 US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

>>21534008 Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response Has Gone Viral

>>21534050, >>21534061 Former California Senate Majority Leader Flips To Republican, Endorses Trump

>>21534096 January 6 defendant receives first reduced sentence after Supreme Court ruling

>>21534138 Jimmy McCain registers as a Democrat and endorses Kamala Harris

>>21534171 Pharmaceutical Company Pays $25 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drug

>>21534177 Former New Mexico Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Arrestee and Obstruction of Justice

>>21534187 Lib lawyer scam to get illegal immigrants status by making them "victims of a hate crime"

>>21534193 House Education and Workforce Committee subpoenas Tim Walz over $250 million Covid pandemic fraud

>>21534194 Elon: Your tax dollars are being wasted to a degree that is hard to comprehend

>>21534200, >>21534205 Alexandre de Moraes ordered the freezing of Starlink's assets in Brazil, including cars and aircraft

>>21534219 Republican Iowa Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg Announces He’s Stepping Down

>>21534233 Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gàng tied to this robbery that occurred in Denver

>>21534237 An illegal immigrant has been arrested in TN after attacking a man with a pickaxe - the pickaxe was embedded in his skull

>>21534259 House committee subpoenas Antony Blinken over refusal to testify in Afghanistan withdrawal probe

>>21534280 Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government

>>21534270 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21533611, >>21533642, >>21534274 Memes


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d42845 No.21534291

In the right jurisdiction, in the right place, you may be able to order a police officer to enter the Kamala BUS troup… because if you do it right, you can do it anonymously on the radio… you. might just save a life or two.//


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e5ce02 No.21534292

File: a292cbe868e13df⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,460x276,5:3,mao_2a_commies.jpg)

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b2a4cb No.21534295

File: 1d18b0ab92e02b5⋯.jpg (327.49 KB,800x800,1:1,brrrtoes.jpg)

Gay James Bond… pff.

Mastermind Gold-dinger.


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ea0622 No.21534297



Key word subpoenas. Please come to Congress so we can humiliate you and make the public believe we're working for America. We can divert attention away from the kickback millions we're getting from the war you're promoting and we pass funding on. Then you're free to go. 😁

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0a98c7 No.21534299


she said she won't stop em cause no one can stop em

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e5ce02 No.21534302

File: 7c03817e2c63c4e⋯.png (347.47 KB,558x466,279:233,us_murder_rate_dem_cities.png)

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3594cb No.21534303

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2b3c64 No.21534305


gerry can

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368399 No.21534306

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fde0cf No.21534307

File: e7016105b2558c9⋯.jpg (526.52 KB,1022x512,511:256,thruaglassmirror.jpg)


Broadcast of R. Stone with daughter of Prophet who predicted the assassination attempt of Trump.

live now.

How Prayer Works.

they might be remote viewers who view through time.

Future Proves Path.

What happens confirms the prophecy? sometimes.

There was a "Judas"

They saw "3" who were involved

Will lead many into the light.

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79a7cc No.21534308


>The government of Boris Yeltsin had decreed it was withdrawing all old rubles from circulation. Russians who’d stuffed rubles in mattresses for decades would be wiped out, unless they could fight through huge bank lines to exchange bills. Worse, the maximum amount was 35,000 rubles, or roughly $30-$35, about 60% of a Russian’s average monthly salary of 58,700 rubles. Those who exchanged the full 35,000 had passports stamped barring all future exchanges. I’ll never forget seeing a burly woman yelling, to no one in particular: “Vori, blyad!” (“Fucking thieves!”).


>Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) report:

Jesus fucking christ

All day coming back & forth from central america

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5a4250 No.21534309

File: 749a23d7a73238b⋯.jpg (56.13 KB,469x623,67:89,DNC_Bubble_Bath_Floyd_Turd….jpg)

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e5ce02 No.21534311

File: e6497a55fbee880⋯.png (137.04 KB,500x565,100:113,doc_holiday_2a.png)

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cb73d2 No.21534312


Why not 60 or 349 or both?

Golden Bear

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2b3c64 No.21534314


1-7 days in the week last Thursday is not real

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605b6e No.21534315

File: 1891564cf825f37⋯.png (405.31 KB,585x498,195:166,1891564cf825f37b6d891d0dd2….png)

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d42845 No.21534317


>I know you are not Q, but I send out messages for a reason. They will know exactly what I am referring to as of recent.

They are listening, they are here, anon.///

Be aware, we are okay, we are well.//

I can not post due to security procautions from the vaccine, you will see how well we did..///

We are WINNING.//


Wait for news from South Dekota.////

When you are on the bus, you don't get off the right way forward.///

Don't get on the BUS DONALD.///

If you knew where we were, anons… you would know we are far away from where we planned…///

Patience is required.//

Be good.//


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cb73d2 No.21534318


5 gallon bucket

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ea0622 No.21534319


Wanna bet.

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79a7cc No.21534320


>Dave Rubin has allegedly received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation

lies. but they'll push the lies with 8 weeks to the eleaction though

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5019c4 No.21534321

File: b6567a61b86c57b⋯.png (1.36 MB,780x1129,780:1129,singham_2062_poster.png)


That cuts it

I'm Bollywood fan from now on

When's the next Singham movie coming out?

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9e769b No.21534322



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2b3c64 No.21534325


yzaL mother fucking

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a768ff No.21534327


i find this ironic as in the movie the law, theytook the guns away from the cowboys when in city limits

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9e769b No.21534328


you always try for legitimacy with this one clip, smart dust shill

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e5ce02 No.21534329


That's true.

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a768ff No.21534330


bollywood > hollywood

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81a42b No.21534331

File: 5d899f4fe753137⋯.png (35.37 KB,150x116,75:58,peperock_r.png)


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ea0622 No.21534332


Gay Hollywood teaser. Just spit it out faggot.

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d42845 No.21534333


>they might be remote viewers who view through time.

So very close to that, anon…///

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2b3c64 No.21534335

File: d6360f9f36abe0f⋯.jpeg (31.29 KB,630x372,105:62,ghows_GA_f9815049_cce7_4e….jpeg)


palehouse bucket farms™

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d42845 No.21534338


Time is just data recorded on a very powerful machuine..///


I can't show you all of it…. did you see that..////

HAHA.. I'm in a command bunker in North Dekota… you will be amazed how I did that…///


You will do well as a general one day.///

I promise, keep on the straight and narrow.///

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fde0cf No.21534342

File: 3f802db5cd67a0c⋯.jpg (71.24 KB,500x357,500:357,Patriot_Freedom_eagle_inha….jpg)


~ beauty of prophecy if you hear it and you see it come to pass it will help you.

~according to daughter.

Prophet mentioned Kennedys

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