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605433 No.21533527 [View All]

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e5ce02 No.21534274

File: b1ed7594211e2ac⋯.jpg (20.08 KB,320x318,160:159,how_many_kids_2a.jpg)

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67b8ff No.21534275

What I Got Wrong About "Shock Therapy"

After witnessing a historic financial collapse in the former Soviet Union, I thought bad advice from Western economists was a root cause. Now I think failure was the plan

by Matt Taibbi

In Moscow on the morning of July 24th, 1993 I fixed a cup of tea, rubbed the hangover out of my eyes, and walked out to look for breakfast. I was living then above the Metro station at VDNKh, the ex-Soviet equivalent maybe of New York’s World’s Fair grounds, and saw right away something was wrong. Old women on the street were bawling, a group of men was shouting at a beat cop, and sidewalks were full of people walking in a daze, as if a neutron bomb had gone off.

The government of Boris Yeltsin had decreed it was withdrawing all old rubles from circulation. Russians who’d stuffed rubles in mattresses for decades would be wiped out, unless they could fight through huge bank lines to exchange bills. Worse, the maximum amount was 35,000 rubles, or roughly $30-$35, about 60% of a Russian’s average monthly salary of 58,700 rubles. Those who exchanged the full 35,000 had passports stamped barring all future exchanges. I’ll never forget seeing a burly woman yelling, to no one in particular: “Vori, blyad!” (“Fucking thieves!”).


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3594cb No.21534276


Being impactful requires an audience, Phil.

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767ec6 No.21534277

File: 42a569b9f6e4cdc⋯.png (473.83 KB,604x890,302:445,foot.PNG)


James O'Keefe


BREAKING: NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

During an undercover date with an @OKeefeMedia

journalist, Rael Enteen (@RaelEnteen

), Vice President of Content for the NFL’s Washington Commanders, formerly the Redskins, is caught on hidden camera stating, “Most of the NFL fans I would say, are high school educated alcoholics” likening them to “mouth breathers.” Enteen goes on to characterize NFL fans as “violent,” saying “there’s fights in the stands all the time.”

When asked to describe the Commanders players, Enteen says, “a big chunk is very low-income African-Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.” He further explains, “I love hip-hop, hip-hop is very homophobic. It’s a cultural thing that I hope gets better.”

Enteen also criticizes the NFL's progressive initiatives as “performative,” stating that their “[NFL] social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception.” When asked about the NFL’s commitment to Black Lives Matter, Pride, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, he bluntly replies, “…it's to make as much money as possible.”

Enteen further denounces NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (@nflcommish

) as a “50 million dollar puppet” controlled by the owners. Enteen proceeds to accuse Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, whom he claims “really runs the NFL,” of harboring deep-seated biases, saying, “I think he hates gay people and black people.”











0:55 / 10:58

Last edited

5:56 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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ce05c9 No.21534278

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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7b6ac5 No.21534279


hopefully. imagine how quickly old debts will be paid off!

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79a7cc No.21534280

File: 883b6fcfb301581⋯.png (838.14 KB,1015x718,1015:718,ClipboardImage.png)

Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government, including deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and deputy diversity officer for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband, Chris Hu, at their $4 million home on Long Island.

In return, her husband got help for his business activities in China — a financial boost that prosecutors said allowed the couple to buy their multimillion-dollar property in Manhasset, New York, a condominium in Hawaii for $1.9 million, and luxury cars including a 2024 Ferrari, the indictment said.

Sun also received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and “Nanjing-style salted ducks” that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official and delivered to Sun’s parents’ home in New York.


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eea97f No.21534281

File: 2c91a192dc79c61⋯.png (1.89 MB,1440x771,480:257,Stephen_King_and_the_DNC_S….png)

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cb73d2 No.21534282


Don't need depends when the gaskets holding up

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605b6e No.21534283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale

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767ec6 No.21534284

File: 781fcfa14928434⋯.png (944.21 KB,865x643,865:643,digits_q.PNG)

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0a98c7 No.21534285


he's gonna throw kumala and horse semen under the trough

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0b83ce No.21534286

File: c6a2aac3e69e5d6⋯.jpg (144.51 KB,1080x1060,54:53,c6a2aac3e69e5d6a169a320851….jpg)

Old Fags Rule.


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499745 No.21534287

File: 018710c73f92976⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,893x767,893:767,018710c73f92976f3068bd3894….jpg)

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21b9eb No.21534288


I know you are not Q, but I send out messages for a reason. They will know exactly what I am referring to as of recent.

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cb73d2 No.21534289



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368399 No.21534290

notables FINAL

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21534214 DJT: Join me tonight in PENNSYLVANIA for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity at 9:00 PM EASTERN on Fox News!

>>21533904 DJT: Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533595, >>21533910, >>21533929, >>21534274 Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter (maximum discernment)

>>21533677 Fellow student describes Colt Gray

>>21533856 Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody

>>21533859 Have you noticed there’s always a school shooting in a swing state or caucus state right before an election?

>>21533899 Meet John Skinner, the Chief Safety & Security Officer for Barrow County Schools in Georgia

>>21534081 A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters involved at the school

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533776 Showdown on Piers Morgan: Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836, >>21533882, >>21533898, >>21533920 Twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533872 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21534218 Liz Cheney, dis u?

>>21533913 Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on a list within 72 hours

>>21533956 Elon: Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!

>>21533960 A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge

>>21533970 The sales pitch vs how it's akshually going

>>21533975 Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

>>21533986 Secret Service to akshually hold a DEI LGBTQ Summit at Disney World in Orlando

>>21533992 US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

>>21534008 Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response Has Gone Viral

>>21534050, >>21534061 Former California Senate Majority Leader Flips To Republican, Endorses Trump

>>21534096 January 6 defendant receives first reduced sentence after Supreme Court ruling

>>21534138 Jimmy McCain registers as a Democrat and endorses Kamala Harris

>>21534171 Pharmaceutical Company Pays $25 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drug

>>21534177 Former New Mexico Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Arrestee and Obstruction of Justice

>>21534187 Lib lawyer scam to get illegal immigrants status by making them "victims of a hate crime"

>>21534193 House Education and Workforce Committee subpoenas Tim Walz over $250 million Covid pandemic fraud

>>21534194 Elon: Your tax dollars are being wasted to a degree that is hard to comprehend

>>21534200, >>21534205 Alexandre de Moraes ordered the freezing of Starlink's assets in Brazil, including cars and aircraft

>>21534219 Republican Iowa Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg Announces He’s Stepping Down

>>21534233 Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gàng tied to this robbery that occurred in Denver

>>21534237 An illegal immigrant has been arrested in TN after attacking a man with a pickaxe - the pickaxe was embedded in his skull

>>21534259 House committee subpoenas Antony Blinken over refusal to testify in Afghanistan withdrawal probe

>>21534280 Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government

>>21534270 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21533611, >>21533642, >>21534274 Memes


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d42845 No.21534291

In the right jurisdiction, in the right place, you may be able to order a police officer to enter the Kamala BUS troup… because if you do it right, you can do it anonymously on the radio… you. might just save a life or two.//


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e5ce02 No.21534292

File: a292cbe868e13df⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,460x276,5:3,mao_2a_commies.jpg)

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b2a4cb No.21534295

File: 1d18b0ab92e02b5⋯.jpg (327.49 KB,800x800,1:1,brrrtoes.jpg)

Gay James Bond… pff.

Mastermind Gold-dinger.


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ea0622 No.21534297



Key word subpoenas. Please come to Congress so we can humiliate you and make the public believe we're working for America. We can divert attention away from the kickback millions we're getting from the war you're promoting and we pass funding on. Then you're free to go. 😁

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0a98c7 No.21534299


she said she won't stop em cause no one can stop em

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e5ce02 No.21534302

File: 7c03817e2c63c4e⋯.png (347.47 KB,558x466,279:233,us_murder_rate_dem_cities.png)

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3594cb No.21534303

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2b3c64 No.21534305


gerry can

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368399 No.21534306

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fde0cf No.21534307

File: e7016105b2558c9⋯.jpg (526.52 KB,1022x512,511:256,thruaglassmirror.jpg)


Broadcast of R. Stone with daughter of Prophet who predicted the assassination attempt of Trump.

live now.

How Prayer Works.

they might be remote viewers who view through time.

Future Proves Path.

What happens confirms the prophecy? sometimes.

There was a "Judas"

They saw "3" who were involved

Will lead many into the light.

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79a7cc No.21534308


>The government of Boris Yeltsin had decreed it was withdrawing all old rubles from circulation. Russians who’d stuffed rubles in mattresses for decades would be wiped out, unless they could fight through huge bank lines to exchange bills. Worse, the maximum amount was 35,000 rubles, or roughly $30-$35, about 60% of a Russian’s average monthly salary of 58,700 rubles. Those who exchanged the full 35,000 had passports stamped barring all future exchanges. I’ll never forget seeing a burly woman yelling, to no one in particular: “Vori, blyad!” (“Fucking thieves!”).


>Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) report:

Jesus fucking christ

All day coming back & forth from central america

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5a4250 No.21534309

File: 749a23d7a73238b⋯.jpg (56.13 KB,469x623,67:89,DNC_Bubble_Bath_Floyd_Turd….jpg)

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e5ce02 No.21534311

File: e6497a55fbee880⋯.png (137.04 KB,500x565,100:113,doc_holiday_2a.png)

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cb73d2 No.21534312


Why not 60 or 349 or both?

Golden Bear

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2b3c64 No.21534314


1-7 days in the week last Thursday is not real

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605b6e No.21534315

File: 1891564cf825f37⋯.png (405.31 KB,585x498,195:166,1891564cf825f37b6d891d0dd2….png)

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d42845 No.21534317


>I know you are not Q, but I send out messages for a reason. They will know exactly what I am referring to as of recent.

They are listening, they are here, anon.///

Be aware, we are okay, we are well.//

I can not post due to security procautions from the vaccine, you will see how well we did..///

We are WINNING.//


Wait for news from South Dekota.////

When you are on the bus, you don't get off the right way forward.///

Don't get on the BUS DONALD.///

If you knew where we were, anons… you would know we are far away from where we planned…///

Patience is required.//

Be good.//


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cb73d2 No.21534318


5 gallon bucket

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ea0622 No.21534319


Wanna bet.

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79a7cc No.21534320


>Dave Rubin has allegedly received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation

lies. but they'll push the lies with 8 weeks to the eleaction though

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5019c4 No.21534321

File: b6567a61b86c57b⋯.png (1.36 MB,780x1129,780:1129,singham_2062_poster.png)


That cuts it

I'm Bollywood fan from now on

When's the next Singham movie coming out?

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9e769b No.21534322



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2b3c64 No.21534325


yzaL mother fucking

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a768ff No.21534327


i find this ironic as in the movie the law, theytook the guns away from the cowboys when in city limits

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9e769b No.21534328


you always try for legitimacy with this one clip, smart dust shill

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e5ce02 No.21534329


That's true.

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a768ff No.21534330


bollywood > hollywood

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81a42b No.21534331

File: 5d899f4fe753137⋯.png (35.37 KB,150x116,75:58,peperock_r.png)


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ea0622 No.21534332


Gay Hollywood teaser. Just spit it out faggot.

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d42845 No.21534333


>they might be remote viewers who view through time.

So very close to that, anon…///

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2b3c64 No.21534335

File: d6360f9f36abe0f⋯.jpeg (31.29 KB,630x372,105:62,ghows_GA_f9815049_cce7_4e….jpeg)


palehouse bucket farms™

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d42845 No.21534338


Time is just data recorded on a very powerful machuine..///


I can't show you all of it…. did you see that..////

HAHA.. I'm in a command bunker in North Dekota… you will be amazed how I did that…///


You will do well as a general one day.///

I promise, keep on the straight and narrow.///

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fde0cf No.21534342

File: 3f802db5cd67a0c⋯.jpg (71.24 KB,500x357,500:357,Patriot_Freedom_eagle_inha….jpg)


~ beauty of prophecy if you hear it and you see it come to pass it will help you.

~according to daughter.

Prophet mentioned Kennedys

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