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028024 No.21531936 [Last50 Posts]

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028024 No.21531938

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

>>21503242 Brazil #1

>>21369051 Canada #62

>>20584322 China #1

>>21284558 France #8

>>21435975 Germany #107

>>21250243 Japan #24

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>21452596 QAJF #2

>>21350861 Scotland #11

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26378 >>21530938

>>21530983 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21530988, >>21530991, >>21531006 Refresher: Kamala Harris was losing on election night in 2010, but after 4 weeks of vote counting she pulled ahead

>>21530994 Things that make you go hhhmmm: Travis Kelce has reportedly brought in his legal team after a leaked "contract" surfaced, allegedly detailing the exact date his relationship with Taylor Swift would come to an end.

>>21531039 2022 Buddhist, Hindu and Native American Spiritual Leaders Sign a Historic Proclamation Affirming the Difference between the Sacred Swastika and Hitler’sInternational Q Research Threads

>>21435975 Germany Hakenkreuz

>>21531052, >>21531208, >>21531209, >>21531480, >>21531492, >>21531543 Moar Crooks final report Dec 13th muuuuuwahhhhhhh

>>21531073 No Name's son endorses Harris

>>21531113 Anti-Israel activists kick off new school year vandalizing Cornell buildings

>>21531116 War Room Morning Edition

>>21531118, >>21531129, >>21531152, >>21531836 @RichardGrenell Will the media ask @GovTimWalz about his family supporting Trump? PDJT rt

>>21531128 Great News! Mike Pence Not Endorsing President Trump!

>>21531147, >>21531419, >>21531789 Swamp Talk

>>21531164 Cornell profs fear Harris will be a victim of 'misogynoir'- intersection of misogyny and racism

>>21531185 I ran the numbers for a typical pediatrics practice and can confirm a least 50% of their revenue comes from vaccines

>>21531210 Minnehaha County Auditor to give report on 2020 election on why the county was missing 24,500 votes

>>21531222, >>21531231 Karens Abound

>>21531232, >>21531259, >>21531391, >>21531394, >>21531398, >>21531703 OP: Focus24 Reasons to vote for Trump, Reasons not to vote for Harris

>>21531238 Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kuleba resigns

>>21531239 PROF. JENKINS: Kamala Harris, stone-cold Marxist

>>21531242 Trudeau should step down to prevent Poilievre from winning election: LGBTQ2S+ activists

>>21531275 Hotel Workers In Many American Cities Now On Strike, Can't Earn Decent Living

>>21531283 Borough Council designates Penn State University town as transgender 'sanctuary city'

>>21531328, >>21531412, >>21531483, >>21531524, >>21531563, >>21531625, >>21531730, >>21531797, >>21531799 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/science

>>21531332 @FBI Tech support scams have cost victims MILLIONS, and the danger is quickly expanding with #AI

>>21531341 ICYMI: FaniWillis's pregnant daughter Kinaya, 25, is ARRESTED in Georgia for driving with a suspended license amid Trump election interference case

>>21531345 Trump plans to be in NYC this week for appeal arguments in E. Jean Carroll sex assault suit, arguments scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday in a Manhattan federal appeals court

>>21531364 U.S. seeks to turn Kenya mission in Haiti into U.N. peacekeeping operation

>>21531386 Trump memes

>>21531392 61 Days to WINNING

>>21531485 The Cake is a Lie


>>21531525 Head Of US Border Security: “It's not possible, IT IS ABSOLUTE. We are using American tax dollars to ship children into known prostitution & sweatshops”

>>21531568 Poland Says It Has 'Duty' To Shoot Down Russian Missiles, NATO Leadership Warns Against

>>21531570 Kamala Campaign Recruits Strategist from Britain’s Far-Left Labour Party

>>21531614 Did you know that in the US- you are legally allowed to “opt out” of the body scanner at the airport?

>>21531641 US Steel warns plants could close without Nippon deal

>>21531746, >>21531791, >>21531798 Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter/Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia

>>21531760 US knows Russia’s red lines – Lavrov

>>21531785 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21531794 Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft pre-departure news conference. Stream on NASA+

>>21531866 #DYK the #FBI can pull forensics and identifiable info from weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? Wut Comin Next?

>>21531920 #26378

#26377 >>21530056

>>21530181 Kevin O’Leary, from Shark Tank, calls out the insanity of the Democrats

>>21530240 Night Strikes Target Key Military Sites in Western Ukraine?

>>21530260 Biden’s Climate Czar John Podesta to Visit China for Talks

>>21530269 A Chinese firm is accused of illegally sourcing bodies then brutally dismembering them

>>21530282 Jim NoName, youngest son of late Sen. NoName, joins CNN's Jake Tapper re his reason 4 switching voter registration to Dem party


>>21526426 Reminder: Nazi Propaganda and Joy

>>21530301 Re Tucker notable (How the Globalists Succeeded in Eroding National Identity): Anon - The US should never get involved in European wars

>>21530300 Libsoftiktok: DHS announces $380 mil in additional funding for communities receiving migrants

>>21530319 Media Giant CMG Bragged About Eavesdropping On Phone, Laptop Or 'Smart Home' Microphones.

>>21530362 NZ COVID vaccine data: jabs increase all cause mortality

>>21530382, >>21530389, >>21530385, >>21530400, >>21530402, >>21530413 Chuck Grassley: Windsor Heights Dairy Queen is good place for u kno what (DQ Blizzard COMMS?)

>>21530404 John Deaton declares victory in Massachusetts U.S. Senate Republican primary - will face Elizabeth Warren in November

>>21530421 Iowa Lieutenant Gov. Adam Gregg resigned his position

>>21530438 US climate envoy Tony Podesta to visit China from Wednesday for talks US climate envoy Podesta to visit China from Wednesday for talks

>>21530439 Brazilian senators have pledged to schedule the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes during today's deliberative session

>>21530458 Haiti power firm says main hydroelectric plant down after protest

Collector #2

>>21530474, >>21530485 Breaking: Ukrainian Foreign Minister forced to resign days after admitting that Ukraine is losing the war

>>21530498 Fani Willis’ Daughter Arrested in Georgia For Driving with Suspended License

>>21530512 DJT @ DQ: "What the Hell is a Blizzard?" (vid)

>>21530536 @ChuckCallesto: Whistleblower on Butler Secret Service ONLINE training

>>21530542 ZH: Kamala's admin crashing the market by destroying the most important stock in the world 2 months before the election is a bold strategy.

>>21530560 Woke pronoun Sony 'Concord' cancelled after two weeks with refunds to all players

>>21530565 NATO is officially promoting "brat" memes on their official Instagram account.

>>21530567 Lex Fridman conversation with DJT

>>21530585 Release the [Epstein] list!

>>21530600 Loomer/Muckraker - firsthand testimonies from trafficked children in Florida via US Government

collector #3

>>21530695 ‘Whatever You Need’: How Hunter Biden Helped the CCP’s Premier Influence Group Gain a US Foothold

>>21530750 DJT truth w/CAP: See you in Harrisburg!

>>21530799 monica crowley to 45: do you think assassination attempt was an inside job?

>>21530812 #26377

#26376 >>21529257

>>21529273, >>21529283 On Tuesday, a federal judge rejected Donald Trump’s request to intervene in his New York hush money criminal case

>>21529300 Donald Trump plans plead not guilty to charges laid out in the superseding indictment filed on August 27 by special counsel Jack Smith

>>21529329 Obama gets dragged like a rag doll over his new Kamala tweet—did he rip his mask off with this photo?

>>21529353 Agents assigned to Pres. Trump Butler PA were pulled off child exploitation cases, thrown onto protective detail w/2hr online training

>>21529435 Trump says, if elected, he'll "have no problem" releasing Epstein's client list

>>21529437 FakeNews Reports: "Donald Trump politicized science with lethal consequences, and he’ll do it again"

>>21529496 Pope Francis in Jakarta, Indonesia welcomed at Nunciature by refugees, orphans, homeless, elderly

>>21529500 PA court Friday sided w/left-wing spec. interests, blocking state enforcing law required mail ballots be properly dated in order to be counted

>>21529610, >>21529914 DIGG REQUEST: New York Chinese spy scandal, CCP spy Linda Sun.

>>21529627 Nuclear Fusion, A Perpetually Distant Dream, Moves Closer To Reality

>>21529634 Fire raging in California's Tahoe National Forest threatens community

>>21529778 anon is watching this podcast. getting black-pilled watching kash

>>21529779, >>21529809, >>21529844 Tucker Carlson Today: How the Globalists Succeeded in Eroding National Identity

>>21529812, >>21529870 Texas Gov. Abbott’s plan to close the illegal immigration loophole through NM

>>21529822 @Charliekirk: Countries with Voter I.D.

>>21529862, >>21529883 DIGG REQUEST: First arrests of Venezuela gangs being reported? Needs Confirmation

>>21529887 Hells Angels are NOT Showing Up in Colorado to Make America Great Again!

>>21530040 #26376

Previously Collected

>>21528490 #26374-B, >>21529240 #26375

>>21526724 #26372, >>21527641 #26373, >>21528479 #26374-A

>>21524111 #26369, >>21524873 #26370, >>21525634 #26371

>>21521325 #26366, >>21522422 #26367, >>21523348 #26368

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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028024 No.21531952

File: c1e0d99bf098100⋯.png (76.84 KB,828x554,414:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf090829a0e845c⋯.png (770.1 KB,2560x2560,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c610a648c9f8e5⋯.png (174.5 KB,855x909,95:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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a37ab6 No.21531958

File: 51760e8b78faeb5⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,720x1280,9:16,51760e8b78faeb5c95acb06977….mp4)


thank you baker

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f19f67 No.21531961

Thx Baker!!

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333145 No.21531962

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Undersea cables and pipelines are critical to the well-being of our societies and to our security.

Find out how NATO has put measures in place to ensure such infrastructure is protected ⤵️


Next targets?

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e92fe0 No.21531965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks for drivin


Magic bus

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17facc No.21531969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3bab0a No.21531970

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

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17facc No.21531971

File: e7457399f80ccf6⋯.png (404.29 KB,520x720,13:18,00000000000000000000000.png)

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a9cc44 No.21531972

File: 12acfeb6bb2b9ba⋯.png (1.46 MB,800x1013,800:1013,Golden_Smile_Trump.png)

File: 5ed4a6141358240⋯.jpg (61.89 KB,718x543,718:543,Dumber_Than_Dogshit_Kamala….jpg)

File: bf25bbe734278f2⋯.jpg (52.73 KB,642x348,107:58,Child_Rape_Kamala.jpg)

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93e1ed No.21531974

File: d645357dac54aad⋯.png (1.62 MB,1185x677,1185:677,ClipboardImage.png)

18 minutes ago

Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school

WCVB: 12:18 PM EDT Sep 4, 2024

There is a heavy police presence after a shooting with multiple victims at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia.

The Barrow County Sheriff's Office said first responders were called to the scene around 10:20 a.m. Wednesday to a reported active shooting. One suspect is in custody.

"Casualties have been reported, however details on the number or their conditions is not available at this time," the sheriff's office said in a statement.

Reports of gunfire sent the school into a hard lockdown.At least six ambulances could be seen by local news helicopters. At least one medical helicopter could be seen airlifting a patient from the scene. Students appear to have been evacuated to the school's football stadium.

CNN is reporting a local hospital is receiving patients with gunshot wounds related to the incident.

"I have directed all available state resources to respond to the incident at Apalachee High School and urge all Georgians to join my family in praying for the safety of those in our classrooms, both in Barrow County and across the state," Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp saidin a statement posted to his X page.

"We will continue to work with local, state, and federal partners as we gather information and further respond to this situation."

The FBI's Atlanta Field Office says it has agents on the scene assisting local law enforcement.

Apalachee High School has nearly 1,900 students in grades 9-12.

The school is in the city of Winder, about 45 miles northeast of Atlanta.


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dc231f No.21531975

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB,308x305,308:305,ThankQ_Baker.png)

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028024 No.21531977


tyvm for repost

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403cca No.21531979

File: de5ea600a74c643⋯.jpg (208.66 KB,1600x900,16:9,stacey_abrams2.jpg)


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy

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005ca9 No.21531980

Everything you know about Hitler and the nazis is a lie. The holocaust never happened either.

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cdb9a8 No.21531981

File: 0828eb2c14cda90⋯.png (88.24 KB,690x1390,69:139,3CE288E6_17E7_4B84_B13F_51….png)

File: b6524b2c895e19a⋯.png (36.75 KB,690x498,115:83,4B7332AB_B118_4792_B80A_6F….png)

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28adb7 No.21531982

File: bec74039c56dde4⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,624x491,624:491,trumpamericafirst.jpg)

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0509b0 No.21531983

File: d281ec12d969a11⋯.jpg (68.9 KB,750x499,750:499,KAMUNIST1.jpg)

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afc3b7 No.21531984

File: d04feb911d1f4bb⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,460x258,230:129,a878En6_460sv.mp4)

Trump and Harris supporter have a friendly interaction

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17facc No.21531986

File: 129852d6730138b⋯.png (3.61 KB,1148x528,287:132,you1.png)

File: aa62460ebed88b7⋯.jpg (55.21 KB,1600x880,20:11,nsjes3.jpg)

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3bab0a No.21531987

I like how VaticanClown is now running through tunes I regularly posted. Almost like he bought that YouTube history that was on the dark web that they were bragging about earlier this year. $80 or something was the max bet, wasn't it?

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81472d No.21531988

File: 4a4f8d1a90e4ddc⋯.jpeg (95.06 KB,1181x731,1181:731,F11453E9_1384_4AF9_8F65_C….jpeg)


Thank you.

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63b7ff No.21531990

File: c652f789107557b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2911.png)

File: 69aedf59faa50e7⋯.png (373.59 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2912.png)


PDJT is talking about The Bible as a guide! It’s his favorite book.


Mortality and religion

Lex Fridman

(00:45:55) One of the tragic things about life is that it ends. How often do you think about your death? Are you afraid of it?

Donald Trump

(00:46:02) I have a friend who’s very, very successful, and he’s in his 80s, mid 80s, and he asked me that exact same question. I turned it around and I said, “Well, what about you?” He said, “I think about it every minute of every day.” And then a week later, he called me to tell me something. And he starts off the conversation by going, “Tick tock, tick tock.” This is dark person in a sense, but it is what it is. If you’re religious, you have I think a better feeling toward it. You’re supposed to go to heaven, ideally, not hell, but you’re supposed to go to heaven if you’re good. I think our country’s missing a lot of religion. I think it really was a much better place with religion. It was almost a guide. To a certain extent it was a guide. You want to be good to people. Without religion there are no guardrails. I’d love to see us get back to religion, more religion in this country.

Lex Fridman

(00:47:09) Well, Mr. President, thank you for putting yourself out there, and thank you for talking today.

Donald Trump

(00:47:13) Look, I love the country. I want to see the country be great, and we have a real chance at doing it, but it’s our last chance and I appreciate it very much.

Library of Congress has so much information about Our Country’s History

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17facc No.21531992

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,01h.gif)

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a3f357 No.21531993

File: 395fed7f06cb2f1⋯.png (772.32 KB,635x957,635:957,ClipboardImage.png)


(reposting from late lb post)

Trump just truthed it!!!


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cdb9a8 No.21531994

File: 8000067470a7b9b⋯.png (304.01 KB,750x1334,375:667,FA42C652_F932_43FD_AF1C_2A….png)

File: 891e34ae0a8d4a4⋯.png (125.43 KB,690x1876,345:938,D760DE66_4B55_4E3D_8356_A6….png)

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c34a57 No.21531995

File: 5134bafdaecbb82⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17254028104….mp4)

File: 0b10260c57587a4⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17253819685….mp4)

File: 6661b10f887c8d7⋯.png (294.25 KB,535x710,107:142,Screenshot_2024_09_04_1225….png)

DK hold him by one arm , not lifting him and a quick spank or two? IDK i don 't have kids but I give parenting tips

XTRA vid for KEKS

Smart Mom 😂 ??


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cdb9a8 No.21531996

File: 864088140fe649a⋯.png (2.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,DB539A5B_8EDE_4A5E_A36C_DE….png)

File: bfdda9efae71e03⋯.png (337.32 KB,690x1226,345:613,098C1803_3876_40EB_A1CF_83….png)

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03f8da No.21531997

File: 768a401d67ab72d⋯.png (705.52 KB,656x920,82:115,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

File: c56ed0d95c7d6e6⋯.png (1.43 MB,2046x1096,1023:548,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

File: 6505f560dbce16e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1464x670,732:335,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

otto skorzeny german irish


How did Hitler's scar-faced henchman become an Irish farmer? - BBC

Dec 30, 2014 … Born in Vienna in 1908, Otto Skorzeny joined the Austrian Nazi party in the early 1930s. At the outbreak of WW2 he was initially involved in …

Visit in Anonymous View

Matthew 12:50

King James Version

50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

no talk of a father, eat-a-puss…

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3bab0a No.21532000

File: 42845a7e45b51a4⋯.jpeg (62.59 KB,600x598,300:299,PXV54K0.jpeg)

It's just the jealous rejects of the /comms crew, the Den of Absolute Retards crew, and the jaded from boards that were abandoned.

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403cca No.21532001

File: 8a9f575c3cbb12b⋯.gif (495.73 KB,800x600,4:3,pepe_salt_shaker.gif)


These incidence are on the rise. They are fucking around…… and will soon find out.

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403cca No.21532003




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028024 No.21532004


noice blast from the past


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2eb7f1 No.21532008

File: 495a91c8b2fc2e5⋯.jpeg (139.05 KB,828x707,828:707,969FB3A8_FA96_4EFC_ABBE_E….jpeg)

Posted late in last bread so I’m reposting:

>>21531813 LB

Does anyone have the video of Fani Willis & Nathan Wade showing up on the scene when Fani’s daughter was arrested?

Someone posted a video on Gab but then it was deleted before I could ask about it but I took a screenshot after it said it couldn’t be found when I tried to like it.

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81472d No.21532011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Absolutely Glorious.

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b9f349 No.21532013

File: adc5e259bf5170e⋯.jpeg (91.41 KB,306x621,34:69,adc5e259bf5170e3b9bb74392….jpeg)

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6dd352 No.21532016

File: 967ecc32523fd39⋯.mp4 (717.68 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Potato_desk.mp4)

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b9f349 No.21532018

File: fa1b19aa2057049⋯.jpg (252.04 KB,2135x776,2135:776,Screenshot_20240904_113034….jpg)

busy state Georgia is

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93e1ed No.21532022

File: 480fe3c76614ac7⋯.png (1.28 MB,1050x591,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99734a29542a4fb⋯.png (1.22 MB,1020x583,1020:583,ClipboardImage.png)


Casualties reported in shooting at Georgia high school, sheriff says. A suspect is in custody

By Nick Valencia, Shawn Nottingham, Dakin Andone and Chris Boyette, CNN

Updated 12:27 PM EDT, Wed September 4, 2024


One suspect is in custody after authorities received a report of an active shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, according to a statement from the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office.

“Casualties have been reported, however details on the number or their conditions is not available at this time,” the statement said.

A local hospital is receiving patients with gunshot wounds, a source at the hospital told CNN. Georgia State Patrol previously said it had responded to an active scene at the school.

At least five ambulances and a large active law enforcement presence were at the campus, according to video from outside the school. A least one medical helicopter could be seen airlifting a patient from the scene. Footage at the scene also showed people gathering on a football field near the school as students appeared to pray.

Special agents from the FBI have responded to assist local law enforcement, a bureau spokesperson said.

Apalachee High School belongs to the Barrow County School System, which told CNN students have been cleared to leave and parents have been notified to pick them up. Transportation will be provided to students who need it, the district said.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has directed all available state resources to assist at the scene, he said in a statement on social media. The governor urged “all Georgians to join my family in praying for the safety of those in our classrooms, both in Barrow County and across the state.”

Winder, a community about an hour outside of Atlanta, had a population of about 18,338 as of the 2020 census, according to the US Census Bureau. The Barrow County School System is the 24th largest school district in the state, per the district’s website. It serves about 15,340 students,1,932 of whom are enrolled at Apalachee High School.

This is a developing story and will be updated.


Anons please pray for the kids, teachers, families, this area is a very large area where there are lots of hunters, etc. My intuition says its a set up

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403cca No.21532025

File: fd654cbffba2f01⋯.png (389.06 KB,493x709,493:709,vati_shill.png)

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cdb9a8 No.21532026

File: c10c21b0f9acf9e⋯.png (48.93 KB,690x542,345:271,1874A7C0_89F8_4A11_A00D_07….png)

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81472d No.21532029

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,E6165168_E0F7_448E_A5F4_D….jpeg)

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3bab0a No.21532030

File: 2307d95d718a71f⋯.jpeg (35.38 KB,474x355,474:355,Celebrating_In_Wrestling_….jpeg)


They think they're justified and entitled to their violence upon others because of how they were indoctrinated. They're your best friend until you disagree with them on anything, then there's a 180 degree change in attitude like a switch being flipped and you become their enemy to be attacked and destroyed by any and every means necessary. Same type of behavior that the shills here display, so it seems to be a common factor in the indoctrination/ideology they adhere to.

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1c1d0e No.21532032

Still feels like Tuesday

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df2931 No.21532035

File: aadf60788c296bc⋯.jpg (78.13 KB,500x666,250:333,pw.jpg)

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ad8864 No.21532036

File: 3e11b33b4226bd0⋯.jpg (610.12 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Curious_Frog_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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250da5 No.21532037

File: 21342096f5fcdbd⋯.png (3.24 MB,4378x1902,2189:951,Q_1950_1951_FAFO_NIGHT_SHI….png)

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cdb9a8 No.21532038


still think it’s last Thursday.

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76b797 No.21532039

Sep 04, 2024, 11:39 AM

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me, and the fact that MAGA is the greatest and most powerful Political Movement in the History of our now Failing Country. With Crime and Illegal Immigration totally out of control, INFLATION Ravaging all Americans, and a World that is laughing at the stupidity of our hapless “leaders,” it is nice to see someone who loves our Country, and wants to save it from DOOM. What a great couple - See you both at the Super Bowl!

Mahomes (my home's) Brittany (britain)

reflect / mirror

BS-"leaders" DOOM Country

INFLATION Ravaging World

Illegal Immigration Crime

Country Failing History

Movement Political MAGA

(last 2 lines: America is failing the lessons of history, solution is the political movement MAGA)

(first line: b2s19 Q219)

Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

Can you find an owl / Y there?

Was this to prevent evil from entering?

Was this to protect their children/people?

Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

How was POTUS hosted?



Fantasy land.

(note: "There are six types of pieces in chess, each with its name and specific movements. From the center to the edge of the board, these pieces are the king, the queen, the two bishops, the two knights, and the two rooks")

Fantasy land: (fictitious crown rule of kingdoms they don't own) POTUS was given royal treatment vs. bullshit 'leaders' of the world who do not have actual legal rights to rule the lands "From Sea to Shining Sea"


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a9cc44 No.21532040

File: 1c4718141560cce⋯.png (730.63 KB,1435x813,1435:813,1725467880867.png)



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403cca No.21532042

File: a947e546f7063a5⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1045,216:209,Pepe_Apu_garden.png)

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907e81 No.21532044

File: 7fda07d73e00da4⋯.mp4 (931.21 KB,640x268,160:67,7fda07d73e00da48d401df5666….mp4)

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a9cc44 No.21532045

File: 1237dfeec48b9d3⋯.png (181.82 KB,1024x233,1024:233,A_Vote_for_Kamala_9_4_2024.png)

File: 305c75b1dc5a120⋯.png (287.97 KB,1024x279,1024:279,Is_a_Vote_for_Child_Rape_B….png)

File: 7168ca9e22674ba⋯.png (165.36 KB,1024x214,512:107,Want_Your_Kids_Raped_9_4_2….png)

File: c44097fd0064f55⋯.png (216.64 KB,1024x280,128:35,Vote_Kamala_9_4_2024.png)

File: dbd1f3b4c852b6b⋯.png (101.32 KB,666x375,222:125,ei_1725277681433_removebg_….png)

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028024 No.21532048


tyvm for memes yo


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403cca No.21532049

File: 10b0d5b0e53c3e5⋯.png (397.93 KB,619x499,619:499,toke_it_up.png)


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ae4139 No.21532050

File: 3cc932738bdf410⋯.png (1.35 MB,708x903,236:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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81472d No.21532051

File: 2a326c947411176⋯.jpeg (112.13 KB,828x511,828:511,D5EAC12D_C2DB_4367_80AA_8….jpeg)

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a9cc44 No.21532052

File: 2131bf0cf345380⋯.png (1.14 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725467913517.png)

File: f132dee5b6dbb90⋯.png (415.05 KB,1524x765,508:255,1725365722674.png)



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93e1ed No.21532053


YEP, are they going to blow something else of Russia's up

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dc95fd No.21532055

File: 31dcab6e1840a31⋯.jpg (29.11 KB,600x450,4:3,what_day_is_it.jpg)

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81472d No.21532056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c30cdf No.21532057

File: 9c0266b8f49a8fe⋯.png (3.02 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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028024 No.21532058


jammin diggies

are you sure bout that?


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a9cc44 No.21532059

File: bab44de8c14ca1e⋯.png (664.99 KB,930x1254,155:209,1725467790199.png)

File: 521fdb0e3519616⋯.png (427.07 KB,1524x765,508:255,1725365745967.png)

File: e5e4b0024767c53⋯.png (1.14 MB,1467x795,489:265,1725366685031.png)

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03f8da No.21532060

File: 91ac358c42caf55⋯.png (965.81 KB,1016x856,127:107,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: 16e1499f51ed815⋯.png (1.34 MB,1286x984,643:492,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: 5c21ad7d6d254e2⋯.png (939.02 KB,976x674,488:337,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: 3d453885783b25a⋯.png (1.07 MB,874x950,23:25,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: 766dd34b493a6ec⋯.png (869.35 KB,816x874,408:437,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)


+ + + = +

+ - + = -

- + - = -

+ - + = +:-

+ - - = +

- - - = +:-

:- = ho mo

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403cca No.21532061

File: cc038f0a8e651fc⋯.png (316.33 KB,595x500,119:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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830a7c No.21532062

File: d600fe49d974fc2⋯.png (1.95 MB,910x1358,65:97,MAGA_girl_in_hat_and_dress.png)

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a9cc44 No.21532063

File: 9c69e8a32c8a54f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1043x1118,1043:1118,1725468208107.png)

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3bab0a No.21532066


Nah, feels like 4, not 3. Does Tuesday even have a feel? It's too close to either Monday or Wednesday, start of week, middle of week to have a unique feel of its own IMO.

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a9cc44 No.21532067

File: 5f5f8a8e9869a3e⋯.png (640.8 KB,926x1260,463:630,1725467698201.png)

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16dda2 No.21532068

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICALv.png)

File: 9dcceff98147e64⋯.png (36.2 KB,1188x528,9:4,Q_3565av.png)

File: 7e7c2e35463cd40⋯.png (345.14 KB,750x856,375:428,Q_4208.png)



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a9cc44 No.21532069

File: ddb685162094644⋯.png (860.32 KB,965x1209,965:1209,1725467652016.png)

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a9cc44 No.21532070

File: ac99f7e84dc895c⋯.png (733.77 KB,930x1254,155:209,1725467749662.png)

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333145 No.21532071

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

During an undercover date with an


journalist, Rael Enteen (


), Vice President of Content for the NFL’s Washington Commanders, formerly the Redskins, is caught on hidden camera stating, “Most of the NFL fans I would say, are high school educated alcoholics” likening them to “mouth breathers.” Enteen goes on to characterize NFL fans as “violent,” saying “there’s fights in the stands all the time.”

When asked to describe the Commanders players, Enteen says, “a big chunk is very low-income African-Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.” He further explains, “I love hip-hop, hip-hop is very homophobic. It’s a cultural thing that I hope gets better.”

Enteen also criticizes the NFL's progressive initiatives as “performative,” stating that their “[NFL] social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception.” When asked about the NFL’s commitment to Black Lives Matter, Pride, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, he bluntly replies, “…it's to make as much money as possible.”

Enteen further denounces NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (


) as a “50 million dollar puppet” controlled by the owners. Enteen proceeds to accuse Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, whom he claims “really runs the NFL,” of harboring deep-seated biases, saying, “I think he hates gay people and black people.”












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f19f67 No.21532072

File: 40da4ed7c7a1557⋯.mp4 (5.39 MB,1080x1920,9:16,YouTube_www_youtube.mp4)

Demons are panicking - GOOD!!

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e92fe0 No.21532073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff7f90 No.21532075

File: 224d55d41101e27⋯.jpg (39.15 KB,810x288,45:16,20240904_104711.jpg)


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03f8da No.21532076

File: 5011d6fc4f082fb⋯.png (433.88 KB,764x748,191:187,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

File: d6d3324fa235e95⋯.png (3.92 MB,1798x1088,899:544,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_2….png)

File: 4786a676634608e⋯.png (571.07 KB,626x796,313:398,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

File: be58cc13bef4476⋯.png (1.5 MB,816x1078,408:539,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

File: f6585af9db9c912⋯.png (2.5 MB,2044x1104,511:276,Screenshot_2024_01_17_at_1….png)

male top with bottom surgery baphomet

female top with bottom surgery baphomet

i didn't make the rules…

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b61180 No.21532078


Hey D..A clowns you'll find the CCP on payroll here


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a3f357 No.21532079

File: 72b5df0abc1a140⋯.jpg (58.73 KB,474x365,474:365,351b0480f0ffd7f7.jpg)

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31b971 No.21532080

File: 55bbed287750d0f⋯.png (156.03 KB,396x306,22:17,Opera_Snapshot_2024_09_04_….png)


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77c2f8 No.21532081

Any good guys looking out for me, thank you, and my day is terrible and stressful. Trying to make the best but neurologically I need help.

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76b797 No.21532082

File: f00da198bf505a1⋯.png (455.59 KB,1358x667,1358:667,king_movement.png)

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5f4e85 No.21532083

File: 500e9dfac77a11d⋯.png (396.41 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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c34a57 No.21532084

File: 2b6feea98c485b8⋯.jpg (31.46 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,attachment_Go_Bag_2.jpg)

File: 96e65ed6472fe09⋯.jpg (62.52 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,attachment_Go_Bag_1.jpg)


There is a decommissioned elementary school in my town and the state has been using it for their school shooter training for law enforcement in Massachusetts. They were hyping up their "Go Bags" with tourniquets

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b9f349 No.21532085

File: 02528f5d4b2cf1e⋯.png (1.76 MB,1000x1000,1:1,02528f5d4b2cf1ecc97c7352f6….png)


>NFL Commanders VP of Content

NFL Commanders VP of Content unemployed

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cdb9a8 No.21532086

File: aa1d7a017551d97⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,CA4B4FF9_AFD3_4A4B_B49D_45….png)

File: d657d4d62784947⋯.png (36.83 KB,690x586,345:293,7065EACD_9B8E_444E_9EBB_B0….png)

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ad8864 No.21532088

File: 9e4ada0873fad70⋯.jpg (394.5 KB,1638x1994,819:997,Together_Stronger.jpg)


My absolute pleasure Anon

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03f8da No.21532089

File: fc6f72004f6f4d2⋯.png (893.25 KB,1308x716,327:179,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)




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c34a57 No.21532090


>NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

It is basically scripted like Wrestling

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134848 No.21532094

twitching whilst hanging

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283e82 No.21532098

File: 71169021c5eec48⋯.png (263.83 KB,597x847,597:847,ClipboardImage.png)

Mass Shooting: Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia


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b61180 No.21532099


You're watching a foreign B movie

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c34a57 No.21532100

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We need more cops like him

Done cappin vids for a bit, I would like to saee what these guys were doing


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e1582d No.21532101

File: c42e75ef2540dcb⋯.png (310.15 KB,800x896,25:28,10b.png)


Let's all just forgive and forget okay?

What would Jesus do, Guys!?

Come on,[P]= Popcorn!!!

Aug 28, 2018 7:14:35 PM EDT Q Drop #1966

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f71ada No. 2773258

Aug 28, 2018 7:12:21 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: d8fac5 No. 2773199


Will be glorious?

In my humble opinion sir, it ALREADY is.


In our opinion, until those responsible are dead and/or suffering, it shall remain 'will be'.


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c34a57 No.21532102


But muh building takeover

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5f4e85 No.21532104

Trump repeats attacks on Jewish political leaders and voters as battle for key group heats up

- He has targeted the three most prominent Jewish Americans in politics, as well as Jews who vote for Democrats, as both parties try to reinforce their standing with Jewish voters.


As former President Donald Trump tries to win over Jewish voters in the 2024 election, he’s made a point of attacking Jewish Democrats — targeting the faith of three of the most prominent Jewish Americans in politics and criticizing any Jew who backs Democrats as “an absolute fool” who needs “their head examined.”

Those attacks have increasingly colored the background of a pivotal fight for potential swing voters: Jewish Americans in critical battleground states, a group that has consistently supported Democrats in past elections and, this year, is increasingly concerned about issues including rising antisemitism at home, U.S. support for Israel in its war in Gaza, and the hostages held by Hamas — six of whom, including one American, were recently killed in Hamas captivity.

A number of Jewish advocates, quick to note Jewish voters are voting on an array of issues beyond Israel, say Trump’s attacks are blatantly antisemitic and lean on age-old tropes suggesting “dual loyalty” for American Jews between the U.S. and the Jewish state. Even some of Trump’s allies on the right view the comments as increasingly unhelpful in the broader effort to win over a small but meaningful number of Jewish voters in a close election.

“It’s deeply dangerous, deeply disturbing, and it’s part of this broader normalization of antisemitism,” Amy Spitalnick, CEO of the nonpartisan Jewish Council for Public Affairs, told NBC News. “Trump believes that he’s entitled to the Jewish vote, entitled to support from Jews, and when they don’t give it to him, he immediately defaults to this idea of the disloyal or bad Jew.”

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said that "playing this dual loyalty trope" is "classic antisemitism."

"I just think that's wrong," he said. "It's not the first time it's happened with President Trump. I mean, we saw this when he was in office."

Following Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, Trump took to his Truth Social platform to call Shapiro a “highly overrated Jewish Governor” who “for strictly political reasons, refused to acknowledge that I am the best friend that Israel, and the Jewish people, ever had,” adding Shapiro “has done nothing for Israel, and never will.”


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93e1ed No.21532105

File: 47969474f71cbaa⋯.png (315.94 KB,468x415,468:415,ClipboardImage.png)

If anyone sees a women like this, start singing a really cool song, apparently she loves it.She'll pretend like she doesn't but she does.

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03f8da No.21532107



sub rosa

sub human

think sub-groups

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907e81 No.21532108

File: d649a1a82e58e2a⋯.png (105.81 KB,772x332,193:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bab0a No.21532110


So where are you running your VPN through then, AEI? You can IP hop now, ya l'il goofball weakling.

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cdb9a8 No.21532111

File: 6750735f6bdf0be⋯.png (996.93 KB,750x1334,375:667,37AA508B_70BD_4CA5_B624_27….png)

File: c959cfcd2a28797⋯.png (98.37 KB,690x1434,115:239,420C48DF_1976_4B22_B6C8_71….png)

File: aa1d7a017551d97⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,EE09F184_6071_47E3_883C_ED….png)

File: d657d4d62784947⋯.png (36.83 KB,690x586,345:293,258DBC6C_66C4_458C_8516_BB….png)


10+3+4 tim waltz does not control his X account. prove me wrong

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ce966c No.21532112

File: 1a9421385b0288d⋯.jpg (106.93 KB,556x341,556:341,YarosAlememblem.jpg)

File: 0dcf79891b4d658⋯.jpg (11.12 KB,436x152,109:38,swastikazion.jpg)

File: a35710d22a4b54e⋯.jpg (92.21 KB,480x720,2:3,Tonpa_Shenrab.jpg)

File: 72125f46bf9e425⋯.jpg (56.28 KB,640x640,1:1,aleph.jpg)

File: dc3bf4774963386⋯.jpg (93.86 KB,640x640,1:1,alepholivejupiter.jpg)

>>21531039 pb



"Tonpa Shenrab came with the express purpose of relieving the sufferings of all sentient beings."

Tonpa Shenrab is thought to be, by the New Historians whose group-work rectified the accepted chronological timeline (via the scientific method, computers, statistics, mathematics and logic), to be the same person who was known in the West as teacher, "King Jesus."

The man known in our day as "King Jesus the Savior" apparently ended up in Tibet after leaving his previous life behind after his 32nd year.

If you read the apostle Mark's account (said to be the most accurate) in the Geneva Bible you'll see that the Savior lived; not just in the hearts and souls of his followers, but on Earth itself.

Notice the swastikas at the front of the pedestal of teacher Shenrab's murti (form)?

Think of this:

The earliest Cross displayed by the followers of King Jesus…was a even cross (axis thought to represent the four corners of the year (astro-theology adjacent), or the 4 main evangelists) (as persisted and shown at the Fort overlooking the Bosphorus, called Yaros; which features Twin Towers).

The same symbol which appears there evokes, with slight changes/ amplification, the SwaStika. (Emblem of the Great SELF)

SWA ("self") stika (Mark)

Swastika represents as whirling or twirling (alive, not fixed) Cross - which implies movement and freedom; rather than stasis or death. "Feet" are added to the cross, which represent direction of motion.

The overall impression of the original sign at Yaros, is of a living thing, a Tree. picrel

There are little shamrock-like signs. "Whirly-gigs" in each corner - to show a living tradition, of eternal life?

The swastika was inverted by Satanists, such as Crowley and Adolf, to spin an opposite different direction (left-handed?). This was likely to represent death, which they worship.

Shenrab's swastika has feet pointing to the left, implying right-ward motion.

The Nazi sign has feet pointing to the right, implying leftward (sinister) motion. Also, called by occult tradition "Widdershins"


(Can't locate the info on the "3-spinner" at the moment; But "E" "W" "M" and "3" are the same letter rotated.)

The "swastika" sign implies movement and rotation.

The directionality of existence/ creation is the "arrow of time" vector. Only by 4 dimensions can our experiences manifest.

Remember the name of the Rothschild scion is ALEPH-antis. Aleph = A the prime or first letter of the ALPHA -bet.

the letter itself implies motion or creation. picrel

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403cca No.21532116

File: d6eba7177293787⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,343x480,343:480,dafuqqqqq.jpg)


>Any attacks on Shapiro are only because he's Jewish.

This tired old tactic again….

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76b797 No.21532117

File: 370067d1a6bfd12⋯.png (916.85 KB,1319x452,1319:452,q_stage_set.png)

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907e81 No.21532118


filter the shill

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c34a57 No.21532120

File: 7fe896704f17f0a⋯.mp4 (12.41 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17254581644….mp4)

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283e82 No.21532122

File: 927fe53fd4c8875⋯.png (40.9 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)


Did someone say Rael?

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b61180 No.21532123

File: 8ec8feefec2413f⋯.png (210.6 KB,500x567,500:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bab0a No.21532125


You tie Q drops to timestamps from Il Trumpo and European media and then devolved to a MuhJoo accusation last bread. Your shit is filtered on sight from now on. Remember when I told you that last time and you IP hopped just to say, "Fuck you!" You get the opportunity to do that again.

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03f8da No.21532126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





there will be told you so's

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907e81 No.21532128

File: c6ca42f6ae76c22⋯.png (255.61 KB,699x874,699:874,ClipboardImage.png)



jew called the ADL for help

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5f4e85 No.21532130

File: 7e012b4ee2712f0⋯.png (180.1 KB,523x680,523:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 367914663d97ca7⋯.png (199.11 KB,526x679,526:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94c66f2dd85f47⋯.png (199.66 KB,526x680,263:340,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ccaea40e9fa738⋯.png (42.5 KB,525x680,105:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Gunther Eagleman™



The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!


12:42 PM · Sep 4, 2024

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bcc7dc No.21532132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for Censorship over COVID and Blames Govt. Pressure

Mark Zuckerberg says he regrets that Meta/ Facebook bowed to pressure from the Biden administration to censor content, especially about COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop. He wrote a letter to the House Judiciary Committee in response to its investigation of censorship and said that the interference was “wrong” and he plans to push back if it happens again.

During the last election in 2020 during the pandemic, Zuckerberg contributed $400 million via the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to support “election infrastructure”, a move that drew criticism that it benefitted Democrats. He said that he will not fund the 2024 election.

Analyst Jeffrey Tucker pointed out that Zuckerberg’s meddling had a profound impact because we experienced the most significant and far-reaching attacks on our rights and liberties in our lifetimes, and it was not part of any serious public debate. The harm caused by lockdowns, masks and especially the danger of COVID vaccines was censored. Elections were biased because conservative voices were silenced. For example, Facebook banned candidate Dr. Scott Jensen entirely from advertising, reducing his reach by 90%. It is an outright coup that overthrew an entire generation of leaders who stood up for freedom and replaced them with a generation of leaders who buckled to power exactly at the time it mattered the most.





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76b797 No.21532133


You're fired, Bozo.

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cdb9a8 No.21532135

File: 6750735f6bdf0be⋯.png (996.93 KB,750x1334,375:667,7D38BB96_F0B3_4B6B_9156_30….png)

File: c959cfcd2a28797⋯.png (98.37 KB,690x1434,115:239,5D161179_248F_4912_A2F2_13….png)

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5f4e85 No.21532136

File: dbc53150a7bfdf9⋯.png (364.39 KB,680x675,136:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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03f8da No.21532137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

covid bro unfriended you and then emails 7 years in tibet…

what would Jesus do?

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403cca No.21532138


Kek, watch the left claim, that they can't go after him since he's a current candidate.

Hypocrisy on full display…

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76b797 No.21532141


You're fired, Clown.

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5f4e85 No.21532142

File: 264fca49b4b10f0⋯.png (268.88 KB,598x526,299:263,ClipboardImage.png)

>literal glowies




#DYK the #FBI can pull forensics and identifiable info from weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? Recently, members of our Laboratory Division trained alongside @NNSAnews in the “Diamond Thunder” exercise—locating, securing, and disassembling a prop WMD for forensics.

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c34a57 No.21532144

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maybe I do know something 🤔




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3bab0a No.21532146

File: e9fa7429b236c2a⋯.gif (3.6 MB,498x247,498:247,kekface.gif)


KEK. Nice to know how the NFL upper echelon looks down on their employees and looks at wit scorn the source of the majority of their income that pays those exorbitant employee salaries for running, throwing, and kicking a ball.

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bcc7dc No.21532147

File: 1dc4a6e062dad91⋯.png (140.67 KB,468x282,78:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris Supporters Include 200 Republican RINOs, Tech Giants & Hollywood

More than 200 RINOs (Republican in name only) “conservatives” who worked for former President George HW Bush, former President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Senator Mitt Romney endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, saying democracy would be “irreparably jeopardized” by another Trump administration.

In addition, over 800 powerful venture capitalists organized to pledge support for Kamala Harris. They represent a combined $276 billion in assets under management. The tech giants include Mark Cuban, Reid Hoffman, Vinod Khosla, Ron Conway, Katie Stanton, Steve Wozniak, Chris Sacca, Aileen Lee, Deven Parekh, Jesse Draper and Mark Suster.

George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, John Legend, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Aaron Sorkin, Spike Lee, Olivia Rodrigo, Mindy Kaling, Megan Thee Stallion, Charli XCX, Barbra Streisand, Mark Hamill, Pink, Rosie O’Donnell, Ben Stiller and Jamie Lee Curtis are among the the prominent voices backing Harris.






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cdb9a8 No.21532148

File: cb76ad60dcd15b0⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,364BB877_AE86_48F0_9FC0_12….png)

File: c6eb58d48ffbda7⋯.png (99.67 KB,690x1164,115:194,3A1ED1E2_56F9_4144_A927_74….png)

File: b7287aaa835ff19⋯.jpeg (253.74 KB,774x768,129:128,3EF7AD20_133D_40DC_B671_8….jpeg)

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94d6fc No.21532150

an anon opines

its all scripted… you are watching a movie

The movie playing is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Wake people up by pissing them off. think about it… its way to unreal what we are witnessing. dont get caught up in it. let it play. will be over soon. Do keep sharing what you see.

Look,imo Cameltoe for example 2 things are happening here. either she is an actor, we have seen the masks like Joes ,being paid to say these things or she is real and made to say this STUPID SHIT TO AVOID BEING HUNG or she already has been hung but i think not. She is not a big enough fish but she will expose the larger fish. All roads lead to Obama.

it is a FACT that we are under C.O.G. as we speak. you are watching the collapse of the Corporation that is THE US. You know the one that came about in the act of 1871 where we were sold to the crown. Trump has already gotten it back.

the eye opening process is going well and the items being exposed are like nothing we have ever seen before

The REPUBLIC will return. At least I hope it will

45-47 is a three term president. the Dash is important.

This guy has a good bead on this C.O.G. Operation and brings the



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03f8da No.21532151

File: 576e2ec9ccf04d2⋯.png (283.15 KB,390x530,39:53,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_2….png)

File: 3e951b9985e1266⋯.png (1.45 MB,1164x1158,194:193,Screenshot_2024_03_15_at_1….png)


don't mind her, she ain't no one.

i am no one

i prefer to be by myself!

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2eb7f1 No.21532152

File: 41af4e722dc7aef⋯.jpeg (565.47 KB,828x1315,828:1315,E0656A96_4F4A_471F_B0D7_9….jpeg)


Found an article containing that video:

EXCLUSIVEFani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade seen arriving TOGETHER at scene of daughter's arrest


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3be245 No.21532154


expect to hear


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a3d98c No.21532156


>Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics

There's a reason why horse piss garbage beer sponsorships are so important to these organizations

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bcc7dc No.21532157

File: 0c044c3dadedad6⋯.png (135.36 KB,352x248,44:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Fleeced Taxpayers for Billions to Give to Left-Wing Groups and Lawyers

If Kamala Harris wins the White House, her brother-in-law, Tony West, who is married to her sister Maya, is poised to repeat the fleecing of taxpayers as he did when he worked under Obama as the head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. The NY Post reported that West created a new form graft by changing the rules of the ‘Judgement Fund’. Until 1977, Congress had to approve any settlement of a civil suit against the Federal government over $100,000. But Congress removed the cap, handing the Justice Department a permanent blank check to pay settlements unilaterally, in any amount, out of an account known as the ‘Judgement Fund.’ When West assumed office in 2009, settlements became the vehicle for paying off political allies, according to the NY Post.




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93e1ed No.21532158

>>21531232, >>21531259, >>21531391, >>21531394, >>21531398, >>21531703 OP: Focus24 Reasons to vote for Trump, Reasons not to vote for HarrisPN

Excellent anons, I've saved all and will share….PDJT the once and future King

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3bab0a No.21532159

Yeah, there's been a shift in VaticanClown's tunes. What is it with the clown fascination with copying everything about one person that posts here?

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e1c821 No.21532160

>>21531128 pb

>Great News! Mike Pence Not Endorsing President Trump!

Never forget his very friendly chats with pelosi

The lipreading by the gunner's wife on that was very good

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057b4c No.21532161

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e1c821 No.21532162


>ntil 1977, Congress had to approve any settlement of a civil suit against the Federal government over $100,000. But Congress removed the cap, handing the Justice Department a permanent blank check to pay settlements unilaterally, in any amount, out of an account known as the ‘Judgement Fund.’ When West assumed office in 2009, settlements became the vehicle for paying off political allies

=bullshit communist fucks==

and fuck congress for giving them that

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03f8da No.21532164

File: c67f58964e46e10⋯.png (742.9 KB,1642x1054,821:527,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 20bc908135946b6⋯.png (746.13 KB,1872x1008,13:7,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: c92a8b07f360449⋯.png (840.31 KB,1752x1046,876:523,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: eb31f27d6e2c38b⋯.png (889.47 KB,1806x1046,903:523,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 90004859399afd6⋯.png (761.47 KB,1760x1036,440:259,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


freedom of assembly and INDIVIDUAL rights!

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b25217 No.21532165

File: 4e062b6bfc5db32⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x635,240:127,ClipboardImage.png)


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28adb7 No.21532166


>NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels…NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell"

Many players come from playing college ball, but due to corruption, the schools admit and graduate imbeciles solely for their athletic ability. College/professional sports programs could almost certainly be described as engaging in racketeering.

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76b797 No.21532167


Is it intentionally missing the "puppet string"?

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e1c821 No.21532168



fuck off.

That was nuclear biological chemical. now they use it for anything

1984 changes definitions to suit them

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283e82 No.21532169


Put all the fucking candidates in jail, and the people can choose which criminals they all want this go around.

Clear the air.

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cdb9a8 No.21532170


two legs technically

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a906b6 No.21532171

File: 9861fa498f76639⋯.png (380.14 KB,568x636,142:159,1805DEAE_C018_40A0_A241_3B….png)


Thank you Master Baker

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0fc907 No.21532172


Was he helping to organise Irish terrorism?

How much involvement did he have in the IRA Border Campaign during the late 1950s and early 1960s.

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25c0e9 No.21532173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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32982a No.21532174

File: 612a9aacdc67f5c⋯.png (412.32 KB,473x1103,473:1103,IMG_2943.png)

File: 3bf12e4218093b1⋯.jpeg (265.12 KB,862x740,431:370,IMG_2942.jpeg)

File: 174ce40eb5341f4⋯.jpeg (269.77 KB,850x739,850:739,IMG_2941.jpeg)

>>21531812 lb


Drops on the clock today.

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42f9dd No.21532175

>>21531876 (pb)

use "perspective" and "rotation" transforms instead.

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907e81 No.21532176


filter this retard shill

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76b797 No.21532177


It's called "muddying the waters" by using (typically relevant and timely) pro-patriot material as a focal point for otherwise anti-patriot material.

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cdb9a8 No.21532178


nobody uses the filter

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333145 No.21532180


Like clockwork.

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403cca No.21532181

File: 38bf7cbe2603d32⋯.png (349.97 KB,510x490,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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c34a57 No.21532182

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wonder what Kamalas New Hampsha accent will be like

Trump War Room




Kamala Harris is importing people from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on busses to try and fill her event in the Granite State.



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3bab0a No.21532183

I mean it started back in '19/'20 when I started getting into 40K again due to the novels and VaticanClown and AEI would be posting memes with the font used in the 40K source book. That was back before VaticanClown went total schizo and was somewhat normal, but would post that Court MuhJoo bullshit all the time too which he only does every now and then as he's now focused on trying to create a negative Pavlovian response in people to tune out the information he spams. They do not, absolutely do not want anons discussing anything related to the vatican or that fucktard comes out to try and derail the conversation.

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89304d No.21532184

File: 22fdc071dc6040a⋯.png (47.53 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86fde43d3347bcd⋯.png (687.39 KB,615x703,615:703,ClipboardImage.png)


It's panicking so much today it forgot to do the parakeet persona.

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ad1434 No.21532185

File: b95a0de817b5fbd⋯.png (291.38 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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76b797 No.21532186

File: 1d590f19e0d96c1⋯.png (631.63 KB,512x640,4:5,king.png)


King PDJT, rightful bloodline ruler of the actual lands"From Sea to Shining Sea".

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32982a No.21532187


Phonefaggin or I'd make a graphic.

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dc95fd No.21532188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Department of State





State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters on a range of foreign policy issues confronting the Biden administration.


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a37ab6 No.21532189

File: fd61314c2b899ed⋯.jpg (77.96 KB,912x304,3:1,screenshot.jpg)


it appears i filtered this one a while ago


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333145 No.21532190


The best graphics in the game.

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de2653 No.21532192

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)


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dc95fd No.21532193

1:30 PM EDT

Attorney General Garland Meets with Election Threats Task Force

Attorney General Merrick Garland gives remarks at a meeting of the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force.


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b61180 No.21532194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He thinks he did this and he wants you to know…

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fb5362 No.21532195


Kamala Harris's crowds have been bigger than Trump's crowds. If the election were held today, she would win.

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3bab0a No.21532196

Or was that in '21 or '22? Time is blurring and I can't quite remember. All I know it was after finishing reading the Wheel of Time though and I needed another big "epic" to read and someone recommended The Horus Heresy. So fucking glad they did, another fine meal of a story.

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bcc7dc No.21532198

File: 6f92facef6a93b8⋯.png (261.56 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)



where is the disincentive to do bad things when they have a perpetual "get out of jail free" card?

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403cca No.21532199

File: 4721b98317626d1⋯.png (419.45 KB,584x500,146:125,kek_kamala_pee.png)


>If the election were held today, she would win.

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03f8da No.21532200

File: 62e1631c133d9fb⋯.png (1.01 MB,746x1090,373:545,Screenshot_2024_01_29_at_1….png)

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dc95fd No.21532201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:45 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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333145 No.21532203

File: 2920823ef75021d⋯.png (7.74 KB,204x112,51:28,Capture.PNG)

File: 97052529ea79db8⋯.png (31.88 KB,756x420,9:5,Capture1.PNG)



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403cca No.21532205

File: 40fc48648b76207⋯.jpg (11.09 KB,320x270,32:27,oooo.jpg)


He seems scared. I wonder what he's afraid of. Treason? He knows…..NCSWIC

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de2653 No.21532206

File: 4dfee597f197a7f⋯.png (840.45 KB,1080x782,540:391,4dfee597f197a7ff37b27403f4….png)

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b61180 No.21532208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That will be tough for her and it won't sound like this.

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76b797 No.21532209

File: 5288d556b07b171⋯.png (1.22 MB,1000x687,1000:687,enoch_rosslyn.png)


leaders rebrand - over the target

[secure] [secure]





Fight Fight Fight.

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03f8da No.21532210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



big pimpin turns a penny to a $

you are faggots

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93e1ed No.21532212

File: 40e57bf79e739b8⋯.png (366.93 KB,570x319,570:319,ClipboardImage.png)

4 Sep, 2024 16:13

IMF to pressure Ukraine to raise taxes and devalue currency – Bloomberg

The agency will reportedly demand more effort from Kiev to cover the country’s budget gap

The International Monetary Fund is expected to ratchet up pressure on the Ukrainian government to cover the country’s budget gap in order to continue receiving aid, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter.

An IMF team is set to visit Kiev later this week to review whether the government is hitting targets that include cutting interest rates, strengthening tax-raising efforts, and devaluing the currency.Pursuing these steps is required for Ukraine to receive the next $1.1 billion tranche from a $15.6 billion loan program.

Ukraine’s state finances have been backed by around $122 billion in international aid from the US, EU, and IMF. However,Kiev still faces a $15 billion budget gap in 2025that has not yet been covered by financial commitments from creditors, Prime Minister Denis Shmigal said last month.

To help bridge the deficit, the Washington-based institution is reportedly planning to urge the National Bank of Ukraine to devalue the hryvnia at a faster pace and ease its monetary policy amid moderate inflation, the sources told the news agency. The measures are expected to boost Ukraine’s budget revenues in the local currency and make borrowing cheaper for the Finance Ministry.

The regulator has reportedly opposed further depreciation of the national currency, which has lost more than 30% against the US dollar since the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022. In October, Ukraine’s central bank eased the fixed exchange rate as part of a broader effort to support the economy. Allowing the currency to weaken further would challenge the central bank’s ability to maintain price stability, the sources said.

In addition, the IMF has reportedly criticized Kiev’s tax raising efforts as being too lenient and urged the authorities to consider increasing a broader range of taxes.Raising the value added tax from the current 20% is among the potential proposals, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. (Ukraine you thought Russia was stupid by kicking the banks out didn't you?)

The proposed measures are reportedly a serious cause for concern for officials in Kiev, as currency depreciation along with higher taxes would be politically damaging amid wartime mobilization drives, state corruption concerns, constant blackouts, and soaring energy prices. (You shouldn’t have climbed in bed with Joe and corrupt EU.)

(Now this is where the Globalists rape the country again, they already did it in 2014, when the President refused the IMF money. Here we go, Ukrainians no longer own anything in Ukraine, Zelensky stole and sold it all.)


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42f9dd No.21532213

File: 9800a8dc1f8c2ce⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x788,256:197,9800a8dc1f8c2ce6b3021cfd7d….png)

Anons, last month the chart said we got to %69 of the goal to support the server and the one sysadmin. If we are able to keep up the same rate of donation then we will be able to sustain this month. Still it is a good idea to back up anything of vital importance in case. We still have a while to go, and still shit hasn't hit the fan everywhere, although in chicago and aurora it certainly has. If you are able please post requests like this on other platforms to help raise money to keep the server up.

Honey is still sold out and is not yet replenished. The 48oz size will probably be eliminated because of the difficulty of packing and shipping something that breaks so easily. (as the honey guy explained)

Send anything you can to the below address, avoid sending cash by fedex as it is being intercepted. Anonymous money orders and proto subscriptions are the most popular. You can get proto at $5 / $10 / $50 / $100 / $200 increments and can buy it in multiple combinations if you so choose.

Please Support The Watkins Project #8KUN [DONATE LINK ABOVE]

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkins/

Bookmark Watkins Report: https://watkinsreport.com/

Advertise Here: ads@isitwetyet.com

Donate Bitcoin: 1KiJD44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 current address

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

- https://shop.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

- https://www.p2pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

- https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (covfefe)

ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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fb5362 No.21532214



Post the same thing over and over again…..WIN A FILTER!

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ce966c No.21532215

File: dfc34af2e655750⋯.jpg (6.72 KB,164x162,82:81,Byzantium_star_and_crescen….jpg)

File: 0979d83b3ca272f⋯.jpg (29.03 KB,750x418,375:209,Red_Cross_Red_Crescent_Day.jpg)

File: 6b4ac82b0addc5f⋯.jpg (121.38 KB,605x738,605:738,City_of_London_crest.jpg)

File: 8fa116e9f1e6bba⋯.png (11.84 KB,200x200,1:1,Red_Cross_Red_Crescent.png)


The arch - cup -looks like horns? at the bottom of the Yaros emblem (see first image to the left in the above posting)

The trans-females (drag queens) followed a female goddess in the ancient world; cut off their genitalia, etc. So the worship of the Mother, without balance, (Mother Earth, Green new deal) is known to lead to weird sacrifices; even Human sacrifices known to connect with the "Earth Goddesses"


is associated with the crescent Moon; The womb of Marian; the Mother of the Great King.

I believe the crescent of the Arabs was a positive symbol to start (as they most all are; as most all symbols are).

It was always combined with a star.

The leftists (left handed occultists "sinister") have limited creativity. Only by God's participation can they obtain their limited power and talent. Therefor the best they can do, what they fall back upon, is reversal, inversion and perversion of what the Right side does? kek

They ("demons") have to have something to copy. They have no creativity of their own.

Can we see that strongly revealed in the devolution of the Harris campaign.

All she can do is weakly copy Trump and try to brush everything off with a giggle an a "but I'm the popular girl" - High School type stance?


Looks like "Red Cross" appropriated the Crescent.

Makes sense if they were originally Knights Templar lineage from Constantinople / Istanbul, who fought there or maybe came from there?

Notice the upside down cross on the "City of London" crest "Coat of Arms" ?

What does the "Coat" cover?

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03f8da No.21532216

File: 624d2b858867fd9⋯.png (663.56 KB,776x542,388:271,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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42f9dd No.21532217


in the very least, conspiracy to commit treason.

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fb5362 No.21532218

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,kekkinghard_pepe.png)


She must be Greek.

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42f9dd No.21532219


>Big week coming up!

This reminds me of a boom boom boom for some reason.

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dc95fd No.21532220

File: 48bbf42ea28a2cb⋯.png (12.88 KB,255x246,85:82,we_had_a_very_big_day_toda….png)

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c7c35e No.21532221

File: c48d1efa4f50d09⋯.jpeg (59.25 KB,481x640,481:640,c48d1efa4f50d09f8f0367a5e….jpeg)

Did you know that in the US- you are legally allowed to “opt out” of the body scanner at the airport?

Yes if you preferr to have your genitals caressed for bombs and fentapacks rather than photographed by Itty bitty eneey weenie micro waves.

Or buy a line hopper card from the DHS ,

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62e6c6 No.21532222

File: 11f47cc52102f07⋯.png (100.69 KB,496x490,248:245,Cape1ab.png)

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a3f357 No.21532223

File: 5e745fea736e62c⋯.png (156.48 KB,597x552,199:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 944fcf4dca10d09⋯.png (152.43 KB,1336x945,1336:945,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Kamala’s Sham Small Business “Plan”



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03f8da No.21532224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw?


2.77K subscribers

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fb5362 No.21532225


Wasted quads

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188b85 No.21532226

File: 3988c9ef1c2a6de⋯.png (619.03 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_04….png)

KaMaBlah on final in New Hampsire

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e7fb96 No.21532227


get help you are delusional

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62e6c6 No.21532228

File: a92c3764dff065b⋯.png (783.9 KB,916x571,916:571,zxsjwabcd.png)


Quads of Truth

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42f9dd No.21532229

File: f7b0180bd866c71⋯.jpg (41.09 KB,640x633,640:633,pepe_crying_laughing.jpg)

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB,248x189,248:189,pepe_laughing_crying.jpg)

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,pepe_laughing_eyes_closed.jpg)

File: 5c7b75e2c20936a⋯.jpg (26.75 KB,500x281,500:281,pepe_happy_very.jpg)

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ad1434 No.21532230

File: 11506157ad8ac80⋯.png (880.35 KB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk defies X ban in Brazil by beaming app from space

September 3, 2024

Elon Musk has found a way to bypass a ban on his social media firm X in Brazil by allowing people in the country to access the app through his satellite internet provider Starlink.

Brazil’s Supreme Court voted on Monday to uphold a ban on X that was introduced last week by Justice Alexandre de Moraes after the company failed to follow a court order to appoint a new legal representative in the country.

Mr Musk criticised the ruling, claiming that Judge Moraes was a “dictator” who should be impeached for violating freedom of speech.

The new law forces internet service providers in the country to implement an “immediate, complete and comprehensive” ban of X, or face legal and financial ramifications.

Starlink, which is controlled by Mr Musk’s other company SpaceX, has more than 250,000 customers in Brazil, who access the broadband network through satellite receivers.

Starlink has not complied with the court order, resulting in the network’s bank accounts in Brazil being frozen, preventing the company from processing financial transactions.

“This order is based on an unfounded determination that Starlink should be responsible for the fines levied – unconstitutionally – against X,” Starlink posted on X last week.

“It was issued in secret and without affording Starlink any of the due process of law guaranteed by the Constitution of Brazil.

We intend to address the matter legally… We are proud of the impact Starlink is making in communities across the country, and the Starlink team is doing everything possible to ensure their service is not interrupted.”

Mr Musk claimed the freezing of Starlink bank accounts was illegal and pledged to provide free internet access to its Brazilian customers while the accounts remain blocked.

Under the court ruling, any X users who access the platform’s app or website through Starlink or a virtual private network (VPN) face a fine of up to 50,000 reais (£6,750).


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39a72a No.21532233

File: 32d26ddbd8985d8⋯.mp4 (8.26 MB,464x848,29:53,video_2024_09_04_10_26_11.mp4)


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028024 No.21532234

File: b868710a0270c98⋯.png (14.69 KB,598x198,299:99,ClipboardImage.png)


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a3f357 No.21532235

File: b2e36a192b8113b⋯.png (172.99 KB,635x592,635:592,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd0c080d019fbe1⋯.png (169.19 KB,1497x957,499:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


“Harris Weakness Wednesday: Kamala’s Weak Economic Record”



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188b85 No.21532236

File: dcbe319a309d700⋯.png (524.91 KB,1288x2559,1288:2559,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


>KaMaBlah on final in New Hampsire

visiting brewery that's still following Covid Protocols for you safety

Dine In Protocols

Our priority is to keep everyone as safe as possible, which means following the NH guidelines – for your safety and for ours. Our whole team thrives on making people that come here feel welcome, accepted, relaxed, and comfortable – like dining at a friend’s house. Many of these rules make it a bit hard for us to do this, but we will do our best! Please, be patient with us as we navigate a new way of operating.

Here are the guidelines you must follow:

Please stay home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms:These include fever; respiratory symptoms such as sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath; flu-like symptoms such as muscle aches, chills, and severe fatigue; and changes in sense of taste or smell.

Wear a mask unless seated at your table. Please wear a mask as we great you and bring you to your table. Once seated, you don’t need to wear a mash until you leave and/or enter the building to use the bathroom. We are required to limit bathroom occupancy to 1 person or 1 family at a time, so please check in with our staff before entering the building. If someone is in the bathroom, we will ask you to please wait outside until they are done.

Make a reservation ahead of time. Click here to reserve your table. Reservations help us promote social distancing and prevent groups of guests waiting for tables. We are allotting 90 minutes between reservations, which should hopefully give all of you time to enjoy your food and beer, and for us to get the table ready for the next party. We are accepting online reservations at this time, and we also have several tables set aside for walk-ins.

Respect the table distances / limits. There will be a minimum of 8 feet between tables and a maximum of 6 people at a table. Please do not move the tables and chairs. Please stay at your table during your visit, and do not visit other tables.

Sanitize your hands. Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter and exit the beer garden. Please use it upon entry.

We, in turn, are doing our part to make your experience as safe as possible.

Our employees are trained on the appropriate COVID-19 guidance, including frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizers, proper cleaning & disinfecting of tables, etc.

We are monitoring our employees’ health daily, including temperature checks.

Restrooms are monitored, cleaned, and disinfected on a regular schedule.

Tables and chairs are disinfected after each use.

Self-service stations have been removed.

Once here, here’s how it works

Once you arrive and your party agrees to the protocols above, our (socially distanced) greeter will direct you to your table.

Once at your table, you can browse the menus online (food is here and beer is here).

One of our team members will then come over and provide ‘distanced’ table service for you. If you need anything while here, please wave at one of us so that we can assist you.


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93e1ed No.21532237

File: b8ccfb49ad46069⋯.png (297.15 KB,583x371,11:7,ClipboardImage.png)

4 Sep, 2024 09:45

Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center

Foreign instructors were carrying out instruction in electronic warfare and the use of drones in Poltava, the MOD says

Moscow’s forces have carried out ahigh-precision strikeon a Ukrainian training center in the city of Poltava, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Wednesday.The facility was housing a number of foreign instructorswho were training Kiev’s troops in communication, electronic warfare, and drone operation, according to Moscow.

The strike was initially reported by Ukrainian officials, who stated on Tuesday that two Russian Iskander ballistic missiles had hit the School of Military Communication and Information Technology, resulting in thenearly 300 casualties, including nearly 50 killed.

While the Russian Defense Ministry did not initially comment on the attack, it confirmed the strike in an update on Telegram on Wednesday. It said Russian forces had conducted “a high-precision strike on the 179th Joint Training Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city of Poltava” on September 3.

The ministry added that foreign instructors had been preparing specialists in communications and electronic warfare at the facility, as well as operators of unmanned aerial vehicles participating in strikes on civilian targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Previously, Kherson Region Governor Vladimir Saldo had also claimed in an interview with RIA Novosti that the training center had effectively served as a base for NATO instructors, and was being used to train newly mobilized Ukrainians who had recently been “caught on the streets.”

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has used the attack on the center to demand more air-defense systems from his Western backers.

Meanwhile, the New York Times has claimed that the strike was a “demoralizing blow to Ukraine,” given how Kiev’s troops were already retreating from relentless Russian advances along the main front in Donbass.


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3bab0a No.21532238

File: cc51c5e606ed870⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,4fe992c2e9b62a5b2c6ab37c06….png)


People like free money and free concerts, who knew? What I'm trying to say is, POTUS Trump doesn't have to pay people to fill the seats at one of his rallies, there's evidence that Kamala does though. Pissflap retard. Quit your fucking deep state lapdog job and save yourself, for fuck's sake.

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049da4 No.21532239

File: 786b7aba7630829⋯.jpg (70.07 KB,680x659,680:659,GWotC_ZXgAA56Oe.jpg)

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403cca No.21532240

File: a1fa7069c642b80⋯.png (357.94 KB,751x499,751:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce966c No.21532241

File: c9adb08a6c1ae0f⋯.png (203.74 KB,504x486,28:27,oneeyewhitehelmets1.png)

File: fa55579f54678a0⋯.png (288.12 KB,524x615,524:615,oneeyeuk.png)

File: 1d116a79893c7a9⋯.jpg (62.75 KB,1057x594,1057:594,oneeyeperps.jpg)

File: b72a3562e5838bc⋯.jpg (147.74 KB,960x814,480:407,oneeye.jpg)

File: 8460e198e4f50f3⋯.jpg (292.63 KB,1026x1151,1026:1151,oneeye2.jpg)


Can we see that principle, of "The left can't Meme" strongly revealed in the devolution of the Harris campaign? It can only copy what is already there?

That's why they close one eye?

One dimension only?

There's no depth with one eye?

So they can't dig either?

They are handicapped by their owners? Forced to blind one eye, so there's only one left?

One eyes are in Syria, the UN and Mass Media plants?

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a3f357 No.21532242

File: 3eedfab86c15750⋯.png (186.53 KB,633x602,633:602,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13253b9a5b76dc0⋯.png (123.9 KB,1367x963,1367:963,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


“New Hampshire Small Business Owners Rip Kamala Harris Ahead of Campaign Stop”



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403cca No.21532243

File: acc14868e4d5d9c⋯.jpg (77.24 KB,1200x675,16:9,williebrown.jpg)


California Kamala - all you'd see is the back of her head.

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03f8da No.21532244

File: b4e8a1d5e67c537⋯.png (1.12 MB,1138x900,569:450,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: be620aa6c52333e⋯.png (574.97 KB,684x824,171:206,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 88de954107c74c0⋯.png (1.15 MB,874x744,437:372,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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77c2f8 No.21532245

Matt Bruns Sr. of Kirkwood MO killed two young girls by strangulation, first man on the scene for both. Possible other murders. Sells adderall as well. Hope good guys are listening.

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76b797 No.21532246


Jim is a millionaire.

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42f9dd No.21532247

File: 5ddaa9e252537b7⋯.png (107.87 KB,180x280,9:14,ClipboardImage.png)


No. The crescent comes from baal.

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afc3b7 No.21532248

File: 84e32cbdcc01b44⋯.webp (35.87 KB,534x684,89:114,66d838e64c98e.webp)

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a3f357 No.21532249

File: e8097ebcb2be5d2⋯.png (3.15 MB,1084x1546,542:773,ClipboardImage.png)


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a3f357 No.21532250

File: 54ca7677e94ffd4⋯.png (3.7 MB,1131x1454,1131:1454,ClipboardImage.png)


Here's the pic in the post…

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03f8da No.21532251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



tear in muh beer

hank jr.

hanky don't drink!

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39a72a No.21532252

File: af19d0c1d08492b⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB,384x848,24:53,IMG_3962.MP4)


Alexa, why should I vote for Donald Trump?”

ALEXA: I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate



Follow my channel, stay updated👇


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32982a No.21532253

File: ab592bcab7017fc⋯.png (68.77 KB,473x335,473:335,IMG_2944.png)


Delta too

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188b85 No.21532254


reports of yellow buses shipping in astroturf supporters


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333145 No.21532255

File: 43acca893db807b⋯.png (245.75 KB,532x502,266:251,image_2024_09_04_132923259.png)

File: ac248d7fc5e5fbb⋯.jpg (54.75 KB,532x850,266:425,GWphbgCWwAAv9Se.jpg)


Friday in a couple days.

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333145 No.21532256

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fb5362 No.21532257



Elon Musk = CIA

CIA endorsing Trump?


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62e6c6 No.21532258

File: d06a65643bf9926⋯.png (783.95 KB,911x585,911:585,sbg3a.png)

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8b63df No.21532259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Drone strike Lviv, Ukraine.

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b61180 No.21532260

File: d97c0334f925533⋯.mp4 (2 MB,888x716,222:179,RawSoetoro.mp4)

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77c2f8 No.21532262


Wonder what he went to Tampa for.

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ad1434 No.21532263

File: 0e31fc9ebd8ba0c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch Sentinel-2C launch live on the final Vega rocket

September 4, 2024

Owing to electrical issues, the VV24 Vega launch with Copernicus Sentinel-2C planned for 4 September was postponed.

Arianespace has confirmed a new launch attempt for 5 September at 03:50 CEST (4 September 22:50 local time in French Guiana).

The launcher and its passenger, the Copernicus Sentinel-2C satellite, are in stable and safe conditions.

Tune in to ESA WebTV on 5 September from 03:30 CEST to watch the satellite soar into space on the last Vega rocket to be launched from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

Sentinel-2C is scheduled to liftoff at 03:50 CEST.

About Copernicus Sentinel-2

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission provides high-resolution optical imagery for a wide range of applications including land, water and atmospheric monitoring.

The mission is based on a constellation of two identical satellites flying in the same orbit but 180° apart: Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B. Together, they cover all of Earth’s land and coastal waters every five days.

The satellites each carry a high-resolution multispectral imager that generates optical images in the visible, near-infrared and shortwave-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

From their altitude of 786 km, they provide continuous imagery in 13 spectral bands with resolutions of 10 m, 20 m and 60 m, with a large swath width of 290 km.

Sentinel-2C is the third in the Sentinel-2 series. Once commissioned in orbit, it will replace its predecessor, Sentinel-2A.

Later, Sentinel-2D will replace Sentinel-2B. This all ensures the continuity of imagery for Copernicus Services and beyond.

More information about Sentinel-2

About Vega

Vega was the very first rocket entirely managed by ESA, built to send small satellites into low Earth orbit.

Designed by Avio, who is also the prime contractor, the rocket is operated by Arianespace.

Vega consists of four stages, the first three propelled by solid propellant motors and the last stage uses liquid propulsion.

The Vega inaugural flight took place in February 2012.

In all, including this final upcoming VV24 mission, Vega will have launched 22 times during its years in service, taking more than 100 missions to space from dozens of European institutions but also customers around the world.

Sentinel-2C will be the last liftoff for the Vega rocket which specialises in launching such small scientific and Earth observation spacecraft to sun-synchronous orbits, flying over the poles of Earth and following the Sun.

Fittingly the Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B satellites were also launched on Vega marking a logical conclusion to Vega’s stellar roster of satellites launched.

This final launch marks the handover of Vega to the upgraded Vega-C.

Vega has for years ensured that Europe has a versatile, independent access to space, complementing the Ariane family of rockets to launch any satellite to any orbit – continuing with Vega-C and Ariane 6.



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f64d78 No.21532264

File: 44377c616653ab5⋯.jpg (62.33 KB,612x928,153:232,ZomboMeme_03092024105107.jpg)

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e71d33 No.21532265

File: b3bfc7eeb547cd5⋯.jpg (87.93 KB,745x499,745:499,John_R_indictments.jpg)


TY, baker.

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77c2f8 No.21532266



Adderall thru what channels? Pharmacies? Cartels? I'd bet money on cartels. Wonder what other dirty business can be found.

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283e82 No.21532267

File: 34b3fb93496da24⋯.png (405.68 KB,576x907,576:907,ClipboardImage.png)



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77c2f8 No.21532268



Blessed with digits. I know some bad have to walk, but this cannot stand.

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f64d78 No.21532269

File: 7b7a45b77d8ef64⋯.jpg (86.13 KB,912x556,228:139,ZomboMeme_04092024013721.jpg)

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93e1ed No.21532270

File: 44c3690768f621a⋯.png (236.92 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48dfee5407a4cc4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1185x663,395:221,ClipboardImage.png)

4 Sep, 2024 13:49

Ukrainian troops torture Russian soldier (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

A prisoner was tied to a desk and apparently electrocuted, footage shows

Ukrainian troops can be seen filming the brutal torture of a defiant Russian prisoner of war (POW) who refused to disparage his country and hail Kiev’s military, in a highly disturbing video circulating on social media.

The 90-second undated clip depicting the mistreatment of a POW was filmed by an unidentified Ukrainian soldier stationed in occupied Russian territory, apparently in Kursk Region, and shared by several Russian Telegram channels on Tuesday.

The video shows the interior of an apartment where three handcuffed and blindfolded Russian prisoners are lying or sitting on the floor, while a fourth has been placed in a humiliating position.

A fifth soldier, blindfolded, gagged, and stripped of his shirt, boots, and socks, is tied to an upside-down desk in the other room.

Mockingly referring to the prisoners as “Ivans,” one Ukrainian captor asks them why they are silent, before approaching the one tied to the desk. He then removes the gag and asks what unit he belongs to. When he gets no answer, the Ukrainian hits him in the face.

WARNING! GRAPHIC VIDEO: (I won’t watch this or save it)

Seconds later, a second Ukrainian soldier, whose face is not shown, starts torturing the Russian POW by apparently electrocuting his feet, as he screams and twitches in agonizing pain. The Ukrainian interrogator then tries to force the POW to say “Glory to the Ukrainian Army” and to disparage Russian President Vladimir Putin.

When the Russian refuses to talk, he is apparently electrocuted and beaten a second time. “F*g awesome,” the Ukrainian quips. It is unclear whether the rest of the prisoners were subjected to the same treatment.

Since the start of Ukraine’s large-scale incursion into Kursk Region, Russia has repeatedly accused Kiev of targeting civilians and committing war crimes.

In March, the UN released a report alleging that captured Russian troops had been tortured and abused while being transported to the rear.

Ukrainian officials claim to have captured numerous Russian soldiers during the attack in Kursk Region. In late August, Moscow got back 115 of its prisoners taken in the area in exchange for the release of the same number of Ukrainian troops.

(Where to fuck is the UN implementing the violations of the law of war?)


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b61180 No.21532271

File: 1de8890584de2f1⋯.png (44.89 KB,275x316,275:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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e054b1 No.21532272

>>21531702 lb

Hunter biden gave the ccp a foothold

With help from state dept, Barry, and big daddy 10 %

See Whatever you need pn pb lb


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9d9be6 No.21532273

File: 0b673e80cbc194a⋯.png (171.89 KB,1365x1568,195:224,2017_11_01_Q_Post_34_Mr_Po….png)

File: df568be566ece1d⋯.png (1.32 MB,900x777,300:259,Trump_Handing_Out_Popcorn.png)

>>21530438 (pb) - US climate envoy Tony Podesta to visit China from Wednesday for talks US climate envoy Podesta to visit China from Wednesday for talks

>>21530260 (pb) - Biden’s Climate Czar John Podesta to Visit China for Talk

Never forgetQ Post #34that was posted on November 01, 2017, a copy of which is attached above.

Anons, the threat posed against The United States of America byCHINAcannot be overstated, and I know that there is much, much more information about theChinese Communist Party's ongoing military operations inside The United States of America will be coming out before the election.

I have a feeling thatJohn Podesta's trip toChinais setting him up for Podesta's impending arrest, along with the arrests of all the other traitors who allegedly committed multiple egregious criminal acts against The United States of America, all to benefitChina.

We're going to need a bigger tub of popcorn. . . .

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=mr.+podesta

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/9UeYy

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403cca No.21532274

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB,515x484,515:484,pepe_panic.png)


Sounds like [they] may actually realize that it's getting too big to rig, and they want to give themselves another way out.

If Trump wins, will it be Russia, Russia, Russia all over again?

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188b85 No.21532275

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c43c76 No.21532276

File: ef73d947e16b567⋯.png (266.65 KB,792x507,264:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Office troubles likely to get worse, ratings agency warns

Office-tower owners are falling behind on mortgage payments at the fastest rate since the dark days of the global financial crisis, Fitch Ratings said in a report Wednesday, and warned more trouble lies ahead for landlords and their lenders.


big crops get bigger, anons

(bonus: there's an awesome 80's documentary about the building of that skyscraper: Worldwide Plaza's construction was documented in a five-episode PBS miniseries.[2][193] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Worldwide_Plaza)

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f42f0d No.21532277


>Please wear a mask as we great you and bring you to your table. Once seated, you don’t need to wear a mash

Spell check is your fiend.

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39a72a No.21532278

File: 9b95d1ff8a16b10⋯.jpg (132.91 KB,947x1280,947:1280,photo_2024_09_04_08_13_19.jpg)



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9d9be6 No.21532279


[THEY] will be too decimated by the news about"China, China, China"to worry about Russia, Russia, Russia ever again.


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c43c76 No.21532280


wild holy dubdubs of wisdom

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3bab0a No.21532281


Yeah, but it seems there's no logic or even an end goal to their "tactic." Seems to me it's just a desperate gambit. Everything else they've done has turned to shit, but it's sure to work this time and after a year and a half with no effect they just need to stick with it, because Alinsky told them their negative will eventually push through into a positive if they keep the pressure on. Frantic lapdogs that don't know what to do anymoar other than imitate, proving why actors used to be thought of as less than prostitutes because in the old days evil like this couldn't stay in one place very long and had to go with the traveling entertainers or merchants.

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b1647b No.21532282


may need a new tactic

they won't give up, it'll be a fight to the bitter end

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03f8da No.21532283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c43c76 No.21532284


because it's the Shithole of shitholes.

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b1647b No.21532285



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39a72a No.21532286

File: ebd3460d3f731a6⋯.jpg (85.73 KB,763x839,763:839,photo_2024_09_03_17_55_24.jpg)



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39a72a No.21532287

File: 841d1cb9b76c1c8⋯.jpg (195.88 KB,1124x1280,281:320,photo_2024_09_04_07_52_39.jpg)



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283e82 No.21532289

File: 3bfcc96af082a53⋯.png (101.08 KB,959x962,959:962,ClipboardImage.png)


the trannies will adore him and accept him there.

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e054b1 No.21532290


On what evidence

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dc95fd No.21532292

File: 6235830747aec8d⋯.mp4 (8.99 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_09_04_DOJ_RT.mp4)

File: 1b21e48dc21ef85⋯.png (452.91 KB,945x790,189:158,2024_09_04_DOJ_RT.png)



How can RT interfere in the elections if it's banned everywhere in the West? –



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afc3b7 No.21532293

File: a84f5509708c200⋯.png (14.93 KB,526x526,1:1,a2v476Y_700bwp.png)

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aa0957 No.21532294


Garland Russian Disinformation election interference

What other distractions coming?

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77c2f8 No.21532295


He went there to carry out a murder for hire.

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333145 No.21532296

The school shooting… tranny or illegal immigrant?

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aa0957 No.21532297


RT is not banned in US

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dc95fd No.21532298



AG Garland accusing Russia Today RT of election interference.

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03f8da No.21532300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aa0957 No.21532301

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ad1434 No.21532302

File: 38b147ae3202641⋯.png (171.63 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cd74fb1962b1b2⋯.png (517.9 KB,970x490,97:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d90c703a647191⋯.png (919.65 KB,970x646,485:323,ClipboardImage.png)

A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede

September 4, 2024

A colossal asteroid slammed into Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede with so much power it dramatically and permanently reoriented the moon roughly 4 billion years ago, new research suggests.

Scientists say the pivotal impact also significantly influenced the geological and internal evolution of the moon, which is larger than Mercury.

Computer simulations by planetary scientist Naoyuki Hirata of Japan's Kobe University predict the asteroid must have been about 186 miles (300 kilometers) wide, or 20 times bigger than the fateful one that wiped out the dinosaurs from the face of our planet about 66 million years ago.

Only an impact of this scale would be powerful enough to destabilize Ganymede and cause the tidally-locked moon to whirl on its axis, according to a study published by Hirata on Tuesday (Sept. 3) in the journal Scientific Reports.

"This is a neat attempt to rewind the clock via computer simulations, searching for an explanation for the distribution of scars across Ganymede," Leigh Fletcher, a planetary scientist at the University of Leicester in the U.K. who was not involved with the new study, told The Guardian.

Hirata estimates the consequential process unfolded over approximately 1,000 years following the asteroid impact.

The space rock likely crashed into Ganymede at an angle of 60 to 90 degrees and produced a crater somewhere between 870 to 990 miles wide (1400 to 1600 km), the new study finds.

The evidence for Ganymede's reorientation is rooted in its surface, which is pockmarked with extensive furrows, or concentric rings of troughs thought to be fragmented remnants of bowl-shaped basins created by asteroid impacts.

A fresh analysis of Ganymede's largest furrow system, which scars the moon just below its equator, suggests that the asteroid strike caused the moon to spin such that the impact crater faces away from Jupiter.

The asteroid strike would have "completely removed the original surface" of Ganymede, thanks to the crater reaching a whopping 25 percent of the moon's size, the researcher said in a recent statement.

The impact would have significantly affected the moon's geology and interior, where scientists think a hidden saltwater ocean containing more water than all of Earth's oceans combined exists.

Although both Voyager spacecraft as well as the Galileo probe took images of Ganymede in the late 1900s, many areas of the moon have not yet been imaged with sufficient resolution, limiting scientists' understanding of its history and evolution.

For instance, Ganymede's dramatic reorientation may have spurred fractures and other tectonic landforms across its surface that haven't been discovered yet, Hirata said.

Forthcoming images of Ganymede from the European Space Agency's JUICE spacecraft could reveal more about how the asteroid strike shaped the moon's evolution.

JUICE pulled off difficult gravitational slingshots past our moon and Earth just last month, and is set to arrive at the Jupiter system in 2031.

Over the following 2.5 years, the solar-powered JUICE will orbit the gas giant while swinging past Ganymede, Europa and Callisto multiple times, cataloging their surface features as well as potential for habitability by flying within 120 to 620 miles (200 to 1,000 kilometers) of their surfaces.

JUICE will return to Ganymede in December 2034 for a dedicated nine-month study, which would mark the first time a spacecraft orbits a moon other than our own.



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333145 No.21532303


That's a constant.

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5f4e85 No.21532304

- Election interference



Anybody listening to Merrick Garland/Christopher Wray presser right now?

No need to listen or watch, you'll lose IQ points.

>What about millions of illegals being allowed to vote - that's election interference

>What about the Trump shooting - that's election interference…

>what about Aurora, Colorado's Venezuelan gangs?!?!?!?!?!


- Department of Injustice

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a3f357 No.21532306

File: 8c87af87d37a470⋯.png (238.22 KB,623x957,623:957,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91093072c3c0fa6⋯.png (325.5 KB,612x796,153:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75835dd4a5c1a36⋯.png (585.95 KB,892x1152,223:288,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4cd1f3cab13ddf⋯.png (595.24 KB,891x1152,99:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 904ba1507309717⋯.png (107.25 KB,890x1153,890:1153,ClipboardImage.png)

🇺🇸 Cornelia DiNunzio 🇺🇸



The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!

- Gunther Eagleman


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5f4e85 No.21532307

File: 9d0e1bbe370e7aa⋯.png (356.56 KB,589x644,589:644,ClipboardImage.png)


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028024 No.21532308

Baker haz IRL, TAPS


#26379 >>21531952

>>21531962 Find out how NATO has put measures in place to ensure such infrastructure is protected

>>21531974, >>21532022, >>21532098 Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school, deets

>>21531993 @realDonaldTrump Walz fam pic for Trump

>>21532039 @realDonaldTrump I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me, and the fact that MAGA is the greatest and most powerful Political Movement in the History of our now Failing Country

>>21532071 @OKeefeMedia NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

>>21532104 MSM paints Trump antisemitic

>>21532130 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!

>>21532132 Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for Censorship over COVID and Blames Govt. Pressure

>>21532147 Kamala Harris Supporters Include 200 Republican RINOs, Tech Giants & Hollywood

>>21532157 Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Fleeced Taxpayers for Billions to Give to Left-Wing Groups and Lawyers

>>21532182 @TrumpWarRoom Kamala Harris is importing people from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on busses to try and fill her event in the Granite State

>>21532188, >>21532193 Swamp Talk

>>21532201 Buckwheat up

>>21532212 IMF to pressure Ukraine to raise taxes and devalue currency

>>21532223 @realDonaldTrump Kamala’s Sham Small Business “Plan”

>>21532230 Elon Musk defies X ban in Brazil by beaming app from space

>>21532234 @realDonaldTrump Big week coming up!

>>21532235 @realDonaldTrump “Harris Weakness Wednesday: Kamala’s Weak Economic Record”

>>21532237 Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center

>>21532242 @realDonaldTrump “New Hampshire Small Business Owners Rip Kamala Harris Ahead of Campaign Stop”

>>21532249, >>21532250 Musk on Trump Victory

>>21532252 Alex likes Harris for the keks!

>>21532255 Delta's to watch for "Storm"

>>21532263 Watch Sentinel-2C launch live on the final Vega rocket


>>21532276 Office-tower owners are falling behind on mortgage payments at the fastest rate since the dark days of the global financial crisis

>>21532286 @real_DonaldJTrump Trump vs Harris money wise

>>21532292 How can RT interfere in the elections if it's banned everywhere in the West?

>>21532302 A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede

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1810cd No.21532309


>Forced to blind one eye, so there's only one left?

They put a needle in the break something behind their left eye.

This stops some transmissions coming in.///

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5565a7 No.21532310


That girl is way hotter than Kamel toe. I love her hair and clothes.

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54315e No.21532311



wil Garland try to ban RT in US?

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fb5362 No.21532312

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


>The school shooting… tranny or illegal immigrant?

Why not both?Illegal immigrant tranny

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b61180 No.21532315


If you want to find out if you're working for your enemy, email HR and ask them why DEI doesn't include you.

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2c4207 No.21532319

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)




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2c4207 No.21532320

File: 3efa3278c73b1fe⋯.gif (350.88 KB,480x270,16:9,000001ab.gif)

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403cca No.21532321

File: d271d884632d176⋯.png (84.86 KB,442x640,221:320,ClipboardImage.png)

At least vatty knows and admits he's a clown…

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3bab0a No.21532322

Seems like Garland is setting the stage for the steal. It's like he's relying on the "Kamala wasn't the border czar" type of gaslighting, hoping people's memories are that of goldfish.

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03f8da No.21532324

File: 8f49f2e09914937⋯.png (3 MB,1528x1098,764:549,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 3a6df97a9fc375d⋯.png (1.4 MB,1892x1086,946:543,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 3eeff718d78b875⋯.png (103.36 KB,968x140,242:35,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 6542ad4778d1542⋯.png (905.82 KB,564x750,94:125,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 290861d95f4f595⋯.png (898.7 KB,544x746,272:373,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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722269 No.21532325

File: 1f196b5fd897b9a⋯.png (499.84 KB,774x438,129:73,shiftyshilly.png)

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39a72a No.21532327

File: c0e8e6f8711f68a⋯.png (656.19 KB,887x500,887:500,0u6e2.png)

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dc95fd No.21532329

File: 3504a5af6776d70⋯.png (519.02 KB,610x457,610:457,russia_russia_russia.png)

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fb5362 No.21532331

File: 8d40f9cc8235e5c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1280x1026,640:513,ClipboardImage.png)


But she wasn't the border czar.

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b3ba19 No.21532333

File: 2bca8ea3d08b88a⋯.png (249.63 KB,888x605,888:605,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 245de40c30860f1⋯.png (46.41 KB,873x241,873:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

The US president is expected to claim, yet again, that the Russian network is interfering in an American election

The administration of US President Joe Biden is planning to accuse Russia of meddling in this year’s presidential election, and will announce “law enforcement action” against those supposedly responsible, CNN reported on Wednesday. RT will be the prime target of this action, the network stated.

The White House will accuse Russia on Wednesday of “a sustained effort to influence the 2024 US elections” by using “Kremlin-run media” to spread so-called “disinformation,” CNN reported, citing US government sources.

Alongside a public condemnation from the White House, the US Department of Justice will announce “law enforcement action targeting the covert Russian campaign,” the network said.

RT is “a major focus of the US announcement,” CNN added, noting that “US officials see the Russian outlet as a key piece of Kremlin propaganda efforts.”

“Dear CNN,” RT’s press office responded following Wednesday’s article. “We certainly have a response. Actually, we have several, but we couldn’t decide on one (we even thought of running an office poll), so here they are:

1. Ha!

2. Hahahaha!


4. 2016 called and it wants its clichés back

5. Three things are certain in life: death, taxes and RT’s interference in the US elections

6. We gotta earn our Kremlin paycheck somehow

7. Somewhere, Secretary Clinton is sad that it’s not because of her


RT Press Office”


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fb5362 No.21532334


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083520 No.21532335

File: ebec02cba8a1f88⋯.gif (855.7 KB,480x204,40:17,1a51.gif)

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ad1434 No.21532336

File: a9d50a7317d9098⋯.png (546.87 KB,720x601,720:601,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dba67484ee47033⋯.png (1.14 MB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Tiny asteroid will hit Earth today, burn up over Philippines. 'Discovered this morning,' ESA says

September 4, 2024

A small asteroid is on a collision course with Earth today, but don't worry.

It will burn up harmlessly in Earth's atmosphere when it strikes, scientists say.

The European Space Agency (ESA) says a 3-foot (1-meter) asteroid will strike the atmosphere and burn up harmlessly on Wednesday (Sept. 4) around 12:46 p.m. ET (1646 GMT) above the western Pacific Ocean near Luzon Island in the Philippines.

The asteroid, known as 2024 RW1, was discovered today by research technologist Jacqueline Fazekas with the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey, a NASA-funded observatory near Tucson, Arizona dedicated to tracking and cataloging near-Earth objects.

It is only the ninth asteroid that has been spotted prior to impact, ESA wrote in a post on X .

NASA's Asteroid Watch website predicted that the impact could create a fireball visible from the east coast of the Philippines.

Unfortunately, weather conditions could mean that the event isn't visible from the ground.

"The nearby tropical storm Yagi/Enteng will make fireball observations difficult," ESA wrote on X.

Planetary defense, which involves searching for near-Earth asteroids such as 2024 RW1 and cataloging them for tracking, has become a major priority for space agencies worldwide.

In 2022, NASA's DART mission crashed an impactor into a double asteroid system in an attempt to change its trajectory.

NASA is also planning a new infrared telescope known as NEO Surveyor, and China is developing its own mission to deflect an asteroid by 2030.


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03f8da No.21532340

File: 0677761fc341f9a⋯.png (1.34 MB,1088x680,8:5,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: bfe5a9ae7bddf1c⋯.png (580.47 KB,598x558,299:279,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 146570c29b0c478⋯.png (1.41 MB,1106x748,553:374,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


-> [ ] <-

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f4eac0 No.21532343


>A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede


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54315e No.21532344


''You are getting sleepy…s l e e p y……."

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1ffc2b No.21532346

Let's all PRAY for Vatican clown today.

In Jesus name


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5f4e85 No.21532348


I lived in California for 4 years and I heard Russian language radio stations while driving around in my car and nobody did a fucking thing about them. They played music and one station was basically Russian 'talk radio' - will those be shut down? They've been around for decades and yet…



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830a7c No.21532349

File: 0aeff29b824d062⋯.png (30.27 KB,358x50,179:25,The_key_therapist_.png)

File: 25083e447211445⋯.png (71.3 KB,741x338,57:26,1629_Law_enforcement_shoul….png)


>The school shooting… tranny or illegal immigrant?

"The key = therapist." Q post #1636

"Law enforcement should interview the therapists.

Each shooter has one coincidentally.


Relocation within 30 days of each shooting?

New name?

FBI doesn’t know this?

Spooks are hard to find?

Dream to reality." Q post #1629

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afc3b7 No.21532353

File: 51ffaaedac4be31⋯.webp (112.06 KB,700x700,1:1,aRBjXyA_700bwp.webp)

Spamfag has no power here

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283e82 No.21532359

File: db554fc004a7564⋯.png (191.45 KB,294x364,21:26,ClipboardImage.png)

Apalachee High School shooter identified by news media.

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a02c89 No.21532361

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5f4e85 No.21532363

File: a0fc4a4ce22c046⋯.png (599.58 KB,529x680,529:680,ClipboardImage.png)


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1810cd No.21532366

Witches that post here are dispelled. ///

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ee038f No.21532372


Be funny as he'll


Russia and China are working together and it comes out




Two Smokin Barrels

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1810cd No.21532374


Why did you post this?

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29b04d No.21532375


If it is essential then just go kill your opponents.

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403cca No.21532377

File: 3d276ab48bf1954⋯.jpg (126.19 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Russia_.jpg)

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39a72a No.21532385

File: d9d3095f2ceaab0⋯.jpg (101.77 KB,829x1280,829:1280,photo_2024_09_04_08_44_20.jpg)



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830a7c No.21532387

File: 218a274860b8442⋯.png (262.54 KB,1017x408,339:136,Jesus_fish.png)

Jesus is LORD! Thank you, Jesus! Glory hallelujah and God bless the Lord's people on this board. Trump 2024!

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0fc907 No.21532392

File: 564fc1a4547ab13⋯.jpg (462.48 KB,1534x1534,1:1,51e6c28a26b2dd3351b70e9351….jpg)


>Apalachee High School shooter identified by news media.

Have they released the shooters manifesto, or are they still writing it?

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3bab0a No.21532394

>Russia Russia Russia

Holy fuck, what year is it? I hear there's a pee tape.

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c43c76 No.21532395

File: dad0523b996ab81⋯.png (834.53 KB,663x527,39:31,Screen_Shot_2024_09_04_at_….png)

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403cca No.21532398

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)

When Trump wins, will they left claim that it wasstolen with the help of the Russians?

But wait… questioning the results of an election is a threat to democracy (as they've said repeatedly).

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1810cd No.21532400


Your inversions of hell and heaven no longer work.

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1ffc2b No.21532401

File: 5e61ce587451171⋯.png (6 KB,272x185,272:185,ClipboardImage.png)


Send a few bucks to the Catholic Charities and ask them to say a prayer for Vatican clown.


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b3ba19 No.21532403

Trump accuses Ukraine of lying about death toll

The former US president has blamed the conflict on the Biden administration and renewed his pledge to bring peace if reelected

“They lie about the numbers,” Trump claimed in the podcast. He did not explain why he believes Kiev is doing so, though it is considered standard practice for countries to overestimate enemy losses and underestimate their own during wars.

“They try and keep [the numbers] low. They knock down a building that’s two blocks long, and they say one person was mildly injured. No, no, a lot of people were killed… millions of people,” Trump said.


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a9cc44 No.21532406

File: 381172a05caf636⋯.jpg (109.62 KB,801x1000,801:1000,Joe_Biden_0_Cents_Stamp.jpg)

PSALM 2021

Biden is the shepherd I did not want.

He leadeth me beside the still factories.

He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.

He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,

I shall fear no hunger, for his bailouts are with me.

He has anointed my income with taxes,

My expenses runneth over.

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,

And I will live in a mortgaged home forever..

I am glad I am American,

I am glad that I am free.


But I wish I was a dog …..

And Biden was a tree.

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03f8da No.21532408

File: e2f4b3a58be2cf0⋯.png (690.7 KB,782x712,391:356,Screenshot_2024_08_05_at_0….png)

File: f054ce9cdbb166d⋯.jpg (255.29 KB,2048x1246,1024:623,Trumps_bullet.jpg)

File: 271e121302b0002⋯.png (1.19 MB,1098x678,183:113,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 5c5992413aee94b⋯.png (638.93 KB,788x612,197:153,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 502db903b9a4a5d⋯.png (3.26 MB,2012x1026,1006:513,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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008973 No.21532409


DNA tests or else fake newz

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3bab0a No.21532410


He's in the 4 to 6 lost forever.

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80a21c No.21532412


Yet nobody assassinated him.

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fb5362 No.21532413


No one has made them accountable, and they are getting brazen. They are rubbing our noses in it, calling out the people saying "we're stealing it, and you can't do shit about it".


Only they are allowed to question an elections results. If anyone else does it, it's a crime.

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afc3b7 No.21532415

File: 16b571d3c0f89f3⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,651x197,651:197,fxgfngxngxn.jpg)


CNN poll from today has Trump up by 5 points in Arizona

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76b797 No.21532416

File: 79fbd828aa28e52⋯.png (2.14 MB,2198x2120,1099:1060,my_house.png)


>This reminds me of a boom boom boom for some reason.

Because there's a MOAB Incoming. On this board.

8K Fam endorsed new leader in House Session.

#ClownsLosingControl #GoodbyeClowns

Fantasy land leaders get deposed here.

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aa0957 No.21532418


FBI’s primary job is to cover up crime by deep state

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403cca No.21532419

File: ea963854c66d0bd⋯.png (341.49 KB,694x500,347:250,Whoa_.png)


>they are getting brazen

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1810cd No.21532420


Satan loses. Lucifer loses.///

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dc95fd No.21532421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Max Boot on ‘Reagan: His Life and Legend’

Washington Post Live



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3bab0a No.21532422

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,startrek_pepe3.jpg)

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03f8da No.21532423

File: f09b093a9858841⋯.png (705.62 KB,484x750,242:375,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 641f844559cd3b7⋯.png (638.23 KB,948x686,474:343,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_0….png)

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5f4e85 No.21532424

FoxNews (Bret Baier and John Roberts)

John just commented to Bret that it's INTERESTING that Merrick Garland never mentioned any consequences for IRAN after that press conference…no punishment for Iran.

>Bret had no answer, big Q-tip head

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76b797 No.21532425

File: 37c0e37d70b1626⋯.png (215.02 KB,550x309,550:309,serpentcrushed.png)


Indeed they do.

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dc95fd No.21532426

2:11 PM EDT

FBI Deputy Director & Others Speak at Cybersecurity Summit

Billington CyberSecurity hosts another session of its 15th annual summit in Washington, DC. Speakers include FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate and cybersecurity officials from the public and private sectors.



2:30 PM EDT

Security Council Media Stakeout - 2:45pm: Ambassador Danny Danon, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, to speak to reporters.

United Nations


2:50 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Vice President Harris Campaigns in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

2024 Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris gives remarks at a campaign event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.


3:00 PM EDT

America's Voice Live With Steve Gruber

Real America's Voice


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f13e11 No.21532427


2003 would be a banner year for Epstein

A private soiree in Birmingham UK with Junkermann and 2 unnamed still US Senators that then drug us into Gulf War 2.

So meeting the pope was it for an indulgence or forgiveness?

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333145 No.21532428


Front row seats, I likey.

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dc95fd No.21532429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:15 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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ad1434 No.21532430

File: 8ad619fbdb0a346⋯.png (1.32 MB,1902x398,951:199,ClipboardImage.png)


SW25: Space planning for future operations

Published Sept. 3, 2024

How will the U.S. and its allies conduct operations in space to support terrestrial objectives in an ever-increasing environment of space congestion infiltrating all orbits around the earth?

Or, more clearly – How is the U.S. deterring and defending against adversaries today and into the future?

This is precisely the question that Schriever Wargame 2025 seeks answer in its 17th iteration, scheduled to take place next year.

Originally established in 1998, the Schriever Wargame exercises have grown in sophistication to reflect emerging technologies.

Today, they are designed to explore critical space issues, identify solutions to anticipated challenges, and advance space support within air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace doctrine.

The exercises span several days and include participation from allied nations.

The planning and development of SW25 is a multi-year process directed by Space Force’s Space Training and Readiness Command’s, Delta 10.

On July 8-12, 2024 – roughly midway through its planning calendar – the SW25 Mid-Planning Conference/Operational Planning Workshop was held at Space Systems Command and hosted by the Aerospace Corporation.

"Schriever Wargames has a legacy of demonstrated ability to address the complex interfaces among our international partners is exemplary,” said David Swanson, associate professor, War Gaming Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College.

“No other wargaming organization brings so many partners together to investigate operational issues in the Space domain. This planning event was essential to a successful capstone game."

SW25’s MPC/OPWS continued the operational design from the initial planning conference and conducted course of action wargaming to prepare for the final planning conference and follow-on wargame execution at the Capstone.

Multi-domain planning against an advisory’s space-based threats was the focus.

U.S. participants of the MPC/OPWS included U.S. space components from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Combatant Commands, and other governmental agencies.

International space planning partners participated from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, and United Kingdom.

The objectives of the Mid-Year Operational Planning Conference were to:

Review and analyze updated scenario, execution orders, and intelligence products

Review notional capabilities and accompanying Rules of Engagement and authorities produced during the Policy/Legal Framework Workshop

Refine friendly forces course of action and develop draft schemes of maneuver.

Conduct CoA Wargaming to explore options and enable follow-on analysis in preparation for CoA selection and detailed scheme of maneuver development


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ad1434 No.21532431


To achieve these objectives, the SW25 directors formed a friendly forces cell, an adversary cell, and a neutral/other agencies cell. Based on scenario and actions of the cells, the operational design structure provided a roadmap of the design process of the wargames.

The design process provided ample refresher and planning training for those who have attended service and joint professional development education and an inside view for those who are new to the U.S. military operational design process.

“The Schriever Wargame Ops Planning Workshop was a great experience for me,” said Capt. Leah Smith, Space Forces INDOPACIFIC chief of Intel Plans and Targeting Division.

“It emphasized the importance of synchronization of force mission planning with broader whole-of-government efforts to achieve flawless mission execution.”

“The Schriever Wargame Operational Planning Workshop was an excellent opportunity to see how our international partnerships work together to achieve strategic wargaming objectives,” said 1st Lt. Katrina Heil, deputy of GRIFFON Terminals IPT, Evolved Strategic SATCOM at SSC.

“It was very impactful to see the relationships the U.S. has formed with our allies and an honor to work side by side with them.”

In a leap from sand-table war-gaming (similar to board games), a new Sector 42 computer-based platform debuted to provide an overall view of the space environment with space systems in an orbital vantage allowing for movement and execution of missions.

This provided a realistic view of space and how actions and results can be visualized in a 3-D interactive environment.

It ultimately resulted in valuable testing results of the scenarios, creation of orders and directives, policies, and intelligence products to be executed during the CAPSTONE.

To ensure the validity of the planning efforts during the conference, the planning teams conducted two rounds of testing of the products developed during the exercise.

The result confirmed the direction and efforts of the SW25 MPC/OPWS and will be further developed with the coming Final Planning Conference in October hosted by USINDOPACOM in Oahu, where SSC’s Warfighting Integration Office representatives will participate.


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c43c76 No.21532432

File: a4b48d88c611cce⋯.png (445.25 KB,837x471,279:157,Screen_Shot_2024_09_04_at_….png)

hilarous POTUS

"only want you to donate if you can afford to, but most of you cannot because Biden has been a disaster…."

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403cca No.21532433

File: 8a9d6888bb7f0fa⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,300x252,25:21,funny.jpg)

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255a23 No.21532434

Intestinal parasitic infections in homosexual men: prevalence, symptoms and factors in transmission

J S Keystone, D L Keystone, E M Proctor

PMID: 7437971 PMCID: PMC1704818


In a controlled study67.5% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites. Entamoeba histolytica was isolated from 27% of the homosexual and 1% of the heterosexual men, and Giardia lamblia was isolated from 13% of the homosexual and 3% of the heterosexual men. The presence of symptoms could not be correlated with infection except when the infection was caused by more than one organism, including G. lamblia. Symptoms were much more common in both infected and uninfected homosexuals than in heterosexuals. Among the homosexual men recent foreign travel, living in a homosexual household and promiscuity were not correlated with intestinal parasitic infection, but cleansing of the anus before and sex was associated with a significantly lower prevalence of infection. These findings suggest that the male homosexual community may be an important reservoir of potentially pathogenic protozoa.


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c43c76 No.21532435


spoiler dat sheet anon

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b3ba19 No.21532436

File: 704e237a7481318⋯.png (928.79 KB,1117x1536,1117:1536,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2220767fec9ef3c⋯.png (299.55 KB,791x567,113:81,ClipboardImage.png)

Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election

In a rather tersely worded directive, the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection, sent the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Agency Director (DOT) an immediate request for data information that documents how many non-US citizens in Wisconsin have a driver’s license and or a photo ID.

These Committees held a Joint Public Hearing with the DOT regarding this matter in May of 2024 (click here – Elections expert testify about noncitizen voting in Wisconsin – WPR) and the DOT did not comply with the request of the Committees in time for the November 2024 Presidential Election. WEC Administrator Wolfe was invited to attend this meeting but was a no-show again.

The DOT has since that meeting has refused to release any information due to “privacy” concerns for non-US citizens with a Wisconsin driver’s license.

The DOT request from these Legislative Committees, dated September 3, 2024 (See attached DOT Letter Non-US Citizens Driver’s License), asks for an immediate release of the non-US citizens data from the DOT that have a Wisconsin driver’s license and or a photo ID to assist all Wisconsin Clerks (1,852) in the administration of elections with integrity to make sure only US citizens receive a ballot for the Wisconsin Presidential Election in November.

The DOT was reminded in the Legislative Letter that as a State Agency they (DOT) are absolutely required to release this information upon request to the proper authorities per Wisconsin State Statute 13.45 (7) (click here – Wisconsin Legislature: 13.45).

The DOT was further reminded that this request is in compliance with the Driver Privacy and Protections Act (DPPA) with respect to the Legislative Committees are not a “person”, but rather a “State or agency thereof” per various portions of 18 U.S.C. 2725 (2) (click here – 18 USC 2725: Definitions (house.gov)) and that disclosure of this information is allowed per 18 USC 2721 (a) and (b) (1) and (4) (click here – 18 USC 2721 – Prohibition on release and use of certain personal information from State motor vehicle records (govregs.com)).

Finally, the DOT was reminded that the Governor’s Office wants this information shared between the DOT and the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to assist all Clerks in the administration of elections with integrity to make sure only US Citizens are participating in Wisconsin Elections.


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ad8864 No.21532437



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fb5362 No.21532438

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)


<homosexual anal sex

<intestinal parasites

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0fc907 No.21532439

File: 0bb8b2551f26f9f⋯.jpg (51 KB,1024x768,4:3,d7c2aabfd03984ecd15b34219a….jpg)




Stardate 58008

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93e1ed No.21532441


they will say all of that and more, new conspiracy theories, ie we believe in a 6,000 year old death cult, we make friends with everyone to enact a plan and trick them, we are too happy mostly, why aren't we depressed? Anything that comes to mind works for morons

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1810cd No.21532442

Witches have no power here.

Witches have no pwoer here.///

Witches have no power here.///

Witches have no power here.//

Wtches have no power here//

Witches have nop power here//

Witches have no power here.//

Witches have no power here.//

Witches have no power here.//

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39a72a No.21532443

File: 236a54ba40d6a73⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,640x360,16:9,video_2024_09_04_11_18_14.mp4)


Jeffery Epstein Victim: “I have spend the last 17 years in my own prison for what she, Jeffery & all the coconspirators did to me. I was raped repeatedly, I was raped 3x per day sometimes & I was not the only girl on that island. There was a constant stream of girls being raped over and over and over again”

What does our government do? The FBI safely tucks away that client list and protects the child rapists



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fb5362 No.21532444


Now anon wants the ID: d0000d hoping to get it next bread.

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e536a2 No.21532445

File: 43c5c4d7ecb0dfb⋯.mp4 (13.52 MB,640x360,16:9,fani_willis_nathan_wade_ar….mp4)

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255a23 No.21532447

File: 020d49f2058b22f⋯.jpg (54.15 KB,554x476,277:238,020d49f2058b22fb42fa6d435f….jpg)



>spoiler dat sheet anon

initial dose of Ivermectin

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b3ba19 No.21532448

File: 57b509e7f174337⋯.png (242.77 KB,512x573,512:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df4dd3f2e75a45a⋯.png (69.59 KB,748x531,748:531,ClipboardImage.png)

"The Deal Is Done": In Massive Political Shake-Up, Canada's Progressive NDP Pulls Plug On Pact With Trudeau

In what's turned into a massive political shake-up in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, leader of the progressive National Democratic Party (NDP), is pulling the plug on his party's support deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government. Singh is set to announce the breakup in a video going live on social media Wednesday afternoon - a move that could send shockwaves through the country's political landscape.


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2eb7f1 No.21532449

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39a72a No.21532450

File: e78b3064282d783⋯.jpg (157.4 KB,1144x1280,143:160,photo_2024_09_04_08_04_03.jpg)

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7eabdd No.21532451


it doesn't matter how big potus margin is…

1. they will change the votes from potus to kamala. there will be countless problems with voting machines in swing states on election day.

2. certify the election

3. use the fake polls to justify the numbers

4. judges will refuse to look at it just like 2020 (they are comped by the deep state IC)

5. media will back it all up

6. lawfare against those who protest

it's the same playbook as 2020

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283e82 No.21532453

File: 2526592ba161d91⋯.png (179.06 KB,763x632,763:632,ClipboardImage.png)


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f13e11 No.21532454


According to flight records, Epstein used his 'Lolita Express' jet to fly himself and Maxwell from Rome to Madrid on May 20 2003.

They were joined by French model scout Jean-Luc Brunel, pilot Pete Rathgeb and two passengers listed only as 'AM' and 'JK', reports the Sun on Sunday.

Brunel, 75, was charged with rape and sexual assualt of minors last year.

There is no suggestion Rathgeb knew of or was party to illegal activity.

While there is no record of Epstein arriving in Rome, data from the flight records place the former financier in New York on May 12 and again by May 21.

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89304d No.21532455

File: 5173212db3b6c86⋯.png (772.81 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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39a72a No.21532458

File: 3d3ebc3403b4ccc⋯.jpg (107.48 KB,1280x907,1280:907,photo_2024_09_04_06_24_02.jpg)

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54315e No.21532459

baker on duty

will bake it when bun is full, getting there….probably around 500

#26379 >>21531952

>>21531962 Find out how NATO has put measures in place to ensure such infrastructure is protected

>>21531974, >>21532022, >>21532098 Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school, deets

>>21531993 @realDonaldTrump Walz fam pic for Trump

>>21532039, >>21532307 @realDonaldTrump I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me

>>21532071 @OKeefeMedia NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

>>21532104 MSM paints Trump antisemitic

>>21532130 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!

>>21532132 Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for Censorship over COVID and Blames Govt. Pressure

>>21532147 Kamala Harris Supporters Include 200 Republican RINOs, Tech Giants & Hollywood

>>21532157 Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Fleeced Taxpayers for Billions to Give to Left-Wing Groups and Lawyers

>>21532182 @TrumpWarRoom Kamala Harris is importing people from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on busses to try and fill her event in the Granite State

>>21532188, >>21532193 Swamp Talk

>>21532201 Buckwheat up

>>21532212 IMF to pressure Ukraine to raise taxes and devalue currency

>>21532223 @realDonaldTrump Kamala’s Sham Small Business “Plan”

>>21532230 Elon Musk defies X ban in Brazil by beaming app from space

>>21532234 @realDonaldTrump Big week coming up!

>>21532235 @realDonaldTrump “Harris Weakness Wednesday: Kamala’s Weak Economic Record”

>>21532237 Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center

>>21532242 @realDonaldTrump “New Hampshire Small Business Owners Rip Kamala Harris Ahead of Campaign Stop”

>>21532249, >>21532250 Musk on Trump Victory

>>21532252 Alex likes Harris for the keks!

>>21532255 Delta's to watch for "Storm"

>>21532263 Watch Sentinel-2C launch live on the final Vega rocket


>>21532276 Office-tower owners are falling behind on mortgage payments at the fastest rate since the dark days of the global financial crisis

>>21532286 @real_DonaldJTrump Trump vs Harris money wise

>>21532292 How can RT interfere in the elections if it's banned everywhere in the West?

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532302, >>21532336 A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede; tiny asteroid will burn up in atmosphere today

baker change

>>21532306 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz re massive fraud OP in Minnesota

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532403 Trump accuses Ukraine of lying about death toll

>>21532421, >>21532426, >>21532429 Swamp today

>>21532434 68% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites

>>21532436 Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election

>>21532152 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade seen arriving TOGETHER at scene of daughter's arrest

>>21532363, >>21532432 Notable memes – nom em, friends

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b3ba19 No.21532460

Elon folds

Starlink Agrees To Comply With Brazil's Orders To Block X

Elon Musk’s internet service, Starlink, has announced that it will comply with a Brazil Supreme Court order to shut down X while vowing to pursue “all legal avenues” to allow the recently banned Musk-owned social media platform to operate in Brazil.

“Regardless of the illegal treatment of Starlink in freezing our assets, we are complying with the order to block access to X in Brazil,” Starlink’s statement said.

“We continue to pursue all legal avenues, as are others who agree that @alexandre’s recent orders violate the Brazilian constitution.”


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9082ef No.21532461

File: 1ae5ff341b570da⋯.png (232.71 KB,945x2048,945:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

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40f912 No.21532462

Major book publishers defeat Internet Archive appeal over digital scanning

Sep 4th, 13:18:31

By Jonathan Stempel

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court sided with four major book publishers that accused the nonprofit Internet Archive of illegally scanning copyrighted works and lending them to the public online for free and without permission.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan agreed with Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley & Sons and Penguin Random House that the archive's "large scale" copying and distribution of entire books did not amount to "fair use."

Publishers accused the nonprofit of infringing copyrights in 127 books from authors like Malcolm Gladwell, C.S. Lewis, Toni Morrison, J.D. Salinger and Elie Wiesel, by making the books freely available through its Free Digital Library.

The archive, which hosts more than 3.2 million copies of copyrighted books on its website, contended that the library was transformative because it made lending more convenient and served the public interest by promoting "access to knowledge."


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76b797 No.21532463

File: ec9801546ed57e1⋯.png (546.74 KB,1107x1124,1107:1124,jims_finance_plan.png)


Sham Small Business "Plan"


Sham Small Business "Plan"

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afc3b7 No.21532464

File: ea0966fe3449c7f⋯.jpg (71.48 KB,656x494,328:247,fsffszzfzf.jpg)

Dollar Tree is around 25% down in a day

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3bab0a No.21532465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7eabdd No.21532466


hedge fund profit taking

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4e82b2 No.21532467

State Department spokesman: We committed three hundred and nine million dollars to support the multi-national security support mission, two hundred million of that was in-kind support from the Department of Defense. That support has already been delivered, and of the remaining hundred and nine million, which is State Department funding for things like radios, night vision goggles, police gear; a large trounce of that, tens of millions of dollars has already been deployed, has arrived in Haiti.

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93e1ed No.21532468


OK so what's the plan anons; we know almost every state that is needed, are going to cheat and more.

What will happen, a war with the CiC and the military, because obviously they don't even care that we know they will cheat?

I don't see an election happening, but that means there may be a couple of years before elections are restarted. The country is too far gone at this point. Bannon might be of age to run for Senator by then.

Any comments anons?

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93e1ed No.21532470


Hey Elon you have so much technology what can you do about this?

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40f912 No.21532471


More likely Mutual Fund and Pensions hitting the door after that last quarterly call. HFers would've blown out their positions during the call.

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be6128 No.21532472

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)


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fb5362 No.21532473

File: e6c7c0aa1817c48⋯.png (646.39 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


He should just BAN Brazil from Starlink instead.

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b3ba19 No.21532474

File: 08e4d5a5c5a3f9b⋯.png (627.9 KB,1584x1410,264:235,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI warns of North Korean ’social engineering’ schemes to steal crypto

DPRK scammers have been employing fake offers of employment and investment opportunities to trick crypto users into downloading malware.

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued a warning to employees at digital asset firms regarding the latest attempt by North Korea to steal crypto.

In a Sept. 3 notice, the FBI said North Korean malicious cyber actors were targeting workers at decentralized finance and cryptocurrency companies to steal funds through “complex and elaborate” social engineering campaigns.

Specifically, the federal agency warned that the scammers had researched firms associated with cryptocurrency-tied exchange-traded funds, or ETFs.

How the scam works

The actors employed schemes including fake offers of employment or investment opportunities and impersonating well-known individuals associated “with certain technologies” to trick users. The scammers may then provide a link to a “pre-employment test” or another download to install malware.

“The actors usually attempt to initiate prolonged conversations with prospective victims to build rapport and deliver malware in situations that may appear natural and non-alerting,” said the FBI, adding:

“The actors usually communicate with victims in fluent or nearly fluent English and are well versed in the technical aspects of the cryptocurrency field.”


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06e81e No.21532475

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

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b5a72e No.21532476

File: 5b0deb49745cc1d⋯.png (349.91 KB,960x704,15:11,4comfy22.png)

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93e1ed No.21532477


They fucking love war don't they

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40f912 No.21532478

Blinken to travel to Haiti to shore up security mission backing

WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Haiti on Thursday, a senior U.S. official said, as Washington seeks to solidify the U.N.-backed security mission in the Caribbean country that has been ravaged by gang violence.

Brian Nichols, U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, said Blinken will meet with Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille and the transition council before traveling to the Dominican Republic.

Nichols, speaking to reporters on Wednesday, called on the rest of the international community to step forward with more financial contributions so the existing force - which is led by Kenya - can continue and additional nations can deploy units.


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b2c9bb No.21532481

File: 164bdf46e812490⋯.png (66.02 KB,211x207,211:207,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: a72e5c1a1b8e945⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,720x1280,9:16,trump_supporter_white_dude….mp4)

soyboy symbolism will be their downfall

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40f912 No.21532484

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)

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127dc3 No.21532485

File: 356077c6f3afe4b⋯.png (286.56 KB,544x569,544:569,Screen_Shot_2024_05_07_at_….png)


Thank you Baker I love you.

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b3ba19 No.21532487

File: 48114e9ca3ad5b4⋯.png (858.09 KB,524x655,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e82b2 No.21532488

John Kirby [White House press conference]: Today, the Department of Justice, Department of Treasury, and State Department, took a series of coordinated actions against foreign actors associated with the Russian government who were attempting to covertly influence our elections. Specifically, all these federal agencies revealed activities directed and funded by RT, formally known as Russia Today, to covertly spread Russian government propaganda with the aim of reducing international support for Ukraine, bolstering pro-Russian policies and interests, and influencing voters here in the US, and in foreign elections as well.

[rogue US/NATO intelligence agencies do the exact same thing in their support for Ukraine]

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a9cc44 No.21532489

File: d24c08297ae9a0a⋯.png (264.62 KB,385x500,77:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0957 No.21532490


Go Chief!

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93e1ed No.21532492


Excellent KEK! We have pathetic non imaginative oligarchs in the SOS, CIA and just about everywhere else in Gov.

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2eb7f1 No.21532494


Can you update muh notable with this post, anon snagged the actual video?

Notable >>21532152

Video >>21532437

ThanQ Baker

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1810cd No.21532496

Every member of CSIS and CSE involved in the torture of Canadian citizens will face the wrath of the Canadian Justice system.///

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1810cd No.21532498

CSIS and CSE are not above the law.///

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a9cc44 No.21532501

File: 6a69d331c3c7fc1⋯.png (2.45 MB,962x1199,962:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bab0a No.21532502


I'll believe it when I see it. Canada is gone as far as I'm concerned, thanks to Castro's bitch of a son.

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2eb7f1 No.21532504


Sorry, wrong post. It’s this one.

Video >>21532445

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1810cd No.21532505

Police members involved in the torture of Canadian citizens are to have military code of conduct applied to them in their hearings and trials.///

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54315e No.21532506


got em both, tx.

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76b797 No.21532507

File: 6c60b5321fbcc72⋯.png (1.1 MB,773x1030,773:1030,talons.png)

File: 07e6d4544851dcc⋯.png (919.58 KB,698x840,349:420,clan_sinclair.png)

File: a71e4d41eaf7bfb⋯.png (278.21 KB,555x529,555:529,sinclair.png)

File: 1c3f28bd82e4277⋯.jpg (414.45 KB,978x1570,489:785,feight.jpg)


Clan Sinclair. Bloodline. Like Q+. The Rightful Ruler.

Clan Sinclair (modern) "Commit Thy Works to God"

Clan Sinclair (ancient) "FIGHT"

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5ac1ed No.21532508

File: 21f1c898694e108⋯.png (1.01 MB,1176x821,1176:821,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

(The Center Square) – The state of Florida is suing the Biden-Harris administration to obtain information on how many illegal foreign nationals convicted of violent crimes who served time in prison were released into the U.S. instead of being deported.

“Historically, when illegal aliens were brought to the U.S. to be prosecuted for their crimes, it was well understood that the aliens would be deported once they have served their sentence,” Florida’s lawsuit, filed by Attorney General Ashley Moody, states. “That was until the Biden-Harris Administration implemented their shockingly irresponsible immigration policy, pushing unknown numbers of dangerous criminals straight from federal prison into our communities and causing chaos, anarchy, and crime.”

The lawsuit was filed after Florida received no response to a Freedom of Information Act request it submitted in March seeking information about criminal illegal foreign nationals allegedly being released into the U.S. instead of being deported.

It was filed in the U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida Fort Myers Division and names U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Prisons as defendants.

“In addition to flat out refusing to secure the border, reports indicate that President Biden and failed Border Czar Kamala Harris refuse to deport dangerous illegal immigrant prisoners into our communities once they are released from prison,” Moody said. “This administration has made it clear they will not turn over documents showing this dangerous and unlawful scheme in a timely manner. Now, American cities are suffering in a very public way. I will not stand idly by and allow this dereliction of duty.”

When filing the FOIA request in March, she said, “The Biden administration has full knowledge that prisoners from other countries are making their way into the United States through our wide-open border. Now, we are demanding to know reasons why the Biden administration is releasing criminal illegal aliens in U.S. prisons directly into the interior, rather than deporting them back to their country of origin,” saying, “the American people deserve to know.”

The complaint states the administration is “unlawfully withholding records” and by doing so, harming Florida by “continuously denying Florida access to documents that it has a legal right to.” It also states the harm is irreparable until ICE is compelled to follow the law. The lawsuit asks the court to order the defendants to respond to Florida’s request and cover attorney fees.

In the complaint, Moody also alludes to the different processes followed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air & Marine Operations, Border Patrol, and U.S. Coast Guard officials when apprehending an illegal border crosser at a land border versus at sea.

Unlike those illegally entering at the southwest or northern borders by land, who are largely processed into the U.S. instead of for removal, when apprehended at sea, most illegal foreign nationals are repatriated to their country of origin, The Center Square has reported.


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1810cd No.21532509


>I'll believe it when I see it. Canada is gone as far as I'm concerned, thanks to Castro's bitch of a son.

The torture of Canadian citizens will be considered a war crime by the Canadian Military Police.///

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127dc3 No.21532510

File: 8b6f773cc0f46b2⋯.jpg (29.73 KB,678x452,3:2,1617755120133.jpg)

File: 5267ea0a1105db9⋯.jpg (24.58 KB,678x452,3:2,1617755328863.jpg)


In other words:


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ea1fe3 No.21532511


fresh off successful hostage negotiations

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1810cd No.21532512


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1810cd No.21532514

You will not imagine how far technology is but when you see yourself in the mirror, you will understand the reflections of those that you see some have passed on.///

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93e1ed No.21532515


Based on Walz was the perfect pick for KamaShit

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283e82 No.21532516


We know this.

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2611cf No.21532517


They can see through your eyes.

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76b797 No.21532518


Not News… Did you start Defining (your) Projection to those "trackers"?

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1810cd No.21532520


>They can see through your eyes.

They could.//

You can deny their permissions.///

You can take over their eyes.//

They have no defence.///

Defence Department Out.//

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f13e11 No.21532521


Epstein and Ghislaine were blessed by the POPE: Photo reveals paedophile billionaire and his 'madam' at private meeting with the Head of the Catholic Church in the Vatican after flying into Rome on his 'Lolita Express' private jet


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54315e No.21532522


>>21532008, >>21532445, >>21532152 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade seen arriving TOGETHER at scene of daughter's arrest

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40f912 No.21532523

File: df64a20f3a5e43e⋯.png (2.72 MB,2400x2400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




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76b797 No.21532525


Not if God doesn't let them. Better start Defining (your) Projection to [them]. God is the only way.

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2eb7f1 No.21532526


I corrected muh error for the video post # but forgot to include you. Lol!

Just in case here it is again:

Video >>21532445

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b3ba19 No.21532527

File: bc9ed24336bdc57⋯.png (1.71 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Jenin Is Just the Beginning’: Israel Planning More Escalations in West Bank

Israel Hayom reports the West Bank has become the second most critical front

Israel is planning more significant escalations in the West Bank, and the Israeli military now considers the occupied territory the second most critical front, immediately after Gaza, Israel Hayom reported on Tuesday.

Israeli security officials told the outlet that while the directive for the West Bank is in its initial stages and that changes on the ground will take time, a new series of operations across the territory are imminent.

Last week, Israel launched its largest attack on the West Bank since 2002, with raids focused on Jenin and Tulkarm in the north. “The Jenin operation is just the beginning,” a security official told Israel Hayom.

The Israeli assault on Jenin continued for the seventh day on Tuesday as the city remains under siege. According to the Jenin municipality, the Israeli military has destroyed 70% of the roads and infrastructure in the city, and about 80% of the water has been cut off to residents.


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5a4b00 No.21532528

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


Pull up your pants, Jason

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1810cd No.21532529


>Not News… Did you start Defining (your) Projection to those "trackers"?

It is news to them that they will be arrested on November 15th 2024.///


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ad1434 No.21532531

File: 56ae06967ee5cb6⋯.png (2.38 MB,1476x983,1476:983,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bf19c8b7d89022⋯.png (2.87 MB,1024x1382,512:691,ClipboardImage.png)


Mental health, suicide prevention a top priority at Space Systems Command, across DoD

Sept. 4, 2024

The latest data released by the Defense Department’s Defense Suicide Prevention Office reported 94 active-duty U.S. military personnel deaths suspected or confirmed by military services to be suicides during the first quarter of 2024.

The numbers among Air and Space Force personnel have risen 41% from 2021 to 2023.

Suicide prevention is a top military priority every day, but takes on even greater focus each September, designated since 2008 as National Suicide Prevention month.

Research has found that military suicide rates are roughly the same or lower than in the U.S. population generally but remain a serious concern in military communities. Service members and their families deal with a great number of stressors, experts say.

“You're giving up a lot of autonomy and control over the trajectory of your life,” said Crystal Mabry, a licensed clinical social worker and U.S. Air Force veteran who works at Los Angeles Air Force Base.

“You don't have a lot of say in where you're living, the people you're working with, the people that are around you, and sometimes even the job that you're doing. That loss of control over your own life is very different than what civilians experience.”

Mental health awareness and suicide prevention are issues for the entire Department of Defense; including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall. At USSF’s Space Systems Command, they are top of mind for Lt. Gen. Phillip Garrant, SSC commander, and Col. Andrew Dermanoski, Space Base Delta 3 commander; both leaders have spoken out about the issue.

“No one is immune from struggle, regardless of their level in leadership. I encourage everyone to talk to each other, check in on one another, and connect.

You truly never know what someone is going through,” Dermanoski said. “There are resources available far and wide, but sometimes all it takes is the simple question, ‘Are you okay?’”

Air Force Maj. Jenneva Barrett, a mental health specialist at LAAFB, said the Defense Department’s position regarding mental health has changed significantly since she joined the Air Force in 2006.

“Stress is a part of life, (but) it's not something that we have to do by ourselves, or hold in, or carry alone,” Barrett said. “Life in general comes with a lot of weight, and none of us are designed to carry that on our own.”

At SSC headquarters at LAAFB, the 61st Medical Squadron provides mental health services to thousands of active duty, Guard, and reserve military personnel with its staff of physicians, psychologists, and mental health specialists.

Strong social connections and a sense of belonging can alleviate work stresses and so reduce the risk of suicide, experts say.

“In the military, every two to three to four years, you're relocating and rebuilding, in a sense, your social support network … in my mind that's the biggest stressor that we see patients for,” said Barrett, who commands the 61st’s Mental Health Flight, responsible for psychological health.

“There is a resource for everyone and there are options always available; don't wait. Don't wait.”

The medical team also works closely with the civilian social workers and counselors of the base’s Integrated Resilience Office, which - like the 61st - also serves the Space Systems Command personnel who work at the headquarters office.


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ad1434 No.21532532


Although cases and case numbers are subject to patient confidentiality, the LAAFB mental health staff acknowledge that the number of personnel seeking assistance has increased in recent years.

The professionals, however, say that is a positive development: it shows acceptance of the reality of mental health, and movement away from historical attitudes where issues were often ignored or went unspoken.

“I think we're just getting more comfortable giving that information, and with more and more resources available, asking those questions,” said Barrett, who served for eight years as an enlisted aircraft maintainer before earning her master’s degree in social work.

“I think that we're getting more honest answers.”

Service members may request a mental health referral for any reason, including - but not limited to - personal distress, personal concerns, or trouble performing their duties.

They are not required to provide a reason or basis for the referral to their chain of command.

At an in-person and virtual “Ask Me Anything” discussion in July, Garrant, Joy White, SSC’s executive director, and Chief Master Sgt. Jacqueline Sauvé, the command’s senior enlisted leader, served as panelists responding to workforce questions about mental health issues.

“Don’t take this on yourself to try and figure out,” Sauvé said.

“Stop by and see our medical folks to help point you in the right direction, if it is mental health support that you’re seeking.”

That is exactly the message that mental health professionals want anyone who is having an issue to take to heart.

“We want to make sure we're treating our mental health like our physical health, and prioritizing it,” said Whitney Easley, a prevention analyst with the LAAFB Resilience Office.

“We don't want anyone to feel afraid or apprehensive for seeking these resources.”

The U.S. Space Force and U.S. Air Force offer a wide variety of mental health support services for personnel, including active duty and reserve military, civilian, and contractor staff.



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b2c9bb No.21532533


grey hat flipped for $$$ gov/spaceforce deals

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a5bdee No.21532535


>Intestinal parasitic infections in homosexual men: prevalence, symptoms and factors in transmission

Moral of the store don't shove ya cock up a Ass Hole

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76b797 No.21532538

File: 834ced4a2d623f7⋯.png (1.58 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ncswic.png)

Less than 10 on_board.

Prepare for Power Transfer.

Big Month, 8KUN Family - Booms.

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2eb7f1 No.21532540

File: 78eb6f0f683cb67⋯.png (1.76 MB,2560x2560,1:1,3F4AC2D0_E3A6_4203_9DFA_77….png)

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1810cd No.21532541


>Pull up your pants, Jason

Pull up my pants..//??

Are you sure you're talking to the right person, anonymous person #42//??

Do you know why I hestitated posting this..?

Nobody is captain of this ship except Jim Watson and his soon to be very wealthy son.///

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ce966c No.21532543

File: 4775772bd98558a⋯.jpg (527.59 KB,1000x1083,1000:1083,chimera.jpg)

File: 1fc0d470b5e8c1d⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,3600x2400,3:2,chimerasthohncathedralnyc.jpg)

File: 630af0fa18d90e3⋯.jpg (338.04 KB,920x1000,23:25,chimerasthohncathedralnyc2.jpg)


that too.


Like I wrote

"Earth Mothers"

"Earth"= undifferentiated material world.

"Nature" without redemption.

cruel and violent and careless Nature.

The St. John the Divine Cathedral is all about "Nature Worship" and left agenda.

They have a sculpture of the Pan god, outside, the Chimera. picrel

The cathedral depicted the destruction of NYC carved in stone as decoration on their Gothic exterior, before the 9/11 attack event.,

See link below

Moloch is a "Pan" animal, a chimera- not one animal.

It's misapprehended as a

"Bull" or an "Owl" Lion / Eagle

? individual. Since they mixed them into sludge.

so those four are mixed, and then others mixed in too

(see the sculpture. The detail shows the upside-down head of a demon)

Pan = the all, undistinguished.

Shit is the same as Food, idea.

It's a mix of all animals.

Like thalidomide babies or monsters who die because their bodies fail.

At least 4 that traditionally represent the Savior Christ

teacher are mixed.






Indiscriminate "Equality"

No organs.

"everything is equal, in death and destruction"

"All are equal in the grave"


That is Moloch, who eats babies.

Lowest energy level is equal to the highest.

Lowest common denominator makes everyone equal.

So they don't discriminate between Good and Evil.

"All is One"

"Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law" = freedom to them.

in their weird ignorant way.


The symbol you showed had the horns and the Sun

The horns is the womb, The Sun is the one who fucks the Earth with it's warmth and energy.

(no offense, that's the root of the word Fuck. to plant)

It takes two.

The Nature religions worshipped the Sun and the Moon.

Male and Female principle.

The moon crescent in the early Cross emblem


represents Marian the mother of King Jesus, the Savior.

The Tree of Life, which bears healing fruit growing out of her.

The Tree of Life is not the Cross of Death.

Baal was also worshiped as a single pole; a phallus.

They can only take positive symbols, symbols of positive things and pervert them.

So the symbols have two meanings

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afc3b7 No.21532545

File: ab62cef4affbcb2⋯.jpg (105.7 KB,857x306,857:306,gxgxgxgxgx.jpg)

Major Marketing Firm Admits To Listening To Your Phone Conversations


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a9cc44 No.21532546

File: df54d1513cd573c⋯.jpg (52.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,The_Jerk_Mr_Nussbaum.jpg)

File: 82f77b474325871⋯.jpg (103.8 KB,1280x720,16:9,Mr_Nussbaum.jpg)

File: 8833fcd9cb403fc⋯.jpg (46.93 KB,602x339,602:339,ODIN_Space_Kek.jpg)


From the NSA/CSS


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1810cd No.21532549


>“You're giving up a lot of autonomy and control over the trajectory of your life,” said Crystal Mabry

Nobody is given up authorization and authority to you.///

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5a4b00 No.21532551


>Are you sure you're talking to the right person


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ff7f90 No.21532553

File: c1e540b55374e6f⋯.jpg (547.47 KB,2048x1152,16:9,20240904_124110.jpg)




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1810cd No.21532554


>>Are you sure you're talking to the right person


Just why do you think you are talking to someone named Jason..///

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76b797 No.21532555

File: 6fcaab028b00108⋯.png (7.07 MB,1920x2114,960:1057,safe_.png)

Q is closer than ever to Returning Openly.

You'll remember this later, at that Time.

New World. A board without [THEM].

Patriots are the Light of the World.

Nothing can stop THE LIGHT.

"Sea to Shining Sea"

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b3ba19 No.21532558

File: 81752165d592038⋯.png (353.52 KB,557x642,557:642,ClipboardImage.png)

Microsoft Pulls Russia’s Access To Cloud Services

Microsoft has suspended access to its cloud services for Russian companies. This action is in compliance with the EU sanctions imposed in December 2023. The suspension affects various services including Power BI, Azure, OneDrive, and PowerShel. However, individual users in Russia are not impacted by this suspension.



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ff7f90 No.21532559




notable bigbrothershyte.fukem

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255a23 No.21532562

Apalachee High School: 4 dead, 9 injured after high school shooting, GBI says


The Brief

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirms 4 dead, 9 injured in shooting at Apalachee High School.

The school is located about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta.

One person is in custody.

Grady Memorial Hospital confirmed they have received one gunshot victim.

Gov. Brian Kemp issued a statement.

President Joe Biden has been briefed on the shooting.

BARROW COUNTY, Ga. - Four people were killed, and nine others were injured in a shooting Wednesday morning at Apalachee High School in Winder, Barrow County, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). The suspect is alive and in custody, GBI says.

Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith confirmed during a brief news conference that multiple law enforcement agencies responded to the school following reports of an active shooter at 10:30 a.m. The FBI and GBI are involved in the investigation.

Law enforcement is scheduled to give an update at 4 p.m. FOX 5 Atlanta will livestream the press conference.

The school was cleared by 11:30 a.m., and students were released to their families. Winder-Barrow High School was also briefly placed on lockdown as a precaution, though no threat was found.

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a3f357 No.21532564







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dc95fd No.21532565

12:57 PM EDT

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Holds News Conference

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a news conference amid widespread protests over his handling of the war in Gaza and calls for a hostage-ceasefire deal.


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dc95fd No.21532567

3:00 PM EDT

The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question - Security Council, 9717th meeting

United Nations



UN Security Council Meeting on Israel-Hamas Conflict

The United Nations Security Council holds a meeting on the the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The meeting follows the recovery of the bodies of six hostages, including Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin.


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5a4b00 No.21532569

File: 1f31b8602068769⋯.png (3.92 KB,400x400,1:1,youThePoint.png)


When you say "less than 10" you're referring to your age right?

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0fb55b No.21532571


Don't they ever get tired of looking like fools. I swear PDJT is telling them all what to do.

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4c35ad No.21532572


Why Space Force? Mebbe coz moar peeps from SpaceF seeing evidence of ETs?

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b24bc7 No.21532573

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 09f9f7eda7ad8f8⋯.gif (666.98 KB,622x622,1:1,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)


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a3f357 No.21532574



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54315e No.21532577

#26379 >>21531952

>>21531962 Find out how NATO has put measures in place to ensure such infrastructure is protected

>>21531974, >>21532022, >>21532098 Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school, deets

>>21531993 @realDonaldTrump Walz fam pic for Trump

>>21532039, >>21532307 @realDonaldTrump I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me

>>21532071 @OKeefeMedia NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

>>21532104 MSM paints Trump antisemitic

>>21532130 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!

>>21532132 Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for Censorship over COVID and Blames Govt. Pressure

>>21532147 Kamala Harris Supporters Include 200 Republican RINOs, Tech Giants & Hollywood

>>21532157 Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Fleeced Taxpayers for Billions to Give to Left-Wing Groups and Lawyers

>>21532182 @TrumpWarRoom Kamala Harris is importing people from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on busses to try and fill her event in the Granite State

>>21532188, >>21532193 Swamp Talk

>>21532201 Buckwheat up

>>21532212 IMF to pressure Ukraine to raise taxes and devalue currency

>>21532223 @realDonaldTrump Kamala’s Sham Small Business “Plan”

>>21532230 Elon Musk defies X ban in Brazil by beaming app from space

>>21532234 @realDonaldTrump Big week coming up!

>>21532235 @realDonaldTrump “Harris Weakness Wednesday: Kamala’s Weak Economic Record”

>>21532237 Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center

>>21532242 @realDonaldTrump “New Hampshire Small Business Owners Rip Kamala Harris Ahead of Campaign Stop”

>>21532249, >>21532250 Musk on Trump Victory

>>21532252 Alex likes Harris for the keks!

>>21532255 Delta's to watch for "Storm"

>>21532263 Watch Sentinel-2C launch live on the final Vega rocket


>>21532276 Office-tower owners are falling behind on mortgage payments at the fastest rate since the dark days of the global financial crisis

>>21532286 @real_DonaldJTrump Trump vs Harris money wise

>>21532292 How can RT interfere in the elections if it's banned everywhere in the West?

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532302, >>21532336 A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede; tiny asteroid will burn up in atmosphere today

baker change

>>21532306 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz re massive fraud OP in Minnesota

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532488 John Kirby trying to lay the groundwork for action against RT

>>21532403 Trump accuses Ukraine of lying about death toll

>>21532421, >>21532426, >>21532429 Swamp today

>>21532434 68% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites

>>21532436 Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election

>>21532008, >>21532445, >>21532152 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade seen arriving TOGETHER at scene of daughter's arrest

>>21532460 ELON FOLDS - Starlink Agrees To Comply With Brazil's Orders To Block X

>>21532363, >>21532432 Notable memes – nom em, friends

>>21532462 Major book publishers defeat Internet Archive appeal over digital scanning

>>21532474 FBI warns of North Korean ’social engineering’ schemes to steal crypto

>>21532478 Blinken to travel to Haiti to shore up security mission backing

>>21532508 Florida is suing the Biden-Harris administration to obtain information on how many illegal foreign nationals convicted of violent crimes who served time in prison were released into the U.S. instead of being deported

>>21532527 Israel Planning More Escalations in West Bank

>>21532558 Microsoft Pulls Russia’s Access To Cloud Services

>>21532363, >>21532432 Memorable memes – nom em, friends


last call

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077335 No.21532579


>This tired old tactic again….

It is tiresome. (((They))) still think we can't see, due to centuries of hubris. Also (((ironic))) that VD latched onto you. Kek. It really bothers them that we know.

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ef012c No.21532580

File: 6138feb3648b492⋯.png (89.2 KB,521x530,521:530,BAKEK3.png)


Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



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5ac1ed No.21532581

File: e9eab7d9fa06d11⋯.png (1.04 MB,1184x831,1184:831,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris has confirmed her support for $5 trillion in tax increases over 10 years in the Biden-Harris administration’s proposed budget. What should be truly terrifying to any taxpayer is the fact that the total increase is not the worst thing about Harris’ plan.

Among the many and varied tax hikes Harris and running mate Tim Walz endorse is a big increase in the top tax rate on capital gains. “[T]he proposals would increase the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends to 44.6 percent,” an explanation of the Biden-Harris budget states. The top tax rate on capital gains held for more than a year is currently 20 percent, for those with taxable income above $518,000. The tax is paid only if the individual sells the assets.

Capital gains taxes are not indexed for inflation, so the tax bite will rise dramatically whenever the Federal Reserve increases the money supply to cover the rapidly rising U.S. government debt, which is inevitable under all believable current scenarios. People will be paying real taxes on imaginary increases in capital gains. That extra tax cost will lower the value of the affected assets. If you own stocks, land, or other valuables, the Harris-Walz tax hike will reduce their value.

Even more egregiously, “The Harris-endorsed budget calls for an annual 25 percent minimum tax on the unrealized gains of individuals with income and assets exceeding $100 million,” Americans for Tax Reform notes. “Once in place, it won’t be long before the threshold is lowered to hit more and more Americans.”

This tax would have enormous consequences for people in all income brackets, not just the super rich. It will do its destruction by causing a massive net reduction in personal wealth in the United States.

Here’s how that will happen if the Democrats’ plan comes to fruition. The Harris-Walz wealth tax will reduce the value of all capital-gaining assets by imposing an unavoidable, government-enforced new cost on them — the annual cost of the tax.

Limiting the tax to the very wealthy is immaterial, because reducing the investor demand for a particular supply of assets will necessarily reduce the prices of those assets — which is their value. When those less-valuable assets are sold to other people, they will bring artificially reduced prices. That is wealth destruction.

The proposed wealth tax would thus decrease the values of stocks; housing and other real estate; bonds; personal property, such as automobiles, boats, some jewelry, and art works; and so on.

“That is how you trigger what you call a downward spiral in asset prices,” said entrepreneur and investor Vivek Ramaswamy. “It’s the best formula for triggering the Second Great Depression, if we ever had one.

As if widespread market crashes were not bad enough, the knock-on effects could be tragic. By crashing the asset markets, the Harris-Walz wealth tax will destroy the retirement nest eggs of the Baby Boomers and Generation X. With the Social Security system already facing insolvency, this asset crash will have a terrible effect on the elderly. Starvation, homelessness, and countless other ills could proliferate.

Meanwhile, the super rich at whom the taxes were aimed will maximize their wealth by trading capital-gains-producing items for other assets with lower gains and hence less economic value. The prices of those assets will rise, of course, creating further economic distortions.

The general movement in the economy will be from high-value uses of resources to lower-valued ones. People will move their money from the most profitable enterprises to those that cost them the least after taxes.


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08e185 No.21532583

File: f1d54bbc1eee350⋯.png (285.34 KB,515x655,103:131,f1d54bbc1eee350d70510c8fbc….png)

File: 5a0b159821fe637⋯.jpg (22.87 KB,341x337,341:337,5a0b159821fe6379ef04b39cb7….jpg)


Anons right again??

>>21524157 pb

>FBI comms?

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1c2cf8 No.21532584

File: b7f213aa8284a3e⋯.png (2.79 KB,66x64,33:32,Capture.PNG)


Seems appropriate.

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1810cd No.21532587


>When you say "less than 10" you're referring to your age right?

Which agency do you work for///

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81b8b8 No.21532589


Urmahgaaawd QTARDS ignore when Trumps family says he’s a grifting rat but it’s an own when Walzs family says something stupid

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5a4b00 No.21532590


>Which agency do you work for

You first

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4e82b2 No.21532591

Reporter: One of the senior Russian officials have said that US is trying to interfere in elections in India. Are you aware about that? What is your response?

Kirby: That's not true. It's a ridiculous claim.

[meaning the US is actively interfering in India elections]

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ad1434 No.21532592

File: 4957135e25e7f89⋯.png (193.41 KB,544x777,544:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 807a5263df9c66e⋯.png (181.48 KB,668x376,167:94,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

September 4, 2024 9:00 AM EDT

Donald Trump sounds like he's ready to open the floodgates when it comes to two topics that fascinate Americans:

John F. Kennedy being assassinated and UFOs.

The former President and current Republican nominee released some files related to JFK being assassinated in Dallas in 1963, but ultimately decided not to release them all.

The decision to keep some files secret nearly 60 years later at the time was a disappointing development for many people fascinated by history.

The JFK assassination remains one of the most debated and fascinating events in American history.

Many Americans do not believe the official government story that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Well, it sounds like Trump will dump the rest of the JFK files if elected President in November, and he'll bring the same energy to getting UFO info out to the public.

"They also are pushing me on Kennedy. And I did release a lot, but I had people come to me and beg me not to do it.

But I'll be doing that very early. Yeah, no, but I would do that," Trump said during the interview when asked about UFOs and the JFK assassination files.

When talking specifically about releasing videos and files relating to UFOs, the former POTUS said, "I would do that. I'd love to do that. I have to do that."

I don't care what your politics are. You can hate or love Trump.

That's up to you, but I think it's a pretty common sense stance to argue documents related to the murder of someone more than 60 years ago have no business remaining classified.

What could possibly be in the JFK files that's still relevant in 2024? I'm sure the intel community will argue that sources and methods are contained in the documents.

That excuse can't be tolerated. The way American intel operated in 1963 is nothing like we do today. That's just a blanket excuse the government can throw out. Ignore it, and demand better.

Trump should have released all the JFK files when he had the chance to as President. He released some but certainly not all of them.

Now, he's claiming he'll dump them out for people to read through and will push for UFO transparency. From a pure history and curiosity standpoint, I want to know what's in those files.


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ff7f90 No.21532593

File: fd18a513c755e9d⋯.jpg (186.49 KB,912x820,228:205,20240904_124840.jpg)


sophæı has them.

there are other nets than these.

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81b8b8 No.21532595


Ghey and fake

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b24bc7 No.21532596

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


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ff7f90 No.21532597


his given reasons for not doing so in his previous term no longer being applicable…


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1810cd No.21532598


>When you say "less than 10" you're referring to your age right?


















WHERE IS RENTON?????????????????


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b24bc7 No.21532599

File: cb14fc8dacc0650⋯.jpg (437.08 KB,1600x883,1600:883,Suicide_Weekend.jpg)

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830a7c No.21532600

File: 019ff46286c6d6e⋯.png (998.17 KB,1206x1062,67:59,I_ve_always_said_that_peop….png)

I’ve always said that people vote with their STOMACH, and food is now at an all time high…


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9a3128 No.21532601

File: 7a7e89bc89b6811⋯.jpeg (324.66 KB,1130x876,565:438,IMG_8619.jpeg)

File: 8a2365624416873⋯.jpeg (240.3 KB,1131x896,1131:896,IMG_8618.jpeg)

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b24bc7 No.21532602

File: 0d9aae0e7b3887f⋯.jpg (397.69 KB,606x655,606:655,Comfy_with_Three_Frens_and….jpg)

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ff7f90 No.21532603

… and donot shovel being shot shit.

the man has lived with real life threat for decades.

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b24bc7 No.21532604

File: 71f7cc577f11b56⋯.jpg (377.88 KB,951x1299,317:433,night_shift_22.jpg)

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b2c9bb No.21532605

this is happening more and more lately

Crazy, Rabid Tranny Attacks Assaults A Man For Wearing A Trump Shirt


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077335 No.21532606

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.png (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,ClipboardImage.png)



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5a4b00 No.21532607

File: 7bf81ffb8ece5d0⋯.png (20.09 KB,650x537,650:537,confusedPepe.png)

Guys, I think I broke the bot.

It wasn't on purpose…


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b24bc7 No.21532608

File: a8c17c1d70ed418⋯.jpg (454.04 KB,1557x984,519:328,1534126121244.jpg)

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ce966c No.21532610

File: de8ea8a9a4d3423⋯.jpg (126.44 KB,624x800,39:50,grailcup.jpg)


The horns is the womb, The Sun is the one who fucks the Earth with it's warmth and energy.

also can represent a cup.

if it's turn 90 degrees.

To be "horns" same thing

So the crescent moon also represents

the grail. The Cup. A receptacle - to receive.

The cup the Great Savior drank from during the secret supper = when he was arrested by Roman soldiers?

The perverts want to find it?probably to to use it in their spells?

Whatever; they can never win.

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b24bc7 No.21532611

File: 5afccd3a36299cf⋯.jpg (587.53 KB,1920x1200,8:5,DayShiftNightShiftWeDigFre….jpg)

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9a3128 No.21532612

File: de0b6b133ba3a46⋯.jpg (246.04 KB,1029x1070,1029:1070,9B308D69_9649_4633_A8B7_78….jpg)

File: 0b23d445b0c1eca⋯.jpeg (146.66 KB,641x801,641:801,Central_Casting_01.JPEG)

File: 7484fe09a5d3961⋯.jpeg (345.97 KB,1933x1087,1933:1087,Central_Casting_02.JPEG)

File: 8141e9af0118765⋯.png (399.34 KB,596x693,596:693,Central_Casting_03.PNG)

File: fca79902832fe89⋯.jpg (209.14 KB,1209x989,1209:989,Maine_Shooting_Witness_01.jpg)

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b3ba19 No.21532613

Blame Hamas, not Israel's government, Ron Dermer says - interview

'Hamas has not agreed to any of the US-facilitated hostage deals; they are the sole reason there is no hostage deal in place.'

Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer directed the blame for the failure to reach a hostage deal at Hamas, stating that they have failed to accept any of the hostage deal proposals brought forward by Israel, the US, and other Arab mediators, according to an interview conducted on Wednesday on CNN.

When asked whether the Israeli government is "moving the goalposts" regarding the hostage deal, Dermer responded, "The government is doing all it can, returning 150 of the 250 hostages taken by Hamas, with 110 of them returned alive."

When pressed about the anger felt by the Israeli public over the execution of six Israeli hostages, Dermer said, "We should all be angry and outraged, but at Hamas, not the Israeli government. It was Hamas that killed the hostages, it was Hamas that invaded Israel and murdered twelve hundred people in cold blood."

"There is no deal to be made with Hamas simply because they have refused to accept any of the proposals presented to them by our mediating partners. They are to blame for the lack of a hostage deal."


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b24bc7 No.21532614

File: 468834bd3f9b785⋯.jpg (631.64 KB,1500x1854,250:309,Patriot_Unit.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532615

File: 13748402de4b579⋯.jpg (810.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,13748402de4b579114c8ea4afa….jpg)

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f2518d No.21532616

File: a152d4891d22fae⋯.png (631.18 KB,640x920,16:23,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey vatican clown…

You feel it don't you?

Nothing you can do about it.

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b24bc7 No.21532617

File: e4cbd28a21fd690⋯.jpeg (888.13 KB,2048x1535,2048:1535,C56CAE9F_0510_43C3_90F3_1….jpeg)

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b24bc7 No.21532618

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,472x518,236:259,ComfyHydrate.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532619

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB,666x499,666:499,Q_research_Christian_badge.jpg)

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81b8b8 No.21532620



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76b797 No.21532622

File: 6363a694add2601⋯.png (1.33 MB,1397x3028,1397:3028,cant_wait.png)


Dying Trend…


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b24bc7 No.21532623

File: 02ced5e45c6facd⋯.jpg (123.09 KB,498x639,166:213,Kek_1st_Meme_Bomber_Wing.jpg)

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03f8da No.21532624

I’ve always said that people vote with their STOMACH, and food is now at an all time high…

the richest nation in the history of the world should have it's voting citizens past the first level of maslov's hierarchy and voting on issues of ideals and the higher self. the whole point of the greek civic idealization, overcoming the baseness of the mundane

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3bab0a No.21532625


The fact nothing about the shooter has been released tells me it's not the demographic they were hoping for. If it was someone with white skin that shit'd be all over the news right now.

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b24bc7 No.21532626

File: 0d40a92673b6b12⋯.jpg (120.58 KB,409x879,409:879,a1a37a7437d1c509b6757ab421….jpg)

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cf6a25 No.21532627

File: 7ac00d1770596dc⋯.png (179.15 KB,378x301,54:43,IMG_2435.png)


Good one

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077335 No.21532628

File: 8fbee0f97b9e8de⋯.png (1.54 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nothing you can do about it.

Kek. *hand rubbing intensifies*

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ce966c No.21532629


They were threatening him?

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b24bc7 No.21532631

File: 4e8ce052b61b3ad⋯.jpg (113.41 KB,1305x803,1305:803,pepe_frens_we_gonna_make_i….jpg)

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76b797 No.21532632

Censorship will end on this board. Promise.

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4a7fcc No.21532633

File: e713e20272ff39b⋯.png (620.79 KB,606x930,101:155,Truth_Social.png)


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b24bc7 No.21532634

File: 594e6742456ec6f⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,750x750,1:1,pepe_wahoo_lives_matter.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532635

File: 20d1fed21b64d1a⋯.jpg (113.23 KB,640x468,160:117,washtopkek.jpg)

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b3ba19 No.21532636

Whole Christian Communities Have Been Wiped Out In Nigeria, New Report Says

Christian communities throughout Nigeria have been completely destroyed by Islamic terrorists, according to interviews with persecuted Christians conducted by religious liberty advocates.

The interviews were included in a report released Sunday by Open Doors International, a religious freedom advocacy group, which found that thousands of Christians have been killed and displaced in Nigeria in increasing numbers since 2020. Open Doors interviewed hundreds of persecuted Christians, many of whom were sheltering in camps throughout the country.

“Extremist violence across parts of Nigeria over the last decade has resulted in mass displacement of Christian communities, amongst others,” the report said. “They have been singled out for violence, face harsh living conditions and experience faith-based challenges throughout their displacement journey. Nigerian state security personnel regularly failed to respond in a timely or effective manner to violent attacks against Christians.”

The violence has been primarily taking place in the northern states of Borno and Plateau, where there are lots of Islamic militants and violent Fulani herdsmen. About 2.7 times more Christians are killed in violent attacks than Muslims with at least 16,769 Christians being killed from October 2019 to September 2023. Christians are also the disproportionate victims of kidnappings.

For the report, Open Doors interviewed 292 Christians and humanitarian workers from January to April 2024 about their experiences with the persecution. Interviewees were primarily Christians who had been displaced within the country, with some workers from humanitarian agencies also interviewed.

One Christian displaced from Borno said that all the churches in the area of Gwoza were burned to the ground.

“Now, all the churches in Gwoza have been destroyed by Boko Haram, and many of the Christians have fled and are living as IDPs in different locations,” the interviewee said. “Since the attacks and the destruction of churches in Gwoza, I have not returned, and the churches are still in their deplorable state since their destruction.”

Another Christian said that the Christian population of another area in Borno had been completely replaced.

“I think for Goshe even during the time of displacement most of the community members were Christians,” the interviewee said. “But now the resettled members are almost ninety percent Muslims in the place I went to. It used to be a Christian community, but now it is a Muslim community.”

Other interviewees said that they struggled to defend themselves from attacks because they were armed with only a few small guns while their attackers had more sophisticated weaponry.

One of the main groups behind the attacks is Boko Haram, a radical Islamic group that has targeted Christians for years.

“Boko Haram target people that are working with the church, maybe you have a position like Secretary or you have any position in church, you are a target. In every community they have a list of people they are looking for,” an interviewee said.

If they survive the attacks on their villages, then the Christians also face struggles finding food and shelter. Many of the camps for displaced people discriminate against Christians and do not give aid to those with Christian names. Many people also refuse to rent out property to Christians.

Open Doors CEO Ryan Brown told Fox News on Tuesday that much of the world was ignoring the violence against Christians in Nigeria.

“The rest of the world seems to be turning a blind eye,” he said. “People are not talking about it. People are not aware of the realities, and therefore people aren’t doing anything about it.”


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1810cd No.21532637


>You first

I am mi6.///

I am not mi6//

I am a confluence of events..//

Where I am is not known…///

I am under duress.//







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a44969 No.21532638

File: 9bff50b15bfd05c⋯.png (1.2 MB,1940x1178,970:589,ClipboardImage.png)

"tick, tock, tick tock."

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b24bc7 No.21532639

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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76b797 No.21532640

Censorship will not be the only thing to end on this board. Promise.

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830a7c No.21532641

File: 3f5c9120ed79c7e⋯.png (913.47 KB,1202x1006,601:503,TRUMP_CASH_vs_KAMALA_CRASH….png)



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b24bc7 No.21532642

File: 02a3a04ca46b54e⋯.jpg (101.42 KB,614x606,307:303,02a3a04ca46b54e690642e87fb….jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532644

File: afcab48b128ba34⋯.jpg (96.67 KB,600x487,600:487,1536371826850.jpg)

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9a3128 No.21532645

File: 9d2b795a75e503e⋯.png (919.15 KB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_8622.png)

File: 7a10e62be7652e6⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,480x852,40:71,xjj8yZHBj7M_a0tt.mp4)

File: 6690d785322109f⋯.jpeg (62.28 KB,578x900,289:450,IMG_8623.jpeg)

File: b78b92b0169fbb0⋯.png (257.29 KB,499x790,499:790,IMG_8624.png)


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b24bc7 No.21532647

File: 1a67491cf404ca8⋯.jpg (93.57 KB,640x853,640:853,welcome_jim.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532649

File: d5091eaacf7c8ae⋯.jpg (90.68 KB,1024x1024,1:1,nigthShift_1_1024x1024_cro….jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532651

File: 6bc12939d49292a⋯.jpg (87.62 KB,792x597,264:199,erdtfygjb.JPG)

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cf6a25 No.21532652


Do you feel virile and powerful poasting that?

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b24bc7 No.21532653

File: 5973f3243afa267⋯.jpg (89.46 KB,500x627,500:627,8chanphilosphybewbs.jpg)

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f333de No.21532654

File: 623d141a07d84c3⋯.png (272.56 KB,600x584,75:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a91110db1615d9d⋯.png (279.53 KB,617x461,617:461,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 3h

Israel bombed a United Nations school in Gaza.

Sep 4, 2024 · 2:57 PM UTC


S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 1h

🇺🇸 Four people were killed and 30 were injured in a shooting at a school in the American state of Georgia, according to American media.

The suspect for the shooting was arrested.

Sep 4, 2024 · 5:44 PM UTC


The Massacre of the Innocents is a biblical story, while mainstream Bible scholars consider it a myth, recounted in the Nativity narrative of the Gospel of Matthew in which Herod the Great, king of Judea, orders the execution of all male children who are two years old and under in the vicinity of Bethlehem. Wikipedia

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1810cd No.21532655


>Guys, I think I broke the bot.

>It wasn't on purpose…

Thank you for being normal, I thought you were able to understand the language of the Ferengi…///

When you understand where we are, you will know that Pindar does not surrender…///

We changed teams.///

You're welcome Q.///

MI^ OUT///

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b24bc7 No.21532656

File: ab0222b136b6eb0⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,600x1000,3:5,Dig_Meme_Pray.jpg)

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077335 No.21532658


>They were threatening him?

Allegedly it was Pompeo who begged the Boss not to do it. That came out recently in a PB. Didn't bother saving it. Never liked Pompeo, so it wasn't surprising, especially since he's one of the few photographed at the Baal Wall. Tells me (((they))) have something deeper on that guy.

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03f8da No.21532659


seems Jesus Christ's promises included no hunger, no thirst, no sorrow. maybe that's implying there will be poverty under a strata of those who love money (the root of all evil)

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b24bc7 No.21532660

File: d6224b3a1f5b5ea⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,500x635,100:127,lel.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532661

File: 6938333b1ea3e5c⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,512x384,4:3,iu_10_.jpg)

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ce966c No.21532662

File: b75f922abcec096⋯.png (84.71 KB,500x375,4:3,Alex_jones_horned_hand.png)

File: 0560cc2ec7144ee⋯.jpg (260.95 KB,1620x1758,270:293,hornedshamanV.jpg)


oh right, The Horned God is the Nature God. Same as "Pan"

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b24bc7 No.21532664

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,607x686,607:686,keksignal.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532665

File: 0cf5fbfb44555de⋯.jpg (65.76 KB,500x748,125:187,Night_Shift1a.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532667

File: 5f02870b4711385⋯.jpg (63.99 KB,526x372,263:186,WinSpock.jpg)

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5a4b00 No.21532668

File: b7c05fe4f1a0770⋯.png (199.11 KB,425x392,425:392,lmao_pepe.png)




>Thank you for being normal

The schizo is off the scales with this guy.

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f2518d No.21532669

File: a152d4891d22fae⋯.png (631.18 KB,640x920,16:23,ClipboardImage.png)


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b24bc7 No.21532671

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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81b8b8 No.21532672


Imagine Paying for “free” censored speech. LULZ

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9a3128 No.21532673

File: 7cde672209ef787⋯.jpeg (185.79 KB,1130x1013,1130:1013,IMG_8563.jpeg)

File: 07c80b1b4182ee6⋯.jpeg (180.13 KB,1130x887,1130:887,IMG_8562.jpeg)

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b24bc7 No.21532675

File: 9cc8d0c616f645d⋯.jpg (60.19 KB,500x500,1:1,kermitbewbshistory.jpg)

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b24bc7 No.21532676

File: 576633b87b3a9ee⋯.jpg (52.28 KB,600x450,4:3,martok_songs.jpg)

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9a3128 No.21532677

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.gif)

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ff7f90 No.21532679

File: 64afe3695663c07⋯.jpg (816.76 KB,832x1346,416:673,20240904_125434.jpg)

they killed lennon for less.

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54315e No.21532680

#26379 >>21531952

>>21531962 Find out how NATO has put measures in place to ensure such infrastructure is protected

>>21531974, >>21532022, >>21532098 Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school, deets

>>21531993 @realDonaldTrump Walz fam pic for Trump

>>21532039, >>21532307 @realDonaldTrump I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me

>>21532071 @OKeefeMedia NFL Commanders VP of Content Labels Black Commanders Players "Homophobic" and NFL Players "Dumb As All Hell," Calls Fans "High School Educated Alcoholics"

>>21532104 MSM paints Trump antisemitic

>>21532130 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!

>>21532132 Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes for Censorship over COVID and Blames Govt. Pressure

>>21532147 Kamala Harris Supporters Include 200 Republican RINOs, Tech Giants & Hollywood

>>21532157 Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Fleeced Taxpayers for Billions to Give to Left-Wing Groups and Lawyers

>>21532182 @TrumpWarRoom Kamala Harris is importing people from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on busses to try and fill her event in the Granite State

>>21532188, >>21532193 Swamp Talk

>>21532201 Buckwheat up

>>21532212 IMF to pressure Ukraine to raise taxes and devalue currency

>>21532223 @realDonaldTrump Kamala’s Sham Small Business “Plan”

>>21532230 Elon Musk defies X ban in Brazil by beaming app from space

>>21532234 @realDonaldTrump Big week coming up!

>>21532235 @realDonaldTrump “Harris Weakness Wednesday: Kamala’s Weak Economic Record”

>>21532237 Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center

>>21532242 @realDonaldTrump “New Hampshire Small Business Owners Rip Kamala Harris Ahead of Campaign Stop”

>>21532249, >>21532250 Musk on Trump Victory

>>21532252 Alex likes Harris for the keks!

>>21532255 Delta's to watch for "Storm"

>>21532263 Watch Sentinel-2C launch live on the final Vega rocket


>>21532276 Office-tower owners are falling behind on mortgage payments at the fastest rate since the dark days of the global financial crisis

>>21532286 @real_DonaldJTrump Trump vs Harris money wise

>>21532292 How can RT interfere in the elections if it's banned everywhere in the West?

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532302, >>21532336 A huge asteroid crash permanently altered Jupiter's biggest moon Ganymede; tiny asteroid will burn up in atmosphere today

baker change

>>21532306 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz re massive fraud OP in Minnesota

>>21532333 Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN

>>21532488, >>21532581 Harris Walz wealth tax would harm all but the super rich John Kirby trying to lay the groundwork for action against RT

>>21532403 Trump accuses Ukraine of lying about death toll

>>21532421, >>21532426, >>21532429, >>21532565, >>21532567 Swamp today

>>21532434 68% of 200 homosexual men but only 16% of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites

>>21532436 Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election

>>21532008, >>21532445, >>21532152 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade seen arriving TOGETHER at scene of daughter's arrest

>>21532460 ELON FOLDS - Starlink Agrees To Comply With Brazil's Orders To Block X

>>21532363, >>21532432 Notable memes – nom em, friends

>>21532462 Major book publishers defeat Internet Archive appeal over digital scanning

>>21532474 FBI warns of North Korean ’social engineering’ schemes to steal crypto

>>21532478 Blinken to travel to Haiti to shore up security mission backing

>>21532508 Florida is suing the Biden-Harris administration to obtain information on how many illegal foreign nationals convicted of violent crimes who served time in prison were released into the U.S. instead of being deported

>>21532527 Israel Planning More Escalations in West Bank

>>21532558 Microsoft Pulls Russia’s Access To Cloud Services

>>21532562 Apalachee High School: 4 dead, 9 injured after high school shooting, GBI says

>>21532581 Harris Walz wealth tax would harm all but the super rich

>>21532600 PDJT: People vote with their stomach…

Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

>>21532613 Trump Makes Stance Clear On Releasing JFK Assassination And UFO Files

>>21532614, >>21532363, >>21532432, >>21532601 Memorable memes




tech problems, going for it

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b24bc7 No.21532681

File: 7e359b905fad0cc⋯.jpg (52.42 KB,457x321,457:321,iu_23_.jpg)

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b3ba19 No.21532684

Canadian journalist outs himself as Canadian, Ukrainian intelligence collaborator

Canada’s National Post is refusing to comment after one of its columnists revealed himself to be a collaborator with Western-aligned intelligence agencies. A Canadian activist is now threatening to sue the paper after the confessed spy smeared him in a front page article.

Adam Zivo, a columnist who covered the war in Ukraine for Canada’s National Post newspaper, has outed himself as an operative of Canadian and Ukrainian intelligence. The admission came as Zivo publicly leapt to the defense of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), in response to a wave of online mockery directed towards a post by the spy agency which asked readers, “Has a stranger ever tried to inflate your ego?,” before warning them that such flattery “could be elicitation.”

“People are dunking on this tweet but this actually happened to me in Odesa in early 2023 with a guy who seemed to be a Chinese spy,” Zivo volunteered. “I ended up organizing a small sting operation with two Ukrainian intelligence officers to figure out what his deal was,” he declared.


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b24bc7 No.21532685

File: 0d77003991bdddd⋯.jpeg (16.17 KB,255x255,1:1,planefagpatrol.jpeg)

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b24bc7 No.21532687

File: 30cf49d5bef5e3c⋯.jpg (14.68 KB,255x240,17:16,kekistan.jpg)

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cf6a25 No.21532688


“The devul made me do it.”

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b24bc7 No.21532691

File: 612aaf609031dd5⋯.png (262.51 KB,642x360,107:60,welcomehollywood.png)

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b2c9bb No.21532692


throwback to the toilet

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b24bc7 No.21532694

File: 330728c7e3f3dbe⋯.png (161.42 KB,542x532,271:266,0000000000000000Makemuhdad….png)

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ce966c No.21532695


not blackmail, more like directly threatening his children.


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ff7f90 No.21532696

yes, padowan… they have,

for a long time.


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b24bc7 No.21532697

File: 7b7e6216278cdd2⋯.png (27.5 KB,255x255,1:1,A_Q_Dig_B.png)

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1810cd No.21532698


>The schizo is off the scales with this guy.

I am the ranking. officer of the United States Navy, weformally surrender to the United States of America…///

Welcome to the New World. Order…///

Is that what you wanted///???

robably not….

That's why I'm not a schizo…///

Because if I were a schizo… I'd have been diagnosed as such…///

What I am is a clinical medical patient in the department of treasurey…/// AKA THE ROTHECHIELDS …//

They are not to be reckoned with bu tthey are not British by any strettch of the imagination.///

I am not Brtisih either ..//

I am not British either..///

This is a translator matrix…///

I am trying to get the Russiophobes off the matrix…///

Do you understand how important this message is///



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ad1434 No.21532699

File: 52fc736bdfdd36a⋯.png (366.57 KB,552x431,552:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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b24bc7 No.21532701

File: eed7b334f597258⋯.png (1.15 MB,1400x850,28:17,eed7b334f59725848d3de36d65….png)

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b24bc7 No.21532702

File: 60747a21bb513b6⋯.png (190.33 KB,608x595,608:595,23a4aa6d50fb2074185194b0d6….png)

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333145 No.21532703

File: ce8c529af500e3c⋯.mp4 (596.68 KB,452x360,113:90,_z71u6UhgkKNIUN2.mp4)

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3bab0a No.21532704

Someone broke a faggot in two. Well done. Always a fucking gimmick with these clowns, rather than just being themselves or using a fucking avatar.

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77c2f8 No.21532706


NSA please pay attention

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5a4b00 No.21532707


>I'm not a schizo

Then why do you keep schizo posting. ^^ case in point.

You are not special, and any claims of such will be met with ridicule.

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54315e No.21532708

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b24bc7 No.21532709

File: 05b6b42600a9d75⋯.png (1.86 MB,1280x1313,1280:1313,feelsgoodman_pepe.png)

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ff7f90 No.21532711


spooks dgaf anymoar.

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b3ba19 No.21532712

File: 2ddd247589401b6⋯.png (204.23 KB,562x523,562:523,ClipboardImage.png)

German envoy admits he spread lie about 7 October mass rapes

“I regret having believed – like so many others – that that suicide letter was real. It turns out it was a fake,” Ambassador Steffen Seibert posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday. “I find this an appalling act given that so many real lives were taken at the Nova festival, so many crimes committed, so many souls destroyed.”


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f333de No.21532713

File: 4117c09e67d2120⋯.png (140.23 KB,490x322,35:23,4117c09e67d2120006fbdcb656….png)




>tech problems, going for it

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81b8b8 No.21532714


That’s not panic dumfuck. That’s we weren’t held accountable this first time we did it by you stupid fucks so we will just do it again

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b24bc7 No.21532715

File: 21460eeb58e0722⋯.png (175.82 KB,517x594,47:54,PepePatrol.png)

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b24bc7 No.21532716

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB,758x644,379:322,patriotshaveitall.png)

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