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eeb238 No.21509133 [Last50 Posts]

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eeb238 No.21509135

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#26352 >>21508346

- - - - TRUMP RALLY NOTES - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21508407, >>21508444, >>21508462, >>21508477, >>21508677 LIVE LINKS - TRUMP RALLY TONIGHT AT JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA - AUGUST 30, 2024

>>21508450, >>21508653 Alina Habba "This Is Not A Game"

>>21508567 DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump arrives at John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Pennsylvania

>>21508713, >>21508718, >>21508724, >>21508735, >>21508739, >>21508741, >>21508754, >>21508766, >>21508786, >>21508839, >>21508842, >>21508843, >>21508844, >>21508850, >>21508855, >>21508857, >>21508874, >>21508879, >>21508887, >>21508895, >>21508902, >>21508910, >>21508914, >>21508916, >>21508925, >>21508943, >>21508959, >>21508971, >>21508978, >>21509007, >>21509038, >>21509039, >>21509099 PRESIDENT TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES - - - - - - - - - -

>>21508399 Savannah, Georgia welcomed Kamala Harris today with shouts of "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP"

>>21508405 @ScottPresler Two can play at this game.

>>21508406 RFK Jr Explains why people like You and Me Can NEVER Dream of Becoming the President, Governor, or Senator

>>21508424 Why is Kamala Harris so coddled? For all her shortcomings, Hillary Clinton didn’t act like this

>>21508439, >>21508719, >>21508791 WHO-UNICEF Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare?

>>21508434, >>21508461, >>21508468, >>21508473, >>21508492, >>21508500, >>21508519, >>21508529, >>21508543, >>21508561, >>21508605, >>21508731 Michael Jackson Remembered, Always

>>21508483, >>21508762 Female paedophile inmate accused of running a child abuse ring from behind bars at men's jaiL AUS.

>>21508494 Which US Industries Spend The Most On Lobbying?

>>21508497 Kamala Harris Promises To Put A Republican In Her Cabinet

>>21508501 Tucker - Trump’s Plan to Stop WWIII, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis

>>21508510 After Dumping 55% Of His Apple Stock, Warren Buffett Sells 5 BILLION In Bank Of America Stock

>>21508522, >>21508665 Donald Trumps New upcoming Book

>>21508540 U.S. State Dept. Accidentally Gave $239 Million to Taliban

>>21508542 Backpage.com founder Michael Lacey sentenced to 5 years, fined $3M in prostitution case

>>21508548, >>21508646 Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit

>>21508550, >>21509109 Judge Bans X In Brazil For Refusing To Comply With Demands

>>21508560 California Senate Passes Law Banning Voter ID in Local Elections

>>21508581 @RealCandaceO went there - Brigitte Macron was born a man.

>>21508586 Brazil = anyone using VPN to access Elon Musk's Twitter/X is subject to fines up to $8,874 a day

>>21508617 Texas launches voter fraud tipline ahead of November election

>>21508639 Socialist International Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Very Telling

>>21508654 Venezuelan gang overrunning Aurora, CO just a figment of your ‘imagination’ says governor

>>21508658, >>21508771 It’s so good to see these Fake News traitors squirm.

>>21508675 FLOTUS Her memoir 'Melania' will be released on October 1

>>21508700 Zelensky dismissed the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, after F16 crash

>>21508732 This year, Oprah donated $150 million to the Harris campaign

>>21508750 Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival

>>21508878 RFK "we going to see a very different President Trump than we did in the first term"

>>21508932 @Jim_Jordan Jack Smith. Election interference.

>>21508940 Faked LinkedIn profile appears to be an attempt to backstop FIS approaches to US special operations forces

>>21508950 Federal prosecutors have formed a Grand Jury for their criminal investigation into Butler Event

>>21508957 Families, trans adults sue South Carolina to block state's gender-affirming care ban

>>21508962 DRILL BABY DRILL!! Seismic work to begin at gas fields shared by Trinidad and Venezuela

>>21509024 Pope Francis says Earth is 'sick' in new climate change warning

>>21509036 Jared Polis SCHUTZ yes he’s another one who now uses his mommy’s maiden name as his surname

>>21509050 watch free @9pm 'Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils'

>>21509125 #26352

#26351 >>21507435

>>21507857 Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759, >>21508033 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803, >>21508125 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

>>21507873 1:08 PM EDT Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

>>21507886, >>21508061 Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'

>>21507897, >>21507916, >>21508323 Greenland: Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

>>21507903 @BarackObama hopes - HOPE IS MAKING A COMEBACK

>>21508001 Workers won't accept less than $81,000 for a new job right now, per a New York Fed survey

>>21508007 Investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes in Vegas & LA, 23% in San Diego, 29% in Miami

>>21508019 Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient

>>21508023 RFK should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children

>>21508028 @thejimwatkins - Penner has been saying this for years. Follow the pen

>>21508056 The FBI just released this supposed picture of explosives in the trunk of Thomas Crooks' vehicle

>>21508063, >>21508301 Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears To Threaten Street Artist SABO re: art on Street Signs, Bus Stops In Aurora

>>21508067 US Northern Command has been authorized to assist USSS with security detail through the presidential race until Jan 20 2025

>>21508108, >>21508120 Human Rights Campaign President Calls For Rejection Of "The Little Piece Of Paper" Of The Founders

>>21508113, >>21508184 Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

>>21508142 Democracy is the watchword of the foreign policy establishment to overthrow foreign governments

>>21508153, >>21508164, >>21508179 The CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil

>>21508154 Boar’s Head is (NO LONGER) part of the Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S.

>>21508161 FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

>>21508269 Michael Jackson’s Super Bowl show promoted peace, love, unity and protecting the children

>>21508273 Mark Zuckerberg didn't realize his wife spent $400 million to destroy America?

>>21508307 (we call it FAFO) Transgender health care is putting providers in the crosshairs

>>21508311 The Great COVID Wealth Transfer - $4.3 Trillion Dollars from the American Middle-Class

>>21508342 #26351

#26350 >>21506627

>>21507120, >>21507267 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA - 8/30/24 4:30 PM EDT

ICYMI Kinda Mornin

>>21506658, >>21506739, >>21506934, >>21506943, >>21507151 Ballz to the Walz lies about service record, signed legislation allowing abortion up to the time of the delivery

>>21506673 ICYMI: DHS restarts migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela — weeks after halting program over ‘fraud’ concerns

>>21506686 The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by hand without the use of electronic voting machines

>>21506704 CMZ: File an FEC complaint

>>21506773 Steve Bannon's lawyers have filed a request for Steve to be released on bond pending resolution of his D.C. Circuit en banc petition

>>21506778, >>21507012, >>21507095, >>21507199, >>21507252, >>21507322, >>21507323 Brazil has fallen under the dictatorship of Alexandre de Moraes. 🇧🇷/election fraud Emhoff/Smartmatic/Dominion/CCP

>>21506811, >>21506849 BREAKING: A source at McDonalds corporate confirms that they have no record of a Kamala Harris ever working for them.

>>21506814 Today in Q Post History we have 30 deltas.

>>21506820 @Meta to South Carolina as they announced their plans for an $800 million investment that will create 100 new jobs in Aiken! TheY wanna turn SC blue

>>21506839 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21506847 “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” , which is part of a series exposing The Truth about Cancer.

>>21506860 Call to Meme Corrupt Democrat Judges and Prosecutors

>>21506870 Vaxed? sperm is behaving in ways doctors have never seen before.

>>21506885 Harris, what have you done for us lately? or at all for that matter

>>21506892 @C__Herridge Lawsuit alleges DOJ violated separation of powers to “surveil” congress.

>>21506951, >>21506963, >>21507070 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US

>>21506982 SEC settles with BKCoin Capital co-founder

>>21506988 If anything proves Kamabla can't debate, last night laid it bare.

>>21506993 @GenFlynn WEF

>>21507003 U.S. Defense Department, NASA and other govt agencies funded research that led to more than 1,000 U.S. patents for China-based inventors since 2010, including in sensitive fields such as biotechnology and semiconductors, data from the US patent agency showed

>>21507030, >>21507114, >>21507145, >>21507146, >>21507184, >>21507186, >>21507269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21507034 Kelly: Jack Smith's Injecting J6 Headlines Back Into News To Interfere With Presidential Election

>>21507046 The SAVE Act Will Work As "Shaping Operation" For Republicans In November

>>21507056 Roy Hammers The Importance Of Attaching The SAVE Act To Appropriation Bills. It blocks non citizens from voting

>>21507059 EMERGENCY DOCKET Supreme Court temporarily bars latest Biden student debt relief plan

>>21507075 War Room Morning Edition

>>21507076 Burchett: [Tim Walz] Connections To The Chinese Scares The Daylights Out Of . Burchett is brilliant and freaking funny

>>21507078, >>21507235 Swamp Talk

>>21507094 Johnson had to intervene to ensure that former President Donald Trump could attend a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery

>>21507175, >>21507241 For The First Time In 23 Years, The US Does Not Have A Carrier Strike Group In Indo-PacificBidan/drugs?

>>21507211 Formica: Counties In Pennsylvania Are Flipping Red And They Are Flipping Fast

>>21507345 Firefly names space industry veteran Jason Kim as new CEO

>>21507359 Yesterday I posted about the Presidential Transition Act that was amended Dec 29 2022. Here is the link again for anons to read 18 pages

>>21507425 #26350

Previously Collected

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349

>>21502985 #26345, >>21503781 #26346, >>21504560 #26347

>>21500110 #26342, >>21501037 #26343, >>21502062 #26344

>>21497507 #26339, >>21498269 #26340, >>21499171 #26341

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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eeb238 No.21509140

File: 46cbbadfa7e05f6⋯.jpeg (154.67 KB,1200x1200,1:1,46cbbadfa7e05f6b3abc42295….jpeg)

fresh dough


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320917 No.21509155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c45b93 No.21509156

File: bec9a91445bb81a⋯.png (1003.31 KB,828x553,828:553,IMG_4013.png)

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990862 No.21509157

File: a7da9d06b646048⋯.png (798.39 KB,978x688,489:344,allthese.png)

TY baker

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e466aa No.21509158

File: 431f72010c9e033⋯.png (2.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf1b1a No.21509159

File: 500087c2b43ffff⋯.png (557.64 KB,600x485,120:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ed4b6 No.21509160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker

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6fabce No.21509161

the Truth is coming right now!

suicide weekend

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7faeeb No.21509163

File: ea3640213ddbc8b⋯.jpg (25.85 KB,600x415,120:83,wdvcwrgetdfg.jpg)

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990862 No.21509164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59726c No.21509165

File: cfd5ad6a85ba9f6⋯.png (36.17 KB,438x328,219:164,br.PNG)


In this discussion w/ @SecretWeaponUSA , I emphasize the need for Americans to become proactive in safeguarding their economic future and call for increased local civic involvement. World class economist, Kevin Freeman concludes with actionable steps, Americans can prepare and respond to these global economic shifts. They are coming and real soon.


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83f18a No.21509166

File: 770f364e6c9a325⋯.png (3.07 MB,1635x1995,109:133,IMG_1701.png)

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f707b3 No.21509167

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Angel_Q_Plane.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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17e803 No.21509169

File: 9d021c1667a0da2⋯.png (576.69 KB,840x431,840:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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e466aa No.21509170

File: ffedc4c2b2f987a⋯.png (2.38 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8024c7 No.21509171

File: 8ba403bc9a023af⋯.jpg (94.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,WEAREQ.jpg)

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990862 No.21509172

File: a290e0910636c3a⋯.png (642.62 KB,978x552,163:92,fee.png)

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a4f063 No.21509175

File: 2d59432138d26d6⋯.jpg (59.48 KB,502x960,251:480,IMG_20240829_184208_501.jpg)


Thank You Baker.

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acf2c9 No.21509178

File: c35af627e5c81ce⋯.png (1.21 MB,800x800,1:1,c35af627e5c81ceaffbb97e12a….png)

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d9d779 No.21509179

File: 535aedbe136fdd6⋯.jpg (122.81 KB,607x642,607:642,HEAVY_WIN.jpg)

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0bccd0 No.21509180

File: 3cfb70017b144e5⋯.png (18.27 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_08_30_14_53_17.png)

File: a38f76f72fa7b6b⋯.png (50.75 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_08_30_14_48_49.png)

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5f578b No.21509181

I love Liquid Gold.

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c72e39 No.21509182


Levon. Wut up

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59726c No.21509183

File: 42822838d5c02fa⋯.png (207.44 KB,439x409,439:409,at.PNG)


WATCH: Tim Walz during a townhall in 2017, explains why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

Subscribe to American Thinker (https://t.me/AmThinker_dailyblog)

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8024c7 No.21509184

File: 8f1c14a2c6c4af1⋯.png (283.99 KB,622x566,311:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b1074d2dd578fa⋯.png (218.21 KB,355x385,71:77,8b1074d2dd578fa31f1410908a….png)

DW News

@dwnews 2h

Germany's army has officially withdrawn its last soldiers from Niger.The move means the Bundeswehr no longer has a presence in Africa's Sahel region.

Aug 30, 2024 · 7:50 PM UTC


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ef9042 No.21509186

File: 8c5f01c7db193df⋯.gif (1.67 MB,450x300,3:2,JpOE.gif)

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c63ad4 No.21509187


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5f578b No.21509188

200% tariff. Bring back Mo-Town.

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357bb8 No.21509190

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,trump_tribute.mp4)

File: d429192ad07228f⋯.png (2.34 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a04fcf7811f77⋯.png (354 KB,500x503,500:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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59726c No.21509191

File: 1719e077019ca00⋯.png (128.27 KB,597x555,199:185,sk.PNG)


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


🚨BREAKING: The Supreme Court unanimously upheld our court order BLOCKING @KamalaHarris

and @JoeBiden

' illegal student loan cancellation scheme.

This is a HUGE victory for the working Americans who won't have to foot the bill for the Biden-Harris Ivy League bailout.


Rate proposed Community Notes

7:59 AM · Aug 28, 2024




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990862 No.21509192


Deus solus scit quid sim sine te

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320917 No.21509193

File: c7776c33f3eb65d⋯.png (950.11 KB,947x2837,947:2837,ClipboardImage.png)

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6012f3 No.21509194

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't Click This

you've been warned


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7faeeb No.21509196

President Trump: [Harris] will let in the next fifteen million people, and if they won, in four years, we will have had over a hundred million people from all over the world enter our country, and many of them, likewise, will be from prisons, mental institutions, gang members, criminals; we're not going to do it. She will destroy this country. She's worse than Biden, 'cause Biden wasn't a real believer in the radical-left. She is. That's all she knew. That's what her father taught her. A marxist professor, that's what he taught her.

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acf2c9 No.21509197

File: 8686e80ff340dba⋯.png (477.16 KB,502x353,502:353,8686e80ff340dba27adaeff3fa….png)

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5f578b No.21509198


There's no fucking way Trump condones what Israel is doing over there. NFW. Deep down inside.

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ef9042 No.21509200

File: 3bb919fcddce971⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,674x380,337:190,3bb919fcddce971eae6823bece….mp4)

File: 9646a161d710bbd⋯.mp4 (391.22 KB,720x1280,9:16,9646a161d710bbd5cf100932fe….mp4)

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990397 No.21509201

File: 3db53dc6c218a29⋯.jpg (220.58 KB,664x1079,8:13,strength_through_joy.jpg)

File: 8f211ffad7dfbad⋯.jpg (53.13 KB,462x361,462:361,epstein.jpg)

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d9d779 No.21509202

File: c0df83cac0af6bf⋯.jpg (120.32 KB,652x401,652:401,WINNING_BET.jpg)


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89d5d1 No.21509203

File: 99009ba3715fa9d⋯.jpg (11.71 KB,200x200,1:1,d39623548bb175f60ca6cc43d1….jpg)

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c63ad4 No.21509205

>>21509198 Fuck those 7th Century Goat Fucking, Kid Raping Goat Fuckers

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b0cff0 No.21509206

>no tax on ss

that's huge for the boomer base

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59726c No.21509207

File: 88264e83b6f1172⋯.png (352.34 KB,439x491,439:491,pub.PNG)


FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

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e1c79a No.21509208

DJT: we will have no tax on social security benefits for our seniors, no more tax

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cb1b1d No.21509209

File: 3c886da11afb0d9⋯.webp (19.43 KB,663x502,663:502,66d1e6d127fa1.webp)

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d9d779 No.21509210

File: 72c35a00c7e051a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB,760x436,190:109,FOG_OF_WAR.jpg)


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5f578b No.21509212

"We need more babies". 🙂

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6fabce No.21509213

File: 2db73f10cae6895⋯.png (173.73 KB,770x1466,385:733,50_1_.png)

File: 2a67beea45c27ce⋯.png (44.21 KB,770x542,385:271,700.png)

File: 488ac07e6f792a6⋯.png (135.76 KB,770x1522,385:761,1000.png)


700 and



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15d17b No.21509215



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7faeeb No.21509216

President Trump: When I return to the White House, I will also stop the indoctrination of your children and protect your parent's rights. We're gonna protect parent's rights.

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192989 No.21509217

File: 0db64178b67f9d8⋯.gif (379.84 KB,240x136,30:17,3z13.gif)



am i being spammed right meow?

i can tell my gran babies i was spammed on Qresearch!


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7faeeb No.21509218

President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's fading. We're not gonna let that; that would be like losing a world war. You can't let that happen. Then we would be a third-world nation.

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ef9042 No.21509219


live feed would be ideally logical

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0bccd0 No.21509220


do you really think it's just israel?

Middle East conflicts go back thousands of years.

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5f578b No.21509221


Go easy with the clickbait genius. I was referencing the Zionists doing the genocide.

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21f9b1 No.21509222

File: 3eec90eb494c2fb⋯.png (568 KB,1023x622,1023:622,Screenshot_20240830_151259….png)

File: 0480044fb815610⋯.png (636.62 KB,1011x883,1011:883,Screenshot_20240830_151402….png)

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c63ad4 No.21509223

>>21509221Go Fuck Yourself Eva Braun

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8024c7 No.21509224

File: 876e266edb1954c⋯.png (307.77 KB,574x558,287:279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a698a54c6e0141⋯.png (233.43 KB,565x554,565:554,ClipboardImage.png)


you could cut the irony with a knife.




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96de3b No.21509225

File: 7cf23c6aed93b53⋯.png (10.18 KB,255x204,5:4,GodWins.png)


Some cups are meant to be drank and others are meant to be passed. Define: Indignation

Wait, maybe the answer is looking for you.

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e1c79a No.21509226


Trump loves jews and Trump loves israel

he has been very public about his support for the country and it's people

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d9d779 No.21509227

File: f8819e233262ba6⋯.jpg (105.62 KB,650x478,325:239,JUST_POSTING_NOT_PICKIN_ON….jpg)

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83f18a No.21509228

File: 6cade958f85eead⋯.webp (166.7 KB,2000x1126,1000:563,IMG_2464.webp)

File: c642ff9f2352d13⋯.jpeg (33.99 KB,413x362,413:362,IMG_2256.jpeg)

File: 88d9304149a29a0⋯.png (6.54 MB,2655x1771,2655:1771,IMG_2258.png)

File: 445190a7f6c3683⋯.jpeg (56.58 KB,612x432,17:12,IMG_5749.jpeg)

File: 5ed3815ee25cc21⋯.jpeg (264.61 KB,1163x883,1163:883,IMG_6273.jpeg)

Merry Christmas

I love you Team Trump!

Omg the feed on every broadcast is terrible in our area!

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0bccd0 No.21509229


got a blank?

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b0cff0 No.21509230

File: e641049313b48e6⋯.png (623.05 KB,986x503,986:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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0606d1 No.21509231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

Kentucky: US District Judge Charles Simpson dismissed the most serious charges against two former Louisville police officers accused of falsifying the search warrant that played a key role in a sequence of events culminating in the fatal shooting of Louisville resident Breonna Taylor in her apartment in 2020. The officers were accused of knowingly providing or endorsing false information claiming that a US postal inspector confirmed that Taylor’s former boyfriend, suspected drug dealer Jamarcus Glover, was receiving packages at her home. The officers used this false information in the application for a “no-knock” warrant to search Taylor’s home, a move that set in motion the events leading to her death. However, the judge ruled that Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, who shot the first round that led to police returning fire, as the proximate cause of her death. The falsified warrant was not deemed the cause of the shootout, but rather the ‘late night’ surprise execution of the warrant led to the shooting.

Brandon Tatum, a former police officer, has an opposing view. While he agreed that the police officers used false information in the warrant, he says that there was plenty of other information on the warrant linking Breonna Taylor to her former boyfriend, suspected drug dealer Jamarcus Glover and the drug dealing operation. He suggested that she was more involved in her ex-boyfriend’s drug dealing adventures than has been reported. Tatum said that a dead body was found in a car that was rented in her name, there is evidence that the police did knock on the door, and offered other curious details in the case.





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acf2c9 No.21509232

File: a87097a4132d9f8⋯.jpg (60.21 KB,800x574,400:287,fuckyeah3.jpg)

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e1c79a No.21509233

DJT: go to swampthevoteusa.com

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d9d779 No.21509234

File: 915604b96e84029⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,757x366,757:366,VOTE_QUIVER.jpg)

File: 34b929e3e69a51e⋯.jpg (78.52 KB,583x328,583:328,ON_POINT.jpg)

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8a94fd No.21509235


Of course not, but he knows how to play their double-talk game. They never say what they mean. They speak in opposites.

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0606d1 No.21509236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


vidya 2

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ef9042 No.21509237


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92a923 No.21509238

File: cd3d5bd0aeabb87⋯.jpg (107.2 KB,1276x640,319:160,1_1.jpg)

File: a422823090342a3⋯.jpg (143.76 KB,892x579,892:579,1_2.jpg)

File: 93cc166d002cd8d⋯.jpg (131.44 KB,907x598,907:598,1_3.jpg)


Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

The State of Minnesota provides a 23-page list of Executive orders signed by Tim Walz (2019 - 2024).

- the word "mask" is mentioned in 16 of these Executive Orders.

- the words "face covering" are mentioned in 28 of these Executive Orders

- the words "face coverings" are mentioned in 25 of these Executive Orders

- the words "stay at home" are mentioned in 45 of these Executive Orders

- the word "diversity" is mentioned in 10 of these Executive Orders

- the word "inclusion" is mentioned in 14 of these Executive Orders

- the word "equity" is mentioned in 14 of these Executive Orders

- the words "social distancing" are mentioned in 41 of these Executive Orders

- the words "nursing homes" are mentioned in 11 of these Executive Orders

Anon will provide a few examples of the EOs found on the list.

Page 1

Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 1


State of Minnesota - Tim Walz - Executive Order 19-01; Rescinding Executive Order 16-01 - PDF

Establishing the One Minnesota Council on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity


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277646 No.21509239

File: adb9eb384839c03⋯.png (160.9 KB,374x374,1:1,HRA.png)

File: 673325f00557f64⋯.png (78.78 KB,910x1174,455:587,O1.png)

▶ Q Research General #26353: Trump "A Perfect Angel Was Formed" Edition

Search for: "real angel" (17 Results)


Biblical Plan. Biblical Events. Biblical Players.

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192989 No.21509240

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)


who is this vaticant of which you meme?

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e1c79a No.21509241

File: dee62041d66b076⋯.png (1.26 MB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_08_30_at_1….png)

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7faeeb No.21509242

President Trump: We must defeat Kamala Harris, a marxist, and we must stop her country-destroying, liberal agenda, once and for all. We have to stop it. And I think a lot of things are happening. Look, people are seeing who she is. All you gotta do is watch yesterday [CNN interview with Walz]. Give me a break. That's not a president. That's not a president. That's not a president. And we can't let that person destroy our country.

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5d06b8 No.21509243

At least we got inflation.

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0606d1 No.21509244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rising Pushback in Government and Media Against Zionist Influence in American Politics

Former Michigan Congressman Andy Levin, who is a Jewish progressive Democrat, explains that he was also ousted from office in 2022 in a primary election after the Israeli lobby funded his opposition. Levin is pro-Israel, but he also wanted to recognize the political rights of Palestinians. AIPAC recently spent $23 million to get rid of two other progressive Democrats who criticized Israel’s war in Gaza.

Max Blumenthal exposed the power of AIPAC and says that the Israeli lobby, funded by the “Zionist billionaire class”, controls US policy in the Middle East. He said that a US embargo on weapons to Israel, it would change the Jewish state’s plans. JW Williams




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5f578b No.21509245


No I don't. The Muslims have been a warlike culture for centuries. Even Thomas Jefferson referenced them as pirates.

Putting the Zionists with the Muslims you get deuterium and tritium.

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e1c79a No.21509246

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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59726c No.21509247

File: a162888186ad31c⋯.png (212.18 KB,441x640,441:640,vow.PNG)


Failed Border Czar Kamala Harris Vows to Build Trump’s Wall

Wow. Just, wow.


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990862 No.21509248

what should I listen for this rally? another Democrat to switch to MAGA?

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e1c79a No.21509249


the rally has ended numbskull

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6012f3 No.21509250


Like a Tachyon Pulse to a Quantum Fissure

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5f578b No.21509251


I agree. He's waling and talking multiple lines.

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990862 No.21509252


aipac opposed levin was it anti semitic?

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92a923 No.21509253

File: 491b52a19e9bd85⋯.jpg (107.89 KB,1283x587,1283:587,2_1.jpg)

File: 5ede135b0aa0b42⋯.jpg (123.43 KB,855x566,855:566,2_2.jpg)



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

Page 3

Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 3


In April of 2021, Tim Walz had theforesightto prepare for a pandemic with vaccination and quarentine possibilities.

State of Minnesota - Tim Walz - Executive Order 19-22; Rescinding Executive Order 15-13 - PDF

Assigning Emergency Responsibilities to State Agencies


Signed April 4,2019(before the pandemic)

- the word health is mentioned 67 times

- the word pandemic is mentioned 6 times

- the word pandemics is mentioned 1 time

- the word vaccination is mentioned 1 time

- the word quarantine is mentioned 2 times


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4de41d No.21509254

File: 28c5c548b7af0d2⋯.gif (5.86 MB,640x453,640:453,49E6FF4A_8447_400A_ABE5_F1….gif)

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97cd48 No.21509255

File: 6ff1f9cadc660f6⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,640x360,16:9,kamalaswipeofmyhand.mp4)


kamala's nuts

"With the swipe of my hand'


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81a460 No.21509256

File: a5411189c07075a⋯.png (247.22 KB,512x512,1:1,a5411189c07075add8b321d0f4….png)

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05d7b0 No.21509257

File: 26d66d4df9ad16f⋯.png (801.78 KB,880x624,55:39,btkh2.PNG)

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192989 No.21509258

File: 5fb797ee6b5b235⋯.jpg (273.16 KB,900x900,1:1,000warzards1.jpg)



uh oh!

did you try to label and degrade someone who was causing you great pain?

are you obfuscating?

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92a923 No.21509259

File: 25f7082232e352e⋯.jpg (113.44 KB,1261x593,1261:593,3_1.jpg)

File: d80957c0d986373⋯.jpg (188.08 KB,915x583,915:583,3_2.jpg)

File: 6f8c80c3b56449f⋯.jpg (196.29 KB,877x600,877:600,3_3.jpg)

File: 5087b9386b7438e⋯.jpg (140.09 KB,877x596,877:596,3_4.jpg)



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

Page 4

Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 4


Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-01 is refered to in many of the subsequent executive orders signed by Tim Walz.

State of Minnesota - Tim Walz - Emergency Executive Order 20-01 - PDF

Declaring a Peacetime Emergency and Coordinating Minnesota's Strategy to Protect Minnesotans fromCOVID-19

March 13, 2020

- the word Covid is mentioned 17 times

- the word health is mentioned 10 times

- the word healthcare is mentioned 7 times

- the word pandemic is mentioned 4 times


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c82cb8 No.21509260

I seem to recall a raid on the Clowns in America HQ. Imagine all the things you could find there. Tick tock.

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5f578b No.21509261


No one can argue that has been his PUBLIC persona.

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7c6b92 No.21509262

shape->letter->number->metaphor of math and word

where geometry fits?

every angle counts

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e97d5b No.21509263

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e466aa No.21509264

File: fbc2a5fcff1025f⋯.png (2.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Perfect timing!

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a4f063 No.21509265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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277646 No.21509266

File: 1e6d4c10b8f7717⋯.png (777.86 KB,836x2512,209:628,617.png)


Q+ finished speaking @6:17 pm EDT


Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU).

Imagine if these people were removed.

Total control re: MSM.

They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy.

Re-read past crumbs re: security.

Where is JS?

How do we truly protect those important to us?

[19] immediates [no longer with us].

Self-suicide if actioned.

Real life.

"Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU)."

>>21509020 ( lb )

"Understand, we are united and we are active. YOU are the KEY."

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92a923 No.21509267

File: 20b3fae58303d01⋯.jpg (118.82 KB,1270x595,254:119,4_1.jpg)

File: c8127b1a95f750e⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,889x510,889:510,4_2.jpg)

File: 8fdcc39415388ea⋯.jpg (211.4 KB,895x582,895:582,4_3.jpg)



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

Page 12

Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 12


State of Minnesota - Tim Walz - Emergency Executive Order 20-81 - PDF

Requiring Minnesotans to Wear aFace Coveringin Certain Settings to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

July 22, 2020

- the words face covering are mentioned 72 times in this executive order

- the words face coverings are mentioned 40 times in this executive order


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8a94fd No.21509268


Just make drugs legal. That would solve the problem.

The problem with making it legal is all of the government regulations and taxes that would have to go along with it.

The government complicates things.

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8024c7 No.21509269

File: 887a9f8c27711ab⋯.png (349.2 KB,607x516,607:516,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a2e48a11c86f65⋯.png (452.84 KB,487x363,487:363,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 3m

Iran envoy calls for putting complete end to nuclear tests, weapons

Aug 30, 2024 · 10:17 PM UTC


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990862 No.21509270


there was?

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c82cb8 No.21509271


Years ago when this all started.

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d9d779 No.21509272

File: 2a67af28cf9fa95⋯.jpg (120.05 KB,670x486,335:243,JUST_SAYING_YA_KNOW.jpg)

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e1c79a No.21509273

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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cba4d4 No.21509274

File: f389a8181d310f1⋯.png (508.61 KB,555x501,185:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fabce No.21509275


the "chair", the pope is the chairman of the catholic church, no one is more powerful in the church than the pope

but the pope serves the "master"

"The Master" is a character from the long-running British science fiction television series "Doctor Who."

this is satan

so who is satan


hillarys HQ is epstein island?

what does C stand for? clinton? oh wait, the real pope of rome is Hillary!!!!!!! egads

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0bccd0 No.21509276

File: 8ad7611a56fd685⋯.png (63.47 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_08_30_15_18_24.png)

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97cd48 No.21509277

File: 9da6d545d8af392⋯.jpg (324.52 KB,880x613,880:613,badthingorgoodthing.jpg)


that's funny.

What a loser.







Whos is "JS" ? John Solomon?

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ef9042 No.21509278

File: db1a471e1ea0dbe⋯.gif (1.63 MB,560x434,40:31,oWyoNae.gif)

File: 2936a3db479d8cb⋯.jpeg (11.95 KB,305x165,61:33,images_88_.jpeg)

File: 885bc64131cea51⋯.gif (990.48 KB,580x467,580:467,XWQXOKd.gif)

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990862 No.21509279

File: 8c15bd42822b354⋯.png (863.8 KB,980x650,98:65,yesi.png)

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e29d1e No.21509280

File: a589e60b0c22f57⋯.png (18.03 KB,585x303,195:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95803d876127973⋯.png (826.29 KB,599x1095,599:1095,ClipboardImage.png)

This post, doesn't this first sentence sound like something Elon would say? He's super excited to engage in this super secret spy shit and this is something I could see him saying when he's overly excited.

Also today, this on Truth.


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862caf No.21509281

Will surrogacy also be covered under President Trump's IVF policy?

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59726c No.21509282

File: 6b4790bc2f4599f⋯.png (267.82 KB,435x455,87:91,live.PNG)


LIVE: President Trump takes the stage in Johnstown, PA!


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5f578b No.21509283

Is she being blackmailed? Why would she even take this on. She does love money and the lavish lifestyle.

So "would you run for 5 billion dollars"? "Do you now how many blow jobs you'd need to give to get to 5 billion dollars?" 500,000 at 10K a blow Job"

"OK I'll do it. When do I start?"

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0bccd0 No.21509284


yeah, great combo.


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d9d779 No.21509285

File: a91dd12dc1cb12f⋯.jpg (138.94 KB,489x626,489:626,STOLEN_2.jpg)




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21f9b1 No.21509286


hand pen

She sounds drunk

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6fabce No.21509287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this is the titled of all things "Master Tape"

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348445 No.21509288

File: deee98cefe175c0⋯.png (1023.89 KB,682x1024,341:512,ClipboardImage.png)

the intestinal parasites keep them very very thin

this is why the gays are known for being thin.

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59726c No.21509289

File: ec6af4dc00e795d⋯.png (134.1 KB,440x414,220:207,bex.PNG)



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97cd48 No.21509290


Pen is in her hand

She's gloating, Sadist.

Bragging of her power.


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beb379 No.21509291

File: d8a32325ef39cea⋯.jpg (119.79 KB,839x1227,839:1227,KATIE_HOPKINS_88596561.jpg)

File: fe8aaef1fbacfd5⋯.jpg (729.89 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240830_122411….jpg)

File: 45bbd2c9ae56f94⋯.jpg (854.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240830_122206….jpg)

File: cb3602c1e3e718e⋯.jpg (7.29 KB,474x277,474:277,th_1220695230.jpg)

File: a98f1c81da25ee5⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,1000x756,250:189,MV5BYTE5M2U4NzUtNzllMi00ZT….jpg)

Sandy Beach

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59726c No.21509292

File: 27856decd2b99ad⋯.png (757.15 KB,811x715,811:715,st.PNG)


Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State — Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration

by Jim Hᴏft Aug. 26, 2024 8:20 pm

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92a923 No.21509293

File: 10b678a448f014f⋯.jpg (184.85 KB,910x588,65:42,5_1.jpg)

File: 3f2db6913096a42⋯.jpg (165.55 KB,847x563,847:563,5_2.jpg)

File: f080a8e62fc2a0c⋯.jpg (111.48 KB,953x637,953:637,5_3.jpg)

File: 665e97588aeb9c0⋯.jpg (185.32 KB,791x623,113:89,5_4.jpg)

File: 85e8e38eb610f4b⋯.jpg (208.36 KB,786x622,393:311,5_5.jpg)



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

Two of the Executive Orders are not searchable. They appear to be pics of the Executive Orders. Why would anyone go to the effort of eliminating the searchability of 2 of Tim Walz's EOs? Could it be that some people didn't want the similarities in the DEI values exhibited in the Walz EOs and the Biden/Harris EOs to be exposed? Is it possible that Tim was auditioning for a VP run?

State of Minnesota - Tim Walz - Executive Order 23-03 - PDF

Protecting and Supporting the Rights of Minnesota'sLGBTQIA+ Community Membersto Seek and ReceiveGender Affirming Health CareServices

March 8, 2023

6 pages


This PDF is not like the others. Can't copy and paste from it. It appears to be caps of the real pdf.

State of Minnesota - Tim Walz - Executive Order 23-14 - PDF

Improving Access to State Employment

Oct. 30, 2023

"Recruiting andretaining atalented and diverseworkforce is paramount for Minnesota state agencies."


This PDF is not like the others. Can't copy and paste from it. It appears to be caps of the real pdf.

The words, in Minnesota's Executive Order 23-14, strongly paraphrase the federal OPM requirements for governmentwide DEIA policies.

See thePBinformation here.


>>21472962, >>21472967, >>21472972, >>21472980 U.S. Office of Personnel Management and Whole of Government Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

Here is an excerpt of some of the information from the above PB Notable.

V V V.

White House - Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce

June 25, 2021

"As the Nation’s largest employer, the Federal Government must be a model for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect. Accordingly, the Federal Government must strengthen its ability torecruit, hire, develop, promote, andretainour Nation’stalentand remove barriers to equal opportunity."


This is the actual Executive Order. It was not easy to find.


Federal Register -Executive Order 14035of June 25, 2021

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce

11 pages


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990862 No.21509294

File: 55fed366a8b44e9⋯.png (241.33 KB,1718x500,859:250,1990.png)

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59726c No.21509295

File: ab1def4b05a5efd⋯.png (867.58 KB,1463x897,1463:897,mj.PNG)


Michigan - Brand New Voter Registration Scam Uncovered That Can Lead to Phony Voter Registrations


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a48030 No.21509296

File: e3554dbedf15655⋯.jpg (185.67 KB,720x817,720:817,20240830_155352.jpg)

Bald eagle fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two



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0bccd0 No.21509297


new banner

cat haters will LOVE it


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beb379 No.21509298

File: 09501b520e8706a⋯.png (733.35 KB,1000x544,125:68,promotional_pens_for_with_….png)

File: 68a0a7b94cccf5c⋯.jpg (119.05 KB,600x337,600:337,mememe_435b8a5512601e7c060….jpg)

File: 60e12e2c6e9d444⋯.jpg (111.54 KB,1920x1920,1:1,quick_tips_helpful_tricks_….jpg)

File: 8b761c10da94335⋯.jpg (19.99 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1768935762.jpg)

File: 8a5e113952b2bfd⋯.jpg (71.34 KB,518x766,259:383,black_dynamite_5_328145888….jpg)

Don't need you

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ef9042 No.21509299


request a Mr.Pig loader tire bicycle pump meme circa fake inauguration.

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92a923 No.21509300



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

There are links to each of Walz's EOs on these pages and the ones in 7/8.

Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 1


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 2


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 3


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 4


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 5


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 6


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 7


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 8


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 9


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 10


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 11


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d9d779 No.21509301

File: b699f4c058d1d90⋯.jpg (184.49 KB,1361x403,1361:403,BREAD_18289.jpg)

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81a460 No.21509302

File: f35cf93c34cdde8⋯.png (138.41 KB,598x854,299:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87d203e77e1909b⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,480x1036,120:259,ssstwitter_com_17250571836….mp4)


Hillary we haven't forgotten about Frazzledrip. The world will find out shortly. #HIAW 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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8024c7 No.21509303

File: f1fcf3ee27a1ca4⋯.png (173.21 KB,609x540,203:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8424e87d298f0e⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,959x729,959:729,media_GWQwoYoX0AAkrwj.jpg)

Newspaper articles collection

@NewsArticleColl 54m

Haaretz: One of the reasons for Pavel Durov's arrest is that Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels.

Aug 30, 2024 · 9:39 PM UTC


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d9d779 No.21509304

File: 73126b6a8d8b0ae⋯.jpg (143.57 KB,662x551,662:551,AIR_TIME.jpg)

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6fabce No.21509305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

satan in rome

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78baf7 No.21509307

File: 0c383262c695dd6⋯.jpeg (1000.93 KB,1125x1881,125:209,IMG_3636.jpeg)

Homegirl going to Florida next week on her bus tour!


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348445 No.21509308



seems likely. Hard to imagine how that would work. Finding the broken piece of beak? Finding the bird in time, catching the bird

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59726c No.21509309

File: 4245511530256d8⋯.png (472.99 KB,820x734,410:367,eco.PNG)


Report: US State Department Funded the Censorship Ecosystem in Brazil to Subvert Bolsonaro Administration – As the Biden Regime Sent CIA, Defense Department, US Military Officials to Brazil to Interfere with Election

by Jim Hoft Aug. 30, 2024 8:00 am240 Comments






In January 2023, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, the Biden regime began deporting Brazilian opposition leaders back to Brazil following the surprise election victory by socialist criminal Lula da Silva.

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92a923 No.21509310



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

There are links to each of Walz's EOs on these pages.

Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 12


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 13


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 14


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 15


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 16


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 17


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 18


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 19


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 20


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 21


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 22


Office of Governor Tim Walz &… - Executive Orders from Governor Walz - 23


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c82cb8 No.21509311

This seems interesting.

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719 📁

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381 📁

Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

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acf2c9 No.21509312

File: e925dd39e429b82⋯.png (282.11 KB,500x500,1:1,shield_pepe.png)

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ef9042 No.21509313

File: b76ace2bc1b5028⋯.png (620.6 KB,851x967,851:967,b76ace2bc1b5028b27cbe31279….png)

File: 4c4ff69575e9aa3⋯.png (194.47 KB,600x842,300:421,4c4ff69575e9aa3d1deab16509….png)

File: d90d10ad75a6d9d⋯.png (944.51 KB,908x778,454:389,d90d10ad75a6d9df0a5cb08138….png)

File: 52b65e490f8fc95⋯.gif (1.94 MB,360x270,4:3,52b65e490f8fc954cb171d7680….gif)

File: 5938bb0cd9e8f85⋯.jpg (67.53 KB,500x328,125:82,5938bb0cd9e8f8571236133424….jpg)

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92a923 No.21509314

File: 42d16b1c2e110fe⋯.jpg (177.47 KB,1320x525,88:35,8_1.jpg)



Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

Bonus information related to federal DEIA programs and (by Tim Walz's VP run) Minnesota DEI programs.

USAID - Executive Orders on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility


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6fabce No.21509315

File: 88af158706da06e⋯.png (74.87 KB,237x146,237:146,ClipboardImage.png)

epsting island

HQ of satan

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0bccd0 No.21509316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tommy Robinson's Run-In with the Metropolitan Intelligence Bureau

August 30, 2024

Jordan Peterson

'''NEW interview with Tommy Robinson

TY interfered with the OLD interview, so they made a NEW one.'''

ha ha ha

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c82cb8 No.21509317


Q Post #5

Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No.147109593 📁

Oct 29 2017 11:47:18 (EST)

Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

Have faith.

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990862 No.21509318


did anyone buy Epstein's island and look under the hill to see if there was a tunnel

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357bb8 No.21509319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Will add notes from djt statements later, great to see the people who have been waiting outside and now inside, singing and dancing, even watched them doing a conga line, warms the cockles of anons heart to see such real joy and hope for the future. it is not going to easy for the last 66 days, but that is not long to go, one last go at voting, worth a chance when all they are pushing is doom and gloom, danger and fear. fuck them. anon is focused.


dough below



LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA - 8/30/24

djt youtube channel



rsbn below for build up and speech.



djt rumble ch below



45th President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on Friday, August 30, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 10:30 a.m. ET.


Q comms are not endorsements, get out and vote.

>>21508436, >>21508445, >>21508486, >>21508552, >>21508666, >>21508682, >>21508692, >>21508407, >>21508682, >>21508830 Q+ comms.

>>21508830, >>21508830, >>21508830, >>21508830, >>21508927, >>21509050, >>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509266, >>21509280 Q+ comms continued

>>21508830, >>21508932, >>21508940, >>21508950, >>21508967, >>21508989, >>21509020, >>21509036, >>21509109, >>21509126, >>21509165, >>21509191, >>21509267, Benz on Brazil, jordan on jack smith and moar (whistle blowers bun)

>>21508917 Texas state rep leaves Democrat party over child sex changes (watch deaths and resignations)

>>21509042, >>21509042, >>21509049, >>21509050 While researching Trumps comment on a little known law from 1907, I ran across this EXPATRIATION LAW OF 1907, married women and children born abroad - anon digz

POTUS starts speaking @ 4:46 PM ET


President Trump: It's amazing, what we've built all together, and started, eight years ago,; maybe a little before that, who knows? Probably started forty years ago, in our soul, but it started eight years ago, and nobody would have thought anything like this could have happened, and it represents a tremendous part of the republican party, and more importantly, it represents a tremendous piece of this country. A tremendous piece. A lot more than fifty percent, therefore, we have to get out and vote.

President Trump: Were gonna get toxic chemicals out of our environment, and we're gonna get 'em out of our food supply. We're gonna get 'em out of our bodies.

President Trump: Venezuelan gang members have taken over parts of the city [Aurora, Colorado]. They've taken over apartment houses, because these stupid people that we have leading our country are allowing these people, these criminals, to come into our country, and we're gonna get 'em the hell out of here. And this is just the beginning. Wait 'till you see what happens. Wait 'till you see what they're doing.

DJT: Trump was right about everything

President Trump: We are becoming a drug infested nation, whether you like it or not. We're becoming a drug infested nation, so we better get our act together. You know, centuries ago, China was taken over numerous times by smaller nations, much smaller nations, because they were all drugged out from the opium fields, and all of that, and then one of their very powerful leaders said no more, and they ended it. And we're gonna have to end it to, because we're really a country; we're a failing nation in a lot of ways…we have to do something. And if you did that meaningfully [death penalty for drug dealers], you will, in one week, stop the drug problem. Nobody's going to be selling drugs. Nobody.


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beb379 No.21509320

File: e9bfebc1236a5b8⋯.jpg (37.05 KB,275x270,55:54,bb2745b5e5adb2cc.jpg)

File: 0137c4b0443e974⋯.jpg (1011.42 KB,3594x1938,599:323,Rough_Riders_963622739.jpg)

File: 5417dcd4b1719b3⋯.jpg (220.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_684261481.jpg)

File: 44e8b66f38d6469⋯.jpg (37.16 KB,474x266,237:133,th_255952382.jpg)

File: b92c6d6194e73a7⋯.jpg (729.09 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240828_180606….jpg)


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dbe2e6 No.21509321

File: c108ef16a188469⋯.png (181.4 KB,613x466,613:466,ClipboardImage.png)


am i the only one that finds this odd? interviewing a cryptojew

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e97d5b No.21509322

Every clip of Harris last night is of a drunk.

Anon would bet they are nauseated by the drunken fumes coming off of her.

Just by her voice

Anon would turn her away from getting served alcohol.

Bar anon

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990862 No.21509323


running specifically on aborting babies for humanized mouse ops

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c82cb8 No.21509324


How true.

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e1c79a No.21509325

File: b75fa82a13d59d6⋯.png (771.2 KB,1080x469,1080:469,Screenshot_2024_08_30_at_1….png)

File: 01458aae71eeb47⋯.png (290.29 KB,510x871,510:871,Screenshot_2024_08_30_at_1….png)


Luke David Thorburn-Calcino, the former Associate with Goldman Sachs who was fired after his 2015 donation to the first campaign of former President Donald J. Trump, announced on Thursday a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of the 1969 yearbook from the high school attended by deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in an effort he branded “#Epstein2.”

Thorburn-Calcino first announced the bounty in a post to LinkedIn, where the banker-turned-researcher specified he seeks “physical, hard-copy format” of the 1969 edition of the Legend yearbook associated with Lafayette High School 400 in Brooklyn, New York.

He declared a deadline of Friday, August 30 at 6 p.m. EDT, but hedged that he reserves the “right to make a small extension” if “reasonably appropriate.”

When reached by Valiant News, Thorburn-Calcino specified, “I do not care who gives me the yearbook, be it a journalist, spook, or private citizen.”

Thorburn-Calcino, in a press release reviewed by Valiant News, stated that he has secured copies or elements of every edition of the Legend yearbook associated with Epstein’s high school from 1960-1968, as well as the 1970 and 1971 yearbooks, but that the 1969 edition containing images of Epstein remains elusive.

“The Bounty, now public, is not something new. Others have tried and failed in private for some time,” Thorburn-Calcino said in a press release. “A fresh set of eyes from private citizenry cannot hurt as we seek the righteous path and to achieve Truth, at Scale.”

Thorburn-Calcino told Valiant News he thought a citizen journalist may find the yearbook, which he said would deal an embarrassing blow to established media outlets.

“I have full faith that citizen researchers of all stripes share my desire to see what secrets the yearbook may hold, and we present this opportunity to Mock the Mockingbird Media to anyone up to the task,” said Thorburn-Calcino to Valiant News.

Outside the “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich” documentary released by Netflix in 2020, which Thorburn-Calcino told Valiant News offered virtually no information about the human trafficker’s childhood, the only published reference to photographs within the yearbook occurred in 2019, when Thorburn-Calcino explained The Daily Beast described but did not publish two images contained in the 1969 Legend. Thorburn-Calcino also claims to have evidence the author and editor-in-chief did not possess the yearbook.

Thorburn-Calcino told Valiant News his bounty has received little interest, and even resistance, from U.S.-based media outlets, but a surprising level of outreach internationally, particularly from Eastern outlets.

He also said he and his team are willing to travel internationally if necessary to retrieve a physical copy of the yearbook.

Born in Australia and educated in the United States, Thorburn-Calcino was working in New York in 2015, when The New York Times reported he was the only employee of Goldman Sachs to donate to Trump’s first presidential campaign.

He was later fired by Goldman Sachs, and as Valiant News exclusively reported earlier this year, ultimately negotiated a five-figure settlement with the finance giant.


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23677f No.21509326

File: 48cb751597e914d⋯.png (114.75 KB,1024x183,1024:183,Q_Clearance_Patriot_8_30_2….png)

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357bb8 No.21509327

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: The fake news is doing everything possible, everything they can., to help Kamala Harris. You ever notice, nobody knows what her last name is….they have no idea who she is. But as they find out; you notice our poll numbers are starting to skyrocket. When they find out that she's a marxist. When they find out her father is a marxist professor, you know that. When they find out that she was the one that destroyed California and San Francisco a long time ago, you can't have this. Look, we have to put our country back into shape.

President Trump: Joe Biden killed those young people [Afghanistan attack] because he was incompetent, and then they tell me that I used their graves for public relation services, and I didn't.

President Trump: I ran for office, and they were covering it viciously, but it was front page every day, every day. And then I won. I beat everybody. And I had a story on page seventeen. So I won, and my story was on page seventeen, but I was always on page one when I made a little speech or something. That's why they call it the fake news media.

President Trump: Fore nearly four years, Comrade Kamala Harris has overseen a nation-wrecking border division, flooding our communities with twenty, or twenty-one million; and it could be much more than that, and don't listen to fifteen and sixteen; you're way gone. Those days are gone. Twenty million illegal aliens from one hundred and fifty-eight different countries, as of now…Harris lost; listen to these numbers; if this were a republican, they'd be stringing 'em up. Now listen to this number, 'cause you have to understand what it means. Three hundred and twenty-five thousand children have been lost. They've been allowed to be trafficked all across our borders. She flew in illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands, and many of these were young children…many are dead. Many are involved in sex operations. Many are working as slaves, in different parts of, probably this country and probably many others.

President Trump: Kamala vowed to grant mass-amnesty and citizenship to all of the millions of illegals that she let in, which will obliterate Medicare, and obliterate your Social Security for seniors; you will not have any Social Security, and you're not going to have Medicare…no country could withstand this onslaught.

>>21508959 PRESIDENT TRUMP: We took out MS13 by thousands, and thousands and thousands…..

President Trump: We took out MS-13 by the thousands, and thousands, and thousands, and now they're probably all coming back through this weak and pathetic administration that we have. Kamala has provided deportation immunity to the vast majority of criminal aliens, immunity meaning you can't get 'em out, living inside the United States. She's importing MS-13 gang members back into our country. Nothing;'s going to happen good with MS-13 gang members, and they're going into our high schools, and they're going to class in the high schools, and they're accosting our kids. They're rough kids. These are rough ones. We are being conquered, in a certain way, from within.

President Trump: Comrade Kamala launched a radical-left war on Pennsylvania energy that will destroy the economy of your state. On Kamala's first day in office, she shut down the Keystone Pipeline, which I approved, she shut down drilling on all federal lands, she reentered the disastrous Paris Climate Accord…Kamala Harris surrendered our energy independence, spent hundreds of billions of dollars the Green New Scam. She's trying to take away gas stoves and heaters. She's vowed repeatedly that we will ban fracking…she also imposed a crippling natural gas export ban on Pennsylvania oil and gas, another catastrophe for your state.

Mark [oil/gas worker, speaking at rally]: We would have to cover two thirds of America with solar panels to power this great country of ours. We have the Marcellus Shale right below our feets, in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, but New York's not bright enough to take advantage of it. That Cuomo family kind of shut that down a while ago.


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23677f No.21509329

File: a01681a7381965f⋯.png (1.33 MB,802x1454,401:727,1725057337130.png)

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ae9b9f No.21509330

File: f6a136a18bead60⋯.jpeg (410.67 KB,1125x1269,125:141,IMG_3637.jpeg)

Can you find the 17?

Can you find the 23?


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0bccd0 No.21509331


*not TY but YT

autistic poster, kek.

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357bb8 No.21509332

File: 4916a305c0e8715⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump: She can hide [Harris], and she can lie all the way through, and with her surrogates and the corrupt media, but the truth is coming out. Right now; it's already coming out., Much faster than I thought. The American people are smart. They will not be manipulated by Hollywood, the fake news media, and all of the advertising, and you deserve a president that respects you, talks to you, who levels with you, and who always has your best interest at heart.

President Trump: [Harris] will let in the next fifteen million people, and if they won, in four years, we will have had over a hundred million people from all over the world enter our country, and many of them, likewise, will be from prisons, mental institutions, gang members, criminals; we're not going to do it. She will destroy this country. She's worse than Biden, 'cause Biden wasn't a real believer in the radical-left. She is. That's all she knew. That's what her father taught her. A marxist professor, that's what he taught her.

DJT: we will have no tax on social security benefits for our seniors, no more tax

President Trump: When I return to the White House, I will also stop the indoctrination of your children and protect your parent's rights. We're gonna protect parent's rights.

President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's fading. We're not gonna let that; that would be like losing a world war. You can't let that happen. Then we would be a third-world nation.

DJT: go to swampthevoteusa.com

President Trump: We must defeat Kamala Harris, a marxist, and we must stop her country-destroying, liberal agenda, once and for all. We have to stop it. And I think a lot of things are happening. Look, people are seeing who she is. All you gotta do is watch yesterday [CNN interview with Walz]. Give me a break. That's not a president. That's not a president. That's not a president. And we can't let that person destroy our country.

anon has not watched the rally but guess he finished with young man - ymca and a little dance

p.s saw many anons on duty, thank you rally note taker and the anons opines.

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990862 No.21509333


does he think the school didn't exist that year

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66e10a No.21509334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

El Salvador’s War on Gangs

Off Leash with Erik Prince


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0bccd0 No.21509335


>bar anon

expert poster, kek.

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6fabce No.21509336

File: 7ed0d803a7c5914⋯.png (894.13 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


Blood tests revealed the eagle was also suffering from lead poisoning.

from the bullet?? def comms


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23677f No.21509337

File: ea42da94759ac8d⋯.png (1.34 MB,802x1454,401:727,1725057241563.png)

File: 6e27aa8a516819e⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,404x720,101:180,6e27aa8a516819ee7db60f1ffb….mp4)

File: 8dacd04246258fa⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,464x360,58:45,We_Have_It_All.mp4)

File: 21661d43e9cb264⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,576x1024,9:16,Techno_Greta.mp4)

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cf6c33 No.21509338

File: 91610f68fa3396e⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,1024x640,8:5,91610f68fa3396e001d655f0d9….jpg)


one's missing though, the rest is ephemeral


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990862 No.21509339

File: 0c6c877af884033⋯.png (754.54 KB,976x768,61:48,human.png)

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d4822d No.21509340

Indian should not pay taxes

any white or black has mind go back to the place you came from

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47140c No.21509341

File: 9d37f637b76f1e5⋯.png (852.91 KB,1024x563,1024:563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4da3c4381fb19d7⋯.png (709.45 KB,1024x791,1024:791,ClipboardImage.png)



The new owners of the late financier’s playgrounds of perversion in the US Virgin Islands — known informally as “Pedophile Island” — are working to transform them into a glitzy new resort.

Billionaire Stephen Deckoff paid $60 million for Great St. James and Little St. James, with the smaller of the two hosting Epstein’s former estate.

According to reports, the co-founder of Black Diamond Capital Management hopes to inaugurate the new attraction sometime in 2025.

The islands were initially listed for $125 million in 2021, with the bulk of the proceeds supporting compensation efforts for Epstein’s victims.

They failed to land a buyer, and the price was slashed to $110 million in 2022 before Deckoff pounced in May of last year.

Much of the property on Little St. James will be refashioned, but Deckoff reportedly will not raze Epstein’s former residence.

Instead, developers plan to “convert” it into a glittering hotel. “I’ve been proud to call the US Virgin Islands home for more than a decade and am tremendously pleased to be able to bring the area a world-class destination befitting its natural grace and beauty,” Deckoff told the Financial Times in May after the buy.

Reportedly worth $3 billion, Deckoff augmented his already sprawling real estate portfolio with the purchases of 165-acre Great St. James Bay and 70-acre Little St. James Bay.

The finance titan lives in a $12 million waterfront estate in St. John ‘s Peter Bay, and owns other trophy properties in Beverly Hills and New York.

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cba4d4 No.21509342

File: c074b03ec8b6c42⋯.png (1.27 MB,763x888,763:888,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fabce No.21509343

“While 24-390’s prognosis is still quite guarded, his ongoing care and the possibility of recovery reflect the significant advancement your support has made in our hospital,”


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beb379 No.21509344

File: 787676ff3af61ce⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,bateman_3731473212.jpg)

File: 09dd031804fce4b⋯.jpg (588.58 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240825_193743….jpg)

File: 101fa0a1b0d6e30⋯.jpg (11.62 KB,239x268,239:268,conan_the_barbarian_l_2084….jpg)

File: de2d3b60a1dd0cf⋯.jpg (36.77 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2328346899.jpg)

File: 9642319eb9407a4⋯.jpg (10.93 KB,474x262,237:131,th_303786638.jpg)

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c82cb8 No.21509345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cb1b1d No.21509346

File: 9b2b430eee0f212⋯.webp (45.01 KB,700x721,100:103,66d1fe343282b.webp)

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990862 No.21509347


i can stay in epstein's home?

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ef9042 No.21509348

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357bb8 No.21509349

File: e9c4eb7fe3cb60b⋯.png (310.9 KB,518x276,259:138,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8940a58a968db4d⋯.png (1.14 MB,935x499,935:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bae54b7bb515ba6⋯.png (1.96 MB,936x969,312:323,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21509319, >>21509327, >>21509332 TRUMP RALLY TONIGHT AT JOHSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA - 30TH AUGUST 2024 - dough, djt statements, comms and sources bun

not on duty

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d9d779 No.21509350

File: 11b764cdf69b2ce⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,263x452,263:452,BEST_IN_SHOW.jpg)

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c49198 No.21509351

File: 91a9afc52b73352⋯.png (15.04 KB,209x255,209:255,c82f1302ae9ad9b5557c8d9d33….png)

Yo Brazil is in South America

South America =SA









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8a95cf No.21509352

Just thoughts…

If Jesus was alive today, he would be called a conspiracy theorist.

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cb1b1d No.21509353

File: 5120964e5abf57d⋯.webp (65.4 KB,700x577,700:577,aGyeV17_700bwp.webp)

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604eda No.21509354

File: de0dc12b2546a66⋯.mp4 (8.75 MB,480x854,240:427,Neo_Techno_Viking_AI_Redux.mp4)

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dbe2e6 No.21509355


100% sponja

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5f578b No.21509356


>>>21509250 >>21509284

I think God's experiment has proven they'll never get along.

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ef9042 No.21509357

File: c335a9cd5218260⋯.mp4 (807.74 KB,320x568,40:71,c335a9cd521826082afd2597e8….mp4)

File: 5dcf005eb650320⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB,720x1280,9:16,5dcf005eb650320254ff6eb47e….mp4)

File: fc833f58f260f1d⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,714x1024,357:512,fc833f58f260f1d3cb1e9dbc18….mp4)


the missing years Jesus on tour

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990862 No.21509358

File: 107ee7ee154fbba⋯.jpg (614.67 KB,3840x2160,16:9,4.jpg)

i understand this better than in years past

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8024c7 No.21509359

File: b7686ce821e922a⋯.png (26.3 KB,768x512,3:2,JEZA2348_768x512.png)

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1b15bd No.21509360






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23677f No.21509361

File: d087903062cd623⋯.png (1.35 MB,802x1454,401:727,1725057274225.png)

File: bde9433eb4e1308⋯.mp4 (13.67 MB,532x300,133:75,We_B_Jammin_Bob_Marley.mp4)

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cb1b1d No.21509362

File: d06e6b2679373a0⋯.webm (419.03 KB,460x816,115:204,a7oDKDL_460svvp9.webm)

Meanwhile in Sanaa, Yemen. probably at a fuel service station.

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cf6c33 No.21509363

File: f6643f6b16912ad⋯.png (363.98 KB,548x675,548:675,f6643f6b16912ad926495da135….png)

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e97d5b No.21509364

The Palaticians and the Israelis- kamel toe hamas

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604eda No.21509365

File: 3042772f8a5ffec⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,850x400,17:8,tertullian_058994681.jpg)

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eeb238 No.21509366



#26353 >>21509140

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels

>>21509316 Jordan Peterson's NEW interview with Tommy Robinson


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

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5f578b No.21509367

File: 383477ac8fd4cba⋯.webp (58.11 KB,780x438,130:73,intro_1631904554.webp)

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cf1b1a No.21509368

File: 7504b387efbf28f⋯.png (3.89 MB,1100x1681,1100:1681,ClipboardImage.png)

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b237f4 No.21509369

File: 3fa955407ee4b39⋯.png (193.82 KB,319x449,319:449,pepe_lucy.png)

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e1c79a No.21509370


Jesus is alive

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ef9042 No.21509371

File: 202f62617d19086⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,752x1360,47:85,202f62617d19086b43ec306262….mp4)

File: 1c82fe1a04447cf⋯.mp4 (506.56 KB,918x712,459:356,1c82fe1a04447cfa36fae93077….mp4)

File: d4cd1c79c50fdd1⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_11_.jpg)

File: 9f2a4ed1ce5606e⋯.gif (217.92 KB,220x123,220:123,shitter_shitters_ful.gif)

File: 2ffe789661d339d⋯.jpg (131.52 KB,706x960,353:480,2ffe789661d339d9855df570bf….jpg)



this place is dope

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3e4225 No.21509372

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3906bd No.21509373


Harris will be sworn in by late September after Biden resigns for health reasons. As sitting President, the Obamanite machine will move swiftly to lock in an election steal, while the country is distracted by the October surprise Russia false flag war crisis, preplanned.

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cf6c33 No.21509374

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,725c3016022351705241029091….jpg)

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4d2ae6 No.21509375

File: 17d52fc7d1fda82⋯.jpeg (726.66 KB,1125x1860,75:124,IMG_3638.jpeg)

File: 9a6cb3377f3c161⋯.jpeg (515.63 KB,1088x1017,1088:1017,IMG_3639.jpeg)

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990862 No.21509376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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acf2c9 No.21509377

File: 932ccb8c3a2afdd⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1010x740,101:74,932ccb8c3a2afddda906bb7cbb….gif)


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e1c79a No.21509378


He is everywhere and He sits at the right hand of the Father


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c82cb8 No.21509379

Q Post #9

Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147170576 📁

Oct 29 2017 21:30:26 (EST)


D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

D’s formed the KKK.

HRC’s mentor is who?

What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.

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3e4225 No.21509380

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4d2ae6 No.21509381

File: 1a3efe07b0e6216⋯.jpeg (276.24 KB,1125x1332,125:148,IMG_3640.jpeg)

File: b39b16bd96d758c⋯.jpeg (892.04 KB,1125x1309,1125:1309,IMG_3641.jpeg)


Michelle saw the notable from earlier!



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990862 No.21509382


AI is so kek

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6ce5e1 No.21509383

File: 9fad56970b81a2e⋯.png (1.88 KB,308x43,308:43,ClipboardImage.png)


>President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency


>Iran envoy calls for putting complete end to nuclear tests, weapons

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e97d5b No.21509384


Hope you're a shill, cuz that's piss poor anoning

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e1c79a No.21509385


the Bible, the most read book in history

start reading it

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3e4225 No.21509386


you forgot suspend election due to war.

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04bc00 No.21509387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hardtack Poplar nuclear test


187K subscribers

669 views 2 hours ago


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6012f3 No.21509388


"like our Lives Depend on it"

What an Odd thing to say

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5f578b No.21509389


Brooklyn and Chicago are home base petri dish's for hatching these DS commie clowns. They all seem to tie back to those locations.

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3e4225 No.21509390


Just because it is the most read does that mean that it is the most accurate? I did not realize that popularity meant that things were true. Hollywood celebrities must be totally honest then.

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9e9137 No.21509391

File: efeeba911b1f540⋯.png (972.12 KB,797x796,797:796,j6346h546534.PNG)

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8e69b2 No.21509392


Do you really believe this or will it be a wall and the Commies still flying them in!

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acf2c9 No.21509393

File: 55e2567a9f82690⋯.png (751 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4bce1 No.21509394

File: 0766713efed0c21⋯.gif (636.04 KB,240x180,4:3,vrat.gif)

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8024c7 No.21509395

File: cf5b3717318e446⋯.png (413.89 KB,627x447,209:149,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 1h

🇺🇸 For the first time, there are no US aircraft carriers in the Pacific

Aug 30, 2024 · 9:06 PM UTC


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04bc00 No.21509396

File: 54b37cae6750d0e⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,54b37cae6750d0e283b10c1617….mp4)


4 August 2020 Beirut explosion for comparison


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3906bd No.21509397

Why is Harris so smug and apparently unconcerned about the election? She knows the plan to install her in September cannot be stopped. She agreed to 25th Biden when the Obamanites give the word. The lapdog media will swing in behind Our New President in a Time of War.

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357bb8 No.21509398

File: a7cc65ad77ae174⋯.png (1.17 MB,976x706,488:353,ClipboardImage.png)


he is scared.

and their lives do depend on it.

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d9d779 No.21509399

File: 8d4200e82139d77⋯.jpg (97.19 KB,734x445,734:445,AURORA_2NIGHT.jpg)

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e97d5b No.21509400


Those two should get out of puppeteering and start an Amway office

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e4bce1 No.21509401

File: 98b5e41445f7948⋯.png (152.29 KB,386x234,193:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fabce No.21509402

File: 1a7c9de79a36811⋯.png (2.19 MB,1474x949,1474:949,ClipboardImage.png)


Note "2013" on the bottom.




def a 7, so what was significant in july of 2013?

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e97d5b No.21509403


There's always a trophy photographer waiting


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6fabce No.21509404

July 22–28 – XIV World Youth Day, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

july 2013


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5f578b No.21509405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Petta Watt Laser Ignition.

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a4f063 No.21509406

File: de640c187b1ee75⋯.jpg (73.8 KB,901x1200,901:1200,F_YRD2hXIAA_IzY.jpg)

File: 73fae3b65f9593c⋯.jpg (15.82 KB,226x225,226:225,F_xO4DHWcAABgiK.jpg)


>am i the only one that finds this odd?

Noticed too.

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cf6c33 No.21509407

File: 7ebb2a4478369e9⋯.jpg (176.05 KB,1092x1133,1092:1133,7ebb2a4478369e960e3e2282ef….jpg)


instant steal.

thank you!

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3906bd No.21509408

The media narrative will be “surge in the polls for President Harris whose strong wartime leadership sways independent voters”.

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acf2c9 No.21509409

File: 7be0c66c1fa79e0⋯.gif (3.43 MB,480x258,80:43,hattip.gif)

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b57eb8 No.21509410

>>21509131 lb

>mocks God

Do you really think God cares what person loves another person?

Is that what the tight collar bow and scrape shepherd told you to think?

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320917 No.21509411

File: 379e4ebdc6cb996⋯.png (57.86 KB,519x829,519:829,ClipboardImage.png)

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e97d5b No.21509412


Space force on duty

Let's hope

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6fabce No.21509413

File: 68f7a9e84b800ef⋯.png (19.27 KB,240x340,12:17,ClipboardImage.png)


World Youth Day 2013 (Portuguese: Jornada Mundial da Juventude de 2013), stylized WYDRio2013, was the 14th international World Youth Day, an international Catholic event focused on religious faith and youth. The host city of World Youth Day 2013 was Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as announced by Pope Benedict XVI at the end of the closing Mass of World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid, Spain.[1] The events were scheduled to be held from 23 July to 28 July 2013.[2]

World Youth Day 2013 was the second World Youth Day to be held in South America; the second to be held in Latin America with the first being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in April 1987; and the third to be held in the Southern Hemisphere. Additionally, World Youth Day 2013 was the first World Youth Day to be held in a country whose primary language is Portuguese,[3] and the first for Pope Francis.[4] The event was attended by over 3 million people.

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28b39e No.21509414

File: 153ee2b0e9796d5⋯.png (699.65 KB,682x684,341:342,5321f421412.PNG)


Looks Good

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47140c No.21509415

File: 01b93bba707727f⋯.png (313.17 KB,680x508,170:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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c901ad No.21509416

File: 03020f7208b8636⋯.png (208.83 KB,370x368,185:184,03020f7208b8636fc050c6834a….png)

File: ac94a30bdbce41b⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,640x604,160:151,ac94a30bdbce41b4261541cbca….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's about to be Biblical

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d9d779 No.21509417

File: 509599a7957ed63⋯.jpg (154.43 KB,844x611,844:611,SMOKING.jpg)

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2cb9b7 No.21509418


>Q+ finished speaking @6:17 pm EDT

18:17 = 17



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e1c79a No.21509419


at least read the Book of John

many say John was His closest disciple

if you haven't read it, how can you make such assertions about it, meaning the Bible

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3906bd No.21509420


How convenient for an invasion of Taiwan.

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47140c No.21509421

File: 7233a63a44f22c6⋯.png (355.05 KB,507x448,507:448,ClipboardImage.png)


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6440d7 No.21509422

File: e4c711edff7c3c0⋯.jpg (11.11 KB,255x152,255:152,Potusthor.jpg)

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15d17b No.21509423


Why is Harris so smug

narcissist tendency

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5f578b No.21509424


Needs his balls kicked up into his stomach for playing his stupid scam.

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05cfcc No.21509425

File: 7247129631cf8c0⋯.gif (3.72 MB,400x350,8:7,tool.gif)

Anyone know what this tool is called?

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6fabce No.21509426


In July 2013 it was reported that 320,000 young people had registered for this World Youth Day,

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6440d7 No.21509427


I am a nigga 4 Trump n I ain't black

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ef9042 No.21509428

File: ec6cfa166dec025⋯.png (502.26 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240830_185823.png)

File: 7c34d99f1109d57⋯.png (109.62 KB,766x1200,383:600,522_5_.png)

File: 267f6b88ef93a5e⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1800x1200,3:2,GWQnlWlXQAI_ftb.jpeg)

File: ea067f996a02d15⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB,1800x1200,3:2,GWQnkv8XIAA723p.jpeg)

File: d2fb6dd9053b02e⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,1800x1200,3:2,GWQnlqsWgAAp0ah.jpeg)

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e97d5b No.21509429


Thank you Jesus

Another awesome day.

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3e4225 No.21509430


who said I have not read it. I just found it lacking. Your god is a dick.

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7c6b92 No.21509431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Part 1


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04bc00 No.21509432


Night Famefag


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47140c No.21509433

File: 5766300920a7ecd⋯.png (262.62 KB,504x413,72:59,ClipboardImage.png)



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b57eb8 No.21509434


articulating ruler

or articulated ruler

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4d6706 No.21509435


He needs to quit sitting around.

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15d17b No.21509436


>I just found it lacking

narcissist tendency

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0bccd0 No.21509437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Tommy Robinson Interview

Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476

Jordan B Peterson


What i posted earlier is an excerpt, LINK to entire interview was hard to find.


Describes the details about the knifing of the two young girls in the UK - also how the UK authorities call the people who held a vigil for those girls "far right" so they do not have to answer to the British citizenry about their defense of Pakistani rape gangs and those aligned with them.

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3906bd No.21509438


“dems winning” another stolen election is a certainty. The only question is what comes next. Court challenges? “No evidence of election fraud!” will be the mantra as kangaroo Soros courts and DAs ignore mountains of forensic evidence of tampering in key precincts.

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c82cb8 No.21509439

Yes, the show does indeed appear to be about to start. The tumblers seem to have all clicked into place. God speed.

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cf6c33 No.21509440

File: 39524a36a5f7339⋯.png (360.16 KB,638x743,638:743,ClipboardImage.png)



you dumb o what?

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6440d7 No.21509441

File: 52b3fc20a9558b1⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,682x360,341:180,EyeoftheTiger.mp4)

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3e4225 No.21509442


I know imagine needing people to worship you talk about narcissism. kek.

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202ed4 No.21509443

File: 5e4f431ca184a0e⋯.jpeg (216.16 KB,1125x1269,125:141,IMG_3637.jpeg)



and the timestamp 18:05 = 23

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af577f No.21509444


Niger for Trump

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d9d779 No.21509445

File: b7c9e2508f1bd10⋯.jpg (95.03 KB,456x571,456:571,BESTFAGGING.jpg)

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04bc00 No.21509446

File: 2a9b28294963192⋯.png (245.31 KB,456x471,152:157,Qdrop3147.PNG)

File: 2e078447601bf38⋯.jpg (51.84 KB,640x644,160:161,1059287_103015_kabc_freewa….jpg)

File: 8531592d8443547⋯.png (245.76 KB,791x355,791:355,camsfound.PNG)

File: 3189fab15046a70⋯.png (1.95 MB,1483x976,1483:976,ch3cam.png)

File: b30ca518e877817⋯.png (2.05 MB,1483x983,1483:983,ch10cam.png)


>Note "2013" on the bottom.





>def a 7, so what was significant in july of 2013?

Because it was the same day that RC posted to social media that she was guest DJ at Club Le Baron NYC. Where the Epstein torture dungeon images are actually from. keks in conflation and confirmation bias

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8024c7 No.21509447

File: 15630568d2eed11⋯.jpg (182.67 KB,1184x850,592:425,73b688b8baa473c5e1cc1f5bfc….jpg)


No samson option for israhell.

the game is about taking away [I's] nuclear weapons, before it can use them.

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15d17b No.21509448



>I know imagine needing people to worship you talk about narcissism. kek.

literally idiotic

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a02a46 No.21509449


WJC was Eagle

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05cfcc No.21509450


Thank you kind anon. o7

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d40944 No.21509451

File: e63e28b23bb9d93⋯.jpeg (58.53 KB,893x180,893:180,IMG_3214.jpeg)


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6fabce No.21509452


was mary magdalene and john seen at same time i wonder?

john was made immortal wasnt he?

in last supper, da vinki made sure he gave all the disciples names and to the right hand of Jesus was John

but john had no beard and appears like a woman, so was Mary but igcognito?

you could not preach as a woman back in that day and she was named the First Apostle by Francis and cleared of being a prostitute by declaration he signed right after taking office

da vinci

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3e4225 No.21509453


yeah your god is totally idiotic. Imagine telling people you have free will but if you do not choose as per this particular book you can be enslaved or killed at the whim of said god or his in group preference. Totally idiotic.

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05cfcc No.21509454


I apologize for not knowing what it's called anon. I hope my question or the considerable time and effort it took for your ass-hole-ish reply didn't ruin your day. o7

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ef9042 No.21509455

File: d2fb6dd9053b02e⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,1800x1200,3:2,GWQnlqsWgAAp0ah.jpeg)

File: 3ee140b7c19f418⋯.png (111.73 KB,766x760,383:380,29_8_.png)

File: ceca519be39c0cc⋯.jpeg (9.42 KB,225x225,1:1,download_44_.jpeg)

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4d6706 No.21509456

File: f4604bb24a39df8⋯.png (158.33 KB,433x613,433:613,Screenshot_2024_08_30_1908….png)

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6cc9b4 No.21509457

File: 13081c2afc4e07d⋯.jpg (431.11 KB,1080x1637,1080:1637,Screenshot_20240830_160826….jpg)

The clips of Harris seen in a new Trump campaign ad are real, despite speculation that they were AI-generated.


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b57eb8 No.21509458


>Thank you kind anon.




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d9d779 No.21509459

File: ce7d54c4c14015d⋯.jpg (124.54 KB,532x576,133:144,NO_SUCH_THING_IN_AMERICA.jpg)

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3906bd No.21509460

As you go to bed on Election Night, with “several key states are reporting polls open late and ballot shortages, officials are saying won’t know the counts until tomorrow afternoon due to widespread hacking of reporting systems, reported to originate from Russia”

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cf6c33 No.21509461

File: 923cd0b1e4ae087⋯.jpg (80.71 KB,1000x666,500:333,850581994d0e1c5ca5b9707988….jpg)


Holy crap what did I do?

I didn't mean anything except ship toasting like I do this time of the day.

My apologies, faggit. din't mean anything serious.

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e1c79a No.21509462


He is God of all, including God of you, whether you like Him or not

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05cfcc No.21509463


Reminded me of a shipwrights tikstick.

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04bc00 No.21509464

File: ef6222d74f638f7⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,852x480,71:40,Vanity.mp4)


Watch again. Comprehend meanings of words. Concentrate. Use brainlet.

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062bcc No.21509465

It will be WW17. That’s the one when people will actually see that history is repeating itself so you can predict what’s next.

Peace out.

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ef9042 No.21509466

File: 0727c80e18b1d08⋯.png (513.14 KB,898x752,449:376,0727c80e18b1d0899a80ea2f9d….png)

File: 778dc9012c50ecc⋯.png (3.98 MB,1694x4096,847:2048,1509759704722_2_.png)

File: 382c1aa2605e33d⋯.png (12.21 KB,450x600,3:4,0f67dd90ad5d89da65007d1ac0….png)

File: 87763447066776d⋯.jpg (304.57 KB,942x942,1:1,208345c097debbc3570cec4b20….jpg)

File: 8bfb0c7c229604a⋯.png (588.65 KB,766x3972,383:1986,8bfb0c7c229604acf962c1a1ba….png)


s long train of abuses 3900

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6440d7 No.21509467

File: 11bafea880141b2⋯.png (10.98 KB,255x209,255:209,Horseguzzler.png)

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70a405 No.21509468

File: 7ef51bfc67b4e63⋯.png (554.61 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)


British Columbia hospital distributing free crack pipes, snorting kits from vending machine'''

As the drug crisis in British Columbia continues to worsen, the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital is now distributing free crack pipes and snorting kits at a vending machine outside their emergency room.


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15d17b No.21509469


your soul is prayed for

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6440d7 No.21509470

File: caf38a194d43d23⋯.png (14.27 KB,227x255,227:255,KamalaPresnominee.png)

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3e4225 No.21509471


says who. You don't get to determine that. You have no authority. neither does your imagination.

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469bfa No.21509472


holiday weekends are great huh


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d9d779 No.21509473

File: 4569fac5cd090d4⋯.jpg (106.31 KB,460x579,460:579,SMALL_SHELL_EMPTY_FIELD.jpg)

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ef9042 No.21509474


always empty

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b57eb8 No.21509475

File: fb2152724bb30f1⋯.png (719.12 KB,1000x679,1000:679,ClipboardImage.png)


>shipwrights tikstick.

Never seen those but articulated rulers have been around a long time

Longer than slide rule probably

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3e4225 No.21509476


fuck off with your prayers. Shove them down your throat and choke.

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15d17b No.21509477


>says who. You don't get to determine that.

hee hee

anon didn't

GOD did

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eeb238 No.21509478

File: 76b96d054d6d916⋯.jpg (33.72 KB,480x518,240:259,76b96d054d6d916cf5c2355205….jpg)


thx hooded Pepe

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5f578b No.21509479


Obviously something BIG is coming.

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05cfcc No.21509480

File: b19f4af2b51b4bb⋯.png (255.41 KB,333x400,333:400,ClipboardImage.png)


My apologies anon. I'm out of my element on dayshift. Been on nightshift since 2017. Kinder folks dwell here at night. It's wild and wooly either way.


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ef9042 No.21509481

File: 1ffd0a96aaaf1a2⋯.jpg (222.11 KB,1160x773,1160:773,1ffd0a96aaaf1a24cebbf0be49….jpg)

File: 0478d6a14043bcb⋯.png (693.98 KB,766x1598,383:799,3900_2_.png)

File: 3914d1cf007f626⋯.jpeg (113.18 KB,600x900,2:3,3914d1cf007f6264a39d42aef….jpeg)

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357bb8 No.21509482

File: 659015830bc13b6⋯.png (639.6 KB,680x408,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97ec239451d0f74⋯.png (377.33 KB,552x477,184:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6e4acc2a0461da⋯.png (525.18 KB,595x445,119:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08c7a71b699f133⋯.png (754.12 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99bc16ac1c2a287⋯.png (778.96 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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15d17b No.21509483


i don't mind choking on prayers if it brings one more from His lost

i will pray for your lost soul, whether you have one or not

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8a94fd No.21509484


Just like 0bama was so smug about his elections.

He was always a shoo-in. Had nothing to worry about.

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6440d7 No.21509485

File: 3a3bef757f1ba0d⋯.mp4 (341.04 KB,640x360,16:9,kamalahitler.mp4)

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3e4225 No.21509486


sauce. I do not recognize your bible as sauce since it becomes a self referential document where you can just say it is true because it exists.

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97cd48 No.21509487

File: 1c697aa86801df5⋯.jpeg (109 KB,800x800,1:1,billanmel.jpeg)




That's where they get all their lines.

it's a form of inversion / perversion.

If you call it out, it's power disintegrates.

The stupid Propaganda depends upon stunning you.

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8a94fd No.21509488


Is she threatening people who are on the take?

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b57eb8 No.21509489


Why is that 70's dude from the south wearing a robe?

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97cd48 No.21509490

File: a492024e002a2ff⋯.jpg (51.02 KB,659x659,1:1,americaburned.jpg)

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c82cb8 No.21509491


Can the atheist communists please shut up?

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3e4225 No.21509492


why is it lost just because I think your thoughts are wrong and I think that by speaking of them spreading the obvious lie that your kind spread is detrimental to society.y

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3e4225 No.21509493


can the bible karens just fucking die already.

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05cfcc No.21509494


Tiksticks are great for getting precise measurements/angles on curved surfaces when boatbuilding. I know a shipwright who never uses a ruler of any kind. Just a series of tiksticks in varying sizes and he can build a three masted schooner. Thanks again.

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8024c7 No.21509496

File: 879d5c4bcb9f7c5⋯.png (368.35 KB,612x506,306:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fc43eb9078b900⋯.png (141.94 KB,259x260,259:260,ClipboardImage.png)


@haaretzcom Aug 29

Ancient seal featuring Assyrian demon from First Temple period discovered in Jerusalem

Aug 29, 2024 · 7:45 PM UTC


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116df9 No.21509497


After the establishment of federal income tax in 1913, the government put in place a system of mandatory tax withholding. Complaints from employers about this system led to its repeal in 1917. During the 1930s, when the Social Security Act was passed, the government funded the new Social Security pension system through payroll tax withholding.

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cf1b1a No.21509498

File: dc750e79340be7f⋯.png (61.54 KB,919x377,919:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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15d17b No.21509499


faith is the sauce

distasteful for some

quite wonderful for others

guarantee someone reading this has faith is something far less researched than the Word of God

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97cd48 No.21509500

File: 32d67db8efca53f⋯.jpg (164.81 KB,1024x627,1024:627,fakenewspointer.jpg)

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c82cb8 No.21509501


I have manners. You first.

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ef9042 No.21509502


lost underpants found a cloth in the bedroom

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277646 No.21509503

File: 14f50308957e5bc⋯.png (572.6 KB,2082x1393,2082:1393,rosslyn_censored.png)

File: b576048ff257e9b⋯.png (688.02 KB,935x545,187:109,ha_enoch.png)


>Whos is "JS" ? John Solomon?

Except this loop we know where John Solomon (journo) is.

John Sinclair pic posted re: King DJT

Solomon (King) > Enochian Magic

Sinclair (King Bloodline) > Enochian Magic (Keepers)

Remember this coming Monday Mission1 is > Rosslyn Chapel.

This information is being censored by the Old Guard on this board (see post dates on graphic, compared to search results start date) - https://qresear.ch/?q=rosslyn

>>21508956 ( lb )

(pic John Sinclair) "King DJT. Rightful Ruler. Biblical."

Recent HA-SA (walz) pic with coincidentally stylized Enoch scroll backdrop? This is literally a battle between Good and Evil. Ancient. Thank God, God Wins.

Censored because they are afraid of it, afraid of the truth and consequences game they've already lost (if they hadn't blocked Q's trip, things would be different.. but they didn't choose the high road, and this is the way it is). Playing out now. Patriots Fight.

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e1c79a No.21509504


you sound so hateful

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5f578b No.21509505

File: 1a68d872cfb13bc⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,640x360,16:9,GWQj0t4WoAEpmcE.jpg)


>No samson option for israhell.

>the game is about taking away [I's] nuclear weapons, before it can use them.

Does that connect to this.

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228ce5 No.21509506


>articulate….. KEK

back when just plain folk were talking, no one called them "articulated"

they were called folding rulers or folding yardsticks, 'cus they folded up to fit in your toolbelt

and they're more durable than metal "tape measures"

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3e4225 No.21509507


I don't. eat shit kys.

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b57eb8 No.21509508


>lost underpants found a cloth in the bedroom


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f5a106 No.21509509

File: 4085049c577bc36⋯.jpeg (105.15 KB,500x630,50:63,IMG_1655.jpeg)

Division fags unite!

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8a94fd No.21509510


Well then all sauce is up for debate.

It's all a bunch of wrap-up smears.

Look at the sources of the sources of the sources and all of them really don't present any real evidence.

All sources (sauce) can be manipulated. What it all boils down to is what you believe to be true.

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4d6706 No.21509511

File: 52ca46e78fbe33d⋯.png (119.7 KB,974x892,487:446,38.png)

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15d17b No.21509512


bc i don't worry about YOUR thoughts or beliefs

only what I know to be True

Wise and True is HE

Wonderful is HE

you see, you and I have a lot in common

we think each other is an idiot

one of us is on the right side

i'm gonna go with my side

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d9d779 No.21509513

File: d5fbde7bc5708ec⋯.jpg (147.39 KB,549x568,549:568,LIT_UP_BRIGHT.jpg)

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3e4225 No.21509514


I hate liars. A liar like Fauci who said the jab was same and stupid people took it trusting the state and the doctors. No different than people shouting do not trust the religious institutions either as they have deceived you as well.

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277646 No.21509515

File: a3e4fb57628f289⋯.png (734.63 KB,1245x1025,249:205,lessthan10_1.png)


More buried information (about new BO, Q will confirm), note the timestamps.

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469bfa No.21509516


demon has angel wings

how bout dat

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a02a46 No.21509517


Disinformation is necessary. Could set up a FAFO moment for them with new tech?

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c49198 No.21509518


So we gave everyone nukes, but we can detonate and control them all

They are all dumb you think iron dome is real? Is not real lol remote detention by aproxamation

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c82cb8 No.21509519


Ok. I can run with that. Can't argue with truth.

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eeb238 No.21509520



#26353 >>21509140

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

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3e4225 No.21509521


Yeah I do think you are an idiot trusting those who have been proven to enslave people. You just want to believe you truth is found in your doctrine and dogma and fuck everyone else because they do no have your specialized view of the truth. This is just what causes further division. But I Guess if everyone just agreed with your version of the truth there would be no division. What a lazy thinker you are.

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228ce5 No.21509522

File: 0bede26fd4c2c2d⋯.png (304.7 KB,1202x524,601:262,Screen_Shot_2024_08_30_at_….png)


>utool multiangle

yer the multiangle uTOOL

pretentious assfuck

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d9d779 No.21509523

File: 8aa8884057e2343⋯.jpg (89.66 KB,680x528,85:66,ANON_COUNTER_FIRE.jpg)

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469bfa No.21509524

File: 5f3bf7026b04eeb⋯.jpg (82.22 KB,800x576,25:18,5f3bf7026b04eeb9dbd4473269….jpg)

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15d17b No.21509525


bless you, expand your mind

you are not all you think yourself to be

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c82cb8 No.21509526

Q Post #53

Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147646189 📁

Nov 2 2017 13:36:25 (EST)

List out all who have foundations.

Why is this relevant?

How can donations be used personally?

Analyze the filings.

Who is charged w/ overseeing this?



Politically motivated?

The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Alice & Wonderland.

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6440d7 No.21509527

File: 2f09eca28551540⋯.png (17.27 KB,247x255,247:255,horseheader.png)

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c0613a No.21509528

Kamala certifying her own election win would sure be some popcorn.

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8a94fd No.21509529


Every time I see that banner for the DNC, I can't help thinking




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dbe2e6 No.21509530

File: ad4901aa87bb84c⋯.png (145.82 KB,330x414,55:69,ad4901aa87bb84c14fb63edfd6….png)

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5f578b No.21509531

File: 10a906112e34b99⋯.jpg (9.3 KB,269x187,269:187,download.jpg)



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8024c7 No.21509532

File: 9538e1109c59dfa⋯.png (238.88 KB,632x513,632:513,ClipboardImage.png)


@tassagency_en 10h

The conflict in Ukraine may escalate into a war involving the use of nuclear weapons, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said during a visit to Slovenia:


Aug 30, 2024 · 1:12 PM UTC



>So we gave everyone nukes, but we can detonate and control them all

Nukes in UKraine?

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6440d7 No.21509533

File: 65e04381be58baa⋯.jpg (10.77 KB,178x255,178:255,horseswallower.jpg)

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357bb8 No.21509534

File: 161d3c2796a5e24⋯.png (338.57 KB,738x500,369:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb1b1d No.21509535

File: 1a705416bb81ab0⋯.webp (26.56 KB,700x624,175:156,ary5eGX_700bwp.webp)

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cf6c33 No.21509536

File: 4c6f409e7d8dd35⋯.jpg (221.34 KB,676x548,169:137,4c6f409e7d8dd35790143d3cf9….jpg)


>pretentious assfuck

Dang it, retard!

Good ol' times when there was lmgtfy. kek

you're seriously funny, w/ all that research skills you got.

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ef9042 No.21509537

File: 57b8696b629dc3f⋯.mp4 (10.73 MB,640x360,16:9,57b8696b629dc3ffa5b34b9a1e….mp4)


love freedom

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8a94fd No.21509538


Shills always out themselves with their name calling.

They just can't help it.

It's the evil oozing out of them.

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d9d779 No.21509539

File: d75961036e6028d⋯.jpg (101.64 KB,814x436,407:218,SMART_MOVE_UK.jpg)



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c82cb8 No.21509540


Q Post #95

Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No.148033178 📁

Nov 5 2017 02:17:24 (EST)

What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).

God bless.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia

Snow White

Godfather III


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b57eb8 No.21509541


>Obviously something BIG is coming.

Saved for last? Would be wonderful.


>For the first time, there are no US aircraft carriers in the Pacific

What about nuclear subs? or other Naval forces not in Carrier groups.

Boatfags? Veterans?

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357bb8 No.21509542

File: ffa11476c5431d4⋯.png (96.9 KB,640x408,80:51,ClipboardImage.png)


oi you got a liocience for that fag.

no smoking outside.

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cb1b1d No.21509543

File: c54b683c09f7375⋯.jpg (83.65 KB,700x507,700:507,aW4q0Y4_700bwpfsfssf.jpg)

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e1c79a No.21509544


equating fauci with religious institutions doesn't seem like a logical comparison, but only you know how you came to that conclusion

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bb66ee No.21509545

File: 421de158df56a79⋯.png (598.09 KB,1280x720,16:9,Walz_alternate_reality.png)

Small sampling of Walz/Harris supporters' comments

These people live in an alternate reality, or the comments are from an AI source. They're very emotional people who are shallow, superficial, and cringe.

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eb406e No.21509546


The question is, would she certify a fraudulent election?

Mike Pence from the Republican, party-vice president of the USA didn't certify POTUS, makes me really think now.

Would Kamala do the same for her own win and party.

4D chesss.

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3e4225 No.21509547


or maybe some anons just do not give a fuck anymore and are willing to call out the fucking stupid fucking cultists on all sides.

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d9d779 No.21509548

File: 87a195cbd074c44⋯.jpg (161.82 KB,710x468,355:234,DELIVERED_PROMISE_2.jpg)

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8a94fd No.21509549


Click-it or ticket

It's for your protection

because we care so much about you.

But kids on a school bus, not so much.

They don't get seat belts.

Only if they are on the stubby bus.

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3e4225 No.21509550


did people trust the institution of medicine and government and was that trust to be shown as faulty and wrong at every level. Same goes for the institutions of region. If you think they are the honest brokers fine but I have a bridge to sell you if you do.

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6ce5e1 No.21509551

File: d6eeff23fb188a6⋯.png (139.07 KB,206x322,103:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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c60bea No.21509552

File: ffff02b9c6b5cad⋯.webp (1.35 MB,5904x3936,3:2,rtp12879.webp)



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560ffd No.21509553

File: 6162bac01719c6a⋯.jpg (22 KB,318x234,53:39,Trtet.jpg)

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c82cb8 No.21509554

Give Walz a break, he's just "horsing around." Kek.

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5f578b No.21509555


>What about nuclear subs?

They are the most lethal and secretive. They'll never give out location.

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6012f3 No.21509556

Pull out of UN, Ending their Control

Pull out of WHO, Ending Pandemics

Pull out of NATO, Ending Endless Wars

Stop Funding Ukraine, Ending the "war" They started

Switch Funding Migrants Hotels, to Veteran Hotels

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2cb9b7 No.21509557

File: f7776e66885a3d3⋯.jpg (141.13 KB,500x625,4:5,potusu9efu9efj.jpg)



The whole "you have to sow them" theme is exhausting. I sus you are correct

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eeb238 No.21509558

File: 1f848b9cce0eef2⋯.jpg (223 KB,808x965,808:965,1f848b9cce0eef2c22f75feb56….jpg)

there is only one side


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15d17b No.21509559


>or maybe some anons just do not give a fuck anymore and are willing to call out the fucking stupid fucking cultists on all sides.

hate, anger, or apathy - yes, that's the ticket we should go with

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8a94fd No.21509560





Isn't it Shabbot in Tel Aviv?

Why are you working on Shabbot?

Shame on you.

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c60bea No.21509561


ai is shallow, superficial and cringe

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25329a No.21509562


I have heard two women say that they like Harris because she is 'smart'.

where do they get that idea from?

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2cb9b7 No.21509563

File: 8f47529e9d78e2e⋯.png (15.05 KB,374x292,187:146,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a9bd8 No.21509564

File: 9f935a6c21bfc29⋯.jpg (149.47 KB,1200x794,600:397,yourcolognesmellsamazing.jpg)

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d9d779 No.21509565

File: 534dd04a4c2b5d8⋯.jpg (85.83 KB,576x474,96:79,HERES_UR_BIG_CHANCE.jpg)

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15d17b No.21509566



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3e4225 No.21509567


no looking for truth in a system of lies that only gives you more lies as truth. The bible is the furthest thing anyone should take seriously, from the historical problems, to the translation problems, it all changes the narrative and that is enough on its own to change everything that the world thinks about any of this if they just use a fe wbrain cells.

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cb1b1d No.21509568

File: 6c2a40d384bd0b3⋯.webp (51.01 KB,700x1225,4:7,aPA9yYB_700bwp.webp)


>ai is shallow, superficial and cringe

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ef9042 No.21509569

File: 484d26d5f939f9c⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,640x480,4:3,484d26d5f939f9c4d638542193….mp4)

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3e4225 No.21509570


when in doubt pretend jewish when they call out bs in the bible.

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d9d779 No.21509571

File: df9db0f706cb5f1⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,620x619,620:619,USE_AI_TO_BEAT_AI.jpg)

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15d17b No.21509572


well, i do hope you expand your bank acct b/c, at the very least, you work diligently to share your message

take care in this world

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486be0 No.21509574

File: 90126cf05c983ec⋯.jpg (20.31 KB,528x960,11:20,Angel_In_Clouds.jpg)


>Trump "A Perfect Angel Was Formed"


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116df9 No.21509575


they put up one of those new fangled electronic walls that rabbi says is kosher

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b57eb8 No.21509576


>tape measures

>folding rulers or folding yardsticks

Two completely different purposes

Besides before tape measures you'd likely have used string

The tape measure was from left over fashion waste (hoop skirt metal)


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116df9 No.21509577


That den of vipers is a tough bunch to get rid of

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8024c7 No.21509578

File: c79c94f6ca9710b⋯.png (82.13 KB,625x425,25:17,ClipboardImage.png)


@NNSANews Aug 27

Called the “greatest scientific experiment ever conducted", @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958. It created an artificial radiation band around Earth which could disrupt communications and weapons performance. st.llnl.gov/news/look-back/o…

Aug 27, 2024 · 6:16 PM UTC



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21f9b1 No.21509579

File: 2db2292512771ed⋯.jpg (1.68 MB,4433x2452,4433:2452,SmokinHobbgobblin_2.jpg)




>certifying her own election win

It worked for Katie Hobbs in AZ

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3e4225 No.21509580


honestly I wish I was getting paid but I am just an anon doing this for free and over the course of it has had my mind changed about many things including this. But when in doubt, claim getting paid. It is ok, I say it also to people.

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5f578b No.21509581


>Saved for last? Would be wonderful.

That country is in their worst conditions economically, militarily and diplomatically. EVAH.

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15d17b No.21509582


why are you so mean about it, then?

seriously, you come across as a demon…

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e1c79a No.21509583


i think you have to separate the institution from the words written in the Bible, meaning you can read the Bible for yourself and come to your own conclusion without being spoon fed by leaders in a religious setting whom you may or may not agree

that said, a sense of community is an important aspect of faith

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228ce5 No.21509584

File: cb3928424f435d8⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,820x777,820:777,proxy_image_copy_50.jpg)


lame ass deflection

you wanna cry?

go ahead and cry

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320917 No.21509585

File: ffe06aa63c1897f⋯.png (668.12 KB,668x1010,334:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cd604 No.21509586

File: dd556e52ce6309f⋯.gif (1.91 MB,500x354,250:177,Chappie.gif)

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b08fae No.21509587

File: 85c27af000a16a1⋯.png (187.31 KB,375x402,125:134,Screen_Shot_2024_08_30_at_….png)



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116df9 No.21509588

File: aa87b0f497473fc⋯.mp4 (229.65 KB,1146x480,191:80,eac54b0a_50da_4797_b734_c9….mp4)

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8a95cf No.21509589


I thought

Do not consent

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8a94fd No.21509590

File: c363542a3fffb0e⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x627,400:209,ClipboardImage.png)


Mommy is calling you.

Now go eat your gefilte fish

She worked hard to prepare it for you.

Now go give her a kiss and tell her you love her.

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7c6b92 No.21509591

in mother russia

a.i. don't do you

you do a.i.

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cb6f8a No.21509592

Trump is on his way to DC. Any planefags have their eyes on?

His SS detail has military added. wonder if he lands at JBA

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cf6c33 No.21509593

File: fd2676a1395aad6⋯.jpg (199.75 KB,1118x1000,559:500,a607ed68e029d20883637cf921….jpg)



you just go ahead little retard-greta, you're good. No worries.

I'll have some ice cream.

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47140c No.21509594

File: 89db9394ac1c631⋯.png (484.65 KB,598x560,299:280,ClipboardImage.png)


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486be0 No.21509595

File: 4e4622d51a9af80⋯.png (556.22 KB,884x486,442:243,Orwellian_Totalitarianism_….png)

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c60bea No.21509596

File: b6fa234c0bef427⋯.jpg (108.88 KB,960x720,4:3,chappie2.jpg)


statistical outlier

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2a292a No.21509597

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a48030 No.21509598

File: 16775fd868d0ed2⋯.jpg (191.68 KB,720x1175,144:235,20240830_173437.jpg)

File: caf3745e03a0886⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB,480x852,40:71,American_Woman_20240830_1_….mp4)

Thought he'd try a little something

Trump Rally Johnstown PA


These faggots are still going to try to get to Trump and harm him in anyway they can, good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

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82990d No.21509599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8a94fd No.21509600



no doubt

always with the loopholes

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b57eb8 No.21509601


>They are the most lethal and secretive. They'll never give out location.

Also slower than Aircraft carrier apparently. ACC 35mph. Was trying to find travel times from ME to Pac…long effin time

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25329a No.21509602


you included tracking information?

can you just tell us what they said, I'm not watching the video.

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eeb238 No.21509603

File: 128a1097ee2699f⋯.png (11.09 KB,80x67,80:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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b57eb8 No.21509604


>That country is in their worst conditions economically, militarily and diplomatically. EVAH.

It's a start

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d9d779 No.21509605

File: 50eaae5b0938eb9⋯.jpg (136.92 KB,651x463,651:463,IT_GONE.jpg)



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b08fae No.21509606

File: 17ed1bfaf657fdf⋯.png (311.81 KB,1073x642,1073:642,Screen_Shot_2024_08_30_at_….png)


>Trump is on his way to DC. Any planefags have their eyes on?

Don't see N757AF

Pretty sure that's his tail number.

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228ce5 No.21509607


the POINT was to put the pretentions assfuck, who insulted the anon who asked what they're called, in their place

but thx ever so much for your encyclopædic dissertation

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dbe2e6 No.21509608

File: 907d594fff12fbe⋯.png (194.15 KB,688x805,688:805,ClipboardImage.png)

interesting from GROK

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47140c No.21509609

File: 8eaeb6a82b97faa⋯.png (302.51 KB,597x598,597:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa696ba88856a0⋯.png (317.18 KB,680x566,340:283,ClipboardImage.png)


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2cb9b7 No.21509610

File: 8f18200127b08b0⋯.png (3.93 KB,161x42,23:6,ClipboardImage.png)



= 17

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b6d0b1 No.21509611

File: 4a82a683644ca16⋯.png (446.9 KB,604x801,604:801,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_07….PNG)

File: 858a6ee7f27c3eb⋯.mp4 (8.32 MB,480x852,40:71,kamalasavannah3.mp4)

Bentley Hudgins


What Savannah looks like after folks waited hours in the pouring rain - a packed out arena of excited South GA voters ready to elect Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States of America. 🗳️ #WeShowUp

8:01 PM · Aug 29, 2024


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47140c No.21509612


>Make Puerto Rico

>Great Again

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b0cff0 No.21509613

File: e0c435f6e833a77⋯.png (816.35 KB,1159x759,1159:759,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e4225 No.21509614


I won't argue a sense of community is fine but when it as the expense of group think and consensus of thought based upon faith alone and I get that is the point somewhat, but again people had faith in the institution of medicine. Many anons said fuck that don't trust that shit, and were proven right. What else has been lied about, not just now but all time. Does that effect the way people have acted and believed, of course. SO when there is evidence to the contrary instead of just saying I have truth realize there is more out there than just the bible alone and sadly for those people of faith who are just wanting something good are being led like lambs to the slaughter. If religion is used as a divider of man kind then people need to be shaken from its control.


why do people feel the need to automatically discount things just because they do not align with their perceived world view, not everyone has to be have according to some arbitrary set of rules let alone tolerate belief structures.

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dc1d5c No.21509615


free will means you can choose to overcome evil or just give in to it

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790a07 No.21509616

File: 2f6e1149243ce6d⋯.png (448.32 KB,703x559,703:559,Screenshot_2024_08_30_1845….png)


On the ground at Reagan

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88a637 No.21509617


>This is literally a battle between Good and Evil. Ancient. Thank God, God Wins.

Well done… when this is over I hope to treat you to an invite to our galla..///

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228ce5 No.21509618

File: 6f34ccbde13a14e⋯.jpg (36.89 KB,736x749,736:749,proxy_image_25.jpg)



you might lose that cute little purse, there, trannieboi

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14b04f No.21509619

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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2cb9b7 No.21509620

File: 1aebdf43ddb860b⋯.png (208.54 KB,276x349,276:349,ClipboardImage.png)


>straight to the ribs

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7c6b92 No.21509621

File: 2bf8a0a0f59ee4b⋯.gif (324.04 KB,460x308,115:77,2bf8a0a0f59ee4bd45a16df511….gif)


>free wheel

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b57eb8 No.21509622

File: bb888cde3300062⋯.jpg (37.24 KB,500x500,1:1,bb888cde33000628587fe021d0….jpg)


>the POINT was to put the pretentions assfuck, who insulted the anon who asked what they're called, in their place

>but thx ever so much for your encyclopædic dissertation


Consider you are simply the reply to, not entire audience to this slide rule

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dbe2e6 No.21509623

File: 1bc4690ee39cc58⋯.png (180.23 KB,663x819,17:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a94fd No.21509624


>free will

Free Will is a myth that Hollyweird perpetuates.

How could God have Chosen People and give those people Free Will?

Satan cannot take away what God has Chosen.

Makes no sense.

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3b1cba No.21509625


That background crowd looks fake as fsck to me

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15d17b No.21509626


>why do people feel the need to automatically discount things

interestingly, if you go back and re-read my posts

i never discounted anything

i only added something or someone

You discounted ME

look in the mirror

your real enemy is within

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cba4d4 No.21509627

File: 3ddaee2ff0feed3⋯.png (8.84 KB,161x59,161:59,ClipboardImage.png)





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05cfcc No.21509628


>Inflation is down

Dothead please!

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2a292a No.21509629


Why do the fake news folks look like giants compared to the people in the crowd? And don’t tell me optics this or that. It stinks like something is rotten.

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469bfa No.21509630


near the kidney too

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8a94fd No.21509631


No one stood in the rain to wait to see Kamala.

Where are the vids of people waiting in line in the rain?

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21f9b1 No.21509632

File: 20cfc9f64922dd9⋯.png (266.03 KB,474x700,237:350,th_2024_08_30T164934_024.png)

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2cb9b7 No.21509633

File: d0437db872d3b7c⋯.png (4.39 KB,145x73,145:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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277646 No.21509634

File: fd9282751909ebb⋯.png (1.11 MB,2837x1274,2837:1274,718.png)


Our rightful King, Q+ responded with Magic Numbers… and they aren't Friendly.

(me) 17:06:18 -→ Elon discussion LB >>21508789

(me) 17:17:03 -→ Elon discussion LB >>21508845

(me) 19:18:18 -→ "Enochian Magic" >>21509503

(Q+) 19:18:33 -→ (Elon) 33 "Enochian Magic"

Q+ 7:18 > Elon

Q# 718 > 71 [187].


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b57eb8 No.21509635


>Free Will is a myth

Not a myth and God respects free will until you surrender it to him

There is no special "chose people", that is a myth

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47140c No.21509636

File: 23a50224c74bf32⋯.png (673.22 KB,680x619,680:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbe2e6 No.21509637

File: 61fceb1f273a3ae⋯.png (238 KB,660x978,110:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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b08fae No.21509639

File: 8f7bf0c65a41c59⋯.jpg (411.5 KB,750x705,50:47,8f7bf0c65a41c59c7607be7110….jpg)

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24ac2d No.21509640


Extroverts have troubles to understand what free will really means.

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d9d779 No.21509641

File: 85050c40d2d4c27⋯.jpg (192.85 KB,645x570,43:38,U_GOT_NO_CHOICE.jpg)

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277646 No.21509642

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9cd604 No.21509643

File: 28ff0f772699797⋯.gif (1.22 MB,500x207,500:207,ChappieYea.gif)


>statistical outlier


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cf6c33 No.21509644

File: 54185fa0f5e838b⋯.png (1.41 MB,788x796,197:199,54185fa0f5e838bc3fed2803e7….png)


one has to wonder how's you smelling anything, libtard bitch, except that pugnant democrat, pussy-hat, fishy libtard, traitor-stench of yours

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7e07ad No.21509645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech. Was the Biden administration involved in the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov? Mike Benz explains.

(The IC agencies WW are trying to crush the technology that allows free speech, because the truth is, we haven't had free speech for decades and decades. If we could truly have free speech, we would have a free world.)



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b6d0b1 No.21509646


Hold please.

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97cd48 No.21509647

File: f86d2a13b887255⋯.jpg (34.42 KB,220x229,220:229,220px_Silver_gigliato_of_R….jpg)


we need sauce that its an actual demon.

Is Haaretz a good source for history?

I doubt.

Could be coms though.

somebody charged Trump at Johnstown?

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dbe2e6 No.21509648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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30fe59 No.21509649



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3e4225 No.21509650


I discounted you because I thought what you said was garbage. You asserted you knew things like truth to which I basically have called you a liar over and over again. You can only sauce belief that something is true not that it is. People had faith that the government would not hurt them. Look how that turned out. Religion is the same shit, get you to hate others and think they are less because your god is not their god etc etc. Way more commonalities exists but because everyone clings to an abstract idea with no backbone they get all uppity about what they think. The real enemy are those who use the trust and hearts of decent people to spread the lies of the gospel and whatever else to gullible people, while they hide history and information from them which keeps them in their mental shackles. If you even think History has ever been lied about you have to ask then what makes your history so special to say that it has not been altered.

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930f8c No.21509651

File: b245de76b0438f6⋯.png (809.51 KB,1170x769,1170:769,b245de76b0438f6d03d38bd26e….png)

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b0cff0 No.21509653

File: f1aa1ebacbc5b03⋯.png (39.91 KB,152x164,38:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0649e0894ee3d4a⋯.png (112.74 KB,300x276,25:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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97cd48 No.21509654

File: 39f73419ec3b242⋯.mp4 (9.09 MB,480x852,40:71,leftistnuttriestochargetru….mp4)



insance member of the audience attempted to charge at DJT Johnstown.


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ef9042 No.21509655

File: 6ad0088c0b166c0⋯.mp4 (11.43 MB,640x360,16:9,6ad0088c0b166c0a43542539c0….mp4)

File: b6014b0a8aa8dd5⋯.webm (2.62 MB,480x480,1:1,b6014b0a8aa8dd5ac591ac0e5….webm)

File: eef514e96a22a8b⋯.png (1001.76 KB,3000x1500,2:1,eef514e96a22a8b574bb1be23d….png)

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dc1d5c No.21509656

File: d37d03ca67c064c⋯.mp4 (13.38 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Tet8X6lP8_2UJbyJ.mp4)

does anyone know what the music is?

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288815 No.21509657


old weak boomer security at it's finest.


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5f578b No.21509658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think the transition already happened. Note "The calm before the storm". Q Post Nov 2 2017. DJT cryptic comments Oct 7, 2017.

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147586045 📁

Nov 2 2017 00:48:52 (EST)

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

Note increased military movement.

Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.

Note false flags.

Follow Huma.

Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm.

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116df9 No.21509659


Does one need a carrier if one could park a few squadrons in Okinawa or some of those bases the Phillipines opened up to the US back in 23.

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5f578b No.21509660

File: df45f601ae5aa15⋯.webp (31.12 KB,666x375,222:125,44qia1ph81w71.webp)

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62dec7 No.21509661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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808ee1 No.21509662

File: 0326e1cfb384136⋯.jpeg (87.65 KB,540x405,4:3,IMG_3520.jpeg)

What did Kamalunist mean when she told Dana Bash, “ My core values haven’t changed”?

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8024c7 No.21509663

File: bcf54ca18c7fe24⋯.jpg (98.68 KB,1080x1080,1:1,5b754377554d29efa76abafbaf….jpg)

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3b1cba No.21509664


It's long hair music!

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15d17b No.21509665


you never asked one single question about my beliefs

do you treat everyone in your personal life this way?

i'm not religious but i am spiritual

i believe that JESUS is the Way the Truth and the LIFE

do you believe that? perhaps you don't but i didn't try to tear you a new asshole based on your beliefs

are you able to see what your beliefs attempt to do?

WAR is on YOU

not me

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dc1d5c No.21509666



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8a94fd No.21509667


The Bible talks about God's Chosen people.

The Elect.

Deuteronomy 14:2 ESV

For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

Deuteronomy 7:6-7 ESV

“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples,


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8024c7 No.21509668

File: 01ced9c9ddbd4ec⋯.png (99.25 KB,268x312,67:78,01ced9c9ddbd4eca8bd2712c56….png)

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dbe2e6 No.21509669

File: 1ad908c85f3f027⋯.png (182.33 KB,823x356,823:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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c72e39 No.21509670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nobody gives a damn

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eeb238 No.21509671



#26353 >>21509140

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

>>21509578 @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958

>>21509587 First US sent F-16 Fighter Jet destroyed by frenly fire in Ukraine killing veteran pilot

>>21509598, >>21509620, >>21509654 Good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

>>21509606, >>21509616 PlaneFaggin' TRUMP

>>21509611, >>21509629, >>21509631 Kamala Rally in a rainy Georgia yesterday supposedly

>>21509645 @TuckerCarlson - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest 2hr vid

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b6d0b1 No.21509672

File: fdc5568be4a976f⋯.png (437.22 KB,604x601,604:601,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_07….PNG)

File: 754684202df383a⋯.png (843.21 KB,604x930,302:465,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_07….PNG)

File: e991794daeb8a55⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,kamalasavannah4.mp4)

File: 1e0ba1ba403f72b⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,kamalasavannah5.mp4)


Victor Shi


Holy cow. This is the HUGE line in Savannah, Georgia now. People are literally waiting in the rain to see Kamala Harris & Tim Walz for their rally later tonight. The last time a presidential nominee was here was the 1990s. This is a big deal & stunning.


Anna Giaritelli

3:07 PM · Aug 29, 2024



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808ee1 No.21509673


Who’s that lady?

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3e4225 No.21509674


Partially because whatever your beliefs are, I know are going to be garbage and lies. Just your beliefs. I do not believe in Jesus especially not with those other words placed behind it. No you deserved to be treated that way because you are saying lies. You just said Jesus is the way and the truth. THAT IS A LIE. you only say that because of the book your read. That would be the bible, had to learn about Jesus somehow. Then if you start picking and choosing how you interpret that book, you have problems with everything from narrative, to writer voice, just to the historicity of the events in it. I know that I hate these ideas and not just christians thoughts all of them. Because everyone of these groups hinges on an initial lie or just even to be generous a lost memory.

Seems foolish to hang you hat of salvation on a history of lies.

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5f578b No.21509675

File: fcbfb4750ed2b43⋯.jpg (77.65 KB,709x472,709:472,we_did_it_for_you.jpg)


>Also slower than Aircraft carrier apparently.

I would not be surprised if they've hidden their latest and greatest abilities and capabilities. We always hear about aircraft and other but not so much submarines.

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e9f23c No.21509676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ef9042 No.21509677

File: 4901cb3f55d5796⋯.jpg (52.5 KB,622x802,311:401,6pvu6kjuiqd81.jpg)

File: 1f7bfad26a6df8c⋯.gif (961.37 KB,220x264,5:6,skid_steer.gif)

File: bdcb812221a9591⋯.jpeg (748.57 KB,1800x1602,100:89,GVscZRXa8AAAXUe.jpeg)

File: 1dae26dd1427c76⋯.webp (37.13 KB,1200x900,4:3,trumps.webp)

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,354deaa3770912621bb816da07….jpg)

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cf6c33 No.21509678

File: ebc15399f25bafd⋯.png (202.76 KB,392x536,49:67,5427a14bde9245fe26936fba16….png)


She tried to do the

"old voters, who are MN extremists communist piece of shit antifa-faggots setting shit on fire for me: I am still the 'old kamala'.

and at the same time:

"Marcellus/Barnett-Shale-middleClass-america: I am not so much for banning frac'ing anymore"

She's an insect, like a chamaleon.

Schwab should consider eating her.

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288815 No.21509679


How did they pull this off?

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acf2c9 No.21509680

File: 91ed42b0ce1805a⋯.gif (102.39 KB,640x640,1:1,spin_pepe.gif)

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88a637 No.21509681



The letters are 3 dimensional… that is why you could never call home, Lucifer…///

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116df9 No.21509682

File: a0a3cf74db99535⋯.png (114.48 KB,265x265,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e6692 No.21509683


Good try. I see on our news all the time Kamala, Walz, and Biden are visiting XXXX location. No location is mentioned. It will be announced later. And then, your fake ass posts this shit.

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d9d779 No.21509684

File: 31bd52a57ce1b8f⋯.jpg (120.4 KB,563x565,563:565,IN_THE_RAIN.jpg)

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0950e4 No.21509685

File: b5b685e05a951fd⋯.mp4 (516.48 KB,576x336,12:7,TcBTwEXZgDCPaHUQ.mp4)

File: 32f44f0b889b94a⋯.png (255.77 KB,592x624,37:39,Screenshot_2024_08_30_1949….png)

Man people need to just start fucking fighting back.

Shadow of Ezra


Venezuelan illegal immigrants have previously posed as Amazon workers in Colorado before violently breaking into homes to carry out robberies.

Witness how they employ this devious strategy to target American citizens.


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15d17b No.21509686


>Seems foolish to hang you hat of salvation on a history of lies.

i'll wage my bets on "foolish" over your hatred any day

"to each his own" - kek b/c i know you hate that too

you can't control me or my beliefs

like the energizer bunny, Jesus will keep going and going and going

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5f578b No.21509687


>The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Couldn't be more obvious as in now.

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b6d0b1 No.21509688


Whatever makes you cope.

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ef9042 No.21509689

File: 438d10dfeb42622⋯.png (895.36 KB,960x958,480:479,438d10dfeb4262229089792d23….png)


pull muh stringer

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7c6b92 No.21509690

innocence -> ignorance -> faith -> belief -> knowing -> understanding -> wisdom

between faith and belief is a leap

between belief and knowing is effort

if indeed a truth is a truth…

it's 'understanding' is applicable across all 'know'ledge.

to hold something as true,

'effort' of the individual must validate it.

else, it remains a belief.

effort is braggin rights

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7e07ad No.21509691

>>21508501 Tucker - Trump’s Plan to Stop WWIII, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial CrisisPN

This was truly the most fascinating wide ranging knowledge and discussions of every point a person would want to know of what is going on. Not only the Russia Ukraine war, but economies, controlled by those who must retain power, abused financials, society and the divide with the arrogance of the US controlling and hampering Russia, China and multiple countries and leaders WW by the DS of the US, have destroyed for many decades. With various and multiple discussions on the divide of wealth in the US, society, snd how it can be fixed. Long video, but worth it.

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c82cb8 No.21509692


Nothing like a little extortion huh?

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e83acb No.21509693

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Question: now that we know Kamala is bussing people into her rallies, does that count as campaign expenses? Would that not be public information?

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808ee1 No.21509694


I suspect she’s saying her positions have not changed. Those positions are her “core values”. It’s a shoutout that right now she is just lying to get elected.

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dc1d5c No.21509695


what does a tunnel rat, a bobcat, junior and india have in common?

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15d17b No.21509696


rain not on the weather forecast for this area

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b0ce0a No.21509697

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


appreciate it

have a friday night tora3 premier

this one's for doge

vve in here

vvar NightShift

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97cd48 No.21509698

File: 497d4a61daf9d1d⋯.png (605.63 KB,1000x738,500:369,centralcastingcommie.png)

File: 09abea945c9175e⋯.png (241.96 KB,532x500,133:125,centralcastingcommie2.png)

File: b6055286f64794a⋯.png (450.24 KB,471x1200,157:400,centrlcastingcommiejohnsto….png)





Right when DJTrump explains how two flags formed a 'perfect angel'


central Casting for a Commie Anarchist Marxist!


sorry the attacker looks so retarded.

Looks like a spook

Wonder if that was a decoy?

Is he FB1 groomed for this, or what?

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3e4225 No.21509699


good to know the delusion will continue and slave retards like yourself will continue to kneel at the alter of the deep state. No matter how much evidence and proof can be shown that History including how the foundations of these religions were created have been lies. From the very start. Then when the problems are called out they will deflect and just interpret it a different way or they do not know and should read more of the controlled liturgy

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e83acb No.21509700

File: 4c765c9a21c69dd⋯.mp4 (440.86 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17250628520….mp4)

Bo Loudon



There are STILL THOUSANDS of more supporters that are outside!


Kamala definitely doesn't want you to share this!

Embedded video



8:39 PM · Aug 30, 2024





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05cfcc No.21509701

File: c2b37079445df25⋯.png (66.77 KB,735x637,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Free Tendies

You just have to catch 'em!

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a1d0a0 No.21509702




It will be interesting to see how ILLEGAL things are going to be pushed. Will they cheat and say Kamala won? And will that upend the whole big lie and bring out the full truth?

Kamala was born to parents who were in the country on student visas. The parents were not citizen of the US. Kamala is an Anchor Babyand therefore ineligible for the office of the President and/or VP positions. This is how the Dem party pulls a fast one: Kamala was born in US, therefore she's eligible. This is not true. In addition, the parents lied on the birth certificate (said she was caucasion) which is a federal violation. There are many issue with her status.

At the time of her birth, Kamala's parents were subject to the jurisdiction of the country's they were from, respectively. Neither of those country's were the USA or a territory. Her parents were from India and Jamaica.

Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.'


This still holds true today.

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dc1d5c No.21509703


ohhh, when Trump said He is with us, He meant the Angel was there even though we couldnt see him, Trump can and he knew he was safe

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ef9042 No.21509704

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dc1d5c No.21509705


juniors dirty? whut?

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469bfa No.21509706


noice notes bakeroony

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258cf0 No.21509707


Beard and hair look fake, like a disquise.

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cb1b1d No.21509708

File: 9f9c18c09a4af1e⋯.webp (28.79 KB,460x655,92:131,66d24f966808c.webp)

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288815 No.21509709



Just the fact that they happily print and sell you the bible and at the same time use up massive amounts of resources to shut down and ban everything Q should tell you something.

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357bb8 No.21509710

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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a28be8 No.21509711


How do you text Trump? Is it just 88022 or Trump@88022 or something else?

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8a94fd No.21509712


If you say that God doesn't exist, that doesn't make God cease to exist.

Your own argument works against you.

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b0cff0 No.21509713

File: 5310e1238ebe296⋯.png (814.15 KB,1147x837,37:27,ClipboardImage.png)

this show is fuckin lit

why did nobody say anything

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b6d0b1 No.21509714

File: 350e09ecad88482⋯.png (287.19 KB,1304x966,652:483,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_08….PNG)

File: b2a40d1b21fe082⋯.png (89.34 KB,773x854,773:854,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_08….PNG)


The second article knew of the posting as of Aug 26th to post their article on that date

1) https://www.mobilize.us/2024gavictory/event/675316/?utm_source=dnc_organizing&utm_campaign=sms_stw_mb_ds_vol_eb_20240824_bg_ga_b1_na_na

2) https://www.savannahnow.com/story/news/politics/elections/presidential/2024/08/26/harris-walz-rally-savannah-ga-thursday-how-attend/74953326007/

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e83acb No.21509715


but people keep claiming muh 'naturalized citizen' makes her ay okay

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15d17b No.21509716


>alter of the deep state.

take it on the road b/c this is funny

perhaps you are HERE for a reason so that you can hear the Truth

the Cross offends, ie, it "bothers", it frustrates,it makes uncomfortable

i wonder why…all for larp ??

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dc1d5c No.21509717

you just close your eyes, and click your heels


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8a94fd No.21509718


That's a good one.

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d6d278 No.21509719

File: fed3ed733a67fc9⋯.jpeg (349.95 KB,751x1038,751:1038,fed3ed733a67fc9f27cc33bd6….jpeg)

File: afcab48b128ba34⋯.jpg (96.67 KB,600x487,600:487,afcab48b128ba34eee401ea541….jpg)

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b0ce0a No.21509720

File: 44ca6c159a846d2⋯.gif (79.57 KB,256x256,1:1,93B4B15F_2D1D_4F17_818C_F7….gif)


you fucking retard

got any better memes?

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116df9 No.21509721

File: 2d2a079f4e76207⋯.jpg (17.5 KB,255x170,3:2,tendiecolors.jpg)

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21f9b1 No.21509722

Have any anons received the US Census American Community Survey? It's pretty invasive with it's questions and anon doesn't want to fill it out even though it say response is "required by law"

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dc1d5c No.21509723


as long as she was born on us soil, shes a citizen


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a28be8 No.21509724


That is if you want to reach Pompeo.

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5c9a8f No.21509725

Pat Blackburn [Moms For Liberty Summit]: God Bless Donald Trump, God Bless Moms For Liberty, and God Bless America.

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ef9042 No.21509726

File: 00dd49b848287e4⋯.gif (215.95 KB,220x132,5:3,roseanne_laughing.gif)

File: 9f2a4ed1ce5606e⋯.gif (217.92 KB,220x123,220:123,shitter_shitters_ful.gif)

File: fd7741b686df858⋯.gif (415.28 KB,220x155,44:31,booger_wkrp.gif)

File: 2028ae845e66562⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB,2746x2053,2746:2053,D_nVJwxW4AEw7wW_2_.jpeg)

File: 7ef3f3af9b9a34b⋯.jpg (647.29 KB,1160x629,1160:629,170609_dan_scavino_gty_116….jpg)

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23677f No.21509728

File: 9e463e22733dac3⋯.jpg (63.2 KB,405x571,405:571,Kamalan_Gangs.jpg)

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a4f063 No.21509729

File: b88da588a57f199⋯.jpg (45.65 KB,747x683,747:683,IMG_20240830_181424_540.jpg)


>this show is fuckin lit

Anon approved, Anon will hab to check it out.

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277646 No.21509730

File: f9a04451216d616⋯.png (1.83 MB,2326x3006,1163:1503,927.png)


Q+.. more to… >>21509634, >>21509503

Q+ 19:27:08 -→ Fire Hammer (Think Norse Kings)

Remember discussion on the Usurpers yesterday? Q+ is the Rightful Ruler.


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3b1cba No.21509731


Never heard of it…just toss it in the trash…kek

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3e4225 No.21509732


I don't know the truth no one does, but when you put together enough of these things and realize there is a system at control at play. Enough of these starts to paint a picture of a lie is being sold. It is used to keep people divided because they are not aware of things outside of their dogmatic principles.


If you think that is the argument you just further show your own stupidity. I question who your god is and if it is a good or evil entity based on the evidence in the book which he is presented.

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8a94fd No.21509733


Cheap Fakes


they are being paid

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288815 No.21509734


Wipe ass with it, send it back.

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c82cb8 No.21509735


Looks like the corrupt roaches are still crawling out of the woodwork.

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b6d0b1 No.21509736

File: 3b894c90b214135⋯.png (600.65 KB,773x708,773:708,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_08….PNG)



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5f578b No.21509737


In the Boomer days he would have been hit with Billy clubs and black jacks. Instead he gets stood up without even a punch thrown and still wearing his sun glasses. You Boomer hating faggots are pussy's and haven't a clue.

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8a94fd No.21509738


He is your God, Jew boi.

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f1ef7c No.21509739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He’s gonna get her back. He’s gonna show her what he’s made of.


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e4bce1 No.21509740

File: f063ad2bed74e61⋯.jpg (39.31 KB,450x450,1:1,jmascisapproves.jpg)

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808ee1 No.21509741


Just lie like hell on it. Lawmakers do it. So can you.

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b6d0b1 No.21509742


"When is the Harris-Walz rally in Savannah?

Doors open at 2 p.m. with events beginning around 5:30 p.m., but all times are approximate for safety purposes."

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3e4225 No.21509743


Maybe you are here to hear what a fucking clown retard you are and how much the bible is a sack of lies written by those who wish to enslave you. It bothers because you think it is true and that other people are less than unless they have belief in that symbol with the same delusion levels you do. You support the larp. Islam and Judaism are just as harmful to people.

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a1d0a0 No.21509744


Um no.

If the parents are citizens of another country when the baby is born in the US, the baby is considered a citizen of the mothers country (or the parents work that out amongst themselves). That's the "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" portion of the law.

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3e4225 No.21509745


again with the projection. No not my god.

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8a94fd No.21509746



But the people who call themselves Jews nowadays are NOT God's Chosen people.

They are the people who God will say, I don't know you.

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97cd48 No.21509747

File: 7ed00356a81d699⋯.jpg (114.23 KB,830x467,830:467,mediafakery.jpg)


zoom in CGI

Liberals would never be so crowded in and waving together all at once; especially for her


shallow fake, kke

"Give Fake Stories to the Media

They Print 'em

attempt to plausibly steal the next election

with a candidate more retard and venal than Biden?

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d9d779 No.21509748

File: f965eb69b975de9⋯.jpg (201.01 KB,669x620,669:620,IT_DOES.jpg)

File: f6210897583e534⋯.jpg (160.57 KB,634x570,317:285,GLOBAL_WINNING.jpg)



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469bfa No.21509749


shazam on phone

use it

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15d17b No.21509750


> that other people are less than unless they have belief in that symbol with the same delusion levels you do - PROJECTION

again, i will pray for your soul b/c, you know, eternity and all

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357bb8 No.21509751

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 399f77a1cf26b25⋯.png (1.28 MB,890x797,890:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1c2e01d4e02a6f⋯.png (957.4 KB,877x747,877:747,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7735e73307a208a⋯.png (457.22 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)


gotta lotta moar.

you like comms, so does anon.


Turkey's Management of Feral Canine Populations

Turkey has been grappling with a significant stray dog population, estimated to be around 4 million. In response, the government has passed a law aimed at rounding up and sheltering these dogs, with provisions for euthanizing those showing aggressive behavior or having untreatable diseases. However, the implementation of this law has been met with widespread criticism and outrage.

Concerns and Controversies

Lack of Shelter Space: Turkey’s animal shelter capacity is insufficient to accommodate the estimated 4 million stray dogs, leading many to fear that large numbers will be put down.

Inhumane Treatment: Reports of dogs being hunted down and killed by individuals, rather than being humanely euthanized in shelters, have sparked outrage and accusations of a “massacre.”

Public Opinion: Surveys have shown that a majority of Turks (nearly 80%) support sheltering stray dogs, rather than euthanizing them. Less than 3% support putting them down.

President Erdogan’s Statements: President Tayyip Erdogan has claimed that the goal is to place stray dogs in shelters, not to euthanize them. However, the law’s provisions for putting down dogs showing aggressive behavior or having untreatable diseases have raised concerns about the government’s intentions.

Historical Context

Turkey has a complex relationship with stray dogs, dating back to Ottoman times. While some breeds, like the native Kangal, are kept semi-feral to deter thieves, others have been cared for by communities. In the past, social and political attitudes have shifted, with modernization and westernization drives leading to round-ups and killings of street animals.

Current Situation

The controversy surrounding Turkey’s stray dog policy has sparked international concern and criticism. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains unclear whether the government will reconsider its approach or address the concerns raised by animal welfare organizations and the public.



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c9f235 No.21509752

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23677f No.21509753

File: ceaa4c1ee4b862a⋯.jpg (65.44 KB,471x618,157:206,Venezuelan_Gangs_Kamala.jpg)

File: 4bf3f0ed91e184b⋯.png (129.55 KB,1024x210,512:105,Ain_t_Got_Time_4_Dat_8_30_….png)

File: f62514ae8a83e54⋯.png (136.94 KB,1024x214,512:107,Ain_t_Got_Time_4_Dat_8_30_….png)

File: a12f383efe862ac⋯.png (297.37 KB,1024x368,64:23,Ain_t_Got_Time_4_Dat_8_30_….png)

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97cd48 No.21509754


a little surprised he wasn't knocked out.

or maybe dragged?

Maybe hes a freemason?

that disguise was pretty crappy.


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3e4225 No.21509755


and again fuck you and I rebuke your prayers from your evil god.

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15d17b No.21509756


so, who's filing a lawsuit to declare her illegitimate?

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e83acb No.21509757

File: 9f8e82b2d21bfca⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,450x404,225:202,fulton_county.mp4)

Eyewitness: Buses of Homeless People Sent to Kamala’s Atlanta Rally (Video)

August 3, 2024 - Natalie D.

In a shocking development, an eyewitness has come forward with allegations that buses of homeless people were transported to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign rally in Atlanta. The rally, which took place on Tuesday evening, has already been under scrutiny for the thinly veiled attempts to drum up support following President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race.

The rally, which was part of Harris’s efforts to galvanize support for her newly launched presidential campaign, featured high-profile entertainment, including a performance by rapper Megan Thee Stallion. However, many attendees reportedly left as soon as the musical performance concluded, raising questions about the genuine support for Harris among the crowd.

Watch the video below:


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28c3e3 No.21509758

File: 1414c69854ec28a⋯.png (535.77 KB,540x610,54:61,ClipboardImage.png)


>President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Anon sees a possibility: whatever the US uses as currency, is always called "the dollar."

President Trump knows, or will, about the Federal Reserve and how it has overprinted and destroyed the value of the dollar.

The Federal Reserve will be abolished, as will the Federal Reserve Notes which are not dollars, but are called them. They are actually an instrument of debt, not wealth.

What will President Trump and team come up with, to call the new "dollar"?

In the 1792 Coinage Act, it's defined as 371.25 grains of fine silver; or, 416 grains (26.96 g) of "standard silver" which is 89.24%.

Above numbers are interesting Q posts.





Anyway, anon's speculation, based on other recent statements President Trump has made at rallies on cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin in particular:

The dollar will be based on Bitcoin.

Putting new interesting meaning in "stablecoin"!

If each Satoshi was one dollar, then 1 Bitcoin would be worth $100 million.

But then how to account for pennies?

One option is other blockchains, like Ethereum, etc.

Another would be to have 100 Satoshis be a dollar; then 1 BTC would be $1 million, fulfilling many people's predictions.

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9cd604 No.21509759

File: 9dc5cba1cb34f7a⋯.gif (1.97 MB,320x320,1:1,c5dd15c2e5ee6a5ea7fd972341….gif)


dat's easy.

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3b1cba No.21509760


Assuming there were 2000 in line…that would be about 5% of a DJT rally (40K)…didn't Q say

4-6% would be lost? Sounds possible.

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15d17b No.21509761


your right to do

God Bless you, little one

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a4f063 No.21509762

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKINGA man at Trump’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, stormed into the press area as the former president spoke Friday but was surrounded by police and sheriff’s deputies and was eventually subdued with a Taser.

8:10 PM · Aug 30, 2024 9,363 Views


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8024c7 No.21509763

File: e288c9720d5d5a8⋯.png (284.84 KB,617x522,617:522,ClipboardImage.png)


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288815 No.21509764



>Eyewitness: Buses of Homeless People Sent to Kamala’s Atlanta Rally

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a28be8 No.21509765


Seriously, what do you put in the address field.

1. 88022 in address and then Trump as the message part

2. Trump 88022 in the address and my own message

3. Trump to 88022 in address bar and then custom message

4. Trump@88022 in address bar and then a message

I have never had a need to send a text message, so not sure. I am assuming it leaves your phone number, so I want to make sure I do not send to wrong place. ThankQ in advance.

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c82cb8 No.21509766


According to the bible it will have it's wealth stripped from it along with it's, "power." She shall be a widow.

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cba4d4 No.21509767

File: c86fef3e17b8d38⋯.png (251.29 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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97cd48 No.21509768

File: b5adaa7c96b38b0⋯.jpg (315.94 KB,1250x720,125:72,fakenewsawards.jpg)


"Give Fake Stories to the Media

They Print 'em

attempt to plausibly steal the next election

with a candidate more retard and venal than Biden"?

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4d6706 No.21509769


Imagine the smell.

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3e4225 No.21509770


Fuck off.

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3e4225 No.21509771

Bible only divides people unless you 100% agree with it which the cultists would like because more people would be controlled.

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5f578b No.21509772

File: d5c887c3642e308⋯.jpg (7.63 KB,259x195,259:195,download.jpg)


AFTER an assassination attempt to boot. One example goes a long way for prevention.

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277646 No.21509773

File: 402bc9bcbe7dcb8⋯.png (2.23 MB,2326x3006,1163:1503,927.png)

File: a71e4d41eaf7bfb⋯.png (278.21 KB,555x529,555:529,sinclair.png)


RBG - Red Blue Green - Clan Sinclair Tartan Colors.

Remember yesterday discussion on Colors re: Censorship?

Updated in graphic. The Colors of the Standard(s) on_board.


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23677f No.21509774

File: 61624eec1c2fa81⋯.png (577.2 KB,909x1282,909:1282,1725063517384.png)

File: 39a9b222329c40d⋯.png (874.78 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725062996605.png)

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c0728c No.21509775


She's known for bussing people in!

Fake and gay

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c82cb8 No.21509776


Oh look, it's Dana gash. I really despise that thing. She showed her true colors when she kept giving Ron Paul a bunch of grief. Other things going on at the time. Panetta, tied in with her ex hubby Jeremy.

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d5fb20 No.21509777

File: 92e80db38c15831⋯.jpeg (30.67 KB,300x300,1:1,92e80db38c158317893e45b3c….jpeg)


I'm sure camel toe didn't mind the smell one of her favorites smells is Hilldog.

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15d17b No.21509779


God loves all of His children, even those who hate him.

I do pray that you will not live eternity in Hell for your blasphemy against His Holy Spirit.

i'm out.

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88a637 No.21509780


>Bible only divides people unless you 100% agree with it which the cultists would like because more people would be controlled.

The wheat will be separated from the chafe… no matter how much you cuss at us… we'll be there when you need help in Alabama for your witness protection program…///

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23677f No.21509781

File: 5522467ea21357a⋯.png (571.05 KB,909x1282,909:1282,1725063543207.png)

File: a6cd6de35dc486f⋯.png (886.73 KB,943x1237,943:1237,1725060344576.png)

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9f65e4 No.21509784

File: 5945172810ef02f⋯.jpeg (379.04 KB,2075x1496,2075:1496,IMG_3617.jpeg)

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357bb8 No.21509785

File: c287e4c9d5496b3⋯.png (749.99 KB,634x612,317:306,ClipboardImage.png)



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cba4d4 No.21509787

File: ea6034d59598a52⋯.png (36.01 KB,675x275,27:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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288815 No.21509788


Your ancestors were likely forced to convert or die.

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b5bd76 No.21509790

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald J. Trump


Join me LIVE in Washington, D.C. at the Moms for Liberty National Summit!


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5f578b No.21509791


>>That country is in their worst conditions economically, militarily and diplomatically. EVAH.

>It's a start

No matter what happens going forward that country is changed forever. I'm talking World Wide .

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23677f No.21509792

File: 4a3c6ae1d6a7c4a⋯.png (604.13 KB,909x1282,909:1282,1725063571700.png)



Don't forget the Aluminum Cream Rinse….

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808ee1 No.21509794


Panetta and Jeremy tied together in some M&M kinky way?

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2c1f41 No.21509795

Guys Kamala’s crowd sizes are so BIG… what are we gonna do?

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dd2279 No.21509796

what meme did Trump post of Kamala that fakenews is going ballistic about?

Some sexual innuendo?

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2c1f41 No.21509797

I just have to tell myself that they are CGI.

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15d17b No.21509798


cry moar?

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23677f No.21509799

File: aff4063a9865183⋯.png (981.27 KB,1323x882,3:2,1725023346576.png)

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2c1f41 No.21509800

There is no way that this many people dislike Trump and like her.

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88a637 No.21509801


>Your ancestors were likely forced to convert or die.

Is this something you are prepared to testify for before the court you are in.. did you know… you are always being tested…///

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3e4225 No.21509802


I shit on your holy spirit.

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2c1f41 No.21509803

Everybody loves Trump and must love Trump there’s no other way!

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23677f No.21509804

File: 7166c6131050e27⋯.png (460.84 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1725024926228.png)

File: cd71c6b3a510138⋯.png (461.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1725024912720.png)

File: 1c0f2cf7bc477df⋯.png (110.21 KB,1024x171,1024:171,Q_Clearance_Patriot_8_30_2….png)

File: 8c108f64d97bb64⋯.png (142.18 KB,1024x211,1024:211,ABSOLUTELY_8_30_2024.png)

File: d0002d298b950c6⋯.png (129.2 KB,1024x200,128:25,Beyond_fucked_8_30_2024.png)

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2c1f41 No.21509805

If the CGI excuse isn’t working out I’m going to move to saying they are paid.

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277646 No.21509806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21509551 Thunder is rolling in. Evil loses. Including (here).

Redbeard - "Here Comes the Storm"

It’s a different way, with a different name

It could be the same

But I’m not sure if we’re living in a similar place

Unstable words and the weapons ready

let’s start your game

Seems a kínder place underneath your greed

Your rules are becoming an obsession of your drowned brain

No place to go, no place to go

With your pathetic game

Oh Lord!, Listen!, here comes the storm

Oh Lord!, Listen!, here comes the storm

Here comes the storm

You’ve tried to keep your whole world under your feet

But you forgot, that you may never despise

The way I’ve chosen to live

I’ve moving on, I’ve moving on

Time is running quick

Words like daggers, disguised under a familiar face

Stab my heart, to see if my blood is blue

But it has always been red

Oh Lord!, Listen!, here comes the storm

Oh Lord!, Listen!, here comes the storm

Here comes the storm

Oh Lord!, Listen!, here comes the storm

Oh Lord!, Listen!, here comes the storm

Here comes the storm

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288815 No.21509807


Voting on a Soros election machine year after year and expecting a different outcome.

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6012f3 No.21509808


calm down

it's nothing we haven't seen before

pretty sure they said trump had a 1.8% chance of beating HRC

This isn't our first rodeo

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23677f No.21509809

File: 84da0db139e723c⋯.png (295.03 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1724850089011.png)

File: 1ae40803e886488⋯.png (977.47 KB,1246x936,623:468,1724813120046.png)

File: 6a3d2d9e55a68cc⋯.png (1.84 MB,890x1310,89:131,1724813084302.png)

File: d39408f9cf3deaa⋯.png (878.79 KB,810x1440,9:16,1724804107916.png)

File: e1a352756ff6ffc⋯.png (840.61 KB,1537x759,1537:759,1724809899933.png)

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320917 No.21509810

File: cb9b5e73db6ad8a⋯.png (407.52 KB,368x562,184:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4b4c4556c61d51⋯.png (21.92 KB,631x175,631:175,ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS mentioned Justin being a Castro yesterday or the day before.

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6c7c51 No.21509811

Then I’m going to move that they AI crowds.

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24ac2d No.21509812


Shitting in a toilet is more comfy.

Just saying.

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7c6b92 No.21509813

File: 2d87cf50152efe9⋯.jpg (250.39 KB,1013x1013,1:1,2d87cf50152efe96974c42a291….jpg)

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6012f3 No.21509814


why IP hop during a rant?

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c82cb8 No.21509815


Not that I'm aware of, but both in the clowns in america. They were being questioned about something, don't remember what. I think it involved Obummer stuff. Can't remember, it was like 10 years ago or so. Leon Panetta mainly, don't think Bash was actually involved in the hearing. not a hundred percent sure though. Although, now that I think of it, I think Sessions might have been involved with that investigation or hearing or whatever it was.

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d66038 No.21509816

It so many people tho I’m scared, they are bussed they have to be?

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3e4225 No.21509817


true, crapping on ghosts just ends up with a bunch of sheet on the floor.

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5f578b No.21509818


Then came the Paddy Wagon then on to the Blue Lantern Inn.

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6012f3 No.21509819

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8a94fd No.21509820


The Dems. are full of Dirty Tricks.

They think they are clever.

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23677f No.21509821

File: b06f668521681f0⋯.png (1.21 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725064510738.png)

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32ec0b No.21509822

How in the world is she pulling this off? I don’t understand…Daddy Trump is the only way!

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88a637 No.21509823


>I shit on your holy spirit.

Mark 3:28-30

28 Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”

30 He said this because they were saying, “He has an impure spirit.”

Is this what you meant to do to others…///

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b54c62 No.21509824

File: 2d519b2e7ee80ff⋯.png (469.87 KB,1080x810,4:3,Memeto_1627009575366.png)

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6012f3 No.21509825

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beb379 No.21509826

File: bb243164a0e13f5⋯.jpg (22.73 KB,510x287,510:287,title_2242597743.jpg)

File: 3ba9d2a56c76a94⋯.jpg (8.86 KB,198x251,198:251,sleeman.JPG)

File: 676e6b09e7515f0⋯.jpg (193.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2385957005.jpg)

File: b0af6b754b4c096⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,474x319,474:319,th_2365789628.jpg)

File: 591d730572f3b20⋯.jpg (69.59 KB,800x450,16:9,Kamala_Harris_and_biden_10….jpg)

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97cd48 No.21509827

File: 59ef904ec4ee4d2⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2118x1446,353:241,PRAYforpeacegregory.jpg)

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0950e4 No.21509828


Prince Alaweed is still alive and being a prick. So did it really do anything?

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f63010 No.21509829

File: f7a99831fbaf1c8⋯.png (102.4 KB,256x415,256:415,f7a99831fbaf1c80a03efbd43b….png)

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3e4225 No.21509830


quoting your shitty book means fuck all.

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d5fb20 No.21509831

File: 2960f880b24b367⋯.gif (442.06 KB,500x525,20:21,2960f880b24b367ae02aa70455….gif)

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d6d278 No.21509832


[I]ronic [f]riendly [f]ire. Maybe make your own fighter jets and defense systems and maybe you can stop shooting yourself down. Don't worry US will suds up the laundry mat and send some equipment and tax dollars your was soon, just after the next rigged election. Q said US military

would fell.

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eeb238 No.21509833

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

File: 2818fb6eab66895⋯.jpg (237.75 KB,480x796,120:199,2818fb6eab66895f034a6962db….jpg)



#26353 >>21509140


>>21509790 WATCH - Join me LIVE in Washington, D.C. at the Moms for Liberty National Summit!

- - - - - - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

>>21509578 @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958

>>21509587 First US sent F-16 Fighter Jet destroyed by frenly fire in Ukraine killing veteran pilot

>>21509598, >>21509620, >>21509654, >>21509698, >>21509762 Good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

>>21509606, >>21509616 PlaneFaggin'

>>21509611, >>21509629, >>21509631, >>21509672, >>21509684, >>21509714 Kamala Rally in Georgia yesterday supposedly

>>21509645 @TuckerCarlson - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest 2hr vid

>>21509685 Venezuelan illegals have posed as Amazon workers in Colorado to violently break into homes and rob them


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dd2279 No.21509834

File: a1fb67e87a9e599⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1479.jpeg)


kamala did not hold any rallies in. Georgia this past week…..She stopped at a high school and a restaurant.

Look at the signs

Some are blurred

Others are as plain as day to read

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97cd48 No.21509835


i forget what that hand sign is?

Didn't Adolf use it? Or some royalty?

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23677f No.21509836

File: fd392169c805df9⋯.jpg (66.16 KB,474x616,237:308,Anvil_Parachute_Kamala_Cam….jpg)

File: 6c3da179f9589f4⋯.jpg (78.88 KB,720x886,360:443,Lowest_CNN_Ratings_Ever.jpg)

File: 3e0dcba11df655e⋯.jpg (67.98 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Scarborough_….jpg)

File: cf331e5e4639206⋯.jpg (156.25 KB,810x1001,810:1001,Kamala_Cannot_Be_Bothered_….jpg)

File: 492bc7df2e7ca9d⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,368x751,368:751,Meanwhile_in_Kektropolis_K….jpg)

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bc96d2 No.21509837

The signs are blurred!!!!!!

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7ad7e1 No.21509838

I’m not believing these crowds.

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88a637 No.21509839


>quoting your shitty book means fuck all.

What makes it shitty…///

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97cd48 No.21509840


obvious CGi

i've studied it over the years.

They think we are stupid.

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fef08c No.21509841

The people are blurred, they are fake!

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97cd48 No.21509842



do side by side close-up to a Trump rally/

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2cb9b7 No.21509843

File: 7cca2ccee7c72eb⋯.png (85.34 KB,307x155,307:155,ClipboardImage.png)


kek, what language is this sign?

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c82cb8 No.21509844


How do you know they are legal American's able to vote? Eye candy is pretty easy to create. All you need is the right incentive. Once the stage is set, you can create any story you want.

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69162a No.21509845

But they are paid in debit all of them even the fake ones.

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6012f3 No.21509846


are starting to realize, they may have fucked with the wrong man

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1bf680 No.21509847

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Speaks at Moms for Liberty National Summit in D.C. - 8/30/24


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eeb238 No.21509848



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97cd48 No.21509849

File: ef96e581219d9c3⋯.jpg (160.95 KB,660x955,132:191,BAUMAN_1_.jpg)

File: 99ccc95683e503c⋯.jpg (43.52 KB,414x275,414:275,930_2_.jpg)

File: 93e7dcaf1fab413⋯.jpg (44.74 KB,552x299,24:13,thrylive.jpg)

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d6d278 No.21509850

File: d46166c0e1d5e92⋯.jpg (246.06 KB,920x1151,920:1151,SmartSelect_20240830_20392….jpg)

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9aacba No.21509851


Sorry Sparky. Too much stretch in that one.

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80516c No.21509852

I’m having a meltdown. We are going to lose.

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24ac2d No.21509853


Absolutely, ghosts are dwelling beyond this frequency so it is useless to shit dense shit on it.

That's the spirit!

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acf2c9 No.21509854

File: 43d4c50ab862e07⋯.gif (5.83 MB,574x242,287:121,ready15.gif)

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6012f3 No.21509855


just you FED

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e466aa No.21509856

File: f74201bf52617b1⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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40f1fd No.21509857

It’s over. She will be our President.

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6012f3 No.21509858

File: c3aab23373dfa0a⋯.png (283.46 KB,412x472,103:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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320917 No.21509859


2 days ahead on the delta

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7c6b92 No.21509860

File: 9a247bc7661926c⋯.jpg (97.41 KB,671x574,671:574,fourtolled2_jpn.jpg)

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dd2279 No.21509861

File: b1c91696ddb0f52⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,2160x1150,216:115,IMG_1480.jpeg)


> kamala did not hold any rallies in. Georgia this past week…..She stopped at a high school and a restaurant.


I guess I was wrong. Said she had a rally in Savannah…

> A Harris-Walz campaign official said 7,500 people were in attendance. The official said that's the venue's maximum capacity

Aren’t the upper seats blacked out again.

If Harris people said there were 7500, there were probably 750.

And there were reports of busses bringing people in


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6012f3 No.21509862

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97cd48 No.21509863

File: f2fe7563f56d43e⋯.png (93.23 KB,633x478,633:478,chinaunrestrictedwarfare_.png)

File: 8dc97ce09727411⋯.png (556.24 KB,639x3368,639:3368,chinawarfare.png)

File: 612e4f5653feb4e⋯.png (931.24 KB,2696x5944,337:743,colorrevolutions.png)





Color the Revolution Commie Red?!

Ours is supposed to be purple, right?

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b237f4 No.21509864

File: 7da30078b142902⋯.jpg (52.09 KB,750x1000,3:4,chaka.jpg)

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aaf499 No.21509865

I need Daddy Trump and JD in order to survive.

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576132 No.21509866

File: 327969457d5ef89⋯.png (440.07 KB,487x517,487:517,ClipboardImage.png)


I hope he is an Intel asset but for some reason I doubt it.

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b237f4 No.21509867

File: b1475120e44ab14⋯.png (318.15 KB,678x739,678:739,chaka.png)

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d5fb20 No.21509868

File: b5462988993b133⋯.png (359.65 KB,710x649,710:649,b5462988993b13304c496d1e99….png)

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0950e4 No.21509869


That makes no sense. They usually block out the area BEHIND the performer because they have a shit view. They blocked out where Kamala would be facing and really a good view if you were interested. so she was looking at a full floor level and that huge black expanse.

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96c232 No.21509870

How will we make America great again, if she wins?

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e83acb No.21509871

File: 5b433af62b0c948⋯.png (6.92 MB,2532x1170,422:195,IMG_4721.png)

File: fea94d95d57b072⋯.png (7.66 MB,2532x1170,422:195,IMG_4722.png)



meme templates?

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288815 No.21509872

The matrix we are in is all about control.


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88a637 No.21509873


>true, crapping on ghosts just ends up with a bunch of sheet on the floor.

Sometimes, you hear something that is just a fantasy… and if you wanted to hear them there, you were mistaken in your target… nobody wants to hear you poop…///

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b237f4 No.21509874

File: f0dee5e677c5af1⋯.png (317.13 KB,678x739,678:739,chaka_.png)

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c82cb8 No.21509875


Well then, I guess we need to increase our dank meme production. Thanks for the head's up.

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08c459 No.21509876

How are we gonna keep our border secure and crime down if she wins?

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dd2279 No.21509877

File: 384a73291218815⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1481.jpeg)



Is that a black out curtain again?

Venue holds 7000

Half is blacked out.

Half seats are empty

So she probably had about 1500 people there

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5177f2 No.21509878

They are paid. I just know it.

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ef9042 No.21509879

File: 2e892e1f607b03b⋯.jpg (165.82 KB,864x1390,432:695,canada_geese_and_main_buil….jpg)

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b08fae No.21509880

File: 5a88176483db674⋯.png (205.28 KB,578x578,1:1,5a88176483db67448ef56ffcbb….png)



>Have any anons received the US Census American Community Survey? It's pretty invasive with it's questions and anon doesn't want to fill it out even though it say response is "required by law"

Anon gets federal agriculture surveys which are "required by law".

Looked up "law", and the worst they can do for telling them to do a flip is a $100 fine.

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6012f3 No.21509881

File: bf9cd71317cedca⋯.png (112.56 KB,234x255,78:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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c82cb8 No.21509882


Ahahahahahaha! Aaaahahahahahahaha!

You are incredibly stupid.

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5f578b No.21509883

File: 9d0c9fad11c748a⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,1288x720,161:90,ssstwitter_com_17250652016….mp4)

“It started 8 years ago, maybe a little before that, who knows. It probably started 40 years ago in our soul, but it started 8 years ago, and nobody would’ve thought anything like this coulda happened.”

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b9f320 No.21509884

But then I think the whole arena CGI

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a38087 No.21509885

Hey Snowball, Wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.

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4dbedc No.21509886

File: 667c33f78f3e365⋯.jpg (22.59 KB,340x370,34:37,Xnip2024_08_30_20_46_50.jpg)


the geico caveman made it there

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30b165 No.21509887


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beb379 No.21509888

File: 9080af31a9216ca⋯.jpg (81.7 KB,700x512,175:128,9080af31a9216ca29da02787ae….jpg)

File: f1b702e9dc495ea⋯.jpg (63.8 KB,750x548,375:274,2578a83f1f0f5c4a9ce5762586….jpg)

File: db880486f83fcbe⋯.jpg (65.59 KB,736x883,736:883,d9aa3f835b4299d16af5e7d2bd….jpg)

File: 24971dcb5f4a0cc⋯.jpg (48.53 KB,1400x700,2:1,Daniel_Craig_as_James_Bond….jpg)

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30b165 No.21509889


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6012f3 No.21509890

Single post Ip hopper with Clean & Fresh Ip addresses to Burn


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b0cff0 No.21509891

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d5fb20 No.21509892

File: 5b8cef9dd7e6099⋯.jpg (10.94 KB,236x229,236:229,5b8cef9dd7e6099f3dded8813b….jpg)

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808ee1 No.21509893


My last census I checked every single box for race. Fuck ‘em.

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6c7c51 No.21509894

I think daddy Trump busses in too.

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b54c62 No.21509895

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8a94fd No.21509896


Go eat your gefilte fish

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eeb238 No.21509897



#26353 >>21509140


>>21509790 WATCH - Join me LIVE in Washington, D.C. at the Moms for Liberty National Summit!

>>21509847 POTUS IS LIVE

- - - - - - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

>>21509578 @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958

>>21509587 First US sent F-16 Fighter Jet destroyed by frenly fire in Ukraine killing veteran pilot

>>21509598, >>21509620, >>21509654, >>21509698, >>21509762 Good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

>>21509606, >>21509616 PlaneFaggin'

>>21509611, >>21509629, >>21509631, >>21509672, >>21509684, >>21509714 Kamala Rally in Georgia yesterday supposedly

>>21509645 @TuckerCarlson - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest 2hr vid

>>21509685 Venezuelan illegals have posed as Amazon workers in Colorado to violently break into homes and rob them


baker handing off top of next

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c82cb8 No.21509899


First step. Get rid of cucks like you.

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0fd2eb No.21509900


Holy shit they have a curtain up

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16a515 No.21509902

What is going why didn’t they fill that curtain section up with cgi instead?

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ef9042 No.21509903

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,354deaa3770912621bb816da07….jpg)

File: 1aa96f2df6813ee⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,438x639,146:213,1aa96f2df6813eeece64dc0350….jpg)

File: 94e115f9ecd6dce⋯.png (736.04 KB,806x542,403:271,94e115f9ecd6dce70630898b95….png)

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7c6b92 No.21509905

File: ef69e69576f3cf0⋯.jpg (15.35 KB,481x405,481:405,e8c4b416d24aa1e9dc22ffe4d7….jpg)

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6ce5e1 No.21509906

File: 2dc6ddefa6166c8⋯.png (137.32 KB,432x318,72:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b19752c62fe4e2⋯.png (252.9 KB,423x318,141:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 712bff0115112d0⋯.png (709.65 KB,635x478,635:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4b1af8a91144e4⋯.png (128.16 KB,464x312,58:39,ClipboardImage.png)




>nee Sinclair

Keep digging.

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277646 No.21509907

File: f57d99312580a8f⋯.png (1.78 MB,1952x3090,976:1545,814.png)



>>21509515 (me) "Q will confirm"

>>21508555 (me) ( lb )

>Less than 10

>>21509020 (me) ( lb )

>Less than 10

Q+ 814

Q# 814 > You have more than you know.

This is why we are here.

Great job, Patriot.

Watch the speech.

We are talking to you.

Proofs only meant for you.


Anons understand, we are united and we are active. YOU are the KEY.

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d5fb20 No.21509908

File: 5197daf3efa350f⋯.png (177.69 KB,400x400,1:1,2d0e09374a53412589c5608107….png)

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88a637 No.21509909


>Is that a black out curtain again?

Bravo… keep digging…///

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61c8f4 No.21509910

The crowd is completely turned away from Kamala….its fake…they aren’t looking at her

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eeb238 No.21509911

File: 5698e90bb0d80c9⋯.png (460.35 KB,512x512,1:1,Screenshot_2024_04_08_at_2….png)

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348445 No.21509915


post pic showing what you mean next bred pls

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bc69d7 No.21509916


It’s a mirror of the behavior I see on this board.

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277646 No.21509917

Q+ just now.. "CLOWNS"

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eeb238 No.21509918

File: cd301c24d7ce1a2⋯.jpg (818.09 KB,3500x2560,175:128,cd301c24d7ce1a2415a9164e10….jpg)

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d6d278 No.21509919


TDS is the other way. Head in a hole. Blind to communism or corrupt CCP.

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0950e4 No.21509926


It was yesterday

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208412 No.21509927

I’m just trying cope to make it through.

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eeb238 No.21509929

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

File: eb152c7a39efbc2⋯.jpg (139.49 KB,392x335,392:335,eb152c7a39efbc2c1c16e74e2b….jpg)

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e83acb No.21509932

File: e1e65c37676cb66⋯.png (51.08 KB,256x256,1:1,IMG_4254.png)

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a1d0a0 No.21509934


Im sure the Trump legal team is on it.

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2cb9b7 No.21509935


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ac1c8a No.21509936


I’m just making shit up

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e466aa No.21509939

File: d1a58e9644b3eb8⋯.png (903.85 KB,1158x657,386:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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61c8f4 No.21509942

I’m in a bullshit bubble and I don’t know how to get out

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5f578b No.21509943

File: 963581118bc90dd⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,1266x720,211:120,ssstwitter_com_17250620562….mp4)

Here's the law. Not that matters in 2024 America.

If a Puerto Rican moves to a U.S. state can they vote?

United States citizens can freely reside in any of the 50 states and are automatically conferred the same rights, such as voting, as any other citizen (Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship by the Jones Act of 1917).

People born in Puerto Rico are U.S. citizens by birth. But because Puerto Rico, like Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, is not part of the 50 states or D.C., those who reside in Puerto Rico are not allowed to vote for the President or to elect a voting member of the United States. Those who move from Puerto Rico to live in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia can vote in federal elections.

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85f5a3 No.21509945

>>21509691 Did he say anything about the Federal Reserve?

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acf2c9 No.21509950

File: 97c9826455de15b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1080x1087,1080:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f578b No.21509954

File: f78131d3fbb4d58⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,1248x720,26:15,ssstwitter_com_17250657748….mp4)

17 is not dead.

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8a95cf No.21509956


A ruler: a rod like object used to measure

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5f578b No.21509960

File: f82bad28575cfa8⋯.jpg (48.84 KB,328x500,82:125,9783730609767_us.jpg)

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386fa7 No.21511545

such fun

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