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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

eeb238 No.21509133 [View All]

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701 posts and 485 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b08fae No.21509880

File: 5a88176483db674⋯.png (205.28 KB,578x578,1:1,5a88176483db67448ef56ffcbb….png)



>Have any anons received the US Census American Community Survey? It's pretty invasive with it's questions and anon doesn't want to fill it out even though it say response is "required by law"

Anon gets federal agriculture surveys which are "required by law".

Looked up "law", and the worst they can do for telling them to do a flip is a $100 fine.

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6012f3 No.21509881

File: bf9cd71317cedca⋯.png (112.56 KB,234x255,78:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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c82cb8 No.21509882


Ahahahahahaha! Aaaahahahahahahaha!

You are incredibly stupid.

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5f578b No.21509883

File: 9d0c9fad11c748a⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,1288x720,161:90,ssstwitter_com_17250652016….mp4)

“It started 8 years ago, maybe a little before that, who knows. It probably started 40 years ago in our soul, but it started 8 years ago, and nobody would’ve thought anything like this coulda happened.”

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b9f320 No.21509884

But then I think the whole arena CGI

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a38087 No.21509885

Hey Snowball, Wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.

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4dbedc No.21509886

File: 667c33f78f3e365⋯.jpg (22.59 KB,340x370,34:37,Xnip2024_08_30_20_46_50.jpg)


the geico caveman made it there

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30b165 No.21509887


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beb379 No.21509888

File: 9080af31a9216ca⋯.jpg (81.7 KB,700x512,175:128,9080af31a9216ca29da02787ae….jpg)

File: f1b702e9dc495ea⋯.jpg (63.8 KB,750x548,375:274,2578a83f1f0f5c4a9ce5762586….jpg)

File: db880486f83fcbe⋯.jpg (65.59 KB,736x883,736:883,d9aa3f835b4299d16af5e7d2bd….jpg)

File: 24971dcb5f4a0cc⋯.jpg (48.53 KB,1400x700,2:1,Daniel_Craig_as_James_Bond….jpg)

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30b165 No.21509889


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6012f3 No.21509890

Single post Ip hopper with Clean & Fresh Ip addresses to Burn


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b0cff0 No.21509891

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d5fb20 No.21509892

File: 5b8cef9dd7e6099⋯.jpg (10.94 KB,236x229,236:229,5b8cef9dd7e6099f3dded8813b….jpg)

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808ee1 No.21509893


My last census I checked every single box for race. Fuck ‘em.

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6c7c51 No.21509894

I think daddy Trump busses in too.

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b54c62 No.21509895

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8a94fd No.21509896


Go eat your gefilte fish

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eeb238 No.21509897



#26353 >>21509140


>>21509790 WATCH - Join me LIVE in Washington, D.C. at the Moms for Liberty National Summit!

>>21509847 POTUS IS LIVE

- - - - - - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

>>21509578 @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958

>>21509587 First US sent F-16 Fighter Jet destroyed by frenly fire in Ukraine killing veteran pilot

>>21509598, >>21509620, >>21509654, >>21509698, >>21509762 Good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

>>21509606, >>21509616 PlaneFaggin'

>>21509611, >>21509629, >>21509631, >>21509672, >>21509684, >>21509714 Kamala Rally in Georgia yesterday supposedly

>>21509645 @TuckerCarlson - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest 2hr vid

>>21509685 Venezuelan illegals have posed as Amazon workers in Colorado to violently break into homes and rob them


baker handing off top of next

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c82cb8 No.21509899


First step. Get rid of cucks like you.

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0fd2eb No.21509900


Holy shit they have a curtain up

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16a515 No.21509902

What is going why didn’t they fill that curtain section up with cgi instead?

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ef9042 No.21509903

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,354deaa3770912621bb816da07….jpg)

File: 1aa96f2df6813ee⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,438x639,146:213,1aa96f2df6813eeece64dc0350….jpg)

File: 94e115f9ecd6dce⋯.png (736.04 KB,806x542,403:271,94e115f9ecd6dce70630898b95….png)

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7c6b92 No.21509905

File: ef69e69576f3cf0⋯.jpg (15.35 KB,481x405,481:405,e8c4b416d24aa1e9dc22ffe4d7….jpg)

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6ce5e1 No.21509906

File: 2dc6ddefa6166c8⋯.png (137.32 KB,432x318,72:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b19752c62fe4e2⋯.png (252.9 KB,423x318,141:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 712bff0115112d0⋯.png (709.65 KB,635x478,635:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4b1af8a91144e4⋯.png (128.16 KB,464x312,58:39,ClipboardImage.png)




>nee Sinclair

Keep digging.

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277646 No.21509907

File: f57d99312580a8f⋯.png (1.78 MB,1952x3090,976:1545,814.png)



>>21509515 (me) "Q will confirm"

>>21508555 (me) ( lb )

>Less than 10

>>21509020 (me) ( lb )

>Less than 10

Q+ 814

Q# 814 > You have more than you know.

This is why we are here.

Great job, Patriot.

Watch the speech.

We are talking to you.

Proofs only meant for you.


Anons understand, we are united and we are active. YOU are the KEY.

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d5fb20 No.21509908

File: 5197daf3efa350f⋯.png (177.69 KB,400x400,1:1,2d0e09374a53412589c5608107….png)

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88a637 No.21509909


>Is that a black out curtain again?

Bravo… keep digging…///

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61c8f4 No.21509910

The crowd is completely turned away from Kamala….its fake…they aren’t looking at her

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eeb238 No.21509911

File: 5698e90bb0d80c9⋯.png (460.35 KB,512x512,1:1,Screenshot_2024_04_08_at_2….png)

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348445 No.21509915


post pic showing what you mean next bred pls

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bc69d7 No.21509916


It’s a mirror of the behavior I see on this board.

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277646 No.21509917

Q+ just now.. "CLOWNS"

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eeb238 No.21509918

File: cd301c24d7ce1a2⋯.jpg (818.09 KB,3500x2560,175:128,cd301c24d7ce1a2415a9164e10….jpg)

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d6d278 No.21509919


TDS is the other way. Head in a hole. Blind to communism or corrupt CCP.

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0950e4 No.21509926


It was yesterday

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208412 No.21509927

I’m just trying cope to make it through.

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eeb238 No.21509929

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

File: eb152c7a39efbc2⋯.jpg (139.49 KB,392x335,392:335,eb152c7a39efbc2c1c16e74e2b….jpg)

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e83acb No.21509932

File: e1e65c37676cb66⋯.png (51.08 KB,256x256,1:1,IMG_4254.png)

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a1d0a0 No.21509934


Im sure the Trump legal team is on it.

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2cb9b7 No.21509935


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ac1c8a No.21509936


I’m just making shit up

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e466aa No.21509939

File: d1a58e9644b3eb8⋯.png (903.85 KB,1158x657,386:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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61c8f4 No.21509942

I’m in a bullshit bubble and I don’t know how to get out

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5f578b No.21509943

File: 963581118bc90dd⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,1266x720,211:120,ssstwitter_com_17250620562….mp4)

Here's the law. Not that matters in 2024 America.

If a Puerto Rican moves to a U.S. state can they vote?

United States citizens can freely reside in any of the 50 states and are automatically conferred the same rights, such as voting, as any other citizen (Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship by the Jones Act of 1917).

People born in Puerto Rico are U.S. citizens by birth. But because Puerto Rico, like Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, is not part of the 50 states or D.C., those who reside in Puerto Rico are not allowed to vote for the President or to elect a voting member of the United States. Those who move from Puerto Rico to live in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia can vote in federal elections.

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85f5a3 No.21509945

>>21509691 Did he say anything about the Federal Reserve?

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acf2c9 No.21509950

File: 97c9826455de15b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1080x1087,1080:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f578b No.21509954

File: f78131d3fbb4d58⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,1248x720,26:15,ssstwitter_com_17250657748….mp4)

17 is not dead.

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8a95cf No.21509956


A ruler: a rod like object used to measure

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5f578b No.21509960

File: f82bad28575cfa8⋯.jpg (48.84 KB,328x500,82:125,9783730609767_us.jpg)

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386fa7 No.21511545

such fun

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