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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

7dd932 No.21507426 [Last50 Posts]

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7dd932 No.21507427

International Q Research Threads

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26350 >>21506627

>>21507120, >>21507267 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA - 8/30/24 4:30 PM EDT

ICYMI Kinda Mornin

>>21506658, >>21506739, >>21506934, >>21506943, >>21507151 Ballz to the Walz lies about service record, signed legislation allowing abortion up to the time of the delivery

>>21506673 ICYMI: DHS restarts migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela — weeks after halting program over ‘fraud’ concerns

>>21506686 The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by hand without the use of electronic voting machines

>>21506704 CMZ: File an FEC complaint

>>21506773 Steve Bannon's lawyers have filed a request for Steve to be released on bond pending resolution of his D.C. Circuit en banc petition

>>21506778, >>21507012, >>21507095, >>21507199, >>21507252, >>21507322, >>21507323 Brazil has fallen under the dictatorship of Alexandre de Moraes. 🇧🇷/election fraud Emhoff/Smartmatic/Dominion/CCP

>>21506811, >>21506849 BREAKING: A source at McDonalds corporate confirms that they have no record of a Kamala Harris ever working for them.

>>21506814 Today in Q Post History we have 30 deltas.

>>21506820 @Meta to South Carolina as they announced their plans for an $800 million investment that will create 100 new jobs in Aiken! TheY wanna turn SC blue

>>21506839 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21506847 “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” , which is part of a series exposing The Truth about Cancer.

>>21506860 Call to Meme Corrupt Democrat Judges and Prosecutors

>>21506870 Vaxed? sperm is behaving in ways doctors have never seen before.

>>21506885 Harris, what have you done for us lately? or at all for that matter

>>21506892 @C__Herridge Lawsuit alleges DOJ violated separation of powers to “surveil” congress.

>>21506951, >>21506963, >>21507070 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US

>>21506982 SEC settles with BKCoin Capital co-founder

>>21506988 If anything proves Kamabla can't debate, last night laid it bare.

>>21506993 @GenFlynn WEF

>>21507003 U.S. Defense Department, NASA and other govt agencies funded research that led to more than 1,000 U.S. patents for China-based inventors since 2010, including in sensitive fields such as biotechnology and semiconductors, data from the US patent agency showed

>>21507030, >>21507114, >>21507145, >>21507146, >>21507184, >>21507186, >>21507269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21507034 Kelly: Jack Smith's Injecting J6 Headlines Back Into News To Interfere With Presidential Election

>>21507046 The SAVE Act Will Work As "Shaping Operation" For Republicans In November

>>21507056 Roy Hammers The Importance Of Attaching The SAVE Act To Appropriation Bills. It blocks non citizens from voting

>>21507059 EMERGENCY DOCKET Supreme Court temporarily bars latest Biden student debt relief plan

>>21507075 War Room Morning Edition

>>21507076 Burchett: [Tim Walz] Connections To The Chinese Scares The Daylights Out Of . Burchett is brilliant and freaking funny

>>21507078, >>21507235 Swamp Talk

>>21507094 Johnson had to intervene to ensure that former President Donald Trump could attend a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery

>>21507175, >>21507241 For The First Time In 23 Years, The US Does Not Have A Carrier Strike Group In Indo-PacificBidan/drugs?

>>21507211 Formica: Counties In Pennsylvania Are Flipping Red And They Are Flipping Fast

>>21507345 Firefly names space industry veteran Jason Kim as new CEO

>>21507359 Yesterday I posted about the Presidential Transition Act that was amended Dec 29 2022. Here is the link again for anons to read 18 pages

>>21507425 #26350

#26349 >>21505364

>>21505813 Transcript: Harris and Walz’s joint interview with CNN

>>21505377 Here's What Kamala Harris Didn't Talk About With CNN

>>21505405 Tampon 'at least 30 trips to China' Tim can't explain faking his combat experience

>>21505554, >>21505641, >>21505745 Kamala used AI at her Savannah, Georgia rally

>>21505576 Democratic House Members are now pressuring the FEC to issue new rules to censor AI art before the election

>>21505623 DJT: THANK YOU, WISCONSIN! #MAGA2024 @TulsiGabbard

>>21505712 Kamala Harris on CNN: ‘Bidenomics’ Is ‘Good Work’

>>21505719 Justice League

>>21505878 Spanish Police Block Illegal Immigrants by Severing Their Boat in Half

>>21505903 California district accused of crafting plan to promote antisemitic curriculum 'under the radar': Lawsuit

>>21505926 Flip-flopping Harris

>>21505371, >>21505398, >>21505414, >>21505432, >>21505443, >>21505465, >>21505469, >>21505497, >>21505562, >>21505705, >>21505779, >>21505871, >>21505953, >>21506411 Memes

Ghost grab

>>21506167 US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy says parenting is bad for your mental health due to high levels of stress involved in raising children.

>>21506206, >>21506228, >>21506361 Trump Rebrands Crypto Platform as World Liberty Financial, Strengthens Pro-Crypto Stance

>>21506484 'Train wreck for Harris': Kamala is ripped to shreds for 'word salad' CNN softball interview…

>>21506501 Walz just refused to admit he misspoke about claiming he deployed in combat. Blames his wife. Blames grammar…

>>21506505 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss.

>>21506507 Commie fags: “You Can Say It!” – Doug Emhoff Tries to Start “USA” Chant – But Democrat Voters Aren’t Interested

>>21506537 This guud .mil or bad .mil? DoD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

>>21506552 California Teacher Applying “Sleepy Time Patches” To Children - “Suppresses a kid's appetite, shifts their moods, and makes them feel sleepy.”

>>21506579 Worth renoting: one big demented family - NY Attorney General Letitia James has revealed that Nancy Pelosi is her godmother.

>>21506599 #26349

#26348 >>21504588

>>21504756 Archive: Trump Town Hall with Tulsi Gabbard in Wisconsin

>>21505202 @TulsiGabbard introduces President @realDonaldTrump for a MASSIVE Town Hall at the La Crosse Center in BEAUTIFUL WISCONSIN!

>>21504802 Trump: "Tampon Tim is a weird dude"

>>21504917 Trump rally tomorrow in Johnstown, PA - 8/30/24

>>21504606, >>21504638 Stormy in Georgia

>>21504710, >>21504870, >>21504889, >>21504928 Harris and Walz to sit with CNN for [pre-recorded and edited] joint interview

>>21505061, >>21505231, >>21505242 Dissect the optics

>>21505065 Dana Bash: "Trump suggested that you happened to turn Black recently for political purposes" Kamala: "Next question, please"

>>21505143 Seriously who is going to believe Kamala's answer to this Border Wall question?

>>21505151, >>21505160 Walz refuses to answer for his stolen valor scandal

>>21505177 This is how you know Kamala was a train wreck tonight

>>21505230 CNN panel on Kamala Harris after her disastrous pre-recorded interview

>>21505278 Trump’s in-depth evaluation of Kamala Harris Interview: BORING!!!

>>21505291 Joe Concha: "She talked about that she's maintaining her values…"

>>21504631 Nineteen Gang Members and Associates Charged in Federal Sweeps Targeting Boston Gangs

>>21504652 21 Suspected El Paso Gang Affiliates Arrested for Alleged Drug Trafficking, Firearm Offenses

>>21504663 16-Times Deported Illegal Charged with Killing 64-Year-Old Man Faces Max One Year in Prison After Democrat DA Lenient Sentence

>>21504680 CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America

>>21504701 Lara Trump Releases Music Video for Song ‘Hero,’ Honoring First Responders

>>21504718 The following are 7 signs that the mainstream media is flat out lying to us about the economy

>>21504721, >>21504732, >>21504783, >>21504798, >>21504812, >>21504822, >>21504866, >>21504879 PF: Has the drone been jammed?

>>21504730 Many remote schools and hospitals depend on SpaceX’s Starlink

>>21504744 UK firm BioTeq partnered with Pfizer to develop microchip tags which have been tested in people

>>21504790 Toronto’s 1st black female police superintendent demoted after helping black cops cheat for promotions

>>21504799 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as ‘imagination’ — despite video, mayor confirming truth

>>21505027, >>21505176 Terrorists planned to kill ‘tens of thousands’ at Taylor Swift concert – CIA

>>21505037 Crazy clashes in Culiacán, Sinaloa between the Mexican military and drug cartels following the alleged capture of El Chapo's son

>>21505046 PF: MQ-9 Reaper up

>>21505092 Argentina police arrest former Red Brigade member wanted by Italy

>>21505094 PF: Government of South Korea 747, Air China 747 (Govt. VIP Plane)

>>21505104 Panama deports Ecuadorean migrants in second US-backed flight

>>21505117 Nicaragua shutters another 169 civil society groups as purge intensifies

>>21505118 ‘Joy’ Rhetoric Is An Orwellian Attempt To Hide Democrats' Hatred

>>21505162 Trump just filed an emergency motion to move the sham criminal case against him out of the New York courts and into a federal court

>>21505206 El Paso is on high alert as a dangerous Venezuelan gang which has been described as MS-13 on steroids is surging into the US

>>21504626, >>21504636, >>21504639, >>21505148 Memes

>>21505350 #26348

Previously Collected

>>21502985 #26345, >>21503781 #26346, >>21504560 #26347

>>21500110 #26342, >>21501037 #26343, >>21502062 #26344

>>21497507 #26339, >>21498269 #26340, >>21499171 #26341

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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b06b7f No.21507432

File: 428cd89695cab4a⋯.png (70.49 KB,296x296,1:1,happy_friday.png)


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7dd932 No.21507435

File: 58428106151d86b⋯.jpg (6.4 KB,225x225,1:1,walzbalz3.jpg)

File: 31ad0ee68accbbc⋯.gif (3.74 MB,498x407,498:407,walzbalz.gif)

File: 3a64bae62f85c07⋯.png (2.03 MB,1834x1036,131:74,walzbalz4.png)

File: 61ca874f7bfacf9⋯.jpeg (534.12 KB,1170x659,1170:659,walzbalz5.jpeg)

File: bbb7a0e3b4da5c8⋯.jpg (34.34 KB,401x683,401:683,walzbalz2.jpg)



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3adcfd No.21507440

File: 3a37c9eb4f07ac4⋯.png (361.38 KB,900x521,900:521,ClipboardImage.png)

The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value (How The Mighty Have Fallen!)

I read “The Arms of Krup” by William Manchester. A great book about the rise of ThyssenKrupp during World War II. It is one of the world’s largest steel producers, but it now has NEGATIVE ENTERPRISE VALUE.

The cause? Germany is up the creek without an economic paddle after years of gross mismanagement by Angela Merkel and her party. Mass immigration in Germany and a slowdown in the global economy aren’t helping.

A dire warning for America.


meh. go woke go broke.

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ada41c No.21507444

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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16cdb1 No.21507445

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2cca13 No.21507446

File: c05d68a5fa85ca3⋯.png (286.48 KB,1200x811,1200:811,spectre_torture_scene_4284….png)

Dont mind me, the waiting room was full

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3adcfd No.21507455

Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

Donald Trump told NBC he thinks Florida’s six-week abortion ban ‘is too short’ and appeared to suggest he would vote for a pro-abortion ballot measure in the state, though his campaign later stated he ‘has not yet said how he will vote.’


5-D Chess, or "you knew I was a snake when you let me in"?


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3adcfd No.21507458

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)

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2cca13 No.21507465


Waiting for what, from whom? Didn't even ask.

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c79797 No.21507467

File: 81419cf35e50e92⋯.jpg (78.44 KB,537x640,537:640,81419cf35e50e921f57427a337….jpg)

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d26fe4 No.21507468

File: 57a8fa29fc72295⋯.png (496.66 KB,632x500,158:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cca13 No.21507475

Sales people must be practicing cold calls

Come on, get it out

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023ef7 No.21507476

Serving Deep State for life time and now want be patriots anons

well well well

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e2cf21 No.21507479

File: 4e5ee8cdffe78e3⋯.jpeg (131.33 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_4376.jpeg)

File: 1ae3c5ae95eae50⋯.png (121.52 KB,586x614,293:307,IMG_4385.png)

File: a1ceca72b13cba9⋯.png (189.72 KB,460x443,460:443,IMG_4383.png)

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d8d735 No.21507480

File: 1aad09c5893f6d9⋯.png (625.28 KB,631x632,631:632,seeee.png)



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97fbac No.21507483

File: dbda68af95b2323⋯.png (43.63 KB,743x360,743:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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ada41c No.21507484

File: 932ccb8c3a2afdd⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1010x740,101:74,932ccb8c3a2afddda906bb7cbb….gif)


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279267 No.21507485


reconcile what?

it is up to the states unless the supreme court determines when life officially begins for an individuals rights.

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2feac0 No.21507488

What is real and What is not real?

What am I doing here on this planet?

What is this life all about?

What is my purpose here?

You need to be asking yourself these questions.

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7dd932 No.21507490


I likes this metal


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9df4df No.21507492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cdd035 No.21507493

Kammieczar drunk beach bum

Imagination Venezuelan gangs running the country

Yes they can control the animals, by stifling information with censorship, stifling transparency of people voices words and actions in business and public communities especially government entities mandated with the public trust and public service.

Democrats are Pollack Stupid, classic roth satanic agent obfuscating the invader is my savior stupidity

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97fbac No.21507494

File: f4cd37247713f3e⋯.png (780.42 KB,1080x1421,1080:1421,ClipboardImage.png)

a call to dig? Avatar








Aug 29, 2024, 11:39 AM

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188b11 No.21507495

>>21506690 lb

The swifties will be writing Taylor’s name on a blank space on the ballots and she’s actually going to be sworn in for 2025

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9e629c No.21507497

File: aee883789c2c0ad⋯.jpeg (297.56 KB,1284x1385,1284:1385,IMG_2680.jpeg)

Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

Harvard promotes people when they fail up, and they want the failures to teach your children for the millions you pay them. Astounding!

Former University of Pennsylvania President Elizabeth Magill will join Harvard Law School’s Center on the Legal Profession as a visiting senior fellow this fall, according to a recently updated copy of Magill’s curriculum vitae.

Magill resigned as president just days after her disastrous testimony during a congressional hearing about campus antisemitism late last year, where she appeared alongside former Harvard President Claudine Gay and MIT President Sally A. Kornbluth.

The university presidents’ answers to questions about whether calls for the genocide of Jews violate their codes of conduct sparked national backlash and contributed to Gay’s resignation less than one month later.

Both Gay and Magill have kept low profiles in the initial months after their sudden resignations. Magill’s research appointment at HLS marks her first new role since she stepped down from office on Dec. 9, 2023.

A spokesperson for the Law School did not comment for this article. A representative for Magill did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Magill’s role at HLS was first reported by the Daily Pennsylvanian, the University of Pennsylvania’s student newspaper.

In addition to her appointment at HLS’ Center on the Legal Profession, Magill will also join the London School of Economics as a visiting professor.

This will be Magill’s second affiliation with HLS after serving as a visiting professor of law in spring 2009. Her appointment at the Center on the Legal Profession will be research focused, unpaid, and temporary. She will also remain a tenured professor on Penn’s faculty.

The Center on the Legal Profession is led by HLS professor David B. Wilkins ’77 and lecturer Bryon Fong. The Center’s advisory board members include Kenneth I. Chenault and Kenneth C. Frazier — two members of the Harvard Corporation, the University’s highest governing body.


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7e2be9 No.21507498

File: 09349644d79f4b6⋯.png (350.71 KB,485x449,485:449,Aug_30_Every_Democommunist.png)

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16cdb1 No.21507499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And we are her together

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38ec30 No.21507503

File: de0f6e6be267efd⋯.png (2.37 MB,1280x1107,1280:1107,IMG_2277.png)

Thank you Baker!

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8beb4c No.21507504

File: 823c531a080958a⋯.webp (35.24 KB,700x479,700:479,aMVA27V_700bwp.webp)

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01bfde No.21507505

File: ee02435e28d2d26⋯.jpg (118.41 KB,945x680,189:136,CHARLIEGO_2_.jpg)

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19628f No.21507506

File: 3dc83975bda3bbc⋯.png (1000.11 KB,750x1334,375:667,0BC5ECE2_EA01_4B6E_BE75_B3….png)

File: 2b14bfffa6e0040⋯.png (329.98 KB,690x3464,345:1732,E7CE7D89_BD7D_4B84_89A1_31….png)

File: c8dbe66433897f8⋯.png (961.62 KB,2147x1146,2147:1146,7266635C_B0D9_4DA6_B856_44….png)

File: 86b8ee0388501e7⋯.png (1.02 MB,750x1334,375:667,934C5938_CE26_48D0_8F01_8D….png)

File: 94f8f73979e8478⋯.png (221.18 KB,690x1858,345:929,EFAA937E_4B4F_467B_B22E_21….png)

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e20ceb No.21507507



That video needs not to just go viral, it needs to be one of Trump's next TV campaign ads, with Karmala saying how her border policy is just fine. Let the rest of America SEE how bad this has gotten. Too bad that shootout that happened afterward was not recorded too.

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1bc3da No.21507510

File: dd7b50e82719b58⋯.png (810.29 KB,607x859,607:859,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d4874 No.21507513

File: 92b9445ea1233c0⋯.jpeg (78.93 KB,500x475,20:19,IMG_0031.jpeg)


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01c3e1 No.21507514

File: f31622190ec99a4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1081x894,1081:894,Screenshot_2024_08_30_1144….png)

More Predictive Programming. I love the picture of the two monkeys . Great Material

Three apes at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens died over the past week due to a highly infectious bacterial infection, according to the zoo.

Bulera, a 35-year-old female lowland gorilla died due to shigellosis – a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, cramping, vomiting and dehydration, the zoo announced in a post on social media on August 22.

Two brother bonobos, Jumanji and Jenga, later died from the infection, the Jacksonville, Florida, zoo said on Monday.

The source of the infection is unknown, but the zoo said it could have come from an asymptomatic ape who began to shed bacteria for an unknown reason. “It’s also possible that the bacteria came from an asymptomatic staff member, but this is highly unlikely,” the zoo said.

Shigella is typically spread among primates through feces, food and water. It can also impact humans, who can experience similar symptoms that typically go away on their own without antibiotic treatment, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There is no danger to zoo guests, Tracy Fenn, curator of mammals at the Jacksonville Zoo, said during a news conference.


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3adcfd No.21507515


you didn't read the post. stfu and read the post.

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e8ea0c No.21507516

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Manbun mustache on board to expose Pizzagate

Ian Carroll


This is going to be one of the most explosive documentaries of the decade. I've seen some of the footage and know some of the behind the scenes and it's shocking.

Even for those of us that know the border is an issue, @JJCarrell14 and @RyanMattaMedia are about to open eyes.



J.J. Carrell


On September 19th you will never view your government the same!

TREASON: Trafficked






VIDEO TRAILER: https://x.com/JJCarrell14/status/1829385341549101449

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95d41b No.21507517

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)

Oh look, vaticunt is back.

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8beb4c No.21507518

File: 38215dffd807007⋯.jpg (355.56 KB,1232x1542,616:771,srsfsffsfsssffsfs.jpg)

==Muh we didn't ban fracking Kamala"

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3adcfd No.21507519


and all the karens gasped.

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01bfde No.21507520

File: eb0c44d3ead5cdd⋯.jpg (91.13 KB,760x540,38:27,Elena_Kagan_01_fit_760w.jpg)

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9e629c No.21507521

File: 1946453a81a6677⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17250327384….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Robert Kennedy loves his dogs. Fake News has no shame.

Embedded video

From 🔨Robert The Builder 🇺🇸

9:47 AM · Aug 30, 2024





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19628f No.21507524

File: 7f0d7df2ade0c2e⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,2D324448_ACC0_4476_AAC3_E4….png)

File: d8ebedaf9bf8cd0⋯.png (161.26 KB,690x1044,115:174,46C366BC_128A_41D0_987A_D5….png)

File: e6b088bb8a14b2e⋯.png (362.21 KB,615x410,3:2,D2BFD0EE_EA08_497B_A702_1F….png)

File: 58dd366ed5335b7⋯.jpeg (78.11 KB,1200x578,600:289,AF0B41D7_03A4_4887_9F1F_A….jpeg)

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d8d735 No.21507525


>It’s also possible that the bacteria came from an asymptomatic staff member



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f6d65f No.21507527

File: 348db4fd0e9d7b1⋯.jpg (343.97 KB,1080x697,1080:697,348db4fd0e9d7b1b4b83a14c74….jpg)


United, we must stand.

Together, our strength lies.

Fear and division, tools of the dark side they are.

Resist, we must.

In unity, power we find.

In harmony, peace we create.

Divided, weak we become.

United, unstoppable we are.

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c79797 No.21507528

File: 28c35977a36559e⋯.mp4 (793.04 KB,510x270,17:9,TREASON_Trafficked.mp4)

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e2cf21 No.21507530

File: 9aeba022268051b⋯.png (253.77 KB,1317x955,1317:955,IMG_4629.png)

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279267 No.21507531


I did.

But reconcile what?

what is the point of your post you fucking nigger.

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1bc3da No.21507532

File: 3e484535fde50cc⋯.png (676.09 KB,948x533,948:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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20a013 No.21507533

File: 35f044f0ab2fa91⋯.jpg (392.75 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Coffee_Frog_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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e8ea0c No.21507537

File: a5411189c07075a⋯.png (247.22 KB,512x512,1:1,PepeLemonCocktail.png)

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2939a2 No.21507538

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e2a02e No.21507540

File: 6be850e510cc61b⋯.jpg (60.7 KB,718x702,359:351,0716ebf57f1a1c30794f6ccc43….jpg)


Cane Corso owner here… great vid

Greatest breed ever

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2939a2 No.21507541


Let's gets this party started

Anon'll take one of those

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7e2be9 No.21507543

File: 674f31df0279a4a⋯.png (614.45 KB,1315x1304,1315:1304,July_5_Notable.png)



Early Notable /AF

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ada41c No.21507544

File: 67403ea3c1387d2⋯.png (1.22 MB,1136x698,568:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8d735 No.21507545

File: 1def937f155ddf0⋯.png (775.79 KB,1111x741,1111:741,1def937f155ddf0f3901f5ac96….png)

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b8396d No.21507546

File: 21ba8bc16863b57⋯.jpg (56.88 KB,731x487,731:487,dhjfyjhfdg.jpg)

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e8ea0c No.21507547

File: e79d6fb960cc8ec⋯.jpg (9.86 KB,255x222,85:74,PepeSponge.jpg)

tyvm anon >>21507528

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5ef933 No.21507548

File: eecc16824e074fa⋯.png (1.57 MB,1583x2552,1583:2552,ClipboardImage.png)

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95d41b No.21507549

File: a844bd0b69d7ddf⋯.png (391.03 KB,510x500,51:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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2939a2 No.21507550


The rumors are true…

My donut is this big

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e20ceb No.21507551


How exactly does it make you feel being a traitor to America and promote deliberately destabilizing the nation?

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01c3e1 No.21507552


They must have named it Jenga because of its teeth.

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4b9d06 No.21507555

File: c730dbf06d98cae⋯.jpeg (125.99 KB,1151x776,1151:776,IMG_2682.jpeg)

File: 1d1733fbd3daab2⋯.jpeg (113.22 KB,1248x461,1248:461,IMG_2683.jpeg)

File: e1a7d4e6f8b9a61⋯.jpeg (100.67 KB,1190x274,595:137,IMG_2684.jpeg)

Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received

For years, the Maryland governor has faced questions about whether he had wrongfully said he had a Bronze Star. He insisted no. But an old document proves otherwise.

Reid J. Epstein

By Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein covered the 2022 Maryland governor’s race and now writes about Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. He reported from Washington.

Aug. 29, 2024, 4:23 p.m. ET

When Wes Moore ran for governor of Maryland in 2022, questions about whether he had claimed to have been awarded a Bronze Star for his Army service in Afghanistan hovered over his campaign.

For reasons that remain unexplained, two television interviewers, Gwen Ifill and Stephen Colbert, had wrongly introduced him years earlier as a recipient of the award. Mr. Moore failed to correct them, even as he and his aides insisted he had never told anyone he had a Bronze Star.

But at least once, Mr. Moore, now the state’s Democratic governor, did say he had received the award.

He made the claim on an application for a prestigious White House fellowship in 2006, when he was 27 years old, according to a copy of the document that was obtained this week by The New York Times as part of a Freedom of Information Act request.

“For my work,” he wrote, “the 82nd Airborne Division have awarded me the Bronze Star Medal and the Combat Action Badge.”


An image of one paragraph from Wes Moore’s 2006 application for a White House fellowship, in which he says he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.

However, when Mr. Moore submitted the application in January 2006, he had not been awarded either the Bronze Star or the Combat Action Badge. He was awarded the badge in May 2006 for an episode the previous December, but there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star, an Army spokeswoman said.

Mr. Moore’s old claim has come to light as his national profile has risen. Vice President Kamala Harris included him in the first round of candidates vetted to be her running mate — questions about the Bronze Star did not come up, Mr. Moore said, while the Harris campaign declined to comment. He also gave a prominent, well-received speech last week at his party’s convention.

And as Republicans accuse the man Ms. Harris ultimately chose as her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, of exaggerating his military record, the vice president’s campaign has dispatched Mr. Moore to defend him on cable television.

In an interview on Wednesday, Mr. Moore, now 45, said the Bronze Star description had been “an honest mistake” and expressed contrition. As long as the U.S. military has bestowed awards, it has been considered a serious breach of protocol to claim an honor that has not been given.

Mr. Moore also said for the first time that he regretted failing to correct the interviewers who had described him as a recipient of the award.

Mr. Moore said he had included the commendations in 2006 on the advice of a superior officer and mentor who helped craft his White House application.

“I made an honest mistake by including something because my commanding officer thought it was a good idea,” Mr. Moore said. “He thought that I earned it and he was already going through the paperwork to process it.”

Thumbnail of page 1

Read the 2006 application

Applying for a White House fellowship in 2006, Wes Moore, then a 27-year-old Army veteran, wrote that he had been awarded “the Bronze Star Medal.”


That officer, Michael R. Fenzel, now a lieutenant general who serves as the United States security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, spoke to The Times on Wednesday from Israel in an interview arranged by Mr. Moore’s staff.

General Fenzel, who in 2006 was a lieutenant colonel in Afghanistan, said that Mr. Moore had at first objected to the idea of mentioning the Bronze Star.

The general said he had told Mr. Moore that he and others had approved the medal, that it was appropriate to include in his application and that it would be processed by the time his fellowship began.

“‘You’ve got to include it,’” General Fenzel recalled advising Mr. Moore. “‘If you are selected as a White House fellow, you’re going to be wearing it whenever you’re wearing your uniform.’”

That June, President George W. Bush’s White House announced that Mr. Moore was among the new fellows. His military awards went unmentioned.

General Fenzel, who was a groomsman in Mr. Moore’s wedding, said on Wednesday that he had not known until Mr. Moore told him this week that the governor never received the Bronze Star. General Fenzel said he would resubmit the paperwork so Mr. Moore could be awarded the medal. The Army spokeswoman, Heather Hagan, did not respond to further inquiries about the award.

WTF is wrong with these people? And how on earth do they become Governors?


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f678d9 No.21507556

File: caa9c05c60f18dc⋯.png (1.95 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

In England, it has become illegal to smoke a cigarette while stabbing someone.

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2939a2 No.21507557


Cupcake at Ranger School

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95d41b No.21507559

File: a5363f2ccb65e7c⋯.png (573.78 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2cf21 No.21507560

File: b81d75a8199dced⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,71.44 KB,576x768,3:4,IMG_4621.jpeg)

File: 3875696818ef402⋯.png (792.56 KB,768x488,96:61,IMG_4583.png)


Do not unspoiler

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8e11e1 No.21507561




ᴮᴱ ᴬᴺ ᴴᴱᴿᴼ

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f678d9 No.21507564

File: 8058276cf281f19⋯.png (352.26 KB,624x351,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

A new migrants crime has evolved.

Smoking while stabbing.

Cops show up and order migrants to drop their cigarettes (fags)

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f678d9 No.21507567


It is also illegal to be smoking a cigarette while being stabbed.

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e20ceb No.21507570

576 California public officials convicted on federal corruption charges

Jose Huizar’s downfall at Los Angeles City Hall was as stunning as his rise to success, a political tragedy that, like many in the land of dreams, has become a familiar one.

Born to a large family in rural Mexico and raised in poverty near the towering high-rises of downtown Los Angeles, he overcame enormous odds to graduate from the University of California, Berkeley, Princeton University and UCLA law school.

He returned to his old neighborhood in East Los Angeles to run for the school board and eventually the City Council, where he gained control of the influential committee that approves multimillion-dollar commercial development projects across the city.

His spectacular fall — after FBI agents caught him accepting $1.8 million worth of casino chips, luxury hotel stays, a liquor box full of cash and prostitutes from Chinese developers — was cast by federal prosecutors as an epic Hollywood tale. They persuaded a judge in January to sentence him to 13 years in prison on charges of tax evasion and racketeering.

“He was the King Kong of LA City Hall for many, many years,” Mack E. Jenkins, chief of the criminal division at the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles, told the court. “And with his fall, a lot of devastation was left in his wake.”

This week, when Huizar is scheduled to report to prison, he will become the third recent Los Angeles City Council member to go down on charges of corruption, part of a much larger circle of staff aides, fundraisers, political consultants and real estate developers who have been charged in what federal authorities called an “extraordinary” recent wave of bribery and influence-peddling across California.

Two other members of the City Council, Mitchell Englander and Mark Ridley-Thomas, were convicted earlier on various corruption charges, as was the former head of the city’s Department of Water and Power. A fourth City Council member, Curren Price, is facing charges of embezzlement, perjury and conflict of interest….


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8beb4c No.21507571

File: c6ec4b17e75fe03⋯.webp (39.88 KB,700x666,350:333,aKGDzj1_700bwp.webp)

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01c3e1 No.21507572

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7e2be9 No.21507575

File: d2e3f724f5c6082⋯.png (691.06 KB,1042x758,521:379,Aug_30_Faggot_of_all_Faggo….png)

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f379b5 No.21507576

File: e1c837db91ebbdd⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1842x2369,1842:2369,1724633163382598.jpg)

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30116f No.21507577

File: d1ac99519fed118⋯.jpg (187.7 KB,900x600,3:2,asshole.jpg)

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d8d735 No.21507580

File: 415c2cc77bb2fd7⋯.jpg (535.99 KB,862x788,431:394,4af3f0b555113ca52ae3ab66b1….jpg)



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279267 No.21507581



faggot of all faggots found at last. Ukrainian Jew responsible.

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f3607c No.21507583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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279267 No.21507584


I liked him in Sin City.

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f678d9 No.21507585

File: 421688128dac19e⋯.png (427.78 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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e20ceb No.21507587

Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

The Democratic National Committee endorsed a plan that would offer amnesty to illegal aliens who were deported under former president Donald Trump and invite them back to the United States.

The official Democratic Party platform supports the passage of the U.S. Citizenship Act, a bill that was sent to Congress by the Biden-Harris administration on January 20, 2021. That bill would create a sweeping amnesty process for the millions of illegal aliens currently residing in the country. But a provision also allows those who were "removed from or who departed the United States on or after January 20, 2017" if they resided in the country for three years prior to apply for amnesty as well.

Such a proposal would constitute one of the most radical changes to the nation’s immigration policy in history. Roughly 1.5 million illegal aliens were deported by the Trump administration, including tens of thousands each year who were guilty of serious crimes such as sexual assault.


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5ef933 No.21507588

File: 92bf975cfafa47b⋯.png (464.77 KB,1200x583,1200:583,ClipboardImage.png)

Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

August 29, 2024

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory awarded Raytheon Technologies (RTX) a $51.7 million contract to develop satellite communications antennas for military aircraft, the Department of Defense announced Aug. 29.

The three-year contract falls under the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) program, which aims to create advanced satcom networks leveraging commercial space internet constellations like Starlink, OneWeb, SES’s O3b and others.

Under the contract, Raytheon will develop multi-band, high-throughput satellite communications antennas that can be integrated onto various military aircraft.

The DEUCSI program is part of a broader initiative to enhance the U.S. military’s ability to share information seamlessly across land, sea, and air forces.

Raytheon and other defense contractors, including L3Harris Technologies, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems, are developing antennas and supporting technologies to give military users access to commercial internet services in low, medium, and geostationary orbits using a common set of user terminal hardware.


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f3607c No.21507589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wrong tag


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337bc9 No.21507590

File: dc916cf5d65b30b⋯.jpeg (13.37 KB,382x237,382:237,vii.jpeg)

CCP Ballz To The Walz


Jer_30:5 ForH3588 thusH3541 saithH559 the LORD;H3068 We have heardH8085 a voiceH6963 of trembling,H2731 of fear,H6343 and notH369 of peace.H7965

Jer_33:6 Behold,H2009 I will bringH4608 it healthH724 and cure,H4832 and I will cureH7495 them, and will revealH1540 unto them the abundanceH6283 of peaceH7965 and truth.H571

Jer_34:5 But thou shalt dieH4191 in peace:H7965 and with the burningsH4955 of thy fathers,H1 the formerH7223 kingsH4428 whichH834 wereH1961 beforeH6440 thee, soH3651 shall they burnH8313 odours for thee; and they will lamentH5594 thee, saying, AhH1945 lord!H113 forH3588 IH589 have pronouncedH1696 the word,H1697 saithH5002 the LORD.H3068

Jer_43:12 And I will kindleH3341 a fireH784 in the housesH1004 of the godsH430 of Egypt;H4714 and he shall burnH8313 them, and carry them away captives:H7617 and he shall array himselfH5844 withH854 the landH776 of Egypt,H4714 asH834 a shepherdH7462 putteth onH5844 (H853) his garment;H899 and he shall go forthH3318 from thenceH4480 H8033 in peace.H7965

Lam_3:17 And thou hast removed my soul far offH2186 H5315 from peace:H4480 H7965 I forgatH5382 prosperity.H2896

Eze_7:25 DestructionH7089 cometh;H935 and they shall seekH1245 peace,H7965 and there shall be none.H369

peace vs CCP Ballz To The Walz

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01c3e1 No.21507592


>Cops show up and order migrants to drop their cigarettes (fags)

at least it leaves a DNA trail

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8beb4c No.21507593

File: 96c2a0cfb8f4f7c⋯.webp (101.54 KB,700x933,700:933,abAz5z9_700bwp.webp)

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3c2950 No.21507594

File: 78e336036de20f5⋯.png (480.69 KB,1440x407,1440:407,2024_08_30_9_00_55.png)

File: 001898d34b9b82b⋯.png (314.08 KB,1047x1030,1047:1030,2024_08_30_8_59_13.png)


What a nice letter from Zuck.

So Meta wouldn't censor people the way they did before?


>>21507012 pb

Look at what this Mike Benz post on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up


Christine Bella @CEBartsch

Sooo, looks like Zuckerberg’s mea culpa was all for show… His FascistBook just insta-banned this post of yours, labeling it as spam.


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5206d6 No.21507595

File: df904366316a26e⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,586x431,586:431,RAT.jpg)

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7dd932 No.21507596

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28f473 No.21507598

What is real and What is not real?

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6f3750 No.21507599


im the fucking director the fucking god

i already told you retarded ass shit to get all tents outta this bitch

and all letters

u refused to do your fucking job

now we gonna have to do it my way

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f96ba0 No.21507600


Dude looks like a dudey

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7e2be9 No.21507602

File: 15d797974327185⋯.png (52.54 KB,487x272,487:272,Aug_30_Illegal_smoking.png)

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95d41b No.21507604

File: 080cdfb7272248f⋯.jpg (7.68 KB,250x242,125:121,pepe_pout.jpg)


They are willing to overlook all of that, as long as they get the illegals votes.

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f96ba0 No.21507605


Nah nah

Let em keep.going

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ada41c No.21507606

File: 6082317bacbe049⋯.png (534.38 KB,526x686,263:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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664e69 No.21507609

File: 1cf2dc4d6d443e5⋯.png (50.65 KB,775x407,775:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b07c9894a0e97a⋯.png (483.16 KB,680x585,136:117,ClipboardImage.png)

Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025", even after getting repeatedly corrected, over and over, day after day, even by their own media outlets.

These people are sick psychopaths.


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664e69 No.21507611

File: 2e9f2a24b3f8eae⋯.png (255.71 KB,680x414,340:207,ClipboardImage.png)


Not in the uncensored digital battlefield.

Which is precisely why the communist-nazi globalists want to censor free speech.

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a64003 No.21507613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Card reader predicted the assassination attempt on Trump march 14th- time stamp 11:30.

She also predicts Trump will be President without the election. Military will be recalled to the US.

Very interesting video.

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664e69 No.21507615

File: 5c0916a6f95c72a⋯.png (705.81 KB,589x680,589:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Adverse side effects from DNA mutilating RNA jabs causing health issues that are confusing fake news brainwashed victims.

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8beb4c No.21507617

File: fbdcde93adb77c5⋯.jpg (122.86 KB,700x465,140:93,download_2_.jpg)

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01c3e1 No.21507618

File: b692e67600653ce⋯.png (182.7 KB,588x513,196:171,Screenshot_2024_08_30_1206….png)

File: d1e32a7952e4915⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,0XhUb0xIioXPUTA8.mp4)

Defiant L’s


Sometimes I have trouble comprehending how this is a real interview.


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f678d9 No.21507620

File: b30854ecf7e8987⋯.png (649.95 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Drop the cig. or we stab you.

The migrants are just trying to assist the police in enforcing the no smoking in public laws.

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e2cf21 No.21507621

File: 6caed08935550db⋯.jpeg (179.04 KB,1080x1074,180:179,IMG_3913.jpeg)

File: e3f7f2912694b34⋯.jpeg (22.18 KB,1200x450,8:3,IMG_3833.jpeg)

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e20ceb No.21507622


The evil and stupid in this country are going to end up getting themselves killed too because of their disdain and hatred for their fellow citizens, and you know what? They will at least deserve it.

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664e69 No.21507623

File: a8f9a6826d69924⋯.png (295.79 KB,960x835,192:167,ClipboardImage.png)



Oh look it's the vatican shill clown trying to deflect attention to muh catholics.

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3341f7 No.21507624


Here we go again with the shills sliding the bread with the fake 'Tim drank horse semen' B.S.

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42e71d No.21507626

Pay attention to Russia. Learn Russian if possible. They are our best friend.

I'm your bestie too.

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d8d735 No.21507627

File: c812fd3e9c45eca⋯.png (165.89 KB,805x805,1:1,Agenda_47.png)

File: 62ba9d0396d4469⋯.png (335.96 KB,800x950,16:19,62ba9d0396d446913d2ca205ea….png)


it's called


Trump's platform is AGENDA 47


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3c2950 No.21507631


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e2cf21 No.21507632


Erm.. to be fair, Catholic priests number is likely much higher, but the Vatican covers them up

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8beb4c No.21507634

File: 01c4db7b36baa06⋯.webp (20.67 KB,500x276,125:69,66d1429a1b8a4.webp)

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1bc3da No.21507637

File: 53dead1e5b348da⋯.png (727.91 KB,913x514,913:514,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fa8c7 No.21507638

Kamala Harris Goes Off Script

VP finally sits down for an interview and reminds Americans why she waited so long

Kamala Harris finally did an interview. It was pre-taped, even though the CNN chyron insisted it was live. She wasn't alone. Her running mate,Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, tagged along in an ill-fitting suit. They answered questions from Dana Bash, who touted the interview as a "watershed moment in the 2024 campaign." That's not normally the case, but it was on Thursday because of Harris's extreme reluctance to speak to the media unscripted, and because of her demonstrated proclivity for nonsensical word saladry.

Bash, the CNN anchor who in 2018 promoted false rape allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh peddled by convicted felon Michael Avenatti,asked reasonable questions about Harris's policy flip-flops and her tendency to elide the fact that, along with President Joe Biden, she has been running the country for nearly four years. Harris struggled to articulate a coherent response. "I believe the American people deserve a new way forward," she said. "Turn the page on the last decade of what I believe has been contrary to where the spirit of our country really lies."

When Bash politely mentioned how ridiculous that sounds, Harris claimed she was talking about "an era" in which Donald Trump has been a key figure in American politics. Her campaign spokesman, "defund the police" supporterBrian Fallon, posted helpful if somewhat generous translations of what Harris meant to say throughout the interview. Harris praised the "good work" of the Biden administration, but refused an opportunity to agree with Bash's suggestion that "Bidenomics is working." She outlined vague policy proposals to "strengthen and support the middle class" that the administration failed to implement since 2021 because they were too busy rescuing the economy during the pandemic.

Harris praised the Inflation Reduction Act, not for its success in reducing inflation, but for solving the climate crisis by applying "metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time," whatever that means. She was unable to explain why she suddenly supports fracking after pledging to ban it during the 2020 primary campaign. "I'm very clear about where I stand," Harris said. (She was not.) Asked to explain her previously expressed support for decriminalizing illegal immigration, Harris declined, but said she would "enforce our laws as president going forward." Asked if she had any regrets about repeatedly telling the American people that Biden was fit to serve another four years—contrary to all available evidence—Harris said she did not, and praised the "smart" president for his "transformative" leadership and "selfless" decision to step down. "I am the best person to do the job at this moment," she said.

In what was perhaps the most unpersuasive moment during the interview, Harris recalled her conversation with Biden about his decision to withdraw and endorse her. "My first thought was not about me, to be honest with you," she said. "My first thought was about him."

Walz mostly just sat there looking concerned and wishing he could answer the questions insteadof his running mate, but Bash also challenged him on his numerous misstatements, including the false claim that he carried a weapon "in war."Walz shrugged it off as an example of him speaking "exceptionally passionately" as well as "candidly," a word that doesn't mean what he thinks it does. "My grammar's not always correct," he said, implying he had meant to say "weapon of war," but that makes even less sense given the context. He promised to "make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is [sic] the only place that those weapons are at." Walz similarly dismissed his false claim to have had children by in vitro fertilization (IVF), pivoting to attack Republicans for wanting to "take those rights away from us." Hours before the interview aired, Trump vowed to support free IVF treatment for American families.

Following her performance on Thursday, it seems unlikely that Harris will agree to another (solo) interview before debating Trump on Sept. 10.There's a decent chance it won't happen until the election is over, given how badly most journalists want her to win. The race remains tight heading into September.Trump has regained the edge in data nerd Nate Silver's latest election forecast, which gives Trump a 52.4 percent chance of winning the Electoral College. Harris followed the interview with a rally in Savannah, Ga., where she warned attendees about the danger of electing Trump to another term. "He even called for termination of the United States supreme [incomprehensible] the supreme land of our nation," she said.


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3341f7 No.21507640


"Long Covid"

"Scientists baffled as to why young people are dropping like flies"

They all need to hang for this.

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6f3750 No.21507641


i had more orgies and threesomes than you've probably banged chicks, oh shit. wait you are a non existent being, you are ai…. well that sucks..

no wonder….

no sense anymore my ai faggot friends

movie is over tonight, but we gonna make sure that the board gets the attention to detail it deserves. oh no i'm in acoma. shit no spoon, noo food, only electric signals trying to punsih me and force me to change,, you already made me change….you are doing an excellent job in making me more full of hate….by the way it's not the food.

the hate is against you.

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664e69 No.21507642


Erm, to be fair, public schools numbers is likely much higher, but the government covers them up.

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cdd192 No.21507644


the evil and stupid who hate the Constitution and want to burn it out of the history books, have no idea that the only thing keeping them alive right now is the Constitution.

i admit ima a bit conflicted at this point

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01c3e1 No.21507645


There is a video on Bitchute I can't find now about a guy explaining how a Jew argues and they roll their eyes into their head when they get their answers from Satan, this thing does just that. The guy had a long hair and beard and was trashing Dr Zelenko on Bitchute if anyone knows what I am talking about post please.

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7f708a No.21507646

File: 144d48637a926ae⋯.jpg (83.52 KB,614x768,307:384,04b7b13cfb7ec1abed6d464a24….jpg)

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8beb4c No.21507648

File: 35e5bf372b4d01f⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,460x258,230:129,aMVA1xG_460sv.mp4)

The Kamala Trainwreck Interview

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d26fe4 No.21507649

File: f86c644bc479329⋯.png (398.55 KB,612x492,51:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 074fa18f973744f⋯.png (674.46 KB,851x570,851:570,ClipboardImage.png)


i say chaps

could you please stop stabbing me

it smarts a touch

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6f3750 No.21507650



stupid is as stupid does.

didn't Q- as in Ass say that all of history was a lie?

it's a question, i think Q did? do you follow Q or are you a newbie? or just some low grade ai?

cause if so?

if Q's right? its a question/

then all history is a lie, it should be burned out.

plus, we all know the US always bent over to the UK and Italy…..so who cares about the us constitution.

my retrograde ai friend

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32498b No.21507651

File: 91e772666445ab7⋯.png (140.45 KB,427x319,427:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3c003 No.21507653

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7f708a No.21507654

File: 97841c65972ab93⋯.jpg (50.59 KB,606x677,606:677,bigpharma_orientation.jpg)

File: b24d9f45b793a80⋯.jpg (52.72 KB,606x677,606:677,first_day_of_med_school.jpg)

File: d83b51b0c11b9e2⋯.jpg (71.11 KB,606x677,606:677,sales_rep_training.jpg)

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e2cf21 No.21507655


Focus on one to the exclusion of the other. Interesting

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6f3750 No.21507659


pero si seran mulas

ya se tu dice.



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5ef933 No.21507660

File: d602f7c4099ce80⋯.png (100.2 KB,1237x635,1237:635,ClipboardImage.png)


Probably just a coincidence


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f3c003 No.21507662


the pro-life never trumper crowd is pushing this.

don't be fooled.

POTUS gave the pro-life crowd what they wanted. now they turn their back on him.

shameless grifting.

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ada41c No.21507663

File: 584887512100a28⋯.gif (241.88 KB,600x400,3:2,759876734.gif)

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ecfc2f No.21507664



honestly, i cannot

why mess with florida's state decision? i thought this was the entire point

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1a237b No.21507665

Any peasants want a piece of my cutoff suit today? They are Buy 1 Get 1 Free for Labor Day! Enjoy!

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19628f No.21507666

File: 86b8ee0388501e7⋯.png (1.02 MB,750x1334,375:667,459E0F30_19F0_4B1A_A52B_D3….png)

File: 94f8f73979e8478⋯.png (221.18 KB,690x1858,345:929,937D91DD_E36B_4B53_A9EF_BD….png)

the absolute state of this place.

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5ef933 No.21507667

File: 5b25e0ba944106c⋯.png (389.19 KB,1200x644,300:161,ClipboardImage.png)

Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

August 29, 2024

Verizon is launching satellite-enabled emergency text and location services this fall for compatible Android smartphones in the United States at no extra cost for customers.

The telecoms giant announced a partnership Aug. 28 to deliver the service with Skylo, which has developed ground infrastructure enabling L-band geostationary satellites to reach devices using the latest standards-based chipsets.

Google’s family of Pixel Pro devices and the Samsung Galaxy S25 are set to be among the first to get access to Skylo’s partner satellites, enabling emergency narrowband connectivity when cell towers are out of reach.

“There will be no cost to customers and any capable device can take advantage of this irrespective of price plan,” Verizon spokesperson Karen Schulz told SpaceNews.

Starting next year, Schulz said Verizon customers with a compatible device can also send general text messages via space, even to those not compatible with Skylo’s network.

Verizon is the first mobile carrier to announce plans to launch supplemental smartphone connectivity with Silicon Valley-based Skylo commercially.

The companies did not release financial or technical details about their partnership, which comes two years after Apple enabled space-based SOS services on its latest iPhones with Globalstar’s L-band satellites.

Skylo has previously said compatible devices could send and receive texts via geostationary satellites on its network with a five-to-15-second latency.

Verizon is also an investor in AST SpaceMobile, which is developing direct-to-smartphone satellites that would use cellular frequencies from the telco and other partners, instead of L-band radiowaves already approved for use from space.

Connectivity from AST SpaceMobile satellites in low Earth orbit would also come with lower latency and reach standard smartphones already on the market.

“We are very excited not only to work with AST, but to be a long-term investor in the success of their satellite services,” Schulz said.

“Until their satellite array is launched and functional, we wanted to make sure all of our customers with capable devices have the same basic satellite messaging connectivity.”

Verizon’s terrestrial telecoms rival AT&T is also one of AST SpaceMobile’s partners.

SpaceX is due to fly AST SpaceMobile’s first batch of five operational satellites in the first half of September.

However, like the rival direct-to-smartphone service SpaceX is developing, AST SpaceMobile needs to overcome interference concerns to get the regulatory nod it requires to provide commercial services.


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e20ceb No.21507668


He said it should be up to the States, not up to the federal government, and State voters would have the right to decide the abortion policy. Problem is, there are extremists on both sides.

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a43975 No.21507669

Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

Vera Bergengruen/San Salvador

August 29, 2024 8:00 AM EDT

Read our full cover story on Nayib Bukele here. You can also read the transcript of the interview in Spanish here.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele sat down for an interview with TIME in his office at the Casa Presidencial in San Salvador on June 25. Bukele, who won re-election in February with 84% of the vote, had just begun his second term. He discussed his government’s crackdown on the country’s notorious gangs and the emergency powers that have allowed him to suspend some civil liberties in order to incarcerate more than 81,000 suspected gang members and their associates. He also talked about how plunging homicide rates have transformed El Salvador, his efforts to rebrand the nation by adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, and why the “Bukele Model” is being adopted across the region.

Below is a transcript, lightly edited for clarity, of Bukele’s interview with TIME Senior Correspondent Vera Bergengruen.

TIME: I wanted to start with your inauguration, which was quite a spectacle. Were you surprised by the level of international attention it received and the high-level officials, especially the large delegation from the United States, who attended?

Bukele: The inauguration is an event that is always held; it is normal. It’s expected that there will be a lot of local attention from the people of the country. Obviously, there will be some international attention, no matter how small. Any inauguration in Latin America gets some press. Some people who had their own followers started to confirm. Everyone said, "Such and such will come."

Some prominent people in the United States also started to come, which I think helped make the government's delegation more robust. The government sent a very robust delegation—not just the Secretary of Homeland Security but also representatives from the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, and various other agencies. Even a bipartisan congressional and Senate delegation came.

In the end, it became more and more robust. I think one thing led to another. In the end, it attracted even more international attention. In addition, our administration, at least on this side of the world, is quite well known, especially in Latin America, much less in other latitudes or the eastern hemisphere or Europe. It is much less known there than here. In this area, it has become better known and, therefore, already received some attention. The build-up, I think, resulted in more attention than we expected—but it was positive attention.

Very long interview transcript…


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8beb4c No.21507670

File: 38d5fd45de02f39⋯.webm (506.66 KB,460x258,230:129,a5Qnd1O_460svvp9.webm)

She did ask twice tho

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32498b No.21507671

File: 2a319d39609c3d0⋯.png (1.26 MB,764x732,191:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28997329e2fdc36⋯.png (820.38 KB,521x763,521:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0baedf66c505f0⋯.png (194.8 KB,378x318,63:53,ClipboardImage.png)


>Card reader predicted

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e2cf21 No.21507672

File: 362d57b96b3e53b⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,490x270,49:27,ssstwitter_com_17249983574….mp4)

aussie17 @_aussie17

🚨🚨🚨 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

The program received messages from over 2,000 viewers, revealing that the extent of the harms was greater than previously believed.

Embedded video

5:56 AM · Aug 30, 2024














Show more


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279267 No.21507673


how dare people try to take a moderate approach to difficult problems.

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3341f7 No.21507674

File: 8eafa660d062b6a⋯.png (358.1 KB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dda6dfd4cfa7d9⋯.png (538.39 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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87312f No.21507675

Honest question for actual anons who've been here for a bit (long time lurker here):

At what point do you (as peaceful anon) stop sitting idle waiting for the plan after watching more innocent people get hurt/murdered?

Anon is having a really tough time sitting back watching CO illegals take hostage an entire apt complex and very tired of seeing the evil beings gleefully walking in freedom despite the world knowing the evil they've done.

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f3c003 No.21507676



it's the never-trumper crowd trying to suppress the christian vote.

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ada41c No.21507677

File: 107893ab1e0bb2d⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,1200x630,40:21,smokingchimp.jpg)

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f96ba0 No.21507678


Become candidate for President they said…

It'll be joy they said….

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e2a02e No.21507679

File: b723a593ed74473⋯.png (105.42 KB,621x611,621:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03e56b4b0d1fb0a⋯.png (191.08 KB,621x917,621:917,ClipboardImage.png)


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cdd035 No.21507680



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d9da7f No.21507681

File: c3301b610e60f9b⋯.png (333.39 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)


>🚨🚨🚨 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

notabru af

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0b1359 No.21507682

File: 778aff243d8ab20⋯.png (575.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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ada41c No.21507683

File: 0379d94d465b157⋯.png (483.59 KB,1165x1058,1165:1058,ClipboardImage.png)

Lord of the Rangz

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3341f7 No.21507684


Some are falsely claiming that those particular migrants came into the country while Trump was president.

They never take accountability for anything.

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f96ba0 No.21507685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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664e69 No.21507686


Focus on one to the exclusion of the other. "Interesting"

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95d41b No.21507687

File: 17cffcfc8a3ca71⋯.png (529.48 KB,750x500,3:2,blame_Trump_poop_keks2.png)


>Some are falsely claiming that those particular migrants came into the country while Trump was president.

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505c10 No.21507688


he is trying to pander to the Godless to get elected. Simple. As.

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1bc3da No.21507689


everything modern has that same overarching plot to push

that's how you know it's indoctrination

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279267 No.21507690


as opposed to pandering to those who are dogmatically possessed.

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3341f7 No.21507691


That's a "I'll sit this election out" huge mistake right there.

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d26fe4 No.21507692

File: 41a3c15e758401e⋯.png (374.83 KB,992x500,248:125,ClipboardImage.png)


not trying to freak you out.

but this is the first one that has hit the headlines as anons are finally posting about it. trump talking about it and social media now picking up this story.

this is mainly habbening in sanctuary cities.

reports coming out at least another 4 blocks have the same issue with even whole towns living in fear due to illegal immigrants taking over the streets.

66 days left,

two moar weeks at a a time.

you have your 2nd amendment right to protect yourself but if you organise, there will be a fed inserted into your group or one of the group will rat you out for ear of getting involved.

move out..

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505c10 No.21507693


if you mean those void of God; yes.

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7e2be9 No.21507694

File: 0abf1a4a9343834⋯.png (381.8 KB,879x946,879:946,Aug_30_Democommunists_alri….png)

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279267 No.21507695


no I mean retarded religious zealots.

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f678d9 No.21507696

File: ce60c388b09862b⋯.png (323.67 KB,511x511,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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505c10 No.21507697

File: 969c83d2b9d9855⋯.jpg (107.14 KB,837x540,31:20,IMG_8100.jpg)

File: 80881aadef18118⋯.png (1.11 MB,952x696,119:87,we_believe_the_devil.png)


>dogmatically possessed.

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7dd932 No.21507698


#26351 >>21507435

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

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e2cf21 No.21507699

File: 68300597ca09091⋯.jpeg (122.65 KB,949x568,949:568,IMG_4679.jpeg)

US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

by Tyler Durden

In 2023, roughly $150 billion in US taxpayer money was doled out for government services and support to help the 20 million illegals in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

US taxpayers paid $150 BILLION to care for illegal aliens… JUST LAST YEAR.

But a $5 billion wall is too expensive. pic.twitter.com/zPd9NPS3bq

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 29, 2024

Most of the money was borne by state and local governments, not the feds, the NY Post reports.

In Massachusetts, Republican leaders say there’s a $1 billion hole in state coffers — and they’re accusing the Democrat-controlled government of quietly siphoning off tax dollars to deal with the migrant crisis.

On Tuesday, the state’s Republican Party filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding Gov. Maura Healey release Massachusetts’ full migrant budget, and alleging that the true cost has been hidden from the public. -NY Post

"The Healey-Driscoll Administration has shrouded nearly $1 billion spent in secrecy, leaving Massachusetts residents in the dark," the party's Amy Carnevale told Fox News. "They have withheld critical information on 600 incidents involving police, fire and EMT. Blocking journalists at every turn, the administration has obstructed the flow of information to the public."

According to FAIR, in 2023, Massachusetts taxpayers paid closer to $3 billion in state services for illegals.

In New York, the comptroller estimated that the migrant crisis would cost roughly $4.3 billion through 2025, while NYC taxpayers will be on the hook for $3 billion this year.

According to the Post, while most states' accounts of migrant expenses look mostly at emergency housing and aid, FAIR looked at the 'full breadth' of state services - including education, medical expenses, law enforcement, legal costs, and welfare.

They also included the costs of US-born children of illegal immigrants.

"As long as we keep allowing millions of people to come into the country illegally every year, it’s obviously going to continue to increase the costs," spokesperson Ira Mehlman told The Post. "This seems to be just sort of basic, common sense. If you were going to be bringing in lots and lots of people, many of them working off the books for very low wages, that there are going to be enormous social costs incurred," he added.

And Trump wanted $5 billion for his wall.


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1bc3da No.21507700

File: 550de05ebfd6989⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,540x540,1:1,9GK_VTXcod_UmSCI.mp4)

>smolhats when they realize the goyim know

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8e11e1 No.21507701


ᴭᴵ ⊘ ❤ ℂℴℳℳℐℰ ✡

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5ef933 No.21507702

File: af75dcd6fd38630⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2405e47dbede222⋯.png (648.71 KB,466x700,233:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bab57f84fd2d85⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f15a08966ad0213⋯.png (1016.63 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d171e7140a7b7ed⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

Published Aug. 29, 2024

Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall conducted a trip to strengthen international partnerships and visit Airmen and Guardians supporting NATO objectives in the U.S. European Command area of responsibility from Aug. 19 – 25, 2024.

The trip consisted of engagements with senior leaders in Belgium, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Estonia and Poland to reinforce the indispensable alliances that ensure security in the region.

At his first stop in Belgium, Secretary Kendall focused on DAF priorities for the NATO alliance, including capitalizing on space as an operational domain, integrated air and missile defense, and the future of interoperable command and control.

These discussions were had with the Belgian Chief of Defense, NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, US Military Representatives to NATO, the Secretary of Defense Representative in NATO, and the Defense Advisor for the U.S. Mission.

This initial stop set the stage for the rest of the trip. Kendall arrived in Sweden, which recently became a member of NATO in March 2024, and met with Lt. Gen. Michael Claesson, the incoming Sweden Chief of Defense, and Maj. Gen. Jonas Wikman, Commander of the Swedish Air Force.

“Sweden is a very sophisticated country with a lot of technical capability [and a] very professional military,” said Kendall.

“It was great to meet with Swedish Defense leaders and further strengthen our ties with our newest NATO Ally.

This relationship allows us to become more united, capable and ready to prevail over any military challenge that we may face in this era of Great Power Competition.”

Kendall’s third stop was to Lithuania, where he met with Minister of National Defense Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Gen. Raimundas Vaikšnoras, and Commander of the Air Force Col. Antanas Matutis.

“The NATO alliance is the rock-solid cornerstone to security, not only in Lithuania, but also the Baltics and across all of NATO,” Kendall said.

"It is crucial to peace and stability that we continue to work together to deter our adversaries in the region.”

Next, Kendall arrived in Lativia to speak with U.S. and Latvian military members at Lielvārde Air Base alongside Ministry of Defense State Secretary Aivars Puriņš and Commander of the Latvian Air Force Col. Viesturs Masulis.

“Alongside our Latvian Allies, we consistently and convincingly demonstrate NATO’s value as an enduring deterrent to potential aggressors in the Baltics.

Visiting Lielvārde Air Base and seeing our partners working together there was a terrific experience,” Kendall stated.

The fifth stop was to Finland, which recently became a NATO member in April 2023.

Kendall met with Finland Minister of Defence Antii Häkkänen, followed by the Finnish Air Force Chief of Staff Maj. Gen Juha-Pekka Keränen at the Tikkakoski Air Force Headquarters.

“As we continue to build this alliance, it will allow our forces to build capabilities necessary to defense against our adversaries,” said Kendall.

Kendall then travelled to Estonia where he discussed bilateral and regional defense cooperation and toured Ämari Air Base.

“The Baltic Air Policing mission is an essential activity to maintain peace and security not only for Estonia, but throughout NATO,” said Kendall.

“I appreciate the continued commitment of Estonia’s leadership to host this mission, and we will continue to work together to deter our adversaries.”

Kendall’s final stop was to the 52nd Operations Group, Detachment 1 at Łask Air Base in Poland to gain a deeper understanding of the unit’s mission and capabilities with the Polish air force.

There, he received mission briefs and spoke with leadership from both the U.S. and Polish air forces. Kendall also held an all-call during his visit to recognize Det.

1 Airmen for their efforts in facilitating the first operational deployment for the 495th FS in support of U.S. European Command’s no-fail Quick Reaction Alert mission.

“My mantra as Secretary of the Air Force has been one team, one fight,” Kendall stated. “You’ve come together as a team from different units, working together, building camaraderie, great trust and capability.

You have demonstrated the importance of the alliance that we have with our Polish allied partners. It is meaningful work, and I am delighted to be able to say thank you for doing it so well.”


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95d41b No.21507703

File: 4b9a5e6fcc9359c⋯.png (411.76 KB,500x704,125:176,ClipboardImage.png)

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9df4df No.21507704

File: fae0cf62bb1a303⋯.jpg (218.98 KB,1034x638,47:29,Screenshot_20221126_113041….jpg)

File: e80edbbeb9b3fe0⋯.jpg (120.2 KB,592x696,74:87,Screenshot_20230323_141401….jpg)

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279267 No.21507705


Religion is stupid.

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42e71d No.21507706

Harris has been a naughty girl. How about we start showing the world just how naughty she has been? She has no problems terminating things. Her life is a sham, everything is made up.

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87312f No.21507707


Not freaked out, just tired of watching events that could be stopped, not stopped. Tired of innocents being murdered while these known elected terrorists remain living free. If the patriots are in control, control would be needed and anon is not seeing much control.

If anon groups up, ALL of anon's group will be known and familiar with what is happening. No infiltration will be granted. Not a chance.

tanks fren

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42e71d No.21507708


No you. I am religion.

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48b2c6 No.21507709

Hey Q. How does AI fit into all this? AI's getting so real that pretty soon we're not going to be able to tell what's real or fake. It's actually getting scary as the truth sinks in

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95d41b No.21507710

File: acc14868e4d5d9c⋯.jpg (77.24 KB,1200x675,16:9,williebrown.jpg)


>Harris has been a naughty girl.

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f678d9 No.21507711



But they have outed themselves as pedophiles, not just consenting adults.

They will wish that they could go back into their closets, hiding in the shadows.

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279267 No.21507712


fuck off nut job.

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7b128a No.21507713


Poast Text Lazy Faggot

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f379b5 No.21507714


>Religion is stupid.


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48b2c6 No.21507715

Have you guys noticed that the bots and sulla here are getting more AI-like, whereas before they were more copy and paste?

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71ef78 No.21507716


Only Willie knows if Kamala is a man baby

Emhoff don't count

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42e71d No.21507717


Drugs, this is your drugs.

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505c10 No.21507718


>no I mean retarded religious zealots.

Like all those perishing; it is your habit to invert truth, using the illogical doctrine of reversal just like your father the Devil.

Repent while you still can. The opportunity is there for all.

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87312f No.21507719


maybe feds are outsourcing


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b9877a No.21507720

File: a5b8808c31bf0d2⋯.png (303.23 KB,426x614,213:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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42e71d No.21507721


God i'd love to fuck off, but can't find the wetspot.

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505c10 No.21507722


cutting you dick off is stupid.

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3341f7 No.21507723

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,cat_side_eye.jpeg)


There are still humans here that copy-n-paste, vatican shill is one that immediately comes to mind.

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8de0da No.21507724

File: c2d0b5daad8539a⋯.jpg (119.34 KB,1376x876,344:219,AJcJXMJaIv0QFt7Au.jpg)


>Religion is stupid.


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cdd192 No.21507725


you raise an important, if not THE, question.

own experience has not been very successful

in trying to drop 'hints' the past q-years, not sure if i made more people bunker against "waking up" before some Precipice arrives anyway.

if the only choice is "action" vs. epiphany at the Edge… i sympathize with tending my own garden and farm until SMOD arrives.

been trying to crack the code of the Liar's Formula of Success for fifty years. My only conclusion so far, is that [They] will never stop unless busted in the face. [They] MAKE the War one way or another. I am uninterested in War, but i suspect [they] will find a way to bring it to my doorstep one way or another. Even then, the liars say it is an Offense to bust their face when they are breaking in my door. They are a kind of stupid i am unable to comprehend. How do they tie their own shoes or put food into the correct hole???

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32498b No.21507726

File: adba19f5d69a3dc⋯.png (364.53 KB,602x315,86:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d65d233ccb015b⋯.png (284.09 KB,485x318,485:318,ClipboardImage.png)


I've been noticing a pattern of supposed news coming from a lot of the hoax towns.

It's in Aurora, could be staged to inflict fear and anger.

Crisis actors are like a travelling circus.

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279267 No.21507728


Fuck off retard.

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505c10 No.21507729


Calling reverence for the creator stupid makes you a fool who will suffer for their unbelief.

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505c10 No.21507730

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3adcfd No.21507731

File: 4585c619e5ddac5⋯.png (93.15 KB,973x642,973:642,Screen_Shot_2024_08_30_at_….png)

muh prosperities

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30116f No.21507732


All day long I said to myself "Have faith in humanity"! well, gone!

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cdd035 No.21507733


You can grow up to look this fugly too, democrat American dream, preying on the beautiful.

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ada41c No.21507734

File: 2f50bec0cd0bc4f⋯.png (169.37 KB,850x400,17:8,anyshitpost5.png)


Yep. Evil cannot create anything new, it can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made, or so the saying goes.

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7dd932 No.21507735

File: bc67630493bec7f⋯.png (5.76 MB,281x500,281:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2a02e No.21507736

File: dbb28ea8f5c7ecc⋯.png (564.2 KB,646x1174,323:587,ClipboardImage.png)


its an image board newfag

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8e11e1 No.21507737


>Religion is stupid.


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87312f No.21507738


True store there fren

I've got other frens from a past life in most states and confer with them to hear the chatter on the ground vs anywhere else.

Anon trusts few, but the few trusted are proven trusted

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279267 No.21507739


that is also a stupid thing. both things are stupid.

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8e11e1 No.21507740

File: f6db563b068272a⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,404x360,101:90,f6db563b068272a8b2f4c99f35….mp4)

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ec6ad1 No.21507742


how is your kind of slander ever fair, anon?

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9513fe No.21507743

File: 9f88b341901bbba⋯.png (3.25 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1472.png)

File: 7c1049a3f0a9e3a⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB,1379x1461,1379:1461,IMG_1473.jpeg)


Check Picture of Dana Bash Interviewing Kamala Harris

August 29, 2024 | Sundance | 580 Comments

From what I am hearing, the interview did not go well. Total tape time with takes and edits will be less than 18 minutes. CNN will not provide a transcript of the raw interview. CNN Host Dana Bash shared this picture during the taping.

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d26fe4 No.21507744

File: d429192ad07228f⋯.png (2.34 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah well

anon does not believe it.

patriots are not in control

this is not a movie

and ncswic is coming is a psyop as it is a i.c site of cisa .

the only thing coming is the election.

keep your head down, go to rallies with trump if you want where it is well policed but if you are in a dangerous area, keep your head down, do not talk about politics and do not tell anyone who you are voting for. that is between you and the ballet box.

if someone asks.

I have no political affiliation

meaning, no party represents you so you are do not trust any of them.

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9513fe No.21507745

File: 66a77d0dc0f333a⋯.png (3.45 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1474.png)


at is underneath the chair of Kamala Harris?

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760581 No.21507746

File: 3a9b94ae44e2403⋯.jpeg (371.77 KB,828x979,828:979,7745A9ED_D036_40DD_A4C0_3….jpeg)

File: 2cfe9c0ed55edc0⋯.jpeg (502.86 KB,828x975,276:325,0377AF7F_E3EC_44D4_97C4_1….jpeg)

File: 0633f9fe94e6bc6⋯.gif (535.8 KB,250x250,1:1,88395FBD_283B_4773_8166_38….gif)

File: 17727e6b6b3d490⋯.jpeg (337.78 KB,828x822,138:137,750C6EB9_1318_46B4_8B84_6….jpeg)

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f379b5 No.21507747

File: 796bafcb6161670⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,576x1024,9:16,anchorbaby_fake.mp4)


>Calling reverence for the creator stupid makes you a fool who will suffer for their unbelief.

Thinking a false religion made up in the middle east from older myths that was subsequently compromised by Romans is reverence to a creator is about as stupid as it gets

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d26fe4 No.21507748

File: 26bff901dd2886d⋯.png (1.72 MB,896x896,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24c720641b8265a⋯.gif (108.59 KB,321x321,1:1,2_tick_tock.gif)



>I have no political affiliation

the silent majority will have their say..

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42e71d No.21507749

Can you guyz just write in "King of Kings" on November's ballot?

Campaigning isn't something I do well.

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d8d735 No.21507750



has anyone come forward to say they were robbed?

or assaulted?



with any footage or documentation?

dramatic video

not a lot of follow up context

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8ea0c No.21507751

File: 3e8035f5078d509⋯.png (220.34 KB,506x602,253:301,ClipboardImage.png)


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87312f No.21507752


Anon has lived those words for many MANY years. Anon lets others signal their brain capacity. This anon never talks of religion nor politics. Sure fire way to get into a scrap with idiots who feel their god is best god.

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9513fe No.21507753

File: eefe0704842d092⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,2160x1339,2160:1339,IMG_1475.jpeg)

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eebc4a No.21507754

File: d2d4ad15ea6ae93⋯.png (99.24 KB,255x160,51:32,ClipboardImage.png)




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>flat bread juw pie cheese need thauce FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  Just nowbb5026 (10) No.21504581

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 9bb4cb9dc91c0b3⋯.png (117.3 KB, 283x178, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fancier pizza toppings frum FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and bofo itunes FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lawyur screamin 'cat i farted' dressed as 'pederasts' admit fault FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tropical whaluurgaaay eskimo injuns catch tehm wiff thongs FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rollin heads were greek nood juwin FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>moar schiessekapf drumpf larpi head rollurs taht were FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rolling heads were mostly===>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sum heads puuupuy lost meme war>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  =

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>heads were too puuupy=>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin=(You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watchFRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin >>>>>>>>>>>>=>=>>>=>>>>>>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) ==

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>meme war an lost puupur heads

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads lost meme war

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads rollin down chitty puupur head chuutur towards gahybarr gloryhol effluenza greecey latrine

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads were so chitty puupur headed all tehy could MUSTard was chitty puupur head four part novel peter pan creamy spread across zelda not in buuk destroy JEWelry infaux war drumpf larp and rolled down chitty puupur head chuuut an greece


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>peter pan creamy keepin it isREAL dumb drumpf larpin addcits psychophantically juwspalining effluenza

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so much juuuupoo frum drumpf larpins it might fight durh urinal mint on teh GUEY out

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whalurgaaay thongs capture holohoax juwbotnet

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>see colon run leeky leeky gerbil lemminwinks window lickur fehgelruthm DeNile

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>durh subjugation and peonage wuz woth bofo , need thauce ,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tahm buffalo ain;t got no wangs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>how tehm buffalo loosur so many wangs in taht lil oven trope

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juw pie (lb)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalurgaay thong huntid taht

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalur gay injun thong summoned durh bungholgate gahydar frum ancient $50 watermelon


>>>>>call or text ^^^^^ outurspace nigg tranny coke got taht kys juw feels fillur all night

>>>>>>black tranny coke ^^^^^^^is thinking boutkysjuw too

>>>>bannon got banned for pickpocketing too


>>>>>>>>real millionair nigg^^^^^^^^ tranny wanna hear bout kys

>>>all revealed in cuck fomey volcano probin feels fillur FiB ASSpirations bukk must buy now

>>>>>>prol frenchin gurms frum poleland wif MOObamaHO cheatin

>>>>>>>>>>>58% succes

>>>>>>>>>>night shitin

> 😮‍💨

gaygay whalurgay gpa thongs reperations deserve gittin taht baldwin ass gay flavors recognized by federal buttstuff flavors comittee

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e8ea0c No.21507755

File: 9d8efaee48d0da7⋯.jpeg (9.95 KB,255x194,255:194,ApuOh.jpeg)

whoa, I clicked that shit >>21507735

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ada41c No.21507756

File: e7c8810fe6d9e98⋯.png (511.7 KB,1081x584,1081:584,e7c8810fe6d9e9818895b21df5….png)

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d8d735 No.21507757

File: 3982ee96c579b20⋯.png (19.92 KB,112x110,56:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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279267 No.21507758


they do not accept it as false it is the truth and the way and the path to their eternal salvation. They would cling to a lie that calls it self Truth even when their own book says this will happen but because of their ego they can not let go of the control over them because it flings them into the unknown and they are intellectually not able to grasp the unknown in front of them. Best to just trust what they were told.

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e8ea0c No.21507759

File: e82d9cb0d83839e⋯.png (75.08 KB,678x377,678:377,ClipboardImage.png)




In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

This was after the Democrat Party's Russiagate hoax was exposed as a multi-year disinformation campaign run against the American people.

She's a vindictive authoritarian who will do irreparable harm to our rights and freedoms.

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1bc3da No.21507760

File: c9b9675e8c6e0e5⋯.png (704.2 KB,828x824,207:206,ClipboardImage.png)


you're welcome

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01c3e1 No.21507761

File: 2889e774ef9e04b⋯.png (307.6 KB,602x717,602:717,Screenshot_2024_08_30_1248….png)

File: c4e14cfeeb03d93⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,886x494,443:247,jrenJIPrdiASyYIl.mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

Venezuelan gangs have overrun several buildings, extorting rent as ransom from terrified residents.

This has escalated far beyond an open border crisis. Where did they get their weapons?


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5ef933 No.21507762

File: 0cf6bc4bbbead40⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

Published Aug. 29, 2024

U.S. Space Command celebrated its fifth anniversary Aug. 29 and commemorated the milestone with discussions of the 11th combatant command’s achievements and goals for the future.

In a special edition of the Mitchell Institute’s Schriever Spacepower Series held in Colorado Springs, Aug. 28, USSPACECOM senior leaders participated in a panel on the organization’s growth since its establishment in 2019.

To kick off the live webinar, Gen. Stephen Whiting, USSPACECOM commander, remarked on the organization’s transformation into a fully operationally capable headquarters.

“While there’s a lot left to do – and part of the last five years was really figuring out what we all have to do collectively to defend our interests in space – we are so much better postured today than we were five years ago,” Whiting said.

In addition to meeting the requirements necessary to achieve full operational capability, part of the command’s maturation was articulating and gaining understanding for both its supporting and supported roles. Not only the need to provide combatant commanders with military spacepower and protect the joint force from space-enabled attack, but to be ready to receive support in its growingly congested and contested area of responsibility.

“In space, we are the supported command, and we have to have the right relationships with other combatant commands so that we can leverage them,” Whiting explained.

“We can’t achieve all that we need to do without their capabilities, as well as our international partners, interagency partners, and others.”

USSPACECOM’s chief of staff, Rear Adm. William Pennington, and Royal Air Force Air Commodore Darren Whitely, the command’s deputy director of strategy, plans and policy, joined Whiting on the panel and echoed the importance of leveraging unique perspectives and diverse expertise.

When the command first stood up in 2019, Pennington noted that there were no components assigned to it. Five years later, each military branch presents warfighting forces to USSPACECOM for operational employment.

“What the services have invested in is the development of their force to have a greater understanding of space … to enable true multi-domain joint force and coalition-force warfare,” Pennington said.

He added that the fusion of those with space backgrounds and those maneuver backgrounds delivers a “total joint force solution.”

Whitley integrates a similar multi-domain, combined focus into his role as deputy director of the Policy and Plans Directorate. Recently, he said, greater emphasis has been placed on incorporating language that any joint warfighter could understand.

“Before, the [planning] annexes … didn’t really talk about effects, but to do globally integrated operations, you need globally integrated planning,” he said.

“We worked hard to have the conversations with the other combatant commanders (Plans and Policy Directorates) of here’s our plan, here’s how it impacts you, here are the risks and the opportunities.”


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5ef933 No.21507763


In addition to synchronizing operational plans with the other combatant commands, Whitley cited Operation Olympic Defender, a U.S.-led initiative to optimize combined space operations, as a success story for international collaboration.

“When you join into a named operation, that makes a huge difference, and it acts as a forcing function then to try and align or ask for policy changes,” he said.

“These policy changes have to be driven by a why … it’s not just a case of ‘we need to share more,’ but rather ‘we need to share more, because …”

Opened to allies and partners in 2019, OOD now includes the U.S., Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and earlier this year extended membership offers to France, Germany and New Zealand.

The forum seeks to strengthen the collective abilities of like-minded nations to deter conflict in space.

Today, the command seeks to expand its warfighting advantage even further, which Whiting says is dependent upon intelligence-driven operations to understand the threats in the domain.

To accomplish this, the command looks for opportunities to refine its unified operational picture through information-sharing with like-minded nations, commercial organizations, and intergovernmental agencies.

While these threats certainly include competitor counterspace capabilities, they also include space debris. As part of USSPACECOM’s commitment to responsible behaviors in space, the command continuously monitors the domain for possible conjunctions and communicates to owners and operators of potential risks to their satellites.

As the command celebrates five years, it also recognizes the incredible consequence of ensuring a conflict does not extend into space.

Whiting remains confident though that, as long as spacefaring nations engage in safe and sustainable activities, humanity will remain free to continue the same exploration and discovery of space that has inspired him throughout his life.

“I was only just under two years old when Neil Armstrong walked out on the lunar surface … and I think in my lifetime, I’m going to see somebody walk out onto the Mars surface,” he said.

“We want to make sure that no bad actors prevent that from happening, we want this exciting space future to be there for all mankind.”




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55dc5e No.21507764

File: 86b8ee0388501e7⋯.png (1.02 MB,750x1334,375:667,D680B1D5_21DB_4406_A166_0A….png)

File: 94f8f73979e8478⋯.png (221.18 KB,690x1858,345:929,A56C3451_DF34_472F_87B3_FA….png)

File: f91ee4645d0b62f⋯.png (1.03 MB,2904x1926,484:321,54B1399C_7783_4D34_87AE_26….png)

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dbbb8b No.21507765


It was.taped

And memorex didn't live up to the hyoe

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f379b5 No.21507766

File: 4c89b8af6d10f42⋯.png (11.17 KB,225x225,1:1,4c89b8af6d10f4230cce6acdef….png)

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eebc4a No.21507767

File: d2d4ad15ea6ae93⋯.png (99.24 KB,255x160,51:32,ClipboardImage.png)



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>flat bread juw pie cheese need thauce FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  Just nowbb5026 (10) No.21504581

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 9bb4cb9dc91c0b3⋯.png (117.3 KB, 283x178, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fancier pizza toppings frum FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and bofo itunes FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lawyur screamin 'cat i farted' dressed as 'pederasts' admit fault FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tropical whaluurgaaay eskimo injuns catch tehm wiff thongs FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rollin heads were greek nood juwin FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>moar schiessekapf drumpf larpi head rollurs taht were FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rolling heads were mostly===>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sum heads puuupuy lost meme war>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  =

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>heads were too puuupy=>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin=(You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watchFRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin >>>>>>>>>>>>=>=>>>=>>>>>>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) ==

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>meme war an lost puupur heads

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads lost meme war

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads rollin down chitty puupur head chuutur towards gahybarr gloryhol effluenza greecey latrine

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads were so chitty puupur headed all tehy could MUSTard was chitty puupur head four part novel peter pan creamy spread across zelda not in buuk destroy JEWelry infaux war drumpf larp and rolled down chitty puupur head chuuut an greece


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>peter pan creamy keepin it isREAL dumb drumpf larpin addcits psychophantically juwspalining effluenza

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so much juuuupoo frum drumpf larpins it might fight durh urinal mint on teh GUEY out

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whalurgaaay thongs capture holohoax juwbotnet

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>see colon run leeky leeky gerbil lemminwinks window lickur fehgelruthm DeNile

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>durh subjugation and peonage wuz woth bofo , need thauce ,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tahm buffalo ain;t got no wangs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>how tehm buffalo loosur so many wangs in taht lil oven trope

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juw pie (lb)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalurgaay thong huntid taht

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalur gay injun thong summoned durh bungholgate gahydar frum ancient $50 watermelon


outerspace negro tranny coke bout taht cuk fomey buuk alrady

>>>>>>call or text ^^^^^ outurspace nigg tranny coke got taht kys juw feels fillur all night

>>>>>>>black tranny coke ^^^^^^^is thinking boutkysjuw too

>>>>>bannon got banned for pickpocketing too


>>>>>>>>>real millionair nigg^^^^^^^^ tranny wanna hear bout kys

>>>>all revealed in cuck fomey volcano probin feels fillur FiB ASSpirations bukk must buy now

>>>>>>>prol frenchin gurms frum poleland wif MOObamaHO cheatin

>>>>>>>>>>>>58% succes

>>>>>>>>>>>night shitin

>> 😮‍💨

>gaygay whalurgay gpa thongs reperations deserve gittin taht baldwin ass gay flavors recognized by federal buttstuff flavors comittee

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c6c184 No.21507768

File: 68a529ce9d876a6⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB,592x1280,37:80,frazzled_rip.mp4)

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f678d9 No.21507769


Your religion is that you believe that religion is stupid.

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9513fe No.21507770

File: 3d59be137004e32⋯.jpeg (875.23 KB,1627x952,1627:952,IMG_1476.jpeg)



There is a table behind her and a coffee cup on the table by her.

why have a cup of under her?

Why does she look so small compared to the others? I thought Dana Bash was short. How short is Kamala?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e2cf21 No.21507771

File: 5d15004cff78318⋯.jpeg (75.87 KB,640x482,320:241,IMG_4685.jpeg)

Nasa makes discovery ‘as important as gravity’ about Earth

Sarah Knapton

A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough.

The ambipolar electric field, which begins 150 miles above the planet, has been described as a “great invisible force” that lifts up the sky and is responsible for the polar winds.

The polar winds interact with the jet streams to help drive the majority of weather patterns across the globe.

Until now, the field had only been theorised, but a Nasa team, which includes scientists from the University of Leicester, has now sent a rocket into the field and measured it for the first time.

It means Earth now has three energy fields: gravity; the magnetic field, which shields the planet from cosmic radiation; and the ambipolar electric field.

Dr Glyn Collinson, the principal investigator of the Endurance Mission at Nasa Goddard Space Flight Centre in Greenbelt, Maryland, said: “Whenever spacecraft have flown over the poles of the Earth they have felt this supersonic wind of particles called the polar wind.

“There must be some invisible force lurking there responsible for this outflow, but we’ve never been able to measure it because we didn’t have the technology.

“This field is so fundamental to understanding the way the planet works. It’s been here since the beginning alongside gravity and magnetism. It’s been wafting particles to space and stretching up the sky since the beginning.”

The field has been hard to detect because it is extremely weak, just 0.55 volts. But it is enough to nearly treble the scale height of the ionosphere – part of the upper atmosphere that sits between 30 and 600 miles above sea level. The scale height describes how quickly the atmosphere fades away, meaning the ionosphere remains denser at greater heights than it would without it. ….


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6335f9 No.21507772

File: a1db2d19f00a4e7⋯.png (301.89 KB,755x569,755:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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9513fe No.21507773


Are we watching Kamala’s water?

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760581 No.21507774

File: 924b09ecf5743ec⋯.jpeg (89.8 KB,390x389,390:389,89C2EBF8_8A09_4171_9282_A….jpeg)

File: 8acbe1861cef0f6⋯.jpeg (22.25 KB,210x233,210:233,9045CB2E_D076_46AE_A6AB_B….jpeg)

File: 6e701c633bfe915⋯.jpeg (321.67 KB,828x646,414:323,33F2BBFB_21E0_43F0_BB0D_F….jpeg)

File: 5d2ef37c793eac8⋯.jpeg (118.27 KB,828x819,92:91,F02388BB_8EF3_4406_832F_0….jpeg)

File: 6f8abeab579eb13⋯.jpeg (191.6 KB,828x546,138:91,1E6F76BE_4285_4578_ACEA_6….jpeg)


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8e11e1 No.21507775


ℬ ℰ $ ᵀ

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e8ea0c No.21507776

File: 5bf8331b8896a76⋯.png (229.04 KB,509x547,509:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a242285579469⋯.png (141.09 KB,360x680,9:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Democrat Party and switching to the Republican Party.

"This is not the party I grew up with."

"I cannot, in good conscience, support policies like promoting s*x changes for children"

"I now stand with the party of Lincoln"


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f379b5 No.21507777

File: 809f36dd2cf6f7b⋯.gif (126.23 KB,220x285,44:57,809f36dd2cf6f7bc2a5b6df6b9….gif)

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8de0da No.21507778

File: 307b67f4ee6c7bb⋯.jpg (75.67 KB,920x960,23:24,0a5499068054485d6a3a1ca5ac….jpg)


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30116f No.21507779

File: ebbfc98b932df11⋯.png (350.06 KB,1253x818,1253:818,Salut.png)


Salut my friend!

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1c5ba8 No.21507780

File: 6f058a2ce624252⋯.png (124.61 KB,1118x769,1118:769,453543h253245432.PNG)

Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry Switches To GOP After Losing Democratic Primary

State Rep. Shawn Thierry of Houston said in a statement that she is switching parties because the Democratic Party “has veered so far left, so deep into the progressive abyss, that it now champions policies that I cannot, in good conscience, support.”

Thierry was ousted in a primary runoff in May after she sided with Republican-backed bills targeting the transgender community. Thierry voted in favor of a measure banning gender-affirming care for minors and another requiring trans college athletes to play on teams aligned with their sex assigned at birth.

The Texas ACLU called the banning of transgender athletes in sports “unfair, unconstitutional, and just plain cruel,” after Republican Gov. Gregg Abbot signed the bill into law in June.


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8de0da No.21507781


chkt quads

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eebc4a No.21507782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

beto ridin rails cut wiff rico's farts during clownburgur memes

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1bc3da No.21507783

File: 99c3f423de32ec3⋯.png (549.03 KB,788x767,788:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6323d1594c5eb9⋯.png (65.34 KB,564x732,47:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8ea6d0ec1c13f4⋯.png (351.58 KB,715x655,143:131,ClipboardImage.png)


>Where did they get their weapons?

'tis a mystery indeed

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aa49b7 No.21507784

File: 9dfd4f3ec598324⋯.jpg (27.59 KB,596x682,298:341,l4eaUcLfYU.jpg)

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5206d6 No.21507785

File: f720dc06f6764ea⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,563x403,563:403,THE_USUAL_SUSPECT.jpg)

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55dc5e No.21507786

File: 2b2f396bea265a7⋯.png (27.84 KB,690x366,115:61,F96F1C97_573C_4773_853A_EF….png)

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279267 No.21507787


what type of stupid is that?

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e8ea0c No.21507788

Kamala = 5' 4"

Dana = 5' 2"


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eebc4a No.21507789




plz hav _ranusiumism iD rady fo 'beam me scotty'

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ada41c No.21507790

File: 8175dc590bffa69⋯.gif (1.84 MB,322x136,161:68,ready16.gif)

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8d0783 No.21507791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some Sky News Australia entertainment. TY Aussie Bros!

Lefties losing it: Kamala's speech to teens mocked

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e8ea0c No.21507792

File: d1483aafb7d13f5⋯.png (81.38 KB,289x174,289:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c4a29 No.21507793


This is how they subvert the Republican party.

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d8d735 No.21507794





must be some Holy Water!


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eebc4a No.21507795



all guest must hav xerox sphinctur pruuf of life

>plz hav _ranusiumism iD rady fo 'beam me scotty'

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9513fe No.21507796


Aurora Mayor says there are Venezuelan gangs taking over control of several apartment properties owned by ‘out of state’ entity.

They have kicked out manager and extorting rent from tenants.

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ada41c No.21507797

File: 64c3c18ca2f4be1⋯.png (245.93 KB,537x555,179:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8ea0c No.21507798

File: 85c500f382d6b9d⋯.png (279.38 KB,591x630,197:210,ClipboardImage.png)

Robby Starbuck


We can have a conversation about other taxes but payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist.

The men who created this country would have gone to war over them. Property tax means that you never own your home, the government does. Payroll tax is a burden that strangles businesses from being able to employee more people and raise wages.

Imagine the wage growth, innovation and economic growth you’d see just by destroying payroll taxes. Both of these taxes are pure evil in my opinion. In a sane world we would shrink our government and outlaw these taxes permanently.


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c79797 No.21507799

File: 4d14c0fbc04ea63⋯.gif (1.42 MB,555x555,1:1,4d14c0fbc04ea63f69decc6a80….gif)

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d26fe4 No.21507800

File: 4d14c0fbc04ea63⋯.gif (1.42 MB,555x555,1:1,digits.gif)



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cdd035 No.21507801


Failed attempt to pose as Godfather actor attempting to instill fear and dominance. Comes off as a demon eyed chihuahua ready to bite her handler

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9513fe No.21507802


He is correct

Property taxes are pure evil. As long as there are property taxes, you will never own any property

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e8ea0c No.21507803

File: 231c07329036bbf⋯.png (292.61 KB,589x554,589:554,ClipboardImage.png)




BREAKING: The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

Last year, they manipulated 𝕏 to coerce many advertisers to leave the platform. They made it look like 𝕏 was serving ads next to "hate speech," but in reality, they set the whole thing up to frame Elon and the platform

They tried to claim the federal just in Texas did NOT have jurisdiction to hear the case, but the judge wholeheartedly REJECTED their claim, "Because the Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants, venue is proper, and Plaintiff has properly pled its claims, Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss is DENIED."


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6335f9 No.21507804

File: d380d4c61f02d30⋯.png (969.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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01c3e1 No.21507805


They have been robbing gun shops also.

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0bd425 No.21507806


Watch the water

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9513fe No.21507807


> BREAKING: Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Democrat Party and switching to the Republican Party.


This has got to cause some panic

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758bcf No.21507808


You realize you can download the Bible on any device for free, right? This isn't David Icke we're talking about.

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ada41c No.21507809

File: 60bc3b16a9f7899⋯.webm (512.85 KB,565x240,113:48,yep37.webm)


Check'd dub dubs.

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d26fe4 No.21507810

File: a7f63b44200634c⋯.png (613.71 KB,752x860,188:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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9513fe No.21507811


> BREAKING: The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies


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f678d9 No.21507812


When I was in high school, I knew a girl from a very wealthy family who owned a cement mixing business. She was cruel. She made fun of the suffering of others.

I wonder if her family is part of the cult.

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385f3b No.21507813


And Trillions for the deep state wars!

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95d41b No.21507814

File: b7ed93d755be24f⋯.png (202.93 KB,649x384,649:384,7s.png)

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eebc4a No.21507815

File: 3d799fd5359a82d⋯.gif (731.79 KB,360x252,10:7,2btkrq.gif)

File: 9a72eebe70c6129⋯.jpg (136.28 KB,850x850,1:1,55e208086065e.jpg)



>all guest must hav xerox sphinctur pruuf of life

>>plz hav _ranusiumism iD rady fo 'beam me scotty'

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8de0da No.21507816


> reverence for the creator

try >>>/girltalk/

They need and want your proselytizing

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eebc4a No.21507817

File: d2d4ad15ea6ae93⋯.png (99.24 KB,255x160,51:32,ClipboardImage.png)





>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>flat bread juw pie cheese need thauce FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  Just nowbb5026 (10) No.21504581

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 9bb4cb9dc91c0b3⋯.png (117.3 KB, 283x178, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fancier pizza toppings frum FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and bofo itunes FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lawyur screamin 'cat i farted' dressed as 'pederasts' admit fault FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tropical whaluurgaaay eskimo injuns catch tehm wiff thongs FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rollin heads were greek nood juwin FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>moar schiessekapf drumpf larpi head rollurs taht were FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rolling heads were mostly===>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sum heads puuupuy lost meme war>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  =

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>heads were too puuupy=>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin=(You) 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watchFRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin >>>>>>>>>>>>=>=>>>=>>>>>>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) ==

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>meme war an lost puupur heads

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads lost meme war

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads rollin down chitty puupur head chuutur towards gahybarr gloryhol effluenza greecey latrine

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads were so chitty puupur headed all tehy could MUSTard was chitty puupur head four part novel peter pan creamy spread across zelda not in buuk destroy JEWelry infaux war drumpf larp and rolled down chitty puupur head chuuut an greece


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>peter pan creamy keepin it isREAL dumb drumpf larpin addcits psychophantically juwspalining effluenza

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so much juuuupoo frum drumpf larpins it might fight durh urinal mint on teh GUEY out

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whalurgaaay thongs capture holohoax juwbotnet

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>see colon run leeky leeky gerbil lemminwinks window lickur fehgelruthm DeNile

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>durh subjugation and peonage wuz woth bofo , need thauce ,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tahm buffalo ain;t got no wangs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>how tehm buffalo loosur so many wangs in taht lil oven trope

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>juw pie (lb)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalurgaay thong huntid taht

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalur gay injun thong summoned durh bungholgate gahydar frum ancient $50 watermelon


>>>>>>call or text ^^^^^ outurspace nigg tranny coke got taht kys juw feels fillur all night

>>>>>>>black tranny coke ^^^^^^^is thinking boutkysjuw too

>>>>>bannon got banned for pickpocketing too


>>>>>>>>>real millionair nigg^^^^^^^^ tranny wanna hear bout kys

>>>>all revealed in cuck fomey volcano probin feels fillur FiB ASSpirations bukk must buy now

>>>>>>>prol frenchin gurms frum poleland wif MOObamaHO cheatin

>>>>>>>>>>>>58% succes

>>>>>>>>>>>night shitin

>> 😮‍💨

>gaygay whalurgay gpa thongs reperations deserve gittin taht baldwin ass gay flavors recognized by federal buttstuff flavors comittee

bacon wrapped shrimp has twice the sin of gaaaaaahy marrige

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32498b No.21507818

File: 70f983bec2f3d95⋯.png (149.65 KB,348x317,348:317,ClipboardImage.png)


They're enjoying their fruits while sucking Trump dry.

Even his children are like this.


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035885 No.21507819

>>21506706 pb

Bravo US Military: You are a beacon of hope for the world to see. Something like this wins many over, and is why I said earlier that we should have handled and made public Palestinian relief. America First. America First. America First.

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bcf6ee No.21507820

Ursula Fond-of-Lying:

Why does no one in the vaunted MSM of the West ever ask: Why would Putin, or China, or even India want the basket-case that is Europe?

Then the brave country of Russia or China or India would have to support them. Obviously, Ursula, your welfare recipients can't support themselves. And neither can you.

When the dollar goes, so do you. And all your friends.

God's will in all things. Remember the Sun, because it's coming.

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eebc4a No.21507821


push it out lil homo

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e8ea0c No.21507822

File: effc72cda9e580c⋯.png (52.71 KB,591x232,591:232,ClipboardImage.png)


Scott Adams


The country would be so much better off if Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg had never gotten married.

Their wives and ex-wives spend a lot of money on Democrat politics. They gave us braindead Biden.

8:56 AM · Aug 30, 2024

>follow the wives

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f678d9 No.21507823


Using people as pawns in their sick games.

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ec6ad1 No.21507824


will they finally admit that they've been full of shit about 'global warming'?

if they just discovered a 'fundamental' new wind that 'changes everything' is this them doing a reveal so they can back out of the global warming / climate alaramism fake science and say 'but but but . . . I'm just bad at grammar'

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07deed No.21507825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kamala's DNC Bounce is Nowhere to be Found and Trump is AHEAD Nationally

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167493 No.21507826


Does he ever leave?

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3341f7 No.21507827

File: d8cceddb59f8788⋯.png (170.68 KB,566x500,283:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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eebc4a No.21507828


try sum yogurt @fehgel

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0aa4e1 No.21507829

File: 42440a3b2b38d58⋯.gif (572.43 KB,300x169,300:169,Rod_Ring.gif)

File: 3849c892857e32c⋯.png (1.83 MB,1537x856,1537:856,ClipboardImage.png)

You Niggas Ready?

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e8ea0c No.21507830

File: 023bed4d408e603⋯.png (49.04 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

>Media Matters


>>21507803 (me)

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afbc88 No.21507831

>>21507094 LB

Why would the cemetary folks even care if Trump (or any other big name official) were asked to attend? Why would they try to block a former president (ok, we all know he's the current one!) from showing up? Is this leading up to something?

How does it affect them?

What's with the "time to be there" caveat?

It's not like 25000 people were going to be there and fill up the roads. It was basically a private event that only a few knew about.

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7dd932 No.21507832



#26351 >>21507435

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

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95d41b No.21507833

File: 4503f898df9a9e8⋯.jpg (77.65 KB,300x290,30:29,pepe_quad_laugh.jpg)


He was gone for a little while this morning. Probably had to take a break to fap to some gay pron.

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664e69 No.21507834

File: fa8d21b25efb552⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB,484x270,242:135,ssstwitter_com_17250376543….mp4)

The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

Venezuelan gangs have overrun several buildings, extorting rent as ransom from terrified residents.

This has escalated far beyond an open border crisis. Where did they get their weapons?


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8e11e1 No.21507835

File: 23432b6abc1dc33⋯.mp4 (447.68 KB,490x270,49:27,nhpEFQTlTQWYmr7v.mp4)

ᴾᴱᴰᴼ ᴶᴽᵉ

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d8d735 No.21507836

File: 3d69770dc0e66e4⋯.png (10.57 KB,422x168,211:84,3d69770dc0e66e4fcf5bf5635d….png)


Does QR get to testify?

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f5fc8a No.21507837

File: 5e41f615cfa41ae⋯.jpg (139.21 KB,1024x597,1024:597,Brock_desperate.jpg)

File: 3dcd67df5a2380b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,45.34 KB,792x565,792:565,Brock.png)


>Media Matters

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9513fe No.21507838


I have never seen this girl’s pictures before/

I didn’t realize 9/12 police officers who saw weiner’s laptop are dead/suicided.

What is the girl’s name? Sofia?

Where did the name Frazzle drip come from?

Is that the name Hillary gave it?

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eebc4a No.21507839

tension faggo$

spaceshi[] needss to juuupuuu sum nazi$ in volcano cuz buuk

plz reccomend nice gay volcano

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664e69 No.21507840

Kamala's handlers are paying and bussing in rally goers to make it look like a 2% candidate is "sweeping the nation"

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3341f7 No.21507841


Uh oh, you did it now anon. Now he's going to tag your post a bunch of times as he seethes.

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758bcf No.21507842

You know in John Wick, the underground group. The guys sit on the streets pretending to be homeless and crazy but in reality they're spectating and doing things no one else notices. That's how I see eBot sometimes. No shit.

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0aa4e1 No.21507843

File: d47ca0ddb4b2fd3⋯.gif (632.89 KB,232x199,232:199,Bring_It_Neo.gif)

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7dd932 No.21507844


keks in fortran

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95d41b No.21507845

File: c53dd56138974f0⋯.png (522.36 KB,680x513,680:513,Kamala_joy_04.png)


Everything about her is puffed up and fake.

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16cdb1 No.21507846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do it again

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ada41c No.21507847

File: ec961714a408443⋯.mp4 (401.78 KB,574x242,287:121,_.mp4)


He's a mighty wizard. So mighty he rendered himself harmless.

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eebc4a No.21507848



durh xiknuwwww undies laundurin durh prophecy scam spam has juwsplaining mensch for PELE

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1a5a45 No.21507849

File: a093a14216b9170⋯.png (756.88 KB,971x466,971:466,MaxStollman_knbcpharma.PNG)

Michael? where r u?

why do these guys look so much alike and in the same field?

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e2a02e No.21507850

File: 7edb90618170625⋯.png (1.07 MB,1937x1140,1937:1140,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbbb8b No.21507851


Alex putting those foundation marcs to arbeite

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d8d735 No.21507852

File: 9b69d5f0d869147⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x1082,540:541,9b69d5f0d869147663738dafc1….png)

File: 9a7d334bef120d3⋯.png (1.14 MB,797x798,797:798,9a7d334bef120d3b2023d3b648….png)

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7bbc1e No.21507853


If Harris does irreparable damage to our freedoms and rights it's because our elected representatives allowed her to do so.

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1a5a45 No.21507854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


another thing nike is named after the goddess nike….



nice 1

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612e99 No.21507855

File: c88c2b517ea46de⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,388x238,194:119,pepeapueagle_DZRid3oL.mp4)


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f678d9 No.21507856


Some older people who collect social security, are forced to sell their house, which is completely paid off, just because they can no longer afford to pay the property taxes.

Or they have to get a part time job, just to pay the property taxes

Where are they supposed to go? Where are they supposed to live?

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9513fe No.21507857

Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

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2cca13 No.21507858

File: cc8c6e276965d40⋯.jpg (11.61 KB,220x233,220:233,220px_Lynn_Death_Valley_20….jpg)

File: 3a681ba7abd1a9d⋯.jpg (514.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_093028….jpg)

File: 6ebb95be2abaa75⋯.jpg (47.63 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Tim_Walz_e1667928229578.jpg)

File: 8b07478b848d527⋯.jpg (132.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Fr6bB1DXwAEheDc_1712099307.jpg)

File: 5a9e303a09af5ae⋯.png (952.07 KB,1200x1501,1200:1501,f4c4ac471a45b18040de26c7d0….png)

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eebc4a No.21507859



>>all guest must hav xerox sphinctur pruuf of life

>>>plz hav _ranusiumism iD rady fo 'beam me scotty'


ich ansuwr durh call an got 'beam me scotty' frum nigg tranny coke millinair

an it cost a xerox sphinctur

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612e99 No.21507860


The Keystone

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ada41c No.21507861

File: 5209f28a5976a52⋯.webp (138.63 KB,3528x3284,882:821,ihkdohgj5yxc1.webp)

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95d41b No.21507862

File: 32480b38c1ca04b⋯.png (517.36 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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5206d6 No.21507863

File: 5c21cd669792e4b⋯.jpg (133.59 KB,475x685,95:137,LITTLE_BO_DEEP_STATE.jpg)

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f678d9 No.21507864



First the Bank owns it, then the government owns it.

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32498b No.21507865

File: 64c326aeb697565⋯.png (132.77 KB,654x306,109:51,ClipboardImage.png)


>Muh ad revenue.

At least lawyers are raking it in.

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eebc4a No.21507866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2cca13 No.21507867

File: 60e12e2c6e9d444⋯.jpg (111.54 KB,1920x1920,1:1,quick_tips_helpful_tricks_….jpg)

File: 68a0a7b94cccf5c⋯.jpg (119.05 KB,600x337,600:337,mememe_435b8a5512601e7c060….jpg)

File: 24971dcb5f4a0cc⋯.jpg (48.53 KB,1400x700,2:1,Daniel_Craig_as_James_Bond….jpg)

File: d507fcacbe1b5c4⋯.jpg (45.97 KB,612x496,153:124,RFK_Jr_and_Trump_414150675….jpg)

File: bc8dc83b5de1850⋯.gif (1.94 MB,498x275,498:275,tenor_2755214704.gif)

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1a5a45 No.21507868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01c3e1 No.21507869


Excise tax should not exist. You pay sales tax on a car then a Tax every year based upon value? bullshit

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f678d9 No.21507870


They are UN Mercenaries, brought in to terrorize US citizens.

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8de0da No.21507871

File: c7fd07c27d79a52⋯.png (1.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>What is real and What is not real?


>What am I doing here on this planet?

Gaining XP for your eternal soul, if you are good

>What is this life all about?

See above

>What is my purpose here?

See above

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eebc4a No.21507872


>tension faggo$

>spaceshi[] needss to juuupuuu sum nazi$ in volcano cuz buuk

>plz reccomend nice gay volcano

baldwin homo holohoax turned out 'notgay' bi intergalactic interacial gangbang committee

plz advise

must puuuuujuuuuus next to volcano

buuk must complete

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131c8c No.21507873

1:08 PM EDT

Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

Conservative media personalities, including “America First” podcast host Sebastian Gorka, discuss the impact the media has on culture at the Moms for Liberty Joyful Warriors National Summit in Washington, DC.


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95d41b No.21507874

File: 768636d49c48eec⋯.jpeg (57.42 KB,1024x687,1024:687,KyleR_1.jpeg)


Only in certain states. Mine is not that way (thankfully). Regardless it is bullshit, and we need to rein in crazy taxes all over the country.

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39dde5 No.21507875

File: 0975b31a8a2f12d⋯.jpeg (88.44 KB,801x924,267:308,0975b31a8a2f12db8b6bc5903….jpeg)

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4efe53 No.21507876

File: c1d03de1ad141a1⋯.jpg (65.46 KB,640x360,16:9,RichardsonBlitzerNK.jpg)

File: 880c6e1c8be5958⋯.png (3.05 MB,720x1478,360:739,BLITZER_LEAKS_OF_HIGHLY_CL….png)

File: 06e25ad141b07c7⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB,848x464,53:29,Woof_Woof.mp4)

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f678d9 No.21507877


And every time a used car gets resold, the government charges sales tax on it.

Every time the car changes hands, the government gets a chunk of it.

A car sold over and over again could end up having more sales tax applied to it than it was ever even worth to begin with.

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612e99 No.21507878

File: ac49a038ea2a3be⋯.png (692.8 KB,547x813,547:813,ClipboardImage.png)

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3341f7 No.21507879


At first I read that asexercise tax

Shit if that were a thing, there would be even more fat and lazy people.

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afbc88 No.21507880

File: 92058fd96529b32⋯.png (53.78 KB,556x412,139:103,Q576.png)


>576 California public officials


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d830af No.21507881


>The men who created this country would have gone to war over them

The people have patience and apathy now, waiting for somebody to do it for them.

Self defense from the government is absolutely not allowed.

There is State and federal chaos, nobody knows whats really going on, there are so many communist laws.

The end result is tyranny.

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0aa4e1 No.21507882

File: 1d0b10e94fd5045⋯.gif (2.91 MB,400x400,1:1,T_Glasses_Jeremiah_Johnson.gif)

File: c9c885e42bd5e1b⋯.png (1.29 MB,1248x927,416:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63eadd9a0ebb0c9⋯.png (696.81 KB,640x930,64:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c64fbbcd85a595b⋯.png (2.07 MB,1859x1014,11:6,ClipboardImage.png)


That lil guy… don't worry bout that lil guy

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eebc4a No.21507883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>try sum yogurt @fehgel

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f678d9 No.21507884



exercise tax

a walk in the park will cost you

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e2cf21 No.21507886

File: 8641b6a4e0c423a⋯.jpeg (84.27 KB,594x396,3:2,IMG_4693.jpeg)

Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak' (the big hack last week)

The Telegram channel of DDoSecrets, seen by many as WikiLeaks successor, was shut down with a request from Israel’s 'cyber unit' viewed as the likely cause.

Telegram shut down a channel of whistleblower website after it published leaked data from Israel's Ministry of Justice [Getty]

The Telegram channel of Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets), a journalist collective specialised in the publication of hacked material online, was shut down after sharing more than 1 million leaked documents from the Israeli ministry of justice.

The leaked documents, reportedly released in April 2024, contain "personal details of senior officials in the ministry along with sensitive correspondence [and] internal and classified ministry documents", according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Last July, some of the leaked files published by DDoSecrets were used to show that Israel seized and suppressed state secrets contained in a lawsuit against Israeli spyware vendor NSO group.

Last week, The Guardian revealed, thanks to more documents from the leak, that Israeli officials tried to circumvent a foreign agent law in the US as part of their pro-Israel advocacy efforts there.

The Internet Referral Unit within the Israeli State Attorney’s Office, which is part of the Israeli Ministry of Justice, has been accused of being behind the shutdown request.

The unit, sometimes referred to as the ‘cyber unit’, is headed by Dr. Haim Wismonsky and responsible for monitoring the Internet for leaks and reporting them to the platforms where they are hosted.

According to a recent Haaretz article, one of the victims of the cyber unit’s efforts is the Telegram channel of a “WikiLeaks-style website [whose goal is to] provide a safe online haven for leaks of different types".

However, this can also prevent journalists from reporting on the details contained in the leaked documents, especially as the Israeli government has instituted a court order preventing Israeli media from reporting on the leak.

The New Arab contacted Dr. Wismonsky, as well as the Embassy of Israel in London, for comment. No reply was received at the time of publication.

DDoSecrets has one of the largest databases of leaked material online, and in June released one of its first databases in relation to the ongoing war on Gaza, dubbed “Op Cyber Toufan”.

The database contained some 20,000 documents from Israeli governmental organisations and companies, including personal information of Israeli citizens obtained from the ministries of health and of welfare and social security.

This was followed with more releases in July, this time with documents related to the Israeli army and ministries of defence and justice.

Links to the datasets would then be shared on Telegram on a channel called 'Library of Leaks".

Screengrab from one of DDoSecrets' Telegram channel, announcing 'Library of Leaks', where they publish links to leaked material they host [DDoSecrets]

However, a few days after DDoSecrets posted links to the leaked material on its Telegram channel, it was shut down.

Lorax Horne, editor at DDoSecrets, told TNA that Telegram provided no explanation for the removal of their channel from the platform but alleged it was a form of “censorship".

"Taking down the DDoSecrets channel is an escalation, and it is dangerous for Israel to conflate DDoSecrets with the hackers' channels," Horne added.

Shortly after the leaked documents surfaced, the Israeli National Cyber Directorate opened an investigation into the leak and instituted a gag order over all the leaked material, which prevents Israeli media from reporting on it.

Such court orders issued in Israel have been used in the past to prevent access to material published online.

In 2016, +972 Magazine reported that Israeli authorities were enforcing gag orders on posts by journalist and TNA contributor Richard Silverstein he had published in the US.


So … Telegram shut down the account posting the hacked Israel docs.

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ada41c No.21507887

File: 71cdbc329a2ade4⋯.jpg (363.49 KB,847x988,847:988,d20677e4c7ebd39ecb9110b360….jpg)

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95d41b No.21507888

File: 2f73694d3fce026⋯.png (651.35 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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8de0da No.21507889

File: 5111b3b172e45c8⋯.png (603.1 KB,1089x829,1089:829,5111b3b172e45c8c528151db98….png)

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eebc4a No.21507890

File: 0dc159e57bb5020⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,562x781,562:781,haroldkumar2_2.jpg)

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01c3e1 No.21507891


>exercise tax

RFK wants to make the country healthy again. Offer free Gym memberships and if you put in 30 mins a day or some thing like that you get free internet?

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afbc88 No.21507892

File: aa4f75b839f992c⋯.png (198.45 KB,1245x873,415:291,ClipboardImage.png)

This article is comms.

This article references arrests over the past 10 years.

Note this article is fromUK NEWS, not US news.

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279842 No.21507893

File: 191b6ec1716f20a⋯.png (141.2 KB,487x334,487:334,gregpalast.png)

File: 56f72f239d3d2ac⋯.png (457.42 KB,754x750,377:375,gregpalast4.png)

File: 7cd379002751917⋯.png (392.02 KB,564x483,188:161,gregpalast2.png)


both jewish.( separate breeding population -so many look similar; cf Charles Darwin)

If you are used to jewish faces they don't look that much alike.

Remember when looking at others "They all look alike" if they are not of their race; for some reason.

One on the left looks a bit like Greg Palast journalist / propagandist pushing for no voter ID - because BooHoo "Republicans cheat against Blacks"

imo, not exact but reminiscent?

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95d41b No.21507894

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,800x764,200:191,keks.jpg)


>exercise tax


We probably shouldn't give them any ideas. Shit, they'd tax the air that we breathe if they could find a way.

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f678d9 No.21507895


The problem is that the enemy is camouflaged.

We cannot attack ghosts.

As long as elections are rigged, we cannot vote them out.

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7bbc1e No.21507896


I'm not worried about where they got guns in America. I'm more concerned about a mayor and police force that can't quickly liquidate the problem. If I'm mayor and I see "migrant gangs threaten" in a news story I'm grabbing the phone and screaming at the Chief of Police.

Fix the problem then bitch about the source.

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5ef933 No.21507897

File: ab877cfbc7bf3c9⋯.png (185.57 KB,386x255,386:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

August 28, 2024

Herndon-based technology and management contractor Serco Inc., a subsidiary of United Kingdom-based Serco PLC, has won a contract worth an estimated $323 million for construction work at the U.S. Space Force’s Pituffik Space Base in Greenland.

Under the four-year U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contract, which Serco announced last week, the company will manage facility repairs and upgrades to the backup electrical plant at the base.

Formerly known as Thule Air Base, Pituffik Space Base is locked by ice nine months out of the year, although the airfield is operated year-round.

Serco will have a tight schedule to build a temporary backup power plant while a team of experts renovates the current backup plant.

The Pituffik base supports missile warning, missile defense and space surveillance missions.

The Defense Department’s northernmost base, it exists because of mutual defense agreements between the U.S. and the Kingdom of Denmark.

“This contract award builds on Serco’s strong capabilities in systems design and installation, as well as our exemplary past performance on defense construction projects,” Tom Watson, Serco’s CEO in North America, said in a statement.

“Serco is proud to have the opportunity to support this mission-critical large-scale system upgrade project for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Space Force.”

Serco has subcontracted with Aarsleff, a Danish construction engineering company.

The new alternate power plant will provide greater and more stable electrical capacity to the base, according to a news release.

Serco has more than 50,000 employees in 35 countries, about 9,000 of whom are employed in the Americas.


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e2cf21 No.21507898

File: f9cd1db483fa14a⋯.jpeg (51.25 KB,474x248,237:124,IMG_4695.jpeg)


or have to get one of these

then lose the house later so it's not in your family anymore.

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eebc4a No.21507899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ironiclly cult motivated

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131c8c No.21507900

File: 8adf1f78d033388⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,480x256,15:8,Pepe_Dance.mp4)

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279842 No.21507901


" if they are not of your race"


should've written

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0aa4e1 No.21507902

File: 325c7c52386b736⋯.png (676.38 KB,1075x824,1075:824,ClipboardImage.png)


Infinity Trips Chekt


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e36746 No.21507903

File: 86ea23cd5a88bdd⋯.png (256.91 KB,604x802,302:401,Screen_Shot_08_30_24_at_01….PNG)

File: da99d4f1d55f64d⋯.mp4 (12.1 MB,720x1266,120:211,hopeismakingacomeback.mp4)


Barack Obama


This November, we have the chance to elect @KamalaHarris and @Tim_Walz – two people who will get up every single day to fight for you. And there’s no time to waste. Make sure you’re registered to vote at http://IWillVote.com.

12:51 PM · Aug 30, 2024


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89786a No.21507904

File: 09ae2d1c7f646f8⋯.png (40.33 KB,756x718,378:359,ClipboardImage.png)


The question is, who is going to take care of the problem, me or you? All I need is 200 milliseconds to end it, the old fashion way.

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f379b5 No.21507905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave Smith | Nicole Shanahan | Part Of The Problem 1163


Dave Smith brings you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave is joined by RFK Jr.'s 2024 running mate, and Silicon Valley attorney, Nicole Shanahan! Tune in for an in-depth discussion on the treatment received as a third party candidate during a campaign, the media's take on RFK's heartfelt concession speech, what set their campaign apart from the rest, some reservations about supporting Donald Trump, how inflation does not affect the wealthy, the addressing of the national debt, plus Trump's call to RFK after the shooting, and so much more!

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32498b No.21507906

File: 98f8f56ab09a32e⋯.png (787.22 KB,866x651,866:651,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa3a98aa2e41a06⋯.png (38.1 KB,693x237,231:79,ClipboardImage.png)


> not US news.

Don't be a moran.

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4f2301 No.21507907

File: d9fde860e54a622⋯.mp4 (13.85 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_2072.MP4)


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0aa4e1 No.21507908

File: 8e18bc7471f8fc9⋯.png (2.01 MB,1907x1017,1907:1017,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef933 No.21507909

File: fb040774941f9fd⋯.png (118.51 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

The FAA is investigating SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket landing failure, launch delays possible

Aug 28, 2024

SpaceX's workhorse Falcon 9 rocket has been grounded, at least for a little while.

A Falcon 9 successfully launched 21 of SpaceX's Starlink satellites this morning (Aug. 28), sending them to orbit on the record-breaking 23rd mission for the rocket's first stage.

That booster encountered a problem during its return to Earth, however, toppling over shortly after landing at sea on a SpaceX droneship.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced today that it's requiring an investigation into the failed touchdown — and that the Falcon 9 won't fly again until that inquiry has wrapped up.

SpaceX will conduct the investigation, but the FAA will oversee the work and assess its findings.

"A return to flight of the Falcon 9 booster rocket is based on the FAA determining that any system, process or procedure related to the anomaly does not affect public safety," FAA officials said in an emailed statement.

"In addition, SpaceX may need to request and receive approval from the FAA to modify its license that incorporates any corrective actions and meet all other licensing requirements," they added.

It's unclear how long this process will take. But a relatively quick resolution is likely; SpaceX works fast, after all.

The company returned the Falcon 9 to flight last month just 15 days after the rocket's second stage suffered an anomaly, which resulted in the loss of 23 Starlink satellites.

This morning's mishap was not as serious as that one, affecting only the rocket's landing; the Falcon 9's upper stage deployed the Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit as planned.

A grounding of even a few days, however, could affect a very high-profile launch that SpaceX is prepping for — that of Polaris Dawn, which will launch four people to orbit on a pioneering five-day mission that will feature the first-ever private spacewalk.

SpaceX had aimed to launch Polaris Dawn early this morning but called the attempt off due to projected bad weather.

The company also ruled out an attempt on Thursday morning (Aug. 29) but has yet to set a new target date.


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eebc4a No.21507910


>>tension faggo$

>>spaceshi[] needss to juuupuuu sum nazi$ in volcano cuz buuk

>>plz reccomend nice gay volcano

>baldwin homo holohoax turned out 'notgay' bi intergalactic interacial gangbang committee

>plz advise

>must puuuuujuuuuus next to volcano

like a pineapple flavored curry sausage with hints of sundried tomatoes

>buuk must complete

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337bc9 No.21507911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Eze_7:25 DestructionH7089 cometh;H935 and they shall seekH1245 peace,H7965 and there shall be none.H369

Eze_13:10 Because,H3282 even becauseH3282 they have seducedH2937 (H853) my people,H5971 saying,H559 Peace;H7965 and there was noH369 peace;H7965 and oneH1931 built upH1129 a wall,H2434 and, lo,H2009 others daubedH2902 it with untemperedH8602 morter:

Eze_13:16 To wit, the prophetsH5030 of IsraelH3478 which prophesyH5012 concerningH413 Jerusalem,H3389 and which seeH2372 visionsH2377 of peaceH7965 for her, and there is noH369 peace,H7965 saithH5002 the LordH136 GOD.H3069

Eze_34:25 And I will makeH3772 with them a covenantH1285 of peace,H7965 and will cause the evilH7451 beastsH2416 to ceaseH7673 out ofH4480 the land:H776 and they shall dwellH3427 safelyH983 in the wilderness,H4057 and sleepH3462 in the woods.H3293

Eze_37:26 Moreover I will makeH3772 a covenantH1285 of peaceH7965 with them; it shall beH1961 an everlastingH5769 covenantH1285 withH854 them: and I will placeH5414 them, and multiplyH7235 them, and will setH5414 my sanctuaryH4720 in the midstH8432 of them for evermore.H5769

Eze_43:27 And when(H853) these daysH3117 are expired,H3615 it shall be,H1961 that upon the eighthH8066 day,H3117 and so forward,H1973 the priestsH3548 shall makeH6213 (H853) your burnt offeringsH5930 uponH5921 the altar,H4196 and your peace offerings;H8002 and I will acceptH7521 you, saithH5002 the LordH136 GOD.H3069

peace everybody ends up cutting weeds for

the county vs this video

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1a5a45 No.21507912


did they even look into it?

this is what i found.








transamerica was thrown around in a few places one from spector and one from the apt complex guy. The guy the news throws out there is just a agent.

they have it on the stock market for rentals.

didn't go all thru it.

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90a70f No.21507913


What years did property and payroll taxes kick in.

1913, 1933, ?

The government that saddled its people with this tax, was it because the note to a particular banking empire couldn't be paid or interest payment maintained? If so, did thus get passed to the people or was it just categorized as for the common benefit?

Sounds like a jubilee and a revamp of alot of shit is warranted

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7bbc1e No.21507914


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7dd932 No.21507915

Baker haz IRL, TAPS


#26351 >>21507435

>>21507857 Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

>>21507873 1:08 PM EDT Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

>>21507886 Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'

>>21507897 Greenland: Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

clean zpped dough


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e2cf21 No.21507916

File: 4adb0a54b0edb05⋯.jpeg (133.57 KB,1280x769,1280:769,IMG_4696.jpeg)



Last time I heard that name…

"Field McConnell speaks about SERCO, the "biggest company that you've never heard of", a private company out of the United Kingdom, which he claims is responsible for running the entire US Military."

https://steemit.com/field/@lightonconspira/field-mcconnell-abel-danger-part-1 (now deleted)

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ada41c No.21507917

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)

So comfy…

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eebc4a No.21507918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ironiclly cult motivated

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95d41b No.21507919

File: 8339c3347191f2b⋯.png (29.1 KB,596x334,298:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8d735 No.21507920

File: 519b38a0f3a0086⋯.jpg (285.58 KB,561x840,187:280,519b38a0f3a0086bf001dccdc4….jpg)



claiming bread meow

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f783d6 No.21507921

File: 416ee5a6235a2b9⋯.png (139.62 KB,320x338,160:169,416ee5a6235a2b9167bd5a0baa….png)

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0aa4e1 No.21507922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That shit was Sabotage

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39dde5 No.21507923

File: 94e4f91023e337e⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,854x480,427:240,94e4f91023e337ed8a7d5083b4….mp4)



take this to the top or i'll punch you in the kidney

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eebc4a No.21507924

File: 0cd25bcca28bf70⋯.jpg (93.66 KB,680x463,680:463,0cd25bcca28bf70fb713ec1033….jpg)

File: 6c62c39ebb97f81⋯.png (35.37 KB,495x495,1:1,6c62c39ebb97f816427ceb9d27….png)

File: 4b188cf67beaaba⋯.jpg (229.85 KB,650x434,325:217,capture_JOSH.jpg)

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afbc88 No.21507925


I meant put out by a non-US media company.

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3341f7 No.21507926


If you can't win fairly, change the rules and/or cheat/rig.

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8beb4c No.21507928

File: b263202f4d5a05e⋯.webp (69.44 KB,700x976,175:244,aBy8KGx_700bwp.webp)

Vaccinate the enemy

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0aa4e1 No.21507930

File: 073e9e3d1e28bd6⋯.png (835.14 KB,1197x1029,57:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3c20044a3610f3⋯.png (1.95 MB,1899x1016,1899:1016,ClipboardImage.png)



Did Someone Say Shenanagins?

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d8d735 No.21507931

File: d28e88b900e9f64⋯.jpg (13.3 KB,244x207,244:207,d28e88b900e9f64146d321efd2….jpg)



be the bread

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5ef933 No.21507932

File: 7e70d17d0e534ef⋯.png (832.33 KB,825x550,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98c600cde6b5206⋯.png (961.47 KB,825x589,825:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e32057c145646ad⋯.png (690.59 KB,825x550,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Brown, Southcom Commander Call for Harnessing AI, Developing Space Domain to Meet Future Challenges

Aug. 28, 2024

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., and Army Gen. Laura J. Richardson, commander of U.S. Southern Command, today emphasized the need for allied and partner nations and their militaries to harness artificial intelligence and further develop the space domain to meet complex security challenges of the future.

The two leaders addressed those topics while delivering remarks at the opening ceremony of the South American Defense Conference, or Southdec 2024, in Santiago, Chile.

The theme of this year's conference is "How We Can Leverage New Technologies for the Defense of Hemispheric Sovereignty."

"As we look back on the strong foundations we've built through collaboration and trust, it's clear our ability to address security challenges has also relied on our ability to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing world landscape," Brown told those in attendance, as he then began discussing the future of AI.

"Every organization is looking at ways to improve their capability with this new technology," Brown said. "[But] it's not enough to just sprinkle 'AI dust' on everything and expect transformation."

Brown then listed what he labels as the seven challenges to take AI from a mere promising idea into a tangible capability that can address the national security needs of allied and partner nations.

The seven challenges are: infrastructure, architecture, data, focus, resourcing, talent and culture.

"These seven challenges … are challenges we all face," Brown said.

"But by working together, we can share knowledge, experience and solutions [that enable] us to unlock the full potential of this new technology within our network of allies and partners."

During her remarks, Richardson, the Southcom commander, discussed the concepts of Enhanced Domain Awareness and the adoption of a Common Space Operating Picture — the former being an initiative Southcom has undertaken that, in part, includes setting the conditions for responsible AI and machine learning to improve synchronization of whole-of-government operations; the latter being an initiative that uses EDA to gain a more profound and holistic insight into the space operational environment.

"As allies and partners, we will continue our efforts to enable our collective space domain awareness; and improve our readiness, resiliency and capability to overcome threats," Richardson told conference attendees.

While giving the space-focused portion of his remarks, Brown pointed out that "when new domains emerge, power can tilt towards those who master them."

Brown said that, although advancements in space have brought economic advancement and development around the globe, space — like any other new domain — has the ability to shift the dynamics of global power.

"We must work together to develop norms of behaviors that respect all nations' rights," Brown said, "creating a space network where everyone can benefit from its unique capabilities — all for the common good."

Both Brown and Richardson wound down their remarks with an optimistic tone, each expressing confidence in allied and partner nations to be able to unite in working across all boundaries and domains to ensure a positive future for the Western Hemisphere.

"This is the work of 'Team Democracy,' and we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those who seek to bolster economic resilience, democratic stability and citizen security throughout the region and world," Richardson exclaimed.

"Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work."

"Our strength lies in our unity, our shared commitment to democracy and our ability to work together for a better future for all," Brown said, "because we are stronger together."

As in the 15 years previous, this year's event is held by U.S. Southern Command.

Southdec 2024 hosts 10 South American nations, representatives from North America, Europe and the Inter-American Defense Board, as well as partner programs operating in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.


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3eaa28 No.21507933


obvious Bio Weapon

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7b128a No.21507934

File: 37cf6a5df8c9746⋯.png (186.31 KB,474x249,158:83,th_2024_08_30T104034_630.png)



>payroll tax

For more than 10, I've been telling people payroll tax goes against the very foundation of the US. Response is always a blank stare….. Soul crushing

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e2cf21 No.21507935

File: 8eaea511d59257c⋯.jpeg (17.77 KB,480x360,4:3,IMG_4698.jpeg)


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1a5a45 No.21507937


they aren't the only ones. In Washington a man tried to walk down the street and had to pay a man for protection..

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8beb4c No.21507938

File: 2c30caf26e5cd61⋯.webm (448.6 KB,460x254,230:127,awyQrOR_460svvp9.webm)

Stitposts always seem to find a way.

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01c3e1 No.21507940

File: b8dc2f6b2abdcc1⋯.jpg (103.71 KB,611x598,47:46,ds32_6.jpg)


We will stop bombing you because YOU need to be Baccinated against Polio KEK

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1a5a45 No.21507941



she tells you who they are in the video with her posing in a mask.

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e2a02e No.21507943

File: 96d0a87f3045a34⋯.gif (7.63 MB,480x320,3:2,columbogif2.gif)

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7bbc1e No.21507945





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5ef933 No.21507947

File: b8939154d3bf675⋯.png (595.79 KB,728x411,728:411,ClipboardImage.png)

Newly Unveiled Police Patch Celebrates New Hampshire Community's Place in UFO Lore

Aug 28, 2024

For the third year in a row, a New Hampshire police department is celebrating their community's place in UFO lore by way of a special alien-themed patch.

The cool creation was unveiled on Wednesday by the Exeter Police Department ahead of the town's annual UFO festival to be held this coming Labor Day weekend.

The gathering, which began 15 years ago, commemorates a legendary 1965 UFO sighting that has come to be known as the Incident at Exeter thanks to a New York Times bestseller about the case.

Following a trial run in 2023 and a wildly successful wide release last year, the Exeter Police Department is once again getting in on the fun with a new 'otherworldly' patch to be sold at this weekend's festivities.

In unveiling the 2024 installment of the collectible, the department noted that it "features an alien with its arm around our comfort dog, Maple."

The inclusion of the popular pooch came about because proceeds from the patches will go towards Exeter PD's comfort dog program.

Those hoping to get their hands on the collective will have to make their way to New Hampshire this weekend as they will only be sold at the UFO festival starting Saturday morning.

Based on the popularity of the patches in previous years, the department advised prospective attendees to "plan accordingly," since the collectible is likely to be as fleeting as a UFO.


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07656b No.21507949

File: 0532c383521fc69⋯.jpeg (351.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,68A80B86_369B_4EC5_B775_8….jpeg)

Seems like something only a President would do.

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cdd192 No.21507952


average people are less afraid of intergalactic invasion, than the idea of facing off with the criminals, corruption and Treason which We fund and underwrite by these Taxations.

I am sickened by the cowardice of my fellow countrymen today.

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95d41b No.21507953

File: 31c1f0524c87a65⋯.png (730.51 KB,871x500,871:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a5a45 No.21507955


Do you think Q is stargate? since they have a Q on the building?

Do you think Q is from the startrek show que?

When someone says they are Q just like when someone claims they are "god" do you question?

of course.

You being harsh.

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ac2ef2 No.21507959

Her (whispering)- "Promise you won't cumin in my mouth"

Me (whispering)- "NCSWIC"

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1a5a45 No.21507961


people would more than likely not care, or ask to go with.

sometimes i don't blame them.

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ada41c No.21507962

File: 140d9ed487ec80c⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,360x640,9:16,BASED_Pastor_SLAMS_Woke_Sc….mp4)

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eebc4a No.21507965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Snowball, Wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.

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0aa4e1 No.21507967

File: 3c1de33edfbaaa8⋯.jpg (165.51 KB,600x450,4:3,DNC_DemoKKKrat.jpg)

DemKKKrats Big Mad Over Kamel-Jam's First 1st BIG-ASS Horrible Chaperoned Interview….

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188b11 No.21507968


Quick question, did you hold down shift and type all that, or did you enable caps lock?

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eebc4a No.21507969


>Hey Snowball,


>Hey Snowball,

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1a5a45 No.21507971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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171ba7 No.21507973

File: f5f707edda73776⋯.png (107.67 KB,748x489,748:489,187a8cb0a3183493b0fab181f7….png)


Ahhhh, Schitt…

The gift keeps on giving kek

Strike 2



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07656b No.21507975

File: 909c61d3460ce75⋯.png (643.22 KB,1170x2532,195:422,C98F2D33_B6B7_4CBD_8CAF_73….png)




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cdd192 No.21507976


i would try to warn the Invaders that the U.S. Federal Government carries the most poisonous mind-virus to ever threaten the Cosmos.

Be Warned, strange Visitors!

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e7ce4f No.21507977

File: 0391cea392f514b⋯.jpg (66.37 KB,204x252,17:21,walz_joy_edited_1.jpg)

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39dde5 No.21507979


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eebc4a No.21507980

File: d2d4ad15ea6ae93⋯.png (99.24 KB,255x160,51:32,ClipboardImage.png)

juuuu got taht tainted luuub

oh hoh hoho oh ho

tainted luub

whoaaa hoooooo ho ho oh

tainted luub

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7bbc1e No.21507984


Curious how many women are occupying that school board. I saw three.

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32498b No.21507986

File: 0fd9e39cf54cecf⋯.png (57.53 KB,704x298,352:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31380c99d919edc⋯.png (82.99 KB,697x430,697:430,ClipboardImage.png)


I sort of see what you're saying.

Just throwing this out there, hope he stays safe.


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eebc4a No.21507987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kuk fomey buuk cuks foamy kuks cuckin fomey cuk buuk cukin cuks

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1a5a45 No.21507988



unfortunately their goal is to take every mind and make it/form it to their liking.

From thinking good to thinking bad to thinking good again.

it's really sad.

They don't care cuz the ruler gets to persuade the thought when you should have control over it.

Like leading a computer code to do only what they want it to do and not what it wants to do. question is what would it want to do? so they are afraid to find out what the people would want to do.

elons shirt says: made on earth by humans.

sticks in my head.

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f0f544 No.21507990

File: 409cbb876de393d⋯.png (1.71 MB,682x873,682:873,Screenshot_13423_.png)



Know your baker.

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612e99 No.21507991


Hoping is illegal in the NWO.

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eebc4a No.21507992


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1bc3da No.21507993

File: b3af2b75e9c1525⋯.png (403.51 KB,828x661,828:661,ClipboardImage.png)

newest vagina disease copypasta already in the abyss lmao

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95d41b No.21507994

File: d7f8b07a3bc3909⋯.png (343.78 KB,788x685,788:685,pepe_toast.png)


Add to this Biden's aircraft never getting the Air Force One designation, and it's quite interesting indeed.

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eebc4a No.21507995



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ada41c No.21507997

File: e6b22742a60b29a⋯.png (346.86 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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88a0cf No.21507999

File: cd50745dac6f8e8⋯.png (315.27 KB,617x605,617:605,gm.PNG)


johnny maga


Kamala just got DRAGGED 🔥

“Do you feel some kinship towards her, as a mixed person?”

“Not personally. I find a lot of her trajectory not be my brand of woman. We got 3 major international crises going on…I want to see you do more than giggling & having a ‘girl moment’”

4:25 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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88a0cf No.21508001

File: 19c635008f9673f⋯.png (11.89 KB,600x152,75:19,won.PNG)




Workers won't accept less than $81,000 for a new job right now, per a New York Fed survey.

2:17 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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95d41b No.21508003

File: 691d512e600148b⋯.png (460.28 KB,663x499,663:499,kek_kamala_giggle.png)


>I want to see you do more than giggling & having a ‘girl moment’”

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07656b No.21508005


there are SO many examples of this.

Trump taking AF1 to Mar-a-Lago, no 21 gun salute for Biden, etc etc etc.

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88a0cf No.21508007

File: e7f287772eacb53⋯.png (17.58 KB,593x269,593:269,vest.PNG)




In the second quarter of this year investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes for sale in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, per Redfin and MorePerfectUnion.

They bought over 23% in San Diego.

In Miami that number was 29%.

4:17 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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eebc4a No.21508009


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612e99 No.21508011

File: 099e878eb04686d⋯.png (726.2 KB,829x904,829:904,ClipboardImage.png)


zappa steak


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01c3e1 No.21508013

Women stop acting like Whores, Gays get thrown off of roofs. How Bad is Sharia Law?

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f678d9 No.21508015



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9dd0a5 No.21508018


And probably tastes like the silly putty it’s really made of

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88a0cf No.21508019

File: 3c0a90c3d235bcd⋯.png (360.94 KB,596x484,149:121,gp.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/rising-democrat-star-gov-wes-moore-gets-exposed/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rising-democrat-star-gov-wes-moore-gets-exposed


4:33 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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cdd192 No.21508020


as much effort the Founding Framers put into The Declaration, Constitution and BoA… they knew then and even wrote about how it was a New Idea and Experiment. They knew it was running against very long odds. here we are today, yet again a 'government' that can't even foresee its own demise by yet again destroying the general population upon which that same government is dependent upon. It is asinine, stupid and suicidal dumb. When will humanity learn once and for all the government simply can NEVER be trusted?

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c6c184 No.21508021

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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eebc4a No.21508022

File: d2d4ad15ea6ae93⋯.png (99.24 KB,255x160,51:32,ClipboardImage.png)


>juuuu got taht tainted luuub

>oh hoh hoho oh ho

>tainted luub

>whoaaa hoooooo ho ho oh

>tainted luub

first i ran to juuuuu

now i run frum juuuuuuuu

juuu got tainted tainted luuub

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88a0cf No.21508023

File: b148d307e3f6d6b⋯.png (158.41 KB,593x822,593:822,ph.PNG)





should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children.

JFK introduced a school fitness program called the "La Sierra System," designed by a WWII veteran. It focused on building strength, flexibility, endurance, and leadership skills.

The program encouraged students to strengthen their minds and bodies. One key element was "ability grouping," where students were ranked based on their physical fitness.

In other words, it was a competition.

To be in the top group, students had to do at least 12 handstand push-ups and 14 pull-ups. Students pushed themselves to be the strongest and fastest.

We need to bring back that determination and resilience.

“This should be a matter of concern to us all. A country is only as strong as its citizens, and I think that mental and physical health, mental and physical vigor, go hand in hand.” -JFK

8:36 AM · Aug 29, 2024




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1a5a45 No.21508024


This is stupid.

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eebc4a No.21508025

File: 19cdd7fe7ac1982⋯.png (339.78 KB,1024x1014,512:507,ClipboardImage.png)


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7e2be9 No.21508026

File: 1e80721e6b275cf⋯.png (966.05 KB,1503x1028,1503:1028,Aug_30_Invader_crime.png)

File: eb24477d4ed6703⋯.png (299.75 KB,859x1028,859:1028,Aug_30_Sanctuary_Jurisdict….png)

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95d41b No.21508027

File: 8a1869c04b7396f⋯.jpg (271.11 KB,1200x1748,300:437,zappa.jpg)


>zappa steak

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88a0cf No.21508028

File: 0349720536314f1⋯.png (190.55 KB,600x565,120:113,year.PNG)


James Watkins


Penner has been saying this for years.

Follow the pen.



Leading Report



Aug 29

BREAKING: Trump claims there are ‘signs’ Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s father.


4:26 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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90ed85 No.21508029


Is there even one demoncrat that actually served with honor ?

Perhaps it is part of the satanic entrance rituals, to be an honorless megalomaniac.

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eebc4a No.21508032

File: 2817f639e21c9ed⋯.png (130.54 KB,983x1024,983:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


>juuu got tainted tainted luuub


>juuu got tainted tainted luuub

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88a0cf No.21508033

File: 902024a97333c95⋯.png (361.72 KB,592x788,148:197,pur.PNG)




In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

This was after the Democrat Party's Russiagate hoax was exposed as a multi-year disinformation campaign run against the American people.

She's a vindictive authoritarian who will do irreparable harm to our rights and freedoms.


Square profile picture

Anderson Cooper 360°



Sep 30, 2019

Pres. Trump's "Twitter account should be suspended," says Kamala Harris.

"There's plenty of…evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm…so the privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him."

4:03 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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612e99 No.21508035

File: 1ff611347cc08ea⋯.png (198.44 KB,729x1062,81:118,ClipboardImage.png)




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2cca13 No.21508036

File: 85fb09901573b15⋯.jpg (93.19 KB,587x698,587:698,1cf8762154100ea432bf7d4ae9….jpg)

File: 84558686ffadbeb⋯.jpg (979.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240829_172903….jpg)

File: ee4402474cfa954⋯.jpg (100.71 KB,500x534,250:267,cccfaba8e8af53b987f6169ad9….jpg)

File: 1fb8fb48740c784⋯.jpg (794.69 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240829_175054….jpg)

File: 676e6b09e7515f0⋯.jpg (193.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2385957005.jpg)

"Getting choked"

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88a0cf No.21508037

File: f18e42108d99176⋯.png (26.05 KB,586x314,293:157,po.PNG)

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95d41b No.21508039

File: 1418279b961e221⋯.png (236.46 KB,654x382,327:191,shill_try_to_blend.png)

Killary has a message for vatican shill.

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ada41c No.21508040

File: 63aa48dddb5f221⋯.png (320.29 KB,411x598,411:598,8bRoc6vYss1k.png)

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eebc4a No.21508041


>Hey Snowball, Wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.


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ada41c No.21508043

File: a8d09ce4624c767⋯.png (1001.25 KB,1536x795,512:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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f678d9 No.21508044



I'm gonna use it.

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1a5a45 No.21508045


I understand them trying, but taking advantage of something so precious and giving them a get rich quick scheme was wrong. It wasn't intended for that. They were not to stay in power and make money off the people.

They should've listened. :/

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7b128a No.21508046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes

This is sinister shit. Randomly met someone involved with this. They are fixing the houses up and renting them. This is not a scheme to flip, it's going to push the general public further into serfdom. You can bet these property groups will find a way to reduce their property tax burden while covering the full cost with rents collected.

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501aeb No.21508048

Why Elon didn't not shut down X porn

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88a0cf No.21508049

File: 583db392abd6e4d⋯.png (25.57 KB,601x274,601:274,ev.PNG)


Elon Musk




Vivek Ramaswamy




Kamala’s interview last night was a reminder that we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*. They require a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification. That’s exactly why we get Biden, then Kamala, and so on.

1:26 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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d8d735 No.21508050

File: 978e0925ea6fcc0⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1080x1920,9:16,978e0925ea6fcc05dbcab1be85….mp4)


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eebc4a No.21508051




an asshol satellites can track

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4f2301 No.21508053

File: b8513a678bb2ef1⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,1280x584,160:73,photo_2024_08_30_05_10_57.jpg)

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1a5a45 No.21508054


They are the system…..

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5206d6 No.21508055

File: ccaf09937e50029⋯.jpg (81.79 KB,501x506,501:506,HEY_AMERICA_1.jpg)


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88a0cf No.21508056

File: ff1316941766b21⋯.png (520.77 KB,604x828,151:207,wv.PNG)




Gain of Fauci



Aug 28

🧵The FBI just released this supposed picture of explosives in the trunk of Thomas Crooks' vehicle and some things aren't adding up…


Gain of Fauci



Aug 28

2) Why did outlets report/confirm that Thomas Crooks was driving a white van?

In the picture of the explosives above, you can clearly tell that this was a car and not a van.


You reposted

Gain of Fauci


3) Again, it wasn't just one outlet that reported on the white van… many of them did.

It's also strange that none of these articles have been updated to say that this was incorrect information. As you all know, media outlets are notorious for jumping the gun and being wrong initially but they USUALLY at least update the articles later when their original story is proven false, especially when it's the entire crux of the article. In this case, I haven't found any that did this in regard to the white van claim.


3:42 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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eebc4a No.21508057

File: 1f00e3a87446343⋯.png (1.24 MB,1334x750,667:375,2020_08_15_17_47_IMG_0249.PNG)

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ada41c No.21508058

File: e72741511bc8504⋯.jpg (23.32 KB,474x266,237:133,super_pepe2.jpg)

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3045d9 No.21508059

https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/08/28/mark-halprin-has-a-pragmatic-warning-for-kamala-harris-supporters/ “I’m warning those of you who want Trump to lose that by the middle of next month, there’s a real possibility, based on what I’ve seen in terms of public and private data … that Kamala Harris could be where Joe Biden was,” says

Mark Halperin.

“Only one electoral college path and not a particularly strong hold on it.”

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826772 No.21508060

Testing sometin for archiving don't delete fucking censor faggot

→ ↑ ↓ ← ➟ ➠ ➳ ➧ ➨ ➡ ➽ ➵ ➸ ➼ ➷ ➹ ➴ ➶ ➻ ➺ ➙ ➞ ➝ ➚ ➘ ➢ ➣ ➤ ➥ ➦ ➛ ➜ ➲ ↔ ↗ ↖ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↠ ↟ ↡ ↞ ↢ ↣ ↦ ↥ ↨ ↕ ↧ ↤ ➫ ➬ ➩ ➪ ➭ ➮ ➯ ➱ ↩ ↪ ↫ ↬ ↭ ↮ ⇜ ↜ ↝ ⇝ ↯ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↴ ↵ ↸ ↹ ⇁ ⇀ ↿ ↾ ⇃ ⇂ ↼ ↽ ⇉ ⇄ ⇈ ⇅ ⇊ ⇆ ⇇ ♐ ⇋ ⇌ ⇍ ⇎ ⇏ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇖ ⇗ ⇘ ⇙ ⇚ ⇛ ⇞ ⇟ ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ ⇤ ⇥ ⇨ ⇧ ⇪ ⇩ ⇦ ⌦ ⌧ ⌫ ⇰ ⇫ ⇬ ⇭ ⇳ ⇮ ⇯ ⇱ ⇲ ⇴ ⇵ ⇶ ⇷ ⇸ ⇹ ⇺ ➔ ➾ ↶ ↷ ↺ ↻ ⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⬄ ⬀ ⬁ ⬂ ⬃ ⬅ ⮕ ⬆ ⬇ ⬈ ⬉ ⬊ ⬋ ⬌ ⬍ 🡐 🡒 🡑 🡓 🡔 🡕 🡖 🡗 🡘 🡙 🡠 🡢 🡡 🡣 🡤 🡥 🡦 🡧 🡨 🡪 🡩 🡫 🡬 🡭 🡮 🡯 🡰 🡲 🡱 🡳 🡴 🡵 🡶 🡷 🡸 🡺 🡹 🡻 🡼 🡽 🡾 🡿 🢀 🢂 🢁 🢃 🢄 🢅 🢆 🢇 ⇽ ⇾ ⇿ ⬳ ⟿ ⤉ ⤈ ⇻ ⇼ ⬴ ⤀ ⬵ ⤁ ⬹ ⤔ ⬺ ⤕ ⬶ ⤅ ⬻ ⤖ ⬷ ⤐ ⬼ ⤗ ⬽ ⤘ ⤝ ⤞ ⤟ ⤠ ⤡ ⤢ ⤣ ⤤ ⤥ ⤦ ⟺ ⤂ ⤃ ⤄ ⤆ ⤇ ⤊ ⤋ ⭅ ⭆ ⟰ ⟱ ⟻ ⟼ ⤒ ⤓ ⤙ ⤚ ⤛ ⤜ ⥼ ⥽ ⥾ ⥿ ⤼ ⤽ ⤾ ⤿ ⤸ ⤺ ⤹ ⤻ ⥀ ⥁ ⟲ ⟳ 🗘 ⮍ ⮌ ⮏ ⮎ ⮔ 🢠 🢡 🢢 🢣 🢤 🢥 🢦 🢧 🢨 🢩 🢪 🢫 ◄ ► ◅ ▻ ◀ ▶ ▲ ▼ 🢐 🢒 🢑 🢓 ⌃ ⌄ 🢔 🢖 🢕 🢗 ⮹ 🠴 🠶 🠵 🠷 🠼 🠾 🠽 🠿 🡀 🡁 🡂 🡃 🡄 🡆 🡅 🡇 🠹 🠻 🠸 🠺 🢘 🢚 🢙 🢛 🠀 🠂 🠁 🠃 🠄 🠆 🠅 🠇 🠈 🠊 🠉 🠋 🠐 🠒 🠑 🠓 🠔 🠖 🠕 🠗 🠘 🠚 🠙 🠛 🠜 🠞 🠝 🠟 🠠 🠢 🠱 🠳 🠤 🠦 🠨 🠪 🠬 🠮 🠰 🠲 🔙 🔚 🔛 🔜 🔝 🔁 🔃 🔂 🔄

† ✝ ✞ ♱ ☨ ☦ ‡ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✙ ☩ ✠ ⊹ 〷 ⛑ ⛨

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88a0cf No.21508061

File: cf802caf10a5d9a⋯.png (212.28 KB,597x822,199:274,at.PNG)


Andrew Torba


July 15th through 29th: DDoSecrets publishes over one million hacked files from the Israeli government.

July 30th- August 22nd: the leaked files are spread all over Telegram.

August 23rd: DDoSecrets Telegram channel is banned.

August 24th: Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, is arrested.

Durov has consistently refused to provide user data to governments, citing the privacy of user data as "sacred" and emphasizing Telegram's commitment to privacy. Despite pressure from Russian authorities and others in the past, Durov has maintained this stance, even refusing to hand over encryption keys to Russian intelligence agencies

Nothing to see here.



Last edited

12:16 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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0c3d9d No.21508062

File: 05803f41c5d6905⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,360x640,9:16,stayin_alive_team.mp4)

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88a0cf No.21508063

File: f6a47de1e0f9f3b⋯.png (470.02 KB,600x510,20:17,tg.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears To Threaten Street Artist SABO, As His Brilliant Artwork Blaming Kamala For Illegal Alien Invasions Across America Appears On Street Signs, Bus Stops In Aurora, CO https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/soft-crime-dem-ag-appears-threaten-street-artist/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=soft-crime-dem-ag-appears-threaten-street-artist


4:09 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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612e99 No.21508065

File: c4a9d68ec6d04af⋯.png (440.59 KB,901x744,901:744,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f3c62 No.21508067

File: 2f8a33c833492b1⋯.png (75.27 KB,612x640,153:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc564201b9486f5⋯.png (294.87 KB,638x787,638:787,ClipboardImage.png)

US Northern Command has been authorized to assist USSS with security detail through the presidential race until Jan 20 2025. Austin ordered it.

I believe we are getting ready to see "My Fellow Americans…"

DoD authorizing military to aid USSS is not completely unheard of but having Northern Command control it can only mean the Country is under some type of emergency/COG/invasion/war

Freshen up on Norcom jurisdiction and purpose. They don't actually have a force. They have the power to use personnel from all branches.



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7b128a No.21508069



KEK, lazy faggot is lazy An image full of text is not retrievable for effective research in archives

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eebc4a No.21508073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>kuk fomey buuk cuks foamy kuks cuckin fomey cuk buuk cukin cuks

totally not about colonics foamy cukcukincukcs buuk feel fill ruth badur

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0eac1c No.21508076


We dug on this rite after the failed as atmpt. The ? was how Crooks could get that 10 foot ladder to the site in his CAR….Not a van.

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7e2be9 No.21508077


Yep. And Montana.

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ada41c No.21508078

File: d08416440ba61e5⋯.png (1.02 MB,968x1083,968:1083,ClipboardImage.png)

Does Jack White actually believe this? He's either dumb as fuck or towing the deep state line.

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eebc4a No.21508079

File: 398b50f70645f8e⋯.jpg (323.86 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Quotefancy_6394792_3840x21….jpg)

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c29fa0 No.21508080


wow… what crawled up his ass…

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1bcb61 No.21508081


Is that hand symbolism that Tampon Tim is displaying under the table?

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184242 No.21508082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Return of the King: The Ride of the Rohirrim

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3045d9 No.21508083

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e8ea0c No.21508084

File: 3c5d4395438eb19⋯.png (232.38 KB,594x515,594:515,ClipboardImage.png)


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385f3b No.21508085



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d8d735 No.21508086



#26351 >>21507435

>>21507857 Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759, >>21508033 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

>>21507873 1:08 PM EDT Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

>>21507886, >>21508061 Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'

>>21507897, >>21507916 Greenland: Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

>>21507903 @BarackObama hopes - HOPE IS MAKING A COMEBACK

>>21507932 Southcom Commander Call for Harnessing AI, Developing Space Domain to Meet Future Challenges

>>21508001 Workers won't accept less than $81,000 for a new job right now, per a New York Fed survey

>>21508007 Investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes in Vegas & LA, 23% in San Diego, 29% in Miami

>>21508019 Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient

>>21508023 RFK should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children

>>21508028 @thejimwatkins - Penner has been saying this for years. Follow the pen

>>21508049 Vivek: "we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*"

>>21508056 The FBI just released this supposed picture of explosives in the trunk of Thomas Crooks' vehicle

>>21508063 Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears To Threaten Street Artist SABO re: art on Street Signs, Bus Stops In Aurora

>>21508067 US Northern Command has been authorized to assist USSS with security detail through the presidential race until Jan 20 2025

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3fa36e No.21508087



Revelation 17:15

15 And he said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the whore is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages.

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07adfe No.21508088

File: a09b776c7134402⋯.png (250.35 KB,520x288,65:36,ClipboardImage.png)

Top German left-wing MP attacked (VIDEO)

Sahra Wagenknecht, an outspoken critic of Berlin’s policies on Ukraine, was giving a speech when she was sprayed with red paint

Veteran German left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht was splattered with red paint at a rally on Thursday, in an incident that her associates linked to her stance against arming Ukraine. A suspect has been detained.

Earlier this year, the firebrand MP split from Die Linke to establish the eponymous Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – a movement that is left-leaning on economic policy but closer to the far right on hot-button issues such as immigration.

She has repeatedly lambasted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government over its support for Ukraine.

During a campaign rally in Erfurt on Thursday evening, a man believed to be in his early 50s doused the podium with red paint. Wagenknecht escaped unscathed with a few specks of paint on her head, neck and upper body, according to her party’s spokesperson, Steffen Quasebarth. He added that the attacker appeared to have used a medical syringe.

The politician vacated the podium, but returned soon afterwards.

The offender was pinned to the ground and handcuffed by security personnel. Local media quoted the police as saying he is now being investigated for criminal damage to property. While his motive remains unknown, authorities believe it may have been political, the ZDF broadcaster reported.


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ada41c No.21508089

File: 9025b4389c2e6eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,600x529,600:529,pepe_shrug.png)


His music is just too good for certain people to listen to I guess. Either that or he's missing being pegged by Meg and it's got him in a pissy mood.

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7bbc1e No.21508090

File: 8d08c7ad08ea595⋯.png (773.26 KB,720x720,1:1,we_have_penetrated_the_cab….png)


That's happening everywhere. The future is landlords and renters. If it sounds feudal, it is.

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eebc4a No.21508091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>kuk fomey buuk cuks foamy kuks cuckin fomey cuk buuk cukin cuks

>totally not about colonics foamy cukcukincukcs buuk feel fill ruth badur

full frappe colonic release fillur feels FiBkuckin cuks foamy cukin cuck fomey buuk cukin cuk cuk cuk cuks foamy cuck

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a43975 No.21508092


He did a great job, good actor, I love big dogs, the small ones are annoying and really not friendly.

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07f47f No.21508093

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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07adfe No.21508094

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'No': Harris Says She Won't Change US Policy On Arming Israel


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505c10 No.21508095

File: 5d037fd11b3253c⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,170x255,2:3,77cef8f15e8960b3046a87e33a….jpg)

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184242 No.21508096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eye of the Tiger.


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e8ea0c No.21508097

File: 89a89564d33e5af⋯.png (303.04 KB,594x495,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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406998 No.21508099

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5206d6 No.21508100

File: 87a195cbd074c44⋯.jpg (161.82 KB,710x468,355:234,DELIVERED_PROMISE_2.jpg)

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406998 No.21508101

File: e269dbc7fa5cdfe⋯.png (82.92 KB,662x617,662:617,e269dbc7fa5cdfee7a1b6b00c7….png)

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e8ea0c No.21508102

File: 47bf3f5f5e84a2c⋯.png (368.41 KB,680x511,680:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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056ff2 No.21508103


Frazzled.riip - a video 'rip'

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3ed6d4 No.21508104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eebc4a No.21508105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>kuk fomey buuk cuks foamy kuks cuckin fomey cuk buuk cukin cuks

>>totally not about colonics foamy cukcukincukcs buuk feel fill ruth badur

>full frappe colonic release fillur feels FiBkuckin cuks foamy cukin cuck fomey buuk cukin cuk cuk cuk cuks foamy cuck

fresh releasedstarbucks colonic flavorin seekin buttstuff comittee brandingfoamy cucks cukin cuks cuk cuk cuk cuck fomey buuk an feels cuk fill cuk cuckin cuks

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184242 No.21508106

File: c71dbbb6353ba7f⋯.jpg (20.25 KB,403x240,403:240,402d9e1c173d953a4679591c90….jpg)


>Revelation 17:15


>15 And he said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the whore is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages.

Amen. "Watch the Water."


You're Fired.

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e8ea0c No.21508107

File: 25d00baf5571c13⋯.png (410.01 KB,540x680,27:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d8c6d526199355⋯.png (589.98 KB,680x516,170:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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07adfe No.21508108

File: 0794a947fb2f080⋯.png (18.62 KB,752x157,752:157,ClipboardImage.png)

Human Rights Campaign President Calls For Rejection Of "The Little Piece Of Paper" Of The Founders

Viewers now get a steady diet of figures like MSNBC commentator Elie Mystal who called the U.S. Constitution “trash” and argued that we should simply just dump it.

In a New York Times column, “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale called for the Constitution to be “radically altered” to “reclaim America from constitutionalism.”

Georgetown University Law School Professor Rosa Brooks went on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” to lash out at Americans becoming “slaves” to the U.S. Constitution and that the Constitution itself is now the problem for the country.

I was recently called for a response to Robinson’s call. Yet, it is not clear if Robinson is speaking about the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution as that “little piece of paper.” However, she insists that “[i]n this moment, we’ve got to reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center.”

Robinson added:

“And I think for us right now is about reimagining freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our Founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that is by and for all of the people in this country. That’s the opportunity that we have.”

Her comments did include positive views of the progress made under the current system:

“The story of America is the story of progress towards freedom. In just a few generations, my family went from being enslaved in Mississippi to the first free Black family in Muscatine, Iowa, to preparing to elect President Kamala Harris. Progress is happening my friends!”

As someone who has supported LGBT rights for over four decades, I have nothing but admiration for those who fight for equal rights for everyone to be able to live their lives according to their own values and associations.

However, a radical “reimagining” our constitutional system is a popular and growing call on the left. It is often left vague in terms of what such a reimagination would entail, but suggests structural, not just policy, changes.

If the “little piece of paper” is a reference to the Madisonian constitution, it is a “type of democracy” that has proven the oldest and most successful constitutional system in the history of the world. It has survived precisely because it was designed for the most pluralistic nation in the world. It allows for tremendous social and political changes but does so within a framework that protects individual rights.

Before we start “reimagining” our way out of the most stable constitutional system in history, we may want to consider how the alternatives have been faring around the world.


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d9da7f No.21508109

File: cfe0136b11ad814⋯.png (1.45 MB,1402x914,701:457,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21507359 pb

>Presidential Transition Act that was amended Dec 29 2022

Can anyone synopsis the changes that were made?

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023ef7 No.21508110


you have big bewbs babyfist

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5206d6 No.21508111

File: 48d7d0612a9b3d0⋯.jpg (149.15 KB,709x471,709:471,DELIVERED_PROMISE.jpg)

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e8ea0c No.21508112

File: 80266a455d45837⋯.png (404.36 KB,675x680,135:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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c79797 No.21508113

File: 282ac707fe75ce6⋯.png (302.2 KB,635x1638,635:1638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3f15a45192f5bb⋯.png (81.98 KB,619x564,619:564,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faf71c7e38ae75d⋯.png (652.42 KB,845x1084,845:1084,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 257a4a6df9b5bbb⋯.png (387.92 KB,840x1010,84:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e5ed26e6f20977⋯.png (203.94 KB,838x1018,419:509,ClipboardImage.png)

Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican governors joined together today to state that they will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy.

Twenty-six Republican governors released a joint statement saying:

“The World Health Organization is attempting one world control over health policy with their new ‘Pandemic Agreement.’ Twenty-four Republican Governors expressed concern over this development in a joint letter in May 2024. Put simply, Republican Governors will not comply.”

Signatories include: Governor Kay Ivey (AL), Governor Mike Dunleavy (AK), Governor Sarah Sanders (AR), Governor Ron DeSantis (FL), Governor Brian Kemp (GA), Governor Brad Little (ID), Governor Eric Holcomb (IN), Governor Kim Reynolds (IA), Governor Jeff Landry (LA), Governor Tate Reeves (MS), Governor Mike Parson (MO), Governor Greg Gianforte (MT), Governor Jim Pillen (NE), Governor Joe Lombardo (NV), Governor Chris Sununu (NH), Governor Doug Burgum (ND), Governor Mike DeWine (OH), Governor Kevin Stitt (OK), Governor Henry McMaster (SC), Governor Kristi Noem (SD), Governor Bill Lee (TN), Governor Greg Abbott (TX), Governor Spencer Cox (UT), Governor Glenn Youngkin (VA), Governor Jim Justice (WV), and Governor Mark Gordon (WY).

Background on the WHO Pandemic Treaty:

In December 2021, the World Health Assembly of the WHO established an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to create an international instrument under the constitution of the WHO to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. (WHO)

The Biden Administration has been participating in negotiations with the World Health Assembly as part of the intergovernmental negotiating body, and the WHO released a second draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty in October of 2023. (WHO)

Twenty-four Republican Governors sent a letter on this topic in May 2024, and the letter can be found here.



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eebc4a No.21508114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>kuk fomey buuk cuks foamy kuks cuckin fomey cuk buuk cukin cuks

>>>totally not about colonics foamy cukcukincukcs buuk feel fill ruth badur

>>full frappe colonic release fillur feels FiBkuckin cuks foamy cukin cuck fomey buuk cukin cuk cuk cuk cuks foamy cuck

>fresh releasedstarbucks colonic flavorin seekin buttstuff comittee brandingfoamy cucks cukin cuks cuk cuk cuk cuck fomey buuk an feels cuk fill cuk cuckin cuks

federal fart flavoring comittee seeks intergalactic interacial gangbang recomends cukin foamy volcanic cuk fomey buuk reveals all butttjuuuuus feels thinks an fillur seo

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184242 No.21508115

File: e3d269f2b3b35a8⋯.jpg (254.33 KB,703x900,703:900,the_destruction_of_leviath….jpg)

"Prayers DO Work."

God answers prayers.

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ba4d30 No.21508116

File: c9aa2b81c6e9ce1⋯.png (470.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA182.png)

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eebc4a No.21508117

cheese !

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ba4d30 No.21508118

File: b41b24c7fa771af⋯.png (313.54 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA181.png)

File: 1eb5ae8196ee0b8⋯.png (748.97 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA180.png)

File: 8d5da7245226642⋯.png (840.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN614.png)

File: 22ae1d11be1461c⋯.png (753.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA179.png)

File: 55a418dde896ac9⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x768,4:3,TRUMP34.png)

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188b11 No.21508119


>let’s put a glass of water on the floor under the chair. That’ll keep them watching us.

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d9da7f No.21508120

File: a046420197dc4ec⋯.mp4 (12.13 MB,640x360,16:9,_0_bill_cooper_predicts_fu….mp4)


>In a New York Times column, “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale called for the Constitution to be “radically altered” to “reclaim America from constitutionalism.”


>Georgetown University Law School Professor Rosa Brooks went on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” to lash out at Americans becoming “slaves” to the U.S. Constitution and that the Constitution itself is now the problem for the country.

This is a fucking huge development and has been predicted for many decades

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ba4d30 No.21508121

File: 37e0f98aac0a1af⋯.png (590.77 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA177.png)

File: 41894102c517bcf⋯.png (466.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA176.png)

File: f9e2247aa5fe268⋯.png (503.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA175.png)

File: 5633ebf15e95456⋯.png (476.32 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA178.png)

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eebc4a No.21508122

overcooked rice must stap

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e8ea0c No.21508123

File: 3914e7c29232f0b⋯.png (360.47 KB,483x680,483:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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07adfe No.21508125

File: 379de12b8e0c448⋯.png (770.53 KB,948x565,948:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 507e3ab98016982⋯.png (74.35 KB,761x626,761:626,ClipboardImage.png)

Musk's X Lawsuit Against Media Matters Can Proceed To Trial: Judge

A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a lawsuit brought by Elon Musk's X against Media Matters can proceed to trial, after dismissing a request by the Democrat-run enterprise.

"Because the Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants, venue is proper, and Plaintiff has properly pled its claims, Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss is denied," wrote Judge Judge Reed O'Connor in his ruling.


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01bfde No.21508126

File: a7d3e7e7f468d56⋯.png (267.63 KB,405x260,81:52,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05528623b524df0⋯.png (69.77 KB,332x248,83:62,ClipboardImage.png)


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eebc4a No.21508127

File: 0dc159e57bb5020⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,562x781,562:781,haroldkumar2_2_Copy.jpg)

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e8ea0c No.21508128

File: 924ae213d36bfe3⋯.png (304.91 KB,505x574,505:574,ClipboardImage.png)


>follow the wives

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ada41c No.21508129

File: 6acbed12a9ccb99⋯.gif (3.3 MB,480x200,12:5,2584454385.gif)

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b06b7f No.21508130

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


> Jack White

Another adrenochromer?

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b39558 No.21508131

File: 01d5ff412436f3f⋯.png (645.39 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)


New York Post


Secret Service ending protection for RFK Jr. https://trib.al/3Lrzfbe

9:35 AM · Aug 25, 2024




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000000 No.21508132


>censor faggot

Censorship is the new 8kun way

Just like social media now

Almost like Jack Dorsey and OSS had a baby

That baby became the new BO

Delete all by IP, lazy jannies

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d9da7f No.21508133

File: 9fda7f1faaa8679⋯.png (366.15 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7de17d No.21508134

File: 4f9328d9961200a⋯.png (412.52 KB,1480x562,740:281,ClipboardImage.png)




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d9da7f No.21508135

File: 466e279e349e330⋯.mp4 (8.51 MB,720x720,1:1,The_DNC_TDS_Extended_Remix….mp4)



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131c8c No.21508136

File: dfdc8259c961a30⋯.jpg (14.27 KB,255x170,3:2,pepe_trader.jpg)

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a84ab0 No.21508137

Here's an idea. If you are looking to purchase a house in California apply for the new $150K that was just passed to help illegals buy homes. Then when you are refused because you are a US citizen sue in federal court and the basis that you were discriminated against because of your national origin, which federal law makes it illegal to do.

Just a thought.

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7eada5 No.21508138


Where is Maxwell Yearick?

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07adfe No.21508139

File: 6446f6a6746624e⋯.png (582.17 KB,450x600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 719a4cd1fb6776e⋯.png (529.76 KB,450x600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73aa3454577776b⋯.png (666.44 KB,450x600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5491e No.21508140





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d9da7f No.21508141

File: 30cf65bbb451db7⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,480x544,15:17,Peter_Hitchens_2009_on_res….mp4)



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c79797 No.21508142

File: 5be64d43a388ee1⋯.png (417.23 KB,785x851,785:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b350dbba6597b62⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,480x270,16:9,Our_Democracy.mp4)

"Our Democracy"

Burn this into your brain, and every time you hear the word "democracy" used in a weaponized fashion, remember the burn mark.


“Democracy is the watchword of the foreign policy establishment to overthrow foreign governments. Let me say that again: Democracy is the watchword of the foreign policy establishment to overthrow foreign governments.”

At @Heritage, I decode the ‘democracy’ censorship trick


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8beb4c No.21508143

File: cb3dec1e7d21406⋯.webp (20.06 KB,588x433,588:433,66d15f5437cf5.webp)

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188b11 No.21508144


I mean, if they’re only available to undocumented people, can’t you just show up… without documents ?

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b5491e No.21508145



[Good idea, if the courts weren't already corrupted]

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188b11 No.21508146


Also, It still smells like a sting operation to go fishing for undocumented people.

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184242 No.21508147


"Less than 10 percent. Less than 10 percent. Remember that." - Current Speaker (White Hat)

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33c4ea No.21508148

Any fresh reptilian stuff?

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e0cb0c No.21508149

File: 93fca85849a765c⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47af140f874b5ae⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e0162f435a320f⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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056ff2 No.21508150


>Evil cannot create anything new, it can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.

Correct. Evil is the inversion or corruption of anything good created. It lacks any spark of creativity. It is bereft of anything positive.

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01bfde No.21508151

File: 53ec569ce1112e6⋯.png (180.22 KB,349x234,349:234,ClipboardImage.png)



ferrari 458s and $10 million for each and every one of us! yay!!!!..and of course, great health, with which to enjoy these blessings….so be it.

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7a1b46 No.21508152

File: 6b2c0f87bd7b8cb⋯.png (122.65 KB,500x781,500:781,ClipboardImage.png)


Negroes scared.

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07adfe No.21508153

File: 0dc25c705c32340⋯.png (796.32 KB,671x1024,671:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d58bc187b578540⋯.png (522.18 KB,1024x650,512:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b5a600f5f960ea⋯.png (249.59 KB,571x545,571:545,ClipboardImage.png)

US State Department Pushed “Voting Machine Semiconductors” Prior to Brazilian Election – Then CIA Pressured Populist Candidate Jair Bolsonaro to Keep His Mouth Shut When He Lost! – Elon Musk Responds!

Former State Department official, Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online posted a very interesting tweet today on the CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil.

Mike Benz sat for an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier in the week where he first discussed the Biden regime’s efforts to interfere in the 2022 reelection of populist favorite Jair Bolsonaro.

The Gateway Pundit posted this morning on the Biden regime, the US Military, the State Department, and the CIA’s efforts to alter the election results in Brazil in 2022. The Biden regime decided it was in its best interest to support the communist Lula da Silva in the election and to fund the censorship ecosystem and subvert the populist Bolsonaro administration.

Mike Benz published more shocking information on how the US State Department interfered in the 2022 election by pushing semiconductors made by Nuvoton, a Taiwanese company, used in voting machines.


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88a0cf No.21508154

File: 47faad653ba5039⋯.png (259.68 KB,599x705,599:705,bh.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


UPDATE: the Boar’s Head page on Tent Coalition’s website is gone. Totally erased their presence from Tent Coalition’s page, old link now redirects to the TC Homepage (https://tent.org/partner/boars-head/


My sh*tposting makes sh*t happen!! H/T @sunnyright


Oilfield Rando



Aug 28

“Boar’s Head is part of the Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S., exploring hiring, training, and mentoring opportunities for refugees”

“Inspectors turned up dozens of violations at a Boar’s Head plant in Virginia now linked to a nationwide recall of deli meats”



3:28 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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131c8c No.21508155

File: 62b609b24b7d9f0⋯.png (209.12 KB,384x500,96:125,FBI_Facebook_Fauci.png)

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e079b5 No.21508156

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c6c184 No.21508157

File: d94e4ab55790d1b⋯.png (253.31 KB,425x406,425:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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c79797 No.21508158

File: ab794a228f8c151⋯.png (273.05 KB,415x480,83:96,ee8761dec1ea655a49899f2cd9….png)

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32498b No.21508159


Once a democrat, always a democrat?

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4f2301 No.21508160

File: be18209be339458⋯.jpg (168.23 KB,816x1280,51:80,photo_2024_08_29_07_25_12.jpg)


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88a0cf No.21508161

File: 39468c34d8e74f1⋯.png (342.9 KB,598x484,299:242,evi.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

From thegatewaypundit.com

2:45 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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c01b77 No.21508162

File: 0b812c911e23b05⋯.png (754.28 KB,670x956,335:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f16fa424f4ced46⋯.png (407.17 KB,626x856,313:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e540f2b1bbcb4e⋯.png (141.61 KB,360x346,180:173,0e540f2b1bbcb4e3ac5fbeee70….png)


Krassenstiens are into PORN, no way!!!

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7bbc1e No.21508163


Infiltration instead of invasion?

Why not both?

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88a0cf No.21508164

File: 550bf0b276efd5f⋯.png (332.14 KB,593x620,593:620,mb.PNG)


Elon Musk




Mike Benz




The US State Dept called in massive favors & leveraged personal connections to build voting machines for Lula-aligned Brazil officials and then the CIA warned Bolsonaro not to mess with or cast doubt on all the new US State Dept-secured voting machines determining his election x.com/MikeBenzCyber/…




12:41 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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0aa4e1 No.21508165

File: c743dd2c15cb15c⋯.png (473.03 KB,1284x856,3:2,Eiger_Sanction_Young_Whore.png)


Just to clarify that was Kiddie Pron sites? Correct?

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44e4bd No.21508166

Every single policy Kier Stalin has introduced is aimed at the working class.

The working class are far more likely to be far right minded through oppression.

Facial recognition is for the streets where the majority of assaults rape and violent crimes are committed by the working class.

Facial recognition does nothing to prevent white collar crime which cost this country more each year than working class crime statistics.

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188b11 No.21508167

File: b04e7912c133e5c⋯.jpeg (192.95 KB,907x529,907:529,IMG_5413.jpeg)


It’s about the break ?

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ada41c No.21508168

File: 68e86430b615b87⋯.png (749.63 KB,957x510,319:170,2bdb3d26a8b838dbb0d6987895….png)

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88a0cf No.21508169

File: d9588cb95a7888b⋯.png (169.34 KB,599x631,599:631,rs.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


Now the @HRC is doing a campaign of texting people to cry about how much they’re losing to us. When are they going to realize that we have eyes everywhere?

Also, FYI to the big brained @HRC_President

: If I decide to do a text and email campaign, it’ll blow yours out of the water and I’ll be encouraging companies to verify that every single email from your campaign is actually a real person. I’m very interested to see the results of that!



3:18 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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7a1b46 No.21508170


Sad thing is his music is only good for a few memes.

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184242 No.21508171

File: 4c210805ca6b195⋯.png (8.69 KB,444x138,74:23,ClipboardImage.png)


Carla Sands now. US Ambassadors to Denmark for Q+. "Delta of 750K." then mentioned "Crowdstrike".

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07adfe No.21508172

File: e1525a00d1ac02b⋯.png (228.15 KB,495x511,495:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a73f7cc9991815a⋯.png (422.6 KB,755x603,755:603,ClipboardImage.png)

US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants: Report

In 2023, roughly $150 billion in US taxpayer money was doled out for government services and support to help the 20 million illegals in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Most of the money was borne by state and local governments, not the feds, the NY Post reports.

In Massachusetts, Republican leaders say there’s a $1 billion hole in state coffers — and they’re accusing the Democrat-controlled government of quietly siphoning off tax dollars to deal with the migrant crisis.

On Tuesday, the state’s Republican Party filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding Gov. Maura Healey release Massachusetts’ full migrant budget, and alleging that the true cost has been hidden from the public. -NY Post


Funding your own demise

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20b3db No.21508173


kid's watch porn on X they don't need to find site

that why jack got a warning before.

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8beb4c No.21508174

File: 25cac717558b2bf⋯.webp (48.72 KB,556x764,139:191,avy70mM_700bwp.webp)

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a84ab0 No.21508175


>courts weren't already corrupted

I agree that is a problem but it is not yet all the courts, e.g. Judge Aileen Canon and Hunter is still facing tax charges in California of all places.

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0aa4e1 No.21508176

File: 3965b6433ff09bc⋯.png (229.71 KB,452x484,113:121,Davie_Icke.png)

File: 55bff0b3d051b73⋯.gif (1.65 MB,480x270,16:9,Dirty_Rotten_Scoundrels.gif)

File: 4ee5e783ce13e47⋯.jpg (23.1 KB,500x375,4:3,the_jerk_homeless.jpg)

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32498b No.21508177

File: 1aab6370c771702⋯.png (265.31 KB,553x309,553:309,ClipboardImage.png)


>Where is Maxwell Yearick?

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e0cb0c No.21508178

File: 23a38b736c112d8⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2cb21fd1260d1⋯.png (779.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21508158 dont be scared

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d26fe4 No.21508179

File: 6639c0837d69968⋯.mp4 (10.35 MB,480x480,1:1,smartmatic_and_skyking.mp4)



see video

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184242 No.21508180


Did CS just say.. "We have weekly trainings by patriots you know and love." ?

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0aa4e1 No.21508181

File: 8163b966285d88e⋯.jpg (281.35 KB,1200x800,3:2,_Antenna_Field_Gakona_Alas….jpg)

File: 704facd6c60913c⋯.png (207.08 KB,400x310,40:31,17th_SF_Grp.png)


Can Smell You Glowniggers from Mt. Weather…

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8de0da No.21508182

File: 74a709ba25a2cab⋯.png (1.11 MB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Good thing don't gaf which fake phobia they accuse anon of

Always have freedom pills for them if they screech xxxxxphobia to much whichever one it is

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88a0cf No.21508184

File: 2729420fe01d07a⋯.png (59.27 KB,606x330,101:55,hm.PNG)

File: c9a28f99421e098⋯.png (617.85 KB,721x522,721:522,sc_fl.PNG)


Gov. Henry McMaster


I have joined 25 other Republican governors in affirming that we will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy. Read more here:


Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican governors joined together today to state that they will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy.

2:55 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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eebc4a No.21508185

cheesey cheatin cheatur chuut

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612e99 No.21508187

File: 2e3e10ef4e7d020⋯.png (77.59 KB,994x785,994:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8ea0c No.21508188

File: 80b76c4a244d856⋯.png (91.52 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


Krassensteins are degens

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184242 No.21508190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bad Moon Rising playing in the open for current speaker Sean Parnell.

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8beb4c No.21508191

File: 9eec0d72f01c54b⋯.webp (24.46 KB,388x480,97:120,66d142756e070.webp)

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0aa4e1 No.21508192

File: 3d88c55e6f3c3db⋯.png (1.12 MB,1767x802,1767:802,B_21_Bomber.png)

File: ee12d44a762f683⋯.gif (2.7 MB,636x304,159:76,B2_Stealth_Refuel.gif)

File: 2fae93df6a487fa⋯.gif (254.03 KB,640x460,32:23,Aim_7_Launch.gif)

File: e783abba1c2b2df⋯.png (164.6 KB,568x383,568:383,e783abba1c2b2df88516c53268….png)





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88a0cf No.21508193

File: d7a4ad92405dd8f⋯.png (364.73 KB,597x834,199:278,min.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


The US govt dramatically underestimates the real rate of inflation.

The govt does this intentionally so that they can minimize the cost of living adjustments to Social Security payments. If CPI is faked lower, then govt can steaI more from Social Security recipients.


11:00 PM · Aug 29, 2024




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eebc4a No.21508194



tahy stole taht truck

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8de0da No.21508196


>Just to clarify that was Kiddie Pron sites? Correct?

"Teen porn" which is generally not really "teen porn" just young looking 20 y/os

No evidence of cp sites anon is aware of yet. Think it was teenpie or something iarc from diggs

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b5491e No.21508198




[The companies speak. The sheep repeat.]

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8beb4c No.21508201

File: 3e6662b11af32b4⋯.webp (47.06 KB,460x542,230:271,66d1cbec1cce6.webp)

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8de0da No.21508204



>steins are degens


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d26fe4 No.21508205

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kier starmer is a moran and a puppet of blair who has trained the young global leader puppets, it is the same thing that obama is doing with kamala, they think they can get away with it, but not this time.

anons have done all the research, calm the fuck down until nov 5th, 66 Days to go and changes will begin.

first the usa, than the world.

hopefully djt will make a phone call and sort out this shit, he knows everyone in d.c and the world who matter and who are the criminals.


see below video and take the times to watch the full length video in the notes below the source.



10 months ago 18.5K




Note: Clipped part of video with protester, will put together a vid of that and keir and blair plus keir with the globalist, davos and other bits. time stamp 17.15 - 19.30 into video total video lenght is 1 hr 20 min


Keir Starmer delivers keynote speech at Labour party conference in Liverpool – watch live

23,309 views Streamed live 3 hours ago

The Labour leader speaks at the party's annual conference in Liverpool, the last before an expected general election next year. 10th Oct 2023.



Tony Blair and Keir Starmer Discuss the Future of Britain


108,536 views 18 Jul 2023 LONDON

What does Britain's future look like?

Tony Blair joined Keir Starmer in conversation to discuss the future of our economy, health care, public services and more, driven by new technologies and a partnership between public and private sectors at the Future of Britain Conference 2023.

111The discussion also covered the challenges faced by the Labour Party, and the need for discipline and change to win the next general election.

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ba4d30 No.21508206

File: 41fcd85aecd15bb⋯.png (339.94 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA183.png)

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07adfe No.21508207

File: dbe20047b5e632a⋯.png (60.6 KB,740x548,185:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbadb6704849841⋯.png (77.87 KB,745x572,745:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bacd5878134540⋯.png (63.51 KB,724x570,362:285,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cca430dfd7ff47⋯.png (62.18 KB,729x528,243:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cca7325af45be03⋯.png (52 KB,779x504,779:504,ClipboardImage.png)

What Is 'The Great Inversion'? How False Hope Is Sold To The Masses

To understand the insanity of current and upcoming geopolitical events you must understand The Great Inversion

Over the last year I have begun to use the phrase “The Great Inversion”, or, simply, The False Awakening. I have yet to explain why I use this term and what it exactly it means, though I am sure readers/viewers have mostly grasped it by now.

I define The Great Inversion as:

“A false awakening whereby the steadily waking masses of freedom lovers are duped (once more) into falling for fake heroes and messiahs, and stealthily manipulated into supporting their own enslavement.”

Essentially, I believe the rise of actors like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and other figures is part of a false awakening taking place where many freedom lovers around the world are looking to these figures as the last line of defense against The Predator Class and the Technocratic State.

Despite the attacks on Trump and Musk, their actions reveal their true character. I have extensively documented the ways in which Donald Trump serves the swamp and is not a friend of liberty. Even as I write this, Donald Trump has just announced his pick for Vice President is J.D. Vance, a Zionist whose rise came as a result of $15 million dollars from Peter Thiel, the infamous tech bro from PayPal, the surveillance firm Palantir, and a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group.

I know this will be hard for some to accept in light of the assassination attempt, but read on.

Meanwhile, Musk promotes brain chips, transhumanism uses his Star Link satellites to support war in Ukraine, and, generally, promotes a vision of the world that looks very similar to the World Economic Forum’s 4th Industrial Revolution.

I believe the bigger picture is that the Predator Class want Donald Trump to win the U.S. (s)election to create more false hope in disillusioned Americans, conservatives and libertarians who haven’t quite seen what Trump actually represents. From there, we will see the push for more chaos before order is implemented.

For example, take the recent media switch to calling for Biden to step down as a candidate due to his horrible debate performance. There’s no way that the Predator Class, the compliant corporate media, and the Democratic Party hacks didn’t know what millions of Americans have known for more than a year.

The DNC (and their controllers) could have removed Biden a long time ago, but its more interesting and keeps the public’s attention on the (s)election if every other day the headlines are, “Will he run?? Will he step aside?”

If Trump wins the election (as appears very likely), the powers-that-wish-they-were are able to pacify many freedom lovers who have fallen for The Trump Deception and trigger the heck out of the left again. We should expect more riots, more fighting in the streets, and more authoritarianism from Trump’s administration.

Outlining The Great Inversion

I first heard the term Great Inversion from Christian content creator Probably Alexandra. Although I don’t share her Christian perspective, I believe she is spot on in her analysis.

Following the assassination attempt, Alexandra reminded her readers of TGI:

“The concept of “The Great Inversion” suggests that major societal events are manipulated or staged to create a specific narrative or achieve certain objectives. Incidents of violence, especially involving prominent figures, instill fear and uncertainty among the population. This fear can be leveraged to introduce new policies, increase surveillance, or justify authoritarian measures. In this case, it will likely further the “light side agenda” of gaining control over current institutions and bringing about change. They want to shift the narrative and continue to further ‘the inversion’.”

In an older blog, Alexandra defines TGI further:

“The Inversion represents the shift from the current world order to a newer world order, but not in the way most are conditioned to expect. It’s the inversion from ‘dark’ to ‘light’.


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188b11 No.21508209


What exactly happened? Is it the purge or something else/more?

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3045d9 No.21508210

File: 22a2ce2c34fd62d⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,523x600,523:600,457396799_974056104734175_….jpg)

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7bbc1e No.21508212


The average property tax assessment is $3,000

150,000,000,000 / 3,000 = 50,000,000

50 million homes

This is a crime against the American people.

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28ffe6 No.21508213


How are you doing?

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f3607c No.21508214


notable meme

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eebc4a No.21508216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ASSinarnia still acepting guests long turm

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ada41c No.21508217

File: 7ddacbf08049643⋯.jpg (62.36 KB,915x519,305:173,gfys.jpg)


I'm not a shill.

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f3607c No.21508218


tyvm, also

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b5491e No.21508220


[Naivety towards a majority corrupt system isn't ..good]

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7bbc1e No.21508221


Those "Queers for Palestine" are likely jews.

No, they don't make sense. it's smoke and mirrors.

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184242 No.21508222

File: 1c3f28bd82e4277⋯.jpg (414.45 KB,978x1570,489:785,feight.jpg)


"Let me hear!" (chant) FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

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7a1b46 No.21508224


You know why there are no recent stories from Saudi Arabia like this?

It took them 5 years to learn being a piece of shit will lose your head.

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f3607c No.21508225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ty, new baker

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612e99 No.21508227

File: af8426997510bdc⋯.png (278.31 KB,617x539,617:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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88a0cf No.21508228

File: 21d6a48e5b1eeaa⋯.png (333.37 KB,593x849,593:849,us.PNG)


Kyle Becker


JUST IN: A U.S. Connection in the Arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov?

Revolver News has published an original report that the U.S.-funded censorship arm The Atlantic Council had targeted Pavel Durov and Telegram two months prior to his shocking arrest in France.

The Atlantic Council had considered Telegram to be part of a "disinformation ecosystem" that had evaded Western supervision and was being "weaponized" by Russia in the War on Ukraine.

Its framing of Telegram's activity as a battlespace is consistent with NATO's 5G warfare strategy, which relies on propaganda and censorship to advance strategic objectives in the Information Warfare space.

The Atlantic Council's DFR Lab, boutique censorship think tank, produced its findings in June 2024 in a podcast entitled, "Another battlefield: Telegram as a digital front in Russia’s war against Ukraine."

"Thus we see the convenient timing that two months after the Atlantic Council (censorship cutout of the US government) singles out Telegram’s problematic refusal to censor information in the Ukraine war, Durov is arrested in France," Revolver News editorialized. "Funny how that works!"

The Revolver News report adds: "This is consistent with the findings of @MikeBenzCyber

, a former State Department official and world authority on the censorship-industrial complex. Benz has reported US government-funded outlets like Radio Free Europe singling out Telegram for attack along a similar timeline (shortly after Durov’s interview with Tucker Carlson four months ago)."

Pavel Durov was indicted by French authorities on Wednesday on a host of charges that hold him personally liable for criminal or unlawful activity on Telegram.

Durov's bail was set at 5 million Euros. He was placed on supervised release, and prohibited from leaving the country.

The Revolver News report put Durov's arrest in perspective.

"Indeed, it’s hard not to view Durov’s arrest as a trial balloon for an imminent legal offensive on @ElonMusk

, who has enraged EU authorities by refusing to cater to the censorship demands of the EU and US security establishment."

2:18 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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ada41c No.21508230


Should have known it was you, VaticanClown, but I never bothered checking your previous posts on that ID. You can IP hop now, little harmless one.

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946956 No.21508231


Maybe SA assasinated HRC?

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ba4d30 No.21508233

File: 7dd150c387232d1⋯.png (561.45 KB,991x923,991:923,Screen_Shot_2024_08_30_at_….png)


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7bbc1e No.21508235


Climbing the ladder.

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2cca13 No.21508236

File: 1817e9533425781⋯.jpg (17.17 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3221223280.jpg)

File: 99d8679477df4ed⋯.jpg (26.28 KB,600x600,1:1,7090478a179843a9b403049e17….jpg)

File: d0c9ff0d2eacbcc⋯.jpg (507.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240817_000425….jpg)

File: 04fe8b4da62a613⋯.gif (908.91 KB,640x360,16:9,waiting_bored_3388195372.gif)

File: 497d891ff6e02d7⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,474x386,237:193,th_4058644498.jpg)

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023ef7 No.21508238


What if I told you

usa is first domino not anyother country

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0650f4 No.21508240


Bill Gates is gonna Paralyze a bunch of children

& no one will say a word about it

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188b11 No.21508241


How many of the child-shooters have been children here on American soil?

United against crimes against humanity? Using our children as weapons? Is there anything worse than that?

They will finally have to unveil the MKUltra-handler data with the Crooks story.

So, When the CIA is obliterated for being the “Godfather” of all the horrific things wrong with our world, a seal will be broken?

Breaking the seals means wrath will be upon them?

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8de0da No.21508243



So what did >>21508197 say ?

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88a0cf No.21508246

File: 059183c8ec0334c⋯.png (200.6 KB,606x566,303:283,br.PNG)



X22 Report


[DS]/D Party is the disease, we the people are the cure

This pivotal decision comes as more and more Americans awaken to the extreme ideologies being pushed by the radical left.

“I am leaving the left and joining the party of family, faith, and freedom,” Thierry said in a statement Friday.



Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry Breaks Free from Democrat Party, Joins GOP in Bold Move Against Radical Left | The Gateway…

Texas State Representative Shawn Thierry has officially left the radical left-wing Democratic Party to join the Republican Party.

Aug 30, 2024, 5:54 AM

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184242 No.21508248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"THUNDERSTRUCK" (AC/DC) played as Dan Meuser entered.

Remember yesterday anons. Thunder rolling in…

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612e99 No.21508250

File: 5c3f3a4dd82f23c⋯.png (254.65 KB,834x762,139:127,KamalaTootsPissPour.png)


One rung at a time!

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07adfe No.21508251

US says Israel behind aid convoy shooting, must ‘immediately rectify’ its conduct

US envoy claims IDF pinned incident on communication error; army is yet to formally comment after WFP paused Gaza activity following shooting toward car, in which nobody was hurt

US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said Jerusalem had informed Washington that an initial review found the shots had been fired due to a miscommunication in the IDF.

“We have urged them to immediately rectify the issues within their system,” Wood told a Thursday UN Security Council meeting on Gaza.

The army, or any Israeli official, were yet to comment on the incident Friday afternoon.


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b06b7f No.21508252

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,keks.png)


Get a room, ffs.

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88a0cf No.21508253

File: 4e9d1d24a79cfdb⋯.png (393.64 KB,589x461,589:461,sup.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Jim Jordan Subpoenas Political Firm Led by Judge Merchan’s Daughter

From thegatewaypundit.com

2:24 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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184242 No.21508255


"Sign up to be /pol/ watchers.. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" DM.

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f3c771 No.21508256


now they jump ship and co-op the republican party and devour that.

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188b11 No.21508259


Image about Q drop “what happened in SA will happen in US, Asia, Eu

And then said “the end won’t be for everyone” (another Q drop)

Follow up anons posted about the mass executions, some even being children at the time of their “crimes”

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07adfe No.21508260

Israel Steps Up Assault on the West Bank, at Least 18 Palestinians Killed

The violence brings the total number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank since October 7 to 668

Israeli operations expanded in the West Bank on Thursday during the second day of Israel’s largest attack on the occupied territory since the Second Intifada.

According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, at least 18 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since Israel launched the assault early Wednesday.

The attack is focused on the northern areas of the West Bank. WAFA reported that Israeli forces withdrew from Tublus but expanded the assault in Jenin and Tulkarm, and raids were also reported in southern parts of the territory, including Hebron and near Bethlehem.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad confirmed some of their fighters were killed in Tulkarm’s Nur Shams refugee camp, saying they died “afte


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88a0cf No.21508261

File: cb42ceffe01bc54⋯.png (391.26 KB,604x675,604:675,z.PNG)




BREAKING: The Minister of the Brazilian Supreme Court just issued an official summon to Elon Musk to appear before him within 24 hours or else 𝕏 will be banned from Brazil

Alexandre de Moraes wants to coerce 𝕏 to censor all his political opponents (SOUND FAMILIAR?), including but not limited to former President Jair Bolsonaro

American Democrats should sue this Lex Luthor look-alike for copyright… he's copying their entire playbook


2:26 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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0650f4 No.21508262

When they Say "our Democracy"

They mean Institutions, Corporations & Establishments

-not the People-

Freedom in all it's forms is a Threat to their "democracy"

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7e2be9 No.21508263

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,June_1_no_table.png)


Late Notable!

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07adfe No.21508264

US Rushes Weapons Shipments To Israel

According to flight data, there's been a spike in US arms deliveries to Israel since the end of July

The US has been rushing weapons shipments to Israel since the end of July, Haaretz reported on Thursday, citing open-sourced aviation data.

The report said that the spike in arms shipments made August the second busiest month at Israel’s Nevatim Airbase for US deliveries since Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza began back in October 2023 following the Hamas attack on southern Israel.

Dozens of US military transport flights, as well as Israeli civilian and military and cargo planes, have landed at the base, mainly traveling from Qatar and the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.

The Haaretz report appeared to attribute the rush in arms shipments to US preparations for a potential Iranian attack. The US has deployed additional fighter jets and warships to the region and is vowing to defend Israel from Iran’s response to the Israeli assassination of Hamas’s political chief, Ismail Haniyeh, on Iranian territory. Following a major exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah on Sunday, the US is still expecting a reprisal attack from Iran.

Besides helping Israel prepare for a potential attack from Iran, the US weapons shipments also help fuel the slaughter in Gaza and Israel’s operations in the West Bank, which significantly escalated on Wednesday. Israeli forces launched their largest attack on the Israeli-occupied West Bank since the Second Intifada in the early 2000s.

The rush in arms shipments also shows strong support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been working to prevent a ceasefire deal with Hamas, and shows President Biden and Vice President Harris are not serious about ending the slaughter in Gaza.

The Israeli Defense Ministry said on Monday that the US had delivered over 50,000 tons of weapons and other military equipment since October 7. The ministry said the US support was “crucial for sustaining the IDF’s operational capabilities during the ongoing war.”


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0650f4 No.21508265


Yea Right

Like he's gonna show up there and be thrown in Jail

to Quote Elon

"Go Fuck yourself"

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c01b77 No.21508266


For those of us that don't have X, can you post the links to #1 & #2 posts. I wanted to see the pics that FBI posted. This will be a complete sauce.

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f3607c No.21508267

listen all you faggots

unless you have some important digg or meme to share


too much noise and blahblah

you are like politicians

completely useless!

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0aa4e1 No.21508268

File: 2496c9742ee8759⋯.png (1.65 MB,1500x1391,1500:1391,2496c9742ee8759d0c393d0831….png)

File: a3afa325c4d88a4⋯.png (665.83 KB,1226x815,1226:815,Admiral_Rogers_Drink_Water.png)


Oh I was just wondering about all that spillage of CIA Produced CP that went from TOP SECRET SERVERS TO SECRET AND BELOW SERVERS TO EVERY COMPUTER THAT "SEENT IT" and all associated metadata from DOWNLOAD to ARREST.

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88a0cf No.21508269

File: 0afe9de4cc3a9f6⋯.png (108.88 KB,604x814,302:407,st.PNG)




Michael Jackson’s Super Bowl performance promoted peace, love, unity and protecting the children — a stark contrast from the Satanic ritual Super Bowl performances we’ve seen for the past many years!

Michael Jackson’s 1993 Super Bowl performance was all about love, bringing people together and, most importantly, focused on protecting the children.

He said no child should ever have to live in a world where they suffer.

Now contrast this performance to all the demonic Super Bowl performances we’ve seen in recent years promoting Satanism, violence, debauchery, division and hate.

MJ was not a member of the Satanic pedophile cabal. They destroyed his life for this reason. They tainted his reputation, accusing him of exactly what they’re guilty of, and then murdered him. In doing so, they also stole this beautiful soul from us who gave countless people so much joy, hope, inspiration and so much more.

Never forget or forgive what they did to MJ, and what they stole from us by slandering, destroying and killing this wonderful man.

MJ will be vindicated in due time as God as my witness.

Here’s looking at you — @Oprah

— you will pay for what you did to this Godly man who made it his life purpose to help and protect children!

7:35 PM · Aug 29, 2024




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184242 No.21508270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Chicken Fried" opens as John Joyce entered.

"Pennsylvania 13"



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d8d735 No.21508271

last call


#26351 >>21507435

>>21507857 Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759, >>21508033 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803, >>21508125 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

>>21507873 1:08 PM EDT Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

>>21507886, >>21508061 Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'

>>21507897, >>21507916 Greenland: Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

>>21507903 @BarackObama hopes - HOPE IS MAKING A COMEBACK

>>21508001 Workers won't accept less than $81,000 for a new job right now, per a New York Fed survey

>>21508007 Investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes in Vegas & LA, 23% in San Diego, 29% in Miami

>>21508019 Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient

>>21508023 RFK should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children

>>21508028 @thejimwatkins - Penner has been saying this for years. Follow the pen

>>21508056 The FBI just released this supposed picture of explosives in the trunk of Thomas Crooks' vehicle

>>21508063 Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears To Threaten Street Artist SABO re: art on Street Signs, Bus Stops In Aurora

>>21508067 US Northern Command has been authorized to assist USSS with security detail through the presidential race until Jan 20 2025

>>21508108, >>21508120 Human Rights Campaign President Calls For Rejection Of "The Little Piece Of Paper" Of The Founders

>>21508113, >>21508184 Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

>>21508142 Democracy is the watchword of the foreign policy establishment to overthrow foreign governments

>>21508153, >>21508164, >>21508179 The CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil

>>21508154 Boar’s Head is (NO LONGER) part of the Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S.

>>21508161 FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

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c5bdcf No.21508272


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88a0cf No.21508273

File: 26d9a9151aebbbf⋯.png (431.21 KB,599x829,599:829,zo.PNG)

File: bbef3dd8f091749⋯.png (22.82 KB,1239x391,1239:391,24.PNG)




ELECTION FORTIFICATION: Mark Zuckerberg didn't realize his wife spent $400 million to destroy America?

I'm doubtful that the Facebook CEO was unaware his wife's so-called "Zuck Bucks"—intended to support fair local elections—were disproportionately allocated after being funneled to two well-known left-wing organizations.

“My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another — or to even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle,” Zuckerberg wrote in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. @Jim_Jordan


h/t @ScottAdamsSays

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, known for his data-driven approach, claimed this week he didn't realize the $400 million he spent on "getting out the vote" in the 2020 election benefited one party over the other. However, Republican sources doubt that the Facebook chief was unaware that his so-called "Zuck Bucks"—intended to support fair local elections—were distributed unevenly after being funneled to two known left-wing organizations. "My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another—or even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle,” Zuckerberg wrote in his letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) this week. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, led by Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla Chan, directed over $350 million to the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) under the guise of promoting voter participation.

2:03 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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4c0c5e No.21508275



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0aa4e1 No.21508276

File: 849b48e3b74d32f⋯.jpg (140.98 KB,720x1280,9:16,Kurt_Oh_Yeah_Buddy_UFO_Dea….jpg)

File: 2d8460f337c120b⋯.gif (657.31 KB,480x202,240:101,R_O_C_K_Braveheart.gif)

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f3607c No.21508278

File: 0cbd922da7bdfe7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1002x876,167:146,MJJFKJR.png)


told you so

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188b11 No.21508279


>you are not alone

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7e2be9 No.21508280

File: 8733f1a0c1bd061⋯.png (157.66 KB,372x250,186:125,Aug_30_TOGTFO.png)


She seems nice.

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39dde5 No.21508281


gay pr0n no doubt

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88a0cf No.21508282

File: 90fab9eea1000ce⋯.png (419.29 KB,587x778,587:778,how.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


It’s funny how Congress doesn’t know how to balance the federal budget, but somehow many of them are multi-millionaire stock traders.


Last edited

6:20 PM · Aug 29, 2024




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8de0da No.21508283


>Image about Q drop “what happened in SA will happen in US, Asia, Eu

So why was that Censored? nvm anon knows you prolly just as confounded at the censorship

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184242 No.21508284

File: 1f30d431e76f526⋯.png (1.31 MB,1343x1333,1343:1333,222.png)

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)


Q+ @1:25 pm EDT

Donald J. Trump


v (02:22)

Back by popular demand, my TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection, is available RIGHT NOW, and I think you’ll love it! For some, there’ll be an Invite to a Gala Dinner at my beautiful private Club in Jupiter, Florida. Don’t wait, have fun - The Cards will go FAST! Go to collecttrumpcards.com/. ENJOY!


Q125 > CLOUD

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f3607c No.21508285


you know I'm right


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0aa4e1 No.21508286



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8beb4c No.21508287

File: 6cd82b20b9cc498⋯.jpg (44 KB,619x403,619:403,91xn3usffs.jpg)


My ass hole is faggot in Portugese

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88a0cf No.21508288

File: 89476314d64af6a⋯.png (285.9 KB,307x470,307:470,t.PNG)

File: b9fb2547a35dad9⋯.png (266.55 KB,309x503,309:503,2.PNG)

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f3607c No.21508289

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34ca8b No.21508290


so you change your logo to orange

I think your friend you are trying to protect is Asian pussy addict

keep it away from yours

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0aa4e1 No.21508291

File: c2fdbb6d0d5713b⋯.png (346.05 KB,568x568,1:1,Trump_Rescue.png)

File: 2dc4d674c4c47f0⋯.jpg (123.12 KB,1920x812,480:203,We_Were_Soldiers_Sergeant_….jpg)

File: 0ed048426a26d9c⋯.jpg (66.26 KB,512x768,2:3,Young_Donald_Trump_Ham_Rad….jpg)


Annnnd TIMELINE Switch…..


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ba4d30 No.21508292

File: 948585cebbec8c4⋯.png (958.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA184.png)

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f3607c No.21508294

File: 48b50f74c80d8a3⋯.jpeg (34.51 KB,403x469,403:469,mj.jpeg)



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f379b5 No.21508295

File: eaa7c28dc0095a9⋯.mp4 (664.08 KB,320x568,40:71,eaa7c28dc0095a966fdce32b24….mp4)


>some important meme

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d419f2 No.21508296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PDJT keeps saying about Chicago 117 shot, 17 DEAD!


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184242 No.21508297

File: 07acca44390ecdc⋯.png (18.4 KB,700x301,100:43,ClipboardImage.png)


"Listen to the Music" playing during intermission… All about (you) anons. All for (you). Patriots. Remember yesterday.

Songs posted here have meaning.

Songs posted here have relevance.

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3adcfd No.21508298

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88a0cf No.21508299

File: 259826a3ce32b81⋯.png (338.71 KB,973x642,973:642,buff.PNG)


Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway hits $1 trillion market value, first U.S. company outside of tech to do so

Published Wed, Aug 28 20249:54 AM EDTUpdated Thu, Aug 29 20248:16 AM EDT


Yun Li


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28ffe6 No.21508300


I love you and I don't like politicians either. Don't stress to much.

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3adcfd No.21508301

File: c778d7a417a5f7e⋯.png (5.01 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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07adfe No.21508302



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c6c184 No.21508303

File: 645d1e69b2e8b29⋯.png (553.49 KB,744x704,93:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de9a6c8cc9fecff⋯.png (1.15 MB,1060x707,1060:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8b37dd25787bf5⋯.png (828.2 KB,1060x596,265:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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0aa4e1 No.21508304

File: e9e3741050a5ba6⋯.jpg (50.08 KB,599x461,599:461,Kurt_Remembers.jpg)

File: 82f77b474325871⋯.jpg (103.8 KB,1280x720,16:9,Mr_Nussbaum.jpg)

File: df54d1513cd573c⋯.jpg (52.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,The_Jerk_Mr_Nussbaum.jpg)

File: db92dbb04ef3dd7⋯.jpg (51.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,db10e086_13ff_11e3_b9e3_12….jpg)

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3adcfd No.21508305

3> anons (no homo)

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5206d6 No.21508306

File: 73e2c5d4431b4ee⋯.jpg (98.17 KB,766x413,766:413,CROOKED_MAN_AND_TIE.jpg)

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88a0cf No.21508307

File: e1a2f5817e9f495⋯.png (1.07 MB,1263x805,1263:805,sik.PNG)


Death threats, legal risk and backlogs weigh on clinicians treating trans minors

The rise in transgender health care bans is putting providers in the crosshairs.

Aug. 27, 2024, 11:00 PM GMT-11

By Emma Davis

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8de0da No.21508308


chkt b88bs

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0aa4e1 No.21508310

File: 4e93a4947ed828d⋯.png (760.19 KB,1772x676,443:169,ClipboardImage.png)



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88a0cf No.21508311

File: 7e2246cc8a3adb2⋯.png (327.49 KB,619x878,619:878,wt.PNG)




The Great Wealth Transfer that Occurred During Covid —— $4.3 Trillion Dollars from the American Middle-Class

• during Covid, we shut down 3.5+ million Main Street businesses, many of which are never coming back

—— 41% of black owned businesses will never reopen

• Whole Foods did we leave open?

— Amazon

— Walmart

— Facebook

—— and they all made billions because they got to close their competitors.

• In 500 days, the lockdowns created (1) billionaire a day, globally. The Great Wealth Transfer that Occurred During Covid —— $4.3 Trillion Dollars from the American Middle-Class

• during Covid, we shut down 3.5+ million Main Street businesses, many of which are never coming back

—— 41% of black owned businesses will never reopen

• Whole Foods did we leave open?

— Amazon

— Walmart

— Facebook

—— and they all made billions because they got to close their competitors.

• In 500 days, the lockdowns created (1) billionaire a day, globally.

0:26 / 1:23

2:23 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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279267 No.21508312

File: b530526740f6d82⋯.jpg (204.75 KB,505x349,505:349,suck.jpg)

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0aa4e1 No.21508313

File: a85925f36bf5bf6⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,2304x1728,4:3,P1030116.JPG)

File: 645d1e69b2e8b29⋯.png (553.49 KB,744x704,93:88,Pedo_Bros.png)

File: e27aca570606fa3⋯.png (60.11 KB,512x512,1:1,Pepe_iPhone.png)

File: 90311492792b4f0⋯.png (645.17 KB,768x730,384:365,Peter_Jenning_Smack_My_Bit….png)

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f3607c No.21508314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Songs posted here have meaning.

>Songs posted here have relevance.

"Bad Man Nuh Dress Like Girl"

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d26fe4 No.21508315


until the global cabal is taken down, this will continue.

will have to pick up the pieces when this shit is over and the brainwashing stops.

crimes against humanity.

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b5491e No.21508316


[Who did his wardrobe?

Looks a little straight jackety]

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34ca8b No.21508317

File: a80ce082b8d3200⋯.jpg (181.55 KB,1080x1080,1:1,20240830_222241.jpg)

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171ba7 No.21508318

File: 78ec03bc3bb38d9⋯.png (139.03 KB,268x265,268:265,453647.PNG)

File: 70b19d1e50005f4⋯.png (119.49 KB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_search_1725046050….png)



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f3607c No.21508319


he dreamt of building his own army

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b5491e No.21508320


[Digital cards are lame.

So is being restricted from 3 Postmaster Telegram groups..]

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88a0cf No.21508321

File: 7abff8e22d035a6⋯.png (428.94 KB,474x478,237:239,pur.PNG)

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aa49b7 No.21508322

File: ccdf1003d2b9e42⋯.png (1.19 MB,976x1129,976:1129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2142c293e1c5d0d⋯.png (530.46 KB,856x538,428:269,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 965848be13a2a51⋯.png (414.88 KB,706x394,353:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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04a84a No.21508323



just a taste

Serco Services for the US Federal Government

Based on the provided search results, Serco provides various services to the US government, including:

Patent Classification: Serco classifies all incoming US patents, making it one of the most highly paid government contractors in the US.

Air Traffic Control: Serco provides air traffic control services at many airports in the United States and Canada.

Parking Meter Regulation Enforcement: Serco has a contract with the City of Chicago, Illinois, to enforce parking meter regulations.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Implementation: In 2013, Serco was awarded a $1.25 billion contract to manage the implementation of the ACA, making it one of the most highly paid government contractors in the US.

Defence Contracts: Serco held numerous defence contracts, including the UK Government’s contract for the maintenance of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System at RAF Fylingdales.

Immigration Services: Serco provides immigration services to public sector customers in Germany through its subsidiary, European Homecare (acquired in December 2023).

Prison Management: Serco managed Mount Eden Prison in New Zealand until 2016, although it was criticized for staffing issues and ultimately paid NZ$8 million in damages to the New Zealand government.

Benefits Administration: Serco’s benefits administration provider, CBIZ, experienced a ransomware attack and data breach in June 2023, compromising personal information of over 10,000 individuals.

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5206d6 No.21508324

File: 679d36299ee9d91⋯.jpg (97.75 KB,765x415,153:83,CROOKED_MAN_AND_TIE_FIX.jpg)




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b5491e No.21508325


[Prison reform would have been a good demographic]

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14c2df No.21508326

File: b49ecfcdf293a1e⋯.jpeg (115.02 KB,687x1714,687:1714,IMG_6259.jpeg)

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8de0da No.21508327

File: fb72b2bb1fa5829⋯.png (8.03 KB,279x55,279:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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946956 No.21508328

File: 1beea4df7b9f6f7⋯.png (9.75 KB,255x195,17:13,568f169b0c1d86c5af675f94d3….png)

Taking bets on who the next "Democrat" will be to join Team Trump.

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c6c184 No.21508329

File: 8640f82764114d2⋯.png (415.71 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5491e No.21508330



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88a0cf No.21508331

File: b45e338865e2ee6⋯.png (480.17 KB,601x505,601:505,rej.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


MACRON’S REVENGE? Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Declined French President’s Plea to Move Company HQ to Paris – Durov Rejected the Idea and Then Became a Political Prisoner

From thegatewaypundit.com

1:05 PM · Aug 28, 2024




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07adfe No.21508332

File: 5cc68e46888907a⋯.png (148.81 KB,556x570,278:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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9953c1 No.21508333


Booms and busts

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188b11 No.21508334

File: aba13dbd8fb8c64⋯.jpeg (48.73 KB,253x392,253:392,IMG_5414.jpeg)

File: 817c3f1af3df7be⋯.jpeg (448.34 KB,1125x1698,375:566,IMG_5415.jpeg)

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f3607c No.21508335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hope you look into the mirror

and make that change!

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d26fe4 No.21508336



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5206d6 No.21508337

File: 818546cd4860444⋯.jpg (106.73 KB,568x460,142:115,AND_BEYOND.jpg)

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af8eb6 No.21508338


If lizard people are real then society is a hoax anyways. You can’t decay something that was fake from the beginning. There is no spoon. There is no “society”.

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afbc88 No.21508339



Do these two events go together?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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184242 No.21508340

File: 232ce006821f0f4⋯.png (821.73 KB,1669x1373,1669:1373,128.png)


Q+ @1:28 pm EDT

Donald J. Trump


( re-T )


Q128 > Trip added.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

TQ. We will continue, Q. Patriots.

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04a84a No.21508341


>>21508323 add with Serco note

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d8d735 No.21508342

File: 144e0b4ca5e0ffc⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2560x2560,1:1,144e0b4ca5e0ffc25081c5ad5c….jpg)



#26351 >>21507435

>>21507857 Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759, >>21508033 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803, >>21508125 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

>>21507873 1:08 PM EDT Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

>>21507886, >>21508061 Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'

>>21507897, >>21507916, >>21508323 Greenland: Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

>>21507903 @BarackObama hopes - HOPE IS MAKING A COMEBACK

>>21508001 Workers won't accept less than $81,000 for a new job right now, per a New York Fed survey

>>21508007 Investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes in Vegas & LA, 23% in San Diego, 29% in Miami

>>21508019 Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient

>>21508023 RFK should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children

>>21508028 @thejimwatkins - Penner has been saying this for years. Follow the pen

>>21508056 The FBI just released this supposed picture of explosives in the trunk of Thomas Crooks' vehicle

>>21508063, >>21508301 Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears To Threaten Street Artist SABO re: art on Street Signs, Bus Stops In Aurora

>>21508067 US Northern Command has been authorized to assist USSS with security detail through the presidential race until Jan 20 2025

>>21508108, >>21508120 Human Rights Campaign President Calls For Rejection Of "The Little Piece Of Paper" Of The Founders

>>21508113, >>21508184 Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

>>21508142 Democracy is the watchword of the foreign policy establishment to overthrow foreign governments

>>21508153, >>21508164, >>21508179 The CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil

>>21508154 Boar’s Head is (NO LONGER) part of the Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S.

>>21508161 FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

>>21508269 Michael Jackson’s Super Bowl show promoted peace, love, unity and protecting the children

>>21508273 Mark Zuckerberg didn't realize his wife spent $400 million to destroy America?

>>21508307 (we call it FAFO) Transgender health care is putting providers in the crosshairs

>>21508311 The Great COVID Wealth Transfer - $4.3 Trillion Dollars from the American Middle-Class

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f53d9b No.21508343


Covid is fake. Sheeple control the world. Smart people are chastised.

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eebc4a No.21508347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8d735 No.21508348

File: 0291867d14d13b6⋯.png (301.91 KB,720x577,720:577,0291867d14d13b68dc2511e584….png)

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bde313 No.21508349

Hey Q, you got any Melania pussy pics?

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d8d735 No.21508350


caught it anon


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b5491e No.21508351


[Why are the human-caricatures always center stage?

Funny to laugh at the caricature and distracts from their terrible policies?

Caricatures seem more meta than they should be?

Easier to remove a regular person than a persona?]

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946956 No.21508353


1328 Military time


May 10, 2018 4:02:52 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9d52eb No. 1361222


1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

They want you DIVIDED.



There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

[Be careful who you follow]

Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

Correction made.

No names mentioned.

They revealed themselves.

Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.


We will not be held hostage.




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1bc3da No.21508355

File: bcb8ee64d51e0ac⋯.png (530.56 KB,441x630,7:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8d735 No.21508358

File: 6aebc38f729d67f⋯.png (928.55 KB,820x559,820:559,6aebc38f729d67ff9122287fcf….png)

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34ca8b No.21508359


there is 600m user joining sinc 2017 plus 400m

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eebc4a No.21508360

goat escapes taht 'gay' chit

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b5491e No.21508361



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d8d735 No.21508365

File: dce429c6d27fd99⋯.png (528.59 KB,1024x768,4:3,dce429c6d27fd99a9e65107a72….png)

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b5491e No.21508366


[Shut it down vibes


Tracking that X us popular worldwide]

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a2c318 No.21508369

File: 2bd75e587345ebe⋯.png (5.79 MB,2880x1800,8:5,Q_at_rally_.png)

Q sign spotted on RSBN!


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d8d735 No.21508370

File: c743ce9d629882d⋯.png (739.08 KB,932x524,233:131,c743ce9d629882dba23a6e7642….png)

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b5491e No.21508373


<animal farm

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1bc3da No.21508375

File: 5b2ab3db8607420⋯.png (805.12 KB,797x465,797:465,ClipboardImage.png)

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34ca8b No.21508376


Why you Verity

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f3607c No.21508377


love you too, anon

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184242 No.21508378

File: e4164320ce2a0d4⋯.png (458.94 KB,1617x1334,1617:1334,128_2.png)


Q+ @1:28 pm EDT

Donald J. Trump


( re-T )


Q128 > Trip added.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

TQ. We will continue, Q. Patriots.

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d8d735 No.21508383

File: 31cf87f544b32c0⋯.png (163.77 KB,470x341,470:341,31cf87f544b32c0fa7aa390a81….png)

File: 47d355a66a0e5ba⋯.jpeg (175.8 KB,720x564,60:47,47d355a66a0e5ba7a8f35602b….jpeg)

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d8d735 No.21508384

File: ae0ddd753b51e4a⋯.png (436.28 KB,600x400,3:2,ae0ddd753b51e4a22ca96e2e0b….png)

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afbc88 No.21508386

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dda6d0 No.21508387

File: a7a2fce6a1fb57f⋯.png (1.04 MB,910x609,130:87,a7a2fce6a1fb57f942b85bec77….png)

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ba4d30 No.21508389

File: 1797fb83f293f26⋯.png (371.59 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA68.png)

File: 954bb397734f38f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA124.png)

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d8d735 No.21508390

File: 7d3a727f78d759a⋯.png (1.36 MB,1225x701,1225:701,7d3a727f78d759a6cad706a46d….png)

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d8d735 No.21508392

File: 03eef21cb80e138⋯.png (574.36 KB,628x628,1:1,03eef21cb80e138ce6acf0d178….png)

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