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File: c87438dafbc595c⋯.jpg (700.89 KB,1924x1081,1924:1081,bannder.jpg)

3c3269 No.21107600 [Last50 Posts]

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3c3269 No.21107601

International Q Research Threads

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

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>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25872 >>21106835

>>21106867, >>21107075, >>21107081, >>21107165, >>21107167 @DanScavino Biden Tic Tacs #TICTACFLATION - tictacs/tactics - Peach Mint Orange 11/3


>>21106932 @TrumpBedminster Cheers to longer days and warmer nights. We’re excited to dive right into summer fun!

>>21106953 @TrumpDoonbeg We are thrilled to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces in Hospitality 2024

>>21106970, >>21106990 Babylon Bee

>>21106971 prior to boarding Trump Force One, @realDonaldTrump thanks law enforcement in the Commonwealth of Virginia

>>21106972 Numerous emergency personnel are on the scene of a mass casualty incident after a van crashed into a nail salon killing multiple people


>>21107002 Anon highly recommends this video A former ritual abuse victim now interviewer talking with another former victim

>>21107040, >>21107291 PlaneFaggin'


>>21107077 clown ops comms in movies and series - paul sperry (remember anons)

>>21107140 New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race

>>21107149 Lying to start a war Netanyahu Tells US Delegation Iran Seeks To Topple Saudi Arabia, Jordan

>>21107157 Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

>>21107168 2024 RIMPAC Press Conference

>>21107172 RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

>>21107205 Mil Tweets

>>21107255 Dan's doing extra letters "WE'RE SOOO BACCCCK!!!"

>>21107284 Cart boy share story of when Biden came to play at his country club ealier this year "Joe shot a 96"

>>21107293 Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, - obumma post

>>21107296 @elonmusk "Tonight was a clear victory - for memes"

>>21107300 anon brings forward some missed notes from lb

>>21107309 Iranian boxship converted into drone carrier readies for duty

>>21107329 @realDonaldTrump - I’M IN VERY GOOD HEALTH — MAGA!

>>21107331 @LindellTV Julie Kelly The Real Hero In SCOTUS Fischer Decision

>>21107332 Biden joins Elton John, Hochul for opening of NYC Stonewall Inn national monument

>>21107345 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden was LYING when he outrageously claimed he's the "only president this century" not to have any troops killed during his term

>>21107347, >>21107349, >>21107400, >>21107419, >>21107495 @elonmusk and RFK Jr moderate alternative Presidential debate

>>21107363 @Vivek "Biden is not actually running the country which raises an uncomfortable question: who is?" @Musk "Maybe Nobody"

>>21107425 @WarRoom DeGrasse: Debate Causes Political Earthquake In Senate And House Seats

>>21107430, >>21107562 for keks - South Korea administrative robot defunct after apparent suicide

>>21107453 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 06/28/2024

>>21107506 'Ticking Bomb: Biden Border Crisis Triggers Urgent Terrorism Warnings

>>21107522 Appearing on a QAnon-supporting podcast (X22), Eric Trump praises the host for his “honest voice”

>>21107534 @WarRoom Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up

>>21107565 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107575 BREAKING 🚨 Judge Glanville in the #FaniWillis v #YoungThug trial was just checkmated by @doug_weinstein

>>21106964, >>21106993, >>21107042 Memes

>>21107591 #25872

#25871 >>21106048

>>21106270 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21106397 Rally transcript

>>21106154 Trump endorses Hung Cao on stage

>>21106319, >>21106329, >>21106331, >>21106354 End of rally speech photos

>>21106549 Massive Crowd in Chesapeake, VA for President Trump

>>21106659 @DanScavino: A great afternoon in beautiful Chesapeake, Virginia where @realDonaldTrump just concluded

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21106132 Air Force activates Warrant Officer Training School

>>21106202 Air Force Veteran Accused of Disclosing Classified Data on Aircraft, Weapons in Latest Military Leak Case

>>21106204 Law of War Manual: Release of Prisoners Procedure

>>21106240 Iranian Voters Cast Ballots In 2024 Presidential Election Following The Death Of Raisi

>>21106284 Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

>>21106395, >>21106583 Biden's own Pentagon press secretary admits Biden lied about no troops killed during his term (Remember Afghanistan?)

>>21106454 How Much Has The US Donated To Ukraine?

>>21106456, >>21106496, >>21106806, >>21106509, >>21106637 DJT Jr.: 100,000 Americans die a year because of opioids

>>21106485, >>21106545 Toronto's Mayor, Olivia Chow, at a Drag Show

>>21106508 Illegal alien who gunned down two NYPD officers says kiIIing cops is his culture, firearms are smuggled into NYC shelters

>>21106524 Entire Hells Angels chapter arrested in California in kidnapping and assault probe

>>21106527 Taxation is indeed theft

>>21106540 North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says

>>21106542 Fetterman holds press conference with Netanyahu in Israel

>>21106543 Americans Terrified That Joe Biden is Running The Country After Debate Performance

>>21106551 Nvidia may hit a $6 trillion valuation by the end of the year

>>21106574, >>21106654 Two former Uvalde police officers arrested for abandoning children during 2022 school shooting

>>21106600 PF: JASDF JF01 Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako departed RAF Brize Norton back to Tokyo-Haneda

>>21106604, >>21106629 Eric Trump: Coming up on @jesswatters at 7:30et

>>21106636 Several people dead, injured after vehicle rams into nail salon in Long Island, New York

>>21106642 @robbystarbuck: Woke CEO’s should be very uncomfortable right now - many of their employees are DM’ing me now with evidence

>>21106655, >>21106684 Biden falsely claims his son, Beau, died in war when he actually died from brain cancer

>>21106658 Jewish Professor Stephen Kershnar supporting pedophiłia

>>21106662 Control

>>21106691 JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley boost buybacks and dividends, while Citigroup and BofA take smaller steps

>>21106694 Dasting timing though

>>21106696, >>21106751 Trump Golf HV / LA

>>21106731 Iowa Supreme Court upholds state’s 6-week abortion ban

>>21106735, >>21106799 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 departed Norfolk Intl Airport after rally heading WN

>>21106741, >>21106753 Biden requests $4B from Congress to address Baltimore bridge, natural disasters

>>21106755 The Supreme Court has denied Steve Bannon’s bid to remain free pending appeal of his contempt conviction

>>21106269, >>21106493, >>21106544, >>21106648 Memes

>>21106816 #25871


>>21105526 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21106020 Rally transcript

>>21105707, >>21105723, >>21105726 Photos

>>21105734 Trump on stage at 3:55, starts to speak at 3:58

>>21105717 POTUS not wearing a tie

>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

>>21105797 @DanScavino posts vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231, >>21105890 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105248 Joe at his rally today looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105879, >>21105311, >>21105756 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105382, >>21105586, >>21105826 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105575 Biden Will Participate in Second Debate in September

>>21105558 Catherine Herridge: Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings

>>21105688 This part was not shown to the audience at the end of the debate

>>21105721 47.9 million viewers tuned in to CNN’s presidential debate with Biden and Trump

>>21105753 Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance

>>21105874 According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, ZERO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In America

>>21105785 Press Briefing with KJP Transcript

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274, >>21105538 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105675 Rep Jim Jordan's Statement on Chevron Being Overruled

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278, >>21105867 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105300, >>21105329 @Papi Trumpo: AAALL ABOARD!!!

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431, >>21105532 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

>>21105542 AG Ken Paxton: Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures

>>21105617 Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

>>21105632 News Blast

>>21105693 Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

>>21105731 Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

>>21105741 The Gaza Project Exposes Israel’s ‘Chilling Pattern’ of Killing Journalists

>>21105809 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1972

>>21105875 Secret Israeli Government Intelligence Machine Seeks to Redefine US Law, Silence Protesters, Manipulate Government Officials

>>21105917 Major 7.2 earthquake strikes Peru

>>21105994 Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

>>21105509, >>21105523, >>21105572, >>21105880 Memes

>>21106023 #25870

Previously Collected

>>21104333 #25868, >>21105174 #25869

>>21101876 #25865-B, >>21102570 #25866, >>21103439 #25867

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864, >>21101863 #25865-A

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861, >>21099237 #25862

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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3c3269 No.21107608

File: 40f4b4b0517bb86⋯.jpg (103.36 KB,1111x1118,1111:1118,40f4b4b0517bb8612f570163b9….jpg)



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272e6d No.21107619

File: 292aec7faefa67e⋯.jpeg (141.23 KB,828x942,138:157,292aec7faefa67ef2df401269….jpeg)

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9a3570 No.21107626

File: 1bba1cc97d1c9aa⋯.jpeg (34.01 KB,735x367,735:367,IMG_1724.jpeg)



Symbolism will be their downfall

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cb48f8 No.21107629

File: 0d048a23734d064⋯.png (466.07 KB,646x751,646:751,ClipboardImage.png)


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9a3199 No.21107630

File: 1d921d58da6a9db⋯.png (402.39 KB,1170x916,585:458,ClipboardImage.png)

some of them are questioning their worldview

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b735c3 No.21107631


BOLO ON "Egg" Comms.. shits getting real!

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6478b3 No.21107632

File: 0942f4fa175cc27⋯.png (761.34 KB,916x694,458:347,jim.PNG)

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023dd9 No.21107633

File: 2e5c00d8f4cffb6⋯.jpg (216.67 KB,794x975,794:975,2e5c00d8f4cffb611b59a6f70d….jpg)

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4bde14 No.21107635

File: 31a010e0d01fa8b⋯.jpg (67.57 KB,680x381,680:381,EYQdHxcXQAE_HJN.jpg)



Maybe we can get some work done tonight?

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e3e766 No.21107636

File: 1d64ca9314ad43a⋯.jpg (148.76 KB,1200x800,3:2,maps_1200.jpg)

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fdd998 No.21107637

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater


(I really think this is the start of the “Avalanche”! Time for the DS to be totally revealed and exposed.)


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cd8ba4 No.21107638

File: bb537dc69049084⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,639x457,639:457,bourdainepstein.jpg)

File: baed18d2e53e1f8⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,369x374,369:374,bourdain.jpg)


no, nose is wrong.

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6478b3 No.21107639

File: 4d50279385e92d4⋯.png (348.13 KB,431x719,431:719,st.PNG)


Steve Bannon Reacts To Biden’s Debate Performance

🇺🇸Stay tuned for Live-Stream of Megyn Kelly and Steve Bannon interview after Lou Dobbs Tonight

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69fda1 No.21107640

File: 49c9b4655dacd53⋯.jpg (96.03 KB,1069x1058,1069:1058,IMG_20240628_150242_347.jpg)

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c40be2 No.21107641

File: 86f3444fbce0f4a⋯.jpg (124.5 KB,792x523,792:523,STUMP_N_BUMP.jpg)






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6478b3 No.21107642

File: 5e621e60bce28f4⋯.png (564.77 KB,787x542,787:542,of.PNG)


Steve Bannon🦅: Last night you saw what they think of our country. They would allow a decrepit old man to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania and actually pretend to be the CIC when it’s supposed to be very clear lines - we have no earthly idea who makes the decisions over there, or how decisions are ever made. And Nancy Pelosi supports that. Nancy Pelosi is totally lawless.



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2c8584 No.21107643


It's impossible to know if that's a real person or a psyop to trick normalfags that still haven't processed that thought that they're now absorbing from a bot.

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023dd9 No.21107644


that's bourdain

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9e1387 No.21107645

Trump should accept Creepy Joe's golf challenge. It would be 18 holes walking, match play. Trump would have to give Creepy 6-8 strokes. I'd PAY to watch that! I doubt Creepy would win even one hole.

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cb48f8 No.21107646

File: 4c8c241d2132f02⋯.png (74.34 KB,1280x719,1280:719,ClipboardImage.png)


Bourdain is Epstein?

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f5e607 No.21107647

File: 3b23fc891154b09⋯.jpg (165.97 KB,634x639,634:639,3b23fc891154b0908ce9d61825….jpg)

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e3e766 No.21107648

File: cb8be44fa968b29⋯.png (450.48 KB,613x502,613:502,ClipboardImage.png)

The Royal Family


Jun 25

🇯🇵 🇬🇧 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

Jun 25, 2024 · 8:07 PM UTC


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6478b3 No.21107649

File: 3c5956fd3ece855⋯.png (122.33 KB,383x532,383:532,int.PNG)

File: 6bcb0375f4d62e9⋯.png (597.05 KB,691x365,691:365,tr.PNG)


🗣⚰ IT'S OVER, BIDEN FACING A GUARANTEED LOSS - even left-wing media can't hide disappointment over Genocide Joe embarrassing himself during Trump debate (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/38912), with Democrat political commentator Cenk Uygur and purple-haired co-host going into meltdown and waxing lyrical over how epic the defeat was.

This is an epic disaster. It's over. He [Biden] looks like he's barely surviving. I don't mean the debate. I mean life. I will bet any amount of money that he's going to lose this election if he's the candidate. It's a guaranteed loss. You're telling me this is the most important election of our lifetimes? You're telling me that democracy's on the line? And you're going to put on a guy who can't even talk? who can't even sit there and look normal. This thing's a bloodbath. He's going to get annihilated - Uygur.

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost) @IntelRepublic

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cb48f8 No.21107650

File: 6c013ac74031c06⋯.png (128.04 KB,640x628,160:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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addf4f No.21107651

File: 5ab404e58bc118f⋯.gif (1.01 MB,222x270,37:45,death_train.gif)

File: 8d1e83051c21a3a⋯.gif (5.75 MB,296x480,37:60,night_train.gif)





past bread notables below

>>21107300, >>21107408 past bread notables.

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fdd998 No.21107652

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State


(This is just the start of the full exposure of the corruptness of the DC court. Julie Kelly’s work is the only reason the Supreme court is trying to stop the DC courts that allowed illegal actions against MAGA)


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cd8ba4 No.21107653

File: b968c66ed5db1f7⋯.gif (94.15 KB,300x232,75:58,epsteingurney.gif)

File: be86c344bc7a6dd⋯.jpg (187.55 KB,1080x2220,18:37,epsteinfakedeath.jpg)

File: 55221effc7511aa⋯.jpg (104.97 KB,750x1334,375:667,likelyswitchedout.jpg)


"from your post to God's ear!"


no, it's a side by side Epstein Bourdain comparison.

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9a3570 No.21107654


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6478b3 No.21107655

File: c3836a7c679c2fd⋯.png (222.92 KB,589x588,589:588,fit.PNG)


Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

President Bidən is NOT FIT to discharge the immense duties of the presidency.”


Our Country Our Choice

2:14 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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e9c569 No.21107657

File: 21a4f311bddbc24⋯.png (197.8 KB,411x717,137:239,Screenshot_2024_06_28_1835….png)

File: a44ec0003e0d52a⋯.png (151.95 KB,793x419,793:419,Screenshot_2024_06_28_1836….png)


We Rush Bakes for No One Edition

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fec2f2 No.21107658

File: b3b9883bb71dd16⋯.png (954.76 KB,1080x947,1080:947,1719595798.png)

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9a3570 No.21107659


Another one

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5ece00 No.21107660

File: fc4f53ec8e1ac5e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1600x708,400:177,f96c5661ba5702143d2b74add8….png)

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25fb6c No.21107663



How bout we just got with the real 2020 results instead of this usurper theater ….

Soon real soon

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cd8ba4 No.21107664

File: f319891dc6d2140⋯.jpg (26.07 KB,420x338,210:169,epsteinandersoncooper.jpg)

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6478b3 No.21107665

File: 51a65e54fa56255⋯.png (478.57 KB,598x810,299:405,bling.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Joe Biden During The CNN Presidential Debate With Donald Trump Last Night

Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

2:30 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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9e1387 No.21107667


here's a clue : Everything.

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aca127 No.21107669


Fuck no

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cb48f8 No.21107670


He had his nose broken before he died, didn't he?

When the maniac cop "saved" him from trying to kill himself.

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b702a1 No.21107672

File: eab7aa8613185c9⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1080x1920,9:16,1715482950608757.jpg)

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ee6077 No.21107674

File: 1fc4f20b8c20889⋯.png (375.29 KB,570x570,1:1,8227F2CF_3A26_40E2_9E67_1C….png)

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f5e607 No.21107675

File: d445ada9d030ffc⋯.jpg (80.01 KB,500x480,25:24,d445ada9d030ffc84f7077d3e5….jpg)

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4bde14 No.21107677


Many Heros in this war

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9a3570 No.21107678

File: 0592cd80276f33f⋯.jpeg (669.25 KB,2048x3072,2:3,IMG_1753.jpeg)

Let’s all pray to the archangels

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023dd9 No.21107679

File: c3048f6b6143607⋯.png (373.35 KB,710x430,71:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd03243cc357af8⋯.png (169.02 KB,746x717,746:717,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d0f134f64060f9⋯.png (858.64 KB,1440x810,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edc9ac1887378b0⋯.png (21.9 KB,949x758,949:758,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5deee359fad08c2⋯.png (452.99 KB,674x604,337:302,ClipboardImage.png)



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05fa09 No.21107680


never know when a holocaust cloak will come in handy

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25fb6c No.21107681

File: f371b87c0c196f8⋯.jpg (329.36 KB,1560x720,13:6,Screenshot_20240112_224832….jpg)


It's cuz he got the colds, silly

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d5dee2 No.21107682


If bannon goes, so does garland

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4bde14 No.21107683

File: d1284d304016601⋯.jpeg (264.94 KB,1534x1391,118:107,289c2313cc3f0d0a70f94f39a….jpeg)



Let's pick up some hot chicks.

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6478b3 No.21107685


Down Periscope

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2c8584 No.21107686



Well twitter is a bit different than Reddit, right?

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a9248a No.21107687



These are the people that chop their dicks off and run about pretending to be women.

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517706 No.21107688

File: be008e0c3a65ffb⋯.png (4.21 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,IMG_2468.png)

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c40be2 No.21107690

File: 98aa043a6407518⋯.jpg (118.25 KB,789x473,789:473,UNTOLD_WINNING.jpg)

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7db74c No.21107691

File: 277d3126f553bb9⋯.mp4 (14.98 MB,768x1280,3:5,Steve_Bannon_Reacts_To_Bid….mp4)



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e3e766 No.21107692

File: 549efe0bedd018a⋯.png (332.7 KB,607x583,607:583,ClipboardImage.png)

Insider Paper



NEW: A self-styled German prince Friday denied being the ringleader of a coup plot, tearfully recounting his “traumatic” life as he fights accusations that a far-right group sought to overthrow the German state.

Jun 28, 2024 · 8:00 PM UTC


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a1a4b9 No.21107693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6478b3 No.21107695

File: ae6b1a386e8df44⋯.png (337.3 KB,593x466,593:466,et.PNG)


Eric Trump



𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎

2:28 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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aca127 No.21107696


How the fuck we gonna do that asshole

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ee6077 No.21107697

File: bf8cbd013bca729⋯.jpeg (490.89 KB,1189x615,29:15,2A6295FF_9AD6_4A6B_A237_E….jpeg)

File: d55dd0c591ab373⋯.jpeg (417.4 KB,769x745,769:745,05761C6A_A52F_4D8A_B41A_E….jpeg)

File: 77e09696dd7eaa1⋯.jpeg (479.36 KB,1289x613,1289:613,2CB3147F_65F3_4DCA_9DED_B….jpeg)

>>21104664 pb

AF2 C32Akneepadsdeparted Salt Lake City Intl after muh abortion/campaign stop and a Las Vegas Intl stop prior from it’s Los Angeles Intl depart earlier today and going back to LAX

She’s been in LA since Monday and after last night that she is not going back to DC means she should be measuring herself for a Judge’s robe as likely she gets shuffled off into that but she ain’t gonna be POTUS.

Can you imagine the hissy fit on these flights today….Kek.

Vice President Kamala Harris to visit Park City for fundraiser


>>21107291 lb

SPAR28 G5 departed Mather Airport

This is an Indo-PAC G5 and likely Cmdr. Aquilino but cannot confirm but us must definitely an Indo-PAC AC

SAM928 G5 departed from Mather after a refuel.

The SPAR G5s are usually NATO/Indo-PAC/AFRICOM the Southern Cmd. uses SAM call signs that I’ve seen.

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651a24 No.21107698

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6478b3 No.21107699

File: f482c6fa9dec7a3⋯.png (288.22 KB,1350x849,450:283,hap.PNG)


Gain of Fauci


Something to pay attention to…

Democrats are clearly splintered after Biden's debate performance last night and they are even attacking each other over the notion of replacing him or not. That being said, this will not last forever… they WILL eventually get their marching orders (from Barack Obama and others) to unite on one approach, for "the good of the party" but it might take some time.

Watch how the liberal media approaches this in the coming days and weeks. If you start seeing damning negative stories about Biden (that they previously dismissed, obfuscated or chose to overlook) start popping up, you will know that some of the people actually in power are very serious about replacing him.

Here are some MSM stories to look for:

- Joe Biden's own roll in the Hunter Biden laptop, like 10% held by H for the Big Guy.

- The classified documents. Remember, he could have ONLY been set up on this by his (really Obama's) own people for them to have found out about the documents in the first place. Also, this gives Dems a better attack angle on Trump and a way to disingenuously promote the idea that they are "holding everyone accountable."

- His on tape quid pro quo with Ukraine and other Ukraine-related issues/scandals (Burisma, etc.) involving both him and Hunter.

- To a lesser extent, the cognitive decline, mental health and age questions.

The BEST way (from the Democratic party's perspective) to take him down is to make everything about his age, health and mental state. Blame every wrong decision he did on these factors and look to garner sympathy while, at the same time, pretending like this isn't an indictment of the party itself, but simply mistakes by one man that people should feel sorry for. If these are said marching orders, this is the approach they will take.

On the other hand, if there is dissension in the ranks and some are not wanting to go along with the plan, things could get messy. If some of the major players and media outlets are still wanting to back Biden and others are not, they will have to be more aggressive in how they force him out. That is when you will see the focus being more on the aforementioned corruption/legal stories. Again, think Hunter's laptop, money from China and other countries, classified documents, quid pro Joe in Ukraine, etc.

Watch this very closely… it will be interesting and shed light on their bigger, more sinister agenda for the future of America.


2:23 PM · Jun 28, 2024




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addf4f No.21107700

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:dough below to rally notes



LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24




President Trump: As you saw on television last night, we had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst. He's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country, and we have to take it back from that party. That's an evil party.

>>21105765, >>21105783 The NC women, this is their 127th rally - Qdrop 127 the graphic is your key

President Trump: The question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether Joe Biden can survive a ninety minute debate performance, but whether America can survive four more years of Crooked Joe Biden in the White House. In fact, I don't know if we can really survive five more months. This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country, in my opinion…we've never been so close to World War III before.

President Trump: The whole world should know, that while Biden is the worst president in the history of America, our country is going to be strong again, and it's going to be very soon. I want the enemies to know that, because we have a five-month transition period, and I want the enemies to know; don't play around with us during this five-month period. Don't play around.

President Trump: Many people are saying that after last night's performance, Joe Biden is leaving the race. But the fact is; I don't really believe that because he does better in polls than any of the democrats that they're talking about…they polled Michelle Obama. She polls very badly. She polls terribly…they polled many people, and it's hard to believe, but Crooked Joe Biden polls better than those people.

President Trump: Time and again, Joe Biden revealed how extreme and divisive the radical-left democrats have become. Before your very eyes, Crooked Joe endorsed unlimited, extreme late-term abortion up to the moment of birth, and even death after a baby is born.

President Trump: They've spent trillions of dollars on subsidies. You ever notice that the car companies aren't selling cars, but they seem to be very happy. You know why? Because they are getting massive amounts of subsidies from the government. Normally they'd all be out of business because they are not selling cars. They are making far more electric vehicles than you need.

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will not rest until we have found every single radical Islamic terrorist who Joe Biden has let into America., We will arrest them, or we will throw them the hell out of our country immediately, and we will not let them back in. We have no choice.

President Trump: We have the greatest police in the world, but they're not allowed to do their job. And we're going to let them do their job. And we're going to give them immunity so they can't be prosecuted for doing their job.

President Trump: To stop Bidenflation, I will end Joe Biden's colossal waste of American tax payer dollars, and I will rapidly terminate a thing called the Green New Scam. It's the greatest scam in the history of our country, We're spending trillions and trillions of dollars on nonsense. On things that all they do is cause waste and inflation.==


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a65a7d No.21107702

Weak kneed faggots, all of you, the founding fathers are spinning in their graves, their legacy entrusted to pacifist, excuse making, limp wristed faggots. You should be ashamed. To your graves,and but quickly.

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3a953b No.21107703

File: 43e51af69c6a22e⋯.jpg (45.13 KB,579x431,579:431,ou6uyadkhfja.jpg)

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cd8ba4 No.21107704


This is why Twit/X is so important.

Crowds of bots.

and why I never go there.

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05fa09 No.21107705


gotta make sure those tunnels get "sealed"

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a9248a No.21107706


There's no facility in law for early election. This is some dumb shit.

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fbf98c No.21107707


It's all pre-scripted.

The debate was a trap.

Nothing about the globalist cult is honest and sincere.

Everything they do and say is a lie.

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addf4f No.21107708

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: ==The Supreme Court ruled that Biden's Department of Injustice has wrongly prosecuted hundreds of Americans for peacefully protesting on January 6th. Those people have been treated so badly, especially when you compare them with people that ripped apart and killed people in Portland, and in Seattle, and in other places. They have been treated so badly. So we're asking, based on the decision, they should immediately be released. Immediately; the J6 hostages.

djt: i want to thank cnn tapper and bash, they treated me very fairly.

djt: Free the j6 hostages now, i put 3 great supreme justices.

djt: we are leading in the common wealth of virgina (not state)

djt: this is all coming from bidens vicious thugs that surround him.

djt: think of this, they rigged the election in 2020, we will not let the rig the 2024 election

djt: the next senator and Navy combat veteran Hung Cao (come on up) tim caine bad.

hung cao; the only people better off now are illegal aliens.

djt: the greatest governor glen youngkin

youngkin; mr trump, this is the best trump rally on behalf of 8.7 million people we are going to get you back in the whitehuuse

djt: he is a great governer and also very total, the only one taller is my son, he is seeing what is happening to the country and it concerns him.

djt: thank you congressman michael waltz who sees our nation in decline

djt: if we win virgina the race is over

djt: above all as we are near so many military facilites, so lets have a big round of applause for the forces.

djt: think about it, we have russian submarines of the coast of florida in cuba and they don't want to talk about it

President Trump: Despite Joe Biden's flagrant lies on the debate stage, I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, which is what he is going to do . He's destroying Social Security.

djt: virgina gave us the quote, Give me liberty or give me death.

djt: We are a nation in decline speech.

djt: by this time the flame of liberty will be burning bright and joe biden and he will be a fading memory

djt: We are one nation under God and We will make America Great Again.

music plays hold on i'm coming

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6478b3 No.21107709

File: 283478cd4409adb⋯.png (331.55 KB,577x707,577:707,crim.PNG)



X22 Report



Jun 28, 2024, 10:57 AM

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6e4e15 No.21107710

File: 1adc861a97d983b⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dd8ff31cd933b8⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x1078,600:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea6e7884e3cc5a3⋯.png (383.63 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dce4ed No.21107711

File: 8379cbea1948062⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Major_Tom_with_Pepe_as_Num….mp4)



> >>21107608



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c40be2 No.21107712

File: e3d5b9224df34f5⋯.jpg (45.72 KB,691x262,691:262,WMD.jpg)

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a1a4b9 No.21107713

File: 8e036fb39c8a526⋯.webm (40.79 KB,320x240,4:3,filtered5.webm)


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aca127 No.21107714


You are a faggot Kys

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023dd9 No.21107715

File: fcc78379ce06751⋯.png (837.88 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


dem ring leaders yo

gotta watch em

NATO n sheitz

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5ece00 No.21107716

File: de07039dca3f3db⋯.png (966.67 KB,689x708,689:708,a5bc45e5720d9c82865239952c….png)

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25fb6c No.21107719


If banana then not Trump

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cd8ba4 No.21107720

File: 67a2a385b91bd15⋯.jpg (181.36 KB,900x851,900:851,mapepsteinisland.jpg)



Who knows? Maybe it was Anderson Cooper helping the FBi?

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81478b No.21107721


TY Bakes

NightShift is a Go

Save us from the pants-pooper.


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fdd998 No.21107722

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors. These people are very sick!



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ee6077 No.21107723

File: 92ccf956676642c⋯.png (883.41 KB,572x751,572:751,E952370B_886E_4109_85AA_73….png)

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6478b3 No.21107724

File: c2e29129ec806e1⋯.png (1004.24 KB,675x682,675:682,cake.PNG)

File: 5478ba2971bde0b⋯.png (732.83 KB,718x841,718:841,I_O_drop.PNG)



TYB TY Anons

“Bless the Baker and His water.

Bless the coming and going of Him.

May His passage cleanse the world.

May He keep the world for His people. ”

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2c8584 No.21107725


>Those founding fathers with dual loyalties to secret societies that planned a fake country are uh… big mad.

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023dd9 No.21107726




VD out

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cd8ba4 No.21107727


only fair.

"No one is above the law"

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cb48f8 No.21107729

File: c8caa1153371d6a⋯.png (634.26 KB,500x706,250:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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023dd9 No.21107730


ebenin bro

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a9248a No.21107731


No one cares about this scrotum stretched over a hat rack…

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b87cee No.21107732

File: ec91d20ff656825⋯.png (762.4 KB,976x592,61:37,anotherciti.png)

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3c3269 No.21107733

File: 9ad92bae1900dd0⋯.jpg (180.21 KB,962x1280,481:640,9ad92bae1900dd006b88f9a9ea….jpg)

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25fb6c No.21107735

File: 78a804a603e1901⋯.jpg (112.03 KB,617x500,617:500,8uekrt.jpg)


Only pedos hate Trump

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8cc8a8 No.21107736


WOW! He's still cranking them out.

5 years ago dude was a staple of mine.

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b87cee No.21107737

File: 8418bda4737f49d⋯.png (2.55 MB,1494x848,747:424,ceas1.png)

Has anyone seen these jews recently? I keep seeing hte other kind

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7db74c No.21107739

File: 6d801efee6d8ae5⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,848x480,53:30,Bannon_Is_A_Zionist_They_D….mp4)



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addf4f No.21107742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21107700, >>21107708 TRUMP RALLY IN VIRGINIA, CHESAPEAKE - 28TH JUNE 2024 - full speech and notes collected.

below is farage bun and the shit show in the u.k with summary and buns



Note: 6 days until the election, turns out, the guy is a actor, has done undercover work, has a rough voice, worked for channel 4 before, the company who sold the under cover work only do this for a business and so money has been exchanged between channel 4 and the company, right now no one knows who paid the under cover film crew but it is probably the company, whether andrew parker has been paid, probably and the fact he was a 1 volunteer amongst a hundred who had a film crew with them is moar than a coincidence, richard tice calls it right, this is election interference and ofcom at the moment are silent..

channel 4 and gb news hitjobs bun below.

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21102647, >>21102659, >>21102665, >>21102681, >>21102687, >>21102770, >>21102796, ch 4 and gbnews hitjobs on reform u.k and nigel farage bun.



The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up.


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437757 No.21107744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a1a4b9 No.21107746

File: 45bc2e982c0b5ed⋯.png (586.59 KB,720x600,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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c40be2 No.21107747

File: e896187fa3b6296⋯.jpg (76.56 KB,538x766,269:383,THINK.jpg)

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cb48f8 No.21107749

File: e18e9ebe6989f8e⋯.png (237.32 KB,306x369,34:41,ClipboardImage.png)



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ee6077 No.21107751

File: a5aaa7f70d21b4c⋯.jpeg (75.01 KB,720x551,720:551,1A8A6538_B9B5_4D29_8B2B_4….jpeg)


And a pleasant ebening to youz

Hope y’all relaxin’ and the tribe ok as well.

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b702a1 No.21107753

File: 8eb9eb79db05a21⋯.png (917.99 KB,1080x698,540:349,20230622_201136.png)

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22fab7 No.21107754

File: 149996da3a591e8⋯.jpg (12.22 KB,267x195,89:65,pepefarmsremembers44.jpg)


>Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

Well that's odd, isn't it?

When has that ever happened before?

Peperidge Farms Remembers when Trump said,

Is there any way we can call the election for next Tuesday,”

Mr Trump said. “That’s all I want. I want to call the election for next Tuesday.

Peperidge farms also remembers that Trump has stated many, many times, that the election "is going to go really fast, when it happens." (which is totally contrary to how it's always happened in the past)

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aca127 No.21107755


Fuck you pig

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272e6d No.21107757

File: 912631bd14e1873⋯.jpg (52.82 KB,500x500,1:1,912631bd14e1873ac92eb97363….jpg)

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c40be2 No.21107758

File: 703244cccf3c6c8⋯.jpg (72.94 KB,560x527,560:527,UP_AND_UP.jpg)

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a15afb No.21107759

File: 0214eee1f1d8d93⋯.jpg (303.79 KB,2101x1257,2101:1257,1658023732997.jpg)

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25fb6c No.21107760

4th of July

October surprise comes early

Trump reinstated

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a1a4b9 No.21107761

File: 836d027833d0495⋯.webm (1.11 MB,427x240,427:240,filtered7.webm)


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437757 No.21107762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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023dd9 No.21107763

File: f941b6053be2cbd⋯.png (251.96 KB,870x232,15:4,f941b6053be2cbdb8e6c1351f3….png)


all guud here

soakin up the fla AC


taps to yourz

chillaxed all

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a1034a No.21107764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anyone got the vid of issac kappy with the kids? Guy online says he found the place where it was filmed

go to 22 seconds

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aca127 No.21107765


Too late for that. Tick tock shill

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e6c9d6 No.21107766

File: 30e2daefcd56dbc⋯.jpeg (55.46 KB,358x283,358:283,IMG_6430.jpeg)

>>21106550 PB

That's when the Paperclip Nazis took control.

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376427 No.21107767

File: ae24ba4c6b028e9⋯.png (515.13 KB,720x530,72:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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775baa No.21107768

File: a2a714d2d3d2c11⋯.jpg (60.48 KB,800x533,800:533,ghey.jpg)

File: feb2b3b11150d28⋯.jpg (34.78 KB,706x395,706:395,gheyg.jpg)

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b22912 No.21107770

File: a77aba5ea62c1c2⋯.png (944.79 KB,897x1221,299:407,Screenshot_2024_06_28_2001….png)

File: f56131754679632⋯.png (78.71 KB,889x495,889:495,Screenshot_2024_06_28_2003….png)

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2c8584 No.21107771


Looks like they've done some rebranding.

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ee6077 No.21107772

File: d34735cef3bdce6⋯.jpeg (105.51 KB,1290x1278,215:213,0B3C87A5_C5CA_4A6A_B79B_3….jpeg)



We on AC till Oct nao

At least it waited


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05fa09 No.21107774


that's how you get asseted

do something recordable

and hocus cadabra

asset for mossad

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8cc8a8 No.21107776

The cave you fear to enter may hold the light you are looking for.

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c40be2 No.21107777

File: 9b5b80d84eb030b⋯.jpg (157.72 KB,595x633,595:633,SHOW_PIG_THEM_PEARLYS.jpg)

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e9c569 No.21107778

File: db01975dac9738e⋯.png (412.85 KB,698x713,698:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7078a612c7ea823⋯.png (140.86 KB,918x389,918:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8487534238fd1c⋯.png (146 KB,733x510,733:510,ClipboardImage.png)


Had To Show Em

Like with Deltas..they make great Spectacles..for the Optics


the Woah Effect

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a1034a No.21107781

File: 91e8aaffef58c48⋯.png (401.51 KB,1246x601,1246:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea1f6d No.21107782


She’s… hmm…. Sexy.

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cced81 No.21107783

File: 1f678c262992b9e⋯.jpeg (842.43 KB,1232x1502,616:751,IMG_0977.jpeg)

File: 1aafb06f313da20⋯.jpeg (658.3 KB,1168x1036,292:259,IMG_0976.jpeg)

Joe at debate

Joe at NC today.

He was pasty white last night. With tie

he was tanned today no tie

His hair was different today

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517706 No.21107784

File: 682de36c31e45f7⋯.png (529.63 KB,1351x648,1351:648,IMG_1901.png)



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a1034a No.21107785

File: 508ff58412b7048⋯.png (235.87 KB,532x268,133:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd8ba4 No.21107786

File: 8cf8f6a4817826d⋯.jpg (117.82 KB,680x680,1:1,visitedpedoisland.jpg)


Right he broke his nose and there's not sign of that, but the tip of his nose turns down now.

That would have to be plastic surgery; didn't know they did that in that creepy jail.

Nice Try. Who told you that?

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3a953b No.21107787

File: c3db743ed1747d9⋯.jpg (52.18 KB,612x396,17:11,trumpwinning.jpg)

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b87cee No.21107788

our country has become much shittier since even the 1990s

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05fa09 No.21107789

File: 1646e45587b2770⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x688,80:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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212afc No.21107790


We want a quality Government.

Quality takes time.

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023dd9 No.21107791

File: 7d6ce7a11b3f7e6⋯.jpg (17.23 KB,255x255,1:1,7d6ce7a11b3f7e6838d8b2933c….jpg)


peas out

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2c8584 No.21107792


I mean they advertise hot girl instead of kids.

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b87cee No.21107793

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775baa No.21107794

File: 397b5b7454b2a2b⋯.jpg (61.34 KB,850x478,425:239,potus.jpg)

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a71837 No.21107795


The lighting at the debate was extremely bright and both Trump and Biden looked washed out.

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25fb6c No.21107796

He looked like a cadaver covered in dandruff


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a1a4b9 No.21107797

File: 414b1f102554765⋯.webm (675.65 KB,565x240,113:48,layers.webm)

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a1034a No.21107798

File: 7aeaef6a71206e1⋯.png (1.26 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



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e3e766 No.21107799

File: 6f6ddb43580d197⋯.png (151.53 KB,601x262,601:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffbd00301450966⋯.png (112.13 KB,620x488,155:122,ClipboardImage.png)

"Porn star"


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a0ae29 No.21107800

File: bdad7a75573ab10⋯.png (594.32 KB,707x687,707:687,grtwebtrwetrwe.PNG)



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775baa No.21107801

File: edc8888c0326290⋯.jpg (130.7 KB,1024x683,1024:683,potus.jpg)

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c4a276 No.21107802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hot topics live


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c40be2 No.21107803

File: ba0e8202487e703⋯.jpg (156.16 KB,586x572,293:286,LOSER_LOOK.jpg)

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b702a1 No.21107804

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB,1440x1081,1440:1081,1527078663.jpeg)

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10a0ea No.21107805

File: 2af611f3d206e8c⋯.jpg (340.3 KB,1504x1080,188:135,TrumpWinning.JPG)


The King David of our age.

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f3e2a4 No.21107806

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b87cee No.21107807


"wind up with 'penniless'"

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775baa No.21107808

File: a11765c15cc0df4⋯.jpg (58.41 KB,720x360,2:1,potus.jpg)

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aca127 No.21107809


Shut the fuck up with your ghey shit

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f179d8 No.21107810

File: f4efce39eacce78⋯.jpg (98.07 KB,657x543,219:181,MovieCovid.JPG)

File: 8cbda6c2879a4bf⋯.jpg (459.69 KB,1598x1080,799:540,CancelFascists.jpg)

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ee6077 No.21107811

File: 845bf394d9663c8⋯.jpeg (454.22 KB,1239x623,177:89,F3595315_2F5D_476E_8FF1_9….jpeg)

SAM031 G5 departed MacDill AFB after a few hours on ground-this left JBA yesterday amidst the other ACs for Potato’s trip to Atlanta and it went to Bragg and stayed until later this afternoon

It’s top 5 in the 99th Airlift Squadrons G5 (C-37) cadre.

There are 3 of them we never see.

I say G5 cuz everyone knows that but they don’t know C-37 and those variants.

>>21095290, >>21095628 pb

>forget which one of these haz SAM031 so both here

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cb48f8 No.21107812


It was filmed in Antalya, Turkey at Land of Legends theme park and hotels.

Don't remember the precise hotel, but the spa video shows the exact bathhouse where those kids are at.

I have no video of Kappy with kids.

I do remember when Anons found the location many years ago.

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25fb6c No.21107813


Rosie looks happy there. Nice to see. She always looks so miserable

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a65a7d No.21107814

During the revolutionary war, there was prison ships filled with pacifist faggots caught by the British and loyalists. They died. Wishing they would have fought for their lives.

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b87cee No.21107815

that michael jackson meme was too hot for QR toxic 8kun

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88eedc No.21107816


How is he doing now?

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e3e766 No.21107817

File: c08712ab4bbf167⋯.png (260.66 KB,606x588,101:98,ClipboardImage.png)




A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent, and that ‘it was not good to be Epstein’s enemy’


Jun 28, 2024 · 10:20 PM UTC



>f3e2a4 (1) No.21107806

hurry up! change your IP

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c40be2 No.21107818

File: 958e54850ba4b02⋯.jpg (138 KB,549x561,183:187,GOOD_PEOPLE_DONT_HATE.jpg)

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3d1e5b No.21107819

File: 7cdc5dc1c9f3fed⋯.png (950.21 KB,680x676,170:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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25fb6c No.21107820

Hamas whining

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a1a4b9 No.21107821

File: cc18f0dfc75cce5⋯.png (587.14 KB,1125x1299,375:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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aca127 No.21107823

People like you cause the hate

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b747ba No.21107824

File: 01a2282224ca565⋯.jpg (94.93 KB,1111x625,1111:625,Nightshift2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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cb48f8 No.21107825



I believe they took this off their website, and I had heard that they had remodeled now.

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cd8ba4 No.21107826

File: 7efc5f47b7f12cc⋯.jpg (50.3 KB,473x502,473:502,kappydeadmanswitch.jpg)

File: 2a0edc6e20b4516⋯.jpg (147.64 KB,1200x711,400:237,hammanalbugah.jpg)

File: b320c4b822e36d0⋯.jpg (274.03 KB,1079x1618,1079:1618,hammamyalbugha.jpg)

File: 804c2711001acf2⋯.jpg (333.1 KB,1079x1618,1079:1618,hammamyalbugha2.jpg)



the vid with the little girls.

someone's got it.

It looks like this place though.

? in Alleppo.

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35566f No.21107827

File: 74ed836c9932611⋯.jpg (436 KB,2048x1061,2048:1061,BotNoMore.jpg)


Impressive AI response time.

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cd8ba4 No.21107829



This isn't the place though, either.

or decorated different.

It's just similar.

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b753dd No.21107830

Only Kamala.

No one else should be allowed to replace Joe.

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5ae489 No.21107831


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f3e2a4 No.21107832

File: 936157bf75381cf⋯.png (888.02 KB,789x524,789:524,trmlh1.png)

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aca127 No.21107833

Fuck shills I won’t do what shills tell me

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ea1f6d No.21107834


For the memes.

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05fa09 No.21107836



Put the VEEP in if Joe bails on the Ho

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e3e766 No.21107837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Smoke City - Underwater love

Who´s deep under?

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5ae489 No.21107838

the grasping.

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9a3199 No.21107839

File: 25525e53f4bf556⋯.png (271.54 KB,746x456,373:228,fox_news_orange_trump.png)

File: 5fea633b8925367⋯.png (269.51 KB,500x262,250:131,biden_orange.png)

File: 426696d24d4f5cf⋯.png (1.34 MB,1860x1504,465:376,they_colorize_trump.png)


> tanned today

that can be just color settings

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6e4e15 No.21107841

File: 299d6fd650f8aa1⋯.jpg (43.3 KB,936x577,936:577,299d6fd650f8aa19c912cd31b5….jpg)

File: 37c8ddd9de4d2f3⋯.png (1.19 MB,500x1055,100:211,37c8ddd9de4d2f3f8f380d2b20….png)

File: 5e4103c326ca0de⋯.png (1.78 MB,1114x922,557:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c8c9f24c9b352a⋯.png (256.23 KB,532x356,133:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92927feb6385112⋯.png (204.92 KB,1089x616,99:56,ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden does NOT have vertical wrinkles across the bridge of his nose.

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c3ed91 No.21107842



Imagine the popcorn!

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376427 No.21107843

File: af77160220a8754⋯.png (42.98 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1a4b9 No.21107844


If memory serves correctly it was darker stone too, not something that the lighting would change. Turkish bath, so I imagine there's a lot made in that style.

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25fb6c No.21107845

>>21107002 lb notables


Epstein was born into the satanic pedo network.

They are all born into in.

They breed like bunnies because they are constantly raping each other

..and torturing each other and then put into positions of influence as they age.

Epstein was adapted at trafficking children and the breeding program

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ac7697 No.21107846

File: 2347ffc0db1c29b⋯.mp4 (804.47 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17196277808….mp4)

Gavin Newsom - a man whose policies are so bad he can’t even defend them.


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dab9a9 No.21107847

I think I hate women.

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431518 No.21107848

Biden farts inflation during speech


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b702a1 No.21107849

File: 971ab658a215113⋯.gif (3.89 MB,480x480,1:1,1607105159664.gif)

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2c8584 No.21107850


Just brainwashed ones.

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b747ba No.21107851

File: a314b3c373e71fe⋯.jpg (161.64 KB,600x335,120:67,TripUpdate.jpg)

>>21106867 (pb)

>>21106895 (pb)

>>21107075 (pb)

>Is Trump about to get impeached ..again?

Nooooooooo! I sure hope not.

>And they ALL expire in NOV

Saw something else that could be of interest…

The expiration dates could related to Q posts?

Do trip codes expire? Will Q get a new one in Nov and start posting again? Or trying now and can't?

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023dd9 No.21107852

File: 68a533af3ffda6f⋯.png (232.48 KB,635x599,635:599,suck_it.png)

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b753dd No.21107853

Racist and misogynistic if they sidestep Kamala.

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ea1f6d No.21107854

File: d9bb10003cb7335⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB,611x408,611:408,IMG_5836.jpeg)

Literal understanding of a translation is in fact Not an Interpretation.

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437757 No.21107855

File: e2ddba3eea764ef⋯.jpg (3.47 MB,4000x2252,1000:563,Picsart_24_06_28_21_21_26_….jpg)

File: f37e3b7c6e5347d⋯.jpg (2.85 MB,4000x2252,1000:563,Picsart_24_06_28_21_17_59_….jpg)

File: 12d579a2405cb9c⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,4000x2252,1000:563,Picsart_24_06_12_07_06_00_….jpg)

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9a3199 No.21107856

File: b569edb25649153⋯.png (501.91 KB,629x600,629:600,stolen_genes_black_white_n….png)


>Only Kamala.

>No one else should be allowed to replace Joe.

surely that could just skip the black female & go right to Newsom or that alien lizard gretchen?

That would be cool with the dam base, right?

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dab9a9 No.21107857


>let's free the niggers and give women voting rights


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c40be2 No.21107858

File: 68af9a51eb622dd⋯.jpg (157.68 KB,653x465,653:465,FUCKN_DUMBASS.jpg)



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3c6d16 No.21107859

File: b409f65539df399⋯.jpg (592.76 KB,1830x1346,915:673,OpSec.jpg)

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23c86f No.21107860

DNC is about to call for a press conference on Monday. I don’t want to Seth Rich anyone working there, so I’ll be really careful as to what I say.

They’ve decided to name Jill Biden as their Hail Mary against Trump. She was told to be ready to accept no later than 11:59pm tomorrow.

DNC lawyers are drafting as I type this and have said that while unprecedented, there isn’t necessarily any law against it. DNC internal policy dictates that they may choose their front runner at will, and not be beholden to primary vote.

I am of about forty individuals that know up to this point in detail. What they’re doing is wrong. It’s about our future at this point.

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023dd9 No.21107861



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ac7697 No.21107862

File: 3e5a332a85b7005⋯.jpg (36.12 KB,597x397,597:397,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2249….jpg)

Russia's first time traveller has returned.

Guess what he said:

In September Biden is medically diagnosed as unfit for office and quits.

They discover that the DNC has legal power to choose a replacement without a National vote!

Weird huh?

You'll never guess who they chose.


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2e7108 No.21107863

Night, Night, sweet lil’ froggies!

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b702a1 No.21107864

File: b21bbf44d58bf7a⋯.jpg (247.6 KB,741x703,39:37,20210926_082706.jpg)

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25fb6c No.21107865

The pecking order will not include kamel.

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9a3199 No.21107866

File: 88b9c4e0c138f50⋯.png (779.73 KB,1024x1024,1:1,trump_in_forest_with_glown….png)

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f3e2a4 No.21107867

File: 3ea0c2bc43e8332⋯.png (580.08 KB,653x512,653:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1a4b9 No.21107868

File: 987dcb61a4cc566⋯.webm (1.27 MB,866x360,433:180,adato3.webm)


You should feel the opposite towards them. Especially one in particular if you're lucky enough to find her.

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5ae489 No.21107869

нате ıs đeserveđ.

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addf4f No.21107870

File: 215a12009e68b2a⋯.png (441.63 KB,680x357,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


bring back the notorious RBG

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3d1e5b No.21107871


What the hell!

(if true)

She's awful and guilty of elder abuse to stay in the White House.

Worse than Kamala.

You still won't beat Trump.

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c3dbd1 No.21107872

possibility of rfk and sanders

ear to the ground

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decd2b No.21107873

File: 612c7412ca99e4f⋯.jpg (116.55 KB,1125x838,1125:838,WitchTrials.JPG)


Restrict your hatred to witches.

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9a3199 No.21107874

File: a387d1573cce0b4⋯.png (350.17 KB,720x720,1:1,john_mcafee_misc.png)


>In September

>doesn't say which year


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cd8ba4 No.21107875

File: bdc1dff14c54b7a⋯.jpg (169.91 KB,735x450,49:30,kappybathimages.jpg)

File: 5f6cb15d1c0a9f4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1508x450,754:225,kappyvidvsturkishplace.png)

File: f7a3e0ae192b0ed⋯.jpg (94.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,kappybathimagescompare.jpg)

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569e6b No.21107876

File: 9de884652aabb75⋯.gif (959.75 KB,250x200,5:4,9de884652aabb7579816d07612….gif)

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3f44e4 No.21107878


Sounds kinda gay

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b747ba No.21107879

File: 1dcd18c4a653239⋯.jpg (44.49 KB,600x335,120:67,OhCrap.jpg)

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a15afb No.21107880

File: af26b5413a4879c⋯.png (263.12 KB,605x411,605:411,a49ed3140f01d296720f4095b0….png)

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a1a4b9 No.21107881

File: 3eced1478cb4236⋯.gif (2.14 MB,480x272,30:17,nph2.gif)


Your hate has no power here. You may IP hop with that persona now, AEI.

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3c3269 No.21107882

File: cb512f7e81ef8bc⋯.png (107.93 KB,498x321,166:107,cb512f7e81ef8bcf06cc65090a….png)

File: e2cd10d23b41bb8⋯.jpeg (258.82 KB,1754x865,1754:865,e2cd10d23b41bb875c6fd87e1….jpeg)

early notes


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107656 Supreme Court rejects Trump ally Steve Bannon’s bid to delay prison sentence

>>21107662, >>21107666, >>21107668, >>21107671, >>21107673 Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

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b72f76 No.21107883

File: 39da348df541695⋯.png (601.83 KB,778x898,389:449,65m46n4b45.PNG)

Sen. Bernie Sanders holds rally in Eau Claire


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9a3199 No.21107885

File: 130c84a0e280806⋯.png (88.02 KB,1364x1384,341:346,Old_man_pepe_el_wisdom.png)


john mcafee biden september quits 25th amendment 'time traveller prediction 2024 election


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aca127 No.21107886


Flynn you are a lying piece of shit. Go kill yourself

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f3e2a4 No.21107887


for sure

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25fb6c No.21107888

File: 05e776ef2dd8a85⋯.jpg (76.52 KB,720x532,180:133,Hti.jpg)

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cced81 No.21107890

File: 0efd0b5df8b89eb⋯.jpeg (841.83 KB,1170x2131,1170:2131,IMG_9894.jpeg)


Yep Thomas Massie’s wife dies suddenly!

COVID or killed by DS?

Maddie did make fun of the squad member who lost

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023dd9 No.21107892

File: 5eef9fe79193db0⋯.png (365.14 KB,1287x655,1287:655,ClipboardImage.png)



WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon as he appeals his conviction for defying a subpoena in the congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol insurrection.

Bannon filed an emergency appeal after a judge ordered him to report to prison July 1 for a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack. The court previously denied a similar request from another Trump aide.

The appeal was originally directed to Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees such requests from Washington. He referred it to the full court.

The court rejected it without explanation, as is typical. There were no noted dissents.

Defense attorneys have argued the case raises issues that should be examined by the Supreme Court, including Bannon’s previous lawyer’s belief that the subpoena was invalid because former President Donald Trump had asserted executive privilege. Prosecutors, though, say Bannon had left the White House years before and Trump had never invoked executive privilege in front of the committee.

A jury found Bannon guilty nearly two years ago of two counts of contempt of Congress: one for refusing to sit for a deposition with the Jan. 6 House Committee and a second for refusing to provide documents related to his involvement in the Republican ex-president’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

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cd8ba4 No.21107893

File: 5a2595d347f3126⋯.png (311.64 KB,419x702,419:702,flagged.png)




vids been flagged.

can't upload it here

nothing explicit at all. just so you know.

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437757 No.21107894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dab9a9 No.21107896


this pepe always made me laugh. He looks like an NPC in a gameboy rpg or something.

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3c3269 No.21107897


why all the bannon notes deleted?


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9a3199 No.21107898

File: d4781647464159e⋯.png (92.08 KB,597x397,597:397,ClipboardImage.png)




highlighted by kim dotcom a couple of hours ago:


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c40be2 No.21107900

File: 6ae274bba053f42⋯.jpg (139.76 KB,628x628,1:1,WINNA_BLINGA_DING_DONG.jpg)




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023dd9 No.21107901

File: ed49164b56379d7⋯.png (359.95 KB,1287x655,1287:655,ClipboardImage.png)



June 28, 2024, 2:36 PM EDT

By Ryan J. Reilly

WASHINGTON — Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after the Supreme Court rejected his last-minute bid to stave off his four-month sentence for defying subpoenas from the House Jan. 6 committee.

Bannon was convicted in Washington on two counts of contempt of Congress nearly two full years ago, in July 2022, and sentenced to four months in prison in October 2022. U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols had put his sentence on hold as he pursued an appeal of his conviction, which was rejected in May. Nichols then ordered Bannon to report to prison by July 1, saying there was no basis to continue to delay the sentence. An appeals court then rejected Bannon’s appeal of the decision, leaving only the Supreme Court to help him avoid incarceration.

Bannon was held in contempt of Congress after he blew off the Jan. 6 committee's request for documents and testimony as part of its investigation into former President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and remain in power in the lead-up to the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021. Bannon's lawyer told the Supreme Court that he was relying upon the advice of counsel, saying he was waiting for issues of executive privilege to be settled. But as federal prosecutors noted in their 2022 sentencing memo, there was no operational claim of executive privilege, as Bannon had been a part of the Trump administration years earlier, not during the time frame being examined by the Jan. 6 committee.

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cced81 No.21107903

File: a64e8ea67ad274c⋯.png (4.55 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0978.png)



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a3b741 No.21107905


tagging incase an anon posts. would like a copy as well.

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9a3199 No.21107906

File: 08588ad3dbbc6fb⋯.png (110.34 KB,616x650,308:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ae489 No.21107907

File: 2b275c5d47e856f⋯.gif (769.97 KB,500x500,1:1,20240628_203638.gif)

any species that does not protect its young from predation by false godlings is already extinct…


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dab9a9 No.21107908


maybe it's not those posts, but other spammy posts by that same anon? Sometimes someone deletes spam. It's a double-edged sword, 'cause it means we can't talk about jews, 'cause shills spam jew shit.

It's a shame 'cause jews ARE the ultimate source of all this.

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cd8ba4 No.21107910


i see what you mean.

It's more of an exact match.

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5ae489 No.21107912


dat niggah ain't ded


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023dd9 No.21107913


replaced the two headlines taken out baker

VD wants to blend articles with spam




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aca127 No.21107914

You’re right I’ll go be a dumbass somewhere else. For good. Thanks for absolutely NOTHING

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dab9a9 No.21107915



I wonder what gang he's going to join

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e3e766 No.21107917

File: 8bdda984bce606b⋯.png (293.16 KB,625x559,625:559,ClipboardImage.png)


Seth Rich



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dab9a9 No.21107918


>I’ll go be a dumbass somewhere else. For good.

see ya

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b39893 No.21107919


They got one of those machines too.


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5ae489 No.21107920


fuck you fed

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a1a4b9 No.21107921

File: aedd33289d6523d⋯.webm (398.19 KB,427x240,427:240,booo3.webm)


Looks like a shill that got on board staff's radar that was also newsbotting. It's not like they don't try it every day. If this place is the news now, you don't think bad actors would want to try and control that? They fail regularly though. Anons are too sharp, too fast, staff even faster… most times. KEK!

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569e6b No.21107923

File: afc8b55a5afa9ad⋯.mp4 (416.05 KB,492x276,41:23,booty.mp4)

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3c3269 No.21107924

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3c3269 No.21107928

File: 5cb8ece1d94b957⋯.png (124.19 KB,490x367,490:367,kd8r846bs826y54g7hf8732yhf….png)

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cd8ba4 No.21107929


i think so too.

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e9c569 No.21107930

File: 0d5aaa94c632f5e⋯.png (337.96 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a9494 No.21107931


Let the death spiral begin!

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b22912 No.21107933

File: 50835bfa8adf1de⋯.png (791.21 KB,925x631,925:631,Screenshot_2024_06_28_2037….png)

File: 6bc07299d1d3951⋯.png (972.26 KB,1126x727,1126:727,Screenshot_2024_06_28_2039….png)

File: 97318b0d7982f2f⋯.png (511.93 KB,1143x643,1143:643,Screenshot_2024_06_28_2041….png)

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25fb6c No.21107934

File: 719a524d3667470⋯.jpg (80.65 KB,654x662,327:331,Screenshot_20240618_142021….jpg)

Over Jill's ded body

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023dd9 No.21107936


skewed view of old articles

have nothing relevant to add

have you looked them up in qresear.ch?

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a1a4b9 No.21107937

File: d1bbace9252c742⋯.webm (318.07 KB,853x480,853:480,kek14.webm)

And then VaticanClown pipes up. He's been caught newsbotting lately and he has a particular style of doing it too. Was that him, the green links in the dough? I'll bet it was. Who's baking right now, might I ask?

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d8eaaa No.21107938


why do you post these fake news reports?

you do this all the time.

this is BS.

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2924ee No.21107939


You're welcome :D

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cced81 No.21107941


Who are the Ware guys?

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8d03d7 No.21107942


Vatican Shill probably.

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c40be2 No.21107943

File: 94f2d37ccb1909b⋯.jpg (141.94 KB,530x564,265:282,LEAVES_A_MARK.jpg)

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78de66 No.21107944

you are a dead nigger you goddamned cunt.



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8d03d7 No.21107945


Vatican Shill.

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023dd9 No.21107946


you bet it was VD posting and being taken out


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cd8ba4 No.21107947

File: 760409a6279080f⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,720x1280,9:16,pigdancingscavina.mp4)

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5e1960 No.21107948

the media is trying to parade trumps sister out into the spotlight.

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78de66 No.21107949

CAV don't forgive bitch.

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44549b No.21107952

File: 47c374ab8dc90d9⋯.png (2.88 MB,1768x926,884:463,platos_cave_cnn.png)


> You are watching a movie

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a1a4b9 No.21107953

File: a411347cde79196⋯.jpg (47.84 KB,735x685,147:137,crysoy.jpg)


You sound mad, AEI.

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78de66 No.21107955

how many others have you accused of child porn you nigger?

you accused the wrong one.

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dce4ed No.21107958


nah, think mirror

jew just a wej


splitting device

real enemy is liars

read Scripture

Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 talks about liars

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a3b741 No.21107959



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b747ba No.21107960

File: 791cb4bf2cd4e1f⋯.jpg (157.89 KB,600x335,120:67,TestBanner.jpg)

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9a3199 No.21107962

File: a21be3fbf02557c⋯.png (340.91 KB,974x546,487:273,yoda_fuck_off.png)


no motherfucking way they designed that in the 50s with muh fucking sliderule. that's information sent back in time somehow

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aca127 No.21107964


Pig you can’t be counted on to fix anything. That’s very clear

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651a24 No.21107965



someone's busted

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e9c569 No.21107966

File: b9faab71e3440bc⋯.png (952.64 KB,960x503,960:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9c569 No.21107967


1:49:27 / 1:52:05

Where we're performing this week

Nateland | Ep #101 - Spies and Secret Agents

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05fa09 No.21107968





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78de66 No.21107969

anything else funboy?

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0d460c No.21107970

File: 095e8ce8d247f6d⋯.png (240.72 KB,478x592,239:296,ClipboardImage.png)

fuck yea

we finally get the ayyylmao card

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e3e766 No.21107971

File: f27c7028d7efed7⋯.jpg (297.02 KB,1080x1350,4:5,media_GRE4yOZWQAAqpUJ.jpg)

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ea1f6d No.21107972

Pineal calcification, also referred to as “brain sand”, is caused by hydroxyapatite deposition in the pineal gland [15, 16]. Certain studies have reported the reduced pineal volume and have found calcification in AD [17, 18].Jul 11, 2019

““Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭24‬, ‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.””

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭32‬:‭30‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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569e6b No.21107973

File: 04f0997b8d5de8f⋯.jpg (128.41 KB,666x500,333:250,Friday.jpg)

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e9c569 No.21107976


c before a

b in the middle


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78de66 No.21107977


you want innit with æı?

two are as easy to kill in public as one.


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aca127 No.21107980


You are soooo scary

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9220e4 No.21107982

huh what is a JINO?

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c40be2 No.21107984

File: 89a0490fbffec5e⋯.jpg (138.78 KB,510x557,510:557,TRY_IT_OUT.jpg)

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78de66 No.21107985


wait til the parade, ''cunny"".

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651a24 No.21107986


not following you

what do you mean?

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a1a4b9 No.21107988

File: 42a6d24cf91f724⋯.png (167.38 KB,640x478,320:239,ClipboardImage.png)


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cd8ba4 No.21107990



this is a screen shot.


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f5e607 No.21107992

File: 7a50c2f96d4ca82⋯.png (704.39 KB,582x561,194:187,7a50c2f96d4ca82787f6355991….png)

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376427 No.21107993

File: e3c90b63d994c05⋯.png (380.79 KB,956x538,478:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes, dreams teach.

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78de66 No.21107994

æı Have been heir since before q.

if q is q

q knows exactly what one's capacities are.

play your game

one does not.

not where child predators are concerned.

you were warned.

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a1a4b9 No.21107995


Yeah. Lots of artifacting going on in it too.

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cced81 No.21107996

What movie posters are we now?

Panic in DC?what are the others?

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9220e4 No.21107999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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78de66 No.21108000


then mayhap you should not poke what you donot understand.

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aca127 No.21108001


Make sure your team of faggots doesn’t wake me up begging for help anymore

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6e4e15 No.21108002


mmm seenit

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376427 No.21108004


statistically not possible. impossible to ignore.

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651a24 No.21108005


what I don't understand is your Engrish

wtf is innit?

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e3e766 No.21108006

File: 9c7502b77eb7943⋯.png (150.29 KB,608x441,608:441,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




Jun 29, 2024 · 2:07 AM UTC


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2c8584 No.21108008

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aca127 No.21108009


Heard that before. Never have learned a single useful thing

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c40be2 No.21108010

File: 2ea93ec103c9596⋯.jpg (223.24 KB,859x639,859:639,GREAT_RETAKE.jpg)



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aca127 No.21108012


Fuck you too

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25fb6c No.21108013


and reveal

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78de66 No.21108014

File: 8763298b55bf4f1⋯.pdf (6.45 MB,_1_qresearch_Q_Research_Ge….PDF)

memo for record:

so sworn.

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cd8ba4 No.21108015






better version. ^


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ea1f6d No.21108016

Stedmans Medical Dictionary

defines the hippocampus

of the brain (the place of memory),

as the medial margin (HEM),

of the corticalo (OUTER),

mantle (GARMENT) of the

cerebral hemisphere.

Stedmans calls the hippocampus

the hem of the outer garment.

“And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“And they shall know that I am the LORD their God, that brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them: I am the LORD their God.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭29‬:‭46‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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44549b No.21108017

File: 2c7159781c3621e⋯.png (384.01 KB,552x416,69:52,2024_06_28_07_48_12.png)


>They’ve decided to name Jill Biden as their Hail Mary against Trump. She was told to be ready to accept no later than 11:59pm tomorrow.

Dr Jill has been practicing…

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e9c569 No.21108018

File: 34736d98a6095e0⋯.png (294.91 KB,939x312,313:104,ClipboardImage.png)

what is that growing on bill mahers face?


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3db8cc No.21108019

File: 89b4681bc1330f9⋯.mp4 (919.32 KB,640x360,16:9,TRIM_20240628_224311.mp4)

Biden: from strengthening health care by making everyone eligible with the COVID if we finally beat Medicare

What did he mean by this?

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40ea01 No.21108022


But it's sauce we need.

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2c8584 No.21108023


Skin colored microphone.

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b747ba No.21108026


I think it's a moody bot, might want to just filter.

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6e4e15 No.21108027



wish i had a that level of enlightenment and beyond

and the teachers that could bring me to that encompassing seetha

this existence is torture, completely pointless

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4e2963 No.21108028


your problem.

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0d460c No.21108029

File: b8b81679bdfcd1d⋯.png (55.31 KB,176x208,11:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cb98e No.21108032


>skin colored microphone

He’s more used to that in his hands I think.

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cced81 No.21108033


I hope this is true

Get more popcorn

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78de66 No.21108034


this gnü.

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ee6077 No.21108036

File: d2dc841f05af353⋯.jpeg (365.65 KB,1086x585,362:195,F6D2D42D_E224_4A3B_AE0F_E….jpeg)

File: 2d2012fcf642933⋯.jpeg (91.61 KB,700x394,350:197,59D2DE6F_0F81_4FEF_8D1D_B….jpeg)

Chewy Inc. sold by Argos Holdings:$660.39m-June 26-27

Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

Executives at Argos Holdings GP LLC and affiliated entities have recently sold a significant number of shares in Chewy Inc . (NYSE:CHWY), the popular online retailer of pet food and other pet-related products. The series of transactions, which took place on June 26 and 27, resulted in the sale of Chewy Inc. stock amounting to over $660 million.

The sales involved prices ranging from $28.49 to $33.00 per share. On June 26, a total of 17,550,000 shares were sold at an average price of $28.49 per share. The following day, sales continued with 2,590,319 shares sold at a weighted average price of $29.54, 1,923,702 shares at $30.13, 491,042 shares at $31.41, 294,380 shares at $32.39, and the final batch of 29,100 shares sold at an even $33.00 per share.

These transactions were conducted by multiple reporting owners, including Argos Holdings GP LLC, Argos Holdings L.P., CIE Management IX Ltd, BC Partners Holdings Ltd, and Citrus Intermediate Holdings L.P., all of which are entities that hold significant stakes in Chewy Inc. and are interconnected through various ownership and control relationships. Argos Holdings GP LLC is the general partner of Argos Holdings L.P., which is the sole common equity holder of Citrus Intermediate Holdings L.P. CIE Management IX Limited controls a majority of the equity interests in Argos Holdings GP LLC, and BC Partners Holdings Limited is the controlling shareholder of CIE. The reporting entities have clarified through footnotes that the reported securities are held directly by affiliates and accounts they manage. They have also stated that the filing of this statement is not an admission of beneficial ownership of the reported securities, except to the extent of their pecuniary interest therein.



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c40be2 No.21108037

File: 2d024cc64fca8f2⋯.jpg (115.75 KB,638x466,319:233,MUST_BE_LYING.jpg)

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21d9e2 No.21108038

File: ecfa68eee19eb12⋯.png (920.09 KB,634x625,634:625,Hot_chicks.PNG)

File: 2b819008f3e31d4⋯.jpg (72.19 KB,1200x800,3:2,Holding_baby_chicks.jpg)


>Let's pick up some hot chicks.

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192066 No.21108041


I wonder if it will come out that Jill is responsible for the death of Biden's first wife. Jill & Joe were having an affair when Neilia died in a tragic car accident.

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376427 No.21108044


oh, my meal was cooked sooo long ago…

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a1a4b9 No.21108046

File: 4a3366cdb347a43⋯.png (1 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>no motherfucking way they designed that in the 50s with muh fucking sliderule

Did they even have math that far back in antiquity?

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40ea01 No.21108049


Factually incorrect. It was the A-12

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4a9494 No.21108050


must be the drugs

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3d1e5b No.21108051

File: dc538701cc5d6ad⋯.png (244.05 KB,680x642,340:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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cced81 No.21108052



Are they planning to kill off joe?

He was sick,,,,with a cold….remember?

Joe dies suddenly.

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21d9e2 No.21108056


"State FUNeral"

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16389a No.21108057


That's not going to happen. Just from the legal perspective it won't work.

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4bde14 No.21108058

File: 3b70dda94e23315⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,204x192,17:16,3b70dda94e2331572ebdeec7a2….jpg)


Thanks Pig

Having a blast.

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9a3570 No.21108059

File: 6d22cbd0c1d4c42⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB,2383x3411,2383:3411,IMG_1754.jpeg)

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3b6340 No.21108060


his double died.

there was a write up hier abouts years ago concerning said double's family's upkeep.

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4a9494 No.21108061


they could use that to back the Jill ticket, it's happened with Senators before.

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545dcf No.21108063

File: 53e3c8c4c62796b⋯.png (1.08 MB,980x654,490:327,ClipboardImage.png)


>the death of Biden's first wife.

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9a3570 No.21108064



You got one more month.

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cced81 No.21108066


The boys were not suppose to live

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c40be2 No.21108067

File: ffbc16a76bbdcda⋯.jpg (117.11 KB,487x565,487:565,U_MEAN_BESIDES_THE_DEBATE.jpg)

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94fd76 No.21108068


If the script says Bidan is replaced it can only be by Hilldawg.

Since the current "Beautiful Hillary" is not the original Beast Hilda. She's fully controlled and has nothing to lose.

Any actual politician would be a delusional psycho to want to go up against Trump and snuff out any posibillity for any office ever again. The brain dead dims would buy into the revenge grudge rematch.

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0f6d60 No.21108069

He man, an He Don.

anhedonia | ˌanhēˈdōnēə |

noun Psychiatry

inability to feel pleasure.


anhedonic adjective


late 19th century: from French anhédonie, from Greek an- ‘without’ + hēdonē ‘pleasure’.

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ee6077 No.21108070

File: 1b9a6a2957fbfb1⋯.jpeg (340.01 KB,765x581,765:581,AE179DAB_282E_4EB1_88EE_B….jpeg)

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e3e766 No.21108071

File: c775c152feb8ccc⋯.png (135.57 KB,612x495,68:55,ClipboardImage.png)


On the move.


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ea1f6d No.21108072

“And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭5‬:‭41‬-‭42‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Talitha is a star in Ursa Major. The Bear in the Sky.

The Bear never goes below the ocean line.

Ever. It walks in a circle all year long.

Flat earth round earth.

There is more than meets the eye with the Bible.

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cced81 No.21108073


Yes and what could Kamala do?

Take on the grieving widow?

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4bde14 No.21108075

File: ab36db820a259d2⋯.png (351.15 KB,1679x618,1679:618,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91b8cd33058ca8a⋯.png (800.14 KB,2650x1118,1325:559,ClipboardImage.png)


saved this from the other night.

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6cb98e No.21108076

File: 4bce7d052a80f0b⋯.jpeg (235.67 KB,2270x1135,2:1,IMG_2453.jpeg)

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ee6077 No.21108078

File: b5dda8ca0bcb355⋯.png (116.5 KB,738x656,9:8,C2C77B5A_F565_4B2D_B7ED_7A….png)


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9a3570 No.21108079

File: 42067862732c2ab⋯.jpeg (747.47 KB,3840x2160,16:9,IMG_1432.jpeg)


No need for apologies. Satan is a clown.

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7e2e79 No.21108080

File: abfe6fa6fbc8b2e⋯.jpg (19.94 KB,183x183,1:1,hmwhc.JPG)

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545dcf No.21108081


>Did they even have math that far back in antiquity?

They had math in their heads back then. It was a life skill for many.

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231d62 No.21108083

File: c66b31a9704b720⋯.jpg (133.23 KB,720x850,72:85,20240628_211209.jpg)

File: dcd6a3fea500227⋯.mp4 (6.82 MB,640x360,16:9,Oliya_Scootercaster_202406….mp4)


#NYC Protesters STORM THROUGH James A Farley Post Office Building in Manhatran trying to get to President Biden Event in Manhattan to "Confront Genocide Joe"

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a1a4b9 No.21108084

File: 07ce4d8c1739b40⋯.jpg (19.24 KB,255x222,85:74,0d9b663ba9497bbf43055fcea6….jpg)

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3d1e5b No.21108087

File: 49d59f255d20813⋯.png (23.41 KB,536x265,536:265,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Clinton's take


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ee6077 No.21108088

File: 0fafc18b208af36⋯.gif (6.62 MB,498x479,498:479,8F7DF5A9_9AB7_4EDA_AD98_35….gif)


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3c3269 No.21108089

File: 64c92a0ceb22bfa⋯.png (515.02 KB,680x588,170:147,pepe_tv_station_interview_….png)

File: 52625789eba30ae⋯.jpg (220.63 KB,979x979,1:1,peprp.jpg)

Baker seeks handoff

will post notes @500 and ghost if no takers

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0f6d60 No.21108090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9a3570 No.21108092

File: 7c0f47548d4e1f0⋯.png (521.84 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1755.png)

File: b54244764f8d4d0⋯.jpeg (276.69 KB,1080x1960,27:49,IMG_1756.jpeg)


The irony

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ee6077 No.21108094

File: c2d5b3b1faeba82⋯.jpeg (373.15 KB,828x896,207:224,20443776_E653_4CEC_B5AD_9….jpeg)


He skerr’d

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44549b No.21108096

File: ffb09bc06e2f5a5⋯.png (309.01 KB,824x352,103:44,drJill_harris.png)


>They’ve decided to name Jill Biden as their Hail Mary against Trump.

They will need new campaign signs.

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282efe No.21108101


Unfettered immigration started around 1990. Notice the difference?.

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40ea01 No.21108102


Sheeit kneegrow! Not only did they have math, the majority of people understood it and used on a daily basis. They could even do fractions in their head.

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a1a4b9 No.21108103

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)

It's a shame you're having a bad night tonight, AEI. Perhaps if you weren't such an evil deep state piece of shit, a fraudulent waste that's a blight upon humanity then you wouldn't be failing so much.

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023dd9 No.21108105


faster than calculator if done in head

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bad104 No.21108106



Said 8 times in the drops

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0f6d60 No.21108107

File: 57d66793696eb64⋯.png (416.21 KB,578x498,289:249,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)

File: c37cc3e00482c39⋯.png (440.27 KB,472x774,236:387,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)

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231d62 No.21108108

File: f7eba9392009222⋯.jpg (140.63 KB,940x1254,470:627,20240628_212005.jpg)

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331bae No.21108110

File: 68cd1f02cd2d8a6⋯.png (389.85 KB,637x651,91:93,Boomer_Pepe.png)

What will habben in the wake of the next election steal, when poopy pants potato demolishes his previous popularity record and the purple-haired otherkin are reeing in the streets with feral delight?

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cced81 No.21108111

When. MO senator Mel cCarnahan was losing his senate race, the Ds killed him off in a plane cars andb then ran his widow in his places and bushes won easily

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3d1e5b No.21108114

File: df686ba0329a5bb⋯.png (149.46 KB,546x574,39:41,ClipboardImage.png)

She cut Joe out of the video


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ea1f6d No.21108116

File: e9c75681488d47a⋯.jpeg (109.11 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5725.jpeg)

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0f37f6 No.21108117


Wrong, It is JFK Jr., everyone has a signature but most are cannot read the signs. This is why on 911, when one of the workers said, "look, it's Donald Trump" even though I do not have that good of eyesight and he was about a half of block away, I knew it was him. It is something about the posture, the energy given off, and the aura for lack of a better term. Example, I once went to Puerto Rico with my finance to go see her family that I had never met but saw pictures and as we past a church that had about 200 people at an outside gathering, I told her that I saw her father there on the way to their house. After we backed up, she was amazed that I spotted him. Signatures are important.


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ba892f No.21108119


you are going to die for accusing the wrong nigger of fucking kids.


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578c11 No.21108121

File: 04187e42f3938ec⋯.png (50.06 KB,474x664,237:332,ClipboardImage.png)


John Stossel you dipshits

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33dfbb No.21108122


He was sharp as a tack and inspired a huge black audience today in Atlanta. Wait until the next debate you fucking QANONS

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651a24 No.21108124


Pandemic = Bioweapon Attack

New Jobs = For Illegals

climate Crisis = Fake news

inflation = there was none when biden took office

Oh and now were looking at Nuclear Armageddon

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9a3570 No.21108126

Shut it the fuck down.

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ee6077 No.21108129

File: bb3fae48b96bcf9⋯.jpeg (422.91 KB,1214x621,1214:621,77C6968B_045A_480E_B9CC_0….jpeg)

File: 027dc4910456b10⋯.jpeg (397.32 KB,828x1007,828:1007,FB6FC837_E055_4258_8704_E….jpeg)

JANET36 737 Dept. of AF Area 51 worker flight back to Las Vegas Intl

Second one seen today.

Saw one this morning


From wut I heard they took out all the reeeeally classified shit (still some there) and moved it to Dugway some time after 2011


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33dfbb No.21108131


Biden will get over 200 million votes and QTARDS will meme and trust the plan. LULZ

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4bde14 No.21108133



Jun 16, 2018 1:50:56 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0b60d7 No. 1769202


These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP – Ken Thomas

AP – Lisa Lerer

AURN – April Ryan

Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

Bloomberg – John Heillman

Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter

Bloomberg – Mark Halperin

Buzzfeed – Ben Smith

Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

CBS – Gayle King

CBS – John Dickerson

CBS – Norah O'Donnell

CBS – Steve Chagaris

CBS – Vicki Gordon

CNBC – John Harwood

CNN – Brianna Keilar

CNN – Dan Merica

CNN – David Chailan

CNN – Erin Burnett

CNN – Gloria Borger

CNN – Jake Tapper

CNN – Jeff Zeleny

CNN - Jeff Zucker

CNN – John Berman

CNN – Kate Bouldan

CNN – Maria Cardona

CNN – Mark Preston

CNN – Sam Feist

Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich

GPG – Mike Feldman

HuffPo – Amanda Terkel

HuffPo – Arianna Huffington

HuffPo – Sam Stein

HuffPo – Whitney Snyder

LAT – Evan Handler

LAT – Mike Memoli

McClatchy – Anita Kumar

MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin

MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

MSNBC – Alex Wagner

MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC - Beth Fouhy

MSNBC – Ed Schultz

MSNBC – Joe Scarborough

MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC – Phil Griffin

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow

MSNBC – Rachel Racusen

MSNBC – Thomas Roberts

National Journal – Emily Schultheis

NBC – Chuck Todd

NBC – Mark Murray

NBC – Savannah Gutherie

New Yorker – David Remnick

New Yorker – Ryan Liza

NPR – Mike Oreskes

NPR – Tamara Keith

NY Post – Geofe Earl

NYT – Amy Chozik

NYT – Carolyn Ryan

NYT – Gail Collins

NYT – John Harwoodje

NYT – Jonathan Martin

NYT – Maggie Haberman

NYT – Pat Healey

PBS – Charlie Rose

People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall

Politico – Annie Karni

Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

Politico – Glenn Thrush

Politico – Kenneth Vogel

Politico – Mike Allen

Reuters – Amanda Becker

Tina Brown – Tina Brown

The Hill – Amie Parnes

Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas

Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco

Vox – Jon Allen

WaPo – Anne Gearan

WaPo – Greg Sargent

WSJ – Laura Meckler

WSJ – Peter Nicholas

WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

Yahoo – Matt Bai


Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+

Why did the Podesta Group close?

Public charges?


Why close?

When did Huber start?


JP/ Huma NOV.


Do they know?

Why did the Podesta group close?

Why no leaks?

Who else knows?

HRC deal request?



Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

Why not?

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

Everyone has an opinion.



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6cb98e No.21108134

File: fd8b60c34bd6224⋯.jpeg (105.59 KB,597x593,597:593,IMG_2455.jpeg)

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c40be2 No.21108135

File: 07d5a503c5da414⋯.jpg (45.47 KB,420x581,60:83,WINNING_HAND.jpg)

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ba892f No.21108137

File: dcf2092ebda58c4⋯.jpg (285.27 KB,960x1316,240:329,20240628_212527.jpg)

pay attention q.

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f5e607 No.21108138

File: 296b0fb3649a6f4⋯.jpg (63.4 KB,500x565,100:113,296b0fb3649a6f47bc46247659….jpg)

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0f6d60 No.21108140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



California homeless camps: Supreme Court OKs a crackdown

13 hours ago … The Supreme Court ruled regulating camping on public property does not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” under the 8th Amendment — a …

Visit in Anonymous View


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d2de78 No.21108142

File: 9b4b1f7a842f453⋯.png (97.24 KB,318x296,159:148,9b4b1f7a842f453a8d91de2c10….png)

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a1a4b9 No.21108145


I never once accused you of that, you stupid sack of shit. I outright call you out for protecting the ones that do. You're especially retarded tonight. Are you drinking?

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4a9494 No.21108146


it's John Stossel idjit

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cced81 No.21108147

File: 20ff162c29f495c⋯.png (1.31 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0981.png)

File: c990d07295154dc⋯.png (1.31 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0982.png)


Ds will use the old carnahan play and run Jill after Joe passes

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d2de78 No.21108148

File: 355a39e9629f489⋯.jpeg (128.39 KB,857x1280,857:1280,IMG_3293.jpeg)

File: 4c9ad292341333b⋯.jpeg (219.12 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_3294.jpeg)

File: 9be963dfd1ff5a2⋯.jpeg (256.74 KB,1130x1986,565:993,IMG_3295.jpeg)

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cced81 No.21108149


Ds will use the old carnahan play and run Jill after Joe passes

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431518 No.21108151


I'd say mid 1970s

Government said during the 70-80 they were going to do something about business owners who hire illegals… Nada

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651a24 No.21108152


that's some thick skin he got there

I'm sure that actor is tried of playing this part

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ba892f No.21108153

File: c0b0288659e9b09⋯.pdf (8.7 MB,_qresearch_Q_Research_Gene….PDF)

memo for record:

so sworn.

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bacbcc No.21108154

File: bce7986a2bcc8e6⋯.gif (221.01 KB,1200x480,5:2,pepe_the_frog_gif_2_1_.gif)

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05fa09 No.21108155

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331bae No.21108156

File: 1e124fb17fdf4de⋯.jpg (153.01 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_jew.jpg)

File: 95c1bbf818a581e⋯.jpg (111.4 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_slick_willy.jpg)

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,smoking_trump_tippy_top.jpg)

File: 5fa1d4f2531f8f4⋯.png (206.46 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_fauci.png)

File: 501fdc3745ec77e⋯.png (192.96 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_hunter_template.png)


Have some moar.

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ba892f No.21108158


they will give that to kamaltoe

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e0acb7 No.21108159


George Washington and James Monroe ran for President virtually unopposed.

This election is shaping up to look just the same.

No matter who they throw in against Trump it is useless. There are no viable candidates.

Killary- everyone hates her except the completely brainwashed.

Newsome- he fucked up cali royal, nobody wants him.

Big Mike- he got a dick and won’t be able to live it down.

Fucking CHECKMATE!!!!

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cced81 No.21108161




Jill getting ready

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ba892f No.21108163






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9a3570 No.21108166


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d2de78 No.21108169

File: f5baf5ed6779b05⋯.gif (1.39 MB,484x378,242:189,IMG_3296.gif)

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a27b87 No.21108172

>>21107002 (pb) Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT and was ritually abused throughout his childhood

took notes while watching

-Dude on left in red (the one being interviewed) was born into a generations long Satanic family

-Members have dual lives in terms of work and behind the scenes secret cult rituals

-Bloodlines appear to be important; certain cult sects takes deep interest in bloodtype AB-

-Sex work is normal starting from a young age and most likely primary source of income and funding of these organisations

-Violence, torture, murder, MK ultra mind-control, personality fragmentation, electric shock in particular

-Took place in lower east-side Manhattan

-His mother was raped and beaten in front of him and had incestuous relationship with her regularly

-Was groomed to be a breeder programmer / handler for the cult with steroids / aphrodisiacs

-SRA victims pushed towards acting, modeling, sex work

-Satanic Monastery where a lot of rape and breeding for the cult occured with a handler always in charge

-Essentially it all revolves around sex, sex, sex

-Black Magic was used with sacrifice to find the type of children the cult was looking for

-Was trafficked all over the world for breeding; blood, genealogy is very intricately involved in these cults

-Dude is an Ashkenazi Jew, which is a preferred bloodline that links to King Solomon specifically for some reason

-Members are trained to kill / assassinate

-Dude had to take part in fight to the death cage matches as a child in the basements of Chinatown with prominent figures watching

-Was forced to kill, rape, torture others throughout his childhood

-Global involvement; politicians, leaders, catholics, clergy, Jesuits specifically, higih-ranking Hungarian officials

-Snuff films made of children fighting to the death

-Once he worked his way up he was given anything he wanted in terms of sex with any actress he wanted or cars, islands, house, etc

-Was sent around to Epstein-like islands and would see Epstein around at these islands

-Describes Epstein as being able to switch from murderous monster to laughable and pleasant (Epstein was programmed himself)

-Very discipliend staff at these islands where basically people pay to experience whatever they want

-Torture is way to kill a persona and create another one in attempt to control the victim (electroshock specifically used)

-Psychic battle goes along with the physical battle

-He tried to kill himself and ironically that was the pivotal moment he decided to escape the cult once he relized there is a higher power

-His soul vibration was raising high enough where the cult couldn't harness it any longer (this would be a sadist)

-Moving from fear based experience to love based is the key

-Overcoming fear the is the goal of humanity, inducing trauma is all about fear / control

-Synchonicity increases as higher vibration is achieved through love and letting go of fear

-Ran away and lived with a friend and escaped the cult

-Somehow had no compulsiveness despite everything he went through, compulsively played video games though

-Went to college and worked as a molestation counselor

-Traveled the world learning spiritual practices, was too afraid to work with a therapist in case they were a cult person

-Went to trauma therapy in New York and really helped his progress in 2.5 years with a therapist

-After trauma centre lost funding, started meeting other SRA survivors since he was better able to socialize now

-CLOSING COMMENT: Love is the highest force there is

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05fa09 No.21108173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c40be2 No.21108176

File: 0d6253d6caae642⋯.jpg (147.46 KB,673x440,673:440,ALWAYS_ON_WATCH.jpg)

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e0acb7 No.21108177


Too late. Some states will not allow any changes after a certain time.

Today was the last day in one swing state.

Only way they might change it is if Potato kicks the bucket- which cannot be ruled out because the deep state will do anything to keep power.

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376427 No.21108178


just. don't.

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cced81 No.21108180


I don’t think they are concerned about losing the pris

Denny because they can’t beat Trump

They are worried about losing all down ballot races

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d8eaaa No.21108181

"Up to 125 Atlantic white-sided dolphins stranded in Cape Cod waters"


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bad104 No.21108183

The media pile-on has turned from Trump and is meow aimed at potato.


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ee6077 No.21108185

File: 33f0d2b31d857c4⋯.jpeg (505.96 KB,828x1129,828:1129,ED39D56C_9C15_49C5_896D_5….jpeg)


>the next debate

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bacbcc No.21108186

File: 04950a31d7b0560⋯.png (920.3 KB,1713x821,1713:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a309fa9063e89d⋯.png (116.41 KB,602x766,301:383,ClipboardImage.png)



We are 11 & 5 on the clock.

11+5 = 16

16 is where we have drop #442.

Go figure

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9a3570 No.21108188


This dude’s gotta go

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282efe No.21108189


Lock up this asshole.

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05fa09 No.21108191



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a1a4b9 No.21108193

File: 87122c5b895174d⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,429x402,143:134,wantedyoutoknow2.jpg)


I saved all the best ones. Even some of the mean spirited ones.

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5861a4 No.21108194

File: 02bb0937e2c3f16⋯.jpeg (142.88 KB,828x1035,4:5,4B763696_C609_4B92_A3FF_7….jpeg)

File: 9af4fca906e47ee⋯.jpeg (319.13 KB,828x575,36:25,8BACB8E8_A093_4185_8134_8….jpeg)

File: b8068d3d835e19c⋯.jpeg (326.27 KB,828x885,276:295,F2C73AA7_C12B_4DE5_9B5D_4….jpeg)

File: 644badf91922f9b⋯.jpeg (152.93 KB,828x1019,828:1019,20254657_17F5_4672_A20D_2….jpeg)

File: b6f7e5f6eec3348⋯.jpeg (153.56 KB,828x516,69:43,1EB2391F_88C9_4A56_B608_4….jpeg)

Omg just fucking get it over with.

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cced81 No.21108195


Joe will kick the bucket and Jill will take his place get sympathy vote and what can Kamala say?

The dems used it before

Check out MO Senator Mel carnahan

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05fa09 No.21108196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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40ea01 No.21108197

File: 964e2a1e7cbc9fb⋯.png (17.31 KB,218x280,109:140,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm certain that Jon Voight plays the Tater sometimes.

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282efe No.21108198


WRONG! As usual.

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d2de78 No.21108199

File: a556639235edbcd⋯.jpg (279.24 KB,1131x1382,1131:1382,IMG_3257.JPG)

File: 591043a7a658954⋯.jpg (987.28 KB,975x1397,975:1397,IMG_1832.jpg)

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ee6077 No.21108200

File: 634a4a50f799301⋯.jpeg (393.85 KB,828x761,828:761,E00423C4_5BCA_44CA_81C5_3….jpeg)


Animals that rely on earth’s magnetic field to navigate have had these issues for several years.

This will only get worse

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bad104 No.21108203


Most excellent


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282efe No.21108204


Totes magotes.

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bacbcc No.21108205

File: 96afe40ec2b43dc⋯.gif (1.66 MB,400x303,400:303,tumblr_mmzy91BGRw1qbm1qzo1….gif)

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376427 No.21108206



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0f6d60 No.21108207

File: 522f4fce8a1d778⋯.png (401.81 KB,1192x758,596:379,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_2….png)

tab let

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c40be2 No.21108208

File: ee49d5cdd7ba3e0⋯.jpg (109.22 KB,566x461,566:461,ALRIGHT_WITH_PIG.jpg)

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5861a4 No.21108210

File: b0e7e9c8cfadf28⋯.jpeg (151.11 KB,529x426,529:426,F4D68666_4DAC_44FC_8182_D….jpeg)

File: 0224535f48fb0d9⋯.jpeg (393.5 KB,828x1011,276:337,937C0F44_F6D9_4310_AA61_F….jpeg)

File: 699fe47e1387659⋯.jpeg (468.69 KB,828x651,276:217,D5CD8492_CF13_45D3_86B5_D….jpeg)

Scared of bitchwitches?

Dark Mother DumbCunts?

No, fertilizer.

Stupid, fat and old ugly cunts.

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f5e607 No.21108211



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ba892f No.21108212

File: 3584208de3f33f8⋯.jpg (229.76 KB,1058x868,529:434,20240628_213929.jpg)


it sounds like you nigger.

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376427 No.21108213


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3c3269 No.21108214


gotta roll your own Pig

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d2de78 No.21108215

File: 1c914b112ff1110⋯.png (402 KB,526x480,263:240,5DEE8D33_290F_407E_BDB3_56….PNG)

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651a24 No.21108216


It's definitely Check

checkmate however, I don't know about that

DS still has a move or two left

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0f6d60 No.21108217

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431518 No.21108218

File: 237fd4dec07de1e⋯.png (497.06 KB,790x445,158:89,Happy_BD_KToe.png)

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c40be2 No.21108220

File: c0df83cac0af6bf⋯.jpg (120.32 KB,652x401,652:401,WINNING_BET.jpg)



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3c3269 No.21108221

File: ecab529c5f0ef14⋯.png (762 B,66x32,33:16,ClipboardImage.png)


just 1 fed

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376427 No.21108222


thank you, anon. not sure when I saw it.

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fec866 No.21108223

File: b6093c050c88673⋯.png (940.94 KB,968x793,968:793,753n4654thrwetwe.PNG)

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a27b87 No.21108224

>>21107002 (pb) Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT and was ritually abused throughout his childhood

took notes while watching

-Dude on left in red (the one being interviewed) was born into a generations long Satanic family

-Members have dual lives in terms of work and behind the scenes secret cult rituals

-Bloodlines appear to be important; certain cult sects take deep interest in bloodtype AB-

-Sex work is normal starting from a young age and most likely primary source of income and funding of these organisations

-Violence, torture, murder, MK ultra mind-control, personality fragmentation, electric shock in particular

-Took place in lower east-side Manhattan

-His mother was raped and beaten in front of him and had incestuous relationship with her regularly

-Was groomed to be a breeder programmer / handler for the cult with steroids / aphrodisiacs

-SRA victims pushed towards acting, modeling, sex work

-Satanic Monastery where a lot of rape and breeding for the cult occured with a handler always in charge

-Essentially it all revolves around sex, sex, sex

-Black Magic was used with sacrifice to find the type of children the cult was looking for

-Was trafficked all over the world for breeding; blood, genealogy is very intricately involved in these cults

-Dude is an Ashkenazi Jew, which is a preferred bloodline that links to King Solomon specifically for some reason

-Members are trained to kill / assassinate

-Dude had to take part in fight to the death cage matches as a child in the basements of Chinatown with prominent figures watching

-Was forced to kill, rape, torture others throughout his childhood

-Global involvement; politicians, leaders, catholics, clergy, Jesuits specifically, high-ranking Hungarian officials

-Snuff films made of children fighting to the death

-Once he worked his way up he was given anything he wanted in terms of sex with any actress he wanted or cars, islands, house, etc

-Was sent around to Epstein-like islands and would see Epstein around at these islands

-Describes Epstein as being able to switch from murderous monster to laughable and pleasant (Epstein was programmed himself)

-Very disciplined staff at these islands where basically people pay to experience whatever they want

-Torture is way to kill a persona and create another one in attempt to control the victim (electroshock specifically used)

-Psychic battle goes along with the physical battle

-He tried to kill himself and ironically that was the pivotal moment he decided to escape the cult once he relized there is a higher power

-His soul vibration was raising high enough where the cult couldn't harness it any longer (this would be a sadist)

-Moving from fear based experience to love based is the key

-Overcoming fear is the goal of humanity, inducing trauma is all about fear / control

-Synchronicity increases as higher vibration is achieved through love and letting go of fear

-Ran away and lived with a friend and escaped the cult

-Somehow had no compulsiveness despite everything he went through, compulsively played video games though

-Went to college and worked as a molestation counselor

-Traveled the world learning spiritual practices, was still too afraid to work with a therapist in case they were a cult person

-Eventually went to trauma therapy in New York which really helped his progress in 2.5 years with a therapist

-After trauma center lost funding, started meeting other SRA survivors since he was better able to socialize now

-CLOSING COMMENT: Love is the highest force there is

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9a3570 No.21108225


Violence, torture, murder, MK ultra mind-control, personality fragmentation, electric shock in particular

It’s not working. I’m becoming violent. I have needs that can’t be met because of these people..selling my body for $. Trying to kill me and my family with electroshocks hypnosis heart attacks etc….

This is most notable post I’ve seen in a while. When it’s all said and done you can’t even attend therapy without someone listening in or antagonizing you or reading your thoughts aloud which are just further than secondary thoughts they don’t even have the genuineness in them to really narrate your thoughts because they’re feeding on GENIUS. My captor FEEDS on GENIUS

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5861a4 No.21108226

File: 4b8a14d116ad72c⋯.jpeg (146.61 KB,828x462,138:77,52792527_A496_4A59_8C52_4….jpeg)

File: c62640d451a52e2⋯.jpeg (124.38 KB,828x429,276:143,C0F3EE40_3BB5_464B_B95E_B….jpeg)

File: 84f9705a3877fd6⋯.jpeg (122.83 KB,828x496,207:124,3DDECC9A_F453_45C8_85EF_1….jpeg)

File: 4e6d1526249230b⋯.jpeg (188.76 KB,828x1071,92:119,06D692AE_D2DB_4026_9AC5_5….jpeg)

File: 40c58650380c823⋯.jpeg (119.68 KB,828x434,414:217,F38CA3A1_E559_4669_957F_F….jpeg)

Take a shit in your soul commies

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a1a4b9 No.21108227

File: 1502203a0439d3e⋯.png (260.86 KB,350x402,175:201,1502203a0439d3e079bd2004c8….png)


Just a humble shitposter. o7

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a27b87 No.21108228


Fixed some spelling and grammar. Self-nominating for notable - that was a good watch,

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376427 No.21108229


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a1a4b9 No.21108230

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB,252x263,252:263,somuchtext.gif)

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9a3570 No.21108231

She has obviously bribed the police if you knew what really happened to George Floyd it’s actually a disgrace many many people should be ashamed of themselves including the secret sex cults and C_A sex kittens that are constantly trying to murder you.

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f2111a No.21108232


Have you considered decaf?

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3c3269 No.21108234


already beat ya to it

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0d460c No.21108235

File: ef730072c5679e5⋯.png (229.19 KB,478x589,478:589,ClipboardImage.png)

surely just a cohencidence

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c40be2 No.21108236

File: d1ee205b7e52cbe⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,613x457,613:457,GINGERITIS.jpg)

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8ad813 No.21108239

On those tic tacs mirror it looks like orange man will be doing the impeachment remember impeachment for fraud everything you touched judges….. All Crashes Down

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5861a4 No.21108241

File: 58f8c2608e10bd4⋯.jpeg (122.05 KB,828x666,46:37,73936E6D_1928_4A09_81B4_1….jpeg)


Strong brew only

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6e4e15 No.21108242

File: 3278730bd4f063c⋯.png (1.52 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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d2de78 No.21108243

File: c8bcde35fbb00a0⋯.jpeg (209.03 KB,1130x1367,1130:1367,IMG_3297.jpeg)

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80b7fe No.21108244


I am so glad PDJT told the world that the capitol police waived them on, this was very important to state.

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c40be2 No.21108245

File: 27e5e55bcb5d670⋯.jpg (139.33 KB,571x644,571:644,CONFIRMED.jpg)

File: a53676638530dc8⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,348x423,116:141,MEGAMAGA_PLUS.jpg)


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6e4e15 No.21108246

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wait… WHAT?🤣🤣🤣

67% Trump won the debate



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ba892f No.21108247


phaginian or phagian?

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bacbcc No.21108248

File: 85b6ebc9d19c78b⋯.png (315.35 KB,908x920,227:230,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cef84b67c00fa0⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,480x270,16:9,IInpG_ZzKSwKPDu_1_.mp4)


BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

President Bidən is NOT FIT to discharge the immense duties of the presidency.”


Our Country Our Choice

9:14 PM · Jun 28, 2024


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ea1f6d No.21108249

I’m still tripping on the 6 handicap.

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e3e766 No.21108250

File: 918754eb238e395⋯.png (438.21 KB,500x575,20:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeca3c98b050432⋯.jpg (72.47 KB,573x749,573:749,media_GRMQmh8bwAAzZDw.jpg)

File: 8c87549558a1ef5⋯.jpg (106.48 KB,693x873,77:97,media_GRMQohRbYAAFCH6.jpg)

File: b96363634eebfde⋯.jpg (67.74 KB,533x829,533:829,media_GRMQngDaEAAcZZc.jpg)

DD Geopolitics



🇷🇺🇵🇸Soviet posters in support of Palestine and Arab countries in the fight against Zionism and American-British expansionism.

Jun 28, 2024 · 9:47 PM UTC


Russia Russia Russia

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4bde14 No.21108251

File: 6a209170ac525dc⋯.png (55.61 KB,591x663,197:221,ClipboardImage.png)


Todays Delta

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bad104 No.21108252


They dangled a spot on snl in his future but he frozen on his first child audition.

He couldn't act because he was already pretending.

It explains alec Baldwin shooting a clinton associate and a lackey kid is going to jail.

It explains hunter being unable to keep his hands off his junk.

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6e4e15 No.21108253

File: cf82ba29d4ba5c4⋯.png (407.73 KB,872x664,109:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba892f No.21108254


33% cognitive dissonance

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80b7fe No.21108255


Wrong, Trump said the next VP is going to be in the audience at the debate. The more you know.

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ba892f No.21108257



no vp


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4bde14 No.21108258


we were all in the audience if watching.

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ea1f6d No.21108260

, Tiger’s average index, from 1996 through to the present day, is +6.7 which is lower than any other pro’s average between 2016 and 2020 on the PGA Tour.

Biden has a 6 handicap. A 6. So let’s all pretend he isn’t a politician

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f2111a No.21108261

Joe achieved more in 90 minutes than most people do in a lifetime.

He destroyed the entire corrupt Dem party, their media and their Hollywood shills.

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a1a4b9 No.21108263

File: 6abbd889cf32315⋯.png (101.6 KB,346x329,346:329,smokingkermit2.png)


>this was very important to state.

It was the side by side stunned/bewildered/chagrined look on Biden's face that helped cement it too, like a child caught in a lie and the body language gives everything away. Noticed a lot of times too they would cutaway and just have POTUS Trump on screen in the second half.

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ea1f6d No.21108264


6 handicap

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385deb No.21108265

Brandon took Debait.

Dems swallowed it whole.

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c40be2 No.21108267

File: 89c5b5a4205721c⋯.jpg (168.12 KB,599x631,599:631,FILL_IN_THE_BLANK.jpg)

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0f0768 No.21108268


>Joe achieved more in 90 minutes than most people do in a lifetime.


>He destroyed the entire corrupt Dem party, their media and their Hollywood shills.

This is an on-point analysis of the debate.

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a1a4b9 No.21108269

File: c84e31edef6615a⋯.png (70.1 KB,192x241,192:241,c84e31edef6615a6c6f3a613d1….png)

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2f59b4 No.21108270

he has a 6, er an 8

he got his handicap as vice president

c'mon man

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670019 No.21108271

File: 8678253563ef445⋯.png (634.73 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea1f6d No.21108273


To explain to non golfers.

Tiger gets starts off 6 strokes behind par of say, 72. So to make it fair he starts the game with a 6 where you would start with a 0.

Biden starts off -6. So he gets a 6 stroke head start.

In other words. Biden says he can score a 78. Which is +6. Or 5th place on the PGA masters.

I mean come the fuck on people.

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431518 No.21108274


handicap A physical or mental disability.

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3c3269 No.21108275

File: f46911515cd0bb8⋯.jpeg (111.74 KB,661x627,661:627,f46911515cd0bb85fadfa6fd4….jpeg)

File: fef2761000be0ab⋯.png (93.63 KB,499x499,1:1,fef2761000be0ab55156f662bf….png)

File: ff668e61b8d2d79⋯.jpeg (68.79 KB,760x795,152:159,ff668e61b8d2d793e8b9d8033….jpeg)



Baker needed in the kitchen


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

updated dough


cheers anons

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ea1f6d No.21108277


Kek. Okay. He is a 80 on the PGA masters tour. Fuck me.

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376427 No.21108278


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8ad813 No.21108279


Tide Starting to Turn

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f2111a No.21108281


Jake Tapper and Dana Bash presiding over the end of the Democrat Party.

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651a24 No.21108282


The Stage is Set

All Assets Deployed

Be careful who you trust

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6e4e15 No.21108283

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview -


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5861a4 No.21108285

Martin Mull, Orlando Cepada,!?!?

Who's the third?

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ea1f6d No.21108286


I’ve golfed a lot. I suck. I drink beers with my friends and my pops.

I have drained maybe 15 awesome putts. My best score was 89. I was 27.

This fucking dude is 80 and he scores a 79? Sure.

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bad104 No.21108287

File: 499f8865327db1f⋯.jpg (79.01 KB,720x447,240:149,Screenshot_20240613_110009….jpg)


How about just for shits and giggles

We consider the 2020 recount first.

Swore in 15 mins early.

3 gun salute

Trump didn't concede

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a1a4b9 No.21108289

File: 92879cbea98fead⋯.mp4 (731.2 KB,854x462,61:33,no_time.mp4)


>Be careful who you trust

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e12090 No.21108290


So now the world knows. This is so important because it proves a concerted effort to frame PDJT and to overthrow the legitimate government of the USA. OANN should run with this and Tucker.

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8ddaf7 No.21108291

File: 2a25b7cad6f8171⋯.png (811.53 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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670019 No.21108292

File: 96ffe2a19e63d07⋯.png (964.35 KB,500x1000,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3d9ac No.21108293

They killed Massie's wife

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e3e766 No.21108294

File: c69d62f09081cec⋯.png (19.98 KB,613x205,613:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42e93a4e65cc36a⋯.png (461.17 KB,640x670,64:67,FwbHIaLXsAMigrR.png)



>No, 8.

8 Kundicap

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efba64 No.21108295



>Baker needed in the kitchen

found one

claimed to the top of next

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efba64 No.21108296

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ea1f6d No.21108297


Adam Scott shot +7 in the open. He’s a fucking pro.

Why do we allow politicians to live??

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e3d9ac No.21108299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’


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40ea01 No.21108300


There it is!

Muh strongly worded letter.

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ea1f6d No.21108301


Yeah. Sorry I got a little heated and my numbers are way off. I’ve smoked a little weed today.

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c40be2 No.21108303

File: d441389792a1bc6⋯.jpg (90.58 KB,709x416,709:416,WORD_OF_THE_DAY.jpg)

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431518 No.21108304


I bowled 227 once with 6 strikes in a row.

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4a9494 No.21108306

File: ed0a7f039ca6f83⋯.png (240.09 KB,502x889,502:889,ed0a7f039ca6f832afded3a1e5….png)

File: 7903a94a8c1c2ab⋯.webm (2.34 MB,480x852,40:71,7903a94a8c1c2abde92d52aae….webm)


from earlier bread/s

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f5e607 No.21108307

File: c3f955f5c0ffa6a⋯.jpg (102.54 KB,500x514,250:257,c3f955f5c0ffa6ac4c1a8a2f53….jpg)

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231d62 No.21108308

File: 2f1b390ff3b47a9⋯.jpg (77.24 KB,720x720,1:1,20240628_220129.jpg)


Fuck that says the retard

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a1a4b9 No.21108310

File: 995808849d6931f⋯.png (199.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3cead No.21108312


>Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT and was ritually abused throughout his childhood

>his childhood

Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims and creator of the Unconditional Model. Her work is based on personal experience

>Her work is based on personal experience


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ea1f6d No.21108313

File: 7d928757b2b9e72⋯.jpeg (126.92 KB,1500x1029,500:343,IMG_5713.jpeg)


Cheers to that

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e3d9ac No.21108314


This is war.

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9ea4d7 No.21108315


you have to make sure the photos are not mirrored so left is true left and right is true right.

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e3e766 No.21108318

File: cbe5e94c848e79f⋯.jpg (211.62 KB,1170x1478,585:739,media_GRK5XRgWMAA2Vu0.jpg)

File: 038e786b98ab8ff⋯.jpg (192.04 KB,1170x1108,585:554,FwcXxpqWcAgKaVa.jpg)

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4a9494 No.21108320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ea1f6d No.21108322


I’m sometimes flabbergasted at how political heads aren’t just bitch slapped in public.

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c40be2 No.21108323

File: b37a289b4f8086a⋯.jpg (111.78 KB,647x467,647:467,301.jpg)

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06b215 No.21108324

File: 4b4e2ed83cfe82f⋯.jpeg (80.58 KB,665x360,133:72,IMG_0864.jpeg)


pimp slap is more effective

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2f59b4 No.21108325

File: 4cf3035682e3042⋯.jpg (4.54 MB,4321x2776,4321:2776,Picsart_24_06_28_23_06_51_….jpg)

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a1a4b9 No.21108326


That's 10 pin. Never bowled 10 pin, only 5. 450 max score in 5 pin.

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97747f No.21108327

File: f0abbf34b352613⋯.png (597.76 KB,753x499,753:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c40be2 No.21108328

File: a289416e32b5f32⋯.jpg (97.38 KB,638x458,319:229,FIGHT_FOR_300.jpg)

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991bbd No.21108329

File: bf44140615e99f9⋯.jpeg (292.12 KB,1284x1056,107:88,IMG_0616.jpeg)



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cf8c83 No.21108330


What's the difference between a slut and a bitch?

A bitch fuck's everyone except >(You)

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d254e7 No.21108331

I hope justice is served for his wife.

Feels real spoopy.

Would be a shame if she went into protective custody hiding and other DC glowies are now running around looking for a scarf.

Where is the death certificate.

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d0baed No.21108332

My prediction.

Remember we are watching a movie.

To not exclude Kamala and piss off the dei crowd, Hillary will be the replacement for Biden and Kamala retains her VP spot.


HH will be the campagn image.

Time to get old crumb drops in motion for future proves past.

Gets Trump Hillary rematch, lock her up.

Gets to Q Nazi family orgins in the mix. HH

Real hidden racism and even Haiti.

Jussie Smollett hoax and Kamala ties revistited.

So much can unravel when these two on ticket to be vetted.

HH Nazi symbol will be front and center and cognitive dissonance kicks in, Q drops proven in rapid speed, as niw miar have awoken after Biden debate malfunction.


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97747f No.21108333



But boy howdy, wouldn't that just mess them up?

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651a24 No.21108334


So vote for Trump?

is that what he's saying?

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6cc9b3 No.21108335

File: 07996371de4080f⋯.jpeg (120.3 KB,1080x1287,120:143,76D09809_54AE_4E9B_B351_8….jpeg)


>To explain to non golfers.


Anon never had interest in golf, so didn’t know meaning.

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9ea4d7 No.21108336



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6e4e15 No.21108338

File: 788c8a204107ebe⋯.jpeg (458.31 KB,960x716,240:179,bread_kennedys_ff5df75835….jpeg)



Confirm Handoff

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05fa09 No.21108339


<6 handicap

from sunday

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21d9e2 No.21108340


33% Disagree

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431518 No.21108341


Not bad for a amateur 190

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898e2d No.21108342


anti/semi/etic means you are only half hating the ****

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8a4cc1 No.21108343


>the media is trying to parade trumps sister out into the spotlight.

Sisters gonna Act, kek.

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ea1f6d No.21108344


Let me guess. This nigger averages 20 pts and 10 boards a night?

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0d460c No.21108345


missed the interview but saw that similar clip

got too much noise in my feed

going to watch now and call it a night

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efba64 No.21108346


it's not the top of next yet

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6ef014 No.21108347



>Masonic comms

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bad104 No.21108348



Satanic pedo network trigger word commsTrust me.


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bacbcc No.21108349

File: b12373e85cefc28⋯.gif (595.36 KB,498x498,1:1,tenor_1_.gif)


>Muh strongly worded letter.

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be8e9d No.21108350

I am going to share this once again as a reminder as I gave this discourse to my wife earlier too.

Salvation comes from the Jews

The Jews are God's chosen people

You are not so chosen

All Bible quotes, so how can they all be true?

Jew is a stolen term, there is a Hebrew alphabet, language, alphabet, people, and a book in the Bible regarding Hebrews not one of Jews. So who is the real Jew and who is the fake Jew according Revelation that Christ Pointed out? The answers are in those statements. Salvation is someone who saves, so if you save lives then that is one part of it. Genocidal maniacs and murderers cannot qualify. The second part is, the Jew is God's chosen people yet YHVH said "You are not so chosen" so how can this be? Logical thinking, "You must choose" to believe that God lives and sees and hears all things, and act accordingly. If this is your choice then you will go save lives and act accordingly; these are the chosen and no other. Hope this clarifies. Revelation is a Gift in life, by the Living God Almighty, and a Grace in death.

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5f5c50 No.21108351


25 posts smells like cat shit to anon.

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6ef014 No.21108352


jimmy is dead and in cold storage

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c40be2 No.21108353

File: 8e30a93f4f6fb30⋯.jpg (118.45 KB,637x463,637:463,EITHER_WAY_TRUMP_WINS.jpg)

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a1a4b9 No.21108354

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


I sure met a lot of sluts when I was younger.

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021497 No.21108355


>>21108283 russell brand!!!






"wish i had a that level of enlightenment and beyond "

"and the teachers that could bring me to that encompassing seetha"

"this existence is torture, completely pointless"






scraping the bottom of the barrel these days huh Dimbo?


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d0baed No.21108356

>>21108332 8th letter H





Hitler HH





↻ ↑ 1 post


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 22d977 No.9565350 📁

Jun 10 2020 18:14:50 (EST)


Follow the pen.


Movie is scripted.

Follow the pen (script)


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ea1f6d No.21108357

Hey I’m not a crazy Q post person but I did chuckle a bit when I heard a movie title coming out called Red One.

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6ef014 No.21108358


pig copies catturd so that's why pig drops so many turds

worse than a poojeet streetshitter

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c40be2 No.21108359

File: 8c7871d4d7e63c0⋯.jpg (129.14 KB,521x641,521:641,COUNT_BEERS_TOO_HUH.jpg)

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991bbd No.21108360

File: 08c7cf788473639⋯.jpeg (215.39 KB,1283x689,1283:689,IMG_0617.jpeg)

File: 078882abc0a5a56⋯.jpeg (587.74 KB,1284x2211,428:737,IMG_0618.jpeg)

EXCLUSIVEThese are the words that viewers used to describe how Joe Biden made them feel during the presidential debate (and they make him sound more like an infirm relative than leader of the free world)

JL Partners polled 805 independent voters immediately after the debate

They were asked for a word or two to describe how Joe Biden made them feel

READ MORE: Follow the fall-out from the first debate with our live blog

These are not the feelings you want to inspire in voters when you are the commander-in-chief of the greatest super power and are running for a second term: Concerned, worried, sad.

But those are the one-word verdicts of independent voters who watched Thursday night's presidential debate, when Joe Biden, 81, delivered a disastrous performance, filled with verbal stumbles, silences and non-sequiturs.

His unsteady showing has put Democrats in a spin, with a string of leading figures now asking whether a new candidate can be installed ahead of November's election.

And an exclusive poll for DailyMail.com shows just how much Biden bombed in the eyes of independents, the group that will most likely decide who lives at the White House for the next four years.

Some 805 people were asked to describe in a word or two how listening to Biden made them feel.

Their words are more reminiscent of a worried relative talking about a grandparent in decline rather than the most powerful person in the world.

Expressions of concern dominated the results. Frustrated, embarrassed, uneasy, disappointed were all words that also featured.

But the overwhelmingly sense was of viewers worried about the president or about the future of the country.

In contrast, the term that dominated former President Donald Trump's word cloud was 'hopeful.'

However, his blustering style, refusing to initially say whether he would accept the results of November's election and the way he spewed falsehoods, insults and exaggerations, was deeply polarizing.

After 'hopeful,' the next most popular words were, 'angry,' and 'annoyed.'

Joe Alder, senior research associate at J.L. Partners, said it was hard to imagine a worse set of results for Biden.

'Looking at the emotions independents were feeling listening to Joe Biden, the picture is unremittingly negative: 'bored', 'concerned', 'sad', 'worried', 'confused', 'scared',' he said.


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021497 No.21108361

File: 1c4bd254cef1bd8⋯.gif (456.83 KB,200x111,200:111,200X.gif)

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2f59b4 No.21108362

File: 74249ca58aaa390⋯.jpg (541.53 KB,2160x1440,3:2,Picsart_24_06_28_23_16_11_….jpg)

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05fa09 No.21108363

File: acb9e2650aa0b00⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x839,1280:839,ClipboardImage.png)


Bitches come runnin

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6e4e15 No.21108364


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246, >>21108253 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108283 BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview

>>21108299, >>21108306 Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’

>>21108329 Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

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6e4e15 No.21108365

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efba64 No.21108366


what are you doing?

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9ea4d7 No.21108367


like they did with Ginsberg and Feinstein , keep them on ice then release death announcement when most opportune politically.

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021497 No.21108368

File: 48fff00c6b51a0c⋯.gif (44.91 KB,220x123,220:123,2b.gif)

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efba64 No.21108369


read the fucking posts tagged to the dough, handoff procedure was not required and you didn't even get a confirm before posting notes?

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6cc9b3 No.21108370

File: b5867d17259b02c⋯.jpeg (130.79 KB,968x963,968:963,03283808_AEE5_4E7B_AD8E_0….jpeg)


The question is, where can we find them now?

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ea1f6d No.21108371

File: 7fbce81c0d19d38⋯.jpeg (80.79 KB,500x667,500:667,IMG_5838.jpeg)

Look here’s the deal

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1b2773 No.21108372


yes, that's the playbook

>ginsberg and feinstein currently roasting in hell after being defrosted

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4a9494 No.21108373


watch this with a nightcap, KY bourbon if you have it! Buffalo Trace, Four Roses or some Pappy Van Winkle


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c8bccf No.21108374


>She has obviously bribed the police if you knew what really happened to George Floyd it’s actually a disgrace many many people should be ashamed of themselves including the secret sex cults and C_A sex kittens that are constantly trying to murder you.

Anon can only be killed once.

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d0baed No.21108375

File: 9b6ad6ff6450c6c⋯.png (8.29 KB,225x225,1:1,download_8_.png)


>God lives and sees and hears all things


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e3e766 No.21108378

File: 5451360723fccba⋯.png (161.62 KB,314x261,314:261,ClipboardImage.png)


>Fuck the police.


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5f5c50 No.21108380


Why did you tell anons to stand down and stop digging last bread?

Do you think (you) are Q?

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8a4cc1 No.21108383


>Joe achieved more in 90 minutes than most people do in a lifetime.

Long Life (cool) Joe.

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c40be2 No.21108385

File: 99e7b7101e18ce3⋯.jpg (144.35 KB,597x634,597:634,28.jpg)

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a06600 No.21108386

File: 74531aad3ddcb25⋯.jpeg (49.51 KB,474x359,474:359,IMG_0881.jpeg)


yeah,fuck those cops!

they oppress dindu nuffins like picrel

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2f59b4 No.21108388

File: c81456aa32b6964⋯.jpg (2.13 MB,2215x1440,443:288,Picsart_24_06_28_23_23_08_….jpg)

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ea1f6d No.21108389

File: a2acfe584def13e⋯.webp (8.87 KB,710x399,710:399,IMG_5839.webp)

A few of Biden’s Accomplishments.

Most jobs ever in the world and in space.

Lowest inflation. At least Lower than you.

Hottest babes always.

Best mix tapes.

Rocks the freshest sneakers.

Best skydiver

Coolest picture of Elvis

A penny from 1969 mint condition

10 rare Hendrix albums

Shot a turkey at 57 yards.

I know 12 guys named Darren. Not many can say that.

Bobbed for apples. Twice.

Caught a rooster on foot named Herpes.

Just a few.

Vote for me. Or I’ll vote for you. For me.

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efba64 No.21108390

Notablesnot endorsements

#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato



claim of ghosted bread




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ea1f6d No.21108392



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6cc9b3 No.21108393


I want to file a complaint about that officer.

She didn’t even TRY to frisk me.

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d0baed No.21108394



It keeps Trumps enemies close. Trump feigns friendship, then they get the trap clap.

Saving Israel for lat should be your clue.

If Trump saying you are a friend but end up in jail, well you probably are being taught a huge lesson and got caught.

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b46af7 No.21108396

Shills, trolls, bots spent all their time here trying to trip us up.

When they should have been out in the real world working on stopping the plan.

Now they lose everything.

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39b09a No.21108398

DJ James' O'Keefe 40th Birthday Bash Live From NYC 🥳


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cf8c83 No.21108401

File: 3f02d666f2d5e3c⋯.gif (8.26 MB,360x341,360:341,3f02d666f2d5e3c19fbeffb78f….gif)

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ba892f No.21108403


of [we]

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bad104 No.21108405

File: 581bf7429b6e87e⋯.jpg (61.6 KB,740x473,740:473,8tw3q2.jpg)

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d0baed No.21108406



>It keeps Trumps enemies close. Trump feigns friendship, then they get the trap clap.

Saving Israel for last should be your clue.

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c40be2 No.21108412

File: ce3a1e201c635aa⋯.jpg (55.55 KB,543x414,181:138,CONNECTIONS_N_FAVORS.jpg)



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030db4 No.21108415


reddit spacing

you have to go back

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d0baed No.21108418

File: ec234e0f7afe225⋯.jpeg (6.8 KB,251x201,251:201,images_2024_06_28T212841_….jpeg)




Saving Israel For Last

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bc5772 No.21108420


>Hey I’m not a crazy Q post person but I did chuckle a bit when I heard a movie title coming out called Red One.

Movie trailers are full of past/future events, just another coincident.

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39b09a No.21108421



Yup they did those sons of bitches!!!

I hope Massie exposes them!

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030db4 No.21108422

File: 7643698450cd532⋯.jpeg (53 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0882.jpeg)

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307ee5 No.21108424


Correct, this information leads to witnessing and that is testimony not guessing.

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991bbd No.21108425


>>21108329 (You) Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

So True

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87d0ea No.21108427



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34947d No.21108429


What about text to speech software?

i mean what about thought to text algorithms?

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87d0ea No.21108431



Dimbo Watsonstein

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f2111a No.21108432


Do you still get paid now the election is decided?

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87d0ea No.21108434

File: decbdfe03e7d515⋯.jpeg (94.73 KB,499x584,499:584,IMG_0865.jpeg)


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6e4e15 No.21108435

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6e4e15 No.21108436


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246, >>21108253 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108283 BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview

>>21108299, >>21108306 Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’

>>21108329 Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

>>21108360 Words that viewers used to describe how Joe Biden made them feel during the presidential debate (and they make him sound more like an infirm relative than leader of the free world)

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efba64 No.21108437



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6e4e15 No.21108439


bakering, dude

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05fa09 No.21108440

File: 59bc7908a0e4920⋯.jpg (18.55 KB,320x244,80:61,R_1_.jpg)

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87d0ea No.21108441

File: 95f1451b27ff252⋯.jpeg (71.07 KB,620x400,31:20,IMG_0868.jpeg)


how dare you

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efba64 No.21108442


this bread was claimed and you are attempting to just take it? how do you figure that works

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15bb42 No.21108443

File: a5284cd0e0c756a⋯.png (5.7 MB,2984x1369,2984:1369,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: 3bc43a412484f75⋯.png (2.51 MB,2403x1369,2403:1369,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: dc4d49ab2abb520⋯.png (2.2 MB,2521x1362,2521:1362,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: 23919cb3666e616⋯.png (2.33 MB,2343x1362,781:454,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: bb94bccbcdca29c⋯.png (2.54 MB,2219x1362,2219:1362,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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1f4b48 No.21108444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bad104 No.21108445


Potato is so rocking on his golf game he gives you a 6 point lead.

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87d0ea No.21108446


why are you baking when there is 100 posts to go…..?

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cdf96e No.21108447


>Now they lose everything.

They have been living a lie, they never had anything to begin with and will end up penniless it looks like.

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15bb42 No.21108448

File: 8aa7196edbca3ca⋯.jpeg (203.33 KB,1200x675,16:9,a4baa.jpeg)



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15bb42 No.21108449

File: d914d01834e25d4⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,736x981,736:981,3z2.jpg)


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6e4e15 No.21108450

File: cd907b7d21ebf48⋯.gif (2.32 MB,715x436,715:436,smashing_brick_through_gla….gif)


seenit done before, muh fren

but im wondering if you know who I am?

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376427 No.21108451


say it together with me…

"we have more than we know."

>thank you, carry on

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15bb42 No.21108452

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)

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e3e766 No.21108453

File: a1c4f172ef3ce85⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,460x718,230:359,zyo.jpg)

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17f4b4 No.21108454


tsk tsk…all that pigshit in the background

btw,Dimbo has nice tits

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efba64 No.21108455


>but im wondering if you know who I am?

are you he who supersedes board protocols?

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50d41e No.21108456

Anybody else feeling extra super duper tippy top COMFY AF

I am at peace and have found Jesus Christ

When Q said Biblical he was not joking

Ready and Waiting



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6e4e15 No.21108457

File: 476e322b5c4cc0b⋯.png (260.34 KB,600x337,600:337,escalated_quickley.png)


mmm? imma a head of y time?

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f2111a No.21108458


Nah. He thinks he's Phil Collins tho.

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17f4b4 No.21108459

File: 1d6c899e69a418e⋯.jpeg (30.47 KB,150x150,1:1,IMG_0884.jpeg)


two more weeks

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a1a4b9 No.21108460

File: 83527386f251015⋯.png (89.71 KB,255x197,255:197,ee4ac3109e70327bd6484a70f6….png)


They're easy enough to find if you look. It's finding one that's a bitch to every other guy that's the tricky part. After 50 years there's only been 2 potentials, but unfortunately never worked out.

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991bbd No.21108461


Jill is a wicked and an evil witch. If the truth comes out how many children she steals from Africa, for her, Joe and the families pleasure and perhaps for meals, that might be the thing that wakens up America

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05fa09 No.21108462

File: 8591a21a8b4da2f⋯.png (301.32 KB,661x378,661:378,ClipboardImage.png)

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efba64 No.21108463

File: 7596986eb426373⋯.jpg (10.48 KB,200x200,1:1,h893jwmqh09gvjwb03gjmldkje.jpg)

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651a24 No.21108464


Hey man

I've got 5 shills to feed

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17f4b4 No.21108465



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6e4e15 No.21108466



but not bald…

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991bbd No.21108467


Does Joe have Kuru diseases? Not dementia but his brain being eaten from what he eats?

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9ea4d7 No.21108468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a1a4b9 No.21108469

File: 7e4a99e88f82517⋯.gif (895.3 KB,200x167,200:167,laughing_ot7.gif)


It's probably just one running 5 NPC personas.

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cc8151 No.21108470


Jill and Hillary prefer to eat Haitian kids coz they taste more spicy and creole yummy

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cc8151 No.21108471



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d46609 No.21108472

File: 49a9bfbd007ec79⋯.jpeg (23.2 KB,150x150,1:1,IMG_5616.jpeg)

File: 7cd8949cb96af05⋯.jpeg (130.12 KB,1200x960,5:4,IMG_5573.jpeg)

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2f59b4 No.21108473

File: 4aa2467aaf8efe3⋯.jpg (702.38 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Picsart_24_06_28_23_43_34_….jpg)

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1f4b48 No.21108474

File: 55ed4ae290992e1⋯.png (285.51 KB,474x481,474:481,IMG_2158.png)


Henlo oldfag

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a1a4b9 No.21108475

File: 6d4a332a3f1c78e⋯.webm (222.96 KB,826x360,413:180,bore_worms.webm)

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6e4e15 No.21108476

File: fb3f95d9f08ebe8⋯.jpeg (43.66 KB,620x413,620:413,pepetruck_0_0.jpeg)



that ephemeral chink in the armor is too busy fucking up other people computers and passwords

i wanna bake!

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124918 No.21108477


>Bidən is NOT FIT to discharge the immense duties of the presidency

What rock has this guy been under the past MANY years? Another Caprain Sherlock is on the case!

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cc8151 No.21108478

File: 0d9820b0ad4c824⋯.jpeg (38.65 KB,474x334,237:167,IMG_0886.jpeg)

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991bbd No.21108479


That just made me almost throw up, thats how disgusting they all are

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9ea4d7 No.21108480


Tony and John too.

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651a24 No.21108481


see you at the party Ricktor

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cc8151 No.21108482


Joe discharges into his diaper several times an hour

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991bbd No.21108483


Wouldn’t doubt it since he likes to poop in public

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efba64 No.21108484


respond with something other than "huh" before inserting notes next time and you could be baking

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cc8151 No.21108485


"The Podesta Molesta's"

sick fuckers

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6e4e15 No.21108486


>have found Jesus Christ

tell that prick "get the fuck on with show time, you lazy bitch: What took you so fucking long? Thousands of years and this attention seeking cunt, finally decides to turn up, thanks a fucking lot, get the fuck on with it"

hate that guy

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517996 No.21108487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ten Words

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bad104 No.21108488

File: f8d66be23ec5c0a⋯.jpg (46 KB,417x500,417:500,89xhlo.jpg)

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c40be2 No.21108489

File: 837fbac8a9052e0⋯.jpg (91.91 KB,448x597,448:597,WELL_FED_IN_COLOR.jpg)

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efba64 No.21108490

Notablesnot endorsements

#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato


Last call

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6e4e15 No.21108491



yeah, thats for you too

>respond with something other than "huh" before inserting notes next time and you could be baking


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617aa0 No.21108492


not the bore worms!

>I would bore her with my worm

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991bbd No.21108493

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DEMOCRATS ARE DONE!!!Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her



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1f4b48 No.21108494

File: 19bf620c1b4c4b0⋯.jpeg (32.8 KB,255x254,255:254,IMG_0189.jpeg)

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efba64 No.21108495


proper procedure was followed, your lack of understanding lead you to disregard, that is your problem

this is anon offering you help, do not give a single fuck how you decide to use this information

bread available at the top of next

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d0baed No.21108496

Rephrase your words.

Jesus was not the one lost, you were the one found.

You finally responded to His calling of your name.

Praise God.


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1f4b48 No.21108497

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617aa0 No.21108498

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15bb42 No.21108499


OK Anon

I just threw…

i jus…

please hold me hair…

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bad104 No.21108500


Stealing and assuming a mantle that doesn't belong to him is destroying him

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124918 No.21108501

File: d4ae198789a5232⋯.png (272.93 KB,453x327,151:109,NoBlinks.png)


Of all the things to point out about that fake puppet, not blinking is not one of them. Ever see Dan, or POTUS' Attorney, Todd Blanche (ny sham "case")? Guys don't blink, even with cameras flashing in their faces.


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e73436 No.21108502

Bakers are doing great!

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a1a4b9 No.21108503

File: c93d709444d49b6⋯.webm (388.62 KB,640x360,16:9,its_just_average.webm)


Don't be so hard on yourself.

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6e4e15 No.21108504


not interested, going to a party instead

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991bbd No.21108505

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0:17 (quite a few of il Trumpo’s videos are 0:17 or end with :17


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15bb42 No.21108506

File: 2c47910d4025b9c⋯.gif (4.89 MB,456x190,12:5,youseetheend.gif)

no no!

everyone can't be comfy all at the same time!

no! no!!!

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15bb42 No.21108507

File: 875f7a4df8dd521⋯.gif (1.85 MB,400x342,200:171,source.gif)

even the shills are comfy because they are so stupid!


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15bb42 No.21108508

File: b63615c706ae5e7⋯.jpg (23.31 KB,400x400,1:1,AgentSmith_400x400.jpg)

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6e4e15 No.21108509


that other baker lacks imagination, creativity and frankly, intelligence.. Exhibit A: My notables

>>21108246, >>21108253 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108283 BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview

>>21108299, >>21108306 Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’

>>21108329 Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

>>21108360 Words that viewers used to describe how Joe Biden made them feel during the presidential debate (and they make him sound more like an infirm relative than leader of the free world)

Exhibit B: Obummers notables

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 (You) CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato

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1f4b48 No.21108510

File: ee63386305ee3e6⋯.jpeg (23.19 KB,632x428,158:107,IMG_3715.jpeg)

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f5e607 No.21108511

File: d496026b4703ff7⋯.jpg (53.44 KB,500x500,1:1,d496026b4703ff7ace0843377a….jpg)

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991bbd No.21108512

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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e3e766 No.21108513

File: 54081f494a40a38⋯.png (2.04 KB,285x65,57:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Ladies night?

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1f4b48 No.21108514


>going to a party instead

heard it was in your mouth and everyone is coming

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a1034a No.21108515

File: 662b91be26c48ba⋯.png (1005.78 KB,606x962,303:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fde90a91ca275b0⋯.png (278.16 KB,769x518,769:518,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c5890ee2dedbf6⋯.png (4.47 MB,2012x1342,1006:671,ClipboardImage.png)


anyone got the vid of issac kappy with the kids? Guy online says he found the place where it was filmed

why would this guy talk to Greer?

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a1a4b9 No.21108516

File: 11b206186f93958⋯.webm (662.08 KB,427x240,427:240,poor_bastards2.webm)

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034fc8 No.21108517

File: 4cc4a629c91136a⋯.jpeg (63.74 KB,503x500,503:500,IMG_0891.jpeg)

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e445ae No.21108518


What movie is this?

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a1034a No.21108519

File: 2eca18567288e1c⋯.png (5.69 KB,870x59,870:59,ClipboardImage.png)


ignore this

prev post shit

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991bbd No.21108520

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gotta to replay this,I love the way Trump looks at him, “like what to hell is he talking about?”



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6e4e15 No.21108521



look like prince of persia

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517706 No.21108522

File: 5a80122e63b2170⋯.png (964.27 KB,1599x1132,1599:1132,IMG_2520.png)

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50d41e No.21108523

File: 540ed74d98bf9dd⋯.png (1.44 MB,920x1348,230:337,ClipboardImage.png)



I turned it all over!

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e3e766 No.21108524


>why would this guy talk to Greer?

All assets deployed.


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d0baed No.21108525

File: 2555f021f634d13⋯.jpeg (9.82 KB,194x259,194:259,images_2024_06_28T220019_….jpeg)

File: 6aafaaa0e10f254⋯.jpeg (4.85 KB,248x203,248:203,images_2024_06_28T215830_….jpeg)

File: 4041b744429ef6f⋯.jpeg (11.95 KB,225x225,1:1,download_2024_06_28T21592….jpeg)

File: c9c0a8a881b3844⋯.png (5.92 KB,259x194,259:194,images_7_.png)

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124918 No.21108526


kek Touché, anon.

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991bbd No.21108527

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think Anderson Cooper checked out a long time ago



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376427 No.21108528


Fuct you Cattie Poopins.

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e0460b No.21108529

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6e4e15 No.21108530

File: a3311dc45b98c3c⋯.png (701.83 KB,720x483,240:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0baed No.21108531

Hey lil' bro.

In Christ


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376427 No.21108532


words can not express it

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40ea01 No.21108533

This has been a right comfefe bred. Only had to ID+ three commie shills.

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e0460b No.21108534

Mene mene tekel upharsin

The phrase “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” is an ancient Aramaic inscription that appears in the biblical book of Daniel, chapter 5, verse 25. It is a mysterious and cryptic message written on the wall of the palace of King Belshazzar, the acting king of Babylon.

What does it mean?

The phrase is often translated as “God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”

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468bae No.21108535


Cabal dubs confirm.

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991bbd No.21108536

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



These short clips cheer me up!


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a1a4b9 No.21108537

File: 1afe9ef13aea30d⋯.png (893.18 KB,900x1140,15:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Amazon's woke-i-fied rendition of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. If I didn't love the source material so much I wouldn't bother watching it. Some things they did cool though. I thought how they represented the taint in Saidin was really well done. I can even understand the changes to the story that had to be made to adapt it to the small screen. What I can't understand is why did they have Moiraine and Siuan Sanche in a damn lesbian relationship in season 1 when a somewhat more than minor plot point is the awkward and pure interactions between Siuan and Gareth Bryne. And then not to mention Moiraine ends up with Thom. I mean… the fuck were they thinking? Anyway, rant over. Still the best story I've ever had the pleasure of reading start to finish. It's a journey. Swear to God it left me feeling just as satisfied as eating a large meal.

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146b3e No.21108538

File: a355aec4e3cd913⋯.png (346.75 KB,868x839,868:839,6n565b64365.PNG)


New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants


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2c8584 No.21108539

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e3e766 No.21108540

File: bcc88c77b38336b⋯.jpg (104.4 KB,1024x766,512:383,Fwv_4rcWwAUBGzL.jpg)

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d0baed No.21108541

File: a159d3e450873e9⋯.jpeg (14.06 KB,299x168,299:168,download_2024_06_28T22070….jpeg)

File: c2efa0f737cd622⋯.jpeg (8.64 KB,225x225,1:1,download_2024_06_28T22083….jpeg)

File: 5373f6f216ae771⋯.jpg (13.79 KB,600x600,1:1,stencil_ease_commercial_st….jpg)

File: c47ea4180553d35⋯.png (6.22 KB,216x233,216:233,images_8_.png)

I have a 6 handicap

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efba64 No.21108542


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other Dem candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸



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e3e766 No.21108543

File: 0666465881f45ee⋯.jpg (149.68 KB,720x960,3:4,FsrXJynXwAAJqiZ.jpg)

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6e4e15 No.21108544


#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246, >>21108253 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108283 BIDEN just got DESTROYED in the debate & Exclusive Jonathan Roumie Interview

>>21108299, >>21108306 Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson That Every Republican Congressman ‘Has An AIPAC Person’

>>21108329 Barack Obama complains about how beautiful Trump was in the presidential debate

>>21108360 Words that viewers used to describe how Joe Biden made them feel during the presidential debate (and they make him sound more like an infirm relative than leader of the free world)

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other Dem candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸


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d0baed No.21108547

File: cad0ac5f0e999c8⋯.jpeg (5.2 KB,291x173,291:173,download_2024_06_28T22170….jpeg)

File: 589bb38338299a8⋯.jpeg (6.61 KB,248x203,248:203,images_2024_06_28T221733_….jpeg)

>>21108537 kek


in Saidin

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39b09a No.21108549


>Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS

So that doesn't make sense. First he says he's senile, then, let's have an early election. With him still as a candidate???

He should be IMPEACHED then tried for TREASON!!!!


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e3e766 No.21108551

File: 6e3983ecb0df8b8⋯.png (326.71 KB,630x398,315:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b1e95ecea86698⋯.png (238.77 KB,447x266,447:266,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 223c2ce03621737⋯.png (72.4 KB,246x129,82:43,ClipboardImage.png)

All is real

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efba64 No.21108552


must be one hell of a party you went to

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991bbd No.21108553


I thought so too

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efba64 No.21108554

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6e4e15 No.21108556


i dont feel like driving, long way away

not feeling great

my foot is killing me


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40ea01 No.21108557



Bottom to top.

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a1a4b9 No.21108558


The male half of the One Power in The Wheel of Time. Saidar being the female half. The Taint was the Dark One's retribution in the last time he had to be confronted, driving any male chaneller mad with too much use of the One Power.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Tremalking. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.” ― Robert Jordan

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d46609 No.21108560

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6057fa No.21108561


>the best story I've ever had the pleasure of reading start to finish. It's a journey. Swear to God it left me feeling just as satisfied as eating a large meal.


what an endorsement

a book that was as satisfying as a meal

a book that OUGHT to stay with you for a LIFETIME

is as satisfying as a meal that stays with you until your next SHIT

the world needs MOAR books like that

and more readers like (You)

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e3e766 No.21108562

File: 64e6b787275a9d6⋯.png (161.95 KB,349x232,349:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3e766 No.21108566

File: 694f3a789442064⋯.png (468.16 KB,500x500,1:1,2c91163d5b847b4edb88573b72….png)

File: a839d1279000b89⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,500x711,500:711,Red_Sparrow.jpg)

File: aef3ce00083b4ee⋯.jpg (70.8 KB,1070x1427,1070:1427,media_GRMEoBSXIAAPMQQ.jpg)

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991bbd No.21108568


The real joe is dead, how many defective clones did tge maje of him

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64f467 No.21108570

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.jpg (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,Screen_Shot_2023_02_21_at_….jpg)


>feeling extra super duper tippy top COMFY

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d46609 No.21108573

File: 112c0f4a9989c46⋯.jpeg (74.29 KB,675x900,3:4,IMG_5584.jpeg)

File: 79e795766e8baec⋯.jpeg (44.26 KB,500x666,250:333,IMG_5582.jpeg)

File: d0d7b9eeca4f963⋯.jpeg (85.57 KB,500x666,250:333,IMG_5591.jpeg)

File: 107ffee3a80a7f5⋯.png (152.93 KB,353x386,353:386,IMG_5590.png)

File: 9c814e498f9f5ad⋯.jpeg (103.24 KB,500x719,500:719,IMG_5602.jpeg)

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e3e766 No.21108575

File: 621c6fd18cc8401⋯.jpg (79.32 KB,720x714,120:119,794e7fc498faa99b2fa9371ac0….jpg)

So quiet.

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5bed01 No.21108576

File: 3a26d865820321a⋯.png (72.83 KB,929x541,929:541,mass_sole_republican.png)

File: 5163072c2702218⋯.png (78.82 KB,799x559,799:559,massie_zionism_vs_patrioti….png)

File: 755dccd68da1bd1⋯.png (26.3 KB,521x240,521:240,massie_end_the_fed.png)

File: 0a863e9c6b85f21⋯.png (497.69 KB,639x847,639:847,2024_06_28_15_51_37_Awesom….png)

File: 5a4d2bd3e848582⋯.png (19.51 KB,669x168,223:56,remote_graphene_activation.png)

21108299 21108299 Thomas Massie has been possibly the only member of congress who's testicles still function. Recently, he's been on a warpath, taking aim at the Federal Reserve (like JFK before him). He's also been outspoken against Zionism & America-Last excessive spending on Israel, for which he's taken heat as "anti semitic". He's also been doing good work turning the precedent set by the bogus Trump conviction into a foundation to use against the Clintons, and we all know that kind of thing doesn't usually go well for people.

https:// video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-domaindev-domaindev_bs_maps&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-domaindev_bs_maps&hspart=domaindev&p=thomas+massie&type=100245altddc_searchmaps_newtabtools_com#id=3&vid=51839d9cbede70382365eaa41296c985&action=click

Now, just weeks after he introduced a bill that would formally terminate the disastrous Federal Reserve System, his wife dies suddenly. We have no details at this time other than than congress has confirmed it was unexpected, and from reading between the lines, mysterious. Now he's getting strange messages on Twitter in the form of condolences that read more like threats. Maybe Rhonda is another vaccine victim, but the timing begs scrutiny. The graphene in the shots could be activated remotely by magnetic frequency & given all manner of self- assembling instructions to induce these types of events. I've seen many patents that prove that level of capability. In fact, that may have been one of the major reasons they were mandated - to enable remote assassinations on a whim. I know that's the reason I didn't take the shot.

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d46609 No.21108578

File: 524e4d00946d841⋯.jpeg (173.51 KB,748x746,374:373,IMG_5650.jpeg)

"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

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efba64 No.21108581

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4d8675 No.21108582


assumptive code

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a1a4b9 No.21108584

File: 94c05e4918a3b2c⋯.webm (316.67 KB,427x240,427:240,ready.webm)


They're up to something. Whatever it is, it won't be enough.

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e3e766 No.21108587

File: 0179e1ea9378f74⋯.png (224.23 KB,466x262,233:131,0179e1ea9378f74b174b3a8062….png)

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d46609 No.21108595

File: 5e08b744147fb70⋯.jpeg (600.43 KB,750x6439,750:6439,IMG_5657.jpeg)

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aee1c5 No.21108599

filter button worn to a nub.


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d46609 No.21108600

local-level planners and overseers for the cabal


explains the proliferation within police departments..

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a1a4b9 No.21108608


You should have a good cry about it, AEI.

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d46609 No.21108611



look them up elsewhere also, they're rolling deep as f

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efba64 No.21108612

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