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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

6ff28f No.21105176 [Last50 Posts]

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6ff28f No.21105178


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25869 >>21104353

>>21104514, >>21104664, >>21105029, >>21105091 GOLD Planefaggin 45 in N757AF 757 on descent for Norfolk Intl Airport

>>21104385 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24 3pm

>>21104382, >>21104390, >>21104410 Nolte: CNN Slit Its Own Throat During Trump/Biden Debate

>>21104391 @USCG #fotofriday U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Logistic Center has completed upgrades to the HC-144 Ocean Sentry fleet

>>21104392, >>21104411, >>21104425, >>21104437, >>21104456, >>21105006, >>21105058 Supreme Court Overturns DOJ's Use of Key J6 Felony Court

>>21104515 Potato has a rally today

>>21104524, >>21104477, >>21104742, >>21104764, >>21104776, >>21104787, >>21104808, >>21104818, >>21104829, >>21104845 Swamp Swampin

>>21104532 Zelensky says preparing ‘plan’ to end war with Russia

>>21104538 Bannon: Biden's Failing Faculties Will Lead To National Security Crisis , U.S. Imperial Praetorian Guard Previews Next Emperor

>>21104557, >>21104486, >>21104498, >>21104597, >>21104657 Rep Anna Paulina Luna Lowers The Boom on Merrick Garland

>>21104660 Dims goin for suicide

>>21104665 BlackRock Issues Economic Warning to G7 Alliance

>>21104688 MSNBC Admits Spiering's Reporting On Democrat Leaders Discussing Biden's Abilities To Run For 2024

>>21104699, >>21104709 Mike Johnson says Cabinet should consider removing Biden through 25th Amendment

>>21104747, >>21104824 Mike Davis: Chevron Overturning Greatly Hinders "The Dangers Of An All-Powerful Federal Government"/J6

>>21104813, >>21104850, >>21104879, >>21104889, >>21104895, >>21105022 Chevron is Gone — SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws

>>21104817 GDPNOW Latest estimate: 2.2 percent down from 2.7– June 28, 2024

>>21104976 The 25th Amendment: An Explainer

>>21105044 Paul Sperry Warns Of "Influence Operation By Clapper And The CIA" Ahead Of 2024 Election

>>21105052 Wikileaks just did a massive dump. 😳???

>>21105059 Warren Buffett donates record $5.3B Berkshire shares to these five charities

>>21105106, >>21105117 Chip Roy Files Resolution Calling on Kamala Harris to Invoke 25th Amendment

>>21103966 lb DOJ rebutts Mostly Butts

>>21105121 Madcow on debate

>>21105126 Rickards: Biden Would Have Family-Appointed "Guardian" If He Didn't Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

>>21105135 Biden, reading from his giant teleprompter, starts randomly SCREAMING

>>21105138 Internet Archive fights to preserve digital libraries in Second Circuit hearing

>>21105174 #25869

#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665, >>21103922, >>21104001, >>21104145 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490, >>21103821, >>21103853 RALLY: We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE

>>21103500, >>21104236 BRANDON FOR THE KEKS!

>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680, >>21103800, >>21103802, >>21103900, >>21104047, >>21104113 NASA/space news

>>21103592, >>21104011 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595, >>21103949, >>21104047 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650, >>21103701 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” /HRC Moar keks!

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

>>21103697, >>21103707, >>21103708, >>21103715, >>21103730, >>21104102 The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly, Chevron decision

>>21103704, >>21103769 Massie loses his queen

>>21103741 How many federal agencies are there in the USA? all 438 agencies and sub-agencies

>>21103743 Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot

>>21103752, >>21103749, >>21103759, >>21103767, >>21103755, >>21103761, >>21103782, >>21104045, >>21104196, >>21104241 The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6



>>21103807 Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos Recall

>>21103878 Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency

>>21103879 Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America

>>21103886 Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

>>21103909 Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob Thief

>>21104016 #OTD in 2005, 19 U.S. special operators were killed during Operation Red Wings. Lt. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during an engagement with the Taliban

>>21104040 @realDonaldTrump BIG WIN!

>>21104075 AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

>>21104076 Republic of Congo announces plans to join BRICS following a meeting with Russian President Putin.

>>21104136 RELEASE THE HOSTAGES Make it Trend!

>>21104176, >>21104187 Supreme Court blocks OxyContin bankruptcy plan

>>21104202 No Second Debate? Q 4657

>>21104245, >>21104268 Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?

>>21104248 1stArmoredDiv Meals in the Mojave Desert! 🌵🍽️

>>21104306 @MCoEFortMoore Moving forward, stepping up, and leading the way.

>>21104333 #25868

#25867 >>21102595

>>21102641, >>21102664, >>21102674 Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate. Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.

>>21102746 KEK: John Stossel w/CAP: On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

>>21102783, >>21102910, >>21102791, >>21102798, >>21102801, >>21102822, >>21102836, >>21102866, >>21102874, >>21102880, >>21102989, >>21103068, >>21103160, >>21103173, >>21103240, >>21103303, >>21103338, >>21103349 'It was that bad' mini-bun

>>21102930 Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

>>21102937 Maricopa County Election Worker Arrested

>>21102970 Federal judge says Alaska tribes may put land into trust, a step toward ‘Indian country’ here

>>21103084 Sheriff's deputy shot to death in 'ambush' while tracking stolen SUV in Detroit

>>21103095, >>21103111 Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights

>>21103217, >>21103316 Habbenings for 6/28/2024

>>21103266 Biden official: He's not dropping out

>>21103372 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/28/2024

>>21103439 #25867

Previously Collected

>>21101876 #25865-B, >>21102570 #25866

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864, >>21101863 #25865-A

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861, >>21099237 #25862

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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6ff28f No.21105184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Baker TAPS

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0aab32 No.21105193

File: aafc34a50122d28⋯.jpg (102.77 KB,581x614,581:614,aafc34a50122d28a39fdcb5ae4….jpg)




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0592c1 No.21105197


claiming dough

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8a40ff No.21105198

Did y’all laugh when Joe kept calling Trump a whiner?

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c16e51 No.21105199

File: c805fb77a0f9486⋯.png (422.66 KB,611x451,611:451,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Republican Rep. Thomas Massie announces his wife Rhonda has died


Jun 28, 2024 · 5:21 PM UTC


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ebd27b No.21105200

File: 9b122bcf627e232⋯.webm (1.31 MB,640x360,16:9,relaxed2.webm)

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936c25 No.21105201


God is already punishing the attackers of Bakers and BV.

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18fa1c No.21105202

File: 6a56cb3377b6b57⋯.png (410.81 KB,822x481,822:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3a027 No.21105203

File: 8aa35d681e8862a⋯.jpg (78.25 KB,924x473,84:43,rallydaysbestdays.jpg)

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9fb09d No.21105205

File: 16d959fff8fc66b⋯.jpeg (234.75 KB,829x434,829:434,5C304FFD_66A0_4682_B1DB_8….jpeg)

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6ff28f No.21105207

File: 0bf146b5950acc6⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,480x360,4:3,0bf146b5950acc6347d098f933….jpg)


tyvm baker, habby bakes

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3d5662 No.21105208

"He's Not Dropping Out": Biden Digs In After Disastrous Debate

President Joe Biden is "not dropping out" of the 2024 race despite his party's collective freakout over last night's debate performance, which put his severe cognitive decline on display, raising questions about who's actually running the country.

"Of course he’s not dropping out," campaign spokesman Seth Schuster told The Hill.


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627139 No.21105209

File: 552b22909e5b5e3⋯.jpeg (240.82 KB,1125x770,225:154,IMG_1410.jpeg)

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663cc7 No.21105211

File: 363418ed7100256⋯.webp (190.69 KB,450x583,450:583,IMG_1747.webp)


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02dce7 No.21105212

File: e7027beadff518e⋯.png (1.35 MB,1140x833,1140:833,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)



By Eliza Noe | eliza.noe@virginiamedia.com | Staff writer and Katie King | katie.king@virginiamedia.com | Staff writer

PUBLISHED: June 28, 2024 at 1:03 p.m. | UPDATED: June 28, 2024 at 2:43 p.m.

Former President Donald Trump is set to speak at a campaign rally before a crowd of thousands Friday in Chesapeake, the day after sparring with President Joe Biden in the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign season.

In a bid to help flip Virginia red, Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin appeared publicly with Trump for the first time at the event.

Youngkin took to the stage around 2:20 p.m. to welcome Trump to Virginia.

“This is about strength versus weakness. We have seen the weak America Joe Biden created and we all lived through the strong America Donald Trump built,” Youngkin said.

The rally, at Historic Greenbrier Farms located just off the Chesapeake Expressway, drew thousands of supporters, many of whom started lining up for hours beforehand. Gates opened at 11 a.m. and speakers took to the stage around 2 p.m., among them former Gov. Bob McDonnell and Senate GOP candidate Hung Cao.

Traffic was snarled as supporters made their way onto the 500-acre farm. By mid-day, southbound traffic on the Chesapeake Expressway was backed up just over 4 miles, past the Hanbury Road East interchange, according to Google Maps and 511 Virginia’s live traffic data. Vehicles were slowed to a crawl along the backroads around the farm as supporters continued to make their way to the event. Many people were walking or biking alongside the road as traffic came to a standstill.


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bdcbfa No.21105213

File: 4199aa143f1122f⋯.png (369.6 KB,618x385,618:385,BidenKiss_001.png)

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26860f No.21105214

File: fbdbf6b6eedb900⋯.png (42.95 KB,596x506,298:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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c16e51 No.21105215

File: feb11d3fae04e90⋯.png (74.44 KB,612x496,153:124,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



British woman dies after being swept to sea in the Canary islands


Jun 28, 2024 · 6:23 PM UTC


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29d053 No.21105217

File: b17ea8061c383f2⋯.png (400.47 KB,932x579,932:579,ClipboardImage.png)

NEWSWEEK: Michelle Obama Odds Surge to Replace Joe Biden After Debate

As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline:

Donald Trump -175 (4/7)

Joe Biden +300 (3/1)

Gavin Newsom +700 (7/1)

Michelle Obama +1600 (16/1)

Kamala Harris +2000 (20/1)

Hillary Clinton +4000 (40/1)

Gretchen Whitmer +5000 (50/1)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. +5000 (50/1)

Nikki Haley +9000 (90/1)

Ron DeSantis +20000 (200/1)

Mark Cuban +35000 (350/1)

Jamie Dimon +40000 (400/1)

Liz Cheney +50000 (500/1)


This newsweek article is just over 1 hour old

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02dce7 No.21105219

File: c743ce9d629882d⋯.png (739.08 KB,932x524,233:131,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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18fa1c No.21105220

File: 165f514260dc452⋯.png (588.48 KB,847x485,847:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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02dce7 No.21105222

File: 903cf33c07ccfe1⋯.png (500.46 KB,634x423,634:423,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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2c53ca No.21105223

File: 31cf87f544b32c0⋯.png (163.77 KB,470x341,470:341,31cf87f544b32c0fa7aa390a81….png)



Thank you Bakers!!!

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9fb09d No.21105225

File: 5871dd0b58b6fda⋯.jpeg (553.92 KB,1242x611,1242:611,C0BE30A6_D70F_4775_A36D_B….jpeg)

File: f9d18528a998f6e⋯.png (856.82 KB,761x701,761:701,E2B88F0C_95F6_4BE3_A506_91….png)

>>21096119 pb

Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham Intl after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK Intl

4:30pm EST deliver remarks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center Grand Opening Ceremony

82-8000 747 should leave soon from same as escort and sat there the entire time yesterday from it’s JBA.


SAM028 G5 inbound to JBA from Quebec Intl

>>21105091 lb

N757AF 757 on ground at Norfolk Intl from Dulles Intl depart

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3d5662 No.21105226

In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

The case is the most significant to come before the high court in decades on the issue of America's rising wave of homeless democrat.

In a 6-3 decision, split as usual along ideological lines, the high court reversed a ruling by a deeply liberal San Francisco-based appeals court that found outdoor sleeping bans amount to cruel and unusual punishment. Which is only appropriate since San Francisco recently has descended into 8th circle of homeless hell territory, with drug needless, piles of human excrement, and armies of homeless zombies covering the streets of the once great city.

The majority found that the 8th Amendment prohibition does not extend to bans on outdoor sleeping bans.

“Homelessness is complex. Its causes are many. So may be the public policy responses required to address it,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the majority. “A handful of federal judges cannot begin to ‘match’ the collective wisdom the American people possess in deciding ‘how best to handle’ a pressing social question like homelessness.”

Gorsuch suggested that people who have no choice but to sleep outdoors could raise that as a “necessity defense,” if they are ticketed or otherwise punished for violating a camping ban.


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23d53c No.21105227

File: dd27701ec598997⋯.png (219.39 KB,602x851,602:851,bull.PNG)

File: dc052ce9a3a21ff⋯.png (207.45 KB,490x859,490:859,hao.PNG)


The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸


Biden to Dem voters: “None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me!”


Mark Hemingway




Interesting point from WSJ — only way Biden’s big campaign war chest can be transferred to another candidate is if that candidate is Kamala Harris.


6:21 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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18fa1c No.21105228

File: 4caf59ead63f676⋯.jpg (119.23 KB,527x481,527:481,trump_point_tarmac.jpg)

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77b5f4 No.21105229

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



will repost farage from last bread as posted late.


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9a1111 No.21105231

File: 918f3ce2b6c6cdb⋯.png (171.81 KB,438x246,73:41,ClipboardImage.png)

28 Jun, 2024 13:50

Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

The US president will continue to seek reelection despite his shaky performance during a debate with Donald Trump, according to Seth Schuster

US President Joe Biden will not drop out of the 2024 election race despite his poor performance during Thursday’s first presidential debate with Donald Trump, campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster has announced.

Following the debate, in which Biden was largely panned, even by fellow Democrats, many in the party suggested that the president should be replaced on the November 5 ballot.

In a text message seen by The Hill, Schuster is apparently attempting to reassure the president’s supporters that he will continue his efforts to be reelected.

“Of course he’s not dropping out,” the campaign spokesperson wrote.

Another member of the president’s team told Politico that Biden will stay in the race because he is “the only person who has ever beaten Donald Trump. He will do it again.” (He didn't beat Trump, he cheated America and Trump)

Biden himself has also dismissed the notion that he should bow out of the race, explaining to reporters at a Waffle House following Thursday’s event that “it’s hard to debate a liar.”

Meanwhile, according to Politico, the Democratic Party is reportedly “panicked” by Biden’s “faltering” display against Trump and is actively discussing the possibility of replacing him with another candidate.

“No one expected this nosedive,” one senior Democratic adviser told the outlet.

Biden “was bad on message, bad on substance, bad on counter-punching, bad on presentation, bad on non-verbals. There was no bright spot in this debate for him.”

Concerns over Biden’s performance have also been expressed by a number of major Democratic donors, with one telling Politico that the president had delivered “the worst performance in history” during the debate and “needs to drop out.”

Biden’s team, however, has been scrambling to explain the president’s poor display. One person close to his election campaign claimed that the 81-year-old was “over-prepared and relying on minutiae when all that mattered was vigor and energy.”

“They prepared him for the wrong debate. He was over-prepared when what he needed was rest. It’s confounding,” the person said.

US media outlets have also suggested that Biden’s shaky performance was due to a cold, which they claim has been confirmed by a doctor who examined the president ahead of the debate.


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02dce7 No.21105232

File: 8fb68ef53d0ec52⋯.png (572.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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8fbf8b No.21105233


>Trickle down cocaine distribution is now legal

You'd think it already was.

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93363a No.21105234

File: a4c6211069950e6⋯.png (692.89 KB,1571x521,1571:521,mockingbird.png)

Operation Mockingbird media is in full effect.

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23d53c No.21105236

File: ffc3149dca64c15⋯.png (264.3 KB,605x855,121:171,epa.PNG)


Oilfield Rando




Sean Davis




BREAKING: In a major blow to the unelected administrative state, the Supreme Court has overruled the Chevron doctrine, which required courts to defer to the legal interpretations of unelected bureaucrats.

“Chevron is overruled.”


3:39 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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086a92 No.21105237

File: 59b6b11b19531bd⋯.png (192.99 KB,570x445,114:89,6b34v5c4636543.png)

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a37d16 No.21105238

File: 4135272c9b8e2f6⋯.jpg (6.79 KB,286x176,13:8,lw2.jpg)

File: 6cb5c72ed145151⋯.jpg (12.43 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_9_.jpg)

File: a98b8f9dd4965e6⋯.jpeg (9.28 KB,221x228,221:228,download_46_.jpeg)

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02dce7 No.21105239

File: 50525ebe416f36b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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ddce30 No.21105240

File: 7a15e4794a81048⋯.png (2.47 MB,1600x1000,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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24ae60 No.21105242

File: 5549aa132a09ec1⋯.mp4 (966.79 KB,974x720,487:360,5549aa132a09ec16bb6dfd5ae4….mp4)

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77b5f4 No.21105243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: 6 days until the election, turns out, the guy is a actor, has done undercover work, has a rough voice, worked for channel 4 before, the company who sold the under cover work only do this for a business and so money has been exchanged between channel 4 and the company, right now no one knows who paid the under cover film crew but it is probably the company, whether andrew parker has been paid, probably and the fact he was a 1 volunteer amongst a hundred who had a film crew with them is moar than a coincidence, richard tice calls it right, this is election interference and ofcom at the moment are silent..

channel 4 and gb news hitjobs bun below.

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21102647, >>21102659, >>21102665, >>21102681, >>21102687, >>21102770, >>21102796, ch 4 and gbnews hitjobs on reform u.k and nigel farage bun.



The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up.


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32abdd No.21105244


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51ac74 No.21105246


The Christian God will punish the clown bakers and BVs

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3d5662 No.21105247

File: 6e7d7eb2afc70f8⋯.png (423.91 KB,558x510,93:85,ClipboardImage.png)

Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.


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23d53c No.21105248

File: b8ab2d232225f43⋯.png (445.25 KB,606x487,606:487,joe.PNG)


Sara Rose 🇺🇸🌹


Joe is lost af. Again.


RNC Research

6:15 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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02dce7 No.21105249

File: d3a75017c9c62db⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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c16e51 No.21105251

File: 4b3850f2fac2c68⋯.jpg (2.07 MB,3186x1786,1593:893,Fu_ltUBXoAY02lR.jpg)


>unelected bureaucrats.

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d92acf No.21105252

File: 00c2037bb2746a0⋯.png (728.87 KB,1080x970,108:97,Screcdy.png)


Thanks 🍞 Bakes

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69e1ad No.21105253

File: c8dd5f16b61db2a⋯.jpg (102.71 KB,730x428,365:214,BEANSTALK.jpg)



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e4a783 No.21105254

File: 2fd9300a21b25b2⋯.png (27.77 KB,618x302,309:151,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_02….PNG)


Barack Obama


Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November. http://joebiden.com

2:36 PM · Jun 28, 2024



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18fa1c No.21105255

File: 3d7ab334cb8ea1f⋯.jpg (123.97 KB,840x589,840:589,555.jpg)

Rally Bread, Best Bread


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486c64 No.21105256


Jill Biden sent those orders after the debate when she shrieked 'you answered all the questions! And President Trump LIEeeEeDddDD'

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02dce7 No.21105257

File: 873549590f69036⋯.png (1.71 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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70f604 No.21105259

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Incompetent Presidency in Chesapeake, Virginia

Doors Open 11:00 AM EDT



3:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA

2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. It’s his first public appearance following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first of the cycle.



9:00 AM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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24ae60 No.21105260

File: 1bfbf21862ae1a4⋯.jpeg (46.88 KB,1199x564,1199:564,2SVopyjQqg53.jpeg)

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cf4d26 No.21105261


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cf4d26 No.21105262


narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial matters. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration that they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships troubled and unfulfilling, and other people may not enjoy being around them.

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23d53c No.21105264

File: 998b55db087e216⋯.png (332.04 KB,605x464,605:464,ag.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Breaking News🚨 #ArrestMerrickGarlandNow

4:49 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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709b91 No.21105265

File: f3fcddfdfe299c7⋯.png (4.24 KB,187x141,187:141,filter.png)

Heavy filter day ;)

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a37d16 No.21105266

File: a06190ae311856e⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,706x720,353:360,a06190ae311856eb8a398dea1a….mp4)

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70f604 No.21105268

Kari Lake


Kari Lake & Senator Mike Lee Hold Press Conference on Inflation

Started 13 minutes ago


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02dce7 No.21105269

File: 8375e8af7b971e4⋯.png (841.37 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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486c64 No.21105270


Couldn't imagine,


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740dbc No.21105271

File: f2b4f6e73779885⋯.jpg (81.65 KB,650x370,65:37,20240628_123758.jpg)

File: 3eb7226501b516b⋯.jpg (104.74 KB,1447x814,1447:814,20240628_124146.jpg)

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29d053 No.21105272

File: 31e769ab2d47ae6⋯.png (579.6 KB,735x407,735:407,ClipboardImage.png)

TFW you have all your filters in order for red text spam shill faggots

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9fb09d No.21105273

File: 24f94359ba7fe48⋯.gif (451.42 KB,500x500,1:1,46FA62B6_C016_4B52_AC7A_5E….gif)

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23d53c No.21105274

File: 6c21bb51faa106d⋯.png (499.87 KB,594x776,297:388,chev.PNG)




DEEP STATE: Chevron Deference is Dead! I don't think most Americans realize how important this decision was. SCOTUS just neutered the power of unelected bureaucrats in Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce.

Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (Chevron is Dead!) Case Summary: The Supreme Court reviewed the case involving Loper Bright Enterprises and the Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo. The central issue was the authority of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), under the Department of Commerce, to impose certain regulatory measures on fishing enterprises, particularly concerning the requirement for fishermen to pay for at-sea monitors. Opinion: The Supreme Court vacated the lower court's decision and remanded the case for further proceedings. This decision challenges the extent of regulatory authority exercised by the NMFS and mandates a reconsideration of its policies. Majority Opinion: Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the opinion of the Court, with Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett joining. The majority opinion focused on the limits of administrative agencies' power and the

5:58 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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70f604 No.21105275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

June 28, 2024

3:00 PM EDT

NASA Science Live: Climate Edition–Rising Heat. Stream on NASA+

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)




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441b3d No.21105276

File: 7779d131ea129d0⋯.mp4 (14.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Star_Trek_Brain_Is_Gone_2O….mp4)

Hilldawg says this was a 'deplorable performance'.


It is as if his brain is gone?

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02dce7 No.21105277

File: 2378e657d1d4a84⋯.png (533.1 KB,736x488,92:61,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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70f604 No.21105278

June 28, 2024

3:05 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady depart Queens, New York en route to New York, New York

John F. Kennedy International Airport


June 28, 2024

3:20 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady arrive in New York, New York

Official Schedule


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23d53c No.21105280

File: f13c287c134b37a⋯.png (410.51 KB,596x584,149:146,eve.PNG)




Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away.

My deepest condolences to Rep. Massie, family, and loved ones.





5:25 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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72e940 No.21105281

File: 32e7a52293725e7⋯.png (470.56 KB,1277x720,1277:720,Screen_Shot_2024_06_28_at_….png)

File: cb8611ab4c50585⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN543.png)

File: b1b9b9fa6104804⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN542.png)

File: 61ba89f63a3077a⋯.png (606.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN541.png)

They are getting serious.

No Joe and no KaMOOla.

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02dce7 No.21105283

File: 0756e044058c249⋯.png (2.08 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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a37d16 No.21105284

File: 495cc286eec9cfb⋯.jpeg (782.81 KB,1024x1024,1:1,GRLnRrnXEAApWIZ.jpeg)

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29d053 No.21105286


>Barack Obama


>Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November. http://joebiden.com

>2:36 PM · Jun 28, 2024


Fake show of unity as the way is prepared for Big Mike

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93363a No.21105287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy

The Why Files


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02dce7 No.21105288

File: 39c86bdfa8f295a⋯.png (948.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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18fa1c No.21105290

File: d1e0c66eb78629f⋯.jpg (97.58 KB,660x660,1:1,potus_frog_0.jpg)

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02dce7 No.21105291

File: e16afaa7df5ebe9⋯.png (1.07 MB,1140x641,1140:641,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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3d5662 No.21105293

File: c28be0dae8b5bdb⋯.png (70.27 KB,565x446,565:446,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d51daa49d5d4f37⋯.png (31.54 KB,551x248,551:248,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 584ff9f9046843e⋯.png (72.71 KB,727x486,727:486,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94ac7b46744094⋯.png (476.89 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Worldcoin: Sam Altman’s Crypto Tool for Technocracy?

More than a sketchy cash for biometrics scheme, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and friends’ Worldcoin project is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for identity and financial infrastructure that could upend traditional finance and governance structures as we know them.

“No one told me what they’ll do with my eye…I did this out of need.”

Want $50 worth of cryptocurrency? Scan your irises with one of Worldcoin’s orbs and it’s yours. Such is Worldcoin’s (rather odd) elevator pitch to the public, which has subsequently rolled out its iris-scanning orbs to 38 countries worldwide.

Launched in mid-2023 and described by founder Sam Altman upon launch as “a global financial and identity network based on proof of personhood,” Worldcoin has made a big splash in its efforts to grow an identity and finance network using the unique, orb-based iris scans of every individual on Earth.

Some are excited by the project, many fear it. Debatable optics of using an orb (often stylized in Worldcoin’s communications as “the Orb”) as a project centerpiece aside, Worldcoin’s orb-based iris scans have been suspended in several countries, including Spain, Kenya, and Portugal due to mounting privacy concerns and the organization’s sketchy business practices. But, as Rest of World reports, the scans have recently become popular in Argentina, where pervasive economic crises and record inflation rates have made many hungry for instant cash: in January 2024, Worldcoin boasted it had scanned the irises of about one percent of Argentines.

Amongst the tech world’s most ambitious projects today, Worldcoin is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for identity, finance, and Universal Basic Income (UBI) infrastructure that is poised to undermine, if not subvert, traditional financial systems and governance structures internationally — all in response to problems attributed to the growth of the AI industry, which is arguably led by Altman’s own OpenAI.

Altman’s Solution to Altman’s Problem

Founded by OpenAI’s Sam Altman in 2019 and operating as a “stealth” project until Bloomberg reporting broke its cover in 2021, Worldcoin’s website describes its operations as profound for society, yet inclusion-forward:

Worldcoin is designed to become the world’s largest privacy-preserving human identity and financial network, giving ownership to everyone. Worldcoin aims to provide universal access to the global economy no matter your country or background, establishing a place for all of us to benefit in the age of AI.


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70f604 No.21105296

File: 745b3e15d7fcc84⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,891x496,891:496,trump_rally.jpg)

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e4a783 No.21105297

File: b040678c88d2a52⋯.png (528.38 KB,618x554,309:277,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_03….PNG)


Wow! That's sad. So sorry for the loss of your wife. Prayers to you and your family.

Thomas Massie


Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.

9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024


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a37d16 No.21105300

File: 2dfbe5de4788e90⋯.jpg (221.13 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_14_5….jpg)

File: ff553eb8c669d82⋯.png (71.13 KB,640x708,160:177,244_4_.png)

File: 8fcaf3a8161843b⋯.jpg (203.64 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_13_3….jpg)

File: 774afbc32cfaf46⋯.jpeg (367.92 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GRLUEnoW0AE4_sR.jpeg)

File: 629e8e03e568db4⋯.jpeg (351.9 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GRLUD1vXYAAfllT.jpeg)

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72e940 No.21105302

File: 7f6b689d1e325c0⋯.png (65.21 KB,638x244,319:122,Screen_Shot_2024_06_28_at_….png)



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23d53c No.21105303

File: d9b4835f54a27f9⋯.png (379.71 KB,588x584,147:146,camp.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸



5:32 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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02dce7 No.21105304

File: 2d85078cbedf317⋯.png (239.98 KB,640x335,128:67,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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24ae60 No.21105305

File: f9608821334fe11⋯.jpg (316.7 KB,914x718,457:359,fxzfxzfxzxzfz.jpg)

Supreme Court Ruling Grants Cities Authority to Clear Streets


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709b91 No.21105306

File: 6025e22a0af64e1⋯.png (1.16 MB,862x742,431:371,ClipboardImage.png)


Tyb, rally bred is best bred!

>>21105078 (lb)

>Anon from (lb) that was asking about AOC being a bartender & being found through actress auditions…sorry no tag

>But sauce:

>2016 found



>Bartending checked out


Watching Huma anons?

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c16e51 No.21105308

File: e3b5a21e291a693⋯.png (265.23 KB,621x446,621:446,ClipboardImage.png)


Daily Mail Online



American Ninja Warrior champion Drew Drechsel, 35, is sentenced to 10 years for child sex crimes


Jun 28, 2024 · 1:36 PM UTC


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e4a783 No.21105310

File: 7226cacf97b04fb⋯.png (565.24 KB,618x542,309:271,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_03….PNG)

File: 2d358d01c2745e4⋯.png (463.3 KB,618x508,309:254,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_03….PNG)



Thomas Massie


She was valedictorian at our high school where we went to the Prom together, accepted at MIT and Harvard, earned a Mechanical Engineering degree from MIT, and devoted her life to our family.

9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024


We spent last week touring Mt Rainier with our grandson - she was the best mammaw ever! We love you Rhonda.

9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024


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23d53c No.21105311

File: 9031b194fa0398f⋯.png (251.73 KB,600x852,50:71,lebs.PNG)


Collin Rugg


Hollywood celebrities are lashing out & are blaming far-left moderators Jake Tapper & Dana Bash for Joe's dismal performance:

Stephen King: "The networks are packaging this as entertainment, like a boxing match, and selling democracy down the river."

Barbra Streisand: "What is wrong with these two moderators…? They ask him a question, but then let him go on a rampage about something else. Not fair!"

John Cusack: "CNN letting this deranged liar lie with no consequences - meanwhile - dems thinks having the right data points matter - This is the end my beautiful friends."

"Meltdown - CNN set perfect conditions."

Jesse Williams: "Why moderate if you're not gonna moderate? Not a single lie checked."

Mark Hamill: "One off night also doesn't change the fact that the former guy is a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated r*p*st who is unfit for ANY office. Period."


4:33 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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9a1111 No.21105312

28 Jun, 2024 13:57

Liberal US media reacts to Biden debate disaster

The question now is who among serving Democrats would go public and tell the president to drop out of the race, according to one news outlet

US President Joe Biden is likely to come under renewed pressure to end his reelection campaign following his poor performance in his first debate of the year with Donald Trump, various US media sources have suggested. The event, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday night was the first of the planned two between the presumed candidates from the main US political parties. It happened unusually early in the election cycle, two months before the Democratic National Convention, where Biden’s nomination is expected to be sealed.

The Biden campaign reportedly leaned on the organizers to adopt a format they believed to be beneficial to their candidate. There was no audience, there were strict time limitationsfor the speakers, and a microphone mute feature was added to stop Trump and Biden from talking over each other the way they did in 2020. Observers largely agree that Biden “had it rough”

The President offered ‘limited resistance’ to Trump

It was a “night of stumbles and falsehoods”, The New York Times declared after the debate was over. The sharpest contrast between the two candidates was in their delivery, with a hoarse-voiced Biden “meandering and mumbling through answers as the former president pressed his case for a second term with limited resistance from his rival.”

Trump was conveying his usual “exaggerations and embellishments” while Biden missed numerous opportunities to fact-check him – a job that CNN insisted should fall on the candidates and not the moderators. The Republican “often filled the vacuum with a torrent of exaggerations, falsehoods and attacks” on his opponent.

One of Biden’s biggest weaknesses is voters’ concern over his age and mental acuity, and the 81-year-old only exacerbated them, NYT said. He made a bad impression not only when he spoke, but also when he did not, as CNN showed both politicians in a split screen.

”For long intervals he stood silent, eyes darting, mouth agape,” while Trump, in contrast, “grinned attentively and waited for his chance to attack.”

Debate focused on Biden

Biden’s performance on Thursday contrasted sharply with his energetic delivery of the State of the Union address in March, The Washington Post said. ”Jousting with an opponent at a debate – rather than giving a scripted speech – is a different animal,” the newspaper said.

The animosity between the candidates was palpable on the stage, and Biden, who is presented by Democrats as a champion of normalcy and decorum, resorted to name-calling his opponent on multiple occasions. He branded Trump a “whiner”, “loser”, “sucker” and “a child,” as well as said the former president had the morals of “an alley cat.”

Biden’s campaign hopes to turn the 2024 election into a referendum on Trump, but “much of the debate wound up focusing on Biden,” the Post said. Its format did not help, but “many of the problems traced to the candidates themselves.”

Candidate swap?

Even Biden’s running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris, acknowledged to CNN that the president had “a slow start” before declaring that in November voters will have to choose between a Democratic nominee and the “destruction of democracy.”

A proposal to replace Biden with another candidate gained more traction due to his poor performance, according to the media.

A major Democratic donor quoted by Politico described the night as “the worst performance in history” and said Biden was so “bad that no one will pay attention to Trump’s lies.” The donor urged him to end his campaign. Another one texted: “Time for an open convention.”

A former Biden White House official told Axios: “It’s sad but it also makes me so mad to think of all the smart people lying and trying to make this work,” referring to the Biden campaign.

“The question for the next 72 hours or so is how many Democrats will go public with their concerns – especially those in elected office,” the outlet said.

‘Can’t be real life!’

Some reactions were closer to the ‘plague on both houses’ line. Doug Muzzio, a retired public affairs professor, told The New York Post that the night was “a disaster for Biden”, while Trump was “clear and relatively coherent” and “even though he repeatedly lied, he lies in an articulate way.”

Comedian Jon Steward joked that Biden has disproved a “conspiracy theory” that his staffers pump him with drugs before public events.

”If those drugs don't exist, if there aren’t actually performance-enhancing drugs for these candidates, I could sure f*g use some recreational ones right now, because this cannot be real life! It just can’t!” the political gadfly said while concluding his show


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02dce7 No.21105314

File: ceeaca168deeeee⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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709b91 No.21105315

File: 59371d7f6149afb⋯.png (1.22 MB,721x888,721:888,ClipboardImage.png)

45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

3:02 ET


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18fa1c No.21105316

File: 6d05ef25cf6433e⋯.gif (5 MB,600x336,25:14,POTUS_Q.gif)

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cf4d26 No.21105317

>new york farm



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77b5f4 No.21105319

File: 13987c8e5d2dc69⋯.png (1.8 MB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)


he did not mention trump so he must be talking about biden


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23d53c No.21105320

File: 081e4366d896350⋯.png (30.51 KB,592x387,592:387,27.PNG)




27 people are currently serving time in prison for this felony. It also could impact about 110 more who are awaiting trial or sentencing for this felony.

Moreover, two of the four charges President Trump faces are based on the obstruction statute, and he could move to have those charges dismissed.






Supreme Court says prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of people for Jan 6. x.com/chiiium/status…

4:01 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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835843 No.21105321

File: 53505b585df19b1⋯.jpeg (1017.97 KB,1170x1634,585:817,AFFA0D2A_B3C0_4E2F_B2B8_1….jpeg)



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cf4d26 No.21105323




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02dce7 No.21105324

File: 2c3c516c5f5d5f2⋯.png (1.82 MB,1302x918,217:153,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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3963d5 No.21105326

File: ab3dbae69ceb81d⋯.png (29.88 KB,373x272,373:272,ClipboardImage.png)

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194011 No.21105327

File: f7df38f9c7d5efd⋯.png (10.87 KB,255x191,255:191,marine1d9d56fcea9833f77264….png)


>3:02 ET

15:02 = 17

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3d5662 No.21105328

File: ec07fb2ad2fd84c⋯.png (158.82 KB,545x648,545:648,ClipboardImage.png)

Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores.

“The current pharmacy model is not sustainable,” CEO Tim Wentworth told investors on a Thursday earnings call.

With 75% of the company’s U.S. stores accounting for 100% of its adjusted operating income, the company plans to examine the remaining 25% of its stores for closures, which would occur over the next three years, said the executive, who took the company’s helm in 2023. Shuttering 25% of its 8,600 U.S. locations would result in about 2,150 store closures.

“Changes are imminent,” but some of the specifics are still fluid, Wentworth said of the impending shutdowns. “There’s not one exact number” of closures.

Wentworth added that the company will definitely shutter a number of its underperforming stores, but that other locations could be shifted to profitability.


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a37d16 No.21105329

File: 2c88b36e30f374a⋯.jpg (239.95 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_15_0….jpg)

File: 00b746e19e90f3f⋯.png (220.03 KB,640x1822,320:911,182.png)

File: 00b746e19e90f3f⋯.png (220.03 KB,640x1822,320:911,182.png)

File: 495cc286eec9cfb⋯.jpeg (782.81 KB,1024x1024,1:1,GRLnRrnXEAApWIZ.jpeg)

File: 774afbc32cfaf46⋯.jpeg (367.92 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GRLUEnoW0AE4_sR.jpeg)

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23d53c No.21105330

File: cd7d1bc188f32d0⋯.png (718.71 KB,850x754,425:377,li.PNG)


Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’

Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

National Review, by James Lynch

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2024 3:01:28 PM

President Joe Biden’s performance at Thursday night’s first presidential debate thoroughly discredited his many defenders in the press and in the Democratic party who have consistently downplayed concerns that he might not be fit for the job, and have even gone so far as to publicly attack reporters — and the Biden Justice Department — for suggesting otherwise. Throughout his presidency, Biden has appeared out of sorts during public appearances, lost his train of thought, and struggled to perform basic physical tasks. But when the footage of those damning moments inevitably went viral, Biden’s allies would insist the videos were misleadingly edited and didn’t capture the youthful vigor

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cf4d26 No.21105331


extremely good hallucinogens.

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709b91 No.21105332

File: 2c0f4675897e85e⋯.png (1.43 MB,1109x577,1109:577,ClipboardImage.png)



Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

3:01 ET


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0e9925 No.21105333


Did you get enough rest last night, Harry? Good to see you're right back on the job!

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02dce7 No.21105334

File: c7f61e2b58f81c2⋯.png (223.61 KB,480x360,4:3,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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18fa1c No.21105336

File: 7634e2e9992aa7e⋯.mp4 (125.67 KB,146x174,73:87,potus_pepe_chin2.mp4)

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48106b No.21105337


>Biden won’t drop out

Biden's will ask for a YUGE payout.

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26c0b8 No.21105338

File: 4c43fb115d0f79d⋯.png (726.85 KB,594x720,33:40,4c43fb115d0f79d26b03bd479a….png)



>Rally Bread

Ty Bakers

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23d53c No.21105340

File: 68585f87cc1ef29⋯.png (615.67 KB,596x543,596:543,rx.PNG)


Square profile picture

Daily Loud


Drug prices have gone up nearly 40% over the past decade, surpassing inflation, according to GoodRx.


5:25 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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7c294b No.21105341

File: 54aa33804268b0c⋯.png (1004.15 KB,1024x675,1024:675,ClipboardImage.png)

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02dce7 No.21105343

File: b5d4bd7f2fd8762⋯.png (382.39 KB,559x373,559:373,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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e3a027 No.21105345

Reporter: What kind of outreach is the campaign doing to democrats and others who are concerned about wining in November. based on his performance last night?

Michael Tyler [Biden campaign; White House press conference] totally evaded the question.

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cf4d26 No.21105346


coming soon™…


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7c294b No.21105347


"Shit Show"

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29d053 No.21105349

This thing on?

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23d53c No.21105350

File: 1af3614ecc1951f⋯.png (495.4 KB,891x607,891:607,wy.PNG)


Wait…. Why Did Politico Have a Debate

Response Journalist Embedded Within an

“Assisted Living Facility”?

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 6/28/2024 2:26:13 PM

Sometimes, when you ask the right questions, you don’t ask why people in assisted living facilities suddenly realize Joe Biden is more than a few french fries short of a Happy Meal, and instead you ask why Politico proactively had a journalist embedded in an assisted living facility to get feedback on Joe Biden.Seriously. What did Politico know about the debate in advance, such that it was an assignment to have a top headline article prepped? I think we all know the answer to that question. Essentially, the entire professional political class in DC knows about an operation to replace Joe Biden. If you understand

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835843 No.21105351

File: 609dbc77f84ab50⋯.jpeg (94.06 KB,1024x992,32:31,7C1334FF_765D_465C_B284_3….jpeg)


come again?


what the FUCK did you just say?

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c16e51 No.21105353

File: 21ace1d4b08fed8⋯.png (402.16 KB,629x572,629:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f8dbb224b3756f⋯.jpg (281.41 KB,1357x1487,1357:1487,media_GRInQuaWsAA9n_n.jpg)

Global Info Factory



Genocidal Denial': US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll


Almasirah:'Genocidal Denial': US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

News - World: The US House of Representatives has approved an amendment that would prevent State Department officials from citing casualty figures from the Gaza Health Ministry as the Israeli…


Jun 28, 2024 · 6:53 PM UTC


Oy vey

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e163d9 No.21105355

File: 73fbbc0e85ddc39⋯.png (441.89 KB,980x925,196:185,y54en6534h634.PNG)

San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

“What a freaking shitshow.”

“It was a political catastrophe that was worse than anybody imagined,” the source said. “There is no way President Biden can win. Anybody who says it was one bad night is kidding themselves.

“Trump was incoherent, but he did it with energy and vigor. Biden looked like a bumbling old man, just like they’ve characterized him.”

I think Biden is the biggest threat to democracy —not Trump,” said another political consultant who has worked on state and national campaigns and asked to speak anonymously for fear of upsetting the Biden administration.

“He needs to step down. We’ve all held our noses and got behind him … and then last night just shot that all to hell. We can’t ignore it anymore. It’s sad on a political level for our party, but also our country. It’s sad to see him in this spot as a human being. But he should not be in this position.”


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6843e3 No.21105356

File: 10e3ef0b0394a32⋯.png (276.09 KB,521x322,521:322,poop1.PNG)

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3d5662 No.21105357

File: 075bf3e17955d41⋯.png (43.93 KB,663x387,221:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 032bb3440f67919⋯.png (34.73 KB,646x327,646:327,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis: Christians, Jews, Muslims ‘Worship the One God’

Pope Francis asserted this week Christians, Jews and Muslims, all worship the one God and are “brothers and sisters.”

“Jesus taught us to welcome one another as brothers and sisters,” the pontiff told a delegation from the Bologna Mosque in northern Italy. “And this is true first of all for us, Christians, Jews, and Muslims, who worship the One God.”

Members of all three faiths refer to Abraham as “our father in faith,” he said, “albeit in different ways.”

“In today’s world, our witness of fraternity is indispensable and very precious,” he added.

Sincere and respectful dialogue between Christians and Muslims “is a duty for us who want to obey God’s will,” he contended.

Every believer “must feel free to propose – never impose! – his religion to other people, believers or not,” he said. “This excludes any form of proselytism, understood as exerting pressure or threats.”

In addition, “marriages between people of different religions should not be an opportunity to convert the spouse to his or her religion,” he declared.

The question of whether Muslims and Christians worship the same God has been hotly debated and is one of the “vexed” issues of interreligious dialogue.

Whereas Pope Francis has voiced his belief that the Christian God and Allah are the same God, other Christian leaders disagree.

Celebrated evangelical pastor Franklin Graham, for example, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, has insisted that Muslims and Christians “clearly” do not worship the same God.


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02dce7 No.21105358

File: e5843107ee9d931⋯.png (293.73 KB,715x443,715:443,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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bc9aa9 No.21105359

File: 32b7b3e80568801⋯.jpg (119.15 KB,413x476,59:68,5830f7e776.jpg)

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18fa1c No.21105360

File: c938859e5784c3f⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,766x519,766:519,POTUS_Flags.jpg)

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23d53c No.21105361

File: d3f6b0c7183eb61⋯.png (18.18 KB,594x250,297:125,fr.PNG)




Never forget that some January 6 defendants took their own lives when they were wrongly charged with the 20-year felony that did not apply. Others spent years in prison. All have been defamed by their own government.

This tyranny can never be allowed to happen again.

4:25 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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bc9aa9 No.21105362

File: d421c4594b871ae⋯.jpg (135.25 KB,1200x863,1200:863,00001j.jpg)

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18fa1c No.21105363



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43f443 No.21105364


I get the first two "Peach" "Mint", (impeachment) Orange? (orange man?) Trump?

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bc9aa9 No.21105365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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208739 No.21105366

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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0fc720 No.21105367

File: 3f6139f479afa80⋯.png (369.46 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc9aa9 No.21105368

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)

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a986a6 No.21105369

File: b09ca90f5733f05⋯.mp4 (916.85 KB,514x360,257:180,5ziUXNdA7nTljKNA.mp4)


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486c64 No.21105370

File: 83da7ef6652282f⋯.png (317.85 KB,804x1950,134:325,4014.png)


At this point do we think the enemy has been trying to move around Q posts?

Trying to find a move not thought of by Q team?

Just out of spite or desperation?

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0276ff No.21105371


>Pope Francis: Christians, Jews, Muslims ‘Worship the One God’

no they obviously don't

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23d53c No.21105372

File: a2dc4b536bb9f6d⋯.png (603.61 KB,669x666,223:222,nn.PNG)


CNNLOL’s Pro-Biden Debate Rules Backfired Spectacularly

Breitbart Media, by John Nolte

Posted By: Imright, 6/28/2024 2:21:42 PM

CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and violence, thought it had rigged Thursday night’s presidential debate in His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s favor. Watching it backfire in their smug faces was a true thing of beauty. Remember, it was painfully obvious, as my colleague Wendell Husebo noted, that almost all the debate rules were intended to benefit President Sundowning: Two commercial breaks (Likely to benefit Biden).. Campaign staff will not be able to interact with their candidate during the break.. No opening statements, two-minute closing statements

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e3a027 No.21105373

Reporter: Do you firmly reject any calls for [Biden] to consider stepping aside, or not running again? Are there any conversations about that?

Tyler: There are no conversations about that whatsoever.

Reporter: Does [Biden] commit to appearing at the debate in September?

Tyler: Joe Biden will be there on September 10th.

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3d5662 No.21105374

File: dfd86e3e5124e62⋯.png (4.31 MB,2560x1600,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc9aa9 No.21105375

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB,634x547,634:547,ba2cfda113072c359778083331….png)

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8af7a5 No.21105376

File: c3eed455b3f972b⋯.jpeg (28.63 KB,299x168,299:168,IMG_1094.jpeg)

File: f5a571c4a52356f⋯.webp (16.05 KB,600x400,3:2,IMG_1095.webp)

File: 94eebef6011623e⋯.webp (1.18 MB,2560x1706,1280:853,IMG_1096.webp)

File: 35ecb83597c66a2⋯.jpeg (838.32 KB,2016x1512,4:3,IMG_1097.jpeg)

File: fd7b3f597fb9de0⋯.jpeg (213.51 KB,1600x900,16:9,IMG_1098.jpeg)

What about the hyenas and jackals on MSM spinning yarns and corrupting minds?

Will they even be able to walk down the street?

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bc9aa9 No.21105377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e4a783 No.21105378

File: b3a505e1999b187⋯.png (277.94 KB,470x499,470:499,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_03….PNG)

Is this some kind of comms?

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02dce7 No.21105379

File: 2dbad017c8100e5⋯.png (779.69 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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cf4d26 No.21105380


haow does this affect house saud?

in no way, thanks to the death of the petrodollar.

so recently too.


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c16e51 No.21105381

File: f6f45b866930ac6⋯.png (241.21 KB,572x559,44:43,ClipboardImage.png)


Prem Thakker


Jun 27

NEW: House has voted 269-144 to ban giving funds to the State Department to cite the Gaza Health Ministry, undermining the organization’s death & injury figures.

The amendment was led by Democratic Reps. Moskowitz & Gottheimer and Republicans Wilson (SC), Lawler, Miller (WV).

Prem Thakker


Jun 27

Rep. Rashida Tlaib on effort to erase Gaza death toll:

"There is so much anti-Palestinian racism in this chamber that my colleagues don't even want to acknowledge that Palestinians exist at all. Not when they're alive—and now, not even when they're dead."

Jun 27, 2024 · 3:54 PM UTC


America is under attack.

From the inside.

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23d53c No.21105382

File: 2603176f10aba52⋯.png (56.46 KB,602x838,301:419,ck.PNG)


Charlie Kirk


This is big. It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.

WISCONSIN — It's already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.

NEVADA—After tonight, the fourth Friday in June, it will be too late to remove Joe Biden.

GEORGIA—Only a few weeks remain before it will be too late to remove Biden from the ballot.

From DailyMail:

The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.

In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.'

If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.

In Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.


5:03 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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bc9aa9 No.21105383

File: fa62ce8d78d5bd6⋯.gif (461.79 KB,220x197,220:197,donald_trump_aplausse.gif)

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a37d16 No.21105384

File: 3b0063099043429⋯.jpg (255.21 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_15_1….jpg)

File: 938722ea6707476⋯.png (294.77 KB,640x2356,160:589,222_5_.png)

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18fa1c No.21105385

File: 7667fdc6bcce821⋯.jpg (6.93 KB,234x216,13:12,potus_frog_chin.jpg)

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69e1ad No.21105386

File: a945b00c4b7078f⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,642x647,642:647,MEMORY.jpg)

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a986a6 No.21105387

File: 1821b9b5d436148⋯.png (1.03 MB,640x640,1:1,51B3F0A8_E670_4F92_A069_20….PNG)

File: 0fe090a50ad8a79⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2965x3153,2965:3153,The_Joe_Bidens_1.jpg)

File: a6d7598d3f02431⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB,480x852,40:71,jSYqpDgoQvtQe0NL.mp4)

File: b5809523f0568aa⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,654x360,109:60,EfczzwWuYJUA1St6.mp4)

File: 7d76e099a7f0080⋯.jpg (84.65 KB,710x464,355:232,The_Joe_Bidens_2.JPG)

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f32c43 No.21105388

File: a01efd4b56b3940⋯.mp4 (5.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,Rep_Thomas_Massie_s_wife_R….mp4)



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267552 No.21105389

File: 60e31db9cfdfac0⋯.mp4 (874.54 KB,400x224,25:14,Part_of_the_club.mp4)

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bc9aa9 No.21105390

File: 449ca71e200cee7⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_HAIR_JIMMY.gif)

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02dce7 No.21105391

File: 1bdf98b4da7ff59⋯.png (2.08 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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a986a6 No.21105392

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.mp4)

File: 5c74c0a8ef33f7f⋯.jpeg (256.01 KB,1130x1417,1130:1417,IMG_3288.jpeg)

File: cc3d84a445799c2⋯.jpeg (240.55 KB,1130x828,565:414,IMG_3287.jpeg)

File: 61b1a4183583e6e⋯.jpeg (209.36 KB,1130x1207,1130:1207,IMG_3286.jpeg)

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23d53c No.21105393

File: d6126632c19a259⋯.png (835.36 KB,943x874,41:38,wtf.PNG)

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bc9aa9 No.21105394

File: 9c48846d3340c3a⋯.gif (1.1 MB,480x270,16:9,djt10kek.gif)

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8fbf8b No.21105397

Why does the filename download button only work briefly after a refresh

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bc9aa9 No.21105398

File: afafe869a07d8b6⋯.gif (1.76 MB,600x600,1:1,djt7bdance.gif)

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02dce7 No.21105399

File: 864d841bdaf57e0⋯.png (2.74 MB,1469x917,1469:917,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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a986a6 No.21105400

File: 6477b133543a651⋯.jpeg (331.39 KB,1130x1785,226:357,IMG_3285.jpeg)

File: 73ca5c71b50a409⋯.jpeg (207.5 KB,1130x1413,1130:1413,IMG_3284.jpeg)

File: c97005523fc5c2d⋯.jpeg (157.35 KB,1130x987,1130:987,IMG_3283.jpeg)

File: 883b0cf7900e7f7⋯.jpeg (168.27 KB,1130x1064,565:532,IMG_3282.jpeg)

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bc9aa9 No.21105401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e3a027 No.21105402

Reporter: Is [Biden] sick, and did that affect his preparation for the campaign?

Tyler: [Biden] did have a sore throat.

Reporter; Is he sick? Does he have a cold?

Tyler: You saw [Biden[] today on the stage in North Carolina…[Biden] would not cite his sore throat as an excuse for the debate performance. He had a bad night. He said that.

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69e1ad No.21105403

File: 41caf49f2b2987d⋯.jpg (104.97 KB,471x679,471:679,WAKEY_WAKEY.jpg)

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bc9aa9 No.21105404

File: 93416a0e58dbc89⋯.jpg (11.7 KB,255x208,255:208,05352755404c802a4381b30467….jpg)

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e4a783 No.21105405


What's a Biden Tic Tac?

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02dce7 No.21105406

File: 0611c695745c890⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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29d053 No.21105408


>This is big. It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.


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bc9aa9 No.21105410

File: 99db949d87feb74⋯.png (152.5 KB,375x407,375:407,99db949d87feb743107e15b992….png)

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e4a783 No.21105411


Tick Tock?

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23d53c No.21105412

File: 1f7fa50b242fb81⋯.png (528.93 KB,603x536,9:8,tm.PNG)


Thomas Massie


Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.





2:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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a986a6 No.21105413

File: a556639235edbcd⋯.jpeg (279.24 KB,1131x1382,1131:1382,IMG_3257.jpeg)

File: 83de3e1414c2dbf⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,packandelempackatlackact_B….mp4)

File: 1b1f487b79b99bf⋯.mp4 (231.63 KB,640x352,20:11,SUHLONGASUHIJERUHHNIED.mp4)

File: 9b62505b8c62091⋯.mp4 (125.88 KB,640x360,16:9,Erectionist_Biden_2.mp4)

File: 4c9c9a06b38a117⋯.mp4 (185.03 KB,640x360,16:9,BadaKathCare_Biden_2.mp4)

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45ec74 No.21105414


Gaza is becoming irrelevant

From all sides

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e8bd73 No.21105415

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3d5662 No.21105416

File: b944200e6706c5d⋯.png (253.97 KB,936x580,234:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 007d7af4fb7f1fd⋯.png (263.01 KB,936x554,468:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 403199147b0b59a⋯.png (97.13 KB,807x550,807:550,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aed3eee845894b4⋯.png (209.96 KB,802x567,802:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 772a2a48f02b868⋯.png (37.71 KB,801x205,801:205,ClipboardImage.png)

FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

A recent FOIA request to the City of Chicago from Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines podcast has found a curious relationship between Catholic Charities organization and City of Chicago officials. In an email from February 20, 2024 a Catholic Charities official sent an update to multiple Illinois government and City of Chicago officials including Chicago Public School and Northwestern employees. The email shows multiple graphs detailing the progress of Catholic Charities efforts to house illegals.

According to Illinois.gov the state is funding the asylum seeker program to the tune of $478 million over FY 2023 and 2024. Of course, that money does not just come out of thin air. The recent state budget announced by Governor Pritzker increased the burden of the Illinois taxpayer by $1B. A significant portion of that will be used to address the immigration crisis in Chicago.

Lost in the chaos of the ever-growing immigration crisis is the day-to-day management of an entirely new class of people. Sanctuary cities such as Chicago are having to house, feed, and care for new people from different countries and walks of life on a daily basis. This type of effort is wholly unprecedented and the government infrastructure needed to manage the crisis is not sufficient. Hence the increased taxes and federal government assistance.

However, there needs to be some organizational infrastructure to manage the logistics of such a vast human migratory enterprise. That’s where Catholic Charities enters the scene. As previously reported by Gateway Pundit and Behind Enemy Lines immigrants were being housed all over the city of Chicago in different facilities. Crime has been rampant including evidence of human trafficking. But where do the immigrants go after the temporary stay in these facilities? In the slide provided to Illinois and City of Chicago government officials Catholic Charities boasts of reuniting 4,800 “new arrivals” with family and lists all the facilities housing illegals.

It is curious to note that Catholic Charities would be so involved with local and state governments in assisting with illegal immigrant logistics. More curious still is the next slide where Catholic Charities details data regarding “moveout services” provided for over 8,800 “ASERAP” eligible individuals since July 2023. Further investigation finds that ASERAP is an acronym for Asylum Seeker Emergency Rental Assistance Program. This program partners with landlords across the city to house illegals for up to 6 months. This timeframe has recently been paired back to three months because of the volume of new arrivals. In order to extend their stay, illegals have to obtain a work permit. According to Borderless – a Chicago based pro illegal immigration magazine – the program is a federal government program. On top of the state funds used to support illegals, Chicago has spent $45 million from the program.


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c16e51 No.21105417

File: 002e8d2ce349e79⋯.jpeg (268.52 KB,1243x1280,1243:1280,002e8d2ce349e79d1c9d99e6a….jpeg)

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02dce7 No.21105418

File: 60c8fa2c7a7e3c8⋯.png (949.58 KB,1000x666,500:333,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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bc9aa9 No.21105419

File: d68745ae40c206b⋯.png (284.65 KB,564x674,282:337,1000.png)

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23d53c No.21105420

File: 9b6b82f442760d5⋯.png (1.02 MB,836x785,836:785,sc.PNG)


Supreme Court Rules Bans on Public Camping

Do Not Constitute Cruel and Unusual Punishment

of the Homeless

National Review, by Ryan Mills

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2024 1:22:30 PM

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that barring people from camping in public parks and imposing fines on those who do does not criminalize the status of homelessness and does not amount to cruel and unusual punishment. The 6-3 decision in Johnson v. Grants Pass authored by Justice Neil Gorsuch reverses a Ninth Circuit ruling and is a win for West Coast governments, assuring that they have the authority to enforce anti-camping laws and to clear sprawling homeless camps from their parks and sidewalks. The ruling comes as unsheltered homelessness has skyrocketed on the West Coast.

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24ae60 No.21105421

File: 4266c5f083dfd3b⋯.mp4 (842.54 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17196014430….mp4)



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72e940 No.21105422

File: 3d1ba54f705f4aa⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x800,3:2,BIDEN207.png)

File: 0f3760d767e5ab7⋯.png (339.96 KB,800x600,4:3,biden184.png)

File: 485e22c86c9e69a⋯.png (1014.07 KB,682x1024,341:512,BIDEN264.png)

File: 79bc74da884374d⋯.png (755.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,HARRIS10.png)

File: 0fe6489ea0781cf⋯.png (359.33 KB,1024x768,4:3,HARRIS8Z.png)

KaMOOla's pissed she isn't being considered to take over top spot on the ticket if Joe agrees to step aside.

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9a1111 No.21105423


notable, two people said this a.m. it would be important for Trump to run against Bidan, if they can't take him out, Trump will win, if and only if they dont' cheat again, but they will, so we need to stop this

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bc9aa9 No.21105424

File: b76ae75b18fa5ac⋯.png (152.79 KB,516x381,172:127,b76ae75b18fa5ac8a005ea1431….png)

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c16e51 No.21105425

File: 9e6fc8dfe6f13ee⋯.png (453.25 KB,610x503,610:503,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears


Jun 28, 2024 · 8:10 AM UTC



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e3a027 No.21105426

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] had a cold. He had a sore throat. That happens, and that's what you heard last night.

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23d53c No.21105427

File: f8060ebd2122b5d⋯.png (467.24 KB,593x524,593:524,aft.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Jack Smith's January 6 Case Against President Trump Torpedoed After Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

READ: https://tgpne.ws/ki39Zt


4:49 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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02dce7 No.21105428

File: 2aa8fb714653d56⋯.png (294.52 KB,710x400,71:40,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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0fc720 No.21105429


think maybe

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ce3ca6 No.21105430

People need to be shown and not told. 4 more years of Biden. He will get more votes than last time. Screenshot this.

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23d53c No.21105431

File: 5b591c56e99d51b⋯.png (153.02 KB,595x580,119:116,gp.PNG)


Greg Price


BREAKING: The Supreme Court just destroyed hundreds of the DOJ’s January 6 cases, massively narrowing the “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge.

Interestingly, it was 6-3 with Jackson voting in the majority and Barrett writing the dissent.





3:52 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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8fbf8b No.21105433


no kneed

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a986a6 No.21105434

File: 1aafc36dc6a7948⋯.png (512.49 KB,550x800,11:16,563A217F_67FF_45B4_8B70_FB….PNG)

File: 8c97996b9404451⋯.jpg (119.84 KB,1131x636,377:212,IMG_3137.JPG)

File: 1db29a107dfb8c1⋯.png (486.49 KB,526x532,263:266,IMG_3135.PNG)

File: ab95f4e6e3e0246⋯.png (573.37 KB,550x800,11:16,9DFA1D80_D821_4B07_9634_45….PNG)


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02dce7 No.21105435

File: c08da54553dbce6⋯.png (53.77 KB,220x402,110:201,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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ebe981 No.21105436


>Is this some kind of comms?

Yes, regarding 'shrinkflation' in the Biden economy.

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7e4aa5 No.21105437



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26c0b8 No.21105439

File: 058feb5731fcec2⋯.png (279.29 KB,594x496,297:248,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: Garland's arrest now backed by Speaker Johnson 💥 Could come as early as TODAY or next week!


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9a1111 No.21105440


that is so sad, God bless his family and him, this has to be the worst, they are pretty young

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0fc720 No.21105443

File: 9715f42b959a1ba⋯.png (74.7 KB,483x1009,483:1009,ClipboardImage.png)



there are 5 tick tock drops

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c012fd No.21105444

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe having another "I shit my pants" moment in front of a live audience.

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02dce7 No.21105445

File: 3f16b7640258523⋯.png (520.88 KB,1200x775,48:31,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: 3f16b7640258523⋯.png (520.88 KB,1200x775,48:31,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: 3f16b7640258523⋯.png (520.88 KB,1200x775,48:31,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: 3f16b7640258523⋯.png (520.88 KB,1200x775,48:31,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)


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18fa1c No.21105446

File: 050ee7e8b671b23⋯.jpg (7.7 KB,255x145,51:29,batman.jpg)

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caa89c No.21105450

File: 01eace771ebdcc8⋯.png (22.19 KB,255x254,255:254,bc94ee4b302e8787006a00b936….png)


Jackson is a real Justice

Barret is a DS plant

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a986a6 No.21105452

File: a28ba0881b38e3b⋯.jpeg (230.44 KB,1255x1211,1255:1211,IMG_3281.jpeg)

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0fc720 No.21105454

File: 5d41651a77ca7fc⋯.png (39.47 KB,491x454,491:454,ClipboardImage.png)


03 tic tacs

1203 tick tock

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48106b No.21105456

File: 2e65dad678c880b⋯.jpg (66.34 KB,500x643,500:643,WTF_Military.jpg)


>Pritzker increased the burden of the Illinois taxpayer by $1B.

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3d5662 No.21105457

File: af55e415105823c⋯.png (121.29 KB,679x591,679:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88842ca4854f7b9⋯.png (91.64 KB,694x445,694:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c7c75fd4141c48⋯.png (104.76 KB,700x520,35:26,ClipboardImage.png)

Forget the old jokes, foreign policy was the real debate horror

Two major wars and not a serious or even coherent conversation to be had — we may be in trouble

If one was hoping to distinguish how the two major presidential candidates view the most critical foreign policy issues of our time, the debate last night was a shattering disappointment.

If one’s expectations were so low as to believe nothing but second-hand embarrassment would be gained from the exchanges last night, then maybe not so much.

On Ukraine and Israel, President Biden and former President Trump inflated, conflated, and bloviated their way through 11 minutes of foreign policy discussion, only turning back to the topics in fleeting moments of taunting incoherence during the rest of the time on the stage.

For Trump, it was surface-level attacks on how, to his mind, Biden’s weakness and lack of leadership in the “disgraceful” Afghanistan withdrawal in September 2021 encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine, and Hamas to attack Israel (he repeated this numerous times during the 90-minute debate, which took place in Atlanta and without a live audience).

Biden retorted by saying Trump openly encouraged Putin to invade in February 2022 and repeated that if not stopped, the Russian president would rampage across Europe to re-establish the “Soviet Empire.” As for Israel, he boasted about a White House ceasefire deal that no one, not Hamas nor Israel, has seen fit to seriously engage in weeks.

“Neither candidate put forth a vision of how the U.S. can positively engage with the world in a manner that advances American interests and addresses the shared existential threats posed by climate change, nuclear proliferation and growing great power tensions,” quipped the Quincy Institute’s Eli Clifton.

That is an understatement. With the immense gravity of two major wars bearing down on the planet simultaneously, the two men vying for the job of commander in chief seemed intent only to talk about these issues within the narrow band of their own choosing. Trump was slightly more expansive — invoking the cost of blood and treasure and the need to end, particularly, the war in Ukraine, while blaming Europe for what he called freeloading. But his boast of being able to end the war in Ukraine while still president-elect was backed up by nothing but his sheer insistence that it would happen.

For his part, Biden made statements that did not comport with current geopolitical reality, but harkened back to the time of D-Day and the Greatest Generation, saying at one point that “we are the most admired country in the world.” His attempt to suggest he is holding back 2,000-pound dumb bombs from Israel for humanitarian reasons was quickly undermined by his assurance that the U.S. was giving Israel everything it wanted and saying the quiet part out loud, that we “are the biggest producer of support for Israel in the world.”

By the end of the debate when Trump was saying Biden “will drive us into World War Three,” the audience was likely too dulled to react. In the morning the spin from both sides will cherry pick and likely dwell on other things: fact-checking Trump, Biden’s age and performance, the cringey exchange over who is a better golf player, and the ongoing disputes over the 2020 election and January 6.

So it is best to put these exchanges out there verbatim, to give folks something to really worry about. This was pretty much all of the foreign policy last night; but answers have been edited a bit for repetition and length (you'll thank us).

CNN Host Dana Bash to Trump: President Vladimir Putin says he'll only end this war if Russia keeps the Ukrainian territory it has already claimed, and Ukraine abandons its bid to join NATO. Are Putin's terms acceptable to you?


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ebd27b No.21105458

File: 378fc781091cd13⋯.jpeg (174.03 KB,924x1069,924:1069,5Y3z4eMcIPNC.jpeg)

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a986a6 No.21105459

File: 3fc86770596ea5f⋯.jpeg (169.28 KB,1130x884,565:442,IMG_3270.jpeg)

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e5d58b No.21105461

File: fd65510f4d5d1c5⋯.jpg (12.6 KB,253x255,253:255,fd65510f4d5d1c5967891e70a7….jpg)

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e3a027 No.21105463

Reporter: How is [Biden] feeling? Did you talk to him last night?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not gonna disclose my private conversations with [Biden].

Reporter: Was it personally insulting to him to have all these fellow democrats come out and say you need to step aside?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not, you know, look; people are going to have their opinion,..we respect our fellow democrats and their opinion…you heard the folks that were on TV today…talk about [Biden] and his performance, and how he's a president that we need today.

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02dce7 No.21105464

File: 211980ecac482d6⋯.png (256.01 KB,500x300,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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3d1cd8 No.21105465

File: 1946d5333764052⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,339x335,339:335,MAGA3.jpg)

File: b32d9e2b03cddf3⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,600x335,120:67,ItIsTime.jpg)

File: 26d168a4f4efd62⋯.jpg (82.08 KB,339x335,339:335,MAGA2.jpg)



Thank you, Bakers!

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cf8553 No.21105466

what, america? without a constitution, there is no president…

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18fa1c No.21105467

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB,600x699,200:233,DJT_laughing.jpg)

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740dbc No.21105468

File: 6fe8572b4f60255⋯.jpg (47.01 KB,713x363,713:363,20240628_132204.jpg)

File: de227351ef36d4f⋯.jpg (39.6 KB,720x317,720:317,20240628_035812.jpg)

I don’t know what you did last night, but I spent 90 minutes debating a guy with the morals of an alley cat.


Biden has called Trump an alley cat Twice in the last 24 hours

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25bd0f No.21105469

File: 95594cc8b8ab8f7⋯.png (773.99 KB,2510x440,251:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d5662 No.21105470

Balloons Land in Southern Lebanon, Warning Locals the Land ‘Belongs to Jews’

Messages in Hebrew and Arabic demand immediate evacuation of all locals

Messages attached to balloons have begun landing in southern Lebanon, demanding that the locals, those not already displaced by the ongoing attacks and looming threat of large-scale war, “evacuate immediately,” declaring the land “belongs to Jews.”

It is not clear who sent the balloons, but the immediate suspicion is on radical settler groups, the same groups that are loudly lobbying Israel not only to invade and occupy Lebanon, but to convert southern Lebanon into another territory of settlements.

The messages don’t identify who is dispatching the balloons but they are written in both Hebrew and Arabic. They landed in villages across southern Lebanon and include a map of Lebanon in the message.

While bellicose rhetoric from settler groups is nothing new, the timing makes this particularly grim, coming as Israel is openly talking about an invasion of Lebanon, and members of the far-right Israeli government talking about making occupation of its south permanent.

The balloons come into Lebanon alongside Israeli warplanes. An overnight attack on the city of Nabatieh alone wounded 21 people. According to reports, the attack leveled a residential building, wounding 7 people within, and 14 others from the ensuing panic.

Israel attacks Nabatieh, and the surrounding towns and villages in southern Lebanon, on a regular basis. The Israeli government did not comment on the overnight attack or what it intended to accomplish by hitting a residence


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c16e51 No.21105471

File: 1f3327aa01212fc⋯.png (311.52 KB,601x590,601:590,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98f1f976ce3743f⋯.jpg (26.15 KB,600x337,600:337,hillary_witch.jpg)




A high-ranking politician in the Maldives has been arrested and detained, reportedly on suspicion of casting spells against the country’s president.

Well, it makes a change from the usual bribery and sex scandals politicians seem to like

Jun 28, 2024 · 1:20 PM UTC


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8fbf8b No.21105473


The constitution is not what you think it is.

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9a1111 No.21105474

File: 9be2ac74e649c5e⋯.png (789.95 KB,1084x522,542:261,ClipboardImage.png)

This is point where Trump says, "I really don't know what he said, I don't think he knows either". I love our President

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02dce7 No.21105475

File: 4b95e80bba28dae⋯.png (2.14 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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a986a6 No.21105476

File: 568cb6dec7fb6f9⋯.jpeg (112.27 KB,800x460,40:23,90D1CCDC_5847_4F9E_B523_5….jpeg)

File: 6b87ebfde6fbc1f⋯.mp4 (66.78 KB,360x360,1:1,Side_Eye_Cat_01.mp4)

File: c5c801e61947685⋯.jpeg (236.58 KB,1124x1113,1124:1113,IMG_3241.jpeg)

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dbce41 No.21105477

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB,761x652,761:652,Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Q_26.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB,758x474,379:237,Q_32.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB,748x612,11:9,Q_43.png)

File: 0669752309ba47f⋯.png (658.28 KB,424x599,424:599,000000000000TTe.png)


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709b91 No.21105478


First two "Peach" & "Mint", (impeachment)

Third = Orange? (orange man?)

Is Trump about to get impeached ..again?

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e5d58b No.21105479

File: d60ad3352287676⋯.jpg (69.15 KB,500x492,125:123,d60ad335228767649a712300c3….jpg)


Trips chk't!

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680639 No.21105480

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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9281f6 No.21105481

comp crashed last night so i couldn't cap that PANIC IN DC

was trending late last night on X. anyone here

happen to catch it and post about it?

just searched the phrase on qanon.pub hoping to

find the pictures of the movie poster but it didn't pop


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ebd27b No.21105482

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks.jpg)


He's a pedophile, part of organized crime for most of his "career," with shit for brians.

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934f02 No.21105483

File: 3480f4a5defb538⋯.gif (5.73 MB,401x300,401:300,20211227_032928.gif)

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02dce7 No.21105484

File: cc545020db45c6a⋯.png (532.06 KB,705x626,705:626,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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6843e3 No.21105485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8af7a5 No.21105486

File: 4021d1f3577ab47⋯.jpeg (116.64 KB,750x1000,3:4,IMG_1099.jpeg)

File: 41b56b279a41793⋯.jpeg (146.74 KB,1024x707,1024:707,IMG_1101.jpeg)

File: ed57b8e0686bc74⋯.jpeg (504.42 KB,1290x2189,1290:2189,IMG_1100.jpeg)

Next scene: 🎬 Antarctic Space NAZIs take center stage.

Save Biden’s ass.

Wait, wat?


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3d5662 No.21105487

Rocket, drone sirens triggered across north after IDF strikes Hezbollah air defense site

IDF: Hezbollah launched 3 explosive-laden drones, 25 rockets * US shifts assault ship to Mediterranean to deter Israel-Hezbollah war * Biden: I don’t debate like I used to, but I’ll still win

Three explosive-laden drones launched from Lebanon struck areas in the Western Galilee earlier this evening, the military says.

The IDF says it launched interceptor missiles at the drones, but failed to down the devices.

Additionally, some 25 rockets were fired from Lebanon at the Western Galilee and the Kiryat Shmona area in separate barrages, according to the IDF.

Damage was caused to a building in the Western Galilee by one of the rockets, the military says.

The rockets also sparked several fires in northern Israel.

No injuries were caused in the drone and rocket attacks.

The IDF says it shelled the sources of fire with artillery.


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18fa1c No.21105489

File: 5ebfe04d919f048⋯.jpg (104.25 KB,1184x633,1184:633,bidan_dog_if_only.JPG)

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27defe No.21105490


Let's fucking GO!

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0fc720 No.21105491


he's doing it again:

"hang on, hang on, han han han han han hang on, hang on"

@ 0:09

she wasn't talking…

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740dbc No.21105492

File: 6d4fa2557a47e40⋯.jpg (86.98 KB,720x757,720:757,20240628_031741.jpg)


>Alley cat

6 year Delta from two days ago June 26th

Dead cat bounce

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a986a6 No.21105493

File: fb6a9edec9dfdf5⋯.jpeg (32.33 KB,172x255,172:255,IMG_3289.jpeg)

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3963d5 No.21105494



And (you) should be put to sleep.

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e3a027 No.21105496

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] has directed his legal team to work with Department of Justice and other agency counsel to review today's decision [Chevron] carefully, and ensure that our administration is doing everything we can to continue to deploy the extra-ordinary expertise of the federal workers to keep Americans safe and ensure communities thrive and prosper.

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02dce7 No.21105497

File: 873549590f69036⋯.png (1.71 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)


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18fa1c No.21105498

File: 3012e41ebea1500⋯.jpg (69.04 KB,765x441,85:49,frog_story_time.JPG)

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a986a6 No.21105499

File: eb47dfb97a4a8b3⋯.jpeg (359.96 KB,1130x1413,1130:1413,IMG_3291.jpeg)

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11fd5a No.21105500

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,3c963bda7659776ea2beb39e1f….png)

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3d5662 No.21105503


Security cabinet okays legalizing 5 outposts, sanctioning PA officials

Smotrich will in turn release PA tax funds, extend waiver to let Palestinian banks work with Israel; steps include Israeli building enforcement in Area B, which would violate Oslo deal

The security cabinet on Thursday night approved legalizing five West Bank outposts and a series of sanctions against the Palestinian Authority.

The action was first announced in a statement by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and later confirmed by Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs. The Prime Minister’s Office did not make any immediate comment.

In return for the measures, Smotrich will sign off on moves unfreezing the last three months of tax funds withheld from the Palestinian Authority, a senior Israeli official told The Times of Israel.

The hardline minister will also extend a waiver allowing Israeli banks to work with their Palestinian counterparts for the next four months, the official said.

These two moves were absent from the minister’s statement.


Land stealing intensifies

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3d1cd8 No.21105504

File: e9abe093ec525b0⋯.jpg (100.82 KB,600x335,120:67,GrammarTips.jpg)

File: 521185db516b2b8⋯.png (393.87 KB,500x598,250:299,521185db516b2b86161f4c3261….png)




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c16e51 No.21105505

File: e6577b33cc67996⋯.png (302.56 KB,612x546,102:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 320e7dcd0e18821⋯.jpg (110.68 KB,747x747,1:1,S16ItHeNn_0_0_747_747_0_x_….jpg)




Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be Israeli spy – lawsuit

The allegation of Mossad involvement was contained in a rape complaint by an ex-girlfriend


Jun 28, 2024 · 8:40 AM UTC


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72e940 No.21105506

File: b378e2de7840e82⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x682,512:341,BIDEN193.png)


Pepe took Potato down last night!


Blame the frog.

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0fc720 No.21105507



wise anon

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a986a6 No.21105509

File: 1d80d62f88b5c7d⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,480x852,40:71,Pnl9MKs7y4p1C2q3.mp4)

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8ae73a No.21105511

File: 1c6642c76dcb96c⋯.jpeg (341.73 KB,1680x1324,420:331,IMG_3117.jpeg)

File: 1475a5e69c60e6b⋯.jpeg (129.09 KB,590x809,590:809,IMG_3119.jpeg)

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02dce7 No.21105513

File: 9aa6c32fc94fb7a⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x800,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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61c07b No.21105514

File: e4527e0e5c8f4d8⋯.png (36.91 KB,501x261,167:87,Q1595.png)



dead cat bounce

2 days ahead of schedule- Qdrop

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a986a6 No.21105515

File: bfda1a0d522da51⋯.jpeg (104.36 KB,800x788,200:197,0EB663EF_CCAE_4948_9584_F….jpeg)

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225c2d No.21105516

NOTES @ 260


>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105248 Joe looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105311 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105382 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge


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ebd27b No.21105518

File: 1b3c44cff9a73d3⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingmarble2.png)

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70f604 No.21105520

File: 029057d5a2686c0⋯.jpg (588.88 KB,1200x1911,400:637,pepe_flying_red_sky.jpg)

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18fa1c No.21105521

File: 07350ea0b4b329a⋯.jpg (14.43 KB,250x255,50:51,pepepotus.jpg)

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a986a6 No.21105523

File: c544507351c91fb⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,480x852,40:71,JZ9gW1izCM5GREVP.mp4)

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260bdf No.21105524

File: 640f8aa3ea47156⋯.png (60.23 KB,582x444,97:74,Q_1295.png)

File: 6c0f6f010f02ea9⋯.png (116.31 KB,574x822,287:411,Q_1328.png)

File: d3b4a17c600483c⋯.png (128.25 KB,580x990,58:99,Q_1339.png)

File: 41e764237653a36⋯.png (100.08 KB,576x842,288:421,Q_1343.png)

File: ac8565495291f05⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,236x323,236:323,3z7.jpg)


Trump-Era NSA Mike Flynn's Political Fame Fuels Profitable Family Business, Rakes In $2.2M: Report

June 24, 2024

Retired Gen. Mike Flynn, who previously served as the national security adviser to former President Donald Trump, has reportedly converted his political fame into a lucrative family business.

What Happened: Post his tenure with the Trump administration, Flynn assumed control of a 75-year-old nonprofit group, America’s Future Inc. Contrary to former chairmen who volunteered their services, Flynn drew a salary of $40,000 for two hours of work each week in 2021, which escalated to $60,000 the subsequent year, according to a report by The New York Times on Sunday.

The nonprofit also compensated five of Flynn’s kin, with the organization disbursing $518,000, or 29% of its budget, to the Flynn family by the conclusion of its second year.

"For two hours a week, someone's getting $60,000?" said Kelly Mathews, chief operating officer of the New York Council of Nonprofits, who advises charities. "At a time when you're about to hit the wall financially, what is the rationale? They look to me like they're not very sustainable over time, without a significant influx of cash."

The Flynn family has reportedly earned at least $2.2 million in recent years, with over half of that sum going directly to Flynn.


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02dce7 No.21105525

File: 0beabbc50e4fd51⋯.png (543.48 KB,770x514,385:257,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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225c2d No.21105526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24


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8fbf8b No.21105527


Band sounds good.

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709b91 No.21105529

File: 0c178e9fcab2ed8⋯.png (330.52 KB,428x360,107:90,0c178e9fcab2ed8a628d8cac82….png)


>wise anon

Can't take cred


changed the words a bit for a post but got the idea from high iq anon from here (lb) maybe or earlier this bred don't member when.

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23d53c No.21105532

File: 5cb004958753367⋯.png (179.79 KB,587x630,587:630,wr.PNG)


Sean Davis


BREAKING: In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court overruled DOJ’s interpretation of a key statute used to wrongfully imprison hundreds of J6 defendants. The Court found that DOJ misconstrued the statute, which only pertains to destruction of physical evidence in an ongoing case or investigative proceeding.

Amy Comey Barrett wrote the dissent, which Kagan and Sotomayor joined. Jackson sided with the majority.



3:56 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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ab9d75 No.21105533


multiple observable cognitive dissonance examples.



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6db127 No.21105534




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e3a027 No.21105536

Reporter: Three US troops died in Jordan this year, and more in Afghanistan, 2021. How can [Biden] say [during debate] none have died during his administration?

Jean-Pierre evaded the question.

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c012fd No.21105538

File: bbc22b00ea31884⋯.png (119.66 KB,1311x681,437:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed77c42328647dc⋯.png (10.2 KB,377x228,377:228,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed9a486edbc2916⋯.png (63.16 KB,345x839,345:839,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08e44abf3b10acc⋯.png (94.43 KB,1225x846,1225:846,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 344cf4336c344e3⋯.png (122.52 KB,877x615,877:615,ClipboardImage.png)

A Q PROOF of epic proportions…

Here we go, this should bring into Congressional Oversight an entire new angle of accountability for bureaucrats who arbitrarily created the climate change hoax on the baseless premise that CO2 is a pollutant.

This is a huge win for common sense, providing congress addresses this now the correct way by introducing the real science around CO2.

Now Trump will be able to DRILL BABY DRILL, with total impunity against the climate lobbies.

BREAKING: Chevron is Gone — SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws


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18fa1c No.21105539

File: b191113815fa9de⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,1014x512,507:256,telvis.jpg)

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02dce7 No.21105540

File: f0ef4e7ab384037⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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6db127 No.21105541

the moar shills hate on Flynn the moar trust Flynn


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23d53c No.21105542

File: a45549867444546⋯.png (24.69 KB,593x244,593:244,pax.PNG)


Attorney General Ken Paxton


Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures by prohibiting puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilative surgeries on minors. We will always defend children in Texas from these irreversible procedures. My office will use every tool at our disposal to ensure that doctors and medical institutions follow the law.

3:51 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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a986a6 No.21105544

File: be36d5a120a514d⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,460x352,115:88,Pride_Flag_Stomping_.mp4)

File: ba4237f8ca1e9be⋯.mp4 (544.92 KB,644x360,161:90,Pride_Mural_03_Burn_Rubber.mp4)

File: 15d5ce0e7790117⋯.png (865.78 KB,785x818,785:818,A1107B11_E42C_44A9_B08A_5B….PNG)

File: dc51eb776a575b9⋯.png (877.06 KB,670x690,67:69,9806A5A9_85FB_4D5A_BAAE_B6….PNG)

File: d6d33398e6f7395⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,576x1024,9:16,LW_i2o_kqQTkexc1.mp4)

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24ae60 No.21105546

File: af4bb994a607b4f⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,480x360,4:3,ssstwitter_com_17196032626….mp4)

Mibread song. Posted by Q+


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6db127 No.21105547

File: 6b994607a747387⋯.jpg (161.86 KB,672x559,672:559,racism_is_evil.jpg)

File: 0cfdbc8687ccb69⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,693x993,231:331,Trump_Flag.jpg)

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18fa1c No.21105549

File: d3e67f2f12fd8bb⋯.webp (94.95 KB,1024x1200,64:75,POTUS_FLAG_wrap.webp)

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23d53c No.21105550

File: 441407ff1e3d55e⋯.png (16.4 KB,591x174,197:58,ron.PNG)




Supreme court rules that the bogus charge "obstructing an official proceeding" does not apply to J6 defendants.

Approximately 300 J6 defendants are affected.

4:28 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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936c25 No.21105551

File: f32d990ed588d31⋯.png (6.01 MB,1818x1528,909:764,Abraham.PNG)


>Pope Francis: Christians, Jews, Muslims ‘Worship the One God’

finally begrudgingly concedes the truth


They obviously do.

Names and words and symbols and speech don't create a thing that existed prior.

It's like three siblings having their own thoughts about the same father, each using a different name, each having their views on what the father expects, some overlap, some differences, but all along they are REFERENCING the same underlying object, the same father that the siblings are descended from.

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f32c43 No.21105552

File: 16fe53f56aa65cd⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB,720x1280,9:16,Massie_Everybody_has_an_AI….mp4)

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3d5662 No.21105553

Germany is funding Nazi's in Ukraine

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c16e51 No.21105554

File: 34be9a47ef06b65⋯.png (284.28 KB,620x477,620:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4df977936988f07⋯.jpg (108.26 KB,962x933,962:933,21356024_7716275_image_m_2….jpg)

File: 0ec5ad15632fe39⋯.jpg (61.74 KB,976x549,16:9,_108362142_025261369.jpg)

Daily Mail Online



Prince Andrew looks delighted to be back on his horse as he rides around Windsor Castle - after his sister Princess Anne is discharged from hospital


Jun 28, 2024 · 2:55 PM UTC



Purple is silence.

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936c25 No.21105556


Yes, shills do indeed whine about uncontrolled Tucker

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23d53c No.21105558

File: 71a22437ee3ad77⋯.png (581.69 KB,607x855,607:855,ch.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


With @JudiciaryGOP

advancing contempt…

Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings:

“…at least three times Mr. Biden read from classified entries aloud to his ghostwriter nearly verbatim.”

Pg. 7

Full report 👇



11:19 AM · Jun 27, 2024




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02dce7 No.21105559

File: fbd2d4c9a54d248⋯.png (1.46 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: fbd2d4c9a54d248⋯.png (1.46 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: fbd2d4c9a54d248⋯.png (1.46 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: fbd2d4c9a54d248⋯.png (1.46 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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ebd27b No.21105560

File: 8fab861cf027241⋯.webm (645.3 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered12.webm)


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0fc720 No.21105561

File: a359b79755acc2f⋯.png (157.2 KB,300x225,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


honest anon

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6db127 No.21105562

File: ea28a209bead533⋯.png (347.6 KB,1263x1241,1263:1241,Right_To_Try.png)

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61c07b No.21105563

File: d2d919bd1fde44d⋯.png (70.52 KB,500x425,20:17,Q1496.png)

Shouldn'tWE, THE PEOPLEbe vocal, MAD, and obnoxiously loud about calling for Bidan to be removed from office for mental deficiencies?

How do we do that at a grassroots level?


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a43296 No.21105564




Saw that movie when I was a teenager.

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23d53c No.21105567

File: ba1b38187329b38⋯.png (733.19 KB,593x854,593:854,dan.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Joe Biden



Jun 27

I don't know what they've got in these performance enhancers, but I'm feeling pretty jacked up.

Try it yourselves, folks.

See you in a bit: http://joe.link/SecretSauce

Show more

President Joe Biden, dressed in a dark suit and tie, smiles while holding a can.

A can labeled "BIDEN ZERO MALARKEY" featuring a photo of Dark Brandon. Text on the can reads "GET REAL, JACK. IT’S JUST WATER."

2:52 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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2f3382 No.21105568


the death of america proceeds apace.

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c012fd No.21105569

File: e85dca6169e1525⋯.png (176.02 KB,271x303,271:303,ClipboardImage.png)


Hooley Dooley WTF is that?

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e58b10 No.21105570

Dear 3 second Dan,

re: Thunderstruck

Anon doesn't always study pics of rock n rollers,

But when he does

He notices Angus Young has a proclivity to pose w devil horns.

That said,

Carry on anons.

Do what you do and give the world something to wrap their minds around and share!

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861fa4 No.21105572

File: 1b52f19addba3b2⋯.png (339.36 KB,1286x614,643:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea1e69 No.21105573

File: aa3afa2dee21efe⋯.png (210.57 KB,279x426,93:142,biden_brown.png)

Did Joe pass wind during his terrible presidential debate? Suspicious noise is clearly picked up by mics during Trump showdown


He shit his pants again!

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23d53c No.21105575

File: 13e71ba371aaebc⋯.png (541.66 KB,674x673,674:673,will.PNG)


Report: Biden Will Participate in Second

Debate in September

Breitbart 2024 Election, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 6/28/2024 12:17:33 PM

President Joe Biden, who reportedly will not drop out of the 2024 presidential race, will participate in the second debate in September, a Biden adviser told CNN Friday. ABC News’ David Muir and Linsey Davis will serve as moderators for the September 10 debate. More details of the event, including rules, location, staging, and format, are not yet decided, according to ABC News. Pressure is mounting on Biden to step down as many Democrats and media members display hysteria following a disastrous Thursday debate.

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18fa1c No.21105576

File: 444521db9b047b0⋯.png (1.18 MB,872x573,872:573,joe_malarkey.PNG)

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248b5c No.21105577

File: d2c49b653ade379⋯.jpeg (99.76 KB,1090x1390,109:139,TRUMP47.jpeg)

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0aab32 No.21105578

File: 77e1de74074b84b⋯.jpeg (29.82 KB,400x400,1:1,klufdiosthregybj9s.jpeg)

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c16e51 No.21105580

All for LARP

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5696b3 No.21105581



This happens shortly after his interview with Tucker where he spilled the beans on the AIPAC handlers!!!

She died SUDDENLY!!!

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02dce7 No.21105583

File: d19a4a25cff3b98⋯.png (519.07 KB,700x700,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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23d53c No.21105586

File: bfa5c4fad9c1c67⋯.png (633.3 KB,584x720,73:90,gav.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


I don't think Gavin will be able to replace Joe.

Kamala won't let that happen. The black caucus will raise heII at the convention if they try to skip over a black woman for the top spot.

They can't both be on the ticket because they are both from California. Constitution doesn't allow both candidates to be from the same state.


2:34 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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0276ff No.21105587


>Pope Francis: Christians, Jews, Muslims ‘Worship the One God’

sure thing

judge them by their works

they are obviously not the same

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e54713 No.21105589

File: 54c433841ceade7⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,640x360,16:9,45RhDsEDsKTCeHBC.mp4)


Sure thing - Joe - meds wore off didn't they

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6db127 No.21105590

File: 1fc418ebdafbc9a⋯.png (182.98 KB,641x922,641:922,Michael_Flynn_Trump_062820….png)

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970020 No.21105591


Pandering to Feminists for their vote

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519ffe No.21105592

because of the recent scotus decision they cannot sentence him they have to review and start over on some of the charges

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d02c13 No.21105593

File: 9bdd493c6be85cc⋯.png (1.48 MB,840x786,140:131,9bdd493c6be85ccbbd7263b7cb….png)

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24ae60 No.21105594

File: 9b4e20cd95c1a19⋯.jpeg (47.98 KB,726x1000,363:500,9b4e20cd95c1a198b86f09055….jpeg)

Buckle up. mr. muh reddit spacer and mr muh joo are both here

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6db127 No.21105597

File: e6705084ab94413⋯.png (641.75 KB,1100x559,1100:559,Trump_border_06232024.png)

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936c25 No.21105598


They are obviously the same.

Siblings have squabbles, but that doesn't mean their squabbles "prove" that there is more than one father of those siblings.

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18fa1c No.21105600

File: e36051d5cc2e3e9⋯.png (319.68 KB,398x396,199:198,POTUS_warface.png)

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61c07b No.21105601

File: 01ae8b3ecc01277⋯.jpg (17.29 KB,255x255,1:1,court.jpg)


-every DOJ employee that participated- top down to administrative assistants

-Every Prosecutor

-Every Judge

Should all be disbarred for willful misconduct of their positions.

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a986a6 No.21105602

File: 3ea435607858264⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,3eWeQO4O_EuxAn8l.mp4)

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c808c4 No.21105605

File: b20f9a476b8fa96⋯.png (1.81 MB,2560x2560,1:1,QTeam_Badge.png)


Thank You Bakers

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519ffe No.21105606


what kind of dark mother stuff is she part of that allows her an opinion b/w are these all actors?

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75a756 No.21105607

>San Francisco Democrats


<so… the gays are turning on biden.

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709b91 No.21105608

File: 770fa8d5615ed3a⋯.jpg (129.72 KB,909x1130,909:1130,0c1452e57f7d9ca9.jpg)


I stopped lying a while ago, even to my closest frens & fam, why lie here?

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6db127 No.21105609

File: fe5b12876f53497⋯.png (346.54 KB,1279x1188,1279:1188,Medicine.png)

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72e940 No.21105612

File: bd9f405e5decfa6⋯.png (468.04 KB,728x1157,56:89,Screen_Shot_2024_06_28_at_….png)

File: bc939c002fb862f⋯.png (247.04 KB,809x1159,809:1159,Screen_Shot_2024_06_28_at_….png)

Chip Roy wants KaMOOla to invoke the 25th on Joe.

No, Chip, we wanted a Demo-rat to do that!!!

Let them take out their own trash.

Make 'em admit they were lying about the Potato's fitness to serve all along!

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70f604 No.21105613


is that the July 11th sentencing? delayed now?

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3d5662 No.21105614

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights:


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648261 No.21105615

Joe biden snd his acting will force 0bama and company into the light

Constantine style

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a37d16 No.21105616

File: b4c55d0d1dfcfa4⋯.png (67.14 KB,640x660,32:33,1532_2_.png)

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_14_.png)

File: 76b1f6c61781753⋯.jpeg (7.16 KB,292x173,292:173,76b1f6c61781753b2057b756b….jpeg)

File: a42f76eb75ac756⋯.jpg (31.31 KB,541x627,541:627,200630.jpg)

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,814f7f1e8cb42279339946663a….jpg)

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23d53c No.21105617

File: ae2b85c11bc1fd0⋯.png (349.78 KB,583x507,583:507,pt.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

READ: https://tgpne.ws/QBnONK


1:49 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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c16e51 No.21105620

File: 3f19d479b75f9c1⋯.png (683.31 KB,1200x658,600:329,3f19d479b75f9c177a33354a41….png)

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75a756 No.21105621



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24ae60 No.21105622

File: 2dc857f5630b406⋯.jpeg (101.53 KB,1170x1298,585:649,bHxSYFjgGVG1.jpeg)

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709b91 No.21105623

File: d1cde1a42172659⋯.png (1.05 MB,2000x2667,2000:2667,Pain_inbound.png)




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0276ff No.21105624



So Allah is the same as the Christian God of the New Testament?

And the Christian God of the New Testament is the same as the Judaic God that commands them to kill women and children under certain circumstances?

Obviously not.

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a986a6 No.21105625

File: c672dbcbe895f33⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,464x848,29:53,y2aQyjkB3wNb_1DS.mp4)

File: 1be5599f341afc8⋯.jpg (95.84 KB,695x500,139:100,IMG_1730.JPG)

File: 66c0c0edd183492⋯.mp4 (64 KB,480x480,1:1,GPlVa0EbMAAV_Vc.mp4)

File: c51c4cc5a8097d7⋯.jpeg (86.4 KB,801x401,801:401,F2432EC7_5423_42DB_9467_A….JPEG)

File: 96370c01bee64c9⋯.jpg (429.86 KB,742x1142,371:571,IMG_1722.jpg)

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cf8553 No.21105626

File: f99e9e54675a84a⋯.png (2.39 MB,1752x1100,438:275,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)


>it's time

the round up?

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e956dc No.21105628

File: 5a444d66d76a6dd⋯.jpg (64.7 KB,640x513,640:513,5a444d66d76a6dd56a5f523118….jpg)

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225c2d No.21105630

NOTES @ 360


>>21105526 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274, >>21105538 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105248 Joe looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105311 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105382 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431, >>21105532 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

>>21105542 AG Ken Paxton: Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures

>>21105558 Catherine Herridge: Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings

>>21105575, >>21105586 Biden Will Participate in Second Debate in September

>>21105617 Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

>>21105509, >>21105523, >>21105572 Memes


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0fc720 No.21105631


good point

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23d53c No.21105632

File: 673e9177433ba70⋯.png (407.31 KB,798x484,399:242,pan.PNG)



Trump and Biden debate

Biden's presidential debate performance sends Democrats into a panic

Some Democrats start calling for Biden to step aside and 'throw in the towel' on 2024

Meta says it may block news from Facebook in Australia

Former Uvalde school officers indicted over school shooting

OpenAI, Microsoft sued by news nonprofit for copyright infringement

The U.S. readies to evacuate Americans from Lebanon

Judge orders hearing to consider tossing key evidence in Trump classified docs case

17 arrested in Bolivia for attempted coup

3 train accidents

Fireball traveling at 32,000 mph vanishes over North Carolina lake

Supreme Court ruling blocks Purdue Pharma opioid settlement

Psalm 104:33

What is the most gross thing you found in your food?


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3d5662 No.21105634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israeli Meddling in US Politics.


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72e940 No.21105635

File: 45a5f4931d7c94f⋯.png (742.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,JSMITH7.png)

File: 25a8af21da5eb0d⋯.png (758.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,JSMITH10.png)

File: b03adfeb59430fb⋯.png (650.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,JSMITH11.png)

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e5d58b No.21105636

File: e104dd479c01eae⋯.png (107.77 KB,517x516,517:516,e104dd479c01eae2c447cf1e14….png)

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45ec74 No.21105639


Today would be great. I just want it to happen and hit the wires before Madcow goes on air. I want her to sperg, and tremble, and be scared out of her wits thinking teleprompter readers like herself will get no immunity

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970020 No.21105640

CNN Facing Charges for Live Streaming a Murder to millions of Americans

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824a03 No.21105641

File: 0277c0663ff0f68⋯.jpg (650.13 KB,1800x1800,1:1,0277c0663ff0f68dd1d250f648….jpg)

File: 370c1b537ae4db0⋯.jpg (82.18 KB,720x720,1:1,370c1b537ae4db097ac1c0f003….jpg)

File: cc3c1bc46b01f2a⋯.jpg (10 KB,194x259,194:259,2019magages_2020_07_22_02_….jpg)



TY Bakers

Rally Time!

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acace7 No.21105644

poor Adam.

he's a confused guy.

I personally think there is something good about him but

he's buried in because of his need to be part of the team.

He thinks he's on the team for the right things but

he's not.

and so he's like lost, and he recently endorsed

the wrong person.

I have asked people here to pray for this guy.

I hope you do.

and adam, if you are listening, you endorsed the wrong guy.

just take it back.

tell the world 'after last night's debate I can see I made a mistake. I no longer support Biden as candidate'

it's good for the soul to admit your mistakes adam.

I admit mine. I once thought you were a MAGA guy but just misguided.

and I worried about you and thought you'd come around.

you didn't. you haven't. you've been embarrassing.

but you can still change.

you can still come around.

admit your mistakes.

endorse Donald Trump.



Adam Kinzinger Appears to Regret Biden Endorsement After Disastrous Debate"

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a986a6 No.21105645

File: be7b9abd2fb9047⋯.jpeg (199.71 KB,800x800,1:1,A58830B4_7D50_400C_AEFC_4….JPEG)

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23d53c No.21105646

File: 17eec59c2a5613b⋯.png (11.66 KB,589x138,589:138,vic.PNG)


Elon Musk


Tonight was a clear victory … for memes

6:06 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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39e368 No.21105647

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ddce30 No.21105649

File: 7a240e54a00f29f⋯.png (3.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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f32c43 No.21105650

File: 9bf44845599482e⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,418x480,209:240,Massie_reveals_Congression….mp4)

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a986a6 No.21105653

File: 8c71de29485db68⋯.gif (2.65 MB,451x498,451:498,Eww03.GIF)

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3d5662 No.21105654

File: 3cb60a3baa66fa4⋯.png (899.67 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The Sopranos Star Drea de Matteo: ‘Hollywood Actors Getting Paid to Support Biden’

Hollywood star and The Sopranos actress Drea de Matteo says Hollywood is full of ‘quiet’ Trump supporters and questioned how much actors are getting paid to publicly support President Joe Biden ahead of the November election.

She told Fox News’ Jesse Watters on Monday that she believes there are “a lot of quiet Trump supporters” in Hollywood.

The actress, famous for playing Adriana La Cerva in the popular TV show The Sopranos, also reacted to a montage of actors played before her interview, commenting, “That was a tough intro to watch.”

“Was it Jack Black’s legs?” Watters quipped, to which de Matteo replied, “No, it’s the Italians, man. We’re talking about Fauci, we’re talking about De Niro. I am mortified right now by my people. I don’t know understand what we’re doing here.”

“Anyhow, yes, there are a lot of quiet Trump supporters,” she added, before surmising how much money actors are being paid to publicly declare support for Biden.

“I wonder how much these actors got paid to endorse Biden at this point. I’m curious,” she said. “I wonder if De Niro got paid a locations fee, because he had to travel to the courtroom to do that.”

Watters then asked: “Is that how that works? Do you guys get paid?”

“I mean, can you just maybe not give them cash like Bob Menedez or slip them a gold bar, but can you just kinda make it like a silent deal like, ‘Oh, we’ll give you this next role or you know we’ll get you a book deal.’ Is it something like that, or an appearance fee?” the Fox host added.

The actress replied: “I don’t know. I don’t really maneuver inside that industry. I never have. First of all, Sopranos, we were the outcasts, even though we were critically acclaimed, we still were outcasts.”

“So, I’m still an outcast, here I am. They’re going to take me out into the woods and shoot me for not endorsing Biden,” the actress joked.


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861fa4 No.21105655

File: b6fb65e30fd11f1⋯.png (1.51 MB,699x1442,699:1442,ClipboardImage.png)

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648261 No.21105656


It's 106 miles to Chicago

We gave half a tank if gas



No half a pack of cigs

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512694 No.21105657


Grande vittoria.

il meglio deve ancora venire

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861fa4 No.21105659

File: ab2d2ccabc80658⋯.png (3.08 MB,1080x1332,30:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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519ffe No.21105660


obvious procedural thing

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11fd5a No.21105661

<iframe src="https://truthsocial.com/@DanScavino/112691282229750245/embed" class="truthsocial-embed truthsocial-video" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="600" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="https://truthsocial.com/embed.js" async="async"></script>

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bdcbfa No.21105662

File: 9a1c286afe06923⋯.png (13.36 KB,255x255,1:1,2af4290ab5cdba2b726efc8c1e….png)

File: e4a0302e943d1aa⋯.jpg (12.46 KB,255x242,255:242,05cd4d94f30060c5d8e9907c41….jpg)

File: 47bc3389ecff095⋯.png (12.64 KB,248x255,248:255,5d5617a671eb36e048633d12ea….png)

File: 4ccde666195b862⋯.jpg (19.28 KB,255x170,3:2,8a65d9d438c8a85d14294afe1d….jpg)

File: 3a76021adcd12d8⋯.gif (3.71 MB,498x404,249:202,TrumpPopcorn.gif)




Ready to Ne Part of History Edition

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5696b3 No.21105663



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824a03 No.21105666

File: b9964e5a1299bbb⋯.png (208.47 KB,501x478,501:478,b9964e5a1299bbb8bcaa8c6ed2….png)

File: 1d91eed8c4d85c7⋯.png (353.06 KB,602x414,301:207,6326551fbee7aed81079b473af….png)

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7287cc No.21105667

File: 3469079a94f270b⋯.png (161.25 KB,558x218,279:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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a43296 No.21105668

File: e6aaf1a3b7c4e19⋯.png (204.15 KB,600x852,50:71,9031b194fa0398fc15998089be….png)


Fixed it for ya, Collin…

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6db127 No.21105669

File: 2a06daf9eb41300⋯.png (186.67 KB,1200x765,80:51,illegal_aliens_count_04242….png)

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824a03 No.21105670



channel 6

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8fbf8b No.21105671

I don't know if you guys have fucked me up, over, down, or through.

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6db127 No.21105672

File: 8e5fee11357956e⋯.png (15.36 KB,1077x279,359:93,shills_whine_04092020.png)

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45ec74 No.21105673


General Research #23438 >>19085909

Adam Kinzinger Admits Patriot Front Members are Feds

Quite the admission from J6 Committee member.

Actual American patriots have become fed up with the group Patriot Front crashing legitimate America First protests. Last week, patriots decided to chase Patriot Front members away from their event and, in the process of removing the unwanted guests, exposed the faces of Patriot Front members. Adam Kinzinger became angry at America First patriots for removing Patriot Front from their event. During his rant, Kinzinger admitted that Patriot Front is a fed psyop.

Video shows attendees of an America First event asking the members of Patriot Front to leave their event.


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861fa4 No.21105674

File: a58a31b600fb7a5⋯.png (96.58 KB,684x579,228:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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23d53c No.21105675

File: fa8eff350979200⋯.png (107.02 KB,359x688,359:688,jor.PNG)


Rep Jim Jordan's Statement on Chevron Being Overruled

"Today's decision fixes the decades-long error of handing vague and broad powers to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. The Supreme Court's decision restores the Constitutional power to write the law to where it should be —with the elected representatives of the American people."

🔗 (https://x.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1806698789912125946)

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a37d16 No.21105676

File: 8e741f797c0b4c4⋯.jpg (101.35 KB,700x865,140:173,bullet_bra_fashion_vintage….jpg)


got a light

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61c07b No.21105677


ABSOLUTELY NO PRIDE IN Themselves, their country, or their fellow Americans.

Trash, all of them.

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6db127 No.21105678

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648261 No.21105680


We have a piper down

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6a8a77 No.21105681

File: 846fadeb7f59f99⋯.png (2 MB,1752x1100,438:275,20240628_135025.png)

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bdcbfa No.21105682


Trump Security Inc

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3d5662 No.21105683

File: f12dd528e9f3727⋯.png (85.48 KB,666x925,18:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbf89d1a643c1bd⋯.png (122.57 KB,671x540,671:540,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a52bc544f4d654⋯.png (81.88 KB,694x550,347:275,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10aada2be2fa56a⋯.png (356.58 KB,557x630,557:630,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28f8ec0bd01b305⋯.png (35.99 KB,664x376,83:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Ackman Says His Friends Will Be Working in Trump's Administration

Democrat billionaire Bill Ackman, a committed Zionist and open borders globalist who claims to have shifted all his views on a dime in the wake of October 7, endorsed Donald Trump fully on Thursday night after the debate and said his friends will be working inside his administration.

"This is bad news for America," Brett MacDonald warned on Twitter. "This man is not your friend and his friends are not your friends."

MacDonald highlighted Ackman's tweet and shared additional screenshots showing Ackman's positions:


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3d5662 No.21105684

File: 6fba8d0e4753429⋯.png (679.04 KB,560x561,560:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea1e69 No.21105686

Biden has one of those faces you just really wanna punch. Does that make me sick? That every time I see his stupid face with his mouth gaping open, I just want to hit a 81 year old.

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24ae60 No.21105687

File: af6619a835fe788⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB,852x480,71:40,401s8f.mp4)

Oh shit

CNN fact checked Biden

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ddce30 No.21105688

File: 75048340900af65⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,460x258,230:129,aYQw93m_460sv.mp4)

This part was not shown to the audience at the end of the debate

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ebd27b No.21105689

File: 56aaac53f2aefec⋯.gif (2.84 MB,500x500,1:1,2319047732.gif)


Sounds about right.

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9a1111 No.21105690

File: 3c334aa7a96f43f⋯.png (582.05 KB,835x546,835:546,ClipboardImage.png)

This is where Bidan said the Border Patrol endorsed him, immediately the BP tweeted this out!He lies, lies and lies again. Listening to Bongino on his analysis of how good it went for Trump.

Absolute Annihilation (Ep. 2280) - 06/28/2024

good video if you have 55 minutes


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02dce7 No.21105691


elder abuse is a crime in this country

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6a8a77 No.21105692



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23d53c No.21105693

File: 626489d674e8713⋯.png (45.4 KB,1274x307,1274:307,york.PNG)


Homeland Security

Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

The Biden administration has redesignated or extended Temporary Protected Status for a number of countries

Adam Shaw By Adam Shaw Fox News

Published June 28, 2024 1:34pm EDT

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acace7 No.21105695


poor adam.

he's one confused guy.

wish I hadn't mistaken him for being different.

I'm glad I finally figured it out (a long time ago but for a time I had hopes he was a lot different).

oh well.

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bdcbfa No.21105696

File: 6bf25011003fd7b⋯.png (444.68 KB,500x747,500:747,ClipboardImage.png)

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936c25 No.21105697


>So Allah is the same as the Christian God of the New Testament?


>And the Christian God of the New Testament is the same as the Judaic God that commands them to kill women and children under certain circumstances?


Obviously the same.

You are confusing variations in thoughts and speech and symbols ABOUT an object as somehow duplicating that object.

If two siblings disagree on what their father wants, one says "father told me to do X", and the other sibling say "father told me to do Y", that doesn't mean the siblings are somehow creating multiple fathers. There's just the one.

And even aside from that, logically there can be only one omniscient, omnipotent creator of the universe being. There is only one universe. The source of the universe is what every Abrahamic religion is POINTING towards. It doesn't matter that the languages are different, it doesn't matter that the stories are different.

Obviously the Abrahamic religions are all pointing to the same one source of everything, every single three religion literally describes it as the one source of it all. Obviously the same.

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3d5662 No.21105699

File: 4e15aa1b2d038e7⋯.png (131.69 KB,1012x552,11:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3e6cfcd8ecdcc5⋯.png (101.89 KB,1014x604,507:302,ClipboardImage.png)

Adult Film Actor Justin Heath Smith, a/k/a “Austin Wolf,” Charged With Distribution Of Child Pornography


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43678e No.21105700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24


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cd1755 No.21105701



dems in a hard corner.

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8999e0 No.21105702

File: b01f5f7e955e717⋯.png (1.2 MB,2246x1594,1123:797,traincar5551crop.png)






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ebd27b No.21105704

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,postingpepe2.gif)

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e58b10 No.21105705


>not lying is when he's asleep

Would he then be lying down?

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18fa1c No.21105707

File: 6cf3eb49b95d8f0⋯.png (845.6 KB,857x483,857:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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824a03 No.21105708

File: d72e035402ff012⋯.jpg (70.35 KB,498x498,1:1,804836a3eaee3a3945956fd1fd….jpg)


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970020 No.21105709

It's Begins

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7287cc No.21105710

File: 91886537a938c4b⋯.gif (1.51 MB,245x276,245:276,giffuckyeahe6000247d61efde….gif)

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ddce30 No.21105711

File: 470f483b873b116⋯.png (486.77 KB,828x465,276:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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a37d16 No.21105712

File: ba3411a84be79c5⋯.mp4 (596.01 KB,480x270,16:9,ba3411a84be79c54e8ef972a85….mp4)

Qtards™ today was alot of 2 moar weeks inside 24hrs. now it's BB-Q seasoning circuit

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0276ff No.21105713


you're not a Christian with that belief

are you a muslim, a jew, or a heretic?

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8999e0 No.21105714


5/5 not 5/25

We are WITH YOU.

Midnight Riders, Ride!

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7287cc No.21105716

File: 8c287a88882c0a0⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,480x480,1:1,gifnobrainedpussyb4bb3641f….mp4)

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970020 No.21105717


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acace7 No.21105718


Muslims DO NOT believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ.

so it's not the same, is it.

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ea1e69 No.21105719

Anon is not even America but may as well be the amount of times I've heard Trumps proud to be an American entrance song. Kek

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c16e51 No.21105720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23d53c No.21105721

File: d7924a8e983abd3⋯.png (584.56 KB,618x455,618:455,t.PNG)

File: f21056ace7cb650⋯.png (710.64 KB,1071x638,1071:638,47.PNG)


47.9 million viewers tuned in to CNN’s presidential debate with Biden and Trump

Hadas Gold

By Hadas Gold, CNN

3 minute read

Updated 2:47 PM EDT, Fri June 28, 2024

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18fa1c No.21105723

File: 538fb6f33731e50⋯.png (791.89 KB,851x479,851:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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936c25 No.21105724


>you're not a Christian with that belief


Either of the three can say this and be either a follower of one or none.

You're trying to falsely portray Christianity as a source of division.

You're not an anti-Christian cult asset are you?

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5696b3 No.21105725


It's only 95 degrees there right now! Kek!

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7287cc No.21105726

File: 2a88a4b7ada9013⋯.png (328.09 KB,540x352,135:88,ClipboardImage.png)


kek he just said "take it back"

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c012fd No.21105727

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Taxation is theft.

Tucker suggests Australians should refuse to pay your taxes due to the fact they fund the AUS ABC.


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648261 No.21105729

File: 4199aa143f1122f⋯.png (369.6 KB,618x385,618:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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23d53c No.21105731

File: dc6e42c3c13b8ba⋯.png (58.24 KB,1323x429,441:143,steve.PNG)


Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

Bannon, a former Trump adviser, was convicted of contempt of Congress in July 2022 for defying subpoenas from the House Jan. 6 committee and sentenced to four months.

June 28, 2024, 7:36 AM GMT-11

By Ryan J. Reilly

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a37d16 No.21105732

File: c834860ccf6a5ef⋯.jpeg (350.82 KB,1280x1280,1:1,c834860ccf6a5ef212a08e122….jpeg)

File: 89e60f7a7195fbe⋯.png (18.58 KB,255x255,1:1,6e06d915e6ef3bff2abbe43d7d….png)

File: 9e138e71e96b048⋯.png (1.36 MB,1436x986,718:493,9e138e71e96b04886f0a29a76c….png)

File: 21f269e61f36787⋯.jpg (354.97 KB,1024x1024,1:1,21f269e61f367876a32ed30753….jpg)

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970020 No.21105733


''It's the Hindus!'

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824a03 No.21105734

File: 40fcb3b1b425377⋯.png (9.06 KB,444x153,148:51,ClipboardImage.png)

started to speak at 3:58

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0276ff No.21105735



Jews don't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ either, they believe He is boiling in hot faeces

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e3a027 No.21105736

President Trump: As you saw on television last night, we had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst. He's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country, and we have to take it back from that party. That's an evil party.

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eff265 No.21105738

>>21104075 PB AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

He didn't use it on Pantifa and BLM however.

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c16e51 No.21105739

File: be92269e668dddf⋯.jpg (126.02 KB,1123x914,1123:914,be92269e668dddfc1fecc173f4….jpg)



POTUS is free.

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0c2efa No.21105740

File: ce7743fad8135ea⋯.jpg (3.55 MB,6144x6144,1:1,ce7743fad8135ea2a31eccc001….jpg)

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3d5662 No.21105741

File: 1707a33865998c3⋯.png (435.25 KB,539x653,539:653,ClipboardImage.png)

The Gaza Project Exposes Israel’s ‘Chilling Pattern’ of Killing Journalists

"This is one of the most flagrant attacks on press freedom that I can remember," said one campaigner. "The impact on press freedom in Gaza, in the region, and the rest of the world is something we cannot accept."

With more than 100 media professionals – nearly all of them Palestinian – killed in Gaza since October, a group of 50 reporters from 13 international organizations this week shared the results of a new investigative journalism initiative aimed at exposing the deadly toll Israel’s onslaught has taken on those reporting it to the world.

The Gaza Project – led by the Paris-based nonprofit Forbidden Stories – “analyzed nearly 100 cases of journalists and media workers killed in Gaza, as well as other cases in which members of the press have been allegedly targeted, threatened, or injured since October 7,” when Hamas-led attacks on Israel left more than 1,100 people dead and over 240 others kidnapped.

“Faced with what is being reported as the record number of journalists killed, Forbidden Stories, whose mission is to pursue the work of journalists who are killed because of their work, set out to investigate the targeting of journalists,” the group said.

“For four months, Forbidden Stories and its partners investigated the circumstances of their killings, as well as those who have been targeted, threatened, and injured in the West Bank and Gaza,” it added. “These investigations point to a chilling pattern and suggest some journalists may have been targeted even though they were identifiable as press.”


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acace7 No.21105742


no, they don't believe that.

they say that they do to be jerks.

wow you're a vile one.

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6db127 No.21105743


honest GOOD Anon work should speed up American Citizenship if you ever wanted to move to America imo kek

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9a1111 No.21105744

File: 0d4e3086b5e4008⋯.png (727.91 KB,1165x410,233:82,ClipboardImage.png)


There are no Trillionaires, the lies are continuous

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18fa1c No.21105745


>started to speak at 3:58


on stage 3:55


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ebd27b No.21105746

File: 24b8708fa4c0ed1⋯.png (752.99 KB,1007x635,1007:635,24b8708fa4c0ed179442910858….png)

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936c25 No.21105747

File: 860dbf50b0053af⋯.png (13.59 KB,148x341,148:341,ClipboardImage.png)


>Jews don't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ either

False again.

You're on a roll of falsehoods.

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98414f No.21105748

Anon thinks it time to be present at these protests with the goal to demask and film them all. Anon is sure the patriot front won't mind at all


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9a1111 No.21105749


Did you notice they dragged out the cleft chin guy and even he wasn't functional

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70f604 No.21105750

File: e17b1a5fd2283d3⋯.jpg (65.72 KB,560x689,560:689,trump_djt_copy.jpg)

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23d53c No.21105753

File: c6a17d577f0bbfe⋯.png (568.85 KB,674x722,337:361,work.PNG)


Donna Brazile: Democrat Party Has ‘Work

to Do’ After Biden Debate Performance,

Biden ‘Will Be’ Nominee

Breitbart Politics, by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Imright, 6/28/2024 8:57:36 AM

Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance at the presidential debate but said he would be the party’s presidential nominee. Brazile responded to a post on X from CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers saying that Biden is not “going anywhere” and all the people responding negatively to his performance at the debate need to “let go” of their pearls.“Biden ain’t going nowhere,” Sellers wrote. “It’s June. Let go of your pearls and dry your bed. He lost a debate. Bad. But it’s June. You’re not replacing him. So leave your random combinations in your chats.”

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0276ff No.21105754


No, I am a Christian and try to follow Jesus Christ with all my heart.

Are you a muslim, a jew or a heretic (with this belief that all three religions worship the same god)?

You didn't answer.

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e3a027 No.21105755

President Trump: He's incapable of winning based on his far-left policies of open borders, massive tax increases, the Green New Scam; that's a windmill on every corner, most of which don't work. And things like putting men in women's sports. Really not a great idea. As every American saw firsthand last night, this election is a choice between strength and weakness, competence and incompetence, peace and prosperity, or war, or not war; they like a war. They love wars. They love killing people.

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c16e51 No.21105756

File: d6a80d3dcadd608⋯.png (29.72 KB,603x271,603:271,ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Schumer



Tonight's debate made the choice clear:

Four more years of progress, or four more years of attacks on our fundamental rights and our democracy.

We’ve got to get out the vote for @JoeBiden, @KamalaHarris, and a Democratic Senate and House!

Jun 28, 2024 · 2:57 AM UTC


Democrats are diabolical.

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0e4756 No.21105757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CHINA Chuck!

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936c25 No.21105758

File: f70a72e92dd09e9⋯.png (208.51 KB,470x1053,470:1053,ClipboardImage.png)


>There are no trillionaires.

Oh contraire.

Public disclosures -> false

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2e90a7 No.21105759

File: e97196588098841⋯.png (14.78 KB,1152x648,16:9,rockbottom.png)

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824a03 No.21105760

File: 074a15a824d25e1⋯.jpeg (166.13 KB,941x941,1:1,074a15a824d25e18d5a150ff6….jpeg)

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ff41c0 No.21105761

127 and 200

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23d53c No.21105762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We have some work to do

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936c25 No.21105763


You're a liar and a deceiver.

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8999e0 No.21105764

File: 57b84a0ee40a242⋯.png (4.23 MB,2466x4122,137:229,stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)


Dead cat bounce.

Stock Market.

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61c07b No.21105765

File: 44caa6bbccb0202⋯.jpeg (9.34 KB,255x199,255:199,Q127.jpeg)

The NC women, this is their127thrally

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6db127 No.21105766


how do you deal w the shameless?

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2ae7be No.21105767

So percentage wise, how much of the EPA was dismantled today?

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e80bb5 No.21105768

File: 19c8bce49280afc⋯.gif (656.27 KB,220x213,220:213,19c8bce49280afc0e0ced6ed88….gif)

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23d53c No.21105769

File: 74359422b8eb457⋯.png (326.68 KB,589x541,589:541,fs.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


INGRASSIA: The Supreme Court’s Attack On Free Speech Proves The Federalist Society Can No Longer Be Trusted As An Authority For Selecting Judges In A Second Trump Administration

READ: https://tgpne.ws/Bmph2z


2:04 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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ea1e69 No.21105770

Trump prevents WW3, but they still will not give him a Nobel peace prize

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6db127 No.21105771

Know Truth, no violence

Know Truth, no violence

twice for wrap smear nancy and acosta

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77b5f4 No.21105772

>>21105765 The NC women, this is their127th rally - Qdrop 127 the graphic is your key

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ff41c0 No.21105773

File: e28f474a1f6c8d1⋯.png (54.71 KB,770x586,385:293,127_1_.png)

Was the money worth it?


// fed reserve? bstrds

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6db127 No.21105774

File: 08ed9de605fc637⋯.png (1009.34 KB,1100x619,1100:619,thank_you_Anons_Flag.png)

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02dce7 No.21105775

last night was a defeat not only for joe biden, but for the radical left democrat party and the fake news media who's been lying to the people

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ff41c0 No.21105776


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6db127 No.21105777

File: c2e9992242c19f0⋯.png (561.04 KB,652x697,652:697,jordan_walker_pfizer_vacci….png)

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e3a027 No.21105778

President Trump: The question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether Joe Biden can survive a ninety minute debate performance, but whether America can survive four more years of Crooked Joe Biden in the White House. In fact, I don't know if we can really survive five more months. This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country, in my opinion…we've never been so close to World War III before.

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0276ff No.21105779



>Jews don't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ either, they believe He is boiling in hot faeces

yes they do say that

it is in the talmud

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23d53c No.21105780

File: 8cab13abd876858⋯.png (669.43 KB,848x906,424:453,gl.PNG)


PANIC IN DC: Green-Lighting the Long Planned PSYOP to Replace Joe Biden

It's no longer denied, Joe Biden must go.

Justin Deschamps

Jun 28, 2024

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c16e51 No.21105781

File: 1f01a69115dd030⋯.png (30.58 KB,627x291,209:97,ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff



Donald Trump is calling for “retribution” against me and other members of the January 6th committee.

For holding him accountable. For exposing his attempts to undermine our democracy.

We can’t let this guy anywhere near the levers of power again. Ever.

Jun 28, 2024 · 1:57 AM UTC



They are scared AF

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225c2d No.21105782

Press Briefing with KJP


Reporter: Do you firmly reject any calls for [Biden] to consider stepping aside, or not running again? Are there any conversations about that?

Tyler: There are no conversations about that whatsoever.

Reporter: Does [Biden] commit to appearing at the debate in September?

Tyler: Joe Biden will be there on September 10th.


Reporter: Is [Biden] sick, and did that affect his preparation for the campaign?

Tyler: [Biden] did have a sore throat.

Reporter: Is he sick? Does he have a cold?

Tyler: You saw [Biden[] today on the stage in North Carolina…[Biden] would not cite his sore throat as an excuse for the debate performance. He had a bad night. He said that.


Jean-Pierre: [Biden] had a cold. He had a sore throat. That happens, and that's what you heard last night.


Reporter: How is [Biden] feeling? Did you talk to him last night?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not gonna disclose my private conversations with [Biden].

Reporter: Was it personally insulting to him to have all these fellow democrats come out and say you need to step aside?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not, you know, look; people are going to have their opinion,..we respect our fellow democrats and their opinion…you heard the folks that were on TV today…talk about [Biden] and his performance, and how he's a president that we need today.


Jean-Pierre: [Biden] has directed his legal team to work with Department of Justice and other agency counsel to review today's decision [Chevron] carefully, and ensure that our administration is doing everything we can to continue to deploy the extra-ordinary expertise of the federal workers to keep Americans safe and ensure communities thrive and prosper.


Reporter: Three US troops died in Jordan this year, and more in Afghanistan, 2021. How can [Biden] say [during debate] none have died during his administration?

[Jean-Pierre evaded the question]

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77b5f4 No.21105783

File: 042a361430025fe⋯.png (29.19 KB,536x416,67:52,ClipboardImage.png)




Nov 07, 2017 7:05:59 PM EST

Anonymous ID: NOjYqEdl No. 148457032

The graphic is your key.

Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Was the money worth it?



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a37d16 No.21105784

File: fa902d82338ccea⋯.png (787 KB,798x800,399:400,fa902d82338ccea61d3d777e18….png)

File: 579bf6ace6cecce⋯.png (554.41 KB,500x746,250:373,579bf6ace6cecce4c04ccf95cd….png)

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225c2d No.21105785

Press Briefing with KJP


Reporter: Do you firmly reject any calls for [Biden] to consider stepping aside, or not running again? Are there any conversations about that?

Tyler: There are no conversations about that whatsoever.

Reporter: Does [Biden] commit to appearing at the debate in September?

Tyler: Joe Biden will be there on September 10th.


Reporter: Is [Biden] sick, and did that affect his preparation for the campaign?

Tyler: [Biden] did have a sore throat.

Reporter: Is he sick? Does he have a cold?

Tyler: You saw [Biden] today on the stage in North Carolina…[Biden] would not cite his sore throat as an excuse for the debate performance. He had a bad night. He said that.


Jean-Pierre: [Biden] had a cold. He had a sore throat. That happens, and that's what you heard last night.


Reporter: How is [Biden] feeling? Did you talk to him last night?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not gonna disclose my private conversations with [Biden].

Reporter: Was it personally insulting to him to have all these fellow democrats come out and say you need to step aside?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not, you know, look; people are going to have their opinion,..we respect our fellow democrats and their opinion…you heard the folks that were on TV today…talk about [Biden] and his performance, and how he's a president that we need today.


Jean-Pierre: [Biden] has directed his legal team to work with Department of Justice and other agency counsel to review today's decision [Chevron] carefully, and ensure that our administration is doing everything we can to continue to deploy the extra-ordinary expertise of the federal workers to keep Americans safe and ensure communities thrive and prosper.


Reporter: Three US troops died in Jordan this year, and more in Afghanistan, 2021. How can [Biden] say [during debate] none have died during his administration?

[Jean-Pierre evaded the question]

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6db127 No.21105786

File: 002e389766ee386⋯.png (302.59 KB,652x970,326:485,dr_morens_top_fauci_aide_e….png)

File: a60692177e18ba5⋯.png (830.2 KB,800x1100,8:11,dingell_protects_fauci_060….png)

File: 4d8721d9f24b4b7⋯.png (785.43 KB,800x1100,8:11,castor_protects_fauci_0603….png)

File: 80189aa78dcad13⋯.png (764.34 KB,800x1086,400:543,robert_garcia_protects_fau….png)

File: 6e093770f8a4368⋯.png (196.67 KB,1076x1101,1076:1101,fauci_2_masks.png)

'double mask = better fit' - fauci

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ff41c0 No.21105787

File: 6ef8ef4583645f6⋯.png (30.25 KB,770x498,385:249,124.png)





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709b91 No.21105788

File: 0bc89fbe6f23501⋯.png (314.47 KB,677x495,677:495,0bc89fbe6f23501beb1b233a78….png)

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bdcbfa No.21105789


thats beyond shame…different level…its evil

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ebd27b No.21105790

File: 2b3905e5c0444b5⋯.jpg (219.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,2b3905e5c0444b5ebe23ce6a0f….jpg)

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ea1e69 No.21105791


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5696b3 No.21105792


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ff41c0 No.21105793

its happening right now!! the transition…. we are very vulnerable at this time…. but its happening right now for the next 5 months

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7287cc No.21105794

File: 130236a37aacb9d⋯.png (24.05 KB,324x462,54:77,ClipboardImage.png)



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7287cc No.21105795

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45951a No.21105796

>>21105135. Lb

Would the RNC please check out the paid Biden rally attendees?

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23d53c No.21105797

File: 7108c85a8294b3e⋯.png (227.57 KB,599x444,599:444,dan.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


12:27 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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6db127 No.21105798


>and a Democratic Senate and House!

help Trump WIN

also WIN house and senate so bills move smooth

thank you Anons

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709b91 No.21105799

File: 2a702762935065f⋯.jpg (207.46 KB,901x1139,53:67,2a702762935065f528d225be8f….jpg)



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ff41c0 No.21105800

File: 63d5ecd6b25915f⋯.png (38.27 KB,770x498,385:249,123.png)

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.



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0276ff No.21105801


no I am not

you didn't answer my question, yet again


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acace7 No.21105802


they put it there just to be mean and know it's not true.

have a brain.

the ones who say it don't really believe that, they say it to be mean.

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bc97f6 No.21105804

File: cc4a9c8e01ff0ea⋯.png (90.54 KB,1376x479,1376:479,127_The_graphic_is_your_ke….png)

"The graphic is your key.

Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Was the money worth it?

Titanic." Q post #127

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7c294b No.21105805

File: 2345a86203e01ea⋯.png (554.77 KB,521x499,521:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Iterate. Post. Repeat.

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e80bb5 No.21105806


the dance of her people!

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512694 No.21105807


sondaggi grazie scavino !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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61c07b No.21105808


Here is a list of the J6committee members.


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a37d16 No.21105809

File: 79dc0484582e289⋯.jpg (204.29 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_16_1….jpg)

File: 9e46ee810512737⋯.png (667.38 KB,640x1526,320:763,344_4_.png)

File: f7a57a9d62a1b12⋯.jpeg (191.97 KB,673x449,673:449,GRLxoEAWoAAgTuD.jpeg)

File: 128a18ba3feade0⋯.png (109.21 KB,640x898,320:449,1972_5_.png)

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3ae991 No.21105810

Solar array and solar-powered device owners should form a class for action against SRM companies

Call them what you will, but the lines in the sky that disperse to form massive solar UV shielding has been openly identified and supported as Solar Radiation Management.

Among myriad other effects that interrupting and corrupting the suns data feed to the live in its Earth system, SRM is impacting solar array efficiency. If 'clean energy' is a priority to the US govt and the supragovernmental organizations like the UN and WEF, then they should be ready to legally challenge the practice we will call SRM. As Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Tennessee, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Kentucky are or have created laws around putting anything in the sky, a class of citizen solar charging owners, from a flashlight or a security camera, to a fully wired homestead should make a class and sue the entities involved in 'SRM'.

At the very least, the disclosure process would be a massive global redpill.


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6db127 No.21105812


i suppose to be without shame is the be evil

even my dog shows shame after digging thru the trash can all over the floor


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936c25 No.21105813

File: 7812e2cd32b85ef⋯.png (803.67 KB,500x676,125:169,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes you are.

You're lying about being a Christian "with all your heart" (oh puhlease, get a new script, when you try that hard it makes it obvious), all so you can play act the shill role of "Christian divider, blame them for wanting a division".

A smear psyop trying to smear Christianity as wanting no unity with Jews or Muslims.

You're directly contradicting the teachings of Christ.

Christ never asserted a division, He taught unity.

Anon need not disclose nor lie like you are. The message is what matters.

You're trying to divide.

Christ tried to unify.


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3d5662 No.21105814

File: 9c8ed74b09ab0a6⋯.png (357.98 KB,497x404,497:404,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3a027 No.21105815

President Trump: The whole world should know, that while Biden is the worst president in the history of America, our country is going to be strong again, and it's going to be very soon. I want the enemies to know that, because we have a five-month transition period, and I want the enemies to know; don't play around with us during this five-month period. Don't play around.

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c012fd No.21105816

File: 8a9ecef9e4dafc2⋯.png (176.05 KB,588x680,147:170,ClipboardImage.png)

This is a little bit dasting,

Who will it be?

Big Mike?


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512694 No.21105817


Per Dio e il paese

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6db127 No.21105818

when shills hate on Jews it makes me like Jews moar


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225c2d No.21105820

NOTES @ 505


>>21105526 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21105723, >>21105726 Photos

>>21105707, >>21105734 Trump on stage at 3:55, starts to speak at 3:58

>>21105717 POTUS not wearing a tie

>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

>>21105797 @DanScavino posts vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105248 Joe at his rally today looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105311, >>21105756 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105382 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105575 Biden Will Participate in Second Debate in September

>>21105688 This part was not shown to the audience at the end of the debate

>>21105721 47.9 million viewers tuned in to CNN’s presidential debate with Biden and Trump

>>21105785 Press Briefing with KJP Transcript

>>21105753 Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274, >>21105538 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105675 Rep Jim Jordan's Statement on Chevron Being Overruled

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105300, >>21105329 @Papi Trumpo: AAALL ABOARD!!!

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431, >>21105532 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

>>21105542 AG Ken Paxton: Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures

>>21105558 Catherine Herridge: Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings

>>21105586 @WallStreetSilv: I don't think Gavin will be able to replace Joe

>>21105617 Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

>>21105632 News Blast

>>21105693 Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

>>21105731 Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

>>21105741 The Gaza Project Exposes Israel’s ‘Chilling Pattern’ of Killing Journalists

>>21105809 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1972

>>21105509, >>21105523, >>21105572 Memes


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8999e0 No.21105821

File: 55f485c95dcb8ab⋯.png (2.32 MB,3000x3000,1:1,firstcircwlqpost.png)



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ff41c0 No.21105822

File: cc768b527ca9cd0⋯.png (61.37 KB,770x850,77:85,679.png)

You have so much more than you know.


Future proves past.

News unlocks map.









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61c07b No.21105823

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7287cc No.21105824

File: 7776bb53f6f5b1f⋯.png (54.03 KB,320x1210,32:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 173d747496014be⋯.png (53.39 KB,316x1204,79:301,ClipboardImage.png)


>"The graphic is your key.

earlier he said 79-92 about a guy who got rich between those ages

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a37d16 No.21105825

File: bb41df4d1ba1129⋯.jpeg (7.66 KB,176x286,8:13,download_47_.jpeg)

on the scope

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23d53c No.21105826

File: b461cec548322bb⋯.png (138.48 KB,358x799,358:799,icy.PNG)


Uh ohhh…

Replacing Joe Biden on the Ballot is Getting Spicy very Fast.. 🌶️

The Heritage Oversight Project Highlights They Cannot Take Biden off the Democratic Ticket in Three States, for any Reason other than Death or 25th Amendment 👀

• The Heritage Project has set their sights on three swing states.

• Georgia

• Nevada

• Wisconsin

• Wisconsin: does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death. 

• Nevada: no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.

• Georgia: If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election, his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted. 

• Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot.

• Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.

• Some states don't have any laws on the books for dealing with a presidential nominee withdrawing, and there is little precedent for such a situation occurring. 

The 25th amendment seems like the only way, or death… unless he plans to not run in these states?

The Rockefeller Precedent (https://t.me/candlesinthenight/72902) is looking more and more enticing… 👀


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c16e51 No.21105827

File: e83722faa243f51⋯.png (49.29 KB,611x477,611:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: caa03cd282a9fe3⋯.jpg (79.62 KB,600x900,2:3,C_before_D.jpg)

Adam Schiff



This partisan Supreme Court just shredded another precedent, overturning the Chevron decision and weakening our ability to combat the climate crisis, hold corporations accountable, and much more.

Our people and our planet will feel the consequences.

Jun 28, 2024 · 3:09 PM UTC



Simple people don't understand that this is a real threat.

Clear and PresentDanger

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6db127 No.21105828

File: 4371cf441a2f0ad⋯.png (84.34 KB,698x1107,698:1107,50_intelligence_agents_020….png)

File: 68ac2633c08743d⋯.png (83.57 KB,693x1109,693:1109,more_than_50_intelligence_….png)

File: 55062e829462de2⋯.png (86.68 KB,1098x718,549:359,intelligence_officials_hun….png)

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6db127 No.21105829

File: 957079cf4c3403d⋯.png (250.04 KB,1100x800,11:8,judge_merchan_daughter_bra….png)

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acace7 No.21105830


his grandfather?

his biography only goes back to when they lived in Ashland, MA and then left there.

and though his 'pops' was a saleman, you can't find what company he worked for.

so what do you know about his Grandfather?

sauce would be appreciated.

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23d53c No.21105831

File: 219a4962a6857d0⋯.png (154.94 KB,383x437,383:437,rs.PNG)


LIVE: President Trump TAKES THE STAGE in Chesapeake, Virginia!


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0e4756 No.21105832

File: 490aaa530c6a84c⋯.gif (322.47 KB,425x550,17:22,IMG_0244.gif)

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7287cc No.21105833

File: 9e2f8fac02d008e⋯.png (257.68 KB,322x962,161:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8206e77427a99ef⋯.png (53.18 KB,315x1202,315:1202,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdcbfa No.21105834

File: f27082bb4ad72b3⋯.png (64.67 KB,826x295,14:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bf2f1caf1c4f6d⋯.png (6.2 MB,2500x1668,625:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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02dce7 No.21105835

File: ca3ec854f014bfa⋯.png (739.41 KB,1200x675,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

youngkin must be at least 6'5"

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e3a027 No.21105836

President Trump: Many people are saying that after last night's performance, Joe Biden is leaving the race. But the fact is; I don't really believe that because he does better in polls than any of the democrats that they're talking about…they polled Michelle Obama. She polls very badly. She polls terribly…they polled many people, and it's hard to believe, but Crooked Joe Biden polls better than those people.

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0276ff No.21105837



so I am right, the jews do say it about the Lord Jesus Christ and you know this

you are a dissimulating jew

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45ec74 No.21105839


Hey Pencil Neck

I certainly hope so


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3ae991 No.21105840


What state is Elon Musk from?

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6db127 No.21105841

File: 7c7eca565ce84ce⋯.png (572.75 KB,632x737,632:737,Scavino_06232024_Trump_no_….png)

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02dce7 No.21105842


adam schiff threatening the people of planet earth

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454e48 No.21105843


THAT's some white privilege right there.

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23d53c No.21105844

File: 99ec3430d2d6449⋯.png (517.29 KB,784x582,392:291,sharp.PNG)


This isn't just a Joe Biden problem.

This is a Democrat Party problem.

They have lied to you about Joe Biden's fitness, shamelessly and repeatedly.

If they're willing to lie about that, what else are they lying about?

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6db127 No.21105845

be careful predictions rumors lying shills

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45951a No.21105847


Just think

Steve Bannon

Peter Navarro

Donald Trump

Countless Trump supporters

Will all be in jail during election…

But it’s the Rs who are a threat to deomocracy

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18fa1c No.21105848

File: 85f4c4733e893bd⋯.png (32.55 KB,700x416,175:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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a37d16 No.21105849

File: fef7fc99fa92326⋯.jpeg (8.55 KB,294x172,147:86,download_36_.jpeg)

File: bead49abbf247dd⋯.jpg (63.34 KB,517x481,517:481,Electronic_Battleship_4_.jpg)

File: faa7ae767c06387⋯.gif (113.37 KB,640x358,320:179,battleship_youve_sunk_my_b….gif)

File: 247f537054312df⋯.gif (114.74 KB,640x480,4:3,you_sunk_my_battleship_sim….gif)

File: 0b9d2c1c3fe1f3f⋯.png (98.21 KB,224x255,224:255,0b9d2c1c3fe1f3fad016cdcbea….png)



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381d31 No.21105850

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>what else are they lying about?


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e3a027 No.21105851

President Trump: Time and again, Joe Biden revealed how extreme and divisive the radical-left democrats have become. Before your very eyes, Crooked Joe endorsed unlimited, extreme late-term abortion up to the moment of birth, and even death after a baby is born.

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9281f6 No.21105853

remember the famous "envelopes" clip at b41's funeral with that Low Energy Jeb reaction?

any developments/theories from that?

that family's been pretty quiet for

quite awhile now.

any anons care to opine on what's

to come as far as they're concerned?

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23d53c No.21105854

File: a59bb0e72f37fbc⋯.png (596.5 KB,1451x876,1451:876,tp.PNG)


America's Ballot Chasing Army

Ballot chasing is our newest approach to contacting voters who have already received mail-in ballots to encourage them to mark their ballots and make a plan to vote. Our initiative will have huge numbers of door knockers to win the ballot game at the mailboxes.

In 2024, Turning Point Action is looking to deploy an army of 1,000+ FIELD ORGANIZERS each responsible for tracking and chasing key target ballots in battleground states. We hope our program can encourage and accelerate other organizations to do the same and work together for decisive victories in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and beyond.

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0e4756 No.21105855

PDJT talking about cannibals again.

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ff41c0 No.21105856

File: 60e8d72fb3e3dde⋯.png (35.68 KB,770x454,385:227,200.png)


Happy hunting.


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e9fc21 No.21105857

The best revenge is living well.

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0276ff No.21105858


you are a lying jew.

Jesus came to save souls but not everyone would get to Heaven.

He also said He came to sift the tares.

He didn't say that all gods are the same and everyone gets to go to heaven.

You are a liar.

You are of the Synagogue of Satan.

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45951a No.21105859

Trump said they will not replace Biden because they have nobody.

Did he say even Big Mike polls (poles?) lower than Joe?

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5b7e88 No.21105860

File: 8a83e267401e767⋯.png (295.02 KB,490x426,245:213,2ca49f9df2a9695ddfaa1decf9….png)

Trump just confirmed at the VA rally that the Dems will NOT be choosing another nominee for presidential election.

Not Michelle

Not Gavin

Not Kamala

Just Biden

Enjoy the Show frens

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18fa1c No.21105861

File: 26d768833c23ae5⋯.gif (3.94 MB,329x297,329:297,jeb_bush_ghwBush_funeral.gif)

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9281f6 No.21105862


just caught that.

why, i wonder?

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acace7 No.21105864


you said they 'believe' it.

modern Jews? do they even believe in an afterlife?

if not then how can they believe what you say they believe.

It's something horrible that some people say because they like to be shocking and say horrible things and feel superior.

good bye

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23d53c No.21105865

File: a4adc84c4f98f14⋯.png (773.71 KB,782x410,391:205,Q_.PNG)

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5b7e88 No.21105866


He SURE did. This anon is getting the popcorn to watch the dumpster fire that is the Democratic Party

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70f604 No.21105867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4:30 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady deliver remarks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center Grand Opening Ceremony

New York, New York




President Biden Remarks at Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center Grand Opening Ceremony

President Biden gives remarks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center grand opening ceremony in New York.


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0e4756 No.21105869

Erasing Women

Killing Babies

Electric Car Subsidies (taxpayer)

GREEN NEW SCAM ( money laundering)

High speed Rail in California

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9281f6 No.21105870

what's the best approach to investing in penny stocks?

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45951a No.21105871


Jailing opponents

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c012fd No.21105872

File: 0518441a9203d16⋯.png (19.81 KB,228x255,76:85,imagine_the_smell.png)

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23d53c No.21105874

File: d2398f2744ecbaf⋯.png (441.17 KB,612x556,153:139,nw.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, ZERO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In America

James O'Keefe’s Veritas Exposed Ballot Fraud Taking Place Nationwide, Mainly Democrats, Even Judges Buying Thousands Of Votes

“So how much money are we talking? — just so you know we’re talking between $5-$8 per vote” — I’m going to bring in 3500 votes to the plate nation wide”

“He was paying me $5,000 a month, but now he's paying me $8,000 a month.”

“Some Texas Republicans secretly working for Democrats”

Rodriguez said she was also hired to help candidates running for judge.

“So, those three judges that you’re talking about, and that's her name? Renee Yanta, Nicole Garza, right? They're paying me $3,500. Me, $3,500 to make sure that their name is on the ballot,” she said. Yanta is a Republican and Garza is a Democrat.

Rodriguez even said she looks forward to judges, like Yanta, being in her debt.

“Renee Yanta, she's running for [judge], so the thing is, I'm going to have people like that with me, like in my pocket, you know what I'm saying?” she said.

O’Keefe said, “Rodriguez is more than just a political consultant. She directs a team of more than a dozen operatives, who act as hired guns for Republicans and Democrats looking to pay for votes.”

“If Rodriguez is truly responsible for 7,000 votes delivered in Bexar County so far, it is a stunning example of how fragile our republic has become,” James O’Keefe said.”

3:41 / 10:11

1:52 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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3d5662 No.21105875

File: 4daf51a6d80c7c4⋯.png (356.89 KB,644x446,322:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22c75b002fbe7c4⋯.png (39.64 KB,633x515,633:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 744f3f19dd39e67⋯.png (50.57 KB,622x632,311:316,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 393c1d1b3738755⋯.png (46.88 KB,594x594,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 028585d277a87c3⋯.png (41.49 KB,641x554,641:554,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Israeli Government Intelligence Machine Seeks to Redefine US Law, Silence Protesters, Manipulate Government Officials

Wait, so the Jews are trying to take our freedom of speech?

I didn’t even know it was like that.

(Why isn’t American media reporting on this? Why do I have to read it in the Guardian?)

The Guardian:

Last November, just weeks into the war in Gaza, Amichai Chikli, a brash, 42-year-old Likud minister in the Israeli government, was called into the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, to brief lawmakers on what could be done about rising anti-war protests from young people across the United States, especially at elite universities.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again now, that I think we should, especially in the United States, be on the offensive,” argued Chikli.

On the offensive against the freedom of speech of college students? In a foreign country?

Seems almost diabolical.

I wouldn’t have expected something like that from the chosen ones.

Chikli has since led a targeted push to counter critics of Israel. The Guardian has uncovered evidence showing how Israel has relaunched a controversial entity as part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law.

Seconds after a smoke alarm subsided during the hearing, Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said.


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2d2fd2 No.21105876


this gnü.

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3963d5 No.21105877

File: ac501ee526ecbd7⋯.png (1.2 MB,1125x860,225:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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6db127 No.21105878

File: 5121d31336a1a17⋯.jpg (61.9 KB,800x460,40:23,podesta_painting.jpg)

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c16e51 No.21105879

File: 0e44247830ccd49⋯.png (281.36 KB,681x565,681:565,ClipboardImage.png)


Alex Soros retweeted


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70f604 No.21105880

File: 4fcc4ce5e52cebb⋯.jpg (175.04 KB,1284x994,642:497,time_to_save_the_universe_….jpg)

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936c25 No.21105881

File: c0e37bd6e07c64d⋯.png (407.8 KB,586x500,293:250,c0e37bd6e07c64d0a8336b94dd….png)


You are a liar lying about everything you write.

You are a liar trying to smear Christianity, the same way that pubic hair on head congressman condescended Christian witnesses.

You are a liar, a liar serving anti-Christian forces, lying about being a Christian, lying about Abrahamic religions, and now you've relegated yourself to the same old tired muhjoo shilling.

Checkmate asshole.

We see you

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23d53c No.21105882

File: b2b3b935b3e0b1f⋯.png (189.56 KB,591x316,591:316,ud.PNG)


Citizen Free Press


Biden aides were updating their resumes last night.


2:04 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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0e4756 No.21105884


Yes, all of their poll numbers are way lower than Joe.

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454e48 No.21105885

File: 87c247fa70daa20⋯.jpg (167.1 KB,1061x1600,1061:1600,IMG_2892.JPG)

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0276ff No.21105886


you are still a lying jew

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45ec74 No.21105887

Anons, it seems more than a typical QR Friday

there's the muh joo

Fedboi with the AI Warfare showed up

Lame pro-potato has been tried

Vatican obsessed is just standard these days

The "Qtard" shills have come in

Now I see the religious "arguments" have started early

Dare I think this weekend some red scarves get used?

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e3a027 No.21105888

President Trump: They've spent trillions of dollars on subsidies. You ever notice that the car companies aren't selling cars, but they seem to be very happy. You know why? Because they are getting massive amounts of subsidies from the government. Normally they'd all be out of business because they are not selling cars. They are making far more electric vehicles than you need.

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23d53c No.21105890

File: 3a33e26daccf957⋯.png (341.36 KB,600x583,600:583,end.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


Joe is staying in the race.

Confirmed by his staff. Good news. We want Joe in until the end.



RNC Research

1:40 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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ff41c0 No.21105891

what if the sun isnt shining?

ten days of darkness!!

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2d2fd2 No.21105893


the best revenge is being the last survivor.

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6db127 No.21105894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>thank you for waking up Cartier Fam




1.03M subscribers

4 days ago

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43a652 No.21105895

“The gift from China”

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3d5662 No.21105896

File: 6aa27302aa775cd⋯.png (310.37 KB,552x605,552:605,ClipboardImage.png)

KyivPost Reports Zelensky Preparing to Capitulate: “Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years,”

"Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years," President Volodymyr Zelensky said, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months," Zelensky added.


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861fa4 No.21105897

File: 5e89d5301ed7e9d⋯.png (1.24 MB,1321x667,1321:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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970020 No.21105898

File: 25ee30610a2c921⋯.png (977.87 KB,1080x788,270:197,ClipboardImage.png)

It's Joever

Time of Death Spiral: June 27, 11:59pm

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0e4756 No.21105899


They’re looking at Hillary as VP, Joe Kicks The bucket and Hillary becomes President.

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23d53c No.21105900

File: 8c4964cc8e00db2⋯.png (1.3 MB,694x874,347:437,day.PNG)


Gov. Henry McMaster


Happy Carolina Day!

On this day in 1776, some 400 South Carolina troops on Sullivan’s Island fended off the British siege of Charleston, delivering a pivotal American victory and setting our country on the path to independence.


7:59 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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a37d16 No.21105901

File: bf09b50d5ac008c⋯.webm (1.83 MB,720x720,1:1,bf09b50d5ac008c91c7068547….webm)


blind with enhanced…..

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0276ff No.21105902


(you) seem to live on this board, almost as if (you) were paid to be here and to run interference on anons

Tell me exactly where I lied or misled, jew.

That's right, (you) can't because (you) are lying, yet again.

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18fa1c No.21105903

File: cf1a366e8751b98⋯.png (223.58 KB,674x562,337:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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7287cc No.21105905

Magnificent island that I own

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8999e0 No.21105907

File: 08c9575c4c1ca99⋯.png (8.87 MB,3600x5000,18:25,jonvoightqclock822dec21.png)




Rudyard Kipling

Jon Voight

Suicide Weekend

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02dce7 No.21105908

this is better than sitting at home and watching television, this is much better

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c16e51 No.21105909

File: 0240a6284b319e9⋯.png (504.91 KB,582x578,291:289,ClipboardImage.png)

Open Society retweeted


Secret Societies=Synagogue of Satan

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7287cc No.21105910

"12 years 12 years ended about 5 years ago…"

12 + 5 = 17

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e9fc21 No.21105911


No one wants commies having rights. Every Country should revoke Jews from having citizenship.

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110c16 No.21105912

This has to be the best election season ever! I mean in the history of mankind, this has to be the GOAT of election seasons anywhere in the world. That debate last night…I think spouseanon rebroke the ribs laughing, regrettably so…

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6db127 No.21105913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>thank you for waking up CBOW & SNAPPA


OMG! This Is So RIDICULOUS. White House Thinks That Biden Is Healthy & Everyone Else is Lying


131K subscribers

10 days ago

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35bc9d No.21105916

File: 7c83a1be56b10e8⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,452x679,452:679,7c83a1be56b10e868b5bb03361….jpg)

File: 6aba2c7aa729da8⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,1024x768,4:3,6aba2c7aa729da835e1b984d59….jpg)

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3d5662 No.21105917

File: a2c52954d1d2b43⋯.png (282.58 KB,573x490,573:490,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5a4a17733ec600⋯.png (395.83 KB,599x639,599:639,ClipboardImage.png)

Major 7.2 earthquake strikes Peru


On June 28, 2024, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southern Peru. The epicenter was 8 kilometers (5 miles) west of Atiquipa, which is south of the capital Lima near the borders of Chile and Bolivia. Fortunately, there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage, and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center confirmed that there was no threat of a tsunami.




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9281f6 No.21105918

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0e4756 No.21105920



It’s called Weather

Uncle Dr. John Trump


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61c07b No.21105921

PDJTBringing up Dr. John Trump

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c16e51 No.21105922

File: f64a7e9b9c8952a⋯.png (243.1 KB,496x573,496:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d421cc606b17cb8⋯.jpg (166.23 KB,1046x1244,523:622,4f2047a5c5cb2401139ec1bb6f….jpg)

Open Society Foundations



As an openly gay soldier, Viktor Pylypenko and his organization @lgbtiqmilitary are showing other Ukrainians that they are the same as they are and are standing firm against the homophobic and anti-democratic ideals of Putin’s Russia. lgbtmilitary.org.ua/eng

Jun 28, 2024 · 5:10 PM UTC



>Secret Societies=Synagogue of Satan

Satan´s Army

They are here.

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9b3c47 No.21105923




>>21085225 pb

Restricting threads per hour doesn't work against turbo spammer. This is why "staff only" baking remains in place for the time being. You're ok?

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5b7e88 No.21105924

DR (Uncle) John Trump of MIT is now on the boards.

Hidden Tesla Technology en route

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936c25 No.21105925

File: db3ff40a75983fd⋯.png (430.02 KB,715x349,715:349,ClipboardImage.png)


>You seem to live on this board.

you seem to be projecting, for you cannot know any patterns of longevity without yourself viewing it thereby being who you accuse.

>Tell me exactly where I lied or misled, jew

Already did, you lying anti-Christian muhjoo shill.

>That's right you can't

are you arguing with yourself? Yes, you seem to be.

Anon sees your lies.

You are a liar. A lying liar who lies in everything he writes, all to divide the world as much as your inner division psychology is projecting it.

Your patterns are known.

Get a new script, liar.

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35bc9d No.21105926

File: 63be5429fd360e1⋯.png (934.32 KB,688x750,344:375,cheese.png)


You can't lose rights silly Sorosbot, they're inalienable

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a37d16 No.21105927

File: e97e8f8e94b0316⋯.png (76.28 KB,640x612,160:153,12_30_.png)

12 exits stencil 1893

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ddce30 No.21105928

File: 28732acd539bf62⋯.png (2.08 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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7287cc No.21105930

No way Uncle John

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23d53c No.21105931

File: 16979ddc8ce4aab⋯.png (17.67 KB,833x196,17:4,sq.PNG)


Political Commentary

Another Squad Democrat On Track to Lose Re-Election Campaign

By Will TannerJune 28, 2024Updated:June 28, 2024

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6db127 No.21105932

File: bdeb19ad2517901⋯.png (143.68 KB,1158x475,1158:475,tesla_credits_elon_cnn_091….png)

File: 02dea68688daf65⋯.png (129.36 KB,480x334,240:167,remote_turn_off_teslas_loo….png)

File: 3b951bf3c898bd9⋯.png (71.77 KB,1087x681,1087:681,tesla_gov_subsidies.png)

File: 02b60f720540367⋯.png (117.32 KB,1574x738,787:369,tesla_subsidies.png)

File: 9bcc0ba49a96094⋯.jpg (314.38 KB,884x917,884:917,465_million_tesla_electric….jpg)

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bdcbfa No.21105933

File: 1841bcc9ba38ea1⋯.png (138.27 KB,304x180,76:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c333150c3420d99⋯.png (71.01 KB,317x139,317:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26e471eef2a0ecf⋯.png (517.37 KB,922x416,461:208,ClipboardImage.png)




Q=me somehow

muh bday 01 11 1970

i didnt except this until recently

Ive written this in front of you guys/gals…you anons…there are some Special Ones in Here….and warning to shills they back the fuck out of me..and I know this,..fucking legit wizards…because of things like that its very humbling…these images really take on a whole new meaning for me when you Understand It..Patriots are Selfless is related yo


Im V..my ..my buddy was Q and he is Definately the Worthy Type…Highest Up…but he passed..and We Keep his nickname in honor…so When I saw Q i just took it as a cool coincidence…nothing more..there are many Q references out there…kek

17+5=22 roman 5 is V

connections yo

Pardon Muh Misspellings its the Flava of Freedom

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ebd27b No.21105935

File: 476782a03ed14a9⋯.png (231.72 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Be quiet, paid to post moran. But by all mean keep running your dumbfuck playbook and narratives.

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9281f6 No.21105938


My Uncle John, longest-running

professor in MIT … was never

eaten by cannibals, btw.


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ff41c0 No.21105939

File: 244ca92c4584e96⋯.png (154.89 KB,770x1466,385:733,88_1_.png)



Scare tactics (MSM).

D's falling.

R's walk-away/removed.

SA > US > Asia → EU

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).


POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).


Why is this relevant?

What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?

Why is this relevant?

SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

Where is POTUS?

Why is this relevant?

Military operations.

Operators in US.

Snow White

The Great Awakening

Godfather III


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454e48 No.21105940


it HAD to be an image

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5f9f2e No.21105941

File: abc0894fae13357⋯.jpeg (424.44 KB,750x1038,125:173,IMG_3703.jpeg)

File: 2e298d6d6b9175a⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB,74106185269_B24A03E1_DEFB_….mp4)

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7287cc No.21105942

Crooked Joe?

Sleepy Joe?

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70f604 No.21105943

File: 179b3b2050a8a0b⋯.jpg (22.61 KB,267x620,267:620,pepe_wee_fake_ukraine.jpg)

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0e9925 No.21105944


Firing Squad with GHWB as target, from behind?

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7c294b No.21105945

File: 2b4ce36a6bfdc00⋯.png (880.89 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e4756 No.21105946

TrumpPence.com - 2016

TrumpPence.com - 2020

TrumpPence.com - 2024?

Check it?

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a37d16 No.21105947

File: e97e8f8e94b0316⋯.png (76.28 KB,640x612,160:153,12_30_.png)

File: d568b40676daa85⋯.jpg (77.98 KB,666x931,666:931,d568b40676daa85e46ea6b8aed….jpg)


exits person

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c16e51 No.21105948



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3864cc No.21105950

Does anyone in here have the video of Megan Kelly talking about hearing they were gonna replace sleepy Joe with Mooshell Obama by July?

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0e9925 No.21105951



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7287cc No.21105952

File: ba819510a577c46⋯.png (19.95 KB,319x431,319:431,ClipboardImage.png)


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ff41c0 No.21105954


from what hes saying in the rally, godfather 3 could mean that during the transition some bad actors might end up footings of a lightpost some where?

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225c2d No.21105956


yea i be the baker you gave cred to couple of hours ago just have to test the bake but i am logged in.

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6db127 No.21105957


crooked as fuck joe

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23d53c No.21105958

File: c41ecaabe7cfda6⋯.png (364.05 KB,796x607,796:607,hide.PNG)


The Nation Finally Got To See The Real

Biden — The One The Press Has Been Hiding

All These Years

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 6/28/2024 8:09:31 AM

Many if not most Americans tuning into the debate Thursday night were probably shocked at President Joe Biden’s performance. He was confused and tired. He mumbled and bumbled through his answers. He looked at times despondent. He had trouble keeping focused. His closing statement was perhaps the worst in the history of presidential debates. And this was after spending a week at Camp David resting and preparing. Anyone who was surprised by his performance should be asking themselves Why? Why didn’t they know how bad a state Biden is in? How did the White House keep this under wraps for so long?

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0e4756 No.21105959

Camp David is so seductive?

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6db127 No.21105960

File: 89baa1010111d47⋯.png (428.98 KB,1178x765,1178:765,01232018_biden_bribe_brag_….png)

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9281f6 No.21105962


"10-day rest"

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0276ff No.21105963


I see patterns, like most anons.

You are always here to deflect from jews.

you are either a jew or you are a liar who is projecting your lies onto me

where is the lie here? >>21105858

(you) cannot answer directly because (you) are lying.

Get thee behind me, Satan

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0949da No.21105964


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c012fd No.21105965

10 days while the world is going down - Trump

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a932b4 No.21105966

File: 3edd443fad096a2⋯.jpeg (91.27 KB,584x866,292:433,IMG_0253.jpeg)

#Trump is number 1 trending on Twitter with 2.5million hits

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6db127 No.21105967

File: 19a883379749f46⋯.png (328.98 KB,693x772,693:772,MTG_Gab_07022023_china_pay….png)

File: c61f4e22b9d47a9⋯.png (51.47 KB,587x804,587:804,puppeteers_book_3_china_de….png)

File: 9433ead9ce524a5⋯.png (325.18 KB,881x875,881:875,4_step_plan_to_hide_china_….png)

File: a7397ba3844da8c⋯.png (473.42 KB,839x862,839:862,ye_cefc_patrick_ho_africa_….png)

File: 61d9e82713caf1f⋯.png (351.16 KB,800x591,800:591,made_in_china.png)

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936c25 No.21105969

File: 7fbb672fcacbe70⋯.png (711.17 KB,500x589,500:589,ClipboardImage.png)


You see yourself getting exposed for the lying shill you are.

This one's a keeper.

Everything it accuses you of doing, it is doing.

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ff41c0 No.21105970

File: 6ff128e3e3eac95⋯.png (30.7 KB,770x410,77:41,40_1_.png)

ten days while the world goes down!!

he also said 40 more than once,



c before d? , 34???

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8e1683 No.21105971

File: 5334c6351a2a985⋯.jpg (125.86 KB,1200x996,100:83,m6u5765n745.jpg)


Raisin Kane

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bdcbfa No.21105972


did he say that? kek!

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45ec74 No.21105973


He's scared, bad scared

Ukraine’s Zelensky Orders Purge of Department of State Protection After Members Arrested for Alleged Assassination Plots

by Paul Serran Jun. 24, 2024

As the war situation gets more difficult by the day, and against the background of his expired Presidential mandate in May, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has his reasons to be worried about being driven out of power the hard way.

To prevent this outcome, the embattled leader is ordering a complete purge of the Department of State Protection, after members were arrested on suspicion of plotting assassinations.

Reuters reported:

“President Volodymyr Zelensky told the new chief of Ukraine’s state guard service to clear its ranks of people discrediting it after two of its officers were accused of plotting to assassinate senior officials.

The state security service (SBU) said last month that it had caught two guard service colonels accused of cooperating with Russia to plot the assassination of Zelensky and other officials, including military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov.

The guard service provides security for various government officials.”

When introducing the new head of the Department Colonel Oleksiy Morozov, Zelensky said his main task was ‘to ensure that only those who see their future tied with Ukraine join the agency’.

These were his first comments since the agents were arrested.

“‘And, of course, the agency must be cleared of anyone who chooses not Ukraine for themselves or discredits the state guard service’, he said on Telegram.”

Zelensky lost a good deal of popularity since the start of the war, and increasingly more so after dismissing his main political rival, General Valery Zaluzhny, from the position of Commander in Chief.

Add to that the fact that his mandate has expired and he is ruling out of Martial law powers, and you have an explosive situation.

Back in May, Ukrainian SBU arrested two colonels in the state guard service, accused of plotting the assassination of Zelensky and other top officials – and after that, the head of the State Guards was also dismissed.


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a37d16 No.21105974

File: a5a4311b18dd006⋯.jpeg (48.25 KB,679x457,679:457,xQbUWFGI.jpeg)

File: 70bec25a93aa1b4⋯.png (659.18 KB,540x720,3:4,70bec25a93aa1b4eec4ba11cb0….png)

File: 04882e59d4e0583⋯.jpg (567.81 KB,1280x1226,640:613,beebo_youtube_richardas_ru….jpg)

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0949da No.21105975



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e3a027 No.21105977

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will not rest until we have found every single radical Islamic terrorist who Joe Biden has let into America., We will arrest them, or we will throw them the hell out of our country immediately, and we will not let them back in. We have no choice.

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6db127 No.21105978

File: 10f082b98b4741a⋯.png (433.48 KB,965x851,965:851,tony_email_bubolinski_hunt….png)

File: e931e8810f17778⋯.png (178.11 KB,766x807,766:807,telizhenko_and_zlochevsky_….png)

File: 02153bf64baf63f⋯.png (144.85 KB,861x669,287:223,joe_and_hunter_dirrty_in_U….png)

File: 8ea9cc64461e24e⋯.png (187.53 KB,928x900,232:225,hunter_biden_usss_location….png)

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ebd27b No.21105979

File: 6652e439f1ff2b8⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,1024x1002,512:501,forward5.jpg)

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0276ff No.21105980


oh, the class retard insulted me.

oh dear.

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45ec74 No.21105981


Kindly notice the date on this one, and that Scotland called it first

Zelenskyy is a Dead Man Walking

Ian Muir 29 April 2023

As Zelenskyy continues to drive Ukraine further into complete destruction, it’s only a matter of time before he is either killed in the process of conflict or at the hands of his own people.

The constant flow of young Ukrainians being sent into an impossible and suicidal confrontation with Russian Forces is being seriously questioned among Ukrainians.

They are seeing the return from the Battlefields of tens of thousands of Bodybags and Coffins containing the remains of their loved ones. Fathers, husbands, and sons.

The next generation of Ukrainians won’t exist simply because it will be impossible for them to be born.

The US-sponsored proxy war with Russia which has been fermenting since around 2002, has manifested slowly into the most unbelievably wreckless dispatch of so many Ukrainians. Estimates of between 100,000 and 300,000 dead Servicemen and three times the amount of wounded. It’s almost impossible to get a fix on the exact numbers as they are constantly obscured by the Kiev regime.

Zelenskyy continues with his daily statements of inflammatory and deluded rhetoric. “Ukraine will win,” even though it’s blindingly obvious that Ukraine is outnumbered and outgunned by Russia and NATO isn’t coming to the fight. “We can’t win without Western Weapons,” he says, over a year into his ill-conceived “War Plan.”

But it is drawing to an end. Western enthusiasm for “Poor Ukraine,” is at the point of public, political, and diplomatic exhaustion. “The collective West,” has collectively had enough of Zelenskyy’s continuous demands and huge shopping lists.

“We can win if you give us this or that or the next thing,” has grown old and tiresome. It’s impossible for the Cocaine-fuelled Shrimp Zelenskyy and his crew of retarded Banderites not to see this.

The moment will come when Zelenskyy will have to leave the country or risk being captured or strung from a Lamppost in Kiev by his own people. If we in the West have had enough, the Ukrainian people must certainly have had enough. He has achieved nothing and lost everything.

Western Nations don’t want to be in conflict or at war with Russia. We are past that stage in our evolution, yet here we are. 2023 with a raging conflict bringing death and destruction to our doorstep. And not just any old death and destruction. This could easily go Nuclear. It wouldn’t take much as we’ve already reached so many danger points.

Sitting safely away some 7,000 miles to the West are those responsible for this whole disgusting enterprise. The US administration with its practically Mummified President, Joe Biden, and his Troupe of Neandertal warmongering Zombies. Nuland, Blinken, and numerous more like them. War Criminals, and not just for what they have brought about in Ukraine, but all around our World. The constant stream of conflicts of which Ukraine is simply another disposable country on the list.


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87a9df No.21105982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is that like you can't Mossad the Assad?

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9281f6 No.21105983


question is, how long until then?

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703a57 No.21105985

anon wonders

how come every youtube ad is iether biden, obama, or dr. jill panhandling for for money?

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824a03 No.21105986

File: 7c7ed173d11019a⋯.jpg (91.49 KB,600x335,120:67,7c7ed173d11019ae832f2e7c74….jpg)

File: 6afa8f8ceb95dba⋯.jpg (108.97 KB,856x630,428:315,15121584447822_856x630.jpg)

File: d74e51aa454ceb4⋯.jpg (116.22 KB,900x450,2:1,d74e51aa454ceb4fa083200994….jpg)


>"Green Wave"

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23d53c No.21105987

File: fc875e2ebc5187c⋯.png (17.71 KB,595x250,119:50,jr.PNG)




The question they can’t answer: Why is Trump still doing this?

He’s lost a fortune, he’s endured kangaroo courts, he and his family are under constant threat. List goes on.

The answer: he genuinely cares about America.

6:43 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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e3a027 No.21105988

President Trump: We have the greatest police in the world, but they're not allowed to do their job. And we're going to let them do their job. And we're going to give them immunity so they can't be prosecuted for doing their job.

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c71687 No.21105989


CNN Knows!


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ff41c0 No.21105990

File: 6ff128e3e3eac95⋯.png (30.7 KB,770x410,77:41,40_1_.png)

he said what if the sun isnt shining? so i looked up ten days of darkness and only one return, post 88 of course:

so after saudia arabia transition was us then asia and then eu, so he has to be in power for our transition, thats why he stepped down the one term …now he can run for two more terms

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512694 No.21105991


Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%

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970020 No.21105992


God Bless the Police

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703a57 No.21105993

File: 5225a51fd463131⋯.png (774.79 KB,848x683,848:683,Screen_Shot_2024_06_28_at_….png)

save itself from whom?

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3d5662 No.21105994

File: a98d6eb2078cc0d⋯.png (314.04 KB,556x628,139:157,ClipboardImage.png)

One big club - I wonder who avoids criminal prosecution now?

Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that state and local officials may accept gifts and payments for past favors without violating federal anti-corruption laws. In a 6-3 decision, the justices overturned the conviction of a former Indiana mayor who received a $13,000 payment from a local truck dealership after helping them secure city contracts. The court distinguished between bribery (requiring proof of an illegal deal) and gratuities (gifts or rewards for past actions). While officials can still be charged with bribery, accepting money for past favors without evidence of an illicit deal is no longer a crime under federal law. This ruling could impact approximately 20 million local and state officials, including those at hospitals and universities receiving federal funds.


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9df825 No.21105995

File: b9134c5e9b58ec5⋯.jpg (110.35 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_20240628_163114_547.jpg)



Gud evening Anons.

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0276ff No.21105996


you are a lying jew

there is nothing wrong with this post >>21105858

tell me where I am wrong

you can't because you are a liar from the Synagogue of Satan

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0949da No.21105997

Uncle John's Band

Getting it back together

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225c2d No.21105998

NOTES @ 670 last check


>>21105526 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21105707, >>21105723, >>21105726 Photos

>>21105734 Trump on stage at 3:55, starts to speak at 3:58

>>21105717 POTUS not wearing a tie

>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

>>21105797 @DanScavino posts vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231, >>21105890 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105248 Joe at his rally today looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105879, >>21105311, >>21105756 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105382, >>21105826 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105575 Biden Will Participate in Second Debate in September

>>21105558 Catherine Herridge: Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings

>>21105586 @WallStreetSilv: I don't think Gavin will be able to replace Joe

>>21105688 This part was not shown to the audience at the end of the debate

>>21105721 47.9 million viewers tuned in to CNN’s presidential debate with Biden and Trump

>>21105753 Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance

>>21105874 According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, ZERO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In America

>>21105785 Press Briefing with KJP Transcript

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274, >>21105538 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105675 Rep Jim Jordan's Statement on Chevron Being Overruled

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278, >>21105867 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105300, >>21105329 @Papi Trumpo: AAALL ABOARD!!!

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431, >>21105532 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

>>21105542 AG Ken Paxton: Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures

>>21105617 Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

>>21105632 News Blast

>>21105693 Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

>>21105731 Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

>>21105741 The Gaza Project Exposes Israel’s ‘Chilling Pattern’ of Killing Journalists

>>21105809 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1972

>>21105875 Secret Israeli Government Intelligence Machine Seeks to Redefine US Law, Silence Protesters, Manipulate Government Officials

>>21105917 Major 7.2 earthquake strikes Peru

>>21105509, >>21105523, >>21105572, >>21105880 Memes


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936c25 No.21105999

File: e91dcdb5d5ff9c4⋯.png (775.51 KB,500x691,500:691,ClipboardImage.png)


Game, set, match.

That was easy.

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ff41c0 No.21106001

File: 244ca92c4584e96⋯.png (154.89 KB,770x1466,385:733,88_1_.png)

he said what if the sun isnt shining? so i looked up ten days of darkness and only one return, post 88 of course:

so after saudia arabia transition was us then asia and then eu, so he has to be in power for our transition, thats why he stepped down the one term …now he can run for two more terms

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861fa4 No.21106002

File: b240c64905641ec⋯.png (365.61 KB,633x597,211:199,ClipboardImage.png)

Will the powers that be put Trump in the White House so normie white men will trust the government and also the military again? Why is the military so desperate for white recruitment after decades of turning their backs on white men and even going so far as to tell white men that you aren't welcome in the US military anymore?


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703a57 No.21106003

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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824a03 No.21106004


this is a horrible and great meme all at the same time

very hard to do anon

nice work!

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9b3c47 No.21106005



didnt' go any today, yesterday i think

will stand by just in case

ty for baking

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a37d16 No.21106006

File: a010316e0c732ed⋯.png (26.66 KB,640x408,80:51,1312_2_.png)




$32 women

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703a57 No.21106007


not a minor 7.2, eh?

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bdcbfa No.21106009


two Joes

one meat one digital

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a37d16 No.21106010


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c012fd No.21106013

File: 984d4cb6a48aa16⋯.png (69.44 KB,850x630,85:63,2726.png)

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0276ff No.21106014


you didn't refute me >>21105858 liar

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861fa4 No.21106015

File: f2dfe2919c49c27⋯.png (686.84 KB,680x531,680:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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24ae60 No.21106016

File: b6f16255ebfd7e5⋯.jpeg (89.33 KB,1079x1079,1:1,kfDMils8fs4Y.jpeg)

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61c07b No.21106017

File: 3f742188048f82e⋯.png (35.25 KB,762x182,381:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd22f34799dbe00⋯.png (171.19 KB,502x402,251:201,Q1946.png)


Ok, what's up with the Uncle John NUCLEAR story?

DJT born in June 1946

DJT says Uncle John "he used to tell me about nuclear many years ago when I was a little boy he said someday you will have a bomb that can do destruction the likes of which no one can even imagine."

Bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Aug 1946. DJT was 2 months old.

They were already dropped when Uncle John told DJT as a little boy about them?????

Maybe he suggesting Q1946?


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936c25 No.21106019


You didn't prove the absence of a single God, you know, THE ORIGINAL point of contention.

Your slide is irrelevant you liar.

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225c2d No.21106020

Transcript: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24


President Trump: As you saw on television last night, we had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst. He's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country, and we have to take it back from that party. That's an evil party.


President Trump: He's incapable of winning based on his far-left policies of open borders, massive tax increases, the Green New Scam; that's a windmill on every corner, most of which don't work. And things like putting men in women's sports. Really not a great idea. As every American saw firsthand last night, this election is a choice between strength and weakness, competence and incompetence, peace and prosperity, or war, or not war; they like a war. They love wars. They love killing people.


President Trump: The question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether Joe Biden can survive a ninety minute debate performance, but whether America can survive four more years of Crooked Joe Biden in the White House. In fact, I don't know if we can really survive five more months. This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country, in my opinion…we've never been so close to World War III before.


President Trump: The whole world should know, that while Biden is the worst president in the history of America, our country is going to be strong again, and it's going to be very soon. I want the enemies to know that, because we have a five-month transition period, and I want the enemies to know; don't play around with us during this five-month period. Don't play around.


President Trump: Many people are saying that after last night's performance, Joe Biden is leaving the race. But the fact is; I don't really believe that because he does better in polls than any of the democrats that they're talking about…they polled Michelle Obama. She polls very badly. She polls terribly…they polled many people, and it's hard to believe, but Crooked Joe Biden polls better than those people.


President Trump: Time and again, Joe Biden revealed how extreme and divisive the radical-left democrats have become. Before your very eyes, Crooked Joe endorsed unlimited, extreme late-term abortion up to the moment of birth, and even death after a baby is born.


President Trump: They've spent trillions of dollars on subsidies. You ever notice that the car companies aren't selling cars, but they seem to be very happy. You know why? Because they are getting massive amounts of subsidies from the government. Normally they'd all be out of business because they are not selling cars. They are making far more electric vehicles than you need.


President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will not rest until we have found every single radical Islamic terrorist who Joe Biden has let into America., We will arrest them, or we will throw them the hell out of our country immediately, and we will not let them back in. We have no choice.


President Trump: We have the greatest police in the world, but they're not allowed to do their job. And we're going to let them do their job. And we're going to give them immunity so they can't be prosecuted for doing their job.

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98f77d No.21106021

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,800x708,200:177,enjoyshow.jpg)

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709b91 No.21106022

File: 5bb5a4b10b84db5⋯.png (472.97 KB,568x620,142:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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225c2d No.21106023



>>21105526 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21106020 Rally transcript

>>21105707, >>21105723, >>21105726 Photos

>>21105734 Trump on stage at 3:55, starts to speak at 3:58

>>21105717 POTUS not wearing a tie

>>21105315 45–47 is wheels up to Chesapeake, Virginia with his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat…

>>21105332, >>21105454 @DanScavino: Biden Tic Tacs on Trump Force One en route to Chesapeake, Virginia. #TICTACFLATION

>>21105797 @DanScavino posts vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21105208, >>21105231, >>21105890 Biden won’t drop out of presidential race – campaign official

>>21105217 As of 11:45 p.m. ET on Thursday, these were the 2024 election odds on BetOnline

>>21105248 Joe at his rally today looks like he doesn't know which way is Monday

>>21105254, >>21105879, >>21105311, >>21105756 Biden's debate performance cope

>>21105330 Biden Allies Who Insisted on ‘Behind-Closed-Doors’ Mental Sharpness Exposed by Debate Performance

>>21105355 San Francisco Democrats are freaking out over Biden debate disaster

>>21105382, >>21105586, >>21105826 It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot

>>21105575 Biden Will Participate in Second Debate in September

>>21105558 Catherine Herridge: Worth revisiting Special Counsel Robert Hur findings

>>21105688 This part was not shown to the audience at the end of the debate

>>21105721 47.9 million viewers tuned in to CNN’s presidential debate with Biden and Trump

>>21105753 Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance

>>21105874 According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, ZERO EVIDENCE Of Voter Fraud In America

>>21105785 Press Briefing with KJP Transcript

>>21105225 PF: Mr & Mrs Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Raleigh-Durham after arriving last night for ‘campaign event’-heading to JFK

>>21105226, >>21105305, >>21105420 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless

>>21105236, >>21105274, >>21105538 Chevron doctrine overruled by Supreme Court

>>21105675 Rep Jim Jordan's Statement on Chevron Being Overruled

>>21105264, >>21105421 Arrest of Merrick Garland has the full backing of Mike Johnson

>>21105268, >>21105275, >>21105278, >>21105867 Events

>>21105280, >>21105388 Rep. Thomas Massie's wife, Rhonda, has passed away

>>21105300, >>21105329 @Papi Trumpo: AAALL ABOARD!!!

>>21105328 Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores

>>21105381 US House Passes Amendment to Bar Citing Gaza Death Toll

>>21105416 FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

>>21105425 Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence in phone hacking case, court hears

>>21105427, >>21105431, >>21105532 Supreme Court Overturns Jack Smith's Jan 6. 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

>>21105542 AG Ken Paxton: Today, the Texas Supreme Court upheld SB 14, a law protecting children from dangerous gender confusion procedures

>>21105617 Judge Cannon Grants Request For Hearing on Whether Jack Smith Improperly Pierced Through Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege

>>21105632 News Blast

>>21105693 Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

>>21105731 Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

>>21105741 The Gaza Project Exposes Israel’s ‘Chilling Pattern’ of Killing Journalists

>>21105809 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1972

>>21105875 Secret Israeli Government Intelligence Machine Seeks to Redefine US Law, Silence Protesters, Manipulate Government Officials

>>21105917 Major 7.2 earthquake strikes Peru

>>21105994 Supreme Court ruling allows officials to accept gifts for past favors

>>21105509, >>21105523, >>21105572, >>21105880 Memes


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8fbf8b No.21106024


Is this real? lol

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ebd27b No.21106025


Shut the fuck up, retard. Your attempts to generate consensus with sly manufactured outrage will not work. Just give it up or go back to your dumbfuck NPC MuhJoo personas, because you're useless at anything else you attempt here. You're one filtered little pissflap.

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9df825 No.21106026

File: 1ca409a4dad3711⋯.jpg (100.12 KB,1080x1059,360:353,IMG_20240628_082854_010.jpg)

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0e4756 No.21106027

Dead cat bounce

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ab0704 No.21106028


It is wild that the rest of the world doesn't realize that 70-85 million non-Jews died during WWII, so Jews could spread the lie of the Lolocaust (tm).

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5b7e88 No.21106029



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98f77d No.21106030

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB,566x800,283:400,fd88bf6d40a771a51228e10c9f….jpg)

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18fa1c No.21106031

File: bf79f45138ba328⋯.webp (266.67 KB,3034x2000,1517:1000,byrd_biden.webp)

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35bc9d No.21106032

File: 5250e0337a40a8f⋯.png (708.2 KB,600x794,300:397,27.png)

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61c07b No.21106033

File: 7f9238d6ffcec6c⋯.png (461.52 KB,521x648,521:648,KEK2.png)

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98f77d No.21106034

File: 43d4033ebb8b3b1⋯.jpg (91.7 KB,495x501,165:167,iu_3_.jpg)

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0276ff No.21106035


ah the other unit 8200 jew chimes in with his lies

go and read the whole converstaion not just the bit at the end, clown

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76e2ff No.21106036

File: 079aea72fb561d5⋯.png (525.57 KB,988x702,38:27,m534m7m4735474.PNG)

Investors Pick Donald Trump as Best for Stocks: Poll

Sixty-seven percent in the poll of 400 investors sided with Trump over Biden. CNBC pointed out part of the explanation of Trump's popularity among that demographic could be that during the former president's time in office, the S&P 500 rose by 68 percent. Over the last three years of Biden's presidency, the index grew 44 percent.

One-third of survey respondents said they expect the markets to drop at least 5 percent by the fall, while another third said they expect a rise of at least 5 percent by then.


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23d53c No.21106038

File: 1bc31357a691727⋯.png (577.95 KB,593x739,593:739,st.PNG)




Trung Phan



Jun 27


Elon Musk


So true 😂

5:53 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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70f604 No.21106041

File: d964e02a2b533e4⋯.gif (1.28 MB,370x360,37:36,2023_face.gif)

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970020 No.21106044

File: aeb76f200a0a5b5⋯.png (402.25 KB,504x500,126:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdcbfa No.21106046


The Girls will Tell,,,the Tarot girls will squeal…take a plea…no need to testify just permission to follow their digital footprint…They Have It All

Antifa and BLM are terrorist organizations

one big RICO

so stand down,,,they got hella wipe slate free for those with that Gumption

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02dce7 No.21106047


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d6bbb2 No.21106049

File: 5a2a4ce544dcf31⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,615x680,123:136,GRIfi9gaYAAnuGA.jpg)

File: 1ac4f06271016b0⋯.jpg (76.14 KB,720x1280,9:16,6c818f80a918b150e26e4d95e2….jpg)

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824a03 No.21106050

File: ae9c8d8cffb7386⋯.png (574.68 KB,592x901,592:901,ae9c8d8cffb738646d72b06e46….png)

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7c294b No.21106051

File: 8b94e9f1dc6abfc⋯.png (488.09 KB,521x499,521:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c71546c89b144a5⋯.png (492.06 KB,521x499,521:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f86338aad22e683⋯.png (486.88 KB,521x499,521:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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225c2d No.21106052

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98f77d No.21106053

File: 6938333b1ea3e5c⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,512x384,4:3,iu_10_.jpg)

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970020 No.21106054

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23d53c No.21106055

File: 57ee42e568534d9⋯.png (41.26 KB,677x272,677:272,hook.PNG)


Sandy Hook family suffers major blow in their attempt to collect on $50M owed by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for saying mass school shooting was a hoax

READ MORE: Jones insists Infowars is 'hard to kill' amid bankruptcy

By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com and Associated Press

Published: 01:53 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 08:28 EDT, 28 June 2024

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02dce7 No.21106056

green new scam

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98f77d No.21106057

File: fc0aa525a6af10a⋯.jpg (95.86 KB,578x684,289:342,iu_6_.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106058

File: 9cd79a1f56fe1d1⋯.jpg (106.64 KB,850x731,50:43,iu_18_.jpg)

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18fa1c No.21106059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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98f77d No.21106060

File: 105807c4fc457b7⋯.png (12.2 KB,600x700,6:7,keep_calm_it_s_only_a_nigh….png)

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a37d16 No.21106061


blank re

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0276ff No.21106062


The Christian God will punish the clown bakers and BVs for their lies and deceptions.

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23d53c No.21106064

File: e6e5ea085e9658f⋯.png (401.72 KB,590x738,295:369,who.PNG)


Rep. James Comer


🚨After last night, Americans are asking a simple question:

Who is really calling the shots in this White House?

Because it’s not Joe Biden.

Democrats made this bed, now they have to lie in it.

Debate was a full-blown disaster for the Democrat Party: Comer

On Friday's "Wake Up America," House Oversight Chair James Comer said Democrats are worried about losing more than just the presidency after Thursday's debate.



1:40 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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e3a027 No.21106065

President Trump: To stop Bidenflation, I will end Joe Biden's colossal waste of American tax payer dollars, and I will rapidly terminate a thing called the Green New Scam. It's the greatest scam in the history of our country, We're spending trillions and trillions of dollars on nonsense. On things that all they do is cause waste and inflation.

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78e944 No.21106066

anon is predicting a babyboom starting March 2025

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98f77d No.21106067

File: 02ced5e45c6facd⋯.jpg (123.09 KB,498x639,166:213,Kek_1st_Meme_Bomber_Wing.jpg)

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9281f6 No.21106068


unfortunately, no.

woulda been great if he did, though.


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bdcbfa No.21106070

File: e9e998e2355239c⋯.jpeg (261.57 KB,1800x1800,1:1,01AEA0EE_75E3_4C71_AEA9_0….jpeg)

File: 940a43c5f250b51⋯.jpg (109.6 KB,1022x1024,511:512,1577806093793.jpg)

File: b2f448ab18bd0c9⋯.png (69.56 KB,904x245,904:245,Jan11QCool.png)

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ff41c0 No.21106071

File: 244ca92c4584e96⋯.png (154.89 KB,770x1466,385:733,88_1_.png)


we are finally going through our transition just like saudia arabia before us,

after us is asia, then last eu, which is prob the vatican sttronghold, and im not anti catholic, i was raised roman catholic, but the vatican was usurped by satan, i think evita from argentina brought the demons in and she sent nazis all over the americas noth and south

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936c25 No.21106072

File: 8d821dc8760a010⋯.jpg (66.39 KB,500x500,1:1,8sddvw.jpg)


You didn't refute the post of the Abrahamic God being on, liar. Then you just slid and switched contexts as all shills do, especially muhjoo shills like you, and complained that in the Abrahamic religions, not everyone gets into heaven. Well what bearing does that have on the original point of contention of the Abrahamic religions all pointing to the same God?

You're a liar.

A liar who lies about being a Christian "with all my heart" (f'ing kek), slanders Christianity, and slanders Judaism, interestingly anon has yet to see you slander Islam. When will you do that?


>running interference

kek, that's what your muhjoo shilling is designed to do.

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caa610 No.21106073

I am thoroughly convinced that modern day liberals are the dumbest fu**ers to have ever walked this earth.

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7287cc No.21106074

File: 8d0913cbbbc81cd⋯.png (1.15 MB,923x1438,923:1438,BHOJB479186b9f.png)

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23d53c No.21106075

File: b67baa5fc01013f⋯.png (211.28 KB,597x816,199:272,jf.PNG)

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98f77d No.21106076

File: fdda9353828900b⋯.jpg (347.27 KB,739x848,739:848,Kek_Fighter_Wing_1.jpg)

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824a03 No.21106077

File: 5542a4a0a64cfe5⋯.png (224.92 KB,454x348,227:174,5542a4a0a64cfe5634e47ff90e….png)

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98f77d No.21106080

File: d6224b3a1f5b5ea⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,500x635,100:127,lel.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106082

File: 8ae533bcd11aa40⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB,800x600,4:3,MAGAhoeDown.jpeg)

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0276ff No.21106083


you are a liar

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9df825 No.21106085

File: 0ebc6337d996f6e⋯.jpg (21.72 KB,945x816,315:272,IMG_20240628_100819_003.jpg)

Finish your bread fags.

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98f77d No.21106086

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,nigh_tshift.jpg)

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0276ff No.21106088


yes I did

you are a liar

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970020 No.21106089


Odd seeing I'm on a Mission from God

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936c25 No.21106090

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)


you are lying

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98f77d No.21106091

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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936c25 No.21106094


No you didn't, you just reeee'd, liar

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4ecac6 No.21106095

File: 64de1c421e5a3c0⋯.png (154.51 KB,357x237,119:79,wezfdfvcs.png)

File: 80a324d2e2b0dc8⋯.png (577.15 KB,476x607,476:607,Hiding_from_the_truth.png)

File: d183f1287031728⋯.png (320.15 KB,595x973,85:139,44345b5b8e6839b7effbf5546c….png)

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98f77d No.21106096

File: 3d4c8b8002042f4⋯.jpg (107.34 KB,608x410,304:205,nightshift_plane.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106097

File: 527cad7b37c629b⋯.png (240.04 KB,500x499,500:499,nightshift3.png)

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824a03 No.21106099

File: 6809626f5ca8534⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x630,40:21,why_cats_eat_bread_explain….png)

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0276ff No.21106100


same to you, devil

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98f77d No.21106101

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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936c25 No.21106102


You're still lying

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4ecac6 No.21106103


90 Million retard, they are brainwashed from childhood!

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98f77d No.21106105

File: cce2ff6a6899af1⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,463x749,463:749,ns_cactus.jpg)

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98f77d No.21106107

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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824a03 No.21106109

File: 5e5e47b70e93984⋯.jpg (67.03 KB,720x720,1:1,broobds.jpg)


pass the butter

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5d8341 No.21106110

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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9df825 No.21106114

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ff41c0 No.21106116


yes, i get it but just was wondering if c before d might mean 3 before 4….

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936c25 No.21106117


Nowhere in the New Testament does Christ call on His followers to divide themselves from Jews, you liar.

He called for Unity, not your demonic division.

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98f77d No.21106119

File: 8ef8114e891eeb6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_pinching_eye.png)

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98f77d No.21106121

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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824a03 No.21106123

File: 2268dd0d6d9e358⋯.png (1.42 MB,1100x774,550:387,2268dd0d6d9e3588660f9142fd….png)

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